Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.
This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:
Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:
“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”
“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”
If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:
- Our backup site, The Q Tree 579486807,
- Our old alternative site, The U Tree, where civility is not a requirement
- Our Gab Group, which is located at
- Our various sister sites, listed in the Blogroll in the sidebar
Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.
We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.
Joe Biden didn’t win.
And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Word of The Week:
- Lacking energy or disinclined to exert effort; lethargic.
- Characterized by a lack of energy or interest.
- Having no desire or inclination; indifferent; heedless; spiritless.
Surprising etymology
From Middle English lystles, equivalent to list (“desire”) + -less. Compare German lustlos and Dutch lusteloos (“lethargic, listless”). Doublet of lustless.
Used in a sentence
“….because if you’re not rooted in principle – ah – if all we are is listless vessels that’s just supposed to follow – you know – whatever happens to come down the pike on Truth Social every morning – that’s not going to be a durable movement.”
Used in a tweet
Compared to the word “deplorable”
Note how the reference to “Truth Social” was skillfully removed in Community Notes to make sure that DeSantis’ meaning was portrayed as “not about Trump” – when it clearly was. What the heck is happening at “X”?
Nothing that a bit of music can’t help us get through!
How about some vocal and orchestral epic?
Heck – let’s try some orchestral Western, too!
And maybe a string quartet, Bluegrass-style?
No breathers allowed in local politics.
Fortunately, there’s still time for a brief stop in here.
What’s shocking is how much national politics filters down into state and local politics. People are worried about big national ideological issues causing friction at our level. Sometimes the friction is there – sometimes it’s not. Sometimes it’s an inch away from all hell breaking loose. But this is where the reality happens, and trying to solve that reality for the best effect is HARD.
I must thank DePat, Steve, Carl and TradeBait for carrying the weight of authorship, and everybody else for bringing the news. God bless you good folks for what you’re doing. Your carrying the load is helping me carry the message.


Thanks for all you are doing, Wolf Moon! It was so good to see you here on Sunday. Be sure to take care of yourself especially while you are extra busy!!
Thank you! Will do! And great to see you, too. I tell you – I realize now how precious my time on this site really is. This is an “anti-brainwash” site par excellence. Too long away from it, and I can lose focus badly.
Plus, there are some seriously funny people on here and laughter is ESSENTIAL!
stay safe, stay low, and stay in touch when you can!
you’re in my prayers!
(i think my first comment went into lalaland cuz it’s Monday and I can’t spell my own name before coffee. please discard…lol)
Thank you, Pat!!!
The Bluegrass video is amazing. They make me nervous on the railroad tracks, though.
First time I saw that band, I was – WOW. Yeah. RR tracks are always a bit eerie!
Maybe they know how deep the river is when they have to jump in.
“I have seen slower people than I am and more deliberate… and even quieter, and more listless, and lazier people than I am. But they were dead.”
— Mark Twain
LMAO!!! LOOOOOOOOOL! That boy was good, wasn’t he?
He certainly had a way with words!
What’s up with “Aida”? Is that as liberal as Alan Alda? Maybe close?
I wondered about that, too. There is the opera of that name, but maybe Trump is just calling him a girl — ?
It could even be worse – the Tennessee plantation version!!!
Speaking of Aida, maybe VSGPDJT was thinking of this performance
Sir Thomas Beecham was conducting a performance of “Aida”, complete with the full complement of animals, etc. The performance, sad to say, was somewhat less than stellar.
After a while, one of the elephants could no longer, erm, contain himself, so he let loose with “his business” on the stage/grounds.
Beecham (stage-)whispered to the orchestra, “By my word, gentlemen, a critic”…
(from “Musicdotes,” by Scott Beach)…
(great book, if you can find it)
“Debates,” plural. Looks as if he has decided not to participate in any of them.
The woman on the left looks too nice and too normal to be a leftist.
Yeah, but she’s a dude!
Can’t be. Her feet aren’t spread apart like a guy’s.
Post-surgical. No balls to make room for!
probably in his boyfriend’s fridge at the moment
Alongside Moochelle’s…
I heard (anonymous sources) that mooch uses them as a pillow
The world is his, erm, mountain oyster….
Not gonna happen, of course…
AMEN! Too true!
I really hope he doesn’t choose any of those losers. He would always have to watch his back.
Same here! IMO they don’t deserve nothing but scorn and not any recognition, let alone a prestigious position.
My prediction is Kristi Noem.
How to screw up a well run state – pluck its shining stars.
For example – Sarah Palin.
Robinson NC or Kari.
I think Kari.
Would agree. Trump already has Florida so no extra electoral votes. AZ is contested so Kari is a good choice. Babbitt could bring many more electoral votes but it’s still questionable that she can carry NY by just being on the ticket.
Kari also makes a good media person for Trump if not VP.
I’m not really expressing a preference, just who I think he will pick. He won’t choose Kari, in my opinion, but I could be wrong.
if they can prove election fraud, she may be able to bring her case again???
she would be invaluable as governor.
No Judas need apply!
They tried to get fancy and not use the word “hang”.
“Dans ce pays-ci, il est bon de tuer de temps en temps un amiral pour encourager les autres.” (“In this country, it is wise to kill an admiral from time to time so to encourage the others.”)
Citizen Free Press:
That guy is just the best!
Chavez Ravine and the Los Angeles river probably now have water in them again…
According to Joe Bastardi, the last time a storm like this hit SoCal (in particular LA) was in 1976. I was living there then, and it was sloppy-and-a-half. Mudslides everywhere.
The media seem to think the last one was in the 1930s…
Fortunately one of my roommates had a Toyota Landcruiser (back when they weren’t yuppiefied and actually were like the old Jeeps), and we’d go around the traffic jams by going up on the hills, etc. Amazed we didn’t get any tickets (and that we survived)…
Hope and pray everyone’s OK, and that Gil00 and family are doing well and she’s on the mend!
1980-81. Sepulveda Basin [behind the dam] in the SF Valley was under three feet of water for 4-6 weeks.
Wow. I was back up north in the Bay Area then. Took a trip up to the Redwoods in 1982 or so, and the river was almost up to the road! Rains and floods and Gore-Bull something, oh my! … another time I was visiting me Mum in Milpitas and it was raining and flooding, and the water was actually coming UP through 237 like micro geysers (old fail-fuls). Fortunate that the freeway didn’t get ruined, but the Calamity Jane’s restaurant at the foot of Dixon Landing Road (or maybe it was the 237/17 interchange) suffered a calamity, and closed. Later on they rebuilt that intersection, so the entire property went away… used to have a lot of going away parties there (people were always switching companies to get obscene raises
), that time the restaurant itself decided to go away…
Had a thunderstorm up there (IIRC Ferndale) and a bolt hit (and smoked) a tree across the way in the middle of the night. Practically knocked me out of bed – I thought my car had been hit and gone up

Seems everything, including weather, runs in cycles… fancy that… but the DEMONRATS and the Climasstrologists don’t know and are paid to not care…
Seems pretty straightforward and obvious…..
Yuck! How unseemly! Glad such things don’t go on in the White House!
Yep. Blue shirt instead of a blue dress
New Schlichter —
Has some funny bits, like “Garden-State Lizzo”, but it’s getting really painful when he can see no flaw in RDS.
I have so little interest in the debate that I don’t even know how many people qualified. I’m not sure how normies view DeSantis, but I don’t see him as the guy everyone thinks they have to take down. I don’t see him as a threat to Trump or anyone.
Kurt is trying to play both sides of the fence, so he can support Trump (i.e continue the grift) when he is the inevitable nominee. Evidenced by the first line of the article:
“Let us assume that Donald Trump takes my advice and makes the smart strategic choice – because Trump is known for always making the smart strategic choice just like Hunter Biden is known for his sobriety – of not attending the debate.”
‘See, I, the great Kurt Schlichter, advised Trump not to do the debate. Look how great that was!’
Kurt is a phony. I wish he wasn’t, because he is funny as hell, but he’s just another grifter.
Sadly, you’re right.
Sometimes it sucks to be right.
Born in Cincinnati Ohio, his family moved to Kalifornistan (San Mateo, in the SF Gay Area) when he was six. So he’s a Kalifornia Konservative, now based out of LA. Sort of another McCarthy type, I guess….
I have to wonder just how much pressure is being put on all these different people all over the world to compromise them…
I wonder that, too.
Count me in!
Me too, I am in. Never complied with the first one not going to start now.
Oh, me for sure. Just like last time.
Lots of info here. Beyond my pay grade…
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Utilizes Nucleoside-Modified Messenger RNA (modRNA) Technology not mRNA, Pfizer Documents Reveal
More at the link, including:
Assuming it is true, which with Renz releasing it most likely is, this is incredibly damning. This has “intent” written all over it. Hybrid, which means designed, produced and distributed as tailored to an intended purpose. With full backing and funding coming from the federal government, CDC, AMA, etc.
The product of which has since been proven it does not do the publicly stated purpose.
So I guess they hide behind, “Oopsie, we tried. We have immunity according to the government.”
We knew this long ago and we continue to see the evidence piling up while Satan’s disciples are still killing people with impunity.
Even if it worked for the stated purpose, which we all know it does not since it does not prevent you from receiving or transmitting the disease, regardless of the proven side effects causing death and injury; there is no way on God’s green earth that these vials were transported and maintained in accordance with the instructions that follow.
I mean we are talking Wally World and grocery store idgits dishing these clot/depop shots out like candy.
“Frozen Vials Prior to Use
Cartons of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine multiple dose vials with purple caps arrive in thermal containers with dry ice. Once received, remove the vial cartons immediately from the thermal container and preferably store in an ultra-low temperature freezer between -90ºC to -60ºC (-130ºF to -76ºF) until the expiry date printed on the label. This information in the package insert supersedes the storage conditions printed on the vial cartons.”
Further into the text…
“If not stored between -90ºC to -60ºC (-130ºF to -76ºF), vials may be stored at -25°C to -15°C (-13°F to 5°F) for up to 2 weeks. Vials must be kept frozen and protected from light until ready to use. Vials stored at -25°C to -15°C (-13°F to 5°F) for up to 2 weeks may be returned one time to the recommended storage condition of -90ºC to -60ºC (-130ºF to -76ºF). Total cumulative time the vials are stored at -25°C to -15°C (-13°F to 5°F) should be tracked and should not exceed 2 weeks.
If an ultra-low temperature freezer is not available, the thermal container in which the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine arrives may be used as temporary storage when consistently re-filled to the top of the container with dry ice. Refer to the re-icing guidelines packed in the original thermal container for instructions regarding the use of the thermal container for temporary storage. The thermal container maintains a temperature range of -90ºC to -60ºC (-130ºF to -76ºF). Storage of the vials between -96°C to -60°C (-141°F to -76°F) is not considered an excursion from the recommended storage condition.
Transportation of Frozen Vials
If local redistribution is needed and full cartons containing vials cannot be transported at -90°C to -60°C (-130°F to -76°F), vials may be transported at -25°C to -15°C (-13°F to 5°F). Any hours used for transport at -25°C to -15°C (-13°F to 5°F) count against the 2-week limit for storage at -25°C to -15°C (-13°F to 5°F). Frozen vials transported at -25°C to -15°C (-13°F to 5°F) may be returned one time to the recommended storage condition of -90ºC to -60ºC (-130ºF to -76ºF).
Thawed Vials Before Dilution
Thawed Under Refrigeration
Thaw and then store undiluted vials in the refrigerator [2ºC to 8ºC (35ºF to 46ºF)] for up to 1 month. A carton of 25 vials or 195 vials may take up to 2 or 3 hours, respectively, to thaw in the refrigerator, whereas a fewer number of vials will thaw in less time.
Thawed at Room Temperature
For immediate use, thaw undiluted vials at room temperature [up to 25ºC (77ºF)] for 30 minutes. Thawed vials can be handled in room light conditions. Vials must reach room temperature before dilution.
Undiluted vials may be stored at room temperature for no more than 2 hours.
Transportation of Thawed Vials
Available data support transportation of one or more thawed vials at 2°C to 8°C (35°F to 46°F) for up to 48 hours.”
Trust science? Trust government?
If you knew the above in advance alone, never mind that it changes the DNA and brutally kills you, who in their right mind does it? “Yeah, shoot some of that shiz into me, my doc says it will help.” All of the media and medical community sold it and made patients feel guilty for not doing their part “to stop the spread”.
I am so glad Wolf provided this place where truth is presented for consideration. The Lord will bless you richly, our friend.
“there is no way on God’s green earth that these vials were transported and maintained in accordance with the instructions that follow”.
They’ve dumbed down society so much that people can barely be trusted to follow the instructions on a hot cup of coffee “Careful, Hot”.
We’re doomed! 
Exactly. It is amazing how blind and dumb.
The real question is –
What bad thing(s) happen if the instructions are not followed?
People die ?
worse than what’s already programmed into the depop shots???
If the result is “the shot may not work as intended” that may actually be a net good thing.
Hear, hear!
THANK YOU for not spelling that “Here, here!”
Got one right…I won’t let it go to my head
And it is real. Simple searches reveal the truth. Here are some links: (search modRNA in this one)
Of particular note in this one is just what the modRNA is supposed to do:
“Over the past two decades, a host of new molecular pathways have been uncovered that guide mammalian heart development and disease. The ability to genetically manipulate these pathways in vivo have largely been dependent on the generation of genetically engineered mouse model systems or the transfer of exogenous genes in a variety of DNA vectors (plasmid, adenoviral, adeno-associated viruses, antisense oligonucleotides, etc.). Recently, a new approach to manipulate the gene program of the adult mammalian heart has been reported that will quickly allow the high-efficiency expression of virtually any protein in the intact heart of mouse, rat, porcine, nonhuman primate, and human heart cells via the generation of chemically modified mRNA (modRNA). The technology platform has important implications for delineating the specific paracrine cues that drive human cardiogenesis, and the pathways that might trigger heart regeneration via the rapid generation of modRNA libraries of paracrine factors for direct in vivo administration. In addition, the strategy can be extended to a variety of other cardiovascular tissues and solid organs across multiple species, and recent improvements in the core technology have supported moving toward the first human studies of modRNA in the next 2 years. These recent advances are reviewed along with projections of the potential impact of the technology for a host of other biomedical problems in the cardiovascular system.”
People have been used as guinea pigs. Mengele would be proud.
Agreed. What I am so tired of dealing with is stupid people who keep repeating stupid things the media feeds them as if they are facts, when the truth is right in front of them..
Me, too.
Here the University had two student nurses with an cooler with covid vials giving the jab to people. Yes there will be problems.
Doesn’t the “Vax” need to be at -60°C to -80°C??? Not many coolers that can keep that temp without power…
Stumbled across this article when looking up dry ice… looks like CNET is pwned, too
Blind leading the blind… or, rather, the paid-off leading the blind…

Do not trust it. Funny when the money run out no more jabs offered and required for the University. Money and virus go hand in hand no money no covid
There’s a fellow from ModeRNA who BRAGGED about that, saying “We’ve HACKED the Human Genome”, and went on and on and on about how they were fiddling with DNA and (via)RNA, etc. This was back in the 2019 timeframe (so its on a PC I can’t get to at the moment
[getting through the TüV has prio1]) but it’s likely still out there, as people didn’t take much notice of it back then… except for us skeptics…
I recall that report from 2019. Only read it once. Often wondered if I could find it again. Words used were something like, they have and are able to manipulate the roadmap of human DNA. Or phonebook of human DNA. I need to look for it.
Was that Yuval Harari lecturing on hacking the human brain at an EPFL conference in 2019?
It was someone who worked at ModeRNA… IIRC they backpedaled from that, as if he weren’t authorized to say something like that…
It was Tal Zaks.. I posted the video below. I think it’s one of a series of TEDx talks he gave back in 2017…
Before Covid (or was it ??? [suspicious dog/cat pic goes here])…
Transporting and storing the jab juice whilst not complying with the temperature guidance may have made the stuff more dangerous.
It could also have ruined it and made it harmless, generally boiling things sterilizes them. Whilst room temperature isn’t boiling, compared to the very cold temps required it may seem so to the contents.
Optimistic jabees coult take hope from that.
Good points, including this:
These Truths
Thank you for bringing this. If confirms what was presented and discussed on this board a few days ago regarding Attorney Renz’s conclusions.
July 28, 2020
“Characterisation of the transcriptome and proteome of SARS-CoV-2 reveals a cell passage induced in-frame deletion of the furin-like cleavage site from the spike glycoprotein”
Andrew D. Davidson, et al.
Yours Truly: Here’s the salient passage from the Discussion section of the paper:
“By comparison, SARS-CoV-2 has a four amino acid insertion…in the S glycoprotein that results in the generation of a furin-like cleavage site (682RRAR685) at the S1/S2 boundary that is not present in other lineage B betacoronaviruses, including SARS-CoV and the highly related bat coronavirus RaTG13 [23.]”
Translation: It appears that a part of the boundary between the S1 and S2 glycoproteins in the SARS-CoV virus was REMOVED, and a 4 amino-acid code was INSERTED INTO this boundary to create the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus This insert, for practical purposes, will be called RRAR or PRRAR. This means that the RNA of the SARS-CoV virus spike protein became a modified RNA (modRNA) to become SARS-CoV-2.
April 27, 2021
“The furin cleavage sire in the SARs-CoV-2 spike protein is required for transmission in ferrets”
Thomas P. Peacock, et al.
From the Abstract of the paper:
“…we show that the polybasic insertion [of PRRAR] endows SARS-CoV-2 with a selective advantage in lung cells and primary human airway epithelial cells…our findings reveal that the furin cleavage site is an important determinant of SARS-CoV-2 transmission.” (bolding mine)
Translation: The RRAR (also called PRRAR) insertion into the S1/S2 boundary to that created the modifiedRNA (modRNA) spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (the COVID-19 virus) MAKES IT EASIER FOR THE VIRUS TO INFECT AND DAMAGE THE CELLS AND TISSUE OF THE HUMAN LUNGS AND AIRWAYS.
The FDA, the CDC, and any other entity / medical professional who uses ANYTHING but modRNA to describe COVID-19 or the COVID-19 “vaccines” is deliberately hiding the truth about the spike protein.
The FDA-issued Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers for BOTH the Pfizer-BioNTech AND the Moderna “Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccine” by these companies uses the term modRNA in the Description section of the fact sheets:
For the Pfizer-BioNTech “Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccine”:
For the Moderna “Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccine”:
IMO, the DIFFERENCE between the COVID-19 virus itself with the modRNA spike protein, and the COVID-19 “vaccines” with the modRNA spike protein, is that the “vaccines” have lipid nanoparticles which not only spread the virus throughout the recipient’s body — but also KEEP THE “VACCINE” ELEMENTS CIRCULATING IN THE BODY. From what one has read so far, the human body has no known way of breaking down and eliminating the ALC-0159 and ALC-0315 lipid nanoparticles in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccines”; nor of breaking down and eliminating the SM-102 lipid nanoparticle in the Moderna COVID-19 “vaccines.”
Thank you for all the analysis and info you bring. The disconnect is remarkable between scientific facts and the continued pressure from agencies to get vaxed. People aren’t getting the correct information. And even if they had it, it would need to be distilled down so non-scientists could understand it. We remark about experimentation on human beings, and it’s continuing apace.
Agreed 100% that it’s important to “break down” the sometimes very complex truth about COVID-19 and the COVID-`9 “vaccines” so the information is “user-friendly,” And not to “talk down” to people — instead, something akin to playing a beautiful recording of a Bach Two-Part Invention to someone who is just starting to learn about J.S. Bach, as opposed to a recording of “The Goldberg Variations” or the “B-Minor Mass.”
So, what can be perhaps turned into the “Bach Two-Part Invention” version from the discussions above? — IMO, here’s a try at this:
Point One: The COVID-19 virus is lab-created and has bits and pieces of viruses from the DNA of bats and other animals in it, among other ingredients — it’s not something that was found in nature.
Point Two: The COVID-19 “vaccines” have elements in them that will damage the body’s immune system, nervous system, blood vessels, lungs, and heart.
Point Three: The damage from the COVID-19 “vaccines” accumulates in the body over time.
And, to back up what one says, have one or two internet links to people like Dr. McCullough, to Steve Kirsch, etc.
Excellent summation–Thank you!
Another link to have, IMO, is to RFK Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense website. Many people would recognize the Kennedy name. Even if one doesn’t agree with his politics, he’s got solid information on the truth about the “vaccines.”
Here’s the fellow from ModeRNA (their chief scientist) giving a TED talk back in 2017… (need to look to see if there are other YTs with the talk, as I don’t read Arabic, so what the heading says is
GreekArabic to meTal Zaks: Moderna chief medical officer Hacking the software of life
I like how the illustrations in these seven classic military maneuvers show them as red versus blue, and with the side represented in red are most often the successful aggressor.
I’m thinking of the coming battles over COVID lockdown restrictions.
Two of the seven examples:
Article Source:
“What the heck is happening at “X”?”
Linda Yaccarino, the new Hitler of Twitter.
X CEO brags about ‘de-amplifying’ ‘lawful but awful’ posts to attract advertisers — says Twitter is ‘much healthier and safer’ now
Not on X. Was never on TW.
X = TW, repackaged.
X Awful Post = Never To Be Seen Post = TW Censored Post = Never To Be Seen Post.
Betcha X still has Feds (all level), State and miscellaneous politicians calling out X’s, to be marked, Awful = Never To Be Seen.
Other than words and layoffs, Nothing Has Changed at
By The Way, What Happened to FauXi’s Pronouns – Hang FauXi.
CDC, FDA, NIH or NIAHD paid Elon Millions, to scrap FauXi pronouns.
>>> Americans scammed again. <<< Courtesy of elon.
I look at YackyRINO as a plant similar to shrub senior to Reagan, and SickPence to VSGPDJT. Deep State plant to hold things back.
Similarly, I look at Prince Philip and the Mountbattys as having performed the same function against Queen Elizabeth II and the House of Windsor. The Battys had some real corkers amongst them, and Chuckles III seems to be cut of the same damaged cloth…..
All of this Twitter/X circus has feds written all over it. They were exposed and X is the rebranding with the same evil intent.
Never trusted Elon before and will never do so in the future. A total clown creation IMO.
The whole fight with zuck was just a distraction too IMO.
Agreed. Attention grabbing gimmick.
The hiring of Linda Yaccarino was a major tell. People don’t change their ideology and the way they operate except on those rare occasions when they have an epiphany and say so publicly. Usually, they double down on their agenda.
We can only come to the conclusion she was hired because of her ideology..Elon had a lot of us fooled
Bravo and thank you, Wolf Moon!
I’m MAGA and certainly not listless!
I have a list of who I’d vote for and whiny traitor Ron DeSantis ain’t on it!!!!
Neither is Pence.
MAGA slight list to Stbd

FBI hallucination

Have a look at Joe Bastardi’s Saturday Summary (if you’re not a fan of his music, you can skip to around 1:05
)… He also has a good analysis of “Hurricane” Hilary (and he’s NO fan of HELL-the-BEAST)… scroll down and click on “Saturday Summary”… good stuff…
Hey Cuppa! I love Big Joe! He’s my favorite weatherman.
Howdy GA/FL… he’s good, and he’s funny, too. I think he’s the third generation of Bastardi weathermen!
He has (or had) a “mini-subscription” but I’m not sure how much of it would cover over here…. for folks in the US, if he still has it, it’s probably well worth it… and he’s MAGA, too…
It has been a quiet hurricane season so far. We’re just starting to see some action.
I can’t see the pic so hopefully it shows here after running it through Gab
“Leaked Docs: Hunter Biden Was Involved in Trump Impeachment Over Ukraine”
I’ll bet the impeachment lawyers were trying to figure out what they could say without giving any hint as to hunters dealings over there.
It has always been about the stall and statute of limitations. Orchestrated corruption at the highest levels of the Dept. of Injustice as ordered by the puppet masters.
“7 Weeks and the Faustian Deal Hits the Table”
“There is only one deal, one specific version of agreement, that I can think of – that would generate the capital he needs. An agreement to leverage his platform along with META, Insta, Alpha/Goog, etc to influence the 2024 election. Agreeing to join that effort, more vociferously than previous, will get him the capital he needs…
…. so, watch out.”
^^^ EXACTLY. ^^^
One quibble with SD. My belief…
X (Elon) has ALREADY opted for the dark side – Join FB, YT, Google to toss 2024.
Dead give away was last week. X announced, “Awful = X’s Never To Be Seen.”
TwitterX. ^^^—
Tucker needs to get Off Twitter. <<< Income stream for Elon.
Prolly won’t happen, as Tucker is trying to establish his Brand.
But, Tucker is a better fit on Rumble.
I know things about having an unfortunate name….
An old story has the front window of a General Store in gold country emblazoned with “A. Swindler, Proprietor”.
A recent arrival thought himself to comment, “the window seems a bit off-putting — perhaps he should have used his full name.”
“No,” said the owner, “that would only have been worse. My first name is Adam.”
LOL Reminds me of some of the 3 Stooges companies, like Dewy, Cheatum, & Howe!
That’s a well-respected high-powered D.C. law firm.
On the Smothers Brothers show there was a running skit with a motorcycle cop, who’d pull folks over for speeding, etc.
As usual, he’d ask for their license, and address them by their last name.
One day, he pulls over Atilla… asks for his license…
“OK, Hun”…. (hilarity ensues… it was a looooong time ago, 60s)…
Hope it shows here after running it through Gab
He was all proud of himself for having frauded his way out of being recalled.
He never considered that being recalled was when they asked you nice and shook hands afterward. If that isn’t available, the alternatives are more brutal and vicious.
And, now, he’s trying to collapse the legitimacy of the State Assembly to match his own.
Is not going to work.
One guesses that Newscum got his “talking points” from some “relatives” (say, like one who was Speaker of the House, maybe?)
The Newscum, Brown, Piglosi, and Getty clans should be rooted out and sent to Venezuela or, say, the South Pole where they can try to count Polar Bears… (and they’re too thick to realize that Polar Bears are on the other pole
Alan Dershowitz rips into Lawrence Tribe and others for the 14th Amendment argument. Dershowitz has offered to debate Tribe about it. He says there is no way a state officer (governor, secretary of state, etc.) can unilaterally prevent someone from running — and therefore prevent the people’s voting for him/her — by removing them from the ballot. In this case, the removal would be merely because *someone* has judged Trump to have committed acts that they think should disqualify him. Dershowitz says the 14th Amendment referred to Southerners during the Civil War era.
This will be a phase we have to endure in the news cycle. The Dems and RINOs are going to throw everything they can at Trump.
How is that even legal, not that the crims care about the law?
may not be…but it will cost time and money to get it straightened out and THAT’S the point i think.
Process is the punishment >:(
In case anyone is wondering, the tree in the header is from a Vietnamese rapper.
Here’s a song —
I thought it might of been a nice Baba Yaga cottage.

But then there was this…

Not forgetting this Hillbilly Treehouse
So true
Hope it shows this way, for I couldn’t see it here…
It’s a very true view!
Here’s another short of Tucker pole vaulting over the establishment media to give America another prospective they are not getting at home. Lot of views here.
At 2:03 he his back in the car and giving a recap on his interview.
Verse of the Day for Monday, August 21, 2023
“Unto thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul.”
Psalms 25:1 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
Great work! I have never understood sharing personal data like that. In this case it probably seemed benign, but knowledge is power, and that guy gave away knowledge.
Ex-NY Gov. David Paterson warns of ‘revolt’ against federal government over migrant crisis
Leftist near blind ex gov. That has to have some leftist eyes bugging out of their sockets.
Even he can see what’s going on. Probably why they had to get rid of him when Andrew came along for his appointment as gov.
I see what you did there.
From the article:
They expect people to live up to the rhetoric. They expect them to “love” the illegals; to welcome them; to provide everything for them including housing, phones, work, college, and even voting rights. That’s all we’ve heard from the Left. No provision for logistics, no thought about cost or safety, changes to way of life, etc. Just let them all in, especially to the southern border states.
But the bigger picture is that this furthers the agenda of destroying the country and our culture. The average leftist has not connected those dots yet.
You said it all TT especially this ” .They expect people to live up to the rhetoric ” So true since they’re the ones that clap and cry about kids in cages and thugs that only need a chance and a hug…the rhetoric is theirs.
Leftists don’t believe a @*&^ thing they claim to believe, the instant they have to bear the burden or experience the consequences of their beliefs.
Because to be a Leftist is the definition of hypocrite.
And intolerance.
Well, they claim to be all about tolerance, so that too is just hypocrisy and you’re just repeating yourself.
Not that that’s a problem.
“The average leftist has not connected those dots yet.”
The average leftist presents as a degenerate who thinks he’s virtuous.
Trump Caravan Blocked in Manhattan by Three Leftists with a Sheet – Police Stand by as Traffic is Shut Down Near Trump Tower (VIDEO)
Just cops proving to the whole world that they’re crooked, as usual.
Three idiots with a sheet have no right to block traffic, and certainly are violating any number of ordinances or laws by doing so.
Lawless cops do nothing, as usual.
Unless it helps the devil.
Now that the Gov has finally spoke the mayor does. Both know Biden needs a clean crime scene before he meets with Oprah errr… the people.
He’s exactly right.
Doncha know, military is getting their woke training or nuts cut off.
“Where is the military?”
Great question.
I’ve been asking the same thing since January 20, 2021.
It’s like shouting into the Grand Canyon, the only reply is the echo of your own voice.
I was for 4 days in my special place in KY. Attended a blue grass evening . We were seated with two other couples. One young couple under 30 moved from California to Lexington KY. They looked normal Christian couple who was not ashamed to pray before dinner. Their parents are moving also for retirement. They love that they moved and like being in KY. They also liked Oliver Anthony’s songs.
Young people are waking up people are getting it.
Yay! Glad you got a vacation, too.
Yes it is nice to take a little time away to appreciative to be home.
That’s my favorite part of taking a vacation, how much it makes me like being home.
True even though one has a good carefree time. I miss my pets , my bed my home and my vegetables
Of particular interest is the link to the “Karen Kingston apology notice.” One agrees with the feeling that ** something happened ** with Ms. Kingston.
Well, the reference to her “black hat” in the first minute certainly feels like a clue.
Wackadoodle like, at the moment.
We’ll see when Karen (pun intended), truly surfaces.
We were so very lucky. Not kidding, the storm split and all the worst went around us. Pretty much stopped raining by midnight but sprinkled the rest of the night. Still all gray and wet out there. Look at all these pics in the DM. wish i could search twit to find others but wow.
Glad that you and yours are OK!
One thing about the Daily Mail is they usually have the best pictures, and lots of them. And sometimes they report stuff the local media doesn’t… same thing here, too… (although often salt and vinegar need to be applied
Yes thx. They usually do, and comprehensive. Palm springs is a mess abd gruesome was there yesterday too before the worst kicked in. Riverside abd corona got flooded, oak glen did, then l.a., ventura. Sand duegi dodged that bullet.
Sand duegi??? I’ve never been there.
Duegi Houses…
Ah. Ok. I use a stylus but have a lot of problems w the keyboard typing the next letter over. Argh. Sorry.
I was smiling when I responded. Don’t take it seriously.
Oh i know…. the inability even w the stylus to spell correctly is irritating.
Sand duegi is nearby sand doggie.
Wonder if the Bee’s articles came true…
(hoping this one doesn’t come true, though):
Gruesome Newscum probably is still saying Kalifornistan’s still in a drought…
Some sources were saying that Arizona might get a year’s worth of rain (although that probably isn’t very much) flash-flood city…..
Lol!!! Dodger stadium lots of vagrants all over. Even if it did wash stuff off, everything else floated up if its soaked long enough and oh Lord….the mud et al the
will be like scum frosting everywhere . Ewww.
“Sisters Of Perpetual Indulgence” and their demonic remains being washed away from Dodger Stadium as well…..
Storm is in nevada and montana.
Their “facts” and bias, though, leave something to be desired.
“The first tropical storm to hit Southern California in 84 years” is simply not true. There was a storm like that in 1976, one in the 1950s, IIRC.
Then they have the cheek to put all the times in ET, when Kalifornistan and the rest of the Left Coast and Baja are in the Pacific Time zone…. sigh…..
Have to say it’s a right mess… so Burning Man will probably not get lit up this year (awwww, what a shame…. not)… Hope they can get things cleaned up OK and soon…..
That’s no surprise…but then I come from one of America’s forgotten timezones. I regularly try to passively remind people on the coasts what it’s like to constantly have to convert times by giving Mountain Time.
I just think about Old Blighty…
A colleague of mine was getting ready to go to England, and asked how he should set his watch. A smarta$$ on my team (not me, for once) replied, “Back one hour, and two hundred years”…
I had meetings where my support and/or development teams were spread all over the globe (“follow the sun”, the idjiots called it). India chimed in with some zone on the half hour, Malaysia (or somewhere) didn’t observe daylight savings time, and all manner of chaos ensued.
We relied on M$ Outlook keeping the times in line. Nevertheless, there were stragglers and hagglers to those meetings, which, for some odd reason, always seemed to occur at 2:00-4:00 Germany (CET) time…

We have six timezones in the fifty states (not just four) plus three more for territories. (Puerto Rico is three hours ahead of mountain time, American Samoa is four hours behind, and Guam and the Northern Marianas Islands are 17 hours ahead.)
Thank God that you and yours were spared the worst of the storm.
Thank you, God! I’m so happy to hear that, Gil.
Glad to hear yall are okay
San diego got what we got, not awful. TJ, rosarito, baja got it bad.
SD , in daughter’s hood, was a nothingburger thankfully.
Going to work in Del Mar today she said a lot of little stuff strewn around
Yeah we had some backyard flooding a bit bc the drains didnt keep up. I kept watching the patterns all day n evening. Storm went up to TJ, then make a sharp turn toward the mountains through Idyllwild down into palm springs, while another section moved fast up to riverside/cirona/moreno valley and sat there causing flash floods. We were spared the grief.
Well, you get advance notice to fix the drains before El Nino rolls in.
Oh fixing equals replacing. Actually, if we have an extra drain put in that connects to another it will help.
Plan C. Depart CA.
(Yea, I know it takes time. Fun’n)
Just as I need to depart NV.
Yes indeedy. We have to replace a shower pan…under tile…and the shower surround…connected to the bathtub tile…connected to the vanity first. Likely redo the master. Been unused a long time knowing the cost.
Joe Bastardi says that it will be a SuperNino this year (and next year will be a Nina… watch out, Oz!!!! )….. scroll down to “Saturday Summary” and click on it, he starts at around 1:05 (he’s a fan of that music in the intro
No more nina….not again.
Sad ground report…BF was just now at Publix. A woman collapsed, no attempt to break her fall, nothing spoken. I asked about age, he said not young but not real old.
Apparently a nurse rushed to help but no pulse and the crowd was asked to leave the immediate area.
Jab I bet
Remember those vids out of China [before the pandemic] of people just dropping in the street? Lots of conservatives thought they were fake or a psyop.
What if they were real? What if those people were given a ‘vaccine’ before the pandemic, meaning that the ‘vaccine’ was already developed prior to the worldwide crisis?
The mind boggles at the idea.
Yeah, the theory is totally possible now . This was definitely real. Sudden collapse and probable death. I’m going to watch the local news
Please let us know if you learn anything else. I hope the woman survived, but it doesn’t look good. What a traumatic thing for your BF to witness.
yeah it was especially because he took 2 jabs but also has all the Fauci expose’ books , knows all the possible side effects AND had a small stroke in Jan.
He followed his Lib son’s advice against everything that we’d talked about. Hard to believe but true
He got the shots in 2021
I wish him well and hope he is taking measures to mitigate the effects.
So sorry. Will he follow some of those mitigation protocols?
LOL, you know the old saying about a lid for every pot …this pot and lid aren’t from the matching set !
Wow. Vive la difference!
..And those China sudden collapses…for all we know they got a hot hot dose and had just left the inoculation facility
In retrospect, those videos seem slapstick fake.
People are literally walking along as if they’re perfectly fine, and then instantly collapsing dead.
If it was real, at least a few of them should have experienced something closer to a Fred Sanford performance
“What if those people were given a ‘vaccine’ before the pandemic, meaning that the ‘vaccine’ was already developed prior to the worldwide crisis?”
Wouldn’t we know that by now, if so?
No way to keep a secret like that if it involved hundreds of millions of chineez.
You are failing to appreciate the ability of CCP to control their population.
But aren’t there a lot of dissidents today, just as there were during the Tiananmen Square uprising?
If any meaningful percentage of 1.4 billion people in chyna were vaxxed before the outbreak, in a world that includes the Internet and international travel, how could they keep it a secret?
Gut feeling says if this woman was “vaccinated”, the JAB was likely involved. May she survive with no major harm. It’s the “no pulse” that’s a real concern.
Is This Legal Theory Trump’s Best Chance to Beat the Prosecutors?
“Is this legal theory Trump’s best chance to beat the Prosecutors?”
I don’t think so.
This is way beyond tit-for-tat, or winning by some legal technicality or lawyer trick.
This is I will have my day in court to utterly destroy the prosecution territory, leaving the prosecution a smoking ruin, in front of the whole world, and leaving no doubt that the real criminals will soon be facing prosecution themselves.
Vivek posted a video of himself playing tennis, shirtless. Note to all the candidates: I don’t care about your physical fitness except that you be healthy enough to perform your duties. I don’t want to see you lifting weights or exercising. It just comes across as trying to show off. For women, I don’t care about your high heels either; they don’t make you tough or cute or whatever you’re trying to convey. Just talk about the issues. Most importantly, at this specific point on history’s timeline, get out of the race and support Donald Trump. Then I might begin to think you have a modicum of common sense and patriotism. But it would take time for you to prove that.
Way too cutesy. That’s not debate prep; that’s “Look at me! I’m so young and fit.”
agree wholeheartedly.
you parrot America First policies–President Trump’s policies since the beginning–when it suits your audience. but we’d have to be NUTS not to let our real President FINISH what he started!!
this is President Trump’s Party.
get behind him OR GET OUT OF HIS WAY!
Yep x 10000
Man, is that cringe-worthy.
A) it’s tennis… might as well be John Kerry dressed like Captain Stubing and windsurfing
B) that ball is coming in at around 10mph, and he’s hitting it back as hard as he possibly can. Notice how we NEVER hear his ‘opponent’ hit the ball? Where’s all the GRUNTING and “POP” every time his opponent hits the ball?
It’s not there, because someone is standing just off camera, tossing softballs to him.
You can also tell that’s what is happening because he never has to move more than a few feet to hit the return, as opposed to when you play against an actual person, who is trying to hit the ball past you, not to you.
This is so phony, his new nickname ought to be Ramasphony
C) put a shirt on you dork, and have a little respect for yourself, even if you obviously have no respect for your audience
D) is he wearing black dress socks and dress shoes? WTH is that?
E) anyone who is actually athletic should see that he moves with all the grace and fluidity of a crack addict, while for some reason he brings his left arm in to flex his pectoral muscles before every swing of the racket, like he’s doing the Hans and Franz SNL “We’re going to Pump… You up!” skit
This has cringe all over it
There are tennis ball machines, but I’m not familiar with them and don’t know if he could be using one there.
But yes, RamasPHONY.
I just watched a little of it again to notice the socks. The grunting is not something I ever wanted to hear.
Even a tennis ball machine would make a noise… the only contraption I’ve ever seen that can toss a tennis ball without making a sound is a person
hahahah..Super Cringey is right.
Don’t know where he is but no shirt means sweat flying everywhere. Ick
What next a bathroom pic like Geraldo ?
Or with?
Vivek reminds me of Obama the same vibe.
Shhhh – you’re not supposed to notice that.
I am sure more people do but ignore it. I used to ignore my perceptions and got me into trouble. Now I go with it is healthier.
I’m going to call him Obamaswamy now!
Fits well
I believe both of them are plants.
As is Fetterman….
Øbama, Ramaswamy, and Fettermen…
Three plants: a fruit, a nut, and a vegetable…
Biden is also a vegetable.
So now we have a sleazer salad…
Yeah, bad plants. I’ll bet Obamaswamy smells like corpse flower out there pretending to play tennis.
Yeah. Probably an eco freak in disguise….
The aroma of GangGreen…..
I think so. Funny so many people are hyped up about him specially younger people. Discernment is lacking. Vivek overdose it and seems fake. He has a loud mouth.
“Three hours of solid debate prep this morning”
Yeah, two hours and fifty minutes of spent it in the locker room, checking out other dudes…
Works better when I get the word order right (love the new edit function!
correction: “Yeah, two hours and fifty minutes of it spent in the locker room, checking out other dudes…
He could learn something from this guy
Who advises these jokers?
Listless vessels ? Putting popscicle sticks in eggs at the fair.
Judas Pence not his concern
Christie..anything he does is dumb
Now Indian Fabio playing tennis with himself..
Indian Fabio…

hussein, silent adviser.
The problem is he is advertising the superficial when this election is only about the substantial.
Nicely stated!
That was absolutely pathetic. All forehands, all tossed to him on the same side of the court for him to hit, all lobbed soft tosses. No backhands, serves, movement around the court.
Cringe. Clown creation.
I just checked his Wiki page, to see if he had any athletic background at all, and I didn’t see any.
But he has led an incredibly charmed life. He lives the American Dream that Americans are promised (or propagandized) but rarely get.
From immigrant parents to billionaire and running for President of the United States in one generation.
His life is straight up, like a Saturn V rocket.
As far as I can tell, he is unacquainted with failure, or even a minor setback, of any kind.
It appears that we have many of the same views. This is really quite impressive, good for him.
I just can’t help but wonder what regular Americans must be doing so wrong. I’ve never even met anyone who has had this kind of success:
Vivek Ganapathy Ramaswamy (born August 9, 1985) is an American entrepreneur and candidate in the 2024 Republican Party presidential primaries.
Ramaswamy was born in Cincinnati to Indian immigrant parents. He graduated from Harvard University with a bachelor’s degree in biology and later earned a J.D. from Yale Law School.
Ramaswamy worked as an investment partner at a hedge fund before founding a biotech company, Roivant Sciences, in 2014. He stepped down as CEO of Roivant in 2021, but remained its chairman until 2023. In 2022, Ramaswamy co-founded Strive Asset Management, an investment firm that positions itself in opposition to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) initiatives.
In February 2023, Ramaswamy declared his candidacy for the Republican Party’s nomination for president in the 2024 election. Ramaswamy rose to prominence in American conservative circles as an anti-woke activist.
He started his campaign claiming that the United States is in the middle of a national identity crisis precipitated by what he described as “new secular religions like COVID-ism, climate-ism, and gender ideology”. He is also a critic of environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) initiatives. In August 2023, Forbes estimated his net worth at more than $950 million; his wealth comes from biotech and financial businesses
He’s not a Natural Born American…
So it doesn’t matter one fig what he’s done, what he’s doing, or what he will or plans to do.
PUNKT! (Point)…..
Would the Courts stop him.
Would anyone filing suit, have Standing? Rhetorical.
Wiki says “Ramaswamy was born in Cincinnati to Indian immigrant parents.”
That’s a stronger and more easily verified claim than anything Hussein ever presented
It doesn’t say whether either of his parents were U.S. citizens when he was born, but it’s hard to imagine any court today denying him even if they weren’t, if he can prove that he was actually born inside the continental United States, as opposed to somewhere like Kenya and then smuggled into Hawaii, or whatever Soetoro’s hilarious back-story is supposed to be.
If his migrant parents became US citizens before his birth I think he’d be an NBC. That bio doesn’t make it clear what his parents’ citizenship status was at the time of his birth…
Interesting how it just “happens” that questionable NBC status people keep being put on the big chair ticket: McStain, aka BHO, Cruz, Rubio?, Kamela, Vivek…Who’s behind trying to tear America down???
Globaloids gotta global.
Yep ugh
…founding a biotech company…
IIRC, Swarmy attended WEF, Young Leaders or one of them Klaus Clubs for Great Reset.
Said Trump is afraid to debate.
Can’t recall details, but past couple weeks, Swarmy has said some other dumb ass things. Not America First. Don’t care enough to do a quick search or two. Including consider pardoning hunter.
The more I read here, and think about it, hussein may be Swarmy’s backdoor advisor.
Oh je. Backdoor advisor. Well played…
Vivek was helped along the way by George Soros’ brother. He was the recipient of a Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans in 2011, which I believe is for immigrants. A search revealed a number of headlines about his reportedly asking Wikipedia to erase the Soros connection from his Wiki page.
This article comes right out and says it:
Did Soros Buy Vivek Ramaswamy And Plant Him In The GOP Primary Against Trump?
They listed him at the P&D S Fellowship alphabetically under the V’s next to Biden’s Surgeon General. Vivek Murthey, pic caption says “Regime Says Free Speech Is Killing People: Biden Surgeon General Holds Press Con”
Yes, I remember reading about the Soros Fellowship thing here recently, and commenting that it didn’t make sense that he would qualify as a ‘new American’ for the Fellowship.
And if he did qualify for the Fellowship (if he really is a ‘new’ American), then he doesn’t qualify to be POTUS.
And yet, here we are (again).
Just like what he’ll get in the “debate”…….
New Tucker talks with Colonel Douglas Macgregor (52:13) –
Just finished listening and am going to listen again. It is important and so clearly explained.
Yea. ~Ten minutes in. Macgregor superb. Tucker is letting Macgregor talk.
IF US military, any military for that matter is paying attention, Russia IS delivering serious lessons in modern warfare.
AND, they’re learning about all of the latest and greatest from the West, manned by marginally competent (read: low risk) folks from Ukraine.
Drives me nuts (OK, nuttier) realizing that all the “Russia bad, Russia Commies” diatribe (while ignoring RED CHINA) was a load of hooey…..
Here are a couple more from Simplicius… thought-provoking…
Right on the heels of his Serbian interview. Tucker has a plan!
Yea Tucker does.
Has Tucker announced when the Serbian interview will “air”?
He’s done snippets but no release mentioned that I’m aware of. I’m guessing this is part of a one two punch, so it is likely soon.
Meanwhile Tucker’s poker face during this interview is cracking me up here.
debatetry to pounce on trump.Would be a hoot if the master debaters pontificate, prognosticate, and flatulate over Ukraine, and this interview makes total fools of them, showing both their idiocy and total incomprehension of what is REALLY going on…
Yes… that would be a hoot for sure

W O W !
Absolutely, the BEST Macgregor interview, that I have watched.
Please consider posting again on Tuesday’s daily.
EVERYONE should listen in, to this Macgregor interview, in its entirety.
Sure, kalbo. I just finished my second listen. I’ll probably listen one more time. There is a lot to think about.
Well, it appears that Donald Trump is going to Georgia this Thursday, to be arrested on the bogus charges drummed up by Soros-owned “DA Fani.”
It would be shocking if he fled instead.
I have so little respect for that twit that I can only say that “The Name Game” is going through my head right now…
Fani Fani bo bani
Banana fan fo Fani
Fe fi mo mani
Satan Sauros is commanded from the pit of HELL; from the time that he snitched on Jews in his neighborhood, dispatching them to the death trains and ovens (of which he was proud) to the time that he “broke the Bank of England”, to his various “Color Revolutions”, Ukraine in 2014 being but one of them, he has been a DEMONIC tool of Satan.
Romans 1:32:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Ignorance on display…
(Emphasis below mine.)
14 American Cities Aim to Ban Meat, Dairy, Private Cars by 2030
Fourteen major American cities are part of a globalist climate organization known as the “C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group,” which has an “ambitious target” by the year 2030 of “0 kg [of] meat consumption,” “0 kg [of] dairy consumption,” “3 new clothing items per person per year,” “0 private vehicles” owned, and “1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person.”
C40’s dystopian goals can be found in its “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World” report, which was published in 2019 and reportedly reemphasized in 2023. The organization is headed and largely funded by Democrat billionaire Michael Bloomberg. Nearly 100 cities across the world make up the organization, and its American members include Austin, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Seattle.
Violates the Commerce Clause of the US constitution.
It also violates basic property rights and the right to travel, not to mention the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, among others.
Minor items
That leaves more for the rest of us!!!
What’s not to like?
Let them starve to death in their 15-minute cities… “designed” and “developed” by a communist/Nazi grad student in Columbia….
Rename every such city Haman, and make the people who conceived of it live in it.
Great places to, erm, hang out…
Another sudden death. No details
BREAKING: Former Houston Cougars Star From 2021 Final Four Squad Has Died Suddenly At Age 23
Also saw a story about Lionsgate productions institutung full mask and daily covid testing for all.
Do yall think that the masking and new covid Bs is being ramped up to deflect from the sudden deaths? Or maybe to start blaming mystery covid ?
Could be, shiny object, diversion, lookie here.
Certainly it is workups to hysteria to JAB Folks. Increase deaths. JAB more folks.
After all, the Bivalent IS being replaced by, State-Of-The Art, Trivalent, SOON.
And of course, steal, 2024.
This would make a great novel. Too bad it’s real.
And I see places speaking of re-instituting masks, etc. because the “disease” spreads so quickly.
Do these IDIOTS not know that, for the most part, the severity of a virus is inversely proportional to the rate of its spread? i.e. if it spreads quickly (like the common cold) it’s not very dangerous, if at all…
The YSM/MCM, AMA, NIH, WHO, and all the other Satanic agencies are playing so fast and loose with the truth that most people will be conned into taking the next slab-jab and associated boosters.
It seems like almost all people have NO GRASP OF SCIENCE OR LOGIC WHATSOEVER.
The things that BigPharma are pushing on people should be obvious for anyone with even only a fifth-grade natural science education (ca. 1960s)…
What in the Hell have they been teaching kids in the last 50 years????!!!!!!!!

From OT:
Biden Tells Maui Fire Victims: “We have a little sense, Jill and I, what it’s like to lose a home. […] I almost lost my wife, my ’67 corvette and my cat.”
August 21, 2023
SD: “This is, um, well, exceptionally creepy in both the context (it’s a lie) and the content, as a comparison to the pain felt by Maui victims. If I did not see this on video, I would almost not believe it.
“We have a little sense, Jill and I, what it’s like to lose a home. […] I almost lost my wife, my ’67 corvette and my cat.”
It never happened. Biden is telling that completely false exaggerated story again.”
At least he mentioned his wife first, before the car and the cat.
That was a close call, another disaster narrowly averted…
Dangerously close to “No Scoop For You”…
And, of course, a deft segue to one of my favorite videos (catch Dr. Demento behind the counter)