2023·10·14 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread

News Flash

Today, it is still the case that Joe Biden didn’t Win.

I realize that to some readers, this might be a shock; surely at some point things must change and Biden will have actually won.

But the past cannot actually be changed.

It will always and forever be the case that Joe Biden didn’t win.

And if you, Leftist Lurker, want to dismiss it as dead white cis-male logic…well, you can call it what you want, but then please just go fuck off. No one here buys that bullshit–logic is logic and facts are facts regardless of skin color–and if you gave it a moment’s rational thought, you wouldn’t either. Of course your worthless education never included being able to actually reason–or detect problems with false reasoning–so I don’t imagine you’ll actually wake up as opposed to being woke.

As Ayn Rand would sometimes point out: Yes, you are free to evade reality. What you cannot do is evade the consequences of evading reality. Or to put it concretely: You can ignore the Mack truck bearing down on you as you play in the middle of the street, you won’t be able to ignore the consequences of ignoring the Mack truck.

And Ayn Rand also pointed out that existence (i.e., the sum total of everything that exists) precedes consciousness–our consciousnesses are a part of existence, not outside of it–therefore reality cannot be a “social construct” as so many of you fucked-up-in-the-head people seem to think.

So much for Leftist douchebag lurkers. For the rest of you, the regular readers and those lurkers who understand such things: I continue to carry the banner once also carried by Wheatie. His Fraudulency didn’t win.

Let’s Go, Brandon!!

Hey China!

Or rather, “Hey Chinese Communist Party and your entire array of servitors, ass-wipers, and fellators!”

You’re not even worth my time this week. When you decide to act like civilized people, maybe I’ll give you a lesson or two in how non-barbarians behave.

Hey BiteMe!
(Or, Whoever Has Their Hand Rammed Up That Putrefying Meat Puppet’s Ass)

[Language warning]

You and yours have caused a lot of injury. Literal injury with your war on people who don’t want to take an untested vaccine. When people die in an emergency room because a hospital won’t admit them because they haven’t had their clot shot, that’s a crime.

I’m going to address here the insult on top of the injury, because I am among the insulted. I still have my health but apparently you want me to live under the 8th Street Bridge (which actually isn’t on 8th Street, but whatever, that’s what the I-25 overpass over Cimarron is called), so maybe if you have your way that won’t be true for long. Dreadful time of year to become homeless.

No, you’re just trying to make me unemployed, because I won’t take your fucking shots.

Well, that threat is NOT going to work. I. Won’t. Take. Your. Fucking. Shots.

And it looks like enough people agree, that you’re having to back down, you worthless asswipe.

You’re LOSING.


You Chinese-bought ratfucking traitor.

I would love to see you die an agonizing, humiliating death. (This isn’t a threat, because I am not threatening to cause that death. I am just announcing my intention to party if it happens.) It would be just recompense for the way you’re killing America…and millions of Americans.

His Fraudulency

Joe Biteme, properly styled His Fraudulency, continues to infest the White House, we haven’t heard much from the person who should have been declared the victor, and hopium is still being dispensed even as our military appears to have joined the political establishment in knuckling under to the fraud.

One can hope that all is not as it seems.

I’d love to feast on that crow.

(I’d like to add, I find it entirely plausible, even likely, that His Fraudulency is also His Figureheadedness. (Apparently that wasn’t a word; it got a red underline. Well it is now.) Where I differ with the hopium addicts is on the subject of who is really in charge. It ain’t anyone we like.)

Justice Must Be Done.

The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.

Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

Tranheuser Busch

Those asshats either get the world, all time record for obtuseness…or this is deliberate somehow. And their namby pamby non-apology that amounts to a “We’re sorry you’re too much of a knuckledragger to appreciate what we did” simply underscores the stupid. It’d be like a 400 pound golfer wearing spikes tromping on your instep and being utterly clueless why you are screaming in pain.


I wrote that months ago, and they are casting about now trying to figure out how to get people to come back. However the one thing that might work (an abject admission that they were wrong to even think of doing this) is the one thing they cannot do. Because the decision makers are woke and cannot conceive that they were actually fuckheadedly wrong to do this.

Spot Prices.

Kitco Ask. Last week:

Gold $1,834.10
Silver $21.69
Platinum $887.00
Palladium $1,149.00
Rhodium $4,450.00

This week, markets closed as of 3PM MT.

Gold $1,932.60
Silver $22.84
Platinum $891.00
Palladium $1,170.00
Rhodium $4,950.00

WOW Gold has recovered nicely from whatevertheheck happened to it the last couple of weeks! (Hopefully, you bought some.) Platinum and palladium have undergone a more modest recovery (and I’ve not compared them to where they were before gold took its dive). Rhodium, on the other hand, went up over ten percent (beating what gold did)!

Obligatory PSAs and Reminders

China is Lower than Whale Shit

Remember Hong Kong!!!

Whoever ends up in the cell next to his, tell him I said “Hi.”

中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!

China is in the White House

Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.

Joe Biden is Asshoe

China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.

But of course the much more important thing to realize:

Joe Biden Didn’t Win

乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!

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I continue to carry the banner once also carried by Wheatie. His Fraudulency didn’t win.

Thank you. I’m getting the impression that more people are starting to believe this. At least I hope so.


posted in the wrong spot… reposting!

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

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Jonathan Turley:

Bob Menendez is being charged as a foreign agent — so why not Hunter Biden?

The Justice Department this week hit Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) with a superseding indictment including a new but all-too-familiar charge: being an unregistered foreign agent under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). 

I cannot recall another sitting member of Congress being criminally charged as a foreign agent. 

Yet even if this is the first such case, the charge has been freely used by the Justice Department in all but one case: Hunter Biden…

Discussion of the Menendez charges, then:

The inclusion of the FARA charge against Menendez, his wife and his associate only highlights the absence of any such charge against President Biden’s son Hunter.

For years, some of us have raised the glaring contradiction in how the Justice Department has approached the Hunter Biden case with its treatment of past defendants like Donald Trump associate Paul Manafort. 

The Justice Department has been quick to indictment Manafort and others on FARA charges, but continues to prevaricate over such a charge for the president’s son.

Indeed, when Menendez was charged, I wrote about the striking similarities in the cases, including the gifts and benefits showered on both men. 

They remain similar in every way except the charges…

For many, the question is not whether Hunter has acted as an agent of foreign principals but whether the Justice Department is acting as an agent of the principal Biden. 


“Bob Menendez is being charged as a foreign agent — so why not Hunter Biden?”


Because unlike Hunter, Bob is not Brandon’s son.

That’s why.


…which is the point of the article. 😅


If I were Menendez, I would have my lawyer file a petition to be adopted!

Valerie Curren



[snort out loud]


TL;DR… didn’t need to, knew the answer from the title! 👍😁

Brave and Free

So what did Bob actually do that there going after him now? It’s not like he (and many others) haven’t been doing this for years.
So many possibilities, did he attempt to blackmail Joe and hunter or was he cutting into their action?

Last edited 1 year ago by Brave and Free
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great point! Why go after Menendez now? He’s been a problem for decades.


Look, squirrel >>>>>>>>

pat frederick

twofold imo
first, as tradebait mentions it distracts from biden’s failures and corruption.
second, as you said he’s been a KNOWN problem for decades. taking him out gives credence to their “no one is above the law” crap (see? our doj is not targeting repubs only) while taking care of a problem that’s outgrown its usefulness.



Expendable. Older than dirt. Bring on a fresh (corruptible) D-Rat.

Win-Win for D-Rats Uniparty.


Third – he didn’t pay 10% to The Big Guy


It was an offer he should not have refused.

Gail Combs


Robert Menendez (/mɛˈnɛndɛz/; born January 1, 1954) is an American lawyer and politician serving as the senior United States senator from New Jersey, a seat he has held since 2006. 

So he will be 70 in January. We do not know what his health is like (JABBED… HEART?) If he does have myocarditis from the Jab, no one is going to mention it. HOWEVER from PAVACA According to the Cleveland Clinic, the survival rate for DIAGNOSED CASES of myocarditis is 80% AFTER ONE YEAR and 50% AFTER FIVE.”

Since it is a SENATE SEAT they would not want the condition to show WHILE he is holding the seat.



Menendez, who is described as very close to Republicans on foreign policy,[24] voted for the failed Kosovo Resolution, authorizing the use of military force against Yugoslavia in the Kosovo War.[25] He was an early advocate of preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear capabilities, sponsoring the Iran Nuclear Proliferation Prevention Act of 1998, which passed the House but failed to pass the Senate.[26]

Menendez voted for Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists, authorizing the President to use military force in Afghanistan in response to the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks.[27] In 2002, Menendez voted against the Iraq Resolution to authorize the invasion of Iraq.[28]

Menendez voted against the United Nations Reform Act of 2005, cutting U.S. funding to the U.N. by 50% over three years,

That makes him a good sacreficial lamb.


He forgot how to steal like a gentleman.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gingersmom2009
Gail Combs

Nice to see you back again!

Valerie Curren

Yes 🙂


I found this this morning, and thought of you.


I was just musing the other day that you almost never see one of these on the road. They were so poorly made is why, I think.


I had never heard poorly made as one of its problems. The main gripe is that it is underpowered, using a pathetic Renault engine.

Also, the company didn’t make very many of them before DeLorean was busted for dealing cocaine and the company went belly-up.

Valerie Curren

timeless 😉 ; )


Lol. Oh, well. I read in the article that sun damage to the interiors was a thing.


They look cool, but not my era.

Much like music, for me, the 1980s was a lost decade for cars.

These are my kind of cars 😁

1963-1967 Corvette (Sting Ray, split rear window coupe body style)
1968-1972 Corvette (Stingray [one word] body style)

1967-69 Camaro or Firebird (original body style)
1970-1972 Camaro or Firebird (Rockford Files body style, I drove one to Florida for spring break my freshman year in college and loved it!)

1967-1968 Mustang (fastback)

1962-1967 AC Cobra (clones, an original is probably too valuable to be driven)

A classic 911 Porsche would be nice.

For newer cars, I would probably be looking for any low-mileage early or mid 2000s Corvette, with Z06 factory performance options for extra fun.

And early-mid 2000s GTOs are fun.

It’s gotta have a V8, unless it’s a 911 😉


My first car, the first one my Dad bought for me, anyway, was a yellow 69 Firebird convertible.

You did list my all-time favorite car in your list, however. That would be the Mustang fastback.

I am not a fan of any Corvette later than the mid-60s.

Last edited 1 year ago by Aubergine

“My first car, the first one my Dad bought for me, anyway, was a yellow 69 Firebird convertible.”


Very nice!

My Dad said he would get me a used Chevette. I said Dad, anything but a Chevette.

I’m pretty sure if you took a national poll of 16 year old boys, the Chevette would be dead last on the list, behind VW Microbus and the AMC Gremlin.

His first car was a 1928 Model A Ford, I think he bought it for $50 when he was 15 years old. His first modern car was a 1955 Chevy.

He said my choice was a Chevette, or nothing.

So I said okay, you win.

I guess it’s nothing, then.

Another gem to throw on the memory pile 😁

My younger sister got a Chevy Citation 2-door coupe when she turned 16. My youngest sister got a brand new red Saturn.

I felt like handing him a $20 bill, like Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack, and saying “Keep it fair, keep it fair…” 😂


“You did list my all-time favorite car in your list, however. That would be the Mustang fastback.”


I liked that one ever since the first time I saw Steve McQueen drive one in Bullitt (1968).

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Here it is!



My Dad was a car guy.

True story, he grew up really poor, and quit high school to make money so he could have a car like the other guys he was in school with. He did, too.

His first was a 55 Chevy. My mom made him sell it, because it went so fast it scared her. It was legend in my small town that the cops clocked my dad at 165 in that car. He should have been a stock car driver, seriously. The cops respected his driving so much it was ridiculous. One time, our house caught fire. The cops followed him in on the drive to the house, not the other way around!

He had many cool cars over the years, including a fastback Mustang in a blue so pale it was almost white. Then he fell in love with, of all things, El Caminos!

I think you were right to turn down the Chevette. That’s the car equivalent of military-issue BCGs! No chicks with that car!


My Dad was a car guy too, he was an engineer at GM.

His first new car was a 1968 GTO. The bank said he needed to have a loan of some kind to establish credit to buy his first house, so he bought the GTO.

When I was about six or seven, he flew to Oklahoma to buy a 1966 Corvette (327/300 engine with Muncie 4-spd) that he saw advertised in Hemming’s Motor News.

He drove home straight through, all night, and the headlights didn’t work. I don’t remember if the headlights were out, or if there was a problem with the motors that flip the headlight buckets around so the lights are facing forward. It was probably the motors, because he would have just replaced the headlights at a gas station, now that I think of it.

That was back in the CB radio days, and he had a CB, so he talked to a couple of truckers on the CB as the sun was going down, and the 18-wheelers let him drive between them (one in front, one behind), and he drove all night like that, with no headlights.

About a year later he found a 1967 Corvette closer to home that he liked (327/350 engine with Muncie close ratio 4-spd), and bought that. This was probably around 1976 or 1977.

That’s the same one that I’ve been trying to restore since around 2009.

So for a few weeks we had the 1966 and the 1967 Corvettes in the driveway, until he sold the ’66. When I was little, we always knew when my Dad was home from work, because we could hear the Corvette coming up the street if we were outside playing.

When I was in 9th or 10th grade, about the time I was going to turn 16, he parked the ’67 Corvette, and restoring it was going to be his retirement project.

He almost traded it in for a brand new 1982 Camaro Z28 Indy Pace Car. As a GM employee, he could get one if he wanted it. For some reason he asked me what I thought about trading in the ’67 Corvette for the 1982 Camaro Pace Car.

His 1966 and 1967 Corvettes were the most amazing cars I had ever seen or been in. They were loud, raw and exciting. It felt like you were going fast, even when you were going slow. And they looked like something out of a science fiction magazine. They still look futuristic, even today.

Every other car I’d ever been in felt soft and tame like a Cadillac, compared to the old Corvettes. I loved them. Even the instrument cluster reminded me of a WWII fighter plane.

I used to make models of 1963-1967 Corvettes, and it was the most amazing thing, that I could go out in the garage and look at a real one whenever I wanted to 😁

So I said if it was me, I’d definitely keep the ’67 Corvette, there had never been a cooler car than that one, and they will never make cars like that again. In all the years since, to me, that’s still true 😁

For whatever reason, he decided to keep the ’67. I never got to drive it though. So if the restoration is ever finished, it will be the first time I have ever driven a midyear (1963-1967) Corvette.

I had a 1969 Corvette (350/350 engine, Muncie close ratio 4-spd) for 11 years that I bought after college. I wanted a 1965, 1966 or 1967, but the midyear Corvettes (1963-1967) were already too expensive by then, they were at least twice as much as my 1969.

When my Dad stopped driving the ’67, he bought a 1974 big block Corvette (454 cubic inch, 4-spd), and that was his daily driver.

A couple years later, he bought a nice dark blue 1968 Olds 442 with a Hurst shifter. I’m sure it reminded him of his first new car, the 1968 GTO that was totaled when a trash truck hit him while merging onto (or off of) the highway.

Then he bought a red 1970 El Camino SS 396 big block with black interior in the 1990s.

When he retired, a Chevy Tahoe was his daily driver, but he drove the 1970 El Camino for fun, whenever the weather was nice 👍

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

That’s funny about the El Camino!

I hope you finish the ‘Vette!


“I think you were right to turn down the Chevette.”


I had been hoping I could get a red 1965 Corvette coupe. Like the model I used to have on my desk.

They were still pretty cheap in the mid 1980s, it was just a 20 year old used car back then. I thought he could teach me how to work on it, something we could do together.

So when I found out my choice was a Chevette or a Chevette, it was pretty much like having the wind knocked out of me.

Funny how changing just a couple of letters makes such a big difference… 🙂

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467



They are sorta similar, I guess.

I mean, they’re both red, and they both start with a ‘C’… 😉


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Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

One of my best friends in high school had an early 1980s Fiat Spider, dark blue with tan interior.

He drove that thing like the parking garage attendant drove the Ferrari in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off 😂

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Wait for it… 😁



My friend’s Spider looked pretty much like this one:


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Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

“For many, the question is not whether Hunter has acted as an agent of foreign principals but whether the Justice Department is acting as an agent of the principal Biden.”


Or whether the Just-Us Department is itself acting as an agent of foreign principals.

Which of course it is, just as their boss Brandon is, just as his boss Hussein is, and so on.



Pfizer just lobbed a legendary Friday evening bomb when it slashed its revenue and earnings forecasts for the year as it agreed to take returns from the US of its Covid antiviral Paxlovid amid collapsing demand.

Waiting patiently until after the market closed on Friday, the company said it now sees 2023 revenue of only $58 billion to $61 billion, down $9 billion from its previous estimate of $67 billion to $70 billion. 

The drugmaker said adjusted EPS are now expected to be between $1.45 a share and $1.65 a share, down by more than half from its previous earnings forecast of $3.25 a share to $3.45 a share…


I have bulk crocodile tears for sale – 40% off if you buy 4 quarts or more.


Such a deal!

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

I see what you did there. Nice of you to have a current events theme.


Are they harvested sustainably from organic crocodiles, and produced without the use of artificial hormones?


Picky, picky!


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Great news. >>> Paxlovid demand collapsing. As has demand for the latest Booster.

Folks are NOT buying the lies any more.

Now, if we could only start getting lawsuits against big Pharma.


^^^ This. Massive, class action type.

Gail Combs

Enough different data points are leaking out to make that possible.


From my old notes

Chiefio has a thread on Ivermectin+Doxycycline and a few other treatments. The success rate when instituted early enough is 98%. https://chiefio.wordpress.com/2020/08/01/ivermectin-doxycycline-98-cure

  :wpds_arrow: NOTE DATE IS AUGUST 2020

We have 3 inexpensive, readily available therapeutic interventions for C-19/Sars 2 Coronavirus that WORK!!

1. HCQ

2. Pulmicort – Budesonide steroid via nebulizer

3. Ivermectin


Has been used in TX, VA NY and around the world with great success…..

Valerie Curren

Yes the EUA was illegal but so necessary for the depop/unseat Trump/destroy America AND then the world agenda 😡

Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Curren

Agree. Need the legal sharks to smell the blood in the water because once they do they cannot resist.



Wisconsin court ruling a “huge win” for parental rights

Last week, the Waukesha County Circuit Court ruled in the parents’ favor, stating that the school district’s policy allowing students to change their names and pronouns at school without parental consent violates constitutional rights. 

The policy breaches parents’ rights to make medical and healthcare decisions regarding their children, Judge Michael Maxwell wrote in his order on Oct. 3.

“The school district could not administer medicine to a student without parental consent. The school district could not require or allow a student to participate in a sport without parental consent,” he wrote. “Likewise, the school district cannot change the pronoun of a student without parental consent without impinging on a fundamental liberty interest of the parents.”

Without express parental consent, the school district can’t refer to a student using “a name or pronouns at odds with the student’s biological sex,” Maxwell added. 

  :wpds_arrow:  This is huge:

The case centered on who ultimately gets to decide if a identifying as another gender is in a child’s best interest, said Luke Berg, deputy counsel at the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty. For decades, the U.S. Supreme Court and other courts have upheld that parents have decision-making authority over their children, including in regard to medical issues.

Parents’ rights to control the upbringing and education of their children is grounded in the 14th Amendment, the lawsuit states. Numerous mental health experts, two of whom presented affidavits for the case, said that identifying as another gender early in life can affect mental health negatively. 


Great news! That needs to go national.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is why the EPSTEIN GROOMERS in Ohio are going for a GROOMING AMENDMENT!


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I know it’s stank but cami is still a good idea

Gail Combs

AND it is recognized by the sand ‘Extremists’


Jim Jordan Wins GOP Nomination for Speaker – 55 RINOs Say They Won’t Vote for Jordan on the House Floor
We need to hear why, from these people, and their phone lines need to burn up from public calls. But I don’t know if the public can even know who the “no” voters are.

…Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), chair of the House Armed Services Committee, is among a number of RINOs who remain strongly opposed to Jordan as Speaker. He told reporters Friday that there was nothing that Jordan could do to win him over.

Conservative strategist Greg Price proposes an interesting strategy: take the vote to floor anyway to force these anonymous RINOs to vote down Jordan publicly. Certainly is much easier to act tough behind closed doors.

“BREAKING: In a second secret ballot on whether Republican members would support @Jim_Jordan for Speaker on the floor, the vote was 152-55.

Now take it to the floor and let those 55 vote in public on whether they want a good conservative as Speaker.”

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) October 13, 2023

“I’m sure the reason many of these people are voting against Jordan is because it’s being held behind closed doors. Most of these people want to talk conservative in public while hiding who they really are.

To the floor!”

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) October 13, 2023


“We need to hear why, from these people,”


Because they’re globo-homos.


We need to hear it from them.


It would be hilarious if they said “It’s because we’re globo-homos” 😂

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Gail Combs

Because they’re globo-homos 𝗧𝗥𝗔𝗜𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗦!


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



It must be the former. 😅

Valerie Curren

You’ve been Extremely clear AND rather restrained 😉

Valerie Curren

Nice 😉 😉


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Preliminary win!

Judge Blocks ATF From Treating Forced Reset Triggers As Machine Guns

The National Association for Gun Rights won a major victory in their case defending forced reset triggers(FRTs). A district court in Texas just granted a preliminary injunction against the ATF that prevents them from treating FRTs as machine guns. However, this is not the end of the forced reset trigger fight.

Judge Reed O’Connor of the Northern District of Texas issued this order. The plaintiffs, the National Association for Gun Rights, Texas Gun Rights, and a few individuals, asked the court to issue a preliminary injunction against the ATF to prevent the agency from treating forced reset triggers as machine guns. A preliminary injunction comes before a final decision but prevents one party in the lawsuit from doing something while the case is still in process. It is the legal equivalent of a pause button while the case is in the courts…

A major factor in this case is the prior 5th Circuit decision in Cargill v. Garland. That case also looked at forced reset triggers and whether or not they are machine guns. The 5th Circuit, sitting en banc (meaning it was all of the judges, not just a small panel of the judges) decided that there were two key points to define something as a machine gun: “(1) firing multiple rounds by a single function of the trigger and (2) do so automatically.” This was in the context of a bump stock.

When applied to the facts in this case it is clear that an FRT is not a machine gun. The court observed that the two points in Cargill both relate to what the trigger does, not what the trigger finger does. Critically, the definitional language “single function of the trigger” is not “single pull of the trigger.” As the court states,”By characterizing a ‘single function of the trigger’ as a ‘single constant rearward pull of the trigger,’ Defendants seek to transform the required statutory focus away from the objective trigger mechanics to the subjective actions of the gun user instead.”

ATF takes a position that boils down, roughly, to “if it looks like a machine gun and sounds like a machine gun, it’s a machine gun.” They point to the fact that a forced reset trigger does not have a disconnector to interrupt the firing sequence as would be expected with a standard semi-auto trigger. ATF also makes a comparison in firing rates, which are similar between an actual machine gun and an FRT. However, the court was not impressed:

“If Congress wants to amend the statutory definition in the future to define machineguns based on rate of fire or absence of a disconnector, it knows how to do so. Until such time, a comparable—and even identical—rate of fire and absence of a disconnector have no bearing on whether a firearm is a machinegun. Therefore, these comparators do not alter the Court’s determination that FRTs most likely are not machineguns.”

ATF can, and probably will, appeal this decision. Their odds of success are low because that appeal would be heard in the 5th Circuit. That is the same court that decided in Cargill that bump stocks are not machine guns. This case is the latest in a string of ATF defeats. Similar overreaching administrative rules about 80% receivers, bump stocks, and arm braces have also been blocked in the courts, and are generally losers when the 5th Circuit hears them…

The decision is 45 pages in total and is worth reading if you find this kind of thing interesting. You can read the order here.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

Liking the win!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

THIS right here is extremely sound reasoning. This judge GETS IT. Congress can fix the law if it wants.

If Congress wants to amend the statutory definition in the future to define machineguns based on rate of fire or absence of a disconnector, it knows how to do so. Until such time, a comparable—and even identical—rate of fire and absence of a disconnector have no bearing on whether a firearm is a machinegun. Therefore, these comparators do not alter the Court’s determination that FRTs most likely are not machineguns.”

It would be SIMPLE to amen the law to state that the defining characteristic of a machine gun is that a single firing action by the user, then maintained in a state of continuous firing intent, results in multiple and continued firing of the weapon. THAT includes bumpstocks and forced reset triggers, or any other “sneak-around” technology that is developed by ingenious gunsmiths.

Better still, to revise the law to allow easier ownership of select-fire weapons by legal gun owners. Although I’m happy just keeping ALL semi-auto weapons legal, including those “ugly” black rifles. I believe that our strongest defense is to make all attacks on any semi-auto legally impossible. Basically trade these stupid pseudo-machine guns for rock-solid federal law stating that ALL semi-automatic weapons are legal for the people in all states, PERIOD.

Basically, make the LAW conform to the DUCK THAT QUACKS – and strongly.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

“shall not be infringed” couldn’t be clearer…

color of law crapola is what ATF is pursuing  😡 


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I read only 2% of Americans have had their latest covid booster shot.
if nothing else fatigue is setting in.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very good news!


3rd time success


Whoo hoo! Oz have shitcanned the referendum!
no apartheid!

Valerie Curren

could you elaborate?


We had a referendum on whether to introduce a preamble to our constitution to recognise our indigenous people . It would have added a 3 Rd layer of govt at the federal level. All the usual suspects were in favour so naturally ozzys said fuck that- resoundingly . It would have been the greatest boondoggle/ scam ever. As it is the 2% indigenous population get an extra 5/billion/ year spent on them

Valerie Curren

OK thank you! the government version of “go woke, go broke”, g’day bloke 😉


I saw the same thing happen awhile back when someone from a Muslim(?) country tried to burn an American flag.

Leftist are generally not very bright in the common sense department when planning things out.




I hope they lived with near fatal burns


Verse of the Day for Saturday, October 14, 2023

“For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.” 

1 Corinthians 2:16 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great passages! Thank you!

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

makes me think of this Leslie Phillips song 



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.


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Last edited 1 year ago by barkerjim


Gail Combs

I left a comment on the Liberty Den. It was down voted. So I left a comment as a reply to that. DOWN VOTE WITHIN 5 SECONDS!!!

So there definately is an AI BOT down voting ALL my Rumble Comments.

Let’s see if we can counter that!

Gail Combs

As of 7:13 am PDT, it shows 0-0.


And all your replies to yourself as well, including the one that states 5 seconds.

No votes at all on any of them.

Gail Combs

As I said try making a comment and you will see you automatically get ON UP VOTE. It was there and then it disappeared.

Also any down votes I make on Gunnels videos never show up.

Valerie Curren

I saw no votes, up or down 10:15 am, fwiw…


Looks to me like someone’s trying to gaslight Gail.

“I know I saw downvotes.”

“Honey, all your comments are at zero up or down.”

Gail Combs

You automatically get ONE UP VOTE when you post. A ZERO means someone CANCELED THAT automatic up vote.

Try actually making a comment and see what I am talking about.


I understand. I was just trying to get you to smile.

Gail Combs

It is a bit frustrating because it means it is completely useless for me to make comments on Rumble now.

Gail Combs

When you first post a comment you automatically get ONE UP VOTE. I am NOT getting that after I refresh the page.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gail Combs

Face reality – you’re so important that you have a bot following you.


Gail Combs



And no I am not kidding. At least I did not get disappeared like Linn Cohen-Cole did.

The last I heard from her via e-mail, she was scared of a stalker around her house. She stopped writting in 2009.

Valerie Curren



Gail Combs
If one may ask, please be careful out there.

Gail Combs

Believe me I AM!

That is why I am not on Truth Social or Farcebook or Twatter or anything that I have to give a phone number for.

Valerie Curren

TY for clarifying 🙂

As always you remain over the target which is why the bots breathe down your neck!

Gail Combs

Yes, they really do hate me. Esp after some of my research SHOWING FOOD POISONING DOUBLED after the switch FROM SAMPLE AND TEST by the USDA or FDA to HACCP. This analysis using the government’s own data base was presented to Congress. MAJOR TAP DANCE ENSUED. Think CDC and the VAERS data.

HACCP = Corporations write a ‘plan’ and then do THEIR OWN safety testing. USDA/FDA JUST CHECKS THEIR PAPERWORK AND DOES NO TESTING. The result was the e-coli poisonings from CON-AGRA hamburger. Those poisonings were then used to push the ‘Food Safety Modernization Act’ that transferred liability FROM CORPORATIONS TO THE FARMER and gave the World Trade Organization jurisdiction over US food production.

Valerie Curren

Can’t keep pulling back the curtains on the globullist totalitarian genocidal psychopathic agendas now/s  😱 

Gail Combs


Yeah, they really hate me.

Valerie Curren

But We Really Love YOU!!!   :wpds_cool: 

Gail Combs

And that is what counts in my book. 🤗

Valerie Curren



Both have two up votes now.

Gail Combs

ThankQ muchly!




Complain to Dan Bongino. He’s an investor in Rumble.

Gail Combs



bongino.com is my guess. I know he has a webpage or two – I just never needed to know the address of any of them.

Gail Combs

I tried his Locals page but that goes to Locals and THEN MIGHT get forwarded to Bongino

Gail Combs

I went back to look at Liberty Den and saw this:


12 hours ago

I thought you guys might be interested that Dr Jan Halper Has was on Elijah Streams talking about Matrixxx and Shady…. Saying they are suspecting they are paid off to cause splits in the movement. And they are investigating. She is currently with the DOD. They are targeting more people .

This is Halper:


She is also mentioned here:


IIRC somewhere on the Qtree she was accused of claiming DOD creds she did not actually have.

Interestingly, Google advanced search the second time using only the name Halper instead of Jan Halper turned up NOTHING. HMMMmmm 🤔


Try “Jan Halper Hayes.”

Last edited 1 year ago by Aubergine

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This is a learned skill which gets more use in direct proportion to more age and more wisdom. In fact, using this skill is wisdom in action.

When I’m forced to go to Republican social functions, I always fill out my name tag with Grumpy Old Person. Just so everybody knows I’m deplorable.


Interesting, in a couple ways.


  :wpds_arrow:  “…I’m forced to go to Republican social functions…”

  • Forced?
  • What does one do at a Republican social function.

I just follow my wife around.

Sometimes I just park myself near the snack table.

Gail Combs

  :wpds_razz: 🍉🍊🍋🧀🍕🍰🍣



^^^ Makes perfect sense.

Happy Wife. Happy Life. <<< My story. 🙂


Yours Truly has been pounding on this aspect of the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” for some time — the damage that these “vaccines” do to the heart.

Yours Truly: the paper referred to by Mr. Chudov is here:
“Assessment of Myocardial 18F-FDG Uptake at PET/CT in Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2-vaccinated and Non-vaccinated Patients”
Takehiro Nakahara, et al.
18F-FDG is basically an indicator of glucose demand by the heart, which would indicate abnormal heart activity. The patients in the study who had the PET/CT scans of their hearts WERE ASYMPTOMATIC for COVID-19 infection. ALL of the “vaccinated” patients showed elevated levels of 18-F-FDG. The “unvaccinated” patients showed much less incidence of high 18F-FDG levels.
*** The patients who underwent the PET/CT scans of their hearts were NOT HAVING THESE TESTS PERFORMED DUE TO SYMPTOMS OF MYOCARDITIS, but for other reasons.
*** The high 18-F-FDG levels in the “VACCINATED” patients DID NOT DISCRIMINATE regarding age or sex.
*** The results of the PET/CT scans indicated “SILENT” MYOCARDITIS in ALL of the “vaccinated” patients and in SOME of the “unvaccinated” patients.
*** The “vaccinated” patients who had the scans performed UP TO 180 DAYS AFTER A SECOND “VACCINATION” or “BOOSTER SHOT” STILL SHOWED INDICATIONS OF MYOCARDITIS.

There is a “response editorial” to the paper by Dr. David Bluemke that’s amazing to read. Dr. Bluemke appears to be an “establishment medicine” professional who actually tries to praise the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”, but who also obviously got scared enough by Dr. Nakahara’s findings to call for “more investigation” of the situation.

Yours Truly’s conclusions:
Two: The damage that these “vaccines” WILL do to the heart muscle CAN BE “SILENT” (non-symptomatic.)
Three: The damage that these “vaccines” WILL do to the heart muscle WILL HAPPEN TO “VACCINATED” PERSONS REGARLESS OF AGE OR SEX.
Five: Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna KNEW, and STILL KNOW, along with the CDC / FDA, that the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” WILL cause heart damage.
Five: According to the Cleveland Clinic, the survival rate for DIAGNOSED CASES of myocarditis is 80% AFTER ONE YEAR and 50% AFTER FIVE YEARS. (https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22129-myocarditis)
Six: EVERY PERSON who has EVER taken a modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” needs to have their heart scanned for damage, IN ADDITION TO having a D-dimer test to check for elevated levels of microclots.

Gail Combs

Thank Q, I am saving this and giving it to friends who have had the Clot Shot.


Always appreciate your posts. Downloading links AND information.

Daily, I Am Stunned, Legal Action Is NOT broadly taken against Big Pharma, AND Every Health Care Organization.


Big Pharma has virtually unlimited funds with which to wage legal war. Few lawfirms can come even close to matching the enemy’s war chest.


Not to mention that Pharma has the full and total support of govt agencies that used to, at least moderately, be concerned with drug performance and patient’s health and welfare.


Pretty damning report. I’m wondering about the unvaxxed who had the same heart damage. Did this come from being around vaccinated people who were shedding? Or did it come from simply getting COVID? Or is myocarditis simply that common among the population?

Valerie Curren

Great Q’s!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My suspicion is that COVID is behind “lesser damage”, but that vaccination is the biggest risk. MOD-mRNA and injection apparently are a bigger risk than catching it, but the virus is cardiotoxic, period, and injecting its spike (or even worse the MOD-mRNA version) is a BAD immunity strategy. This confirms what Malone was thinking. MOD-mRNA is just risky, because it does not degrade fast enough.


Yours Truly believes the following:
That an “unvaccinated” person can get myocarditis from modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine shedding.”

That it’s possible to get myocarditis from a COVID-19 infection, “vaccinated” or not — one believes that there are heart muscle damaging elements within the COVID-19 virus itself.

That it appears that myocarditis can be linked to high glucose levels in the blood. Cutting sugar consumption as much as is practical may be a way to limit the potential for heart muscle damage.

That good hydration levels (to get glucose and other toxins out of the body), and regular mild to moderate exercise (to burn off glucose) are also important.

Last edited 1 year ago by PAVACA
Gail Combs

Do not forget Nattokinase or go for SpikeDefend from the good Doctors.



Gail Combs
Yes. And there may a role for NAC and Vitamin K to play here, also.

Gail Combs

I take both of those too.

SpikeDefend has Dandelion Root

Dandelion Root Impairs Spike’s Binding Ability, Studies Show 

A study published in 2021 examined the ability of dandelion root extract to do just this: prevent the virus’s spike protein from binding to the human ACE2 receptor in kidney and lung cells [1]. What makes this study interesting is that the researchers tested the extract in vitro on several different SARS-CoV-2 variants, including those with higher infectivity due to increased affinity between the spike protein and ACE2. The results were encouraging: dandelion root extract efficiently inhibited the binding of the spike protein to ACE2 receptors in human cells.  

Importantly, the study also found that while dandelion root extract did not affect the normal function of ACE2 cells, it did temporarily reduce the amount of ACE2 protein present in lung cells. Since ACE2 plays an essential role in SARS-CoV-2 infection, reducing its levels could theoretically offer some protection against the virus. 

Other research has come to similar conclusions. A second study performed by the same research group in 2022 found that exposing the omicron variant to Dandelion Root Extract for 30 minutes “was sufficient to block infection by 80%” [2]. 

To the degree that spike protein lingers in the body for months after infection, contributing to symptoms of long-COVID, it seems plausible that Dandelion root may not only be an effective means of preventing acute illness, but could also mitigate the effects of long-haul symptoms….



A different source listing 10 benefits:

Potential health benefits of dandelions include lowering blood pressure, regulating blood sugar, and managing weight.



I used to take dandelion root and milk thistle all the time for liver support. But unfortunately, I found that with my cancer I can’t take them because they are estrogenic. There are certain other supplements that are as well.


^^^ 100% agree.


Inositol is what my wellness guy calls the Sugar Terminator.

It’s a Standard Process product.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

HUGE. And this back us THIS public health observation:



Wolf Moon
Also, the myocarditis induced by the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” will effect “vaccinated” persons of all ages and of both sexes — not just males in the 12 – 40 age range.

Gail Combs

AND could take up to five years or more to KILL…


Wolf Moon
Yours Truly wonders if there are elements within the COVID-19 virus itself, and/or in the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”, that can kick off what might be called predispositions for certain heart conditions — for example, irregular heartbeat, congestive heart failure, or Afib.
Recall that RALPH BARIC was experimenting with inducing heart conditions, including myocarditis, in lab rabbits infected with “enhanced” rabbit coronavirus BACK IN 1991, funded by NIH / NIAID (Fauci was NIAID at that time, also):
The Journal of Infectious Diseases 1992; 165:134-140
“An Experimental Model for Myocarditis and Congestive Heart Failure after Rabbit Coronavirus Infection”
Ralph Baric, et al.
The experiments he conducted at UNC for this paper were performed in 1991.
(search https://academic.oup.com/)

Gail Combs

Yeah, Baric was playing with Covid for YEARS.

Valerie Curren

demon in human form  👹 


I think the same can be said for cancers. In my Fenben cancer groups there are a lot of turbo cancers where people suddenly found themselves with Stage 4 cancer. But there are also many people who are unvaxxed who swear they got it from just getting the virus. I don’t know if that explains my cancer, but I do know that both of my autoimmune conditions which were under control before I got the virus were suddenly way out of whack afterwards.

Valerie Curren

Thank you for sharing insights from your personal journey. I hope you are finding healing in the approaches you use. Blessings!


Thank you for keeping us all here updated on your situation. All good wishes, much Good Energy and Deep Healing to you.
Yours Truly’s allergies became much more severe after she had what one firmly believes was COVID-19 in February-March of 2020. It also took almost two years for taste and smell to completely recover—however, some food and smell sensitivities appeared that weren’t there before.
Yours Truly also believes that “vaccine shedding” does indeed happen after a person gets injected with a COVID-19 “vaccine.”
What isn’t yet known is how long the “vaccine shedding” goes on; or exactly what elements of the virus itself and/or the “vaccines” are shed.


Is this an explanation for SlowJoe’s malfunctions?



from a year ago:

Egypt is set to take part in developing Gaza’s offshore gas field -officials



Israel shuts major offshore gas field near Gaza: Will this drive up global gas prices?
Israel has ordered the shutdown of the Tamar natural gas field run by US energy giant Chevron in the eastern Mediterranean. The offshore platform meets the energy needs of not only Israel but also its neighbours Egypt and Jordan. A prolonged closure may ramp up European gas prices


The Gates of Gaza

“The attackers came at dawn, quickly occupying the town. The men were separated from the women and shot. One of the attackers, opening the door of one of the homes, found an old man standing there. He shot him. ‘He enjoyed shooting him,’ an eyewitness to the attack said afterwards.

Soon the town was empty—the entire population of 5,000 had either been killed or expelled, those who survived put on trucks, and driven to Gaza. The empty homes were looted. ‘We were very happy,’ one of the participants said afterwards. ‘If you don’t take it, someone else will. You don’t feel you have to give it back. They were not coming back.’”

It sounds like a narrative torn from the front pages of today’s newspapers, one of many such stories—too many to count—describing the atrocities inflicted on the civilian populations of Israeli towns and Kibbutzes adjacent to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.

But it is not. Instead, it is the recollections of Yaakov Sharett, the son of Moshe Sharett, one of the fathers of Israel, a signatory to Israel’s Declaration of Independence, and Israel’s first Foreign Minister, and second Prime Minister. Yaakov Sharett was recounting the seizure of the Arab town of Bersheeba, in 1948, by Israeli soldiers, during Israel’s War of Independence.

con’t https://www.scottritterextra.com/p/why-i-no-longer-stand-with-israel


Everyone on here should read that article from start to finish. Every word.


Beginning of the civil war (30 November 1947 – 1 April 1948)comment image
Aftermath of the car bomb attack on the Ben Yehuda St., which killed 53 and injured many more.
In the aftermath of the adoption of Resolution 181(II) by the United Nations General Assembly recommending the adoption and implementation of the Plan of Partition,[14] the manifestations of joy of the Jewish community were counterbalanced by protests by Arabs throughout the country[15] and after 1 December, the Arab Higher Committee enacted a general strike that lasted three days.[16]
A “wind of violence”[17] rapidly took hold of the country, foreboding civil war between the two communities.[18] Murders, reprisals, and counter-reprisals came fast on each other’s heels, resulting in dozens of victims killed on both sides in the process. The impasse persisted as British forces did not intervene to put a stop to the escalating cycles of violence.[19][20][21][22]
The first casualties after the adoption of Resolution 181(II) were passengers on a Jewish bus near Kfar Sirkin on 30 November, after an eight-man gang from Jaffa ambushed the bus killing five and wounding others. Half an hour later they ambushed a second bus, southbound from Hadera, killing two more, and shots were fired at Jewish buses in Jerusalem and Haifa.[20][23] This was stated to be a retaliation for the Shubaki family assassination, the killing of five Palestinian Arabs by Lehi near Herzliya, ten days’ prior to the incident.[24][25][26]
Irgun and Lehi (the latter also known as the Stern Gang) followed their strategy of placing bombs in crowded markets and bus-stops.[27] On 30 December, in Haifa, members of the Irgun threw two bombs at a crowd of Arab workers who were queueing in front of a refinery, killing 6 and injuring 42. An angry crowd massacred 39 Jewish people in revenge, until British soldiers reestablished calm.[21][28]
In reprisals, some soldiers from the strike force, Palmach and the Carmeli brigadeattacked the villages of Balad ash-Sheikh and Hawassa. According to different historians, this attack led to between 21 and 70 deaths.[22]
According to Benny Morris, an Israeli historian, much of the fighting in the first months of the war took place in and on the edges of the main towns, and was initiated by the Arabs. It included Arab snipers firing at Jewish houses, pedestrians, and traffic, as well as planting bombs and mines along urban and rural paths and roads.[29]
On December 31st 1947, having recruited a few thousand volunteers, al-Husayni organized the blockade of the 100,000 Jewish residents of Jerusalem.[30] To counter this, the Yishuv authorities tried to supply the city with convoys of up to 100 armoured vehicles, but the operation became more and more impractical as the number of casualties in the relief convoys surged. By March, Al-Hussayni’s tactic had paid off. Almost all of the Haganah’s armoured vehicles had been destroyed, the blockade was in full operation, and hundreds of Haganah members who had tried to bring supplies into the city were killed.[31] The situation for those who dwelt in the Jewish settlements in the highly isolated Negev and North of Galilee was even more critical.
From January onward, operations became increasingly militarized. In all the mixed zones where both communities lived, particularly Jerusalem and Haifa, increasingly violent attacks, riots, reprisals and counter-reprisals followed each other. Isolated shootings evolved into all-out battles. Attacks against traffic, for instance, turned into ambushes as one bloody attack led to another.
On 22 February 1948, supporters of Mohammad Amin al-Husayni organized, with the help of certain British deserters, three attacks against the Jewish community. Using car bombs aimed at the headquarters of the pro-Zionist Palestine Post newspaper, the Ben Yehuda St. market and the backyard of the Jewish Agency’s offices, they killed 22, 53, and 13 Jewish people respectively, a total of 88 fatalities. Hundreds of others were injured.[32][33]
In retaliation, Lehi put a landmine on the railroad track in Rehovot on which a train from Cairo to Haifa was travelling, killing 28 British soldiers and injuring 35.[34] This would be copied on 31 March, close to Caesarea Maritima, which would lead to the death of forty people, injuring 60, who were, for the most part, Arab civilians.[35]
According to the Iraqi general Ismail Safwat in March 1948, shortly prior to the launching of Plan Dalet:

Despite the fact that skirmishes and battles have begun, the Jews at this stage are still trying to contain the fighting to as narrow a sphere as possible in the hope that partition will be implemented and a Jewish government formed; they hope that if the fighting remains limited, the Arabs will acquiesce in the fait accompli. This can be seen from the fact that the Jews have not so far attacked Arab villages unless the inhabitants of those villages attacked them or provoked them first.

However, Walid Khalidi describes this quote as inaccurate by way of Safwat’s own report.[clarification needed][36]
David Ben-Gurion reorganized the Haganah and made conscription obligatory. Every Jewish man and woman in the country had to receive military training.


S U P E R B read. An eye opening education, for me.


4th Attempt to post. They keep appearing and then disappearing. Tries plain text with no links. ultimately this story is joining a larger story in midstream…

Beginning of the civil war (30 November 1947 – 1 April 1948)

In the aftermath of the adoption of Resolution 181(II) by the United Nations General Assembly recommending the adoption and implementation of the Plan of Partition,[14] the manifestations of joy of the Jewish community were counterbalanced by protests by Arabs throughout the country[15] and after 1 December, the Arab Higher Committee enacted a general strike that lasted three days.[16]

A “wind of violence”[17] rapidly took hold of the country, foreboding civil war between the two communities.[18] Murders, reprisals, and counter-reprisals came fast on each other’s heels, resulting in dozens of victims killed on both sides in the process. The impasse persisted as British forces did not intervene to put a stop to the escalating cycles of violence.[19][20][21][22]

The first casualties after the adoption of Resolution 181(II) were passengers on a Jewish bus near Kfar Sirkin on 30 November, after an eight-man gang from Jaffa ambushed the bus killing five and wounding others. Half an hour later they ambushed a second bus, southbound from Hadera, killing two more, and shots were fired at Jewish buses in Jerusalem and Haifa.[20][23] This was stated to be a retaliation for the Shubaki family assassination, the killing of five Palestinian Arabs by Lehi near Herzliya, ten days’ prior to the incident.[24][25][26]

Irgun and Lehi (the latter also known as the Stern Gang) followed their strategy of placing bombs in crowded markets and bus-stops.[27] On 30 December, in Haifa, members of the Irgun threw two bombs at a crowd of Arab workers who were queueing in front of a refinery, killing 6 and injuring 42. An angry crowd massacred 39 Jewish people in revenge, until British soldiers reestablished calm.[21][28]

In reprisals, some soldiers from the strike force, Palmach and the Carmeli brigade, attacked the villages of Balad ash-Sheikh and Hawassa. According to different historians, this attack led to between 21 and 70 deaths.[22]

According to Benny Morris, an Israeli historian, much of the fighting in the first months of the war took place in and on the edges of the main towns, and was initiated by the Arabs. It included Arab snipers firing at Jewish houses, pedestrians, and traffic, as well as planting bombs and mines along urban and rural paths and roads.[29]

On December 31st 1947, having recruited a few thousand volunteers, al-Husayni organized the blockade of the 100,000 Jewish residents of Jerusalem.[30] To counter this, the Yishuv authorities tried to supply the city with convoys of up to 100 armoured vehicles, but the operation became more and more impractical as the number of casualties in the relief convoys surged. By March, Al-Hussayni’s tactic had paid off. Almost all of the Haganah’s armoured vehicles had been destroyed, the blockade was in full operation, and hundreds of Haganah members who had tried to bring supplies into the city were killed.[31] The situation for those who dwelt in the Jewish settlements in the highly isolated Negev and North of Galilee was even more critical.

From January onward, operations became increasingly militarized. In all the mixed zones where both communities lived, particularly Jerusalem and Haifa, increasingly violent attacks, riots, reprisals and counter-reprisals followed each other. Isolated shootings evolved into all-out battles. Attacks against traffic, for instance, turned into ambushes as one bloody attack led to another.

On 22 February 1948, supporters of Mohammad Amin al-Husayni organized, with the help of certain British deserters, three attacks against the Jewish community. Using car bombs aimed at the headquarters of the pro-Zionist Palestine Post newspaper, the Ben Yehuda St. market and the backyard of the Jewish Agency’s offices, they killed 22, 53, and 13 Jewish people respectively, a total of 88 fatalities. Hundreds of others were injured.[32][33]

In retaliation, Lehi put a landmine on the railroad track in Rehovot on which a train from Cairo to Haifa was travelling, killing 28 British soldiers and injuring 35.[34] This would be copied on 31 March, close to Caesarea Maritima, which would lead to the death of forty people, injuring 60, who were, for the most part, Arab civilians.[35]

According to the Iraqi general Ismail Safwat in March 1948, shortly prior to the launching of Plan Dalet:

Despite the fact that skirmishes and battles have begun, the Jews at this stage are still trying to contain the fighting to as narrow a sphere as possible in the hope that partition will be implemented and a Jewish government formed; they hope that if the fighting remains limited, the Arabs will acquiesce in the fait accompli. This can be seen from the fact that the Jews have not so far attacked Arab villages unless the inhabitants of those villages attacked them or provoked them first.

However, Walid Khalidi describes this quote as inaccurate by way of Safwat’s own report.[clarification needed][36]

David Ben-Gurion reorganized the Haganah and made conscription obligatory. Every Jewish man and woman in the country had to receive military training.


Now tries a link… The above came from this below… it’s a small excerpt… There is much more. Point being unless we are talking about God, nothing starts in a vacuum.



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More good news…

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This means Trevor Loudon is having a really good day.


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Still, it’s good to be prepared.


Something will happen. Maybe not today, but they won’t leave the Palestinians despondent for long. Too much shame in all that for the hard liners. If nothing else it will revert to various mosques donating a few members for operations, then passing it on to other mosques to do the same, just so we can’t catch on with anything definitive. Just enough to keep the kettle boiling. Just like in the good old days…😬 Ackkk!


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I nominate this guy for Speaker of the House.

He’s obviously smarter than your average congresscritter.

Gail Combs

Kate on the Liberty Den caught an interesting series of dots. 1:52:30

WebMed was encouraging anyone with Ashkenazi Jew heritage to get DNA tested on the pretext of possible genetic defects. This was in the Spring of this year. THEN 23& ME was hacked this fall and all the data on the Ashkenazi Jews was sucked up including name, address….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting. Who is behind the hack?


According to 23andMe, it sounds like a “threat actor” who will sell the stolen information on the dark web.


It appears that WebMD was encouraging people, including Ashkenazi Jews, to get their DNA tested prior to trying to conceive a child.


Gail Combs

Thanks for doing the digging for me.


Gail Combs
We all on this board help each other out.


On thing that can be said re China. They may be utter assholes but they know how to deal with Islam


Judging from the extensive schooling on all things Islam/MiddleEast (and Jewism too at times) in the last week…how the F do they exist at all ? All they do is fight, blow crap up, kill people and bitch about their lot in life.

Last edited 1 year ago by mollypitcher5
Gail Combs

They breed like rabbits.


 😁  guess that’ll do it !


Molly, I just love you. What a great assessment!


 😃  They’re crazy folks ! I take that as a high compliment coming from you…one of the best straight talking shoot- from- the- hip gals around .



Thank you, Molly! That is very nice of you to say.

If I was better at emojis, I’d do that cute blushing one!

Valerie Curren

 😊   😚   😳 


The only options I could see from Wolf’s collection 😉


Lol! I just can’t get the emoji thing right.

Valerie Curren

Me neither. I thought that larger one, from the green emoji box at the bottom of the Q-Tree reply box, Might have been closest to what you were looking for 🙂


So interesting how this is framed….

Double Tragedy: Venezuelan Immigrants Shot Dead in Chicago Neighborhood

Details of the Incident
The victims, 31-year-old Jesus Tirado and 28-year-old Victor Hernandez, were recent immigrants to the United States, seeking safety and a better life. The incident occurred outside a convenience store at the intersection of Montrose and Kimball Avenues. According to witnesses, Tirado and Hernandez were near their car when a group of individuals approached them. An altercation ensued, leading to gunshots being fired. Both Venezuelans were struck by bullets and pronounced dead at the scene as the suspects fled before the police arrived.

The motive behind the shooting remains unknown, and no arrests have been made. 
Isn’t diversity grand ? The new “immigrants” placed by the native territorial thugs.
Call me jaded but I’m pretty sure a group of individuals wasn’t a gang of MAGA types or else that would’ve been clearly stated.

Gail Combs

Sounds drug related. Newbies moving into an already claimed territory maybe?


Could be OR like we’ve seen before…gib me yur $$ or whut R you doing..whut did you say …boom


Another timely news blurb since we were talking about the chinese balloons the other day.~~~

A hot air balloon racing across the country in an international competition exploded Monday night after it crashed into a power line in Kaufman County.

In a harrowing incident in Texas, two pilots were injured when their gas balloon crashed into power lines, reportedly while attempting an emergency landing after being shot at. The balloon burst into flames upon impact, drawing the attention of nearby bystanders who played a crucial role in the pilots’ rescue.

Pilots Mistaken for Chinese Spies?
The pilots, whose identities have not been disclosed, reported being shot at during their flight. One of them expressed concern they might have been mistaken for a Chinese spy balloon. This speculation has yet to be confirmed by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) or any other official agency.



AChechen with Russian citizenship slit a teacher’s throat at a high school in Arras, France. Due to the attack and fears of bringing the conflict between Israel and Hamas onto French territory, the safety alert has been raised to the highest level there.

France has raised its security alert level to the highest. This decision was made following a knife attack that took place in the city of Arras, as well as due to growing concerns that the conflict between Israel and Hamas may be transferred onto French territory. The head of France’s Ministry of the Interior, Gerald Darmanin, announced this decision on Friday, appealing to “all French people” to exercise caution.

The attack on a high school in Arras in northern France, in which a Chechen with Russian citizenship slit a teacher’s throat, was the result of “barbaric Islamist terrorism” – said President Emmanuel Macron, adding that the police helped foil another attack in a different location in France.

– The murdered teacher came forward to protect others and undoubtedly saved many human lives – emphasized Macron.

The media reported that the police also arrested a second knifeman on Friday, who planned an attack in another city in France.

The perpetrator of the knife attack in Arras, Mohammed Mogouczkow, was known for his connections with radical Islam. During the attack, the aggressor shouted “Allahu akbar”.



Send him back to Chechnya


Yeah..or somewhere else preferably underground


Or Russia

Gail Combs

Ain’t Cultural Enrichment great?


Star of David graffitied on Berlin homes in chilling echo of Nazi crimes

 one incident, a Jewish resident arrived home on Thursday evening to find graffiti smeared on her house door. “I speak Hebrew, talk on the phone in Hebrew, and wear a Star of David,” the young woman told Bild newspaper. “I really thought about whether I should stay at home.”

Of three further incidents reported on Saturday, police have confirmed that at least one Jewish person lived in the building. 

It came as one of the country’s top spies warned that Hamas sympathisers could stage terror attacks on Jewish buildings.
Hamas supporters may “no longer stop at demonstrating and using hate speech… but may carry out specific attacks against Jewish and Israeli buildings and individuals,” Stephan Kramer, head of domestic intelligence in the state of Thuringia, said.

Speaking to Handelsblatt newspaper, Mr Kramer said that the war in Israel could also motivate other Islamist groups to “intensify” their activities, saying that they see “the whole of Germany as the enemy of muslims.”

He said that the protests by pro-Palestinian groups on German streets in the wake of the Hamas terror attacks proved “a new level of escalation and lack of inhibition has obviously been reached in this country as well.”

Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Thursday announced a ban on all Hamas activities in Germany, a move Berlin said is intended to send “a signal that all forms of support for Hamas’ terror are forbidden.”

Despite the Islamist group being listed by the EU as a terror organization since 2003, Berlin only banned public displays of support for Hamas in 2021.

Since then it has been illegal to publicly wave Hamas flags or distribute the group’s propaganda material.


Valerie Curren

here it is using twitter.com so it might show here:

Here’s a link for those of us not on Twitter, where there are 16 threaded messages



Thanks a lot Valerie

Valerie Curren

YW Molly. I copied the Nitter “tweet” stream but that comment is awaiting approval as it’s likely got too many links within…


Not sure which one you’re talking about but the thread was fine  😀 

Valerie Curren

Well that comment, in reply to the one where I put in the nitter link, will only show if Wolf or Steve approves it, for it disappeared for me so I can’t even break the links or clean it up LOL

Valerie Curren

OK I’m trying again, breaking most links & removing “garbage” so it’s easier to read here…hopefully 🙂

comment imageThomas Wictor
Oct 10

As the Israeli Operation Swords of Iron against terrorists in Gaza begins, we’re seeing the same propaganda put out during Operation Protective Edge (July 8, 2014 – August 26, 2014).

Here are some things to keep in mind as the current war progresses:

Oct 10, 2023 · 11:59 PM UTC

Oct 10

I am the only person on earth who took the time to actually verify the claims made about deaths of Palestinian civilians.

To do so, I studied hundreds of thousands of documents, photos, and videos.

Oct 10

These are my conclusions.

1. The majority of the bodies seen were intact and showed no major traumatic injuries, inconsistent with death by high-explosive aerial munition or artillery.

Oct 10

2. In videos, Palestinian civilians are seen running TOWARD explosions, indicating that they know that the Israelis use guided munitions and will not hit a target already destroyed.

Oct 10

3. If the bombing and shelling were indiscriminate, one would expect the victims to represent the demographics of Gaza: roughly evenly split between males and females of all ages, with 50 percent under the age of 18.

This was not so.

Oct 10

3. (cont.) Instead, 60 percent of the dead “civilians” were military-aged males, 10 percent were adult females, 5 percent were elderly men and women, while only 25 percent were reported under the age of 18.

Additionally, terrorists use children as young as five as combatants. 

Oct 10

4. Of the children, 80 percent of the dead were males, while only 20 percent were females. 

Oct 10

5. Of the children, at least half of the males over 13 had terrorist martyrdom posters, indicating that they were combatants.

The youngest acknowledged combatant was nine years old. 

Oct 10

6. Of the children, several were listed as adults on multiple lists.

Oct 10

7. The majority of military-aged men reported as civilians were in fact terrorist operatives, as revealed by terrorist martyrdom posters or announcements.

Oct 10

8. No two lists of the 2200 civilian dead contained the same names, and no two lists contained consistent ages for those named. 

Oct 10

9. One hundred percent of the victims on all lists were identified, despite the nature of their alleged modes of death. No victim was burned beyond recognition, blown to pieces, or buried irretrievably under rubble.

Nobody went missing either. 

Oct 10

10. In Gaza, the terrorists blew up over 3000 buildings and fired over 800 rockets that fell short. It is unknown how many of the thousands of mortar rounds fell short. Video and photographic evidence shows that at minimum, hundreds of Palestinians were killed by their own side.

Oct 10

11. Battle damage on cars and buildings in Gaza shows the use of weapons not in the Israeli arsenal; for example, holes created by explosive ordnance packed with ball bearings.

Oct 10

12. Palestinian medics reported that the overwhelming majority of the civilians killed in the Battle of Shijaya were locked inside their homes by terrorists. 

Oct 10

13. The Fatah Party reported that Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad carried out hundreds of political murders. Cross-checking the names show that these were reported as civilians killed by Israel. 

Oct 10

14. According to Palestinian eyewitnesses, terrorists murdered civilians trying to flee or violating curfew and counted these deaths as caused by Israel.

Oct 10

15. Terrorists in Gaza have adopted the concept of “involuntary martyrdom,” which means that civilians can be murdered so that their deaths can be attributed to the actions of Israel. 

Oct 10

This will be my only post on X.

Nor will I read or respond to comments.

Godspeed, Israel. You will win in Gaza, and then you must deal with Iran.

Best to all,



It appears that Mr. Wictor proved what Yours Truly stated on this board a couple of days ago—viz, that once a jihad is begun, innocent Muslims can, and will, be killed by the jihadists. In other words, Islam is OK with sacrificing its own co-religionists in the insane push to “conquer the world.”

Valerie Curren

Yes–good catch!

Valerie Curren

fwiw “I am the only person on earth who took the time to actually verify the claims made about deaths of Palestinian civilians.
To do so, I studied hundreds of thousands of documents, photos, and videos.”

that seems a bit dubious for one person in a week or so…is Wictor actually some kind of team? AI assist?

Gail Combs

He has done this type of stuff before in the past so he may have a lot of it automated.

Valerie Curren



See my response to Valerie. I think these stats are from the 2014 operation.


I think Wictor is talking about statistics and claims from the other operation, the one he references in his first tweet, Operation Protective Edge.

All those statistics he cites are to be kept in mind as we hear of “new” stats, or see video from the current op, now ongoing.

That’s what I think he means. They will have similar propaganda as last time, as he is showing.

Of course, I could be wrong, but I don’t think so. He has had years to study all of that.

Valerie Curren

Thx A 🙂


Of course 🙂


And thanks also to Ozzy

Valerie Curren



Always good to hear from Ozzy!

Valerie Curren

Yes!!!   😍  

Gail Combs

That sounds like Thomas doing work for ???The Saudis ??? Again. He did mention that he did this type of work, looking at photos & data for a middle east state.

Valerie Curren

TY that makes at least some sense to me as I was questioning the pouring over such a volume of material as he claimed…

“I am the only person on earth who took the time to actually verify the claims made about deaths of Palestinian civilians.
To do so, I studied hundreds of thousands of documents, photos, and videos.”


Good news!
https://mole.substack.com/ is back up and running! He/she had major computer issues that have been resolved.
The post today is a “catch-up” post. It has a bumper crop of good links:


Valerie Curren

TY! It was one of the resources I wanted to pull from on one of my fill in for DP posts & it was such a bummer to see that they were down w/ computer issues. I wonder if they actually came under some type of attack, given their effectiveness?


Via https://t.me/s/VA_Nikonov/

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, in his conversation with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi , asked Beijing to use its influence to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

In turn, Wang Yi pointed out the need to form an independent State of Palestine and ensure its peaceful coexistence with Israel. In addition, he proposed holding an international conference in the near future to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.


They got Gaza as a going concern and turned it into a cesspool

Valerie Curren

Something more lighthearted 🙂


A secret agent… and a TRAVEL AGENT: Lavish new book shows how Bond movies have been sparking wanderlust for decades with their amazing filming locations, from Scotland to Egypt

New book James Bond Destinations by Daniel Pembrey invites you to follow in ‘007’s well-shod footsteps’ In the book’s introduction, the author says that the locations ‘are places that lend themselves to fantasies’
More than 100 locations have appeared in Bond films over the past 60 years…

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This map from the book shows the variety of James Bond destinations that feature in the tome 

Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Curren

Valerie Curren

Here’s the full info:

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Charlie Kirk


The $1.9 TRILLION American Rescue Plan was supposed to be about helping *Americans* recover from idiotic COVID lockdowns.

But for some reason, $500 million of that deficit spending went to the State Department to “resettle refugees.”

$33.7 million went directly to Gaza via the UNRWA, an organization that’s been described as “effectively a branch of Hamas.”

In total, Biden has given this branch of Hamas $730 million since 2021, making the US taxpayer its largest donor in the world.

UNRWA employees in Gaza belong to the Hamas-linked trade union and a number of employees are actual Hamas fighters. UNRWA schools teach kids to hate Jews and glorify terrorism. UNRWA facilities are often used to store rockets, munitions, and serve as human shields for Hamas.

Trump defunded them in 2018 because all of this is common knowledge. But Biden’s State Department says it’s in “America’s national security interest to fund them” despite the group being guilty of war crimes.

Joe Biden’s American Rescue Plan ended up being the spark inflation, fund terrorism, and kill Jews plan.

This flow of money must immediately stop and the terrorist sympathizers responsible should be fired and held accountable.

Absolutely infuriating how DC spends our money.

10:39 AM · Oct 14, 2023



Looking forward to the post, pics AND learning of next years eclipse.


COOL! Can’t wait.

Valerie Curren

Looking forward to it! Hope you had a good time, even though Darwin wasn’t along to play wingman w/ the babes 🙁

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

No doubt  😜 


A couple generic observations, Hamas and Israel.

  • Until the latest Hamas attack on Israel, I had never read, Israel created Hamas.
  • The knives are seriously out for Bibi. (Warranted AND I have no problem with this.)

My only wish is for the US, to stay out of the Hamas, Israel, Hezbollah Cluster F…


My head spins with all of this and seriously I don’t care about any of them but isn’t it so convenient like always that ‘we’ fund the terrorists. We give them millions. We left a huge weaponry store to the Taliban. Wasn’t it said that ozero created isis to get rid of Assad..which of course means we funded them too. We fund the ukrainian nazis
We created blm and fund them and I’m fairly certain we pay for antifa too.
In the big picture..WE”RE the problem.

Last edited 1 year ago by mollypitcher5

Throw in drug cartels too. We allow them entry into our country to set up shop.


The Law of Unintended Consequences rears its ugly head, in my opinion.

I think “creating” groups outside of our control to accomplish dubious aims overseas is the absolute height of hubris. And our crap government does it again and again.


It’s what they do. never learn. USG, is NOT, the Masters Of The Universe.

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs
Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

well at least partially LOL


Al intentional to Rd the military/ industrial nexus


You know, I wonder about that. Sometimes I think intentional, other times I think utterly, completely, unalterably STUPID.

Valerie Curren

My oldest son, Nathaniel, just shot his first deer today & brought me a bit of the tenderloin that he’d seasoned & grilled to perfection (along w/ broccoli & herbed butter crusty bread & red wine) to share in the bounty. I’m so excited for him! We’ll have to wait about a week to hear the tale though because he wants to tell me & my husband together & hubby won’t be home until Monday when N will be out of town on a business trip. He was sighting in his crossbow in our backyard just last night! 


Congrats to Nathaniel.

Valerie Curren

Thank You!  😍 

Brave and Free

Congratulations to Nathaniel,
I remember when I took my son out and he shot his first deer. Big nine point, bigger than anything I’ve ever taken.

Valerie Curren

How very special to have such memories. My husband told me recently that he isn’t jealous if our kids exceed him in the hunting domain. In fact he’s often helped one or more of our kids to find a new hunting spot in the woods around the family hunting cabins & those new locations inevitably reveal more deer to our kids than Michael usually ends up seeing in his own locations. I think if Anyone in our hunting collective saw a 9 point in Northern Michigan they would think they’d seen a unicorn 😉

Did you guys get such a trophy mounted?

Valerie Curren

TY Steve!

Funnily, last weekend Brandon was staying after my husband’s weekend hunting trip ended, as B had more days off in a row as an EMT…Anyway Michael had helped him find a new sweet hunting spot w/ plenty of deer sign including evidence of a good size buck. Well I think it was B’s first hunt after M came home & B saw Two Doe, but passed on taking a shot because he wanted to hold out for that buck. The weather & his inability to wake up a couple mornings in time to get in position before dawn meant he had few further opportunities, though he did see “another” doe in one of those hunts. He couldn’t bring himself to kill that doe because she was absolutely oblivious to him being there & it just didn’t strike him right to take her out. He’s a “tender little guy” (Napoleon Dynamite quote)…

So when Nathaniel stopped by with his venison bounty last night I had to ask if this was just his first Official deer. Years ago both N & B had apparently shot at the same deer & ultimately B was credited w/ the kill (I think it was his only deer in more than a decade of hunting, iirc). N was adamant that He had Not hit B’s deer, based on the location(s?) of the wounds on the animal.

It’s not easy for the big brother to get “bested” by his little brother. To compound N’s emotions about hunting, & he’s been fairly ambivalent about it for years whereas B & our daughter Clarissa LOVE to hunt, he was witness to his cousin Zach’s epic kill on the only hunt where Zack was with the Michigan family. N & Z had been in a longtime rivalry, being so close in age. Z is 9 months older & got held back a grade due to his ADHD so N was actually a grade ahead (N graduated at age 17). In the few summers the Okies came to my parents’ Cottage & everyone’s heights got measured & marked on the doorjambs there was only One year where Z was taller than N…Their rivalry was very interesting to observe & Z used to exhibit a lot of the annoying characteristics similar to those his dad used to torment me with when we were kids LOL apple & tree & all 😉 😉


h/tt to sunnydaze at CTH


Rest of the tweet

Pay attention to the bomb’s location: it detonated on the bridge over Wadi Gaza, aimed at obstructing the exit from northern Gaza. We stand in unity with both #Israel and the people of #Gaza against these ruthless Palestinian terrorists.


To me this is like the alleged bombing shown yesterday saying it was israel bombing people trying to evacuate. That looked like buildings exploding spontaneously not from a jet which is what was claimed.

Last edited 1 year ago by mollypitcher5
Valerie Curren

Details of the attack…

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Miraculously the 10-month-old twins survived the attack after they were hidden by their parents in a shelter inside their home

These parents died while their twin sons have survived…


“Israeli army arrived 12 hours after the attack began.”

Rafi Farber, the American who lives in Israel now and does youtoob videos for Arcadia Economics, said it was 7 hours.

Either way, it sounds like the Israeli military needs to turn on itself.

I don’t care who you are or what orders you’re given, if monsters are raping and murdering your countrymen, you go save them.

They didn’t.

And that’s all anyone needs to know about them.

Valerie Curren

“dame” fame…

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Transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney has won Attitude magazine’s Woman of the Year award

In her acceptance speech Mulvaney said being honoured with the gong ‘from a queer publication’ ‘means so much more to me.’

She said: ‘Some see me as the woman of the year, some see me as the woman of a year and some change as I only publicly came out online 560 days ago – and some people don’t see me as a woman at all.’

But speaking to MailOnline, Maya Forstater said: ‘It is an insult to women. It is hard to imagine something more misogynist than to pronounce that no woman has achieved anything more significant this year through their work than a man putting on a dress and having cosmetic surgery.’ ”



It appears he’s also caught the attention of this more prestigious media outlet. Same guy, different category. 😮 I’m really at loss of how to explain it. 😁

Dylan Mulvaney Is the Babylon Bee’s Man of the Year

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r
Valerie Curren

Great Find! LOL

Valerie Curren

TY Ozzy–hopefully using the twitter.com link will allow this outrage to show!

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Valerie Curren

Steve, I thought you might find this interesting, though some conclusions appear pretty speculative (to me) 🙂

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The data from the initial analysis in August showed that the fragments are rich in Beryllium, lanthanum and uranium, along with low content of elements with high affinity to iron, like Rhenium. Pictured is the composition of a fragment found at the site

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About 700 metallic spherical objects were pulled from the sea, which Loeb determined contained alloys that could only be found in interstellar space


There is a preprint paper that is mentioned but not linked & then another article by the controversial scientist here (which I haven’t read):


Valerie Curren

Thanks for your insights! It seems a stretch to me to make rather sweeping generalizations about extra-solar system origins when there is No Way that we have exhausted the mysteries of our solar system, let alone our major satellite (the Moon), nor our 3rd Rock from the Sun home 🙂

Valerie Curren

Is the “interstellar-origin” based on their calculated trajectories (without reviewing your link, sorry) so that we can be “sure” that their origin is outside our solar system?

Valerie Curren

I thought there were eyewitnesses to the meteor hit which is why they knew the general region of the ocean in which to search.

My other reply to you thought you were referencing Other objects in space not the one that resulted in the finds of the metallic spheres in the DM article…

Valerie Curren

Yes the DM does get rather tabloidy about stuff…but they have lots of pics & seem to dig into A Lot of stories that don’t get much coverage over here so it’s an occasional fun indulgence–ymmv.

Thanks for elaborating on the data allowing scientific calculations of trajectories. That was pretty common sense but I appreciate it being spelled out in your methodical manner!

In science speculation could/should precede hypothesis which used to be a/the cornerstone of the scientific method before “the science” became unquestionable dogma–puke emoji!

Valerie Curren

Bwah ha ha for your cleavage remark!

I took A Lot of science in HS & got a BS degree in Biomedical Chemistry, Pre-Med, but never had a parsec explained, sadly LOL. I hope you elaborate even further in one of your “sciencey” posts, so more people will get to partake of your explanations…hopefully with pertinent illustrations 🙂

Valerie Curren

TY for that very detailed explanation. I might have to read it a few times to “get” it enough to hold on to…The gun sighting made it fairly real world around here given hunting season is on now 🙂

Valerie Curren
