Shall we dive in?
Framing Techniques for Mass Persuasion
Follow The Money
GOP Donor Class Drift Back to Trump as DeSantis Flounders.
Johnson as Speaker Changes Everything
5 Examples Of The Illegal Government Censorship SCOTUS Just Allowed To Resume
Badlands News Brief – October 30, 2023
War Pigs
Elon Musk has popped a few extra red pills…
Judge temporarily blocks federal officials from removing razor wire set up by Texas to deter border crossings
How to Defeat Hamas Fast, Cheap and Easy
The Rise of Jacobin Justice
Nikki Haley Takes Lead in Non-Trump Lane, DeSantis Continues Shrinking
Is that why he’s wearing boots that are supposed to make him look taller?
Tweet hopper:
Note: for whatever reason, X Posts are not embedding the way they usually do. Please, right click on the “pic.twitter” links to open them.
These dog coms can be confusing.
Meme & Fun hopper:

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
ROMANS 8:18-25
18I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. 19For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God; 20for the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will but by the will of him who subjected it in hope; 21because the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and obtain the glorious liberty of the children of God. 22We know that the whole creation has been groaning in travail together until now; 23and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. 24For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? 25But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.
Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)
Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Amen brother.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

I should be jaded to this shit by now. But I’m not.
I am still stunned at their arrogance.
“The benefits outweigh the risks.”
“Severe adverse events are rare.”
People trust them, and are dying, and no one is correcting the record or stopping the medical 3-letter agencies. It’s amazing, horrific, and maddening to watch.
Once you accept that our government WANTS US DEAD, then everything happening all of a sudden makes sense.
^^^ This. Once you accept it hardens your resolve like iron to concede them nothing.
There are many roads to Hell that are paved with good intentions. The media played their usual prostitute roles infecting the minds of the normies. The guilty will pay, if not in this world, in the next.
Below is Steve’s latest – died suddenly confirmations. But the biggest loss of lives comes from the hidden – the personal immunity loss that leads to all of the other diseases kicking into high gear and creating the genocide we see unfolding.
The modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” SPECIFICALLY target the CD4 – CD8 AND the IgG3 cells of the body’s immune system, damaging and destroying them. The IgG3 cells are replaced with IgG4 cells. IgG4 cells DO NOT fight off infections — they actually permit “tolerance” of them in the body.
The combination of the attacks by the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” on the CD4 – CD8 cells, plus the destruction of the IgG3 cells and their replacement with IgG4 cells by these “vaccines” = the body’s immune system is SYSTEMATICALLY AND CATASTROPHICALLY WEAKENED, kicking the door wide open to multiple medical problems that can occur, including stroke to intestinal problems to cardiovascular issues to “died suddenly.”
The above needs to be known by ANYONE who has EVER taken a modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine.” One can posit that Mr. Kirsch knows this — he’s “fully vaccinated.”
100% ^^^ this.
That is why Kirsch is so angry. He trusted the Government he trusted the pharma he trusted the jab.
Yep, but what was the basis for that trust? If he had no objective basis to trust those entities, then it was blind trust. And that is the dangerous kind of trust because if it fails, it means the trusting person had no basis.
Which means, in plain language, dumbass. Hard to admit to that so never change.
It appears Kirsch has a widely read platform.
Grateful he knows it now. Admits it. Frequently publishes Covid Injection is dangerous…
Malone comes to mind.
This is why I’m so angry at the military.
I trusted the military. I looked up to the military. I believed in the military.
My grandfather fought in the Philippines in WWII. We played army when we were kids, and the U.S. army was the good guys. I had those “Aim High” USAF outer book covers on my textbooks in high school.
The military was the one institution that would never ever let us down.
And then they did.
I too looked up to US military and government.
Can NOT unsee, the government wants us dead AND push hard to do so.
That’s what I noticed about Hussein the Magic Kenyan Usurper.
I recognized he was pure evil when he was still a candidate, but when literally every thing he did as the installed puppetent was harmful to America, two things were clear:
1) it was all on purpose, otherwise he would occasionally do something beneficial to America, even if by accident
2) once you realize his purpose was to destroy, everything he did made sense
People who assume he was causing damage because he was an “idiot” give him too much credit. No, he was causing damage because he wanted to.
And a lot of people on our side don’t seem to understand this, or if they do they haven’t internalized it to the point where they stop calling him an idiot.
He was no idiot.
He was instructed to. Orders.
The jab is dangerous for people with adverse effects. This is like playing Russian roulette. Do we encourage people playing Russian roulette?
Thank you for bringing these.
The CDC knows damnwell that what they’re saying is complete bullshit and GASLIGHTING.
Like that entire set of documents that Yours Truly posted last night on this board, from the American Academy of Pediatrics about getting ALL of their patients “vaccinated” against COVID-19. LIES and GASLIGHTING.
Driven by money — arrogance — DESPERATION that “the plan” hasn’t worked out exactly the way it was intended.
Yours Truly can posit that as these “establishment medical professionals” and government bureaucrats start to see THEIR OWN family and close friends founder with “vaccine”-engendered injuries, illnesses, and deaths — and knowing (as they undoubtedly do already) that THEY THEMSELVES are at risk for the same — that money won’t mean anything; that arrogance will stop; and that desperation of a different kind will kick in.
And what about when the BLACKS figure out they and their children have been given a slow poison and not a vaccine?
Oh my God.
How will they figure it out?
Well for one I spent the last few days doing jigs at black events. Met some real sweet ladies too. (And snagged a great pecan pie.)
Sometimes I wonder if a lot of black people didn’t take the jabs because so many here always did and still are wearing masks. Why would they do that unless they’re still in protection mode ?
Back when there were people sitting in chairs at the drug stores for their shots and boosters I never saw any blacks.
The stories about medical experimentation on Blacks from the mid 20th century are well known.
So many distrust this sort of thing. And it pains me to have to add, “and rightly so.”
The teenagers might not have escaped the shots if they played sports.
If the government or their medical reps say something is safe and effective…assume that it’s not.
And when those healthy young black athletes start dropping dead on the field??
And the Blacks figure out WHY??
I really really do not want to be around.
The syphilis experiments.
Yes, that’s it.
True or not (and I suspect they’re true), many Blacks believe the story, so that’s going to reduce their trust level considerably.
The more fed gov goes after Trump, the more Blacks know they can trust Trump.
Regarding your last paragraph, Alex Jones frequently mentions that there were several strengths of injections and the batch numbers were used to send the hottest ones to red states and mostly saline to blue states. Seems to me that the “establishment medical professionals” would be getting saline.
Karl Denninger wrote about it too.
Uh, That’s Not A Conspiracy Theory
“Now that’s funny”, not Eureka is normally what proceeds a new discovery.
Perhaps but not all “establishment medical professionals.”
My MD son his MD wife both came down with bad COVID-19 “breakthrough” infections after they were “fully vaccinated.”
Wiping out our trained medical professionals means MORE PEOPLE DIE OF UNTREATED ILLNESS….
“Wiping out our trained medical professionals means MORE PEOPLE DIE OF UNTREATED ILLNESS….”
And less wealth to have to spread around… more for TCTB at the top of the empire of dirt.
First of all, it was NOT covid-19 that was involved in my comment. It was the ‘vaccines’ causing other complications [such as heart attack in minors]. Second of all, I don’t believe that ANY studies have shown that the ‘vaccines’ prevent covid-19 infections. But they sure cause lots of havoc in other areas.
Thank you. My apologies for any confusion.
To date, I’ve not seen any study that proves the midRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” prevent infections of the virus. However, the FDA-issued fact sheets for healthcare providers state plainly that these “vaccines” are to prevent an infection of the virus. The FDA knows that they’re lying.
No problem. Just wanted to make it clear that the cure is worse than the disease, everybody in charge knows it, and yet the train keeps chugging along.
IIRC, CDC, prolly NIH…do NOT require their employees be jabbed.
^^^^ THIS alone, an Obvious reason to NOT get jabbed.
The alleged cure was the weapon all along, not the disease. The disease ushered in all the methods of killing the patients. Ventilators, isolation and grouping together of old sick people, denial of meds that could help, the psy op of fear in the public..the plan was built on trust in the doctors and CDC. What a terrible sick joke that the vax isn’t a preventative but the ultimate death stroke.
Covid-19 was the weak bioweapon used to usher in all the variations of the “vax” strong bioweapons that they are psyoping the masses to inject repeatedly into themselves & their progeny. “They” are getting the people to genocide themselves & their germ lines AND making them pay for their own annihilation! This is monstrous, demonic Evil
What gets me about all of this, is that the vax folks behave as if the purpose of the vax is to prevent you transmitting the disease, not to prevent you from contracting it.
If they were thinking like a “real” vax…then MY lack of a vaccination wouldn’t matter. Because they are vaccinated so they are safe from me, I’m just being a self-destructive fool not being vaxxed.
But instead, they’re downright hostile to the unvaxxed, as if the unvaxxed were a threat to them. As if my failure to get vaccinated made it more likely they’d come down with Covid.
The psychology is simply backwards in this case.
ingrained, perpetually reinforced cognitive dissonance
My MD son and his MD wife also had their shots. My MD so has been injected 4 times what I know. My scientist son 2 times and also his wife who is cancer remission for 8 years. This is like a time bomb. My daughter physical chemist and husband each had two shots. My son in law ask me “why do you not trust your very intelligent children that the shot is good for you?”
I said ” intelligent does not equal wisdom and common sense.”
He continued when I cut him off telling him ” I do not need to win this argument”. He looked dumb founded at me.
I had my blood work done my husband has and they could not look better.
God is good.
Yes, the “vaccines” are a time bomb, unfortunately.
Glad to hear that the blood test results were good.
Good for you for resisting pressure and speaking up, and for your good health. I hope your children will be okay.
Great post.
” I do not need to win this argument.”
That is indeed the essence of all of it. Bless you!
All the people who are pushing the drug the jab should take the shot first their families should take the shots first everyone of them then maybe some people fallow. Just like those who want to keep funding war who want to send American boys into war need to go first their families also . We have grown dangerous people in Intel FBI, CIA , DOJ and all the other three letter agency. They have families who raised them?
My Ex’s Grandma was head of the Democrat Party of her Midwest state. When her Husband Died. Teddy Kennedy (traveling all the way from MA) and other bigwigs were there to pay condolences.
My Ex’s draft number was LESS THAN FIVE…. So he enlisted as an officer. Funny thing. His ENLISTMENT PAPERS GOT LOST until ONE WEEK AFTER Vietnam ended!!
They are still people embracing the jab. One cannot change their mind it has been ingrained and we are the dangerous people with tinfoil hats.
I can attest to this! my SIL and brother got their “boosters” 2 weeks ago and AGAIN they have come down with cv.
and she had skin cancer removed this past summer from her shoulders, back, nose and cheeks. they said they got it all. 100% positive they got it all.
she informed my mom that it has returned.
She needs to be checked for cancer elsewhere. Think TURBO CANCER.
I was!
Wow. Sending Good Energy and Deep Healing to your brother and SIL.
I hope they get tested for immune system markers decline.
thank you
I will add D-Dimer tests and heart function tests.
i will certainly advise, but they have ignored all the literature i have been forwarding to them since this scam began. they have taken every last booster…
We can lead a horse to water…
Common problem. Siblings. DW family here and in Philippines. ONLY the least educated, charitable measuring NOT jabbed.
Global crisis, half the World’s population, likely can NOT see.
And that is EXACTLY what the Cabal wants.
Now add in the Homo and Tranny nonsense and the pushing of Child Sex… Population and replacement will drop like a rock!
Unfortunately they are Darwin Award nominees.
Yesterday, I ran into two acquaintances. One knew of my mother’s death, the other didn’t. The former is neck deep in the COVID cult and I shocked her when I told her that the trouble all started with Mom’s last COVID shot. This woman has had all the boosters, caught it a couple weeks ago, etc.
The second is a guy I used to sing with, and have known a long time. He didn’t know my mother died, and when I told him about the reference point of the shot, he literally said, “I’m with you on that.” He and his wife and their younger children (they have eight altogether, and three of the boys are still at home) are all purebloods. They saw through the propaganda from the beginning. He doesn’t think the older kids are shot up, but I don’t think the three oldest ones live here.
At least some people didn’t fall for it.
IF you believe the Gov’t something like 30% did not fall for the clot shot.
I think it’s higher than that.
I think so too but I do not have any way of determining the actual number.
Also we do not know how many were given saline by clued in nurses.
Given government processes and record keeping, huge over count, IMO. No way of knowing.
At MAXIMUM only 70% of the Pop took the Clot Shot.
Had to be because of all the huge money involved and “crush” of demand. When demand hits high and hard, processes are eased and quality control lags. In this situation it could easily be done (overcount). Add in all of the refrigerated doses that were tossed due to breaking transport and storage protocol on temperature alone. Toss them, needle in some saline and nobody is the wiser. Just don’t record they were tainted and destroyed.
Count probably overstated by 25+% IMO.
Every schmuck jabbed, health care weenie paid.
Thresholds met, health care weenie gets bonus….
It All disgusts me.
Thank you, De Pat, for a spooky Halloween thread.
I don’t know if you specifically intended for it to be quite as spooky as it turned out, but these are the days in which we live…..
How is it spooky for you?
The CABAL is not only Spooky, they are REAL and they want us DEAD… NOW!
They are called spooks for a reason
Step aside Hillary, Joe Biden may become king of email scandals as new stash alarms investigators
^^^^^^^President Trump will be getting arrested again soon^^^^^^^^^^^
Certainly that & Moar if Biden is allowed. The decrepit freak and his evil minions will stop the world from turning if they can.
82,000 Pages of Emails Joe Biden Sent or Received on Three Private Pseudonym Accounts For Illicit Business Deals with Foreign Officials Located
Cristina Laila Oct. 30, 2023 7:20 pm 670 Comments
So according to the GWP story above the National Archives after intense pressure announce they have these 82,000 emails by Biden using three different pseudonym accounts, and and will soon begin production on a monthly basis to roll out what is fit for print.
Will the House go straight to impeachment or will they prefer the slow iron toothed grind that will shred the entire Demoncrap Party!
Whichever…Nothing is going to stop what is coming!

Emphasis added.
…begin production on a monthly basis to roll out what is fit for print.
production on a monthly basis.
fit for print.
Why would we trust National Archives (Feds)?
^^^ Love the optimism.
Anyone see the J6 videos today? Yea, me neither.
Gee, I read that and automatically thought it was written by Scott.
Scott should pay a small fee for your generosity.
^^^ This!!!
Check’s in the mail
Please don’t be sad… sad is not the reaction we were looking for.
It was supposed to be funny
Yea. Scott is far more eloquent, thorough…
There are forces working against disclosure and Jan 6 and it is not the speaker of the house.
This will be a battle of strength and will most of all courage. The threats are are real. Watch when they come after Johnson’s family ? I expect the worse because they are worse then the Mafia .
The Mafia is Saintly in comparison!
Chicago was better with Al Capone than it is now.
They Provided the protection you paid for while the city does not.
Expose, the forces working against disclosure. transparency.
Speaker, has a great Bully Pulpit. Use it. 200+ soldiers in House.
I am willing to give him some time a week maybe
I do not WANT and impeachment. I want Joe the Meat Puppet to RUN and the Cabal to try and prop him up in another ‘win’
Yep, can see the Cabal taking Joe out and then saying no need for a smelly impeachment, he’s gone.
Sorry, we want our witch hunt as these witches are real and are as batty as hell. The whole lot of them need to be purged.
Oh I really want the ‘show trial’ in Congress. But I also want the Senate to reveal what criminal hacks they are and FAIL to convict.
Yep! That!
What is really great is I think Speaker Johnson just might do it!
Briben has earned impeachment.
Along with All The Exposure impeachment will deliver on Pravada News, CSPAN, Internet….
There can’t be a trial in the Senate without impeachment in the House. Looks like you want him to be impeached and tried, but for the Senate to show its criminal colors by not convicting.
Yes, sorry I did not express that well.
you’ve bought popcorn shares it seems

“Located”. As in yet to be released. OR, redacting happening now, at a snails pace.
Nice of Branco to use blue for Israel.
Hey! Nostril… Lebanon.
Yep. Nosehair with a dangly…
maybe it’s Slightly more Christian than Muslim?
The King of Jordan’s private pilot was put in a cage, doused with gasoline and burned alive… ON VIDEO. I do not think he has much liking for terrorists.
That’s JORDAN but the comment was about Lebanon.
Sorry… I really should start wearing my glasses but I lost them and am using a back-up pair but only for driving.
I’ve got quite the collection of Dollar Store cheaters from before I got prescription lenses. My mom leaves such cheaters around her house & cottage because she constantly misplaces her glasses…& her purse
the stick should be ‘USA’
The DEA is randomly searching people at airports and seizing any money they have in their bags.
In Plane Sight: Drug agents searching passengers for cash at airport gates
Agents search carry-on bags without getting warrants and seize money without making arrests
From the article:
These airport cases are clear violations of the Fourth Amendment.
Practically ALL cash has been used in drug deals AT ONE TIME OR ANOTHER and probably has detectable residue. So it is ‘Cash’ connected to dealing that is being seized.
This is the convoluted thinking of the Just-Us dept.
From my old notes
[Major plug for Forfeiture Endangers American Rights Foundation (FEAR) who has worked hard to protect our right to our property. They are down to one person and need Volunteers/Donations.]
The website is now dead:
From their old website:
A study of asset forfeiture’s impact on police procedure. Drug Enforcement’s Double-Edged Sword: An Assessment of Asset Forfeiture Programs said the policy forces law enforcement agencies to subordinate justice to profit….
Paper at:
The WSJ also covers the problem.
Police for Profit
Did the Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000 fix the problem? — NO!
FEAR who has worked on getting the reform says:
And finding “new” cash is not easy. I gave a cousin a large bill earlier in the year for a wedding gift, and went to the bank to ask for a new one. They didn’t have any. The one I gave her was just a little crumpled, but I was floored that they had no new bills for a larger denomination.
Essentially you have to ORDER them. My bank is good about it.
Please see my post slightly up.
Interesting. Smells like a lazy teller(s), or worse.
Assuming, not asking, a large bill is a, $100.
My credit credit union has always has plenty of hundreds, when I make a large cash withdrawal, for use while in the Philippines.
Prior to Covidiocy, it was annual trip. Occasionally twice in a year. Going back to ~2006.There was only one time, they had $50s. They apologized and suggested I return a day or so later, when more cash was to be delivered. I chose to return. – Hundreds get a better exchange rate.Feds (DEA, ATF…) could have one hell of a windfall, pillaging passengers flying on a Jumbo AC to Manila.
~400 folks. Whittle that number by taking out transit and business passengers. Then break it down to families. Surely 200+, quite likely carrying large sums of cash.Then multiply that by all Manila bound flights at a given airport, day… Then consider flights to Mexico…
>>> NV casino ATMS always have hundreds.
Civil Asset Forfeiture law, IS itself, Criminal.
It certainly is!
It is OUTRIGHT THEFT by law enforcement. I wish the FEAR website was still up. they had some horrifying tales of shake-downs by cops. WORSE you never get anything back because it cost more to sue the town.
The IRS does the same. They target Low income and SCAM a few thousand from each victim. The average lawyer costs $400/hr so hiring a lawyer is MORE EXPENSIVE then just paying up and shutting up.
Am going to assume DP means something bigger.
They do apparently exist.
No, it was less, but, yes, those bills do exist for when money is transferred between banks. From what I understand, it is not legal for us to carry them.
Which just goes to show we are nothing more than SERFS.
If your bank didn’t have 100 dollar bills that is big Yikes… Unless it was a Ulysses S. Grant. Imagines those could be rare.
What is rare about a $50 bill?
Too true, I have some in my purse right now. They look new too.
Yea, I have read, $100 is the largest we can have.
It’s the largest you can get from any bank.
They stopped making them decades ago.
But it’s still legal to own one, if you happen to have one. And it’s still legal tender. Banks, though, are ordered to never pay them out even if someone just deposited one.
There are people who collect them. They pretty much are all worth more than face value to a collector. I’ve seen $10,000 bills for sale but they wanted something like $50 grand for them.
It’s legal for us to carry them and spend them. But if it ever ends up in a bank it will be destroyed; they’re officially to be withdrawn from circulation.
It’s possible to buy them at coin shows, but you will pay a hefty premium over the face value.
Needs some music to go along with it
Nice show, and good that it happened at night… hope no-one was hurt…
I couldn’t have imagined something this bad. I believe it’s an intentional insult to the human race. There are extremely annoying sounds in the video, so be warned.
Demons and turds. Just like the “re-dedication” of the LHR at CERN, and the opening of the new bore of the Gotthard Tunnel. These people are Satanically evil… They worship hate and ugliness…
Here’s an example from when the new bore at Gotthard was dedicated (to whom, I wonder):
VC also had an article about LHR, but it seems to have been “disappeared”… sigh…
yep… leads to things like this…
Best comment:
Rarely, if ever, do I view “art” on government property, appealing.
Lots a payouts under the table, is all I see.
I can deal with some abstract pieces that are not about the human form. They are not my favorite, but at least they don’t distort the beauty of nature. That thing in Vienna is just evil.
It’s akin to an assault . It’s repulsive and crude.
What an abomination. They lost their minds.
F them.
This is so hard to watch.
Without laughing…
Babylon Bee:
White House Accidentally Hands Out Plastic Baggies Of Cocaine To Trick-Or-Treaters
More innocent days…
Laying on the floor, as close tothe TV asparents would allow…watching Charlie Brown Thanksgiving special. Christmas special. Them were the days.
Remember the days (and weeks) leading up to “A Charlie Brown Christmas” when people were trying to figure out what the different characters’ voices would sound like? (as there had never been any videos or movies of “Peanuts” before)…
And then, after the special, the reactions to the voices… including the brass instruments with wah-wah mutes for the adults…
And the genius of Vince Guaraldi… who died at only 43
RIP Vince…
From Schlichter’s 10/25 VIP column —
“How To End The Gaza War
A lot of people are really upset that Israel is proceeding to kill the 7th Century degenerates who raped, tortured, and murdered 1,400 innocent people a few weeks ago. They cry out that Israel’s bombs are killing the Palestinians that Hamas is cowering behind the like the disgraceful savages they are. Now, these critics don’t seem bothered by the aforementioned mass murder or the continuing rocket assaults, but let’s pretend for a moment that these people who suddenly care about Middle Eastern lives the moment people who are not Jewish start losing them are acting in good faith.
Obviously, you’ll have to try really hard, because allegedly caring about the Palestinians is really wanting Israel to lose and Hamas to have another shot at genocide. But, for the sake of argument, hear out my solution to this conflict.
Hamas should unconditionally surrender.
Like right now. Today. This minute. Pull down the black flag o’ jihad and hoist up the white one of Frenchness. Give up, give in, and voila! Peace.
After all, Hamas is all Israel wants. It’s the subhuman mutants who got high and went on their killing spree. Now, these brave warriors of courage are hunkering down in hospitals and mosques, with their hostages, behind their human shields. Well, it’s time to test their caring.
If they care about the Palestinian people, they will give up.
Sure, it’s a sacrifice, but these are brave militants, right? Clearly, they care more about their own people than they would expect the Israelis to. And their little murder fest has brought down a lot of bombs and is likely to bring down a lot worse on their people, so I am sure these tough guys will want to stop that by any means necessary.
And the best way to do that is by surrendering to the IDF.
But what is weird is that they are not doing that. Of course, no one would expect them to. They care only marginally more about their own people than they do about the Israelis. The deaths of their people, killed being used as human shields by these yellow-bellied vermin, are useful to them as propaganda. Or were, because most people have realized it was all a lie and a scam.
Most, but not all. You still have Westerners who somehow imagine they are not going to be butchered by their Palestinian pets the second the psychos get the chance, pretending that this all happened in a vacuum. The Palestinians were simply walking along, on the way to school where they were honor students, when the mean colonialists started bombing them for no reason. What would possess the Israelis to commit this horrible atrocity?
Maybe actual atrocities, but they don’t care. Understand that anyone whining about the Palestinians and not demanding Hamas surrender wants one thing – dead Jews.”
Yeah, not going to work…. since no one wants to do the B52 thing, how about get a pair of Elon Musk’s tunnel machines? Then just bring the Med real close to the Hamas tunnels before you set off a few shape charges.

No civilians get hurt 
Flooding the tunnels with sea water is a great solution, to drawing Hamas out.
From the opener.
How to Defeat Hamas Fast, Cheap and Easy
To eradicate Hamas and ensure safe passage for the hostages, the IDF should flood the tunnels with seawater.
To hell with those hostages, right?
They are dead anyway.
Seriously, how can we know that?
Whether they are currently alive or not, it is highly unlikely they will survive to be rescued.
That is very sad, but it is reality. A tiny few might make it out alive. But not many will.
Hamas is just taunting Israel and gaslighting ‘stupid Americans’ like Biden.
Nope. Realistic.
Hostages are dead, or will be, in all likely hood.
Hamas is using them as pawns to drag things out over time…days, weeks, months…
Trying to wait out Israel.
Hoping either, USG MAKES Israel back off.^^^ Pattern followed for decades.ME explodes widely.Leads to destruction of Israel.Open nuclear warfare >>>WWIII.
All the 24/7 of tips and suggestions for dealing with the tunnels is beginning to irritate me. Surely Israel has planned for this. The hostages are in the terrorist hands, their fate determined by the terrorists.
Hamas released 2 who told of their kind treatment underground. Talk about propaganda, geez.
I remember that the two who were released had husbands still in the hands of the terrorists. I would lie about their captors, too, knowing what they might do if I told the truth of their evil.
gahhh Aubergine!… they provided tampons…so nice…whatever.
Yeah, being held underground against their will IS evil in itself.
Reality is that the actual hostages is the public. As long as they hold even one in their underground war bunkers their enemy is prevented from retaliation ( if they play along with the game that they aren’t in charge but the vise grip of public opinion is ).
So if they released 499 of 500..but made no other concessions people would still be clutching their pearls and saying…no war because muh hostage.
That’s interesting because the other day his column was about how humanity is full of barbarians and that that isn’t going to change.
He knows there is no way that Hamas will surrender.
He’s being sarcastic. He knows full well they will never give up and surrender. He is pointing out the absurdity of attempting to deal rationally with terrorists to idiots who think that is possible.
Not really startling, but seems like good reasons:
Four(4) STARTLING Reasons You Need to Go to the Hospital After a Self Defense Shooting
Thank you for posting. IMO. Great advice.
My going in.
After a self-defense shooting, hoping I am thinking straight, logical…
Today added, I want to go to the hospital. (If they ask why, “chest pains”, maybe my heart.)
Odd ball observation.
Also I’d tell the cops at the scene about evidence. Like, if the guy was holding a knife and flung it into the bushes as you shot him, tell them about that.
Pointing out evidence, yes. Has been addressed in the CCW classes and stuff I’ve read. Had forgotten it.
Also witnesses, should be pointed out to LE.
Interesting! I had never thought of that before.
Get to a hospital IS a brilliant recommendation, IMO.
In all of my CCW classes, two states, four different facilitators, never has get to a hospital been raised. Same for the four gun blogs I’ve frequented.
Getting to a hospital, IS an obvious need, which I never thought of.
Well, the talks good. Not sure how it plays in the long run, but it’s moving in the right direction and ya just got to know this is going to freak all the Demons everywhere.
I understand the skepticism many have with how things have gone for so long. But this guy is the real deal. He has the majority of Americans on his side and he knows it. Internal House game playing with rules, staging of riots, using Capitol police as weapons, and such will not fly anymore. He will use the power of the purse for good. Nobody is perfect, but he works from solid principles as the link above indicates.
I trust our TN region reps Burchett and Harshbarger with most of their assessments. As Uncle Si says, “It’s on like Donkey Kong.”
Next up – the election with an increased House majority with more deaths of RINOs in the process. The real POTUS comes back. A Senate majority with a new leader who will support MAGA or will become a transitory to the real MAGA Senate leader. Still reading the tea leaves on that one.
Yes, then the Senate gets a turn.
Just watching all of this play out.
I just hope our country can survive what the Demons are going to throw at us!
It’s like the powers to be are giving the USA the Black Poison Pill treatment. They want it gone and never to return. All fits with them going back to what we’ve often talked about here, Feudalism.
YUP, they want Neo-Feudalism…. YOU WILL OWN NOTHING.
Neo-feudalism: The Only Way Forward in America
…When we look at the current state of the government, its collusion with big business, and our diminished standard of living, we are faced with the stark reality that the United States is becoming a neo-Feudal state…
Even the brainwashed are seeing it.
Neo-feudalism dystopia is our reality, techno-feudalism is meant to hide it
We have not had real capitalism for over a hundred years…
However this is really twisted!
It is amazing how stuff gets twisted into another reality.
IF the Speaker is effective, delivering, First America wins, the 2024 election is even more in jeopardy.
The human spirit can rebuild.
r_Cons better have Speaker’s back.
Arrows will be, are incoming. Soon, rumors of terrible conduct…
As I said the other day, the best thing would be no aid.
But making spending cuts (especially THIS spending cut) to make it zero net cost is a LOT better than what we would have otherwise had.
Now, if he’d just release the J6 tapes already…
I wonder if POTUS Trump is going to use those tapes in his defense.
It would really be lovely if there was SOLID EVIDENCE that it was the Pig-Louse who actually organized the insurrection.
Insurrection = the joint session prevented from sending electoral votes back for the states to look at again.
I don’t know about THAT, but it’s pretty clear there’s stuff on the tapes they absolutely don’t want us to see. Even if all it does is show they are a bunch of liars, that’s probably enough to “justify” keeping them under wraps.
Heck, I’m probably in some of them. An excellent test of the durability of the camera.
Do not forget Nancy’s daughter and Son-in-law were there talking to Jake Sullivan who taped the murder of Ashley Babbit. There maybe a lot more damning evidence than that.
They don’t want me to see them.
There’s no foreign intel source being jeopardized by showing these.
So there’s no reason we shouldn’t see them.
That’s all I need.
Over at Sylvia’s place, I found out that Mr. gil has just had surgery — sounds like it was also on an ankle. Sylvia, herself, is soon to be the site of a surgical scavenger hunt for kidney stone fragments.
Hoping for a speedy recovery for both.
Thank you for bringing this.
Sending prayers, Good Energy, and Deep Healing for Mr. gil and for Sylvia Avery.
Gil household has had a rough road the past couple years. Sylvia, the same. IIRC.
Thank you for letting us know
not sure what to make of this yet…from tcth
Guy sounds like an actual enthusiast. He was a local, one mountain over. His bombs were pipe bombs. A ghost gun is that which one makes themselves. 20 years old, living with mom and sister. I bet investigations show he attempted to get down there before and was not allowed. Sad IMO.
From Wikipedia. Caves are under Iron Mountain.
Caverns[edit]When the cave was first opened to visitors in 1895, only a small portion was accessible. Essentially abandoned in 1917, the cave was left ungated. During this time, more rooms were discovered; however, this expansion came at a price, as vandals often took advantage of the cave. In the 1960s, Pete Prebble bought the cave from the Darrow family and sealed the cave, with the hopes of making a commercial venture of it in the future. While he never achieved this, he did explore more of the cave system, finding it to be much bigger than expected. He eventually found what became known as The Barn by squeezing through what is known as Jam Crack. Jam Crack, just 8.5 in (22 cm) wide at its narrowest point, is the only known natural passage between the upper and lower parts of the cave. The cave is now separated into three sections, upper, middle, and lower parts. Today, around 3 mi (4.8 km) of passageway is known to exist, although the cave is estimated to have 10 mi (16 km) total. Even at three miles, the Fairy Cave (the official title of the system) is one of the largest systems in the state and a rarity among caves, as it was formed by hot springs. The cave is still being actively explored by a few cavers.
thanks for the information!
Well, thinking moar on it, guy may have had a wish to be known as the USA’s first real underground terrorist.
Or he is a caver…
…and we are once again going to find out how complicit, complacent and incompetent our law enforcement agencies are….
The only people they will go after are those who try to defend themselves. We saw that with the arrest of the old rancher in Texas who scared off a bunch of weapons toting Illegals.
The Algerian Strategy coming to a city near you.
The Algerian StrategyPosted on July 15, 2020 by RedMoonJournal
Carlos Osweda argues that it’s all hands on deck for the Antifa Democrats who are in take-no-prisoners mode. They will do anything and everything to get their power back, so hold on to your seatbelts.
This is what Trump was worried about.
Not if their faces get blown out with a few bullets.
Short of Trump administration.
Decades of Complicit WH administrations, Allowing Illegals in unfettered.
2015 — 30 Million Illegal Immigrants in US, Says Mexico’s Former Ambassador
July 15, 2023 — 5.5 million illegals at the border, 2.1 million released in the United States, 1.5 million escaped
There’s probably 30 million in Kalifornistan alone…
WAR ON TRUTH had this quote. It is one we should keep in the forefront of our minds when looking at the Middle East Mess.
As far as I am concerned there are no ‘Good Guys’ Instead there are “….the relatively small number of persons… who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind….” and their VICTIMS.
I know the Middle East is an explosive topic.
What I was trying to point out yesterday was THE MANIPULATION USED ON US!
Tales of beheaded babies and a photo-shopped puppy picture followed by the photo of the beautiful girl who was tortured and murdered.
Contrast that to the news medias handling of the DELIBERATE KILLING of US CHILDREN IN MAUI.
Over 2,400 kids are missing in Maui, but aren’t included in the government’s death toll — Natural News
So we have a possible TWO THOUSAND AMERICAN CHILDREN in this story and no heart wrenching photos or personal stories of these kids who were either burnt alive or possibly kidnapped.
So what about the Middle East?
PBS: “ More than 1,400 people in Israel have been killed, most of them civilians slain in the initial Hamas rampage that started the fighting Oct. 7. In addition, 239 hostages were taken from Israel into Gaza by the militant group.”
That is about 1/2 the number killed in the Maui Fire.
HOWEVER in this case the
news mediaPROPAGANDISTS DELIBERATELY PERSONALIZED the killing by picking a very pretty girl, showing her photo and telling the story of her kidnapping and death.What is the difference in these two tragedies that were BOTH very likely orchestrated and FUNDED by the same group of Satanic Nasties aka The Cabal?
In one case they want us to forget about the ‘clearance’ of VERY DESIRABLE land they want to use for a ‘Smart City’ In the other case they want to whip up emotions so people will support another forever war with blood, bodies and money.
I hope I am making myself clear and people can put their emotions in check and SEE how they are being manipulated. Because I fear Muslim Terrorist Attacks here in the USA (and Europe) are the next items on the Cabal’s check list. They DESPERATELY want to divert us into WWIII and that is what we need to avoid.
War Pigs does a better job of making my point.
This is the most frustrating thing to try to relay to people who have not really escaped the Matrix. The “news” is all about jerking chains and getting people to react viscerally. It doesn’t matter if it really happened the way it’s being reported, the goal is to build support for something using emotion.
We see it every day.
I am so glad you posted those substacks.
The guys on those substacks are fresh eyes, newly awakened, and not jaded like the professional columnists are. They’re young, and they get it.
They certainly do.
Some times they are wrong, but they admit that. However they do bring ‘fresh eyes’
Excellent summation of the damnable manipulation!
That substack, War Pigs is a must read.
It ends with exactly what I fear:
What he does not see is the Cabal has set the USA up for TOTAL DESTRUCTION IF WE SUPPORT ISRAEL.
The author says:
However he does not take it that one step further.
“Over 40K Chinese And Russians Have Been Aprehended In 2023 Crossing Southern Border!”
EXCLUSIVE: Feds Warn That Hamas, Hezbollah Could Be Crossing Southern Border
October 2015 almost a decade ago: Proof our southern border is under attack by Muslim extremists
Images have emerged that show military-aged foreign men, armed with rifles and body armor, breaching America’s frontier by illegally crossing the Southern Border into the United States.
At this point I really fear we are looking at a gorilla war fought all over the USA by all those male military age illegals that stream over our border IF WE GET INTO THE MIDDLE EAST MESS.
If the idea is that IF we DON’T get into the ME mess that these terrorists entering the USA will be told to stand down ?
That’s a pipe dream. It’s the same argument as the hostages. If we’re good boys and girls and obey the terrorists they won’t hurt us. Sorry I don’t believe that.
Want to add…I don’t think we (US) should be in this quagmire. How this has shifted to the retarded OBiden calling shots confounds me.
The US funds both sides yet only tells Israel to stop firing.
I don’t understand any of it
The Cabal wants World War Three. It is really that simple.
psst ICYMI…
WW3 is already here..
Daniel Greenfield
General Flynn also talks of it and even wrote a book — Fifth Generation Warfare.
General Flynn on the current mess in Israel.
At the bottom of the page is videos. On X22 Flynn talks of the Border.
Link in Gail’s post above.
Short, easy, and excellent read.
I get that the cabal wants WWIII. No question. I suppose I’m too dense to understand how our views and feelings make a bit of difference.
We’re out here being blown one way and then another. Believe this sleepy dummy believe this one…all day long.
To scale it down into child level….the idea is that the gaza conflict is a visual ruse designed to get people with no dog in the fight steamed up. If we don’t take the bait the support for israel withers and a 2 State deal happens and all the branches of islamic terror takes a victory lap and leaves us alone for a bit ?
“…I suppose I’m too dense to understand how our views and feelings make a bit of difference….”
We do make a difference because they need a public mandate. If Americans ALL say HELL NO! they have a problem on their hands.
Even now, at least some on the Right see the Trap, and unlike after 9/11 are NOT willing to step into it. Those on the Left have ZERO intentions of allowing themselves to be Drafted.
Remember MAGA was burning up the phone lines to get Johnson as speaker.
This is an interesting 9 minute clip from Bannon’s War Room Start at 3 minutes.
Gave an earful to person answering my Congress fool’s phone.
Ukraine, Hamas, Israel & Taiwan. Give NOTHING.
SELL to Taiwan and Israel.
IIRC, they vote tomorrow 11AM. My call will be ~9 AM EST. I’m typically up at 5, so easy from NV.
A 2 state deal already happened in 2006 when Israel completely vacated Gaza.
If there would have been peace, the same deal could have been done with Samaria.
Forget 2 state deal – they have proved it would fail.
2 state deal was even earlier than that. copied from a blog post I did quoting Q-Treepers:
Sorry about the messy format
I don’t know how to change itf…
From this post:
They want us to LOSE WWIII….
It’s the only way to remove our Constitution (2nd Amendment)
That’s probably exactly what they want. It’s clear that the Obamination Crew would be ecstatic to see America crumble.
Never ever forget that bitch Michelle saying…all this for a damn flag.
Because the enemy has infiltrated our government and demands money for both sites. Biden and his ilk are captured by evil.
But would prefer money only for the Moslems…
Because there are more Moslems than Jews..
Yes they are the victims you know
They hate the good guys
I don’t understand how there are protests with thousands of people regarding this conflict, most of them against Israel. I don’t feel the need to engage in this fight. But Israel is at least humane and not barbaric (i.e., they don’t provoke others with barbarity). So who are all those people who take the time to march in support of Palestine, or whomever? I can’t fathom it. Those in the region no doubt feel very strongly, and they have relatives and allies in other parts of the world, but thousands of people who stop what they’re doing and march and protest? It’s beyond me.
“…I don’t understand how there are protests with thousands of people regarding this conflict, most of them against Israel. I don’t feel the need to engage in this fight….”
That is Al Waleed’s doing. He funds radical muslim teaching in Universities around the world.
Centre for the Study of Islam in the Contemporary World›literatures-languages-cultures/alwaleed
The Alwaleed Centre is an interdisciplinary research, teaching and outreach centre based at the University of Edinburgh.
Funding hatred, then.
“…these terrorists entering the USA will be told to stand down ?”
My Hope is we can stave off the timing until after 2024.
Also independent acts of terrorism are a heck of a lot easier to deal with than terrorists attacking ALL our Cities at once!
As a chemist I can think of a heck of a lot that can be done to completely devastate this country.
Stanislav Lunev, the highest ranking soviet defector gives you an idea of just what could happen. REMEMBER it is not JUST the Muslims, it is all those Russians and Chinese crossing the border illegally too.
I do not disagree with you often but concerning supporting Israel with weapons I do. They need our support who else will?
We are in danger regardless thanks to Biden , Obama and all those who voted democrat.
Make sure you have what you need to survive until the mess is settled. I hope our military if Hamas starts killing our people steps in.
I can only pray and hope for myself a quick death when hell breaks loose because it will be hell. We have seen a taste of ISIS in the ME what could be here. Maybe I am overstating and crazy.
No, you are not crazy. And I agree with you with regards to Israel. They are a unique case of a “refuge country” formed after millions of their people were murdered. That is what disturbs me about the knee-jerk reaction NOT to help Israel.
In Ukraine, the parts of the country that Russia took/tried to take were mostly ethnically Russian. Some sort of deal could have been made there pretty easily.
In the case of Israel, the only “deal” the islamists are willing to accept is the annihilation of all the Jews. People pretend the jihadists want the land, but that is not true. If the Jews left Israel, islamists would try to kill them wherever they went, because islam tells them to.
It’s the religion. It’s political because their religion IS their politics.
Their politics, their “religion”, and their way of life, everything they do from getting up in the morning to going to bed at night is determined by More-Ham-Head’s bastard pseudo religion, aka Islam.
And, when they go to sleep, old Mo tells them what to dream…
The Jews have a tiny postage stamp of a country, when GOD gave them a MUCH larger piece of land, yet the Moslems, despite their HUGE lands, want the postage stamp too. The rich man stealing from the poor, redux.
The barbarians have crossed the border, also here in Europe. And people are bitching about whether someone else has a problem, while the rabid terrorist camel(s) have not just their nose, but their entire bodies in the tent.
And, maybe it’s the “cabal” who are telling them what to do now, but I venture that the Moslems doing the WEF’s bidding is just another Taqiyyah tactic until they’re in the driver’s seat themselves.
And then we’ll wish we had done something while we could.
It’s happened twice (three times now) since the sixth century, and each time it took HUNDREDS of years to rid Europe of the Mohammedan plague. And if we don’t act swiftly and severely, we’ll be faced with the same long battle, with crappier military balance, and fluffies all around yelling “RACISSSSSS” because we are defending our country, and supporting others who defend theirs.
N.B. Both the EKD and the Catholic Church here in Germany knuckled under to Hitler. Only the “Bekennende Christen” stood up to him and the rest of the NAZIs, sometimes paying for that with their lives.
I think of Luke 18:7-8:
I wonder…
Me, too.
This is what was happening just before the Hamas Attack — 20 Sep 2023 — THIS POSSIBLE PEACE WAS WHY THERE WAS AN ATTACK!
Of course, the true followers of islam fear peace. It means the end of their religion. The religion of pieces.
Actually it looks like it was Israel that did the sabotage probably with the CIA’s help.
Yeah, I’m not buying that.
Folks AND Infrastrure will be simultaneously targeted within the US, IF Hamas, Hezbollah and other America haters are given the “GO” signal.
America will feel blind sided. But No One Should. Obvious.
I have no issue with doing things to D.C. residents.
“If we get into the Israeli mess”
We are in the Israeli mess if we like it or not. This has been for a long time. Also remember all the dual citizens who are now fighting for Israel. All those held hostage US citizens. We have a treaty with Israel and most Jews are democrats supporting democrats. The democratic party is in control of our government yes we will most likely defend Israel if it gets dicey and Israel is in danger of loosing. America will demand we safe Israel.
All the people demanding cease firer are the same people who would or have told not to engage Nazi Germany in beginning of the War. Israel needs to finish what they started in their own defense. We are delusional if we believe that if Israel stops fighting that we will not be in danger. The Hamas Nazis are all over the world well fed well trained ready to take us out. First after the Jews next Christians and next everyone who is not Muslim abiding by sharia.
Singing, you and I are on the same page. This is all very true.
And lots of Americans did not want to enter WWII, only to be ashamed when, at the end of the war, they realized what had been done while they were holding out.
I read something yesterday that was done by Hamas in the attack on Israel that is literally unspeakable; I mean that. I will NEVER speak out loud, or even write down what I read. I’ve read about the atrocities of the Holocaust, but this surpassed anything I’ve ever read. No actual human could do it. It had to be a demon.
What is curious to me is that the atrocities aren’t disputed by hamas yet their apologists try to persuade the public that the acts aren’t real. The captured hamas said what they did on tape.
The only one I could find on ddg was an imam with ties to 9/11 denying.
The fact that they took hostages, not POWs, is proof of their dirty tactics.
they’re very much into machismo–imo–or whatever you want to label it. badassery. why not let the world think they are badasses instead of the frickin cowards that they are?
women? children? elderly? this is who they kill. soft easy targets. they do not want to meet men on the battlefield.
“they do not want to meet men on the battlefield.”
nor anyone armed like that one kibbutz that killed 2 dozen terrorists & spared their community so that all Israelis there survived
Agreed. It is curious. People are in denial.
Link please. KNOWING what happened helps going forward.
No. What I saw yesterday stops with me. I will not inflict that knowledge on another human being.
That’s a heavy burden to bear–May God give you peace
If you look and read what is being reported out of Israel, you will find it. It’s out there. I just don’t want people here to see it if they don’t go looking for it.
Thanks A…Sundance’s “do not look away” admonition is hard to do in these times
Israel should certainly deal with Hamas. The fact that NONE of the Arab countries will ALLOW them in their country, tells you they KNOW these are evil nasty people.
If everyone stays on the sidelines we will get thru this without giving the Cabal what they want.
I am hoping that Saudi Arabia knows this and has enough control to keep the others on the sidelines.
I avoided reading about it but humanity can do unspeakable things if not checked . Hamas is lawless Godless. Godless people are capable of the unspeakable.
ALL part of the Global Reset. 14 of 15 gotta Will Go.
ht Gail
“…put their emotions in check and SEE how they are being manipulated.
…Muslim Terrorist Attacks here in the USA (and Europe) are the next items on the Cabal’s check list.
…DESPERATELY want to divert us into WWIII and that is what we need to avoid.
ht Jack Smith IS A THUG!
Another aspect is that the fires Could be viewed as some type of natural disaster whereas the Hamas killings & kidnappings were deliberate terror on unarmed civilians.
Both scenarios are likely organized by (some of the same) extremely evil psychopaths but the Hawaiian crimes can perhaps be better hidden by the “natural disaster” covering.
Also there is a pre-existing funding pipeline to both side of the Israel/Hamas debacle so of course they want to hype that up, & take our eyes off Ukraine to boot…
Absolute delight if it works…
If this does not work maybe someone who knows how to get all the tweets from a thread to show in one of those scroll down boxes can help. Here’s hoping it works…
I will try
Ahhh… perhaps too late. The maniacs are descending and marring the page. It was pure just moments ago… They can’t leave nice alone.
What horrid pictures and comments. AND THEY ARE AT THE TOP!!!
Yep. I withdraw my original comment. When I first looked at it, the first twenty (stopped there and came running here) were just fine. I guess as soon as it became “trending” the demons flew out of their basements to attack.
Satan Sauros paid opposition… paid for by his father in HELL…
wish I could have seen it but I’m still banned by the twit bots…
Here’s one sweet video
BEST one minute of my day! Thank you.
YW! I really miss her still…
Yet another example of leftist media bias…
And Jill is not worthy of tying his shoes!
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, October 31, 2023
“I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.”
Psalms 40:8 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
Chris Plante is on WMAL now. I listen here:
He said he woke up this morning singing Buffalo Springfield’s “Stop Children What’s that Sound” song. I bet Scott knows the lyrics too…
There’s something happening here
What it is ain’t exactly clear
There’s a man with a gun over there
Telling me i got to beware
I think it’s time we stop, children, what’s that sound
Everybody look what’s going down
There’s battle lines being drawn
Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong
Young people speaking their minds
Getting so much resistance from behind
I think it’s time we stop, hey, what’s that sound
Everybody look what’s going down
What a field-day for the heat
A thousand people in the street
Singing songs and carrying signs
Mostly say, hooray for our side
It’s time we stop, hey, what’s that sound
Everybody look what’s going down
Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you’re always afraid
You step out of line, the man come and take you away
We better stop, hey, what’s that sound
Everybody look what’s going down
Stop, hey, what’s that sound
Everybody look what’s going down
Stop, now, what’s that sound
Everybody look what’s going down
Stop, children, what’s that sound
Everybody look what’s going down
thanks for my morning ear worm Barb!
Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you’re always afraid
You step out of line, the man come and take you away
That song is so old it’s probably moldy.
Are you calling me moldy? I remember that song from my youth.
NO, I wouldn’t do that.
And so do I.
Seventh grade.
Not moving, as well as I did back in the day. Falling apart. No mold, yet.
Aged, like fine cheese
But of course!
I remember listening to it when I was a kid. It was probably on my Buffalo Springfield’s Greatest Hits LP. I don’t think I really knew what it was about, I just really liked the music and the CSN&Y harmonies

And no nonsensical lyrics like the Walrus.
Wait, that didn’t make sense, of the four, C and N weren’t in Buffalo Springfield, only S and Y were
From me to you guys, via 1968:
Never forget: “There’s a man with a gun over there
Telling me i got to beware”
Get it now?
TY for that AND your service…
I just loved every minute of this. His singing is terrible, but Flavor Flav did what I doubt anyone expected him to do; respectfully sing his heart out on the National Anthem:
Oh oh… Even Walmart Equate brand…(which right there indicates China). Only stumbling block in this, is you have to believe the FDA. can cause blindness.
Thank you for this list.
Lyrics matter… Thanks Smiley!!
from Brave Summarizer
I sure hope I am incorrect about Biden getting us into WWIII.
‘constitutionally unconstitutional’ ???
This is evidence of Severe Cognitive Dissonance. Approach with caution.
It is probably generated by AI.
I think from this story: Judge Andrew Napolitano: Biden, war and the Constitution
The rest that are linked in the summary do not use the word Constitutional except one or twice.
Yours Truly’s today’s COVID-19 “vaccines” blowtorch:
Just in case anyone is thinking that the NOVAVAX original (NVX-CoV2373) AND the company’s “2023-2024 Formula” COVID-19 “vaccines” are somehow “safer” than those made by Pfizer-BioNTech and by Moderna:
the answer is, NOPE, NO WAY.
“‘NOVAVAX COVID-19 Vaccine and Myocarditis: New October 2023 papers raise SERIOUS CONCERNS!’ Dr. W. Makis raises serious questions about NOVAVAX vaccine & I agree, see both substacks”
by Dr. Paul Elias Alexander
Yours Truly: The Novavax mRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” has, by some people, been thought of as somehow being “safer” than those made by Pfizer-BioNTech and by Moderna. The Novavax product doesn’t use the modRNA platform. It was thought to be free of nanoparticles. It apparently is free of DNA contamination (at least, as far as is known at this time.) The product is made using a different process from that of the other two manufacturers.
Until now.
Myocarditis is now an “identified risk” for people taking the Novavax COVID-19 “vaccines.”
One study, of 61 cases of myocarditis/pericarditis in people who took the Novavax COVID-19 “vaccine”, found ONLY A 13% RECOVERY RATE.
The Novavax “2023-2024 Formula” COVID-19 “vaccine” is JUST NOW RECRUITING SUBJECTS FOR A CLINICAL TRIAL:
Congressman Troy E. Nehls
@RepTroyNehls I’m honored to announce I will be serving as a fact witness for President Trump’s defense in the 14th Amendment removal sham trial in Colorado. I was at the doors on January 6, face to face with protestors, and I know firsthand there was NO INSURRECTION. This sham trial is clear election interference, and it has no basis in fact. I look forward to providing my eyewitness account of that.
But it does not matter. What really MATTERS is the Judge and jury’s FEELINGS about Trump…. FACTS BE DAMNED!
delusional psychopaths!
I don’t know how tall he really is, and I don’t know how much of a lift his boots have, but I read that the boots hurt his feet and that Casey was the one who wanted him to wear them. I have no idea where the truth lies, and I wonder how much influence she has had on his disastrous campaign. I get an impression of trying too hard instead of being natural.
The governor’s campaign collapsed when he allowed others to think for him. It is a common problem for politicians who do not possess a fully developed set of principles that form the foundation of their philosophy. The pursuit of power becomes their philosophy. Most of them think that they can fix it after they are in charge. Seldom does it turn out as they predict. He may get other opportunities in the future but his fundamental problem has been exposed.
See: “Dr.” Jill Biden and attire …
DeSantis is 5′ 9″.
Laura Loomer
How many of you knew that
is on the board of CREW? Additionally, so is US senator
, and Beth Nolan
. The lawsuit filed in #Colorado to keep President Trump off the ballot in CO in 2024 was originally filed by CREW in early September of this year with the financial backing of a
funded organization called Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW). CREW is a major partner and recipient of funds from the largest Democrat Party and Progressive Dark Money Operations In The Country. CREW has received funding from
’s Open Societies Foundation, as well as The Tides Foundation. As many of you may remember,
is the former CIA agent who ran for President against Trump in 2016. Beth Nolan was Bill Clinton’s final White House Counsel. Prior to serving as White House Counsel, Nolan worked in other White House and Department of Justice positions. It’s pretty evident that CREW is violating its 501c3 status and is acting as a political operation to take down President Trump under the guise of “charity”. CREWs entire board consists of anti-Trump operatives, DEEP STATE agents, Clinton associates, and progressive Democrats.
needs to investigate and crack down on Democrat Money operations like CREW, which should be investigated by the IRS.
Trump is fighting the Borg. A hive of entities with one goal in mind.
One arm after the next attacks him and lays in wait to attack any who support him.
NO CHANCE the Just-US system will do anything. After all they ONLY went after tea party affiliates and True The Vote.
The 1950s was a great time to be a kid…
This was fun
The story is here.
“MAYORKAS: “To suggest that that is emblematic of the men and women of the Department of Homeland Security is…”
If you haven’t fired the employee, then to suggest that it’s NOT emblematic of your own views is the problem here, traitor.
Mayorkas plays the victim.
Except it IS EMBLEMATIC of DHS!!!
I guess Mayorkas forgot about Phil Haney and the SHUTTING DOWN of his hunt for Muslim terrorists entering the USA or terrorist cells in the USA.
(If anyone wants the links I have them.)
folding a fitted sheet is a piece of cake…I can teach anyone.
just saying
it’s my super power…LOL
I had a job at a factory where we made, among other things, children’s bedding. the folding department was taught how to fold the fitted sheets and they in turn taught all us sewers. in exchange we did their mending at lunch time…lol
I can fold my sheet set back into the original packaging
Yes but you were a sewer. I thought only Dems and Rinos could be sewers or septic tanks.
I learned a lot sewing in a factory. piece rate–where your hard work was rewarded.
Yeah…but when I first read it I thought of sewer as in sewage.
I figured out what you meant of course in the next fraction of a second, but there was no way was I going to pass up the chance to pretend to be oblivious.
That’s an amazing skill! I don’t think many people can do that.
like i said, it’s my super power
I’m pretty sure I could — not because I understand folding, but because I understand hydraulics and leverage.
Anything like this?
yup. easy peasy
Bwahahah with a bit of practice I can have three superpowers, not just two.
you clearly have more than 2
Calculus, and being able to make change for a cent.
you’re being modest Steve
It’s all about the
basecorners.Well yeah. Were it not for the corners it’d be an ordinary sheet and most people who don’t lick windows can handle those!

Is it harder than wadding it up in a ball ? asking for a close friend
That’s the secret.
Teach someone else to do it, so you don’t have to take the chance of becoming a casualty.
I’m… gonna list that under “possible, but unconfirmed”…
There is some reporting and updates on the Colorado 14th Amendment case against Trump here:
Just reading a little of the stupidity raised my blood pressure. I don’t know how PDJT can take all of this. Example (Gessler is Trump’s attorney):
Trying to railroad Trump. Foregone conclusion. I hope sane heads prevail.
Simi making up manufactured shit.
All you have to do is actually READ right-wing sites and you can see the emphasis is on NON VIOLENCE and RESPECT FOR LAW.
You can’t ascribe motives to someone, which is making stuff up. You can’t make up definitions for words and phrases. You can’t introduce hearsay, and this seems about equivalent to that, IMO.
Sorta like HLS create a false narrative. Specifically, misinformation, malinformation, and whatever the third lie, Mayorkis criminals use against Truth, Freedom of Speech.
Disinformation? I always to look those up to see how they differ.
Good on ya.
I took all three at face value, and called bullshit. Full on ignore.
Yup. Willfully ignorant of HLS propaganda. Content.
Editing in.
Short videos. Total time, ~3:30.
I just recalled the ‘insurrectionists’ WERE NOT AT TRUMP’S SPEECH…
Jay Seculow’s team is going to be involved concerning to stop the madness taking Trump of the ballot
I think it will help.
And there is the lost shoe…
Good catch!
Don’t know if anyone would want to catch that
WTF?!? If you needed any more evidence that the Biden admin is stark raving mad…
REPORT: Biden Admin Threatens to Quit Supplying Rifles After Israel’s Ben Gvir Purportedly Arms Civilians — Breitbart
Don’t they get it ? You have relations with the US govt and they own you. Even purchasing equipment somehow has strings attached.
All weapons distribution is approved by the us ?
All those thousand and thousands of arms left to the Taliban didn’t have any restrictions but for Israel not only must they ask permission but if they don’t we’ll throw in some international humiliation by revealing that daddy Biden is spanking them.
CannCon and ‘Ghost’ just revealed something else.
CannCon is a Marine vet and as he said all it would have taken was some helicopters and guys with rifles. (He would know)
‘Ghost’ @ 1:17:30 suggested they do not want armed civilians BECAUSE SOME OF ‘Hamas’ May ACTUALLY BE PAID MERCENARIES. That is an interesting idea given it was PAID MERCENARIES who started the color revolution in Ukraine (2014) by killing cops and civilians.
@ 1:11:10
Have been bitching almost daily, Where TF was Israeli military.
Along with stunning realization, disbelief, Israeli citizens are NOT armed.
Israeli government, military and “intelligence” knew of the attack.
^^^ Such as accommodating coincidence. ^^^
US intelligence also had to know. Allowed an ally to be ransacked by Hamas. ~1300 murdered. ~200 taken hostage.
A SET-UP JUST LIKE 9/11 and Just like the Maidan Orange Color Revolution that set of the current mess in Ukraine.
This is interesting
@ 1:30:40 They are discussing a conversation with Hilary Clinton, Henry Kissenger & Secretary of State for Bush, James Baker III at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy
This is the article: Hillary Clinton: Cease-Fire ‘Not Possible’, ’Would Be Such a Gift to Hamas’
CannCon and Ghost point out that Hamas has NO WAY TO ACCESS SUPPLIES which negates what these three Deep Staters are saying.
They then go on to this article by Larry Johnson the guy who has been commenting on the Ukraine.
China And Russia Playing Military And Diplomatic Cards In The Middle East
Worth reading as is all of Larry’s work.
Weapon and ammunition use is, always in the agreements. Applies to aid of any type.
Much Like, Fed money flowing to the states, counties, cities…Strings Attached.
Israeli government knows they are on a short leash.
EVERY government that gets US aid, US loans, of any kind, has strings attached.
Briben AND his administration IS Evil. Learned it from his Master, hussein.
Every person in Israel is military trained and expected to fight in case of war? What is the problem? Biden mafia needs to get over it .
Not to mention, Basic Human Right.
That too
Steve K is back with more. Slamming it in their faces now.
Thank you for bringing this.
Yours Truly has read in certain blogs that Mr. Kirsch is a shill / agent, for some government agency. I don’t know that.
What is known is that Mr. Kirsch is “fully vaccinated.” IMO, it may well be, that by this time, he’s scared to the very marrow of his bones about the carnage that the “vaccines” could be doing to his own body.
I wonder what part of the government they think he is shilling for. I’ve never seen anything from him except arguments against the vax.
By design. Whether the rumor is true or not. Please see my post slightly up or down.
If Kirsch is an “agent”, it is funded by a Patriot in the government.
Perhaps, hired by a contractor, at the request of a Patriot. Hell, it could a sub-contractor, he is working for. Contracting companies have huge leeway, so long as they deliver, required deliverables, on-time..
Could even be a private company, private citizen bankrolling Kirsch.
Dunno. But I am glad Kirsch frequently delivers.
^^^ None of that matters to me. What matters to me, Kirsch exposing Covid Injection dangers. Pull no punches. Unvarnished Truths.
Any one of the above is believable. I’d feel better if it is true. More knowing the dangers of Covin Injections is good AND Doing Something About It.
Yours Truly: This is a report of an interview with Dr.William Makis on several topics, among them, turbo-cancers appearing after COVID-19 “vaccination.”
And, for those “normies” who believe the LIES from the “establishment medical experts” that MYOCARDITIS caused by the modRNA (and, in the case of the Novavax injection, the mRNA) COVID-19 shots, can be “mild”, that it can “heal”, that it can “be successfully treated”, they need to see the item below:
He’s always funny
Polling better than Chris Christie, LOL!
AI winning
heartsand minds…
Executive order mandates tech companies have AI talk “equity”.
General Hospital Actor Tyler Christopher Dead at 50: ‘A Sweet Soul and Wonderful Friend’
May he RIP. This is the sad state of things now.
J A B, always in play.
Posted elsewhere. Absolutely worth listening in. <Four minutes.
< One minute.
~ Two minutes.
Yup – pretty much correct.
Epoch Times:
In Ohio, Key Election on Abortion Raises Tensions on Both Sides
This is a long, detailed article outlining the issues that Wolf has been talking about here.
Ghost mentioned this @ 2:09:35 it is from a recent speech by Putin.
Putin named the main culprit of instability in the world
Ghost also said that Putin does not blame the people of the USA but the Elite who have taken the control of our government away from us.
The “current ruling elites.” He gets it.
FIB, not to be out done with HLS ignorance (misinformation, malinformation, disinformation…). FIB championed this line of bullshit.
FBI them.
On the lighter side.
I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween
Hope Mr Gil is doing well.
I had to force him to take norco and lo n behold his pain is under control(mostly). I was able to do kiddo’s entire route. 2 hrs. Slow enough. Had a beer andvwill take medicine before i go to bed. I did better that expected. Ill rest tomorrow. Thx gor asking. Hope youre all kosher. Any travel plans for Thanksgiving?
Appreciate the update. Kiddo’s entire route?
Turkey Day. DW family in Lemoore CA. You have family in the area, right?
Best wishes to the three of ya! Sleep well!
His trick or treat route. Im 3 months exactly today since my surgery. Thats a big milestone to do the walk.
Used to be. Everyone dead n gone.
That’s a lot of candy. Obviously, Mom and dad inspected. Some sampled.
Yep. I think he has 3lbs maybe 4.
So a week’s worth if his parents don’t dip in

Lol. No im not planning on it at all.
Good Call!
Oh. That 82,000 pages of Briben emails, under pseudo names.
Comer says Congress has only gotten 14 pages of Joe Biden’s pseudonym emails, alleges obstruction
“This lack of transparency from the self-identified ‘most transparent administration in history’ is looking more like obstruction every day,” Comer told Just the News.
Gosh, I miss PR brining IntelSlava stuff…
This is different. Sort of PsyOps or ?
Hezbollah: The Game Plan
Everyone who has been following the war since the 7th of October knows that all parties involved are anxiously awaiting the next move from resistance-axis factions, first and foremost Hezbollah.
Hezbollah, who pushed Israel out of Lebanon in the 80’s and defended the South against another attempted occupation in 2006, is a far more potent and capable enemy to the Israeli military than Hamas or the PIJ will ever be.
Since the beginning of the war, unofficial statements and media reports have been circulating, claiming that an Israeli ground invasion of Gaza would be considered as a red line for Hezbollah.
Despite these statements being unofficial, many of you have wondered, when will Hezbollah really get involved?
Since October 8th, Hezbollah has attacked IDF positions across the Lebanese border every single day, with no exceptions. Approximately 50 martyrs have been announced, and we can only wonder about the number of Israeli casualties. Besides the deaths, many IDF vehicles and tanks have been destroyed.
However, there are clues that something else is being prepared for. Something bigger. Something unprecedented.
Each day for the past 24 days, Hezbollah has consistently and sucessfully been targeting Israeli surveillance & observation equipment on the Lebanese border.
Dozens of radar stations, night vision cameras, infrared sensors, long range communication towers, telescopes and antennas have all been destroyed by the Lebanese group during the past few weeks.
These operations, which disabled most of the IDFs observation network, have practically blinded the Israelis in the north, especially in Metula and the surrounding settlements. One can only start to wonder why Hezbollah would have put so much emphasis on this modus-operandi, instead of just opting for killing soldiers or destroying tanks.
Now that the IDF has comitted most of its forces to urban combat operations in Gaza, a unique opportunity is opening up in the north. One that might shape the future of the region. Hezbollah knows this, and has been waiting for this moment for 17 years.
The north is now a total blind spot, and based on the available information, it is very possible that the main event is yet to come.
All we can do is wait for Nasrallah’s speech on Friday, but there might be some surprises in store. All the signs are there.
Is Hezbollah’s “reporting” any more reliable than Hamas’–seems doubtful…
I miss PR, period.
Yes, we all do. PR added lots of good commentary… Always looked forward to PRs posts.