What is it that feeds our battle, yet starves our victory?
January 6 Tapes Reminder
After the first release, we were supposed to get more, every week.
As far as I know it hasn’t happened.
Speaker Johnson, please follow through!
24/7, to piss on your grave. Then there will be a latrine erected there so people can make, shall we say, more substantial commentary.
A Caution
Just remember…we might replace the RINO candidates. (Or we might not. The record is mixed even though there is more MAGA than there used to be.) But that will make no difference in the long run if the party officials, basically the Rhonna McDaniels (or however that’s spelled–I suspect it’s RINO), don’t get replaced.
State party chairs, vice chairs, secretaries and so on, and the same at county levels, have huge influence on who ultimately gets nominated, and if these party wheelhorses are RINOs, they will work tirelessly to put their own pukey people on the ballot. In fact I’d not be surprised if some of our “MAGA” candidates are in fact, RINO plants, encouraged to run by the RINO party leadership when they realized that Lyn Cheney (and her ilk) were hopelessly compromised as effective candidates. The best way for them to deal with the opposition, of course, is to run it themselves.
Running good candidates is only HALF of the battle!
SPECIAL SECTION: Message For Our “Friends” In The Middle Kingdom
I normally save this for near the end, but…basically…up your shit-kicking barbarian asses. Yes, barbarian! It took a bunch of sailors in Western Asia to invent a real alphabet instead of badly drawn cartoons to write with. So much for your “civilization.”
Yeah, the WORLD noticed you had to borrow the Latin alphabet to make Pinyin. Like with every other idea you had to steal from us “Foreign Devils” since you rammed your heads up your asses five centuries ago, you sure managed to bastardize it badly in the process.
Have you stopped eating bats yet? Are you shit-kickers still sleeping with farm animals?
Or maybe even just had the slightest inkling of treating lives as something you don’t just casually dispose of?
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
And here’s my response to barbarian “asshoes” like you:
OK, with that rant out of my system…
Biden Gives Us Too Much Credit
…we can move on to the next one.
Apparently Biden (or his puppeteer) has decided we’re to blame for all of the fail in the United States today.
Sorry to disappoint you Joe (or whoever), but you managed to do that all on your own; not only that, you wouldn’t let us NOT give you the chance because you insisted on cheating your way into power.
Yep, you-all are incompetent, and so proud of it you expect our applause for your sincerity. Fuck that!!
It wouldn’t be so bad, but you insist that everyone else have to share in your misery. Nope, can’t have anyone get out from under it. Somehow your grand vision only works if every single other person on earth is forced to go along. So much as ONE PERSON not going along is enough to make it all fail, apparently.
In engineering school we’re taught that a design that has seven to eight billion single points of failure…sucks.
Actually, we weren’t taught that. Because it would never have occurred to the professors to use such a ridiculous example.
Justice Must Be Done.
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Spot Prices
All prices are Kitco Ask, 3PM MT Friday (at that time the markets close for the weekend). (Note: most media quotes are for the bid…the price paid by the market makers, not the ask, which is what they will sell at. I figure the ask is more relevant to people like us who wish we could afford to buy these things. In the case of gold the difference is usually about a dollar, for the PGMs the spread is much wider.)
Last Week:
Gold $2,003.70
Silver $24.42
Platinum $941.00
Palladium $1,094.00
Rhodium $4,900.00
So here it is, Friday, 3PM MT after markets closed and we see:
Gold $2,072.00
Silver $25.52
Platinum $944.00
Palladium $1026.00
Rhodium $4,800.00
This is a record high close for gold. It jumped up $35 on Friday. I do not know what the absolute high point was, earlier in the day, other than it was around $2,075. Many analysts expect a sustained push beyond $2,100. Meanwhile palladium’s slow decline continues. Silver is climbing (but nowhere near its 1980 high of roughly $50, even without adjusting for inflation). Platinum seems stable.
How We Know What Classical Latin Sounded Like
I stated earlier this week, as a side note to something else, that the Latin of Julius Caesar sounded a bit different from the Latin spoken by the Catholic Church (i.e., the one headquartered within Rome). We don’t know everything, exactly, but we do know a lot.
I got some pushback, and some arguments that demonstrated that some people simply don’t believe (or don’t understand the consequences of) the fact that languages change over time, especially when there are no audio recordings.
People are right to not simply take my word for it though, so I’ll bring some of the reasoning.
It at first seems a daunting task to reconstruct the sounds of a language when there were no audio recordings. (Well, I suppose if aliens have been watching us for millennia, there might be. Just the thought of that is enough to make historical linguists drool.)
Historical Linguistics (sometimes called diachronic linguistics) is the study of language change over time. (It is a science, albeit a rather “soft” one, so I expect and hope Wolf will be filing this in the sidebar.) This means it’s concerned with how one language changes over time, and the process by which one widespread language splits into multiple languages.
A good, down-home example of the former is the changes that English has gone through since the Germanic invasions and settlement of Britain in (roughly) 500 CE. And the change is considerable. Our founding fathers’ writing patterns seem quaint but we usually have no trouble understanding them (except for those times we only think we understand them…fortunately those don’t arise much in the documents). Shakespeare is notably harder to deal with. The King James Bible translation was made in Shakespeare’s day, and deliberately had some archaic language in it for gravitas, and it gets more difficult. Not only old words, but sometimes a word we use today meant something different back then and we get tripped up. The moral of that story: over generations words can shift meanings. But there’s more. In the couple of centuries before Shakespeare, and even during Shakespeare’s day, we underwent something called the “Great Vowel Shift” where the sounds of the vowels all changed, over the span of less than a century. I…formerly pronounced like the i in machine, but with a little more duration (making it “long”), became pronounced like aye. (And we still call it “long I” even though it’s not actually long in duration.) Meet, meat, and the middle e in serene changed from sounding like today’s e in bet, or an Italian e, to sounding like I used to sound. The a in mate used to be a long-in-duration ah, and sounds…well like it sounds today…a combination of former e and i called a diphthong. These are vowels that are pronounced in the front of the mouth with the tongue at different heights, and they all shifted up one place once “i” became “eye.” Curiously this happened mostly to our “long” vowels. Instead of just being the same as the short vowels, only pronounced for twice as long, they shifted.
Other similar changes upward happened with o and u (which are pronounced in the back of the mouth.
If you’ve ever taken Spanish, you’ve noticed that a, e, i, o, and u are pronounced quite differently than in English, and you may have thought it a bit weird. It turns out Spanish is much closer to the original pronunciations; we’re the weird ones. We used to have more Spanish-like pronunciations (though we sometimes lengthened a vowel). Then we spent 1400-1700 bodging all this, and making our own spelling hard for us and completely incomprehensible for others.
And the International Phonetic Alphabet actually goes with the older usages. I like machine. e like the Italian e (which we don’t have any more and fake with the day diphthong), a like in father (and never like in day), u as in fool, and o sort-of as in vote. (Another diphthong used to fake a pure sound we don’t have any more.) The e in bet is actually a different sound represented in the IPA with ε. (Linguists usually write actual sound values like this: /i/ to distinguish them from some language’s letter I which might mean something totally different.)
So…sounds can change with time, too.
And languages can split. Most famous here is Latin, splitting into Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Romanian, and a whole host of other languages that don’t happen to share the names of countries. And within each of these, very distinctive dialects that are sometimes different enough that it’s debatable whether it’s the same language any more. It’s actually a gradient. The local language spoken in Marseille (as opposed to the Parisian French in the schools) isn’t terribly different from the tongue spoken in nearby parts of Italy…or the tongue spoken in northwestern Spain. They’re geographically close, but in all three places a faraway capital imposes a “standard” language, and those standard languages differ far more (especially French, which has undergone some serious pronunciation changes).
In this case every local group’s language has slowly shifted, in slightly different directions, until they’re quite separate, and it’s hard to understand other languages (the further away, the worse), if it can be done at all.
Some languages change more than others; historical linguists love finding a language that is “conservative” meaning it hasn’t changed too much. The Baltic languages (Latvian and Lithuanian) apparently haven’t changed much; neither has Icelandic (the other Scandinavian tongues have changed a lot more).
Okay…so there’s some examples.
Latin, of course, was originally spoken in Latium, the region around Rome in Italy.
Latium is now called “Lazio” which just goes to make the point about changes. This is one that in hindsight is no surprise. /t/ before /i/ tends to become /ts/ (spelled z in Italian). Why? Because people are lazy and start to slur their words, eventually the slur becomes normal. If the process were to continue, the /t/ might disappear entirely leaving just /si/. This has been seen under so many different occasions world wide that now if we have two related languages and one has /ti/ where the other has /tsi/ or even /si/ we know the second language is the one that changed.
Sometimes, though, you have just one language and since not all possible changes will actually happen (otherwise Latin would never have split up, just changed the same everywhere), it can be hard to figure out what the original sound was.
But with Latin we have multiple descendant languages. And we have something else; we have writings in other languages, trying to render Latin words.
For instance we have the Greek spellings of Latin words. And in this case, without fail, the Greeks rendered Latin “C” with Greek “Κ” (kappa). Kappa is never pronounced as anything other than /k/. Never /s/ and never /tʃ/ (our ch). Now one might say that the Greeks don’t have a /tʃ/ sound so they might have faked it with kappa, but that’s very doubtful. /tʃ/ is pronounced in the front of the mouth, /k/ in the back. The Greeks would have likely faked /tʃ/ with tau and sigma: τς or τσ, not with some sound from the back of the mouth. They don’t have a match for ʃ (sh) at all, but /s/ is pronounced in almost the same place.
Thus “vici” was pronounced with a hard /k/, as was Caesar, and Cicero. We also have Roman authors asking why on earth they don’t just get rid of the letter K since it’s pronounced just like C. (It’s a part of the Latin alphabet but rarely used; kalends is probably the most common Latin word I see with that K. Kyrie is borrowed from the Greek.)
OK, so now onto the other bone of contention, the V.
We again have Greeks rendering Roman words with the v in them, and again without failure, it’s never with the letter the Greeks use for v (more on that below). For example Valerius (a commonly used name) is rendered in Greek as Ουαλεριος (Oualerios). The Greeks didn’t (and still don’t) have /w/, but /Ου/ was pronounced /u/ and that’s very, very close, in a diphthong it is basically a /w/. We can tell when V changed from /w/ to /v/ though, because later Greek inscriptions rendered ‘Valerius’ as Βαλεριος, starting with the Greek letter beta.
Beta (Β, β) has been pronounced like /v/ not /b/, since about 200 BCE and is still /v/ today. (If Greeks want to spell the /b/ sound today, they use μπ.) /b/ and /v/, note, are both pronounced in the front of the mouth, one is a stop and the other is a fricative. If you pronounce the sounds and pay attention to what your mouth and lips are doing, you’ll see what I mean.
And this is why Cyrillic В is a /v/; Cyrillic was based on Greek in the 9th century, well after that shift happened. Cyrus and Methodius were aware of the old pronunciation, so /b/ is represented with a variant shape, Б, right before В in the Cyrillic alphabet.
Now as to the point of why Eccesiastical (Church) Latin sounds so much like Italian today (used as an argument for it not having changed at all), the reason it sounds so much like Italian, is because it is largely Italians who have been using it. The Church is based in Rome; they’re surrounded by Italians, most of the staff are Italians, and in fact even today 49 out of 241 cardinals are Italians. As Italian changed into its present form, the “frozen” Latin from the early centuries of the Church changed its pronunciation (the one thing not preserved in writing) to match. Grammar and vocubulary (as spelled) did not change, because it was preserved in writing.
Bonus video:
An American, fluent in Latin, using the classical pronunciation (wenee, weedi, weeky) in Rome. You can see it’s a bit of a struggle but they eventually get it.
And again at the Colosseum. I haven’t watched this one like I have the others, but if he’s really asking where the Flavian Amphitheater is, they’re entitled to ask him if he’s fricking blind. (The Flavian Amphitheater is what the Romans called the Colosseum.):
A more open experiment: I believe in this case he actually asked the Romans to try the experiment of speaking in Latin. Some things are easy, some things they couldn’t get:
And going to the Vatican. This time he used the Ecclesiastical pronunciation (vennee, veedee, veechee) which is how they’re used to it. Still, few people there claimed fluency:
OK with that out of the way it’s time to discuss asshoes.
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
China is Lower than Whale Shit
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
China is in the White House
Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.
Joe Biden is Asshoe
China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.
But of course the much more important thing to realize:
Joe Biden Didn’t Win
乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!
That was a fascinating dive into linguistic history! The first video is very interesting too. (I haven’t gotten to the others yet.)
Yep… took me on a little trip.
First stop was here…
Short but interesting. Layed things out in prospective.
Second stop was here. Must of been the pretty face, but turned out to be a mother load. Everything explained very well.
Much of her stuff consists of snippet history, mixed with languages and many maps. Pause button is suggested to be at the ready. Each of her vids are normally under about 12 mins. Good springboard stuff but I don’t see her doing a specific vid for Latin.
Her home page on youtube… lots of directions to go.
After that you can see that it might be more of a matter of preference… so I went here.
Though this one seems like a better starting point…
Uh … it’s a load of crap to mis-use that word for lode.
Bet you’re using talk-to-text, right?
It’s certainly not what any of us were taught and disobeys conventional thought as it strays from the Christian Jewish Biblical thing and also strays from the Greek Roman thing as well as the Persian to Sumer thing too as it seeks deeper wider roots than all that if that’s what you mean as a load of crap
. Might not be, that’s a leap on my part, but I am seeing some constrictions on thought, well placed, well meaning and well thought out are nevertheless loosening and have been for quite some time since the last hundred and so years but are only now finding outlets to wider audience, not that anyone is paying attention.
As to talk to text, nope. Continuously rewrites my sentences. Fluidity of thought and gift of gab are two things lacking.
I think he was complaining solely about you using “mother load” instead of “mother lode.”
…except by cheating and both the Demonrats and Repugnantcons are quite ok with cheating.
And the Repubnantcons are quite ok with having the Demonrats cheat and “win.”
They shouldn’t be making Jack or the FIB out to be scary or deranged, that’s empowering. Tyrants love to be perceived as scary.
They should be mocking him and belittling him. Tyrants don’t like that at all.
Just ask Winnie the Xi-Jin Pooh.
Good point. I thought he looked a little hysterical and desperate.
Reminds me of my ex-wife.
Yeah, but the fucker actually looks like a Spanish Inquisitor. Dude gives me the creeps. But I’m still not afraid of him, because however he looks, he’s still stupid.
looks and acts like hitman.
That, too!
A dainty hit man.
With an inferiority complex.
Tactics of a coward. Pure Evil.
At least the FIB guy looks pretty dense, throwing darts at Dinesh D’Souza.
Microtyrannies are real!
We want/are entitled to your bike, your lunch, your purse, wallet, money, your tennis shoes, your iPhone, your jacket, the entire stock of your store….
Somehow your list reminded me of this:
SO classic!
That’s a rayciss cartoon.
Uh oh, he’s straying off the farm. Time to bring him back home.
I hate to say it, but I’m actually starting to like this guy a little.
Bad girl. Go to your room.
I’ll go with “broken watch” theory.
I sometimes like things Sinema does. That doesn’t mean I like her.
When did he re-learn to talk?
Maybe he got fixed and he’s a Republican now!
How would that necessarily mean he is “fixed” (in the true sense, not the veterinarian sense)? Go back and read my RINO rants!
If he votes to expel Menendez now, he’s fixed IMO!!!
I mean just calling him a “Republican” isn’t the right way to phrase it since few of them operate properly.
“The time Trump landed his helicopter at center field and threw out a first pitch” like a boss.
Hoochool – TYRANT!
I always think of Crisco when I see her face.
Are we sure she’s not a robot, like Witchmer?
Whitmer 2.0,
She’s another election appointment, remember she was installed when Andy was removed.
That’s all true except her statement
“They are truly morons”
They know exactly what they’re doing,
”It’s truly self serving for their survival”
I haven’t researched this and am wondering how people with the “new” whilte lung syndrome are being treated. I wonder if IVM and HCQ would help.
Apparently, this «white lung» refers to a mycoplasma bacterial infection of the lungs. But it seems to be a new term coined recently to describe a certain kind of pneumonia.
So I’m detecting a whiff of some kind of campaign here, as when old diseases gain new names, someone has something ready to sell. (or maybe it is just that these days, my spirit animal is the suspicious cat…)
It also brings to mind the «ground-glass lung» appearence of lungs on CT, that was a thing during early parts of the corona-sickness period in 2020.
As for remedies, I’d expect that anything that helps the body’s immune system will be good. Though I don’t think anti-parasitics like HCQ and IVM will conquer the bacteria, as those were more effecitive with zinc as antivirals against virus. Some kind of antibiotic might be needed here.
Easily treated with antibiotics is what I heard on Warroom, though there may be some resistance to the common drugs.
My first thought is elecampane root.
This herbal remedy is the absolute best for deep lung infection. It is a powerful expectorant. Weirdly, it also will stop an unproductive cough. This is due, I think, to it’s mildly analgesic properties. It sort of numbs the throat.
It can be used as a decoction (tea), an electuary (the fresh root sliced or grated and preserved in honey, or my favorite way, which is kind of candied.
I slice the root about 1/4 inch thick. Put a thick layer of honey in a pan, and lay the sliced root in it in a single layer. Bring the honey to a bubbling simmer and pull it off the heat. When the bubbling subsides, put it back on the heat until it bubbles again. Do this three times. When it cools, put it in a glass jar. Stored in a cool, dark place, I have kept elecampane this way for a couple of years.
The plant is pretty easy to identify in the wild, though I grow it in my yard. The fresh root smells something like violets.
Perhaps mayhaps think about taking These Truth’s comment added to yours and posting it on that link.

Meanwhile if I had kids, I’d suggest that they could go out to scour the neighborhood for some, as it seems like an easy horticulture project, though I’d likely be a bit amiss in pointing out the growing season is July-Sept. Still they’d get a copy of that page and when they returned empty handed I’d remind them about attention to detail, so not my fault.
In the meantime, though this is Texas, will keep my own eye out, as I’m sure I’ve seen those thin yellow blades in my yard before and have likely run them down with my mower. Seems every weed known to man has sprung up in my yard at one point or another and finding some could be a great excuse to put off mowing for another day.
Elecampane is a BIG plant. Mine are six feet tall!
Thanks for that great info! I’m saving it.
You’re welcome!
Thank you Aubergine! I don’t think it grows around me but Mountain Rose Herbs sells it.
The other day when you talking about wormwood, I wanted to ask if you had a favorite book on the subject you would recommend?
Oh, yes. Mountain Rose Herbs is a great source.
A favorite book about herbalism, I think you mean? Not just wormwood, I assume.
My favorite herbals are Bartram’s Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine for uses, preparations, and dosages. He is old-school and very specific:
My other favorite it Andrew Chevallier’s Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine. It has wonderful illustrations and very good information:
You’re the best
Aww. Thanks!
How you get mush for brains.
LMAO! Yup, A healthy animal-based diet contains CHADANINE, to build strong muscles!
A picture worth a thousand words!
So, I had a medical appointment on Thursday. Although I am sure there are worse patients, I have a variety of behaviors in medical settings that are quirky. For example, I tend to be observing things…..but always at the point of hearing “squirrel!” Also, being curious about all the devices around, it is only by sheer force of will that I manage not to disassemble all the equipment in an examination room before the doctor comes in.
Anyway, I am being led in from the lobby to get weighed in, before being sat in the examination room and having BP and all that. The physician’s assistant, a comely young lass young enough to be my daughter, takes me back to the scale. I’m holding a backpack and coat that I’m trying to set down before stepping onto the scale when I happen to glance toward her.
At which point I did a double-take, looked at her chest, and squinted my eyes to focus. She drily noted, “my name is Teresa**” — likely figuring that I was either trying to read her name badge (on a lanyard), or just ogle.
I replied, “I knew that”, and continued, “I just saw the tag on your pocket. I don’t have my glasses on, and initially thought it said ‘PIGS’ and was trying to figure out why.” This caused one of the other PAs in a nearby office to gasp loudly and start to laugh.
[Teresa was actually wearing a FIGS Catarina scrub top — they have them on Amazon. The tag was light grey and the scrub was maroon, so it stood out — and the font for the logo was blocky.]
At this point, I stepped up on the scale and we got the weight recorded. Her laughing associate had continued into full scale hilarity to the point where she might fall off her chair — as I retrieved my coat and backpack, she calmed to the point where she thanked me for being the most entertaining part of her day.
** changed
Dang.. you didn’t mention a color and now were forced to use our imaginations… here’s a few figs here to get started.
((kidding he did say what color… it was this one

It’s a nice, trim, color-coordinated look, but you can understand why the tag caught my eye — and, then, it was obvious that something was written on it…..but it was just the wrong distance for no glasses…..
But, then, when I first read “PIGS”, I was going — (a) what a weird thing to say on one’s clothing; (b) she’s certainly cute enough that I wouldn’t apply “PIGS” to her (just like the three models above); and (c) maybe it’s one of those psycho post-feminist things, implying that she was dealing with PIGS…..and maybe I was supposed to be one…..
Yes, it makes perfect sense. I was never fond of the feminist business. I refused to comply with the whole s/he phase. Gak!
Coulda been its pronoun.
I love the v-neck tops too.
Thanks for the entertaining story, cthulhu! So of course, I had to go to Amazon and search for these FIGS tops to see one. You describe them perfectly though I wondered if they might have fig designs on the shirt. Can you tell I have not gone to a doctors office for many years? Vets office techs and groomers have designs on their tops and I always take my pets for health and beauty trips.
Next, I had to learn if figs are fruits or vegetables. LOL Busy mind in the middle of the night. It’s 2 am here and yes, I should be sleeping but my sleep patterns are out of whack.
One question. Do you often take a backpack with you?
Nearly always. Why?
Just curious. I’m just used to guys only carrying keys and a wallet in their back pockets. LOL
I always carry keys and change in my left front pocket. Paper money and wallet in my right front pocket. This left me with no place to carry a smartphone when I was eventually forced to get one — which reminds me, I need to fish it out and put it back on the charger.
That’s right. The keys and change go in the front pocket.
I also carry reading material, an itinerary/appointment reminder/travel docs, post-it notes, pens, and the like.
About the only weird thing that’s always in the backpack is a roll of toilet paper. Some years back, I was somewhere and needed to commune with mother nature for a bit — and, when I had done so, I found myself contemplating one of those giant rolls of sub-one-ply generic paper that is nearly useless and doesn’t tear off cleanly….and I swore a mighty oath: “As God is my witness, as God is my witness they’re not going to lick me. I’m going to live through this and when it’s all over, I’ll never be hungry again. No, nor any of my folk. If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill. As God is my witness, I’ll never be hungry again.”
Oh, wait — that was another oath. My oath was more like, “this is complete BS that I should never have to deal with.” So, I started carrying a roll of TP around. As it turns out, it’s almost like being a cool frood who knows where his towel is in Hitchhiker’s Guide — it comes in handy more frequently than you might think. And, of course, if I ever do find myself in a stall where the dispenser on the wall is trying to give me single squares of waxed one-ply……
Some doctors want you to bring all your medicines along which some folks can’t fit in a pocket.
When going to the doctor with Sally Q, I usually carry a book in case they are running late, since I don’t have a smart phone to play with (just graduated from 2002 Nokia 3g to Kyocera flip 4g in November) and sometimes a bottle of water – tissues in case I sneeze – chapstick or lipstick. I also need to carry a snack for her due to her diabetes and need to keep blood sugar at a healthy level.
As needed, TP can provide a tissue for your sneeze, a napkin for your messy meal, a wound dressing, a towel for a spill, a hand protector to pick up something you don’t want to touch, and a zillion other things.
Another example of a weird quasi-fruit is the pomegranate.
Another weird fruit with a backstory is the avocado. Biologically, it is in the form of a fruit that is consumed whole by an herbivore — where the seed and some accompanying fertilizer is later deposited at some distance. There is, however, a minor problem….avocados are New World plants, and there haven’t been any herbivores large enough to consume them whole (or pass the seeds) in the New World for 10,000 years.
The last animals that fit the description were giant ground sloths — animals the size of rhinos and African elephants that roamed the Americas. There are sites which show that these were hunted by humans.
Extinction of the giant ground sloths made the avocado’s ecological strategy untenable, and they were slowly dying out through their ancestral range…..until identified as a food crop by humans.
Today, the most popular type of commercial avocado is the Hass, which has a charming story behind it — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudolph_Hass#Discovery_of_the_Hass_Avocado
A plant that seemed doomed 10,000 years ago became massively popular in the 1930s and is now found around the world. Something to contemplate with some guacamole…..
I love avocado and guacamole. The last time I got one, I cleaned the seed, put three toothpicks in a circle around it, and set it in a glass of water to see if it would grow. I would not. Sad. Do I remember correctly that they irradiate them so they won’t make a plant?
I grew one using that method once, out of curiosity. It worked.
One sprouted for me after I threw an entire “expired” avocado in the compost. I later found it sprouted and growing a root. I think you could bury an avocado in a flower pot to see if it would sprout, that would be easier than the method you tried at least.
True, each day I was making sure just the botom part was underwater and for all I know, I could have had it upsidedown. I put the smallest part down and the biggest above water.
Did you know that vegans won’t eat figs? Because every time you eat one, you are consuming insects:
“Wasps pollinate the majority of commercially grown figs. Yes, edible figs do include at least one dead female wasp. However, it is not quite the urban legend that fruits contain insect meat. When a female wasp dies within an edible fig, an enzyme known as ficin in the fig breaks down her carcass into protein.”
P.S. Doesn’t stop me, I LOVE figs!
If she has been digested, then she’s not a bug any more, and you are not consuming insects. Any more than you are if you consume beef from a cow that accidentally swallowed bugs with the grass it ate.
ThanQ for the minor yet critical details.
Yeah, I know that, but the vegans don’t, lol!
Yeah, but there’s no accounting for what will bug a vegan!
Well done.
then I was a bad vegan at one time of my life 
The only good vegan is a bad vegan.
I love fig pinwheel cookies like my Mom used to make too.
As a follow-up to Thursday’s appointment, I went in to get some X-rays of my f’d-up shoulder to see if there was permanent damage — being that it was taking forever-and-a-day to heal.
This wasn’t very exciting, being just me and the technician and no real opportunities for disassembly……but I do have two anecdotes.
We would eventually do four views. The first three had a sensor plate encased in a wall-mounted holder, with the X-ray source pointing through the shoulder area. I noticed that the holder would shake every time the X-ray was on and asked why that was.
The technician’s English wasn’t great, but the understanding I got was that there was a grid in the wall bracket, and it was dithered to avoid being “printed” onto the sensor. One way this made sense to me would be if the grid were used to spread the beam. If anyone can confirm this, please leave a comment.
The next anecdote relates to why I am not yet asleep. The fourth exposure pointed down through the shoulder onto the sensor laying on a table. My arm was painfully extended across the table — sort of like, “let’s re-create your injury but get it on film this time.” This was about 10 hours ago and the shoulder still hurts — modern medicine at its finest.
Sorry about your shoulder injury and pain.
Aleve has helped my ‘bad foot’ which has numbness and occasional severe enough pain that I can’t walk well on it.
That foot was broken when it was run over by Sally Q’s power wheelchair, was broken again when stepping off a sidewalk. That leg had varicose vein surgery, and that ankle had frequent sprains and isn’t pretty with multiple surface purple broken veins all over it.)
Taking Aleve Arthritis Formula took the most recent bout of pain away overnight…so I take one now at the first twinge and it’s doing ok.
My pain reliever of choice as well for all things muscle, ligament, arthritis, etc. related.
CBD does wonders on my shoulder. Comes in a stick, like deodorant, just rub on. The brand name here in WA state is Dragon.
Interesting. I didn’t know about this remedy.
Cthulhu, I love your stories but I sure wish your shoulder was better and the tests didn’t make it worse. I would give you a cyber-hug, but my luck it would hurt your shoulder too.
a smile will have to do.
Easier to understand their evil insanity as Critical Immigration Theory.
It has been clear for a long time that they don’t believe in the principles of America’s founding:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…”
Saw something today that struck me as increasingly demonic in the music world. I’m going to use a spoiler so people can just ignore this unless they want to expose themselves to it.
There are various Japanese girl groups that are called “idols” – they tend to be highly choreographed singers, but they’re mostly “cute”, “pretty”, “artsy”, etc.
Apart from the “idols” aspect, not too suspect.
Example: Older group – Perfume
Compare to American stuff.
There’s a recent Taylor Swift concert that has her dancing on top of a big black cube in the middle of the audience. Lots of people saw the Islamic aspect, but really, not too edgy compared to a lot of acts.
Well, now there’s are Japanese “idol” groups that are going toward heavy metal, and in this case (“Baby Metal”) it really looks overtly demonic, even having the girls sitting in Baphomet-style chairs, but with a “fox god” theme (very Japanese).
Old gods much? Yikes!
An interview with the group shows that as people, these gals are highly separated from the appearance and the message, which is weird. They seem like “nice girls” who do weird death metal girl group as a child acting/singing gig.
The lyrics tend not to be too bad, sometimes almost “positive”, but sometimes…..
In general, the whole concept seems disturbing.
Right now, the world is full of demons, and old gods, in my opinion. They have gained a foothold and they are using it.
There is a passage in the Bible that I think is very applicable right now.
Matthew 12:43-45
43 “When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none. 44 Then he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. 45 Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. So shall it also be with this wicked generation.”
I think it isn’t only that an unclean spirit has to leave for the “house” of the soul to be empty. I think it is possible that the utter lack of God and/or religion can be an “empty house,” and that spirits can enter then, and dwell.
(Note to Steve: I don’t think this applies across the board; mostly to empty heads and hearts. But there are an awful lot of those)
We have “emptied” an entire generation of people of God. There is no prayer in schools, no public expression of religion in many places (not all), and a general lack of meaning in people’s lives. They are an empty vessel. Who knows what can move in there?
The worst ones are people like Taylor Swift, who “appears” guileless and dumb as a post (my opinion). They are the most useful to the evil ones for their purposes.
Speaking of demons, today checking my family connections on Facebook, Breyer Model Horses popped up. They had a nice looking horse model for Christmas; however, it also has horns. Sigh… I commented on their FB post asking if those are black horns. No response yet. How demonic, how sad.
That almost looks like antlers.
A reindeer horse?
Usually satan is depicted with simple, one-point horns.
Exactly what I was thinking! Christmas horse with reindeer antlers.
Wolf’s Demonological Risk Assessment = 0, Not Demonic
Wolf’s Pagan Risk Assessment = 1, Common Pagan Christmas Symbology, Low Risk
I’m pretty sure these are OK – that they’re just “reinhorses” styled after reindeer. Mildly pagan Christmas tradition – zero risk, NOT occult.
Liars lie. Most do it for money. I’m not surprised.
The ones pushing this are trying to make themselves gods. They want people to view the body as a robot that they can alter at will.
It’s a very WEF outlook! But I think WEF is low in the chain of command.
Enjoyed some softer science! The Italians reacting to Latin was great fun!
Somehow I got dragged into some hilarious music-playing YouTube videos by this guy, and I just had to share.
Saturday, right ?
ok so…
very easy, whatever…
so try this one…
G T N T L …Guess The Next 3 Letters of the Sequence
(answers posted somewhere soon)
LOL! I think I enjoyed those!
did you get the last one there ?
I think so!
I missed the cats riddle….I thought 16 cats…still do…must be kinda dumm bc I do not see how it can be 4 cats.
4 cats each in a corner, 4 corners.
3 cats in front of each of those 4 corner cats.
that’s 4 cats stacked up in 4 corners, right ?
4 x 4 = 16
It’s a square room, so you have to take the square root.
And if pi(e) is on the counter, it goes to zero in the Z dimension in a finite time!
They don’t tell you (or I missed it) that the cats are facing the middle of the room, so they see the other 3 cats.
Yeah, I started to go there, but realized that it would be adding cats in a non-symmetrical, cascading way. Only the MINIMUM number had the correct symmetry to make the “cats who see three cats” the only kind of cat.
That’s a lot of cats.
Four cats.
Yep. They’re all facing into the room. So directly ahead another cat. 45 degrees to the left (but still in front), another cat. And 45 degrees to the right, the third other cat. Total four cats.
We’ll wait.
Steve Kirsch just proved to my satisfaction that the NZ data is gold!
morning wolf
something odd just happened…hope it doesn’t affect you.
my blog was just suspended and i’m not sure why…
perhaps my previous screen name offended???
I loved that show as a kid!
I did too !
still watch the re-runs sometimes,
Paul with his shiny blonde hair & shiny California zute suits ! lol
We’ll see how things shake out in the morning (or, perhaps, after the weekend).
In the meantime, we’d love to have you hang with us and crowdsource next steps as a little more information comes into view.
i’ve requested clarification and am waiting on that but in reading the vague terms I’ve supposedly violated i do not see my error.
this is a great place to hang out
What entity put the kibosh on you?
no idea
I see it listed on the sidebar here, I just tried to click into it “no longer available”, can’t access it…
is it a political blog ?
or a creative blog ?
both ?
has this happened before ?
the opens are all over the place…mostly generic as opposed to DePat’s, Wolf’s and Steve’s. the comments are political, tweets, articles etc…but inconsequential in the grand scheme of things.
we aim for humor mostly…memes
you prob already know all of this but maybe it can help figure this out ?
Website Down: What to do when it happens and how to avoid – Nestify
thanks, but this is them taking it down, so i have to wait to see why
right, got it.
Important question – if they shut down your blog, do you want them to give you your content to recreate the blog elsewhere? Or are you OK with losing your prior posts? There are blogs they took down and allowed back, but they can never be trusted, IMO. Also, you may have to fight to get the content back.
all of my opens are stored on a word file on an external drive…i can retrieve them any time. they’re not lost. the comments are.
OK. That’s helpful, but I can tell you that you would be able to export EVERYTHING from your blog if they let you back in, and that should be a demand, if they shut you down permanently – that you want all your information, including media and comments.
good to know, thanks!
Has anyone ever archived it?
i never have…it’s really just a hobby. i am certainly not as serious as wolf is…it was just a fun thing to do. i am really more interested in the WHY it was suspended
Sounds like somebody on the other side went after it and “alerted” WP.com to something they didn’t like. Or they have a new AI thing targeting stuff.
i’ll let you know if i hear back as to my supposed offense
We’ll be champin’ at the bit……
…..after we wake up and get some caffeine into our bloodstreams…..
Possible violation.
Censors Have No Sense Of Humor.
Nor Heart, Nor Brain
It looks like WordPress.com is responsible.
Glad you asked them for an explanation.
This is EXACTLY why I left WordPress.com
When they pulled this crap on Sundance, I was through with them. I refused to live under the threat of deplatforming.
Did you ever like a Trump tweet or repost one????
i do not tweet
but i have reposted many of them
Very disconcerting to hear this pat. While it’s nice to have you, it should be under better circumstance. We depend on the idea of having a place to jump off too in time of crises and since we are often under attack we look to our sister sites to be our refuge in uncertain times. That they are gunning you guys down is cause for worry. Hopefully you get relief. You certainly deserve it. No one who lives under the first amendment can think your site is subversive in the least. It’s a small community place that promotes solidarity in troubling times. A place of prayers, good wishes and reflection on the happenings of the day. That someone would bother such a small place over some woke trivialities is unfathomable and cruel. Especially given to how much heart, time and effort goes into setting up such a site and contributing to it every day filling it with small meaningful treasures.
Hopefully no one has been left stranded and they know where to go while the site is down, be it here or one of our other sister sites.
The little monsters are so petty and getting desperate. Be nice if we all had a moar secure refuge.
This is an EXCELLENT point, para!
Here is the concern.
If they ARREST me and shut down the blog, we depend on people regrouping at our sister sites as the primary initial response.
They may be trying to cut off the exits ahead of the 2024 election.
Good morning! WOW. Let me check something…..
Someone should alert Marica’s and Sylvia’s.
I’m currently unable to post at either, but that’s likely a personal thing…..that it’s too late in the morning for me to debug.
Yours Truly just alerted Marica’s blog.
There is some chance they’ll go after Marica’s and Sylvia’s, too, after they observe our response here.
Truth seems to offend, irritate, piss off tyrants.
All the more reason to call out, Jack Smith Is A Thug.
OTOH, people are already having trouble with the data. Some missing and incomplete records. Messy!
Wolf Moon
“It appears that WP is starting to “crack down” on “certain WP blogs”, like pat frederick’s blog.
Thankfully, we’re off WP.com !!!
If you haven’t seen this ad……. WOW.
Thanks to Robert Malone for reposting this…..
yep wow
no dry eyes here.
My daughter sent this to me a couple of days ago. It is really just beautiful.
Thanks for bringing this.
Very nicely done.
You’re welcome!
It feels good to make up for some the evil stuff I have to bring here as part of battle.
Very therapeutic!
My allergies must be acting up. Anybody with family who have experienced dementia will fully understand and appreciate this.
there is hope
Amazing. Top notch actors.
And where did they find that station wagon???
Smells like what the Feds do.
As the Feds dole out grants (taxpayer dollars), to further a BS political position.
ESG. One of Many scams the Feds push.
Yup. Things are changing!
Identifying AND Taking Out the Weak Link, is the Evil Doers Goal.
So long as the Federal ghouls do NOT control the Internet, we’ll win.
>>> Internet Freedom, IS THE WEAK LINK. <<<
>>> Internet Freedom, is directly linked to Freedom Of Speech.
We can still win without the Internet. But it’ll take much longer and be more messy.
Stepping off my soap box.
Most excellent post.
The truth will set us free.
Kirsch has a pretty damning graph here.
Wolf Moon
The “mortality possibility window” for the COVID-19 “vaccines” ROLLS ALONG with EVERY dose that a person over age 65 takes,
This DOES NOT include the “mortality possibility window” for the COVID-19 “vaccines” for persons UNDER age 65 who take the injections.
Does the HAVE to be a misspelling? Doesn’t he realize that is just the brass ring for a leftist to grab in any argument where his slide is presented?
Damn it, man! Proofread your stuff, for all our sakes!
Are we referring to monotonic?
Had to look it up. “In a monotonic manner, of a function that either never decreases or never increases as its independent variable increases.”
Seems like a good descriptor for after the initial rise.
The title of the graph, at the very top, says “Medicare: COVID vaccine givent in 2021 or 2022″
Maybe Steve didn’t make the graph? I don’t know. I just know leftists, and that’s the first thing they would attack.
Appears pretty damning. NOT surprised here.
Wonder what the population represented is. I see Medicare. So it is folks enrolled in Medicare, Nationally? Or a narrower population?
What start date, is the data representing.
In awhile I’ll poke around. I don’t do X, so it may complicate the search.
As Aubergine pointed out, where and who is the audience. AND, I’d like to see the entire slide deck, it came from.
Maybe here
Thank you.
http://www.igor-chudov.com/ presents his own analysis of the NZ data. It appears that his conclusion is that the data set is flawed in several ways and therefore should be looked at with a “side eye.”
While apparently there are “gaps” in the data set, Yours Truly differs with Mr. Chudov in one of his conclusions — that the NZ nursing home data is flawed because (paraphrase) “the elderly people in the nursing homes were going to die anyway” reasoning.
On the other hand, the Steve Kirsch presentation on the data set ALSO brings in the corroborating figures from the US Medicare database.
So, while there may indeed be “gaps” in the NZ data set, the overall conclusion by Mr. Kirsch, IMO, still stands — that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are deadly, and especially to people over age 65.
Agreed! It’s an imperfect database, but it should still have much to tell us.
Excellent argument there!
That’s an eye opener. Last “What you need to know story” headlined the stabber was BLM and nothing about being an FBI informant. Of course I didn’t bother to read the story, which was likely the point as they get us to move on from their no brainer disclosure. This on the other hand is a brainer and cause for pause.
Yes. Very concerning. SMALL DETAIL.
Very minor.
/s /s /s
Article I read yesterday.
Very interesting post, Steve! Good stuff.
I have an example of how the pronunciation of language changed things in my own family tree, I think.
Part of my family came here from Germany. The name was spelled (in Germany) as Fruh. When they got here, it became variously Frey, Free, Fry.
All of those spellings must have sounded basically the same, as spelling in colonial times was mostly phonetic.
If that “Fruh” had an umlaut u in it (ü) then it makes perfect sense. It’s a sound we don’t have in English but I could see English speakers approximating it with /i/…which since the vowel shift is usually spelled “ee” in English. (The I in machine.)
Language fascinates me.
Verse of the Day for Saturday, December 2, 2023
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:”
2 Timothy 3:16 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Wonders if Steve would notice how the Verse of Day pairs nicely with his post.
Moar often than not, finds the Verse of Day as given by Duchess to be invaluable in that way.
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
I read or recite Psalm 91 every day.
He didn’t give adequate consideration to the possibility that Durbin might be on the list.
He might be under the influence of someone who is on the list, blackmailing him or threatening him, without being on the list himself. But it looks very suspicious.
Fed related. Tend to agree with the presented reasoning. The betting line is toward easy money in an election year. Business as usual.
It’s what happens after the election that is the concern. JMO, in Novermber 2024 we will have reached linchpin stage, tipping point of whatever you preferred verbiage may be.
Buckle up and be prepared to react either way. You are responsible for you. Don’t let others control your actions and responses.
Your insights are appreciated. Thank you.
It would make sense to crash the economy when DJT is in office. Or just before to cover for some serious cheating. Might even be a big enough event to try to use it as a Marshall Law thing.
Commies gonna be commies.
martial law.
Could have been referring to General Marshall.
A different meaning for the phrase DUCK BLIND.
Good grief! LOL!
Good news
Christmas to be Celebrated Free of ‘Lemon Test’
Wearing certain colors? Not colors associated with gang symbols, but merely holiday colors. Unbelievable.
for pete’s sake….
Boo!!! Hiss!!!
I just heard the most interesting thing on the radio.
The host of a Christian station was interviewing Dr. Ahmed Joktan. He wrote a book, From Mecca to Christ, about his conversion to Christianity.
The interviewer asked when Dr. Joktan really felt he needed to convert, or something to that effect. Joktan said it was when his pastor invited him over to his home for dinner.
The interviewer, who had read the book, stated that Joktan was afraid that he might be poisoned to death at that dinner. Joktan said yes, he was. He said that (and this is the part that really interested me) in fundamental islam, that thankfully isn’t practiced by many today, that they would do something like that.
This comment went past the interviewer (it was a pretty soft interview), but it took me aback.
So, this fundamental islam that made him fear that he would be poisoned because they would do that is not practiced by many, but is ingrained enough in his OWN training and spirit that he was in mortal fear? Yeah, right.
The denial of the reality of islam is pervasive. And it’s ridiculous. islam is what it is.
Here is the review of the book at Amazon. It sounds like a fascinating read, but I find it baffling that the man who lived through this doesn’t understand the perils of his erstwhile religion. Denial is a powerful thing:
“Journey with Dr. Joktan from his birthplace in Saudi Arabia, to his current location in the United States. Dr. Joktan was raised in a staunchly religious Muslim home whose father was, and is, a widely known and respected teacher of Sunni Islam. In trying to please his father, he memorized the entire Qur’an, the Muslim holy book, by the time he was thirteen. Dr. Joktan relates how Christ appeared to him in a dream at night. This culminated in his surrendering his life to Christ as the Son of God and Savior of the world. I followed him through his rocky progression through medical school and how his father and family rejected him because of his newfound faith in Christ. It was gut-wrenching when his own father held a gun to his head demanding he renounce Christ and burn the New Testament. I followed him through a number of assassination attempts, instigated by his family and government – the price of daring to leave Islam. He was imprisoned, beaten, tortured, and shot at with bullets. When I first met him a little more than a year ago, his face still bore the scars of previous persecution. His face likely always will. Through it all, his faith in Christ remained unshaken. From start to finish his story is permeated with grace, love, joy, and the presence of God. – Dr. Ed Hoskins”
Apart from the religious considerations, which are weighty, the above proves that Islam is not compatible with our founding principles of freedom. It has no place here.
~44 seconds.
Casey manages Rob.
Now it appears, Greaseball’s wife, manages Greaseball.
I love it. Next they will need to realize that most Repubs are just Democrat-light on the surface, and really Democrats underneath.
I think what these people really want is MAGA principles.
Some, this reminded me of something…..
Mother Nature has a great sense of humor.
These people are stupid. They always schedule global warming events in winter. Fools.
Week in review:
I think there would be 20 for this week in addition to those above.
A day or two ago, there was news that the gov planned to put illegal aliens in our national parks. I think I saw something earlier today saying GOP Reps have blocked it, though knowing how this admin simply ignores rule of law (student loans), they will probably try to do it anyway.
On the surface it sounds like a preemptive attack on our natural resources. Dig a bit deeper and it looks like outright theft and extortion and it’s freakin huge if it’s allowed to happen.
Beware the SEC’s Creation of ‘Natural Asset’ Companies Guest Contributor Dec. 2, 2023 12:40 pm 99 Comments
On September 29th, the a new rule was proposed by the Securities and Exchange Committee (SEC). The rule would allow the formation of a new type of company that in essence will be an asset class.
Essentially these will be a new class of companies called National Asset Companies (NACs )that can buy up land and it’s natural resources and sit on them allowing no one else to develop or use its resources. You would think that private ownership already conveys that right, but this allows for the new type of company to profit by having others invest in it’s right to sit on the land. Apparently China is interested in investing in this new asset class as will be certain environmentalists. But it does not stop there. Article says NACs will also have the right to interfere in other private land ownership rights to develop their own land and NACs have the potential to dwarf the current economy by a factor of four and if I’m reading this right they’ll do this by holding development hostage by holding the rights to ecological performance. As crazy as it all sounds essentially every investor will want in on this and if I’m not wrong progressives have just found a way to make the 10th Amendment moot.
Believes this will take moar dissection to understand how serious it is or how over blown it might be, so by all means read the article and try to find out moar.
This rule proposed by the SEC will voted on in 45 days allowing for the creation of these new companies. You can bet the RINO’s will do nothing to stop it.
Skimmed over above. Smells like Feds seizing assets, under NAC Scam.
Pure Control Play.
hussein lurking in the background. Along with Gates, WEF…
Left this on GWP.
It might be alarmist, but I don’t think we know what we are dealing with.
9 pages on the Federal Registrar.
Seems to be the first document on this. But there seems to be other docs as well that may or may not impact.
Complicated business. Can not think they’d upset the entire economy for this kind of bull. It would totally upset the apple cart of wealth in the nation from high to low if worse fears are founded. I doubt worse fears come immediately. Seems to be a buy in period but once companies gravitate toward it, it sucks everything in and would likely be unstoppable. Once everything gets shaken out, ownership in the USA will have drastically changed from established to new owners too smart for their breaches. Serfdom.
That’s exactly what they want to do. They are tearing down this country in every way possible.
This was my take away after briefly looking at Paras post above.
TOTAL Federal control of All Resources in America.
It’s very similar to the Soviet Union. The Soviets thought they were going to do all these harebrained things that always, ALWAYS failed. It took decades of failures for Russians to somehow engineer an escape from the insanity that didn’t work. And now they’re trying it here.
Millions – tens or even hundreds of millions are going to die, because that’s what ALWAYS happens.
I detect an evil intent.
I detect Bill Gates.
I detect China buying up America.
I detect communism.
Work-around for the Total Fed Control of all resources work-around. Make sure environmentalists know that those taking control want to bury all the trees. Soon the environwackos will be voting for Trump too. Works for me.
I think they’re trying to kill off the existing higher life on this planet. At least, that’s what they seem to be trying to do by all possible means.
It’s like the easiest way to kill a person and get away with it, is a “medical error”. Similarly, the easiest way to kill a planet is to “try to save it”.
I suspect we’re parked on some exceptional real estate. For now.
Without knowing details, that certainly sounds unconstitutional.
This nation is in serious trouble. The left has no fear of unconstitutionality, knowing that they can simply overwhelm the nation with unconstitutional laws, while depending on SCOTUS not to be able to keep up. It’s a smart, evil strategy.
If Trump had not been elected in 2016 and appointed three justices, the country would be gone by now.