DEAR MAGA: TGIF Open Thread 20230915

French Mojito



  1. In a highball glass, lightly muddle the mint leaves.
  2. Mix in the remaining ingredients, as well as some crushed ice.
  3. Stir the mixture for a few seconds with a bar spoon
  4. Top with crushed ice and garnish with raspberries, blackberries, and a mint sprig

Badlands News Brief – September 14, 2023

Joan Rivers: A Botched Procedure or Malicious Intent?

I think we all know the answer to that one.

Germany Continues To Buy Large Quantities Of Russian Oil Through India

Green energy my backside.

BLOCKING MOVE: Lawsuits filed in Minnesota and California to keep Trump off the ballot

They’re scared. They should be.

Burisma wasn’t just paying off the Bidens. Ex-CIA directors are also on the payroll

I’m SHOCKED! SHOCKED I tell you.

DeSantis Spox Admits Trump’s Nomination ‘Seems Inevitable’.

BREAKING: Tim Ballard tells Congress Biden admin has become a ‘child-trafficking delivery service’

Scientists call fraud on supposed extraterrestrials presented to Mexican Congress

On this one, we probably can trust the science.

Thousands rally in Greece as anger mounts against biometric ID cards

Amazing how the powers that wannabe are clueless about the people they want to rule.

Defending America From Slippery Authoritarian Slopes

Is It Our Government? Or Their Government?

Something rather incredible is unfolding in Iowa…

India or Bharat?

Misinformation Study Is Full of Misinformation

The Return of Urban Retail Deserts

Very sad and completely preventable. I watched a local boulevard make a fabulous comeback in the late 80s/early 90s. and it got commercial, and the crime has taken its toll.

Save the Right Whales Coalition Slams NOAA and NMFS for Covering Up Big Wind’s Complicity in Whale Deaths

Falling Out of Touch With Each Other

New Hampshire Lawmakers: ‘No Legal Basis’ to Remove Trump from Ballot

Judge rejects request to try all Trump Georgia defendants together next month

Are We Fighting Two World Order Threats or Are They One in the Same?

Tweety Tweets:

That rant needs to be put into a transcript.

Jesse’s expanded thoughts on the topic above:

Please, keep hammering it home, Bobby.



Watch to the end:

And now for the business portion of the post borrowed from Tuesday:

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. In that spirit, though, threats of violence real or hypothetical are out of bounds.

Fellow tree dweller the late Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.



7In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard for his godly fear. 8Although he was a Son, he learned obedience through what he suffered; 9and being made perfect he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him,


Have a good weekend!

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Another day in Ancient Commenting land. Woe is us.


It’s nothing a quiet and refreshing weekend at Lake Woebegone won’t cure 👍😁

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Lake Wobegon, the little town that time forgot and the decades cannot improve…

And where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average… 😀


… and their poo don’t stink …


Beats pushin’ up daisies 😉


All is well at the QTree.


Thank you, DePat, for this formidably fashionable Friday thread!


I should note that the spider on the toilet paper roll would necessarily be exposed if sheets were pulled off the roll, where it would still be hidden if sheets were taken off a roll mounted the other way.


I had the same thought. I don’t know which is supposed to be the correct way.


Don’t forget the launch trajectory factor of the spider upon the initial tug of paper, I cannot think of a much worse position to be in when a spider gets tossed on me.

Gail Combs

One way is for a house without cats, the other way for a house with indoor cats…

Valerie Curren

The “correct” way is for the paper to hang down from the top front of the roll. You can tell on the colored patterned papers as they show the pattern better that way. 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Especially the Jill Biden patterns 😆

Valerie Curren

Bwah ha ha


Huh? Wut? Patterns on paper ya say? They charge extra?

Here at the QTree, I learn sumthin new daily. 🙂

Valerie Curren

LOL. When hubby & I were newly weds I used to buy TP that matched the colors in the 2 bathrooms in our apartment. One bath was done in purple, green, & black and the other was done in pink & blue. So I’d get these lightly patterned imprinted TP’s to match so I’d get the purple & green for the one bath & the pink & blue for the other.

So these colors were fairly subtle pastels & one time my husband put the Wrong ones in the baths. Apparently I was rather snide & commented in a raised voice (implying “you idiot!”) “The whole bathroom is pink & blue!”

Well at the time my husband got Pissed because I thought I said “Freakin’ Blue!” & I never talked that way so he was Really Mad at me. I Knew I hadn’t said “Freakin’ ” but for some reason didn’t think of “pink & blue”, so we basically had an argument about “Freakin’!’, LOL. It was some months later when in a completely different context I said “pink & blue” & Michael was like “oh That’s what you said, pink & blue!” (It was like when Data Finally got a joke WAY after it was told to him…)

It’s a fairly stupid tale but it’s something we still reference with humor. It’s one of those Mars & Venus things I guess 😉 😉 & all because a new wife wanted to color match TP in the bathrooms & a helpful husband put the TP away the “wrong” way…then don’t even get me started on how anal I was about hanging that TP “properly” LOL 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s why they make white TP 😆

Valerie Curren

No doubt…it might help reduce racing stripes too LOL


Decades ago, the Fruit Cake Lady, when asked which way the paper goes, said some like, that’s a stoopid question.


Steve Bannon tells McCarthy to man up.


Don’t worry, he won’t! 😂


LOL. He’ll just get mad at being called out.


“BREAKING: England is on the verge of giving up on the WEF Agenda 15 min city after almost 100% of the Camera’s have been destroyed & 50k people refused to pay the fines. Camera’s cannot be protected as they Defunded the Police. Courts cannot prosecute that number of people.”


😂🤣😂 Now that makes me feel good to be alive 😂🤣😂

Valerie Curren

Best news in a while!!!


Me, too!


Laura Loomer is criticizing Megyn Kelly for being hard on Trump and then having dinner with DeSantis and giving him a softball interview. She says Kelly deceptively edited promos for her interview to make it look as if Trump stumbled on the questions. Then she points out that DeSantis “signed off on purchasing poison [vaxes] for kids in Florida” last year.

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I suspect Loomer is jockeying for a position in the next Trump administration. Whether that is the case or not, she is doing great work.


I wish there were 100’s more like her.


Lara Loomer for Press secretary.

Testing edit function. <<< Yippeee. It’s the simple things in life. 🙂

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

When the FBI or the CIA wants to feed something to the media, they give it to the Washington Post’s David Ignatius. The fact that Ignatius put out a piece telling Biden not to run again, tells me American Intelligence is worried about the impeachment inquiry.
— Jesse Watters (@JesseBWatters) September 13, 2023


Brandon doesn’t make any decisions about anything, he does whatever he is told.

And considering his mental state, what are the chances Biden would even see the article? And even if he did see it, and he could make his own decisions, why would he do what Dave Ignatius says?

If FIB and AIC don’t want Brandon to run, they don’t have to publish a story in WaPo.

They just explain it to their boss, and if Hussein agrees, then Hussein will have one of his flunkies tell Jill that Joe is retiring, and that will be that.


Speaking of whom, whatever happened about Midnight at the Oasis with a sous chef?

Can you imagine if Trump had a midnight rendezvous with a caddy at one of his golf courses, and the caddy died mysteriously while cleaning golf balls?

Would the media let go of that, after one news cycle?

pat frederick

dang it Scott!
now i got that stupid song stuck in my head…I hate that song…LOL

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s another one:

A boy named sous 😆
(ducks and runs from various copper implements, ruined roux, and sunken souffles…)…

Gail Combs

The story is not FOR Biden it is for the DemonRat sheeple who have now been given PERMISSION to actually voice their concerns about decrepit bite-me.


“The story is not FOR Biden it is for the DemonRat sheeple who have now been given PERMISSION to actually voice their concerns about decrepit bite-me.”


Okay, then Jesse should not be saying:

“The fact that Ignatius put out a piece telling Biden not to run again, tells me American Intelligence is worried about the impeachment inquiry.”

He should be saying Hussein is worried about the impeachment inquiry. The FIB and AIC grunts just work there. Sure, they’re bad people, but they’re order takers, not would-be ‘rulers’ in the Magic Kenyan’s kingdom of rot.

Hussein will be making the decisions for those under him, and in turn, his big decisions are being made for him.

The demonrat sheeple know Brandon can close his own zipper, and they know Jill is incompetent, and they know Hussein’s people are the Brandon administration.

So they know Hussein is running the stolen and lawless government of the United States, and they love it, they worship the Magic Kenyan.

So who is Jesse protecting by saying the agencies are worried, instead of saying Hussein is worried?

Is it the R-con Fraud News loving sheeple who can’t bear the truth?


edit / correction: “The demonrat sheeple know Brandon can’t close his own zipper…”


Finger on the pulse —

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Something more on that “India or Bharat?” Depat posted tonight.

Although the short story below appears as a separate issue, the two may well be linked and will give you a better idea of what Modi is up against.

‘INDIA’: What you need to know about India’s opposition alliance
‘INDIA’, which stands for Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance, comprises 26 opposition parties so far.

Adds. Though the story does not mention it I’m detecting a Globalist agenda driving this. A lot of the major players that are lining up against Modi and his version of Nationalism seem to be oligarchs or representing oligarchs and are calling for one world globalist solutions to fix their belly aching.

Robert Baker

There is a reason the following proverb has endured, ‘The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” It is a truth statement.




True because…

When the cat’s away, the mice will play! (children’s version, mostly innocent).
When the cat’s away, the rats will play (adult version, hardly ever innocent).

For which “Out of sight, out of mind” also applies.

To which the world may well have been duped to a degree in it’s over the top veneration of Mahatma Gandhi, when it was likely this guy that really made the difference.

Short… watch to what he says in the end. This guy was India’s Trump. The British even had him jailed for a year and half where in he made gold of it when Max Muller sent him his copy of the “The Vedas” and asked him to comment. His response was “The Artic Home in the Vedas” a book unduly maligned – Queens orders?).

Bal Gangadhar Tilak, by name Lokamanya, (born July 23, 1856, Ratnagiri [now in Maharashtra state], India—died August 1, 1920, Bombay [now Mumbai]), scholar, mathematician, philosopher, and ardent nationalist who helped lay the foundation for India’s independence by building his own defiance of British rule into a national movement. He founded (1914) and served as president of the Indian Home Rule League. In 1916 he concluded the Lucknow Pact with Mohammed Ali Jinnah, which provided for Hindu-Muslim unity in the nationalist struggle.

Early life and career …


wrt “India or Bharat?” …
Recently an interesting article appeared on the Global South website that might present a different pov of view . I offer it for your consideration.


“… The Renaming of Places

Leaving aside the small, self-absorbed and collapsing West, the rest of the world is already looking at renaming itself in our post-American Age. India may soon change its name from the English ‘India’ back to the Hindi ‘Bharat’. This is just the latest in a long and slow series of name changes following post-colonisation. Surely it is only right that countries should go by the own names and not by foreign names. Will China be next? Zhongguo? In any case, even without this latter change, which would give BRICS + 6 the Polish-looking name BRBZS, BRICS + 6 will need a new name.

The process of renaming the countries and settlements of the post-Western world has been under way for several years. Old colonial names are being abandoned. Among very many examples, perhaps better-known are the changes from Peking to Beijing, Bombay to Mumbai, Siam to Thailand, Upper Volta to Burkina Faso, Zaire to DR Congo, Rhodesia to Zimbabwe, Nyasaland to Malawi, South-West Africa to Namibia, Burma to Myanmar, Ceylon to Sri Lanka and recently Turkey to Turkiye. However, the processes of dewesternisation and nativisation still have very far to go.

Let us take terms like the ‘Far East’, the ‘Middle East’ and the ‘Near East’. These are all absurd. East of what? From the Japanese viewpoint what is called the ‘Middle East’ should be called the ‘Middle West’. Fortunately, these terms are already disappearing in favour of the geographically accurate ‘West Asia’ and ‘East Asia’ and the meaningless term of the ‘Near East’ has nearly vanished. Of course, that still leaves us with the term ‘Europe’. This is problematic because Europe is not a geographical Continent, curiously, it is the only ‘Continent’ whose English name does not begin and end with the letter ‘A’.

All the other Continents are separated from one another by oceans. Yes, admittedly, a very narrow piece of canal-cut isthmus does connect Africa to Asia and, similarly, North America to South America. However, the peninsula of Europe has a ‘frontier’ with Asia which is thousands of kilometres in length and its location between Europe and Asia has never been clear. This is because Europe is a construct, a cut-off, an artificial Continent. Will the day come when we shall drop the word ‘Europe’ entirely and instead call the region North-West Asia or simply Eurasia? (Etymologically, the word Europe simply means ‘the west’, just as Asia simply means ‘the east’).

Then there come Australia and the Americas. Definitely not ‘New Worlds’ for those who lived there for tens of thousands of years before Europeans only quite recently discovered them and renamed them. The Latin name Australasia is slowly being replaced by Oceania. Perhaps that is good, though ‘ocean’ is still not a native word. But what about the name Australia? What could that change to? As for the Anglo-Dutch ‘New Zealand’, it may yet be replaced by the native Aotearoa. Regarding the Americas, no serious alternatives seem to be on the table. It is still strange that two Continents were named after an Italian mapmaker who never lived there, but only briefly visited. Some have suggested ‘Brasilia’ for South America, but that in any case is a Scots Gaelic word meaning ‘Big Island’. As for North America, ‘Turtle Island’ seems an unlikely choice. The question remains unanswered.

Then there is the whole question of the term ‘The West’ itself. This too is a construct. Europe must be the ‘Middle East’ as seen from New York, but then New York must be the ‘Middle East’, as seen from Los Angeles and Europe from there must be the ‘Far East’. However, if we abandon Eurocentrism, which is at the heart of the problem, and put Japan in the centre, then New York is in the ‘Far East’ and Europe is the ‘Far West’ and Western by culture Australia must be the ‘Far South’. One day we shall have to find accurate terms.”


Some people have far too much time on their hands.

Cuppa Covfefe

And so the Tower of Babel will return via Globalist babble…

Bill Gates, whom I detest, once actually said something worth noting. He was asked what was the most difficult thing about producing Encarta, the encyclopaedia that used to ship with (IIRC) Microsoft Works (OK, yeah, it doesn’t).

His reply surprised the interviewer.

Gates said that by far the most difficult part of producing Encarta was the fact that every country thought that they either invented everything or was the first or best at whatever. Navigating that political and intellectual minefield was daunting to the extreme, and the major reason that Microsoft abandoned Encarta…

Robert Baker

I have heard it conceded by some that history is written by the winners. It would be interesting to read the History of the World published 1000 years in the future. I might not recognize it is about the same planet. Reading old books like the Bible and other classic works we know that the names of countries are fluid
. Of course many of us assume history ends in a particular way; we just don’t have a high level of confidence exactly when than will be.

Valerie Curren

I was literally just speaking w/ my husband a few hours ago about how difficult it is to define the boundary between Europe & Asia & that though Russia might be perceived as, at least partly, European, it seems that much/most of it was actually in Asia. I didn’t understand why they would seek to “artificially” create a continent that wasn’t clearly separated by oceans, or at least large bodies of water.

Similarly I never really knew where the boundaries of the “Middle East” were, for there clearly seemed to be portions of Africa, Asia, & even Europe that were part of that region…hmm

Gail Combs

Misinformation Study Is Full of Misinformation

….The six University of Massachusetts, Amherst, researchers who wrote the featured paper only contributed to circulating misinformation by trying to — inaccurately — point the finger at others…

University of Massachusetts, Amherst, has the FOREMOST MARXIST SCHOLARS IN THE WORLD according to a communist friend in Boston. That is all you need to know about that study!

Valerie Curren

Hey Guys,

Just wanted to give a heads up that I’ll be out of town for the next week w/ minimal to no Internet access so might not be able to check in for a while.

My husband & a couple of friends are revising their 50 mile backpacking trip near the Pictured Rocks area along Lake Superior in Michigan’s UP & they registered my car license as their vehicle. I’ll accompany them as far as my parents’ Cottage near Otsego Lake & then they’ll continue on for their adventures. We’ll all return downstate next weekend. Looks like I’ll be getting a mini retreat! 🙂

Hope everyone is doing well & hanging in there with the current quirkiness of the comments on this site. Hopefully those bugs will be fixed soon so we can have our usual posh perks restored. 😉

God Bless & Keep Each One of You in His Tender Care!

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Have fun!

Valerie Curren

Thanks TB! I’m looking forward to it 🙂 There is something so refreshing to being up there, at least to me (it’s a bit slow-paced for my husband though he hopes we might actually retire there). We lived there as newly weds for a year & a half so it’s Always a treat to get to stay in “our” room, which is designated “the honeymoon suite”, as it’s the only bedroom that’s completely private. We haven’t gotten to stay there much over the last couple decades as either the newest married couple or the most recent parents get it as there is room for a crib too. Now that we have two kids w/ their own kids it’s even more of a juggling act 😉


Enjoy. I am envious of simple cottage living 🙂

Valerie Curren

Well there is more square footage there than at my house with easy access to the lake & sunsets & stars & occasionally Northern Lights! If I get ambitious a walk across the railroad tracks Might yield some blackberries (my aunt picked some around Labor Day). I’ve got a journal, a radio for the Lions game, multiple books, a couple 1000 piece puzzles to choose from, & a crazy old “Dr. Mario” vintage Nintendo game that’s rather addicting amongst some other things I hope to do 🙂


Be glad you don’t have blackberries infesting your environment like we do here in the Puget Sound. Some 19th century idiot thought it would be a good idea to bring them here and now it’s a constant battle to deal with them.


same here… although I haven’t a clue as to whence they came.

Valerie Curren

We have the Opposite problem, most of the “patches” that we’ve picked for generations have been removed via development. My aunt was Super Excited to find Any berries for it’s been a number of years since we’ve found any to plunder & the patches from a few years back were pretty well “picked” by the local bear population! She only got a couple cups, a Far Cry when 3 generations picked for hours & amassed enough, after all the snacking during the process, to make batches of blackberry jam, blackberry pies, AND blackberry cobbler. You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone it seems 🙁

We have raspberries in the Cottage garden but unfortunately no one from the family is typically up when they are ripe for the picking. We usually tell the neighbors to help themselves if there are no cars up at our place. That Northern climate keeps that “patch” well contained & the stalks help feed the local rabbit population during the long, snowy Winter too 🙂


Sounds you came prepared. I would just take walks sit under a tree or just stare at the nature around me. That is when I become most creative and renew myself. You go girl lots of luck with blackberries they are real tasty this year.

Valerie Curren

TY SS! 💖💖💖



Valerie Curren

It is truly a blessing to be able to access this special place that we really hope can remain in the family after my parents are gone. It’s been in my family for nearly a century now & my grandparents bought it from the original owners!


It can remain in your family if it’s in a trust. You need a trust lawyer ASAP before something legal goes sideways.

Valerie Curren

TY for that insight. My dad & his sister jointly owned it after their parents passed but many years later she asked my parents to buy her out. Neither of my brothers want to be part of it but I Really do. The issue is more about how my parents’ estate will be divided when they are gone & whether we will be able to afford it., especially if there are inheritance taxes & if they have to be based on current “value” as it wouldn’t be something that I would ever choose to sell & it seems that my kids would also want to keep it, it’s been that special–my oldest even got engaged up there, as did my brother, & my berry-picking aunt 😉

I think my grandpa avoided those issues by putting both his kids & their spouses on the deed before he passed. My brother is the designated financial person for my parents, while I am the medical one. We expect that bro will handle things fairly but it would be nice if my parents would make certain designations while they are still alive & competent to manage their own affairs.


What a gift your grandparents gave to the family.

Valerie Curren

Amen! My grandpa came close to deeding it to the Masons to ensure long-term care, which he never needed thankfully. Tragedy averted!


Lucky you. My in laws had a lace up state NY . My husbands mother got mad that we did not moved back to NY she sold it for near to nothing. Now our daughter lives in CT about one hour from the place. Never do something rash when with emotional anger.

Valerie Curren

On my what a sad situation for Your family. I’ve heard that one shouldn’t make major decisions in heavily emotional times, like after a death wait a year so as to not do something you’d likely regret later…


You herd right. I know to many people that made rash decisions and regretted

Valerie Curren

My grandpa cleaned out All my grandma’s stuff right after her funeral. He also rearranged the living room furniture before we went home. I think he was dealing with her permanent absence in a way that had him moving on in His, not Their, home (very different from his BIL who kept his dead wife’s stockings on the shower curtain rod where she’d left them before her death decades ago). Different strokes….


Every person reeves differently. Thanks for sharing 🙂

Valerie Curren

yes…YW 🙂


Sounds like you might need a book!

Valerie Curren

I’m bringing several! I Love reading 🙂


Have a safe trip and a good week Valerie! 👍🙂

Valerie Curren

Thanks Scott! We get going midday tomorrow, picking up my hubby’s friends at their church on the way. Their cars should be fine in the back parking lot all week, like happened on their previous trip.

Happy go lucky

Have fun, friend 🙂

Valerie Curren

TY Happy! 🙂 It’s going to be a very rare treat for me 😉 😉


Verse of the Day for Friday, September 15, 2023

“Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”
1 Corinthians 10:31 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Valerie Curren

Amen & TY Duchess. God Bless YOU! Thank You for your faithful ministry!!!


Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.


Is there no end to their infantile petty peevishness. What a pathetic bunch of worthless impotent losers, too stupid to accept they’ve backed a loser, are on the wrong side of history and have fucked up their country for generations to come.
On the up side, it is obvious they are now scraping the bottom of the barrel.

“The UK Home Office has added Wagner PMC to its list of terrorist organizations, Reuters reports.

Thus, assistance to PMCs and approval of their activities will be subject to criminal prosecution in the kingdom – up to and including imprisonment.

And assets associated with Wagner found in Britain will be subject to confiscation.”

Cuppa Covfefe

And they (the UK Mandarins) are the ones pushing for a hot war between NATO/USA and Russia, with the EU dragged along for the ride…

The Mandarins and the UK get to stand by and watch yet another case of “let’s you and him fight”… down to the last Ukrainian…..

Seems like someone wants genocide (Satan Sauros, no doubt). Yet the brits seem to think WWII is still going on (after all these 80 years) and that Russia is still under Stalin…

My ancestors must be rolling in their graves. Hope the GangGreens don’t notice or they’ll try to harness the rotational energy…

Valerie Curren

This is a good one, seen at Pat’s

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The ears!!! Just awesome.

Valerie Curren

!!! LOL


Forwarded from
RIA News
China imposes sanctions against American military-industrial companies Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin over arms sales to Taiwan


I posted this late last night on previous thread… reposting as I think it is important…

Jean-François Geneste has nearly 40 years of experience in the aeronautics, space and defense fields. He was scientific director of the EADS group, now Airbus Group, for 10 years. He was a professor at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology in Moscow. He is currently the CEO of the startup WARPA which has just been awarded a patent for its infinite specific impulse space propulsion engine.

We will start, if necessary, by reading this article [1] . He reports on Russian advances in this area and discusses the potential concerns of the Western world about its ability to follow them, with the United States in the lead. We are asking ourselves the question here not of a delay which would be due to later development, but what seems to us to be a real conceptual difficulty in making such machines work.

Since we are in the West, let us remember these words of Richard Feynman, Nobel Prize winner in physics: “the goal of the physicist is to make the equations speak” .

Let us note then that at the end of the Cold War, we find ourselves in a rather strange situation at first glance. The West pushed electronics and computing much further than the Soviet Union. It did not occur to anyone that the latter had held its own without this and we were content to think, here, that its equipment was obsolete and ineffective. The Ukrainian conflict demonstrated the opposite!

con’t reading:

(Click ‘English’ on the pop-up menu)



Found this from WSJ – related to above…

The Wall Street Journal: For more than 60 years, the United States has invested billions of dollars in dozens of hypersonic weapons programs. These attempts either ended in failure or were canceled with no chance of success. Moscow’s hypersonics work has raised concerns at the Pentagon, even though Russian weapons are largely based on Cold War-era research and are not as sophisticated as those currently being developed by China. Hypersonic missiles from Russia and China can change the strategic balance. Even the most modern American warship in the South China Sea may be defenseless against a hypersonic attack. The US has begun investing in hypersonic missile defense systems, including new developments with Japan. But such systems will enter service no earlier than in 10 years. Over the past decade, China has conducted hundreds of flight tests of this new generation of weapons. Beijing already has hypersonic weapons in its arsenal, ready for deployment, as does Moscow, which used them against Ukraine. In 2016, a senior panel of experts from the US National Academy of Sciences warned that foreign adversaries, including China, were preparing a new generation of hypersonic weapons. Pentagon officials are now discussing how best to respond to the buildup. Some argue that we need to concentrate on defensive systems, others on creating weapons. Progress has stalled in part because developing hypersonic weapons is extremely difficult. Hypersonic missiles require special materials and are about a third more expensive than ballistic missiles with comparable capabilities. The big stumbling block is the lack of infrastructure needed for testing. Weapons development requires testing in wind tunnels. There are about 26 wind tunnels in the United States capable of hypersonic testing, but many of them are decades old. Almost all of them are booked more than a year in advance, which slows down the pace of weapons development. The Pentagon is building new facilities, but they will not be ready until at least 2027.#USA

pat frederick

how are you feeling dear one??


Good Morning Sweet Lady …
Pain is minimal this a.m. Have errands to run, but going to postpone ’til tomorrow, rest another day…
Thank you for asking, and for your concern.

enjoyed your article this am on Morning Glories… brought back wonderful memories of youth when as a pre-teen I would toss seeds out my bedroom window and with no additional effort, the glories would arise! Have been totally unsuccessful here in the Sandhills as soil is poor, and my woods of course do not present an area of full sun for very long… memories are good! Thank you for this one.

I hope you and Hubby are well…

pat frederick

we are good, thanks for asking!
we are restricted to wild flowers–everything else the deer eat.


Well, the Defense Department still has Wishing & Hoping in its arsenal. So it’s not like we’re without defenses.


I may be confused about this, but I think the hypersonic weapons are the ones which go up into space then come down unstopabley fast, and btw are intercontinental.
If they start getting used there’s nothing to stop one dropping in without warning on Westminster or Washington, and of course the denizens of those places think very highly of their own precious arses.


You’re not confused … they would not even see it comin’ … much less be able to ‘stop’ it …


comment image?w=505&ssl=1


LOL…great meme…thanks for the laugh barkerjim….


Because of WGTTs, this female will live forever in memeville.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Paging Scott for a full investigation 😀


She’s just tragically misunderstood 😂


Life like alien. 🙂

Valerie Curren

The gift that just keeps on giving!


August 5, 2023
“Unnaturalness in the evolution process of the SARS-CoV-2 variants and the possibility of deliberate natural selection”
Atsuki Tanaka and Takayuki Miyazawa
Yours Truly: These two Japanese researchers wanted to find out more about the earliest Omicron “variants” of the COVID-19 virus, the “variants” called BA.1, BA.1.1, and BA.2. In so doing, they discovered that these “variants” have nothing to do with arising naturally from the original COVID-19 virus (Wuhan Hu1), but rather appear to be man-made “constructs.” These Omicron “variants” are the “ancestors” of all the ones in circulation after them (XBB.1.5, ERIS, FORNAX, etc.)
What their discovery does, IMO, is to blow up any “explanation” that “variants” of the COVID-19 virus are “natural” or “evolving.”
There is a discussion, including graphs from the paper, at this blog:
“Unnatural evolution”: indisputable evidence for deliberate and systematic creation of circulating covid variants”
(This is psmi’s Substack.)
Yours Truly strongly suggests that the Tanaka and Miyazawa paper be archived / downloaded / printed out — IMO, the “medical establishment” will regard this paper as “dangerous” because it exposes the truth.


What a surprise. Manufactured variants. SMDH.

These days, variants are nothing more than “shiny objects”. Divert folks attention.

These days, Covidiot Variants, not taken seriously by most folks.

Cuppa Covfefe

One might term it “unnatural selection”… 😡 😡 😡 😡


Others might call it genocide. Tomato…Tomahto.


Guessing I’ll not receive a Christmas card from my Congress critter, mark Amodei.

One month ago I sent in a visit request. Anything from town hall, small group, on-on-one…

Two weeks ago resent the request, with subject line, C R I C K E T S.

Today I sent visit request, with the following narrative added:

Pathetic. One month goes by. Zero response.

My guess is you are on the Federal Dole. Welfare for folks in DC – District Of Criminals, area.

Wondering, does Mark know of your miserable performance.

OR, you are following Mark’s guidance. Ignore Voters.

Assuming someone reads this. Surprise a voter, Do Your Job.


Most congress critters have several offices in their jurisdiction, staffed with ‘Aides’ at least 9-5/Monday-Friday. Perhaps you might call one and speak to an Aide, expressing your frustration at being ignored? Insist on getting some response …

I really don’t see how they can treat you in this manner. Ms Graham may be toxic, but at least I have always gotten response to my outreach… same with Joe wilson etc.


Somebody advised them early in their careers that ignoring citizens was a fast track to being voted out.


Yes. Thanks.
– Mark Amodei has two regional offices, Reno and Elko.

Reno office gave the, “no town halls scheduled” and no office visits on the schedule. Send in a visit request. Which I did.

I should call a regional office again. Perhaps Elko this time. Venting is all I expect will come of it.

Northern NV is heavily conservative. I suspect Mark Amodei is likely feeling too comfortable, with status quo.


Like others, I always get a response even if the answer is stupid beyond words. Former Sen. Lamar Alexander took the cake for “stupid”.

Hammer him.


Please see post below.


Surprise, surprise, surprise.

Marl Amodei’s xxx of Legislative Affairs called. Cool title. Don’t know what, if anything he does. Says he talks with Mark daily.

No comment why I never got a reply. Asked, was there was anything I wanted to discuss. Told him, discuss, no. What matters is Mark knows how this voter feels and wants Mark to represent the voters.

Went down a litany of stuff. Briben Crime Family. Biden needs to be impeached. Faily investigated, where they broke the law, indicted, tried… Ukraine should never get another dollar. Should have never gotten any from the beginning.

He said Mark agrees, no more. Mark did vote for Ukraine as those funds were part of CRs.

To which I replied CRs are stoopid. Let the government shut down. At least IF the government shut down, the government can’t do any thing stoopid.

Pushed him on why we are not defunding stuff. he replied defunding is in xxx (forgot the word) of which D-Rats will not support. Told him Stand On Defunding. Stop caving. D-Rats KNOW, republicans ALWAYS cave. It IS What republicans do – Cave.

Went on to DOJ / FIB persecuting Trump, rooted in politics. Why is no one stopping DOJ/FIB from persecuting J6 Political Prisoners in the DC Gulag. Open borders…

Told him Mark needs to KNOW exactly how voters feel. The unvarnished truth. Skip politically correct.

Ultimately, won’t do any good.

Told him I look forward to whenever Mark has a town hall or like event. Added, it prolly until won’t happen till next election cycle warms up. (He ignored my sarcasm.) 🙂


Well done. Message sent, message received. If they ignore it will bite them in the azz if we keep the pressure on.

Alexander was skewered by many in our state over his PDT waffling back in the scam impeachments. His successor (Hargerty) got the message and has generally steered clear of stoopid. We have very little trouble with the reps in our area. They know they are one and dun if they go stoopid.

All patriot citizens need to do likewise.


Good for you Kal!


more finger waving… you’re gonna get it…
or in real speak … “all hat and no cattle”
…aimed at Russia

(I sorely miss our Butterfly ! ‘all hat…’ was one of her Texas idioms)


So … why isn’t she here?


there was some sort of unpleasantness with another poster (iirc)

she became more active on Twitter and … left the tree


That’s not good …


Some people are sensitive and when one person is nasty they project it on the whole.
I used to be sensitive and when I looked within myself I found I only could salve the problem within myself. Of course each person is different how we are triggered. Once I found the trigger point in my childhood I am no longer triggered.
Life is so much more enjoyable. Accepting myself as I am I am able to accept others as they are. 🙂 God is good. 🙂

Valerie Curren

Beautiful wisdom! TY for sharing your insights 🙂


Thank you but cannot take credit 🙂

Valerie Curren

You are willing vessel that He works through! 🙏


The more the UN, NATO, WHO or WEFFENSS don’t like something.
The more inclined I am to think, give it a go and see what happens, after all being dragged along with their cockeyed scheming has caused the mess we’re all in now.


The more the USG, UN, NATO, WHO or WEFFENSS don’t like something. The more inclined I am to think, give it a go…


comment image


The Kari Lake Show Ep. 1: Inside “The Laptop from Hell”

Valerie Curren

Ain’t misbehavin’? These stories about Republicans are not going to help our cause. I know the Left eats this stuff up and also makes it up, but we need to avoid this kind of scandal.

New video appears to show Lauren Boebert vaping at ‘Beetlejuice’ — after she blamed ‘heavy fog machines’

Boebert could have expressed regret that her actions inconvenienced others and disrupted their experience, but I have yet to see that. She looks like a jerk.

EXCLUSIVE: Married South Dakota governor Kristi Noem and Trump advisor Corey Lewandowski have been having a years-long clandestine affair

Robert Baker

If you understand the nature and motivation of politicians you will never be surprised by their actions. They may disappoint but never surprise.


Yes, it is disappointing but not surprising. I haven’t read the whole article about Noem, but I had thought better of Boebert. This is the second article I’ve seen about her. She pulled the “Don’t you know who I am?” routine.
But it’s not really about disappointment; it’s about damage to our cause. There is almost always fallout from things like this. I am not happy with these people who are supposed to be fighting for us but can’t behave honorably. And unfortunately I’m sure there are many more of them that we don’t know about.


You still believe someone in DC is fighting for ‘us’?

take another listen to


You still believe someone in DC is fighting for ‘us’?

take another listen to


Yes, there are people in D.C. fighting for us.


You are expressing a belief …

It’s not a fact …


And your statement that there is no one in D.C. fighting for us is not fact either. There are some patriots in government, in D.C. and in the states and in the judiciary. If there were not, we would be under martial law and house arrest by now. I believe we need to acknowledge the victories along with the bad actors.


I speak of ‘elected’ people in DC, those whom you believe represent us. I observe their actions and find no instance of representation of the American people. Your eyesight may be better than mine. 😉


I could name many examples of Congresspeople taking action for our benefit, for the benefit of society, and to preserve our Constitution. They are in the news daily. One from this week was Sen. Kennedy fighting against pornography in schools. Another is Matt Gaetz holding McCarthy to his word. Whatever the outcome of those turns out to be, those people were doing the right thing. If no one were willing to fight for us, then someone needs to tell Trump there is no reason to run because not ONE person in the entirety of Congress will aid him in any way to implement his agenda for America. I believe he knows better.


Okay, now it’s about anger. I just read the Noem story. She and Lewandowski must think we’re stupid. I hope this will put an end to the idea of Noem being Trump’s VP pick. We don’t need someone with baggage like that.
But the worst is the hypocrisy of what she says she stands for vs. what she does. If the allegations are true — and there seems to be ample evidence — then she has been lying to the people for years.
And here’s a snarky comment, just because 😅: She’s 51 years old now and IMO has gotten “work done” because her face looks unnaturally plumped up. IMO it is not an improvement. I don’t like her thickened lips, either. She was prettier before, in her natural state.


I totally agree with you.

Cuppa Covfefe

It would be surprising if they didn’t disappoint…

Cuppa Covfefe

Seems like the black pills are coming as thick and fast as the licorice-flavored jelly beans at the Jelly Belly factory in Fairfield California….

Which is EXACTLY what the other side wants…..


I’m fine with disowning the Republican Party in total.

The GOP is nothing but an embarrassing liability at the very best, and a traitorous back-stabbing enemy of the People most of the time anyway.

If Boebert thinks it’s acceptable to act like that, she’s not even close to ready for prime time, she’s ridiculous. She’s a caricature of a goof.

As for Noem and Lewandoski, apparently they’re both psychopaths, they have to be, to engage in such ridiculously high risk behavior in the national spotlight.

If these dipshits can’t keep their zippers up, they’re automatically blackmail bait.

If their extra-marital lust is so overwhelming that they would risk their careers and our nation’s future just to swap body fluids, then they shouldn’t have anything even resembling a national security clearance.

Since no one could possibly do worse than a professional politician, what justification can there possibly be for a professional political-class?

Every office should have term limits, and when you are term-limited out of office, that doesn’t mean you advance to the next office, it means you’re done.

FFS, power clearly attracts the very worst people in any society. Allowing such people to make a career out of exercising power over others is national suicide.

Valerie Curren

Term limits for bureaucrats that Actually run things AND eliminating SES protections that kept Obamaroids in place to thwart Trump would also be vital to restoring the Republic!


I agree.

If their extra-marital lust is so overwhelming that they would risk their careers and our nation’s future just to swap body fluids, then they shouldn’t have anything even resembling a national security clearance.

I imagine the danger of getting caught just adds to the excitement. They don’t deal with each other in the day-to-day problems of life; they see each other when they’re all dressed up and presentable, and they get to sneak around and do things in full view of everyone and also behind the backs of everyone, which can be fun if someone is too selfish and immature to care about the harm they’re doing to their loved ones, and in some cases the actual danger to their country.

Their text messages are probably very revealing. I wonder what their spouses think. There’s a picture of Noem and her husband and children at the Daily Mail link, and they look like such a nice family.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

Edit worked! Woohoo!


Seriously? Shit. I hope it’s not true, but there sure are a lot of pictures of the two of them together in this article.

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s great…. Merde-Kuh finally gets what she deserves… Maybe they should send the shards to the Coudenhove-Kalergi foundation (Kuh-den-hooves?) as a symbol of her contribution to the (failing) future of Germany and Europe…


via a poster at Larry’s latest –
“And while we obsess about trivia? The real world that runs on money goes on.

Brent crude $93.98 WooHoo! Fuck with Russia, and tell the Saud’s they can’t dismember whoever they want will you? Tell me how that works out for you.

Meanwhile the ECB raises interest rates 25 basis points to try to stop capital flight to the US. Which means Jerome is going to raise another 25 to 50 basis points at the Fed. He will get the last word over the EuroCucks. Europe dies this year. (I do not include Russia in Europe. Russia wins this decade long game of Risk)

While the UAW union slugs who make the worst quality control cars in the world have a few simple demands. A 40% raise. A 32 hour workweek. Pensions back. And guaranteed employment for life.

While the US commercial and personal real estate market go straight Thelma and Louise over the cliff. And Janet Yellen tries to sell another 2 to 3 Trillion of US Treasuries to people that ain’t buying anymore.

And China and Russia removed their sanctions from North Korea. Why the Fuck did those boys ever get on that train to begin with? Kimchee Boy went and traded rifles with Putin, and now the trains of munitions are going to start rolling. You thought Russia had an artillery advantage before? I’ll take the over on the fifty kabillion arty shells launched a month parlay.

Fascinating times we live in kids.”


“While the UAW union slugs who make the worst quality control cars in the world have a few simple demands. A 40% raise. A 32 hour workweek. Pensions back. And guaranteed employment for life.”


Sounds very reasonable, good luck with that.

Tesla doesn’t have UAW.

I wonder if that will be an advantage for Tesla over the other car makers, during the upcoming years long UAW strike?


” MSNBC’s @PeteStrzok: We need a special unit to protect FBI agents from Americans

📝 “If you want an idea of how scared America’s elite classes are becoming MSNBC is demanding that Biden form a special military police unit to protect FBI agents from everyday Americans. @SwordMercury is going to have a field day with this.” – Carolina Lion”
(with video)

Cuppa Covfefe

He’s got it backwards (as usual). He should work in the cinema… as a projectionist…

We need a special unit to protect Americans from FBI agents…


What Peter Scrote deliberately misunderstands is that going after Al Capone is the antithesis of what he did.


Nice job playing The Name Game.

Cuppa Covfefe

Strzok Strzok bo-Strzok
Bonana fanna fo-Strzok
Fee Fi mo-Strzok



Is Peter Strzok an American? If he does American things like abide by the Constitution then he FBI never has to fear the American people. If the FBI abides by the law then we the people will respect them.
What i have seen the criminals in the FBI need no protection from Americans. 🙂


“Is Peter Strzok an American?”


Nope, he a Dystopian 👍😁


And probably a bed-wetter. Psychopaths have all sorts of developmental abnormalities 👍

Cuppa Covfefe

Typical spook… He’s everything and nothing, at the same time…..

Different Strzoks for different folks…


Love your humor 🙂


“MSNBC’s @PeteStrzok: We need a special unit to protect FBI agents from Americans”


Mock him until he cries 😂


FIB is already armed. I assume they when and how to use their weapon.

FIB must be feeling guilty for their broad based illegal behavior AND targeting Americans.

Brave and Free

Our tax $$ at work finding the bad guys, or $$ laundering to all their pals. Corruption beyond comprehension, create another 3 letter agencies to solve a problem we don’t have.


They’ve added a layer at the top for graft but essentially it’s this same program

Informants – The Holocaust Explained: Designed for schools
Informants In Nazi Germany, some citizens passed on information about their neighbours, family, and friends to the Gestapo . This was called informing.


That is true and the same was done in East Germany. Nothing changend when Nazis became commies.
With covid people were starting to rat neighbors out if they did not wear a mask. I am beginning it seems human nature for some people who need to feel important to snitch.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Control freaks who end up being useless bureaucrats… happens in the business world, too…


Yes sadly it happens to often also in business.


Another version of, Targeting Americans.


On the positive side. PLT gets shouted down a bit. ~40 second video at link.

BREAKING: New Yorkers shout down AOC as she advocates for illegal immigrants: ‘Close the border!’


Cortez and Nadler want the illegals fast tracked to work. They mentioned food services. There are things that used to be mandatory for anyone working around food like TB tests and a license of sorts by answering basic questions about food handling and preparation.
Everything just goes out the window when it comes to pandering to unknown unvetted illegals.

Cuppa Covfefe

Nothing like Hep-B and Hep-C to show how “wonderful” open borders are…. not….

One time we visited CA (Kalifornistan) and wanted to go to a German restaurant we’d heard of. Not a German cook in sight. Nor an American trying to be a German cook. Then we looked at the other four or five German restaurants in the south Bay Area. Same thing.

Almost ALL of the food service jobs are now done by Mexicans, and probably many of them are illegals. And that was back in the 2011 (if not 2006) timeframe. Goodness knows what it’s like now…

(And yes, we were looking to take some friends and family out; we get enough German food over here as it is 😆 Likewise, the Mexican (or the German’s idea of it) food over here is lousy… so we roll our own… now if I could just find a source of fresh, GREEN Serranos)…


Must have been the Marquess of Queensberry New Yorkers.

I didn’t hear a single person shouting “You vicious filthy murdering C*nt Whore!” over and over again.

Let her and the other psychopaths try to talk over that and pretend not to hear it.

Cuppa Covfefe

More like the Marquess of Cuisinart 😀


This is funny. ~15 second X.

Aaron Rodgers responds to Keith Olbermann:

“Get your fifth booster, Keith. Bum!”


I noticed about a year ago that Olbermann had transitioned into a little old lady.

It was a curious choice, but he/she is making it work for her/him.

Cuppa Covfefe

That is a “type” of the alphabet gang.

I used to work with a “bitchy old lady” gay twinkie… And a flaming promiscuous one (pink flamingo), and a quiet one who’d been “groomed and converted” and had been engaged to a wonderful girl until the first two ripped him away from her. Now it’s RIP to him, as he died of AIDS a while back. The two groomers are still around… 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡

Valerie Curren

so sad 🙁


I hate to do this because I know some of you don’t like to support CTH but there’s a really interesting group of comments regarding these recent devastating “natural” disasters in Morrocco, Turkey and other places.
It’s on page 3 of the daily thread. Top/middle of page
I’m truly beginning to think about the power and possible weapons that might’ve been developed to mimic natural disasters. I didn’t feel it would be right to C & P a big chunk of people’s comments so if you’re interested take a look. The first comment of the group is from Amanda


I go and read CTH every two days when I am bored 🙂 I have nothing against CTH even though he banned me for life it seems but do not hold it against Sundance. It is there loss I do not need the place but I glean some good info. My husband reads every day. Kind of funny I talked him into reading there and it took. 🙂


SD has some, uh, interesting personality traits, and it was a lousy thing he did to all of us, and extremely hypocritical considering all the slogans in the header at the top of every webpage, but it’s still a good information source 👍

Valerie Curren
Cuppa Covfefe

They need to study a bit of science and physics to understand the magnitude of forces involved.

Even Tesla himself who was able to harness enormous amounts of energy admitted that it would take a “battery” with one pole at the surface of the earth and the other at the core of the earth to produce the amount of energy needed to modify weather; let alone create weather. This has been covered extensively at WUWT and other places.

It just makes us look stupid to keep HAARPing on this…


There’s a different take on the floods here, starts at 03:00.

Cuppa Covfefe

Good points. (Refreshing to hear an Irish accent again.) I think infrastructure, like documentation, is always the first to get the chop when budgets are being allocated or reduced…

When I was young, we travelled across the USA every year of the 1960s and early 1970s, and saw and drove on the brand-new interstate highway system. Years later, I drove on many of them, and I don’t believe much, if any maintenance had been done on them, except to repair disaster damage (earthquakes, floods, landslides, etc.). Routine maintenance was deemed unnecessary… (even though the taxes were still being assessed and collected)…


OMG Maui

~14 minute video.

O’KEEFE UNDERCOVER IN LAHAINA PART 1: Maui police and sheriffs tell Journalists Governor has prohibited photography on public land.

Hawaii National Guard says Maui police and Sheriffs are “assholes” who are “puffing chests”

OMG files lawsuit against Hawaii Gov to invalidate the criminalization of protected First Amendment activity and to also strip Maui County of any ability to criminally charge anyone who exercises their First Amendment rights.


One thing that I love about the people there, they fight. They take care of their own after realizing their Fed Govt isn’t going to do anything except make it harder to stay.
I still watch Eric at hawaii real estate YT to get on the ground reports.
Maybe because it’s far away from the mainland the Feds are not valued or talked about except negatively.
I don’t have 1st hand experience with FEMA thankfully but it seems like every disaster since Katrina they get a black eye but we let them take over .


This was fun.

Attorney Defending Constitutional Rights Receives Standing Ovation for Her Oral Arguments Against NY Gov. Kathy Hochul’s Tyrannical Quarantine Camp Lawsuit Appeal (VIDEO)


Put a smile on your face…watch the ~1:30 video,

Who knows, Common Sense AND the Law, may prevail.


Alrighty then! Here’s another lawyer!

h/t Dinah


Since we are in Texas.
Here’s a microcosm thing on dem corruption>
Lefty judge appears to be scared…


Harris was an absolute thug on Texas citizens, during Covidiocy.


Luke Rosiak:

Dems say it’s a non-scandal that a candidate for office was performing sex acts on video in exchange for money because while it may be unsavory, it’s not illegal.
But lawyers say that in fact, the Virginia prostitution statute makes such conduct a crime.
She performed specific sex acts with her husband when people online paid her to. The prostitution “statute is very clear, you cannot for money or its equivalent perform sex acts,” a lawyer said. “It doesn’t matter who’s paying for the act, if it’s an observer or the recipient.”
She could also potentially be charged with a crime for deliberately causing hotel workers to see her in action against their will in order to get a thrill. She said if people paid enough, she’d trick room service into walking in on her.
Will she be charged with a crime? The prosecutor in her jurisdiction–a fellow Dem with political aspirations–didn’t respond to my email. 20 minutes after she read it, I got a call from Gibson’s lawyer saying he was tipped off about my story by a source he wouldn’t disclose.
The Dem leader of the state Senate has said the scandal makes it all the more important that people donate to Gibson, raising questions about whether lawmakers are ignoring what their own laws say.
Finally, @realdailywire can report that the AP newswire had the Susanna Gibson porn candidate story a week before the Washington Post did, tipped off Gibson about it-leading her to get the videos removed-and decided not to run the story, despite seeming obviously newsworthy.

The whole thing is disgusting, but the part that I bolded seems particularly sadistic to me. Allowing people to pay to watch is one thing, but causing innocent, unsuspecting people to walk in on it is on another level. This woman should be nowhere near Congress or children, IMO.


Hmm she’s liable to get a position in the Ozero administration for her unapologetic sexual antics ! They reward people with perverse personal lives.

As far as causing unsuspecting victims to walk in and see….very much like every video clip I saw this year from the LGTB++++++ trans parades. Lewd and disgusting but wildly praised by DemComms. I agree, she has business around decent folk


Sorry…she has NO business being around decent folks…..hate not having edit


Me too! But almost all of the time it’s pretty clear what someone means.


Right ?! I barely notice anyone else’s bloopers but my own..omygosh…so many of them. Usually I don’t bother but this last one was so dumb!


When the edit function works, it seems like I hardly ever post without having to edit and correct something 😂


Edit function times out to soon for the likes of me.  😂 


Edit is working now. Tested it, ~30 minutes ago.


The perversion is having the need for exhibition to get a raise of what ever. I am not a prude by any means but people should keep their private privet.


A meme by “Zuby”:
Evolution of modern ‘feminism’:
Women exist.
Women need protection from men.
Women are equal to men.
Women are men.
Women are better than men.
Men are women.
Men are better women than women.
Women don’t exist.
comment image

Valerie Curren

Maybe this will show the meme, for some people…

comment image


Great, thanks! Did you do it through Gab?

Valerie Curren

Yes. Glad it shows for you for it still doesn’t for me 🙂


Mark Milley is retiring. 😄

General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is “retiring” at the end of this month. Quite a number of Pentagon staff seem to think this has to do with the utter failure of the Ukraine situation. One Pentagon Officer said “rats are fleeing the sinking ship.”
In a signal as to how unscheduled this “retirement” actually seems to be, Milley told reporters he “doesn’t even know yet where he is going to live, quipping that he has told his wife “we can go to Dicks and get a tent. I’m good with that. We lived a tent before.”


Ukraine would be a nice choice, maybe he can get a gooberment job with Z and we can still pay his salary !


“Milley told reporters he “doesn’t even know yet where he is going to live, quipping that he has told his wife “we can go to Dicks and get a tent.”


What a dickhead.

Cuppa Covfefe

To or find…


Milley gives dickheads, a bad name.

Cuppa Covfefe

What happened?

Did he split a nail??? 😀


Milley is a walking talking, Cluster F… for the military.

  • Woke BS.
  • Tranny BS.
  • Whites bad.
  • Conservatives bad.
  • Afghanistan cluster f….
  • Ukraine cluster f…
Happy go lucky

Really great stuff today, DePat.

Plus the Bryan Adams video, perfect Friday choice 😎😎😎 Really takes me back, and the fans in the audience- wow-Gen X is soooooo good looking. Everyone has a “summer of 69” and mine was 1985. Thanks for the memories 😎


Not sure if we did this one or not. It was a link open from last night in my browser. I think one of our posts brought me to the story and I fell asleep with lots of tabs open…. clearing some of them now.

It dove tails with all the dem cities driving retailors out because the allowed shop lifting that is going on. This seems to be the next step in owning nothing and being happy. If they are not careful they’ll end up with a “bug marts” where they can do their shopping. Of course the story is not about “bug marts” right now, but it will be soon enough. 😬🙄😏😆

Socialist Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Wants to Open Taxpayer-Funded City-Owned Grocery Stores

Cuppa Covfefe

LET GO, Brandon…


What Brandon Johnson wants is paving the way for a redux of the state-owned grocery stores in the former SOVIET UNION.
If Johnson gets what he wants — and notice how he makes it clear that it’s “for the children” and that “certain areas” of Chicago are being “discriminated against” in terms of food shopping — from there, the next step would be to impose “purchase restrictions” on people who have income levels ABOVE a certain level, so that “poorer people” have more access to the groceries in the city-owned grocery stores. From there, it’s another small step to issuing “food purchase access cards” to ALL residents of Chicago.
At that point, voila! — It’s back to the Soviet Union!
And Johnson undoubtedly knows this.


Oddly, there were dots connected in my brain after reading SD’s article this afternoon.

Wanted to post as crowd-sourcing may uncover other similar arrangements. Please all have at it. We may find links.

September 15, 2023 5:05 pm
Does everyone know that the Pakistani government owns the Roosevelt Hotel? It is listed under Pakistan Airlines, but having worked for the ownership there, I know a high-powered general is in charge.

Nice gig to purchase properties to act as barracks for invaders.

IMHO, military movements by foreigners are taking place within the US. This could easily be identified as an act of war.

Fifth column.”


Makes perfect sense. All of these freebies; food, lodging, wifi, phones, reloadable credit cards……the donor will one day call in the marker. These men come from places that understand well the consequences for not paying back, no matter what the mission is.
Those connected dots are explosive

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Testing a reply with the new fix…..


Wolf, odd happenings all. Yet I see your post. Blessings!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I just installed the new, repaired plugin, saw that it basically worked, and got distracted by working on my next post. Looks like it’s getting a good test. Yes, blessings to you, too!

Valerie Curren

Thanks for taking care of this, and us, yet again! Pack leader Rocks!  ❤ 


And really BIG spaces after each comment.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL. I noticed that. I kinda like it!


Destruction of the US military.  :wpds_evil: 

Valerie Curren

Maybe it will play here using vs X…


PS Wolf, every comment on the site is jumping up and down.


They’re just excited.


Great having the edit feature back, new posts highlighted in yellow, little orange ball, cool stuff to click on like bold, emojis…

Thank you!



Rapidly returning to what passes for normal around here!!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YEAH. It worked. HIGH FIVE!


Yes, it all makes sense now. This is the money and the MO. Sheesh. Wow.

Foreign government armies housing unarmed soldiers in place because they can get arms in-country. Hence, the IRS and other ABC agencies purchasing arms and ammo.


Infuriatung…and there’s so many of them that even if a hundred thousand go awol. hohum there’s millions more. Any dissent and I’m sure a nice bonus will have plenty of bounty hunters. How clever of them to import their ruthless special forces

Easy for me sitting in my living room to say but ‘we’ should’ve cut the head off this snake a long time ago

Last edited 1 year ago by mollypitcher5


What is so outrageous is that our own government is part of the cavity.

Trojan Horse…21 century.

Our own government will be supplying arms to illegal aliens as part of the IRS, Military, DHS and other ABC agencies to kill us. Using foreign property owners to house the soldiers.

Easy button.


Somewhat interesting that they’ve begun using sanctuary cities for invader placement which is coincidentally some of the biggest urban centers. strategic placement now ?

Last edited 1 year ago by mollypitcher5

Least resistance…like water. Then run over the suburbs. Old warfare.


I hope this revelation spreads . Sometimes we all react and foam at the mouth at each new outrage and then the next one and the next one………….this ties it all together in a real and present danger kind of way, imo


Same heartfelt understanding, Molly

Not certain what to do about this. Yet, I have posted in a few places, alerted CTH and GP.

If we can get word out to the best people in place to study foreign-owned housing properties, there may be a chance of a response.

Otherwise, we will just avoid until a full-born altercation breaks out.


Yes and guess what ones will be tapped as killers and thrown in gulags…anyone defending themselves and their families.
It’s diabolical.
And to your hijrah comment, the deep state resident believers Zero , Jarrett, Brennan all in




I have thought for days…” Why would the Roosevelt Hotel, that I so diligently refurbished, be taking in illegal aliens?

Then the lightbulb went on. The Pakistani government was making money on guests, until they got money from our own Federal Government to take in foreign soldiers.

My words. And I hope the First Amendment still covers me.


It was all a long cover-up, IMHO.


Hijrah. Muslim equivalent. Infiltration.


Don’t worry, at least we can count on the U.S. military to defend the country from a foreign army that already invaded under their noses.

When our military finds out, they’re gonna be so mad… 😂


Using our Second Amendment against us. What better way, I know not.


Today, the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the reality of terrorists gaining entry into the US via illegal border crossings. The final speaker that I listened to warned of the reality of FARC participants crossing the border.

The entry of members of the Revolutianry Armed Forces of Colombia may create some major violence issues by targeting illegal migrant “communities.”

They are dozens of “Roosevelt Hotels” across the nation that are now housing communities of illegals and I expect that the markers will be called sooner than expected. This isn’t going to end well….


No way that it will end well. These people’s free ride is going to end one day and then what ? Citizens will have to razor wire property to keep thieves out. Young women and girls won’t be safe because let’s face it, the majority are single young men. The list is endless.


It sounds funny, but I can’t get the page to stand still. It keeps jumping to other places, and it’s really bad when I use the “find” feature. I think it is jumping past the large white space after each comment, but it’s hard to tell because there’s so much space that I can’t see the comment above to get the context. It’s very hard to reply to a comment because it keeps moving. 🤨 It’s still that way after refreshing the page.


It’s doing it to me, too. I don’t mind the weird formatting, but this is unbearable.


Good to know. I was able to make a reply just now, and even to edit, so maybe Wolf is working on things.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You got editing to work? That’s awesome. That was likely the earlier nonce problem that got “fixed” and thus broken really badly, and then fixed again.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Reload the page now – it’s all good!




Working great at my end.


I was having the same problem, but not anymore. If it’s still not working for you, trying logging in again, if page refresh doesn’t fix it. I did both, then Wolf messed with the secret dials and levers a couple times, and refreshed again, and now it seems to be back the way it’s supposed to be 👍



Imagine if we were free…

Maybe we should go to Mexico, and then sneak across the border.

That must be the secret to being ‘free’ in the stolen gov’t totalitarian dictatorship.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Barb Meier

Julie Kelly on Twitter reports: “So many incriminating texts in the Whitmer fednapping hoax but this is still my favorite:

‘And this was related to a separate FBI plan to entrap a disabled Vietnam veteran in Virginia to do the same for Gov. Ralph Northam.'”

Screen Shot 2023-09-15 at 10.11.10 PM.png

OMG…I’m sick of this criminal enterprise being held out to the citizens as a premier law enforcement agency

Barb Meier

I hear you, Molly. I’ve seen a lot in my years, but this stuns and disgusts me.


You know that it’s the tip of an iceberg of crimes…one of the biggest is helping coordinate the actual real coup on J6 ..basically a coup within a fake coup. Pence started it and Pelosi and the feds finished it

Last edited 1 year ago by mollypitcher5
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Federal Bureau of Instigation!

comment image


No wonder FIB feels they need to be protected.

  • FIB TARGETS Americans. NOT protect Americans.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK, thank you.

I have spoken before about how somebody that appeared to be of some official status tried to set me up multiple times, and right now, the FBI would be the best suspect.


Let’s see if this works —

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you!


BREAKING: Special Counsel Jack Smith Attempts to Gag Trump

Special Counsel Jack Smith asked Judge Tanya Chutkan for a gag order for Trump as the 2024 presidential election goes into full swing.

Jack Smith claimed in his order released Friday that Trump is “issuing inflammatory public statements targeted at individuals or institutions that present an obstacle or challenge to him.”

Well, duh. It’s called exercising one’s right to free speech as enshrined in the First Amendment.

Federal prosecutors are furious that Trump is using his First Amendment right to defend himself against rabid attacks from Biden’s DOJ.

They falsely accuse, then object when their victim complains or defends himself.

The special counsel’s prosecutors accused Trump of attempting to “prejudice the jury pool through disparaging and inflammatory attacks on the citizens of this District, the Court, prosecutors, and prospective witnesses.”

No, the issues are that Trump is wildly popular, that so many people know he’s innocent, and that even people on the Left pay attention to what he says. Smith can’t have the truth getting out there.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These Soviet Democrats are a handful. They’re just evil.


It seems like they’re escalating…everyday more, harder, faster and out in the open. Not so much smoke and mirrors now

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. They get more brazen all the time.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I tell you, this shit can’t go on. Gag orders were VERY rare when I was a kid, because judges respected the Constitution.


comment image


Things seem to be back to normal. Thank you, Wolf!


Yup. Things are looking AND working, G R E A T !


Sort of back to normal. There is a big space after every post, several inches between the ‘like’ star and the ‘thumbs up’ + reply below it, and it seems as if things up-thread are continually loading, because I can’t keep the screen fixed on one post, it keeps moving (up or down, not sure which).

And where the edit icon should be, there is now a ‘hide replies’ function.

[edit test]

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

See if it’s better now. That was due to the “JetPack likes” interfering with the newer wpDiscuz likes. I turned off the JetPack likes now. The spacing should be close to normal now.


The spacing is fixed on the current / new posts, but not the earlier posts (before the just recent fix).

Still having issues with the screen not wanting to stay still.

FWIW, I did go to the top of the comment section and log-in like we normally would do a few days ago, before the problems started.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Reload the whole page now. It should be better.


Just did (and posted above, or below, wherever it shows up), it’s working properly now 👍👏

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

What did you drink for dinner? 🙂  🍾 
(Maybe with Ms. Understood? 😀 )….


I refreshed the screen again, and it seems like everything is working and looking right now 👍😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re welcome. I just removed the old, regular WP “likes” – now we’re back on the new, wpDiscuz “likes”.


Looks like everything is working now, except for posts before you fixed it still have a big space (and the old version star + like vs. the new version thumbs-up icon) after every post, and it seems to be making it hard to keep the screen focused on any specific post.

It keeps scrolling me down, as if someone is posting up-thread and forcing the screen to move each time.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Try reloading the page. That should finish the job!


It worked!

Thank you! 👍😁


comment image


From OT, more ghetto-fabulous news from the genocidal maniacs who stole our country:

Major Tripwire – Homeland Security Publishes Guidance for Using Artificial Intelligence as Tool for Surveillance, Monitoring and Tracking of American Citizens

September 15, 2023

You might ask, why is the Dept of Homeland Security (DHS) in the business of conducting widescale surveillance, monitoring and tracking of American citizens.

Unfortunately, if you are asking that question, then you likely don’t know the first, fourth and fifth amendment to the U.S. constitution were usurped by the 2001 Patriot Act.

George W Bush and Dick Cheney created the domestic surveillance system under the auspices of DHS and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Barack Obama and Joe Biden then took that DHS surveillance system and modified the dials (Justice Dept., FBI) so the surveillance only applied to their ideological enemies.

If you have followed my outlines on this issue [Category Here], you will note exactly where this latest development falls on the continuum. The 2024 election is right around the corner. Previously I stated the artificial intelligence (AI) component to the internet surveillance system was going to launch toward the end of this year. Well, DHS has just announced exactly that [SEE HERE].

I find it very interesting the DHS memo was issued on August 8th, but only published for the general public yesterday. July and August were when I first identified AI spider crawls were already underway. Pay very, very close attention to the two underlined [edit: boldfaced] words in the following [edit: second bullet point / paragraph] paragraph:

Acquisition and Use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Technologies by DHS Components
Page 3

• DHS, with external assistance where appropriate, will test and validate AI employed in use cases where discriminatory activity or effects may be possible, to ensure
impermissible discrimination is not occurring and to aid in advancing equity and
fundamentally fair treatment. DHS will also use civil rights evaluation methods,
including disparate impact analysis where appropriate, to detect impermissible
discriminatory treatment that may result from the use of AI in DHS processes and
activities. The threshold civil rights and civil liberties compliance question for AI is
whether the algorithm complies with the applicable law and policy governing the domain in which the AI is implemented.

• DHS will not use AI to improperly profile, target, or to discriminate against any individual, or entity, based on the individual characteristics identified above, as reprisal or solely because of exercising their Constitutional rights. DHS will not use AI
technology to enable improper systemic, indiscriminate, or large-scale monitoring, surveillance, or tracking of individuals.

• DHS will develop, adopt, and apply a suitable enterprise risk management framework approach to AI, considering existing Federal and non-governmental risk management frameworks. The DHS AI Risk Management Framework will be applied to evaluate all use cases early in their life cycle to assess risk across a broad range of Departmental and public equities, with DHS stakeholders assessing the risk of each use case. Affected stakeholders will provide advice and oversight support to higher risk use cases, as appropriate, to assist the implementers in the mitigation of the identified risks.

• DHS will protect AI technologies from cyber-attacks and malicious degradation of
algorithmic functions with adherence to Federal and DHS security standards, starting
from the baseline of Government and private sector best practices, and developing new
methods of addressing the evolving threat. The DHS Information Technology Security
Program will update and develop additional security requirements, as appropriate, to
protect AI technologies against novel cybersecurity threats and risks introduced by new applications of these technologies.


SD continues: “Take out the word “improper” and the admission is, DHS uses AI to profile, target and discriminate. In the second sentence, DHS currently participates in systemic, indiscriminate and/or large-scale monitoring, surveillance, or tracking of individuals. The only thing those sentences in the paragraph say, is that DHS will not allow AI to create improper outcomes within a system they outline that already exists.

Stop and reread that last sentence as much as needed. Inasmuch as this DHS guidance is telling us the rules for Homeland Security (DHS) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) as they use AI, they are also outlining what current processes of surveillance would be enhanced by it.”

[more at the article on CTH]

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



comment image



Fen Ben, Ivermectin, HCQ and other cool stuff folks may be interested in. 

Recent results from these two vendors. 

Fen Ben.

  • Four days from order to delivery. Ordering simple. Status updated from order through delivery. Product shelf life, 03/25. Excellent packaging. 

Other cool stuff.

  • IVM, HCQ… 
  • Smooth ordering and payment. 
  • Order online.
  • They bill separately. The bill is PayPal – NO PayPal log in required. At NO time indicate meds. Just open the email, if the dollar amount is correct, Pay The Bill. I used a credit card. <<< Read guidance again. NO Mention Of Meds.
  • Tracking information provided, via USPS, within a day or so. 
  • Product ships from India, so it takes a couple days to show in USPS tracking. It’s NORMAL.
  • From order to receipt, 21 days. Superb packaging.
  • Shelf life. One item 07/25. The other 11/25. 

Zero shelf life concerns here. Meds stored in temp controlled, low humidity and dark storage.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good deal – thanks for this info!