So I am taking Cthulhu’s advice & working up a draft post that has been pending for a while to use for one of my fill-in posts for DP while she is tending to the needs of her family in this challenging time. Please keep DP & her family in your prayers…and as Duchess reminds us daily, please pray for one another…
This post was originally begun as a reflection on our journey as my husband transitioned from purchasing, which he had done for more than 20 years, into truck driving. It was intended as a reflection on the past year but through procrastination now is from slightly more than a year & a half since jumping with both feet into that transitional time.
Note: if you don’t care to read what is a personal testimonial, please just scroll down to the next time you see the below page divider. Thanks for stopping by!

Some of you may recall that I was asking for prayer as this journey unfolded, when my husband precipitously decided to leave his long-time company, just months after getting a 25 year “award”, to go to trucking school. What was billed as typically a 6 week process in our particular case dragged on for more than 3 months in the schooling portion before the job search could officially begin. There were many ups & downs & significant frustrations as the system, including the state entities, conspired to keep my husband, & our household, in a seemingly ceaseless state of flux.
During this season of upheaval, uncertainty, & frustration there were a number of songs that really ministered to my husband & helped him hold on through all the changes. Some of these songs even ended up being part of the worship sets that Michael played as he continued to faithfully minister musically at church and have one area in his lifestyle that remained relatively unchanged. This post’s title, “Furious Love”, grew out of a reflection on some of the music that ministered to him during this very challenging time
The video below, being filmed near Michael’s birth-zone, is personally moving to him…
During transitions, upheaval, & uncertainty focusing on the Lord, His peace that passes understanding, His provision, & His comfort were keys to overcoming the obstacles…
God did provide for us in sometimes miraculous & very timely ways over the many months we were without direct income. A number of times God spontaneously moved on the hearts of people to give us money, just when we really needed it, & had mentioned it to no one but the Lord. It was scary, exciting, and even strangely serene to be in a place where God alone was the source of our supply & there was sometimes a sense of wonder and definitely a pervasive deep gratitude when He would come through Just In Time for our material needs, especially as He also continued to address those needs we both faced in emotional and spiritual arenas.

This next song has been ministering to my husband for quite a while, especially in relation to work upheavals. Years back Michael made a lateral move within his company to a different site & returned to purchasing after a few years as Shipping Manager at the company’s corporate headquarters. One motivation for this change was to get out from under the boot of a VP who was his direct boss while over shipping. For a season it was like M had been exodused out of Egypt and he really enjoyed his new boss & some of the perks of the location. Well, tragically M’s new boss had a massive heart attack at work & went home to be with his Lord. This unexpected vacancy in the company ended up being filled by the very VP M had rejoiced to previously escape from. The stress, sorrow, & intensity were overwhelming & Michael ended up playing this song on his way to work nearly daily as a way to shore himself up in the Lord.
It turns out that TobyMac, Toby McKeehan of DC Talk fame, wrote this song & filmed this video shortly before unimaginable tragedy struck in his own family. His son died unexpectedly & Toby’s music & faith was a huge part of what helped him get though that unbelievably painful season, as he shared in the clip below the music video…It is such a tremendous blessing to us all when others allow their pain & heartache to be molded in the Potter’s hands & used to minister to the needs of others–To God be The Glory!
There are many uplifting and heartfelt comments at the above video, including:
1 year ago (edited)The fact that He said “God is kind” is nothing but the Holy Spirit. Human beings alone cannot do that by themselves after something like the loss of a child. Toby is a man of God, he is. And when you walk with God & you give your life to Him & things go terribly south in your life.. there’s gonna be many moments when you’re gonna be able to look at God and say, “You are still good.” God’s comfort is like no other.
Details on TobyMac can also be found here:

Getting back to our personal journey, Michael has mentioned a number of times how instrumental I was in helping him through some of the darkest days of his transition into trucking. He has wrestled significantly with areas of change in his life (don’t we all) & God has enabled me to really be a stabilizing influence for him, & our kids, in times of major upheaval. [At one point I was doing quite a bit of work on PTSD issues & began a blog as a repository of both the researches & the reflections–something I can return to and further develop as the seasons of life permit.] He has said that he thinks of this movie scene as a good representation of the way he sees certain of my interventions in his life…
This next song has spoken to me for many years especially in the “desert place”, the “wilderness”, & “the road marked with suffering”. The pounding of the special needs parenting situations created Many Times when the message of this music was so very relevant. Years ago our young assistant pastor & his wife were expecting their first child, who tragically died in utero just before her due date. They played this song at their daughter’s memorial service & I will always associate it with that loss laid on the Altar.
Although none of us will ever suffer to the degree that Job endured in scripture it is a beautiful thing to take the sufferings & hardships in our lives and pour them out like drink offerings to our Lord, allowing Him to transform them into beauty in His Kingdom.

This next song has been one that’s ministered to me over the years in times of heartache, stress, & loss; bringing key scriptural truth alive musically. Though perhaps a bit dated now the album from where I first heard it, Integrity Hosanna Music’s “My Refuge”, helped me through many dark days, broken engagements, & even deaths in the family. There is something so healing to the wounds of the soul in making the Choice to praise the Lord when it truly is a Sacrifice of praise. He is Always Worthy & focusing on Him in adoration during seasons of suffering can actually be a mechanism that He uses to ease our pain.
So now in hindsight, the journey to a stable trucking job was pretty interesting & challenging. In the natural world my husband worked for 3 different companies, one for days, one for weeks, & one for months, before landing his current job, which he’ll have been at for a year next month. The variety of work he encountered: fuel delivery, bottled gas delivery, & over-the-road training, plus gravel hauling exposure during an interview process for a job he didn’t accept, have served to make him especially thankful for the job where he landed. He is doing a daily route making local/regional deliveries for a large distribution center mostly associated with the heating & cooling industry.
He is often in the position of driving a B truck for A truck wages, which is an ideal scenario according to one of his truck-driving school instructors. His boss and co-workers are pleasant to work with, which hasn’t always been the case in his career trajectory. His job-related stress is Way down. Overall he is much happier at this job, is now in better shape physically, & is mostly adjusted to the Very Early weekly schedule this position requires–he wakes up at 3 am, leaves at 3:30 am, & starts his shift at 4:30 am.
He managed to pursue a number of hiking and backpacking adventures with some friends during this transitional time including 2 separate 55 mile hikes along Lake Superior’s Pictured Rocks lakeshore. We just returned home from his most recent backpacking trip last weekend! This major hike revealed to him how much better he’s doing physically since the same hike last year. He hasn’t had lingering pain nor fatigue, so even though he’s a year older it’s like his body is younger now than it’s been in years!
Also I can thankfully report that just this weekend we discovered that he is apparently healed of what appeared to be a gluten allergy. I asked for help here at the Q-Tree in identifying what might have been going on with him physically after he had a sudden onset of troubling digestive symptoms following a weekend back-packing trip. Several of you suggested it could have been “Beaver Fever” or giardia, but Michael was convinced he had sudden onset gluten sensitivity. Regardless, whatever the condition was–& it caused him significant problems & missed work a number of times in the early months–it now appears to be healed or resolved. We even had an experimental pizza dinner at a favorite local restaurant to test his digestive status, without issue Finally. I am so thankful that Michael can now be liberated dietarily, though he plans to continue a number of his healthier eating habits going forward since there have been benefits to some of these changes. I cannot emphasize how much this represents a weight lifted from his shoulders! PTL…again!
We’ve also mostly adjusted to the many family changes that occurred in this transitional time. All of our kids also faced significant changes while Michael was going through his lengthy transition. Our oldest son & daughter-in-law became parents for the first time just a few months after Michael made his huge leap. They are actually now expecting another baby in a few more months! In addition Nathaniel has joined Michael in the creation of a new band that just recently started practicing in our home. They haven’t worked together musically before so this really is a new & exciting adventure for them & the guys that are rounding out the band. I am thankful to have band practice in our home for the first time after more than 2 decades of musical endeavors on my husband’s part.
Another aspect of family transition involves our middle son Brandon, who had been working as a hydraulics technician at Michael’s old company & ended up leaving some months after M did. This son had gone through Fire Academy while still a full time employee & was making efforts to change his career to that of a Fire Fighter. He ended up being hired on by the City of Detroit & is now almost done w/ his 6 month EMT training phase & about to begin Fire Fighting training for the city next month. Like my husband, each time he is facing a time of transition it becomes quite overwhelming. We are available to shore him up as needed, & to give him an outlet to process some of the crazy situations he’s encountered working for & in Detroit…He is in joyful pursuit of a lifelong dream!
Seeing our special needs son Josiah marry & move-out & then return to live with us part time, at a time when we were also having a dear friend stay with us for almost half a year as he was dealing with his own life’s upheaval, was a Very Challenging addition to the ongoing chaos. Helping Josiah with his marital upheaval was a very demanding & emotionally draining strain on both Michael & I but was also used in God’s economy to model marital reconciliation strategies for our friend who was reeling from his own marital trauma. Because of Josiah’s autism this very personal journey was lived out very directly in an unmasked manner before our friend, overlapping the majority of his stay with us.
Finally our daughter & son-in-law went through the dual changes of becoming parents & moving into their own home almost simultaneously. Thankfully by the time This baby was born Michael was settled into his new job so that we had steady income & the familiarity with the new schedule & lifestyle for me to be able to help Clarissa in the birth process while Michael & her brothers helped her husband in moving their belongings from his dad’s house to their new home while C & the baby were still in the hospital. They have not done all that must be done to have their home fully functional yet, so periodically Clarissa will come by to use aspects of our kitchen in the creation of some of her culinary masterpieces.
We are blessed to have our youngest & oldest kids & their spouses & kids live in our neighborhood now. Our youngest son alternates between living with us & living a couple miles away in our city with his wife & her multi-cultural & partially disabled family. Our middle son has been stopping by regularly, especially on Sundays, to have some dedicated family time. In fact he just left our home after doing “gear day light” with my husband as they are preparing for an upcoming bow-hunting trip next weekend.

Life is good, relatively stable now, & abundant in a number of ways–Praise the Lord!

Tomorrow I’ll try a post that is more current events focused. Today I hope our Q-Tree family will be happy to bring the links & the insights in our typical treehouse fashion.
If you need leads for where to find such material, please consider checking out some of the sites WolfMoon has suggested in this post:
I enjoy perusing for links among many other sites
Thanks for stopping by. May the Lord guide, direct, protect, & bless us as we all keep fighting the good fight in our individual lives, our families, our communities, our nation, & our world! God Bless YOU!

In Jesus’ Love, Valerie
Good morning,
I take it this is the daily for today.
At about 1:30 this morning, my mother went to God. As per her family tradition, she waited until she was alone to do so. Both of her parents went that way, as well as a number of other relatives.
Thank you so much to all who have been doing the dailies. I anticipate being back for the Wednesday post next week. There are so many things we are in the middle of doing.
Please, pray for my sister who is exhausted. My dad is going to be lost.
Thanks for being here for us and praying.
Prayers for you and family.
Be well and at peace, DePat.
God be with you & your family DP as you make the arrangements, comfort each other, & begin the process of going on without your mother here, knowing she is finally at rest & freed from the burdens of this world.
I speak for no one else here but Please Don’t put any timeline pressure on yourself for the blog posts. There are several of us willing to step in to help cover the gaps as needed…
Please take care of yourself & your family…In Jesus’ Love

Morning DePat
my deepest condolences
i hope there will be time to rest, regroup and celebrate your mother’s life and love for you all.
find peace
DP I stuck your comment to the top of the replies so more people will see your update & be actively praying for you and your family.
Thank you for sharing this news with us all here. My deepest condolences to you and your family. May the Almighty God send Deep Comfort and Peace to all of you.
Praying for you and your family to find peace. I know how devastating it is to lose your Mom. And I feel so for your Dad. If is so hard to lose a spouse.
I’m sure your mother was focused purely on the road home when she went. Looking straight up at Jesus.
So sorry
Trust you’ll stay focused and looks forward to the return of your daily post as it rivals anything out there. Your mom is in the best of hands now. Prayers your sister and dad.
Thinking of you, and praying for you and your family…
You all have each other and your strong faith… (((DePat)))
Into your hands, O Lord, we humbly entrust our sister Linda. In this life you embraced her with your tender love; deliver her now from every evil and bid her enter eternal rest. The old order has passed away: welcome her then into paradise, through Christ our Lord. Amen
Continued prayers for you and your family, DePat, and condolences at the loss of your mom. I would imagine that you’re as exhausted as your sister. Please take some time for yourself. I know we all miss you, but you don’t need to rush back before you’re ready.
Peace for your Mom
a bit of respite for you and your siblings
and prayers for your Father who has lost his mate
So many of us have been in your shoes, DPat ; I encourage you to look after your own health and know that in time, all the decisions and tasks will get done. In retrospect, no task or decision was as urgent as taking time to grieve and recover. May God be with you all.
Our condolences and prayers for you and your family!! God bless all of you!
Im very sorry. The best is you had some time to prepare and begin grieving. I hope you and your family find comfort and peace in thecoming weeks.
I am sorry to hear your Mom has past but at least she, you and the family did not have to hang in limbo for weeks.
Stay safe and Rest as you can. Prayers for you and your family.
A piece of advice from an accountant….
Death certificates are very inexpensive if you get them immediately, and not cheap if you have to get some later. Get a whole bunch. Everybody (banks, credit card issuers, insurance carriers, real estate title agents, government taxing authorities) and their second cousins will want a copy. Get as many as you think will be necessary, then get a whole bunch more.
Thank you. That’s all in the works.
I’m so very sorry, DePat! God Bless you and your family and your wonderful mother in Heaven!
You and your family remain in my prayers, DePat.
My heart breaks for you. Continued prayers for you and your family.
For reasons unknown, I can no longer log into The Q Tree, so I don’t know if this
comment will even publish.
Love, Sylvia Avery
I saw your comment here just fine Sylvia. Did you try logging in with Word Press?
You could always do what I did – add a 2 after your name and create a new account. Everybody knows there could only be one sylviaavery plus there’s the shovel [unique to you
Our deepest condolences.
You and your family are in our thoughts and Prayers.
(I don’t know if this will post or not since I’ve always had issues with the site)
I had to let it out of the bin. You can try another!
TY, I didn’t get a chance to mention Kea to you cause on was too busy on a final check on Wednesday’s post…I’m glad you let her in!!!
Come back when you’re ready – take your time as needed!
We’ll be here and praying!
I’m sorry for your loss. Please give yourself some much-deserved rest before diving back into the fight. Praying for you and your family.
Amen Sadie
I was hoping you’d stop by…
Do you care to weigh in on this Ashli Babbitt conversation at all?
God Bless YOU–hope things are well in your world
Many of us look forward to Sadie’s visits.
If anyone is reading here & wants to comment but is not allowed to do so here at the Q-Tree please feel free to comment on this companion post at my main blog:
Hello. Is it Taco Tuesday anywhere?
I thought it was Taco Tuesday EVERYwhere

An old favorite of mine. THANKQ!
Fred Astaire, 25-second clip. For some reason, YouTube doesn’t have the entire original.
AHHHhhhh they just do not make movies like those any more.
Will this do?
Truths…Thanks for this…What a genius! Astaire w his nearly supernatural body/mind coordination! Such a joy to watch him!
My oldest grandson’s favorite day and meal at the local Mexican food diner.
Somewhere close by there are several “2 for Tuesday” taco joints–yum!
We used to have to travel to get these but now a new restaurant in town carries them.
Sounds good. Traditional, new mexican, or tex mex?
In the land of the free, there are many types of tacos.
Indeed! And i appreciate that!

And you can be the taco the town
Thank you for posting this, Valerie. I haven’t had a chance to read it all yet, but I appreciate your efforts!
TY TT. Blessings!
And to you!
Love! 3 heart emojis when I get to the actual post & not just the notifier
Thank you for this substitute post! Enjoying the cornucopia of diverse parts, including Mission Impossible!
TY Wolf. That means A Lot to me
With God, All things are possible

Nancy Pelosi did it best!
She pulled a fire alarm?
She promoted The Great Reset.
Hillary was also into the reset thing.
Did anybody else notice that Lavrov used his middle finger to ‘push’ the button?
Good catch. I doubt if Hillary was made aware of it until after the fact.
Afternoon Wolf. I was just doing my usual reading, and I think i have come up with a way to turn both Ukraine and the green imitative against the Cabal.
All it will take is ONE honest person to simply ask this. “Since the Biden administration is so set in on climate change, and have declared it the greatest threat to humanity, I was wondering what there thoughts on sending hundreds of billions of dollars worth of munitions and weapons to Ukraine. Money that could be better be spent of fighting climate change. Also I would like their thoughts on what kind of green house gas impact thousands of tons worth of high explosive, and millions of rounds of exploded ordinance and ammunition have on the environment?
See, WE know the answers. THEY cannot answer. It would highlight their own duplicitous actions. They CANNOT have it both ways. IF green house gases are SOOOOOO bad for the environment, how do they justify sending so much ordinance to Ukraine, ordinance that has FAR more greenhouse gas emissions (and carbon) released than a gas stove or car produces.
Time to use their own hypocrisy against them. Oh and i know they will simply blame Russia. The premise STILL stands.
P-rex, you never cease to amaze me.
In a good or bad way LOL
Good way IMHO
Excellent…Grrr! I just put that out on Gab–TY!
Thank you, Valerie, for a beautiful retrospective of the recent challenges and successes in your family, with musical accompaniment!
And thank you, also, for helping our little community here keep going, while we worry for our dear DePat.
While DePat’s away, the nice will play…..
Aw shucks, you are being such a sweetheart LOL
It’s official: Gaetz to force vote on McCarthy’s speakership
Give me a break!
Looks like excuse-making to me. The time to oust the Speaker is right after he has reneged on his promises.
Bring it on.
Spoken like a Bushie.
Video of this historic moment on the House floor:
No matter how this gets sliced there is surely some element of “look squirrel” & uniparty theater going on
It’s hard for me to understand why RealPOTUS wanted McCarthy, a seeming perpetual swamp rat, in the Speakership At All!!!
“It’s hard for me to understand why RealPOTUS wanted McCarthy, a seeming perpetual swamp rat, in the Speakership At All!!!”
Hopefully he communicated his reason to Gaetz.
Either he did, and Gaetz is doing what he’s supposed to do now, or he didn’t, in which case who knows what’s going on, or why, or when it will end, or won’t end, or whatever
Hopium, copium, nopium theater arises!
BB & Kyle discussed this on Defected. They think it is for the purpose of EDUCATING Americans on how the ‘sausage’ is actually made. Remember McCarthy made a backroom deal with the DemonRats for a 45-day temporary funding measure that excludes border security and $6 billion in funding for Ukraine.
Yet a $5 billion request FOR OUR SECURITY (border wall) by POTUS Trump WAS TURNED DOWN!!!
fourteen MINUTES
Somewhere in there is an McCarthy interview where he complains about the border and Fentenyl killing Americans
@ 32:45 Matt Gaetz TELLS YOU this
If you have the time it is worth watching and seeing the clips they have to back up their ideas.
TY Gail for the insights AND the sauce!!!
Swamp will survive. Perhaps mutate some. Though not for the better.
DC was literally built on swamp land so it’s there to stay
It is all a scam. Maybe folks will eventually realize the theater versus the back room dealing that happened well before the play/movie began.
“Nobody thinks this is the right time to pull the trigger,” said one conservative lawmaker, who warned that supporting Gaetz’s move would look like a “personal vendetta.”
Nobody EVER thinks it’s the right time to pull the trigger.
It could be the year 2525, the same people would still be in office, earth could be a smoking ruin, and these corruption professionals would be saying “nobody thinks this is the right time to pull the trigger”.
Someone ought to pull the trigger on them.
That time for that is always right.
Remember how it was NEVER time to arrest a bunch of SOBs.
it would interfere with an election. It’d be tacky because some politically important pile of shit had just died. You name it.
And nothing got done in four years.
Exactly! “It’s never the right time” is their go to answer for everything concerning ACCOUNTABILITY.
You’vewe’ve been here before…sigh… except the dems didn’t have a problem “pulling the trigger” to arrest people before an election.
It appears that virtually nothing is out of bounds with them
TY Scott!
“….He added that he had hoped Gaetz would “hold off” on his push in order to give Republicans more time to pass spending bills that the Senate is certain to reject….”
AHHHhhh, but this is EXACTLY the correct time to ‘PULL THE FIRE ALARM ‘
and short circuit Congress.
you’re so right. the let’s-wait-till-the-speaker-gives-the-left-all-the-stuff-it-wants-in-the-spending-bills-so-we-have-nothing-left-to-fight-for-or-use-as-leverage strategy is ASININE!
if you think he will give the freedom caucus anything it wants now that the dems are on board with keeping him as speaker for his continuing to play ball? you’re an idiot.
the right is weak, weak, weak!!!!
It makes sense that the teleprompter is absent but where’s the fly?
Missing in action! No bags of cash either, but that makes sense since they’re walking in the woods.
But Mendez is holding two bars of gold
Nice, I missed that. Got to get out the magnifying glass
It’s right under his sippy cup.
Good Catch!
I’m not sure that that’s the fly. It usually has a little trail of dots showing its trail of flight, like this:
But I don’t know…
Maybe he hasn’t
his pants yet.
Thank you for pitching in, Valerie! I enjoy family snippets, memories and anecdotes that help us know online friends and acquaintances a bit better. I’m glad your family has made it over some tough hurdles, and how nice for you to have some of your children nearby.
God is always present, and we are very very blessed to share His Grace.
hmmm I thought I replied to you via the notifier but it seems to have disappeared…
Amen & TY Alison for your kind words & insights. Blessings!
Just a short note on authors this week.
Monday – Wolf
Tuesday – Valerie
Wednesday – Valerie
Thursday – Aubergine
Friday – PAVACA
Saturday – Steve
Sunday – Carl
PAVACA is a new author – it may take a few days to get things squared away.
Great thanks in advance for all authors stepping up to keep things going! It is much appreciated!!
TY blush emoji
Hope you catch Wolf’s line up so you can anticipate what’s yet to come…
Ha by replying In the notifier I missed that You were replying to Wolf’s post…
You should wait until you read (or scroll) my post before applauding. You might not.
On the other hand, do you remember Fate Magazine from back in the day? Weird tales, etc.? If so, you might be thrilled.
Sounds intriguing
I was a subscriber to Fortean Times for a number of years…..
Oooh, cool. You may enjoy Thursday!
How about 2600?
I’ve got a couple of issues around here someplace….
Yep. I have a bunch, somewhere, too…
It’s the somewhere that always seems to be a problem
Weird tales… YES!
I also loved Analog SciFact/fiction
Thanks for the heads up! I’m close to getting Wednesday’s post scheduled
Hey Wolf, just a short note to let you know that I scheduled Wednesday’s post for 12:01 on 10-4-23. If you want to check & make sure that looks OK (I’ve only Ever just hit “publish immediately” for myself before) as a double-check I’d appreciate it.
Thanks again for allowing me to occasionally write here at the Q-Tree–it remains a surprising AND humbling honor
Wolf Moon
Yours Truly is grateful and humbled for the opportunity to become an author on this board. Will proceed to the instructions from you on how to get started.
God Bless you in this new adventure CV
Wolf Moon
Test two. Just changed one’s WP password.
fwiw this reply did NOT show up in my notifier
(I should see All comments when I’m the author I believe)…
I know I haven’t seen All the replies in the notifier today either but the scrolling back in time function isn’t probably even allowing 100 comments to be visible, which doesn’t work great on a 600+ comment post day…hmmm…
Thank you, Valerie, for stepping up. I’m really glad to hear that all the changes you’ve been through in the past year are working out so well for your family. God is good.
TY Linda! It takes us (all) a while to regroup so it’s nice to finally feel like we’re back on solid, or at least familiar, ground now. Michael & our boys are Really anticipating this year’s Deer Hunting Season which for M was truncated unprecedentedly to Just ONE hunt last year
He’s leaving to head North after work Friday & then Brandon & our dog & possibly Josiah (who doesn’t–yet–hunt but Loves being at the Hunting Shack) will join him on Saturday. Good times incoming!
(boldface mine)
No matter what is unearthed FJB/LGB will skate unless & until the Deep State wants him gone
In the meantime, we make them squirm as much as possible! We cause stress, we make them incur legal fees, we cause them to rethink their political strategy, we make their international compatriots uncomfortable, we turn some Dems against them, etc.
We should be doing this a lot, like they’re doing to President Trump. And not just to Biden, but to more of the commie sleazes in every part of government. There should be thousands of lawsuits against Faucci and many others for damages from the jabs. Give them the death with 1,000 cuts like they’re trying to do with Trump. But our side just talks and does very little.
Hear, hear!
Call me weird, but I think Fauci needs the death by a long walk on air, followed by trophy hunting opossum portraits. The 1,000 cuts are because the charges are bogus.
A lot of us were raised to “turn the other cheek”…fwiw
21 MARCH 2022 – Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition
they do use our “civility” against us!
Pretty much All the time!
Hence the title of my BIMD – Civilized War.
TY Gail for these important insights. Jesus admonished his disciples, recorded in at least one gospel, to bring their swords (possibly when Peter used his to cut off the servant’s ear in Gethsemane), which are clearly offensive weapons. Discerning where the self-defense/offence line lies is a very challenging task for Believers, to be sure.

REMEMBER the Churches have ALSO been invaded by the Marxists who see us as the ‘ENEMY.
Therefore it is to their advantage to teach us:
“… Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also..”
” …Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.”
“…Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment...”
And other defeatist thoughts instead of to FIGHT EVIL.
There is much wisdom in what you’ve shared here. TY
You are quoting Scripture. These words apply to Jesus’ followers. If it your goal is to be a disciple of Jesus then you have to make sense of these words. I see no alternative. You are saying clearly that these Scriptures are defeatist thoughts. I believe most people, of whatever religious inclination, would say that it is Christian duty to stand against evil. How that is accomplished includes the Scripture you quote.
^^^ This.
Even secular folks need to spend more time reading the nonviolent methods of Gandhi.
Violence begets violence.
He was dealing with rational adversaries.
We are not so blessed.
I can’t speak for Gail. This is my take. I think she is showing that the Left takes Scripture verses out of context and says, “See, the Bible tells you to do ____,” whatever thing would suit the Left’s ends.
Scripture is full of paradoxes. We have to love our enemies but also fight evil, etc.
That is what I was saying.
Remember, what we read in English was TRANSLATED by scribes who were in the pay of NOBLES esp the King James version, It is the version I have.
We would have to do as my father and learn Hebrew, Greek and Latin to actually understand the Bible.
Careful now…remember a LOT of denominations think the KJV is correct…even where it conflicts with the manuscripts. They maintain God used the opportunity to fix corrupted older texts (especially ones kept by the Vatican).
To be clear, I do not agree with them either about cause (obviously) or effect.
I think we’ve discussed this a bit before so I won’t belabor things.
I had an Old Testament professor in grad school who was on the committee to translate the ancient texts in the creation of the NIV. He explained how there were certain OT passages where the Hebrew words, or how they sounded, gave a clue to the meaning of a vision, iirc, for example.
God would give a vision to the person/prophet & ask the man what he saw. He would say something like “I see a basket of grapes” but the words sounded similar, in Hebrew, to “a burning fire” (these are made up & inaccurate examples). Then God would say to the prophet “Yes, & like a burning fire I am purifying my people”…
Anyway, the point is that such wordplay, dependent upon the Sound of the spoken Hebrew would be completely lost on non-Hebrew speakers. So translating the words accurately doesn’t fully do justice to what the actual interplay between God & the prophet entailed.
I appreciate the website where we can look up scripture in (m)any English translation(s). We can also look up an individual verse & see All (available) translations of any language & compare the various available translations. This allows us to more closely approximate the “full” & “accurate” message of a given Bible passage.
God has been at work Throughout History to preserve & protect His Word. I expect you are well versed in the minutiae of “discrepancies” between various “original” manuscripts &/or translations. That the “Word of God” has persisted virtually unchanged for thousands of years is reflective of the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit to reveal God’s Truth to the world throughout the ages…
Of course I would very much expect that your mileage on this topic will vary. Thank you for sharing your insights, which are Much Appreciated!
Any form or wordplay, in any document (even something as “light” as a low-grade comic book), will almost certainly be lost in translation; scripture is certainly not unusual for that.
One can try to counteract this by inserting wordplay in the target language, but then you’ve added something that wasn’t there and your translation isn’t literal. (No doubt this is part of why paraphrases are popular…very loose translations where the goal is to keep the spirit of the original not the letter. Of course that works only if the paraphrasist correctly understands the intent of the original.)
Of course the best thing to do as far as preserving meaning is to simply keep it in the original language, but the problem is few people know that language, and even fewer know what it was like “back then” (languages change, sometimes they change a lot). And there are often arguments as to what a particular ancient idiom meant.
An interesting issue with regard to the OT is that the oldest *Hebrew* text we have (IIRC termed the Masoretic text) is over a thousand years *newer* than the oldest *Greek translation* we have. In the case of any conflict between the two, which one should we trust? Do we assume the Septuagint was an accurate translation of the Hebrew manuscripts of its day, so in case of a conflict, go with LXX? Or do we assume the Hebrew has been very accurately passed down, scribe to scribe to scribe, so use the Masoretic? If I recall correctly the KJV simply used the Septuagint. Many more recent translations at least considered the Masoretic.
One of the things I actually admire about Islam is that they explicitly claim that *only* the original (is it though?) Arabic is authoritative. That stops issues stemming from people relying on translations as authortative, but it leads to Muslims who literally don’t know what it is they are chanting. (The Koran is meant to be recited, more than it is mean to be read, and the reciting should be done in the original Arabic.) Imagine memorizing and chanting hundreds of pages of sounds that, to you, are literally meaningless. Which means you need some imam to tell you what it means…which is the sort of thing that helped light off the Reformation and all of the translations of the Bible because the *Latin* (not even Greek which would be original for the NT but not [see above] for the OT!) had to be interpreted by priests.
Translation gives you the feeling that you know what was in the original text, more than some guy reading out of a Latin book and explaining the Latin to you. But neither mode is perfect.
This is an Excellent explanation of some of the many issues in play with trying to bring ancient texts up to modern “snuff”. I believe that the NIV translators consulted a number of the extant early texts for clarification & per that OT professor, when the translation team couldn’t unanimously agree on the meaning the majority one was put into the NIV text w/ the minority one(s) noted in Footnotes. This was also true for disputes on where the breaks between words would occur w/ the alternate ones footnoted.
The intro to the NIV goes into pretty great detail about multiple aspects of the translation. One part that was interesting to me was how they would designate names &/or titles for God. iirc, one version of the word “Lord” was designated by using all capital letters. This might have been one of the ways the NIV team presented “Lord” when the actual words from the text were “Lord of hosts”. That team thought the longer designation would have little meaning to modern readers so devised the shorthand designation.
In my view “Lord of hosts” connotates a more militaristic view, like of a general leading an angelic army. By truncating LoH into a stylized way of showing the word “Lord” the reader is robbed of that LoH meaning being in the forefront of their mind. I rarely turn to the into to find out which way “Lord” is designated in a given text while I am reading a passage.
In my mind, at least in that arena, it seems that the translation team removed a portion of what was present in the original texts & did so in a way so as to have it not be very noticeable as one reads along. I would much prefer that the “Lord” distinctions were presented on the relevant pages, or at least books, so as to not lose the Actual “Lord” designation originally written within the text while reading along!
Typesetting to make distinctions isn’t terribly new; IIRC the KJV used small caps to denote the tetrragrammaton, and that’s pretty much standard practice now (and the italics is used for words the translators put in, largely grammatical stuff, to make the text read like English (e.g., “He saw that it *was* good” from memory of early chapters of Genesis, so maybe not those exact words. Apparently in Hebrew I mean Koine Greek since this is LXX most likely, you don’t need a past tense of “to be” there for that sentence to scan well.)
But just from recollection there were names like “elohim” (which interestingly is a plural, bu the way) and adonai…which I think did get carried over into the NIV. (The only Bible I ever read cover to cover was an NIV so I tend to remember it better (low bar–this was 30 years ago), though now for reference I’ll pick either NRSV or KJV depending on who I am talking to.)
I grew up on the KJV so still think of many scriptures I’ve memorized over the years in that way. I’ve been using the 1980’s NIV for a long time & read the Bible through a few times using that version too
In the YHWH domain I believe the Jews consider it unpronounceable or at least so Holy as to Not speak, or perhaps even write, it. They often write G-d to indicate “God” & this form of reverence seems reasonable to my view. Protestants seem to turn the Tetragrammaton either into Yahweh, which I prefer, or Jehovah.
Well gotta run to my son’s house to babysit my granddaughter, so Maybe more later
there is some good info on the NIV here:
OH NO, I just ran across an article that has gender crapola infesting a new version of the NIV published in 2011–yikes!
In March 2011, the publisher of the NIV, Zondervan, issued a new edition, the 2011 New International Version. This edition replaced the 1984 NIV, which will no longer be published. Like its predecessor, the TNIV, the 2011 NIV was translated using gender-neutral translation rules, resulting in the replacement of gender-specific words (e.g. man, woman, he, she, son, daughter) with gender-neutral words (e. g. person, they, child). In many cases these replacements are made even when the original language clearly intends a specific gender. The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, which reviewed the 2011 NIV, issued a statement saying they could not recommend the 2011 NIV because of “over 3,600 gender-related problems” that were previously in its critique of the TNIV. It is crucial to understand that from 2011 on, the NIV will not be the same NIV the world has known and loved since 1984. When purchasing a Bible, “NIV” will now mean the 2011 NIV. Previously printed copies of the 1984 NIV will be sold out and no longer available. When an author quotes a Bible passage in a book and notes it as coming from the NIV, it will probably be the 2011 NIV.
In some cases gender neutral CAN be appropriate–if the original language doesn’t, for instance have the custom of defaulting to “he” when gender is actually uncertain.
But from this it seems like they went overboard.
(Rest assured my two NIVs predate 2011. So unless yours get burned up in a fire and you have to replace them and can’t find a pre 2011, we should be (ahem) on the same page.)

I’m going to have to be checking copywrites “religiously” now!
more info from the got questions link above
New International Version – Pros and Cons
Probably the greatest strength of the New International Version is its readability. The NIV is rendered in smoothly flowing and easy-to-read English. One weakness of the NIV is that it occasionally delves into interpretation rather than strict translation. In the NIV, some passages are translated with more of a “this is what the translator thinks the text means” instead of “this is what the text says.” In many instances, the NIV likely has a correct “interpretation” but that misses the point. A Bible translation should take what the Bible says in the original languages and say the same thing in the new language, leaving the interpretation to the reader with the aid of the Holy Spirit. The greatest ‘con’ of the 2011 NIV, of course, is the inclusion of gender-neutral language and the necessity of interpreting rather than translating in order to present a more culturally sensitive or politically correct version.
YOu might find this interesting. The video was done by someone who converted to Judaism, though I don’t think that colors anything until the very end where he gives out his personal preferences (explicitly labeled as being his personal preferences).
Thx, hope to watch it later.
My son Josiah’s respite worker is a Muslim but comes from a family that has had many Christians in it. He has a grandmother who was apparently a radio evangelist even. He also said he had some Christian relatives who converted to Islam, which seems a nearly impossible journey from my view–if you really Know Jesus as your savior how could you possibly decide that no He’s just Only a good person & a Prophet, but no longer the Son of God. Not that Islam promotes logic or anything.
My son Josiah, hearing about these former Christian but now Muslims went into a complete mental/emotional tailspin just knowing that such backsliding was possible. He lived in fear that he would spontaneously turn into a Muslim & was even upset by Islamic words being spoken around him. I wrote about it a bit on my main blog, especially here:
When Dr. Laura Schlesinger converted to Judaism from some Protestant faith the concept was amazing to me, especially if in her Judaism she stepped away from viewing Jesus as the Son of God, Savior, and Messiah that would be incomprehensible to me. Now if she’s a Messianic Jew, in my mind she’s doubly blessed in Knowing the Truth of Who Jesus is & immersing herself in the wisdom & traditions of an ancient faith, the one in which God Himself chose to reveal Himself to the world!
Posting as is since I really need to run…
Islam is perfectly logical in the formal sense.
It’s just based on some very bad premises. Garbage In, Garbage Out.
As for the issue of Jesus being the Messiah (much less the literal Son of God–the two aren’t the same thing though since Jesus is believed by Christians to be both, the concepts get conflated), you can ask any (non-Messianic) Jew why they don’t think so. Once they’re satisfied you’re not planning to preach at them (or worse), you might get an educational answer. I’m not saying you’d be convinced but you’d at least see how *they* could be convinced.
Thank you for that insight! I would think a Messianic Jewish convert from Judaism Might also be able to flesh out the differences in thinking. AND perhaps be slightly more tolerant of the ignorance their Christian sibling might display in the discussion
There was a guy here at the Q-Tree some time back, male name in NY as a screen name, who was Jewish & very offended that I’d used the term “Judeo-Christian” in a comment. He tried to explain that Judaism & Christianity have nothing to do with each other whereas I viewed Judaism to be the foundation of Christianity with All of the early biblical Christians–until they began reaching out to Gentiles–being Jews, as was Jesus himself. He went after me like I was the inventor of the concept of “Judeo-Christian” out of whole cloth or something. It was surprising to me
I usually see “Judaeo-Christian” used by some fundamentalist who wants to have the government more involved in “pushing” Christianity. This is the type, that when push comes to shove, or when he thinks he’s speaking outside of the public eye, WILL forget the Judaeo part.
Quite possibly why that guy was so offended. He likely knows that out of many mouths it just means “Christian actually, we’re just using Jews to sound more inclusive. We won’t be pushing the courthouse to put up a Hannukah display, just a nativity scene.”
There is that for sure. I thought it had more to do w/ legal foundations going back to Mosaic Law. Aren’t the 10 Commandments or a depiction of Moses on a major government building, perhaps the Supreme Court, or something?
I’ve heard the NIV called “dishonest” by some detractors. And of course the KJV-is-THE-Bible crowd don’t care for it because its initials aren’t K J V.
I love the KJV (it’s beautiful, but archaic, language makes it harder to fully understand) but disagree with those who think it’s the Only version of the Bible that’s legit, similar to the Catholics (as I understand it per some of DP’s comments) that Only look to the Douhey-Rheims (sp?) as legit. In Bible Gateway it looks like all of the Catholic usage versions there descend from a Latin translation. Putting scripture through yet Another language as a bridge from original writings to modern versions seems (to me) a sure fire way to increase the potential for errors/distortions…
Now that I’ve run across that material on the 2011 NIV language & gender games I’ll have to be more cautious in just blanket accepting a given NIV Bible as reliable…sigh…
I agree, making a translation of a translation (i.e., a translation of a Latin translation of koine Greek) is not going to help.
ON THE OTHER HAND, many Catholics are more interested in church doctrine than the original text of the Bible (though they’ll claim the former derives from the latter), so in those Catholics’ minds, this is not an issue.
Catholicism reminds me of Phariseeism in that respect, they give extreme deference to the “traditions of men” perhaps to even equate (or rise above) the Word of God. That’s a Really Big No No for me!
What’s interesting is I’ve seen Catholics try to convert Protestants.
They start by pointing out that the canon (i.e., the list of books that actually make up the New Testament) was set *centuries* after Jesus by…the church. (And they are right about that…the first extant list of books that exactly matches what we have today is from 369! And that’s only the first mention; it didn’t get finalized until later.
(The list is by Bishop Athanasius, who 40+ years earlier attended the council of Nicaea. It’s not true that the Bible was *written* at Nicaea, as some idiots like to claim–the individual books had all been written long before–but as of Nicaea there was no agreement as to what was supposed to be *in* the Bible in the first place.)
Anyhow, Catholic apologists will use this fact to argue that tradition actually is upstream of the Bible, so stop paying so much attention to it…
I find it amusing, but then I have no dog in that fight.
“…I have no dog in that fight.” Which could contribute to a degree of objectivity, I guess as a sort of sociologist or something…unless you are rather subversively actually on your own (lack of???) faith journey LOL
Of course, as I’ve said before, I really hope that somewhere in the course of your life you have a Saul on the Road to Damascus moment because I would Love to give you a hug in Heaven…AND it would surely be an Even Better place were it to be your eternal abode
It is interesting to me that you, as a claimed Atheist (& I do believe you really mean it & not Agnostic) have such in depth knowledge of the Bible, The Church, & history as pertains to Christian faith traditions.
Made me think of this, especially about 2:30-3

You would be AMAZED at the relative level of knowledge about the Bible among atheists, actually. Many (but not me) were once Christians, and will happily tell stories about how they read the Bible…and that actually caused them to begin their deconversion.
In fact the *average* atheist knows more about the Bible (they consistently do better on online quizzes and so forth) than the *average* Christian. (The people on this site tend to be far more knowledgeable about the Bible than average.)
I’ve even heard of Christians deciding to go evangelize to atheists and either being told in advance by other Christians, or finding out themselves the hard way, that atheists as a class are *not* ignorant of the Bible and therefore, you can’t expect to convert them by teaching them about it.
So no, it’s not in any way odd, irionic, or peculiar that I know some things about the Bible. it’s just that the Bible isn’t in fact nearly as compelling to non-believers as believers imagine it to be.
Points well taken…
As for “No dog in the fight, ” I have no dog in the fight because I don’t belong to either of the two sides.
And honestly they’re two different ways of going wrong, epistemically. I’m thus not going to prefer one over the other.
Even if we can get the translation right from the Original Languages of Hebrew, Greek, & Aramaic it is doubtful that we can approach a cultural understanding from the eras within which the scriptures were written to give a more complete understanding of the words.
The Holy Spirit does quicken us & our understanding but on this side of the veil we will be ever seeing through a glass darkly, imo…
Interesting. I get a new message from YouTube:
Looks like the BND (our spooks) are starting to step up their censorship… or maybe the Babylonian bastiges of the EC…
Well past time for playing nice, accommodations, caving…
no doubt
So if we can’t beat them (fair & square since they NEVER have to play by the rules we [used to] respect), we join them in Lawfare debauchery???
No, we have to recognize THE ENEMY MADE the Rules that THEY want US to play by and the Uniparty RINOs are very happy to USE THOSE RULES AS AN EXCUSE TO SURRENDER!
We stand up to racism that is used as a WEAPON and tell the wielder your race card has EXPIRED.
We tell the WEIRDOS, I do not have to BUY INTO YOUR INSANITY.
And we TALK…
We talk to blacks and Hispanics and others so THEY start to see they are NOTHING BUT CANNON FODDER for the elite.
Believe me the tide IS TURNING based on conversations I have at the Hispanic flea market we do on occasion.
Heck, on Saturday Hubby bought me a red hat that says
“ Yes I’m A Trump Girl Get Over”
It is fancier than this one.
Excellent & encouraging points! TYSVM for sharing!!!
REPORT: Democrats Fear the Term ‘Bidenomics’ is Backfiring
I haven’t even read the article. It just struck me as funny. Of course “Bidenomics” is going to backfire when he’s wrecking the economy. C’mon, man!
That’s the point of his installation…in part
Yes, so why they’re calling attention to it by naming the economic disaster after him is beyond me!
They should have stuck with “Build Back Bitter” or whatever it was.
hubris & hindquarters “heroism”–leading from “behind” & all…spit!
because there are actually idiots in CA who joined a major union and got $20 an hour for flipping burgers at mcdonalds who don’t understand how that increases inflation. THEY were celebrating that raise–not realizing they’re instituting their own demise. basic economics baffles them, so they think this is a good thing. and who do they thank for that? bidenomics.
as long as there are idiots, there will be corrupt politicians to exploit them.
“… THEY were celebrating that raise–not realizing…” it means they are going to get FIRED and replaced by a robot OR the place they work is going to close.
Hope they enjoy living on the streets.
it’s CA–won’t they be getting a basic universal income?
so bidenomics will save them again.
cycle of stupidity!
Also higher Income taxes will be required from these newly rich burger flippers.
…. The Freeze Dried Beef Industry Is Exploding — Here’s Why
Eternal vigilance in ever expanding arenas required!
Swines in the USA have been secretly “Vaccinated” with mRNA injections for years; now they’re coming for the Cattle
Bannon’s War Room: (7 minutes)
Thomas Renz | “I don’t know how else to describe these people they’re psychopaths.” 8 April 2023
It’s Almost like they Want to Corrupt the food supply or something/s
But what about the bacon

Damn good question. If they mess with the bacon, that’s worth going to war over.
Wolf, Help please!
I was checking/replying to comments in the Notifier & there was a nice one from Cthulhu that I was attempting to reply to. Suddenly a red bar appeared & said “comment trashed” & I had a second to process this new info & then the “restore” button disappeared.
Can you recover Cthulhu’s comment that I NEVER Meant to Delete???
My laptop has some Really Weird quirkiness that kicks in, random dashes &/or numbers when not anywhere such keys on the keyboard. I was Trying to type in the notifier reply box to Cthulhu when the red notification of death popped up
I was just about to ask whether I’d spelled “accompaniment” wrong…
LOL I’m working so hard to suppress my inner language nazi too!
Now we know it’s Valerie ‘the Hammer’ Curren.
Seriously, though, I bet that surprised the heck out of Valerie. I certainly never suspected she could do that at all — or that WordPress would make it so easy for her to do by mistake.
Valerie found the Secret Censor button

LOL I’d disable it if I could, at least on “my” posts

I honestly don’t even know how it happened for I was just starting to type a reply to you & the red banner of death appeared. I couldn’t even process it all before the restore option evaporated–yikes!
Bwah ha ha!
I actually had the nickname of “Killer” while playing field hockey in high school. I broke 3 sticks in 2 seasons, 2 were opponents’ sticks
Gail & Aubergine could both whoop my A though

Lol, I put my stick down years ago
I Might have retained a metaphorical one

I would NEVER have deliberately deleted your words. They were so edifying I would have returned to them, as needed, for replenishment whenever the daggers started flying my way LOL
If Wolf can’t restore them then that’s a loss to us all
So sorry…
In an interesting twist “The Hammer” is a nickname my brother gave my son Brandon almost 20 years ago…along w/ “Brandon Berry Pie” which is clearly evoking the other end of the manhood spectrum. B used to do knuckle pushups on the pavement as a pre-adolescent & seriously impressed some family
In case anyone wonders, I merely had some appreciation for the challenges that Valerie’s family had encountered and their mostly successful outcomes, and that she provided musical accompaniment.
Her post was more than a “fill-in” or “substitute” — it was an inspiration and comfort for those who have likewise been challenged.
It also ate my follow-on quip: “when DePat’s away, the nice will play…..”
AND my reply to that comment which wasn’t nearly as witty as you were
TY Cthulhu
I guess Wolf couldn’t (yet?) recover your comment?
that comment should remain in the “trash” until wolf decides to delete it permanently. he could alternately choose to approve it and it will reappear. so as soon as he’s awake, he can retrieve it–fear not.
I Really hope you are right! After all it is His Blog so he should have the final say on Everything that happens here!
I wish I knew how it happened but in 6+ years of WP blogging it’s never happened to me before–yikes!
it happens to me occasionally.
if you are an admin you could fix it yourself but not all authors are admins…there are levels…LOL
but i know wolf can undo what you did–i do it at my site.
I doubt I’m an admin here & don’t even have good admin skills on My Own Blogs, LOL
Well, now that you’ve admitted that, consider the admin door closed to you.
no doubt
Also Wolf there are a number of comments from “PAVACA” in the notifier that require approval. I don’t want to authorize them myself in case there is something you need to address there, including a password situation…FYI
Letitia James Leaves Courtroom without Granting Interview After Judge Tosses Out 80% of Her Case Against Trump
“According to reporters, Letitia James was too defeated to speak to the press after Judge Engoron said in closing remarks that the statute of limitations are in effect and reportedly tossed out 80% of her case.”
I hope she DID feel defeated.
I hope she Will Be Defeated & get a clue AND a conscience!!!
Wench needs to be be disbarred, fined for frivolous persecution, fired…
i’d rather she’d be SUED for malicious prosecution.
how about AND logic for the win again!
okay…you win…let’s get her 6 ways to Sunday
I hope she was so defeated she gives up, resigns her position, and goes to India to study in an ashram.
It’s the least she could do.
expect to see her win the nobel prize for literature…fiction category of course,
worth as much as aka BHO’s Nobel peace prize
yup–a million bucks—worthiness be damned
Of course!
But would they even have her in an ashram?
If she doesn’t fit in an ashram, perhaps an ashcan?
Possibly not.
If it comes to it,
How Trump Beats Michelle Obama in 2024, by Joel Gilbert
I didn’t know most of this. I’m saving it for future reference.
I remember that “Target” story, but I hadn’t heard the “racist” followup. Shaking my head.
Fascinating dive into another aspect of the heart of darkness at the center of the destruction of America–just wow! TY
this person has been pushing this theory in several different forms for a few months now. I personally think it’s because he continues to push his book.
IIRC, hussein has treated Chicago area, slated to host hussein library terribly. Can’t recall if it was taking away park(s) or evicting po’folks.
another case for AND logic methinks
Project kids sounds a lot like racial jungle.
Don’t need a project, just no supervision. Lord of the Flies!
I clearly need to get some sleep for several times I thought you wrote Lord of the Files! Paperwork is my continuous living nightmare…shudder
She was announced as part of the Homecoming court on the field, then collapsed and was taken to the hospital, where she died. Upon hearing of her death, they suspended the game at halftime and canceled the Homecoming dance. An autopsy will be performed. May she RIP.
She ‘died suddenly’, of ‘died suddenly’.
It all makes so much sense, once you make the description of what happened to also be the cause of death, and vice-versa.
It’s not unusual really, we do the same thing with other causes of death all the time.
Like ‘she cancered suddenly of cancer suddenly’, or ‘he car accidented suddenly of car accident suddenly’, or ‘she alligatored suddenly of alligator suddenly’, or ‘he poisoned suddenly of poison suddenly’, or ‘she fell out of a window suddenly by window suddenly’, and so on
It’s not nonsensical at all.
“An autopsy will be performed.”
And then buried deeper than she will be.
Skipping vital tests, linking her sudden death, to The Jab.
Exactly. They’ll never do the test that would show the truth.
Not a QUINCY in the bunch.
What an horrible, & likely needless genocide jab contrived, tragedy
I’m not gloating about this death; I’m just amazed when people who are so ugly to others about issues like crime and the COVID vax get a comeuppance of sorts.
Lefty Journalist Mocked Conservatives Who Warned About Violence in America — Before Intruder Shot Him Dead at Home
The prediction from 2020 was a good one.
Look at the increased numbers of all-cause death in the U.S. (and everywhere else the vaxx was forced on the population) since 2020.
“39-year-old Josh Kruger was shot in the chest and abdomen seven times and was pronounced dead at the hospital shortly after 2 am.”
The assailant wasn’t taking any chances.
Sounds personal, like a former relationship of some kind.
As most murders apparently are.
He was gay and you get some really nasty fights among the gays.
This was definitely NOT a fight.
Not a fair one, anyway.
“Kruger was murdered two weeks after he was threatened by a person who calls themselves “Lady Diabla, the She-Devil of the Streets.””
So apparently ‘Lady Diabla’ is plural.
That’s gonna throw a monkey wrench into the investigation.
I think diabla is just the feminine form of diablo, “devil.” It might not really be a woman. Whoever it is, I don’t think they are a member of MENSA.
I was referring to ‘themselves‘ (plural), as opposed to a person who refers to himself or herself (singular)
Not anymore.
One less useless speaker. I can’t find my supply of genuine tears but I do have plenty of crocodile tears I might use.
good one

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (3-minute video):
I certainly agree with her. LOCK HIM UP FOR TWO YEARS pending his court date…
Solitary confinement, adjacent to J6 Political Prisoners.
Mandatory jabs and boosters to have a visitor.
(They just needed to make the bottle caps the same color.)
okay I am admittedly having a very blond moment here…I don’t get this one. anyone explain???
(use little words, I’ll catch on eventually…lol)
I am not sure but the water bottle to the left (bottom) has a BLUE cap while POTUS Trump’s has a CLEAR cap…. Poisoned?
wow…I would never make secret service detail…LOL
I was thinking it’s something like “if looks could kill”…& I’m not even blond (& less & less of a brunette as the years go by)

The brunette wins! (Does that mean all the blonde jokes are true? LOL.)
It’s the fierce look on Trump’s face, and he’s looking toward the water bottle, “scaring” it. Trump was not happy about being persecuted as well as prosecuted and about having to be there.
now i get it…
This your car?
white privilege
[loud snort]
Jack Posobiec:
Criminals and thugs using lawfare against honest, hard-working people.
Demmunists are evil.
TY Valerie for sharing your family’s stories and filling in for DP.
God works in mysterious ways in our life’s when we’re faithful to Him.
God Bless.
Amen B & F. God is good All the time, even when we Feel like we’re in the midst of Job’s trials-lite. God Bless YOU too
Does anyone tech-minded or with other expertise have any insights on the emergency alert that’s supposed to happen tomorrow (Wednesday)? Pavaca has posted several concerns, and giloo posted the following yesterday. I don’t trust the government, but I don’t trust every internet guru, either.
John Rich:
It will happen within a 30-minute window, but it will not sound for 30 minutes. So John Rich’s credibility just fell a notch with me.
(boldface mine)
could be interesting or a great-big nothing burger…
Banking on annoyance.
Personally wish Feds, ALL government would leave citizens alone.
NOT interested in “government help”.
residents of East Palestine and Maui are receiving your wish…
Which is PART of why, the Feds need to leave citizens alone.
You could just say, “wish Feds, ALL government would leave” and leave it at that
No one would miss them, nor even notice they were gone…
AND Russia is having a similar drill TODAY….
Russia To Conduct First Nationwide Nuclear Attack Drill
If there is a mass exodus of elites heading for New Zealand, I would REALLY WORRY…
Just wait ’til they all get there, then push the red button…
I’m not concerned, personally.
I’ll be too distracted so might forget to care LOL
Thank you for this timely reminder of our rich faith heritage
In the center: A virtuous life led by a MAGA supporter.
Left and right: Lives of debauchery led by perverted Democrats.
good one
The tax computer that I’ve been warming-up is dual-boot Ubuntu/Windows. Most of the disk space is allocated to Windows for tax programs.
Having the two systems boot off of exactly the same hardware tends to make many things painfully apparent — for instance, Windows Upgrade is totally craptacularly bad. Windows boots slower than Ubuntu and takes longer to shut down. Further, Windows continually bombards you with demands to use other Microsoft products.
I am SOOOoooo Happy I no longer have to use ANY Windows CRAP programs now that I am retired.
ThankQ for stepping in.
I recommend watching this hour long discussion about books and our education system. It has lots of info I was not aware of. Justin Deschamps of Vigilant News interviews author Chad Stewart who started out in the Banking industry.
One of the things I love about most Badlands interviewers is they ask a question AND THEN SHUT UP!
VN Interviews: Chad Stewart, For Our Children: Taking it Back from Occult Hollywood & Media
Chad has written three books so far. The adventures are REALISTIC with REAL WORLD geography and REAL WORLD HISTORY — the stuff the Globalists are trying to disappear.
Chad Steward Author Page
Britfield Series (3 book series) If you order from here he will sign the book(s)
YW How are things going down on the farm & with the ponies? Hope that All is well!
I crashed yesterday about 1 in the afternoon and really slept.
We found the guy I had hired to help us spread lime is a thief and so could not use him over the weekend. That meant I ended up doing most of the heavy lifting. My Back now HATES ME!
Our truck broke down Sunday but luckily it was at the Flea Market and a very nice Hispanic helped us move the trailer the 100 feet to it’s parking spot. He then came back at the end of the day to help me load the carousel wheel into our other truck. (The Hispanics at the flea market have been great about helping us set up and tear down for the last couple of years now that Hubby is too old and wobbly.)
Hubby took my truck home and got his truck so we could do the evening birthday party. The mechanic at the truck stop he consulted on the way home says it will take a metal fabricator to fix all the damage to the truck and Reese hitch. Luckily we had just had a neighbor give us the name of a really good fabricator this summer for another project.
So far my trucks have been really really nice about breaking down at the least inconvenient places THANKYOU LORD!
Oh my goodness Gail that is A Lot to face in such a short span of time. What a joy to have some kind & helpful people to lean on in those times of need. I hope you get that fabricator work done on time & under budget!
Please take care of yourself as best as you can & give your back sufficient time to heal
My ‘baby’ goes into the fabricator tomorrow. I want Hubby to take some photos of our old 2 horse trailer to see how much it would cost to add the metal needed to bring it up to working order.
I have been checking online and used trailers like my old one are $6,000 to $12,000 USED, so getting my old one fixed if the price is right might make a lot more sense.
My spare gas 1/2 ton pickup could pull that trailer easily and it would give us a third rig as a back-up.
I really hope you get good news here!
“Army War College Report Predicts Mass Casualties in Near-Peer Fight Against [Russia] – Analysis”
Army War College. <<< Best & Brightest.
^^^ Finally figured out. In a major fight, Russia WILL inflict mass casualties on America.
Report says 50,000 possible in one day. That is for, starters. IMO.
If Russia directly hits America, there will be no restraint, IMO.
Nor will Russia go nuclear, first.
Russia can take out a carrier, with a single missile. Yea, they’ll surely launch at least a couple.
Ports taken out easily. Air fields easily taken out. Granted, runways can be easily repaired. Fuel storage WILL be Destroyed.
Communications absolutely crippled.
Centers of Gravity, Weak Links, priority targets.
Restraint, short of nukes, will NOT happen.
ALSO, thanks to our open borders, Rusian operatives (AS well as all those Chinese Military operatives) can very easily TAKE OUT OUR ELECTRIC SYSTEM NATION WIDE!!!
Cartels with their China Connection and now MILLIONS of MILITARY AGE ILLEGALS that Biden has very helpfully scattered across the entire USA is a MAJOR MILLITARY BLUNDER!! All it takes is a signal and the country can be taken over very easily.
Dr Vincent Pry said an EMP event could take out 90% of the population as the electric grid and computers fail.
August 5, 2020 — Guest Post by Dr. Peter Vincent Pry
EMP Ignorance Is Bliss
Here is a thought provoking story out of China… Russia and China conducting ionosphere experiments, and it seems at the very end of the article there is an admission that this sort of activity CAN affect the weather:
Vincent Pry Warns Trump
Wiping out the electrical grid (plus sensitive electronics) will KILL 90% of the US Population according to this report. Yet this is EXACTLY what the US government is planning to do only they are going to do it in slow motion over the next 30 years or so. It is the GREEN AGENDA.
A book (fiction of course) called One Second After tells the tale of what happened after an EMP attack. It practically traumatized me reading it.
One second after it happens is already too late to fix it.
Great book – One second After.
^^^ Also a trilogy – Each Book A Great Read
I may have to check those out. I didn’t know there were more.
LOL, that book… better be tough stuff to survive
That is for sure!
A transformer has a TWO YEAR BACK ORDER, if I recall correctly from an old Chiefio discussion.
Here is the discussion:
Also just find this:
“The Long Sunday” EMP explained by Dr. Peter Vincent Pry – EMP taskforce (An exurb from)
And most of those trafos have to ship from RED CHINA, as we don’t/can’t make them anymore…

Transformers are not exactly rocket science. A small group of dedicated men could produce ’em in small quantities beginning in a few months.
The problem is the 10-year delay in permits.
“The problem is the 10-year delay in permits.”
Something RealPOTUS was addressing while in office., thankfully!
Building the really big ones is a whole different ball game than the stuff at most substations… and all of the tooling and manufacturing equipment, let alone expertise, is long gone. Chiefio (along with other sites) had a series on that…
Serious eye opener. Started me into prep mentality. Prep for a slew of scenarios.
A Restoration Novel Series
The Restoration Collection:
Last Light
Night Light
True Light
Dawn’s Light
This is a Christian fiction series by an author I’ve enjoyed over the years that imagines a world without power & the aftermath that plays out in an American family & community. A compelling read, imo…
Thanks for the tip. I just put a copy on hold at the library
h/t Kea at Sylvia’s
I have this link in tomorrow’s post also
from the article I linked
Naturally occurring cow farts are not as devastating then.
I dare anybody to say ‘cow farts’ to a dairy farmer.
Warning – you’ll get funny looks or bellylaughs. Because cows don’t fart.
I’ve been corrected on that previously but I’ll stick with it, because in in my own personal opinion it better trivializes the AGW cultists.
Bovine Belches
(and that’s no bull
HA! this would be funny! from tcth
October 3, 2023 1:30 am
Reply to Citizen 817
I saw this posted on Freerepublic. Can it lead to a charge against the judge?
Unauthorized Practice of a Profession: NY ED Law 6512
You need not be a surgeon performing procedures nor an account engaged in financial services. Whether you are a dentist, masseuse, physician, lawyer, financial advisor, architect, or even a hairdresser, if you practice and engage in a profession requiring a license without that license, then you are subject to arrest and prosecution for Unauthorized Practice, New York Education Law 6512. In fact, not only will you find yourself before a judge and in need of legal representation from a criminal defense lawyer, know that this offense is a felony. Whether facing an indictment in New York City, the Hudson Valley counties of Westchester, Rockland, Putnam, or elsewhere in the state, a failure to protect yourself will have dire and permanent consequences.
Click to access re-appraiser-3-21.pdf
Judge OR Letitia James.
They need to have PROFESSIONALS give the info, otherwise you are correct.
Of course any professional who actually takes the stand and spouts that crap had better be set to RETIRE.
Hope PDJT’s lawyers pick that up and run with it.
Iranian spy ring busted in DC
The contents of the emails are damning, showing a group of Iranian American academics being recruited by the Iranian regime, meeting together in foreign countries to receive instructions from top regime officials, and pledging their personal loyalty to the regime. They also show how these operatives used their Iranian heritage and Western academic positions to influence U.S. policy toward Iran, first as outside “experts” and then from high-level U.S. government posts. Both inside and outside of government, the efforts of members of this circle were repeatedly supported and advanced by Malley, who served as the U.S. government’s chief interlocutor with Iran under both the Obama and the Biden administrations. Malley is also the former head of the International Crisis Group (ICG), which directly paid and credentialed several key members of the regime’s influence operation.
ValJar on that list?
wouldn’t surprise me. but that’s CLASSIFIED
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, October 3, 2023
“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.”
Proverbs 4:23 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Amen–TY Duchess
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
That last verse, Psalm 37: 14, makes me wonder if it means that God gives us what our heart’s desire, or if He places the desires into our hearts, so that we desire what He wants us to desire. I would guess it leans more toward the latter view but recognize it is likely beyond what I can imagine here.
Any thoughts?
Valerie, within an hour after reading your comment I came across this in the book I am reading. It pertains to your comment about desire.
By the way, thank you for your post.
Reminiscent of Augustine’s reflections on the cheated soul noted in chapter two, C. S. Lewis informs us that we are too easily pleased. Rather than live in expectation of Jesus’ promises and rewards of eternal life in the world to come, we settle for less, far less. As Lewis argues, it appears that “our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.” To use Augustine’s language, we live as cheated souls.
Paul Louis Metzger, More than Things: A Personalist Ethics for a Throwaway Culture (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic: An Imprint of InterVarsity Press, 2023), 439.
Excellent! TY so much for sharing this deep insight…
IMO…. He places our desires in our hearts.
Random thoughts:
I think we have desires unique to each of our temperaments and abilities. A person who has a particular talent might desire to improve upon and use that talent in various ways. They might want to advance in their field of expertise, which can work for good or evil. Their advancement can be used for worldly greed and pride, or it can be used to serve others and for personal fulfillment (“desire”) and for the glory of God.
In addition, I think He places desires within us that lead us in the ways He wants us to go, to do the things He wants us to do.
I also think there are simple desires that a loving Father provides as he sees fit (for example, if someone has always wanted to vacation in a particular place).
I think that, if our hearts are aligned with God’s will, our desires will be as well.
amen & beautifully stated
Badlands News Brief10-3-23
Thank you for bringing what is often a DP staple link! Blessings
“…Trump told us in 2016 he was hunting a Witch, who’s representative of the terrestrial Deep State.
He wasn’t lying then. He’s not lying now.
Try to enjoy the show.” —
Burning Bright
U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to Remove Donald Trump from 2024 Presidential Ballot
Our Take: “This one is particularly meaningful for me, as establishment forces in my state, Colorado, have filed a lawsuit using this fringe legal theory to keep Trump off the ballot in the Centennial State. The decision of the Supreme Court not to take up such a silly case should damn the Colorado case, though I’m not holding my breath that this will stop the commies from continuing their witch hunt against the greatest president in US history.
While President Trump faces ongoing political persecution from the people in power, the Supreme Court’s decision provides (a little) renewed hope in the idea of American justice. We still have a long way to go to restore trust, but we have a lot of constitutional court cases in the near- and medium-term future. Consider me cautiously optimistic.” —
Ashe in America“
Good start to my day thanks to you, Valerie. Good music and great update on your family.
TY TB. Glad you are being uplifted
This is well done,
Who controls Disney and the entertainment industry?
Yes, very well done.
Yours Truly just changed one’s WP password.
I didn’t get to see this comment in my notifier either
Hopefully Wolf is helping you address all your Password & authorship needs!
Test three. Just added a comment to one of the discussion topics at The Q Tree Forum. Apparently, all three of today’s test comments here at the Home board, and the reply one posted to DePat’s sharing of the news of her mother’s passing are in “Awaiting Approval.”
I didn’t think I had the “authorization” to get you out of WP jail. Glad Wolf finally stopped by & got your remarks “out of the bin”
“Do It Again” is one of my favorites. Thanks for posting it.
Your family has been through a lot, but I am glad to know you are doing well through the challenges. God is good.
TY “passionate purple princess”
I’m glad that that song speaks to you too! Blessings!
This is such a wonderful article about why a national identity is so important:
“What should Armenia’s immigration policy be?
I wrote “Armenia,” not “America,” figuring that the eye and the mind would suffer a bit of a hitch. For as soon as you try to turn your mind to Armenia, not America, you have to ask the most obvious questions, not the least among them being, for young Americans quite innocent of geography, “Where the heck is Armenia?” And that question implies others. For when we ask, “Where is Armenia?” we do not simply ask about its latitude and longitude. Those are the least of it. We ask whether Armenia is landlocked or on the sea; whether it is mainly flatland or hills or mountains; what rivers flow through it; what kinds of farming or herding you can do there; what wealth, if any, the Armenian earth holds in its secret places, and whether the wealth is accessible; what the seasons are like; what are its wild animals and trees and flowers; how its skies appear on a summer night.”
via click for vidclip
In the center of Berlin there is a protest rally by supporters of the Alternative for Germany party and the Querdenker movement against the supply of weapons to Ukraine, for the resignation of the government and the holding of early elections
What serendipity that you should be at the helm on the day that our DePat’s Mom has gone to be with God… you bring just the spirit we need to rise above all the worldly chaos in which we find ourselves. Thank you for sharing your Light with us.
Wow PR that is high praise indeed. To God be the Glory.
My husband awakened in a “wrestling with the Devil” type of place today. He brought in God’s Light & Truth & the darkness was driven back. It’s possible the Enemy did not want any of our current nor historical trials to drive us deeper into relationship with the Lover of our souls. Once again he loses!

Also…. without “Light”…. there is no COLOR.
Have you notice that new cars are mainly BLAH colors. Even the reds and blues are DARK
Dealerships claim they can’t sell anything but white or black any more.
And now we are seeing flat gray…bondo!
The dealers just don’t want to stock other colors.
Red for example has ALWAYS been a popular color esp for sports cars.
We’ve had about a decade of 50 shades of silver, along with the occasional white or black, very rarely blue or green…
Now, red is a thing…. we’ve got about 10 of them on our street… seems the, erm, invaders like that color and so the car manufacturers are selling that color (and the invaders aren’t buying new cars, anyway… go figure)….
I had a black Taurus SHO with leather interior that was an oven in Kalifornistan… great engine, crappy body (paint was horrible)… fun to drive though as that Yamaha motor wound up and up and up… IIRC it redlined at 7K…
Some fellow had his motor spec’d and balanced and could get it up to 11K (or so the magazine said)… the cops probably knew him well
My favorte car brand, Acura, makes it very difficult to not get a black (ebony) interior.
Can’t see how they do well in Phoenix.
Lambswool seat covers.
I know recently one place couldn’t keep blue in stock but genuinely couldn’t sell red.
James Bondo…
Bondo… the color of pavement ensures more accidents.
Well, it’s at least a medium gray, and sidewalks tend to look very light gray depending on what’s in the concrete. And asphalt, even older asphalt, tends to be darker than bondo.
voice of experience?
What’s really dangerous is half-asphalt…
no doubt

If nothing else everyone has seen bondo on a car, driving around. We’ve also all seen sidewalks and concrete roads, and also old asphalt. (Indeed in Colorado old asphalt is damn near the only kind we have.)
Our Michigan corruptocrats have found copious ways to enrich their cronies (AND likely themselves) with ubiquitous road construction. They could surely do it right if they had the will. Aren’t there some Roman roads in Germany that are still being used, after many centuries?
Not just in Germany.
But even there, I’d guess that they either a) laid asphalt down over the cobblestones or b) don’t drive on them fast. If the former, then the pavement needs redoing from time to time.
CDOT does construction projects and seems to do them tolerably well (a heck of a lot more quickly than the city of Colorado Springs, which can take two years to replace a drain), but they are few and far between…and roads have to be practically crumbling before they will resurface them. This is why touchscreens (and stereos with tiny controls) are just stupid here…no one can keep their hand steady two feet out on these roads.
We had a car CD player that would skip if the road was too bumpy, which was a pretty big pain on road trips on crappy pavement
I feel for you brother!
It’s just the fact that I’d reach for one microscopic button on the stereo and hit another because the car hit a bump or depression in the pavement I’d never even notice otherwise…and put the thing in a mode I couldn’t figure out how to undo.
I’d love a car stereo with simple controls like came with my 1992 integra, but those are invariably so crappy sound-wise they’re not worth it. Manufacturers feel they have to pack them with “features” past a certain price point.
That would be such a pain to deal with. I have a TaurusX hand-me-down from my parents which is probably the nicest vehicle I’ve owned–they didn’t skimp on the details & my dad always had his employee’s/retiree’s discount to sweeten the deal. Anyway there is some setting that is reached by hitting a button a certain way on the steering wheel (& perhaps on the console too) that when it’s triggered it’s impossible to get out of. Hubby “accidentally” undid it once but doesn’t remember how so if you want the radio or CD player to work we usually have to just shut the car down so it resets. I hit that annoying button inadvertently on one of my solo drives home from Up North but didn’t want to pull over to make a long drive even longer. So I think I drove for more than an hour w/ no music or talk distraction available until a needed rest stop reset the system.
I wish we could get a pre-electronics/computer on board type of car in case the EMP attack fantasies of some psycho come true & we might still have relatively reliable transportation, plus ease of maintenance to boot!
Tucker Carlson:
I will WRITE IN TRUMP if need be, I am NOT VOTING FOR A RINO!!!
Agreed. I will write his name across a ballot with a Sharpie if necessary.
kevin has ZERO trust left in the bank. i wouldn’t believe him if he said the sky is blue
Speaker Kevin McCarthy said on Tuesday that he would not try to broker a deal with Democrats to defeat a hard-right effort to oust him, even though he has little chance of hanging onto his leadership post without their support.
In an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” Mr. McCarthy said Democrats would “decide whatever they’re going to do. And we will live with whatever happens.”
Democrats “haven’t asked for anything” in exchange for voting to support him, Mr. McCarthy said, “and I’m not going to provide anything.”
He could try to quash the effort led by Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida to depose him as soon as Tuesday afternoon by asking the House to vote to “table,” or kill, Mr. Gaetz’s resolution. But the speaker’s slim majority and the size number of right-wing rebels in favor of ousting him mean he has little chance of surviving a vote to keep his job — which requires a majority — without at least some support from Democrats.
“…Kevin McCarthy said on Tuesday that he would not try to broker a deal with Democrats…”
Of course he won’t TRY because the DEAL IS ALREADY DONE!!!
2 October 2023 by Larry Johnson 59 Comments
Wolf Moon
Yours Truly has several comments and replies “Awaiting for Approval” for this board that were submitted using my laptop.
Yours Truly changed the WP password on the laptop but not the phone. Does one need to log out of WP on the laptop and log in again? Does one log out on the phone and log in again?
Am working on the Friday open. Do I need to email it to you? Please advise.
DePat, my deepest condolences and sympathy on the passing of your mother. May she rest in eternal Peace under the Wings of the Almighty God. May you and your family find Comfort.
Thank you for the inspirational items you post here. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
I can answer about your Friday post. Wolf has access to All of our posts on His Blog. so you keep saving your draft as you work on it & he can review it at will, I believe.
He scheduled my Tuesday post, Furious Love, to drop at 12:01 am Tuesday and later I scheduled my Wednesday post similarly. I hadn’t done the scheduler before but rather always just hit “post immediately” for all other posts I’ve written.
When you are working on your draft there should be a column on the right side that you can toggle between “block” and “post”. The “block” option lets you set parameters for the “blocks” in the body of the post–I haven’t used that part of the column function so cannot flesh that out better.
The “post” option in the righthand column allows for the details determining how the post itself works. You can choose tags & topics, a featured image that will show in the top border as well as on the main page or in the “reader” to help identify the post, an excerpt that will show to tease your post in the reader, & all the things about how the post works. I don’t usually change too much in the general post settings because I don’t know what’s allowed by Wolf completely.
I think he has an author logistics post in the sidebar that might be helpful too if you haven’t yet reviewed it. Let’s see if I can find a link…
There’s also this one:
Hope some of this helps a bit.
Enjoy the journey!!! AND God Bless YOU!!!
WM replied to you here too
corruption & collusion continue unabated w/ these commies
100s OF PEDOPHILES??? 100S!!!!!!
Location: Dittmer, Missouri
Sanctuary of Sin: How a religious order became a haven for pedophile priests
“Although he was expelled by the church, McCarrick has been living at a compound owned by the Servants of the Paraclete, a little-known Catholic religious order.
“The average Catholic in the pew on Sunday has no idea that the Servants of the Paraclete exists,” Kevin O’Neill, a professor in the Department for the Study of Religion at the University of Toronto, said.
The property is located in a rural community in the middle of America.
“Most people have no idea,” David Clohessy, an advocate for survivors of clergy sex abuse, said. “This is where the worst priests in the country are being sent to live.”
And no one knows who is there.
If they’re naming themselves after the Paraclete, and engaging in paedophilia (and presumably other perversions, e.g. gay “relations”, they’re sinning against the Holy Spirit, which will have eternal consequences for them. As in unforgiveable…
And very secretive. Diabolical what has occurred.
Theyre hiding the pedos.
LOL…makes more sense than what he usually says!
Sounds like honesty there didnt it?
goes w/ this gem

via Berbhard at MoA October 03, 2023
Ukraine SitRep: Bad Demographics – End of Support
Via a Responsible Statecraft piece I came onto a EU study that tried to predict the future demographics of Ukraine’s population.
The War and the Future of Ukraine’s Population
The study is from early 2022 and is based on Ukrainian casualty numbers from only the very first month of the war. Their worst case scenario was this:
The real refugee numbers are twice as high and the casualty numbers, wounded and dead, are of course about 100 times higher than the study assumed. It was thus not worth the money that had been spend on it.
Still, some graphs in it are usable.
Yesterday I shortly discussed the op-ed by the former British Minister of Defense Ben Wallace in which he asserts:
He then urges the Ukrainian government to throw more young men into the meat grinder.
My response to Wallace was this:
Unfortunately the real situation is worse then I had thought. The EU demographic study included this graph:
Ukraine’s population by age and sex in 2020
The ‘age pyramid’ in Ukraine isn’t a pyramid. In 2020 there was a huge lack of 15 to 20 years old people. They were simply not there. They never existed. The number of newborns around 2000 must have been horribly low.
The reason for that was likely the serious downturn of Ukraine’s economy after it had separated itself from the Soviet Union.
Cont. reading: Ukraine SitRep: Bad Demographics – End of Support
I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the rest of Europe had equally dismal-looking graphs….
The only population “growing” at the moment appears to be Moslem migrants with their burka-bedecked brides and concubines, five offspring per…
Look at the DROP in world fertility rate since 1950! (graph)
It goes from 5/woman to 2.3 or NEAR REPLACEMENT RATE IN 2021.
Europe is at 1.2 to 1.5 per woman — UNDER REPLACEMENT RATE of ~2.1
Hmmm…. 1970s…. abortion legalized and “the pill” popularized… and the “me generation”… takes all the worry out of being close, as the commercial went (OK, it was a deodorant commercial, but still)….
Coincidence…. I think not…..
THAT is why I wrote National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200
As I said the 1970s were the turning point.
It’s happening folks. Everywhere, not only big cities. This is an out of the way town, 15,000 people..
11 Illegal Aliens Found at Scene of Alleged Kidnapping, Gang Rape of Young Girls
Story by George C. Upper III •
This woman is said to be the one luring the victims.
Below is another crime she committed a few years ago
In custody of US Border Patrol…hope they don’t drop them off at the pretend border for them to walk back in tomorrow or next week.
Hmmm. Ship them to NYC???
Somalians, no doubt, who are growing in numbers and power thanks to that brother-loving beyotch…
They do the same thing over here, and there are on average more than ONE PER DAY, of course not reported in the YSM/MCM. The perps get a free trip to the Psychiatrie (looney bin), and either get out or escape, only to repeat their crimes…
God be with these girls to comfort & heal them & deliver them from unimaginable torment–my heart breaks at this news.
I honestly think that rape belongs in the capital crime category, as it was historically!
Better not happen in my small town.
Damned right!
Those kids were safer in the “cages” than in the hands of ngo’s and govt traffickers
Of course they were.
At least they had DNA matched to their ‘relatives’ under Trump AND the relatives WERE VETTED.
It’s finally coming out.
Is she the lady that volunteered to work at the border and later testified before congress?
I think so.
That’s a heavy video. SO many people involved in each kid’s horror.
Funny !
The last cat looks like my first cat.
Oh. He did it for years? Electrocuted the losing dogs? He deserves the EXACT punishment he gave those dogs. I volunteer whatever is in his pants as the clamp placement.
What a pos.
DOD official, longtime friend charged after allegedly operating dog fighting ring for over 20 years: DOJFrederick Moorefield, 62, and his friend Mario Flythe, 49, allegedly used code names to conceal their alleged dog fighting operations
“Frederick Douglass Moorefield, 62, who served as a Deputy Chief Information Officer for Command, Control, and Communications, for the Office of the Secretary of Defense, was arrested Thursday with his longtime friend Mario Flythe, 49, on charges of promoting an alleged dog fighting operation for over 20 years.”
20 yrs, right there in WA DC amongst a segment of the privileged class and this after the countless hours of media coverage on Michael Vick’s dog fighting operation, yet not a whiff of it from a reporter. Instead they had to wait for someone to go public and blow the whistle.
I wonder if they waited for him to retire first? Then he gets to pay legal fees w his pension?
He needs to LOSE the pension!
Only if he was doing his dog fight thing on govt resources and time.
He probably was using government time and computers.
Then he should lose his pension. We don’t pay him to do perverted shit like that.
I hope so.
This is PAVACA (RDS) on Tuesday October 3rd. I need some help.
Wolf Moon made me an author for The Q Tree. I followed the email he sent me and changed my WP password this morning. I’ve tried to post a couple of comments and replies at The Q Tree today but get “Awaiting for approval”, so nothing posts.
I’ve got the Friday opener for The Q Tree ready as a Word file. I don’t know how to get it to Wolf Moon.
Can you please post a comment for me over at The Q Tree to tell Wolf Moon that I’m in a quandary? Thank you so much!
I’m not sure whether this would get to him quicker, but for reference:
I just posted a reference on how to send Wolf a private message, outlined here:
Since my comment included a copy/paste of the exact wording required to send the message to him, it has gone into moderation and is on its way. I hope he understands what it is about!
YW! I’m thinking he should be able to tell what comment I was responding to. I hope so.
Good. Thanks! She should be able to post now. I will watch the bins and get her out a.s.a.p., if she is still stuck.
House fails to block effort to oust McCarthy
Paul Ryan should have been removed… also John Boehner.
But McCarthy should NEVER have been Speaker…
Personally, I hope he is removed. At least his removal will negate his backdoor deal with the DIMs to pass a separate bill funding Ukraine (what a low move on his part!)
ZH is featuring Tucker’s talk with Hanson … you may want to give it a quick read …
Now is NOT the time to go along to get along … we lead leaders who will call it like it is… McCarthy is NOT one of those …
… and from Bidet’s handlers:
In the replies. I don’t think we heard this one before. She’s got quite the story here.
That girl looks like A.I.
She is pretty, grants you that. Here she is last month in two separate vids. 1st shorter than the second.
I’d add that she has a very cool demeaner almost to the point of her sounding incongruent as it concerns the subject for which she speaks, which would have most of us screaming at the top of our lungs. That may because she is still involved in litigation concerning her status and grievances. That and if her story is to believed her troubles began going after COVID crimes with her father in a somewhat scientific manner that got the ire of the Canadian Govt, so me personally am assuming a professional persona despite her age, likely bestowed by her father.
Law Suit but can’t open the docs with out being a member.
Kaysha Richardson v. Attorney General, et alCase SummaryOn 03/08/2021 Kaysha Richardson filed an Immigration – Habeas Corpus Alien Detainee lawsuit against Attorney General,. This case was filed in U.S. Courts Of Appeals, U.S. Court Of Appeals, Ninth Circuit. The case status is Pending – Other Pending.
She seems to be or has been locked up in some sort of court case where in they, the Federal Govt are not releasing information about it because of the sensitivity of it’s nature.
My verdict. Believable.

this has more meat on it. Seems the courts gave her the round around.
Apparently Diamond and Silk covered her. This is a great explainer. If you wanted to watch one, it should be this one. Gets everything.
Having trouble playing this here, but if you get on her time line its down near the bottom. Playing it now.. listening her father says, “We called Lindsey Grahm and he hung up on us.” That sets Diamond off onto a rant about Ms Lindsey
Sees you can click the text on the tweet and it will open and play.
her time line shows her a Covid crimes warrior, a Trump Supporter and Putin Supporter among other things.
She mentioned the Karis Project in the first video & here is a site w/ numerous videos by that project:
hopefully it will play here now
CAUTION the website EATS CPU!!!
October 3, 2023 3:31 pm
Just to be sure I understand how it all works:
U.S. Supreme Court judge Ketanji Jackson cannot say what a “woman” is – because she’s not a biologist;
But Judge Arthur Engoron can appraise Real Estate in far-off Florida – even though he isn’t a real estate appraiser not has been to the site to appraise it.
Do I have that right?
But remember he can use his EMOTIONS…
what a piece of shit this guy is…his emotions overrule JURIES
Holy Sh*t…I doubt that he’s ever been impartial in his career
Right! He says he’s an impartial witness. Baloney!
I feel so bad for DJT. He’s preyed upon by partisan players and then to have this retard as the judge who’s a raving lunatic
This will be used against him upon appeal. He deserves to be disbarred.
He deserves to go to prison for his part in the ongoing coup against the USA.
100% He AND Many others!
It appears that the so-called ‘gag order’ is not even relevant to the case, and if so, then DJT should get a Letter of Legal Opinion to ignore it.
clown world
Gag order:
This might be going according to Trump’s plan.
Looks as if it’s in the hands of that judge, so it’s a foregone conclusion. Appeal in 3, 2, 1, after the verdict.
The gag order is specific for comments about his staff ?
That appears to be what was reported.
how is that legal? if it’s about the case? maybe
but talking about his staff’s questionable decisions politically should not be within the judge’s purview…it has nothing to do with the case…or does it? by implementing the gag order, the judge is drawing attention to it and showing it MUST have implications for the case.
There’s no jury so who’s going to be impacted or biased. This guy is a nut. It’s just going to make people dig so farther into her background
the Trump boomerang!
the meme warriors will DIG DIG DIG and then it will all come out
Bring in the autists !
YUP That horse is galloping away from the barn as the crazy judge tries to close the door.
They should dig into HIS background and expose the ‘judge’.
The guy is a loon (saw this in the comments OT):
^^^^ This ^^^
Call the autistics over at 8kun. They find everything.
more dots being connected…why President Trump attacked the clerk…it seems she was talking in the judge’s ear all the time…
“And this rogue judge, a Trump hater. The only one that hates Trump more is his associate up there,” Trump said. “The person that works with him. She’s screaming into his ear almost every time we ask a question. A disgrace. It’s a disgrace.”
Well a clerk overstepping her authority can be used for appeal. Not her job to influence the (so called) judge
EXACTLY–especially if she’s buddy buddy with schmuckie
for all we know, she’s the reason this dork was somehow tapped for this kangaroo court trial. The Dems leave nothing to chance with their witch trials. That chick might “handle” the obviously flawed judge.
oh no. sorry to burst your bubble. cases are randomly assigned.
I disagree. A judge is in charge of his courtroom and if he wants to have his law clerk serve as his counselor, so be it.
Marty and Larry are being interviewed on Russian TV
Marty translates for Larry …
October 3, 2023 3:58 pm
BREAKING: Far-Left NY Judge Engoron Issues Gag Order in Trump Fraud Trial
Judge Engoron issued a gag order on ‘all parties’ after Trump exercised his First Amendment right and called out the rigged trial.
“Consider this a gag order on all parties with respect to posting or publicly speaking about any member of my staff,” Judge Engoron said, according to CNBC.
Last edited 5 minutes ago by Troublemaker10
because of THIS (i’m guessing)

That is extremely relevant to Trump’s defense in the character of the trial. The judge can pound sand.
McCarty OUT as Speaker
via ZH
Update (1635ET): After eight tumultuous months of pandering and lies (according to Rep. Matt Gaetz), Kevin McCarthy has been removed as Speaker of the House.
The chamber will now commence rounds of voting to elect a new Speaker.
Luntz is chilling the wine and lighting candles to soothe his “roomie’s” feelings. Kevie needs a hug
heh heh …
meanwhile … is Matt running for the position of Speaker?
Boy, I’d sure like to see him as Speaker for a while!
But I’d really rather see a certain once-and-future-President pull the sword from the stone!
Problem is that traditionally the Speaker doesn’t vote and also cannot serve on committees.
So you don’t want someone who is a powerful force on any committee to be ‘wasted’ in the Speaker role.
Not wasted in my shallow view.
Speaker can AND Must guide the way ahead.
Strong AND Forceful Speaker IS Required.
PR…I have no idea! I’m stunned that it happened and take back any smack talk I may or may not have had for Matt. He did MAGA proud
I’m stunned also … didn’t realize that unlike other motions GOP might bring, of course the DIMs would be all in for voting yes to what they see as civil war in the Rep Party … so of course only a handful of Republicans were needed…
That’s what reaching across the aisle and up in their britches gets ya…a big fat get out vote !
Don’t grab anything while you’re up in their britches.
rCONS have an opportunity to Lead, or blow it again.
I get the feeling the Dems have no idea what they just voted for.
Goetz for Speaker, good by me.
It IS Put Up, or Shut Up For All rCons.
Wow! BREAKING UPDATE: Kevin McCarthy REMOVED as Speaker of the House…. Here Are the Republicans Who Voted to Oust McCarthy
Good, the boat is finally unmoored and now must be guided to
safe ground. Prayers!
If I understood that article correctly, the vote was to entertain the motion of ousting McCarthy. So it is not a done deal yet.
No… it’s a done deal … I posted update from zh above.
I thought that too at first, but they got this vote done quickly, and it’s done.
Our guy in east TN, Tim Burchett is a jokester, but when it comes to the people’s business he don’t play around. Watch him in the future, he is on the rise and part of the group who ousted. He’s really good at the politics game and has a really good BS meter.
He’s the one who told the guy he objected to his wearing black socks with shorts, LOL.
Psycho lefty judge put gag on POTUS.
Manhattan judge reprimanded Donald Trump Tuesday afternoon, issuing a gag order and threatening sanctions over a social media post in which the former president took aim at the jurist’s law clerk and called her “Schumer’s girlfriend.”
Trump — on the second day of his $250 million civil fraud trial — posted a picture of Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron’s clerk standing with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY).
via ZH
Voters Will Reject Inflation Reduction Act’s Assault On Medicare: Newt Gingrich
Op-ed authored by Newt Gingrich via RealClear Wire,
In the last few weeks, House Subcommittees have conducted important hearings on President Joe Biden’s implausibly named “Inflation Reduction Act” and its assault on Medicare.
The law is an assault on Medicare because it violates a core promise of the program – that in exchange for paying a special payroll tax your entire working life, the program will be there for you when you are older.
The law uses so-called savings from reduced spending on prescription drugs (more on that in a moment) to help pay for $500 billion in green energy and Obamacare subsidies.
This is a promise broken because the entire point of a dedicated payroll tax is that the funds are to be used for Medicare. The only way the IRA was able to accomplish the green energy and Obamacare spending without increasing overall government spending (which you can’t do if you are trying to claim the bill will reduce inflation) is to cut spending elsewhere. Analysis of the bill clearly shows that the offset spending comes out of Medicare.
The American people understand this is a violation of the promise of Medicare. Research we conducted at America’s New Majority Project revealed that 67 percent of Americans agree that any savings found in Medicare should be kept in Medicare. Most say those savings should be used to improve benefits. In addition, 59 percent say (correctly, it turns out) it is likely that programs which allow the government to reduce Medicare spending on prescription drugs would lead to the savings being spent elsewhere.
The White House and Democrats will claim that the IRA does not actually violate the promise of Medicare because seniors will still get the care they need despite the diversion of the funds. This is a falsehood, and Americans know it.
Anything the government does that is “green” is a scam.
Right TT … Biden’s entire ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ is a scam and a sham … his wild spending is causing inflation (create a problem, then propose to fix it is his MO) …
Bill Clinton pulled the SAME SCHIFF on Social Security and NOW we are being told that SS will be running out.
“so-called savings from reduced spending on prescription drugs”
seems similar to that “jobs created or saved” crapola the Obamanation was spewing
“You manage what you measure” is a really profound piece of wisdom from Warren Buffett. Accountants feel it in their bones.
Obama’s corollary says, “you mismanage what you mismeasure” — and is all about “jobs created or saved.”
I really thought that the so-called savings scenario wouldn’t be allowed by accountants for legit businesses, it sounds like cooking the books to me
Government is not a “legit business”.
clearly, but it Ought to operate under the same laws as we are bound by…
Oh, sweet Summer child…..
If you’d like to take a peek behind the looking glass, try
Weeeeel I’m actually more of a Winter Woman
Even if I had the time to read that I don’t have the background to make sense of it. Obviously my statement was naïve & representative of some version of a more ideal world…sigh…
Was it even in the ballpark for That context?
Or is Everything “rules for Thee but not for Me” as it so regularly appears to be?
It’s actually worse than that. Government accounting is Fantasyland, and the rules for auditing it serve to test its conformance to fantasy.
If it were a simple matter of real revenue, as with a normal company, you could count it as valid if “C-D-E-F” — it is Collectible, Delivered, Evidenced by something verifiable, and Fixed in amount.
Government “revenues” are booked when levied. You can have “property tax revenue” even while taxpayers are bailing out of properties right-and-left………just because you said so.
So the crims will be in charge in perpetuity & can always find a way to make their depredations appear legit…on the “surface”?
There’s a reason there are so few “accounting scandals” in government. Instead, scandals come out of more commonsense waste, fraud, abuse, and corruption. The accounting is so mucked-up that it has almost ceased to matter.
Amazingly this is even Better than Just the movie quote & so apropos!
Bear market in all its glory

And probably to Woke names, for Post Offices previously named for REAL HEROES!!!
THIS is what we pay them for????????????????
McCarthy was blocking a Hunter subpoena
The Russian Ministry of Defense announced the suppression of an attempt by the Kyiv regime to carry out an attack using the Neptune anti-ship missile; air defense systems detected and destroyed it over the northwestern part of the Black Sea off the coast of the Crimean Peninsula
And the crowd goes wild… Cabal takes it in the shorts, AGAIN!
I don’t know if my impression is correct, but I thought it was Freedom Caucus members who agreed to the terms that the speakership could be vacated if McCarthy didn’t honor his end of the bargain.
You’re right…
Guess their wallets are bigger eight months later?
They talk tough, but when it comes down to doing the difficult things, they cave. That’s why we’re in this current situation.
They’re all liars and frauds.
Where is Jim Jordan?
Somebody should investigate his secret Swiss bank accounts.
MTG, Lauren Boebert…
Where is Jim Jordan?
Snuggled up to McCarty…
Matt Gaetz on fire
Gaetz (at 1:28): “We don’t have a f#cking budget. We haven’t had one since the mid 90s.”
Some people are saying Gaetz is self-aggrandizing and is doing this for his own reasons.
I’m gonna say, I DON’T CARE!
He is FANTASTIC. He is saying exactly the right things. If he runs for President in 2028, I’m not only voting for him, I might campaign for him.
We finally have someone who admits that he, and others, have not done what they had promised, who steps up and takes the action he said he would take and that we were expecting, and people are criticizing him for it. Politics IS about taking credit for positive actions. Trump does it all the time, and it’s not just an ego thing with him. They all have to let the people know that they’re in Washington to fight for them, and they run for office based on their accomplishments.
Any one of those Congress critters could have done what Gaetz did, but they didn’t. He has distinguished himself and deserves credit.
I agree.
He thinks McCarthy will be reelected. I hadn’t thought of that.
How about VSGPDJT as Speaker?
That would throw a few wrenches in a lot of spokes…
Yes! We can create our own chaos…
Strong Leadership IS required.
Gaetz may be the answer.
Trump certainly good by me. HVe posted as much, several times.
Or maybe overturn the tables of the money changers in the den of robbers.
(Matthew 21: 12-13)
(H/T Rodney Short at Marcia’s Place)
Intended as a metaphor.
I wouldn’t have a problem with that…..after he was fitted with an explosive collar.
I don’t.
That is I don’t agree McCarty will be reelected.
Draino knows a good bit about miitary strategy … not so much about politics, imho
“He thinks McCarthy will be reelected.”
I don’t.
It would be stupid. It’s not a small thing to oust the Speaker of the House. It’s not the kind of thing you do as an exercise in discipline, and then put him right back in.
Lots of others could do the job and do it better, nobody in the criminal political-class is too valuable to lose.
It’s like whan a company rehires someone who left or was fired. I’ve never seen that work out well.
Steve Jobs.
HP would give former employees (those who left voluntarily) preference over other people when there were job openings and did very well with it. And they did go the extra mile to deal with employees who weren’t a good fit (so they didn’t have to fire them). “The HP Way” by Dave Packard talks about that.
Of course, that was BC (before Carly). Then along came nit Whitman, and turned all of that on its head, so that former employees of HP OF ANY STRIPE (laid-off, left, fired, or retired) could NEVER return to HP.
Good, then, that she’s gone (along with Carly and the other pile of useless dregs that have headed HP since then)…
Times were than someone could work at HP 25 years and get the fabled Gold Name Badge, and have entry to any HP facility in the world (within reason, of course… labs remained off-limits except for former labbies, etc.)…
McCarthy says he won’t run again.
“Gaetz and crew are the Patriots taking that stand and returning even more power back to the People.”
And putting McCarthy back in as Speaker would be taking the Power away from the People again, and giving it right back to the Cabal.
I’d bet my hat that John and Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin wouldn’t have voted for McCarthy today.
I doubt they’d recognize virtually any of the creatures in CONgress as actual Men! Certainly not deserving of leadership & accolades and completely without honor or character
Once a secret, the temporary House speaker is Rep. Patrick McHenry
Gail, McHenry is from NC … do you know anything about him?
The last time the House tried to evict a speaker was 1910, which failed.
Rep. Patrick McHenry is now the acting speaker, as announced by the House Clerk. The next step is for the chamber to begin rounds of voting to elect a new Speaker, as we saw eight months ago.
He’s just recessed the House so that the parties can meet and confer on a “way forward.” It was quite the tantrum…
ZH reports McHenry was handpicked by McCarthy to succeed him, if ousted
2 “Mc’s” … hmmm
That should make it easy to throw his @ss out too, then.
If Uniparty Kevin likes McHenry, I Vote NO.
Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC) | The MAGA Profiles›en/mchenry
The Duo Behind the MAGA… – Accountable US
Debt limit negotiator McHenry calls passage ‘huge relief’›nyc/all-boroughs/news/2023/06/02/patrick-…
He sounds like another typical SWAMP RAT…
Yup. No more swamp. No Uniparty.
CFPB is the faux Indian’s pet project. Just saying.
Not looking good. This means we’ll have more Repub infighting because this guy is probably a McCarthy clone.
From the article:
On Monday, McHenry commended McCarthys’ leadership.
“McCarthy has delivered consistent, conservative leadership. We need his steady hand to make good on our Commitment to America. We have more work to do to secure our border and rein in spending. Wasting time on a motion to vacate is a disservice to the American people.”
Twitter users challenged bowtie man’s ridiculous claim:
What happens, if they make DJT the new Speaker of the House?
For one thing, is it true that he can’t be arrested while Congress is in session?
That would certainly be hilarious for all the corruptocrats trying to railroad him into prison
It may even be that he can speak from the House of Representatives and violate (at will) any and every gag order or other attempt to silence him… and if so, that would be triple hilarious with sugar on top
Anything spoken in the Chamber IS protected speech.
And keep Congress in session continuously for, say, the next eight years…..
Make them WORK, for a change…..
Or until all the J6 political prisoners are freed…
And teach the whole country, Leftists especially, a lesson on civics and “our democracy”

Leftists will probably think that’s just another Honda…
Honnnnnnnn daaaaaaa….
A guy goes to his doctor. He complains that every time he passes gas, it sounds like honda and people look at him funny.
Doc says drop your pants and bend over. So the guy does.
Doc immediately says, I see the problem. You have an abscess.
Guy says, how does that have anything to do with my problem?
Doc says, abscess makes the farts go honda…
The flood of Liberal Tears would be almost too beautiful to behold with the naked eye

Like Niagara Falls!
You could always have a look at crazy plane lady once in a while to relax your eyes
bwah ha ha
If DJT became Speaker of the House, he would effectively be POTUS again.
No one, not the slimy Senate, or in the House or in the WH, would be able to out-message him.
He would command all media attention.
He could make deals, both with R-Cons and D-rats, and with the WH, and if any of them violated the deals, DJT could put them on interplanetary BLAST

Here’s some good relationship advice for women.
“I ain’t afraid to love a man. I ain’t afraid to shoot him either.”
— Annie Oakley
Annie get your gun!
She was UNARMED and in a very awkward position with a LOT OF COPS BEHIND HER IN THE KILL FIELD.
Any kid in our hunt club KNOWS enough to ALWAYS check the background before shooting. This crappy cop did not.
To be fair, a kill shot was necessary for the Pelosi Plan to work..had to show it was such a “violent” insurrection that one or more must be shot not just beaten to death
Where’s Sadie? I thought there has been significant discussion about what really happened to AB there. That one video showing Ashli & the nearby kneeling cop passing something back & forth the Might have been fake blood…So maybe I’m an unrepentant “conspiracy theorist” but did she Even Die (then?)? Wasn’t she connected to Military “Intelligence” &/or the CIA?
I still have suspicious cat jitters on the AB stuff!
Other than being an Airforce Vet I’ve not heard of anything that sticks on intel or CIA.
Meantime the verdict is easily swayed as to her not being some sort of op by the fact that her family has kept in the lime light to get justice for their daughter after a period of vilification of Ashely. That’s not something op people would want. They’d want the family to shut up and go away and they have done neither.
That is good evidence but that video “evidence” w/ her & the cop passing things secretively back & forth to each other is also compelling, at least to me…
AND logic….
So McCarthy supports the gov’t murder of an unarmed Navy veteran.
A female unarmed Navy veteran.
Thanks for clarifying, Kevy.
Nothing like ripping the curtain down.
To show how lame they are, they booed him. Burn it down, baby.
I still say they have NO idea how pissed off the American people are right now.
For McCarty and any RINO who votes to support him.
The one thing I NEVER want in life; to be lauded by a DEMON in an ugly pantsuit!
The witch’s kiss.
I don’t know where he stands on the McCarthy ouster, but he was removed because he wasnt fighting the Dems hard enough.
He just told us…
He insisted on McCarthy in Jan. and did not want Gaetz to remove him today.
They all want war!
He always says that it’s “our” govt …we don’t like McCarthy
I am going to say this, and it will not be popular.
Donald Trump’s Achilles Heel is his ego. The right flattery and ass-kissing carries too much weight with him. It needs to stop.
You’re popular with me.
Lol! At least somebody likes me!
You, DP, & Gail are about neck & neck for favorite females from my view

In that horse race, I am furlongs behind!
Only if you stop to smell the flowers
Lol! A constant habit of mine, I’ll admit.
That’s a sure way to always find Joy in this life!
There are certainly enough examples to identify that as a flaw and a weakness
Kevin was Accomodating D-Rats.
NOT fighting D-Rats.
In light of McCarthy’s ouster today, I think this is an interesting Q post Delta for tomorrow.
I’m getting a “not found” notice.
Haha… maybe they only let one person look at it at a time… Was just there.
2018 posts on OCT 3rd
Sorry, I stepped away. Yes, that is the q post I was trying to link to.
Picture of Jeff Sessions being sworn in. Q Post #2338 .
So am I.
From OT:
Maryland Resident Sworn in as Senator From California
October 3, 2023
“In this short video below, Maryland resident and advocate for female, black, lesbian, abortion and union priorities, Ms. Laphonza Butler, is sworn in by Senate President Kamala Harris as the next progressive Senator from California.
Do not miss the very end of the video, where the entire Senate erupts in cheers, applause and a standing ovation. WATCH:
They all cheer this obvious corruption, both her personal corruption and the corruption of government itself.
The psychopaths smiled and cheered, as if they had done a good thing.
Its oretty sick and unreal.
It’s like watching demons do a victory dance at Sodom & Gomorrah.
And, probably like them, she’ll end up getting stoned…
One can certainly hope so!
At this point I am ALL OUT OF CHRISTIAN CHARITY…. Demons that TRAFFIC kids for SEX and WORSE DESERVE NONE!
I believe in giving them heavy metals.
But not the ones I post prices of.
It’s all about the “bonus” fps.

Is this true?
Volksmarsch, and yes, I went on them all the time when I was in Germany.
It was funny. My grandmother lived there for years. When she came home we always went on walks.
Yep. That song from “The Sound Of Music” (I love to go a-wandering) is true… In Kalifornistan, especially in smogville LA, walking is a dangerous (or somewhat unhealthy) sport… Yes, I walk here, but i dont want to drive anywhere in l.a., let alone go for a walk. San fran is even worse, since now you cant even be on a dang boat!
I don’t think that song is from Sound of Music…
I just went looking for it’s source & ran across a site listing the lyrics including
Val-deri, Val-dera,
Val-deri, Val-dera.
My knapsack on my back.
That song was the Bane of my existence as a kid given how Val-deri and Valerie can play off each other LOL
McCarthy Won’t Seek Speaker Position In Re-Vote; Trump Nominated By Nehls
by Tyler Durden
Tuesday, Oct 03, 2023 – 07:21 PM
Update (1920T): Newly ousted former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) will not seek reelection to the post when the chamber convenes to select a new candidate.
Fatal NYC Stabbing Of Social-Justice Activist Caught On CCTV
by Tyler Durden
Tuesday, Oct 03, 2023 – 06:45 PM
For the second time in a week, a left-wing activist has been murdered in a major US city, where soft-on-crime Democrat policies have resulted in record crime.
On Monday, social justice advocate Ryan Carson was stabbed in the Crown Heights neighborhood of New York City.
Those amish just dont let up.
There is a twit world video of this at Whatfinger that I couldn’t bring myself to add to the Wednesday post…fyi
Wolf Moon
This is really weird. I tried logging out of WP then logging in again using my new password. WP didn’t recognize it! So I used my old password and got logged in. I hope you can see this comment.
I have been seeing your comments in the notifier & even on the post but w/out a like or reply button.
I haven’t released those comments from the bin because when I first became an author WolfMoon instructed that we were to Always let him handle those ones that require approval.
If ANYONE knows how to reach Wolf so that he can address PAVACA’s pending approval comments that would be awesome.
I’m sorry that you have been waiting for hours & that your important contributions aren’t currently being active parts of the discussion. I’m not a frequent enough author to think I can overstep the “authorization” boundary that WM established.
Hopefully Wolf will stop by soon & let you out of commenting jail & help you with your password & any authorship issues.
If any other more frequent author has advice or admin privileges to help PAVACA out here that would be great too.
The only thing I know to do is to send a private message to Wolf. The specific wording you have to use is here:
Thankfully Wolf took care of this before I could act on your suggestion (I got sidelined w/ a double/check tweaking of tomorrow’s–technically today’s–post)
I’ve released her stuff. She should be able to comment freely now, although she did play with her password, so things could be messed up, and I may have to approve her again.
We’ll see! Try commenting again, PAVACA!
TY So MUCH!!! I just tweaked Wednesday’s post so hopefully it will drop in the next 15 minutes
Okay, I think this would work
Trump has already been nominated as Speaker of the House.
Any Republican who doesn’t support his nomination risks losing re-election because presidential primary polls prove that DJT has a strong majority of support among Republican voters.
Once he is sworn in as Speaker, the corrupt Republicans have to support him for the same reason, their own self-interest, to get re-elected.
Once in, DJT can propose all of his presidential policy objectives and make the House vote on each one, exposing the Left as being in opposition to all of his common-sense policies, while the GOP will support DJT’s policies because they’re too chicken not to.
It puts DJT in the biggest, brightest spotlight for the year long run-up to the election.
It’s a win every way.
Winning already. Pelosi cries, another backroom deal failed.
ahhhhh that’s very satisfying. Step off Nanshi
They should get the BOFH (from El Reg, see and ) to help with the, erm, step
(seems obnoxious salesfolks and others have a habit of walking out missing windows from upper floors of the IT building…)…
Those articles are really funny for geeks (and probably other folks, too). The PFY is the assistant (Pimply-Faced Youth) and the BOFH is the Ba$tard Operator From Hell… You wouldn’t want to have them as your helpdesk, especially if you got them riled up…
Wow I almost lost your comment like I lost Cthulhu’s yesterday, but I got to “undo” before it disappeared–double yikes!
Thanks for the explanation for un non-techies
Told ya McCowfart ALREADY had a back room deal with the DemonRats.
I’m very curious why. I expected the Dims to save McCarthy, because he’s one of them, and it would seem unlikely that if he is ousted by Gaetz for being one of them, that McCarthy would be replaced with someone even more under the Dims’ control.
Another win for today after successful pushback.
You guys rock in bringing the sauce & keeping the conversation alive!
When the Wolf’s away, the QTreeper Cute Chipmunks will play!!! Good job!
So will we crotchety coyotes!

Every Dem swamp creature in Congress voted to oust McCarthy, so what do they have to be angry about?
It could be a tease to drive the Left crazy, but whatever the case, it’s fun to think about.
….all of them, declassed or not. Now.
OK I just finished a final update for tomorrow’s post which is scheduled to drop in One Minute but we have to wait 15 minutes before crying “Wolf”
LOL! Yup. Give it until maybe 12:17 or 12:18 just to be safe on things!
Not worried now that Da Wolf’s in da house
It’s up now!
My son Brandon added thoughts on this post that I wanted to make sure the Q-Tree family can see. What a blessing to have such a son! God is So Good!!! allragenostage 4h ago The Not-So-Subtle Poet
Beautiful tribute to what our family has gone through the last 18 months, especially you and Dad! To God indeed be the glory! And you didn’t even mention figuring out paying for Josiah’s WEDDING right at the beginning of the career change! The Lord has been ever present for our family and sometimes seems to shine the brightest in our weakest, darkest, most uncertain moments. God may have unveiled to you the secret to contentment firsthand as He did to the apostle Paul! I have no doubt your post and openness and glorification of the Lord will bring a bit of hope and peace to many-a-reader!
As for Susan’s comment, there’s a lot to unpack there for sure. I think the big question though ultimately revolves around God’s relationship to the suffering in our world. Indeed many people since Job have suffered in horrible, gruesome, or evil ways. Why has human trafficking been so prevalent in our world for so long? Why does female genital mutation exist in cultures still today? Why do certain churches have a serious pedophilia problem? Why do drunk drivers typically survive crashes that were fatal for the other vehicles? Why are most nursing homes abundant in depression and neglect? Why do some people die so young?
The horrors in Detroit that lie just around the corner from the flashy buildings have brought me more up close with the issue of suffering than I ever thought I’d get without personally losing a close loved one or something. I find it hard to encourage someone with anything more than silence, prayer, and a warm embrace if they’re actively going through loss and grief. Anything more I fear would fall on deaf ears and appear trivial. I still don’t fully understand the complex relationship between God’s ultimate power, God’s perfect will, our free will, God’s perfect balance of both justice and mercy, and the enemy’s brief dominion over this world until the time God has established to return. The despair and neglect and poverty I see in Detroit on every shift I work is informative if not life-changing, and intimidating if not crushing.
But God has been spreading His light through people like myself into the areas of brokenness and darkness in Detroit. I must operate in His strength and peace that surpasses all understanding, or I’ll succumb to the anxiety that leers at me from every cracked sidewalk and crooked door. I have to cling to this faith that He is doing good works in this world and in each of us and that He’ll never stop chasing those that can be saved and brought into His Kingdom! I’m sure God will have some majestically complicated yet simplistic answer for why TobyMac’s son died so young and so tragically, if I remember to ask Him when I meet Him face to floor. If I die tomorrow, I already look at my life as a blessing due to the number of times I’ve faced dangerous scenarios and felt God had gifted me second chances at life upon emergence from those scenarios alive. Perhaps many of those around us have had similar second, third, and fourth chances at life we never knew of.
Jeremy Camp is another music artist that has a vigorous body of work on trusting in God through suffering. Jeremy was given the Jesus-loving wife of his dreams (after much anxst and effort to woo and marry her) just for her to die from a health condition months after their marriage. Jeremy is extremely open about that time in his life in his book and at his concerts, where he continually gives glory to God and millions have encountered Jesus through his music and his story. Did his wife HAVE to die for that outcome? Who’s to say? It’s an uncomfortable question philosophically and realistically. And it feels hollow to even venture a guess at one specific reason for the expense of someone’s life.
But knowing that God can and does use any of our circumstances for His glory and our eventual good is a comfort amidst the lack of definite answers. The enemy would have the population of this world be hyper-focused on the suffering and the trials, when in fact God has such beauty waiting in eternity with Him for those that choose to follow Him! And there are more answers in God’s Word than we give Him credit for if we only read and seek Him!
I don’t know if this helps at all, usually my philosophical rants get me more questions, but Susan I appreciate your honesty and I’ll be praying for you in your own current challenges! God bless!
If any of you feel like interfacing with Brandon directly you can reply at the Special Connections link above.
Here is my husband Michael’s take on what was shared in the post about our family, from an email.
What a great and accurate testimony of a difficult road, and how God steered us through each obstacle. Great job!! I don’t fully understand all the paths he puts us on, and his grace and mercy is a mystery in and of itself. But I am nonetheless thankful for all of who he is and does in our lives. May he continue to guide us the on road ahead wherever it may lead us, and whatever the circumstances are that we face.
Whoo Hoo we made it to 700!
Good job!
Thank You!
The Q-Treepers were really active on the “Love” post
& there might be a few conversations still ongoing too