DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20230817

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Badlands News Brief – August 16, 2023

Fitch Warns It May Need To Downgrade US Banks Soon

‘Clockwork’: Four Trump Indictments Drop After Four Damning Biden Business Revelations

Yes. Many of us out here on the fruited plain noticed. Weeks ago.

Three military services now without Senate-confirmed heads for first time in history


The Democrats are Certain They Will Never be Held Accountable for the Trump Indictments and Biden Cover-Up

The Impeachment Chorus Needs to Cool It

Why is Ron DeSantis faltering in the polls?

Because he’s been outed as a deep state hack.

America Under Attack: Massive Blaze in Pensacola Marks NINTH Recycling Plant Fire in First Half of August Alone

The Erroneous ‘Underpaid Teacher’ Claims

It seriously depends on the school district.

How Unions Have Betrayed America

The Unforgivable Ivermectin Swindle

‘Sound of Freedom’ Director Calls QAnon Labels ‘Heartbreaking,’ ‘Not True,’ Debunks With Details of Film’s Origins

Trump’s momentum shows few signs of waning despite growing legal storm

The deep state cabal really doesn’t know the American people at all.

Like Pigpen from ‘Peanuts,’ criminal charges cloud Trump. Had enough yet, GOP voters? | Opinion

Keep bringing it, and the lawfare becomes really transparent to the people who are still asleep.

Eastman Decries Fulton County Indictment: ‘This Is A Legal Cluster-Bomb’

Tucker, Twitter, and the Truth Community

NOW Is the Time to Share the Evidence of Massive, Widespread Voter Fraud

President Trump claims it’s coming on Monday. We’ll see what the media conjures up to bury the story.

BREAKING: Apple removes ALL of Glenn Beck’s podcasts from iTunes

What did he do to tick off the cabal this time?


He might be borderline uniparty, but he does have a way with words.



And now for the business portion.

Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.


All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.

Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights
  2. No running with scissors
  3. If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


MATTHEW 18:21–19:1

18 21Then Peter came up and said to him, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?” 22Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven. 23“Therefore the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who wished to settle accounts with his servants. 24When he began the reckoning, one was brought to him who owed him ten thousand talents; 25and as he could not pay, his lord ordered him to be sold, with his wife and children and all that he had, and payment to be made. 26So the servant fell on his knees, imploring him, `Lord, have patience with me, and I will pay you everything.’ 27And out of pity for him the lord of that servant released him and forgave him the debt. 28But that same servant, as he went out, came upon one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii; and seizing him by the throat he said, `Pay what you owe.’ 29So his fellow servant fell down and besought him, `Have patience with me, and I will pay you.’ 30He refused and went and put him in prison till he should pay the debt. 31When his fellow servants saw what had taken place, they were greatly distressed, and they went and reported to their lord all that had taken place. 32Then his lord summoned him and said to him, `You wicked servant! I forgave you all that debt because you besought me; 33and should not you have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you?’ 34And in anger his lord delivered him to the jailers, till he should pay all his debt. 35So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.” 19 1Now when Jesus had finished these sayings, he went away from Galilee and entered the region of Judea beyond the Jordan;



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I love the Marine lady! “You indict, we gon’ vote.” 🗳
Also the dog singing with the little girl, both singing their hearts out. 😊


I don’t think that AI is going to take that backup singer’s job.


No way!


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Inventing racial slurs…
I suppose one could similarly look askance at chiggers, diggers, and jiggers.

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Those chiggers rigged the election. 😂

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Cuppa Covfefe

And then there’s BIGGERS (e.g. Weird Al in “Fat” 😀 )…

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Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. The Grauniad really ticks me off…

They should talk about racist… Old Blighty is a champion at that…


Biting is what makes it tick…


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Thank you, DePat, for collecting all this content for us to enjoy.



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I think the RF made a mistake when they first started publishing that stuff.
I downloaded loads of it but it was in the form of photographed stuff which could not be c/p’d and put in a translator.


I believe this. This tells us Russia has their spies well placed. Kind of sad that we get true news from Russia while our government lies to us.


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I’m not expected to accept it.

Because that would be ridiculous 😁


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Let’s see if we can strain pgroup’s brain…..”Gimme Chocolate!!”

Cuppa Covfefe

More chocolate? Here’s someone from a chocolate fashion show (Lambertz, IIRC)…

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Ohhh my.   :wpds_smile:    :wpds_grin:    :wpds_razz:    :wpds_razz:    :wpds_oops:    :wpds_cool: 


Control your taste buds, boy.  😂 

Cuppa Covfefe

Ahhh, a fickle chocolate fan is he 😀

Already forgotten about the plane lady… 🙂


Nah. Two timing her. Loony plane lady, absolute keeper.   :wpds_wink: 

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I haven’t watched this episode of Paul Barron’s show yet, but the title certainly looks interesting:

Trump Crypto Portfolio | FULL BREAKDOWN


A bit of a health update and a bit of an on-the-ground report.

So, I have been to the third doctor with regard to my essential problem, which is that I have excess fluid in my abdomen that is forcing me to turn inside-out through my bellybutton. This latest is a GI specialist. She wants a bunch of bloodwork (focused around liver issues) and an ultrasound — despite a CT scan that says my liver is not enlarged, it isn’t lumpy, and it doesn’t have the consistency of a brick. Oh, and my portal vein looks normal. She wants the labs in a great hurry (very funny because it took 4 months to get today’s appointment) and she can’t use Quest Diagnostics because her computer system doesn’t interface with them.

She can, however, use O’Connor Hospital’s in-house lab — so, on my way home from the GI doctor, I stopped by to talk to the lab guys there. Yes, I can have tests there billed to my insurance. And, yes, they can see orders for lab work…..but not from GI doc (Doc #3) — they see orders for lab work from endocrinologist (Doc #2).

I saw Doc #2 a couple of busy weeks ago in hopes that she might look at the globular whatzit on my adrenal gland (which might cause high blood pressure and fluid buildup) that the CT scan picked-up. She shrugged that aside and wanted a bunch of blood work focusing on diabetes and maybe some detailed CT scans (with and without dye) on the blob. I’m waiting for insurance clearance for the CT scans and am unexcited about diabetes labs — I want Plasma Aldosterone Concentration (PAC) and Plasma Renin Activity (PRA) labs. Somehow, I already get Potassium measurements in my usual PCP work, but I’d also like to see Sodium. So, tomorrow, I get to move Doc #2’s labs from Quest to O’Connor and try to add two.

With four-month wait times for specialists, a substantial part of the year has been burned, and it’s coming up to the “annual physical” time for the PCP. Being that they can do all sorts of blood labs while I’m on Xanax, but doing the Xanax ruins my day, I really want to do those labs at the same time that I do the others. So, tomorrow, I get to move my PCP’s labs from Quest to O’Connor and try to add everything he’ll need this year.

Now for the interesting bit….

As I was talking to the O’Connor lab guy, we drifted off into the joys of diabetes and he told me that his labs went diabetic a couple of weeks after he got the jab. I was busy enough with my own problems and did not solicit this information one tiny bit — the jab hadn’t been part of any discussion before he said this. I went off onto a couple of riffs about minimizing carbs and fighting your way out of Type II diabetes with diet, which he seemed very interested in.

But here’s a guy in a local hospital who took the jab for his employment…..and he’s worried.


I hope you have good news and keeping you in my prayers 👍



I’m not sure I’m in the prayer zone yet, as there’s nothing that bad in just stalling.


All of that stalling they’re doing and the runaround you’re getting is just making whatever is going on worse. I’ll be praying that you can get all this taken care of in a way that works for you QUICKLY and get some relief. This is really crazy what you’re having to go through.


First, prayers and Good Energy to you on all fronts. Yours Truly agrees that the “medical merry-go-round of specialists / testing / time lags, can be quite frustrating. Have any of your doctors suggested getting your pancreas evaluated?

Second, about the hospital worker whose lab results showed diabetes a couple of weeks after he was “vaccinated” — IMO, he should be concerned. In fact, IMO, anybody who has blood sugar issues should be concerned if they got “vaccinated” with any COVID-19 “vaccine.”
The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccines” (the original BNT162b2 AND the “Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccine”) biodistribute all through the body of the recipient courtesy of the lipid nanoparticles and the PRRARSV “backdoor key” that are in these “vaccines.” .
According to the 2.6.5 Pharmacokinetics Tabulated Summary for BNT162b2 that Pfizer-BioNTech gave to the FDA on January 21, 2021, the concentration of the “vaccine’s” lipid nanoparticles ALC-0159 and ALC-0315 that carry the modRNA + the spike protein of the “vaccine” around in the body was, at 48 hours post-injection into the lab rats used:
24.3 in the Liver; and,
0.5999 in the Pancreas.
Both the liver and the pancreas have important roles to play regarding diabetes.

AND, lest anyone thinks that a 0.5999 lipid concentration in the Pancreas is “small” and not to worry — the lipid concentration in the HEART was 0.546. {Tell someone who has Myocarditis from BNT162b2 that this amount is “small” and not to worry.)

AND, lest anyone thinks that the Moderna COVID-19 “vaccines” are any “safer” in any regard, Yours Truly has been unable so far to find that the Moderna COVID-19 “vaccines” use a different modRNA + its spike protein from that which the Pfizer-BioNTech “vaccines” use (including the Moderna “Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccine.”) The only difference in the Moderna “vaccines” is the lipid nanoparticles used, one of which is the dangerous SM-102.


If they do this subtly we truly won’t know what we don’t know.


This is a very interesting article (I brought it into last night’s comments), but it is horribly misnamed.

It is more about what happens when AI is turned loose upon internet users. Shadowbanning, while noxious, is almost a side-effect. You note that personally-tailored malignant information is another issue — and a big one.

It’s a chewy article.


“If you’ve got nothing to hide you’ve got nothing to fear”, strange that argument doesn’t work both ways, they seem very fearful.


C O N T R O L.

Cuppa Covfefe






Which of the pervs and crooks in government have nothing to hide?

They can’t seem to hide enough , always diving for the dark corners like the cockroaches they are 😂

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep, they all seem to look like bugs, in particular the chief (of the ones we can see) stink bug:

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He really needs a monocle to complete the look.

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The pistol to the temple is a nice look.


I thought that was a nice bonus too 👍😂

Barb Meier

Did he save that jacket from the 80s?

Cuppa Covfefe

I think he and “Dr. Jill” share the same crappydashery (to coin a word) or perhaps the same furniture covering store 🙂

Looks like he ripped the stuffing out of a sleeping bag and just kept the shell… Kelty jacket, indeed…


He’s clearly a secret fashion wizard, and that’s his Grand Poobah vest 😂

Cuppa Covfefe

Fashion lizard  🐲 

(Kind of like Lazlo Lizard, from the Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy Series)…


Looking forward to more articles along these lines.

More looking forward to how we can circumvent our Minders.


Land lines and fax machines.


VPN through another country. Use search engine based overseas.

OR, our minders monitor everything? Yea, I have no idea.


The article mentioned that VPNs won’t help, because the entrance and exit ramps will be closed or just plain ‘missing’, if I remember correctly.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe StarLink will be of some use?

Or was that Skynet 😆


Starlink was okay for Ukraine but apparently not Maui.


Better to put any lawless criminal who would presume to be anyone’s ‘minder’ in a deep dark hole.

And give him plenty of time to think about the choices he has made.

Cuppa Covfefe

And give them an irregularly-timed drip….drip.drip……..drip just to make sure they keep thinking   :wpds_twisted: 


Verse of the Day for Thursday, August 17, 2023

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:” 

Ecclesiastes 3:1 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.


Coming to America.


I enjoy listening to this guy and his sarcasm.

Cuppa Covfefe

Steinmeier’s position is more for show (i.e. ceremonial) than anything else, and the Telegraph and Spiegel are are jaundiced and left as you can get. He can yap all he wants, he’s just another old hippie communist…

The AfD have been winning court cases against the deep state, and are still growing in popularity. The media would have folks think otherwise… actually, the media would rather that folks don’t think at all…..


As predicted, Chinese economy trending down. Expect saber rattling, fake accounting, cheap crap product shortages and the usual bullshiz from DC as they rev up the greenback printing press engines.

There is no “may” about it. China is being reassessed as they get deeper into deflation and lower production. About time for aggression toward Taiwan to kick in.


Trie to set this up at the right place, but 6:00 is where it gets very bad, and given free rein all globo governments would grab it with both hands.

Cuppa Covfefe

Khan artiste… Khan man… he’s thinking “yes we Khan”…

First step for the Mozzies/Pakis taking over England/UK government…


Watch the second video in this Tweet (the longer one, 2-3 minutes) and ask the more important question:

Why the F*ck is there FUEL in the water in Lahaina????

And then call your Senator like the guy is asking. Because yeah, where the hell is the Navy?


New evil twist… “Told to Shelter in Place” according to GWP. GWP also ups the numbers dramatically. Makes you wonder why comms were really lost in the area and of course the lock out from the area.


Interesting Thread. Claim is reason for home not burning up is not what’s stated. Explained in thread.


Strange things do happen in huge fires but it seems so hard to think that not even the wooden deck burned. No scorch on the outside of the house from the extreme heat of the fire cyclone or whatever the term is.


Shelter in place during a fire storm reminds me of shipping all of the elderly covid victims to nursing homes. Isolated them, kept family away, denied medical treatment until thousands were pronounced dead.

The emergency services were derelict.
Electricity left on. Water turned off. No attempt to use ocean water to fight the fire. Evacuees blockaded. Relief supplies being doled out only after paperwork completed and a large effort successfully being done by ordinary people.
Biden “no comment” followed by the pledge of $700…wow, what a guy.
Cluster f


Another sad donkey party chapter of American history.


I just read this article prior to coming here. Having lived on Hawaii (Big Island), I can not express how very “Hawaiian” this sentence is:

“Instead of transparency it looks like the outside world is being fed disinformation by the local government in order to down play the scope and scale of the disaster.”

Let me elaborate. While I lived on the island, I never once heard an ambulance, police siren, or other emergency vehicle noise. I was told it “upsets the tourists,” so it was never done.

An enormous gun store on the island was robbed and literally thousands of weapons disappeared into the hands of criminals. It was never reported by media, only known by rumor. It would upset the tourists.

Kona had/has a large homeless population. They are everywhere; they sleep on the beaches. A large famous marathon was being run through downtown Kona. There would be cameras and lots of media. All the homeless were rounded up and hidden away for a couple of weeks, until all the marathoners and press were gone. Can’t upset the tourists.

There is no negative news on Hawaii. It’s paradise, doncha know. And the tourists’ dollars are the ENTIRE economy.


No wonder the Governor mentioned that they would magnanimously build “workforce housing”. They must rebuild the plantation and hush up any non utopia talk.


Yes, it is a strange place. Very unlike mainland U.S.


I like your first hand accounts. From afar we have no idea how people live day to day in other places.

I don’t compare my SC area to Hawaii but there’s a bit of that slow island mentality here too. I’ve learned never to expect a repair person to be here when they say. Everything is on Island time. The town does get a lot of revenue from tourists but they better not be expecting big city nightlife unless they can blend with locals at a couple of dives


Thanks. I’m glad you like them.

I grew up in the South, and I get the “slower” lifestyle. We have it to some degree here in Montana, too.


Now that you mention it.

Three years living on Oahu, and easily a dozen visits for military meetings / ship visits. I can only recall sirens twice.

  • When I lived in Mililani Mauka. Fire and paramedics to a cops house across the street. His kid medical emergency.
  • Fire trucks Aiea area near Aloha Stadium. No fire seen.
  • Don’t recall an ambulance siren. Nor can I recall LE siren.

Honolulu PD routinely rounded up homeless from Ala Moana Park, across from Ala Moana Mall. Near Waikiki. Gotta keep tourists happy.


Once you see what they’re doing, you always notice it. There were lots of things that happened to prove to me that the whole island of Hawaii is run for tourism dollars.


If all the water sources are contaminated there must be a lot of fuel spilled, where did it come from.
If vehicles get on fire the fuel is going to be burnt up, underground storage tanks would be a more likely source.

Maybe different now being as steam may not be the main motive power but even small ships like frigates had two evaporating sets which made boiler feed and drinking water the former needing to be even more pure than the latter. (need to be offshore in clean water)


Yes, making drinking water is not a huge problem.

Fundamentally we I have no idea what is going on, on Maui.

I trust nothing from government sources. Very little from the Xs and the like.


I wonder where the fuel came from, too. It’s very strange.


Fuel in the river(s). W T F? Nothing makes sense. NOTHING.


No it does not.


Makes perfect sense. It’s that extra layer of security to make sure the people don’t get permits to rebuild.


If they want the Navy to show up, the best way is probably for the citizens to take over the police departments, make citizens’ arrests of all the crooked cops and government officials, and start helping themselves instead of waiting for the government.

That will get the Navy there right quick.


Very likely true!


Dope bottom right unbelievable. Dumbass wearing a pride flag of sorts. Contaminated rivers? SMDH.


Has Larry Johnson’s blog been hacked again? Did he ask the wrong question?


Everything there is to be expected AND understated.

While I do not subscribe to the DEW stuff, I do not discount it either. Used at just the right time, (high winds), perhaps plausible.

Maui government AND Hawaii government exacerbated the problems, combating fire, warning and evacuating citizens, COMPOUNDED problems.

Recovery, totally inefficient and ineffective.

News and updates NOT flowing freely, HUGE red flag.

Off topic. Precious little news out of Ukraine military operations these days.


If they hadn’t already been advertising the future plans to change the place into one of the Globo concentration camps….maybe it wouldn’t feel so FF ish. Maybe if the Governor hadn’t blurted out that the State is working on acquiring the land about 2 minutes after the first of it’s kind dry winds from a hurricane inferno…maybe it wouldn’t feel so FF ish
However it all happened it’s too coincidental for comfort


In all fairness, the guv’s clumsy statement was intended to block vultures from buying up the land.


If I give him that benefit of doubt why instead wouldn’t he have said something a bit more reassuring that now isn’t the time for owners to worry about that and that the State will work with them on keeping their property/rebuilding…something positive ?.


No benefit of doubt for any politician.


That’s why I said clumsy. His next statement should tell us one way or the other.


Uh huh… Uh, not buying that one.



Shades of ‘Katrina’ …


Gave up on coincidences long ago.


I find plenty of news … just don’t bring it as very little interest in it …

see or or


Appreciate the links.

While the slow guy, MeThinks there is plenty of interest. Thanks.


There’s no big moves happening at the moment, I’ve stopped reading the foreign language posts as it’s very time consuming putting them through the translator.


Read every time you bring it, phoenix. Appreciate the info very much.

Cuppa Covfefe

In replies, no mention of Larry’s blog being hacked…

was my post not clear?


Sometimes I miss things. Was this guys blog hacked ? He was able to give some horrific details


Yes … there’s no comment section… Larry is ex-C_A


and I guess we can’t edit here atm?

Anyway, there’s always a comment section, headed such …

he gets about 200 comments an article, mostly international…

Cuppa Covfefe

Interesting that the WurstPress (aka sausage squisher) update that killed the edit button (and who knows what else) happened around the time that the B$ crap in Georgia against VSGPDJT was made public…

Inquiring minds want to know…

Honestly, WP seems to have no concept of testing, quality control, and release management. Buncha maroons… At most of the places I’ve worked, a gang of Klowns like that would be out on their hineys after the first foul-up… and their “updates” have messed up other sites, too…


Oh, ok I see what you mean, thanks


I think I’m not understanding the issue. I went to the link and read the article, which was good. I don’t know anything about hacking of his blog. Was there an issue with that particular article?

pat frederick

NYers suing EcoHealth and daszak over cv.


Family members of people who died from COVID-19 have sued a New York-based nonprofit organization that collaborated with and helped fund the Chinese laboratory that was exploring how to make coronaviruses more transmissible and infectious.

The suit names EcoHealth Alliance and Peter Daszak, its president, as defendants, alleging they researched, funded, and created the COVID-19 virus and released it intentionally or accidentally.

Jenny Golden and other U.S. residents brought the lawsuit in New York over the deaths of their loved ones, which they say could have been prevented.

The defendants engaged in conduct that presented foreseeable risks of harm to others, including “deliberately engaging in the creation and genetic modification of dangerous coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2, for the purpose of enhancing their virulence, transmissibility and lethality for human beings, knowing that as modified the coronaviruses would be even more harmful to humans and capable of causing a pandemic,” the suit states.


The case was filed in New York Supreme Court.
The plaintiffs want damages awarded to them, as well as other monetary relief that is deemed enough to “prevent Defendants and others from ever again committing the dangerous acts related to the development and release of SARS-CoV-2 or similar acts.”


I always wonder if those behind COVID never supposed they would run into any pushback or get sued. Did they really expect everyone to comply, get vaxed, hang on their every word, and never suspect a thing?

pat frederick

their hubris will be their undoing imo


Hubris and pride are in constant competition to be Satan’s favorite sin.



NY Supreme Court = trial court = fed district court.



Last updated: March 1, 2023
From the section Taking Drugs Meant for Animals is Dangerous of the article:
The FDA has not authorized or approved ivermectin for use in preventing or treating COVID-19 in humans or animals.”
Yours Truly: The FDA has approved ivermectin for use in only a few very specific conditions, such as treating River Blindness and similar parasitic infections in humans.


I think the FDA’s excuse will be that the health agencies, doctors, pharmacists, etc., were not required to follow the FDA’s words to the letter. Apparently someone at the FDA can spout off in the same manner as any internet commenter, their comment can go viral, the entire medical profession strictly adheres to that edict, but the FDA is totally innocent…Not a chance.


If I could be on a jury, where them bastards try to say, FDA, Feds did not ban Ivermectin use.


“Back in the day”, when my late father was handed an Rx that made him suspicious, he would call the doctor’s phone number listed on the prescription itself and find out the story. 99% of the time, the Rx was genuine and legit, so he would fill it. One day in the early 1980s, he was handed an Rx by a man who looked ordinary, but the Rx didn’t pass the “smell test.” My father called the doctor’s office phone number listed on the prescription, but it was a number that was disconnected. My father handed the Rx back to the man and apologized that he wouldn’t be able to fill it unless he could speak with the doctor who wrote it. At that point, the man showed my father his DEA badge and congratulated him for not falling for the Rx scam that apparently was raging in Pittsburgh at that time. The “ordinary man” was a DEA agent.
My father filled lots of prescriptions for drugs that were written for “off-label” use. He knew that the doctors were doing this for a reason — to help the patient.
Fast-forward to today — when pharmacists can, and do, literally refuse to fill a prescription from a doctor “because the FDA doesn’t approve the drug.”


Essentially the pharmacist is practicing medicine if he/she refuses to fill a valid prescription in my POV


Practicing medicine without a license


My friends, read this:

Look at all that is happening to Trump.
Contrast with all that Biden and the Cabal got away with.

Projection:An Alinsky tactic to accuse others of the crimes/evils that you yourself are doing.

Trump is accused EXACTLY almost verbatim of doing all the things the Cabal DID DO.

Now think MIRROR. Yep back to Q again (sorry, but it is too coincidental here…hear me out)

Objects in a mirror are opposite images to the object in real life.

The left has projected ALL their crimes onto Trump from Russian collusion, The Ukraine call, Afghanistan, election interference, to the parade or women accusers of sexual misdeeds. From Racism, to anti Semitism to xenophobia. From anti Constitutional, to lawless, to “anti democratic”, meaning against democracy…THEIR definition of “democracy”. From “UN American” to ALT right to “white supremacist'” Now it is RICO and classified documents.

We ALL know, and remember.

We all take pains as MORE crimes are revealed daily against Biden and the Cabal, and then it is TRUMP indicted by the Cabal.

I am here to tell you. Believe me or not. But TODAY for me cinched it.

There IS a plan, and it IS in motion. We ALL are watching, we just did not SEE it.
The left did a great job dividing us, marginalizing us, confusing us. NO MORE

Q was NOT a Psyop. It was VERY real. ALL OF IT.

How do I know? What lead me to make this bold statement?

Simple. Today after all the crimes we see Biden and the Cabal seem to be getting away with, after all we endured, and now Trump is being RAILROADED for THEIR crimes.

I finally figured it out.


Trump IS the reflection of the CABAL crimes.

Trump IS taking all the “slings and arrows in the absolute nightmare for US”

It HAD to be this way.
ONLY Trump could not only endure it, but USE IT to reveal the TRUTH.

NO ONE else would have not only endured it, but survived it. Everyone else would have either folded or sold out.

“You can not TELL the people, you must SHOW them”

Trump used himself to SHOW us ALL what the Cabal did. He let them accuse, charge, smear, and indict himself of THEIR crimes.

A grand SHOW
a GREAT actor

TOO MUCH coincidence with what Q said to be a LARP.

We are IN the END game, we, and THEY just don’t know it yet.

Now, you will say, but Prex, the article just says Joe Biden used pseudonym emails. YEP, they ALL did, even Barry. But see, they NEVER got Hillary’s server to figure out who was…oh…maybe they DID.

That’s right ladies and gentlemen. “We have it ALL”. The DOTS are connected.

Ask yourself this. If NO ONE is cooperating, DOJ and other 3 letter agencies are STALLING, denying, deflecting or flat LYING, where the HELL is Comer and others getting this info from??!! Is it RELEVENT?


Trump sure matter of factly said Monday he was going to release DEFINITVE proof of election fraud in Georgia. WHERE did that “suddenly” come from?

How is Trump SO sure, and believe me he IS. Why is Trump not rattled but RESOLUTE?

Why do I get the feeling Trump is EXCATLY where HE wants to be, at EXACTLY when and where HE wants to be.

“Please, don’t throw me in that briar patch”

A SHOW, UNDENABLE, for the WORLD to see.

Trump has said “We caught them ALL”

Who is giving Comer and investigative reporters their info? Why are we NOW finding out about Biden’s graft? The laundromat in Ukraine and others? Why are we finding out about the election operatives in Michigan…and TWENTY other states..yep its coming.

What were they looking for for NINE hours in Mar a Lago? EVEN in Melania’s under ware drawer.

They KNOW Trump has it. They could NOT find it. So they proceeded with indictments 1 -4 (so far) to try and SILENCE Trump, and to FIND the data.

They did NOT on either count.


Trump TOLD us all (along with Rudy and others) what was up, and WHO was doing it. He told us their crimes, from RICO, to money laundering, to pay for play to trafficking to TREASON.

But, he could not just TELL us, he had to SHOW us.

This IS the show. He could NOT just present the evidence, normies coupled with the MSM would have not believed, censored, or turned away.

What was a SURE way to get EVERYONE to see and LISTEN, even through the MSM filter?

Why, simple, put Trump on trial, for his LIFE, 500 years in prison, LIVE. no one, especially a normie or hard core leftist could refuse to watch THAT. The MSM is ORGASMIC. It will be broadcast in 4k HDR for gosh sakes.

“Please, do not throw me in that brier patch”

FOOLS. Guess they should have spent more time READING about Brer Rabbit, and Fox, than woke removing them from Splash mountain.

Those that do not STUDY history, are doomed to REPEAT it. Trump is a history buff folks.

ALL of this is to get them ALL. from the lowest low to the highest high. This is about getting Joe’s BOSS, we ALL know who that is. Hi Barry…tic toc…awfully quiet since your boyfriend…er chef “drowned” WHY is that? Did the chef give away some RECIPES to people you did NOT want to have them? Were THEY the missing key?

ALL for you Barry.

You thought you could hide, manipulate, lie, and even use a puppet as a fall guy to save your bacon. NOPE. Was Durham REALLY on YOUR team? OR was he getting just enough to set the trap. A trap you gleefully stepped into. Hell, you SHOULD be happy right? Your mortal enemy (Trump) is going to finally get his…or IS HE? WHY are you so SILENT?

Never play chess with someone smarter than you. You LOSE. You are still on step three, but the game is ALREADY lost.

NO MORE executive privilege to hide behind. No more lawyer client privilege to hide behind. No more Presidential privilege to hide behind. No more precedent of NEVER indicting a President or ex President to hide behind. You and your Cabal took ALL that away on Trump…sauce for the goose.

Remember that Dec 21 2017 EO. No more mansions, no more book deals. No more ill gotten games. NO MORE FREEDOM.

Barry, its your Uncle DT, time to pay the CHECK.

“once exposed, they will not be able to walk down the street in public” TIC TOC MFER. Oh and lastly, we KNOW what you did on Covid. THAT by itself gets you a date with that sudden 8′ drop.

THAT is why I am confident. The tip of the iceberg is exposed, soon we see the entire thing.


If I’m not mistaken, Gregg Phillips and Catherine Englebrecht were doing work on Georgia and hadn’t finalized a report. I’m guessing (and could be wrong) that Trump is getting a lot of information from them.


OR giving them where to look.


“If I’m not mistaken, Gregg Phillips and Catherine Englebrecht were doing work on Georgia and hadn’t finalized a report. I’m guessing (and could be wrong) that Trump is getting a lot of information from them.”


We all better hope DJT isn’t relying on anything like that with the fate of the nation and the world hanging in the balance.

He better have world-class intelligence capabilities at his disposal, equivalent to (if not actually) the NSA, or this isn’t going to end well… 😂


I think Gregg and Catherine do have world-class intelligence people helping them.


Then those people better be working directly with Trump, and not using Gregg and Catherine as middlemen.

This isn’t some backwoods game, this is for all the gold-plated toilet seats 😂


Week or two ago, posted, Is Trump Q. Got an interesting dismissal or two. 🙂 (Was, is my guess. Although not a Q follower. I’m too easily confused. Past posts prove that out.)

  :wpds_arrow:  I’ll be tuned in Monday 1AM Bedminister time.

  :wpds_arrow:  Trump is the ONLY person, that could make this statement AND I’d bet receipts WILL be delivered.

Former President Trump says he will release report that will exonerate him on Monday
FULTON COUNTY – Former President Donald Trump is promising to present an “irrefutable” report on Monday about the alleged election fraud in Georgia that will result in all charges against the former president and others being dropped.

Trump made the announcement on Tuesday morning on Truth Social after he and 18 others were indicted by a grand jury late Monday evening in Fulton County.

According to the social media post, Trump is planning a new conference at 11 a.m. from Bedminster, New Jersey.

Trump says there will be “complete EXONERATION” after the report has been released.



Manual Edit Feature >>>  I’ll be tuned in Monday 11AM Bedminister time.


Can’t rule out the possibility that giving the enemy so much advance notice is to bait the enemy into ‘spending their ammunition’ on another false flag (never mind the enemy’s infinite ammo supply, Q never addressed that).

If so, that would cause a rescheduling of Show ‘N Tell for a later date.

As has been the case with every single other ‘promise’ (by anyone) to spill the beans (on anyone) since, oh, I don’t know, at least 2016.

Remember Lucy…

She’s always right there! 😂

comment image


If it’s really possible to switch off the internet that’s when they’ll try it, whether it looks bad on them or not, they won’t care.


“This IS the show. He could NOT just present the evidence, normies coupled with the MSM would have not believed, censored, or turned away.”


Why would they believe now, or after DJT lays all the evidence out on Monday?

Belief beats evidence (and certainly beats logical argumentation) 9 times out of 10. It’s probably more like 9.9 times out of 10.

Is Rachel Madcow suddenly going to believe DJT is innocent and the Dims are evil personified, by noon on Monday?

Will any of her viewers?

Or will she and her viewers continue to believe what they’ve always believed, no matter what DJT says or brings to show ‘n tell?

But for sake of argument, suppose they do.

Suppose every democrat voter in the country suddenly wakes up and realizes that their entire life up to that moment was a sham, that everything they have ever believed was a lie, and Saint Barry of Bathhouse is behind it all, along with Slimy Georgie and all their other super villains.

Then what?

The DoJ and the FIB and the DHS and the See-I-A aren’t going to arrest and prosecute themselves.

The generals and admirals are not going to arrest and prosecute themselves.

What good is it to convince everyone, if there is no means to arrest and convict the criminals?

Unless the military really is working with DJT, and could have stopped everything at any time they wanted to.

But that means they intentionally chose to let 230+ million Americans get shot up with death vaxx.

Like an FIB sting on a Pedo gang rape, with hidden cameras and microphones, and the FIB sits in the parking lot, waiting until every last member of the gang rapes the child, and then murders the child, before FIB bursts through the door.

In which case they got the bad guys all right.

Too bad for the kid.

Those FIB agents are real heroes.

Commendations all around.


Well then eore, er Scott, I guess in your world there is NO hope for us. Evil via the stupid wins. In mine, people who are complacent get shook awake and DEMAND action. I sure hope I am right. It’s a good thing people took action in 1776 and did not stay asleep or apathetic. Remember 1776 took years, decades really to percolate and finnall6boil over. There were loyalists then. Thankfully 3% woke up and took action


A MUST Watch, carried forward from yesterday. ht Razor.

There IS ZERO reason to NOT immediately start impeachment against Briben, Garland AND Wray.

  • Bullshit “politics” is NOT a reason. <<< Stoopid logic on steroids.

The Uniparty Congress (Kevin is Uniparty, as are MOST GOP members) is NOT going

to impeach anyone.


What a cheerful note.  😫 


Truth is like that these days.


If they Impeach him, they recognize him as the legitimate (p)Resident.
He can’t win re-election….
so let the Dims use the 25th amendment to remove him.
something to consider?


NOPE. >>> Impeach the bastards. <<<

Politics AND failure to live the Oath(s) got us into this ongoing disaster.


The Dims and RINO’s in the SINate won’t convict anyway


True. CREATE THE NARRATIVE. rCONS MUST get on the offensive AND STAY on the Offensive. OR, rCONS can continue to play, Barney Fife. charitable comparison.


hahah liberal brains would explode trying to process that


True. They won’t impeach any time soon. Kevin and GOP are the enemy.

IF any of the rCONS were “friendlies”, they’d be demanding ACTION, Impeachment, EVERYDAY.

They do NOTHING. They are, also, the enemy.


BREAKING NEWS: Another PILOT has died inflight!!

Aug.16, 2023 – Quatar Airways QR579 (DEL-DOH) Delhi to Doha, Quatar diverted to Dubai as 51 year old senior pilot collapsed inflight and died!

2nd pilot death & 4th collapse THIS WEEK!

Aug.14, 2023 – LATAM Flight LA505 (MIA-SCL) pilot died

Aug.9, 2023 – United Airlines UAL1309 (SRQ-EWR) pilot collapsed

Aug.7, 2023 – TigerAIR Flight IT237 (CTS-TPE) pilot collapsed

Article link in photo to avoid shadowban, just re-type URL into your browser. I keep a track of all pilot incapacitations in the past 6 months.

pat frederick

well of course. how else will they convince millions of people they SHOULDN’T travel anymore?


SAD. Just SAD. <<< Splains it all. Airlines have no clue. Quacks mystified.

Normal folks know, the Jab done it.


May the deceased rest in eternal Peace, and may their families somehow find comfort.



I wonder if the pilots are even smart enough to recognize what’s happening and figure out why.

Anyone who drives a flying bus through the sky ought to at least be smarter than the average bear.


if I was a pilot, athlete or entertainer I’d be very worried. Those groups seem to have a lot of sudden death or sudden medical emergencies


makes me wonder if there aren’t a lot of the same with military guys but not reported


Or a lot of people everywhere who aren’t being reported.

Pilots who die suddenly in mid-flight make the news.

Athletes who die suddenly in front of thousands of fans make the news.

Celebrities who die (any which way) make the news.

But you or me or anyone else who isn’t in the public eye?

Not so much.

Not so much at all .

Millions upon millions of regular people all over the country could ‘pass away’ in seemingly unrelated ‘died suddenly’ events, and the only public notice would be in the Obituary section of the local newspaper 😉


Military aircraft commonly fall out of the sky or collide.

UNLESS the aircraft Is In Combat role, always, “training”.

  • Really only two choices. Combat or training.
  • Then they’ll state, ongoing investigation.
  • Never, or at least very rarely, mentioned again.

I wonder what the probabilities of another Hamlin incident are in the NFL? We are now a couple of years removed from the vaccine mandates. If there is a significant half-life of 5 years for vaccine-generated mortality there should be evidence this year in college and pro football. The cardio demands on these athletes is significant,


IF they are dumb enough to take the Bivalent or Trivalent, odds greater.


We’ll see if he has any support for this.


Smart politicians would jump on it in order to attract MAGA voters.

For re-election.


I’ve seen a number of articles about squatters lately, and how the law protects them. I don’t understand why they are allowed to take over someone else’s property and claim it as their own, because that’s exactly what lowlifes and criminals will do, given the opportunity.

Homeowner arrested after trying to evict squatters from his own property: ‘Walked in on weapons, a prostitute, a bunch of dogs’


Should have bear sprayed the lot of ’em and then called paramedics to transport ’em to the ER.


I like it, but the law protects the squatters and I think you’d end up in jail. 🐻


Self-defense. They had weapons. Bear spray ain’t lethal – just feelz like it.


Lindell’s election plan being revealed in 30min:
Watch Lindell-TV Live 24/7 – FrankSpeech


Thanks for the reminder. I can’t get past the pop-up box on FrankSpeech. Here is the RSBN link:


He appears to have some kind of mechanism that detects devices that are connected to the internet. It captured all the info of the devices in the presentation room, then they filtered the data by deleting the cell phones and drilled it down to other devices, I think.

They’re working to get these in use in elections coming up this fall.

It shows the IP address, its name on the internet, and other information. It can catch people who are lying and saying they’re not connected to the internet.

It works in real time and can send out texts reporting when a new device goes online (alerting people about misrepresentations and cheating).

There appears to be a lot more…


Lindell says that with the FrankSocial app people will be able to see what’s going on in real time and can police their own elections.

pat frederick

interesting. no need to involve legislatures and unresponsive representatives.


…unresponsive courts…unresponsive election officials… unresponsive DOJ… unresponsive FIB…

Will listen to the Lindell presentation later today.


Yes. Lindell named the avenues he and many others have already tried, with mixed results. Some states have changed their voting laws, but IMO it’s not nearly enough. Lindell emphasized that now people can sit at home and monitor and report from there.


Mike Lindell is relentless, and fearless, two of my favorite characteristics in a person.


Suppose Lindell’s scheme and equipment works perfectly on election day.

Then what?

What judge is going to grant him ‘standing’?

What judge would even be allowed to grant him standing, before getting the Scalia treatment?

Pretend like we’re in Stalin’s Soviet Union (because we are).

Now imagine Lindell’s plan (whatever it is) being implemented in Stalin’s Soviet Union.

Would it work?

Would Stalin and his people allow it to succeed?

Or can the scheme succeed regardless of Stalin and the efforts of the entire USSR military and intelligence apparatus to stop it?

Because that’s the test.


Relying on courts. Hell courts are the weakest link…primary point of failure.

  :wpds_arrow:  Pretty sure we learned that before AND after November 3.


How is this not justification for the population of the entire earth to eradicate the source of this war on humanity?


It is justification. The first volley needs to be executed . It’s a genocide roulette wheel but all the players that could do something are part of the ones committing the atrocity so…the survivors of the scheme need to unite.
If we don’t “they” will just keep on with the purge

Maybe as the death count rises there will be a mass uprising

Barb Meier

Ground report from a veteran friend:

On August 8th many residents of Lahaina, Hawaii were incinerated in what appears to have been a directed energy weapon attack on the town. No one is talking, the town is closed off and shrouded from view and the death toll keeps rising. Estimates of child deaths range in the hundreds with total dead possibly as high as 1000.  There’s a big story here, but like so many wicked events going on around us today all the public hears are crickets. Pray for the dead, especially the children, and the survivors of this mass homicide.

The above [below] audio interview by Dave Hodges on his ‘Common Sense’ Internet show is with a former Marine turned pastor who appears to know what he is talking about. Listen to his theory as he explains what he believes was a Chinese attack.


 “I know there is a God because in Rwanda I shook hands with the devil. I have seen him, I have smelled him, and I have touched him. I know the devil exists and therefore I know there is a God. Roméo Dallaire


Heard that yesterday, very heartbreaking and infuriating

Barb Meier

I just finished listening. Jamie Walden brought a lot of sauce. He’s on youtube and there’s another video from 2 days ago I want to watch.


25+ minutes in listening to Walden.

Barking Sands Missile Test Range is on Kauai – NOT Maui.

He may be spot on, but I am struggling with his credibility – hype.

Smells of click bait. Moving on.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe he was thinking Barkey’s Sands 😀

Barb Meier

thank you, kalbo!! I’ll let my friend know…

Barb Meier

Kalbo, I decided to see if Walden’s other statistics also were off. At 7:20, he mentions Barking but says it is on the Hawaiian Islands, not Maui. I also didn’t find him mentioning Barking being on Maui at or shortly after 25+ minutes. Perhaps it is later than I listened.


Thanks. Durn. I took it out of context. I need to pay better attention. Thanks again.

Barb Meier

You’re welcome, kalbo. You guys understand all this much better than I do. I did consolidate PMO reports and frequently saw abbreviations for all the AF bases, but he’s talking more about Navy and other orgs. He’s talking asymetric warfare, unrestricted warfare, encircling the US, and the 2019 agreement between Trudeau and China to let the PLA have a base near Vancouver. I hope they don’t mess with those beautiful swans… LOL

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“he mentions Barking but says it is on the Hawaiian Islands, not Maui.”

As written this makes no sense. Maui is one of the Hawaiian Islands.


I took it to mean, “He says it is on the Hawaiian Islands but didn’t specify Maui.”

Barb Meier

Yes, thanks for the clarification Steve and TT! I’m listening again and checking his facts because they were dropped so quickly. I wanted to make sure because he’s talking about a number of steps China would take to soften the US before WWIIII. If they reduce population on Maui, that may impact the Space Surveillance Complex capabiities, and so on.

Barb Meier

It would not let me remove the exta I in WWIIII and it gave me the red message that I’m posting too fast. Could edit but not resave. sigh…


I have no insights into the actual capabilities and limitations of the Space Surveillance Complex on Maui. Hell, I didn’t know it existed until today.

Fundamentally, slow guy perspective…

  • Take out the Space Surveillance Complex. Complex IS unique.
  • Extended time to replace a specialized complex. Logistics – time, distance, material, equipment & expertise to build, align, calibrate…
  • People can always be brought in, trained…

Interesting. ht SD
Japan Exports Fall in July, Driven by 14.3% Decline in Shipments to China

Some economic data released by the land of the rising sun points to a larger global weakness in manufacturing demand.  Within the data year-over-year exports from Japan fell in July by 0.3%, which is the first time since 2021 the contraction was noted.



Just started, and no audio, is that happening to everyone ?


My mistake ignore please.


How the HELL does this continue? It’s barbaric, against everything any man or woman fought for this country.
These self righteous hypocrites acting like Russia is the boogeyman when they have political prisoners being treated the same as any gulag ever written about.
RCon bastids do nothing but grandstand and hold their hand out for a check.

This torture is taking place in America today.

Where is the Republican Party?

Where is the ACLU, Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch?

Please contact these organizations here:


PURE corruption = rCONS, ACLU, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch…


For that matter, where is anybody…Dem or R ? if it was a dog in cage like that there would be committees, panels, investigations..but if it’s Asange or people at J6…they see nothing. They feel nothing


Sure would like to know who took those pics.


The AMA is upping the ante regarding their decision to go after medical doctors who are are telling the truth about COVID-19 and the COVID-19 “vaccines” —
August 15, 2023
“Communication of COVID-19 Misinformation on Social Media by Physicians in the US”


It must be near time for doctors telling the truth about Covid, Covid Injections, Remdisivir, Ivermectin, HCQ, etc. to take the AMA to court. Sue the hell out of AMA.

IF the AMA is NOT throttled big time, we are screwed in Plandemic 2.0.

Hell, I’d gladly send truth speaking docs, (FLCCC, Kori, Malone… a check, if they would go on the offense.

In the mean time, maintaining my stocks, plus up some items, and figuring what else to stockpile.


Agree 100% on all the above.


It just gets more and more ridiculous…

From OT:

Chairman Comer Reveals Joe Biden Pseudonym “Robert L. Peters” Used During Business Emails Selling Govt Influence
August 17, 2023

SD: Perhaps the mysterious “Peter the pedo” from the Hunter Biden laptop has just been discovered, as House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer reveals the committee discovery of a pseudonym used by Joe Biden during emails with his son and business partners. [HOC Link Here]

Chairman Comer is now writing a strongly worded letter to the National Archives and Records Administration, tracing the documents backward, and asking NARA to provide unredacted copies of official government records from the office of the former Vice President.With Robert L Peters defined as the secret pen name for Joe Biden, apparently Comer is hot on the trail.”

[more at title link above]


Just imagine the kind of fun a legitimate press corpse could have with this, at the next Brandon spotting 😂

“Mr. Peters, can you comment on the tragedy in Hawaii?” 🤣


I feel assured Comer is fighting the good fight. “…writing a strongly worded letter…

Yea. That’ll send shivers through Briben Crime family, AND the federal bureaucracy.

Comer and the rCONS no idea what Action or accountability is. Good talkers though.


Yeah, the strongly worded letter inspires a lot of confidence 😂


If we are hoping to convince normies of the righteousness of our cause, we better dot every i and cross every t, which includes writing letters.


OK, But, Begin impeachment. There IS More Than Enough To Impeach.


comment image


Well, he was defrauded, so couldn’t he SUE the state?


No Standing. /s


My thought exactly.


why am I just hearing this now 3 years later?

She had/has the platform, then and now, to shout her example, but never did, or did I miss it?


I think I would need to hear from a real scientist about some of those claims, but it was food for thought.


What’s the Frequency, Kenneth?


Spot on messaging!


She hit on something that I always wonder about regarding contributing after disasters. She said the money people send isn’t going to help the victims. It’s hard to know how to help.

She said a lot of things that I haven’t heard elsewhere.


As for me.

Donations to locals. Perhaps look through GiveSendGo. Which one, dunno. There are several.

Never Red Cross, or any national, even state organization. Except GiveSendGo.

Canadian Truckers are the last donation thing I sent money to a couple times. We all know it failed.

  • BUT, GiveSendGo refunded all donations, marked for Canadian Truckers.

Mercury One is Glenn Beck’s help org. Donations to it will go to the victims.


I keep thinking about who is in charge and what their mindset is. A lot of places have mind-numbed, indoctrinated globalists who have zero common sense. Some are grossly incompetent and don’t seem able to think. The chances of having those people in charge are much greater in a blue state or city.


Just look at that arrogant POS in the red shirt, interrupting the questioner.

I’d have shouted his ass down until I was dragged out of the press conference by his goon squad.



Then he says “Come up here.”

Accept that invitation and jump RIGHT in his FACE.

Throw down RIGHT THERE on national television.

#*&^ing POS.


So if M. Kaleo Manuel is on fire, does he follow the same water philosophy?


LOL, where is her shirt ? It was so distracting I couldn’t listen  😄 


WGTTs don’t need sound.


WGTT ?…I’m working on it..give me a clue …something tatas ?


Weapons Grade Tatas…




Irs and guns dont mix…esp Bite me’s irs.


Tragic. There is news today of the FBI shooting and killing another person, and they aren’t giving out any details.


“Training” with live ammunition at a correctional facility. NOT a damn range.

Can’t fix IRS. Can’t fix stoopid. (Repeating myself.)  🙃 


I was thinking about all the “new” trainees nd all the ammo theyve bought. Not to mention was it the atf photo w the guy pointing the rifle directly at himself under supervision?




Yeah, that’s reassuring a) that IRS agents are arms training FOR the job and b) so inept that they kill someone accidentally.
I’m old enough to remember only fearing what kind of dirt they could scratch up on my I worry that their “field” agents are armed and dangerous


Yep. Its certainly not “the govt is here to help!”
No thanks!!😬😬😬


comment image


Maybe they can sell it back to James O’Keefe for $1.


Wonder how many of them stabbed James in the back.

The good ones should have reached out to OMG, early on.


This can’t be a surprising development.

If the board was infiltrated by people to eliminate James, their mission is accomplished.

They didn’t sign up to carry on the search for truth without him.


 ☝  yep


guess they weren’t interested in exposing truth. They were only interested in getting rid of James o


James IS WAS Project Veritas.

Posted numerous times after PV Board went after James.

No surprise PV is going under.

Betcha the head shed and Board have their bonuses secured.


Wonder what James will have to say.


Maybe some justice is being done.

Canadian Woman Who Sent Ricin Letter to Trump Sentenced to 22 Years in Prison

The Canadian woman who sent a letter containing ricin to the Trump White House and 8 Texas officials in September 2020, was sentenced to 21.8 years in prison.

Pascale Cecile Veronique Ferrier, a dual citizen of Canada and France, referred to Trump as an “ugly tyrant clown” in the letter which contained ricin.

“You ruin USA and lead them to disaster. I have US cousins, then I don’t want the next 4 years with you as President,” she wrote.

Ferrier was arrested at the US-Canada border crossing in Buffalo, New York in September 2020 after admitting to agents she was wanted by the FBI for sending Trump the poison letter.

“The ricin I made didn’t have a harmful concentration. It was just a strong warning. I did not target innocent people. It was never my attention to harm innocent people, and in fact I did not harm anyone,” Ferrier said, according to NBC News. She added that her “only regret” is that Trump didn’t heed her warning “and I couldn’t stop Trump before he put in action his plans to try to stay in power.”

And yet NBC reported this:

“The hand-written letters mailed from Canada with the ricin toxin each referred to a ‘special gift’ for the recipient, which was described as being ‘in this letter.’ Each letter stated that if the special gift doesn’t ‘work,’ then the defendant would ‘find a better recipe for another poison,’” prosecutors said in their pre-sentencing report.


She sounds wicked-smart.

Could have sent the same message, with a much reduced chance for jail time, if instead she took a half teaspoon of rice, put it on a piece of paper, folded the paper a few times so the rice wouldn’t fall out, and then wrote “IN” on the outside of the paper 😉


NEWT GINGRICH: I Am Told Someone From DC Called Fani Willis on Friday and Demanded She Indict Trump on Monday to Cover Up Weiss “Screw Up” (VIDEO)

Newt Gingrich said the person who called Fani Willis demanded she bring the grand jurors in on Monday afternoon and indict Trump later that evening.

“I am told by a reliable source that Friday evening that somebody from Washington called the District Attorney from Atlanta and said ‘you have to indict on Monday – we have to cover up all the mistakes we just made with Weiss,’ and she said apparently, ‘my jurors aren’t coming back until Tuesday,’ and they said ‘you didn’t hear me, you have to indict on Monday,’ and she said, ‘They’re not going to be here before noon…this means it’s going to be 8 or 9 or 10 o’clock at night!’” Newt told Charlie Kirk.

Charlie Kirk asked Newt Gingrich who made the phone call to Fani Willis.

“We don’t know,” Newt Gingrich said. “And I’m telling you upfront, this is hearsay, but it’s from a person who has remarkably good sources.”

“I totally believe it though because that would explain why they leaked and they messed up on the clerk documents, why [Fani Willis] was exhausted and why they had the 11 pm press conference!” Charlie Kirk said.


Trump cancels press conference intended to dispute Georgia election interference charges

Former President Donald Trump’s press conference previously scheduled for Mondayregarding Georgia’s 2020 election results — in which he was expected to provide more unproven claims about voter fraud — is now canceled.

Trump posted on his Truth Social platform Thursday that the press conference was canceled because his lawyers would prefer putting his allegations “in formal Legal Filings.”

In his Truth Social post Thursday, he wrote, “Rather than releasing the Report on the Rigged & Stolen Georgia 2020 Presidential Election on Monday, my lawyers would prefer putting this, I believe, Irrefutable & Overwhelming evidence of Election Fraud & Irregularities in formal Legal Filings as we fight to dismiss this disgraceful Indictment.”

“Therefore, the News Conference is no longer necessary!” he wrote.

I had wondered about this. It seems he would giving away a defense strategy if he revealed evidence of election fraud to the general public. He’s keeping his powder dry.


Wow, that was fast!

I just commented on the likelihood of a delay mere minutes ago 😂


I hadn’t seen your comment. 😊


I didn’t know about the delay when I posted!

I was just prognosticating, based on the Lucille Inevitability Principle 😁


Lucille is consistent.   :wpds_smile: 


That’s why I rarely forward any information to normies about supposed ‘developments’ anymore.

Unless I’m just destroying my credibility as a new hobby, what’s the point?

Every time, I get rug-pulled by the ‘good guys’.

I’ve effectively ‘cried wolf’ to the normies so many times already, even I don’t believe myself anymore 😂


From OT:
President Trump Discusses the Georgia Case and the State of the Economy With Larry Kudlow
August 17, 2023

SD: “President Trump sat down for an extensive interview with former National Economic Council Chairman Larry Kudlow from Fox Business News. {Direct Rumble Link}

Within the interview President Trump first starts talking about the Fulton County, Georgia, prosecution by Fani Willis, then shifts to discuss the current state of the economy and the outcomes of Bidenomics.”


Just finished part 1. Excellent interview. On to part 2.


AMA, the assholes wanting to take away medical licenses and certificates from doctors speaking truths about Covid, Covid Injections, Remdisivir, Paxlovid, HCQ, IVM.

  • Calling them misinformation.

American Medical Association Suggests Taxpayers Fund $300K Uterus Transplants For Trans Women

Lunatics are running the AMA


  :wpds_wink:  OMG insanity. The miracle of conception adulterated by demons, should be super


If I’m ever within earshot of these conversations, I’ll be sounding off.


At some point, we may have to come to terms with the reality that we’re being pranked by super villains… 😂


No surprise…
Maui’s Emergency Services Director Resigns After Failing To Activate Warning Sirens During Fires

Guvner, mayor and water services fool should resign.


Yeah, they had to force the clown out. Imagine his shock when he was tossed to the lions.

Cuppa Covfefe

Imagine his shock when the lions get to him….

He’s a lyin’ SOB himself, as are his colleagues and Crazy Maisie and all the GEBs…