Dear KAG: 20230919 Open Thread

Cover image by Jasper Francis Cropsey:

All things F-35 now that it’s been found. The memes were fast and furious:

Well…somebody started a rumor that it was in Havana.


I seriously doubt it’s ALL flights. Just the ones we know about thanks to MonkeyWerx.

Quoting Samantha Baker in Sixteen Candles, “At this point, anything is possible.”

Cheers! Slainte! Oh, wait, we’re between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur…L’Chiam!

Alright, enough of Monday’s shiny red ball.

Ghosts, Ghouls and Nazis

Dr. Robert Redfield Comes Clean on Government Censorship

The Transition Integrity Project

Are the Accusations Against Russell Brand a Globalist Op to Eliminate Someone Dangerous to Them?

Of course they are.

Badlands News Brief – September 18, 2023

Globally, Air Traffic Is Booming

One theory as to where Joe Biden got his fake names

New study funded by the ‘defense intelligence enterprise’ finds national security officials with dementia could ‘create a security threat’

Imagine that.

Reprehensible Representation

Would the Roman Empire have conquered the world in high-heels and lipgloss?

The headline alone is hilarious.

Federalist Society Founder Now Says Trump ‘Isn’t Covered’ by 14th Amendment

Is the establishment accepting reality at last?

Biden Is Trying to Make Globalist Government Employees Unfireable.

Good Riddance to the Bush Regime

And just like that, Biden was too old

Tweet hopper:

And the red-pilled noticed.

talks to Russell Brand about how the NSA was in charge of Operation Warp Speed, the history of the United States bioweapons program, and why Anthony Fauci is the highest-paid government official in history:

“The weird thing about the pandemic was this constant involvement by the CIA, the intelligence agencies, and the military. When Operation Warp Speed made its presentation to the FDA committee called VRBPAC…

It shocked everybody because it wasn’t HHS, CDC, NIH, FDA, or a public health agency. It was the NSA, a spy agency that was the top agency that led Operation Warp Speed, and the second agency was the Pentagon.

The vaccines were developed not by Moderna and Pfizer. They were developed by NIH. The patents are owned 50% by NIH. Nor were they manufactured by Pfizer or by Moderna.

They were manufactured by military contractors, and basically, Pfizer and Moderna were paid to put their stamps on those vaccines as if they came from the pharmaceutical industry. This was a military project from the beginning.

One of the things I uncovered in my book is twenty different simulations of coronavirus and pandemics that started in 2001. The first one was right before the anthrax attacks, and the CIA sponsored them all.

The last one was Event 201, which was in October 2019. One of the participants was Avril Haines, the former Deputy Director of the CIA, who has been managing coverups her entire life. She did the Guantanamo Bay and others.

She is now the Director of National Intelligence, which makes her the highest-ranking officer at the NSA, which managed the pandemic… All of these simulations were about how you use the pandemic to clamp down on censorship. How do you use it to force lockdowns.”

The Trump-Kennedy Pincer is real, whether coordinated or not.

What the Collective Mind is being made privy to through RFK Jr. is the Establishment’s blatant disregard for his safety, while also attempting to conflate threats to that safety with the MAGA, America First and Q movements, which is as contradictory as it sounds.

The fact that they’re trying to cause an artificial and preemptive divide between the Kennedy & MAGA contingents is indicative of how fearful they are at our potential alliance in the sociopolitical sphere.

They’re not afraid of Kennedy OR Trump. They’re afraid of Kennedy AND Trump.

Which means they’re afraid of us.

Salt kills germs, and the beach will ground the human body. Not hard.

She broke up with him, so….

Dr. Lee Merritt claims cancer is caused by parasites. That would explain why de-wormers work as a cure.

Unfortunately, that is correct. Hearts and minds need to be won over before that is attempted.

That is also correct.

Hearts and minds. They need to be converted.

Conservatives are upset about Trump’s NBC interview because he structured his answers to appeal to the Center/Left.

But let’s be honest, Trump has already secured your vote. The DNC aren’t going to give RFK Jr. the nomination, so you’re voting Trump over whichever Deep State puppet they wheel out for 2024 no matter what. Whether it be Biden or a new batter.

So wouldn’t it make strategic sense for Trump to try to appeal to a broader body of voters? Wouldn’t it make sense to try to appeal to the fence-sitters and Centrists who are soured on the DNC/Biden, but not fully sold on MAGA?

Trump’s base will get their red meat from Trump rallies and Truth Social. Trump will appease to his base in the pro-Trump echo chambers, but while on left-leaning echo chambers like MSM outlet NBC, it makes sense for Trump to tone down the “retribution” talk, and to cater his message for a different audience. He is trying to secure more voters.

So for those of you freaking out over Trump’s answers about Operation Warp Speed, abortions, and the transgender issue, you have to recognize Trump’s position. Trump has already secured enough public support to win 2024, barring whatever voter fraud scheme they have cooked up. All he has to do is not fuck it up, so why would he give the Left any media talking points to smear him for? Trump was dodging bullets and NBC attempts to get a sound bite so they could say he’s “transphobic” “anti-vaxxer” “anti-choice”.

He is just appeasing the MSM demons until we get to Election Day.

As for his bragging about the vaccines… this is the only thing I can’t explain. Trump has always been anti-mandate, but he refuses to openly denounce the vaccines. Which is a problem, and which is why it’s imperative that RFK Jr. join the administration in some capacity so we can put him in charge of Pharma and bioweapon production, because to this point, Trump is either clueless, or is pretending to be clueless, when it comes to the vaccines and Deep State bioweapons production.

That many? We’ve got some red-pilling to do.

Meme & Fun hopper:

Those were the days.

This one is a no-brainer.

My dad used to sit next to it and change the channels at will.

Hasn’t happened yet. I smacked more today than I have all summer.

True or not, it’s pretty funny.

What’s more revolting: pumpkin spice Cherrios or pumpkin spice Special K. Saw both at the grocery store today.

All together now, “AWWWWWW….”

Keep ’em fed, and they’re just big, old pussycats.

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

A little avant-garde but good:

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.



13for God is at work in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure. 14Do all things without grumbling or questioning, 15that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, 16holding fast the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain. 17Even if I am to be poured as a libation upon the sacrificial offering of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all. 18Likewise you also should be glad and rejoice with me.

JOHN 15:12-17

12“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. 14You are my friends if you do what I command you. 15No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you. 16You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide; so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you. 17This I command you, to love one another.


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.



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Come on, y’all. Let’s get commenting!!!


The 🦒 is 😂.



Look at all the amazing content!!!

Thank you, DePat!


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Found it!

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Gail Combs

Gee that looks like Putin!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey! I was there, too!


Are you the one that handed out red solo cups?


Speaking of Red Solo Cup AND fun.

Cuppa Covfefe

He probably wasn’t even born yet when she was at that party…..


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Cuppa Covfefe

DEMONRAT Deep State Big Pharma Faust-Xi projection…

Those pharma execs and health-industry locusts (heuschrecken) should be pumped full of those vaccines until they pop…

As well as the Satanically complicit presstitutes…



Big Pharma pays Pravda News overhead. FauXi will get interviewed.


The clot shot also does that. The first of many reasons they’ll give for the sudden deaths from the JAB


Yes, but I don’t believe for one second that the common cold is commonly causing blood clots. They’re covering for the jab.


Of course they are, covering for the Death Shots.

Death Shots have dozens, or more, ways to kill, The Jabbed Victims.


But there have been common colds for ever and a day, so why are there only excess deaths now.

Cuppa Covfefe

The Corona virus is a component of something like 80 percent of ALL colds. It’s a very common virus, which can be destroyed with soap or alcohol, i.e. anything that can break the double lipid ring that holds it together.

Distract, divert, and destroy while pretending to cure is their Hypocritical Oath…


Not to mention ivermectin and [me have memory failure on that other one].

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2
Gail Combs

Hydroxychloroquine and quercetin and ECGC found in green tea.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The last time I read a figure, it was that coronaviruses of some kind wer 15 percent of common colds, with the rest being rhinoviruses (not to be confused with GOPee politicians).


Don’t forget adenoviruses!

Cuppa Covfefe

The stat was from 2020, when all this mess was starting. The point being of ALL colds, 80 percent have SOME Corona component…


…why are there only excess death now.

Prolly “excess” since Covidiot released AND…

  • HCQ and IVM essentially banned.
  • Prevention NOT pushed.
  • Remdisivir, ventilators, Paxlovid…

Then there are mental health problems from lockdowns, alcohol, depression, job losses…

Gail Combs

You forgot loss of business.

Small businesses are either struggling or have gone out of business. We went $10,000 in credit card debt just keeping our animals alive. Now we have to pay that off and our bank was taken over… THE NEW BANK INTEREST RATE WAS JACKED TO THIRTY PERCENT!!!! (Around $200 a month in interest alone)

I drive thru town and I see small business after small business shuttered.

Happy go lucky

Dang, I’m sorry that happened to you


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Cuppa Covfefe

Cue Weird Al “Fat” (it won’t play over here)… or “Eat It”…

More horrid than Torrid… hot to trot on her hooves…

Yet another case of ignoring reality in order to justify one’s behaviour or perversions…

Cuppa Covfefe

This one? 🙂

I’m not sure if I could deal with the Velveeta poisoning, though 😀 (have to say that I’ve used it as a basis for nachos in a hurry, mixing it with chilis and whatever else I can roust up (Rotel, etc.)…

Twinkies, Velveeta (or spray cheese)… better living through chemicals…That “UHF” one comes through OK, if that’s the one you mean…

I went looking for another version of “FAT” and ran into one of the millions of “reaction” videos, and found one by a real, live, professional musician (and soprano, to boot). Interesting to see what a real singer thinks of Al’s voice 🙂 He seems to have a really good range (e.g. in “Virus Alert”), as well as being able to imitate voices of his parody targets.

(The fellow from Devo was supposedly mad at Weird Al because he said that “Dare To Be Stupid” was the best Devo song but Al wrote it…)…

I wonder if it’s Weird Al doing the “not available in your country” or maybe the BND, our “spooks”… maybe someone in Berlin (Ricarda Lang?) had a hissy fit about “body shaming” or something. “Eat It” works…  🤔 

Here’s the analysis of “Fat”… What’s your reaction to the reaction? Is she off base (or way off) or is Weird Al better vocally than people give him credit for…

“Fat” Weird Al Yankovic?! Vocal ANALYSIS of another Michael Jackson cover!

(wow…the edit button works now…yee hah!).

Last edited 1 year ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Laura Loomer:

SCOOP: @RonDeSantis will be campaigning in Texas this week with RINO TX Speaker of the House @DadePhelan where Phelan is expected to help DeSantis fundraise.

On Wednesday September 20th, @RonDeSantis is having his Houston, Texas fundraiser the same exact day as a fundraiser for @DadePhelan, the RINO speaker of the House in Texas. Many of the same donors attending Phelan’s fundraiser are also attending @RonDeSantis’s the same day.

One of the most notable names on both invites for both @RonDeSantis’s fundraiser and Dade Phelan’s fundraiser is Texas billionaire Dick Weekley, who was one of the biggest supporters of the recent push to impeach @KenPaxtonTX.

It’s looking like efforts to impeach Ken Paxton were coordinated by @RonDeSantis donors in a Presidential year.

If you were going to try to rig an election in Texas against Trump, you would probably want to take down the pro-Trump Texas AG, wouldn’t you?

I’m told by a source that DeSantis and Phelan intentionally planned their fundraisers in Texas on the same exact day and that they will be meeting and campaigning in Texas together while DeSantis is in town this week for his Texas fundraising blitz.

They were probably all hoping to celebrate this week. But @KenPaxtonTX prevailed.


This is the text of that second tweet:


I have exclusively obtained copies of every single one of @RonDeSantis’s private fundraiser invites for his fundraising blitz in Texas this coming week.

@RonDeSantis doesn’t want anyone seeing these, but I am so good at what I do, I found a way to get my hands on the invites anyway. Many of the names on the invites below are Mitt Romney and Bush family donors.

Next week, for his Presidential campaign, @RonDeSantis will be visiting 6 cities in Texas in 4 Days.

Sept. 19: Midland

Sept. 20: Houston

Sept. 21: Tyler and Dallas

Sept. 22: Waco and San Antonio

During this time, he will be fundraising and may even visit oil rig sites where he’s expected to lay out his energy policy to Texas big oil donors.

I wonder if Loomer has a source inside the DeSantis camp.


She has sources everywhere.


Plus she’s brave enough to immediately confront with her finds.

Happy go lucky

Heck yeah she is!


Hope to see lotsa MAGA folks and flags at Rob’s appearances.

Barb Meier

Hey Texas, time to get your tomatoes ready!

Cuppa Covfefe

And maybe squishy onions and Kimchee…

Gail Combs

rotten eggs… think of the sulfur stench.

Cuppa Covfefe

Weekley or Weakly…
(there are other obvious puns about DeSanctimonious but I’ll leave it at that)….


Plotting with the enemy…


Lauren Boebert broke up with her bf, but it totally had nothing to do with the theater fiasco. For realz.

“I learned to check party affiliations before you go on a date,” Boebert told the outlet, referring to Gallagher, who co-owns an Aspen bar that hosts drag shows.

I don’t think it was a first date, unless all the reports are inaccurate.

Although she alluded to her date’s affiliation as a Democrat, the GOP stalwart said the break-up had nothing to do with the various reports on Gallagher in recent days.


“Great man, great friend and I wish him all the best.”

A friend with benefits, but whatever. It’s all tied up with a bow now. I hope she has learned from it and will get to work in Congress.


Sooner or later, somebody is going to ask her if that was a gun in his pocket or was he just glad to see her.

Cuppa Covfefe

Nah, he just dragged her along… or maybe drugged her then dragged her…

Can’t understand why someone would hook up with someone else with opposite (indeed antipodal) beliefs/ideas…

Opposites extract?


Opposite sexes attract, opposite worldviews repel.

And as always, some people live for denial… 😁

Cuppa Covfefe

Some people live in de Nile…. but they’re all wet 🙂


Uh, they only repel if the sex is mediocre.  😂 


That’s a bummer but thankfully you figured him out before total hearbreak.
It’s a smallish town though. I don’t know if I’m buying what she’s selling .

It’s not so much his political slant as it’s what she did at the theater. If there’s more to that like we talked about the other day then that’s another issue.

pat frederick

iirc it was stated he held drag queen events at his bar.
that didn’t trigger any warning signs from her?




If she’s too unaware to know her date’s boyfriend’s political affiliation and that he owns a bar that hosts drag queen shows, then she’s too unaware to be in Congress. I bet her internet connection works just fine for searches on the person she’s sleeping with. She’s a gun-totin’, MAGA-supporting patriot, and she didn’t consider that it might not be a good idea to frolic in the enemy camp?

I believe she knew it all along. I hope she has learned from this so she won’t feel the need to deceive the public in the future.


Unless he was frolicking with some outside poontang or smacking Lauren around, I think he’s covering for her frolicking around with outside junk.


The article reads like a campaign trying to cover up for misdeeds.

He hopes people will give her another chance. I do too.

The article places blame for her behavior on the divorce. The divorce no doubt made her upset in many ways, and maybe she went “looking for love in all the wrong places,” but the responsibility still lies with her.

It sounds as if there is a possibility for them to reconcile. I hope that happens.


I take the guy at his word. Would be nice if they could get together again. Seems as though they had a great life… ~20 years.

Could Boebert have learned more of the bar asshole. Sure. No BFD if she didn’t.

Maybe asshole presented himself as recently red pilled. Dunno. Don’t care.

Looking forward to, tomorrow’s Boebert beatings.

Folks ought to evaluate Boebert for what she does for, America First.

NO CR. Stop funding Ukraine. Investigate Briben Crime Family. Impeach. Seal the Border…..


As for “beatings,” I don’t like being lied to. She has clearly misled and lied about some things. I understand that she’s in a tough position and that her choices were to come completely clean, which would have made her look really bad, or lie, which also makes her look bad but which might help to salvage her political career.


Agree. Completely. Looking forward.

And for fun, AND ONLY for fun, I’ll add….

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LOL! The beatings will continue until morale improves.


Or until that dead horse [in kalbokalbs’ comment] twitches.

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2
Gail Combs

Badlanders mentioned it is Lauren Boebert BILL that is starting the Biden Impeachment. (Remember MTG was LIVID since she had bills up too but Boebert’s was selected.)

That makes the timing VERY suspicious since they had been dating for several months.

Bartender ==> Date Rape drugs???

Since there is no way she can prove it at this point, her aides maybe suggesting she just brazen it out. Claiming a ‘date rape drug’ without proof would just make her look weak and whiny.


Too much to ask for a “united” team. Set aside egos.

  • MERGE MTG AND Boebert Bills.

Silly boy – rolling in the hay isn’t an intellectual activity.

Or did you forget that?


Desperation makes strange bedfellows .

Gail Combs

Could EASILY be a CIA plant who is paid to LISTEN and to get people talking or in compromising positions.

…Gallagher, 46, was Boebert’s date to see Beetlejuice: The Musical at the Temple Hoyne Buell Theatre last Sunday where both were later escorted out following complaints about their behavior that included vaping, being loud and groping one another. According to the Daily Mail, Gallagher is believed to be a Democrat and has been dating the Colorado Republican for several months.

👉Gallagher, a Colorado native, started out as bar manager of Hooch Craft Cocktail Bar in Aspen with co-bar manager Pat Flannigan in April 2016, the two then took over as general managers in 2021 and officially became co-owners in 2022, according to The Aspen Times. In addition, the venue has hosted events in support of the LGBTQ+ community, including a women’s party for Aspen Gay Ski Week and a “Winter Wonderland Burlesque & Drag Show.”…



The Aspen Institute, founded in 1950, is an international nonprofit dedicated to fostering enlightened leadership and open-minded dialogue. Through seminars, policy programs, conferences and leadership development initiatives, the Institute and its international partners seek to promote nonpartisan inquiry and an appreciation for timeless values. The Institute is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and has campuses in Aspen, Colorado, and on the Wye River on Marylands Eastern Shore. Its international network includes partner Aspen Institutes in Berlin, Rome, Lyon, Tokyo, and New Delhi, and leadership programs in Africa and Central America.</blockquote><blockquote><br></blockquote><blockquote>Aspens seminars, policy programs and leadership initiatives offer a chance for restorative reflection on the meaning of the good life, leadership, and sound public policy based on nonpartisan principles and timeless ideas. The endeavor is particularly relevant today. We have passed through a period in the 1990s when we saw the consequences, in both the business and political arenas, of becoming unhinged from underlying values. We face a world in which the biggest threat, to nations and to communities, is a lack of tolerance and understanding…



You are on to something.She was set up.


Yes. Boebert was set-up.

  • Boebert’s seat targeted. Vulnerable to turn over in 24.
  • Toss in personal, family issues.

I hope she learned a lesson.


“We face a world in which the biggest threat, to nations and to communities, is a lack of tolerance and understanding…”


The only beings in the universe who are less tolerant and less understanding than the Borg, are Leftists.


So..I’m confused. Now that’s pandering to us by mentioning “party affiliation” . As if she didn’t know anything about him and she can date whomever tickles her fancy .


My comment is a little bit unclear. She is free to date anyone. There’s no rule about their personal lives.


It is dangerouse to date a person one does not know a thing about . The other is if one does not know a thing about the person would one let them group? I would have put him in the place real fast and called an Ueber to take me home.


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He deserves to go to prison. I’ll believe that he IS going when I see it.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

The SS agents should go to prison TOO.

They tried to coerce a gun store owner into breaking the law, they obstructed justice, they attempted to cover up multiple crimes, and they are still protecting Crackhead from prosecution in every way they can to this day.

They’re accomplices to myriad crimes, and initiators of their own crimes.



What difference does that make?


Her video is about the paintings and the outrageous amounts they have sold for. It’s being said that it’s just donors “contributing” in that way; i.e., money laundering.

So I think the point of her comment is that Hunter is being indicted on a much more minor charge and no one is looking at the real Biden corruption. She worded it in a way that draws a comparison of the two.


Personally, I believe the paintings had documents in them. No proof, but why not?


Hunter will be pardoned, the same week Briben resigns. Timing, TBD.


Won’t be a surprise, already expected. It’s why it’s important they start to drag these criminals through the mud, out of the swamp, and into the sunshine at the earliest possible time, like days and days before several months ago. 😮😬🙄😏😁

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

Once pardoned, no more Fifth Amendment.

He must testify to what he knows.

If the judge doesn’t accept his “I don’t remember” answers, into the cell he goes. Until his memory improves.

Side note: this is why SlowJoe won’t pardon himself. And probably won’t pardon CrackHead.

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2

I keep forgetting about that.


There’s got to be a case, to testify in. Won’t be any cases. Fix Is In.


“Once pardoned, no more Fifth Amendment.
He must testify to what he knows.”


Or what?

We don’t live in the world we thought we did.

There is no ‘or what’ for the bad guys.

If Brandon pardons Bagman, in the world we thought existed, Bagman “must testify”.

I remember reading from SC cases that “must” actually means “may”, and in this particular case, ‘may’ means “won’t”.

Because why would he?

What compels him?

Are they going to put bamboo shoots under his fingernails?


Are they going to threaten him with contempt?

Probably, but then what?

What if he doesn’t care, because NOBODY is going to lay their hands on precious Bagman?

So long as Creepy Joe is occupying the WH, nothing will happen to Bagman.

Because we don’t have rule of Law today.

We have tyranny.

And in tyranny, the Head Tyrant’s son doesn’t face consequences for, well, anything.

That’s how tyranny works, that’s why it’s such a good deal for the tyrants.


I tried to find the court case documentation for “must” meaning “may” from a legal standpoint, just because I remember being so surprised at the far reaching implications.

I haven’t found it in my notes from about 10 years ago yet, I don’t have a good file search system on this PC. My old PC had Copernic Desktop search, which was excellent, but they switched to subscription and I don’t like perpetual software payments.

But I did find the definition in Black’s Law Dictionary (4th Edition), which references court cases:

This word, like the word “shall,” is primarily of mandatory effect; State ex reI. McCabe v. District Court of Third Judicial Dist. in and for Deer Lodge County, 106 Mont. 272, 76 P.2d 634, 637; and in that sense is used in antithesis to “may”; Emery v. First Nat. Bank, 32 N.D. 575, 156 N.W. 105, 109; Reinert Bros. Const. Co. v. Tootle, 200 Mo.App. 284, 206 S.W. 422, 424.

But this meaning of the word is not the only one, and it is often used in a merely directory sense. Robinson v. City of Saginaw, 267 Mich. 557, 255 N.W. 396; Munro v. State, 223 N.Y. 208, 119 N.E. 444, 445; State v. Barnell, 109 Ohio St. 246, 142 N.E. 611, 614; and consequently is a synonym for the word “may” not only in the permissive sense of that word; Tosti v. Sbano, 170 Misc. 828, 11 N.Y.S.2d 321, 323; Pleasant Grove Union School Dist. v. Algeo, 61 Cal.App. 660, 215 P. 726; but also in the mandatory sense which it sometimes has; People v. Highway Com’rs of Town of Anchor, 279 Ill. 542, 117 N.E. 56, 57.

(boldface and underline emphasis mine)

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

“If the judge doesn’t accept his “I don’t remember” answers, into the cell he goes. Until his memory improves.”


Why would he ever put himself in that situation?

Who will put their hands on precious Bagman, and put him in a cell?

Is there even a single law enforcement officer in the country who would do that? Who would throw away his career and subject himself to the relentless abuse of the gov’t mafia?

Trump can withstand it, because he’s a billionaire with lots of staff and lawyers help keep all the plates spinning.

What is Officer Fife going to do, when the entire Deep State comes after him for laying his hands on Precious Bagman?

And even if someone did sacrifice themselves to put Precious Bagman in a cell, how long would he be there?

These are people who turned security cameras off and murdered Epstein, the most high profile criminal in the world at that time.

They don’t care.

So the Derp State will spring Precious Bagman from jail, and then destroy the life of whoever put him in jail.

Because tyranny.


There’s also the possibility that the Bagman becomes a liability…..


Hasn’t he been an All-Star / Pro-Bowl liability from the beginning?

He’s sex-tape compromised to the moon and back.

He’s drug-compromised.

He’s bribery compromised.

And he has direct knowledge that would imprison embarrass the Puppetent (if he could be embarrassed), but none of it matters.

Because even if Precious Bagman wrote a tell-all book and did a worldwide book tour testifying in public about every crime Brandon has committed, who is going to arrest or prosecute either one of them?

Who is going to take on the entire Derp State?

Besides Trump?

Gail Combs

I think that is why ONLY the gun crime is being prosecuted right now. AFTER Bite-me is out of office is the time to go after THE BIG STUFF… like treason.




rCONS will charitably stoopidly STOP investigating the Briben Crime Family.

Gail Combs

If Trump wins it does not matter.

After 2024 I WANT INDICTMENTS not wussy congressional investigations.




“If Trump wins it does not matter.
After 2024 I WANT INDICTMENTS not wussy congressional investigations.”


Now, now.

We all know that when Trump wins, the narrative will be that we need to ‘heal’ the nation, and that can only mean one thing, i.e., let bygones be bygones.

Group hug, everyone.

Candlelight Kumbaya time.

Cuppa Covfefe

And a big bag of black pills on the table…. geesh…

Why don’t we all just give up…


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^^^ Splains why FauXi, to this day, is interviewed by Big Pharma. ^^^


“The vaccines were developed not by Moderna and Pfizer. They were developed by NIH. The patents are owned 50% by NIH. Nor were they manufactured by Pfizer or by Moderna.

They were manufactured by military contractors, and basically, Pfizer and Moderna were paid to put their stamps on those vaccines as if they came from the pharmaceutical industry. This was a military project from the beginning.”


So the U.S. military is behind the attempt to murder the population of the whole world?

That certainly explains why they aren’t lifting even one finger to stop it.

Robert Baker

So the military is returning to its core mission?


🤣 – that includes us on its target list.


Finally, somebody said it. Well done, Scott.

Yes, they have been deeply involved. China told us that several years ago and most people blew it off. There are a number of links out there on this. Baric was deeply involved in the development it at UNC. Gail has been on this for a couple of years.


“Finally, somebody said it.”


I’d have said it sooner, if I had understood it sooner.

I had been of the understanding that for reasons that cannot be proven one way or the other, the military was essentially AWOL, in total.

There are arguments of course that the military is doing all sorts of super secret and really good stuff behind the scenes, propaganda for which can be obtained at any good Hopium Head shop.

Can’t be proven either way, so it’s just ‘there’.

But from an observable standpoint, with the exception of involvement as ‘advisors’ in Ukraine, the military has appeared to basically disappear since the last presidential election.

Like they’re stood down, and went on vacation until further notice. Abandoned the Constitution, the Republic and the People.

Whatever the truth may be, THAT is what it LOOKS like.

Now, with the info in today’s Daily, it appears that there is evidence that the military is actively participating in the attempted murder of the population of the whole world, if my understanding is correct that military contractors work for, you know, the military.

That’s a whole ‘nother ballgame than AWOL / vacation.


in the proxy war between nato and russia being fought on ukraine territory russia is at a disadvantage.
A disadvantage in that while nato can feed arms to ukraine, including ones which have the range to strike into russia itself, which they do, russia has no way of answering this on nato territory without starting WW3.
Russia has been successful in developing electronic means to disable these drones small and large, they have portable devices that can be used in the trenches at the front.
Remember this, and that was around 10 years ago…

That’s the only link I could find in a quick search, there may be others.

Did nato just get an hidden $80M smack on the wrist ?


Careful … let’s not blame Russia for everything bad or stupid that happens …

The F-35 is a piece of junk … an expensive piece, but junk just the same.


😀not blaming anyone PR, tis just one of those things, just like the gas pipeline, a mystery.


Right … and like everything these days, we are kept in the dark and/or lied to…

Who was the pilot? Why did he eject? Why was the transponder off?

Your idea is a valid speculation … in my opinion … 😉


It gives them something to think about, which is good, they need to think what they’re doing.

Cuppa Covfefe

So maybe this put(in)ative click-bait wasn’t too far off 🙂

South Carolina oyster farmer took control of a F-35 with this one trick. 

Or perhaps the “supply (in) chains” had some issues:

One of the principle part suppliers of the F-35 program, Harbor Freight, said the 14-day warranty on its parts had expired and it would take no responsibility for the crash.

And a divisive issue for young hot Mavericks shots

Premature ejection…

pat frederick

Susan Collins threatens to wear a bikini on the Senate floor

“Now, obviously, I’m not gonna wear a bikini,” she added. “But of all the issues that we have to deal with right now, ranging from the possibility of the government shutting down to what we do about Ukraine, we’re talking about the Senate dress code? That’s extraordinary to me.”

Collins was far from the only GOP senator to take issue with the change.

“I don’t tend to change anything. I expect to do the Senate the same way it’s been done for 20, 40 years with the dress code,” Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), who turned 90 on Sunday, said. “What has been suggested stinks. It is unprecedented, and if you can’t count on the majority leader of the United States Senate to uphold the decorum of the United States Senate, who can you count on?”

pat frederick

it’s not like he wasn’t aware of how every other congressperson dressed.
it shows a lack of respect not only for himself and the other members of congress, but also for the office and electorate.

Brave and Free

It shows how much respect chuckie has for the rest of us. Not much.

pat frederick

and how UNFIT for office fetterman is



Robert Baker

So my only question is, Did the Senate take up the dress code agenda before or after Senator Collins threatened to wear a bikini on the Senate floor? As Columbo would say, it goes to motive

pat frederick

schmucky changed the rules because fetterman always had to stand with one foot in the closet when he voted because the jackass cannot bring himself to dress like an adult.
so collins said if we are no longer required to dress in business attire, then i’ll wear a bikini.
every repub in the senate should wear FJB t shirts for the next vote.


“every repub in the senate should wear FJB t shirts for the next vote.”

THIS is the best plan I have heard!


Make some heads spin, headlines…

Freedom Caucus, Impeach Briben.

Copied from above…

Single-subject spending bills

A vote on term limits

A vote on a balanced budget amendment

Full release of J6 tapes

And stop spending money at COVID/Biden levels!

Time is running out, @SpeakerMcCarthy

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs
pat frederick

TRUMP WON IN 2020…lol


Would be Golden to see. Trump Won In 2020.

Pravda News would short circuit. CSPAN goes offline.

Jack Smith files another indictment.

pat frederick

he petitions the court to place a gag order on every MAGA person…LOL







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& just like that the RINO gets back into the good graces of the American People? 😆

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r
pat frederick

oh hells to the no!
but how egregious must the decision be for even scum to balk at it?


Expect a round of who’s wearing what in the news instead of WTH are they doing or not doing.

pat frederick


Cuppa Covfefe

Cruel (crewel?) and unusual punishment that is…

pat frederick

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Barb Meier is now the top job on my resume! It is like having a holy cross to fend off vampire recruiters and hiring managers. If they make it past that, then perhaps we can talk.


Slow Guy, S L O W to visit, Celebrate Freedom. Yea, I know its been posted a bunch. Not enough hours in my day.

Wow! Such a wonderful collection of great information. THANK YOU!.

Bookmarked AND will visit often. Much to explore. Learn for that matter.   :wpds_smile: 

Barb Meier

Thank you, Kalbo! I just keep adding nuggets as I can find them. Sometimes, they come from things people here post. I know exactly what you mean about only so many hours in our days.

Happy go lucky

Yes, it’s great, Barb. I love it!

Barb Meier

Thank you, Happy! Finding positive things with all the negative news seems a little more challenging for the last couple of weeks. LOL I will try to up my game and think of new things to share.  🤗 

pat frederick

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Russell Brand nonsense.


Larry’s latest:


18 September 2023 by Larry Johnson

War on the Rocks published an article the other day — U.S. DIPLOMACY AFTER THE RUSSO-UKRAINIAN WAR — that unintentionally illustrates why the United States is losing influence on the international front. Once upon a time — Okay, I mean in the aftermath of World War II — the United States enjoyed a reputation like E.F Hutton (this is an obscure reference to a once popular set of commercials that featured the catch phrase — “When E.F. Hutton Talks People Listen.” Like E.F. Hutton, who has vanished from popular culture, the United States is becoming irrelevant on the diplomatic front because Washington prefers threats and bullying to diplomacy.

Con’t reading


You might want to follow Larry’s article with a vid from Ambassador Charles Freeman, Jr.,

who was around when the US practiced the art of diplomacy – you can find his excellent credentials here


Verse of the Day for Tuesday, September 19, 2023

“How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” 

Psalms 119:103 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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This is probably why Nipah virus is next up out of the shoot; they treated some monkeys who had it with Run-Death-Is-Near:

“The experimental antiviral drug remdesivir completely protected four African green monkeys from a lethal dose of Nipah virus, according to a new study in Science Translational Medicine from National Institutes of Health scientists and colleagues.”

Fauci’s killer drug of choice.


Did the monkeys get renal failure as a side-effect?


I don’t know. But probably.

Gail Combs

I think I rather use Vit. E, C, D3, B12…. Zinc, Selenium, Magnesium,… Ivermectin, CBD oil and eating healthy.



Cuppa Covfefe

Run-Death-Is-Near”… 🙂
Does that make Faust-Xi the Death Star???  👹 


Lol! Somebody call Luke Skywalker!


Bailed after Seven Words.

The experimental antiviral drug remdesivir completely protected….


Of course it’s bullshit. But they will pretend it is a miracle cure.

Gail Combs

“The experimental antiviral drug remdesivir completely protected four African green monkeys from a lethal dose of Nipah virus…

FOUR??? So what happen to the OTHER MONKEYS IN THE STUDY HMMMmmmm?

Price: Starts at $4,500 per monkey on the pet market but given the tax payer pays the bills, I doubt that is the issue.

Most statisticians agree that the minimum sample size to get any kind of meaningful result is 100.

That is for population studies.

Back in the medieval days, before computers, when I was working in Analytical Chemistry, we generally considered 10 to be the minimum sample size when looking at a new test method. Part of that was based on balancing meaningful results with expense and time. Remember in chemistry, with high quality purity of reagents, consistency from sample to sample is going to be MUCH BETTER than when dealing with living things, thus a sample size can be MUCH SMALLER than in biology.

This gives you an idea of how complicated selecting a good sample size for different types of experiments can be. This is for diagnostic screening tests.

Requirements for Minimum Sample Size for Sensitivity and Specificity Analysis


Sensitivity and specificity analysis is commonly used for screening and diagnostic tests. The main issue researchers face is to determine the sufficient sample sizes that are related with screening and diagnostic studies. Although the formula for sample size calculation is available but concerning majority of the researchers are not mathematicians or statisticians, hence, sample size calculation might not be easy for them. This review paper provides sample size tables with regards to sensitivity and specificity analysis. These tables were derived from formulation of sensitivity and specificity test using Power Analysis and Sample Size (PASS) software based on desired type I error, power and effect size. The approaches on how to use the tables were also discussed.

To put it bluntly a sample size of FOUR makes my BULL SCHIFF DETECTOR start buzzing LOUDLY.


Yes, me too.


Every time I think I may have been too harsh in my assessment of the Mormon church, something happens to convince me otherwise.

Now they are after TIM BALLARD. The Deep State found some women to claim Ballard assaulted them, and the ever-compliant LDS leadership jumped immediately on board:

“The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, of which Ballard is member, reportedly released a statement to FOX13 News and other media, calling Ballard’s behavior “morally unacceptable.””

Clowns in America are calling the shots in Mormon leadership. Believe me or not, but instead of “sacred” undies, they should wear red noses and big floppy shoes.

Sound of Freedom triggered a Deep State panic, and their allies are playing right along.

Cuppa Covfefe

They’re probably already wearing red shoes…


Clowns in America are calling the shots in Mormon leadership. 

  • Guessing prevalent across many churches.

Not just America. Not just Clown In America. WEF controlling churches.

Gail Combs

Goes back to Johnson and 501c3 tax exempt status.


That wouldn’t surprise me one bit.


She explains “it’s a kind of Parkinson’s on Steroids” 🤔

“I’m Going to Die”- Virginia Democratic Congresswoman Won’t Seek Re-Election After Being Diagnosed with Rare, Fatal Neurological DisorderBy Cullen Linebarger Sep. 18, 2023 12:30 pm806 Comments

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This is bad news for Rep. Wexton. She, along with every other DemCommunist member of the House, was “vaccinated” against COVID-19. Took her first dose on December 24, 2020, right after the FDA granted the initial EUA for the Pfizer-BioNTech “vaccine”, BNT162b2. She talked about the experience on a You Tube video and encouraged “all eligible people” to get “vaccinated.”
One of the principal organs of the recipient’s body where the spike protein + its modRNA in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine” BNT162b2 migrates to, facilitated by the lipid nanoparticles in the “vaccine”, in terms of accumulation, IS THE BRAIN.

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s tragic, on so many levels…

The fallout of this DEMONIC druggery seems to be (or will be) enormous. And I fear that the next generation (or two) will be missing a lot of people, and will have a lot of “damaged” people, as well.


September 1, 2023
“Risk of Ischemic Stroke after COVID-19 Bivalent Booster Vaccination in an Integrated Health System”
Katie A Scharff, et al.
Yours Truly: This pre-print paper (which one urges needs to be archived / printed out, in case it’s “withdrawn” or “re-issued with new conclusions” that reflect Establishment Medicine) proves that 50% of people who get a COVID-19 “bivalent booster vaccine” ARE AT RISK OF HAVING A STROKE.
IMO, anyone who is thinking about or has been “mandated” to get a COVID-19 “bivalent booster vaccine” injection need to be asked — “Do you know that getting this shot will put you at a 50% risk of having a stroke?”

Cuppa Covfefe

WHOA. I wonder if that’s what made my sister black out (and fall down a flight of stairs, breaking her neck) not once, but twice…..

She had to get the clot shot and boosters for her work… 😡 😡 😡 😡

[She was as sure-footed as a mountain goat (power walker, etc.) and had been up and down those stairs probably 10,000 times… My niece and nephew and I have been going round and round and round trying to figure out what happened… but of course the clot shot is a forbidden topic]…

Gail Combs



That is exactly what happened to my father.

Gail Combs



Gail Combs
In addition, IMO, anyone who has a family history of stroke needs to avoid the “vaccines”, no matter what.


Added to my Covidiot files.

Gail Combs

This is not a true statement:

“…This pre-print paper (which one urges needs to be archived / printed out, in case it’s “withdrawn” or “re-issued with new conclusions” that reflect Establishment Medicine) proves that 50% of people who get a COVID-19 “bivalent booster vaccine” ARE AT RISK OF HAVING A STROKE…”


What the paper actually says is the OFFICIAL Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) is MISSING a lot of cases of stroke.

👉We identified a 50% increase in incidence …stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) per 100,000 patients ages 65 and older vaccinated with the Pfizer bivalent vaccine, compared to the data presented by the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD).

From the paper.

…We replicated the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) rapid cycle analysis methodology and searched for possible cases of ischemic stroke or TIA in the 21 days following vaccination using ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes in both the primary position and any position….The analyses were stratified by age ≥65 years to allow for comparisons with VSD’s reporting at the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) meeting of incidence of ischemic stroke or TIA (VSD reported incidence; 24.6 cases of ischemic stroke or TIA per 100,000 patients vaccinated).


 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗰 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗸𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗧𝗜𝗔 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝟯𝟰.𝟯 𝗽𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟬𝟬,𝟬𝟬𝟬 (𝟵𝟱% 𝗖𝗜, 𝟭𝟳.𝟳 – 𝟱𝟵.𝟵) 𝗶𝗻 𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 𝟲𝟱 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀 𝗼𝗿 𝗼𝗹𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝘄𝗵𝗼 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗶𝘃𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗣𝗳𝗶𝘇𝗲𝗿 𝘃𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗲—𝗯𝗮𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗻 𝗮 𝗱𝗶𝗮𝗴𝗻𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝗱𝗲

5 key points

  1. 👉We identified a 50% increase in incidence of ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) per 100,000 patients ages 65 and older vaccinated with the Pfizer bivalent vaccine, compared to the data presented by the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD).
  2. Seventy-nine percent of the ischemic stroke and TIA cases were admitted to hospitals that are not owned by the integrated delivery system.
  3. A delay in processing outside hospital insurance claims was likely responsible for the discrepancy in case ascertainment of ischemic stroke.
  4. Replication of the VSD case definition confirmed the exceptionally high positive predictive value (PPV) in identifying ischemic stroke or TIA within 21 days of Pfizer bivalent vaccination in individuals 65 years and older when the ICD-10-CM hospital discharge code is restricted to the primary position.
  5. Physician adjudication of all cases in this study allowed accurate absolute incidence estimates of stroke per 100,000 vaccine recipients and is helpful in calculation of net benefit for policy recommendations and shared decision-making.

I’m sorry for her and her family. I guess her term in Congress ends in 2024? That’s quite a while to serve while being ill. She probably wants to stay busy and engaged, but it might be prudent to spend time with family, now.







Well stated!


It’s an outrage and so very sad.
They will keep arresting people .
An innocent person in the past may have thought that justice will prevail. That notion has been proved wrong . Spending many years in prison for minor infractions is an unbearable life to face for many.


Canada Rolls Out First Nationally Accredited Program For How To Kill A PatientWritten by Wes Walker on September 19, 2023

Best Practices being officially shared now that Canada is expanding it’s assisted suicide programs.

Cuppa Covfefe

As if the clot-shots and slab jabs weren’t enough…


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Question: How many Democrats does it take to remove a burned out POTUS lightbulb?

Answer: Eight. One to install the new POTUS bulb, and seven to hold a press conference in the room to lament how good the old bulb was.

“He was always there for us”, said one in a quavering voice. “He was a guiding light in our lives” quavered another…

(silly Willies and Nellies)

pat frederick

pat frederick

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Ikr??? Autism was the soup du jour now its trannies.

Gail Combs

“…As for his bragging about the vaccines… this is the only thing I can’t explain. Trump has always been anti-mandate, but he refuses to openly denounce the vaccines. Which is a problem, and which is why it’s imperative that RFK Jr. join the administration in some capacity so we can put him in charge of Pharma and bioweapon production, because to this point, Trump is either clueless, or is pretending to be clueless, when it comes to the vaccines and Deep State bioweapons production….”


I vote ‘pretending to be clueless.’ Just like with abortion, the broader public is still pretty much clueless.

GALLOP POLL: Majority in U.S. Supports Biden COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates
Most Americans Support COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

Poll after poll shows the same thing: Americans are cool with vaccine mandates.

  • Three recent polls show that a majority of Americans support vaccine mandates.
  • The popularity of vaccine requirements has risen as the Delta variant surged.


MARCH 2023
KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor: March 2023 | KFF

The latest KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor reports a quarter of adults (23%) saying they have received the bivalent booster, the most recent version of the COVID-19 vaccine that became available in September 2022. As discussions surrounding the timing of boosters continue, about half of adults say they’re likely to get a COVID-19 vaccine annually if one was offered in that time frame, like a flu shot, including one in three (32%) who say they’re “very likely” to get an annual COVID-19 vaccine…

As far as ‘Operation Warp Speed’ I think that is much broader than vaccines. I think it was about accelerating the reveal of the Deep States true nature and plans.

pat frederick

Eps gets charged with one misdemeanor count
WASHINGTON — Ray Epps, a Jan. 6 participant whose removal from the FBI’s Capitol Violence webpage sparked conspiracy theories that he was a federal informant, was charged in connection with the Capitol attack on Tuesday.

Epps is charged with one misdemeanor count, disorderly or disruptive conduct on restricted grounds. He was charged by information, which suggests that he plans to enter a plea deal.


J6 misdemeanor charges seem to carry a hefty amount of time behind bars. 3 to 10 years on average. Meanwhile all these judges seem to glam on to a lot of extraneous stuff to justify that time. Multiple videos of him talking about going into the capitol should put him in the 10 to 15 year time frame if any of the Proud Boy cases among others are the standard. It will be most interesting to see what’s done here. Also it will be interesting to see who pays his legal fees.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

That’s a total fluff piece. Just as Hunter needed to be charged with something, so did Epps.

Video shows that Epps attempted to deescalate tensions between the police and rioters, though he’s also shown with his hands on a giant Trump sign the rioters jammed into the police line. A federal judge acquitted another Jan. 6 participant who had his hand on that same sign, saying that his intent was unclear.

Aren’t there videos of Epps urging people to go into the Capitol?

pat frederick

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Carter was incompetent but he was not immoral.

Cuppa Covfefe

His administration was chock full of globalists… Mika’s dad, for one… and his weakness caused embarrassments like we see now with Bye, Done…


That was Carter’s MO.


Good info there.


Yea, I am judgemental, stereotype and leap to conclusions.

Based on the title, alone. Slow Guy figures…

  • What You Need to Know About the Latest COVID Jab Rollout
  1. NOT safe.
  2. NOT effective.
  3. NOT tested properly.
  5. Another, in an endless line of Covidiot Jab Designed to injure, handicap AND kill.
  6. No. Hell NO. Not getting one.

Did I miss an important point?


What happened to the mice?


Deformed, dead… Or did I miss something, not in the headline?

Robert Baker

They are perfectly healthy and living in Hawaii- Maui, the last I heard.


You know too much. 😅
FDA refuses to provide safety data, etc. It’s good info to pass on to people who might be on the fence.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

Admittedly. To a fault, basically full of…



Gail Combs

Did I miss an important point?

Well yes.

With the WHO Pandemic Treaty is signed, the Jack Boots will be here to MAKE US GET THE DAMN DEATH SHOT. Australia was the trial run.


Yup. The WHO Treaty is out there.

  • USG complicit. AS IS Congress, rCONS…

  :wpds_arrow:  Increasingly, Americans are not lining up for the jabs.

  • Americans, perhaps most, KNOW Jabs are NOT safe, effective, needed…

  :wpds_arrow:  Rob and his team in FL have said no mandatory jabs.

  • Prolly other guvs have also, OR are poised to do so.

WHO USG can certainly WILL “mandate”, we get jabbed.

  :wpds_arrow:  The answer.

  • OUR answer, on a Massive Scale, Do NOT comply.

The ANSWER Throughout Covidiot 1.0 Was, AMERICANS, DO NOT COMPLY.

  • Supported by Civil Disobedience, when necessary.

Folks would be WISE to prepare. Food. Stuff. Talk with neighbors, friends…


We set a bad example when we went pussyfooting around about withdrawing from the Paris Treaty — we need to get a reputation for withdrawing from treaties with extreme prejudice — as in, killing everyone in the organization that sponsored the treaty, as well as all the pseudo-American turncoats that signed it.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, we’d become international pariahs — looked upon as rabid nationalists or something. Better that than seen as a doormat.


I’ve been seeing this headline for a couple of days and thought it was “just” another instance of fraud. But this is significant because it a Democrat who is alleging fraud and contesting his election against another Democrat, in a primary.

UPDATE: Democrat Mayoral Candidate John Gomes Files Lawsuit After Video Shows Democrat Opponents Stuffing Ballot Drop Boxes Numerous Times with Hundreds of Ballots

On Monday, Democrat Mayoral candidate John Gomes filed a lawsuit challenging the results of his party’s primary in Bridgeport, Connecticut, and requesting a new Democratic primary.

This comes after a video surfaced showing a Democrat clerk inserting illegal ballots into a drop box, which prompted an investigation by the Bridgeport Police Department for “possible misconduct.”

The Gateway Pundit reported that Gomes’ campaign released a damning video on Saturday showing evidence of election fraud in the recent Bridgeport Democratic primary.

The video posted on Gomes campaign’s Facebook page shows a woman dropping stacks of ‘illegal’ ballots into an absentee ballot box outside the Bridgeport government center, where the city’s Registrar of Voters office is located, CT Mirror reported…

Gomes lost to incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim in the Democratic primary by a narrow margin of 251 votes, according to the most recent preliminary count posted on the Secretary of the State’s website. Ganim won the absentee vote tally 1,545 to 779, while Gomes led on the voting machines.

The Gomes campaign was able to identify the woman in the footage as Wanda Geter-Pataky, the Vice Chairwoman of the Democratic Town Clerk and a vocal supporter of incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim, who is seeking reelection…

In a press conference held on Monday, Christine Bartlett-Jose, the campaign manager for Democrat Mayoral candidate John Gomes, laid out a compelling case for why the recent Democratic primary election results in Bridgeport should be scrutinized and possibly invalidated.

“In this primary alone, the city of Bridgeport received over 4,000 absentee ballot applications, an unprecedented number in the city and possibly the state,” said Bartlett-Jose. She pointed out that the city had a lead of 470 votes based on incoming results on primary night. However, as absentee ballots were tabulated, their lead dramatically eroded, resulting in a two-to-one loss margin with an ultimate election difference of 251 votes.

Bartlett-Jose stated that the campaign has gathered evidence indicating voter suppression and absentee ballot fraud. “Multiple complaints have been filed with the State Election Enforcement Commission, including the most recent and irrefutable piece of evidence—an incriminating video from City Hall security footage showing Wanda Gita Pasky, the vice chair of the Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee, depositing absentee ballots,” she said.

That’s pretty brazen for someone in her position to be doing the deed herself. I don’t believe these people think they will ever be held responsible for their crimes, let alone even being called out for them.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths
Cuppa Covfefe

DEMONRATS eating their own… it was bound to happen, sooner or later…..

Gail Combs

LOVE the DemonRat infighting… And such GOOD TIMING too.😆


Rep. Matt Gaetz Dismisses NBC’s Claim on 2026 Florida Governor Run as “Overblown Clickbait” in Comments to Gateway Pundit

In a statement to The Gateway Pundit, Gaetz clarified, “The NBC story is overblown clickbait. I ran into dozens of former colleagues from my days in the state legislature. They encouraged me relentlessly to consider returning to Florida. I wasn’t focused on any of that talk, though. My sole mission right now is to kill the [Byron] Donalds CR that funds Ukraine, Jack Smith, and a weaponized Biden government.”

Rep. Matt Gaetz made it clear that he will not support the Continuing Resolution (CR) proposed by fellow Florida Republican, Rep. Byron Donalds. Gaetz’s opposition stems from concerns over taxpayer funding for Ukraine and lack of fiscal responsibility in the federal budget.

Very wise of Gaetz to show that he’s focused on the business of running the country, not his political ambitions.


WTF is wrong with Byron Donalds, supporting CR. <<< Bad enough. MORE money to Ukraine.

AND, Hammer At Jack Smith. <<< #DefundJackSmith


WTF is wrong with Byron Donalds, supporting CR. <<< Bad enough. MORE money to Ukraine.

Right⁉️ I had hopes for him as a rising star.

Gail Combs

Al lot smarter than DeSanctimonious.

Cuppa Covfefe

AI vs. RS (Real Stupidity or RondeSantis)….


comment image


Q. What variant does it support.

A. DePop.

Cuppa Covfefe

Would that make Faust-Xi (or BillyGhoulGates) PapaDePop?
(or PapaDoc v2.0???)….

(or Top Of De Pop)…

Last edited 1 year ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Oversight Committee to Hold First Impeachment Inquiry Hearing into Joe Biden Thursday, September 28

“The hearing will focus on constitutional and legal questions surrounding the president’s involvement in corruption and abuse of public office,” the spokesperson said.

In addition to the hearing, the spokesperson told Breitbart News the committee intends to subpoena Hunter Biden and James Biden’s bank records as early as this week.

Hunter Biden denied the committee’s request in February for bank documents and communications, alleging the demands lacked a “legitimate legislative and oversight basis.”

The committee openly threatened to subpoena the Bidens since it launched its investigation in November 2022. It did not issue subpoenas sooner because the committee insisted on practicing restraint to “show good faith.”

***More below about that.

The good faith period apparently ended when House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) opened an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden, giving House investigators more legal tools to compel the Bidens to comply with the investigation.


Comer’s request to supply a host of bank records and communications between the Biden family business members, the establishment media has raised questions of why Comer has not issued subpoenas to compel the relevant information.

“We give people plenty of time. When you do subpoenas, if you want to win in court, you have to show good faith effort that you tried to get the information. So we’re checking some boxes,” Comer told Punchbowl News.

“When we do subpoena, if we have to, then we’re going to win the subpoenas in court,” he warned. “It’s not just issuing a subpoena,” Comer said. “It’s about winning.”

Comer explained he intends to issue about 12 subpoenas to individuals who might not willingly comply with the committee’s oversight. 

Whatever we think of Congress, it’s good to keep the negatives about Biden Inc. in the news and stay on the offensive.

Gail Combs

Biden Inc Refusal to cooperate is NOT A GOOD LOOK. So yeah, slow rolling it is a good game strategy. Esp. as you are coming into election season.

pat frederick


In addition to Kevin, Where The Hell Are TALKING HEADS…Jim Jordan, Comer…


Hoping to see Jordan in his workout clothes since they’re allowing casual attire. 😎 


Unfortunately for you, I think it only applies to the Senate. 😅


oh..we’ve played this game before. Once the gates are open the rest will follow.
Like TV news ladies..first it was tailored suits then it was dresses with a jacket then just the dress, then it was vavavoom dresses with 9″ heels ..

Last edited 1 year ago by mollypitcher5

Please spare us perpetual “casual day” in all of Congress! 😱😂

Cuppa Covfefe

They all act like high school kids, or worse…

Next it will be “clash day”, then “slave day”… 🙂

Oh, wait…

Not politically correct…

“Indigenous Supremacy Day” (or something like that), shortly followed by “Reparations Day”, where everyone cuts classes…

Cuppa Covfefe

Stilettos for Presstitutes 😀


They need to hurry that one along .


Last edited 1 year ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is infuriating.


EVERYTHING Ukraine Is Infuriating.

Watch them assholes in DC pass a CR…Funding Ukraine.

When it happens, Kevin needs to be tossed overboard.


found this……July 2022

Pentagon chief approves plan to treat wounded Ukrainian soldiers at US military hospital in Germany

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has approved treating Ukrainian troops at a US military hospital.
Up to 18 soldiers may be attended to at a time at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany.
This is the first time Ukrainian troops have been offered such services at a US military facility.


I am not against that serious wounded Ukrainian troops be treated in US .
Most Ukrainions are victims also. Many did not ask for that. Just my thoughts on that.


What I don’t like is that Americans are not getting the help they need, and instead it goes to soldiers from other countries and illegals.


Azov nazis are worthy of bumpkiss imo.

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s not the rank and file soldiers who are NAZIS…

It’s the Satanically evil and corrupt “leadership” that are NAZIS.

The young boys (and ever younger, with very old soldiers sprinkled in, for “good measure”) being sent off to die don’t want any part of it…

A NATO officer is on record saying something like “we will fight this battle to the last Ukrainian”…

It’s genocide, pure and simple. Probably from Satan Sauros…

Gail Combs


Why should MY TAX dollars go to PAY FOREIGNERS when our country is TRILLIONS IN DEBT??


Yes our vets should be first consideration.


Yes is is screwed up. No Vet should sleep on the street.

Cuppa Covfefe

Not to worry…

We here in Germany have to work until we’re 67 to get full “retirement”, and they’re looking to raise that to 70 (!) if not higher..

Meanwhile, back on the raunch, the refauxgees from Ukraine receive FULL RETIREMENT BENEFITS starting at AGE 58 !!!!!!! 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡

And we get to pay for it, with our extended “hours”…….

As some of my lazier co-workers would say when they were slacking off and letting the rest of us do their work (summers, back in Oakland CA)… E-Z Moneeeehhhh…..

Gail Combs


My house guest just came home from ‘baby sitting’ a wounded vet (released due to head wound). He is about my age (60s- 70s) and recently fell and put a rib thru his lung. The F..cking Veterans admin sent him home with no in-home care so his daughter-in-law who works is trying to take care of him. He has PTSD very bad from his war experience and goes into panic attacks from worry during the time when she is driving home from the city. (Given the traffic in that city I do not blame him!)

Oh and he is more or less confined to a wheel chair because of his balance issues.


Health “care” is anything but.


I’m curious if those casualties are “our” mercenary soldiers, “our” troops or are they flying actual Ukies over here ??


Ukrainian soldiers IS my read.


All the way over here ? No top notch facilities in Europe ?
Something very fishy about this. So we pay for this proxy war. We pay their salaries. We pay for their infrastructure AND we pay for their operations, recovery, rehab etc for their troops ?


Package deal. Bankrupt America.


No to Germany. US has a hospital there .


Wouldn’t it be something if the F35 ejector was a Ukie trainee on that jet ???

Robert Baker

Molly I am afraid you may be thinking too clearly on this subject. That will never do.  :wpds_lol: 


LOL….my brother and I were yacking about really close we could’ve been to having it crash in our houses and why the pilot hadn’t been named . Our guesses were diversity related but it dawned on me…maybe someone who hadn’t quite mastered English or emergency protocol…uh like not ditching it in the ocean instead of letting it fly until it ran out of fuel


One last thought on it. An article said ” The jet was in autopilot mode when the pilot ejected from the aircraft, Jeremy Huggins, a spokesman at Joint Base Charleston, said.:”

Why would it be in auto pilot mode so close to the Beaufort base where it was going to land ? So the flight plan was programed for the trip except for take off and landing but oops hit eject ?
Seems very weird to me.

Gail Combs


Seems the plane was in OK condition so why didn’t it just land?

Cuppa Covfefe

Word being noised about on other fora was that it may well have been mechanically sound, but software issues abound…

Fry by wire, as it were…..


I understand that the F35 runs off of software by Green Hills Software, in Santa Barbara, California.

Amusing in all sorts of ways, not least of which is my gf way back when may have worked there…..

Cuppa Covfefe

Ahhh, the aroma of the Oak trees that starts up around Goleta…

The problem with software like that, and “expert systems”, aka AI, is that any gaps of knowledge/thoroughness by the programmer(s) become evident at the worst possible times… The laws of unintended consequences…

Happened a lot at a couple of places I was at that didn’t have stringent code reviews and release processes…….

Gail Combs


(I am in central North Carolina.)


Just learned from Brother-in-law the train station Hubby used to use got washed out from recent flooding !!!

comment image

LEOMINSTER —  The day after torrential rain caused “catastrophic” flooding in this central Massachusetts city, washing out roads and train tracks and leaving much of the downtown underwater, officials rushed to shore up dams threatened by the rising water and warned that the damage could take months to repair.

At the end of a summer that brought heavy rainfall and severe floods to New England, as much as 11 inches of rain fell Monday and Tuesday on this hilly city about 40 miles northwest of Boston, with a chance of more on Wednesday. The deluge caused rivers to overflow, closed more than two dozen roads, and forced evacuations throughout the night with “hovercrafts and boats,” Mayor Dean Mazzarella said at a news conference Tuesday….

“I just listened to the story of a woman who had never seen any flooding on her property, ever, and had 6 feet of water in just a couple of hours last night,” Healey, who visited North Attleborough to survey the damage, said earlier Tuesday. “Devastating. Six feet. That’s our reality right now.”

Sort of reminds me of

McClenney: “…Higher resolution proxy studies from many parts of the planet suggest that the end interglacials may be quite the wild climate ride from the perspective of global climate disruption.…” Boettger, et al (Quaternary International 207 [2009] 137 – 144) abstract it:

“In terrestrial records from Central and Eastern Europe the end of the Last Interglacial seems to be characterized by evident climatic and environmental instabilities recorded by geochemical and vegetation indicators. The transition (MIS 5e/5d) from the Last Interglacial (Eemian, Mikulino) to the Early Last Glacial (Early Weichselian, Early Valdai) is marked by at least two warming events as observed in geochemical data on the lake sediment profiles of Central (Gro¨bern, Neumark – Nord, Klinge) and of Eastern Europe (Ples). Results of palynological studies of all these sequences indicate simultaneously a strong increase of environmental oscillations during the very end of the Last Interglacial and the beginning of the Last Glaciation. This paper discusses possible correlations of these events between regions in Central and Eastern Europe. The pronounced climate and environment instability during the interglacial/glacial transition could be consistent with the assumption that it is about a natural phenomenon, characteristic for transitional stages. Taking into consideration that currently observed ”human-induced” global warming coincides with the natural trend to cooling, the study of such transitional stages is important for understanding the underlying processes of the climate changes.”

Boettger et al

Cuppa Covfefe

Look at the bright side…

After years of neglect, at least the platforms are clean 😀

Cuppa Covfefe

An opening in the corrective thinking course has suddenly opened for you 😆




Kind Deeds Inc is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.


Total collected: $590,576 as of Sep 1, 2023


Submit application
(Form 990) for 2022. Here–>>>

Seems they get their money from the govt?

I can’t believe we missed the Jamala Tour 🤓😮
comment image


That explains it ! Nothing to see here. 590k should cover a hangnail repair but rock on with this fake feel good charade
Good find Para

Cuppa Covfefe

And anyone can be a “near Miss”, on our dime…


Another sudden death with no known health issues. May she RIP.

Acting Temple University president JoAnne A. Epps dies after falling ill on stage

Temple University acting president JoAnne A. Epps died Tuesday shortly after becoming ill on stage during a memorial service, officials said, describing her loss as a gut punch and struggling through emotion as they recalled her nearly four decades of service.

Epps was attending a memorial service at the university for Charles L. Blockson, a curator of a collection of African American artifacts, when she suffered what a doctor speaking at a news conference described as a “sudden episode.”

The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that Epps, who was scheduled to speak at the service, slumped in her chair shortly after the event began and was carried out in the arms of a uniformed officer after the announcer asked if there was a doctor in the house.

Epps was taken to Temple University Hospital, where she was pronounced dead around 3:15 p.m. Tuesday, the university said. She was 72.


J A B.

Cuppa Covfefe

Any relation to Ray Epps…..


I don’t think so.


Unless proven otherwise, if Ms. Epps was “vaccinated”, the JAB was involved.
May she rest in eternal Peace.

The “pandemic treaty” will be signed tomorrow.

And, the pricing for EACH shot of the “new bivalent COVID-19 vaccines” by Pfizer-BioNTech and by Moderna — what the cost would be without insurance:
CVS: $190
Walgreens: $155.99
Publix: $202

Recall that Moderna AND THE NIH co-own the patent and share the royalties for EVERY SHOT of a Moderna COVID-19 “vaccine.”


On my Nextdoor app there was a whole vax fan club soooo excited that the new jab would be rolled out soon.
I thought about that lady that keeled over in Publix..never did hear anymore abotthat.


Perhaps posting this on the Nextdoor app might interest some people:
This is a paper proving that there is a 50% risk of having a stroke after getting a COVID-19 “bivalent vaccine.” The study is about patients who got the Omicron “bivalent vaccine” through the Kaiser-Permanente health system.


Thank you. Might share it although I’ve never commented on there before.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This seems pretty solid. A 50% increase in the risk of stroke or TIA vs. the unvaccinated in patients 65 or older.


there was a whole vax fan club soooo excited that the new jab would be rolled out soon.

I’m so sorry to see this. People aren’t waking up fast enough. I saw today that Howard Stern was making more snarky comments and was so proud he went down to CVS and got the latest booster. I think some will not heed warnings for various reasons. It becomes a point of pride with them.

Cuppa Covfefe

They will not, can not, admit to being wrong.

Once again, pride rears its ugly, Satanic head…..


The closing scene of the movie Devil’s Advocate has the Devil saying, “Pride – my favorite sin.”


Survival Of The Fittest Those Able To Think Critically, Apply Common Sense.

If they are UNWILLING to evaluate reality, they pay the price. I’m good with it.

NOT happy with it. Content.


Me too. [no, not that one]

Gail Combs

Do not forget FauXi also co-owns the shot.

New Docs: NIH Owns Half of Moderna Vaccine

Little known NIH regulations let agency scientists collect up to $150,000.00 annually in royalties from vaccines upon which they worked…

New documents obtained by Axios and Public Citizen suggest that the National Institute of Health (NIH) owns half the key patent for Moderna’s controversial COVID vaccine and could collect half the royalties. In addition, four NIH scientists have filed their own provisional patent application as co-inventors. Little known NIH regulations let agency scientists collect up to $150,000.00 annually in royalties from vaccines upon which they worked. These rules are recipes for regulatory corruption.

  :wpds_arrow: NIH’s stake in the jab may explain why Anthony Fauci moved Moderna’s vaccine to the front of the line and to let Moderna skip animal trials despite the experimental technology and the inherent dangers of Coronavirus vaccines. Every prior coronavirus vaccine has proven problematic and can be lethal to animals due to COVID’s unique penchant for “pathogenic priming.”

Death occurs only after a vaccinated animal encounters the wild virus.   :wpds_shock: 

Public health advocates and scientists criticized Fauci’s decision to skip animal trials as reckless. It may also explain why Anthony Fauci arranged a $483 million grant to Moderna from a sister NIH agency, BARDA, despite the fact that Moderna has never brought a product to market or gotten approval….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This link is quite profound!!!

Pathogenic priming likely contributes to serious and critical illness and mortality in COVID-19 via autoimmunity


Dr Martin Slays WHO…

~23 minute video at the link.

Dr. David Martin: The World Health Organization Is a ‘Criminal Cartel’ and It’s Provable


While lawmakers on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. debate sending billions more in military aid to Ukraine, an American citizen journalist, Gonzalo Lira, is languishing in a Ukrainian prison on allegations of spreading Russian propaganda, throwing into question the status of free speech in the supposed democracy the Biden administration argues is worthy of more taxpayer dollars.

The Biden administration is asking Congress to approve another $24 billion for Ukraine for now through the end of this year, which would add to the $113 billion that Congress has committed to the country since its war with Russia began in February of last year.

The House controls the purse strings. What’s up with them?

The American citizen journalist was initially arrested in May of this year on suspicion of producing pro-Russian propaganda on his YouTube channel, where he questioned the narratives around the war presented in the legacy media and from the Zelensky government, including suggesting that Moscow was provoked into invading by the Ukrainian government and the expansion east of the American-led NATO military alliance.

In July of this year, Lira posted messages on Twitter and YouTube claiming that he was going to try to cross the Ukrainian border into Hungary to claim asylum after being released from prison on bail. He has not posted on either platform since…

In his final video message, Lira claimed that if he did not post after his attempt to cross the border, it would mean that he had been arrested again by the Ukrainian authorities. Lira said that in such an event, he would “die in prison” and begged the public to “raise a ruckus” about his arrest. The former red pill-style dating coach turned citizen journalist has maintained that he merely discussed publicly available information about the war.

“The American State Department knows exactly who I am and the fate that awaits me,” he said before attempting to cross the border.

According to a copy of the apparent charges, the Ukrainian government alleged that Lira “had a criminal intent aimed at the manufacture, distribution materials containing justification, recognition as legitimate, denial of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which began in 2014, as well as justification, recognition as legitimate of the temporary occupation of part of Ukraine territory.”

The charge sheet posted by Lira contains zero mention of him ever working for the Russian government in any capacity, nor does it lay out any other criminal acts other than statements he made on social media.

“The charges against me are just because of my opinion about this conflict, I did no harm to anyone,” Lira said.

The citizen journalist has also said that he has suffered violent abuse from other prisoners during his initial time in jail, making claims, which cannot be verified, that the prison guards “outsource” torture to other inmates. Lira said that he believes the Chilean embassy did more to protect his welfare than the U.S. State Department. He added that he believes the American government does not have an interest in his case because: “I’m not a black lesbian druggie, or a transgender grifter. Besides, Victoria Nuland hates my guts, or so I’m told.”

A State Department spokesperson told Breitbart News in a statement Tuesday: “We are aware of the detention of Mr. Lira in Ukraine. We take our role in assisting U.S. citizens abroad seriously and are providing all appropriate assistance.

“We are monitoring the situation but have no further comment at this time. We reiterate our message that U.S. citizens should not travel to Ukraine due to the active armed conflict.”


‘Creating A Digital Prison’: WHO Rushes Ahead On Global Digital Health Certificates

The World Health Organization is already working on a Global Digital Health Certification Network — an interlinked, global technological system that would be used to recognize the validity of health certificates and vaccine passports. Experts told The Defender the system is designed to restrict people’s freedom to travel.


It has ALWAYS been this easy. Say NO. Walk The Fuck Out!

  • Children KNOW this. No. Walk Out.
  • NOTHING administrators can do, EXCEPT COMPLY.

Pennsylvania Perkiomen Valley School District Stages Walkout to Protest Boys Using Girls’ Bathrooms~34 second video.


War Games 1983 “The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?” 😁


~24 seconds.

Dr. Peter McCullough: ‘The “Vaccines” Are Causing This Enormous Wave of Illness’

Gail Combs

A comment from badlands Baseless Conspiracies


Zak was correct when he stated that IPOT’s ‘Weathermen’ documentaries are the seminal work on the topic.

Here are the direct links to the 3 episodes in the series:

The Weathermen I

The Weathermen II – Of Media, Money & Men

The Weathermen III – ALL4FLOYD


oh oh…from the comments on the first vid-


27 weeks ago

✨Warning! Grab a pen and paper. Fricken all of this connected is INSANE! Even Ethiopia! Obama. Holden. Ayers. Kerry. 9/11. THEY PLANNED THIS A VERY LONG TIME AND THEY DIDNT THINK SHE’D LOSE.