Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.
This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:
Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:
“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”
“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”
If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:
- Our backup site, The Q Tree 579486807,
- Our old alternative site, The U Tree, where civility is not a requirement
- Our Gab Group, which is located at
- Our various sister sites, listed in the Blogroll in the sidebar
Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.
We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.
Joe Biden didn’t win.
And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Word of The Week:
- a road in a residential district which uses various measures to calm traffic.
- a living street, as originally implemented in the Netherlands and in Flanders (Belgium).
Used in a sentence
Wolf thinks that the word woonerf looks appropriately Dutch. He finds the concept fascinating, because there is little difference between woonerfs and “tiny, bad, and poorly maintained public streets mixed with small private drives, alleys, and overly long driveways, all mixed into a residential mess where you’re not actually sure where the road ends and something else begins.” Not that he’s ever seen such a place!
Wikipedia entry
A Bit of Music
Let’s start off with a Wheatie Tree!
OK – let’s go right into some strings!
It’s 2 hours long, so feel free to quit when you’ve had enough.
OK – how about some live strings? More of that “fiddle gal”!
This will become relevant later – just trust me on that!
Oh, man, I need some country after that!
Here’s Copperhead Road like y’all never heard it.
And now, back to business. Well, maybe.

Tweety Tweets ‘n’ Stuff!
The mouse is loose! AGAIN!
Moar Sister Toldjaso!
The Molnupiravir Contradiction

Why would we mass treat a virus with a drug which forces the virus to mutate, when mutation is how the virus creates new variants that reinfect the vaccinated? Before I explain the title contradiction, let me start with an admission. Most of my life, I have been very friendly with the pharmaceutical industry. I …
Speaking of such things – let’s look at future body count, shall we….
7%? That’s probably enough for Klaus. It’s a down payment.
Pray for those Branch Covidians who didn’t listen.
And here’s a suggestion to some folks out there….

Now – take a look at that hole in the ozone layer!

Scar-a-Mooch! Scar-a-Mooch! Make him do the Fandango!
And how about some absolutely fascinating history of science and mathematics? This one is not only rewarding, but rather easy to understand.
Until victory, have faith!

And trust the big plan, too!

And as always….

Sanitation is important. Here —
LOVE the petite snow caps!
New worthwhile Schlichter —
Which. always leads to this first step if we desire for it to end.
Jeremiah 14:20
We know our wickedness, Lord,
The wrongdoing of our fathers, for we have sinned against You.
I agree with every word of this.
Excellent read! Multiple scenes from The Patriot movie come to mind…
I started watching the Euclid video and am looking forward to watching the rest.
Stroke is bad, right?
Could the increased risk of stroke lead to a serious case of that thing, you know… died suddenly?
If the preliminary results turn out to be the same as the confirmed results, and the confirmed results are permanent… hey, now wait a minute… does that mean if you die suddenly, that could be permanent too?
What are they trying to say here?
Sadly, that logic train is missed by millions in this country.
Wonder if Mr. Pfizer was aware of this? I’m sure he would have passed on the cringe commercial . . .
Nice to hear from you.
Glad you decided to comment!
Nice to see you here!
Pfizer-BioNTech AND the FDA knew BACK IN APRIL, 2021, that the company’s modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” DOES cause AT LEAST THREE DIFFERENT TYPES OF STROKE.
Please refer to the discussion thread of Yours Truly’s separate blog post for The Q Tree, posted Saturday 28 October 2023—
Information about the stroke connections is brought over to the discussion thread via our good Gail Combs.
It seems Pfizer is designated to be thrown under the bus, to divert attention from the actual DoD operation – military countermeasures. We have a close family member who almost died from lung clotting – two days after her second dose.
He might as well have died with a hypodermic sticking out of his forehead.
A unicorn!
With what the vax appears to be intended to do,
a Eunuch-corn…
Dumb kid must be a demonicrat.
I like Chris Paul’s come back.
“You sound fully vaccinated…”
Sharp as a stiletto.
^^^ This.
There was no reason to debate for something he already had locked up. If it was to help select a VP candidate that resonated with Americans – maybe. But he already knows who he wants will be accepted by MAGA.
My picks: (not necessarily this order)
Palin (I know… not much chance – Optics)
I think Lake or Carson. I really like BOTH.
Actually I am hoping that Lake becomes gov first. Carson (born September 18, 1951) is now more ‘seasoned’ and would make a fine president in the future with Lake as his VP.
Lake checks the “Female” box and
Carson checks the “Cultural” box(es).
Kari would be a great Gov. After her Gov selection was stolen, she is currently running for US Senate.
Could become Gov IF we had HONEST selections. Maybe 2020 will be overturned at some point?
2020 cannot be overturned. It can, however, be shown to have been fraudulently obtained.
who is robinson?
LtGov NC. Noem, would also be good.
Edit. Last line deleted as I mixed up name AND stuff they support.
He is running for NC Governor. I hope he is voted in and later gets into the White house after seasoning as a gov.
Noem is GOPe in hiding.
Choosing Byron would remove one of our congresscritters.
And Navarro would scare the crap out of anyone trying to take President Trump away from office.
I never even thought about that. Pence is not smart enough verbally.
And he is a wimp stooge.
This echoes something I’ve said for years:
Actual virtue doesn’t require a “signal.”
I thought about putting it on a t-shirt.
Speaking of T-shirts,
(H/T another ian over at Chiefio’s):
From a comment at Jo Nova –
AND, those African nations were the stationed US TROOPS ARE HATED are the SAME African Nations that are sending MILITARY AGE MALES across our Southern Border.
At this point I do not give a Flying Middle Finger about those African nations fighting with each other. REMEMBER Whites in South Africa are being driven off their land and/or exterminated BUT THE USA WILL NOT ACCEPT THEM AS IMMIGRANTS unless they pony up a large amount of cash (A quart million or more. I do not remember the exact amount my SA friend told me a few years ago except for the million word.)
Nasty Nikki is like a parody of a corrupt politician.
I like that:
“Time to follow Mike Pence off-stage” (especially since that Traitor endorsed her now)
Pence endorsed Haley? Another nail in his political coffin.
I never ‘abandoned’ Ukraine in the first place. And tell me WHAT Israel has done for me? NOTHING
Remember She is the one that started all the destruction of US memorials with removing Robert E Lee’s Battle Flag.
Correctamundo…. as Rush would say.
Boom worthy!
Being a foreigner, why is Haley demanding the US give blood or treasure?
Former Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal said Sunday on MSNBC’s “Inside” that it was likely former President Donald Trump would be jailed for violating a gag order.
He says, “Judges, I don’t care what your politics are, the one thing you understand when you put out that robe is that it is about the legitimacy of the court and about the judicial process.”
If Trump goes to jail, it will be because he intended for it to happen, given the circumstances.
DJT is not going to jail, for contempt or any other reason.
But the court isn’t legitimate and hasn’t been for years, and everybody knows it.
To pretend that judges are virtuous by virtue of being judges just makes him look like an imbecile.
“Your honor” is often a sick joke.
Yes. I took him to mean that “judges gonna judge”; in other words, they operate on the principle that whatever rulings have been made have to be followed through.
He might think all judges are virtuous, though, which obviously is not true.
Evil Donkey is evil.
On October 30, 1735, John Adams was born.
John Adams and Samuel Adams were second cousins. Abigail Adams was John Adams’ third cousin. John Quincy Adams was their son.
On October 30, 1748, Martha Wayles Skelton, wife of Thomas Jefferson, was born.
She died about a year before the official end of the Revolution. Difficult times for Thomas Jefferson!
Martha Jefferson as protrayed by Blythe Danner in the movie 1776:
I was totally unaware of this, thanks TT. It helps to explain Thomas Jefferson’s mindset at various points in his amazing life.
I too was previoiusly unaware.
Blythe Danner also the mom of Gwyneth Paltrow, and the resemblance is easy to see here.
It is!
I LOVED 1776!!!! Watch it every Independence Day!
The history revered, and having been to the most solemn catacomb of the Adams interred in the church John Quincy built for his parents, his wife and himself in Quincy, MA was a highlight of my history travels in life.
I doubt many know about this. Very accessible. Will bring tears to your eyes if you have read the history of what the Adams did for the birth of our country.
Thank you for sharing this
You are so welcome, Valerie.
This is a very special place, because for better or worse, this family was the bulwark of our Republic. Now, what shall we do to preserve it?
I felt as though I was meeting each one of them. Odd.
I had that feeling when I was on the hunt for my mom’s birth family. At one point it was almost as if I “knew” her birth mom as she was as a young woman, she felt that alive to me, just from reading the tidbits I could find in historical newspapers & websites…
The church in Quincy, Ma.
Where JQ got his middle name perhaps…or was the place named for him?
Yes indeed. A bit convoluted. Quincy is part of Braintree.
I grew up not too far from Braintree, and it is STILL Braintree…so the history and changes of places are a bit odd, most of family lots, I suppose…also pronounced Quinzy.
This from Wikipoo to give a quick bit of history.
“John Quincy Adams was born on July 11, 1767, to John and Abigail Adams (née Smith) in a part of Braintree, Massachusetts, that is now Quincy.[5] He was named after his mother’s maternal grandfather, Colonel John Quincy, after whom Quincy, Massachusetts, is also named. Colonel Quincy died two days after his great-grandson’s birth.”
We have a town in Michigan that was named after a son of one of my great grandmothers. She was Mahala Bradley Ash Cardinal (we descend through the Cardinal line) & her son Mr. Ash was the founder of Ashton. I can’t remember if it was him or his brother, supposedly Hank Ash, who, according to family lore, was a prisoner on a ship on the Great Lakes during some type of battle & he was freed from his chains to assist in the defense of the ship. He preformed w/ such skill that he helped turn the battle & was later pardoned by President Lincoln. My dad claimed that his aunt had that pardon framed & in her home that later burned down so the document was lost…
When I ran across Ashton in doing family history research I was surprised to see some of the family lore to be, at least partially, substantiated
Oh my goodness, how wonderful to find that, even though the fire.
Where does the Cardinal name come from? and Mahala?
Cardinal is supposedly French Canadian & a distortion of Cargainelle. My genealogically minded aunt made those claims but I’ve seen no proof of that exactly. The Cardinals did come from Canada a couple generations before marrying into the Stoddards in the late 1800s. They all were farmers in Michigan for a few generations before my GGF went into lumbering & ultimately came to Detroit around 1900 to manage the lumber yard for his boss.
I wrote about some of these things in another Q-Tree post here:
Mahala Bradley was the daughter of Lemuel Bradley & they were in the Rice Lake area of NY, iirc, before some of them migrated to Michigan, which was pretty much frontier then. I think many of my Michigan ancestors came from NY after the Erie Canal opened up.
Mahala might have some Indian blood & be Metis as might the Cardinals. There is an Indian Princess legend in the family & some old photos of Mahala & some Cardinal men make it look like they Could have diluted Native American blood. If so the rumored tribe is Chippewa or Ojibway
Mahala is mentioned here:
Oh my. I am in NY.
Many of my ancestors spent some generations in NY. I think Orringh Stoddard, the Rev. War ancestor, was granted bounty land there. They were mostly in Broome County before heading into the heartland of Michigan’s lower peninsula…some, like the Bradleys were in Rice Lake & others from the Cooperstown area, iirc…
So, they must have traveled on the northern route across to Michigan.
Perhaps, but I honestly don’t know, but wish I did or at least knew how to Try to find out
I have yet to click in the link, yet it seems that side of your family came from Canada south to the English colonies, or what is now the US?
Yes the Cardinals came from Canada, part of Ontario (I think called Canada East then), to America but may have lived in the territories before statehood. I’d have to dig into the dates & locations further to “know”.
I didn’t realize that Michigan was actually part of the Northwest Territory at one point. We didn’t have to take Michigan history in school & I’m sorely lacking in that arena apart from mostly personal family history from some gregarious relations.
My husband has ancestry from the Netherlands on his mom’s side if we go back far enough based on published histories by his Hagerman ancestors (James John & his son Percy). According to one of their claims Michael’s ancestors once owned one of the islands around NYC, I forget which one, but those details aren’t firm in my head.
I do recall that JJH was born in Canada & descended from United Empire Loyalists, who were Americans that fought alongside the British to try to put down the Rebellion. They fled to Canada where they were lauded as heroes but likely perceived as traitors by their former American neighbors.
In digging in to details of personal family history it ends up exposing American history & beyond. It’s quite a fascinating pursuit, genealogy that is, & can become quite addicting in numerous arenas too
Here is a link to Ashton’s founder:
He was born in NY!
That’s sweet!
That might be one of the Newfane, Niagara County, NY relations…if memory serves. It’s possible that a group of people, relatives & perhaps some friends made the trek together. I’m not sure if that was before or after Mahala married Joseph Cardinal for her first husband was buried in NY…So she either migrated as a widowed mother or a remarried one–tough stuff all around!
My grandfather was, presumably, named after his mother’s maternal grandfather, Leroy Zolvan Munger, known usually as LZ Munger. My GF was Elzine Munger (sounds like LZ M) Stoddard. My assumption is based on the sounds of “Elzine” & “LZ” though I don’t have exact proof, just supposition, that this was how he was named too
Valerie, how and when and where did your family come to the shores of America?
Stoddard seems to be an old English or Scott name, no?
I just actually answered that in another reply to you. There were several Colonial Stoddard lines & mine comes from John Stoddard of Wethersfield, CT. It’s never been proven where in England nor Exactly when he came to America. He married Mary Foote, daughter of Nathaniel Foote & Elizabeth Deming & the Footes hailed from Bury St. Edmonds, iirc. I think it was said that JS was also from that region. He was here by 1642, I think, as he was listed as a juror but I can’t remember if that was in Watertown or Wethersfield or even if he was married yet.
I believe Stoddard was English. According to my aunt, who did genealogy work as a student, the Stoddard name comes from “de la Standard” & our ancestor was the Standard Bearer for William the Conqueror. I consider that Highly speculative since we cannot “prove” where JS came from or who his ancestors are. Stoddard is more likely a derivative of Stud-herd, like a horse keeper/herder. Or to quote Gimli in Lord of the Rings “horse master” LOL
Understood. The ancient names are facinating!
I have been able to trace my family back to Konrad Fenner in the Netherlands from 1642 but can take family back to the 1300’s.
By the Mormons, no less!
They are a great source for wading across the pond! My grandfather asked for their assistance in this endeavor and lo and behold, they were able to connect the dots.
Amazingly with historical artifacts, headstones and other evidence. Marvelous!
And touché for your own family’s efforts.
That’s exceptionally fun & hopefully accurate.
I play around in Family Search (free) & Ancestry (free via library access) which are both affiliated w/ Mormons, who are religiously motivated in their genealogical pursuits.
Hilariously, using FS I was able to “trace” (link to existing genealogies done by other people) one rootlet on my personal family tree all the way back to Adam & Eve LOL
I knew this was so highly speculative to be beyond belief, but someone has claimed that these linkages exist so I even printed off that direct ancestry for “proof”.
This convenient assured fiction goes through many heads of state throughout Europe, multiple Caesars, & ultimately known biblical characters.
I don’t remotely take it seriously but love that I found one thread in my tree that allows that Speculative ancestry!
I really hope what the Mormons did for your family is much better supported w/ documentation & not flights of fantasy LOL
I should note that one of the major software tools for tracing genealogies was purchased by a “private” firm of dubious ownership. My mom, a fan, stopped interacting with that one because she couldn’t tell who else might be using the information.
This dovetails with recent criminal cases where DNA was traced to a relative of the perp.
Blackrock just bought, if that’s what you’re thinking of… and Blackrock has a piece of just about everyone else.
Adding those together, the DNA samples that has is probably what Blackrock was after, and now they (or their Satanic masters) have the ability to use that info, as does Pfizer and the rest of the killer-vaxx community…
Tailor-made clot shots…
Count me out!
That sounds plausible
I wold agree. LOLOLOL!!!
Yep w/ all the psychopaths bent on ruling the world, even as they systematically depopulate it, anything that might give those demons an edge over us could, & perhaps even would, be used against us All
I thought that even the bioweapon called covid 19 was engineered to be somewhat more dangerous to certain ethnic, racial, &/or genetic groups…surely by dastardly design…
My cousin who put together than family genealogy book I mentioned died before I could ask him, but I got his widow’s permission to edit & update that book, for it contained numerous errors based on my own direct knowledge. We are all amateur genealogists but I believe I have a more rigorous standard of “proof” and “documentation” of genealogical data than was shown in the family book.
When my aunt did her work she interviewed her grandfather & charted his recollections of all the relatives he personally knew. She plotted this out in a geneagram, iirc, & has gifted me with her raw materials as I’m the most interested in pursuing these lines of inquiry.
The link from my great-grandpa’s personal knowledge & the John Stoddard of Wethersfield info, & that historical author has made known errors in his claims, is somewhat tenuous. Basically that branch of our Stoddard tree that headed to Michigan was lost to the author of JSoW. If I ever get diligent in this pursuit I hope to “verify” these connections to the point of increasing solidity.
Not many people can even get near this!
Well if you are “lucky” enough to connect to a published work that is a blessing but also a potential burden if the published info is (even partially) wrong.
Serious genealogists caution people to work backwards from the known to the unknown. With a link to a published work it’s like getting cheat codes to a video game that let you artificially beat a boss character that your actual acquired skills can’t best without the cheat on hand.
So I Really hope that the link to that extensive published genealogy holds whenever I decide to get more diligent about verification
I guess you might call it a hamlet of Braintree by John Quncy’s grandfather.
Zip Code 02169-02171
or, Quincy overtook little Braintree!
Braintree Zip Codes – 02184- 02185
My ancestor, John Stoddard of Wethersfield (as described in an early colonial lineage book), allegedly came to America in the early 1640s & stayed briefly in Watertown, MA before heading into the frontier & helping to establish the town of Wethersfield, CT, where several generations of the family stayed. Later his GS, also my direct ancestor, helped found Litchfield, CT.
We were on a trip to visit my husband’s brother in Wellesley about 20 years ago & ended up spending the night near Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., MA where my Revolutionary War ancestor mustered out of. Ironically we ended up following the most prominent roads that basically took us, unexpectedly, on that reverse family history journey from Stockbridge to Litchfield to Wethersfield to Watertown region…
One of my old college roommates lived in Beverly for a while & I spent a break from grad school there with her once.
Oh goodness, Valerie, I have been many times on that road. I live not too far from. I know Wethersfield VERY well! I grew up in Old Saybrook.
And now, I can drive to Stockbridge fairly quickly.
My own heritage is not far from yours, 1743 landing in Philadelphia. Our family still has an early18th c farm and mill running in PA. Three brothers from Rotterdam. PA Revolutionary War veterans all.
Wow that’s amazing! I don’t recall that I have (known) PA ancestry. For some reason when I hear the names of the 3 rivers, Susquehanna, Monongahela, & Allegheny I still get goosebumps, especially from the first 2. It makes me wonder if some part of my blood hails from that region???
OK now that I think about it I think my mom’s birthfather’s family may have come through OH from PA before his branch settled in MI…I’ll have to do more digging!
When we were on that trip Stockbridge was having a library sale so I picked up some old books & a library tote just to have something tangible from the ancestral stomping grounds.
Is Old Saybrook near Wethersfield?
We have a family genealogy book compiled by a late cousin & my aunt that has multiple genealogical pages photocopied from some old source, I think out of Wethersfield. They didn’t copy the Source info so I don’t know how to verify…& expand…on what they did…sigh
well at least not “easily” LOL
Old Saybrook is on the north coast of the Long Island Sound.
Wethersfield is not close by near .
My mistake…
“I live not too far from. I know Wethersfield VERY well! I grew up in Old Saybrook.”
“Wethersfield is not close by near .”
I am not familiar with these usages. Are these perhaps regional colloquialisms? For some reason they conjure up a possible Old World accent in my imagination
MY typing mistake!!!! I meant Wethersfield is close by!!!
Wethersfield is up the Connecticut River from Old Saybrook where it flows into the LI Sound.
And currently, Wethersfield is about an hour and a half from my current location.
Ah…I thought that I was the “idiot” LOL It’s strange to me w/ the smaller New England area states how close things are together compared to the Mid-West, let alone the West. I think it blows Europeans away that the US, one country, has perhaps more land mass than the entire Continent of Europe…not that I can understand how they decided to artificially divide the Eurasian land mass into “separate” continents

I clearly need to brush up on my geography. There is this one genealogist I really enjoy reading who uses maps to great effect to help explain her family history journeys. Some day I’d like to do similar work on my own family lines…
Here’s a link to her latest blog post that ironically deals w/ handling some of the DNA issues that have lately arisen
Rotterdam sounds like German extraction.
My mom’s birth mother’s family were Germans who came to America in the early/mid 1800s & were in IN for some years before settling in the Lansing/Grand Rapids area of MI. They came from the Black Forest area in Baden Baden in Germany…
The original Rotterdam is in the Netherlands.
Thank You! I should have recalled that for I recently read a fictionalized account of a WWII female assassin who worked between the Netherlands & France taking out Nazi officers. Rotterdam was one of the main places of action in that book. My memory is far from it’s glory days
Indeed, Steve.
My mistake, blush, see also my reply to Steve…
When we were contemplating moving to the Grand Rapids area of MI our old assistant pastor said of that region “If you ain’t Dutch, you ain’t much!” LOL
“Our family still has an early18th c farm and mill running in PA. ”
What a huge blessing! I once found the deed to the old family homestead–near Ashton, MI, that my GF & his siblings sold off sometime after the death of their grandparents–while doing genealogical sleuthing at my parents’ Cottage, where my dad’s parents retired & my husband & I lived for a year & a half as newlyweds. They sold the acreage to the Grosse Pointe (ritzy Detroit suburb) Hunt Club…sigh. It broke my heart to see that that family history site was no longer still in our family–it was like 120 acres too…But it did have my GGGM’s signature on the deed, & she was one that moved from NY to MI along w/ her husband–score!
Once we were at the farm of my dad’s longest friend, since 3rd grade w/ both in their mid-80s now, which was by Reed City, near Ashton. My GF was with us on this one particular trip. He pointed out 3 towering pines that were marking the grave of his Grandmother’s, iirc, broken doll. I mean that’s some family history literally bursting from the land! I wish I’d paid better attention for I doubt I could ever find that exact spot again. I hope those pines are still standing
PS Litchfield, CT is STILL beautiful! Are you near there?
No I live in Metro Detroit & have for most of my life
I wish that we’d had time to take it in instead of just pass through on a Long journey!
When we went to Saint Petersburg, Russia, we spent quite a bit of time just schlepping about, marveling at the scenery and deciphering the signs in Cyrillic.
Imagine our surprise when we came upon a stone at a corner that was in English and commemorated John Quincy Adams’ stay in Russia 1809-1814 (turning down a seat on SCOTUS along the way).
Amazing! Well before the psychopaths took out the Czar/Tsar who was helping thwart the ongoing, duplicitous Brit back-stabbing ascendency, if I recall some of Gaill’s “teachings” correctly…
John, Abigail, John Quincy, and Louise. Distress flag position for the men, wreaths for the ladies.
Spell check…Louisa!
Here is the only photograph I know of which is the last portrait of John Adams at Peacefield, his retirement home about a few blocks from the church.
Have been through this lovely and very different pre-nineteenth century estate (purchased by John in 1787). So different than the farm that John had, and Abigail mastered for so many years while John was abroad.
Here is the house…
What that man’s eyes must have seen & his mind comprehended–awed!
Isn’t that the most God-sightful portrait you have ever seen?
This haunts me to this day.
At one point in the John Adams biography by David McCollough, he writes of John Adams and baby John Quincy Adams being chased by pirates as they were on their way to France on the high seas.
And Abigail acquiesed for husband John to take his 11? 9? year old son on this trip?
I would have died from fright. And yet Abigail became a farmer and had her’ flock’ of other children to tend to.
Honestly, if one person tonight takes up the biography of John Adams by McCullough…DO IT!!!
If only to understand the sacrifice of one family we will need to endure if we want to save or claw back a republic.
I doubt Anyone alive could compare to these our forebears & superiors. We bask in the lingering radiance of their brilliance!
Thank you, Valerie!
Whenever I think of our forbears crossing seas in ships it’s overwhelming to even attempt to comprehend. Adding in piracy on top of disease, storms, stircrazyness, sea-sickness, sexcapades, well it goes well beyond what I might imagine…
PS Look at the size of his head and the tiny size of the body. My guess, he was gifted with that large head by God!
My TH ( Taller Half) saw Richard Burton on Broadway in Camelot. He was amazed at how large of a head Burton had in proportion to his body.
One never saw this on film. Maybe it was to remind all of us about Shakespeare!
LOL!!!! I can just imagine his sharp response to anyone who was a dumbass.
VE All of this!!!
I must tell you that I was in The Park Avenue Cafe in NYC one night in the kitchen dining room. The room is in the basement in the middle of the kitchen, glass-enclosed.
We were told Bob Goulet was upstairs having dinner.
The ten of us demanded Bob come down with his wife for a couple of night caps! We kept at it…”BOB, BOB, BOB!!!’
He DID!!!
And Bob sang the National Anthem for us, and had a few glasses of port!
Better time none other!
I also must say that when I was refurbishing the Ritz-Carlton DC, Bob came in with his lovely red-headed wife (of which I am also, not lovely but red-headed) and we had the loviest time visiting with them both.
I am so glad you brought him up tonight. Two degrees of separation, Valerie!
I’m also enjoying our “intersectionality” LOL What a precious & personal memory to treasure
What fun we are having!!! I cannot sleep tonight and am so glad for your friendship, Valerie!!!!!
OK TY WSB! I was away for a bit as my husband was getting ready for work & I was telling him about enjoying speaking with you too! The Q-Tree is an incredibly special place to connect! Many Blessings…& a virtual hug to boot
I found another Mahala Bradley Ash (Cardinal implied) reference here, but not her grave…
Sorry for just dropping it here but this is where I am on the page & you’ve been so indulgent in our conversation.
Oh & I remembered another NY family history location, Newfane, Niagara County, NY
& here’s a teaser blurb from someone who left a note on a relation’s grave…
George Ash was actually the son of Cynthia (Bradley) Ash. He marred Mahala Bradley (daughter of Lemuel H. (Harnden) Bradley and Catherine Waite; his first cousin. They had two known children and possibly four before his death.
Left by MEB on 31 Jan 2014
& this is probably not my relative but has a Loyalist tale of a widow so historically fascinating…
WAY up!!!
We once saw Bob Goulet in a stage production in Tulsa. There was a local performer, short, unattractive in appearance, larger than life personality also in the cast. When the play was done that local actor got a wilder audience reception than did BG, who “acted” fine w/ being upstaged
The local guy had impromptu saved a scene that got out of hand when a prop radiator started climbing up a wall when the rope that the principals had secured to it to climb out the window actually pulled the “radiator” off the floor. The local guy cracked everybody up w/ how he handled it & he was much Loved for this skill! When ever I see BG in that Scrooged commercial I remember this vignette from our “youth” w/ warm fuzzies
He also did a cameo in Weird Al’s “You Don’t Love Me Anymore”… and years before, “The Lucy Show”…
TY Cuppa!
Richard Burton had the most incredible diction. Here’s a short clip of him on the Dick Cavett show, discussing his Welsh upbringing in a coal miner’s family, and just painting a wonderful picture of those times… great interview (I think there are more, longer ones out there)….
What a lovely voice & such illustrative story telling
The filename when I go to save the upper photograph is
Is that supposed to be John Adams or John Quincy Adams? Or did the website have the wrong filename…
I hope they flipped that image. Otherwise the flags are backwards.
Those are, by the way 15 star, 15 stripe flags (like flew over Fort McHenry on a certain night in 1812).
The name in the stone is legible and forwards. The flags honor the deceased.
I did not realize that reversing the flag was the custom in that case.
I am so sorry, Steve. I did not explain.
Yes, the US Flag is positioned in many ways to message.
Either horizontally across a fallen hero or stationed or flown or positioned as a reverse in distress or death.
And Steve, I have a flag I have flown for about twenty years. It normally lies on my wall outside my front door. It is large. 7×5.
The correct way is now very faded. The distress hanging would mean that I would reverse it. It would be non-faded, I would be putting myself out to this hanging and quite a few people would know why I am doing this.
Being older with a potentially older vet in the house, should I do this? Asking from the Hudson Valley.
“The correct way is now very faded. The distress hanging would mean that I would reverse it. It would be non-faded, I would be putting myself out to this hanging and quite a few people would know why I am doing this.
Being older with a potentially older vet in the house, should I do this? Asking from the Hudson Valley.”
In my own “feelings” for my own family the distress hanging is entirely appropriate, but our flag is in the “normal” position as I’ve never discussed it w/ my husband & neither of us are vets. I have no idea if very many people in our neighborhood would know what we were actually saying or not.
If the “older vet” is cognizant & communicative perhaps discussing this option would help your decision making…
Well you have an option (assuming the wall is large enough). You didn’t specify whether you’re displaying it horizontally or vertically, but whichever way it is, you can change to the other. Since the blue-and-stars are always supposed to be in the upper left, you have to turn the flag over to switch between vertical and horizontal display.
Steve, those are distress signal, death positions for fallen soldiers or heads of State.
I didn’t know that–TY!
Steve, John Adams died on July 4, 1826.
Yes. But it’s nevertheless a 15 star flag in the foreground.
I’m not complaining about the 15 star flag; it’s a nice touch.
Well you can read “John” correctly so likely Not a flipped image
Yeah, I’ve had this conversation twice already.
Now you sound like my husband! LOL sorry I didn’t scroll down to avoid the repeat
Deja vu all over again?
There you be, Val. OMG, bless you!
Wow. We are really having a history lesson tonight!
This actually a very good thing!
One does wonder why it has to be on yesterday’s thread…..
LOL, just meandering the conversational pathways…
It’s a good team effort here for sure…AND fun too
The flag when they died.
Indeed. I actually own a 15star/15stripe flag and I fly it on the anniversary of Ft. McHenry.
Any “old” flag is still legal. I’ll fly the Betsy Ross on July 4th and other holidays relating to the Revolutionary War. I have the more standard 13 star design (rows of 3, 2, 3, 2, 3 set up a lot like our current flag with it possible to visualize diagonal lines through the stars) on dates relevant to the Constitution. [There’s little evidence that we actually used the Betsy Ross design very much at all, actually.] And I have a 38 star flag for Colorado Statehood Day.
Except I haven’t flown a thing since Biden got inaugurated.
Wow you are a very diligent AND historically accurate Patriot! I would guess the 15 star flag represents the first 2 states added to the Union after the original 13 colonies. Is Ft. McHenry where Francis Scott Key was looking for the colors when he wrote the Star Spangled Banner? Sorry I’m historically illiterate in a number of arenas, which you may have had occasion to notice LOL
fwiw on Tuesday’s thread someone posted the FBI “terrorist” symbols associated w/ “right wingers” & I think they have both the Betsy Ross & the Gadsen flags as signs which bear watching. Pretty flipping outrageous when these, or at least the BR flag, are still legal. I cannot stand these extreme psychopaths trying to destroy every aspect of our society, past AND present
Yes–the 15 star was the result of adding Vermont and (I think) Kentucky as states.
Because we hadn’t yet thought of simply sticking to 13 stars, as we added more states we realized we were going to have a ridiculous number of stripes on the flag, so we actually didn’t add stars and stripes for a while. I think we finally played catchup on the stars (and went with 13 stripes permanently) when we had 20 states (but don’t hold me to that).
And yes, I was thinking of Francis Scott Key. THAT anniversary is the perfect time to fly the flag he saw.
I’m not sure whether the Gadsden was ever considered the US flag. If so, it’s legal to fly it *instead of* our 50 star/13 stripe present-day flag. But the point you are making is valid as far as the Betsy Ross Flag goes–apparently flying a legal flag of the US is terrorist!
“apparently flying a legal flag of the US is terrorist!” TY for that verification of a pretty big Ka-BQQM!
Are you also saying that there was a time that they also added stripes as well as stars to the developing US flag(s)? It’s pretty fascinating stuff
Yeah, they did just that once. Then they realized it would cause problems to do so, so they decided that the stripes would honor the original 13 rather than all states.
Can you imagine 50 stripes today? really, really skinny!
William Daniels and Howard DeSilva in this wonderful quip with Blythe Danner.
I had the pleasure of seeing William Daniels, Ken Howard and Howard DaSilva in the Broadway play when this opened!
PS, Howard DaSilva calls Thomas Jefferson a ‘Red-headed Tombstone’!
Hysterical…and TRUE!!!
If one spends the time to watch this movie, it has the most snarky, wonderful script you will ever find to teach others and enjoy a quipped history of our US birth!!!!
I’ve never seen it, but you make me want to now
Oh, Valerie, you MUST!!!
And you may want to see it a few times. The script is SO snarky and lovely about how all this happened.
The writers had a great understanding of the problems associated with getting the Declaration done. They studied the history and consolidated this into a contemporary comedic tale!
Loveliest movie!
Yes…cut out the musical numbers and it’s actually fairly decent history.
Well Some musical numbers, like School House Rock, actually helped Me remember certain aspects of history
Oh GOD!!! 1776 is so much more FuN!!!!!
Well it will Definitely be much longer than SHR
Now Steve, The music is fabulously snarky and FUN!!!!
Fun, yes…absolutely. (There’s one number I will generally fast forward through because it’s a bit tedious.) I just don’t think they really broke out into song back then.
RRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Watch Howard Da Silva!!!!
Sorry I don’t get the reference.
Cut out the dialogue, and it’s a decent musical
(and who could forget John Adams as the voice of K.I.T.T.? or DATA as John Adams in the revival?)…
Betty Buckley played Martha Jefferson on Broadway… always wondered why she didn’t do the movie role…
That was a great play (wish I could have seen it live, rather than just being part of the pit in a local production). I wonder if “Molasses, to Rum, to Slaves” would survive the woke generation/Karens… or “The Lees of Old Virginia”…
It is important to see past first impressions….
A cowt!
“….“tiny, bad, and poorly maintained public streets mixed with small private drives, alleys, and overly long driveways, all mixed into a residential mess where you’re not actually sure where the road ends and something else begins.” Not that he’s ever seen such a place!”
I have. My Ex and I were in West Va and decided to take a ‘short cut’ OVER the mountain instead of going the long way (`50 miles) around.
Well the road went from a decent 2 lane to a poorly maintained rural road to a gravel road that forded a shallow river to a dirt track thru the woods into a guys driveway thru his orchard and finally back to a gravel road headed down the other side of the mountain.
And yeah, this ‘road’ was actually on a map!
My friends would cry out in alarm whenever I was driving and I suggested taking a short cut. It became a joke among us. They would quote Tolkien.
“We do things a bit different out here in the hills.”
Yeah, I noticed!!!
At least we were not shot at and we did make it thru with the truck and camper!
Hazzard County road maintenance
(or maybe Cabell County…)…..
In the early 1960s the street my grandparents lived on was made of bricks… later on, they paved over it, but I think the bricks are still underneath…
My hubby Still finds some brick sections of road to drive on in Detroit…
I used to peruse old City Directories, kind of the pre-cursors of phone directories but w/ more info. Sometimes they also had a “reverse” directory, where it was ordered by the dwellings on a street, kind of like a census. It would indicate cross streets & often time the first mention of a street in that directory would give a description of the kind of road it was, like dirt, gravel, cobble, brick, concrete, & I even saw something about upright logs in dirt.
This was fascinating info in trying to piece together one’s family past & have a glimpse into the conditions in other eras.
My dad’s side of the family, who came to Detroit around 1900 lived in an area that was at the perimeter of the city proper, perhaps recently annexed. According to Dad’s recall of his dad’s & granddad’s tales, at the end of the block where his GD lived across that road that was where the circus would set up & there was no city water on that side of the street so the circus would “pay” kids in the neighborhood to haul water for them w/ a free ticket into the circus–of course the free entry required a Paid entry companion!
I think Detroit could begin to fix Some of their problems if they de-annexed portions of the city back to the original municipalities for perhaps better management
This is not “my” Detroit, but still interesting for the topic of different types of roads:
Well I fell into a rabbit hole trying to find an online example of the street condition descriptions. Here is a site that has within a comment (no direct link I could find) a detailed listing of that researcher’s Detroit related links–goldmine–comment #12!
So my husband just woke up from a nap & I was quizzing him about his experiences w/ historical Detroit roads…well he just heard from my dad over the weekend about this quirk in Detroit paving practices, at least in the 40s & 50s when my dad still lived in the city. So apparently Detroit is “close” to Heaven with the streets paved with gold…well the alleys were augmented w/ the rejected silver byproducts, dross, which was poured over the gravel in the alleys to help stabilize them it seems…learn something new every day!
If you want to see replies:
that’s what i really miss about the new twitter crap–the replies were often the best part of the tweet!!!
Remove the first part of the URL
And replace with
I learned that from another Q treeper and saved it.
Yes it lets us at least read along!
Yes! It’s also degrading to be barred from participation in the conversation…
i love learning a new language!


What a shameless sadist he is, justifying his slaughter of the defenseless.
Are we now allowed to post about women who want spankings?
Asking for a distant acquaintance.
not my call…
wolf will have to decide.
his circus, his monkeys
Not distant enough
(What is this, S&M week amongst the trees???
Obligatory “about expected/full speed ahead” Maria B w/ Mike Johnson (new speaker)
J6 videos? Yea, yesterday’s news. Move along.
This is a MUST LISTEN!!!
Breaking History Ep 16: Is The Deep State Baiting New BRICS Nations Into A Middle East War?
Matt goes over
the history of the Middle East, Israel and the DELIBERATE POT STIRRING by the Brits and later the CIA.
Matt mentions the Samson – Option:
This is an anti-Israel take:
Samson Option – Wikipedia
Some notes I took earlier on the Middle East mess:
Wednesday Power Hour had some real goodies on the HAMAS – ISRAEL mess.
1:08:00 Tucker interview of Col MacGregor
1:16:00 could be very harmful to the USA…. Blinken seems to be in charge of military and our military is the weakest it has been. Expended material in Ukraine so stocks low. Top of US Military have never actually BEEN IN REAL COMBAT CONDITIONS!! They fought low intensity combat. We are looking at a real War and with Israel as a wild card that might use the nuclear option.
This idea of the nuclear Option is expended later SEE
1:17:00 too many unknowns and uncertainties … Blinken THERE IS NO ROOM FOR NEGOTIATION… ==> ARMAGEDON
1:18:00 discussion by Ghost of Based Patric Henry. Talks about how to varify footage shown using google earth.
1:20:50 — CIA and Funding of terrorists and BOTH SIDES OF A WAR…
Radicalization of Muslims in Schools created by by BRITISH in 1880s (ASIDE: THINK USA and John Dewey Father of Modern American Education — ALSO 1880s.
1:27:30 USA is FUNDING ALL SIDES!! (Must listen)
Go to 1:54:00 then skip to 2:10:30 t0 2;10:30 Saudi Arabia, DELIBERATELY set up to be bankrupt by 2017. THINK THE ARREST OF PRINCES.
2:04:00 These people do NOT believe in God and Israel was set-up TO BE DESTROYED. This is what the current situation in Israel is all about… SAMPSON OPTION
𝗛𝗲𝗻𝗿𝘆 𝗞𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝗦𝗔𝗜𝗗 𝗡𝗼 𝗠𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗜𝘀𝗿𝗮𝗲𝗹 𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟮
Henry Kissinger Predicts ‘In 10 Years, There Will Be No More Israel
Interesting TIMING HMMMmmm. It is Dependent on Saudi Arabia being defanged.
Also Isra Cohen-Watnick and Kash Patel say this attack by Hamas was PLANNED years in advance, meaning there is NO WAY Israel did not know.
Matt gets into the Henry Kissinger comment to the Jerusalem Post @ 13:10.
He mentions that Lord Balfour who was instrumental in forming Israel was an Antisemitic pro-NAZI
Comment by EXPOSE news: The Balfour Declaration allowed Zionist Jews to act as Terrorists: A Closer Look
This is another take on the mess. Please Remember Wolf’s AND LOGIC. BOTH CAN BE TRUE.
Hidden History of the Balfour Declaration
Washington Report, November 2005, pages 44-50 [Before Kissinger let the cat out of the bag]
The Jewish people deserve better than what is happening. They suffered enough and we should do everything so they can live in peace . Starting a World War though is crazy only cray people think this way specially with all the modern weapons everyone has not to mention Nukes. The damage that War causes and to the earth the loss of life is a affront to God.
World War III will change everything I feel so sorry for young people who have their life before them.
Maybe good times we have raise up crazy people demonic people ?
“The Jewish people deserve better than what is happening….”
This is what Matt is getting at. He says:
The Nasty British Elite (Think Prussiagate) decided to gather as many of the scattered jewish people in ONE PLACE so they could later be EXTERMINATED. He goes into how people were PSY-OPed into hating the Jews via the piece of Schiff called the Protocols of Zion and goes on from there.
Sean Morgan quizzes Matt about 3 news stories: Joint S.Korea & Japan ‘war games’ (They actually hate each other but hate China worse.)
The 2nd story is Turkey is ready to approve fresh NATO expansion while saber rattling about the Israel mess.
The third story is for the first time all the Five Eyes intel Chiefs are getting together. [More from the FIVE EYES intelligence Chiefs warning to 60 minutes]
@ 34 mins Matt response in a condensed version (10 minutes) Very rough translation in my words
“..I think there is a hectic fear going on that the New World Order that was planned and declared in place in 1993 with the demise of the USSR is in many ways slipping away.
…By the way 5 eyes is NOT American run it is British run. It was British created. It was a MI6 chief that set up the thing that became the NSA, the Black Chamber back in WWII or WWI even, that was British Intelligence declared it with the USA-UK Signals Agreement in 1946 on the same day that the USA-UK Special Relations was created. They were the same ones who saw to the PURGE OF USA INTELLIGENCE WITH THE OSS WITH THE RECONSTRUCTION OF US INTELLIGENCE WITH THE CIA. [REPLACING US NATIONALISTS WITH NAZIS! – GC] And the same entity that over saw the creation of the MOSSAD as a way to get around the slightly too nationally orientated Shabak that had been created with the Israeli Defense forces version 1 in 1948.
Background on this MONSTER!
This is what incorporated the NAZIS, all the unreconstructed leading Nazis of Reinhard Gehlen.
This guy was a really nasty piece of work! SEE:
Meet Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler’s Favorite Spy Who Used CIA Resources To Free Nazi War Criminals
Cold War Spies: General Reinhard Gehlen
German General Reinhard Gehlen set up an anti-Soviet espionage ring in 1945 and used it to the grief of both sides during the Cold War.
All these NAZI creeps were incorporated into this Five Eyes apparatus that set about a control of global information and global perception management esp during the cold war.[Think GASLIGHTING THE PUBLIC -GC]
Today they are MAJOR ENEMIES, as they have agreed upon at this Five Eyes meeting this week. CHINA has to be Undermined in every way possible. There is every form of full spectrum warfare going on… And the war is in the minds of the American, European and Canadian primarily. That is the domain… where this battle is being waged. Our minds are the target at the end of the day.
.. You have conceptual war and you have Hard War. So you have the first USA-Korea-Japan military drills. This is championed by Biden that he is bringing peace between Japan and South Korea…but not really since they are US proxy states where US troops are located and US military personnel are in real control…. Thad misslle shield pointed at Russia & China built up under Obama… It was so USA had first strike capability against Russia and China…. [REMEMBER BRICS started in 2010. Obama pres from 2009 to 2017. -GC]
There are 130,000 US troops stationed all across what is called the Pacific NATO or the Quad.
They [Five Eyes} are also very pissed with India because India was supposed to be a member of the Five Eyes, called the nine eyes but they said NO! at the end of the day. They were supposed to be a member of the QUAD, but India said NO! This is why Trudeau, the Puppet, has supported breaking all ties with India…
Psy-op that Five Eyes has evidence that Modi directly killed this Canada citizen [First I hear of that… Similar to the Jama Koshoggi death being blamed on the Saudi Crown Prince. -GC] It was used to justify severing ALL BUSINESS TIES WITH INDIA. You now can not even get a visa to visit India if you are a Canadian.
Canada did the same with China saying China did election interference. That is what Five Eyes TOLD us… we do not need EVIDENCE! Now there is a dragnet and if you say, maybe we shouldn’t go to war with China, you are a ‘Chinese Agent’
This is the same as they did during the cold war and to Americans & Canadians during Russiagate. If you said maybe Russia is not our enemy, maybe it is the Deep State — NO! You are a Russian agent if you say that.
So that is what they are doing now and you have these very provocative Military drills. China is very concerned that this could escalate. The Five Eyes are saying again that China has done technological theft against America — Undoubtedly [Clinton SOLD a lot of it TO CHINA — People forget that.] It has happened on both sides. Globalization is a dirty game. [Esp with Bankster owned Transnational Corporations in the mix -GC]
HOWEVER, one of the fallacies that struck me[Matt] is that China is becoming a world leader in high speed rail, magnetic levitation rail, in quantum computing… If they stole it from us, why don’t WE have it?…
Gavin Noisome going on trips saw Xi, fentenyal, China LEFT PARIS ACCORDS. Now other countries are talking about following China’s lead OUT of CO2 reduction treaties that are part of the Paris Accords that are so important to the COPA 27 Green Depopulation Agenda. China essentially said NO! We are a sovereign nation and we do not have shut down or be OVERSEEN by some supranational body so others see they can do it too.
So you have Kisenger & Musk & Blinken and Noisome going to China to get them to rejoin the suicide pac. This was a big reason for Noisome to go to China.
Sean: it is interesting that Xi was willing to meet with Noisome when he will not meet with Biden officials. What do you think of that?
Matt: Xi is willing but often sends his foreign minister. China is Polite and will act polite to foreign dignitaries they do not like so it does not mean much.
China knows Biden is a lame Duck and there is a HIGHER SELECTION COMMITTEE THAT WANTS NOISOME IN, so they know that it is probably wise to talk to Noisome since he could be the next US president…laughs.. [GOD. PLEASE NO!!!] [42 minutes]
The wold so called leaders or better people with an god complex are out of control. Destroy the world to safe the world? They lost their mind.
Here we have been told pollution control and safe the planet our government put lots of money into it and now they want to destroy the planet and all in it. They have gone mad and we though Hitler was an anomaly crazy man.
i agree.
the best thing that could happen imo? if we could determine where their hidey-holes are and completely destroy those–their strongholds–where they feel invulnerable.
level the playing field
Yes lets hope we get there. They need to be held accountable.
Level, in the sense of obliterate.
Scrape Hamas and Hezbolla and the rest of the perps into the sea, clean and purge the land, and make it a “No Ham Head” Zone forever…
The same sentiment from me regarding the puppet string pullers here, there and everywhere
Think New Zealand…
The Elite know what nuclear strikes will do and how long it takes to recover. Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Chernobyl were closely studied.
The GOAL is to KILL LOTS OF PEOPLE and to take over the world.
I am thinking they might go NUCLEAR WAR if all else fails. The crap about Trump having the nuclear codes makes me see that as a higher possibility.
The Cabal KNOWS nuclear bombs are NOT as bad as the Fake News tells up and there is plenty of evidence. They also KNOW that New Zealand is relatively safe because of air and wind currents.
I explained why in THE CASE FOR NUCLEAR WAR and GREENHOUSE, ICEHOUSE OR CLIMATIC MADHOUSE? h/t Neuman and Hearty (1996)
Also New Zealand is a MAJOR place for the Elite to stash money. I can not find my original source (Prussiagate maybe) but there is this:
International Offshore Jurisdiction Spotlight – New Zealand as a Tax Haven
Yes they have gone mad. Do not forget they CONTROLLED HITLER TOO.
On Bannon this morning has the Colorado hearing in Court that Trump has to be removed from the ballot. The Lawyer for the dems is lying taking things out of context it is discussing. I cannot stand lying like that and had to turn it off for my sanity.
It’s unconstitutional so watching it isn’t needed.
SYS. Save Your Sanity.
Thank you
I heard that the Judge is a political hack and does not care about constitution. They want to take him off the ballot and by the time it is rectified in the Supreme Court the election is over. They are so evil it is beyond comprehension.
I think something this important and time-sensitive would get an expedited hearing before the Court.
thanks for your report & taking one for the team!
Verse of the Day for Monday, October 30, 2023
“And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.”
1 John 5:11 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
What a fun open…so glad you found the time to play with the Wolf Pack today!
“little difference between woonerfs and “tiny, bad, and poorly maintained public streets mixed with small private drives, alleys, and overly long driveways, all mixed into a residential mess where you’re not actually sure where the road ends and something else begins.” Not that he’s ever seen such a place!”
Near my parents’ cottage there is a road that parallels the railroad tracks & the state highway that travels North & South near the lake. This road peters out into a dirt “private” road that amounts to a driveway that services 2 or three cottages that don’t actually front on the official road (I wonder what their addresses might be?). The furthest North house has the “road” end nearby, but a dirt path continues North. You can follow this narrow path all the way to the next community on the lake, about a mile North…sort of woonerfy it would seem to me
I always wondered who Frontage was, having the longest road in the world named after him
Now that’s funny, no matter who you are.
“..accuses PIGLOSI of leading an insurrection in the US Capitol on J6….”
I certainly hope the info. on the FED-Surrection comes out at this time.
This maybe why the Jan 6th tapes have been MIA for so long.
he was cleared in their attempt at impeachment on this issue.
so this is merely someone’s opinion…no?

These people are idiots. It is not possible under the constitution to call J6 an insurrection unless it can be shown that it has the same characteristics as the Civil War insurrection.
In short, where is the official declaration of independence from the United States? Where is the Fort Sumter military action? [it is intriguing that Lincoln did not view the Confederacy as legitimate; he saw it as a rebellion against the constitution]
Plus, there is no authority in law for keeping someone from appearing on the ballot if that person is constitutionally qualified to assume the office [presidential candidates do not appear on election ballots]. At best [according to their view] would be a challenge to the right of a victorious candidate to take office or in the case of the office of president, a challenge to the Colorado slate of electors pledged to that candidate.
Oh wait … they already said that that’s interference with an official proceeding.
This is a frivolous action. It cannot legally succeed.
thanks for your take on this!
They don’t play fair.
DISGUSTING! Dirty Leftist Attorneys Play Video of Trump on Jan. 6 to Open Colorado Case to Remove Trump from Ballot – REFUSE TO PLAY His Words Encouraging Supporters to be Peaceful (VIDEO)
The dems keep showing us who they are. Anyone voting for dems is part of the problem. Taking things out of context seems to be the deep states play book. So communist.
WTH is Swallowell, a Kalifornistanian Kongress Kritter, doing in a trial in Colorado???
Granted, there are probably many from his district who have moved to Colorado, but that would be to get AWAY from him and Kalifornistan…
Dragging his junk? That dog is nuts.
Was nuts…
I can’t read the article. Is it anything that can be easily gotten ? My head ( and wallet) is overwhelmed with the supplement and vitamin regimens
Discover The Powerful Benefits Of Ergothioneine For Managing Multiple Sclerosis Related Fatigue, Low Mood And Brain Fog
Well I am glad I bought that 10 pounds of mushrooms at the flea market, sauteed and froze them.
White Button Mushrooms, are known as Agaricus bisporus. These are the ones in stores.
The bioavailability of ergothioneine from mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) and the acute effects on antioxidant capacity and biomarkers of inflammation
There are several more papers listed at the bottom
Thank you. I can’t stand mushrooms so i guess i’ll SOL on the longevity !
You sound like hubby so I got him Lion’s Mane in powdered form from
oh yeah..I have that info about that one in my favs…haven’t gotten that one either. Doing Hubby any good that he notices ?
It might if I could get him to take it regularly. I have managed to stuff Coconut oil down his throat and that seems to be helping along with EXERCISE.
Coconut Oil and MCT Oil: Ketones as Alternative Fuel for the Brain in Alzheimer’s and Other Disorders
Helped these folks out too
(blast from the past):
Y’all remember that “Trump-designed” new Air Force One video the other day, the one that was fake?
Well, that SAME GUY who made it, @iceman_fox1, has done it again! This time, it’s the Trump plane “guarded by jets:”
And, if you look underneath the video on Twitter, it says “from Shadow of Ezra.”
Here’s an article about it:
I am SO TIRED of this crap! It makes us all look stupid!
Thanks for the confirmation about Shadow of Ezra.
I used to see comments. That same guy, Derek Broes, said this:
“I also think it’s hysterical that people don’t know I still like to troll sometimes. It brings out the ‘true believers.'”
Looks as if “Derek” is using the fake stuff to goad people and to bring out the conspiracy theorists. IMO, this is not funny. Unless he is stating truths, which I don’t see any sign of since he’s “trolling,” then he is compounding the problem because, as he knows, there are people who will take something like this to mean that Trump is still the president.
There are some that believe that Trump IS still “Commander in chief”….
Not the (p)Resident. Devolution “theory”.
Devolution “theory” according to Jon means OTHERS are designated as leaders. Also Trump is NOT “Commander in chief”
Of course he knows. That’s the point of the troll.
We MUST continue to debunk this kind of material.
“It makes us all look stupid!”
Except me…
I can do that all by myself
Ditto! Especially in this group of epic geniuses where I’m the likeliest Dunce Cap candidate

You and me both. I just try to blend in, and hope nobody notices me
LOL there are some people who likely just think we are Both just scroll worthy

I assume this to be true. We’ll see.
Hamas Hostage Shani Louk Beheaded After She Was Paraded Naked Through Streets of Gaza, Israeli President Says
Being identified by DNA from a splinter of a skull bone doesn’t prove anything…right ? Really she could be being held hostage, being treated humanely …right ? Huge /Sarc goes here.
How anyone defends hamas mystifies me.
“How anyone defends hamas mystifies me.” X 1,000,000
It is NOT defending HAMAS it is understanding WHO is behind the CANNON FODDER called HAMAS.
You will continue having the problem until the Puppet Masters are IDed and taken out.
Saudi Arabia did it.
05-Nov-2017 1:10:37 AM EDT
05-Nov-2017 2:17:24 AM EST
05-Nov-2017 1:55:46 AM EDT
11-Nov-2017 11:29:58 PM EST
23-Sep-2020 3:03:37 PM EDT
10-Mar-2018 1:04:36 PM EST
IF, Q is a good guy intel type AND IF Potus Trump, Modi (India), el Sisi (Egypt), Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Putin (Russia) and Xi (China) have all agreed to jetson the Globalist Elite as Matt Ehret seems to indicate — Think not only BRICS but China and India pulling out of the Paris Accords — Then I think we have a chance of getting out of the Middle East mess with a minimum loss of life.
Unfortunately there is no hope for the brainwashed terrorists so they will have to be eliminated or something. Then I think the 2 state solution may be possible. At least I hope so.
I’m pretty sure there already was a “2 state solution” as in the partition of the “Palestine” territory was to be partly for the Jews & partly for the Arabs/Muslims…I have info on that in an old, lengthy blog post:
I liberally quote Q-Treepers there too, including this info:
January 28, 2020 at 06:44
There was a Jewish state in 1922 – and immediately – to try to make peace with the Arab Muslims – Israel gave up 77% of that land – a Two State Solution in 1922.
Jewish Palestine was the land on the west of the Jordan river and Jewish Palestine was essentially the current nation of Jordan.
In 1967, Arabs attacked Jewish Palestine, when it dared to claim nationhood and call itself Israel.
Currently – Arabs are illegally occupying legal Israel in Gaza and West Bank and claim all of Israel as their legitimate land and do not want any Jewish state to exist. The Palestinian leaders are pretend victims, murderous terrorists, deceivers and provocateurs.
Again – there has been a 2 State Solution since 1922 – and any plan that involves Israel giving up more land is an unjustice and has historically proved to be futile!
In the past any Arab leader who signed a treaty with Israel was assassinated like Sadat. Time will tell.
January 28, 2020 at 11:15
I think, in 1922, the land set aside for a Jewish homeland was administered by Great Britain . . . the British Mandate. The Brits, however, gave up 77% of that land to Hashemite Arabs, ostensibly because the Hashemites had helped in winning WWI. They had helped, but no that significantly. The real reasons the Brits gave the land to the Hashemites was because the Brits knew there was oil in the land and figured the Hashemites would be easier than the Jews to deal with for access to that oil, especially since it was the Brits who gave the Hashemites the land.
Then when it came time to get serious about getting the Jew their homeland, the Brits, never really liking the Jews, decided that Arabs in the area also had a claim to the land, so they proposed to give half of that land to Arabs and half to the Jews. So, the Jews now are offered only 11 1/2% of the original land set aside for their homeland.
Above all, the Jews wanted a homeland, so they took the deal, but the Arabs wanted more and didn’t take the deal. When the Jews established their homeland formally as the state of Israel in May 1948, every Arab country around them attacked. Fortunately, the Jews, though undermanned with outdated and few weapons, successfully defended Israel . . . through toughness, innovation, strategy, tactics, much sacrifice . . . and the will of God.
January 28, 2020 at 06:45
Correction: Jewish Palestine was the land on the west of the Jordan river and ARAB Palestine was essentially the current nation of Jordan.
The thing is, Israel is a tiny postage stamp compared to all the Moslem lands surrounding it, and yet it’s still too large for the Moslems… Of course, they want to eliminate Israel and the Jews entirely.
What Hamas and the rest of the Moslems did and are doing to Israel and the Jews is downright Satanic. What the Moslems are doing over here, and elsewhere in the world is nothing less. I hope that Israel scrapes Hamas, Hezbolla, and the rest of the misanthropic miscreants off into the sea and ends their terror for once and for all.
The Biblical land of Israel was much larger that the current postage stamp, and even then was dwarfed by the Arab lands. And that still isn’t enough for More Ham Head’s boys… give them an inch, and they’ll take a mile, and still complain…
Agreed. I don’t know that Israel Ever possessed the land to the extent that God had promised would be theirs. In my SC blog post quoted above I have a number of biblical maps & quotes dealing with the boundaries. Maybe the “complete” possession of the land won’t happen until the New Jerusalem comes…
Indeed. The apologists were making much of the fact that she was being humanly cared for in a hospital. Guess not.
Given the way her knee was bent backward when lying facedown in that truck there was NOTHING humane about what happened to that tragic victim of evil!
Yep. It’s been confirmed over here, and by her mother… RIP…
Consider the handling of the Maui Fire.
8/27/2023 — Over 2,400 kids are missing in Maui, but aren’t included in the government’s death toll Natural News.
You get BLAH photos like this:

and this
With HAMAS we get a PERSONALIZED photo of a pretty girl WITH A NAME and STORY…
I am pointing it out because I just noticed it.
That girl is just as dead; and beheaded, to boot.
No manipulation there; Hamass are animals.
Well, here’s Yours Truly’s blowtorch for today:
Please refer to the following:
This is the Fact Sheet for healthcare providers for the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine”, in the “2023-2024 Formula.” This “2023-2024 Formula” is for use against the COVID-19 Omicron variant, XBB.1.5. IT IS THE DOCUMENT FOR USE OF THIS “VACCINE” IN PEOPLE 6 MONTHS – 11 YEARS OF AGE.
Page 3, section 1. Emergency Use Authorization, has fancy legal footwork language which basically states that, even though the “COVID-19 Emergency” was lifted in May, 2023, the FDA STILL HAS THE ABILITY to declare COVID-19 “vaccines” to be UNDER THE OLD COVID-19 EMERGENCY REGULATIONS. This would mean that Pfizer-BioNTech is absolved in advance from being sued for injuries, illnesses, or deaths caused by use of the “2023-2024 Formula.”
Section 1. also states clearly that the “2023-2024 Formula” is for “active immunization to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)…” — even though the “vaccine” DOES NOT and WILL NOT prevent infection from the virus. (The FDA, of course, knows this.)
“There is no adequate, approved, and available to the product [“2023-2024 Formula”] for diagnosing, preventing, or treating the serious or life-threatening disease or condition.”
Page 5, also near the top of the page: The FDA mentions that there are clinical trials for other COVID-19 “vaccines”, including ones for XBB.1.5.
NCT05765578, for the Moderna XBB.1.5 “vaccine”, AND for the Pfizer-BioNTech “2023-2024 Formula” (a two-manufacturer combined clinical trial), with an end date of 31 December 2024;
NCT05975060, for the Novavax XBB.1.5 “vaccine”, with an end date of 31 July 2024.
In other words, ANYBODY who gets ANY injection of ANY OF THE ABOVE “VACCINES” against this XBB.1.5 variant IS BASICALLY A “HUMAN LAB RAT” for PFIZER-BIONTECH, for MODERNA, and for NOVAVAX.
Page 7, in the footnotes: The FDA has quietly STOPPED using the term BNT162b2 as the identifier of the original Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine.” The FDA now calls it “Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (Original monovalent)…”
If one is reading the above Fact Sheet document correctly, there is NO mention of toxicological or oncological human studies having been done for this “vaccine.”
Page 10, bottom, through top of Page 11: The FDA has completely stopped all use of ANY Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine” except for, since it’s the “latest formulation”, the “2023-2024 Formula.” For example, if an UN-“vaccinated” person wants to get injected, they have to follow a protocol of injections of this “2023-2024 Formula.” (See Page 1 for the Dosage and Administration schedules.)
Page 10, bottom, through top of Page 11: The fancy verbiage, reading between the lines, basically CONFIRMS that the Pfizer-BioNTech “2023-2024 Formula” Omicron XBB.1.5 “vaccine” IS MADE USING WHAT IS NOW KNOWN AS “PROCESS 2.”
The only document that Yours Truly has found regarding use of this XBB.1.5 “vaccine” in people over 11 years of age is here:
October 20, 2023
They just keep marching on. The public needs to know this information. We are so privileged to have your reports here! I don’t know what can be done.
Incredibly fortunate for PAVACA’s deep dives and reports!
I think that spreading the word in as many ways as possible is a good path. There are lawsuits that are getting the truth out via FOIA.
I believe once the truth starts showing up in the mainstream media, that will be important.
Actually with the ‘uptake’ of the new vaccine down to 7%, I think the info is getting out via word of mouth. People just do not mention it.
Likely mentioned within households, bars at the water cooler at work, gatherings of any sort…
Knowing who AND what owns Pravda News, it is a huge barrier to break through.
I noticed the information about the FED spread like wildfire in 2008. I had a great conversation with a bunch of farmers in an out of the way 100 year old feed store. They were ALL very up to date on information.
That is So Hopeful! TY
I think word is getting out because so many are dealing with weird new health issues that they can figure out only came on after the jab. The possible odds of dying from it I think is floating around out there but it’s too terrifying to admit.
Yours Truly finds it strange that there’s apparently a dearth of readily available information in “Fact Sheet for healthcare providers form” regarding people over age 11 who would decide to take the “2023-2024 Formula.” A possible question that comes to mind–Is the FDA somehow focusing attention on getting babies and young children “vaccinated?”
I am sure they are.
Probably right Pavaca. They’ll add them in the vaccine schedule as if they’re mandated and to many young parents pediatricians are infallible…it’s their precious baby, Dr Goodguy would never suggest something harmful
To encourage Hamas, to GTFO tunnels, Send in 1/2 dozen Very Hungry, Feral Pigs.
>>> Sponge bombs. First I’ve heard of them.
I like the hog idea, after they shoot them and the blood is everywhere it should become unholy ground BUT we know they have the tricky ability to create some tenet that absolves the spiritual crime so…maybe the sponge thing is better.
One thing that i don’t understand about warfare these days is giving out blow by blow info about plans.
How many times in the ukaraine fighting did we hear in advance about where they would be and which weapons would be being used?
Hillary when Sec of State notified the other side all the time, to the point the commanders told State AFTER THE FACT.
Gah..Hillary. She’s a toxic witch..that never goes away. Just when I think she’s finally shut up…there she is in the news again.
For Pink Hair Milley, notifying the enemy was standard policy.
Had forgot to add, after the Feral Pigs released into the tunnel, add a Sponge bomb to seal the entrance.
LIKE very much
Now that would be horrific
They might not be as religious as we think? Religion might be used to justify the killer of innocent people and for their hate of anyone not one of them.
I like the sponge bob idea blocks them permeate. Even better have Israelis on the other side of the tunnel to starve Hamas out ?
Hard for me to understand a religion that seems to have one goal in mind which is to subdue all others. It’s one thing to have a goal of converting others by means of example, teachings, friendship, etc but offering conversion or death…doesn’t come close to the generally accepted version of religious.
Like you said, they’re killers using religion to justify
The actuall killers are the Elite who set them up, funded and TRAINED THEM just like they funded and trained ANTIFA here in the USA.
It is the PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION of LET’S YOU AND HE FIGHT while the banksters make money funding both sides.
Yes yes yes yes…the hook may be different but the end result is an army of willing fighters
Except this time they are NOT getting the willing fighters.
I think this is very dangerous because The Cabal has planned for it. Think attacks by Muslim on American Cities as a goad.
the hidden hand…
And the Brits, Royals and Elite. seem to be a MAJOR part of it.
I thought that over a decade ago and aside from Prussiagate, I have seen nothing that does not fit that scenario.
Considering the mother of King Frederick II of Prussia, was
Sophia Dorothea of Hanover, the daughter of King George I of Great Britain, the first British monarch of the House of Hanover there is certainly a major connection.
Fascinating how those generational elites think it’s their right to rule the world, with or without our consent
This I do not believe, sorry.
The history of islam is littered with the corpses of their victims in the name of allah.
The banksters and the government elites didn’t write their book, send them on jihad, and the rest for the last 1500 years.
It’s the so-called religion that tells them that the Jews are to be murdered.
The issue is not Black and White.
Islam was perfect for the Cabal’s purposes. Let’s face it most people are lazy and few are really interested in going out on JIHAD. Especially poor, ignorant third world goat herders.
If they were left to their nomadic, ancient way of life, they would not be much of a problem.
So the Brits FUNDED the Religious Zealots causing the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt a century ago. Al Waleed (I think) FUNDED Mosques in the USA under the provision that he would provide the Iman. As a result US muslims were turned radical.
JUL 20, 2016
Saudi government funded jihad teaching in US mosques
The question is, Did the change in King mean Saudi Arabia is now more moderate? Specifically Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS)
The Sword Dance and the arrest of Al Waleed seem to indicate moderation AND THAT TAKES A MAJOR WEAPON OUT OF THE HANDS OF THE ELITE!
20 Sep 2023 Saudi Crown Prince MBS says Israel normalisation getting ‘closer’ — Aljazeera
I certainly see EVIL but I think we have to look past the poor blighted souls twisted into weapons by the hidden hand — the Elite, if we want a PERMANENT SOLUTION instead of ENDLESS WAR.
“If they were left to their nomadic, ancient way of life, they would not be much of a problem.”
Six hundred years of “lazy conquest:”
Sun Tzu says, war is deception.
SpongeBomb Squaretanks…
I’d rather see napalm blasting through all the tunnels, and THEN the spongebomb…
For the JAB files…..
Marathon Runner Suffered Cardiac Arrest, Was Saved by Heart Surgeon Who Saw Him Collapse: ‘What Are the Odds?’
“I can’t believe the one guy, the first guy, to see me fall, to show up and give me help, was a cardiac surgeon,” said Tuan Pham
By Vanessa Etienne Published on October 30, 2023 09:29AM EDT
24-Year-Old Marathoner Collapses on Track After Cardiac Arrest: ‘No Definitive Answer About What Happened’ (Exclusive)
“It was nothing different than what I would do on a typical Saturday morning,” personal trainer and nutrition coach Dominic Fusco tells PEOPLE of the morning he suffered the incident
By Jordan Greene Published on August 23, 2023 02:12PM EDT
Runner Steve Shanks Dies ‘Out of the Blue’ Hours After Completing London Marathon
Shanks completed Sunday’s marathon in 2 hours and 53 minutes before his “sudden death,” the marathon organizers said
By Natasha Dye Published on April 26, 2023 04:13PM EDT
This organization has blurbs of hope that get shared regularly on as there are effective outreaches to Muslims around the world AND some are coming to Christ via this ministry!
Valerie, if you get a chance, do listen to Matt. He is essentially saying the Brits (Five-Eyes) are stirring the pot and that is what is actually behind the mess in the Middle East.
You can see glimpses of Trump — The Peace Maker in play. As Q said cleaning up Saudi Arabia was KEY. Also do not forget the FABIAN ORCHESTRATED Arab Spring in Egypt was a failure.
I am leaving in the HTML
Oh, what a tight little group of friends.
And emailing each other, how nice.
Don’t forget, some in Congress were questioning Muslim Brotherhood influence inside the Obama Administration back in 2012 (appointed to high level government positions) . They were ridiculed unjustly (even by establishment Repubs like John McCain) for simply asking if proper vetting was being done on government hiring for some of these people with ties to Muslim Brotherhood.
House Members Demand Answers on Depth of US Government with Muslim Brotherhood
When el-Sisi was elected President of Egypt, one of the first things his new government did was declare Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization.
“Mohammed al-Zawahiri (brother to al-Qaeda’s #2 banana Ayman al-Zawahiri) was stirring up trouble”.
And now Ayman al-Zawahiri is #1 al-Qaeda banana. He was a busy beaver before hooking up with Osama. He helped plot the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in 1981 and was tied to the assassination of former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto in 2007 not mention his role in 9/11 and all the other horrible things he’s done.
And because this history is not taught in public school most have no idea that in 1941 the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, a rabid anti-semite, met with Hitler in Germany . Think of it, one of the highest religious clerics in Sunni Islam, sided with Hitler.
The Holocaust: The Mufti and the Führer
Sadat’s assassination plotter remains unrepentant
1,400 Years of Christian/Islamic Struggle: An Analysis
If you do not think the events are linked to the EU and the USA you have not been paying attention for the last couple of decades. In very simple terms you have two sides. One wants a global government with a central bank using bank script not gold.
The other side wants the meddlers to get the hell out of the internal affairs of their countries.
Just for starters you need to take a long look at the Fabian Society. Founders Beatrice and Sidney Webb, Graham Wallas, and George Bernard Shaw also founded the London School of Economics (LSE). Lord Rothschild was personally involved in the restructuring of the University of London into the Fabians’ London School of Economics. He also provided funds for the LSE and served as its third president. LSE now trains most of the top business and banking leaders in the world. George Soros and David Rockefeller went to LSE for example as did Kennedy.
Anthony Giddens, former director of the LSE, was the creator of the ‘Third Way’ the new name for Fascism. Both Tony Blair (who unveiled the Fabian Window at LSE in 2005) and Bill Clinton are major supporters of the Third Way. Tony Blair was chair of the Fabian Society before he became British Prime Minister but that has been wiped from the net.
Now let’s look at the Middle East.
Up until recently all oil was sold in US dollars, the World Reserve Currency. However there was rebellion in the ranks.
Feb, 2003- Guardian: Saddam Hussein has earned Iraq a windfall of hundreds of million of euros. In October 2000 Iraq insisted on dumping the US dollar – ‘the currency of the enemy’ – for the more multilateral euro.
Feb 13, 2006 – DAMASCUS (Reuters): Syria has switched all of the state’s foreign currency transactions to euros from dollars
November 2011 — The New American: Gadhafi’s Gold-money Plan Would Have Devastated Dollar (Gold Denar) <a href=””>Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention</a>
Feb 2016- CNN: Iran wants to be paid in euros, not U.S. dollars
ftm daily: In the summer of 2011, just weeks after civil war broke out in Syria, the Tehran Times released a report entitled, Iran, Iraq, Syria Sign Major Gas Pipeline Deal.
Oct 10, 2016 – Bloomberg: Russia and Turkey agreed to build a natural-gas pipeline under the Black Sea that could be up and running by the end of 2019.
Back to our buddies the Fabians:
Jan 2008 — Telegraph UK: Tony Blair will earn around £2 million a year in his part-time role as adviser to the Wall Street bank JP Morgan [and he] will also continue to carry out his unpaid work as a UN Middle East envoy.
Tony Blair was ‘friends with Gadhafi and got Gadhafi’s son into the London School of Economics. Perhaps Blair was sent to the middle east to talk Gadhafi into continuing to use banker script instead of gold?
February 2011 Arab Spring:
FABIAN SOCIETY PHAMPHLET, <a href=””> From Dictator to Democracy</a> was spotted in EGYPT by journalists and suggested as a catalyst to the current unrest.
<a href=””>As journalists have sought to untangle the disparate threads that unite these uprisings, one of the most interesting revelations has been a common reference to a dusty — but still relevant — book, “From Dictatorship to Democracy.”</a>
<b>So yes the political motive and threads are there because Turkey is the gateway to Europe and with the shutdown of coal Europe is going to need ever increasing amounts of natural gas. That gas can be sold in Petrodollars or it can be sold in other currency. That gas can come from Russia or it can come from the Middle East.</b>
Does any one remember Mrs Bill Ayers and friends heading to Egypt to teach social media organizing? Believe it was right at the beginning of Hillarys term. Front page of the sos website was “statecraft for the 21st century” The state department was teaming with corporations to enact change corporate logos were all over the page. Twitter
Facebook, pepsi, google etc
Also that evil Medea Benjamin of Code Pink was over there, too.
I followed that whole thing on Twitter as well as having cable news on at the same time. I was very concerned because it reminded me of exactly how the extremists took over Iran (using the naive students as front men). I got into it with Stephen Hayes of the Weekly Standard when I brought this up, and he told me I was silly, that it was a “democratic uprising” and everything was fine. I asked him what sources he had and he said “reputable media sources ont he ground n Cairo.”
You know who was “on the ground” in Cairo then? ANDERSON COOPER. That was it. The other media outlets didn’t show up until a day or two later.
So there’s your foreign policy expertise from the Weekly Standard.
I was traveling with my sister in London when Mubarak was jailed. Our desk clerk was Egyptian and sadly asked me how the Egyptian people could ever trust the USA again.
I will tell you another thing. I think that the Benghazi mess was caused by Obama trying to get an excuse to release the Blind Sheik (one thing Morsi had promised) by staging a fake kidnapping, only it fell apart due to the CIA guys not knowing and racing to the consulate. The “kidnappers” probably thought they had been led into an ambush and ended up killing the ambassador in revenge. (There were rumors that the Blind Sheik was going to be released about a week before 9/11.)
Oh, and one other thing I observed in Egypt. When Sisi took over the Muslim Brotherhood headquarters were raided by the Egyptian Army. They let the poor people of the neighborhood take all of the furniture, but the army guys carried out boxes and boxes of files and ledgers. I saw this on Fox with a link to a Sky News reporter.
It is my fondest wish that somewhere in those files are records of communications with Obama which are incriminating.
i agree about the Blind Sheik. I believe they concocted a lame story about a video because they were caught short, having expected a hostage drama with Obama as hero using his ‘islamic’ understanding to negotiate an exchange
The attack was 3 months before Obama’s re election and Obama’s numbers were dragging, Hostage negotiations would dominate the headlines. Just before election day, Obama could bring it home. Turned out Obama was rescued anyway, by the perfectly timed Hurricane sandy and the infamous Christie Hug
There is another time I suspect DEMS were caught short. Election night 2016 when Hillary wouldn’t come out of the backroom or give a concession speech
If the fix was in, Hillary would not have needed a concession speech, If the fix was in, Hillary could not take a chance giving a concession speech, in case the numbers suddenly start flipping. Just my opinion
MSM Blackout? Egyptians Enraged by
U.S. Outreach to Muslim Brotherhood
By Raymond Ibrahim August 9, 2013
That’s a lot to unpack but easy reading, clear ties and events. Mucho thanks Gail.
I agree with Matt Ehret, we really need the TRUE historic background to be able to make informed decisions. And we ALWAYS ALWAYS have to be aware THEY WANT US DIVIDED.
I think we should allow those who signed the Abraham Accords sort out the mess. They have a much clearer picture of who did what and why.
One thing is certain THE USA MUST STAY OUT OF THE MESS…. Unless of course you want the Nuclear option.
TY Gail for this detailed backstory on so many of the Middle East machinations. It seems that Nothing can be taken at face value!
That is why I suggested the 1 hr vid with Matt. He does a rapid lesson about a complicated mess.
Just like our kids have been ‘groomed’ by the elite into something, not to our liking, they did the same to the Muslims esp in Egypt and GAZA. AND just like with our education system, it started in the late 1800s BY THE SAME PEOPLE. The Rothschild, Fabians & British Elite.
It’s some seriously sick sh—-aving cream

Is that sh—-aving cream brown and smelly??
Yep that’s some serious s—-!
Dang, someone took a tour of the Biden Administration.
That was just in the Oval Orifice clean up
This popped up after watching a YT here…fyi- for I haven’t watched it …yet
How about … instead of a disease, we just tell the truth – that she’s an unfit loser.
Rep. Thomas Massie:
Nope. Not an ounce. Not an inch. These people would do this again. I wouldn’t be surprised if they already have the same kinds of views about gun control. So no quarter. Their “best” wasn’t good enough. The “best” that they said they did was not based on principles of freedom, common sense, and “grace.” It was authoritarian and controlling, and gave absolutely no grace to their victims. So no.
Typical COMMIE!
You caught me.
You are CHRISTIAN so you have to forgive me.
For Eric. A simple thought. G F Y
It devolved into political. Anti vaxxers = deplorables, morons, idiots unable to understand “science”. Notably, it was only after a few Left leaning types spoke out that some would even listen
And yet the Blair-Rockefeller poll in 2010 found tea party members (Now MAGA) had higher education and income levels than the general population.
A truly remorseful person does not ask for grace. They acknowledge their crime/sin/evil, ask forgiveness, repent, and make restitution as appropriate.
So, Eric…
“A truly remorseful person does not ask for grace. They acknowledge their crime/sin/evil, ask forgiveness, repent, and make restitution as appropriate.”
It seemed like only yesterday that stuff like that could only maybe be found in dark alleys or the seedy red light districts . Proper horn toads wouldn’t even touch, let’s jam it into children’s psyche. It’s demonic
Yes, and the degree of acceptance of it, and pushing of it, to kids seemed to happen so suddenly. I don’t know if that can be chalked up to people without principles being led into something, or if there are that many perverts in society and in schools.
It’s on one of the WEFfenSS’s agendas…
Most of the “leaders” of the EU are childless. That is NOT a coincidence…
(something like 23 of them)…
It is
1) People to scared to make a fuss. (THINK FBI…)
It is all part of the Psy-op. If it is not reported in the news it never happened… RIGHT?
Agree on the wiff on showing backlash yet the very fact that there is backlash is because the effort to destroy kids and happy innocent childhood IS a huge program that does have support of many average Kens and Karens.
I’m a broken record on it. Can’t explain it other than minds open to truly evil . How and what was able to twist right into wrong I’m not sure but it doesn’t seem natural to me.That thought is scarier than chalking it all up to WEF or NWO or anything concrete like that. We’re talking soccer moms and dads all of a sudden promoting men in drag letting their toddlers stroke their feathered man parts. We’re talking church people hosting the nastiest of the nasty. We’re talking about the same people who a couple of years ago taught about good touch/bad touch hyping chilren and teens being able to consent to sex with adults..and literally teaching children anal and oral sex techniques.
IT ain’t natural.
No, it’s not natural. I’m hoping everyone who has any vote or influence in Pennsylvania will see what’s going on and act accordingly.
The Return of the Gods, by Jonathan Cahn, cogently and completely explains what has happened.
The ancients gods have been allowed back into the center of things. They were pushed to the fringes by Christianity for centuries, but we took God out of everything, and the small-g gods swarmed in.
I haven’t read that.
Agee that evil has swarmed in though.
Hope that the current term is Ballerini’s last dance…
Boss, was there a change in how WP is embedding X posts?
It seems like might work but not, imo…
Yes, seems I have to go the url thing on top and copy everything there as what I can get from the share button only leaves a hyper link, maybe cause I’m a peon
. If there is a “?” (sometimes yes, sometimes no) I will strip off everything after it, to get it to show here. But I have no idea what the powers of an editor/publisher are in respect to this. Awesome in respect to all else 
I think so. A few days ago I could not see Twatter at all and the page kept trying to load over and over.
I have not done an update in a while – of either WP or wpDiscuz. It is likely on Twitter’s end.
Video 1:27.
Netanyahu Says Ceasefire Off the Table, Compares Hamas Attacks to Pearl Harbor
At some point, before the entire ME explodes, USG will strong arm Israel, into stopping.
^^^ USG will stop sending munitions to Israel.
^^^ Always happens. Always.
Time to call and yell at Congress/senate Critters.
Not NO but HELL NO to ANY funding of Israel!!!
Oh and to give you the warm fuzzies… I was just watching this. Substitute Hama/muslimes for the KGB.
1:11:13 — Eye of the Storm: Q in Review
Stanislav Lunev Highest level KGB Defector.
Comey tweeted about the Potomac at near the same time…
There are those who say he is the head of the snake. Could be.
I doubt it. He is more likely high up in the food chain.
Of Interest is:
Vigilant News 10.30.23 – Mon 3:00 PM ET
@ 4:20 they start reeling off some very interesting head lines they are going to discuss like:
At first I didn’t like these guys but they seem to do a good job of discussing current news.
ceasefire=enemy resupply
Unbelievable, the harassment Trump children endure.
Trump children, Ivanka, Eric, Don Jr. to testify this week!
Miss Biden, you say in your diary that you showered with your father is that true?
Miss Biden, how old were you when showering with your Dad started?
Miss Biden, how old were you when showering with your Dad ended or did it end?
Miss Bidden did your father touch you when you were showering with your Dad?
Miss Bidden, where did he touch you?
Miss Bidden, did it make you uncomfortable?
Miss Bidden, did you tell him it made you uncomfortable….
Dunno how widespread the mistrust is.
Alastair Crooke: Israelis don’t trust their government
Well some are suing the gov’t over the covid clot shots.
it’s a start at least…
Missed in below article.
Electric Vehicles Set to Be Auto Market’s ‘Next Big Flop,’ Says FreedomWorks Economist
“Electric Vehicles Set to Be Auto Market’s ‘Next Big Flop,’ Says FreedomWorks Economist”
Tesla Model Y is the first EV to become the world’s bestselling car
The Tesla Model Y outsold the Toyota Corolla in Q1, despite being almost double the price.
By Jess Weatherbed
May 26, 2023
Tesla Model Y overtakes Corolla to be world’s best-selling car in 2023
Riz Akhtar
May 26, 2023
Tesla Model Y Was The World’s Best-Selling Car In Q1 2023
According to JATO data compiled for Motor1, the Model Y was the first electric car to lead global sales for a period.
By: Juan Felipe Munoz
May 25, 2023
Looking at the entire market, and the dumpster fire that is the EV universe, they are right.
Some might wonder if investment or ownership is coloring views…
5000 people are going to lose their jobs at VW because of this, and there are more to follow. The “electric dream”, powered by pixie dust and unicorn farts, is nothing but a flaming nightmare to everyone else…..
This link should prove interesting:
PurposeThis safety alert provides guidance to operators of domestic commercial vessels (DCVs) on risks associated with the carriage of battery-powered electric vehicles (BEVs) on roll-on, roll-off (RORO) ferries, and how best to deal with these risks.
Risk assessmentAs per Marine Order 504 (Certificates of operation and operation requirements) you must conduct a risk assessment for your vessel to ensure that risks arising from the carriage of BEVs are addressed.
Consideration must be given to the hazards arising from transporting BEVs and a vessel specific procedure developed for the prevention and mitigation of fire incidents involving BEVs.
New risks identified in relation to BEVsSome risks associated with BEV fires onboard DCVs include:
Further considerationsBEVs are approximately 25% heavier than vehicles with internal combustion engines. This should be considered when stowing the vehicles to minimise the potential impact on vessel stability.
Lithium-ion batteries which are used in most battery powered vehicles have been known to suffer from spontaneous thermal runaway fires. The lower the charge retained by the vehicle’s battery the lower the likelihood of a thermal runaway fire.
Some battery powered vehicles have a lower ground clearance than internal combustion engine vehicles. This means they are more susceptible to damage from ramps during boarding. Care should be taken in identifying these vehicles before boarding to ensure damage is not sustained to the battery. Physical damage of the battery can lead to thermal runaway. BEVs which have been damaged should not be loaded.
Charging the battery while onboard a vessel can increase the likelihood of a thermal runaway fire.
The use of close-circuit television (CCTV) with thermal imagining may allow for early detection of thermal runaway. Also, the crew can use a thermal imaging camera when conducting safety rounds of the vehicle deck to allow for early detection.
Manufacturers estimate that the minimum temperature in the battery where potential exists for thermal runaway to begin is between 60 °C and 70 °C.
Fumes (hydrogen fluoride) given off by the lithium-ion batteries fires are toxic.
When fighting a lithium-ion battery vehicle fire with water, substantially higher quantities of water are required in comparison to an internal combustion vehicle fire. The water must also be applied for a longer period. There is also an elevated risk of re-ignition. Using other medium such as a car fire blanket designed to extinguish BEV fires may also assist to contain the fire.
A damaged high-voltage battery can create rapid heating of the battery cells. If you notice hissing, whistling, or popping, a possible sweet chemical smell, then black “smoke” (nanoparticles of heavy metals, not smoke) then white vapour coming from the high-voltage battery or the vehicle generally, assume that thermal runaway has occurred.
Directly attacking the fire with water hoses and breaking open the battery requires specialist training and equipment. It should not be attempted without extensive training and practice.
RecommendationsAMSA recommends operators of DCVs that carry or are likely to carry BEVs to review their safety management system, in line with the following operational guidance:
Related informationLash Fire: A project running in the EU aiming to significantly reduce the risk of fires on board RO-RO ships
[end excerpt]
And some more news, from Jo Nova on EV industry collapsing
(H/T another ian at chiefios)
And a couple of choice comments
VW are making more and deeper cuts than Jo Nova mentioned; one traditional site which was completely re-purposed to EVs may have to shut down entirely, wreaking havoc on the town it’s in and, of course, the soon-to-be-unemployed workers…
“And some more news, from Jo Nova on EV industry collapsing”
I don’t know what this means. It sounds like Jo Nova is saying that the market for EVs is collapsing. That people don’t want them.
This is untrue.
What is collapsing is the legacy auto makers attempt to make EVs at a profit in a competitive marketplace. It looks like they are getting ready to throw in the towel (they should), and in order to avoid blaming their own inability to make a profitable product, they’re trying to blame lack of ‘market demand’.
As I’ve been saying since it became a topic of discussion here, it’s no surprise that legacy automakers can’t build an EV and make it a profitable endeavor.
They don’t want to, their heart’s not in it, their factories are not designed to do it, their corporate culture is incapable of thinking outside the box.
They are competing with Tesla. Tesla’s heart is REALLY in it. Their factories are state of the art, designed from the ground up (even choosing where the ground is located!) to build EVs, and their corporate culture rewards thinking outside the box.
Tesla is now making and selling 2 million EVs per year. Tesla now has the best selling car (EV or gas) in the entire world. Tesla is growing as fast as it can.
Tesla has $26 billion in cash and practically no debt.
Legacy auto makers are losing money on EVs. Tesla has industry leading profit margins, and they keep realizing new economies of scale, which means they can keep lowering their prices while staying profitable.
How can the legacy auto makers compete with that?
They’re already losing money. Tesla keeps dropping the cost of entry to the public, appealing to a bigger and bigger target market as the price of Teslas keep going down.
Until or unless something interrupts this chain of events, Tesla is like a black hole that will devour their competition.
The only way for the legacy auto makers to save themselves is to not compete, i.e., to stop even trying to make EVs.
They’re not going to beat Tesla at their own game.
And making cars is just one of Tesla’s very profitable games.
So it’s not the “EV industry” that is ‘collapsing’.
It is the legacy auto makers attempt to build and sell EVs at a profit that is collapsing.
Which will leave Tesla with a practical monopoly in the U.S. / North American EV market, and their only serious competitor overseas appears to be BYD (chyna junk).
OMG in Heaven — Yours Truly just came across THIS — from the American Academy of Pediatrics. THEY ARE TARGETING GETTING ALL PATIENTS BETWEEN THE AGES OF 6 MONTHS – 18 YEARS “VACCINATED” AGAINST COVID-19. Please spread the information below as far and wide as possible. Thank you.
Please read this document. It has “counseling templates” for the doctor to convince the patient’s parent(s) / guardians to get the child “vaccinated.”
Please see the medical coding schedule (the ICD-10-CM codes) on the document. There are coding numbers for patients who refuse to get “vaccinated”, or their parent(s) / guardians refuse for them!
Please see the payment schedule per shot for the doctor near the bottom of the document (“What Will I Be Paid?” section.)
Can’t access. If it isn’t too long, can it be posted?
try this:
Also try putting it into Yandex.
COVID–19 Vaccine Administration: Getting Paid
Perfect. Thanks.
Gail Combs
Thank you!
You are very welcome.
I find Yandex increasingly useful and BRAVE a google clone that gets worse and worse.
Brave Search is woke. Use DuckDuckGo or something else to search, if you use the Brave browser!
I found DuckDuck to be another Google Clone too.
So far Yandex has been a good search engine.
Page 1 of the AAP document:

Page 2:

Page 3:

Page 4:

Page 5:

Page 6:

Page 3 didn’t come through. Second try:

Thank you.
This is terrible and needs to be stopped! But I don’t understand. Besides the facts that chldren don’t need protection from COVID and that the vax hasn’t been effective, there has been a “need” for multiple boosters. So what good do they think it will do a child to get a COVID vax? It looks as if they’re trying to rope them in to getting booster after booster. This smacks of democide and making money for Big Pharma.
Who is going to protect the public from these policies?
Who is going to protect the public from these policies?
That is about all we can do. After all WE have the real power.
I forward a fair mount of what we share here QTree, with adult children. Backed up verbally. Best I can tell, they are now onboard.
Unfortunately, ALL jabbed. Thankfully, NOT Boosted. Also, I never STFU when Grands are in earshot. Best I know, no RSV or flu injections either.
Siblings are still wearing blinders. Willful ignorance on full display. They won’t even discuss at any level. Dumb asses. (Totally gave up.. Been bluntly told, STFU, in so many words.)
Neighbors or any opportunity, IF they bring up Injections, I engage. Most very receptive. Agree. Have definitely turned a couple around.
That is about all we can do but if each turns a few then it spreads. I read somewhere that 10% was the critical mass for an idea to catch on.
There is an obvious reason why so much money and effort is spent on propaganda; it works.
Link doesn’t work for me.
Worth the minutes of watching, imo
And sorry if it was already posted. Some of these look the same to me
Addresses the cease fire plan about 3/4 through
She’s not wrong. The Biden Administration under the surface supports Iran and Hamas. You can’t have not noticed John Kerry’s antics without realizing this plus with all the new reveals. Moar proof Obama is still in charge. If nothing else they want to keep the status qou with hopes for the gradual dissolution of Israel until they can be washed into the sea.
Earth quake coming with the new budget proposals being put forth by Johnson. Hasn’t seen it posted here yet. Will hold off in case DP has it. Not to steal her thunder.
Kerry’s daughter-in-law is Iranian, isn’t she?
All of the Klint00ns/Øbløwhøles/Bidenistas/DEMONRATS/RINOS are an incestuous bunch of Satanic Snakes…
Posting, then off to listen in…
Tucker Carlson Drops Episode 35: “Start Another War, Send Millions More Anti-Western Refugees to the West. Starting to Notice a Pattern?” (VIDEO)
It pains me to say it, but I thought she handled that better than I’ve seen her on many other occasions. IMO she was correct in not “engaging in a hypothetical” about her boss not making it to the election. And what was she supposed to say about donors not lining up to possibly support her? There is no good reply to that, and it would have been speculating about the future without JB.
Also, she didn’t giggle.
If that had been Hillary instead of Kamala, I would be concerned about the journalist’s welfare.
Hoe did well, given the questions, circumstances.
Intense Coaching Sessions, paying off.
And scripted questions…
They’re all ugly as sin.
No way.
The Clinton Body Count list is way over 60, it’s gotta be minimum triple digits.
They’ve been at this for a LONG time.
Practically everyone they know, eventually, ends up on the Body Count list.
I suspect HELL-the-BEAST is over 100 kills by now… not forgetting the Arkansas years…
It’s not every day that the VP has to confirm that her boss is still among the living.
Although… with her particular boss, it could easily be a daily exercise.
Easiest way to defeat Kevin is to hire a hot callgirl.
Get video of her doing her thing with KMcC.
Show it as far and wide as necessary to get him to drop out.
Watch out for leaving fingerprints.
“Easiest way to defeat Kevin is to hire a hot callgirl.
Get video of her doing her thing with KMcC.”
Frank Luntz will do it for free.
Probably already has lots of tapes of them together, so you could have your pick of the litter.
Worried about the name, though…. Giglio — Gigolo… hope McSmarmy doesn’t do anything with that….
Border security money is not for the border.
Reduce the amount of money AND Direct money to complete The Wall.
STOP processing them. Send them back. Deny entry. No money needed.
Obama is Osatan, and Osatan is evil.
Let’s hope Tim tells this directly to the Speaker.
Zero dollars for the border without strong restrictions. .
MeThinks, F A L S E Flag…targeting ghost guns. Story makes little to NO sense.
(SD) According to the Garfield County Sheriff’s Office, the man was dressed in black-colored tactical clothing, with patches and emblems that gave the appearance of being associated with law enforcement. The suspect was heavily armed with a semi-automatic rifle and semi-automatic handgun and multiple loaded magazines for both weapons. The guns were ghost guns or self-made weapons.
BREAKING: Potential Mass Shooting Averted at Colorado’s Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park as Heavily Armed Man Wearing Tactical Clothing and IED Explosive Devices Commits Suicide, Authorities Say
A 22-year-old man, heavily armed and carrying a cache of explosives, was found dead at Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park on Saturday morning before the park opened to the public, ABC reported.
The investigation, which spanned the days of October 28 and 29*, involved a 22-year-old male from the Carbondale area. He was dressed in black colored tactical clothing, bearing patches and emblems that gave the appearance of being associated with law enforcement. The suspect had been heavily armed with a semiautomatic rifle and semi-automatic handgun and multiple, loaded magazines for both weapons. He was wearing body armor and what appeared to be a ballistic helmet. Additionally multiple improvised explosive devices, (IEDs), were discovered with the suspect and in a vehicle associated with the suspect. At the request of the Garfield County Sheriff’s Office, the Grand Junction Bomb Squad responded to the scene and with their expertise were able to render the devices safe.
A glitch ? Committing suicide before the massacre ?
Wonder how much coaching, inciting, helping fed pals did with him.
Hispanic name
Sounds a lot like the shopping center guy.
It does..
20 years old
Homemade semi-automatic rifle and handgun (Ghost Guns).
Several fake hand grenades, fake pipe bombs and real pipe bombs.
He killed himself.
Pretty talented and whatnot to have the skills to put all of that 20 yrs old
Or he knows someone with a CMC or 3D printer.
Hezb’allah has made inroad in Latin America therefore a Hispanic name no longer means Chritian.
I can not find the article I was looking for (It has been scrubbed) so this will have to do.
Fri, 09/10/2010 – 8:25am
Hezbollah in the Tri-Border Area of South America
by Cyrus Miryekta
Hezbollah in South America
Obama Was a State Sponsor of Terror/
By Daniel John Sobieski
December 23, 2017
Breaking news: Obama allowed HEZBOLLAH to traffic cocaine to the US as a favor to IRAN.
(And that’s just the START of the article.)
Heavily armed?
Were the guns really that heavy?
Or do they mean that two whole guns (with ammo, even!) is so far beyond the capacity of thought for the average liberal, that ‘heavily’ is their go-to expression to sex it up a little?
Is someone with two arms (which would be most people) ‘heavily armed’ just because he has two arms?
Anyone who is carrying a rifle probably has a pistol too.
Anyone who is carrying a pistol is probably carrying a back-up gun… that would be a total of three gats on one person… oh the horror… the horror
Ghost guns… now they’re going to try to ban 3D printers…. idjiots…
3D printers, lathes, and mills.
UFB. Nine second clip. I would “hope,” MSNBC gave immediate push back on this.
Whoa: Rick Wilson Says Someone Will Have to “Put a Bullet in Donald Trump”
Comment from the video:
That was my understanding.
All we need now, SS to arrest the bastard.
I am sure Wilson also wants to eliminate second amendment for the good guys.
What a nerve of that guy sending out a hit job on a former a president .Where is the FBI?
SS should have already arrested the bastard.
I watched it. I expect him to say he was speaking figuratively, meaning a “political” bullet. But it’s outrageous, and he needs to be investigated. I bet most people wouldn’t even think about saying someone needs to have a bullet put in them in order to stop them.
The Left would call that a dogwhistle. They howl about benign words like target or bullseye being used in their normal contexts; yet this one was about using an instrument of deadly force on a specific individual. Instead, he could have said that Repubs have to target Trump to get him out of the race, or that they need to focus on that. But I think he will get away with “walking it back.”
fwiw it sounded like he was speaking metaphorically since he said “the donor class” basically needs to find a way to put a bullet in Donald Trump. Though tasteless, & likely illegal per comments already shared, it sounded like he was referring to the Trump candidacy that the “donor class” can neither control nor buy off. Not good for those would be “master of the universe” types who think they & their money should be in charge, not voters, AND Never an independent president who cannot be bought or manipulated (much)…
Imagine if Tucker Carlson said someone would have to put a bullet in Joe Biden in order to stop him.
Or (gasp!) into the Magic Kenyan.
The entire universe would have collapsed.
Right, or some conservative comedienne held up a bloody severed fake FJB/LGB head…spit!
Wilson is a Never-Trump dirt bag with a history of pure sleaze, so he gets no benefit of the doubt whatsoever.
I wasn’t implying any. I had no idea who he was, listened just once & that’s the way I heard him, that’s it…
I wasn’t implying you were implying… or at least I didn’t mean to!
it’s all good
Been waiting for someone to say it, it’s the only way they can stop him.
They have tried everything else, and he only gets stronger and more popular.
Maybe somebody could suggest putting one in RW. Seems only fair.
Now THAT is what I call a Ye for a Ye!
Is anybody else here seeing a lot of YouTube suggestions for anti-police videos? It’s the weirdest thing. I’m getting a continuous stream of suggestions for videos of passive-aggressive leftists baiting the cops into mishandling the situation, and then suing them.
I see that as very DANGEROUS.
This is pure Obama.
He or his handlers.
I don’t get suggestions from YouTube, and I don’t know how it works. That’s weird.
When you go to any YouTube page, you should see a bunch of videos showing on the right, in column. They will include things you’ve already seen, and new things like them. Sometimes you’ll see completely, or partially novel things.
Likewise, on here, when a video ends, you’ll see multiple clickable images of additional videos that are suggested to you.
That’s what I’m talking about.
Oh, I see. Yes, I generally see things related to the video I’m looking at. I thought you were talking about having an account or something.
If you don’t have an account, you’re a person they know, but who they can’t admit they know. If you have an account, they have an alibi.
I don’t have an account but I think my husband does. They are definitely Spying because of suggestions that relate to Spoken things in our home Not previous searches
Thus far my disposable browser qube doesn’t seem to be “remembered” by YouBoobTube.
you say “qube” & I think Borg

It’s the standard name for a virtual machine in Qubes OS.
I can basically start that particular qube up. It has almost nothing on it but firefox and it is as if I were running an almost-fresh firefox installation. I did a lot of preconfiguration to it, stuff you’d normally have to do while it’s running. But this firefox is running for the very first time. No cookies, no history, etc. And presumably very hard for Google/Youtube/FaceBorg/Twatter to recognize you’re the same person from before.
When I shut it down, it forgets everything I did, the next time I start it it’s a fresh (but preconfigured) install again. (It won’t even have the same user profile number. Firefox randomly sets that the first time you run it.)
(I also have a version that has no preconfiguration; it’s a bone stock fresh Firefox install. I’ll use that to get around the schmucks who claim that the bug you are seeing in their website is because you’re blocking ads or have an extension installed. No I don’t, I have an absolutely fresh Firefox here complete with the picture of the guy with the grinder and the page telling lies about their privacy policy, so THEY have a bug. I can fire that sucker up over and over all day, and sometimes do when Wolf is trying to debug an issue.)
I remember you discussing it in some detail previously…proving your tech genius capabilities that we mere mortals can only be privileged to read along & Attempt to understand. It’s awesome that Wolf has you, Cthulhu, & a couple others to assist in any fixes around here. You guys Absolutely Rock!!!
Per those parameters I am NOT getting those types of suggestions…lots of Charismatic Voice reaction videos after watching 2 by her & opening a third in a tab I have yet to get to….
i haven’t seen that but knowing a couple of dorks always looking for the easy $$..getting police cam videos from stations nationwide is a trend. They make a youtube vid and people watch that junk all day long. Watching cops in action can be useful if you’re a person looking for ways to bait them into some tiny mishandling mistake
I have been seeing more of them promoted in my view list suggestions too. I assumed it was because I had been watching those Nurburgring race track videos where a professional driver will drive you (in your car) around the track, as fast as your car will go.
After I started watching those, I started getting a lot of police chasing motorcycles videos suggested, and then anti-police video suggestions seemed to be the next progression.
Could be I just connected dots that weren’t there, though.
Thank you! This observation makes a lot of sense to me. YouTube programmers are writing code that can do many things. It is actually EASIER to write code to “bring disparate people to something you want them to see”, than it is to write code to “bring disparate people to something they never realized they wanted to see.”