2023·11·25 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread

If You are a Patriot and Don’t Loathe RINOs…

Well this is the week my old McCarthy vs. Dungsmear question would have repeated.

We know the answer. Dungsmear.

But now let’s talk about RINOs in general, and why they are the lowest form of life in politics.

Many patriots have been involved with politics, often at the grassroots, for decades. We’ve fought, and fought, and fought and won the occasional illusory small victory.

Yet we can’t seem to win the war, even when we have BIG electoral wins.

I am reminded of something. The original Star Trek had an episode titled Day of the Dove. It was one of the better episodes from the third season, but any fan of the original series will tell you that’s a very low bar. Still, it seems to get some respect; at a time when there were about 700 episodes of Star Trek in its various incarnations out there, it was voted 99th best out of the top 100.

In sum, the plot is that an alien entity has arranged for 39 Enterprise crew, and 39 Klingons, to fight each other endlessly with swords and other muscle-powered weapons. The entity lives off of hostile emotions, you see and it wants a captive food source. (The other 400 or so Enterprise crew are trapped below decks and unable to help.) Each side has its emotions played and amplified by the alien entity; one Enterprise junior officer has false memories implanted of a brother who was killed by Klingons. The brother didn’t even exist.

Even people killed in a sword fight miraculously heal so they can go do it again.

The second best line of the episode is when Kang, the Klingon captain, notes that though they have won quite a number of small victories including capturing Engineering, can’t seem to actually finally defeat the Enterprise crew. He growls, “What power is it that feeds our battle yet starves our victory?*”

Indeed. He may have been the bad guy, but his situation should sound familiar.

We are a majority in this country. We have a powerful political party in our corner. There is endless wrangling.

And yet,

What power is it that feeds our battle yet starves our victory?

In our case, that power is the RINOs in our midst. They specialize in caving when on the verge of victory. Think of Obamacare’s repeal failing…by one Republican vote. Think of the way we can never seem to get spending under control (and now our entire tax revenue goes to pay interest on the debt; anything the government actually does now is with borrowed money).

We have a party…that refuses to do what we want it to do, and that refusal is institutionalized. If you’ve been involved with GOP politics, but haven’t seen this, it’s because you refuse to see it. Or because you are part of the problem yourself. (If so, kindly gargle some red fuming nitric acid to clear the taste of shit out of your mouth, and let those not part of the problem alone so they can read this.)

We fight to elect people, who then take a dive when in office. But it’s not just the politicians in office, it’s the people behind the scenes, the leaders of the national, state and county branches of the party. Their job is to ensure that real patriots never get onto the general election ballot. They’re allowed a few failures…who can then become token conservatives who will somehow never manage to win (Jordan), or can be compromised outright (Loren Boebert).

That way it doesn’t actually matter who has a congressional majority. I remember my excitement when the GOP took the Senate in 1980. But all that did was empower a bunch of “moderate” puddles of dog vomit like…well for whatever reason forty years later the most memorable name is Pete Domenici. And a couple of dozen other “moderates” who simply had no interest in doing what grassroots people in their party–those same grassroots people who had worked so hard to elect them–wanted them to do.

Oh, they’ll put up a semblance of a fight…but never win. And they love it when we fight the Dems instead of fighting them. Just like that alien entity, whose motto surely was “Let’s you and him fight. It’ll be delicious!”

If you think about it, your entire political involvement has come to nothing because of these walking malignant tumors.

That should make you good and mad.

The twenty five who blocked Jordan, and the hundred people who took that opportunity to stab Jordan in the back in the secret ballot should make you good and mad.

I’ll close this with another example of RINO backstabbing, an infuriating one close to home.

In my county, the GOP chair is not a RINO. She got elected when the grassroots had had enough of the RINOs. Unfortunately the state organization is full of RINOs, and the ousted county RINOs have been trying to form a new “Republican Party” and get the state GOP to recognize them as the affiliate. I’m honestly amazed it hasn’t happened yet.

In other words those shitstains won’t just leave when they get booted out; they’ll try to destroy what they left behind. It’s an indication that they know we know how important that behind-the-scenes party power is.

So they must be destroyed. That’s the only way they’ll ever stop.

We cannot win until the leeches “on our side” get destroyed.

What power is it that feeds our battle yet starves our victory?*

We know it. What is going to be done about it?

*NOTE: The original line was actually “What power is it that supports our battle yet starves our victory.” I had mis-remembered it as feeds. When I checked it, it sure enough was “supports” and that’s what I originally quoted. On further reflection, though, I realized my memory was actually an improvement over the reality, because feeds is a perfect contrast with starves. I changed it partway through the day this originally posted, but now (since this is a re-run) it gets rendered this way from the start.

If one must do things wrong, one should do them wrong…right.

RINOs an Endangered Species?
If Only!

According to Wikipoo, et. al., the Northern White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum cottoni) is a critically endangered species. Apparently two females live on a wildlife preserve in Sudan, and no males are known to be alive. So basically, this species is dead as soon as the females die of old age. Presently they are watched over by armed guards 24/7.

Biologists have been trying to cross them with the other subspecies, Southern White Rhinoceroses (Rhinoceri?) without success; and some genetic analyses suggest that perhaps they aren’t two subspecies at all, but two distinct species, which would make the whole project a lot more difficult.

I should hope if the American RINO (Parasitus rectum pseudoconservativum) is ever this endangered, there will be heroic efforts not to save the species, but rather to push the remainder off a cliff. Onto punji sticks. With feces smeared on them. Failing that a good bath in red fuming nitric acid will do.

But I’m not done ranting about RINOs.

The RINOs (if they are capable of any introspection whatsoever) probably wonder why they constantly have to deal with “populist” eruptions like the Trump-led MAGA movement. That would be because the so-called populists stand for absolutely nothing except for going along to get along. That allows the Left to drive the culture and politics.

Given the results of our most recent elections, the Left will now push harder, and the RINOs will now turn even squishier than they were before.

I well remember 1989-1990 in my state when the RINO establishment started preaching the message that a conservative simply couldn’t win in Colorado. Never mind the fact that Reagan had won the state TWICE (in 1984 bringing in a veto-proof state house and senate with him) and GHWB had won after (falsely!) assuring everyone that a vote for him was a vote for Reagan’s third term.

This is how the RINOs function. They push, push, push the line that only a “moderate” can get elected. Stomp them when they pull that shit. Tell everyone in ear shot that that’s exactly what the Left wants you to think, and oh-by-the-way-Mister-RINO if you’re in this party selling the same message as the Left…well, whythefuckexactly are you in this party, you lying piece of rancid weasel shit?

In Defense of Ranked Choice Voting

One of the biggest obstacles to direly-needed change is RINOs, and one of the weapons in their arsenal is the “Wasted Vote” argument.

Periodically a third party has arisen, trying to hold RINOs to account by putting pressure on them from outside of the party, since doing so from the inside has historically done very little good. But, even if you find a third party candidate who perfectly reflects your views, you’re likely to vote for the RINO anyway. Why? Because if you don’t, the Democrat might win, and that would be even worse. So if you vote for that third party (that few will vote for), you’re throwing your vote away and increasing the likelihood of the Democrat winning. (It’s half as much a gain for the Democrat, as actually voting for the Democrat would be. Not as much, but half as much. Because although you denied the R your vote, you did not flip your vote to the Democrat.)

The Republican Party Establishment knows you don’t love them. But they know you hate the Democrats worse, and they use that to continue to herd you into supporting them. With gritted teeth you cast your vote, but your vote counts the same whether you cast it enthusiastically. And the other alternative, pissing on the voting apparatus to express your actual feelings, is probably a felony.

But what if you could vote for that third party without increasing the chances of the Dem walking away with the prize?

This is what ranked choice voting, or instant runoff voting, can do provided it is properly implemented. (And this includes the votes, and only genuine votes, being counted honestly, of course. However, I’m going to compare it to what we have today, and pretend that is honestly done too. RCV can’t work if it’s not honestly administered, just like our current system isn’t working because it isn’t honestly administered.)

The idea behind RCV is to vote by expressing your order of preference. You could vote for the Patriot Party, then for the RINO Party as your second choice (and ignore the Democrat, the Green, the Overt Socialist Schmuckmonkey Party, etc).

What does this do? It nullifies the wasted vote argument. Your vote will be counted for the Patriot party, first, then instead of it being “wasted” when the Patriot Party loses, it ends up going to the RINO. Actually, it’s just barely possible that the Patriot Party would actually beat the RINO, if people weren’t all individually afraid to vote for it.

It’s just like the famous “Prisoner’s Dilemma” where your fear of other peoples’ actions prevents you from doing the optimal thing–and vice-versa. As long as Job Lowe is afraid to vote Patriot because he’s afraid you’ll vote RINO, you’ll have to vote RINO because you fear that Job Lowe will, because he fears you will.

So on the whole I like RCV. It gives you a no-risk way to vote against the RINO scum, and in favor of someone who deserves your vote.

The problem is, as done here in the US, it comes packaged with a “jungle primary.” A bunch of candidates get to put their name out there, and the top four (or so) candidates get onto the “main” ballot. This gives party establishments their way around the threat of a good third party bumping them off. Because they know that few people bother with primaries, and third parties don’t have the resources to run in a primary…so they throw two or three establishment hacks into the primary and they will probably beat the third party. The result is the RINOs end up with two of the four slots in the general election, and the Dems get the other two. Now there’s suddenly no third party candidate on the ballot at all.

If we were to combine RCV with the present system where each party could nominate exactly one candidate to appear on the November ballot, or at the very least, ensure minor parties could get onto the ballot with at least one candidate regardless of the primary, we would be getting somewhere, but the establishment is smarter than we like to give them credit for. They will support the jungle primary + RCV “solution” rather than the more appropriate one-candidate-per-party + RCV solution.

It’s not RCV that is the problem, it’s the primary structure grafted onto it.


It says “Justice” on the picture.

And I’m sure someone will post the standard joke about what the fish thinks about the situation.

But what is it?

Here’s a take, from a different context: It’s about how you do justice, not the justice that must be done to our massively corrupt government and media. You must properly identify the nature of a person, before you can do him justice.

Ayn Rand, On Justice (speaking through her character John Galt, in Atlas Shrugged):

Justice is the recognition of the fact that you cannot fake the character of men as you cannot fake the character of nature, that you must judge all men as conscientiously as you judge inanimate objects, with the same respect for truth, with the same incorruptible vision, by as pure and as rational a process of identification—that every man must be judged for what he is and treated accordingly, that just as you do not pay a higher price for a rusty chunk of scrap than for a piece of shining metal, so you do not value a rotter above a hero—that your moral appraisal is the coin paying men for their virtues or vices, and this payment demands of you as scrupulous an honor as you bring to financial transactions—that to withhold your contempt from men’s vices is an act of moral counterfeiting, and to withhold your admiration from their virtues is an act of moral embezzlement—that to place any other concern higher than justice is to devaluate your moral currency and defraud the good in favor of the evil, since only the good can lose by a default of justice and only the evil can profit—and that the bottom of the pit at the end of that road, the act of moral bankruptcy, is to punish men for their virtues and reward them for their vices, that that is the collapse to full depravity, the Black Mass of the worship of death, the dedication of your consciousness to the destruction of existence.

Ayn Rand identified seven virtues, chief among them rationality. The other six, including justice, she considered subsidiary because they are essentially different aspects and applications of rationality.

—Ayn Rand Lexicon (aynrandlexicon.com)

Justice Must Be Done.

Trump, it is supposed, had some documents.

Biden and company stole the country.

I’m sure enough of this that I put my money where my mouth is.

The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system. (This doesn’t necessarily include deposing Joe and Hoe and putting Trump where he belongs, but it would certainly be a lot easier to fix our broken electoral system with the right people in charge.)

Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2024 or 2026 is pointless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud in the system is not part of the plan, you have no plan.

This will necessarily be piecemeal, state by state, which is why I am encouraged by those states working to change their laws to alleviate the fraud both via computer and via bogus voters. If enough states do that we might end up with a working majority in Congress and that would be something Trump never really had.

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

Spot Prices

Last week:

Gold $1,982.10
Silver $23.82
Platinum $910.00
Palladium $1,080.00
Rhodium $5,000.00

This week, at Friday close:

Gold $2,003.70
Silver $24.42
Platinum $941.00
Palladium $1,094.00
Rhodium $4,900.00

Markets appeared to have closed at 11:45 on Friday, rather than 3 PM mountain time.

Silver is doing very well right now for some reason, it has busted $24.

Some people who analyze this stuff online are puzzled at gold’s recent climb, so it’s possible it’s being pumped and dumped.

Star Trek Was Often Clueless

As gigantic a leap ahead as Star Trek might have represented for TV science fiction (I don’t think it was beaten for almost 30 years, and that was by Babylon 5) it still had its forehead-smacking moments when it comes to the science.

Yes science fiction is considered by many to be arbitrary flights of fancy, but the fact is, when it is written science fiction, there are conventions to be followed. It should at least display an understanding of natural laws. This is even honored in the breach. By which I mean that oftentimes, the premise of the story involves a new scientific discovery, so of course there will be violations of current scientific principles. But the point is that everyone understands it’s a new thing–and the “new” science has to be internally consistent.

By no means is all, or even a majority, of science fiction about space travel, but when it is (especially in the sub-genre called “space opera”), it almost certainly will assume that some sort of faster-than-light travel is possible. Either there will be some sort of propulsion system that does it, or there will be some sort of wormhole or jump point, where you instantaneously jump from one star’s planetary system to another. (The wormhole is infinite speed, effectively…travel time involves getting to (or from) the wormhole, from (or to) some nearby planet or other location the action is going to be.)

Star Trek went with the former. A lot of other Hollywood produced stuff went the other way, or with some combination. It saves them from some opportunities to really be stupid.

In general, Hollywood doesn’t follow the convention I mentioned above; it regularly has ridiculous science howlers in it. The scriptwriters came nowhere near a STEM education and are a) clueless and b) usually don’t give a rip.

In particular, every single Hollywood production I am aware of that uses propulsion systems for faster than light travel simply doesn’t do the math and has no conception of what they’re dealing with. They don’t understand how fast light goes, and they don’t understand how big things are.

And that includes Star Trek.

When I remembered that bit about “What is it that feeds our battle yet starves our victory” I blew the dust off my original Star Trek Blurays and watched that episode. Then I got sucked in; I’ve been lightly binge watching Star Trek (the Original Series, as it’s now referred to to disambiguate it from all of the spinoffs) since then. And it’s just appalling sometimes, on this score (but it must be said the main goal was to tell good stories, which it was much more successful at).OK so first things first. Let me explain the actual situation.

Let’s discuss interplanetary travel first.

The distance between the Earth and the Sun averages out to about 93 million miles or 150 million kilometers. For historical reasons I’m not getting into now (but did in other posts), this is called an astronomical unit (AU) and is the “yardstick” we use inside the solar system. We in fact used it for a yardstick long before we had any idea how much it was…because we knew the ratios of planetary distances long ago. We knew, for instance that Jupiter was 5.2 times the distance from the Sun as is Earth, long before we knew how much in absolute terms either of those distances was. Today. of course, we’ve measured an AU to within a few hundred meters, and as of 2012 it’s now defined to be exactly 149,597,870,700 meters. (If we end up refining the measurement, we’ll end up with an AU not quite equaling the distance between the Earth and the Sun, because we’ve nailed the number in place.)

The furthest planet out is Neptune; its orbit is almost exactly 30 AU in radius. There are a lot of smaller objects further out; the furthest one that’s reasonably well known to science popularizers is Sedna. It’s in a very elliptical orbit with an average radius of 484 AU, with a maximum distance of 892. (It’s much much closer right now). Another body, Leleakuhonua, is at 1085 AU average distance, max is 2106 AU. It too is near its closest approach of “only” 65 AU. Right now it’s roughly 80 AU away. (We would never be able to see either body if it were at its furthest distance. This tells us there are almost certainly many bodies way out there, at or near the farthest extents of their orbits, that we can’t see.)

When we do start traveling between the planets of our solar system in earnest, we’ll probably spend most of our time inside the orbit of Neptune, or perhaps a bit outside it where Pluto is, but places further out than where Sedna is today, will be lengthy undertakings–expeditions.

What sorts of speeds will be needed? We’ll certainly want to move faster than the planets themselves do! The Earth moves 6.28 AUs in one year (i.e, 1 AU times 2π or times τ if you like using τ instead of π), or roughly an AU every two months. It’s moving at 29,785 meters per second or 107,230 kilometers per hour. If that’s as fast as we travel, Neptune is roughly five years away, one way. (And Earth moves a lot faster than Neptune does.) If you are thinking 5 weeks to Neptune is what people would put up with (similar to oceangoing ships crossing oceans), you need to be able to move 52 times faster, or at over 5 million kilometers an hour.

That, as it happens, is about one half of one percent of the speed of light, which is roughly a billion kilometers an hour. This is way, way ahead of anything we can do now, but much slower than light speed. And though it would require engineering we haven’t even imagined yet, it doesn’t necessarily bust the laws of physics (unless you insist it be done with souped-up rockets…like in The Expanse). One could write good stories with speeds and timespans like this.

And Star Trek got this nearly right, at least once. The Enterprise has “impulse” drives that push it at slower than the speed of light, c, and there was an episode, Elaan of Troyius, where the Enterprise was traveling from one planet to another…in the same planetary system. The command was for “speed factor point zero three seven”, which probably meant 0.037c. This allowed for a leisurely (several days) trip between two planets. It’s probably still about ten times too fast, but…maybe the star was bright and the planets had to be farther apart than (say) Earth and Mars would be. However, in spite of this rare moment of near-lucidity, this episode is no paragon of doing simple arithmetic to sanity check things, as there is a rather big blunder in it elsewhere. I’ll get to that.

OK, now let’s consider interstellar distances and travel.

It’s bigger. A lot bigger. And we’re going to need a bigger yardstick. There are two yardstick between stars. The one astronomers use amongst themselves is the parsec. How big is that?

A parsec is the distance at which, something an AU across will appear to only be one arcsecond wide. (That’s not how it was originally derived, but it’s equivalent…and a lot easier to describe.)

Those of you that shoot (and I hope that’s all of you) likely know that by happy coincidence, two spots an inch apart on a target that is 100 yards away are just about 1 arc minute apart. Which is to say the angle between the line from the first spot to your eyeball, and the line from the other spot, to your eyeball, is 1/60th of a degree. Almost but not quite parallel. Since a quarter is very close to an inch across, one MOA is how big a quarter appears at 100 yards.

One second of arc is an angle 1/60th as big as that. So it’s 1/60th the width of a quarter at a hundred yards…or you can move the object further away instead of making it smaller: it’s also the width of a quarter at 6,000 yards, or 18,000 feet…or about 3 1/2 miles.

Now put an object 1 AU across (some stars are actually that big), far enough away that it’s one arc second across.

An AU is BIG, so this has to be far, far away. In fact, it’s 30,856,775,814,913,673 meters away (almost 31 quadrillion million meters). That’s not an exact figure, and there can’t be one, because computing it from an AU (which can be expressed exactly) involves π.

The other yardstick, the one astronomers use talking to non-astronomers, is the light year. This is the distance that light (traveling at about a billion kilometers an hour) travels in 365.25 days. This is: 9,460,730,472,580.8 meters. Nine and a half trillion kilometers. Or a bit under 6 trillion miles.

The nearest star to our Sun is Proxima Centauri. It’s 4.2 light years or 1.3 parsecs away. The sun itself would be impossible to see without binoculars at about 75 light years’ distance. Many of the bright stars in our night sky are intrinsically much brighter than the sun and are hundreds of light years away.

Four light years is often taken to be a good average distance between stars (though I suspect it’s high).

The entire galaxy is a disc a hundred thousand light years across. Even as we gallivant around from star to star…getting outside of the galaxy is a long trip, unless of course you go perpendicular to the disk. The center of the disc is about 26,000 light years away. This is plenty of room for Star Trek to write zillions of episodes, especially given that the galaxy is estimated to have anywhere between 100-400 billion or even more stars in it, and as near as we can tell, a large percentage of them have planets.

Now that I have given you both scales, let’s relate the interplanetary scale to the interstellar scale.

A light year is 63,241 AUs. A parsec is 206,265 AUs.

Those are commas not decimal points.

Proxima Centauri, the nearest interstellar destination, is about 268,000 AUs away. And we can’t even do one AU yet!

If a single AU is likened to a mile, Proxima Centauri is about as far away as the moon. We can walk a mile. To get a man to the moon we need the biggest rocket ever built.

For our previously-supposed society that can travel around the solar system in a few weeks, to make the transition and be able to travel to the nearest star, is like going from a man who can walk 30 miles…to the Apollo moon rocket, all at once. It’s by far the biggest “jump” in capability we will ever make; it will make crossing the oceans instead of hugging the coasts in sailing ships look like a tiny innovation. It’s basically impossible without huge advances in technology.

And, let me just remind of something. The furthest we have actually sent a manned mission is to the Moon. How far away is the Moon? Sit down and realize how puny we are: The Moon is 0.00257 AUs away. Roughly 1/400th of an AU. No, we haven’t begun manned interplanetary travel! We’ll need to go several AUs to get to Mars (the shortest route is under an AU but is much harder). Thousands of times further than we have yet gone.

OK with the stage set, let’s consider interstellar travel. If we want the ship to get there in less than years, we must have faster than light travel. Because light takes 4 years or so to get from one star to the next. For this the creators of Star Trek invented warp drive and wrote some word salad about how it works by warping space. (Interestingly, a serious physicist has postulated that if we could bend space a certain way, we could actually travel faster than light…and the press has called it a warp drive; you may have seen articles about it. He’s done the math to back it up, so it’s not word salad. All we need is a way to bend space.)

Warp drive speeds are given in Star Trek as “warp factors.” It’s never explained in the show, but in a book written by Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek, it’s stated that to figure out how fast a warp factor is, you cube it. So for Warp Factor 2, you’re traveling 2x2x2=8 times the speed of light. Which means getting to Proxima Centauri in just over six months. That’s too long, honestly. But you can go to Warp 6 and cruise forever without damaging the engines, and that’s 6x6x6=216 times the speed of light. And that puts Proxima Centauri 7 days away. It’s just barely possible that’s the sort of time Star Treks Enterprise spends going from one star to another, but realistically, you’re not going to always be going from one star to its next door neighbor. The next crisis could be dozens or even hundreds of light years away.

In other words, even a few hundred times light speed is too slow for Star Trek to make sense.

Later on (and this is not official Star Trek as far as I know) it was posited that those warp factor multipliers apply in completely empty space, but interstellar space always has some dust and gas, plus the occasional actual star, and so warp factors get boosted…by over a thousand times, depending on how thick the interstellar medium is. (And even in a nebula, it’s actually a near perfect vacuum.) I’ll call this the “fudge factor.” And again, so far as I know it’s not “official” Star Trek.

The fudge factor does make things make more sense. Many episodes end with Kirk ordering the Enterprise on a course to the next episode (basically) at Warp 1 or 2. Unless you want the entire remaining five year mission to be taken up just getting to the next episode, you’ve got to move faster than 1x1x1=1 or 2x2x2=8 times the speed of light.

Sometimes the bridge crew actually says something is a parsec away (or so) and they can be there in minutes. Again, you need the fudge factor for this to make sense.

The problem comes in when Warp speed is mixed up with short distances.

That same Elaan of Troyius episode that I praised before, has another scene in it. A hostile ship is charging at the Enterprise at warp speed. I.e. as fast, or faster, than the speed of light. The problem came in when the bogie was 100,000 km away, and the bridge crew was counting down how far away it was.

At one times the speed of light, it would take 1/3 of a second for that ship to cover the distance. But it’s doing warp six. So the distance gets covered in 1/648th of a second instead. And that’s without the fudge factor, which makes it 1/1000th as long a time as that. The bridge crew would literally have no time at all to react.


But there is worse.

Another episode where the Enterprise is traveling within a planetary system is Paradise Syndrome. The Enterprise has to divert an asteroid heading for an inhabited, Earth-like planet. The asteroid is two months away. In our solar system it would be a “near-Earth object” traveling about the same speed as Earth…which as I mentioned is about 1 AU in two months. So the distance to cover is 1 AU or so. Since they are delayed on the planet (Kirk was missing, and of course they were searching for him), they have to get to the asteroid as fast as possible.

Spock orders warp nine. 9x9x9=512 times the speed of light (without fudge factor). How long will it take to cover that 1 AU distance?

Light takes 500 seconds to get from the Sun to the Earth…which is 1 AU. In other words, it should take less time for the Enterprise to travel that distance at warp nine, than it took for Spock to give the “Ahead warp factor nine” command. (That’s assuming, of course, the ship can accelerate from 0 to warp 9 in less than a second.)

Even if it’s two or three AUs away…it’s still going to take at most a handful of seconds to get there, even without the fudge factor. Since warp nine stresses the engines, it would probably have been okay to order warp six and take a few extra seconds. (Not that a mere one second of warp nine should cause problems!)

Instead this is shown as taking hours, if not days. And the engines are near the breaking point when they get to the asteroid. They end up frying the engines trying to divert the asteroid, and the Enterprise has to go back to the planet on impulse power, hours ahead of the asteroid…for two months…to try to find Kirk and rescue him before the asteroid destroys all life on the planet. (This too also ignorant, this time ignorant of orbital dynamics. The asteroid is in an orbit about the star, not under power. Therefore the Enterprise can be on the same trajectory without using power. If it is using any power at all, it should outrun the asteroid.)

Another episode that needs a callout is Space Seed. It wasn’t that famous an episode…until Star Trek II hit the movie theaters. Because Space Seed is the episode that introduced Khan Noonien Singh (played by Ricardo Montalban).

Khan’s backstory is that he and his band of merry supermen and superwomen escaped Earth in 1992 aboard a DY-100 ship…a ship far, far ahead of anything we can build today (anything interplanetary that can hold 3 people in it is…much less something with the big corridors we saw in Star Trek, holding dozens of people). The ship was meant for interplanetary travel but fortunately for the viewer (unfortunately for the Enterprise), they had suspended animation, and so the ship could travel for nearly 300 years…and somehow end up WAY out there among the stars for the Enterprise to find it.

Uh, but look at those numbers. Interstellar travel is tens of thousands times further than interplanetary travel.

We have sent objects out of the solar system, five of them. The furthest is Voyager 1, which after almost 50 years is a mere 152 AU away, and it will be tens of thousands of years before it gets as far away as Proxima Centauri (and it’s not headed in that direction).

There’s simply no way Khan’s ship could be at interstellar distances, much less far enough out that the Enterprise is only now stumbling across it, three centuries later.

Fortunately, I can usually ignore stuff like this for the sake of enjoying the story. But it would be nice if these TV shows would actually employ someone who can do arithmetic and use a calculator! Because that’s literally all it takes…that and knowing that distance equals speed multiplied by time.

I’m lucky that I can see all of this and still enjoy the show.

A couple of postscripts.

First, everything I’ve said applies to the original series. Star Trek the Next Generation (and Deep Space Nine and Voyager) are set a century after the original series, and the warp drive there is quite different…it’s probably the same as the “Transwarp” that was being tested in some of the movies made to go with the original series. Warp factors are much higher, and warp ten is infinite speed.

Also, here is a video about a scale model of our solar system in Melbourne, Australia. Distances and planetary sizes are to the same scale, 1:1,000,000,000 or 1 millimeter = 1,000 kilometers. The thumbnail shows the sun. Pluto is almost six kilometers away.

But there is a little surprise. Proxima Centauri is part of the model…quite close to the Sun in fact! What is it doing there? Didn’t I just get finished trying to convey how ridiculously far away it is compared to planets?

Well yes. But it just so happens that at the scale of the model, Proxima Centauri is 40,000 km away…and that’s one trip around the earth! So start at the sun, go past Mercury, Venus, etc…and Neptune, and yes they included Pluto for laughs. Then keep on going…all the way around the world and you’ll hit Proxima Centauri just before getting to the Sun again.

Obligatory PSAs and Reminders

China is Lower than Whale Shit

To conclude: My standard Public Service Announcement. We don’t want to forget this!!!

Remember Hong Kong!!!


中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!

China is in the White House

Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.

Joe Biden is Asshoe

China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.

But of course the much more important thing to realize:

Joe Biden Didn’t Win

乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!

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If my calendar is telling me right, I’d like to wish Aubergine a very happy 29th birthday today 😁


Are you sure about 29? She’s awful smart for a 29 year old.


I would assume that would be 29 in eggplant years….

Brave and Free

yuk eggplant, tastes like it’s 29 years old.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL – not a fan of the big purple wrong cucumber?


we’re all 29, aren’t you ?



Moi aussi! :8->


actually I’m 19, lol


Sure beats the Jack Benny always being 39!


Awwww! You remembered! And you are the first to wish me a happy birthday.

But, your calculation is a bit off on the age 🙂



Gail Combs

Happy birthday Aubergine!

May you have many many more years of happy healthy life.

Gail Combs

Too True!


Lol, that’s an interesting compliment. I think?




I, for one, very much appreciate the high art of snark 😁




Thanks, Gail! I sure hope to.

Jack Smith is a THUG


Man, that cake looks good!


“Awwww! You remembered! And you are the first to wish me a happy birthday.”


I remembered last year too, but it was way after midnight, I was up late and posted in the daily thread for the 25th, but I don’t think you ever saw it.

Then I felt bad, because I think we had just talked about birthdays a few days or a week before.

Let me see if I can find it. Here it is!


So I wanted to be early this year.

Happy Birthday Aubergine! 👍😁

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

Thank you. And thanks for last year, too! I did miss it. I am an early-to-bed, early-to-rise kind, so if something happens between 9 pm and 6 am, I’ll never know!


We’ll be sure not to have any historic battles during that time.  😂 


Please don’t! You know I love a good fight! Wouldn’t want to miss anything 🙂


Twenty-nine and Scrappy!


I hope to be scrappy and twenty-nine for about forty more years!


You’re very welcome! 🎂😁

It looks like my post last year was comment number 999,984 or just before we hit a million!


Wow. That’s cool.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, Happy Birthday!!! 🍰 🍾

May you have many more! 🍺


Thanks, Wolf!


One thing that is important to know about the feds using a forklift to raise the razor ribbon wire – it was legal [according to their view of the asylum law].

The border is down the middle of the Rio Grande. Therefore, the aliens that were at the wire barrier were already in the USA. They could make their asylum claims through the wire and the feds had to honor those claims [according to their view of the law]. So they lifted the wire to let the aliens go to a processing center and formally claim asylum.

You have to admire how clever these vermin are. The govt lawyers; not the aliens.

Gail Combs

Lots of estuarine crocodiles and  piranhas  in the Rio Grande would take care of the problem.

After all they want to introduce wolves and grizzlies into our farmland so why not Crocs and piranhas in the Rio Grande?


I hope God reads these comments.

Gail Combs

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The Estuarine Crocodile is the world’s largest living reptile. Although occasionally seen in the open ocean, this species is mostly estuarine (meaning it tends to remain in the estuaries where river meets ocean)

Diet: Crocodiles are carnivores and eat crustaceans, fish and other vertebrates including large animals—like sheep and cattle and sometimes humans—which they kill by drowning or by the sheer strength of the closing pressure of their jaws….



AVERAGE LIFESPAN — Up to 70 years

SIZE — Ranging from 3 to 6 metres in length and between 75 and 520kg in weight

Rivers, estuaries, creeks, swamps, lagoons, and billabongs make the perfect home for the saltwater croc. These adaptable reptiles can tolerate water salinities from 0% (freshwater) to 35% in full strength sea water and some crocodiles have also been recorded in water twice as saline (70%) as sea water.  

Found from India, across Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands, within Australia, the estuarine crocodile inhabits waterways from Rockhampton in Queensland, throughout coastal Northern Territory and across to King Sound, near Broome in Western Australia….

Larger crocodiles actively hunt their prey and use ambush as a successful tactic to capture animals unaware of the crocodile’s presence. If the estuarine crocodile cannot swallow their meal whole, the reptile may drag it under water and twist it into a “death roll” until it dies, or the croc might violently shake its head in an attempt to break its prey apart….


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An estuarine crocodile will feed on any animal that crosses its path. Image credit: Ery Azmeer/shutterstock

Gail Combs

Yes, it is a saltwater croc. The largest reptile and very very old.

Saltwater Crocodiles are one of the oldest creatures to walk the planet. They first appeared over 240 million years ago, which was during the Mesozoic Era, i.e. the time of the dinosaurs.



Imagine if some rowdies decided to take a little vigilante action.

Gail Combs

A croc might be almost as good at disposing of evidence as a hog. I understand Texas has a lot of feral hogs.


Permanent open season and no limits. You can even hunt them by helicopter.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Science post added to the sidebar!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amazing Polly thinks that the only way to stop the globalists and their censorship is to get rid of our smart phones.



While I would certainly concur that smart phones are problematic in a lot of ways, I’m not sure that’s a bullseye on the right target.

As an example, control over cellphones might be a primary target for censorship if, and only if, your primary source of information is your cellphone. If your primary source of information is the nightly television news, censorship on the news would be more of a problem.

Then, again, its not like globalists’ mischief with your cellphone is limited to censorship — they can also use it to track your movements and spy on your communications, for instance. There are things you can do to mitigate this, but it doesn’t really have much overlap with the censorship issue.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She just uses the censorship part to begin looking at all the problems (tracking, privacy,etc.), but yes – I agree that they will automatically shift their attacks.

Gail Combs

New non-tracking phone:

 Privacy Society

Privacy means individual liberty

Privacy phones for Executives, Professionals and Families.

No social media installed. No software tracking.

Perfect for digital detoxing & wellness or a minimalist phone for separating your work and personal life.

Use code PREORDER for pre-order pricing at checkout.

“Without privacy there is no freedom!”

Since I am computer challenged I am not sure how good this is.


There are several alternative OSs you can use on various phones — https://lineageos.org/ and Ubuntu touch come to mind. https://alternativeto.net/software/android/

Gail Combs

I think that phone uses Ubuntu if I remember correctly.


Which phone?

Gail Combs

Heh. That webpage required javascript to display. I question their commitment.


Let’s see, how many years have I been saying that?

Three? No four. Wait, five. No, I think it could be seven years, now…

Time really flies when you’re bein’ right 😁


(4:59) “You can’t opt out.”


That’s where you’re wrong, kiddo! 😂

You just have to be willing to accept the consequences for opting out, and finding another way. And the key to that is first recognizing what the consequences are, so you can find another way.

But it doesn’t matter. Since covidiocy began, I have realized that nobody can persuade or convince anyone of anything they don’t want to believe. Reason and logical argument have almost nothing to do with persuasion.

But we do it anyway, because we don’t really know what else to do.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

(5:14) “At this point, if we were to cancel our cell phones, $1.2 trillion dollars gone from their coffers. And probably a lot more.”


Yes, and everyone paying attention to this stuff will agree with you. They will agree that everyone should cancel their cell phones. Everyone but themselves.

Because if everyone else does, that will be good enough to bring down the system, so it won’t matter if they don’t, so they don’t need to be inconvenienced by giving up their cell phone.

And since everyone else basically thinks the same way, nobody gives up their cell phone 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



The thing about the smartphones, is how they are being slowly changed from being optional conveniences, to being mandatory. Case in point: two-factor authentication, seen with banks and Amazon.com and Google and others. The stated purpose is to make sure whoever logs in is who they should be and not some faker. Fine in theory as far as it goes. So, log-in with user-identity and password, then it will send a text message with some magic string to be entered and matched, before proceeding.

Now, this does require a lot of additional infrastructure: first of all there has to be a mobile phone, then it has to be active with some kind of access plan; the whole supporting network has to be in place and operating. And should one or more of these be missing? No bank, no shopping at Amazon.com, no access to Google. (never mind whether these latter tow are good or bad overall; that is another debate for another day).

Now add local additional dependencies on apps, for things like travelling on local-area buses or streetcars, or paying for parking. Convenient when it works, as it does most of the time. The latent problems come as the alternate means of payment are deprecated and removed. Bank cards have their own additional failure modes; cash is ultimately the only thing that is reliable, but it is becoming less and less popular.

Related to other activities online, and with another security-mandated weakness, is the DNS (Domain Name System), that started out as the «phone book» relating domain names to network addresses. As long as that is all that was happening, if the DNS were down for whatever reason, using the equivalent IP address would work.

But with the https, where that final s stands for «security», this goes out the window. You see, behind https sits a system of certificates, which requires the correct name of the server to have been requested. If that is not the correct one, the mismatch will be noticed by the browser, and after a couple warnings it may or may not send you to where you expected. If it is some faker trying to hit your bank account this failure mode is OK. If it is you yourself, it is at least an annoyance.

And all this even before censorship is considered. There are clearly a number of choke points available here that can be exploited.

As for the WEF, should they ever have managed to put everyone into these jails they call their «15-minute cities», with subsequent rises in depression and other psychological ill-health, who will be left to maintain all the necessary infrastructure for their control? And as the existing technicians and engineers age out, where will their replacements come from? The equipment in place will not last — we know that entropy never takes time off.

Barb Meier

Some two-factor authentication systems let you choose whether to get a text message or a phone message with a voice that tells you the numbers that authenticate you to the system.


That still requires a phone of some kind, though at least it is only voice, as with a non-smart phone, landline, voice-over-ip, etc. Good to know.

Barb Meier

Oh, I forgot to mention some of the 2FA (2 factor authentication) systems can send you an email message with the code. I don’t know if law enforcement gets actual locations for Wifi, which shows me connecting at different locations not near my physical location on my end. So it is pointless to allow location ID to apps from my computer. The mobile phone is likely carried with you and connects to towers as you move around. I don’t know if there are smart burner phones and how they work, but someone here might know more. There are so many variations to Internet connectivity and I would think that’s a strength for individuals..


“The mobile phone is likely carried with you”


Not if it’s at the bottom of a lake — where all your guns are, after that tragic boating accident you barely survived 👍

Barb Meier

Unless it was taped to the wheel well of Biden’s convertible by one of his grandkids.

Gail Combs

You want to give them a headache, tell them you do not do text…

I managed to tie Duke Medical in knots. Finally the doctor said he would just call me in person.


Bet you thoroughly enjoyed doing that to poor widdle Duke.  😆 

Gail Combs

  :wpds_shock:  ME! …   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 



And bingo was his name, oh!



A very nice little seminar. ThanQ.

You really should do it more often.


“Case in point: two-factor authentication, seen with banks and Amazon.com and Google and others. The stated purpose is to make sure whoever logs in is who they should be and not some faker. Fine in theory as far as it goes. So, log-in with user-identity and password, then it will send a text message with some magic string to be entered and matched, before proceeding.”


They’re liars, of course.

They just want to verify that you are connected to your personal tracking device, and connect all of your online activity with you and your personal tracker.

Every time Amazonia or Gurgle or fleabay ask to send me a text message, I choose “not now”, only because “not ever” isn’t an available choice 😁

Anyplace that requires two-factor identification can do so with a Ubi-key.


Just plug it into your PC (or phone, presumably, I wouldn’t know about that), and touch the Ubi-key when prompted 👍

Some places have a choice of sending a text message or sending an automated voice message with a 4 or 5 digit code to enter for positive identification.

Voice message works for me.


You can get a personal fob from WFB or Schwab for a nominal fee.

Deplorable Patriot

No. Just no. Not going to happen. If people would quit using the tracking apps, and such, it would thwart the SURVEILLANCE, not censorship.

There’s a difference.

Stopping censorship would mean actually getting out of the MSM bubble(s), and into the alternative spaces that are allowed to be free. That means actually finding a way to lead the masses away from the information streams the globalists control. I think in large part, for the vulgar (common) folk, that has happened in large quantities. The thing is, we tend not to talk about it unless we stumble upon individuals who are also living outside the MSM bubble(s). When that dam breaks, censorship will be rendered neutral.



You are absolutely correct. Censorship has nothing to do with phones. But surveillance does.

The way past censorship is to get the hell off the internet, and into churches and taverns. That’s why they shut those down during Covid. To prevent enough people from knowing the truth so they could both steal the election and poison the populace with their clot-shot.


Seems to me that I’ve heard of that combination before. Didn’t some colonies rebel against a king using those places?


Yes! They surely did!

Gail Combs

You are correct DPat. You can see it happening. So far people are afraid of voicing their dislike of the DemonRat regime but just start them talking!


It is the nature of cellphone service that they have to know where you are — in order to determine which cell tower will communicate with your device. It’s not an app, it’s part of being a cellphone. Further, most cellphones cannot turn this off unless you remove the battery (which may be “non-removable”).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Barb Meier

Verb. Grok is a neologism coined by American writer Robert A. Heinlein for his 1961 science fiction novel Stranger in a Strange Land. It means to deeply understand.

Gail Combs

As a Freshman in college I came home to find my mom reading my copy of ‘I Will Fear No Evil’ I could have died of embarrassment.


That trans novel?

Gail Combs

Why do you think I was embarrassed?


You might have explained that it was a modernized version of the life of Tiresias….

Gail Combs

She would not have heard. She was buried in the book.

Dad used to grab my Analog before I got a chance to read them.


the normalization of deviance…

Exposed : The Hidden Agenda Behind The UK Government’s Very Real CHEMTRAIL Operations

article link…

Exposed: The Hidden Agenda behind the UK Government’s very real Chemtrail Operations – The Expose (expose-news.com)


👉 to block out the sun…and…

👉 to poison all of us.

we need the sun to produce Vitamin D…and…

plants need the sun for photosynthesis.

and no living thing or human needs any chemicals sprayed on him/her/it.

do not confuse a chemtrail with a contrail.

contrail = condensation

chemtrail = chemicals

(further explanation, in the article)

👉 someone is controlling the flights.

much more on this, at the link.

🎵(another cool subject for Happy Holiday get-togethers.)🎄


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and finally…

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Yes this is a disturbing sight — like the needles on all the dials move in the wrong directions.


I’d sure want to know which of my family was the psycho who did it.

Not to fight. But so I could avoid him/her.



Gail Combs

Slice? What slice? I want the whole darn pie!

Barb Meier

Pumpkin pie works differently than other pies if baked correctly. As long as I cut through the crust completely, I can just pull up and skip the pulling away part. I have one piece of pumpkin pie left. I will do a test to see if I can cut a circle in the middle of that piece and pull it straight up, leaving the piece of pie with a hole in the middle. Then, I’ll eat the proof.

Barb Meier

Nevermind… I did the test backwards and just ate it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Brave and Free

Absolutely, the prison officials have been given their marching orders.


They have to kill him so there won’t be a new trial. A fair judge and jury, protected from the mob, would never uphold his conviction. So there can’t be a trial.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Remember – CHINA runs WHO. So this is CHINA giving help to the DNC to try to bring back COVIDIAN crap for the 2024 election.



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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Brave and Free

Didn’t comply the first time, hopefully more sheep won’t comply the second time.

Last edited 1 year ago by Brave and Free
Robert Baker

I think China needs to change its name from the Middle Kingdom to the Magic Kingdom. Unfortunately that name is already taken. The mysterious and exotic East certainly lives up to its reputation.


The Inscrutable Kingdom

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Barb Meier

The first song has no soul, no nuance. Sweetly singing about tearing the town all down. It’s all the same to this code. I didn’t listen to the second song.


What gets me is people thinking AI is anything but a computer program, it only puts out what it is told to – nothing more.

Barb Meier

And then, those same people expect others to trust AI to do what humans do.


hideous !

compare & contrast to a real singer…


Loved Chrissy, in my youth. Haven’t paid much attention for the last few decades.

Robert Baker

So that is where Rush Limbaugh got his theme music.


Yes, he used it long time without incident then after years of using it as such an early version of cancel culture came about and the above were pressured and tried to claw the music back. I think Rush had to drop the music for a brief time till his lawyers or the EIB’s lawyers got it all sorted out and Rush kept the music.

Deplorable Patriot

AI art at all levels needs to be rejected.

Jack Smith is a THUG

I agree. there are some artists who pour their soul into their work…it shows on the canvass, or you’ll hear it in their voice.
ai stuff is soulless…it lacks passion.

Deplorable Patriot

With AI, there is NO originality, no interpretation. It’s just reassembling what already exists.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. I call current AI “ultimate bullshitter”, and the product does have that very fake quality.


Well, at least the one Walsh hated was honest about itself.

Didn’t listen to either one.

Valerie Curren

fresh face of Skynet   :wpds_evil: 


THIS is the gold silver platinum palladium rhodium quote:

The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system….nothing else matters.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Brave and Free

Morning Wolf 😊
well that’s a start in the right direction hopefully.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good Morning!

Yes, something is up here – possibly in the right direction, even!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


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That ad pic needs to be printed on a bunch of signs for display at the ‘rally’.


The worst part is they will probably get 500 people to show up.

Gail Combs

Lots of brain dead college students.


I’d love to see pro-Trumpers infiltrate and sabotage or at least “O’Keefe” these types of activities. I’m surprised it hasn’t happened already

Barb Meier

I can imagine those little groups of marchers in same-suits that you know are Feds. A couple of normal people with handmade signs could take up the rear. The signs might read: “Feds Ahead.”

Gail Combs

“PAID Soros Bots AHEAD”

Barb Meier

Excellent idea!

Jack Smith is a THUG

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Barb Meier

When my youngest nephew was a child, riding in the backseat of my parents’ car, a blaster car went past them. Mom told me the nephew told them “someone’s sharing their music with us.” We all laughed. When it is just us, blasters are not so funny.

Last edited 1 year ago by Barb Meier

Verse of the Day for Saturday, November 25, 2023

“Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.” 

Psalms 150:1 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.


Wolf Moon
Firefox (computer) and AT&T internet (on the phone) both weren’t able to access The Q Tree a few minutes ago. Both did the “We’re having trouble finding that site” error message thing. Just got back on from both devices.

Jack Smith is a THUG

i just got a security error trying to refresh

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! Things should be OK now, but I’ll remember this information.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks. Things should be OK now (no further information).


I believe most of us have already realized this without Aristotle’s advice but nice to see we stand with reason. Scholarly collection of notes from Aristotle on his views of immigration and those who would abuse such to their own ends.


Barb Meier

Good quotes, Para. “The guard of a [legitimate] king is composed of citizens: that of a tyrant is composed of foreigners. (1310B31)
It is a habit of tyrants never to like anyone who has a spirit of dignity and independence. The tyrant claims a monopoly of such qualities for himself; he feels that anybody who asserts a rival dignity, or acts with independence, is threatening his own superiority and the despotic power of his tyranny; he hates him accordingly as a subverter of his own authority. It is also a habit of tyrants to prefer the company of aliens to that of citizens at table and in society; citizens, they feel, are enemies, but aliens will offer no opposition.” (1313B29)”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent. This works for both Biden and Obama/Osatan/Ostalin.


An interesting comment and reply from CTH, about Argentina:

Richard in Wisconsin
 November 20, 2023 11:53 pm

Party pooper here; all hell broke loose when Trump descended on the escalator to announce his candidacy for the presidency. That was when his the conspiracy began to take him down and the same thing is going on there. The fight has not been won in Argentina, it has just been escalated. This is not a time to celebrate, it is a time to be on guard.

 November 21, 2023 7:24 pm
Reply to  Richard in Wisconsin

Very true, but on the other hand, Argentinian males still have gonads, unlike the vast majority of their North American counterparts. And Argentina’s people have truly been under duress. Not the US “My Twinkies cost more!!” and gas being expensive type of inconvenience, but almost half of the country is in poverty. Also not US poverty. In the US, people in poverty are fat as f*ck and all have tablets and cell phones that they are glued to at the expense of reality. Fat, well-fed people do not rebel. My hope is that Argentina is READY! We’re not, but we eventually will be. I’m not making light of our predicament in the US, but it’s a relativity thing. I can only hope that the people of Argentina are successful and can lead us by example. Maybe if the US is shown a proper example of a free people, it will break their Frito-Lay induced comfort enough to get them to LIVE!

Disclaimer, I have nothing against Hostess or Frito-Lay, but if Americans could moderate their intake of said products (among others), we could have a revolution here too!

Gail Combs

Bread and Circuses 2023 style…


I have to agree. Most Americans have no understanding of true poverty, at all. I’ve seen something approaching it, way back in the deepest hollers of the Appalachian South. When a house has no indoor plumbing, heat, or electricity, that’s poor. And forget a cell phone or access to the internet. And there are people who live that way, up in the mountains. But they are all but forgotten, and rarely acknowledged in media.


And fairly content with their life, probably.



Gail Combs

As long as the revenuers stay away.


comment image


Ok, that’s funny!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Here’s a fairly complete list of 135 movies/documentaries/drama related to the American Revolutionary War. A few are animated and are geared for kids and adults who are young at heart.

If you are interested in something in particular in the gallery (two pages), click on it and that will give you extensive info on that selection.

I remember Steve trying to decide which movie to watch to commemorate last July 4th. This should give him a much wider selection for next July.

Also, with Christmas shopping in mind for people on your shopping list, maybe you can find inspiration at these webpages..


Barb Meier

I was thinking for Christmas that every leftist and RINO should receive one of these, though I would be loath to part with them myself.

Barb Meier

Your statement is quite correct but your edit is also accurate. I was referring to the ducks.

I was most amused by the Trump ducks and would like seeing them everywhere. Here’s a photo of them in Holland that got me started on them this morning. awww,,, ain’t they cute?!


Are the ones under ’em Tux Dux?

(Tux is the Linux mascot penguin)

Last edited 1 year ago by cthulhu
Barb Meier

Those would be popular, but the ones in the photo look like Batman ducks.

Barb Meier

The tie in was Christmas. I’m known to make leaps sometimes. Sorry…


My grandson gave me one of these when Trump ran in 2016. He was so proud of himself for naming it.

comment image

He called it “Donald Trunk.”

Grandson was all of six years old when he came up with that. He’s still the family comedian.

Barb Meier

“Donald Trunk” is a good name! Cute Teeny Ty too.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That boy has a future in meme-making!!!


He might! He’s sharp as a tack, for sure.


comment image?w=600&h=600

Gail Combs

Javier Milei is an economist who likes Murray Rothsbard, Milton Friedman and Ayn Rand. 😍
Tim Cast: Javier Milei WINS Presidential Election In Argentina, The Woke Left PANICS & Is Melting Down (10 min)

Watch Tucker’s Head Explode When Javier Milei Say What No Politician Will Admit (2:25 min subtitles)

World order in disorder w/ Robert Barnes (Live) (2.5 hrs)

Deplorable Patriot

Um…I’ve seen some not so positive stuff on Javier Milei related to the oil and gas reserves under Argentina. I’m giving this one time. He turned up on the WEF website at one point. Could well be a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Only time will tell.

Gail Combs

That goes for ALL Politians.

Meanwhile we can enjoy the left going REEEEeeeeeeeeeeeee….

Gail Combs

OH, and Javier Milei was an economics prof for 10 years and is a supporter of Von Mises.

Mises on Money by Gary North”…This is very long so I want to highlight a few critical points…” in my article A PRIMER ON MONEY

Brave and Free

Another Boris Johnson perhaps?

Gail Combs

I do not think so. He named his dogs after Milton Freeman and Murray Rothbard.

Javier Milei to Tucker: ‘Socialism is a Violent, Murderous, and Impoverishing Phenomenon’

…During a Sept. 14 interview, Javier Milei referred to socialism as a “violent, murderous, and impoverishing phenomenon” before offering some advice to Americans at Tucker Carlson’s request. Milei was adamant that “we have to raise awareness among the business sector that the masses are necessary” and made the point that those who can afford it have a duty to counter socialist persistence by promoting the “ideals of freedom.” Milei warned Americans to “Never embrace the ideals of socialism. Never allow yourselves to be seduced by the siren song of social justice. Don’t get caught up in that terrible concept that where there is a need there is a right.”

Milei, who is leading in presidential polls following his primary victory in August, went on to urge Americans to “wage a cultural war.”

He described the tactics socialists use to gain power such as “seducing the artists, seducing the culture, seducing the media, or meddling in educational content” before adding that these tactics need to be defunded.  

Milei warned that the socialists “will get into the state and use the state to impose a long term agenda that will destroy everything it touches.” He reiterated his call to action for business sector leaders: “So we need a commitment, from all those who create wealth, to fight against socialism, to fight against statism, and to understand that if they fail to do so, the socialists will keep coming.”

Milei went on to explain why the socialists are so persistent in their leftist vendetta against capitalism: 

“Since they try to leech off others, without working, they are tireless in their pursuit. Their leitmotif in life is to live off of others. So they never give up on this mechanism to gain control of others wealth, money, or income. So this battle must be waged unceasingly. We cannot take a day off, because when we rest, socialism creeps in.”….

If he stays true to what he has said and can implement his ideas, he may be a great leader.

(1 minute 30 sec)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t think so, myself. Boris was WAY too thin on his supplying of ideological details – on his bona fides. Not Milei – he comes right out and says the truth boldly. Johnson is a POSER. Milei is willing to FIGHT to say the right thing, instead of falling back to half-measures.


From Chiefio’s blog

another ian says:
25 November 2023 at 5:42 am
“New free security tool for pc users
Portmaster can monitor your sysyem for spyware, malware, tracking, network information, remote port host countries, stops M$ telemetry, browser data theft and lots more.
This is actually a very nice product and free.
Suitable for mid-range competency pc users.
A “must have” utility, especially for W10 and W11.
Free version:
https://safing.io/download/ ”

Brave and Free
Gail Combs


Has both the top (yours) and bottom (Gail’s) loaded for a comment, but figured I’d read the newer comments first. 🙃


The soul of wit…..

comment image

Gail Combs

I agree with the Prof not the student.


comment image

— and it’s free!!!

Barb Meier


Valerie Curren


Whoo Hoo  😍 

Remains Undefeated  ❤ 

Brave and Free



About Javier Milei ending the central bank in Argentina:

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

Good for him!

I hope he has EXCELLENT security people. Maybe he should ask Trump for some recommendations.


I would not be surprised to find out that DJT’s team was already providing advice and counsel in the shadows.


I guess I wouldn’t either 🙂


From OT:

After Demanding Texas AG Ken Paxton Resign to Support George P Bush, Congressman Chip Roy Endorses Ron DeSantis
November 25, 2023

SD: “In the next several months you might notice a more deliberate tone to the CTH postings that may create some discomfort for those who prefer a more delicate approach. Having met with several people who are now accepting the non-pretending framework, and having a seemingly enlarged support network ready to see things as they are – and not as we would customarily wish them to be, it becomes more important than ever to provide brutally honesty within all review.

Congressman Chip Roy previously aligned with the George P Bush clan and called for Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to resign {SEE HERE}, thereby showcasing his ideological alignment with the professional republican apparatus who constructed a completely fabricated political hit against Paxton. As a consequence, it does not come as a surprise to see Representative Roy align with the professional republican, Ron DeSantis.

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There is nothing “truly good or decent” about the DeSantis couple who would scheme, lie and connive with the billionaire donor class of Never Trumpers to deceive the Florida and national electorate. Everything about the DeSantis operation is astroturf, fabricated, false and manipulative.

The time for half measures is no longer. If we are to accept the great awakening, we can no longer provide quarter to those who would continue the era of battered conservative syndrome.”

[boldface emphasis mine]

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

Let’s find out where Mr. Roy gets his campaign money. Would he mind having his finance records posted on the internet, just prior to the GOP primary?

Barb Meier
Gail Combs

“…If we are to accept the great awakening…” ???



09-May-2020 2:33:08 PM EDT

  :wpds_arrow: The Great Awakening.   :wpds_shock: 




“…If we are to accept the great awakening…” ???


Forget it, he’s rolling 😂



From OT:

Billionaire “Never Trump” Group Dumps DeSantis for Nikki Haley…
November 25, 2023

SD: “The Daily Caller has an interesting synopsis of the donors who are now rallying behind Nikki Haley.”


Out of the frying pan, and into the dumpster fire… with Nasty Nikki 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



This woman is the fastest way back into ENDLESS WARS and PERIODIC 9/11s.



I guess Chip Roy didn’t get the message 😮🙄😏😬and I guess he can’t hear the Trump Train barreling down the tracks either 😆


This seems to have a pretty obvious answer — https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2023/11/25/who-will-govern-gaza-after-the-war-n594588 .

The Israel Nature Conservancy. Day Use Permits available in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem for a nominal fee. No overnight camping. Guided nature walks available — see website for detailed schedule.


I like it!


~18 seconds.
South Carolina Football Crowd Goes Wild for Hometown Girl Nikki Haley . . . Just Kidding, It’s Trump

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Racist AI is racist.