First prayers for Deplorable Patriot, her Mom and her Family. May God be with them and also with our country. Second please excuse spelling and grammar errors, I am 1/2 asleep.
It would seem our country is FINALLY waking up.

‘Operation Trust.’ On the Infinite Strength of Questions — Burning Bright
Have you ever heard that phrase bandied about in the Info War?
On an Actual level, it refers to a declassified counter-intel operation conducted by the State Political Directorate of the Soviet Union implemented in the 1920s, in which Bolshevik (communist) aligned agents were both installed into and founded grassroots anti-Bolshevik movementswithin the Russian and Eastern European populations.
The goal of this communist operation was to root out existing threats to communist rule from within the sovereign population, and to provoke the ‘turn’ of anti-communist sentiment within those most likely to found, lead or join anti-Bolshevik movements in the decades to come.
In essence, it was an intelligence False Flag operation meant to trick anti-communist, pro-sovereign Russians into believing there was a powerful anti-Soviet movement in the offing; the result of the operation was the successful identification, imprisonment and ultimately, long-term neutering of anti-communist movements and even sentiment within the destabilized empire. By cutting off the heads of the sovereign sentiment within the Russian population, the Soviet government was able to curtail early threats to its rule, while blunting the formation of future threats for generations to come…
(For more on said communist infiltration and its eventual defeat at the hands of the reforged Russian Federation, check out the Righteous Russia series here on Burning Bright.)
Burning Bright goes on from there. It is a good read AND VERY TIMELY. Burning Bright and Just Human also discuss this topic during last weekend’s Defected Ep 42 – Sun
A very rough transcript of the part I wish to discuss:
@36.45 …[It is important to have] healthy skepticism of our opponents that we don’t agree with, but having just as much if not more healthy skepticism coming from the news we do agree with. I think that is one of the most dangerous and where you can really slip up…. When the news is something you agree with at the outset… you have to have healthy skepticism of BOTH SIDES. MAYBE MORE SO OF YOUR OWN SIDE….
@46:30 We have been psy-oped and demoralized into believing that hope… is illogical. With an organic movement like the Q drops, people grift on to that, or they are installed and PAID and WE KNOW THIS HAPPENS… this is a MACRO Socratic Operation that is telling you, your nation has been subverted . [Telling you] THIS IS HOW TO FIND OUT who is subverting it and how and how to counter them… Q was not ‘Operation Trust’ but those who grifted onto it were little versions of Operation Trust…
When I heard this and then read Burning Bright’s article I immediately thought of DHS Sec. Janet Napolitano and The Oath Keepers.
“…(communist) aligned agents were both installed into and FOUNDED GRASSROOTS ANTI-BOLSHEVIK MOVEMENTS. …the result of the operation was the successful identification, imprisonment and ultimately, long-term neutering of anti-communist movements and even sentiment…”
Given Jan 6th doesn’t it make sense that The Oath Keepers IS actually a DHS/COMMUNIST TRAP and the Trap was finally sprung on Jan 6th? Doesn’t that explain the outlandish sentencing AND THE ARREST AND CONVICTION OF PEOPLE WHO NEVER EVEN WENT IN THE CAPITAL? Especially given the fact the Banksters FUNDED the Bolshevik Revolution.
Just Human discusses just that about the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers starting at 1:12:45. He looks at it from the angle of having read their ‘confessions.’
Refresher on Napolitano and the Oath Keepers:
It all links back to Obama and Janet Napolitano.
Napolitano was head of DHS in March of 2010 when she switched focus FROM Muslim Terrorists TO Homegrown Patriotic Veterans and retired LEOs. (See my article AND Logic: The Conspiracy to Ban Guns
Funny how Rhodes Started up the Oath Keepers at the SAME TIME THE REPORT NAPOLITANO REFERS TO WAS WRITTEN…
In an increasingly bizarre world Napolitano stands by the controversial Department of Homeland Security report which lists returning veterans among terrorist risks to the U.S along with ordinary American patriots.
“…“Rightwing extremism,” the report said… goes beyond religious and racial hate groups and extends to “those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely.”
“It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration,” said the report, which also listed gun owners and veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars as potential risks….”
Napolitano stands by controversial report — April 16, 2009
“Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Wednesday that she was briefed before the release of a controversial intelligence assessment and that she stands by the report, which lists returning veterans among terrorist risks to the U.S…..”
WIKI (Now changed)
Oath Keepers was founded in March 2009 by Elmer Stewart Rhodes a Yale Law School graduate, former U.S. Army paratrooper, and former staffer for Republican Congressman Ron Paul….
(I wonder if he was a SPY placed on Ron Paul’s Staff. Staffers move from person to person as congress critters come and go.)
Wolfie documents Napolitano popping up again in connection with Jan 6th HERE.
Now does these tweets make sense?
Yesterday I discussed Mike Benz’s information on the destruction of our First Amendment right of Free Speech. There is one thing Mike Benz does not mention and it is a very effective tactic — the Limited Hangout.
A limited hangout or partial hangout is a tactic used in media relations, perception management, politics, and information management. The tactic originated as a technique in the espionage trade.
According to Victor Marchetti, a former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), a limited hangout is “spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting—sometimes even volunteering—some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case. The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further. — WIKI
So let’s go back to the Devolution video I Tuesday yesterday.
Devolution Power Hour #181 Featuring Burning Bright and Just Human – Wed 10:30 PM ET –
The first point I want to mention, is how YOUNG most of the Badland hosts are. Jon Harold has not even read Q, Kate was a Democrat as was Burning Bright. Just Human and Patrick Gunnels are Libertarians. I find they are missing a heck of a lot of the information that I have acquired from being an ‘EVIL BOOMER’
@ 1:45:40 Jon Harold talks about how necessary $$$ are and how hard it is to hold a full time job AND produce good content. “So I made that leap to doing this full time, but not everybody can do that.” [Very true but it makes you vulnerable. GC]
….Therefore being able to support yourself as full time Alt-News journalist is critical to the insurgency… WE have come up with a way… this is something WE talked about at GART II… this is how WE decided we could decentralize our information. This is how EVERYBODY CAN PLAY A ROLL IN THIS…”
Jon then pushes
It requires name AND AN EMAIL ADDRESS… I maybe paranoid but it makes me think of “…the result of the operation was the successful identification, imprisonment and ultimately, long-term neutering of anti-communist movements …”
Are you searching for a way to drive meaningful change in your community?
We will provide you with flyers, banners and stickers as a digital download and you can print at home or at a local print shop and distribute in your community. We will also have video clips to upload and share with your online friends.
Register now and be a BIG part of the Great Awakening.
Register as a Badlander!
Everyone must register to access the content….
Badlands Media features the work of a dedicated group of Patriot citizen journalists who are changing the media landscape in America.

What is ironic is I wrote the part about Limited Hangouts and the Devolution Power Hour BEFORE I saw Burning Bright’s ‘Operation Trust’ article. Talk about being ‘guided’!
Over the last several months I have shared my increasing suspicion about Patrick Gunnels. Here are some of my past comments.
Gail Combs(@gailcombs) Reply to nikkichico7
April 4, 2023 16:16 … #1077456
The Blair Rockefeller Report showed the Tea Party was WELL EDUCATED middle class BOOMERS. These are the CORE of MAGA.
(And they are still giving Patrick Gunnels grief on Badlands for his tasteless remark “Boomers are EVIL.”
Nice example:
I’m not a boomer—far from it, I’m not a huge fan of that troubled generation—but I admit to losing my patience when Patrick Gunnells unleashed another of his impulses against the boomers, falling for the “generational warfare” psy-op. I know this guy was a theater major, and provocation is his M.O., but enough already.
Gunnels is a THEATER MAJOR???
I do not know if it is true, but it certainly explains him. [I now know he is not]
Gunnels is NOT A Theater Major he was a math major. The confusion may have come from here:
Jen Gunnels | Games For Change
Меню Jen Gunnels earned her PhD in Theatre History and Criticism at the University of Texas at Austin and currently serves as Theatre Editor for the Hugo nominated.
Gail Combs(@gailcombs)
March 26, 2023 17:06 …. #1072732
Patrick Gunnels is reading The Art of the Deal:
It does not matter. He is getting an ASSWHOOPING!
only 812 likes, 22 down votes
The commenters are telling him off!
Top comment:
I’m really disappointed in your boomer comment earlier..
Gunnels Reply:
Them you’re definitely one of the bad ones.
I have noticed Gunnels can no longer break 1000 likes since he came out with the Flat Earth crud. [CURRENT UPDATE: Current P Gunnels Rumble, up votes ~500 and under with 7k to 14K views. That is 1/2 what he was getting a year ago with 20 – 45K views and over 1,000 ^ votes.]
Maybe Jon Harold will get a clue and TOSS HIM but probably not at this late date.
Virus Denialism
Gail Combs(@gailcombs) e
July 21, 2022 03:44 …. #929196
Patrick Gunnels unfortunately fell for the ‘THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS VIRUSES” It seems to be based on saying electron microscopes are FAKE….
Rest of comment here:
I am going to add this:
Steve Kirsch Joins Patrick Gunnels to Discuss Pathogenic Viruses
A debate on Virus vs NO SUCH THING between Patrick Gunnels and Steve Kirsch:
I interview Patrick Gunnels who claims that viruses don’t exist
What I find VERY interesting is the top several comments on the Kirsch Gunnels debate on Gunnels channel, (first has 68 thumbs up) are all congratulating Patrick for defeating Steve Kirsch. We are talking the first 2 pages… The commenters on Steve’s channel also congratulate Gunnels. Please note that Patrick recently let slip he had taken courses in debate.
VIROLIEGY — Keeping the Truth Movement True with Patrick Gunnels and Eric Coppolino
Exposing the lies of Germ Theory and virology using their own sources.
Yesterday, Eric Coppolino and I were invited to the “Reading Epic Threads” show with Patrick Gunnels to discuss unity and disunity in the truth movement and where to draw the line. We also focused on whom to trust in the medical freedom movement as well as how to decide how far to go when trying to awaken people….
I do not think I trust these guys to tell me the truth.

Eric Francis Coppolino (born 1964) is an American investigative reporter who specializes in corporate fraud and toxic torts litigation, and also the former astrologer for the New York Daily News and Marie Claire magazine.
My next personal reinvention, well underway, is scifi/fantasy novelist. Specialties: Astrology, toxic torts litigation, compersion, studio photography, street photography….
Publisher & Editor Planet Waves, Inc. – Present 25 years
Planet Waves is a high-end news and information service centered on astrology, but also providing information about erotic education, environmental issues and politics. We offer exquisite original photography, many daily features and subscriber services. I continue to work as an astrology consultant for businesses and individuals with a focus on midlife career changes….
Mike Stone Proves My Point about the Dogma of Virus Denialism
…illustrates my accompanying point about how the nonexistence of viruses is really a belief system to which they cling dogmatically, requiring them to ludicrously reject all relevant scientific literature while themselves being capable of producing nonethat actually supports their belief.
The above is a very nice point by point rebuttal. Wolfie did a rebuttal too: Yes, Virginia, There is a Virus – The Q Tree
This is what the Cabal is saying about Gunnels and viruses:
…According to the post, Dr. Knauss tested 1,500 positive COVID- samples and none of them contained the coronavirus. He claims that the tests contained type A and type B influenza viruses. The post also notes that the results were sent to several laboratories and the same results were received. Later, Dr. Knauss applied to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) requesting live COVID-19 samples, but the latter responded that it had no such samples. Knauss claims that not a single laboratory has isolated the coronavirus that confirms that COVID-19 is a fiction and in fact, the virus is nothing but yet another flu strain….
The text of the posts spread by Georgian anti-vaxxers allegedly involves remarks by Dr. Derek Knauss. Neither the Doctor with this name nor any study conducted on COVID-positive tests can be found in scientific databases. The Spanish fact-checking organization Maldita writes that the name of Dr. Derek Knauss from California does not appear on ResearchGate or Google Scholar, the web search engines for scholarly literature….
The posts are accompanied by a photo depicting a man. According to its caption, the man is Derek Knauss, Doctor of Medical Sciences who claims that the coronavirus is a fiction.
In fact, the man depicted in the photo is not Dr. Knauss, but rather YouTuber Patrick Gunnels. The latter runs a YouTube channel Reading Epic Threadscreated in 2019. In his videos, Gunnels mainly reads out and discusses the tweets of various users….
SO who is this ‘Myth Detector’?
It is a ‘Fact-Checking’ group out of the country of Georgia started in 2014.
Our Mission:
Media Development Foundation (MDF) launched its fact-checking and myth debunking platform – Myth Detector – in 2014, to uncover truth behind the lies, explore hidden agendas, raise the level of media literacy and inform both people and institutions of Georgia [the country] about the impacts of disinformation.
Since November 2019, Myth Detector is a verified signatory of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) of the Poynter Institute, working alongside with 100 fact-checkers from more than 70 countries around the world and member of#CoronaVirusFacts Alliance and WhatsApp Coronavirus Information Hub.
In September 2020, Myth Detector partnered up with Facebook to fight against misinformation in the framework of Facebook’s Third-Party Fact-Checking Program. Myth Detector reviews and rates the accuracy of content aiming to improve the quality and authenticity of stories in the News Feed. When rated false, Facebook shows the story lower in News Feed, significantly reducing its distribution and warning people who see the post or try to share the post that it has been marked as false. Facebook pays Myth Detector to perform this service for them but it has no say or influence over what Myth Detector fact-checks or what the conclusions are, nor does it want to.
Since 2016, MDF is cooperating with EUvsDisinfo – the flagship project of the European External Action Service’s East StratCom Task Force and is a member of the Open Information Partnership (OIP) bringing together think tanks, fact-checkers, independent media and grassroots organisations to support efforts to counter hostile information influence operations. The website was created by the Media Development Foundation (MDF) with the support of the German Marshall Fund/Black Sea Foundation for International Cooperation and German Cooperation.
The Media Development Foundation (MDF) is responsible for the material posted on the website. It may not reflect the views of the German Marshall Fund or German Cooperation
So Patrick is already on the Cabal’s radar for targeting.
The difference in comments between Mike Toon’s video and Patrick Gunnels version are… Telling.
Patrick Gunnels had no clue in this debate. – YouTube
Will Patrick Censor the comments you leave? Leave nice ones so his hypocrisy is clear.…
Mike Toon
This is an EPIC take down of Gunnels.
Start @ 33:35 MC TOON (Mike) vs Gunnels. Patrick has been a Flat Earther since 2019. Mike says he has been doing Globe Earth vs Flat Earth debates weekly for 4 years. So unlike with the virus debate with Steve Kirsch, who was not a virologist or a debater, Mike is ‘fully armed’
@ 37:30 Gunnels says his academic background is in mathematics, professional background is in software. In 2017, Gunnels noticed TPTB (the powers that be) info was not always reliable. “So I made a promise to myself I would only belief information if I could verify down to its foundations….”
(Excuse me while I ROTFL.)

Sorry, but just how much CAN a person ACTUALLY verify INDEPENDENTLY? DARN LITTLE!!! Instead what Patrick has done is profess belief in an ALTERNATE, much of which is unverifiable too!
In the first few minutes Gunnels tries his first debate trick — Change the actual topic from Flat Earth to a spinning globe.
@ 42:05 Mike says this is information that he measured himself. Previously I gave three different ancient techniques. Mike and 3 others use the second method, which was first used by Eratosthenes.
Gunnels asks if he has a video that explains it. As a Math Major he would have already been familiar with the method and he is. This leads to Gunnels second trick. He plays a video about Eratosthenes and his method and then says Eratosthenes makes the ASSUMPTION that the earth is round and therefore begs the question. @ 47 minutes Mike slaps him down saying you put that on me… Did I claim that as proof? And it gets better from there.
Mike: “The essence of science is to TEST something that is FALSIFIABLE.”
[This is where Steve Kirsch flubbed it. Not being a virologist, he could not actually test viruses.]
Then Mike goes into the hypothesis IF the earth is flat….(Slapping down Gunnels straw man debate trick) and looks at real-world measurements and uses trigonometry (Right angle triangle) and concludes, that IF the sun cannot be in two different locations, then Flat Earth is proven false. (1:01:30) And it goes on from there with Mike countering Gunnels using REAL WORLD MEASUREMENTS the entire time.
Gunnels then brings up a ‘Black Swan’ event.
To understand Mike’s argument look at this paper that Mike references and Gunnels ignores:
Distance to the horizon Andrew Thomas Young. (subject matter expert)
The ‘black swan’ event has the optical measurement very obviously confounded by the refraction phenomena as Mike repeatedly points out. As a result Gunnels becomes increasingly unglued and then at 1:30:00 kicks Mike off his Rumble channel.
If you have the time this is a really good lesson in how science (and debate) is SUPPOSED to work.
And as the cherry on the Gunnels pudding (head) you have this On Gab:
Patrick Gunnels @pgunnels Mar 7·
Fuck unity and the horse it rode in on.
Well that certainly tells us what Patrick thinks of WWG1WGA doesn’t it?
Gunnels supports the claim that there is no such thing as a virus, letting Ralph Baric et al off the hook.
He goes even further saying there are no pathogens just poisons and parasites. That’s a dangerous point of view that could get people killed. He insults Boomers (who make up a significant part of MAGA) and refuses to apologize. And then he caps it off with the idiotic Flat Earth crap that was disproven before Christ was born.
So is Patrick’s real goal to splinter Alt News and also make them look like far-out wack jobs?
Badlands started up in Oct of 2022.
FEBRUARY 02, 2022: Sean Morgan interviews Patrick Gunnels of “Reading Epic Threads” about his new event in Nashville “ThreadFest 2022”
Start @ 6 minutes go to 10 minutes. Gunnels gives his sales pitch (He is a salesman after all.) — He talks of an event called Patriot Doubled Down where Jon Harold was a featured speaker. Gunnels says what his friend Jon and he noticed is the event covered stuff everyone already knew. “What we wanted was an event where great minds had really really dug into events… new ways of looking at things. The most fun was when Jon and I and 8 people sat around a table and talked.” That was the genesis of Thread Fest. “We could put together an event, [small 150 max] where the producers of the Great Threads of our world, where the great independent media minds of our world had gotten together to look at history, gov documents transactions… could interact.”
So as I hypothesized, Gunnels was a major force behind the formation of Badlands and the CORRALLING AND PAINTING OF ALT NEWS AS FAR OUT WACK JOBS!
Patriots, get ready!
From April 22 to April 25, 2022, Patrick Gunnels of Reading Epic Threads and Patel Patriot of the Devolution Series will host a three-day deep dive extravaganza at the incredible The Inn at Opryland in Nashville, TN! Even as we speak, speakers are being lined up. As plans come together, we will update this site on a regular basis. Participate in this event to support a conservative cause and to celebrate love…
Patrick Gunnels – He is an American news researcher and professional as well as the creator of the “Reading Epic Threads” program on various social media. He has been tutoring students in maths at all levels for over twenty years. He graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a BA in Mathematics…
Patel Patriot [Jon Harold] He is a former Catholic School fundraiser…
Nothing about his jobs with software companies or sales…
…. Threadfest deadline for room bookings has passed. So I booked a bunch of rooms on my own dime and will bundle them with your ticket! – Patrick Gunnels
Rooms are $230/night deal rates are $189.
2 night stay $378 per room.
20 rooms = $7,500… They were talking 150 guests so NOT selling 20 rooms out of 150 for a first time event is not out of the question. I do not have that kind of spare $$$ to toss around, how does Gunnels if all he does is tutor math students ? However that is not ALL that Patrick does.
It is interesting that it is hard to find out just what Patrick does despite his running as a Libertarian for election to the Texas House of Representatives against Cringeshaw. (Libertarians generally take votes away from the Republicans.)
This MAY be Patrick (looks like him). If so he wrote a Linked-in article about HOW GREAT ThousandEyes is:
Thrive in a Connected World
ThousandEyes was founded in 2010 by Mohit Lad and Ricardo Oliveira, colleagues from the UCLA [University of California LA] Computer Science department. Our leaders have deep experience in networking, Internet routing, and SaaS
Assure network performance and web app experience from employee devices
Network and Application Synthetics
See how every network and service impact your enterprise digital experience
Not only is Gunnels connected to software, ?that monitors end users? as he said on the Mark Toon’s youtube, he is also a SALESMAN and more and more it is looking like he is selling Badland Hosts down the river.
Sorry this got published a bit early, My Bad, but as I said I am 1/2 asleep.
No problem – I’ll reschedule the release, and publish mine tomorrow!
Thank you, Gail, for the precious gift of tonight’s thread.
Do you think there’s a way to make them aware? It looks as if you have a lot of evidence, and that they should be aware of quite a bit of it. Surely Gunnels’ ideas about the virus and the earth being flat are known to them, but they might not be putting everything together as you have.
Given the Just Human and Burning Bright video, I think they might.
The problem for everyone is MONEY/LIVELIHOOD/SAFETY aka DOXXING and GETTING HEARD.
At this point Badlands is getting a lot of the message out.
MG Show: Ken Paxton Interview; Arabella Advisors FTX Connection
48K followers but only 406 likes (LESS THAN PATRICK’s reading epic threads) and 12 down votes.
The Brief: Sept 26, 2023 with Patrick Gunnels & Ashe in America (I think that is his fiancee)147K Followers 1.09K likes and 9 down votes. I tried to down vote and as usual NOTHING HAPPENED…
LIKES MATTER!!! It pushes a show up the ‘leader board’ so it is RECOMMENDED to viewers of OTHER Rumble videos.
I have already shown there is a ‘BOT’ that automatically down votes ALL my comments on Rumble. I have also notice my down votes on PATRICK’S Videos DO NOT WORK… (Something Mike Toon eluded to.)
HOWEVER, I just tested and my down vote on The Tina Peters Show Ep 32 – Mon 9:00 PM ET – Worked immediately on the page but has not shown up on the Badlands table of contents yet.
It certainly makes you wonder JUST WHO is PROTECTING Gunnels and SUPPORTING BADLANDS MEDIA.
We already know about AI Bots and about PAID SOROS SHILLS….
There are certain intelligence agencies that push flat earth. Bet it’s one of them.
To what purpose?
Discreditation of forums, groups, causes, movements, etc.
It’s the look squirrel thing. It adds more bouncing balls to keep you from following the bouncing balls you need to follow. And what Wolf just said. Besides, they love us and want to keep us entertained before enslaving and murdering us all

Dan Bongino is a part owner of rumble IIRC. He might be real interested in these autobot tricks.
Now all I have to do is to figure out HOW to ACTUALLY get in touch with him.
I assume the people you speak of are functioning adults. If they cannot figure out what is going on by themselves they are either 1) not wise enough to be dispensing advice, or 2) they are aware and either a) don’t mind, or b) don’t know what course of action is appropriate.
In light of the destruction of the country giving political advice is the new con game. It used to be religion that grifters would gravitate toward but since it has pretty much fallen out of favor, politics has taken its place. The 21st century is going to be the bloodiest in history and that is saying something real bad.
Sadly, your conclusion is spot on in my thinking.
Never forget because they would do it again in a heartbeat.
“Never forget because they would do it again in a heartbeat.”
Agreed 100%
They are vicious monsters, frothing at the mouth CommuNazis, hiding behind fairly normal looking faces.
“CommuNazis” – THAT is exactly right!
Racial realism is very simple. There are people who hate you just because you are whatever you are. Never forget it.
Nazi Playbook…
“EcoMap Technologies stands against systemic racism”
If that is true, then they must defend white people, the only real target of systemic racism, anywhere.
For the very simple reason that white people are the ONLY unprotected class, which means everyone is allowed to hate on white people with impunity and use them as scapegoats.
If it is 30% BLACK it ain’t ‘Diverse’
As of 2021, there were 40.1 million black people in the United States, representing 12.1 percent of the total population.
Oh crap – there’s that damn math again, screwing up the narrative.
Always but shhhh youre breaking the divisive narrative.
Wasn’t enough. Biden surrogates have activated a riot.
This will wipe that Jessie Waters stuff of the news.
People paid to riot when the news cycle needs to be steered in a different direction? Watching them trash and steal everything in the Apple store is sickening.
We’d better gear up for a lot more of this because more will be revealed about the Biden crime family, and those in charge on the Left are losing their minds and acting out in unprecedented, unlawful ways.
Fancy that.
Not many women and children in that crowd…..
“Where’s the white women?”
Back in another life of mine I frequented a biker type bar and that was yelled at least once every time I was there. Never failed to crack me up !
Not one white person looting.
I didn’t see a single one.
Only black people.
I noticed that too.
Øbama sons and daughters.
This is Black Entitlement courtesy of Øbastid.
B lack
L ies
M atter
B arbarian
L iars
M igrate
B utchers
L iars
M urderers
Bet large amounts of cash that this was organized on TikTok.
Jail Time on Work Farms.
Hard work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And if they won’t work, they each get a night in the box.
And the next day, splitting rocks…
Clearing land with HAND TOOLS and WITHOUT the use of METAL aka Stone hand axes. I have some I would be willing to donate.
Photo from:
I have some broke down tools to let them borrow..shovels, axes, rakes that need handles
“rakes that need handles”
Too many liberals stepping on them
(that’s the only time (tine?) they use their heads
They can whittle new handles….
I have a LOT of boxwood and a LOT of old tools that need new handles…
One of the Round To Its…
With nail clippers
Yeah, we know.
So what are you gonna do about it, Kevy?
“Our impeachment inquiry will uncover the whole truth.”
That’s what he’s doing about it. What he does after “the whole truth” is uncovered will be telling.
Thank goodness Kevin is behind the Briben Crime Family hearings. Talk, talk, talk, talk…
Imagine IF rCONS gave a sweet damn about Brien OPENING the border for nearly three years. Easy impeachment case.
^^^ Too damn easy.
I don’t think he plans to do anything other than reveal what happened.
I believe they think the rest is up to American voters.
Which of course completely ignores cheating and voter fraud.
Of course Kevin will do nothing. Kevin’s primary function, run interference.
Kevin will stall some more.
January 2023, rCONS took over the House and should have immediately impeached Briben, Hoe and Mayorkis over the border.
The only thing rCONS excel at is, talking.
Mike Davis:
Not only must the appellate courts reverse (unless they want to reveal they are wholly corrupt as well), but the corrupt judge in question must be investigated and prosecuted.
You can’t just leave the cancer untreated.
it is just metastasizing
Remember, this is NY. One of the most corrupt states there is.
Ruled by D’s and Rhinos acting like there conservative.
“Today, I lost all faith in the New York legal system.”
Welcome to the end of the thought process.
Glad you could make it
No kidding. Today? Just now? Seriously?
I think we would do well not to take things too literally. I have no doubt that Eric and the entire Trump family know how corrupt NY and the legal system there are. They are public figures who have to watch what they say. I would bet that Eric felt this was egregious enough to say what they have known all along. We sometimes forget that they are talking to many people who are not nearly as aware as we are.
I know. Sorry. I was just venting.
Eric, turn your disappointment into resolve. They fight for power, you should fight for justice. Which side do you think God is likely to smile on?
“it is a travesty of justice and an embarrassment to the court.”
As it turns out, and is plain for all to see, the courts exist for the purpose of embarrassing themselves.
Who knew?
This whole thing is obscene.
Has New York lost its mind?
Yes, to Trump Derangement Syndrome combined with the mental disorder that comes from being a Leftist and maybe even vaxed-mad-brain-disease.
Plus, they’re desperate. I’ve never seen anything like it.
Put yourself in their shoes.
If Trump is not stopped, the people who protect and control the apparatchiks doing the actual dirty work all go to prison or the electric chair.
And the people who do the actual dirty work, the equivalent of Nazi concentration camp guards, go to the electric chair, too.
So that’s you, for purposes of this example.
You have nothing to lose no matter what obvious criminal actions you take, because if Trump wins, you’re dead anyway.
You’re dead, anyway.
Those are the shoes you’re in.
And you are either a true believer, a psychopath or a thug, and have been your entire adult life.
Now, given that set of circumstances, what WON’T you do, to save yourself, to save your fellow mafia members and your benefactors from going to the electric chair?
They’re not deranged, but the public perception that they’re deranged is a cover for which they are certainly grateful, because the willingness of the People to think they’re deranged masks the much darker reality that they are stone cold psychopaths who will stop at nothing to win.
And if they win, an Iron Curtain falls across the entire world.
Oh, I know.
Trump DERANGEMENT Syndrome doesn’t mean they’re literally deranged but that they are driven to distraction, stupid actions, and even illegality by their hatred and fear of Trump. It’s like when we say someone or something is driving us crazy. We’re not literally crazy, but we’re annoyed as all get out. With Trump and the Left, this effect is multiplied exponentially for the reasons you state. Their freedom, reputations, wealth, and lives are on the line.
Trump even calls Jack Smith deranged, and he referred to the judge in this recent case as deranged as well.
Psychosis in software, as opposed to hardware.
“People to think they’re deranged masks the much darker reality that they are stone cold psychopaths who will stop at nothing to win.
And if they win, an Iron Curtain falls across the entire world”
That is true and winning is not only crippling Trump but showing us in living color what they can and will do to us. We are witness to the ease. that communists can destroy us. We’re foolish to think this is only about Trump.
YES. It’s about US, too.
Yes, and Trump makes that clear every now and then. He didn’t make this meme, but…
I think you’re on to something here.
“Plus, they’re desperate. I’ve never seen anything like it.”
Me, either.
This is what the death-throes of a fringe group that has been allowed to gain power looks like. They’ve gone insane.
Exactly!!! That’s what my mother said about the Nazis. In the end, they literally went nuts.
They really did. I’ve read accounts of the bunker in the last days, and the camps when they knew the Allies were closing in.
The human mind can only take so much pressure, and then it breaks.
There is only one defense, which most of us have, and they don’t. You know what it is?
Psalm 103
John 3:16
At least one judge has.
As I have previously commented at length, the concept of “value” can be extremely complicated, particularly when it comes to real estate. There’s assessed (one per assesssor) value, purchase value, “fair market” value, insurable value (gross and net), depreciated tax value (at least one per taxing authority), and many others.
Back when accounting software was being written for the original IBMPC, companies frequently used software to keep track of all of their asset valuations before they computerized their general ledgers.
For Letitia to bring the case shows that she is, beyond any doubt, a world-class imbecile. For the judge to say that the Trump organization is “guilty, guilty, guilty” shows that there is a level of stupidity below that one.
In a perfect world, this judge would be restricted to future cases regarding parking fines, as that seems to be the level of comprehension involved.
They not only aren’t aware of what they don’t know (are clueless about their own ignorance of the subjects they are dealing with), but they press their bogus case on the national and even international stage on matters involving probably one of the most well-known and influential people of all time.
That, or they are evil and so desperate that they don’t care how ignorant they look. Maybe someone above their level is paying them or threatening them to act out this drama.
In either case, your points about levels of stupidity are spot on.
Or they know exactly what they are doing, which is acting with impunity to destroy the threat to their corruption and power, and they don’t care how ridiculous it looks, because that is not relevant.
Power is relevant.
Bad optics are inconvenient, but until or unless someone physically stops them, bad optics, no matter how bad, are irrelevant.
It is the naked exercise of raw power without fear of consequence.
Agreed. These folks will not get “better” on their own.
“In a perfect world, this judge would be restricted to future cases regarding parking fines, as that seems to be the level of comprehension involved.”
In even an only minimally better world, this judge would have his robe torn off, be disbarred, investigated for corruption, prosecuted and imprisoned.
You don’t even want to know what happens to him in a perfect world.
can he reclaim any over payment of taxes on those properties? (since the values were over inflated and taxes are based on that–he must have some recourse?)
counter sue?
The assessed valuation has nothing to do any of the other valuations (just as any of the other valuations have nothing to do with each other). Any property taxes assessed are probably valid.
Just like any of the declared values for loans are probably valid, and valuations for insurance are properly valid.
What we have here is the State of New York barging in, showing no comprehension of the differences between these valuations, and declaring that there must be fraud because all valuations are not the same.
Topping this off, a judge has just ruled that the valuations not being the same is so obvious that no arguments at trial are necessary to prove that this constitutes fraud.
The stupid, it burns…..
thanks cthulhu.
i knew you could explain it to me!
If PDJT appeals what is to say the higher judges will understand the details, will he be able to use an expert witness to explain it to them.
Trump could theoretically be his own expert witness. When that move is realistic, and when the defendant is eager to show their own innocence, it can drive settlement or dismissal.
NY (Gov) lost it’s mind years long ago before PDJT was even in politics. There just empowered more now because there’s no recourse for anyone to take action against NY anymore.
Did it even have one to lose… DEMONRATS have lobotomized that state… and the Klint00ns are a large part of that… as well as Schumer and “the human wedgie”…
I think he’s right. The Crims are in a “no turning back” mode.
They definitely are. And our side has to fight back in kind, or we’re lost.
That rubicon was crossed a long time ago
I really think that that was what ‘Warp Speed’ was actually about. Speeding up the process the Globalists were using until it hit self-destruct.
Adams: “Well, mutually assured destruction has been activated.”
It was activated by the criminals the day Trump announced that he was running for President.
I hate that comments like Adams’ above imply that both sides are equally guilty, or that Trump’s side is guilty at all.
If someone tries to MURDER you, you either win that contest and your assailant goes to prison (or dies on the spot), or you get murdered.
There is nothing ‘equal’ or “mutual” about it.
No blame is placed here. You get attacked; you attack back in kind. That’s the way it works.
More wisdom from one of the smart ones. Kudos.
Judge orders NYC to stop using school to house migrants — while blasting ‘Right to Shelter’ rule as ‘relic from past’
So it’s a “national” crisis? Better petition the federal government to close the border.
It would help if Ozzi stopped using euphemisms for illegal alien invaders.
INVADING ARMY of MILITARY AGE (and likely trained) MALES.
TY, Gail. More apt.
Thread reader by Julie Kelly. It includes photos and a video.
I bet the questions in court were specifically designed to COVER-UP the fact that Ray Epps works for DHS, OR the CIA OR Soros.
perhaps AND logic applies here too
Thank GOD that these brave souls are taking on our communist bureaucracy!
….Don’t believe banks create the money they lend? Neither did the jury in a landmark Minnesota case, until they heard the evidence. First National Bank of Montgomery vs. Daly (1969) was a courtroom drama worthy of a movie script.3 Defendant Jerome Daly opposed the bank’s foreclosure on his $14,000 home mortgage loan on the ground that there was no consideration for the loan. “Consideration” (“the thing exchanged”) is an essential element of a contract. Daly, an attorney representing himself, argued that the bank had put up no real money for his loan. The courtroom proceedings were recorded by Associate Justice Bill Drexler, whose chief role, he said, was to keep order in a highly charged courtroom where the attorneys were threatening a fist fight. Drexler hadn’t given much credence to the theory of the defense, until Mr. Morgan, the bank’s president, took the stand. To everyone’s surprise, Morgan admitted that the bank routinely created money “out of thin air” for its loans, and that this was standard banking practice. “It sounds like fraud to me,” intoned Presiding Justice Martin Mahoney amid nods from the jurors. In his court memorandum, Justice Mahoney stated:
The court rejected the bank’s claim for foreclosure, and the defendant kept his house.
“𝔸 𝕝𝕒𝕨𝕗𝕦𝕝 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕞𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕖𝕩𝕚𝕤𝕥 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕓𝕖 𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕦𝕡𝕡𝕠𝕣𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 ℕ𝕠𝕥𝕖…” or the contract is null and void! And it becomes nothing more than wholesale THEFT by the banks! IS IT ANY WONDER THAT BANKS WERE ABLE TO BUY UP EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE?
Justice Mahoney, who was not dependent on campaign financing or hamstrung by precedent, went so far as to threaten to prosecute and expose the bank. He died less than six months after the trial, in a mysterious accident that appeared to involve poisoning.4 Since that time, a number of defendants have attempted to avoid loan defaults using the defense Daly raised; but they have met with only limited success. As one judge said off the record:
From time to time, however, the curtain has been lifted long enough for us to see behind it. A number of reputable authorities have attested to what is going on, including Sir Josiah Stamp, president of the Bank of England and the second richest man in Britain in the 1920s. He declared in an address at the University of Texas in 1927:
From the little history I have read (I hated history in school) it seems a civilization lasts about 200 years before the serfs/wage slaves have had enough and push the reset button. By setting up a republic the founders of the USA hoped to side step the reset button (revolution) by making the ‘revolution’ bloodless.
The Rothschilds had a different method for sidestepping the reset button. They moved to the position of the power behind the throne and got out of the line of fire.
Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild famous quote:
Carroll Quigley expanded on that:
[ Quotes from ]
Instead of playing WHACK-a-MOLE every day with these agencies with each escalation of lawlessness, why don’t you DEFUND them, Massie?
Gail, thank you so much for stepping in for DPat. ‘Stepping in’ is hardly adequate – you have published two masterpieces last night and tonight. I’m so appreciative of your digs and willingness to share it with us.
Wolfie, thankQ for taking Friday.
OK – I’m going to let you take Thursday (assuming that you want to do a part 3 now), unless you’d like me to take Thursday, too. Just let me know by replying to one of my posts, so that it goes into the notifier!
Please do Thursday too.
I am trying to lime my paddocks (Pick-up truck + shovel for ~7 tons of lime) PLUS we have 2 all days + a birthday party this weekend — YIKES!!
OK – no problem!!!
You are very welcome.
I hate what they are doing to us. Fight on!
Worth reading this tell-off counter-lawfare!
President Trump Attorneys Present Beautiful Rebuttal Motion to Jack Smith Gag Order Request
It is good to see such comprehensive shredding of the gag order, although this should be totally unnecessary because this is clearly a violation of Trump’s rights on many levels. One doesn’t have to be a legal scholar to see that.
From page 19:
I hadn’t realized they were trying to keep his lawyers from speaking as well.
They also want him to get permission and provide information before conducting polling…in the middle of a presidential campaign. They are stupidly brazen.
“Jon Harold has not even read Q, Kate was a Democrat as was Burning Bright. Just Human and Patrick Gunnels are Libertarians.”
How in the world can he be qualified to comment on anything going on since 2017, if he hasn’t read Q?
No idea what to make of Kate and BB having been democrats, I’ve never been one. It’s certainly possible to recognize the error of one’s ways and make a radical switch to the opposite side, at least in theory.
I suspect it’s rare for such ‘conversions’ to be real.
As for Libertarianism, if I understand correctly, it wants the fiscal responsibility of conservatism, which I’ve never actually seen practiced (only talked about), and the anything goes immorality, paganism and hedonism of Leftism — which I can’t seem to get away from seeing practiced.
When it comes time to vote, the Libertarian candidate always steals more votes from the (supposed) conservative candidate than they ever take from the hard Left criminal candidate.
So the practical effect of Libertarianism is to help the Left grow immorality and criminality in every way.
Not a big confidence booster for Badlands.
I wrote a long comment and the PTB (Word Piss) ate it.
I think Just Human and Burning Bright KNOW thus their comments about NOT TRUSTING ‘OUR SIDE’. However there are other factors involved such as Livelihood, Doxxing and getting the message out.
If I look at MG Show: Ken Paxton Interview; Arabella Advisors FTX Connection
48k followers 406 up votes and 12 down votes.
I find ONE YEAR AGO on Rumble:
Reading Epic Threads (Gunnels) —
995 Followers 62 likes 1 down vote and I can not down vote.
PGunnels – Seth Keshel and Burning Bright!
33.3K followers 289 Up votes and 1 down vote again I can not down vote.
The Brief: Sept 26, 2023 — Gunnels & Ashe in America (Who I think is his fiancee)
147K followers 1.09K likes and 9 Down votes.
If I down vote a Gunnels video any where it does not ‘take’ HOWEVER I CAN UP VOTE!
However when I down voted The Tina Peters Show Ep 32 – Mon 9:00 PM ET -it DID take although it took a while for it to show on the ‘Badlands table of contents’
CONCLUSION: ALONE Gunnels is not as popular as the MG Show.
Also it is Very important to get ‘Likes’ this causes a show to ‘advance’ on the leader boards and be shown to OTHER Rumble audiences.
We KNOW there are AI Bots. We KNOW there are PAID BOT FARMS in China and elsewhere. We KNOW Soros and PIRG PAYS people such as students to do their dirty work.
I do not know if the Rumble owners are ‘in on it’ However I DO KNOW the Rumble CEO showed up on some of Jon’s videos as a paid comment!
I really wish WordPiss would format an ENTER as WRITTEN!!!
I think I saw the original comment you referred to here before falling asleep, so it showed for at least a little while…
*sigh* The Fiancee is coming back Thursday.
I never started the biggest project — the fridge. Every “little thing” I started beforehand ended up in deeper muck than I initially perceived. I’m actually reasonably satisfied with the things that I have accomplished, but I wish there were more. In the meantime, I got a week of smoke courtesy of the idiocy of California forest management, a couple of days of digestive issues, and my shoulder still doesn’t like raising my arm above my head.
Ah, well…..just keep plugging away…..
Just got off the phone, tying down details of The Retrieval at SFO. Among other things, I’m supposed to phone her just as the blog laps over into Thursday. Ain’t time zones wunnerful?
She’s going to hit the British Museum today while I’m sleeping. I told her to say “hi” to the lion hunt.
The lion hunt of Nineveh is a magnificent and fantastic work of art, stolen by the Brits before barbarians could destroy it (like so much in the British Museum). It has its propaganda elements regarding the ruler and the spectacle, but it goes so much further than just a cartoon for the regime. The expression on the horses, going “I smell lion — why are you putting a harness on me?” and the expression of the lions going, “this is totally staged, but I just have to get one claw into this guy while I yet breathe and they will see reality” are incredible. The pathos of the dying lioness (at 5:18) feels as true to us today as it likely did 2700 years ago.
It is one of my favorite works of art of all time, and I try to visit whenever I am in London.
The Retrieval At SFO.
Granted I am The Slow Guy.
Pick upretrieval at SFO, is NOT rocket science in my world.International is a little trickier. They have to claim their baggage and then go through customs/immigration, before being released from security. There’s also separate parking garages (with really high fees) — I was willing to do the “cellphone lot” to save $$$, but she’s concerned about being woozy after the flight.
Quite melodramatic. International travel is truly, NBFD.
It’s all quite simple. Two separate efforts, join at the end point.
Fiance goes through 1) Immigration, 2) fetches luggage, 3) walks through Customs, 4) exits “secure” area to the waiting arms of her hero.. At SFO, this is all nearly a straight line, 1 – 4 above.
Cooth’s Uber Service. Park, IIRC, International short term parking. Stroll into terminal and wait outside the “secure” area with balloons or flowers, with welcome home sign.
As I recall, you live in the Bay Area, Frisco International parking fees are not all that big a deal.
Fiance has a direct flight from England? (Well played.)
By the way, what’s up with the fridge.
On the Fiancee’s side, it is NBFD — and there are no options under her control until it dumps her out of the secure area.
On my side, I was trying to make it straightforward — go to cellphone lot, await call from Fiancee that she is on ground. Move to international short term parking, call her back to find out where she is in the process. If she’s standing by the elevators wondering where I am, tell her what floor to go to on the elevator — if she’s still in immigration/customs, head down to the security exit. It’s all about minimizing the cost of waiting for processing/flight delays.
She wanted me at the security exit with ready water, bananas, and juice.
There are two known and one unknown things wrong with the fridge. First, the fan is stopped — so I have a replacement fan. That is at the top of the freezer side (it’s a side-by-side), and I haven’t been able to raise my right arm above my shoulder. Second, the air-return door sticks. That’s at the bottom of the fresh food side, behind EVERYTHING. I have that part as well.
Finally, the stuck fan may have fried the computer. I have a spare computer (long story), but the pinouts are not exactly the same and I don’t have the cheat-sheet, so I might have to get another computer….and, if it includes the cheat-sheet, I might not have to use the actual board.
So I’ll have to deal with it while the Fiancee is around.
Oh, and Heathrow<>SFO is nonstop on Virgin Airlines, which is really nice.
The Fiancee had reason to call their customer service before she left — and a person answered! She was so startled she nearly dropped the phone — and she’s managed tech support for decades.
We had the fridge fan freeze up, literally, on a frost free. We had to defrost the fan area & then it worked fine again…
That’s what happens. If the coils freeze, the fan can’t move air past ’em until the fan freezes too.
“*sigh* The Fiancee is coming back Thursday.”
LOL…literally…I had to catch my breath before reading further. Hang in there!
Just do what you can do. Please don’t risk putting your shoulder completely out. Try and get some rest if you can. I agree with Valerie Curren —hang in there!
For fans of fashion & Catherine this has 76 pics
She well understands her role — and I say this with some admiration.
Wow, is this a white washing of Hitler???
Did he just say that? Are his strings getting pulled?
Can’t tell, but many in comments are quite stunned.
They understand the Muslim collaboration but this reads like more than just collaboration.
Meanwhile fall out continues
Anthony Rota, Speaker of the Canadian House, RESIGNS after Honoring Nazi Fighter in ParliamentBy Paul Serran Sep. 26, 2023 4:40 pm227 Comments
Not exactly a model of masculinity.
Over the past couple years, my give a damn about Israel has evaporated.
Kazarian Mafia???
Clif High – The Khazarian Mafia (aka the Name Stealers) [FAKE Jews]
A bit way out there but more believable that ‘Flat Earth.’
You might really find some gems in this series…
Another nice mom.

That’s all very cathartic, makes us feel good that we’re pushing back, but ultimately it is emotional expression without substance, if you cannot compel (force) change in the system.
If they had shown the faces of the board members, they would be stone faced killers.
They don’t care, either because they’re pure psychopaths, or because they are being bribed with hundreds of thousands of dollars, or both.
And the price they pay to keep the bribes coming in is to sit through these silly board meetings where the little people have hissy fits.
They’re okay with that deal.
I’m hoping for a front row seat to when it’s no longer a good deal.
I’ve seen that in so many of those videos. And then they say, matter-of-factly, that the time has expired. End of story.
But we have to speak, and the implications of that speech might never be fully known to us. Others are encouraged and emboldened by it. Some who were unaware become informed. In some of these cases, changes have been made because the parents were relentless. So keep speaking! The Left knows the power of speech, and that’s why they are trying to curb it at every turn.
Target to Close NINE Stores in Democrat-Run Cities Due to Rampant Theft, ViolenceBy Cristina Laila Sep. 26, 2023 3:40 pm465 Comments
and when they’re gone, the locusts will spread
At least there will be nine less places where children can be molested while the molester is protected by management.
Mark King works off some nervous energy….
Great oversight, thanks.
Excellent and thorough take down of a charlatan and black hat shiny object, Gail.
See evidence I posted elsewhere in this thread.
You brought the goods.
I really think it would be best for politicians and everybody else to admit that they got scared and did really dumb stuff during the early part of Covid, as opposed to pretending they got it right.
Almost everybody freaked out and did a bunch of stupid stuff. But hindsight is 2020.
Political suicide must be fun – so many are doing it.
Tim Cast — Trump Says He Doesn’t Know Who Awarded Fauci With A Presidential Commendation
Well we ALREADY KNOW the NARA has been taking aim at POTUS TRUMP. Think the FBI raid on Mar-a-Logo.
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is an independent agency of the United States government within the executive branch, charged with the preservation and documentation of government and historical records.
All meaningless, IMO.
All rhetorical.
Last day in office. Trump personally signed the award? One of a huge stack of awards, signed off on.
Or some staff dope, with a Trump rubber stamp signature, facsimile, signed the award.
Trump’s last day in office, awards were the least of his concerns AND focus.
“…Trump rubber stamp signature…” Is what I vote.
We have seen the disgust in Trump’s face as he looked at FauXi. NO WAY did he give that evil imp a metal.
The Podcast Version: The Debt Limit’s Last Exit To Fiscal Responsibility – Peter Navarro
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, September 27, 2023
“But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you,”
Luke 6:27 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
ThankQ for stepping up and bringing in the current news.
YW Honestly I was just sharing some links near the top of…I haven’t read most of them but thought they sounded like stuff we usually chew on around here. NO One can do what DP does, or how Flep used to lay stuff out–wish he AND Daughn would stop by!
I miss them too!
uMMMM…. d8d anyone ask why??
Perhaps to Make it crash into the ocean instead of on land?
Klaus (Stavros) Schwab, the man of perdition?
It is Kissenger and the NAZIs that have their hand up Klaus’ putrid ass.
From my article: Spies, Spooks, Snakes and The Sea Eye Aye
Remember Kissinger was Klaus Schwab’s mentor and thus fundamental in the development of the World Economic Form.
The ReichsWEF Part V
For more information see: Nazi Industrialism, Technocracy, Social Engineering: A History of Klaus Schwab’s Family Values
Wow, more that I didn’t know.. the Borg lives.
Gail as much as this info and history repulses me, I’m glad to know it. Thank you
That explains the look on his face…
He looks like one of those Scarab beetles (that the Egyptians used to worship), or a stink bug… maybe both.
They’re going full on trying to take everything away from everyone (but them)… Here’s hoping and praying they get the same punishment that Haman did, where God turned Haman’s hangings (of Esther’s people) onto Haman and his people… Divine comeuppance…
Also wanted to say kudos and thanks for your stepping in and posting (as well as your other opens and posts)… Amazing how the globos have leveraged the Gore-Bull warming lie into a panoply of put-up problems…
Book of Ester is my favorite!
I love the way that GOD puts Haman in his place… I hope and pray that HE does that with the current crop of crooks…
Veggie Tales had an excellent episode about Esther, put there in the right place at the right time, successful and courageous despite here initial reluctance. (Toned down a bit, with the scaffolds replaced by “the land of perpetual tickling”)… and the music was (IMHO) to the standard of composers like Anthony Lloyd-Webber… I’ll never look at scallions the same way again…
We have done Purim celebrations with out ponies on several occasions. We dress them as the ‘King’s horse’ and wear tricorner hats.
I do enjoy the hamantaschen treats we are always given.
one of them at least!
Yeah, he doesn’t have the charisma to be Satan’s main poodle as the man of perdition.
Then there’s Alex Soros, though he appears to be as interesting as a bowl of cold oatmeal… with bugs in it…
Oatmeal with weevils is much less repulsive and at least it won’t kill you even if you eat it. (Weevils in grains is why vegetarians in days long ago did not die.)
20 Nutrients that Vegans & Vegetarians are Lacking
They figured that it was the lesser of two weevils
(ducks and runs from cold rollers, empty Maypo boxes, and “Mikey Likes It” reruns
You really pay attention to this shit? I’m praying for you.
To paraphrase Margaret Thatcher, the problem with Kardashians is, sooner or later you run out of plastic (or silicone, or Botox, or whatever)….
[Although there’s a new study out that implants decrease injuries in accidents… the bad news is that the upper limit for benefits is 55 MPH/90kph…]
giggle…or is it jiggle

Nope, it was for comic relief! I can use All the prayers I can get though so TY
Ummmm…..Valerie lives near Detroit, MI…..
Yes, I didn’t edit out fast enough…
reference to Fat City or what??? I’m lost
Kalbo’s original comment advocated that you get far away from Hollywood.
He’s a braverman than most in the UK regime to admit that…
From that article:
can’t come soon enough!
Great song/video
OF COURSE the WHO is using that ‘modelimg’ It is ALL about De-Population and that ‘Model’ is functioning very very well.
WHO reports excess mortality was approximately 14.9 million between 01/01/2020 and 31/12/2021.
The Economist estimates 7-13 million excess deaths worldwide.
Boy! the sure don’t want to show those figures!
Excess deaths in 2022 among worst in 50 years – BBC News
Excess mortality for the third consecutive year in 2022 –
Via Yandex instead of Brave…
The Pfizer-Gate Scandal: Mortality Rates reveal a Shocking Truth as 2 Million Excess Deaths are recorded across USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand & Europe
…not to mention what crazy plane chicks might do
TY for keeping the dream alive!
Excellent demonstration of how they use fear to control society.
Matt Hancock: “We frighten the pants off everyone with the new strain.” And, “When do we deploy the new variant?”
“Deploy the new variant”? Meaning they’re releasing a new variant? which would be criminal. Or, “When do we scare people about a new variant?” Both interpretations are telling.
shocking that this evil getting exposed to even this degree
Variants were manufactured, so they needed to be released.
Nothing natural about Covid.
So there’s this big article over at Townhall freaking out about Kari Lake saying DeSanctimonious mandated masks in Florida. They claim he did not. Here’s the article:
Well, if the Florida Department of Health did it, is that the same as the Governor doing it? I mean, it sure looks that way to me. Here’s the order from June 20, 2020:
“On June 20, the Florida Department of Health (DOH) issued an additional Public Health Advisory in response to COVID-19, providing recommendations to protect Floridians and visitors from this virus. This advisory is in addition to steps that the DOH has taken to increase mitigation measures, including the purchase of 20 million cloth masks, which are being distributed statewide. Also on June 20, Governor DeSantis directed the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation to increase inspections to ensure that businesses are adhering to applicable Phase 1 and Phase 2 guidance.
The Public Health Advisory provides the following recommendations:
1. All individuals in Florida should wear masks in any setting where social distancing is not possible, unless any of the following apply:
2. All individuals over the age of 65 and all individuals of any age with high-risk health conditions should limit personal interactions outside of the home and take all measures to limit the risk of exposure to COVID-19.
3. All individuals should refrain from participation in social or recreational gatherings of more than 50 people. For all gatherings of fewer than 50 people, individuals should practice social distancing by maintaining a distance of at least six feet from each other and wearing a face covering.”
Sure looks mandate-y to me, what say you all? That part I put in bold, with inspections for compliance and all.
I report, you decide.
IMO, Townhall is going after Kari Lake because she’s over the target.
Yes, I would agree. They are all-in for DeSwampus, and can’t allow any criticism of him.
Townhall did the exact same thing for Cruz and the Cruzlims in 2015.
Back around the time it was revealed that Breitbart had secretly been sold to that RINO / corrupt establishment GOPe family.
And Breitbart and American Stinker got me BANNED from Disqus for supporting Trump AND bringing the sauce. Can’t have someone actually telling the TRUTH!!!
(I was called ‘spam’)
I was banned on RedState for supporting Trump, I think it was only my 2nd or 3rd post.
Not gonna allow any support of Trump on THAT platform
We are a very special group Scott, We PROUDLY give the
to the Cabal.
Townhall is compromised, controlled opposition, part of the same media group that owns Eric Erickson and RedState, which is even more NeverTrump than Townhall.
Salem Media Group…
Thank you Cuppa, I couldn’t remember the name of their RINO conglomerate, same Never-Trump group that owns RedState.
Yeah, Sundance had an article about that before the 2016 election.
Thanks for bringing those facts. The part of your comment in boldface shows that DeSantis ordered that businesses adhere to prior “guidance,” which was mandates. That seems very clear.
It seems clear to me, too.
whatfinger take
Yup. VERY BAD. Obama is behind this.
Prior case:
“Loss of confidence”, standard terminology for Navy to trash a career.
Usually there are some details of the egregious act. Crashed an airplane, ship, banging someone off limits… Nothing in this article.
Gail Combs
Well, IMO, this Patrick Gunnels looks to be an MK Ultra product / DeepState controlled (and possibly at least partially funded) combination of “Look, Squirrel!” + PhD-level gaslighting + “that used-car salesman who sold me a piece of junk” — all rolled into one.
I agree.
Excellent description!
Note the Software company he is PROMOTING on Link-in is out of Californicate, WOKE as Hades and dealing with software that does End User Monitoring of employee devices.
That sounds line Big Brother is Watching You sort of Schiff.
The US Senate proposes to agree on $4.5 billion to help Ukraine in the short term instead of the $24 billion requested by the White House.
RIA Novosti
…instead of…
How about NO, HELL NO!!!
Syria has billed the United States for stolen oil.
Syria condemns the actions of the US occupation forces and demands an end to the illegal American military presence on its territory, said the republic’s permanent representative to the UN, Bassam Sabbagh.
“Syria draws the attention of the international community to the systematic plunder of its natural resources by the United States,” the diplomat emphasized. “Our government demands compensation from the United States for stolen oil resources and wheat.”
According to Sabbagh, the Syrian side estimates the economic damage caused by the United States in recent years at $115 billion.
“We believe that the UN Security Council should hold the United States accountable and force them to compensate for losses to the Syrian population, which needs food and fuel,”
Pirates are US!
Well, we have a lot of excess Syrians here in Germany, some of whom are actually Syrian (!)… they can have their stabbers, robbers, rapists, and murderers back…
Win-win. We say a lot of time, trouble, heartache, and money, and they get their people back…
What’s not to like?
This is what I like!!
Chris Plante this morning discussing the Philadelphia looting. He calls it LootLootLemon and Looty Vuitton and makes sure everyone knows Democrats have created violent crimes.
Store owners are locking up $6.00 SPAM. An activist in the street (her street name is “meatball”) is yelling “We gotta eat.” while looters were ransacking a liquor store. Large crowds made their way to City Center where they looted Apple, LootLootLemon… The democrats love the criminal and hate the police.
They love the criminals because they created them. These criminals are being used. All fun and games right now but when the streets of cities no longer have any retail or grocery or drug outlets.. who’s going to step in ? Big Brother
they gotta pay for their expensive nail jobs and weaves…food stamps doesn’t cover that.
And how else will they finance their “sideshows” late at night on dangerous intersections in da hood…
My personal favorite video from the looting was one where they attempted to loot a Popeyes Fried Chicken.
“Throw that chicken up here on my mouth!”
I about died laughing.
so they’re eating the apple iphones? lol
i’m sure they get food stamps…
That right there…” We gotta eat ” proves ( to me) that these lootings aren’t organic. That’s the Demcommie playbook line. Who in the middle of running through broken glass stealing phones thinks to qualify why it’s happening ?
I Thessalonians 3:10-12:
10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
11 For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies.
12 Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread.
Enough is enough. Times were (and not so long ago) that looters were shot on sight.
The entitlement mentality that is the ba$tard “son” of LBJ’s “Great Society” has come home to roost, and it doesn’t want to leave…
Funny (not) how people forget just what a crook LBJ was, and the evil he fomented with Teddy “Chappaquiddick” Kennedy and Hart-Celler’s inversion/perversion of the immigration quotas…
Great job!
They are uncivilized, feral, classless, uneducated, ignorant people without conscience who have no place in our society. The Left has cultivated them and is now using them.
They have made it harder to prosecute them. They have made it almost impossible for people to protect their businesses. They have made it so those people can cry “racism” if you so much as look at them. And they have greatly diminished law and order. It’s the takedown of society in real time.
Chris is a treasure.
Here in the burbs of socal, walmart locks up nearly all the beauty items. I had to get an employee to give me a $1.52 nailbrush in another security box on sunday.
It is really time for you and your Hubby to have an EXIT CA plan in place and pick out a destination.
His friends in MT are moving cross state toward an area i like. Hoping their move will give us a feel for the area. Some of the places ive looked at have skyrocketed in price.
I do agree though. His retirement is 4 yrs away unless he has a medical retirement for any reason.
I hope it is during POTUS Trump’s third term.
That makes me think there is danger of increased crime in the area, not just within the stores. Be careful coming and going.
Yes, bc we have some of the highest sales stores of the country among different retailers here. Im walking better but a long ways from normal. I just started driving again too, so I am hyper aware of health things and surroundings.
Larry’s latest:
26 September 2023 by Larry Johnson
The interesting thing is that this happened in 2022 long before the big supposedly surprise influx of illegals this year.
thanks for that molly…
how long has this been in the planning?
In a Sept. 26 ( 2022 ) letter to residents, Island Shores’ management sent notice that a possible sale meant the 53 people living there would need to find new housing by March 1, 2023, and now, local officials believe the 288-bed site will be used as a migrant shelter.
Agenda 21 and 2030 at “work” no doubt…
Planning, many years. Execution started, January 20, 2021.
No matter how much chaos, crime, and insanity gets thrown at us, we can always leave some little part of the world better than we found it. Man makes scratch post for the bear in the woods.
Some people build bird houses and some build scratch pads. Good on all of them.
the song Bare Necessities is now replaying over and over in my head…LOL
And if a bear turns and mauls him … that fits into the tale … how?
A maul and the night visitors…
Heyyyy Stacy, is that you?????
Regarding Nazis in Ukraine, watch this CLASSIC (!) exchange between Piers Morgan and Rosanne Barr (Jewish). The good stuff starts at 3:15 and lasts until 5:00
so “senate leadership” has already come up with what they want passed to avoid shutdown. if i’m not mistaken, it’s the HOUSE’S duty to control the $$$$.
and they wanna give ukraine $6 BILLION MORE–and the FEMA $$??? that will go to illegals
The bipartisan bill, negotiated between leaders of the Democratic majority and the Republican minority, includes about $6 billion in aid to Ukraine and $6 billion in emergency disaster relief funding for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. It would also prevent a lapse in Federal Aviation Administration authorities through the end of the year and prevent a pay cut for federal firefighters.
The Senate will begin voting Tuesday evening to debate the measure, with the hope of passing it before Sunday to prevent a shutdown. It’s unclear whether the chamber can pass it before the 12:01 a.m. Sunday deadline, as it would be likely to require unanimous consent to hold a quick vote.
Even if it does pass in time, it’s unclear whether the Republican-led House will approve it, as many GOP hard-liners oppose a short-term bill and want to advance full-year funding measures that include sharp spending cuts that Democrats oppose.
Spending bills originate in the House. The Senate can do whatever it wants with them after they pass the House.
Including a complete gut and replacement….
That then has to go BACK to the house and get passed AGAIN IIRC.
If the Senate changes so much as a single comma, it has to go back to the House and get passed again.
ThankQ for the confirmation Coothie.
Hope you’re doing OK. Prayers ongoing for you all.
Oh, hey there. Glad to see you. I hope you and your family are doing ok.
From the U.S. Government Accountability Office:
F-35 Aircraft:
DOD and the Military Services Need to Reassess the Future Sustainment Strategy
If I understood that right, contractors are responsible for the IT systems.
Booz Allen Hamilton was the Contractor that placed Edward Snowden
Booz Allen Hamilton was the Contractor that placed Bradley/Chelsea Manning
And if I remember correctly Reality Winner also had ties to Contractor Booz Allen Hamilton
All three of these individuals had IT security clearances
And we can’t forget Imran Awan, the IT Contractor that had access to the DNC servers and was responsible for IT maintenance for US Congress Members…
Lots of spooks and crooks in that company, and that’s just after five minutes of searches… would be interesting to see what a deep dive would dig up…
Vacancies so hard to fill they accept anyone.
Type of job that attracts wrong people.
Wrong people are placed in that type of job.
Whatever it looks a bit odd.
Honest and ethical need not apply.
Same picture around Andrivka. Ukraine is losing its armored fist faster than the West can replace it with outdated stuff.
Fish in a barrel…
The ATM can’t get money put in if they’re winning any rounds. The human cost won’t be meaningful until afterwards when the next scam is in place. The poor families of the brave valiant ( that were marched into the meatgrinder) soldiers need $, the torn up landscape and housing, the soon-to-be Spirit Cooking Schools…every single thing will need money..lots of it.
LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Would make a great tee shirt!
Some of those 28 I thought were ‘good guys’ but I guess not.
Wonder what the “Z” guy has on them…
Would be fascinating, OK, incredibly great to get ahold of that information, with corroborating evidence, and lock all of the crooks and perverts up…
Tom Cotton, Chuck Grassley, & John Kennedy I thought were doing a pretty decent job on other matters.
Cotton is the GOP establishment neocon of the Arkansas Mafia. The politicians and operatives began a crossover from the Dems to GOP about 15 years ago. For the most never trust an Arkansas or South Carolina GOP politician with a few exceptions. Two you can trust are Huckabee and McMaster.
From what I know, politics in Louisiana is so crooked it’s almost unbelievable.
John Kennedy???
I am heartbroken.
Yeah, I really like him… SIGH.
He’s funny, but he comes out of maybe the most corrupt political state in the Union.
John Kennedy does lots of good things, quick wit AND Too Often Votes Straight rCON.
Kennedy SAYS a lot of funny things, but…
Three cheers for rCONS.John Kennedy is the only one I thought might possibly be one of the good guys.
But no!
EXCLUSIVE America’s ‘cancer road’: Fifteen people diagnosed, seven dead and tumors ‘the size of basketballs’ – every family along this two-mile stretch in rural Minnesota has been blighted by disease
Much more info and more accounts of families’ experiences with cancer at the link.
I lived on a similar road in Armonk NY.
Grandma, Mom & Dad all died of cancer (helped along by the medical prof.) Best friend’s brother next door died of leukemia right after high school and the girl across the street did not even make it out of high school before leukemia killed her. I do not know what happened to the other 2 families on the street. That is 5 out of 12 people by the 1970s
If it wasn’t for Hanford nuke site, WA would be almost completely pure.
And look at that, another reason for me to love Montana.
Trump speaks in Clinton Township, MI, to UAW members tonight at 8:00 Eastern.
did he finally grow a set?
Speaker McCarthy has informed Mitch McConnell that the House won’t be taking up the stop-gap government funding bill from the Senate.
He says that he cannot support a bill that funds Ukraine but does nothing to fix the border:
“NEW — MCCARTHY said he told MCCONNELL that he cannot take up a bill that funds Ukraine and doesn’t fix the border. In other words, if it wasn’t clear, the CR the Senate is taking up is dead on arrival in the House. McCarthy said if House Republicans pass a CR it makes them talk about the situation at the border.”
Very long … and translated and posted at Andrei’s blog. I am posting only a small portion.
Statement by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at UNSC briefing on the acts of sabotage at the Nord Stream pipeline
We thank Mr.Dirk Pohlmann and Mr.Jimmy Dore for their reports that have once again proven it to the Security Council that people in Western states also have lots of questions to their governments against the backdrop of numerous irregularities in the narrative that is promoted by Washington and its allies as regards the blasts at the Nord Stream pipeline in September 2022.
It has been a year since the sabotage in the Baltic Sea and almost as much since the Security Council convened on this issue for the first time. During that time, we have heard numerous assertions that national investigations by Germany, Denmark, and Sweden would allow to identify the perpetrators very soon. However there have been no results so far despite the seven UNSC meeting in both open and closed formats.
At the same time, more and more evidence is emerging in the expert community that it is Washington who stood behind the disruption of the Nord Stream pipeline and went ahead with this outrageous criminal act guided by a narrowly self-interested desire to consolidate its dominance in Europe, which is in dire need of Russian energy.
The sad anniversary today is a good opportunity to recover the timeline. Let’ briefly recall the major developments.
No doubt that today we will again hear our Western colleagues reprimand Russia for distracting the Security Council from more serious problems by insisting on holding this discussion of the terrorist attack against the Nord Stream. This tactic is not void of reason and quite understandable. They want to drag it out as long as they can, ideally for another year, or two, or three, and then state that the investigation no longer be possible due to the time passed.
You had better saved your time and effort, for all such attempts are doomed to failure. Our country will continue to seek an objective and thorough establishment of all the circumstances of the incident, with the obligatory involvement of Russian investigative bodies and interested parties, as well as bringing to justice all those who ordered and perpetrated the sabotage. To that end, we will use all means available, including in the Security Council.
As part of that work, my country intends to submit to the Council a draft PRST on this topic. We will present it in the coming days. We believe that the Security Council should make a clear statement on this terrorist attack and point to the need for an objective investigation and punishment of the perpetrators. We count on the support of all those who realize that otherwise any country can fall victim to such an attack from a State intoxicated by a sense of impunity. The Security Council must send a clear message that crimes against transboundary pipeline infrastructure are unacceptable and that there is no way of avoiding accountability for them. That is the only way to prevent them from recurring.
Thank you.
“a State intoxicated by a sense of impunity.”
This is phrase that resembles our very own DeepState.
Is Washington setting up Armenia to be the new base for American biolabs near Russia?
Yet another genocide seems to be on the horizon for the Armenians… tragic…
Almost a year to the day, I aggregated the following information and my comment on it at the time…..
September 17, 2022 – Today Nancy Pelosi shows up in Armenia, (just in time for another conflict…..)
Per Marica’s blog—
Apparently DePat’s mother’s blood pressure is starting to drop. DePat asks for prayers.
Thank you.
Continuing to pray …
BP dropping indicates she is dying.
Hoping that it’s peaceful if her time has come
It matters not how old one is when it occurs …
the death of a parent is difficult to move through.
… and there’s the secondary issue … of bringing one closer to the reality of one’s own death.
My thought was about her. My wonderful parents both were in hospice type situations and it definitely wasn’t the peaceful , gently into the night journey that i imagined.
The kids and family will have some difficult days for sure.
From the Jewish Prayers for the Dying:
“Go, for God sends you. Go, and God will be with you.
The Lord God will be with her, and she will arise.”
“At your right is the angel Michael. At your left is the angel Gavriel. In front of you is the angel Uriel. Behind you is the angel Raphael. And above you is the Sh’khinat El, the loving presence of God.”
“The Lord will guard you from all evil; the Lord will guard your soul. The Lord will guard your coming and your going, now and forever.”
via by Thierry Meyssan
The Zelensky lie is coming to an end
President Volodymyr Zelensky’s trip to the United States cleared up any remaining ambiguities. Everyone wondered about his strategy. He doesn’t seem to be trying to defend his own people, as he mobilizes all his men and sends them to die on the front line with no hope of victory. From now on, he appears to have no qualms about lying and cheating, and uses every means at his disposal to expel certain states from intergovernmental organizations.
How can we not draw a parallel with Stepan Bandera, who massacred thousands of his own compatriots in the final days of the Second World War, when the defeat of the Reich was in no doubt?
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky attended the 78th General Assembly of the United Nations to deliver his customary speech on Russian terrorism. It was his first speech from this rostrum.
This year, four of the five permanent members of the Security Council did not send their heads of state or government: China, France, the UK and Russia. Clearly, despite the rhetoric, something has gone wrong in this institution.
Let’s summarize President Zelensky’s speech:
“Russia uses food as a weapon against the rest of the world and the “game”, in its favor, of certain European countries. It also uses civilian nuclear reactors as weapons, as it is doing at Zaporijha. It has abducted “hundreds of thousands” of Ukrainian children, who are being re-educated at home in hatred of Ukraine, which constitutes “genocide”. Russia provokes a war every decade. Today, it threatens Kazakhstan and the Baltic states. Many seats in this hemicycle would be empty if Russia were to achieve its objectives through its acts of treachery. Thank God nobody has yet imagined how to use the climate as a weapon. Natural disasters kill. They happen while Moscow has decided to kill tens of thousands of people. We must unite against these challenges. We can breathe new life into the “Rules-Based World Order” by building on the Ukrainian peace formula that I will be presenting to the Security Council shortly. I invite you all to the Peace Summit we are organizing. We can’t rely on Russia’s word: ask Prigozhin if he keeps his promises! Slava Ukraini!”
President Zelenski’s conclusion refers to a poem by Taras Shevchenko (1814-1861). The expression “Slava Ukraini!” had become the cry of recognition of the Ukrainian integral nationalists of Dmitry Dontsov and Simon Petlioura during the war against the Soviet revolution, when they massacred the Jews and anarchists of Novorussia. Then it became the victory cry of the Ukrainian integral nationalists of Dmitry Dontsov and Stepan Bandera when they massacred Jews, Gypsies and Resistance fighters. Finally, in 1941, it became the equivalent of “Heil Hitler! Its use today, especially at the United Nations, refers back to the post-war resolutions against Nazi propaganda, which Ukraine now opposes.
(Emphasis mine/phoenix)
con’t reading
PR…after reading the full bio and background of Chritsia Freeland, I believe that you pointed at the right person for injected the Nazi at the event.
Thank you Molly… Larry Johnson agrees with my theory also
I obviously read way too much!
No you don’t read too much ! This the thing..think I said it yesterday…the truth is out there. It might be in nooks and crannies and redacted docs but it’s almost always somewhere. Readers and researchers find it.
Don’t despair, keep reading!
“I obviously read way too much!”
not possible!
Tucker Carlson is posting his interview with Bill O’Reilly tonight at 8:30 Eastern. That’s during the Repub debate, which I don’t care about, but it is also during Trump’s rally with the UAW in Michigan at 8:00, which I do care about. The timing of this release is a little questionable to me.
I’m not sure, but I believe that is the usual time for his posts.
Unless I am misinformed Carlson’s posted interviews are usually not live. I see no conflict considering the other two events you mentioned are live and you have already eliminated one of those. Tucker’s interviews can be enjoyed at a time of your own choosing. If I am in error and Tucker’s interview is live then I imagine all three will be available for delayed viewing. Pick the one least likely to disturb your nightly slumber. Glad I could help.
No, it is not live. But it becomes available at the same time as the other two events.
I’m not so concerned about what I will watch because I’ll probably have to miss all of it, and it’s probably no big deal; I had just thought that people usually don’t have events that conflict with a Trump event. Just interesting timing, IMO.
Not sure what he’s doing talking to the fence sitter. Not all caring to listen to that wind bag. Can only assume the people who’d want to listen to O’Reilly are the same ones that might of tuned into the debate.
Former J6 Federal Prosecutor Who Led Prosecution of ‘Lectern Guy’ Arrested in Road Rage Stabbing in Tampa
Sep 27, 2023
The Tampa man accused of stabbing another motorist after a crash on the Howard Frankland Bridge on Tuesday is a former assistant U.S. attorney who spent about a decade at the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Tampa.
The 35-year-old driver, also of Tampa, was slumped over inside his sedan, troopers said, so the couple pulled over in front of the car to help.
The 40-year-old man was unable to get inside the other sedan, so he walked back to his car to get something that could break the window. While he was doing that, the 35-year-old man woke up and accelerated forward, crashing into the couple’s sedan. He shifted into reverse and then tried to get around the couple’s sedan, according to troopers, but at that point, he struck Scruggs’ sedan as he was driving by the scene.
Scruggs pulled over, got out and walked up to the driver of the vehicle that hit his car. According to the Highway Patrol, Scruggs broke a window and started stabbing the 35-year-old man with a pocketknife.
The couple returned to the vehicle to help the man being stabbed, but Scruggs then tried to stab them and they fled, troopers said.
This looks like the story
What’s in a man’s heart is what he is. In this case, he’s both a social menace and a dangerous psycho.
I hope he gets ATTEMPTED MURDER or at the very least, has his pants sued off by all three people.
have we posted this one yet?
Better Call Volga: 10,000 Ukrainian Soldiers Surrender Using Special Radio Frequency to Escape Meat Grinder
By Richard Abelson Sep. 27, 2023 4:00 pm447 Comments
Apparently this is a cumulative number. Ukrainians use what is being called the Volga frequency to get instructions on surrendering. Still that is a lot.
No way can a country win a hot war if their troops are doing this.
No way conscripts with zero training can defeat a professional Russian military anyway, the whole thing is a bad joke.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologized Wednesday for Parliament´s recognition of Yaraslav Hunka, a man who fought alongside the Nazis in World War II and Trudeau said former Speaker Anthony Rota was ‘solely responsible’ for the incident.
(MailOnline) ‘This is a mistake that deeply embarrassed Parliament and Canada’ Trudeau said Wednesday in a televised address ahead of his apology in the House of Commons.
‘It was a horrendous violation of the memory of the millions of people who died in the Holocaust and it was deeply, deeply painful for Jewish people,’ Trudeau said.
The PM did not take questions from reporters following the ‘unreserved apology.’
“…Justin Trudeau apologized Wednesday for Parliament´s recognition of Yaraslav Hunka, a man who fought alongside the Nazis in World War II and Trudeau said former Speaker Anthony Rota was ‘solely responsible’ for the incident.”
This POS takes zero responsibility for his own actions.
What a fag
Caught with his pants down…
Not sure what turning their backs accomplished.
Pretty sure the stink is still there
Oh it is!
“Sparkle Sox” is an idiot in all respects, but his handlers are very dangerous pro-China ideologues who have pretty much taken control of Canada….
None of them are dangerous personally though.
Is there even one MAN among them?
Psychopaths one and all…but MEN? Not as I would define them.
Well that’s just it. If they are all cowards and weak, it shouldn’t take much to drive them into hiding, if the People simply came after them.
It’s not like these are hardened men. It’s not like Stalin or Mao, it’s more like Pee Wee Herman and Ru Paul.
If the People rise up, they’re going to run.
Same goes for any Western nation ruled by weaklings and cowards.
No. I think sparkle socks is bi.
“The PM did not take questions from reporters following the ‘unreserved apology.’ ”
If it was Anthony Rota who was ‘solely responsible’ for the incident, then for what reason is Princess Justina apologizing ‘unreservedly’, before running away from sycophant media like Brave Sir Robin?
Baby Castro called it Russian disinformation. NOW Baby Castro apologizes.
Sparkle Sox might have given up on calling the news of the event “Russian disinformation.” but during his speech he opined that Russia was benefiting by using the information of the “horrendous violation.”….Gag, choke, gurgle..
You don’t suppose that Mitch McConnell or Joe Biden is beyond setting up a stunt like that to run against Kevin McCarthy and force him to resign do ya???
State decorations…
Are they anything like wall hangings???
(Asking for Yosemite Sam, a Hessian of no aggression
The memes coming out tonight are awesome…thanks for the laughs molly..:0)
I bet he used US tax dollars to acquire the state decorations.
For sure !!! We just bought one of his guys a villa so a few Ukie trinkets is nuttin’
Sad to see Greta on that list.
I remember when she was looking for Chandra Levy in the woods around D.C., I think she was with Ted whats his name, after search teams had been all through the area, and she stumbled across human bones, right there on live TV.
My confidence in the search teams immediately went to infinity
Greta lost my support during the Garland Texas “Draw Mohammed” Art Showing. Greta was perfectly fine with destroying the First Amendment of the United States if enforcing it meant disrespecting the fee-fees of the Islamists who were being settled across America at the time.
I on the other hand, get a wee bit agitated when I’m told what I can and cannot create based on my perceptions. (if I were to be frank, I’d have to admit that I get a wee bit agitated about a lot of things but at that time Greta’s support of shutting down the event was the culprit)
One word swims to the surface of my cerebral cortex.
[ kah-boo-kee, kuh-, kah-boo-kee ]SHOW IPA
good by me. Shut the government down.
pictures at the link!
Slight correction..the USA bought his daughter a villa in Cannes
EVERY ass wipe Senator AND Congress Critter acknowledge that, when they vote money for Ukraine.
Christie “supporting Golden Corral” lol.
I couldn’t get the link to open.
If anyone else has the same problem, replace the ‘’ with ‘’ at the beginning of the link, then it works for me
I cant even get to the twitter pages now.
I go to nitter, but they still dont work. I will try your fix tho.
Is it this?
I wonder who is considered to have “won” the kiddie table debate.
Lol. Yep.
that was funny
Gaetz On Fire.
A quick 1:49.
That was good. I think the Dems would bail out McCarthy because his replacement would probably be a lot harder on them.
BREAKING – President Joe Biden’s brother, James Biden, told FBI agents that Hunter Biden and the Biden family attempted to help a Chinese energy company purchase U.S. energy assets while believing the Chinese company’s chairman was directly tied to Chinese President Xi Jinping.
James Biden told the FBI in an interview last year about efforts by him and Hunter Biden to help CEFC China Energy buy a liquid natural gas facility on Monkey Island off the coast of Louisiana, according to explosive new documents made public Wednesday by the House Ways and Means Committee.
“James B noted that RHB [Robert Hunter Biden] portrayed CEFC to him as Chairman Ye was a protégé of President Xi,” FBI agents wrote in the report.
Last October, the @MarcoPolo501c3 Report on the Biden Laptop revealed that President Xi Jinping, whom Hunter and his business partner referred to as “#1” and “no 1” in text messages, personally approved of the business partnership between CEFC China Energy and the Biden family.
Hunter and James Gilliar, his business partner, alluded to President Xi’s involvement in approving meetings and ownership shares on two separate occasions.
On May 16, 2017, Gilliar told Hunter business partner Tony Bobulinski: “As I know chairman [Ye Jianming] will come to meet VP [Joe Biden] if he gets approval from no 1 [Xi Jinping]…”
The following day, Bobulinski, who later confirmed that “#1” and “no 1” referred to President Xi, expressed concerns about the Bidens potentially overruling him on corporate decisions.
Hunter responded, “TONY that is what Zang implied – they are both [Zang Jianjun and Ye Jianming] coming to be MY partner to be partners with the Bidens. He [Zang Jianjun] has implied that the #1 [Xi Jinping] has made that clear and available to him.”
In other words, the Bidens were paid millions by their Chinese energy partners, effectively operating as unregistered foreign lobbyists, in a business partnership personally approved by Chinese President Xi Jinping, which leveraged the Biden family’s connections within the U.S. government to assist China in acquiring U.S. energy assets.
Just a few years ago, these actions by a President and his family would have been considered treasonous.

Sep 28, 2023 · 1:01 AM UTC
“Just a few years ago, these actions by a President and his family would have been considered treasonous.”
They would certainly be considered treasonous right now, if it was DJT and his family who had done anything even remotely like this… if there was even a WHIFF of anything remotely like this, the entire global media juggernaut would descend like vultures, and the leaders of every western nation would publicly condemn DJT and demand the death penalty.
The disparity in treatment is beyond absurd, right past slapstick
Its twilight zone odd. Every day, everywhere.
Last year. And all I’ve seen from the FIB is covering for the Bidens. The public needed to know about this.
might be worth posting on Thursday’s thread so more people see this explosive material
Musk Says COVID Shot ‘Almost Sent Me to Hospital,’ Says He’d Go to Prison Before Firing Workers for Refusing Jab
I forgot to watch but DJT’s event in Michigan sounded like he killed it ! MAGA