To begin: Yours Truly is grateful for the opportunity to be an author here at The Q Tree. Thank you, Wolf Moon.
One is not a trained psychologist: she has, however, taken enough courses in psychology in the process of earning her BFA and MA degrees to submit the following opinion piece regarding the entire COVID-19 situation.
Those who frequent this board are aware that the modRNA and the spike protein of the COVID-19 “vaccines”, facilitated by the lipid nanoparticles in said “vaccines”, migrate to all areas of the “vaccinated” recipient’s body, including to the brain. The mechanisms of these “vaccines” negatively effect the brain, both in physical ways (for example, suffering a stroke after “vaccination”), and in emotional/psychological ways (for example, sudden onset of psychosis after “vaccination.”)
Today, Yours Truly will posit that there is yet another way in which the entire situation of COVID-19 and its “vaccines” have been used, and continue to be used, in this case, to influence behavior: by the utilization of gaslighting. According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is an insidious form of manipulation and psychological control. Victims of gaslighting are deliberately and systematically fed false information…Over time, a gaslighter’s manipulations can grow more complex and potent, making it increasingly difficult for the victim to see the truth.” Gaslighting is about a person or entity gaining as-near-total control as possible over another person, to the point where the victim can begin to wonder if he/she is losing their mind; and/or, begins to give up and does what they are told. The process requires, first, that the victim has trust in the gaslighter; from there, various techniques are employed by the gaslighter, including constant lying and then denying the lies, to gradually undermine the self-confidence of the victim until control is achieved. The term comes from the 1938 play, “Gas Light“, which became the 1944 film, “Gaslight.” In the film, Charles Boyer plays the gaslighter, and Ingrid Bergman plays his wife who he is attempting to drive insane in order to steal her inheritance.
How does gaslighting apply to the era of COVID-19? It is now clear that the CDC, the FDA, the NIH, the AMA, Big Pharma, and the mainstream media in the United States—entities that formerly were held to be trustworthy by the American public—have lied constantly regarding numerous aspects of the COVID-19 virus and of the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”: about the “benefits” of masking and social distancing; about the “safety and efficacy” of the “vaccines”; about the actual data from Pfizer-BioNTech and from Moderna regarding the real dangers of their COVID-19 “vaccines”; about the “safety” of using remdesivir (Veklury) to treat a COVID-19 infection; and about many other aspects. In addition, the government-driven “mandates” regarding the closing of schools and businesses; the “15 days to slow the spread”; the “requirements” for “vaccination” against COVID-19 in order to work or to go to school; the “regulations” by hospitals, health clinics, sports teams, and other entities, that employees, healthcare professionals, and athletes be “vaccinated” in order to keep their jobs or to play—all of these are well-orchestrated psychological techniques used to, first, gain “trust” (“follow the science”); then, to manipulate and coerce people into getting “vaccinated”; then, to minimize and/or to lie outright about the serious and deadly adverse effects of the COVID-19 “vaccines”, stating that these are “rare instances” and that “the benefits outweigh the risks”; then, to accuse anyone who questions what is going on as “spreading misinformation.” The result, unfortunately, is that, apparently, many people have given up using their own judgement and simply do what they are told (getting the latest COVID-19 “Bivalent Vaccine” injections, going back to masking, and so forth)—in other words, they are under the control of the gaslighting entities, who can then push them even farther.
Gaslighting loses its power when the victim realizes what is really going on, says, “No!”, then follows through on that. Sometimes, the following through is the victim calling the police; sometimes, the victim leaves the situation and doesn’t go back. The victim may need help to regain his/her self-confidence and to trust in their ability to make their own decisions.
It is the opinion of Yours Truly that in regard to gaslighting in the era of COVID-19, the time has come for people to realize what is really going on, to say, “No!”, then follow through on that.
Reports of COVID-19 “vaccine” injuries, including deaths:
Risk of stroke after getting a COVID-19 “Bivalent Booster” injection: “Risk of Ischemic Stroke after COVID-19 Bivalent Booster Vaccination in an Integrated Health System” Katie A Scharff MD, et al.
First onset of psychosis after a COVID-19 “vaccination”: “First episode psychosis following receipt of first dose of COVID-19 vaccine: A case report” Sandeep Grover, et al.
Protocols to reduce or to possibly eliminate the effects of the spike protein in a “vaccinated” person’s body, among other COVID-19 protocols: (From the FLCCC Alliance website)
Peace, Good Energy, Respect, PAVACA
A timely and informative post, CV! Here’s hoping that more such posts will be forthcoming soon.
Coothie, you are very kind. Yours Truly believes that, in its way, the intentional psychological damage being wrought by the COVID-19 disaster is as real as the physical damage being done by it.
Further, this effect was designed into the project from its inception, or very near.
Cooth, I would have emailed this to you but maybe more people could look at it here. What do you make of this?
Can’t read it…..but it isn’t much of stretch to see the ‘test’ as a gigantic data-mining operation.
It looks like a 22 minute video “Emergency Alert System routing metrics from your cable company to you”
VC Note: This is from clicking on the “More” link:
In this short presentation I am explaining how our EAS routes from where the physical equipment is to you, whereever you may be and with what you may or may not have with you (cell phone, ipad, laptop etc.). My sincere hope in delivering the data in this manner is that people can source the hard routing diagrams, outputs on the equipment and help people understand how we are utilizing mesh networking and DAA or Distributed Access Architecture to achieve the body area network cyber physical connectivity.
Thank you for your time and going forward I have a more simple map to blend into my signage, but it’s mission critical that folks who do understand computer networking can help others comprehend that we are not sourcing your phone directly nor are we relying on your use of any external body control unit. We can utilize a BCU as a bootstrap or to hold data, but the WSN Wireless sensor networks (802.15.5) are the primary tool in use to expedite specialized routes by multiple protocols and access vectors.
Sabrina D. Wallace
Mark 5:36
(links will be edited in shortly)
File size
425.71 MB
It looks like at least part of the data-mining being done has to do with other devices’ casual use of your devices’ bandwidth, like Apple AirTags ( ) or Tile for Android ( ).
Not that I understand all this but it’s good to have the info in the Q-Tree repository. TY!
Yes & that “invisible” damage Might be even harder to mitigate
The “invisible damage” inflicted on the sub-conscious can be widespread, deep, and profound — especially since, first, the sub-conscious is the “hard drive storage” that starts very early in life and lasts as long as the person lives; second, damage stored in the mind isn’t like physical damage such as a broken bone; third, the psychotropic (prescription) drugs used to “treat” things like panic-anxiety issues, bipolar disorder, etc., have their OWN numerous and damaging side effects.
So tragically true. At this point the ongoing covid crims & karens can practically be inflicting a form of sadomasochism, God help us!
As much as the depop, I think it was the point of the whole exercise.
It IS All about DePop – Great reset.
And we mustn’t forget LGBT – and especially T.
Sterilize your kids – it’s what they want.
“They” can be read two ways – what the kids want (after being psychologically conditioned towards it) and what “they”, the depopping deep staters, want.
Pronouns matter!
LOL! Indeed!
Thank you for this post, Pavaca. The subject of psychosis and psychological effects after getting vaxed is something I’d like to know more about.
The study of the psychoses and other mental health effects resulting from the COVID-19 situation is quite new. I think a lot more knowledge will be coming to light.
I am certain the friends and family members I know who’ve been vaxxed have changed mentally. It’d be interesting if other’s agree.
COVID changed us all. And that is what was intended.
Along with the Gore-Bull warming Faux-science… which they’re reheating as well.
Very few people are willing or (it seems) able to question the falsehoods at the root of both of these psy-ops. With CAGW it’s the premise that CO² causes warming due to trapped heat, and, thanks to John Cook’s fraudulent “survey”, supposedly 97 percent of all scientists agree with this premise.
Same thing with COVIDIOCY, which PAVACA has so clearly explained (and wonderfully researched, here and in other comments and opens). Just have to look at the Germans in WWII, and other societies (and even experiments, like the one at Stanford years ago) which show gaslighting at its worst (until now…)….
Our friend that stayed with us for 6 months had turned into a barely functioning shell of himself, completely unrecognizable from his former boisterous “bishop of BS” persona. He did take two J & J shots. My hubby & I were discussing him last night and wondered if his issues were “vax” induced, mental illness, &/or PTSD relationship trauma…we both think that AND logic applies. Body, mind, & spirit/soul all interplay with each other so there aren’t Exactly hard & fast lines between them.
I’m very sorry to hear this, Valerie. I hope his situation improves.
Yes TY it is a true tragedy & incomprehensible to us. We thought staying with us might have helped him but it barely made a dent
Yours Truly is of the opinion that there are elements and mechanisms in the COVID-19 “vaccines” that can kick off a predisposition for psychological issues, as it is now known that these “vaccines” can induce sudden-onset psychosis where there was no problem or prior history of such in the person.
I sincerely hope that your friend can find relief and healing.
That makes sense, just like how it kicks formerly in-remission cancers into overdrive. Everything about the “vax” is preplanned diabolical evil!
TY for your kind words about our friend. We hope & pray & wait…
^^^ 100%
You know how we can always tell who a RINO is within the GOP?
Same deal with the devoted jabee.
I have seen profound changes, both emotional and rational, in the attitudes of vaxxed individuals. Complete personality change for some. The most prominent I’ve seen:
1) Disconnection from others, and loss of empathy
2) Irritability and anger issues
3) Extreme apathy
It has been very strange to watch.
I have also observed this in at least one spouse, unvaxxed, whose husband was vaxxed. She was also “injected,” she just didn’t get it with a needle. She was one of the most compassionate, empathetic people I’ve ever known. Now she is completely self-involved.
Did that lady’s spouse suffer jab effects? I’m curious HOW she was changed.
I think the spike proteins and lipid nanoparticles are absorbed through mucus membranes. I think that effect is minimal in casual contact. But when the vaxxed person is constantly manufacturing them in their body, as we know they do, and there are ongoing “deposits” being made into the body of an unvaxxed person, the spikes and nanos accumulate. And they may (who knows?) begin to “instruct” the cells of the recipient to start producing spikes and nanos.
This is so insidious.
I know for certain that the jabbed spouse had some immediate physical issues. His neck and shoulder on the shot side basically “froze,” requiring physical therapy. Of course, he blamed something other than his J & J shot.
I saw somewhere fairly recently where they were advising the unjabbed to not have sex w/ the jabbed due to “shedding” iirc concerns. That’s a hard sell to spouses…
Well … not to all spouses.
Mr. Roper…that you?
Right. Although I do know at least one woman who told her husband if he got it, he would have to leave. To protect both her and her children.
Wow…do you know what happened with them?
Oh, yes. He didn’t get shot up, and of course they are both fine.
He almost had to quit his job, though. It was a near thing.
wow–glad they are OK
More depop…
Makes one wonder about the integrity of the various sperm/egg/blood/etc. banks…
Also my oldest son’s MIL works in the funeral industry & she SWEARS that they were pulling those rubber-like clots out of dead bodies Well Before the shots were on the scene. As in Covid itself caused some degree of those clotting scenarios.
It seems almost as if the human race, as a whole, will never be fully the same…
I hadn’t considered that angle!!!
Yes. IMO, a “vaccinated” person will “transfer” elements of the COVID-19 “vaccine” to whatever other person they have sex with — whether that other person is “vaccinated” or not.
Unprompted, the other day my SIL began to mention how distant and uninterested her daughter had become toward her and my brother. We tossed around possible whys and I told her about my own daughter becoming an almost different person to me also. It’s beyond distressing.
I’m so sorry
Me too Valerie
I wonder if any of those mitigation strategies might help?
i’ve sent a ton of supplements. Not sure if they’re being taken but if change in that way, mentally
Supplements are not cheap.
Are you sure you should be spending your money on them if you’re not sure?
Right. She has enough by now . I’ll be going out there next month, guess I’ll be able to tell if anything has been used.
Maybe they’ll start to catch a clue…
My son Josiah’s then to-be-MIL convinced his fiancée, now wife, to take the “vax” just before going on a road trip w/ him & family & friends to Cedar Point a few months Before they got married. Josiah was Pissed! It was an horrific manipulation of a vulnerable disabled adult at that time…she “knew” better & had “promised” J she wouldn’t take the shot…but…
Now my DIL has admitted that her mom no longer believe the shots are safe & “no one” in their family will take further shots. DIL’s aunt, her mom’s sister, is, I believe, a severe shot casualty, who has been hospitalized &/or in a nursing home for many months now, w/ a trach & who can now only minimally communicate. I think she had clot-related issues, surely jab-induced.
A good thing resulting from all this upheaval is that her uncle is now devouring the Bible that they gave to him & is closer than ever to accepting the Lord. But so much needless suffering…it’s in God’s hands, but surely hard for us to watch these things unfold…
I’m a step removed since it’s my son’s in-law situation while yours is pretty front & center w/ your D & GS. I’m really so sorry that you have to carry this heartache. May the Lord give you His comfort & peace that passes understanding!
IF the gal admits there is an issue, she’ll likely take them.
IF NOT, almost assuredly wasting money.
The emphasis that she would accept was for physical changes she herself was concerned about for herself and my grandson who had taken the jab. I recognized the psychological changes so…it’s screwed up all the way around
you can lead a horse to water…
At least you’ve made an effort…it’s All in God’s hands now…
Yes. It is very sad.
Naomi Wolfe has written about how parents are indifferent to their own little babies and children, too. I think she’s almost broken over it.
It’s horrifying.
In my jab related injury quest in the news I’ve seen a lot of (imo) apathetic and aggressive things..enough to have had articles written about.
So many weird illnesses too in young people.
It’s so disturbing to my psyche sometimes I erase comments documenting. Yesterday I had a partial list of them but it got to me and I deleted.
I honestly think it’s important to keep up that documentation. You could use the “spoiler” to hide the despair & give people a heads up of what is shared.
There was a while I was making my way through the “remarks” section of a Steve Kirsch, iirc, table of data recounting shot related injury & death stories. Periodically I’d post a sampling of those remarks here at the Q-Tree.
It was incredibly sobering & sometimes brought me to tears but it seems important to not let this suffering be in secret. I honestly hope to complete that “mission” if I ever can find the tab where I was working through that table. I don’t know if it mattered much to anyone else here but we are also creating a historical repository of the times we live in so I think those comments are very important.
Years ago I was going through some materials I found via CyndisList, a genealogical/historical mega site, & found materials celebrating Detroit’s 300th anniversary. I’ve wanted to re-read some of those eye witness accounts of life back then but haven’t been able to find them again. It was a fascinating glimpse into a lost place & time which was incredibly varied in what the various writers felt was important to put down on paper. There was even one who detailed aspects of a terrible disease epidemic sweeping through including describing a woman he’d interfaced with the day before who was picked up on the “bring out your dead” wagon the next day. That other writers of the same era never mentioned this overarching death scenario was pretty fascinating to me too…
What the heck does injected without a needle mean?
From Alice’s Restaurant, courtest of Arlo Guthrie
spike protein shedding
getting “vax’d” from Gates’ mosquitos
getting mRNA “vax’s” from food sources
seems like Endless possibilities
You forgot air-borne vaxs.
didn’t forget as much as stopped myself…I’d like to forget all the depop maneuvers though!
Where’s the Beef! LOL
The classic American Eagle holds arrows in one talon and olive branches in the other. I guess that was so 2020…..
Interesting! No olive branches, just justice.
May the use and practice of Forgive & Forget be dethroned & buried, I’m pretty sure that God never placed those two practiced together for a reason.
..practices – sorry, fat fingers
KUDOS to you, for pointing that out.
Hard NO here, forgive and or forget, for numerous things.
Brings a new meaning to the term “Playing the Trump card”. I noticed never-Trumpers quieted down upon reading that Trump might be SOH.
Thank you, Wolf Moon, for this opportunity.
On another note, prayers, Deep Comfort, and Good Energy to DePat and her family.
You’re welcome, and AMEN – prayers for DP and family!
To PAVACA, regarding Marica’s…..
Did I, or did I not, predict that you’d be cursing WordPress in the near future?
You did, and you were correct.
gees… now you sound like sundance…
You’re being a smartass. But we luvya.
it’s a family trait. i can’t shake it
Thank goodness!!!
The U.N., gaslighting the public since 1945.
Operation Failure, for a substantial portion of the audience.
Looks like the illegal immigrant plot encompassing the whole western world was already in the pipeline.
It was just the “eco-refugees” cover story that fell short of success.
Got a different pattern icon thingy, something wrong.
So checked my typing which is the usual cause.
Sure enough I’d done my email address wrong.
>But it did not go into moderation.<
That should not happen.
You may have been accepted through vetting twice — once under each email. They’d seem like two different commenters.
When I did that reply to myself it gave me chance to look at the address. As typed I don’t think it exists.
Well, you can settle in to cuss at WordPress like everybody else…..
hey! there’s a line!
I noticed that PAVACA, the author, didn’t have her comment animal (like “Cute Chipmunk” or such) showing either, which seems pretty weird too…
WP gremlins at work again?
Yep. And prior to that, they were screaming that we would all freeze to death… mid-1970s headines were all about that…
Climate changes… always has, always will…
The World Economic Forum, gaslighting since its inception.
They could just change the dates and republish this garbage
What makes you think they don’t?
Donald Trump, October 5, 2020:
I thought for a moment he had been sick, and wondered what kind of poison the gov’t gave him, until I saw the date of the Tweet is 2020.
Tired of hiding my light under a bushel….
Nice! I can remember a point during 2020 where I realized that I needed to push back on COVID in all ways – where I felt that I was “becoming a Covidian” – where I needed to break free of being taken over by COVID thinking.
Now I realize what it was. We were being GASLIGHTED.
We all initially gave them the benefit of the doubt, until it was obviously totally nutso….and, then, we started to see how malignant it was….
“We all initially gave them the benefit of the doubt,”
Except me…
Yeah, I was right there with you. I called it a bioweapon in January 2020. Questioned a whole lot more than the virus.
You were just less concerned with…feelings.
Lol! And me!
Ro Khanna, the speaker in this video, is a Dem!
Ro Khanna, the Rep for my part of Silicon Valley, is a snake.
Too many of those in Congress who say something good every now and then.
Ro Khanna le Fey…
Gaetz should not make deals with the devil.
I think he was having some fun at our expense, i.e., there is way less than ZERO chance they are going to ban:
• insider stock trading
• Lobbying
• Lobbyist / PAC donations
There is a better chance of… well, anything
^^^ This.
Dims and RINOs cannot or would not be willing to afford the income loss from the proposals.
It is actually a brilliant response using their propaganda and telling them OK, you go first.
So, he won’t be changing the motion to vacate threshold then…
Matt, you have been lied to enough by now to know better. I understand that horse trading is in the blood of every politician but all of you realize that promises made expire when the meeting ends. This is not cynicism, merely observation of the real world.
bans Congress stock trading – not enforceable (even if they wanted to)
– bans Congress from lobbying – just requires modification of technique
– 12 year term limits – would be overturned by the Court
The only way to make these reforms inconvenient to most politicians is to have mandatory felony prison terms attached to violations. As for term limits, that is just red meat for voters. If Africans and Canadians can run and serve as President it is obvious that the Constitution is nothing more than suggestions which can be ignored without consequence.
What a GREAT breakfast!
I prefer my egg scrambled with cheese.
Where’s the hashbrowns? And the other three eggs?
That’s just the first course. There’s not enough bacon, either.
Here’s some more
Hashbrowns are carbs.
And your point is …?
Just as a minor quibble, it’s easier and safer to pick up the handgun for a right-handed person if it is the other side up…..
And faster, which is most important

Yea, I noticed that, but you beat me to it!!
Symmetrical for the pic. After pic, handgun went back into the holster, he is wearing.
Shotgun must be laying across his lap.
I want two eggs over medium, too!
Nearly spot on here. Skipping toast these days AND it’s a Glock.
Looks about right to me!
But the light isn’t as bright as before.
Of course it is. You’re imagining things.
Usually the political parties don’t want to get blamed for a shutdown, but he not only wants credit but also seems to think Americans will be happy that it’s over funding Ukraine. Seems out of touch to me.
One might even think that the legislature might demonstrate an ability to fund the operations of the US Government competently before it funded the operations of the corrupt Ukrainian Government at all.
Ukraine is essential to Dems. What that means, I’m not certain.
It’s their political Viagra.
leftie laundromat
It’s where they get all their child sex slaves, launder all the U.S. taxpayer money and invent new bio-weapons.
invent AND illegally secretly test new bio-weapons
Something else they need the children for… sad to say…
Agreed. I think there is a lot of evidence of world wide corruption there that would fall into the ‘wrong’ hands if UK fell.
The Evils are fighting a two-front war.
If the UK or Ukraine fell
“AND” for the win!
It means we should ship Nuland and both Vindmans off to Russia with sacks over their heads.
Strapped to the deck of a C-130.
Kalbo…I just noticed that you’ve made Wolf rank too (I noticed TT above)!
Yea, not sure what the achievement reflects.
But I do know, I am grateful to be among everyone here.
The gaslighting PAVACA splains AND all the Covidiot lies uncovered here, places me in a firm, Hell No to all things Covidiot. Along with daily learning and laughs.
Thankful, is an understatement.
i believe it reflects the number of comments you’ve made in your tenure here
I’m pretty sure it’s reflective of a threshold of comment “likes” that you’ve received, as in your remarks are so popular that your animal has been upgraded!
I think that’s what Wolf said, that it had to do with “likes.”
Next up, Bear and Webelos…
Nice says this daughter & wife of Eagle Scouts!
My oldest son is an Eagle Scout. Yes, the one who is now a Communist.
So sad…hopefully he’ll catch a clue soon. His genes & upbringing have to be giving him fits w/ cognitive dissonance!
Sometimes I focus on the word “old” in that verse, for those who have lost their way for a while…God will help them find their way Home…
Thanks, Valerie. I hope and pray that he will.
Yep. Eagle here, too. At 16…
Good Job! Hubby got “Order of the Arrow” too, not that I really know what that means.
My dad was gifted his scoutmaster’s Troop “scrapbook” at his 50th birthday. Their Detroit troop did some really fun stuff back in the 50’s like building a log cabin and a fire tower. Simpler, better, times
Oh & they took a trip to Isle Royale, in Lake Superior, where my dad got his “One Step From Death” story about walking in an abandoned mining tunnel & where he Almost stepped out into the abys in the dark but “something” stopped him. He dropped a stone & counted seconds before it hit, I forget how long, but long enough to know that if he’d fallen he’d have died & probably been unrecoverable…
My hubby was talking w/ his backpacking buddies about an Isle Royale excursion but that would be a Major undertaking!
I would Love to see it too, but it’s likely out of my budget or capabilities unless I can just get to man some type of base camp, but where would be the fun in that!
And the Sauros clan…
Because it boils down to a battle between globalists and nation states.
Kickbacks funneled to dems.
this gets my vote
Really, REALLY, have to wonder what they’re hiding/protecting…..
Wayyyyy back when, it was said that TRILLIONS were at stake.
I suspect QUADRILLIONS. And more. Not just money, but lives, all of our lives, and livelihoods. Trafficking and bio-weapons labs are just the tip of some Satanic iceberg of evil that the WEFfenSS GEBs are holding…
Klint00n Foundation on steroids and coke…
Planetary control is a BIG BUSINESS.
It’s the global center for child trafficking, Wolf. Their king, Satan, requires that Ukraine remain open for business.
I truly believe it is as simple as that.
The loony radical left is weirdly wed to this war, and I suspect it’s because their next “9/11” / “COVID” is based on it.
Nothing so intricate. It’s simply corruption, which pays handsomely.
Maybe it’s because without the sorros, wef and similar globo NGO’s & various fake experts, think tanks and charities they’d have a hard time existing let alone getting elected.
I mean literally, WHY on EARTH could Congress possibly care, in any rational world, what goes on in Ukraine?
Not that we shouldn’t care about the People of Ukraine, but there are conflicts going on all over the world.
Dims actually STARTED this one, and for what?
Nothing they can actually admit to or explain, which is why they never do.
I can’t remember a single justification articulated by anyone, neo-con or Commiecrat.
They just act like it’s more important than winning WWI and WWII, and knee-pad media just laps it up.
And she’s a nasty woman.
Both of them actually, but especially the one with hair.
And Øbløwhøle’s “woman that hides the beast”, Nuland, started it back in 2014, which seems to be hidden in the mists of history… by the propaganda-spewing YSM/MCM…..
Out Of Touch AND does NOT care what Americans support. Booker wants his 10%.
Booker the hooker…
I saw this live in a little venue where there were candles on the tables. Fish scooped one up and sang the first verse with his hand over the flame.
It was an interesting way to get the attention of the room.
Transcript of Turley:
The only way the current trial is going to matter will be on appeal because this judge (no jury is present) will find Trump guilty.
(boldface mine)
Performing? Since when was presenting evidence “performing”?
“There is no jury, so let’s not present all the evidence and just get on with it so I can pronounce him guilty.” That’s how that looks to me, and it seems like grounds for appeal.
outrageous, unconscionable, & tragically unsurprising
I could write a novel about a judge who lied to an insurance agent about having a life-threatening condition, just so he could get a life insurance policy which would make his future widow a multi-millionaire.
Then the condition became aggressive but so did the insurance company, having lost millions from having to pay out for covid deaths that were really malpractice. So they started going over policyholders’ records with a fine-tooth comb, looking for fraud.
They found prescriptions in lots of patient’s histories that showed they were being treated for life-threatening conditions before they were issued their policies. Many policies were cancelled.
When the judge was asked to sign a privacy waiver so the insurance company could review his records, the judge refused. The insurance company threatened to cancel the policy; the judge sued to get an injunction. He failed.
Then he got the idea that if he died before they found out about his concealed condition, his widow could get the money and disappear with it.
So he decided to be so obnoxious and unfair to Trump that a MAGA type person would assassinate him.
Nah, that could never happen. Too wild, even for fiction.
But what could happen is that a judge could be so mentally ill that his courtroom became a political circus, with him as the main clown.
The only problem I see with this fiction is that it cannot fully be based on Art Engoron and his 3rd wife, Dawn because he spent the last three years suing her for divorce. She probably suggested to him that he seek psychological counseling since she is a psychoanalyst and psychotherapist in Long Neck, NY. I have not dug into his public history enough to find the case outcome in March 2023.
I am not surprised he can’t stay married.
But maybe Dawn was gaslighting him.
” “This is ridiculous!” Engoron said, hitting his hand on the bench. “Mr. Bender isn’t on trial here.” ”
Objection your Clownship, the judge is testifying without being sworn in as a witness, move to strike.
I got it to work by right-clicking on the image and selecting ‘copy image link’
Nice one
Congrats on achieving Wolf status!
Thanks! It happened a few months ago, I think.
I may have noticed before but it caught my attention today, since so few of us are up there yet. My mind is like a sieve now so it’s possible I congratulated you before too LOL
Well Done PAVACA/CV/RDS on your first post! Thank you
Valerie Curren
You are very kind.
I didn’t watch or listen; she’s not worth it to me. She seems to be speaking out more and ramping up her rhetoric as we get into election season. The “basket of deplorables” comment worked so well (/sarc) that now she’s calling us a cult. She must think that will resonate with voters.
And here’s a headline where they’re projecting violence onto us. This is just the beginning…
Look like they’re pouring the foundations for a FF.
IF, America First is a cult,
sign me upguilty.GASLIGHTING.
The underlying narrative: “You don’t want to be known as a “potential killer”, do you? Believe me, that’s what people will think. I’m sure you don’t want the authorities keeping tabs on you, do you? Stay far away from anything Donald Trump.”
The corollary to the underlying narrative: “We’ll try to help you “understand” just how important it is for you to do what we’re saying. If you don’t understand, or don’t want to understand, there are other ways we can “help” you. I’m sure you’d rather see it our way, right? So much easier.”
Come on down to my house, Granny Boxwine, and give it a try!
“Granny Boxwine”
I’m trying to remember who it is who calls her that. Some writer. I thought it was hilarious.
Hitlery = Granny Boxcars, too! Alinsky’s proud creation from HELL!
“formal deprograming” ? ?…, we’re getting close to boxcar time.
IMO, you may be right on the money.
Hi ! Great start today !!!
The word ‘formal’ gets me. That implies sanctioned.
Hildabeast is such a totalitarian psychopath. Who is she/they/the Deep State/Cabal to determine how the rest of us Should think &/or Feel?
Right and just as important who is she to talk about deprograming, not in a sarcastic way but seriously as if that’s possible except in a direct action ?
Bucking for…nazi war criminal outcomes…
https://media DOT
I decided to break the link…
She’s also a Satanic Black Magick Illuminised Witch. And one of the highest-ranking on earth. Bubba is of the same order, but lower rank. Hence the “Billary” pResidency where she had an office close to Bubba, but VP Gore had to settle for one farther away (in an outbuilding, IIRC)…
Her Satanic background controls everything she does and says.,, and other discernment sites go into more detail, as does the book “Unlimited Access”, by Gary Aldritch, who was a Special Agent assigned to them during many of their White House years… He saw many things that astonished (and revulsed) him, yet he couldn’t explain them as he didn’t know what they were (occult). Those two websites (and others) explain the details, e.g. “The Clinton Christmas Tree”…..
In 2017 she talked of becoming a Methodist minister. Could anyone be less suited to that role? That was bizarre.
“Rev. Dr. Bill Shillady” … That’s what Herb Caen would call a namephreak… where the name sort of fits the occupation or context.
Bill the shill’s lady… or the shill lady of Bill…
There is not one molecule of HELL-the-BEAST that worships anything other than her and her master, Satan…
Thanks Cuppa for keeping these facts in front of us. It helps explain so much stuff that Seems nonsensical…
I shudder to imagine the rituals & evils she/they probably perpetuated in the People’s House…trying to overturn our nation’s foundation & permanently alter her course
Go to and enter Clinton Christmas Tree at the site search prompt…
There are tons of articles there, obviously dated wrt the Klint00ns, but still relevant.
The book “Unlimited Access” is also a real eye-opener… by someone who saw it all…
TY for these heads up tips…
Amazing to read the comments on that Newsweek article. A bunch of Progzis ready to restrict speech and jail Trump supporters.
Music hath charms…..
That is amazing!
New bucket list addition!
interesting…this is from politico–left leaning news source…found at tcth
[The] prosecutors’ case is really about distinct powers that the president has: communicating with the public, organizing his administration, talking to Congress, enforcing election laws and ensuring the Constitution is faithfully executed. Whether Trump genuinely believed that the election was stolen — which his attorneys say he did — is irrelevant in assessing his immunity from prosecution, they argue.
“This conduct is manifestly part of the President’s responsibilities in our constitutional tradition, and the question whether the President has a formal role in the election certification process makes no difference,” the attorneys wrote.
[…] Trump’s attorneys say there’s an even more fundamental problem with the charges against him: He was acquitted by the Senate in an impeachment trial for similar conduct. That acquittal, they say, renders Trump “absolutely immune” from prosecution for related acts.
“The Impeachment Clauses provide that the President may be charged by indictment only in cases where the President has been impeached and convicted by trial in the Senate,” the attorneys wrote. “Here, President Trump was acquitted by the Senate for the same course of conduct.”
The Senate acquitted Trump despite a 57-43 majority favoring his conviction because of a two-thirds requirement in the Constitution. At the time, Trump was charged with one count — inciting insurrection — related to his speech to a rally crowd that later became the mob that stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. The impeachment trial came just a month after the attack — and shortly after Trump had left office. (link)
Laying the narrative, to toss the case.
Thank you for your post! Well Done!
You are very kind, thank you.
God’s Mercy saved us
From what should have been
The blood of His Son
Has covered our sin
God’s Grace gave to us
What we don’t deserve
A blessed new life
To live and to serve
God’s Peace is ours now
For us to receive
In spite of troubles
But we must believe
God’s Joy is ours, too
Through Jesus, His Son
With Christ it’s complete
Our vic’try is won
God’s Love gave us all
By His holy will
We give Him glory
Now joyous, now still
Amen Carl! Beautifully said–TY!
I went to Bing images to find a scripture to reply & saw this beautiful Fall scene!
“Taughannock Falls State ParkTaughannock Falls State Park, in New York’s scenic Finger Lakes area, is home to this magnificent waterfall of the same name, which plunges 215 feet over the cliffs into the gorge below. The park also boasts stunning pathways, unique rock formations, and numerous wild animals. It’s not certain where the name Taughannock came from, though a leading theory says it is a combination of Iroquois and Algonquin terms, roughly translating to ‘great fall in the woods.’ The park, which was founded in 1924, guarantees visitors memorable adventures…”
God Bless YOU Carl!
Most excellent!
Thank you so much! I belueve that the Almighty God is the Source of the wisdom to realize what’s going on with Gaslighting, the strength to say, “No!:, and the determination to then follow through on that.
When my own strength to withstand it all was failing, God called me strongly back to faith in Jesus.
He knew what I needed, even when I did not.
That is a True Beauty for Ashes testimonial! TY
I like that verse.
Yes. Proverbs 31 has some good stuff in it, to be sure!
I like it so much, I just ordered a decal for my car!
Is this your usual view

Not quite. But still very beautiful. Huge mountains from my front yard.
You are So Blessed AND Such a Blessing!
Keeping up with the theme…
Valerie, Do you remember this song from the 1990s? (It sounds like Ron Kenoly singing with her)
Yes. I still hear it fairly regularly on
There was one Chrystal Lewis video, I believe, that had a light shining through the gap between the Twin Towers & then the light appears to make a bright “cross”…it gives me chills every time.
OK I had the wrong artist…it’s Jaci Velasquez & it appears that the original official video is being hidden now. Here’s an out-of-sync version where the twin towers shot is around 4:30. I wonder why this official video is now hidden?
I actually found a version that is better quality & synched up more but it took some digging…hmmm
Thanks for the link to godtube. I was not aware that they existed. Bookmarked.
YW I forgot about them too…
Amen, brother. Thank you.
Thank you, Carl!
I wanted to celebrate PAVACA’s first 100 comments but there’s no “100” in the gallery & I don’t know how to make memes even using this blank…
Congrats on starting AND keeping the conversation going. Well Done!
Hope you are enjoying this new adventure in your colorful life
Well, we gotta have a 100!
Nice job Thanks!!!
The font doesn’t match the others, but PAVACA is special, anyway!
It’s an easier to read font, for me at least
Saved on my other blog!
Badlands News Brief 10-6-23
more leaks—this is so “whisper down the alley” ridiculous.
Months after leaving the White House, former President Donald Trump allegedly discussed potentially sensitive information about U.S. nuclear submarines with a member of his Mar-a-Lago Club — an Australian billionaire who then allegedly shared the information with scores of others, including more than a dozen foreign officials, several of his own employees, and a handful of journalists, according to sources familiar with the matter.
The potential disclosure was reported to special counsel Jack Smith’s team as they investigated Trump’s alleged hoarding of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, the sources told ABC News. The information could shed further light on Trump’s handling of sensitive government secrets.
Prosecutors and FBI agents have at least twice this year interviewed the Mar-a-Lago member, Anthony Pratt, who runs U.S.-based Pratt Industries, one of the world’s largest packaging companies.
In those interviews, Pratt described how — looking to make conversation with Trump during a meeting at Mar-a-Lago in April 2021 — he brought up the American submarine fleet, which the two had discussed before, the sources told ABC News.
According to Pratt’s account, as described by the sources, Pratt told Trump he believed Australia should start buying its submarines from the United States, to which an excited Trump — “leaning” toward Pratt as if to be discreet — then told Pratt two pieces of information about U.S. submarines: the supposed exact number of nuclear warheads they routinely carry, and exactly how close they supposedly can get to a Russian submarine without being detected.
In emails and conversations after meeting with Trump, Pratt described Trump’s remarks to at least 45 others, including six journalists, 11 of his company’s employees, 10 Australian officials, and three former Australian prime ministers, the sources told ABC News.
While Pratt told investigators he couldn’t tell if what Trump said about U.S. submarines was real or just bluster, investigators nevertheless asked Pratt not to repeat the numbers that Trump allegedly told him, suggesting the information could be too sensitive to relay further, ABC News was told.
It’s unclear if the information was accurate, but the episode was investigated by Smith’s team.
Sources said another witness, one of Trump’s former employees at Mar-a-Lago, told investigators that, within minutes of Pratt’s meeting with Trump, he heard Pratt relaying to someone else some of what Trump had just said.
According to the sources, the former Mar-a-Lago employee also told investigators he was “bothered” and “shocked” to hear that the former president had provided such seemingly sensitive information to a non-U.S. citizen.
Such a novel rumor. /s
Seems they have tried, starting rumors rooted down below. Later proved to be BS.
Wasn’t it an *australian* diplomat who set up George Papadopoulos, and could possibly a *former* Mar-a-Lago employee have an axe to grind.
Ya. It is ALL BS.
Part of the, throw everything at Trump. Hoping something sticks.
“investigators nevertheless asked Pratt not to repeat the numbers that Trump allegedly told him, suggesting the information could be too sensitive to relay further”
How convenient, for mad jack to spin it any way he wants.
Hope and pray that it all boomerangs back on the DEMONRATS and RINOS…
In addition to lying, this appears to be —
GASLIGHTING. The backstory narrative (false) being fed to people:
“Donald Trump is a bad person, he was a bad President, you don’t ever want to have anything to do him ever again, there are other and better candidates for 2024 out there, why don’t you think about Gavin Newscum?”
Seems I remember HELL-the-BEAST spilling our minimum nuclear threat reaction time…
And the DEMONRATS just waved that away…. although there is very little that she could leak that would be more damaging or strategically crippling (potentially) than that…
Based on the headline alone. Good.
Pretty sure the whales aren’t too keen on the idea.
“A U.S. jet fighter shot down a Turkish drone in Syria after it was deemed a threat to U.S. forces in northeast Syria, a person familiar with the episode told WSJ
• A US official said they were aware that it was a Turkish drone”
“Either Russia has massively ramped up glide bomb production, or Ukrainian air defenses have degraded to the point that KABs can now reach the frontline.
840 FAB-500s per month delivers as much explosives as 1,200 152mm shells per day, without even taking into account the effects of precision.”
“It is reported that a new FAB-1500 gliding bomb with UMPC hit the command post of the OTG “Soledar” of the Ukrainian Armed Forces , located in the settlement. Alexandro-Kalinovo on the territory of the DPR controlled by Ukraine.
The result in the video speaks for itself.”
Verse of the Day for Friday, October 6, 2023
“And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.”
Luke 14:27 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
Excellent post! I will be sharing it with several people!
Thank you, you are very kind.
The more the truths about COVID-19 and the “vaccines” are spread around, the better.
EVERYTHING, remains Russia’s Fault. <<< Official Narrative. <<< Utter BS.
Those are amazing (and direction-predictable) stats. It’s the MAGNITUDE of the effect that is shocking. How the MEDIA can ignore this – it’s CRIMINAL.
I remember Ann Coulter speaking some years back, perhaps based on research for one of her books, that almost all the racial disparities in outcomes disappear, or are significantly diminished, when the father is in the home. The biggies, iirc, were finish high school, wait to have sex, get married, raise kids together. Interesting how closely that aligns with scriptural admonitions

Scriptural admonitions = human operating manual
Starting w/ the one Duchess shares daily
It’s why they have begun the narrative that family can be the strangers that validate your ideals…usually in the trans arena but carries over into all groups, people whose family might support MAGA for example. That’s a mortal sin and might require yourself new family
And that new family is really the State.
Like Scott frequently says
Not (for) Me!
Brilliant strategy, cutting Special Operations. /s
Army, military can NOT fill Special Operation billets, so Delete Special Operation billets.
Stoopidity reigns in DoD.
Diversity hires deliver destruction as demanded by Deep State coupsters
That Zelensky is sumpin’ isn’t he? (Sounds like sumpin’ the Neocons Nuland-Kagan would suggest Z do …)
Apparently word is:
/pr … also should mention above was posted at MoA …
“Ukraine’s gold reserves (about 40 tons) were reportedly flown from Ukraine to the U.S. hastily in 2014”
“…….US Embassy in Ukraine; our partners did not like the idea of the Office of the President to use the gold……”
Why has some of it evaporated?
watching & waiting to pounce on this one
Weapon System Sustainment:
Aircraft Mission Capable Goals Were Generally Not Met and Sustainment Costs Varied by Aircraft
Published: Nov 10, 2022. Publicly Released: Nov 10, 2022.
Headline is standard. However, I’d bet, downward trend in nearly, or all categories.
via Bernhard @ MoA:
October 06, 2023
Ukraine: Financing The War About Hegemony
First some news bits about Ukraine. We will then come to the real issue the war is fought about.
Headlines Politico:
Ukraine is ‘freaking out’ as McCarthy chaos threatens US aid
So the real problem is that Kiev has no chance to win. See for example The Times which talked with (archived) Ukrainian mortar crews near Robotyne, where the Ukrainian counteroffensive is stuck:
The U.S. public is no longer convinced that the gargantuan spending on Joe Biden’s private war makes any sense:
Cont. reading: Ukraine: Financing The War About Hegemony
Alexander Rogers writes that it is over for Kiev, Ukraine, Zelensky. The US is moving on to Taiwan.…
Okay, but one of the built in and purposeful by-products of the Ukraine war was to make sure we could not defend Taiwan. No fuel, few ships, fagged up military, moar china ties than ever and an economy that’s gone sour defending Ukraine along with a boat load of stupid stuff. Meanwhile you can bet the rest of Europe will not do more than lift pens at best. Marcon has already said such “it’s a bit far”.
Even IF we never tossed a couple hundred Billion at Ukraine, Taiwan WAS AND IS, a bridge too far, militarily.
Yep. That went away when Truman fired MacArthur…
US futures opened with a torpedo down
Quite positbly the most corrupt concept from the Feds / Fed, quantitative easing.
Agree …
more bad news ,,, this time from Bloomberg
via click for vidclip of Jordan speaking
IF I were a betting person, I’d bet the headline becomes reality.
Jordan reminds me of, Rooster Head. All Talk.
I should have attributed the “headline” to the whatfinger take. Those guys appear pretty astute to me.
Gag on the Treytor concept!
The DOD Hasn’t Thought Through Weaponized Robots, It Seems. When deploying “killer robots,” understanding the potential downsides might be useful. – Liberty Nation
The word Dominion crops up interestingly…
How about the United States MUST pull out of the WHO.
Absolutely! Dr. M says that & points out why WHO is mostly pointless for the US but throws them a couple bones on Some things they seem to do well…
WHO delivers zero benefit to the US. <<< Duh!
KBK always cuts through the crap to the bottom line!
I stopped after two paragraphs. It’s anti-Trump propaganda. But we do need to be prepared for “wild” things because the Left is ruthless.
TY, it was one of the one’s highlighted at Whatfinger so perhaps oppo research for our side
Build Back Better
Lots of fun stuff here:
in related news…
How’d Schmucky manage to hide his horns, I mean he practically looks demonic to me
Schmucky and Sucky…
Was that Kamel-Hoe???
My first thought is “fake,” though it might not be. I would have called someone in authority so fast that her head would have been spinning. That was racism and discrimination on display. “Multicultural” includes all cultures.
“Multicultural” includes all cultures.
Uh, no. It means whatever leftists need it to mean.
I wonder if it’s from a while back for the person speaking sure sounded like they were talking about “safe spaces” as if they needed to have just One non-white place on campus where white, male, cis-gendered, police-lives-matter types couldn’t breathe their same air or something
Jordon Sounds good…but then talk is cheap…
Jordan (intentionally) did NOT invoke, America First.
Jordan is NOT Speaker material.
Probably not…he keeps coming across more like controlled opposition like so many of them seem to be
Is it controlled opposition, or is it inhabiting middle ground?
Because I think that the Speaker of the House has to appeal to ALL the members of his own party, and it would be desirable not to alienate a whole bunch of them.
We are purists here, I get it. But a firebrand like MTG or Gaetz would get exactly nowhere trying to get anything done. They’d run off half of the people they needed to get cooperation from.
My problem is when they say they’ll do something and don’t do it. That’s what McCarthy did. If Jordan says no more money to Ukraine, and then gets in and gives it, well then I’ll be pissed. But trying to occupy some sort of middle ground to accomplish goals doesn’t seem to me to be a bad thing.
Perfection is the sworn enemy of good (or, more accurate, fitness for purpose). We will never get a perfect person in government from the current crop of Congress (and other) critters, and, as far as I can tell, King Solomon is no longer with us (on Earth).
What we need is someone who gets things done. Just as you said.
Thanks, Cuppa. I am a bit crabby over things these days, I think.
King SolomonJESUS is no longer with us (on Earth)” fifySolomon was the Wisest man but Far from Perfect…
I didn’t say Solomon was perfect; but he was the best human judge…
It didn’t need to be fixed…
no prob
Those are legit points
It is important for a Speaker to be able to negotiate. It is also important that he have the integrity not to betray.
Agreed so politicians need not apply
Well, Yours Truly has sent a link to today’s opener to one’s “vaccinated and booster” MD son, a neurologist. By the way, the hospital where he works is seeing such an INCREASE OF STROKE CASES that the On Call schedules were changed. Some days that were formerly “off” for On Call are now telemed or be ready to get to the hospital.
So sorry that’s happening.
IMO, it’s JAB-related neuro damage.
That’s a pretty telling data point
Time for son to read & act upon the “vax” mitigation protocols! After he awakens
I sent your piece to my son, too. But I copied and pasted the whole thing into an email, because would have triggered him. Really. Makes me nuts.
“More hay, Trigger?”
“No thanks, Roy, I’m stuffed”
fraid of the facts…
I don’t understand people that won’t deal with reality because they don’t like Who said it or How it was said
Makes me nuts.
yes, sorry you’re dealing with it in the family
That is too complicated, what’s wrong with identical books, page, line, letter.
There’s a lot of books in the world, out of print ones may be better, let AI sweat over it.
Looks like Ankara has responded wildly to the downing of their ANSI drone in Syria yesterday. There is massive damage to oil infrastructure of US-controlled assets to kill any revenues for Mammon. Nato attacking Nato?? Should be good theatre from here on out!!
How to win friends and influence people – shoot their drone down over someone else’s country, where you are there uninvited anyway.
No telling if the drone was armed or not, could have just been taking pictures.
PAVACA’s on a roll!
It’s the TRUTH about COVID-19 and the “vaccines” that’s on a roll!
AND logic
“… We the People are taking back DC.”
It’s a legitimate question.
DC does not care about the People.
Voting does not matter anymore.
Lobbyists write the Bills… The Uniparty doesn’t even get time to read them, much less object to them in part or in whole.
etc., etc.
I think the point is that we are changing DC and the process is underway.
via MoA
Meet your new boss – USAID.
October 4, 2023
Beyond the Neocon Debacle to Peace in Ukraine
We are entering the end stage of the 30-year US neocon debacle in Ukraine. The neocon plan to surround Russia in the Black Sea region by NATO has failed. Decisions now by the US and Russia will matter enormously for peace, security, and wellbeing for the entire world.
Four events have shattered the neocon hopes for NATO enlargement eastward, to Ukraine, Georgia, and onward. The first is straightforward. Ukraine has been devastated on the battlefield, with tragic and appalling losses. Russia is winning the war of attrition, an outcome that was predictable from the start but which the neocons and mainstream media deny till today.
The second is the collapsing support in Europe for the US neocon strategy. Poland no longer speaks with Ukraine. Hungary has long opposed the neocons. Slovakia has elected an anti-neocon government. EU leaders (Macron, Meloni, Sanchez, Scholz, Sunak, and others) have disapproval ratings far higher than approvals.
The third is the cut in US financial support for Ukraine. The Republican Party grassroots, several Republican Presidential candidates, and a growing number of Republican members of Congress, oppose more spending on Ukraine. In the stop-gap bill to keep the government running, Republicans stripped away new financial support for Ukraine.
The White House has called for new aid legislation, but this will be an uphill fight.
The fourth, and most urgent from Ukraine’s point of view, is the likelihood of a Russian offensive. Ukraine’s casualties are in the hundreds of thousands, and Ukraine has burned through its artillery, air defenses, tanks, and others heavy weapons. Russia is likely to follow with a massive offensive.
The neocons have created utter disasters in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and now Ukraine. The US political system has not yet held the neocons to account, since foreign policy is carried out with little public or Congressional scrutiny to date. Mainstream media have sided with the slogans of the neocons.
Ukraine is at risk of economic, demographic and military collapse. What should the US Government do to face this potential disaster?
Urgently, it should change course. Britain advises the US to escalate, as Britain is stuck with 19th century imperial reveries. US neocons are stuck with imperial bravado. Cooler heads urgently need to prevail.
President Joe Biden should immediately inform President Vladimir Putin that the US will end NATO enlargement eastward if the US and Russia reach a new agreement on security arrangements. By ending NATO expansion, the US can still save Ukraine from the policy debacles of the past 30 years.
Biden should agree to negotiate a security arrangement of the kind, though not precise details, of President Putin’s proposals of December 17, 2021. Biden foolishly refused to negotiate with Putin in December 2021. It’s time to negotiate now.
There are four keys to an agreement. First, as part of an overall agreement Biden should agree that NATO will not enlarge eastward, but not reverse the past NATO enlargement. NATO would of course not tolerate Russian encroachments in existing NATO states. Both Russia and the US would pledge to avoid provocations near Russia’s borders, including provocative missile placement, military exercises, and the like.
Second, the new US – Russia security agreement should cover nuclear weapons. The US unilateral withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in 2002, followed by the placement of Aegis missiles in Poland and Romania, gravely inflamed tensions, which were further exacerbated by the US withdrawal from the Intermediate Nuclear Force (INF) Agreement in 2019 and Russia’s suspension of the New Start Treaty in 2023. Russian leaders have repeatedly pointed to US missiles near Russia, unconstrained by the abandoned ABM Treaty, as a dire threat to Russia’s national security.
Third, Russia and Ukraine would agree on new borders, in which the overwhelmingly ethnic Russian Crimea and heavily ethnic Russian districts of eastern Ukraine would remain part of Russia. The border changes would be accompanied by security guarantees for Ukraine backed unanimously by the UN Security Council and other states such as Germany, Turkey, and India.
Fourth, as part of a settlement, the US, Russia, and EU would re-establish trade, finance, cultural exchange, and tourist relations. It’s certainly time once again to hear Rachmaninoff and Tchaikovsky in US and European concert halls.
Border changes are a last resort, and should be made only under UN Security Council auspices. They must never be an invitation to further territorial demands, such as by Russia regarding ethnic Russians in other countries. Yet borders change, and the US has recently backed two border changes. NATO bombed Serbia for 78 days until it relinquished the Albanian-majority region of Kosovo. In 2008, the US recognized Kosovo as a sovereign nation. The US similarly backed South Sudan’s insurgency to break away from Sudan.
If Russia, Ukraine, or the US subsequently violated the new agreement, they would be challenging the rest of the world. As JFK observed, “even the most hostile nations can be relied upon to accept and keep those treaty obligations, and only those treaty obligations, which are in their own interest.”
The US neocons carry much blame for undermining Ukraine’s 1991 borders. Russia did not claim Crimea until after the US-backed overthrow of Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych in 2014. Nor did Russia annex the Donbas after 2014, instead calling on Ukraine to honor the UN-backed Minsk II agreement, based on autonomy for the Donbas. The neocons preferred to arm Ukraine to retake the Donbas by force rather than grant the Donbas autonomy.
The long-term key to peace in Europe is collective security as called for by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). According to OSCE agreements, OSCE member states “will not strengthen their security at the expense of the security of other States.” Neocon unilateralism undermined Europe’s collective security by pushing NATO enlargement without regard to third parties, notably Russia. Europe — including the EU, Russia, and Ukraine — needs more OSCE and less neocon unilateralism as key to lasting peace in Europe.
/phoenix: Jefferey’s comments with regard to the Neocons are factual, imo… wrt the ‘solution’ I see a greater chance of flying purple pigs descending upon my garden to chew up all the leaves rather than the Russians accepting any agreement with the US or the Neocons changing course. ymmv
Now cometh something wicked …
BLINKEN (actually Blinkin) is currently scrambling to GIFT the (unlawfully) seized Bank Reserves of Russia ($300 Billion) to Ukraine.
Archived State Department Transcript Oct 4
uh oh
WWIII at any & all costs
comment lifted from MoA:
Posted by: Exile | Oct 6 2023 19:24 utc |
Briben and his Band of Crooks, “Will Do Whatever It Takes”, to destroy America, start WW III…
Weeeell They can Try
Jeffrey is a Sachs of stupid delusions. Russia has, on several instances, said that it cannot trust the US and therefore negotiations would be a pointless waste of time.
Moldova has given up their sovereignty and are now regulated & manipulated by the United States & NATO.
Former Moldovan President Igor Dodon: “This country is not ours now… It belongs to Soros, whose Open Society Foundation and various NGOs are dictating to current President Maja Sando what to do.”
(Maja Sando was specifically put in place to bring about the loss of Moldova’s cultural identity and she & Zelensky had quite a racket going with the theft/resale of Russian fuel travelling through Ukraine’s pipelines into Moldova)
more graft and grift in biden’s administration
more graft and grift in ultra maggots administration
A private trade association founded by the Biden administration’s energy loan czar Jigar Shah has become a gatekeeper for companies seeking billions of dollars in financing from Shah’s office.
The Cleantech Leaders Roundtable has seen a surge in its influence and revenue since its former president, Shah, was tapped to lead the powerful $400 billion Department of Energy Loan Programs Office (LPO) in 2021.
The group, which didn’t have a website until three years ago, now regularly hosts sold-out receptions featuring Shah for its paying members across the country. Last week, the DOE Loans Program Office and Cleantech Leaders co-hosted an invitation-only conference in Washington, D.C., for companies looking for loans—and Cleantech Leaders was in charge of the invite list and ticket sales.
During this time, companies connected to the trade association have raked in cash from Shah’s office. Last week, the Loan Programs Office approved a $3 billion loan to a solar company led by Cleantech Leaders’s board director. The group’s corporate sponsors have also pulled in funding.
The cozy relationship between Shah and Cleantech Leaders is raising questions about whether the organization’s members are getting favorable treatment in the loan process.
“It appears as if the Department of Energy has allowed a dark money climate group to be the gatekeepers of taxpayer dollars,” said Caitlin Sutherland, director of the Americans for Public Trust, an ethics watchdog group. “Friends, coworkers, and corporate allies should not be given preferential financial treatment when seeking access to government programs.”
A DOE spokeswoman said Cleantech Leaders “invited the Department of Energy’s Loan Programs Office to cohost Deploy23,” the conference last week, but called it a “nonfinancial partnership and not a government-led event.”
The DOE said Cleantech Leaders was in charge of the guest list and sponsors for the event. The official declined to comment on how much tickets cost, but said the conference was “made possible through ticket sales and event sponsorships.”
But the group’s tight control of the invitation list for a government co-hosted conference irked some energy industry insiders. One said it looked like a “pay-to-play scheme” and called it a “slap in the face to all the companies following the rules.”
Ran across this today, can’t vouch for it, it looks to be an Epoch Times article. Ties in with earlier discussions here.
Thanks! Looks as if more evidence will be coming out now. From the article, describing a neurotologist’s symptoms of cerebellar ataxia:
He was suspicious after the second shot, but took a third one anyway. People are so caught up in the narrative that they aren’t seeing what is right in front of them.
So here’s what, IMO, is going on:
First — ATAXIA is when there is neurological damage that impacts motor coordination, speech, vision, and other activities of the nervous system.
Second — CEREBELLAR ATAXIA is when the ataxia is present in various parts of the CEREBRUM (the largest part of the brain.)
Third — the panic attacks that Dr. Slater suffered are to the parts of the CEREBRUM that include the HIPPOCAMPUS and other “sub-structures” which control things like memory, emotions, and smell, also being negatively effected.
So, IMO, it appears that the COVID-19 “vaccines” — the original BNT162b2 series and also the “Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccine” that he took — hit him with a “double whammy” in two neurological aspects: BOTH physical (cerebellar ataxia) AND emotional/psychological (panic disorder.)
ATAXIA is listed on PAGE 31 (of 38) in the Appendix 1. List of Adverse Events of Special Interest in the 5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports document on the Pfizer-BioNTech “flagship” COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT1621b2, that the company GAVE TO THE FDA IN APRIL, 2021. It appears that Dr. Slater took his “booster shot” in the fall of 2021. By that time, he was already having adverse effects from the second shot of BNT162b2 he took previously. The negative effects of the “booster shot” ended his medical career.
Bear in mind that the ingredients of BNT162b2 are STILL present in every “Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccine”, since the “vaccines” for all the Omicron “variants” are based on the original BNT162b2 elements — including the dangerous lipid nanoparticles ALC-0159 and ALC-0315 (listed by their chemical-compound names in the Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers for the “Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccine”, which now encompasses the new “2023-2024 formulation.”)
Thanks for parsing that out with additional information.
“Second — CEREBELLAR ATAXIA is when the ataxia is present in various parts of the CEREBRUM (the largest part of the brain.)”
Wouldn’t that Actually be in the Cerebellum? If it was the Cerebrum wouldn’t they have called it Cerebral Ataxia?
Valerie Curren
IMO, it’s the same thing but using different words. One has seen instances, for example, in the Appendix 1. Adverse Events of Special Interest in the Pfizer-BioNTech 5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis document of April, 2021, of different spellings for certain diagnoses — possibly from reports sent to the company from overseas countries.
TY PAVACA it just seemed odd to me, that’s all…
When you are “suspicious” but ignore it, you are vying for a Darwin Award. Really. Those suspicions are survival traits that you are not listening to. So guess what? You may not survive.
This comment rates another notch on your gunbelt. Kudos.
Thanks p.
Autoimmune neurological damage is a potential risk of almost ANY vaccine. IMO vaccination is a limited paradigm. It is obviously valid for rabies and certain other situations where the risks and benefits are very clear. Otherwise, it’s not worth the risks, IMO. Massive societal autism and other NEUROLOGICAL DAMAGES are clearly caused by vaccination, IMO. We have a well-understood mechanism for a few cases like narcolepsy where the causative correlation is unquestionable. The MECHANISM explains almost all “mysterious growing neurological illnesses” – and IMO that includes autism, “ADHD”, and even ALZHEIMER’S.
Widespread overvaccination may be one of the biggest scientific mistakes humanity ever made.
100% AGREED.
“Widespread overvaccination may be one of the biggest scientific mistakes humanity ever made.”
If it was a mistake.
If one was trying to find the best way to make Rhonda Santis even more repulsive than he already is, it would be to add Nasty Nikki to his team.
Loomer interesting person first she badmouths Gaetz and now she finds out how bad McCarthy is. McCarthy plays the DC game two faced. One always has to check once back to see who backstabs.
“We Can’t Pay the Lawyers” Mike Lindell Reveals Very Sad News – Lawfare Cases by the Radical Left Are Robbing Him of His Income (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
Mike Lindell joined Steve Bannon on Thursday’s War Room where he revealed some very sad news.
The numerous lawfare cases by the Marxist left have taken a toll on his business and personal wealth.
Mike told Steve Bannon he had to let his lawyers go. He could no longer pay them.
Patty McMurray, a friend of Mike’s. commented on this sad development.
If you think this can’t happen to you – You are wrong!
Our entire Gateway Pundit family is behind you, Mike!
***To support Mike Lindell and benefit Gateway Pundit, use promo code TGP at — and get up to 80% off***
I wish he made a plea for help before acting. Made another order but it may be too late…
May unAmerican Express burn and rot in HELL for all eternity, along with all of its officers and decision-makers, and those who pushed them into that decision. I’m looking at YOU, BLACKROCK and JAMIE DEMON… yes, DEMON…..
(count ’em, Illuminist bastards)…..
OK, I straight up will admit that I’m being fairly ridiculous, but I am searching for that old WGTT’s video that used to get shared around here, possibly by Wheatie & some others…I want it to compare to the Crazy Plane Lady.
Anyway I ran across this old post w/ lots of Yummy Melania pics–Enjoy!
By the way, this image that WM posted a while back is a still from that video, iirc
Nope, that’s not a still from the WGTT’s video clip I recall, but it does come from this…
edit add on, w/out fully watching…
The Science LOL

Sorry PAVACA & gang, just being light-hearted on a Friday…
Still looking for those WGTT’s but found this prescient perspective:
I personally found this exchange very helpful, and good advice. My thanks to daughnworks247 for asking the question, and Emeraldstar for answering it.
I can only add Marica’s response!
Miss daughnworks247 immensely!
Absolutely! I wish she’d drop in every now & then
I haven’t even seen her on her own blog since, like, forever….
Oh dear. I hope she’s OK…
She’s back in the corporate world! She’s WORKING – and has been for quite a while, apparently.
Does that mean she no longer has her amazing B & B, iirc? Possibly fall out after her rumored divorce.
I also wonder about her stone business…..
I don’t know. I thought she still had the B&B last I heard, but that was a long time ago (year or two).
I think I might have seen a random comment by her at Marica’s or Sylvia’s in the last month or so but my memory is so crappy it could actually have been more than a year ago…
And Emeraldstar…
I think of him pretty regularly too. I wonder where he landed? It was Really surprising to me how many names I didn’t recognize when scrolling by some of those older comments. I wonder if Wolf did his “heavy vetting” in the early days of The Q-Tree…wqth…& all…& if any of those early commenters choose to stop by they could still join in…
fun find from the archives
“MAGAPOTUSAURUS is on the loose!”
LOL! One of my favorite memes.
There’s some good stuff in our archives for sure!
Tips for Ti……
As the Climate skeptics know, correlation does not mean causation…
My own theory has been that ample breasts being attractive has severe evolutionary pressures behind it for both men and women — the reason being, that infants who do not have such attraction generally starve before they are able to walk.
I have a relative who is abundantly endowed & a fairly new breast-feeding mom. She had to use her finger to hold back the mammaries from smothering her suckling child for quite a while in the early days LOL
“…loan volumes tumble”
Ponzi top.
You know how on a roller coaster you go over the top and you seem to go straight down? well here we’ll go over the top and see that there’s no track ….
she nailed it
hopefully this will play here (right clicked on it playing at twitter & copied the URL)
Here is whatfinger’s take:
Payrolls increased by 336,000 in September, much more than expected – CNBC (Don’t forget how our Democrats in control now lie like Marxist China, and when caught (and they are now ALWAYS caught with stats) within weeks, have to adjust these fake numbers as we are in a recession, and the Marxists want to make believe we are not – Sgt Pat)
Full time jobs PLUMMET while part-time jobs increase.
Natile Winters talking to Bannon. “Non Profit Efforts To Find Ukraine’s Missing Children Hire Hunter Biden Linked Consultants”
Pedo Pete’s procurers?
Perhaps, possibly, probably…
Miss y’all
Rodney Short
iswas in the house. Hey Rod, how’re you doing? Nice to see you stop in!
Well, well — perhaps Bad Kitty Unleashed reads Marica’s blog and/or The Q Tree? (courtesy our good Rodney Short)
Here’s all the text there:
Bad Kitty Unleashed
Here’s my plan – We are going to change the narrative to its proper one. Are you with me?
Every time we see gaslighting, we strike.
Here’s an example. Say a large Dem account calls us Nazis and terrorists. Here’s how we respond.
“This gaslighting of our entire nation to hate a certain populace is a crime against humanity.
This is brainwashing and psychological torture against both democrats and republicans and you need to be held accountable for your crimes.”
No arguing over their wrong points. You tell them the correct ones. No need to copy mine, it’s just an example.
I’m giving this a hashtag too.
We don’t stop until we get our trials. Because this is criminal.
6:10 PM · Oct 6, 2023
The Tweet within:
Bad Kitty Unleashed
The American Uighurs, a crime against humanity. Let the trials begin.
Listen closely and think! Are both republicans and democrats living in hypothetical re-education camps already?
Are we republicans the American, “terrorist”, Uighurs? If you think about it, our very own government and media are brainwashing other citizens to push us to a very dangerous second class status. But they are also brainwashing republicans to accept second class status.
Is this a crime against humanity? Do we deserve repercussions against our gov and media for brainwashing and psychological torture? Perhaps it’s time for our very own Nuremberg Trials.
Read these excerpts from this Uighurs tales of their re-education, brainwashing, and torture. Then answer my questions silently to yourself.
“We were persuaded that we were enemies to be beaten down – traitors and terrorists.”
“Everyone around me – the police officers who came to interrogate prisoners, plus the guards, teachers and tutors – tried to make me believe the massive lie without which China could not have justified its re-ed ucation project: that Uighurs are terrorists”
“In the job ads in the newspapers, there was often a little phrase in small print: No Uighurs.”
“Later, the CCP would blame the entire ethnic group for these horrible acts, justifying its repressive policies by claiming that Uighur households were a hotbed of radical Islam and separatism.”
“I was systematically dehumanised, humiliated and brainwashed.”
Questions: you ever feel your religion is being discriminated against by our government and media? you unjustly called a racist or white supremacist just because of your political party? American Uighurs being thrown into prison with unjust sentences? applying for a job do you make certain you show zero signs that you are an American Uighur? you ever not put a Trump sign in front of your home over vandalism worries? A bumper sticker on your car? Not worn a MAGA cap? you not admit your political party in public? you ever embarrassed that people think you are a terrorist when you are not? you feel like our government and press has demoted you to second class status? you ever lost your job for being an American
Uighur? Or have you worried about this happening to yourself? you ever considered perhaps someone may spit in your food if they knew you were an American Uighur?
If any of these apply, it’s brainwashing and re-education. And I think it’s time everyone is held to account.
5:35 PM · Oct 6, 2023
Compare that list to this one that Please found:
Replying to my “ trying to find the “American Conspiracy Thinking Scale” that was used in the JAMA study above…”
I continued w/ this:
It would be great to actually review the ACTS item to see how “legit” it might be…it also might be instructive in some of the ways the Deep State intends to identify & marginalize us…
& Please opined:
Please (
Reply to Please
October 5, 2023 16:36
ACTS = Aware Citizens That See
“We will not tolerate the attitude of the
UScriminal and tyrannical and illegitimate U.S. gov’t towards our country,””There, fixed it.
Good online friends —
Yours Truly hopes that the concept of Gaslighting with respect to the COVID-19 situation as described in today’s opener can be spread as far and wide as possible. Thank you.
Three articles in TGP, the wind has turned more favorable.
James O’Keefe Got Served a Cease & Desist Telling Him to Stop Publishing, so He Published the Letter
~2 minute video at the link.
That’s exactly what to do.
Refuse to comply.
Same thing anyone should do if presented with an ‘NDA’.
Don’t sign it.
It’s like taking the vaxx.
Whatever it is that you might stand to gain by signing the NDA, what good is it, if you’re dead?
We won’t give up our freedom break:
Wow, click in the large white area if you don’t see the youtube video.
I think we said that two years ago with quite a bit of specificity on how to carry it out under the grounds that politician’s steal, divert, or waste vastly more than the normal thief.