Back In My Day: Civilized War – Connecting Dots Again

This one will be shorter and to the point. As most know by now I deal with personal Goober Gump type events that play into the big picture that we face today.

Readers of this series may remember a post I made back on 9/3 of this year titled Ghosts. It was personal observations of a couple of men on the fringes of my family’s past that undoubtedly were operatives for some arm of our federal government. Ghost #1 was the oldest son from a previous marriage of an uncle. My uncle had been in the Navy in WW II and accepted reassignment back to his native Anderson County, TN area to be a firefighter for the Secret City and DOD facilities where atomic bomb research and development were occurring that eventually led to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan that ended the war.

As an aside, most people do not understand or think about the danger that was involved in that role he and others accepted. As if volatile atomic bomb development related activities were not enough of a concern, the process was prone to fires due to the excessive heat involved in processing. Contamination by radioactive materials was a real thing. There was also a risk of sabotage even with the high security. Captured and otherwise turned Nazi scientists were housed there and involved due to their expertise. It was in this environment my uncle met his first wife and began having a family.

Another example: There was a raid by elite American forces into Germany during the war. The subject of the raid was to take an existing uranium stockpile being used in German research. For what it is worth, the history of this raid has been largely scrubbed from the internet. I will no longer try to link it, I will simply tell you I have stood on the fully abated concrete pad where the uranium formerly sat for a couple of decades in 55 gallon drums exposed to the elements. An internationally noted environmental engineer confirmed its existence there to me as did the owner of the manufacturing facility and property at that time, which was in the early 1990’s. Both stated that the steel drums rusted with the weather and the resulting contaminants leaked into the nearby creek with each rain, which then flowed into the nearby TVA created recreational lake which is now used for collegiate rowing team competitions, but once was fished by local residents who were largely unaware of the contamination.

The military that completed the raid assignment would not have been well prepared for the task with the protections provided today. One might be able to assume they did not live long or well afterwards. The sacrifices of war long after the shooting stops on full display.

It was also no surprise that my uncle later died of cancer in his 60’s as well. Mercury, uranium, and other contaminant exposure was prevalent throughout the plant facilities, city and waterways. Over time it has been removed and incinerated. However, that process took over fifty years to get done. Those that participated in the annual deer hunts on the DOD/DOE reservation probably thought they could cook the chemicals and elements out of venison.

As my story stated, a divorce later broke the family apart with my uncle’s children leaving with their mother and moving closer to her family in Alabama. The oldest son left with them at first, but soon returned to east TN to finish high school and later supposedly joined the Peace Corps. It was not long afterwards that he moved to Medellin, Columbia where he told the family he was an English teacher. His personal life became a dark secret and if he ever married none of his family were aware. He would send a card or short letter to my uncle and aunt, who had become his stepmother, on occasion. His visits through the years were rare in occurrence and short in duration. In the later years they only happened at the funerals after both passed away.

My father and I handled the closing of my aunt’s estate. We read through old letters and cards from Columbia from the son looking for clues, but nothing of substance was found. His two siblings had similar experiences and the last time each saw him was at the funeral of my aunt. When both of them also passed years later they did not even list him as a brother in the obituaries. The Ghost had disappeared from all of our lives.

My father and I both would talk about my aunt and uncle for several years afterwards. We both laughed about her seemingly irrational hatred for anybody in the Bush family. I attributed it to her teachers’ union membership and Dem political leanings, but it seemed deeper than that. Neither of us had ever known anybody else she ever hated or over whom she became that animated. She was a low key, non-judgmental, friendly sort of person. At the time I was too uninformed to draw any conclusions. I just knew the Ghost cared a good amount about my uncle and aunt based on the correspondence and the visits. It was probably enough to inform them of more than was openly stated. I also knew both of them would keep his secret, they were that type of people.

It is into this strange situation I link the following for those who have not read it. A Family Affair…

Back to Wall Street/DC

I greatly appreciate what Joe Lange has brought to the world of late. I highly recommend all of his posts. He is going deep and he is going there. I pray he is protected and blessed by the Lord. Truth tellers are always at risk at this level of exposure of the misdeeds of others.

One of my observations from his post is that JEB! was placed into a shill role in Lehman Brothers at the debt markets collapse of The Great Recession of 2008. The Lehman disaster was much larger than the Bear Stearns collapse, a company that I posted about in the related BIMD’s that I had business banking dealings with during the period leading up to their bankruptcy. Lehman triggered the worldwide avalanche that followed. However, they were doing exactly what Bear was doing that led to their demise, just on a much larger scale. As we learn from Joe’s article the losses were going to prove to be too much for even globalist cartel kingpins to bankroll.

Which once again tells the world what side the Bush family was (is) on and one thing for certain, it was not MAGA and We the People. That Lehman hired JEB! tells us something about them and who they were aligned with as well.

Joe also reveals the Miami connections which are deeply interconnected with Cuban exiles, cartels, Columbia, Mexico and Venezuela primarily. These extend into NYC, the Street and of course, into DC. Is there another famous, highly celebrated person from NYC in those days we know who bought an aging large mansion and estate in nearby Palm Beach, FL in 1985? Seemingly this was occurring right in the middle of the activities of HW, JEB! and cronies with some Jeffrey Epstein mixed in for adult pedophile and blackmailing entertainment.

Sort of a well placed, convenient purchase, huh?

Now, think back to the 2020 presser when PDT announced there would be a Naval and Air Force led effort to go after the drug and human trafficking routes in the Caribbean and east Pacific regions. The displeasure of Bush owned Barr and Milley was written all over their faces as it was rolled out that day. You could see the already planned and implemented “coup” against We the People and PDT in their countenances.

Which adds to our understanding of the connection of the Bushies, clowns, cartels and the NYT. In reality it is all legacy media in bed with this globalist apparatus.

JEB!’s slime ball buddy, Carlos Slim, made a $250 million loan to the NYT in 2008 when they were nearly bankrupt as the debt markets collapsed. They paid it off in 2011 and he exercised his stock warrants. He doubled his stock holdings in 2015 in anticipation of Hillary Clinton’s globalist predestined election. Oopsie. When that did not materialize he sold half of his interest two years later during PDT’s first term. So a Mexican cartel globalist bails out a clown newspaper rag only to reduce his holdings when PDT pulls off the unexpected. He even made money in the process while keeping his hold over the NYT for the clowns.

Goes a long way toward explaining what we see of the Bush family and their open hatred of PDT. Goes an even longer way in explaining their hatred of We the People so much that they would help execute an obvious election steal coup and subsequent Fedsurrection event that was known to more than 80% of the Uniparty Congress who participated in the “show” that is destroying lives of average citizens. All of it while the COVID bioweapon jabs are rolled out worldwide and throwing all of our national treasury toward a losing proxy war in Ukraine in an effort to distract and control We the People.

Liz Cheney proved herself an obvious deep state asset of the Bush family as are many others you may or may not know about. I brought you another such wealthy family from east Tennessee who play their parts – the Haslams. As an example there is Bill, the former two term GOP establishment governor whose career tanked when he openly trashed PDT and sided with his buddy, JEB!, and the rest of the Bush family. His political career is now over. He masqueraded as a devout Christian while supporting the vile behind the scenes and collecting billions of dollars from Warren Buffett and Berkshire with its acquisition of 80% of the family’s Pilot Flying J business empire. So just what exactly goes through all those trucking industry utilized travel centers nationwide along with the Buffett controlled BNSF Railway? With what we have learned, oil and illegal drug/human trafficking seems interconnected to the oil production and transportation industries.

Do we see a pattern here? Of course we do. What do you get when the Bush family, drug cartel czars, the Clinton family, Soetoro, globalists like Buffett and Gates, social media kings, propaganda media, and the clowns look in the mirror?

The same image of evil incarnate. Knowing These Truths (h/t to our friend) sets us free.

This is one guy who is anxiously awaiting the release of Joe Lange’s next article. Got a feeling more dots will be connected.

Another reminder of what our VSG said. From his lips to God’s ears.

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Barb Meier

Thank you, TradeBait! I got the email notification and couldn’t stop reading this in the email message. Great post! I’m going to fix chili for lunch but want to read it again and then go to the link you provided. This is fascinating!

Valerie Curren

Your deepening relationship with the Lord lends you great wisdom & insight too  😇 


Smiling. having not seen your post, used fascinating and going back to reread. 🙂

Brave and Free

Thanks TB2,
The corruption runs deep and wide with these people. Installed players in key positions, be it gov or business. The average person never sees what’s playing out before them.
Truly appreciate your insight, once you see it you can’t unsee it. Just had that conversation with the wife the other day. Ten years ago she didn’t know what she knows now. PDJT coming into office was the beginning of her transition from uniformed to fully awake now. And she didn’t even vote for PDJT. Her and many others finally waking up to the corruption that’s our gov.


Another reminder of all the dark shenanigans that go on in the Republican party. If you’d had managed to have connected Kevin McCarthy into the piece I’d not be a bit surprised. It will be a wonder if we can hold the House till the next election. Republican Congress Critters should be advised not to bunch up. I get the feeling that there’s enough dirty trick Dems eyeing an early take back of the House and seemingly no shortage of deep state players who aren’t afraid of a little smoke and who’d lend them a hand.

Barb Meier

MAGA is informal, but we are a force to reckon with.


Fascinating stuff. Thanks. Going to reread.


Thank you again! Sure are a lot of connections to the big EVIL club.

Valerie Curren

My great uncle was a machinist for the Manhattan Project. Although he grew up in Michigan he ultimately ended up in California. However his wife was from Tennessee. I wonder if his machining work was at that TN facility you mention? It would be very hard to verify for supposedly a lot of his service record was “blacked out” so that it Seemed like he might have been AWOL when he was actually assigned to the MP but that was so Top Secret that even his superior officer, general I think, didn’t get access to the info…hmmm

Valerie Curren

Your tales are fascinating & often mind blowing. Thank you for sharing from the wealth of your wisdom 🙂

Valerie Curren


Happy go lucky

It’s odd, though, “please clap” and his brothers simply don’t seem all that smart, definitely not masterminds.