Dear MAGA: 20230924 Open Topic

This Rejoice & Praise God Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.

It’s also a place to read, post, and discuss news that is worth knowing and sharing. Please post links to any news stories that you use as sources or quote from.

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On this day and every day –

God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.

“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Just a Reflection . . . Dim and Obscured

In 1 Corinthians 13:8–13, the apostle Paul compares the Christian virtue of love to other highly prized spiritual gifts and finds them all lacking. Love is uniquely superior (verse 8). As Christians, we share in giving and receiving the grace of God’s love (see 1 John 4:8, 16). This earthly experience of God’s divine love gives us a taste of His perfect grace and glory. Through the love of Christ poured into our hearts (see Ephesians 3:17; Romans 5:5), we participate to a limited degree in the full perfection we will know and enjoy when we stand in God’s presence in eternity: “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known” (1 Corinthians 13:12, ESV).

Paul explains that spiritual gifts like prophecy, tongues, and knowledge are temporary and partial. Eventually, they “will become useless. But love will last forever! Now our knowledge is partial and incomplete, and even the gift of prophecy reveals only part of the whole picture! But when the time of perfection comes, these partial things will become useless” (1 Corinthians 13:8–10, NLT). In our current state of existence, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are valuable to us and to the church, but their worth will run out when we are face to face with the Lord in heaven. These gifts only give us an obscured, unfinished picture of our spiritual reality, and they will ultimately pass away.

Paul uses two illustrations to explain this truth. First, he employs the example of a child maturing into adulthood: “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me” (1 Corinthians 13:11). Right now, we are like children playing with plastic toys that will wear out and become unusable. One day we will trade them in for the enduring, grown-up, perfection of eternity. Second, Paul contrasts looking at someone in a dull, dimly lit mirror with meeting that person face to face. In the Greco-Roman world, mirrors were fashioned out of polished metal discs that reflected a blurred, imperfect image, nothing like seeing someone up close, in vivid, eye-to-eye clarity.

Thus, now we see in a mirror dimly is Paul’s figure of speech for “now we have imperfect knowledge and understanding.” The New Living Translation renders the imagery like so: “Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely” (1 Corinthians 13:12, NLT). Flawless understanding and unrestricted knowledge of matters pertaining to God and His kingdom will only be achieved when we meet Jesus Christ in person.

The apostle John affirms that our knowledge of Jesus is partial now but will become clear when we see Him face to face: “Dear friends, we are already God’s children, but he has not yet shown us what we will be like when Christ appears. But we do know that we will be like him, for we will see him as he really is” (1 John 3:2, NLT).

Within the Scriptures, we have the complete revelation of God, but our understanding of it remains limited (see 1 Corinthians 8:1–3). As we grow in the faith, we undergo a process of spiritual maturation as individual believers (2 Peter 3:18) and together as the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11–16). Paul calls this progressive development toward Christian maturity “the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14, ESV). It is our heavenward journey of intimate fellowship with Jesus Christ.

Along the way, we must stay laser-focused on Jesus, who is the trailblazing forerunner of our quest (Hebrews 12:1–2). He demonstrates the way through His perfect obedience to the Father (John 4:34; 5:30; Luke 22:42). As the Author and Perfecter of our faith, He not only inspires us, but Christ also empowers us to grow toward our heavenly stature. He starts the good work in us and “will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6).

In the meantime, until the Lord returns or we reach heaven, we have limited understanding and knowledge—we see in a mirror dimly. But one day our onward and upward growth in ever-increasing degrees of Christian maturity will culminate in heavenly perfection as “we bear the image of the heavenly man” (1 Corinthians 15:49).

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Thank you, bakocarl. Hoping you are feeling much better.


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Louder, sir. Some might not hear you.


BMI measurement deemed ‘racist’ in new medical report: ‘This is politics, not medicine’

The American Medical Association (AMA) is now discouraging the use of body mass index (BMI), calling it an “imperfect” and “problematic” means of assessing body fat and claiming it has been used for “racist exclusion.”

The comments were included in a report presented at the 2023 AMA Annual Meeting inChicago, Illinois earlier this month.

“BMI cutoffs are based on the imagined ideal Caucasian and [do] not consider a person’s gender or ethnicity,” the report stated.

The AMA also claimed that the history of the BMI is rooted in “eugenics,” which is “the scientifically inaccurate theory that humans can be improved through selective breeding of populations,” per the National Human Genome Research Institute.

What is BMI?

First created back in the mid-1800s by a Belgian mathematician named Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quetelet, the BMI has been the international standard for measuring obesitysince the 1980s, according to many sources, though some experts have questioned its validity. 

A person’s BMI is calculated by dividing his or her weight by the square of his or her height in feet.

It’s not “health care” anymore. It’s politics.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

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“The AMA also claimed that the history of the BMI is rooted in “eugenics,” which is “the scientifically inaccurate theory that humans can be improved through selective breeding of populations,” per the National Human Genome Research Institute.”


Bill Gates knows a thing or two about eugenics.

Bill Gates is descended from eugenicists.

When Bill Gates finds out about this, he’s gonna be so mad


“BMI cutoffs are based on the imagined ideal Caucasian and [do] not consider a person’s gender or ethnicity,” the report stated.


If this is true, if most of the science of medicine and discovery has been done by white people, and for white people, then maybe they have a good point.

It would be rude, presumptuous, insensitive, intolerant, arrogant, racist and just plain old mean to apply white science and white standards and white treatments to anyone who isn’t white, without their informed consent.

So how can this be resolved?

There has a to be a way, involving complete disclosure and fairness and consent to Caucasian diagnosis and treatment.

In order to provide the patient with the capacity for informed consent, there should be a sort of ‘warning label’ for starters. Like being read your ‘Miranda rights’.

When a non-white person comes in for medical diagnosis or treatment, take an hour or so to inform the patient of the basic history of Western medicine, and then disclose every test, every piece of equipment, every diagnostic procedure that was invented by white people that will be used to assess their condition.

Let them know that they have every right to refuse any or all of it, and choose to wait for a member of their own race to invent their own equipment and develop their own research and testing and procedures catering specifically to their race.

If the patient chooses to proceed with any equipment, diagnostics or procedures invented by white people, then when a diagnosis is reached, make a similar disclosure.

Disclose all of the applicable medicines and medical procedures and treatments to cure their illness that were invented by white people, so they can choose whether to take treatments made by white people, or refuse those treatments and wait for a member of their own race to invent a cure or treatment.

It’s the only way to be fair.

Gail Combs


Perhaps we should ONLY make ETHNIC care available to the non-whites.


Scott, you make me laugh so much! I love your posts!

Last edited 1 year ago by Aubergine





That is so true it shouldn’t be funny. But I said, screw it and LMAO.


I am SO glad I am a fat White Woman.

Valerie Curren

More to love! 😉 😉


Might I suggest “Rubenesque”?



pat frederick

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That’s one of my favorites! 👍😂

pat frederick

did i steal it from you?

I know i got it here, but forgot who originally posted it…
I have it saved now for just such an occasion…LOL
it’s a classic!


It wasn’t mine to steal, I found it on the Interwebs, it’s a gift to the world, to make people smile, to be shared far and wide 😁

I saved it too, because it made me laugh out loud the first time I saw it!

pat frederick

the resemblance is SCARY




I think BMI is useless, too, but not because it’s racist. It’s because the categories are too broad, and take no account of muscle mass. Muscle weighs twice as much as fat. There is such a thing as “skinny fat,” where a person’s body fat ratio is really high, but they don’t look fat.

Body fat percentage is a much better indicator of health. But it is harder to test, and not as convenient as just using a calculator to determine BMI, so it is not popular.

Valerie Curren

I remember those calipers(?) that were used to pinch places on the back of the upper arm, the front of the thigh, & below the shoulder blades, iirc, in order to determine BMI back at my college. I would guess that method would get closer to the actual fat issues a person would have, at least as revealed in sub-cutaneous fat deposits…


The best way to measure body fat is by immersion in water.

Valerie Curren

Probably an even more involved, & likely costly, way to get a more accurate reading. Some of us might be harder to immerse due to excess buoyancy 😉


Lol! That’s why it works!

Valerie Curren

Some of us can make good flotation devices LOL


Ha!!!!! Does a witch float?

Valerie Curren

If it was good enough for Salem…


“The best way to measure body fat is by immersion in water.”


Or the old fashioned way, by feel, like checking fruit or vegetables at the grocery store.

Some women don’t appreciate that though, especially strangers, and not all of them will believe that you’re an independent body-fat researcher doing field work, so keep your guard up 👍

Valerie Curren

bwah ha ha



Valerie Curren

So I’m still exhausted & readjusting to life back at home (as is Hubby) so even though I’ve read your comment several times during the day I Only Now Realized you weren’t theoretically checking out the women Buying the possible fruits & veggies (whose diets might imply lower fat content) but Like checking ripe melons…or something–LOL

I’m with Aubergine & consistently enjoy your wit–TYSVM  😍 


It’s a very hands-on approach.

Takes years of careful experience to accurately gauge female body fat levels by feel alone.

Prior to my pioneering research, there was really very little in the medical literature on this technique — which remains true to this day 👍


Does this have anything to do with fish cheeks?

Valerie Curren

So altruistic for you to take one…or is it two, for the team 😉 😉


BMI (according to my long ago doc), in addition to what Aubergine mentioned, also does not take into account the natural body type/shape of the person being measured. My doc said two patients coukd rate equally on BMI scale, but she’d be much more concerned about the person with the apple-shape than one who is pear-shaped … ie where the fat is carried is a risk factor. Interesting …


Exactly right.


My ex-wife was skinny fat. That fat was in all the right places, if you catch my male drift. When she was eight months pregnant, she still had her waistline. Even having gained 55 pounds on her skinny fat figure.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just saw a young mom like that. From the back, nothing. She turned sideways and I realized she was way pregnant, and about to deliver!

Valerie Curren

Several of my friends looked only like they swallowed a basketball & then got back into their pre-pregnancy clothes very soon after delivery! One of my nieces was like that too, but those good genes must have come from her mom’s side 😉 😉



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It was largely stupid anyway.

Cuppa Covfefe

Dr. Gourmet, a cardologist as well as a gourmet chef (heyyy, lay off that Bernaise sauce, I already have enough patients), says that hip/waist ratio is a better measure of obesity, especially considering corner cases, e.g. athletes, where a large proportion of their body mass is muscle, making them heavy, but not unhealthy…

The leftards are always looking for an out… just wish that their “out” led to outer space…


It’s one tool that doctors can use, nothing more. No one is saying it’s the be-all-and-end-all. The point now is that people are calling it racist. They are destroying everything, even a simple tool that, while not definitive, can be useful.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It was being used as the be-all and end-all up until now.

One form of stupidity replaced by another, both misunderstanding/misapplying the tool.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks, Carl! A very useful lesson.


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He misspelled “here.” It doesn’t matter to me; I just always wonder if it was on purpose.

Gail Combs

Generally POTUS miss-spellings have meaning. I will leave it to the Anons to figure out WHAT that meaning is.


“I heard a screeching, between a screech and a whistle.”

Was that an abnormal engine noise IDK.


Other witnesses said that it was inverted as it went over about a hundred feet from the tree line. They thought it was from the base doing maneuvers so they thought nothing of it !
They were pretty close to the crash area .


There is of course another thing to bear in mind. PDJT must be highly conscious of security and prestige. The operating system of that plane is the same as several others types. If it has vulnerabilities that need fixing then drawing attention to the obvious “one engine” Achilleas heel of that particular one may be the better option.


“As they say, ‘Trump was right about everything.’ Thank you!!!”


He just triggered every Trump-hater, turning them purple with rage 😂🤣😂

Barb Meier

I have written, said, and read: “Trump was right about everything.” You? 😂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, unless you’re secretly purple, you must not be a Trump hater.

Cuppa Covfefe

I think VSGPDJT said that on purples…. 🙂


Hear, here!


Another example, and a rather stark one, of the «two is one and one is none» concept. Famously known to apply to tools* and spare parts, vehicles, storage, and other utilities.

*10 mm sockets and wrenches, being afflicted with a spontaneous teleportation syndrome, have this principle work with a higher threshold, something like ten is one and nine is none.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not just true of tools, but even such things as sharpie markers.

Cuppa Covfefe

Somewhere there is a Datsun 280ZX with a 10mm socket in the (very long) hood… a hood which only has a couple of holes on the top (next to the windshield) and none at the bottom (where is where my socket found its (probably) final home.

That was one of my favorite socket sets, and I used that 10mm one almost daily…. grrrr…

Reminds me of Douglas Adams and his planets of ballpoint pen caps and clip-end screwdrivers… not to mention Squornshellus Zeta, where mattresses grow 🙂


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A touch of sanity restored. It should not have had to be done.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And damn all nay-sayers to hell, two plus two still equals four!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

(Ignoring, of course, the odd exceptions. 😉 )

Cuppa Covfefe

Large values of two 😀

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, 2 + 2 = 11…in base 3. But that 11 is actually just a different way of expressing “four” (i.e., * * * *), so you aint wrong…and I notice you spelled the words out rather than writing them as numerals to wipe out ambiguity.

Barb Meier

How much was spent on the official inquiry and where did that money go?


Wisconsin Supreme Court BANS use of absentee ballot drop boxes in big election ruling

The state of Wisconsin will no longer be able to use absentee ballot drop boxes as they did three years using COVID as an excuse.

The conservative majority of the state’s high court ruled that the boxes are illegal and that when someone delivers an absentee ballot to the clerk’s office, it must be done by the voter and not someone else.


That should be the law everywhere.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




There’s one swing state in the “Trump 2024” column!


Citizen Free Press is pointing out that this story came out in July of last year.


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….and then practice so you can hit where you’re aiming.


And learn about safety.


I’m still massively impressed by Elisjsha Dicken — . He had obviously practiced adequately.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. THAT was something!


Fifteen seconds to ready; eight out of ten into the perp at 40 yards with a Glock… significant collateral damage. Perp managed one additional wild shot out of a rifle while being perforated. Who the heck was the grandpa that taught him — Audie Murphy?


My Dad could have done it. He was a fantastic shot, and cool as a cucumber under pressure. He used to light matches with a 22 rifle from a pretty far distance.

His calm under pressure saved our lives one dark night. We were barreling down a back country road at seventy miles an hour (he loved to drive fast). Someone had stolen the stop sign where the road deadended into a crossroad, with a high embankment on the other side. The embankment appeared in the headlights, Dad locked it up, and spun us sideways. When we stopped, I looked out the passenger window, and the embankment was two feet away. That was a wild ride.

Valerie Curren


That reminds me loosely of an “adventure” in my early marriage. We were living in my parents’ cottage in Northern Michigan & returning home from Christmas festivities at my parents’ home downstate. We had our one month old firstborn in a car-seat in the back seat & our dog in the cargo area of an old K-car station wagon we’d inherited from my grandparents. We were less than 2 miles from the cottage & hubby was driving too fast for the icy road conditions, in my opinion, which I voiced in some “helpful” wifely fashion. I encouraged him to slow down as that rear-wheel drive was starting to fishtail. He made some remark about being able to handle it when almost immediately we spun out. We were on the 2 lane highway “Old 27” & spun around to the other side of the road & ultimately ended up embedded facing South in the substantial snow-packed embankment. Oh & one of our tires blew so we were Really stuck.

It was God’s mercy that none of us were hurt as our belongings, including a new rifle Christmas present for Honey, were flung around within the vehicle. Our dog was freaked out & let fly w/ the anal glands & crawled up to the front seat in fear (clean up on aisle 3  😜 ). Also, we just “happened” to land in one of the gaps between the light poles so didn’t actually wrap the car around an obstacle, PTL!

It was about 2 in the morning & we were really stuck, in multiple ways. Thankfully along came some snowmobilers & they stopped to see if we were OK & my husband asked if they could take me & baby Nathaniel home & he either got a ride w/ another snowmobiler or walked, I can’t remember which…OK he said he got a ride w/ another snowmobiler…

So the cottage is on well water with an electric pump which we always turn off when leaving it for more than a few hours. So of course when I get there I flip the pump switch on & there is an immediate waterfall pouring out of the kitchen ceiling from a burst pipe–yikes!

So hubby woke up our neighbor guy to help him go dig the car out of the snowbank & change the tire, which took about an hour. Then he made efforts to localize the pipe burst which we thought was over the kitchen but was actually over the adjacent bathroom but the water ran over plastic sheeting before falling through the kitchen ceiling tiles. There were multiple breaks in the pipe which he put on very temporary patches before completing the repairs the next day…

Anyway it was a HUGE hassle that evolved into Serious manhood training for my (mostly) fatherless husband, who Really rose to the occasion to take care of his wife & baby in very challenging circumstances. There are still water stains on some of those ceiling tiles so there are ongoing reminders of those “adventures” whenever anyone asks the story behind those stains…


Ha ha! That’s not where I thought she was going with her rant.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well I figured if someone was going to re-post a rant like that here, it was unlikely to be about the covid jab; that’s two years old.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Diving death and cover-up?


Since diving is an inherently dangerous activity, why does he think there’s anything to discover? Diving accidents happen and waivers of liability are like leaves in the fall.


If I understood correctly, Mr. Gannon said there was no oxygen in the tank, the inflatable device to use in an emergency was defective, and she had far too much weight on her body to maintain neutral buoyancy.

So when they got in the water, she went straight to the bottom (only 21 feet) and was stuck there, and drowned.

There was only 30% visibility, same as the day before, when the previous day’s dive was canceled due to low visibility.

So everyone whose dive was canceled the previous day joined the next day’s group, so there were twice as many people with the same low visibility.

The authorities sound like they’re giving him the runaround after Mr. Gannon has exhibited far more patience than I would have been able to manage.

To top it all off, apparently there is only one professional diving expert in Albania, who the prosecutor wants to question (as an expert), and nobody can find him for 10 months.


Maybe he is at the bottom of the ocean? Or two bullet suicide?

When I was in the Canadian Rockies, there was a diving accident about 6 pm at night. The guy just did not survive.

Valerie Curren

When I took Scuba in college in the ’80’s, iirc, the diver has some responsibility to check that the equipment is in some degree of working order. I wonder what Cthulhu might have to say about your points?


Just like you pack your own parachute, you also validate your own equipment for diving.

I don’t get the “no oxygen in the tank”. If there was no air in the tank, you’re supposed to take a couple of breaths at the surface when everything is put together to make sure all the seals are good, you have air, and everything is turned-on. OTOH, if the tank were filled with nitrogen and there was literally no oxygen in the tank, that’s flat-out murder.

When you have an underwater emergency, one of the top options is to jettison your weights. You can delay this for a moment or two while you try other things or fiddle around, but if you get to “this is taking too long” or “I’m not thinking of anything”, then you are well into “jettison your weights” territory. The only reason you are wearing weights is because you are wearing something else that is buoyant — you can be buoyant, wetsuits are buoyant, BC’s can be buoyant, even SCUBA tanks can be buoyant. Everything buoyant will end up at the surface if not weighted down (i.e. when you have jettisoned your weights).

Visibility is almost never given in percent — it’s given in distance. If you have 30-foot visibility, you should see something on the bottom at 21 feet as a distinct blob.

There are several schools of “diving experts”, but they are international. NAUI, PADI, and SSI should all be qualified to opine on dive issues.

Valerie Curren

TY for these detailed reminders. so do you think her death Might arise to murder?

Valerie Curren

Thank you Carl for this wonderful teaching. Reminding us that we can only know in part this side of the veil is such an encouragement that the journey is ongoing & the “right” answer is out there, but will only be fully revealed beyond this mortal plane. The “pressing on” will thus never end & the goal of getting to know God more and more intimately is an unfolding life-long process. The only “A+” someone can obtain is on the other side, so we can cease striving & more fully enjoy the journey towards that final destination & revelation  ❤  Blessings!

I hope that your health & strength have been fully restored, as well as that of your loved ones. Thank you for your continuing faithful ministry of love.  😇 


Revelation 22 tells us that God Himself will walk among us as one of us. Here on earth, in New Jerusalem. Try and imagine that!!!

Valerie Curren

Amen, though it’s pretty unfathomable. Kind of goes along with “entertaining angels unaware” 🙂

Barb Meier

This morning, I was thinking about how Obama insults his adversaries by making our traditions, laws, and people look foolish in various ways. I remembered that in some cultures, a person’s behavior can shame the entire family. That made me wonder if the core of such slurs originates from the Chinese or Asian mindset. I think Americans are fairly good at blaming individuals (not family or community) for their bad or foolish words and actions. Could these insults actually be aimed at making other cultures think poorly of the USA so that harmful actions against us will be justifiable? Time to finish sleeping.

Valerie Curren

That’s a fascinating & astute insight!

Barb Meier

Thank you, Valerie.

Valerie Curren

YW Barb. 🙂

Brave and Free
Last edited 1 year ago by Brave and Free
pat frederick

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pat frederick

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Gomer Pyle says, “Surprise, surprise!”



Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

Of course he does why would he not? He has a bad character he lies and is deceptive.
He cannot be trusted because he in for himself and no one else.


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Brave and Free

Answer: They knew it all, and they knew it all along.




Verse of the Day for Sunday, September 24, 2023

“Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” 

Luke 12:32 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!


duchess thank you for providing spiritual food for us day in and out.

Valerie Curren




Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.


Thanks, Carl. I hope you are doing well.

This Bible passage has always fascinated me. I think “seeing in a mirror dimly” also alludes to the fact that we are made in God’s image, but can’t really see ourselves clearly that way until we are with Jesus in Heaven.


This is a good article on the culture war, but my favorite part was this quote from Aleksander Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago:

“Over a half century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of old people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia [following the Soviet revolution in 1917]: ‘Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.’ Since then I have spent well-nigh 50 years working on the history of our revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies, and have already contributed eight volumes of my own toward the effort of clearing away the rubble left by that upheaval. But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous revolution that swallowed up some 60 million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: ‘Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.’”

He knew.

Brave and Free

He could be describing present day US.
Sadly we’re in the same situation. IMO


And why God does not give up on us is one of my “seeing in the mirror dimly” biggest conundrums … clearly I have not yet grasped the sheer magnitude of God’s unconditional love, although I am learning more about the historical times when we have forgotten him. I am so regretful for the decades I lived without Him 🙏


Me, too.


Why do you regret? It was those decades that prepared you to more richly understand His value to your life now and going forward.

Think about this – if you cling to your regret, Christ’s forgiveness doesn’t apply to you.


That’s what His sacrifice was for – so you didn’t have to pay your sin debt. But regret is a form of you still owing your sin debt.

Also, be certain that Satan smiles whenever anyone isn’t fully set free from sin debt.

Be free, my friend.

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2

My regret isn’t that I sinned during those years. It’s that I missed out on being as happy I am now. I was missing out on a lot of joy.


God takes our sins—past, present, and future—and dumps them in the sea and puts up a sign that says “No Fishing Allowed.”

– Corrie ten Boom –


He was a prophet, and Christ Himself said, a prophet is rejected by his own town.

Solzhenitsyn was certainly rejected, though it was govt not people.

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2

But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous revolution that swallowed up some 60 million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: ‘Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.’”

And why? Ask yourself, why? 60 million of our people.


When people push God aside, Satan steps forward. That’s why.

Mr. Berenson seems to believe that people over age 65 is the only group that “needs” to get a COVID-19 “vaccine.”
Mr. Berenson apparently hasn’t caught up on his research into the COVID-19 “vaccines.”
**** The fact is that ANY PERSON who ALREADY HAS a COVID-19 “vaccine” in their body NEEDS to be on a protocol to TRY and reduce or mitigate the DANGEROUS and DEADLY effects of this “vaccine” which are ALREADY AT WORK IN THEIR BODY.
**** The fact is that the CDC / FDA / AMA, KNOW THESE THINGS.


Did you know that anyone who works in healthcare in CA is required to have the shot plus 2 boosters??? I live here and thought it was an individual company policy, but Gruesome made it law.
Theres another reason NOT to have him as the biteme replacement.

Valerie Curren

abject, genocidal evil!  😡 



Cuppa Covfefe

And you can bet that Gruesome Newscum hasn’t had so much as a SINGLE SHOT, let alone a BOOSTER…

He’s just a useless BOOSTERD…


He has video recorded that he received the shot and boosted, but he disappeared for a few weeks after a booster w the suspicion that he had complications but it was obviously never confirmed. Course it couldve been saline he was given.

Valerie Curren

Yes he was at some high profile elite wedding that was written about at Vigilant Citizen regarding Satanic/Occult symbolism, iirc. He was wearing a mask but I believe there was some discussion about Bell’s Palsy impacting him…


Yes! Thats it.


““You can’t kill Americans … knowingly without the okay of the President because you’re literally burning up too much political capital.””


They can’t kill Americans WITH the okay of the Puppetent, either.


A stroke of the obvious…
“There is No American Tradition of Limiting Ammunition Capacity” – Federal Judge Strikes Down California’s Ban on High-Capacity Magazines

A federal judge on Friday struck down California’s ban on high-capacity gun magazines.
US District Judge Roger Benitez, a George W. Bush appointee, in his ruling said, “there is no American tradition of limiting ammunition capacity.” The judge said detachable magazines “solved a problem with historic firearms: running out of ammunition and having to slowly reload a gun.”

“There have been, and there will be, times where many more than 10 rounds are needed to stop attackers,” Benitez wrote, according to CBS News. “Yet, under this statute, the State says ‘too bad.’”

The judge is absolutely correct.

California’s radical far-left Attorney General Rob Bonta immediately filed an appeal, however, the judge’s ban will remain in effect while the case is making its way through the legal system.

“We believe that the district court got this wrong,” Bonta said. “We will move quickly to correct this incredibly dangerous mistake.”
CBS News reported:

California cannot ban gun owners from having detachable magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, a federal judge ruled Friday.

The decision from U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez won’t take effect immediately. California Attorney General Rob Bonta, a Democrat, has already filed a notice to appeal the ruling. The ban is likely to remain in effect while the case is still pending.

This is the second time Benitez has struck down California’s law banning certain types of magazines. The first time he struck it down — way back in 2017 — an appeals court ended up reversing his decision.

But last year, the U.S. Supreme Court set a new standard for how to interpret the nation’s gun laws. The new standard relies more on the historical tradition of gun regulation rather than public interests, including safety.

The Supreme Court ordered the case to be heard again in light of the new standards. It’s one of three high-profile challenges to California gun laws that are getting new hearings in court. The other two cases challenge California laws banning assault-style weapons and limiting purchases of ammunition.


They really hate this judge. Bonta is just as crazy as gruesome.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ah let freedom–and 100 round drum mags–ring!


And melted barrels.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That would take more than one drum mag.

Ask me how I know one drum mag is insufficient.


Wouldn’t take effect immediately? Why not? Did the judge stay his own order?

Court orders are effective upon filing. Unless stayed.


More good news AND hoping Hoe got her Trivalent. <<< They deserve the B E S T.

NEW: Joe Biden Receives Flu Shot, Updated Covid Vaccine and RSV Shot


Related and likely extremely damaging to the Bidenese going forward. Bottom line, you can’t kill Americans without the okay of the President and a huge paper trail exists. Getting it out of the hands of the Bidenese will be a major effort.

BOMBSHELL: New-Found Emails Prove Biden White House Hid COVID Vaccine Harms from the PublicBy Guest Contributor Sep. 23, 2023 12:00 pm502 Comments

Lower vid at the bottom of the story here

Good stuff starts at the 3 min mark and really starts to roll by the 4 min mark.


It’s murder.

The systematic and widespread extermination or attempted extermination of a national, racial, religious, or ethnic group.
The systematic killing of a racial or cultural group.
The systematic killing of substantial numbers of people on the basis of ethnicity, religion, political opinion, social status, or other particularity.


Or democide.


  1. the intentional killing of people by their own government, such as by mass murder, genocide, or deliberate withholding of aid during disasters.
Valerie Curren

AND logic for the win…again  😡 


New-Found Emails Prove Biden White House Hid COVID Vaccine Harms from the Public

Serious question, to get past the idea that “no one ever does anything”: What could be, and should be, the next step in a just system? Who could do something about this? Would it involve Congressional hearings? Would it be the job of the Justice Department (again, yes, we know this current one will do nothing)? How should such crimes be investigated? (I would not object to Nuremberg II with the resulting punishment for the guilty.)


I would guess that because the AG is a political appointee and biased in favor of the Puppetent, that a Special Prosecutor would be appointed, if American Pravda did their actual job instead of defending and providing cover for the criminal cartel committing the genocide.

Then they will claim that the Puppetent can’t be prosecuted while he is in office, so an Impeachment to remove him would be necessary, while the Special Prosecutor investigated the Puppetent and everyone else who facilitated the genocide.

But we don’t have rule of law, we don’t have checks and balances, we don’t have an adversarial system, we don’t have a two party system, so nothing will happen, until or unless DJT is back in power, which of course is exactly why the criminal cartel will do absolutely anything to prevent that outcome.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

“Bottom line, you can’t kill Americans without the okay of the President and a huge paper trail exists.”


They can’t kill Americans WITH the ‘okay’ of the Puppetent, either!!!


I think he gets a fake one they all do otherwise we would have seen more damage to them.


It has to be fake. Secret Service won’t allow danger near POTUS.


You make a good point 🙂


Imagine, more damage to Briben than we witness every day.   :wpds_evil: 




It’s inconceivable that someone in his condition can tolerate so much death-vaxx and keep on ticking.

pat frederick

September 24, 2023 10:39 am

‼️Former California Residents‼️
If you moved away from CA, you may still be registered to vote.
You need to fill out a voter registration cancellation form.
Why is this important? CA mails a ballot to every voter. Your ballot could be used illegally.
Help stop voter fraud.


We need more Scott Presler’s


Odd ball thought.

  :wpds_arrow:  Mortuaries ARE required to notify Social Security, when they process someone who passed.

  :wpds_arrow:  USPS SHOULD be REQUIRED to notify the Registar of Voters when they process a Change of Address.

^^^ Stroke of common sense, Uniparty would balk at.

pat frederick

good idea!!!

pat frederick

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It has always been puzzling to me that President Trump does not continuously highlight this egregious, co-ordinated act of electoral corruption.

pat frederick


Brave and Free

Maybe they’ll use it as evidence in the trials?
Remember “we have it all”.


I don’t know if he talked about stopping the counting, but Meet the Press edited out the part of his interview where Trump talked about election fraud.

WATCH The Stunning First 9 Minutes Of Kristen Welker’s Trump Interview That Were Edited Out Of Meet the Press
A bit of what was said:

FMR. PRES. DONALD TRUMP: The election was rigged. There’s no question about that. There’s so much proof on it. Even if you go to the more modern-day proof with the — they call it Twitter Files, FBI and Twitter, or you take a look at the Amazon stuff or the Google stuff, or you take a look at “2,000 Mules,” you take a look at all of the ballot stuffing that’s on tape, you take a look at the fact that the legislatures didn’t approve a lot of the things that were done in the elections, and they had to approve. And we could go on forever. We could go on forever. But, but no. I want somebody that’s going to be strong, respected, tough, and fair.

KRISTEN WELKER: Just to go back to a couple of the points you said, the ballot stuffing. That’s something that’s been debunked.

FMR. PRES. DONALD TRUMP: It hasn’t been debunked. It’s on camera.

KRISTEN WELKER: As you know, let’s — But I do want to keep moving forward.

FMR. PRES. DONALD TRUMP: Yeah, but, Kristen, it’s on camera. Hundreds — even thousands and thousands of people. You take a look. True the Vote. Take a look. It’s on camera. They have thousands of —

KRISTEN WELKER: But Mr. President, you know Republican officials and top law enforcement officials, they have told you that that’s debunked.

FMR. PRES. DONALD TRUMP: I know, but, Kristen, you can’t say — They have thousands of pictures of people — I know you have to say that for your network, but you shouldn’t say it, because that’s the problem.

KRISTEN WELKER: But, Mr. President–

FMR. PRES. DONALD TRUMP: The news has lost such power.

KRISTEN WELKER: Let’s stay on track, though, Mr. President. Let’s stay on track with these questions —

FMR. PRES. DONALD TRUMP: No, but you’re saying– It hasn’t. We have thousands of essentially motion pictures of people stuffing the ballot boxes. Tens of thousands.


If I was FoxNews management, I’d have cut that part. Can’t have truth when there’s a narrative to spin.

Cuppa Covfefe

I miss VSGPDJT and his brilliant press secretary and “BEAT the Press”(titutes) …


“FMR. PRES. DONALD TRUMP: Yeah, but, Kristen, it’s on camera. Hundreds — even thousands and thousands of people. You take a look. True the Vote. Take a look. It’s on camera. They have thousands of —

KRISTEN WELKER: But Mr. President, you know Republican officials and top law enforcement officials, they have told you that that’s debunked.”


It’s on CAMERA, you clown. Live motion video.

That’s when you ask the clown who is she gonna believe?

The lying corrupt political-class, or her own lying eyes?

And then just look at her in silence, waiting for her reply.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

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pat frederick

if i hurt your widdle fweelings…
GROW THE HECK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!


Borrowing from a famous war quote, “Damn the [political correctness], full speed ahead.”


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Slow Guy has No time for PC BS.


Exactly why Russell Brand got cancelled.

“The pandemic created at least 40 new Big Pharma billionaires; pharmaceutical corporations like Moderna and Pfizer made $1,000 in profit every second from the Covid-19 vaccines; more than two-thirds of Congress received campaign funding from pharmaceutical companies in the 2020 election; Pfizer Chairman Albert Bourla told Time magazine in July 202 that his company was developing a Covid vaccine for the good of humanity, not for money, and of course Pfizer made a $100 billion dollars in profit in 2022.”

Maher, desperately trying to get a word in edgewise on his own show, reminded Brand that “a lot of people would be dead without the vaccine.”

To which Brand snapped back: “If you have an economic system in which pharmaceutical companies benefit hugely from medical emergencies, where the military industrial complex benefits from war, where energy companies benefit from energy crisis, you are going to generate states of permanent crisis where the interests of ordinary people separate from the interests of the elite.”

The entire article is worth a read, imo.

pat frederick

Afternoon phoenix…
Filly stumbled across this image and i immediately thought of you!
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Good Afternoon Pat …

Ohh how kind of you … to think of me. Yes, I love to smile…

thank you … and Filly of course!

(Gorgeous hat btw… and Mary Janes … what more could a girl ask for,,,

well, friends like you ! God bless you darlin’ …

pat frederick

the happiness in her face is so endearing…I can almost hear her giggling…


yes … and the folks who can make us laugh, bring a smile to the heart are precious indeed. YOU are one of those people, and I am so happy to see you here again…

Robert Baker

I have wondered why Pfizer stock has fallen so much given the profits accrued in the last two years. Much the same with Moderna. It does seem to be counter intuitive to normal investment norms.

Cuppa Covfefe

Market manipulation, considering the deep dank dark death-delivering evil ones controlling the big Pharma industry…


Stock falling, as the cash cow dries up a bit?

Folks getting wise to Covidiot Injections and saying, No.

Ed Dowd said the other day, and it rings with common sense.

Trends are your friend, until they are not.

  • Covid Injections. >>> Pfizer / Moderna stock.

Per Marica’s blog —
Please, if possible, spare a prayer or kind thought for our good GA/FL. Her disabled daughter’s behavior “has become intolerable.”
(GA/FL is helping to take care of her daughter since her ex, the father,and who was helping out, is now in a nursing home.)


I feel so bad for her. This is such a difficult situation.


prayers up Pavaca … thank you for sharing …

and … ongoing prayers for our DePat and family …


Naomi Wolf discuses the 742 documents obtained via FOIA regarding the truth that the federal government knew about the dangers of the COVID-19 “vaccines.”
Many of the obtained documents were redacted, but enough information was recoverable to indicate that the CDC, FDA, and others in the federal government knew about the dangers of these “vaccines” in May, 2021. Instead of informing the American public, the government instead wrote up a “script” that would promote the use of the “vaccines.”
Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins (then-head of the NIH), Rochelle Walensky, and Andrew Slavic (White House senior COVID advisor) were included in the emails related to the writing of the “script.” The actual “script” is redacted.

Last edited 1 year ago by PAVACA

Notice that those documents were included in a FOIA request BUT they were in addition to what was requested. Mistake or quiet white hat – your choice.


Authored by Urs Gehriger via,

“They’re all afraid”
Tucker Carlson is unstoppable. Since his sudden departure from Fox News he scores record viewer ratings. In an exclusive interview with Weltwoche, the political media star demolishes the mainstream media’s manipulation machine, reveals his concerns about a potential Donald Trump Restoration, he speaks about the disturbing state of the Biden family and discusses what’s next for him in a Post-Fox News Order.


I’m reading the transcript. A couple of things that have stood out to me:

I was reminded that “Pedo Peter” was a name Hunter gave his father in his contact list, not just a term that detractors have come up with.

Also, I don’t get the impression that Tucker is on board the Trump train. IMO he throws Trump under the bus by his effusive praise for Mohamed bin Zayed, the president of United Arab Ermirates.

Carlson pronounces the sheikh “the most interesting, wisest leader I’ve ever spoken to” — a provocative assessment given that the talk show host sat across from Donald J. Trump last month. Of the Arab leader, Carlson enthuses, “I’ve never met a more humble leader, ever — and I believe humility is a prerequisite for wisdom.”

Then later, Tucker says this:

Do I think if Trump were to take over, tomorrow, that he would make the CIA accountable to voters? No, I don’t. Do I think he’d build a wall? I don’t know. I hope so.

I know that you cannot allow, you absolutely cannot allow a political party to use our system of justice to imprison the president’s chief opponent. You can’t do that. That’s just absolutely not allowed.

Why wouldn’t Tucker think he would build a wall when he did it before? I’m wondering if Tucker completely understands Trump. I will be watching to see what he says in the future.


More and more, the evidence keeps piling up that you can’t trust anyone but Christ.


Wow. watch this video of Matt Gaetz being interviewed by Maria Bartiroma, and ask yourself if you still think she might be on our side! (Answer: she’s not!):


Be fair – she has to obey her bosses. It is FauxNews, after all.


Pravda News Traditions….

Paycheck over America.


I guess. I’d quit.


Maria could easily get hired elsewhere. Telling, she doesn’t.


Yes, I completely agree.




Wow, as you say! Gaetz was spot on. He states that Repubs are good at vocalizing outrage, then doing nothing.

I’ve never seen that kind of pushback from Maria, but I don’t watch her except in clips like this. Her voice is annoying to me; she always seems to be almost yelling.

Yes, Repubs are doing some things, but as Gaetz says, it’s not enough.


She annoys me, too. Too strident.


Her name is on the roster of the Council on Foreign Relations.


Yeah, I’ve seen that. I don’t trust her.


Who does?

Valerie Curren

Wasn’t she on that young leaders list, WEF or Soros or something, like so many, including Ivanka? That’s an auto side-eye for me!


Yes, IIRC.


Double Dutch to me but the technical minded might be interested…

“Russian lithography, from stealing washing machine chips to the future.”

Cuppa Covfefe

Washing machine chips is a load of hooey, propagated by “Muh Russia, Muh Russia” folks…

Spin-cycle drivers won’t help missles unless they want their whites whiter (raycisss) and brights brighter…


Washing machine chips is I believe used as a metaphor or analogy comparing previous tech to present, I think you Know that.

Valerie Curren



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High expectations …

Too high imo


Maybe …



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Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths
Valerie Curren

Excellent (dream) 🙂

Valerie Curren

Weird, this reply was (supposed to be) to one of your (duplicate) postings of the James Woods meme…hmmm

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – this clip STARTS with my yelling of “F*CK YOU” when they began launching munitions into the crowd!!!

Valerie Curren

Do you agree w/ that man’s perspective that cops started firing on peaceful protestors w/out provocation?

Valerie Curren


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It doesn’t make you “phobic,” either.



This could lead to what Col Macgregor said about the war going sideways…

“Washington is looking to set up a military base in the Guayana Esequiba area, which is contested by Venezuela and Guyana, the former’s foreign minister has claimed.
In a speech to the UN General Assembly on Saturday, Yvan Gil said the US considers itself “the sovereign” of Latin America, and is now intervening in the more than 200-year-old territorial dispute between Caracas and Georgetown.
“The US government seeks to appropriate our oil resources by using the company Exxon Mobil, which has incorporated the government of Guyana into its ranks,” he said.”

More here…


““Washington is looking to…”


That’s exactly how it should be phrased.

It’s not America, it’s not the United States of America or the People, it’s the District of Criminals who are responsible.

A foreign occupying and usurping criminal cartel.


They know the score, and rightly place the blame.


“In a speech to the UN General Assembly on Saturday, Yvan Gil said the US considers itself “the sovereign” of Latin America,”


That’s untrue.

The rogue regime in Washington considers itself the ‘sovereign’ of Latin America and everywhere else, but the People of America don’t.

If you have a problem with them, get in line.

If you want to call out the criminal cartel and put them on blast, be my guest.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

Yes but according to the article that Yvan Gil is the former former foreign minister of Venezuela he may not be up to speed on the niceties of distinguishing globos from normals.


From OT (boldface mine):

Washington Post/ABC Poll Shows President Trump With 10 Point Lead Over Joe Biden
September 24, 2023

“At a lengthy dinner last night, this was part of the conversation. In my remarks I shared that Donald Trump had gained approximately 20% more support amid the average voting base for 2024 than he retained in 2020. This puts the margin of voter fraud needed to defeat Trump in 2024 at a level that cannot be achieved.

This visible scale of support is also one of the baseline datapoints explaining why Barack Obama is slowly exiting from the Biden influence operation. Obama knows when to exit and avoid the collateral damage.”


Good to see increased support for DJT, but don’t kid yourself that there is any margin beyond which the criminals who stand to lose their freedom and their lives won’t cheat and steal the election anyway.

Because WHO is going to stop them?

That is the question that needs to be answered, otherwise it doesn’t matter if Trump is polling with 100% support across all demographics and party lines.


As for the Magic Kenyan, why would he be throwing in the towel with more than a year to go?

A demolition expert like Hussein can do all kinds of damage to the Republic between now and then.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe he’ll “trip” on the towel while “helping” someone pick up a bar of soap….. 🙂

Valerie Curren

The bar of soap features heavily in the first 5 minutes 😉


don’t kid yourself that there is any margin beyond which the criminals who stand to lose their freedom and the lives won’t cheat and steal the election anyway.

Yes. IMO it is dangerous to get complacent about a supposed “inevitable” win. The Left keeps coming up with new ways to cheat, they are ruthless, and they know there will be little, if any, accountability.


There is the possibility there will be … no election.

Nov 2024 is 15 months away …

That’s a very long time in ‘politics’ … not to mention geopolitics.

Does the RF believe US and Germany have ‘boots on the ground’ in Ukraine … and will the RF respond? If so, how will they respond?


I hear you. I think there will be an election. Of course I could be wrong, but I’m going on record. 😅


I did NOT say or suggest there would not be one…

I said “There is the possibility there will be … no election.”

Will there be an election if Washington DC and other major cities are bombed (conventionally even, not nuclear)? Macgregor has stated several times that if it comes to war between RF and USA, this will happen.


This is exactly why everyone, every social media influencer, should be pointing out that this is the plan of the Brandon / Hussein administration.

To get us in a war so there is never another election in America.

Pound it constantly into the public consciousness, making it impossible for them to actually do it, because it would be proving literally all of their political adversaries RIGHT.


Can’t remember which video or the exact context of the conversation but Col Macgregor did say something like there may not be an election.


Here is part of it but the first part of the conversation is missing…


Here is the full one, it does annoy me when they get chopped up, go in about 47:00 to get the gist of the conversation.


“…inevitable win…” <<< That is what I believed, November 3, 2020.

“We” had it in the bag, as I went to bed late November 3rd.

Woke up to, BiteMe Stole The Election.

Six states stopped counting for bullshit reasons, or NO reason at all. <<< PFM.


Me too…

Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very much agreed. The Crims are looking for any way to keep power.



Forbes reports the destruction of Swedish Strv 122 tanks by Russian UAVs, which are considered a modernization of the German Leopard 2A5 and, according to their characteristics, are the best tank in service with the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Interestingly, the


is currently the most read in the publication.


France recalls its ambassador from Niger and all embassy staff in Niamey, completely transforming its diplomatic presence in that country.

It is unknown how Paris intends to evacuate the ambassador, since Niger has completely closed its airspace to French aircraft.


We have spec ops teams that can do it. They whacked bin Laden in his bunker and got home safely.


via Intel Slava

During attempts to break through the Russian defense on the Rabotino-Verbovoye line, the Ukrainian army lost a huge amount of armored vehicles, which were transferred to it by sponsors from the countries of the collective West. This became known to The Washington Post.

According to correspondents, the area around two villages, which were stormed by Ukrainian Armed Forces units for a long time, now resembles an arms cemetery. Mostly Western made.


The geolocation of the impact on the railway train with the equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has been established – the settlement. Rodinskoye, north of Pokrovsk, temporarily occupied part of the DPR.

Judging by satellite images, the strike took place between September 20-23. Ukrainian sources indicate the time of the strike as September 21, 09:30, noting that no civilians were injured.

We also note during the same period a large-scale defeat in the area of the Rodinskaya railway station itself (about 1 km south of the impact site in the video).


Found in Naked Capitalism article

Last edited 1 year ago by phoenixrising

I would like to tattoo Glenn’s last statement across FJB’s forehead…


Isn’t she related to the Illinois guv?

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. The Pritzker empire owns Chicago and half of Trans.

Brave and Free

IIRMC they make $$ off the trans trade. And the gov’s brother is a cross dresser.

Last edited 1 year ago by Brave and Free
Brave and Free

The same playbook, creat the problem then make $$ for your peeps with the clean up.


A part of the converging of foreign forces (mercenaries) taking place across America.

“…and the flames are getting higher every day”


Brave and Free

Exactly, I am afraid this isn’t going to end well for the US.


READ: 1776 – regardless of numbers, we have the arms (unless, of course, they’re stashed a lot here) Still: no contest.


Unless the Biden regime does arm the illegals like Obama did the Mexican cartel.


Well, they could. We’ve been complaining for sometime that many of the administrative offices in govt have been allowed to stock pile arms and munitions. Something that makes no sense to their actual job.

Grabs the first page of links:

  1. › articles › 2021 › 04 › 14 › 76_non-military_non-law_enforcement_federal_agencies_stockpile_weaponry_772141.html#!

76 Non-Military, Non-Law Enforcement Federal Agencies Stockpile …

  1. April 14, 2021 Last week, President Joseph Biden expressed his interest in gun control by directing the Department of Justice to take several steps to prevent more mass shootings, while his own federal agencies continue to stockpile guns and ammunition.
  2. › us › politics › constitution › government-agencies-are-stockpiling-body-armor-tactical-gear-ammo

Government Agencies are Stockpiling Body Armor, Tactical Gear, Ammo

  1. Government Agencies are Stockpiling Body Armor, Tactical Gear, Ammo by Clinton Alexander January 18, 2016 Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society In recent years under President…
  2. › 2017 › 10 › 20 › non-military-government-agencies-stockpiling-guns-ammo

Non-Military Government Agencies Stockpiling Guns and Ammo

  1. Forbes has an article detailing what government agencies are stockpiling: Why Are Federal Bureaucrats Buying Guns And Ammo? $158 Million Spent By Non-Military Agencies. […] traditionally administrative agencies spent more than $20 million. Four notable examples: 1) Internal Revenue Service (IRS)…. 2) Small Business Administration (SBA)….
  2. › 2022 › 08 › 03 › irs_stockpiles_more_than_5m_rounds_of_ammo_845858.html

IRS Stockpiles More Than 5M Rounds of Ammo | RealClearPolicy

  1. Aug 3, 2022The IRS has stockpiled five million rounds of ammunition and spent $725,000 on bullets this year, according to Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz, who has introduced a bill to block future ammunition purchases by the agency. The Republican lawmaker announced his sponsorship of the Disarm the IRS Act in a July press release. The bill would ban the …
  2. › world › us › us-conducting-analysis-ensure-it-has-enough-munitions-stockpile-us-general-2022-12-06

U.S. conducting analysis to ensure it has enough munitions stockpile- U …

  1. Dec 6, 2022The United States military is studying the rate of munitions used in Russia’s war in Ukraine to ensure that the Pentagon is accurately calculating the weapons it would need in case of any future …
  2. › factchecks › 2014 › jun › 27 › james-buchal › government-stockpiling-hundreds-millions-rounds-am

PolitiFact | Is the government ‘stockpiling’ hundreds of millions of …

  1. James Buchal By Dana Tims June 27, 2014 Is the government ‘stockpiling’ hundreds of millions of rounds of ammunition for domestic use? Do Americans need to worry about the government…
  2. › federal-government-stockpiling-military-weapons-non-military-agencies

Why is the federal government stockpiling military weapons for its non …

  1. Mark Meckler August 31, 2016 Big Government, Featured, News A new report by a government watchdog group has tracked the weaponry expenditures of the federal government and found $1.48 billion in “military-style equipment” purchases for 67 of its non-military agencies.
  2. › articles › 2021 › 04 › 14 › 76_non-military_non-law_enforcement_federal_agencies_stockpile_weaponry_772141.html

76 Non-Military, Non-Law Enforcement Federal Agencies Stockpile …

  1. We showed that almost $1 billion was spent on guns, ammunition, and military-style equipment in the 103 federal agencies outside of the Department of Defense between 2015 and 2019, the latest year available. Of that spending, $110.6 million was divvied up among 76 non-law enforcement, administrative agencies and spent on guns, ammunition and …
  2. › issues › now-bureaucrats-guns-u-s-marines

There Are Now More Bureaucrats With Guns Than U.S. Marines

  1. Report: Non-military federal agencies spend $1.48 billion on guns and ammo since 2006 Police officers from the IRS Criminal Investigation Division / AP Elizabeth Harrington June 22, 2016…

Here’s my concern. If Trump remains up in the polls before the election, the Invaders start protesting about 6 to 3 months out. At first the protests will seem minor and legitimate but this will happen in conjunction with random acts of violence. People will counter and demand retribution, the random acts of violence increase to the point people do not feel safe venturing out. The thugs will join with more peaceful groups making them large violent mobs. The intent would be to keep people from the polls. Worse case situation is at some point the stock piled arms the govt holds begin to leak into the street. Then we have open warfare on streets. Red areas will find the way to control the violence. Blue areas will let it all go to hell. The Federal Govt will try to stop elections as a means they’ll claim to quell the violence. Red areas need to ignore this and vote come hell or high water while demanding that Blue areas vote too because we are going to be up on our game when we get the first whiff of this happening and people in Blue areas are going to feel trapped and will want a way out and the only way out is to vote! 😁

Gail Combs

This bureaucrats stock piling guns and ammo started under OBAMA a decade or more ago.

Valerie Curren

That’s what I thought too off the top of my head. Everything that (ongoing) Usurper did/does was/is destructive to this nation & the world, like some psychopathic spawn of Satan  😡   😡   😡 


I remember Obama started stashing arms someplace in the US for what ?
I hope you are right.
My hope is that all Americans come together against those illegals want violence.
My husband has told me when it counts Americans come together no matter all for the love of country.


We know the terrain and have arms.

Invaders don’t know the terrain and unknown arms.

It may get ugly, but this IS Our Land. Hope it all remains peaceful.


Remember where they come from they are brutal. We play nice and we have to see on what side the regime is on?


If things get physical, there are no rules. We win. They lose.


Good to be positive 🙂


“France will pull its military and diplomats from Niger after a successful coup by anti-French forces, President Emmanuel Macron said on Sunday. The move will see around 1,500 soldiers leave by the end of the year.”



Via a combination of rabbit holes, Yours Truly has learned the following:

ONE: The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine” BNT162b2 (elements of which are present in EVERY COVID-19 “vaccine” that this company makes) CAN CAUSE THE DELETION OF AN IMPORTANT CHROMOSOME ELEMENT — 1p36. That’s DELETION, not damage. This deletion is called “1p36 Deletion Syndrome.”
The 1p36 chromosome is important to the NORMAL development of many crucial things in a fetus and their presence in a newborn baby:
Intellectual capability
Speech capability
Ability to control behavior
Life expectancy
among others.

Under NORMAL circumstances, about 1 in every 5,000 newborns have 1p36 Deletion Syndrome.

The effects of 1p36 Deletion Syndrome under NORMAL circumstances are, among others (pay close attention to these):
** About 90% will have severe learning disabilities
** About 75% will have NO ability to form words
** Delayed growth
** Seizures
** Abnormalities of brain structure
** Temper tantrums
** Will bite and/or hit themselves or others
** Short life expectancy

Yours Truly is attaching an image of the FIRST PAGE (of 8) of the “Appendix 1: List of Adverse Events of Special Interest” of conditions and injuries caused by BNT162b2 that the company GAVE TO THE FDA. The FDA date and time stamp are on the far left side of the page. 1p36 Deletion Syndrome is the FIRST Adverse Event of Special Interest listed. IMO, the ONLY way that this could be known to Pfizer-BioNTech would be through issues that came up AFTER the pregnant women who took BNT162b2 in the C4591001 clinical trial of the “vaccine” had their blood tested.

THREE: Since ANY of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccines” migrate to, and settle in, the OVARIES of females who take the “vaccine” — and in LARGE AMOUNTS of the spike protein + its modRNA — their lifetime supply of eggs can get contaminated, leading to the deletion of the 1p36 chromosome element.

FOUR: The FDA KNEW back in April 2021 that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine” causes 1p36 Deletion Syndrome — an ARTIFICIAL AND CONTRIVED CIRCUMSTANCE adverse side effect of this “vaccine.” Therefore, the possibility that 1p36 Deletion Syndrome cases could ARTIFICIALLY INCREASE, since it’s not normal circumstances, would ALSO be known to the FDA. YET, THE FDA DID NOT PULL THE “VACCINE” OFF THE MARKET FOR PREGNANT WOMEN OR FOR WOMEN OF CHILDBEARING AGE. IN FACT, THE FDA IS STILL RECOMMENDING THAT THESE WOMEN GET “VACCINATED.”

FIVE: There are tests that “vaccinated” women can get to determine if they have 1p36 Deletion Syndrome.

SIX: IMO, Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins, and Janet Woodcock (she was Acting Commissioner of the FDA in April, 2021}, and Deborah Birx NEED TO BE ARRESTED. NOW.

Information about 1p36 Deletion Syndrome:
“Novel Point Mutation of EBSS Gene Coexisted with 1p36 Deletion”
Yue Zheng et al.

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Valerie Curren

I thought of the Spectrum too based on CV’s list of issues. Yet another Cloward-Piven, iirc, break the system strategy, since people on The Spectrum often need varying degrees of lifelong intervention!  😡 


Wait until they start trying to normalize euthanasia. As they have in Canada. Other countries, I believe.

Valerie Curren

Whenever I think we might have reached the apex of evil someone comes along to expose the even deeper darkness lurking…  😡   😵   😳   😵   😡 


In other words, what they’ve basically done is sterilize a whole generation of young women. They didn’t even wait for Planned Parenthood to get to them. The evil of these jabs is just unimaginable.


I’l never forget seeing public service announcements that pregnant women should get the vaccine and that it was safe. Someone needs to be held accountable.


PLT at her finest.

~43 seconds.

As an aside, PLT trending towards chunky, MeThinks.


LOL, me thinks you’re right…^^^


Man is that awful.

Why does the American Pravda witch supply potential answers to her own question?

Does Sandy require multiple choice questions now?

Then Sandy Cortez proceeds to lie like a teenager with a smirk on her face for the next 20 seconds.

Then American Pravda witch snickers off-screen.

Why do they even put that on TV?

It’s just nasty, awful people being nasty to each other.


Rather shocking.

In 1965 a frenchmen wrote a novel called the “Forgotten Soldier” where in he told his story of being drafted into the German Army and eventually volunteering to serve with an elite unit, the SS Grossdeutschland Division and fighting against the Russians on the Eastern Front where he learned first hand the horrors of war as the German’s fought a running retreat back to Germany. Eventually he and other remaining soldiers in his unit were transferred to the Western Front where they promptly surrendered to Allied Forces at the first opportunity. The book remains on the recommended book list, for Officers and NCO’s. It’s the tale of a soldier and the horrors of war, where notions of duty, honor and country are quickly replaced with the more base loyalty of one up, one down, to the left, and to the right and if the chain of command can keep it together so much the better and when they can’t it all falls apart fast.

What happened in that chamber was not a celebration of a soldier, but the just rah rah rah, kill Russia. Those people are disgusting.


Excellent video, thanks for finding and posting it.


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I read that Stanley Kubrick rigged movie projectors under the table, projecting upwards, to be able to create that special effect.

I tried to find the reference just now, but there is too much info on that movie for a quick search.


That is true. Flat panel displays hadn’t been invented yet. Further, Kubrick did this A LOT — there is a shot of passing by something like an apartment building on the moon, and many of the apartments have something going on in them — they are all little reverse-projected movies in a model of the building.


They sure did…things have edged over into insanity


Insanity, yes. I was just thinking “people lose their minds.” They get behind an idea (Covid, vaxes, masks, orange man bad, Ukraine good/Russia bad) and take action unthinkingly.


Stuff like this in America’s future?

American Thinker

Armed citizens restore the rule of law in South Africa after an armed robbery and murder

“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

The Second Amendment was put to the test this week, albeit abroad and not at home. This past Thursday, a band of South African citizens, currently suffering under the thumb of a wicked and lawless government and emboldened criminals, restored law and order and security after a gang of thugs robbed an armored truck and murdered the driver.

From a Gateway Pundit article yesterday:

On Thursday, 9/21, local farmer militiamen in South Africa stopped a gang of 15 armed robbers armed with AK-47s who had just robbed an armored car, killing the driver. The local volunteers apprehended the fugitives after a high-speed chase, including a dangerous Mozambican criminal wanted for murder of a police officer.

According to a local source, the police responded, but fled the scene when they came under fire, at which point a “community crime watch group” known as Hoedspruit

Farmwatch stepped in, setting up makeshift barricades with boulders. The armed robbers then shot at the farmers, who returned fire in a clash that lasted around 20 minutes. After all was said and done, the members of HF were unhurt, while four of the gang members were dead and another three were injured; see the tweet below:

Hero farmers from Hoedspruit kills 4 CIT robbers and wounds 3 after police flee the scene.

Full story:

Today, 22/09/2023, 15 robbers armed with automatic rifles carried out a CIT heist in Hoedspruit, killing the driver Fidelity driver. Police fled the scene when the robbers…

— Willem Petzer (@willempet) September 22, 2023

(CIT stands for Cash-in-Transit.)

Additional details here:

It is further reported that the suspects started shooting at members of Hoedspruit Farmwatch who in self-defence returned fire. During the shootout, four suspects were killed and one (28) was injured and arrested on the spot. The other suspects ran into the nearby bushes and…

— Ian Cameron (@IanCameron23) September 23, 2023

Few things bring me as much joy as when I read stories in which harsh justice rains down on those who hurt the innocent, so this was certainly a “feel-good” story for someone like myself, but it’s also a good reminder of what the “militia” is, and why our very lives depend on its sustenance. These armed farmers, private citizens with personal weapons, are the militia, despite all the screaming and shouting to the contrary—the militia is neither the National Guard, nor is it a state police force, nor any other government corps.

George Mason, an anti-Federalist, purportedly said, “I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.”


