Dear KAG: 20240102 Open Thread

Placeholder or not…you decide. Took a few days to recharge.

Elon bought Twitter, created a sanctuary for free speech, cultivated an environment that gave rise to citizen journalism, and now “alternative media” is DOMINATING legacy media in the information space.

Every Deep State play is getting called out in real time, before the MSM can even establish a narrative. By the time they attempt their spin, citizen journalists have already exposed it and disseminated it around the world.

Their theatrics and deception have lost their potency. They lack the raw speed that social media enables, juxtaposed to archaic TV/Newspaper media. They simply cannot keep up against millions of citizens operating as a unit.

Now that citizen/independent/alternative journalists have established their validity in the public space by being right EXPONENTIALLY more often than the MSM, every new Deep State hoax is another opportunity for the citizen intelligence apparatus to expand our influence and wake up more normies.

In addition, their attempts to maintain power have become increasingly more blatant, making our jobs that much easier. The more they struggle, the tighter the noose gets. They are running out of plays, and the clock is ticking.

TL;DR: We are winning and the Deep Stare are f*cked.

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


1 JOHN 2:22-28

22Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son. 23No one who denies the Son has the Father. He who confesses the Son has the Father also. 24Let what you heard from the beginning abide in you. If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, then you will abide in the Son and in the Father. 25And this is what he has promised us, eternal life. 26I write this to you about those who would deceive you; 27but the anointing which you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that any one should teach you; as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie, just as it has taught you, abide in him. 28And now, little children, abide in him, so that when he appears we may have confidence and not shrink from him in shame at his coming.


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.


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I’m already tired of 2024. I want it to be 1/20/2025.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I hear ya!


But then we would miss about 200 De Pat posts!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

But we would get the next 200 SOONER – and they’d be under TRUMP!!!



2024 LET’S GO !!!

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Maybe you will, maybe you won’t.

Unless anyone has an actual plan that doesn’t involve ‘Trump controls the government’, the only reason you’re going to want it to be 1/20/2025 is if there is a deus ex machina event.


Uh … yeah.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love the tweet choices today! Thank you!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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Last edited 1 year ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Unfortunately, the stark, raving hypocrisy is lost on Bergoglio.

Or maybe it isn’t, and that’s the whole point.


Catching up.

Did that dope, francis, actually say Trump is not a Christian?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Considering the number of times I see Protestants say things like “Christians and Catholics,” or other phrasing that implies Catholicism is not Christian, if Francis DID say that, then it’d be “turnabout is fair play.”


Dave Barry recaps how Dottie Weisenflanker has brought us to the point where we stand today —

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



That’s hilarious!

Barb Meier

I couldn’t view the full article at the link above without creating an account. I found it here and got the full article. Good to know Dave Barry has not died suddenly and still makes me laugh. Happy New Year everyone!! Pre-move chaos here. hehe


Ha !

love Dave Barry !

a very funny guy.



Most excellent!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What these people have done to Trump needs to be prosecuted.


They need to be persecuted in like fashion to what they did to him.


“What these people have done to Trump needs to be prosecuted.”


Then it will have to be prosecuted by some other government.

Because this government isn’t gonna prosecute itself.


How sweet it is – that moral equivalence of the last sentence.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Utterly horrifying that “Congress” can get away with what they did.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Too much truth. Sadly hilarious.


Footage showing the Stabbing Attack earlier against the Leader of the Democratic Party of South Korea, Lee Jae-myung while he was Speaking to a Crowd in the Southeastern City of Busan.

I haven’t seen news of his condition.


Korean personal security isn’t very secure.


Almost certainly an unregistered, unlicensed assault knife.

There should be a new law.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes. A law against having to register weapons.

Oh, wait…we have one. And no one pays attention to it.

Never mind.


They could just make a law against stabbing candidates in the neck.

Obviously that would have prevented it.

What are they waiting for?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Stop! Or I’ll yell ‘stop’ again!


Scott Adams: 2024 ‘Will Be Surprising on the Upside’

“I know I feel like everything’s coming apart,” he said. “It feels like the wheels have completely come off the country, and it’s just going to crumble any moment. … That’s a fake feeling.”

“There’s just a ton of stuff going right,” he said. He mentioned advances in technology, and said that everything from “loneliness” to “climate change” would be solved through innovation.

He added that people were starting to see through the mainstream media, as well as ideological frameworks like ESG — environment, social, and governance — that are used to impose politics in the workplace.

All of that portended a good year, he said…

Adams is famous for predicting Donald Trump would win the 2016 election. He also predicted — almost uniquely — that 2023 would be a good economic year, rather than a year of recession (which never arrived). He believes Trump has a good shot in 2024.

“Whatever it is about America, we have a creative energy and a can-do spirit. Although we talk about everything going to hell, that’s just part of our process. … We are the best ‘fixers’ that the world has ever seen.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hope he’s right!!!


From the Shadow of Ezra tweet in the open:

Every branch of the military ceded communications through Space Force after Trump left office.

Does anyone have any information about this?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sounds like hopanyl.


No, it isn’t, weirdly.

If you watch the video in the Shadow of Ezra tweet, you will see it happen. I remember it happening, and us talking about it here, I think.

All special operations civilian leadership were directed to report directly to Space Force Commander Christopher Miller, instead of through the existing “bureaucratic channels.”

Whether that still holds and whatever that all means is up for discussion I guess.

Gail Combs

Given a Space Force ship was up for over a year covering the 2020 election, it kinda makes you wonder WHAT information they gathered. It also makes you wonder if THAT is the information the Cabal was really looking for at Mar-a-Largo. “…We HAVE IT ALL…”

At 1:24:00 to 1:28: 50 they play the 2 psy-op ‘recruitment’ videos back to back. They are VERY interesting when viewed that way especially the second one. It is only 5 minutes and well worth watching again.


Very interesting.

Gail Combs

Certainly seems to indicate they were watching the communication from the USA to various foreign actors.




We’ve “heard” this for years now.

Gail Combs

AHHHHhhh but when do you play the TRUMP CARD?

You had to move the collective mind of the American People from ORANGE MAN BAD to Fake News DNC/Globalist bad.

Truth really does not matter until people are ready to believe it is the truth.


I am beyond numb from hearing they “watched it all from a SCIF”…

No Evidence they have Anything.

Cuppa Covfefe

No evidence they don’t…


No reason to believe they’ll deliver on the, T A L K – whatever it is rumored, they witnessed. Witnessed in real time. 😏

Wondering, WTF are they waiting for, to Deliver Hard Facts.
Defensible Facts.

  • What is the benefit of waiting, and waiting, AND Waiting…

(Please don’t suggest we are waiting for folks to WTFU.)


Thank you. You say, “All special operations civilian leadership were directed to report directly to Space Force…”

But this statement seems to be all-inclusive, and I’m not sure that it’s the same thing:

Every branch of the military ceded communications through Space Force after Trump left office.


Well, an exaggeration, maybe. I *think* all branches have spec ops groups. Even the Coast Guard, which I didn’t know about until I looked it up.

Gail Combs

Military News
Space Force Takes Over All Military Satellite Communications

…In addition to control of the communication satellites, 500 people will be transferred from the Army’s Space and Missile Defense Command, based in Huntsville, Alabama, and will now answer to Schriever Space Force Base in Colorado as part of the expansion. 

“This historic transfer from the Army to the Space Force will mark the first time all Department of Defense military satellite communication functions have been consolidated under a single military service,” the Space Force wrote in a press release.

The Army has also transferred roughly $78 million of its budget to the Space Force for 2022 to help expand the service’s infrastructure.

Lt. Gen. Bradley Chance Saltzman, the Space Force’s current deputy chief of operations who has been nominated by President Joe Biden as the next leader of the service, said in a statement last year that consolidating the military’s satellites is a necessity.

“We need to create this unity of effort around our space missions to ensure we’re up to those challenges that we face, because the space domain has rapidly become far more congested, and far more contested than … when I was a lieutenant or a captain operating space capabilities,” Saltzman said….


Thanks for the information. The article says this “will mark the first time all Department of Defense military satellite communication functions have been consolidated under a single military service”…

I’m not sure it’s exactly the same thing as this:

Every branch of the military ceded communications through Space Force after Trump left office.

Military satellite communication functions, yes. All communications, I don’t know.

Gail Combs

That is why I did a cut and paste. You have to watch out for people ‘mis-remembering’ or ‘shaping’ the truth.


NOT buying any of the Space Force stuff in the opener, short of Trump founded Space Force.

Space Force was formed from the existing Active Duty, GS pukes AND SES.   :wpds_evil: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Russians have decided Kiev needs no heat this winter, and are saying it’s more than a suggestion with hypersonic missiles.

Many, many tweets.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The FAFO on this was needless.


Shame on you, olexander.

None of what is happening is Russia’s fault.

Gail Combs

 olexander is a NAZI LOVER. We have to start labeling these people as such. Unfortunately you would probably get banned for that bit of thruth.


Linda Yaccarino-Hitler already banned me 😁

Gail Combs

Yeah, I know. 😎 I am sure you did not last long. I haven’t even tried.


This may help the People of Ukraine to decide it’s way past time to make their little Hitler do the Mussolini dance.


It was always going to end this way. The hubris of the globohomos and nazis is mind numbingly stupid. Maybe that was the intent, to offer up a nation of idgits to be destroyed on the altar of Satan.


The people of Ukraine should have risen up and deposed Zelensky months ago. He and his tiny Napoleon complex have destroyed that country for generations. Horrifying.

Gail Combs

It is the same thing they want to do to the USA.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. If the J6 attack on America would have succeeded (Sullivan, “burn it don”), America would be the civil war that the globohomo demons would be feeding on.

Gail Combs

Wolfie they are STILL trying to provoke a civil war. They are used to the brain dead lefty college students whose ‘GO TO’ for every problem is PROTEST!!!

Instead MAGA comes up with REAL LEGAL solutions like the Precinct Strategy to take over the RINOs


Master Trump delayed his speech. Warped everything.

Gail Combs

YUP, He made it OBVIOUS that those were NOT Trump supporters.

If I had traveled miles and miles to see POTUS Trump speak, there is NO WAY I would leave until the bitter end and neither would any other Trump supporter unless they had a medical problem and were returning to their hotel/car.


He’d likely say the exact same thing to us.

Valerie Curren


Gail Combs

Note he misses all of this:

June 2022 Not worth your sympathy: The story of Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Azov battalion

an observant eye could also wonder about the abundance of Nazi tattoos adorning the battalion’s POWs…

Western media has been bending over backwards trying to explain how people covered in Nazi tattoos are not neo-Nazis. However, it turns out that sporting symbols related to Adolf Hitler’s odious Third Reich is not even close to being the worst of the crimes committed by the Azov.

The battalion’s history pre-dates the current conflict in Ukraine. Between 2005 and 2010, the governor of the Kharkov Region, the major industrial hub of northeastern Ukraine, was Arsen Avakov. During Avakov’s tenure in office, nationalist Andrey Biletsky, known as the White Ruler, became very active in the area. The two were close acquaintances during Biletsky’s university years. In 2005, he founded an ultranationalist organization, The Patriot of Ukraine, which mostly consisted of aggressive football fans and low-level criminals of the street fighter variety….

After the 2014 Western-backed Maidan coup in Kiev, Biletsky was set free as a ‘political’ prisoner of the fallen Viktor Yanukovich government. He used his connection to Avakov, who by then had become Ukraine’s new minister of the interior, to set up a territorial defense battalion to fight in the east of the country. This became known as the Azov.

In Eastern Ukraine, the protests of locals in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions against the Maidan movement escalated to an armed rebellion, and Biletsky’s newly formed battalion was tasked with suppressing it.

Unlike many other territorial defense volunteer units, the Azov had a very distinct ideological flavor from the very start. It was a far-right organization that welcomed all sorts of neo-Nazis ranging from mild to radical ones. The Azov fighters were known for their obsession with pagan rituals and were considered freaks by regular military units.

That, however, was what made the battalion a good fit for the task. Being fanatics, these people did not shy away from killing. Before the Donbass militia was established, the Azov carried out killings of a number of pro-Russian activists.

These acts of individual terror had a philosophy behind them. As one of the fighters with the battalion put it:

  :wpds_arrow: “It will suffice to kill about fifty ‘vatniks’ {a pejorative term used for those with pro-Russian sympathies} in every town to put a stop to all this.” [THINK of the illegals no stationed in every US town. GC]

On June 13, 2014, Azov put this motto into practice by defeating, as part of a larger combat group, a small unit of the Donbass people’s militia in Mariupol. The Azov Battalion was able to put forward quite a few combat-ready soldiers and several gun trucks, while the militia in Mariupol was weak and poorly armed. Five insurgents were killed. The Azov and Ukrainian security services did not hesitate to open fire on local civilians in the Mariupol standoff. There is a video showing the Ukrainians wounding and killing several unarmed people by gunfire. One of the victims is ‘armed’ with a plastic chair….

30th Dec 2023
Shelling kills 14 in Russia’s city of Belgorod following Moscow’s aerial attacks across Ukraine — POLITICO

👉Cities across western Russia have come under regular attack from drones since May,👈 with Russian officials blaming Kyiv. Ukrainian officials never acknowledge responsibility for attacks on Russian territory or the Crimean Peninsula….

30th December 2023
Ukraine War: Kremlin says 20 dead after attack on Russian City — BBC

…Moscow has accused Ukraine of deadly air strikes on south-west Russia – with 20 people killed and more than 100 injured in Belgorod, near the border.

The regional governor said three children were among the dead in what was one of the deadliest attacks on Russia since it invaded Ukraine.

A Ukrainian security source insisted that only military infrastructure had been targeted in Saturday’s action.

The attacks follow Russian strikes on Ukraine on Friday, which killed 39.

Those strikes were described by Kyiv as Russia’s biggest missile bombardment of the war so far.

Moscow accused its neighbour of launching Saturday’s attack with multiple forms of weaponry – including Ukrainian Olkha and Czech-made Vampire rockets.

Speaking to the BBC, the Ukrainian security source said more than 70 drones had been launched against Russian targets, as a “response to Russia’s terrorist attacks on Ukrainian cities and civilians”.

Cuppa Covfefe

Send some more Sikh-heating missles to warm them up…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But first they have to locate some.

Sikh and you will find…


Good. Zelensky needs to capitulate, to Russia.


I came across this tweet about “Fat Con,” a convention for the obese to be held this week in Seattle. (There’s no need to watch the video, but I included it for reference.) I’m struck by the fact that I never see older obese people promoting this movement. It’s always young people or those who have not started to show their age, like those in their 40s. If it’s such a great cause and lifestyle, I would expect older people who had lived it for many years to be talking about it and encouraging the next generation.

But of course that isn’t happening because, unfortunately, health issues overtake them, and some die at a young age. Whenever I see a morbidly obese person who is older, they are riding around in a cart. Some have to use oxygen. I suspect that most of them don’t get out much. It does not appear to be a glorious lifestyle. Young people like the one in the video need to start observing and asking questions, but instead, they are looking for ways to enact legislation to claim their “rights” to bigger airplane seats and the like.

X post with video about Fat Con


Very astute observations.



Gail Combs

“…If it’s such a great cause and lifestyle, I would expect older people who had lived it for many years to be talking about it and encouraging the next generation….”


Can’t promote it if you are DEAD! (Or very ill.)

Study Shows Alarming Increase in Severe Obesity Among Young US Children
Average Ages of those with obesity as underlying cause of death


𝟭𝟲.𝟮 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗼𝗯𝗲𝘀𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗹𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗰𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗱𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵 𝗯𝘆 𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗶𝘁𝘆/𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗽 𝗶𝗻�𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗨.𝗦 – 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗱𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗰𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗱𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝟳𝟮.𝟳 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀 – 𝗜𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗹𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗰𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗱𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗼𝗯𝗲𝘀𝗶𝘁𝘆,

  :wpds_arrow:  𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕖 𝕨𝕒𝕤 𝟝𝟞.𝟝 𝕪𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤  :wpds_shock: 

𝗢𝗯𝗲𝘀𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗮𝘀 𝗮𝗻 𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗹𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗰𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗱𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘂𝗹𝘁𝘀 𝗶𝗻 👉𝗮 𝗿𝗲𝗱𝘂𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝟭𝟲.𝟮 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲….😖

Annual deaths attributable to obesity in the United States


Context: Obesity is a major health problem in the United States, but the number of obesity-attributable deaths has not been rigorously estimated.

Objective: To estimate the number of deaths, annually, attributable to obesity among US adults….

Conclusions: The estimated number of annual deaths attributable to obesity among US adults is approximately 280000 based on HRs from all subjects and 325000 based on HRs from only nonsmokers and never-smokers.


Sort of explains all of those fast food promotions and the globalist desires to control agriculture.

Gail Combs

Sure does!

One of the Badlanders. I think it was CannCon, said a guy here from France was dismayed at how much weight he was putting on. When asked about his diet, he mentioned eating lots of pasta. Seems the European pasta does not cause the weight gain that US pasta does!🙄

Cuppa Covfefe

IIRC it’s something about the wheat… maybe GMO (roundup ready?) or some other processing…

Kind of interesting that the French and Italians eat a diet that BigPharma and the gubmint (Øbøzøcare and Møøchelle’s “dietary recommendations”) say is terribly unhealth, yet the French, Italians, and most Europeans are far healthier than (sad to say) the average American…

That damned “Food Pyramid” strikes again… pointing downward…

Gail Combs

I know I have a terrible time with US wheat. I pretty much gave it up over 2 decades ago because of nightly Acid Reflux. The Keto bread that is high in fiber and low in carbs seems to be a lot better and does not bother me as much when I want a treat now and again.


It’s another huge disconnect. As with the COVID vaxes that we know are harmful, yet they keep being promoted, there is solid evidence that obesity is a major health problem, yet we have groups promoting it as a lifestyle and trying to make us think it is beautiful. Forces behind the scenes are attacking common sense and the dissemination of factual information because they want to destroy us.

Gail Combs

attacking common sense = GASLIGHTING!

For the last century the gaslighting has increased and increased until it is now OBVIOUS to most.


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Older obese riding carts, on oxygen AND commonly, obese all ages LEANING on their shopping cart. So they don’t fall down.


I’m not sure what to make of this, but I don’t have a good impression of it.

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•It won’t pass the Senate or get signed into law. It might not even pass the House.
•It doesn’t address the root problem, which is that states can’t disenfranchise voters by removing qualified people from the ballot. That seems like a Constitutional issue to me.
•Declaring that a state’s electors won’t count also seems like a Constitutional issue.

I don’t think this is a workable solution to a problem that we shouldn’t have and that SCOTUS should nip in the bud.


When you open a can of worms, they are not necessarily the same species.

— not-so-ancient pgroup proverb

Barb Meier

Wikipedia, first reference on the number of worm species. I just had to search…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Something like five or six whole phyla, and possibly parts of other phyla. That’s the biggest subdivision of the animal kingdom. (Fish, amphibians, reptiles (including birds) and mammals all fit into one phylum, chordata.

Barb Meier

Thank you, Steve! and then there’s worms. Squiggle worms, wiggle worms, glow worms, worms on hooks, worms hiding in the dirt, worms in a fish belly, those giant worms they sold for bait on our way to the lake in the hills of northern Arkansas, and that blue rubber worm with sparkles I got for my dad because it was purty and I was a kid.

Cuppa Covfefe

And sometimes they turn… 🙂

Gail Combs

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When a criminal organization of enemies, foreign and domestic, have stolen the government — there are no new laws that are going to make any difference.

It’s fascinating and tragic, how so many people won’t see.

I want to understand what’s wrong with people, but I really don’t. It’s like some kind of mental illness, or battered spouse syndrome.

If a cop comes across some psycho strangling someone, he doesn’t take notes or pass more laws or take a class in analysis 101.

He takes physical action. He physically interrupts the assault, throws the perp to the ground, puts his full weight into the perp’s back with his knee as he twists the thug’s arm back to put the cuffs on, and says give me a reason to break your arm, you sick %*&^.

A criminal, rogue, renegade, illegitimate government is a million times more dangerous than any thug who ever lived.

When a government becomes the criminal, anyone who thinks they can legislate their way out of it is living in a fantasy of denial.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Gail Combs

Scott, when the Brits failed to destroy the USA during the Civil War and take it back, thanks to the Russian Tzar, they came up with a different plan. First they put in place John Dewey ‘the Father of Modern Education.’ In 1894 he was placed in the department of philosophy, psychology and education at the University of Chicago, which had been established two years earlier by a gift from John D. Rockefeller. In 1896, Dewey created his famous experimental Laboratory School where he could test the effects of the new progressive curriculum on real children proving you could destroy their ability to read and thus acquire information.

in 1913 the Brits/Europeans put in place the FOREIGN OWNED Federal Reserve. Congress also passed and the states ratified the Sixteenth Amendment in 1913. This central bank and direct taxation allowed them to suck the wealth out of the USA part of which was used to bribe politicians. They got control of the press in 1915 so they could promote forever wars to the public.

Once control of wealth and news was in place, FDR between 1933 and 1939 put in place the COMMUNIST New Deal. The fight between the power of the Federal government vs the power of the State was lost via the Supreme Court decision about the meaning of the Commerce Clause: Wickard v. Filburn :: 317 U.S. 111 (1942)

Wickard v. Filburn was a landmark Supreme Court of the United States case that was decided in 1942. This case pertained to the constitutional question of whether the United States Government had the authority to A) regulate production of agricultural goods if those goods were intended for personal consumption and B) whether the Federal Government had the authority to regulate trivial intrastate economic activities even if the goods and/or services were not intended for interstate commerce…

This is a landmark decision due to the fact that prior to 1937, most questions concerning the Federal Government’s authority to regulate production was struck down by the Supreme Court. For instance, Hammer V. Daggenhart (1918) posed the Constitutional question of whether Congress had the authority to prevent goods from entering interstate commerce because they were produced by children. The Supreme Court ruled that Congress did not have the authority to intervene with any form of production. Court cases like Hammer V. Daggenhart (1918) was the law of the land up until 1937, where there was a massive paradigm shift in Federal regulatory policy. Wickard v. Filburn was one of the earliest landmark decisions after the Supreme Court altered its interpretation of the Commerce Clause. In sum, Wickard V. Filburn was a monumental Supreme Court decision that contradicted almost every regulatory-based question up until that point- from there, anything that pertained to the Federal government regulation of production, would be upheld….

What is glaringly obvious is at the beginning of the 20th century, the Brits made a SWITCH from direct military attack on the USA, to, as General Flynn calls it, 5th Generation Psychological Warfare.


Historian Matt Ehret (who I do not trust) and Ghost of Based Patrick Henry (Gordon) trace the origins back even further to the 1815 Congress of Vienna. During that time the aristocracy united in the goal of destroying the American Experiment in self-governance.

The two also mention that the British East India Co turned into a mercenary outfit. The year they disbanded, MI-16 was formed and many of the employees moved into MI-16. Sort of like the CIA became the home of the NAZIs.

Thomas Malthus was England’s first professor of political economics, with an appointment at the East India Company College, an institution founded in 1806 to train individuals for service as administrators for the East India Company…

The USA has been dealing with overt and covert take-over attempts since 1776. The fact we are STILL FIGHTING and the fact we are slowly lifting the curtain on the nasty rot that has been hidden for generations, I find encouraging.



The last three years has been a major wake-up call for a lot of brain dead Americans.

People in the inner cities are FINALLY realizing they have been HAD by the DemonRats for all these years. Once the Blacks start digging they will find the DemonRats are the party of Slavery and the KKK.😱

Many suburban Moms are NOT happy about finding PORN and groomers in grade school even if they were nominally ‘Democrats’ Most were Democrats because of Feminism. (Think Naomi Wolf) After fighting for Women in the work place and esp for WOMEN’S SPORTS they find the DemonRats support the takeover of women sports by MEN who ID as women and even worse, that MEN/BOYS who ID as women/girls can now invade their little girls rest room or locker room and EVEN RAPE THEM.

I am not sure what the year will bring, but it will NOT be Americans rolling over and surrendering as they have for the last century.


This. Spot on, Gail.

Thank you for bringing a concise overview that all would do well to read and understand.

One would do well to better understand the real Federal Reserve banking system since they are the linchpin in the mechanism that controls so much.

Gail Combs

Yes the Feral Reserve is THE problem to a large extent. The wealth stolen funds everything else.

The actual wake-up started in 2008 with the foreclosure crisis and the TEA Party. The Cabal scrambled to put in place ‘Occupy Wall Street’ and destroy the TEA Party. However the TEA Party iust went underground and continued to educate people about the Federal Reserve. In 2016 it came back stronger than ever as MAGA.


Interesting that Naomi Wolf has come in from the cold.

Gail Combs

The gaslighting by the media became too obvious for her to ignore.

We will see more and more of this as sane Democrats finally realize they have been had.


When a government becomes the criminal, anyone who thinks they can legislate their way out of it is living in a fantasy of denial.

True. Legislators don’t seem to know what else to do, though. I’m not sure what they have the power to do under the Constitution. As you indicate, it’s a government-wide problem. One branch will not be able to fix it.


“Legislators don’t seem to know what else to do, though.”


The legislators are nearly all criminals too.

Fortunately, there is a tool, which was once upon a time called an ‘equalizer’.

This invention ‘equalized’ a situation between someone who had overwhelming physical force and their intended victim, who may be as frail as a little old lady.

Or even a rabbit, if he happens to have an opposable thumb.

Gail Combs

It is a ‘sound bite’ useful for re-election.

It also get the conversation going ABOUT the fact POTUS TRUMP has NEVER BEEN CONVICTED and is being punished for a nothing more than a media wrap-up smear.

The Fact the 14th, sec 3 was nullified by Congress in the Act of June 6, 1898 is just icing on the cake and SHOWS how the DemonRats are using LAWFARE against someone they feel is a major threat to THEIR DEMOCRACY CONTROL.

pat frederick

this is dangerous. many red states were considering retaliatory measures against biden/dems and there are more red states than blue. disqualify them and the electoral college might be smooth sailing (cheating wise) for the maggot.

Gail Combs

It has to go to the Supreme Court. Unfortunately the DemonRats WANT that so they can use it to BASH the Supreme Court and insist on 15 Justices to SAVE THEIR DEMOCRACY OLIGARCHY.

Cuppa Covfefe

Shades of FDR….

Seems he got slapped down on that one, though…

Gail Combs

But only after the Supreme Court fell in line and gave the bastard everything he wanted.

FDR and his ‘New Deal’ is why we have MASSIVE government and MASSIVE debt all ‘funded’ by feral reserve funny money that we have to go into slavery to ‘pay back WITH INTEREST’

I am not sure who was worse, FDR, Obama or Clinton.

Valerie Curren

AND logic applies here too  😡 

Valerie Curren

hey Pat, how are you & your hubby doing? Been praying for you  😇 

pat frederick

please see below…i responded to singingsoul

Valerie Curren

TY Pat

Cuppa Covfefe

On the surface, it looks to be unconstitutional… and it could backfire in a BIG way…

Let the people vote for whom they wish, with no interference or pre-selection from the Federales or State gubmints…

Gail Combs

OR the DNC and RNC…


political parties are unconstitutional.


First Amendment got repealed???

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Glad to see 2023 in the rearview.

Wondering if that will turn out to be a mistake.


If you keep looking in the rearview, it’s easy to run into something unexpectedly.


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Good one!

We’re heading forward whether we like it or not, so we’d best watch where we’re going!

Cuppa Covfefe

Just like the old Oracle (‘orrible) and Informix billboards on 101 back in the 1990s…

Gail Combs

Hubby still plays with Oracle.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I went and followed them. Seems like the least I could do.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I get a lot of good history out of that channel, as well as others like it!

Gail Combs

Nothing like using direct source or as close as you can get to it.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting changing graph.


This graph shows that academia attracted the most extreme viewpoints in society.
Note the extreme right spike in the graph, usually the second largest after the big extreme left spike. (This is only unusual if you subscribe to the idea that the extreme right and left are opposite ideologically, when in fact they are the same)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed! A lot of extremes!!!

Gail Combs

The extremes are useless as productive members of society. Think Bernie Sanders who actually got kicked out of a Commune because he disrupted work with his mouthings.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re relentless.



“they’re going to try to force Nikki Haley on the ticket, to say Trump needs a woman””


She’s no woman.

She’s a snake.


Nasty Nikki… the snake lady.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

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Gail Combs

Be careful what you ask for….


Her husband is so blessed to sit across from her at the breakfast table.


Nice choice.


Nikki Haley is not eligible to be POTUS, and therefore VP.


Who is going to stop her?

The same people who stopped the Magic Kenyan?

Or the same people who were going to stop the Canadian, Ted Cruz?

Or the same people who were going to stop Camel-Uh?

Or the same people who were going to stop Marco Rubio?

Is any actual American allowed to run for POTUS anymore?

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Gail Combs

TRUMP… and Us.

I very much doubt her REAL poll numbers are that high. Expect the Fake News to gaslight us into accepting THEIR PICK for VP AGAIN.

This from Zero Hedge
MONDAY, DEC 25, 2023 
Trump Slams ‘Scam’ Poll Showing Nikki Haley Trailing By Only 4 Points In New Hampshire
Contrary to recent propaganda from CBS News claiming Donald Trump is exploring Nikki Haley as a potential running mate (and the fact that Trump ally Laura Loomer slams Haley on a near-daily basis), the former president himself has weighed in on the 2024 GOP candidate he’s dubbed ‘Birdbrain.’

Donald J. Trump

Dec 22, 2023, 11:11 AM

Meanwhile, RealClear Politics‘ average of major polls has Haley nowhere near Trump.

comment image


Trump will NOT ACCEPT Mickey Haley.

BTW, who the hell is gonna TELL Trump he has to take Mickey Haley?

Gail Combs

The Rinos may TRY to but he will slap them down very fast.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I wouldn’t have recognized him either. 😅 What excellent guitar playing, though.


Probably couldn’t compete with the children’s nerd choir….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Can Israel be our friend and do this stuff? Or is this a psy-op to get Americans and Europeans to get realistic about Gaza?

Your answers welcomed.


Israel has its own Deep State.

in today’s world, we can’t trust anyone to be “our friend”.

dark forces have permeated and infiltrated everything, often disguised as “benign” & “beneficial”, humanitarian-oriented, a massive lie.

the NWO agenda is behind this + the 2 state solution crap.

and Blair is denying his involvement in this.

I’m kinda waiting for Macron to step up.

Last edited 1 year ago by smiley2
Gail Combs

The Brits are entangled in Israel. That is why 5 eyes is

Notice that ALL fie of them were a part of Russia. Russia, Russia

Barb Meier

The 5 eyes does not include Israel. Replace them with New Zealand, and you have the five nations in 5 eyes.

Gail Combs

Thanks for the correction, although I do think there is cooperation.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs


The did not want to include it officially.

Gail Combs

Tony Blair was head of the Fabian Society. Blair was the guy they sent to talk to sense into Gadaffi before they took him out. Gadaffi was going to introduce gold coinage in Africa a major No No in the eyes of the Cabal.

Tony Blair’s secret Gadaffi meetings | Dear Kitty. Some blog

Very recently, ex-Gadaffi crony Tony Blair has called for even more war after the bloody Libyan war, in Iran and Syria.Tony Blair visited Libya for talks…

Tony Blair to earn £2m as JP Morgan adviser

Later this month Mr Blair will be centre stage again when he will serve as a co-chairman of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. A spokesman for the forum said he would not be paid for the work.

Another of the co-chairmen at the Davos event will be JP Morgan’s chairman, Jamie Dimon, who was responsible for recruiting Mr Blair to his bank.

Meanwhile Tony Blair will also continue to carry out his unpaid work as a UN Middle East envoy

As journalists have sought to untangle the disparate threads that unite these uprisings, one of the most interesting revelations has been a common reference to a dusty — but still relevant — book, “From Dictatorship to Democracy.”

For those who dismiss the Fabian Society, it was a FABIAN SOCIETY PHAMPHLET, From Dictator to Democracy, that was spotted in EGYPT by journalists and suggested as a catalyst to that unrest.


IMO it’s just about time for Q 2.0 to start.

Gail Combs

I sure hope so. However I think the training needed was already given so quite possibly not.


Well, I immediately note that readers say Blair has denied it. So there’s that.

96-hour rule for me.

Gail Combs

Blair maybe too high profile. However he certainly was active there a decade ago.


They have to do something with the palestinians. They can’t stay in Gaza.

Gail Combs

That reminds me of this.

It takes from fifteen to twenty years to demoralize a nation. Why that many years? Because this is the minimum number of years which requires to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy exposed to the ideology of the enemy….

Most of the people who graduated in the sixties, dropouts or half-baked intellectuals are now occupying the positions of power in the government, civil service, business, mass media, educational system. You are stuck with them. You cannot get rid of them. They are contaminated.

  :wpds_arrow: 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗰𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗺𝘂𝗹𝗶 𝗶𝗻 𝗮 𝗰𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝗽𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗻. 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 𝘁𝗼 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻. 𝗘𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗯𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗶𝘀 𝗯𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸. 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗰 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗰𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗼𝗴𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗯𝗲𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗼𝗿. 𝗜𝗻 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀, 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲, 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘇𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗶𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗶𝗿𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗲.

To rid society of these people you need another twenty or fifteen years to educate a new generation of patriotically-minded and, and common sense people who would be acting in favor and in the interests of United States society….

As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter any more. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures. Even if I take him, by force, to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When the military boot crashes his, then he will understand. But not before that. That is the tragedy of this situation of demoralization. — YURI BEZMENOV


Israel and the U.S. CREATED Hamas, Hezbollah and Al Qaeda
Creating the Enemies We Now Fight Against

We’ve extensively documented that the U.S. and Israel created Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups in an attempt to fight other enemies.

Larry Johnson – a counterterrorism official at the U.S. State Department – says:

The Israelis are their own worst enemies when it comes to fighting terrorism. They are like a guy who sets fire to his hair and then tries to put it out by hitting it with a hammer. They do more to incite and sustain terrorism than curb it.

As one example, Israel helped create Hamas….


Egypt does not want them and neither do the other Arab nations because they KNOW what they are. BRAINWASHED TERRORISTS!

A 2 state solution is the BEST they can hope for.


I think a 2-state solution is a really bad idea.

Gail Combs

It seems to be the idea that is being floated.
For example:
Israel-Hamas conflict: Saudi Arabia calls for ‘two-state solution’ as attacks escalate Hindustan Times
I am afraid that wiping out at least the leaders is the permanent solution. I keep thinking of the AZOV battalion as an example of how the ‘infection’ can keep resurfacing.


I think they have to clear out way more than the leaders. They teach jihad in kindergarten in Gaza.

Gail Combs

I was trying to be ‘nice’ since genocide is frowned upon.


Well, it’s not a genocide when they attack you and you fight back.

Gail Combs

However you would have to clean the nest out right down to the four year olds to be sure it is wiped from the earth.


That is true.

Cuppa Covfefe

Down to ZERO. The Arabs don’t want them either, and the situation is similar to the OT, when the various Arab cultures were used to discipline OT Israel. Those Arab cultures/countries ended up being destroyed…

And I have that from an Arab extended family member…

Valerie Curren


Cuppa Covfefe

Tony Blair is a GORE-BULL-IST extreme…..


A disgrace to each and all of us of British (ENGLISH) descent…

Total TOFF TOSSER!!!!! ……. 😡 😡 😡 😡

Gail Combs

AND a good buddy of Billy Boy Clinton.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hmm. Is Antarctica a country? (No…too bad.)

Because it would be an excellent place to send “Palestinian” Arabs.

Gail Combs

It is international by treaty so it could have an area carved out just for them.


Under the ice would be good.

Cuppa Covfefe

IIRC the western side has some undersea volcanos under it, so they could stay *cough* warm…

And abiotic oil to make them feel at home… sludge that won’t budge….


follow the money and the network of hate…

Dark Money Nightmare : How QATAR Bought The Ivy League : Testimony of Harvard, MIT, University of PA Presidents Traced To Qatar

article link..

‘Dark Money Nightmare’: How Qatar Bought the Ivy League: Testimony of Harvard, MIT, University PA Presidents Traced to Qatar — PatriotandLiberty


with link to Gatestone Institute for further reading.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

VERY interesting!


We might find out that all the left wingers in our Government including Obama were funded by shady characters who control Ivy League Universities.
Who paid for Obama and Rameswammi or what ever his name is. Who paid for other people in our government?

Gail Combs

Who paid for Obama 

Al Waleed a Saudi Prince.


Thought so the other Romeswammy was Soros funded ? Am I wrong?

Cuppa Covfefe

Satan Sauros and the Rothschilds… and the other hyper-rich…




2024 is finally here

4 years ago we watched as Biden proudly launched the “most extensive voter fraud organization in history”

We saw mathematically impossible vote spikes in swing states in the dead of night with no GOP observers and zero FBI investigations

We watched the uniparty brag about the entire operation in Time magazine weeks after they banned Trump off all social media

And we waited

We waited while the borders were dissolved, our troops were killed in Afghanistan, wars were started in Ukraine & Israel, and Xi Jinping got a red carpet rollout in San Francisco after he unleashed Covid on the world and his spy balloons crossed American skies untouched

We endured vaccine mandates, mask mandates, and the sexual grooming of children in schools

We watched our biggest cities slide into crime ridden hell holes

Well now it’s our time

2024 is the year we leave everything on the field – blood, sweat, and tears – and we take this country back from Marxist fascists hellbent on destroying us from within

The odds are certainly stacked against us, but every great victory in American history has started that way

Let’s write the most incredible chapter in the history books…together

Let’s save our country from Marxist


well…it’s gonna take a lotta love.

Lotta Love (2016 Remaster) (

Last edited 1 year ago by smiley2
Gail Combs

We Have An Army Of Digital Soldiers. What We Are Now, What We Call, I Call Them, Cause This Was An Insurgency Folks, This Was Run Like An Insurgency. This Was Irregular Warfare At Its Finest, In Politics.”

“And, And That Story Will, Will Be Continued To Be Told Here, But We Have What We Call Citizen Journalists. Because The, Because The Journalists That We Have In The Media, Did A Disservice To Themselves, Actually More That They Did To This Country.”

“They Did A Disservice To Themselves Because They Displayed An Arrogance That Is Unprecedented, And So The American People Decided To Take Over The Idea Of Information. They Took Over The Idea Of Information. And They Did It Through Social Media.” — U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn

Quote courtesy of WarNuse

….Humbled To Have Received Two DMs From Gen. Flynn, Confirming To Me Personally That This War Is Legit. And, It Confirmed That My Research And Work Was Legit. It Was Being Noticed, Read, And Distributed Cross Platform. We Are Indeed Fighting For Our Lives, And The Future Of Our Beautiful Blue Marble.

Thank You, Mr. Flynn. We Will NOT Disappoint You.

Why is this so important?

At a round table with Ezra Cohen-Watnick, Chris Miller & Mr. Mark Mitchell, the former acting assistant secretary of defense for special operations low-intensity conflict, hosted by Ezra at Hudson Institute, Miller tell us the reason.

“Irregular warfare, and this, this is loaded because of Vietnam war with hearts and minds. But what we are really talking about is the center of gravity, it is the local population and winning their loyalty to the government you are supporting or the effort you are supporting. So that is kinda how I always end up keeping it simple.”


.I know that espionage — intelligence gathering — looks more romantic….

But in reality, the main emphasis of the KGB is not in the area of intelligence at all. According to my opinion and the opinion of many defectors of my caliber only about fifteen percent of time, money, and manpower is spent on espionage as such. The other eighty-five percent is a slow process which we call either ideological subversion, or active measures, (~Activitia perionachia, in the language of the KGB), or psychological warfare. What it basically means is to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interests of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country. It’s a great brainwashing process which goes very slow and is divided into four basic stages.

What’s the Counterinsurgency strategy?

comment image%3FaspectRatio%3Dsquare%26bgColor%3D%2523EF3044%26textColor%3D%2523ffffff%26version%3D11

If you paid attention, you would see the first thing Trump did when entering offices was to defang the legacy media aka FAKE NEWS. Meanwhile the Q Team trained the Anons to be ‘citizen journalists’ Rumble provided another platform when Content Creators were tossed off Youtube. Elon Musk, ripped the veil off the rotten worm infested hulk of Twitter and exposed government CENSORSHIP. Now in the run-up to the 2024 election, he lets Alex Jones back on X (twitter) opening the gates for all the other Anons who are still banned and pointing legal fingers at Brock’s Media Matters.


And a bit more evidence comes out. Note it is the BRITS AGAIN!

UK Military Contractors Created Sweeping Plan for Global Censorship in 2018, New Documents Show

…the activities of an “anti-disinformation” group called the Cyber Threat Intelligence League, or CTIL, that officially began as the volunteer project of data scientists and defense and intelligence veterans but whose tactics over time appear to have been absorbed into multiple official projects, including those of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)….

The whistleblower’s documents describe everything from the genesis of modern digital censorship programs to the role of the military and intelligence agencies, partnerships with civil society organizations and commercial media, and the use of sock puppet accounts and other offensive techniques… while such activities overseas are “typically” done by “the CIA and NSA and the Department of Defense,” censorship efforts “against Americans” have to be done using private partners because the government doesn’t have the “legal authority.”

The whistleblower alleges that a leader of CTI League, a “former” British intelligence analyst, was “in the room” at the Obama White House in 2017 [only 20 days in office] when she received the instructions to create a counter-disinformation project to stop a “repeat of 2016.”… [THINK FOREIGN INTERFERENCE IN ELECTIONS…]

In every incident mentioned, the victims of misinformation were on the political Left, and they included Barack Obama, John Podesta, Hillary Clinton, and Emmanuel Macron. The report was open about the fact that its motivation for counter-misinformation were the twin political earthquakes of 2016: Brexit and the election of Trump….

…Despite the overwhelming evidence of government-sponsored censorship, it had yet to be determined where the idea for such mass censorship came from. In 2018, an SIO official and former CIA fellow, Renee DiResta, generated national headlines before and after testifying to the US Senate about Russian government interference in the 2016 election.

But what happened between 2018 and Spring 2020? The year 2019 has been a black hole in the research of the Censorship Industrial Complex to date. When one of us, Michael, testified to the U.S. House of Representatives about the Censorship Industrial Complex in March of this year, the entire year was missing from his timeline.

Now, a large trove of new documents, including strategy documents, training videos, presentations, and internal messages, reveal that, in 2019, US and UK military and intelligence contractors led by a former UK defense researcher, Sara-Jayne “SJ” Terp, developed the sweeping censorship framework. These contractors co-led CTIL, which partnered with CISA in the spring of 2020.

In truth, the building of the Censorship Industrial Complex began even earlier — in 2018…..

Emails from CISA’s NGO and social media partners show that CISA created the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) in 2020, which involved the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO) and other US government contractors. EIP and its successor, the Virality Project (VP), urged Twitter, Facebook and other platforms to censor social media posts by ordinary citizens and elected officials alike…

These documents came to us via a highly credible whistleblower. We were able to independently verify their legitimacy through extensive cross-checking of information to publicly available sources. The whistleblower said they were recruited to participate in CTIL through monthly cybersecurity meetings hosted by DHS.

The FBI declined to comment. CISA did not respond to our request for comment. And Terp and the other key CTIL leaders also did not respond to our requests for comment.


Is it not counter productive telling us all of this? Would it not be better to work stealth than trying to lull us into all is ok we got it? Maybe I am jaded life experiences catching up 🙄

Gail Combs

Actually it is a bit of a balancing act.

You do not want the patriots to feel so hopeless that they resort to violence (Civil War) while at the same time you want to light a fire under their rumps and get them to do something constructive.

I keep going back to the TEA Party. They went the ‘protest’ route and were pretty much ignored. You did have True the Vote. but Dan Schultz was an unknown until recently when Steve Bannon showcased him and his  Precinct Strategy

From what I am hearing on various videos it is a mix. This is where we are making headway. This is where THEY are fighting back. So get into the fight and here is HOW.


True hope goes a long way to ward off violence and hopelessness.

Gail Combs

Yes, exactly the concept I was trying to articulate.



Valerie Curren

I think the only True Hope is in the Lord…



pat frederick

January 2, 2024 8:26 am

A magnitude 2.3 earthquake has occurred outside of Washington, D.C. with the epicenter taking place near Rockville, Maryland. Multiple reports in the area have felt the shake.

🚨#BREAKING: A magnitude 2.3 earthquake has occurred outside of Washington, D.C. with the epicenter taking place near Rockville, Maryland. Multiple reports in the area have felt the shake.

— R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) January 2, 2024

January 2, 2024 8:27 am

Numerous reports of explosions and building shaking near Roosevelt Island, Manhattan, New York City.
Firefighters report power outages, and multiple emergency crews respond to explosions in the Roosevelt Island, Manhattan, and Queens areas.
Con Edison is addressing power outages, and firefighters are dealing with exploding maintenance holes.

🇺🇸 | Numerous reports of explosions and building shaking near Roosevelt Island, Manhattan, New York City.

Firefighters report power outages, and multiple emergency crews respond to explosions in the Roosevelt Island, Manhattan, and Queens areas.

Con Edison is addressing power…

— Breaking News (@PlanetReportHQ) January 2, 2024

Robert Baker

It is beginning to look like 2024 is going to be shaky.

Gail Combs



Pat how is you hubby ? I pray he feels better and all is on the mend 💗

pat frederick

thanks for asking.
the doc says he has pneumonia (bacterial)and cv (viral). they’ve loaded him up with 5 day course steroids, that poison remdesivir, antibiotics, breathing treatments and inhalers. his vitals are good. he requires oxygen when he moves around. (he started at 15 liters per minute in the er…it is down to 2 resting and 3 when he moves around.)
because of our remote location, finding an at-home oxygen place is difficult and has been a complete zoo. he was supposed to come today but is stuck there till at least tomorrow.
I appreciate the prayers and good thoughts and well wishes. he is recovering well so far but, of course, not fast enough for him.
please keep him in your prayers

Gail Combs

Sorry to hear the SOBs went the Remvesivir route as well. Hope he heals very very fast.

pat frederick

we are hopeful. thanks for the good wishes

Katherine McCoun

So very sorry to hear about your husband.

We have had some kind of nasty virus over the last week, starting with husband. High temp, cough, nausea, etc. Brought back lots of bad memories from when husband almost passed from Covid.

Its tough when our family is so seriously ill.

We will pray for your husband and you (tough on the wife to take care of our husbands!)

pat frederick

thank you Katherine


Also, look for inogen portable oxy generator

pat frederick

thanks pgroup…i bookmarked the site

Valerie Curren

TY for the update. will keep praying…

pat frederick

thank you Valerie…I appreciate it

Valerie Curren

YW Pat, God bless you both real good!


Thank you for your report. Looks the poor guy went through hell and back .
I keep on praying that all will be well. Healing takes time and patience is a virtue.


When the Rolling Stones recorded their song “Beast of Burden”, I don’t think they had anything like this in mind.

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Gail Combs

Unfortunately I have seen other pictures like this.


Some pictures are tagged as humor/funny. **shake head**

Gail Combs

In taking a closer look, that is a mule. The photos I saw were donkeys.

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Cuppa Covfefe

And here’s their manglement team: 😀

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I remember that event where the Space Force Commander made it so all special operations forces reported directly to him.

It was a very interesting thing to do, and we noted it here at the time, I believe.

If that is still in effect (how would we know?), then Space Force commands all spec-ops.

I know there was a transvestite promotion there the other day. But psy-ops is also a spec-ops specialty.

Things that make me go hmmmmm….

Gail Combs

“… But psy-ops is also a spec-ops specialty….”

I hadn’t thought of that, but yeah, I can see someone like Rick Grennel (He is MAGA but gay) being willing to dress the part. Also there are straight guys that just plain like to dress in women’s clothes. Heck, I hate dresses and am always in jeans and a man’s shirt these days! I am STILL MAGA.😋


I know guys who wear kilts, but are not Scottish. I’m sure they just enjoy “free-balling.”

Gail Combs

As long as they leave children alone I really do not care. You have to admit  transvestite is a heck of a good cover for a spy. in the Biden Admin.


It only works if the fruit also steals luggage.

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2
Gail Combs

  :wpds_shock:   :wpds_chuckle:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 

Cuppa Covfefe

Then they get stuck in a fruit loop….


Oh, I wouldn’t be surprised by that at all. Or many other things.




I think we all agree that you are a different sort of light bulb.  😂 

Gail Combs

Yeah, I have never been much of a crowd follower.

BTW, I did put a resume in to the CIA and got a response. They wanted ALL my addresses since birth and 2 witnesses. By that time I had 40 different addresses so I gave up.

God moves in mysterious way and sure saved me from a mistake that time!

Valerie Curren

Wow, PTL!


Amen. Fancy clothes Not a requirement to be a “good” person. Such rubbish.

Gail Combs

Farms are not a good place for fancy dresses. I will wear a loose sundress & muck boots when my back is really hurting but they are not the type of dress I would wear for anything outside of weeding the garden!

I only started wearing them this year in an effort to protect the damaged disc under my waist band.


I fully believe that as 2024 grinds on and Trump is the nominee, there will be a whole lot of this kind of provocation, maybe coming from places we don’t expect:

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Be on the lookout, and beware.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


IMO there is some fundamental shifting going on behind the scenes, where people are realizing that they would have been better off with “contained Trump”, than with the “Obama hidden behind Biden” plan. In other words, our strategy of “You want Biden? OK. Watch what happens” actually WORKED. I believe that a slight but growing majority of the DS, in both the military and civilian sectors, now feels that “containing Trump” is more viable than trying to extend Biden/Obama.

What that means is that we keep doing what we’ve been doing, but don’t fall for their continued but so-far failing attempts to eliminate Trump. Keep making the price of Biden/Obama worse than Trump.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

On the other hand…..


Trump administration did not push back because Pompao was CIA director. Also the intel was totally controlled by DOJ-Barr , FBI and CIA Brennan who was in bed with Obama behind the scene. I do not think this guy is fully honest but enough to keep him out of trouble with intel and garner confidence in him by the rest of us.


Intel Agencies to be activated in 2024 election.

WTF? When did the bastards stand down, from the 2020 coup?

  • 2016 attempted coup?
  • – 2016 – 2020 barrage of shit launched at Trump.

Bustards, Intel community needs to be defunded.

Gail Combs

“…Bustards, Intel community needs to be defunded.”

And then every single one TRIED FOR TREASON!!!


people are realizing that they would have been better off with “contained Trump”, than with the “Obama hidden behind Biden” plan.

I hope so! But in a second Trump administration, they can’t be controlling him.

Gail Combs

I sure hope we manage to either get MAGA reps and Senators OR ROPES AROUND THEIR BALLS!

Cuppa Covfefe

Tied for treason, as it were…..


I am watching: “J6: A True Timeline”

Shortly after Ashly Babbitt was shot, several flares were activated around the Capitol (not only at the riot)
Now suspiciously Ray Epps and a group of others start leaving the riot. (probably a signal that their job was done, and the instigators need to leave)
Start shortly before 47:00 minutes in the video.

This is a must watch. A lot of strange things which happened during the J6, will make sense.

J6: A True Timeline gives the audience a never-before-seen timestamped blueprint for the events of January 6, 2021, as they unfolded in real time. No other film to date fills the gaps or tells the story chronologically the way this film does. The film is also different from anything produced to date because a small group of protestors, some who are J6 defendants, have been the ones to collect hours of footage to help contextualize the events of the day. The film was funded and produced entirely through small donations and tens of thousands of volunteer man hours. The hope is that the film will provoke all Americans to be more curious about the true timeline of January 6.

The Creator and Producer for the documentary is AJ Fischer of InvestigateJ6. AJ is a J6 defendant who knows more than most about what transpired on the West side of the Capitol; circumstances that led to the declared riot and Capitol building entry. In January 2023, Fischer began to make the film a reality. He lined up funding for the project and hired professional producer Jason Rink to help. Rink is the Executive Producer for the project. Paul Escandon is both director and editor.


Last edited 1 year ago by eilert
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent. This is starting to make sense. VERY much.


I noticed right away the shooting of Babbitt was a set up one could see how it was orchestrated. She trusted the people around her who edged her on. The guy who shot her was waiting for her. I truly believe the people edging her on knew she used to be military. I also believe she never thought she would be killed. To me it looked staged theatrics with terrible consequences only for one person Bobbitt.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I did watch it last night. The protesters (i.e. “we”) don’t come across looking like angels by any means but it’s made clear that the police response was incompetent, gassing their own people so they’d have to fall back, not once but twice.

Incompetent…or deliberately sabotaged from the inside.

Also the cops simply escorting Barbarian Man around…once they got him away from the crowd they could simply have arrested him.

So yes…this was largely staged and the Buffalo Jump analogy is perfect.

I have to admit I watched with an eye for the Northwest (where I was). They had an angle of the breakthrough that I failed to photograph. I need to check to see if the guy I saw getting sprayed is the same guy who was pushed off the wall.

Last edited 1 year ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Verse of the Day for Tuesday, January 2, 2024

“The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.” 

Nahum 1:7 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank All Y’all for your Love and Support in Prayer !!! ❤️ 🙏 ❤️

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you, Duchess, for all you do for us!!! 💖 🙏

Valerie Curren



It’s the least we all can do for you. You are missed!


🙏 continuing, duchess.


Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

For Scott, Tonawanda, and others saying “don’t underestimate these evil fucks”…….

Gail Combs

Emerald Robinson ✝️
Jan 1
You must stop listening to anyone who tells you the Biden regime is stupid or incompetent or confused.

That’s a coping device for geriatric GOP has-beens and fools.

You’re dealing with communists who are destabilizing America on purpose to usher in one world government. 


Replying to @EmeraldRobinson
Most are blackmailed making it even cheaper; but $50M each x 634 in House, plus x 300 to appointed judges, intellegence and agency officials, plus a little for the big guy, and China buys the good ole USA for $50B, defaults on our debt and replaces our constitution with their own
Jan 1, 2024 · 5:30 PM UTC

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Last edited 1 year ago by Gail Combs


Cuppa Covfefe

And the kicker is, that $50B is OUR MONEY!!!!!
😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡


They are right. They are not stupid they have no ethical boundaries no Christian ethics and therefore not bound by good. Evil is correct their god is communism ideology and they set themselves up as gods.
I just have to look at Obama’s smirk or Biden’s and so many others. The light that shines through them is out. The soul is dead.


Must of found out the hard way that she was damaged goods and no one could afford to associate with her. Pulling money from the school likely had a lot to do with it too. comment image
BREAKING: Claudine Gay Resigns as President of Harvard After Nearly 50 Allegations of Plagiarism – Rambling Race-Baiting Resignation Letter Included
Cristina Laila Jan. 2, 2024 12:20 pm 635 Comments


Most likely, a bunch of alumni threatened to sue based on her degradation of the value of their Harvard diplomas.


They must have been really old alumni then.

Like the Class of ’01.


Anyone younger likely supported a plagiarizing black Androgynous Pat named “Gay” on the basis of name, race and mystifying gender.

And hardcore Marxist ideology, but that should go without saying.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

But she still works at Harvard as a faculty member. She should have been run out of town on a rail.

The Harvard Corporation said,

“While President Gay has acknowledged missteps and has taken responsibility for them, it is also true that she has shown remarkable resilience in the face of deeply personal and sustained attacks.” 

I haven’t seen any statement where she has taken responsibility, especially not for the plagiarism. Harvard needs to be boycotted as long as she remains on the faculty, IMO.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

Oh here is is still a job at Harvard where people can plagiarize. Resilient in lying and cover up? Why am I surprised they might make her president of the United States next. Biden is an example one can plagiarize and still be president and also lying and selling the country out.

Gail Combs

Harvard is straight up COMMUNIST and has been for decades. I used to live right around the corner from the infestation.


Two 4 years ago my granddaughter spend a summer at Harvard she decided, after spending the summer, against attending Harvard University .

Last edited 1 year ago by singingsoul1

Obviously a smart girl.

Gail Combs


That place is a cesspit of openly communist Marxists!

I would LOVE to take everyone of those brain dead commie indoctrinated kids and toss them in a place like the northern Rockies with only hand tools and seeds for a year.

And I really want to add their ‘professors’ too.

They would be all be whining about blisters and micro-aggressions and how UNFAIR it all was before the first hour is up.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gail Combs

Harvard is a Leftist dumpster fire living off a former reputation.


How much did she get paid to resign and who gave her a lucrative job? ( s)

Last edited 1 year ago by singingsoul1

Assuredly the twit got a golden handshake to go away.


I want a golden handshake but not happening 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

New CEO of Disney or AB-INBEV…..

(I HOPE NOT!!!!!)…..


She can keep her salary . I wish we could keep our taxes 🙂


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VIDEO: Japan Airlines Plane Crash Lands, Bursts into Flames at Tokyo’s Haneda Airport – 5 Reported Dead Jordan Conradson Jan. 2, 2024 9:45 am 93 Comments

Plane bursts into fire as it touches down. Rolling fireball going down the runway.
All 379 passengers escape. Not so lucky with the Coast Guard Plane that it collided with.


Folks are serious professionals.


The second one of three above covers everything from start to finish.

Another view of the fire ball rolling down the runway.


🙄 Whoops…. how’d that one get in there.

Looks like you can take a serious tumble on those slides….

Oh noooo! Happened again🙄

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r
Gail Combs

From Vigilant News.

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Gail Combs

Every time I see that I laugh. I meant to bring it before but lost where it was.

Cuppa Covfefe

The tray should be filled with Piranhas and other flesh-eating critters…


…Trump took a different approach to Hawley and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), warning them recently to “be very careful” in their 2024 reelection campaigns. Hawley endorsed Trump shortly after that comment, though he’d already privately assured Trump of his support.

Cruz said he’ll stay neutral in the presidential race until there’s a GOP nominee. Still, he is certainly not returning to his past reluctance about Trump.

“When he was president, he had no stronger ally in the Senate than me. And if he is the nominee, I will enthusiastically support his election in November,” said Cruz, who ran against Trump in 2016 and eventually endorsed him after first snubbing him at that year’s GOP convention.

The implication is that he will support whoever the GOP nominee is. That’s the old politics that puts party first. It assumes that any candidate of the party would be acceptable. IMO, anyone who doesn’t realize the fight we’re in, the nature of most of the other GOP candidates, and the reasons we need Trump and only Trump, is suspect.

There has been bad blood between Trump and Cruz in the past, so maybe that is a factor. But everyone in Congress should be acknowledging that the last election was stolen from Trump, that the country has gone to h3ll since he was forced out, and that he is the person we need now. Anyone who can’t see through Haley or Christie is willfully blind or is just playing politics. The country is at stake!

Gail Combs

Cruz is/was CANADIAN! And yeah a have a whole set of old notes about that.

Do not forget the nasty tricks Cruz played on Dr Ben Carson in 2016 either. I certainly have not!


Because of his Cuban father and Canadian birth…. I refer to teddy as: Cubanadian.

Cuppa Covfefe

Or Canadiuban 😆


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True the Vote Defeats Fair Fight, Stacy Abrams, Marc Elias, and the Biden Department of Justice in Landmark Election Case in Georgia Federal Court

Fair Fight et al v. True the Vote et al | Case No. 2:20-cv-0302-SCJ 

HOUSTON, TX, January 2, 2024 – True the Vote (TTV) declares a decisive triumph in their legal battle against Stacy Abrams’ Fair Fight, legal teams led by Marc Elias, and the Biden Department of Justice. A federal court in the Northern District of Georgia today affirmed that citizens have the right to lawfully petition their government in support of election integrity without fear of persecution or prosecution. 

In a resounding vindication, TTV successfully defended its actions of December 2020, aiding Georgia citizens in filing elector challenges based on data showing over 364,000 voters appeared to be ineligible to vote due to change in residency. 

This victory is a testament to every American’s constitutional right to free speech and the importance of actively participating in the electoral process.  

True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht affirmed, “Today’s ruling sends a clear message to those who would attempt to control the course of our nation through lawfare and intimidation. American citizens will not be silenced.” 

True the Vote lead attorney Jake Evans stated, “After almost three years of litigation and a two-week federal trial with plaintiff calling 12 witnesses, Judge Steven Jones awarded a complete defense verdict for all defendants. This decision is monumental. It vindicates True the Vote in totality and establishes that eligibility challenges under Section 230 are a proper method to ensure voter rolls are accurate. I am grateful to help achieve this great victory.” 

Gail Combs

This is 2.5 hours and goes thru the True the Vote & Greg Phillips fight with Konnech and the F..CKING BACKSTABBING FBI.

I had seen bits and pieces before but it was nice to see it in whole. It is a year end replay of an earlier video. They go thru Kanekoa The Great’s analysis with added bits and pieces since they have several interview with Gregg.

The thread:

{RP} 12:05 PM ET: KONNECH: Evidence Suggests FBI Shielding Firms Tied to Chinese Government

Gail Combs

Another really really good replay. (2 hours)

This older video gives 2 hours of evidence by the architect, Richard Gage (There are architects, design & technical professionals -3600 – and lawyers still trying to get 9/11 controlled DEMOLITION before the courts. )

If you had any doubts that 9/11 was a ‘false Flag’ this video provides hard evidence showing the destruction of the buildings was caused by controlled demolition. They even have the HARD evidence of the TYPE of explosive used. Film footage showing the flashes on the lower floors as the explosives were detonated….

[RP] 12:05 ET: A Conversation about 9/11 with Richard Gage


Just three years too late.

What’s that saying… justice delayed is justice denied.

Gail Combs

This is very important Scott:

…True the Vote lead attorney Jake Evans stated, “After almost three years of litigation and a two-week federal trial with plaintiff calling 12 witnesses, Judge Steven Jones awarded a complete defense verdict for all defendants. This decision is monumental. It vindicates True the Vote in totality and establishes that eligibility challenges under Section 230 are a proper method to ensure voter rolls are accurate. I am grateful to help achieve this great victory.”…


But Joe Brandon has already been prissydent for 3 years.

And no one is going to remove him before he completes four.

So why does it matter?

What good is it to prove (again, and again) the election was stolen, if it doesn’t change anything?


This is Attorney Bradley Edwards.

He represented 70 trafficking victims of Jeffrey Epstein starting in 2009 & was instrumental in bringing him down.

He dedicated a decade of his life to the Epstein trafficking case.

This is what he said when asked about Trump’s involvement with Epstein:

He said that, out of a number of well-connected people he contacted, Trump was the only one who called him and spent time talking with him. Trump gave him info that checked out and that helped their case.


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I’m seeing memes about Mickey Mouse now being in the public domain, but it’s only the earliest versions of Mickey. I wasn’t aware of the controversy surrounding this (see text I bolded below).

It’s finally happened: after nearly a century, Mickey Mouse has slipped off Disney’s copyright leash. The first versions of the iconic cartoon character, seen in Steamboat Willie and a silent version of Plane Crazy, enter the public domain in the US on January 1st, 2024. (An early version of Minnie Mouse is also fortunately included.)

For ongoing characters like Mickey Mouse, of course, copyright law is particularly complicated. The public domain version of the character doesn’t include significant design changes made in later works, like Sorcerer’s Apprentice Mickey from Fantasia in 1940. And you can’t produce a work that falsely represents itself as a Disney production or a piece of official merchandise, since Mickey Mouse is also a registered Disney trademark. Duke Center for the Study of the Public Domain director Jennifer Jenkins has a far more comprehensive explanation of the law on Duke’s blog.

The public domain is supposed to be the final destination of any copyrighted work — it’s part of a compromise that acknowledges the benefits of letting artists and thinkers control and profit from their work in the short term while freely building on each other’s ideas in the long term, a balance Disney itself relied upon when making fairy-tale adaptations like Snow White and Cinderella. (It’s also a vital factor in letting archivists preserve old media after its creators die or can no longer be found, since it allows making copies without legal concerns — and only a tiny sliver of copyrighted works remain commercially valuable for the entire term of protection.) But it was frozen for 20 years in the US thanks to the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act, which was derisively dubbed the “Mickey Mouse Protection Act” for delaying Steamboat Willie’s entry into the public domain. Though despite the nickname, Disney was far from the only company lobbying for its passage.

The result is that Mickey Mouse has become a symbol of extended copyright protections and (with varying degrees of fairness) Disney’s vested stake in intellectual property law. When Disney angered Republican politicians by criticizing Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law, for instance, Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) proposed a nigh-nuclear IP law rollback in the name of stripping “woke corporations like Disney of special copyright protections.” We may well see legal fights over the precise limits of public domain Mickey, the way we have other characters like Sherlock Holmes — but today, it’s a good day to think about new uses for old media.

Gail Combs

This is interesting skuttlebutt if true:

ATF allegedly creating a loophole to allow illegal aliens to purchase and possess firearms — PRAVDA (no less) from a telegram video.

Is The DOJ’s ATF Insuring Illegal Aliens Can’t Buy a Gun? November 2, 2023 by Dr. Rich Swier

QUESTION: Is The DOJ’s ATF Insuring Illegal Aliens Can’t Buying Guns?

ANSWER: We don’t know.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms they cannot….

The problem is under Biden no one is taking the names of those crossing our borders, they are not doing background checks, there are those on the terrorist watchlist that are slipping thru, and there are, since Biden took office, approximately 200,000 military ages Communist Chinese who have entered the United States.

This border crisis so bad that we could be allowing an army of illegals into our nation who could get weapons illegally and use them against we the people.

This seems to be the origin.

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By giving illegals refugee status they are transformed into ‘legal’ aliens who can buy guns.


These assholes!

“GOP Rep. Bill Johnson (OH) on Tuesday announced he will be resigning from Congress.

As TGP’s Kristinn Taylor reported, the resignation from the House by former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) took effect Sunday.

Following the resignation of McCarthy and Bill Johnson and the ousting of George Santos, the Republicans will be left with a razor-thin majority of 219-213 by January 21. Assuming full attendance, the Republicans can only afford to lose two votes on any measure.”

I’m so friggin’ mad!


Seems as though they are being forced out.

You would never — EVER — see the CRIMS giving away the House or the Senate through a string of retirements.

They propped up DiFiChi until she became fossilized to prevent losing a seat. Pelosi is a refugee from the Haunted Mansion. Lots of them are. Like a graveyard of the living dead.

Cuppa Covfefe


Can’t wait to see the Lolita Express “client” list…..

Remember way back when when (3²+2³) said that the list could/would topple many, MANY political careers, if not monarchies and governments………

Gonna be a hot time in the old town tonight….

Local warming when the philanderers and philanderesses get home…


Do we have a date when the list becomes public?


“This week” is what I’ve seen. I have zero expectations. I’ve read that there will be names of staff members who (of course) were present with Epstein. We already know Bill Clinton is on the list. People were allowed to petition to have their names removed. I hope I’m wrong, but I’ll be shocked if there is anything juicy when it is published.


Yea. I’m expecting nothing B I G.


As Gateway Pundit readers know, Jim Hoft dropped a bombshell two weeks ago that 177 of Jeffrey Epstein’s high-profile associates are in for a New Year’s surprise as they will be named in court documents. This moment will arrive sometime this week.

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“Do we have a date when the list becomes public?”


Valerie Curren

If most/all names are hidden behind John/Jane Doe #s (like BJ Clinton rumored to be listed as John Doe #36, meaning at least 35 other Johns get hidden) it would seem likely that their reputations won’t suffer all that much 🙁


“Can’t wait to see the Lolita Express “client” list…..”


Well you’re gonna have to.

If that list is ever actually published, the Eagles will do another Hell Freezes Over tour.


Seems as though they are being forced out.

In the financial info that Tradebait posted from the Tucker Carlson interview, Jeffrey Gundlach says he expects the 2024 election to be decided in the House because neither candidate will get enough votes. If that happened, we would need as many House Repubs as possible. That could be one reason to “encourage” them to leave.

Off the top of my head, I don’t know when the House would deliberate, before or after new members were sworn in. There are many perils ahead because we’re dealing with an entire political party that is dishonest as well as possibly a majority of the other one as well.


New House begins 1/3/25.

Electoral collage meets on 1/20/25.

16 days max for POTUS discussions, though there isn’t much to discuss except which congresscritters will represent each state. One vote per state. Rounds of voting continues until a candidate gets a majority.


Pure fantasy to think the abusers will ever rescue anyone from themselves.


“Jeffrey Gundlach says he expects the 2024 election to be decided in the House because neither candidate will get enough votes.”


Just stop the nonsense, get off the roller-coaster through bread & circus land… why even bother trying to game-out how it would go, if you believe it would end up in the House?

When every single event is funneled into the absolute pinnacle of possible drama, that’s your sign that none of it is real.

And if none of it is real, then it’s just Big Time Wrestling, and the conclusion was decided long before the match.

If anything, literally anything is to be ‘decided in the house’, that is not ‘code’ for we lose, that’s literally saying ‘we lose’. It’s literally Lucy with the football.

The GOP will never NOT stab us in the back. To hope or pretend otherwise is wishing abuse on oneself.

This knowledge, that the corrupt political-class will never, EVER rescue us from themselves — for anyone not living in abject denial — creates pure anxiety and demoralization between now and November.

Which is the primary purpose of Jeffy Gundlach and his “you lose no matter what” prediction. Because that’s exactly what it is.

If the election is decided in the House, we lose.

What other possible outcome could there be, if the House decides the election?

We’ve already been through it in the last election cycle.

The complicit GOP will lay down, like always, because that’s their whole purpose. And they will nobly explain that they did so to ‘avoid’ the dreaded, threatened but never actually anywhere close to happening ‘civil war’.

Can you imagine a nation of boomers going to war?

Or millennials?

Take a break if you need to. Once you stop laughing, go ahead and read the rest 😂

To think that any part of the political-class is going to save the day is like being in a concentration camp, and counting on Mengele to save us from Hitler.

If that’s what people need to think, to help them make it through the night, I don’t want to take that away from them.

Do whatever you need to do.

But I’m digging a tunnel to GTFO 😂🙋‍♂️

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

Here you go.

Here’s a nearly perfect dramatization of the relationship between the GOP and patriotic, conservative Americans:


Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

They know what is coming and their past roles in maintaining the corruption. There must be some votes coming on which they do not want to have their names associated.

Valerie Curren

The Daily Mail is going to town on the commie Pres of Harvard, Claudine Gay:

What the most narcissistic resignation letter of all REALLY reveals: MAUREEN CALLAHAN mercilessly skewers Claudine Gay’s self-pitying farewell to Harvard… where hilariously, she’s the REAL victim cruelly dethroned by bigots

  • comment image

Claudine Gay may have resigned, but that doesn’t mean she’s sorry. The resignation letter she released Tuesday afternoon is a doozy. Truly, it’s one for the books, lengthy and self-pitying and utterly shameless, signed by Gay herself – sans irony – as the sole author! Really: Are we to believe she wrote this on her own? Then again, this sayonara is so unoriginal, so predictable in its grievances, it’s quite possible. Let’s start with the subject line: ‘Personal News’. Is it? Is it really ‘personal news’ when you have been making national headlines for months and dragging the world’s top university down with you, first for failing to condemn antisemitism before Congress, then over well-founded accusations of plagiarism, then for a cover-up orchestrated on your behalf by Harvard Corporation, and then for six more instances of plagiarism emerging the morning of your resignation? Most would agree that this story is bigger than Claudine Gay. Except, that is, for Claudine Gay.

The price of failure: Outgoing Harvard President Claudine Gay is still set to earn $900,000-a-year by returning to professor’s job at embattled college’s political sciences departmentcomment image
Claudine Gay on Tuesday resigned as the president of Harvard, having only begun the job on July 1. She will remain a member of staff, with a salary similar to that of president, it was reported.

Harvard issues astonishing statement eulogizing president Claudine Gay after her resignation for antisemitism denial and plagarism scandal – and says she was subjected to ‘racist vitriol’comment image
Harvard President Claudine Gay resigned today after a disastrous, brief tenure at as head of the university. Gay’s resignation has not been formally announced. Gay, who took the job just eight months ago, fell out of favor with disastrous congressional testimony about campus antisemitism last month.

How Claudine Gay clung to power for 28 days after billionaire donors withdrew funding and Harvard board repeatedly supported her despite several plagiarism claims and anti-Semitism scandalcomment image
Claudine Gay managed to hold on for 28 days before announcing earlier today that she would step down after a disastrous, brief tenure as head of the prestigious university.

Claudine Gay’s resignation letter in full where she bitterly claims she was the VICTIM of ‘threats fueled by racial animus’ and urges Harvard not to be ‘undermined by rancor and vituperation’comment image
Read Claudine Gay’s resignation letter in full.

Valerie Curren

There’s even more:

Top Republican Elise Stefanik cheers ‘long overdue’ and ‘forced’ resignation of embattled Harvard President Claudine Gay over antisemitic testimony and plagiarism allegations
Top Republican Elise Stefanik cheered the ‘forced resignation’ of embattled Harvard President Claudine Gay following weeks of pressure. ‘Two down. Harvard knows that this long overdue forced resignation of the antisemitic plagiarist president is just the beginning of what will be the greatest scandal of any college or university in history,’ she said in a statement first obtained by Backlash erupted after the presidents of Harvard, UPenn and MIT failed to unequivocally condemn the genocide of Jews during a hearing on anti-Semitism on Capitol Hill last month.

Harvard appoints Alan Garber as new interim president after he was seen nodding in approval during Claudine Gay’s anti-Semitism testimony that led to her oustingcomment image
Harvard named Alan M. Garber as interim president after Claudine Gay announced her resignation following anti-Semitic remarks made during testimony and accusations of plagiarism.

Bill Ackman leads reaction to Claudine Gay’s resignation as he celebrates shortest tenure in Harvard history and asks if MIT president Sally Kornbluth will quit nextcomment image
Billionaire investor Bill Ackman, who has actively sought the ousting of Harvard President Claudine Gay applauded her resignation on Tuesday afternoon.


She still works at Harvard. I don’t see this as a victory so much as a shuffling.

Gay will return to the Harvard faculty, where she has served as a professor of government since 2006.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

Plagar U.

Last edited 1 year ago by TradeBait2
Valerie Curren

rim shot!

Valerie Curren

no doubt, failing up, or at least sideways, per usual on the left  🙄 


“dragging the world’s top university down with you”



And even that is ridiculous.

It’s not a university at all, it’s a communist indoctrination center.

Valerie Curren

yup 🙁


Latest Tucker interview transcript and it is a doozy about the Fed’s recent actions.

I don’t buy much of what he is stating except discussion about the inverted yield curve on long term treasuries, excessive debt and the odds of an acknowledgement (finally) of a formal recession later this year. Even with his mind flush there is not much new or astounding in what he says. I lived through the Carter years and there were far more economic problems created by politicians and bureaucrats than just inflation fighting. The age of wage/price controls, entitlements, to go with OPEC and abandonment of manufacturing were crushing the economy. Volcker walks into the Fed and starts raising rates to absurd levels. There was nothing “responsible” about it. It was the then current version of the globalists doing their thing at the expense of middle income Americans and flyover country to seize more wealth from the misery they create.

I am providing in the interest of offering other views of what to expect.

Tucker [00:00:00] About three weeks ago, Jay Powell, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, announced that it was, “premature to conclude with confidence that we have achieved a sufficiently restrictive stance or to speculate on when policy might ease.” That’s Fed-speak and in case you’re not familiar with it, that means we plan to keep interest rates high. Okay. Then last week, two weeks later, with no warning at all, Jay Powell seemed to pivot dramatically and say almost the opposite. Actually, he said, cutting interest rates is something that, quote “begins to come into view” and is clearly a topic of discussion out in the world and also a discussion for us at our meeting today.” In other words, we are lowering rates. So many people who are paying attention, concluded that this was political. Joe Biden is losing the race and the Fed is trying to save him. But what if it’s even worse than that? What if it’s not just Joe Biden they’re trying to save, but the US economy? What if the fundamentals are so weak underneath that the Fed is desperately scrambling, groping in the dark to figure out what to do. You have to think that’s possible. The Fed is supposed to be stable. That’s why they speak like 19th century jurists to convey stability. But if they’re changing their mind and the biggest question that they address in two weeks, one direction, another direction that suggests chaos, and that’s bad. For an informed guess and what exactly is going on, we turn to Jeffrey Gundlach. He’s one of the most famous investors in the country. He’s founder and CEO of DoubleLine Capital. Mr. Gundlach, thanks so much for coming on. So first to Powell’s apparently contradictory announcements just a couple of weeks apart. A lot of people looked at this and said, well, you know, it wouldn’t be the first time the Fed responded to political imperatives from the White House. Do you think that’s what’s happening?
Jeffrey Gundlach [00:01:57] I don’t think that’s the primary factor that’s going on here, although it is interesting that that pivot that you mentioned is so radical. I think that what’s going on is that interest rates have fallen at the long end of the maturity spectrum. So ten year treasuries, thirty year treasuries, and they’ve fallen to the point that they’re well below where the Fed has short term interest rates. And the Fed almost always takes notice of that. And it’s gotten to be pretty extreme. And so that’s one of the major factors, I think, that they’re aware of history and the way that the interest rate cycle works. So I think that’s that’s a big piece of it. I also think that the Fed is noticing that the inflation data is moderating to a point that’s getting close to what they hope to achieve. What I mean by that is there’s all these different inflation indices, the CPI, the PCE, you can almost pick anyone you want. But if you look at the one that the Fed uses the most, which is the PCE, Personal Consumption Expenditures, they if you take a look at recent months and annualize them, they’re basically right at the Fed’s target. And so inflation went up much faster than they expected back a couple of years ago. And they were tardy in raising interest rates. They should have raised them much sooner. So inflation actually on the CPI got to over 9% on the high, which is sort of Jimmy Carter esque. And so they had to go into radical interest rate increases. But one thing that is lurking beneath the surface, and I think this is the primary variable, is there is an enormous amount of debt that the Treasury has to refinance over the next three years. There’s $34 trillion of national debt, which is shockingly high. And it was facilitated by the fact that the Fed kept interest rates at zero for such a long time. When interest rates are at zero, you can borrow an infinite amount because you have no interest expense. But all of a sudden interest rates are up by five and 3/8 percent or five and a half percent. And now we have $17 trillion of Treasury debt that’s maturing in the next three years. And if interest rates stay where they are, it’s going to cause a tremendous squeeze on revenue because already we have a high percentage of tax receipts that go to interest expense, and it would go much, much higher. The CBO, the Congressional Budget Office, projects where deficits are going and where interest expense is going and all that stuff. But their assumptions are no longer really valid. They assume that the national deficit will be at around 3-4% of GDP. Well, it’s already above 6% of GDP and we’re not even in a recession. They also assume the interest rates will stay at around 3-4% and they’re starting to get to 3-4% type of level. But they were up at five and a half percent or 5%. And if you just do the arithmetic, you start to realize that the percentage of tax receipts that will go to interest expense becomes completely untenable. In fact, if you assume that we continue to have 6 to 8% deficits, percent of GDP, which is almost a certainty the way this economy is running and you keep interest rates where they are, it’s in about five years, you have something like… It depends what interest rates you assume, but you have something like 30, 40, even potentially 50% of all tax receipts going to interest expense. This is a really big problem because we have such a large amount of expenditures that are mandatory. We don’t have the money right to to to have interest expense that high. And so I think beneath the surface, the Fed is looking for reasons to say mission accomplished in a certain sense by taking the last 3 to 6 months of inflation data, analyzing it and saying, well, maybe we don’t need interest rates this high and maybe we have to worry about this problem. Also I do think that it is typical in a presidential election year…This is that secondary variables that you brought up where they just don’t really want to change things very much. And so the Fed has gotten to this place where they want interest rates to sort of stay where they are. They’re clearly not talking about hiking in them anymore, and they may cut them depending upon what happens to the inflation data and ultimately the stock market. The stock market dropping is really the thing that is the straw that breaks the Fed’s back when it comes to giving up on maintaining higher interest rates. You might remember back in 2018 we had a meltdown in the stock market in the fourth quarter. That came about when Jay Powell said we’re going to have interest rate increases on autopilot and we’re going to continue to buy back some of the bonds we have on our balance sheet, are going to let them go back in the market. And the stock market dropped like 20% in a few weeks. And suddenly the Fed did a complete reversal, even more radical than the rhetorical pivot that they did in the past several weeks. They just suddenly started slashing interest rates down to zero again. So one thing I want to point out is the world has fundamentally changed because of the zero interest rate policy. You know, we have all of this debt. It was made possible by zero interest rates. And in the past, decade after decade, when you had low unemployment, you had low deficits. That makes sense. When there’s low unemployment, you don’t have to pay so much unemployment benefits. You have higher tax receipts because more people are employed. But starting in 2015, something changed. We’ve had low unemployment since 2015, and yet the deficit has been rising since 2015. This is unprecedented. To have a rising deficit was considered to be close to full employment. So we have a debt based economic scheme. The deficit as a percent of GDP is running above 6%. People talk about this is a good economy, but if we actually didn’t run a budget deficit, if we had a balanced budget, GDP would be negative over the last 12 months. And so this is the fundamental problem. And I think that’s factoring somewhat into the Fed’s logic. But it’s not tenable. We cannot keep going on with this deficit based scheme. I think people are starting to understand that.
Jeffrey Gundlach [00:08:23] It’s amazing how many things have so fundamentally changed. You know, when I was in college, there was this Green Peace movement and there and their motto was Save the Whales. And now the environmentalists movement is killing the whales with windmill construction in the ocean. You know, when I was in college, I went Dartmouth College near the Vermont-New Hampshire border. It’s in New Hampshire. There were a lot of sort of hippie types that had bumper stickers that said “Split wood, not atoms.” And now what are we doing? We’re saying zero carbon. We’re now saying anything but split wood, anything but burned coal. So everything changes. You know, the women’s movement was a big deal back in the seventies. Women’s rights, equal opportunity. Now it’s the opposite of that. At least in athletics, women are under attack. So it’s weird how everything changes, but that’s the way society and long term economic cycles work is that things that were norms in the past become outdated as as societal conditions change, attitudes change, the means of production change, and those norms just can’t hold up. And we’re in one of those radical transformations. Of course, we see that in the political spectrum where, you know, everyone thought the 2016 election was wacky and then the 2020 election turned out to be wackier. And I think everybody can sense that the 2024 election is going to be the wackiest of our lifetime.
Tucker [00:09:56] Yeah, if not in American history. I would also say that in 1980 there are a lot of people on the left who promoted peace, not cluster bombs. So it’s now the war party. But I have to ask you when you got into this business, you know, 40 years ago or whenever, was the stock market wholly controlled by Fed policy? Because it does seem now that the stock market is just a function of what the Fed decides on rates. Has that always been true?
Jeffrey Gundlach [00:10:26] Not at all. Not at all. I mean, I remember the moment from 1977 to 1982 where the stock market just went south because the Fed was battling inflation. The Volcker Fed.\ And so you had the stock market go down to incredibly low price earnings ratios because the Fed was doing the responsible thing. And the bottom of the stock market was in 1982. And it’s been going up very radically since then. And it’s been aided and abetted by zero interest rate policy by the Fed. You know, when the Fed first went to zero interest rate policy ten years ago or so, everyone thought that it was going to be very temporary, but it lasted for a very long time and it keeps getting reinstated. So I believe that interest rates have bottomed on a long term cyclical basis. I think they will fall in response as they’re falling in real time in response to weaker economic thoughts and weaker economic data as people are looking at the potential for recession from many indicators like the leading economic indicators, the sentiment indicators, the fact that long term interest rates are below short term interest rates. And everyone thinks that they know how the economy works and interest rates work, but their knowledge is informed of 40 years or nearly 40 years of falling interest rates. And now interest rates are secularly rising, in my opinion. I do expect that this Pavlovian response of potential economic weakness leads to lower interest rates in the short term. I think interest rates will continue to fall in the short term, but then the deficit problem is going to really expose itself because the response ultimately to negative GDP, which I expect we will have by the middle of 2024, the response will be more of the same, which is the inflationary policy that we ran in 2020 that we’re now trying to reverse. But that’s the only game that they have, is to go to zero interest rates and then to run massive budget deficits. So the deficits already 6% of GDP. It’s possible it will be 9% of GDP, it’s possible it will be 15% of GDP in response to next recession. And then everyone is going to look at the interest rate structure and say, oh, my golly, you know, this is a real problem with this massive deficit. We’re going to not be able to really refinance this debt. And I think that’s going to lead to a crisis in the dollar, which will lead to a crisis in the economy.
Jeffrey Gundlach [00:13:01] One thing that the Fed doesn’t seem to understand, which kind of surprises me, or maybe they do and they just don’t want to talk about it – I think I prefer that interpretation – Is that what they did by keeping interest rates so low is they forced banks to invest their deposits into very low interest bearing securities. And then interest rates go up and we see the Fed funds rate is still up at 5 and 3/8. And the assets that many large banks, very large banks own, they’re only yielding 3%. So they’re losing money every second of every minute of every hour of every day on that carry. And so higher for longer is devastating to the banking system. So it’s no surprise that while the stock market has done well, certainly over the past couple of years, it’s back up to the highs now. The high was really two years ago and back at that high, the banking sector has done nothing because they’re they’re in a dire situation. And so we saw a little whiff of that problem with the regional banks, with SVB back in March, where they were so underwater on their portfolio and their depositors fled and so they had this crisis and they had to be shut down. That’s not the problem at the money center banks, because their deposits are at much lower cost. But it’s still a problem as the higher for longer regime continues. And I think this is going to be evident in the coming year. So I think it’s going to be a real issue for the election. You mentioned the Fed might be influenced by the election. I think the election is going to be very influenced by economic volatility in 2024, which I think is going to be hard to avoid.
Tucker [00:14:44] So what happens, though, when the the debt crisis, the refinance crisis you’ve mentioned a couple of times happens when it’s just too expensive, so it’s default or massive tax increases or what goes on then?
Jeffrey Gundlach [00:15:02] That’s exactly right, Tucker. It’s some combination. We have an economy that’s around $25 trillion of GDP, and we have a deficit, a national debt that’s $34 trillion. And that sounds bad just with that. But beyond that, there’s a lot of unfunded liabilities that are coming in the future. And that has to do with Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, unfunded pension plans, you know, local municipal budget deficits and all that. Those total, too…are you ready for this, Tucker? $210 trillion in unfunded liabilities, which is about seven and a half times GDP. If you wanted to actually pay those off in today’s money, basically it would take 70 years, basically with a 10% of the economy going to pay off these liabilities. In other words, we’d be in a depression for three generations. So that option is not really going to be taken. So what we have to do is we have to restructure these liabilities, which means partial default on Social Security. I’ve been talking about this for 20 years. What I mean by default is you raise the age requirement, you means test it, you reduce those liabilities. But that probably isn’t enough either. You probably are going to run something of an inflationary policy that will lead to basically a total reset, a total reset of the financial structure. Just as I said several minutes ago about how the way people think about, you know, save the whales versus they’ll kill the whales, women’s rights versus anti women’s rights. All of these are tells that we have to reset to a place where everybody can feel that they’re invested. This is all part of…Some people call it the Kondratiev wave. There’s a man named Neil Howe who’s one of the best demographers in America that wrote a book called The Fourth Turning Back in the nineties. And using demography, he predicted that we would have a debt crisis, the global financial crisis around 2006. Pretty accurate. So what he relies upon is this thing called societal turnings. And we’re in the fourth turning now. In fact, Neil Howe just wrote a new book called The Fourth Turning Is here, something I’m paraphrasing perhaps, but around those lines. What that means is we have gotten completely out of sync between what’s called…this is using Karl Marx’s political philosophy, the means of production and the societal and the property relations. The means of production can change in a revolutionary way, and they always do. Radio, railroads, you know, Internet.
Tucker [00:17:49] Steam engine.
Jeffrey Gundlach [00:17:51] All that. And the property relations are ossified because the people that are wealthy want to increase the probability that they will remain wealthy. And so they don’t want the property relations to change because they’re the winners on the property relations. But the means of production change and get a very strong tension develops between the means of production, the property relations. And that’s where we are right now. And you can see that with this massive amount of wealth inequality and what’s becoming a relatively obvious two tiered system of people that have the levers of power that don’t have to pay any taxes, and the people that are just a notch or two below those levers of power that get, you know, 87,000 more IRS agents unleashed on them. And so we clearly see that tension has developed and it can’t be sustained. And when the next recession comes, the response to the recession, which will be the same one we’ve been using now for 20 years, which is, you know, negative interest rate, real interest rate policy and the deficit spending is going to blow up with the dollar really falling. And I think the dollar has peaked and it’s right on the edge of breaking below its trend line, which is something that’s kind of wonky, but something that I look at as an investment tool. And if it drops at all meaningfully, I think we’re going to be looking at a trend to a much lower dollar, which will ultimately lead to more risk of inflation after we respond to the recession that’s coming. I know that this doesn’t sound good, but there is one good thing that I learned yesterday. I want to say something optimistic, and that is that applications to trade schools have bottomed out and are now actually booming, which is partly, I think, reaction to the nuttiness that’s going on at university campuses. But thank goodness we can finally start to take care of the basics of the trades which have been neglected for years as people have been sold the false hope of getting a worthless degree in leisure studies and thinking that is somehow going to create a path for you economically in this economy, which of course everyone’s realizing that that’s not the case.
Tucker [00:20:05] Yeah, not everyone can be in marketing. So a couple of questions. So if you get to that place where we partly default on some of our entitlements, you mentioned Social Security… Do the holders of the debt, bear any of the pain at all?
Jeffrey Gundlach [00:20:20] Maybe. I think that’s a possibility because you have to use every tool in your kit so you can restructure the liabilities somewhat. But you can also talk about why not refinance the Treasury debt at a zero coupon? That’s something you could do. It would be radical. It would be a disaster for future financing. But on the existing debt, you could just by fiat lower the interest rate. I mean, I keep talking about how these norms are changing. You know, a few years back, people used to say the only things that you still owe when you declare personal bankruptcy are your taxes and your student loan debt. Well, the first shall be last and the last shall be first. Now they’re canceling the student loan debt. It used that was one of the two things that survived bankruptcy. Now that’s the first thing that’s being canceled. So these norms are all changing. And so if you can cancel student loan debt, which was one of the two things that could not survive bankruptcy, of course, you can in part cancel some of the interest expense on the existing federal debt. There’s no difference between those two. This Pandora’s box all got opened during the global financial crisis where there’s loan documents were written that you cannot modify mortgages. Well, desperate times call for desperate measures, I guess. And so they modified millions of mortgages so the rules can change. One thing you learn as you get older, when you’re 12 years old, you assume that the world has always been the same and will always be the same. And then as you as you age, you start to realize, no, that’s not the case. There is nothing that set in stone. Everything can be changed. And so, I mean, we’re back to talking about changing… The Constitution is going to be changed I think. I think we’re looking at a very large generational, multi-generational reset. We don’t make the mistakes our parents made. We make the mistakes that our grandparents and great grandparents made. And that’s why these cycles seem to be sort of 75 years in length. And there was the Civil War, then there was World War II, and now look where we are. We’re about 75 years after that. And so this is somewhat predictable, if not totally predictable, as I talked about the demography aspect of things.
Tucker [00:22:33] So I want to just expand on that a little bit. By the way, I can see why you’ve done well in investing. I mean, these are wise observations and principles I think that you’re explaining. But demography and the fourth turning and you know who lives here and what age they are and all that. These are these are the factors that determine a lot of things including our culture and your economy. We’re changing the demography very, very dramatically, in fact, at a faster pace than any time in American history, tens of millions of new people. What effect does that have on the economy specifically, do you think?
Jeffrey Gundlach [00:23:07] Well, it provides a lot of volatility. Clearly, it changes, you know, how the pie gets split up, how the economic pie gets split up. And that process is painful. And that’s what we’re experiencing right now. Ultimately, though, it turns into the first turning. We have a lot of labor. We have a lot of young people. I mean, there are a lot of negatives about all of this flood of illegal immigration. But there’s also ultimately long term potential benefits once you work through the problems of it. It will reduce inflation, it will create production. These things are the ultimate benefits. Unfortunately, we have to live through – we have to walk through the valley before we can get to the other side. So that’s the sad truth of it. You know, I remember again, about 15, 20 years ago, we were hiring people that were quants to help us with our qualitative research. And we hired� some people from China. And to hire people from China was really hard. You had to sponsor them for a green card and you had to make an assertion that that person had a unique skill set that you were unable to find with an American citizen. That was how hard it was to get somebody in from China. Just think how different that is. I think yesterday, 12,600 people came into this country and none of them have any education, let alone have a unique skill set you can’t hire a citizen for. So nothing is purely good. Nothing is purely bad. But I do think that we’re dealing with the bad piece of this immigration influx before we get some of the benefits. So it’s cheap labor is what it is. I think Nancy Pelosi actually sort of admitted it when she went off script and said we need them to pick the crops down in Florida.
Tucker [00:25:03] And so last question. If if you were to kind of model out to the extent you can be blunt about it, what the world looks like or this country looks like in November of 2024, economically, what would you think?
Jeffrey Gundlach [00:25:20] I think we’ll see a recession before November of 2024, and I think that’s going to cause an awful lot of anxiety. And I’ve been talking about the potential for the 2024 election. I’ve talked about this seven years ago, that it’s possible the 2024 election is decided in the House of Representatives. It’s possible that we will have no candidate win the majority in the Electoral College and it could go to to the House. Of course, that will require either RFK Jr or No Labels or whoever to come up with a third party candidate or something. But it seems that increasingly these elections are getting won with ever more narrow and more questionable margins. And I don’t think 2024 is going to be any exception.
Tucker [00:26:11] Amazing. I sure appreciate you spending all this time and I hope to see you again. Thank you very much.
Jeffrey Gundlach [00:26:17] Thanks for having me. Tucker, I enjoy your content a lot. I’m happy to have to join you today.


There were some tweets in Arabic announcing that Hamas leader Saleh al-Arouri had been sent to meet his maker. I don’t have a shot, but I understand one got a reply that said, “Mazel Tov on your martyrdom — IDF”.


Oh he’s gone alright. And none too soon IMO.