Dear KMAG: 20231023 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:

Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:

“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Word of The Week:



  • random typing on the keyboard by Wolf
  • Mole Day in some imaginary language

Used in a sentence

Wolf thinks that gwnofaoadfjsadf looks a bit like Welsh, even though it’s just jibberish.

A Bit of Music

This is a great but weird one.

The story is that Gretchen Wilson was a session artist for rock and country back before she got famous in country. Discussed here.

Apparently she’s always been quite a fan of Heart.

Let’s have some of the original!

OK – we have to finish with some science bluegrass for Mole Day. This is surprisingly good.

And now, back to business!

Election 2023 – The Final Stretch

Ohio Issue 1 is definitive. This is the ultimate groomer amendment, backed by the commies, begging to be added to the state’s constitution.

I will be doing what I can, which is never enough, to help defeat this monstrosity.

The choice is stark.

If this passes, parents will lose control of their kids FROM BIRTH – if the babies even make it that far.

I won’t be here on The Q Tree most of the time, during this home stretch, but I invite ALL OF YOU to bring the ammunition here. Bring the news about EVIL Issue One! Help me alert the nation to what they are doing in Ohio, which is worse than what they did in Michigan. Help the people of Ohio stop the insanity of “reproductive freedom” of CHILDREN FROM BIRTH.

After today, I will copy this post as a placeholder until the election is over. I will comment occasionally, but I will have to fight every day to STOP ISSUE ONE.

Until then, have faith!

And trust the big plan, too!

Defend American Motherhood!

And as always….



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Good luck and fight like the wolf you are ! Take care out there and we’ll see ya when we see ya.


May Issue One be stopped! Thank you for your efforts, Wolf. 🙏

Very nice treehouses!

Word of the day: gwnofaoadfjsadf
Go with no one from an old and derelict farm, just start a dedicated fund. 😅


I thought it might be a secret code… 😀


Maybe you can… 😉


I first learned to code on an HP 21114A minicomputer the size of a fridge running Dartmouth BASIC timeshared across three Teletype machines. Programs and data could be stored on punched paper tape. It had a whompin’ 16K words of magnetic core memory.

A couple of years later, I was taking Computer Science courses at UCSB. I went from UCSD p-system on Apple II’s to a BSD UNIX account on a VAX 11/780 — programming in Pascal, C, and Assembler. Then the Computer Science Department managed to squeeze non-majors off of their computer systems, but not before I’d worked with ForTran and COBOL.

Along the way, I hung out with the CompSci peeps in pretty much the same way as I’d hung out with the band peeps in High School while not actually being in the band. On one memorable occasion, a girl asked me for help with a critical assignment a day before it was due. The actual point of the assignment related to handling sparse matrices, but she had run the clock past where anything could reasonably be done…, relying on the compiler and OS, I had her blithely declare an array of something like 1000x1000x1000x1000, fill it with the 20 pieces of information desired, then read it back.

Valerie Curren

Weeeel I understood the Words of hanging w/ the band peeps, but not the concept 😉 😉

Hubby was in marching band in HS & was practically blushing when recalling it Sat as we observed U of M’s marching band descend from the nosebleed bleachers in the MSU stadium after we gave them a royal butt spanking. We almost Never heard the band & there were Plenty of Hail to the Victors fight song opportunities in that game–I wonder if MSU ensured there were no mics anywhere near the UofM band? Hubby played the sax in HS band but later taught himself drums (which he played when we were both on the worship team as newlyweds in our Northern Michigan church), guitar, bass, & some keyboards. Bass is his favorite–mine too! Though his mini drum kit has helped facilitate band practice in our home now so that’s pretty sweet too 🙂

For some reason in HS I hung out w/ the fringe awkward types, though once got invited to a “brain” party & my 2 HS dates were both w/ “brain” guys, one ironically the drum major. LOL The other guy got a very weird yearbook pic declaring “strange things hanging from the ceiling can’t keep P— B—- from heading to class” & my brothers gave me no end of grief for having gone out once w/ that gem of guy  😂   😂   😂 

As a senior my social circle expanded to encompass the AFS (American Field Service) exchange students; all but a couple were pretty decent friends of mine that year. A brother & sister from the Philippines were the closest w/ girls from Belgium & Germany, & a guy from South America, I forget which country now. When a freshman in college I also got fairly close w/ the MK’s (Missionary Kids) from South America too & stood up in one friend’s wedding who was from Aruba & Venezuela, but not an MK 😉 😉

Hubby took some of those computer classes in college & used to spend all nighters in the computer lab trying to work out the bugs in the code iirc. I think he took Basic, Cobol, & Fortran at least, & i was going to call him to confirm but his work day is just getting started & we don’t usually talk until he’s well on the road…if I’m still awake LOL…At the time he was an Electrical Engineering major at a major state school in OK, but he downshifted to Electronics Tech at a community college after his Frat Boy days pretty well messed with his academics  😂 

Thanks for the springboard into memory lane…


I was always around the band nerds throughout High School, while not actually being in the band.

An amusing footnote to this was that my nephew ended-up in the band in his High School — and went on to be a band musician.

Valerie Curren

Nice familial connection 🙂 I remember having a crush on the bass player for Petra when seeing them in concert…& now being married to a bass player is almost a dream come true 😉 😉 However if he was super proficient w/ accordion I doubt it would be as “sexy” LOL

Valerie Curren

OK hubby did Not take Cobol but did take Pascal…

AND neither of us took Cabal either  😅 

Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

no doubt   :wpds_oops: 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A one time pad is literally uncrackable by analytic techniques because it’s possible to generate a key that will produce ANY plaintext from the cipher text.

The one time pad is a random sequence of bits; it is the same length as the original message.

I could, for instance take the word “Bush” which has ASCII representation 01000001 01110101 01110011 01101000. If I want to encrypt it with a one time pad, I need a random bit sequence…known to both me and the guy I am sending the message to, but hopefully to no one else.

Let’s say the random sequence is:
11010100 10010100 10001111 01011010

And I encode with bitwise XOR. Which is to say I take corresponding bits from both sequences. If BOTH are 1 or BOTH are Zero, my result is 0. If one of them is a 1 and the other a zero, my result is 1.

So the first bit of the encrypted message(based on plaintext 0 and key 1) is 1. The seond (1 xor 1) is 0. And so on. So the result is:

10010101 11100001 11111100 00110010

The recipient can take the SAME random key, and do the same thing to the encrypted text you sent him, and get back the bit sequence that means Bush.

The problem for the guy trying to crack the code is, that literally ANY sequence of bits could be the key, and ANY supposed original text could come out of it. Since he doesn’t know the sequence you actually used, he could guess that it is:

11010010 10101110 10001110 01010111

Apply that, and get:

01000111 01001111 01110010 01100101

Which happens to read “Gore”

How does he know that’s not actually what you sent?

With more normal kinds of encryption, the key is much shorter than the text being encrypted, and there are so few possible keys in relation to the possible texts, that almost every key tried…except the correct one, will result in gibberish coming out of the algorithm…so you’ll know that’s not the right key. With one time pads, ANY sensible text of the same length as the encrypted text COULD be gotten with one of the possible keys. You could, for instance, find a key that will “prove” that the sender sent “Wolf”. Or “Cunt” and then you’d conclude they were talking about Hillary. So you can’t know when you’ve found the right key.

It’s simple and non-crackable so why don’t we just use it? The problem is making sure the bit sequence is actually truly random–if it’s not the bad guy might be able to eliminate the overwhelming majority of possible keys from consideration, and the other problem is making sure the recipient gets a copy of the bit sequence…without anyone else getting hold of it. And the bit sequence has to be LONG. For instance to encrypt a 33 MB image file…you need a 33 MB key.

And you cannot ever use that key (or any part of it) again…that’s why it’s called a one-time pad.

Valerie Curren

My level of “comprehension” here…LOL





FL Rep @ByronDonalds says he will release all J6 tapes if elected Speaker

And just like that, he’s now my new top choice

“Get elected speaker with one simple trick:”

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Yeah, I do not trust any of it, Donalds voted for McCarthy.

Valerie Curren

RealPOTUS endorsed, or at least lobbied for, McCrappy, fwiw…


And the CR. Prolly Ukraine. Still worth a try. Cast of clown to select from is a joke.


So did a whole slew of Republicans.

We ain’t voting for a savior. Just saying.

Regarding this comment, TNOP [take no offense please].

Brave and Free

Where have we heard this before?
That just makes his ransom/payoff price higher for NOT releasing them.

Good luck Wolf, praying for you in these difficult times.


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Could be Sodom’s Rome.

Or Gomorrah’s.

Gomorrah is always in the running.


It could be Caligula’s Rome, but a horse in the Senate might be an improvement….


Oh, yuk.


You’d prefer a turtle to a horse?


To a Caligula…


Yup. All that history that has gone to waste as DC burns just like Rome.


Prior to J6, I had wonderful memories of DC.

Fed J6 Actions and subsequent, shattered everything. Akin to a muzzie, No Go Zone.

Jack Smith is a THUG

no go zone is EXACTLY what they wanted. if we don’t want to go there, they have no reason to fear us expressing our displeasure with them. they can act with even more impunity.


Never thought of it like that but you’re right. They make it undesirable through crime and insults and actually some fear of getting arrested and thrown in a real gulag. SO, then if patriot types did start going there to show support or dissent it sets it up immediately to be portrayed as scary, potentially violent

Valerie Curren

  :wpds_evil:    :wpds_mad:    :wpds_evil:  so sick of these psychopaths!


“…must be taken over and properly run by the Federal Government…”


He did not really say that… he couldn’t have… 😂


I think the word ‘aspiration’ fits in here somewhere.

As in, he aspires to do that.


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Eff her. Foreign idiot.


“Bird brain,” as Trump says. And she tries to be tough, which is so irritating.


You have nailed it.

Nikki really is stupid. She is one of those who have achieved through her looks and her ethnicity. But listening to her talk is akin to listening to a trained parrot. She annoys the hell out of me.

Valerie Curren

pretty knee-jerk despising of the political class seems regularly in order. Appears that most of those aspiring to seats of political power are least constitutionally qualified–on multiple levels–to be trusted with same  😡 


Because she’s a hate-stick.


New Schlichter — he was doing better, but this one is a bit of meh…..


That’s how they draw people in. That’s how the RINOs do it, too. They vote correctly on some things and say some good things to get votes, but still proceed to tear down the country.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

What power is it that feeds our battle yet starves our victory?


Mr. Continuing Resolution, of course.


The eyes…didn’t want to sully the page with them. 😳
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Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

I’ll have to watch for that.

Kevin McCarthy refuses to endorse Trump on Meet the Press.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

They all have “yang” Sanpaku eyes:

“While people with yin sanpaku are most likely to be victims of tragedy and violence, people with yang sanpaku are more likely to be perpetrators of tragedy and violence.[8] As far as superstition goes, people with visible white above their eyes are often violent towards others.[9]



Cuppa Covfefe

Wasn’t there some bug-eyed beyotch that had the whites both above and below her eyes showing? This was in the same timeframe as Ms. HamRadioOhr…
(can’t remember her name)…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



We have a winnah!

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. One of the many Øbløwhøle høldøvers who did their best (worst) to Farkas over…


Yes. And I can’t remember her name, either!


Here’s another one: “Pence campaign stop draws 12 people.”

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Most of the Repub candidates are clueless about what the people want. They don’t care, either.

Brave and Free

That’s a really high energy crowd you got there Mike 😂

Cuppa Covfefe

Even the stuffed animals are looking away 😀

Valerie Curren



I think the guy in the white pants on the left was his site coordinator.



Cuppa Covfefe

Looks like Wrong-Aid on this stop 😀

Has that “Bye,Done” rally kind of feeling…  👻 


Can you imagine the humiliation? This guy was a heartbeat away from the Presidency of the United States. He is now so hated by his own party that most of us wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire.

I’d hide in a hole and never come out.


My thoughts exactly. I would love to know what Karen Pence was thinking.


“I wanna be first lady!”

Cuppa Covfefe

Dr. Jill, beta-test version…

Valerie Curren

beta male spouses all   :wpds_envy: 


 “Pence campaign stop draws 12 people.”

Looks like he was only expecting 15…

Jack Smith is a THUG

they look like they were waiting for prescriptions at the pharmacy. 6pence found a captive audience and ran with it…LOL


That’s a joke, right?

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2

In more ways than you may know… 👍😁



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I would rather take a shower…at home.


Second prize is a Ginzu knife set; third prize is you’re fired….

Valerie Curren

 😂   😎   😂 


Sign up. Win. Attend Trump’s rally, a couple miles away.  😂  😂  😂 


That’s so rude!

I love it.


It it did NOT involve flying within the 48, I’d figure out how to sign up.

Too much fun to be had at Rob’s expense.


Happy for Rob.  😂 


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Valerie Curren

Stollen again…pointing to Deutschland?


Bread full of fruits and nuts – sounds like Congress and the media.

Last edited 1 year ago by GA/FL
Valerie Curren

AND logic!

Valerie Curren

How so? I guess I’ve missed that analysis somehow…

Jack Smith is a THUG

well, the double l’s look like the twin towers…and he frequently uses stollen instead of stolen

Valerie Curren

TY! That’s an interesting take to be sure 🙂

Jack Smith is a THUG

he’s too smart to misspell it imo


To do it multiple times, especially.

Cuppa Covfefe

I keep thinking of all that data flowing through the US Embassy in Frankfurt, and the dustup with Ms. HatDress Gina Haspell… Seems shots were fired, and two (or more) TLAs were at odds with each other…

And that was at the time the numbers “started to dance”…

Valerie Curren

Definitely it’s a deliberate sort of comms, imo 🙂


If DJT had even a faint notion of what would happen from the Electoral College voting session, I believe he would have granted a group pardon to everybody at the Capitol on J6 before they were arrested.

Whether it would ultimately stand or not, the legal system would have been obligated to treat each pardon as valid. DoJ could appeal each one of a person charged but the court would have to dismiss the charges and DoJ would have to appeal. Its argument on appeal would be that the judge made an error. That’s a high bar to getting reversal.

Short opinion – Biden thugs wouldn’t even try to go after the J6 peeps, seeing the almost impossible task of legally overturning a presidential pardon.

If only we had a time machine …

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2

Wolfie, you are fighting the good fight and we very much appreciate it. I oray Ohioans realize the evil at stake and soundly defeat Satan’s proposal.

God bless you and keep you safe.

Valerie Curren

Hearty Amen!

Cuppa Covfefe



JUST IN: Israel is threatening to cut off “the head of the snake” and launch an attack against Iran if Hezbollah joins the war.

Israel’s Minister of Economy Nir Barkat said Iran’s Ayatollahs will be “wiped off the face of the earth” if Hezbollah attacks Israel.

“The plan of Iran is to attack Israel on all fronts. If we find they intend to target Israel, we will not just retaliate to those fronts, but we will go to the head of the snake, which is Iran.”

“If our enemies attack, we will wipe them out.”

“Israel has a very clear message to our enemies. We are saying to them, look what’s happening in Gaza – you are going to get the same treatment if you attack us. We are going to wipe you off the face of the Earth.”


Bout time!




Wow, Gretchen! I always thought the clip was a mess! Now, I see it was choreographed!


Not being one of the cool insiders who gets it, I looked up Mole Day.

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What Is Mole Day? 

Avogadro’s number is the number of particles in a mole of a substance. Mole Day is an unofficial chemistry holiday celebrated on a date that relates to Avogadro’s number, which is approximately 6.02 x 1023. The purpose of Mole Day is to foster an interest in chemistry.

When Is Mole Day? 

In the US, this is usually October 23rd between 6:02 am and 6:02 pm. (6:02 10/23). Alternate observance dates for Mole Day are June 2 (6/02 in MM-DD format) and February 6 (6/02 in DD-MM format) from 10:23 am to 10:23 pm.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The mole as an SI unit is now a defined number…not an empirically measured one:


or 602,214,076,000,000,000,000,000 molecules or atoms of whatever it is.

Last edited 1 year ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m sorry but this is satire?

I really HAVE seen “tactical” socks for sale.

Valerie Curren



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Why were they using it in the first place?


So, education in Israel, dies years ago. Greta?

  :wpds_mad:   :wpds_mad:   :wpds_mad:  Israel government education approved?   :wpds_evil:   :wpds_evil:   :wpds_evil: 

Valerie Curren

We’ve had this version of that classic song playing at home periodically 🙂

I heard this song perhaps a decade ago when driving around town on the classic rock station & it was new to me, but I loved it. It was Summer time when loud music & driving too fast is pretty much a Motor City tradition. It seemed like what “real” rock & roll was like & sorely missing from current cultural music offerings.

Most of my husband’s bands’ endeavors have hovered around various iterations of classic rock & blues, usually w/ Christian overtones if not overt Christian messaging, especially the many originals by multiple bands he was blessed to play in over the last couple decades.

Now the current band that is slowly ramping up, featuring our oldest son as lead vocalist in his first rock band experience, is taking on a pretty wide range of music for mostly cover tunes, at least to start. They are endeavoring to put together a smaller Christian music set, rocked out of course, for a local Celebrate Recovery program that Michael has played for numerous times in at least 4 different bands previously.

This is one of my current favorite parts of the week when band practice comes around!

This one, also in regular rotation on our YouTube playlist, is one of the songs the new band is covering. This version is so well done & makes me wonder about how “awake” Gary Sinise & the Five Finger Death Punch Guys just might be!

By the way aspects of the BoB video hit me a bit differently now that my son Brandon is about to start his actual Detroit Fire Fighter probation early next month. He’s been doing the EMT stuff for about 6 months now & plans to pick up EMT OT, as he’s able, since the firefighter stuff is actually 2 24 hour days on & 5 days off each week. This will be getting under way just in time for some decent hunting options as rifle starts in Michigan on November 15…

Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Curren

I love the part of that video when everyone — including the original group’s guitarist — brings on the astrophysicist…..

Valerie Curren

I missed the astrophysicist…where is that roughly in the video?   :wpds_oops: 



I believe the blond guitarist with the worn-out Strat is Kenny Wayne Shepherd, who initially recorded the tune.

The Sir Doctor astrophysicist also built his own guitar from scratch, IIRC.


There’s a meme where he and Fred Bulsara are discussing the contribution of XX-chromosome youths with pronounced adipose sufficiency to terrestrial rotational dynamics…..

Valerie Curren

bwah ha ha

I thought FM wasn’t interested in XXs regardless of degrees of adipose abundance…let alone theoretical WGTTs 😉 😉


FM’s relationships with women is quite a complicated subject. It may be that his relationships with men are more well-known because they were more straightforward.

Valerie Curren

TY I heard Elton John’s Tiny Dancer song the other day & thought that he’d once been married to a woman & wondered if that song was somewhat reflective of some of his real world experiences. It’s impossible to box humans in, though we often try, & sitting in judgement is God’s domain, not ours thankfully 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

What really ruined it for me was finding out “Your Song” was written about a man. As was Olivia Newton-John’s [hmm, that name] “I Honestly Love You”…

Two classics, trashed…

And tolerating deviant behavior is not Biblical, either…

Valerie Curren

Yes the Bible is quite explicit about God’s standards for human behavior. None of us can approach living up to them without His help though. When He said looking on a woman with lust is like committing adultery He set the bar Very high…


Thank you. I cannot describe how sick I am of people making excuses for deviant behavior just because a talent for something is also part of that person.

I cannot watch certain movies due to the off-screen behavior of particular actors and actresses. I try to put it aside but that works only barely.

Bob Seger has a line that fits me – wish I didn’t know now what I didn’t know then.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Why would ONJ writing “I honestly love you” about a man be an issue? What am I missing?

Cuppa Covfefe

The composer of the song, Peter Allen…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


But then, he was composing it for a female vocalist. He may have taken that into account.

Cuppa Covfefe

No, there’s an longer article about it in one of the music industry rags which I don’t have to hand….


Is straightforward a synonym for slut? Asking for a distant acquaintance.

Cuppa Covfefe

More like a synonym for hell-bent… or hell-bound…

Valerie Curren

Brian May humor that clearly went over my head…like so much at the amazing Q-Tree LOL


Brian May was on-track to getting a PhD in astrophysics when his career took a little multi-year detour. After all the stadium shows ended, he went back and completed it in 2007. That made him “Doctor May”. In 2023, he was knighted, which made him “Sir May”.

His hand-built guitar has its own Wikipedia article —

It is to his immense credit that he contributed to this worthy fundraising project, and the amount of respect the other performers show him is quite endearing.

Valerie Curren

Thank you for fleshing that out so much…I’m going to share this with Michael & Nathaniel which may help them as they shape this song & make it their own!


He’s 76 years old and has been everywhere and done everything. He’s a Knight and a Doctor and probably has a staff of accountants to keep track of his residuals. He is unquestionably one of the greats.

Someone asked him to contribute to this video, and he said yes. That means something — and obviously meant enough to the other artists that they made room for him. Respect with a capital ‘R’.

And he brought the magic in return. His contribution is a beautiful, thoughtful solo that is really from his heart — along with some playful theatrics. A great contribution to a great cause.

Valerie Curren

So well said! I love what Dr. May adds to this song & I love the FFDP version too, but what you’ve shared really increases my understanding of the significance of his involvement. Thank you for these wonderful insights!

Here’s the “original” FFDP version, also fun…

Wow the comments to the collaborative version are really something–worth checking out too, imo…


I’d never seen the “original” FFDP version. Thank you for bringing it.

It was pretty impressive for them to get Kenny Wayne Shepherd to appear for a charity on his own song.

And, to tell the truth, I think the collaborative version is better.

Valerie Curren

I agree. I like FFDP better than the KWS original & the collaborative tops both!

Valerie Curren

This is pretty fun too 🙂

& from the comments…

@dedeswife3 months ago
I’m reading their autobiography and Ann suffered with stuttering as a child and extreme bullying. She found she did not stutter while singing and began singing all the time. She’s simply amazing.



1 reply
@seeburg22011 months ago (edited)
This song is just plain badass. I remember when it came out – my older brother bought the 45. The guitar just sounds like it’s on a hunt. No other band/song sounded like this record. Ann’s voice was very sharp (not in pitch, but in attack, like the point of a sword) in these early songs. She sounds like she’s in control and watch out ! lol.

Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Curren
Cuppa Covfefe

She also analyzes “Crazy On You” and Weird Al’s “Fat” and “Eat It”… along with a ton of others… seems Weird Al has pretty good pipes… but Ann Wilson is in a class of her own…

She also does Chicago’s “25 or 6 to 4”, and is astonished by the brass section… I wonder if she’s sung with the Chicago Symphony, who have a legendary brass section (“Bass”ed by a former classmate 🙂 )… Chicago may be a lousy city, but they are the home of excellent brass… every brass player’s dream…

Hmmm. Just looked up Chicago and Gene, they just did a concert with Muti retiring, and it was (among other things) Lalo Schifrin’s Tuba concerto…. A well-played Tuba sounds and can get into the range of a French Horn… here’s a review:

Last edited 1 year ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Valerie Curren

Sometimes we play old Chicago stuff, like w/ Terry Kath still alive, & get astounded again by how amazing the brass fills out that classic sound!  ❤  it!


Many years ago, Yours Truly worked with a couple of actors who had some diction issues. The thing that worked was to have them literally “chant” their lines until they “ran clear”, then put the lines back into the show they were rehearsing.

Valerie Curren

Fascinating. In our family, with lots of stage performances under the collective belts, there is also a huge degree of mimicry that seems to help.

Josiah, on the autism spectrum, had a condition called “echolalia”, where he could verbatim repeat what he heard without evidencing Any comprehension of the words. He can still kind of do that as he often prefers to speak rather than listen. I’ll stop him & ask “what did I say” & he can usually play the tape back accurately, but now he Tends to also grasp the bulk of the verbiage after that rewind-play maneuver…

Another autism quirkiness Josiah has is he’ll deliver his impassioned impression of patriotic or devotional perspectives but as the voice & character of someone very different, like Emperor Palpatine evangelizing people or Winston Churchill in a “never give up” American exhortation. He’ll still mimic Peter Jennings delivery style in 9-11 reporting as Josiah recounts his perspective on current events–fun 🙂 It’s pretty unique & special…

Here’s is one of my son’s unique perspectives, which is demonstrating how God can speak to & through us in many unique domains…

Anakin’s internal Struggle As Darth Vader from A Biblical Perspective.ON DECEMBER 3, 2021 BY JOSIAHCURREN

Hey Guys today I’m going to talk about the Internal Struggle Of Anakin/Darth Vader from A Biblical Perspective

As We All Know, when Anakin became Darth Vader, it seems like there was no trace of Anakin Skywalker left within him. It seemed like he was fully in the Dark Side. But his Love for his Dead wife Padme, and his son Luke Skywalker, was part of the conflict on a daily basis. When Luke says to Darth Vader, “I feel the conflict within you let go of your hate.” Darth Vader was in a sense the opposite of Anakin. Full of Pain, anger, hatred, and suffering. He was redeemed by his son Luke Skywalker and he was finally set Free.

From A Biblical Perspective, it Reminds of what we Believers in Jesus face everyday. We’re all like Anakin Skywalker in a way. Where we’re constantly in A Spiritual Battle between the Flesh and the Spirit, that is in our minds and hearts. We all have darkness and sin in ourselves. We All Fall short of the Glory of God. But The Good news is, As Christians, we can have redemption through the blood of Jesus Christ and only Him. But we can’t do it by ourselves. It is the work of God and the Holy Spirit that ministers to our hearts.

In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself, that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth—in Him. – Ephesians 1:7-10

Remember Only Through Jesus Christ can we be Set Free. I hope you guys enjoyed this post.

It was wild, but much of Josiah’s life we had unfortunately learned/decided to mostly tune him out because it seemed like he was just talking gibberish. I wrote about some of that in my first ever Q-Tree post here:

Well one time I had him at Art Therapy where he would mostly tread the same ground over & over again, artistically portraying the attacks & destruction of the Twin Towers or puppet shows of his overblown versions of the family “fighting”…sigh. It was Very Hard to get him to break out of his “perseveration”. Well this one session the AT had an assistant in training–a 30 something black man whereas the AT was a 50 something Jewish woman. Anyway, I was Absolutely Astonished to hear Josiah have this very involved & insightful back & forth conversation centered around Star Wars. I had NO Idea my son was Even Capable of conversational volleying because I’d basically Never witnessed it. He was well into his teens at this point so it was rather revolutionary to discover that his mind carried these complex thoughts & he was capable of articulating them so well in that one off discussion.

The fact that he independently created that Star Wars blog & uses it as an outlet to dig into the details of the Star Wars universe & occasionally interface with others there is still fairly mind-blowing to me!

He even found this unique blog to follow & be inspired by 🙂

Valerie Curren

A couple other FFDP songs that get regular play chez moi

this next one has lists of resources to help vets in need too



Perfection. And put on the front lines anyway.


I love it!

And let’s put Lindsey Graham in a cannon and fire him as the first round!

Robert Baker

Your phrasing brought to mind a ballad by Johnny Horton about the War of 1812.

“We fired our cannons till the barrels melted down.
Then we caught an alligator and we fired another round.
We filled his head with cannonballs and powered his behind.
And when we set the powder off the gator lost his mind.”


Lol! I love that. I’m pretty sure I know the tune, too.


A classic from when I was a kid… Great song.


That’s it! I knew I had the tune right!


Hope that’s a strong spring on that trigger.


[loud snort]



Cuppa Covfefe

Why fire a blank? 😀



That was your best evah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Valerie Curren

Let’s go!

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I’m having trouble getting to sleep, largely because my shoulder hurts like hell.

Last night, around this time, the Fiancee started hammering her elbow into my sore shoulder after I’d been asleep for a couple of hours. She claims that I was trespassing onto her side of the bed and she was moving me over, but it is clear that she meant to hurt me and successfully did so. I had to go elsewhere to collect myself before I could get back to sleep.

In the morning, I got “see what you made me do” — which is a classic domestic violence trope; and “I’m sorry that you made me hurt you” — which flashes “psychopath” alarm bells (and doesn’t begin to be an apology). I’ve been loaded on Advil all day.

As with every relationship, she’s pulled plenty of passive-aggressive BS and been unpleasant before….but I consider this to be explicit violence. I hesitate to say “unprovoked”, but this was unexpectedly escalated. And her comments the next morning have left me creeped-out.

So you’re stuck with me for a bit longer this evening…..

Valerie Curren

Oh Cthulhu, I’m so sorry 🙁 You deserve better…

Some of us are rather better at aggressive aggressive around here, fwiw 🙂


Lol, do I resemble that remark?

Valerie Curren

Yep–we do too chez nous! 🙂
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Amen to the meme!

Valerie Curren

No doubt!

Cuppa Covfefe

Somehow the purple people-beater seems to fit 😆  🌂  🎩 




IMO, if your gut is saying that this was explicit behavior, then follow up on what your gut says. It’s serious and needs to be addressed.

Jack Smith is a THUG

I have been in this situation. i always thought there was something i could do to help/change the situation. it was always “my fault” that i “made” him abuse me. till he almost killed me.
i had a child and that made leaving more difficult for me, but it was better than allowing my child to see the abuse and think that was normal and acceptable.
no one should be abused.
please take care of yourself!


I’m sorry that happened to you. Abuse sucks.

Jack Smith is a THUG

I’m sorry you experienced it as well!
whatever doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger.

ever hear that song–God Blessed the Broken Road?
I felt His gentle hand guiding me from that awful situation to the love of my life. thankfully it’s but a distant memory


That is a wonderful song.


North Carolina calling… But First…

Because, “I am Like That.”

  • Suggest fiancé get the Trivalent. CDC approved AND recommended.
  • Aligns well with the double jab AND Booster(s) chasers(s).
  • Bonus, ALL Are Safe AND Effective.

Make a run for North Carolina.

Can’t speak for the area you are headed. Last month, enjoyed a wonderful three days in the Shelby / Kings Mountain area of NC. Peaceful AND beautiful.


North Carolina IS beautiful. I love it up in there.


Coothie, I have largely refrained from comment on your relationship. No one really knows the whole story of one unless they live in it. And I hesitate to comment even now. But….

I think you have to get out of this situation. Now.

The “alarm bells” you are hearing are your survival instincts. I have observed in your posts over the years an increasing control and domination from your person. This does not get better, it gets worse, as you are experiencing. Trust me, I’ve lived it. I know.

Pulling the plug on years of relationship is devastating, but clearly in your case, it is necessary. Do what you have to do, but please, for your own best interest, get out.

Most importantly, remember you are not to blame for aggressive behavior from another, no matter WHAT the cause. Unless you hit her, there is NO excuse for her to hit you. Ever.


Possibly. Physical violence in a relationship scares me. With good reason.


It is my fervent belief, having lived the domestic abuse nightmare, that these relationships are a dynamic. Yes, the abused should leave immediately, but there is some – generally not understood – reason they stay. It was not until years after I finally left that I understood the reasons I stayed as long as I did.

Coothie, you are a brilliant man. I urge you to – either alone or with counseling – figure out what keeps you (from your reports) in an untenable situation. No matter how hard the leave taking is – emotionally, physically, financially – you WILL survive the breakup and heal your wounds.

we are always here to love and support you, no matter whether you stay or go 💖

Jack Smith is a THUG

good advice




Coothie — these are my opinions only. I’m not in your shoes. But I’ve been on the “receiving end” of aggressive partner behavior, complete with “If you’d done what I said to do, everything would be fine.”
ONE, the “alarm bells” are ringing inside your being. LISTEN TO THEM.
TWO, the only way, IMO, to deal with a domestic violence situation is to LEAVE. No matter how hard it is and “after so many years.”


Good advice. I’m sorry you’ve been on the receiving end.


You are very kind. The “recovery period” from these things can take a long time, and progress can be incremental, but recovery indeed can take place.



We just keep on keepin’ on.

Barb Meier

Agree with PAVACA completely.


I echo what others have said here and the cautions that they are expressing. What also strikes me is that it appears you are being used and taken advantage of. 😒

Valerie Curren

Reading through all the comments in reply to you expressing such deep & loving concern for your well-being…it just shows that the Q-Tree is also a family/community of depth of love & compassion for each other. There are many hard won insights forged in the fires of suffering & no one wants to see any of us in such abiding, pervasive pain…

As I was thinking about your situation my husband was practicing this song which brought tears to my eyes on your behalf thinking of the second chances that are still ahead for you. May God guide & direct you with His wisdom, grace, courage, joy, & freedom!

In Jesus’ Love

Barb Meier

I’m sorry she did that to you. It sounds like you recognize the behavior. Stay safe first.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Agreed with the others.

It’s long past time you bailed out.

Last edited 1 year ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Barb Meier

Agree. You can think through things later and heal one day at a time in a safer environment.

Sadie Slays

Please start Googling “signs of an abusive relationship” and “signs of emotional abuse” and see if any of these signs sound familiar to you. The violence is an obvious sign, but others may not be so obvious.


Verse of the Day for Monday, October 23, 2023

“Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.” 

Proverbs 3:13 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.

Valerie Curren


Jack Smith is a THUG

It’s Monday..time to get our TRUMP on!

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He’s so tough he doesn’t even have a handle on his sword.

Jack Smith is a THUG

hmmmm…there IS a sword in that picture. I’ll be danged!


Eye candy, eh?

Jack Smith is a THUG



Another beautiful day. Perfect for calling our representatives.

  • Impeach Briben.
  • NO WWIII. Keep US out of ME war.
  • Byron for Speaker. (Or whoever you wish.)
  • Secure the border.
  • One appropriation bill at a time. NO CR.
  • NO US tax dollars for Ukraine. NOT military, USAID, Ukraine government, pensions. NOTHING.
  • NO US tax dollars for Taiwan. Taiwan is wealthy. Pay their way forward.
  • NO US tax dollars for Israel. Israel can buy whatever they want.
  • NO US tax dollars, USAID for Hamas, Palestinians. They hate Israel, Want to destroy Israel. They ALSO Want To Destroy America.
  • Stop DOJ persecution of J6 Political Prisoners.
  • Stop THUG Jack Smith, from persecuting Trump.
Jack Smith is a THUG

you don’t know how that galls me–that ukraine expects us to fund THEIR pensions. we have folks on SS not being able to get by–but instead of increasing that here at home, let’s fund some other country’s pensions!


Absolutely. Galls everyone one of us.

Cuppa Covfefe

They get a sweetheart deal here, too. And since the retirement age there is 58, we have to “pay” them from that point onward.

Too bad we poor sod “Langhierbleibende” (native Germans or residents) have to work until 67 to pay for all of it 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡


Of note.

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Is Biden’s Mid East War giving China the chance to exercise their Blue Water Capabilities?

WORLD WAR 3 WATCH: China Deploys Six Warships to Middle East Amid Rising Tensions From Israel-Gaza War
By Jim Hᴏft Oct. 22, 2023 10:20 am 331 Comments

With over 340 ships going to 400 by 2025 and lots of fairly new places acquired for docking/refitting/power projection around the world, this story provides a big picture view of what’s happening.


China may have communist leaders but they ain’t deformed mentally like our leaders.


Carry the fight, always! You make us proud to be QTreepers, Wolf. Thanks you for what you are doing.

🙏🔥 on their heads.


I have a new favorite hymn. I heard it this Sunday.

I know some of y’all don’t like contemporary music in church, but I do. I guess I’m lucky, too. My pastor is our lead singer, and he just kills it. This particular song, he and his backup singers (two women this time) sang even better than the original. So beautiful.


That is beautiful and moving, and the format of the lyrics is very effective. Thanks for sharing it.


You’re welcome!


Aubergine, I have this song on my playlist 💖 I lean toward contemporary Christian music for two reasons … easier for me to sing (i’m horribly off-key on older hymns) and the songs are so uplifting and joyful .., full of promise.

As with anything, there can be overkill and awful singers, but in general I’m in favor of Christian ways that attract more people to faith. For me, I need to be immersed in the live, joy and hope that God provides and not on the sins of mankind. 🙏




Now I know you will enjoy at least one aspect of my next story.



Valerie Curren

I’ve not heard this song before but it’s a keeper 🙂 Blessings!




Postulate: The Old ‘War Order’ Died With The DOI


Concerning the underlined (me).

Oh by the way Egypt has publicly claimed they warned Israel of the attack.  True? I don’t know. But might Israel have intentionally absorbed that attack by Hamas, in effect turning their own civilians into targets so as to manufacture a pretext out of the stalemate of the blockade and intermittent hand-made rockets in response?  I don’t know, but its as plausible as the United States knowing Japan was going to hit Pearl, is it not? Seems to me that if we are going to be consistent with The Declaration’s statement that the people are responsible for the acts of their government in that they always have the right and in fact the duty to overthrow it has to be maintained on all sides.

My contention/opinion would be yes they did or very likely but there are levels below this that make it much more convoluted than it seems when asking how well does Israel trust America? My contention here would be not much nor should they ever since Obama came into office. The policy seems to be by tiny step by tiny step to sell Israel out, setting them up for the big betrayal. Until the big betrayal can happen the face put on this will always be “We Support Israel” until mass opinion says otherwise. Meanwhile the big money war machine is more than happy to pursue & support that which fills their coffers.


I remember that Israel denied being warned and Egypt denied warning them on the same day.


I remember that as well, Carl.


No comment on Egypt warning.

100% I believe Israeli intelligence knew something of the Hamas terrorist attacks.

  • As did the US for that matter.

Whether I am correct on Israel knowing, 100% Israeli military response, lack of, was also intentional.

For whatever reason Israeli government, Allowed The Terrorist Attack to unfold, with little to no response for hours.

All of that aside, I am perfectly good with destroying Hamas.


Can we boo? Asking for a cranky anon.

 😂   😍 


As long as I can boo back. 🙂


That would be a boo boo.  😂 

Cuppa Covfefe

Boo who?

Jack Smith is a THUG

don’t cry…
you want a cookie?


Wolf Moon
Blessings upon you and endless thanks. Yours Truly will not abuse the privilege.


No chance of that.

You are my subject matter expert on the quackzines. I read every word you write about it.

We are VERY blessed to have you doing the heavy lifting on this subject.


👏 Happy thing – thank you PAVACA!

Valerie Curren



Batch codes and associated deaths, disabilities and illnesses for Covid 19 Vaccines

Has PAVACA seen this?


Thank you, yes, one has seen this website. It appears that bad batches were sent to a CVS in Durham, NC, and to a CVS Minute Clinic in Charlotte, NC, per the search under one particular North Carolina Zipcode.
The tracing issue can be difficult regarding individual persons who got “vaccinated”, unless each person gets a “vaccination card” with the exact date and COVID-19 “vaccine” batch number listed on it — and then the person keeps the card.


I hate these people with a vengeance.


Guy is obviously in distress. The little jog in his car hopefully helped him. They should leave him alone. If anything happens to him medicaly he should sue everyone that participated in blocking the road.


Start to finish… Guy got away 😁

Calls to clear the street demonstrates the demons know they were in the wrong. City should be pressing charges against them all.


Those aren’t “people” as I understand the word. Maybe once they were, but no longer. Now they resemble demons more than anything else. For all I know, that’s what they actually are.


This does not look good for Sidney Powell. 🔥

Trump and Giuliani never fell for Sidney Powell’s 2020 election ‘Kraken’ — but the left sure did

[The Left dreams] that Powell’s testimony will deliver a lethal blow to Trump and his embattled former attorney Rudy Giuliani.

However, for anyone who paid attention to Giuliani’s testimony to Nancy Pelosi’s Jan. 6 House committee, which he repeated in greater detail behind closed doors to special counsel Jack Smith, Powell was in bad odor with both Trump and Giulianifrom the minute she started jabbering about Krakens, which Giuliani told the then-president was “crazy s–t.” 

Between them they fired her three times, because they thought she was a crackpot.

Powell, 68, has been targeted by Democratic prosecutors as their secret weapon to convict the former president for election interference. She is among the unindicted co-conspirators in a federal indictment against Trump. 

In August, she was charged in Georgia by Trump-deranged Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, along with Trump and 17 others, of conspiring to “unlawfully change the outcome of the election in favor of Trump.”

Power of the plea deal 

But those seven felony conspiracy charges miraculously disappeared Thursday when Powell pleaded guilty to misdemeanors in a plea deal that has her escape jail, pay a modest fine and issue an apology to Georgia voters. 

In return, she has agreed to testify against Trump.

WaPo triumphantly describes Powell as “the government’s most prominent known asset in its quest to convict Trump, potentially now dangerous to the president she once supported.”

The newspaper also quoted an anonymous source who claimed Powell “soured on” Trump after he declined to name her special counsel and order the military to seize voting machines.

“She was disgusted with his unwillingness to take action.”

But in truth, it didn’t take long after the 2020 election for Giuliani, then Trump’s attorney, to realize that Powell had zero evidence for her farfetched claims, including that Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez (who died in 2013) had hacked voting machines to rig the election for Joe Biden.

On Nov. 13, 2020, 10 days after the election, Powell teased her evidence: “I’m going to release the Kraken.”

A week later, Giuliani was so fed up with her baseless theories that he issued a statement making clear that she did not represent the president.

Giuliani told the Jan. 6 committee: “I didn’t think she was a member of our team even before that, effectively, but from the date she officially was not a member of our team.”

But somehow, Powell managed to inveigle her way into the White House on Dec. 18, 2020, signed in by a junior staffer.

Giuliani recalled that he was eating dinner at a restaurant in Georgetown that Friday night while Trump was at the White House presiding over a stormy meeting at which Powell, Gen. Mike Flynn and businessman Patrick Byrne faced off against White House counsel Pat Cipollone and colleagues over various harebrained schemes to overturn the election. 

Trump called Giuliani and asked him to rush over and adjudicate. When Giuliani arrived, the warring parties were in separate rooms. 

“The Powell group wanted the president to sign a document,” he testified, “that would allow seizure of the machines … 

“And then they started really, really fighting, you know, yelling and screaming … 

“Sidney said that she had affidavits … that showed foreign involvement in the election that, therefore, would justify the use of the military.”

But Giuliani told Trump that he had “a very bad experience with Sidney because she started out as part of our team and she would make allegations, then she wouldn’t give us the basis for it. 

“Then our team would have to go out and try to defend it as best we could. And then it would turn out to be exaggerated.”

Krakens and ‘crazy s–t’

Giuliani told Powell: “I can’t operate like this. I can’t operate with you going off talking about Krakens and all sorts of crazy s–t.“

He also told her not to go on television before briefing him. “I constantly had to call her. I had to tell her to stay off television. She wouldn’t do it. So it was a terrible experience.

“And I told the president that every time I challenged her on something and I asked her for support, except one time, I never got it or the support turned out to be totally different than what she was talking about.”

Once Giuliani arrived, Trump and his White House team went upstairs to the residence and Powell and pals went to the Roosevelt Room while Giuliani assessed her “evidence” alone in the Cabinet Room. 

He went through 12 affidavits Powell had produced to justify using the military to seize voting machines. It took Giuliani 45 minutes to realize they were a joke. 

“She basically had one source that she found a way of repeating 12 different times through other people … I told the president [there was] nothing like would justify using the military … 

“I told the president that he … couldn’t possibly sign these … And he said, ‘Well, if you tell me that, no, I don’t want to do it.’”

Then they all went upstairs and had a drink “because the president wanted everyone to be peaceful.”

But “a big fight started,” Giuliani said, and Trump finally had enough.

“The president called me over because I was the one closest to him, and he says, ‘Throw them out and I don’t want them back here again.’ ”

According to Giuliani, Powell, Flynn and Byrne tried to come back “two or three times, but they had put notices at the White House entrances that they weren’t to be allowed in.”

So whatever Powell has to say when she testifies for the prosecution will show only how deluded she was in the aftermath of the election. 

Trump and Giuliani were not desperate enough to believe her crazy theories. 

There is no excuse for her gullibility — but it would not be a surprise if she had been fed ludicrous ideas in a crude psy-op by anti-Trumpers that was successful beyond their wildest dreams.

The moral of the story for everyone is to maintain your New York cynicism, which Trump and Giuliani have in spades.

I find it interesting that Gen. Fliynn and Patrick Byrne were in league with Powell to try to get Trump to take desperate action which would have been disastrous.


All good Great news by me.

Sidney banned from WH entry must be recorded somewhere.

Byrne, a nut case by me, good bye. Flynn in the same meeting, a matter of unlucky timing.

IIRC Trump has since called out Flynn, when he was in person. Telling Flynn, and the audience, be ready on day one.


I remember this press conference with Powell and Lin Wood. She was ranting on about the Kraken, foreign election interference, etc. And then Wood jumped up and started in like a bad televangelist. I would not have been surprised if he tried a faith-healing on a cripple, or exhorted the crowd to come to the altar to accept Jesus. It was completely UNHINGED.

Note: I am NOT criticizing revivals, or faith healing, or people coming to Jesus! I am pro all of that. Just not in politics.

That was the day I knew I could not take them seriously anymore. But so many people had so much faith and hope in them I just couldn’t say much.

Trump disavowed Powell publicly. She has nothing against him in a court. And she will never have her prestige again. But she lost her mind in public.

Last edited 1 year ago by Aubergine
Valerie Curren

OK so I just went to Bing images to find a meme for a reply to Aubergine & got distracted w/ some of their suggestions for me, per AI apparently…so thought I’d share the joy!

For the featured image on Bing today 🙂

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Corn maze in Saylorsburg, PennsylvaniaAll hail Mazezilla, a massive maze of corn found in the Poconos region of Pennsylvania. Spread over 11 acres, there is a different one to solve every year, making it a popular attraction each September and October for those who enjoy perplexing challenges on a giant scale.

Corn mazes have been a fall tradition in the US since 1993. Farmers meticulously plan their maze production, design, and marketing strategies. The designs come in many forms, including complex geometric shapes, fictional characters, and spooky imagery. So, how do you prefer your corn? Grilled, boiled, or as a bewildering labyrinth?


A corn maze or maize maze is a maze cut out of a corn field. The first full-size corn maze is believed to have been created in Annville, Pennsylvania in 1993, although the Los Angeles Times mentioned the existence of a corn maze at the R&H Ranch, in Lancaster, California, in 1989. Corn mazes have become popular tourist attractions in North America, and are a way for farms to generate tourist income. Many are based on artistic designs such as characters from movies. Corn mazes appear in many different designs. Some mazes are even created to tell stories or to portray a particular theme. Most have a path which goes all around the whole pattern, either to end in the middle or to come back out again, with various false trails diverging from the main path. In the United Kingdom, they are known as maize mazes, and are especially popular with farms in the east of England. These mazes are normally combined with other farm attractions of interest to families and day trippers. Some of these attractions include hay rides, a petting zoo, play areas for children, and picnic areas. Each year a few of the mazes are featured in national newspapers and TV. In the U.S., corn mazes typically are cut down circa the first week of November; in the UK typically in September after children return to school.

There are many such amazing images that can be explored here too!

Valerie Curren

In the scriptural encouragement arena:

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Valerie Curren

In eclectic interests…

Thinking of Wheatie…

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& of course something Steampunk, just for fun 🙂

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It’s creepy that some of the suggestions were based on discussions in the room containing my laptop so clearly “someone” is listening in to what we say…sigh…

& lots of intriguing wolf images 🙂

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Cuppa Covfefe

With something like this to light it up:  💡  🕯  💣  🙂

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There are ways to disable the built-in microphone(s) on a laptop; some software, some hardware, with varying levels of difficulty and permanence… Sometimes just a configuration or group policy change will do (or a dive into device manager). Other times, if you can use an external mic (they’re FAR better, anyway), you can simply remove the driver for the onboard mic.

For the really adventurous, you can make a hardware mod, either adding a tiny switch, or simply crippling/removing the errant mic…

That will earn you one or both of the following T-shirts (I’m sure there are more 🙂 ):

comment image

Or this one (http, so it won’t post)

Last edited 1 year ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Valerie Curren

Thanks for the tips & the sweet pic!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They missed a bet.

It should have been Maizezilla.

Valerie Curren

Good one!


Very good ^^, thanks


It wasn’t mentioned but one area the veil has been lifted is Uniparty. It wasn’t so long ago that many still believed there was clear difference between the parties and that in the end R’s would reluctantly step up. Now most of us know that the only thing that can push them is fear of losing their seat. It’s pathetic but now we see it.


From the article:

Many reading Badlands are already well aware of numerous specifics regarding the Q drops, but for the “average” person out there, the Q movement is loosely associated with a certain number of ideas—a prominent one being that everything we see is scripted and fake.

No, no, no. Q NEVER said “everything we see is scripted and fake.” That’s a false interpretation of concepts that Q put forth.

Q did say, “You are watching a movie.” That doesn’t mean everything is scripted, and it doesn’t mean everything is fake. We don’t know exactly and precicely what Q was referring to regarding “a movie,” but we do know that it referred to events at the time Q was posting and at the time when Trump was in the White House (see below). Some events on several fronts mentioned by Q are playing out.

It’s not possible for some human beings to control the movements and speech of others to the extent being asserted by these fake Q interpreters. It is ludicrous on its face.

The fact that this idea [that everything is scripted and fake] has become so well-known in recent years is giving people a place to go when their old narratives break down.

No. It’s causing people to be delusional and to believe that the impossible is possible. In some cases it is causing them to be complacent. It is making some go into their safe spaces of dreams. It is playing on people’s weaknesses, IMO.

This does not lie at the feet of Q. It is solely the fault of those who “interpret” Q and assert they know what is going on. The hubris of this is off the charts.

Q posts 1449 and 1450 talk about a “scripted” movie specifically in relation to Kim of North Korea.

Q1451, June 11, 2018:

Does Kim look nervous prior to the ‘BIG’ meeting w/ POTUS?

Did they already meet long ago?

Is he preparing at his hotel w/ his advisors ahead of time?

Or, is he out enjoying the ‘FREEDOM’ he never had in the past?

Deal done?


On guard?

POTUS moves up departure – why? The World is Safer.

IRAN developments…


All of this is about meetings and communications that could be, and had been, arranged in the normal course of human and political interaction. It is about negotiations planned behind the scenes, long in advance.

That is the only time Q used the word “scripted.”

Q4904, July 9, 2019:
comment image

All [3] movies playing simultaneously?

Do you find it interesting that everything discussed in the past is somehow making news as of late?


The 3 “movies,” about pedophilia, panic in D.C., and FISAgate, are news items that people had been working on and preparing for exposure. That is all that the “movie” means: the good guys, the white hats, had been working to orchestrate certain events.

That doesn’t mean that they are controlling the speech and movements of every world leader and nation today (or that they ever could have been). It doesn’t mean that everything happening now was planned and controlled by the good guys to further their own ends. It doesn’t mean that nations going to war is part of a plan.

When Trump was illegally removed from office, his and his teams’ ability to negotiate the kinds of deals and events that were seen while he was in office was dramatically curbed.

IMO, people need to refresh their memories about what Q was referring to and stop generalizing and assuming things.


“It’s causing people to be delusional and to believe that the impossible is possible. In some cases it is causing them to be complacent. It is making some go into their safe spaces of dreams. It is playing on people’s weaknesses, IMO.”

I really believe this is the “collateral damage” referred to by Q. Some people have cracked under the pressure of it all.


Some people are gullible, and some others are playing on their weaknesses.

Q1440, May 20, 2018:


We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]. Subsequent posts [on here] were then made by Anons.

Timestamps verify.

Use Logic.


Be careful who you follow.


I can’t remember what this was referring to, but obviously people were misattributing something. Q says, “Be careful who you follow.” Not one of the bloggers has an inside track to Q, and IMO there is no reason to follow them regarding Q.


Breaking Update: Off-Duty Alaska Pilot Charged with Attempted Murder After Trying to Take Control of Plane, Shut Down Engines Midflight

As reported earlier, an Alaska Airlines flight was diverted to Portland Sunday night over a “credible security threat” related to an authorized person in the cockpit.

The airline said the authorized occupant was sitting in the flight deck jump seat.

“On Oct. 22, Alaska Airlines Flight 2059 operated by Horizon Air from Everett, WA (PAE) to San Francisco, CA (SFO) reported a credible security threat related to an authorized occupant in the flight deck jump seat,′ Alaska Airlines said. “The crew secured the aircraft without incident.”

NBC: Typically, off-duty airline pilots sit in the jump seat of the flight deck behind the pilots to fly back to their home base if seats are available.

GWP: It turns out the man who posed the security threat was an off-duty pilot.

The two pilots in the cockpit immediately jumped into action, neutralized the threat and removed the man from the cockpit. 

Joseph David Emerson, 44, was arrested and charged with attempted murder after he tried to shut off the airplane’s engines mid-flight. 

Emerson was charged with 83 counts of attempted murder, 83 counts of reckless endangerment, and a count of endangering an aircraft, NBC News reported.

“The jump seat occupant unsuccessfully attempted to disrupt the operation of the engines,” Alaska Airlines said. “The Horizon Captain and First Officer quickly responded, engine power was not lost and the crew secured the aircraft without incident.”


Sidenote…what he did will probably cause a jump seat ban for pilots. They’ll have to use a regular plane seat.
Wonder what his reason was ? .


Ackkk! if this is not the same guy, then there’s another one of these crazies out there! ((exact same verbiage as Emerson)) 🤣😂🤣🙄😬😮😏😖

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

A lot of emotion about vaccines …or..job security ! Maybe they were afraid that passenger flights would be drastically cut due to covid ? It seems awfully passionate and it’s obviously a canned response to be tweeted out

Valerie Curren

he’s also known as sword of I-slime into heart of in-fye-dell???


Real freak. Besides all his pleas going to Democrats at the WH and Congress, he’s up there getting off on zooming vaccines to the needy! 😮 Regular do good hero out to save humanity.

Emerson wrote, “The U.S. #airline industry and its pilots are essential to the distribution of a COVID-19 vaccine. Congress and government leaders must #ExtendPSP now to ensure critical infrastructure is in place to distribute a vaccine—American lives depend on it @SenKamalaHarris.”

If only those other pilot’s could of acted sooner… 😆


An interesting read. A few minutes. Israel Still Stuck On Stoopid….

The IDF is preparing for possibility of thousands of Palestinians charge on a settlement or settlements. 3000 rifles are issued for the towns and some 140 heavy machine guns.

^^^ IMO, EVERY Israeli, capable of safely using a rifle, should be armed.


If anyone is inclined, there’s an Israeli man named David that posts at CTH regularly. He has just posted a long comment about things over there on the Open Thread ( not daily politics). He has some insight that is interesting.

Valerie Curren

This looks like one of his updates, no link to comment that I could tell

 October 23, 2023 4:14 am

Thx for the heads up 🙂


I’ve been reading David. It is fascinating to hear from someone who lives there. Thanks for the heads up.

Jack Smith is a THUG


Go git ’em, Tom. Rip their coverup hearts out.


If I was the judge, this would be very simple.

Me: Give me the records.

Atty: Uh, I don’t have them your honor, we’re still reviewing them since 2017.

Me: It’s about noon, so we’ll take a lunch break. When I come back in one hour, I will have those records, or I will rule against you and this case is over.

Have a good lunch.



Don’t shoot the messenger….but this article says Putin had a heart attack. If he’s incapacitated that’ll bring more chaos. It also tells of them using a body double which sounds ccccrazy but..anymore I know nuttin’ !

~~~ Vladimir Putin is alleged to have suffered a “cardiac arrest” in his private Moscow apartment on Sunday evening.

A Telegram Channel believed to be run by a former Kremlin insider reported that incident saying the Russian leader was found by guards on the floor of the bedroom “lying on the floor, rolling his eyes.”

Doctors were reportedly called immediately and they later diagnosed the 71-year-old as having suffered a “cardiac arrest.”

Putin was then moved to a special medical facility built in the apartment where he underwent intensive care, the source claims.

The unverified report comes following persistent speculation surrounding Putin’s health amid rumours of a long-hidden medical condition.

The reported heart attack, which is yet to be independently confirmed, is said to have seriously spooked Putin’s inner circle.

General SVR frequently claims that Putin used body doubles that were swapped in for the Russian leader for public events and foreign visits.

A lookalike, it is claimed, was used by Kremlin officials during the recent trip to China during a meeting with Xi Jinping, according to SVR.

However, the reported body double is said to have suffered a facial malfunction.

General SVR wrote: “The fault is again with the double’s ‘floating’ cheekbones, which do not stay in place and move in different directions.
“The double initially had less expressive cheekbones, which, as a result of plastic surgery, were ‘enlarged’ and made similar to Putin’s cheekbones.

“But it was impossible to make sure they stayed stationary in the right places.”

General SVR’s claims have not been verified though recent Japanese AI analysis and various media reports have raised speculation about Putin’s potential use of body doubles for public appearances.

Last edited 1 year ago by mollypitcher5

Using a body double when being seen at a distance has been done numerous times by various leaders. Using one for meetings with a foreign leader who is not familiar with the person, maybe, but extremely iffy because the double could royally screw things up. Having a body double pretend to be a person and interact up close and personal with people he knows, no way (with or without a theatrical mask).

I searched for “General SVR” and found this from January of 2023:
Did Putin really poop himself? How an influential Telegram account is spreading wild, unproven claims about the Kremlin’s inner workings

The Russian Telegram account General SVR is a source of many juicy tabloid stories about Putin.

Among them are repeated rumors of serious health issues, and an infamous claim that he pooped himself.

Experts on Russian media strongly doubt the account, and say it does more harm than good…

It continues with more details about wild claims by “General SVR.”

mollypitcher5’s more than likely FAKE news . Thanks


You’re welcome. If it turns out to be false, that will be a reason to place “General SVR” in the not-to-be-trusted category, for me.


It would be an excellent reason to utilize the back wall of the Kremlin, if you catch my meaning.

No reason to break with Russian tradition, right?


Imagine the impact of Putin being out of commission with all the events going on in the world and his own country at war. Then I think about someone tring to stir that pot. He is playing with fire.


This “General SVR’s claims” are on news outlet stories all over the internet (MSN,, etc.), along with “Putin’s body doubles.”


LOL you can see it (he) roped in this dope !! 😁 

Valerie Curren


Cuppa Covfefe

They’ve been saying that every month or two for the last ten years…

More deception…

Vlad is in excellent shape, sort of a fitness freak…


8 months after attending the Outpouring of the HOLY SPIRIT at Asbury, a Wheaton College student writes:

“Witnessing Glory

You haven’t believed in miracles, but several of your friends experienced stuff that has no medical explanation. Unfortunately, miracles from the omnipotent God seem terribly normal in the Scriptures. Now you have no excuse but to begin praying for impossible things (Mark 11:23).

All you want to do is worship. Individualism fades as you find you don’t have to pretend anymore—you’re not alone. Uncaged by your Friend’s love, you become vulnerable and confess things you never thought you could (James 5:16).

Soon, anxiety melts as you and your Friend’s friends challenge—no, invite—each other daily to attend to Jesus of Nazareth. Nightlong prayers (Luke 6:12), days of spontaneous worship (Ps. 27:4), and tears of intercession (Phil. 3:18) don’t seem foreign; they feel surprisingly natural.

Your appetite for everything “entertaining” is spoiled, and you walk into a study room to find a friend looking up at you guiltily. “This is terrible,” she says. “What?” you say. “I have so much to do—but I can’t stop reading my Bible!” And you laugh because you came in itching to finish reading Exodus 27–30.


Since when did you want to read Exodus 27–30?

But the Lover of your soul has made himself known. He stepped into your warp-speed haze and took your hand. You’re mesmerized by his words. You knew he was better, but you never gave him the time or attention to experience that knowing.”



Our True Friend!


They speak truth.

Went there with my soul and never left


For anyone who is interested in why Bitcoin is up $3,000 today, it’s because a filing by Blackrock showed that they have been issued a CUSIP number for their Bitcoin ETF that is still awaiting final approval (along with about 8 other Bitcoin ETFs awaiting approval).

In the Blackrock filing, they mentioned that they are currently ‘seeding’ the as yet to be approved ETF, which means Blackrock is acquiring Bitcoin right now for their ETF (which, again, has not yet received final approval).

It certainly appears to be ‘happening’, as they say.

Six minute video from one of the crypto yootoobers I watch daily:



Note: Bitcoin was at $31k about 4 hours ago when the video above was posted, it is currently at $33k.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

Since I [and numerous others, I’m sure] cannot get my mind wrapped around the theory of bitcoin, I hereby tender my proxy to you for thinking and deciding how to deal with news in the bitcoin realm.


Thousands of dollars, for one, of sumthin, that I can NOT touch. 

Can NOT fathom, putting my money into Bitcoin, or the like.


“Thousands of dollars, for one, of sumthin, that I can NOT touch.”


I understand.

It just requires a little time to think about it, and get good (logical, rational) answers to all of the natural questions about it.

What about technology?

We can’t touch that either, but we understand that it has value. We can’t ‘touch’ Amazon Web Service, or Google Cloud, for example.

As a practical matter, we only touch fiat currency when we want to, but lots of people hardly ever use it anymore. They do nearly all of their transactions electronically.

Owning actual Bitcoin is a little tricky for non-tech oriented people (myself included), and therefore a barrier to entry for many. This is why a company like MicroStrategy is a good proxy for Bitcoin. Because of the amount of Bitcoin owned by MicroStrategy (MSTR), it essentially functions as a Bitcoin ETF in many ways, but ‘official’ ETFs are more compatible with the ‘language’ of institutional investors, for lack of a better way to say it.

This is why the soon to be approved ETFs are going to be such a big deal, both for retail investors and for institutional investors alike.

Currently (pre-ETF approval), it is difficult for a variety of reasons for institutions to invest in Bitcoin. After the ETFs are approved, it will be like opening what was essentially a locked door to institutional investors.

Everyone watching the process unfold realizes that a lot of institutional money is on the sidelines, waiting to invest in Bitcoin. So many of those people are getting in now, trying to front-run the ETFs, before the ETFs push the price higher.

That’s what is causing the price to go up from around $29,500 to as high as $35K (earlier today), over the last 48 hours or so.


“Can NOT fathom, putting my money into Bitcoin, or the like.”


Great point, and I understand again!

One of the interesting aspects of Bitcoin discussions is, like discussions about precious metals, people are forced to consider a fundamental question:

What is ‘money’?

Pretty much everyone agrees that fiat currency isn’t ‘money’, it’s just a facsimile, a representation, like Monopoly ‘money’. It isn’t backed by anything besides the ‘full faith and credit of the government’.

Faith in the gov’t isn’t so hot anymore…

Ultimately, ‘money’ is a tool, a method to store and exchange value. For thousands of years, enough people agreed to use gold and silver, that gold and silver was used as ‘money’, and still is.

But it wouldn’t be, if people didn’t choose to agree that it had value. There is nothing intrinsically valuable about shiny gold metal, or shiny silver metal, besides scarcity and the fact that people tend to paw at it like monkeys at the obelisk in the opening of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

There are reasons why gold and silver came to be decided upon, reasons why a consensus was reached, that it was useful as a store and exchange of value.

Most of those reasons also apply to Bitcoin, and in most of those cases, Bitcoin is better. For example, anything that functions as ‘money’ has to be divisible, in order to make change, for example. Bitcoin is easily divisible. It is much harder to divide a gold or silver coin.

Fidelity recently published a paper on Bitcoin. I haven’t had a chance to read it yet, but I have seen it referenced quite a bit recently:


It’s at $34,000 now.

I understand completely about not getting it, I didn’t either, for a long time. Because it is something more or less entirely new, it’s the kind of thing that is easy to dismiss out of hand, until or unless you have taken some time to get the basic info about, and then think about it, and listen to / watch the explanations and arguments for it, as opposed to only against it.

When you understand both sides (for and against), it becomes clear that the ‘against’ arguments do not hold up to the ‘for’ arguments.

One of the best things about it is that it is “trustless”, it can be used to truly exchange value for value with anyone in the world, without any government or bank intervening in the transaction.

It was created in 2009 in the aftermath of the GFC (global financial crisis) as an escape from the corrupt and always debasing fiat currency system.

The way it was designed to function takes into account all of the obvious questions people would have about it, and many that are not so obvious.

To understand at the simplest and most basic level:

1) it is a finite thing, i.e., there is a finite supply. To my knowledge, it is the only finite thing to ever be used for money or a store of value.

With gold (for example), more is mined every year. If gold goes to $10K an ounce (or even $3K per ounce), LOTS of mines that are currently unprofitable would immediately go back into production, and the increased supply would, relatively quickly (~ year) bring the price back down to equilibrium.

That can’t happen with Bitcoin. No matter how high the price goes, there can never be any more than the 21 million that were authorized by the original code to be ‘mined’. Because of the way it was designed, it began with large numbers of Bitcoin being mined when it was cheap. Every four years the amount mine is cut in half. At this point, 19 million of the total 21 million have already been mined, and the last of the remaining 2 million will not be mined for something like 100 years from now.

So unlike every other “thing” that has ever been used for money or exchange for value in human history, Bitcoin has a FINITE supply.

This is what makes Bitcoin truly ‘scarce’, it is what makes it a ‘hard’ asset, much ‘harder’ than gold or silver, because when demand for precious metals goes up, miners are incentivized to dig up more metal.

When Bitcoin price goes up, miners can’t mine any more per year than they are now, no matter how much they would like to.


2) unlike nearly all other ‘crypto coins’ Bitcoin is autonomous, there is no CEO, there is no board of directors, there is no headquarters. It can’t be sued, it can’t be sanctioned, it can’t be banned. And if you do personal custody (which can be a little tricky, but people are developing tools to make it easier), it cannot be seized.

All of which makes it more or less impervious to corrupt government. And we all recognize why that is so important.


3) It is decentralized. Which means there is no ‘weak link’ which can be attacked. The ‘blockchain’ gets more secure the more it is used. The only way to defeat the blockchain is by what is called a 51% attack.

I’m not a techie by any stretch, but in basic terms, my understanding is that in order to defeat or take control of the Bitcoin blockchain, an attacker would have to control (take over) 51% of all the ‘validator’ nodes (PCs) which validate every transaction on the blockchain.


My understanding is that there are so many validator nodes for Bitcoin already, that there is not enough computing power in the world to ‘break’ the Bitcoin blockchain.

There are concerns about quantum computing possibly changing that equation at some point in the future, but by the same token, quantum computing will also be used to secure the Bitcoin network.

The blockchain is also transparent, meaning essentially you can see the ‘wallets’ that have huge amounts of Bitcoin, and when they move it onto or off of exchanges. You can figure out whose wallet belongs to whom among the ‘whales’ (large holders of Bitcoin), but all transactions can be verified on the Blockchain, not just the ‘whales’.

This is why it makes no sense to use Bitcoin for illicit transactions, because if it is worth the effort to find out, it can be tracked to an owner.

So, essentially, the Bitcoin blockchain can be continuously ‘audited’ (unlike the FED, for example). You can see (using blockchain analysis websites) the total amount of Bitcoin in existence, you can see where large quantities are being ‘moved’, and you can see where tiny quantities are being moved if that interests you.

I am no expert, my understanding is basic. I may have some details above that are technically incorrect, I’m just doing my best to explain as I understand it.

It’s a fascinating thing. All of the reasons that people want ‘hard’ assets like gold and silver also apply to Bitcoin, so everyone in both ‘camps’ is on the same page for the same reasons in that regard. Everyone understands the need to escape fiat and hold ‘hard’ assets.

In other words, people who ‘get’ Bitcoin also ‘get’ why people want gold and silver.

But not all people who ‘get’ why gold and silver are ‘hard’ assets ‘get’ why Bitcoin is too.

Or why Bitcoin has advantages which gold and silver do not.

I think this is mostly because Bitcoin is ‘new’, and most people (certainly including myself) are resistant to anything ‘new’.

Michael Saylor, the founder of MicroStrategy (ticker symbol: MSTR), explains and articulates every aspect of Bitcoin better than anyone else I’ve heard. He is practically an ambassador for Bitcoin at this point. He must do multiple interviews, with MSM and with regular youtoob podcasters, nearly every day of the year.

He even did a long interview with the crypto analyst I watch every day, the guy I linked to above. [link]

Saylor takes the time and makes the effort to answer every question when he does interviews, wherever the interviewer wants to take the discussion. He doesn’t dodge questions, he knows the answers, because he has thought it through very very thoroughly.

Essentially, he has staked his future and the future of his company on it. So it has become his business to know everything there is to know about Bitcoin.

If Bitcoin increases in value as much as he and many others expect it to, Michael Saylor will become the most wealthy man in the world. Easily surpassing people like Elon Musk, or Gates, or Bezos, etc.

So you might say he’s ‘all in’, but he never comes across like a salesman or a cheer leader. He always comes across as someone who genuinely wants to help people understand, because he knows it is the lack of understanding which is the primary barrier to entry for most people.

So every day, he is out there, trying to educate.

And he’s good at it.

He speaks like a regular person. He makes it easy to understand.

It is quite rare for a gift like that to be in the hands of someone who is in a position to actually make a difference 🙂

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

Quite interesting. Thank you for taking the time to explain. Unintended ramble unfolded below.

Random, rhetorical thoughts follow. Thoughts, my understanding. May be accurate or not. Again, rhetorical.

Bitcoin remains, like gold or silver, worth, whatever one may pay for it. Could go up, or down for any reason.

  • Sorta like the biggest mega investors, such as Blackrock, I assume.
  • Bitcoin value has swung wildly, up AND down. Yes, metals do also.

Comparison to Amazon or the like, is vague. I don’t value Amazon. At times I buy something from / through Amazon. No different than HD or the local supermarket. It is Not an investment. Not places to store (my pitiful and charitably described) wealth.

  • Nor do I value banks. Once upon a time, I valued banks. Prolly like many others.
  • I assume, the same could the same happen with Bitcoin.

Feds, specifically the Thugs at IRS, have taken an interest in crypto. Bitcoin is crypto I assume.

  • Don’t know if IRS is taxing “profits” on folks selling their Bitcoin(s). If not, IRS will tax Bitcoin profits.
  • It appears, every Bitcoin can be tracked to the individual. IRS likes that. World governments like that. Criminals, yea redundant, like that.

Where are all of these nodes, holding 21 Million Bitcoins? Perhaps I misunderstand that.

Blockchain. No idea what that is. I should look into Blockchain.

Bitcoin, weak link, among others is Easy access to an operational Internet. I assume, secure connections. Electricity goes down, no access to Bitcoin. Internet fails on some large scale, I assume access to Bitcoin may be lost.

The rumored possible WW III. Will governments take down the Internet in select countries? US, UK, Japan, China, Russia, Iran, North Korea… Internet down short or longer term, effect on individual Bitcoin value / Bitcoin concept.

What IF. Early on, when Bitcoin was selling for pennies, IIRC. Someone purchased, a hundred thousand (or significantly more) Bitcoins, for pennies each. Still holding those hundred thousand Bitcoins.

  • Then, unceremoniously sells All his Bitcoins. Theoretically possible. Effect on all Bitcoins value?

Bitcoin appears to be a theory, computer based on, organized ones and zeros. Folks value those one and zeroes, based on their faith in Bitcoin being finite.

At the end of the day. I can touch gold, silver, land and physical “stuff”. Although, finite, I still cannot touch Bitcoin.

So much to learn.

Again, thank you for your patient explaining Bitcoin. Some of many may have learned stuff. I did.


Sobering. Must listen.

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs
Katherine McCoun

I have been to the National Federation of Republican Women convention in OKC where the grassroots candidates won over the slated candidates and the key issue was to stand or fold on the transgender issue in our own org! We will Stand! Was happy to be able to vote and help this win!

This past weekend was the state convention

Tomorrow we leave for Mar a Largo visit on Thursday.

BUSY and Wonderful to be making a difference in these ways

However, the OH Battle is of National Importance. Will you please post links to how we can volunteer? There is no long distance any more … All of us can join the OH Battle in these last days to help GOTV.

Perfectly fine not to post my comment … just hope to read how we can join in the OH political battle


IDF shows foreign press Hamas bodycam videos, photos of murder, torture, decapitation
Government says it’s revealing horrific footage collected from various sources to the media in order to fight ‘Holocaust-like denials’ of Hamas’s massacres in southern Israel
23 October 2023, 5:10 pm  0

The government said it had decided to show journalists part of its collected documentation in order to dispel what a spokesperson characterized as “a Holocaust-denial-like phenomenon happening in real-time,” as doubts have been raised around the world about some of the most horrific of Hamas’s atrocities.

Journalists were not permitted to record the screening, which took place on a closed military base.

The footage was collected from call recordings, security cameras, Hamas terrorists’ body cameras, victim dashboard cameras, Hamas and victims’ social media accounts, and cellphone videos taken by terrorists, victims and first responders. Over 1,000 civilians were slaughtered by the terrorists, and at least 224 people were abducted.

Why does a person take a GoPro [to such an attack]?” the military spokesperson continued. “Because he’s proud of what he does.”

“It’s indoctrination, and if the indoctrination is to commit crimes against humanity, it’s not just Israel’s problem,” Hagari added, alluding to a broader Western war against fundamentalist Islamic terror.

At the link it gives written descriptions of a lot of it. One thing that got me thinking about if we should face such a thing…in one segment which has been shown on twitter, the hamas terrorists were dressed as Israeli soldiers/police flagging them down. then they were shot.
We’re so used to obeying the police. It would be so scary and confusing


For NOW, I dismiss the Israeli video shown ONLY to presstitutes. <<< No credibility.

Release the video to the entire world.

This is not different than, chosen couple, see J6 videos. Utter BS.

Are we ready for this in the US, an attack akin to Hamas in Israel? No.

Depending on where the dirt bags choose to attack, will partially determine the outcome.

If there are Armed Americans, dirt bags Will have a fight. Blue shit hole city, massacre.

There are Blue shit hole states, where get out of the big cities, folks are commonly Armed.

I don’t look forward to what is coming. Dread it. Resigned to it.


Agreed. They have to make the evidence they have available to the public. Where they ever afraid to show Holocaust pictures and footage? heck no…