Cover image: Garden Glow, Missouri Botanical Garden, December 12, 2023

Photo by DePat, and the reason this one is going to be on the light side
Another place holder. Sort of.
Did Israel Possess Foreknowledge of Recent Attacks?
Badlands News Brief – December 26, 2023
The DNC Weaponized Illegal Immigration
Thailand Receives $4.3 Billion From Japanese Automakers For EV Manufacture
Interesting in light of this from Benjamin Fulford (don’t normally bring him to the Q Tree, but this is objective reality, not “sources say.”):
Electric cars cost more to repair than they cost to build and nobody wants them. The cost of replacing the battery in a 2022 Hyundai IONIQ 5 is over $60,000; more than the $55,000 cost of the new car.
Push for ranked-choice voting is spreading across the U.S., despite bipartisan concerns
Joe Rogan on Seth Rich. You know and I know they killed him
Quick Anecdotal Conspiracy Theory About Cancer and the Jabs to Watch
The latest front in the Gaetz vs. McCarthy fight: House primaries
Have a good day y’all.
(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.
Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
One other vital note:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.
1 JOHN 1:1-4
1That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon and touched with our hands, concerning the word of life — 2the life was made manifest, and we saw it, and testify to it, and proclaim to you the eternal life which was with the Father and was made manifest to us — 3that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you may have fellowship with us; and our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. 4And we are writing this that our joy may be complete.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.
And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another.

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.
In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.
Thank you for this Wednesday post, De Pat, with hopes for your further recovery.
I took a day for myself.
My brother’s wife has a new grandbaby…I needed some me time.
These are things of true importance. Take all the time you need for them.
“Go away, climate communists!”
All I can think is, please take a step backwards!
And rub vigorously back and forth, as in stamping out a cigarette 😀
Oh, yeah!
or wiping dog crap off one’s shoe 😮
This dude will be in the Trump administration 100%.
I hope he will be honest and not a plant.
I don’t think he’s a plant. I think he’s being red-pilled like everybody else. That said, I trust TRUMP.
No way she’s getting the VP nod from Trump!
“Birdbrain” is Nikki Haley.
Thanks. (Should have seen it.)
He’s referring to Hikki Naley assume.
And that, plus maybe $10, will get you a cup of coffee.
No amount of criminal activity or cheating mattered once the filthy puppet was sworn in, because nobody was going to remove him, to undo the crime.
Nobody could remove him. Impeachment and conviction is the only authorized method of giving POTUS the boot.
This is a very confusing message.
Every time he claims he is ‘entitled’ to ‘immunity’, it SOUNDS like he did something wrong but he is immune from prosecution due to some technicality.
It seems like it would be much better to explain it differently.
If you ran for mayor of your town, and you had hundreds of cases of documented evidence that your opponent cheated, and cheated so much that the cheater ‘won’ the election, in what kind of universe do you NOT have the absolute right to expose the cheating and challenge the false election result?!?
That is no ‘crime’, if anything, it would be a crime to let the cheating go unchallenged and allow the cheater to disenfranchise the voters and steal his way into power.
Every person in the world would challenge the bogus election result under those circumstances, and rightly so.
What is going on here is the criminals who cheated and stole the election (and our government with it) are now using the power of the government to persecute DJT for challenging and exposing their crimes.
They are prosecuting DJT to protect themselves, to prevent themselves from being punished for their crimes.
Because they know that if DJT is elected by the American People for the THIRD time, then as Sick Hillary said, “If that fuckin bastard wins, we’re all going to hang from nooses! You better fix this shit!” – Hillary Clinton, email to Donna Brazile, DNC Chair, October 17, 2016.
Must say – “Better Off Dead” is one weird flick. Like a cross between a Brat Pack classic, Weird Science, Revenge of the Nerds, and a few other movies I won’t shame.
And that singer! LOL. If that miniskirt was any shorter, it would be upside down!
That is not a miniskirt, which had the hem approximately 4 inches above the center of the kneecap. The skirt in the video is called a microskirt.
No sane female would wear one nowadays.
OK – good. Say the name! LOL. All I know is, IT’S SHORT!!!
Oh, they’re coming back. Free People has multiple microskirts on sale right this minute. Microshorts, too.
OMG! 😮
A couple of months ago I saw a girl in a store wearing shorts that were way too short. It’s distracting, and not in a good way. I dread seeing them on the “Look at me, I’m fat and I’m beautiful!” crowd.
Oh, gag.
To paraphrase “The Music Man”, “No Fatter But Wider Girl For Me”… 🙂
Fabric shortage, no doubt…
(or Stavros Schwab, “you vill vear nothink, and you vill be happy”)… or hippy…
It’s a cult classic in the DePat house.
I think it was Mona Charen that said, “her dress was so short, you could see her SOUL”…
My friends and I thought that movie was hysterical when we were in college. Haven’t seen it since, but we had it on VHS tape (taped from HBO or Cinemax) and watched it lots of times.
Besides the drag race gags (after Cusack’s character got the ’67 Camaro running) with the Asian guy doing the Howard Cosell voice routine, what I remember most is the crazy neighbor lady who blew herself up, and the paper boy who chased Cusack’s character throughout the movie, demanding his TWO DOLLARS. I want my TWO DOLLARS! 😂
I’m real sorry your Mom blew up, Ricky… 😂
This is getting WILD.
Pass the popcorn, please.
Even the Space Force has leftist nut jobs at the helm.
Clowns in Space: U.S. Space Force Officer Claims Troop Readiness Affected by Non-Existent Anti-LGBT Laws
Are we sure it’s a ma’am?
Excellent point.
Actually, IMO, it IS a ma’am, but it won’t be a ma’am for long.
Part of the “trans koolaid” is basically a kind of “empathetic transition”, which is part of the social contagion. People who would not otherwise give TRANS the time of day, empathize themselves into joining the Munchausen belief system, and “transing themselves” to varying degrees.
She may very well get deeper into TRANS and flip to a guy at some point.
I think you are right. Sick.
I’ve observed this with multiple intelligent, professional people – particularly those who interact closely with people in emotional situations. Doctors, nurses, clergy, high-end sales, counseling, etc.
Among children, TRANS seems to work most strongly on “autism spectrum” kids and highly sensitive kids.
The SEL stuff FEEDS TRANS in the same way. It’s step one of the forced androgynization process.
It’s funny, but I am highly empathetic, however I am very centered in who and what I AM, and what I AM NOT. It makes for a weird combo.
IMO, that is critical – being centered. “Lifeline to God” is what I call it. Never wander into troubled times and places without it!
The full armor!
More maim than ma’am…
So Space Force, an entirely new agency of federal government, created under DJT, took less than four years for leadership to be corrupted and render the agency useless at best, and a threat to the American People at worst.
Likely always infected with rot.
Promoting from within existing military, easily to achieve in a short time.
Government/military has to change structurally and with personnel. PDT has to do what we hired him to do the first time – wholesale firings and elimination of departments. Apparently he could not do that and needed the first term to identify targets and methods to employ.
PDJT needs to do this within the first week after being sworn in.
I hope the entire agency is not useless and that this is a rogue employee.
Lunacy runs amok throughout the DoD.
DoD is a bad joke on America.
Gee, I was right…yesterday.
You were. Makes me sad to see this in Space Force.
There are times I absolutely hate being right.
Well, that’s ok. Better we know.
“Rural rage.” You betcha. 😉
‘So Angry’: Chris Matthews Says Dealing With Rural Americans Is Like ‘Fighting Terrorism’
HLS Spokeswimp, Chris Matthews.
The tingle up his leg guy.
What a moron.
And they “make fun” of us all the time. The real irony is he’s doing it as he says it, and doesn’t even realize it.
No tingles for us!
Lol, no kidding!
GOOD. Stand up to the self-misgendered weirdness. Glad somebody can do it.
Laura Loomer:
Loomer’s article on Haley is here:
Good. I rated it NOT HELPFUL, because the note is LYING about Haley being a natural-born citizen. She IS an “anchor baby”. End of story. It’s time to get serious about the requirements of the Presidency.
WAY past time… 😡
an anchor baby in the White House Again…now do aka Barak & Kamala & Cruz & Rubio & McStain…
Headline news said a robot attacked and injured an employee at the Texas Tesla plant.
Just as long as it didn’t follow him out to the parking lot when his shift was over…..
Turns out it was one of those assembly-line robots. See my response below.
Interesting. The RUMOR is a lot spicier than the reality. And THIS which has more details, appears to be a DNC-union-MSN hit piece.
The rumor was always going to be spicier than the reality. A robot in a car assembly plant is going to be a couple of thousand pounds of metal, firmly anchored to a production station. It will be running a program that will have it sit there for random periods of time, then perform actions with great strength, then sit some more while other things happen.
If you work with such machines, there are checklists and non-optional procedures to be followed — lest one go active while you are inside its work envelope. Heck, there are safety procedures for my little 150-pound benchtop mill, which only moves when you turn its wheels with your hands. The engine-building club I belong to has several people with home CNC mills, which are programmable.
You never hear someone is “attacked by a bandsaw” or “attacked by a drill press” or “attacked by a lathe” — but you get this BS about being “attacked by a robot” that is similarly immobile.
Fake news, basically. Gotta attack Musk, who is now a heretic in the Church of Neoliberal Communism.
Thanks! Awesome video.
An example of a “home-sized” CNC mill.
They drastically lowball the cost in the video, BTW — it’s more like twice that, with all the bells-and-whistles (4th axis, tool changer, tool holders, tooling….).
LOL! And they have a sense of humor! GOOD!!!
More Tormach fun, with exciting video sledding down a hill…..
CNC, very cool machines.
Had the opportunity to machine a chunk of aluminum. Well, it was already programmed. Placed a chunk of aluminum in a jig, secure it, press start and reverse the steps. A few minutes later it was completed. Too cool.
Linus outdid himself on that… maybe he could use the robot to “help” him unbox other new kit 😀
(OK, that’s not what it’s for, but hey…. at least it would be a thrillingly accurate (unboxing) drill 🙂 )
Umm … nobody’s looking at the car … just sayin’ … 🙂
I have to say that the blonde in the preview image has really impressive T………….
……..Tesla going there. Sadly, she is conspicuously missing from the rest of the video.
Had to go back to class?
At Musk’s new…
“Texas Institute of Technology and Science”???
She’d better be teaching there….
W eapons
G rade
T esla
T eacher… 🙂
Bait and switch. 😠
Settled on the cool car stuff.
Alternative is, trains do as well with likes of me.
That’s what the green arrow is for 😀
That Fremont factory used to be a General Motors factory, back in its heyday. And the Ford Plant in Milpitas is now a mall (or at least was, a while back). From a great automobile area, to a relative flop (at least in terms of number of employees, etc.).
Good thing the arrow was there, wouldn’t have known where to look (paging Scott and Kalbo 😉 )…
Oh, speaking of Tesla, LEGO’s got a new model out (H/T Filly, over at Marica’s):
(not sure if the LEGO City Fire Truck is included 😆
And fortuitously (fivethreeitously?), Marica has a series on Nicola Tesla starting today:
Cracking up here. Took several tries to find the arrow. 🙂
I love that song–TY!
I read that last night 😴😴 IIRC the article said this happened in 2021?
So why is it newsworthy now? Agree with wolf, it’s a hit piece.
And it was just a two sentence blurb on the top of the hour news.
Most people don’t pay close attention but it sure goes into your subconscious mind.
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, December 27, 2023
“The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.”
Proverbs 18:10 (KJV)
Thank you, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Get this…sanction war of sorts between South Korea and Russia.
20 Dec, 2023 13:31
Business News
Korean car giant sells huge factory for $77
Hyundai’s exit from Russia will reportedly cost the company over $200 million
South Korean auto giant Hyundai has announced plans to sell its plant in Russia as the carmaker completes its exit from the country. The facility will reportedly be sold for a nominal fee of just 7,000 rubles ($77.20).
According to a regulatory filing seen by the agency, Hyundai will incur a loss of 287 billion won ($220 million) due to the sale of the plant.
The Arrogant Error Of Sanctions
In “The West” (EU, USA, UK, Canada, Australia, etc.) we no longer have “Representatives”. We do not life in “Democracies” nor “Republics”. We have a “Rules Based Order” and that means we have “Rulers”.
Simply look around, and you see this everywhere. New Rules every month on what we can do, say, eat, where we can go, what we can buy. The source of these Rules is often opaque, and seems to lead back to a small cabal of the incredibly rich and powerful of The West. It detours through what are nominally governments along the way, with side branches through “NGO”s and a river of it runs through the UN, then on back to the source high in the mountainous egos of The Rich & Powerful.
^^^ The stupid, it burns. ^^^
Poor South Korea, hitching its wagon to BRIBIN’ BIDEN.
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
ALERT FROM MARICA’S BLOG — h/t Nebraska Filly —
Pat Frederick’s husband (who has been sick with, IIRC, a COVID infection) may have either pneumonia or CHF (Congestive Heart Failure.) They’re going to a lab for testing. Please pray for him.
Thank you.
Prayers up.
Thank you for passing that on, NF too. Prayers and some for you as well. Get better.
Prayers for Pat’s husband and the family. May God hold them at this time and bring healing.
Amen! 🙏
Thanks for bringing this concerning news. Please pray for Pat’s DH!!! 🙏
Steve Kirsch continues to hammer and challenge on the NZ whistleblower data.
Kirsch has the winning argument. ALL of these critics DO NOT address Kirsch’s main points head-on. They look for weaker points the other way, mention nothing but those, and say it’s over.
The beauty of Kirsch’s primary argument centers on its independence from other variables. ANY safe activity administered to a group of people has a characteristic shape of the curve of deaths over time. The test is so characteristic, that background effects like an EARTHQUAKE or pandemic will show up in the data. WELL, vaccination shows up like a giant natural disaster.
Combine this with what we know about vaccines from a basic, honest, understanding of how they work. This is not hard.
Thanks for your take of which I completely agree.
He’s right, it is why they will not take him up on the $250 K wager and trot out the parade of schmucks to dispute him.
What is it going to take to fix GA?
THIS IS BIG: Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Refuses to Testify Under Oath About Security of State’s Dominion Voting Machines
Jim Hoft Dec. 27, 2023 8:00 am 519 Comments
…after a trial and finding the guilty bastards guilty.
Yup. Last meal can be a jug of cheap California wine – and then the FINAL FIX for voter fraud.
Two-Buck Chuck… in (dis)honor of Chuck Schumer… another fraud-fomenter…
Ernest & Julio’s finest, $2.99.
They are not happy about this, over at Commie News Network:
They will never stop.
We have to be more resolved as they are.
Is it too soon to cheer on Fetterman?
How else to explain then, that they must of scraped something off his brain when he was in the hospital.
Oh wait… it’s one of those brain supplements that decalcifies the pineal gland. See’s they have just recently stopped selling them so fetterman should be back to his abnormal self as soon as a new layer can accumulate.
Is Fetterman now a betterman???
Perhaps a Wellerman?
A fact you need to know:
Interesting. They talk about smelling the tears but also say they are odorless. So sniffing something odorless can cause a chemical reaction. Makes me wonder what other odorless things might affect us.
Well, natural gas, which can kill you by removing the oxygen from your environment, is odorless. They add the smell to it for protection.
Then there’s unnatural gas, which emanates from DEMONRATS and RINOS…
….and, then, there’s
The Chinese Balloon himself!
I wonder if liberal woman’s tears work the same way.
They do not tear they have tantrums 😅
Liberal tears is actually a brand of gun lube.
Thankfully, the commenters below the article set the record straight.
How come no one is protesting the killing of Christians? The hypocrisy of the Palestinian supporters is mind numbing.
Socialism SUCKS.
Or Big League. When DJT talks, it’s hard to tell which one he said. Somebody should ask him.
I’m 100% sure it was “Big League.” I say “bigly” because dipshit Demoncrats actually thought he said that.
People need to cook at home and have friends over and friends need to invite their friends. No need to eat out. We only eat out lunch every 6 weeks or so when in Columbus. We cook at home and it is more rewarding.
Speaking of Sound of Freedom, Amazon is now streaming it.
While that is nice of them, I think they started streaming it the day after Christmas, after families had gone home, but I could be wrong. Maybe someone else knows. This I do know. They’ve proudly announced commercials beginning at the end of Jan, like it was the best news since sliced bread and for two dollars more you can watch movies without the commercials… Wheeee! It’s like we are going back in time… amazing.
$2 more per movie, I’m guessing?
No. I think it is a $2.99 a month thing.
Yes, that is the one. Subscribers to Prime should of all gotten the email. If one wants no commercials that price is bundled into your normal monthly payment. They already run easily a quarter of their available movies if not more with commercials. They are not too excessive thus far IMO and since I don’t use the service that much I’ll just suffer through them.
Just watched it. No commercials. Free.
The commercials begin on Jan 29th.
Free. No strings attached. No commercials.
Went to Amazon. Seached on Sounds of Freedom.
Top of the list worked perfectly.
More from Julie Kelly, JS wants to keep evidence hidden…….
What a disgrace! Jack Smith wants to keep Trump from speaking and from mounting a defense. He wants politics kept out of the trial, when it is about nothing but politics. I hope he gets shut down in humiliating fashion.
John Lenovo/Luciferian/Illuminati Smith is a Globocommie THUG.
Filled with many interesting things to consider. Primarily Pence, Pompeo and Troye.
Excellent stuff. That woman is trouble. PURE DS.
“I was thinking about this the other day and have come to the conclusion that if one’s stock market investment portfolio is keeping pace with the stock market this year, you are likely a complete moron. It’s the equivalent of someone ice skating on a frozen lake in late April. In order to keep pace with the stock market this year, you had to take an immense amount of risk, while all ‘real’ signs are pointing to a flailing economy.”
The crypto guy whose videos I watch each day has talked about this for probably two years now. I have posted links to his videos here several times over the past couple years.
He doesn’t only follow crypto, he focuses on real estate, the stock market and crypto, but his videos are on macro events and how they affect stocks and crypto, primarily. He’s crushing the market, this has been his best year ever.
Most of the S&P 500 are zombie companies, something like 85% (or more) of the returns in the entire S&P 500 comes from just SEVEN companies.
So why wouldn’t people stop buying the S&P Index fund (with 493 companies that are going nowhere), and just invest in the seven companies that are making all the profits?
That’s what he does, except he’s more choosy than that, he only picks the best of the seven (Tesla, he loaded up when Tesla was at $108/share) and Google which he has had for years, and Meta/Facebook, which he doesn’t like at all as a company, but he made astronomical gains on it, both from buying the stock (300% or more) and even more, from selling calls and buying puts, or some similar chicanery that he’s very good at. He explains it, but I don’t know enough about the options market to understand exactly.
This is the best year he has ever had, and that’s just in equities. His crypto portfolio, which is primarily Bitcoin, MSTR (a Bitcoin stock proxy) and Solana are up even higher than his ‘regular’ stock portfolio.
Solana (a crypto token) was at $8 earlier this year, it was over $120 the other day, it’s at $104 right now. A week or so ago, he helped a friend of his to get into OSOL, the Solana Trust product on the stock exchange. It was trading at around $35/share. Three days later it was trading at over $70 and he got her out of the trade for a clean double. She invested $150K and he doubled it in 3 days or less. He’s not some yahoo yootoob goof making crazy claims, he’s actually doing it. Needless to say, she’s pretty happy.
Then he reinvested in OSOL at around $60 when there was a pullback from the insane runup, and today OSOL closed at $188.99
Unfortunately, I missed his notification on the initial OSOL purchase (if you’re on the email list, he sends a notification for every trade he makes), and when it ran up to $70+, I thought it was all out of steam, so I missed it.
His general advice, after something has had a big runup, is “don’t chase, replace”.
This particular time, it would have been better to chase.
His name is James, the youtube channel is called InvestAnswers, and he just did his 1,000th video about a week ago. I’ve been watching him for about two years now, maybe a little longer. He does a video every day, 365 days a year. He used to be a professional trader for some big name company for 20 or 30 years, in Europe.
Now he is retired and lives in California, except he works harder than anyone I’ve ever met. He sends email notifications about news events or research he has just read all day long, and often times all night long. He’s like a machine. He only sleeps for a few hours at a time during the night, so he can get up and check markets around the world, and then back to sleep. He has a very regimented routine. Very disciplined, very focused. He is conservative, and is getting more and more political the crazier things get, but he tries to avoid getting political.
I’m just getting ready to watch today’s video:
I can see the (daily) email notifications from Jenna, if I’m not logged into Tweeter (dear Jenna blocked me):
BREAKING: Fox News Anchor Passes Away At 33
By Chris Powell
December 27, 2023
“Matt Napolitano, an anchor and reporter for Fox News’ audio platforms, passed away at the age of 33. He died on December 23 in New York City following a short illness.
Napolitano had been with Fox News since 2015, beginning his career as a writer for the network’s Sirius XM channel, Fox News Headlines 24/7, and later advancing to a role as a sports reporter.”
“His battle with an autoimmune disease, which he had been fighting for nearly 20 years, unfortunately culminated in his passing due to an infection.”
If he was vaxxed, it certainly wouldn’t have helped his preexisting autoimmune disease…
One of the obits mentioned “his husband”…
Wonder if the “autoimmune disease” was AIDS???
If he was 33 and had been fighting it for nearly 20 years, then he would have been a little older than 13 when he came down with it. I don’t know…
Yep. Although in the SF Gay Area, in particular “The City” itself, they start out young, being a major grooming center…
Sad, in many dimensions…
Exacerbated by Jab(s)…? Working at Faux News. I’d bet on it.
Aaron Rodgers Suggests Having ‘Vaxxed’ Labels For Vaccinated Media Members
By Chris Powell
December 27, 2023
“During Wednesday’s appearance on the Pat McAfee Show, NFL star Aaron Rodgers made headlines with his statements regarding media criticism and vaccination status. Rodgers, known for his outspoken views, delved into a discussion about the media’s portrayal of his decisions.
During the interview, Rodgers reflected on his injury and the decisions surrounding his return to play. The situation led to a broader critique of media narratives around his actions.
The conversation took a more contentious turn when Rodgers suggested that media members criticizing him should first declare their vaccination status.
He stated, “Let’s make people say their Vax status to start. Then that’ll frame all these comments in the right window.”
“Let’s have them say, ‘Hey, I’m so-and-so, double-vaxxed with Pfizer and triple-boosted, and my opinion about this is: this guy’s a bad guy because he just wanted to practice and took money away.’”
Should apply to them all. We can all it the Aaron Rodgers Standard. AR for short, meaning polite but blunt way to ask for vax status while declaring the interview to likely be contentious. The leftist progs should have no problem complying since they already do pronouns.
Example, Senator to panel member. “AR?” or panel member to Senator, “AR?” News junkies and CSPAN watchers will love it. Great demistifier and watch how many will squirm. 🤗
Yeah, I like the idea. My “vax pronouns” are NO MORE JABS.
I find it fascinating that Judge Chutkin has already admitted that she has no jurisdiction while the matter is in the DC Court of Appeals. Yet Jack Thug files a motion as if she has authority and nobody in the DoJ says anything about it.
Speaker Johnson should defund this phony special prosecutor.
Rumors Put to Rest: Melania Trump Was with Ailing Mother on Christmas
She could have been comforting her ailing puppy and I wouldn’t have cared.
These people …
Same here!
The last part of Trump’s message:
There, in his own words, Trump tells us that the election was stolen from him and that our country is being destroyed and is in decline. I don’t think for a moment that he is pulling the wool over our eyes (i.e., lying to us). If he had caused/allowed the steal “to wake the people up” then JB’s “destroying everything in his sight” would be something that Trump facilitated.
Those who think statements like this from Trump are just part of “the plan” are adding insult upon insult to him, IMO. Part of the reason he is so popular is that he does his best to keep his word. When he says something politically, I know I can rely upon it. For him to be continually lying to us about the stolen election would be an egregious betrayal.
Clicked on the link Quick Anecdotal Conspiracy Theory About Cancer and the Jabs to Watch
Found this – what am I reading? Vaxxx being used as a smoke screen?
WBAN & MBAN – Pentagon Directive 3000.09
I hope someone will bottom-line that video if they watch it. From the beginning of it, I don’t know what to make of that woman.
Bottom line (I listened to almost all of it).
Many thanks for sorting through all of that! Whatever message she’s trying to convey gets overshadowed by her craziness.
Being quite careful with his words. Obviously he expects to be recorded and wants to make sure he can have an aura of innocence if he’s ever challenged.
This couldn’t happen soon enough IMO.
Yes, soon, please!
Take Moderna with them.
Cathie Wood, of Ark Invest, has one of the 12+ applications before the SEC to create a spot Bitcoin ETF.
Ark Invest had a significant holding of the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (ticker: GBTC) in their portfolio. Grayscale Bitcoin Trust is one of the other 12+ companies seeking to create a spot Bitcoin ETF, by converting GBTC to an ETF.
If both are approved, Ark Invest’s ETF would be a competitor to Grayscale’s Bitcoin ETF.
The deadline for the SEC to approve the Bitcoin ETFs is a window from January 8th through January 10th, 2024.
About 7 business days from today.
Today, Cathie Wood and Ark Invest sold all of their Grayscale Bitcoin Trust shares.
For the Bitcoin-challenged like me, would you explain a little about what impact this news will have? Is it beneficial for there to be competition between Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Funds? (Am I even asking the right question?)
“For the Bitcoin-challenged like me, would you explain a little about what impact this news will have?”
I can certainly try!
The expectation is that the instant the news hits the wire that the Bitcoin spot ETFs are approved, the Bitcoin price could easily jump 10% or more.
That’s what happened a couple months ago when a false rumor circulated that that Blackrock’s ETF had been approved.
What happens after the actual approval announcement is anyone’s guess.
There could be a temporary sell off, what is called a ‘sell the news’ event, where traders who have bought in anticipation of the announcement then sell as soon as the announcement is made.
They take their profits off the table, which causes a pullback in the underlying asset (in this case, it could cause a pullback in the price of Bitcoin and associated proxies, like MSTR, i.e., MicroStrategy).
That often happens, there is a pullback in the price after a runup, before the upward trend continues. This happens often enough that it is common knowledge so people often trade that way. I have read that there are lots of people on Tweeter saying they plan to “sell the news” when the Bitcoin ETFs are approved.
I wouldn’t risk it, i.e., I wouldn’t risk ‘selling the news’ and hoping/expecting to buy back in after a price dip (which may not occur).
Suppose someone is holding shares of Bitcoin proxy company MSTR, which closed today at $670 / share.
On the day the Bitcoin spot ETFs are announced (could be any day between now and January 10th, but most likely closer to the 10th), MSTR might jump 25% (or more). It jumped 11% today, on the news that Michael Saylor (founder of MSTR) just added 14,000 more Bitcoin to his company’s treasury (over $600 million worth).
Michael Saylor is always buying, but he has made two $600 million dollar purchases in the last two months. He is obviously anticipating a big jump in price.
It’s also possible that if enough people “sell the news”, then Bitcoin and associated proxies like MSTR could sell off, but likely less than 10% in my estimation, because there is too much news and interest and competition.
If there is a sell-off (sell the news event), I don’t expect the sell-off to be steep (less than 10%), and I would expect a quick rebound.
Bitcoin operates on 4 year cycles, and every 4th year, the ‘halving’ occurs, also called the ‘halvening’, cutting Bitcoin supply by half, after which the Bitcoin bull market begins (demand remains steady or goes up, while supply is halved) and historically, the bull market lasts for about a year and a half, before the next big crash.
[It may be different this time, there may not be anymore big crashes, I’ll try to remember to explain why in the next follow-up post]
Then the process starts all over again, just at a higher level than the previous cycle, because of various financial reasons having to do with the miners, which was designed into Bitcoin.
The miners have to make money, they have to be profitable, or they will shut off their mining equipment until the price goes up. Like gold miners, the Bitcoin miners sell what they mine to keep the lights on and the equipment running, plus their profit, investment in new mining equipment, etc.
When the ‘halvening’ occurs every 4th year, the amount of Bitcoin that is allowed to be mined is cut in half. So if the mining business was barely profitable before the halving, they’re going to be in financial trouble after the halving, when only half as much Bitcoin can be mined.
So to prepare for this, the miners issue stock or bonds or do what they can to raise money in the year leading up to the ‘halvening’, to buy the latest and most efficient mining machines, so that when the amount of Bitcoin that can be mined is cut in half, they are still profitable enough to stay in business.
Recall Moore’s Law, “the number of transistors in an integrated circuit doubles about every two years“.
There are 4 years between ‘halvenings’. The computer machinery to mine Bitcoins is continually getting faster and more efficient. Bitcoin mining is a cut-throat competition business, where profitability is determined by efficiency of mining equipment, amount of mining equipment, and electricity costs.
So when the ‘halvening’ takes place, and the amount of Bitcoin that is possible to be mined is cut in half, it forces an abrupt change in the supply & demand equation.
If the price of Bitcoin does not go up, the miners become unprofitable, so they have to shut down their facilities and wait for the price to go up. If supply is cut in half, that’s enough to make the price go up, but if it wasn’t, miners shutting down their operations, cutting off essentially ALL supply, would definitely make the price go up.
Bitcoin is (only half-jokingly) called “number go up technology”.
It was designed to be this way, it’s not an accident or an unintended side effect.
So the short(er) answer is that I expect the Bitcoin price (and prices of associated proxies, like MSTR) to go UP when the Bitcoin spot-ETFs are approved, on or before January 10th.
It could then briefly sell off, or it might not.
If it does sell off (sell the news), I don’t expect the sell off to be big and should rebound quickly. The newly approved Bitcoin spot ETFs have to fill their bags, they have to acquire Bitcoin for their ETFs.
But even if the Bitcoin price goes down (i.e., sell the news event), the ‘halvening’ in April 2024 will force the price back up.
If there is NOT a ‘sell the news’ event, the Bitcoin price (and the price of associated proxies, like MSTR) could just skyrocket on the day the approval is announced, and never look back.
That’s the risk of waiting on the sidelines until after the approval is announced.
Personally, I would want to be ‘in’ ahead of the announcement, and risk a minor and temporary sell off, than wait until after the approval and risk missing out if a ‘sell the news’ event doesn’t take place, and instead, the price goes vertical.
Even if there was a sell off on the news, April is not a long time to wait, and I would expect the price to recover in days anyway, if not hours, if there was a ‘sell the news’ situation.
I’ll work on your second question now 👍
Thank you for taking the time to write that information. I need to read through it again to gain a better understanding. 🧐
You are very welcome, TT 👍🙂
“Is it beneficial for there to be competition between Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Funds? (Am I even asking the right question?)”
It’s a great question.
I’m not a financial expert or an advisor, I’m just an ape with a keyboard who is paying attention to this subject, so I’ll do my best to explain my understanding.
There is a limited supply of Bitcoin. There will only ever be 21 million created (via a process called ‘mining’). About 19 million have been mined so far, and the remaining two million will be mined over the next 120 years (if I remember correctly), because the amount that can be mined is cut in half every 4 years.
So most of the Bitcoin that will ever exist, is already currently in circulation. And of that 19 million, it is estimated that between 4 and 5 million have been lost, especially in the early days of Bitcoin, when it wasn’t worth much, so people were careless with it.
For example, Max Keiser (currently the Bitcoin Advisor to the President of El Salvador) says he gave Alex Jones 10,000 Bitcoin many years ago, for publicity IIRC, when Bitcoin was only worth a few cents per coin. The access code to it was (apparently) stored on a laptop, which Alex Jones lost or misplaced or threw out, back when Bitcoin was still worth basically nothing.
Today, that 10,000 Bitcoin would be worth $430 million dollars. Did Alex Jones really lose it? Or is it like losing all your guns in a boating accident? Nobody knows (besides Alex and probably the N S A).
So suppose there is around 14 million Bitcoin in circulation, that is actually available to be traded. Something close to 70% (or more) of that amount hasn’t moved (hasn’t been bought or sold) in over a year, because the people who have it know the halvening is coming, along with all the other positive news around Bitcoin. They are ‘hodling’ (i.e., holding, not selling, ‘hodl is a Bitcoin / crypto internet term for ‘hold’), because they expect the price of Bitcoin to go up.
So that leaves about 4.2 million Bitcoin (30% of 14 million) available on the market, to be bought or sold.
The total assets under management of the 12+ funds that are seeking approval from the SEC for Bitcoin spot ETF approval is something like $20 trillion dollars (or more). Blackrock alone supposedly has at least $9 trillion dollars in assets.
When their Bitcoin spot ETFs are approved, and they start trading on the NYSE or Nasdaq or S&P 500, they will have to buy Bitcoin on the market, and hold it, issuing shares of the ETF to the people who want to buy shares. The same as any gold ETF, or silver ETF, or other commodity ETF. The fund has to hold the underlying asset.
So what happens, when Blackrock, Fidelity, VanEck, Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, Ark Invest and the other 7+ funds get their ETFs approved?
The moment their clients (or anyone else who wants to buy on the stock exchanges) allocate funds to the ETF, those funds have to purchase Bitcoin.
The 12+ new Bitcoin spot ETFs are going to be fighting over the approximately 4.2 million Bitcoin that is available on the market.
They all want to be the top dog, to have the premier Bitcoin ETF, to be the biggest Bitcoin ETF, to be the biggest fish in the pond.
What is going to happen, when these fund companies, with trillions of dollars of assets under management, advise their clients to allocate 1%, or 3%, or 5% of their portfolios to Bitcoin?
What is going to happen to the price of Bitcoin, when all that money chases after only 4.2 million (or less) Bitcoin that is available on the Bitcoin exchanges?
Methinks the price is going to go up.
That’s what nearly everybody who thinks about it thinks, which of course means they could be wrong.
But the laws of supply and demand are not wrong.
They’re pretty reliable, over time.
It seems reasonable, to me (a stupid ape with a keyboard) to take a small position in a Bitcoin proxy, like MSTR or GBTC.
But it only seems that way (i.e., reasonable) to me, because I have been following it. If I had not been following it, if I didn’t have some understanding of it, then naturally I would be as skeptical as (presumably) most people reading this.
I just don’t want to be in a position where I knew about something, and it turns out to really be something, and I didn’t tell or warn anybody.
It’s like the inverse of covid. We tried to warn people that something really bad could happen, if they took the jab. Almost no one listened to us.
What is happening with Bitcoin could turn out to be a good thing, a great opportunity. I don’t want anyone to take my word or believe me, I could certainly be wrong. So I encourage everyone to do their own research, I just want to bring awareness to the subject, because I think it’s worth researching.
I could always be wrong about Bitcoin, I could be wrong about all of it, and everyone who follows the crypto markets and thinks the same way could be wrong, too.
But I don’t think so.
So we’ll see.
It will certainly be interesting to find out 🙂
If the Bitcoin spot ETFs are approved during the January 8th thru 10th window, it is possible there would be a temporary dip in the Bitcoin price, a brief sell-off, which often happens as a result of the ‘buy the rumor, sell the news’ Wall Street dynamic.
It’s also possible that so much pent up demand flows in, that the people who normally ‘sell the news’ are overwhelmed by the new inflows of cash.
If that happens, the Bitcoin price (and associated proxies) could jump considerably higher, making it difficult to get back in at a good price.
Either way, the Bitcoin ‘halving’ is in mid-April of 2024, when the amount of Bitcoin that can be mined is cut in half, from 900 Bitcoins per month to 450 Bitcoins per month.
If demand remains constant, and supply is cut in half, the price must go up.
If demand increases — and 12+ new Bitcoin spot ETFs being launched, along with all the associated advertising certainly indicates demand should increase substantially — the price must go up. More.
So even if there is a ‘sell the news’ dip, it shouldn’t last long. If there isn’t a brief pullback, the price could run away before people on the sidelines get in.
Not financial advice, just some thoughts on a fascinating series of events that are scheduled to take place very soon.
Trump is still toying with the dead mouse of a Nikki Haley VP, and it’s glorious!