Dear KAG: 20231108 Open Thread

Cover image: Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky

Badlands News Brief – November 7, 2023

Soros, Les Wexner, and Swiss Billionaire attempting to Enshrine Abortion in Ohio’s State Constitution

And it sounds like they succeeded.

Collateral Damage as Consolation Prize

Agreed. Something doesn’t add up.

Mike Johnson: MAGA champion or RINO?

FDA works to finally ban soda ingredient outlawed in other countries

Crash Landing: The Inside Scoop About How Covid and Affirmative Action Policy Gutted Aviation Safety

This LA to San Francisco “6 hour roadtrip” took 56 hours in an electric car…

CNN finally throws in the towel on the Ukraine War…

Stop Drinking the Political Kool-Aid, America: Voting Will Not Save Us

Central Bank & The Taking of Assets?

The BIGGEST story in the world just broke and our legacy media is silent…

Tweets, X-Posts, Whatever

I agree with whoever said he sounds like Wimpy begging for a hamburger.

This $#!+ again? How many of these is it going to take?

Seeing is believing on this one.

Guys, the golden brown shoes with the blue suits have to go. Sorry, but they are just…no.

Memes & Stuff

It would be an improvement.

Life with small dogs:

Have a good day y’all.

(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:

Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone

Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.

Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.

Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.

Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.

One other vital note:

Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.


ROMANS 13:8-10

8Owe no one anything, except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law. 9The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery, You shall not kill, You shall not steal, You shall not covet,” and any other commandment, are summed up in this sentence, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 10Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another.

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.

In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.


For those who have been following the Matt Walsh airline seat saga:

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What a wildly winning Wednesday writing!

Thank you, De Pat!!!!

Hope you’re good’n’rested!


Whatever you do, and when, I’m sure you’ll do it with style…..

Gail Combs

Depat, having done a few back to back Articles. I for one to not see how you can do it day after day!

My Hat’s off to you. (Trump 2024 baseball cap of course.)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Proposition HH down in flames. Our taxing and spending limits are safe for another year.

Even Denver county didn’t vote for it (though Boulder county did).

A major black eye for the overt leftist party. Apparently even the national Yellow Stream Media has been watching this one.

Bonus news, apparently at least in my county (El Paso, which has a running contest with Denver county for most populous in the state) school board elections went overwhelmingly conservative. This is tiny in the short run and huge in the long run.


Yay! We takes our winnin’s when we gets ’em!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In the past school board elections have been considered the lowest of the low (above dogcatcher, but we don’t elect dogcatchers here). That has been a YUGE mistake, of course, because those “small” offices exert enormous leverage on the future…which is pretty much what I was trying to say in my clumsy way.

The fact that people are paying attention to them now, where before they blew them off (and it doesn’t help it’s an off year election here–literally no state or federal offices up) and that too is a good long term trend. So long as we keep at it and don’t become complacent.

Gail Combs

North Carolina is even WORSE the school board elections are on off years IN SEPTEMBER!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A lot of elections for local government and the like are in April here.

Gail Combs

  :wpds_cry:  No doubt in the snow in some cases.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Direct cut and paste from the Colorado Springs Gazette:

Conservative school board candidates dominate early election returns in El Paso County’s largest districts

  • Updated 20 min ago

School board candidates in the Pikes Peak region’s biggest districts were sharply divided over a number of hot-button issues two years ago, including critical race theory and COVID-19 protocols.

Valerie Curren

That’s Awesome news & hopefully will be a catching on trend!!! Congrats 🙂


sadly, propaganda works

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Especially when it’s all you see.


the Vote Yes ! ads were outright lies. (Issue One/abortion)

and the mumbo-jumbo language was so confusing, easily misinterpreted esp if a person failed to read it all ,to the bitter end.

but a big turn out in the major cities which are all Blue….+ huge propaganda efforts

and when you change Americans, you’ll change America.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes. Everything I’ve seen here has been spinning 1 as “merely” an abortion access amendment.

If it is perceived as such it will pass because the overwhelming majority of Americans are not in favor of a total ban. (Nor are they in favor of no restrictions at all.)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Ohio went down in flame on Issue 1.

This thing that DP posted is quite interesting, and explains a lot.

Soros, Les Wexner, and Swiss Billionaire attempting to Enshrine Abortion in Ohio’s State Constitution


and hoping…banking on…other states to follow suit.


My county voted No on abortion and No on legalizing Pot. 3 new school board members were voted in 2 doctors and one nurse
Itwas the big cities in Oh that voted Yes.


my county voted for Issue One by 8,000 votes.


lotta libs up in Canton, I guess.

and, of course, the Amish don’t vote.

haven’t checked Holmes County yet.


I am in Scioto County . Columbus is liberal Cincinnati parts are dems other parts Republicans .
MEGA will not come out for Rinos or Bush establishment Republicans.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The four Repubnicans who voted no on the Tlaib Censure motion:

  • Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado
  • Rep. John Duarte of California
  • Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky
  • Rep. Tom McClintock of California

What a piece of iguana shit I have for a congressman.


It’s primary season.  🙁 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Buck has self-primaried; he’s quitting.


That saves us some effort, which we can use against the others.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah but I had fantasies of sneaking into his victory party then laughing maniacally in his face when he lost. Not insults, not profanity…but ridicule.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And I just had a thought.

RINOs normally doggedly cling on. Either he must be absolutely confident he’d be annihilated in the primary despite all the advantages he has from being an incumbent…

Or he’s sincere but genuinely frustrated by the insistence of most Republicans that 2020 and 2022 were stolen. In other words, he might just be red-pill-deficient.

It honestly doesn’t matter to me which one is the case. He’s an impediment and needs a size 12 golf cleat up his ass.


I read your post last night about my congress-critter Zinke voting no. I decided not to wait until this morning, and left a scathing voice mail. Maybe he got a lot of them, because he is not in the “no” column above.

I think it is SO important to let these people here from us.

Gail Combs

You are an example of Why I just called that Black Pill Article Bull Schiff. A Rino is better than a straight up Commie since he can be shamed into doing the correct thing, at least sometime.


Yes. I wish people would get this. Primary them out if you can. If you cannot, vote them in instead of ANY communist also known as a Democrat.

Pick your battles.

Gail Combs

And then RIDE THEM HARD on any issue of importance.


Just for the record, I miss the camels on humpday.


I think we just have to bring our own.

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Heeere, camel camel camel…….heeere, camel, camel…..


[didn’t work]

Last edited 1 year ago by cthulhu
Barb Meier

I posted another, but Safari forced a refresh and it seems to have disappeared.


[also didn’t work]

Last edited 1 year ago by cthulhu
Barb Meier

Now the attach image icon disappeared.

Last edited 1 year ago by Barb Meier

Peruvian marching camel….

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Gail Combs

Luckily my encounters with both types of camelids so far has been good. They are NOT known for ‘sweet tempers’ and the camel can carry upt to 400 to 500 lbs and stands 6 ft 6 in high.


That looks like a llama. Besides, there’s no hump so it sort of misses the whole point.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They are fairly close relatives of camels.

Which does not make them camels.


Bring your own pix, bring your own hump….

Barb Meier

These guys were just slow…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I gave up on finding *clean* high-res eagle pictures, where I wouldn’t have the dot cover something i didn’t want covered. (But now the dot is gone.) Most internet pics are astonishingly bad when blown up as big as this site’s banner. One of the ones I do use, in fact, is one BakoCarl extended so it would be wide enough, without the eagle being centered.

I could probably find new material now.

I noted at several times in the past the camel pictures were just awful quality; clearly you had to scrape the bottom of the barrel more than once.

Last edited 1 year ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



An I not an E.

Last edited 1 year ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes. It’s almost a requirement to have a misspelling.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well this isn’t a meme, it’s somebody’s editorial cartoon.


Oh, yeah, that’s Ben Garrison’s wife. I’ve never seen a misspelling in his work. Maybe he didn’t see hers before it went out.


And this is how dictionaries and languages change over time. The vulgar often wins out over the genteel. 😮🙄😁

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Many times a common spelling error corresponds with actual pronunciation.

But I’ve never heard “Semitic” pronounced as though it had an E in place of the I. It’s always the I as in bit.


….except after C, when it’s all just OK with our ol’ See-Eye-Ay.


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That’s a score! I had heard that his challenger was “up-and-coming” in Dim ranks.


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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I admit having a dem be elected governor in KY doesn’t sound good.

Was this republican particularly bad?


It’s a re-election on KY gov — he was selected before and he’s been selected again, no actual votes needed.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh. I misread the headline. I thought the incumbent was the Republican and he had been tossed.


I keep reading that he is popular there. Montana had a “popular” Democrat governor a few years back. I never understood it, but even Repuke friends of mine liked him. It happens.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Governor Lame (commonly misspelled “Lamm”) was inexplicably popular here. Even hanging “Governor Gloom” on him didn’t work.


Sometimes people just have that “charisma” or some other factor we see through, but most don’t.


Rep. Matt Gaetz:

My office has received disturbing allegations of political retaliation by the U.S. Bureau of Prisons against @JohnStrandUSA and @OwenShroyer1776.

I’m looking forward to taking up Director Peters on her offer for on-site visits to investigate how J6 defendants are being treated.

Brave and Free

At least there’s someone, that may look into the abuse. He’s been backing up his words so there’s that.


Visits to DC gulag, need to be unannounced AND frequent.

Gail Combs




I got the impression a while back that unnannounced visits were not allowed, but I could be mistaken.

Jack Smith is a THUG

which in and of itself is a huge TELL


Precisely, the problem. My post was the way it ought to be.


Another win:

GOP Rep. Peter Durant declares victory in Senate special election for Central Mass. seat

Democratic seat flipped to Republican column with Durant’s win



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rigged roulette

voter fraud costs money

dem skill set


This is from Sylvia’s….

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Which just happened to remind me of one of those Hollywood stories.

Big scriptwriting conference… usual, gets into a big clusterfark with egos in the way. Bottle of Listerine (a prop) on the table — one writer reaches over, unscrews the cap, and chugs half the bottle. Bunch of people boggle. Some start to gag. Several run out of the room…..

The writer who drank it had previously dumped the bottle down the drain, rinsed it a couple of times, and refilled it with apple juice. And, now that he had everyone’s attention…..


So now Listerine dangerous to use as mouth wash?

Is anyone keeping a list?


That’s my favorite era of SNL.

My friends and I used to watch the early SNL reruns when we were kids, along with the then-current SNL, and reruns of two similar shows, one called Fridays and the other SCTV.

SCTV cast (1976-1981):

John Candy
Robin Duke
Joe Flaherty
Eugene Levy
Andrea Martin
Rick Moranis
Catherine O’Hara
Harold Ramis
Tony Rosato
Martin Short
Dave Thomas


Fridays cast (1980-1982)

Mark Blankfield
Maryedith Burrell
Melanie Chartoff
Larry David (co-creator and head writer for Seinfeld)
Rich Hall
Darrow Igus
Brandis Kemp
Bruce Mahler
Michael Richards (Kramer on Seinfeld)
John Roarke


SCTV was the best.


Listerine is just a mix of Essential Oils – Thymol, Menthol, Eucalyptol, Methyl Salicylate (wintergreen)

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s also said to be good against COVID… as part of a multi-component regimen…

Gail Combs

It also contains alcohol (26.9%)

Gail Combs

Alcohol used to be the only good way to clean and ‘sanitize’ wounds. It is used in deodorants because it KILLS BACTERIA.

I actually never thought people were NOT aware of Alcohol’s use as an anti-septic.

(All those westerns where the guy is held down while they poured a bottle of whiskey into his gunshot wound before removing the bullet…)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Usually portrayed as an anesthetic…not a terribly good one.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe something like this? 😆
(With Foster and Dean, alcohol is sure to be involved hic  🍸  )
(and notice how they surprise each other when Foster comes up from the bar)…


Be careful about what kind of propaganda this might be:

“Researchers at Rutgers School of Dental Medicine have found evidence that two types of mouthwash disrupt the COVID-19 virus under laboratory conditions, preventing it from replicating in a human cell.

The study, published in the journal Pathogens, found that Listerine and the prescription mouthwash Chlorhexidine disrupted the virus within seconds after being diluted to concentrations that would mimic actual use. Further studies are needed to test real-life efficacy in humans.”

If they are getting ready to release another virus, then this might be one of their tactics to kill us.


Agreed. Likely tactic to demonize products that can be beneficial to fighting things that may harm us, like harmful bacteria. Listerine has been around for ages without complaint unless you haven’t been using it after which one is kindly asked to use it.


I began using Listerine over 40 years ago after talking with my grandmother, who used it during her life. It has kept my gums healthy as well as killing respiratory disease related bacteria.

I will not be stopping.


Good for you!


Listerine is essential oils – and does indeed kill covid. Another new mouthwash Crest Intense with cetylpyridium chloride also kills covid. Several poor countries used these mouthwashes as a way to fight the pandemic and it worked. Other poor districts in India handed out free packets of HCQ-zinc and D3 and successfully defeated the coronavirus. Ivermectin was also used successfully to fight the disease.

Only in the US and Western nations did the governments and health agencies demand hospitals, doctors and patients be subjected to the damned dangerous vaccines and dangerous pharmaceuticals like Remdesivir and Paxlovid.


D.C. Draino: “Everyone knows you’re laundering the money, paying off your friends, and sending Ukraine’s future generations to be slaughtered for profit. Time to negotiate peace”


Uh… the penalty for laundering money, paying off your friends, and especially for sending Ukraine’s future generations to be slaughtered for profit, is not ‘time to negotiate peace’.

The penalty for murdering half a million of your countrymen for profit is swing like Mussolini time.


So I get this phone call from the GI specialist wanting me to do an appointment for a consultation. Being that I just had one on the second, and nothing much has happened since, I call back with a certain amount of skepticism.

Turns out, they want me to consult with a dietician/nutritionist. Being that I’ve “consulted” with a few over the last several decades, and none were particularly persuasive (“follow government food guidelines, wear your mask, eat the bugs….”), I don’t see any particular urgency…..but I was curious — why am I getting a call from GI?

She explained that they have specific GI dieticians, just as there are specific endocrinology dieticians, and oncology dieticians, and pediatric dieticians. I had a form in front of me that had a list of departments with phone numbers, so I said, “I bet they all wish they were palliative care dieticians — ‘have a great big juicy steak….and, while you’re at it, wash it down with a glass of whiskey! What’s it gonna do, kill you?'”

Her response was a stifled squeak of a laugh — I don’t think she’s allowed to think that way on company time.

I’m not feeling like I should be in any great hurry to close the loop on this, but I boosted it into 2024 and will deal with it then.

Gail Combs

We lived next to a hospital dietician in the 1950s. She weighed about 350 lbs…

I rather do my own research!


It’s kind of hilarious in a sick way, but I’ve personally never met a healthy-looking dietician, and I used to work in a hospital!

They are all at least chubby, pasty-looking, and usually have bad skin and crispy hair. Very unhealthy looking. It’s weird.

Gail Combs

TOO much Carbs. The hospital diet is often to put or keep weight on sick people. (My guess.)


Once I realized that the way you fatten an animal for slaughter pretty much lined up with the food pyramid, I understood it was bullshit.


Perfect summary of the food triangle.


Accurate description. 👍

After Keto for most of this year, I’m out on the food pyramid.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The food ziggurat

Valerie Curren



Recently was sent to a nice GI guy and told to come back another time when something more wrong was occuring (clean enough bill of health, my regular doctor must be a worry wort 😁 but at least he never bothered me about the dang shot.). Noted the property was expensive and the services offered were many and part of a network. So this may be nothing more than the extension of a marketing campaign to make moar money! 😮😬🙄🤔🙂


Email, text and US mail have increased from BCBS – blue cross Blue Shield, seemingly pushing stuff to do.

As you posted, maor money, is the goal.


Even if Blaze is unbiased, do they have the manpower to watch the 40000hrs and analyze it.

Why not let Annons do that. There are millions, which solves the manpower problem, and they can check each other as well.
Hopefully Blaze is willing and allowed to do just that.


There is always a controlled choke-point, some intermediary between the criminals’ so-called ‘release’ of information and the public.



They should dump it all on Wikileaks.

Gail Combs

Glen Beck can do what Naomi Wolf did. go on Bannon’s War Room and RECRUIT! But wait until AFTER he gets all the tapes IN HIS PHYSICAL CONTROL.

Naomi was surprised by the number of very well qualified expert recruits she got.


The recruit thing would certainly be beneficial. The Jan 6 Committee To Deceive the Public curated the tapes to show the bad side of things and so in the same way the tapes will have to be curated in such a way as to tell the real story which is not just X happened (mass dump to the public) but X happened because of Y and maybe Z, S, T, and V. A mass dump will likely not reveal easily Z, S, T and V and thus must be investigated first to get the story framed as to why events unfolded the way they did. To do less is allow confusion and ambiguity to enter the picture.

McCarthy should have spearheaded this long ago after getting access to the tapes. Is he a limited thinker assuming it was too much for Congressional Staffers to handle. Musk did not fall under that spell. He went straight to people he could trust to ferret out the truth independent to his own views. McCarthy should of done the same after Musk wrote the temp plate.

Johnson at least does not find himself constrained and picking Cheeto Face is fine as long as he does not try to make the tapes one of his collectibles (priority ownership). He should go and recruit from public expert diggers as suggested for the best results, following the Musk model.

We don’t need to hear “My people” out of Cheeto Face unless it is in context of finding the right independent diggers, being given independents access to all the tapes to ferret out the truth. If we hear “My people” from him out of that context, then the process will have been sullied and product will be worthless to the public at large. This includes vetting the product. The diggers produce the product and the public should be the ones to vet it with the information presented.


Perhaps “Cheete Face” needs to hear from us. 🤔


No, on the latter.

Feds will have strings, on what can be released.

The strings are Never referred to in public. A Secret, doncha know. .


No. The Blaze is headed by Glenn Beck, who is Mormon. The Mormons are controlled by the C-EYE-A.

At least, that’s my take.


Dumping it all out there Will expose Feds inciting MAGA folks.

Facial recognition expose the real problems on J6.

Precisely why it will never happen. Damn well SHOULD happen.

Corrupt Feds, protecting Corrupt feds. <<< A Cancer on America.


So, one of my big things today was meeting with our HVAC guy.

We moved our HVAC unit into our attic a number of years ago (when we moved the water-heater into the garage and re-roofed the house). All AC units tend to condense moisture out of the air as they cool it (which is why there’s a wet spot under your car AC when you park it on a hot day). In an attic-mounted system, the primary condensation drain quietly runs down into a hole full of drain rock — and there is an overflow drain that has to pass in front of a door or window to get your attention. The overflow from that overflow is dumping water into your attic which can lead to water inside your walls or dwelling spaces, which is very bad…….so you want to deal with drainage when you see the overflow.

I had assumed that the clog/problem was in the long almost-flat primary drain line out to the drain pit, and had come-up with a scheme to enable me to service this myself in the future. Unfortunately, that wasn’t it — it was actually in the “trap” before the drain line. Our guy made short work of the problem and we’re good.

While he was here, I told him about the US Senator’s aide who arranged for the Senator to do an event at the Indian village where he had grown up. He made all the arrangements, and at the appointed time they drove out in a big black limousine.

The aide hustled the Senator to give a speech to the assembled Elders of the tribe. “My friends,” he began — and the Elders said, “Umgawa, umgawa” in response and to each other. “The United States is an eternal friend to this tribe…..” “Umgawa, umgawa.” “We have Federal projects that will enrich the economy of this region…..” “Umgawa, umgawa.” “Peace and Honor….” “Umgawa, umgawa.” “Working together to a brighter future…..” “Umgawa, umgawa.”

The Senator was pleased at the way things were going so far, so when the aide suggested that they walk through the village, he was enthusiastic. At every dwelling, the aide talked about the inhabitants and the challenges they faced. Coming to the end of the village, the aide pointed out that they could completely retrace their steps or take a shortcut back to the car through a pasture. He assured the Senator that it was perfectly safe because the bulls were off at a livestock show — “you just have to be careful not to step in the umgawa.”


That should be funny but it’s just another sad truth.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


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Gail Combs

This from the Badlands brief. triggered a thought

“…As I’ve said many times, the Trial(s) of Donald Trump isn’t interfering with his campaign. It IS his campaign.” —  Burning Bright…”


Trump’s first campaign had a theme — 𝔽𝔸𝕂𝔼 ℕ𝔼𝕎𝕊!

This theme has essentially DESTROYED the CIA/Bankster controlled media’s hold on the mind of the population.


This theme has focused people on FIXING our election system.

So what is the theme/target of this election?


  :wpds_cool: Things are going to get REAL interesting…


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miserable lefties…

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Last edited 1 year ago by smiley2

I think sometimes we (me) tend to forget that DJT is a master of the Art of War. That doesn’t necessarily mean 40D-chess, but it definitely means impeccable strategy.


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Have-A-SnackBar !💥


Dart Board

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Last edited 1 year ago by smiley2
Gail Combs

  :wpds_mad:   :wpds_chuckle:   :wpds_envy:   :wpds_mad: 

I wish they still had a BARF emoj


Gail Combs




Always here to help…

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Ackkk! This guy even wears lipstick at home! 😬😮🙄🤮😏😆🤣😂🤣

Barb Meier

His eyes indicate he’s been doing drugs, probably mushrooms or acid, IMHO.

Jack Smith is a THUG

Citizen 817
November 8, 2023 12:28 am

This is the Paper that I wanted to submit that the Judge refused to take, because he doesn’t want anybody to know about the Disclaimer Clause at the beginning of each Financial Statement. This is just part of it! That case is a disgrace to the Legal and Judicial System of New York. Hopefully the Appellate Courts will stop this travesty of Justice that everybody is watching and fully understanding!

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Remember how the prosecutors kept trying to come back to the magic GAAP? The second paragraph explicitly states that GAAP did not apply.

Jack Smith is a THUG

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Jack Smith is a THUG

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Gail Combs

Any bets they change it ASAP?

Gail Combs

Burning Bright & Ash in America both make comments about the Middle East Mess in the Badlands Brief. Again, there comments trigger a thought. Burning Bright calls it ‘narrative whiplash’ (Think OPERATION WARP SPEED 🤓)

We have flipped from the Ukraine to the Middle East so fast Normie heads are spinning and the Leftists are not sure which side THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO SUPPORT THIS TIME with their virtue signalling.

What if the ‘white hats’were aware of the PLANNED attack by HAMAS (we KNOW they were) and KNEW a few years in advance? (Think all that cash shipped by OH!Bummer and Kerry’s meetings… )

What if Putin’s Attack on the Ukraine and the LONG drawn out war, was part of the planned ‘wake-up’ AND TIMED to interfere with the Middle East Mess?


“I believe the tension assailing the Collective Mind is a feature of ‘The Plan,’ not a bug.

If you’re able to leave your emotional reaction to the side and view the Net Effects of the current zeitgeist, the War of Stories is beginning to break through Cognitive Dissonance walls that have stood for years, if not longer.

Consider what we’re watching:

  • American Conservatives are being reminded of how quickly and easily they were led into the original Forever War in the Middle East due to emotional, NeoCon calls for war.
  • American Liberals are being called anti-semites by their own MSM, Establishment overlords for supporting the Palestinian side of the most contentious sociopolitical and even religious divide in the world.
  • Both sides are being shown a Narrative Convergence and the resultant Narrative Whiplash of the Ukrainian Proxy War running out of steam as the Uniparty attempts to replace it.

And Trump is being framed as both the Truth-Teller and the Peacemaker in waiting.” — 

Burning Bright

Gail Combs

I forgot to add that Putin DID not go into Ukraine to ‘win a war’ He went in to De-Nazifiy AND DESTROY CIA BASES. We also heard snippets that a lot of the NON-NAZI Ukrainian soldiers surrendered to Russia.

There is a stark contrast between the Hamas attack and Putin’s surgical precision.

Gail Combs

AND this final tidbit from the Bad lands Brief

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Gail Combs

Yes, very much so.

We have to remember the Globalist Elite consider us CHATEL — > Cattle, so they really do not care how many they have to kill to get the desired reaction. If it is bloody, nasty and inhumane? if babies are ripped apart? THEY DO NOT GIVE A SCHIFF,.After all we are talking about people who sacrifice babies to Satan and make no bones about it.

Satanic Temple Sues Texas For ‘Right’ To Practice A Kind Of Child Sacrifice Called ‘Abortion Ritual’

Gail Combs

Very Very TRUE!


“What if the ‘white hats’ were aware of the PLANNED attack by HAMAS (we KNOW they were)..”

Please explain to me how we “KNOW” this, exactly, without supposition?

We really don’t “know” anything. We guess, based on limited information. What limits it? That much we do know. It is limited by governments, media, and three-letter agencies. But far more information is needed to “know” things. We don’t know how Hamas planned its attack, how long they planned, who the planners were, who funded it all, etc.

Maybe our idiot government knows/knew something, but maybe it didn’t. They’ve got trannies running the military! We aren’t exactly fielding our best and brightest right now. All I’m saying is, it is just as possible for incompetence to be the driver of all of this as malice. I know I’m violating my own Razor with that, but I have now seen three years of the most ridiculous government of my lifetime. The people running our country are stupid perverts.

Gail Combs

You are forgetting OBAMA and his connections to the Muslim brotherhood Iran and The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

December 21, 2017 – In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States, according to a POLITICO investigation.

Kash Patel: The Israel-Hamas War, the Defense Industrial Complex & Curbing the Deep State

“I don’t think it’s a coincidence that a month ago, 6 billion goes to Iran. And now their number one ally against the United States of America, writ large, Hamas, is doing a coordinated strike to America’s number one ally, Israel.”….

From a military standpoint, the planning, preparation, and operational preparation of the environment for an attack like this isn’t a one-off. It’s not a splinter group saying, “We’re going to fire a couple of rockets from this location and do some damage and then we’ll get some headlines.” This was an air, land, and sea invasion through various vectors originating from Hamas and Hamas-funded groups as a coordinated strike plan into Israeli territories. That doesn’t happen in a week. That is a lot of planning, but more importantly, that takes a ton of money.

Hamas is a Foreign Terrorist Organization [FTO] under United States law. What does that mean? They’re fully sanctioned…

Where do they get their money? You’re not talking a million dollars, you’re talking hundreds of millions of dollars to mobilize this kind of effort.

Like Hamas, Iran is cut off from the world funding line. They are literally funded by flying in pallets of cash to continue to operate their economy and keep their currency afloat. What happened here that I thoroughly disagreed with is that the Biden administration gave Iran $6 billion, and we got some hostages back.

Then the Biden administration lied to the world….

I’ve been away from the intelligence on this for a while since I’ve been out of government, but I’ve always thought this was their plan.

I’ve always believed they were inching closer to making that material necessary for weapons, and that is very scary. It’s an issue that doesn’t get talked about a lot, but maybe it will be now. This administration, by permitting the funding of this proxy war by Hamas into Israel, also just gave Iran a huge cash injection for their nuclear program.

This is Iran, and we know they lie to the world…

It’s not like we got a deep state overnight. This is years of degradation by people in leadership service positions who failed to do the job that they signed up to do. I had personal experience being the lead prosecutor at Main Justice for Benghazi, being the guy that found Hillary Clinton’s emails in the discovery process, not being able to run with that, and not being able to run that Benghazi prosecution the way I wanted to and get all of the foreign terrorists who killed Americans.

It became a political thing in the Obama administration, and I was in the room when Holder was making these decisions. I thought, “Maybe that’s a one-off of a really massive event.” But then fast forward, I leave the Trump Justice Department, I go to Capitol Hill, and I run Russiagate. That’s when this all solidified for me. I saw the real nature of the FBI and DOJ that I worked with. We all know what happened afterwards when I was the chief investigator exposing it all….

There are massive implications for Egypt. We don’t have time to get into all the things involved. Remember how the Muslim Brotherhood caused the fall of the presidency in Egypt? Hamas is a Muslim Brotherhood organization. What are we doing with all that? The international implications are almost never ending….

There is a lot more.

Something Is Not Right About The Israel/Hamas War

….Israel claims that the surprise element of the attacks were the result of a catastrophic failure of intelligence on the part of the Israeli intelligence apparatus. In short, Israel claims that Hamas used methods to bypass its surveillance system and thus avoid detection during a prolonged period of planning. While Israel has a robust system of cameras and internet/cellphone monitoring, it is reported that Hamas used more traditional methods of communication such as in-person meetings and the use of couriers to deliver messages, thus avoiding technology and the pitfalls of technological surveillance.

Something Doesn’t Seem Right

However, something simply doesn’t add up when it comes to the Israeli explanation. Gaza is one of the most surveilled areas of the world. The Israelis are exceptionally good at intelligence gathering and putting that intelligence to use and yet we are supposed to believe there were not enough Israeli intelligence agents on the ground in Palestinian territory to catch wind of such a monumental operation? Anyone who understands geopolitics and has been to the Middle East knows well how powerful and effective Israeli intelligence is in the region.

But, while it may be possible that Hamas did outwit the Israeli intelligence apparatus by using more rudimentary methods of communication, how do we know this now? How did we know the next day? Did Hamas announce its methods or did Israel discover it 24 hours too late? This explanation seems all too neatly sewn and all too quickly delivered to be entirely believable….

It’s not a coincidence that a month ago, $6 billion went to Iran, and now their number one ally against the United States of America, Hamas, is doing a coordinated strike on America’s number one ally, Israel. I talk about it in the book. There are no coincidences in government. At this level, there definitely are not, and I’ll always stick by that….

How did Mossad, Five Eyes, and the US Intelligence Community Fail to Catch the Hamas Attack?

Col. John Mills joins John Fredericks to give insight into Hamas and their terrorist attack on Israel. Col. Mills also weighs in on whether American intelligence agencies were influenced to “stand down” by the Obama-Biden team.


Just curious, why would any military person with even a modicum of self respect ever do anything Soetoro or Briben wanted done?

Even more curious why Mills calls the alphabets “intelligence agencies”?

Keystone cops or assassins for hire – one or the other.

Just ridicule the shiz out of them. All of them. Do nothing they want.


We really don’t “know” anything. We guess, based on limited information. 

Yes, and some of the guesses are wildly improbable. Some of them are impossible, but that doesn’t stop people.


I know.

Jack Smith is a THUG

Filly posted this…

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Jack Smith is a THUG

I’ll be honest, i had no hope for PA in this judicial election. When lawsuits were brought by the republicans over changes to our voting laws in 2020, the PA Supreme Court ruled in the dems favor every time. of the seven members, the dems hold a majority and they will continue to do so at all costs.
the sect of state decreed new voting rules and procedures for the 2020 election that were challenged immediately but the dem supreme court allowed them. they will find a way to retain that majority and their crooked new procedures indefinitely.
we will not regain PA thru voting.

Gail Combs

With luck if the Jusical System gets cleaned up we will regain a Constitution Republic and fair elections that way.

I am sure Katie Hobbs is not the ONLY Pol whois demonstrably on the take.

Jack Smith is a THUG

we are largely a red state, but the freakin blue corrupt cities steal and cheat enough to overwhelm the little red towns

Gail Combs

North Carolina is the same. We are now a ‘Swing State’ and a FAVORITE destination for people from NYC and Boston. 🙄


Another proof in my pet theory that the unbearable living conditions (lawlessness, taxes, out of reach real estate) is a DemCom program to entice migration to conservative States.


NV feels your pain. Lotsa states do. Blue shit holes ruin it for everyone.

Gail Combs

If they would only LEAVE their Commie Politics at the BORDER… Might be worth funding billboards on I95 and I85 as you enter NC saying just that Except we had a DemonRat slip in as gov.


Since I don’t have a wide network of new friends or groups here in SC my only place to see in real time these transplanted Leftards is the the microcosm of NextDoor site.
They whine about everything. “I heard gunshots “. “I saw coyotes” “Why are there so many golf carts” “why aren’t I seeing more masks’ “What’s wrong with building affordable housing ” “Why isn’t that dog on a leash”. On and on they bitch about a way of life that has been the norm forever with no problems.

Most of the time a few people will tell them ‘why move here if you don’t like the way it is’ but the fellow Blues will litter the thread with virtue signaling confirmation. No real thoughts other than..because it’s the “right” way to have things.
They’re here too.


Same here in east TN. We ignore them or tell them to stuff it. They leave and go back to leftistville or bother another state.

We had that problem in our PUD. At one time about half were yankee/midwest transplants who retired here. Over time we hillbillied them out. Now we have a wonderful, friendly neighborhood with only two left who have learned to shut their yaps and go with the flow.

We took control of the HOA and Board. Fixed our covenants and bylaws while improving the common areas and roads. Property values went up accordingly. That encouraged the leftists to sell out. Good folks moved in. Problem solved. Took about 10 years, but well worth it.

We also have move ins from all over who come for our lifestyle that get along with great everybody. They want to be here and be us.


Verse of the Day for Wednesday, November 8, 2023

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” 

Galatians 6:7 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.

Jack Smith is a THUG

how are you after your episode yesterday???
all ok??

Gail Combs

Collateral Damage as Consolation Prize

…This is where something does not quite add up. If Israel’s intelligence is so good that it only targets specific buildings because they have Hamas fighters inside, how come these intelligence guys did not detect and thwart the October 7 attacks? Why is their intelligence so specific now and so nonexistent then?

Similarly, if the information is so precise, why can’t they attack these groups with special forces raids, like the many raids the American military undertook in Iraq against terrorist cells?

If we are being honest, aerial bombings here function as a type of collective punishment, where imposing pain on Palestinian civilians is supposed to do two things at once. First, it appeases the Israeli public’s desire for revenge. Second, it is supposed to dissuade Hamas from further attacks because of pressure from the civilian victims of the bombings. These goals are obvious not only from the bombings’ effects, but are also evidenced by the rhetoric of the Israeli leadership. The talk of Palestinians being “animals” and “destroying Gaza” suggests a complete rejection of the IDF’s stated principle of “purity of arms.”

Terrible as the resulting deaths are, these actions may be a case of Israel making a virtue of necessity.  After their departure from Gaza in 2006, presumably many of the IDF’s intelligence contacts, informants, and other sources of human intelligence have dried up or become stale….

For the last 20 years, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been a frozen conflict. Israeli governments have had little appetite to further the two-state solution through empowering the Palestinian Authority, but there has also been no will—and likely no support—within Israel for something extreme that might cut through the Gordian Knot, such as wholesale ethnic cleaning of the Palestinians in pursuit of a one-state solution.

Instead, both sides muddle through, responding to the other side’s provocations, leading to a familiar cycle of retaliation and overreaction until both sides agree again to some kind of ceasefire. 

And this is where the information from Badlands Media is so valuable. I looked up Gaza, Israel and Gas and the Ben Gurion Canal and found this:

War and Natural Gas: Gaza’s Offshore Gas Fields.

The Suez Bottleneck: A Case for the Ben Gurion Canal

ISRAELI WAR: Facilitating Two Israeli Projects – For MoneyHelena, the Nationalist Voice

The two projects are:  

1. The Ben Gurion Canal, and

2.  A high speed rail system from tel Aviv to the shores of Gaza.  The obstacle was the Palestinians in Gaza.  Bring on the bombs and bulldozers!  Flatten Gaza in preparation for the Projects!

The Ben Gurion Canal is a revitalized concept to be a challenge to the Suez Canal owned by Egypt.  The Canal will connect the Mediterranean with the Red Sea from the port of Eilat thru Gaza.  The original route would have gone north of Gaza at a considerably higher price.  In the world of the Cabal, eliminating an entire population of Palestinian men, women and children – is simply collateral.  Just ask Hillary and Albright.

The high speed rail will increase tourism traffic exponentially and will operate parallel to the Canal.  The $14 billion ‘military aid’ the US just gave Israel is a down payment on an investment – an investment that will never return a dime to the American People paying for it.   The new military base the US is currently building in Negev, near Gaza, will house the engineers and construction base for the Canal’s excavation….

Western nations knew this was going down well before Netanyahu provoked Gaza, turned off the Iron Dome, and ignored warnings of incoming rockets.  The party in the desert was likely staged to provoke the necessary rage to support the genocide Netanyahu had already planned…. Egypt and Saudi relations have been somewhat compromised over the last few years. Most recently due to rival factions in Sudan. In addition, when Ethiopia built the Nile River dam, Egypt found its water supply severely diminished.  The Saudi’s and UAE supported Ethiopia and Ethiopia is now assisting Israel diverting water to its Canal.

Not only will Egypt suffer from diminishing water supplies, it now faces losing Suez traffic to the Israeli projects. The economy will suffer. Which is why Egypt cannot host any refugee Palestinians. The added burden will cripple their economy. Which is why Israel told Gazans to move to the southern border with Egypt – to push them into the unwanted hands.

The puzzle pieces are in place. There is no WWIII.  There is no coming nuclear holocaust.  There is only Israel manipulating the entire Middle East invoking genocide in order to facilitate making more money…

Another take: All you should know about the Israeli Ben Gurion Canal project — By
Frontier India News Network


The idea of Ben Gurion canal has surfaced at a time when the Abraham Accords have radically changed the political landscape of the sensitive region. On 20th October 2020, the unthinkable happened when the Israeli state-owned Europe Asia Pipeline Company (EAPC) and the UAE-based MED-RED Land Bridge inked an arrangement to use the Eilat-Ashkelon pipeline to move oil from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean.

On 2 April 2021, Israel announced that work on the Ben Gurion Canal is expected to begin by June 2021. The initial reference to the Ben Gurion Canal was published about two years back in Hebrew language publications. As per the sources, Israel will build the canal from Eilat on the Red Sea to Mediterranean….

I am visual and like maps. so here is the visual. You can see how getting rid of the Palestinian ‘problem’ would be ‘beneficial’.

Note the jog to the right to get around GAZA. It is not very clear in this map.

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Funny how NONE of this is Mainstream US News…

Gail Combs

Yes it did and it is now active from what I heard/read.


Been in articles a few times recently.


On first question why is intel so good now. Ans. SIGINET. They are just gathering locations of electronic comms by Hamas and attacking those clusters. Raids would ignore those operating with limited use of comms as they can’t be detected by this means.

The Collective Punishment talk is a two way street. Both sides are engaged in using the civilian population of Gaza as a wedge against the other. At the same time the Gaza population is decidedly in favor of Israel’s destruction and favors Hamas whetter they’ve taken up arms or not.

The economic pursuit of the two trans projects likely holds validity, but is not out of the norm for nation states to pursue what is in their own interests. We’ve seen this since Troy was besieged by Greece. Avoiding and or controlling access to trade routes is what is at stake here and has it’s normal positive and negative effects to in both the region and world wide. Knowing this and that Israel controls the land works demonstrate that Gaza may also be used by those who oppose these developments so this argument also works both ways.

At the heart of this continues to be Islam’s, hatred of everything not yet part of the Ummah (the yet unrealized greater Islamic religious state). Islam itself is an economic tool for control of economies. All wars can be traced back to economics and the only thing that transcends that are the relations between the sexes. Indeed Mohammad’s Quran is the result of trying to regulate such relationships with his barbaric pirate brothers in the desert and the desert pirates had their way.

Gail Combs

There is another bit of Strategy in play. A much larger canal Plus a rail system puts a major crimp in China’s Belt and Road plans, or so some seem to think.

As with the Civil War and ‘slavery’ The surface issue served to the public is often as not the ACTUAL issues. (Northern economic & manufacturing dominance of the South)


On a fun note, imagine the historically important stuff they’d dig up along that route!

Gail Combs

OH Yes!

I would love to go on a dig in that area.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Probably not a lot in the Negev. But near the north end?

Of course since we don’t know what we don’t know there could be surprises anywhere along that route.

Gail Combs

FDA works to finally ban soda ingredient outlawed in other countries

ABOUT TIME!!! E.M. Smith (chiefio) had a deep dive on this almost ten years ago!

Bromine, Iodine, Prostate and Breast Cancer | Musings

Elevated Bromide Levels Implicated In Every Thyroid Disease

One significant factor that is contributing to the growing rates of iodine deficiency and thyroid issues is bromine exposure and toxicity.

Iodine, vitally needed by every tissue and organ in your body, supports your thyroid function. Although many cells use iodine, your thyroid gland uses what’s available first to produce the thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4).

Bromide is an insidious additive used in many common products. Because of the sheer amount of bromide-supplemented products, exposure to this man-made additive has caused severe depletion of iodine in the human population.

Bromines are common endocrine disruptors. Classified as a chemical halide, bromine competes for the receptors in the thyroid that capture and take up iodine. In other words, bromine displaces iodine and puts you at risk for a number of health problems. Bromine also may interfere with iodine’s ability to prevent breast cancer. This problem is called the “Bromide Dominance Theory.”


Good info regarding bromine. Don’t omit fluoride & Chlorine from the iodine neutralizing / halogens. All of them contribute to Thyroid & immunity issues.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Presumably the body knows how to handle chlorine, as it’s in table salt.

Fluorine? perhaps not.

Luckily we needn’t wory about astatine and tennessine.


Not for very long, anyway — At-210’s half-life is 8.1 hours and Ts-294’s is 51 ms. Other isotopes of each are even faster.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The point is with half lives like those, there isn’t any around to be an issue in the first place.

Cuppa Covfefe

The latter could probably be removed (rolled away) by a Tennessine Walz… 🙂


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Gail Combs


Gail Combs

Stop Drinking the Political Kool-Aid, America: Voting Will Not Save Us
I find this article a BLACK PILL coupled with mostly USELESS ‘advice’ Compare it to


…We’re being duped into believing that this mockery of a choice between two candidates who are equally unfit for office actually translates to having some say in how the government is run.

To the contrary, this particular con game is part of a long-running, elaborate scam to keep the Deep State in power and leave the populace deluded, distracted and incapable of demanding accountability, transparency and decency from the government and its cohorts.

Politics is entertainment.

It is a heavily scripted, tightly choreographed, star-studded, ratings-driven, mass-marketed, costly exercise in how to sell a product—in this case, a presidential candidate—to dazzled consumers who will choose image over substance almost every time….

The government as we have come to know it—corrupt, bloated and controlled by big-money corporations, lobbyists and special interest groups—will remain unchanged. And “we the people”—overtaxed, overpoliced, overburdened by big government, underrepresented by those who should speak for us and blissfully ignorant of the prison walls closing in on us—will continue to trudge along a path of misery….


Washington thrives on money, so stop giving them your money. Stop throwing your hard-earned dollars away on politicians and Super PACs who view you as nothing more than a means to an end. There are countless worthy grassroots organizations and nonprofits working in your community to address real needs like injustice, poverty, homelessness, etc. Support them and you’ll see change you really can believe in in your own backyard.

Politicians depend on votes, so stop giving them your vote [and help vote in communists! -gc] unless they have a proven track record of listening to their constituents, abiding by their wishes and working hard to earn and keep their trust….

It takes a citizenry that is informed about the issues, educated about how the government operates, and willing to make the sacrifices necessary to stay involved, whether that means forgoing Monday night football in order to attend a city council meeting or risking arrest by picketing in front of a politician’s office. [spoken like a true leftist! Protests by the Right are USELESS. Phone calls, emails, faxes, delegations with REAL signatures… MIGHT work. -GC]

It takes a citizenry willing to do more than grouse and complain. We must act—and act responsibly—keeping in mind that the duties of citizenship extend beyond the act of voting.

“…so stop giving them your money. Stop throwing your hard-earned dollars away on politicians and Super PACs…”

I have a bit of a problem with that. IF Politicians ONLY get Big Business money such as Arabella Advisors: then that is who they serve.

“…There are countless worthy grassroots organizations and nonprofits working in your community…”

𝔼𝕩𝕔𝕦𝕤𝕖 𝕞𝕖 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝔹𝕌𝕃𝕃 𝕊ℍ𝕀𝕋!!

As most of us have found out, LEFTISTS LOVE TO TAKE OVER grassroots organizations and nonprofits. Heck I have a leftest friend doing it right now to a fledgling organization.

From my very old notes:
…In brief Maurice Strong worked in Saudi Arabia for a Rockefeller company, Caltex, in 1953. He left Caltex in 1954 to worked at high levels in banking and oil. By 1971, he served as a trustee for the Rockefeller Foundation, and in 1972 was Secretary-General of the U.N. Conference on the Human Environment. He was Co-founder of the WWF and Senior Advisor to the World Bank and the UN.

Strong’s early work with YMCA international “…may have been the genesis of Strong’s realization that NGOs (non-government organizations) provide an excellent way to use NGOs to couple the money from philanthropists and business with the objectives of government.”

Very few of even the larger international NGOs are operationally democratic, in the sense that members elect officers or direct policy on particular issues,”</b> notes Peter Spiro. “Arguably it is more often money than membership that determines influence, and money more often represents the support of centralized elites, such as major foundations, than of the grass roots.” The CGG [Commission on Global Governance] has benefited substantially from the largesse of the MacArthur, Carnegie, and Ford Foundations….

By Presidential Executive Order the USA was divided into ten regions. These regions are governed by an unholy mix of unelected government bureaucrats and NGOs. The regions were set up by President Nixon but the implementation of the “regional governance concept began in earnest with the Clinton-Gore administration. “On the heels of the President’s Council on Sustainable Development , came the President’s Community Empowerment Board, chaired by Vice President Al Gore,” – LINK These quasi-governmental regional authorities are slowly transforming the US from representative government to government by United Nations and foundation sponsored and directed NGOs and appointed bureaucrats.


SCIENTIFIC STUDY Says World’s Stocks Controlled by Select Few

A recent analysis of the 2007 financial markets of 48 countries has revealed that the world’s finances are in the hands of just a few mutual funds, banks, and corporations. This is the first clear picture of the global concentration of financial power, and point out the worldwide financial system’s vulnerability as it stood on the brink of the current economic crisis…

The most pared-down backbones exist in Anglo-Saxon countries, including the U.S., Australia, and the U.K. Paradoxically; these same countries are considered by economists to have the most widely-held stocks in the world, with ownership of companies tending to be spread out among many investors. But while each American company may link to many owners, Glattfelder and Battiston’s analysis found that the owners varied little from stock to stock, meaning that comparatively few hands are holding the reins of the entire market


We are being black pilled ? I am not giving up no way then they win. I did not get as old as I am by giving up and in. I have seen it before people giving in its a pity.

Gail Combs

This is another TELL:

“…We’re being duped into believing that this mockery of a choice 𝕓𝕖𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕥𝕨𝕠 𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕤 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕦𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕠𝕗𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕖…”



Yes he is proven himself not perfect but neither am I.

Gail Combs

He is a heck of a lot better president than anything else I have seen in my adult life.


True .


He rounded up and jailed violent gang members in huge numbers. 

Back to basics.

Gail Combs

This is well worth the read. It is by Martin Armstron and very short.

Central Bank & The Taking of Assets?
This is one of the comments.

We have to be concerned that there really is no rule of law that will protect you in a crisis.

The laws have been deliberately re-written to assure that you will get nothing.

For the past 25 years, the global financial cartels have been re-writing the laws under which they operate…

The principal thrust of their operations is to steal everything you have. You no longer fully own your stocks. No such thing as a piece of paper, it is all digital. And for the past twenty years, the following improvements have been made to everything in your portfolio, and that of any pensions, government or otherwise. If the fund that holds your stocks fails, you don’t get anything. Their creditors get it all. Webb explains:

  :wpds_arrow: “Essentially all securities “owned” by the public in custodial accounts, pension plans and investment funds are now encumbered as collateral underpinning the derivatives complex, which is so large that there is not enough of anything in the world to back it.


“It is now assured that in the implosion of “The Everything Bubble” collateral will be swept up on a vast scale. The plumbing to do this is in place. Legal certainty has been established that the collateral can be taken immediately and without judicial review, by entities described in court documents as “the protected class”. Even sophisticated professional investors, who were assured that their securities are “segregated” will not be protected.”

Ownership of securities as property has been replaced with a new legal construct of a “security entitlement”, which is a contractual claim assuring a very weak position of the account provider becomes insolvent.”

In case you’re confused, you are not a ‘secured creditor’. You can read the rest here, including every national and international law and treaty that has been written and accepted and entered into law.


In other words, when the Globalist Elite Collapse the System — YOU GET NOTHING and THEY, the BANKSTERS GET EVERYTHING…


Well, … that’s damn depressing.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I guess this is an argument for never borrowing with collateral (if you can’t just not borrow at all).


Including our lead. They will need Elon to exit them to another planet.

Gail Combs

I sure hope you are correct. However FIRST we have to KNOW WHO THEY ACTUALLY ARE!


If palestinians wanted peace, they would already have it:

“In 2005, Palestinian Arabs were given autonomy over the Gaza Strip for the first time in their history. To make it happen, the Israeli government forcibly removed thousands of Israelis from the area. Without military protection, Jews would be murdered by Palestinians, who prefer their land Judenfrei.

As Jews were being evicted from their homes, some began to dismantle the farms and hothouses they’d built, reluctant to hand over years of hard work. In the name of peace, however, American Jewish donors purchased the 3,000 remaining greenhouses that stood over 1,000 acres for $14 million and gave it to the Palestinian Authority, gratis. A large portion of the donations were earmarked for “crucial equipment like computerized irrigation systems” and other modern farming systems for Palestinians.

As soon as the Jews were gone, mobs of Palestinians showed up and broke windows, stole irrigation hoses, water pumps, and everything else they could get their hands on, destroying everything they could, as “police” stood by and watched. This happened before Hamas came to power. Before any blockades.”

What people who think a “two-state solution” is possible, or that somehow hamas is to blame for the problems of palestinians are discounting is islam. islam calls for the murder of ALL Jews. Period, end of sentence. This is because the Jews were originally commanded by God to wipe out all the people in the land He gave them, and they failed to do it. When mo-ham-head arose, he knew this history, and his writings were in response to it, whether that is specifically written or not. The religion of pieces and Judaism are mortal enemies, and always have been.

Many secularist people are inclined to discount the Bible as history, but it is. It took me many years to figure that out. But that history got us to where we are right now, watching this conflict between religions. Because that is what it is. This is not a conflict between nations, whatever they call themselves. This goes all the way back to the sons of Noah.

Cuppa Covfefe

Give the Mo-Ham-Headans an inch, and they’ll take a mile. And they persist, and persist, and persist, until they wear the other person down, who finally, grudgingly acquiesces to whatever the Mozzie has been pestering them about…

I’ve seen it in action, and used (abused) against family members.

Jack Smith is a THUG

see I had 2 kids–9 months apart–try that tactic on hubby and me for 30 years…LOL


So did I have two kids 9 months apart. This was like having twins.

Jack Smith is a THUG

LOL…i bet mine was easier.
hubby had a daughter and I had a son when we met. (we met because they were best friends at daycare) they are 9 months apart.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That is cheating.


Jack Smith is a THUG



My were premature one was born in beginning of Feb the other end of March. I was young and had much energy and very organized.
For my son it was a negative daughter bossed him and did everything for him. We had to separate them in preschool and he was lost and she was frustrated . They are still close .
My son has no children and my daughters girl is his everything. She loves her uncle. My granddaughter admits “he is only so over indulgent because I am not his kid 🙂

Jack Smith is a THUG

sounds like a good uncle to me!


Yes he is and his wife loves her nice also. She calls her her nice 🙂 Both send my granddaughter packages to University.



Gail Combs

Make I suggest you listen to this video?

We have a tendency to see black and white and ONLY TWO SIDES completely missing the sinister hand pulling the strings of BOTH SIDES.

The above video looks at the recent history from the death of the ottoman empire and the rise of the British Empire in the middle east.

Again, I do not like ISLAM at ALL However I would like a solution that is not complete genocide of over two billion people.


I don’t do badlands media.

Recent history is irrelevant to the conflict between Jews and islam. That is the problem. Everyone wants to talk about how Israel the country was formed in 1948. But that overlooks the 3000 year history of Jews in the land God gave them. The Jews rebuilt the Temple in Jerusalem 600 years before islam was a thing. They know it. It is their history. Pretending they don’t have a right to that land, which the palestinians do, just won’t cut it.

The “sinister strings” theories are so convoluted at this point that they don’t hold up to scrutiny. Too much is just illogical. It’s that “40D chess” idea. I don’t buy it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If memory serves they rebuilt the temple in the 500s BCE after being allowed to return by the Persian empire.

That puts it over a thousand years before Islam.


The Second Temple period runs from about 538 BCE to about 70 CE:

Robert Baker

There is, as you might expect, disagreement on the dates of the second temple.

Secular accounts place the completion of the Second Temple in approximately 516 BCE but some Jewish sources date the completion much later in 350 BCE. Herod the Great rebuilt the Temple in 20-18 BCE.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ah, the completion…I was thinking of the start date.


Once again, you are going to like my next Civilized War post. Think Ishmael.

You are spot on – it is a religious family feud.

Gail Combs

AND it is FUELED from the OUTSIDE!

It started a couple hundred years ago with the Brits & France and there has been continued pot stirring ever since. Has everyone FORGOTTEN KERRY, BRENNAN and OBAMA??

For history SEE:

The British collusion with the Muslim Brotherhood 

This has a video

The role of Great Britain

Contrary to the Muslim Brotherhood’s claim that it is an anti-imperialist force, pan Arabists believe the Islamist organization is one of the most effective weapons of Western imperialism in the Arab world.

👉Founded during the British influence in Egypt in 1928, the former MI6 agent John Coleman says the MB was created by “the great names of British Middle East intelligence” and that their mission was to “keep the Middle East backward so that its natural resource and oil, could continue to be looted…”

Coleman adds that without the British, “radical Islam would have remained the illegitimate, repressive minority movement that it has always been, and the Middle East would have remained stable and prosperous.”

In an article entitled “What is the Muslim Brotherhood and Will It Take Over Egypt?” American investigative journalist Robert Dreyfuss explains that “The Muslim Brotherhood served as a battering ram against nationalists and communists, despite the Brothers’ Islam-based anti-imperialism, the group often ended up making common cause with the colonial British. It functioned as an intelligence agency, infiltrating left-wing and nationalist groups.”

In 1954, the MB’s chief international organizer Said Ramadan, the son-in-law of Hassan al-Banna, had come to the attention of both the CIA and MI-6 and Ramadan met with President Eisenhower in the Oval Office. According to Dreyfuss, Ramadan had likely been recruited as a CIA agent.

Wall Street Journal reporter Ian Johnson has since documented the close ties between Ramadan and various Western intelligence services and he wrote: By the end of the 50s, “the CIA was overtly backing Ramadan.”

Now, if we look objectively what the MB has done in the Middle East and North Africa, especially in Egypt and Syria, the MB was used as a weapon against Arab socialist leaders, such as Nasser and Assad, who a few decades ago were part of a rising tide of pan Arabism which sought, as its ultimate goal, independence from Western hegemony.

During that period, the Saudis have been the key financiers of the MB for decades for the same reasons that the US and the Western powers needed them: which is opposition to pan Arabism.

Nowadays, as the political rift increases between the MB and Saudi Arabia’s Wahabi ideology, Saudi Arabia no more supports the MB, instead, Turkey and Qatar are considered the key supporters of the organizations….


REMEMBER Ex-PRIME MINISTER BLAIR, going to the Middle East on behaf of the WORLD BANK?


  :wpds_arrow: ….𝔹𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕒𝕚𝕟 𝕓𝕖𝕘𝕒𝕟 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕄𝔹 𝕚𝕟 𝔼𝕘𝕪𝕡𝕥 𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝟙𝟡𝟜𝟘𝕤, 𝕚𝕟 𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕠 𝕙𝕚𝕥 👉𝕤𝕖𝕔𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣👈 𝕡𝕠𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕚𝕖𝕤 that were represented by the Wafd Party. According to a British intelligence report in 1942, the British Royal Palace decided that the MB was a useful group for them.

The author of “Secret Affairs” also revealed the secret funding of Britain to the MB in Egypt, in order to overthrow former President Gamal Abdel Nasser, who nationalized the Suez Canal, which led to the tripartite aggression by the UK, France and Israel against Egypt in 1956.

During the tripartite aggression against Egypt, Britain had secret contacts with the MB, and a number of religious figures, as part of its plans to topple or assassinate Nasser….

THINK of POTUS TRUMP, the SWORD DANCE and Prince MBS determination to drag Saudi Arabia into the 21st century and the modern age.


Yup ^^^

Gail Combs

Also Israel and Saudi Arabia were in talks and making progress when the Attack Happened.

The Cabal/Brits/Banksters DO NOT WANT A PEACEFUL, THRIVING Middle East. (Or Africa)


(Or Russia)

Gail Combs

Too True.

They still are punishing Russia for interfering in the US Civil War.



I tried explaining this to a friend today. I told her I think I have a better handle on it because I am Southern. We hold grudges for generations. Think Hatfields and McCoys. It is a product, I think, of Scottish clan heritage and behavior, brought over before the clans were subdued by the British in Scotland in 1745.

I can’t wait to read what you have to say about this. It took me a long time to accept and understand, but the Old Testament really is Jewish written history. The argument can be made whether the events recorded came from God, or not. For example, did Moses actually speak to God, or did he carve the tablets himself with his own ideas and bring them down? Was Sodom destroyed by God or by a meteor the ancient people attributed to God? That is a belief and faith question, and isn’t really provable as far as I can see. I believe it was God, but that’s faith.

However, the Ten Commandments came off a mountain carved into stone (the tablets probably were small and looked nothing like what the movies show!), and Sodom was destroyed. The O.T. records the actual lived history of the Jews. The events in it were real.

It was difficult for me to accept that, but over the last year I’ve studied this stuff intently. I’ve gone so far as to take classes in theology and Biblical history.

The Jewish people know the O.T. is their historical record. That record shows three thousand years of slavery, oppression, and death for their people. It also shows that they were in the area where Israel is now three thousand years ago. The O.T. records them rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem 600 years before Mohammed even lived. They are indigenous to that land.


You are on a wonderful journey of discovery. I am so happy for you!


Thanks, TB.

If you’ve never tried any of the free Hillsdale College courses online, I highly recommend Genesis, and The David Story. The teacher is just fantastic.

Theology 101 was also very good, but it was way harder to pass the tests!


I am always wary of the word ‘theology’, as it often works out to be the doctrines, traditions and commandments of men (one particular group of men or another):


1) The study of the nature of God and religious truth; rational inquiry into religious questions.

2) A system or school of opinions concerning God and religious questions: “Protestant theology; Jewish theology.”

3) A course of specialized religious study usually at a college or seminary

The first definition appears to be good.

The second is a ‘school of opinions’ (of men), i.e., doctrines and traditions of men, a narrative.

The third is an institutionalized version of the second.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

Theology is how you got to be a Protestant instead of a Catholic, Scott. The Council of Trent, the writings of Thomas Aquinas, the musings of St. Augustine; ALL of these, encompassed in the study of theology, inform your religious beliefs and practices so deeply you are unaware of it.

Your religion was formed by the philosophies and arguments of great men who pondered the nature of God centuries ago. You are simply oblivious to that if you ignore them.

Those are the type of topics covered by the Hillsdale course. I am not interested in blind belief; I am an educated and philosophical believer. Just the way God made me. 🙂


“Theology is how you got to be a Protestant instead of a Catholic, Scott.”


But I am not a Protestant.

People frequently assume that I am a Protestant because I am not a Roman Catholic, but the idea that a Christian must be either Protestant or Roman Catholic is a false dichotomy.

You know who came before Protestants, it was Roman Catholics. But do you know who came before Roman Catholics?

It was Christians.

It says so, right here:

“And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.” (Acts 11:26, KJV, boldface mine)

Christians came first. There is no one called ‘Catholic’ or ‘Roman Catholic’ in God’s Word, because no such thing existed in the 1st century. There was no Roman Catholic Church. There was no Vatican. There was no Pope. There was none of that. All of that came much later, and however it happened, there is zero authority for it in God’s Word.

That’s an incontrovertible fact. Jesus never taught the religion of Roman Catholicism, and the Apostles never practiced it or taught it, to anyone.

Because it didn’t exist.

Let that sink in for a moment. I’m not sure most people ever even consider that reality. And the RCC certainly doesn’t want you to.

The church I am a member of is non-denominational, autonomous (i.e., there is no umbrella group that oversees our specific congregation), and we are in fellowship with other autonomous non-denominational congregations. No different than the churches in the New Testament. Very much by intent.

When I tell people we do what the Bible plainly says, by command, authorized example or necessary (not possible but necessary) inference, most people either don’t understand or they just don’t believe it. It’s the strangest thing.

Everything that is done, from the moment you walk into the church building for worship services until you depart, we have book, chapter and verse to back it up.

If that comes across as obsessive, it shouldn’t, in practice nobody is pointing out the verses or passages citing authority for each thing unless someone asks. Anyone in the congregation, with the exception of young children or new members, should be able to give an answer.

Not that anyone has the entire Bible memorized, but people are familiar with the appropriate passages and can find them in a Bible fairly quickly, or like I usually do, with the assistance of an online searchable Bible. I know enough key words from the applicable passage(s) to find it quickly.

We do encourage visitors to ask about anything we do or teach, because we want to be able to show them book, chapter and verse for it, to demonstrate that it’s not our doctrine, but that it comes directly from God’s Word. Or to show that it falls under generalized authority, i.e., go unto all the world preaching the gospel, without specifying by foot, by horse, by car, etc., so the method of travel is whatever we may choose.

Adhering to what God’s Word says is (among other things) a conscious effort to avoid error, and in doing so, belief and practice is actually very simple, because the practices revealed in God’s Word are really very simple.

Generation upon generation of human tradition and doctrines have not been added to our practices and beliefs, so we don’t have to keep track of any of that, or try to defend it. We just do what the Book says. If someone asks why we do some thing, we open the Bible and say “Here, this is why”. What more could need to be said?

There is never any need to cite some guy in some council from a thousand years ago, or some scholar in some monastery 500 years after the New Testament was complete. And there is never any need for fancy tap-dancing to explain obvious contradictions, because if you’re not practicing any doctrines, commandments or traditions of men, you’re not in any danger of contradicting anything said in God’s Word.

It’s so simple, it’s the opposite of complicated. It protects against adding to or subtracting from what God’s Word has authorized.

And it also serves to keep us aware of what is authorized by God’s Word, so that when we see something that is not authorized, it stands out like a Bambi scene in a slasher movie.

Or a slasher scene in a Bambi movie 😂

What I mean is, it’s jarring. It’s obvious. It sticks out like a sore thumb.

That’s why I point out things that people do that have no basis in Scripture all the time. It’s because I know it’s “not in there”.

If it was, I’d have seen it by now!

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467


I have a friend in an “independent” church. She sounds like you.

Nobody in my church “cites” authority from someone 1000 years ago, either.

There’s always someone who thinks “their” Christianity is the only “right” way. And it only serves to drive off seekers of faith.




It’s definitely not semantics. It couldn’t be more serious.


“I have a friend in an “independent” church. She sounds like you.”


Maybe she is, or maybe she isn’t.

What church is it?


“Nobody in my church “cites” authority from someone 1000 years ago, either.”


That’s good.

Can they cite authority from God’s Word?

Not for some things, not for most things, but for every thing?


“There’s always someone who thinks “their” Christianity is the only “right” way.”


It doesn’t matter at all what I think, I am no one.

But it does matter what God’s Word says, doesn’t it?

What if God says there is only one way, and it’s His way?

He has a right to make that determination, doesn’t He?

What if you can have it your way, or you can have it His way, but not both?

If it is the members of the body, the church, who are saved, is it not important to be a member of that body, a member of His church?

Or will any church do?


“And it only serves to drive off seekers of faith.”


So either I agree with you and say want you want to hear, i.e., ye olden “I’m okay, you’re okay“, or you will blame me for driving you away?

Is that what one who seeks truth would do?

I am not saying these things or asking these questions to upset you.

I seek the truth.

Same as you.


“I seek the truth.

Same as you.”

Not the same as me, at all.


“The Council of Trent, the writings of Thomas Aquinas, the musings of St. Augustine; ALL of these, encompassed in the study of theology, inform your religious beliefs and practices so deeply you are unaware of it.”


This is exactly what I mean.

You have been told these things, but they are not true.

Any thing which these men you mention have taught, is either IN the Bible and plain to read, or it isn’t.

If it isn’t, then we don’t believe or practice it.

And if it is in the Bible, then they didn’t come up with it, so any man can read it and come to the same conclusion.

Was God trying to make it complicated, so people couldn’t be saved?

Did God fill His Word with a bunch of fast ones, trying to get things by us, which only wise men from a thousand years (after the first century and before now) could figure out?

Come on… that’s silly.

What did Aquinas teach, that is not in the Bible? If it isn’t in there, then we don’t practice it. And if it is in there, we didn’t need Aquinas to point it out.

Same for Augustine and any other.

All this extraneous stuff, how does it save anyone’s soul?

Isn’t that what the Bible is for?

Isn’t that why Jesus had to come to this world, and die on the cross?

What does Augustine or Aquinas contribute to that, that wasn’t already known at the end of the 1st century, when the New Testament was completed?

You see what I mean?


“And if it is in the Bible, then they didn’t come up with it, so any man can read it and come to the same conclusion.”

No, they can’t.

Some people need things pointed out to them. Otherwise, why have a church at all? Just have Bible, will travel.

I find uneducated people reading the Bible and misinterpreting (often egregiously) all the time. And they use their “knowledge” like a cudgel.

Why do Bible study, or church service? If there’s nothing to talk about, why talk at all?

I don’t see what you mean. It takes an arrogant mind to feel there’s nothing to be learned at all from other thinkers.


“Your religion was formed by the philosophies and arguments of great men who pondered the nature of God centuries ago. You are simply oblivious to that if you ignore them.”


But it wasn’t.

I don’t even like the word ‘religion’ in most cases, because it has been so abused.

Do you know how many times the word ‘religion’ appears in God’s Word?

People might assume it’s a lot, but it isn’t.

It only appears five times in the entire Bible. Three are in reference to the Jewish religion (Acts 26:5, Galatians 1:13 and 1:14), one is a positive example of religion (James 1:27), and the last is a negative example of religion (James 1:26).

That’s it.

My beliefs were formed by reading God’s Word, and from being taught God’s Word by others who were familiar with it.

Not by saying “trust me”, but by opening the Bible and putting their finger on a specific verse to answer my questions.

I take the simplicity for granted, but I get the impression this must be mind-blowing to those who dive into and embrace the totality of all the human teachings of the past nearly 2,000 years.

Or that I suggest that it’s all irrelevant — because it is.

What did Aquinas ever teach, that any human being needs to know, in order to be saved?

If there was even one single thing, then what about all the people who lived after the 1st century but before Aquinas? Were they all lost, because they didn’t have the benefit of Aquinas?

Did Aquinas die on the cross for us?

No one has to ever have heard of Thomas Aquinas to become a Christian and be saved.

In the years since I have been a Christian, I have not heard Aquinas’ name mentioned a single time, except for a comparative religion study we did shortly after I was baptized, with a workbook, which had a chapter on each of the various major denominations, to learn what various people who self-identify as Christians believe and teach — and why.


I was given an inquiring and curious mind by God. That’s for a reason, like everything else.

I am supremely wary of people or groups who claim “the only right way.”

Scripture must be open for discussion, period, for my participation.


“I was given an inquiring and curious mind by God. That’s for a reason, like everything else.”


Well of course. The more inquiring and curious the better. I’m certainly not suggesting otherwise.


“I am supremely wary of people or groups who claim “the only right way.” ”


That’s good.

What if Christ says there is only one way?

And it’s His way?

It would be important to know what His way is, wouldn’t it?

How would you find out?

From Thomas Aquinas?

Or from God’s Word?


“Scripture must be open for discussion, period, for my participation.”


Who is claiming it should be otherwise?


“Those are the type of topics covered by the Hillsdale course.”


I’m sure it was interesting, at least from a historical perspective. Unfortunately, I would be astonished if they didn’t fill you with a bunch of errant ideas as well.


“I am not interested in blind belief;”


Who is?

I’m certainly not.

Have I said anything to indicate otherwise?

There is nothing in Scripture that teaches that our belief should be blind.

It does teach us to beware the doctrines, commandments and traditions of men.

If some thing, some doctrine or teaching, is not found in God’s Word, do you know where it must necessarily come from?

That’s right, from some man.

Who (or Whom) are we to believe and obey?


Or God?

This is one I actually have memorized:

“Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said We ought to obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5… I had to look it up, it was Acts 5:29, KJV)

I know, I know, someone will claim that I took that verse out of context. So if there is any context in which that verse is not true and applicable, what might that be?

There isn’t one 🙂


“I am an educated and philosophical believer. Just the way God made me.”


Good, that will make our discussions all the more interesting!

I encourage you to take your best shot at every opportunity.

It’s how I like to learn, and I get the impression you do too 😁

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

“Unfortunately, I would be astonished if they didn’t fill you with a bunch of errant ideas as well.”

Stop treating me like an undiscerning moron, please. Seriously, the arrogance is very off-putting. Nobody “fills” me with ideas, not a professor, pastor, or you. And I decide what ideas are “errant.” I’m just as able to do that as you are, maybe more so.

So, do you believe Jesus was a man, was God, or was both? Because that question was hotly debated in the years after Christ died, and was the chief decider of which books were included in the Bible. Constantine and Athanasius and their pondering had a lot to do with that. You dismiss the very idea that a thinker had anything to do with it. But prior to the Council of Nicaea, that was a controversy.

Do you read a Bible that contains the Apocrypha, or not? The decision not to include those books in the Protestant Bible you likely read was made for you by another thinker named Martin Luther. Those books were hotly debated for centuries by thinkers.

Whether you accept it or not, your belief system has been influenced by thinkers centuries before you were born. I, as a thinker, am studying how their thinking may, or may not, have changed or corrupted what is now accepted thought. Otherwise, I am just blindly following behind what others before me decided, sometimes centuries ago.


“Stop treating me like an undiscerning moron, please. Seriously, the arrogance is very off-putting.”


I am not, but if we disagree about something, at least at first — which is normal — how would you like me to handle that?

It’s not an easy thing to disagree with someone about religion, without subjecting oneself to attack.

If I am too direct, I’m insensitive and rude. If I am too nice, I’m disingenuous. If I attempt to speak plainly, I am arrogant.

How can I disagree with you, in a way that is acceptable to you?


“Nobody “fills” me with ideas, not a professor, pastor, or you.”


Please tell me how to rephrase it in a way that won’t make you defensive.

There are hundreds, maybe thousands of different ‘churches’ and religious groups in the world.

Nearly all of them in conflict with each other about all sorts of things.

They can’t all be right, and be in conflict.

So it stands to reason, logically, that the vast majority of them are wrong, in at least some very important ways. Ways that matter. Not according to ME, but according God’s Word.

I’ve been through this hundreds of times. If I disagree with someone about their belief, their response is (frequently) to attack me.

But their argument isn’t with me, I’m nobody. Their argument is with God’s Word. They can either support and defend what they believe with God’s Word, or they can’t.

So it’s not personal. There is no reason to be defensive, and there is no reason to attack.

It’s very, very simple.

The things that we believe about God or Jesus or Christianity can only come from two places.

They are either from men, or from God.

If they are from God, then by definition, they will be found in His Word.

Likewise, if the things which we believe are not found in God’s Word, then by definition, those things are of men, and not of God.

That’s about as basic as logic and reasoning gets.

Do you agree, or disagree?


“And I decide what ideas are “errant.”



My experience is that almost everything in this world is a lie, and what people teach about religion is no exception.

They may be intentionally deceptive, or they may be sincere, and sincerely wrong.

When it comes to Christianity, there is an Author of Christianity, and naturally I am referring to Jesus Christ.

So whatever it is that we believe about Christianity either comes from His Word, or it comes from somewhere else.

If it comes from somewhere else, then it is not of God, and it is without Authority.

If it comes from God’s Word, then we will be able to open a Bible and point to the book, chapter and verse.

It will have nothing to do with what I think about it, and everything to do with whether the thing is question is in God’s Word, or it isn’t.

Do you agree, or disagree?

Do you agree that Christ is the Author of Christianity?

Do you agree that God’s Word is Authoritative in all matters having to do with Christianity?

Is any man greater than God?

If the answer to that question is “no”, then who (or Whom) ought we believe and obey?

Man or God?

These are very simple questions, and I know most people don’t like them, because if they answer them honestly, they will be forced to defend and support their beliefs with God’s Word, and many of the beliefs in the world about Christianity can’t pass that test.

If our heart and mind is open and willing, we will hear what God has to say on any matter.

If we are seeking to defend what we choose to believe, we won’t.

I could find another way to say it, I could maybe couch it in softer terms, but that’s what it comes down to.

Does a seeker not seek the truth?

What happens if the truth isn’t what he or she wants to hear?

Does he seek the truth, or doesn’t he?

What did the young ruler do?

He came to Jesus, and he wanted to know the truth. Jesus demonstrated His love toward him by telling him the truth. The young man went away sad, and did not follow Him. (cf. Mark 10:17-22)

Is that not the same position we are all in?


“I’m just as able to do that as you are, maybe more so.”


No doubt. So do you want to have a discussion, or not?

If all I’m supposed to do is validate your belief, then what’s the point?

If we are to have an honest contest of ideas, that’s going to require give and take, defending one’s own beliefs and questioning the other person’s.

Tell me how I can possibly disagree with you in a way that won’t make you defensive, and I’ll try to do that.

Disagreeing with you doesn’t make me arrogant, any more than you disagreeing with me makes you arrogant.

Believing I am right doesn’t make me arrogant, either.

You believe you’re right, don’t you? If we are going to defend something we believe, we have to start from the premise that we believe we are right, don’t we?

Have you ever tried defending something, if you believe you’re wrong?

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

“No doubt. So do you want to have a discussion, or not?”

I can, you can’t.

“If all I’m supposed to do is validate your belief, then what’s the point?”

Back atcha.

“So it stands to reason, logically, that the vast majority of them are wrong, in at least some very important ways. Ways that matter. Not according to ME, but according God’s Word.”

What if YOU are wrong? Does that ever cross your mind?


“So, do you believe Jesus was a man, was God, or was both?”



Fully man, and fully God.

What does that have to do with whether anyone’s soul is saved?

So long as we:

Hear (or read) the gospel of Jesus Christ (cf. Romans 10:17, John 6:44-45)

Believe (Hebrews 11:6, John 8:24, Acts 16:31)

Repent (Luke 13:3, Acts 2:38, Acts 17:30)

Confess (Matthew 10:32-33, Romans 10:9-10)

Be baptized (Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38, Acts 22:16)

Be faithful (2 Peter 2:20-22, Revelation 2:10)


“Because that question was hotly debated in the years after Christ died,”


Everything is ‘hotly debated’ among vain men.

It wasn’t some big thing out of the ordinary, it’s common. It only takes one person to disagree about anything, to create a conflict.

Were the Apostles in doubt, either that Jesus was born in the flesh of a woman, or that he was the Christ, the Son of God?

If they weren’t, then why should anyone else be, and who are the busybodies who were stirring up the conflict, and why should anyone have listened to them?


“…and was the chief decider of which books were included in the Bible.”


Is that what they taught in your course?

That some council of men decided what books were of God, and which weren’t, some 200+ years after the New Testament was complete?

By what right or authority did they decide anything for God?


“Constantine and Athanasius and their pondering had a lot to do with that. You dismiss the very idea that a thinker had anything to do with it. But prior to the Council of Nicaea, that was a controversy.”


Is this not narrative you are repeating?

Have you thought about it critically?

For example, if there was such a great controversy, what did everyone do between the time the New Testament was completed at the end of the 1st century, and the council of Nicaea in 325 AD?

Up until the end of the 1st century, at least one Apostle was still alive who could witness the truth.

It is generally believed to have been John who was alive until then. Did John not know which books were Scripture, and which ones weren’t?

Would anyone in 325 AD know better than John the Apostle?

What happened to all the books of Scripture when John died?

Were they all collected and hidden away, until hundreds of years later, when some group of men put their Imprimatur on it?

Of course not.

Those books of Scripture were circulated and read and followed, and souls were saved during the centuries between the 1st and 4th century, without any stamp of approval by any religious order of men.

Did God, Who created the universe and everything in it, and Who determined to have His Word written down for all mankind to follow and be saved, leave it up to some guys in Nicaea, a couple centuries after the New Testament was complete?

Was God not powerful enough to ensure that His Word was preserved as He wanted it to be?

That it could all have been for nought, if some men at some council got it wrong?

Think about that.

It seems like nobody ever does, nobody asks the obvious questions, they just buy into the narrative.

Is God powerful enough to preserve His Word, or isn’t He?

Is God dependent on man for any thing?

What if they got it wrong?

Is there any reason to think that the people who attended the council at Nicaea were any different than the people who attend any similar gathering today?

Were they not fallible men, no different than men today?

There seems to be a deep seated need, a longing, to follow after men and not God.

It appears to be part of the human condition.

I know what man is.

Man is a liar, a thief, an adulterer, a murderer, and every other sinful thing. We are all sinners.

So while it is certainly interesting, I’m not all wowed over by a council of sinners in 325 AD and their internal politics.

How can they be relevant to your salvation (or mine, or anyone else’s)?

Unless God failed, there is not one thing those men did or said that makes a difference whether you or I obey the gospel of Jesus Christ and we are saved, or not.

As always, it doesn’t matter what I think.

But it does matter what God thinks.

So one of my favorite tests (for myself and others) is a very simple one.

And it’s good preparation.

Pretend it’s Judgment Day, and you are standing before the Lord in judgment.

And suppose He asks you if Thomas Aquinas, or any other man before Thomas or since, died on the cross for your sins.

Since we won’t be able to lie at the Judgment, your answer will be “no”.

Suppose He then asks you to explain why you followed after the doctrines, traditions and commandments of men, when He warned specifically against doing so (cf. Matthew 15:9, Mark 7:7).

What will you say?

Suppose He next asks you if He forgot to include anything in His Word that you needed to know, such that Thomas Aquinas, or any other man, had to help Him out, to take God’s Work and perfect it for Him.

I’m pretty sure your answer will be “No, Lord”.

The point is this. It doesn’t matter if you and I disagree with each other. I am nobody, it doesn’t matter what I think (except to me). I don’t have any power or authority.

But it does matter what God thinks.

And if we are asked by Him to give an account for anything we have believed or practiced in His name at the Judgment, we will have to give an answer.

What kind of answer do you want to be able to give?

Do you want to say you followed after the teachings of Thomas Aquinas or any other man, because God just wasn’t smart enough to explain what you needed to know in order to be saved?

If we have followed after Thomas Aquinas, or any other man, is Thomas going to save us at the Judgment?

Or will he be standing there with us, waiting his turn?

If Jesus asks, how is it going to go for us, if we turn and point to Aquinas and say “I followed that guy, Lord. I liked what he said. He sounded good to me.”

Or do we want to be able to say I know I am far from perfect Lord, I am an unprofitable servant. The things I believed and practiced are all found in Your Word, and I tried to do them.

Which will go better for us?

Not just at the Judgment, but in how we live and the decisions we make between now and then?

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

“Were the Apostles in doubt, either that Jesus was born in the flesh of a woman, or that he was the Christ, the Son of God?”

Umm, yeah? It’s all over the New Testament. Why did Peter almost drown? Also see Matt 28:16-17, Luke 24:9-11, John 20:24. I could go on.

“By what right or authority did they decide anything for God?”

Whether they had the “right” or not, they did it.

“For example, if there was such a great controversy, what did everyone do between the time the New Testament was completed at the end of the 1st century, and the council of Nicaea in 325 AD?”

They spread all kinds of writings about Jesus, including the Gospel of Mary, and the Gospel of Judas, which are not included in the New Testament. Why not?

“Did God, Who created the universe and everything in it, and Who determined to have His Word written down for all mankind to follow and be saved, leave it up to some guys in Nicaea, a couple centuries after the New Testament was complete?”

Apparently he did, because that’s what happened.

Was God not powerful enough to ensure that His Word was preserved as He wanted it to be?”

How many different translations are there of the Bible now?

“What if they got it wrong?”

Which of the translations is the correct one?

This is the most pointless argument ever. You really don’t understand the history of the Book. And I will never convince you, so this is my last word on the subject.


“For example, did Moses actually speak to God,”


If he didn’t, then it was a lie. And if it was a lie, God allowed that lie to stand, meaning God endorsed a lie, meaning God is not perfect and true and righteous in all His ways, meaning God cannot actually be God.

And if it was a lie, then all the rest of God’s Word must therefore be considered a lie.

It’s all or nothing, there is no wiggle room. This is the great challenge of God’s Word to humanity, one of the things that separates it from the false religions of men.

Either God’s Word is true, or it isn’t.

If any part of it isn’t, if any man can prove that any part of God’s Word is false, then the Scriptures are broken, and all of it is cast into doubt.

The Scriptures are more published than any other writings on earth, they have been more harshly and critically examined than any other writings in the history of the world, and no one has broken the Scriptures yet.


“…or did he carve the tablets himself with his own ideas and bring them down?”


If Moses carved the tablets himself and they were his own ideas, then not only was Moses a liar, but it would make Jesus a liar too, because Jesus referenced those Commandments and validated them.

And if Jesus was a liar, then it’s all a lie, and we are without hope.


You are missing my point, Scott.

That point being, even an atheist must understand that the events of the Old Testament are HISTORY.

So the Jews, whether God actually GAVE them the Promised Land, or they just believed he did, they were STILL THERE 3000 years ago.

The point I am making is, it doesn’t have to be a religious argument. The Jews are INDIGENOUS to the land of Israel, whether one believes God gave it to them, or not. A person doesn’t even have to believe in God to grasp that.


Which is a point I will make. Well done.

History that is truth that cannot be changed no matter the attempts to rewrite it.

History shows that it is indeed true the land is Israel’s.




“That point being, even an atheist must understand that the events of the Old Testament are HISTORY.”


They should, but like leading a horse to water, we can’t make them drink it.

As we are learning every day, people don’t need to understand anything, and often times they purposely choose not to understand, to achieve their own self interests.

Or they subconsciously choose not to understand as a form of psychological denial.


“So the Jews, whether God actually GAVE them the Promised Land, or they just believed he did, they were STILL THERE 3000 years ago.”


He did, and they were, but why is it relevant today?

What assumptions do people today commonly make, and what is being ignored?


“The point I am making is, it doesn’t have to be a religious argument.”


Agreed, at least from the perspective of anyone who isn’t islamic.

From the islamic perspective, everything is a religious argument, because their religion teaches to murder and destroy everything that will not submit to islam.


“The Jews are INDIGENOUS to the land of Israel, whether one believes God gave it to them, or not. A person doesn’t even have to believe in God to grasp that.”


I don’t see how the ‘indigenous’ claim can hold up to scrutiny.

For example, people claim that American Indians are ‘indigenous’ to America, but they didn’t spring up out of the ground, they came from somewhere. And there were almost certainly other proto-American Indians who arrived earlier, and the newcomers fought over land with those who arrived earlier, because humans are territorial, and that’s what they do.

The point is, if you go back far enough, nobody is indigenous to anywhere, so anyone who claims to be indigenous is just choosing a starting point that is beneficial to their claim.

The whole concept is a recipe for never-ending war, because people are still being born, and people need a place to live, and if all the land that is livable in the world is already claimed by someone else, then conflict over land is guaranteed in perpetuity.

That conflict can be resolved by war, or by agreement, which generally means through commerce.

With regard to the Jews specifically, the Bible is pretty clear that they were not indigenous to the ‘land of milk and honey’, but that it was promised to them by God.

Not without conditions.

One of those conditions was that they needed to go in and take it from the people who already lived there, and destroy them, among other things.

“But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth: [17] But thou shalt utterly destroy them; namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee: [18] That they teach you not to do after all their abominations, which they have done unto their gods; so should ye sin against the LORD your God.” (Deuteronomy 20:16-18, KJV)

They did go in and take it (after 40 years wandering in the desert because they didn’t believe Joshua and Caleb).

But they did not eliminate all of the current inhabitants.

“Neither did Manasseh drive out the inhabitants of Bethshean and her towns, nor Taanach and her towns, nor the inhabitants of Dor and her towns, nor the inhabitants of Ibleam and her towns, nor the inhabitants of Megiddo and her towns: but the Canaanites would dwell in that land. [28] And it came to pass, when Israel was strong, that they put the Canaanites to tribute, and did not utterly drive them out. [29] Neither did Ephraim drive out the Canaanites that dwelt in Gezer; but the Canaanites dwelt in Gezer among them.” (Judges 1:27-29, KJV)

The rest of the chapter (verses 30-36) details others who were not driven out.

So God kept His Covenant with the People of Israel, but they did not keep their end of it. Not because they were bad people, but because they were human, and flawed, and subject to all the same problems as people everywhere.

Which God knew and foresaw and is why He foretold of a new Covenant (see Hebrews 8:7-13, referencing Jeremiah 31:31-34).

“In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.” (Hebrews 8:13, KJV)


I would argue that “indigenous” would refer to the oldest, still existing, cohesive group of people who could be proven to have continuously lived in an area.

There have been Jews in the area of present-day Israel since they arrived there when it was given as the Promised Land. They are indigenous.

Sure, there may have been other people living there. But a continuous presence of a homogeneous group can’t be proved. The palestinians do not fit the description. They are not indigenous to the area of Israel.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That point being, even an atheist must understand that the events of the Old Testament are HISTORY.

Kindly do not tell people what I and other atheists “must” think.

I cannot speak for others, but personally I think that SOME is historic and SOME is mere legend.


The Torah has been held in the hands of the Jews for thousands of years. It IS their written history, passed down for generation upon generation.

You may, of course, believe what you want. You have a right to your opinion. B

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In any case i don’t think any historian doubts that the united kingdom of Israel and Judah existed (and that’s enough to make your point of long-time-ago ownership of the land). It’s the stuff in Exodus (and to some extent Joshua and Judges) that’s considered murky by modern historians and archaeologists.

You seem to be proceeding from the premise that what is in the Torah is a priori true, which is your privilege; I got my back up because you told people what *I* “must” think based on *your* premise that many do not share.


If you and I could sit down, one on one, and have a real, true, heartfelt discussion, I think I would convince you. 🙂 But it’s an all-nighter, with libations, and a sunrise.

Joshua and Judges are not part of Torah, the Books of the Law. Only Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy are included. Joshua and Judges are books of the Former Prophets, and are stories about important individuals. Those may be considered anecdotal. And you know how stories about people are; the two-pound trout they caught can become a whale!

There is an ever-growing body of evidence that proves that much of the seemingly impossible things in Exodus actually happened. I learn something new about it almost every day. And I came at this with something pretty close to your outlook in the beginning. This kind of thing is hard for people like me, who are somewhat brutally logical.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, I could write a long reply about what the actual historical consensus is. (Ironically it would help your argument of whether the Israelites belong in present day Israel/West Bank *more* than the Torah account would.)

And you’d just dismiss it as bullshit.

I ask that you evaluate your sources. Who are they affiliated with? Are they people whose *primary* motivation seems to be getting you to believe the Bible literally?


Lol. My sources are all over the place. I read everything. I don’t believe everything I read.

And maybe I wouldn’t dismiss your reply as bullshit. How do you know I would? (You don’t have to write it, though. That’s a lot of work).

Mostly, my opinions come from reading a whole bunch of dissenting materials, and re-reading the Bible, and researching the meaning of the actual words used in the Bible, and studying geography and looking at maps, and learning about ongoing archeological finds, and so on. A lot of the “theories” that people have had about geological formations, time itself, catastrophic events in nature, etc. have changed over time. Science is ever evolving if it’s worth a damn.

When you say “literally” believing the Bible, I think people get hung up on what “literally” means. Is forty years in the desert literally forty years, or is it “a long time?” Because the number forty is used again and again in the Bible to mean a long time. So I don’t think that’s always literal. There are other parts of the Bible that I think are allegorical, so are not literal.

But I think the general arc of events in Jewish history are recorded in the Torah, and handed down over millennia, not made up. Because they were motivated to record their history. That’s a very Jewish thing, in my experience. They are big on their history.

And I believe in God. Not because of the Bible, or because of any religious belief, but because of the evidence of my own eyes and mind. The idea that all of what the world is just “came together” with no great guiding hand and force is just not a tenable belief for me. It doesn’t hold up.

We don’t have to agree on any of this to be friends. 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The worst are the true literalists, “Forty years means forty years.” Or (on a related note) “Six days is six days.”

I can get along with an “old earth” creationist. They’re not denying what millions of pieces of evidence say about when things happened. I sometimes wonder how creative they’re being with their interpretations of scripture (in other words, is it a plausible interpretation, or are you grasping at straws?), but that’s another matter.

More specifically I’ve heard about the 40 years being a way of saying “a long time” other places (one could wish they had used a phrase a lot less specific-sounding, but it is what it is).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Anyhow the mere fact that you brought that up tells me a lot about how you think about these things…thanks!

Jack Smith is a THUG

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That is excellent!


The comment was about strength, not fun, though.

If a “diverse” group of people has the same values, as happens when people come to America and assimilate, then the diversity is overcome by those values and they become a united, and hence strong, group.

But diversity for its own sake only leads to disparate value systems warring with one another and the breakdown of social norms and values.


Diversity can be a strength in regards to origin or upbringing as different viewpoints or skills can resolve issues potentially better than one single viewpoint..

Diversity is not a strength in regards to outcome or common goals where each member has a different agenda or vision of final outcome

Jack Smith is a THUG

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Massive Explosion at Chemical Plant in Shepherd, Texas – Residents Ordered to Shelter in Place… Developing

Residents were ordered to shelter in place and turn off air conditioning units after a massive explosion at a chemical plant in Shepherd, Texas on Wednesday. 

Highway 59 was closed due to the explosion. 

“At this time, the effects of the chemical in the air are unknown,” Polk County officials said, according to NBC News.

It is unclear what caused the explosion.

Who knows what toxins are in the air now? Do we all need to be prepared with some kind of gas masks?


here’s live action footage of the burning fire & toxic smoke, an hour ago..

vid link…


No idea the distance, but, IIRC, Butterfly in that general area. Likely northwest. A guess. hope she is doing well. Miss her.

Barb Meier

I have her on TS and sent a PM telling her you asked after her, are concerned about the explosion, and we hope she is okay. I didn’t see anything from her today, but she was reposting a day ago. I’ll keep a watch and let you know if I hear from her.

Gail Combs


Tell her we miss her!

Barb Meier

Will do, Gail! ❤

Gail Combs



Thanks Barb!

Barb Meier

Butterflly is okay! I told her “we miss you” and she replied:

“That’s very far from me. What a sweetie that K-Bo is! I’m good, working long hours. Miss you guys.”

She used lots of loves, hugs, bacon, and somersaults emojis but those don’t come across here. LOL


Good to know Butterfly is OK. I think she worked long hours back when… 🙂 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Bacon emojis….heh heh heh.

Cuppa Covfefe

Tell her howdy! and that she should flutter by 🙂

Gail Combs

There was this comment:

Fact Slapped  TheWorldIsACircus

an hour ago

There’s a video of a Professor who was commissioned by the Federal Government to do a Terrorism Threat Assessment on U.S. Manufacturing Facilities throughout the U.S….


As far as the chemicals … GOOD GRIEF every plant HAS TO HAVE Safety Data Sheets on EVERY SINGLE CHEMICAL IN THE PLANT and that is true since I started in the Chem industry in the 1970s! (Think OSHA and EPA)


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You’re assuming that the plants aren’t slipshod about those MSDS forms, and that the government hasn’t misfiled them.

Gail Combs

Too true, although the fire dept should have copies.


I actually have gas masks. We are paranoid 🙂

Gail Combs



If that’s an option, you bet! If not, better safe than sorry.



Top Republicans Are Calling the Removal of Useless Ronna McDaniel Following Disastrous General Election Results in Deep Red States: ‘It’s Trump’s Call’ (VIDEO)


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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ye Gods. Lester Dolt.

I hated him a lot more than Wallace in the 2016 debates. (At least Wallace asked Hitlary some tough questions.)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Top Repbulicans” means Bannon and Solomon?

They’re basically pundits. Not Republican officials.

Stupid headline.


Top Republicans = Top Mouthpieces


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IMO this is grounds for a mistrial, but I’m no law expert.


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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And they are right. The only barrier to what they want is the “rednecks” (racist or not) so from their point of view they are indeed the problem.

It’s not a lie, Keith, it’s your failure to put yourself into their skulls when you evaluate the statement. They won’t operate as if they are us, they will operate as if they are themselves…because they are.


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Jack Smith is a THUG



Well done, Monica. 👏👏👏


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We’re one year away, and we are not ready. The unthinkable could happen, and I don’t know what we would do in that event.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Just what is this “ready” word people keep bandying about?


I am not a Republican. I am a MAGAdonian. The communist Dems are out. So that means I vote Republican by default. If MAGA ever decides to take over and walk from the Republicans I will be first in line to join and devote my efforts to the cause. I still wish PDT had gone that way. The subsidiary would be going out of business now.

All of it starts at the local election district and moves up to the state capitals. The election apparatus and ballot method employed has to be made a major campaign issue. Simple as that. Make the candidates take a stance on how elections are held. Publicize, advertise, shout it at town halls. etc.


(Mail Online) – Motorist shoots dead two environmental protesters blocking a road: Driver caught in traffic gets out of his car and guns down demonstrators when they refuse to move in Panama

The motorist involved has been arrested.

It appears the only recourse when encountering armed or non-armed activists who block roadways is to submit to their whims but I have to admit, I side with the motorist in this might be considered Murder, but it also might be “just.”


I guess it was only a matter of time. I’ve seen motorists drag people off the streets and also keep driving slowly to make them move. I have thought that those who drag the people could be sued or found liable for “injuries” they might cause.

The frustration level can be an 11 on a scale of 1-10, but murdering them is not “just,” IMO. The driver was not under threat of imminent bodily harm that I know of. Now his/her life has been forever changed, both because he has the taking of two lives on his conscience, but also for whatever legal recourse he faces.

IMO, law enforcement should be stopping these protests the second they start.

Jack Smith is a THUG

i think there are laws (perhaps not in panama) prohibiting blocking roadways.
creating a public nuisance–if there is an ambulance that has to reroute–could the protestors be liable for death?
they have no right to protest on a public thoroughfare.

Gail Combs

It is EXACTLY what is expected when Law Enforcement DOES NOT DO THEIR JOB. I am really surprised no one has done this sooner.

I have ZERO sympathy for those killed. Commit a STUPID ACT and sooner or later you may REAP the consequences.


Capital punishment should be a message to the death row person and his/her cohorts and future criminals so…in this case maybe some of the snowflakes will move out of the way next time

Last edited 1 year ago by mollypitcher5
Gail Combs

The Snowflakes COUNT on people ALLOWING them to get away with their illegal activity.

They tried turning loose horses at a rodeo. They picked a guy’s bull dogging horse. He saw them while on his roping horse. He roped them. dragged them and gave them a MAJOR case of road rash. The local Sheriff (a rodeo fan) saw NOTHING. That was the last time they tried messing with those rodeo cowboys.

A different set, who I board my horses with, had a one of a kind silver trophy saddle go missing. They knew who stole it and dunked his head in the pond until he coughed up the location. The local cop had a hissy fit and they stared him down and asked him Would you have gotten my saddle back?

End of problem.


  :wpds_smile: GREAT stories !

Gail Combs

😊 DON’T mess with Rednecks!


Seems like he still had to move the bodies out of the way.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But at least they didn’t just move back into position as soon as he turned his back on them, like living protestors do.


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Gail Combs

  :wpds_lol:  Someone is not only connecting the dots, they are putting them out there!

Jack Smith is a THUG

this was just posted…please keep PAVACA in your prayers
November 8, 2023 at 2:54 pm Edit
Posted @ M’s:
Hello, everybody—
Please pray for me. I’m at the ER. Thank you. Please alert The Q Tree.
(PAVACA here)


I hope she’s okay. 🙏

Gail Combs

OH NO, 😢


Prayers for NPhilly. May God protect her and I pray for a good outcome what ever is afflicting her.


I think it is Pavaca who went to the ER and that Nebraska Filly brought the news. 😊


Oh God knows who needs prayers 🙂
Pavaca is in my prayers .

Barb Meier


Cuppa Covfefe

The GreenGang’s disaster here in Germany, “thanks” to Robert Habeck appears to be, erm, driving the automotive industry suppliers out of Germany (those who haven’t already gone bankrupt)…

And here’s a pic of our electricity prices, among the highest, if not the highest in the world:

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And all of this is based on the idiotic lie that CO² causes GoreBull warming…

Luboš Motl explains the futility of net zero (one commenter called it nut zero)… good to see Luboš around, although his blog still appears to be sort of an invite-only thing…

Gail Combs

I like Luboš Motl  and was sad when he closed his blog to outsiders. I used to comment there very occasionally.

Cuppa Covfefe

Seems the EU is getting ready to launch the electronic Gulag…. From El Reg

“Bad eIDAS: Europe ready to intercept, spy on your encrypted HTTPS connections”

And Auld Blighty says, “hold my warm ale”,

“UK may demand tech world tell it about upcoming security features”

Total Kontrol… Carpathia must be waiting in the wings…


Thing is, there’s nothing to say that your trusted CAs have to match your browser’s default list of trusted CAs.


“Bad eIDAS: Europe ready to intercept, spy on your encrypted HTTPS connections”


They better not intercept of spy on non-Europeans, or they will find themselves subject to global class-action lawsuits.

On top of that, our own criminal mafia gov’t has a lawful duty to protect the American People from such foreign intercepts and spying.


UK may demand tech world tell it about upcoming security features


So let the tech world deny their unenforceable demand.

Let the People of the UK go into the Digital Dark Ages, and see how long they allow their gov’t mafia to keep that up, while the rest of the world has access.

Do it.

Call their bluff. Force these criminals to be accountable to their own People.


Reminds me of this recently posted today on the Twitter X thing so asking for a friend… are these them?

Cuppa Covfefe

Religion of pieces…

Happens over here all the time, especially in north Germany, worst of all in Hamburg…

Süd-süd-süd-südländers, indeed…….
Cultural enrichment by “specialist expert” “migrants”…..
😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡

And don’t forget their national sport of pushing people down onto the tracks in front of oncoming trains, or pushing them down stairways…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

One of those Os should have a hammer and sickle instead of a swastika.

Gail Combs

The US government will do DIDDLESQUAT because THEY and the Brits are behind HAMAS to begin with!

If anyone defuses the situation it will be Russia, China & Saudi Arabia.


Miranda Devine:

House Oversight Chairman James Comer today is issuing subpoenas and interview requests to:
•Hunter Biden (subpoena)
•James Biden (subpoena)
•Rob Walker (subpoena)
•Sara Biden
•Hallie Biden
•Elizabeth Secundy
•Melissa Cohen
•Tony Bobulinski


Subpoenas don’t apply to the criminal political-class, certainly not to anyone on the Left or in the Uni-Party.

And definitely not to anyone in the Brandon Crime Family.


Your likely right…

Happening Today: Ivanka Trump, the daughter of former President Donald Trump, is being forced to take the stand today in the civil trial against the Trump family. This might be the biggest piece of corruption from the Judge and AG in this entire case.

Ivanka was dismissed as a defendant months ago after a New York appeals court agreed that she has no connection to the claims due to the fact that she wasn’t involved in any way with the business during the alleged fraud. She literally has nothing to do with this.

Judge Arthur Engoron decided she must still come in and testify because he wants to “hear from her in person.” This is absolutely insane. Anyone who supports this doesn’t believe I’m Justice and is fully supporting a corrupt Justice system.

How much longer can this nonsense go on?


“Judge Arthur Engoron decided she must still come in and testify because he wants to “hear from her in person.” ”


We all want things.

What the judge ‘wants’ is irrelevant.

She should have refused, and forced the judge to issue an arrest warrant, and have her arrested.

She has already been found by the court to have no connection, and Judge Slackjaw has no right to compel any private citizen with no connection to the case to do anything.


True enough, but it does set a bar for Hunter Biden to meet. Not that he will care one way or the other, but the bar is now there and public will measure him by it.


“How much longer can this nonsense go on?”


Forever, or until someone stops it, whichever comes first.

If no one stops it, if no one refuses to comply, if no one resists, then it will go on forever.

Because why wouldn’t it?

What is it that people don’t UNDERSTAND about that concept?

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

Mike Lindell shows, with the WiFi detection devices they deployed yesterday, that at every polling station they looked at there were voting equipment online.

Every Polling Location We’ve Checked Has Voting Machines Illegally Online – FrankSpeech


I’m glad they are checking. I don’t know what can be done about it. Maybe have someone who has standing file lawsuits?


“I don’t know what can be done about it.”


There has to be a way to jam or otherwise interfere with a wi-fi signal.

Whatever that way is (no doubt the gov’t can do it), there must be a commercially available version, or a way to cobble such a device together.

If it’s small enough to carry on one’s person, just have volunteers at the polling station with the device in their pocket.

If it’s too big to carry around, set it up in a van and have volunteers park outside of every polling station.

It has to be something the People can do.

Expecting (or waiting around for) law enforcement or gov’t agencies to do anything to obstruct their own criminal activity is a waste of perfectly good hopium.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Gail Combs

there must be a commercially available version, or a way to cobble such a device together.

I bet some of the people here could do it.

The next task would be keeping the “jammer” out of prison. “Election interference,” “interference with a government proceeding,” or something. It doesn’t seem to matter that the government is not obeying the law.

I thought Mike Lindell had come up with something like that but that it had some kind of flaw. Maybe what he has is just a detector, as eilert reported, not a jammer.

We have one year to get this right.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

“The next task would be keeping the “jammer” out of prison. “Election interference,” “interference with a government proceeding,” or something.”


That would make for an interesting case.

“Your honor, the prosecution charges Mr. Joe Six-pack with interfering in the government’s effort to commit a crime against the Republic.

By jamming the wi-fi signal, Mr. Joe Six-pack interfered with and thwarted the government’s attempt to commit election fraud and steal the election.”

Cuppa Covfefe

That revolver article ( ) was quite an eye-opener, as well as scary and maddening.

The affirmative action garbage enabled by the Griggs ruling in 1971 (see ) has led to an enormous loss of competence and qualified employees in the name of “diversity”. In the words of the revolver article:

“Much of this dominance flows out of the legal doctrine of “disparate impact,” created in the 1971 SCOTUS ruling Griggs vs. Duke Power Co. As we explained last May:

Everything tyrannical about modern wokeness flows from this 1971 ruling and the calamitous legal doctrine it created: Disparate impact.”

Stunning, and frustrating. Here’s hoping and praying that Griggs can be revisited and reversed…

There are also some other articles there that are both food for thought, and food for fear, one might say:

Gail Combs

affirmative action ” is a great weapon for DESTROYING the USA. How can we compete with an INCOMPETENT AND HOSTILE WORK FORCE?


Maybe the passage of time will ensure that there’s going to be so few left that recognize incompetence that it becomes a dead issue. High schools are passing illiterates through to graduation, university level..we see what they crank out . The replacements coming over the border aren’t rocket scientists


Take the lowest fruit commercials. Not only are they on a huge percentage of any show’s total run time they are ridiculous. It’s stupid people doing stupid things that barely have a connection to the advertised product.

People of all ages that habitually watch network and streaming with ads are sitting there with their subconscious being filled with idiotic nonsense..for hours on end

Cuppa Covfefe


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

When I am visting someone else and TV is on and I end up watching it I know I feel like I am coming out from a trance when it’s over.

It’s not nearly as bad when it’s something with no commercials.

Last edited 1 year ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Gail Combs

YUP, and it is tough NOT to watch.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Especially when the people you are with wants to watch.

Fortunately with streaming and recorded media they CAN put it on pause.

Cuppa Covfefe

Or, if you have one of these (might not get invited back, though 🙂 )….

comment image


So nyt, ap, and reuters photogs were embedded w hamas during their slaughter.

On October 7, Hamas terrorists were not the only ones who documented the war crimes they had committed during their deadly rampage across southern Israel. Some of their atrocities were captured by Gaza-based photojournalists working for the Associated Press and Reuters news agencies whose early morning presence at the breached border area raises serious ethical questions.
What were they doing there so early on what would ordinarily have been a quiet Saturday morning? Was it coordinated with Hamas? Did the respectable wire services, which published their photos, approve of their presence inside enemy territory, together with the terrorist infiltrators? Did the photojournalists who freelance for other media, like CNN and The New York Times, notify these outlets? Judging from the pictures of lynching, kidnapping and storming of an Israeli kibbutz, it seems like the border has been breached not only physically, but also journalistically.

AP: Photojournalists or Infiltrators?Four names appear on AP’s photo credits from the Israel-Gaza border area on October 7: Hassan Eslaiah, Yousef Masoud, Ali Mahmud, and Hatem Ali.
Eslaiah, a freelancer who also works for CNN, crossed into Israel, took photos of a burning Israeli tank, and then captured infiltrators entering Kibbutz Kfar Azza.

mollypitcher5 I’ve heard it all. Bringing media to the slaughter. Gawd i wish that I’d wake up one day and find out this has been a very bad dream.

Murder and torture on innocents documented as if it was a “war”. It wasn’t a war, it was an ambush on mostly unarmed citizens.

Gail Combs

Never forget the Cabal OWNS the media and they WANT you to think with your emotions and not your head.


Get that but my emotions can span several fronts. Hamas is a bloodthirsty cult and I don’t give a shit who created them.
The cabal’s propaganda arm are despicable bootlickers who obviously will do or say whatever their master tells them to.

My emotions don’t impact what either side has already decided to do. This killing field drama does NOT care what I feel. Their focus is on the narrative of’s those feelz they want to influence.

Gail Combs

I do not want a WAR and I do not want US $$$ to CONTINUE to go to Israel AND Iran ==> Hamas.

I am DARN tired of US Citizens paying in money, sweat and blood for these CABAL WARS.

And no I have ZERO use for HAMAS however I would much rather let Egypt, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia as well as Israel deal with them and the Muslim Brotherhood et al.

When it finally comes down to it, the Middle East is going to have to deal with Middle East problems.


Absolutely. That’s why it infuriates me to see that moron “president” and his admin basically trying to dictate to Netanyahu …and on the other side giving $ to palestine and then $$ to Ukraine and about 150 other countries.
Let them all annihilate each other
We should get out of everybody’s business. If they threaten us..ok..donkey kong..otherwise no

Last edited 1 year ago by mollypitcher5
Gail Combs

AND keep our $$$ HOME. I am sick and tired of being the world piggy bank, World Cop and World Dumping ground for unwanted people (Mostly criminals)


LOL, if only it was as simple as being the World Dumping ground…we are the next country up for native dilution, replacement and death !

As for the World’s Cops..boy is that an old trope now that it’s crystal clear that we start the problems and then step up like Dudley Dooright !!!! Waking up is jarring for those of us that actually believed we were the good guys!

Last edited 1 year ago by mollypitcher5
Gail Combs

I never said we were GOOD cops, just the Cabals endless supply of Cannon Fodder in their CIA sponsored Forever Wars.


They were supposed to be the “neutral” journalists not participate just like the fn nazis did with reels to rewatch it like porn. Sick and these agencies knew.

Gail Combs

 47% of the shares of  Reuters is owned by the Thomson Reuter Co of Canada. DavidThomson and David Rothschild are buddies  DavidThomson and David Rothschild together an action on the environment conducted by The Plastiki on a boat made from 12,000 plastic bottles to sail around the world.


Sacrifice for 😈?



Excellent point that they knew about it and had their photogs prepped and ready. also there had to be a relative understanding that the attack would be unopposed for the major initial assault. Think about that one ! They wouldn’t send them along if there was a high chance of them being caught in crossfire from Israeli military

Gail Combs

As I keep saying THIS STINKS TO HIGH HEAVEN and it smells more every day!


This new revelation is huge. For media to know….EVERYBODY knew including high rank Israeli’s in position of power. Netanyahu may have been totally in the dark because somebody wants him unseated. What better way

Gail Combs

Yeah, Bibi is about as popular as POTUS Trump. He said his generals did not inform him.

NYT– Netanyahu’s Corruption Charges in Israel: What to Know… — 2022/11/03

Mr. Netanyahu, who faces a litany of bribery, fraud and breach of trust charges, has denied all accusations, vociferously attacking those who seek to prosecute him.


Stop and think about it for a minute.

“Photojournalists” sell their photos to the big outfits. They do NOT work for them exclusively. They are almost all independent.

All of the “journalists” I’ve seen so far that were with the terrorists have Middle Eastern (probably palestinian) names.

The “journalists” sold photos to the AP. AP runs a feed which CNN, the NYT, and others use.

So these palestinian photogs sold some photos to the AP, and now they are “photographers working for AP, CNN, NYT, and Reuters were EMBEDDED with Hamas”

Logic. Not feelings.

Last edited 1 year ago by Aubergine

Sick bastsrds. These organizations rubber stamped a massacre for $

Barb Meier

Celebrate Freedom report: Today, I ran errands and heard Glen Beck talking with Kirk Cameron about an org he serves as a Board Advisor.

It’s called SkyTree Book Fairs and sounds like a good way to help schools earn money and ensure the books have been vetted to let kids be kids.

They discussed that Scholastic Books is adding junk to books and sometimes teachers and schools don’t even know. I thought it was interesting, so I added the link to my website. If you have experience with them, hope you’ll let us know.

SkyTree Book Fairs: Let Kids be Kids

Cuppa Covfefe

“Scholastic” has been tainted for decades now. It was leaning hard left even back in the 1950s/1960s when I was in school….

I think the entire “ed biz” is corrupt… as well as most of their vulture suppliers…

Barb Meier

I think part of our solution is for lots of people to pick what they can help make better and do that. Scholastic can go the way of Bud Light if parents and teachers know and have alternatives. Saving the USA is a much bigger job than I ever imagined.

Last edited 1 year ago by Barb Meier


Col. Tony Shaffer: “Who is absent in the attacks against the Israelis?”

Gail Combs

Now that is interesting and adds to what I was thinking.


Trump rally tonight 👍🏼🇺🇸🍿, oppostie the RNC debate👎. He is supposed to take the stage at 7 p.m. Eastern.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I lost the contest and have four tickets to the debate.

I suppose if I smoked I could light cigars with the tickets.

(JK I don’t have tickets.)


Meanwhile today a manhunt got underway for J6 man accused of a IMO misdemeanor.

POLICE STATE: Heavily Armed FBI FIB Agents and Local Police Are Hunting for J6 Protester Gregory Yetman in New Jersey Woods – Local News Tipped Off and Catch the Action by Sky Cam

The FBI FIB and local police are hunting for J6 protester Gregory Yetman in the New Jersey woods near his home tonight.

Earlier today the FBI FIB raided Yetman’s home in Helmetta, New Jersey.

The FBI FIB was attempting to arrest Yetman and serve him a warrant for his actions two-and-a-half years ago on January 6, 2021.

Yetman is accused of picking up a large canister of pepper spray from the ground and spraying it toward Capitol police and protesters! For this crime – something that happens each weekend at your local antifa riot – the FBI FIB launched a major manhunt for Yetman!

Gregory Yetman, was a military police sergeant in the New Jersey National Guard at the time of the riot.


He’s probably a a dead man running. Godspeed to him


Indeed. Hopefully he’s being sheltered.

Meanwhile FIB has time for this too.

Texas Journalist’s Home Repeatedly Visited by ‘Corrupt’ FBI for Exposing Possible Hamas Training Camp Near US-Mexico Border – FBI Demands In-Person Meeting to Disclose ‘Sources’ (VIDEO)By Jim Hᴏft Nov. 8, 2023 5:00 pm163 Comments

Here’s a bit moar from the story…


We’re so far down the hole of fascism.

They don’t even dress like serious agents anymore. Pretending to look like good ol Texas boys, they make me sick

Last edited 1 year ago by mollypitcher5

These men and women have no souls. Theyre dead inside and think this will bring them redemption. Sick sick sick.


Glad to catch you ..hope all is getting better for you and Mr Gil healthwise


Hi 👋 👋 👋 molly. On my end, 2 steps fwd and 1 back. Cant shake the swelling and the pain yet. Cramping in calf and foot. Im in pt, so some of it is just the activity. A lot is i probably am doing too much bc im the less broken one. Ive not had any more episodes of passing out. Not taking any bp meds per cardiologist. Surgery was july 28, so im taking a while to get better. Tired of pain when i sleep, lots of foot cramps.
Mr gil is doing better. He broke his left ankle and had less damage. He is able to move around better but is still tired. The dislocation though was nasty. He went to hospital via AMR unlike me. His staples come out on monday then cast x4 wks then pt same as me.
Im still homeschooling so i have a lot on my plate.I took our older foxhound to be put down the am he broke his ankle. Had to process that and my son did too that day. I have a deerhound i adopted last year and the same hunting group asked me to take her sister. So yesterday we got another dog, who needed a home, but needs the whole veterinary enchilada. She’s a good girl though.
Im going to take kiddo to knotts before Christmas for the holiday stuff. Need an extra day since his summer got canceled by my injuries. Just trying not to stress, taking a couple supplements and listening to music at night to help. Ill manage to get through it. Thx for asking.


The 3 hr time difference ..I was already in bed when you posted…Wow actually another wow..I hadn’t been keeping up with was happening with yall.All along you amamzed me with your recovery and attitude and now you’re the less broken one ! It doen’t surprise me that you’re still having pain & swelling, you had some major work done on a horrific injury. It takes awhile to heal all the way. Not to mention, you’re doing it all at home while Mr G gets better. Gil..I would’ve been crying like a baby over all the extra stuff..So sorry about your husband. That’s got to be one of the most random things to happen ever..he broke his ankle too..
The dog..sad sad, that’s so much for you to deal with. Sending you the very best and genuine admiration on how you’re coping and managing. Kiddo has a rock star mom. xo


Tyvm. No time to cry, just have to keep the stress as low as i can. Im whini g about not getting my weekend vacation alone for my 50th bday(when i didnt get anything) bc that was my gift…but all this other stuff happened. I need that break, but itll have to wait.




So sad these awful Stasi wish I could express what I feel.

Gail Combs

The poor guy was probably out hiking, fishing or perhaps hunting. Afterall he would have no way of knowing they are looking for him.

I sure hope they do not shoot and kill him.

The hunting season in New Jersey varies depending on the animal being hunted, the weapon used, and the permit holder. There are three general seasons for deer hunting, fall bow season, winter bow season, and the six-day firearm buck season. The deer management areas open for hunters in New Jersey have seasons that begin in November or December and end in January or February. The fall turkey season occurs in late October to early November, and the spring turkey season occurs in late April through mid-May. Black bear hunting season is separated into three seasons depending on the type of weapon used.0 Duck hunting season also varies by zone, with the north zone offering the longest season and the south zone having the shortest.1 The 2023-24 hunting season has been generating excitement across the Garden State, with small game and fall bow beginning in some areas in mid-September and spring turkey hunting extending into May.2


If he was out hunting the odds are that the FIB knew it and chose the opportunity to once again frame someone, shoot him and use him as a deranged MAGA trophy

Gail Combs

I just checked the map and the town has parks and forests and is wooded.

As far as I am concerned this is a MEDIA CIRCUS used to take the news away from the HAMAS supporting protests in DC. It has been 2.5 YEARS for cripes sake!


Also deflect from the failing NYC case against Trump.


It’s sort of like the Russia Russia Russia thing, for years the minute things quieted down..up popped another Russia accusation.
This J6 scheme can go on forever…things need a shot of insurrection adrenalin shot…all they need to do is raid another person


That is terrible what is happening. This could have been me if I had gone to DC. Only thing that kept me was my bad knee cannot stand so long or walk more than a mile without taking a break. I feel for those who are being persecuted just because they openly support Trump.
I am ticked at the Congress where most do not care except lining their pockets. Kara is going to be bad sooner or later.


Me, too. Terrifying.




I wanted to say Karma


Apparently Dems are terribly upset by this cartoon. Not sure why 🤔

comment image


If Crims are mad about something, whatever it is, there must be a lot of truth to it.

Gail Combs

You can not make this Schiff UP!

BREAKING: The judge presiding over Trump’s NYC trial appears to have a peculiar hobby of posting half-naked photos of himself on a high school alumni newsletter he controls as reported on by @MarcoPolo501c3.

The 74-year-old judge Arthur Engoron appeared to even post a “Bonus-Torso-Photo” in what looks like the bathroom of a gym.

One set of images seems to be progress pictures. One picture of a frailer, malnourished male (assumed to be Judge Engoron) is labeled October 2020.

Another picture, labeled August 2021, shows the same body, flexing excessively to try and show off his muscle gains.

Judge Arthur Engoron is the editor of the Wheatley School Alumni Association Newsletter, according to a post on the website where the photos were posted.

This man is not well.

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Mind bleach! STAT!!!!


How narcissistic do you have to be to characterize a selfie of your torso as a “bonus”? The lack of self-awareness is remarkable.


Amen on that but that torso is gobsmackingly.
fugly…not just unattractive but gross.
That’s gotta be some dog whistle to gays or something.

Cuppa Covfefe

And also to say the freaks are in power… or like the flaming flamingos used to say in SF (Sodom by the Bay), “Get used to it!”… (they probably still lisp it…)…

Sorry, pervs, I’ll NEVER get used to it!


It’s Geraldo Syndrome.

Watch your eyes:


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Cuppa Covfefe

Pirate’s dream: a sunken chest…  ☠ 


True that but to me Whoraldo looks somewhat normal !


Good online friends,

Yours Truly is back from the ER. There was another near-fainting episode this morning, the third in the past 4 days. I called my PCP’s office and they said, “Call 911 and get to an ER.”
All the tests done at the ER came back normal, just as they did on the previous ER visit on 1 September (which was for the same reason.)
The ER doctor today feels what’s going on is a sympathetic nervous system reaction to anxiety/stress that manifests as vasovagal near-syncope (near-faint.) I have 2 followup doctors’ appointments tomorrow.
The “silver lining” to today’s ER visit was the doctor telling me that I’m one of the healthiest and physically strongest 70-year-old women he’d ever seen. You know that basic neuro test where the doctor says, “Grab my fingers and squeeze as hard as you can?” All I will say is that I noticed he literally winced when I performed that test on his fingers.


The other interesting thing is that the hospital ER where the EMS techs took me is a small, very good hospital “out in the country” — the ER rooms of Duke University main hospital, the Duke Regional Hospital, the UNC main hospital, and the UNC “satellite” hospital, were completely full. And, while I was in the “out in the country” hospital ER, THAT got filled up too. Of course, what came to my mind was, “Perhaps the COVID-19 “vaccines” damage is really beginning to show up?”

Gail Combs

I am headed to Duke with my friend Monday for a follow up on her kidney surgery. I am NOT looking forward to the drive into town.


Glad you are home and feeling better. 🙏

Gail Combs

Good for you!

You might consider some CBD oil.

Unveiling the Calming Power of CBD Oil: 

CBD Oil For Anxiety? What the research tells us

And do not forget:
Forest Bathing: The Many Benefits of a Walk in the Woods

H/T Aubergine
 January 2, 2023 10:16

I highly recommend “forest bathing” for de-stressing. The first link is an article, the second is a study:


Wonderful news. Thanks for letting everyone know.


So glad you are ok! Please let us know what the docs tell you tomorrow. That diagnosis sounds positively Victorian! Like a swoon from Scarlett O’hara or something.

Valerie Curren

God be with you in Peace, Healing, & Comfort!


Trump just took the stage in Hialeah



Gail Combs

Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes was mentioned in this Daily:

At the time she struck me as ‘off’

Well IntheMatrixxx did some digging on the lady (FABIAN SOCIETY and ANTI TRUMP REMORKS) She was born in CA and raised in the UK. She was on the transition Team put together by Crispy Cream.

There is now a spat going on.
1:17:40 — Is the MGSHOW dig. They also have some clips of her.

It is interesting she is appearing with Charlie Ward who I think is a major Con-artist. In the Video (with Charlie Ward) she is saying she reported ShadyGrooove and Inthematrixx to the FBI as ‘Instigators’ and warns people to have no contact with them. That she is having them THOROUGHLY investigated.


TheFabianSociety @ TheFabians
“Trump needs to come out and say ‘I am an absolute pig and I need to change my approach to women” Jan Halper Hayes #fabUS
2:39 PM Jan 29, 2016

TheFabianSociety @ TheFabians
“Trump’s problem is not his temperment -it’s his personality” Jan Halper Hayes #fabUS
2:37PM 6/29/16

Info From The Authority @theauthorityQ
(This is another person she is reporting to the FBI.)
She was ON STAGE with Ken Gude at the Fabian Society panel on June 29 2016

In the comments:


1 day ago



I thought then and continue to think that this lady is waaayyyy off.

I think she is another honey trap of bullshit to make us look crazy.


This is funny…


And there was the “Do you want Dick Cheny in three inch heels”…


^^^ That there was funny.

AND. there are two on stage tonight. Nikki and Donut Boy, I guess.

I really don’t pay attention to anything these numbs culls are doing.


LOL! Looks as if Vivek is at least providing some entertainment with a few truth bombs.


I thought he was calling Nikki Haley “Dick Cheney in 3-inch heels.”


That was my take. And the other…?


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The other? I admit I’m not paying much attention.


>>> Dick Cheney in 3″ heels.

  :wpds_shock:    :wpds_shock:  Nice jab, at Rob’s expense.   :wpds_lol:    :wpds_lol: 

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs
Cuppa Covfefe

Just leave out the Cheney (in Rob’s case) and it’s pegged…

Brave and Free

I think he got a twofer one there, definitely neocon Nicky and then Ron with the 3in heels. Think cowboy boots.


Yes, it is Rob, wearing high heel boots. Rob prolly missed the jab.


Initially I thought he must be referring to Nasty Nikki… but then I realized he may have been referring to Help Me Rhonda Santis 😂


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Chris Christie appears to have gained a lot of weight since his surgery in 2013. I don’t like the things he says and the way he’s handling his campaign, but I hate to see anyone have a problem of that sort. It affects his whole life. He apparently wants to be in the public eye, so it is on display for everyone to see.

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Left: October 2012. Right: January 2014.

But a top bariatric-surgery expert estimates that the Republican governor actually has shed between 90 pounds and 100 pounds from his 5-foot-11 frame, slimming down to an estimated 320 pounds after hush-hush gastric-banding surgery in February 2013.


I keep saying it: Vivek is the smartest of the candidates besides Trump. He made the debate headlines about himself. All the post-debate buzz is about him.

Cuppa Covfefe

I don’t think he’s an NBC, or? And he seems to be a WEF young leader… are the RNC positioning him as their favorite over VSGPDJT…. I wonder…


Jab in play…

Super Bowl Champ Matt Ulrich Dead at 41


14 yo…
Teen dies after collapsing during 5k race: ‘Unimaginable’


Yep. Here’s a few more headlines. ( There were a lot of other deaths that I would’ve included but they didn’t include sudden death or collapse..too many under 50’s deaths to be normal

Indiana candidate dies after collapsing outside polling station
Story by Andrew Wolfson, USA TODAY • 

Celeb Tattler
Celeb Tattler
Indie Band Lead Passes Away at 26
Story by Nouman Rasool • 

Last edited 1 year ago by mollypitcher5

The man who shot the highway protesters in Panama is a retired American lawyer. I would think a lawyer would know better.

Citizen Free Press has a link to the video of the shooting, which I won’t watch because I don’t want to see people be murdered.

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The protestors were idiots.

If I was blocking the road, I could only do so knowing I was in the wrong. I may (or may not) have a valid point I want to make, but I have no right to block the road or impede others.

If someone pulls a gun on me, and says “move”, I’m going to move.

Because like everyone else on the planet, I understand what a gun is.

To argue with a gun is stupid.

To argue with someone pointing a gun at me is only slightly less stupid, unless it is something worth dying for.

Not only did they have no right to block the road in the first place, but their cause was neither immediate nor worth dying for.

I would definitely have stepped aside and let him pass.

To have died refusing to let him pass was idiotic.

I mean, come on, people… where’s your head at? 😂

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Brave and Free

There mental cases, void of any coherent thought when actively protesting.


The prosecution might have a problem if the local government does “jury of peers”. They might decide to fine him for littering (with shell casings).


When it’s really important and not just for woke brownie points..use the diesel or gas powered
New York abandons electric snow plows

This winter, New York won’t be using electric snow plows. Failure of vehicle tests has caused the local snow removal company to revert to diesel-powered vehicles.

The New York Department of Sanitation had three years ago, requested several Mack electric trucks. Primarily intended to clean streets and remove garbage, one of these trucks had been fitted with a snow plow as part of an experiment. This decision was unsurprising since in the “Big Apple”, it’s standard practice to fit garbage trucks with plows.

The experiment was not successful. The plow, dragging across the road and the snow buildup in front of it, created substantial resistance. Moreover, the plow required almost constant movement, eliminating the option for loading pauses. Consequently, the electric vehicle’s power supply was insufficient for the demands of a New York winter, known for its heavy snowfall, as reported by the website.
The Electric Vehicles Were No Match for Winter
The report further detailed that after nearly two hours, the electric plow had to discontinue the route for recharging. While the truck was efficient for garbage collection, its performance significantly dipped when facing snow removal tasks.

The vehicles could operate a maximum of only three hours despite the real need being twelve hours. The Vice President of Mack confirmed that with the current technology, considering battery efficiency and their weight, it is not feasible to provide the Department of Sanitation with electric vehicles capable of snow removal – stated on the websi

Cuppa Covfefe

Any idiot would have looked at the power curve of the batteries as the temperature drops to (and below) freezing, and noticed that cold renders batteries, in particular rechargeables, all but useless…

But then, liberals are just any idiots; they’re a special kind of stupid…

Pierre Gosselin had a good article on cold and the electro-vehicle idiocy a couple of years ago… gosh, a few years ago… has it been THAT long…. how time flies when you’re (not) having fun 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep… to quote Annalena Baerbock (our miss fit), they’re a “BACON of hope” 🙂
(she is constantly roasted for her *cough* command of English despite her studies at LSE…)…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Osatan is crowing about his big victories.

I let him have it.




This is a charming story, which reminded me of some of the 70-ish folks we have here….

…and the final bit, about furniture on the interstate, reminded me of an incident from around 1972. My mom had decided to get a PhD in the History of Mathematics at UC Davis, while my dad still maintained the family manse near LA (and worked for the City of Los Angeles).

We had quite an eclectic collection of furniture. Some of it was gifted by relatives; my parents had bought some ultra-cheap “starter furniture” when they were first married — but it turned-out that it was almost the last year that inexpensive furniture was made out of actual wood, so they still have some; some was bought at garage sales; and some was purchased at the City of Los Angeles’ surplus furniture auctions.

And so it came to pass that we were hauling an “Executive Desk” from Newhall to Davis up I-5. The thing must have weighed almost 400 pounds, and my dad only had a little Datsun pickup, so the desk was mounted crossways, with its feet dangling off the sides of the bed.

And as we were driving up the highway, at night, in the Central Valley….doing about 80 mph….the pickup started to be “floaty”, so my dad had me turn around in my seat and check our cargo.

You can imagine my surprise when I saw that desk fully six inches above its supports, floating on air with all the ropes taut, behaving like a 400-pound box kite. I described this to my dad and he had me watch it carefully for a while, before gradually slowing. We had to do the rest of the trip at about 60 mph so that the “flying desk” didn’t lift off again.