DEAR MAGA: TGIF Open Thread 20231208

White Cosmo


  • 3 cranberries, for garnish
  • 1/2 tablespoon white granulated sugar, for garnish
  • 1 1/2 ounces citrus vodka
  • 1/2 ounce elderflower liqueur
  • 1 ounce white cranberry juice
  • 1/4 ounce freshly squeezed lemon juice

Steps to Make It

  1. Gather the ingredients.Ingredients for a white cosmo cocktail gatheredThe Spruce Eats / S&C Design Studios
  2. Skewer 3 cranberries and dust them with sugar. Gently tap off any excess sugar and set aside.Sugared cranberries on a toothpick over two bowls of sugar and a measuring spoonThe Spruce Eats / S&C Design Studios
  3. In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, pour the citrus vodka, elderflower liqueur, and white cranberry and lemon juices. Shake well.White cosmo cocktail ingredients in a glassThe Spruce Eats / S&C Design Studios
  4. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and garnish with the cranberry skewer.White cosmo cocktail in a glass with skewered sugared cranberries garnishThe Spruce Eats / S&C Design Studios
  5. Serve and enjoy.White Cosmo cocktail with sugar-dusted cranberry garnish

Badlands News Brief – December 7, 2023

Matt Gaetz Has One-Word Response to Kevin McCarthy Resigning From Congress

The ‘Why’ is Now Obvious

The Great Awakening continues.

Economic Warning Signs: Collapsing Yield Curve, Plummeting Oil, and Soaring Bank REPO Interventions Raise Alarms Despite Perceived Boom

What perceived boom?

‘Hopefully no one dies’: House Republicans’ majority is about to become even more fragile

Former Gov. Jeb Bush calls for older Americans to ‘get off’ the political stage

That goes for you, too, JEB.

Beyond Absurdity

Tweety Tweets:


And now for the business portion of the post borrowed from Tuesday:

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. In that spirit, though, threats of violence real or hypothetical are out of bounds.

Fellow tree dweller the late Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.


PSALMS 98:1-4

1O sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvelous things! His right hand and his holy arm have gotten him victory. 2The LORD has made known his victory, he has revealed his vindication in the sight of the nations. 3He has remembered his steadfast love and faithfulness to the house of Israel. All the ends of the earth have seen the victory of our God. 4Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises!


Have a good weekend!

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People are saying it’s being done to keep him from having to testify before Congress due to the “active investigation.” I don’t know…

comment image


comment image


No FARA charge? Hmmm …

Brave and Free

More a distraction from the 10% guy until he’s off the stage and all his crimes are forgotten.


Unfortunately, you are correct IMO.

Once the ship changes course, follow what happens to all of the obvious black hats that caused irreparable harm to people and this nation.

Nothing of consequence.

It’s all theater.

Brave and Free

It’s the old uniparty slap on the back, great job, (fill in the blank.)
Now on to our normal business of enriching ourselves


Seems investigators have enough to indict Hunter.

But they don’t.

  :wpds_arrow:  Briben Crime Family Is Untouchable.


A comment I read otherwhere this morning was that this happened because “Dr. Jill” didn’t take Obama’s “suggestion” that Biden step aside as the actual order it was. So the I.R.S., a wholly-owned Obama subsidiary is putting the pressure on.

I tend to agree with the assessment.


Thank you, De Pat, for a Fine Friday thread!

Pace yourself this weekend, and be careful.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



As long as the fall isn’t like the WH Christmas tree …

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sylvia Avery

She made a movie? Wow, I AM out of touch.


You’re not the only one.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I was like “REALLY?”


Does anyone know the name of this movie… news to me too.


The movie is called ‘Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour’
According to IMDB
Experience the Eras Tour concert, performed by the one and only Taylor Swift.

Sylvia Avery

Oh. A movie of her tour. Okay, got it. Thanks K1tt!!!


Maybe its akin to a box set of music CDs.

But this time a box set of her concerts on DVD.

  • Captivating for societies slugs.
Sylvia Avery

I can think of few things that would interest me less….but she sure captivates her fans. It’s a mystery.

Barb Meier

Perhaps the grandchildren of those who talked regularly to their pet rocks?

Sylvia Avery

No doubt!

Valerie Curren

bwah ha ha

Cuppa Covfefe

More like a mkstery (she’s a MK Monarch)…

She needs a whack with your golden shovel 🙂

Sylvia Avery

I think you are correct on BOTH counts! I’ve missed you.

Cuppa Covfefe

Missed seeing you around the trees as well (literally, last year, as I had let severe cataracts almost go beyond repair…)…. still need to get proper computer glasses… and maybe some shot glasses as well…

Hope you and yours are shoveling well 🙂 [over here, the GoreBull warming in München is one of the highest (erm, deepest) in many decades…]….

Sylvia Avery

I had an entire summer’s worth of drama in 2022 when I got my cataracts removed. It began when, days before my surgery, I received a call letting me know it was indefinitely postponed because the surgeon had been away on a skiing holiday and fell and broke his shoulder. Well good golly!!!! Anyway, I was glad to finally get the surgery done. I hope you can see better now. It’s kind of scary when you realize you can’t see much of anything any more, isn’t it? Take care of those peepers!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

They measure vision differently over here… but my vision was 10% in my left eye, and 8% in my right eye, which would not have been able to be repaired had it gone much longer. As it was, the laser measuring equipment couldn’t measure my right eye, so they had to go with ultrasound, which wasn’t as accurate.

Fortunately, my wife was able to convince me to go to the doc to get checked out and then go with the procedure; and she was able to get me an appointment, which they basically said was a medical emergency. I had my eyes checked at the end of April, and they did them both in the following week.

Thank God for her and the docs and the staff there.

My left eye is now at 100% (20-20 or a little better) and my right eye is a tad better than 60% (but only 2 diopter minus) because I waited so long… With glasses I’m 100% in both eyes… the eye surgeon still would like to get me to 100% on both sides, I think… but the 60% side is good for close work (e.g. working on computer innards, soldering, etc.) so that’s probably a plus…

Both eyes needed a “re-laser” a couple of months afterward, but now are doing fine. It’s AMAZING how much more I see now (even all the dust, etc.).

I’m still trying to figure out who that old geezer is who stares at me from the mirror every morning, though 😀

Part of my reluctance was all the masking idiocy, and I was afraid they’d say, “no jab, no help”. As it turns out, they were very helpful indeed, and no jab needed…

[I also got the new EU drivers’ license required (probably to fill their coffers) for everyone in the whole EU… German licenses were permanent; alas, no more. Wonder what they would have done if they had known I could barely see back in February 😆 ] (Probably would have qualified me to be Kanzler of Germany or some such 🙂 )….

Sylvia Avery

LOL, I had the same reaction when I looked in the mirror. *Gasp*

Kudos to your wife. It’s one of the most difficult and thankless tasks on earth to get your hubby for medical treatment and that she managed it successfully is awesome! I hope you thanked her properly, lol.


RSL is the ticket. Prescription lenses INSIDE your eye instead of in a frame on your nose. Replacement for your natural lens.

Cuppa Covfefe

My left eye is 100% (i.e. 20-20 or better). Problem is, my right eye couldn’t be measured by the laser device, so they had to use the less-accurate sono. If it had been any worse, it couldn’t have been corrected.

The cataract in that eye was so thick and browned (think beer bottle), that it threw off my color spectrum… everything tends (slightly) blue now, which makes salads look, erm, interesting…

So I only need the lens for the right eye. Not sure if I want to get it redone; or if the insurance would pay for it.

When I’m working on stuff, especially soldering, I like to have something in front of my eyes anyway…  🤓 


Just check it out. You one eye sounds like a perfect candidate, from what little I know.


🤔🙄 Wonders if there was an era in writing erra and this tour is for him?
Erra (god) – Wikipedia

  1. Erra (sometimes called Irra) is an Akkadian plague god known from an ‘epos’ [1] of the eighth century BCE. Erra is the god of mayhem and pestilence who is responsible for periods of political confusion.

In the poem, Marduk, the chief god has fallen into a deep sleep and Erra gets it in his head that he should begin his reign of terror to ravage and destroy mankind.

He never did finish what he started out to do. His advisor and boon companion Isum talked him out of it and lulled him back to sleep. The poem covers what Erra plans. We’ve covered this before as I’ve posted it at least three times in the past. One more time won’t hurt.

The epic poem.

Epic Babylonian Poem
Narrator invokes Marduk, chief deity of Babylon, and Ishum, vanguard and companion of Erra. Erra is restless and breaks into a soliloquy. He is anxious to fight and campaign, but hesitates through natural inertia. Speaking of himself in the third person, Erra says that what he needs to stir him to action is Ishum´s encouragement

O king of all inhabited lands, creator of the world,
O Hendursagga (1), first born of Enlil [ ]
Holder of the sublime scepter (2), herdsman of the black-headed folk, shepherd of mankind,
O Ishum, zealous slaughterer (3), whose hands are suited tp brandish fierce weapons,
And to make his sharp spear flash, Erra, warrior of the gods, was resteless in his dwelling,
His heart urged him to do battle!
Says he to his weapons.
“Smear yourselves with deadly venom!”
To the Seven, warriors unrivalled,
“Let your weapons be girded!”
He even says to you:
“You are the torch, they will see your light (4)
“You are the vanguard, the gods will [ ]
“You are the stanchion, [zealous] slaughterer!
“(So) up, Erra, from laying waste the land
“How cheerful your mood will be and joyful your heart!
“Erra´s limbs are sluggish, like those of a mortal lacking sleep,
“He says to himself, ‘Shall I get up or go to sleep?’
“He says to his weapons, ‘Stay in the corners!’
“To the Seven, warriors unrivalled, ‘Go back to your dwellings!’
“Until you rouse him, he will sleep in his bedrooms,
“He will dally with Mami, his mate”.
(With a second invocation, now of Ishum, the narrator introduces the terrible Seven, who stand ready to massacre the “black-headed folk” or Mesopotamians)
O Engidudu, who patrols at night, ever guiding the noble,
Who ever guides young men and women in safety, making light as day,
The Seven, warriors unrivalled, their divine nature is different,
Their origins are strange, they are terrifying,
Whoever sees them is numbed with fear.
Their breath of life is death,
People are too frightened to appproach it!
Yet Ishum is the door, bolted before them.
When Anu, the king of the gods, sowed his seed in the earth,
She bore him seven gods, he called them the Seven.
They stood before him, that he ordain their destinies,
He summoned the first to give his instructions,
“Wherever you go and spread terror, have no equal.”
He said to the second, “Burn like fire, scorch like flame”.
He commanded the third, “Look like a lion, let him who sees you be paralysed with fear”.
He said to the fourth,”Let a mountain collapse when you present your fierce arms”.
He said to the fifth, “Blast like the wind, scan the circumference of the earth”.
He said to the sixth.”Go out everywhere (like the deluge) and spare no one”.
The seveth he charged with viperous venom,” Slay whatever lives”.
After Anu had ordained destinies for all of the Seven,
He gave those very ones to Erra, warrior of the gods, saying:
“Let them go beside you, when the clamor of human habitations becomes noisome to you,
“And you resolve to wreak destruction,
“To massacre the black-headed folk and fell the livestock,
“Let these be your fierce weaponry, let them go beside you”.
The Seven offer the encouragement that Erra needs. . In a rousing call to arms, they extol the heroic excitement of the campaign, the honor, prestige and gratification it brings. The Seven claim vaguely that they are not respected enough, that others are growing more important than they. They bring up the old charge that men make too much noise for the gods to sleep, although this was not the cause Erra had given for his lown lack of sleep. The Seven claim further that there are too many wild animals on the loose. Their final claim no doubt the most important one, is that they are bored and out of training.
These are the ones who are in a fury, holding their weapons aloft,
They are saying to Erra, “Up, do your duty!
“Why have you been sitting in the city like a feeble old man,
“Why sitting at home like a helpless child?
“Shall we eat woman food, like non-combatants?
Have we turned timorous and trembling, as if we can´t fight?
“Going to the field for the young and vigorous is like to a very feast,
“But the noble who stays in the city can never eat enough.
“His people will hold him inlow esteem, he will command no respect,
“How could he threaten a campaigner?
“However well developed is the strength of the city dweller,
“How could he possibly best a campaigner?
“However toothsome city bread, it holds nothing to the campfire loaf,
“However sweet fine beer, it holds nothing to water from a skin,
“The terraced palace holds nothing to the wayside sleeping spot!
“Be off to the field, warrior Erra, make your weapons clatter,
“Make loud your battle cry that all around they quake,
“Let the Igigi-gods hear and extol your name,
“Let the Anunna-gods hear and flinch at the mention of your,
“Let all the gods hear and bend for your yoke,
“Let sovereigns hear and fall prostrate before you,
“Let countries hear and bring you their tribute,
“Let the lowly hear and perish of their own accord,
“Let the mighty hear and his strength diminish,
“Let lofty mountains hear and their peaks crumble,
“Let the surging sea hear and convulse, wiping out her increase!
“Let the stalk be yanked from the tough thicket,
“Let reeds of the impenetrable morass be shorn off,
“Let men turn cowards and their clamor subside,
“Let beasts tremble and return to clay,
“Let the gods your ancestors see and praise your valor!
“Warrior Erra, why do you neglect the field for the city?
“The very beats and cretures hold us in contempt!
“O warrior Erra, we will tell you, thought that we say be offensive to you!
“Ere the whole land outgrows us,
“You must surely hear our words!
“Do a kindly deed for the gods of hell, who delight in deadly stillness,
“The Anunna-gods cannot fall asleep for the clamor of humankind,
Beasts are overrunning the meadows, life of the land,
“The farmer sobs bitterly for his field,
“Lion and wolf are felling the livestock,
“The shepherd, who cannot sleep day and night for the sake of his flocks, is calling upon you,
“We too, who know the mountain passes,have forgotten how to go,
“Cobwebs are spun over our field gear,
“Our fine bow resists and is too strong for us,
“The tip of our sharp arrow is bent out of true,
“Our blade is corroded for want of a slaughter!”
The warrior Erra heard them,
What the Seven said pleased him like finest oil.
He made ready to speak and said to Ishum:
“Why, having heard, did you sit by silent?
“Lead the way, let me begin my campaign!
“[ ] the Seven, warriors without rival,
Make my fierce weapons (the Seven) march by my side,
But you be the vanguard and rear guard”.
When Ishum heard what he said, he felt pity and said ot the warrior Erra:
“O Lord Erra, why have you plotted evil against the gods?
“To lay waste the lands and decimate the people”.
Erra made ready to speak and said to Ishum, his vanguard:
“Keep quiet, Ishum, listen to what I say, as concerns the people of the inhabited world,
whom you would spare.
“O vanguard of the gods, wise Ishum, whose counsel is always for the best,
“I am the wild bull in heaven, I am the lion on earth,
“I am king in the land, I am the fiercest among the gods,
“I am warrior among the Igigi-gods, mighty one among the Anunna-gods!
“I am the smitter of wild beasts, battering ram against the mountain,
“I am the blaze in the reed thicket, the broad blade against the rushes,
“I am banner for the march, I blast like the wind, I thunder like the storm,
“Like the sun, I scan the circumference of the world,
“I am the wild ram striding forth in the steppe,
“I invade the range and take up my dwelling in the fold,
“All the gods are afraid of a fight, so the black-headed folk are contemptuous!
“As for me, since they did not fear my name, and I have disregarded Marduk´s command,
so he may act according to his wishes
“I will make Marduk angry, stir him from his dwelling, and lay waste the people!”
The warrior Erra set out for Babylon, city of the king of the gods.
He entered Esagila, palace of heaven and earth and stood before him.
He made ready to speak, saying to the king of the gods:
“Why has your precious image, symbol of your lordship, lost its brilliance?
“Your lordly diadem, which made the inner sanctum shine like the outside tower, why is it dimmed?”
The king of the gods made ready to speak, saying to Erra, these words,
“O warrior Erra, concerning that deed you said you would do,
“Once, long ago indeed I grew angry, indeed I left my dwelling and caused the deluge!
“When I left my dwelling, the regulation of heaven and earth disintegrated:
“The shaking of heaven meant: the positions of the heavenly bodies changed, nor did I restore them,
“The quaking of netherworld meant: the yield of the furrow diminished, being thereafter difficult to exploit.
“The regulations of heaven and earth disintegrating meant: underground water diminished, high water receded. When I looked again, it was struggle to get enough.
“Productivity of living offspring declined, nor did I renew it,
“Such that were I a plowman, I could hold all seed in my hand.
“I built another house and settled therein (5)
“As to my precious image, which had been struck by the deluge that its appearance was sullied,
“I commanded fire to make my features shine and cleanse my apparel.
“When it had shined my precious image and completed the task,
“I donned my lordly diadem and returned.
“Haughty were my features, terrifying my glare!
“The survivors of the deluge saw what was done,
“Shall I raise my weapon and destroy the rest?
 “I sent those craftsmen down to the depths, I ordered them not to come up,
“I removed the wood and gemstone and showed no one where,
“Now then, warrior Erra, as concerns that deed you said you would do,
“Where is the wood, flesh of the gods, suitable for the lord of the universe,
“The sacred tree, splendid stripling, perfect for lordship,
“Whose roots thrust down an hundred leagues through the waters of the vast ocean to the depths of hell,
“Whose crown brushed Anu´s heaven on high?
“Where is the clear gemstone that I reserved for [ ]?
“Where is Ninildum, great carpenter of my supreme divinity,
“Wielder of the glittering hatchet, who knows that tool,
“Who makes it shine like the day and puts it in subjection at my feet?
“Where is Kunig-banda, fashioner of god and man, whose hands are sacred?
“Where is Ninagal, wielder of the upper and lower millstone
“Who grinds up hard copper like hide and who forges tools?
“Where are the choice stones, created by the vast sea, to ornament my diadem?
“Where are the seven sages of the depths, those sacred fish, who, like Ea their lord, are perfect in sublime wisdom, the ones who cleansed my person?
The warrior Erra heard him….. [ ]
He made ready to speak, saying to noble Marduk,
“[ craftsmen ],
“[ tree ],
“Clear gemstone [from] its place will I bring up.”
 When Marduk heard this, he made ready to speak, saying t the warrior Erra:
“(When) I rise from my dwelling, the regulation of heaven and earth will disintegrate,
“The waters will rise and sweep over the land,
“Bright day will turn to darkness, whirlwind will rise and the stars of heaven will be…
“Ill winds will blow and the eyesight of living creatures will be darkened,
“Demons will riase up and seize [ ],
“They will …. the unarmed one who confronts them!
“The gods of hell will rise up and smite down living creatures,
“Who will keep htem at bay till I gird on my weaponry once more?
When Erra heard this, he made himself ready to speak, saying to noble Marduk:
“O noble Marduk, while you enter the house, fire cleanses your apparel and you return to your palace,
“For that time I will govern and keep strong the regulation of heaven and earth,
“I will go up to heaven and issue instructions to the Igigi gods,
“I will go down to the depths and keep the Anunna gods in order.
“I will despatch the wild demons to the netherworld,
“I will brandish my fierce weaponry against them,
“I will truss the wings of the ill wind like a bird´s.
“At that house you shall enter, O noble Marduk,
“I will station Anu and Enlil to the right and left, like bulls.”
Noble Marduk heard him, the words which Erra spoke pleased him.
He arose from his dwelling, an inaccessible place,
He set out for the dwelling of the Anunna-gods.
He entered that house and stood before them.
Shamash looked upon him and let his protective radiance fall…
Sin looked everywhere, and did not leave the Netherworld,
Ill winds rose and the bright daylight was turned to gloom,
The clamor of the peoples throughout the land was stilled,
The Igigi gods were terrified and went up to heaven,
The Anunna gods were frightened and went down to the pit of hell,
[ ] the entire circumference [ ]
[ ] in the dust
[ ] let us see”.
[ ] its doors.
[ ] like the stars of heaven.
The gods convene to discuss the situation. Ea, intent upon restoring Marduk to his place, reasons that, even though the original sublime craftsmen cannot return, Marduk authorized reproduction of them to be made that are endowed with wondrous powers by Ea at Marduk´s command. The repairs are proceeding well. Erra, while standing guard at the hour where the work is being done lest harm approach, is taking the opportunity to usurp Marduk´s power by keeping everyone away from him. So vainglorious is Erra´s shouting that Ea resolves to see him humbled.
“The diadem [ ]
“His heart [ ]
“The governor´s [ ]
“The awe-inspiring radiance of his divine splendor [ ] his days [ ],
“[ ] like rain,
“Let Ea in the depths [ ] his springs,
“Let Shamash see …. [ ] and let the people [ ]
“Let Sin behold, and at his sign, let him [ ] to the land.
“Concerning that work, Ea [ ] is expert”.
“The warrior Erra became very angry,
“Why, because of foam ont he waters, the …. of mankind,
“Which I myself created to bring offerings ot he Anunna gods,
“Did noble Marduk give up, not at the appointed time?
“He plotted to lay waste the alnds and destroy their people!”
Ea the king considered and said these words,
“Even now that noble Marduk has arisen from his dwelling, he did not
command those craftsmen to come up.
“How can images of them, which I made among mankind,
“Approach his sublime divinity, where no god has access?
“He himself gave thsoe same human craftsmen great discretion and authority,
“He gave them wisdom and perfect dexterity,
“They have made his precious image radiant, even finer than before,
“Warrior Erra has stationed himself before him, night and day without ceasing,
“Besetting the house for making radiant the precious image for the sovereignty of the king and saying,
‘ Don´t come near the work!
‘ [He who draws] near it –
I will cut short his life and prolong his death agony.’
“[ ] let him hasten at the work,
“[ ] has no equal.
“[ ] Erra was speaking like a mortal,
“[ ] was trying to rival the noble one,
“[ ] may he be humbled.”
The images of the craftsmen made his precious image radiant,
[ ] …..
They set the…. at his door,
[ ] king Shamash girds it on,
[ ] he reoccupied his dwelling,
[ ] brilliance was reestablished,
[All the gods….] were gathered,
Erra [ noble] Marduk,
“Noble Marduk,[ ]
“Godlike, you [ ]
“Small to great [ ]
[ ] Erra….
[ ] … his uproar was terrifying,
“[ ] … the image,
“[ ] of your lordship are raised up and established”.
The king of the gods made ready to speak and said,
“[ ] and went up to heaven.”
[ ] he commanded,”Return to your dwellings!”
[ ] … his sign,
“[ ] upon your face,
“[ ] their peoples.
“[ ] you did not turn your back.”
He heard him, … said to the king of the gods,
“The word of Marduk [ ] of the day”.
He said to him [ ]
“Come now, [ ]
“To destroy the lands [ why did you plot?]?
Erra heard him [ ]

He entered [ ].
Anu heard in heaven [ ],
He bowed his lofty head [ ],
Antu, mother of the gods, was aghast [ ],
She entered her chamber,
Enlil´s [ ]
[ ] father of the gods [ ]
[ ] Enlil [ ]
Among the beasts, all of them [ ]
Erra among all the gods [ ]
Among the stars of heaven the Fox Star [ ]
Was shining bright and its radiance [ ] for him,
The stars of all the gods were dazzling [ ],
Because they were angry with each other, and noble Marduk [ ] put [ ],
“The star of Erra is shining bright and its radiant…. of warfare.
“His awe-inspiring brilliance will….. and all people will perish

This link is a longer explainer as the poem was committed to events that are reported to have happened much earlier…. I’ve never read this.


Since we are on the subject, seems every day the invaders are reportedly coming across the border in greater numbers.

This was yesterdays lead invasion story happening in Lukeville, AZ.

The closest next town is about 30 miles away and is aptly called Why, Az.

Phoenix is about 120 or so miles to the North.


Not to be too alarmist… but a few links and stories on home defense might be in order for the near time future. I suggest home defense type links as it’s clear as happened in Israel our govt won’t be of much help until they can be woken from their stuper should things turn amiss.

I also noticed in one vid, Hamas brought their own battery operated saws to cut through doors and the like. Interesting.

Somehow all these invaders coming through at the very onset of winter doesn’t forebode well. Where will they shelter from the cold?

It seems there is nothing set up for them and the basic human condition will require that they seek take shelter from the cold.

The likelihood that this gets ugly seems to grow cause the Guitians aren’t just coming, they are here.

Valerie Curren



My fault. I misspelled them. Gutians is the correct spelling.

Essentially they were nomadic tribes people that occupied the Zarogos hill regions east of the Akkadian Empire. They came out of the hills sporadically and with out order but devastated and laid waste to all of the then civilized regions and stayed in the area for over twenty years wreaking havoc wherever they went, mocking the peoples living there as they were powerless to stop them. They are the closest parallels to our invaders that we have.

Several laments were written by peoples of various cities that suffered with their arrival.

Short vid that explains the political situation when this happened early in the 2nd Millennium.

Valerie Curren

TY…great history that we need to learn from ASAP!


Appreciate the clarification.

Analogy spot on. Invaders have nothing to lose.

Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds like they’re no-Gut-ians…

Better that they become the last of the no-Gut-ians…

The UN is fostering (and probably funding) these invasions all over the world… some idiot from the UN said in response to someone complaining about the hundreds of thousands, potentially millions of illegals streaming into Europe, “Millions? We’re looking at BILLIONS”…..

On the bright side ( 🌋  ), when the coming ice age hits (2030 is mentioned), all the warm places down south will be empty…

[ ]


When SHTF, and SHTF Will Happen, government will act surprised.

Which government – Feds, AND nearly Every State, along with Blue Shithole counties and cities.  :wpds_arrow:  Preps, Preparing, Readiness IS an individual responsibility.

>>> Echoing Valerie, “Guitians”?

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

Yes, thus the call for home defense links, tips and tricks and such. Nothing to go overboard on, but keep an eye out for things to share.


^^^ Good call. Thanks.


I really like these things. Has two for each door. Put in properly each is good for 800lbs of pressure. Alas… they won’t stop a chain saw. But it’s moar for the spillover effects of being under a reign of terror and will help deter the unprepared and will give you time to grab your response stuff.

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Want’s to put this in for the front double door, but will need a better drill to get through the granite and concrete. Currently settles on a simple screaming floor wedge thing.

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Windows should get attention, but that can be more time consuming and depending on the type film you want to put on the windows, it could get very costly, but there are many options to look into though none will offer 100% security. So for now, doors are enough and we’ll see how govt does.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

Honestly, I think a good supply of boards and/or plywood sheets and nails should be available, if possible.

Windows are indefensible, and if you are in an area where the shit is hitting the fan, they need to be boarded up. This can be done from the inside as the battle rages outside if necessary.


One drawback – it gets real dark inside real fast.

Alternative solution – join Jehovah’s Witnesses. Kingdom Halls have no windows.


Lol! I have oil lamps!

Valerie Curren

We do too! Plus camping & backpacking gear, old & new 🙂




We should find out where all of Taylor Swift’s properties are so the Gutians can go there. Ditto for any WEFfers.

Having a map of democrat donors might come in handy as you can bid the Gutians to go there if they seek food, shelter and the like. Not just homes but business’s too.


broken record here.

  :wpds_arrow:  r-Cons have NOT moved to impeach Briben, Hoe, Mayorkis.

  :wpds_arrow:  r-Cons ARE Complicit, in the destruction of America.

Cuppa Covfefe

Seems like an impromptu Grand Prix or Cannonball Run (with or without the run) would be in order…  💣  🚸  🏁 

Cuppa Covfefe

Or “The Eros Tour?”

Brave and Free

No not really, it shows that you pay attention to things that matter.
Not some random BS from the controlled entertainment industry.

Sylvia Avery



To your credit.   :wpds_wink: 

Sylvia Avery

😁😁😁 Thanks, kalbokalbs!


Other than headlines, thankfully I know nothing of Taylor Twit.

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

All I know is this is a name that seems somehow connected to watching some sort of sport because…well, because.

Not sure I ever heard the name before a year ago.

If she is a musician, I couldn’t even tell you what type of caterwaul she does.


^^^ Human trash.


This over-hyped under-talented ridiculous little girl makes me want to vomit.

Cuppa Covfefe

Taylor’s not so Swift, in any case… and an MK Monarch (robot-controlled puppet of the WEFfenSS Muzak industry) to boot…..



Cuppa Covfefe



Excellent posting of links, Cuppa. Thank you. Zero question what is going on with her and the legion of “fans” that follow her.


Sylvia Avery

DePat, I have read how busy you are and yet you are still turning out four opening posts each week. Take care of yourself.

I have had some trouble logging in to the Q Tree for awhile now. When your mom passed, I did try to offer you my condolences but I don’t think my comment posted. Anyway, I was very sorry to hear it and I know the holidays can be pretty difficult, so take extra care of yourself right now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! If your comment gets into the system, it WILL get posted – you can trust me on that.

Sylvia Avery

Good to know, thanks Wolfie!!!

Most of the problems I have with this site are browser related. When I stop and think and remember that and switch to another browser things work out. But I get in a hurry, or I forget, and I get easily flustered when my tech stuff doesn’t work smoothly, lol.

Sylvia Avery

Oh, I’m glad it got through. I was so uncertain about it. And no worries about responding. I know very well what it is like trying to manage that when you are grieving. ❤️❤️❤️

Sylvia Avery

This made me think of Wheatie….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks for that!!! SAVED!!!

Sylvia Avery


Valerie Curren

Love this!  😍 


That is so beautiful it doesn’t even look real!


33-year-old Canadian MSM journalist who heavily promoted the Covid-19 vaccine, advocated for vaccine passports, and the firing of those who refused the jab has died after being hospitalized and “declared neurologically dead.”

Ian Vandaelle, a 33-year-old Canadian business journalist, worked as a reporter and editor at the Financial Post and was previously a producer at BNN Bloomberg for over a decade.

Stephanie Hughes, Vandaelle’s partner, shared the news of his death on her X account on December 5, 2023, stating, “I haven’t been on Twitter for a while because my partner, @IanVandaelle, has been in the hospital since Nov. 18. It’s with a heavy heart today that I say he was declared neurologically deceased this week and taken off life support this morning. He was 33 years old.”

Vandaelle had taken to social media multiple times, advocating for incentives to encourage Covid-19 vaccination, the implementation of vaccine passports, and the termination of those who refused the jab.

In one social media post, Vandaelle stated, “I, for one, advocate we bring the carrot and the stick. Incentivize getting the vaccine however we like – ice cream, lotteries, literally whatever, I don’t care – and require vaccination to do non-essential things. Wanna go to a bar to watch the game? Passport.”

In another post, he urged the Toronto Police to terminate members who declined the jab, saying, “Take the jab or resign; anything else is moral and ethical cowardice. You take an oath to protect citizens? You get vaxxed. Shameful that we have to say this.”

Vandaelle seemed in good health and actively engaged in work, as indicated by various social media posts before his hospitalization.


Wow, he really went full Hitler.



Probably got every available booster.

Barb Meier

Some tyrants are self-regulating.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Propaganda side-effects are real!

Valerie Curren

Grim reaper of what he sowed…hope his loved ones awaken  🙄 


11/27/23 – 2066 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, 1446 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection

Happy go lucky

Happy birthday 🎉


Perfectly normal.

Nothing to see here, folks.



Happy Birthday GA/FL!


Neurologically dead long before quacks figured it out.


I think he was born neurologically dead.


Proof positive you cannot fix stupid.

What goes around comes around…


Good riddance.

Yeah I said it. We’re better off without him.


I agree that we’re better off without his influence as long as he was going to steer people in the wrong direction. I would have preferred that he become educated and change course, but time ran out for him.


Get serious. He was not going to change course, as you say.

He was sealed in resin like that insect in the cane handle of the old man in Jurassic Park.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And he would keep killing others as long as he was doing his thing.




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Valerie Curren

Given the differences in pipe sizes it looks impossible to “drain the swamp” unless they stop adding sewage to the swill  😡 


Nice catch.  😍 

Cuppa Covfefe

Could be the MAGA pump has a higher flow rate… and is a bigger tank…

Valerie Curren

Needs to go Directly to a sewage treatment facility   :wpds_envy: 

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Sylvia Avery

Hi Treepers! It has been a while. Real life intruded. My sweet dog, Chloe, was diagnosed with oral melanoma. We had about six months of treatments until it was time to say goodbye. That hit me hard.

Right in the midst of that, I wasn’t doing so well and after tests they found stones in both kidneys that required surgery on each one. One had to be done out of town in the Big City because greater expertise was needed. While in the hospital, some heart issues were discovered. Many more tests. Still don’t know where this is all going, but so far we are hopeful these are minor problems. There’s more, but it’s boring and dreary and basically I’m okay for the most part even if I don’t feel well at times.

Still, I would have stopped in to say hi except somehow I found myself logged out of the Tree and couldn’t find my way back in, until the other day. I can just feel all of you tech savvy people rolling your eyes, lol. Well, that’s okay! I am here to amuse.

Meanwhile, I have a new dog. Clancy is a cute young guy who needed a new home, and I needed a new friend. Perfect match!

I missed you all.


We missed you too. I’m sorry about all your trials and am glad to see you here again. 😊

Sylvia Avery

Thanks, TT. As always, I think it could have been so much worse and I’m glad it wasn’t. I’ve been very blessed even though at times it doesn’t seem like it.


 I’ve been very blessed even though at times it doesn’t seem like it.

I know what you mean. That’s food for thought…

Valerie Curren


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It’s great to see you posting here, Sylvia! I’m so sorry about Chloe and all you’ve been through. It sounds like you’ve had a rough year, but am glad that you are now on the other side. I just found out a few days ago that my dog, Zoe, has cancer, so I can understand how you feel. I’m trying to use the same holistic protocol on her that I used for myself, but it’s hard because she isn’t eating much of anything.

Sylvia Avery

Oh Linda, I’m so sorry. I used Joe Tippin’s protocol in addition to treatment through a veterinary oncologist. But like you, when getting her to eat became difficult, it made it impossible to get the meds in her. I agonized over that. They did give me a couple medications to improve her appetite and that helped for awhile. My heart goes out to you and Zoe. ❤️❤️❤️


Yes, that’s pretty much the protocol I’m using. I didn’t know they had meds to improve their appetite. I’ll have to call her vet tomorrow and see if she can get some. (Then I’ll have to somehow get her to take them). I think if I can just get her to eat and take the meds, she has a good chance of turning things around. I can’t believe that just a couple of weeks ago, she was a happy, rambunctious dog tearing around the house. It just happened suddenly. So I didn’t know anything was wrong and didn’t have the chance to try to help her earlier.

Sylvia Avery

Linda, my oncologist had a lot more experience with these drugs than her local vet, naturally. One is a small pill, mirtazapine. My vet said that was usually given to cats, not dogs. And that may be true, but you can give it to dogs, too. And another product is a liquid. It’s called Entyce. I had to squirt it into her mouth. I found out later that I could actually give her both drugs at the same time if needed. Unfortunately, they both require a prescription from the vet.


Thanks! I’ll call her vet tomorrow and see if she can prescribe them.

Sylvia Avery

Terrific! I hope it goes well.


I have a very old dog whose appetite is up and down. I entice him to eat with all kinds of weird stuff. I cook chicken livers and dice them up to put in his food. I give him raw hamburger, and chopped up raw steak. Sometimes he gets roasted chicken.

I have found that sometimes it’s stinky food he will eat best. I think their taste buds aren’t as sensitive.


Prayers for both you and Zoe. 🙏 It’s so hard when they won’t eat. I hope you find something that will help.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great to see you! Thanks for letting us know about these trials. Prayers in progress! 🙏

Sylvia Avery



Great to see you Sylvia!

Looks like you’ll be hanging out on my prayer list a while longer.

I’m sorry about Chloe.

Good to hear you have a new puppy, Clancy hit the lotto 👍🙂

Sylvia Avery

Hi Scott! It’s great to see you, too. And thank you for the prayers, I am very grateful. It seems like all of a sudden I’m falling apart. If I were an automobile, I trade myself in for a newer model. 😁😁😁

Clancy is such a happy dog. He’s a Norfolk Terrier and he’s relentlessly cheerful. He’s brought me a lot of joy.


I always remember the breed standard for the Norfolk Terrier: “Because of his courage and ability to scrap with the best of foes, the Norfolk is allowed “honor scars” in the show ring to attest to his field worthiness.”

Sylvia Avery

*laughing* My little man has a strong prey drive. He has pestered the poor possums to the point they will probably never come around again. He chases the squirrels daily, but you know how they are. Totally impervious. But alas, he caught a mouse and ran with it. I was hopeful it got away, but nooooo……Clancy had to go and fetch it later that night and bring it in and drop it at my feet, so proud and happy. I nearly barfed.

My Chloe, my sweet little butterbean, would never have dreamed of doing something like that. I’m having to adjust to having a busy boy around!

Valerie Curren

For some reason this comes to mind 🙂

Love & Blessings  ❤ 

Sylvia Avery


Happy go lucky

My FAVORITE comedian 😂😂😂

Valerie Curren

Love it. Hubby found this guy & plays this clip at least every week chez nous. Having raised 3 boys & a girl, not to mention special needs, bobcat crapola became the norm around here. So far w/ only granddaughters we’re perplexed but relatively relaxed…for now!


Where I live, a good mouser is celebrated! My son’s new puppy is a mouse-hound. She keeps the barn clean.

Sylvia Avery

I know, it’s sensible to appreciate being rid of vermin but it distressed me. More so that he felt it necessary to share his pride in his warrior status, lol. Right at my feet. 😁😁😁

Barb Meier

Just imagine if you had a Belgian Malinois dog, he might bring you an alien invader and drop him at your feet.

Cuppa Covfefe

Just not an illegal alien invader 🙂

Barb Meier

All alien invaders are illegal, aren’t they? 😊

Cuppa Covfefe

I was wondering if you were speaking of little green men… 🙂  👽 

Or maybe Greta the Greenhearted…

Sylvia Avery



Sounds like my cat. Sometimes we only get the head, which is gross!


He probably wants you to mount it on a plaque on the wall.



Cuppa Covfefe

Ambitious cat…

Always wants to get a head…

(ducks and runs….far…)… 🙂



Barb Meier

I will have to work up to being steady if I just get the head. I’m certain I would squeal and run around. How would kitties interpret that?


I think cats mostly think we are big, stupid, hairless cats, that don’t know how to do much.


As I recall, when they bring little “gifties” to their humans, they’re trying to teach the humans how to hunt properly.


I read that somewhere, too.

Valerie Curren

Wow Sylvia that is A Lot to contend with. May the Lord comfort & heal you body & soul. What a blessing to have a new furry friend to keep you on your toes. Have a wonderful Christmas season filled with laughter & love, for the joy of the Lord is your strength!

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Sylvia Avery

Thank you, Valerie. You, too!

Valerie Curren



So good to see you back, Sylvia.

Sylvia Avery

Thank you!


Sylvia Avery
Very nice to hear from you! I’m so sorry that you’ve had to contend with issues of all types — but it does sound like things are resolving, thank heavens.
It’s difficult to lose a beloved pet, for sure. Thankfully, Clancy is at your side now.
Please take good care of yourself!

Sylvia Avery

Thanks PAVACA. I hope you are doing well.


We miss your threatening posture with your shovel.   :wpds_lol: 

Sylvia Avery

Ha! There is no shortage of people who need to be shoveled! Just a short period online and my hand reaches for the handle….!!! How are you doing, my friend?


Much better than I deserve.

Sylvia Avery

Now I doubt that! But I’m very happy you are doing well. ❤️❤️❤️

Happy go lucky

Oh yeah that’s the truth. Any time I see someone who needs a good whack with a shovel I think of you. I’m sorry about your doggo.

Sylvia Avery

Thank you. It hurt losing her. Still hurts. But I was so lucky to have Clancy land in my lap. He needed a home, and I needed a little pal.❤️❤️❤️


It’s good to see you!

I am sorry about your dog. Losing a friend is so hard. I’m glad you made a new one, though.

Sylvia Avery

Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️



Robert Baker

Be sure to train Clancy to guard your shovel. Do not leave the Republic defenseless.

Sylvia Avery

😁😁😁👍 He is a very good watch dog!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Sorry to hear of your loss. Worse, I am sure it hit you a lot harder than mine did, me.

Happy go lucky

It’s always hard.

Sylvia Avery

We were so close, so I miss her a lot. She always wanted to be on my lap or laying on my feet. Clancy is more independent. He likes to go outside and pester the wildlife, lol.


johnny maga:

Desantis is speaking to a crowd of about 20 in Iowa with 13 watching the stream

He’s so done Lmao

I believe DeSantis is waiting for Trump to be removed from the race. Maybe he thinks that if Trump gets convicted of something, the RNC will remove him from contention. (I don’t know what powers they have regarding that.) Maybe he thinks people won’t vote for Trump if he gets convicted, but I think it’s possible that more people would vote for him if he were convicted of some bogus crime.

All of which makes DeSantis just another RINO snake who is ignoring the wrongful persecutions and stolen elections which are destroying the country.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

Opportunistic scumbag. I wouldn’t vote for him if he were the only candidate on the ballot.


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These people need to be punished so severely that their ‘kind’ won’t rise again for another 3 generations.

Three generations seems to be the maximum, before tyranny is strutting around like a peacock again.

Robert Baker

I seem to recall that God says somewhere in the Testament of Promise (OT) that he will curse evil down to the fourth generation and bless obedience to the 1000th generation; somewhere in the Pentateuch I recall.

Valerie Curren

Exodus 20, emphasis mine

“You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

Deuteronomy 5, ditto

“You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

Deuteronomy 7, ditto

Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments. 10 But
those who hate him he will repay to their face by destruction;
    he will not be slow to repay to their face those who hate him.
11 Therefore, take care to follow the commands, decrees and laws I give you today.

Other examples of a “thousand generations” in the NIV

  1. 1 Chronicles 16:15
  2. He remembers his covenant forever, the promise he made, for a thousand generations,
  3. In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
  4. Psalm 105:8
  5. He remembers his covenant forever, the promise he made, for a thousand generations,

Robert Baker

Thanks Valerie. That was what I was remembering.

Valerie Curren



Interestingly, disease and affliction used to be considered punishment for sin. Many genetic diseases are “bred out” within that three to four generation timespan. So it would appear to them that the punishment for the “sins of the father” had gone away by the fourth generation.

The ancients had a lot of wisdom and knowledge that we discount, I think.

Last edited 1 year ago by Aubergine
Valerie Curren

That’s a fascinating insight–TY!




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I almost want to sign up for this so that I can submit someone else’s picture.


I could try digging up that picture of Ace from several years back and do searches for “midget lesbian pr0n”…..or just stop people on the street and say, “that’s a great t-shirt! Do you mind if I get a picture?”


Looks like a new way to get back at someone, like “revenge porn.”


I’m pretty sure you’d want to keep with “public figures” or random passers-by, lest the AI actually track you down.

Some rando 50-year-old on a London street, wearing an “Anarchy In The UK” t-shirt, is probably perfect. They’d probably be American, anyway.

Cuppa Covfefe

Try Hunter or HELL-the-BEAST…. They’re probably “immune”….


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


NEVER FORGET! “It was a lie from the very beginning. We had treatment from Day one!!!” 

11/27/23 – 2066 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, 1446 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection

Valerie Curren

That video keeps hanging up at 12 seconds for me both here & at Twit World…hmmm





I had always heard that you needed to speak harshly, rub their nose in it, and swat a puppy for serious discipline. You speak harshly so they know they’re in trouble, rub their nose in it to make sure they know which trouble, and give them a swat with something loud but not truly harmful so that they remember the lesson but know it is over.

Leaving a dog undisciplined, confused as to what might be wrong, or continued punishment after correction, are all examples of poor ownership.

Barb Meier

I got my Westies to stop eating couches and pulling out the piping along the edges by sitting down and mock crying. They seemed to understand that.


Is that also how guys are trained, mocked crying? Asking for a friend.   :wpds_razz: 

Barb Meier

LOL I don’t know, I never trained a guy but I have run away from a few.


It’s also the example of poor wife training.


Ofcourse… not blaming human for anything here, just found mom’s reaction quite interesting as she shielded the little nibbler.

Barb Meier

She was deeply hurt by his being so upset at her little pup. I had to stop watching because it upset me too. Ah well, I’m a sucker for pups and their mommas.


The link where Jeb Bush talks about older politicians leaving the stage includes this lovely quote: “We need to reward the politicians that have the courage to go against their base based on principle.”

What principle? Selling out to globalists? He is advocating that politicians blow off actual citizens that vote for them to further some ‘principle’ the voters might otherwise loathe and despise… is this supposed to work, exactly?

Should they maybe disclose this principle before asking people to vote for them?

Last edited 1 year ago by cthulhu


Going back to 2011 – George W. Bush and Condoleezza Rice, his policy advisor and Secretary of State – both claimed utter revulsion toward populism, nativism, protectionism and isolationism. 

2011 –
George W. Bush Warns Of Nativism, 1920s Style Immigration Backlash
“There was an immigration policy during this period that I think argued during this period that we had too many Jews and too many Italians and therefore we should have no immigrants. And my point to you is we have been through this kind of period of isolationism, protectionism, nativism. “

2016 –
“Bush was speaking at a Cincinnati fundraiser for Ohio Sen. Rob Portman. The Wall Street Journal reported that Bush attacked policies of “isolationism, nativism and protectionism.”


pat frederick

got my fingers crossed that i’m remembering correctly. I believe today is GA’s birthday, so wish her a Happy Birthday!

pat frederick

bringing this here–i don’t get a lot of it…but it’s a long thread
11h • 18 tweets • 7 min read comment image Read on Twitter

Thread 🧵
Remember that house that just blew up in Arlington? Well things are not exactly as they seem.

Hang on, here we go…

Let’s go step by step. The house is owned by a man named James Woo.

Where was James Yoo’s house?
844 N. Burlington Street Arlington, VA

Who is James Yoo’s father?
James Yoo’s father, Ki Hong Yoo, American University (CIA cutout), wrote plan to retake North Korea with bioagents for President of South Korea in this picture.

Who is James Yoo’s mother?
James Yoo’s mother, Anne Shinn Yoo, US State Dept/CIA, Voice of America lead broadcaster for South Korean division of US propaganda mouthpiece Voice of America.

Who was James Yoo?
James Yoo had a long career but his most notable job was a”Head of Global Information and Physical Security” at Global Crossing.
What was Global Crossing?
It was espionage central and an international spying apparatus that is still in operation today.

Who founded Global Crossing?
Gary Winnick founded the company in 1997.

Is Gary Winnick still alive?
Gary Winnick died on November 4th, exactly one month before James Yoo’s house exploded.
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Who sat on the board of Global Crossing?
Members of the board include Secretary of Defense William Cohen, CEO of JPMORGAN Private Bank Elena Lagomasino, and Assistant Secretary of Defense Richard Pearle Elena was also Gary Winnick’s “personal banker”

What business was Global Crossing involved in?
Global Crossing managed inter-continental fiber-optic lines.
In 2003, James Woo facilitated of the transfer of ownership of a massive global wire tapping operation.

This image comes from the Indiana link in the above tweeted link comment image
Eric Holder who 5 years later would go on to become Attorney General picked by Obama was key to this deal and he made millions of dollars doing it. comment image

Global Crossing Ltd., Bermuda, owner of the Atlantic Crossing (AC-1) submarine fiber-optic cable system now under construction, plans to add three new undersea cables connecting the United States with the Caribbean, Panama, and Japan.

>Global Crossing recently announced plans to build the Mid-Atlantic Crossing, an undersea fiber-optic cable that will connect with AC-1. Service on AC-1, which spans more than 14,000 km and connects the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Germany, is scheduled to begin in May 1998. The system will be built in a self-healing ring configuration and use wavelength-division multiplexing (wdm) technology (see Lightwave, June 1997, page 7).

>Pan-American Crossing

>Global Crossing has also announced plans to build a private, 8000-km undersea fiber-optic network connecting California and Panama. The Pan-American Crossing (pac-1) will have landing stations in Mexico and other points in Central America. The cable, which will contain eight zero-dispersion-shifted fiber strands, is scheduled for full commercial service in 1999. It is expected to use wdm technology and include a dedicated pair of fiber-optic cables running between the United States and Panama.

>pac-1 will create the first direct path from Latin America to the United States and Asia without additional transit fees, according to the company. Currently, traffic from Latin America must cross the United States through terrestrial networks before connecting with fiber-optic cables going to the Pacific Rim. Carriers sending traffic must pay a transit fee for the

Global Crossing`s fourth undersea fiber-optic system, Pacific Crossing (PC-1), will connect the United States with Japan. The privately owned and operated system will also be built with a self-healing ring configuration that uses wdm technology. It will have two landing points in both countries, and is scheduled for commercial service in 1999. Marubeni, a Japanese trading firm and partner in the Fiber-optic Link Around the Globe (flag) undersea cable, is also involved in the project.

>The AC-1 cable system was privately owned by Global Crossing. Following the acquisition of Global Crossing by Level3 in 2011 and the acquisition of Level3 by CenturyLink in 2017, the AC-1 is now wholly owned by CenturyLink, as well as AC-2/Yellow, Mid-Atlantic Crossing (MAC), Pan-America Crossing (PAC), South America Crossing (PAC), etc.

>On September 14, 2020, CenturyLink, Inc announced that it had changed its name to Lumen Technologies, Inc.[54] Effective with the opening of the trading day on Sept. 18, 2020, the company stock ticker changed from CTL to LUMN. The CenturyLink brand will continue to be the customer-facing brand for traditional copper-based services. Fiber-based products and services will use the brand Quantum Fiber.[55]
The Kim Dae-jung administration built up country-wide high-speed ICT infrastructure and fostered IT and venture businesses as the future source of growth. In his inaugural address, he expressed a vision for South Korea to advance “from the ranks of industrial societies…into the ranks of the knowledge and information-based societies where intangible knowledge and information will be the driving power for economic development”.[43][44] Today, South Korea is one of the most technologically developed countries in the world and has a well-connected cyberinfrastructure which began to be built and fostered under President Kim.
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>President Kim Dae-jung in South Korea, who served on the National Committee on Science and Technology before his election, approved $1.1 billion in funds for nanotechnology research. Once in the Blue House, he campaigned successfully to make his country a world leader in the application of IT and broadband communications—which it is today.16

>Kim Dae-jung’s affection for TEIN was manifested many times even after it was launched. At the European Parliament in 2001, the fourth summit of ASEM in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 2002 and on many other occasions, his convictions about cyberinfrastructure became only stronger, more specific, and more realistic. As the first leader from Asia who gave a speech at the European Parliament, he described TEIN as a “cyber Silk Road” realizing “e-Eurasia.”

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Kim Dae-jung’s Cyberinfrastructure Legacy – Association for Asian Studies In the Western Pacific region, there are typically four stages in the development of a tropical cyclone, classified by their maximum sustained wind speed—typhoon, severe tropical storm, tropical storm…
It’s public knowledge that the CIA put Kim Dae-Jung in place. comment image
What we’re looking at is a hit. Murder. Assassination. A very public hit and the second to strike members of Global Crossing within a month.
And it involves the highest levels of government and industry.

So what does all this mean?

It means the people responsible for building the cyber infrastructure in Iraq post-invasion, the infrastructure whose point was to provide the US Intel Community with total back door access into not just Iraqs digital communications, but all of Europe’s, are now being killed off one by one.

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Espionage is a dirty game.

Be Kind To Your Neighbors.

pat frederick
Valerie Curren

LOL, I thought you’d shared a threadreader but I didn’t see it in the original comment so that’s why I kept re-loading all those nitter replies…forehead smack  😜 

Valerie Curren

Here are the images from reading the thread on nitter

Well that’s not working for me now as Gab is acting up…

I’ll see if the images can work by cutting off the excess stuff after .jpg

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rest of pics in reply to this comment…hopefully 😉

Valerie Curren

Bolded comment seems to be the bottom line…

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So what does all this mean?

It means the people responsible for building the cyber infrastructure in Iraq post-invasion, the infrastructure whose point was to provide the US Intel Community with total back door access into not just Iraqs digital communications, but all of Europe’s, are now being killed off one by one.

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all of the above found here:

Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Curren
pat frederick

thanks Valerie!

Valerie Curren

YW Pat  😍 

Cuppa Covfefe

Fascinating that Frankfurt is the hub for a lot of the network…

Seems there was a little network-related dustup a few years back in a certain Embassy…

(btw. Frankfurt is a MAJOR backbone hub, as well as a hub for a lot of other things)…

Valerie Curren

Do tell…

Cuppa Covfefe

Votes being altered online, in real time, the Multi-hatted-dress lady being at FFM Embassy with three warring groups fighting each other… seems she wasn’t a white hat after all… (Halpin Halperin whatever)…

Valerie Curren

TY Cuppa  😡 

pat frederick


Valerie Curren

YW 🙂

Valerie Curren

From replies on Nitter

Dana Sharpe
Replying to @APhilosophae

Look close, the car explodes not the building. A flair gun no way? Open your eyes, this was not what they said.

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pat frederick

I appreciate all this Valerie.
when someone can get it to a see spot run level maybe I’ll understand all the implications

Valerie Curren

I was just looking for “facts” & insights but have drawn no personal conclusions here as such speculation is (pretty much always) above my pay grade 😉 😉


In the world of high finance, it’s called a hostile takeover when a company doesn’t want to be purchased.

If it’s the world of spycraft, it’s probably called the same thing but with drastically different methods.

Valerie Curren

also in nitter replies, not saying I fully understand this but it’s interesting

Replying to @APhilosophae

I would just like to add that chapter 11.3.2 of the latest LoW manual speaks of “GC” ~> multiple meanings may exist.

Read the brief section of ch 11, you’ll find it’s quite fitting to said “Global Crossings” current events.…

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comment imageTiredTiredTired
Replying to @APhilosophae @candeecastle

That blew up more like ammonium nitrate as opposed to C4 or Semtex. There was a lot of persistent flame in that explosion which seemed to be focused upward instead of out. Possibly underground stores of a slow burning excellerant.

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also, the whatfinger video link I shared the other day has a slightly different video of the explosion where it appears like a line of fire streaks in from the sky at like a 45 degree angle, which is why I questioned if it might have been a similar phenomenon to that burned line of fire in the Lahaina church…fwiw…


Sounds like gas explosions. Be sure to know how to quickly turn off gas line going into your home.

Valerie Curren

could be but that whatfinger video, from twit world, does appear to show a streaking light from the sky just preceding the explosion & it was going from the sky to the house, Not the house to the sky…fwiw…

Valerie Curren

Happy B-Day! Many blessed returns too  ❤  (Pat said it was your day today)


I read somewhere that the gas line to the house was cut at 7 pm. The explosion was at 8:30 pm, I think?


Read that too.

Valerie Curren

true!  😡 

Replying to @APhilosophae

Thank you for helping us connect the dots @APhilosophae

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Valerie Curren

weird but the one above shows on twitter, not sure why it didn’t embed here

Valerie Curren

Interesting views here too:

Replying to @APhilosophae

Mysterious telecom espionage explosions— any connections between these guys and nashville AT&T building? 3


comment imageMichael T. Holman
Replying to @APhilosophae

That explosion appeared to be a natural gas leak, judging by very low velocity of the blast. You see the doors blow off first, at rather low speed, and then the full ignition of the gas cloud blows the house apart also burning and lifting lots of paperwork. 16

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Shane Daniels
Replying to @APhilosophae

I’ve explained how I see this was possibly a movie set else where.

I am a Hollywood stuntman.

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Valerie Curren

more from nitter replies, since I can’t see twitter

Replying to @APhilosophae
This dude was posting on YouTube after his home exploded. He said he wasn’t inside and he was adamant his neighbors were government plants watching him. He said he was CIFUS. I have ZERO verified knowledge either way but…here it is.…

What Caused The Home In Arlington Virginia To Explode As The Fire Department Debunks The Official…Arlington, Virginia, was rocked on Monday night by a massive explosion. It was all caught on video. Police were attempting to search the premises when the residence exploded. It was an hours-long…

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Valerie Curren

more of interest (to me) on nitter…still looking for a threadreader to share…

OK, here’s the threadreader link but it doesn’t have the pics that I see on nitter, fwiw

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Replying to @APhilosophae
Just my two cents. Remember the Ecuadorian president candidate with massive support from the Ecuador people who was assasinated a few months back?
He publicly mentioned that one of his policies when he become president was to regain ownership of the transocean cables in Ecuador.

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Bringing to Light NJ
Replying to @APhilosophae

A man by the other side of the street, with the car in idle/lights on. He’s directly watching before the explosion. Maybe a bag/suitcase on his left hand.

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& after reading someone’s snarky comment about CeyeA tapping their phones if they keep reading suddenly the nitter link won’t work any more…hmm…

The one w/ the “suitcase” pic was just up for like 30 seconds when I grabbed it…

Barb Meier

At this time, X shows 82 million viewers. Elon should be proud of this one.


Target rich environment, when, or IF, Russia looks at pay back for Nordstream,


Boy, howdy. Cannot imagine Slick, Soetoro and henchmen being involved in such shenanigans. 😂

Getting the 🍿 ready for more entertainment.


Damn. I am beyond impressed.  😮 


Me too!


Wow, you are on the Catturd’s radar. Well done, Barb. 👏

Valerie Curren


Barb Meier

I think he was laughing at a previous statement, but I would have to check. We do follow each other. I have a Catturd mug, pupturds and another magnet, and several hats. LOL I have a stuffed bear and two llamas standing in my entry and they all wear Catturd hats. 🙂


What, do the Catturd hats say “Team Turd” on them?


Got Turd?

Barb Meier

Mine just have the line drawing of the Catturd face with glasses on. This winter, he has Catturd flipping the bird and people are calling it the BirdTurd. LOL There is also one for Christmas where the Catturd face has little brown antlers.

Valerie Curren

Push Me, Pull You? 😉 😉

What kind of bear? Did you personally acquire said bear in the wild?

Barb Meier

Oh no, it’s just a small synthetic black bear. A nice Christmas shop called Merrifield’s Garden Center in NOVA put them on a Christmas tree one year. Mine is only about 12 inches tall or a little bigger. He sits in a chair in the entry. LOL

Valerie Curren

OK, whew. I was picturing an Addams Family style mansion…rather enviously LOL!


Being together like that, it appears he was laughing at your statement, which anyone will tell you was quite funny. 😁

Okay, second look, it appears then yours was a Quote statement and that’s why his is on the bottom… I think.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r
Barb Meier

I think so, X is weird that way. I think I was replying to his laugh.

Cuppa Covfefe

Pity the poor Roomba that has to follow Mr. (un)Dependsable around…

Sounds like he needs a DiaperGenie… 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Actually setting a roomba after an active shitter (like a not-quite-housetrained-puppy) is a really bad idea. You’ll end up with it spreading the poop as if it were a layer of wax.

In other words no sane housekeeping staff would even THINK of trying.

Last edited 1 year ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Cuppa Covfefe


No SANE housekeeping staff…..

Puppy see, puppy doo…..

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The housekeeping staff is probably a bunch of career civil service janitors and the like…beneath the notice of Our Lords and Masters. So they were probably left alone.

Valerie Curren

Yep. That happened to a young family from our old church   :wpds_envy: 

Barb Meier

😅 😅 😅

Robert Baker

For those of you who are monitoring the covid excess deaths debate, this article by Mark Steyn may be of interest.

Barb Meier

Yes, as expected Mark Steyn brings sauce. Thanks for the link, Robert!


Lotsa funny stuff packed in 1:18.

Valerie Curren




Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.

pat frederick


We likely won’t hear from Alex for awhile as he goes on vacation.  😂 

pat frederick

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Hi all. If anyone wants to help out our friend Mike Lindell and My Pillow, but like me, doesn’t need any more sheets or pillows; this morning I found out there are dish towels!

I love new dish towels, and these look really nice. Also, they make a good inexpensive Christmas gift, or hostess gift if you attend a function at someone’s house for the holidays.

Cuppa Covfefe

Kellogg’s…. oot fray oops gay….

Get woke, go broke… the Kellogg brothers are probably rolling in their graves…

[Froot Loops is ODDly appropriate…]…..

Happy go lucky

Hey I heard a joke I’ve wanted to tell you.

Q: What is the German word for constipation?

A: Farfrompoopen

😂 my sense of humor identifies as a 7 year old lol

Cuppa Covfefe

😀 … Which, when finally relieved, would result in Fartvergnugen 🙂

(pleasure in fußing 🙂 )….

(Oh, goodness, now I’m wondering if someone has translated “Here I sit, broken-hearted”….)….

Makes one wonder what the KlimaKleber (the idjiots who glue themselves to the streets) do…

Last edited 1 year ago by Cuppa Covfefe
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Always amusing to see the exit signs reading “Ausfahrt”

Cuppa Covfefe

But reassuring when nature calls… 🙂

I remember the first time I saw one of those signs and almost lost it, I was laughing so hard… going onto the freeway or into a parking lot, etc. is the equally humorous Einfahrt… or sometime Zweifahrt… (OK, not really…)…
[unless someone missed the Ausfahrt]…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And lasstfahrt.

Cuppa Covfefe

That would be heavy indeed 🙂

(LKW, Lastkraftwagen…
or as student slang, LeberKäs Weckle: bun with Liverwurst loaf)

Barb Meier

Setz dich in die Kacke?


The assumption must be everyone can afford an EV, but they can’t. They need to talk to the guys in the basement, they’ll set them straight.

Cuppa Covfefe

As long as there isn’t an EV parked there…  🔥 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep. They will know how fast you drive. All of the time, not just when its a possible factor in an accident.

pat frederick

House passes a bill repealing ultra maggot’s student loan plan.
The House of Representatives on Thursday passed a bill that would repeal the student loan plan issued by the Biden administration after its original plan was ruled unlawful by the Supreme Court.

The Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) plan was issued by the Department of Education on July 10, less than two weeks after the Supreme Court struck down the administration’s plan to forgive $10,000 of student debt held by all borrowers making less than $125,000 a year. House Republicans, who have opposed all student debt forgiveness plans by the administration, passed a bill that would repeal the SAVE plan on Thursday, by a vote of 210 yeas to 189 nays.

“The only difference between President Biden and a snake oil salesman is a title. Biden’s administration knows what it’s doing is illegal but it’s pushing forward anyway, promoting its SAVE scheme as a solution to America’s broken student loan system. In reality, the SAVE scheme is a desperate effort to curry favor and buy votes ahead of the next election,” wrote Republican Reps. Virginia Foxx of North Carolina and Lisa McClain of Michigan, the principal sponsors of the bill, in a joint statement. “This scheme will leave mountains of debt at the feet of taxpayers while absolving millions of borrowers of their loans. What’s worse is that future borrowers will take on loans expecting forgiveness, which in turn encourages schools to raise tuition rates.”


Good. But I doubt the Senate will pass it, and JB would surely veto it.


Jonathan Turley:
The Guardians of Democracy: Democrats Move to Protect Democracy from Itself

Across news sites, Democrats are warning of the imminent death of democracy. Hillary Clinton has warned that a Trump victory would be the end of democracy. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow is warning of “executions.” Even actors like Robert DeNiro are predicting that this may be our very last democratic election.

Yet these harbingers of tyranny are increasingly pursuing the very course that will make their predictions come true. The Democratic Party is actively seeking to deny voters choices in this election, supposedly to save democracy.

Henry Ford once promised customers any color so long as it is black. Democrats are adopting the same approach to the election: You can have any candidate on the ballot, as long as it’s Joe Biden.

This week, the Executive Committee of the Florida Democratic Democracy told voters that they would not be allowed to vote against Biden. Even though he has opponents in the primary, the party leadership has ordered that only Biden will appear on the primary ballot.

And if you want to register your discontent with Biden with a write-in vote, forget about it. Under Florida law, if the party approves only one name, there will be no primary ballots at all. The party just called the election for Biden before a single vote has been cast.

This is not unprecedented. It happened with Barack Obama in 2012 and, on the Republican side, with George W. Bush in 2004. It was wrong then, and it is wrong now.

As Democratic presidential candidate Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) noted, “Americans would expect the absence of democracy in Tehran, not Tallahassee. Our mission as Democrats is to defeat authoritarians, not become them.”

In Iran, the mullahs routinely bar opposition candidates from ballots as “Guardians” of the ballots.

There is good reason for the Biden White House to want the election called before it is held. A CNN poll found that two out of three Democrats believe that the party should nominate someone else. A Wall Street Journal poll that found 73 percent of voters say Biden is “too old to run for president.”

The party leadership is solving that problem by depriving Democratic voters of a choice.

In other states, Democratic politicians and lawyers are pursuing a different strategy: “You can have any candidate, as long as it isn’t Trump.”

They are seeking to bar Trump from ballots under a novel theory about the 14th Amendment. In states from Colorado to Michigan, Democratic operatives are arguing that Trump must be taken off the ballots because he gave “aid and comfort” to an “insurrection or rebellion.” Other Democrats have called for more than 120 other Republicans to be stripped from the ballots under the same claim tied to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

This effort is being supported by academics such as Laurence Tribe, who previously called for Trump to be charged with the attempted murder of former Vice President Mike Pence.

In a recent filing supporting this effort, figures as prominent as media lawyer Floyd Abrams and Berkeley Dean Erwin Chemerinsky have told the Colorado Supreme Court that preventing voters from being able to cast their votes for Trump is just a way of “fostering democracy.” So long as courts believe that a candidate’s speech is “capable of triggering disqualification,” that speech is unprotected in their view.

I have long criticized this theory as legally and historically unfounded. It is also an extremely dangerous theory that would allow majorities in different states to ban opposing candidates in tit-for-tat actions.

So far, these efforts around the country have met with defeat in court after court, but the effort continues, and with the support of many in the media.

Some national polls show Trump as the most popular candidate for the 2024 election, while a few show Biden slightly ahead. Yet, despite 74 million voters supporting Trump in the last election, these Democrats are insisting that voters should not be allowed to vote for him, in the name of democracy.

In fairness to Democratic partisans like Clinton and Maddow, they could well be right. The 2024 election could well prove the end to democracy — if these efforts succeeded in purging ballots of opposing candidates.

It is all part of an electoral variation on the Vietnam War claim that it is sometimes necessary to destroy a village in order to save it.

Democrats claim to be right and to have the best of motivations, which is why they feel justified in saving democracy by denying it to the voters. After all, it is all about motivation where any means are justified. They are trying to save democracy by limiting it.

Thus, it is an assault on democracy for Republican lawyers to challenge elections based on alleged problems with voting machines, but it is protecting democracy for former Clinton general counsel (and founder of the “Democracy Docket”) Marc Elias to claim that a machine could flip the results in favor of the GOP.

In Tehran, a popular joke emerged after the “Guardian Council” approved only one candidate, Chief Justice Ebrahim Raisi, to appear on a ballot. Democracy, the joke went, was safe, because the Guardians would allow Raisi to run against six other spellings of his own name.

The American election guardians in Florida did one better. They have arranged for there to be no ballot at all. Who needs the pretense of a primary when you can simply dictate the result?

Yet, rest assured, you may be able to cast a vote for an approved slate of candidates of healthy choices. Consider it a type of “Big Gulp” election, where you are protected against your own bad choices like a sugary drink at 7-11.

Actor Seth Rogen has pledged to “vote for whoever is the Democrat. That’s all I need to know.” If these efforts are successful, many voters could be left with that single liberating choice.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths


New boycott is on. People posting alternative brands.

Some say a smear… maybe not but these stories are from 2019?

I’d search moar but that’s enough for me.

Cuppa Covfefe

Probably adding more worms…

Happy go lucky

Dang, I’ll have to find another vinegar.




Great idea!


“Smart” devices are the bane of our existence, IMO.


Put that in 24 point font.  😉 

Cuppa Covfefe

Teddy Ruxpin on steroids…


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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

To be sure it takes a 2/3rds vote to remove someone. so the ONLY effect that even trying to do this would have might be to expose RINOs.

On the other hand, knowing that there’s no way 2/3rds can be acheived, they can vote to remove them with no consequence to their overlords, so even that is doubtful.

One aspect of party discipline is the majority whip granting permission for people in his party to vote yea or nay rather than having to form part of the block that passes (or defeats) a bill. The guy granted permission has just shored up his image with the party base in his district AND he owes the whip a favor. If he were to vote the right way without permission, he might lose committee assignments–the most coveted thing about being a congresscritter.

I hate the way the entire house is organized. Taking away a little bit of the Speaker’s dictatorial power was probably the best outcome of the battle for the speakership last January.


So we ended up with a highly moral wimp. At least it seems that way sometimes.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’d like to see committee assignments done by random lot. Each rep would be allowed to put his name into the hat a second time for up to three committees (ones he’d have a special interest in, or special knowledge of the subject matter), but the drawings would be random.

Committee chairmanships would rotate. Procedures would be such that the chairman can easily be overruled (in case he’s from the other party), he would preside, not have the power to dictate.

Abolish the position of “whip”. Abolish PACs headed by party leaderships. Hell, have the speakership rotate too.

Barb Meier

I think picking committee members and leaders based on skills might be nice. That would work best if they can get rid of lobbyists entirely. For example, those on the Defense committee would be veterans. They may already do this, but I haven’t researched it. Of course, those with no previous skills would be on no committees. heh


Gangs from South America use security jammers to break in to expensive homes across country: policeByWXYZ Detroit
Thursday, December 7, 2023 9:04PM

Soon to read, “Invader Gangs from South America use security jammers to break in to expensive homes across country

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r
pat frederick

I read a similar story and I’m baffled how they KNOW it’s South American gangs. they were wearing masks and hoods in the security footage and they haven’t caught one or issued a BOLO.
of course, the sound was off in the brief video i saw


Tucker Carlson sat with Alex Jones for an hour-and-a-half to discuss his his career, his famous day of de-platforming, and The New World Order.

Tucker included timestamps for reference.

2:46 Alex Jones predictions

15:07 Deplatforming

21:59 Dividing us on race

25:37 The border

28:09 Austin

32:12 New World Order

42:09 Brian Stelter demon video

50:57 Depopulation

1:07:51 Food

1:13:51 Whiskey

1:16:22 Presidential election


^^^ Absolutely Fascinating Interview.

Will post again in Saturday daily.

Please make time to listen in. Long interview. Moved along incredibly well. Educational. Confirms, echoes much we discuss here.

The evil inbound…Never Back Down.



I ain’t giving the Red Cross one thin dime:

“The Red Cross reportedly scolded Israeli parents who attempted to deliver medicine to their daughter – who is one of the hostages still in the hands of Hamas terrorists in Gaza — telling them that they should consider what the Palestinians are going through.

Attorney Marina Medvin shared the story in a post on X, saying, “The parents of an Israeli being held hostage by Hamas were reprimanded by representatives of the Red Cross after they tried to ask the Red Cross to transfer prescription medication to their child.”

“The Red Cross told them they needed to ‘think about the Palestinian side. It’s hard for the Palestinians, they’re being bombed,’” Medvin continued. “The Red Cross did not agree to transfer the medication to the Israeli hostage!””


Last edited 1 year ago by Aubergine

Napalm piss on red cross.


Flaming piss!!! I love that mental image!!!


I used to be a big supporter of Red Cross they lost me years ago when I figured them out. They lost their way and became political.


Red Cross.

  :wpds_arrow: Just another crooked, self serving, “non-profit”, scamming folks.






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But Robert Barnes says this:

DC Court of Appeals completely eviscerated the #Trump gag order, limiting to barring illegal speech (such as obstructing a proceeding), striking down the rest & making clear Trump can criticize Special Counsel all he wants.


One comment:


If I am reading this right, Barnes is saying that everything that the law doesn’t already make illegal, Trump can still say however they didn’t throw the entire order out.

I mean yeah it isn’t a 100 win because if Trump says (or they interpret) something extra spicy in the future a judge can immediately jail instead of requiring a new indictment but it is still a 97% win.


Casey DeSantis just went on FOX and asked people from around the country to descend upon Iowa and participate in the caucus.

According to the Iowa GOP website, in order to participate you must be 18 on the day of the caucus, and registered with the party of the caucus you wish to attend. To register you must be an Iowa resident.

Outsiders can come and OBSERVE with prior approval from the County Party.

Why is Casey misleading voters?


Rob has No integrity. Nor does his hoe, Casey

Cuppa Covfefe

Behind every desperate weasel lies an even more desperate harridan???

(H, A, double-R, I, D-A-N spells Harridan… 🙂 )….


Is biotch, a synonym for Casey? Asking for a friend.

Cuppa Covfefe

Casey at(as) the bat…

Cuppa Covfefe

And who could forget the TV show (slightly modified tune, etc.) 🙂


That’s a new one to me!

Cuppa Covfefe

It only ran one season, 1960-1961, but I still remember it… along with Perry Mason, Red Skelton, and the other shows from back then… and our black-and-white Arvin TV (they didn’t just make heaters back then)… fun trips to the tube tester from time to time 🙂


“Why is Casey misleading voters?”



Product of Pravda News.


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I don’t know if a decision has been made whether to televise it. He probably means to watch what happens in any case.


If this info has been posted here, maybe this is a different take. I hadn’t seen it.

“Oopsie! Turns out that instead of making the intended spike protein, the clotshot creates all kinds of new ‘nonsense’ proteins. Helps to explain the massive ‘calamari’ clots leading to strokes, heart attacks, pulmonary emboli, DVTs etc. etc.”

Jeff Childers, Esq.

Pfizer must feel like it’s been one damned thing after another lately. In a year packed with horrible news for the jabs (not to mention poor jab recipients), yesterday saw a critical new discovery of jab problems, possibly the worst and most damning yet.

How bad was it? It was so bad that, even though I almost never make predictions anymore, I will predict this: The FDA will be forced to withdraw the mRNA covid shots because of this study.

I’m not even joking about that.

Our investigation begins with yesterday’s Telegraph article about a new study headlined, “One in four who had Moderna or Pfizer Covid jabs experienced unintended immune response.” (

The explosive, new, peer-reviewed, gold-standard study is already making news even though it was only published yesterday, December 6th. And it published in the well—respected Journal Nature, featuring the multisyllabic, incomprehensible title, “N1-methylpseudouridylation of mRNA causes +1 ribosomal frameshifting.” (

This study features twenty authors. There is safety in numbers.

Don’t let the mind-numbing title fool you. If Kevin McKernan’s SV40 monkey-virus discovery tossed a hand-grenade into Pfizer’s machine-gun bunker, this carefully-written study dropped a tactical nuke on Pfizer’s Pacific Fleet anchoring at Hawaii. The study’s implications are vast.

Since the science is a little thick — no, it’s very thick — I’ll start by telling you the end first.

Here’s how the Telegraph’s article defensively described the study’s results. Keep in mind, they were down-playing the results, as much as they possibly could:

No adverse effects were created by the error, data show, but Cambridge scientists found such vaccines were not perfect and sometimes led to nonsense proteins being made instead of the desired Covid “spike”, which mimics infection and leads to antibody production (and) an immune system flare-up.

The new study, published in Nature, found this occurred in around 25-30 per cent of people.

Hahaha! The vaccines were “not perfect!!” Omygosh! Please, stop! Hahahaha! It hurts to laugh! Whew. Alright, I’m okay now. Onwards.

Here’s the simple version: the researchers discovered that a necessary ingredient in the mRNA vaccines (1-methylpseudouridine) has an unfortunate side-effect: it messes up RNA translation one-third of the time by slipping a gear every so often. Instead of making the intended spike protein, these tiny mistranslational slip-ups create … other things. Other kinds of proteins. New ones.

And there’s no way at all to predict what kind of protein it will create. It’s stochastic (completely random).

The ‘vaccine’ creates stochastic proteins one third of the time. In one-third of cells, not people, like the Telegraph again mis-reported. There are trillions of mRNA packages in each shot. So — unless I’m missing something — what the study is saying, without actually saying it, is that this is happening inside every single jab recipient.

And it’s happening a lot.

Now, you know I hate to sound negative, but I’m guessing there would have been a lot more vaccine hesitancy had people known that trillions of their cells would soon randomly be creating bizarre, novel proteins, and for an indeterminate and possibly long time.

That sounds a lot like Russian roulette.

Nobody could possibly know what kinds of problems this kind of thing might cause. Mostly because they’ve never tested anything like this before, except maybe down in the lowest level of the secret dungeons under Dr. Mengele’s laboratory.

Do not let them get away with it when the citizen volunteers will inevitably argue, “hey, they were new vaccines, of course we’re going to learn some unexpected things about them. Nobody expected them to be perfect.”

Um, NO. They called it “misinformation” when we said the shots were “experimental.” They said the shots were the best-tested, safest vaccines in human history. They said we learned all the long-term side effects within the first 90 days — and guess what? There were none. No long term side effects.

Honestly, sometimes it’s infuriating how stupid our experts are.

Continuing on, the Telegraph first claimed ‘no adverse effects’ were caused by the ‘nonsense proteins,’ but then turned right around and said they cause an unintended immune system flare-up. That is an adverse effect, morons. But second, they are just slapping the old “no evidence” gag around. In this case, the Telegraph’s “no evidence” argument is an archaic, tired-out, well-known logical fallacy called the “Argument from Ignorance.”

All they are really saying is, we don’t know what the adverse effects might be.

I don’t want to quibble, but saying “There ARE NO adverse effects” is a rather different thing from saying “we DON’T KNOW what kind of adverse effects this might cause.”

For an idea of just how mendacious the Telegraph’s article was, here is the precise sentence from the study that the Telegraph used when it falsely reported that “No adverse effects were created by the error, data show”:

Although there is no evidence that frameshifted products in humans generated from BNT162b2 vaccination are associated with adverse outcomes, for future use of mRNA technology it is important that mRNA sequence design is modified to reduce ribosome frameshifting events, as this may limit its future use for applications that require higher doses or more frequent dosing, such as the in vivo production of hormones

See? There was not any ‘data’ proving that the vaccines were safe, as the Telegraph claimed. The study only said there was “no evidence of an association with adverse events.” Which certainly could be just because nobody’s looked for an association with adverse events yet.

The study, which is so technical it can be barely understood by lay readers (if at all), was marvelously written. At first, a reader mistakenly concludes the study is a giant apologia for the jabs. Every chance they got, the twenty authors optimistically described the bright future of mRNA technology — once, that is, this one teensy, awkward little (unfixable) wrinkle has been ironed out of the formula. That’s how the study passed peer review and got published.

The scientists are learning how to play the game.

Now, remember. This study — and all the news reports about it — constantly reassures pharma bigwigs and depressed jab-takers that there’s no evidence of adverse effects from the random ‘nonsense proteins,’ the randomized proteins that 25% of their transfected cells are now making. Nothing to worry about!

But check out this very telling quote from one of the study authors, Anne Willis, who is a very upbeat kind of lady. She found that the problem just creates a very exciting opportunity for jab makers to fix it:

(Professor Anne Willis, Director of the MRC Toxicology Unit) adds it is very exciting that there is a way to fix the issue, which “massively de-risks this platform going forward”.

Screech! Hold on, wait just a minute! Slam on the brakes for a second. If fixing the issue “massively de-risks the (mRNA) platform” … that means … there are massive risks to be fixed. And that quote, ladies and gentlemen, gave away the entire game, right there, and showed us what the study authors are really thinking.

They are appalled, just like we are. And they got the message out the only way they could, smuggled across the peer-reviewed border in a hollowed-out teddy bear of exciting opportunities.

The offending ingredient, 1-methylpseudouridine, is a type of pseudouridine used in the jabs to stabilize the mRNA payload. We’ve discussed this chemical before. Its first unintended side-effect was making the mRNA too stable, which we think is why the pseudouridine-enhanced mRNA lasts for months (or longer), instead of disappearing within a few hours, like natural mRNA does, and like the FDA mendaciously claimed it would when they were first pushing the jabs.

Ironically, they just gave the Nobel prize to the two scientists who figured out how to make artificially long-lasting mRNA using 1-methylpseudouridine. ( But yesterday’s peer-reviewed study — written long before Pfizer got to the Nobel committee — concluded there is a fatal flaw with using 1-methylpseudouridine. The authors’ suggestion to fix it? Use natural mRNA.

But since natural mRNA won’t work, as it is metabolized too quickly, the real message from the study is: mRNA technology is inherently unsafe, and poses massive unknown risks. Who knows what are the risks of millions or trillions of cells creating random proteins all day long? Remember the old “infinite number of monkeys” argument? It goes: Given enough monkeys and typewriters, some chimp somewhere will randomly type up Hamlet before you even got around to handing out bananas for lunch.

Who wants to roll the dice that trillions of ‘random proteins’ never ever come up with something harmful? Or is it even more likely the whole unexpected process is all harmful? Random results in a drug should be unacceptable, even if they only create conditions for autoimmunity.

Thus, the FDA must pull these drugs.


Brave and Free brought a yahoo news story version last night. As with you, very humorous we thought too. If you can you should take a look at Wolf’s two responses to confirm you are spot on👍. Starts here.


Thanks! (That quote at the beginning is not mine, but it gets to the heart of it. 😄)


One big evil lab rat experiment that causes death, injuries or even nothing at all. They don’t know. They just want to observe what happens and do some more Frankenstein shiz.

None of those people even care what they have done or are going to do to people

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What’s really amazing here is that the scientific moral problem can be understood by everybody.

Which is safer – inject a specific amount of an active protein drug which can be synthesized and purified, or inject something that makes the body make the drug in the body, and that you can’t tell exactly how much will be made by everybody?

Anybody who is honest knows which is safer. TRUMP would have known which was safer, if Dr. Wolf Moon would have been in Fauci’s shoes, and presented the OPTION to the Commander In Chief.

They LIED and HID this basic science from the POTUS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a beautiful description of the scientific reality. Wonderful!

And this sentence:

The scientists are learning how to play the game.

This is so true.

I had forgotten that the Nobel people had awarded the EXACT people who came up with the flawed technology.

Funny, that.

Valerie Curren

TY for sharing this!

I encapsulated some of this on this Gab post:

comment image
 Valerie Curren

This is a MUST READ comment on the recently published study showing the extreme dangers that EVERYONE who took an mRNA shot, so called Covid vax, in that 1/4 to 1/3 of their body’s cells are producing random proteins…
Get on a “vax” detox program ASAP!!!

Source material here: 

Use this if you can’t access Twit World:

Here is a lengthy post I did w/ ways to counteract the “vax” where you may find important & helpful info for your personal situation:

Some quotes found at the top link:

“Oopsie! Turns out that instead of making the intended spike protein, the clotshot creates all kinds of new ‘nonsense’ proteins. Helps to explain the massive ‘calamari’ clots leading to strokes, heart attacks, pulmonary emboli, DVTs etc. etc.”

Our investigation begins with yesterday’s Telegraph article about a new study headlined, “One in four who had Moderna or Pfizer Covid jabs experienced unintended immune response.” (

The explosive, new, peer-reviewed, gold-standard study is already making news even though it was only published yesterday, December 6th. And it published in the well—respected Journal Nature, featuring the multisyllabic, incomprehensible title, “N1-methylpseudouridylation of mRNA causes +1 ribosomal frameshifting.” (

This study features twenty authors. There is safety in numbers.

Here’s the simple version: the researchers discovered that a necessary ingredient in the mRNA vaccines (1-methylpseudouridine) has an unfortunate side-effect: it messes up RNA translation one-third of the time by slipping a gear every so often. Instead of making the intended spike protein, these tiny mistranslational slip-ups create … other things. Other kinds of proteins. New ones.

And there’s no way at all to predict what kind of protein it will create. It’s stochastic (completely random).

The ‘vaccine’ creates stochastic proteins one third of the time. In one-third of cells, not people, like the Telegraph again mis-reported. There are trillions of mRNA packages in each shot. So — unless I’m missing something — what the study is saying, without actually saying it, is that this is happening inside every single jab recipient.

But check out this very telling quote from one of the study authors, Anne Willis, who is a very upbeat kind of lady. She found that the problem just creates a very exciting opportunity for jab makers to fix it:

(Professor Anne Willis, Director of the MRC Toxicology Unit) adds it is very exciting that there is a way to fix the issue, which “massively de-risks this platform going forward”.

Screech! Hold on, wait just a minute! Slam on the brakes for a second. If fixing the issue “massively de-risks the (mRNA) platform” … that means … there are massive risks to be fixed. And that quote, ladies and gentlemen, gave away the entire game, right there, and showed us what the study authors are really thinking.

But since natural mRNA won’t work, as it is metabolized too quickly, the real message from the study is: mRNA technology is inherently unsafe, and poses massive unknown risks. Who knows what are the risks of millions or trillions of cells creating random proteins all day long? Remember the old “infinite number of monkeys” argument? It goes: Given enough monkeys and typewriters, some chimp somewhere will randomly type up Hamlet before you even got around to handing out bananas for lunch.

Valerie Curren

This reply on nitter has a short video from an America’s Frontline Doctor w/ details…

Gaute Adler Nilsen Freedom is Responsibility
Replying to @jchilders98

Also related;
comment image
America’s Frontline Doctors
Dec 7

Pfizer’s COVID “vaccine” contains the Simian Virus 40 (SV40) DNA sequence which was NEVER disclosed to the public and excluded from regulatory filings. A number of scientists have said the inclusion raises MAJOR concerns, such as having potential for oncogenesis – cancer causing. They have urged the FDA to recall the Pfizer shots.

The FDA refuses to issue a recall because the DNA sequence is not of concern and “available scientific evidence supports the conclusion that they are safe and effective.”

Are you at all surprised?

comment image

I hope converting this nitter to twitter link will let the video play here:

Valerie Curren

Here’s an audio version found on nitter

converting to twitter so it hopefully plays here:

also this…

breaking out the above video from youtube

Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Seems important
Drunken Senpai
Replying to @jchilders98
I was right. It creates abnormal antibodies aka antiphospolipid Syndrome…

Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), also known as Hughes syndrome, is a disorder of the immune system that causes an increased risk of blood clots.

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Valerie Curren

Interesting that the NHS info above was being blocked on Gab as “flagged” so I had to break the links to get the Gab comment to post…hmmm…tptb…


Worth it to watch – promise. Truth.

Last edited 1 year ago by TradeBait2

Great message.

Medical Community really, really needs to watch.

As does so many more…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES – exactly.


“Medical Community really, really needs to watch.”


The medicinists have less to fear about losing their job than almost anyone. An aging population (a majority now in worse health due to gov’t vaxx depop juice) guarantees high employment demand in healthcare.


Yup, they only have to live with the evil they push through bogus Covid treatment, Covid Injections…

Money, job security isn’t worth it, if they have any decency within themselves.