Civilized War: MAGA – Resistance

The following is just one person’s observations and opinion – this guy. You would not believe the number of rewrites this has taken on. However, with this we begin the disclosure of why many of my BIMD stories are titled “Civilized War”. From this point on, generally, the stories may be a little longer, but only be posted about once per month. There will still be Heads Up posts occasionally.

The New American Frontier

Fedsurrection a/k/a The Buffalo Jump, or if you prefer, the jumping the shark moment in time; is the perfect symbol of the ongoing intentional collapsing of American culture. It is another in a very long list of manufactured events to intentionally sell the impression that resistance to those in control will be futile. The long planned and implemented events and activities have been increasing in frequency for 150+ years. Simply put, they hate MAGA and love of country.

Fedsurrection is a blatant example of the more recent battles within the Civilized War.

We have all learned that many of the people who currently control our nation do so in collusion with one another and are represented by a globalist operated uniparty that has international connections, obligations and goals. That group’s control has been ascribed to the Committee of 300, the City of London, the Illuminati, Freemasonry, etc. Regardless, there is no question they all use rhetoric to appease while not providing desired results for We The People, whom they actually abhor. Year after year, fake election after fake election, they fail to meet our expectations while satisfying their own desires first and foremost. If they walk into office on fire for America, they frequently give in to the pressure and become useless to average Americans.

As MAGA supporters you know truth now. As an example you know Fedsurrection has been openly revealed as just another scam, a hoax, bullshiz. Our opposition proved once again they do not care at all about the citizens of this nation and have weaponized nearly all areas of government. They openly declared war on We The People who objected then and now since many of us do not cower down or believe the lies that have been told. In the process they created panic, incited, roughed up, murdered, harassed and arrested; all while lying with straight faces to the cameras of their complicit media comrades as well as corrupt judges. Congress played their parts. Law enforcement and the judiciary performed their scripted roles then and now to facilitate… The Big Lie.

MAGA knows it is just cover for the stolen elections. Criminals doing what criminals do.

They use the same game plan within many other segments of society, industries, media, religions, etc. Controlled demolition and implosion – intentionally – to undermine the foundation of our country and its people. Anybody want a Bud Light? A planned takedown of an American icon significantly impacting the shareholders of the parent company as well as consumers. Does MAGA shop at Targay any more? Nope. Do you trust your kids to run around unattended at a Disney park or watch their latest movie release without at least screening it first? Not a chance. For sports lovers; do you enjoy Sports Center as much as you once did with the endless daily lectures about social justice and what you should think and how you should act? Get out of here with that. How about when it comes from the pulpit of the church you have attended for years when you hear that Jesus accepted something nasty or was this or that, yet, you see no evidence of it in scripture? Do you get tired of reviewing your children’s school text content, library books, and homework assignments for woke crap while addressing teaching methods that dumb down your kids? Always.

It is not just stupidity or misguided – it is intentional. As a result you now have zero reasons to trust anything that American leadership within the Uniparty of Dems, Establishment GOP and RINOs does or says. Even some MAGA appearing or claiming politicians are actually deep state Uniparty plants who undermine the rights of We The People. Their collective goals are power and plunder of America as well as the world. To receive their share of the spoils they have to do the dirty against all of us. And boy, do they ever receive the benefits. Some walk into office with nothing. When they exit they are multi-millionaires.

You now know with certainty where members of Congress, state legislatures, local governments, governors, appointees, alphabets, media, foreign press, churches, schools, businesses, friends, neighbors, and especially your family members stand. Their responses and non-responses to Mueller, Ukraine, stolen elections, trannies, abortion, pedophilia, sex trafficking, Epstein, Fedsurrection, COVID, jabs, Briben, Soetoro, the Clintons, the Bushes, Gates, Fauci, Barr, etc. tell you who people are, what they actually believe, and what they think of you and your beliefs. You have these and many other litmus test results right in front of you.

One brief example jumps out at me from my career – Quantitative Easing by the Fed. There may have never been a person, business, or nation that has worked their way out of debt by deeply diving into massive amounts of more debt. Yet, the Uniparty, globalists, fake financial gurus, Wall Street, and so on sold that as the answer to the debt markets collapse of 2008. Proverbs 22:7 – The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender. (NASB) As a result of your acceptance of their lies, American citizens, you are now a slave to the debt holders (lenders). They told you that your government would collapse, your jobs would die, your 401-k’s would dry up, there would be no Social Security, etc. to fear porn you into submission. It was lies and damn lies. Then the criminals took their usual way back to solvency through endless wars by wasting the blood of humanity for their gain.

Intentional, part of the plan.

However, now, light has been shone on all of it and if your eyes are open truth is revealed. Anybody that believes or supports the actions taken by these traitors, seditionists, perverts, deep state actors, media propagandists, etc. – the corrupters of minds, bodies and souls; have become part of the same pot of evil. No longer is there any neutral ground to hold; you are either full bore MAGA or you are an opponent of America and its patriotic, God fearing citizens.

I am asking some of you to suspend any predetermined disbelief of the following connections and parallels for the time being. Just roll with it. You can erase it from your memories later if so inclined.

Resistance Begins When

Everything comes into focus when we acknowledge God as the sole authority over His creation. Following the path that leads to Him is the only way to peace and security. He made it all, He will break it or fix it in accordance with His desires. He is the great I AM. He is sovereign.

Past proves present reveals future. So let’s start with the past.

In I Corinthians 9:22, Paul states, “To the weak I became weak, that I might gain the weak; I have become all things to all people, so that I may by all means save some.” (NASB)

In my opinion this is one major MAGA supporting answer to all this mess. Paul says “save some” in his statement. We need to acknowledge that we cannot save the world, we may not even be able to save America or even some people we care deeply about near to us. That is not our job anyway, that is the role of our Creator. However, when we work to help others where we are we can help in the Civilized War to save some. We can help increase the numbers of the remnant that survives and even thrives until Christ returns.

Go back to the times of Jesus on this planet. He knew everything that was happening. He knew innocent people were being used, abused and murdered all around him. Even with that foreknowledge and full authority granted by the Father, he did not stop it. He focused on His assigned mission. So should we.

In my opinion, this approach toward mankind may be because death in this world is not the end. Life continues on past physical death here.

Whatever the reason, in doing work for the Kingdom we use the direction Jesus gave His disciples in Matthew 10:14, “And whoever does not receive you nor listen to your words, as you leave that house or city, shake the dust off your feet.” (NASB) This action was also taken by Paul and Barnabas in Acts 13:51 in their missionary journey.

So what does this mean for us now and how is applied today?

We need to do what Jesus told his disciples to do in Matt.28:19. Summarized – go and tell others about His sacrifice, love for them, what it means to be a follower – make disciples. Notice what He did not say. He did not want his disciples to just preach salvation messages and move on or He would have said that. He wanted them to make disciples. We can believe Jesus to be the Savior without taking it any farther in our daily living. The instruction from Him means going deeper and being more committed in understanding and living the faith daily. Then go and deliver same to others.

As to America, we know the truth about many things in our country within the MAGA movement. Our role as MAGA participants is to make more disciples for MAGA, just like Jesus instructed His followers. We first need to rebuild trust. For it to happen the way it could and should, the words and practices of Jesus should be integrated through the Holy Spirit that He left for us, who exists to bring glory to Father and Son. The words and actions of Jesus deliver His truth and are the sources of power. Again, our nation was founded on belief in God, His provision and His principles. The vast majority of our forefathers knew and acted on these truths under extreme stress and threats. Know the history of our nation.

To succeed in the discipling for MAGA, we must be in sync with the discipling for Jesus. They are interconnected. God did not send His Son to die for us and conquer death to just allow His creation to fall back into evil and death. We have not immersed ourselves into MAGA to retreat from the fight.

That we have not been in sync with this is why everything seems so out of whack, so bizarre at times. A world of opposites that makes no rational, much less Biblical sense. We are not being as effective as we could be if we chose to center our efforts around what Christ taught and do MAGA His way. We move beyond PDT and any dependence on worldly leaders in this approach.

Doing so will not guarantee positive outcomes for all people. Despite our best efforts, sometimes no amount of education and encouragement of a targeted audience will produce the desired results for Jesus or for America. However, our faithfulness provides the best opportunity for success in the primary mission, which is interconnected. Taking action proves us faithful to our Lord and His will, which provides great benefit to America and the world.

Which leads to the Parable of the Sower found in three of the gospels, during which Jesus explains its connection to the fulfillment of a prophecy in Isaiah. I enjoy the version in Matthew, which is found in 13:1-23. But to cut to the chase, we desire the seed to be planted into good soil that allows the roots to grow deep and eventually produces an abundant yield when tended well by the sowers.

Our love and caring for a desired outcome and “winning” can cloud the mission that Jesus assigns us. The truth is some people are doomed by their own choices, others are in danger, and still others may accept our guidance and turn toward the desired outcome. Our acceptance of whatever outcome results is key. Despite my joy, concern, or even sorrow for the results; it does not change the mission Christ gave me through His Holy Word to deliver the message and try to save some. We see similar results when spreading the truth of MAGA.

A Real World Example

I left the United Methodist Church (UMC) denomination eight years ago after saying what the Lord placed on my heart and planting seeds with local, district and conference UMC leadership and fellow members for many years. I spoke and wrote the applicable words of scripture to them and relayed the message the Lord desired of me that explicitly explained that many were choosing culture and politics over scripture and their first love, Jesus. I was one voice of millions who spoke before, during and after the deep split that was finalized in 2022; a Civilized War that had been waged for over 50 years.

I was active in leadership roles starting in local congregations since 1979. A close friend and best man at my wedding to Rock Star was a district lay minister in the denomination. He was a UMC General Conference delegate (Congressional voting member equivalent) for 16 years until his back pain from a previous injury became so bad he had to reduce his travel. He was a close friend while sharing common beliefs at the UMC General Conference meetings with a close family member of Rush Limbaugh, whose family was from the neighboring city of Cape Girardeau, MO. Although I personally never met Rush, through my friend I knew about him and even his personal “issues” going back over 40 years. He got over and through most of them just like many of us. 🤣 He knew what he knew because he grew up in the middle of a family very involved in education, law/judiciary, and politics for about two centuries.

For what it is worth, I was asked by our Conference leadership to accept a similar role as my friend about 20 years ago for our region. I declined because I had learned too much about the denomination and was in a very busy period of my career.

The UMC leadership was never willing or possibly able to lead the flock back to their first love, Jesus, the reason for their existence as a Christian faith based denomination at all. Their antiquated organizational structure assisted the internal fracture. The buck never stopped anywhere. Bishops would routinely ignore the rulings of the UMC Judicial Council, which were supposed to be final. The rulings also began to detour away from the established practices and core beliefs. Through the years the doctrinal language in The Book of Discipline was under a constant state of attack and became watered down into meaningless gibberish. As a result apostasy became the doctrinal norm, which did the work of Satan. Some of the leaders would take time about openly violating the rules and pushing the boundaries. (Sound familiar?)

As our time to leave drew near, I sat across the desk from our relatively young senior pastor who later became a District Superintendent over 100+ churches/pastors. I asked him this question, “If a situation was present in the church such that the resolution led to a conflict between what scriptures say versus the UMC Book of Discipline and your bosses, which would you choose to follow?” The answer – his bosses and The Book of Discipline would dictate. I asked him why. He said because he believed his bosses and The Book of Discipline were selected and assembled by people who had been called by God into the positions they held. He trusted their wisdom and decision making. To me, he revealed he was a loyal box checker with precious little dedication to The Word. His answer indicated his position in the organization meant more than the souls and condition of the people he shepherded.

I thanked him for his time and left. The next time I met with him, a few weeks later, was to tell him our family was leaving the local congregation and UMC, a denomination I had personally been a member of for forty years, thirty of which were in that congregation. It sent mini-shock waves throughout the congregation as well as within Conference leadership. We remain friends with many, some of which who subsequently left in the years that followed. We shook the dust from our feet. I am sure that pastor, now district superintendent, was glad to see me go.

The man is a lifelong UMC member whose father and father-in-law were also senior pastors in the UMC before retirement. He chose his bosses, family tradition and a watered down denominational doctrine manual to keep his position, a future promotion, increased income and pension over scripture and the instructions of Jesus. His bosses had already proven they were apostate by accepting self avowed homosexuals and abortion rights advocates as pastors in direct conflict with the UMC Book of Discipline and even more so the Bible. These people were also teaching other false doctrines in opposition to their own doctrine. Finally, a large international group of Bible believers had enough of trying to educate and reconcile. They did not have the votes to remove the apostate because of a large third segment of delegates who wanted things to stay the same. So the faithful left. They shook the dust…

The ongoing existence of the UMC denomination organizationally as it continued to slowly disintegrate was for one primary purpose; to protect the pensions of the employees. It is an ecumenical denomination that owns all of the properties. Major decisions were made in the hierarchy based on that condition continuing to benefit them. Leadership that I discussed issues with through the years were truthful about the subject and confidentially told me that was the case.

The leadership was about control of the dirt and draining the coffers of the local congregations while appeasing as many factions of the membership as necessary to keep the money flowing. They made it obvious – just like the Uniparty and globalists are doing in America today.

It’s just business – right?

Comparison Time – Parallels

If we compare the UMC’s trends and situation it would nearly mirror our nation’s.

Due to the recent split, the UMC is already brain and heart dead, just on life support to drain whatever blood (money) is left out of its woke corpse. The UMC name has been retained by the Democrat Party, Establishment and RINO equivalents. The local churches that comprise this remnant are a diverse group. One faction are traditionalists who could not or would not afford to pay the exit fee to acquire control of their local church and its properties. Another group are straight out perverts, leftists and communists. Then there are those who pretend to be traditional in belief who are actually lukewarm or worse. The Word has much to say about all of these.

The MAGA equivalents have left (shook the dust from their feet) or are formally in the process of leaving. They formed their own organization that adheres to the Holy Bible (Constitution/Bill of Rights) as written. They have not established a Judicial Council (Supreme Court) yet, but plan to do so and correct the flaws of the UMC version. There is a 17 (yup!) member interim Board controlling the organization temporarily. They believe in limited central government, like our nation’s Constitution provides. They are now called the Global Methodist Church (GMC) and are in the process of correcting many of the system and administrative failures that plagued the former denomination for decades. They are committed to doing the will of the Savior and proved it with their decisions and pocketbooks.

Now here is the part that is left unsaid much of the time. The apostate side should have been compelled to leave the UMC all along as they were violating scripture and the provisions in the existing Book of Discipline. The authorities in the church did not make faithful decisions and take decisive actions to retain the law of the land or the spirit. The voting delegates in General Conferences allowed a divided house to exist that splintered the votes, some joined in with third parties to intentionally split the vote, just like has happened in America. They appeased and slowly enabled over time, just like the Establishment and RINO factions within the GOP. Leadership went along with and encouraged it willingly to preserve their cushy jobs, investment “opportunities” and pensions.

Infiltration versus invasion. The modern day versions of the Pharisees, Sadducees and scribes being played out openly in the UMC and within the federal government of America.

Over the past 15 months or so, over 7000 former UMC churches worldwide have paid or are in the process of paying the large exit fees to leave along with many faithful pastors and employees. The UMC pension vested pastors and employees will use the new GMC pension plan, but may need years of service to vest again. Some were not yet vested in the UMC plan and simply have agreed to start over. To all of them the potential personal financial loss was worth it to be faithful to the Lord. The new denomination has established replacement benefit plans for all employees that each congregation pays to maintain with no upstream tack on charges for administration. Each local church congregation owns its respective church property, which demonstrates the motivation of this new GMC organizatio is not to build a brand, acquire wealth, or build a bloated bureaucracy to control the flock and drain the coffers like the existing UMC.

This is a demonstration of what has happened to the federal government in America. In comparison it is now the UMC version when the founding fathers and documents were designed for the GMC version. As Steve says, “limited” government.

The traditionalists who remain in the UMC are currently operating their churches in accordance with their understanding of scripture, which is reflected by the diluted, ineffective Book of Discipline. In the parallel, the equivalent in America would be the so called “battleground” GOP states. These Establishment dominated states and traditional UMC congregations are both also deluding themselves into believing all will be well; that they can exist in harmony with political liberals and thousands of apostate churches. In reality, they are both on slowly sinking ships just biding time. The founding documents are “living” documents to them, which means the goalposts keep moving through reactions to Judicial Committee and Supreme Court decisions. Neither the Constitution or the Bible change meanings of what has been stated. They say what they say, they mean what they mean. A Supreme Court decision in conflict with the Constitution is still illegal, even if a rogue government enforces it as totalitarians do. The same applies with the Bible and apostate interpretations by church authorities.

Some are hoping their congregations can save enough to pay the exit fee in future years. However, over time many members will leave as they realize the truth or lose their interest in Christianity altogether. Their churches will also be targets of the apostate, just like urban centers in America are for the communists. This will cause those local churches to slowly die as many blue cities are doing. But hey, those employed by the UMC and blue governments will still get to add time and money to their pensions while raking in good incomes.

Now it is time to discuss the future.

In spring of 2024, the communist and pervert side of the UMC plans to call for approval of a measure that enforces support for homosexuals in the pulpits, homosexual marriages, abortion rights, etc. Now that the GMC churches have left and many traditionalist members no longer attend UMC churches, it is highly likely they will win that vote and assume control.

It will become decision time for the remaining heads in the sand traditionalists in the UMC. Go along with apostasy, pay the exit fee to keep the local congregation together and join the GMC, or individually leave the congregation and do something else.

It works the same way in DC with the deep state, Congress and our country’s judicial system. They are trying to force MAGA to accept what will always be unacceptable. A day of reckoning is coming – all Americans will choose a side. Many Americans have no understanding of what is happening. They are like the UMC traditionalists. MAGA citizens do, they are the GMCs in the example. But everybody will be compelled to decide. A non-decision is still a decision. There is no escape other than leaving the country, which is also a self-identifying decision.

So, what is happening with local church memberships since the split? Generally, the Globalist Methodists have grown dramatically as they adhere to scripture and the teachings of the Methodist denomination’s founder, John Wesley, which is deeply scriptural. The remnant UMC is losing members and interest. They executed a takeover of a name to get access to cash, property and an income stream that they will use for evil purposes. Once the subject of their takeover dies, they will trash it and move on.

The same already applies to MAGA versus the criminal side of America. The crims take over iconic companies, industries, media, etc. They then use them, rape them of assets, trash them and move on. That is what they are doing to nations of the world and America as well. You know who is of Satan and who is of God by their words and actions relating to same.

Our Creator knew that it all would happen and provided the remedy. Throughout Biblical history, the faithful remnant who were not apostate persevered, returned or remained devoted to their first love, and were restored to God’s grace. They became as a new seed that took root in good soil as stated in The Parable of the Sower. These believers knew those who denied the authority of God and His Word had already condemned themselves to their eventual fate if they did not confess their sins and repent.

In my opinion so shall it be with America subject to the absolute rule and actions of the Creator. The split has already occurred. There is a large group of Americans who are MAGA to the bone and will never go back to Egypt and lives of slavery. We will resist and honor our first love regardless of what is thrown at us. Most of us as citizens have no governing enforcement authority, just like the general membership of the UMC pre-split. Our direct impact is limited to our message, votes for representation, our usage of money and our feet for walking toward or away (shaking the dust). As a result our roles are simply to spread the message of MAGA and live in complete support of Constitutional authority and America First. We will do what we can where we are in hopes that we can save some knowing we are doing the will of the Lord as well as honoring our nation’s founding and its Godly principles. The first and second amendments still apply.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

You do not need the Supreme Court to interpret this. It is what it is and means what it says. We are a free people based on our ruling Constitution. We The People win, opponents lose. Challenge anything and everything in opposition, just do it legally and in accordance with God’s Word.

II Timothy 4:1-4 applies God’s Kingdom as well as MAGA efforts to living in America.

“I solemnly exhort you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; correct, rebuke, and exhort, with great patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not tolerate sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires, and they will turn their ears away from the truth and will turn aside to myths.”

We have reached that point in time.


We will be discussing more about challenging as time goes on. For now, practically, you fight back for America where you are by participating in the election mechanism in your area; by opening your mouths and taking legal actions against all who violate or support criminal activities in opposition to Constitutionally supported laws just as you should in your church with scripture. You contribute by not giving your money to anti-American people, entities and purposes. You participate best by helping America return to its founding and Godly principles through prayer, applying Biblical principles to your personal life, living with integrity and helping others to do the same.

You fight back with something the death merchants and corrupters of souls know nothing about – love. Love is not a wimp. Love is a joyous warrior. Love involves purpose and goes to work. Love slays hate. Love does not give in to those who would maim, kill and steal. Love protects and shields from evil entering the heart and actions of man. Love acts in accordance with God’s commandments and principles to protect the innocent and weak.

I John 4:7-12 states, “Beloved, let’s love one another; for love is from God, and everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. The one who does not love does not know God, because God is love. By this the love of God was revealed in us, that God has sent His only Son into the world so that we may live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God remains in us, and His love is perfected in us.

God is love. Our intent is to act within scriptural boundaries and the law of the land with love. Love always wins.

Be blessed, friends.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great stuff! Very helpful to me – perfect timing! Someday I’ll explain! But you know exactly what I’m saying! 😎 🙏  🗳 

Barb Meier

Thank you, TradeBait! I was born and raised in the UMC but found little guidance or comfort there once I grew up. You have helped me finally understand what happened and why. More importantly, your commentary shows me what I should focus on in the rest of my days. God bless you.


Thank you. Love and light wins!

Brave and Free

Thank you, the church is a reflection of society. Sadly many people have their sins confirmed (okayed) in the church’s they attend.


Interesting comparisons between spiritual battles within earthly organizations and political battles. I have long had similar thoughts. IMO, our founding principles jibe with Godly principles, and the same people who want to destroy the one also attempt to tear down the other. It’s the age-old story of man’s sinful nature taking precedence over godliness. The battle will never be over in this life, but it is our duty to fight it.


Finally got logged back in. Whew. Tradebait, having grown up in the Methodist church and had to leave fifty years ago, loved this post. I saw the writing on the wall when I used to sit between my two grans, best friends from when my parents were little, but I never imagined it would get this bad. I saw in my teens how the preachers tried to hide how liberal they were until the time was right. I saw communist infiltration. I saw it all. I got out early and spent years looking for a solid congregation, finally ending up in tiny independent baptist one. The Lord has given you a lot of godly wisdom, rooted in Christ and His Word. Thank you.