Black Mole Margarita
- 1 3/4 ounces mezcal
- 1 ounce Cointreau
- 1 ounce lime juice, freshly squeezed
- 1/2 ounce black-cocoa-and-orange syrup*
- 3 dashes mole bitters (such as Bittermens)
- Soda water, to top
- Garnish: lime wheel (dehydrated or fresh)
- Add all ingredients except soda water into a shaker with ice and shake until well-chilled.
- Strain into a rocks glass over fresh ice.
- Top with soda water and stir gently to combine.
- Garnish with a lime wheel.
*Black-cocoa-and-orange syrup: Add 1 cup demerara sugar and 1/2 cup water into a small saucepan. Bring to a boil, then simmer until sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat and add 2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder and the peel from 1 large orange. Stir until cocoa powder is dissolved, and allow to steep until cool. Strain out solids. Will keep refrigerated in an airtight container for up to one week.
I still can’t get links to open in a new tab. Please, right click and choose that option if you want links to open in a new tab.
Badlands News Brief – August 31, 2023
Projections See World Heading To A Lithium Shortage
Gee, I wonder why.
We the Targeted: How the Government Weaponizes Surveillance to Silence Its Critics
Despite the pope’s yelling and the FBI’s spying, traditional Catholic Latin Mass is booming
And the Novus Ordo, or the “New Mass” which is at least my age old, is tightening up in many places.
Abolishing Women’s Rights, One at a Time
Colorado Controversy Raises Questions Over the Meaning of the Gadsden Flag [Updated]
Julian Assange and the Wikileak revelations that Changed the World
Here’s the Hard Proof That Covid Jabs Were Intentionally Designed to Kill Preborn Babies
Big Pharma has a dirty little trick up their sleeves when it comes to child vaccines…
‘We will not comply’: Trump sounds alarm on COVID ‘tyrants’ ahead of 2024 election
Tweety Tweets:
Too bad. So sad.

That song is a total earworm, but I like it.
And now for the business portion of the post borrowed from Tuesday:
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. In that spirit, though, threats of violence real or hypothetical are out of bounds.
Fellow tree dweller the late Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

MATTHEW 25:1-13
1“Then the kingdom of heaven shall be compared to ten maidens who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. 2Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. 3For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them; 4but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps. 5As the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept. 6But at midnight there was a cry, `Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.’ 7Then all those maidens rose and trimmed their lamps. 8And the foolish said to the wise, `Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ 9But the wise replied, `Perhaps there will not be enough for us and for you; go rather to the dealers and buy for yourselves.’ 10And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast; and the door was shut. 11Afterward the other maidens came also, saying, `Lord, lord, open to us.’ 12But he replied, `Truly, I say to you, I do not know you.’ 13Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.
Have a good weekend!
Thank you, DePat, for another exceptional week of posts.
Wiggles is obviously a domestic terrorist.
No doubt about it!
I’m amazed the lawyer was prosecuted at all. Must have been an opportunity to indulge a personal vendetta.
Who knows he might get a lot of illegal’s votes too. Just because DemComs let them in doesn’t mean they like all the woke crap D’s try to cram down everyone’s throats. I have no doubt plenty will be voting with all the mail ballots sent all over the place.
That’s always the promise…
This would work better if she said, “I broke your guitar to end bad music.”
That would definitely work as the feminist version.
He humiliates himself to impress her, and then she humiliates him too, and all is right in the world
How about this?
Bluto always had a special way about him
The guitar player is actually Steven Bishop, better known for hits like “On and On” and “It Might Be You.”
He tells an anecdote about himself — he was at some awards ceremony in NYC and Bob Marley’s widow, “Rita” spotted him in the lobby. She came charging across the room, got right up to him, pointed a finger in his face and loudly informed him, “Jamaica women no steal money; no break hearts.” He tried, unsuccessfully, to maintain that it was just a song.
Not buyin’ it. That dude never had a gun
or a date
or a mirror
Today is the day. I made sure I knew where the Xanax are, and counted them (twice) to make sure I had enough.
Good luck cthulhu, it’s going to be fine.
Just as long as I don’t start yelling, “Do it to Julia! Do it to Julia! Not me! Julia! I don’t care what you do to her. Tear her face off, strip her to the bones. Not me! Julia! Not me!”
I should note that the rats never touch Winston….but I will be punctured.
Only a tiny one though.
Just keep reminding yourself, people almost always recover from an IV drip.
It is not a rational thing. If someone starts going into “tiny, tiny”, I may end up vomiting all over the place.
If that happens, just blame it on the Xanax

I don’t even know a Julia.
Do you need to know anyone by that name, to have a psychotic break and start ranting about tearing the face off of someone named Julia?
It would probably better at the police interrogation if you didn’t
I just have to make it through this procedure first. The “good answer” is actually a whole lot of “bad news” — but it makes a bunch of things into a great big “boss fight” instead of treating everything ineffectually.
I hope they figure out how to fix everything. Sometimes it’s a cascade where you fix the correct thing and others recover accordingly.
That’s what I’m hoping for.
Me too
The only way to it is through it. I will pray you get the answers you need, and that you have strength to persevere.
Just remember, as always, you are a badass.
good advice–and i like your philosophy!
Thank you.
Please keep us posted as you can after the Xanax wears off.
Oh, I’ll be online as soon as I can get situated in front of the screen.
Just back. Very anticlimactic. Even though I was loaded, they opted not to do the contrast because they got good pics without.
That’s great news, cthulhu!! We were looking forward to your story though.
I’d try to describe what little there was, but I’m not thinking too linearly at present.
Sending much Good Energy. You’ve got this!
TY. I hope so.
Note that I have three available and ten in back-stock. I will be using two and should probably dig out the back-stock from wherever I put it — but not today!
best of luck cthulhu!!
I’m praying for a smmmmmmooooooooth procedure and a calm demeanor for you!
One Xanax in, another as we pull out the door in about 10 minutes.
you can do this!
Hope it all goes Really Well for you!
Sweetened Drinks Are Linked to Chronic Liver Disease And Liver Cancer
So high-fructose corn syrup is hard on the liver. Interesting.
HFCS is poisonous to everything. Liver, kidneys, pancreas, brain, gut….
But why?
It contains an overt glucose and a covert glucose (one is the fructose). It stimulates insulin as if it were two and only allows the immediate sequestration of one (I may have this backwards).
By playing “bait-and-switch” with the insulin response, it messes up natural blood sugar regulation — sponsoring insulin resistance and sugar damage to all organs.
This is, BTW, off the top of my head about things I looked into several years ago……while I’m currently freaking out about a personal phobia. Please forgive any imprecision.
Praying for your having an excellent experience today!
My expectations are somewhat more muted — it’s not “Valley Radiology, Massage, and Happy Endings.”
OK! That makes sense!
Here’s one explanation:
Awesome! Thanks!
Great service to mankind, TT. Thank you.
I’m still confused.
Which is better ..real sugar or fake (like Splenda) if one is having a sweetened coffee or tea ?
i can only speak personally, but i am a diabetic. i use sugar because i know then to limit my intake.
some people feel fake sugar is better so they overindulge and the caloric effect can be harmful.
Recently it was reported that sugar substitutes are very bad so I switched back to real cane sugar.
I’m not a soda drinker but I do drink iced tea with a little sugar. It’s hard trying to stay healthy!
i like sugar in my coffee and if i truly want something sweet and fruit won’t cut it, I eat whatever i want–just not as much as i want lol.
and i walk–a lot–4 miles 6 out 7 days a week.
life is a balance!
That’s a question that requires a lot of research, IMO. I know that too much sugar is not good for the immune system, and it can lead to insulin resistance and diabetes, among other problems, especially if a person ingests it at all times of the day, causing insulin to be released repeatedly.
The artificial sweeteners are a big can of worms. I always thought stevia was good, but I read recently that it can alter the bacteria in the intestine, not in a good way. I need to look into it further. I use monk fruit sometimes, but it doesn’t taste very sweet to me at all. All it does is take a little edge off of something like lemon juice, for example, even though I’ve read that it’s many times sweeter than sugar. (I don’t know if this is unique to me. I’ve tried several different brands of monk fruit.)
I don’t use any of the artificial sweeteners. In a quick search about Splenda, some sites said it’s okay.
Another said this:
It’s a minefield!
I find it interesting that the article does not mention HFCS, nor does the part of the study that I could see. But you are correct that soft drinks are often sweetened with HFCS.
Incidentally, I keep running into random medical advice to avoid ibuprofen and take acetaminophen — sometimes in weirdly inappropriate places. Considering that I know too much about acetaminophen and consider it toxic liver-destroying sludge that should never have been approved for OTC use, I find this odd.
Could be targeted AI-based countering of “disinformation”. It’s a marriage of directed advertising, anonymous identity tokens, and Big Sis Digital. I get “personalized” health care advice through digital ads, which is sometimes pretty eerie, and would seem to be based on private medical information I have not shared in public, even in searches. Some of that may be statistical, but not all of it.
How can anything the medical establishment says be trusted?
How many other things have they told us were harmful, which turned out not to be true?
And vice-versa?
True healing will begin when little Fauci is dancing on air.
I agree that they can’t be trusted. But IMO it’s like the mainstream media. They do report facts at times, and sometimes I find information there that I don’t see elsewhere. The medical profession does report some factual information. It’s just very difficult to know which informaiton is correct, and whom to believe.
The hits just keep coming.
Slower than guns.
Not surprising to me. The liver is working overtime to process all the sugar. No different than alcohol, really, which is basically sugar, too.
Oprah and The Rock have set up a way for donations to the people of Maui to be given directly to those in need. This guy, Alan Roberts, is having none of it and thinks they should be donating massive amounts of their own money. I don’t agree with telling people how to spend their money, but I also see his point. A lot of non-Hawaiians are struggling because of Dem policies and are having trouble making ends meet. He says those two have billions between them and would never miss the money.
Of course, if this is a land-grabbing scheme that they’re in on, then they’re not going to swoop in and help people rebuild.
*language warning*
Hard to imagine something more tone-deaf than Oprah Gazillionaire asking the little people to cough up money to help people in her own backyard (and side yard, and front yard, no doubt).
Never, EVER trust a celebrity who says your donations will put money directly in the hands of the people who need it.
It is always, always a lie.
It can’t be anything other than a lie.
Yes, I don’t trust a word they say. It would have helped it they had said, “I just made a donation myself.” No one likes virtue signaling, but in this case, it would have demonstrated their commitment to help.
But even if they had said that, I wouldn’t trust that a donation to their organization would get to the people. For all I know, they are scammers working to take the land from the people.
If they themselves aren’t scammers, they’re probably friends with scammers.
Trusting a celebrity, IS on par with trusting a politician. >>> Stoopid on steroids.
Oprah should be on The Rock, as in the old Alcatraz prison…
Incidentally, Carl has already signaled that he will be recovering through Sunday and will better allocate his strength toward healing instead of a Sunday post. Valerie did a wonderful job last week but is off communing with moose. I’m not sure about Steve doing a spiritual Sunday post — though I’m sure it would be interesting.
That leaves our seriously overworked DePat and our Fearless Leader, and any other previously vetted authors.
We should identify a
victimcandidate as soon as possible, so that we can lobby the author to joyfully accept the assignment.It should also be noted that our sister blogs are in a similar predicament. They may have an author on deck or could help with persuasion.
Coothie, Kentucky Blue and Sylvia wisely chose to reprint one of
bakocarl ‘s prior sermons last week, and many of us were very grateful because they are worthy of many readings. I hope they do the same this week.
continued prayers for Carl’s healing…
I can do something. It will be different than the others, though. Sunday should be a day of rest.
you are a blessing!
If you will do that I will release my next Civilized War a couple of hours after that is heavy in scripture content for Sunday purposes.
No moose but there is a captive elk herd in the nearby town…AND years ago I found wild elk hoof prints about a half mile from my parents’ cottage, though have never seen them wandering in the wild nearby us.
I thought about volunteering to create the post but have no guarantee that the computer access will hold up so I’m glad to see others are able to step in
“Despite the pope’s yelling and the FBI’s spying, traditional Catholic Latin Mass is booming”
What is the purpose or reason for desire, for a Latin mass?
Latin was not the language of Christ or the Apostles.
Latin is not understood by most people today, so whatever is being said might as well be in Swahili, to most people.
No one can be edified in a language they cannot understand. The following verses are from 1 Corinthians chapter 14 are dealing with (among other things) speaking in tongues (a gift of the Holy Spirit like other gifts, transferred by the laying on of hands of the Apostles, and therefore no longer available today), but the same logic applies:
“He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself; but he that prophesieth edifieth the church.” (1 Corinthians 14:4, KJV)
“So likewise ye, except ye utter by the tongue words easy to be understood, how shall it be known what is spoken? for ye shall speak into the air.” (1 Corinthians 14:9)
“Therefore if I know not the meaning of the voice, I shall be unto him that speaketh a barbarian, and he that speaketh shall be a barbarian unto me.” (1 Corinthians 14:11)
“Else when thou shalt bless with the spirit, how shall he that occupieth the room of the unlearned say Amen at thy giving of thanks, seeing he understandeth not what thou sayest? [17] For thou verily givest thanks well, but the other is not edified.” (1 Corinthians 14:16-17)
“Yet in the church I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue.” (1 Corinthians 14:19)
“If any man speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course; and let one interpret. [28] But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself, and to God.” (1 Corinthians 14:27-28)
Isn’t political discussion rough-and-tumble enough for you?
Fundamental question, remains unanswered.
Wait until he finds out plane lady is a LATINa…
Not an issue here.
Yeah, I don’t care if she speaks Latin either

Oot Fray Oops Lay…
Good news! She can teach me Latin. Or she can teach me everything there is to know about Latinas.
Or about making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, I’m not that particular.
Don’t really care too much what she talks about, as long as she does that really earnest “but I am telling you, right now!” high-pitch voice thing, every now and then
She could probably read the phone book to me, and it would be spellbinding
And you’d be hanging on every word, I’ll bet
Once you climb down from the ceiling
Nah, when girls get upset like that, they just need comforting.
Can’t do that from the ceiling
WGTTs makes everything interesting.
Weapons-Grade Telephone Treasury?
I don’t know how to compartmentalize truth into some places / subjects, but not to others… so it’s the same approach, to everything
Which occurred to me after our discussion about rock groups / musicians a few weeks ago, so I’m looking into histories and documentaries on musicians / groups I like. I don’t need to know about them to enjoy their music, but it won’t hurt me to know it either, and it will definitely be interesting
There are lots of good ones, including some I have picked up over the years, but haven’t made time to watch yet.
Blu-ray disc
Band, The – Last Waltz (Criterion 4K UHD BD)
Wanted: Beach Boys – Classic Albums: Pet Sounds (BD) Ama: 17.82 used
Cohen, Leonard – Hallelujah (BD)
Wanted: Crosby, David – Remember My Name (BD)
Doobie Brothers – Let the Music Play (Story of the Doobie Brothers)
Doors – Feast of Friends (BD)
Doors – When You’re Strange (BD)
Doors – Mojo Risin’ Story of L.A. Woman (BD)
Eagles – History of (3 BD) (incl Live 1977 concert)
Hendrix, Jimi – Hear My Train a Comin’ (BD) (documentary + disc of concert footage)
Marley, Bob – Marley (BD)
Pink Floyd – Story of Wish You Were Here (BD) (documentary)
Queen – Freddie Mercury, the Great Pretender (BD)
Rolling Stones – Charlie is My Darling (documentary, 49 minutes) (BD)
Rolling Stones – Stones in Exile (Documentary, 61 minutes) (BD)
Rolling Stones – Crossfire Hurricane (documentary) (BD)
Ronstadt, Linda – The Sound of My Voice (BD)
Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage (BD)
Various Artists – Festival: Newport Folk Festival, 1967 (Criterion)
Various Artists – Festival Express (BD)
Various Artists – Heartworn Highways (BD)
Winehouse, Amy – Back to Black (BD) (includes Live: Intimate Evening in London concert)
Winehouse, Amy – Amy (BD)
Young, Neil – Movie: from NY Archives “Journey Through the Past” film
Band, The – Classic Albums: The Band (Brown album) (DVD)
Cohen, Leonard – 3 Card Trick – 3 DVD Box set: Mind of a Poet (one of 3 DVDs in box set)
Fleetwood Mac – Classic Albums: Rumours (DVD)
Grateful Dead – Classic Albums: American Beauty (DVD)
Marley, Bob – Classic Albums: Catch a Fire (DVD)
Marley, Bob – Legend (DVD) (includes 90 minute documentary)
Meat Loaf – Classic Albums: Bat Out of Hell (DVD)
Peter, Paul & Mary: 50 Years (DVD)
Pink Floyd – Classic Albums: DSOTM (DVD)
Queen – Classic Albums: A Night at the Opera (DVD)
Rush – Classic Albums: Moving Pictures + 2112 (DVD)
Steely Dan – Classic Albums: Aja (DVD)
Who, The – Classic Albums: Who’s Next (DVD)
Young, Neil – Harvest – album documentary (from Harvest 50th Anniversary box set)
First I will say that I am not nor ever have been Christian of the Catholic perspective so I know nothing about the reasons it is preferred by some people. However speaking from a psychological perspective I can imagine it is like some people prefer the King James Bible or prefer 19th century hymns. There is still a large audience of Christian worshippers who attach reverential memories to forms of worship adopted while they were young. Any style of worship that will lead the hearer into a reverential attitude toward God has merit.
“speaking in tongues (a gift of the Holy Spirit like other gifts, transferred by the laying on of hands of the Apostles, and therefore no longer available today)”
Having received this Gift myself along with many family members & friends, I would challenge aspects of your assertion
Latest tweeter notification includes another anti-Trump comment from backstabbing Jenna Ellis, who is apparently soliciting donations to her legal fund from Trump supporters…
Jenna Ellis
RT @JennaEllisEsq: WATCH: @DrJBhattacharya explains how President Trump KNEW his COVID strategy was wrong, but FAILED to sideline Fauci and…
As Barns says “Jenna Ellis is dumb”.
She speaks of things she does not know. As I understood Trump was not able to firer Fauci because under Obama things were changed if there was an epidemic. I am not sure but someone else was in charge who has medical experience. I am not sure exactly how it works.
She also forgets her friend Pence was in charge. Secondly she never liked Trump like an opportunist took the job at the WH. Can I say fake.
More confirmation that the COVID-19 “vaccines” have “embedded instructions” that keep forcing the bodies of “vaccinated” persons to produce antibodies. This is another paper that one urges be saved / archived / printed out, in case it’s “disappeared” off the internet, or is “re-issued with new conclusions” that agree more with the diktats of the “medical establishment.”
August 31, 2023
“Half of Vaccinated People Never Stop Producing Spike Protein, Study Found”
Yours Truly: A specific spike protein fragment isolated from the COVID-19 “vaccines”, per the study, is called the “PP-Spike fragment.” Is appears that this fragment is responsible for “instructing” the “vaccinated” person’s body to keep on producing antibodies.
The paper is found here:
August 15, 2023
“Detection of recombinant Spike protein in the blood of individuals vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2: Possible molecular mechanisms”
Carlo Brogna, et al.
Thank you for continuing to bring info and light to this devastating subject, PAVACA.
Yours Truly will amplify the above post.
If one is reading the Brogna, et al., paper correctly:
One: The Brogna, et al., paper cited above tested three types of human subjects: a group who was “vaccinated” against COVID-19; a group who had NEVER been “vaccinated” against COVID-19 and who tested negative for the virus; and a group that had tested positive for COVID-19 but were NEVER “vaccinated.”
Two: Of these three test groups: 50% of the “vaccinated” group had the “PP-Spike fragment” in their blood which “instructs” the body to keep on producing antibodies; NONE of the NEVER “vaccinated” and tested negative group had the “PP-Spike fragment” in their blood; and NONE of the NEVER “vaccinated” but positive for COVID-19 had the “PP-Spike fragment” in their blood.
Three: In other words — the COVID-19 “vaccines” contain an inserted spike protein fragment (“PP-Spike fragment”) that does NOT occur in the SARS-CoV-2 virus itself, NOR does it occur in UN-“vaccinated” persons who come down with COVID-19; NOR does it occur in NEVER “vaccinated” persons who test negative for COVID-19 infection.
Four: The study covers only up to 187 days after COVID-19 “vaccination.” This means that the “PP-Spike protein fragment” in the COVID-19 “vaccines” in the person’s body can STILL BE “instructing” the “vaccinated” person’s body to make antibodies after 187 days post-injection. (Translation: the “vaccinated” person’s body is still being “instructed” to react AS IF there were a “fake COVID-19 infection” in the body.)
Five: The “PP-Spike protein fragment” may be involved in the modification of the DNA in the “vaccinated” person’s body.
Six: The lipid nanoparticles in the COVID-19 “vaccines” are also involved in the DNA / gene modification that these “vaccines” induce.
Seven: The above may help to explain why “vaccinated” peoples’ bodies have their “fight off and clear” IgG3 immune system cells damaged or destroyed, and replaced with “tolerate but never clear” IgG4 cells.
Thank you for bringing all this information. Sometimes I feel like I’m watching people die. For some it might just be a normal aging process, but I’m amazed at how many people are unaware of their lack of physical fitness and even their posture. I see so many weak people, when a little effort would go a long way to helping them get around better and keeping them from having bad injuries from falling.
I know that some have been too ill to engage in physical activity, and some are very aged and infirm. And people are so busy over their adult years with work and taking care of family that they don’t take care of themselves. But it’s hard to see in relatives and loved ones.
Add to that the fact that the vax is taking them down in various ways. I see people who take little to no exercise, eat the Standard American Diet, and do everything their doctor says, including getting every vax known to man, and it would take a complete paradigm shift to get them on the road to better health and longevity.
Increasingly, I feel like an outsider looking in. I’m amazed that people can’t see what I see, even at the simplest level of I could walk better if my legs were stronger.
So yes,
*They* are taking advantage of an already weak and unaware populace and are finishing them off with the vax, IMO.
Talking about this it occurred to me that I should be grateful that I don’t have money to burn on yard help. This place is a whole other animal than condo living in Ca. Live oaks never stop dropping leaves and acorns, hot, humid rainy climate ensures grass and weeds grow. Wooden decks and porches need yearly maintenance, ditches need clearing…the list is b i g !
The reason I mention is that on nextdoor app everyday retired people asking for companies names or individuals to assist with the most seemingly easy tasks. Paying for help bringing groceries in and every other chore cracks me up when I know I’ll be sweating my head off in the yard later !
Use your abilities for as long as you can ,not pay people to do things for you because you’re financially able. My 2 cents
Good points! Use it or lose it rings true. It takes effort to stay strong.
Exactly and hope my comment didn’t sound preachy. I know some have major limitations, real ones, but the growing retiree world in this area is flush with $$$ to live a life of ease.
No, not preachy. I was also striving to be empathetic to people who are impaired in various ways.
A “life of ease” is an interesting concept. Do we want to be waited on hand and foot and not put forth any effort, when that results in weakness and eventual debilitation (especially if we eat gluttonously in the process)?
I don’t know that a healthy life is ever one of “ease.” The work of hunting and gathering used to be required to get food to survive. Now we don’t have to hunt or garden, and we don’t even have to go to the store; we can have food delivered and have someone else cook it. Meanwhile, we grow physically and mentally weaker.
I increasingly feel the need to be strong and as able as possible to take care of my own needs.
I increasingly feel the need to be strong and as able as possible to take care of my own needs.
^^^ T H I S. ^^^
Just what I meant !!
^^^ This.
Nobody is going to do for me what I can do for myself. Wifey and I both have always lived by that motto.
“The reason I mention is that on nextdoor app everyday…”
I was banned from nextdoor… naturally… for arguing with what seemed like the whole neighborhood over people virtue-signalling to each other about putting BLM signs in yards…
Verse of the Day for Friday, September 1, 2023
“Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;”
Matthew 9:37 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
Here’s some background on that carbon capture thing (chopping down trees and burying them in the ground that Bill Gates is involved in. Notices the story says this is the brain child of University of Maryland professor Ning Zeng.
Breaks out the story from the tweet…
I’m going to guess the recent fires in Canada had to do with spurring this little money making adventure on.
Agree. It’s all about the $$$$$$$$ Some examples below
Carbon credits
World Food Prize: Al Gore says farmers can make money with practices that sequester carbon
Donnelle Eller
Des Moines Register
Senator John Heinz (R–PA) and Timothy Wirth (D-CO) had previously cosponsored a “Project 88” to provide a pathway for converting environmental issues into business opportunities. That media-fueled alarm about acid rain provided a great basis for new “allowance trading” legislation to create markets for buying and selling excess sulfur dioxide (SO2) credits. Project 88 became the Clean Air Act of 1990.
Speaking before a 2007 Joint House Hearing of the Energy Science Committee, Gore told members: “As soon as carbon has a price, you’re going to see a wave [of investment] in it…There will be unchained investment.”
More@ https://www.forbes.com/sites/larrybell/2014/02/11/remember-the-acid-rain-scare-global-warming-hysteria-is-pouring-down/?
Heinz, yet again. Skull and Bones…..
Some day his evil deeds will Ketchup to him…
Both of those ghouls Gates and Heinz…throw in Gore too
phys.org is woke and then some. Time for those faux scientist Climastrologists to be buried alongside their trees….
CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE has sharply boosted the risk of fast-spreading wildfires. PUNKT!!!
Burying trees and blocking out the sun. These ideas should be ridiculed until they are no longer spoken of.
The first meme in DePat’s opener of the mask wearer with a brain that is squirming like a toad (The Doors reference) needs to have a reset button somewhere on their head for the mental overloads they experience.
But on the other hand…
It actually reminded me of a phrenology head.
Me, too.
I have an ancestor (a cousin) who was a practicing phrenologist back in his day. I have a copy of a flyer for a presentation he was doing. “The ladies” were especially invited, lol!
He was a handsome devil:
That’s awesome! Was he from in the Civil War era?
Yes, he died in 1884. He was also a “treasure hunter.” There was supposedly a family fortune to be had in England if all the heirs could be located here in America. He pursued it for years, but never succeeded. I’ve looked into it; there is a possibility it was real. After he died, no one else took up the challenge.
Sounds like the person for that job would be a genealogist!
Lol! He was an expert at that! That’s how I traced several lines. He had all the branches of the family trace their ancestries, back to England.
You are blessed with that info! Love it!!!
I’ve had to fact-check the lines pretty carefully. With supposed millions of British pounds sterling at stake, sometimes people were a bit “loose” in their research!
What a Great Way to be motivated into improving & refining one’s genealogical sleuthing skills!
Ginger and Whinger (Brit term for whiner)…
Edit disfunction weird
That reminds me of the song “Anyway.”
The song reminded me of something I read earlier about the theologian Bonhoeffer while he was in New York and safe from the Nazi regime. I include his words below.
“On June 20 he wandered aimlessly in Times Square, giving free reign to his tortured thoughts until, at length, he decided to return. He tried to explain his decision to Niebuhr:
It was a mistake for me to come to America. … I will have no right to participate in the reconstruction of Germany after the war if I do not share the tribulations of this time with my people. … Christians in Germany are faced with the fearful alternatives either of willing their country’s defeat so that Christian civilization may survive, or of willing its victory and destroying our civilization. I know which of the two alternatives I have to choose but I cannot make the choice from a position of safety.”
Mark Devine, Bonhoeffer Speaks Today: Following Jesus at All Costs (Nashville, TN: B&H Books, 2005).
He returned to Germany and participated in a conspiracy to assassinate Hitler for which he was arrested in 1943 and hanged in 1945. The Germany to which Bonhoeffer returned was every bit as chaotic as what now afflicts America. It is a real life example of the “do what’s right” choice that many in this country now face. It is a sobering deliberation.
Yes, very sobering. Thank you for this.
Every agency has been corrupted.
Folks, the net is closing on the Cabal.
Bravo Gateway Pundit.
Look here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/exposed-whistleblower-steps-forward-reveals-private-facebook-group/
We are now figuring out just how they did it, there are still a few missing pieces, but here IMHO is how they did the 2020 election STEAL, and it was 100% a steal, one SO bad these people will be unable to defend it or “walk down the street”
1) the ERIC voter registrations system.
They used that registration system to find potential votes to harvest. Once they had those votes listed, Corrupt local officials and/or Secs of state closed off and “purged the voter roles” denying some unlawful votes, and to cover the tracks. They sent out absentee ballots to EVERYONE beforehand, sometimes 2x as many as there were “registered” voters.
They gamed the evidence. Once the registrations were all delivered, by the USPS, and yes they are a player, Then they shortly before the election, my bet mid October, re inserted the names in the voter registration file. That’s right, now they had a LARGE, open pool of illegal voters (fraudulent names, addresses, deceased, and moved out of district people to pull from.
That is where firms like Empower Michigan, and GBI strategies, in Michigan came into play. They hired out of state workers, flew them into Michigan and you bet your rear OTHER STATES, put them up in Hotels, and then used prepaid gift cards like Visa to PAY them per each “registration”
Once those registrations were “recorded”, fraudulent or not (I am sure they dabbed in a few legit registrations to use just in case someone asked questions) They were sent via US PS priority mail to various jurisdictions in batches of THOUSANDS. All under the cover of PPE which was included in the packet…as a COVER.
The packages, in this case in Michigan were sent WIDE SPREAD to county clerks offices. I think they messed up. See, in there ZEAL to make money, these “workers” who were paid BY THE REGISTRATION DAILY, filled out way too many to dump in ONE or two spots (Detroit, Wayne County, and East Lansing and Ann Arbor (college towns)
So, they sent them all over including to small RURAL towns like Muskegon, where these “registrations, IE Absentee BALLLOTS) were 50% of the POPULATION of the county, not just the registered voters. The alert an honest Clerk named in the article STOPPED the fraud in HER district and called the police. The police investigated Empower Michigan and found that they were one in the same as GBI industries, and they SHARE THE SAME LOCATION (address) as the Democrat Party of East Lansing.
GBI pre seeded the fraud, they were massive, and GP has a chart that shows this firm that used pre paid cards, burner phones, out of state workers, and had weapons, “dumped” large caches of ballots via USPS in wide spread locations ALL ON THE SAME DAYS, Oct 9th being by FAR the heaviest. GP has a chart. Drop and roll folks.
Now it gets GOOD.
They used Dominion to see the REAL election results in REAL time. They KNEW that despite the “preloading” that they were going to fall MASSIVELY short. Enter the stop of counting. Then they had DAYS to not only print or fill in pre printed “ballots” to get JUSSSST the number they needed. They had already poisoned the well with ERIC, GBI, EM, and the “purged voter roles”
The purged roles were their contingency. They HAD extra to use by the hundreds of thousands, and all they had to do was fill them in, and have them sent to FRIENDLY districts, like good ole Wayne county. Where they could be inserted in SECRET, at night and days after with no one able to contest. Fair and honest fraud free my ASS.
Biden told the truth ONE TIME. “We have put together the most wide spread voter fraud organization in history” (remember he said they DID IT FOR OBAMA TOO.)
Now we know HOW they did it. We know WHERE they did it, we know WHEN they did it. Now we need to find out WHO did it. I believe that anyone that did not step up like the Muskegon Clerk is complicit. Either by commission or OMISSION, it makes NO difference.
Believe me, they did it in Michigan, you can BET that it was done in Wisconsin, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, Virginia, North Carolina, and ALL the other swing states. ALL likely done in the SAME WAY, by perhaps the same group GBI, or perhaps a network of groups that worked WITH GBI.
This is WHY they have NEVER allowed it to go to court, it will fold in on itself in SECONDS under discovery and subpoena.
They are F@@Ked folks. Trump in Georgia and or DC or FL is going to SMASH them with this. They SCREWED up BIGLY by charging him with RICO. Trump HAS them.
If Mike Lindell is right, and I believe he IS, Space force captured the REAL results in REAL time, as the Cabal was trying to figure out how many they needed to insert. Remember, Dominion was VULNERABLE, that means not only to the Cabal or other bad actors, but also to the GOOD GUYS.
That data is IMPORTANT. It is the TRUE result.
NOW I know why it took so long. They had to find out not only WHERE they did it, and WHO did it, but HOW they did it.,
We know now. They NOW have it ALL. They already have WHEN and WHERE they did it. With the real result preserved, we can and WILL show the WORLD just how they did it. It WILL all add up. We do NOT care about machine audits, we needed to know WHO was frauded where. I bet we HAVE their database. WE KNOW>
Now the ballots themselves will be the ultimate proof, they MUST be scrutinized in an operation that will make 2000 FA look like a picnic.
No wonder they are ALL scared shitless, and McConnell is “locking” up”.
Trump is getting ready to expose all this in TRIAL, and WILL use discovery and subpoenas to PROVE IT.
They think HE is on trial. It is EXACTLY the opposite.
Remember when Trump said he had IRREFUTABLE evidence of voter fraud. Where do you THINK these stories are COMING FROM? If GP has it you can BET Trump has it, and also CONGRESS, (Think Comer).
Shit is about to get REAL.
I give all credit to GP, they have an excellent series on this. I recommend you read it.
Lucy, the Cabal has some splainin to do.
Thank you for bringing this.
People are saying that election fraud information will be brought out in trials. It looks as if that would be the normal course of things, but I can’t imagine the Left allowing it to happen. They can see what we see and they know the course of the legal process, and I’m wondering what steps they’re going to take to prevent election fraud evidence from being revealed.
Here’s what I would like to see in the Georgia case (and in others, to the extent possible):
• The trial will be covered live so everyone can see it (unless Trump and his team don’t think this is a good idea).
• The Trump team will be allowed to present all their election fraud evidence.
• Trump and others will be acquitted.
• The people will realize that (mostly) Dems have been cheating on a scale never seen before.
• People will realize that 2020 was stolen from Trump and more will rally behind him.
• Much of the cheating mechanism will be eradicated and future elections will be safeguarded, including 2024.
• Justice will be done for the cheaters.
It seems like all of that should happen, but I know the Left will do everything in its power to prevent that. I’d like to know what their strategy is.
IIRC the Georgia case will be televised.
I moved out and of state and relocated before the 2020 election. Registered in my new location soon after.
Yes I received an application for an absentee ballot from my previous state, I ignored it because I didn’t need it. In hindsight I am sure they just watched to see my response and then used it when they needed it for their benefit. How would I know it was cast?
J6: Mother of 8 Fears Years in PrisonBy Wendi Strauch Mahoney –
September 1, 2023
Rachel is currently living at home waiting sentencing. She wears an ankle monitor and has an interesting story to tell (vid) about this wood stove below (she’s not allowed to use it because it’s too far from her ankle monitor reporting device and thus she herself can not cook meals.
Full story here.
It’s gut wrenching what’s happening to these people. No telling how many years she’ll be sentenced to .
………..And they’re still arresting people.
J6 arrests will continue until Briben is dethroned.
Longer if Hoe or another criminal is installed.
IMO, this is a good “primer” for the “normies” / sheeple who still unquestioningly “follow the science” or who say “the CDC / FDA / my doctor, says the COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective.” —
by Alex Berenson
Yours Truly: Mr. Berenson, IMO, hit it out of the park, even though he’s not quite up to speed yet in calling it modRNA in the “vaccines.”
AS IF anyone needed another reason to never sign up for TW / X, or shitcan TW / X…
Twitter Updates Privacy Policy Notifying Users Their Content Will Be Used to Train and Develop Enhanced AI
The use of Enhanced Artificial Intelligence to control information and communication is a subject that too few people understand. This is why I have spent time trying to share information so that people can see into the future of their internet reality. Everything will change.
As you should know by now, the X platform (Twitter) is designed to produce a different user experience based on “definitions” of the user. The definitions are applied by the platform, to create unique identifying characteristics of the user. The result is that each user gets a completely different platform experience, based on their definitions.
“Twitter is a different platform for each user.” Repeat that phrase as often as needed to understand the evolution of what is coming to the American internet.
You might ask, how is applying all of these granular definitions even possible? The answer is through the use of AI. Humans will no longer be assigning the definitions of you; an autonomous system will take on the job of assigning the definitions. Now, keep referencing the word “definitions,” because that is your identity and gateway pass into the platform content. If you carry a particular definition, you will be blocked, throttled, shadow-banned or experience friction applied to your user id.
Thanks for this, kalbo! I read this post this morning and deactivated my personal and business (CelebrateFreedom.US) Twitter accounts. They don’t offer deletion, but after 30 days, I can no longer reactivate it. Perhaps they delete the data after that or just keep monetizing what they have until they can squeeze no more money out of it. Artificial Intelligence is fake intelligence and reduces the value and clarity of human-to-human communication. I have already been blocking those who associate with AI. My only option now is to disassociate with those encouraging it entirely.
I wonder unknowingly why they don’t allow deleting of your account. I wonder if it is because all the permissions you accepted still stay intact and they can scrap/collect your data from any/all devices, even tho you are no longer active on twit.
Not a Cruz supporter, but he has a point…
I gladly give to others my allotment of beer
I believe allotments will come for meat, milk, and other items. I have seen it after WWII and in the former DDR. That keeps people in line. It also will be a hardship for old people and those who are handy capped and kids. Maybe they give extra for kids? Eggs also.
I can give you a number of things that will be on the chopping block. Maybe my past experiences made me paranoid
They’re already here. Look up C-40…
Here’s an excerpt from their “Food Systems Network” item… the site actually is easy to navigate, so someone probably dumped a ton of OUR MONEY into developing it…
Integrating food policies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase resilience
The C40 Food Systems Network supports citywide efforts to create and implement integrated food policies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase resilience, and deliver positive public health benefits outcomes. The network is led by the City of Milan and delivered in partnership with the EAT Foundation.
Focus areas:
The Food Systems Network has had a fundamental role in the success of the C40 Good Food Cities Accelerator, where leading cities helped develop the ambition of science-based targets. The commitment was launched at the 2019 C40 Global Mayors Summit and co-signed by 14 cities who agreed to work with their residents towards achieving a ‘Planetary Health Diet’ for all by 2030, with balanced and nutritious food, reflective of the culture, geography, and demography of their residents. These goals are met by delivering the following measures:
Each city developed an action plan, including baseline figures and environmental, health, social and economic co-benefits where available, which will be regularly updated. Read the city action plans learn more about the Good Food Cities Accelerator.
(You can drill down futher here: https://eatforum.org/eat-lancet-commission … they want to control everything, from the cradle to the grave…)…..
Who determines what is appropriate?
Who monitors and enforces that they deem appropriate?
Why are there ever more and more drones flying around checking up on us?
Gläserner Mensch , indeed…..
They are making sure a % of eople die of starvation. Maybe they come for our garden and make inspections if a person hordes money? Normally they the enforcers confiscate reword for them so they can eat.
paranoid. More likely experience, knowledge, wisdom…Is this note helpful?
What was unhelpful about it?
Sources not included or unreliable
Sources do not support note
Incorrect information
Opinion or speculation
Typos or unclear language
Misses key points or irrelevant
Argumentative or biased language
Note not needed on this post
Harassment or abuse
Excess Covidiot Injection deaths and some Maui.
Excess Mortality Just Got Even Worse: Ed Dowd Drops Alarming New Data
NASCAR Bans White Guys From Internship Program
So this NASCAR program at this summer internship called the Diversity Internship Program. And if you look at the program requirements, the very first one stipulates that you have to be one of several approved races. So they’ve got African-American, Hispanic or Latino. Asian effectively lists all of these different racial groups other than white people. So if you are white and you want to apply for this NASCAR scholarship excuse me, the NASCAR internship, you’re ineligible.
Using the woke play to destroy all of America’s institutions. Fascinating that the owners and shareholders continue to go along with it.
Bill France’s son or grandson (I don’t know which he is) has joined the blue pill parade. Sad.
They likely hear ‘blue pill’ and think Viagra. So they get all excited.
I have to say that was one scenario I overlooked. I am losing touch with my culture.
It’s not “diversity” if you exclude some people. As Q said many times, “These people are stupid.”
Go Along To Get Along. <<< Failed Concept.ASK questions. Point Out Facts…REALITY. Challenge…front desk, nurses, quacks…
~Six minute video at the link.
Dr. Peter McCullough: People Need To “Wake up the Medical Community”
P R I C E L E S S…
19 second video.
Brainless Biden: “Secretary BootyJuice”
what an embarrassing imbecile
~47 seconds.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Vows Arkansas Will Never Lock Down
Col Macgregor interview, more extensive than usual military discussion.
RAC, Thanks for posting this great interview. Everyone should listen to this. It is v encouraging that Col McGregor is all over the internet spreading the truth ab Ukrainian situation. And here, he addresses other realities, such as USA’s financial peril. Truly a valuable source of actual information.
Excellent interview.
REPEATING from RAC’s post above.
Macgregor has two minute video. <<<Well worth a listen.
No surprise here…
Check out the graph.
Lotsa interesting charts in the article.
Inside Today’s Disastrous Jobs Report: 670K Full-Time Jobs Lost In 2 Months Vs 1 Million Part-Time Surge; Worst Unadjusted August Payrolls Since Great Recession
Nothing shocking here… Emphasis added.
There’s A Glaring Sign That Biden’s Jobs Market May Be Much Weaker Than
The number of part-time jobs has increased dramatically in the U.S. since June
Since June, the total number of workers in full-time jobs, defined as jobs working more than 35 hours per week, has declined by 670,000,
Further to my comment about the C40 globalist garbage, here is their website. It’s easy to navigate and drill down, which would be well worth one’s time, as it is downright CHILLING to see what they’re up to, what the connections are, and all of the ES&G and DEI (or, as Chiefio puts it, DIE) bafflegab for each company/funder on the list.
This is THEIR plan for OUR future.
C40 is only the beginning (of the end)….
Don’t be frightened, Arthur Dent. Be very, VERY FRIGHTENED!!!
I’d rather have WD-40. At least it’s useful, and it works (World Domination 40???)
Bloomberg Philanthropies
“Working in over 120 countries around the world to ensure better, longer lives for the greatest number of people”
Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF)
“CIFF is the world’s largest philanthropy that focuses specifically on improving children’s lives.”
“The association seeks to improve quality of life through the built environment, defined as the physical settings for our everyday life.”
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Denmark
Clean Air Fund
Climate Works Foundation
Global Environmental Facility
Grundfos Foundation
Hewlett Foundation
Interesting tidbit:
Fondation L’Oréal
Oak Foundation
Open Society Foundations
The Climate Change Collaboration
European Climate Foundation
Global Methane Hub https://www.globalmethanehub.org
KR Foundation
Mayors Migration Council
novo nordisk
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
SED Fund
Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF)
Wallace Global Fund for a sustainable future
And, as to their real aims, https://www.c40.org/what-we-do/influencing-the-global-agenda
This is astonishing in the breadth and depth of their Satanic machinations, and how and what they have been doing behind our backs.
Speaking of backs, they appear to be pulling their numbers and “statistics” out of their collective(ist) hineys. The Global Methane hub (https://www.globalmethanehub.org), for instance, believes the following:
problem is…WHO determines how many is the “greatest number of people”?
And which people(s) they are…..
That website ( http://www.c40.org ) is really worth a look and drilling down on some of the many links…
All of the garbage we’re going through right now has been “hidden in plain sight” for years… I just wish more people would look… for instance at the UN site, the WEF site, and sites like c40.org.
I’ve totally gone off HP… Bill Hewlett (and Walter, his son) would NEVER have supported this crap. The grandson of Bill is, sad to say, a flake… Same thing is true of the Packard family foundation… and the Waltons, and the ALDI foundation… totally off-the-wall libtards…

Of course they don’t. No good scam is based in truth.
bringing this from Marica’s…
September 1, 2023 at 4:27 pm
Yours Truly is on the way to the ER. Almost passed out an hour ago.
Please alert The Q Tree, thanks.
Marica— sent you an email with Sunday’s blog opener.
Thank you. Please pray for me.
Prayers for you all
Prayers and best wishes.
Yipes! That was sudden. ~Prayers~
As Duchess suggests everyday, PLEASE PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER. I figure that means whether anyone needs it or not.
We always need prayers ..:) We also need to pray
Prayers up!
I just saw this, looks like her last post here was 2:36pm, and it has been about five hours since her post at Marica’s.
A trip to the ER could easily take 5 hours, even if she is cleared and sent home. Hopefully she will be able to check in yet this evening.
ER visits over the years have typically been 7-9 hours. Shortest prolly 3 hours. One was 18 hours. Hopefully we’ll hear read something soon. Perhaps, “Yours Truly” will post at Marica’s soon.
NEW post. She is on her way home… She’s OK!
TY for letting us know!
Prayers up, with immediacy.
AND…Marica has a newborn grandson!
PTL!!! God is so good
Briben’s nominee to replace Miley, is likely as bad as Miley.
Vivek says fire this asshole. <<< I’m good with it.
The asshole even supported the riots of 2020 Summer.
What can go wrong ?
i can hardly believe they say these things out loud. Choosing a subpar anybody because he/she/it is black or some human hybrid…..our enemies must be rolling on the floor laughing
Our enemies aren’t laughing; they’re sitting at the war table gaming out battle scenarios based on the stupidity they see over here.
The Obama destruction of our military is still going on and only will stop with President Trump being back in the WH.
Charlie Brown, Charlie Brown
He’s a clown, that Charlie Brown
He’s gonna get caught
Just you wait and see
(Why’s everybody always pickin’ on me?)
Some things never change
It’s like watching someone from a mind-control movie.
It’s not possible to rationally maintain a military based on ‘diversity’. There is no logic, no intelligent methodology, no rationale that anyone besides a (literally) insane person would embrace.
It’s literal insanity, with a straight face the power to make it happen.
It’s watching our nation commit suicide, in slow motion, with full knowledge and understanding, and we all just watch it happen.
It makes me sick.
It makes me hate this world.
I know, Scott. But please don’t hate the world. God gave it to us, and I’m not giving it up to a relative handful of sneaky corrupt dimwits. Keep speaking up, keep pushing back. Never give up. Every day, many individuals do what they can with the skills they have to push back, meme, ridicule, spread the word, and just say NO! I see big and little wins each day too. I thank God for those.
You’re right, Barb.
I’m not giving up, I just get so angry.
I’m glad, Scott! We need your voice to be in the game. Oooh, I’m reading barkerjim’s link below. It’s a zinger to perk you up! Thanks barkerjim!!
Resembling the latter here.
These people
Good online friends—
Yours Truly is being discharged from the ER to back home. All the tests run have come back with good results. The ER doctors believe what hit me this afternoon was a type of Vasovagal Syncope that was set off by anxiety/stress. I’m to follow up with my PCP. It was scary but not life-threatening.
I can say that the many blood tests and EKG’s that were done testify to the good sense of things discussed on this board: good levels of calcium and vitamin D (my score was 60 there); good hydration; daily exercise, etc. Yours Truly had good scores on all the blood tests including on the troponin test.
Now apparently what needs to be taken care of are anxiety/stress issues. This will be addressed with my therapist. I thought I was doing OK in this regard. Looks like more work needs to be done.
Thank you all for your prayers and kind thoughts.
Awesome on he blood work. Keep it up! And you might consider upping your vitamin D intake for the winter when we don’t get sun as much.
Anxiety sucks. I have it, too. And sometimes there is no apparent reason for it.
I’m glad you have a therapist to help you. Mine like EFT Tapping for anxiety. I’ve tried it, and it really does work, although I don’t think it is for the reasons they say it does. I think it works mainly by distraction and redirection of one’s thoughts, myself.
BEST news of the day!
I just had a lovely experience, and I want to share!
I went to the rodeo here in my little town. We got the flag carried around the arena by a rodeo queen on a beautiful horse; a prayer in Jesus name (none of that any-religion, non-specific, could be gaia crap); and everyone sang along with a young guy with a great voice for the National Anthem.
It was so great, and made me so happy. It filled me right up before any event actually happened. And those were awesome, too!
Don’t let think make you believe that traditional America is gone. It’s out here in small towns all over the country.
Sigh, can’t edit.
Don’t let them make you believe….
Wonderful! Thank you for sharing.
That’s wonderful, Aubergine. Thanks for sharing a slice of real USA. Truly lifts the spirits.
Hubby and I just returned from our annual road trip from CO to MI. Nebraska and Iowa are as rural and ‘down home’ as ever ( ignoring iowa’s wind farms
) and the people as friendly as can be. #ILoveourHeartland 

That’s good to hear!
This is most excellent!
I wish I could share a Gab link I saw yesterday w/ 2 little boys playing at bull-riding
The little ones are the coolest. There was a tiny girl, probably about five, carrying a flag on horseback at our rodeo. So cute.
How Sweet!
No sooner than I read to wonderful posts, by Aubergine and Allison. This pops up…
Well, this one sucks. NO upside to it.
US Special Operations Command Will Deploy Argus AI Program to Scour Social Media for Disinformation, Misinformation and Malinformation, National Security Authority to Protect U.S. Internet from “Pain Points”
Annnd… Here we go. If you have not read the background {Go Deep}, you will not have the appropriate context to absorb the latest revelation about how the Dept of Defense will now conduct online monitoring operations, using enhanced AI to protect the U.S. internet from “disinformation” under the auspices of national security.
You’d think foreign threats would be a priority, but no, in their depraved world it’s you and me. Never thought I’d live to see the day …
This might be worth reposting on the Saturday thread
KYIV, Sept 2 (Reuters) – Ukraine’s main security agency(SBU) accused tycoon Ihor Kolomoisky of fraud and money laundering on Saturday, naming one of the country’s most prominent businessmen a suspect in a criminal investigation.
The move against Kolomoisky, one of Ukraine’s richest men and a one-time supporter of President Volodymyr Zelenskiy whose election he backed in 2019, comes as Kyiv is trying to signal progress during a wartime crackdown on corruption. (or….. Biden’s interactions with Kolomoisky necessitates the need that Kolomoisky is ‘disappeared’)