Dear KAG: 20231205 Open Thread

Cover Image: Winter on Currant Creek by Jim C. Norton

From Ye to Oy Vey!

Badlands News Brief – December 4, 2023

Encouraging the Youth Revolt Against the Global Left

The Soros Empire Is Quietly Targeting A Key Voting Bloc

Disney Decided to Boycott X, Then a New Report Completely Exposed the Company

DNA Company 23andMe Reports Unauthorized Access to Numerous User Ancestry Files

The Bridge

Tweet hopper:

Agreed. Total photo-op.

The sheep are still waking up. Many are still asleep.


Free the memes.

Meme & Fun hopper:

Yellowstone might be trash, but Beth on The View would be highly entertaining.

I guess they weren’t finished cooking.

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


ISAIAH 11:1-10

1There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots. 2And the Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD. 3And his delight shall be in the fear of the LORD. He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide by what his ears hear; 4but with righteousness he shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth; and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips he shall slay the wicked. 5Righteousness shall be the girdle of his waist, and faithfulness the girdle of his loins. 6The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the calf and the lion and the fatling together, and a little child shall lead them. 7The cow and the bear shall feed; their young shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. 8The sucking child shall play over the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the adder’s den. 9They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea. 10In that day the root of Jesse shall stand as an ensign to the peoples; him shall the nations seek, and his dwellings shall be glorious.


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.


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A great Tuesday post! Thank you De Pat!

How was your weekend?

Valerie Curren

How are things chez Cthulhu? I haven’t caught up on reading here (will I ever?) so have missed any updates. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

I made a planked/spatch-cocked turkey again, at my oldest’ request, & it was possibly the best turkey we ever had–yum! Our Muslim neighbors dropped off a Butterball turkey to us for some reason that day which my husband smoked the other day but we have yet to dig into it. I’m thinking of attempting some Turkey Pot Pie with some of that meat & our kids are going to get some too 🙂 I think mine cooked quicker but his was sort of less labor intensive since he has a temp probe to monitor things 😉 😉


No comment on your neighbors.

Valerie Curren

LOL 😉 😉

Hubby thought they were given the turkey but wouldn’t use it if not halal…


We’re starting up s-l-o-w.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Seems like a slow week.


That is a good thing, I pray.

Valerie Curren


Barb Meier

Due to slow week, Arlington crazy person blows up home before Police can deliver search warrant.


I wonder if the house next door sustained damage.


Blown-up house was a duplex. So I’m guessing the answer to your query is yes.


10-12 homes damaged.


Chief Inspector Clouseau voice: “Ah yes, the old exploding house ploy. I’ve seen it many times.”

Valerie Curren

bwah ha ha!


O M G….finally looked at the clip.

Happy go lucky

Heard that on the news this morning and thought who goes crazy in Arlington?


Most suspected a meth lab, but a 56 year old middle class asian does not seem to fit that profile. I wonder if we’ll ever learn the truth here. Might be some CCP related guy got off the reservation, but it’s doubtful we’ll ever learn such if that’s the case.


Not sure what’s real or not. First is an online conversation with him after he’s dead. Labeled a fake but one poster said it’s based off of his link in account.

From a lower tweet. Link in account, but not shown in the GWP story.

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Apparently there is moar, but at this point it all gets convoluted. Fake, real, mixture it’s ultimately another shiny object no one really has time for. We’ll tell you all about it when we do but that will be later after competing narratives are all warred out. May the best narrative win 👍😁👍


Who are you calling slow?


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Garrison sure got that smile right.  🙂 


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I’ve been found out!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


pat frederick

I’m ambivalent as long as there’s toilet paper left on the roll

Valerie Curren

LOL no corn cobs please!


Anybody who owns a cat soon learns that ‘normal’ is how you end up with a pile of teepee on the floor.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Cathouse rules! Now I get it!


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The one on the right should read “Person with a cat.”

The first time I came home to an ENTIRE ROLL of toilet paper on the bathroom floor, “over the top” was out the window!


From the Joe Rambo tweet in the open:

Trump wouldn’t have put the PAUSE is place if the top down operation wasn’t already won.

Can someone please state, specifically and in detail, how Trump “put the pause in place”? Because the way I see it, that is not the same as having the election stolen from him and then working while out of office to try to save the country and get back in office. To me, saying he “put it in place” means he caused the whole thing. So how did he do that?

Has anyone thought about the implications of Trump rigging an election? Because that’s what they’re saying he did. I don’t see any way around that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I do want to address this question, but not right now. Too late! But yeah, great point.


Yup. Elections are rigged.

Trump rightly tried with the election commission.

  • WE cheered Trump.
  • Americans cheered Trump.
  • D-Rats Uniparty stopped it. As I recall.

We have witnessed an unscripted process evolution.

There was / Is No Pause, No Script, No Movie, No Devolution…or descriptor of the like.

DId I get it sorta right.


Is it not fascinating that the same people who would scream bloody murder if somebody embezzled or hacked all of their money out of a bank, investment brokerage or insurance company; are willing to let their nation’s existence be destroyed by manipulating voter rolls and hacking the election system?

The ignorance and outright stupidity of the average American citizen still astounds me after all of these years of observing and participating in life here on this planet.


“God must have loved stupid people since He made so many of them.”
— A. Lincoln

pat frederick

they’re literally EVERYWHERE


It’s an infestation.


Exactly correct. I am on the legal team for a couple of lawsuits about election integrity in WA state.

What you say is what we are experiencing on a daily basis here. But we slog on, through the muck, never loosing sight of the prize – our republic.


Good to know.


The larger picture is the focus, or should be, not tactics.

Then people should be talking about election rigging and fraud instead of saying:

A) Trump caused some kind of pause.
B) Trump allowed the election to be stolen.
C) Trump stood back and let it happen.
D) ad infinitum

A narrative keeps being pushed that Trump caused his loss of the WH “so the people could be shown and would wake up.” That is tantamount to saying that Trump rigged the election against himself. The implications of that need not be stated.

The “Trump allowed/caused this” narrative is being pushed to the point that people are believing it and repeating it. I’m going to push back against it every time I see it. It is doing him an injustice, it makes no sense, it makes us look foolish, it is not the truth, it is not an accurate interpretation of Q drops, and it is not helpful.

That’s part of what the pause is all about. Get the American people angry enough to take action.

That is what is being missed.

I’m not missing that at all. If that is the point, then people on the internet need to stop telling us that “Trump did this” and state the point that election rigging happened and people are finding out about it and are not happy — NOT that someone (like Trump) caused that to happen.

The facts are very simple: The election was stolen, people are beginning to see that, they are concerned about it (to say the least), and some changes are being made. There is no need whatsoever to implicate Trump in that. He is doing his patriotic duty within the bounds of the law.

The rhetoric I see so frequently implies that someone caused “the pause” so people could see. Even “that’s what the pause is about” implies that someone caused it. People don’t follow that to its logical conclusion. I will continue to do so.


What is “the pause”?

I don’t follow the lunacy on this subject as close as I used to, and apparently there’s a new chapter.


That’s when meno stops.


Valerie Curren



What is “the pause”?

I think what they’re saying is that Trump got the votes to be elected in 2020, but since he was kept out of office, we have a “pause” in his being able to carry out his agenda.

Here’s what the author of that tweet said:
“Trump wouldn’t have put the PAUSE in place if the top down operation wasn’t already won.”

I don’t see how that means anything BUT that a) “we have already won,” and b) Trump caused himself to be kept out of the WH. In other words, this entire time since the 2020 election is part of a plan to “wake the people up,” and Trump “lost” the 2020 election on purpose.

I don’t follow anyone who believes these things, but they keep being posted here. They are presented by people on the internet in euphemisms like “pause” instead of coming out and saying “Trump lost the election on purpose,” or “Trump rigged the election against himself,” etc. IMO, their indirectness is calculated to keep people from thinking through what they’re saying, which is abhorrent to me. So I will keep pointing it out and asking questions.

Valerie Curren

TY for your insights


This discussion is carried forward into tomorrow’s post and comments….

Valerie Curren

I really appreciate how you keep tackling these issues, with grace, truth, facts, analysis, AND dogged determination! Great job!!!

Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Curren

Thanks, Valerie. You’re very kind. 😊

Valerie Curren

YW–You Rock!!!


As I read,

  • Trump wouldn’t have put the PAUSE is place if the top down operation wasn’t already won.

WTF registers, again. As I SMDH…scroll on….


Yes. And changing the subject to “there was election rigging,” which everyone can agree on, doesn’t change the fact that the “pause” narrative is continually being promoted.


Once again, you are correct. This is ridiculous.


Thanks. 😣


One topic previously discarded as no way is that happening surfaced again last week in a place it never had.

Then please share it.


If it all comes to pass, I’ll laugh (at myself) with you.


I hear you, but I find it disconcerting that someone here would laugh at people who merely expressed honest, well-reasoned opinions. It brings an element of hostility to discussions if someone is waiting to pounce like that, in something akin to retribution.


Ah, well. I don’t really care that much what many people do. I do care about some people’s opinions of me, but not most.


I agree.

This is a place where discussion can safely take place. There is no place for hostility, IMO.


Battle is for the battlefield; not in the bunker.



There’s a lot of “sacrifice to Satan” kinds of stuff going on right now.

I think the bad guys are really scared they are going to lose badly in 2024, no matter how hard they cheat, and are angling for some satanic intervention.

I remember when there were gangs of witches publicly trying to curse DJT.


Didn’t work due to wrong ingredients in the brewing pot.


Echoing These Truths. >>> Please do share. <<<


Marjorie Taylor Greene:


Joe Biden received DIRECT monthly payments from Hunter’s company that was funded by the CCP.

More DIRECT EVIDENCE of Joe Biden personally benefiting from the Biden Crime Family’s influence peddling schemes.

The DOJ coverup must be investigated and Joe Biden must be IMPEACHED!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

China Joe. Good grief!


House Leader Johnson must know all eyes have turned toward him with this latest news asking “if not now then when?” 😮

Meanwhile they just fired one of their own, leaving House Republicans with a 3 seat Majority… “Snooze you lose”? 🤔😖😠

Whatever… keep stacking the crimes and we’ll figure something out eventually. 😉

Brave and Free

Setting themselves up for defeat with an impeachment vote. We did our “best” to do the right thing.
The Big Club doing what the Big Club does.
Until something changes with speaker Johnson I’ve no confidence in him.
All by design IMO.


Setting themselves up for defeat with an impeachment vote. We did our “best” to do the right thing.

I had the same thought.


Uniparty Gonna Uniparty.

Bastard r-Cons will NEVER Impeach the guilty bastards. Fucking Cowards.

To be clear, r-Cons are Fucking Cowards.

Valerie Curren

Cowards. Traitors! fify   :wpds_evil: 


TY. 🙂


feel the hate…and take note…

Opinion: A Trump Dictatorship Is Increasingly Inevitable. We Should Stop Pretending

the link (no paywall)…Washington Post…

Opinion | Would Trump be a dictator? And can he be stopped? – The Washington Post (


by : Robert Kagan

👉 pray daily for President Trump.

they are terrified.

and dangerous.


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the scapegoat…

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their golden child…

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Last edited 1 year ago by smiley2
pat frederick

this face is the most aggravatingly smug face i’ve ever seen.


It just screams, punch me. Repeatedly.

pat frederick

I’d even pay for the experience


Wake me when the Secret Service pays a visit to this filthy thug.


NewNeo has an article — .

First comment hits it out of the park —

Chases Eagles said:

Hopefully they are becoming the dead horse.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Contrary to the opinions of “right-thinking people”, the world needs far fewer Lilliputians attempting to restrain its Gullivers, and a lot more FAFO — and Hamas might well be the poster child for that new age.


I would find it a very entertaining development if the IDF recovered Hamas’ accounting records. They have to exist, otherwise everyone around them would want to be paid twice — though I doubt they are in full compliance with US GAAP. The stories they could tell…..


Records are in Qatar, with the Billionaires and bookies bookkeepers.


Next stop – the glue factory.


the sandwich-board king of elitist hypocrisy…

King Charles Delivers Highly-Politicised Speech To Support Collectivist Net Zero Project


article link…

junk science

fake statistics

computer models of muddled model data

“the age of convenience is over”, says the cry baby crying baby king baby with his private jets, fleets of cars and his very own private personal train.

say cheese….

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Last edited 1 year ago by smiley2

is that BIG enough… yuk ?

(wow those beady reptile eyes, can clearly see insanity there.)

Last edited 1 year ago by smiley2
Cuppa Covfefe

The last of the Mo-Vegans…

He’s truely “touched,” as they say in Old Blighty…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Reptile eyes don’t look like that.


When reptile eyes are smiling,
Sure, ’tis like the morn in Spring.
In the lilt of reptile laughter
You can hear the angels sing.
When reptile hearts are happy,
All the world seems bright and gay.
And when reptile eyes are smiling,
Sure, they steal your heart away.


Heavy pancake makeup

Brave and Free

Yikes, what an ugly face 😳
looks like the queen has returned.

Cuppa Covfefe

Chuckles is (a) NUT ZERO…

George III redux…

With a large helping of Mountbatty, as well…

Valerie Curren

Mini ground report.

Last week I had my son Josiah back to the University of Michigan hospital for another Transplant clinic visit. The mask Naziism was Way Down finally–PTL!!! Of the staff members we dealt with directly 3/4 were unmasked. The obvious maskee, lower-level staff person, also had a BLM pin so clearly a low info type…

Prior to the visit on the reminder robo-call there were mask instructions given in that Only if you had signs of respiratory illness would you be required to wear a mask. Ironically, even though J & I had been recently fighting something the way the Q’s were worded at the entrance meant we weren’t required to mask up!

We entered via a different than typical entrance so were “screened” by the info desk guy who was pretty low key about the health questions. Of the half dozen people I observed getting questioned nobody took a mask!

In the hallways there were occasional people in masks, public & staff, but it was pretty much a rareity! I didn’t see anyone walking outside in a mask at all either 🙂

Strangely for the appointment itself neither the resident/PA? nor the actual doctor did any direct physical examination of Josiah. They also told us he was eligible for a virtual visit next time if he wanted, something that’s Never been offered by this clinic before. Are they Trying to ensure that docs don’t actually Examine patients? Avoiding any documentation of health degradation? Seemed strange to me…

In good news Josiah’s Liver function is “perfectly normal”. In bad news there are measures of liver health that indicate that he Might have permanent “damage” from the bout of Rejection for which he was hospitalized in Summer 2020. At this point they said that “anti-rejection meds may be doing more harm than good”. As such they are Finally lowering his Prograf dose (he was at 1.5mg AM & 1mg PM prior to the Rejection & has been on 3mg AM & 2 mg PM ever since, iirc–now he’s on 2mg AM & PM). They are upping his Ursadiol dose to 4 pills from 3 since “this is one of the least toxic meds out there” & it has the potential to diminish aspects of the liver damage still, God willing. I’d appreciate any prayers for his continued health improvement if you’d care to lift him up again 🙂

We’ll have to get labs in a month to see if the above med changes are having any sort of effect & to consider the possibility of lowering dosages of Prograf further, at some point. He continues to be on Cellcept since rejection & so far they aren’t willing to reduce that med like they did after the initial transplant process. It took them literal years to fully wean him off of the Prednisone too, which has never been the case before in the numerous times, usually post-op, when he’s been on a step-down steroid regimen…sigh.

I’m hoping the slight reduction in immunosuppressive therapy May give Josiah a bit of an immune boost to help him get through cold & flu season relatively unscathed.

FWIW I was Much Less Stressed on this hospital visit given the robo-call info on masking that was indicating a lightening up on the issue. When we were last there, nearly a year ago for a Pediatric Cardiology visit, it was the day before the “mandatory mask” demands were lifted. The doc pulled his down at the doorway to give us a smile as he “wasn’t allowed” to be maskless in the room with patients That day, but it was (arbitrarily) fine to do so the next day…whatever. I’m glad the overt tyranny is somewhat abated…for now…

We were pleasantly surprised to find the Family Resource Center open again, it had been closed off for most of the covid lunacy. Unfortunately they have gotten rid of all but One computer for public use now; they had 7 before, since they said “everyone has a cell or a tablet”. I told them I was a unicorn w/ neither cell nor tablet & would appreciate them restoring at least one other computer so my son & I could both use the service like we used to, but not holding my breath here. This meant that we couldn’t do our usual computer work, I typically try to update the medical blog for Josiah immediately following visits while he plays online, so that was a disappointment. They did have a decent selection of snacks, which was nice though. They also were doing a lot of prep work to make the in-patient kids comfortable during the Christmas season as they were sorting numerous Santa hats for staff to wear to cheer up the wards. They’ve always done well for the kids there from my view & that, at least, is refreshing.

pat frederick

prayers up for him and you both Valerie!

Valerie Curren

Thank you so much Pat. Blessings! 

pat frederick

and to you Valerie!

Valerie Curren

TY Pat  😍  You Always make me smile. Hubby even “remembers” you when I quote you & say that’s the lady w/ the 8 point bucks & black bear in her yard! My guys are planning Another hunting trip this weekend & it’s Finally Michael, Brandon, & M’s buddy Pete are bringing their Muzzleloaders, which they’ve had for years but never hunted with.

They’re also bringing their (cross)bows as are the other guys for bow goes to the end of the year, at least. Hope they have a great time. They would all LOVE to see an 8 point in person up there though Pete & his kids see some where they live, near Lake Saint Claire by the Thumb 

pat frederick

earlier in the rut we actually saw a 10 pointer and a 12 pointer. they came out of the woods to drink at the pond–but we only saw them once.
speaking of the pond…we saw a doe come tearing out of the woods and run along the back edge of the pond to our wood shed. seconds later, a 4 point buck (beefy strong body and long tines on his rack) came out the woods and DOVE INTO the pond and swam across to try to cut her off. he pursued till she was tired and gave up.
I have never seen a deer dive into our pond in all the years we had it!

Valerie Curren

Wow, that’s amazing!!! I’ve gotta call hubby & read him your words. I doubt he’s ever seen a 10 or 12 pointer except on TV!

pat frederick

we rarely see them…they are the early early morning or late evening visitors to the salt lick or pond but if you happen to be at the right window at the right time, you get lucky!

Valerie Curren

You are so blessed w/ So Many of God’s Gifts…multiple meanings here purposely  😇 

pat frederick

agreed. we are very thankful!

Valerie Curren

Hubby says “nah, they don’t have those Up North”…


Gotta get me some of dat!!!

Valerie Curren


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

What a rack!!

The deer, I mean,

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

In attempting to write the medical blog update I couldn’t do at the hospital, here:

I ended up perusing a bunch of old blog posts to find a specific list of stuff from back in the day…yikes. It’s good to know that we lived through all that & are Mostly on the other side of the extreme chaos, PTL…

The bottom line is that we just basically doubled the number and type of doctors he has to see regularly and so we are having to make some adjustments in processing all this information and attending multiple medical appointments of late…”

from here:

At that time, July 2012, about a year before the Transplant, here is where we were at…

Analyzing our medical (over)load (to the best of my imperfect recall!)

Here is the best listing of disciplines he has seen but have stopped, continues to see currently, and has had recently had added…Several of his current disciplines see him every year or two, so even though we may have doubled the medical services, the volume and frequency is greatly increased, and fit into a very compressed time frame…

Former Services, but now discontinued
Neurosurgery/Plastic Surgery
General Pediatric Surgery
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Consult Clinic
Endocrinology (the only Oakwood-based specialist)
Physical Therapy
Speech Therapy (both individual and group)
Occupational Therapy (group)
Music Therapy
School-based Tutoring
Adaptive Services Tutoring
Social Skills Group

Current and Ongoing Services
ENT (Otolaryngology)
Sleep Clinic (includes Neurology and Behavioral)
Cranio-Facial Clinic (multi-disciplinary team clinic)
Psychology (Therapy)
Occupational Therapy (individual, suspended until new therapist hired)
Respite Care-in home
Respite Care-center based
Tutoring-doctor’s office
Art Therapy
Blood Pressure Monitoring (twice daily)
Sleep Lab

Recently Added Services, in the last month or so
GI (Gastroenterology, may not continue)
Neurological Oncology
Endocrinology (U of M based)
Liver Transplant Team (Liver doctor and Liver Transplant Surgeon plus others, not sure if will continue)
Pediatric Surgery
Neurological Ophthalmology (not sure if this will continue, depends on brain tumor treatment decision)
Growth Hormone Therapy (presumed to happen, and pending)
Pituitary Tumor Treatment TBD

God has been so good to help us get through all of the above & moar–PTL. I’m Very Thankful that much of that is in the rear-view mirror now…whew!  😇 


You’ve walked a long road with your son. But The LORD has been with you all the way.

Valerie Curren

Amen–TY for this encouragement! You as well with your daughter, He will never leave or forsake us! Do you Ever feel the weight of it all lift? This process has changed me as a person pretty significantly & there’s basically no going back from all of that it would seem. I’m thankful that my kids, & husband, are pretty compassionate with my Major Feet of Clay now…

I read Robert Sherrod’s, iirc, memoirs of his embedding w/ the Marines at Tarawa in WWII & he said that Every Day he wakes up he’s at Tarawa. I wonder if it’s possible to ever have something Approaching a “normal” life after major special needs experiences? I sure haven’t figured out how to do so…yet  😯 

Here is wisdom I quoted at another blog post:

This is a beautiful response in the comments section:

“Brandi doesn’t know how often I have thought of her since I first heard about the baby and added my name to the prayer list.

She has rightly identified a problem when grief does not have a name. This is her turn, not mine, but while mine was significantly different, it did not lack the pain and inability to discuss my heart feelings with anyone but God. Thankfully, ours is the God Who can help us overcome the circumstances into which we are drawn and over which we had no control.

It was half a lifetime ago. I was forty then, I am 87 now. I have lived and gone beyond those days, and experienced the full sufficiency of God.

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me, at that same post: “…letting the Holy Spirit do His work in us, I believe. This healing process may move at a snail’s pace & be gentle & peaceful. There is a scripture about God being gentle with those who have young, this seems especially true if the young have special needs…”

I think when we share some of our journeys with each other we are perhaps doing some of that edifying of the Body that Carl talked about on Sunday.

God Bless YOU & your daughter & ex, precious sister 


This process has changed me as a person pretty significantly & there’s basically no going back from all of that it would seem.

I believe this is true. Your lists of services and disciplines seems staggering. Having experienced so much enables you to share and contribute to others in a unique and beneficial way. Bless you and your family.

Valerie Curren

Thank you TT! I keep (delusionaly) wanting my proverbial sprained ankle to shrink back to where I can wear that old ankle bracelet I love (based on real experiences in my past). Time to get fitted for a new ankle chain it seems 😉 😉 Blessings 

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Images from a prior post:


🙏 for healing and peace for Josiah and your family, Valarie. Thanks for the update. Glad to hear that the medical tyranny has lessened.

Valerie Curren

TY TB. Still not trusting of the hospital like pre-scamdemic but at least it doesn’t overtly feel like such hostile territory now, whew…Appreciate your prayers so much 


Any info you can provide on prednisone will be appreciated.

I keep getting told it’s really bad for livers so I can’t get more than two or three five-day scripts per year for my lung congestion.

Valerie Curren

Yikes, I don’t know other than really what I’ve dealt with for my son. Usually following certain surgeries he’d be discharged on a high dose, like 50-60mg/day. Then typically each week they’d step the dose down by 10mg. When he’d get to 10mg sometimes they’d let him stop after a week. Sometimes it was a slightly more gradual tapering off.

After the transplant rejection bout they did the step down on a weekly basis until he was at 10mg. I think he was on that daily dose for more than a year. Then they went to 5mg for months then 4mg, 3mg, 2mg for weeks/months & checked his blood periodically & finally let him stop it all together. It was a Very Long process & completely unique compared to all the other step-down regimens.

I think Aubergine &/or Gail has some improved breathing regimens that Might be helpful with certain lung issues.

Back when Josiah had RSV we had a chest percussion device, to help break up the congestion. It looked sort of like a soft-headed plunger on the end of a flexible plastic handle that we could pop against his back to help break up the congestion. We also could do that with cupped palms gently smacking against his back to help him cough up the phlegm.

the above links from a couple of searches, fyi Blessings!



Clapping on the back reminds me of going to a football game in my youth. After the hero of the moment scores a touchdown, each of his teammates would give him a pat on the butt because everywhere else was too padded to be felt.

They don’t do that any more. Wonder why.   :wpds_envy: 

Valerie Curren

YW 🙂


P, I think maybe you could try elecampane root. It is the best deep lung expectorant I know of, and is generally well tolerated, unless you have allergies to things like chamomile or echinacea. You could try the dried root as a tea.

I wish I could send you some of my homegrown and homemade elecampane electuary.

Valerie Curren

TY for weighing in A!



An electuary is an herb preserved in honey.

Valerie Curren

TY! I’ve been drinking pineapple infused hot water w/ honey for a while lately to help get over the latest crud. It strikes me that honey is a bit of a healer too!  😍 


Pineapple has bromelain, which is good for lung issues, too.

Valerie Curren

Yes, that’s one I actually remembered. I’ve been boiling the pineapple castoffs, rind & core, to get that B 🙂


Do you have to keep it in an electuarium?

Valerie Curren

honey pot 😉


Lol! I keep it in a glass jar.

You’ll like this. Here is the word origin:

Electuaria: The term electuaria comes from the Greek noun ekleikton, meaning “something to be licked”.


Sounds eclectic.

[ Eclectic comes from the Greek eklektikos (meaning “selective”), from the verb eklegein, “to select.” Eclectic was originally applied to ancient philosophers who were not committed to any single system of philosophy but instead selected whichever doctrines pleased them from every school of thought. ]


I pray that Josiah will do well with his medication changes and that the doctors will have the wisdom to know how best to treat him. 🙏

Valerie Curren

TY TT–Amen! God Bless you 🙂

pat frederick

tangled webs…


I’m glad to see that they are paying attention to Loomer’s reporting.


It’s hard to ignore a 60 mph freight train.

pat frederick


Valerie Curren

That one was pretty amazing!

pat frederick

i thought so too!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Me three!


Fantastic artwork, DPat! The artist has masterfully captured the translucent effect of light on snow !

Valerie Curren

How are things with your daughter & ex? I haven’t been around much lately so have missed any updates. Hope you are doing well & enjoyed Thanksgiving 


AI can have hallucinations? 😱

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren


Appears to also be the r-Con policy. Power of the purse does Nothing to stop it.

Valerie Curren

yup   :wpds_mad: 

Valerie Curren

Some meme selections, found here:

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Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren


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The dogs too… shedding!

Valerie Curren

such horrors  😡  I wonder if any natural stuff that helps humans might help dogs. Pretty sure that IVM is used by vets for pets, for this white lung stuff though?


Ivermectin is used for pets, but you have to be careful. Collies and other herding dogs can be seriously harmed by it.

Valerie Curren

TY Linda

Valerie Curren

no clue if this is “true” or hyperbole, but given leftist lunacy I bet it’s in the ballpark…

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Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Curren

The best just-us system that money can buy.

Valerie Curren

yep  😳 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Net Zero insanity is true. Kissinger meme is phony.

Valerie Curren

TY spirit of Kiss(of death)inger seems “true” though 🙁


Kissinger is dead and damned souls are rejoicing that they finally have someone who can negotiate with the devil for better conditions.

Valerie Curren

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r-Cons do Nothing, to secure America. Nothing to prevent the destruction of America.

r-Cons complicit Active Participants.

Prove Me Wrong.

Valerie Curren

spot on  😡 

Valerie Curren

FYI there are multiple memes at the original link w/ tragic presumed vax deaths…

Valerie Curren

my mouth fell open on this one…& Not in hunger 😡

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jaw drop here too…

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Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Curren
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The last one has to be The Babylon Bee, but it’s hilarious.

Valerie Curren

hope so 🙁 sad when satire is indistinguishable from “reality”  😜 


The “eat bugs” brand is real —

Valerie Curren

vile   :wpds_evil:  TY for verifying though!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Save that shit for bearded dragons!

Valerie Curren

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Okay but which side is which?

Valerie Curren

I agree 😉 😉


I’d say they are both on the same side ;))

pat frederick

so you want to give illegal military aged men who have no allegiance to this country access to military installations and weapons??????


That’s one way to have a military, Turn On, Willing to Fire on Citizens.

Just following orders.   :wpds_evil: 

pat frederick

taking over military installations…combat equipment…declaring war on the US from the inside

Barb Meier

Willing to fire on politicians too. Silly politicians.

Happy go lucky

Yep. Michael Yon was saying not long ago that he thought that was their plan.

Valerie Curren


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^^^ Truth. Welcome to America.

Valerie Curren

Yep…we’re at that proverbial weak men stage making hard times & all  😡 

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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I swear they are just taunting us. Okay, now do something about it.

Gold bars featured in Sen. Bob Menendez bribery case are linked to a 2013 robbery, records show.

A businessman told police that he was the victim of a robbery in 2013 and asked them to recover the 22 stolen gold bars. Four bars were found a decade later in Menendez’s home…

…long story…

ends with a

…“The allegations against me are just that — allegations,” Menendez said at a news conference in his home state in September after the bribery indictment was unsealed.

pat frederick

i read this. the serial numbers on the gold bars found in Menendez’s possession match the ones recovered in a robbery. if the owner gave them or sold them to Menendez that would be easy to prove, no? but if they were in exchange for favors…well…not so much.

Valerie Curren

incom(re)prehensible if true

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Valerie Curren

billed as palate cleansers, LOL

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My hubby’s stepdad made him wire a rental house hot w/ a rubber handled screwdriver  😜 

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Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Curren
Barb Meier

The sheaths on electrical cords are made with corn syrup so hace a sweet taste. I learned this from my mechanic after mice ate electric cords damaging my car. The repair shop had to remove the fire wall to find and fix the damaged wiring.

Valerie Curren

That’s in-sane!

Barb Meier

The mice ate the wires, fortunately not while I was driving.

Valerie Curren

I think we’ve had squirrels or cats do that under the hood a couple times too–yikes!


Two separate times on sons Sonata


Gail had something eat the electric wiring on her trailer.


Valerie Curren


Not his first mention of Mackey either. He’s come up in many of his recent speeches.




Verse of the Day for Tuesday, December 5, 2023

“Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall increase.” 

Proverbs 13:11 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.


Not that r-Cons will get past Talk…

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs
Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

That video makes it look like something is streaking in from the upper right at about a 45 degree angle, which is different from the twitter video shared elsewhere here today…fwiw


Disgusting thought. Possibly true. Shortage of goats part of the mix?

pat frederick

i thought it was reported (and maybe i’m mistaken) that they were also disrespecting the male hostages as well?


They certainly have no qualms about doing that. But they’re not gay at all.

Valerie Curren

  :wpds_mad:    :wpds_evil:    :wpds_mad: 


My guess is that there is already over a million people praying for Trump. 👍🏼

Valerie Curren

I hope so!!!


From “Ye to Oy Veh,” the first link at the top of the opener:

“It has been reported that the Israeli Military was on “stand down” for the first 6-7 hours of the attacks.”

This is disproved by the video I posted a week or so back, of the Israeli tank group comprised solely of women. They were on the move in the early morning hours of October 7, very soon after the attacks began:

It’s just not true that Israeli troops were ordered to “stand down,” and no one has proved it is.

“Let’s also not forget that Egypt claims they warned Israel of a potential Hamas attack several days before the attack occurred.”

This statement is untrue. Egypt denies it:

I wish people would stop writing and spreading this stuff. It’s so easily disproved.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Israel military “ordered” to standdown. <<< Have never believed it.

Israel military at reduced readiness, due to holiday or something akin. <<< I believe.

Compounding the problem, it was a predictable drop in military readiness. Hamas identified AND seized the opportunity vulnerability.

Soldiers that responded from near Egypt, did a Great job.

Where the hell was the Israeli military along the Hamas invasion routes. <<< Rhetorical.

  • ^^^ Testament to reduced readiness. IMO.

Fundamentally. Israeli military AND Israeli intelligence Dropped The Ball. IMO.

  • Leadership Failure. Quite possibly, fractured government.

I think they got complacent, as humans tend to do. They were normalizing relations with Saudi Arabia, things were relatively peaceful.

Human beings were never meant to live on “high alert” all the time. For me, just the constant defense against the Covid tyranny for three years was utterly exhausting. I can’t imagine living like the Israelis do for all these years.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Liberalism has crept in, too. They promoted complacent behaviors.

Used to be that rifles were carried everywhere by many. The left pretended things were changing. They’re not. The snakes have tasted blood, and they’ll be back in “constant attack mode” for a decade or two. Carry your guns, Israelis. Demand that the guns be allowed to go everywhere.


The Fact that Israeli’s are NOT an armed society, Shocked The Hell out of Me.

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs
Valerie Curren

It’s outrageous given the perpetual precipice of genocide there  😡 


What I read is that active Israeli soldiers are allowed to carry weapons in civilian spaces, but civilians are rarely allowed to own weapons at all.

They need a 2nd Amendment.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



100% agree.



Valerie Curren

Peter Navarro 10 6mins, last 4 is a song

DEC 2 • 11M

Hold Fauci and Co-Conspirators Accountable For Murderous CoverupPodcast and Substack Versions Combined!

can read along or instead at link…

“In the end, hydroxy hysteria was just one more way for Fauci, Big Pharma and Kadlec himself to advance their broader vaccine agenda. For once the FDA pulled the Emergency Use Authorization for hydroxychloroquine – against the direct orders of President Trump – the FDA could then issue an EUA for the vaccine. 

In closing, lest anyone question the claim that the vaccine itself has, on net, harmed far more people than it has helped, let me point you to the excellent work of analysts like Ed Dowd, the aforementioned Dr. MaloneDr. Peter McCullough, and Dr. Steven Hatfill who collectively have documented the carnage. ”

points to Chyna as villain, so doesn’t go quite far enough, like w/ Baric…

Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren
pat frederick

wow…I hope President Trump gives this all the serious consideration it requires…bwahahahahaha

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



She can’t be that delusional…

Valerie Curren

can’t they pocket the funds left over from a presidential run or something?


Probably so. But they never say that, of course. Instead, it’s “I have to stop the monster from destroying our democracy!” 😅

Valerie Curren

no doubt  🙄 


It’s all about the Benjamins.

Valerie Curren



We need a meme of her knocked out with DJT standing over her in a straitjacket wearing one of his smartass grins.

Valerie Curren

Valerie Curren
Thank you for this.

Pfizer-BioNTech concluded a “clinical trial” of an saRNA “vaccine” against influenza here in the U.S. this year:
Study Start Date: April 28, 2022
Actual Study Completion Date: August 4, 2023
432 participants
No Results Posted
Yours Truly: There are NINE DIFFERENT saRNA “vaccine candidates” that were tested in this Phase 1 study. There also apparently was a Placebo group AND a quadrivalent influenza “vaccine candidate” that was tested.

IMO, watch for Pfizer-BioNTech to apply for an EUA for at least one of these saRNA “vaccine candidates” to be used in the United States, despite the real possibility that thorough clinical trials UP THROUGH AT LEAST PHASE THREE will NOT have been undertaken, completed, and ALL results compiled and analyzed.

Valerie Curren

It’s beyond evil!  😡  We saw an ad during a football game where the offered product, possibly a covid/flu vax/shot, was claimed to be under an EUA so not safety tested  😡  How ANYONE accepts such poison in their bodies & those of loved ones is incomprehensible!

pat frederick

pat frederick

that tweet is in response to this one

Valerie Curren

those look like the same tweet to me…

pat frederick

the second tweet is inside the first for those who don’t want to look

Valerie Curren

OK, it didn’t show here (for me) & if I go to Twit World I cannot see what one tweet replies to. If converted to then what’s being replied to usually shows. Often the embedded tweets here at Q-Tree show what being replied to, thankfully…

Valerie Curren

nitter didn’t show what was being replied to either…hmmm

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Supreme Court Dockets Emergency Application over Illinois ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

The Supreme Court of the United States received and docketed an emergency application seeking an injunction against enforcement of Illinois’ “assault weapons” ban while the appeal process is ongoing.

The case is National Association for Gun Rights v. City of Naperville, Illinois. The plaintiffs include the National Association for Gun Rights, Robert C. Bevis, and Law Weapons, Inc. d/b/a Law Weapons and Supply.

The plaintiffs seek an en banc hearing before the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit and an injunction against enforcement of the Protect Illinois Communities Act until the hearing is held.

The Supreme Court’s Office of the Clerk of Court responded to the emergency application by noting that Justice Amy Coney Barrett has ordered a briefing.

  :wpds_arrow:  The Protect Illinois Communities Act bans the sale of AR/AK-style rifles in the state, allowing those who already own them to keep them as long they register the guns on a state database. The ban covers more than 160 firearms and Illinois residents have until January 1, 2024, to register those firearms in the database.

The emergency application is for National Association for Gun Rights v. City of Naperville, IllinoisNo. 23A486 in the Supreme Court of the United States.


Warren Buffett’s Financial Plan To Eliminate America’s Debt: ‘I Can End the Deficit in 5 Minutes’

Buffett stated, “I could end the deficit in five minutes. You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP all sitting members of congress are ineligible for reelection.” A comment made in 2011 but has been making the rounds on X (previously Twitter), feeling more relevant than ever in today’s inflation and debt filled economic climate — a climate which will be a major talking point in next year’s 2024 Presidential elections — and perhaps taking a few pointers from Mr. Buffett here will be the way to sway the polls.

Great idea, and good luck with getting it implemented.


Changing election requirements can only be done by amending the constitution.


As usual, you bring the goods…


My humble appreciation for your kind words.


Because you’re one of those deplorable tin foil hat people.


I run in the best circles.

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I just love that pic. Especially the frowns.


They’re very serious. 😕

Cuppa Covfefe

Not forgetting Doc Brown 😀

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OK, at some point can we NOW realize (much to my surprise /s) that this guy is just Kevin Lite? I mean, really, what else would you consider? OMG!!


^^^ Nails it. ^^^

Brave and Free

Also reminds me of Pence,
Pence Lite comes to mind too.


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Wonder what sundance thinks about this.

pat frederick

he was first one to think about it, no doubt…



Valerie Curren

 😂  while inventing the Internet w/ Algore…


You be funny girl.  😂 

Valerie Curren



Nexstar Media, the largest U.S. TV station holder, settled a defamation case with former President Donald Trump’s media company just days before Nexstar’s NewsNation is set to host the fourth Republican presidential primary debate. 

Trump Media & Technology Group Corp., the parent company of Truth Social, filed a defamation lawsuit last month against Nexstar and 19 other media organizations for stories alleging that the company had lost tens of millions of dollars. Nexstar was named in the lawsuit because its subsidiary, The Hill, reported on the purported loss.

Trump Media said Tuesday that The Hill has since retracted the article and both parties “have agreed to resolve their dispute outside of court, to both parties’ mutual satisfaction.” The lawsuit against Nexstar will be dismissed, per a court filing Monday.

“All other terms of the settlement remain confidential, and the Lawsuit will proceed against all other defendants,” Trump Media also said. 

NewsNation is scheduled to host the fourth GOP presidential primary debate Wednesday evening. While Trump will not join the debate, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie are expected to appear. 

Maybe Truth Social got some cash in the deal.
I was so hoping Chris Christie would not be eligible for the debate. I’m not going to watch it; I’m just tired of hearing him say he’s in it until the end, and the untrue things he says about Trump.


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Go DJT!!!


And I hope he’ll have some who will go there with him.


Nancy Pelosi is being sued by Thomas Massie and Marjorie Taylor Green for her role in financially sanctioning Congress members who refused to comply with her mask mandates. The Petition for Certiorari landed at the United States Supreme Court and names Pelosi in her official capacity as the (former) Speaker of the House.


Separation of powers means this flies as well as a lead balloon.


It will fly just long enough to do mischief.


The Vigilant Fox:

Slovakia Shocks the World: New Prime Minister Rejects Signing the WHO Pandemic Treaty

Prime Minister Robert Fico calls the WHO Pandemic Treaty “nonsense invented by greedy pharma companies.”

He also said, “One study after another confirms the scandalous consequences of mass vaccination with untested experimental vaccines.”

There is no other head of state in the world who has had the guts to say this publicly and so explicitly.

Slovakia is leading the world out of the dark ages of biological warfare by the pharmaceutical industry and globalist institutions like the WHO, in a move that is seen as completely unexpected.

This move will set off a chain reaction of events…


Supreme Court to consider ‘quadrillion-dollar question’ in major tax case

The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in early December on a case that has the potential to broadly reshape the U.S. tax code and cost the government hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue.

At issue in Moore v. United States is the question of whether the federal government can tax certain types of “unrealized” gains, which are property like stocks or bonds that people own but from which they haven’t directly recouped the value, so they don’t have direct access to the money that the property is worth.

Large portions of the U.S. tax code require that income be “realized” before it can be taxed, but critics say it’s an inherently wishy-washy concept that courts have just been ignoring for years due to administrative impracticalities. 

Even if the court limits the scope of its decision to the specific tax referenced in the case, known as the mandatory repatriation tax, a ruling in favor of the plaintiffs could cost $340 billion over the next decade, according to the Justice Department.

For comparison, that would cancel out all the extra revenue generated by the $80 billion IRS funding boost and then add $140 billion to the national deficit, which now stands between $26 and $33 trillion, according to various measurements.

But experts say the cost could be much higher than that if the court broadens out its definition of what counts as realization, pushing heaps of taxable income out of the government’s reach.

The decision could have implications for everything from potential wealth taxes, like the one the Biden administration proposed for billionaires in 2022, to large swaths of the international tax regime.

The U.S. solicitor general herself is scheduled to argue the case before the justices, underscoring how the Biden administration views its importance.

“It’s the million-dollar question, just with a few more zeros: the quadrillion-dollar question,” Harvard University tax law professor Thomas Brennan told The Hill.

“On one extreme, if the Supreme Court decides that a realization requirement is present in the 16th Amendment … then there are a number of code sections that arguably would be invalid or have to be reworked,” he said.

These sections could involve partnership tax rules, rules on the taxation of debt and commodities, taxes on futures contracts and the international tax rules that string these areas together between countries.

“On the other extreme, even if the Supreme Court finds in favor of the taxpayers, they could do so in a narrow way that’s limited to the particular situation at hand, or in a way that … forecloses the possibility of Congress enacting wealth taxes but that doesn’t disturb much of existing tax law,” Brennan said.

What is the Moore tax case?

The dispute arose from businesspeople Charles and Kathleen Moore’s investment in an Indian company that sells farm equipment.

Republicans’ 2017 tax bill imposed a one-time tax on Americans who owned shares in foreign corporations, even if the corporation hadn’t distributed any earnings to the taxpayer. 

The Moores filed their lawsuit after paying a roughly $15,000 tax bill, court filings show…

Conservative groups champing at the bit while critics cry foul

Conservative financial and economic groups have been rooting for a resounding endorsement of the realization requirement for tax purposes from the current court, which brushed aside decades of precedent in overturning the seminal abortion case Roe v. Wade last year. 

“Realization has been the defining event that turns something from an asset holding value to income subject to federal tax under the Sixteenth Amendment,” lawyers for the Chamber of Commerce, the biggest business lobby in the U.S., exhorted the court in an amicus brief, filed in March…

Tax lawyers worry the rules of the game are about to change

Tax lawyers are concerned that their jobs could change significantly due to the scope of the ruling.

“If [the court makes] a specific realization requirement, then it could have an impact on many other provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, because there are provisions currently … that arguably diverge from the realization rule,” Lawrence Hill, a partner at the Steptoe & Johnson law firm, told The Hill.

Kyle Pomerleau, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute who filed an amicus brief supporting the government, said a broad ruling in favor of the Moores could lead others to file a deluge of lawsuits challenging those other portions of the tax code.

Sounds good to me.

“A cloud is going to be cast over the U.S. economy, as there’s all this uncertainty about what the tax code is going to look like in five, 10, 15 years from now.”

Pomerleau instead suggested a narrower way for the Supreme Court to resolve the case that wouldn’t reopen the question of whether income must be realized for the federal government to tax it.

“Because this is a tax on business profits and a tax on the use of a certain type of foreign business entity, and because it’s a tax on foreign activity, not domestic activity, it falls under the umbrella of an indirect tax,” said Pomerleau.

“And indirect taxes don’t have the same limitation that direct taxes have under the Constitution, you don’t have to apportion them,” he continued. “Therefore, all of the Moores’ arguments kind of fall away.”

I can’t imagine the Court doing anything drastic, but overturning Roe v. Wade was also drastic, so this should be interesting.

pat frederick

does this have real estate implications?
you buy a property for x amount of $$. in 5 years the local tax authority decides it’s worth twice what you bought it for. can you be taxed on their new value? even though you don’t realize any income unless you sell it?


I’m thinking that local property taxes might be a different issue than Sixteenth Amendment income tax issues, but I could be mistaken. Maybe cthulhu will weigh in at some point.


You are correct. It can be noted that there are no Federal property taxes, because the Feds are limited from levying them.

The Sixteenth Amendment specifically authorized a Federal income tax, and is pinned to Section 61 of the Internal Revenue Code: “Except as otherwise provided in this subtitle, gross income means all income from whatever source derived….” [ ]

Despite this being pretty freaking all-encompassing, the Feds have been constantly trying to expand it since put in the code in 1954.

pat frederick

thank you!


Thank you!


Incidentally, a related question is whether “capital gains” are income when they are solely the result of inflation…..that is caused by the government.

Let’s say you bought an asset for $100,000. One year of 10% inflation, makes it “worth” $110,000. Another year makes it “worth” $121,000. After this, the taxpayer needs to sell it in a hurry, and does for $108,000. The IRS will say you have a $8,000 gain, while you actually have an economic loss of $13,000.

pat frederick



State laws have been passed which authorized an assessment tax scheme. It isn’t based on income so it likely has nothing in common with Moore v US.

pat frederick



There’s also the issue of people suing for restitution for having their money taken unconstitutionally. There’s no way to limit the time for such recoupments to be claimed. Since they aren’t suits for damages, there’s no way to make it a class action. Each unauthorized money transfer must be reimbursed dollar for dollar.

If you think our debt is bad now, just wait. It’s about to get real …


QTree go down for awhile? Asking cuz I have a new laptop, and hoping it is not FUBAR.

After I logged in, in my notifier, had a lot of old likes from 2019. Rodney, TIM, even PHC.


At 2:12 CT I got this

This site can’t be reached’s DNS address could not be found. Diagnosing the problem.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We likely had another downtime due to attacks on our server and other infrastructure.

I just got back online – somebody may have nailed me (difficult to tell if it was just an unfortunate accident). I’ve been running emergency procedures for almost a day.

Valerie Curren


Thanks for that eternal vigilance!

Valerie Curren

Wow, brings tears to my eyes…like when I brush by messages from departed friends & relatives…PHC is how I found the Q-Tree, in a round about way…


Bittersweet perhaps. Seeing, PHC, brought a s mile to my m ug and pleasant memories of his posts, back n forth with folks. Also miss him, and many others Plain Jane, Wheatie…

Valerie Curren

Yes–the Party Up There is becoming Epic!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Praying for him! A man who valued truth and life over power and death!


I’ve been following along with this story. I pray this man will be safe. God bless him for understanding that this information must be made public.

pat frederick

comment image

they’re throwing kevin a party…
The 3-hour party, whose location is disclosed only to attendees, comes as many Republicans watch eagerly to see what McCarthy does next after eight GOP colleagues joined a unified Democratic caucus in stripping his gavel in October. Some believe he could resign his seat now that the chaotic three-week clamor to replace him has settled down.


How many drinks is a 3 hour party?

pat frederick
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Evil replaces evil. Swap out a satanic communist. Swap in a corrupt pedophile.

Brave and Free

This should not surprise anyone that’s been paying attention. They have to stay in power to stay out of jail.


We’ll see.


So the makers of those rheumatism preparations snuck in anti-inflammatory drugs to make their products seem effective.

Trust is gone, of just about any company and agency. And it wouldn’t surprise me if the FDA uses this as an excuse to take control over supplements.

pat frederick


The wheels of justice …

Barb Meier

grind slowly but exceedingly fine.


The jury is still way out on the last part.

Valerie Curren


He is trampling the grapes of wrath…at least…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hamas is giving the Israeli hostages “happy drugs” before releasing them!!!


Horrifying what these folks have gone through. Never Forget. Never Forgive.

Hamas…learning about...FAFO.


What’s the point? The IDF is going to kill all of them anyway.




So, I went outside the wire to OT and noticed this: Any ideas?


Guess he doesn’t want you to read it.


Password is a Secret.


Can’t recall if it is plural or W upper case. Easy enough to solve.

Barb Meier

plural and lowercase all

Last edited 1 year ago by Barb Meier
Valerie Curren


Brave and Free

I’ve seen that OT about a month ago, and didn’t bother reading the reason why it’s happening.


Guessing. Keep casual lurkers away. Perhaps, SD generating suspense… All goofy to me.

Barb Meier

or just search his site for “password”.


Hidden in plain sight. Feds could n ever find it.   :wpds_lol: 

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs
Barb Meier

type: wolverines


If you click on the title it takes you to the article page, THEN type in the password ‘wolverines’.

It is an article on why SD went to the EU recently (the other day he mentioned Budapest), during the period when he didn’t post much or anything on CTH for about a week.


Bitch is totally whacko.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What in the HELL???

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If we’re going to have segregation by biological gender, then let’s have segregation by biological gender. Seems pretty simple.


Speaking of segregation, do we have a post segregated to go up for the 6th?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll go take a look. I’ve been relaxing a bit since getting things fixed at this end (most of y’all didn’t experience the problems).


The scheduler may need some percussive maintenance.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Turns out there’s nothing there. I’ll handle it!


Thank you for all your vigilance.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Hope DP is OK…she didn’t give a heads up???


Deft segue, eh?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks. Give me a half hour for a barebones post!


Good news.

Valerie Curren

It begins…maybe!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Demoncrats cheated? Say it ain’t so!

Valerie Curren



~ 3 minutes.

Barb Meier

I’d say so.


This one might be fun to follow. I’m always interested in the takes on the cuemeister.

Last edited 1 year ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting to re-read that stuff. VERY interesting.

Valerie Curren