This Rejoice & Praise God Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.
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On this day and every day –
God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.
“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

. . . and to Die is Gain
Philippians 1:21 says, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” In order to understand Paul’s words, we must first look at the context.
The book of Philippians is a letter from the apostle Paul to the church in Philippi. In the epistle, Paul encourages the church, gives them advice, prescribes the life Christians should lead, and more. At the beginning of chapter 1, Paul opens with greetings to the church, letting them know how much he yearns for them (Philippians 1:1–8). He then goes on to speak of his current imprisonment in Rome and attempts to put the minds of the church members at ease (verses 12–14). Paul knows his suffering is happening for a reason, and that reason is to further the message of Christ: “What has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel” (verse 12).
In Philippians 1:19–20, we see the background for Paul’s “to die is gain” statement. Up to this time, Paul had already suffered much in his missionary journeys. He was beaten, stoned, hated and derided, shipwrecked, and now imprisoned. But Paul found joy in his afflictions, because they had strengthened his faith exponentially and allowed him to serve as a strong witness for Christ. Preaching and living out the Word of God was Paul’s highest goal, and these events had provided him with ample opportunities for evangelism. He literally presented his body “as a living sacrifice” (Romans 12:1) for God’s kingdom. Because he had faithfully run the race set before him (Hebrews 12:1), he knew God would be honored through both his life and his death (Philippians 1:19–20).
This brings us to Paul’s statement, “to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21). As Christians, our whole lives are to bring glory to God, and Paul had the assurance that, even in his suffering, he was accomplishing that goal (“to live is Christ”). But, as we see in the second part of the verse, Paul knew that his death would bring glory to God as well—and not only that, but it would also be the time when his faith would come to fruition and he would live with his Savior forever (“to die is gain”). Paul longed for the day when death would bring him face to face with Jesus (verse 23.)
All Christians feel the pull of heaven and yearn for an eternity with Christ. Heaven will be far better than our earthly life, for we will be present with our Savior in a place devoid of sin, sickness, and death (2 Corinthians 5:8). What we lose in life we will gain in heaven. Before that time comes, our purpose on Earth is to live as a light of hope in the darkness of sin and death (Matthew 5:16). We live a life of sacrifice so we may be assured, as Paul was, that even our death will glorify Christ Jesus.
Thank you for this message. The “Keep Looking Up!” plaque reminded me of this quote by Charles M. Schulz:
Love it!
Thanks for this message, Carl. My devotional touched on this about a week ago, so I have been doing my homework, and thinking deeply about this subject all week. Wonderful to see it again!
Never should have been at the federal level.
Calling Jimme’ Carter.
“ HOUSING – Life is different now. This freezes people in place. There will be some moving in with other people. Those with repair skills will be in demand.”
“Those with repair skills will be in demand.”
My house is about 130 years old. I spend half my life on repairs. But it’s worth it. My mortgage payment is approximately 1/4 what rent is now in my area. And my little family, and my daughter and her children all live on this property. I am grateful to God for it every day.
Short time period, from God’s point of view. Most of those original guys in Scripture lived to be over 900 years. God likes things that last.
Steve Kirsch:
MSU Professor Mark Skidmore was exonerated by MSU; his landmark paper showing over 250,000 killed by the COVID vaccine is now back in the peer-reviewed literature
“They also sell these on the webstore of Live From Studio 6B (a show on RAV).”
2:20 long.
Extraordinary Genius. Andrew, we need more YOU!
Weekly, we read Pfizer or Moderna suppressed data and lied about their injections.
Feds, CDC, FDA, Big Pfarma, healthcare, Pravada News rolls on with the approved narrative.
There is No accountability. How the hell does this get fixed?
Timely find from Kirsch.
Would be great if someone can post the the entire X, from Kirsch.
The vaccines are adulterated. The FDA is required by law to take them off the market. And you can now sue the manufacturers.
I’ve talked to multiple sources on this. Professor Byram Bridle first mentioned this to me, then Robert Malone, then attorney Warner Mendenhall. This is big.
This is important.
This tweet has over 1M views in just 6 hours.
Please read the entire thread and PLEASE hit the retweet icon.
Goal: 100,000 retweets.
Thanks. And have a nice day.
Here’s what’s on
Steve Kirsch
Breaking: You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages and the FDA is required to take the COVID vaccines off the market. Why? Adulteration. The plasmid bioactive contaminant sequences were NOT pointed out to the regulatory authorities. It’s considered adulteration. I just got off the phone with Professor Byram Bridle and Dr. Robert Malone on this.
Oct 21, 2023 · 8:02 PM UTC
Steve Kirsch
Michigan remdesivir case is very important precedent here proving liability shield falls when there is undisclosed contamination of active ingredients. 50
I’m doing a video interview with Byram and with Kevin tomorrow on this topic.
The FDA is now at a crossroads. Either they admit that they knew about the plasma contamination, and failed to disclose that to the public and to the outside committees, or they can claim that they didn’t know about it in which case Pfizer is liable. But we have the Pfizer documents that were given to the FDA so we know what the FDA got. And I seriously doubt there’s any disclosure of SV40 contamination. That means we have an adulterated vaccine and the FDA has to remove it from the market until the adulteration is fixed. If the FDA doesn’t do that, they should face criminal prosecution for endangering the public, and not following the law.
Here’s the Michigan story for those who asked showing when there is contamination, there is no immunity. It makes sense. Otherwise, they can add arsenic into the vaccines and not be liable.…
Michigan judge denies drug manufacturer’s immunity in case of contaminated COVID-19 medicationThe judge ruled that Congress did not plan to extend the PREP Act immunity to a drug that substantially deviated from FDA approval and included glass particles.
All the COVID production vials are contaminated AFAIK. From both Moderna and Pfizer.
I just message Dr. Naomi Wolf re: Pfizer docs. She wasn’t aware of any mention of SV40 in the Pfizer docs they gave the FDA (but she will check further).
So Pfizer has a VERY BIG problem.
I just got off the phone with attorney Warner Mendenhall. He confirmed I wrote is accurate and the litigation floodgates are now open.
Here is a list of 90 lawyers that you can contact if you want to sue the vaccine manufacturers:…
The SV40 promoter is found in all the vials and it was in the gene sequence that was provided to the regulators. There is no mistake. The problem was that neither drug company ever pointed it out to the regulators. It’s an unapproved contaminant that doesn’t meet the standards set. So the regulators are off the hook. But if the regulators don’t take action, then they dig themselves into a very deep hole. The law requires the FDA to stop the vaccine.
Robert Malone @RWMaloneMD just messaged me: “Yes I think that this DNA adulteration issue could be the wedge we have been looking for. Use of a plasmid with SV40 sequences as the template for manufacturing the pseudo-mRNA is, at a minimum, reckless and I can see no logical justification”
Replying to @stkirsch
The Michigan case, as Byram Bridle points out, may be the legal avenue. However, Health Canada – the only gov’t to actually concede this – is not in a robust plaintiff environment, here in Klaus’ Kanada. Otherwise, I expect other gov’ts strategy will be to simply Deny, Deny, Deny. 7
Steve Kirsch
They can’t deny. If it was disclosed, then the FDA looks bad for not disclosing it to the public. So the FDA isn’t going to take the heat. Otherwise, heads would roll at the FDA. 32
more replies
VC–I “cleaned up” lots of the gobbledygook in the interim tweets, all by Kirsch…
Thank you for the assist.
Maybe we’ll start seeing some Justice levied on Pfizer, Moderna, FDA…
>>> Looking forward to QTreeper thoughts on Kirsch’s X.
not holding my breath for the right stuff to ultimately happen here, but then I probably have Battered Conservative Syndrome

You’re appreciated here as long as you don’t like it.
[RINOs enjoy the beatings as long as they get invites to the good parties]
enjoying those beatings is a a whole other kind of party
To start with, EVERY medical professional in the United States needs to SEE THE KIRSCH TWITTER THREAD.
EVERY school board, employer, sports team, college, hospital, clinic, etc., that “mandated” the taking of modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” needs to SEE THE KIRSCH TWITTER THREAD.
EVERY medical professional organization (examples: the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the AMA) that pushed, and is STILL pushing, the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”, needs to SEE THE KIRSCH TWITTER THREAD.
Because, IMO, their liability in the cases of injuries, illnesses, disabilities, or deaths, in their patients / employees / team and management members / students, etc., AFTER “recommending” them, “mandating” them or “requiring” them to get the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” — is now REMOVED. They CANNOT claim, “We didn’t know.” It was THEIR DUTY and RESPONSIBILITY to find out about the “vaccines” — which duty and responsibility they DID NOT follow.
No one is going to admit culpability or liability.
No one.
It’s like Murder on the Orient Express.
They all did it, they’re all guilty of murder.
But their victims were innocent.
Of millions.
To admit what they did is to admit they are orders of magnitude worse than Hitler.
Worse than any human beings who ever lived, or ever will live.
They have murdered (or are murdering) up to 70% of the population of the whole world.
That’s 5 billion, 6 hundred million souls.
Who is going to admit to that?
Who is going to confess, and come clean?
Psychopaths won’t, not until they’re caught. Then they will want to take credit, to be known as the greatest mass-murderers who ever lived.
Those who are not psychopaths are psychologically incapable of confronting the scale of horror they have done.
They will never admit what they have done.
Most of all, to themselves.
In the more replies…
Tirah Att
Replying to @stkirsch
Manufacturers are immune from suit unless they’ve engaged in willful misconduct defined as an act of omission taken:
(i) intentionally to achieve a wrongful purpose;
(ii) knowingly without legal or factual justification; and
(iii) in disregard of a known or obvious risk that is so great as to make it highly probable that the harm will outweigh the benefit.
The remdesivir case was a decision by a Washtenaw County Circuit Court as to whether a case could proceed to trial – it’s not a binding precedent in any way. Moreover, the facts/causation was very clear – the batch of the drug was contaminated with glass particles in the manufacturing process. Can an argument be made about plasmid DNA? Possibly, but I think that we are very far from that place legally. 10
Steve Kirsch
Perhaps. But the FDA is required to have them take it off off the market. 3
Just looking at some posts, etc., I think she leans hard left…..
At some point, a leaner becomes prostrate.
Yep. If they don’t stand for what’s right, they’ll fall for anything…
TY–grain of salt…or a salt mine, Always applicable!
“But the FDA is required to have them take it off off the market.”
Not applicable in a nation without rule of law.
The only thing that is ‘required’ is protection of the guilty.
If it were otherwise, it would have been taken off the market a long time ago.
In fact, if it were otherwise, it never would have been on the market in the first place.
Thank you for this invaluable find.
I had the tab open, coming to post the thread!
Thank you!
We need to play our Trump card.
Hornady, Federal, Fiocchi, Remington, Winchester, Barnes, Black Hills, Sellier & Bellot, Speer, PMC…
That’s the med, how is it to be administered?
The usual way, at a distance through some sort of tube….
A functioning House, Senate, and President. They will get back to you after they’ve covered their asses more completely.
So there is reasonable, hope, for timely, accountability. Feeling better.
Thanks for the pep talk.
Not done properly.
In very poor taste.
Javier Milei of Argentina with a chainsaw:
Meanwhile they are trying to give the guy the Trump treatment

. Seems to be working out about the same way › International › wireStory › prosecutor-files-case-argentinas-frontrunner-javier-milei-days-103971903
Prosecutor files case against Argentina’s frontrunner Javier Milei days …Oct 13, 2023BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — A prosecutor launched a criminal case Friday against Argentina’s frontrunner in this month’s presidential election s, accusing Javier Milei of deliberately causing a drop in the Argentine currency when he encouraged citizens not to save in pesos.
what about the windows?
Details, details.
And, tires?
Tires? They are well protected and have been for years. They have no air in them, at least not in an inflatable form.
They are filled with a substance similar to that foam that comes in a spray can. Used to seal up holes around pipes going through walls, etc.
I should note that I am not sure this comment is entirely accurate but I did read about it in a Popular Science issue many years ago.
And so it begins, private business providing cover for the FDA in an effort to soften opinions on what is clearly going to be an unpopular decision before they pull the plug everywhere?
Do they really think they are going to make a profit by selling from behind the counter or is this more nefarious than that?
CVS Removes Popular Cold Medicines From Store Shelves: Sudafed, Mucinex, Allegra, Dayquill ‘Fail to Outperform Placebo Pills’ Alicia Powe Oct. 21, 2023 7:20 pm 412 Comments
They’re saying that the active ingredient billed to relieve nasal congestion doesn’t work .
And it doesn’t. See my reply to Pat.
That’s because they banned the one that does (better), rather than solving the real problem of homegrown drug labs…
(As opposed to homegrown drugged labs…)…..
aren’t some of those used in making meth? i think sudafed was–not sure. maybe they don’t want the competition for fentanyl…
It’s strange because I’ve seen a few headlines that cartels are threatening their drug makers if they add fentanyl to product. Are they losing customers to overdoses ?
it’s all about the benjamins!
For sure !
Also wondering if there hasn’t been bad press …little kids are being killed by the mere residual powder of dealers who add it to their street drugs.
It’s usually a shoulder shrug for addicts to OD but when toddlers and babies dying start hitting the news…people no like..and will eventually blame the cartel. They ( cartels) thrive on the public not noticing them.
It’s all about the Fentanyl…
REAL Sudafed has been behind the counter for years because of the meth thing.
The “fake Sudafed” being pulled from the shelves does NOT work.
We are all looking for a conspiracy where one isn’t. Everybody has known for years that the fake stuff does nothing. I have joked about it with half-a-dozen pharmacists over the years, when I sign my name to get the “good stuff.”
It really, really doesn’t work.
I never took sudafed–but now i am wondering. is the “fake” sudafed still called sudafed?? how do you know which one you’re getting? and if it’s behind the counter, what are they pulling from the shelves??
Do not be concerned. Your confusion is evidence the product is working, even before you take your first dose.
The active ingredient in real Sudafed (or generic) is pseudoephedrine.
The (not so) active ingredient in Sudafed PE is phenylephrine. It’s the phenylephrine that doesn’t do a thing for nasal congestion.
They banned the stuff that works… but there’s the stench of Codex Alimentarus underneath and around all of this… they’re trying bit by bit to eliminate ALL OTC meds, and control EVERYTHING that we eat, drink, smoke, etc….
Mucinex aka guaifenesin is the only cough medicine my transplanted son is allowed to use per concerns w/ dangerous drug interactions…& it has worked pretty well for him & my husband, fwiw…
This is the FDA forcibly removing some OTC preparations that CAN WORK TO HELP A PERSON WHO GETS A COVID-19 INFECTION TO GET BETTER.
Sudafed is a decongestant.
Mucinex can help clear up coughing.
Allegra is an antihistamine, which can help clear up a COVID-19 infection.
Dayquil, depending on the formula type, can also help to clear up a COVID-19 infection.
IMO, obtaining the above products, if people wish to use them, needs to be done ASAP from other suppliers.
IMO, the “object of the game” for the FDA is to leave no other option except PAXLOVID for people who get a COVID-19 infection.
More fraudulent behavior from Big (BAD) Pharma…
May they go back to HELL!!!
Amen Carl. This sustaining hope is so vital as the darkness in this world abounds. Christ’s light, as counterpoint, shines ever brighter in our hearts & lives. PTL!
Hopefully it’s a start in the right direction, at least encouraging to see others seeing what happened.
More exposure of the problems with the vax.
She does have a really foul mouth and I can hardly believe it’s going to come out of my’s refresing to hear someone totally smack down a snowflake for not doing their job
I used to work for a guy that was like this. But he never talked that way to me. I think I give off a “try it” vibe.
I’d eat that dumbass woman’s lunch.
“ I think I give off a “try it” vibe.”
Lol. I’m sure you’re not the only one!
Steve will be sure to Want to ask you out again just with the thought of it!
Is this now a lonely hearts blog?
Lonely Darts Club Band
that’s a pay for view program I’d pay to watch!
Purple People Eater
What was the point of any of that?
I’d have hung up on her
Just fire them for incompetence, and try some more diversity hires.
When that doesn’t work any better, fire yourself for being the chief incompetent.
Problem solved!
Who is Sheila hiring??????
LOLOLOLOL!!!! Jerome!
Guy needs a better platform than Brian K.
He comes on at the 1min mark, but the previous 1 min is a necessary work up.
I recently had my annual doc appt and I asked him about the statin/higher fasting blood sugar connection, and he said yup it’s a thing. and we discussed my situation but i wanted to talk about my mom. she’s been on statins for years. and now they are worrying her about being diabetic. i took my test kit and her numbers were not high at all–just her fasting numbers were a little high. he asked her age and when i told him, he said i tell my patients who are 80 or older, it’s their choice to remain on statins at that point. and most do more out of habit than necessity.
then we discussed the preregistration questions they now require you to fill out. he said when covid hit and hospital systems were getting hit hard and NEEDED MONEY, MEDICARE offered them cash if the systems included their set of questions. I asked–so you don’t look at them? he said no. so MEDICARE has access to these records and he nodded and I asked why–I am not on medicare. he said they’re gov’t and see everything anyway. (which explains the “are there guns in your home? question)
then he said, those “suggestions” you get in your email from the “hospital” about getting a mammogram or it’s time for a colonoscopy? those are from MEDICARE. they want you to have those screenings now so things can be found and paid for by your private insurance BEFORE you get on medicare.
Couple questions from Slow Guy. Statin/faster blood sugar connection.
What is that? Folks on Statins, who fast, have an elevated blood sugar number? Or?
Generally speaking AND NOT asking for medical advice, quitting statins is cold turkey or weened off?
FWIW. Currently working my way off BP meds. Statin is next. Planning ahead.
when lots of people have blood work, they are required to fast for 12 hours prior. if you take a statin, it can raise your fasting blood sugar.
As a diabetic, i used to test my blood sugar in the morning before breakfast–a fasting blood sugar number. Since i am also on a low dose statin, that number is higher which might lead my doctor to alter my meds thinking they are not working as much anymore. An A1c test gives an AVERAGE test result (over the last 6 weeks iirc) and that’s a better look at how well you’re maintaining your blood sugar levels than a single point in time.
the study i read said cholesterol does not necessarily lead to heart disease, so many people (diabetics) who also take statins to control their cholesterol are raising their fasting blood sugar numbers needlessly. The doctor agreed saying previously doctors were trying to lower cholesterol NUMBERS and focused on those numbers and now they know it’s not the correlation they thought it was. The purpose is supposed to control the plaque build up in arteries and prevent heart attacks, but past 80 years old, the 10 year protection projection fades to the point where it is not necessary to continue. most people keep taking them out of habit though.
For me, my blood work always includes tests for A1c and cholesterol, which is why i was concerned about the correlation between statin medications and my blood sugar. If you aren’t diabetic, this may not come up for you. But my mom has been on statins a long time and now in her blood work, her fasting blood work showed a rise in her blood sugar. she has never been diabetic.
TY for this expanded explanation AND your initial report
years ago, the doctors were told to work to the numbers–get the blood sugar numbers to this, the cholesterol numbers to this number. well working to the numbers had some meds working against other meds…shaking my head.
one step forward two steps back.
It’s a great catch on your part!
Great information to know. Thank you!
Both DW and I are on a statin. Based on test results after fasting, local quack says we are both pre diabetic.
Gonna do two things. Start checking blood sugar before breakfast. Also, ask our doctor what about this. It’ll be interesting to hear what she says, recommends…
that’s what happened to Mom. they told her she was pre diabetic. so i brought my test kit along when we visited for a few days. her fasting sugars (before breakfast) were slightly elevated her highest fasting was 118–BUT that’s not high. then 2 hours after she ate, they went to about 110–definitely not diabetic.
they keep lowering the numbers. when i was first diagnosed, fasting sugars were supposed to be below 120. 2 hours after you ate, they should be below 180. now they want fasting sugars below 100 and after meals 140.
the lower they go, the more they can get on drugs.
All good to know. Appreciate the added background – education.
My understanding is the healthcare establishment has lowered BP and cholesterol thresholds.
It is all about both the Benjamins AND harming our health.
and they never cure you…if they do, they lose a customer.
Speaking of statins, (and having researched mitochondrial issues due to some blind alleys the med industry was having us run down), they deplete coenzym Q-10, so a Q-10 supplement is often helpful (and in some cases quite necessary).
My son takes Q-10 regularly as it was VERY helpful when he was recovering and still quite weak. It also is recommended for people with heart issues and a number of other conditions. Look up ATP and mitochondrial respiratory chain….
[Defense Dept] – Following detailed discussions with President Biden on recent escalations by Iran and its proxy forces across the Middle East Region, today I directed a series of additional steps to further strengthen the Department of Defense posture in the region. These steps will bolster regional deterrence efforts, increase force protection for U.S. forces in the region, and assist in the defense of Israel.
First, I redirected the movement of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group to the Central Command area of responsibility. This carrier strike group is in addition to the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group, which is currently operating in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. It will further increase our force posture and strengthen our capabilities and ability to respond to a range of contingencies.
I have also activated the deployment of a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) battery as well as additional Patriot battalions to locations throughout the region to increase force protection for U.S. forces.
Finally, I have placed an additional number of forces on prepare to deploy orders as part of prudent contingency planning, to increase their readiness and ability to quickly respond as required.
I will continue to assess our force posture requirements in the region and consider deploying additional capabilities as necessary.
If FJB and crew had not been giving Iran Billions and leaving $83 Billion in our weapons in Afghanistan, none of this would be needed.
He’s either an idiot or it’s all part of a an Obamination plan which of course because he’s an idiot he puts it into motion.
Ha ! By jove I think I’ve got it
I think you do!
Verse of the Day for Sunday, October 22, 2023
“And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.”
Jeremiah 29:13 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
It’s about Islam. Great article:
What a great write-up. I still can’t understand people excusing what happened but then I read this and it all makes sense. Happens every time they murder .
FTA~ The truth is that each attack manifests itself out of Islam. No one wants to admit that fact, lest they are called Islamophobic. Instead, we allow the weak excuses that are offered to justify their barbarism
How we are beating legacy media. Another really good read:
The original open sources in this country were bars.
Which is why they instituted the lockdowns…. (or in LOTR, the lockholes…
I think back on that and it amazes me the ease that they had in locking us down. Even if we personally resisted the mask mandates going anywhere like restaurants, bars, stores…any place was such an ordeal that it wasn’t worth the effort.
From the comments there:
17 hours ago
Nejwa Ali was expelled from the US, along with the Palestinian Delegation(PLO), by President Donald Trump. How she managed to be hired by DHS or even be in this country needs to be backtracked, and whomever responsible should be arrested along with Nejwa Ali. Ali’s position is to process Palestinian asylum applications. I say is because she’s not been arrested never mind fired. As of right now, she’s under “suspension” for her F*** Israel and pro Hamas posts on social media.
JC Raines
15 hours ago
So a Muslim Jew-hating antisemite is working in OUR government to expedite Palestinian and other terrorists into America? How is this sane, unless America knowingly has a death wish?
America doesn’t have a death wish but the Puppet masters want America destroyed in the most humiliating way possible…from within
Yep. The commie coupsters illegitimate deep state dumpster fire that claims to represent America as they do everything in their power to destroy us are the ones with the death to America, freedom, & God delusional wishes…
Deep state dumpster fire..perfect description
Many more here
Edit button still works LOL
& just in time for yesterday’s game LOL
apparently still on a roll…this one is too fitting
further from the comments
15 hours ago
Newjaw Ali, known PLO terrorist hired by Ashley’s boyfriend/dad, is in charge of giving cover to as many PLO terrorists as possible onshore. This huge terror cell will be used as leverage and activated from deep sleep whenever Chuck Schumer needs a wake up.
14 hours ago
Nejwa Ali came to the US with The Palestinian Delegation (PLO) and was expelled as member of that Delegation, by President Trump.
Chuckie needs to get a clue…they’ve all been doped up on delusion thinking when the cells are activated that they’ll be safe. Wrong.
No doubt. Useful/less idiots…cannon fodder…
Yes…the commie coupsters don’t ever seem to miss a trick
This article is excellent:
“Ecclesiastes is typically read on the shabbat (sabbath) of the weeklong holiday of Sukkot. This means that, as Jews in Israel were being slaughtered by Hamas terrorists hopped up on poor man’s cocaine (Captagon), synagogues around the world were reading Ecclesiastes.
Ecclesiastes 1:9 (Kohelet in Hebrew) contains the oft-cited passage, “What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.” Just as the seasons come and go in a seemingly endless cycle, so too do the events in history.
What irony that such Jew hatred would manifest itself in a pogrom in southern Israel, hearkening back to the pogroms in Eastern Europe. What has been, will be.”
The muslims are archaic brutes, bred to be serial murderers. So proud of their devotion to a blood creed. Asshos
H/T CTH, Neil Oliver mentions The Second Coming by William Butler Yeats.
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
We discussed this in college Lit class (73-73). It seems I needed to live till now to fully comprehend its meaning.
A composer-in-residence (Nick Strimple) at U$C set “Into The Twilight” by Yeats, I think SSAATTBB, and we sang it in concert in the 1970s…
Into The Twilight
Funny thing is, the last line has a descending bass line, which is already set quite low.
The Basses were not, erm, thrilled when the Sopranos (one time) drifted downwards… and they plotted revenge, by moving upwards in another number… Ah, those were the days…
Beatiful work, both by W.B. Yeats and Nick Strimple…
He’s done very well over the last 50 years (yikes) and deservedly so:
That is one of my favorite poems.
I see a big blank above but if you click it, it goes to the YouTube video. The preview doesn’t display. So I took a screenshot and put it below.
Khan artist(e)…
Hopefully, patriots are smarter about the snares and traps of the evil doers in their own government now, Even Patriotism is used for nefarious purposes at times.
Be aware.
The Uniparty is so culpable in Pelosi’s grand plan to create an “insurrection”.
It breaks my heart to hear how polite and complimentary the people were to those cops who then lied and claimed fear.
found this joke in a comment section on liberty daily
Snakeeater 2 hours ago
A Mexican, an Arab, and an Arizona girl are in the same bar.
When the Mexican finishes his beer, he throws his glass in the air, pulls out his pistol, and shoots the glass to pieces. He says, ‘In Mexico, our glasses are so cheap we don’t need to drink with the same one twice.’
The Arab, obviously impressed by this, drinks non-alcohol beer (cuz he’s a Muslim), throws it into the air, pulls out his AK-47, and shoots the glass to pieces. He says, ‘In the Arab World, we have so much sand to make glasses that we don’t need to drink with the same one twice either.’
The Arizona girl, cool as a cucumber, picks up her beer, downs it in one gulp, throws the glass into the air, whips out her 45, and shoots the Mexican and the Arab. Catching her glass, setting it on the bar, and calling for a refill, she says, ‘In Arizona, we have so many illegal aliens that we don’t have to drink with the same ones twice.’
A variant of a joke I heard once. A Coloradoan, a Californian and a Texan are sitting around a canpfire. The Texan flings his bottle of whisky in the air and shoots it with a revolver. He explains they can get plenty more of those where he comes from.
The Californian tosses his wine cooler in the air and shoots it with a gang-banger pistol. Same explanation.
The Coloradoan throws his coors in the air then shoots the californian. “I can get a dime for the bottle, and we got plenty of him where I come from.”
The whole administration and beyond is full of compromised people with anti American ethos. Again, I blame R’s…they’ve been so busy doing nothing for decades, never putting up a stink or making public that the foundations were being eroded.
Blows my mind to know that it seemed inconceivable that elected people would just let it all slide. Now it’s clear, it was conceivable and implemented
This is strange and disturbing. Apparently people are collapsing all over chyna again. Makes me wonder how much of this is the same as what was happening in early 2020, supposedly because of covid.
According to this guy, it’s not because of illness, it’s because of scammers trying to set people up for lawsuits and compensation, which is being rewarded by the chyna legal system.
If someone appears to need assistance, the first person who touches him is on the hook for his medical bills, lost wages, etc.
As a result, when people have a real emergency, nobody will help, because they’re afraid they’ll be on the hook for the person’s care.
It plays out as practical comedy when two people get in a dispute, and instead of a fight, a person who is lightly shoved collapses and pretends to be knocked out or having a seizure, etc., so they can sue the person who touched them.
Supposedly this is happening all throughout chyna.
I’ve said for decades, the Chinese culture is weird as hell. This is just another proof.
My cousin is a plumber. Owns his own shop.
Work in the Trades, for employment security and good wages.
LOL, here we have a septic system. The septic guys are like idols especially the nice ones that come fast and don’t jack up their prices every time!
And no doubt he has huge expenses for things like insurance, and the company van, and…
And more than enough free time to make good on studying Ancient Sumerian Poetry.
Payroll, mechanic for all the company trucks, taxes for the company building….
So alas, you can’t judge a plumber’s wealth by his hourly rate, even if he’s an employee (because he’s helping pay all those expenses his boss has).
He’s probably flush with cash, though, with today’s prices…
Putting this here because I’ll space it out and not be able to find it later. Sounds like it would be really interesting but it didn’t give info on how to watch it.
The Devil’s Confession: The Lost Eichmann Tapes, review: a stunning dissection of the banality of evil
Story by Jasper Rees •
“Had we killed 10.3 million Jews, then I would be satisfied and would say, ‘good, we exterminated an enemy’.” In The Devil’s Confession: The Lost Eichmann Tapes (BBC Two), an architect of the Holocaust admits everything. Here is the boastful, unvarnished voice of anti-Semitism, frankly outlining his propulsive role in the murder of millions of Jews.
The tapes in question contain many hours of interviews given in 1957 by Adolf Eichmann to Willem Sassen, a Dutch journalist with Nazi leanings. Both were exiles in Buenos Aires. Although transcripts soon emerged, the audio evidence would have been invaluable to the prosecution when, in 1961, Eichmann, denying all charges, was tried in Jerusalem.
The tapes finally came to light when the German government granted access to two Israelis – producer Kobi Sitt and writer-director Yariv Moser. Their documentary was shown in Israel last year. This trimmed two-part version finds itself scheduled at a pivotal moment in Israel’s history, deepening the tapes’ significance.
As is carefully outlined here, they have value in the ongoing fight against Holocaust denial. But at the height of the Cold War they were also geopolitical gelignite for both Israel and West Germany.
It so happens that my great-uncle, Julian Layton, in Vienna to extract Jews from Austria in 1938, had to deal with Eichmann. On the afternoon before Kristallnacht, Eichmann even warned him to avoid the Jewish quarter. In the dock Eichmann pretended to be an obedient nonentity, prompting Hannah Arendt’s much-quoted dictum about “the banality of evil”. The monster that Julian negotiated with is now revealed. On 67 hours of tape Eichmann rejoices bombastically in his former status as a genocidal big shot. At one point he’s heard comparing a fly, which he swats, to a Jew.
In London yesterday~~
Suella Braverman will challenge the Metropolitan Police commissioner over officers’ decision to allow a jihad chant at a pro-Palestine rally, insisting that “there can be no place for incitement to hatred or violence” on UK streets.
The Home Secretary will hold a meeting with Sir Mark Rowley on Monday after officers took no action when supporters of an extremist Islamist group chanted: “Jihad, jihad, jihad” during a protest in London on Saturday.
After analysing an online video, the Met said jihad had “a number of meanings” and concluded that no offence had taken place.
It also emerged on Sunday that the Met advised that a pro-Israel prayer walk in a Jewish area of London be cancelled because it was on the same day as a pro-Palestinian march and participants could be “injured or intimidated”.
At the pro-Palestine rally on Saturday, organised by Hizb ut-Tahrir, members of the extremist Islamic group displayed a banner with the slogan “Muslim Armies! Rescue the people of Palestine.”
In one video clip, a speaker is seen asking the crowd: “What is the solution to liberate people in the concentration camp called Palestine?” In response, several men can be heard chanting: “Jihad, jihad, jihad”.
Just like the BLM demonstrations and antifa riots…only they get protection and leeway to incite hatred. Love how they whitewash ‘jihad’. We all know the meaning they meant
Protected Classes can do anything.
Always, always, always knowingly enabling and excusing the violent, and always warning, intimidating and suppressing the innocent.
That’s not accident, or coincidence.
It is by design.
Feels like deja vu all over again. I’m bored with it already. They can stampede through cities everywhere, tear stuff up, mainstream reporting…won’t be long before England and USA import those poor Palestinians caught up in a war… so predictable
Biden Bought $2.75 Million Beach House in Cash Around The Time Hunter Texted Chinese Pal Urging $10 Million Deal: Report
According to a report in the U.K. Daily Mail, said that no mortgage was issued at the time Biden bought the $2.75 million home on June 8, 2017. That would mean Biden paid in cash with no borrowing.
The purchase came weeks before a July 30, 2017, WhatsApp message from Hunter Biden to his Chinese business associates demanding to be paid and adding, “I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”
I would be surprised if 10% Joe used his own cash to buy property outright.
It would be a waste of capital, when you could get the property for 20% down with a low interest rate, take advantage of the tax deduction, and allocate the other 80% to investment.
It should be easy enough to find out where the money came from. Subpoena the bank records. If he claims to have paid cash, he wasn’t keeping it under his mattress.
Subpoena the real estate agents (if there were any) and the escrow company (if there was one). Subpoena the title company. They know where the purchase money came from.
Joe can’t Arkancide them all.
I suspect the house was gifted to him as a pay-off, or sold to him for $1 as a pay-off, in which case there would be no bank record of Joe withdrawing $2.75 million.
At that point, the next logical question is, what did Joe provide to the seller, in exchange for the $2.75 million dollar Barbie’s Beach house?
As always, just follow the money.
Which should be especially easy, since the Brandon Crime Family doesn’t seem to have made that much effort to conceal their criminality.
Maybe 10% Joe didn’t want a record of the transaction. Although, he is just a Dufus no matter what…because there would always BE A RECORD.
NO good news here…
Fighting Has Erupted on Multiple Fronts as Israel Braces for a War of National Survival
(The Economic Collapse Blog)—It is becoming clear that Israel is going to have to battle enemies on multiple fronts, and that means that this war is going to look a whole lot different than a lot of people thought that it would. If the fighting could have been confined to just Israel and Hamas, there still would have been a lot of death and destruction, but everyone knows that Hamas is no match for the IDF.
But if Hezbollah, Syria, Iran and the Palestinians in the West Bank all jump into the conflict, all of a sudden this becomes a war of national survival for Israel, and in such a scenario it is much more likely that weapons of mass destruction will be used. So it should deeply alarm all of us that fighting has now erupted on multiple fronts.
More at…
They shouldn’t have pussyfooted around with dumbass Biden and just got on with wiping the terrorists out.
I’m still waiting for Bunker Busters being dropped on Hamas.
That’s a big DUH