2023·08·26 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread

Thanks To All

I start writing a post, usually, by going back five weeks and copying that post. That way I get the same eagle I had back then without having to dig through the uploaded media looking for it. (And I get the same boilerplate too.)

Of course when I do something else instead of an eagle, I then have to go back six weeks the next time (and the times after that) until doing so brings up the “odd” post.

This was the week that, going back six weeks I saw a big yellow weary lizard as the banner.

So back to going back five weeks for my eagle.

In the meantime a belated thank you to everyone who commented and offered condolences and kind words on Darwin’s demise.

This Man is Pissed!

And if you aren’t…what the hell is wrong with you?

Is This Our Anthem?

Or at least our song to march to?

I’m sure most of you know I don’t believe in “devolution” or any variant of “we’re really still in charge” and certainly not the ones that come with “They’re waiting for everyone to wake up.”

No, I don’t think the good guys are in charge. But that makes it even more necessary that people wake up.

This might be the Uncle Tom’s Cabin of our age. (Or perhaps the recent trafficking movie was it. Or maybe both.)

Certainly there seem to be a huge number of people who are finally having the light bulb turning on when they hear this song.

Joining The Herd Of Lemmings

I’ve had cause to consider a few things. Maybe we’re going about it the wrong way, and we need to ditch Trump

Yeah, NO

Trump all the way! Why? Because being hated by the people who hate him is a sign of impeccable character, that’s why.

The haters can go fuck themselves with rusty twelve gauge bore brushes. I’d prefer ten gauge but that’s kind of scarce, so…I’m willing to compromise.

The RINO’s Dilemma

The RINOs who who have burrowed in and taken over most GOP organizations, from the state down to local organizations, have quite a dilemma on their hands, and most of them have their heads too far up their asses to realize it.

OK, I’m not talking about the liberal in a Republican area, who knows they’re in the wrong party, but is there because it’s the only game in their town; they hope to capture a nomination someday, at which point they’re guaranteed to be elected…otherwise, they never will be. These people are a hazard in any heavily conservative area.

No, I’m talking about the guys who are a little bit conservative and want to do some good by going into politics, and they’re in a closely matched area, closely enough that they can join the party they are most aligned with and still have a chance. They think the Democrats…particularly the ones who end up running for office…are nuts.

They don’t think much better of the Deplorable types, either. A bunch of bumpkins whose hearts are in the right place, mostly…OK a bit extreme. But they think Deplorables can’t understand that first you have to get elected, then work within the system to change things…a slow process. They genuinely want many of the things Deplorables want…just not as much. The government is spending too much. Or they need to spend money on highways instead of welfare for illegal immigrants. But they want to work within the system to get these things done.

Or maybe they think things are pretty close to ideal right now, and they want to nail it in place.

The problem is, that means they don’t stand for anything in particular. And it shows. They’re about as unappetizing to the electorate as a puddle of dog vomit. The folks in the middle, who they think they are appealing to because they themselves are not extreme, would honestly prefer a clear-spoken radical to someone who qualifies everything they say to the point where they sound like they don’t believe anything at all.

The problem these “Mild RINOs” have, is they just can’t see that. And the reason they just can’t see that, is their entire sense of self-worth is tied up in not seeing that. In their minds, they’ve worked tirelessly for their party, to keep those crazy Democrats out…only to have to constantly fight with a small number of crazy Republicans–who are only liabilities if they end up as candidates. They’ve fought the good fight, and if they can just find the right candidate, someone with some charisma, they might stop the crazies…without being too beholden to the OTHER crazies. In the meantime it’s not working. What’s a responsible guy in politics to do?

They simply cannot understand that the Republicans can’t succeed as the party of nothing in particular. Not really in the past, and certainly not today when people are starting to realize that no matter what they do in the voting booth, the country is still about to fly off a precipice. If they did see it, they’d suddenly have two choices: Go away and let the GOP succeed, or stay and fight. But “go away” isn’t really an option, because what’s the point of having a party now owned by the crazies, win?

Well, they have a dilemma…and WE, therefore have a problem. And we would have that problem even IF they realized that they had a problem…that they were the problem.

No one ever thinks they are the bad guy. Even Epstein probably thought he was the good guy. Right up to the moment where he didn’t kill himself.

So if you ever wonder why these unappetizing dufuses cling on even when their fingernails are being left behind…that’s why. They don’t understand no one wants them, and can’t imagine that no one should want them. And oftentimes their greatest pride is in all the hard work they’ve done for the party. They’re not going to give that up; it’d be psychological suicide.

If you’ve worked with these people, there’s a good chance you like them and consider some of them your friends. But even if so…we’re going to have to give them a good, hard shove. Because America is more important than those milquetoasts’ egos.

Justice Must Be Done

The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.

Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

Spot (i.e., paper) Prices

Last week:

Gold $1,890.50
Silver $22.86
Platinum $923.00
Palladium $1,288.00
Rhodium $4,550.00

This week, 3PM Mountain Time, markets have closed for the weekend.

Gold $1,915.80
Silver $24.32
Platinum $956.00
Palladium $1,257.00
Rhodium $4,650.00

Gold’s decline appears to have reversed…at least for now. Usually when something is moving there’s a sort of three-steps-forward, one-step-backward (or vice versa) thing going on; it’s too early to tell whether this is just the “one step” and gold will resume its downward travel shortly.

But at this instant everything is up versus a week ago–except palladium.

Science Post Place Holder (Under Arrest)

Y’all get a break this week.

Fuck Joe B*d*n

Due to complaints about foul language, I’ve censored the most objectionable word in the title of this section.

B*d*n, you don’t even get ONE scoop of ice cream today.

(Please post this somewhere permanent, as it will continue to be true; the SOB will never deserve a scoop.)

Obligatory PSAs and Reminders

China is Lower than Whale Shit

Remember Hong Kong!!!

中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!

China is in the White House

Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.

Joe Biden is Asshoe

China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.

But of course the much more important thing to realize:

Joe Biden Didn’t Win

乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!

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….about that 07-22 title….


It’s still in htt ps://ww w.theqtree.com/20 23/08/26/2023%c2%b707%c2%b722-joe-biden-didnt-win-daily-thread-2/


Wouldn’t surprise me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I see it as biology! That’s a science, too, ya know! 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK, I moved it to “Key Posts”!


It is sad to think that Darwin has been gone so long.


If God has a keyboard, maybe he’s sitting on it.



Valerie Curren

beauty break?


Lol! Maybe looking for a treat?


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I don’t see where it says the new variant is MORE likely to infect the vaxxed. It says the new variant MAY be more capable of causing infection in people who have had Covid OR have been vaxxed (or both, by implication).

I was under the impression that practically everyone had caught covid by this point, whether they were vaxxed or not.

If so, then the CDC statement is saying the new scariant MAY be more capable of causing infection in everybody.


You know what I see? More PROPAGANDA designed to scare people into taking another fucking clot-shot.



IMO, correct.
The government is going to “recommend” that all people over the age of 6 months get an “annual COVID-19 booster shot” starting this year with the “new vaccines” for the XBB.1.5 “variant” — which the CDC / FDA say will “likely provide protection” for the “other newest variants” ERIS and FORNAX.

*** Interesting ***, isn’t it, that the “newest newest variant”, BA.2.86, is showing up JUST AFTER the appearance of ERIS and FORNAX? Almost like, say, they’ve been “in the pipeline” for some time?

The other tactic being employed, and at the same time, IMO, is to get people used to taking modRNA / viral vector DNA “vaccines” — especially since many older vaccine formulations will be, if not already, changed over to modRNA / viral vector DNA versions.

pat frederick

I remember more than a 20 years ago, my doc asked if i wanted a flu shot and i said no–i took one the prior year and got the worst flu i ever had. so i asked…how do they determine what flu to make the shots for? and he told me they GUESS. they look at the more virulent strains coming from THE EAST and guess which will present as the worst here. so I countered with, so it’s a crap shoot?
his look told me i struck a nerve. never got one since


Snake eyes.


pat, I worked in the Pharmacy of a psych hospital for decades. One year Our Director suggested we get flu shots, so we all did. I was nauseous all Winter; lost 9 lbs. Never missed work but felt like sh!t for months. Never again. Now, unless the origin of any injection is determined to be taint-free, I will never take another injection from an industry or institution which has proven itself to be untrustworthy.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I agree with you. That is the goal. And to disconnect us from God and His Spirit.


Merchant Mariner son, physical leads to injection time.

– Asked him to get Boosted. Nope.

– Flu…Nope.

Told me he’d quit sailing, if they try to mandate jabs. 《Thankfully)

Valerie Curren

You are Blessed with such a son who surely learned from The Best!


Exactly…3, 2, 1… Be Skeered. Very Ske…


You are correct. I took his point to be that people have been told the vaccine protects them, and that with this new variant, it doesn’t (and maybe not with the original COVID variants, either, but that’s beside the point). This is a stab(!) at everyone who said, “Get vaxed; you’ll be protected and will protect Granny.”

The last statement is important, too: “Scientists are evaluating the effectiveness of the forthcoming, updated COVID-19 vaccine.” My first thought is I don’t trust those scientists; look what they said before. My second thought is, They’re already pushing the idea of a new vax when the old one was ineffective (and deadly, which they don’t admit), and vaxed people appear more likely to get COVID than they would have been if unvaxed.

Cuppa Covfefe

The only protection the clot shot gives is protection to Pfizer, et. al.’s bottom line…


Not so sure Covid was as widespread as RUMORED.

>>> False Positives Rampant.<<<<


Exactly my POV also. For all we know it registers positive for colds and flu. just because “they” say it’s for covid only why would I believe them ? They lie


2020 – 2021 flu took a seasonal vacation, to promote Covidiocy.

Valerie Curren

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Apart from the gender-bending issues, they are destroying the concept of beauty. Little girls grow up wanting to be beautiful princesses, and Disney characters reflected that. Little boys wanted to be masculine heroes who are attractive in their own right, not men in dresses. Now children are confronted with hideous men in dresses and are being groomed to accept that as normal. It’s sick and destructive.


Disney starts with D and that stands for:

Brave and Free

fill in the blank.



Cuppa Covfefe

DEMONIC as well…


Here’s the thing; you’re a parent, you walk into Disney with your precious little child, and you see this perverted thing. What do YOU do?

I know what I’d do. And Disney would rue the friggin’ day they put that in my child’s face.

The problem is, there are too many leftist scumbags raising children. And unfortunately, as a freedom-loving patriot, I have to support their right to raise them how they want.

The only thing I can see for decent people to do is marginalize these idiots to the far edges of society until they see the light or die off. Because they will. None of them is going to be normal enough to reproduce.


Exactly! There are also too many conservatives who don’t want to rock the boat (see Congress). At least some parents got the word out with those pics. But I would have gotten out of there and demanded a refund. The kids would have howled, but it would have been a lesson.

They’re also trying to do away with the concepts of being mentally/emotionally disturbed, as well as dangerous. I remember a time when people like those guys in dresses would have been shunned and people would have refused to allow their children near them. The grooming of kids is happening in plain sight.


It sure it. And we can’t allow it, no matter how many feathers we ruffle.


Utter losers as men who decided they can “best” women.


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Is Colorado Springs a liberal enclave so that you’re surprised they would report this?


I don’t think DC Draino was particular on where he picked it up at, busy guy. There are local stories. GWP has one.

Cuppa Covfefe

Colorado Springs eternal? 🙂


Florida lawyer files challenge to disqualify Trump from 2024 race, citing 14th Amendment

“The bottom line here is that President Trump both engaged in an insurrection and also gave aid and comfort to other individuals who were engaging in such actions, within the clear meaning of those terms as defined in Section Three of the 14th Amendment,” Caplan wrote in the filing. “Assuming that the public record to date is accurate, and we have no evidence to the contrary, Trump is no longer eligible to seek the office of the President of the United States, or of any other state of the Union.”

He’s a liar and is making a fool of himself

These are the four charges against Trump for J6:
• conspiracy to defraud the United States
• conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding
• obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding
• conspiracy against the rights of citizens

I don’t see “insurrection” among them. He was not charged with insurrection. Nor, to my knowledge, was anyone else that he supposedly “gave aid and comfort to.” He certainly has not been convicted of insurrection. You can’t keep someone off a ballot because you conjured up a fake crime that you allege they committed.

The Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3:

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

This was addressing those who fought for the South in the Civil War. So this doofus, along with Gavin Newsom, and others, is equating merely questioning election results with taking up arms against your country. Let’s lock up Stacy Abrams, Hillary Clinton, and a host of news readers and politicians for doing the same. And disbar this lawyer for incompetence and false charges.


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Not the only place…
HERE WE GO: New Hampshire’s Republican Secretary of State Seeking Legal Advice on Blocking Trump From Primary


Currently NH is run by Dem Gov, two Dem Senators and two Dem House Members, so there doesn’t seem to be anyone who can apply leverage against this clown except the people themselves. Mitch won’t lift a finger and you can likely rule out the RNC lady.

That and there will be other challenges from other states. None legal I’m sure, but each one will have to be fought and fought against more hostile state judiciaries.

So Trump has to fight off all these ankle biters from the states trying to stop him from running as well as these four batches of criminal charges from the Hyenas.

Should be fun and all that just to get in the arena that will be filled with quick cheating sand in the middle of another bs plague I presume while half of our team sits on their collectivist greedy WEF butts.

But our numbers are huge, our determination great. God’s on our side, reason and morality too and we’ve been blessed with a great and varied team that knows the score, along with the best leader this side of Cyrus the Great.

Couple that with an enemy that keeps clowning itself, fowls all they touch and all they try to do. One that’s ripped the foundations of the country apart so much so it’s gotten pretty easy for an honest person to see that they aren’t building a thing back better and never will. They’ve led with lies and money and both are getting right thin.


Yes! I wish something would happen to stop the ankle-biters and nip this in the bud. A SCOTUS filing, or something. (I don’t know how it could work.) But this is persecution and election interference.


Yep, they don’t care if everybody knows it’s bogus and has zero merit, and they don’t care about the obvious double standard and hypocrisy. They don’t care how it looks.

It ties Trump up, forces him to waste time and money to fight it, etc.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see dozens of such lawsuits in all 50 states and each of the territories.

Just one aspect of a full court press.

They effectively have infinite resources, and they’re willing to spend it all, because if they don’t, and they lose, they’re dead.

And when you have infinite resources, there is no reason to leave any angle unexploited, you just do everything, whatever is doable, because why not?


GREAT! Now President Trump will get to prove the J6 false flag was a federal psy-op!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


In WA state, anybody can file a grievance on an attorney. You do not need to have any connection to the attorney or any case on which he ever worked.

Not that the Bar cares about fairness or substance. Basically it’s just an enforcement mechanism for slamming attorneys who aren’t in the Big Club.


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Sorry for the double post. Should have been this:

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Why, that looks just like a ham sammich… 😉


Looks like a felony sourdough accomplice.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yeah, they won’t lettuce do what we want 🙂


[snort out loud]


I wonder who he was talking to?

I don’t know any Trump supporter whose mind it would ever have crossed to do anything violent on January 6th.


In fact, I can’t even recall a video of Trump supporters doing anything violent (lots of videos of violence against Trump supporters though), with the exception of bogus feds posing as MAGA or panti-fa posing as MAGA.

So who was Trump talking to in that Tweet?

Or was he just getting something on the record, because he knew or was tipped off that something was going down, and he wanted date-stamped public evidence for future reference showing his position at the time?

It may seem far-fetched, but remember Suzie I never leaked nuthin’ to nobody Rice was cognizant enough to ‘memorialize’ her conversation with Obozo and others in an email to herself shortly after a meeting, to establish her side of the story when she knew something hinky was going on, whatever it was about (I’ve forgotten now).


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I think he was talking to Ray Epps and that J whatever guy. Both were agitating and both had coverage on the internets… Especially J whatever, since he was allowed to speak at a few small pre rallies.


Perhaps it was more for the SHEEPLE that were in attendance when these CLOWNS were INCITING A RIOT.

They are WEAK-MINDED, and EASILY LEAD (or MIS-lead !).


Who was he talking to? “Everyone at the U.S. Capitol.”

I think he knew the potential was there for trouble. I also read months ago that an aide or aides advised him that he had to make a statement. I don’t know whether that’s true, but it doesn’t matter to me. The fact is that he stated it, and I believe it was his sentiment at the time. I also believe he, his aides, or both, knew of the importance of memorializing his calls for peace.


Since the cabal and Pelosi had to have set this up with all the moving parts..lots of people had to have known. Word surely was being whispered about DC . Even us watching from afar pretty much knew there would be antifa antics but we didn’t really believe the US govt created the psyop for prosecuting Trump and Patriots.

I absolutely also agree that it was Trump’s sentiment at that time. He isn’t at all a man that advocates violence of any kind. We’ve heard plenty of govt types that have..Maxine Waters, L Lynch to name a couple.So glad that he can again point to his post from that day


From Marica’s —

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Carlos Santana, at a recent concert, telling the crowd you’re either man or you’re a woman (and more).

Amazing thing that it takes an act of courage for a public figure to acknowledge such obviousness in 2023.


Yeah, but then he cowered and took it back. That makes me very sad. Carlos is my favorite guitarist of all time.


And then that retraction was deleted. Looks like a publicist put up the retraction and then Carlos pulled it down when he found out.


Oh, thank God! So glad to hear that!


I hadn’t seen that part!

I just read pgroup’s post below, hopefully he’s right 👍


I just did, too! I really hope so. I love Carlos’s music.



I’ve never been loved more than I have by rescued animals. My ex said they knew what you had done for them, and were grateful.


Dogs can cry. I think this doggie was crying in happiness and relief. Bless the woman who adopted him.
I thank God every day for the Yorkie that I adopted two years ago. My little guy was literally being prepared to be put down at the animal shelter when he was rescued. He was (and still is) perfectly healthy — it’s just that nobody wanted him.




Looks like James Woods is trolling Elon 😁


Moar of this.

pat frederick

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I’d like to join BRICS, get away from the hilariously corrupt Western system, and I think a lot of other people in the U.S. would too.

They should open the BRICS system to individual, you know, just sign up to use it, like Paypal 😂

pat frederick





Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.


Need some eyes on THIS:

FOIAThe A.I. Surveillance Tool DHS Uses to Detect ‘Sentiment and Emotion’comment imageJOSEPH COX
AUG 24, 2023

Internal DHS and corporate documents detail the agency’s relationship with Fivecast, a company that promises to scan for “risk terms and phrases” online.


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That’s why it’s so important for people to be indicted for the emotions of being upset about a stolen election. They want to do away with free speech and control us all.


I think they might be fixin’ to start trying to prosecute “thought crimes” !


 Fivecast says its tool has been built “in consultation” with Five Eyes law enforcement and intelligence agencies, those being agencies from the U.S., United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Specifically on building “person-of-interest” networks, the tool “is optimized for this exact requirement.”
Already in use on Reddit, 8kun,4chan,Gab as well as other sites

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Upholding Free Speech Amidst the EU’s DSA LawAndrew Torba, August 25, 2023

Share this:

Greetings Gab Community,

Today, I want to address a matter of utmost importance – the European Union’s Digital Services Act (DSA) law, its implications, and our stance as a platform committed to protecting free speech. The law goes into effect starting today and Gab will not be complying. 

Recent developments have brought this law to the forefront, as it seeks to reshape the landscape of social media regulation within the EU. This legislation, while introduced with the intention of curbing content that is already illegal, brings with it certain provisions that infringe upon the very essence of open dialogue and free speech.

This is another government censorship scheme like all the rest. If the EU thinks they can get an armored division on the ground and into our offices in Pennsylvania they’re welcome to try. Until that day we’re an American company, with no presence outside of the United States, operating a constitutionally protected business and we will continue to extend freedom to the entire world, as is our God-given and unassailable constitutional right.

Gab has always been a platform that champions unrestricted discourse, standing as a bastion for free speech in an increasingly regulated digital world. We firmly believe that the foundation of any society rests upon the ability to share different ideas, even those that may be controversial or challenging.

The DSA’s intention to penalize platforms for failing to address what they label as “misinformation” and “hate speech” raises concerns. We understand the importance of combating illegal content, but this should not come at the cost of stifling differing viewpoints. The risk of suppressing legitimate conversations looms large, and we cannot support measures that could potentially compromise the principles of free speech.
Elon Musk and X, on the other hand, have chosen to comply with the DSA law, and we respect their decision. Every platform has its own philosophy and approach towards content moderation, and we believe in the diversity of choices available to users, but this is not a path Gab is willing to take.

The meeting between EU’s industry chief, Thierry Breton, and Elon Musk in Texas highlights the alignment of their perspectives on the DSA. However, we differ in our approach, as we believe in a more open, unrestricted conversation where the flow of ideas remains unimpeded.

In just the past few weeks alone Gab has faced challenges from multiple quarters. The government of New Zealand has threatened us with hefty fines for refusing to comply with their demands for censorship. Similarly, the Australian government reached out with its own demands for content removal. Despite these pressures, we remain resolute in our commitment to not only uphold free speech but to also resist foreign fines that aim to compromise these principles.

The DSA’s sweeping reach and its emphasis on controlling even legal content has raised eyebrows among the global anti-censorship and free speech community. We firmly believe that this act, coupled with upcoming regulations, poses a significant threat to the very fabric of open discourse.

At Gab, we remain steadfast in our commitment to providing a platform where your voices can be heard, regardless of the tide of regulations. We are aware of the challenges that lie ahead, but we stand strong in our conviction to protect and preserve the fundamental right to free speech.

Thank you for your unwavering support.


Andrew Torba

CEO, Gab


Since he says Gab has no presence outside the U.S., I don’t see how Australia, New Zealand, or any other country thinks it has the right to impose rules on Gab.


Maybe things have progressed to the global level of authority and enforcement with cooperation from the usa and we ‘re just now seeing the iceberg ?


No doubt, but the Crims in the USA can’t do anything because the Constitution literally stands in their way.

So they have to either amend the Constitution to eliminate free speech, or they have to destroy the Constitution.

Or they can pound sand and move to europe.

Valerie Curren

The Constitution hasn’t stopped anyone who just gives it lip service but have no honor in their hearts and actions…


True, but there are plenty of Americans (including Andrew Torba at GAB) who will take the gov’t to court for violating their rights.

The lower courts can play their games with it, but when it gets to the (not)Supreme Court, a decision has to be made.

On something as fundamental as FREEDOM of SPEECH, it’s like pulling the pin on a hand grenade, it destroys everything else with it.

If they ruled against GAB, everything else would fall apart with it.

At the moment, I don’t think even Trump’s sad picks are prepared to vote to eliminate Freedom of Speech.


The entire concept of ‘hate speech’ has always been an obvious fraud, a not even thinly veiled ruse to get around the 1st Amendment.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

I HOPE this is a correct analysis but there’s a smidge of Hopium there too 😉


Well, I’m confident that Thomas and Alito would uphold freedom of speech.

I’m confident that the diversity hires (Kinjabe, Kegparty and Sodamotor) would burn down the whole country without giving it a second thought.

Then there is Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett. I have no confidence in them at all. If there was such a thing as RINOs on the court, they would be it.

JINOs. Judges in name only, beholden to ‘feelz’, not to principle or law.

That leaves the corrupt traitor, Roberts. Hard to believe he would want to be known as the chief injustice to create a Constitutional crisis by endorsing a direct violation of the Constitution itself, but anything is possible with Roberts, he must really hate America.

So I guess we’ll see.

It would be fascinating to see (not)Supreme Court justices rule in direct, black-letter-law violation of the Constitution.

But most of them, all besides Thomas and Alito, are just hacks (or worse), so justice and rule of law are a crapshoot.


Roberts really loves his son, who was adopted in a suspicious way.


Roberts loves himself,, compromised himself, put himself above the country.

Valerie Curren

Yup. & Roberts presided over the Obama Care fiasco & that “takings clause” ruling (government can take any property any time for economic reasons) iirc…They “strictly adhere” to the Constitution only if they Feel like it. They certainly are Not Constrained by it 🙁 🙁 🙁


They think they have the right because nobody stops them, and because they are fascists who don’t give a #$%^ about anyone but themselves.

And because they are ALL ruled by the same small group of trillionaires who wage war on humanity.


Dictators have total power…over those that listen. TW, FB, YT…

Dictators will censor or block Free Speech.
– Briben, DOJ, FIB, and the like are exceptional at blocking Free Speach, on taxpayers dime.

Prolly gonna join Gab Pro again.


comment imageJoseph A. Camp


Al Sharpton and other activist race baiters meet with Attorney General Merrick Garland at the DOJ ahead of a planned March of Washington to discuss reinvigorate the 2020 riots.


Barb Meier

It is a great speech and I’m glad we have someone clearly appreciated by our people who is apologizing for at least one of the stupid things the current administration is doing. I’ve added the Rumble video link to my celebratefreedom.us website as a new item. I haven’t updated Steve’s Science Series in a couple of weeks, so moved it into the general pool of links in alpha order for now. I’ll move it back up to new once I get another article extracted.


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edit still doesn’t work

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Barb Meier


Valerie Curren

 😍    😍 

Valerie Curren

I couldn’t see it here so this is gab’s version…hope it shows OK

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Cuppa Covfefe

Barb or Steve got to it before it posted on your PC 😆

Valerie Curren



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Cuppa Covfefe

And a dishonorable mention for that other vegetable, Fetterman….


I thought he said his name was Fetterwoman.

Cuppa Covfefe

To which someone replied, “no Fetter but wider gal for me, for me….”…
Someone named Hill, I think…

Barb Meier

 😅   😅   😅 


GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy is an ‘unaffiliated’ voter, records show
Voting records in Ohio also show that Ramaswamy didn’t vote in the state’s primary elections in 2022 and 2023.



IMO, Vivek Ramaswamy IS an “affiliated” voter — but not for American interests.
** since he was (possibly still is) a Young Global Leader in the WEF, he’ll support WEF policies; and,
** since he’s a dual Indian-American citizen, his loyalties are divided. He’s Indian by birth to two Indian parents who weren’t naturalized Americans at the time of this birth in Ohio in 1985; and American due to his being a “anchor baby” under the “modern” interpretation of the 14th Amendment.

Valerie Curren

so yet another ineligible non-Natural Born Citizen…almost like it’s on purpose/s  😡 



MUST-READ LINKS from the Mole offerings:


Yours Truly: The ACIP panel of the CDC will vote on September 12 to recommend the use of the “new COVID-19 vaccine booster” shots starting this fall on persons ages 6 months and older. These “new COVID-19 booster shots” have so far been tested only on mice; and human clinical trials have either not yet begun, or are only just beginning.

And, last but definitely not least:

“BREAKING: Unelected WEF official announces URGENT plan to VACCINATE 60% of EVERY COUNTRY in the world by 2024”
Yours Truly: Tharman Shanmugaratnam, a WEF trustee, announced that he is working to implement a plan to have at least 60% of EVERY country on Earth “vaccinated” against COVID-19 by the end of 2024.
The article goes on to cite numerous scientific studies that prove that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are dangerous and even deadly.
At the end of the article, it is mentioned that Shanmugaratnam is likely going to become the next President of Singapore. There is a clip of KLAUS SCHWAB talking about how WEF is using their YOUNG GLOBAL LEADERS program to “infiltrate” the governments of the world. [YOUNG GLOBAL LEADERS like, say, VIVEK RAMASWAMY. This is IN ADDITION to the WEF using people like Shanmugaratnam in high government positions around the world.]


I think the US is already over 60%, as are many other countries.


Depending on the “official figures” one sees at various websites (including the CDC), the U.S. is anywhere between 65% – 82% “vaccinated.”
What the WEF guy, Shanmugaratnam, means when he says “at least 60% vaccinated” is really “100% vaccinated” — he’s just not honest enough to say it out loud.


Permanently part of the NOT jabbed minority. 🙂

Valerie Curren

Control Group, Baby!!!


Grieving Mother Desperate For Answers After FBI Busts Down Door, Fatally Shoots Her Disabled Veteran Son in Pre-Dawn Raid



This raid i don’t disagree that the man needed to be evicted and removed but I bring the story to highlight the new free rein squads are being given to kill with overwhelming force. His home was shot to pieces as well as the neighbor’s homes.It was a siege that lasted hours


Valerie Curren

We had an executed by police situation in our neighborhood about a decade ago. Allegedly the deceased was a vet who was to be evicted but instead he barricaded himself in “his” home & had an hours long shootout w/ cops. There were armored cars & a helicopter landing in the middle of the road at the end of our block. We were to stay in our basements as a precaution. I had to leave my 3 kids at home to pick up my special needs son from public school & the cops barely let me back to my home & I was worried my kids wouldn’t stay in the basement (my son’s had BB & air soft guns & were Seriously Amped Up about it all)…

Our then next door neighbor was in his driveway crouching behind his car w/ his trunk opened & several guns at the ready. His wife was standing nearby with a long gun. Believe me, this memory comes to mind whenever we have discussions about how to actively protect our own should the tyranny try to arrive physically in our vicinity…


Honestly I don’t understand why they don’t arrest him or gun him down outside of the home. Home is where the arsenal is. Home is the thing they’re protecting whether its wrong or not.
They already know the odds are great for a gun battle.
The guy will eventually go get gas in the car, get smokes or beer at the corner store…


It’s too easy to arrest on the street. From a BootJavk perspective, NOT intimidating for the masses.


True enough and I think they enjoy it. The planning, the adrenalin, shooting , the aftermath press conferences, all of it.

Valerie Curren

Makes them sound like psychopaths…perhaps a job requirement! Especially in those psychotic places that will hire illegals to police citizens…nothing to see here…  😡 


I know most aren’t psychopaths and it did sound that way but it just seems like getting bad guys is going off the rails and so many of the real bad guys aren’t getting that treatment.
They’re running free while imaginary insurgents or people off their rockers are getting blown away.

Valerie Curren

I don’t know LE people personally so can’t really say. We have family history tales of various encounters, several “dick head” type of cops, but also of some seemingly nice guy types so I guess it all kind of balances out…


To paraphrase Heinlein, there are five grades of law enforcement: Gentlemen, Police, Cops, Pigs, and Assholes.

In some jurisdictions, you’re lucky to get grade 4 or better.

Valerie Curren

That’s a Great Take! Love it  😎 

My dad encountered the “Four Horsemen” cops when a high-schooler–they have major racist reps in the Detroit area for their race-riot era actions. Dad was walking home from football practice in Detroit, where he lived & went to school. The cops accosted him & the buddies he was walking with. Someone had an illegal knife, the blade was too long, & A-Hole cop grabbed it & stabbed into the truck of a nearby tree & then broke the hilt off…hmmm…

Valerie Curren

“shall not be denied or abridged’ implies Zero legit weapons limitations if technically going by the letter of the Constitutional law…

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Boom, some dark truth there!  😡 

Valerie Curren

No doubt. Perhaps the Branch Dividian complex of the tyrants? 🙁


Looking forward to the day when the FIB gets treated the way they treat Americans.


For the benefit of the AI program hoovering up emotions ( for prosecution later )…that comment makes me feel warm and happy. I want to be there for that and I’d still feel very pleased 😁  ( smiling for the program )


A man identified in a USA TODAY investigation of Jan. 6 Capitol rioters who have never been arrested has now been taken into federal custody and faces charges including deadly assaults on police officers, the Justice Department announced Friday.

Curtis Logan Tate, 32, of Jefferson, Indiana, was arrested Thursday in North Carolina, authorities said, and also faces other felony and misdemeanor charges including destruction of government property.

As USA TODAY reported in March, volunteer online sleuths, some of whom have become known as “Sedition Hunters,” said they had identified more than 100 people who were at the Capitol riot, using publicly available photographs and video of the insurrection, combined with facial recognition software. But they said despite providing extensive information to the FBI, those people had never been arrested or charged. 

USA TODAY investigated their claims and confirmed the identity of several riot participants by reviewing online evidence and contacting some of the suspects. One of them was Tate – who the online sleuths said they first identified more than a year ago.

The Justice Department’s charging documents note that Tate was identified for USA TODAY’s investigation and cite the quote Tate gave in a USA TODAY interview: 

“I would never hurt an officer. I come from a military background, I’m very respectful of our military and police,” Tate said. “I know I didn’t hurt anybody – I’m not speaking here bold as brass, because you never know what can happen – but I’ve never, ever once hurt, or put my hands on an officer.” 



Nice that USA Today can be a citizen arm of the DOJ. Turn your neighbor in is becoming a thing.


Curious that a woman from Chicago has been stalking and threatening Barron Trump for quite some time. Chronicling her threats on social media. She has been to Barron’s school on more than one occasion IIRC. She was finally arrested the other day . She’s probably free by now


That is what happens in dictatorships. Media and government is one against the people.


Sad to be forced to admit it but we’re there now.


There is still hope do not know how and when but Americans are a different breed. Never give up never give in 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

They should change their name to “USA Away” or something like that…

Buncha cheap presstitutes… no wonder they like the Bye, Dones…


Trump Mug Shot; Pat King Trial; Shelia Annette Lewis Died – A World of Injustice! Viva Frei Live (rumble.com)

Pat King was one of the Convoy organizers in Ottawa. last year. They held him for 5 1/2 month without bail. The conditions they put him in the prison were horrible.
His lawyers, he had then, were colluding with the government by tricking him into making statements, which resulted in him being charged with extra charges.
He is out on bail, but still has his bank account frozen (illegally by Justin Trudeau). and is under strict conditions, including nightly curfews.


He should cross the border and turn himself into a Border Patrol officer. If he speaks French, he could say he’s from some French speaking former colony. Lik Haiti but the lack of pigment might give him away.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe Turdope has some *cough* face paint left over…..


May it happen to the criminals, as they have done to others.



Do you mean the link is broken? Both giloo’s and mine still work for me.

Cuppa Covfefe

Must’ve been Ben and Faeries behind that… 🍦  🍨  🍧 

pat frederick

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If that can be verified, it would be a great tool.

Print it on a sheet of notebook paper, then fold it in half so only the top image is visible.

Then show it to someone, and ask them, “Which is the bigger particle, the 0.1um coronavirus particle, or the 10um smoke particle?

After they answer that the smoke particle is obviously larger, THEN unfold the paper and show them the CDC text.

If they need more help connecting the dots, explain to them that if cloth masks won’t stop particles as large as the smoke particles, then cloth masks cannot possibly stop particles as tiny as coronavirus particles.

I typed in the https://bit.ly/3kSMjl9 address in the image, and it automatically redirects to this webpage at the CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/disasters/covid-19/wildfire_smoke_covid-19.html

Unfortunately, the text and image above are not on the page. I searched the word ‘mask’ and that word appears nowhere on the page.

If anyone finds the page on the CDC website where the image and text above is located, please do post it.

It would be a very helpful tool, if people could verify it themselves at the CDC website 👍


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He might want to ask the mayor and officials of Chicago what they’re doing about it.

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s a graphic somewhere which shows the five DEMONRAT-RUN cities with high gun crime numbers, and their collective effect on the USA’s standing worldwide on gun-related deaths. Take out those five hellholes, and the USA is the third- or fourth-lowest in the whole world. Put them back in, and the USA is, IIRC, in second place worldwide…

As usual, the DEMONRATS are projecting to cover their own crimes and coddling of criminals…..

Oh, and Gruesome Gavin, how about those flashmob crimes happening all over Kalifornistan??? Who are you going to blame for that?????


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I also doubt it will be his last post about politics on social media. Something else could come up, with people questioning his lyrics or the Left attacking him. But I understand what he’s saying: that posting about politics is not his goal.


Personally my thought is , people listening to a song poetry interpret where they are at the moment. I see that Oliver had a meaning behind his song and once the song is out he cannot control it. He is a novice and on personal note he should have just let it go. He stirs more featthers adressing it the way he did. There is always a time to address the personal meaning of his song.
Hope this does not harm his music or gets him down. He needs to develop tough skin 🙂


Correction : feathers address


Well, I don’t blame him for correcting the record that he’s not a Biden supporter, I couldn’t allow that to stand, either!


Well, now we know what to call you when we really want to get your goat.  😂 


Ouch!  😫 




He needed unfortunately. I’ve read some blatant character assassination by supposedly conservatives
Since anything that Conservatives like or support is attacked by the borg i hope he stays safe and frosty from the ones who want him to shut up about the state of the country.




Oliver does not like either side that is ok by me 🙂 Maybe he likes MEGA ?


That is true 🙂


Yeah, but liberals are dumb.

Cuppa Covfefe

And the Greens and tree-huggers (Gang Green and Greta) are in the Mootrix 🙂
(really edgy vid, IIRC)… all that methane….BUUUURRRRP….

Happy go lucky

Nanoscale, they’ll be injectable in humans.


Yours Truly: This video clip is by a mother who’s got her teenage DAUGHTER on testosterone to “transition” the girl into a male. The daughter doesn’t look very happy. The mother is obviously frustrated that her DAUGHTER isn’t jumping up and down with happiness.
BUT — IMO, the real skinny starts at 1:50 in the video. The mother asks, “What’s the one thing you are really looking forward to with your testosterone?”
DAUGHTER answers, “Voice change and visual.”
Mother: “You want a studly beard like your dad?”
DAUGHTER: (Pause, then) “Yeah.”
Mother smiles and then says: “You’ll be so much hotter than him…you’re going to be really hot…it’s going to be really exciting.”


This makes me sick. It’s human experimentation on a minor who can’t consent, by her own mother, who should be locked up. Who is there to protect this girl?


One thinks an interesting question to the mother might be, “Since you’re apparently not satisfied in your relationship with your daughter’s father, why are you trying to transition her into a “hot” male?”


Munchausen by proxy with instant gratification24/7 by posting it to the internet.


“Who is there to protect this girl?”


No one.

Not the other parent, not aunts or uncles, not grandparents.

Occasionally a sibling will protect a sibling from an abusive parent, but that’s about it.

The non-abusive parent ignores it. Extended family can’t intervene without being cut off from the family. So everyone just looks the other way, and the child is on his or her own.

That’s how it goes.

Valerie Curren

Kalbo might appreciate this & put it out overtly since I’m too “nice” LOL

plannedemic 2 meme, language warning

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If everybody refuses, tyrant asshole goes bye-bye.

Valerie Curren



Already signed up. F’m.


On cell phone.

Likely this evening… 🙂

Definitely encouragable.

Valerie Curren

“Nice” to see you & anticipate your future moves 😉


Ummm … that’s me!

Valerie Curren

OK! Let’s Roll 😉 😉

Cuppa Covfefe

Put a “caterpillar” mustache on Lauterbach (our “health” minister) and he looks just like “Uncle Adolf”…..

Valerie Curren

Bwah ha ha!


Cutting to the chase… A grand slam of sorts… 🙂

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Valerie Curren

“Nice” collection you’ve got there! LOL

Valerie Curren

could be true…makes sense…

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I haven’t looked into it in detail, but this would seem to refute that.

In 2020, the United States achieved a record low infant mortality rate: 541.9 infant deaths per 100,000 live births. At the same time, the sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) rate increased 15% from 2019 to 2020, moving up to the 3rd leading cause of infant death. The study “Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths: 2015–2020,” which is published in the April 2023 issue of Pediatrics (published online March 13), acknowledges the uncertainty around the SIDS rate bump. 


Valerie Curren

good investigative work TT–Thank You!


2019-2020 is before 2020.

Two separate time periods, and each one is too vague.


That is good 🙂

Valerie Curren


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This picture calms the soul.

Valerie Curren

Amen! Natural beauty, but a gift to us all from the Lord!!!


Yes 🙂

Valerie Curren

I just love that pic even more every time I scroll by!

Valerie Curren

Did anyone ever figure out why Stollen instead of stolen?

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I think there was a Q post that had an L emphasized like this [L], but I don’t know. I think it’s possible it was just a misspelling. It was corrected in the same post a little later.

Valerie Curren


I thought all those “misspellings” were done deliberately to draw our attention to Something…hmmm….


People think that is the case, and sometimes it might be. Occasionally Q would have a typo and point out that fact, as if to say that that particular misspelling was not important — which has led people to believe that every misspelling IS significant. But this is a Trump communication, not a Q one, and while I don’t discount the significance of the misspelling, I also don’t count on its being important unless it becomes very clearly so.

Valerie Curren

Yes. I’ll point them out when I notice them but will leave the interpretive analyses for others more qualified to opine on the possible meanings…

Litenmaus presents some interesting stuff “below” to consider…


Afternoon Valerie….I don’t think anyone but Trump can give a definitive why “Stollen” was used, but “Stollen” is a very German bread and Georgia votes were sent through a Scytl Server in Germany.

11/8/2020: On November 8th, there was a tiny little paragraph that was printed in a German newspaper. That little paragraph mentioned a clandestine raid on a Server Farm in Frankfurt Germany and that a Scytl owned server was confiscated by special forces.

11/14/2020 research: “Electronic Software & Systems, Inc. (ES&S), is the largest manufacturer of voting machines in the U.S. (4,500 localities in 42 states and two territories). ES&S maintains all its data as unsecured files on the clarityelections.com domain, which is processed through Scytl servers in Barcelona. General election voting records are automatically forwarded to DNS addresses that include ES&S, Scytl in Barcelona, Smartmatic12 in London, and a Russian server at South Ural State University in Chelyabinsk.”

Dominion ran US Election results through a Scytl server located in Germany.

11/19/2020: It has been confirmed that the votes from 28 states were sent to Scytl servers in Germany and Spain to be tabulated and counted by Smartmatic before being returned to the United States.  

11/25/20 Attorney Sidney Powell files election interference documents.

11/28/20: Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia, is an experienced cybercrimes investigator and digital security executive, who has worked with the CIA, NSA, FBI, and U.S. military counterintelligence. In addition to his work with U.S. intelligence agencies Dr. Keshavarz-Nia works on cyber security and fraud with financial giants like Deutsche Bank and Stripe.

Sidney Powell filed Dr. Keshavarz-Nia affidavit with documents that she filed on Wednesday the 25th.

Exerpt from Dr. Keshavarz-Nia affidavit:
 “I conclude with high confidence that the election 2020 data were altered in ALL battleground states resulting in hundreds of thousands of votes that were cast for President Trump to be transferred to Vice President Biden.  These alterations were the result of systemic and widespread exploitable vulnerabilities in Dominion Voting Systems, Scytl/SOE Software and Smartmatic systems that enabled operators to achieve the desired results. In my view, the evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible.”

On December 30,2020: Jovan Pulizer & others testified before theGeorgia Senate Subcommittee on Elections. Jovan Pulitzer presented evidence regarding vote integrity issues. During these hearings those that testified declared that the “switching of votes” was clearly evident by comparing minute by minute Georgia precinct reports to the reports that were being returned by Scytl.

Final Testimony was a group of three data scientists. They analyzed numbers, data and the network (Scytl/Empire) systems and using Fraud Investigation standards, can prove that there was Fraud committed in Georgia elections.

I watched as many of the various Senate/House committee meetings in Georgia, Wisconsin, Arizona etc, that I could and it was only during the Georgia hearings that the Scytl servers were addressed, which causes me to consider that DJT’s use of “Stollen” in this instance is connected to the German server used by the State of Georgia to hide the negative votes that were recorded by the Dominion machines in use for the 2020 election.

Valerie Curren

Excellent!!! I blasted your details out on Gab, fwiw…more eyes & all  TYSVM



YW….and Thank you for spreading the information on Gab…greatly appreciate it

Valerie Curren

My pleasure. I usually share what I find here at the Q-Tree since it’s such great material that should get wider viewing than just our regular participants & lurkers, imo 🙂 Thank YOU for compiling such an incredibly detailed list of facts & presenting it in a helpful timeline format!

Cuppa Covfefe

Stollen is a German Christmas Fruitcake, much like the various sweet breads that different countries have.

In Frankfurt, and a couple of other places, there were servers that had the vote data passing through, and ostensibly stored. And in the US embassy there, the lady with the black hat/white hat dress was present during a dust-up between possibly warring factions of the elections. In any case, FFM (Frankfurt) had the data, in REAL TIME, and would have evidence of data tampering….

STOLLEN, of course, being a reference to Germany…

There were servers in Spain and a couple of other places as well. Seems the black hats wanted a redundant system…

Valerie Curren

Yes. There was that Leonardo thing, iirc, out of Italy that was documented in some type of court case AND an American deep state operative caught on airport cameras in Italy as the Steal was underway, I believe…

Valerie Curren

Hope Phoenix sees this one 🙂

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comment imageWarren



Northern lights over Iceland that appears to be a Phoenix


Valerie Curren

This one was in the Gab replies

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1 repost

 Did you see this from Sicily yesterday? It’s a volcano.


Valerie Curren

there are some other “fun’ things in that Gab conversation…

Valerie Curren

& this comes to mind… 😉

Valerie Curren

My hubby ran across this the other day & I thought some Q-Treepers, Scott cough cough, might find this interesting…Also Aubergine w/ the eyelid difference described…


Thanks for thinking of me 😂

I remember when that video came out, the guy who made it admitted that it was a prank.

Valerie Curren

Of course LOL I Wanted it to be true though, so that counts for Something, right??? 😉 😉

Cuppa Covfefe


There’s a new genealogy site…

WGTT and me 😀

Valerie Curren

LOL I’m dying here!!!


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Deplorable Patriot

Not true, except maybe in a couple neighborhoods on the north side.


Oh yes 🙂


Maybe they meant to say Memphis because that would be the smartest way there. The neighborhoods are bad all over the city.
When I’m there I pump fuel with the head on a swivel move, make sure the other 3 doors are locked and do not react to any drama at another pump. Assume it’s to distract you !
Get in and get out best motto !


those 15 minute cities are really really going to cramp the style of traveling gangstas

Happy go lucky

I imagine they’ll get a pass


LOL, the hype on the C40 cities sites is as if it will be like Utopia. Nicely dressed (in one of their 3 new outfits per year) people leisurely lounging in manicured parks. Joyously discovering cafes and stores that in their previous hectic life they overlooked. Biking without a care in the world.
It’s beyond ridiculous


But the streetwalkers will be able to cover more territory.

Cuppa Covfefe

So much for 15 minutes…

Cuppa Covfefe

Paging DP!!!!!!! 😀

Cuppa Covfefe

Reminds me of this 🙂 [Panic Mechanic]

Hi, Jack….

Happy go lucky

“Baby singing I’m Blessed”:


That might be the cutest thing ever!


Karl at Market-Ticker:

The AI ‘Investment’ SCAM

“Anyone paying attention to NVDA?

Yes, they have nice chips. I have one of their graphics cards in my desktop. Nice board. So was its predecessor, also theirs.

That’s not the point.

The AI screamfest has been full-on now for a couple of years. The rage over “large language models” (e.g. ChatGPT and similar) is in every column, every piece on CNBC and elsewhere.

The problem, as with all tech hype, isn’t “does it work.”

It is can you make money at it?

All this large language processing costs money.  Lots of money. I don’t care how fast or well it functions unless there’s a market for it that pays at a rate above you have to spend to build it, train it, monitor it, administrate it and operate it — including both the human and computer resources.

That’s the problem and what’s worse is that it is only good at certain things; the trivial task we all undertake every day, driving a car, it is utterly incapable of doing in a reasonably-competent manner at all no matter how much money is spent, and certainly not for as little as is spent on a human driver.

The spike upward when NVDA announced earnings was amusing.

So was the subsequent give-back of all of it, plus a huge dump in the other market indices.
Here it come folks.”


Apparently Karl missed the livestream video that Elon posted last night.

The CEO of Tesla took a 40 minute drive around Palo Alto, CA and live-streamed the whole trip with commentary, using the latest FSD (Full Self Driving) version 12.

Version 12 is the first real “AI” version, a breakthrough that apparently happened not too long ago.

Previously, the FSD was built on code. I think he mentions over 300,000 lines of code, similar to “If you see a Stop sign then STOP” and “If you see a GREEN light then Go”, etc.

The new AI version of FSD apparently has less than 3,000 lines of code, presumably for booting the system (start-up).

For the actual driving, it all operates on AI. There is no code, which Elon states over and over again, with the wonder of a child in his voice. They trained the AI on millions of videos, and it learns from the videos what to do.

So when it slows down for a speed bump (IMO it doesn’t slow down quite enough 😂), Elon mentions that there is no code telling it to slow down, it does so because it has “learned” and taught itself.

Same thing with giving a bike rider plenty of room as the car passes the cyclist.

It’s not using radar or lidar or similar devices.

It does not require a constant (or any) Internet connection.

It doesn’t require a programmed route, so it is autonomous. He says you can tell it where to go, and it will figure it out. Normally it would work with GPS, but apparently it doesn’t have to. It might even go down a one-way street, and have to turn around and try some other route, but it approaches the problem the same way a human does.

The reason this is impressive is that it is not relying on pre-mapped coordinates, so it works just as well on roads that have never been ‘mapped’. If you air-lift it to anywhere in the world, and put it on a road, and tell it where to go, it will start driving, like a person would.

It’s smooth. If you didn’t know it was driving itself, you wouldn’t be able to tell from the live-stream video.

Several commenters have noted how no other CEO would think of doing something like this today. It’s too risky. If it hadn’t worked properly, it could be a huge black eye, give short-sellers an excuse to tank the stock value (at least for a few days), etc.

During the 40+ minute drive (the entire live stream is posted online, unedited), one intervention by Elon was required. I didn’t watch the whole 40 minutes, but I saw a commentary about it, apparently they were at a stop light, in the turn lane, and when the light to go straight turned green, the car started to go, even though the turn lane was still red, if I understood correctly.

They can fix that by training the AI on more video of similar intersections.

So one error in 40 minutes, all city street driving.

No one will ever convince Karl though 😁

Here is the entire uncut video:


This looks like a shorter 14.5 minute highlights version, created by youtubers:


Looks like there is an edit at around 4:51 that shouldn’t be there.

Cuppa Covfefe

“AI” is only as good as the programmers who programmed it.

Any program is, in the end, a gigantic bifurcating list of decisions and data comparisons.

No inferences, no intuitions, no gut feelings, no going against what seems to be a bad idea…

Machines are not, have never been, nor never will be sentient.

AI is nothing more that new lipstick on an old IBM pig. Look up “ELIZA”…..

Maybe Elon should have driven through EAST Palo Alto, East Oakland, East San Jose, Compton, Watts, or East LA… and then had to stop and ask directions…

Valerie Curren

That was fast!





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The Yellowstoning of Oliver AnthonyIt brings me no pleasure to write thiscomment image
AUG 26, 2023



Folk musician Oliver Anthony’s song “Rich Men North of Richmond” took the country by storm. Decrying inflation, welfare abuse, and even Epstein island, the soulful lament rocketed up the charts with enthusiastic help from conservative influencers and their millions of followers.

And yet, Anthony’s mood towards the conservatives who embraced his music seems to be souring. He released a video where he laid out his thoughts on the growing political controversies surrounding him and his music


Substack has his shorts in a twist. Give it a rest already and stop trying to pigeonhole the man. I dare say that President Trump rarely identifies as a republican, I sure don’t.


I think its a bit much to pigeon hole the guy so soon myself. But its good not to make heroes out of people you really dont know anything about. Just be cautious is my preference.


The song lyrics speak to many people. If he started drawling out about climate control or gay rights a different audience would react.
If he was allowing the hero cape to be on his shoulders i’d agree, too soon, but everything I’ve seen he’s stepping away from that role.
He could vanish from my bubble tomorrow and I wouldn’t miss him but I’d remember the songs


We’d sure remember that red brush he calls a beard.  😂 


Yes. Thats the point i expect. Its about the music people!


I think Oliver is independent. He does not care about politicians the way they serve corporations instead average people
i am not offended unless he turns out to be dick. At this time I am intrigued with him.




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D-D-D-Done! 👍😁


What if …

The point in running RDS was not to step in if DJT failed?

What if …

The point was to ruin the good will RDS had from his performance as governor in the Disney debacle and beyond?

What if this was all away to make RDS unelectable in his next campaign for governor, so that a RINO could be governor? Somebody who talked good but was a master of sitting on his hands?

What if the steady drop in RDS polling was intended?


It might have been intended, but RDS didn’t have to play along so spectacularly…
I haven’t seen people express dissatisfaction with him as governor, except to say that he’s not present and is on the campaign trail. But that could change. It bears watching.


ABC News
Hawaii authorities evacuate area of Lahaina due to brush fire near site of deadly blazeA brush fire is prompting Maui authorities to evacuate residents from a neighborhood in Lahaina, just a few miles from the site recently ravaged by blazes
ByThe Associated Press
August 26, 2023, 5:25 PM

They are so incompetent, they havent been clearing the fuel all this time so another fire wouldnt start.
Lo, and another fire.

LAHAINA, Hawaii — A brush fire on Saturday prompted Maui authorities to evacuate residents from a neighborhood of Lahaina, just a few miles from the site recently ravaged by blazes.
An evacuation order had been issued for a residential area of Lahaina in the hills above Kaanapali resort hotels, the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency said. The order was for an area around Anapuni Loop, the agency said in a post on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.
At least 115 people were killed and 2,000 structures destroyed when a wildfire tore through downtown Lahaina on Aug. 8. Minimal rains have pushed the area into drought.


Happy go lucky

Dwight Yoakam, “I Sang Dixie”

Valerie Curren

I wonder if Carl is well enough to do his typical Sunday post…He likely still needs prayer for his health issues…

Barb Meier

I thought he wrote and said he could not do it this Sunday.

Valerie Curren

OK thanks Barb!

Valerie Curren

I just did a quickie to cover for the day…



Apologies if this was already posted.

FIB blows away a veteran. This one in TN. Did they blow one away in UT a couple weeks ago? Intimidating conservatives?

Grieving Mother Desperate For Answers After FBI Busts Down Door, Fatally Shoots Her Disabled Veteran Son in Pre-Dawn Raid

A Chester County family is left with many unanswered questions after their relative was fatally shot during an arrest operation by FBI agents.

Thursday morning an arrest warrant by FBI agents ended in the fatal shooting of a Chester county man named Theodore Deschler. The family says the FBI refuses to tell them why they conducted the arrest warrant and why they shot him, leaving the family searching the house for clues as to what happened to their relative. We visited the residence and the family showed us around the property so we could better understand what happened. At the property, the family showed us where the agents broke multiple windows of the property.

“There’s three up front and two on the sides they broke out…they were shooting flash…smoke grenades,” said Russell Deschler, Brother of the Suspect.

They used flashbangs, destroyed the yard with trucks, shot through a refrigerator, broke tree limbs, and even knocked down a light over the garage because it was suspected to be a camera.

“We believe they broke the windows of the garage so they could shoot. Because if you look, that chair they moved from back there and they were standing on the chair when they shot,” Deschler said.


Valerie Curren

Horrifying  😡 

Valerie Curren

I did a quick Sunday post guys, so we have a new place to hang for the day. Blessings!
