Cover image: White Sands National Park, New Mexico

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Badlands News Brief – September 5, 2023
Masks – They’re Back!
Yeah…we’ll see about that.
Donald Trump’s Mugshot and the Berlin Wall of Democrat Propaganda
The Democrats are making a final push against Donald Trump, the culmination of their unrelenting efforts since 2016. But is their propaganda becoming so obvious that, rather than persuading voters, it finally opens their eyes to reality?
That’s the idea.
Rules of engagement for the war of words
What Jill Biden’s Latest Covid-Positive Test Means for Pandemic Panic Theater 2.0
The Third World Revolt
Many are missing the truly ominous message in that viral ABC Donna Brazile clip…
New haunting theory has emerged on why Bill Gates wants to destroy so many trees…
Inside the secretive world of superyachts, where the world’s elite gather to relax and broker deals away from prying eyes
Alert: Ex-Wikipedia Co-Founder Says Site Hijacked by US Intelligence for ‘Info Warfare’
That happened quite a bit ago, actually. Like, over fifteen years.
3 Reasons There’s Something Sinister With the Big Push for Electric Vehicles
Maui Fires, Directed Energy Weapons, and the Color Blue
Loomer: FBI Questioned J6ers About Ukrainian Spy in the Capitol and Even Newsweek Is Asking Questions
PayPal’s Unholy Alliance With ADL Opens the Door to a Massive Security Breach
Anti-Defamation League news and controversy came up multiple times on Tuesday. Hmm.
Stephen Miller says everything we’ve fought for is on the line: Sept. 30th is “D-Day” for Republicans…
Elon Musk spills the beans on the ADL and prepares for war…
Ed Rollins: ‘No One Is Going to Defeat President Trump’
Tweets, X-Posts, Whatever
I doubt they would fit in the current planes and the design might be a safety hazard.
Speaking as a Jew: ADL is NOT a Jewish organization. It is an ultra-left activist org that pushes radical transgenderism, border erasure, police dismantlement, and the demolition of free speech—deploying rank slander, bullying and character assassination to achieve its aims.
These views and tactics are expressly contrary to sacred Jewish and biblical teaching.
When justly criticized, ADL and its defenders falsely claim anti-Semitism, thereby diminishing all past and present victims of anti-Semitism.
In fact, conflating criticism of ADL with criticism of Jews is itself an anti-Semitic trope.
Bottom line: ADL is a disreputable organization that has gravely undermined Jewish interests and is worthy of the strongest condemnation.
Yep. It’s an election year.
Memes & Stuff

Have a good day y’all.
(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.
Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
One other vital note:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.
LUKE 4:38-44
38And he arose and left the synagogue, and entered Simon’s house. Now Simon’s mother-in-law was ill with a high fever, and they besought him for her. 39And he stood over her and rebuked the fever, and it left her; and immediately she rose and served them. 40Now when the sun was setting, all those who had any that were sick with various diseases brought them to him; and he laid his hands on every one of them and healed them. 41And demons also came out of many, crying, “You are the Son of God!” But he rebuked them, and would not allow them to speak, because they knew that he was the Christ. 42And when it was day he departed and went into a lonely place. And the people sought him and came to him, and would have kept him from leaving them; 43but he said to them, “I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other cities also; for I was sent for this purpose.” 44And he was preaching in the synagogues of Judea.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.
And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another.

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.
In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.
Thank you, DePat, for a wonderful, thorough post. Being that it’s a shortened Blog Week, this is probably best thought of as “Speedbump Day”.
We’ll find out, that’s for sure.
Lol. Fitting.
How’s your ankle doing? Did you see ?
Hadnt seen it, will read shortly.
We are in week 2 of school. He is getting done sooner this year, finally, and its much better so far.
My cast was taken off yesterday. 1 week early, so not walking on it until next Monday. Wearing das boot for 6 weeks until next dr appt or if PT says wear a shoe sooner. Still swelling and incisions arent healed all the way. Surprised after 4 weeks they arent finished. Numbness on bottom of foot nay go away once i walk and all the swelling stops. Snother PT area. Ive asked for home pt since i cant drive and no transportation.
I took an actual bath last night which was nice and soaked/scrubbed my leg first for 45 minutes.
Took you 45 minutes to scrub your leg? Must have been dirtier than any leg I’ve ever seen.
Had to soak for half that to get the dead skin soft and all of it off. No way i would not debride it muh self.
They didn’t give you a pack of foaming Cast-Be-Gone?
No!!!! I asked if they cleaned my skin, sitz bath or whirlpool and the med asst said she’s never seen it ordered or done. Unbelievable bc it used to be a standard of care. I just soaked under extra warm water out the bathtub faucet and had to use a good scrub sponge to clean up. Ive not had a cast before so
glad you are out of the cast. Just make sure you make haste SLOWLY!
Yes. Mr gil thought i was all better 2 weeks after surgery! He asked me then once i got the cast off can i drive now. Had to disappoint him there too. Ortho kinda said give it a couple more weeks. As common as broken ankles are, apparently the healing is a bit drawn out.
I’m bringing this from yesterday regarding this Chuck Callesto tweet:
People are saying it’s not the same guy and that the guy in the top photo posts on Gab as “Handsome Truth.”
I took those comments from this link:
Not getting in the fracas. Tattoos point taken, AND can be temp, or so I understand.
I see temps all the time. They are very popular at kids birthday parties.
There’s no fracas that I know of.
1-Someone posted the comparison pics, intimating that the F_B agent is the guy in the top pic. The idea caught fire and got reposted multiple times.
2-But some people immediately recognized “Handsome Truth” and stated that that was him in the pic, not the F_B agent (assuming those guys in the bottom pic are agents). The guy is a known person, not an agent.
From his Gab page:

His Wiki page:
A GWP article identifying him:
A tweet from that article showing his full face and him “creeping” on a kid.
A Laura Loomer tweet wondering who is funding the guy:
“Turns out Jon Minadeo, the Nazi leader of Goyim Defense League goes around calling people the N word and harasses Jews in public, is just a scorned failed rapper who decided to become a Nazi when his rap career failed.”
So a guy who hates Jews (I always wonder if they know Jesus was a Jew?) uses a pejorative Jewish term for himself and for his group.
In modern Hebrew and Yiddish goy is a term for a gentile, a non-Jew. Through Yiddish, the word has been adopted into English also to mean “gentile”, sometimes in a pejorative sense.
As a word principally used by Jews to describe non-Jews, it is a term for the ethnic out-group. Wikipedia
Although if he’s white, he’s definitely in the ‘out-group’.
You can’t be in a group more on the ‘outs’ than white, unless you’re also one of those heterosexuals.
You can’t be in a group more ‘out’ than ‘white, heterosexual’, unless you’re also [looks both ways to see if anyone besides us is listening] male.
You can’t be in a group more ‘out’ than ‘white, heterosexual, male’ [checks behind the curtains] unless you’re also conservative.
And you can’t be in a group more ‘out’ than ‘white, heterosexual, male, conservative’ [checks the closet] unless you’re also Christian.
As far as I can tell, that’s the most ‘out-group’ there is. The lowest totem on the pole. The bottom of the caste. The worst of the worst.
So I immediately signed up, got my card, and started attending meetings

In case anyone missed them, I see that there are posts up by both TradeBait and Gail Combs.
Thanks! I will have to check out Gail’s post.
TradeBait’s post has two excellent examples of “clowns” in real life – well worth reading.
Thanks. Stumbled on Gail’s. Opened in another window.
TBs was enlightening.
An excellent compilation of 9/11 videos. Some really bad audio in parts, but this is a great collection of all the amateur videos that LACK the planes, as well as the one live-action shot which is flawed and clearly faked, and other faked plane entrances which failed later analysis.
Saved for reference!
I’m asking this because I haven’t look into it in detail, not because I’m trying to debunk anything. There were planes whose passengers all died, right? What happened to them if they didn’t fly into the towers?
There are a lot of theories about that. Some think those planes were actually flown somewhere, the passengers killed, and replaced with modified planes that were flown remotely. Many experienced pilots have said the maneuvers used to fly into those buildings couldn’t have been done by even an exceptional pilot, let alone a bunch of guys who had a few lessons on a Cessna. I’ve read so many other theories, some with real planes and some without. There used to be a bunch of “9-11 Truther” websites that delved into all the different theories and facts as they came out.
Thank you. I bet there are multiple theories that it would take time to delve into.
This is why I am agnostic on what happened to the planes. I’ve concentrated my analysis on the strikes and videos, and have been amply rewarded with understanding of what didn’t happen.
They made too many mistakes. It worked for a while, but could not survive the internet.
Not much of what they try to pull anymore does, which is why I think the internet is and always has been a white hat operation to bypass Operation Mockingbird, especially after the JFK public execution for trying to thwart the DS/Cabal/Illuminati, call them what you want, plans for us.
Exactly. There is some lore about origins of ideas for the internet that are very interesting. There is the official story that you can read on places like Wikipedia, but some of the alternate theories from deep in “classified world” are very compelling.
I have no idea what happened to the planes. But I do know that two of them did not hit the towers, and one of them did not hit the Pentagon.
“I have no idea what happened to the planes. But I do know that two of them did not hit the towers, and one of them did not hit the Pentagon.”
Did the people who make a hobby out of tracking planes (“plane fags”) exist in 2001?
Every flight has a flight number, and the flight numbers of the planes on 9/11 are known, and at least some of the family members of those on the planes would be able to verify the flight numbers.
If the flight numbers were trackable like they are today, and that information is recorded somewhere, it should be simple to verify when (and from where) each flight took off, and more importantly, where they went.
I know I’ve seen discussion of this, and the allegations include some degree of military involvement in the deception (see Pentagon).
I have notes from a commentary I saw years and years ago–I will look for them.
It was from a stewardess who was given access to text messages from relatives on those planes. some of it never made sense to her and so she started digging deeper. she reviewed available transcripts and at one point one of the stewardesses on one of the planes mentions “he stood upstairs”…impossible if that was a plane in the air.
she also stated one of the stewardesses reported that a hijacker sprayed mace–she said in a pressurized cabin everyone would feel the effects–even the hijackers.
she believes the planes were routed to Westover Air Reserve Base in Massachusetts–given the length of the runaway needed for the size of the planes to land. (more details in her book/video)
she thinks the planes were already in hangars by that time and that the people on the planes were gassed.
she believe the planes themselves were repainted and sold cheaply as military tankers.
her reason for the attack? the mic needed a new Pearl Harbor to get America on board for the Patriot Act and the 7 wars they had planned.
her name is Rebekah Roth and her video/ book was called Methodical Illusion. there is so much more and it’s hard to know what to believe at this point…but i know i don’t believe the official version by any stretch.
It has been a while but the thing that stood out to me was the fact that NO ONE SCRAMBLED AIR FORCE JETS to take the planes headed towards DC down.
Several years prior to that, I was sky watch during a meteor shower with a couple of geologists/cavers. We saw a UFO. Within minutes Rome Air Force base had three jets up and chasing the darn thing…. It did square corner turns and then took off so fast it made those jets look like turtles chasing a race car…
There is more than one Air Force base between NYC and DC.
she was contacted by a woman who was based at that base and she was being activated that morning. when she got to the base, it was evacuated. she was locked out. she was sent to a local hotel for three days and then told to return.
my notes are old…and i took them watching the video so there’s a lot of stuff i probably missed.
also. the FAA (?) was simulating war games that day–manipulating radar for the pilots.
but i agree…those flights should have been intercepted
There’s multiple Navy air bases as well.
Too true.
I heard [or read] an interview with a female military pilot [air NG, IIRC] who described racing to catch the Shanksville plane. She said she had mentally made the decision to kamikazi her unarmed fighter. She said the plane crashed first which was both frustrating to her and also a relief that she didn’t have to die.
So she was launched without air-to-air missiles (Sidewinder, Sparrow, AMRAAM…). Guard AC, given the airfields they typically operate out of, I believe they have little to no access to ordnance.
Also that was the NATIONAL GUARD who is under the control of the state and not the federal gov’t.
“She said she had mentally made the decision to kamikazi her unarmed fighter.”
Seems like a bad plan.
If you have to take it down, it should be an order given by HQ.
If it comes to that, you shouldn’t be the only plane scrambled to that location.
The passenger jet would have no reason to know you came up behind it. Wait (if necessary) until you are in a sparsely populated area.
Use the bottom of your fighter to bust off the horizontal or vertical stabilizer tail wings.
If your own plane goes into an unrecoverable spin or is too damaged to fly from the contact, bail out. If the passenger jet was not damaged enough to crash it, the next fighter pilot takes his shot.
The last thing I would do is kamikaze the passenger jet, killing myself in the process.
…only plane scrambled…
Typically two scrambled, is my understanding. Mechanical failure on one, there is a backup response – AC.
Perhaps there was a second AC. We just are not reading about it.
I’ve seen enough video and read up enough on this, that there are multiple reports that some of the “dead” have been seen in other countries, including the supposed hijackers. Barbara Olson is one of the people reported to have been seen.
Also, only ONE recording of the calls made to loved ones after the supposed hijackings exists. It was a voice mail, and at the end, the woman said softly “it’s a scam.” She was calm, and what she said was obviously scripted.
Yes, 9-11 was essentially a Pearl Harbor to jump start the war machine. It was also how A LOT of evidence was destroyed for the audit of the Pentagon, and an anti-trust case in New York against the Rockefellers. That’s why building 7 had to fall. And – bonus, maybe – taking out the entire WTC complex reduced the energy use in NYC by 20%. They had been having brown out issues before the FF. (That piece of information was my foot in the door to accepting 9-11 as a false flag.)
An observation.
Looks like Rebekah has a series of books.
Methodical Exposure, Methodical Deception, Methodical Illusion, Methodical Conclusion… Maybe more.
Likely going to order Methodical Illusion. Then, decide which way to go.
Thanks for that information.
Thanks for this. Very useful!
File this link under “DEI = communism”!
YES. Amen!!!
Hence why I put that in the opener. I won’t say anything else about the ADL, but their MO is largely that of a school yard bully.
It’s just like this; if you re-branded the Klu Klux Klan as the Krispy Kreme Kids, but the philosophy is the same, it’s still a bunch of racists in hoods.
They can call themselves whatever they like, but it’s what the DO that matters.
Still can’t edit.
A rose by any other name …
That is not particularly surprising. Over time all organizations are co-opted by greedy and/or agenda-driven individuals. The evidence for such a claim is straight forward historical analysis of groups and institutions. I know of no institution that has become more virtuous with the passage of time.
Money (Mega-donors) TALKS…
We found that out when Organic Consumers and Food and Water Watch went to the Dark Side during the Farm Wars.
As has been wisely said, “the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.”
Matt Gaetz threatens to force vote on Biden impeachment — and oust McCarthy if he gets in way
For EVERY rCON. END the CON. Stop talking. >>> IMPEACH. <<< .
THEN start defunding
Bribenhussein’s destruction of America.Our County fair and the NC state fair is coming up soon. The ReBOOBS will be out in force looking for volunteers and $$$. NOW is the time to RIP THE M-Fers to shreds.
Carry this quote hand printed on several index cards and ask the SOBs to EXPLAIN!
Quote from Tragedy and Hope, 1966 by Carroll Quigley, member of Council on Foreign Relations, mentor to Bill Clinton.
DARN As usual that paragraph has been scrubbed even in the archived versions so here is another link.
Another alternative.
[5-Quigley, pp.1247-1248]
“One of Professor Quigley’s most shocking revelations,” wrote Dr. Monteith,
Well, I finally got my biopsy results today. As I suspected, I do have breast cancer. But at least, it’s not the most aggressive version. And the tumor is small at this point. I haven’t talked to my doctor yet. She generally calls me the day after the results come out (actually, I think I see them before she even gets them). But I feel pretty clear that I’m not going to do chemo, radiation, or body mutilation surgery. I’ve been doing alternative therapy involving fenben, ivermectin, and a bunch of other things. Basically throwing the kitchen sink at it. So I’m going to continue doing that and hopefully talk my doctor into monitoring it in 3-6 months to see how well it’s working. I really appreciate the prayers. God has this. I just need to keep trusting Him and let Him do His work.
I’m sorry you got that diagnosis, but as you say, it’s good that they caught it early! Also that you have your alternative therapies in your tool kit.
I can’t advise you, of course, but I’m wondering if it might be good to have the tumor removed (not a mastectomy) while you continue to do all the alternative things you mention. Then your therapies could work against any possible metastases. I would be a little leery of leaving the tumor in place, but of course you’ll have to see what the doctor says.
Thank you for updating us. I’m praying for your decisions and your recovery!
It looks as if you’re already doing the right things, so you have a lot going for you. 

Thank you, These Truths! The problem with removing a tumor is that it often spreads the cancer. And just removing the tumor doesn’t remove cancer stem cells which could already be somewhere else. So a few years down the road, you end up with another cancer. You wouldn’t believe how many posts I’ve read where this very thing has happened. Women have gotten mastectomies and thought all was well, and then another cancer popped up a few years later. I suspect that the jabs have caused that to happen in some people who suddenly have turbo cancers.
Right now, my thinking is that it would be better to completely shrink and kill the tumor with alternative therapies and then go on a maintenance program so another cancer doesn’t pop up. Many of those in the Fenben groups who have had their tumors completely disappear continue to take Fenben and other supplements, but at a reduced dosage. That’s what I’m hoping for. No body mutilation and no destroying my immune system with chemo or radiation.
I understand. I have heard a theory that needle biopsies can spread cancer (and I don’t know if it’s true), but had not heard of surgery spreading it. I have no expertise in this but will just say this: I would exercise some caution about what people say. Sometimes they are mistaken about what happened, or what they tihnk happened. I see it almost daily regarding political and other matters. Some scientific studies would be good.
Regarding people who had mastectomies but a recurrence later, I don’t think the mastectomy caused that, or that surgery caused it. I think the seeds of the cancer had already been planted before the surgery was done. It just was too small to be detected yet.
Of course, I’m just another person on the internet, so please get some expert advice! Conventional doctors might not know about or approve fenben, but they will be able to answer questions about surgery.
It’s hard these days because in many ways, we feel we can’t trust the “science,” or even doctors. But doctors do still provide life-saving care in many instances. So it will be interesting to see what advice your doctor(s) gives. Please keep us posted to the extent that you are comfortable with doing so. Take care!
Good advice!
What you describe has been happening to a female friend (72 years old) of ours in our neighborhood except it is soft tissue sarcoma in her legs. She had the biopsies and tumor removals at first, which caused it to spread each time they did it. She went traditional med’s way and is as she described, “burned up” from it all. Chemo, proton, etc. Her immune system is shot and stays inside her home over 90% of the time now.
100% support your approach and pray for your complete healing.
Thank you, Trade Bait!
It all depends on whether or not it’s spread to the lymph nodes. I know one woman where it didn’t, and she was fine. My grandmother it did, and she had two more bouts (colon and pancreas) before she passed.
Check out this study on Fenben and tumors. There is an important list of vitamins/amounts that need to be taken with it to make it antitumorigenic:
This is another paper on that mouse study
Vitamin levels in nonsterilizable (regular) and sterilizable (supplemented) diets
Diet % Increase Vitamins Regular Supplemented Units
A – 15.4 – 30.7 IU/g 100
Retinol – 4.65 – 9.31 mg/kg 100 [Retinol, is also known as vitamin A1]
D3 – 1.54 – 2.05 IU/g 33
Cholecalciferol – 38.39 – 51.18 g/kg 33 [Vitamin D3]
E – 101 – 126 mg/kg 25
K3 – 51 – 102 mg/kg 100
B1 – 16.5 – 117.6 mg/kg 613
B2 – 14.9 – 27.2 mg/kg 83
Available niacin –41.2 – 87.3 mg/kg 112 [vitamin B3]
B6 – 18.5 – 26.8 mg/kg 45
Pantothenic acid – 33 – 141.6 mg/kg 329 [vitamin B5]
B12 – 0.08 – 0.15 mg/kg 88
Available biotin – 0.3 – 0.82 mg/kg 173 [ vitamin B7]
Folate – 3.34 – 8.41 mg/kg 152 [vitamin B9]
Lots of B vitamins.
Listen to your doctors regarding potential options — there are new alternatives instead of the old-style radiation and chemo — but always make your own choices for you.
And even though it’s in God’s hands, that doesn’t mean He wants you to go limp. You need to think and fight and pray, and we need to pray with you.
Thank you, Coothie! I totally agree about fighting and praying. And I’ll definitely listen to what they have to say. But after the past 3 years, how much trust do you think I have in doctors?
Not a lot.
The good news is that we now know; five years ago, we might have not even listened to what the doctors were saying and blithely followed their recommendations without a care.
Now we can listen, and possibly decide to do the 180-degree opposite…
I still trust the radiation and surgical people. You sound like a good candidate for lumpectomy, radiation, and no chemo. Combine that with fenben and you are likely to skate to cancer freedom. Do consider the options. I’ve known too many women who survived by quick treatment.
A little Silicon Valley anecdote…..
A guy came up with this idea for doing anti-cancer radiation treatments. It involved taking a small, portable radiation emitter — think something like a laser with a 1/8″ beam — and pointing it at the cancer deep within the patient. The radiation would fire briefly, then the emitter would move to an entirely different position in 3 dimensions before firing again.
So this emitter would be flying all over the place and going ‘blip’, and the net result would be that a BB-sized bit of cancer inside the patient would get the full radiation treatment while everything around it would barely get warm. Patient results supported the idea that this was a revolutionary new helpful treatment.
The inventor was a true believer, and managed to get funding and become the CEO of a company that made these widgets. It was like a Holy Cause for him — he encouraged massive overtime because he wanted to make so many of these that every hospital could have one.
Then, the inevitable happened. During a patient treatment, the emitter got stuck. It may have been because it ran into another piece of equipment that the operator left in the room; it may have been because a motor or bearing failed; it may have been a power glitch — it really doesn’t matter. The next couple of dozen ‘blips’ went into the patient at the same spot, drilled a hole through her head, and killed her.
So the CEO called a company meeting….and completely melted down. He didn’t know if one of the stockroom clerks he was working 60 hours per week had made a mistake, or whether the final QA guys who were working 70 hours per week had missed something, or whether the engineers that were working 80 hours per week had flubbed part of the design — they had essentially murdered the young lady in question. Each and every employee needed to rededicate themselves to perfection, he declared, crying bitter tears. He had invented this technology to save lives and not to take them.
You can probably figure what happened next. All the employees had previously been inspired to do a good job with the thought that they were contributing to a worthy company. When the CEO didn’t “man up” to the results of his risk management, he completely poisoned morale. Most of his employees quit within the next six months because of the overwhelming pressure.
I learned about this from one of the ex-employees.
And, mind you, this was a real technological innovation that really worked and had good results.
This was, BTW, about 20 years ago. The technology was sound, so it was probably purchased by a company that rolled it out properly.
Very interesting!
I will pray for you!
Please consider lumpectomy and modern radiation. I’ve known multiple people who got excellent results from modern radiation treatments. They use many multiple beams so that ONLY the cancer spot receives lethal radiation – not even a suntan anywhere else. The combination of lumpectomy, radiation and fenben/vitamins is likely to be a sure cure!
While I would disagree with Wolf about anything being a “sure cure”, I would be inclined to follow this recommended course of action were I in your situation.
As always, however, listen to what is known and consider your options carefully.
There are some varieties of prostate cancer that are extremely common among males over the age of 60……and may take 40 years to kill their victims. While everyone wants to run around with their hair on fire when they hear “cancer”, a rational evaluation may indicate that one’s time be better spent elsewhere.
That is the conventional medical “wisdom.” Basically, don’t treat prostate cancer because the old guy will die of something else first. And, to some extent, don’t even do PSA tests for the same reason.
I knew a man in his 80s whose PSA jumped from one year to the next. He had prostate cancer and got radiation treatments, lived about another 15 years, and died from other causes.
I don’t think you’re advocating for this, but I don’t trust anyone in the medical profession who advises someone to not get tested and not treat cancer.
I’m more in a “test early and often” set of mind.
Part of the problem is that the classical treatments for prostate cancer frequently left the patient impotent and incontinent. It’s not just the insurance companies trying to save a few bucks by killing off the old folks.
Linda, being that it was detected early, is still small, and not the most aggressive type is certainly all positive. Hopefully you have found info through your research, about how long the fenben/IVM treatment takes, before a measurable result could reasonably be expected to show up in tests, so you have a target window.
Keeping you in my prayers

keeping you in my prayers Linda!
So sorry to hear this, praying for you and your family.
If you are going the FenBen route remember to up your vitamins and CUT OUT THE CARBS aka sugars AND STARCHES. you want to go Keto since sugar/glucose feeds cancer cells.
A good online store selling supplements:
FenBen source:
My List of links:
Cancer: The Carbohydrate Connection — We’ve known about this for a hundred years.
PAPER detailing the discovery: Unexpected Antitumorigenic Effect of Fenbendazole when Combined with Supplementary Vitamins
Fenbendazole as a Potential Anticancer Drug
Fenbendazole Cancer Protocol: Step By Step Guide
This was archived:
Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug
Ivermectin is a powerful anti-cancer remedy, 9 peer-reviewed studies conclude
Peer reviewed scientific studies (Print them out) are very useful when talking to doctors… Even though they hate it, at least some do.
^^^ This. Great post and advice, Gail. Folks – pay attention on this one.
I have been buying from NOW ever since you posted about them awhile back. There has been a run on their supply of nattokinase lately though.
Keto rules. Living the dream.
A ways back you and prolly someone else talked of Keto. Me, way overweight. Really, really like to eat.
Glanced at Keto. Glanced at Atkins. Figured a hybrid way ahead, something I knew I could do..
Two months later, down, 12 pounds. Long way to go.
Appreciate the Keto comments way back…
losing weight is hard
Thanks Pat.
BOY is it EVER!!!
I do OK as long as I can stay off the OTC pain killers like Naproxen Sodium or Ibuprofen.
As soon as I take them I get the munchies really bad… And then there is my sweet tooth and fresh fruit season.
Great info, Gail. I like NOW vitamins as well. However, is not a good place to get Fenben. Several people in the FB Fenben groups I’m in had their product independently tested by a verified testing lab. Their product is supposed to be 97% pure fenbendazole. However, the labs found only 7-8% fenbendazole. After more invesigation, they found that this company is based in Lithuania behind a couple of shell companies. One of those shell companies is who they list as their testing lab.
Here is a much better place to buy (and you can also get their products on Amazon):
Their product has been well tested by a real independent lab as well as many people in the FB groups.
𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐦𝐲 𝐅𝐞𝐧𝐛𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐦 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐦. BOOKMARKED!
(𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐮𝐦𝐨𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐮𝐩 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐮𝐦 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐮𝐦 𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞.)
Yeah, a lot of people have been fooled by them. I bought their product, too, and used it for about a week before I found out. They’ve also got several other brands with the same problem. So better to go with either Happy Healing or get the Merck fenben dewormers. Both of those have been tested and have worked for many people. Isn’t it sick that people would take advantage like that of people fighting cancer? What a world we live in.
Which MercK Fenbendazole (Safeguard) wormer??? I have a couple of my ponies on the Fenben/Vit protocol. One has Cushings and I have a couple of grays who are prone to cancer. We just lost one gray gelding to cancer this year and I lost 2 other light colored ponies to cancer over the last decade. It is a known problem.
If I can use the stuff I order in bulk from Jeffers, it might be a lot cheaper. It is by Merck.
I buy several tubes at a time.
You can use that kind. Or the Safe-guard cattle dewormer, which is a liquid. I like that one. It’s easy to use a syringe to get the proper dose and then just squirt it in your mouth. Or you can use the Panacur C dog dewormer. As long as they only have fenbendazole in them, they’ll work. They’re actually more expensive per dose than the Happy Healing powder, though. So if you’re going to use it on an ongoing basis, that’s probably the one to get.
Also, when you use any of them, you need to take it after eating, preferably with some kind of fat. Some people take it with a scoop of plain yogurt, or a teaspoon of olive oil, or peanut butter.
Wow! Thanks for that information. I wish everyone knew this. There are probably cancer patients taking that and getting no results.
Yes, it happened to a lot of people. The Fenben cancer groups on FB have made a point of getting the word out.
Linda, sorry about your diagnosis. That’s a blow and it probably shook you up but I hope that if i ever receive that news I want to have the attitude that you do, positive and focused to find the best way forward.
Prayers ongoing. Grateful it is not the most aggressive version. You’re informed, able to make wise decisions. >>> PLUS, Fen Ben AND Ivermectin, ARE working for you.
I’m sorry to hear of this diagnosis. Thank heavens it’s a small tumor. Sending prayers, meditations, Good Energy, and Deep Healing. Good that you’re doing IVM, Fenben, and other alternative approaches.
You might want to also consider Body Radio Surgery, also called Stereostatic Radiotherapy (SRS), as an additional type of alternative treatment. It’s non-invasive and FDA-approved. It is a type of radiation therapy but, if one understands correctly, without the side effects of standard radiation therapy.
Not sure about the value of ‘FDA-approved’ but otherwise a good comment.
Thank you, RDS. I hadn’t heard of that type of surgery before, so I’ll definitely look into it.
I fixed the URL:
Look into CBD. It doesn’t have THC in it (the stuff that makes you high) but it is good for breast cancer. I know people who have used it to great effect.
That is nice to know. Mom and Grandma both had breast Cancer. I take CBD for arthritic and back pain.
I quit for a couple months this summer because I was so busy — BOY DO I FEEL IT!
When something works, it works! And when you stop, you know it.
Part of the scientific method.
Lol! My version, anyway.
I am actually serious about that.
For me I often try it on my horses first.
Oh, yes. I was just being silly. I use the scientific method with many things.
Aubergine’s Razor
Lol! Hoist on my own petard!
I have that saved.
ℑ𝔱 𝔦𝔰 𝔇𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔰 𝔱𝔬 𝔄𝔱𝔱𝔯𝔦𝔟𝔲𝔱𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔡𝔦𝔱𝔶 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔴𝔥𝔦𝔠𝔥 ℭ𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔡 𝔅𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢 ℜ𝔢𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔱 𝔬𝔣 𝔐𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔠𝔢 𝔬𝔯 𝔊𝔲𝔦𝔩𝔢. — Aubergine’s Razor
Q When is a horse not a horse?
A When its a guinea pig.
When it’s a jar?
That’s part of the protocol I’m on, Aubergine. When I looked into it, I was really surprised at how much of the cannabis plant has anti-cancer properties. CBD oil seems to be helping a lot of people in these FB groups I’m in.
Great! Good to know.
Great string of TWs.
The last set, needs to go viral.
The Parliamentary Move, SEALED THE
STEALCOUP – To INSTALL Briben.(Hope the C&P function as intended.)
It’s been nice …
Looks like Zelenskyyyy just arrested his own puppetmaster!
These very public arrests in Ukraine are a joke.
officialsthieves.You forgot to mention the USG accomplice with their hands out letting them.

Sorry now I see it in your last point.
It IS a big club.
We’re pretty close to something.
There is no fix to this.
If the people in government pushing this are true believers in this insanity, they cannot be persuaded otherwise.
If the people in government pushing this are not insane, then their evil, their malice aforethought, knows no limits, and they will not be persuaded to do otherwise.
Either way, the result is the same.
If this passes, looting becomes an all day, every day event.
Looters will test the new law the first couple of days, and when they experience no resistance, they and everyone they know will be emboldened, and the trickle will turn into a flood.
After a few days, businesses will have no choice but to begin closing down in large numbers.
As businesses shut down, looters will be multiplied against the remaining businesses which are still open, and the looters will recognize that they need to steal everything there is to steal NOW, because very soon there will be no one left to steal from.
It will be like a plague of locusts, devouring everything in sight.
So do it.
Stop resisting, and call their bluff. Tell them to go ahead, pass the law, if they dare.
Everyone in the business community should communicate and unite, because they’re all finished anyway. If the law passes, agree together that nobody opens for business the next day, or ever again, until or unless the law is repealed and every business owner is restored and made whole for the loses which will destroy all of their businesses and property.
California is a bankrupt state, but even if it wasn’t, California wouldn’t have enough money to come close to restoring and making whole every business about to be destroyed by looters in California.
So if the law passes, what choice do businesses have, except mass exodus?
Every business will be forced to leave the state of California.
Unemployment in California goes up to around 80%, not including government workers, of course.
California’s tax base collapses.
No one in their right mind will lend money to California or buy their bonds.
Police can’t be paid (no big loss there, it’s not like they’re stopping crime anyway), so law enforcement is ‘defunded’ and discontinued.
California finally goes full Mad Max, which has been the obvious and apparently desired destination for at least 30 years.
Once this is successfully tested in California, it will be rolled out to every other state.
Unless anyone, at any point along the way, actually stands up and opposes them.
BEFORE Bill 553 is voted on, Publish the address of EVERY D-Rat politician.
IF Bill 553 passes, the day after it becomes law, NO law abiding citizen should be in California.
Hope this is BB like material.
Sadly, that is an excellent analysis.
I love this idea. Do it California businesses. Call their bluff.
Actually they are already fleeing Californicate.
November 2022 – Daily Mail UK
California Leavin’! Golden State is warned there’s no end in sight to mass exodus of businesses amid skyrocketing taxes
“California Democrats have proposed Bill 553, which makes it ILLEGAL to confront or fight back against looters, burglars and shoplifters.”
Looting is destruction and theft of property, and everyone has a natural, God-given right to protect and defend their property.
So if the law passes, how can it possibly withstand challenge on Constitutional grounds?
The Wild West will be returning to CA if this passes.
CA residents run out to buy a gun(s).
CA residents run out to buy Ammo.
When CA residents flee CA,
It can’t, but it takes time to go through the courts. This is the Left’s MO: Pass unconstitutional laws, then make people take the time, energy, and money to fight them. In the meantime, great damage is done, which is the goal.
Exactly. Then they pass new laws that are almost identical to what was declared unconstitutional. RINSE AND REPEAT.
“California Democrats have proposed Bill 553, which makes it ILLEGAL to confront or fight back against looters, burglars and shoplifters.”
If I was a criminal in Commiefornia, I would be preparing to burglarize the homes of the governor and other wealthy party apparatchiks during the signing ceremony.
And leave them a thank you note.
I LOVE that idea!
I should add that teams with moving vans to completely clean out their houses, including the plumbing, cabinets, electric wiring… is the way to go.
Don’t forget the gas stove.
They won’t be needing it in HELL!
Expanding a bit…
BEFORE Bill 553 is voted on, Publish the address of EVERY D-Rat politician.
So the picture accompanying that tweet must be just the small business owners, because they’re all foreign looking
Sad state of affairs in CA. The citizens don’t even know what’s happening.
In my LOOOoooong article today, I mention that the Cabal WANTS California.
AND there is Miss Lindsay
Lady Graham, the homosexual fascist.
Yep. Shocked/s
One of Macgregor’s best –
He explains the strategy of Russia giving N Korea ICBMs
Brilliant move by Putin. <<<>>> NOT covered in Pravda News. <<<
Macgregor (around 10:35): “Remember Mr Putin tried for many many years to fashion,
create, groom, cultivate a better relationship with the West, particularly with a series of presidents. That has failed.
He had hopes for President Trump, but President Trump proved unable to master Washington. Washington mastered president Trump.
And I think president Putin reached a conclusion that he can’t really depend on anybody who comes to power in Washington because the power of this of the city itself, the Federal Bureaucracy, the parties that occupy the proverbial swamp is so great, that no president can come in and turn it around.”
Then by definition, America is a rogue and lawless state.
Unrelated: noticed the last few days that after copying text from some place online (like the yootoob transcript above) it won’t paste here at Qtree. I have to paste it somewhere else, like MS Word, then copy it again, before it will paste here.
They put special anti-copy code into the paragraph endings [which you normally can’t see but they’re always there].
Well I can paste into MS Word, or into the search bar of most any website, and then copy from there and paste here.
So it’s not actually stopping anyone from using the copy function, it’s just creating a nuisance by requiring an extra copy-paste step.
And that’s just petty
Besides that, why would they try to stop people from copying and pasting text?
It’s how people communicate and give others a reason go to the source of the original text. You can always type it out manually yourself if nothing else works, so “anti-copy” doesn’t (and can’t) actually prevent anything.
It just makes life a little bit more difficult for everyone, and that’s not very nice!
I brought this from Marica’s…
HEADS UP, PRAYER WARRIORS!!! Prayers are needed on behalf of our beloved Marica’s DIL who just had the new baby boy – she is in the hospital with blood pressure issues and it could be serious. M and Mr. M are getting on a plane to NY within the hour to help their son in this emergency and help care for the baby.I know you will ALL pray hard for them and please also notify everyone @ Wolfie’s so they can add their prayers!
PAVACA – please e-mail if you’ve got something we could use for an open, and I’ll work on getting a few together as well.
Prayers and warm wishes.
Oh gosh. I hope she will be ok.
I know this is a known side-effect for pregnant/just-delivered mothers who had the poison jab. I hope she didn’t, but I would bet she did. Pregnant women are so vulnerable. We just listen to what our doctor tells us is best for the life we are carrying, and loving so much already.
So sad.
Marica’s son just lost his fiance who died suddenly in her sleep.
they were trying to heal when this happened.
very sad.
we pray for the best!
I know, I remember. So terrible.
Marica lost her brother recently, too. That’s a lot of grief and pain for one family. They’ll be in my prayers.
Denali. Never met her. Still missed.
I am a bit brain dead this morning. This is in response to something I read here early this morning but I can not remember what.
Oh well it does stand on it’s own.
DEFECTED Kyle & Burning Bright.
44:00 minutes – Deep State is surendering narrative ground [Covid origin Ivermectin for example] and that means we are gaining.
45:20 tracking Q and court cases, INDICTMENTS, SANTIONS CONVICTIONS… THE BIGGY!!!
The first one I came across is when Gilbert Chagoury was arrested and flipped and he was one of Clinton Foundation’s biggest donors…. I realised the Clinton’s had just lost a huge amount of power and influence… The Justice department had just gained a ton of evidence against the Clinton Criminal Syndicate because Swamp Creatures were being caught…. I wanted to track ACTUAL THINGS, a bunch of human traffickers were arrested, there was a sting on MS 13, a conviction of MS 13, Charles McGonigal FBI SAC New York… I am going to track them and assign them weight.
9/15/2016 Top Clinton Foundation donor who was denied entry into the U.S. …
He was a billionaire who donated to the Clinton Foundation
More on issue:
Kyle thinks Chagoury flipped on the Clintons. After all by the time this story came out the Clintons were hasbeans.
Clinton Foundation donor, feds settle suit over leaks — 07/31/2017
Charles McGonigal
Hope this becomes a tsunami against Clinton Crime Family AND spreads…
“We have it all” — Donald J. Trump
McGonigal was also & separately indicted in Washington DC for allegedly hiding payments totaling $225,000 from a former member of Albania’s Intelligence Service and for taking a secret meeting with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama. He pled guilty in this case as well which is stilll pending.
So, the head of the Intelligence Division for the New York Field Office, appointed by Comey on October 4, 2016, a couple weeks after the New York FBI visited Deripaska and attempted to coerce him to agree to supporting the Trump/Russia collusion narrative, three weeks before Comey announced Hillary Clinton wasn’t guilty of anything regarding her electronic communications and couple of weeks before the Carter Page FISA surveillance warrant was issued against the Trump campaign and we’re supposed to believe that no one in the FBI or the US State Department knew that McGonical was wheeling and dealing with Foreign Ministers & Russian Oligarchs?
I myself ain’t buyin’ it…I think these charges and lawsuits are just another step of the FBI removing individuals who were highly involved in the Clinton-led coup against Donald J. Trump and the American people.
You might be the lonely voice for that notion.
:0) It wouldn’t be the first time that I’m the lonely voice pgroup…won’t be the last…
Well I certainly would not vote Castro in as Dog Catcher.
I think Newsweak are engaging in wishful thinking yet again…
Flaming libs…
DIL just had a new baby boy a few days ago.
Now she’s back in the hospital with BLOOD PRESSURE issues and it could be SERIOUS.
Marica and her husband are on their way to New York, where their son and DIL live.
Thank you.
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, September 6, 2023
“Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.”
Matthew 24:44 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
The purge continues…..Just two short days after Ukraine Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov “resigned”, 3 Deputy Defense Ministers have resigned.
Ukraine Deputy Minister of Defense, Vladimir Gavrilov has “resigned”.
Gabrilov was part of the Zelensky administration prior to the February 24, 2022 Russian “invasion” of Ukraine.
In November 2022, Gavrilov announced that Ukraine would be in Crimea by the beginning of the year.
On July 21. 2023 Gavrilov announced that the United States had no complaints about Ukraine’s accounting of weapons and military equipment and the new accounting system installed by Ukraine was keeping track of everything..
Ukraine Deputy Minister of Defense for Digital Development, Digital Transformation and Digitalization, Vitaliy Deinega was appointed just a short time ago, on Feb 21, 2023 but this morning he too has “resigned”.
[Deinega would have been responsible for the accounting system being used to track military equipment and weapons.]
And to round it out, Deputy Minister of Defense for European Integrity, Andriy Shevchenko has submitted his “resignation.” Shevchenko was also appointed on February 21, 2023.
Resigned, grabbed the SWAG and RAN….
No Fools they, The KNOW the Russians are winning and the American people are FED-UP.
“Ukrainian director Igor Lopatenok stated on the X social network that former Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians.
Lopatenok noted that Reznikov did not achieve anything significant, but managed to amass a large fortune thanks to financial assistance from the West. Now he has been appointed ambassador to the UK, where, according to Lopatenko, he will enjoy life.”
Maybe he should check it out with Litvinenko’s ghost.
The people who like framing Russia will be weighing up how good a story they can weave around him, Skripal knows.
I also think that Reznikov’s proposed Ambassadorship in England is due to a quasi ‘security agreement. I say ‘quasi agreement’ because in Reznikov’s situation, it isn’t the Russian’s who are looking to “liquidate” him and I don’t think the Brits can fully protect him from his own people.
They did a good job with Rushdie.
Haven’t even read the article yet, and it already sounds like a good plan, no matter what they’re talking about
J.B. Shurk nails it again! This expresses my meanest feelings about leftists perfectly. The whole thing is so awesome I don’t even have a favorite quote:
I do love this though…
He is awesome, and I agree totally with that sentiment!
“The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers”
Henry VI, Part 2, Act IV, Scene 2.
I suppose it’s the changing times, but I’d vote for all the nameless “experts”going first.
hmmmm…this is from tcth
interesting that someone caught on to the intended grift
September 6, 2023 10:18 am
New York City’s Lucrative No-Bid Migrant Services Contract Is RejectedBrad Lander, the New York City comptroller, refused to approve the $432 million contract, questioning the qualifications of DocGo, the medical services company awarded the contract.
The comptroller, Brad Lander, cited a slew of defects with the contract awarded to the provider, DocGo, questioning why the administration of Mayor Eric Adams chose a firm to care for migrants that had no experience doing so. Mr. Lander noted that the city had failed to provide any “meaningful detail” regarding how it concluded that DocGo should be authorized to bill the city for hundreds of millions of dollars.
Mr. Lander said DocGo’s lack of expertise in providing a range of services, including social work, housing and busing migrants to motels far north and west of the city, reflected a lack of basic vetting by the agency, which hired the company under emergency procedures negating typical competitive bidding requirements.
September 6, 2023 10:21 am
Reply to sync
Illegal aliens are gold.
Mr. Lander also took aim at DocGo’s chief executive officer, Anthony Capone, for saying during an interview at an August investor conference — as first reported by the Albany Times Union — that the company had pursued the $432 million city contract largely to give it enough credibility to bid on a $4 billion contract with the U.S. Border Patrol.
In the same interview, Mr. Capone also predicted that ongoing gridlock in Washington would help ensure steady revenue for migrant services providers like DocGo — a posture that “suggests that the company has little incentive to assist the asylum seekers in its care to obtain legal services and work authorization that would enable them to leave shelter,” the comptroller said.
Mr. Lander needs personal security, if you catch my drift.
Anthony Capone and his grandpa Al…
video at link)
Collin Rugg
NEW: America’s top gun safe manufacturer, Liberty Safe, gave the FBI an access code to a safe owned by someone who was present at the J6 protest. We have officially found the Bud Light of gun safes. Enjoy going out of business,
. The situation gets even worse: On August 30, 2023, the FBI raided the owner of the safe, Arkansas man Nathan Hughes who is a friend of the
. Not only did they access his safe but the FBI also allegedly turned off his security cameras and held his girlfriend at gun point. In a statement Liberty Safe confirmed they gave the FBI Hughes’ code: “Liberty Safe was contacted by the FBI requesting the access code to the safe of an individual for whom they had a warrant to search their property…” “Liberty Safe is devoted to protecting the personal property and 2nd amendment rights of our customers…” Shameful.
This is worse than a bad joke. This is evidence of psychopathic corruption.
I counted at least TEN cars. Yet they would not even GO IN the neighborhood where a friends BRAND NEW ATF was stashed. (The cops knew the address and who the thief was.) It was finally returned after being found with a dismembered body in it…
another tcth comment
Mike in a Truck
September 6, 2023 10:43 am
On Bannons Warroom right now. Todd Bensman at the border. Each illegal alien family gets $4400.00 bucks per month. Right from jump. How much are you getting each month.? This is the destruction of the U.S. and the Whores for the DNC aka “Republicans” have been on vacation.
I am betting that the money does NOT have any obvious fed govt fingerprints on it. It is most likely from ‘humanitarian’ agencies, after getting the funds from fed govt.
Catholic and Lutheran ‘Charities’ being among the biggest.
We do not get that from our COMBINED retirement SS! I sure wish we did.
I could live on that pretty easily.
We live on over $1,000 less a month.
Just heard a news blurb on the radio about an effective way to foil carjacking – drive a car with a manual shift transmission. Made me smile.
Chris Plante show’s news intermission?
Actually, my VW diesel pickup had a fuse that connected the heating elements so you could start the diesel. When I drove into Boston, I would start the engine and then remove the fuse. Once the engine was cold you could not start it without replacing that fuse. Even better it was on the fire wall between the cab and the engine compartment and NOT in the fuse box, so unless you KNEW where to look you would never figure it out.
As a former wrench jockey, let me say I love that little trick.
I know someone who refuses to own an automatic transmission car, not because of theft but just “on principle.”
There aren’t enough pedals in an automatic, and there’s nowhere to rest your right hand.
When you let off the gas, most automatics just coast, the car doesn’t slow down due to engine braking. If you are accustomed to (and expecting) engine braking when you let off the gas, and the car just coasts freely instead, it’s like you’re on a magic carpet ride — or as I describe most automatics, it’s like driving your living room couch
And don’t even get me started on front wheel drive, that’s a great way to cause a wreck in an accident situation, if your reflexes (which is what you will be relying on in an accident situation) were developed in rear wheel drive cars.
If you lose traction on a wet or icy road, you don’t want to hit the brakes because brake bias is stronger to the front brakes and the back end of the car will swing around and become the front end, while you’re suddenly facing backwards.
So in a rear wheel drive car, with a stick shift, you would rev the engine, downshift, and let the engine brake the rear wheels, straightening the car and regaining traction, and you’re on your way. It all happens instinctively, just like instinctively turning the steering wheel against the direction of a slide if the back end is sliding out.
But if you are in a front wheel drive car with a stick shift, and you downshift, it’s like hitting the brakes, because the engine-braking is going to affect the front wheels, not the rear wheels, so the car is going to spin around and you’re driving backwards down the road.
And you don’t want to be driving backwards down the road, ideally, you want to be driving forwards

Hubby and I both had 5 speeds when we married but we were advised, that for pulling horse trailers, an automatic was needed.
However we still have one standard drive truck.
discussion around US escalating in Syria as well as drones into Moscow
The rogue, unelected U.S. gov’t is keeping America in a state of constant war, too.
War on the People.
They’re at war with everyone, apparently.
At war with humanity.
buckle up!

Briben On His Way Out.
Day One of Hoe 47, IMPEACH the bitch over illegals flooding America.
Theyre teeing up newsom.
Can’t get in the door, IF rCONS say NO.
Yeah. Paid or blackmailed 1st!
Wasn’t there an issue about her NBC status?
If so, the fool that swears her in should be impeached.
oh yeah there is
Would that be the Speaker or is it the Turtle’s responsibility?
I don’t know who would administer it if the POTATUS did not die but stepped down. I imagine it could always be the Chief Justice of SCOTUS.
WilliBrown™ ?
One legal scholar (Turley? Dershowitz?) has said that she would just become acting president. In that case, I don’t think she would be sworn in as president.
The 25th Amendment:
But Section 1 says:
So if he were removed from office or died or resigned, then she would become president, and I guess she would be sworn in.
IMO, anyone who has an issue with NBC status should not be eligible for the office of VP because they are not eligible for the office to which they could ascend, the presidency.
well she’s acting like she has a brain
And not doing a very convincing job of it!
If I recall she was the daughter of 2 students here on student visas.
Daily Mail
WIKI says Kamala was born October 20, 1964, 6 years later.
I very much doubt Her mother and father were US citizens at the time of her birth but I can not find that info in a quick search and no doubt it is BURIED DEEP.
If so, then she isn’t qualified to be VP because the main requirement of VP is that the person is qualified to be POTUS.
sometimes Karma is quick…LOL
NEW NUMBERS – A big jump since the last post this month.
9/6/23 – 1971 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, 1373 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection
9/1/23 – 1930 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, 1346 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection
I wonder what the numbers of “athlete cardiac arrests or serious issues” were BEFORE the vaccines were man-dated.
The chart in the article only goes back to January 2021 and ends in February 2023 with a dramatic decline from December 2022 and January 2023. But still twice as high as January of 2021.
GA/FL’s stat shows 27 deaths in a 6 day period, so I assume Good has not been able to keep up with the numbers or we have entered into a new spike period somewhere between Feb 2023 and Sep 2023.
Wolf Moon, Cthulhu, and everyone else who responded to my computer problem yesterday:
The Mac guy did a ‘rebuild’ on the Outlook and it got rid of the suspicious spam loaded with remote content that I could not delete.
He has set up a Malware Byte search and rescue type program for me and it gave an ‘all clear’ after the rebuild.
He also advised me to weed out the many Sent, Draft and Inbox folders – since I had too many in those and that strained my spam filter.
And he said to use ‘Move to Junk’ to train my junk filter.
He had also set me up with their program for remote tutorial and help sessions if I’m out of town.
Thanks so much for all your good input.
Very best to you!
The Sent and Inbox folders can be archived on thumbdrives, if desired.
That’s great news, GA/FL! So happy your Mac guy took care of it and set you up to be safer online.
Plus BLM costs Dims money.
No reason to pay BLM brownshirts when they’re not needed.
Didn’t they just award them millions in damages recently…for excessive police force during riots ?
No idea, certainly wouldn’t surprise me.
Just like I’m not surprised that the ‘leaders’ of BLM embezzled millions of dollars, and as far as I know, they’re not in prison or facing any charges.
Because unlike your life or my life, black lives matter.
Technically only the black lives at the top of food chain get the $$. I really doubt that homie and sista rioter get a check for services rendered
Homie and sista get drug and booze money out of it.
Couple years ago, I posted a NV Capitol LE guy told me he watched BLM and Antifa “log in” and “log out”, in a ledger book. They had a table set up off to the side for administrivia.
I always figured it was money funneled from the likes of Soros.
aint that something ! Gobsmacked about that BUT it makes a lot of sense. Marchin’ and screamin’ for hours should be a paying gig !
It always amazed me watching some very big gals (usually) marching for miles .
I think they get cash to show up.
Otherwise, they wouldn’t.
Homie don’t work for free
Not to mention bus tickets for the field trip looting and protests.
liberty safe responds

Unacceptable. PERIOD.
IF the safe owner refuses to give the combination to LE, LE can figure what they’d like to do, within the law.
^^^ NO different than Apple not giving LE access code to Apple cell phones.
It is required by law to have a 2nd separate warrant to open any safe. If all they had was a searching the premises warrant, ooeningbthe safe without a 2nd was illegal. And liberty GAVE them the info. He will never get his contents back, and if he does, it will be c
Did not know that. It should matter. Appreciate the data point.
2 warrants. Impressive. /s
Yep. 2nd warrant is required, so if liberty just gave them the combo without knowing about 2 warrant requirement, not only are they utterly ignorant, there WAS NO LEGAL ENTRY.
Oh, absolutely, I understand, two warrants required for a safe.
MY problem follows.
Sheriff Roscoe and Boss Hogg
Class action suit anyone???
They searched his financial records first OR just saw the safe and called them.
Which brings up another fun question. What if you sell the safe to a third party?
That is a good question. Well liberty could have said, thats not our property. Which is true.
oh yeah, for sure, he’s not getting the stuff back in this lifetime
Yep. I dont know what manufacturing generation they started adding their backdoor codes in, but they f’d up and are not trustworthy anymore. I guess if you can change the lock and eliminate their access you should. Or get a different safe.
Read over at CTH that people had called other safe manufacturers and they all have this ability and said that yes they would give fib access so it’s not just this company.
Then all safes need to have their locks replaced, or they’re not ‘safe’.
And they (safe companies) should ALL be sued out of existence.
Once we get over the shock and awe of the safe companies’ shortcomings and willingness to kneel to the brown shirts…the real issue is tyranny . Whether the safe access is easily gotten or they have to blow it apart…they will seize our property.
AND after the latest fib incidents, i’d wager that if they decided to use explosives, they’d do IN the home. Why not ? They seem to be operating on a total mayhem SOP
That’s a reason to keep your weapons safes in outbuildings…..especially the one full of reloading supplies (black powder).
A popular concept in Santa Clara.
I ain’t be got no weapon!
Before digital locks, LE would still be able to drill out the lock to get access.
They are ALL wrong. IMO.
As of yesterday, liberty lost all future business of mine, ALONG with recommendations to friends.
All gun safe manufactures with electronic locks have lost my business.
Will not buy another safe with an electronic lock.
So theyre all scumbags. You shouldn’t rely only on a electronic combo code. Should have a manual combo also and different one from the safe manufacturer if you can.
Is it a selling point for safes that the maker keeps a record of the access code ?
When you receive the safe I assume you key in your own access code ? Wouldn’t a person also assume that once the new code is chosen that the maker would have no more access ?
So in the most unlikely type of event…a bad actor from the safe maker could print out the names, addresses and access codes for all safes sold ?
Or a bad actor from ANYWHERE could hack any database(s) they have, as numerous hacks have proven, and the DEMONINION debacle shows that “no internet access” doesn’t mean no internet access… seems their networks are just as promiscious as their selected representatives…..
Is it a selling point for safes that the maker keeps a record of the access code ?
When you receive the safe I assume you key in your own access code ?
Wouldn’t a person also assume that once the new code is chosen that the maker would have no more access ?
So in the most unlikely type of event…a bad actor from the safe maker could print out the names, addresses and access codes for all safes sold ?
From OT:
Important Info – If You Own a Liberty Safe, Get Rid of It – Company Provides Govt Access Codes to All Their Products
September 6, 2023
SD: “This is alarming, quite alarming. [H/T Collin Rugg] In a recent J6 case it has been revealed that Liberty Safe Co. gave the FBI background access codes to the safe and vault owned by the investigative target of the FBI, Nathan Hughes.
As the story is told, the FBI (federal govt) contacted the safe manufacturer and asked for a secret code that would open the safe. The FBI had a search warrant for the premises. Liberty Safe Co. gave the FBI the access code that would allow them to open the safe, without relying on (or asking) the owner to open it.
This is alarming on a few levels. First, why does Liberty even hold an override code for their safes. Second, why didn’t Liberty just tell the FBI they do not own the safe, therefore the issue of compliance is between the owner and the FBI?
Liberty Safe Co. responded:
This is a ridiculous position easily avoided by saying, “we don’t own the safe.” The bottom line is to avoid all the Liberty Safe products that allow them to access your private holdings, including gun safes and personal papers.
If you own a Liberty Safe, just get rid of it. It’s compromised. Write it off to a lesson learned and forget about it.”
I live in a home that was once a bank. My safe consists of a solid steel outer door, two inner metal doors and 3 foot thick walls of concrete that surround the vault. The vault and locking system was installed back in 1912 after a gang of thieves decended down from Canada and robbed the bank and I believe that I am the only individual on earth that holds the combination.
I am very proud to say that I don’t own a Liberty Safe. :0)
that is one of the coolest stories i’ve ever heard !!!!!
Thank you molly. I am very fond of my vault :0)
WOW Little Mouse … you are safe for sure !!!
:0) very punny phonix, very punny….
The pun Deus Vault was just going through my head (didn’t take long, not much there to stop it
:0) LOL…
What a great setup!
Can’t find one of those on Amazon

Now all you need is a bookcase….
Vault? What vault?
That is freaking awesome!
I’m curious to know how FIB even knew to ask. Seems to me that somebody had prior knowledge that the back door even existed.
Prolly common knowledge in LE circles.
A preexisting arrangement, used all the time, no doubt.
Repub Georgia AG files rico suit against antifa
Covering His Ass???
BREAKING HUGE: “Voter Identity Theft” – Arizona Judge Defines Voter Registration Record, Rules that Mail-In Ballot Signatures Have Been Compared Illegally! – ORDER INCLUDED
The shit is starting to roll uphill in Arizona.
Larry Sinclair Promises Bombshell Revelations in Upcoming Interview Against Obama: “It’s Going to Be One That We’re All Going to Remember for Quite Some Time” (VIDEO)
I’m wondering how O will handle this, and what he is being advised. Ignore it? Deny it? Attack Sinclair? Denounce Tucker for giving Sinclair the platform, probably.
maybe he’ll embrace it. Celebrate it. Society has evolved to kink is kool and if anyone is kool it’s the magic kenyan
That would be a shock because he’d be admitting he deceived everyone for years.
Immediate victim cred…he was a victim of white puritanical values .Oppressed
I’m surprised this is still up on yootoob:
528,000 views in 22 hours.
Special delivery, erm, package…..
Or he won’t say anything…his gargantuen horde or flying monkeys will rush to defend his honor
Definitely ignore, and let his flunkies denounce it, if they make any comment at all.
Of course, the way around letting the corrupt and powerful ignore such things is to ask them directly, but American Pravda is more interested in doing a Sinclair on Hussein than confronting anyone with a ‘D’ burned into their soul.
From OT, someone put together clips of Trump, to the song Rich Men North of Richmond:
Good Stuff – President Donald J Trump Sings “Rich Men North of Richmond”
September 6, 2023
SD: “A remarkable remix by Maestro Ziikos puts President Donald Trump into the viral hit by Oliver Anthony, “Rich Men North of Richmond”.”
Quite awesome!!!
Posting this to illustrate that Pence speaks fluent “string-them-along-with-rhetoric.”
Pence Claims Populism is a Pathway to ‘Defeat for the Republican Party’
The items I bolded are things that Trump tried to do and wants to do. It’s the Republican machine in Washington that keeps us in the fiscal predicament we’re in. Pence is trying to set himself apart from Trump by insinuating that Trump doesn’t care about the economy.
And I know exactly what RINOs mean by “American leadership on the world stage.” It means monetarily supporting war in places that don’t concern us, and sending our troops in.
Which makes our troops what exactly? Mercenaries, contract killers, murderers? Patriotic young men and women who are used to inflict pain on others for the gain of politicians?
Misused Patriots.
Meanwhile another Traitor is making moves… GWP story.
What a Fraud: Bill Barr Joins Group to Clean Up Elections and Wins Lawsuit in Arizona – Where the Hell Was He in 2020 Election?
Guilty conscience. Indeed – what a fraud.
I used to be able to switch to draft if I needed to make an edit after scheduling. That option appears to be gone along with the “make link appear in a new tab.”
Any ideas?
When in Danger or in Doubt —
Run in circles, scream, and shout!
Always good advice
I did find out how to make links open in a new tab. It’s slightly more cumbersome than it used to be, but it works.
(1) Make the link
(2) Edit the link
(3) Click advanced
(4) Check the box for open in a new tab
I’ll keep looking to see if there is an easier way…..
Tried everything. They really made this WAY more complicated than it has to be. But they added an AI assistant! Woohoooooooo!
Turtle say, Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes.
Pandering rCONS sucking up to Turtle.
Madness in the District of Criminals.
~One minute.
They’ll have to pry the power out of his cold, dead fingers.
Pig-testicle slasher, Lurch and Barrasso are just the ones to do it.
So is he saying he just couldn’t think of a good enough lie to tell for a minute when he visibly froze on camera?
Lunacy in Fulton County, GA
Earlier today, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee said it seems unrealistic to expect all of the pre-trial issues to be resolved before the established trial date of October 23rd for Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro. Both Powell and Chesebro have demanded speedy trials; however, the case is essentially a Rico conspiracy case and none of the accused defendants can split away from the group of 19 as a whole.
If a single state defendant successfully argues in another court that their case should be transferred to a different jurisdiction (perhaps federal), or if a single state defendant is successful splitting away from the group of 19, then the entire conspiracy case collapses. This is the ridiculousness of the construct.
Today, lawyers for both Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro reminded the judge they do not know each other, have never met each other, and have no idea what connection is being applied to them as they are being accused of conspiring together. It would be hard to imagine a conspiracy between two people who have never met, never communicated and don’t know each other; alas this is the madness in Fulton County.
I watched this, and it was a DISGRACE. This is a Kangaroo Court by junior high school students. The prosecution is damn close to illiterate.
GWP (Emphasis mine)
“It Definitely Wasn’t Barack’s First Time” – VIDEO IS NOW LIVE – Tucker Carlson Interviews Larry Sinclair on His Alleged Gay Encounter with Barack Obama in Back of Limousine (VIDEO)
Tucker Carlson interviews Larry Sinclair on his gay relationship with Barack Obama in Chicago.
This is Tucker Carlson’s Episode No. 22 in his Tucker on Twitter series.
Larry Sinclair assures Tucker, “It definitely wasn’t his first time. I probably wasn’t his last.”
One of the best interviews ever.
Not to belabor the, Liberty safe passcode fiasco. My guesstimation…
How does Liberty know which passcode to give LE, assuming there is not one passcode for all S&G electronic locks.
LE calls Liberty. Says LE have a warrant for Joe Blow AND need access to his Liberty safe.
Liberty looks in their safe registration data base. Joe Blow has Liberty safe with S&G electronic lock. PASSCODE IS xyz.
Unwittingly, I have set myself up, as my safe is registered with Liberty.
(NOT that LE would ever have a valid reason to knock on my door. Key here is, “valid”.)
One thing that is a mystery to me. If someone is being arrested for a specific offense how is that when they bust in the home/business they can look for anything ?
don’t they have to have something in particular..for example..a murder weapon, tax documents, explosives,drugs etc.
Why can they have access to everything ? He wasn’t accused of using a weapon so how can they confiscate those /
I thought warrants were specific for what to look for. Perhaps limits on where to look.
Everything J6 is FUBAR. Maybe they tie into the NOT Patriot Act – added Intrusion.
I guess. They’ve begun calling them terrorists so who knows.
The Constitution is obliterated and the criminals are running the show
Exactly. These searches are overly broad, because the judges are all intimidated.
How in the hell a trespassing charge necessitates looking in a safe is beyond me.
10 LE cars, guns drawn in 2 separate locations . They were at the home and the man was arrested at his business. Then a full house toss and safe opening……………for trespassing
Now we know why the “Patriot Act” was enacted…
To attack PATRIOTS!!!

I would guess that they are either fishing for evidence of a crime, or fishing for something specific.
Either way, chances are reasonably good that if such incriminating evidence actually exists, it would be hidden or secured safely.
Wherever that might be, that’s probably where they’d wanna look.
So that’s probably where the safe comes in
You’re probably right but I don’t think that’s how it’s supposed to work !
My rose colored glasses are off when it comes to all LE
After LE confiscates the weapons, the weapons are “lost” in the system.
Becoming “ghost guns” within off duty LE circles. <<< On the street.
My question is whether the electronic passcode is resettable – either from the dial itself using coded commands (like many security systems) or by opening up the back.
This brings up the question of whether there is a MASTER CODE that the FBI now has.
You probably read it but one of the articles said that either Liberty or the parent company manufactures safes for many other brand names. Is the pass code universal? ?
If the pass code was universal, why wouldn’t crime enforcement already have it?
Unless this is the first safe that crime enforcement has ever had to crack?
And what are the chances of that?
To quote Douglas Adams, “Very little expense had been spared to give the impression that no expense had been spared” (“Restaurant At The End Of The Universe”). They’re just creating plausible deniability, or putting TLA lipstick on a stuck pig…
Yikes! That would be problematic.
Liberty makes safes for Cabella’s, Scheel’s (former bought out latter), Scheel’s and prolly a few other “sporting stores”.
Very good, probably dangerous, and in any case maddening point.
Could be like some clueless software manufacturers have… and once those keys get out (see MSI BIOS problems a few months ago), the entire “passkey scheme” is futsch… as is everyone’s safe (motherboard, update process, whatever)…
Lots of datacomm and IoT things suffer from this problem; the comms designers are not that plugged into security coding/issues, and the security folks aren’t (always) working from a comms point of view… so much for siloing…
Oh, and there’s that gal that had a USB stick and physical access to a voting machine (dominion, natch) and rooted it inside of five minutes… two minutes IIRC…..
Safe and secure voting, yeah, right… one root to rule them all????
It is a S&G lock, so the answer prolly lies within S&G. Liberty may know. S&G surely knows.
It IS all very unsettling to me.
“How does Liberty know which passcode to give LE, assuming there is not one passcode for all S&G electronic locks.”
If there was just one passcode for all S&G electronic locks, then crime enforcement would only have had to call once, and put it in their database.
They would never need to call to get it again.
Another reason to NOT drink Bud Light.
Creepy Bill Gates Makes Huge Bet On Bud Light’s Comeback – Gets Mocked on Social Media
Bud Light Welcomes New Investor Bill Gates With Limited Edition Jeffrey Epstein Cans
Bud Light – let it leave a bad taste in your mouth!
hey..he can make the first vax laced beer
Shhhhh. Don’t give him any ideas (not that he has any original ones… even most of “his code” wasn’t his own)….