Jesus is Lord Today & Every Day

Hi Q-Tree this is a super quick post in case Carl is unable to post his usual Sunday teaching & encouragement. Per reports on sister blogs, Sylvia’s at least, Carl is pretty sick with Covid & needs our prayers.

So no matter what is swirling around us, or within us, Jesus is Still Lord…

Here is a site that has compiled a number of Bible verses that expound on Jesus as Lord:

Here is another teaching, in its entirety, from this site:

What Is the Real Meaning of “Jesus Is Lord”?

In the New Testament, Lord is the most frequently used title for Jesus Christ. Although we rarely use this term in our daily lives, we are all quite familiar with another word: boss. That is basically what Lord means—one possessing authority, power, and control. The Word of God describes Jesus as the head of the church, the ruler over all creation, and the Lord of lords and King of kings (Col. 1:15-18Rev. 3:14, 17:14).

Jesus is Lord:
 Scripture Meaning

Following the resurrection, the term “Lord,” being applied to Jesus, became more than an indication of devotion or respect. Stating, “Jesus is Lord,” became a way of recognizing Jesus’ divine standing. 

References of Jesus as Lord started with Thomas’ declaration when Jesus arrived at the apostles after His resurrection: “Thomas said to him, ‘My Lord and my God!’” (John 20:28). From thereafter, the message of the Apostles was that Jesus is Lord, signifying that “Jesus is God.” 

Peter’s sermon on the Day of Pentecost carried that idea: “Let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah” (Acts 2:36). Peter later declared this in the house of Cornelius, stating that Jesus is “Lord of all” (Acts 10:36).  It is important to note that in Romans 10:9 Jesus’ lordship is connected to His resurrection: “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

The declaration “Jesus is Lord” indicates that Jesus is God. Jesus holds “all authority in heaven and on earth” (Matthew 28:18). He is “Lord of the Sabbath” (Luke 6:5); “our only Sovereign and Lord” (Jude 1:4); and “the Lord of lords” (Revelation 17:14).

What Makes Jesus a “Lord”?

The realm of Christ’s reign covers everything that happens in heaven and on the earth. No one—not even those who deny His existence—can be free of His rule or outside His sphere of authority. Although Satan tries to convince us that liberty is found in doing what we want, true freedom is acquired only through submission to Christ’s loving lordship.

Even death cannot release anyone from the authority of God’s Son. He is Lord of both the living and the dead. All people must decide to either yield or rebel against Him, but they have the opportunity to make this choice only while they are still living. After death, they will acknowledge Christ’s lordship through accountability to Him. If we have not bowed the knee to Jesus in life, we will be forced to bend it in the judgment.

Have you submitted to Christ’s rule over your life? His authority causes anger or fear in individuals who have not yet yielded to Him, but those who have experienced His loving kindness trusted in His goodness and surrendered to His authority take comfort in knowing Him as the Lord of their lives.

Taken from “Lord of the Living and the Dead” from In Touch Ministries (used by permission).

These are long days of darkness & often despair, but we who know the Lord need fear no evil for the Lord is with us. He has promised never to leave nor forsake us, which is a great comfort in times of tremendous turbulence. So as we keep fighting the good fight let’s continue to look to the Lord, the author & finisher of our faith, our soon coming King!

May God Bless YOU Richly, Today and Always. In Jesus’ Love, Valerie

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Thx for the post Valerie!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We can stick with yours here! But thanks for the link! Two sermons can’t be a bad thing! 😉


Thanks for posting in Carl’s absence this morning!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! It went up!!! Thanks for the tip – will go over there now!


Thank you for stepping up and filling the void with this very meaningful message, Valerie.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen! I love the teamwork. Thank you, Valerie! 💖

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No problems at all! Glad you could help out Carl. We’re doing well, but I feel like I’m back on the job – like I’m no longer retired. Rough work!


Good on you. We need to work have a purpose that is meaningful to continue to live.
When we stop working we die. A Monk told me this truth and I believe it.


Good for him keep on working 🙂


You might consider taking a position as a traveling saleslady.  😂 


Hunting, hiking, fishing, honey do’s, go for long walks, pester his bride 🙂 …endless opportunities.

Retired, 2015, from work I enjoyed…have NEVER, wished I was back at work, for even a day, an hour….


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Plus…Trump has not been charged with insurrection, let alone convicted of it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“You absolute communist.”

Love it!


Feel free to remove my duplicate post of this above. 😳

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey, it needs to be said TWICE!!! 😉


Thanks, Valerie! You even brought content! Way to go — woohoo!


For those military historians among us, I vaguely recall a tale about a Second Lieutenant who unexpectedly found himself in command of a fleet….and managed to win the engagement, thus setting a record for largest gap between “acting” and “actual” rank. Does anyone remember this story?


Your description rings a bell, but I can’t recall details.


It’d be funny if his name were Curren….


I vaguely recall that I may have seen this in Heinlein’s Starship Troopers, as part of an explanation of why Second Lieutenants are not quite as useless as tits on a boar.




Carl, I hope and pray for your recovery and restoration to health. 🙏

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen. 🙏



I will say extra prayers for Carl at church this morning.


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“Many people watch, plus I am surrounded by Secret Service Agents. Not much you can do even if you wanted to, and I don’t.”


He should see what Joe Brandon does while surrounded by SS agents…


Have read of the SS complaints. Sick stuff.


Who complained ? SS?


I seem to remember one complaint from a female SS agent, or more than one, that he swam in the nude in front of them.


so many have been attacked and bitten by their dogs too

Barb Meier

Chris Plante told us Biden’s SS code name was cobra due to him running around nekkid in front of the SS detail that includes ladies.


Yes, Briben was VP, swap nude, in front of female SS. Disgusting, is a starting point….


They’re just lucky he didn’t shower with them….


They complain about stuff they find morally offensive, while steadfastly ignoring the rampant crimes and treason committed right in front of their faces.


Talk is cheap and easy.

LE requires, action. Takes away from doughnut tie.




I think the SS comment was a warning for those thinking on doing him harm. That was brilliant   :wpds_smile: 


I think so, too.


A warning to the SS, maybe.

Everybody else already knows 😁


Maybe 🙂

pat frederick

i thought the phrase was hanky panky…
another “l” typo?


Noticed that, too. “Stollen” for stolen, and now hanky/lanky, instead of hanky/panky.



I am laughing 🙂

Lanky Definition & Meaning
Merriam-Webster › dictionary › lanky

lean, spare, lank, lanky, gaunt, rawboned, scrawny, skinny mean thin because of an absence of excess flesh. lean stresses lack of fat and of curving contours.


I don’t know much about golf, but 67 seemed awfully good for 18 holes!

Judging by all the lunatic Leftists who were triggered, I suspect DJT is having fun at their expense 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He KNEW it would trigger his enemies, and he was right!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well worth reading. Trump baits out his haters with this one. It’s worth reading. Trump apparently had a very good game, which isn’t surprising at all for a guy who plays a LOT of golf. Statistically, it has to happen. Every once in a while, he will play a pro-level game. But what you see in the article is that they basically prove that point while denying it. They talk about an outing where only 6 people scored better than what Trump is claiming. Well, DUH, Trump is not claiming he consistently meets or beats that score – he just had an exceptionally good game.

But the haters – they cannot and WILL NOT do the math. They deny that Trump’s low value can exist, because it’s impossible that he ever plays better than his average. They EMOTE to that conclusion. They SHOUT to that conclusion. But they cannot argue it.

Trump had a great game, and they CANNOT deal with it.


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A gazillion times! PDT is brilliant.


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Thank you Valerie! 👍

Barb Meier

Thank you, Valerie!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you, Valerie! Job well done!

I’m very worried about Carl. I sure hope he pulls through this OK. 🙏

Please pass any word of him back here!!!


I want to focus on being thankful for the many lessons Carl has brought to us. Some of his weekly posts seemed like they were expressly written to straighten me out when I was erring. Others helped me plan where to put my feet in the weeks ahead. Still more deepened my understanding.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup! This is a CHURCH, and that’s exactly what church is supposed to do!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, he does. Wow. Hope he’s not taking too much HCQ. He needs to not increase the dose above recommended levels.


I hope Carl is able to read and see this.

Vitamin I is hard to overdose on, but HCQ should be used exactly as recommended.


I’m concerned about the IVM and HCQ not working.

Either he has something that is not actually Covid, or maybe the genocidal monsters came up with a variant that is resistant to IVM and HCQ, which of course would be priority #1 for them.

It is miserable to be sick with that crap, I hope he’s at least starting to feel better by now.


One needs to take more then HCQ or IVM. Of course if one has a medical condition on top of covid.
I am now taking 1/2 lemon juice to 1 cup warm water, one Tsp of olive oil (virgin ) and one tsp of raw honey twice a day. This is supposed to strengthen lungs. I find my allergies are almost gone. Of course to takes a while to work.
I am trying to get my immune system ready for what ever happens and god willing it will work.
Many prayers to Carl for healing.


Yes it is 🙂


Jacksonville Dollar General shooting leaves four people dead including gunman whose assault rife was covered in Nazi swastikas for ‘racially motivated’ attack

A shooting at a Florida Dollar General store in Northwest Jacksonville which left three black people dead was ‘racially motivated,’ officials say. 

The incident, which also saw the white gunman die from a self-inflicted gun wound, on Saturday is being investigated as a hate crime by the FBI and local authorities. 

The suspected shooter, in his 20s, used an assault rifle covered in Nazi swastikas in the attack, according to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office.

He is said to have sent a manifesto which detailed his racial hatred to police, media and his parents before the attack. 

The victims were described as two African-American men and one woman.

The gunman was seen putting on tactical gear at the nearby Edward Waters University (EWU) campus moments before the shooting. 

Security at the historically black college tried to detain him but he managed to evade them. 

The suspect’s parents called the Sheriff’s Office after they found a concerning manifesto which contained a ‘disgusting ideology of hate’. 

The suspect left his home at 11:39 to head to Jacksonville and texted his father to tell him to check his computer.

At 1.53 pm, his parents called the sheriff’s office to report the manifesto they had found but by this time he had already begun his assault. 

The suspect knew about a mass shooting which happened five years ago on the same date. Two people were killed and 10 were hurt in an attack at a video game tournament on August 26. 2018. 

This looks like purely a racially motivated crime. No mention of Trump, no MAGA hat, not even a mention of Gov. DeSantis. I can’t think of even one other such crime over the course of many years. There’s always some other motive: the person got fired or they had a grudge against someone or they were making a political/environmental point, etc.


From the Ukraine Military Bazaar & Surplus, of course.


Afghan gear is cheaper, but the shipping is more expensive.


That would take work, and work interrupts doughnut time.

Most of the gear likely comes from cop station evidence lock-ups. That way, with missing evidence, the guilty can go free, and they can supply mass-murderers everything they need to commit more crimes.

Two birds, only one missed doughnut break.


“Did I hear somebody say doughnut?”
— Chris ‘Krispy Kreme’ Christie

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Chris “Krusty the Klown” Crisco donuts 🙂  🍩 

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Pistol, AR style rifle, and tactical vest total is between 1000 and 2000 bucks, IMO. Not that much, really.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

To real gun lovers, they’ll find a way for that kind of cash!


Or free from the local FIB field office, who probably drove him to the crime scene too.


The COLE (Clowns of Law Enforcement) could figure out who smuggled Bagman’s coke into the WH.

They’re certainly not going to figure out the answer to a question like yours.



The COLE (Clowns of Law Enforcement) couldn’t figure out who smuggled Bagman’s coke into the WH.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Self-inflicted gunshot wound at the end increases the likelihood that it was MK, demonic, or most likely both. These people don’t self-terminate out of guilt or shame. It’s programmed or controlled into them. Very much reminds me of the top Nazis who committed suicide.

Unlikely that he would be a fan of Trump, given all the swastikas. Most neo-Nazis despise Trump for being a Zionist with a Jewish daughter and in-laws.


Especially to corrupt law enforcement, who ask no questions.


Unlikely that he would be a fan of Trump, given all the swastikas.

I agree. That doesn’t stop the media from trying to make people look like MAGA followers.


Sounds like all BS to me.

When trannys do a mass-murder, we hear nothing. No manifestor, no motive, no details, no nothing. Must protect the protected classes no matter what.

But some FIB informant (they always are) with swastikas all over his rifle (how convenient) kills a few people, and the killer’s life is an open book with condemnation all around.

I don’t believe any of it.

I don’t believe the hilariously misnamed ‘authorities’ about anything.


I don’t believe them either. I just find it remarkable that this time there have been no attempts to connect the criminal to Trump, Repubs, MAGA patriots, etc.


Thank you, Valerie, for stepping up to the plate and knocking it out!


11:30 PM PST: all of these links are down.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Something is going on.

Brave and Free

The shooting in FL, right on schedule.
Hmmm DeSnake’s state, coincidence?



Cuppa Covfefe

Ron DeSellout…


Hawaii is very corrupt. I feel so sorry for the average person there.


In that vid that the man with his kids on dirt bikes showed quite a few non burned homes near ground zero. Have those people also been displaced ? How do they get to their houses ?


“How do they get to their houses ?”


BlackRock already changed all the locks, so…


Send in the UK newspapers.

They report, when American Pravda is ordered to stand down.


They have pictures, too!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. Something is up. I’m not quite sure what it is, but it’s there.

Cuppa Covfefe

Seems like the GEBs (Globalist Evil Bastiges), WEFfenSS, and DEMONRATS are lighting as many fires (literally and figuratively) in as many places as they can, around the same time, to foment a state of emergency, not just in the USA, but worldwide. And then they’ll sprinkle a bit of COVIDIOCY variant BS24/7 on top to do the lockdown/control-freak stuff again. They’re already seeding the media over here for that, freshly on top of the new draconian internet thought police act from the EC.

Ursula von der Leyen is the “President” of the EC (European Comission), the real POWER of the EU (parliament is just a rubber-stamp tool), and her husband stands to make TONS of money from new vaccines, as he’s in Big Pharma. Seems she’s in a bit of a fix, too, as she ordered enough clot shots for everyone in Europe, man, woman, child, confused-cretins, to have something like 38 shots EACH.

Cost overrun writ large, as most of those slab jab vials are expiring around now, leading to a new round of gouging… Viper’s nest indeed.

The “foreign police cars” sounds like the UN flexing its Satanic muscles…

Anymore I get the feeling “pray without ceasing” is more important than ever before.

(and the infowars/cuttingedge side of me wonders if maybe Alex Soros is the “Man of Perdition”……  😱  )….


And her husband didn’t have anything to do with that terrible shot mis-calculation. Really!!

Cuppa Covfefe

If you can get this link to work, it’s all here…

Seems like someone wanted it taken down under that freshly-minted Orwellian internet law at the EC (the REAL power of the EU) level…

And WHO is the current EC President…. vdL…


Just a black screen with a Zur button, that didn’t go anywhere. Can’t read German anyway. 😉

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s been (silently) taken down… I’m digging around trying to find it, and what REALLY happened…

I just read it the other day, but didn’t download it ( 😡 😡 😡 😡 )….


Hawaii who would like to have the land right on the water? Chinese to park their ships? The rich wanting their playground with slaves ? Yes something evil is going on nothing good comes from this.


They are burning the countries down to rebuild in their image evil gangsters.
They create shortages all over the world.


Dr. David Martin:

“Well, the answer is land reappropriation,” Dr. Martin concluded.

“That’s what it’s about. It’s about reappropriating land. And the best way to reappropriate land is to have a fire. That has been the case since the Old Testament. So, this is not a new thing. This has been around for thousands and thousands of years. When humans cannot win on a fair playing field, they use fire. And they use fire to destroy an old appropriation of land and reappropriate it to a new use.”

“There’s no question that what is going on in Canada right now is a massive, massive, massive land grab,” continued Dr. Martin, “where the state will come in its largesse and propose new development of what? Of things that will be pro-state. That’s not a human recovery.”


Yes ” you own nothing and be happy”
They are going to tax us until we cannot afford to own a house.
I noticed going grocery shopping how much the prices have gone up almost over night. We are ok but I feel for people who are not. This is not going to end well one way or another.


That’s the spirit, boys.


Sell them all on eBay and buy wirecutters….


Just to clarify… next tweet and reply.

Mayx says.

We have a heavy street monitoring system in Dubai, Im not against it here tbh, I can go for a run 3 AM and feel very safe. Not sure about US thought

Wall Street Silver replies.

This is something different. This is a monitoring system designed to tax you for using your car. People are upset about the restrictions on their ability to move around.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s back up.

Dang, this Nazi crap is bad.

Remember – most of the evil off the Nazis was not their antisemitism, as evil and toxic as that was. It was their total control of society for everybody. Today, the totalitarian buttlick leftists try to make us focus on the antisemitism to the exclusion of the rest, so that we don’t see the evil totalitarianism coming at us from other directions.


Be careful with AI .


Let Dubai boy have his police state and enjoy it. He’ll learn where that ends up.

And stay there. Don’t come to the US.


A positive development. Be too bad if it is contagious. Actually surprised it took this long. The “minders” are gonna get paranoid.


I’m surprised they don’t have surveillance cameras guarding the spy cameras. That might be next.


Please watch this! Whoa Argentina.
Who is Javier Milei?




Ok. Ill see if i can do the same.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow – that was awesome. So they cancel people there, too, and they’re STILL losing.


That guy is losing his mind, practically foaming at the mouth with righteous anger… and the expression on the woman’s face is PRICELESS 😂


He speaks the truth.

Barb Meier

TY Valerie! I watched it twice.Milei is on fire.


The last line is so true: “It’s too easy being a socialist in a free country, but it is impossible being libertarian in a socialist country.”


“The Black Vote is going to be lost to the Uniparty forever. Republicans aren’t scooping it up. America First is.”


Repukes have zero chance of scooping up the black vote.

At this point, back-stabbing Traitor-Cons can’t even scoop up the white vote.


You’re rockin’ it so far!

Even got an attaboy from that wolflike character that sometimes skulks around the place.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And they have ZERO George Soros or Antony Blinkens.


Good to see the info finally coming out with who BRICS is and what the coming financial earthquake will entail.

The above is just for those five. Add in the new members and the dozens of other nations who are in the process of aligning their economic and governmental systems to BRICS.

As I have said for quite some time on here, the (petro) dollar is dead. It has been in hospice for quite awhile.

JMO – All of this is setting up the Apocalypse quite well when you study it. Only YHWH knows how and when, but prophecies appear to be in various stages of fulfillment.


There are two generations, from the Father’s point-of-view: the Old Testament [Covenant] and the New Testament [Covenant]. IMO.

The definition [and root] of the verb ‘generate’ is to create or to start.

Christ said there would be no sign given to this wicked generation [about 32 A.D.]. That makes no sense literally but it makes perfect sense if He was describing the New Covenant as the start of a new era, with His ministry of grace as the starting point.

Cuppa Covfefe

HE does describe things to look for… as do Paul and the other Apostles…


Huge amount of skill on display. My favorite one of these types of vids is where the equipment operator fills the toy dump truck with dirt.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Such a WEAK community note.


“Those citizens are simply napping”
— Chinese Communist Party

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

Silver Lake… crikey I lived near there… 😮


Also notice “Water Donation … $3.00”

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s the whole pic (xtwitter clipped it):

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Shades of Reagan’s 151 taxes on a loaf of bread.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hotez is a wild one. Not sure where it all goes. He had a hand in making the virus, but he made the safest vaccine for it.

Cuppa Covfefe

He looks more than a little unhinged…

Reminds me of Gene Wilder in “Young Frankenstein” where he says he’s going to succeed where six others have failed (Mel Brooks’s inside joke about remakes of “Frankenstein” that failed…all of them, so far)….

Or as Wilder looked with the scalpel when demonstrating reflexes and the nervous system:

Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: I am a scientist, not a philosopher! You have more chance of reanimating this scalpel than you have of mending a broken nervous system!

Medical Student: But what about your grandfather’s work, sir?

Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: My grandfather’s work was doodoo! I am not interested in death! The only thing that concerns me is the preservation of life!

[jams the scalpel into his leg, lets go of the scalpel and it sticks upright out of his leg, grasps it again, then slowly crosses his legs to block the scalpel from view]

Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Class… is… dismissed.

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(couldn’t look much Wilder than that 🙂 )….

Cuppa Covfefe

I always liked Inga (Teri Garr)…


I can’t believe these people are hyperventilating about nitrogen hypoxia —

What they don’t know is that it is a frequent result of industrial accidents in Silicon Valley, where nitrogen is used to purge process chambers for chip making. It is quite dangerous because there are no unpleasant symptoms — people just run out of oxygen and keel over and die.


The most disturbing visuals is when they go limp like a sack of potatoes and hit something on the way down. I’d imagine that the death chamber would have a recliner in a small room with 3″ of foam padding on the floor. You could let the guy have a keyboard and mouse, with a screen suspended away from the wall. Put the guy in there half an hour early, let him check emails, then introduce nitrogen at the appointed time.

The story makes it sound like it has to be 100% and it acts like a poison — neither is accurate. You don’t need a mask (nitrogen is cheap). Once the oxygen in the room drops below about 6%, the guy is gone [ ].


Cheap? It’s free. It’s 78% of the air.

All the cost is in the packaging.  😂 

Cuppa Covfefe

I like Douglas Adams’s “Total Perspective Vortex”…

All those egotistical, sociopathic, narcissistic, misanthropic miscreants in Gubmint and the UN and the WEFfenSS and the DEMONRATS would find out that they are infintesimally insignificant compared to the universe….

Cuppa Covfefe

Next thing you know, the Greens/DEMONRATS will ban Nitrogen…

That should be fun to watch, provided they go first 😀

Cuppa Covfefe

78 percent Nitrogen, 21 percent Oxygen, and one percent global warming 😀

(Just kidding… lots of trace gasses in there, and the only one TRULY affecting the weather is water vapor)…


They don’t use it because there would be no basis for a lot of death penalty litigation. Gotta keep those attorneys and judges busy, ya know.  🙃 


These stories are incredibly sad, but need to be told!


Yet another V22 Osprey down, this time in Australia, leading to US marines dying.

Reminder : the V22 Osprey is yet another example of overpriced US junk. $100 million USD – each! Total rubbish.

It’s also lethal – to US Marines and anyone who flies in it. It has caused hundreds of deaths, 90% in peace time operations. See below for more information about how scandalous this machine truly is.


Second fatal air crash in Australia within 1 month.

3 US marines killed & 20 are injured, after Boeing MV-22B Osprey crashed on Melville Island near Darwin Australia in Operation Predator Run (exercise) – Marine Rotational Force-Darwin is a United States Marine Corps Marine Air-Ground Task Force based at Matilda Lines at Robertson Barracks and at RAAF Base Darwin.

29 JULY: 4 killed in MRH-90 Taipan helicopter off Hamilton Island, Queensland in biannual Operation Talisman Sabre (exercise)


Traditionally, after Russian missile strikes on Ukraine, US Marines die somewhere in Australia during exercises.


Good catch, phoenix.



Short vid. Rick Grenell and Jay Sekulow discuss ACLJ’s plan to fight this. Sounding the alarm CLAXON (we’ve been hearing it for a long time now) on the left’s use of law warfare to interfere in and steal an election and explaining one way to fight back, which is donate to the ACLJ. Works for me. Tells the RNC, sorry, giving my money to the ACLJ because your politicians do nothing and are worthless to me and the next millions of guys. 😆


My husband also increased his monthly giving to ACLJ. I hang up on anyone wanting money on the phone. Normally some republican organization not supporting Trump.
Also Amish farmer who is being persecuted for his defense. We have switched our charity giving. Anything that is woke is dead to us.


Verse of the Day for Sunday, August 27, 2023

“When a man’s ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.” 

Proverbs 16:7 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.

pat frederick

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Beautiful message, Valerie. Thank you!


Nice to see you, Grandma. You’ve been missed.


Uh, N O P E ! Guessing rCONS WILL play along, as their standard. Spit.

Cuppa Covfefe

Bye, Dung…

Will be quite a scene when Satan calls in all his “Mark”ers…..


Thank you, Valerie! Well done and much appreciated.

“He was in the beginning with God.” John 1:2 (NASB)

“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6 (NASB)

Look no farther. The answer to everything in life stands knocking at the door of your mind and heart.

“For My yoke is comfortable, and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:30 (NASB)

For more understanding of the above verse, use the link below.

Have a blessed day, folks.

🙏 for Carl.


Valerie Curren
Thank you so much for today’s Bible lesson.
Prayers and meditations ongoing for complete and swift restoration of health to our good bakocarl.


‘We will not comply’: Why a return to COVID lockdowns in America would fail

If the Biden regime is planning a reprise of the lockdowns and mRNA vax campaigns, it is much less certain how the American people will react. Some will unthinkingly comply. But I am fairly confident that a sizable majority of us will not.

pat frederick

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But how many of his accusers have become addicted to pain killers? 😉

Happy go lucky

This is great! Thank you for bringing 🙂


h/t Marica’s blog:

Which led to these:

Yours Truly: Dr. Wolf interviewed Dr. James Thorp, an OB/GYN of 40+ years sterling experience, over 200 published papers, and a career that included seeing over 27,000 patients. He was FIRED from his job because he was spreading the TRUTH about the modRNA and viral DNA COVID-19 “vaccines” and pregnant women and their babies — that these “vaccines” CAN, DO, and WILL, cause fetal distress / death; damage to the body of the pregnant mother; and will damage / interfere with, the ability of “vaccinated” women to have children.

TWO: (a confirmation of a post made below by one of our good fellow Q Tree dwellers):
Yours Truly: It’s the veiled threat by “President Biden” that all Americans will get “the new COVID-19 vaccine” that’s even more disturbing (if possible) than the “the new COVID-19 vaccine” itself, IMO.

THREE, and most damning of all. The article below, with its numerous supporting links, confirms several things that have been presented and discussed on this board regarding the COVID-19 virus ITSELF, plus the modRNA and viral DNA COVID-19 “vaccines”:
Yours Truly: The article discusses, among other conclusions:
*** the spike protein of BOTH the SARS-CoV-2 virus AND the presence of this spike protein (even in small amounts and/or in “lab-enhanced” form via the lipid nanoparticles) in the “vaccines” (both the originals and ALL of the “bivalent vaccines” from Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca, etc.), contain elements that are dangerous and deadly. This is aside from the other dangerous and deadly ingredients in these “vaccines”, such as SV40. This INCLUDES the Novavax COVID-19 “vaccine” (original and the “bivalent vaccines” that this company is developing.)

*** the modRNA / viral DNA + the lipid nanoparticles in the COVID-19 “vaccines” DO CROSS THE BBB (Blood-Brain Barrier) and cause havoc to BOTH the tissues AND the functions of the human brain.

*** the lipid nanoparticles in the COVID-19 “vaccines” IN AND OF THEMSELVES are toxic AND cause damage to numerous organs of the human body. ALC-0159 and ALC-0315 are in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccines”; SM-102 is in the Moderna COVID-19 “vaccines.” In addition, the Pfizer-BioNTech AND the Moderna “vaccines” use PEG as another lipid nanoparticle. The Novavax COVID-19 “vaccine” has different types of lipid nanoparticles created from polysorbate-80 and from tree bark — but the Novavax “vaccine” is NOT “safer” compared to the others.

*** nobody knows how long the embedded “instructions” within the COVID-19 “vaccines” remain and work in the human body. These embedded “instructions” force the body to create large amounts of antibodies to fight off the “fake virus infection reaction” that the “vaccines” induce in the body of the recipient.

*** the COVID-19 “vaccines” damage and destroy the crucial IgG3 “fight off and clear” immune system cells in the body of the recipient, replacing them with IgG4 “tolerate but never clear” cells. Due to this, the body of the recipient is MUCH MORE vulnerable not only to viral infections, but ALSO to other types of negative health outcomes, INCLUDING cancer, heart disease, muscular and neurological diseases, and more.

*** worst of all, if possible — the CDC and the FDA BOTH KNEW that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are dangerous and deadly BEFORE THE END OF DECEMBER 2020, but went ahead and granted “recommendations” and EUAs to use these “vaccines” on Americans starting IN DECEMBER 2020. And BOTH agencies continue to “recommend” these “vaccines” (including the “bivalent vaccines”) TODAY. It is IMPOSSIBLE that the CDC and the FDA ARE UNAWARE of the dozens of peer-reviewed papers, the articles by doctors and scientists, and the MILLIONS of reports of “vaccine” injuries / deaths listed on VAERS.

FIVE: Yours Truly again. IMO, it is crucial that people — “vaccinated” and “un-vaccinated” — have and maintain the strongest immune system possible. Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Quercetin, Zinc, Nattokinase / Serrapeptase / Lumbrokinase (a new supplement that is apparently more powerful than Nattokinase or Serrapeptase), Ivermectin or HCQ (in the proper dosage amounts), among other supplements; healthy diet and hydration; regular exercise; stress reduction; a healthy spiritual connection to the Divine — all are essential.
The article regarding Lumbrokinase:
by Paul Elias Alexander, PhD


Valerie Curren
Thank you.


Medvedev getting into the swing of things…


Oh and another thing… notice how Russians can find their flight recorders.

Russian Investigative Committee on the plane crash in the Tver Oblast

In the course of initial investigative actions, the bodies of 10 dead people were found at the site of the plane crash – molecular-genetic examinations are being carried out to establish their identities.

The investigation has withdrawn the flight recorders, a detailed examination of the scene continues, items and documentation relevant to establishing all the circumstances of the crash are being seized.

All possible versions of what happened will be thoroughly checked, notes the IC.

Barb Meier

Boom! Great read. Who’s running the country? Obama and all his spiteful little communist friends.

Cuppa Covfefe

Great explanation about the DEMONRATS about to lose their black base… and their hoped-for new base streaming over the border not being what they hoped for 🙂

H/T jim3 at Chiefios, tweet via


Valerie, you are so good to do this for us. Prayers for Carl, too.


Hey you! Nice to hear from you.

Stop being a stranger.  😍 


YW. Amazing how they are slowly dribbling out truth, isn’t it?

There’s a reason so many successful rebellions just shot the enemy w/o trial.

Cuppa Covfefe

And, as usual, the Daily Fail ends with a bow to GAIA and the deep state/BigPharma at the end of the article:

However, experts have criticized the study for drawing conclusions without proper evidence. 

‘It is indeed possible that certain masks have side effects, just as certain helpful medications (anti-histamines, psychotropic drugs, antibiotics) have side effects,’ Dr Fischer said. 

‘Almost everything in healthcare has a benefit/side effect profile.’

Though the findings were published in April, the study could have new relevance as Covid variant BA.2.86 spreads across the US. 

Several universities, hospitals, and even the Hollywood studio Lionsgate have reinstated mask mandates amid the surge. 

But the newly found dangers of masks typically considered the most protective could make mask mandates ineffective. 

‘I think following the general recommendations might be helpful, but it’s not clear yet if we need the sweeping edicts of three years ago.,’ Dr Fischer said. 

‘Extreme fears about the lethality of Covid may have led to decisions that were counterproductive.’ 

Covid won’t be going away for a long time, if ever. We desperately need policies that do not fracture our society while providing minimal protection.’ 

Well, since the Corona Virus is one of many virii contained in the common cold, it’s been around for a long, long time, and will continue to be around. They are also confusing how contagious a virus is with how severe a virus is. Usually there is an inverse relationship between speed of spread and severity of illness, but they conveniently chose to conflate the two….. looks like the Fail (or at least Dr. Fischer) had Pfunding from Pfizer… 😡 😡 😡 😡


You didn’t expect objective reporting throughout, did you?

You did?

Silly boy.

  :wpds_razz:   :wpds_lol: 


This piece is the best writing sundance has ever done. Profound is such an inadequate word to describe it. I am just stunned, and I am better for having read it.


Thank you will check it out. 🙂


I also love this piece of writing. I am still considering how best to process it.


I read a post on CT that read “Harrison Floyd is still in the Fulton County jail”
How is that the only black man of 18 whites does not get bail?
Why is no one protesting or carers? I feel helpless maybe it is my age. All I can do is pray .


Bond issue/denial comes up at the 5 minute mark of the Loomer tweet vid. But all of it should be watched.

Floyd has no criminal record other than what occurred when he was served (the FBI agent failed to identify, resulting in “chest bump” for which he was charged when Floyd demanded to know what was going on).

Flyod is claiming that he does not have $40,000 dollars to waste on a lawyer.

I don’t believe he’s been offered a bond at this point and that this judge says that will be dealt with by the presiding judge, not her whom is just sitting in until the judge can get off his ass to hear Mr Floyd which sounds like BS.

Our side may be cowed by the violence issue, or wants the issue of the judge denying bail but has to caution on that in saying this is between the State and Floyd.

Adds this. Is interesting but can’t speak to it’s legality.

This story covers the issue fairly well and includes the incident when he was initially served.


Don’t they have to provide him a public defender ?


So apparently in GA the cut off is $17,000 income after which no free lawyer.

Floyd is apparently worth in excess of 1 million in savings. No idea on income.

He said he could not afford the the 40,000 to 100,000 fee, plus hourly charges it would take to represent him. I would balk at that too if I thought I was innocent.

His go fund me is now over a quarter million. Seems he did the right thing.

Campaign Created by: Dominion Law Center, P.C.The funds from this campaign will be received by Dominion Law Center, P.C..


USD $200,000


USD $ 252,688

UPDATESUpdate #1 – Bond Motion filed
August 26, 2023
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We have a bond motion filed for Harrison. We should be able to obtain a date for a hearing when the Court opens on Monday morning. We will get him out. Stay tuned!

PRAYER REQUESTSClick the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.


Thanks a lot for the additional info.


Many years ago, L.A. County would provide public defenders for everyone and later determine if each defendant qualified. If not qualified and later convicted, the attorney fees would be part of the sentence. If not convicted, county absorbed the costs.


“Floyd is apparently worth in excess of 1 million in savings.”


So if I remember correctly from a recent statistic on savings held by Americans for retirement, Floyd has more than all but 3.5% of Americans.


I’d of amended that to say assets and savings, but fer dat darn edit thing.

Anyway, common folk only have that kind of money by living frugally and ain’t no frugal sort of person about to hand over 40 to 100k over to lawyer.


Didn’t the Court Jesters at the (not)Supreme Court decide a year or so ago that being read your so-called ‘Miranda’ Rights was no longer necessary?

Here we go:

Supreme Court says police can’t be sued for not reading out Miranda rightsJuly 3, 2022

Supreme Court limits ability to enforce Miranda rightsJune 23, 2022


He raised $200,000 and now has two lawyers.
What is shameful is that he is singled out as only black man and that in the south. They are not helping their image evil people they are.


“Why is no one protesting or carers?”


Because ALL ‘protest’ that we have seen for the last 40+ years, probably back to the late 1960s if not much earlier, is STAGED.

It only happens if TPTB want it to happen.

Otherwise, it doesn’t happen, because that’s just not what people do in real life.

I give you Hawaii as exhibit ‘A’.


Someone might say ‘what about January 6th’, but that wasn’t ‘violent’ until panti-fa and undercover fed bois went wilding.


Yes you are on to something


I think we all see that the Globos and obiden regime is amping up it’s campaign against us. this passage is at CTH and imho is accurate.

“Within this phase all truth-tellers must have their voices blocked. Be aware of this. Present company included.

This inflection threshold requires every voting American to understand in the near future we are going to be engaged in an insurgency.

At a particular point -when the levers of opposition unite- it becomes more difficult, perhaps impossible, to communicate. However, with an insurgency you already know what to do. Further discussion is not needed. Stay tuned….”



“However, with an insurgency you already know what to do. Further discussion is not needed.”


The perfect moment to give SD the signal from The Sting, where you touch the side of your nose…


So what is it that we already know to do?

What is it we’re supposed to do, if all communication is shut down?

Bend over and kiss our asses goodbye?

It’s the ONE thing nobody ever talks about 😂


FEMA Alert System Will Sound Alarm On EVERY Cellphone, TV and Radio on October 4th

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will conduct a massive nationwide test that will sound off an emergency alarm on every U.S. cellphone, TV, and radio.

The nationwide test of FEMA’s Emergency Alert System will occur on October 4th between 2:20-2:30 pm ET.

According to FEMA, the test will consist of a screeching warning tone that will contain a warning message that will read, “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.”

I’m guessing there is no way to make this a silent alert.


Turn off the TV, radio, cellphone? Or do the feds override and the alert is heard anyway?


Good question.


Then they use the air raid sirens, the ones they test on the first Monday of every month, at noon.

Unless there’s an actual emergency.

That’s how you know there’s an actual emergency, is if they forget to test the air raid sirens 👍


Put your phone in the freezer. You won’t hear a thing.  😂 


It don’t mean a thing,
If it ain’t got that ring
Doo-ah, doo-ah, doo-ah, doo-ah, doo-ah, doo-ah, doo-ah, doo-ah…



I was kind of amazed at how much groin-to-groin contact was going on in that video from 1957.

The elders and deacons (and preacher) at the church I’m a member of would have heart attacks if members of the congregation were dancing like that!


That’s how the church I’m a member of is now, and always has been 🙂

Looks like the most recent sermon on dancing, where ‘dance’ or ‘dancing’ was in the title of the sermon, was in 2019.

Another in 2012, 1998, 1997 and 1995. The archive only goes back to the 1980s so far.

None of the kids attend high school dances.

I remember high school dances when I was a kid, I can’t even imagine what they’re like now.

Wouldn’t surprise me if they’re having group tranny orgies right on the dance floor.


“Yikes. I don’t recall dancing being preached about in the pulpit, but it was amongst a list of legalistic rules that members were “required” to adhere to, that were based on the church leadership’s interpretation of scripture & the church’s Pentecostal/Holiness roots I believe…”


There is no list of rules where I go to church, probably in part to avoid just such a ‘legalistic’ thing based on someone’s interpretations.

It may sound strange or simplistic, but for every subject or topic, the answer is never a list of rules or guidelines from any institution of men. It is very simply “What does the Bible say?

Depending on how thorough a study may be required, the writer or speaker or preacher would do a study on all of the relevant passages in the Bible, and list them, and quote them, so everyone is on the same page, looking at the same words.

Because if anyone raises an objection, which is certainly allowed and encouraged, it can only be resolved by examining what God’s Word says, not what any man says.

The OT passages are examined for a variety of reasons (context, prophecy, distinctions between Law of Moses and NT Christianity, etc.), and of course the relevant NT passages are examined.

The OT passages must all harmonize and reconcile with the other OT passages, or we are misunderstanding (or misinterpreting) something, because God, being perfect, does not contradict Himself.

Likewise, the NT passages must all harmonize and reconcile with each other, for the same reason.

The objective is to see what the totality of God’s Word says on a given subject, while being mindful that in the Christian era, we are not under the Law of Moses.

It is true that most of the 10 Commandments are restated in the NT, but not all (e.g., Christians do not keep the Sabbath, Christians gather together for worship on the 1st day of the week, i.e., Sunday, Acts 20:7, 1 Corinthians 16:2).

We also look for command, approved example (by Jesus or the Apostles), or necessary inference (not possible inference, but necessary inference).

If the above is found, then we do it.

If no command, approved example or necessary inference is found, then we don’t do it.

There is no human authority for anything. No lists, no creeds, no books of church doctrine (except the New Testament).

God’s Word does not directly address every possible subject or specific form of sin, but it does set forth principles for our behavior which can be consistently applied.

For example, there is nothing in Scripture about women being required to wear a dress. But modestly in how we dress (and why) is certainly covered.

I am reading your linked article. I’m sorry you had such a difficult time, I see some issues that would not have existed if God’s Word was the highest (and only) authority.

If anyone where I go to church tried to say that women can’t wear long pants, that objection would be welcomed, and then the subject would be examined. Long pants certainly qualify as covering the flesh, even better than a dress does!

And it is ‘modesty’ and avoiding the provocation of lust that is the purpose of covering ourselves so as not to be ‘naked’, according to God’s teaching of what ‘naked’ means, not any man’s.

The issue is not to do with pants or dresses, but with immodesty, or the understanding of what God considers ‘nudity’ or ‘nakedness’ in Scripture.

Pants are better at covering our skin than dresses, so women wearing pants is fine. It’s much harder for a man to look up a woman’s pants than it is to look up a woman’s dress.

Wearing a dress is certainly appropriate (for women), the issue would be how revealing the dress is, and how much is too much. Too much is not decided by any man, it is decided by God.

We know that ‘fig leaves’ for Adam and Eve to cover themselves was not sufficient:

“Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings.” (Genesis 3:7, NKJV)

“So he said, “I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself.” (Genesis 3:10)

“Also for Adam and his wife the LORD God made tunics of skin, and clothed them.” (Genesis 3:21, boldface mine)

Tunic (kethoneth)
• “A tunic, the basic outer garment worn next to the skin, was a long shirt reaching the knees or ankles” (Wenham).

• “A tunic that was worn next to a person’s body, often with long or half sleeves and reaching to the knees or ankles” (Grasham).

Immodest attire is not only wrong for the person wearing it, but it creates a stumbling block to others

You see where this is going… and it’s not going to get any more permissive in the NT 🙂

The issue of ‘interpretation’ is usually resolved by examining all of the relevant passages to see that they harmonize and reconcile with each other — because God doesn’t contradict Himself.

So if (for example) three passages clearly say the same thing, and a fourth passage is less clear, appearing to give wiggle room ‘permission’ to do whatever it is that someone is desiring to do, the person who wants to do or practice that thing cannot support it, because of the other passages.

Their desired ‘interpretation’ fails, because it does not reconcile or harmonize with the other clear and undeniable passages or Biblical principles.


“FEMA Alert System Will Sound Alarm On EVERY Cellphone, TV and Radio on October 4th”



I mean, what a colossal waste of money the national emergency alert system is.

I must have seen them test that garbage hundreds of times at 2am or 4am on TV, when stations used to sign off for the night after playing the national anthem.

(from memory)

“This, is a test. This, is a test. This is a test of the national emergency broadcast system. If there had been an actual emergency, you would have been directed to [something, something]. This is only a test. Beep. Beeep. Beeeep.”

The one time, in my entire life, when they actually had a chance, a REASON to use it, was September 11, 2001.

And what happened?

They were too busy watching the TV, like everyone else, to remember to switch on the national emergency alert system.

That was their big moment, once in a career.

And they blew it, in the finest tradition of bureaucratic incompetence.

Complete and total abject failure.

But next time will be different… I’m sure it was just a funding issue… throw more money at it 👍🙄

Cuppa Covfefe



Now you know what those triangles on your radio dial were for 😀


For all the “experts” who say you have to wait until just the right political moment to impeach JB, here is what Trump thinks:

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Either the Repukes are holding off on doing literally anything (like always, my entire life) in service of a larger goal at Trump’s direction…

Or they are just all crooks.

Even Gaetz, Boebert, Jordan and MTG… why aren’t they introducing articles of impeachment every day? Why does Jordan go on TV a week or two ago and make pathetic excuses?

Even if you don’t have the votes, you could be distinguishing yourself from all the traitor-cons by bring impeachment and forcing a vote on whether to proceed, exposing every last one who votes against it.


I think both Boebert and someone else (a man, I think?) have introduced articles of impeachment. I think that Boebert was criticized for it due to timing and other issues.

I don’t know all the steps. Here’s what it seems like to me.
1-Thinking about impeachment.
2-Writing down personal thoughts.
3-Sharing some of them on social media to rouse the base.
4-Talking about it on podcasts for the same reason.
5-Going on cable news.
6-Saying you’re going to begin an inquiry.
7-Taking steps to begin an inquiry.
8-Actually beginning an inquiry. (What this entails, I have no idea because we never get past Step 6. The following are guesses.)
9-??? Forming several committees to evaluate inquiry steps.
10-??? Debating endlessly.
11-??? Taking a vote on whether to send the inquiry info to the whole House.
12-??? Sending it to the House.
13-??? More committees? Or days of endless 5-minute droning speeches, yea or nay.
14-??? House votes on whether to impeach? (By this time we are past the 2024 election. Mission accomplished.)


I think there are some yacht parties, visits to the spa and club, resort vacations, and high end meals that you missed in your schedule, sir! Lol, these people don’t work. That’s for proles!


Talking and stern letters is so hard. Exhausting work and then asking for donations because they talked and wrote the letters and the super duper hard investigative committee..phew, now that’s really hard. The downright hard stuff…acting all mad and outraged and then some backslaps and off to the vacation.




Cuppa Covfefe

Merz is so full of Scheiß, he doesn’t know how full of Scheiß he is…..


I was hoping it might be good news!

Cuppa Covfefe

Merz is former BlackRock…. globalist…


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((pssstttt. Privacy fence is up Ms Oprah… not long now.))

Lahaina Fire Survivor Blasts Jeff Bezos and Oprah During Emergency Council Meeting: “Jeff Bezos, You Got What You Wanted. Oprah, You Got What You Wanted — F*** Us All Over”

Lot of new issues popping up All of it looks bad.


These people have been jolted awake


One speaker hit it..collective rage


Rage with no action is no threat to anyone, except to the health of the person enraged.


Joe, 49 was diagnosed with stage 3 Pancreatic Cancer in early 2023.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bidenazis gotta nazi.


Is that an actual Storm Trooper from Star Wars?


The D.C. Storm Trooper needs a little speaker attached to his outfit, and a microphone inside his mask, so everyone can hear him breathe, like Darth Vader 👍😁

Cuppa Covfefe

Even if GOD HIMSELF walked the face of the earth, the DEMONRATS would diss HIM and try ot imprison HIM on fake charges….


Rise Up Old Mules, Rise Up
August 26, 2023

SD: “I’ve been quiet, because I’ve been angry. The political events of the past four days have made me seriously reconsider options for correction. The politically motivated arrest of U.S. President Donald Trump is a line crossed I never thought we would experience in our lifetime.”


Really man?

If you didn’t see this coming from the other end of the cosmos, then maybe prediction just isn’t your game?


Robert Baker

I have been reading some material about Bonhoeffer, the German theologian executed by the Nazis that mentioned the following historical political actions. Note how well history rhymes.

On the evening of February 27, while Chancellor Hitler enjoyed a dinner hosted by the soon to be named propaganda chief, Joseph Goebbels, news came that the Reichstag (German Parliament) was on fire. Hitler immediately blamed the Communists, insisting that an incipient revolution must be stamped out before it was too late. From late February through March, with this pretext of a developing emergency, fateful laws came streaming forth from the newly empowered Third Reich: the Treachery Law made opposition to the government tantamount to treason; the Enabling Act abrogated the power of the Parliament and the constitution; the Decree for the Reconstruction of Professional Civil Service, the so-called non-Aryan law, began the declassification of one group by race; the Edict for the Protection of the People and State, the so-called “Reichstag Fire Edict,” would be used to exert broad interference with the churches, including, eventually, the closing of Bonhoeffer’s Preachers Seminary. This same edict allowed the establishment of concentration camps, including the future site of Bonhoeffer’s execution.

Mark Devine, Bonhoeffer Speaks Today: Following Jesus at All Costs (Nashville, TN: B&H Books, 2005).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. We are in the midst of the same kind of stuff.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup! Masks are the “Heil Beiden” salute, and I’m as guilty as the rest of complying.


This guy scores across the board, P E R F E C T 10s...

Cuppa Covfefe

Bonus points for figuring the angular momentum and the energy realeased by each flip…

Double bonus points for figuring out what he had for lunch…

Quad bonus points for figuring out what made him go out of bounds in the first place…

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe crazy plane lady was in the stands?

Or he thought he saw her driving in front (back, side, whatever)?

Cuppa Covfefe

No, sound it out (silently)… 🙂


Laughing here…


hahahahah that was awesome. I could watch that a 100 times

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Same here. FINALLY. Some common sense.

Cuppa Covfefe

What we need now is BURNING FAN….


Unfortunately we’re next.

That was a crazy unnecessary excessive use of force against unarmed people. Yahoo cowboy could have killed someone plowing through the barricade like that, and was so out of control that he tried to roll his truck over while turning around.

Then, all hopped up on adrenaline, he pulls his sidearm on a bunch of unarmed women and starts screaming at them.

Unprofessional, reckless, needlessly dangerous. A mindless display of force.

It looks good to us because the object of the force was goofball eco-Nazis.

But that same cop will treat us the same way for standing up for the Constitution, our freedom and our rights.


Goo news…
Florida’s Surgeon General Urges Americans to Refuse to Follow New Mask Mandates