DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20231102

When it rains, it pours….

Badlands News Brief – November 1, 2023

‘Experts’ Claim Not Reading Mainstream Media Can Cause Heart Attacks


US jury finds realtors liable for inflating commissions, awards $1.78 bln damages

Tribalism and Democracy

Home schooling’s rise from fringe to fastest-growing form of education

One of the few positives of the scamdemic.

World Economic Forum co-founder’s son calls for the arrests of COVID jab pushers for ‘democide’

Is the United States a Nation?

This was bandied about on yesterday’s daily. I realize that. Just know that this is the sort of thing that’s been circulating in conspiracy circles for decades…and that we’ve all been lied to ad nauseum, all subjects included. If true, this is going to be a hard pill to swallow.

RFK Jr.’s donor data reveals his 2024 threat

That’s from Politico, so take it with a box of salt.

Why the Iowa Poll was a “PR disaster for DeSantis:”

Dear America: We’ve Got Our Own War To Win

Has the Sexual Revolution failed? Depends for Whom

Ken Buck Off: Colorado GOP Congressman Announces Return to Private Life

Hmm…. More below.

Ken Paxton Continues Endorsing Candidates for Texas House

Revenge is a dish best served cold. No chili or jalepanos for this one.

Peter Schiff: A Crisis Is Already Playing Out Under the Radar

Sen. Hawley Moves to Reverse Citizens United, End Democrat Dark Money Goliath.

Yes, that’s my senator…who sounds like he smokes cigars on a nightly basis.

Senator Rand Paul Opening Statement During Senate Homeland Security Hearing

Senator JD Vance Vows to Block All DOJ Nominees While Biden Uses Weaponized Justice to Target Political Opposition

You go, JD!


My favorite.

No kidding.

Somebody should be.

Good luck with that.

No ideas on this one.

Did Obama, GWB or Clinton have that kind of security after leaving office?

BYE! Loser.

Q again. Hmm…..

No $#!+.

The man was far from perfect:

RIP, coach. Seriously.

That explains a lot.

Uh-oh. Jesse needs to up his security.



And now for the business portion.

Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.


All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.

Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights
  2. No running with scissors
  3. If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


WISDOM 3:1-9

1But the souls of the righteous are in the hand of God, and no torment will ever touch them. 2In the eyes of the foolish they seemed to have died, and their departure was thought to be an affliction, 3and their going from us to be their destruction; but they are at peace. 4For though in the sight of men they were punished, their hope is full of immortality. 5Having been disciplined a little, they will receive great good, because God tested them and found them worthy of himself; 6like gold in the furnace he tried them, and like a sacrificial burnt offering he accepted them. 7In the time of their visitation they will shine forth, and will run like sparks through the stubble. 8They will govern nations and rule over peoples, and the Lord will reign over them for ever. 9Those who trust in him will understand truth, and the faithful will abide with him in love, because grace and mercy are upon his elect, and he watches over his holy ones.



Not going to bother trying to explain this.

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Brave and Free

Great job DP. Lot’s to unpack with this one.
When I moved out of NY I received a mail in ballot from them. So if they did the same for even half the people who left think how many votes they could
“manipulate” enough to throw an election I guess………..

Valerie Curren

They mailed a ballot to an OUT of State address, when you hadn’t requested some absentee ballot because you retained NY residency??? In-Sane!


Thank you, De Pat, for a lovely Thursday thread.



LOL – I have 12 rescues and I spend that much per month.comment image


Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths
Gail Combs

I have a couple of ponies that weigh LESS THAN THAT DOG!!! 😱

I also have a 10″ pony saddle that would probably fit..


Well, there’s a new ride for your pony shows.

Gail Combs

At one point I had a YUGE goat, a mini Donkey and a great pyrennes dog.

With the smallest pony, I wanted to put all four on my pony wheel with those tiny 10″ long saddles and get a picture. They were all between 36 and 40 inches in height and 150 – 200 lbs.


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Exactly! They are telling us who they are.


Did Obama, GWB or Clinton have that kind of security after leaving office?

What is “that kind of security”?

Is it implying that Trump has more security than past presidents would have had in a similar situation?

Is it implying that, if Trump has more security than we THINK he should have or than we THINK past presidents would have had, that he is still the president?

On that note, if he were still the president, why is America being destroyed from within and why is the world on the brink of a hot war (with some countries already at war)? (“The people had to be shown” is not a valid answer.)

Has anyone supporting such theories ever researched how security for a former president works? I researched it a little, and it can vary according to the situation.

Trump is under attack unlike any other recent past president, and he needs high-level security. He also has personal security.

For anyone questioning the level of security he had on that occasion, or trying to use it to make a point that is pure conjecture, it would be a good idea to research:

1. …what that occasion was, and where Trump was. I saw a palm tree, so he was probably in Florida.

2. …what plane he was boarding. It is the new Trump Force One, repainted in June of 2022.
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3. …on what occasions other past presidents were in a similar situation and what kind of security they had. In other words, on what occasions did they board their personal Boeing 757 on (maybe) their own runway?

4. …who was providing security for Trump on that occasion.

But I maintain that none of that matters. He is a former POTUS who gets top-level security when needed.

Barb Meier

Didn’t I read recently that President Trump has both SS and his own Security Team?


I believe Blackwater guy Eric Prince, still takes care of his family’s personal security as before (stoohsffo sti dna eert niatrec a no ecneulfni tceridni elbanoitnemnu na dah ylekil evah klof sih).

Barb Meier

Who knew reverse text translators exist? I do now! his folk have likely had an unmentionable indirect influence on a certain tree and its offshoots


And who needs them except spooks and misinformation agents?

Barb Meier

One just never knows, Pgroup. We have been living in an upsidedown world, so backasswards might come in handy.


Too much trouble here. but, cute on the surface.


gnitseretni yrev ?yllaer ho


I posted a couple of videos. Both Obama and Bush had “that kind” of security. I think location and/or level of threat influences it.


I think location and/or level of threat influences it.

No doubt. It’s common sense.


Trap questions…

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She looks too old in that pic. She should have been at least 20 years younger.
Since she tends to gain weight, I imagine that she would have been a lot heavier at that stage of a pregnancy.
The pic is an obvious fake.


So six fingers doesn’t matter to you?

“I am looking for the six-fingered man. He killed my father.”


LOL! I didn’t mention it because it was stated in the community notes.

Cuppa Covfefe

A three-legged dog slowly sidles into a bar. Bartender asks, “What’ll it be?”

Dog replies, “I’m a-callin’ out the one who shot my paw”…..


UM, the fingers are a bit of a problem. And lack there of on the other hand. Looks like someone was having a bit of fun here.


Mochelle, MadMax sister?


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Bullshit started before inauguration.

Gail Combs

Like in 1913!!! or 1777… Depending on how far back you want to go.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Extra points for “Woke Fascist Mob”!!!


And they’re Internet Bonus Points, the hardest kind to get.  😂  😆 


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Court: Democrats Have No Evidence Florida’s Voter Registration Process Is Illegal

In a major win for election integrity, a district court judge dismissed a lawsuit on Monday filed by leftist groups falsely claiming Florida’s voter registration process violates federal law.

Writing for the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida, Judge Allen Winsor granted a motion to dismiss Democrats’ case contending Florida’s requirement that residents provide an original or “wet” signature when registering to vote violates provisions of the Civil Rights Act. Under Florida law, state residents are mandated to provide “either an original signature or a digital signature that the Department of Highway Safety transmitted” when registering to vote. As noted by the court, the signature signifies an affirmation by each registrant that the information he or she provided is factually correct…


Here are photos of East Germany – before and after the Berlin wall was torn down – very much like the Cuba pictures above –

Last edited 1 year ago by GA/FL
Barb Meier

Very nice transformation photo gallery, GA/FL! Thanks for sharing.

Cuppa Covfefe

Great pics… surprised that Spiegel didn’t know that Kostenpflichtig doesn’t mean “free of charge” but means “at owner’s expense” (i.e. NOT free)… (pic 18)

One thing to note is that we in the West (“Wessies”) paid for those renovations with the “solidarity tax” (Solidaritätszuschlag), a 5.5% tax on top of our income tax… just a bit of socialism, I guess, for “old times’ sake”… 😡 😡 😡 😡

It was only intended to last for a year, but in 1995 it was made permanent… lots of money flowing eastward to reward the “Ossies” for their communism… (granted, they didn’t vote it in, but after the wall fell they were free to move, and many did… and the money kept rolling in)…


Thanks for telling us the whole story. Dirty ;-> capitalist money made all the difference.


Q and more Q, question after question
Q and more Q, tell me nothing new
Q and more Q, always more questions
And I don’t have time for understanding you
I think the thoughts I used to have
They come, and then they pass
And as they’re passing by
They still apply
Though Q’s right here with me
Now the truth lies bare, there’s
Anger in the air and
I’m as confused as I can be
Q and more Q, question after question
Q and more Q, they confuse me, too
Q and more Q, always more questions
And I don’t have time for understanding you
Day after day, corruption screams
I want to run and hide
As I see all the harm
Deadly harm
That is so near to me
Through my veil of tears
No clarity appears and
I’m still confused as I can be
Q and more Q, question after question
Q and more Q, hide his point of view
Q and more Q, always more questions
And I don’t have time for understanding you
There is a break; some clouds are gone
Hope lies heavy in the air
And when this hope comes near
Gray skies will clear
And so we’ll all be free
Until that time arrives
Q’s questions will still come, and
I’ll be confused as I can be
Q and more Q, question after question
Q and more Q, I’m done; we’re through
Q and more Q, always more questions
And I don’t have time for understanding you

Barb Meier

This is a great poem, Bakocarl! Thank you for sharing!! My mind has been busy too lately and I am glad to have the QTree to share my thoughts and concerns. Yours are always so helpful and eloquently stated. ❤


Wow! 👍


Thank you!

Last edited 1 year ago by PAVACA



Verse of the Day for Thursday, November 2, 2023

“O worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness: fear before him, all the earth.” 

Psalms 96:9 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.

Barb Meier

To QTreeper engineers and science gals/guys: I received the following recruiter email on Halloween. I have a hard time imagining working 5.1 miles from DC in these times given talk of DEWs, nuclear threats, lethal blast zones, and so on. I have written a response but would appreciate your thoughts or suggestions and could happily defer my response in favor of analysts with more experience than mine.

Since this is a smaller group, I am not hiding email addresses. In these interesting times, it has been fun chewing over my own ideas for the support USAF/A4C leaders might benefit from in whatever civil engineering tasks may be in their bucket.

Thank you! Barb

From: Sweety Bhatia <>
Date: Tuesday, October 31, 2023 at 6:09 PM
To: barb Barb <barb Barb>
Subject: SRRF PACAF Analyst
Hi Barbara,

My name is Sweety Bhatia, and I am a Recruiter with Collins Consulting, Inc., a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Company and a Preferred Vendor to Fortune 100/500 clients nationwide. I was looking to connect as I would like to discuss with you a SRRF PACAF Analyst opportunity I have available with our client in Arlington, VA.

I have included the job details below for your review, and would greatly appreciate the opportunity to further discuss this role with you, as well as provide more details about our client.

If this position isn’t the right fit for you, or if this email has reached you in error, but you could potentially recommend someone else instead, I’d appreciate it!
Must be a US Citizen who currently possesses a Secret Clearance (highly preferred) or has the ability to obtain one. This is an onsite position.

Task Description:
The Pacific Air Force (PACAF) Consultant will work directly with PACAF and Headquarters Air Force (HAF) level leaders to plan and execute strategic events/engagements for Air Force Civil Engineer leadership. They will support program strategy by coordinating, consolidating, developing, and maintaining strategic documents and deliverables for events. They will also maintain robust Strategic Communications that support PACAF/A4C leadership in seminars, speeches, and briefings. They will provide detailed updates to leadership and stakeholders by participating in and facilitating meetings/forums, working groups, committees, panels/sub-panels, and boards. They’ll develop scripts, speeches, articles, and digital correspondence to enable PACAF/A4C leadership to communicate strategic messages and the AF’s agenda across the CE enterprise.
This person will focus on branding for the PACAF Civil Engineers and helping to grow the team’s recognition.
The role is centered around the delivery of business transformation and strategy/policy implementation for a 50,000+ person enterprise.

  • Ability to work across multiple time zones
  • Ability/Interest in travel
  • Event planning experience (1+ years)
  • Excellent written and verbal communication (1+ years)
  • Passion for event planning and working with High-Ranking DOD Leaders
  • Experience with content creation and technical writing (3+ years)
  • Strong time management skills (1+ years)
  • Detail Oriented (1+ years)
  • Ability to build strong client relationships (1+ years)

Thank you, Barbara, and I look forward to speaking with you soon!

Sweety Bhatia
Direct: (847) 264-5168 |

Collins Consulting, Inc.
999 Plaza Drive, Suite 240
Schaumburg, IL 60173

Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business – VetBiz Certified

Collins Consulting, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer. Collins Consulting, Inc. does not discriminate against employees or job applicants on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin, handicap, veteran status or any other status or condition protected by applicable state or federal laws except where a bona fide occupational qualification applies.

If you are interested in this position, please click here.

If you would like to unsubscribe from Collins Consulting Inc, please click unsubscribe.

Lookup Candidate


Just comment on the Collins Consulting recruiter’s pseudonym. Nice, no objections, but yes, if moving to DC area likely a bad idea without combat pay. Most people are moving out. If this job can be done remote, sounds exciting but such a job might mean becoming a target of foreign powers or politicos? Might mean lots of attention to cyber security?

Barb Meier

Thanks para! I agree that Sweety Bhatia is a nice pseudonym. Schaumburg IL is just west of Chicago. That always sets off bells and whistles for me. Chris Wray spent time there, for example. I appreciate the wiki link!! I have only considered remote opportunities since the lockdowns, but combat (or hazardous duty) pay is an interesting alternative. When one gets down to the actual subject matter, that’s when it starts getting very interesting. Just imagine what AF civil engineers are focused on right now.

Jack Smith is a THUG

i would remain extremely cautious about “nice” pseudonyms. i don’t think the “bad guys” are dumb enough to call themselves Evil Bhatia.
the devil wears a red dress for a reason

Barb Meier

Thank you, Pat! Great point. I do consider this might be AI or “bad guy”-generated trolling. In 2004 when I came to the East to help after 9/11, I did not yet know to consider things like this. Nowadays, it’s a whole different matter.


🤔Well, one thing to consider is that they have outsourced their recruiting effort. Given the pseudonym first impression is they picked a Modi supporting company, good on the surface and no real need to dig as they are a head hunting out fit and likely not further connected to the company but the company still outsourced and that is weighable IMO.


Whetter accepting or declining “Namaste” might be nice to add back ending your response. It would show you understand she takes seriously her Hinduism. The head hunter then might consider you for a less dangerous job should she have one she needs to fill 😁

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Barb Meier

Interesting, para!

Barb Meier

Interesting idea, Para! My internet is being a little testy this morning so I’m being delayed by Safari that does an auto-refresh. Gak. Firefox has decided my password no longer works, so I updated it in Safari for QTree. I didn’t change it at WP so we’ll see.

Barb Meier

The Mil outsources a lot. The job requirements are low (1 year) for a lot of the experience, so I am guessing the pay would be equally low. Also, I checked the Colcon website and think they would be a prime and not a subcontractor due to their size and GSA contract listed that any Feds can use (they shifted to that a few years ago).

Barb Meier

Civil engineering is defined by Britannica: “the profession of designing and executing structural works that serve the general public, such as dams, bridges, aqueducts, canals, highways, power plants, sewerage systems, and other infrastructure.” I’m certain cyber security is in another group’s bucket though supplying the physical electricity to support the computers, HVAC, airplanes, and drones would fall into the civil engineering group’s area.


Adding, rather than repeating so many posts, which I agree with. No issues. Good advice.

Hope below has helpful information.

  • Contribute to decision to move forward, potentially negotiate employment…

My perspective.

Zero chance I’d return to DC area. Includes Alexandria. It is a war zone. IMO.

  • VA has, or had reasonable gun laws.
  • 2018, I left my CC weapon at a gun shop, Port Royal, VA, for “cleaning.” Didn’t need cleaning. Simply safe storage, while I spent a week in MD and needed to also be in DC, at times. Shop owner knew what and why I was doing this.
  • Attend a Navy vets funeral at Arlington. Family lived in MD. <<< TMI, but draconian gun laws impact, personal safety.
  • DC AND MD Draconian gun laws, at best.
  • Condition of employment, I WOULD Require, PAFAF / AF / DoD AND Collins, NOT Object to my CC – Conceal Carry. Yea, this would be a deal breaker with PACAF / AF / DoD, prolly Collins.

Recruiter with Collins Consulting, Inc., a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Company

  • ^^^ Meanigless, in my view.
  • Last GS position at China Lake, CA, we had many contracts. Most went through, companies with able to justify, Native Indian owned, Women owned. Simply a wedge, to get Federal contracts.
  • ^^^ Guessing you know this angle.

Also guessing you know, most or all of the following. But, if not, here goes.

PACAF – Pacific Air Force.

  • Significant travel. Likely described as one or more weeks per month.
  • Based out of Hickam, on Oahu, HI. Meetings at Hickam AND likely, PACOM – Pacific Command. Camp H. M. Smith. (Beautiful view from up there)
  • PACAF typically operates out of Hickam, Guam (Andersen, a couple islands in the Marianas), Japan (Misawa, Atsugi, Okinawa, Iwakuni…), South Korea (Seoul, Osan, many others), Singapore (Paya Lebar), Diego Garcia, Thailand…
  • With all of the talk of Taiwan, Philippines (likely Subic Bay, Clark…a few others northern Luzon).
  • Australia, LOTS of training in Australia.
  • There are others, that can be generically described as, expeditionary. Including, arrive to bare bones AND build capabilities.

More off the wall, my perspective.

  • I’d let them know up front.
  • No Covid injections OR Any injection, “I” do NOT want.
  • No masks.

Hope above has useful information.

Can’t resist the repetition from already posted.

  • Sweetie“, is if not a Red Flag with me, yellow caution flag.
  • Bhatia, nothing here. Nothing negative or positive.
Barb Meier

Thank you, Kalbo!!! Your thoughts highlight a lot about the real job duties for me that I underestimated while focusing on so many other things like working in Arlington. Based on my past experience with an AF contract working on infrastructure/software mod at all of the MAJCOMs (about 128 bases, most mainland but some globally). There are a lot of online Teams meetings but also “leaders” at the corp PM level had to travel to be onsite sometimes. I think this role would travel more due to the “participating in and facilitating” statement below.

Job description: “They will provide detailed updates to leadership and stakeholders by participating in and facilitating meetings/forums, working groups, committees, panels/sub-panels, and boards.” 

The requirements “Excellent written and verbal communications” and “Ability/interest in travel” brings PACAF bases front and center. In my last contract, I had to become familiar with the base codes and abbreviations for slide decks that would be used in meetings and other reporting. They never needed me to travel though. I was allowed to retain a great glossary of acronyms. It was almost 1,000 Excel pages.

For the weekly meetings online, we had three “scribes” taking meeting minutes and comparing them afterward because the corp PM would not let us use the Teams audio recording capability. Sometimes it is hard to hear clearly in online meetings so I encouraged using audio recording to allow playback and volume adjustments. Corp PMO did not concur. LOL

It gets more challenging to think of someone who would be a good fit if not me. I thought of one lady, but she would never want to be away from her dog as long as it would take to travel from the East Coast to PACAF and back.


Quick search:
“Sweety” is the Britisih form of “sweetie.”
It was a Taiwanese musical duo. Sweety Bhatia – Recruiter – Collins Consulting, Inc. | LinkedIn

View Sweety Bhatia’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Sweety has 2 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on …

Sweety Bhatia (@SweetyBhatia6) / X

Sweety Bhatia. @SweetyBhatia6. Gulbarga, India Joined March 2019. 16 Following · 95 Followers · Posts · Replies · Media · Likes. @SweetyBhatia6 hasn’t posted.


SWEETY BHATIA. Home. Shorts. Library. SWEETY BHATIA. @sweetybhatia864433 subscribers4 videos. More about this channel. Subscribe. HomeVideosPlaylists · Uploads.

Barb Meier

Thank you for the link, TT!!! I went to Sweety on LinkedIn, went to Collins, and found the job listing one month ago. The earlier job listing gave more info plus at that time, they were hoping to find someone local in Honolulu. They got no applicants. The Maui fires were in mid-August. No applicants means they had to broaden their search and get a billet in Arlington. Whew… they are having trouble finding the right person. They would have found me based on my last contract with AF PMO tasks listed and yet, even with what I have done, I am still not the right fit.


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Relating to the homeschooling link that DePat posted – Spoiler Alert – Be watching for a Heads Up post on Grandson #1 I promised awhile back. Will be posted this week after I put the finishing touches on it.

Yesterday evening two confirmations occurred of why parents need to seriously consider homeschooling even in a deep red region such as ours. As Q said – infiltration. It is Satanic infiltration turning ordinarily normal people into perverts, criminals and terrorists.

1) A former local primary teacher was arrested for statutory rape of a student of the sports team she coached in a relationship dating back to 2015-2018. The female teacher is married with a young son in primary school. She had left teaching and become a youth minister of a large, growing nearby UMC congregation a couple of years ago. She would not have been arrested and charged without serious evidence as her family is well known in the community and she was a well known athlete and product of the county school system. They have not released details at this point, but we suspect it was with another female and think we met that student at one time during the period in question. The fall out from all this is going to be horrendous. We are praying for everybody touched by this scandal.

This teacher was a close friend who ran with the female teacher who committed suicide out of the blue that I referenced on here a year or so ago. There was never any motive revealed and her mother, who is also a friend, is tight lipped but at peace over it. The police and coroner ruled it a suicide and her husband was completely cleared of any suspicions.

Houston, we have a problem. We are now checking out the other gals in that group of close friends.

2) Grandson #1 was given a group assignment in his 4th grade Reading/English class associated with students writing a script for a play. The materials given to use were horror show related and included a photo on the cover of various actors posing in Halloween horror costumes. One “model” was dressed in a cat bodysuit as a female with “his” junk prominently displayed and pointing under the suit for all the world to see while standing in a fake casket. Not only is it inappropriate to have horror materials worked on in a 4th grade class – promoting sexual perversion through the images is beyond the pale. This material was sent home with the students involved for them to do more homework. Yeah, that ain’t happenin’ and the school board is going to hear about it today. The teacher is a divorced mother of three older children.

Common denominators for all three of the subject teachers in this post –
1) At one time or currently are married to a male
2) Have children
3) Are liberal Democrats married to liberal Democrats
4) Have been jabbed and are proponents of jabs
5) Are strong backers of the TEA (teachers union)

Be aware.

Barb Meier

Wow. I can’t believe they sent the materials home with the kids unless someone hoped to upset the parents and gauge how closely parents are watching over their children. What was this teacher thinking??


She’s fixing to find out.



That is a good ol’ boy phrase I haven’t heard in a long time.  🙃 

Barb Meier

How about “stirring up a hornet’s nest”?  😳


Oh, boy.

Regards the first episode, I fear your town is in for a yuge scandal, probably involving more people than they think. And one of them a youth minister? Yikes!

Regarding the second, fight like hell until that teacher is fired. It can be done; I have done it.


We are on the attack and I agree with you on #1.


Yea. The first one was a mystery, that begged solving. Why she did herself in. Dots, ARE being connected.

Gail Combs

Is the United States a Nation?

This was bandied about on yesterday’s daily. I realize that. Just know that this is the sort of thing that’s been circulating in conspiracy circles for decades…and that we’ve all been lied to ad nauseum, all subjects included. If true, this is going to be a hard pill to swallow.


As I said yesterday, I think the USA is a HYBRID. Remember the Founders created A NEW FORM OF GOVERNMENT.

Not only did they create a Republican form of government, they went out of their way to DIVIDE POWER so a single group/person could not easily take over.

Originally the Senate was to be the REPRESENTATIVES, not of the people BUT OF EACH STATE. Congress was to represent the people. In 1913, that idea was tossed on the dung heap.

The Federal government was designed to be WEAK. It was only to deal with outsiders and activities BETWEEN STATES PERIOD.

It was that BASTARD FDR, that destroyed that set-up and blackmailed the Supreme Court in going along by RE-WRITING the MEANING OF THE CONSTITUTION. Since then the Supreme Court has REPEATEDLY trashed the Constitution and the RIGHTS of Americans thereby shifting more and more power to a Global Cartel.

[And Yeah, I lay the blame SQUARELY on those TRAITOROUS BASTARDS IN ROBES.]

How the Supreme Court Rewrote the Constitution Part V: Killing Economic Freedom

The firstsecondthird, and fourth installments in this series described how the Constitution established a relatively small federal government with limited powers and how President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal challenged that plan. Initially, the Supreme Court tried to balance the New Deal with the Constitution. During the years 1937 to 1944, however, the court dismantled most of the Constitution’s restraints on federal power. The first two casualties were limits on federal spending (1937) and on federal land ownership (1938).

This installment explores the destruction of constitutional limits on Congress’s economic authority.

Congress’s Economic Powers

The Constitution granted Congress significant, but limited, economic powers. They included:

  • passing “uniform Laws on the subject of Bankrupcies,”
  • coining and controlling the currency (pdf),
  • fixing weights and measures,
  • establishing post offices,
  • establishing “post Roads”—that is, intercity highways (pdf),
  • issuing patents and copyrights,
  • governing federal enclaves and territories, and “regulat[ing] Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes.” This is the Commerce Clause (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3).

In addition, the Necessary and Proper Clause (Article I, Section 8, Clause 18) recognized Congress’s prerogative of passing laws “necessary and proper” for carrying out other powers.

Congress’s Commerce Power

👉The vast expansion in federal economic authority during the years 1937–1944 was made possible by the Supreme Court’s decisions re-writing the two clauses that, working together, create Congress’s Commerce Power: (1) the Commerce Clause and (2) the Necessary and Proper Clause. To understand how the court mangled these provisions, we first must understand their original meanings.😤


Another great post. 👍


Great post. 👍

The good ole Commerce Clause. smh…

Gail Combs



As I said yesterday, I think the USA is a HYBRID. Remember the Founders created A NEW FORM OF GOVERNMENT.

This is the bottom line. As others have pointed out, the USA is not a nation that created its own states. It has its distinct form of government. This is something we have all known, but it’s as if the author of that blog post just discovered that the USA is different from other nations. And then what follows is the suspicion that there is something sinister going on.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A very minor nit: You use the word “Congress” to refer to the House of Representatives (contrasting it with the Senate), in discussing what each house of Congress was originally supposed to represent. “Congress” is both the Senate and the House of Representatives, taken together.

What makes it more difficult to be clear is that the Senate is a house of congress and the House of Representatives is the other house of congress. But if you just call the HOR “the House” you then have “The House is a house of congress” which sounds a bit redundant.

Gail Combs

I keep thinking of my Senator and my Congressman ==> Senate and Congress instead of Senate and House.

Just a re-occurring brain fart.

Barb Meier

I do that too, Gail.

Gail Combs



No. The problem is that Senators were never to be ‘my Senator’. They were the States’ senators. To the federal govt.

Gail Combs

Until 1913…


Disagree. I can find nothing to support the idea that direct election of senators also changed their purpose.

I understand that compelling them to campaign for office necessarily ‘forced’ them to make their pitch to the people rather than to the legislatures. However that did not change their nature. They changed their own nature without any authority to do so having been delegated to them by the 17th Amendment.

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2

Yes, they’ve consistently been sleazeballs — but it changed their incentives.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, you’ve touched on another source of the confusion. How is “Congressman” necessarily only from the house of representatives?

I suspect the reason is “Senator” can only mean one thing, but “Representative” could mean a lot of different things (nothing to do with politics, even), so the more generic term “congressman” which ironically references the US government unambiguously, got repurposed.

Gail Combs

  :wpds_arrow: Dear America: We’ve Got Our Own War To Win

We have even seen the results of this Psy-Op here at the Q-Tree.😫

…The CIA lets you see what it wants you to see.

All of this war coverage has had its desired effect. It’s simply astonishing to see the number of Americans who can’t stop talking about the Hamas invasion of Israel while 8 million illegal aliens swarm across their own border.

👉𝕀𝕤𝕟’𝕥 𝕚𝕥 𝕠𝕓𝕧𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤? 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕕𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕓𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕣𝕡𝕠𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕖 𝕞𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕒 𝕥𝕠 𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕒 𝕨𝕒𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕚𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕓𝕝𝕖𝕞.👈

This is the point I have been trying to get across for DAYS!

Brave and Free

Yup exactly!
We’ve been lied to for so long. Once you see it you can’t unsee it if you pay attention. Unfortunately many fall back into the same trap.


And reason enough for Mike Johnson leaving his spending proposal for Israeli aid on the table. Biden can take it or leave it, it’s not important enough to revisit.


Yes! What’s with all this negotiating crap?

Who has time for negotiating in an emergency?


The House has a budget to work on.

Oh, yea, they ere stoopidly tabling, via another damned CR, until January.


I, for one, am perfectly capable of keeping my eyes on more than one ball at a time.


I could say something rude but I’ll refrain.  😂  😆 

Brave and Free



Please do post it, followed by, /s. Always makes things, innocent.  😂  😂  😂 


Nope. I’m too chicken.  😊 



Gail Combs

Of course we are, however Isreal – Hamas IS NOT OUR PROBLEM. It was created by the British Empire and WE ARE THE CASH COW AND CANNON FODDER!


Hamas IS our problem.

Hamas hates America about as much as they hate Israel, and they are HERE. The Feds have admitted as much.

The day is approaching when we find out just how many of them slipped across our open border. Then God help us.

Gail Combs

Correct and we need to fight that HERE not in Israel. Unfortunately the DemonRats WANT to employ the Algerian Strategy here in the USA until we BEG them for a Totalitarian Government,


I *think* you and I agree, mostly.

I think we have to support Israel against hamas simply for moral reasons. I DO NOT want Americans on the ground, unless it is our special forces rescuing American hostages. Those hostages are our responsibility.

But I do think we should support our ally with weapons, technology, intelligence, etc. As I would expect them to support US if the situation were reversed. That’s why we have allies.

Gail Combs

Actually I think, considering the USA is now BANKRUPT, we should STOP giving $$$ to ANY foreigners, including illegals and non-citizens.

I have Zero problem with the SALE of weapons to Israel


I honestly think the Israelis need moral support more than anything else.

America needs to put a stop to hateful terrorist rhetoric on college campuses. Not by quelling speech; free speech is an absolute right. But the consequences of supporting terrorists should be severe. And I am all for that.

Gail Combs

If they are harming Jews, it is NOT free speech. If they are DONATING or FIGHTING then there should be severe penalties and that goes for ANY SITUATION like the Catholic -Protestant situation in Ireland that my Co-workers helped fund.


Considering how many arms are in the hands of private citizens, I’d say God has already helped us. It’s the terrorists who need to be praying.


I agree. If they try it here, there will be a rifle behind every blade of grass.

Cuppa Covfefe

 💣  💣 




Jack Smith is a THUG

JD Sharp


Here’s what happened:
1. Biden asked NARA to remove Trump’s executive privilege over documents
2. NARA granted it
3. Biden declared documents reclassified
4. Biden used new classification to order Mar-A-Lago raid


I think that’s in the constitution. It’s called ex post facto. It is prohibited.

And IMO is a clear basis for impeachment since every American educated here and over the age of 50 knows what it is.

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2

ANOTHER, reason to Impeach Briben AND Garland.


Thanks for stating that. My reaction was, “They can’t do that!” 😅

Gail Combs

Ken Paxton Continues Endorsing Candidates for Texas House

Speaker Dade Phelan Removes Ken Paxton from the House Chamber

Brandon Waltens | October 25, 2023

While access to the floor of the House is limited when business is being conducted, statewide officials and former members of the Texas House—of which Paxton is both—are regularly granted access.

…The event was first reported by State Rep. Steve Toth (R–The Woodlands) in a video posted to X, and confirmed to Texas Scorecard by Paxton’s office and other lawmakers who were present.

“Dade Phelan is doubling down on stupid,” said Toth. “We had Ken Paxton over in the House today to say hello and to look at legislation that we’re moving through the House and Dade Phelan actually sent the sergeant at arms to kick the attorney general out of the Texas House.”…

Nothing like having your [Drunken] Temper Tantrums in PUBLIC!


Paxton should have worn a Greg Abbott mask. For Halloween, of course. And carried a bottle of Phelan’s favorite booze.

He should have sat in a folding chair just outside the reach of the drunk fool, with a sign that said, ‘formerly allowed to wander around inside’.

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2

Or that asshole, that tried to get him tossed.

Gail Combs

‘Experts’ Claim Not Reading Mainstream Media Can Cause Heart Attacks”
That’s the result of people reading real news and find out what ds/cabball is up to!


Truthfully, I do NOT read Or listen to Pravda News.

  • WASTE of my time & it too often pisses me off, when I do read / listen in.

I do selectively read or go to links of stuff here.

  • At times, headlines are enough, information.
Valerie Curren


Gail Combs

Peter Schiff: A Crisis Is Already Playing Out Under the Radar
I see more and more articles about moving your money to GOLD (or Bitcoin)…. And I keep thinking of FDR CONFISCATING CITIZEN GOLD.

FDR’s Other ‘Day of Infamy’: When the US Government Seized All Citizens’ Gold

April 5, 1933—the day that FDR ordered the seizure of the private gold holdings of the American people.

For people with a lot of savings, THEY DO NOT PLAN TO SPEND, PHYSICAL gold does make sense. But for the rest of us, HOW are you going to SPEND that gold?

Of course the other way is how people in other countries with Hyper inflation handled it. Translate the fiat currency into useful goods.

Just my 25 cents (my 2 cents after inflation)


“But for the rest of us, HOW are you going to SPEND that gold?”

ALWAYS my first question.

If the shit hits the fan, and you want a dozen of my precious hen’s eggs, am I going to take a chip of your gold, which I can’t use to pay my mortgage, car payment, or grocery bill?

Gail Combs

It wasn’t that long ago that hens eggs or veggies were used to pay dentists and doctors.




Seems Vanguard is thinking people might want a safe haven too. I consider this to be an indicator of where Vanguard thinks money will be flowing soon. As such it is not a good prognosis for the country.

Stocks and Bonds however should be considered as an alternative to gold. People will always want to trade and markets will likely never die at least until the Commies take it all over and even then trade is still likely.

Opening at 10.00 dollars a share. If there is a even a graduale stampede for the exits this can easily shoot up over a year. 3000 minimum investment. Can’t be worse than my Japan portfolio. Just has to examine tax consequences of pulling out from there. Medicare penalties can be pretty stiff if one over achieves.

New dividend fund being offered.

I no longer put new money into Vanguard, nor do I reinvest, however I don’t take it out either. Dividends are a good generator for other pools of cash such as high yielding CD’s. A good CD will leave you about 1 percent or slightly more above inflation. Laddering CD’s is a preferred thing if you able. That way if you only need X amount of money, you can take it out and suffer the penalty while leaving the rest to grow. Interest rates are likely to still climb no matter what the financial pundits say. Right now 18 mo CDs are seeing the highest returns. Problem with those is if the rates climb too fast you get left behind. If you have laddered enough CD’s though it shouldn’t matter as you’ll have varying maturity dates.

First things first though. No credit card debt and 100% ownership of home and cars. If you can scale up in homeownership that should be good investment also as long as you don’t live in one of those tax crazy municipalities and don’t have to borrow to do it. I’m not a believer in tax breaks for homes. I think you do better buying cash. Lots of arguments on that, but so far so good here. Still though those radical Soros types will soon be wanting to move invaders into our homes. Safe states must be considered as well as local zoning laws.

I’d say more but that’s enough for now.


We use the same methodology.


If your home isn’t mortgaged, you’re a prime target for those title thieves I keep hearing about in radio ads.

Gail Combs


I think we are about to become a target of the people who have been failing to pay rent. She is going to FRAUDULENTLY SAY we SOLD the Double wide PLUS the 2 ac plot to them for 5,000 + the five years rent to own. She is already spreading around the lie that Hubby has stuffed cash in his pocket but failed to give a rent receipt. (IMPLYING he has cognitive disabilities when he doesn’t.) Trouble is I have the rent recp’t book AND the Mortgage company actually OWNS the property she is trying to steal.

If she tries that trick, I will recommend to the judge she be indicted for FRAUD (and maybe elder abuse/ reputation harm. Her B-i-L is good friends with Hubby and hates her guts. 😋)

Every time I tried to evict, Gov Cooper has had a renter moratorium so I am about to try to kick her butt out again. — I REALLY REALLY do not need the headache.


It’s amazing how many double-wides have faulty wiring.

Gail Combs

  :wpds_shock:   :wpds_grin: 

That was done by a member of her family against the only member worth a crap!

Cuppa Covfefe

Stacy Abrams, Ricarda Lang, Michael Moore, Chuckles Schumer, JerryContrary Nadler…


You are very kind. More than one of them, Triple Wide.   :wpds_shock: 


That is not the double wide of which I was thinking.

Valerie Curren



My priorities.

  • Zero credit card debt. Pay off monthly.
  • Own home with land to grow or raise stuff.
  • Own cars. (Getting there, double payments.)
  • Own stuff to barter with. <<< Estate Sales are easy pickings.
  • Run zero balances. CC, utilities, food, needs, very few wants.
  • Cash.
  • Gold & silver.
  • Zero investments.
  • ^^^ Yea I know, inflation erodes value of dollar. No Longer Care.

Well, a primary purpose of precious metals is to eliminate the problem of spoilage. I see no inherent problem with doing transactions using PMs as a transfer of value.

Without some form of money, everybody is forced to live day-to-day. Just like the problem of electric vehicles – they waste your time too often getting recharged.

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2

With regards to the number of dual American/Israeli citizens in our government: if I were a Jew and had the ability to have Israeli citizenship, you can bet I would.

With the rise of anti-Semitism currently occurring, even here in America, I would cherish the option to flee, and my foresight in being able to.

Gail Combs

Should we have people with  dual US/China citizenship in our government?


IN 1968, you had to make a choice if you were a minor with dual citizenship. I think we need to RETURN to that policy.


I don’t disagree with you. I’m just saying what I would do were I Jewish, considering their history.

Gail Combs



THIS should be the criteria.

Dual citizenship, No involvement with government.

  • Includes elected office, appointed, employee, contractor, volunteer.

Highly agree. Lotalty to this country ismandatory.

Jack Smith is a THUG

how is your hubby???


Oh hurting but getting his pain much more under control. He refused narcotic, ie norco for pain, and he really was in absolute severe pain and a nightmare. I finally said youre taking this or else. Gave him a 5mg which wasnt enough at that point but another 5mg an hour later. That helped. Now he knows every 6 hrs. I gave him also taking 400mg ibuprofen and 500mg of Tylenol every 8. His pain threshold vs mine is very low.
Lucky though he is able to dress, bathe, and use my scooter but he wont come downstairs. Sleeping/napping a lot but i did too the first 2 weeks. He will be feeling better at the 2 week mark if his healing goes well.

Gail Combs

Glad to hear you got the pain under control. That will help a lot with the healing.


Yes. Im making him take colace, fiber, and drink a lot of water too. He’s not eating too much which is what i did too and it seems ok for him.


Tylenol very bad for liver. Oxycodone should be investigated.


I know, but he has to have pain control. Tylenol is helping and not a high dose. He isnt on oxy, norco is hydrocodone. Oxy would be far too much. I have some and absolutely will not take it. I got it when i busted my knee and broke part of my femur. Norco was a lifesaver for a couple weeks.


If he’s helped by both ibuprofen and acetaminophen, I’d try to go with the former and minimize the latter.


Tylenol is 3 x a day, just in the 1st 2 weeks. He is just barely having his pain under control. I will probably switch him to 800mg ibuprofen on monday and skip the tylenol then. He has to minimize ibuprofen atm dt bleeding risk.

Valerie Curren

iirc you can go up to 800mg of ibu. I was prescribed that and alternately layering with acetaminophen when healing from 4th degree lacerations post-partum…


Hed go up to 800 if he wasnt taking the norco too. On monday ill switch him to ibuprofen without tylenol.

Valerie Curren

Hope that all works OK for you both! 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Many people with only US citizenship are disloyal as AF.

Gail Combs

As far as I am concerned, if you burn the US flag you loose your US Citizenship and right to vote.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That just means the smart disloyals won’t do that.

Gail Combs

Yeah, but at least we get rid of the real Dumb asses!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They’re not as dangerous as the smart ones.

Gail Combs

Agreed but the smart ones use the Dumb asses as Cannon fodder and cover. Get rid of them and there is a lot less cover.

Valerie Curren



Yep thats unbelievably true.


Strongly agree. Should also have to register with FARA.

Gail Combs


Prime Minister of Israel (2/12/20 at 1.25 PM)

It was also not for nothing that the administration has taken this step together with us. In recent years,👉𝕨𝕖 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕠𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕝𝕒𝕨𝕤 𝕚𝕟 𝕞𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝕌𝕊 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕤 𝕨𝕙𝕚𝕔𝕙 𝕕𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕚𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕥𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕟 𝕒𝕘𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕥 𝕨𝕙𝕠𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕠𝕪𝕔𝕠𝕥𝕥 𝕀𝕤𝕣𝕒𝕖𝕝.👈

Now just substitute China or Russia in that statement by a FOREIGN LEADER.


If a person has loyalty to another country should not receive US citizenship. Many other countries do not allow it unless it is for a benefit to the country. Israel demands serving in military if one is a citizen? I believe it is so? Any country can become a adversary then what?


I agree. It is just not that hard to grasp why..




Dual citizenship has to stop. China will not stop it but we could?

Gail Combs

Yes we could and Did. BUT as usual the Supreme Court Knifed us in the back again.

History Of Dual Citizenship Laws In The US

Before 1967, dual citizenship was banned in the United States until the Supreme Court ruled to do away with most of the laws that banned dual citizenship. The views of the United States on dual citizenship have been a subject of debate in the past years. However, like any other major changes, it took quite a while for the US government to acknowledge dual citizenship as a practice that has since been allowed by law.

What the Law Really Says About Dual Citizenship

Dual citizenship involves holding the status of a citizen in two countries. For example, a British citizen who later becomes a U.S. citizenDual citizens hold full rights to both countries: they can vote, live, work, and enjoy two safety nets.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Before gruesome Newscum, Earl Warren and his ilk were ruining Kalifornistan a generation or two beforehand…

Why is it that almost everything and everyone coming out of California is libtard/tainted… seems the warm weather and wonderful resources, etc. have made people soft and soft in the head…

Gail Combs

“The country is tilted towards the South West and all of the fruits and nuts and other loose things roll into Californicate. “(Heard that in the 1960s!)

Cuppa Covfefe

Not just full rights, but full and often dual obligations, for instance paperwork hell at tax time, and should both countries institute a draft, it could get sticky…

My son is both a US Citizen and a German Citizen, and IIRC, if he took a German gubmint job (cold day in hell with this ship of fools), he’d automatically lose his US citizenship. For me as an ex-pat, the paperwork load is daunting, and I’m not even a dual citizen… for him, it could get ugly if he ends up with a high-paying job, which doesn’t look likely in this economy…

As an aside, my late mother was a born-in-London true-blue English citizen, who moved to the USA when she was young (early 20s) and lived to 97. She was probably a better American than 95 percent of the Americans I’ve known over the years, but just didn’t want to go through the hassle (and expense) of dropping her UK citizenship. She knew all of the citizenship questions by heart, and knew US history really well (I always told her that that was because she’d lived through most of it… for some reason she wasn’t amused 🙂 )… by the same token, I doubt I’d go for German citizenship, even though with the invaders refauxgees streaming in and the ship-of-fools-gubmint it’s becoming ever easier. Just as with the DEMONRATS in the US, the libtards are looking for votes…


Lots have changed since 1967. Since 1967 the government prepared for the invasion of illegals.
I can see it looking back. That is when one did no longer needed sponsors to immigrate. Those with green card needed no longer let immigration know where one lived before if one moved one had to let them know. Once a year one had to let immigration know where one lived.
Then all at once it stopped.

Gail Combs

Thank Q for that information. I agree, they started prepping for the DESTRUCTION of the USA via immigration.


I could have been for ever a legal with green card with all the benefits of a naturalized citizen except for voting. I know people who live that way retired in their birth country get their pension and SS.

Jack Smith is a THUG

and abandon the office you swore to uphold?


I would NEVER run for public office. Ever.

And I think I would do whatever the law allowed, if I were a Congress-critter.

Same thing I say to people about Trump’s taxes. He was following the law, doing what it allowed.

Don’t like something they are doing, change the laws.

Jack Smith is a THUG

i meant in reference to your statement–

With regards to the number of dual American/Israeli citizens in our government: if I were a Jew and had the ability to have Israeli citizenship, you can bet I would.
With the rise of anti-Semitism currently occurring, even here in America, I would cherish the option to flee, and my foresight in being able to.

dual citizens in our government take oaths to THIS country. why take an office and oath you will abandon?


Those who are born here don’t take an oath and those who do in order to serve in Congress can resign and then the oath doesn’t mean much.

Jack Smith is a THUG

so no one in congress was “sworn in” after they were elected and before they took office?


I said ‘those who do’, meaning taking an oath in order to claim the office that the election gave the right to them.


“With the rise of anti-Semitism currently occurring, even here in America, I would cherish the option to flee, and my foresight in being able to.”


But where would you flee to?

Israel, in the middle east?

The primary focal point of islamic barbarism?

I don’t understand why any Jews live in the middle east.

As Israel proves over and over again, a people cannot live in peace while surrounded by their enemies.

Either defeat your enemies, or live somewhere else.

But Israel chooses to not defeat their enemies, and live exist surrounded by them, instead. As a result, Israel exists in a perpetual war zone.

To what end?

What’s the point?

Gail Combs

“…To what end?

What’s the point?”


To make money for the Banksters and to CONTROL the middle east.

How can the nations of the middle east MODERNIZE if they are constantly being bombed into the stone age?

I am going to repeat this comment of mine from a few days ago.

The Deep State USES Religion AS A WEAPON. Radical Stone-age Muslim Goat herders are NOT a threat… UNTIL THEY ARE FUNDED.

The Middle East was modernizing. Women were free to get an education not that long ago until the CIA/Brits mucked up the area.

With that as a background: Wednesday Power Hour had some real goodies on the HAMAS – ISRAEL mess.

1:08:00 Tucker interview of Col MacGregor

1:16:00 …could be very harmful to the USA…. Blinken seems to be in charge of military and our military is the weakest it has been. Expended material in Ukraine so stocks low. Top of US Military have never actually BEEN IN REAL COMBAT CONDITIONS!! They fought low intensity combat. We are looking at a real War and with Israel as a wild card that might use the nuclear option.

This idea of the Nuclear Option is expended later SEE: Samson Option – Wiki

Israel says they have nuclear missiles aimed at cities all over Europe, which they curiously and insanely regard as ‘hostile’, this being the preferred choice of target of the Israeli Air Force. Israel routinely calls the USA ‘anti-semitic’ too. Does anything strike you a being a little odd about that? Like what the hell are we fighting for Israel for? … During an interview with Alan Hart, the 👉then Israeli premier Golda Meir twice stated that Israel was prepared to destroy the whole world with nuclear weapons if Israel ever faced military defeat. She and others have used this obscene blackmail, justifying it with the thought that we were all only ever created just to serve them, and that if we ever fail in this duty, then we are all to be quite justifiably punished by extermination👈….

Continuing with MacGregor’s take @ 1:17:00 too many unknowns and uncertainties


MacGregor also states that the military seems to be run by Blinken and NOT Biden. As we know the State Dept is the Center of the Deep State with the CIA their ‘muscle’

1:18:00 discussion by Ghost of Based Patrick Henry. Talks about how to verify footage shown using google earth.

1:20:50 — CIA and Funding of terrorists and BOTH SIDES OF A WAR BY THE USA...

  :wpds_arrow: Radicalization of Muslims in EGYPTIAN Schools created by the BRITISH in 1880s. This is the start of the Muslim Brotherhood (Huma & Hiilary come to mind.)


What was happening in the USA in the 1880s? John Dewey Father of Modern American Education and his trial school at Chicago Univ. FUNDED BY John D Rockefeller. Again it goes back to the Brits.

The most famous American Fabian was the educational philosopher John Dewey. Davidson, who taught sociology at the Educational Alliance founded by Jewish businessperson in America, went to New York in 1887 and established a branch of the Fellowship of the New Life there. Dewey also gave lectures here between 1888 and 1890. One of the fundamental works in the founding of the League of Nations was the book titled “International Government.” It was penned by Leonard Sidney Woolf, the Fabian husband of novelist Virginia Woolf, in 1916 when World War I was ongoing.

Fabian Society: Roots, theory and practice of socialist think tank

  :wpds_arrow: A MUST LISTEN!!

Go to 1:54:00 then skip to 2:10:30 t0 2;10:30 Saudi Arabia, was DELIBERATELY set up to be bankrupt by 2017. THINK OF LOS VEGAS & THE ARREST OF THE PRINCES.

2:04:00 These people running Israel do NOT believe in God and Israel was set-up TO BE DESTROYED. This is what the current situation in Israel is all about… SAMPSON OPTION as I showed above.

This is substantiated by news stories

ℍ𝕖𝕟𝕣𝕪 𝕂𝕚𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣 — ℕ𝕠 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕀𝕤𝕣𝕒𝕖𝕝, 𝟚𝟘𝟙𝟚

Henry Kissinger, US Intelligence Community Endorse “A World Without Israel”


Henry Kissinger Predicts ‘In 10 Years, There Will Be No More Israel

Interesting TIMING HMMMmmm? The original OP was dependent on Saudi Arabia being defanged by bankrupting it and then setting up a Color Revolution to take them off the playing field. INSTEAD we have a Strong Saudi Arabia, Abraham Accords and the Saudis keeping the other Muslim nations OUT OF THE MESS

No WONDER the Deep State was having hissy fits about a Trump presidency!

Also Isra Cohen-Watnick and Kash Patel say this attack by Hamas was PLANNED years in advance, meaning there is NO WAY Israel did not know.

Gail Combs

se minutes:

Chris Paul just brought up a NEW article from The Cradle: LeakedIsraeli plan to ethnically cleanse Gaza

The plan advocates the forced transfer of the population of the Gaza Strip to Sinai permanently, and calls for the international community to be leveraged to assist the move

Israeli culture magazine Mekomit published on 28 October a leaked document issued by Israel’s Ministry of Intelligence recommending the occupation of Gaza and total transfer of its 2.3 million inhabitants to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.
The document, issued on 13 October, identifies a plan to transfer all residents of the Gaza Strip to North Sinai as the preferred option among three alternatives regarding the future of the Palestinians in Gaza at the end of the current war between Israel and the Hamas-led Palestinian resistance…

Gail Combs

Chris points out this part

…Gazan should be convinced that “Allah made sure that you lost this land because of the leadership of Hamas – there is no choice but to move to another place with the help of Your Muslim brothers,” the document reads.

Further, the plan states the government must launch a public relations campaign that will promote the transfer program to western states in a way that does not promote hostility to Israel or damage its reputation. The deportation of the population from Gaza 👉must be 𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕒𝕤 𝕒 𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕒𝕣𝕪 𝕙𝕦𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕒𝕟 𝕞𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕦𝕣𝕖 to receive international support.👈 Such a deportation could be justified if it will lead to “fewer casualties among the civilian population compared to the expected number of casualties if they remain,” the document says.

The document also states that the US should be leveraged to pressure Egypt to take in the residents of Gaza, and to encourage other European countries, and in particular Greece, Spain and Canada, to help take in and settle the refugees who will be evacuated from Gaza….

👉must be 𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕒𝕤 𝕒 𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕒𝕣𝕪 𝕙𝕦𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕒𝕟 𝕞𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕦𝕣𝕖 to receive international support.👈

This is the PR/PSY-OP Operation we are being subjected to.


And of course with our money paying for it all …


They should find an endangered species in Gaza and declare the area a wildlife refuge.


“Chris Paul just brought up a NEW article from The Cradle: LeakedIsraeli plan to ethnically cleanse Gaza

The plan advocates the forced transfer of the population of the Gaza Strip to Sinai permanently, and calls for the international community to be leveraged to assist the move


It’s not ethnic cleansing, it’s war.

In war, somebody starts it. Whoever is attacked defends themselves or surrenders. Those are the two choices, and there aren’t any others, no matter how many democrats claim otherwise.

The only way to successfully defend yourself is to defeat the enemy.

Whichever side gains an overwhelming advantage dictates the terms of the peace.

If the side without the overwhelming advantage declines the terms, then they leave the side with the overwhelming advantage no choice but to continue eliminating the other side until someone accepts the terms (if they are still offered), or surrenders unconditionally (if they are not).

This is reality.

This is as old as humanity, and there is no new thing under the sun.

So the academics and politicians can call it ‘ethnic cleansing’ or whatever other emotionally charged term they want, it doesn’t change anything.

When Hamas committed an Act of War against Israel, Israel was forced into a position of either defeating the monsters who attacked them, or surrender.

There is no ‘third way’.

I realize many people advocate on behalf of the supposed innocent Palestinians who:

A) elected Hamas

B) tolerate Hamas in their midst

C) celebrate the murder and rape of innocent people who are not islamic

But the critics of Israel (the victims of the terrorist act of war) can’t just criticize every possible response that Israel proposes, they must provide a real and credible solution.

If they could have, they would have.

They can’t, because there is no solution besides the only solution there has ever been, or ever will be in a scenario like this.

If someone invades your country and murders your people, the only credible solution is to eliminate that enemy, or die trying.

There are no “safety zones” where the enemy can retreat or find ‘safe haven’. It’s not some children’s game.

Wherever the enemy is, that’s where you defeat him.

Everything else is just noise.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

“To make money for the Banksters and to CONTROL the middle east.”


That would explain the motivations of the political-class, but it doesn’t explain why the People would go along with it, aiding and abetting them.


“How can the nations of the middle east MODERNIZE if they are constantly being bombed into the stone age?”


They can’t, they can never modernize, so long as islam is part of their culture. islam is hate and rape and murder and genocide. Those are antithetical to civilization or modernity.

It’s just a fact.

Just because most people refuse to acknowledge that fact doesn’t make it any less true.


“I am going to repeat this comment of mine from a few days ago.
The Deep State USES Religion AS A WEAPON. Radical Stone-age Muslim Goat herders are NOT a threat… UNTIL THEY ARE FUNDED.”


Except radical stone-age muzzie goat herders are a threat to everyone around them, which means they assimilate everyone around them like Borg, and eventually they become numerous enough (like Borg) to threaten nations around them.

This is the only direction islam goes.

islam is perpetual hatred and war with anyone who is not islamic.

If the entire world became islamic, civilization would not flourish, it would go straight back to the stone age, everywhere.

Because islam is death and chaos and hate and genocide.


“The Middle East was modernizing. Women were free to get an education not that long ago until the CIA/Brits mucked up the area.”


A blip in time. An anomaly.

Any culture that remains islamic will always revert to stone-age, because stone-age barbarism is what their religion teaches — and the most barbaric, the ones who are willing to murder their opponents, always seize power over those who are not willing to murder their opponents.

No matter how you slice it, no matter how you dice it, islam is the core problem.

Until or unless that problem is addressed — and the only way to address it is to eliminate it, you can’t change what the founder of islam taught — any attempt at modernity will always be fleeting.

islam cannot abide modernity or civilization.

Or maybe more accurately, modernity and civilization cannot abide islam.

Either way, they each exist in direct opposition to each other, like mirror opposites.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

I have read interviews with Jews who left America for Israel who say they are safer and more protected there than here.

I’ve never been there, and I’m not Jewish, so I don’t know.


“I have read interviews with Jews who left America for Israel who say they are safer and more protected there than here.”


Much harder to make that claim after October 7th.

It also depends on where they lived in America. There are lots of Dim-run cities in America that I wouldn’t visit on their best day, unless I was in a bullet-proof car. And even then they’d have to pay me.

A lot.

Because why else would I go to the trouble and expense of renting a bullet-proof car, unless I had a really good reason to do so?

And what reason would be good enough to visit their blue hell-hole town, unless they were paying me? I can’t imagine any other reason I’d go sight-seeing in their zombie apocalypse.

For some very strange reason, many (most?) Jews in America vote Democrat and live in Dim-run craptopias, so maybe a middle eastern war zone would seem comparatively less awful.

But there are other (better) options.

There are lots of places in America, civilized places, places with a LOW percentage of devilrats, where Jews would be as safe as anyone.


If any Jewish person in America feels more safe in a middle eastern war zone, surrounded by islamists who are committing acts of mass murder against them, than they do in America, especially outside the big blue cities, that doesn’t make any sense to me.

But nothing else makes any sense to me anymore, either.


The reason for this:

“If any Jewish person in America feels more safe in a middle eastern war zone, surrounded by islamists who are committing acts of mass murder against them, than they do in America, especially outside the big blue cities…”

Is, I think, because they don’t fear being accosted just walking down the street by non-combatant average people. Not by Hamas terrorists, but by college students. Over there, the “us-versus-them” appears fairly obvious. Over here, the hater could be anybody at all. As we’ve seen even here on the Q Tree in the last few weeks.


“There are lots of places in America, civilized places, places with a LOW percentage of devilrats, where Jews would be as safe as anyone.”

Apparently not. And this is BEFORE Oct. 7:


When I said Jews would be as safe as anyone, I didn’t mean there would be zero danger.

Nowhere has zero danger, for anyone.

Certainly the number of anti-Jewish attacks is orders of magnitude less than the number of white Gentiles who are attacked by blacks every year, for one example.

It’s practically a new sport in America.

But nobody is supposed to talk about that, because blacks are members of a protected class.

Gail Combs

Citizens United which defined CORPORATIONS AS PERSONS, is another one of those NASTY Supreme Court decisions that needs to be reversed.
As far as I am concerned ONLY INDIVIDUALS should be able to donate AND ONLY in a limited amount Like $1,500 MAX PER ELECTION. Let’s start making people EQUAL!!!

Sen. Hawley Moves to Reverse Citizens United, End Democrat Dark Money Goliath.

…While Hawley’s legislation may garner support among political populists and some Senate Democrats, it is unlikely to receive enough support in either legislative body of Congress to reach President Joe Biden’s desk. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) tore into Sen. Hawley during a meeting of Senate Republicans on Tuesday. 👉Corporate-backed McConnell warned colleagues that anyone who backed the effort to rollback Citizens United would receive blowback from the political right🙄….

Well, if we had ANY illusions that the turtle represented the PEOPLE of the USA, that illusion just got TORPEDOED!


You keep scoring…



“Did Obama, GWB or Clinton have that kind of security after leaving office?”

Yes. There’s a video of Obama’s motorcade in this article:

And here is another video, of Bush in 2013:

Last edited 1 year ago by Aubergine

“Bush wasn’t president in 2013.”

Well, that’s the point. He was an EX-President, with a huge motorcade.

And the ambulance is most likely a personal choice.


Personal Choice of Trump or a Decision by SS.

MeThinks the latter, very real threats to Trump, ARE Always out there.


I agree.

Gail Combs

Given JFK, I would not TRUST SS.

How the US Secret Service betrayed President Kennedy
by Daily Pakistan

…John F. Kennedy (JFK) was assassinated 60 years ago, on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas. He was killed in broad daylight in the presence of cheering crowds. His assassination was the result of a deep conspiracy involving the CIA, sections of the Pentagon, the Mossad, the FBI, and the U.S. Secret Service. 𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕙𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕞𝕦𝕣𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕙𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕒𝕔𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘, 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕘𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟, 𝕠𝕗 𝕒 𝕘𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕡 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕗𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕠𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕥, 𝕞𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕨𝕙𝕠𝕞 𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕠𝕤𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕣𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕚𝕟 𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕪𝕞𝕠𝕦𝕤.

Referring to the attack on Rotterdam during WWI Churchill is said to have remarked: “Unrestricted submarine warfare, unrestricted air bombing – this is total war. Time and the Ocean and some guiding star and High Cabal have made us what we are.” Churchill was aware of a High Cabal that planned and promotes wars on the planet and turns humans into savage animals. [Think ISIS & Hamas & Muslim Brotherhood, all trained and funded by the CIA or Brits -GC] It was this High Cabal that had approved JFK’s assassination. The JFK assassination was a coup de etat aimed at securing the office of the President of the United States and ensuring only compliant presidents in the White House.

Given Q, President Trump’s negotiations such as the Abraham Accords and the present mess in the Middle East that Saudi Arabia, Russia and China (NOT the USA & Israel) are working to resolve: I found that a VERY INTERESTING article given it’s source.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gail Combs
Barb Meier

The 60th anniversary of the assassination of JFK is coming right up.


They turned onto Mockingbird Street. A coincidence?


Ha! Who knows?


Did Obama, GWB or Clinton have that kind of security after leaving office?

Bush did:

Kessler said that when George W. Bush left office, the threat level was such that he had around 75 officers protecting him and his wife Laura to cover shifts around the clock.

“Typically with former presidents who have left office recently, there would be four agents with him when he goes out,” he said. 

“And then, of course, it’s protection 24 hours a day. So you need three shifts and days off. And so that adds up in terms of agents.”

Everything I read says that the level of Secret Service protection, as well as the composition of the motorcade, varies with the circumstances.

The motorcade for a former president is a well-orchestrated operation. The motorcade is usually led by a lead vehicle, which is followed by the former president’s vehicle. The motorcade also includes backup vehicles, medical personnel, and other support staff.

The motorcade for a former president is also subject to change depending on the situation. If there is a threat to the former president’s safety or security, the motorcade may be altered to ensure that the former president is not at risk.

Secret Service protection for Donald Trump is different than for other ex-presidents

What does the Secret Service do for former presidents?

It’s the responsibility of the Secret Service to protect former presidents at all times, meaning, “they will oversee and directly co-ordinate all levels of security for wherever [they] go,” said Tim Miller, a former Secret Service agent.

But the level of security is “all based on whatever the Secret Service, through its intelligence and co-ordination capabilities, determines is appropriate for the protecting,” said Miller.

As for the number of agents assigned to a former president, that really depends on potential threats and how long they’ve been out of office.

“Even a former president could be a goal of terrorist,” said Ronald Kessler, author of In the President’s Secret Service: Behind the Scenes With Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect.

“They can hold them hostage for example.”

Then there is the information about GWBush that I posted above. The article continues:

How does protection for Trump differ from other former presidents?

Trump, says Miller, has been an outlier in the history of the Secret Service because not only is he a former president, but a current candidate for president. (Presidential candidates are also afforded protection).

“[That] would add some different dynamics because he’ll be going from site to site to site to site,” he said.

“You look at George W. Bush, he went to the ranch, his dad went to Kennebunkport, and they lived relatively obscure lives from that point,” Miller said. “That’s not the case with former president Trump.”

As for their role when Trump was being indicted, “the service was likely with him every step of the way,” Miller said.

“You do not allow anyone to assume the [protection] of the Secret Service protectee other than the Secret Service.”

To recap:
• The level of protection a former president receives varies with each situation, and how those decisions are made is not information that we are privy to. I imagine that Trump requires very high security because of all the forces that are against him. We have no idea what threats the Secret Service knows about, either. Does anyone think that Trump’s need for protection is on the same level as that of Clinton or Bush?
• A former president is afforded medical personnel in his motorcade. I would imagine that that level of service could vary as well, depending on the person’s age, overall health, and level of threats to them. Trump is an older protectee who has a huge number of people threatening him.
• Trump is unique in that he is not only a former president, but also a current candidate for the presidency. That increases his need for security.
• There is nothing unusual about Trump having however many officers he had protecting him when he boarded his plane. In fact, it’s the opposite: his security needs, as a former president and current candidate, as well as a person under multiple indictments, would be expected to be extremely high.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

Good info! I hope people read and pay attention.




G R E A T news!


5,000,000 + 1.

You will enjoy my next Heads Up.


The DeSantis meme where Italy is his boot is BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

He’s a real Sicily…. 🙂

Gail Combs

GROANNnnnnn… 🤓


Heh, heh.

Gail Combs

Richard Grenell

Sending ballots in the mail to people who didn’t request them is a fraud scheme waiting to happen…

For those who can not see Twatter or do not have an account to see the comments:


Today’s COVID-19 “vaccines” blowtorch: 🔥
Yours Truly: This article in The Expose looks at 8 papers, published between January, 2021, and June, 2023, on the subject of “vaccine hesitancy” — and how it can be “overcome” in order to get more people to take the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines.”

Of particular interest among these papers is this one:
Journal Patient Education and Counseling, Volume 106, January 2023, Pages 107-112
“Impact of a physician recommendation on COVID-19 vaccination intent among hesitant individuals”
Kimberly A. Fisher, et al.
Yours Truly: This paper is a must-read, IMO. The specific propaganda / brainwashing / GASLIGHTING techniques that can be used by MEDICAL DOCTORS in order to “overcome” patient hesitancy to getting an modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” are detailed. One of the repeated messages is, “the vaccine is safe and effective.” Another one is, “the [COVID-19] vaccine is MORE EFFECTIVE than the flu vaccine.” Another one is, “I acknowledge your concerns, I’ve reviewed the studies, and I’m convinced that the vaccine is safe and effective.”
IMO, any MEDICAL DOCTOR who is worth their medical degree KNOWS that the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” are NOT “safe and effective”, that they are NOT “more effective than the flu vaccine”; and, if they say they’ve “reviewed the studies” and are “convinced” that these “vaccines” are “safe and effective,” THEY’RE NOT TELLING THE TRUTH.
It appears that, if the above techniques are “applied successfully” by MEDICAL DOCTORS, an overall 33.1% of “vaccine hesitant” patients indicated that they would go ahead and take the injection, per the results in the above paper. (Section “3.1 Impact of messages” in the above paper)
Please see Section “4.1 Discussion” of the above paper.
Pull Quote from Section 4.1:
“A clear and effective recommendation from a trusted messenger, such as a healthcare provider, is especially important in the current context in which COVID-19 vaccines have been politicized and misinformation continues to spread.”
(all bolding mine)

Yours Truly again: Assuming that MEDICAL DOCTORS haven’t been living under rocks for the last 3 years, WHY are they pushing the PROVEN TO BE UNSAFE AND NOT EFFECTIVE modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines?” Are medical doctors (and other healthcare professionals who continue to push people into taking these shots) THAT afraid of losing their incomes? THAT afraid of what their colleagues might say? THAT afraid of the AMA coming after them if they have the guts to read the papers that PROVE how dangerous these shots are, then speak out against them?

Last edited 1 year ago by PAVACA
Gail Combs

Transferred with the comment:
I really hope we get Nuremburg II but a REAL one not the Psy-op that let the Nazi high command off the hook and into the CIA and NATO.


Gail Combs
Thank you, you are very kind.
Agreed about Nuremberg II.

Gail Combs

No Problem. I had been planing to save your comments and this makes so everyone can see them at The COVID-19 Virus and the modRNA COVID-19 “Vaccines” Induce Accelerated Aging
It also means you have ONE URL to hand to people with a lot of information.


And, don’t forget THIS “exquisite document”, from the American Academy of Pediatrics, to pediatricians — chock full of “templates” for these MEDICAL DOCTORS to use to convince “vaccine hesitant” parents / guardians to get their child (children) all nicely “vaccinated” with a modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” —


Pavaca, in my humble opinion, most people, including doctors, are fucking cowards.

Please excuse moi francais.


I saw (and discussed) one of these at Maker Faire —

It’s on my list to look into it further…..and, look! An Ars article!


Did I miss the part where the passengers tied the flipper guy up and tossed him out of the back of the train to be dragged along the tracks as they blithely went about their normal commute?


It’s Ars — they either hype the clickbait or soft-pedal the situation. Note that this article makes it look like an Apple issue.

Cuppa Covfefe

The only thing they’re missing is the e…..

Right there with the Register and its descendant, the Inquirer, and whatever else Mike Magee came up with…


This sounds like a regurgitated issue. Did I spell that rite?

Gail Combs

Did I miss the part…


Doubtful that you miss anything …


Maybe it is best not to have a phone not attached to a cord?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

When God said “Let there be light”, we had no idea that it was a humorous present, much less a bit of a troll.

Cuppa Covfefe

Thank GOD it wasn’t lite…

Valerie Curren



Vote r-Con. /s

Cuppa Covfefe

Should call them Repugnantons…

Then, the Uniparty comprises DEMONRATS and Repugnantons…


Sober or not, I don’t care, Hunter belongs in prison.

Gail Combs

Are you an ADULT?



Upcoming Tucker episode, I suppose, AND it will be very interesting.


Rob is such a dirt bag.


I didn’t watch it. I doubt that RdS said a word about the unjustified persecution of Trump or the weaponized DOJ. Those should be the key topics. That is the 🐘 in the room. Any candidate who is not addressing that (which is all of them that I can see) is not someone to look to for leadership in the future.


Rob stuck to self serving bs statements.

Gail Combs

Vivek RamaSwampy is the only one smart enough NOT to antagonize MAGA.

…Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy released a video statement on Tuesday slamming the third indictment of his competitor, former President Donald Trump, as “political persecution” and vowed to pardon him, should he win the presidency. 

“It’s another sad moment in our country’s history: the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, has yet again been indicted by the Biden DOJ — a political party in power that is now repeatedly using police force to indict and arrest and potentially eliminate it’s political opponents from competition,” Ramaswamy said in the four-and-a-half minute video address. 

“This is a politicized prosecution. It is a political persecution through prosecution. Now in a third indictment just in a matter of months against the person who is still, at present, the lead contender in the Republican primary for U.S. president,” he continued…


Wow, that’s really big of him to offer to pardon Trump. /sarc
I’m not impressed. IMO, Vivek should not be running. Instead, he should be using his intellect (which is higher than any other candidate’s, I believe) to be fighting the injustices in our government and championing Trump.

And yes, he did alienate this MAGA supporter with those comments. We’re in the biggest trouble this country has been in since its founding, and these people are playing games that enable politics as usual, which is killing the country.


comment image

Why isn’t DeSantis talking about this? He appears to be waiting for one of the cases to “get” Trump so RdS can be the nominee.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths
Gail Combs

Trump is certainly correct.


What is, Uniparty, for $1,000?


So what Rhonda is saying is that if a rogue tyrannical state falsely charges, railroads and convicts their political opponents to prevent them from winning election, Rhonda is okay with that and he endorses such rogue state action.

Rhonda stands (in heels) with the tyrants.

Barb Meier

Tiny D sure looks miserable. Ron is the poster child for fatal political moves.


Looks like Sen Rick Scott, does NOT want to run against Rob, for Senate seat.
Florida Sen. Rick Scott Breaks Precedent, Endorses Trump Over DeSantis


Looks like CO case going down in flames. Prosecutors “should” be in hot water.
Enormous Development: Colorado Prosecutors Caught in Major Lie in Court Case to Remove President Trump from Ballot – With Video Evidence

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“These people!”




They are beyond words 🙄

Gail Combs

From the above Gateway Pundit Article: Evans is who is in the viideo that was tampered with.

“…Evans perseveres while he brings awareness to the American people. Condemned USA is a company that is working to help J6 defendants and others fight this tyrannical government that is coming after them. He can’t do it alone. There is no time like right now to help Evans and in this fight. The corrupt DOJ is now coming after you too. When they come knocking on, or in many cases breaking down your door, who will be there to help you? Who will fight these prosecutors who have no problem falsifying evidence and outright lying? Evans and might be the only one standing up for you. Be aware they ARE coming for you. Treniss Evans, the J6 defendants, and President Trump were only the beginning, and it is naive to think that they haven’t moved to the middle of their plan…You.

  :wpds_arrow: To support Treniss, J6ers, and other wronged and persecuted Americans, please go to and become a sponsor.


BREAKING: Trump Lawyers Drop Bombshell Revelations About Biden Regime and Jack Smith in Classified Docs Hearing

Julie Kelly attended the hearing in person on Wednesday. According to Kelly, Trump’s lawyers revealed:

  • Trump’s lawyers told Judge Cannon they discovered a June 2023 letter asking DOE to remove Trump’s ACTIVE SECURITY CLEARANCE.” – A few weeks AFTER Smith handed down classified documents indictment.
  • Trump’s lawyers told Judge Cannon this afternoon they have evidence that the Biden White House collaborated with NARA, DOJ, and intel agencies to determine which documents to include in Jack Smith’s indictment.
  • Trove of evidence includes “years” worth of security footage from MAL
  • Evidence of “extensive communications” between White House, NARA, intel agencies and DOJ/Jack Smith prior to the indictment to determine which classified files to include.
  • Trump still had DOE security clearance related to at least one charged document as recently as June 2023.
  • •Defense might include the Secret Service as a considered member of prosecution since they have their own security apparatus separate from MAL

Another bombshell from Wednesday’s hearing: Trump’s lawyers have not seen any underlying evidence to back up claims that 340 classified documents reviewed by Jack Smith are even classified.

Per Julie Kelly: Also from today’s hearing. Jack Smith told judge the classification review of 340 or so documents had been completed. Defense said they have memos confirming material is classified per intel review but no underlying evidence to support claim…


“𝕊𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕄𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕟, 𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝕀’𝕝𝕝 𝕊𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕥𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕚𝕞𝕖.”
Lavrently Breria, Head of Joseph Stalin’s Secret Police

Sound familiar?


Another one going our way. (NOT) Surprised.

Minnesota Supreme Court Chief Justice Dresses Down Leftist Lawyer Working to Keep Trump Off 2024 Ballot (VIDEO)

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs
Gail Combs

“…The US Constitution has three requirements to be president:

  • Be a natural-born citizen of the United States.
  • Be at least 35 years old.
  • Have been a resident of the United States for 14 years….”

Their problem is TRUMP HAS BEEN ACQUITED of ‘Insurrection’ AS PRESIDENT by CONGRESS. Now they are trying to RETRY the case — Which is UNCONSTITUTIONAL..

It is NAsty Pig-louse who I want to see tried.


Blindsided!!!   :wpds_shock:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_cool: 


Gail Combs

Straight out of the mouth of Sen. Menendez, “I have been accused AND THAT IS NOT PROOF OF ANYTHING.”

edit, DANG I wish I could type and SPELL!

Last edited 1 year ago by Gail Combs

I think he’s right. If it’s a problem, the solution is impeachment & conviction. After that, then charge him.

FTR, I think the criminal charges against him are unconstitutional.

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2

For those who don’t think we have a dog in the Israeli/Hamas hunt, here is what Iran, Hamas’s biggest supporter, thinks about America:

“Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said during an address to his country this week that “death to America” is not just a slogan or a chant, it’s the country’s official policy toward the U.S.

The remarks come as the Islamic Republic, which is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, has fueled attacks against Israel over the last month through several terrorist proxy groups, including Hamas, which murdered 1,400 Israelis. Terrorist leaders with Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad have repeatedly stated that Iran was the main backer behind their activities, providing them with money, weapons, and training.

Khamenei made the remarks Wednesday on Iran’s Channel 1, according to a video clip translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute.

“The situation between America and Iran is this: When you chant ‘Death to America!’ it is not just a slogan – it is a policy,” he said. “I have stated the reasons previously. For many years, from the 1940s to the 1970s – that is 30 years – the Americans did everything they could do against the Iranian nation. They hit Iran in any way they could – financially, economically, politically, scientifically, and morally.””


What a lousy liar he is. Iran was doing pretty darn good under the Shah. And history books written back then show it.




~ Two minutes.


~ Two minutes.

Gail Combs

Cabal mouth piece…

Gail Combs

Karma is my favorite bitch. 🤓

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I understand that the VICE president was named after her!

Gail Combs



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***the Montana virus***

REVEALED: Anthony Fauci-run lab in MONTANA experimented with coronavirus strain shipped in from Wuhan a year BEFORE Covid pandemic began

US taxpayer money was used to experiment with coronaviruses from the Chinese lab thought to be the source of the Covid pandemic more than a year before the global outbreak, an investigation has found.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH), under Dr Anthony Fauci‘s leadership, infected 12 Egyptian fruit bats with a ‘SARS-like’ virus called WIV1 at a lab in Montana in 2018.

The WIV1-coronavirus was shipped from the Wuhan lab the FBI believes caused the Covid pandemic and was tested on bats acquired from a ‘roadside’ Maryland zoo.

The research – revealed this week by a campaign group – determined the novel virus could not cause a ‘robust infection’.

But the research is more evidence of ties between the US government and the Wuhan lab, as well as the funding of dangerous virus research across the globe.

Many more details, then:

In a statement from the president and founder of WCW, Anthony Bellotti said: ‘Our investigation has uncovered the real-life horror story of how a shady roadside zoo whose curator was an NIH animal experimenter shipped off bats to a deadly government virus lab overseen by Dr. Fauci to be infected with a coronavirus obtained directly from the Wuhan lab that experts believe caused COVID.’

comment image


I had Covid in November of 2019. I could definitely have contracted it from a leak from this lab.

Gail Combs

And I had it in 2018 and could have gotten it from Ralph Baric’s UNC lab. I was within 1000 ft of the lab in the fall of 2018 just before I got the ‘Flu’ that caused my ‘Asthma’


 SARS-Like Coronavirus WIV1-CoV Does Not Replicate in Egyptian Fruit Bats (Rousettus aegyptiacus).
van Doremalen N, Schäfer A, Menachery VD, Letko M, Bushmaker T, Fischer RJ, Figueroa DM, Hanley PW, Saturday G, Baric RS, Munster VJ.
Viruses. 👉2018 Dec 19;👈10(12):727. doi: 10.3390/v10120727.
PMID: 30572566 Free PMC article.


Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-like WIV1-coronavirus (CoV) was first isolated from Rhinolophus sinicus bats 👉and can use the human angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor. 👈 In the current study, we investigate the ability of WIV1-CoV to infect Rousettus aegyptiacus bats. No clinical signs were observed throughout the experiment. Furthermore, only four oropharyngeal swabs and two respiratory tissues, isolated on day 3 post inoculation, were found positive for viral RNA. Two out of twelve bats showed a modest increase in coronavirus specific antibodies post challenge. In conclusion, WIV1-CoV was unable to cause a robust infection in Rousettus aegyptiacus bats.



In 2013, the American virologist Ralph Baric approached Zhengli Shi at a meeting. Baric was a top expert in coronaviruses, with hundreds of papers to his credit, and Shi, along with her team at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, had been discovering them by the fistful in bat caves. In one sample of bat guano, Shi had detected the genome of a new virus, called SHC014, that was one of the two closest relatives to the original SARS virus, but her team had not been able to culture it in the lab.

Baric had developed a way around that problem—a technique for “reverse genetics” in coronaviruses. Not only did it allow him to bring an actual virus to life from its genetic code, but he could mix and match parts of multiple viruses. He wanted to take the “spike” gene from SHC014 and move it into a genetic copy of the SARS virus he already had in his lab. The spike molecule is what lets a coronavirus open a cell and get inside it. The resulting chimera would demonstrate whether the spike of SHC014 would attach to human cells. If it could, then it could help him with his long-term project of developing universal drugs and vaccines against the full spectrum of SARS-like viruses that he increasingly considered sources of potential pandemics….

Items from coronavirus expert Ralph Baric’s emails

Dr. Baric is a coronavirus expert at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (UNC). He has developed genetic techniques to enhance the pandemic potential of existing bat coronaviruses in collaboration with Dr. Zhengli Shi at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and with EcoHealth Alliance.

Gail Combs

first isolated from Rhinolophus sinicus bats 👉and can use the human angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor. 👈 …
In conclusion, WIV1-CoV was unable to cause a robust infection in Rousettus aegyptiacus bats.


Baric had developed a way around that problem—a technique for “reverse genetics” in coronaviruses. Not only did it allow him to bring an actual virus to life from its genetic code, but he could mix and match parts of multiple viruses. 👉He wanted to take the “spike” gene from SHC014 and move it into a genetic copy of the SARS virus he already had in his lab. The spike molecule is what lets a coronavirus open a cell and get inside it👈. The resulting chimera would demonstrate whether the spike of SHC014 would attach to human cells. If it could, then it could help him with his long-term project 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“These people!”

Gail Combs

…are the ones that should be indicted and facing prosecution, NOT TRUMP!

Valerie Curren



I also had it Nov 2019. I thought it was a reaction to the flue shot .

Valerie Curren

Hope you’re not taking flu shots any more!


Unless it’s rabies, I’m pretty much done with vaccines until I see Fauci hanged.

Valerie Curren

yup…but don’t hold your breath!


No no longer. I never used too until 5 years ago. My kids told me I should so not to make my husband sick since he has heat problems and is diabetic. I got sick every time after I got the shot. My kids told me it was in my head because it is not true that one gets the flue from the shot.
Now my husband is not taking it any longer. Doctors scientist do not know everything.
My doctor tole me he is concerned I am not taking the shot and does not want me to be the only person in the county to die from the flue.

Valerie Curren

doc sounds like a pharma shill…our God-given immune system is just fine for plenty of us!


Thug, Jack The Hack Smith slapped around by, Judge Aileen Cannon.

Mar-a-Lago Judge Repeatedly Smacks Down Jack Smith in Scathing New Order
The Miami-based judge, who is a Trump appointee, described the special counsel’s efforts to restrict discovery to the legal defense team in the case to be based on a “broad and unconvincing theory” and an “atextual” and “almost blithe” interpretation of the statute in question: Ouch.


~ Two minute video.
Pentagon Bullshitter John Kirby TRIGGERED When Asked by Peter Doocy: Why Is Biden Thanking Qatar?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Loved this one from DP’s post! People are starting to GET free speech again!

Gail Combs

Free Speech, Freedom of Assembly (As a GOD GIVEN RIGHT WHY do we have to get PERMISSION from a gov’t?) are completely different from violence.

Those committing violence need to be arrested, indicted and if proven, convicted and I do not care WHO they are.

The problem is people who Assembled outside the capitol on Jan 6th (WITH PERMITS!!) AND DID NOTHING are going to jail, While those who committed Vandalism, Violence and LOOTING got a free pass because — DemonRat.


Does rds know his entire political career is over? He is persona non grata esp post pmsnbc interview.
Is he blackmailed to do what he is doing or just a flaming idiot?

Gail Combs

I vote Flaming idiot with Puppet strings attached.

Remember he is nothing more than an Empty Suit Lawyer with ZERO experience outside of a low level JAG (Navy) lawyer job and writing a book.


Napoleon Complex.

Valerie Curren



Failed up. Jeez hes going to need his pension.

Brave and Free

The book revenue “is” the payoff from the puppet masters. The flaming idiot part gets exposed more and more everyday.
What a tool, his boots are full of lead to keep him grounded because he’d float away from all the hot air in his oversized head.


Yes, on both.


It is obvious that he is not going to drop out because he is waiting for Trump to be disqualified. He is pure sleaze as lawyer he knows Trump is being railroaded. He is not Presidential timber. It is obvious he does not care about the constitution.

Last edited 1 year ago by singingsoul1

He’s worse than jeb!


Yes he is but David Rubin and DeSussa think Trump should reach out to DeSantis and make him VP to unite the Country and party. They gushed over DeSantis. We is it the one who has been dogged by the other person should apologize make peace? Forst I think it is way to early second DeSantis is digging himself deeper and deeper counting on Trump to be arrested to he can step in and takes us for granted.


Desantis is a snake!!! Omg…they dont get it. No traitors, no rinos.


That is a problem lack of discernment. DeSantis does not have good character.

Gail Combs

Now go after ALL the funds he donated to politicians!


No, can’t do that. Congress wouldn’t have a quorum.


Less than five hours of deliberations…..


Tic Toc. Watch those hands go up.


comment image

House Approves $14.3 Billion Israel Aid Package, Slashes IRS Budget – Biden Regime Threatens to Veto the Bill By Jim Hᴏft Nov. 2, 2023 6:40 pm319 Comments

Good! Republicans have done all they need to on this. If Biden wants to veto it does not need to be revisited.

Gail Combs

  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:  GOTCHA!




Senator Kennedy must of been one of them rat catching cats in a previous life.

Gail Combs

Kennedy is great. This is not the first time he has roasted a Biden pick.


Meant to post this earlier, but got side tracked. I don’t think it’s been posted.

Trump’s lawyer Alina Haba absolutely roasts, Letitia James. ~ Two minutes.


She mad! 😡 That was excellent. I like the way she stalked out of the courtroom, too.


trying to fix

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

Thanks for the warning. I didn’t go there. But the fact of it needs to be known.


In my case, hardens resolve, KNOWING, what Hamas Intentionally did.


President Trump Announces New Education Plan That Is ‘Dramatically Different’

Sounds great. Let’s Do It! (3 mins)

Last edited 1 year ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a brilliant idea. It’s basically COLLEGE-LEVEL HOMESCHOOLING.


Looking forward to it.

The Trades need to be pushed, which of course require, hands on.


second screw up

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

Strike three

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

This one rates a Spoiler, to hide, but leave available, Slow guy can’t figure it out.

  :wpds_arrow:  If In Doubt Scroll On.
  :wpds_arrow:  Discern Report has links to reports, videos and an X reporting…
  :wpds_arrow:  WARNING – Inhumane Barbaric, Destruction Of Live Humans, 7 October.

This is probably the worst I’ve Read AND Seen, Ever. Including ISIS AND burning the Jordanian pilot alive, in a cage.


  • If I were an Israeli, the only answer to Hamas, Absolute Scorched Earth.
  • Fight to the death, Hamas No Longer Exists OR Israel No Longer Exists.

This Is the Final Confrontation Between Israel and Hamas

Within the Discern Report, links to articles, videos and an X.. Literally, unbelievable stuff.



Special Forces Veteran Tells Joe Rogan Terror Attacks Are Coming to U.S. Because of Open Border: ‘Should Scare You to Death’ (VIDEO)

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

War Room ~ Three minutes.

Ed Dowd: ‘States Have Basically Given Up Their Economic & Political Sovereignty’ to Federal Gov’t
