Dear KAG: 20231213 Open Thread

Cover image: Garden Glow, Missouri Botanical Garden, December 12, 2023

Photo by DePat, and the reason this one is going to be on the light side.

Badlands News Brief – December 12, 2023

Warren Buffett Selling $28.7 Billion in Stock Rings Alarm Bell Over Economy

Of course, they don’t tell us what he sold off.

Meet the Covid CRISIS ACTORS: NOT Conspiracy Theory. LITERAL ACTORS.

We are in the midst of a Major League Silent Bank Run on Bank Deposits as money flows to Money Market funds – more bank failures likely in 2024

Headline is very much click-bait like, but the info is important.

Congress tries to stop ‘rotten to the core’ cash seizures

New CBS Poll Spells Doom for Democrats as Americans Blame Biden for Inflation

America’s Elites Are Not Fit for Purpose

DC Removing 103,000 Ineligible Names from the Voter Rolls in Response to Judicial Watch

Do you believe in miracles?

EXCLUSIVE: The FBI Report on the Late Night Ballot Fraud Operation in Georgia in 2020 EXONERATES RUDY GIULIANI and Implicates Chris Wray

Stunning new information now has Americans seriously questioning 2020 election…

The GOPe’s Nikki Haley op is failing big-time…

Tweets, X-Posts, Whatever

Would you have believed us?

I don’t mean to be un lady-like, but eff off.

Memes & Stuff

They keep rearranging the store.

In a convertible, please.

17th, 26th….

Anyone else feel old?

Rabbits do that, too, huh.

Have a good day y’all.

(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:

Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone

Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.

Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.

Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.

Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.

One other vital note:

Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.


MATTHEW 11:28-30

28Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

I sang that for a jury in college.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another.

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.

In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.


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Thank you, De Pat, for our lovely post tonight, including a De Pat original photo of a hump of Christmas lights.


Are the portrait ones as pretty?


Yeah, it takes a while to scrub the metadata.

Valerie Curren

It was a beautiful shot–TY for sharing it!  😍 


That’s really nice that you were in a college group that sang for people stuck in courtrooms.


Lord help me, “jury week” at the end of every semester during my conservatory years…

Last edited 1 year ago by PAVACA
Valerie Curren

sounds intense  😮 


Valerie Curren
Intense, yes. It didn’t matter if a student had performed their junior, or senior, or graduate, recital the week before juries — they had to perform for the juror committees anyway.

Valerie Curren

Glad you, & DP, made it through!

Cuppa Covfefe

And we stood there in line, waiting like sheep for the slaughter on the juries. At least it was SoCal, so the weather was OK…

Ahhh… the memories… and the sometimes abject fear 🙂


Similar for artists. Competitions are juried and judged. Juries decide who gets in, the judges decide winners.

Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That would mean it’s a charity, so it’s deductible! 😍

Valerie Curren

😉 😉


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That’s climate hoax Greta in Santa’s lap, right?

Last edited 1 year ago by GA/FL

Maybe so. I didn’t catch that.

Cuppa Covfefe

She should get a lump of coal 😆

(Kill two birds with one stone, as it were…)…..

Valerie Curren

The irony of That one!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, Climate Hoax Greta gets WHATEVER SHE WANTS!!! 😉 🙄

Valerie Curren
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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Make that 23% who aren’t qualified to answer a polling question.

Nearly a quarter of the population is completely *&^%ed in the head.


What that proves is 14% of the population isn’t even qualified to answer a polling question.


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Brian Cates: “I don’t know who needs to hear this but…

Its already OBVIOUS this next election isn’t going down like 2020.

To pull off that last steal, they had to resort to extraordinary measures that fractured, exposed and stressed their fraud machinery to the breaking point.”



But that was last time, when they weren’t in power.

This time, they ARE in power.

They don’t care if everybody knows they stole it this time, for one very simple reason which some seem unable to comprehend:

What are you gonna DO about it this time, and with what army?

Certainly not with the army we actually pay for.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

Its already OBVIOUS this next election isn’t going down like 2020.

Cates IS Full Of Shit.


Well, whether he is or he isn’t, there is a fundamental disconnect with reality. He’s like a general fighting the last war.

The enemy leadership is on the inside now, the enemy controls all the levers of power.

They’re not just going to give up.

If they cheated when they were OUT of power, one can scarcely imagine how much they’ll cheat when they’re IN power.

So they’re going to cheat, and they’re going to cheat enough to win, as far as the numbers go.

That leads to a situation where everyone knows they cheated, but who is going to do anything about it?

They’re not going to arrest themselves.

Nobody does that, not anywhere in the world, not ever.

Not even once.

Someone else has to do it.

Who is that going to be?



There’s a numerical limit to the amount of cheating. Very high turnout will defeat the technique they used in 2020.


“There’s a numerical limit to the amount of cheating. Very high turnout will defeat the technique they used in 2020.”


Then they will simply use another ‘technique’. They’re not restricted to using only the techniques they used last time, the sky’s the limit.

If the psychopaths are standing before the guillotine, and their choice is to cheat or die, are they going to cheat enough to win, regardless of how obvious the cheating is?

You are focused on ‘process’, and I’m saying the ‘process’ doesn’t matter if there is no rule of law, and TPTB are backed into a corner where they either win or die.

With regard to Rule of law, that requires enforcement.

The criminals are in charge of the enforcers.

How’s that going to work out, with TPTB having their backs to the wall, and they control the enforcers?

What am I missing?

Deus ex machina?

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

I’m not arguing for or against any of the following, just stating things I’ve seen.

• The idea that there is a numerical limit to cheating, as pgroup said
• Some election laws have been changed.
• Our side won’t be fooled again into allowing them to block us from seeing what’s going on.
• People have been trained since 2020 to spot cheating. There might also be technology to help with that. I don’t know details, but Mike Lindell was working on something and I think someone else was, too.
• People will be watching drop boxes.
• People will be watching for ballots being dropped off at counting stations when they shouldn’t be.
• Some voter rolls have been purged.

Trump has said things to the effect of “We will win; we won’t let them steal it again,” which sounds great. It could be taken to mean that he and his team have a grand plan to stop the steal, or it could merely be encouraging rhetoric expressing hope that that’s what can be accomplished. Without details, there’s no way to know. I can’t imagine what a “grand plan” would look like — which, if I’m not mistaken, is what you are getting at.

Some say the Left knows they can’t overcome Trump’s numbers, so they are trying all the methods that we’re currently seeing to stop him (charges, indictments, possible convictions and trials). That’s going to fail, so they surmise that it will come down to staging a major event to postpone the election.

Suppose that happens. It could be catastrophic, ending life and our country as we know it. But if it is merely a postponement, then wouldn’t we be facing all the same issues when things settled down again?

Magical thinking is not going to stop the steal. There is no guarantee that Trump will be “allowed” to win. I can’t imagine what would happen on election night and following if 2020 were repeated.

We are not privy to any potential plans. Possible reasons:
1.There are no plans in the event there is a repeat of 2020. People are thinking that enough has been done to prevent it.
2.There are plans that can’t be revealed because they must be hidden from the enemy.

I think we would be wise to not be complacent.


DJT had his finger on the pulse of America in 2016 and in 2020. The proof of this is in the numbers.

2020 was lost because DJT & team believed that the vote numbers were high enough to prevail no matter what. They were wrong but now they know why they lost and more importantly, how the election was stolen.

There were multiple weak spots in the 2020 counting and now we know where they are. Since those weak spots are part of the steal structure, they can’t be eliminated or substantially altered. Our guys are watching like hawks and have plans to counter should they happen again.

DJT let slip that he expects 100 million votes for him. Of course that’s not what he said but I speak code.  😎  I assume he has a plan to get that many and if he comes within 80%, he will be far ahead of the 2020 cheat limit.

Are there other direct election cheats? Probably [lawfare being primary] but it’s doubtful the black hats are betting on them. Most likely they are looking at future outside events [designed or fortuitous] that can be used to alter the election methods.

Praying is in order but I doubt that DJT is being bombastic or rhetorical this time around. Even his ‘dictator’ comment was low key and limited in scope. This election campaign will be the most brutally honest one in history.


It’s my fault, I’m simply unable to communicate effectively.

“• The idea that there is a numerical limit to cheating, as pgroup said”


Suppose 50 billion trillion people voted for Trump. It only takes one vote-counter to say (simply assert, not even prove) that Brandon got 50 billion trillion AND ONE votes.

Who is going to do anything about it?


No different than if the KGB did the same thing during the Soviet era.


” • Some election laws have been changed.”


That’s lovely. Which law prevents the people with the military and police on their side from ignoring the law?

And who enforces that law?

It would be hilarious, if it wasn’t so tragic.


” • Our side won’t be fooled again into allowing them to block us from seeing what’s going on.”


Suppose not one single person in all the earth is fooled.

Why does that matter, if the criminal regime asserts that they won, regardless of the vote totals, and then folds their arms like Mussolini, and dares the American population to DO anything about it?

The military and police are going to do whatever they’re told, and the people telling them what to do aren’t MAGA patriots, it’s the criminal regime.

So who is going to overcome the military and the police, when the criminal regime asserts their ‘victory’, regardless of the vote totals?


” • People have been trained since 2020 to spot cheating. There might also be technology to help with that. I don’t know details, but Mike Lindell was working on something and I think someone else was, too.”


Suppose that the criminal regime does us all a favor, and shows everyone that they’re cheating, so we don’t have to be detectives and spot it.

That renders all of our ‘cheat spotting’ technology MOOT, and puts us right back where we were before, i.e., what is anybody going to DO about it?

NOTHING, that’s what.

Because who would?

Is a beat cop going to arrest Brandon or anyone associated with the criminal regime? No, it would be pointless.

Is anyone in the military going to arrest Brandon or anyone associated with the criminal regime? No, they would just be arrested by MPs and thrown in the brig.

Is anyone in military leadership — the people complicit with and beholden to the criminal regime — going to arrest Brandon, or themselves?

No, of course not.

Government has a monopoly on violence. They will use that violence as government always does, to protect itself. Government doesn’t use its monopoly on violence to attack itself, it uses the monopoly on violence to protect itself.


” • People will be watching drop boxes.”


Let them watch until every last cow comes home.

Why would the people who are IN POWER need to rely on paper ballot fraud? They are IN POWER now, they control.

There are a thousand different ways to cheat, and they can deploy them all, or they can just LIE and say they won when they didn’t.

When the criminal regime was OUT of power, they were like prisoners in a prison, needed to scheme and cheat and do whatever was necessary to fool the prison Guards.

Now, they ARE the prison guards.

They don’t need to scheme and cheat to win. They make declarations (e.g., “We won”), and if the prisoners don’t like it, they put the prison on lock-down.

Because WHO is going to STOP them?

They have the weapons, they have the training, they have the resources, they have the COLOR of law, they have control of the media, the police, the military.

I’m not able to communicate what I am trying to say any better, but I’ll keep trying, because what else can I do?


” • People will be watching for ballots being dropped off at counting stations when they shouldn’t be.”


Let them watch, because who cares?

Suppose you capture video evidence of ballot box stuffing, just like last time. Where are you going to go with it? To the police? Who controls the police?

Are you going to post it on Tweeter? Everybody who actually cares already knows.

Are you going to go to court?

How did that work out in 2020?

Is the criminal regime less entrenched now than it was in 2020, or MORE entrenched?

If the criminal regime was able to control the courts to shut down any hearing of evidence when Trump was still President, how much more effective will they be, when the criminal regime is in power, and Trump is on the outside looking in?


” • Some voter rolls have been purged.”



Well, you should have said that first.

That changes everything

Barb Meier

In the last three years, the OBiden admin has harmed everyone indiscriminately and I mean everyone.

At some point, when nobody votes for you and even the counters will no longer count in your favor, what happens?

Truth wins.


“In the last three years, the OBiden admin has harmed everyone indiscriminately and I mean everyone.”


I think that is the objective, that has always been Hussein’s objective, and Brandon is just a puppet of Hussein.

Outside of boogeymen like Soros and Gates and Schwab, Hussein is the most evil and arrogant human being I’ve ever seen.

He is evil personified. I recognized it in his face the first time I saw him. He wears a sneer on his face that communicates nothing but contempt for others.

His voice is what I imagine Ellsworth Toohey sounds like.

His actions were (and are) only continually harmful to America and to Americans.

Every single thing he did in 8 years was designed to destroy America. I cannot think of even a single example otherwise. Everything was done with malice and contempt and desire to harm.

If I didn’t know better, I would think Hussein is the image of the Beast.

But I think what he really is, is a useful idiot for people far higher than he is.


“At some point, when nobody votes for you and even the counters will no longer count in your favor, what happens?”


When the carrot doesn’t work, that’s what the stick is for.

Consider Hitler. Or Mao, or Stalin, but for now, let’s stick with Hitler.

Hitler harmed everyone indiscriminately. Among those close enough to stop him, who did?


A couple tried, but they were caught, and killed.

Lots of others tried who were not part of Hitler’s inner circle, if I remember correctly, there were more than 30 attempts on Hitler’s life, within a span of something like 5 years, and he survived them all.

The vote counters will do whatever today’s Hitler tells them to do, because even if they or their family perceive today’s Hitler to be harmful, Hitler is a lot more harmful to those who disobey.

Ask Seth Rich.

Or anybody on the Clinton Body Count list.

The criminal regime does not rely on consensus, or consent, or (ultimately) voting, because force is much more reliable. So the criminal regime relies on their monopoly of violence, on force.

We can be sure they will exercise every last bit of force at their disposal, before allowing themselves to be unseated from power and subjected to criminal prosecution for their atrocities and crimes against humanity.

So their preferred weapon is force, which has always been the preferred tool of totalitarians everywhere, for all time.

This propensity for totalitarian force is what caused our Founding Fathers to work so hard to limit the power of government, because they knew as well as anyone the power of the state and the inherent threat it posed to freedom, if it fell into the wrong hands.

It has fallen into the wrong hands.

They use force, it is force which (ultimately) underlies everything they do.

So force, the criminal regime’s monopoly on violence, is the problem.

Nobody beats that (force, violence) with a vote.

It has never happened before, and it won’t happen now. That is reality.

We can’t vote our way out of tyranny.

That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t vote, we should.

What it means is that we should not expect the vote to be decisive, because if the vote goes against the tyrants, the tyrants will simply ignore the vote (or change the numbers), rather than surrender to meet their fate.

This is always true, everywhere, throughout history.

History is not going to make an exception just because we are America.

So unless there is some credible reason to believe the military and police will revolt against the criminal regime, we cannot expect them to.

And if they don’t, then they will follow whatever orders they are given by the criminal regime, regardless of how the vote turns out.

Because they will say how the vote turns out is a matter for the courts to decide, it’s above their pay grade, they have a family to feed and a mortgage to pay, yada, yada, yada.

So what do we know and can be sure of?

A) the criminal regime will cheat by whatever amount is necessary in order to ‘win’, because their lives depend on it

B) they won’t care who knows they cheated, because surrendering power and facing prosecution for their crimes is infinitely worse (for them) than being known as ‘cheats’

C) they will rely on force, on their monopoly on violence, to remain in power, regardless of how the People vote

So I am not suggesting that we should not vote, we absolutely should, we should exhaust every avenue of recourse.

But knowing what we know, it would be exceptionally shortsighted and dangerous to proceed as if the vote will be decisive, when it won’t be.

When you know the vote will be rigged and the outcome necessarily predetermined, voting is reduced to a symbolic act.

Those who believe in ‘process’ think that if enough people vote, it will overcome the ‘cheat’.

What happened last time?

They SUSPENDED the vote counting, long enough to learn how many votes Trump received, and then ‘found’ enough votes to give themselves a comfortable margin above that number.

It doesn’t matter if the vote total is double or triple the number of registered voters in the state, that is a matter for the courts to decide, and we all know how that goes.

Meanwhile, the ‘victor’ assumes the win, the MSM backs him up, and when the swearing in takes place, it’s a fait accompli, it’s all over but the crying (and the court cases that will never be heard).

We have already seen their playbook, we have lived it, and it worked. There is no reason for them to fix what ain’t broke.

It already worked when the criminals were out of power, it will all be much easier and certain now that the criminals are in power.

So by all means, we should vote. It will be symbolic of the last effort to seek redress for grievances within the corrupted system.

What is needed is a plan and someone to lead the effort for what comes next.

And there isn’t even anyone on the horizon.


Regardless we need to vote if we do not we roll over and play dead. No way in hell I ever will roll over . I will let them know I am there I vote now if every American has backbone we will be in good shape. Sadly to many allow themselves psychologically being defeated. The mindset is important. Negativity feeds negativity not feeding negativity. Stay strong with God all things are possible.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. The “Nopium” being blathered about is destructive…

And GOD wins, indeed HE already won…


Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never-in nothing, great or small, large or petty — never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.

Winston Churchill
October 29, 1941
Harrow School

Valerie Curren

My son Brandon memorized much of that speech for a Fine Arts Day presentation at his elementary/middle school (K-8). Timeless Great Stuff!


Oh please, I am not talking about ‘giving in’ 😂

I’m saying if you are tied down to the railroad tracks, and the train is coming, do you want us to stand there and pray that God loosens the rope?

Or would it make more sense if a few of us — since we happen to be standing right there — untied you?

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

I wasn’t aiming anything at you. I just like that quote and use it whenever someone talks about giving up. You’re not the one who mentioned that.

I’d prefer to be untied, if you please. 😀



I see now you were replying to Cuppa 😁

(and I would never leave you tied to the railroad tracks, TT!)


Whew, that’s a relief! 😂


Wouldn’t want to wreck a perfectly good locomotive, running over a titanium spine.


Cuppa Covfefe

You know what they say,

“Dyslexics Untie!” )


“And GOD wins, indeed HE already won…”


Yes, God always wins, I don’t think that point is ever credibly contested.

That doesn’t mean the people win.

Lots of people don’t ‘win’.


I am not suggesting that anyone roll over or play dead.

I am also not psychologically defeated.

What I am doing, is pointing out that there is no plan to deal with the obvious scenario where no matter if 100% of the population votes for Trump, the criminal regime will simply lie and say they won.

That is what will happen, even if Trump received 100% of the vote.

What then?

Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result, is the definition of insanity.

Trump won by a landslide last election, when he was in power. Now he is out of power.

If he won by a landslide when he was in power, and it didn’t matter… how much less will it matter if he wins by a landslide again, when he’s out of power?

He will get the most votes again in 2024.

Why will the outcome be any different this time?

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

Pretty much my exact thoughts for quite a while now but much better articulated!

Cuppa Covfefe

Then why not just give up, pack up our toys, and go home….

Black pills and Nopium not wanted…


“Then why not just give up, pack up our toys, and go home….”


I am not suggesting anyone give up, pack up their toys, or go home.

I am simply pointing out that if you intend to win, you better stop fighting the last war (which we lost, btw), and prepare for the current war.

Doing the same as last time, only doing MORE of the same, is doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result.

And for those who haven’t noticed, the battlefield has changed.

Last time, Trump was in power, and the criminals cheated and won.

This time the criminals are in power.

How is doing more of what we did last time, when Trump was in power, going to be effective, when it didn’t even work last time, and this time, the criminals are in control of the entire process?

I’m not suggesting anyone give up.

I’m saying if we want to win, we better come up with a different plan than just doing more of what we did last time.

It’s like I’m speaking Swahili, apparently nobody understands.

It’s like you’re a mouse, going through a maze, and you’ve come to a dead end in the maze, and you just keep bumping your head into the wall, thinking the wall will give way.

It won’t.

That doesn’t mean you give up.

It means you have to find another way.


Black pills and Nopium not wanted…”



Now ask yourself, is failure wanted?

Do you want to lose?

If not, then recognize that the battlefield has radically changed, from Trump being in power to the criminals being in power.

Understand what that means, and stop pretending that the situation we face now, with the criminals in power, is any different than when the KGB was in control of the Soviet Union.

Understand the enemy, and the resources the enemy has available to itself, and understand what the enemy is willing to do in order to ensure their own survival.

When (if) you understand that, THEN you can begin to create a plan to overcome it.

Hint: a credible plan to defeat the KGB in the Soviet Union did not involve watching ballot boxes or spotting cheating. Everybody already knew the Communist regime was cheating.

Everyone who cares already knows the criminal regime in America cheats now too.

Knowledge of their cheating is not equal to stopping their cheat.

Knowing about it is not a magic elixir. Knowing about it doesn’t change anything, not without a credible plan to DO something about it — just ask people who grew up in the Soviet Union.


Your post acts as if you have special knowledge that nothing substantial is being done to stop the election stealing. How do you know that is the case?

Please enlighten the rest of us so we can avoid the subject going forward.


“Your post acts as if you have special knowledge that nothing substantial is being done to stop the election stealing. How do you know that is the case?”


Obviously I don’t have special (or any) knowledge about something I could not possibly know about. But is that any kind of good reason to assume anything substantial is being done to stop the election steal?

Is there any reasonable cause to proceed as if that was the case?

What I do have is the ability to think and reason.

So let’s start there.

Since it is rather tricky to prove a negative, we have to ask the question the other way around, i.e., is there any reason to think anything substantial is being done to stop the election steal?

What would that look like?

What would it necessarily entail?

Is it reasonable to think that any group outside of government (excluding foreign nation states), like ‘white hats’, have the resources, the infrastructure, the hardware and the technology to go up against the resources of the federal government of the United States, and win?

Is that a credible position to take? Can it be rationally defended?

If not, then the other option along those same lines, i.e., is it reasonable to think that any group of ‘white hats’ inside the government has the numbers necessary to defeat the criminals from within?

If they did, why didn’t they stop the steal in 2020?

Or is it part of a grand plan to give the Republic over to tyranny (an insanely risky endeavor which would violate every oath, duty, obligation, responsibility and lawful requirement of leadership), in order to wake the people up, before rescuing the people from that same tyranny, in the greatest and most irresponsible sociological experiment of all time?

Can that even pass the laugh test?

I mean, if we walked into Hollywood with a script like that, they’d throw us out. And this isn’t a movie (despite some claims to the contrary), this is the biggest government in the history of the world, running the most powerful nation in the world, with the best funded military in the history of the world.

So this isn’t small ball, this is as big as it gets.

So is it possible to credibly defend either of those possibilities, i.e., that anything substantial is being done to stop the election stealing, either within or without the government?

If it is possible to credibly defend either position, what is that defense?

But if it is not possible to credibly defend either position, then where does that leave us?

Has anyone, anywhere, ever, voted their way out of tyranny?

Or would it be some new thing under the sun?

Barb Meier

Loose lips sink ships. I always feel when you go here, that you are begging for one of us to lay out the winning foolproof plan for fair and honest elections.

We all know what would work: paper ballots, voter ID, same day voting and counting with a good paper trail, and honest countinng. This is hardly the venue for discussing the weeds of keeping politics honest.

So how we make that happen depends on the integrity of those counting the votes and making sure that those who cheat are not just caught, but also convicted and put in prison, not just fined.


“Loose lips sink ships. I always feel when you go here, that you are begging for one of us to lay out the winning foolproof plan for fair and honest elections.”


I’m not playing a game Barb, we’re dying here.

Some of us just don’t seem to realize it.


“We all know what would work: paper ballots, voter ID, same day voting and counting with a good paper trail, and honest countinng.”


Sure that would work, if there was rule of law, which there isn’t.

When criminals take over the reigns of power, what we have is the illusion of the rule of law.

But we are so accustomed to believing that we exist inside a rule of law system, that when that system ceases to exist, we simply carry on as if it still does. We continue to ‘think’ inside a ‘box’ that no longer exists, and so we continue to look for solutions within that box which (again) no longer exists.

It’s like phantom limb syndrome. The concept of ‘rule of law’ is so ingrained within us that we continue to ‘think’ inside that ‘box’, even after that system is totally gone.

Once having taken power, why would Stalin, or Mao, or Hitler ever allow conditions for paper ballots, voter ID, same day voting or anything else which risks them losing?

They never did, did they?

How are the totalitarians, the literal thugs of 2023, any different from the totalitarians of 1924, 1943 or 1933?

They aren’t.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Another thing that will not change.

There will be people saying Trump intentionally threw the election to avoid tearing the country apart while more people wake up.

Many of those people will be the ones who, right now are swearing that there’s no way he will lose because he will bury the fraud under the weight of his votes.

Last edited 1 year ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

Isn’t that the 666 hand signal? Paging Sadie or Cuppa  🙄 


It is, but it’s also the “okay” symbol that they’re trying to corrupt. It wouldn’t surprise me if different groups use it for different things.

Valerie Curren

Thx TT. I used to use the OK symbol w/out even thinking about it but I think my 3 fingers would usually be together, fwiw…

Cuppa Covfefe

Apparently in Middle-Eastern countries that symbol means the “target” is an, erm, icehole… Could be troublesome there…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow! Gotta watch out during international travel!


In Germany if you make that sign it is insulting telling the person is an A-hole 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I want to say “OK” 👌 but not “A-HO” 👌 !!! LOL!


Tom Fitton:

BREAKING: Newly released records show that when Secret Service agents rushed to try to rescue Obama’s chef Tafari Campbell, who was drowning, both of the agency’s boats were inoperable. The agents had to borrow the groundskeeper’s boat. A Secrete Service report describes how two agents “attempted to start one of the boats but had difficulties lowering the motor. I headed down with [redacted] but told her to continue down and yelled to SA [redacted] and SSA [redacted] that I would run to get the keys for our USSS boat. I sprinted to the CP [Command Post], grabbed the keys and sprinted back towards the boats. A similar issue occurred with the motor on the second boat. We jumped into a third boat belonging to the groundskeeper and it worked without issue.” @JudicialWatch

forced the release of this startling disclosure through a Federal FOIA lawsuit


That certainly helps clear up the peculiarities of the case! /s


Unless is just another typical limited hangout.

Brave and Free

Was an autopsy even done to see if there was water in his lungs?
Let me guess he got the Scalia special. /s




“I sprinted to the CP [Command Post], grabbed the keys and sprinted back towards the boats. A similar issue occurred with the motor on the second boat. We jumped into a third boat belonging to the groundskeeper and it worked without issue.”


When seconds count… the authoritai will be there in the first second third boat… eh, they’ll get there when they get there.


Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

Pure coincidence. Commonly SS equipment is inoperable.

hussein prolly misses his chef’s service(s).

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs
Valerie Curren

hussein prolly misses his chef’s service”

food service???   :wpds_envy: 


That would be one of them. 🙂


Not buying it. SS stationed near a large body of water guarding a president who lives next to that body of water do not have inoperable boats. This sounds more like a cover story for the gullible to do what the SS does which is protect the president in all things. They are taking the proverbial bullet here IMO which is omit to incompetence, which everyone will accept because it’s ultimately about Obama and not the SS.


You’re being cynical again.  😂 


Twofer of the day..

Truth AND cynical. 😄

Valerie Curren

here’s the link from the tweet


Who sabotaged the boats of SS? Can we imagine if Obama was drowning and the boat did not work?
This whole thing stinks. Obama sold that house shortly after interesting.

Barb Meier

Wow, I missed the story of Obama selling that house after the drowning. Thanks Singing!


Once all the evidence had been scrubbed and sanitized, it was best, you know, for the ‘family’, to put distance between himself and the scene of the murder.

Valerie Curren

Or were the agents too incompetent to know how to lower & start a motor–diversity hires  🙃 


The victim is probably lucky he got a quiet death by drowning instead of being run over a couple of times with a motorboat propeller.

Valerie Curren

but Did he die by drowning???


Only Hussein (and the shadow) knows.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Left out a few….

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Yes. I think the point was that this is the fourth turning of that 80-year cycle, so we are due for a war. 😣


Except me, I’m not due for one! 👍😁


What bunch of bullshit. DJT had Afghan, Syria, leftover Iraq, Sudan [IIRC], and probably a bunch more little Spec Ops.

And Reagan inherited the Cold War and won it. Just took a little time for the corpse to stop twitching.


Looks a lot like the other side won it, considering they infiltrated (and now own) our government and Big Tech.


For extra fun, the Revolution shifted into high gear after the attack on Fort Sullivan (Moultrie) in 1776 [ ] and the Civil War kicked up a notch after the attack on Fort Sumter [ ] — leading one to suppose that Charleston, SC, has historically been a hotbed of troublemakers. If only they’d arranged to be bombed by the Japanese, they’d have had a trifecta.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Maybe Pearl Harbor was their sister city!


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Fear of being de-elected.


Yep…and they thus realize they need more razzledazzle. [insert the Terminator here doing a short inspection of public opinion and then saying “I’ll be back”]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I’ll bet they did some polling. That was a real black pill for me. I was ready to say “OK, Biden’s woke military is going to shoot us anyway, why not kill the bill INCLUDING the money to the military? Maybe defunding the woke military isn’t a bad thing.”

They got smart. The money talked. They’ll do the FISA later, after their next fake 9/11 type operation.

Valerie Curren

You gotta bookmark this comment in case you are a doomsday prophet 🙁 God help us!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



This may be the most true meme ever.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nice explanation of many things.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Repeating a very worthy Tweet selected by DePat……


^^^ Superb messaging. Speaks facts. Excellent speaker.

Personal experience of the Covid Fraud in several hospitals she worked in.

Friends reported same criminal behavior in hospitals.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – she has a great way of bringing up the right questions! And she is self-aware of this critical thinking and its importance, and how the schools are removing it to create human drones.


She will have jewels in her crown in heaven. God bless his woman, she is a truth teller.

Remdesivir killed my BIL’s sister. It was administered well over a week after her COVID symptoms were reported to her PCP and after admission to the ICU of a Toledo, OH hospital.

Prednisone is what got me through the Wuhan in Feb. 2020 when my PCP/NP had no clue what it was.

Multiply this situation this hero endured thousands of times across the country and much more around the world.

Satanic genocide.

A few lessons from watching –
1) Homeschool your kids. Don’t let these monsters program your family treasure. What happens in schools will transfer into their careers later.
2) Use alternative medicine, nutrition changes and therapies as much as possible. You will be glad you did.
3) Trust nothing relating to the government or globalist businesses. Nothing. Be a truth teller so MAGA takes over this country and your household.

Personal recommendation: Attend to your vision, hearing, sinus and dental needs. Do not delay or blow it off. All are very likely interconnected when it comes to problems. More on that in the next Health update I post in a month or so.


You are a blessing. ThanQ.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AH – so you got the steroids when doctors responded logically and not authoritatively. WOW.



Still drives me crazy. You would think I would get over it, but I cannot.

Most of it can be handled well logically. I still use the same office for the wellness visits just to antagonize them.

Happy go lucky

YouTube short y’all will prolly enjoy, I don’t know the deets but this lady has a powerful voice:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

People gettin’ P.O.ed!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I asked Steve Kirsch a question. Hope he has an answer, and if he does, I will bet i know what it looks like!


GREAT question to ask. Interested to see his response.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Steve is quite correct that he doesn’t actually NEED a control of any kind – that he has already proven his point just by the curve itself, which is an important point to hammer home. But he can really start convincing people by proving it’s not some artifact in the data – that the data has comparisons which prove his fundamental assertion (which is accepted, but which the other side is “lying around” in various ways). If he pushes the “no control needed” point for a while, and THEN actually shows reasonable comparisons as something like controls, he is going to WIN, WIN, WIN.


Massive win if that happens! Thanks for your insights.

Valerie Curren

In response to a tweet DP shared in yesterday’s open

& this one

Replying to @ChildrensHD

this is true! i lived this nightmare myself as a patient, completely isolated away from my family, admitted with a DRY cough, given 5 doses of Remdesivir, got pneumonia, spent 29 days on ventilator at a prominent hospital in Walnut Creek CA. I spent a total of 48 days at the hospital and my medical bill was $1,082,000 *before insurance. #protocolkills . i was told by ICU respiratory therapist that i was only the 3rd survivor out of 40+ people on ventilator at this hospital. the rest didn’t make it. their families have no idea what we went through. 3

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& this encouraging take on homeschool’s contribution to free thinking!

Britt Woo
Replying to @ChildrensHD

She highlights that the skill set & character traits she developed BECAUSE of being home schooled prepared her to be able to see & examine fine details, critically think & be able to stand on her values against the group thinking, don’t rock the boat masses, all if which her publicly schooled colleagues couldn’t. Excellent!

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Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

This is likely to be censored soon…

Valerie Curren

I think this video is well worth watching. There are cases of injured & killed by “vax” shown, there are links to aborted babies’ tissue in vaccines (not just Covid vax), there are psychological manipulation tactics exposed, aspects of ingredients in the shots are discussed, & more. Near the end of the video there is discussion around 19 minutes of the impact of 5G on the toxins in the “vaccines” that will drive them into tissues & examples of what this could do to testes &/or red blood cells.

I hope someone with a solid science background will listen in to this video in case some of this info is a poison pill inserted to discredit “truthers”. It’s “above my paygrade” to make such an assessment…

Much/most of this info Appears legit to me but it would be great if Wolf, Gail, PAVACA, Steve, &/or These Truths &/or others would weigh in.

It strikes me as this is info that is largely being suppressed so it might be because of the dangerous truth...I went to Jerry Adams’ Nitter profile & was asked if I wanted English or French, with French offered first. It’s possible that being primarily in French language domains has kept this video slightly more off the radar of censors?…

Any thoughts?


I don’t have a solid science background and defer to others, who I hope will weigh in!

Valerie Curren

My science background is so distant in the rear view mirror as to be beyond the horizon! I really hope we hear from those in the know too!


Many scientists and medical doctors are still in denial. Denial is self protection from reality of the evil that has been done in their name. Sadly to many people have become the tools of evil.
At times I wonder why I do not fall for lot of stuff . I was raised after the evil that had been done by Nazism. The powers at the time wanted to prevent it ever to happen again where a culture falls for psychological manipulation done by the Hitler regime. I believe the first generation after Nazism was taught how to discern good from evil. Many people my age here got it in church that is why we send kids to church to learn the difference between good and evil.
When the church gets corrupted we loose the discernment. When children are not raised in church they never develop discernment.
This is the result fake and evil thrives. Only if the church moves back to Biblical teaching and Christ can our culture heal.
The evil needs to be defeated the Universities need to be Exorcised, the institutions need to go back to their original purpose.

Last edited 1 year ago by singingsoul1
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good thoughts! I can see that in America, there is a lot of falling for similar regime narratives (Both Iraq and Ukraine, 9/11, etc., Gulf of Tonkin, etc.), but there is usually enough opposition to stop the madness.

Valerie Curren

Hard to awaken opposition from masses who are being psy-op propagandized from cradle to (demonically early) grave!

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Valerie Curren

Very well said!

When the church gets corrupted we loose the discernment. When children are not raised in church they never develop discernment.

This is the result fake and evil thrives. Only if the church moves back to Biblical teaching and Christ can our culture heal.”

At this point I think that Christian parents need to train their children with a biblical foundation so that they can discern truth even if part of a fairly fallen church. Several of my kids seem to have such discernment & are able to partake of their chosen church life while recognizing that God’s biblical truth supersedes the cultural opinions of their local fellowship &/or oversight bodies.

Heading more toward a house church dynamic, for survival’s sake, could be a long needed return to a more biblical church model, imo  😇 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Videos of vaccine injured are great, but much of it is poison pill.

Aborted baby tissues – no. It is a stretch to even link those at the “related research’ level.

5G – no. By linking this stuff to vaccine criticism in a non-factual way, vaccine criticism is undermined.

Cell lines that originated from aborted tissues years ago are real in research, but largely not in vaccines or their production.

5G has some limited real effects, but those are far less than most people would actually care about (think owning a microwave oven), AND 5G certainly doesn’t target “stuff in vaccines” any more than anything else in your body. All these are are assertions. Not even good scientific speculations.

It’s all a bunch of crap to distract us from the real lies in science and medicine.


I do not know enough except I always had an aversion to vaccines. Once I caved to the flue vaccine I became sick every time I took it. Naturally I was told That could not be and flue vaccines make no one sick.
I have not had a flue vaccine since covid and have not been sick.
Some people I believe should not have a flu vaccine others benefit form it.
Vaccine babies is becoming earlier and earlier and all at once.
When my babies were born they got their first shot at 8 weeks and then months later another. We had an old fashion doc who had 8 kids raised on a farm by German parents. He was very conservative and I am grateful.

Valerie Curren

TY very much.

I thought we discussed aborted cell (lines) here before, like in vaccines AND in food. iirc HEK, human embryonic kidney, was one such term where the origin was rather hidden in things. Maybe my recall is from a less trusted source but in the aborted cell arena it seems there is other info to support this claim, but it’s fairly well hidden.

iirc there was even supportive material put out by the Catholic Church on the (moral) dangers of accepting vaccines into their bodies because of the abortion component…

Apparently I’ve managed to resurrect my “bringer of crap” “crown” inadvertently LOL “red meat for da Wolf” & all  😳 

Happy go lucky

HEK-293: Human Embryonic Kidney, Specimen No. 293 12
– Abortion performed in Netherlands
– Kidney Tissue; Gestation age not recorded
– Used in drugs, Pulmozyme, Repro, Eloctate, rhFVI, Nuwiq and Ebola vaccines under development

Valerie Curren

TY Happy, though this info doesn’t induce happiness for me 🙁

Happy go lucky

Read it and weep 😢

Fetal Cells Discussed Under Oath by Dr. Plotkin: Stanley Plotkin agrees/admits fetal cells were used in development of vaccines and are VACCINES (at 3:00-4:00).
Dr. Stanley Plotkin finally acquiesces under oath (at 3:00-4:00) to the fact that aborted fetuses are not only used in the testing and development of vaccines, but are also part of the ingredients IN some vaccines as part of the ingredients!
He also admits which parts of fetuses were cut up for use in vaccines

Valerie Curren

TY Happy for finding this info (again) that I think was shared at the Q-Tree before, iirc, in a video w/in a tweet, at least…

Barb Meier

Homeschooling… learning from the parents or close family is the key,, IMHO. I went to public schools in the 60s but my parents gave me more and better lessons than any in the public K-12 classes. Why? Because they were my parents and loved me most and best. Why? Perhaps partly because they knew it would be me who helped them in their declining years.

Last edited 1 year ago by Barb Meier
Valerie Curren

Amen, Barb. I looking forward to supporting the homeschooling efforts of my kids for all of my grandkids…thus far, at least. You were Very Blessed by/through your loving parents!  ❤ 

Barb Meier

Thank you, Valerie. I often think back to the lessons Mom gave me in acting for good. Going to the retirement home to visit its residents and discussing the Bible with one elderly man; taking cookies Mom made to the nice senior lady across the street and getting the thank you Mom earned; coming home from a state girls group meeting where I would have gotten a state office for the next year because one of our girls was sick. We couldn’t stay and enjoy the honor I would get because one of us was ill. We all needed to come home with our “sister.” I am so glad we did and did not split up though we could have. Mom taught me what matters most, and the good way to behave. Those lessons have stayed with me for my lifetime in spite of my own mistakes over the years as I learned this and that.

I have always known and been grateful that whatever is good in me, is a reflection of the goodness of my dear Mom and Dad.

Last edited 1 year ago by Barb Meier
Valerie Curren

Wonderful citizenship & God honoring life-skills!  💕  Beautiful!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, check out how BBC is spinning the frameshifting problem!!!

Valerie Curren

Possible sources for IVM &/or HCQ, fyi

Replying to @RealJerryAdamz

$ 77 For 100pills Of 12mg Ivermectin.
enjoy doorstep delivery, and
experience The future of
pharmaceutical care.
Our team provide discount coupon and free shipping on orders above$ 299.

Order Now:

Dec 13, 2023 · 8:44 AM UTC
Replying to @RealJerryAdamz

Anyone Can Easily Get OTC Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine Here.
Skip the lines and get your medications delivered right to your doorstep. Say goodbye to hassle and hello to easy refills.
For review:-…


Dec 13, 2023 · 9:05 AM UTC


Valerie Curren
Thank you for these.


Please see below for links to the “government-authorized or approved” drugs and/or interventions for COVID-19:
As of 5 May 2023
As of 2 November 2023

Valerie Curren


Since it’s well known, at least in certain circles, that IVM & HCQ work, why would WE limit ourselves to what the government says here (or likely in many/most arenas)? Caveat emptor & all  😠 


Valerie Curren
Agreed. What the FDA / CDC are doing are willfully and intentionally ignoring the court’s ruling; and, instead, are insisting on GASLIGHTING people (and medical practitioners) into believing that ONLY “government-authorized or -approved” drugs like Remdesivir are “safe and effective” in preventing or treating COVID-19.

Valerie Curren

Sigh…waking from that covid nightmare isn’t likely coming soon then…  😡 

Valerie Curren

disturbing but short video on vax injuries

Replying to @ChildrensHD

It’s time to lift the veil on CCP virus vaccines
WATCH this Video.
You are the JUDGE.

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Valerie Curren


  :wpds_arrow:  CCP is guilty as hell on much of the Covid Crimes.

  • Perfectly good with Bashing Chinee…They Earned It Daily.

But, BUT, BUT, let’s NOT forget the Criminal Bastards Within USA…

  • Healthcare systems in USA, AND Quacks…GUILTY.
  • The likes of FauXi, Baric and others cited here QTree…GUILTY.
  • Whores in Big Tech AND Pravda News taking payment (bribes) to
  1. Promote the Approved Narrative Lies. No disclosure Money Paid For Their Actions.
  2. Suppress Free Speech…Suppress Truth.
Valerie Curren

1,000,000%   :wpds_evil: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

CHINACRATS in US are as bad as their friends in the CCP.

Valerie Curren

I believe the image in this video includes patents of concern…the video is just music over the static image, perhaps a way to camouflage the info from censor bots…

Valerie Curren

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pat frederick

so on top of being a murderer, Byrd is a deadbeat, 2 time bankruptcy weasel who didn’t know how to handle a firearm and owes $56,000 to the IRS?  with the R’s in charge of the house (however small that majority is) why does he still have a job?????

entire article
With a substantial number of new Internal Revenue agents, surely one can go after Capitol Police Captain Michael Byrd for the $56,365.71 he has owed IRS since 2019. A recent call to Prince George’s County Courts, MD, confirmed that the lien has not been paid.

A news article finally identified Lt. Michael Leroy Byrd of Brandywine, MD, seven months after he shot and killed Ashli Babbitt on January 6, 2021. The Babbitt family attorney, Terry Roberts, said that if Byrd were White, instead of Black, he would have been identified immediately. He said race was “clearly a factor” in hiding Byrd’s identity.

Byrd told fellow officers the next day that he would be treated differently because of his rank as a lieutenant. And he was. He was not fired as he should have been.

But he had problems before that. In 2019 Byrd was the commander of the House Chambers section of the Capitol Police. He made news when he left his loaded firearm in a public visitor’s center bathroom. His Glock-22 had no manual safety to prevent unintended firing. That made the incident particularly concerning. The gun was discovered later in a routine check by another officer.

I stumbled across this tax deadbeat while working with author Jack Cashill in my role as a licensed private investigator. Although the court tax filing listed Byrd’s previous address, those crack IRS investigators should have found him as easily as I did. If they contact me, I’ll be happy to share his new address.

After he shot and killed 14-year Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt on January 6, 2021, Byrd had plenty of opportunity to save money. Documents obtained by Judicial Watch show that then Lieutenant Byrd and a pet stayed in a “Distinguished Visitor Suite” at the Presidential Inn at Andrews Air Force Base from July 8, 2021, through January 28, 2022. While living off the largess of the taxpayers, Byrd also collected $122,000 through a GoFundMe account. Defendants accused in the Capitol riot turned to Christian sites to raise money for legal fees.

Other interesting court filings for Byrd include two bankruptcies and two foreclosures. His 1999 Chapter 7 bankruptcy discharged all his debt. In 2009 Byrd filed for Chapter 13, which allows people to make payments on debts, but changed that to Chapter 7 to rid himself of those responsibilities. According to bankruptcy court documents, his income for 2009 was $142,144.

The Trustee’s Final Report showed be paid $14,547 to clear debts of $1,237,680. Lawyers will be relieved to know that the trustee got her $2,393 fee from that amount.

He lost his house to the bank and the U.S. Senate Federal Credit Fund lost $20,555 for a car they financed. Despite foreclosures and bankruptcies, Byrd was able to purchase a $520,000 house in 2019.

In a primetime interview with Lester Holt, Byrd said: “I was very afraid that day.” Very. Afraid. The fearsome Ashli Babbitt was 5’2”, weighed 115 pounds and was unarmed.

A photo shows Byrd waving his gun around in the House chamber before he even went into the lobby where he killed Babbitt. Lawyer Terry Roberts, said: “If I was a congressman, I’d be very concerned about him carrying a gun around me.”

“I tried to wait as long as I could,” Byrd told Holt. “I hoped and prayed no one tried to enter through those doors. But their failure to comply required me to take the appropriate action to save the lives of members of Congress and myself and my fellow officers.”

Afraid or not, Byrd was promoted to captain with a salary of around $200,000 a year. Perhaps he will now be able to pay the IRS.


Rewarded for demonic actions taken on behalf of his fellow demonic monsters.

Valerie Curren

There is a doctor who responded to the covid nurse truth-teller video & was exposing issues w/ RFK jr & ways to reduce dangers of the “vax” & vaccines. He presented this 74 page letter as evidence…

He also has a substack here:

MUST WATCH–this info seems Key!!!

Valerie Curren

Wolf, PAVACA, Gail, everybody this explains A Lot (if it’s true), including vax > autism!

MUST WATCH–this info seems Key!!!

(I copied this tweet from my comment below, for emphasis)

Valerie Curren

From his Threadreader, noted below

@ChildrensHD @AmerAcadPeds and i have the EXACT science that can’t be refuted by the AAPeds for 60 days? And I call them BABY KILLERS as a BOARD CERTIFIED LICENSED Surgeon in California?

Do you know Why THE AAPeds is DEATHLY afraid to BLOCK ME for 60 days??? 

@ChildrensHD @AmerAcadPeds Because the STRING theory shows the HUGE FLAW and OVERSIGHT in their vaccine booster program. And the PREP act gives the AAPeds LEGAL IMMUNITY but NOT if there is WILLFUL MISCONDUCT. COVERING UP THIS MASSIVE MISTAKE by DELETING MY POSTINGS? would THEN be WILLFUL MISCONDUCT. 

@ChildrensHD @AmerAcadPeds If CHILDRENs HD called the AAPeds BABY KILLERS, they would just DELETE YOUR POSTINGS. THEY CAN’T DELETE MINE because I have them in a CATCH-22 with the most INCREDIBLE discovery.

Valerie Curren

I went digging in Dr. Lee’s substack for more info…

comment image

“It cannot be refuted.  Following a booster COVID mRNA vaccine given within a few months of the first COVID mRNA vaccine, there will be present in the blood at the same time COVID antibodies to the top of the spike antigen, COVID antibodies to the bottom of the spike antigen, and spike antigen.  No vaccine scientist on earth can dispute these three points.

Referring to FIG. 1, the booster vaccine results in the body producing spike antigen that is now present in the blood/lymph. One arm of an IgG (Top) binds to the top of the spike antigen (1). One arm of an IgG (Bottom) binds to the bottom of the same spike antigen (1). The second arm of an IgG (Bottom) binds to another spike antigen (2). One arm of a second IgG (Top) binds to the same spike antigen (2). The second arm of the second IgG (Top) binds to a third spike antigen (3). And the pattern can continue indefinitely, producing thick strands of antibody/antigen complexes. There can be many separate “strings” of alternating IgG (Top) and IgG (Bottom) antibodies. Can you see how this meshwork of strings is the basis for long gelatinous, clots?”

This is a more technical explanation than the one he verbalizes in that tweet above…

“The chances of a COVID antibody molecule formed in response to the first COVID vaccine binding a natural COVID virus is at least a million times less than the chances of that same COVID antibody molecule combining with a spike antigen and being found within a meshwork of antibodies.” 

I’m not sure where his “a million times less” view comes from, perhaps discussed in a prior substack…

However, the concept of the antigen binding to the top of the spike, at least in my mind, Could mean that an antigen could perhaps bind to 2 different spikes on 2 different covid “viruses” & that could be a possible mechanism to generate some of the strange clots that my son’s MIL working in the funeral industry SWEARS they were witnessing in the deceased BEFORE the clot shots were introduced–she was Adamant on that timing!

Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

More from his substack:

“This opens the possibility for a never-ending weave of lattice structures or strings, until the respective antibodies and spike antigen becomes unavailable due to the formation of extensive lattice structures (and strings of variable length) which create extended clots. The chances of a COVID antibody molecule formed in response to the first COVID vaccine binding a natural COVID virus is at least a million times less than the chances of that same COVID antibody molecule combining with a spike antigen and being found within a meshwork of antibodies. That is why I call this the “Lee string theory that is more fact than theory.” This is why the resulting meshwork of antibodies is the “MAIN EFFECT” of the booster COVID mRNA vaccine. If a side effect of the COVID mRNA vaccine occurred as infrequently as the chance of their COVID antibody binding a COVID virus in the lung, the vaccine scientists would not even list it as a “side effect.” Again, this is exactly why I state that this string formation of antibodies IS THE MAIN EFFECT of the COVID mRNA vaccine.

bolding is mine, for emphasis…

Every vaccine that provides an antigen with more than one antigenic site (almost every vaccine) creates this identical situation when a booster is given within a few months of the first vaccine (if the antigen is small enough so that each arm of the antibody can bind to separate antigen molecules). All booster vaccines using antigens fitting this size criteria should be immediately stopped worldwide until this is completely vetted.”

Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

This is Dr. Lee’s comment on that substack article which appears to refute my theory for clots generated by the disease w/out the shot…

Sep 19
This is the science to show that the MAIN EFFECT of the COVID vaccine is to produce antibodies that WILL bind to the spike antigen. No one disputes that. When the antigen is small enough to act as glue to link antibodies, you will get a clot. This does NOT occur when the antigen is the size of a virus. It ONLY occurs when the antigen is small enough, like the spike antigen. Every booster COVID mRNA can kill and this is the exact mechanism that connects the dots between the COVID booster vaccine and death.

However another commenter did remark that the disease can lead to unattached spikes so that the string theory above may also explain the pre-shot clotting observed by the embalmers prior to the clot shot introduction per my son’s MIL in that industry.

Here is another Dr. Lee perspective from a different substack that also refutes my theory above:

” Can you see how this meshwork of strings is the basis for long gelatinous, clots? The chances of this occurring with a real COVID virus infection is very low because the virus particle is too large to act as “glue” between alternating antibodies. ”

Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Another mechanism that may be causing so much damage after the clot shot:

“Can’t OTHER antigenic sites on this spike produce OTHER antibodies, not JUST to the top? Then, this free SPIKE antigen, it WILL bind to ACE2 receptors on cells all OVER the body? LUNGS, kidneys, testes, liver, heart.

Then when this SPIKE antigen binds to those ACE2 receptors and antibodies to OTHER parts of the spike antigen are present, OTHER than the ACE2 binding site, won’t all the white blood cells start DESTROYING these tissues via ADCC?

This is the MIDDLE MAN THEORY, shows that the TRAINING they think is going on is literally a REAL BATTLE with REAL DAMAGE to REAL TISSUES because blanks are NOT BEING USED. Vaccines are NOT TRAINING OUR CELLS. Vaccines are DESTROYING OUR CELLS.

This is also my hypothesis for many of the varied symptoms from various viral infections, like HEP B where the HEP B surface antigen (HBsAg) will DEFINITELY bind to liver cells and once bound, there WILL BE antibodies that form to the visible part of the HBsAg on the liver cell.”

seen in the comments there:

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Sally Gould
Writes Sally’s Newsletter
Sep 26
Liked by leelasik

Dr. Lee.
Jeff and Erica discussed your article here: [audio src="" /]
Please start at 38 minutes

Thank you!!

LIKE (1)



comment imageleelasik
Sep 26

I’ll listen!! Jeff and Erica who??

LIKE (2)



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Sally Gould
Writes Sally’s Newsletter
Sep 27
Liked by leelasik

Jeff Rense and Erica Khan (an MIT educated scientist) have a show three times a week that revolves around the horrors of COVID and the jabs.
Erica discussed your theory.
Terrific, Dr. Lee!!

LIKE (1)


Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Curren
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Some of this seems to be restating known science as his own “discoveries”, but in different terms. That’s not exactly a bad thing. The part about cells being attacked by antibodies is exactly what everybody says is happening.

As for his theory of clots being polymers of spike protein and antibodies, that is extremely unlikely, but easily provable if it was. Calling it “string theory” is kinda lame, TBH.

Much more likely that these clots are fibrin, and the mechanism is known, and it’s known that the spike protein inappropriately initiates polymerization of fibrinogen (which creates fibrin).

E.g. (one of many) –

Valerie Curren

TY I think he has a bit of a following by using rather more easily understandable laymen’s terms & also analogies that simplify complex things.

From reading through a few of his substacks it seems like his bottom line is that he knows that vaccines & the “vax” are killing & injuring people & he’s sounding the alarm everywhere he can.

I think he’s on our side, but not as a heavyweight 🙂

Brave and Free

From the tweet above, Mary McCord looks like John Kerry in drag.


Yup. My first thought on seeing, Mary McCord picture. One ugly dude.


Most DNC operatives are ugly as sin. It is a job requirement.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Their transhobbies are eat, drink, and be Mary… or spend a year (or more) a broad… 🙂

pat frederick

as a broad?
I do so enjoy your wit!


He’s groan inducing but very clever.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He’s a groan man among juvenile offenders! 😉

Valerie Curren



In my youth, there was a term for ugly personality people who also had ugly faces.

Suffice it to say it described a use for such a face.

Too crude even for this group of ruffians.  😁 

Cuppa Covfefe

As the Cockneys say, “faice only a muvva could luv”….

(or, for example, waffle-faced Faeser: “if my dog looked like her, I’d shave its hiney and make it walk backwards”… or so the saying went, albeit less delicately)…






To be CLEAR.

  :wpds_arrow:  IF Speaker Johnson was one of us, ME anyway…

ZERO tax dollars to Ukraine. <<<>>> NOT even a discussion point!ZERO tax dollars to Hamas, Palestinians, Taiwan, Israel. Hell, cancel foreign aid.Israel can buy weapons.Secure US borders.END FISA 702. <<< Kill It.No more CRs.Appropriation bills one at a time.IMPEACH Briben, Hoe, Garland, Wray, Idi Amin…Back-To-Back.Shut Down The Fucking US Government, to accomplish the above.

Above my message to my worthless congress critter.

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs
Valerie Curren



If they go home for Christmas, his district office(s) can be buried in written ‘instructions’ describing the above. His congresscritter email accounts should be maxed out. Ditto every voicemail he’s got.

Remember – he’s the Speaker of the House so you do not have to be in his district to legitimately be talking to him.

BTW, the day the House recesses is the last day that jackass from Bakersfield has a desk on the House floor. Oh happy day.


Well, that is one RICHEOUS Rant



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.


Genesis 12:3

I will bless those who bless you,
And I will curse him who curses you;
And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.


“During a speech, Turkey’s Saadat Party representative experienced a sudden heart attack and abruptly collapsed to the ground.

On Tuesday, Hasan Bitmez, 53, a representative from the Kocaeli province in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, appeared to lose his breath and balance and was sent to the hospital via ambulance.

Prior to Bitmez’s collapse, he had just declared that “Israel will be smitten with the wrath of Allah,” cursing the Jewish State.”

There’s video.

Don’t mess with God.


Well, bless his heart.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL!!! This reply is underrated!




A picture worth a thousand words:

Fire those university president dipshits.

Last edited 1 year ago by Aubergine
Cuppa Covfefe

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(changed the ? and other crud to just .jpg so WP could figure it out)


Why is the sign on the gate arm in English?

Cuppa Covfefe

Because it Depends On The Context… 🙂

(ducks and runs… Arbeit Macht Frei, doncha know 😀 )…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



LOLOL!!!! That’s awesome.

Cuppa Covfefe

Ooops…. gate arm… Halt auf Deutsch is the same as Halt in English…

There are many common words… but sometimes the same spelling has a different meaning between the two, e.g. sensible. In English it means prudent or logical (without shrub); in German it means sensitive… makes for a fun time when learning the lingo… (lots of funny YouTube videos out there).

And if it’s sprinkling outside, don’t say it’s “misting” (as the brits do). The locals will wonder why gully (liquified manure, e.g. for fertilizing fields) is falling from the sky… (though it did in Holland during the farmers’ protests, against gubmint buildings 🙂 )…..


I learn something new every day. If I get a day more for every new thing I learn, I’ll live forever here.


Gives new meaning to “Mist them by that much!” 😁🤔😮🙄😏😖


Thanks! I couldn’t figure it out!


Good online friends —

Yours Truly has the “COVID-19 Vaccine Christmas Lollapalooza” post scheduled to publish a little after 12 Midnight tonight. Thank you!

Valerie Curren



Looking forward to it.



Barb Meier

Supreme Court will hear a case that could undo Capitol riot charge against hundreds, including Trump

The Supreme Court on Wednesday said it will hear an appeal that could upend hundreds of charges stemming from the Capitol riot, including against former President Donald Trump.

The justices will review an appellate ruling that revived a charge against three defendants accused of obstruction of an official proceeding. The charge refers to the disruption of Congress’ certification of Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential election victory over Trump.

That’s among four counts brought against Trump in special counsel Jack Smith’s case that accuses the 2024 Republican presidential primary front-runner of conspiring to overturn the results of his election loss. Trump is also charged with conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding.

The court’s decision to weigh in on the obstruction charge could threaten the start of Trump’s trial, currently scheduled for March 4. The justices separately are considering whether to rule quickly on Trump’s claim that he can’t be prosecuted for actions taken within his role as president. A federal judge already has rejected that argument.

A lawyer for Trump didn’t immediately return a message seeking comment on the supreme court’s decision to review the charge.

The Supreme Court will hear arguments in March or April, with a decision expected by early summer.

The obstruction charge, which carries up to 20 years behind bars, has been brought against more than 300 defendants and is among the most widely used felony charges brought in the massive federal prosecution following the deadly insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021, when a mob of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol in a bid to keep Biden, a Democrat, from taking the White House.

At least 152 people have been convicted at trial or pleaded guilty to obstructing an official proceeding, and at least 108 of them have been sentenced, according to an Associated Press review of court records…

U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols…ruled that a defendant must have taken “some action with respect to a document, record or other object” to obstruct an official proceeding under the law.

The Justice Department challenged that ruling, and the appeals court in Washington agreed with prosecutors in April that Nichols’ interpretation of the law was too limited.

Other defendants, including Trump, are separately challenging the use of the charge.

Defense attorney Kira Anne West, who has represented several Jan. 6 defendants charged with obstruction of an official proceeding, said the courts will have to “undo a whole bunch of cases” and adjust many sentences if the Supreme Court rules in their favor.

“This is a watershed day,” she said. “In our world — defense lawyer world — this is huge.”

…More than 1,200 people have been charged with federal crimes stemming from the riot, and more than 700 defendants have pleaded guilty.


It is PAST TIME for the Supreme Court to fix this shit.

Our legal system has been corrupted, almost beyond repair. If the court doesn’t start to fix things, America is over.


BREAKING: Republicans to Initiate Contempt of Congress Proceedings After Hunter Biden Defies Subpoena

Hunter Biden on Wednesday said he will only testify “at a public hearing.”

I suppose because they can’t dig into certain details in a public hearing.


Well … that’s a bit inconvenient.   :wpds_twisted: 


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Tracy Beanz:

And here it is– the Media Matters/X playbook implemented against Rumble- Engineering algorithms and fake ad placements to pressure advertisers to remove themselves from the equation. This is the way they do it. It is quite literally, evil.


Paul Sperry:

BREAKING: House sources say that Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell–as a member of the Judiciary Committee,which subpoenaed Hunter Biden–“aided and abetted” a crime this morning when he worked with Hunter’s lawyer Abbe Lowell to help Hunter flout the subpoena in contempt of Congress

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

With traitors like Swalwell in the House, who needs enemies like China hacking in?


The house is laced with traitors that is the problem.

Valerie Curren

wasn’t he the traitor going bang, bang with Fang Fang?  😜 



Cuppa Covfefe

They should both end up in Sing Sing…

Valerie Curren

soap on a rope-a-dope  🙄 


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One Word Hunter Biden Used During Statement at DC Presser Tore Up Joe Biden’s Defense of Corruption Allegations (VIDEO)

One word Hunter Biden used caught the attention of Republican lawmakers and reporters.

“My father was not financially involved in my business,” Hunter Biden said.

Hunter was careful to specifically say his father was never ‘financially’ involved in his business.

Hunter tacitly admitted that his father Joe Biden was involved in his overseas businesses in other ways.

“BREAKING: In Hill press conference, Hunter Biden just tore up his father’s defense of corruption allegations by arguing he was not ‘financially’ involved in his business deals — a tacit admission Joe Biden was involved in other ways, directly contradicting Joe’s blanket denials”

— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) December 13, 2023

“Let me state as clearly as I can. My father was not financially involved in my business. Not as a practicing lawyer. Not as a board member of Burisma. Not in my partnership with a Chinese private businessman. Not in my investments at home nor abroad and certainly not an artist,” Hunter said in remarks on Capitol Hill.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

With his attempt at word-parsing, Hunter Biden proves himself the poor man’s Bill Clinton.

“Financially involved.”

“Depends what the meaning of is, is.”

pat frederick

anyone have any insights on whether or not “forgiven” student loans amounts are taxable?

pat frederick


Cuppa Covfefe

At, say, 10,000 percent… 🙂

Then watch the fur fly 😀


Talk about a slippery shift!


Catching up. This may already b posted.

Orban delivers for Hungary, EU, Europe…Showing US Uniparty hpw it is done.

EU Summit Kicks off With Hungarian PM Orbán as the Great ‘Villain’ Vetoing Ukraine Aid and Membership


Orban is an international hero 👍


Orban is, a hero. Hope he has great security.

Valerie Curren

went to bing to search for something & saw this lovely image

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There was a little control panel on the page that I think is new & lets you add fun little modifications like snow, frost, Christmas lights, & bells. It’s kind of fun to play with 🙂


I see there was a local sale on red paint… 😁

Valerie Curren

gotta paint the town red 😉

Valerie Curren

Yes & it was a good pic for those little Christmasy add-ons. I don’t know if you can make those modifications & then use the creation elsewhere for I didn’t dig in deeper.

Brave and Free
Cuppa Covfefe

Baric, Øbama…..


This is a long, snarky, but informative article about the people who make those video memes that look like Trump campaign ads.

Inside the Troll Army Waging Trump’s Online Campaign

The video, called “Let’s Get Ready to Bumble,” is a slick mash-up of President Biden’s verbal slip-ups and his stumbles set to a thumping 1990s dance track. And when it was played on a big screen at Trump rallies late last year, it consistently drew laughs and jeers from the crowd.

But Donald J. Trump thought he could improve it.

So the former president asked an adviser to pass along a few notes to one of the video’s creators: It should include a clip of the president falling off a bicycle, he suggested, and another of him flubbing a line in a recent speech.

The video’s co-creator — Bryan Heestand, a product engineer in Ohio who goes by the anonymous handle C3PMeme — rushed to incorporate the former president’s edits. He was delighted, he said later in a podcast interview, to see Mr. Trump play the new version at his final rally before the midterm elections, pausing his speech to watch it with well over a thousand supporters gathered at Dayton International Airport.

“He had some suggestions. We made it happen,” Mr. Heestand said.

Mr. Heestand doesn’t work for Mr. Trump, but he belongs to a small circle of video meme-makers who have effectively served as a shadow online ad agency for his presidential campaign. Led by a little-known podcaster and life coach, this meme team has spent much of the year flooding social media with content that lionizes the former president, promotes his White House bid and brutally denigrates his opponents.

Much of the group, which refers to itself as Trump’s Online War Machine, operates anonymously, adopting the cartoonish aesthetic and unrelenting cruelty of internet trolls…

At the center of Mr. Trump’s meme militia is Brenden Dilley, a 41-year-old podcaster, failed congressional candidate and self-described social media and political influencer. Mr. Dilley doesn’t create the memes himself, but he provides the organizing force and smash-mouth ethos driving the crew…

pat frederick


Hmmm. The cases imploding, as they should? Or I am being too optimistic.

pat frederick

not sure…still searching for further details

pat frederick

December 13, 2023 5:11 pm

Kyle Cheney
BREAKING: Judge Chutkan agrees that she no longer has jurisdiction over Trump case while his immunity appeal is pending.


Cautiously…sounds like great news.


Has visions of the mists finally lifting to reveal MAGA still standing and now on a vast plain ready for battle as their numbers continue to swell. From the mountains, from the hills, from the plains, from the valleys and shore to shore or however Trump likes to put it. It should be grand. Let it be so. 🙄😮🤔😏👍😁👍


Guessing it is legit. Either way, funny. ~Four seconds.


Rob Desantis is the Rodney Dangerfield of the GOP.

He just don’t get no respect!




Must See Movie “Let My People Go” – Produced by Professor Clements to Be Released on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15th
MUST SEE – LET MY PEOPLE GO – to be released on Friday, December 15th

The Gateway Pundit and Joe Hoft were able to attend a private screening for the new documentary “Let My People Go” with David Clements. The film will be released this Friday, Dec. 15th and will be made available via streaming and through DVD and BluRay at LetMyPeopleGo.Movie. The buzz thus far is overwhelmingly positive.

Steve Bannon describes the film as “magnificent” and “epic.”

The film’s synopsis states:

“Let My People Go” is a modern-day deliverance story that presents two overlapping narratives of America’s enslavement. The first form of slavery is invisible, and achieved by the deep state’s use of proprietary “black box machines” and rigged election software, where perception is altered, and swamp candidates are selected rather than elected. The second form of slavery focuses on the real-life consequences of the hundreds of thousands of Americans that gathered and protested the stolen Nov. 3rd election, many of which are imprisoned today.”

Tom Wigand, one the test screeners wrote: 

I’d seen the trailer, and thought it good but, frankly, was somewhat skeptical about how the full documentary would fare…. Boy, was my skepticism misplaced…. Just as The Sound of Freedom brought a compelling expose of the horrors of human trafficking home in a manner approachable to previously “normie” audiences, Let My People Go has high production quality and – in an entertaining but simultaneously approachable manner – will persuade even “normies” that our current election system(s) are designed to be fraudulent.”

The mind behind the film is former law professor and attorney–David Clements—labeled by the mainstream media as an “alpha election denier.”  Clements says the challenges of getting the film to audiences through traditional channels have been nothing short of astonishing.

“The largest theater chain in America emphatically stated there is no way the film would be played theatrically.  Everyone is scared to talk about how the Department of Homeland Security, Dominion, ES&S, BPro, and other unaccountable corporate election vendors have systematically facilitated fraud in our elections.  Streaming platforms like YouTube will flag any material that promotes the J6ers as heroes, which the film clearly holds in high regard.”

Clements continued,

“Other distributors wanted me to get an insurance policy, with lawyers signing off on the film’s final cut in light of so many election integrity advocates being sued for billions of dollars.  Clements’ response to the distributors was, “I’m not interested in paying attorneys tens of thousands of dollars to tell me to cut out everything about Dominion and a corrupt FBI just because Fox News settled like a bunch of cowards.”

Clements was asked if there was any support from Republican leadership for the film.

“Establishment leadership, like the RNC?  No.  They love the rigged machines.  This film is as dangerous for them as it is for establishment Democrats.  But everyday Republicans and Democrats?  The polls show nearly 70% of all voters do not trust the election system. Fighters in the Michigan GOP are the exception — amazing patriots have taken over the GOP there.”

More at the link…


~Five minutes.


Didn’t watch. Were the tics woven into a comedy delivery or were they just straight?


No idea. From the onset, Cuomo said he thought it was an act.

Valerie Curren

mostly telling CC to F-off!


Sorry, didn’t see what Phil saw and who would pass up the chance to see Chris get the middle finger and told to F off about twenty times during the interview. Lent a bit moar insight into touretts syndrome too. Gets a pass here.


New Tic Toc Challenge? H/T Barb Meir and Dinha For Justice.

Wonders if it’s related to this… looks like it was just beginning to get fiesty before the cops stumbled upon the scene.


nice pic. could be useful.

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T D B – To Damn Bad for the dummy protestors.


What do you call it when someone purposely stands in traffic in front of a vehicle and then get run over?

What do you call it? “Stupidity.” Everyone knows better than to stand in the street. It’s also stupid to think that blocking traffic is going to make one positive difference for whatever cause they’re promoting.

It’s utter selfishness too. Drivers need to get places for all kinds of reasons, and they are being delayed on purpose.

Do I think the protesters should be run over or shot? No. but they should know better than to take the risk of standing in front of moving vehicles.


F A F O !


Likely the truck cost ~$100K. Trailer, guessing the same, ~$100K.

Horse(s) inside the trailer value? Horses being spooked by protestors? Making an unstable, unsafe situation for horses AND folks in truck.

Don’t give a rats ass what happened to the dopes hurt.

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

In the far corner, 5’6″ female weighing in at 130 lbs.

In the near corner, 6’4″ male weighing in at 3900 lbs.

Ding ding ding …

Valerie Curren

Seen in nitter replies

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That doesn’t look appealing to me at all. Who wants to see the country tearing itself apart?


Not I.

I would never watch it. Smells like a hussein, HLS special. <<< Up to no good.


Well, they delayed and delayed that other movie about rich folk hunting Americans until everyone forgot about it, so I’d not expect this one to show either. But just waving it around like this is rather telling. I guess they are going to go ahead with the steal again, like we don’t know…


Predictive Programing?🤔

Then where’s the all freaking invaders and mind melted progressives? It’s going to be very strange kind of movie without them.


Is that Taylor Swift? 😮😬😖😏😆🤣😂🤣
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FWIW – Only saw one good Black Friday deal this year. Local ranch, farm type store, which also sells guns.


Ammo Prices Are Set to Spike Due to World Wide Shortage of Gunpowder
Vista Outdoor, the parent company to several ammunition makers such as Federal, CCI, and Remington, has warned prices for ammunition are expected to rise in 2024 due to a worldwide shortage of gunpowder.

In a letter sent to customers, Vista Outdoor warned that they would begin to increase prices on all of their ammunition products due to “an anticipated global shortage of gunpowder.”

Vice President of Sales Brett Nelson stated, “Due to world events, our suppliers have notified us of unprecedented demand for and an anticipated global shortage of gunpowder, and thus has increased our prices substantially.”

Nelson did not refer to what world events are causing the gunpowder shortage, but it’s quite clear the War in Ukraine and Gaza has resulted in an increased need for ammo.

Per Newsweek:

Vista Outdoor, a parent company to many firearms businesses, told Newsweek that it will substantially increase its ammunition prices due to “an anticipated global shortage of gunpowder.”

The Minnesota-based company confirmed the authenticity of a December 1 letter sent to customers that it would go ahead with an across-the-board increase of its ammunition and gunpowder prices on January 1.

“Due to world events our suppliers have notified us of unprecedented demand for and an anticipated global shortage of gunpowder, and thus has increased our prices substantially,” Vice President of Sales, Sporting Products Brett Nelson said in the letter. “We must therefore raise our pricing to help offset those increases.”

Companies that will increase their prices include Remington, Alliant Powder, CCI, Federal, SEVI-Shot and Speer.

(MEFollowing stuff makes my head hurt. These companies are ignorant as hell. Ammo likely never made it to Ukraine military Front Lines. SMH)

Remington, CCI, Speer, and Federal Ammunition donated one million rounds of ammo to the Ukraine Armed Forces in December of 2022.