Dear KMAG: 20230814 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:

Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:

“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Word of The Week:


noun, adjective

  • The right-hand side of a ship or aircraft as one faces forward.
  • Nautical that side of a vessel which is on the right when one faces the bow: opposed to port (larboard). See port.
  • That side of a vessel which is on the right hand of a person who stands on board facing the bow; — opposed to larboard, or port.

Used in a sentence

“On this fascinating ship of political fools, beware RINOs off the starboard bow, coaxing us toward various rocks, while never forgetting the wise navigators astern, keeping us on the straight and narrow path to freedom and victory.”

Time for some classical.

And maybe some classic country, too!

The battlegrounds are shifting now. The establishment game of endless division is clear. I’m learning a LOT about how politics is mainly about perpetuating politics. However, I believe that WE THE PEOPLE have ways to cut through that and find American unity. I’m excited.

I miss being here with you all. I now realize that I’m YEARS ahead of the people around me, because I had this resource of honest people speaking honestly. Please continue to cherish each other. This is a great place. I can feel the cost of my absence to my own understanding, and I will have to do something to make sure I have more time to be here.

And yes – I STILL hope that every one of you is STILL having a great summer!



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Wolf, thank you for these paragrahs and for all the work you’re doing. I miss having you here but understand. I’m not surprised that you’re years ahead of others, but that is a little alarming too because there is so much catching up for them to do.

The battlegrounds are shifting now. The establishment game of endless division is clear. I’m learning a LOT about how politics is mainly about perpetuating politics. However, I believe that WE THE PEOPLE have ways to cut through that and find American unity. I’m excited.

I miss being here with you all. I now realize that I’m YEARS ahead of the people around me, because I had this resource of honest people speaking honestly. Please continue to cherish each other. This is a great place. I can feel the cost of my absence to my own understanding, and I will have to do something to make sure I have more time to be here.


^^^ This ^^^^ This ^^^ This!!!


Yes they are but slowly there is an awakening. People are busy making a living keeping their head above the water.
We are being shocked from one crisis to another and now there is a new-old one revived. We get through this we have too.
God’s blessing to you doing His work.

Valerie Curren

Hope this illustration works 😉

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from this site if the gif doesn’t work here…

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Past time to change the Papmper’s.

Valerie Curren

no doubt!

Valerie Curren

The motion is pretty spectacular when the gif works 😉


48 minutes after and this is the second comment???

There must be a party and I wasn’t invited.  😥 


Still not allowing edits.




The party is here! You were on time, and everyone else was late…


That’s a helluva switch.


You must still be in the old time zone….


Same as you.


Thank you for the classical selections. For some reason I’m thinking of this tonight, the “Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves” from Verdi’s Nabucco (Nebuchadnezzar). There is a tradition of its being given encore performances, and that is what happens here.

At Verdi’s funeral, “the crowds in the streets spontaneously broke into “Va, pensiero” [this chorus]. When his body was moved to the crypt of the Casa di Riposo, “Va, pensiero” was conducted by Arturo Toscanini with a chorus of 820 singers, with a crowd of estimated 300,000 in attendance.[37]

Canadian Guest

Folks, just finished watching this bitchute video, by Sonofenos (Son of Enos). It’s over an hour long, and you may not have time to watch the whole of it, but the second part of it, is about ‘prions’ and how they are in the jab, and lead to the equivalent of mad cow disease (spongy brain). Also, around the 33 minute mark, the potential of having tiny nanobots in the brain that control the people who took the jab= who have the holes int eh brain Very scary, but credible- what we are learning about the contents of the jab – and unfortunately, compelling.


I’m not sure whether those theories are backed by science, but they are interesting.

Canadian Guest

Thank you. Are you quite sure that the nanobot stuff is just disinformation? It seems to me to be quite plausible that the science is that advanced.

Canadian Guest

I know… but the reality is the psychopaths are in the process of creating 15 minute cities (see it all around here in Canada), and how are they going to keep us in them…unless they can control our thinking…


The most commonly encountered prion diseases are transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) that are transmissible, fatal neurodegenerative diseases in humans and animals. [ ]

Many, if not most, prion diseases can be traced back to ingestion of tainted neural tissue, even in trace amounts, and potentially cross-species. This could be seen in recent “mad cow” outbreaks where animal meal from sheep by-products seems to have contained neural tissue containing scrapie. When fed to cattle as a diet supplement, this manifested as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), or “mad cow”. Humans living in close association with said cattle developed variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD). [ ] By contrast, Kuru — a human disease linked to consumption of human brain tissue — is much more straightforward.

While accidental contamination in medical injections is certainly possible, it seems far more likely that risk of prion disease would more likely arise from contamination of the food chain.

In this regard, it should be noted that “Prion aggregates are stable, and this structural stability means that prions are resistant to denaturation by chemical and physical agents: they cannot be destroyed by ordinary disinfection or cooking.” To my mind, this raises major questions with regard to , which is isolated from carcasses in a way that potentially includes trace amounts of connective and/or nervous tissue.

Canadian Guest

Thank you


While Yours Truly agrees that CJD and similar neurodegenerative diseases can (mostly) be traced back to something that was eaten/ingested, there IS evidence that some element within the COVID-19 itself and the COVID-19 “vaccines” can ALSO induce prion-like disease conditions — including a new form of CJD.

Two of the numerous papers / articles on this subject:

February 11, 2023 — peer-reviewed
“A Potential Role of the Spike Protein in Neurodegenerative Disease: A Narrative Review”
Stephanie Seneff, PhD, Peter McCullough, MD, et al.
Yours Truly: An interesting article. There is discussion of the RRAR insert between the S1 and S2 segment of the SARS-CoV-2 virus genome, something that is unique to that genome. This insert has several “cleavage areas” that apparently can interact with / induce various types of negative neurological responses. (Remember the PRRARSV “backdoor key” to the cells of the human body in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine”?)

Note: VERY interesting, for two reasons: First, the pre-print paper below was WITHDRAWN AFTER PUBLICATION for no reason that Yours Truly can find; and, second, the late DR. LUC MONTAGNIER was one of the co-authors:
(also found here, as a Word document download:
June 14, 2022
“Towards the emergence of a new form of the neurodegenerative Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: Twenty six cases of CJD declared a few days after a COVID-19 “vaccine” jab”
Luc Montagnier (RIP), Jean Claude Perez, Claire Moret-Chalmin


Correction: should read,
within the COVID-19 virus itself...”

Valerie Curren

The woman w/ the pending jury trial has a telegram at fyi


Speaking of the starboard side…
Breaking News! Trump indicted for not moving the iceberg out of the way of the Titanic.

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He can dream…I couldn’t make it through it. I believe DeSantis and the others are vultures waiting for Trump to get taken down by the corrupt DOJ. Instead, they should be doing the opposite: proclaiming that he was cheated out of office in 2020, that he is the leader of the party, and that they are supporting him 100%.

Trump made an offhand remark about it being a pool of people from which he chould choose a VP. Maybe that was just political-speak. I hope so, because I believe every one of them would stab him in the back and walk over his body to get power and more money from their donors.


The mere fact that they are “running” for the WH, validates, they’d each stab Trump in the back. Just as they’d stab Americans in the back. Hell, Rob, stabbed Floridians in the back, with the greatest of ease.


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Stephen King is so terrible at that game, he should never play it 😂

If stepping on rakes was a sport, Stephen would king.


“…Stephen would BE king.”

Can’t edit!

Cuppa Covfefe

Stephen King IS a rake…

Wasn’t he on Epstein’s list…

pat frederick

what do you expect? stephen king is literally the poster child for “your brain on drugs”.


He got significantly worse after his accident.

pat frederick

he crossed over in my opinion.
I’ve given all his hardcover books away.
he used to be able to write decent thrillers–now they’re trash.
I wouldn’t even use them in the wood stove to keep warm…the filth is permeating


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Vindman really should be assigned to Zelensky security and have an Airtag planted on him.


Found a picture of Vindman in uniform.

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Vindman or maybe more aptly Stephen King. Those types are all starting to run together now.

pat frederick

oh I can see it now…King’s new book. He gets eaten by Vindman, and in turn breaks into a hundred nano Kings. he travels throughout Vindman’s body slaying the Vindman nano things till all that remains is nano Kings. at which point the outer appearance of Vindman becomes King. it will be a new warfare–conquering from the inside out.
of course, there will have to be some gratuitous perverted sex scenes thrown in.

Cuppa Covfefe


Combine them with Vivek and you’d have Vindmanaloo….

Cuppa Covfefe

Vindman misspelled “Margarinized”…


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I’ve had positive experiences with Best Buy customer service. I hope they get rid of the woke elements.

Cuppa Covfefe

From the Geek Squad to the Freak Squad…..
😡 😡 😡 😡


Likely ten years or more since I entered a Best Buy.

As with TarGay, Best Buy makes it easy for me to stay away.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You’ve had good experiences?

I’ve mostly run into shits who when they don’t know the answer to your question, make one up.


This was in the appliance department. THe sales clerk was a man in his 50s who had worked there a long time, knew the merchandise, and knew what he was doing. He was very helpful, showed me what times of year they have the best prices, and accommodated me in other ways…very good customer service.


Associate training, includes, making shit up, when they don’t know the answer.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I keep hearing that, and I can’t confirm it. However, I suspect it’s true because it invariably happens. They *never* say “I don’t know” or “Ask Bob over there.”


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You shouldn’t ‘risk’ offending the Left.

You should do it with joy in your heart 😁


LMAO at your simple truth.

Cuppa Covfefe

Over here, they call them “Generation beleidigt”, the offended generation (or the insulted generation)…

Always gotta have their safe spaces, and need mommy or daddy (if he’s there) to tie their shoes…

They probably think the whole reason for the Apollo program was to develop Velcro, for their shoes, and aluminized foil, for their food…..

(Not forgetting Tang and Space Food Sticks and that horrid “ice cream” for the rest of us 😀 )….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Tang was not developed for the space program though the space program did use it. Apparently Buzz Aldrin hated the stuff.

Cuppa Covfefe

Although Tang’s advertisements implied that very strongly, if not said that outright. Of course the marketingspeak of those days was sometimes economical with the truth.

I always thought “Orange Julius” tasted like Tang with CoffeeMate in it (yuck). I don’t know if they still even have Tang (they don’t have it over here, maybe because just about everyone is drinking Red Bull [bull pi$$, IMHO] and getting juiced on it…)…

In Scouts we called freeze-dried food “Bernards”, something else which has improved over time, although it still has a ways to go to equal the real thing.

At least it’s better than bugs 🙂


I hadn’t heard of Orange Julius for half a century. Until today.


I’m officially blocking that hateful diss about Orange Julius. Although one hasn’t touched my mouth in years…yummmm so good. For the record we liked Tang too. We never got sodas or anything like that but occasionally my mother would splurge and buy Tang



At least he doesn’t look like a car with both doors open.


More like this:

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Wrong meme, and it won’t let me edit it. It should be this:

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Cuppa Covfefe

Add in Fetterman and you have three plants: a fruit, a nut, and a vegetable… 🙂

pat frederick



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It should!


Doesn’t seem like he was starting out real high…

Cuppa Covfefe

Comes from a liberal family, no doubt…


She can move on, but it’s going to keep popping up. 😅

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Is that Jack Smith in the third row?


No, it’s Hunter Biden. But they look alike at a distance.


Brothers from different mothers?


The dangling cigarrette gives him away at any distance 😂

Cuppa Covfefe

Could be Steve Dallas (from Bloom County) 🙂

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He even has a Dewar’s Profile:

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She seems very nice and almost soft spoken in her recently released video, and I’m sure it’s more than a little bizarre becoming an overnight sensation for something like this.

But I encourage her to embrace her new role as Queen of Internet Memes 😁


Did you notice that in her apology video, she never retracts “TMFINR?”

I did.


Yes, I did. Sorry ass apology, which is anything but sincere.

Soon, she’ll be on local news or some lefty do gooder show, half ass pleading her case.

Fundamentally, I see a lefty loon, threw a tantrum of sorts. On drugs or simply a spoiled bitch, dunno.

But I do, look forward to more memes. 🙂


I don’t know if you caught it, but back when it happened, I wrote about a friend of mine, whom I believe utterly, who has actually seen the nictitating eyelids on yet another, very, very strange woman I also know. I believe that strange woman might come under the heading of “not real.”

Just my two cents.


Yes, I do recall your post.

Actually did an extra Google search or two, getting up to speed on, nictitating eyelids.

Her apology video, which I actually listened to all and watched most of it. It was the most insincere bit of blathering, I’ve witnessed in awhile.

  • Stuff of a Valley Girl. Hoe would be proud.

Guess, soon she’ll claim “victim” status.


I think she actually saw something. She won’t go back on it, because she saw it. But she wants everyone to stop harassing her, so she released that prevaricating video. YMMV.

Cuppa Covfefe

She’ll sue Musk, because she wants reparations from Mars 🙂


… reparations from Mars


I’m rolling. On the floor. Laughing.

Cuppa Covfefe

Spock: Fascinating…



Cuppa Covfefe

Would be hilarious to have her on “The View”, amongst even more crazy womyn… 🙂


Did you notice that in her apology video, she never retracts “TMFINR?”

To my knowledge, she has never explained it.


No, she has not.


“Did you notice that in her apology video, she never retracts “TMFINR?”
I did.”


Yes, I think she’s a marketing consultant or something similar, so I’m guessing that video was carefully thought out, at least with regard to what she wanted to say and what she didn’t want to talk about.

Probably no upside to discussing what instigated the outburst, no way to mention it without creating more questions.


You mean the lizard person she saw on the airplane?

Yeah, no good way to explain that to normies!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Darwin was NOT there.



But maybe it was a distant relative?

Cuppa Covfefe

Offering to help her, no doubt ? 😀


She won me over so easily with her plane tirade, such earnestness and conviction, the natural look (less makeup is more), and that outfit… like some kind of scuba diving super heroine in tight, faded jeans… 😂

She mentioned in her apology video that we all have our bad moments, and hers just happened to be caught on camera. True, but if that’s her worst moment, then she’s doin’ all right 👍😁

This guy knows a thing or two about ‘worst moments’ caught on camera.

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I thought she was just a tragically misunderstood sweetheart, down on her luck, being pursued by aliens.

Like that Twilight Zone episode with William Shatner (1963), when nobody believed there was a creature of some kind attacking the plane.

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But she never fooled Kalbo, he wasn’t buying any of it 😂

Cuppa Covfefe

Isn’t that Mad Maxine Waters trying to get in???? 😀

(Do you and Kalbo have a bidding war going on 🙂 )….


“Isn’t that Mad Maxine Waters trying to get in????”


I think she’s busy with the James Brown Tribute Band revival tour.

I found her, here she is, doing her James Brown imitation.

She’s not bad!



Scott’s the smart one AND he has class.

As for me, easily entertained. Her airplane tirade was unique, bizarre AND, well, captivating.  😮  (Yea, no class at all here.)


I always know I’m on thin ice, whenever I’m mentioned in the vicinity of words like ‘smart’ and ‘class’ 😂

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Always have to watch out for the ice holes…

(stolen from “This Is The Life”)…
(Weird Al wrote some songs for it)…

Cuppa Covfefe

Methinks Scott’s in love 😀  🙃  😍  😍  😍  🙃  🤓  👽 


The gift that keeps on giving. She is wonderful, in her own dopey loon ways.


Looks like Hunter sitting behind Santa 🙂


I’m seeing a lot of comments in this vein, that Hawaii is being taken over by wealthy “progressives” who will buy up the land and make it their exclusive domain. This meme is an example of what some are thinking (though I’m not sure about the EMFs and weather modification). We need to be aware and on offense.

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Interesting footage showing the winds effect on the Maui fires. My understanding was Hawaii was on the dry side of a passing hurricane. Of course that does not mean that this situation was waited for to provide cover.

The tech is there. So the question i is it being used?

Three not too far fetched vids.


So back to the dry winds….

Now back to DEWS

we’ve seen this before with the fires in CA. and I don’t think we ever got a good read out for it…but here it is in MAUI.

Now this guy threading the two conflicting theories.


In related news…

Apparently China will not have to let their laser’s cool down after firing them and can use them continuously. This story is on several science related sites.

In not related news…

This does not look like Maui… but there is an Asian guy.


In this clip the weather person has a map explaining the dry winds theory. That hurricane she says was 700 miles away. That’s a long long way away from Maui to create this inferno specifically in that one small area.


Interesting footage from a guy with his drone showing Kihei and back toward Lahaina. Wonder why no helicopters dumping water since the winds were not so bad to down the drone ?
Also in his commentary he says a lot of footage from others being deleted.


Used Google Earth to line up that photo with image, it allowed me to capture roughly the same angle and altitude. Close enough for govt work. 😁😏🙄but it was night so can’t put a full stamp of approval on it.


The circle of fire , if that photo is legitimate , is telling.
The locals know something isn’t right.
It’s very much like Paradise Fire.
Killing people and taking their homes isn’t new to our govt but they’ve created ways to do by blaming something else.


Cuppa Covfefe

Klowns-In-Aktion plant?????

Bury the evidence along with the victims….


Here’s St. Oprah hoping to exploit the suffering for a tv special.

Oprah Winfrey’s CBS camera crew are REFUSED entry to Lahaina wildfire shelter ‘out of respect for survivors seeking safety’



Good. Leave the unfortunate people alone.


The vulture had already been there before with a camera crew. This was her second try to get moar disaster porn probably to supply her gal pal Gayle with an exclusive or an O network special.


On Bannon this morning Bannon is very suspicious that this firer in Hawaii is not natural because it looks like a war zone. To many things do not ad up. Those poor people and animals 😪


There are no coincidences.


It would do much to quell theories on this if the Gov would declare resell of all property offered for sale will go to a financial peer in similar standing and not a monied individual or institution. That the city would revert back to it’s past standing….

It will be the deciding factor everyone will wait for now on how all that property will be disposed of. If it ends up in the hands of the rich, pronoucement will be this was done on purpose.

It’s also kind of interesting that some have remarked FEMA is not taking outside donations… what’s up with that. Why would they not do that unless they wanted to ensure the people effected remained destitute?

Cuppa Covfefe

IIRC Black(demon)Rock owns large chunks of the insurance industry… and they rather like to buy other peoples’ property for pennies on the dollar…

Inquiring minds want to know….



What’s funny is a lot of the act of nature people in comments are using the Paradise Fire as the act of nature go to model. 😮🙄😖😬😏🤓😆


maybe because the beyond destruction is so similar.hmmm the smart meter fire I call it


  :wpds_arrow:  smart meter fire…

Things that make me go, hmmm.

Wonder how common smart meters were in Lahaina.

Burned out Paradise fire buildings.

Cuppa Covfefe

Look up “Rewilding”. It’s part of one of the UN’s Agendas, and they and the WEFfenSS have been yammering about it for 20-30 years now. wrote about it, and the “pentagon plan” to split the world up into regions some time ago. They sometimes are a little over the top, but in this case, it seems like they are right.

The only way to pack people into cities is to destroy or restrict access to everything else (heyyyyy, the DEMONRATS finally build a wall…).

The other thing is, undeveloped or disaster-ridden land can be acquired for pennies on the dollar… EZ money for the GEBs…

Cuppa Covfefe

IIRC, Alberta is shifting (more) conservative, so maybe TPTB are punishing them…

LOTS of resources there, and they’ve mentioned the possibility of secession more than once…


IIRC. Alberta strongly supported Truckers and pushed back on lock downs.


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Trump always has a nickname ready to brand his attackers, and it seems to always be something based in truth.

Probably because truth hurts the most.

So I’m guessing Black Jack has some kind of mental health problem in his past that is being hidden, but Trump will make it public when the time is right.


I am certain you are correct. The nicknames always are true. It will come out when Trump is ready.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ve long maintained that most people in this country would be satisfied with a first trimester limit. Yes, most people here would insist on conception, and others not here would insist on any time before birth, but both groups would immediately end up on the fringes if this were to become law.


Democrat Congressman Calls on Biden to ‘Pass the Torch’ and Not Run in 2024 (VIDEO)

Democrat Rep. Dean Phillips, who has not ruled out running against Joe Biden, has called on the president to “pass the torch” and not run in 2024.

The congressman made the comments on NBC’s “Meet The Press.”

“People want to turn the page,” Phillips said. “I think that’s fair to say. As a Democrat, I adore Joe Biden. He saved this country.


He can cement his legacy. My real call to action right now is not about me. The call to action is to ask the president to pass the torch.”

When asked by host Chuck Todd if he does not want Biden to run for reelection, Phillips said that people “want to move on.”


More like ‘pass the hot diamonds’.


Dean Phillips: ““People want to turn the page,” Phillips said. “I think that’s fair to say. As a Democrat, I adore Joe Biden. He saved this country.”


Dean Phillips is a sick, sick man.


Briben STAYS for NOW.   :wpds_arrow:  hussein is NOT ready to pass the torch.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Jack Flash sat on a candlestick comes to mind…. 🕯 


Just an fyi…pass the torch mean gruesome. Gruesome’s successor will be Rob Bonta, the current AG. That’s been the plan for a while. But, gruesome wants to appoint difi’s replacement furst, then use the fraud machine during the election to cement that appointment.
So many want the seat I am not sure who he will choose. If scott wiener, God help the country.


Weiner would be the throat punch choice so he’s probably top of the list.
Blatant pedophile


Yep but he will not temper his agenda for the political class so they may have reservations, which is why adam shifty, but he is damaged and psycho, so i still wonder the plan there.


Obvious answer to this, “So many want the seat I am not sure who he will choose”. Follow the money.


Yes he is a simple corrupt politician.


So I told the fish club anecdote (He is the eggman / Goo-goo-g’joob) to someone else today. 33 is not old enough.




Scott got it, and I don’t think he had been born by 1967.


I’m not saying one has to have been born by then, but being born closer to that year might make someone more likely to recognize it.


If not 67, close to it. Also likes, 67 Vettes. 🙂


We were talking about this-and-that, and he mentioned that he had been in sales for a time but really didn’t like it. So, I told him the story of a guy who went in to apply for a sales job at one of the old department stores. The sales manager didn’t have time for him that day so just gave him a badge and threw him out on the sales floor.

That evening, the manager came back and asked how the rookie had done. Turns out, he had only made one sale that day. Shaking his head, the manager allowed that he might not really be cut out for the job. Then he asked how much the sale had been.

“One hundred forty-two thousand, six hundred ninety-three dollars and twenty-four cents,” replied the salesman.

After he started breathing again, the sales manager asked him what he had sold. “Well, I started out with some fishing gear, some poles and reels and nets and tackle-boxes….then we decided he really needed a bass boat. After that, he needed a trailer to haul it around and a new truck to pull it, so I called the dealership next door and made an arrangement. Then some more fishing gear and clothing and sonar and a gps….”

Sputtering, the manager said, “the guy came to our store looking for a fishing pole and you sold him all of that?!?!?” Looking somewhat abashed, the salesman replied, “well, not exactly…..he wasn’t originally looking for a fishing pole…..”

“Well, what was he looking for when he came into our store?” asked the manager.

“Well, his wife had sent him to get her a box of tampons.”

The sales manager’s head started swimming and he though he might pass out. “A BOX of TAMPONS?!?!?”

“Yes, sir. I helped him find a box, and mentioned….since he knew he wasn’t getting any this weekend, he might as well go fishing.”


I also told the guy to look up youtube clips from Glengarry Glen Ross —


What is this, “…eggman / Goo-goo-g’joob…”, you speak of?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

One of the crappier hit songs by a certain group.

Cuppa Covfefe

Shades of “butter wouldn’t melt so they put it in the pie”….

(they should have used Kerrygold [NO, not THAT Kerry]…)…


“Germany considers ban on far-Right AfD”

Germany’s far-Right AfD raises spectre of ‘Dexit’

Cuppa Covfefe

They’ve been trying to ban or restrict the AfD for years now.

And the AfD are winning in court against the deep state, despite what the “Telly” says… (they’re sort of like the WashedPoo in their “news”)…

Referring to “Dexit” as a spectre just shows their jaundiced point of view. If Germany pulls out of the EU, the EU will collapse.

Once a couple more countries get conservative governments elected (e.g. France, Spain sorts things out, etc.) the party is over for the EU. People here, at least, are fed up with paying for the Green Raw Deal…


Germany’s political class hasnt learned the people dont want fascism redux.

Cuppa Covfefe

The political class never learn, sad to say.

They project just like the DEMONRATS in the USA, always blaming someone else for THEIR failures.

They are complete and utter Sociopaths…


Yes. 😔


Nazis don’t care what the people want… because they’re Nazis 😁


Yep. And never left power, just hid while they rebuilt their numbers and power.


I see the occupation forces are completing their half of the unspoken bargain they have with the globalists.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. And the stupid YSM/MCM is terming it “alleged attack” !!!

Our interior secretary (doubt she could even be a real secretary) “Waffle-faced Faeser” wrote a few articles some years ago SUPPORTING ANTIFA, before she got her current post.

There won’t be any help coming from her office.

Then again, the derp state is hellbent to install the replacement population after they’ve sterilized and killed-off the natives (“langhierbleibende”, aka those living here a long time, i.e. native Germans, but now a pejorative!)…..

Just wait until the Mozzies turn on their supposed masters… but perhaps we’ll be long gone after that happens… or under a mile of ice 😀


Anyone who does not agree with the globalist agenda is right wing.

Cuppa Covfefe

Anyone to the right of Stalin or Lenin is a rightwing radical here…..


That is the weapon the left use.


So the new German Nazis are going to ban their opposition, the “far” Right?

How very Nazi-ish of them.

It has always seemed a grotesque lie that Nazis have been characterized as ‘right’ in America. National Socialism is LEFT of center, Communism is even further to the LEFT, and neither one is anywhere near the ‘far’ Right side of the ledger.

Cuppa Covfefe

The irony in all this is the AfD are a slight bit to the left of where the CDU/CSU used to be, in the days of Helmut Kohl and before. Merde-Kuh turned them into a faux party that’s sometimes to the LEFT of the GREENS!

But the people here are wise to it, and the CDU/CSU and FDP and (gang)Green will be forced to work with and beside the AfD whether they want to or not…

Maybe Berlin will collapse into some sort of event-horizon of evil and disappear. They already are pretty much a black hole of Moslem clans and illegals…






2:01 September 11th, why choose that date ?


Not a reason. September 11, is a Monday this year.

Cuppa Covfefe

Bank Holiday perhaps?


Verse of the Day for Monday, August 14, 2023

I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.

Jeremiah 17:10 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.


Dunno if this is in Linda’s neck of the woods..
Urgent Level 3 ‘GO NOW’ Evacuation Order Issued in Lane County, Oregon Amid Lookout Fire (VIDEO)

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if they’re using the ROP (“religion” of peace) to light things up. That seems to be a hobby of theirs, along with Car-B-Ques…


Up that way they have fire bug antifa for arson fires.


That’s down by Eugene, so 60+ miles from me. But I am getting nervous about the fires popping up now, especially since we’re in a heat wave this week. It was over 100 yesterday and is supposed to be 107 today. It won’t be back down to our normal 80s until Friday.


So long as Auntie Fa stays away, you’ll be fine.


What the FBI Isn’t Saying About Its Shooting of a Utah Trump Supporter Should Concern Everyone


That was an assasination to keep the deplorable in line. They are telling us if you even whisper this will be awaitng you. They are loosers they picked on a man who was not well not strong physically. I hope they have nightmares for the rest of their life.


Small Kansas newspaper says co-owner, 98, collapsed and died after police raid

UPDATED ON: AUGUST 14, 2023 / 10:34 AM / CBS NEWS

Joan Meyer, the 98-year-old co-owner of a small Kansas newspaper, collapsed and died at her home on Saturday, a day after police raided her home and the Marion County Record’s office, the newspaper said. Meyer had been “stressed beyond her limits and overwhelmed by hours of shock and grief,” the Record said, calling the raids illegal.

Police took Meyer’s computer and a router used by an Alexa smart speaker during the raid at her home, according to the paper. Officers at the Record’s office seized personal cellphones, computers, the newspaper’s file server and other equipment. Cody also allegedly forcibly grabbed reporter Deb Gruver’s cellphone, injuring a finger that had previously been dislocated.

All of this due to some legal dispute between a local husband and wife. Instead of using a subpoena they used the new storm trooper method


The storm troopers go after the weak.


That’s because they’re gay.

Nazis always had a homosexual problem.


Male homos seem to have a lot of inferiority complex issues, which always causes them to abuse power and authority.

I think they despise their own weakness and cowardice, and so they go after the weak because subconsciously, they are so disgusted by their own weakness.

And also just because they’re cowards.


edit: And also just because most of them are cowards.

Cuppa Covfefe

Which stemmed from the fact that they (at least their leadership) were practicing Satanists.

The Green movement stems from the ancient earth religions (hence all the CAGW crap) and the things they practice are abominable, at best. The political party here was in support of pederasty (e.g. Jürgen Trittin) and though they’ve soft-PEDaled it, they still seem to tacitly approve it.

Steiner, Blavatsky, and all manner of cult leaders of the mid-late 1800s were Satanists, and this had a huge influence on Hitler and his inner circle and followers. But the darkness preceeded even that…


Did not know that.


That has been my understanding for many years. It is not easy to research it online because the Left / mainstream media paint homosexuals exclusively as victims of Hitler (and victims of everyone else).

But if you go through a few pages of search results, there are isolated articles.

The last reference below, Conservopedia, is the most extensive.

Medicine, Male Bonding and Homosexuality in Nazi Germany


Ernst Röhm, The Highest-Ranking Gay Nazi
“Röhm was Hitler’s right-hand man as head of the Sturmabteilung (SA, the Brownshirts), the Nazi paramilitary wing. Instrumental in the rise of the party via the street-fighting and extra-judicial murders of the late 1920s and early 1930s, Röhm’s sexual orientation was no secret after the mid-1920s.

Hitler either ignored it or said it was immaterial, depending on who he was talking to, including other Nazis.”


Washington ExaminerNazi doctors: Hitler was gay, took female hormonesby Paul Bedard, Washington Secrets Columnist
January 07, 2013

“Newly discovered notes from a U.S. Army interview of former Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler doctors reveal that the madman had homosexual tendencies, did not sleep in girlfriend Eva Braun’s bedroom, and was doped up with multiple drugs including female hormones.

Written in erratic shorthand, Army interrogator Herman Merl, a Vienna-born medical technician enlisted to interview Hitler’s doctors, Karl Brandt and Theodor Morell, scribbled “Homosex” in his notebook where he sized up the mass murderer’s sexuality.

He then wrote: “Eva Braun = separate rooms” before adding “female hormone – injection 50,000 units.”

Elsewhere he wrote, “His sexual life and intercourse with Eva Braun was told to me.”

The notebooks are going up for auction later this month at one of the nation’s leading sellers of historical artifacts, Alexander Historical Auctions of Chesapeake City, Md. Alexander has offered other important Third Reich relics, including a tea set from Hitler’s mountain hideaway and Josef Mengele’s diaries. Often the items are sold to Jewish collectors and museums.”


Nazi Germany and homosexuality
“Moral decline prior to Nazi Germany, which spawned an increase in the acceptance of homosexuality in German society, occurred about 35 years before the Nazis took power and it paved the way for the Nazis to take power.

A large part of the increase of support for homosexuality beforehand, including Germany becoming the birthplace of the so-called “Gay Rights” movement, originated with a particular man, Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, who had been molested by his riding instructor at age 14 and attributed his homosexuality to a “third sex” instead of his molestation.

The Nazis were rabid evolutionists who insisted that the “German master race” should dominate other so-called inferior races. Belief in evolution has been linked to a decline of morality.

The American journalist H. R. Knickerbocker wrote about the homosexual Nazi leader Ernst Röhm: Röhm’s “chiefs, men of the rank of Gruppenfuehrer or Obergruppenfuehrer, commanding units of several hundred thousand Storm Troopers, were almost without exception homosexuals. Indeed, unless a Storm Troop officer were homosexual, he had no chance of advancement.”

Ernst Röhm was the only Nazi leader to address Hitler by his first name “Adolf” rather than “mein Führer” which helped prompt rumors that Hitler was a homosexual. The historian Lothar Machtan and others have uncovered historical evidence that suggest Adolf Hitler may have been a homosexual.

However, the sexuality of Hitler is a matter of scholarly debate and historians are divided on whether Hitler was homosexual, bisexual, heterosexual or asexual.

Later when Adolf Hitler came into power, he chose to persecute homosexuals in order to advance his notions of racial struggle.

Yet at the same time, Hitler retained some sexual deviants in positions of power within the Nazi leadership.

For example, Hermann Goering was known to dress in drag, paint his nails and put rouge on his cheeks.

Another example is the case of Max Bielas who “had a harem of little Jewish boys. He liked them young, no older than seventeen. He had a kind of parody of the shepherds of Arcadia, their role was to take care of the camp flock of geese.

They were dressed like little princes…Bielas had a little barracks built for them that looked like a doll’s house…Bielas sought in Treblinka only the satisfaction of his homosexual instincts (Steiner:117f).”

Homosexuality was supported in Nazi Germany, although modern gay rights activists claim that an estimated 100,000 homosexual men were arrested for this crime, of whom approximately 5,000 to 15,000 were interned in concentration camps. See Homosexuals and the Holocaust for further details.

Paragraph 175 banned homosexuality long before Hitler was even born. As The Pink Swastika by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams pointed out, 85% of Nazi homosexuals were of the Butches faction while the other 15% were of the Femmes faction, and as the Butches persecuted the Femmes, today’s LGBT movement is not monolithic either as they claim that drag queens offend the transgender.

Yet, according to some historians, homosexual men constituted the core of the Nazi Party in Germany. In contrast to the wimpy “swish” homosexual, Nazi homosexuals were ultra-macho or “butch”.

The OSS addressed the reason why so many homosexuals found the Nazi party inviting,

this may be due to the fact that they are all fundamentally social outcasts and consequently have a community of interests which tends to make them think and feel more or less alike.

In this connection it is interesting to note that homosexuals, too, frequently regard themselves as a special form of creation or as chosen ones whose destiny it is to initiate a new order….

The fact that underneath they feel themselves to be different and ostracized from normal social contacts usually makes them easy converts to a new social philosophy which does not discriminate against them.

Being among civilization’s discontents, they are always willing to take a chance of something new which holds any promise of improving their lot…

Bryan Fischer of the Idaho Values Alliance writes,

Even today in America, it is chic in some homosexual circles for individuals to wear replicas of Nazi Germany uniforms, complete with iron crosses, storm trooper outfits, military boots and even swastikas.

In 1941 the Office of Strategic Services prepared A Psychological Analysis of Adolf Hitler. Langer attributed the belief of many that Hitler was homosexual

“(a) from the fact that he does show so many feminine characteristics, and (b) from the fact that there were so many homosexuals in the Party during the early days and many continue to occupy important positions.”

Langer added, “It does seem that Hitler feels much more at ease with homosexuals.”

Some parts of the American Nazi movement are explicitly homosexual. The National Socialist League, a group that existed from the mid to late seventies, restricted its membership to homosexual Nazis.

Scott Lively wrote:

“Most people don’t realize that male homosexuality does not always lean to the effeminate. Historically, male homosexuality was much more often associated with hyper-masculine warrior cults which were usually very brutal and very politically aggressive.

The most recent example was in Germany. Hitler’s initial power base when he launched the Nazi Party was a private homosexual military force organized and trained by a notorious pederast named Gerhard Rossbach.

Rossbach’s homosexual partner Ernst Roehm, who was also Hitler’s partner in forming and building the Nazi Party, converted the “gay” Rossbachbund into the dreaded SA Brownshirts.”

Largely because of the Frankfurt School, and in particular Theodor Adorno and Herbert Marcuse, redefining fascism and Nazism as being right wing and manipulating the American Jewish Committee as such, the Nazis being largely composed of sexual deviants and bohemians, including homosexuals, was often ignored in academic circles and various leftist groups, and many times the Nazis were falsely assumed to be sexually rigid and puritanical in their sexual relationships.”

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s a fellow named Helmut Kentler who is basically Germany’s Alfred Kinsey. But even worse. Even though he died about 20 years (or more) ago, his depraved legacy lives on in Germany’s sex-ed courses and in particular, Berlin’s schools and think tanks…

This article has info on Kentler’s influence on the German Evangelical Church! (who are a CINO anymore, Church In Name Only)…

I think Paedophilia and related perversions have been driving things and hidden in the dank smoky rooms of “power” for far longer than we know or think. Good that it’s now being revealed.


Wow thank you 🙂


You’re welcome singingsoul, I thought I was about to get schooled when you said “Did not know that”, knowing I was talking to someone from Germany.

So I just made my case, and hoped for the best 😁


You do a good job making your case. I need to learn so much 🙂


Me too! 👍🙂




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Not “pedophilia is dangerous,” but “fixation” on it is.


Right. Anyone who writes that is complicit. I dont give any credit anymore.

Cuppa Covfefe

First it was Oh! Calcutta! …

Now, it’s Oh!, Canada!!! …

Praying for all of their dirty laundry to be exposed, the victims as much as possible restored, and the perps punished and put down forever, IN PUBLIC.


I say all of them should receive a PUBIC hanging.

Cuppa Covfefe

That would make them well, erm, hanged….


But the Left’s embrace of child molestation isn’t a problem…


Somebody should ask him how old his kids are. If the answer is anything under 16, ask if you can take the youngest on a week long camping trip.

Betcha Captain Asshole has nothing meaningful to say.


So sayeth the pedophile.

The only people protecting pedos are pedos, or have those thoughts/feelings deep down.


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DJT throwing down. How joyous to see.

Valerie Curren

A WolfMoon sighting, ahhhh ohhhh  ❤ 

Valerie Curren

well the edit button kept saying I was “posting comments too quickly”…hmmm

A WolfMoon sighting, ahhhh ohhhh  ❤ 

We had a family gathering yesterday, some we haven’t seen since Christmas.

My dad, 84 now, was wearing a T-Shirt that said

I Just Keep Getting Better

AND as the gathering was breaking up my oldest son Nathaniel & his wife announced they are expecting their 2nd child, due in March!

I have been praying for the wombs in my family & for God’s timing & grace in continuing to form the next generation…God is so good! I wonder if this one will be our first grandson…we’ll see!

Years ago, when we still had 3 boys & were living in Northern Michigan my husband thought we were done (we both were losing our minds w/ special needs stuff) but I prayed “Dear Lord, I know I have no business asking for this because I can’t handle the kids we have, but could you send us another child, & could it be a girl & could she be healthy & could she be sweet?” That prayer was Definitely answered with All Yes’s (which is a rarity in my world). Now my hubby cannot imagine life without a daughter (& loves bragging that I “prayed her into existence) & since they moved into the neighborhood we see more of her & her daughter than even our son & his daughter who live even closer.

We are so thankful. I keep praying for God to preserve my parents’ life & strength. They finally travelled to OK to meet their only great-grandson (so far) & are anticipating my brother’s daughter’s second daughter coming in November & now my son’s second child too! PTL!!!  ❤ 


Rayyycisss~ ( Open your homes New Yorkers these fine people need help and love)

CHEEKTOWAGA, N.Y. (WIVB) — A 22-year-old asylum seeker was arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting an employee of an organization that helps asylum seekers inside of a local hotel, officials announced Saturday.

And according to Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz, no more asylum seekers will be sent to Western New York from New York City while security efforts involving asylum seekers work to improve.

During a press conference Saturday morning, officials said Kindu Jeancy, an asylum seeker from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, was arrested Friday, after a 27-year-old Buffalo woman filed a complaint with the Cheektowaga Police Department around 4 p.m.


Saturday afternoon, Legislator Frank Todaro released the following statement:

Today we learned a second migrant has been arrested on sex abuse charges. The 22-year-old man is charged with sex abuse and unlawful imprisonment for an incident involving a female employee of the very agency providing services to these migrants. This comes just days after a self-purported asylum seeker that was shipped here from NYC was charged with raping a woman in front of a 3-year old child. In addition, we have learned others have been arrested on petit larceny charges. When does it end? The people of Cheektowaga never asked for this. They were never told ahead of time what the County Executive’s plans were with relocating hundreds of self-purported asylum seekers. Now Cheektowaga residents are bearing the brunt of a rise in crime, a feeling of being less safe, the impact of additional strains on police services, and the cost that will inevitably fall on taxpayers. Albany and New York City have not acted with my constituents’ best interests, and this needs to end. Clearly these migrants have not been properly vetted, a concern I have voiced since the beginning. Now the County Executive is worried for our residents? Where was he a month ago? Accusing us of being, in his words, “morally repugnant” for wanting to put our residents first. It’s too late. The damage is done. These migrants need to be returned back to New York City immediately.



“The people of Cheektowaga never asked for this.”

Whom did they vote for?

 “These migrants need to be returned back to New York City immediately.”



They always say “nobody voted for this,” but of course they did. They were just too stupid to understand the path from vote A to immigrant crisis B ahead of time. Now they want us to feel sorry for them and fix it. Tough shit, I don’t care.


Amusing for me.

Dumbass liberals can’t fathom problems with illegals, until the illegal’s become their neighbors, same town.

Can’t fix stoopid. But I, we, can laugh at them. Which I do.   :wpds_lol: 


Me, too!


Y’all voted for these sanctimoneous SoBs. Why would I waste tears on you?

Let me know when y’all recall the slimeballs. Then I’ll care.


The situation is only going to get worse until someone gets a handle on it and restores order. I don’t see that happening under Dem administrations.

I read that New Yorkers are blaming Mayor Eric Adams for problems there. They need to see the big picture and blame JB, Dem policies, and the globalist agenda.


At least they’re blaming the closest person in the DEMCOMMIE line. That’s a start.

Can we imagine the havoc and crimes these invaders are committing that doesn’t get reported ?
Warroom coverage of the border problems is mind blowing.


I’m sorry that anyone is having to deal with these problems and dangers, but apparently this, and more, is what it’s going to take to wake people up. They don’t seem able to comprehend all the reports of murder, theft, rape, disease, filth, etc., in border states. And worse, I think many of them don’t care about the suffering of people in “red” states. Well, it’s time to live up to their own standards and show their “compassion” and “love.”


so true.
i’d go a step farther and suggest that they get back to some semblance of common sense and howz about some history…they need to try and recall ANY country ANYwhere that survived without borders or at the extreme least, no vetting of those passing through the borders..

Cuppa Covfefe

Time for Abbott, et. al. to send another few busloads to NYC then 😆


👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 Dallas Pride Cancels Drag Event as Funding Flops

LGBTQ organization Dallas Pride had to cancel its Pride Street Party event, “A Night of a Thousand Drag Queens,” after the organization failed to raise sufficient funds, The Dallas Express learned.

Christine Bengston, the interim executive director of Dallas Pride, said the organization aimed to raise at least $75,000 for the event, which was scheduled for August 26. She said her organization set up a GoFundMe and reached out to sponsors, but the undisclosed total raised “wasn’t a lot.” 

“It’s kind of embarrassing,” Bengston told The Dallas Express

They’re not embarrassed to dress in women’s clothing with exaggerated makeup and high heels. They’re not embarrassed at the lewd things they do. They’re not embarrassed that they’re doing them in front of children and minors as well as adults. No, they’re embarrassed that people aren’t funding this evil. We need to bring back the concept of shame.

Bengston said the event was initially scheduled for July but was pushed to August after fundraising struggles.

“We were hoping and were billing it as a last hurrah to come fill the street with drag queens,” Bengston told The Dallas Express. “We thought that people would come together. Well, it didn’t work.”

Kelly Neidert, executive director of the activist group Protect Texas Kids, said she is not surprised that Dallas Pride is struggling to maintain support after a wave of videos have surfaced showing “all-ages” drag shows across North Texas in recent months, including some with minors in attendance.

“It seemed trendy for a while to host drag events with children, but all this footage on how explicitly sexual it is has changed the narrative,” Neidert told The Dallas Express. “People are waking up to the fact that it isn’t appropriate.”


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How the world is run:

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pat frederick


I may have to go turn my flag upside down. This can’t be my country


After they jail Trump, my flag will go upside down. Both a matter of time. IMO.

Ram and Jeep have American Flag stickers. Replacement stickers on-hand. They’ll also be upside down.

Only thing that will stop Jailing Trump, SC getting involved. Not holding my breath.


You’re thinking ahead and like me, been thinking about it for awhile

pat frederick

funny…we also have a Ram & Jeep!


I saw your comment about Stephen King up above. He’s so nasty and got the madcow disease version of TDS.
I wanted a book the other day and had my hand going near one of his and then jerked it right back

pat frederick

i got into scary books in school–Hitchcock was in the library and i read as many as I could find. when i got older, i started reading King and some were good. then he took a twisted turn–severely twisted imo and they repulsed me.


Yep, too too twisted and the kind you can’t erase from your mind

pat frederick


Cuppa Covfefe

Wrong season, but

“Bring your Jeeps and bring your Rams,
Rise up Patriots and follow”…

(I can still hear the Harry Simeone Chorale and that double Christmas album, and that great Baritone singing the real words)….


To many people are still comfortable that is why they do not pay attention.
Evil is cunning and slides into society and culture without many can see.
That is how and why evil comes into power.


They’re going to throw everything at him to try to make something stick.

pat frederick

uh oh…The FANNY is walking that back. claiming reuters report is not true.

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pat frederick

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Fanny, showing her ample ass, again.

Cuppa Covfefe

Moon over Miami…..


This is so ridiculous and wrong.

Georgia state prosecutors appear to have brought charges including conspiracy to commit forgery against Donald Trump, Reuters reports.

The charges appeared on a document posted to the Fulton County court website, but it was later taken down.

Other charges listed were violation of the state’s RICO act, and solicitation of violation of oath by a public officer.


It appears that there 37 or 39 charges against POTUS45, and most if not all of them are felony charges.


Mike Lindell has a plan to save U.S. elections.

Lindell’s “Election Summit” will take place on Wednesday and Thursday in Springfield, Missouri.

I believe Lindell is a great patriot who has spent untold time and money for this country. At the same time, I’m cautious about being too optimistic because:

• Lindell’s enthusiasm doesn’t always carry over into results.
• Plans that require “everyone,” or even a large number of people, in order to work are usually doomed. However…

My reasons to be interested:
• Only 14 people know about this plan so far. One of them is Mike Flynn.
• Prominent patriots: “The list of presenters at this year’s event include Lindell, ‘America’s Mayor’ Rudi Giuliani, Texas AG Ken Paxton, Justice Mike Gabelman from Wisconsin, Steve Bannon, General Mike Flynn, Lou Dobbs, and many more.”  
• Experts: “The event will also include a number of election experts and local patriots who have worked tirelessly across the country to ensure the next election is not stolen like in 2020.”
• “His solution doesn’t depend on legislators or judges to implement.“
• “Mike has developed a plan that offers our nation an opportunity to protect and defend our elections from electronic interference. During this upcoming summit, that plan will be revealed, and its successful execution will require every American to join together at the precinct level on up to work together to overcome the many threats we have to the sacrosanct privilege of our vote.”
• “Patrick Colbeck, engineer, author and former Michigan State Senator: ‘…The only thing it depends upon is as many people as possible knowing about this solution. Mike and the rest of his team are going to deliver. I think it’s a game changer.’”
• “Attorney Kurt Olsen, who has been in the fight for free and fair elections since 2020 representing Arizona Gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake in the process:
You are going to learn how to become the watchman for elections — not to just cast a ballot — and you will be equipped for that task in ways never done before. The systematic rigging of elections is going to end. We The People will secure our sacred vote and take back our Country.’”

On the first day of the summit, presenters from all 50 states will lay out the enormous issues they encountered after the 2020 Election and then they will provide a list of the many steps they took to fix elections in their states since November 3, 2020. Those there and watching the live stream will see the progress that has been made since late 2020.

On Thursday, the second day of the summit, there will be a discussion defining problem with our election platforms in the morning and then after a countdown to the plan, it will be revealed at 1pm central time. The day will end with a discussion on how to convert the plan into action.

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Whatever else anyone says about Mike Lindell, the man has no quit in him. For that if nothing else, he is to be admired.


100% ^^


Good news:

Argentina: Javier Milei, Right-Wing Candidate, Wins Primary Elections and Deals Historic Defeat to Leftists
May he win the general election and be protected from harm.


Been holding off on this, since shortly after returning to the US, 8 July.

In line with a post by someone, perhaps TB ot TT about 4 or 5 months ago.

My local Smith’s (Krogers), has clearly reduced merchandise lines stocked.

Produce area more spread out, wider space between stuff. Generally well stocked. But this is the peak growing / harvest season.

Merchandise tables across the front and back of store, either spaced out more, or simply gone.

Meat, chill, frozen and center aisle merchandise not filling the shelves. Nor do they bother facing stock daily.

Store traffic is way down. I am in there twice daily, hawking mark downs. Fairly familiar with ebb and flow of customers, time of month…

Oddly, they extended store hours 6AM to midnight. Was 6AM – 9PM. Pre-Covidiot, 24hrs.

Something is OFF.

  • Fewer deliveries, likely.
  • Piss poor economy, surely a problem.
  • Merchandise availability, likely an issue. <<< My primary concern.

Same here at Kroger. The overstocking is not there. Since we buy organic it normally is all available but most people are tight with money specially having to feed a big family buy regular food. The middle of the store is spotty. Meat is irregular stocked. Cheap cuts does not look good at times. We have been spoiled need to adjust. For me not hard to do but can see family with kids having to adjust. Still compared to DDR we have plenty 🙂 For US standards we are going down in quality and plenty of food just so slow.. I do not think we are not suppose to notice. 🤔
My daughter in CT buys foods in a small grocer who has all foods from local small organic farmers. Nothing changed there except it is extensive always was.


By the way Whole Foods last week did not have good cuts of meat. The stakes looked dreadful so did the other meats. Not well stocked in the meat department.
We get most meats send from Moink grass fed for two people just right.

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s happening here, too, as the Greeniots are trying to make everyone into Vegans… Meat tax, they’re calling it…

Reminds me of this:

I bet a butcher $50 that he couldn’t reach the meat on the top shelf…
He said “Sorry, I just can’t do that” …


“The steaks are too high.”

Just like in I Timothy 4:1-3:

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

After all their perversions have been legalized, I can just see them forbidding normal marriage, for only the perverse is acceptable to Satan and his people…


I’m afraid you’re on to something …


Must be trying what happened to Germany to live under that insanity. Glad you are here and thank you for sharing.

Cuppa Covfefe

Thanks, Singing. I imagine you probably thought DDR would never happen again… and here we are, so to speak…

Even people from the old DDR are astonished at what happened, and are calling BS at every turn. The support for the AfD in the former DDR is very high, and they feel that truly, the AfD are the only Alternativ Für Deutschland.

I always said the wall fell in the wrong direction (even back in 1989, folks thought I was crazy [now they’re sure about it]). And Merde-Kuh gets a lot of the “credit”/blame for it, but she wasn’t the first or only one…

We’re hoping and praying and doing all we can to wake up the sheeple… even at my wife’s Frauenkreis they’re now skeptics (including some who resisted the clot shot and got fired or demoted for that)…


My husband’s cousin lives in the former DDR and keeps sending scathing reports what is happening. Germany has lost its way again and one wonders when are they going to get it right. ?

Cuppa Covfefe

Just look at the rise of the AfD, and the fall of the CDU/CSU; in some places Die Linke arein danger of sinking below the 5% limit, which means they lose representation in the Bundestag… and people are finally cottoning on to the Green Raw Deal and seeing what it REALLY is.

Idiot fairy-story-writer (his real profession) Habeck has been pushing for heat pumps (electrically-powered, no less) to replace natural gas, oil, wood, and (rarely) coal heating for houses and businesses.

These basically combine an electric heater mechanism with a tiny refrigeration component (sounds contradictory, I know) in order to produce heat and electricity. What he (or rather, his recently graduated Sauros kids) didn’t bother checking into was the fact that the EU was in the process of banning the refrigerant used in 80 percent of these heat pumps already installed or due to be installed. So the “heatpump industry” is basically frozen right now (to coin a phrase).

Anyone with half a brain and any knowledge at all about chemistry, physics, electricity, and HVAC would know that for all but a few cases, heat pumps of ANY KIND are not very efficient, nor even useful unless the house/ building where they are installed is insulated to the point where it needs neither heating nor cooling in the first place… The only ones who benefit are the heat pump manufacturers (RED CHINA for the most part), the tradespeople, who are horridly understaffed due to COVIDIOCY firings and clot-shot deaths, and, of course, the crook, evil, nepostistic government who make TONS of tax money off of the whole thing, and can pat themselves on the back taking credit for the “business boom” caused by their enforced heating “upgrades”…

Might as well cut out the middleman and get the heat straight from HELL; that’s where the GREENS are getting their instructions and what they worship in any case… GAIA über Alles…..


Similar stuff going on at Food Lion, CVS, Walgreens around here—wider aisles, reduced shelving, reduced inventory, fewer store personnel, etc. Prices in general are higher. Some products have fewer items in the box / reduced number of ounces compared to before. IMO, it’s a mixture of the “Something is Off” above, plus perhaps another angle: get people used to less available to purchase / reduced number of items in the box, etc — “re-educating” Joe or Jane Average American?


Wal Mart here my husband said “have reduced their inventory”. He only buys cat litter there because it is $1,50 cheaper per case and is not as heavy .


Bernie’s famous “Americans have too many choices” statement. Commies want us eating green wafers….


“Soylent Green is people!”
— Detective Thorne



Brave and Free

Worked in the industry for years, my two cents.
Many reasons to consider, inventory reduction began years ago with the company I worked at, they were years ahead of other companies. When profit margins are looked at per item the less profitable and slower movers are gone. When that happens the remaining items shelf space increases and store foot prints begin to change, most large grocery stores are to big now. Walmart being a great example, why do you think they went with the neighborhood grocery stores? Also with the beginning of deliveries, which began pre Covid (what a coincidence) there was less foot traffic in the stores. Which leads to less labor hours needed to run the store. Also consider the take out prepared meals now available, which leads right into customers buying less items to make their own meals.
Many other factors come into play also that I could go into from suppliers to vendors.


Good info.

The Walmarts around here are adding elaborate, pickup sites for orders. A number of Krogers went into it big awhile back. All of the online stuff in reducing in store foot traffic, which partially explains the lesser stocking of shelves.

I like to see what I buy before I pay for it. However, will order household items online from Sam’s or Costco when the price is right.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That trend is only going to be encouraged when stores decide they lose too much to shoplifting.


Thank you!


Anyone have a reliable good quality online source for beef ?


I get mine from Moink also pork and chicken. We are satisfied but I hear some people are not. For us it is good for what we like and sublimest with whole chicken and sometime a nice big steak. Moink has mainly NY strip steak . Roast about 3 LB. Workshops are good not to big. We order every 6 weeks . Bacon is good also. We also buy fish other places wild caught .
You might search on Internet for a small farms that sells meats. We have a place 1 hour away but they do not ship.


Thank you SS


You are welcome


This seemed good, but haven’t purchased yet,


My kroger ie ralphs has had an off sense for a while. There were a lot of expiring or about to items still staying stocked on the full price side. Fruit n veg not being rotated and you could smell the produce going bad when you walked into the store. Never had happened. I complained and it seemed to get better. Haven’t been there in 5 weeks so i dont know if better or similar to you.


Kroger is not looking good here as well. Prices are holding steady but the stock is down. Same at Walmart. A regional grocer we use is well stocked and emphasizes local growers, their prices are a bit higher. Can get a bit more organic stuff there.

Son-in-law is going in halves with one of his co-workers to buy a locally pastured, slaughtered head of cattle. We are going to take part of theirs. We already get our pork from a family owned local slaughterhouse/distributor who also sells to the regional grocer.

No problem sourcing local poultry, eggs, etc.More and more folks are getting into it around here.


Where is ‘around here’?


East TN


The ONE thing that I can get here in Montana that has not skyrocketed in price is meat.

Beef and pork are not too much more than they have ever been, except for the very “fancy” stuff like ribeyes or filet. I buy from the local packing plant just a few miles up the road.

Chicken, on the other hand, has more than doubled. And seafood is ridiculous.

Local eggs, if I didn’t have my own chickens, are readily available. And produce is abundant. People give away summer squash, greens, and such at church on Sunday. Most people here grow something, if not everything.

But stuff that’s shipped in, canned food, cheese, processed food, stuff like that, is through the ceiling. And things are frequently missing from store shelves. But then two days later, it’s there. I think part of it is shipping delays, myself. But who really knows?


On personal note, we been picking grapes, made jelly and juice. Today pickled beats with carrots, garlic shallots and hot pepper.
My grandaughter comes home Tuesday from Alaska. The only thing she missed was a kitchen 🙂 No computer spotty Internet most non. She climbed rocks seeing her sitting high up and how she got there do not know.
I am sure all of you having a garden are busy also.


Oh, yes, busy!

I have been fermenting a lot of things. Carrots, beets, cucumbers, and soon cabbage!

I love it when the garden comes in.


My husband did inventory of my stash and told me “we need to eat what you preserved and fermented ” 🙂 I forgot my big stash because I am saving for when we cannot buy any longer.
I thought of you when I was so busy and thought you might always be. Cabbage need to ferment also red and white.


I love the red cabbage sauerkraut! So good.

I found out a few years ago that my German 9th through 5th great-grandfathers were named Picklesimer. I don’t know if it means pickle people, but it made me laugh!


Pickle is the helmet with a point on it. I need to look it up 😀


Lol! That’s funny!


I found this,
Picklesimer Name Meaning
Americanized form of German Bechtelsheimer or perhaps of its variant Bechtolsheimer: habitational name for someone from Bechtolsheim in Rhineland-Palatinate.


Cool! Thank you!

I do have other relatives who immigrated from the Palatinate. The ones who were stripped of everything they brought with them in 1736 came from there.


Interesting. Here where I live in the Hills there are people of German decent who mixed with Scott’s and Indians.


Yes, I have a Palatinate German ancestor who married a Tuscarora woman. And many Scots, too.


My daughter in law is one from WV she is a Taylor.

Cuppa Covfefe

Pickled Eggplant? 😀

“Voyage to the back of the refrigerator” probably would turn up a lot of fermented stuff here 🙂


Lol! Don’t eat it!

I do grow eggplant, but it’s for parmesan and ratatouille. I discovered that ratatouille freezes beautifully, and is awesome on a cold night in the middle of winter.

Cuppa Covfefe

Pour some Johnnie Walker Black Label or Bacardi 151 on it and make it Flambé 😀 or, better yet, a little white lightning goes a long way 🙂


Lol! Eggplant Foster?


More Maui stuff.


here’s all what it said including after “more” Maui Locals: Declined Elite Offers for Prime Land Areas devastated by fires? Right by posh mega-mansions. Many locals now displaced, grieving losses in the blaze. On-ground update: FEMA and Red Cross aren’t taking external aid. Why? Locals seeking FEMA’s help? Need to sign sketchy contracts – whispers suggest potential home takeovers. Strict rules on entry. Attempt to block photos/videos? What’s there to hide? Oprah’s Maui Mansion: Unscathed. Bezos’ Maui Mansion: Unscathed. Gaga’s Maui Mansion: Unscathed. Gates’ Maui Mansion: Unscathed. Freeman’s Maui Mansion: Unscathed. Smith’s Maui Mansion: Unscathed. Roberts’ Maui Mansion: Unscathed. Fires sidestepping luxury estates? You decide. With millions of people becoming aware, is this why Google announced a worldwide BAN on Independent Media from search results recently? Time to question the narrative! Stay alert!

#MauiFire #MauiFires #Maui #MauiStrong #Mauiwildfire #Hawaii #MauiWildfires #MohFit #WildFires


What are the odds that those deadly dry winds from a hurricane 700 miles away skirted by the mansions?
I don’t care if it was DEW manipulated or arson…I do NOT think it was organic….Build that 15 minute island you slaves


My husband said he read on the Internet the same Police officer in charge from Vegas shooting now is in charge of police in Maui. Do not know if there is a connection.

Brave and Free

GWP has the story about this.


Thank you 😊


The kids are being led, but this judge. The utter embarrassing ruling. She should be completely shamed day in and out. All of them should no longer have access to ANYTHING produced w the help of fossil fuels. Lets see how long they agree to their new lifestyle.
Judge sides with activists in world-first climate change trial: State of Montana violated kids’ rights by ignoring global warming, court rules

The ‘monumental decision’ was based on the state’s policy in evaluating requests for fossil fuel permits – which does not allow agencies to assess the effects of greenhouse gas emissions – was found unconstitutional.
The youths, aged five to 22, did not seek a payout following a win but wanted defendants to ‘bring the state energy system into constitutional compliance.’
Experts said the plaintiffs had Montana’s constitution on their side, which likely helped with the ruling.
Article Nine reads: ‘The state and each person shall maintain and improve a clean and healthful environment in Montana for present and future generations.’


They could start by getting rid of filthy rotten ideas.

Such as humans can change the climate.



Vultures gotta vulture.


No offense to any realtor-related people here, but my experience with some (not all) of them is that they are money-hungry vultures who will try to turn family members against each other, take advantage of the elderly, and manipulate and lie in an effort to obtain property at a price advantageous to them.


It seems that so many people no matter what the profession have become insensitive, almost amoral. I think it’s the times
Who would ever have thought doctors would forsake their oath, FDA, CDC would literally sanction harmful drugs and procedures to men, women and children.

Lawyers that spend all of their careers aiding and abetting criminal activity ( govt usually) Judges that have thrown law/Constitution out the window..

Police that take part in looking the other way for hardened repeat thugs but will ticket and threaten others that will pay the fines

We’re living in some dark days TT


There is a narrative that goes around in various contexts sometimes….

Vocational associations tend to move in cycles. First, they are poor and think they are poor. Their activities involve self-improvement, policing bad actors, stressing the public good, working hard, and building a reputation.

After a bit of this, they find themselves at the second stage, where they are rich but think they are poor. If you’re familiar with “It’s a Wonderful Life”, it’s the George Bailey stage. It’s about maintaining a reputation, working hard, stressing the public good, and growth.

Inevitably, there comes a time when the group moves into the third stage, where they are rich and think they’re rich. Their offices become more ornate and expensive — and have to be in the best part of town. They start wearing bespoke suits and follow fashion. They associate with “movers and shakers”. It’s about performance metrics, connections, and celebrity takes over from reputation.

And, as dusk follows day, they move into the fourth stage — when they are actually poor, but still think they’re rich. Slowly at first, but then in a rush, everyone thinks they’re delusional overpaid asshole parasites. Their own activities, while meant to bolster their social status, merely indicate how far they have drifted. Rather than the quality of their core products or services, they are concerned with marketing and presentation.

The good news is that this is a cycle, and once the fourth stage forces its own collapse, it will begin again.


It’s almost as if they have to be poor to be honest…


Well said! And very dark days. I’m amazed, sometimes multiple times a day, at the things that are being revealed.


Yours Truly agrees with you.


That is my experience as well.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Realtors are an interesting breed even aside from this.

They put their own mug shot everywhere.

Who honestly cares what they look like?

Brave and Free

NASA is a joke agency now, like all the rest.

pat frederick

introducing the YOU’RE FIRED ACT…bwahahahahahaha
As special counsel Jack Smith continues his investigations and criminal cases against former President Donald Trump, freshman Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN) filed a bill on Friday that would block him from drawing a salary by preventing federal funds from being used to pay him.Smith has been a main target of Republicans, especially those who support Trump, since he was appointed special counsel. After two separate indictments charged the former president with over 40 different criminal charges related to him holding on to classified documents and his attempt to overturn the 2020 election, calls for Smith to be fired or have his investigation defunded have grown.
Ogles has introduced the Yanking Outlays for an Unethical, Ruthless Enterprise that Fraudulently Impedes Robust Electoral Debate Act, or the You’re Fired Act, which would prevent federal funds from being used to pay for Smith’s salary.
“The Biden Administration’s weaponization of the DOJ for personal political gain through the appointment of Jack Smith is nothing short of appalling,” Ogles said in a statement. “In November 2022, he was tasked with taking down Biden’s biggest threat, President Donald J. Trump. From falsified indictments to non-existent supporting ‘evidence’, everything about the proceedings by Smith have screamed desperate. America cannot and will not stand for that, and it’s well past time that Congress uses its power of the purse to tell Jack Smith: you’re fired.”


CLEVER!!!  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_grin:   :wpds_cool: 


Why stop with Jack The Hack Smith?

How about, defund Bullshit Durham? Wray? Garland? Mayorkis? Idi Amin….

pat frederick

I’m all in!!


How about a real warrior for House Speaker?

One who doesn’t give the enemy everything it wants.


Kevin should have been shit canned, the same day the House Caved, on the budget / deficit.

Freedom Caucus is ALL talk. Bastards.


This is great news – the GOP establishment is dead. Well, Donna Brazile thinks so.


Agree with Donna Brazille, GOP IS dead, To Me. As is the DNC.



C’mon man, that’s for all the developers, professional land grabbers and climate change fraudsters to mop up .plus he’s been on vacay, not up to speed yet.


IMO this is impeachable. I don’t know if impeachment proceedings would stop this, but he needs to be removed from office.


Report: Engineers Discover Nationwide Cellular Network Connects Election Equipment and Gives Federal Government Access to Election Systems at Precinct Level
Guest post by David and Erin Clements

Many analysts who have been studying election integrity have concluded that there had to be a two-way connection between local election electronics (electronic poll pads, tabulators, election management systems, voter databases, etc.) and a centralized data collection system responsible for monitoring and manipulating the election. Fingers have rightly been pointed at all-inclusive election management software, the Albert Sensor systemScytl and Edison, and the Election Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center (EI-ISAC).

While experts could understand the functional capabilities of how these programs manipulate elections at the county and state levels, one area of mystery remained. Experts could not fully explain how systems within individual precincts which are supposedly “air-gapped” were adding votes in real-time – such as KnowInk poll pads in Texas that added hundreds of votes to the 2022 midterm election after the polls had closed. To accomplish election fraud at individual polling places, it is necessary to have an air-interface with the supposedly “air-gapped” equipment networked at the polling place.

the team realized that the federal government has indeed created a nationwide network that is capable of collecting and changing real-time voting data at polling places across the country from a central location. The private network tool is called FirstNet, and like so many things that have proven detrimental to American liberty – it was sold as a tool to ensure public safety. 

…Curiously, just days before Barack Obama left office, his administration’s Department of Homeland Security used the specter of “Russian interference” in the 2016 election as an excuse to declare election systems to be a part of that critical infrastructure. As a result, the stage was set to roll election systems into FirstNet.

Almost instantly, FirstNet’s coverage increased from pockets of the country to cover most of the population and its voting locations as shown in the map below. This coverage assures electronic poll pads, election management systems, and tabulators with internet connection capabilities could be connected as “critical infrastructure” to the FirstNet network and given priority service, regardless of the presence or quality of local wired internet service.


It is difficult to obtain information on FirstNet because, while it is taxpayer funded and supposedly for public safety, it is the result of one of the many public-private partnerships involved in our elections which are   :wpds_arrow:  immune to public records requests.

Shockingly, according to Senator Ron Wyden, FirstNet is also   :wpds_arrow:  exempt from congressional oversight. In a letter published in April 2023, Wyden stated concerns about the security of the FirstNet network and the likelihood that it could be hacked by bad actors:

“…Cybersecurity experts have long warned that phone networks are vulnerable to surveillance by hackers and foreign spies…[who] can exploit flaws…to track mobile users, intercept calls and tests, and even steal sensitive information available on devices…all U.S. carriers are vulnerable to these exploits, resulting in risks to national security…”

Much more at the link. We need to find a way to stop this. Paper ballots should do it, but cheaters will do anything to keep hackable voting systems.


Here’s one you don’t see very often 😁

comment image


Not buying it.


It’s a CD album cover, apparently 😉


Titled “No More Lies😂




Have you ever seen this? If animals ate fast food. The cheetah chasing the gazelle is the best:



Deplorable Patriot

Paging the boss!

I’m not sure what updates have been made, but in the content editor, I no longer have the option to have links open in a new tab.


Things that make you go, hmmm…

62 year old neighbor contracts raging breast cancer after years of negative exam results. Jabbed and boosted. Doc says 60% chance of survival after chemo and double mastectomy.

57 year old wife of a brother in law catches EG.5 COVID variant while visiting friends in Missouri. Very sick. This is her 4 time catching COVID, my BIL has had it 3 times. Both jabbed and boosted to the limit. They recently asked us if we were vaxxed. We told them nope, we did not want to catch COVID. They stopped talking about it. Guarantee they will take the next booster before they travel to eastern Europe in the fall. Dumb as dirt.


Actually, dumber than dirt because dirt doesn’t try to think.  🤔 


In all fairness, women who get breast cancer are going to have years of negative exams before they get it. I’ve had over 30 years of negative exams, and now suddenly I have a lump in my breast and I’m not jabbed.

But your point of cancers from the jab is very well taken. I’ve spent the last few days reading through 2 FenBen cancer groups on Facebook and I’m shocked at what I see. Young people are suddenly getting various stage 4 cancers out of the blue. And when I say young, some of them are really young. There was a post of a mother who has cancer and so does her 2 year old daughter. This is really heart breaking.

I do think people are getting it. One person asked in a post if the person had been jabbed. That post was flooded with comments of people who are sure their cancer is from the jab, particularly those who suddenly have late stage cancer. Some are even questioning if just having COVID could also be a cause. Or shedding from people who had the jab. Hmmm, both would apply to me if true. At least in the cancer community I’ve looked at, most people seem to get how dangerous the jabs have been. However, this community may be more awake as they are all on an alternative treatment protocol with Fenbendazole.


Glad to read the FenBen comments.

Ivermectin? (Rhetorical.)

Early and aggressive, if cancer strikes here. (Any cancer)


I’m doing both, plus some other stuff. It’s amazing how many different supplements can fight different aspects of cancer.


You’ve got this!

Valerie Curren

I hope at some point you’ll share which protocols you’ve been using & what you think have been working for you. God Bless & Heal you!!!


My daughter in law had cancer at 34. She is free of cancer and 57. She was jabbed and had one or two booster do not know how many times. Michigan university forced her to be jabbed to keep her job so was my son.
I have given my worries for them to God because I cannot change anything.
Linda I pray for you for healing.


Thank you, Singing, I appreciate it. I don’t yet know if it’s cancer, but I’m hitting it with a lot of things in case it is.


I had problems with glands swelling and allergies. Every morning on empty stomach I put juice of 1/2 a lemon, a Tsp of virgin olive oil and 1 tsp honey in a glass of warm water. It took two weeks almost three for my allergies to go away and my glands do not feel sore and are normal size. The doctor told me it was from my allergies. Do not take meds for it. Sleep like a baby. Sometimes natural healing it good depending the problem.


Sending much Good Energy to you. Being proactive is a great approach.


I’m sorry to hear the news about the neighbor and of and the wife of the BIL. Sending Good Energy and Deep Healing to all.

The modRNA and the viral vector DNA COVID-19 “vaccines” damage and destroy the IgG3 “clear the body” immune system cells and replace them with IgG4 “tolerate but never clear” cells. This is in addition to damaging or destroying the CD4 and CD8 immune system cells.
The IgG4 cells, IMO, “pave the way” for “vaccinated and boosted” people to get sick with COVID over and over again.
The destruction of the CD4 and CD8 cells, IMO, “pave the way” for “vaccinated and boosted” people to be more vulnerable to other viruses and also to be more vulnerable to other issues — like the development of cancer, or the re-appearance of cancer after being in remission.




None of which applies to me.


Normally bright people get jabbed. They do not have the discernment. Discernment and intelligence do not always go hand in hand.


Normally bright people get jabbed. 

^^^ Gosh, another benefit of being the slow guy.

Surrounded by QTreeper’s, chalk full of intelligence and discernment.


Very true 🙂






I’m beginning to wonder how much intelligence or even discernment has to do with it, as opposed to it being largely a social phenomenon.

The monsters who deployed this ‘strategy’ cannot easily overcome individual intelligence, but they are masters of social / psychological manipulation.

I don’t only see it with regard to getting jabbed, although it was the whole jab paradigm that made the broader phenomenon more visible in other areas.

The whole ‘great pretending’ that SD commented about yesterday stretches far beyond just Covid. Covid was like the supernova that illuminated the ‘great pretending’ as far as the James Webb space telescope can see.

A lot of it seems social-network based. With political-correctness over the past 30+ years creating a mass-hypocrisy society, where politically favored groups and ideas are almost literally deified, while politically disfavored groups and ideas are literally demonized, the general population was primed and programmed to do almost anything, no matter how stupid, to escape the wrath of the social brown-shirts, i.e., the wealthy and connected, along with all their aspiring but lower-level apparatchiks, the mean-girls and Karens (male and female).

Whatever isn’t social-network based is controlled through other means, primarily through the paycheck.

If you don’t comply at work, you get sent to cultural Marxism diversity training, and if it doesn’t take, you’re fired.

30 years of that BS may have created a whole society that is subconsciously compliant, with the exception of those who are either not dependent on an employer (retired, independently wealthy or self-employed) and a subset of the lower economic class, those who would rather subsist outside of regular society than get ahead, when getting ahead means bending the knee to people who hate them, and hate what they believe in.


Some people fall for psychological manipulation. Schools condition kids the media also.
I see psychological play and find myself clearly deciding if I want to play the game or not. Maybe life experiences helped.
Yes they have been add this a long time and I believe most people who accept Marxism have no clue what it truly represents. They intellectualize Marx. Universities are a breeding ground for Marxism and in the past Nazism .


Yes that is true. I feel lucky for some reason it does not affect me .
People are waking up there is hope 🙂


“As I’m doing local stuff, I’m seeing how much compromise just comes from trying to agree with crossover Dem voters, who want to vote “sanity”, but are basically mind-warped. It is social, social, social, social, and social.”


It’s good that crossover Dims actually see the insanity of professional Left, and want to vote for ‘sanity’ instead.

How do you explain to them that ‘sanity’ is not compatible with the Leftist worldview, which is why got so bad that we’re at a point where even Dems want to vote for ‘sanity’?


“Trying to find answers that accommodate their brainwash, leads to compromise, leads to spread of the social contagion.”


We need a sort of ‘proof’, something that is short and easy to understand and covers most of the disputed ground.

Something like “I know you think it makes you a good person to support LGBTQLMNOP+++.

You may not be a Christian or even think such conduct is sin.

But if you support that, immorality of all kinds grows and spreads like a cancer, until it takes over everything.

It always works that way. From Sodom & Gomorrah, right up to today.

So there is a conflict between what we think is ‘good’, i.e., supporting LGBT-whatever, and all the ‘bad’ that comes from it.

You can’t support the sexual libertine-ism of LGBTQ+++ without turning into Sodom & Gomorrah.

You can’t support massive immigration from cultures that have nothing in common with our own, and still have a country.

You can’t support islam, because islam is much more than a religion, it is a hostile / aggressive political ideology that begins to take over once it reaches between 5% and 7% of the population. Always. Everywhere it has ever been allowed to infiltrate.

There are some basic things that people have been propagandized into thinking are ‘good’ and so they are told it is virtuous to support them, when the exact opposite is true.

The things they are supporting are not ‘good’, they are suicidal.

I’m not sure how to come up with a short and sweet argument that covers enough ground to be useful.

I have arrived at such an argument, by trial and error, when it comes to Christian beliefs and practices which turn out to be doctrines, commandments or traditions of men.

I noticed that basically most arguments in that regard can be distilled down to this simple position:

I cannot find [fill in the blank] anywhere in Scripture.
Therefore it is not of God.

And since it is not of God, then by definition, it must be of men.
Who should we believe and obey, men or God?

“Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29, KJV)

That’s game, set and match.

Someone may counter that I am taking a verse out of context to make my point.
The response to that is simple: Okay, if there is any context where that verse is not true and applicable, what might that be?

There is no answer to that question, because there is no exception.

It would be very helpful to have something similar to seal up the Leftist whack-a-mole box in a similar way.


Meme folk passing time listening to Tucker.👍 😁👍

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Someone left a reminder…

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If I was a D.C. reporter, I would ask Brandon if he can even spell Hawaii.


~20 minutes in. SUPERB messaging by RFK Jr.

I’d never vote for him. Hope he finds a way into Trump’s administration.


~50 minutes in. Fascinating. Lots of news. Lots of confirmations.

RFK Jr constantly delivers truths.

This interview needs to be posted again, in Tuesday’s daily.


From Intel Slava.

Wonders what I’m reading here. Did State and Defense hire an outside contractor to advise them on something they are too afraid to advise their bosses about? Something they know but are too afraid to say themselves. 😆

Ukraine must abandon the idea of returning Crimea in order to end the armed conflict with Russia as soon as possible, during which the country’s infrastructure is being destroyed every day. This opinion was expressed by the political consultant of the State Department and the US Department of Defense Edward Luttwak.

“Ukraine’s infrastructure is being destroyed daily, and this is a very good reason why Ukraine needs to end the war. To end the war, they need to forget about Crimea,” he said in an interview with RBC TV. Luttwak noted that Ukraine will not be able to return Crimea following the conflict with Russia, but will retain its independence and the ability to make independent decisions, for example, on joining NATO. “The choice is up to Ukraine,” the expert emphasized.

Comical in the extreme, way late and not near enough….


Relying on experts is the expert way to avoid personal accountability.

At least until it results in a terminal case of died suddenly.


Evenin’ was a busy day in Moldova. It’s been a while since I’ve posted and today’s news gives me an excuse to catch up….

July 16, 2023 – In the after-event news reports on the NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, we learn that the NATO countries were demanding that Russia withdraw all its troops from the Transnistrian region.

July 18, 2023 – Two days later Oleg Khorzan, the leader of the Communist Party of Transnistria was assassinated.

On July 26, citing years of “hostile action” The Moldovan government expels 45 Russians from its embassy in Chisinau. [The government read a report that stated there were 28 antennae and satellite dishes on the embassy roof….
one has to remember that in June 2021, NATO opened a “Cyber Response Capability Center” in Chisinau and on March 23, 2023 the US & Moldovan governments agreed on strengthening capacities to counter and prevent cybercrime and related crimes, and implementing national cyber defense policies

One week later, on August 2, 2023 the United States Embassy in Moldova confirms that a tranche of military equipment was delivered that day to the capital city of Chisinau.

Today Moldova announces that it has withdrawn from the joint disarmament commission of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

The Cobasna ammunition depot is a large ammunition depot located in the village of Cobasna, Transnistria.Currently, civilian access to the ammunition depot is restricted and only the Russian and Transnistrian authorities have detailed information regarding the amount and situation of the stored weapons. The ammunition depot was created in the 1940s, when Transnistria was under the former Soviet Union (USSR). At the time, it held important strategic value. 

Today a plane departed Chisinau International Airport containing approximately 45 Russian diplomats, technicians and their families. In total approximately 100 Russian citizens were expelled from Moldova.

Today the Russian Federation Minister of Defense Sergey Lavrov stated:
“This hostile move by official Chisinau will undoubtedly have consequences for Russian-Moldovan relations, but above all it will affect the residents of both countries, whose opportunities to receive timely help from the consulate, as well as to maintain business and cultural ties, will be significantly reduced.” 


“Today a plane departed Chisinau International Airport containing approximately 45 Russian diplomats, technicians and their families.”


I think I would have hopped the next flight out… having everybody on one plane like that just seems like an easy target for hostile action.


There had to be huge security guarantees Scott because Russia was allowed to fly their plane into Chisinau at 6:30 a.m. and by 9:00 am the plane was back in the air and headed to Russia.

I’m with you Scott, even with security guarantees, I’m not sure I would have boarded the plane.


History shows the security guarantees going the other way….

….and not being worth much.


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Okay, did that one… thought I was posting this one. President Trumps Maui Address. Click through for the vid.


Smart “Meanwhile”. 😮🤔😏😠


Beyond my comprehension, techies may understand…

“Report: Engineers Discover Nationwide Cellular Network Connects Election Equipment and Gives Federal Government Access to Election Systems at Precinct Level”

Cuppa Covfefe

Doesn’t have to be cell networks, hardwired would work just as well. Probably the crooked “voting” and “tabulating” machines have multiple ways of accessing the internet.

The problem is, NONE OF THEM should have ANY internet access in the two-month period around an election, i.e. one month before, the election itself, and the month after. The machines should be up-to-date, tested, and then “sealed” so they CANNOT access the web.

Yep, that means the vendor cannot do bulk updates. And THAT’S the point.