The Deagel Report: U.S. Population Reduction of 68.5% by 2025

The above image is from the “Deagel Population 2025 Forecast Report” of June 2020. It is available here: In this post, Yours Truly will offer some aspects and thoughts into this alarming report. This is not a full-on analysis; it is, rather, the start of a discussion. Please bear with me here. (And, yes, there’s a connection to labs in Ukraine.)

The trail begins with a link that was posted by a fellow-denizen of The Q Tree: The “bottom line” of the Deagel Corporation 2020 population forecast report, for the United States, is a population reduction of 68.5% by 2025. The is also a predicted stunning drop in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the country. The figures for these are the ones on the above image.

In Yours Truly’s opinion, if anything like the above predictions indeed come to pass, the consequences for life in the United States would be widespread and profound. Entirely aside from (and not at all to minimize this damage) the incalculable and deep emotional/psychological effects that such a loss of lives would bring in its train, there are also literally the innumerable negative effects on every aspect of daily living that would also develop. Who would be available to fix the car? Who would be available to put on a new roof? What about farmers, food production and transportation, grocery stores? What about going to the doctor, the dentist, the hospital? What about every aspect of education and schooling? Another question needs to be asked: Are the millions of mostly-uneducated, mostly-unskilled, illegal “migrants” that have been swarming into the United States for the past three years supposed to fill these jobs?

In “raw numbers”, the current population of the United States is 340,909,166, per If the 68.5% Deagle Report population reduction prediction is applied, the calculation is: 340,909,166 x .685 = 233,522,788 “eliminated” by 2025. In “raw numbers”, 340,909,166 – 233,522,788 = 107,386,388 remaining United States population by 2025. Another, non-Deagel, figure is also in play here: the “official” CDC figure of 11 May 2023, which states that 81.4% of the United States population has had at least one injection of a COVID-19 “vaccine” — in other words, 270,227,181 persons ( It is possible that the Deagel Report (written in 2020) did not take into consideration a potential enormous influx of illegal “migrants” into the United States between 2021 and now.

The Expose article cited above discusses the effects of the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” on pregnant women and their unborn children. The article cites the Charles River lab analyses of the 44 female Wistar lab rats involved in the Pfizer-BioNTech experiments with the company’s “flagship” modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT162b2 (bear in mind that this is the “vaccine” that was used in the United States from December 2020 until May 2023, when the FDA quietly withdrew it from use, substituting the said company’s “2023 – 2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine”, what may be termed a “descendant clone vaccine” of BNT162b2.) In the Wistar lab rat study, 22 of the rats were injected with BNT162b2; the other 22, the control group, were injected with saline solution. The rats were put into “cohabitation” with male rats in order to get them pregnant. The pregnant rats were then carefully followed in the lab. Almost all of the pregnant rats gave birth. After nursing and weaning the pups, all of the mothers and their pups (except for a few who were already “sacrificed”) were euthanized and examined. The results were detailed in a report that was given to the FDA early in 2021. A “scientific paper” was published on the study and the results:, “Lack of effects on female fertility and prenatal and postnatal offspring in rats with BNT162b2, a mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine”, Christopher J. Bowman, et al. This “scientific paper” claims that there were NO deleterious effects on the Wistar lab rats that were injected with BNT162b2. HOWEVER, as seen in an image from the “paper”, the results show otherwise. IN ADDITION, the 10 co-authors of this “paper” WERE ALL AFFILIATED WITH PFIZER-BIONTECH.

In Yours Truly’s opinion, the “conclusions” of this “paper” fly in the face of the compiled data on the Wistar lab rats BNT162b2 experiment performed by Pfizer-BioNTech, the full data set being given to the FDA in 2021. Below is an image from the full data set (

It is obvious, from the above image, that BNT162b2 literally “targets” the ovaries, in addition to the spleen. Recall, also, that there are two dangerous lipid nanoparticles (ALC-0159 and ALC-0315) in this “vaccine”, in addition to the PRRARSV “backdoor key” code that was likely inserted. These lipid nanoparticles and the PRRARSV code both work to facilitate the rapid distribution of the modRNA of the “vaccine” throughout the recipient’s body; and, to facilitate entry of the “vaccine” ingredients into every cell of the recipient’s body.

While The Expose article cited above is concerned with the negative effects that the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” have on pregnant women, their unborn children, and on female fertility in general, there are other alarming “signals” that these “vaccines” are causing what is being termed “excess deaths”: for example,; and, the rise in what is termed “turbo-cancers”, as presented by Yours Truly in a post: Finally, there is the information that Pfizer-BioNTech gave to the FDA on 30 April 2021, listing the over 1,200 types of negative effects that BNT162b2 had on persons who took it after the FDA, in December 2020, granted the initial EUA for this modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” to be used in the United States: (please see page 30 of this report, Appendix 1. List of Adverse Events Reports of Special Interest.)

Following are four articles that address the Deagel Report and the Deagel Corporation (, a “minor branch” of United States military intelligence:;, of 4 April 2021;, of 7 July 2023; and, Of particular interest is this last one — and here is the link to labs in Ukraine, funded by the United States Department of Defense. One: The Department of Defense has been sending money to Ukraine since at least 2012 for biomedical (weapons) research; Two: The Department of Defense has been sending these monies via what appear to be various contractors and sub-contractors; Three: There was a large increase of funding and contracts awarded for the Ukraine labs by the Department of Defense starting in 2017. For example: On 16 May 2018, $12,955.791 was awarded to “CBEP UKRAINE PROJECT (SCIENTIFIC ENGAGEMENT AND FACILITY…” ( This was followed on 21 September 2018 with an award of $21,796,198 for “BIOLOGICAL THREAT REDUCTION IN URKAINE – SCIENCE..” Three other contractors / sub-contractors who received award grants are: Labyrinth Global Health, Inc. (; Biosafe Engineering, LLC (, an award in 2019 of $795,995 for “Tissue digesters for Kyiv and Odessa ILD”); and, Black and Veatch Special Projects Corp. (, which began receiving Department of Defense sub-contract awards in 2012. Examples of these awards follow:

(Yours Truly is not, for purposes of this post, discussing NIH / NIAID funding for SARS-CoV-2 research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Baric Lab at UNC Chapel Hill, and at other labs: today’s post regards United States Department of Defense funding for biological (weapons) research, especially in Ukraine.)

Yours Truly is not a statistician, actuarial, or medical professional; one is a concerned citizen. However, it does appear that the United States government was indeed involved in funding, and financially supporting, via the Department of Defense, contractors and sub-contractors in the construction and research activities of biological (weapons) labs in Ukraine. (This is aside from the fact that the NIH / NIAID were, and still are, funding research into COVID-19 “vaccines.”) It is clear that the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” literally “target” the organs and functions of the bodies of those who took / still take, these “vaccines.” It is a fact that the FDA in the United States knew, back in April 2021, that these “vaccines” have over 1,2000 types of negative effects on the bodies of people who take them — including cancer and death — but that this agency still recommends that people continue to take these “vaccines”, in the form of the “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine”, which is itself a “descendant clone vaccine” of the original BNT162b2 (and, in the “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine” by Moderna, a “descendant clone vaccine” of that company’s “flagship” modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine”, mRNA-1273.)

In Yours Truly’s opinion, both the Deagel Corporation and the United States Department of Defense have many questions to answer about their knowledge of, and/or involvement with, the entire COVID-19 disaster. For example: What, exactly, did the Deagel Corporation know between November 2019 and June 2020 about COVID-19 which influenced the company’s 2020 report that forecasts a 68.5% population reduction in the United States by 2025? Another example: What exact communications did the United States Department of Defense have with Pfizer-BioNTech and with Moderna related to these companies’ development of BNT162b2 and of mRNA-1273?

What are unknown, because no one can really predict the future with complete certainty, are the effects of some “wild cards”: of “vaccinated” people refusing to take any more COVID-19 “vaccines”, and not allowing their children to have them; of “vaccinated” people following a protocol to try and mitigate / eliminate the poisons of these “vaccines” they have in their bodies; and, the continuing spread of the truth about these dangerous and deadly “vaccines.”

Yours Truly will make it clear that one is not an “anti-vaxxer.” There are some vaccines, such as the Tetanus vaccine, that are valuable. However, the COVID-19 “vaccines” are proving to be NOT “safe and effective.”

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32, KJV)

Peace, Good Energy, Respect: PAVACA

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The Deagle Report is a smoking gun that this was planned right from the start. I bet they thought the public would never see it. smh

Gail Combs

Add the Deagle Report to my National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200 aka the 1974 Kissinger Report and it is clear the US government has been planing on implementing DEPOPULATION for decades. This not a one off or a mistake but deliberate US government policy.

Also note it is AMERICANS and not illegals that are ‘vaccinated’ and the prediction is that the White Race will soon be in a minority.


Wouldn’t it be nice if the SLAVE RACE was marked at birth by a different skin color??

Gail Combs

They were. That is why I wrote my Depop series.

Start with this added info.
“In 1805, Malthus became Professor of History and Political Economy at the East India Company College.”

The idea never died and at the turn of the 20th century gained a lot of steam.

You might want to skim my article:


Cuppa Covfefe

Bill Gates Sr. was a close associate of Margaret Sanger, and heavily involved with Planned unParenthood…


Fabians. Forerunner’s of modern day progressive think tanks often run out of the parlors of some affluent persons home.

Gail Combs


Margaret Sanger, Fabians in her bed

“Margaret’s English exile gave her the opportunity to make some critical interpersonal connections as well.  Her bed became a veritable meeting place for the Fabian upper crust:  H. G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw, Arnold Bennett, Arbuthnot Lane, and Norman Haire.  And of course, it was then that she began her unusual and tempestuous affair with Havelock Ellis.  Ellis was the iconoclastic grandfather of the Bohemian sexual revolution…he had provided the free love movement with much of its intellectual apologia.”

Gail Combs

Hubby brings you these:

 Club of Rome/WEF Member Dennis Meadows Ponders How To Depopulate 6 Billion People “Peacefully”

This is an older video but it gives you an idea how these globalist elite psychopaths think and how much they want to rid the earth of us “useless eaters” so that they can have total power and control. This is happening right now with the WEF’s Klaus Schwab currently trying to usher us into The Great Reset using the SCAMdemic as a tool to get us there and genociding MILLIONS with the vaccine.

He goes on to explain how he hopes methods to depopulate the planet of 5 to 6 billion “useless eaters” can be done in a non violent, “peaceful” and “equal” way.

Let’s face it no matter how nicely you try to say it he means “How can we genocide 5 or 6 billion of us peacefully and kindly”

👉 Dennis Meadows former WEF member:

👉 The History, Origins and Intentions of Agenda 2030/The Great Reset and the New World Order Cult:

👉 The Deagel Report Predicts Massive Depopulation By 2025/2030:

👉 BOOK: “The Limits to growth: A report for the Club of Rome’s Project on the Predicament of Mankind” Available at Amazon:

👉 The First Global Revolution ~ A Report By the Council of The Club of Rome PDF: This Book May Still Be On Amazon:

Sept 2014 — Limits to Growth was right. New research shows we’re nearing collapse
by Graham Turner and Cathy Alexander

Four decades after the book was published, Limit to Growth’s forecasts have been vindicated by new Australian research. Expect the early stages of global collapse to start appearing soon….

he 1972 book Limits to Growth, which predicted our civilisation would probably collapse some time this century, has been criticised as doomsday fantasy since it was published. Back in 2002, self-styled environmental expert Bjorn Lomborg consigned it to the “dustbin of history”.

It doesn’t belong there. Research from the University of Melbourne has found the book’s forecasts are accurate, 40 years on….

Limits to Growth was commissioned by a think tank called the Club of Rome. Researchers working out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, including husband-and-wife team Donella and Dennis Meadows, built a computer model to track the world’s economy and environment. Called World3, this computer model was cutting edge.

The task was very ambitious. The team tracked industrialisation, population, food, use of resources, and pollution. They modelled data up to 1970, then developed a range of scenarios out to 2100, depending on whether humanity took serious action on environmental and resource issues. If that didn’t happen, the model predicted “overshoot and collapse” – in the economy, environment and population – before 2070. This was called the “business-as-usual” scenario.

The book’s central point, much criticised since, is that “the earth is finite” and the quest for unlimited growth in population, material goods etc would eventually lead to a crash.

So were they right? We decided to check in with those scenarios after 40 years.

Dr Graham Turner gathered data from the UN (its department of economic and social affairs, Unesco, the food and agriculture organisation, and the UN statistics yearbook). He also checked in with the US national oceanic and atmospheric administration, the BP statistical review, and elsewhere. That data was plotted alongside the Limits to Growth scenarios.

The results show that the world is tracking pretty closely to the Limits to Growth “business-as-usual” scenario. The data doesn’t match up with other scenarios…

Hubby also mentioned Ted Turner wants less than a million.

I had the quote from a decade ago. H/T Jimbo @ WUWT

A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95 percent decline from present levels, would be ideal.” – Ted Turner, founder of CNN and the UN Foundation

Source: Power & Money, by Don McAlvany, Fall 1997, page 6. Also: Environmental Overkill, by Dixy Lee Ray with Lou Guzzo, 1993, page 80.

Hardcopy: Copy of page 6 from the McAlvany newsletter.
Source: You Don’t Say, by Fred Gielow, 1999, page 189.

Hardcopy: Copy of page 189 from Gielow’s book.
Where: In an interview with Audubon magazine. 


Yours Truly found this about Fauci apparently being involved with doings of The Club of Rome:

From the article, an undated photo of Anthony Fauci with Club of Rome members::

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The nasty Malthusians who continue to haunt us in one picture.

Gail Combs

I fear they will try to hang the Covid Death Shot on POTUS Trump.

Here is the info to counter that.


I found the article from France.

October 2019, as global protests were raging across the world, an agency no one had heard of made an astonishing decision.

“Painkiller tablets such as aspirin, paracetamol and ibuprofen will be placed behind pharmacy counters and no longer be freely available on shelves in France from January 15 2020, it has been confirmed…

The measure comes after medical health agency Agence Nationale de Sécurité du Médicament (ANSM) recommended it in October this year, and after consultations with pharmacies and patient focus groups.”

So says The Connexion, described as “a monthly newspaper and news website for the English-speaking expatriate community in France…

“Plaquénil, the trade name for chloroquine, was sold over the counter in pharmacies 👉until January 15, 2020.

‘Today, there are an escalation of directives aimed at restricting its use by the Directorate General of Health and it remains authorized in the context where it is least effective, that is to say in the intensive care units,’ continues the doctor.”

So they say. October of course is when some suspect this corona thing began in Wuhan, with January 15th being just two days before the western scientific community began to start grappling with this thing.

The now famous or infamous Imperial College University published its first report on👉 the 17th of January 2020 where they say “self-sustaining human-to-human transmission should not be ruled out.”

….The World Health Organization (WHO) had stated on the 14th of January there was no evidence of human to human transmission, with that being a key indicator of whether this was a very localized matter or a potential pandemic.

  :wpds_arrow: We know what happened thereafter, but what we do not know is why did this agency ban a potential drug that could prevent this, and 👉𝗪𝗛𝗬 𝗪𝗔𝗦 𝗜𝗧 𝗕𝗔𝗡𝗡𝗘𝗗 𝗜𝗡 𝗢𝗖𝗧𝗢𝗕𝗘𝗥 𝗜𝗡 𝗙𝗥𝗔𝗡𝗖𝗘,👈 with that ban set to take effect just days before China took the shocking decision to curfew Wuhan on the 23rd of January….

Actually we DO KNOW WHY.

Fauci Knew About HCQ In 2005 – Nobody Needed To Die

How did he know this? Because of research done by the National Institutes of Health, of which he is the director. In connection with the SARS outbreak – caused by a coronavirus dubbed SARS- CoV – the NIH researched chloroquine and concluded that it was effective at stopping the SARS coronavirus in its tracks.

The COVID-19 bug is likewise a coronavirus, labeled SARS-CoV-2. While not exactly the same virus as SARS-CoV-1, it is genetically related to it….

The Virology Journal – the official publication of Dr. Fauci’s National Institutes of Health – published what is now a blockbuster article on August 22, 2005, under the heading – get ready for this – “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.” (Emphasis mine throughout.) Write the researchers, “We report…that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage.”

….👉This means, of course, that Dr. Fauci has known for 15 years that chloroquine and it’s even milder derivative hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) will not only treat a current case of coronavirus (“therapeutic”) but prevent future cases (“prophylactic”). So HCQ functions as both a cure and a vaccine. In other words, it’s a wonder drug for coronavirus. Said Dr. Fauci’s NIH in 2005, “concentrations of 10 μM completely abolished SARS-CoV infection.” Fauci’s researchers add, “chloroquine can effectively reduce the establishment of infection and spread of SARS-CoV.”….


Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread

Published online 2005 Aug 22

And just to add to this:

May 19, 2020 Trump taking HCQ as Covid-19 preventative Times of India

…Chuck Schumer, the Democratic Party leader in the Senate accused him on MSNBC of giving false hopes and said “It is just dangerous what he did.” …

Trump had personally requested Prime Minister Narendra Modi to relax the ban on HCQ export and allow India to export doses ordered before the COVID-19 pandemic.

India agreed and sent the USA 3.5 million tablets and nine tonnes of ingredients to manufacture it….


June 16, 2020 After Donald Trump calls HCQ a ‘game-changer’ drug against COVID-19, 👉US FDA withdraws emergency use authorisationFDA, citing reports of heart complications, said the drugs pose a greater risk to patients than any potential benefits. [We now know the FDA picked people on their death beds and gave them very high doses.]

At Trump’s request, India in April allowed the export of 50 million HCQ tablets to treat COVID-19 patients in America.

Gail Combs

  :wpds_arrow: Dr Peter Navarro was critical in the defense of Trump since he was tossed off the Covid Task force by Pence’s Chief of staff, Marc Short. It is NO COINCIDENCE that he is being sent to prison during this critical time period.

Jan. 6, 2021
UPDATE: President Trump BANNED Pence’s Chief of Staff From the White House – Not Allowed on WH Grounds
New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman said President Trump did tell Marc Short that he wasn’t welcome at the White House for advising Pence not to go along with what Trump wanted… Earlier Wednesday Vice President Mike Pence rebuffed President Trump and refused to reject Joe Biden’s electoral college votes in contested states.
“It is my considered judgement that my oath to support and defend the Constitution constrains me from claiming unilateral authority to determine which electoral votes should be counted and which should not,” Pence said.
President Trump blasted Pence for lacking courage.

“Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!” Trump said.

(Bill Palmer is a PRO – HITLERY former elementary school teacher.)

Mike Pence’s chief of staff is who we thought he was

Mike Pence’s vice presidential chief of staff Marc Short has given extensive and cooperative testimony to the January 6th Committee. But now Short is insisting that the committee has no right to try to compel Pence himself to testify. As always, this has led to debates on our side of the fence about whether Short is “good” or “bad” or “can be trusted.”…

Liz Cheney is the perfect example. Her decision to join the January 6th Committee and help America finish off Donald Trump doesn’t mean she’s suddenly become a “good guy.” 

it’s more important than ever to understand and embrace these concepts. Marc Short is perfectly willing to rat out Donald Trump, because he has no interest in getting indicted for contempt just to protect Trump, 👉a guy he hates anyway.


Pence’s Chief of Staff Warned Secret Service of Danger to VP Day Before Jan. 6, Report Claims

Former Vice President Mike Pence’s chief of staff contacted his leading Secret Service agent the day before a mob of then-President Donald Trump’s supporters stormed the Capitol on January 6 last year to warn the agent that the sitting US president might publicly lash out at the vice president and endanger Pence’s security as a result.

According to a New York Times report, Pence’s chief of staff, Marc Short, had no idea what form such a security threat would take. Nevertheless, after days of increasing pressure from Trump on his vice president to intervene on the election certification, Short reportedly appeared to have reason to be concerned.

The vice president’s refusal to go along with the president was bursting into an open feud between the two men at a time when the president was inflaming the rage of his fans flocking to Washington, DC.

Gail Combs

Here is WHO is actually responsible:


 March 4, 2024 09:05

Our Neo-FEUDAL ruling class behaves, acts and have believes just like the old Feudal Class of Kings and Queens.
These are the judges and jury members in DC and NY who preside over the J6 and Trump lawfare trials.
They are the true Fascists of the world promoted by the WEFenSS.
Here is a report on how they really think (based on Rasmussens Report – Elite-One-Percent.pdf (

Please go to his comment for more, LINK

Gail Combs
Gail Combs

I want this close to the top!!!


 June 20, 2024 01:08

BREAKING NEWS: In 2023, The LANCET censored & CANCELLED a ground-breaking COVID-19 Vaccine Injury & Autopsy paper within 24hr after 100,000s downloads

It has just passed peer review & will be PUBLISHED!

74% of sudden deaths due to COVID-19 Vaccine!

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And just in case you were wondering wether the US government would INTENTIONALLY kill Americans…

Valerie Curren

 June 20, 2024 08:54

If this all actually happened then the depop agenda appears to predate the 1970’s 😡

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Last edited 6 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


In 1950, the U.S. Released a Bioweapon in San Francisco Smithsonian mag This was one of hundreds of bioweapon simulations carried out in the 1950s and 1960s

Helen Thompson

July 6, 2015

The bacterium Serratia marcescens lives in soil and water, and is best known for its ability to produce bright red pigment. This flashy trait makes this particular microbe useful in experiments—because it is so bright, it’s easy to see where it is. And in 1950, the U.S. military harnessed that power in a large-scale biowarefare test, writes Rebecca Kreston on her blog “Body Horrors” for Scientific American.

Beginning on September 26, 1950, the crew of a U.S. Navy minesweeper ship spent six days spraying Serratia marcescens into the air about two miles off the northern California coast. The project was called “Operation Sea Spray,” and its aim was to determine the susceptibility of a big city like San Francisco to a bioweapon attack by terrorists. 

In the following days, the military took samples at 43 sites to track the bacteria’s spread, and found that it had quickly infested not only the city but surrounding suburbs as well. During the test, residents of these areas would have inhaled millions of bacterial spores. Clearly, their test showed, San Francisco and cities with similar size and topography could face germ warfare threats. “In this regard, the experiment was a success,” writes Kreston….

The military had performed similar tests in other cities across the country over the next two decades, until Richard Nixon halted all germ warfare research in 1969. The San Francisco experiment didn’t become public knowledge until 1976.

Gail Combs


 Reply to  TheseTruths
 June 20, 2024 10:50

HERE ARE THE FIRST 3 PAGES OF THE ORIGINAL PAPER IN THE LANCET, JULY 2023. Yours Truly downloaded the paper right when one saw it online. One presented it on the board here, IIRC.

Page 1:

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Page 2:

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Page 3:

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Yours Truly is NOT “patting oneself on the back” for downloading the original paper right away.

Yours Truly is again urging interested persons to DOWNLOAD and SAVE a paper or article written and/or published by doctors and scientists who are telling the truth about the DANGEROUS AND DEADLY COVID-19 “vaccines.” Even if it’s a paper or article that are “dense” or not easily “accessible.” Even if it’s a paper or article that doesn’t interest a reader at the moment.

Here’s the deal, IMO: Yes, Dr. Makis is correct — the TSUNAMI of FACTS about how DANGEROUS AND DEADLY these “vaccines” are is rolling out. This is a real reason why the LancetCureus, and other medical/scientific publishers will be under ENORMOUS PRESSURE from their owners/funders, from governments, from Big Pharma, from the WEF, etc., to Retract, Withdraw, or Remove such papers and articles; or, to have them Re-issued with “new conclusions” that reflect these pressures.

IMO, Dr. Makis is also correct when he says that politicians need to get “out in front” of the TRUTH TSUNAMI that’s rolling. This, IMO, may include President Trump. IMO, a fair argument can be made that the DeepState / WEF / Soro$ Cabal / Big Pharma / DNC, etc., will try to hold President Trump “responsible” for every COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced injury, illness, disability, and death, since December 2020 — and that “President Biden rode to the rescue” in some way.

Last edited 6 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


 June 20, 2024 13:56

Deborah Birx lets the cat out of the bag to Chris Cuomo.

She talks about “mitochondrial damage” from HIV and this slowly destroys the patient’s immune system.

Guess what? The modRNA OVID-19 “vaccines” ALSO damage the mitochondria of the “vaccinated” person — by increasing / aggravating mitochondrial cell death (apoptosis.). It’s called “Mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase increased” on Page 6 of the Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2 5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Events Reports, Appendix 1. List of Adverse Events of Special Interest at the end of the report. (,
FDA time-stamped 30 April 2021 09:26 GMT.)

Induced or disease-driven mitochondrial apoptosis can occur anywhere in the body, from the brain to the blood to the gut to the heart, and so on.
Please also refer to:

But wait, there’s more:

The “Pradhan paper” of January 2020 (since Withdrawn) pointed out 4 possible HIV-like “inserts” in the COVID-19 virus itself. This paper was published well before the COVID-19 “vaccines” were authorized for use. The paper is gone — nothing but the Withdrawal Statement in place of the Abstract is available.
However, Yours Truly downloaded a copy of the original paper after it was Withdrawn but before it was “disappeared” off the internet.

Following is the Jimmy Dore tweet of the clip between Chris Cuomo and Deborah Birx; a JPG of Page 1 of the original paper, with the original Abstract; then, a JPG of the Withdrawal Abstract statement.

(Another example of how interested persons need to to download and save papers and articles.)

Page 1 of the “Pradhan paper”, with the original Abstract:

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The Withdrawal Abstract statement about the “Pradhan paper”:

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(Your Truly can find no “re-issue” or “re-written” version of this paper.)



 Reply to  PAVACA

 June 20, 2024 15:02

Who was originally in AIDS research? Scarf and Fauxi. Really, how hard was it to understand that it was all going end up this way? Media fans the fear porn, government creates the coercion, leftists increase the social pressure, election system collapses, economy worsens, deficits increase, money flows to the medical community and Big Pharm who line politician pockets, etc. etc.

Destruction of immune systems is for the long term purpose of enabling pre-existing conditions and weaknesses to increase control over the body. This Increases revenue streams for Rockefeller oriented treatment and meds while increasing the mortality and sterility rates. Depop rate increases significantly without the general public becoming aware while modifying the DNA of the folks who fall for it, causing even more mortality and sterility in their steady march toward ranshumanism.
Dystopian vision for the world.

The only questions are how many people resist and when will God say that is enough?

Gail Combs


 June 20, 2024 15:39

Yours Truly will add the following:

Dr. Birx’s comments regarding mitochondrial damage in HIV and in “Long COVID.”

“Long COVID” appears in people who are COVID-19 “vaccinated” AND in “unvaccinated” persons who contract a COVID-19 infection and recover.
The “Pradhan paper” was written and published before any COVID-19 “vaccine” had been granted an EUA for use.

To Yours Truly, this may indicate that any HIV-like inserts in the COVID-19 virus itself “predate” the COVID-19 “vaccines.”

Does this mean that all persons with “Long COVID” will also come down with HIV at some point? I don’t believe so.

HOWEVER, the difference is that “vaccinated” persons have the spike protein “circulating” in their bodies, undermining their natural immune system, for an indefinite period of time.

To me, it all points to the immense importance of having one’s natural immune system in the best shape possible at all times.

Gail Combs

Those on aspirin or blood thinners need to do the testing for clotting times so they can ADD the Nattokinase since Nattokinase has properties the blood thinners do not.

Unfortunately good luck getting a doctor to cooperate!

EXPERT: Nattokinase detoxifies covid spike proteins from the body

Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, has dropped another bombshell revelation, this time about how nattokinase, a natural enzyme found in fermented soybeans, is a powerful remedy against Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) spike proteins.McCullough says he is asked all the time by people who got “vaccinated” for covid what they can do to “get this out of my body.” This inspired him to write a piece about nattokinase that calls the substance the “holy grail of covid-19 vaccine detoxification.”…

Dr Peter McCullough: Does Nattokinase Dissolve Spike Protein?
By Dr Frank Yap, M.D. – December 15, 2023

….Base Spike Detox

According to Dr Peter McCullough (in a Twitter post – July 2023):

Base Spike Detox is what I am currently using in my practice for those who have had COVID-19 multiple times, one or more of the COVID-19 vaccines, or both and believe persistent SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein could be causing problems in their body. A major publication is under review and editing; however, the information is far too important to hold back. 

Update (Nov 2023): Published on August 25, 2023 in Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons. CLICK HERE FOR THE COMPLETE PAPER > Base Spike Protein Detoxification and on November 21, 2023 in Cureus (PubMed – November 2023)

I have arrived, based on the emerging scientific literature and my clinical observation, that three OTC products are essential as a triple base combination:

Nattokinase 2000 FU (100 mg) twice a day

Bromelain 500 mg once a day

Nano/Liposomal Curcumin 500 mg twice a day

Additional products can be added, including NAC, IVM (Ivermectin), HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine), fluvoxamine, low-dose naltrexone, and blood thinners, depending on the clinical evaluation and the syndrome.

The therapeutic objective is to start treatment and allow the body to clear Spike and its fragments with the natural reticuloendothelial system. I believe this triple combination is the best approach.

Patients can get a big head start if they self-initiate Base Spike Detox as they get organized for appointments. I have found three months is a minimum duration, and some require more than a year. Don’t expect instant results, be patient. I have a major manuscript under review for publication that summarizes the clinical rationale and evidence supporting Base Spike Detox.

Another source:

Gail Combs

Now the Cabal has a method for dealing with DENIERS….

Barb Meier

 July 1, 2024 23:52

Cognify… who do you trust?


MK Ultra on Steroids.

Gail Combs
Gail Combs

From D-Pat

Last edited 5 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


This post mainly consists of scientific studies (both peer reviewed and preprints), systematic reviews, case studies (a few key ones of the thousands out there), and other medical journal articles that support the assertions in my Vaccine Injury post from November 2022. I began bookmarking these studies in late 2021, but since I’ve surely missed some, this is not a comprehensive list. (In fact I’m still adding studies from the past 6 weeks, though they should all be included by the end of July.) It is, however, significant enough to utterly debunk the “safe and effective” propaganda of the past three years. (I will continue adding to this list indefinitely, so please check back on occasion for the most recent scientific discoveries about C19 vaccine injuries.) 

I’m not a scientific researcher, data analyst, or medical professional. Neither are most of my readers. However I, and presumably they/you, are fully intellectually capable of reading and understanding the discussions and conclusions in most of the studies listed below. For those of you who prefer to skim, in most cases, after each link below, I include a short (2-3 sentence) summary of the study’s conclusions…

This is a long list of studies


Very worthwhile article, CV!!!

Glad to see you doing things….how is the healing process going?


I’m glad to hear you’re starting to feel better! 👍🙂


This sounds very good.

There is a certain language barrier to surgery. How are you supposed to describe the feeling of internal meddling that wasn’t survivable until long after language was set? If it can’t be described, how are your caregivers supposed to tell you which types are tolerable and which types to look out for? How does it feel to have your body knit itself back together when prior generations just died? We live in a very fortunate age, but language has not kept up.

In the face of such lack, it is a good thing that prayers for comfort and healing continue to be relevant — and that care and well-wishes can be felt in this world.

Beyond my own contribution, I hope you are amply supplied with such older powers to support you on your way.

Valerie Curren

How beautifully said, Cthulhu–TY!  😍 

Gail Combs



 March 8, 2024 14:48

Big Pharma Profits Over Lives: Dr. Sabine Hazan Exposes COVID Cartel’s Suppression of Essential Gut Health Data

Distinguished gastroenterologist Dr. Sabine Hazan spoke at U.S. Senator Ron Johnson’s (R-WI) recent roundtable discussion titled “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?” Listed as a speaker to examine “Corruption of Medical Research and Federal Health Agencies,” Dr. Hazen shared eye-opening details regarding how her groundbreaking findings on how COVID-19 vaccines wreaked havoc on the gut microbiome were censured and silenced. Likewise, she shared how her research emphasizing the efficacy of specific treatments like hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and Ivermectin against COVID-19 was also swept under the rug.

Dr. Hazan explained that the microbiome—the microbes in our gut—is essentially our immunity, and when studied, it tells the story of COVID-19. Certainly seems like something worth knowing. A practicing gastroenterologist for the last three decades, Dr. Hazan dove right in when the pandemic hit. Her laboratory, Progenabiome, was the first to document the entire sequence of SARS-CoV-2 in the stools as opposed to the PCR test. She pointed out that microbiome research through the stools presents the whole picture of the virus instead of the PCR, which is merely a tiny piece of the virus. Again, this information appears super critical.

MUCH more is covered in this article. Also:

In a significant discovery, she noticed that patients with severe COVID-19 were missing a critical microbe for immunity called Bifidobacteria, vital in mitigating COVID-19 severity. Importantly, her finding suggested a clear link between the absence of Bifidobacteria and severe COVID-19 outcomes. This discovery undoubtedly implicates a potential mechanism for further research and intervention. But her work was ignored. Expanding on the critical role of Bifidobacteria and efforts to keep it quiet, Dr. Hazan shared:

“[Bifidobacteria] represents your trillion-dollar industry of probiotics. In fact, when you turn the bottle and see the ingredients, it says Bifidobacteria. It is present in newborns. This [explains] why your newborn did not have a problem with COVID-19 from the beginning. It is absent in older people—the process of aging is loss of Bifidobacteria…

This doctor performed clinical trials and was not allowed to publish, etc. Her findings are new to me.


Aubergine( Aubergine)Offline

 Reply to  TheseTruths
 March 8, 2024 22:03

The natural source for Bifidobacteria is fermented veggies. Like cabbage and cucumber pickles.

I started to ferment a few years ago, and I haven’t bought a pickle of any kind since. Or sauerkraut. Nothing is as good as a homemade fermented pickle. They actually sort of “fizz” on your tongue. Indescribable, really.




Gail Combs

And a bit more:

Agenda 21 and the reorganization of human society- Most people are unaware that one of the greatest threats to their freedom may be a United Nations program which plans to depopulate 95% of the world

The final Goal of agenda 21 would be to bring down the planets population down to 500,000,000, about a quarter of the current 7 billion in order to make us easier to “control” SO since financial tyranny alone isnt producing results fast enough, well introducing agenda 21. The E.P.I.C (Elite.Powers.In.Control) are attempting to carry out this genocidal scheme through, vaccinations, GMO, predictive programming, removal of 2nd amendment, false flags, manipulation of our public school system, as well as manipulation of the weather causing drouts or natural disasters anywhere they please using H.A.A.R.P, this is how they will remove all the farmers from their land so they can buy it all up for cheap, effectively owning ALL of our consumed seed. Agenda 21 is a highly elaborate, multi-facicetied plan that’s been at work behind the scenes for generations. it’s finally coming to the mass concensuness because it impossible to hide at this point. If this is your first time hearing about agenda 21 I HIGHLY suggest you go research all of those topics I presented above, this affects everyone….


The Tavistock Institute: Creating a Mind Control Culture Weapon

Last edited 9 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs

‘Net Zero’ Is WEF Plot to Destroy Food Supply

The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Net Zero” agenda is actually a plot to destroy the food supply and eliminate the working class, a new report has warned.

An investigation by the Institute for Community Studies (ICS) found that unelected globalists at the WEF and United Nations (UN) are using “climate change” fears to seize control of the masses.

While establishing the UN as a single-world government to tackle “global warming,” the WEF is seeking to destroy the food supply as we know it and replace traditionally farmed meat and dairy with products for mass public consumption that are controlled by globalists.

In recent years, WEF elites have been attempting to demonize farming through fearmongering about “global warming.”

WEF members, such as Democrat President Joe Biden’s outgoing “climate czar” John Kerry, insist that traditional farming can be shut down and replaced because it fails to comply with “Net Zero” goals.

By banning meat and dairy products, globalists such as the WEF and Bill Gates (America’s largest farmland owner) can fill these large gaps in the food supply with their own manmade products….

Gail Combs

A day later Aubergine added:


 Reply to  TheseTruths
 March 9, 2024 08:49

I think I have mentioned before that 80% of our immune system is our gut. Anything that disrupts it is de facto disrupting immunity.

If vitamin I is protecting the gut biome, it protects immunity. Which, by itself, is enough reason to use it on an ongoing, perhaps intermittent, basis.

Frightening to me is the fact that apparently, the effects of parasites on the gut biome have not really been adequately studied:

“Although it is not yet clear whether parasites change the microbiome, or microbiome composition influences the risk of getting a parasitic infection, these findings pave the way for further research to answer these questions.”

Stuff like this is pretty basic, I would think. Why aren’t scientists more interested? There’s probably no money in it.


Wolfie Response:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy(

 Reply to  Aubergine
 March 9, 2024 11:15

Oh, this is ALL making sense.

Parasites like WORMS are COMPETITORS of bacteria in the gut. The parasites surely secrete things that work against bacteria which are problematic for those parasites. We would expect the bacteria to evolve to fight back, or at least defend.
What if that weird, “rare” (only found once) golf course bacterium

(, which produces ivermectin, was actually something deposited through defecation by an organism (like a bird or a mammal, even a bat) which normally hosts the bacterium in its gut, in a symbiotic relationship that kills parasites for the host AND viruses for the host and the bacteria?

Thus, it’s NOT an accident that ivermectin kills parasites, but “natural DNA intelligence” acquired through evolution. This explains both the “rarity” of the bacterium (it’s “hiding” in some species) and why it does what it does.

Thus, ivermectin is doing something for us (and our microbiome friends) that it does for birds, bats, or some other species which needs to protect their gut microbiomes from viruses, and its host from parasites.

Last edited 9 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs
Last edited 9 months ago by Gail Combs
Brave and Free

There’s at least one state SG speaking up.
Hopefully he’ll find his way into an PDJT administration.


I think I’m going to be an anti-vaxxer.

How can any vaccine be trusted from these monsters?

How can we ever know which vials of Mengele juice are ‘safe’, and which ones aren’t, when they’re coming from Big Mengele?

Gail Combs

Unfortunately you can not get a straight tetanus shot anymore. The tetanus-diphtheria (Td) vaccine is a shot that protects against two diseases: tetanus and diphtheria.” The other option is  DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough (pertussis)

I tried to get a straight tetanus booster several years ago and was told it was no longer available.

Gail Combs

At this point I would suspect ANY AND ALL Vaccines. How else are they going to get the population reduction by 2025?

Gail Combs

That is a good video Scott, thankQ for bringing it.

Gail Combs

PAVACA comment on that video.

The Katie Hopkins video is, IMO, important to watch. It appears that cardiovascular events is the largest culprit in the excess mortality numbers in England in the ages 20 – 64 combined age group.
It also appears that a significant number of these cardiovascular events are occurring to people when they are at home, as opposed to being in the hospital or otherwise under care.
Of course, the Lancet article does NOT mention the “vaccines” as a cause of the excess deaths. The lead author of the Lancet article, Jonathan Pearson-Stuttard, receives fees from Pfizer! “Other reasons”, such as appearing to blame COVID-19 infection, are mentioned.
Yours Truly can posit that the authors of the Lancet article know the real truth — that the excess deaths are occurring because of the ingredients and the mechanisms of the COVID-19 “vaccines” — but either choose not to tell the truth, or are afraid of the repercussions that telling the truth could do to their careers.
Yours Truly will also posit the following: Since the heart and cardiovascular system damage that the COVID-19 “vaccines” do can be cumulative and incremental to the “vaccinated” person, many people don’t know that “something is wrong” until things are out of control, or nearly out of control.
And here’s the proof:
“Vascular and organ damage induced by mRNA vaccines: irrefutable proof of causality”
Michael Palmer, MD, and Sucharit Bhakdi, MD
Please refer to Slide 10 and Slide 11 for images of damage to the heart.
Please refer to Slide 14 of the following graphic: “The Pfizer vaccine mRNA gets copied (“reverse transcribed”) into DNA and inserted into the cellular genome”
Here is the Lancet article cited by Ms. Hopkins:
“Excess mortality in England post COVID-19 pandemic: implications for secondary prevention”
Jonathan Pearson-Stuttard, et al.


Thanks for your efforts, PAVACA!

Gail Combs

About farmers, the last time I looked, during the OH!Bummer era, the average age of US farmers was 54.


Thank you for all of the work you are doing on this, PAVACA. I really hope their efforts have been short circuited. If not, it is going to be tough to deal with life on this planet over the coming years.

Gail Combs

I think there is a good chance that the good guys have come up with stuff to counter the Clot Shot. — Ivermectin, Fenben, herbals, Spike Protect….


Nattokinase. I remember when Aubergine first introduced us to it. Now a lot of doctors are recommending it to get rid of the blood clots.


It has lowered my BP ten points, Kory and McCullough recommend. It’s always out of stock at, along with anything elderberry. 😀

Gail Combs

I have a few months worth right now, so I’m good. I was just remarking that I had noticed it being out of stock. 👍🏻


I started taking it after finding that roughly 30% of Japanese people didn’t like the taste, but ate it anyway for its health effects.

Incidentally, it is not a kinase found in natto — it is, rather, a protease produced by “nattokin” (the Japanese name of the bacteria that ferments natto).


Thank you, Pavaca. I’m doing well, though I still have to deal with the oncologist and radiologist who now want to do their dark arts on me. (No thanks to both of them! No chemo! No radiation! And no big pharma hormone blockers!) Serrapeptase is on my holistic cancer protocol. We use it to get rid of the cancer cell die-off from our fenbendazole.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Just for some context, the Black Death in Europe (1354-7 or so) took out anywhere from a third to a half of the population…and here we are talking about a bit over two thirds. (I think it’s possible that some of this reduction has already happened…so we might not want to use today’s population as a baseline, nor should our baseline include illegals.)

The Europeans of the time had it better in other words.

But it’s much, much worse than a mere comparison of percentages would imply. Their economy was much simpler; almost everyone was a farmer. Most of those who died, therefore, at least left behind other people who could step in and fill their shoes. Maybe not in their family, but at least someone could do the work. Some of the other jobs were often unskilled (but on the other hand often very skilled).

Today most of us are so specialized that it’s conceivable entire professions could be wiped out. If that means no more lawyers, great; if that means no more miners…not so great. And if infrastructure loses something vital…all infrastructure goes.

Gail Combs

You also have the deliberate destruction of US education. Not academia but plumbers, welders, car mechanics, engineers, builders…. The people who actually RUN the world. Affirmative action really did a tap dance on the USA’s industry.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

An added factor of nastiness. Those left might not be competent to tie their own shoes.




These devils make a business of creating new weapons to clean up their old weapons.


I do not exactly know what was worse?

My father fractured his neck twice after falling from seizures and 5 other symptoms from his shot. Moderna shot? UVA demanded it prior to surgically repairing a dermatologist’s malpractice of radiating my father’s scalp for Melonoma.

Or was it the turbo Carsenoma that grew to the size of a grapefruit in about four months after he had his shot and surgery?


I’m so sorry, WSB. That’s terrible!


TY, Linda. Worst thing I have ever been through.


I can imagine. And unfortunately, more and more people are going through similar situations. It’s really heartbreaking.


Thank you, CV. I only want to help anyone who may see signs of others in distress in order to help them.

My father fell down twice due to seizures and other symptoms from his shot he was made to take in order to have the reparation surgery, which never was successful.

Those falls fractured his neck twice, and we could never get a feeding tube down his throat or in his stomach after that. What a nightmare.

He had the sinus thrombosis, the seizures, headaches, and fainting.

He never had a chance.

Valerie Curren

so sorry for this horrific suffering  😥 


Thank you, Valerie. I have this in my mind every day. The medical system is Hell. Try never to be on meds and never to go there.

Gail Combs


Unfortunately my Hubby who is 80 now has balance problems and has fallen more than once.

Thanks for the warning.


Try to make certain that he always takes the rail, and I also found out that even when my father’s blood pressure was low, his doctors had him on blood-pressure lowering drugs.

I had to talk with a doctor at 7 PM one night to relate that information. He immediately realized what was going on and took my father off his pills.

Now, my father never fell down stairs, he passed out just walking to his bedroom twice. Area rugs on top of wood floors.

Not even certain if a helmet would have helped. We just did not know he was experiencing these symptoms from the shot. I only realized one night when someone wrote in here.

Valerie Curren

It’s beyond criminal what is being done to people in the name of “health” care. After the scamdemic it seems that so much that we used to just take in stride naively has been belched from the pit of hell. There are truly no words.

Some months back I was sharing some of the expanded details of the horrible situations people faced themselves, or observed in their loved ones, in the fallout after being injected w/ “mandated” poison, found in a Steve Kirsch article. There is so much sorrow & suffering and so many of these people were being ignored so brutally by medicos, friends, & even family. Their stories, cautionary & heartbreaking tales all, need to be heard. If I ever find that tab (I have Way too many tabs open on my computer) again I hope to continue sharing their experiences here.

We are existing in our own Never Forget Nightmare!


So true. And it is very important to be very cognizant of balance at all times.

Valerie Curren



Do not miss this interview. Watch until the last word. Bret is not saying as much as he knows yet is alluding to all.

Valerie Curren

TY for the heads up WSB–Blessings!


PS, somehow my father developed a Carcinoma on his head that grew huge in four months. The nurses said they had never seen anything like it. He had to have head dressings every other day. Was a total mess.

Especially for someone who had been healthy all of his life. This all happened within 1 1/2 years.

His immune system just broke out in chaos.

Just try to keep anyone from falling anywhere. That will devastate the neck.

Gail Combs

I am getting

Something went wrong. Try reloading.

I have gotten that a couple times in the last few days.

Valerie Curren

I got that the other day here too. Do you think the Q-Tree is under attack…again?

Valerie Curren

TY, PAVACA/CV/RDS, for pulling together this important & alarming info for us. Your body of work on all things Covid & death shot is beyond remarkable. That you are doing this while in the midst of healing from your recent surgery is a mark of your truly sacrificial & loving nature. God Bless YOU in all your endeavors, body, soul, mind, & spirit!

Valerie Curren

Agreed. I sent the image of the graph & link to that article out on gab, as well as the link to this post by you 🙂

Valerie Curren

YW 🙂

Valerie Curren

I went to read one of your recommended links, but the link didn’t work. The site’s search engine brought it up OK though.

Many other articles on the Deagel site here too:

Oops, I misspelled Deagel in my search request but still got lots of hits  😳 

comment image?resize=1024%2C794&ssl=1

That data in the image above is pretty shocking!

Gail Combs

TradeBait2( brought this to the daily

One hour interview you will not want to miss on the jabs from Tucker. Open to all.

Gail Combs

I think Dr Roberts is referring to the ‘Basket of Deplorables”

“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” Clinton said. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”

She said the other half of Trump’s supporters “feel that the government has let them down” and are “desperate for change.”

“Those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well,” she said.

This of course is nothing new.

Obama’s Friend Ayers: Kill 25 Million Americans

Gail Combs

Scientists at the Center of the ‘Lab Leak’ Controversy met with NIH, FauciFauci’s lies are catching up with him, thanks to “US Right To Know” FOIA

Did Epstein Create the C19 Pandemic?

Be sure and go to this link of Rhonda Wilson that is provided in the link above.
Dots – they be connecting at a faster and faster pace.

Last edited 11 months ago by Gail Combs

Copy and pasted from the Sunday Daily Topic.

RE: The Deagel Report
Maybe it’s just a coincidence, but the name “Deagel” is similar to “Deagol”, the brother of Smeagol (Gollum) in “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy. Smeagol murdered Deagol to gain possesion of the “One Ring” of power, which Deagol had found.

Brother against brother.

The Deagel Report is basically about the same thing; The murder of brothers (broad meaning) against brothers.

Possibly a Deep State/ Lucifarian use of symbolism???

Gail Combs

Compilation of comments:

PAVACA….The originator of the Deagel Report, a Dr. Edwin A. Deagle, had connections to Stansfield Turner and the Cee Eye Aye; he was also part of The Rockefeller Foundation.


Aubergine — Interesting things about Edwin A. Deagle:
1) He doesn’t appear to have a Wikipedia page. That seems odd.
2) There are two kids from a first wife. They divorced in 1978 in Virginia. One of the two boys died in 2016. The other is be still living. He is not named in his father’s obit, but he was in his brother’s. He is Edwin A. Deagle III, and was a psychologist with the 82nd Airborne in 1998:
In the same year, 1998, he co-authored research about body-image disturbance in anorexia and bulemia:;2-J
Edwin III was in the Army Special Warfare Center in 2005. He wrote a research paper about the tactical importance of interpersonal skills:
That’s what I was able to find. Nothing after 2005. Spook?


PAVACA — Aubergine
Thank you for this. IMO, it’s possible that other items about Dr. Deagle have been quietly deleted / destroyed.

Gail Combs


 January 8, 2024 02:04

Paxlovid Does Not Reduce Risk Of Long COVID, Potentially Linked To Rebound Symptoms: Study

Paxlovid, an antiviral medication prescribed to treat symptoms associated with COVID-19, does not reduce the risk of developing long COVID in vaccinated people recovering at home.

The report comes from a new study published in the Journal of Medical Virology on Thursday. Conducted by a team of researchers from the University of California–San Francisco, the study also found that more people are experiencing rebounds of their COVID symptoms after taking Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir-ritonavir) than previously reported…

According to manufacturer Pfizer, initial trials of Paxlovid showed it reduced hospitalizations and death in unvaccinated COVID patients by 86 percent to 89 percent. A real-world study conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that adults who took Paxlovid within the first five days of a COVID-19 diagnosis had a 51 percent lower hospitalization rate within 30 days than those who did not take the medication. More recent studies have indicated lower efficacy rates, with patients having about 37 percent reduced hospitalization and death risk.

However, no study has pointed to whether the drug helps protect people from getting long COVID, noted authors of the UC San Francisco study.

Paxlovid Did Not Prevent Long COVID…

Paxlovid Rebound Symptoms Confirmed

The UC San Francisco study reported that just over 1 in 5 individuals (21 percent) who reported getting better after taking Paxlovid experienced rebound symptoms, or a return of their COVID symptoms. Among those who experienced rebounds, 10.8 percent reported one or more long-COVID symptoms.

Additionally, retesting positive was common among rebound patients; 25.7 percent of individuals who took Paxlovid and repeated antigen testing after testing negative ended up testing positive.

In all, just over 26 percent of participants reported either rebound symptoms or test positivity, the study noted…

The study echoes a Nov. 13, 2023, study conducted by Harvard Medical School (HMS) researchers also indicating that 1 in 5 individuals who took Paxlovid experienced a rebound of symptoms.

Gail Combs


This fits right in with the Deagel Report post:

The original reference to the above goes back to a year ago:

Yours Truly: the above is an article describing a video interview by former Big Pharma executive (now has a Substack site), Alexandra “Sasha” Latypova, in which she details how the United States Defense Department has been involved in the entire COVID-19 / COVID-19 “vaccines” situation for years.

Takeaway quotation from the Life Site News article by Ms. Latypova:
“There are numerous mechanisms of injury built into the COVID 19 injections. The most important one being that these shots are designed to make your cells attack themselves, make your cells express antigens that are toxic spike proteins, and then create antibodies to attack the cells. So, it [the COVID-19 “vaccines”] train your body to destroy itself,” she explained.” (bolding mine)

The video interview with Ms. Latypova is here:

“Intent to Harm – Evidence of the Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder by the US DoD, HHS, Pharma Cartel”

From Ms. Latypova’s Substack, a compendium of further information:


Gail Combs

Gail Combs

There were other studies besides these.

STUDY: Ivermectin is a “broad spectrum antiviral of interest” for humans

In May 2020, Australian researchers published a little-known study in the journal Antiviral Research that presents ivermectin, an FDA-approved drug for humans, as a “broad spectrum antiviral of interest.”RNA viruses such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1, influenza and dengue fever, the paper suggests, could be mitigated through the use of ivermectin, which blocks viral components from taking hold inside the body….

Ivermectin’s broad spectrum functionality includes its ability to target the host importin (IMP) ?/?1 nuclear transport proteins that are responsible for nuclear entry of cargoes such as integrase and NS5, the paper goes on to reveal…

It is a bit complicated for the layperson to understand, but suffice it to say that ivermectin, which was developed in Japan from a natural soil organism, inhibits the attachment of viral components to human cells, effectively blocking infection without the need for masks or “vaccines.”

“Since it is FDA approved for parasitic indications, ivermectin merits closer consideration as a broad spectrum antiviral of interest,” the paper concludes.

  :wpds_arrow: 2012!!!

2012 Aug;67(8):1884-94. doi: 10.1093/jac/dks147. Epub 2012 Apr 25.

Ivermectin is a potent inhibitor of flavivirus replication specifically targeting NS3 helicase activity: new prospects for an old drug


Objectives: Infection with yellow fever virus (YFV), the prototypic mosquito-borne flavivirus, causes severe febrile disease with haemorrhage, multi-organ failure and a high mortality. Moreover, in recent years the Flavivirus genus has gained further attention due to re-emergence and increasing incidence of West Nile, dengue and Japanese encephalitis viruses. Potent and safe antivirals are urgently needed….

Results: Ivermectin, a broadly used anti-helminthic drug, proved to be a highly potent inhibitor of YFV replication (EC₅₀ values in the sub-nanomolar range). Moreover, ivermectin inhibited, although less efficiently, the replication of several other flaviviruses, i.e. dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis and tick-borne encephalitis viruses. Ivermectin exerts its effect at a timepoint that coincides with the onset of intracellular viral RNA synthesis, as expected for a molecule that specifically targets the viral helicase.

Conclusions: The well-tolerated drug ivermectin may hold great potential for treatment of YFV infections. Furthermore, structure-based optimization may result in analogues exerting potent activity against flaviviruses other than YFV.


  :wpds_arrow: 2016!!!

2016:2016:8043983. doi: 10.1155/2016/8043983. Epub 2016 May 8.
Liposomal Systems as Nanocarriers for the Antiviral Agent Ivermectin


RNA virus infections can lead to the onset of severe diseases such as fever with haemorrhage, multiorgan failure, and mortality. The emergence and reemergence of RNA viruses continue to pose a significant public health threat worldwide with particular attention to the increasing incidence of flaviviruses, among others Dengue, West Nile Virus, and Yellow Fever viruses. Development of new and potent antivirals is thus urgently needed. Ivermectin, an already known antihelminthic drug, has shown potent effects in vitro on Flavivirus helicase, with EC50 values in the subnanomolar range for Yellow Fever and submicromolar EC50 for Dengue Fever, Japanese encephalitis, and tick-borne encephalitis viruses. However ivermectin is hampered in its application by pharmacokinetic problems (little solubility and high cytotoxicity). To overcome such problems we engineered different compositions of liposomes as ivermectin carriers characterizing and testing them on several cell lines for cytotoxicity. The engineered liposomes were less cytotoxic than ivermectin alone and they showed a significant increase of the antiviral activity in all the Dengue stains tested (1, 2, and S221). In the current study ivermectin is confirmed to be an effective potential antiviral and liposomes, as drug carriers, are shown to modulate the drug activity. All together the results represent a promising starting point for future improvement of ivermectin as antiviral and its delivery.


 2015 Mar;28(2):597-602.
Evaluation of cytotoxicity and antiviral activity of ivermectin against Newcastle disease [chicken] virus

Yeah, they KNEW!

Gail Combs


 January 10, 2024 10:25
A fellow-denizen of this board wondered, a few days ago, about what Ed Dowd was doing. Yours Truly went to his website,, searched to here:; from there, clicking on the “USA – Weekly Analysis” icon, then searching from there.
Here’s one of the graphs:

comment image

Gail Combs

This is related to Yours Truly’s loss of her cousin Bill, who undoubtedly was “vaccinated and boosted”, and who passed away “suddenly and unexpectedly” in September 2023 after developing “heart issues” —

comment image

Gail Combs


MORE on the presentation yesterday of Steve Connolly’s deep dive into finding the instances of people dying “suddenly and unexpectedly” —
Dr. Pierre Kory has an article that links Mr. Connolly’s research, with added analysis of his (Dr. Kory’s) own.
“Suddenly & Unexpectedly Steve’s Endeavor”

Yours Truly: Take away from the article, in the words of Dr. Kory:

“”Died Suddenly” and “Died Unexpectedly” are not happening from covid. Something else is causing these to occur. And it’s not long covid or climate change.”

IMO, what’s going on with “Died Suddenly” and “Died Unexpectedly” since the rollout of the COVID-19 “vaccines” in December 2020 / January 2021, are the following:

One: incremental and accumulated cardiovascular and/or lung damage from the “vaccines”, leading to a catastrophic event (

Two: body-wide incremental and accumulated damage at the mitochondrial level from the p/”vaccines” (; and,, “SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2”, Yuyang Lei, et al.)

Three: “turbo-cancers” induced by the “vaccines”, cancers in remission “suddenly” coming back, and cancers under treatment being aggravated (
Among other types of damage that the “vaccines” cause to the “vaccine” recipient’s body, resulting in the body becoming unable to fight off an infection, etc.

Gail Combs

A whole bunch more on the damage to kids whose mom’s took the clot shot.

Whaddaya know — if you took a jab, your kids can be seriously autistic…..

It is part of the spectrum of humanity, and when it appears it can often be channeled in a positive way or be linked to other positive traits…..but what happens when it isn’t rare?

I was just coming with a different source on the same thing!

“Pregnant rats received the COVID-19 mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine during gestation. Subsequent evaluations on male and female offspring included autism-like behaviors, neuronal counts, and motor performance……Notably, male rats exhibited pronounced autism-like behaviors,…

— DrMelissaMcCann (@drmelissamccann) January 12, 2024


The article referred to is:
“Prenatal Exposure to COVID-19 Vaccine BNT162b2 Induces Autism-Like Behaviors in Male Neonatal Rats: Insights into WNT and BDNF Signalling Perturbations”, Mumin Alper Erdogan, et al., published on 10 January 2024.

If one doesn’t want to access the article via Springer (they want to be able to mine lots of information from one’s computer, no opt-outs), it is available here:

Yours Truly: From this link, scroll down to “Download full-text PDF” and click on it.
From that page, scroll down to “Download other versions of the full-text”;

From there, choose either the version called “Uploaded by Oytun Erbas – Jan 2024”, OR the article icon to the left of “Author pdf.”

This paper was the result of a new study of what BNT162b2 (the Pfizer-BioNTech “flagship” COVID-19 “vaccine”) does to the brain. It appears to reproduce many of the Wistar lab rat protocols for injections of BNT162b2 in female rats prior to, and during, gestation (this original Pfizer-BioNTech lab rat experiment with BNT162b2 was done as part of the huge C4591001 “clinical study” that included both lab animals and human subjects.) The difference with this new study is the focus on what BNT162b2 injections do to the brain.

It appears that BNT162b2 changes some of the interaction mechanisms of the brain. These changes appeared in the newborn rats from “vaccinated” rat mothers. This, to

Yours Truly, raises two observations right away:

One: Assuming the mother rats were neurologically normal, the changes to the brains of their fetuses took place quickly after the mothers were injected with BNT162b2.

Two: What changes to brain interaction mechanisms, if any, took place in the mother rats after they were injected with BNT162b2?

Three: Does this all mean that there are children born to human mothers who were injected with BNT162b2 during pregnancy who are now at risk of developing autism-spectrum issues?

Four: Does this mean that any person who are/were injected with BNT162b2 can develop changes in their brains that present as changes in interaction with other people?

Five: Recall that ALL of the “descendant COVID-19 vaccines” (the “booster shots”, the “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine”) by Pfizer-BioNTech contain elements of the same modRNA + spike protein + lipid nanoparticles ALC-0159 and ALC-0315 that were in BNT162b2.


Valerie Curren

The rest of that tweet

See new posts

DrMelissaMcCann @drmelissamccann
“Pregnant rats received the COVID-19 mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine during gestation. Subsequent evaluations on male and female offspring included autism-like behaviors, neuronal counts, and motor performance……Notably, male rats exhibited pronounced autism-like behaviors, characterized by a marked reduction in social interaction and repetitive patterns of behavior.”… This research is not consistent with a category B1 for prescribing medicines in pregnancy. I call on the @TGAgovau
to revise the category and review the literature and the @healthgovau
to correct the public information on safety in pregnancy.

7:15 PM · Jan 11, 2024

Seen in replies on Nitter
Jikkyleaks @Jikkyleaks
Replying to @drmelissamccann
In 2021 the TGA the categorisation from B2 to B1 refused FOI 2289 for preclinical pregnancy data until ordered to release it a court subpoena under direction of Pfizer.
No, I’m not kidding.
Documented here:
comment imageJikky Kij

28 Jan 2022
Replying to @pdubdev
Remember that time when the TGA were subpoena’d for the #covidvaccine animal study data in the NSW supreme court and instead of producing, Pf(eye)zer appeared in place of them?
That was a fun day. A hoot.
comment image%3Fname%3Dsmall%26format%3Dwebp

comment imageDrMelissaMcCann

Yep. The clinical trials are also a diagrace- 4000 woman trial promised by Pfi$er in 2021… Which somehow ended up in a trial of just 350 woman, during gestational period least likely to demonstrate abnormalities at 24-34 weeks and even with that questionable effort the results released over 1 year late and we are on the 3rd iteration with quality control review still not completed… Hundreds of adverse events reported in pregnancy to DAEN/VAERS etc. That is evidently category C or D at best, most accurately category x. 1

Yep. The clinical trials are also a diagrace- 4000 woman trial promised by Pfi$er in 2021 Which somehow ended up in a trial of just 350 woman, during gestational period least likely to demonstrate abnormalities at 24-34 weeks and even with that…

— DrMelissaMcCann (@drmelissamccann) January 12, 2024

Gail Combs

Valerie Curren

Also in nitter replies…
Erik Magnethi
Replying to @drmelissamccann
comment imageErik Magnethi

Chinese Scientists Reveal Experiments With Virus 100% Fatal To Mice.
Scientists in China, experimenting with a coronavirus closely related to the virus that causes COVID-19, found that it had a 100 percent kill rate in a small mouse study, according to the researchers’ announcement on Jan. 4.
The scientists, including a doctor trained by the Chinese military, cloned a pangolin coronavirus and infected modified mice to “assess its pathogenicity,” they said in a preprint paper published on bioRxiv.

Of the four mice infected with the virus, all began to lose weight five days post-infection. Shortly thereafter, they exhibited symptoms including sluggishness and white eyes.
The four mice died within eight days of inoculation. Researchers described the results as “surprising.”

Researchers then infected eight additional mice, euthanized them, and selected organs from four to analyze. High levels of viral RNA were found in various organs, including the brain, lungs, and eyes. While the viral load in the lungs decreased by the sixth day, it increased in the brain.

“This finding suggested that severe brain infection during the later stages of infection may be the key cause of death in these mice,” the scientists said.

The experiments were on a mutant strain of the pangolin virus, known as GX_P2V(short_3UTR).

The results suggest a risk for the virus to “spill over into humans,” researchers said.
Experts Concerned

Justin Kinney, an associate professor at the Simons Center for Quantitative Biology at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in the U.S., said the research described in the paper does not seem to fall under the category of gain-of-function because the Chinese scientists did not purposefully enhance the virus to be more pathogenic or transmissible.
“The research is still very dangerous, though,” Mr. Kinney told The Epoch Times via email. “I am especially concerned that the paper does not say what biosafety level the work was performed at. Coronavirus research in China is often done at a biosafety level (BSL-2) that is inadequate for working with potential pandemic pathogens that might be transmitted by air.

“Indeed, coronavirus research done at BSL-2 may have caused the COVID-19 pandemic. And by showing that the coronavirus has a surprisingly high pathogenicity, the work underscores the need for extreme caution when working with novel coronaviruses.”
The first COVID-19 cases were detected in Wuhan, China, near a laboratory that has conducted risky experiments on coronaviruses, including enhancing the pathogenicity of a bat coronavirus. Some scientists believe that the virus causing COVID-19 likely originated from the lab, given its history and the fact that, years later, a natural origin has yet to be identified.

Lihua Song, a scientist in Beijing who co-authored the new paper, did not respond to a request for comment on how the scientists ensured the experiments they performed were safe.

Critics noted that the researchers who published the new study include Yigang Tong, who was trained in a Chinese military program and worked in military-run labs. He also co-authored a paper in 2023 with Zheng-Li Shi, who helps run the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Justin Goodman, senior vice president of the White Coat Waste Project, a U.S. nonprofit, said the new study added to the body of evidence showing Chinese scientists have been conducting “dangerous and deadly tests on mice.”

“This is why shipping US tax dollars to foreign adversaries’ unaccountable animal labs is a recipe for disaster and we’re working with lawmakers to stop it,” Mr. Goodman told The Epoch Times via email.

The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) has for years funded lab work in China and other foreign countries, including testing done in Wuhan.

This week, Congress is focusing its questioning of Dr. Anthony Fauci on some of those experiments. Dr. Fauci has, for years, led the NIH office responsible for funding this work.
Results Unclear

The Chinese scientists infected genetically engineered mice that have lungs modified to better mimic humans. The outcomes were not compared with other live viruses, such as SARS-COV-2, which causes COVID-19.

That makes it unclear whether the pangolin coronavirus “is generally more dangerous than SARS-CoV-2, or if their results are due to the specific mice they used,” said Mr. Kinney. “And it’s not at all clear from their results what might happen were a human to become infected with this coronavirus.”

Mr. Kinney helped co-found a group called Biosafety Now that advocates for independent oversight of risky experiments.

Dr. Tong and his colleagues compared the pathological changes in the mice with those in a control group and found no evidence of severe inflammation. They noted that these results were consistent with reports from Shi regarding the pangolin coronavirus, as well as with their previous experiments conducted on golden hamsters and another type of mouse.

The researchers called for more investigation of the high pathogenicity of the coronavirus and said that their study “offers a distinct alternative model for understanding the pathogenic mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2-related coronaviruses.”

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Gail Combs


About Malone and what he knew, according to his own published work

Anymore I spend a lot of time on substack, always looking for more info on the cull. Everyone I read is on the same page, but there are two stacks that provide the most detailed explanation of how the horror came about.

Sasha Latypova – Due Diligence and Art
Katherine Watt – Bailiwick News

I’ve also included a post by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin. They, along with Dr. Jane Ruby, were sued for $25M by the Robert Malone lawfare machine. The suit was tossed by the judge in December.

This is all VERY complicated material, I can only read Katherine Watt in brief chunks.
The longer Trump avoids talking about this, the worse he looks. If it all comes down to him being played, on such a massive scale, I don’t know how to reconcile it.


TheseTruths replies

 was skimming the first link and came across this:

9.The implications of the above can not be overstated. Senior Executive Service officials within the U.S. Government authorized and funded the deployment of bio-chemical poisons on Americans and others without clarifying their “prototype” and “large scale demonstration” legal status, making the materials not subject to normal regulatory oversight, all while knowingly and willfully maintaining a fraudulent pseudo-“regulatory” presentation to the public. 

These poisons have harmed and killed and continue to harm and kill Americans and other people around the world.

I do believe that people need to know this. I don’t think it’s something that Trump was aware of, and I’m not sure it’s a subject that he needs to broach right now. I hope he can start cleaning up the process and that information can be revealed during that endeavor. In the meantime, we can spread the info, as you’re doing.


Gingersmom2009 response:

If you read the Breggin article, Sasha and Katherine are referenced.



The longer Trump avoids talking about this, the worse he looks.

I tend to think people aren’t ready to hear the whole truth, and that If Trump brought up some of the points in that last article, it would just open a can of worms that would do no good. I don’t see people clamoring for answers about the vax rollout. Trump needs to win this election, not bring up subjects that many would not understand and that would probably cast doubts on him.

As you say, that is complicated material. On the surface, it looks as if they have a vendetta against Dr. Malone. I’m not surprised that he sued them. If they can provide evidence that he personally did something nefarious, and that he is still doing it, I will listen.

It has been clear from the beginning that Malone has not been a MAGA patriot. He is a scientist who is waking up because of what happened with the vax. I’m not surprised to learn that he had a relationship with the DOD. As the article says, “Malone also denies any more recent or current involvements with DoD and DTRA.” I’m not sure what the issue is.

The last paragraph says this:

The implications of the DoD’s role in Operation WARP Speed are complex and require continuing unraveling. But these investigations may not substantially change the big picture because the ultimate villains are higher up the totalitarian totem pole and remain the same: the international governance being imposed upon the world by the global predators…

“The ultimate villains are higher up…” Malone might have been unaware of what was going on.



 Reply to  TheseTruths

Malone has been neck deep, for decades. I never trusted that guy, since he appeared on the scene out of nowhere, and suddenly was everywhere.

Here’s the real information about the suit. Not only did the judge dismiss it, Malone may have to pay their legal fees.


Gail Combs


“Dr. McCullough Reveals Disturbing Details About Post-Vaccine Blood Clots and Myocarditis”
January 12, 2024

Yours Truly: This article is about the testimony that Dr. McCullough gave to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Congressional panel.

The hearing was held on 12 January 2024. This is almost a full year after the FDA quietly stopped the use in the United States of the original COVID-19 “vaccines” from Pfizer-BioNTech and by Moderna (BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273, respectively) — and instead, substituted the use of the “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccines” made by each of these companies.

These “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccines” STILL CONTAIN the modRNA + the spike protein of the respective companies’ original COVID-19 “vaccines”, but in smaller amounts, mixed in with elements from the XBB.1.5 “variant” virus.

If Dr. McCullough is seeing cases of myocarditis and of long blood clots after COVID-19 “vaccination” NOW, Yours Truly believes it can be argued that these NEW cases are EITHER the result of the actions these “2023-2024 COVID-19 Vaccines” — or, the combined and accumulated results of previous COVID-19 “vaccinations” that the patients took, WHETHER OR NOT these patients ALSO took an injection of the “2023-2024 COVID-19 Vaccines.” EITHER WAY, it’s the actions of the modRNA + the spike protein in ANY COVID-19 “vaccine” that put the person who has ANY of them in their body at risk for the formation of blood clots and/or heart damage that results in myocarditis.

ALSO — IMO, if a person who took ONLY the “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine” injection and subsequently presents with blood clots and/or myocarditis, this would appear to indicate HOW DANGEROUS the modRNA + the spike protein are, since this “vaccine” contains these elements IN SMALLER AMOUNTS than in BNT162b2 and in mRNA-1273.

THE FDA KNEW, BACK IN APRIL 2021, THAT BNT162b2 CAUSES BLOOD CLOTS AND ALSO MYOCARDITIS. Pfizer-BioNTech gave the FDA the following report on 30 April 2021:

Please refer to:
Scroll down to the Appendix 1. LIST OF ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST at the end of the report.

ARTERIAL THROMBOSIS (blood clot in an artery) is on Page 1 of the Appendix 1.
EMBOLISM VENOUS (blood clot in a vein, such as a leg vein) is on Page 3 of Appendix 1.

MYOCARDITIS is on Page 6 of Appendix 1.
Janet Woodcock, MD, was the Acting Commissioner of the FDA from 20 January 2021 through 17 February 2022.


Yours Truly attempted to Edit the reply to the esteemed Linda earlier this afternoon, but was denied by WP. Here’s what the extra comment was:

“More sauce:
‘Heavily censored Pfizer documents show that COVID began a five-year MASS DEPOPULATION AGENDA that will reach completion by 2025’

January 13, 2024″
“Which led back to The Expose article cited by Yours Truly in the Deagel Report post:”
“IMO, there is now at least the possibility that the Deagel Corporation DID INDEED “know something” when the company wrote their 2025 population reduction report.

This opens up numerous questions, such as:
One: What communications took place, in any form, between the DNC and the Deagel Corporation between 2017 – 2020?

Two: Was the any involvement of the Deagel Corporation in designing / implementing, the country-wide Democrat voter fraud that happened in the election of November 2020?
Three: What communications took place, in any form, between the Deagel Corporation and Pfizer-BioNTech between 2017 – 2020?”

Gail Combs

PAVACA  January 14, 2024 11:30

Wolf Moon and All —

Here are some documents and articles related to the “Disease X” pandemic exercise:

One: The Johns Hopkins pandemic exercise document itself — a VERY important read:
Yours Truly: This 60+ pages document outlines what the “next pandemic” could be — apparently, another Zoonotic Disease (animal to human) that originates in the Philippines. The document goes through everything from the start of infections, through various “therapeutic measures” and “vaccines” created to stem the overwhelming numbers of infections and deaths, through how governments can quash “misinformation” and “vaccine hesitancy.”

Two: This WEF link to the 17 January presentation, “Preparing for a Disease X” at their January 2024 meeting:

Yours Truly: This is is “pop-up box” summary only of the presentation listing and of the participants. I can find no transcript / summary of the actual presentation.

Three: The 2018 WEF article about “Disease X” from MARCH 2018:

Yours Truly: It appears that BOTH the WEF and the WHO were speaking about “Disease X” almost 6 years ago. (The WEF link embedded in this article is broken.)

Four: The WEF article of JULY 2023 regarding “Disease X”:

“Disease X – this is how we should prepare for the next big virus”

Yours Truly: CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) was founded, in part, by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the WEF.

Five: The Expose News article regarding “Clade X”, how it relates to “Disease X”, and the “vaccine development” against “Disease X” that is going on in a research facility in WILTSHIRE, England (by the same Oxford University group that developed the viral vector COVID-19 “vaccine” marketed by AstraZeneca and which is close “vaccine relative” to the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 “vaccine”):

Six: The Sky News story on the activities of the UK government-run lab in Wiltshire:

Yours Truly: what one sees in the embedded video in the Sky News report, IMO, looks like safety measures that would be used in a BSL-2 level facility. And the Sky News reporter himself apparently was NOT suited up in a HazMat outfit while inside the facility?

Seven: The Johns Hopkins “tabletop exercise” of November 2023, outlining how governments can “regulate” information and activities of the “Bioeconomy”, including how to deal with “misinformation”:

Yours Truly: In sum, IMO, it appears that those who consider themselves to be “our masters” are planning to ensure that the next “plandemic” is totally controlled in every aspect — disease / virus development; release into the world; “therapeutic” and “vaccine” response; “NO contrary opinions allowed”; the (remaining) world population under complete control.

Gail Combs

PAVACA  January 14, 2024 


Yours Truly: Mr. Miller mentions the FLCCC “I-RECOVEr” protocol:

He also lists a protocol by Daisy White, a health advocate.
One of the Replies to Mr. Miller’s article mentions the protocol of the World Council for Health:

The one aspect of Mr. Miller’s blog article that Yours Truly begs to differ with, is the concept that people who have been harmed by their taking a COVID-19 “vaccine” AND recognize what happened to them, should follow a “vaccine” detox protocol.



Gail Combs


 January 15, 2024 11:12


SM-102 is in the Moderna “flagship” COVID-19 “vaccine”, mRNA-1273, AND IS ALSO IN THAT COMPANY’S “2023-2024 FORMULA COVID-19 VACCINE.”
Here’s the tie-in between VIVEK RAMASWAMY investing into ARBUTUS BIOPHARMA in 2017, and the subsequent patent battle between that company and MODERNA:

by Zachary Silbersher
Here are the US Patent numbers for the original LNP formulas developed by ARBUTUS BIOPHARMA for use in delivering mRNA:
One: US Patent Number 9,404,127, (‘127), “Non-liposomal systems for nucleic acid delivery”

Two: US Patent Number 9,364,435, (‘435), “Lipid formulations for nucleic acid delivery” (this is the one for the original SM-102)

Here is the MSDS (OSHA) Safety Sheet for SM-102:

Here is the product composition sheet for SM-102:

The Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers for the “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine” by MODERNA:

Yours Truly: Please refer to page 34 of this document under section 11

DESCRIPTION. SM-102 is listed as one of the lipid nanoparticles in this “vaccine.”

Gail Combs


 January 15, 2024 13:06

Gold mine from Steve Kirsch:

via Steve Kirsch
Yours Truly: Mr. Kirsch presents and discusses mortality charts that the CDC and CMS (Center for Medicare Services) never wanted released to the public regarding the deaths caused by the COVID-19 “vaccines” since they were rolled out at in January 2021.

Please notice the following take away from the Kirsch article:

“A 10% increase in all-cause mortality into around 350,000 excess deaths a year caused by the vaccines [hyperlink in the article]…But after a novel, “rushed to market at warp speed” vaccine kills over 750,000 Americans, our government ignores all the adverse safety data in their possession and urges people to inject it on a regular basis.” (bolding mine)

Yours Truly: There are two things regarding the take away above:

One: Notice the reference to “warp speed.” This, IMO, is where POTUS45 must immediately get out in front of any DeepState / DNC attempt to tie him to these deaths.
Two: The allegation that the United States federal government “ignored” safety data signals that were crossed regarding the negative effects and deaths caused by the COVID-19 “vaccines.” IMO, the government knew D@MN WELL that over 100 safety signals were crossed — and DELIBERATELY COVERED UP THE DATA TO KEEP PUSHING THE “VACCINES.” That’s not “ignoring” — that’s at the least, IMO, violation of medical and moral ethics; at worst, IMO, it’s criminal activity.

Gail Combs


 January 15, 2024 17:47

COVID mRNA Vaccine Injury Hearing: “We Played God” and It Isn’t Going Well

…In Friday’s hearing on COVID-19 vaccine injury, renowned internist and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough stated this “was the most dangerous proposition our government agencies could have ever put forward to our country.” McCullough, Dr. Ryan Cole, and pediatric cardiologist Dr. Kirk Mihoan were present to testify. It was the first time in four years that U.S. House of Representatives members heard from practicing physicians. “Four years too late,” according to Dr. McCullough.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene led the Jan. 12 discussion alongside Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) and U.S. Representatives Warren Davidson (R-OH) and Andy Biggs (R-AZ). Johnson has led several informative roundtables featuring these doctors and other medical professionals on topics related to the pandemic. Johnson’s focus has primarily centered on early treatment, alleged government malfeasance, and misinformation. These doctors and many others who have spoken against the establishment have paid dearly, professionally and personally.

Senator Ron Johnson shared a clear-cut example of “ignored signal” during the hearing when he spoke about flu vaccines. Comparing flu vaccine outcomes with COVID-19 vaccine outcomes, Johnson shared that with 70 percent of the U.S. population inoculated, “the deaths per million doses for the COVID vaccine is 25.1.” In contrast, he added, “The deaths per million doses for the flu vaccine, assuming 70 percent are injected, is 0.46. 0.46 versus 25.1. That is a 55-fold higher death per million rate for the COVID vaccine.” 

Senator Johnson also read off an alarmingly extensive list of known severe side effects from the COVID-19 vaccines, severe side effects our government wanted to hide from the public for 75 years. What drove it?” Johnson lamented. “What drove this establishment to basically say we don’t care? Was it a drive for money? We didn’t care as long as we got this vaccine.” McCullough offered it stretches credulity to believe the shots are not causative because, in many, many cases, injury or death occurs within three days of injection. He says the shots “may cause harm five years after infection.”

All three doctors maintain that mRNA shots should be “banned for use in humans and animals.” Cole declared the mRNA platform should be removed entirely from the market and “used only for research.” Poor legislation, healthcare consolidation under Obamacare, fear, and “intertwining corrupted interests” resulting in financial gain were discussed as primary motivations for the campaign to innoculate as many individuals as possible worldwide. Regarding treatments for COVID, it seems that wellbeing and safety were the least of their concerns

It’s a good article that summarizes, through the testimony of the doctors, all that we’ve been documenting about the vax. I’m glad it is going before Congress.

Gail Combs


“Pathologist Arne Burkhardt Final Interview – Revealing the Grave Dangers of mRNA Vaccines”

Claims autopsies may not be being done with a sufficient level of investigation, that’s the bit that I’ve watched so far.

2 1/2 hours long, skip the first 5 minutes.

Gail Combs


 January 16, 2024 18:38

Attorney Aaron Siri wins another one, this time forcing the CDC to release ALL of the reports sent into the “V-Safe” program regarding COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced harms:

“V-Safe Part 10: Federal Judge Orders CDC to Make Public 7.8 Million V-safe Free Text Entries Within 12 Months”
11 January 2024

Yours Truly: The CDC closed down the V-Safe reporting app for COVID-19 “vaccination” reports in May 2023, with final “check-ins” for COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons who had already reported via the app set for the end of June 2023. The V-Safe app has since been “re-designed” to only accept reports for persons who took the RSV “vaccines” AREXVY and ABRYSVO.

It appears that the CDC wanted to keep the public in the dark about the millions of reports sent to the V-Safe app regarding harms induced by persons who took COVID-19 “vaccines.” The court’s ruling on 11 January of this year forces the CDC to release all 7.8 million of these reports, in several tranches, by 15 January 2025.

Dr. Rochelle Walensky was the Director of the CDC from 20 January 2021 until 30 June 2023.

Gail Combs


 January 18, 2024 11:09

by Tyler Durden

17 January 2024
Yours Truly: The CDC, on 21 May 2021, via Demetre Daskalakis, MD, drafted an alert to be sent out to the CDC Health Alert Network (HAN) regarding the incidences of myocarditis appearing in persons taking the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”, reports of which they were aware SHORTLY AFTER THE “VACCINES” BECAME AVAILABLE FOR USE IN THE UNITED STATES VIA THE EUA GRANTED BY THE FDA IN DECEMBER 2020. The Zero Hedge article has a copy of the beginning of this draft alert memo (an email.) The Epoch Times is working on getting the entire draft alert.

The initial EUA granted by the FDA in December 2020 for the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” BNT162b2, and for the Moderna modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” mRNA-1273, covered ONLY persons in the United States for persons AGE 16 AND OLDER for BNT162b2; and for persons AGE 18 AND OLDER for mRNA-1273.
Therefore, cases of MYOCARDITIS induced by these “vaccines” were ALREADY BEING REPORTED IN THESE AGE GROUPS well before May 2021.

Here is a report, dated 17 May 2021, from a CDC “work group” that was investigating the reports of “vaccine”-induced MYOCARDITIS:

Here the report from the same CDC “work group”, dated 24 May 2021. Notice the changes in the language of this report:
Please refer to the Appendix 1: Adverse Events of Special Interest at the end of this report from Pfizer-BioNTech.

MYOCARDITIS is listed on page 35.

PERICARDITIS is listed on page 36.

Bear in mind that this report reflects ONLY reports that were submitted to Pfizer-BioNTech BETWEEN 11 DECEMBER 2021 (the date of the initial EUA granted by the FDA for this “vaccine” to be used in the United States) AND 28 FEBRUARY 2021.


Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) Amendment for an Unapproved Product Review Memorandum


From the document: “COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for everyone ages 6 months and older in the United States for the prevention of COVID-19.” (bolding mine)
Yours Truly: The CDC d@mnwell KNOWS that the COVID-19 “vaccines” DO NOT PREVENT an infection of COVID-19 — in fact, due to the damage to / destruction of, the “vaccine” recipient’s natural immune system caused by the actions of these “vaccines”, PLUS the CONTINUOUS “FAKE COVID-19 INFECTION” that these “vaccines” induce in the recipient’s body — “vaccinated” people CAN — AND DO — COME DOWN WITH COVID-19, WHETHER OR NOT THEY ARE EXPOSED TO A PERSON WHO IS INFECTED.

Recall, also, that the “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccines” by BOTH Pfizer-BioNTech AND by Moderna STILL CONTAIN THE modRNA + SPIKE PROTEIN (ALTHOUGH IN SMALLER AMOUNTS) FROM BNT162b2 AND FROM mRNA-1273. IMO, this means that the potential for “vaccine”-induced Myocarditis and/or Pericarditis IS STILL THERE FOR PEOPLE WHO TAKE THESE “VACCINES.”.

Gail Combs



“Chinese Scientists Create COVID Strain That’s 100% Lethal in ‘Humanized’ Mice”
18 January 2024

Yours Truly: Here is the pre-print paper regarding the Chinese study:
“Lethal Infection of Human ACE2-Transgenic Mice Caused by SARS-CoV-2-related Pangolin Coronavirus GX_P2V(short_3UTR)”
Lai Wei, et al.

Yours Truly: This paper describes experiments conducted at the Beijing University of Chemical Technology (which became part of the CCP’s People’s Liberation Army in 2016:

The experiments with the SARS-CoV-2-related coronavirus, GX_P2V(short_3UTR), which was CREATED at this lab, involved infecting 4 mice that were “humanized” with human ACE2 receptors with the LIVE version of this created virus (sound familiar? Human ACE2 receptors are ALSO targeted by the COVID-19 virus); 4 mice that were infected with an INACTIVATED version of this created virus; and 4 control mice (“mock-infected” mice.)
The 4 mice that were infected with the LIVE version of the created virus ALL DIED within 8 days after infection. THE BRAINS OF THE DEAD MICE HAD BASICALLY BEEN DESTROYED BY THE LIVE VERSION OF THE CREATED VIRUS.

By the way, ZHENG-LI SHI conducted a similar study IN 2023 with a created GX_P2V virus that was injected into mice that had been “humanized” with human ACE2 receptors:

“A SARS-CoV-2 Related Virus from Malayan Pangolin Causes Lung Infection without Severe Disease in Human ACE2-Transgenic Mice”
Zheng-Li Shi, et al.

Yours Truly: If one is reading this paper correctly, the difference between this experiment and the Beijing University experiments above, is that an “extension” was added to the GX-P2V virus code called (short_3UTR) in the Beijing experiments.

Gail Combs

PAVACA  Reply to  TheseTruths
 January 20, 2024 10:22

Yours Truly believes there were / are several things in play here:
One: MONEY. LOTS OF MONEY. Hospitals were / are paid thousands of dollars per patient put on a ventilator.


Three: FEAR among hospital staff that THEY would lose their jobs and/or lose their licenses to practice medicine, if they spoke up about what was going on, what they saw, etc.

Four: GASLIGHTING on the part of the CDC / FDA / federal government, about the “dangers” of not “following protocols.”

IMO, these elements created the disastrous, toxic situation that resulted in so many lives being lost during hospital care for a COVID-19 infection.

IIRC, it was only after watching ventilated COVID-19 patients die, that some RN’s and a few MD’s began to break silence. For their courage, they lost their jobs; some of them were “disciplined” by their state medical licensing boards. Some of them simply quit.

In addition, point Three also applies, IMO to the vast number of cases, of medical professionals (who practice in hospitals or not) “following mandates” for THEMSELVES to get “vaccinated” and “boosted.” IMO, these medical professionals will pay a price for not questioning a “vaccine” that was rushed into use after short, flawed “clinical trials.”

Gail Combs

 January 20, 2024 20:38

ICYMI: Denver Health Medical Staff Receives First Live Ebola Vaccine that “Sheds” for the First Time (VIDEO)

20 January 2024
by Jim Hoft

Yours Truly: Here is the package insert for ERVEBO, the live Ebola virus “vaccine” cited in the above article:

Please refer to 11 DESCRIPTION and to 12.3 Pharmacokinetics, both on page 10 of the package insert.

ERVEBO is a live recombinant viral vaccine made from the envelope glycoprotein of the Zaire ebolavirus.

The elements of the “vaccine” can shed into the saliva or the urine of the “vaccine” recipient, per section 12.3 Pharmacokinetics.

Gail Combs

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

 Reply to  PAVACA
 January 20, 2024 22:03

Yes. There is a protein from a weakened form of Ebola that has been inserted into a LIVE VIRAL VECTOR (meaning the genome of a virus that can reproduce inside the patient).
So basically it is a Frankenstein stomach virus that contains an Ebola gene, and other people can catch it from the injected patient, when it sheds from that person.
Lovely. A catchable vaccine without permission.

You can be involuntarily infected by this chimeric virus – not just the vaccine.
Personally, I think everybody associated with this vaccine should be put in jail, if not executed. This is NAZI.

Between Chinese gain of function experiments, and our corporate Nazi “public vaccines without consent”, I’m not seeing any white hats.

Gail Combs


 January 29, 2024 10:00

Remember the presentation that Yours Truly made a few days ago regarding the Denver Health medical staff getting injected with an experimental LIVE EBOLA VIRUS “vaccine” that “sheds” at least 31% of the time? More developments:

Yours Truly: First, the Denver Health medical staff article:

This “vaccine” is called ERVEBO. ERVEBO is a live, attenuated, RECOMBINANT “vaccine.” Yours Truly can find NO reports stating if the Denver Health medical staff who were injected with ERVEBO were then isolated or quarantined for the observed 28-day period where “shedding” of this “vaccine” can occur.
Second, the updates:

published 11 November 2023
There is a brand-new, almost $12 Million dollar “bat diseases research facility” being built in Fort Collins, CO (about 65 miles south of Denver) to study bat-zoonotic diseases (diseases that can spread from bats to humans.) This new facility will also study the Ebola virus, the Nipah virus, and other dangerous viruses.

Colorado State University (CSU), the NIH / NIAID, and EcoHealth Alliance are collaborating to build the facility. EcoHealth Alliance received an NIH grant for their part in the collaboration. The NIH / NIAID awarded $6.7 Million of the total amount in October 2021. Construction of the facility is expected to be completed this year.

IMO, it would appear that the NIH / NIAID, CSU, and EcoHealth Alliance are in the process of building a “Wuhan Institute of Virology clone” right here in the United States.

Gail Combs


 January 22, 2024 23:06

I’m not sure if this story has been posted before, but it definitely got my attention.
Whistleblower: 20% of New Zealand’s Vaxxed Population Have Died

Gail Combs

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy( Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy)

 Reply to  Linda
 January 23, 2024 01:52

It’s just a bad headline. The article is the same that we heard before, about the NZ data. There were some administration centers using certain batches that had significant mortality, around 20-25%. This is definitely in the data. But it is NOT the overall number. The title here is a knowing lie, IMO.

Gail Combs

TheseTruths( TheseTruths)

 January 26, 2024 01:34

Flu vax, not COVID vax…

19 year old dies immediately following the Flu shot. Brain swelling, coma, death- All within 24 hours. Doctors are “baffled”


 Reply to  TheseTruths
 January 26, 2024 10:18

May the deceased rest in eternal Peace, and may the family and friends left behind find Comfort.


From the document:
Updated Flu Vaccine for 2023-2024
“The 2023-2024 season U.S. will contain an updated influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 component:
“* A/Victoria/4897/2022 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus for egg-based vaccines and
“* A/Wisconsin/67/2022 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus for cell-based or recombinant vaccines.” (bolding mine)
“pdm09-like virus” basically means a LAB-CREATED virus, IMO, (Can it be said — a kind of “gain-of-function-lite version?”)
It appears that the 2023-2024 influenza vaccine formula is a “re-issue” of the 2022 formulae vaccines, BUT with the addition of a RECOMBINANT influenza “vaccine”,

FLUBLOK by Sanofi is a recombinant influenza “vaccine.” It uses recombinant DNA as the platform. (Think the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 “vaccine” AND ITS PROVEN ASSOCIATED INCIDENCES OF BLOOD CLOT FORMATION IN RECIPIENTS OF THIS “VACCINE” — WHICH IS WHY THE FDA REMOVED IT FROM USE IN THE U.S. IN THE SPRING OF 2023.)

Here’s a Clinical Trials registered study to compare the effects of the egg-based influenza vaccine FLUZONE against the effects of recombinant influenza “vaccine” FLUBLOK. This study is sponsored BY THE CDC. IT IS “ACTIVE, NOT RECRUITING.” IT WAS BEGUN ON 9.13.2022 WITH AN “ESTIMATED STUDY COMPLETION DATE” OF 12.31.2023:
“No Results Posted”

There is ALSO the potential involvement of ANY COVID-19 “vaccine” that this unfortunate young person may have had in their body — ESPECIALLY if the deceased then took the FLUBLOK “vaccine.” The current “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccines” by BOTH Pfizer-BioNTech AND by Moderna contain DANGEROUS lipid nanoparticles that speed the delivery of these “vaccines” to EVERY PART OF THE BODY, including to the brain. The “other” COVID-19 “vaccine” available in the U.S., by NOVAVAX, is ALSO associated with blood clot formation (thrombosis) in persons who take this “vaccine.”
Here’s a handy-dandy chart of influenza vaccines available for the 2023-2024 season in the U.S. (chart for professionals to refer to):
“Influenza Vaccine Products for the 2023-2024 Influenza Season”

The “consumer” version of is here:

This website is basically, IMO, a slick “GASLIGHTING campaign” to “convince” people to get “vaccinated” against influenza, COVID-19, and so forth.

Gail Combs



One: The mechanisms and actions of the COVID-19 “vaccines” ACCELERATE AGING ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE MITOCHONDRIAL LEVEL IN A “VACCINATED” PERSON:, “Mitochondrial oxidative stress in aging and health span”, Peter S Rabinovitch, et al.

Please see Slides 10 through 13.

Three: The mechanisms and actions of the COVID-19 “vaccines” CHANGE THE DNA OF THE “VACCINATED” PERSON:, “Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line”, Yang De Marinis, et al.


Please see page 30 of this report, given by Pfizer-BioNTech to the FDA on 30 April 2021, for the APPENDIX 1: LIST OF ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST.

Yours Truly hopes that Mr. Steyn can get the medicines and other assistance he needs.

Gail Combs

 January 27, 2024 10:30

IMO, “shedding” of elements of the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” is real:

via A Midwestern Doctor

Yours Truly: clicking on the A Midwestern Doctor hyperlink takes one to the Dr. Joseph Mercola site, which requests the reader’s email address for further access. Unless one is OK doing that, Yours Truly recommends sticking with The Burning Platform article.
21 January 2024
“Unraveling the Mysteries of mRNA Vaccine Shedding”
by A Midwestern Doctor

Gail Combs

Dr Malone:

The Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race”
Why the Wuha Coverup matters.
Robert W Malone MD, MS
Jan 27 2024

“Last night Jill and I were privileged to attend a private fundraiser for Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s presidential run in Charlottesville, Virginia. While there, we met up with my friends Bobby Kennedy and Naomi Wolf.


If Donald Trump doesn’t end up in the Oval office, I pray that Robert F. Kennedy does. I respect both men and truly consider Bobby a friend. That said, I have not endorsed a candidate for POTUS at this time, and do not intend to endorse a presidential candidate. Enough said on that subject. And yes, I am very aware of the widespread buzz that the democrat party is likely to actually Michelle Obama/Gavin Newsom as their ticket, rather than Biden.

Naomi and I spent a lot of time discussing the state of the world, and she shared some very sage advice with me. It was a good and needed conversation, but it does seem sometimes that everyone thinks that they know what I need to do to stop being the “most hated leader” in the “resistance”. The constant attacks – first from the state-sponsored media, which has lasted for years and is still ongoing- and then from a small group of people who proclaim to be on the side of medical freedom, but only seem interesting in attacking the perceived leaders of that movement, can be difficult to deal with at times. I have been subjected to daily on-line coordinated hate for at least three years now. Of course, the truth is that some of these characters are doing this for clicks and fame but others are paid chaos agents. Naomi has been dealing with such attacks for years and so speaking with her was cathartic. 

Over the last few weeks, I have had random calls and contacts from many of those identified as key leaders in objecting to the mismanagement of the COVIDcrisis. Every single one is being attacked as “controlled opposition” now. They all basically relate that they can now better understand what I have been subjected to. It seems that, now that I have been so thoroughly “bad jacketed” and character assassinated by these malicious actors, these defamers are turning the same strategy and tactics on others. And of course Naomi is now being actively “bad jacketed”. As is RFKjr, Del Bigtree, Aseem Malhotra, Mikki Willis, and so many others. This is all being done on purpose, in a coordinated manner. Cognitive warfare in progress, with a number of different sponsors.

Meeting up with Kennedy, I was reminded that I have been needing to write a review of his book, 

“The Wuhan Cover-up and The Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race” 

In this detailed follow up to the best seller “The Real Anthony Fauci”, what Kennedy refers to as the “Bioweapons-Industrial” complex and the resulting “Bioweapons Arms Race,” are extremely terrifying. I believe that his carefully researched history of the bioweapons programs around the world, which led up to the gain-of-function research is some of the most clear and compelling writing on this subject ever done and probably some of the most important. To be honest, there are places where I differ in my understanding with some of the conclusions, such as the timing and context of when the bioengineered virus SARS-CoV-2 entered the human population, but as with “The Real Anthony Fauci”, most of this book is carefully referenced and footnoted. 

This new book is designed to reach a large, general audience. Kennedy clearly recognizes that public response to the history and facts presented must translate to pressure on legislators to change US policy and law, and that public pressure is one of the few tools we have to combat the most recent COVIDcrisis atrocity, address the blowback from past miscalculations and mistakes in “biodefense” (or really biowarfare) policy, and reduce the future risks of the massive biowarfare/pharmaceutical/industrial complex. The “research and development” activities summarized in this volume truly has the potential to wipe out a significant portion of the world’s population- whether or not that is an underlying objective. RFK Jr’s new book is a permanent written record of this catastrophe in the making. I think we all know that the Wuhan lab leak is not going to be the last gain-of-function research unleashed upon the world.

Is this book a perfect rendition of what happened in Wuhan China? No. Because we still don’t have all the information on the gain-of-function research in China and so the puzzle pieces may not always be a perfect fit. So as new testimony, data, research, etc. are uncovered, the story continues to evolve. But this book is a good start to answering so many questions that we all have. And it goes a long way to answer the questions “how did this happen?” and “how did the US come to develop these policies and support the engineering of this virus?”

The ending section of the book details the pivot to the preparedness for a permanent “pipeline of Pandemics”. For me, this is one of the most pressing concerns that the world must address. Regulatory capture combined with paranoia and weaponized psychological warfare which exploits human susceptibility to promoted fear of disease has clearly captured the biomedical community. Although specific recommendations on how to address these problems are not given in detail, the book ends with this penetrating insight

“Will the fear-mongering elites unleash another pandemic nightmare upon their subjects? If we do not rise to oppose them, it’s a certainty. Simply stated, there is too much profit in the pandemic in the pandemic game for the entities who reap those profits to not fully engage.

However, another future is possible: A future in which the bio-elites are held responsible for their actions., people regain their rights, and the Constitution is restored to its intended preeminence. Only then will be reign of fear end with the triumph of freedom.

As we emerge from the smoke of the COVID wreckage, I observe newly energized independent journalists rising to the challenge of unbiased reporting while their legacy media counterparts cower and issue copy-and-paste narratives dictated by their pharmaceutical overlords. These brave, truth-seeking independent journalists, fueling by the support of their readers, may have the power to draw the necessary public attention to activate the people’ will in tearing down the medical/military-industrial domination over individual freedoms. 

We, the people, hold in our hands the power to choose which future becomes our reality and that of generations to come. Let us use that power wisely.”

Gail Combs


 January 27, 2024 18:50

Yours Truly is well aware that there are multiple very negative situations and events going on in the United States and the rest of the world. However, the ongoing disaster of COVID-19 and the COVID-19 “vaccines” must not be allowed to “fade into the distance” — especially since the MEDICAL TSUNAMI of COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced injuries, illnesses, disabilities, and deaths are now presenting all over the “vaccinated” world.

“Published today in the medical peer-reviewed literature: The COVID vaccines should be stopped”

25 January 2024
Yours Truly: Steve Kirsch has entered the “medical literature big leagues” — he’s a co-author of the paper below that was just published by Cureus:
COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Lessons Learned from the Registrational Trials and Global Vaccination Campaign

M. Nathaniel Mead, Stephanie Seneff, Russ Wolfinger, Jessica Rose, Kris Denhaerynck, Steve Kirsch, Peter A. McCullough

Yours Truly: This paper is long, quite detailed, and PULLS NO PUNCHES. Multiple issues are covered. The Cleveland Clinic study (the “Shrestha paper:), SV40, the INFAMOUS “Process 2”, lipid nanoparticles in the “vaccines”, adverse events reports, PEG in the “vaccines”, the destruction of the CD8 T-cells in “vaccinated” persons — this paper IS AMAZING in its breadth and depth of scope.

From the Abstract: “The risk-benefit imbalance [of the mRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”] substantiated by the evidence to date contraindicates further booster injections and suggests that, at a minimum, the mRNA injections should be removed from the childhood immunization program until proper safety and toxicological studies are conducted. Federal agency approval of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines on a blanket-coverage population-wide basis had no support from an honest assessment of all relevant registrational data and commensurate consideration of risks versus benefits.

And the above is only PART of the Abstract.

Gail Combs

 January 28, 2024 10:30

Yours Truly will keep this short:

If one is reading the items below correctly, two things emerge:

ONE: It appears that the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus itself was gain-of-function engineered to contain at least one bacterial lipopolysaccharide that appears to have been inserted between the S1 and S2 proteins on the genome chain. These bacterial lipopolysaccharides in and of themselves can cause chronic inflammation in persons infected only with the COVID-19 virus.

TWO: That, in addition to the the bacterial LPS’s that were inserted into the original COVID-19 virus genome chain, there are the dangerous lipid nanoparticles (LNP’s) that are present in BOTH the Pfizer-BioNTech AND the Moderna COVID-19 “vaccines” (both the “flagship vaccines” of these companies, BNT162b2 = ALC-0159 and ALC-0315; and mRNA-1273 = SM-102; AND in every “descendant COVID-19 vaccine” made by these companies, INCLUDING the current “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccines” made by these companies.)

THREE: The combination of the above create the conditions for the enhanced spike protein + modRNA in the COVID-19 “vaccines” to cause the multiple issues of the MEDICAL TSUNAMI of COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced injuries, illnesses, disabilities, and deaths that is now presenting in “vaccinated” persons all over the world.

FOUR: IMO, given the above, there is more credibility to the “shedding” phenomenon.


“SARS-CoV-2 spike protein as a bacterial lipopolysaccharide delivery system in an overzealous inflammatory cascade”
Peter J Bond, et al.
published 14 October 2022

Gail Combs

This would explain LONG HAULERS and my re-occurring problem with ‘Asthma’ despite never having had it before in the 7 decades before 2019.

Gail Combs

From Wolfie:

Gail Combs


 January 29, 2024 23:05

No doubt about it: the COVID vaccines CAUSE dementia
There is NFW that you can have a 1,000X increase in event reports if the COVID vaccine isn’t causing this. The CDC simply “forgot” to warn people about it.

Steve Kirsch
Jan 29, 2024
“This is a query over all vaccines in VAERS for the last 30 years. It took me about 10 seconds to do this query:

comment image

VAERS query over the entire history of VAERS. Only one vaccine causes dementia.
The results are self-explanatory: the COVID vaccines cause dementia.

Anyone who tells you “correlation isn’t causation” should explain the actual cause of this if it wasn’t the COVID vaccine.

I can’t get a debate on this with anyone. They just don’t want to talk about it.
The mainstream media is just never going to cover it.

Gaslighting techniques
The community notes on X will claim anyone can report to VAERS. That’s right. And it’s a FEDERAL CRIME to make a false VAERS report. So why would anyone do that?

Also, the claim that everything is elevated because so many people got these shots is BS as well since billions of people got the flu shots.

Here’s an example of something that the COVID vaccines do NOT cause and as you can see, the COVID vaccine counts are NOT elevated:

comment image

COVID vaccines do NOT cause metal poisoning, but do cause dementia
The COVID vaccine is required for new citizens

And, by the way, if you want to get an immigration visa to the US, you are required to get the COVID vaccine so you can get dementia too!

Here are the links:
COVID vaccine requirements for immigration visa
Unlike for other vaccines, there are no medical conditions that allow you to opt out of the COVID vaccine because the COVID vaccine is safe for everyone!
This is stunning.

And the COVID vaccine is recommended especially if you are pregnant even though it can increase the rate of fetal demise by 50X or more as we learned from nurse Michelle Gershman (at 2:53:00) in a stunning revelation.

So if you want to lose your baby, taking the COVID shot is an excellent approach. We reached out to Michelle’s hospital, but they don’t want to talk about it (I can’t figure out why).

You can still apply for a religious exemption.”

Gail Combs


 January 30, 2024 10:02

Today’s COVID-19 “vaccines” bombshell, courtesy of Steve Kirsch:
via Steve Kirsch

Yours Truly: Mr. Kirsch did an analysis of all VAERS reports regarding dementia as a result of vaccines — all vaccines. The result: It’s the COVID-19 “vaccines” that cause dementia.

Recall, also, that there is a anywhere between a 40% – 99% “report deficit” regarding VAERS. Given this, it is fair to posit that the incidence of COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced dementia may be far higher than the number that Mr. Kirsch found (998 cases,)

*** One of the causes of nerve / brain / neurological disorders, INCLUDING dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Lewy Body Dementia, is DEMYELINATION.

DEMYELINATION occurs when the MYELIN sheath (the “protector sheath” for nerve cells) is damaged or destroyed. DEMYELINATION can occur in nerves in the muscles, the spinal cord, OR THE BRAIN.

*** Demyelination is listed on page 3 of the APPENDIX 1. LIST OF ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST in the document that Pfizer-BioNTech gave to the FDA on 30 April 2021 regarding the company’s “flagship” COVID-19 modRNA “vaccine”, BNT162b2. The document is found here:

This means that on 30 April 2021, the FDA KNEW that BNT162b2 can cause demyelination of nerve cells in a “vaccinated” person — but the agency did NOT pull the “vaccine” off the market.

Yours Truly will point out that the ingredients of BNT162b2 (although in smaller amounts) are STILL present in the company’s current “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine.”

Also — the Moderna modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” use the same type of modRNA in that company’s COVID-19 “vaccines” (the “flagship” COVID-19 “vaccine”, mRNA-1273; and also in that company’s “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine.”)

There are, in addition, papers reporting neurological demyelination diseases that occur in persons who have a COVID-19 DNA / viral vector “vaccine” in their bodies. This would include persons who took the (now-removed in the U.S.) Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 “vaccine”; and the Oxford / AstraZeneca COVID-19 “vaccines” that are still in use in other countries.

Here’s a chart from Mr. Kirsch’s article:

comment image

Gail Combs


This important @CityJournal
article by Nicholas Wade tells the story of how a team of scientists, @WashburneAlex
, Valentin Bruttel, and Antonius VanDongen, wrote a paper in 2022 predicting exactly how scientists in the Wuhan lab manipulated bat viruses to engineer the covid virus to easily infect human cells.
New documents unearthed by Emily Kopp and the US Right to Know provide striking confirmation of their prediction.

Gail Combs

illuminatibot @iluminatibot

I recently discovered something very weird.

Bill Gates invested a whopping $55 MILLION in BioNTech that made the Pfizer mRNA injection.

You will never believe the date that this happened…

Is this just a coincidence?

You know, the company that partnered with Pfizer to make their mRNA covid vaccine and drove Pfizer’s revenue to a record $100 billion in 2022.

Well, I had a look and found something very interesting indeed. When did Bill Gates invest this large sum of money?

Turns out that it was on the 4th of September 2019.

Covid was discovered just two months later in November 2019 (at least the first time we got to hear about it).

This turned out to be very profitable for Bill Gates, his investment increasing by 10 times. The original $55 million was worth over $550 million just a few years later.

“the collaboration will fund the identification of potential HIV and tuberculosis vaccine and immunotherapy candidates and their pre-clinical development. It will further enable BioNTech to build out its infectious disease infrastructure, including platform development” – it says in the press release from BioNTech.

Guess what?

Bill Gates has also donated some $20 million to the BBC.

Now it is being reported that the BBC misrepresented the risk of covid in order to boost public support for lockdown.

other words, the mainstream media deliberately mislead the public and scared them into supporting draconian lockdown measures, and also probably scared people into rushing to get the brand new mRNA injections.

Meanwhile Bill Gates investment grew and grew…

“One example is that they gave the impression that hospitals were being overwhelmed during the first wave. Some (mainly in London) were, but overall hospital bed occupancy was at an all-time low during that period” said Professor Mark Woolhouse.

Remember when we were told that the hospitals were completely full and we had all the dancing nurses on TikTok? Remember how some peopel were labelled “conspiracy theorists” for questioning this?

Turns out that the so called “conspiracy theorists” were right once again. The hospitals were not full. We were being lied to.

What do you think about all of this, surely it is just a coincidence that Bill Gates just happened to invest large amounts of money into BioNTech just two months before covid?

Gail Combs

The Cabal tried to destroy our military.

This is First Lieutenant Mark Bashar’s website:
This has an incredible amount of info on the Clot Shot and the fight by former members of the military.

comment image

Defending the Constitution Behind Enemy Lines is an explosive, tell-all book, detailing the military COVID-19 vaccine mandate, and the resistance to that mandate by service members who could not, in good conscience, go along. As an actively serving Navy Commander, Robert A. Green Jr. removes the veil of military secrecy and complexity to shed light on the related unlawfulness and the official cover-up being committed by certain DoD leaders. His deep dive into the current crisis details the harms perpetrated against service members and their families as well as the destruction of military readiness that resulted.

Gail Combs


 February 6, 2024 19:02

Well, it appears that another truth about the COVID-19 “vaccines” has finally been proven —

via Dr. Joseph Mercola

Yours Truly: The paper referred to in Dr. Mercola’s article is this:

“Ribosomal frameshifting and misreading of mRNA in COVID-19 vaccines produces “off-target” proteins and immune responses eliciting safety concerns: Comment on UK study by Mulroney et al.”

David M Wiseman, Maria Gutschi, David J Speicher, Jessica, and Kevin McKernan

published 7 December 2023

Yours Truly: IMO, this paper is an important read. It confirms something that Yours Truly has suspected for some time — that the ingredients and the mechanisms of the COVID-19 “vaccines” turn the body of the “vaccine” recipient into a “receptacle” for foreign (“enemy”) proteins, AND into a “wide-open door” to the body’s immune system for the “vaccines” to damage / destroy.

The authors of the paper lay the blame for the above on the use of N1-methylpseudouridine in the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”
Where Yours Truly begs to differ with the authors of the paper is their use of the phrase, “unintended proteins.” IMO, Pfizer-BioNTech knew exactly what they were doing in using N1-methylpseudouridine in the company’s modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines.” This compound basically evades the “vaccine” recipient’s body’s natural immune system “are you an enemy or a friend” mechanisms.

Gail Combs


 February 7, 2024 15:57

Are the 🐓 coming home to roost?

‘Global Moratorium’ for COVID Shots? Mainstream Science Considering Halt

For months while the COVID-19 virus, which came out of a Chinese lab experimenting on making those health threats more dangerous, circled the globe and killed millions, science journals adopted a uniform talking point: Get the shots!

That, according to a new report, now has changed, with the publication in the Springer Nature medical journal Cureus, a sibling of Nature and Scientific American, a peer-reviewed paper by mRNA shot critics…

Longtime COVID shot skeptic Steve Kirsch posted online: “People have said I’m a misinformation spreader because since May 2021, I have been publicly saying the COVID vaccines are not safe. Now the medical peer-reviewed literature shows I was right.”

report in Just the News points out that mainstream science and medical journals for months, even years, suppressed doubts and concerns about the shots, for which manufacturers were paid billions.

In fact, the federal government, led by COVID shot cheerleader Anthony Fauci, worked to suppress valid evidence undermining the promotion of those shots.

The new article, in fact, lends support for the idea of a global moratorium on those shots.

Just the News said, “The feds have struggled to keep interest high in each new formulation of the COVID vaccines, with fewer than 12% of minors, 22% of adults and just 41% of those 65 and up taking the 2023-2024 vaccines, according to the latest weekly National Immunization Survey.”

⬆️ Good news, but more need to wake up.

The Cureus paper notes that while early promotions of Pfizer’s shot trials suggested they “could greatly reduce COVID-19 symptoms,” a further review “identified statistically significant increases” in “serious adverse events.”

“The risk-benefit imbalance substantiated by the evidence to date contraindicates further booster injections and suggests that, at a minimum, the mRNA injections should be removed from the childhood immunization program until proper safety and toxicological studies are conducted,” the paper warns.

And they authors continued, explaining U.S. approval of the shots “on a blanket-coverage population-wide basis had no support from an honest assessment of all relevant registrational data and commensurate consideration of risks versus benefits”…


IVERMECTIN and CANCER, it has at least 15 anti-cancer mechanisms of action. Can Ivermectin Treat COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancers? – 9 Ivermectin papers reviewed

This is a list of papers, with links to them, that discuss anti-cancer effects of ivermectin.

Papers reviewed:

Gail Combs

PAVACA  Reply to  TheseTruths
 February 7, 2024 19:02

Thank you for this. It reiterates what Yours Truly presented on this board a few days ago regarding the Cureus paper.

The paper:

Here’s what Steve Kirsch had to say about the paper (he being one of the authors):
25 January 2024

Here’s a screenshot from the Abstract of the paper:

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Gail Combs
Gail Combs

Valerie Curren

 February 10, 2024 03:59

I was looking through research studies through the University of Michigan & ran across this extremely disturbing one. I’ll copy all the details here.

You can find the info at this link:

Administering the COVID-19 vaccine and booster to people who have experienced long-COVID or had a previous adverse reaction. Ann Arbor, MI
The safety of giving a 2nd or 3rd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech or the Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccine to people who experienced an adverse reaction to the 1st or 2nd dose or the safety of giving a first dose of COVID-19 vaccine to people who have a history of allergic reaction and avoided vaccination.

VICTORS have shown interest in this study

WHO CAN PARTICIPATE?This study is looking for 1 group of volunteers:
You may be eligible to participate if you meet all of these main criteria:

Age (years) is greater than or equal to 18History of adverse reaction (allergic reaction) to the mRNA COVID vaccine, avoidance of initial mRNA COVID due to past history of allergic reaction, or is currently experiencing long-COVID symptoms and still in need of vaccination.You are not eligible to participate if you meet any of the following criteria

Age (years) is between 1 and 17Is pregnant at the time of enrollmentWHAT IS INVOLVED?Time required: one visit, approximately one hour.
Following a screening phone call, eligible participants will visit a Michigan Medicine laboratory and provide blood and urine samples within two weeks prior to their vaccination appointment.

Eligible participants will then be scheduled to receive a dose of either the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA COVID-19 vaccine or the Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, which will take place at the Frankel Cardiovascular Center in Ann Arbor. Specialists in allergy and immunology will perform a brief examination and administer a dose of the mRNA COVID vaccination.

Following the vaccination, study staff will closely monitor the participant for at least 30 minutes to evaluate for signs of adverse reaction and appropriately treat any reactions that require intervention and, if necessary, schedule a follow up visit in the clinic.

Participants will also receive a follow up phone call 7 days after the vaccination appointment to review any reported adverse reactions that occurred after the vaccination.

Upon completion of your vaccination, you will be compensated with a $75 visa gift card.

Participants benefit from receiving a dose of the COVID vaccine, which has been highly effective in preventing severe disease and death, in a setting that provides close monitoring and treatment of any immediate adverse reactions.

The information obtained from this study will also be valuable in evaluating the future use of mRNA vaccines, which are being investigated for use in other conditions, including influenza and cancer.

For more information please contact: Allergy COVID Vaccine Study Team at (IRB # HUM00206480).


Study Identifier: HUM00206480
Principal Investigator: Baker Jr, James R
Department: Internal Medicine – Allergy & Clinical Immunology
Study posted on: February 24, 2022
Posting will be taken down on: December 31, 2028

For questions about this study, contact:Food Allergy Center COVID Study Team
I think the concerns are pretty evident by reading through the above–horrifying!   :wpds_evil: 

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Wolfie archived a link

Last edited 10 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs

Brave and Free

 February 10, 2024 07:24

They knew from the beginning.

Gail Combs

Glad Emerald has stayed on this.

China told the world it was us back in 2020. Nobody much wanted to believe it. The country of origin was China. It was also a bioweapon that was planted worldwide with our scum and their scum working in collusion with one another as best as I can determine.
She’s got DARPA by the short hairs and it is as bad as it appears, which is what we have believed to be true about depop and transhumanism.

Classic Takes: Project Veritas Confirms My Reporting On Fauci & DARPA
A new DARPA report shows: the U.S. government has lied to the American people about everything related to COVID

Project Veritas released a trove of documents today that originated from DARPA — which is the secret research & development wing of the U.S. military. The military documents directly contradict Dr. Fauci’s testimony under oath to Congress regarding “gain of function” bioweapons research — and reveal much more.

The documents outline how Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in March 2018 with a request for funding “gain of function” (bioweapons) research using bat coronaviruses. The proposal was ultimately rejected by DARPA over safety concerns — though DARPA did not voluntarily share these documents with the American public while Daszak and Fauci misrepresented their research work on a daily basis in the national media for two years.

There are bombshells everywhere you look in these documents — particularly in the report for the Department of Defense’s Inspector General written by DARPA fellow and Marine Corps Major Joseph Murphy. The first sentences of Murphy’s report state: “SARS-CoV-2 is an American-created recombinant bat vaccine, or its precursor virus. It was created by an EcoHealth Alliance program at the Wuhan Lab of Virology…” This tells you right away that not only Dr. Fauci but the U.S. intelligence services and the U.S. corporate media have been deliberately lying to the American public for two years…

[Not that this is news to the QTree. — GC]

Gail Combs

 February 14, 2024 16:14

I don’t remember if we’ve seen this one before — mainly because it’s nothing we didn’t already know. But, if it’s new, it’s getting new exposure….

Gail Combs


 Reply to  cthulhu
 February 14, 2024 19:41

Thank you for bringing this. The truth about the MODERNA modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” has just fairly recently begun to slowly leak out — Moderna had been more successful in keeping the truth about their COVID-19 “vaccines” out of the public eye.

The Moderna modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” contain PEG (in and of itself, a compound that the body doesn’t break down and eliminate easily); and, SM-102, a VERY dangerous lipid nanoparticle. SM-102 is NOT to be used EXCEPT for research purposes. SM-102 is SPECIFICALLY present in the Moderna modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” TO EVADE the “vaccine” recipient’s body’s NATURAL “are you an enemy or a friend” immune system detection system, so that the ingredients of these “vaccines” can find their way quickly and easily into EVERY CELL of the “vaccine” recipient’s body.

This is ASIDE from the fact that the Moderna modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” — ALL of them, from the original mRNA-1273 through the “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine” by this company — have HIGHER amounts of “vaccine” ingredients PER DOSE FOR ALL AGE RANGES compared to the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines.” This is NOT to say that the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” are “safer” — THEY ARE NOT.

Here is Dr. Robert Malone’s analysis and commentary on the paper just published by the Moderna scientists:

Yours Truly: Since the paper by the Moderna scientists is available (except for the Abstract) only via “institutional access” or by expensive subscription, I think Dr. Malone’s analysis is valuable, as it appears that he read the entire paper. (Yes, there is controversy in certain quarters regarding Dr. Malone.)

Here is the OSHA MSDS Safety Data Sheet for SM-102:

Here is the FDA-issued Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers for the Moderna “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine”:
Please refer to page 34 under 11 DESCRIPTION.

Gail Combs

I am also puting this here:


As you read or listen to this think of Dr. Didier Raoult,

Yet Dr. Raoult persisted in treating COVID-19 patients with HCQ and azithromycin, an antibiotic. On April 4, 2023, he published preliminary results of treating over 👉30,000 patients between March 2020 and December 2021 

And Dr Zelenko

Zelenko has now treated 👉 3,000 patients with COVID-19 symptoms and only three high-risk patients have died

Transcript starting at 4 minutes:

Dr Drew Pinsky :worked in psychiatric hospital for 35 years (4 min)

Remind you of a couple of things (4:20)

 #1 is, are you aware that randomized controlled trials have only been around for 75 years?

 People pretend that that has been the basis of science forever. NO, it is a relatively new instrument on the scene and it is deeply FLAWED.To power it you have to have MORE patients, a bigger (N) than the RCTs [ randomized controlled trials] out there. So we have lots of problems. People do a lot of manipulating with numbers as a result of learning how to use this instrument to make their outcomes the way they want them.


 But, I digress. Back in the day, Doctors would try things, and when they worked you knew it clinically because the patient got better.Did it happen every time? Of Course not. But you would develop a clinical sense of what worked and what doesn’t.


 Clinical judgement has been marginalized. And I am telling you if you see, lots & lots of patients as I did, 1,000s & 1,000s you KNOW what’s going on long before the medical literature catches up.

I am going to dissect what he is saying here.
  :wpds_arrow: “…only been around for 75 years?” HMMMMmm

The Flexner Report: How John D. Rockefeller Used the AMA to Take Over Western Medicine

…After the Flexner Report [1910], the AMA only endorsed schools with a drug-based curriculum. It didn’t take long before non-allopathic schools fell by the wayside due to lack of funding. Thus, Rockefeller had his monopoly on drugs, and Big Pharma and Rockefeller Medicine were born – and has only grown bigger and more terrible since, now routinely bribing doctors to prescribetheir toxic and side effect-laden pills, not to mention their autism-causing vaccines. Rockefeller, the AMA and Big Pharma are now all key aspects of the NWO (New World Order), but it all started with the Flexner Report. 👉It is worth noting that Big Pharma And the Vaccine Cartels design the entire medical curriculum!

Follow The Money…Rockefeller And The Medical ConspiracyPosted on November 18, 2009 by beyondthecurtain

There are a number of alternative healing therapies that work so well and cost so little (compared to conventional treatment), that Organized Medicine, the Food & Drug Administration, and their overlords in the Pharmaceutical Industry (The Big Three) would rather the public not know about them.

The reason is obvious:

Alternative, non-toxic therapies represent a potential loss of billions of dollars to allopathic (drug) medicine and drug companies. 👉The Big Three have collectively engaged in a medical conspiracy for the better part of 70 years to influence legislative bodies on both the state and federal level to create regulations that promote the use of drug medicine while simultaneously creating restrictive, controlling mechanisms (licencing, government approval, etc) designed to limit and stifle the availability of non-drug, alternative[s]… 

So the timing of the change from Clinical Observation to reliance on Randomized Controlled Trials coincides nicely with the rise of Rockefeller Big Pharna patented medicine.

Clinical Observations (as Dr Drew said in the thousands) has now been reduced tothe statuse of Anecdotal evidence 

Anecdotal evidence  -WIKI

Anecdotal evidence is evidence based only on personal observation, collected in a casual or non-systematic manner.

When compared to other types of evidence, anecdotal evidence is generally regarded as limited in value due to a number of potential weaknesses, but may be considered within the scope of scientific method as some anecdotal evidence can be both empirical and verifiable, e.g. in the use of case studies in medicine. Other anecdotal evidence, however, does not qualify as scientific evidence, because its nature prevents it from being investigated by the scientific method…

In science, definitions of anecdotal evidence include:

  • “casual observations or indications rather than rigorous or scientific analysis”[7]
  • “information passed along by word-of-mouth but not documented scientifically”[8]
  • “evidence that comes from an individual experience. This may be the experience of a person with an illness or the experience of a practitioner based on one or more patients outside a formal research study.”[9]
  • “the report of an experience by one or more persons that is not objectively documented or an experience or outcome that occurred outside of a controlled environment”[10]

Anecdotal evidence can have varying degrees of formality. For instance, in medicine, published anecdotal evidence by a trained observer (a doctor) is called a case report, and is subjected to formal peer review.[11] Although such evidence is not seen as conclusive, researchers may sometimes regard it as an invitation to more rigorous scientific study of the phenomenon in question…

Dr Drew then says:

To power it you have to have MORE patients, a bigger (N) than the RCTs [ randomized controlled trials] out there. So we have lots of problems.


Dr Drew, Dr. Raoult and Dr Zelenko are talking THOUSANDS of patients observed first hand .

What about a randomized controlled trial?

Here is an example I chose at random from papers I had links to:

2008 — Unexpected Antitumorigenic Effect of Fenbendazole when Combined with Supplementary Vitamins

To assess the role of fenbendazole and supplementary vitamins on tumor suppression, 20 vendor-supplied 4-wk-old SCID mice were assigned to 4 treatment groups

So 20 mice divide by 4 = FIVE MICE in each group!

Chemistry gives much more repeatable results than biology does, and I would NEVER use LESS THAN TEN in each treatment. If I had time, I would use 25 or preferably 100.

One of the BIG problems is MONEY. When you are talking randomized controlled trials in biology it COSTS $$$ of each animal and it’s up keep. Therefore you NEED GRANTS!

  :wpds_arrow: 𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗶𝘀 𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝗺𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗧𝗥𝗢𝗟𝗟𝗘𝗗!

Gail Combs

N by the way means number. Sorry for not making that clear up above.

I decided to take a quick peek at costs.

Charles River Rat Lab does not list prices so I was left with pet rats which are MUCH cheaper.

Rat owners of reddit, approximately how much per month do you estimate 2 rats cost you?

This is in Aussie dollars. Another commenter said $300 for two rats.

Start up costs for 2 Rats:

2 Rats – $20-$25

Cage – $80-$150

Food Bowl – $1-$5

Large Glass Water Bottle – $15-$20

Monthly Costs:

Food $5.00-$10.00

Bedding $10.00

 So start up costs for 1 rat (and Charles River is going to charge a heck of a lot more for their specially bred rats)
 12+100+5+20 = 137 MINIMUM per rat. If you are talking autoclavable lab grade equipment, it is going to be a lot higher. A WAG would be minimum $500 and more likely in the thousands for ‘Approved rats and equipment’. AND that is not including the research facilities.
So for that 20 rat study, you are talking $10,000 for start up costs and that does not include, food, building and personnel.

For a 1,000 rat study even if you used all pet quality stuff, you are talking $140.000 for a start up cost.

As an Indian Doctor I talked to at a party said, Yes Co-Q-10 is good for your heart, BUT you will never see a study proving it BECAUSE THERE IS NO MONEY IN IT!”

Gail Combs


 February 15, 2024 19:54

  :wpds_arrow: WOLF MOON, GAIL COMBS, AND ALL— 🚨

Yours Truly did some digging into this “new self-amplifying RNA vaccine” (“replicon vaccine”) that was just approved in Japan. OMG.

ONE: The “new self-amplifying RNA vaccine” (“replicon vaccine”) that was just approved in Japan is called ARCT-154.

TWO: This “vaccine” is a joint product of Arcturus and CSL. Arcturus boasts of having a “library” of over 250 types of LIPID NANOPARTICLES that can be used in the development and production of this new type of “vaccine.”


From the article cited below. (caps and bolding mine)


Sauce for the above:

Sauce for points One and Three:

“First self-amplifying mRNA vaccine approved”
published 17 January 2024

Sauce for point Two:
published 4 November 2022

Sauce for point Four:
“The Spike D614G mutation increases SARS-CoV-2 infection of multiple human cell types”
Neville E Sarjana, et al.
published 11 February 2021

See also, from the discussion of earlier today:
via Karen Hunt, Off-Guardian

And, the Karen Hunt article:

Gail Combs


 February 18, 2024 20:14


Yours Truly: Video and transcript are in the article. DENIS RANCOURT.

Here’s a graphic from the article:

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Gail Combs

barkerjim adds

 February 19, 2024 11:25

Executive summary
New Zealand resident Chris Johnston submitted an OIA request (similar to a FOIA) to the New Zealand health officials.

I analyze the results in this article.

Short story: The data they returned shows that the COVID vaccines didn’t save anyone from dying from COVID. They did the opposite: they increased mortality. Even worse, when COVID deaths peaked in July 2022, the vaccinated were disproportionately affected.

In short, they lied. Their own data shows that if you followed their advice, it was more likely you’d die during a COVID outbreak.

Are you surprised?

Gail Combs


 February 19, 2024 10:43

And now, for the more serious stuff:
by Steve Kirsch

Yours Truly: This is the release of the first tranche of free-data text reports that the CDC received via the “V-Safe” app regarding adverse / serious reactions that people had who took the COVID-19 “vaccines.” I Can Decide brought, and won, the lawsuit against the CDC to force the agency to release the data.

So it would appear that BOTH the CDC, AND the FDA + Pfizer-BioNTech, wanted to seal the TRUTH about the COVID-19 “vaccines.”

IMO, the free-text data reports are dynamite. They are also quite disturbing.

And yet, the CDC / FDA are STILL pushing the LIES that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are “safe and effective” and that “the known and potential benefits outweigh the known and potential risks.” These are the words that these agencies are still using.

Further information is here:

Gail Combs

The CDC V-Safe free text data release is also written about in Steve Kirsch’s Substack:

Gail Combs


 February 19, 2024 15:45

Who knew?

Groundbreaking Global Study on 99 Million Vaccinated People Reveals Increases in Neurological, Blood, and Heart Conditions Associated with COVID-19 Vaccines
In a groundbreaking multinational study conducted by the Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN), researchers have shed light on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines among a cohort of 99 million vaccinated individuals.

The study, spanning multiple countries, aimed to evaluate adverse events of special interest (AESI) following COVID-19 vaccination, providing crucial insights into vaccine safety.

Some of the countries included in the study are:

  • Denmark
  • New Zealand
  • Argentina
  • Canada (Ontario and British Columbia)
  • Finland
  • Australia (New South Wales and Victoria)
  • Scotland

The study was published at the world’s leading scientific publisher and data analytics company for more than 140 years, Elsevier.

The study confirmed known safety signals for conditions such as myocarditis, pericarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, while also identifying potential new safety signals that warrant further investigation.

According to the result, the study covered 99,068,901 vaccinated individuals, analyzing the administration of 183,559,462 doses of Pfizer (BNT162b2), 36,178,442 doses of Moderna (mRNA-1273), and 23,093,399 doses of Oxford/AstraZeneca (ChAdOx1) vaccines.

Experts chose thirteen health issues to keep a close eye on after people get their COVID-19 vaccines.

The health issues they’re watching were picked from a list made by a group called the Brighton Collaboration SPEAC Project. They chose these specific issues because they are the same ones for which recent data on how common they are (background rates) was collected by some research sites.

To identify these issues, they used a standardized system of medical codes called ICD-10. Among the issues they’re focusing on are several neurological conditions like Guillain-Barré syndrome (a rare nerve disorder), transverse myelitis (inflammation of the spinal cord), Bell’s palsy (sudden facial muscle weakness), acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (a brief but widespread attack of inflammation in the brain and spinal cord), and seizures (convulsions that can happen with or without fever). They’re paying special attention to these because there have been some reports of these issues after vaccination.

They’re also looking at blood clotting issues, including clots in the brain’s veins, clots in the abdomen’s veins, and lung clots, because these could be signs of a rare clotting problem linked to the vaccine. Low platelet counts (thrombocytopenia) and a specific immune response causing low platelets (immune thrombocytopenia) are also being watched due to their connection to this clotting issue.

Lastly, myocarditis and pericarditis, which are types of heart inflammation, are being monitored. Each of these conditions is being looked at separately to understand how often they happen after vaccination.

More at the link…

Gail Combs


 February 20, 2024 10:14

OK, Yours Truly did some digging into “Welcome Corps”, the “private resettlement agency” that’s involved in the Michigan situation — and ALSO has its hands in places ALL OVER THE UNITED STATES.


The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT gives funding to “private American citizens / Green Card holders” to QUARTER “MIGRANTS” IN THEIR HOMES OR TO HOUSE THEM IN OTHER “APPROVED” PLACES — money for food / housing costs / schooling costs, etc.


The “private American citizen / Green Care holder sponsors” must raise “THE EQUIVALENT AMOUNT” of “in-kind or cash resources” to MATCH what the government will give to the “private American citizen / Green Card holder sponsors.”


Gail Combs


 February 20, 2024 13:18

VAERS data graph:

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Gail Combs

Brave and Free
 February 21, 2024 06:53

I thought this was already established?



 Reply to  Brave and Free

 February 21, 2024 11:13

Brave and Free
Thank you for bringing this.

Here is the paper referenced in the article:
“mRNA vaccine boosters and impaired immune system response in immunocomrpromised individuals: A narrative review”
Alberto Boretti
5 December 2023

Yours Truly: Dr. Boretti specifically discusses the impairment of the CD4 – CD8 immune system cells in the “boosted” person’s body.

A summary review of the paper is here:
8 February 2024

Yours Truly has presented and discussed on this board for over two years, the fact that the COVID-19 “vaccines” were DESIGNED TO, among other things, ATTACK the CD4 – CD8 immune system cells of the “vaccine” recipient’s body. THESE ARE THE SAME IMMUNE SYSTEM CELLS THAT ARE ATTACKED BY THE HIV/AIDS VIRUS.

Dr. Nathan Thompson, DC, was one of the first medical professionals to make the connection between COVID-19 “vaccination” and the destruction of the CD4 – CD8 immune system cells in the “vaccine” recipient’s body. One of his patients, who had great immune system levels PRIOR to this person getting COVID-19 “vaccinated”, was found to have greatly reduced CD4 – CD8 immune cell levels AFTER BOTH of the COVID-19 injections that were taken, ESPECIALLY after the second injection. Dr. Thompson’s video explaining the blood test results of this patient may still be on You Tube.

Yours Truly will make five additional important points:

ONE: It has been known since at least 2022 (if not before) that the COVID-19 “vaccines” SUPPRESS THE NATURAL IMMUNE SYSTEM CELLS AND RESPONSES OF THE BODY OF THE “VACCINATED” PERSON:
“Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs”
Stephanie Seneff, PhD, Peter A. McCullough, MD, et al.
15 April 2022

“Deep immune profiling of COVID-19 patients reveals distinct immunotypes with therapeutic implications”
Divij Mathew et al.
9 April 2020

THREE: The ORIGINAL LAB-CREATED SARS-CoV-2 virus ITSELF was ENGINEERED to attack the important CD4 – CD8 IMMUNE SYSTEM CELLS OF THE INFECTED PERSON’S BODY. This original created virus RNA was then “modified” with OTHER elements to create the “modRNA” that is in EVERY modRNA COVID-19 “VACCINE” by Pfizer-BioNTech, by Moderna, by Novavax, and by ANY other manufacturer that uses the modRNA COVID-19 virus ingredients, whether or not said “vaccine” ALSO contains any elements of any Omicron variant(s).

IN ADDITION, Pfizer-BioNTech added two dangerous lipid nanoparticles, ALC-1059 and ALC-0315 that SPECIFICALLY EVADE the “vaccine” recipient’s natural immune system “are you a friend or an enemy” response to the “vaccine.” Moderna added the dangerous lipid nanoparticle, SM-102, to its modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”, which DOES THE SAME THING. The Novavax COVID-19 “vaccines” use a proprietary process and ingredient, called “Matrix M”; however, this company’s “vaccines” have, as the base, the SAME modRNA elements of the Omicron variant line that the respective Pfizer-BioNTech and the Moderna “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccines” have.



FIVE: An “UN-vaccinated” person who gets COVID-19 and recovers ALSO may have their natural immune systems and responses compromised by the elements within the COVID-19 ITSELF. However — “UN-vaccinated” persons who get COVID-19 and recover STILL CAN REBUILD THEIR IMMUNE SYSTEMS IF THEY FOLLOW A RECOVERY PROTOCOL. However, IMO, “vaccinated” persons, UNLESS they strictly follow such a recovery protocol, MAY NOT HAVE THAT POTENTIAL, due to the mechanisms of the COVID-19 “vaccines” they have in their bodies.

Gail Combs

From D-Pat

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Gail Combs


 February 22, 2024 10:34

Thank you for this:

The preprint paper referred to is here:
“Delayed Fatal Pulmonary Hemorrhage Following COVID-19 Vaccination: Case REPORT, Batch Analysis, and Proposed Autopsy Checklist”
Nicolas Hulscher and Peter A. McCullough
published 20 February 2024

Yours Truly: The unfortunate patient died 555 days AFTER he took the SECOND dose of the original “two-dose series” of the “flagship” Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT162b2. The coroner listed the cause of death as HYPERTENSIVE CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE and to what used to be called “hardening of the arteries” (ATHEROSCLEROTIC CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE) — EVEN THOUGH THE DECEASED HAD NO PRIOR HISTORY OF HEART ISSUES AND THAT HIS LUNGS WERE FOUND TO BE HEMORRHAGED OUT PER THE AUTOPSY. HE ALSO TESTED NEGATIVE FOR COVID-19 INFECTION AFTER HOSPITAL ADMISSION.


It was only AFTER Mr. Hulscher and Dr. McCullough traced the BATCH of BNT162b2 that the deceased took that they discovered the batch to be one of the “hot” or “bad” batches.


Please also refer to this:
“Vascular and organ damage induced by mRNA vaccines: irrefutable proof of causality”
Michael Palmer, MD, and Sucharit Bhakdi, MD

Yours Truly: Please see Slide 12 and Slide 13 of this paper for images of the damage that the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” do to lung tissue.

Gail Combs


 February 23, 2024 10:24


22 February 2024

Yours Truly: Apparently, the ONS (Office of National Statistics) in the United Kingdom wasn’t happy with the mounting numbers of “excess deaths” in the UK since 2020 (and especially since 2021, the year of the COVID-19 “vaccine” rollout worldwide.) Soooo — the ONS has “updated” its “excess deaths” reporting calculating parameters. VOILA! — thousands of “excess deaths” were simply WIPED OUT.

The link to the story in the Off Guardian is embedded in the Crispin article.
Here’s a graphic from the Off Guardian article regarding the “new method” of calculating “excess deaths” in the UK:

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Last edited 10 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs

From D-Pat

TV Drug Ads Are Not About Selling More Pharmaceuticals, They’re About Big Pharma Buying off the Media
33% of teens are pre-diabetic
 24% of teens have fatty liver disease

Gail Combs


Unsure about this.




 Reply to  barkerjim
 February 25, 2024 13:19

Thank you for this. Read through the summary of the Mercola article at The Burning Platform.

Yours Truly does agree with several points:

One: That vaccines aren’t the be-all-and-end-all to staying healthy and/or treating disease.

Two: Using a different vaccine instead of a REAL placebo in clinical trials is NOT a good idea.

Three: The CDC is turning into a “medical censorship” agency.

Four: The “Safe and Effective” narrative is basically a lie.

Gail Combs


 February 25, 2024 13:19
via State Of The Nation

Yours Truly: This article has some ** interesting ** hyperlinks, such as to Harvard University professor Charles M. Lieber, to the release of 5G technology, and more.
FTA: “Because of the RNA and DNA altering aspects of the Covid injections, these “vaccinations” cannot be undone. Consequently, those vaccinated individuals will either succumb to the ELE [Extinction Level Event] or become severely incapacitated to the point of becoming a great burden to their caretakers.”

IMO, the authors of the article are expressing their own viewpoints based on their research and observations. HOWEVER, there IS the mounting MEDICAL TSUNAMI of reports of “vaccinated” persons — ESPECIALLY young / healthy / active persons —coming down with COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced injuries, illnesses, disabilities, and/or dying from the effects of these “vaccines.” There are ALSO the mounting reports of “vaccinated” persons with ALREADY-EXISTING medical conditions presenting with these conditions either being aggravated; or, being re-established if they were in remission prior to “vaccination.”

IMO, it is absolutely crucial for ANY person who EVER TOOK a COVID-19 “vaccine” to be strictly following a spike protein mitigation protocol such as outlined by FLCCC. IT IS ALSO absolutely crucial that ANY “un-vaccinated” person who EVER HAD a COVID-19 infection and recovered, ALSO be following a spike protein mitigation protocol. IT IS ALSO absolutely crucial that ALL “un-vaccinated” persons, whether or not they ever had a COVID-19 infection and recovered, ALSO be following a spike protein mitigation protocol, due to the fact that the COVID-19 “vaccines” DO “SHED” components from the “vaccinated” person onto others.

Gail Combs


 May 29, 2024 20:40

via State of the Nation

Yours Truly: IMO, State of the Nation correctly labels the COVID-19 “vaccines” and the MEDICAL TSUNAMI of COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced illnesses, injuries, disabilities, and deaths as a “slow-motion Extinction Level Event.” There are several charts and graphs in the article, showing the percentages of people in the United States who have at least one dose of a COVID-19 ” vaccine” in their bodies, along with the percentage who are considered go be “fully vaccinated.” If the figures from the CDC are to be believed, approximately 81% of the population of the United States has at least one injection of a COVID-19 “vaccine” in their bodies.

Where Yours Truly differs from the State of the Nation article is the emphasis on Christians being “marked down” for this slow-motion Extinction Level Event via the effects of COVID-19 “vaccination.” The MEDICAL TSUNAMI doesn’t care what religion, if any, that a person with COVID-19 “vaccines” in their body ascribes to.

The State of the Nation article also correctly predicts, IMO, another round of Extinction Level Event taking place any time now — the start of injecting farm workers and others with AVIAN FLU “vaccines.”

This next Extinction Level Event, the injection of AVIAN FLU “vaccines” into, first, farm workers and others who work with cattle and poultry; then, second, into the general population, something that Yours Truly and others on this board have presented and discussed in the past weeks. The latest, via The Burning Platform:
Suzanne Burdick, PhD

Yours Truly: Two things here:
First: The government is relying on GASLIGHTING and other psy-op techniques to scare people into taking this untested mRNA-platform avian flu “vaccine” that was developed by the University of Pennsylvania — as these techniques proved to be so “successful” in scaring/coercing people into taking the COVID-19 “vaccines.”

Second: The COVID-19 “vaccines” DO NOT PREVENT, and DID NOT PREVENT, infection by the COVID-19 virus. In fact, the mechanisms of the COVID-19 “vaccines”, instead, INDUCE A CONSTANT STATE OF “FAKE COVID-19 INFECTION” IN THE BODY OF THE “VACCINATED” PERSON. The immune system of the COVID-19 “vaccinated” person is then forced to produce a CONSTANT LARGE AMOUNT OF IMMUNE SYSTEM CELLS AND RESPONSE to fight off this constant state of “fake COVID-19 infection.”

This, in turn, eventually wears down and destroys the “vaccinated” body’s ability to keep producing effective immune system cells — which then kicks the door open for the “vaccinated” person to be vulnerable to ANY infection that comes along; to be vulnerable to the development of cancer; to be vulnerable for aggravation of existing medical conditions, or for the re-establishment of conditions (such as cancer) that were under control/in remission, prior to COVID-19 “vaccination.”

Gail Combs


 Reply to  Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
 February 27, 2024 09:17

Wolf Moon
Thank you for this.
Please also refer to this:
“Vascular and organ damage induced by mRNA vaccines: irrefutable proof of causality”
Michael Palmer, MD, and Sucharit Bhakdi, MD
18 August 2022
Please see Slide 10 and Slide 11 for images of the damage that the COVID-19 modRNA “vaccines” do to heart tissue.
Yours Truly will add that ANY modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine”, including the “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccines” by Pfizer-BioNTech, by Moderna, AND by Novavax, ALL have the same potential to damage / destroy heart tissue — since these “vaccines” are ALL based on the “flagship vaccines” of these companies

Gail Combs


 February 27, 2024 09:49

Thank you for the link regarding “CIA Biological Presence in Ukraine.”

Perhaps the Deagel Report presentation and discussion on this board that also shows DoD payments for the building and use of bioweapons labs in Ukraine is getting around? — people are waking up to the behind-the-scenes activities of the CIA and of the DoD?

An example of such payments is presented in the post.

And, Wolf Moon and Gail Combs — Yours Truly just found THIS:
“Black & Veatch Awarded Contract to Help Counter Biological Threats”

11 November 2012
Yours Truly: The United States Department of Defense has been involved in funding bioweapons labs in Ukraine SINCE AT LEAST 2008.

The above article states the following, among other things:

ONE: In 2008, the United States DTRA (Defense Threat Reduction Agency) gave Black & Veatch its first Biological Threat Reduction Integrating Contract, to be used to “strengthen the human health system in Ukraine.”

TWO: In 2010, Black & Veatch completed construction of Ukraine’s first BSL-3 bioweapons lab, located in Odessa. This facility was funded by a DTRA contract.

Yours Truly again: A BSL-3 bioweapons lab? When people are working with some of the potentially deadliest viruses in the world?

Gail Combs

Since Turbo Cancer is one of the effects of the Clot Shot, I am adding this.


 February 29, 2024 02:04

I don’t know if this story has been posted here before. It’s a long article about a man with metastatic Stage 4 prostate cancer who had been told these things:

“You are completely full of cancer; you are well beyond any kind of surgery.”  

“There’s no cure. We’re just trying to prolong things as much as we can.”  

“We’ve done the best we can. That’s kind of all there is that can be done.”   

Patient Zero Comes Back From Stage Four Cancer: Was It Ivermectin?

After ten rounds of radiation and six of chemotherapy, Paul Mann, fifty-five years old, wanted to know his chances. “You’re squeaking by day to day,” his doctor told him. It had been five months since his diagnosis. He was referred to a hospice service and seen by a minister. 


Then something happened of which most end-of-the-line cancer patients can only dream. 


Mann, a government intelligence analyst from Fenton, Missouri, received a call from a doctor he had heard about from a friend; the doctor had treated breast cancer for thirty years. They talked for three hours in calls that became a Tuesday routine. Early on, a drug named ivermectin came up. It was approved, had few side effects, and had been shown in laboratory and animal studies to kill several kinds of cancer cells. 

Mann got some of it himself, making an eight-hour round-trip drive to Tennessee, the only state where ivermectin can be bought over-the-counter. He took it every day. And two months later, this man with almost no chance of survival was in remission.   

“In Paul Mann’s case, the response to treatment after two months of ivermectin was nothing less than astonishing,” said Mann’s guardian angel, Dr. Kathleen Ruddy, a retired cancer surgeon and author of a book on breast cancer. “Off the charts astonishing.”  


Mann may someday be called Patient Zero in a first-of-its-kind study, announced by the FLCCC Alliance at its conference today, to see if old drugs like ivermectin work for cancer. Dr. Paul Marik, FLCCC chief scientific officer, and Dr. Ruddy, who was trained at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, will become partners in an “observational study” involving 500 patients and five clinics nationwide. The goal will be to learn if repurposed drugs improve five-year survival rates for several types of cancer, including breast, prostate, lung, and colorectal, an FLCCC press release states. 

There is much more at the link about Paul Mann’s health journey and about upcoming studies by FLCCC on “repurposed drugs,” including ivermectin.



 Reply to  TheseTruths
 February 29, 2024 14:05

I’m really glad to see FLCC doing a study on repurposed drugs. However, I really think medical professionals have known for years that a lot of old drugs have efficacy in treating people with cancer. Jane McClelland wrote a book years ago called “How to Starve Cancer” in which she wrote about all the repurposed drugs she had used in healing her cancers. She studied all the pathways that cancer takes in the body and found old drugs that would eliminate those pathways. Many people have benefited from her approach.

My cancer group uses the same basic approach. We use ivermectin and fenben, plus a group of supplements that cover all the different cancer pathways. It’s hard to get doctors to prescribe old drugs. It’s much easier just to use a cocktail of supplements plus the 2 drugs that are easy to get (IV and fenben).

People have been using ivermectin and fenbendazole (and it’s sister drug menbendazole) for many years to treat their cancers. Many veterinarians have used fenben for cancers. All of this stuff is out there, but drug companies and the FDA will never do clinical trials on them because they can’t make any money on them. All of those drugs are now out of patent. What I’ve learned in my frustrating conversations with my oncologist is that if the FDA doesn’t recommend a drug for a certain purpose and have clinical studies to back it up, cancer doctors won’t use them. Cancer doctors are still using the same basic treatment plan they’ve been using for the last 40 + years – cut, burn, and poison – with very few new breakthroughs of any kind.

Several people in the FB Fenben groups I’m in had their product independently tested by a verified testing lab. Their product is supposed to be 97% pure fenbendazole. However, the labs found only 7-8% fenbendazole. After more invesigation, they found that this company is based in Lithuania behind a couple of shell companies. One of those shell companies is who they list as their testing lab.
Here is a much better place to buy (and you can also get their products on Amazon):
Their product has been well tested by a real independent lab as well as many people in the FB groups.

The group is called the Fenbendazole – Cancer Support Group and is here:

The group is a private group, so he’ll have to answer a couple of questions to be allowed in, but no big deal. He has a family member with cancer, so they’ll admit him to the group. Once he’s in, he should read the featured posts and go to the Files section and download Protocol 2. That will explain the protocol the group is using. He’ll learn a lot from the posts in the featured section on how to use the protocol. He can also use the search function to find posts from people who have leukemia and to find success stories. There are many. There are many in the group who have had leukemia and have healed. I’ll keep them in my prayers.

Gail, I almost forgot. Ivermectin isn’t included on Protocol 2, but the group experts are highly recommending adding 24 mg a day of ivermectin to the protocol. I think the reason it isn’t on the published protocol is because for a long time Facebook was deleting any group that mentioned ivermectin. Things have loosened up now, though, so people are actively discussing it and recommending it.

Last edited 10 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


 March 17, 2024 16:12

Cancer Study Info
The FLCCC Alliance—in partnership with renowned breast cancer physician and researcher Kathleen T. Ruddy, MD—has received IRB* (Institutional Review Board) approval.This means that now, enrollment can begin for our observational study — in collaboration with five U.S. clinics — to track patient responses to various adjunct cancer therapies using FDA-approved repurposed drugs and nutraceuticals.

Gail Combs


 February 29, 2024 12:49


“Stunning Act of Scientific Censorship: Journal Retracts Peer-Reviewed Study Critiquing COVID-19 Vaccine”

28 February 2024
Yours Truly presented and discussed this paper on this board just a few days ago. The authors are M. Nathaniel Mead, Jessica Rose, Stephanie Seneff, Peter A. McCullough, Steve Kirsch, Russ Wolfinger, and Kris Denhaerynck.

Here’s the new URL about this paper on Cureus:

26 February 2024

And the paper isn’t just still available, but with the word “Retracted” written on each page — IT’S GONE. And the paper was Peer-Reviewed before publication a month ago. Only the Retraction is now available to read. Thank God I downloaded the paper the day it was published. I also warned at the time that the paper could be Withdrawn. THE PAPER WAS VIEWED OVER 350,000 TIMES BEFORE RETRACTION, MULTIPLE TIMES MORE THAN ANY OTHER CUREUS PAPER.

Here’s the text of the Retraction on the Cureus page that now lists only the title and authors of the paper (bolding mine):

“The Editors-in-Chief have retracted this article.”
“Following publication, concerns were raised regarding a number of claims made in this article. Upon further review, the Editors-in-Chief found that the conclusions of this narrative review are considered to be unreliable due to the concerns with the validity of some of the cited references that support the conclusions and a misrepresentation of the cited references and available data.”

“The authors disagree with this retraction.”

How on God’s Earth will people be able to know the TRUTH about the dangerous, deadly COVID-19 “vaccines” if this kind of crap goes on? Dr. McCullough has OVER 500 PEER-REVIEWED PAPERS PUBLISHED TO HIS CREDIT. Why on God’s Earth would he allow a paper with his name on it to have “unreliable” citations or sources? THAT MAKES NO SENSE.




Last edited 10 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs

They are getting SUED!!!


 March 2, 2024 09:22
Jessica Rose, PhD

29 February 2024

Yours Truly: Dr. Rose is one of the co-authors of the PEER-REVIEWED paper that was published on Cureus in January 2024, a paper which proves that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are not only dangerous, but also were rushed into use without proper clinical trials and data analyses. The paper was RETRACTED by Cureus a few days ago. This travesty was presented by Yours Truly on this board.

From Dr. Rose’s article: “Please do stay tuned. Steve’s suing big time if this paper is not reinstated.” (Steve Kirsch is also one of the co-authors of the paper.)

Gail Combs


 February 29, 2024 19:05


The CDC just “recommended” that people age 65 and over get an additional injection of the “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine.” —

This is a repeat injection of the COVID-19 “booster shot” that was “recommended” by the CDC in August of last year.

This “vaccine” by Pfizer-BioNTech HAD ONLY BEEN TESTED ON MICE before the CDC “recommended” it. (AND, by the way, the mice who were injected with this “booster vaccine” died.)

Gail Combs


 March 1, 2024 01:20

I think this is what Pavaca mentioned yesterday. I had no idea there were already 8 shots in the pipeline.

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 Reply to  TheseTruths
 March 1, 2024 09:10

Thank you for bringing this. Yours Truly did present this CDC “recommendation” yesterday. That is correct — if someone has taken ALL of the “recommended” COVID-19 “vaccines” injections, this would be NUMBER NINE that would be in their body.
The CDC is pushing DOSE NINE of the “vaccines” due to “the potential of waning immunity from the previous booster”, the “vulnerability” of seniors, and “majority of hospitalizations and deaths from COVID is among those over age 65.”

Yours Truly will take these “rationalizations” apart:

ONE: THE INGREDIENTS AND MECHANISMS OF THE COVID-19 “VACCINES” ARE DESIGNED TO DAMAGE / DESTROY THE NATURAL IMMUNE SYSTEM OF THE “VACCINE” RECIPIENT’S BODY. This has been proven in numerous scientific papers. THIS is the cause of the “potential of waning immunity” from taking the injections.



FOUR: Watch for the CDC to start “recommending” that certain OTHER populations should take another injection of the “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccines” — such as, immunocompromised persons; people who had transplant surgery; and certain types of “vulnerable” children.


I will add that people in nursing homes have appalling nutrition. It is mainly carbs/starches with canned veggies, canned fruit and very little animal protein. The cheapest food available. I watched my F-in-L deteriorate very very rapidly from that sort of very poor diet. — GC

Gail Combs


 March 1, 2024 13:19

It appears that another ingredient of the original Wuhan Hu1 COVID-19 virus spike protein itself as been isolated — this one, engineered to induce the human body to produce autoantibodies that will attack the body’s own immune system:
“New Onset Autoantibodies After Any Exposure to the Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2”

27 February 2024
Walter M Chesnut
Yours Truly: Mr. Chesnut presents a compelling argument (with examples, email chain, and a new pre-print paper) that ANY exposure to the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus can result in the body’s producing large amounts of autoantibodies.
Autoantibodies are antibody proteins produced by the immune system of the body that attacks one or more of the body’s own immune system proteins. Autoantibodies are associated with many types of human autoimmune diseases, such as lupus.

The pre-print paper that Mr. Chesnut refers to is:

Also here:
“Prevalent and persistent new-onset autoantibodies in mild to severe COVID-19”
Peter Nilsson, et at.

Mr. Chesnut also discusses a new type of group of diseases / conditions that result from the spike protein: neuro-COVID. However, autoantibody production can also create havoc with the heart and lungs. It is also being linked to “Long COVID.”

Mr. Chesnut makes it clear that, while persons who are “unvaccinated” and get COVID can then later present with autoantibody issues, it is the “vaccinated” population that is at most risk.

if one is reading correctly, it appears that it is the MECHANISM AND INGREDIENTS OF THE COVID-19 VIRUS ITSELF that can induce the body to produce these autoantibodies to attack the immune system. 

The spike protein itself forces the body to attack itself.

This means that the COVID-19 VIRUS ITSELF was lab-engineered to do this to the human body. Which means that the COVID-19 “VACCINES” contain these same elements (they are isolated and described in the Chesnut article and in the paper). since these “vaccines” ALL (including the “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccines”) have some amount of the original Wuhan Hu1 virus code in them, albeit in “lab-synthesized” form.

This also explains more regarding the ongoing damage to / destruction of, the natural immune systems of the people who take the COVID-19 “vaccines.”

👉This also means, IMO, that ALL people need to be — due to the fact that the COVID-19 “vaccines” DO “SHED” elements into the air and onto other people — on a daily regimen of strengthening / maintaining their body’s immune system. And, IMO, to stay on such a regimen indefinitely.

Gail Combs

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

 Reply to  PAVACA
 March 1, 2024 15:43

Yes – there are several big takeaways here.

  • Both disease and vaccine raise autoimmunity to many of the same important human proteins
  • The spike protein seems to be the culprit for many but not all autoantibodies
  • Neurological damage by vaccines is strongly implicated by this work, and we are one step closer to showing that increase autism (and likely other things) are the result of vaccines
  • Only one autoantibody (anti-thyroid-related enzyme) was prevalent BEFORE COVID, and makes me think ANOTHER vaccine is causing the “epidemic” of thyroid problems (flu shots?)
  • The protein most targeted by antibodies from COVID vaccines is one called SNURF. There is an interesting genetic disease associated with absence of that protein

And, if people are interested in understanding autoantibodies in general, this is a good link.

Here is the abstract where I have bolded the most important points.

Age is a significant risk factor for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) severity due to immunosenescence and certain age-dependent medical conditions (e.g., obesity, cardiovascular disorder, and chronic respiratory disease). 

However, despite the well-known influence of age on autoantibody biology in health and disease, its impact on the risk of developing severe COVID-19 remains poorly explored. Here, we performed a cross-sectional study of autoantibodies directed against 58 targets associated with autoimmune diseases in 159 individuals with different COVID-19 severity (71 mild, 61 moderate, and 27 with severe symptoms) and 73 healthy controls.

 We found that the natural production of autoantibodies increases with age and is exacerbated by SARS-CoV-2 infection, mostly in severe COVID-19 patients. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that severe COVID-19 patients have a significant age-associated increase of autoantibody levels against 16 targets (e.g., amyloid β peptide, β catenin, cardiolipin, claudin, enteric nerve, fibulin, insulin receptor a, and platelet glycoprotein). Principal component analysis with spectrum decomposition and hierarchical clustering analysis based on these autoantibodies indicated an age-dependent stratification of severe COVID-19 patients.

Random forest analysis ranked autoantibodies targeting cardiolipin, claudin, and platelet glycoprotein as the three most crucial autoantibodies for the stratification of severe COVID-19 patients ≥50 years of age. 

Follow-up analysis using binomial logistic regression found that anti-cardiolipin and anti-platelet glycoprotein autoantibodies significantly increased the likelihood of developing a severe COVID-19 phenotype with aging. These findings provide key insights to explain why aging increases the chance of developing more severe COVID-19 phenotypes.


Added explanation GC

Anti-cardiolipin antibodies (ACA) are antibodies often directed against cardiolipin and found in several diseases, including syphilis, antiphospholipid syndrome, livedoid vasculitis,

👉vertebrobasilar insufficiency, Behçet’s syndrome, 👉idiopathic spontaneous abortion, and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency (VBI): Symptoms & Treatment

Vertebrobasilar insufficiency (VBI) is a condition characterized by reduced or stopped blood flow to the back of the brain, which is supplied by the two vertebral arteries that merge to form the basilar artery.12 This condition affects the parts of the brain that control movement and balance, leading to difficulty swallowing, dizziness, and numbness. Hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) usually causes VBI. VBI puts you at higher risk for a stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA), and can sometimes cause serious disability and death. Healthcare providers often treat VBI with lifestyle changes and medications.

Platelets, or thrombocytes, are small, colorless cell fragments in our blood that form clots and stop or prevent bleeding. 

Immune thrombocytopenia: antiplatelet autoantibodies inhibit proplatelet formation by megakaryocytes and impair platelet production in vitro

Gail Combs


 Reply to  Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
 March 1, 2024 18:47

Wolf Moon
Thank you so much for this!

The FDA KNEW, back in April 2021, that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT162b2, causes autoantibody issues and also autoimmune diseases and disorders. Here is the title page of the report that the company gave to the FDA on 30 April 2021; and also, page 2 of the Appendix 1. List of Adverse Events of Special Interest section of the report, showing “Autoantibody positive” and “Autoimmune” diseases and disorders that BNT162b2 caused.

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Last edited 10 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


 March 3, 2024 09:08

Sen. Ron Johnson’s latest panel hearing on the disaster of the COVID-19 “vaccines.” Packed with experts who are exposing the truth about the MAIM AND/OR KILL injections — Jessica Rose, PhD; Robert Malone, MD; Ryan Cole, MD; Ed Dowd; Lara Logan; Harvey Risch, MD; and more.

The analysis below is from A Midwestern Doctor:

“This Senate Panel On The Vaccines Is The Red Pill We’ve All Been Waiting For”
29 February 2024

Gail Combs


 March 4, 2024 03:03

The RSNA, Radiological society of North America, has published a report, where it was found that the jabbed now have overloaded hearts. It might be an explanation why there are jabbed athletes that keep dying of suddenly.

Gail Combs


 Reply to  slowcreekno
 March 4, 2024 09:23

Thank you for bringing this. Yours Truly will add the link to the “Open Letter to “Vaccinated” Medical Professionals” post.

Here’s the issue, in a nutshell:

The COVID-19 “vaccines” — ALL of them — are based on the original Wuhan Hu1 SARS-CoV-2 virus that was LAB-CREATED to be as MAXIMALLY DANGEROUS as possible.
The virus AND the COVID-19 “vaccines” that contain the spike protein of the virus BOTH have elements that damage and/or destroy tissues of the HEART AND LUNGS. This tissue damage / death is caused by OVERLOADING the heart and lungs with lymphocytes (white blood cells that help the body’s immune system fight off “enemy invader” cells and also cancer cells.) This is due to the fact that the COVID-19 virus spike protein ATTACKS the natural immune system cells and mechanisms of the human body. The body then responds by forcing the natural immune system to make huge amounts of cells to fight off the “invasion” of the spike protein — but can ultimately “run out of steam.” If this occurs, the heart and lungs sill simply start to shut down due to the SCAR TISSUE that has accumulated.

Please refer to this:

“Vascular and organ damage induced by mRNA vaccines: irrefutable proof of causality”
Michael Palmer, MD, and Sucharit Bhakdi, MD

Please see Slide 10 though Slide 13 for images of the damage / destruction that the COVID-19 “vaccines” do to the heart and lung tissues of a “vaccinated” person.
Here is Side 10, for example:

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Yours Truly will point out that UN-“vaccinated” persons who contract a COVID-19 infection and recover, are ALSO at risk for heart and/or lung tissue damage from the ingredients and mechanisms of the COVID-19 virus spike protein. HOWEVER, these people may have a chance to mitigate / recover from, such damage if it occurs.

“Vaccinated” persons, on the other hand, MAY NOT BE ABLE TO MITIGATE / RECOVER FROM, the damage that the “vaccines” will do to their hearts and/or lungs. This is due to the fact that the “vaccines” were ENGINEERED (using dangerous nanoparticles, etc., along with the spike protein + its modRNA) to REMAIN in the “vaccinated” person’s body FOR AN UNDETERMINED AMOUNT OF TIME, forcing the body to KEEP PRODUCING large amounts of immune system cells to fight off the CONTINUOUS “FAKE COVID-19 INFECTION” that the “vaccines” induce in the recipient’s body.

This is IN ADDITION to the fact that the COVID-19 “vaccines” WERE ENGINEERED to attack and destroy the important CD4 – CD8 immune system cells in the body of the “vaccinated” person.

Gail Combs

I was just about to correct that. 😋

Gail Combs


 March 6, 2024 05:00


3/6/24 – 2098 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, 1472 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection

One year ago – 3/5/23 – 1773 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, 1229 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection

Two years ago – 3/19/22 – 779 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 500 Dead, After COVID Shot

Taking it that these are accumulated deaths, looking at each year:

2022: ~one year after roll out 500 dead and 779 cardiac arrests

2023: 729 dead and 994 Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues

2024: 243 dead and 325 Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues

So with luck the deaths are tapering off.

From the website:

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Gail Combs


 Reply to  GA/FL
 March 6, 2024 11:49

Thank you for bringing this.

IMO, here’s the reason behind these deaths after COVID-19 “vaccination” —

“Vascular and organ damage induced by mRNA vaccines: irrefutable proof of causality”
Michael Palmer, MD, and Sucharit Bhakdi, MD

Please see Slide 10 and Slide 11 to view damage on heart tissue done by modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines.”

Once the incremental and accumulated damage to the heart tissue is insurmountable for the “vaccinated” person’s immune system (which immune system is ITSELF damaged / destroyed by the elements and actions of these “vaccines”) — the heart will simply start to shut down.

This is ASIDE from the fact that certain persons — athletes — who take these “vaccines” are already vulnerable as regards their cardiovascular system — this includes athletes who may already have cardiovascular issues (whether diagnosed or not) prior to “vaccination”; athletes who take steroids; etc.

Gail Combs


 March 6, 2024 12:07


by Steve Kirsch

Yours Truly: That’s a 52% increase in cancer risk in the 15 – to – 59 year old age group.

The report is from Ivana Pavic, a pathologist practicing in Croatia. Mr. Kirsch interviewed her.

Here’s Dr. Pavic’s Substack article on the subject:

2 February 2024
And here’s the report of the conference in Croatia (the report is in Croat and English):,pdf

Gail Combs


 March 7, 2024 01:35

Lilly CFO Warns Obesity Drug Demand Might Outstrip Supply

US pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly & Co. is racing to expand the manufacturing capacity of its lucrative new class of diabetes and weight-loss drug Zepbound. This comes as rival Novo Nordisk’s blockbuster appetite suppressant Wegovy drug is being rolled out across the West to capitalize on the obesity crisis. 

In November, Zepbound, featuring the active ingredient tirzepatide, also used in diabetes drug Mounjaro, was approved for weight-loss use in the US in Novemeber, making it the first drug to compete against Wegovy…

Even as Zepbound production is set to increase and sales are projected to be in the billions of dollars this year, according to projections by research group GlobalData, there is growing concern that demand won’t be met…

What is Zepbound? Does this new weight loss drug work better than Wegovy and Ozempic? Will it cut costs?

The newest crop of weight loss drugs — including Zepbound — have sticker prices of more than $1,000 per month, and most insurance companies do not cover them. Doctors and patients, alike, are eager see if Zepbound will foster greater competition and price cuts among drug makers, thus improving access to pricey medications…

Zepbound is the brand name for the drug tirzepatide when doctors prescribe it for weight loss. Mounjaro is the name of the medication when it’s used to treat diabetes. (Learn all about Mounjaro.) Both Zepbound and Mounjaro are brand names for the generic drug, tirzepatide…

Zepbound is not a pill. It’s an injectable medication that patients need to use once a week. It comes in three doses: 5, 10 and 15 milligrams. So far, Zepbound, Mounjaro, Ozempic, and Wegovy are all injections. The drug in Ozempic and Wegovy, semaglutide, is also available in a pill form for Type 2 diabetes called Rybelsus, and doesn’t cause as much weight loss…

“It suppresses appetite and makes you feel more full. It changes the rate at which your stomach empties,” Low Wang said…

Zepbound and Mounjaro are basically the same drug, but they’re approved for different medical conditions: Zepbound for weight loss and Mounjaro for diabetes.

Similarly, Wegovy and Ozempic are the same drug, but with different names and different doses for different conditions. Wegovy is the name of the drug as it’s prescribed for weight loss. Ozempic is the name of the drug as it’s used for diabetes. The generic name for Wegovy and Ozempic is semaglutide.

“Tirzepatide is in a completely new drug class,” Low Wang said. “It’s a combination peptide. This dual agonist approach seems to cause people who use Zepbound or Mounjaro injections to lose even more weight than those who use a medication that only activates one hormone pathway.”

What are the side effects that patients experience with Zepbound?

The common side effects are very similar to those that patients have experienced with Mounjaro, Wegovy and Ozempic. The most common side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite, constipation, upper abdominal discomfort and abdominal pain.

  :wpds_arrow:  In addition, FDA officials have warned that tirzepatide can cause thyroid C-cell tumors in rats. Federal health experts don’t know yet whether Zepbound and Mounjaro cause similar tumors — including medullary thyroid cancer — in humans.

Can weight loss drugs cause depression or suicidal thoughts?

  :wpds_arrow:  It’s not clear whether Zepbound or other weight loss drugs can case depression or suicidal ideation. But Zepbound’s drug maker, Eli Lilly, has included a warning with the drug that doctors should monitor their patients for depression or suicidal ideation and should advise patients to immediately stop using Zepbound if they are experiencing any suicidal thoughts.

I hear all of these drugs are very expensive. How much will Zepbound cost?

The list price of Zepbound is more than $1,000 per month. And most health insurance companies are not yet covering these new weight loss medications. All of them are very expensive now.

Here are some reasons to be cautious about Zepbound:

Just like Ozempic and Wegovy, if you lose weight with Zepbound or Mounjaro, you likely will need to keep using the medication forever to keep the weight off.

Zepbound is expensive, and it may be hard to get.

Like Wegovy and Ozempic, Zepbound and Mounjaro can cause unpleasant gastrointestinal side effects.

All of these weight loss drugs are relatively new. It’s possible that some long term health effects could emerge.

Zepbound might exacerbate depression or suicidal thoughts in some people. Anyone who experiences depression or suicidal thoughts should immediately contact their doctor, and Eli Lilly, the maker of Zepbound, advises people to immediately stop using the drug if they are having suicidal thoughts.

Regarding Ozempic:

Popular weight loss drugs linked to rare but severe stomach problems, study finds

Stomach paralysis and more…yikes…

They create the obesity problem with the Standard American Diet and bogus recommendations, then come up with drug “solutions.”

Gail Combs


 March 8, 2024 13:07

This makes my day —

“We’re suing Springer Nature for 250M in punitive damages for the unethical retraction of our COVID harms paper”
Steve Kirsch
6 March 2024

Yours Truly: Steve Kirsch is filing suit next week against Springer Nature and also Cureus for their unethical retraction of the PEER-REVIEWED paper (a link is below) that was published in January, 2024, which paper was Retracted in February, 2024, and of which Mr. Kirsch is a co-author. The paper was critical of the rushed-through process of COVID-19 “vaccine” testing, of errors in the registrational elements of the “clinical trials”, and other aspects of the injections.

Here’s the paper, which is still available although there is a “Retraction Notice” —
M. Nathaniel Mead, Stephanie Seneff, Steve Kirsch, Peter A. McCullough, et al.
Published 24 January 2024
Retracted 26 February 2024

Mr. Kirsch and the other co-authors were notified on 16 February 2024 that their paper was going to be retracted by Cureus. (That, IMO, is “quick work” by Big Pharma and the federal government to pressure Cureus to retract the paper.) Here’s Mr. Kirsch’s Substack article outlining the “reasons” that Cureus gave, and the response of the authors:

“Our paper critical of the COVID vaccines will be retracted by Cureus!”
Steve Kirsch
18 February 2024
Yours Truly hopes that Mr. Kirsch sues Cureus into oblivion AND gets the paper UN-retracted.

. Yours Truly reads Dr. Rose’s substack ( She does great work.

Gail Combs


 March 8, 2024 14:48

Big Pharma Profits Over Lives: Dr. Sabine Hazan Exposes COVID Cartel’s Suppression of Essential Gut Health Data

Distinguished gastroenterologist Dr. Sabine Hazan spoke at U.S. Senator Ron Johnson’s (R-WI) recent roundtable discussion titled “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?” Listed as a speaker to examine “Corruption of Medical Research and Federal Health Agencies,” Dr. Hazen shared eye-opening details regarding how her groundbreaking findings on how COVID-19 vaccines wreaked havoc on the gut microbiome were censured and silenced. Likewise, she shared how her research emphasizing the efficacy of specific treatments like hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and Ivermectin against COVID-19 was also swept under the rug.

Dr. Hazan explained that the microbiome—the microbes in our gut—is essentially our immunity, and when studied, it tells the story of COVID-19. Certainly seems like something worth knowing. A practicing gastroenterologist for the last three decades, Dr. Hazan dove right in when the pandemic hit. Her laboratory, Progenabiome, was the first to document the entire sequence of SARS-CoV-2 in the stools as opposed to the PCR test. She pointed out that microbiome research through the stools presents the whole picture of the virus instead of the PCR, which is merely a tiny piece of the virus. Again, this information appears super critical.


 March 9, 2024 00:36

I posted this yesterday, but Citizen Free Press is highlighting it and has several references to it, so it seems worth another post.

MUCH more is covered in this article. Also:

In a significant discovery, she noticed that patients with severe COVID-19 were missing a critical microbe for immunity called Bifidobacteria, vital in mitigating COVID-19 severity. Importantly, her finding suggested a clear link between the absence of Bifidobacteria and severe COVID-19 outcomes. This discovery undoubtedly implicates a potential mechanism for further research and intervention. But her work was ignored. Expanding on the critical role of Bifidobacteria and efforts to keep it quiet, Dr. Hazan shared:

“[Bifidobacteria] represents your trillion-dollar industry of probiotics. In fact, when you turn the bottle and see the ingredients, it says Bifidobacteria. It is present in newborns. This [explains] why your newborn did not have a problem with COVID-19 from the beginning. It is absent in older people—the process of aging is loss of Bifidobacteria…

This doctor performed clinical trials and was not allowed to publish, etc. Her findings are new to me.


Aubergine( Aubergine)Offline

 Reply to  TheseTruths
 March 8, 2024 22:03

The natural source for Bifidobacteria is fermented veggies. Like cabbage and cucumber pickles.
I started to ferment a few years ago, and I haven’t bought a pickle of any kind since. Or sauerkraut. Nothing is as good as a homemade fermented pickle. They actually sort of “fizz” on your tongue. Indescribable, really.

Gail Combs


 Reply to  TheseTruths  March 9, 2024 09:49

Thank you for this.

The spike protein in the COVID-19 virus, which is ALSO in the COVID-19 “vaccines”, kills gut flora AND other cell parts and mechanisms, ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE MITOCHONDRIAL, TELOMERE, AND ENDOTHELIUM LEVELS IN THE BODY. The spike protein does this by damaging / destroying the natural “breathing” process (aerobic respiration) of the cells in these areas.

“A Lining Cell Disease – Beyond the Endothelium: The Spike Protein Induces Inflammation and Destruction of Organ and Cell Linings”
Walter M Chesnut
5 March 2024

Yours Truly: There is a discussion of COVID-19 spike protein inflammation / destruction of the GI tract in this article.

Of course, Big Pharma / the DeepState / WEF Cabal / CCP, WHO, Bill Gates, and other entities, want to suppress or eliminate research and papers proving that IVM prevents and treats COVID-19 and also mitigates / reverses damage done by COVID-19 infection and the COVID-19 “vaccines.”

Gail Combs

Valerie Curren

 March 11, 2024 12:14

Here’s a Spike Protein Detox regimen from Dr. Mercola, saved by a dear birth cousin, who has since gone on to her reward after a relatively quick form of ALS, praising the Lord all the way into glory!

Gail Combs

marymorse( marymorse)

 March 11, 2024 14:30

Obama met with Xi in the Hague, 2 days before Xi met with BioMerieux in Lyon regarding the Wuhan lab, in March 2014.

Within days RSTP invests in Metabiota. Within months, Metabiota books contracts in Wuhan w/ EcoHealth. RHB joins Burisma. Proposes a science project w/burisma in Ukraine.

Fall 2014 GoF [Gain of Function] research is defunded in the US, but not China. And Obama goes to China in November 2014.

Gail Combs

pat frederick

 March 13, 2024 11:22


 Reply to  pat frederick
 March 13, 2024 13:11

Thank you for bringing this.

There’s another reason why illegals are getting “fast-tracked” to fill American jobs — illnesses, disabilities, and deaths due to the effects of the COVID-19 “vaccines” that so many thousands of American workers were “mandated” / coerced into, getting.
According to Phinance Technologies (Ed Dowd’s company), the disability rate for American workers age 16 and over IS BETWEEN 11% AND 14%.

(; click on “Humanity Projects” on top of the main page; scroll down to the PDF on the Humanity Projects page; click on the US disabilities green button on the right side of the PDF.)

Gail Combs

Valerie Curren

 March 13, 2024 02:17

Wolf & PAVACA this might be worth your attention, imo…
antibodies not necessarily needed to recover from disease, vax makers don’t want us to know about this…

“Further analysis showed that having anti-measles antibodies in the blood was unnecessary for recovering from the illness or preventing reinfection.
This revelation challenges the very foundation of what was once universally accepted. The cornerstone upon which the vaccine industry has been built—the indispensable role of antibodies—is not as critical as we’ve been led to believe in our fight against measles.

If a virus can be eliminated without antibodies, it logically follows that antibodies are not essential. This concept aligns with a fundamental principle in logic: A universal statement can be falsified by a single genuine counter-instance, as suggested by the renowned Austrian philosopher Karl Popper.”

The complete article here, part of a series…

comment image

That archived version of the epoch times article is very touchy so you can’t click on it w/out having to basically reload the page. The quote above was using a snipping tool to capture the info…

Here are the other articles in the series:

Gail Combs


 Reply to  Valerie Curren
 March 13, 2024 09:29

Valerie Curren
Thank you for these.

The human body makes its own antibodies to fight disease. That’s the role of the human body immune system. There are some people who, for any number of reasons including heredity, whose bodies are deficient in their immune systems, and need help in this area. There are other people whose immune systems “go haywire”, break down, or become depleted, due to hereditary issues or other problems.

For most people, their immune systems will make antibodies to fight off illnesses that the body “recognizes” via other cells within the immune system. Even if a person gets infected, the body generally has the ability to fight. This is assuming that the person’s immune system is healthy.

Chronic disease (HIV/AIDS, MS, RA, diabetes, etc.) can/will damage the body’s immune system.

So can chronic anxiety/stress, panic disorder, PTSD, and similar issues.
There are medications, such as Tocilizumab (Actemra) that act as immune system SUPPRESSORS.

“Regular vaccines”, such as the MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella), can act as immune system SUPPRESSORS.

In the case of the COVID-19 “vaccines” (and, as far as Yours Truly is concerned, ANY “vaccine” that has mRNA or modRNA in it) — these “vaccines” can act as immune system SUPPRESSORS. (Further item: the COVID-19 modRNA “vaccines” target the important CD 4 – CD8 immune system cells of the human body.)

The point is to have, and maintain, the most healthy NATURAL body immune system possible.


Another nasty looking situation developing if this is correct.

Gail Combs


 March 14, 2024 09:38


ON TOP OF the Cureus journal suddenly retracting the paper by Peter McCullough,MD, Steve Kirsch, Jessica Rose, PhD, et al., on the TRUTH about these “vaccines” — AND the news and discussion on this board a couple of days ago regarding the CDC REDACTING an entire 148-page paper on the negative effects of these “vaccines” in response to an FOIA request — there are now THESE:

And, guess what? — Harvard University just fired the eminent virologist, Dr. Martin Kulldorff, for criticizing the COVID-19 “vaccines.”

Gail Combs


Gail Combs


REPLY from TheseTruths

That’s an informative article about how these methods were employed during COVID:

Milgram Authority Experiment
Stanford Prison Experiment
Asch Conformity Experiment

The Asch conformity experiments were a series of psychological experiments conducted by Solomon Asch in the 1950s. The experiments revealed the degree to which a person’s own opinions are influenced by those of a group. Asch found that people were willing to ignore reality and give an incorrect answer in order to conform to the rest of the group.

Not being grounded in reality is a recipe for losing a battle, and a war.



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Gail Combs

It Was Anthony Fauci’s Fault

….review of the related literature, from a January 22, 2020 Newsweek article on SARS-CoV2 entering the U.S., without any other information to go on, we appear to have the strategic decision: Dr. Fauci is quoted as saying, “NIAID was partnering with Moderna to develop an mRNA vaccine.”

So, to be clear and accurate, on the reported day after SARS-CoV2 “novel coronavirus” was found to have washed ashore in America, reportedly in old folks’ homes, why did the undisputed world leader in infectious diseases make the unilateral health care decision that an unproven and experimental mRNA “vaccine” would be the magic bullet for SARS-CoV2, later named COVID-19?

Restated, if the goal in January 2020 was to stop a potential pandemic of SARS-CoV2, why did Fauci choose experimental mRNA technologies and an uncertain or lengthy development timeline as the nation’s response? What did he know that the rest of the planet did not?

In analyzing Presidential Decisions at the Naval War College, of which I am a graduate, we learned that Presidents didn’t routinely make unilateral strategic decisions but were assisted by their staff in the strategic planning of the nation’s response to a crisis; by staff who were well versed in strategic thinking 👉and experts in the topics under consideration.👈 We also learned that in cases of failed Presidential policy decisions, Presidents oftentimes acted unilaterally or politically, and did not use or heed the expert opinions of their staffs….

Gail Combs


 March 15, 2024 08:05

Have You Been Injured By The Spike Protein?

Get the right tests done. And get a doctor who understands those tests.

There’s two things you must do if you’re vaccinated — right now.

First: you should get some special tests.

Second: you should get treatment from a doctor who understands those special tests.

After I sent out a tweet about this issue last year, Dr. Syed Haider answered the call by bundling the right tests together for vaccinated people….

Dr. Haider now has four different packages to help people at every income level:

  1. The Microclot Testit’s only available from one lab in the USA. It detects abnormal clotting not seen on any other test. The single most specific spike toxicity test. 
  2. The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panelthis package includes imaging tests: EKG, CXR, Echo. Blood tests that detect damage to the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys. Checks zeta potential. Can show the immune fingerprint of spike. Detection of AIDS. Typical gut microbiome changes. Advanced cancer screening (blood & whole body MRI), and more. 
  3. The Masterjohn-Schilling Spike Healing Panelthis package detects neuroinflammation, free radicals, mitochondrial dysfunction, autoantibodies, reactivated viruses and bacteria, MCAS, specific micronutrients that are depleted by spike toxicity, and more.
  4. Masterjohn’s Deep Dive Nutrition Panel: this package goes beyond nutrients depleted by spike toxicity to provide a complete snapshot of functional nutrition and is indispensable for deep healing when half measures don’t work for “long haul” COVID patients.

There is more at the link.

Gail Combs


 March 15, 2024 09:52

Yours Truly: Lt. Ted Macie, a Navy medic, released this UNCLASSIFIED information. He has been locked out of his computer and “charges are likely pending”, per the article.
Here’s the lowdown: Among US military personnel, the current numbers for “fully vaccinated” are —

97% of all active-duty troops;
90% of all Army National Guard personnel;
91% of all US Army Reserve personnel.

Here’s a screenshot from the article of the increase in amounts of medical conditions since the rollout of the COVID-19 “vaccines” in the US military:

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IMO, this is another reason why the “Biden regime” is facilitating the invasion of the United States by illegal immigrants — to replace COVID-19 “vaccine”-injured / disabled / sick / dead US military personnel with newly-recruited illegal aliens.

Gail Combs


 March 15, 2024 10:31
“Why C-19 Vaccines Don’t Prevent Infection”

Steve Kirsch, a crosspost from John Leake

Yours Truly: In 2022, Anthony Fauci co-authored the following paper:
“Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenzaviruses, and other other respiratory viruses”
Anthony Fauci, et al.

Fauci basically admits that the COVID-19 ‘vaccines” COULD NEVER HAVE PREVENTED INFECTION from the virus.

Well, maybe he needs to tell this to the FDA. Here’s that agency’s Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers for the “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine” by Pfizer-BioNTech to be administered to persons ages 6 months through 11 years of age:

In which, on page 4 under section 1 EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION, it states:

“The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the emergency use of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (2023-2024 Formula) for active immunization to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in individuals 6 months through 11 years of age.” (bolding mine)

And here’s the other aspect: Guess why, “all of a sudden”, there’s so much news about Big Pharma developing and doing “clinical trials” on COVID-19 “vaccines” that can be administered INTO THE NOSE or even INHALED IN THE AIR? Big Pharma KNEW that injected COVID-19 “vaccines” couldn’t do the job — so, on to the next platforms.

Gail Combs


 March 15, 2024 18:54

Yeah, them pigeons comin’ home to roost, for sure —

Large revision up in Jan/Feb 2024 Cancer Treatment Expenditures.

Those people who are telling you that cancer did not increase post-Vaccine, are lying to you.

$33.3 B in extra revenue for 2024 – for those who CAUSED this.

Riding in a Mercedes, paid for by dead loved-ones.

— Ethical Skeptic ☀ (@EthicalSkeptic) March 14, 2024

comment image

Gail Combs


 March 16, 2024 09:52
cross-reference to article by Zachary Stieber in The Epoch Times
14 March 2024

Yours Truly: FTA: “People who recovered from COVID-19 and received a COVID-19 shot were more likely to suffer adverse reactions, researchers in Europe are reporting.”
In fact, 2.6 times more likely.

The paper on this study:

“Frequency and timing of adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines; A multi-country cohort event monitoring study”
Florence van Hunsel, et al.

The paper is also found here:

Gail Combs


 March 18, 2024 10:04

Wolf Moon and All —
Yours Truly has done some more digging on that 148-page report that the CDC released completely redacted after an FOIA request from The Epoch Times.

It appears that there is a SECOND, 435-page report that the CDC has redacted almost all of, except for the “bare details” of meeting times and contact personnel at the CDC on the subject. Yours Truly is trolling through this second report. So far, there are NO actual report details (discussions, stats, figures, etc.) that one can see.

The reports in question were written by the CDC for the “MOVING” project —“Myocarditis outcomes after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination investigation” — a project that began in the summer of 2021. The first of the meetings within the CDC on the investigation was in August 2021.

It is obvious that the CDC is very afraid that the full reports would be released. Why? Yours Truly has a theory:

The incidences of myocarditis after COVID-19 “vaccination”, in all age groups in males and females, is so high that the CDC KNEW it should have sent the reports to the FDA with a request to have the entire COVID-19 “vaccination” program shut down until the situation could have been rectified.

However, instead of shutting down the COVID-19 “vaccination” program, the CDC kept on “recommending” more modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”, AND the FDA kept on “emergency authorizing” and/or “approving” these “vaccines” — all the way to the present day.

Here’s The Gateway Pundit article on the subject:
by Jim Hoft
17 March 2024

Here’s the Document Cloud listing for the SECOND, 435-page CDC mostly-redacted report on the “MOVING” project:

And here’s a partial screenshot of page 5 of this SECOND report of the CDC’s “MOVING” project:

comment image

It appears that TOM SHIMABUKURO, MD, MBA, is the CDC point person on the “MOVING” project. Dr. Shimabukuro is Director of the Immunization Safety Office at the CDC.
Yours Truly also found THIS, from the ACIP meeting of 18 July 2022:
If one is reading this slide presentation correctly, there is potentially d@mning evidence presented in them about myocarditis after COVID-19 “vaccination” — even though it looks like the agency is “downplaying” the situation.

Last edited 9 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


 March 19, 2024 12:38

Executive Summary This report reviews the major policy errors and lessons learned during the COVID pandemic from a balanced perspective that includes health, economic, educational, and civil liberty considerations. We outline ten key lessons that must be learned to avoid mistaken policy responses to future pandemics and other crises.

Last edited 9 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


 March 19, 2024 23:00

Naomi Wolf has a BILL ready to down load and attach to emails to our CONgress critters:

It is a doozy


good stuff w/ 2 sort videos by MB & RFK jr. at the link

comment image PutinOnTheRitz
“It is a complete dictatorial power grab.”
Former U.S. congresswoman, Michele Bachmann: Bill Gates—through the WHO Pandemic Agreement—is attempting “the greatest grab of power in 5000 years of recorded human history”.
“Once the deed is done next May, if in fact it does get done, it will change our lives completely going forward.”

RFK Jr. explains how Bill Gates uses “philanthropy” as a smokescreen for reaping personal profits:
“He gets tax deductions for giving money to the WHO, he gains control of the WHO. The WHO finances the health ministries in virtually every country in Africa, so he can say, as a condition of getting that money—this is what the WHO does—you have to show that you vaccinated a certain percentage of your population. And the vaccines that they’re buying are owned by companies that Gates owns. At the end, the punchline on almost all of his philanthropic projects is that he ends up making money.”

Last edited 9 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs

marymorse says:

CDC is part of EcoHeath Alliance’s network of partners:

As are all of these household brands:

Gail Combs


 Reply to  TradeBait2
 March 21, 2024 10:32

Thank you for this.
Big Pharma and the federal government (especially HHS / CDC / FDA) are LYING PIECES OF SH!T.

The FDA KNEW, back in April 2021, that the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” DO CAUSE Herpes Zoster (“Shingles”) in “vaccinated” persons.

And, there are LOTS of places where Herpes Zoster can show up, NOT JUST ON THE SKIN — for example, in the eyes; in the mouth or ears; IN THE BRAIN; among other areas of the body.

And these LOTS of other places where Herpes Zoster can show up after a COVID-19 “vaccination” are listed on page 34 of the report that Pfizer-BioNTech gave to the FDA on 30 April 2021 on the adverse events that happened with persons who took the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” BNT162b2 IN THE TWO MONTHS AFTER THE “VACCINE” WAS FIRST AUTHORIZED BY THE FDA IN DECEMBER 2020.

Page 34 lists ELEVEN different areas of the body where BNT162b2 CAUSED Herpes Zoster, including on the skin of “vaccinated” persons.

Here is the PDF of the Pfizer-BioNTech report. Yours Truly urges everyone to PLEASE download and print this report off:

And there are a couple of other angles in the situation:

One: Persons who had chickenpox at any age are susceptible to getting Herpes Zoster (“Shingles”) later on in life. This is because the chickenpox virus, after infection and recovery, remain “dormant” in the patient’s body. This virus can be “re-activated” later on in the person’s life.

Two: CHRONIC STRESS or ACUTE EPISODE of STRESS can “re-activate” the Herpes Zoster virus in persons who had chickenpox and recovered earlier in life. Keeping STRESS and ANXIETY under control is key here.

Three: IN ADDITION to COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons being at risk to getting Herpes Zoster after “vaccination”, there is the “VACCINE SHEDDING” that happens from a “vaccinated” person onto others (whether or not the others are “vaccinated.”) This means, IMO, that “un-vaccinated” persons can contract Herpes Zoster from COVID-19 “vaccine shedding.”

Does this mean that “un-vaccinated” persons have to become modern-day “secular anchorites?” IMO, no: but that is an individual decision. HOWEVER — and this is big HOWEVER — “un-vaccinated” persons MUST be doing all they can to strengthen and maintain their natural immune systems in the BEST SHAPE possible. If that means staying away from “vaccinated” friends and family on occasions when an “un-vaccinated” person isn’t feeling completely up to par — so be it — no apologies.

Gail Combs

For those without X accouts, I have disentangled the comments by marymorse since she refers to a “She” and not a name. I think the “she” is  Angela L Rasmussen based on the papers. I added the papers for clerification


barkerjim( barkerjim)Online

 March 21, 2024 10:49


There are a bunch of tweets by marymorse STARTING HERE about another nefarious character shown to be working with Baric on ways to weaponize ebola. She is  Angela L Rasmussen

Ending with:


 March 21, 2024 11:26



She worked at Fauci’s Rocky Mountain Lab, co-authored papers with R. Baric (pub. Science, Nov. 2014) and V. Munster, and worked on DARPA contracts. All on her CV.

RML, Columbia, & co-authored papers?

Here’s one on ebola, w/ I. Lipkin, published Feb. 11, 2020. Curious publication date?

The Paper and the names and affiliations:
Transcriptional Correlates of Tolerance and Lethality in Mice Predict Ebola Virus Disease Patient Outcomes
Adam Price 1Atsushi Okumura 2Elaine Haddock 3Friederike Feldmann 4Kimberly Meade-White 5Pryanka Sharma 1Methinee Artami 1W Ian Lipkin 1David W Threadgill 6Heinz Feldmann 3Angela L Rasmussen 7


  • Adam Price, Pryanka Sharma, Methinee ArtamiW Ian Lipkin, Center for Infection and Immunity, Columbia Mailman School of Public Health, New York, NY 10032, USA.
  • Atsushi Okumura Center for Infection and Immunity, Columbia Mailman School of Public Health, New York, NY 10032, USA; Laboratory of Virology, Rocky Mountain Laboratories, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Hamilton, MT 59840, USA.
  • Elaine Haddock, Heinz Feldmann Laboratory of Virology, Rocky Mountain Laboratories, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Hamilton, MT 59840, USA.
  •  Friederike Feldmann Rocky Mountain Veterinary Branch, Rocky Mountain Laboratories, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Hamilton, MT 59840, USA.
  • Kimberly Meade-White Laboratory of Virology, Rocky Mountain Laboratories, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Hamilton, MT 59840, USA; Rocky Mountain Veterinary Branch, Rocky Mountain Laboratories, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Hamilton, MT 59840, USA.
  • David W Threadgill Department of Molecular and Cellular Medicine, Texas A&M University Health Science Center, College Station, TX 77843, USA; Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA.
  • Angela L Rasmussen Center for Infection and Immunity, Columbia Mailman School of Public Health, New York, NY 10032, USA. Electronic address:


This is the Ralph Baric co-authored paper:

Host genetic diversity enables Ebola hemorrhagic fever pathogenesis and resistance.Rasmussen AL [Department of Microbiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.], Okumura A, Ferris MT, Green R, Feldmann F, Kelly SM, Scott DP, Safronetz D, Haddock E, LaCasse R, Thomas MJ, Sova P, Carter VS, Weiss JM, Miller DR, Shaw GD, Korth MJ, Heise MT, Baric RS, de Villena FP, Feldmann H, Katze MG.
Science. 2014 Nov 21;346(6212):987-91. doi: 10.1126/science.1259595. Epub 2014 Oct 30.
PMID: 25359852 



Michael Hiltzik is a Journalist. He is planing on defaming a scientist, Richard H. Ebright, to protect the Covid Origin HOAX. Hopefully if he does, he will get his ass sued.

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Gail Combs

I am going to add Angela L Rasmussen, latest ‘Contribution’ to ‘The Science’ Since it helps understand what is going on. BOY does she move around a lot! Now she is in Canada.

Reply to Ebright et al., “Implementing governmental oversight of enhanced potential pandemic pathogen research”Angela L Rasmussen 1Gigi Gronvall 2Anice C Lowen 3Felicia Goodrum 4

Angela L Rasmussen: Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada.

Gigi Gronvall: Department of Environmental Health and Engineering, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

Anice C Lowen: Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Felicia Goodrum: Department of Immunobiology, BIO5 Institute, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA.

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Gail Combs


 March 21, 2024 11:45

CDC is part of EcoHeath Alliance’s network of partners:

As are all of these household brands:

Gail Combs




 Reply to  eilert
 March 22, 2024 10:03

The TRUTH is that, AS OF 29 FEBRUARY 2024, the FDA / NIH is STILL “not recommending” the use of Ivermectin to treat COVID-19 cases.

IN FACT, the “FINAL DIRECTIVES” document by the FDA / NIH regarding treating COVID-19 cases WAS ISSUED ON 29 FEBRUARY 2024. The directives will remain online until 16 August 2024, WHEN THE WEBSITE WILL BE SHUT DOWN. THE FDA IS A DEPARTMENT OF NIH.

IN FACT, the FDA / NIH is STILL recommending things like Paxlovid, Molnupiravir, and VENTILATORS to treat people who have COVID-19.
Here is the actual NIH tweet of 29 February 2024:

Here is the NIH website regarding COVID-19 treatment guidelines:


AND HERE IS A SCREENSHOT OF PAGE 371 OF THE ABOVE PDF. The download is from 22 March 2024. The ACTUAL guidelines date back to DECEMBER 2023:

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Gail Combs



FOIA revealed some uh-oh things.


Based on new data I just got from a FOIA request, it appears that the public health epidemiologists in Santa Clara County knew in January 2022 that the vaccines made people more likely to get COVID, but they remained silent.

I predict that there will be further silence on this matter: no accountability and no opportunity for public challenges. They will continue to push the shots as if nothing had happened and the mainstream media will ignore this important data.

Gail Combs

From D-Pat

The Era of Informed Consent is Over

On the 21st of December 2023, as we were frantically preparing for the festive season, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a final ruling to amend a provision of the 21st Century Cures Act. This allowed 

…an exception from the requirement to obtain informed consent when a clinical investigation poses no more than a minimal risk to the human subject…

This ruling went into effect on January 22nd, 2024, which means it’s already standard practice across America.
So, what is the 21st Century Cures Act? It is a controversial Law enacted by the 114th United States Congress in January 2016 with strong support from the pharmaceutical industry. The Act was designed to

accelerate the discovery, development, and delivery of 21st-century cures, and for other purposes [?]…[emphasis added]

Some of the provisions within this Act make for uncomfortable reading. For example, the Act supported: 

High-risk, high-reward research [Sec. 2036].

Novel clinical trial designs [Sec. 3021]

Encouraging vaccine innovation [Sec. 3093].

This Act granted the National Institutes of Health (NIH) legal protection to pursue high-risk, novel vaccine research. A strong case could be made that these provisions capture all the necessary architecture required for much of the evil that transpired over the past four years.

Overturning patient-informed consent was another stated goal of the original Act. Buried under Section 3024 was the provision to develop an

Informed consent waiver or alteration for clinical investigation.

Scholars of medical history understand that the concept of informed consent, something we all take for granted today, is a relatively new phenomenon codified in its modern understanding as one of the critical principles of the Nuremberg Code in 1947. It is inconceivable that just 77 years after Nuremberg, the door has once again opened for state-sanctioned medical experimentation on potentially uninformed and unwilling citizens.  

According to this amendment, the state alone, acting through the NIH, the FDA, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), will decide what is considered a “minimal risk” and, most concerning, will determine…


Gail Combs


 March 27, 2024 11:15

The redoubtable Walter M Chesnut is on the trail of something very interesting, which ties in with “The Elephant in the Room” post of Yours Truly earlier this week on this board:

“Persistence of Spike Protein Induces a State of Chronic Disease (Parallels to Asbestos): The Essence of Long COVID”
Walter M Chesnut
26 March 2024

Yours Truly: Mr. Chesnut presents and discusses a paper published on 3 March 2024 by (the DOI document was published on 24 March 2024.) regarding the presence of “Long COVID” symptoms in COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons up to 245 days post-“vaccination.” [Note: 245 days post-“vaccination” is not the “be-all-and-end-all” number of days: It is only what was studied and presented in the paper cited.]

This small study included the following COVID-19 “vaccines” — Pfizer-BioNTech; Moderna; Johnson & Johnson (Janssen), which was withdrawn for use in the United States in the spring of 2023; and AstraZeneca. There were 50 patients in the study. They were compared to “vaccinated”, healthy control patients.

The 50 patients who presented with “Long COVID” symptoms complained of:
brain fog;

All four of the COVID-19 “vaccines” listed above were involved in the presence of symptoms.

It was found that the CD16+ immune system cells of the 50 study patients had elevated levels of cytokines (cells that “signal” inflammation in the body.)

It was found that the elevated cytokine levels in the 50 study patients were in their monocytes (white blood cells.) [Note: CD16 cells can be shed from the body via the monocytes:]

The paper published originally on 3 March is here:
The same paper, in DOI document form, published on 24 March 2024, is here:

“Persistence of S1 Spike Protein in CD16+ Monocytes up to 245 Days in SARS-CoV-2 Negative Post COVID-19 Vaccination Individuals with Post-Acute Sequelae of COVId-19 (PASC)-Like Symptoms”
Ram Yogendra, et al.

Summary by Yours Truly of the above:
One: “Long COVID” does exist, and it can occur in COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons.

Two: The COVID-19 “vaccines” elevate the CD16+ cell levels in the white blood cells of “vaccinated” persons.

Three: These elevated CD16+ cell levels indicate elevated levels of inflammation in the body.

Four: These elevated CD 16+ cell levels in COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons can exist for up to 245 days [so far] as presented in the cited study.

Five: CD16 cells can shed from the human body.

Here is an image of a figure from the cited paper, showing the elevated CD16+ cell levels in the COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons who complained of “Long COVID” symptoms:

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By the way, Medrxiv is owned by Cold Spring Harbor, a “non-partisan” research company based in New York State. Cold Spring Harbor began a “partnership” in 2009 with Suzhou Industrial Park in the CCP, to create “Cold Spring Harbor Asia.” Suzhou Industrial Park is a joint venture by the CCP and Singapore.

Gail Combs


 April 1, 2024 23:27

Tucker Carlson

Why did the medical establishment push the Covid vax on the world even when they knew it didn’t work? Dr. Michael Nehls says it wasn’t about money. It was about conquering the human mind.


FWIW, there is also the damage to the lungs that prevents O2 from getting to the brain.

I have STILL not recovered the full use of my lungs.

Gail Combs

From D-Pat
25 Years Wiped from Life Expectancy of Fully Vaxxed

A study that confirms Dolores Cahill’s prediction. And people said she was exaggerating. -D-Pat

From the Article:

Researchers analyzed government data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Cleveland Clinic Data, and insurance company risk assessment data.

The analysis uncovered a disturbing trend showing life spans plummetting in those who had multiple doses of the mRNA shots.

The data from the Cleveland Clinic and the CDC were analyzed by Josh Stirling.

Stirling is the founder of Insurance Collaboration to Save Livess and a former number one ranked insurance analyst.

The leading data expert’s study shows an incredibly disturbing trend.

The damage to health caused by each vaccine dose does not lessen over time, as previously believed, the study found.

Instead, the harm appears to continue indefinitely.

In fact, CDC All-Cause Mortality data shows that each vaccine dose increased mortality by 7% in the year 2022 compared to the mortality in 2021.

Those who have had 5 doses were 35% more likely to die in 2022 than they were in 2021.

People who had received just one dose were 7% more likely to die in 2022 than in 2021.

The study also confirmed that people who are not vaccinated were no more likely to die in 2022 than in 2021.

The data shows that every year, excess deaths are soaring dramatically as all forms of mortality accelerate….

Gail Combs

TheseTruths adds on  April 2, 2024 02:43

In the last three years, doctors have been reporting skyrocketing cases of deadly turbo cancers.

People who have been vaccinated with Covid mRNA injections have been suffering from a high incidence of these fast-developing cancers.

Some doctors are reporting that cancers are so rapidly developing that their patients are dying within a week of being diagnosed.

READ MORE – Official Data Links 143,233% Cancer Surge to Covid Shots

Gail Combs


Mike Benz

DARPA grant for SARS-CoV spike proteins in 2018. Then Pentagon contractors censored all social media narratives discussing Pentagon lab-grown origin.

But it was the Pangolins, not the Pentagon, everyone.

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Gail Combs


 Reply to  eilert
 April 3, 2024 10:49

Yours Truly has been pointing out that RALPH BARIC has been at “Ground Zero” regarding experiments with coronaviruses in animals and trying to induce “human-type” disease conditions in them, FOR OVER 30 YEARS. Baric has ALSO been an acolyte of Anthony Fauci and NIAID for OVER 30 YEARS. Baric has published papers on his experiments SINCE AT LEAST 1990.

(Here’s Baric’s department office phone number at UNC: 919-966-1181.
Here’s Peter Daszak’s email address, blocked out in the email chain above: )

Now, about this “Tonie Rocke” person named in the above email chain:
TONIE ROCKE is an epidemiologist for the US FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE and the US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. One of her areas of expertise is BATS.

Let’s say that TONIE ROCKE is the “American version” of ZHENG-LI SHI.

Here’s an example of what Tonie Rocke has been doing — getting funds for BAT VACCINE research at the University of Wisconsin:


The Q tree IDed Ralph as involved eons ago!

Gail Combs


 Reply to  kalbokalbs
 April 3, 2024 11:03

There are possibly TWO reasons why meningococcal disease are on the rise in the United States:

One: Unvetted illegal alien invasion, thus bringing meningococcal (and multiple other types) of diseases / infections with them.
Two: The modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines.” There are SIX different types of MENINGOCOCCAL disease conditions listed as Adverse Events of Special Interest in the Appendix 1. section of the report that Pfizer-BioNTech gave to the FDA in APRIL 2021 on the company’s “flagship” modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT162b2:
OF COURSE the CDC would AVOID mentioning that the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” play a role in the exploding numbers of meningococcal diseases presenting now.

Gail Combs


 Reply to  kalbokalbs
 April 3, 2024 13:14

This is the H5N1 bird flu that can transfer to cattle (cows) and then to humans.
There is an FDA-“approved vaccine” for H5N1 already out there. It’s called AUDENZ. It’s made by the Seqirus company. It was FDA-“approved” in 2023.

Here’s the Package Insert for AUDENZ. It’s a protein-subunit derivative “vaccine.” —

There were NO toxicological studies that were performed for this “vaccine.”
There were NO genotoxicity studies that were performed for this “vaccine.”
There were NO pregnancy or lactation studies that were performed for this “vaccine.”

There were NO post-marketing studies that were performed for this “vaccine.”

The following adverse reactions may occur after taking AUDENZ, per the FDA document above:

Bell’s Palsy;

DEMYELINATION (the “wrapping” of nerves / spinal cord are shredded);
Encephalitis (brain inflammation);
Guillain-Barre syndrome;
Muscle weakness.

Gail Combs

Also Spraygate from marymorse

Gail Combs


 Reply to  marymorse

 April 3, 2024 21:06
Jerome Unidad, Palo Alto Research Center ( PARC), now SRI (Stanford Research Institute), patent filed Sept. 2018:

Daszak proposed use of Unidad/PARC spray tech in his DARPA DIFFUSE proposal

Gail Combs


 April 3, 2024 18:54

Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic

We invited the Editors-in-Chief of @TheLancet@ScienceMagazine, & @Nature to testify.

Did the U.S. government censor & direct the scientific review process at these top scientific journals to advance a preferred narrative about COVID origins?

Answers on April 16

Gail Combs

This popped up in a search:

Secret Docs Reveal Moderna Sent Coronavirus Vaccine To North Carolina University Weeks Before Pandemic — Great Game India
June 20, 2021

A confidentiality agreement shows potential coronavirus vaccine candidates were transferred from Moderna to the University of North Carolina in 2019, nineteen days prior to the official emergence of Covid-19 pandemic…

The confidentially agreement (read below) states that providers ‘Moderna’ alongside the ‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) agreed to tranfer ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates’ developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna to recipients ‘The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’ on the 12th December 2019.

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Found on page 105 of the agreement

The material transfer agreement was signed the December 12th 2019 by Ralph Baric, PhD, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and then signed by Jacqueline Quay, Director of Licensing and Innovation Support at the University of North Carolina on December 16th 2019.

The agreement was also signed by two representatives of the NIAID, one of whom was Amy F. Petrik PhD, a technology transfer specialist who signed the agreement on December 12th 2019 at 8:05 am….

Last edited 8 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


 April 5, 2024 11:16

“LONG VAX” — it’s real:

via Dr. Joseph Mercola

Yours Truly: In order to read the entire presentation, one has to sign up for Dr. Mercola’s newsletter. In order to access the embedded hyperlink to his report on his strategies to improve mitochondrial health, one has to be a paid Dr. Mercola subscriber. There is, however, a video that can be watched embedded in The Burning Platform’s summary article.

First: Yours Truly will point out that DAMAGE DOWN TO THE MITOCHONDRIAL LEVEL is caused by the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines.” Please see page 34 (page 6 of the Appendix 1. List of Adverse Events of Special Interest section) of the Postmarketing Report given by Pfizer-BioNTech to the FDA on 30 April 2021:

The specific type of mitochondrial damage done by the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” is called “Mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase increased.” It is the result of increased cellular damage or death. It can also lead to cardiac issues:
Giacomo Zoppini, MD, PhD, et al.
Published 28 October 2016

Second: The following paper from Yale researcher Dr. Harlan Krumholz, MD, proves that “LONG VAX” is indeed a real thing. Yours Truly believes that this pre-print paper on Medrxiv is a “prime candidate” for either retraction or “re-issue with additional conclusions” — if the reader is so inclined, saving this pre-print is a good idea:
“Post-Vaccination Syndrome: A Descriptive Analysis of Reported Symptoms and Patient Experiences After COVID-19 Immunization”
Harlan M, Krumholz, MD, SM, et al.
published 10 November 2023

The pre-print is also found here:

Gail Combs


New Studies: Pfizer’s Paxlovid doesn’t actually work, ‘rebound’ symptoms occur 25x more often than advertised

Pfizer first scammed the world with its “100% safe and effective” Covid mRNA vaccines, and as it turns out, that was just the opening salvo from a pharmaceutical cartel that is inundated with corruption and deceit.

I wanted to turn your attention to two significant recent studies on Paxlovid, the Covid-19 oral pill that the U.S. government spent $12.6 billion taxpayer dollars on subsidizing for Pfizer.

The first study, which is brought to you by Pfizer funds (though they noticeably don’t use the brand name Paxlovid in the study), finds that Paxlovid does not actually work. They’ve known this since July, 2022, but for reasons unknown, waited two years to publish the results.

“The time to sustained alleviation of all signs and symptoms of Covid-19 did not differ significantly between participants who received nirmatrelvir–ritonavir (Paxlovid) and those who received placebo,” the authors write in this New England Journal of Medicine study, which was published on April 3rd.

That’s right. It doesn’t work at all.

In rolling out Paxlovid, Pfizer claimed in a press release that its preliminary data showed an 89% reduction in hospitalization and death for patients who took the pill.

Curiously, the Pfizer-funded study concluded in July 2022, just months after Paxlovid became available, but this seems to be the first time that results have been public….

Gail Combs


*** The first point that Yours Truly is making here is that the damage from the ingredients and mechanisms of the COVID-19 “vaccines” is spread throughout the “vaccinated” person’s body; that the damage can be either immediate or accumulated/incremental over time; that the damage can present as obvious symptoms, or no symptoms at all.

*** The second point that Yours Truly is making here is that the damage from the ingredients and mechanisms of the COVID-19 “vaccines”, unless such damage is immediately and demonstrably obvious, will not be linked back to the “vaccines” unless there are tests performed to create a “trail” back to the “vaccines.” Currently, there are few “in vivo” tests that can create this “trail” — for example, the CD4 – CD8 blood immune system test; the D-dimer test; a some other tests. Even with these tests, they would be completely useful only IF the person had had them performed both before AND after “vaccination”, in order to have comparisons made. Otherwise, any potential “trail” back to the “vaccines”, if such a “trail” can be demonstrated, could only occur as part of an autopsy — and even then, certain tests must be requested and performed.

*** The third point that Yours Truly is making here is that the lab-created bioweapon of the COVID-19 virus itself, and the lab-created-and-enhanced bioweapons of the COVID-19 “vaccines”, are sickening and killing, and will sicken and kill, millions of “vaccinated” persons, leaving little or no ability to actually trace the damages and deaths back to the virus itself or to the “vaccines.”

This was, IMO, deliberately planned.

Meanwhile, “the doctors are baffled.”

Heart / lung damage caused by the COVID-19 “vaccines” —
by Michael Palmer, MD, and Sucharit Bhakdi, MD

Please refer to Slide 9, Slide 10, and Slide 11.
Please see the Appendix 1. List of Adverse Events of Special Interest section at the end of this report.

Gail Combs


 April 9, 2024 11:51

Recall that Yours Truly raised the issue of the latest bird flu virus, H5N1, and how it can potentially spread to cattle (cows, etc.), then to humans? Well, there’s more on this — and it’s BILL GATES and ANTHONY FAUCI (via the NIH) FUNDING GAIN-OF-FUNCTION RESEARCH ON HOW TO DO THIS:

via Dr. Joseph Mercola
Yours Truly: Here’s the skinny on this:

One: The latest H5N1 version of the bird flu has “jumped” from poultry to cows to cats and also to humans. We’re talking reported cases in March and April of this year already.

Two: The H5N1 bird flu virus, now that it has “jumped” to humans, is now called Influenza A H5N1.

Three: Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci (Fauci, via the NIH) have funded Gain-of-Function research on the H5N1 bird flu since at least 2012, and possibly prior to that year. One principal researcher who received funds: Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka. Apparently, his lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison was only a BSL-2 level facility. One of his experiments mixed the H5N1 bird flu virus with the 1918 Spanish Flu virus. Another experiment mixed the H5N1 bird flu virus with the H1N1 swine flu virus. There were “lab accidents.”

Four: Anthony Fauci also funded research by Ron Fouchier, a Dutch virologist. Fouchier created a version of the bird flu that could be airborne and also spread from one ferret to another.

Five: These types of Gain-of-Function experiments were stopped by the federal government from 2014 – 2017. However, it is now known that the NIH circumvented the prohibition to fund Gain-of-Function research into coronaviruses — at places like the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Yours Truly CANNOT find any publications of the H5N1 bird flu experiments papers by either Kawaoka or by Fouchier. However, these items were found about Dr. Kawaoka:
“High Containment Lab That Created Risky Avian Flu Had “Unacceptable” Biosafety Protocols”
5 March 2024

Six: MODERNA is running a small clinical trial (1500 participants) for SEVERAL mRNA-based “vaccine candidates” for an “enhanced” H5N1 bird flu virus. One “vaccine candidate” is mRNA-1018:

Study Start Date: 2023-07-10
Estimated Study Completion Date: 2024-7-26
Study Location: Utah, USA

Yours Truly: There are NO dosage amounts listed for ANY of the multiple “vaccine candidates” listed in the clinical trial.

The Dr. Mercola article in The Burning Platform also details actions that people can take to keep themselves healthy against the upcoming potential H5N1 “enhanced” bird flu threat.

Gail Combs

I am going to post this here also:

Total downloads of all papers by Yoshihiro Kawaoka :: SSRN

Yoshihiro Kawaoka. University of Wisconsin – Madison – Influenza Research Institute.

COVID-19 Infection Induces Substantial Memory B Cell Maturation to Non-Neutralizing Viral Targets
That became a paper titled:
Profiling B cell immunodominance after SARS-CoV-2 infection reveals antibody evolution to non-neutralizing viral targets
you can find the paper in PubMed:

If you click on Kawaoka’s name you get all his papers:

2002 Apr 10 Human influenza a viral genes responsible for the restriction of its replication in duck intestine
 Enhanced virulence of influenza A viruses with the haemagglutinin of the 1918 pandemic virus.

Kobasa D, Takada A, Shinya K, Hatta M, Halfmann P, Theriault S, Suzuki H, Nishimura H, Mitamura K, Sugaya N, Usui T, Murata T, Maeda Y, Watanabe S, Suresh M, Suzuki T, Suzuki Y, Feldmann H, Kawaoka Y.

Nature. 2004 Oct 7;431(7009):703-7. doi: 10.1038/nature02951.

Novel residues in avian influenza virus PB2 protein affect virulence in mammalian hosts.

Fan S, Hatta M, Kim JH, Halfmann P, Imai M, Macken CA, Le MQ, Nguyen T, Neumann G, Kawaoka Y.

Nat Commun. 2014 Oct 7;5:5021. doi: 10.1038/ncomms6021.

PMID: 25289523 Free PMC article.

Identification of mammalian-adapting mutations in the polymerase complex of an avian H5N1 influenza virus.

Taft AS, Ozawa M, Fitch A, Depasse JV, Halfmann PJ, Hill-Batorski L, Hatta M, Friedrich TC, Lopes TJ, Maher EA, Ghedin E, Macken CA, Neumann G, Kawaoka Y.

Nat Commun. 2015 Jun 17;6:7491. doi: 10.1038/ncomms8491.

Mutations in the PA Protein of Avian H5N1 Influenza Viruses Affect Polymerase Activity and Mouse Virulence.

Zhong G, Le MQ, Lopes TJS, Halfmann P, Hatta M, Fan S, Neumann G, Kawaoka Y.

J Virol. 2018 Jan 30;92(4):e01557-17. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01557-17. Print 2018 Feb 15.

There are 95 pages of papers.

  :wpds_arrow: LOTS OF EBOLA RESEARCH!!!   :wpds_shock: 

Gail Combs


 Reply to  barkerjim
 April 11, 2024 11:14

Thank you for bringing this.

The FDA KNEW, back on 30 April 2021, that the COVID-19 “vaccines” DO CAUSE SEVERAL TYPES OF BLOOD CLOTS. In particular:

Vena Cava Thrombosis; and,
Venous Thrombosis.

These various types of blood clots, including the above types, caused by the COVID-19 “vaccines”, are listed in the Appendix 1. List of Adverse Events of Special Interest section of the report that Pfizer-BioNTech gave to the FDA on 30 April 2021, regarding the company’s modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT162b2.

The report is found here:

Those “long, white rubbery blood clots” can be induced by Vena Cava Thrombosis. Vena Cava Thrombosis can present as “Inferior Vena Cava Thrombosis”, or as “Superior Vena Cava Thrombosis.” DVT can present as Inferior Vena Cava Thrombosis.

Yours Truly will point out that ALL of the COVID-19 “vaccines”, including the current “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine” by Pfizer-BioNTech and by Moderna; AND the Novavax COVID-19 ‘vaccine” — ALL are based on the ORIGINAL modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” formulations by Pfzier-BioNTech (BNT162b2) and by Moderna (mRNA-1273.)

ALL of the COVID-19 “vaccines” have the potential to cause blood clots of various types. Yours Truly again points to the following paper from 2022, which clearly outlines what these “vaccines” do to the vascular system of the “vaccinated” person:
“Vascular and organ damage induced by mRNA vaccines: irrefutable proof of causality”
Michael Palmer, MD, and Sucharit Bhakdi, MD

Yours Truly will also now posit that ANY mRNA-based “vaccine” can potentially cause the types of damage outlined in the above article.

Gail Combs


 Reply to  barkerjim
 April 11, 2024 13:52

Apparently, Anthony Fauci is denying he ever knew Ralph Baric or Peter Daszak.

Fauci not only knows Ralph Baric, he met with Baric at NIAID in February 2020:
by Emily Kopp
21 February 2023

Fauci not only met with Peter Daszak, he went to a conference with Daszak and Zheng-li Shi (in 2017):
by Emily Kopp
6 January 2024

Gail Combs

Medical Murder is the #1 Cause of Death in the U.S. By Design

…People are too expensive; the planet doesn’t have enough resources. If Satan is successful at selling these lies, what we see happening in real time fits like a glove.

Long before COVID, even the CDC recognized that “medical malpractice” was the third leading cause of death—heart disease 700,000; cancer 600,000; medical malpractice 400,000 annual deaths. There is legitimate malpractice—negligence due to human error. What’s behind the curtain?

The murder of my disabled daughter during COVID woke me up. 1,200,000 hospital murders in 39 months! America was #1 in hospital deaths during the COVID era, with India (with 4X the population) a distant #2, with 530,000 deaths. All these deaths can’t be malpractice.

What’s going on? The United States incentivized protocols designed to kill. Why? The ultimate source is the Satanic agenda, which I’ll cover in a subsequent article. The most common excuse used by bureaucrats is money. People are too expensive. There are 135,000,000 Americans on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and the cost is over 50% of the annual federal budget. At an annual cost of $35,000 per person, you can see why “elderly” and “disabled” were the first and second causes of hospital deaths during COVID. The average COVID incentive was $100,000 paid to hospitals, so there was a three-year payback to the government responsible for the scheme!

The plot thickens when you see that Medicare and Medicaid rules were relaxed during COVID, adding 38,000,000 Americans to this bureaucracy. Why? Following the pattern set by the Rockefellers (their pharmaceuticals caused cancer, so they funded the American Cancer Society), the government behind COVID (spoiler alert: America) wanted its citizens to have “free” medical coverage, to give the impression of helping.

The reality is beginning to hit us now. Most of these individuals got the bioweapon disguised as a vaccine. There is currently a 24% increase in all-cause mortality in the jabbed. Cancer rates are skyrocketing. What do you think the “free” medical coverage will do to these people next?

Taking a longer view, Ezekiel Emanuel, one of the country’s most influential bioethicists and a prime architect of Obamacare, wrote as far back as 1996 that health care “services provided to individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens are not basic and should not be guaranteed.” The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) determines the standards of “care” for the entire country. Doctors and nurses hide behind “standards of care” as their excuse to kill us while being paid to do so. To be fair, some have little idea they are doing the dirty work, blinded by medical programming. To boot, state statutes written long before COVID give legal immunity for following “standards of care.”

I want to be blunt.  Standards of care are designed to hasten death, and hastening death is murder.

If a person is diagnosed with cancer today and has submitted to the conventional medical system, he sits down with his doctor to discuss the diagnosis. After the initial shock, the doctor only recommends one of three “standards of care”: surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy. No real cures are offered other than surgery if caught early enough, in spite of the multiple alternative treatments available. Since the patient is programmed to have medical insurance, his only question becomes, “Does my insurance cover your treatment?” Next, the doctor signs the patient up for a premature death; chemotherapy offers a whopping 2.1% success rate. I trust you can see the problem….

My Mom, after Rochester University Medical Center burned the crap out of her with radiation (DOD radiation experiments in the 60s) she was then a guinea pig for the BRAND NEW Chemo-therapy DESPITE haveing ZERO cancer at the time. (Please remember there was a BLOOD TEST FOR CANCER AT THAT TIME but the doctor REFUSED TO DO IT and instead put Mom on Chemo.) She died at age 62 from the Chemo. He heart doc refused to look into Chemos KNOWN adverse effects on the heart. I got ‘I know NOTHING’ from the heart doctor and ‘I know NOTHING’ from the cancer Doctor.

A bout a year earlier Chem-Eng News had an article on Chemo with the phrase that the drugs ‘EFFECTED THE HEART’ Unfortunately I could not find the article and BOTH doctors refused to look into the issue of the Chemo causing Mom’s repeated heart attacks.


She died of a heart attack at 62, but HEY, the CHEMO WORKED at CURING the CANCER!

URMC [University of Rochester Medical Center]

Do Cancer Treatments Affect the Heart? | URMC Newsroom

November 12, 2019 – The study results are reported … Heart damage (cardiotoxicity) from chemotherapy or radiation therapy is common….

How do chemo and radiation damage the heart?

  • Some types of chemotherapy (primarily in a class of drugs called anthracyclines) weaken the heart muscle from a buildup of calcium and other chemical reactions in the body that release harmful free radicals. Thus, chemotherapy side effects include cardiomyopathy (an enlargement) or congestive heart failure. However, chemotherapy does not increase the risk of heart attack, Storozynsky said, because chemotherapy usually does not impact blood flow to the arteries.
  • Radiation therapy aimed at the chest region for breast cancer <== MOM! or lung cancer, for example, can prompt a thickening of the blood vessels and heart valves, inflammation, and artery blockages. Heart problems due to radiation often impact younger people, too.

Heart disease can appear during cancer treatment — or emerge as long as 15 to 20 years later, Storozynsky said….




Focus on: Chemotherapy and the heart

Chemotherapy can be used to cure cancer, to relieve its symptoms or to reduce the risk of cancer re-occurring, but in high doses it can damage the heart.

Cancer treatments may harm the heart – Harvard Health

August 1, 2012 – Some chemotherapy agents cause the heart muscle to weaken soon after chemotherapy begins. Novel angiogenesis inhibitors that suppress new blood vessel formation cause blood pressure to rise dramatically and may increase the risk of blood clots and heart failure.

Gail Combs


 Reply to  kalbokalbs
 April 12, 2024 09:32

Multiple Headlines in one story. Never a whiff of the real culprit.
Early-onset cancer: Faster biological aging may be driving rates in young adults

Biological aging measured with blood biomarkers

Faster aging linked to early-onset cancer risk

A possible explanation for rising cancer rates in young people

Can you slow down biological aging? 

For more stories that will never address the elephant in the room go to their home page. Makes a perfect gift for those who wish to keep their heads in the sand.

Gail Combs


 Reply to  kalbokalbs
 April 12, 2024 10:38

STUNNING article by the redoubtable Walter M Chesnut on 8 April on this topic:
“The Transposon Theory of Aging and SARS-CoV-2”
Walter M Chesnut

Yours Truly: Mr. Chesnut, IMO, is really on to something here. He posits (with scientific papers to back it up), that the COVID-19 virus itself (via the spike protein) activates certain elements in the body of an infected person that accelerate the aging process. And that the SAME process can occur in HEALTHY persons who are exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This process of accelerated aging is called TE activation (Transposable Elements activation.)

In essence, the SARS-CoV-2 virus itself contains elements that “cut and paste” a person’s genes, “writing them back wrong” into the person’s DNA.

It appears that the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus itself has elements that were lab-inserted into it that “re-activate” certain TE’s that run back millions of years in human history.

It also appears that ANY exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus (including from “shedding” of the virus AND including “shedding” of said virus onto healthy persons) can activate TE activation.

Yours Truly again: The COVID-19 “vaccines” (including the “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccines”) contain the elements of the original Wuhan Hu1 SARS-CoV-2 lab-created virus. It is already known that the COVID-19 “vaccines” damage / destroy the ability of cells, down to the mitochondrial level, to breathe, thus killing these cells off. This cell death is part of the accelerated aging process induced by these “vaccines.”

The lab-created biological weapon of the COVID-19 virus itself, AND the lab-created-and-enhanced biological weapon of the COVID-19 “vaccines”, BOTH contribute to accelerated aging in the human body — and to all the issues that come from aging.

(Side note: notice how “older” certain “vaccinated” family and friends look? — there’s a reason for that.)

*** It is imperative that ALL persons (“vaccinated” and “unvaccinated”) follow a program of doing whatever is necessary to keep and maintain the BEST natural immune system possible. And to follow such a program INDEFINITELY.

*** It pains Yours Truly to say this, but will now posit that ALL persons need to consider themselves to have been exposed to “shedding” of the COVID-19 spike protein, and that this spike protein is at work inside the body. For “unvaccinated” persons, this means “stealth COVID-19 “vaccination” without consent.” The question in this regard is: On what magnitude of increase and longevity of action of the spike protein is going on within “vaccinated” persons?

Yours Truly wrote about these things on this board:

Gail Combs

2. It’s active against the FLU and RSV.
Inhibits flu and RSV viral replication, which is why it’s included in the FLCCC flu and RSV protocols.

  • Bonus for all you world travelers: It’s also active against Zika, Dengue, West Nile, Yellow Fever and HIV (read all about it).

3. It reduces inflammation throughout the body.
I raised a curious eyebrow the first time a patient told me “I took Ivermectin and my hip arthritis felt better,” or “Ivermectin helped my back pain.”… Then I did the research and found Ivermectin has systemic anti-inflammatory effects (blocks TNF-alpha, IL-6 and NF-kB).
So when a patient told me “I rubbed topical Ivermectin on my eczema patches and it did wonders,” I just smiled knowingly. (Nothin’ like being informed!)

4. Improves the gastrointestinal microbiome by boosting levels of the probiotic Bifidobacterium.
This finding comes from the research of Dr. Sabine Hazan.
But wait! There’s more!
5. May help with athletic and sports performance by boosting cellular energy output in the heart.
What if I told you that Ivermectin allows heart muscle cells to more efficiently create energy — even when depleted of oxygen (as would happen with intense exercise). Read all about it here….

6. It has profound anti-cancer properties.
How profound? Well, consider the following:

  • Overcomes cancer cell resistance to chemotherapy (read here)
  • Inhibits a protein (PAK1) essential for the growth of more than 70% of all cancers (read here)
  • Multiple mechanisms of action against breast cancer (read here)
Gail Combs

Valerie Curren

 April 19, 2024 11:32

1.) Nattokinase. Why? It degrades spike proteins, as suggested by preclinical studies. • Take 2000 units twice a day. 

2.) Bromelain. Why? Similar to nattokinase, it also breaks down spike proteins. • Take 500 milligrams once a day 

3.) Curcumin. Why? Reduces inflammation and spike protein damage. • Take 500 milligrams twice a day and combine with 5 or 10 mg of piperine to enhance its absorption.

That summarizes @P_McCulloughMD ’s “Base Spike Detoxification” protocol. 

Hydroxychloroquine: Added if there are signs of autoimmunity. 

Ivermectin: Included if there are signs of persistent infection. 

Colchicine: Used if there are significant signs of pleuropericardial problems (involving the membrane around the heart and lungs). 

Nicotine Patch or Oral Aciclovir: These are considered if there are neurological symptoms like brain fog. 

Low-dose Naltrexone: Used to enhance the body’s natural painkilling response and reduce inflammation.

Gail Combs


 Reply to  Valerie Curren
 April 19, 2024 13:44

Valerie Curren
Thank you for bringing this.

IMO, based on the research and writing that Yours Truly has been doing for the last 4+ years now on the COVID-19 virus itself and the COVID-19 “vaccines”, it can be fairly argued that ALL COVID-19 “VACCINATED” PERSONS ARE COVID-19 “VACCINE” INJURED, AND NEED TO BE FOLLOWING A SPIKE PROTEIN DETOX PROGRAM.



Gail Combs


 April 20, 2024 20:34

Yours Truly can now confirm what she wrote in her post on the COVID-19 “vaccines” causing turbo-cancers: —
19 April 2024

Yours Truly: The Vigilant News article details the urgent warning from Prof. Angus Dalgleish, oncologist at St. George’s, University of London.
Dr. Dalgleish states that it’s the N-1 methylpseudouridine in the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” that is the likely genesis for the cancers that the injections induce. (paraphrased)

N-1 methylpseudouridine is a FAKE uridine that was SPECIFICALLY INCLUDED in the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” by BOTH Pfizer-BioNTech AND by Moderna.
This FAKE uridine SPECIFICALLY evades the “vaccinated” person’s NATURAL immune system response of “are you a friend or a foe” that the “vaccinated” person’s body immediately starts up when a modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” is injected into the body.

IN ADDITION, it’s this FAKE uridine that allows the elements of the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” to stay in the “vaccinated” person’s body “…for an indefinite period of time, leading to an uncontrolled amount of spike protein production.” (per the article)

Which means that the body of the COVID-19 modRNA “vaccinated” person is a SPIKE PROTEIN FACTORY FOR AN INDEFINITE PERIOD OF TIME.

We’re talking immune system suppression / damage / destruction; the destruction of the crucial CD4 – CD8 immune system cells; the destruction of the crucial IgG3 “fight if off” immune system cells and replacement with IgG4 “tolerate it” cells — ALL OF WHICH CAN PAVE THE WAY FOR THE “VACCINATED” PERSON’S BODY TO CONTRACT CANCER (OR TO “RE-ESTABLISH” PRIOR CANCERS THAT WERE IN REMISSION.

Gail Combs


 April 21, 2024 16:10

The evidence keeps piling up.




 Reply to  TradeBait2

 April 21, 2024 17:19

I hope people are seeing it.

Separate research showed “for every life saved, there were nearly 14 times more deaths caused by the modified mRNA [COVID-19] injections”

How do they know if even one life was saved by getting the vax? How is that determined?



 Reply to  TradeBait2

 April 21, 2024 19:26

Yes. The evidence is piling up — and it is rapidly getting to the point that the evidence cannot be ignored.

This is why the CDC posted that COMPLETE LIE “report” that “there’s no evidence to link the COVID-19 vaccination and cardiac death among young people” on the agency’s MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report) of 11 April 2024.
“FACT CHECK: CDC Lies [Again] About C-19 Vax / Injuries”

Attorney Tom Renz
21 April 2024
Here’s the link to the COMPLETE LIE report from the CDC:
“Assessment of Risk for Sudden Cardiac Death Among Adolescents and Young Adults After Receipt of COVID-19 Vaccine — Oregon, June 2021 – December 2022”
Yours Truly: The CDC literally “hand-picked” a small sample of data from Oregon (1,300 persons sample size) and came up with this lie.

And, of course, the lying MSM is running full tilt with the lie.
Meanwhile, at, the most recent listing for deaths from the COVID-19 “vaccines” stands at 37,382.

Given that reporting to VAERS is between 40% – 90% UNDER-reported, the REAL figure for deaths from the COVID-19 “vaccines” in VAERS should really be between 52,334 and 71,025.
Meanwhile, Dr. Peter A. McCullough states that likely around 550,000 Americans have died from the COVID-19 “vaccines.”

Meanwhile, there is a link in the Attorney Renz Substack to YET ANOTHER “CONFIDENTIAL” report from Pfizer-BioNTech given to the FDA ON 19 AUGUST 2022 which indicates that was a cumulative total of 4,964,108 cases of adverse reactions, including deaths, in persons who took the company’s “flagship” modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT162b2. This report covers ONLY the period of SIX MONTHS between 19 December 2021 through 18 June 2022.

Here is the link to the Pfizer-BioNTech report:
APPENDIX 2.2: Cumulative and Interval Summary Tabulation of Serious and Non-Serious Adverse Reactions from Post-Marketing Data Sources BNT162b2
Yours Truly: The “official release” of this report runs to 393 pages. HOWEVER, there is ANOTHER page number at the bottom of each page of the “official release” 393 pages, indicating that the COMPLETE report is actually 1,213 pages.

The question is, WHO IS HIDING THE OTHER 820 PAGES?
IMO, it is inconceivable that the CDC did not know of the above Pfizer-BioNTech report.

Last edited 8 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


 April 22, 2024 12:59

This has all been covered here by Pavaca and others, but this is an easy-to-understand article about turbo cancers, by Tracy Beanz. I hope word is spreading to those who have been unaware. It might alarm them, but they need to take whatever action they can, now.
Experts Agree: Turbo Cancers are Caused by the Toxic mRNA COVID-19 Jabs



 Reply to  TheseTruths
 April 22, 2024 13:45

Thank you for this. It’s that damned N1-methylpseudouridine that was deliberately added to the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” — this element is the “Ground Zero” for the facilitation / inducement of immune system suppression and destruction in the “vaccinated” person’s body, paving the way for turbo cancers and/or re-establishment of cancers that were previously in remission.

Gail Combs


 April 25, 2024 10:30

Another Vaxxx story saying the vaxxx affects the  hippocampus.

The Covid “Vaccine” May Have Damaged People’s Ability to Produce Cells Responsible for Decision-Making

Meanwhile in related news…up date on the Kking.
 “It looks like Bell’s palsy,” 

Gail Combs


 Reply to  para59r
 April 25, 2024 10:55

The COVID-19 “vaccines” spread throughout the ENTIRE BODY of the “vaccine” recipient, INCLUDING into the brain. The ingredients and mechanisms of the COVID-19 “vaccines” then proceed to damage / destroy cells of all types; interrupt activities of the Central Nervous System; damage / destroy the crucial myelin sheath that protects nerves; and so on.

There are mounting papers and medical articles about COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced PSYCHOSIS.

Here’s a recent one:
“New-onset psychosis following COVID-19 vaccination: a systematic review”
Marija Lazareva, et al. (from Latvia)

Gail Combs


 April 28, 2024 10:20


 Reply to  barkerjim
 April 28, 2024 10:44

•This coordinated campaign was the result of a “non-profit” known as The Public Good Project (PGP), which was actually directly linked to the pharmaceutical industry. The PGP used the industry funding it received to defend industry interest


 Reply to  mollypitcher5
 April 28, 2024 12:15

Thank you for this.
The largest funder of the Public Good Peoject is the CDC Foundation.

Gail Combs


 April 28, 2024 13:32

Cardiologists Identify COVID-19 Vaccine as Possible Cause of Young Professional’s Heart Problem

Medical professionals are beginning to take a closer look at the potential adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines, particularly following a series of health complications among younger adults.

Florencia Tarque, a 29-year-old Director of International Recruiting at Puulse Marketing, has come forward with a personal health crisis that her cardiologists suggest may be linked to her COVID-19 vaccination.

“Attention: Cardiologists are now saying my heart problem is more than likely a result of the COVID vaccine,” she wrote on Facebook.

Tarque, an athlete who has maintained a lifestyle centered around wellness, experienced a shocking medical scare earlier this month when she was admitted to the hospital after three electrocardiograms (EKGs) indicated signs of a heart attack.

Despite the alarming EKG results, an angiogram performed urgently revealed no blockages, leaving both Tarque and her medical team baffled. It was later determined that she had developed myopericarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle and surrounding tissue.

Tarque expressed her frustration and anger in a series of social media posts, particularly emphasizing the mandatory nature of the vaccination for her job and travel commitments.

“I’m angry because tons of 20-something-year-old athletes now have heart problems,” she said, reflecting a concern that has been echoed in various communities across the globe.

In a follow-up post, Tarque disclosed that an MRI confirmed she had indeed suffered a heart attack, despite the lack of coronary blockages or other typical indicators of such an event.

“Angiogram showed no blockage or coronary problem the day I had my heart attack. Three EKGs showed heart attack. Week later my MRI confirmed heart attack,” she said.

“29 years old, played sports my whole life. No health issues. WTF,” she wrote, encapsulating her shock and disbelief.

There are many similar cases to Tarque. Functional medicine practitioner Jon Mitchell commented, “I have many clients who have had a lot of random health stuff pop up after getting the shot. Autoimmune, clotting throughout the body, brain abnormalities, cardiac issues, iron deficiency, etc. Some docs are acknowledging it, but very few are speaking up. It’s infuriating.”

The majority of the so-called healthcare experts continue to assert the benefits of COVID-19 vaccines in preventing severe illness, hospitalization, and death due to the virus far outweigh the risks of side effects.

Gail Combs

A Compound Discovered On Easter Island Extends Life, Combats Alzheimer’s

helps with cancer too.

Original is on Epoch Times.

Gail Combs

Scientific article from National Library of Medicine.

Rapamycin for longevity: opinion articleMikhail V. Blagosklonny


From the dawn of civilization, humanity has dreamed of immortality. So why didn’t the discovery of the anti-aging properties of mTOR inhibitors change the world forever? I will discuss several reasons, including fear of the actual and fictional side effects of rapamycin, everolimus and other clinically-approved drugs, arguing that no real side effects preclude their use as anti-aging drugs today. Furthermore, the alternative to the reversible (and avoidable) side effects of rapamycin/everolimus are the irreversible (and inevitable) effects of aging: cancer, stroke, infarction, blindness and premature death. I will also discuss why it is more dangerous not to use anti-aging drugs than to use them and how rapamycin-based drug combinations have already been implemented for potential life extension in humans. If you read this article from the very beginning to its end, you may realize that the time is now….

Rapamycin known in the clinic as Rapamune or Sirolimus, was unlucky from the start, however. Twenty years ago, it was labeled an immunosuppressant and used to treat renal transplant patients. If rapamycin had been labeled an immunomodulator and anti-inflammatory drug instead, it would sound much more appealing now. At anti-aging doses, rapamycin “eliminates hyperimmunity rather than suppresses immunity” or, more figuratively, it “rejuvenates immunity” [2]. This enables rapamycin and everolimus, a rapamycin analog, to act as immunostimulators [46], improving immunity in cancer patients [7] and the elderly [8,9]. For example, rapamycin reduces the risk of CMV infection in organ transplant patients [1012], improves antipathogen and anticancer immunity in mice [1315], prolongs lifespan in infection-prone mice [16] and protects aged mice against pneumonia [17]. Rapamycin also inhibits viral replication [18,19]. As a noteworthy example, rapamycin inhibits replication of the 1918 flu virus (the deadliest flu virus in history) by 100-fold [19], and also protects against lethal infection with influenza virus when administered during vaccination [13].

Still, as Dr. Allan Green advises, patients taking rapamycin should be carefully monitored for skin and subcutaneous bacterial infections, which should be treated with antibiotics….

Gail Combs


 April 29, 2024 11:57

This is a long (1 hour 16 minute) and technical (biology) video about how Covid-19 can (and has) mess up folks “microbiome” that then causes a lot of the sickness of the disease. Reversing that messed up population of “gut bacteria” can then fix the problems. This is in the R&D phase and the doctor being interviewed is the one doing the R&D (and having some heartburn over Big Pharma pwning “journals”..)

FWIW, I’ve been making a kind of “yogurt” like culture of the good bacteria (posted about it in a prior article) and have found that managing my bacteria population is important and helpful.

Again, this is in the discovery / R&D phase. But it looks like some folks with “Long Covid” may have messed up gut bacteria (in addition to whatever else is going on)….

The video:

Gail Combs


 April 29, 2024 12:01

Proven: The COVID-19 “vaccines” CAUSE DEMENTIA and OTHER NEUROLOGICAL CONDITIONS, including PRION DISEASES (Cruetzfeldt-Jakob Disease), Alzheimer’s Disease, and more.

These conditions can ALSO be spread simply via the SHEDDING of the COVID-19 “vaccine” elements from “vaccinated” people onto other people — including “unvaccinated” people.

AND — it’s that damned N1-methylpseudouridine that was INTENTIONALLY inserted into the COVID-19 “vaccines” that’s the most likely culprit here.

via Dr. Joseph Mercola

Two: The J.Bart Classen, MD, paper referenced in the Dr. Mercola article is found here:
Classen JB. COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease. Microbiol Infect Dis. 2021; 5(1): 1-3. (February 2021)

Yours Truly: Page two of this article by Dr. Classen details the exact proteins in the brain that are attacked by the COVID-19 “vaccines.”

“New Data Confirms Injections Cause Previously Rare Creutzfeld Jacobs Disease — Misinformed & Biased Alex Berenson Claimed “Fringe Scientists” Do Not Have Proof: Here Is The Proof”
18 August 2022

Four: The elements of the COVID-19 “vaccines” migrate to the skull and brain:
“SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Accumulation in the Skull-Meninges-Brain Axis: Potential Implications for Long-Term Neurological Complications”
Zhouryi Rong, et al. (Germany)
5 April 2023

Yours Truly: The COVID-19 virus itself invades the brain and can induce neurological issues.

Five: Regarding COVID-19 “vaccine shedding”:

Yours Truly again:
It’s that damned N1-nethylpseudouridine in the COVID-19 “vaccines” that’s the likely culprit in the inducement of neurological diseases in the “vaccinated.” This is because the N1-methylpseudouridine does at least TWO things in the “vaccinated” person’s body: One, it “evades” the “vaccinated” person’s natural immune system “are you a friend or a foe” response when the COVID-19 “vaccine” is injected into the body; and, Two, it fosters the growth of prions (pathogenic misfolded proteins) in the brain. The phenomenon of “frameshifting”, another element, is also involved.

But there’s more: The COVID-19 “vaccines” wind up being spread to EVERY organ in the
“vaccinated” person’s body. One of the LARGEST concentrations of these “vaccines” is in the SPLEEN. The “vaccine” literally takes over the spleen, and where it then sends out “directions” to the body to make “prion-like” proteins, which eventually wind up in the BRAIN, leading to neurological issues.

What occurs in the spleen of the “vaccinated” person is due to the lipid nanoparticles and the N1-methylpseudouridine in the COVID-19 “vaccines.” HOWEVER, it appears that there are elements within the COVID-19 virus itself that can invade the brain of an infected person and can potentially cause neurological issues (“brain fog”, difficulty in remembering, etc. — which are hallmarks of “Long COVID” in BOTH “vaccinated” persons; AND in “unvaccinated” persons who have recovered from a COVID-19 infection.)
There is also the “shedding” of elements from the COVID-19 “vaccines.” It appears that at least some of the prion-production-inducement capability of the “vaccines” can be shed from “vaccinated” persons.

The FDA KNEW, back on 21 JANUARY 2021 that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT162b2, spread HEAVILY to the spleen. Also, the Moderna COVID-19 “vaccine”, mRNA-1273, uses the same COVID-19 spike protein as the Pfizer-BioNTech product, BUT the Moderna mRNA-1273 uses the lipid nanoparticle SM-102 to spread that product around in the body. ALL the COVID-19 “vaccines” from these companies have small amounts of these original COVID-19 “vaccine” formulas in them.
Does this mean, in sum, that ALL persons, COVID-19 “vaccinated” or not, are potentially open to developing neurological conditions of one sort or another, either from the virus itself, or via “vaccine shedding?” Yours Truly believes this is an open question and something that is a recent and new area of investigation.

Here is an image of the page from the Pfizer-BioNTech Pharmacokinetics Tabulated Summary report on BNT162b2 that the company gave to the FDA on 21 January 2021. Note the amount of BNT162b2 that accumulates in the spleen:

comment image

Gail Combs


 Reply to  PAVACA
 April 29, 2024 20:21

Yours Truly will make it clear that her comment posted above, regarding the COVID-19 “vaccines” causing dementia, etc., is not in any way to be construed as an attempt to push “fear porn.” It is another point on the tally of telling the truth about these “vaccines” — truth that is only now starting to be discovered and/or to be confirmed. Truth that the FDA and Pfizer-BioNTech wanted to SEAL FROM PUBLIC VIEW FOR 75 YEARS, before they were sued under FOIA and lost the case.

Yours Truly will add something else to this issue; what follows are one’s opinions:
The dreadful people who foisted the COVID-19 “vaccines” on the world — the dreadful people who deliberately kept vital information about how dangerous these “vaccines” are from then-President Donald Trump — don’t give a Hot D@mn about the damages and deaths that these “vaccines” have caused, are causing now, and will cause. We’re talking Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Francis Collins, et al.

Albert Bourla, one who must be included in the list above, CEO of Pfizer-BioNTech, was trained as a veterinarian — he WOULD KNOW that Ivermectin could kill off the COVID-19 virus. But, instead, he masterminded the development of BNT162b2, now in the bodies of MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of people worldwide.

The dreadful people who ran, and who now run, the CDC and the FDA, don’t give a Hot D@mn about the damages and deaths that the COVID-19 “vaccines” have caused, are causing now, and will cause. The same for the members of the ACIP and the VRBPAC committees of FDA and the CDC. We’re talking Janet Woodcock, Robert Califf, Mandy Cohen, Paul Offit, Eric Rubin, et al.

The dreadful people are insulated from the human suffering that they have “approved” and “granted EUA’s for” and “recommended” regarding the COVID-19 “vaccines.”
Meanwhile, the human toll mounts among the “vaccinated” — “died suddenly and unexpectedly”; cases of myocarditis; “sudden cancer, Stage 4”; early-onset dementia in those who had no family history of the condition but then got “vaccinated”; and so many more.

Gail Combs


 April 30, 2024 10:35

Yours Truly has been saying for some time now that the COVID-19 virus is NOT “just another type of flu.” Yes, people can get infected by the COVID-19 virus itself and recover well — BUT, it’s now being discovered that this ENGINEERED BIOWEAPON VIRUS can “leave behind a mark.” This is the COVID-19 virus code that is the BASIS of ALL the modRNA / vector DNA COVID-19 “vaccines” (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson&Johnson, AstraZeneca, etc.) —

Type of “mark” that the COVID-19 virus itself can leave behind, AND is also in the COVID-19 “vaccines”, is an element in the S2 spike protein that INHIBITS the mechanism of the body’s p53 “signal.” The p53 “signal” watches over the body’s DNA and CONTROLS the repair of breaks in the DNA (something that happens when cancer is contracted.)
16 April 2024

The preprint paper that is cited in her article:
“SARS-CoV-2 spike protein S2 subunit inhibits p53 activation of p21 (WAF1), TRAIL Death Receptor DR5 and MDM2 proteins in cancer cells”
Shengliang Zhang, Wafik S. El-Deiry

Yours Truly: One downloads the PDF to access the entire paper. Scroll down the paper to “Figure 1 Part C.” This is a (actually, quite horrifying) image of COVID-19 virus S2 cells (in red on the image) latching themselves onto p53 cells (in green on the image.)
Yours Truly strongly recommends that interested people download and save this preprint paper — IMO, there’s a good chance that it can either be retracted, or re-issued with “new conclusions” to “reflect” what TPTB in “establishment medicine” (CDC / FDA), and/or “Big Pharma” want the public to see.

Gail Combs

Abstract of Preprint:


Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and COVID-19 infection has led to worsened outcomes for patients with cancer.

SARS-CoV-2 spike protein mediates host cell infection and cell-cell fusion that causes stabilization of tumor suppressor p53 protein. In-silico analysis previously suggested that SARS-CoV-2 spike interacts with p53 directly but this putative interaction has not been demonstrated in cells.

We examined the interaction between SARS-CoV-2 spike, p53 and MDM2 (E3 ligase, which mediates p53 degradation) in cancer cells using an immunoprecipitation assay. We observed that SARS-CoV-2 spike protein interrupts p53-MDM2 protein interaction but did not detect SARS-CoV-2 spike bound with p53 protein in the cancer cells.

We further observed that SARS-CoV-2 spike suppresses p53 transcriptional activity in cancer cells including after nutlin exposure of wild-type p53-, spike S2-expressing tumor cells and inhibits chemotherapy-induced p53 gene activation of p21(WAF1), TRAIL Death Receptor DR5 and MDM2. The suppressive effect of SARS-CoV-2 spike on p53-dependent gene activation provides a potential molecular mechanism by which SARS-CoV-2 infection may impact tumorigenesis, tumor progression and chemotherapy sensitivity. In fact, cisplatin-treated tumor cells expressing spike S2 were found to have increased cell viability as compared to control cells.

Further observations on γ-H2AX expression in spike S2-expressing cells treated with cisplatin may indicate altered DNA damage sensing in the DNA damage response pathway. The preliminary observations reported here warrant further studies to unravel the impact of SARS-CoV-2 and its various encoded proteins including spike on pathways of tumorigenesis and response to cancer therapeutics.

Gail Combs

Unfortunately I can not correct that comment now.

Gail Combs


 April 30, 2024 13:25



“I didn’t know it was possible for a human to die so horrifically, so quickly, before they rolled out the mRNA injections…[For] days, patients would be seizing, and no medications would stop it, and eventually they…kinda had to be put down.”

A hospital medical coder who goes only by “Zoe” for this interview describes for Children’s Health Defense (@ChildrensHD) the horrors she witnessed following the rollout of the COVID injections. Among the unthinkable, and deadly, illnesses were things like encephalitis, gangrene of the spine, blood clots, strokes, and multiple system organ failure.

“I didn’t know it was possible for a human to die so horrifically, so quickly, before they rolled out the mRNA injections…It was insane, I’ve never seen anything like that. The worst of them, they called it sepsis, but it was like instant multi-organ failure. Like, within hours patients would die of liver, lung, kidney… failure [all at once]…” Zoe tells CHD. She adds that “Some of the records…[from the] emergency crew that found them [the injection victims], it’s like their body tried to reject everything and [in] some of these cases their family would be there 30 minutes before, and then within an hour they’re dead.”

Zoe notes that “there were patients coming in with seizures like I’d never seen before,” and that hospital staff “couldn’t control some of them.” The coder adds, “[For] days, patients would be seizing, and no medications would stop it, and eventually they…kinda had to be put down.”

“They called it encephalitis, or encephalopathy, and then later on, even the coding organization…[called it] COVID-19-associated encephalitis,” Zoe says.

“[T]he clots were insane,” the coder notes. “Never seen clots like that before—even the interventional radiologists that were going in with…scopes where they can do heart interventions and do stents [a stent is a tube usually constructed of a metallic alloy or a polymer] in carotid artery (if you have a stroke going to your brain), normally it’s rare to have more than one stent go in, and they were documenting…multiple locations all at once. They had heart attack cases that were like that where they needed massive amounts of stents that they never needed before.”

Zoe goes on to say that “There were people that were hiking in their 20s that were totally healthy, that had been running marathons, that suddenly needed a leg amputated because they had a massive blood clot going from their hip all the way down to their leg, and it couldn’t be saved.”

“There were some cases of overnight spinal gangrene, which I’d never seen before,” the coder adds. “And, you know, you can’t amputate the spine when it goes gangrenous. Normally they cut out tissue that’s dying like that so it prevents further infection and they didn’t know what to do. The only thing they could do was…basically replace that part of [their] spine with an implant, that’s the best they could do… It was really intense.”

As for doctors’ responses to these horrors, Zoe says, “[they] were baffled, they weren’t connecting the dots.” However, she adds that “Knowing what the potential symptoms of a vaccine injury could be, we 100% had all the things I just described.” Despite that knowledge, “doctors would never tell [patients] that. They would just say, ‘It’s a stroke. It’s a heart attack. It’s a blood clot.’ And then they would never connect the two.”

Gail Combs

One of the comments in that twitter thread.

Apr 25
Replying to @SenseReceptor
Indeed, it was designed to increase mortality.
comment imageNot Op Cue
14 Oct 2023
Replying to @NotOpCue
💉 mRNA Nanotech Injections
☠️ Resulted In Excess Mortality
☑️ Now Verified

As of September 17, 2023 The Correlation “Research In The Public Interest” Report published “COVID-19 Vaccine-Associated Mortality In The Southern Hemisphere” authored by Denis G. Rancourt (@denisrancourt), Marine Baudin, Joseph Hickey (@josephmhickey) and Jérémie Mercier.

The concluding remarks from the 180 page report verified the causality of mRNA nanotech injections resulting in excess mortality. The 17 countries studied (Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Suriname, Thailand, Uruguay) comprise 9.10 % of worldwide population, 10.3 % of worldwide COVID-19 injections (vaccination rate of 1.91 injections per person, all ages).

The scientific tests for causality were amply satisfied, as extensively demonstrated in these sections of the paper:

💉☠️ COVID-19 vaccines can cause death
💉☠️ Absence of excess mortality until the COVID-19 vaccines are rolled out
💉☠️ The COVID-19 vaccines did not save lives and appear to be lethal toxic agents
💉☠️ Strong evidence for a causal association and vaccine lethal toxicity
💉☠️ Causality in excess mortality is amply demonstrated

↙️↙️Read & Share The Full Article↘️↘️

🔍 “The Adverse Effects of Experimental Messenger RNA (mRNA) “Vaccines” a.k.a. Injections For COVID-19″


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Gail Combs

Image care of Valerie Curren

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Gail Combs


 Reply to  bakocarl
 April 30, 2024 17:44

Lithium: This Dr. speaks mostly about the covid and the jab effects on the brain, worth listening to.

Towards the end, go in at 41:27ish, he mentions about low dose lithium for general use not only just for covid related stuff.

Gail Combs


 April 30, 2024 20:45

Yours Truly just came across the blog post from Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (below), in which a link to a paper from December 2020 led me to THIS paper (cited below), which, if one is reading it correctly, proves that BOTH the S1 AND the S2 spike proteins in the COVID-19 virus itself crosses the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) and destabilizes this barrier to induce inflammation in the human brain.

Dr. Tenpenny’s substack article:
“Neuroinflammation: Connecting the Dots”

13 April 2024
The paper linked in her article, published December 2020 (just after the FDA gave the initial EUA to the Pfizer-bioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine” BNT162b2, but BEFORE this “vaccine” was in widespread use):
“The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein alters barrier function in 2D static and 3D microfluidic in-vitro models of the human blood-brain barrier”
Servio H. Ramirez, et al.

Yours Truly: Section 3.3 SARS-CoV-2 spike protein induces loss of the BBB integrity in the paper is a good place to start reading, then continuing to the end of the paper. The included images and charts are also good reference points.

The dreadful people who developed the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus itself (also called Wuhan Hu1) inserted elements into this virus that would cross the human blood-brain barrier and create inflammation in the brain via degrading the endothelium. The elements of the virus itself are the foundation of the COVID-19 “vaccines.”

Gail Combs

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy( Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy)Online

 Reply to  PAVACA
 April 30, 2024 21:09

Thank you! This is a very good article, which came out early in 2020. Here is the resolved URL…..

The bottom line is that this work implicates the two separated spike protein fragments (S1 and S2, one of which is created by the “vaccines”) as dangerous b/c of their nasty effects on the blood-brain barrier due to attack on the endothelium.

One might think that this finding would have earned censorship of the article, but IMO “they” (the evil Bill Gates powers-that-be) found it more useful for hyping the danger of the virus (meaning “we need the vaccine”) than dangerous to their agenda by implying that the “vaccines” might not be safe.

Bottom line – this work shows that the spike protein is clearly “brain-unsafe”, and that the whole approach of the vaccines was highly questionable, in the way that Dr. Robert Malone was concerned, that the spike protein itself was too pathogenic to be safely used as an immunogen.

Gail Combs


 May 1, 2024 13:04

Vitamin D regulates microbiome-dependent cancer immunity

Editor’s summary

The gut microbiome has been shown to modulate the response of cancer patients to therapy, but precisely how microbiota affect anticancer immunity is still being elucidated. Giampazolias et al. report that vitamin D bioavailability in mice influences the composition of the gut microbiome (see the Perspective by Franco and McCoy). After dietary manipulation, vitamin D levels were observed to affect gut bacteria, which in turn improved cancer immunotherapy and antitumor immunity. In humans, low vitamin D levels were correlated with tumor development, and gene signatures of vitamin D activity were associated with improved patient responses to immunotherapy. These findings highlight the connection between vitamin D and the immune system through gut bacteria and may have applications for improving cancer therapies. —Priscilla N. Kelly

Gail Combs


 Reply to  TheseTruths
May 1, 2024 13:14

barkerjim posted a link about the gut microbiome and covid a day or so ago. This video was in the article and worth watching imo. {1hr 16 min}

Gail Combs
Gail Combs


 May 1, 2024 19:40

Yup. We know. When do they receive the penalty for the error of their ways? Yeah, we know the answer to that question as well.

Executive summary

An Epoch Times story released today revealed that the CDC deliberately lied to the public about the safety of the COVID vaccines. When asked about the deaths, the CDC lied to the public and falsely claimed that they had no evidence that the COVID vaccines have killed anyone.

The CDC lied. People died.

The evidence is crystal clear that the COVID vaccines are causing massive damage to people’s hearts and brains.

In this article, I’ll show you the evidence for afib and aortic aneurysms which are two important side effects that are obviously caused by the COVID vaccine and, just like death, are being ignored by the CDC.

The key part of the story

“U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials found evidence that the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines caused multiple deaths before claiming that there was no evidence linking the vaccines to any deaths, The Epoch Times has learned.

CDC employees worked to track down information on reported post-vaccination deaths and learned that myocarditis—or heart inflammation, a confirmed side effect of the vaccines—was listed on death certificates and in autopsies for some of the deaths, according to an internal file obtained by The Epoch Times.

Despite the findings, most of which were made by the end of 2021, the CDC claimed that it had seen no signs linking the Moderna and Pfizer messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines to any deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).”

Wow. “Seen no signs.”

Are they blind?

In other words… if they don’t agree with the evidence, they simply claim it does not exist

The CDC had evidence the vaccines were killing people but they convinced themselves that these were just coincidences and not related to the vaccine.

So, in the CDC’s view, when young healthy people simply drop dead unexpectedly in their sleep within 24 hours after getting the COVID shot, that would not be considered to be any evidence that the vaccine might have killed them.

It’s fair to say that their statements about not having any evidence were simply false and misleading.

They should have said “We have evidence that hundreds of people have died from the vaccine, but we don’t believe any of it” which would at least be more accurate.

I spoke to the Epoch Times reporter who wrote the story. He was never able to speak with anyone at the CDC live. It was all via email. These people are all afraid of a live interview.

The death of the son of a prominent physician

VAERS recently started an investigation into this death which was first reported to VAERS 3 years ago (and re-reported because the original never appeared in the system).

His father is a very prominent and capable physician at one of the top medical schools in the country. His father is 100% certain the COVID vaccine killed his son, but he’s not speaking out publicly about it.

I was on the phone with a VAERS investigator who was investigating this “high priority” report that was filed 3 years ago.

She admitted they are understaffed but “catching up.”

OK, so they’re basically 3 years behind in investigating the highest priority deaths to determine whether they were caused by a vaccine or not.

This particular death was a perfectly healthy 52-year man with no comorbidities who died in his sleep just 5 days after his first dose.

He got a first dose of Pfizer, felt horrible, had a heart attack on the day of the shot and was sicker than a dog after that. He died 5 days later from an aortic aneurysm…..

Last edited 8 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


 Reply to  TradeBait2
 May 1, 2024 20:36

Thank you for bringing this.

The dreadful bastards at the CDC knew most of the information proving that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are dangerous and deadly BY THE END OF THE YEAR 2021.

The head of the CDC in 2021 was ROCHELLE WALENSKY.

The hyperlinked VAERS report on the MI death shows that the deceased had taken the MODERNA COVID-19 “vaccine”, mRNA-1273.

The MODERNA COVID-19 “vaccines” — all of them — have HIGHER amounts of the “vaccine” ingredients than do the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccines.” This does NOT mean that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccines” are somehow “safer.” THEY ARE NOT. ALL OF THE COVID-19 “VACCINES” ARE DANGEROUS AND DEADLY.

Gail Combs

  pat frederick
 May 1, 2024 17:58

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 Reply to  pat frederick

I bet no one knows what happens with the mRNA in pork after processing and cooking. We need to know if the effect would be akin to taking a vax ourselves. I doubt that anyone has done any testing of that kind.


 Reply to  TheseTruths

Thank you for this. It confirms the discussions on this board some months ago regarding the use of RNA-based technology in animal “vaccines.”

Here’s the Merck website that talks about Sequivity:

Please scroll down the page to the section “The Sequivity Process”.

  :wpds_arrow: There appears to be NO testing of the created RNA-based “vaccines” in the Sequivity line — instead, new RNA-based “swine vaccines” are made in 8 to 12 weeks simply by “plugging in” components into a “template.”

Everybody needs to pay attention to the above method for creating RNA-based swine “vaccines” — because THIS IS HOW THE “NEW FORMULA COVID-19 VACCINES” WILL BE MADE. THERE WILL BE NO HUMAN TESTING BEFORE THESE “VACCINES” ARE AUTHORIZED BY THE FDA.

Gail Combs


 May 2, 2024 19:13

Truth or not, it is worth considering.
Steve kirsch substack

Survey indicates sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender dysphoria are all primarily caused by vaccinationWe are basically causing these effects. 80% of the deviations from traditional norms can be ascribed to vaccination.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

 Reply to  TradeBait2
 May 2, 2024 19:20

And it makes sense. It’s a neurological illness, and we understand already that vaccination can cause neurological illness.

Gail Combs
Gail Combs

This is a MUST READ! — GC


 May 4, 2024 14:50

Classic Takes: Project Veritas Confirms My Reporting On Dr. Fauci & DARPAA 2022 DARPA report shows that the U.S. government has lied to the American people for years about everything related to COVID

The second protein tethers to magnetic nanoparticles, so the neurons can be magnetically stimulated to fire when the headset generates a magnetic field. This could be used to stimulate neurons so as to induce an image or sound in the patient’s mind. As a proof of concept, the group plans to use the system to transmit images from’ the visual cortex of one person to that of another.

The words that should stick out for you are: magnetic nanoparticles. That’s usually another name for: graphene oxide. There are numerous reports that graphene oxide is an undisclosed ingredient showing up in the experimental vaccines. If that’s true, then the question must be asked: why is such a thing being distributed secretly into the population (without their consent) using the experimental vaccines?

Let’s be clear what we do know: American taxpayers actually paid the Chinese Communist Party to create COVID-19. Fauci and Peter Daszak and Dr. Ralph Baric did everything they could to create this bioweapon. When things “went bad” the U.S. government actively suppressed the truth to the American people about its origins. Then the U.S. government actively suppressed cheap cures like Ivermectin and HCQ in order to push experimental vaccines being developed by DARPA. (How many people died because of that decision?) The American corporate media also actively collaborated with the U.S. federal government to suppress the truth about COVID — including by branding honest journalists as “conspiracy theorists” who accurately reported the truth.
These are the broad outlines of a criminal conspiracy the likes of which we have never seen before.

The vaccine mandates are a direct assault on the concept of “informed consent” and violate the most basic tenets of the Nuremberg Code. The United States government has been caught conducting the largest unauthorized medical experiment in the history of mankind. It’s not just that the mRNA vaccines are “leaky” and don’t work well — it’s that they produce the very spike protein which was considered too toxic for research purposes in the first place.

Major Murphy’s report states this problem explicitly: “Decisions with regards to the vaccines do not appear to be informed by analysis of documents. The main points being that […] the DoD rejected the [EcoHealth] program proposal because vaccines would be ineffective and because the spike proteins being inserted into the variants were deemed too dangerous (gain of function); and that the DoD now mandates vaccines that copy the spike protein previously deemed too dangerous.”

We’ve already injected that spike protein into hundreds of millions of people in the United States.

May heaven help us.

Gail Combs


 May 5, 2024 08:23

Oopsie. If true – some folks might want to make sure their wills and funeral plans are up to date. I am sure PAVACA and Gail in particular have takes on this. From Liberty Daily:

Anybody figured out yet why the border has been left wide open for the past four years? I can assure you it is not because the illegals have been jabbed.

PRT – Population Replacement Theory.

Gail Combs

Follow-up comments:

 Reply to  TradeBait2
 May 5, 2024 08:36

Fully believe there IS an ongoing increased die off.
ED Dowd and others have data driven proof.Glossed through the article.
“Whistle Blower” misses the biggest issue, in my un scientific mind, with zero medical training.

  • Covid totally treatable. NBFD, if treated correctly.
  • Covid was simply the ruse – skeer tactic, to get numskulls JABBED. (Poisoned.)

Am I off here?


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
 Reply to  kalbokalbs
 May 5, 2024 08:43
IMO he’s saying that there is a bigger problem with the vaccines, which magnifies the die-off from them (same victims – the JABBED). What he’s saying is that not only are the jabbed more likely to get cancer, clots, stroke, cardiac, etc. – AND not only are they more likely to get new cases of COVID (e.g., the Cleveland Clinic study) – but the jabbed are more likely to DIE if we experience more virulent versions of COVID at any point in the future, AND he thinks that is likely BECAUSE of the vaccines – i.e., the vaccines are driving the virus to get worse.

I’m not 100% in agreement with him on his 30-40% morbidity/mortality number happening by normal evolution or from continued use of the vaccines at the current rates. IMO a huge die-off would only happen by more GOF tampering by the Faucists and Depoppers, releasing a new and really deadly variant, which will require some extreme change to the virus. Otherwise, I think that normal (Godly) evolutionary design has this covered to keep it low.


 Reply to  Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
 May 5, 2024 13:13

Wolf Moon
Thank you.

There is also a HUGE issue with people who already HAVE cancer, OR immunocompromised conditions (such as RA), OR pre-existing cardiovascular/heart issues, OR neurological conditions (BOTH physical [such as epilepsy], or psychological [such as clinical depression]); OR have biomarkers for any of the above, OR have DNA predisposition for any of the above — and then take ANY COVID-19 “vaccine.”

Since the COVID-19 “vaccines” were ENGINEERED to damage / destroy the natural immune system of the “vaccinated” person; PLUS the presence of ingredients like the piece of the SV40 cancer promoter gene in these “vaccines”. PLUS the fact that the lipid nanoparticles in these “vaccines” spread them throughout the body of the “vaccinated” person, INCLUDING crossing the Blood-Brain Barrier — it is a recipe for disaster.


Gail Combs
 Reply to  Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
 May 5, 2024 09:08

The biggie is the Jab compromised the immune system.

This means those who normally could fight off a nasty disease CAN NO LONGER DO SO.

It also means — if this is a one/two punch — then a disease tailored to take advantage of the weaknesses caused by the jab, could be released by these SOBs and then the REAL die off will happen BUT be blamed on the virulence of the New Disease.

This provides deniability for the mass murders.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
 Reply to  Gail Combs
 May 5, 2024 09:09

Yup. Utterly EVIL.

Gail Combs

 May 5, 2024 12:41

The biggest bombshell in the FOIA is that Pfizer admits to not even having an assay to measure the [DNA] fragment lengths! 

Wait What? 

Regulators assured us this DNA was under 200bp and of no consequence, yet the manufacturing doesn’t even have an assay to measure it???

Talk about regulatory capture. They are willing to lie to safeguard the manufacturer, not safeguard the public? …

“Aligned” = Collusion/RICO. The regulators are working with Pfizer to come up with pacifying language for the Plebs.


 Reply to  barkerjim
 May 5, 2024 13:48

Thank you for this. IT IS DYNAMITE.

It appears that BOTH Pfizer-BioNTech AND Moderna use p53 suppressor ingredients in their modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines.” Pfizer-BioNTech uses a piece of the SV40 African Green Monkey cancer promoter code. Moderna’s patent, described in the article, talks about “insertional mutagenesis” and “Inhibition of tumor suppressor genes.”

p53 is an important cancer tumor suppressor gene in the human body.
But wait, there’s more!

Pfizer-BioNTech (cited in the blog article) ADMITS that the SV40 cancer promoter gene piece is in their modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines.” THEN, the company tries to CYA by stating THIS:

“Additionally, the SV40 promoter/enhancer amount sin the drug product [the company’s COVID-19 “vaccines”] poses minimal safety risk for human use…”

MINIMAL RISK? REALLY? When the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccines” ALL have N1-methylpseudouridine in them — a lipid nanoparticle that is SPECIFICALLY ENGINEERED to EVADE the “vaccinated” person’s body’s natural immune system, which would, in NORMAL circumstances, break down and eliminate such an element from the body?

Gail Combs


 May 6, 2024 03:49

We’re kind of jaded because we know that the vaxxes promote cancer and such…..but here’s another example of what THEY knew while they maintained just the opposite



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

 Reply to  cthulhu
 May 6, 2024 05:41

Good stuff! McKernan is ON THEIR ASSES.


 Reply to  Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
 May 6, 2024 10:19


Yours Truly will add the following to what she posted on the board here yesterday regarding the anandamide.substack revelations:

One: BOTH the European Medicines Agency (EMA) AND the FDA in the United States were in communication with Health Canada personnel in the emails chains regarding the Pfizer-BioNTech issues.

Two: The “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine” name for the Pfizer-BioNTech “vaccine” product is ONLY for the United States. The ACTUAL name of the “vaccine” product is raxtozinameran and is sold in other countries as COMIRNATY.

13 October 2023

Four: Here’s the proof that Pfizer-BioNTech created the name “2023-2024 Formula” for raxtozinameran ONLY for the United States:

Yours Truly: From the company’s press release:
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (also known as BNT162b2)
This product information is intended only for residents of the United States.

What this means, IMO:

First: Pfizer-BioNTech admits, by inference, that BNT162b2 is the “foundation” of ALL of the company’s modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines.”

Second: Pfizer-BioNTech CANNOT call its “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine” by its REAL name, COMIRNATY, because that would open the company up for liability lawsuits from people who get this “vaccine” and then get “vaccine”-induced injuries / illnesses / disabilities, or who die from the effects of said “vaccine.” THAT’S WHY THE COMPANY MADE UP THIS OTHER NAME FOR ITS USE IN THE UNITED STATES AND TO GET AN FDA EUA FOR IT, NOT AN FDA APPROVAL FOR IT.



 Reply to  PAVACA
 May 6, 2024 13:18

Yours Truly will add the following:

This is the CURRENT AUSTRALIAN TGA document, as of February 2024:

“Therapeutic Goods (Poisons Standard – February 2024) Instrument 2024”

It appears that the document in force back in October 2023 (when the “labelling exemption” was granted by the Australian TGA for raxtosinameran was registered) has been completely re-written.

Whole sections are now listed as “Blank” in the new document. There is not ONE mention of COMIRNATY, of raxtonsinameran, or of anything else related to a COVID-19 “vaccine.”

On the other hand, MANY items that people in the United States can buy and use for therapeutic purposes (including things like aspirin, essential oils, and Methylene Blue [used as a treatment for neuro issues induced by COVID-19 “vaccines”, or as an antioxidant treatment]) are heavily regulated in this document.

Gail Combs


 May 7, 2024 04:27

Ivermectin scores again!

Full tweet:
“Now what is the likelihood, I asked myself, that after 30 years in practice as a cancer surgeon, working with other cancer surgeons – and I’ve never seen a spontaneous remission, never – that three patients would have this kind of response, that could only be attributed to ivermectin as far as I can tell. What is the likelihood that that would happen? Well, it’s not zero, but it approaches zero. And I thought ok, what am I going to do? Something has to be done.” – Dr. Kathleen Ruddy @DocRuddy
during her lecture at February’s FLCCC ‘Healthcare Revolution’ Conference in Phoenix. Watch Dr. Ruddy’s full lecture here: 1/3

Gail Combs


 Reply to  TheseTruths
 May 7, 2024 10:55

TheseTruths, Wolf Moon, Gail Combs, and all —

Thank you for this. Yours Truly will blow this one out of the water:
This “new multiviral vaccine” that will cover NOT ONLY existing strains of COVId-19, BUT ALSO the “older” SARS-CoV-1 virus AND some animal viruses that “haven’t jumped to humans yet.”

This “new multiviral vaccine” is built on a BRAND-NEW technology called “Quartet Nanocages.” These “nanocages” are comprised of pieces of various virus strains that are cobbled together — among them, the original Wuhan Hu1 (COVID-19) virus. They rely on something called “Virus-Like Particles” (VLPs) + other types of nano particles. This combo of VLPs + other nanoparticles increase lymph node uptake and B-cell receptor clustering. (Lymph node uptake and increased B-cell receptor responses are among the perpetrators of “turbo cancer” that appears in COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons.)

This “new multiviral vaccine” is supposed to “train” the IMMUNE SYSTEM of the body of the person who gets “vaccinated” with it to “recognize specific regions of eight different coronaviruses, and to literally “attack” these regions if these viruses are “recognized.” (In other words, this “new multiviral vaccine”, IMO, is being developed to replace the ability of the body’s natural immune system to perform its “are you a friend or a foe” automatic “recognition” mechanism.)
This “new” technology is called Proactive Vaccinology.

This “new multiviral vaccine” has ONLY been tested on mice. AND, the mice injected with the “new multiviral vaccine” were KILLED between 32 – 41 days after they were injected, then autopsied.

Here is the press release on this issue from Cambridge University:

6 May 2024
Here is a screenshot from the paper, with Rory A. Hills as the spokesperson:

comment image

Here is the paper published in Nature about this “new multiviral vaccine” by the researchers at Cambridge University and Caltech:

“Proactive vaccination using multiviral Quartet Nanocage to elicit broad anti-coronavirus responses”
Rory A, Hills, et al.
published 6 May 2024

Yours Truly: This paper details the research that went into the “Quartet Nanocage” technology development. The researchers used MANY VARIOUS TYPES OF strains of coronavirus (Wuhan Hu1, Omicron, Delta, etc.); plus OTHER types of coronaviruses, to create what, IMO, appears to be a “mish-mash” mixture of virus particles. These were then cultured in ENDOTOXINS (in other words, E. coli and others), then “purified”, before being mixed with various types of nanoparticles to create these “nanocages.” The resulting “vaccine” was then injected into the lab mice. After 32 – 41 days the mice were killed and autopsied. It appears that the researchers found “robust immune response” in the [dead] mice.
It appears that the Wuhan Hu1 (COVID-19) virus is the “cornerstone” virus element in this “Quartet Nanocage” technology.


The research that produced the paper above was funded by multiple sources,

*** Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences;
*** Chinese Innovation Fund for Medical Science;
*** NIH Grant # AI165075;
*** Caltech;
*** George Mason University

The AstraZeneca COVID-19 “vaccine”, which was JUST removed from EUA in Europe due to the fact that the company admitted, IN COURT, that this “vaccine” DOES cause blood clots / thrombocytopenia, was ALSO developed by Oxford.

AstraZeneca has a significant presence in Communist China:


Typo: The screenshot with the statements by Rory A. Hills is from the Cambridge University press release.

Gail Combs


 May 7, 2024 13:59



Here is the paper that was published on 29 March 2024:

“Establishment and application of a surrogate model for human Ebola virus disease in BSL-2 laboratory”
Wangying Yang, et al.

Yours Truly: The lab hamsters who were injected with the mutant Ebola virus created in this BLS-2 lab developed horrible symptoms, especially in the eyes, and all died.
Read those words again: “mutant Ebola virus.”

The biosafety level of a BSL-2 lab is LIGHT-YEARS below that which is required for a BSL-4 lab. Ebola virus MUST be handled ONLY in a BSL-4 lab, NOT a BSL-2 lab. A BSL-2 lab for this type of research is the equivalent of conducing it in a glorified high-school science lab.

Here’s an example image of a BSL-2 lab:

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Gail Combs

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

 May 7, 2024 17:09

This is important. IMO.

STUDY – @pfizer

mRNA COVID-19 injections cause brain damage in the offspring of pregnant rats, resulting in pronounced autism-like behavior after birth. WNT gene expression and BDNF levels were deleteriously altered and neuronal counts were substantially decreased in critical brain regions. It’s deeply worrisome that the @CDCgov

is still saying “COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy is safe and effective” without investigating if the results of this study translate to humans.

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Gail Combs


 May 8, 2024 09:48

Zero Hedge has picked up on the MUTANT EBOLA VIRUS that was just created in the CCP in a BSL-2 level lab:
by Tyler Durden
8 May 2024

Yours Truly: The Ebola virus was mixed into VSV (Vesicular Stomatitis Indiana Virus, called VSIV or VSV), a type of Rabies virusIt appears that the Ebola virus that was used is the Zaire Ebola virus (EBOV), one of the Ebola virus types that causes widespread body bleeding followed by death.

So, Ebola and Rabies were mixed together and then injected into the lab hamsters.
Not surprisingly, the hamsters immediately began to develop body-wide and dreadful symptoms.

Autopsies of the dead hamsters showed multiple body organs that were affected by the Ebola + VSV mixture, notably in the HEART, LIVER, SPLEEN, LUNGS, and KIDNEYS.
The Zero Hedge article goes on to quote that “head in the sand” Dr. Richard Ebright’s nonsense about “it’s unlikely that a lab leak involving VSV would lead to widespread infection in the public.”

But Dr. Ebright did NOT say anything about a lab leak involving VSV + EBOLA. Was he just “parsing” his words carefully?

And Dr. Ebright is saying that the COVID-19 virus may well have been leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab? And THAT lab is supposedly a BSL-4 level lab?

Here’s an image of the damage areas that the VSV + Ebola created CCP virus did in the lab hamsters:

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Last edited 7 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


 May 8, 2024 12:36

BREAKING: Documents Reveal US State Department Officials Knew COVID Leaked From a Wuhan Lab and CCP Covered It Up Back in July 2020 – Then They Lied to the American Public for Years! | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic released shocking statements and documents on Tuesday night that reveal that the U.S. State Department knew COVID leaked from a Wuhan Biolab and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) covered it up.

The documents reveal that the State Department knew this since July 2020.

The highly redacted documents show enough proof to see the US Government has been lying to the American public since at least July 2020. They knew all along it was a leak from a bio lab.

“These classified documents were previously released in an unclassified and highly redacted FOIA production to US Right To Know. Today, Chairman RepBradWenstrup requested StateDept rapidly declassify the documents and share the truth about the origins of COVID-19 with the American people,” the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic wrote on X.

Gail Combs

E.M. Smith’s Response to the Deagel Report plus discussion in the comments:

Gail Combs


 Reply to  para59r
 May 10, 2024 15:03

My last day in the plant I took this video,

They were blacking out windows, on the FDA’s path for the last tour before the EUA. Why? This is against the Pfizer law. You MUST be visible at all times.

— Melissa McAtee (@MelissaMcAtee92) May 10, 2024

Watch my sworn testimony video here, with link available to download the presentation. Submit to your local governments. @VaxxCHOICE

Think / Speak Freely on @CloutHub

— Melissa McAtee (@MelissaMcAtee92) May 9, 2024

For further consideration Link from this tweet will take you to a 60 slide presentation.

Download my powerpoint presentation, here.

— Melissa McAtee (@MelissaMcAtee92) May 9, 2024



 Reply to  para59r
 May 10, 2024 15:16

Thanks for that info.
This one is the link to her testimony, about an hour long.




 Reply to  para59r
 May 10, 2024 18:30

OMG — Slide #50 of Ms. McAfee’s presentation clinches what Yours Truly posted upthread today in the mammogram discussion, regarding how the S2 sub-unit protein in the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna) target and interacts with (interferes with) the p53 cancer tumor suppressor protein that is present in the human body.
Slide #50 also indicates the REAL reason why, IMO, Pfizer-BioNTech chose BNT162b2 as the company’s modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine candidate” to present to the FDA in the fall of 2020 to get the agency’s original EUA for use in the United States.
Pfizer-BioNTech actually had THREE modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines candidates” in trials in 2020 — BNt162b1; BNT162b2; and BNT162b3. BNT162b2 was the ONLY one that used the S2 sub-unit protein from the original Wuhan Hu1 COVID-19 virus.
Bear in mind that all of the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” from Pfizer-BioNTech and from Moderna use BNT162b2 as the “foundation” of their COVID-19 “vaccines.” (The Novavax COVID-19 “vaccine” uses proteins that resemble those in the original COVID-19 virus, which are then injected directly into the body of the “vaccine” recipient.)
One hopes that Ms. McAfee gets 24/7 armed security for herself and her family.
Last edited 2 hours ago by PAVACA

Gail Combs


 May 10, 2024 10:09

WHO Predicts 35+ Million Cancers by 2050, but Ignores “Vaccine”-Induced Turbo Cancers in Those Under 30 Years Old

Seems Breast Cancer topped the list.

DP on breast Cancer.

The inventor of the mammogram warned about this in the 70s. We’ve been lied to on this topic for decades. Prevention is easy and free, and that information (wear a bra less than 12 hours a day) has been suppressed.

— LaughLoveLive, identifies as Deplorable Patriot 🐞 (@LaughLoveLive1) May 9, 2024


Deplorable Patriot

 Reply to  Barb Meier
 May 10, 2024 11:48

I did some research on all of it years ago. The inventor of the mammogram was appalled at how it was used. The excess radiation is just bad.

The bra wearing limit has multiple studies to support it. Four were done by medical people, and one that was much larger was anthropological. All came to virtually the same conclusion:

Wearing a bra all the time, 3 in 4 chances
More than 12 hours, 1 in 7 or 8 chances
Less than 12 hours, 1 in 125 chances
Never wearing one, same incidence as in men.
The issue appears to be cutting off the flow of lymph. It takes 12 hours for lymph to completely clear the body. This is why the garment industry is severe on wearing the right size. If women actually knew the truth, there would be hell to pay.



 Reply to  para59r
 May 10, 2024 12:46

Three items, presented by Yours Truly on the board here about a month ago:
ONE: The COVID-19 virus itself — AND the COVID-19 “vaccines”, since they have the elements of the COVID-19 virus itself code within them — attack the body’s cancer tumor suppressor protein p53 AND the body’s natural ability to break down potential breast cancer cells induced by the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes.

The N1-methylpseudouridine that was inserted into the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccines” AND into the Moderna modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” was formulated to EVADE the “vaccinated” body’s natural ability to “recognize” the elements within the S2 subunit AND the “vaccinated” body’s natural mechanisms to break these elements down.
From an October 2020 paper published BEFORE the COVID-19 “vaccines” were authorized in the U.S.:
“S2 Subunit of SARS-nCoV-2 Interacts with Tumor Suppressor Protein p53 And BRCA: an In Silico Study”

Nishant Singh and Anuradha Bharara Singh

17 April 2024

Dr. William Makis
17 April 2024

Note: The hyperlinked papers in this article are listed just above the “sign up for free trial” notice that cuts off the rest of the article.

Further thoughts:
The above does not mean to dismiss or minimize other things that can cause breast cancer. There is also the element of chronic stress, which can suppress the body’s natural immune system.

Gail Combs

The Deagel Report — AND Logic
…2025 is not here yet and we have just imported 10-20 million illegals, many military age and hostile towards Americans. Are we looking at a much more violent ‘Summer of Love’ on top of ‘Defund the Police’, Soros funded prosecutors turning criminals lose and the Clot Shot slow poison??? See Thomas Wictor’s aka Carlos Osweda old thread on Democrats are implementing the Algerian Strategy in the United States. (Feb 7, 2020) and Feb, 9th 2020.

Here is the article:
MAY 7 Higher Mortality Rates and Lower Birthrates by Erik Carlson

…I believe we are allowed to veer off course of the Deep State narrative by five to ten degrees, but what they can’t afford is for us to veer off course 90 degrees. Veering off course 90 degrees doesn’t just make the Deep State narrative messy, as in the case with a five to ten degree shift, veering off course 90 degrees shatters the narrative completely…

Now for my bold and out of the box question

Is the Cabal flooding the US Southern Border with illegals so that we don’t notice a significant population decrease in America? This is not a statement; it is a legitimate question. I understand that flooding the border with illegals as well as flying illegals in from other countries probably has multiple purposes, but is one of them to hide the number of people who are now dying since the Covid vaccine has started to be administered, as well as a lower birthrate amongst US Citizens? [Wolfie’s AND Logic]

…10-20 million deaths, 10-20 million illegals entering the US. I don’t think it’s crazy to at least consider a connection here. Imagine how many people would wake up if the US population went from 330 million to 310 million in a couple of years? …

Gail Combs

pat frederick

 May 13, 2024 06:56

Alternate link:


So Doctors were PAID to get the Covid Vax into their patients.

Just remember these Insurance companies WANT OLD FOLKS DEAD!


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

 Reply to  Gail Combs
 May 13, 2024 10:28

Yes, that figures in as part of the answer.
A typical “evil conspiracy” involved deception of the various levels of minions, so that each one helps commit the crime, and is motivated BOTH “knowing” and “unknowing” to continue furthering the crime.
Thus, in the depopulation plot, most levels of vax-pushing minions are unaware of the lethality of the jabs. HOWEVER, if they do become aware, it is important that they continue to go along with things, and NOT step out of line.
Here, the conspiracy begins with minions (like insurance companies and hospitals) buying into the narrative about the disease being so bad, and the jabs being so necessary and beneficial. But if the jabs turn out to be killing old people, multiple factors help motivate the intermediate levels (like the insurance companies) to stick with the plot. One is government money. They took it. The government can force them to “give it back”. Another is responsibility. They don’t want to be seen as responsible. But most importantly, the result is something that HELPS THEM. Getting rid of old people WORKS for them. So if they ever become conscious of the crime, they realize that they have motivations for it to continue, particularly if they JUST SAY NOTHING.
Communists love these contradictions, too. And, of course, so do their BOSSES.



 Reply to  Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

 May 13, 2024 10:58

Here is the Kentucky Blue Cross / Blue Shield COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Incentive Program document from 2021:

👉It appears that Medicaid patients were “special targets.”

Here is the article from TIME about the federal government (via, again, Medicaid) paying PEDIATRICIANS on “counseling” parents into getting their CHILDREN “vaccinated” against COVID-19:

HERE is the American Academy of Pediatrics coding and payment document for PEDIATRICIANS giving the COVID-19 “vaccines” to their patients:

“THEY” are specifically targeting the YOUNGEST and the OLDEST / MEDICAID populations of the United States.

Gail Combs

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Gail Combs

Well that is weird, the number of comments just jumped from 200 to 283!
ACK… wrong tab…😖

Last edited 7 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


 May 14, 2024 10:53

“Australian Medical Professionals’ Society (AMPS) book finally arrived”
5 May 2024

Yours Truly: The formidable Dr. Jessica Rose, PhD, writes about the newly-published AMPS book about excess mortality in Australia from the COVID-19 “vaccines.”
A free PDF of the 472-page book (complete with exhaustive citations, lots of images, etc.) is available for downloading. One clicks on the AMPS book cover image on the Dr. Rose article. This will take one to the AMPS website for the book.
** In order to get the PDF, one has to “make a donation” to AMPS. This donation can be $0 dollars. One has to furnish an email address to get a “receipt.” From there, one will then be able to download the free PDF onto a computer.

Gail Combs



 May 14, 2024 10:18

(Hmmm, just thinking, one wonders if someone at the UN knew about Ralph Baric’s experiments with coronaviruses back in 2000? — I mean, the COVID-19 ‘vaccines” are making millions of people sick or killing them off — “replacement population”?)

“UN Troops Being Brought in as Migrant Refugees”
14 May 2024

Yours Truly: Not trying to float “conspiracy theories” here. However, here is the 2000 UN report referenced in the Greg Reese article:

“Replacement Migration: Is it A Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?”

Yours Truly: There are translations into various languages for the first part of the report, in addition to the English version of the entire report.
And here is the Jim Ferguson statement via Twitter regarding UN troops being brought into the United States as “migrants” —

Gail Combs


 May 14, 2024 20:19

Climate Scientist Calls for Mass Depopulation to Fight ‘Global Warming’

A top government climate scientist has called for a major “culling of the human population” in order to fight “global warming.”

Professor Bill McGuire argues that a “pandemic with a very high fatality rate” is required to wipe out a large portion of the human race.

According to McGuire, a mass depopulation event is “the only realistic way” to “avoid a catastrophic climate breakdown.”

McGuire, a Professor of Geophysical & Climate Hazards at University College London (UCL), said the quiet part out loud in a post on X on Sunday.

“If I am brutally honest, the only realistic way I see emissions falling as fast as they need to, to avoid catastrophic #climate breakdown, is the culling of the human population by a pandemic with a very high fatality rate,” he wrote.

Gail Combs

H/T Nebraska Filly

Japan has the lowest infant death rate

No baby is vaccinated under 2 years.

USA has the highest infant Death Rate & gives 28 doses of vaccine by Age two.

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I was correct, vaccines should NOT be given until minimum ‘weaning age’:
Moar AND Logic — Vaccines

Gail Combs


 May 15, 2024 12:32

Yours Truly will drop the truth bomb regarding Dr. Robert Redfield, who was the head of the CDC from 18 March 2018 until 20 January 2021.

Dr. Redfield is now “sounding the alarm” regarding the [lab-enhanced and bioweaponized] “new strain” of the H5N1 avian flu virus that’s starting to leap from birds to cattle to humans.

The start of this trail is here:

12 May 2024
Dr. Robert Redfield APPROVED and SIGNED OFF ON the “recommendations” of the CDC’s ACIP committee (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.)

The ACIP committee is the one who makes recommendations regarding vaccines and other injectable drugs. These recommendations are reviewed by the director of the CDC, who then either signs off on them, or rejects them. If the CDC director signs off on the ACIP committee recommendations, they are sent to the FDA, which then usually also signs off on them and puts the into implementation.


👉The push to grant EUAs for these “vaccines” really began BACK IN AUGUST – SEPTEMBER 2020. [I think it was planned WAY earlier, given what Dr Navarro wrote. -GC]

Pfizer-BioNTech CHANGED their “Process 1” method of manufacturing BNT162b2 to “Process 2” AROUND AUGUST 2020, starting to use the “Process 2” on ONLY 250 clinical trial subjects. Pfizer-BioNTech informed the FDA that the company was going to change their manufacturing method for BNT162b2, but the FDA NEVER QUESTIONED WHY.

It was Dr. Robert Redfield’s DUTY to thoroughly investigate BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 BEFORE he signed off on these products in December 2020. As far as Yours Truly can find, he did NOT.

**** It appears that the crucial ACIP committee meeting of 23 November 2020 was the deciding one to “recommend” to the FDA that BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 be given EUAs.
HOWEVER, the CDC document below has numerous items indicating that:
The clinical trials for these “vaccines” were INCOMPLETE (Phase iii only), AND that DATA was reported on FEWER than 200 clinical trials subjects.

Please refer to Page 6 and Page 7 of this document.

Dr. Redfield signed off on the ACIP committee’s “recommendation” regarding BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 on 12 December 2020.

CNN online article of 3 December 2020: “CDC director accepts advisory committee’s recommendations for who gets Covid-19 vaccine first”

“Who gets the vaccine first and who decides? 3 things to know”

Here is a screenshot image from the CNN article, Dr. Redfield’s statement:

comment image

By the way, the ACIP committee’s recommendation in December 2020 was that healthcare workers and the elderly be allotted the first round of the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” injections.

WHY didn’t Dr. Redfield refuse to sign off on the ACIP committee’s recommendation?

WHY didn’t Dr. Redfield insist that more work had to be done regarding the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine candidates” clinical trials — including FULL data summary and analyses of ALL the Phase III clinical trials subjects? Including using OTHER types of therapeutic vehicles to treat people infected with the virus?

WHAT, if any, important information about the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine candidates” did Dr. Redfield withhold from then-President Donald Trump?

Gail Combs

To follow up with what Dr Navarro wrote:

This is Dr Navarro’s interaction with Pence’s Covid Task Force detailed in his book: In Trump Time: A Journal of America’s Plague Year

Pence’s chief of staff was Marc Short. Short came under fire for “…possessing up to $1.6 million worth of stocks in companies working with Pence’s coronavirus task force to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. He worked as a senior fellow at the Miller Center of Public Affairs, a CNN contributor, and Chief of Staff to Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, and the House Republican Conference. He served as the president of Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce from 2011 to 2016.” LINK

Page 33 details Dr Navarro’s banishment from the Coronavirus Task Force over the travel ban. “– And it would be permanent – was Mick Mulvaney’s revenge.”

..But I still think I got the better end of the deal. With no more seat at the Task Force table, I did not waste endless hours… Instead I used my time to draft a series of Action, Action, Action memos that I would unrelentingly pound the task Force with.

[He says this about his first memo on pg 31.]

I wanted to paper the crap out of everybody on a distribution list that approached a hundred people.

My thinking was …it would be impossible for Mulvaney, Fauci, or anyone in between to cover their asses if they opposed the [travel] ban….

As floor manager for the White House Coronavirus Task Force chaired by VPOTUS, Marc Short wielded tremendous power to steer the course of pandemic history…

[pg 39 – 42] Second, the kind of government actions that might be required to combat the pandemic – including the invocation of the Defense Production Act of 1950 to ensure adequate supplies… ran strictly against Marc Short’s free-market grain.

It was probably for that last reason alone that Short would get up in my grill every time I, as Defense Production Act policy coordinator, tried to move action along….

…he and along with Mick Mulvaney, was always trying to block my efforts to fight the pandemic and use the Defense Production Act to advance a wide range of pandemic-related goals…

With Mulvaney at one end of his couch, Short at the other end, and me across from them in the hotseat, Mulvaney ordered me upon threat of firing to stand down from any further work on anything related to the Task Force or the pandemic. As Marc Short sat there like a cat that had just eaten a six-pack of canaries, I thought to myself. “F—these guys.”

[There is about a page (43) on PRICE GOUGING and how Marc Short and the 👉VPs legal counsel Greg Jacob blocked all action👈 [Note this name, it comes up later ] despite the FBI finding warehouse after warehouse full of contraband. GEE I guess, Marc was concerned about that $1.6 million worth of stock he held… G.C]

[On page 89 – 91 Dr Navarro confronted Fauci for a second time. The first was over the Travel Ban.]

On April 4, I had my second major facedown with Saint Fauci…

This time the facedown with Fauci was over hydroxychloroquine. In preparation I had Doc Hatfill and my team prepare a large dossier with hundreds of pages of scientific studies I had reviewed on the safety and efficacy of hydroxychloroquine. I knew that Fauci would play the ‘there’s only anecdotal evidence’ card and wanted to be ready to prove that assertion false….

Adam was followed by Hahn, and to my surprise, even Hahn had some encouraging words for hydroxychloroquine…

When it was Fauci’s turn, right on cue, he immediately played his “there’s only anecdotal evidence’ card. I stood up from my backbench chair just behind Vice President Pence and walked straight towards Fauci.

As I approached him I saw fear in his eyes. I am sure it crossed his mind that I might physically assault him. I dumped my large dossier of studies…. And said to Fauci as much as to everyone else in the room –👉especially VPOTUS – “Tony these are not anecdotes. That’s more than fifty scientific studies in support of hydroxy. FIFTY! So stop spouting your crap…. You are going to kill people just like you did during the AIDS crisis when you refused to approve medicines that everybody but you knew worked.”

So, I think things were PLANNED by Fauci and his buddies YEARS in advance.

Think Ralph Baric and Shi Zhengli ‘s work on Covid Gain of Function.

Think FRANCE starting the ban on HCQ in OCTOBER 2019, that would go into effect in January 2020 JUST IN TIME to make sure the French people could not use it for Covid. Think of the French Government’s Attacks on French microbiologist Didier Raoult.


WOW Brave gives me:
Not many great matches came back for your search: “French microbiologist covid HCQ”

  • Try more general keywords
  • Try fewer keywords

YANDEX: gives me over SEVEN PAGES!!! for the same search! (Raoult does come up in an article on page seven but not on page nine.)

Gail Combs


 Reply to  barkerjim
 May 15, 2024 15:05

Thank you for this.

The FDA KNEW, back on 21 JANUARY 2021, all about what ALC-0159 and ALC-0315 does to spread the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT162b2, throughout the entire body of the “vaccine” recipient. Yours Truly has been writing and posting on this board regarding this situation for over a year. Thank heavens USRTK has added into spreading the truth.

This is the document that Pfizer-BioNTech gave to the FDA on 21 January 2021. Page 7 and Page 8 summarize the organs and accumulations of BNT162b2 in the bodies of the Wistar lab rats in the company’s experiments with BNT162b2. ALC-0159 and ALC-0315 were present in BNT162b2.

Here are the highest accumulations in the organs of the Wistar lab rats, in order from highest accumulation to (relative) lowest:


Gail Combs


 May 16, 2024 08:56

Getting vaccinated for covid four or more times results in near-complete collapse of the immune system, bombshell study finds

And in other news, study finds completely empty brain cavities, no spines, and no balls in autopsies of those vaccinated for Covid four or more times!


NO SHIT! We have been saying that for YEARS!

Gail Combs


 Reply to  para59r
 May 16, 2024 11:47

Here is the slide that was shown for just a second (thank God that someone captured it) during the FDA VRBPAC meeting in October 2020. Vaccine Enhanced Disease (ADE) is on this list.

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 May 16, 2024 11:27

Thank you, DePat, for bringing the link to the Natural News article on the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” and how they destroy the “vaccinated” person’s immune system.
It is further confirmation of what Yours Truly, Gail Combs, and others on the board have been posting about this issue for at least two years —

ONE: that the COVID-19 “vaccines” CAN, and WILL, damage and destroy the natural immune system of the “vaccinated” person.

TWO: that the more COVID-19 “vaccine” injections a person gets, the more TOTAL destruction of that person’s natural immune system will be, resulting in damage ranging from more COVID-19 infections to turbo-cancers in the “vaccinated” person.

THREE: the COVID-19 “vaccines” ATTACK THE CRUCIAL CD4 and CD8 NATURAL IMMUNE SYSTEM CELLS of the “vaccinated” person’s body. Dr. Nathan Thompson, DC, proved this and put his findings up on You Tube. (I don’t know if You Tube deleted his video report.)

FOUR: the COVID-19 “vaccines” DAMAGE and DESTROY the ENTIRE RANGE of the “vaccinated” person’s natural IgG cell lines — IgG1; IgG2; IgG3; and IgG4. This means that the “vaccinated” person’s body takes longer and longer to clear infections, to the point where the body isn’t able to fight them off.

“BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccination in children alters cytokine responses to heterologous pathogens and Toll-like receptor agonists”, Nicole L. Messina et al., published 25 August 2023.

Here is an image from the CCP paper linked into the Natural News article, a graphic summary of the damage that the COVID-19 “vaccines” do to the natural immune system. It appears that the LIVER is the principal accumulation point for the elements in these “vaccines”:

comment image

Here is a screenshot image of the amounts of LIVER accumulation of BNT162b2 in the document that Pfizer-BioNTech gave to the FDA in JANUARY 2021:

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Here is the CCP paper referred to in the Natural News article:
“Extended SARS-CoV-2 RBD booster vaccination induces humoral and cellular immune tolerance in mice”
Ai-Shun Jin, et al.
published online 2 November 2022

****Yours Truly: this paper details the EXACT elements and cell markers of the CD4 and CD8 immune system cells that are damaged or destroyed by repeated injections of the COVID-19 “vaccines.” This is HUGE. What it means is that the research that went into the development of the COVID-19 virus itself, AND the lab-created “enhancements” that went into the development of the COVID-19 “vaccines”, WAS INCREDIBLY DETAILED AND DELIBERATE. The COVID-19 “vaccines”, in particular, were/are ENGINEERED to induce damage and destruction to one of the MOST IMPORTANT mechanisms and functions of the human body — ITS NATURAL IMMUNE SYSTEM.
Here is the “Shrestha paper”, which proves that the COVID-19 “booster shots” do NOT produce more “immunity” from the virus.

NOTE: this version of the paper appears to be SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT from the original MedRxIV pre-print.
“Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Bivalent Vaccine”
Nabin K. Shrestha, et al.
19 April 2023

Last edited 7 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs

Here is a different study:

CASE REPORT articleFront. Oncol., 30 April 2023
Sec. Hematologic Malignancies
Volume 13 – 2023 |
B-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma following intravenous BNT162b2 mRNA booster in a BALB/c mouse: A case report

Unprecedented immunization campaigns have been rolled out worldwide in an attempt to contain the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Multiple vaccines were brought to the market, among two utilizing novel messenger ribonucleic acid technology. Despite their undisputed success in decreasing COVID-19-associated hospitalizations and mortality, various adverse events have been reported. The emergence of malignant lymphoma is one of such rare adverse events that has raised concern, although an understanding of the mechanisms potentially involved remains lacking. Herein, we present the first case of B-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma following intravenous high-dose mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (BNT162b2) in a BALB/c mouse. Two days following booster vaccination (i.e., 16 days after prime), at only 14 weeks of age, our animal suffered spontaneous death with marked organomegaly and diffuse malignant infiltration of multiple extranodal organs (heart, lung, liver, kidney, spleen) by lymphoid neoplasm. Immunohistochemical examination revealed organ sections positive for CD19, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase, and c-MYC, compatible with a B-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma immunophenotype. Our murine case adds to previous clinical reports on malignant lymphoma development following novel mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, although a demonstration of direct causality remains difficult. Extra vigilance is required, with conscientious reporting of similar cases and a further investigation of the mechanisms of action explaining the aforementioned association.

  :wpds_arrow: Figure 1 Schematic overview of the study design. Intravenous (IV) immunization with the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine was performed following a two-dose regimen at 12 and 14 weeks of age, with spontaneous death of the animal two days following booster vaccination.

Gail Combs


 Reply to  Gail Combs
 May 16, 2024 20:09

Gail Combs
Thank you.
The Appendix 1. List of Adverse Events of Special Interest in the 5.3.6 Postmarketing Report that Pfizer-BioNTech gave to the FDA on 30 April 2021, regarding the company’s modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” BNt162b2, lists FOURTEEN different Acute serious adverse event reactions to this “vaccine.” Included on the list:

Acute kidney injury;
Acute myocardial infarction; and,
Acute respiratory failure.

It appears that the definition of “acute” adverse reactions / acute adverse events, includes a timeframe range of 1 hour post-injection, to as many as 42 days post-injection.

Gail Combs


 May 17, 2024 11:37

More proof that the COVID-19 virus itself [and, by extension, the COVID-19 “vaccines] damage BOTH the endothelium AND the epithelium of the human gut, which then (via the “gut-brain connection”) attack and cross the human BBB (Blood-Brain-Barrier) —
“The Great Disruptor: Spike Protein Endothelial Disease (SPED) is also Spike Protein EPITHELIAL Disease”
Walter M Chesnut
13 May 2024

Yours Truly: It appears that the spike protein of the COVID-19 virus itself [and, by extension, the COVID-19 ‘vaccines”, since they have the spike protein as an ingredient] attacks the ACE2 receptors in the human body, which then “upregulates” the ANG II hormone, an endocrine hormone that regulates blood pressure. This then increases “coding” of various protein genes, such as ADAM 17.

The papers cited in the WMC Research article are not easy to read; however, the bottom line is that the Spike Protein of the COVID-19 virus itself is NOT a “hap-hazard cobbling” of items randomly chosen from some sort of “list.” The Spike Protein of the COVID-19 virus itself is, rather, a CAREFULLY INVESTIGATED AND CHOSEN COLLECTION OF ELEMENTS MIXED TOGETHER TO CREATE THE MOST DAMAGING AND DESTRUCTIVE END RESULTS POSSIBLE.

  :wpds_arrow: Furthermore, these elements are ALSO present in the COVID-19 “vaccines” — since the Spike Protein of the Wuhan Hu1 (COVID-19 virus) itself is the “foundation” for these “vaccines.”

*** The crucial difference here is that an “unvaccinated” person who is infected by COVID-19 and recovers, is exposed to this damage / destruction potential, but whose body can still fight off this potential.

For COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons, the ingredients and mechanisms of the enhanced Spike Protein (SV40 cancer promoter gene piece, for example), PLUS the presence of the lipid nanoparticles (ALC-0159, ALC-0315, SM-102) that specifically EVADE the body’s natural immune system processes, all present in these “vaccines” — force the “vaccinated” person’s body to fight off the “fake COVId-19 infection” that these “vaccines” induce.

And that this “fight the fake infection process” in the “vaccinated” person’s body CONTINUES FOR AN INDEFINITE PERIOD OF TIME. This means that, over time, the natural immune system of the COVID-19 “vaccinated” person’s body is either heavily damaged, or is destroyed — kicking the door open to vulnerability to illness, disease, and/or death.

IMO, ANY person who EVER has taken a COVID-19 “vaccine” — even one injection — is at risk. ANY person who EVER has taken a COVID-19 “vaccine” — even one injection — needs to be on a Spike Protein mitigation / reduction program, possibly for the rest of their life. And, to refuse any further COVID-19 “vaccine” injections.

Gail Combs


 May 18, 2024 11:09
17 May 2024
by Tyler Durden

Yours Truly: The deceased was “active in sports.”
by Administrator

Yours Truly: The deceased was a teenager.

But here’s the truth:
“Vascular and organ damage induced by mRNA vaccines: irrefutable proof of causality”
Michael Palmer, MD, and Sucharit Bhakdi, MD
Yours Truly: Here is Slide 10 from the article:

comment image

May the deceased rest in eternal Peace, and may their families find Comfort.

Gail Combs
Gail Combs


 Reply to  scott467
 May 19, 2024 10:48

Yours Truly: Alice Stewart was 58 years old.
She was “an avid runner.”
She ran in a 10 mile marathon LAST MONTH.
She was “fully vaccinated.”
She “died suddenly” of a “medical emergency” yesterday.

Yours Truly cannot definitively state what happened with Ms. Stewart. However, it IS known that the COVID-19 “vaccines” do the following. among many other damaging / destructive effects, to the body of the “vaccinated” person:

ONE: Express the Spike Protein of the COVID-19 virus (and for an INDEFINITE period of time after “vaccination”);

TWO: Express the Spike Protein in the walls of the BLOOD VESSELS of the “vaccinated” person;

THREE: STRIP and DESTROY the endothelial cells (inner layer surface cells) of the BLOOD VESSELS of the “vaccinated” person, forcing the body to produce large amounts of lymphocytes to fight the destruction;

FOUR: INDUCE MYOCARDITIS in the “vaccinated” person’s heart;

FIVE: INDUCE CRACKS IN THE AORTA, which the “vaccinated” person’s body tries to fight by producing large amounts of lymphocytes;


SEVEN: CHANGE THE DNA of the “vaccinated” person.

Please refer to this:
“Vascular and organ damage induced by mRNA vaccines: irrefutable proof of causality”
Michael Palmer, MD, and Sucharit Bhakdi, MD

Yours Truly : Please refer to Slide 7 through Slide 11 for images of the damage caused by the COVID-19 “vaccines” to the blood vessels, heart, and aorta of the “vaccinated” person.

Please refer to Slide 14 regarding how the COVID-19 “vaccines” change the DNA of the “vaccinated” person.

Yours Truly again: The above does NOT include the fact that the Spike Protein of the COVID-19 “vaccines” cross the BBB (Blood-Brain Barrier) and ENTERS INTO THE BRAIN of the “vaccinated” person:
“A review of neurological side effects of COVID-19 vaccination”
Roya Hosseini and Nayere Askari

It may be that Ms. Stewart passed away due to a neurologically-induced effect from the COVID-19 “vaccines” Spike Protein in her body.

May the deceased rest in eternal Peace, and may those left behind find Comfort.

Gail Combs

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Gail Combs


 Reply to  Valerie Curren
 May 20, 2024 20:45

Valerie Curren
Thank you for this.
Where Yours Truly begs to differ with this statement:
“If someone had little or no reaction soon after the COVID shots, Dr. McCullough thinks they’re probably fine.”

The truth is:
The COVID-19 “vaccines” CHANGE THE DNA of the “vaccinated” person.

The COVID-19 ‘vaccines’” ingredients ACCUMULATE in large amounts in the “vaccinated” person’s SPLEEN, OVARIES, and LIVER.

The COVID-19 “vaccines” CAUSE MYOCARDITIS, and can cause this condition to occur WELL AFTER “vaccination.”

The COVID-19 “vaccines” CROSS THE CRUCIAL BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER, damaging the Central Nervous System of the “vaccinated” person.

The COVID-19 “vaccines” ATTACK and DESTROY THE CRUCIAL CD4 – CD8 IMMUNE SYSTEM CELLS of the “vaccinated” person.

The COVID-19 “vaccines” CROSS OVER INTO the body of a fetus if the expectant mother is “vaccinated”, forcing the fetus to produce large amounts of antibodies while STILL in the womb.

The COVID-19 “vaccines” cause MISCARRIAGES and STILL BIRTHS due to the expectant mothers being “vaccinated.”

The COVID-19 “vaccines” can cause NEW-ONSET CANCER in a “vaccinated” person; or, cause PREVIOUS cancers in remission to re-emerge.

And so many more COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced or COVID-19 “vaccine”-aggravated medical conditions.

Gail Combs

Valerie Curren

 May 20, 2024 19:08

University’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Violates US Constitution: Court

“The University of Colorado ran roughshod overstaff and students of faith during COVID, and the court of appeals has now declared plainly what we’ve fought to establish for almost three years: the university acted with ‘religious animus’ and flagrantly violated the fundamental religious liberties of these brave healthcare providers and students,” Peter Breen, executive president of the Thomas More Society, said in a statement.

University’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Violates US Constitution: CourtOfficials automatically rejected applications from people with certain religious beliefs.

Link Feed

Gail Combs

Valerie Curren

 May 20, 2024 13:22

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Steve Deace
What’s really happening here is with it clear there’s no threat of prosecution in a West that long ago lost any grip it had on righteous indignation, a bunch of folks who were murderers, accomplices, or quiet as kept are now deciding to purge what’s left of their consciences.



 Reply to  Valerie Curren
 May 20, 2024 13:42

“kind of got cancelled”, Dr. Robert Redfield? MY ASS. I don’t buy the CYA bullshit.
You ACCEPTED and SIGNED OFF ON the CDC’s ACIP committee recommendations about the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” on 12 DECEMBER 2020, when YOU were the Director of the CDC.

YOU were ultimately responsible for INVESTIGATING the DETAILS and DATA behind the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna “presentations” of their modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine candidates” to the ACIP committee at their October and November 2020 meetings.


YOU could have REFUSED to accept or sign off on the ACIP committee recommendations and demanded further data and investigations.


Instead, you accepted them, signed off on them, and sent the signed recommendations to the FDA, which then granted the initial EUA for BNT162b2 and for mRNA-1273 in December 2020.

It is because of YOU accepting and signing off on the ACIP committee recommendations regarding BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 that my MD son did the “primary series” of the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” shots as “mandated” by his then-employer.

CNN article, 3 December 2020: “CDC director accepts advisory committee’s recommendations for who gets Covid-19 vaccine first” (The “who gets the shots first” were HEALTHCARE WORKERS and the ELDERLY.)

Here’s a screenshot of Dr. Redfield’s statement:

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“Who gets the vaccines first and who decides? 3 things to know”
30 November 2020

Gail Combs

Just a FYI,

They are working on putting in something along our road and our internet seems to get cut off as a result. It was off several times this past week and today it was off for the entire day.

So if I disappear that is why.

Gail Combs

Valerie Curren

 May 20, 2024 19:52

Witchmer woes

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They are doing mass PCR testing for bird flu, hyping the situation to draw attention to a need for the WHO treaty. It will lead to unnecessary mass culling of animals, which will lead to food shortages. Michigan has already declared it an emergency.

Gail Combs

 Valerie Curren

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 Reply to  Valerie Curren
 May 20, 2024 20:56

Valerie Curren
Thank you for this.

Please refer to this, the Medicaid “bonus program” for physicians in Kentucky to get COVID-19 “vaccines” into their Medicaid patients:

Valerie Curren

Gail asked me to copy this here:

[video src="" /]
Valerie Curren( Valerie Curren)Online


 May 20, 2024 18:09

The cover screen of this video says the Deagel Report…under 19 minutes…
[video src="" /]

can be watched here too:

original comment is here:

Valerie Curren

That doesn’t look the video might play here like at the original comment. Maybe this works…

[video src="" /]

Edit, I had to copy the original Bitchute link from the Gab post to get the video to show & hopefully play here…

Last edited 7 months ago by Valerie Curren
Gail Combs

Thank you for trying.

I could not get it to play either. — Word Piss strikes again!

Valerie Curren

Strange, for I could get it to play on Both Q-Tree locations. I have Brave browser but I think I have to have shields down for the Q-Tree, fwiw.

Gail Combs


 May 21, 2024 12:41

For those who may be interested:

RALPH BARIC has been experimenting with coronaviruses SINCE 1984 at his lab at UNC Chapel Hill, starting with murine (mouse) coronaviruses. And he’s continued all the way to 2024 so far.

Here’s his first published paper, 1984, per Academic Tree:

“Studies on the Mechanism of RNA Synthesis of a Murine Coronavirus”
Ralph Baric, et al.

👉Yours Truly: This paper was funded, in part, by NIH/NIAID grant AI 19244.
Anthony Fauci was head of the NIAID from 1984 – 2022.
There’s NO WAY that Fauci didn’t know Baric. Fauci funded Baric’s research from 1984 through Fauci’s retirement in 2022.

Ralph Baric is STILL being funded by NIH/NIAID for research. He’s recently been experimenting with the Dengue virus, among other things.

Here’s the list of Ralph Baric’s published papers, per Academic Tree:
“Ralph Baric – Publications”


I will add other sources (GC)

Ralph Baric: On the Front Lines of Coronavirus for Three Decades
GVN: Forefront Of Virology COVID-19 Webinar Series featuring Dr.Ralph Baric.

May 11, 2021 Webinar – His group has published over 375 papers, in journals like PNAS, Nature Medicine, Science, Nature, Cell, NEJM, PloS Medicine and PloS Pathogens. The Baric laboratory uses genetic, immunologic, molecular and biochemical approaches to study the molecular mechanisms regulating virus replication…

This is a listing of the papers by Baric in the library:

Gail Combs



 May 22, 2024 11:27
Thank you for the link to the CVS / Walgreens story.
Here’s a link to another story, the “Dr. Robert Redfield finally comes clean about the COVId-19 “vaccines” confessional”:
18 May 2024
Here’s this, the FDA on 23 August 2023 (when the agency lost the court case over Ivermectin for COVID-19 prevention / treatment):
The FDA states the agency still has NOT authorized or approved the use of Ivermectin to prevent or to treat COVID-19. The agency did NOT state that Ivermectin is safe or effective for those uses.
Here’s this, also:
5 April 2024
Yours Truly: The “you, consumer, don’t know anything and we, the FDA, will tell you what to know and to think” approach.
Here’s this, also: the 29 February 2024 NIH (FDA) FINAL COVID-19 TREATMENT GUIDELINES pdf: (478 pages)
Yours Truly: THESE are the guidelines that healthcare providers, hospitals, care facilities, nursing homes, etc., etc., WILL FOLLOW.
*** The FDA DOES NOT recommend, authorize, or approve of Ivermectin being used to either prevent or treat COVID-19. Period.
*** Page 371: FDA is completely against the use of Ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19;
*** Page 388: FDA is against using Metformin in the treatment of COVID-19 for hospitalized patients, except as part of a clinical trial;
*** Page 398: FDA is against using supplementary Vitamin C to treat hospitalized COVID-19 patients;
*** Page 401: FDA states there is “insufficient data” to recommend supplementary Vitamin D for COVID-19;
*** Page 404: FDA states there is “insufficient data” to recommend supplementary Zinc for COVID-19; FDA is against using Zinc above the standard RDA of 11mg per day (8mg for post-menopausal females).
*** Page 474: Listings of COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel members with ties to: NIH / FDA / DoD / BARDA
*** Page 476: Listings of COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel members with ties to BIG PHARMA.

Gail Combs

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

 May 23, 2024 01:04

Fauci avoiding FOIA is coming to light!!!
Long thread here.

“Testimony from…David Morens—a longtime aide to…Fauci—only deepened congressional concerns about the possibility of concealed or destroyed emails concerning connections between the institute and the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

— Richard H. Ebright (@R_H_Ebright) May 23, 2024



 Reply to  Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
 May 23, 2024 10:55

Wolf Moon
Thank you for this.
More sauce:
by Emily Kopp
22 May 2024
Yours Truly: There are emails that Morens sends to Peter Daszak that ask for a kickback for what Morens is doing to promote Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance in getting NIAID funding for Gain-of-Function research.
And, Ralph Baric is mixed up in this entire situation up to his eyeballs and beyond.
Here’s the USRTK article on Anthony Fauci meeting with Ralph Baric:
by Emily Kopp
21 February 2023
As Yours Truly posted this week, there is NO WAY that Anthony Fauci did NOT know Ralph Baric. Fauci (via, first, NIH, then, through NIAID) funded Baric’s work on coronaviruses FROM 1984 until Fauci retired in 2022. AND, NIH / NIAID is STILL funding Baric’s work on coronaviruses NOW.

Gail Combs


 May 23, 2024 15:29

The following are some reliable websites for information regarding the dangers of the COVID-19 “vaccines” and/or the COVID-19 virus itself:

Dr. Naomi Wolf’s website,

Dr. Kory is co-founder of FLCCC

Dr. Jessica Rose, PhD

Steve Kirsch

Igor Chudov

Walter M Chesnut

Sasha Latypova (She is an artist and a science researcher)

And, the blog articles posted on this board by Yours Truly under the moniker PAVACA.

Gail Combs


 May 23, 2024 21:52

Last edited 7 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


 May 24, 2024 10:30

IMO, Dr. David Morens is a CRIMINAL CONSPIRATOR about the EMAILS that he deleted regarding the COVID-19 virus / COVID-19 “vaccines” / FOIA situation.
IMO, Dr. Peter Hotez (Baylor University), Dr. Peter Daszak (EcoHealth Alliance), and Dr. Anthony Fauci are ALSO CRIMINAL CONSPIRATORS in this situation.

“‘I Did Delete All of Peter’s Emails Relating To Origin’: COVID Cabal Conspired To Destroy Evidence To Evade FOIA Requests”

by Tyler Durden

24 May 2024

Yours Truly: The Zero Hedge article is, IMO, a must-read. There are some examples of the emails that DID survive the Dr. Morens deletions.

In addition, here is the House of Representatives memo report on Dr. Morens’ testimony — another must-read:

Yours Truly: Page 17 and Page 18 of the Memo: Dr. Morens talks about deleted emails.
Page 24 of the Memo: Email that indicates Dr. Anthony Fauci was involved.
Page 30 of the Memo: Dr. Morens requests a “kickback” from Peter Daszak.

ALSO: Dr. Peter Hotez (Baylor University) was involved. Yours Truly presents a screenshot of the X tweet embedded in the Zero Hedge article:

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

 Reply to  PAVACA
 May 24, 2024 10:41

OMG, this is insane. These people – these scientists – who are even less corrupt than the Eric Holder level of slimeballs in DC – just openly talking about how to defy FOIA. How to hide stuff. And the amazing thing – the “FOIA LADY” advised them on how to do it! HOLY SHIT! This is pure Deep State bullshit.

That FOIA LADY deserves PRISON. YEARS in prison. But so do all the others.
Aren’t conspiracy to defy FOIA – and actually defying FOIA – wait for it – FELONIES???

Holy shit, excuse my French.

There is no way these criminals are going to let Trump take office. WHAT THE HELL!!! OMG.

Gail Combs

 July 28, 2024 10:28

Well, this is ** interesting **, to say the least —

Recall when Yours Truly, ONLY TWO DAYS AGO, presented the summary of the Dr. Peter Hotez interview regarding his demand that NATO, the WHO, police, etc., be used to control (in other words, muzzle and/or “eliminate”) what he called “anti-science, anti-vaccine aggression”?

The presentation was derived from this tweet, by Camus:

by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.
26 July 2024

Which is also reported here:
by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.
28 July 2024

Here is a part of what Dr. Hotez said in his interview:

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BY THE WAY, Dr. Peter Hotez helped to develop CORBEVAX, a protein subunit “vaccine” against COVID-19, along with his colleagues at Baylor University. This “vaccine” is licensed for use in countries outside the United States. Baylor University gets a “royalty payment” for each dose of this “vaccine” that is given.

Gail Combs



Luther ‘Ćyrus’


Leading researchers in California have confirmed that surging cases of a once-rare form of facial paralysis known as oculomotor nerve palsy have been caused by Covid mRNA shots.

Led by Adventist Health neurologist Antonio K. Liu, M.D. and Ifeanyichukwu Ozobu, M.D., the team of researchers at White Memorial Hospital in Los Angeles sought to identify the trigger behind soaring reports of oculomotor nerve palsy, also known as third nerve palsy.

The team is made up of physician investigators from Adventist Health, a faith-based, nonprofit, integrated health system serving more than 90 communities on the West Coast and Hawaii with over 400 sites of care.

Oculomotor nerve palsy is derived from damage to the third cranial nerve.

The condition causes characteristic symptoms, such as a drooping eyelid, double vision, pupil dilation, and deficits in adduction and vertical gaze.

The study referred to is here:
“Isolated Self-Limited Right Oculomotor Nerve Palsy With Positive Asialo-GMI Antibody After SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination”
Antonio K. Liu, et al.
21 July 2024
Yours Truly: This paper is peer-reviewed.
The injury was caused by the MODERNA modRNA COVID-19 “booster shot” that the patient took. THE PATIENT HAD NO PRIOR CONFIRMED COVID-19 INFECTION, AND HIS MEDICAL HISTORY WAS NON-CONTRIBUTORY. The IIIrd cranial nerve was affected; positive ganglioside antibodies were detected; and there was oculofacial paralysis involving the eye.
ALL THREE OF THESE NEGATIVE EFFECTS of the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” are listed HERE (among the 1,200 negative effects of these “vaccines”):
Please refer to Page 30 (Appendix 1. List of Adverse Events of Special Interest) of this report, which Pfizer-BioNTech gave to the FDA on 30 April 2021, regarding adverse reactions to the company’s “flagship” modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT162b2.
The MODERNA modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” use the same mRNA of SARS-CoV-2 as does the Pfizer-BioNTech line of COVID-19 “vaccines.” MODERNA uses a different (but also dangerous) lipid nanoparticle, SM-102, for its COVID-19 “vaccines.”
The paper cited above goes through the “mRNA vaccines are a tool in fighting the COVID-19 virus” statement, then goes on to describe what happened to this patient as “rare.”
In the Appendix 1. List of Adverse Events of Special Interest in the Pfizer-BioNTech report cited above, ALL THREE of the listed effects on the patient are found:
*** Page 30 (Page 1 of the Appendix 1.): “Anti-ganglioside antibody positive”
*** Page 34 (Page 5 of the Appendix 1.): “IIIrd nerve paralysis”
*** Page 35 (Page 6 of the Appendix 1.): “Oculofacial paralysis”
Notes: The IIIrd cranial nerve is the one that regulates eye movement. The presence of ganglioside antibodies is found in certain autoimmune diseases, as well as in certain neurological conditions.
Fortunately, the patient was admitted to the hospital and recovered from the injury. However, later testing revealed the presence of the Asialo-GMI antibodies. The patient subsequently had a full recovery.

Screenshot from a statement by Dr. Peter Hotez:

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Last edited 5 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


 May 24, 2024 11:47


Yours Truly will now rip the lid off what, IMO, is the THIRD part of the plan to keep Donald Trump from ever being in the Oval Office again. The FIRST part, the “indict, try, and jail Donald Trump over false charges” isn’t doing too well. The SECOND part, the multi-prong plan to use VOTER FRAUD / ILLEGALS VOTING, etc., is now in action.

Here’s the THIRD part: The H5N1 “new version” [in other words, LAB-ENHANCED] bird flu virus upcoming outbreak:

by John-Michael Dumais

*** TWO:
“Massive amounts of H5N1 vaccine would be needed if there’s a bird flu pandemic. Can we make enough?”

Yours Truly: Notice the words, “bird flu pandemic.” HERE’S THE KICKER NEWS: it takes BIRD EGGS to make flu vaccines. Now there’s a POTENTIAL “NEW” BIRD FLU PANDEMIC on the horizon. How to make “vaccines” against this flu? — easy! — JUST USE mRNA PLATFORM TECHNOLOGY.

*** THREE:
23 May 2024

*** FOUR: And, guess what? The UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA just came up with an EXPERIMENTAL mRNA-based H5N1 “vaccine”:

23 May 2024
FIVE: Yours Truly cannot find a Clinical Trials registration by Pfizer-BioNTech for an H5N1 “vaccine.” HOWEVER, here’s the one being performed by Moderna:
Study Start Date: July 10, 2023

Estimated Study Completion Date: July 26, 2024
Yours Truly: This clinical trial is for mRNA-1018 “vaccine candidates” for H5N1. There are FIVE mRNA-1018 “vaccine candidates.” There are 1504 study subjects.
The clinical trial is being performed in Utah.

*** There is NO listing of the amounts of ANY of mRNA-1018 “vaccine candidates” that are being used. They dosage amounts are simply called, “Dose Level 1”, “Dose Level 2”, and “Dose Level 3.”


Gail Combs

 May 24, 2024
guest post by Eccentrik

Yours Truly: IMO, this article has some very good points.

However — there is another big reason why so many millions of people got COVID-19 “vaccinated”: FEAR, COMBINED WITH GASLIGHTING. 

In other words, emotional/psychological pressure, which takes advantage of weaknesses in the person’s emotional/psychological makeup.

“Get vaccinated, or you’ll lose your job.”

“Get vaccinated, or you’ll spread the virus to your family and maybe kill them.”

“Get vaccinated, or your [colleagues / professional organization / (fill in the blank)] will shun you.”

“Get vaccinated, trust the science.”
And so on.

Gail Combs


 May 25, 2024 02:15

Describing what we have known from the beginning…


In this work we provide an estimate of the degree of over-reporting of COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death in the US. We calculate the over-reporting adjustment factor by comparing the ratios of reporting of COVID-19 as multiple cause of death to underlying cause of death, with the equivalent ratio for Influenza and Pneumonia (ICD-10 codes J09-J18). Our results show that there is a systematic over-reporting of COVID-19 when reported as underlying cause of death, when compared to Influenza and Pneumonia during the same period. The average over-reporting factor is about 2.5 to 3 for all ages. We also observe that for ages 15 to 54 the over-reporting factor ranged from 2 to 3.5 between 2020 and 2022, which is higher than for younger and older individuals. For older individuals, the over-reporting factor ranged from 1.9 to 3, while for younger individuals the over-reporting factor ranged from 1.1 to 2.8. The over-reporting factors we compute only account for the relative over-reporting of COVID-19 as the underlying cause of disease as opposed to as a contributing cause, when compared with influenza and pneumonia. This work therefore contributes to the ongoing discussion of death “with” COVID-19 versus “from” COVID-19.

Gail Combs

I want to make sure this is not missed:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

 May 25, 2024 00:59

An oldie but goodie…..

  :wpds_arrow:   :wpds_shock: 

Gail Combs

This does not exactly belong here but it illustrates the larger problem we now have.


 May 25, 2024 07:38

So much for “peer review” — Wiley shuts down 19 science journals and retracts 11,000 gobbledygook papers
By Jo Nova

Proving that unpaid anonymous review is worth every cent, the 217 year old Wiley science publisher “peer reviewed” 11,300 papers that were fake, and didn’t even notice. It’s not just a scam, it’s an industry. Naked “gobbledygook sandwiches” got past peer review, and the expert reviewers didn’t so much as blink.

Big Government and Big Money has captured science and strangled it. The more money they pour in, the worse it gets. John Wiley and Sons is a US $2 billion dollar machine, but they got used by criminal gangs to launder fake “science” as something real.

Things are so bad, fake scientists pay professional cheating services who use AI to create papers and torture the words so they look “original”. Thus a paper on ‘breast cancer’ becomes a discovery about “bosom peril” and a ‘naïve Bayes’ classifier became a ‘gullible Bayes’. An ant colony was labeled an ‘underground creepy crawly state’.

And what do we make of the flag to clamor ratio? Well, old fashioned scientists might call it ‘signal to noise’. The nonsense never ends….

Last edited 7 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


 May 25, 2024 19:33

Arizona researcher publishes study on COVID-19 vaccine and tinnitus

Their findings suggest that “COVID-19 vaccination increases the risk of tinnitus, and metabolic disorders is a risk factor for COVID-19 vaccination-related tinnitus.”

Those findings include:

• Tinnitus report frequencies for Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen vaccines in VAERS are 47, 51 and 70 cases per million fully vaccinated people. 

• The symptom onset was often rapid after COVID-19 vaccination. 

• More women than men reported tinnitus and the sex difference increased with age 

• For 2-dose vaccines, the frequency of tinnitus was higher following the first dose than the second dose 

• For 2-dose vaccines, the chance of worsening tinnitus symptoms after a second dose was approximately 50% 

• Tinnitus was correlated with other neurological and psychiatric symptoms 

• Pre-existing metabolic syndromes were correlated with the severity of the reported tinnitus. 

Gail Combs


 Reply to  TheseTruths
 May 25, 2024 09:52

Thank you for this.

*** The PCR test result codes were artificially set well above the level that would have /could have, confirmed a true COVID-19 virus infection. IIRC, the inflated PCR “COVID-19 infection positive result” number was around 40. The actual number is around 28.

*** There were the “instructions” from the CDC to report ANY AND ALL deaths from a hospital patient who “tested positive” for COVID-19 as an ICD code for “Death from COVID-19.” Deaths in hospitalized patients who had a COVID-19 infection who but actually died due to OTHER reasons (co-morbidity health issues, etc.) were ALL counted as deaths FROM COVID-19. See below —

*** There were also the financial incentives given to hospitals for admitting people who were infected with COVID-19; for the use of ventilators; for the use of remdesivir; and so on. These financial incentives could, and did, bring in MANY multiples of thousands of federal funds to hospitals.

*** There were similar “instructions” and financial incentives for residents of nursing homes, rehab facilities, etc., who “tested positive” for COVID-19.

Now, regarding the paper itself linked above:

The authors, Carlos Alegria and Yuri Nunes, are both PhD’s who work for the Humanity Projects department of Ed Dowd’s Phinance Technologies company (based in Portugal):; click on “Humanity Projects”, then click on “About”, then click on “Our Team.”
The linked paper above is a preprint. As such, Yours Truly urges interested people to download the PDF — just in case it “suddenly” gets retracted; or is re-issued with “new conclusions” to reflect pressure on the authors from “other entities” who don’t “approve” of the original conclusions.

Also — the email address for Dr. Alegria is incorrect. From the “Humanity Projects” contact information on the Phinance Technologies website, it should be:

The authors of the paper linked above also have another one in preprint, this one about the rise in deaths from neoplasms (cancer tumors) starting in late 2020 and continuing through 2022. The paper analyzes deaths from the period 2010 – 2022. This paper is also a preprint:
“US-Death Trends for Neoplasms ICD codes: C00-D48, Ages 15-44”
Carlos Alegria, Yuri Nunes, and David M Wiseman
March, 2024

Gail Combs

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy( Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy)Online


 May 25, 2024 00:32

Scott brought this yesterday – I want to be sure people see it. This looks like a big deal!

Here is more information on the movie.

TheseTruths( TheseTruths)Online

 May 25, 2024 13:55

Based on real-life events, Protocol 7 follows Alexis Koprowski, a devoted mother and small-town family lawyer, Adrian Jay, a renegade doctor exiled from the medical profession, and Steve Schilling, a virologist at a prominent vaccine laboratory turned corporate whistleblower, as they work together to hold a large pharmaceutical corporation accountable for allegedly fraudulent test results behind a failing mumps vaccine.
I had never heard about this.

Gail Combs


 May 25, 2024 12:39
guest post by The Eccentrik

Yours Truly is NOT implying or stating ANY disrespect for, or minimalization of, the horrors of the Holocaust inflicted by the Nazis on the Jews, the Gypsies, the handicapped / mentally ill / mentally deficient, the Catholics who tried to rescue Jews, and others. On the other hand, the MEDICAL TSUNAMI of deaths among people who have COVID-19 “vaccines” in their bodies (either immediate, “mid-term” [2-4 years post “vaccination”], or “long-term” [4+years post-“vaccination” — these will likely begin to present within the next year or so[) is beginning to roll.

For his honesty, MP Andrew Bridgen was expelled from the Tory Party and now is an Independent. (By the way, his degree from University of Nottingham is in Biological Sciences.)

Mr. Bridgen is “fully vaccinated and boosted.” So, even with his scientific background, he “followed the science” — until he woke up.
“A summary of the evidence against the COVID vaccines”
Steve Kirsch
7 January 2024
Yours Truly: Mr. Kirsch is also “fully vaccinated.”
30 November 2022

Yours Truly: This article does NOT mention ONE WORD about the deadly “ingredients mix” in the COVID-19 “vaccines” — the knowledge base about this issue has evolved since 2022. These “ingredients” are the culprits behind the rising death toll among “vaccinated” people. “Ingredients” such as:

SV40 Green Monkey cancer promoter gene pieces;

PRRARSV “backdoor key” that allows the “ingredients” of the COVID-19 “vaccines” easy entry into EVERY cell of the “vaccine” recipient’s body;
elements that damage / destroy heart tissue and induce eventual aortic rupture;
elements that suppress the crucial p53 cancer tumor suppressor gene cells in the “vaccinated” person’s body.

Gail Combs


 May 26, 2024 00:33

Dr. Peter McCullough:
BREAKING–University of Pennsylvania, NIAID, Announce mRNA Vaccine for H5N1 Influenza

…This development is eerily reminiscent of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak and within days of the announcement of a national and public health emergencies, when Stephan Bancel at Moderna announced they have a vaccine to the novel virus. The difference between the public being blindsided by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Disease X bird flu crisis, is that independent reporting is way ahead on bringing you the truth.

Another infectious disease threat has been openly manipulated by mankind in a lab is now making our livestock sick all with the goal of mass mRNA vaccination of humans.


AND ANIMALS… Gotta kill off the protein sources in order to force you to EAT ZE BUGS. — GC

Gail Combs


 Reply to  TheseTruths
 May 26, 2024 11:47


Thank you for this.
It confirms what Yours Truly posted on the board here two days ago, ripping the lid off the mRNA-platform EXPERIMENTAL “vaccine” developed by the University of Pennsylvania for the “new version” [LAB-ENHANCED] H5N1 bird flu virus.

In particular, there is the link to the STAT News article that Yours Truly posted:
“Massive amounts of H5N1 vaccine would be needed if there’s a bird flu pandemic. Can we make enough?”

Yours Truly: The entire issue hinges on the fact that currently, bird eggs are needed to produce avian flu vaccines — and this takes time. The “solution” — use mRNA-platform technology! — the claims are that using this technology is “faster”, “cheaper”, and only uses “lab-generated coordinates” to “plug in” to create these types of “vaccines.”

HOWEVER, the STAT News piece also skirts around the “how much of the mRNA-platform bird flu vaccine” is “enough” to “provide protection.” It appears that AT LEAST TWO doses of high-volume mRNA would be used in this scenario PER PERSON. And — another hint — it appears that TPTB will do all it can to force this new “vaccine” into EVERYONE over age 6 months.

Meanwhile, back at University of Pennsylvania:
**** The NIAID has given MULTIPLE grants of MULTIPLE MILLIONS of dollars to this institution from the NIAID. Examples, from the years 2022 and 2023:

*** NIAID grant 5-R00-AI-147029-05 of $254,000 — “avian influenza spillover”

*** NIAID grant 5-R01-AI-146101-05 of $613,000 — “universal influenza mRNA vaccine”

NOW, the BIG BUCKS, via NIAID grants from the NIAID Centers of Excellence for Influenza Research and Response related to “respiratory viruses” (and the avian flu is a respiratory virus — more about that further below):

*** NIAID combined grant 75N-93021C00015-P00008-9999-1 of $3.2 million;
*** NIAID combined grant 75N-93021C00015-P00008-9999-2 of $6.4 million;
*** NIAID combined grant 75N-93021C00015-P00008-9999-3 of $798,000;
*** NIAID combined grant 75N-93021C00015-P00008-9999-4 of $1.5 million.

NONE of the NIAID combined grants listed above have any specific research goal language listed. Yours Truly presents a screenshot from the Abstract of the NIAID $6.4 million grant:

comment image

👉AND, by the way, avian influenza infects the LOWER respiratory tract in humans; AND it can cross the BBB (Blood-Brain Barrier) to also infect the BRAIN:
“Avian influenza A (H5N1) infection with respiratory failure and meningoencephalitis in a Canadian traveller” (paper from 2015)
Edward Z Lee, MD, et al.

Gail Combs


 May 26, 2024 19:52

h/t Marica’s blog:
“Determining the risks and benefits of each recommended vaccine.”

26 May 2024
Yours Truly: The “free read” part of the article stops where the reader is prompted to “sign up for a free 7-day trial” to read the entire piece, unfortunately. However, here, from earlier in the article, is a graphic from the redoubtable Ed Dowd regarding the 2022 damage estimates from the COVID-19 “vaccines” —

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Gail Combs


 May 28, 2024 03:16

I can’t remember whether this information has been presented here.

Scientists Decode Deadly Blood Clot Disorder Triggered by COVID Vaccines

New research has shown that the dangerous PF4 antibodies involved in vaccine-induced thrombosis (VITT) and similar disorders from common cold infections share identical molecular structures, highlighting implications for future vaccine development and disease management.

New research conducted by Flinders University and global specialists is deepening our knowledge of vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (VITT). During the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, VITT was recognized as a new condition linked to adenovirus vector-based vaccines, particularly the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine.

VITT was found to be caused by an unusually dangerous blood autoantibody directed against a protein termed platelet factor 4 (or PF4). In separate research in 2023, researchers from Canada, North America, Germany, and Italy described a virtually identical disorder with the same PF4 antibody that was fatal in some cases after natural adenovirus (common cold) infection…

Now, the Flinders group has collaborated with this international group of researchers to find that the PF4 antibodies in both adenoviruses infection-associated VITT and classic adenoviral vectored VITT share identical molecular fingerprints or signatures.

The research will also have implications for improving vaccine development, says Flinders University researcher Dr. Wang, the first author on the new article that was published in the eminent New England Journal of Medicine.

…”Our findings have the important clinical implication that lessons learned from VITT are applicable to rare cases of blood clotting after adenovirus (a common cold) infections, as well as having implications for vaccine development,” he says.

I’ve never heard of cases of blood clotting after a common cold.


The common cold refers to symptoms but it can be caused by several families of viruses including corona viruses, rhinoviruses, enteroviruses, and human metapneumovirus.

Gail Combs


 Reply to  TheseTruths
 May 28, 2024 08:00

Should be a good place to insert this.

If as he states that 270 million Americans had at least one jab, and that is a big if with the liars that exist in government statistics related departments (I knew their game BIMD), the above is a massive underreporting of the health damages to citizens; although it is conclusive enough to prove the intentionally inflicted carnage that is occurring. The facts are we will never know just how many due to the long range effects on existing physical and mental weaknesses in every human on the planet who have been compromised.

Gail Combs


 Reply to  TheseTruths
 May 28, 2024 11:25

If one is reading the following paper correctly, it appears that the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) virus itself contains Mpro / 3CL protease elements (which would include P4):
“Structural biology of SARS-CoV-2: open the door for novel therapies”
Bin He, et al. (CCP)

Yours Truly: This paper is not easy to read; however, Figure 5 and the discussion below Figure 5 appear to show that the COVID-19 virus itself contains P4-like elements.

See below for another paper, from 2015, that demonstrates that the P4 protease element is contained in the MERS coronavirus:
“Critical Assessment of the Important Residue Involved in the Dimerization and Catalysis of MERS Coronavirus Main Protease”
Bo-Lin Ho, et al. (Taiwan and USA)

Yours Truly: Please refer to Figure 1 of this paper. The P4 chains are in magenta. They are from the C148A MERS mutant.

IMO, MERS and its mutants were closely investigated and elements of these were used in the development lab-created SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus itself. This would also mean that these elements are present in the lab-created and lab-enhanced COVID-19 “vaccines.”

It appears that these are two more data points on the tally sheet of just how complex, detailed, and long-term, were the investigations into the elements that would go into the lab-created SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus itself; and, by extension, into the development of the lab-created and lab-enhanced COVID-19 “vaccines.”

Gail Combs

Wolf Moon
BARDA has been involved up to the max regarding MERS research and also in Remdesivir:

One: MERS — Regeneron — BARDA — from 2016:
“Regeneron Announces Agreement With BARDA For The Manufacturing And Testing Of New Antibodies Against MERS Virus”

22 August 2016
Two: Remdesivir — BARDA — NIAID — from 2020:
13 February 2020



UNC WEBSITE: Remdesivir, developed through a UNC-Chapel Hill partnership, proves effective against COVID-19 in NIAID human clinical trials

On April 29, 👉Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), reported that data from an international clinical trial testing the broad-spectrum antiviral drug remdesivir in around 1,090 patients showed “quite good news” and should result in a new standard of care for COVID-19 patients.

Remdesivir was developed through an academic-corporate partnership between Gilead Sciences and the Baric Lab at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Gillings School of Global Public Health.

The biopharmaceutical company sought the talents of a research team led by William R. Kenan, Jr. 👉Distinguished Professor of Epidemiology Ralph Baric, who has studied coronaviruses for more than 30 years and pioneered rapid-response approaches for the study of emerging viruses and the development of therapeutics.

“This is a game changer for the treatment of patients with COVID-19,” Baric said upon hearing the results of the clinical trial. “Remdesivir provides an effective treatment strategy for the many infected individuals around the globe.”…

Gail Combs

Blood work for Scot’s Mom



One test I’ve seen mentioned is for vitamin D levels so you know if you are getting the right amount to boost your immunity.

Checking online, I found another recommended test, called HOMA-IR.

“Homeostatic Model Assessment for Insulin Resistance”.
To test for Insulin Resistance Syndrome, supposed to be an early indicator of diabetes, early enough to reverse the damage with change of diet.

 FCCC site
“Vitamin D 25-Hydroxy is the most accurate measure of your vitamin D status, with an optimum measurement considered to be above 50 ng/mL.”

D-Dimer test
Ddimer test is a blood test usually used to help check for or monitor blood clotting problems. It is used to help rule out the possibility of pulmonary embolism (PE). Ddimer is a protein fragment (small piece) that’s made when a blood clot dissolves in your body.

scott467( scott467)Online


 Reply to  TheseTruths
 May 28, 2024 17:10
From here: (8 minutes)

This is what we’re reduced to now, thanks to total abdication of responsibility by the medial profession.
Everybody has to be their own doctor now, because our own doctors aren’t really doctors anymore, they’re just drug company sales reps.


 Reply to  Gail Combs
 May 28, 2024 19:40

“Be ready to explain WHY you want each of those tests.”
I hadn’t thought of that, or why he would even care, but I better look into that now.
The vitamin D test and the A1C Diabetes test probably won’t require any explanation. I take vitamin D supplements and I want to know if I should be taking either more or less, and a Diabetes test is just a Diabetes test.
The HOMA-IR seems like a more specialized form of the Diabetes test.
Heart Troponin Level test
Blood Calcium test
I’m guessing these are all Covid related, which I’m happy to tell my doctor, but I don’t know why they would be helpful or what result I’m looking / hoping for.
I checked my saved Q-tree posts, and found this from 12-28-22, in reply to Robert Baker:
Gail Combs: “D-Dimer test? However that is the LAST test they want for determining if you had the Clot Shot because it SHOWS you are developing clots…
Cleveland Clinic: D-Dimer Test: What It Is, What It Is Used For, Risks & Results
A D-dimer test is a blood test that measures D-dimer, which is a protein fragment that your body makes when a blood clot dissolves in your body. D-dimer is normally undetectable or only detectable at a very low level unless your body is forming and breaking down significant blood clots.”
He knows I haven’t had the clot shot, but if I understand correctly, the D-dimer test should show whether I have been exposed to clot-inducing spike protein, which I probably have, since I think I have had covid 3 times (never tested, but Vitamin I sure worked fast all three times).
I saved this post from RDS, dated January 24, 2023 which references D-dimer AND Troponin:
Yours Truly: This is an article with an embedded interview video with Steve Kirsch speaking with Dr. Thomas Levy, a cardiologist and attorney. Dr. Levy is of the opinion that up to 100 million Americans may have heart damage from the “vaccines.”
If one is correctly reading the article that Dr. Levy wrote for published on 5 January 2023, it appears that anybody who had a COVID-19 infection (“vaccinated” or not), AND anybody who has taken a COVID-19 “vaccine” needs to have the D-dimer test AND to have their troponin levels assessed.
It appears that the spike protein in the COVID-19 virus itself, whether from an infection in an “unvaccinated” person, or from an infection in a “vaccinated” person, or just by getting a COVID-19 “vaccine”, can cause damage to the heart.
Jan. 5, 2023
“Myocarditis: Once Rare, Now Common”
by Thomas E. Levy, MD JD
(one also found his commentary here: — then scrolling down the main page to the Vol. 19, No. 1, January 4, 2023 listing with the hyperlink to “Myocarditis: Once Rare, Now Common”)”
And RDS again, from February 6. 2023 (excerpt):
One is of the opinion that any “UN-vaccinated” person who had COVID-19 and recovered — any person who is “vaccinated” — any person who is “vaccianted” and ALSO had COVID-19 and recovered — need to be taking IVM / HCQ and the other FLCCC-recommended “I-RECOVER (SM)” protocol items, in addition to the cardiovascular supplements recommended by Dr. Robert Malone.
And to keep taking them for an indefinite period of time. And consider getting a D-dimer test and a CD4 – CD8 immune function level test.”
So if I understand correctly:
The D-dimer test will show whether my system has been dissolving blood clots (clots which likely came from exposure to Covid).
The Troponin Level test is to determine whether exposure to Covid may have caused heart damage and/or Myocarditis.
The Vitamin D test and the A1C Diabetes test are self explanatory. I take vitamin D supplements and I want to know if I should be taking either more or less, and a Diabetes test is just a Diabetes test.
The HOMA-IR test appears to be a more specialized form of the Diabetes test.
That just leaves the Blood Calcium test.
What’s the Blood Calcium test for?



 Reply to  scott467
 May 28, 2024 20:07

The Blood Calcium test measures how much, if any, calcium is being “leached” from the bones into the blood. Abnormal results can indicate bone disease or certain types of conditions.

Gail Combs

Hard Data Proves Big Pharma Knew COVID Vaccines Would Worsen And Prolong The Pandemic
28 May 2024

Yours Truly: A stunning compilation of charts and graphs from countries around the world, showing clearly that the COVID-19 “vaccines” started increasing worldwide mortality rates in December 2020.

The lines in red on each graph show that infections from the virus itself were beginning to move toward “herd immunity.” Then, starting in December 2020 (when the COVID-19 “vaccines” were granted EUAs for use in countries including the United States), and continuing through March 2021, the blue line of deaths after COVID-19 “vaccination” take off, depending on the country.

There is a link to a video on You Tube for further information.

Gail Combs

From D-Pat’s article. 8 min video explaining how Zinc & D work together.

Vitamin D, paired with zinc, “will regulate the expression of thousands of proteins. So it’s key in terms of cell signaling, control of cell division, differentiation, all of which is central to the ability of your immune system to function,”


— Jan Jekielek (@JanJekielek) May 27, 2024

Gail Combs


 Reply to  marymorse
 May 29, 2024 18:19



 Reply to  marymorse
 May 29, 2024 16:14

Today’s NY Post AP report on indictments @ U. Florida.
With links to U. Fla as member of SERCEB. South East Center of Excellence for Emerging Infection & Biosecurity, founded by Fauci in 2003ish. Includes Vanderbilt (Barney Graham, Dennison, etal…Op Warp Speed architects), UNC inc. Baric, Duke, etc.), Also Ian Lipkin…

Gail Combs

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

 May 29, 2024 01:00

If I had vaccinated the 6000 patients I treated for C0VID, I would have made $1,500,000.

— Mary Talley Bowden MD (@MdBreathe) May 28, 2024



 Reply to  Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
 May 29, 2024 11:40

Wolf Moon
Thank you for this. It confirms what Yours Truly posted on this situation about a week ago.
Here are items related to the federal government (via Medicaid / CMS) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) pushing for COVID-19 / RSV “vaccination” in CHILDREN and YOUTH UNDER AGE 18; also, getting paid for such “counseling”:

One: December 2021:
“Biden-Harris Administration Makes 100% Federal Medicaid Matching Funds Available for State Expenditures on Certain COVID-19 Vaccine Counseling Visits for Children and Youth”

Two: December 2021:
“Medicaid Will Pay Doctors for COVID-19 Vaccine Counseling”

Three: October 2023: Payment coverage expanded to include counseling for RSV “vaccines”:
“CDC director addresses COVID, RSV concerns; announces new CPT codes during AAP town hall”

Four: February 2024: AAP strategy article on “overcoming Vaccine Hesitancy”:
Yours Truly: This article is, IMO, a must-read. The approach follows the “parents need to be ‘counseled’ into ‘understanding’ that Vaccine Hesitancy is very bad — convince them that ‘trusted messengers’ like pediatricians, the CDC, and the government know better than parents about what is best for their children.

Here are two figures from the article:

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Gail Combs

From DPat

The Vigilant Fox 

The Pfizer COVID-19 “vaccine” injected into billions of arms was not the same one used in Pfizer’s clinical trials.

There was a “bait and switch.” The clinical trials tested “Process 1” while the public received “Process 2.”

And what they never told you is that “Process 2” was only tested on about 252 people, instead of 40,000 people.

They also didn’t tell you that the vials were contaminated with plasmid DNA.

A new study by Kevin McKernan and colleagues found “the presence of billions to hundreds of billions of DNA molecules per dose in these vaccines. Using fluorometry, all vaccines exceed the guidelines for residual DNA set by FDA and WHO of 10 ng/dose by 188 to 509-fold.”

In layman’s terms, that’s not 500%; that is up to 500 times the amount of residual DNA that is acceptable.


1:05 / 1:41

[American Thought Leaders interview with Dr Cole]

10:28 AM · May 29, 2024




Last edited 7 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs

From DPat

“Sudden And Unexpected”


A disturbing new study has uncovered evidence from official government data showing that deaths among people vaccinated for Covid have been recorded as being unvaccinated.

The move apparently sought to make the Covid mRNA injections appear “safe” while also stoking fear among the unvaccinated by showing a false spike in deaths of people who purportedly hadn’t received the shots.


Last edited 7 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


 May 30, 2024 10:10


Thank you for posting the tweet regarding the “Process 2” method used by Pfizer-BioNTech to manufacture their COVID-19 “flagship” modRNA “vaccine”, BNt162b2.

This confirms what Yours Truly posted an article about on this board last November the “Process 2” method. This article blew the lid off the entire situation, including images from “confidential” documents that Pfizer-BioNTech gave to the FDA regarding the company’s sudden switch from the earlier “Process 1” method to the “Process 2” method — AND THAT THE FDA DIDN’T DO ITS JOB AND QUESTION THE CHANGE.

Gail Combs


 May 30, 2024 14:21

Dr. Peter McCullough believes “Disease X” is actually the “new” [lab-enhanced] version of the AVIAN FLU, H5N1:
30 May 2024

Yours Truly: Dr. McCullough believes that the “new” version of the avian flu is really the “Disease X” that the WHO and others have been talking about (and having “table top exercises” about) for the past year or so.

Apparently, “testing officials” are starting to show up — wearing HAZMAT suits — to “test” poultry using PCR TESTS. There are already calls for farm workers and others in contact with poultry and/or cattle to be “vaccinated” against this “new” version of H5N1.

The current FDA-approved “vaccine” for H5N1, called AUDENZ, was approved WITHOUT ANY HUMAN TRIALS DATA.

There is a link to the CEPI report (from August 2023) on developing a SELF-AMPLIFYING modRNA “vaccine” against the “new” version on H5N1.

7 August 2023
Here is a screenshot from the CEPI article, explaining how saRNA “vaccines” work:

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And, here is the link to the MAJOR FUNDERS of CEPI:

Click on “Learn more” to see the PDF of the list of major investors (includes the United States, universities, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, etc.)

Gail Combs

Valerie Curren

 June 4, 2024 08:00

comment imagePeter McCullough, MD
BREAKING Publication: Proximal Origin of Epidemic Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Clade and Spread by Migratory Waterfowl

Published evidence suggests current outbreak came from a laboratory
The above circumstances prompted us to pose a question—namely, it is possible that HPAI H5N1 clade evolved not in nature, but as a result of serial passage or other Gain-of-Function (GOF) research in a laboratory? The evidence we have uncovered thus far strongly raises the suspicion that this is indeed the case–specifically the U.S. National and Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory (SEPRL) Centers, Athens, GA.

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Last edited 6 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


 May 31, 2024 20:08

Both links go to a ThreadReader. One snippet:

SOCIAL DISTANCING: The “6 feet apart” social distancing recommendation forced on Americans by federal health officials was arbitrary and not based on science.

Dr. Fauci testified that this guidance “sort of just appeared.”

Gail Combs


 June 1, 2024 20:44

YAY, YAY, YAY! Vindication!

Recall that Yours Truly did weeks of “deep dives” quite a while ago, reading through dozens of FOIA documents related to the huge C4591001 “clinical trial” by Pfizer-BioNTech of the company’s modRNA “flagship” COVID-19 “vaccine”BNT162b2, and presenting summaries on this board?

Voila! There’s now a Version 1 audit of C4591001! –— it’s here:
“Pfizer/BioNTech C4591001 Trial – Audit Report – v1 (2024-05-31)”
by Openvaet, Dr. Ah Kahn Syed, Josh Guetzkow, et al.

Yours Truly: Among the multiple areas of anomalies, data distortions / missing data, etc., that are covered in this audit, there is also a discussion of the “Process 1” and “Process 2” manufacturing methods for BNT162b2. HIGHER RATES OF ADVERSE EFFECTS were noted in the test subjects who were injected with BNT162b2 made by “Process 2.”

One hopes that this audit is used to bring Pfizer-BioNTech to justice.

Gail Combs


 Reply to  PAVACA

 June 1, 2024 22:29

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Gail Combs


 June 1, 2024 11:54



 Reply to  barkerjim
 June 1, 2024 12:16

Of course if your Tedros, you don’t inject anything.

Nice man will wait till everyone has a shot before he takes his. Might not of heard about how many shots are being dumped? Someone should insist that he take his now along with the boosters.When the Director General Tedros of The World Health Organisation who pushed Covid Vaccines to “save millions of lives” didn’t take the Vaccine himself – perhaps you should start asking obvious questions.

And yes millions upon millions of vaccines have now been disposed of, so…

— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) June 1, 2024

Gail Combs


 June 3, 2024 09:55

AND, while we were all being distracted by the BOGUS “conviction” of Donald Trump and the opening of the psy-op regarding the “new” [lab-enhanced] version of the bird flu, the WHO just ILLEGALLY PASSED a new set of “amendments” to their IHR (International Health Regulations) — which “new amendments” embody most of what the (defeated) “Pandemic Treaty” had in it!

AND, passed the “new amendments” just like the U.S. Congress does — in the dead of night; nobody had time to really read the document; and those (NOT A QUORUM) who voted were told to BE QUIET ABOUT IT.
Dr. Robert Malone
3 June 2024
Yours Truly: Yup, there are “provisions” to “deal with” what WHO will define as “medical misinformation.” There are “provisions” that allow the head of the WHO to unilaterally declare worldwide “health emergencies.” There are “provisions” that allow the WHO to issue restrictions on travel, commerce, etc. It appears that the WHO is now arrogating to itself the “mandate” for “vaccination” in the event of a “worldwide health emergency.”
It also appears that the WHO is working “hand-in-glove” with the WEF.

Here is a screenshot of part of Dr. Malone’s Substack article:

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PLEASE NOTE what Dr. Malone says at the end of the screenshot about silencing dissenters via INFORMATION OR PSYCHOLOGICAL BIOTERRORISM.
IMO, this is taking GASLIGHTING to a new and very dangerous level — linking BIOWEAPON use to BIOTERRORISM. It worked for the COVID-19 disaster. Now it’s going to be applied to whatever “worldwide health emergency” the WHO chooses to “declare.”

Last edited 7 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


 June 3, 2024 20:58

More sauce regarding the new “amendments” that the WHO just approved.
What we’re looking at is UN / WHO forced testing, “vaccinations”, quarantining, etc., if the UN / WHO “declares” a “health emergency.”
1 June 2024

And, a screenshot from Article 1 of this document:

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Gail Combs


 June 4, 2024 04:01

From Steve Kirsch’s email newsletter:


Study Links COVID-19 mRNA Shots, Not Infection to Heart Failure in Children. This MASSIVE study also shows no benefit in reduction of infection.

James Lyons-Weiler
Jun 03, 2024


A groundbreaking study by researchers from Oxford, Leeds, Harvard, and Bristol has confirmed that myocarditis and pericarditis only appear in children and adolescents following COVID-19 vaccination, not after infection. This extensive research analyzed official government data from over 1 million English children and adolescents, comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated subjects aged 5-11 and 12-15.

Key findings include:

All cases of myocarditis and pericarditis during the study period occurred in vaccinated individuals.Most myocarditis and pericarditis cases were recorded after the first dose of the vaccine.Hospitalizations related to COVID-19 were extremely rare among children and adolescents.Over 50% of children who had myocarditis following the shot required hospitalization.Read the full study here for more detailed insights.

Study Also Questions Effectiveness of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines in Children

This large-scale study from the University of Oxford has also raised questions about the effectiveness of COVID-19 mRNA injections in children and adolescents. This study included over 1 million participants, focusing on the incidence rate ratio (IRR) and hospitalization outcomes post-vaccination. Key findings include:

(continued at title link)



 Reply to  scott467
 June 4, 2024 06:58


Last edited 6 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs

Study that shows 74% of deaths were caused by COVID vaccines was scrubbed from the web within 24 hours

…because of blatant censorship, the study was removed within 24 hours.
The paper was awaiting peer-review and was written by respected cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Harvey Risch, a Yale University epidemiologist, and their colleagues in the Wellness Company.
The paper was published online on July 5, on the pre-print site of The Lancet, a prestigious medical journal. Less than 24 hours later, the COVID-19 study was removed with the following note: “This preprint has been removed by Preprints with the Lancet because the study’s conclusions are not supported by the study methodology.”….

What the study foundThe study revealed that the most implicated organ systems in COVID-19 vaccine-associated death were:

  • The cardiovascular system (53 percent)
  • The hematological system (17 percent)
  • The respiratory system (eight percent)
  • Multiple organ systems (seven percent)

The study also found that three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases. The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days.
Most deaths occurred within a week from the last vaccine administration. COVID-19 vaccination was found to be directly linked to or significantly contributed to a total of 240 deaths (73.9 percent).
The research team added that continued study will help clarify their findings…


AND Thank You Mike Adams and Daily Sceptic Org.


Gail Combs

From: PAVACA (with slight modification by me)
 June 4, 2024 13:49


Yours Truly will now rip the lid off the H5N1 Avian Flu research being done at the USDA Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory in Athens, Georgia (part of Georgia Tech.) This research APPEARS TO BE GAIN-OF-FUNCTION. This research is being performed in USDA laboratories that ARE LESS THAN BSL-4 SAFETY LEVEL. Links and screenshots are below:

ONE: First, the McCullough, et al. paper:

3 June 2024 “Proximal Origin of Epidemic Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Clade and Spread by Migratory Waterfowl”

Peter A. McCullough, et al.

Yours Truly urges all interested persons to DOWNLOAD and SAVE this paper.
One suspects that it can be either “retracted” or “reissued with new conclusions” that reflect pressure on the paper’s publisher. Case in point here is the “retraction” of the McCullough, et al., paper published by Cureus in January of this year that was retracted less than a month later — this paper is about the data distortions and “clinical trials” errors regarding the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine” BNT162b2 (which was given its initial EUA by the FDA in December 2020.)

TWO: This is the project information link regarding the USDA Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory experiments with H5N1 Avian Influenza virus:

“Research Project: Control Strategies to Prevent and Respond to Diseases Outbreaks Caused by Avian Influenza Viruses”

Below is a screenshot from the document. 


comment image

THREE: It appears that the USDA Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory IS NOT A BSL-4 LEVEL FACILITY. In addition, it appears to be a DANGEROUS PLACE TO WORK IN. In fact, IT APPEARS THAT THE LAB IS BEING REBUILT TO BSL-2 AND/OR BSL-3 SAFETY STANDARDS. 

Here is the link:

Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory – Phase II
Between Occupational Safety and Health Administration Atlanta-East Area Office and Georgia Tech Enterprise Innovation Institute – Safety, Health, and Environmental Services Group and Mortenson Construction

Below is a screenshot from the OSHA partnership agreement for the rebuilding of the lab:

comment image

FOUR: H5N1 can affect the BRAIN, the LUNGS, and the HEART of infected mammals:

“Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus Clade Infections in Wild Terrestrial Mammals, United States, 2022”
Elizabeth J. Elsmo, et al.
published December 2023

Upon further reflection — Yours Truly will add that the H5N1 Avian Flu virus clade is not only highly pathogenic, it is also highly infectious. IMO, any experimentation on this virus HAS to be performed in a BSL-4 level facility, AND under strict and continuous scrutiny by lab personnel.

Gail Combs


 June 7, 2024 09:58

Thank you for this. It confirms that Yours Truly posted on this board awhile ago regarding the new ICM codes:

There is a great deal of “fackcheckers” cr@p online about this, claiming that the new ICM codes “only track trends, not people.”

This is a LIE. The ICM codes are DIRECTLY tracking people’s health status — EVERY TIME they go to a doctor, to a hospital, to a clinic — because of the EHR (Electronic Health Record) systems. VERY FEW medical practitioners (MD, DO, dentists, Nurse-Practitioners), whether “stand-alone” or employed by a clinic / hospital, keep paper files on patients. Otherwise, ALL information goes into the computer and into the EHR for a patient.

ICM codes are used by INSURANCE COMPANIES to decide whether or not a medical service will be covered, and if covered, by how much.

The CPT system (Current Procedural Terminology system) is owned by THE AMA and is the OFFICIAL FEDERAL STANDARDS to describe services, tests, procedures, etc., that a licensed healthcare professional provides for a patient.


The ICM system is OWNED BY THE WHO. INSURANCE COMPANIES AND CMS use the ICM system for billing purposes.

The ICM and the CPT systems are used IN TANDEM for medical description and billing.

The new ICM codes for people who are “UN-vaccinated” or “INSUFFICIENTLY-vaccinated” against COVID-19 was adopted in 2022. Here’s a screenshot image of these new ICM codes, per the AAPC website:

comment image

The AAPC (formerly the American Academy of Professional Coders) website page that describes the new ICM codes:

Yours Truly will again mention that there is an international organization for people who are “UN-vaccinated” against COVID-19:

Yours Truly has one of this organization’s “Must Not Be Vaccinated” cards.


I am bringing the ‘Sauce’ from Saudi Arabia no less.

What is the WHO ICD coding system ?


Date Posted: 2016/04/02

International Classification of Diseases (ICD)

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is the standard diagnostic tool for epidemiology, health management and clinical purposes. This includes the analysis of the general health situation of population groups. It is used to monitor the incidence and prevalence of diseases and other health problems, proving a picture of the general health situation of countries and populations.

ICD is used by physicians, nurses, other providers, researchers, health information managers and coders, health information technology workers, policy-makers, insurers and patient organizations to classify diseases and other health problems recorded on many types of health and vital records, including death certificates and health records. In addition to enabling the storage and retrieval of diagnostic information for clinical, epidemiological and quality purposes, these records also provide the basis for the compilation of national mortality and morbidity statistics by WHO Member States. Finally, ICD is used for reimbursement and resource allocation decision-making by countries.

All Member States use the ICD which has been translated into 43 languages. Most countries (117) use the system to report mortality data, a primary indicator of health status.




by Md Fazlur Rahman , Procurement Specialist , Engineering and Planning Consultants Ltd

WHO: World Health Organization

ICD: International Classification of Diseases

 Use: WHO ICD provides a common language for reporting and monitoring diseases. This allows the users to compare and share data in a standard way – between hospitals, regions and countries and over periods of time. It facilitates the collection and storage of data for analysis and evidence-based decision-making.

Gail Combs


 June 8, 2024 09:19

Here are the changes to the CDC definition of “vaccine.” The latest, in September 2021, was to “officially recognize” the COVID-19 “vaccines” —

comment image

Gail Combs


 June 8, 2024 10:50

Well — it appears that Anthony Fauci was NOT in charge of White House COVID-19 policy — it was (and still is, likely) the NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL:

“Fauci Was NOT in Charge of Covid Policy. The National Security Council Was.”
3 June 2024

Yours Truly: This is a cross post from Deb Lerman. The NSC was in charge of COVID-19 policy starting 13 March 2020. Below is a screenshot of the graph from page 9 of the NSC document called “PanCAP-A” of that date:

comment image

Here is the Deb Lerman post, from January 2024:
“The National Security Council Arms of Government Led the Covid Response”
Yours Truly: It also appears that FEMA replaced the HHS as the United States leader for the response to COVID-19 on 19 March 2020.
Yours Truly again: IMO, President Donald Trump put the NSC in charge of policy (not the CDC or the NIH, people like Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins), so Fauci would have to report to another authority. What President Trump didn’t know was that people on the NSC in his administration, like then-Vice President Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, and Gen. Milley, would turn out to be “not so trustworthy.”
Members of the NSC in March 2020:
The President (Donald J. Trump)
The Vice President (Mike Pence)
Secretary of Defense (Mark Esper)
Secretary of State (Mike Pompeo)
Director of National Intelligence: Rick Grenell
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff (Gen. Mark Milley)
Chief of Staff to the President (Mark Meadows)
Counsel to the President (Pat Cipillone)
Director of the National Economic Council (Larry Kudlow)
National Security Advisor (Robert O’Brien)
Secretary of the Treasury (Steven Mnuchin)
United States Representative to the United Nations (Kelly Craft)
Director of FEMA, March 2020: Pete Gaynor
Secretary of HHS, March 2020: Alex Azar

Gail Combs


 June 8, 2024 11:25

BREAKING: 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules mRNA COVID-19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine Under Traditional Medical Definitions Jim Hᴏft Jun. 8, 2024 8:00 am 628 Comments

The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has delivered a seismic decision that could reshape public health policy across the nation.

In a contentious case involving the Health Freedom Defense Fund and other plaintiffs versus the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), the court has declared that mRNA COVID-19 injections do not qualify as vaccines under traditional medical definitions.

The case revolved around the LAUSD’s COVID-19 vaccination policy, which required all employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by a specified deadline.

The plaintiffs argued that the district’s vaccine mandate infringed upon their fundamental right to refuse medical treatment, as the mRNA injections do not prevent the transmission of COVID-19 but merely mitigate symptoms for the recipient.

The court’s opinion, penned by Circuit Judge R. Nelson and supported by Judge Collins, asserts that the mRNA shots, marketed as vaccines, do not effectively prevent the transmission of COVID-19 but merely reduce symptoms in those who contract the virus. This crucial distinction undermines the foundational premise of the vaccine mandates enforced by various governmental and educational institutions.

Judge Nelson pointed out that the mandate was inconsistent with the Supreme Court’s century-old ruling in Jacobson v. Massachusetts, a case that upheld the state’s right to enforce smallpox vaccinations due to their proven effectiveness in preventing disease spread. In contrast, the mRNA COVID-19 shots do not offer such public health benefits, thus failing the criteria established by Jacobson.

The ruling points out that traditional vaccines are designed to provide immunity and prevent transmission, which is not conclusively proven in the case of mRNA COVID-19 shots…

That will piss off the ruling class their evil acolytes.

Personally thinks that the ruling did not go far enough. Should of opened a venue for more action by saying something like, the mRNA shots not only failed as a vaccine but are likely the cause of more debilitating side effects to include early death to mention one. 😮

Gail Combs


 June 10, 2024 15:24

3 June 2024


cross-post by James Lyons-Weiler

Yours Truly: The study referred to is from England. It looked at the cases of Myocarditis in persons ages 5 – 16 after “vaccination” with BNT162b2 (the Pfizer-BioNTech “flagship” modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine.”) IMO, it’s pretty conclusive — the COVID-19 “vaccines” DO CAUSE MYOCARDITIS — and that the “vaccines” CAUSE IT 100% OF THE TIME IN “VACCINATED” PERSONS UNDER AGE 16.

Also — any “effectiveness” of the COVID-19 “vaccines” in this age group IS GONE BY WEEK 14 AFTER “VACCINATION.”

HOWEVER — the paper ALSO states that there were “several limitations.”

AND — that paper has the BS that BNT162b2 “was shown to be effective in preventing COVID-19 infection…” See the sections “Strengths and Limitations“, “Findings in context” and “Conclusion” toward the end of the paper. It may be that the BS things were added to get the paper past “certain entities”, like the English NHS.

THIS PAPER IS A PREPRINT. Yours Truly urges all interested people to DOWNLOAD and save this paper — IMO, it’s “prime target” to be either Retracted, Withdrawn, or Re-issued (with “new conclusions” to reflect the pressures put on MedRxIv and/or the authors by “certain entities” who ultimately decided that they don’t want the truth coming out about the COVID-19 “vaccines.”)

ALSO — there is documented evidence that the COVID-19 “vaccines” INDUCE MYOCARDITIS IN “VACCINATED” PERSONS OLDER THAN AGE 16.

This is because ALL of the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”, the DNA-vector COVID-19 “vaccines”, and even the Novavax COVID-19 “vaccine” DO THE SAME THING — they USE THE WUHAN Hu1 original SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus code as part of the ingredient mix. The Wuhan Hu1 virus contains elements that TARGET the cardiovascular system and the heart itself. The result is a build-up of LYMPHOCYTES in these areas BECAUSE THE BODY REACTS AS IF THE HEART IS UNDER ATTACK FROM INFECTION. The eventual outcome can be CRACKS in the AORTA, along with terrible DAMAGE to the walls of the blood vessels.

Does this mean that ALL people who get COVID-19 “vaccinated” (or “un-vaccinated” people who get a COVID-19 infection and recover), will get Myocarditis?


It is of utmost importance that ALL people, whether COVID-19 “vaccinated” or not, maintain their natural immune system in the best shape possible.

Gail Combs


 June 10, 2024 10:59

IMO, this is HUGE:

7 June 2024

Yours Truly: Dr. Francix Boyle is the law professor that wrote the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act that was passed by both houses of the US Congress. Dr. Boyle is a legal expert on biological weapons. Links to Dr. Boyle’s affidavit are in the above article.


Gail Combs first response:

From my OLD NOTES (February 2020):

Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 was passed into law in 1990. It provided for the implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention as well as criminal penalties for violation of its provisions. The law was amended in 1996 and has been used to prosecute several individuals.

Biological Weapons Convention was the first multilateral disarmament treaty banning the production of an entire category of weapons. It currently commits the 170 states which are party to it to prohibit the development, production, and stockpiling of biological and toxin weapons. However, the absence of any formal verification regime to monitor compliance has limited the effectiveness of the Convention. As of April 2013, an additional 10 states have signed the BWC but have yet to ratify the treaty.

CHINA is a signatory as is the USA.

This is an interview of Dr Boyle by Alex Jones. Luckily there is a transcript.

And there is a second , later interview with Dr Boyle:
US Biowarfare Act Author: Studies Confirm Coronavirus Weaponized”></a&gt;

This second article has links to the Scientific Papers that Dr Boyle uses as evidence and to this interview (36 minutes):

The first paper he discusses is the French paper I discussed earlier:
I am referring to this:

This information was first mentioned in a paper from India:

Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag


…..We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag. Interestingly, despite the inserts being discontinuous on the primary amino acid sequence, 3D-modelling of the 2019-nCoV suggests that they converge to constitute the receptor binding site. The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature. This work provides yet unknown insights on 2019-nCoV and sheds light on the evolution and pathogenicity of this virus with important implications for diagnosis of this virus.

The authors were viciously harassed and it is now labeled as Withdrawn.


But truth has a way of making itself known. Another set of researchers, this time in France confirmed the results.

The spike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade


In 2019, a new coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infecting Humans has emerged in Wuhan, China. Its genome has been sequenced and the genomic information promptly released. Despite a high similarity with the genome sequence of SARS-CoV and SARS-like CoVs, we identified a peculiar furin-like cleavage site in the Spike protein of the 2019-nCoV, lacking in the other SARS-like CoVs. In this article, we discuss the possible functional consequences of this cleavage site in the viral cycle, pathogenicity and its potential implication in the development of antivirals.

”….we identified a peculiar furin-like cleavage site in the Spike protein of the 2019-nCoV, lacking in the other SARS-like CoVs.….”

That is as close as scientists are going to get to saying this virus does not look natural. They are aware of what happen to the Indians and are not about to step over the politically correct line.

 Dr Boyle states they found ‘gain of function’ and ‘gain of function’ studies are ONLY of use for weaponizing viruses. The Journal Nature, in an editorial linked below refutes this.
The Second paper he discusses is a paper out of University of North Carolina.
This is the nitty gritty of the transcript of the first interview by Alex Jones:
DR BOYLE: “I think I have the definitive evidence where this came from and it came from the BSL-3 biowarfare lab at the University of North Carolina.”


He then refers to the paper:

“A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence.”
It was Electronically Published on November 8, 2015

Funded by The National Institutes of Health under Fauci AND the State Key Program for Basic Research Grants from the Chinese Ministry of Science. Fauci not only funded the initial research but indicated interest in funding further research. 


The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)-CoV underscores the threat of cross-species transmission events leading to outbreaks in humans. Here we examine the disease potential of a SARS-like virus, SHC014-CoV, which is currently circulating in Chinese horseshoe bat populations. Using the SARS-CoV reverse genetics system, we generated and characterized a chimeric virus expressing the spike of bat coronavirus SHC014 in a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV backbone. The results indicate that group 2b viruses encoding the SHC014 spike in a wild-type backbone can efficiently use multiple orthologs of the SARS receptor human angiotensin converting enzyme II (ACE2), replicate efficiently in primary human airway cells and achieve in vitro titers equivalent to epidemic strains of SARS-CoV.

 Additionally, in vivo experiments demonstrate replication of the chimeric virus in mouse lung with notable pathogenesis. Evaluation of available SARS-based immune-therapeutic and prophylactic modalities revealed poor efficacy; both monoclonal antibody and vaccine approaches failed to neutralize and protect from infection with CoVs using the novel spike protein. On the basis of these findings, we synthetically re-derived an infectious full-length SHC014 recombinant virus and demonstrate robust viral replication both in vitro and in vivo. Our work suggests a potential risk of SARS-CoV re-emergence from viruses currently circulating in bat populations.

Authors include not only Ralph Baric but Zhengli Shi 👈The Bat Lady!


Dr Boyle then mentions an Australian paper.
Published: June 22, 2010

Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) proteins of different bat species confer variable susceptibility to SARS-CoV entry

The authors are certainly interesting. Sure sound like Aussie names don’t they?
Yuxuan Hou

Back to the paper.


The discovery of SARS-like coronavirus in bats suggests that bats could be the natural reservoir of SARS-CoV. However, previous studies indicated the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) protein, a known SARS-CoV receptor, from a horseshoe bat was unable to act as a functional receptor for SARS-CoV. Here, we extended our previous study to ACE2 molecules from seven additional bat species and tested their interactions with human SARS-CoV spike protein using both HIV-based pseudotype and live SARS-CoV infection assays. The results show that ACE2s of Myotis daubentoni and Rhinolophus sinicus support viral entry mediated by the SARS-CoV S protein, albeit with different efficiency in comparison to that of the human ACE2. Further, the alteration of several key residues either decreased or enhanced bat ACE2 receptor efficiency, as predicted from a structural modeling study of the different bat ACE2 molecules….

….although the genetically related SARS-like coronavirus (SL-CoV) has been identified in horseshoe bats of the genus Rhinolophus [581218], its spike protein was not able to use the human ACE2 (hACE2) protein as a receptor [13]. Close examination of the crystal structure of human SARS-CoV RBD complexed with hACE2 suggests that truncations in the receptor-binding motif (RBM) region of SL-CoV spike protein abolish its hACE2-binding ability [710], and hence the SL-CoV found recently in horseshoe bats is unlikely to be the direct ancestor of human SARS-CoV. Also, it has been shown that the human SARS-CoV spike protein and its closely related civet SARS-CoV spike protein were not able to use a horseshoe bat (R. pearsoni) ACE2 as a receptor [13], highlighting a critical missing link in the bat-to-civet/human transmission chain of SARS-CoV…..

[So was SARS also bio-engineered and then released from a Chinese lab?- G.C.]

…we have extended our studies to include ACE2 molecules from different bat species and examined their interaction with the human SARS-CoV spike protein. Our results show that there is great genetic diversity among bat ACE2 molecules, especially at the key residues known to be important for interacting with the viral spike protein, and that ACE2s of Myotis daubentoni and Rhinolophus sinicus from Hubei province can support viral entry….

Chimeric ACE2 construction

…Chimeric ACE2 was constructed by combining the N-terminal region of bat ACE2 with the C-terminal portion of human ACE2 at the unique BamHI site (1,070–1,075 bp). The chimera was subsequently cloned into pCDNA3.1 with KpnI and XhoI and sequenced as above….

Pseudotype virus infection assays

An HIV-1-luciferase pseudotype virus carrying the SARS-CoV BJ01 S protein, HIV/BJ01-S, was prepared as described previously HeLa cells were seeded onto 96-well plates for 18 h and then transfected with 0.2 μg recombinant plasmid containing bat or human ACE2 using 0.5 μL Lipofectamine 2000 (Invitrogen, USA) according to the manufacturer’s protocol…..



Gail Combs
Lin-fa Wang is a professor at the Duke University “international” campus (Duke Global Health Institute) in Singapore. Duke University has been involved in coronaviruses research for years—IMO, their “bat person” is Dr. Wang.


Gail Combs second response:

I had this in my notes about one of the Chinese doing research for the Australian paper above.

Let’s also look at Fang Li

2017 – present

Associate Professor (with tenure)

Department of Veterinary and Biomedical SciencesUniversity of Minnesota Twin Cities, Saint Paul, MN.

file:///tmp/lu284032y5nc8v.tmp/lu284032y5nedf_tmp_130671d26b1ea81c.gif 2014 – 2017

Associate Professor (with tenure)

Department of PharmacologyUniversity of Minnesota Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN.



file:///tmp/lu284032y5nc8v.tmp/lu284032y5nedf_tmp_130671d26b1ea81c.gif 2003 – 2006

Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology

Harvard Medical SchoolChildren’s Hospital, Boston, MA.

Sponsor: Dr. Stephen C. Harrison

Degrees and Education

file:///tmp/lu284032y5nc8v.tmp/lu284032y5nedf_tmp_130671d26b1ea81c.gif 1996 – 2002

Yale University, Ph.D. in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, New Haven, CT.

Advisor: Nobel Laureate Dr. Thomas A. Steitz

file:///tmp/lu284032y5nc8v.tmp/lu284032y5nedf_tmp_130671d26b1ea81c.gif 1991 – 1996

Beijing University, B.S. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Beijing, China.

So ANOTHER BS in China followed by a PhD in the USA. Do you REALLY think anyone but the child of a communist party member gets those opportunities?


For that Ralph Baric -UNC gain of function paper several are from UNC as expected plus Wayne A. Marasco, MD, PhD is from Harvard, but there are our others not from UNC that are interesting.

Marasco’s papers:

Remember Harvard is VERY socialist ==> communist (I lived a few blocks from there)

AND it is the university that had a professor arrested, Dr. Charles Lieber, Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, who was bribed by the Chinese per the US Department of Justice

in addition ”Zaosong Zheng, was arrested on Dec. 10, 2019, at Boston’s Logan International Airport and charged by criminal complaint with attempting to smuggle 21 vials of biological research to China.” A Chinese national,Zaosong Zheng was sponsored by Harvard and working as a researcher at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

The third person is Yanqing Ye, a Boston University researcher. She is accused of failing to disclose her status as a lieutenant in the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. According to the indictment, she was taking orders from PLA superiors while conducting her research at BU.

Two of the UNC paper authors listed are from China, Ge XY , and The Bat Lady, Shi ZL

The author information returns:
Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China.

Ge XY has many, many bat corona virus papers listed:

However I can not find anything else about this person.

Zhengli Shi is mentioned in a 2020 Daily Caller article:
EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Expert [Richard Ebright] Says Virus Could Have Leaked From Wuhan Lab

Botao Xiao is the lead author of the following paper (now also withdrawn) and no doubt one of the targets of Shi’s vitrol.
”Shi now tells those who share the concerns she once had [of the virus escaping from her lab] to “shut their stinking mouths.”

Botao Xiao paper from South China University of Technology:

The possible origins of 2019-nCoV coronavirus


The 2019-nCoV has caused an epidemic of 28,060 laboratory-confirmed infections in human including 564 deaths in China by February 6, 2020. Two descriptions of the virus published on Nature this week indicated that the genome sequences from patients were almost identical to the Bat CoV ZC45 coronavirus. It was critical to study where the pathogen came from and how it passed onto human. An article published on The Lancet reported that 27 of 41 infected patients were found to have contact with the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan. 

We noted two laboratories conducting research on bat coronavirus in Wuhan, one of which was only 280 meters from the seafood market. We briefly examined the histories of the laboratories and proposed that the coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory. Our proposal provided an alternative origin of the coronavirus in addition to natural recombination and intermediate host.

Within the paper the authors say:

…The bats carrying CoV ZC45 were originally found in Yunnan or Zhejiang province,both of which were more than 900 kilometers away from the seafood market. Bats were normally found to live in caves and trees. But the seafood market is in a densely-populated district of Wuhan, a metropolitan of ~15 million people. The probability was very low for the bats to fly to the market. According to municipal reports and the testimonies of 31 residents and 28 visitors, the bat was never a food source in the city, and no bat was traded in the market. There was possible natural recombination or intermediate host of the coronavirus, yet little proof has been reported.

Was there any other possible pathway?

We screened the area around the seafood market and identified two laboratories conducting research on bat coronavirus. Within ~280 meters from the market, there was the Wuhan Center for Disease Control & Prevention (WHCDC) (Figure 1, from Baidu and Google maps). WHCDC hosted animals in laboratories for research purpose, one of which was specialized in pathogens collection and identification 4-6. In one of their studies, 155 bats including Rhinolophus affinis were captured in Hubei province, and other 450 bats were captured in Zhejiang province 4. The expert in collection was noted in the Author Contributions (JHT). Moreover, he was broadcasted for collecting viruses on nation-wide newspapers and websites in 2017 and 2019….

Gail Combs

After over 100 years of Rockefeller petrol based medicine – these are just some of the results.

1 and 36 children have autism.

1 in 3 children are overweight or obese.

1 in 8 children have Asthma.

1 in 20 children have seizures.

1 in 12 have food allergies.

1 in 9 children have ADHD.

1 In 100 children have a heart problem.

Over 350,000 children have been diagnosed with Diabetes.

Over half of US children now suffer from a chronic condition, disability, or disease. Americans spend the least on food, the most on “health care”, have the most highly vaccinated kids, and have the sickest kids of any industrialized country.

More kids than not are now chronically ill, developmentally delayed, and eating or injecting prescription medications from cradle to grave, which is going to be a quicker trip for them than it was for their parents, according to data on life expectancy in the US.

We are inured to childhood autism, epilepsy, allergy, asthma, diabetes, obesity, Crohn’s disease and cancer. We are dying younger. We are going backwards.

I grew up not knowing a single child with these conditions. I neither had the flu nor flu shots.  I only remember being sick when I had the chickenpox, which was a rite of passage for the ten and under. I was outside playing with calamine lotion on and nobody feared the chickenpox. We’re now seeing shingles outbreaks in the young, an illness that only the 60 plus demographic used to be suseptable to.

In 1983, children were required to have ten vaccines by age six. That changed to 74 doses by age 18 in 2019 (counting flu shots) to over 96 shots with Covid and RSV being added to the ever increasing schedule.

To maximize profits, manufacturers and health insurers bundle as many vaccines as possible into one syringe. And doctors, once told to give no more than four simultaneous vaccines, are now expected to give up to nine. This means that twelve-month-old babies can get a total of twenty-five antigens in one day , an astounding immune assault for a twenty pounder.

Pregnant women are now encouraged to have flu shots , which was found to trigger more fetal deaths along with the Tdap and now Covid shots… Still, nobody blinks.

The FDA has never tested the results of giving all these vaccines together in one day, or the cumulative effect of giving so many to a very young child. By the age of six, under the current schedule, kids get at least eighty-five viral and bacterial antigens, plus mercury (still in flu shots), aluminum (linked to Alzheimer’s), formaldehyde, nut oil adjuvants, and contaminant viral or bacterial DNA.

In 1995 genetically modified crops entered the US food supply without review or regulation. Papaya and tomatoes were the first foods tinkered with (Hawaii is locked in one of the hundreds of Monsanto battles). Soon after came soy and corn — key ingredients in infant formulas and processed food for infants and children. For the first time in human existence, infants were injected with GMO viral material on the day they were born, and ingesting GMO formula.

GMO foods and vaccines jam genetic traits across species into each other, in combinations not possible in nature. Because of disturbing data on how GMO foods disrupt beneficial human gut microbes, trigger allergies or cancers, and injure organs, other countries refuse American GMO crops, ban GMO foods, or require GMO labeling. Not us. The government’s symbiotic relationship with Big Food ensures that we have no idea what we’re eating. No action is taken on a federal level since the FDA dubbed GMO foods “generally regarded as safe” (GRAS), a designation that requires no safety testing. This happened simply because a Monsanto consulting attorney told the FDA to do it that way, in 1992.

Concerned yet? You should be. We’re being poisoned from the womb to the grave.

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Last edited 6 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs
Last edited 6 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


 June 12, 2024 09:51

“Send This Article to People Who Say “Ivermectin Doesn’t Work for COVID-19″”
David Gortler, PhD (Pharmacology)
10 June 2024

Yours Truly: It appears that Dr. Peter Hotez (Baylor University) isn’t interested in anyone who doesn’t kowtow to the “COVID-19 “vaccines” are great” CDC / FDA / AMA “official Establishment Medicine narrative” and the related “Ivermectin doesn’t work to prevent or to treat COVID-19” narrative.

Dr. Hotez regurgitated the “official narrative” to slam Dr. Gortler’s testimony to the House committee that held hearings that was called by Rep. Dr. Wenstrup. When Dr. Gortler tried to reply to Dr. Hotez’s slam of the testimony (Dr. Hotez posted it on X/Twitter), he found that he had to have “permission” to respond. Hence, the Brownstone Institute article cited above from Dr. Gortler.

Dr. Gortler lists 103 papers. He provides a “capsule summary” for each one. The “overall opinion” of these papers is that Ivermectin can, and does, have a place in prophylactic and in infection treatment of COVID-19. It appears that Ivermectin used in infection treatment of COVID-19 ** may be ** dependent on several factors, including: Patient co-morbidities, if any; and/or, if the patient is at “high risk” for COVID-19 infection or infection progression after infection; among other variables.

Dr. Gortler notes that the infamous “You’re Not a Horse” tweet from the FDA that denigrated the use of Ivermectin for COVID-19 has finally been removed.


Current as of 4 April 2024

Truly: What this means is that Ivermectin CANNOT BE used for hospitalized COVID-19 patients. ONLY FDA-authorized or FDA-approved COVID-19 treatments will be used (remdesivir, molnupiravir, ventilators, etc.)

**** Here is the FDA Official Guidelines for treating COVID-19. This is the FINAL OFFICIAL FDA (HHS / NIH) DOCUMENT. THIS IS THE ONE THAT HOSPITALS WILL FOLLOW:

Yours Truly: This document was issued on 29 February 2024.
The FDA recommends against using Ivermectin is on page 371.

The FDA recommends against using Metformin except in clinical trials is on page 389.

The FDA “insufficient evidence to recommend” using Vitamin D is on page 401.

The FDA “insufficient evidence to recommend” using Zinc above the normal RDA
levels (11mg / day for males, 8mg / day for non-pregnant females) is on page 404.


They really do want us DEAD! — GC

Gail Combs


 June 12, 2024 20:26


“Number of Children Who Died After COVID Shots Much Higher Than VAERS Reports Indicate, Analyst Says
by Michael Nevradakis, PhD
12 June 2024

Yours Truly: Albert Benavides is a VAERS data analyst. He went through hundreds of reports of children dying after they got COVID-19 “vaccinated.” He found, using algorithm analysis and manual analysis, that the “real VAERS number” of child deaths from COVID-19 “vaccination” is approximately 538, NOT the “official VAERS” figure of 197 deaths.

And there’s more: It appears that VAERS (which is run by the CDC and the FDA) hid the ages of many of these children who died from COVID-19 “vaccination” — Mr. Benavides found the ages by combing through the exact language in the VAERS reports descriptions.

AND, GET THIS: a screenshot from the Defender article — showing the lengths that VAERS went to (perhaps still does) in hiding information:

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The VAERS reports summaries in the Defender article themselves are a tough read. Children died from everything from Myopathy to “died in their sleep” to SUICIDE — after getting COVID-19 “vaccinated.”

The Defender article also mentions the 2011 Harvard study regarding that the reports made to VAERS is actually ONLY ABOUT 1% OF THE REAL NUMBER OF EVENTS.

Taking the Benavides figure of 538 child deaths from COVID-19 “vaccination” and multiplying that by 99, one gets 53.262 ACTUAL deaths in this age group (538 x 99.)
The recovery rate from a COVID-19 infection in persons under age 18 is about 99.7%.


Gail Combs

Gail Combs


 June 13, 2024 15:27

I do not want this article from Joanne and David Archibald to get lost so I am stashing it here. (I do not trust Aussie Censorship)

We’ve reached a point of Maximal Bureaucratic Psychopathy in Science

That’s where committees of committees aim to improve your health by giving one human the ability to kill a billion.

In 2015 a scientist at Anthony Fauci’s agency thought it would be neat to mix two Monkeypox strains together to make a nastier one. For no reason anyone can explain, the National Institutes of Health’s Institutional Review Board thought it would be neat too, and approved it.

A normal person might worry that doddery Joe Biden has the nuclear codes, but all along, unnamed, unaccountable countless others might have their fingers on equivalent bombs, and they won’t need to input any codes to set off the bombs, just have a bad day.

The idea was to mix a deadly but slow strain of monkey pox with a tamer monkey pox strain that spread quickly. This could have created a virus with the “best of both” — an agent with a 15% fatality rate and a reproduction rate of 2.4, which would make it very much “pandemic potential”. (With one infected person infecting 2.4 others, this was a similar rate of spread to the original Wu-Flu, but so much deadlier).

So any normal human would know this was a stupid risk to take, but the NIH did it anyway. Worse, they knew it was bad, and they hid the approval for nine years. Even when the investigators from a House Committee came knocking, they concealed the project approval. They now say the experiment was never done, but they can’t point to a single email or memo to show it was stopped. The original approval has only recently been reversed.

As long as the festering mess that gave us Covid is not dealt with — it’s just a matter of time before we get the next one.

Four years on and no one has been sacked for the lab leak that infected the world, or the cover up that hid the origin.

Fauci swears that a biosecurity breach in Wuhan could not possibly have anything to do with his former agency NIAID, but since they hid the monkeypox approval, and told journalists it never happened, then stonewalled and denied it to a congressional committee, Fauci’s assurances are worth about as much as nine years of active deception suggest.

Reckless Gain-of-Function experiments with viruses is like letting the local university make nuclear bombs in basements of skyscrapers. Except it’s more dangerous.

Is there any reason the NIH should not be razed to the ground?

Thanks to David Archibald for sending the story:

Fauci’s institute hid mpox gain-of-function plans from Congress and the media

For nearly nine years Anthony Fauci’s institute concealed plans to engineer a pandemic capable mpox virus with a case fatality rate of up to 15 percent, congressional investigators revealed in a new report Tuesday.

In June 2015, a scientist at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases received formal approval from the National Institutes of Health’s Institutional Review Board for experiments expected to engineer an mpox virus with high transmissibility and moderate mortality.

NIAID — the institute Fauci oversaw for nearly four decades and which underwrites most federally funded gain-of-function research — concealed the project’s approval from investigators with the House Committee on Energy and Commerce over the course of a 17 month-long investigation.

It’s getting hard to tell the difference between an enemy threat and a normal government operation:

Mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, caused a public health emergency in the U.S. from August 2022 to February 2023. It is endemic in Africa. The more deadly clade circulates in Central Africa (clade I) while the more transmissible clade circulates in West Africa (clade II). Mpox has infected more than 20,000 people and caused more than 1,000 deaths in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where clade I predominates, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — though some experts believe that is an undercount of true cases. A strain of the clade II virus drove the American outbreak.

The mpox experiment first came to light in a September 2022 article in Science.

The gain-of-function project proposed by NIAID virologist Bernard Moss would splice genes conferring high pathogenicity from the clade I virus into the more transmissible clade II virus. The new “chimeric” (combined) virus could have retained up to a 15 percent fatality rate and a 2.4 reproductive number, a measure of transmissibility indicating every sick person could infect up to 2.4 people on average, giving it pandemic potential.

When it’s a matter of life and death, why not put a lying agency in charge of checking its own funding? This is what the experts do:

“The new [Office of Science and Technology Policy] continues to give funding agencies, like NIAID, primary responsibility for oversight of GOFROC [Gain of Function Research of Concern] and DURC [Dual Use Research of Concern] experiments involving potentially dangerous pathogens,” the committee’s report reads. “In almost any other scientific field or industry, this arrangement would be immediately recognized as a conflict of interest, necessitating independent review and oversight.”

They are talking about some of the nastiest plans known to man. DURC or “Dual Use Research of Concern” is the polite way to label a discovery that has a dual purpose, meaning it could be a cure for cancer or a weapon of war. They could just as easily have called it Potential Bioweapons of War, but they don’t want to scare the funders (us).

What if researchers were high on the thrill of the discovery-of-a-lifetime and most of the costs and risks (global pandemics) are externalized, and the committees that approved them worked as well as “peer review” does in the rest of government strangled science?

What if some of those committees were infiltrated by foreign adversaries? That might actually improve things. The Russians might leak the news of what’s going on in Western labs to the media…

Gail Combs


 June 24, 2024 11:00

WELL — Anthony Fauci and NIAID were ALSO funding GAIN-OF-FUNCTION experiments to make the MONKEYPOX VIRUS more lethal — at least as far back as 2015:
21 June 2024

Yours Truly: Here is the link to the 11 June Congressional document on this:

Here is the 2022 article in Science that refers to Mr. Moss’s statements:
15 September 2022

Gail Combs


 June 15, 2024 11:22

The testimony of a PHARMACIST who got a bad case of Guillain-Barre Syndrome after he was coerced to get COVID-19 “vaccinated” — h/t Marica’s blog:
“Vaccine-Injured Pharmacist Breaks Down Into Tears Testifying Before Ohio State Senate”
15 June 2024

Yours Truly: The pharmacist, Mike Yoha, became paralyzed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome after he was “vaccinated” against COVID-19. He wanted to attend his daughter’s volleyball game, but attendees had to be COVID-19 “vaccinated.” PRIOR TO COVID-19 “VACCINATION”, HE WAS HEALTHY. After “vaccination”, at Christmas, he was hit with a COVID-19 infection, was hospitalized, and put on a ventilator. He survived, but started showing symptoms of Guillain-Barre. He was finally diagnosed with this condition after it had pretty much decimated his SPINAL CORD, leaving him unable to speak, walk, or even close his mouth. After being transferred to a nursing home, he eventually began to make slow but steady progress.

It is difficult to understand him, as his ability to speak was badly affected by Guillian-Barre.

It is difficult not to feel badly for him in listening to him testify.


Yours Truly: This is the document that Pfizer-BioNTech gave to the FDA (time-stamped 30 April at 09:26 GMT). It is titled: BNT162b2 5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports. Please refer to page 4 of the APPENDIX 1. LIST OF ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST section of this document. Guillain-Barre syndrome is listed.

Guillain-Barre Syndrome is a condition in which the body attacks itself (autoimmune disorder) and basically eats away the myelin sheath that covers the nerves. It can also affect the spinal cord myelin sheath covering.


Yours Truly: This document was given by Pfizer-BioNTech to the FDA on 21 January 2021 (time-stamped 23:22 GMT) about the BIODISTRIBUTION of BNT162b2 once inside the “vaccinated” body. Page 7 and Page 8 are the biodistribution amounts listings.

Gail Combs

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

 Reply to  SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
 June 16, 2024 00:03

Here’s some useful data!

Also found here as chart 10

The State of Things Pandemic – Week 22 2024Posted on June 11, 2024 by The Ethical Skeptic


Gail Combs

Valerie Curren

 June 16, 2024 05:41

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 Reply to  Valerie Curren
 June 16, 2024 10:29

Valerie Curren
Thank you for this.

First: The ruling by the US Ninth District Court of Appeals regarding the mis-naming of the COVID-19 injections as “vaccines” is, IMO, a very narrow ruling. The stories about this ruling being the “end” of calling the COVID-19 shots “vaccines” may or may not be valid.

Here is the PDF of the ruling:

Please see what Yours Truly believes regarding the affidavit from Dr. Francis Boyle, below.

Second: Dr. Francis Boyle, PhD, is the author of the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act that was passed by both houses of Congress and signed into law. Dr. Boyle has sworn out an affidavit stating that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are actually weapons of mass destruction. This, in and of itself, would void any naming or description of the COVID-19 shots as “vaccines.”

Here is the story covering this:
7 June 2024

Third: The Swedish investigation of the doctor who gave the MODERNA modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” (SPIKEVAX) to the 13-year-old boy, who subsequently died from the effects of these shots on his heart:

This child had a history of heart issues and heart valve surgery when he was a baby. He made a complete recovery. His heart valve was replaced in 2019 but he again made a complete recovery and WAS HEALTHY AND ACTIVE AT THE TIME OF HIS COVID-19 “VACCINATIONS.”

Apparently, the doctor did NOT tell the boy’s parents that there was a risk of myocarditis from the Moderna modRNA COVID-19 injections. The boy took 2 doses of the injections. He started having problems after injection #1 (September 2021), which got worse after injection #2 (October 2021). The child was admitted to the hospital, where he died in December 2021.

HERE’S THE KICKER: The boy died due to BLOOD POISONING and ENDOCARDITIS that started in the heart valve and spread to his lungs. The doctors “were baffled”, since sepsis is the usual cause of these conditions — but couldn’t find the wound that would usually be the locus point for the sepsis to start.

Yours Truly: Two things here about the Swedish case:


Two, and VERY important: Based on this case, IMO, it now appears that the modRNA COVID-19 injections NOT ONLY CAUSE MYOCARDITIS, but ALSO CAN CAUSE BACTERIAL ENDOCARDITIS IN THE HEART.


Here is a story covering this situation:
3 November 2023

Gail Combs

Tom Renz Speaks at ReAwaken America Tour – Detroit

Gail Combs

From Wolfie:

Harry Fisher


Paramedic/me talking with PA:

Actual conversation while working in an ER-

Paramedic- “this shift has sucked ass. Have you ever seen this many miscarriages in one shift?”

PA- “No, this is like nothing I’ve ever seen.”

Paramedic- “I’ve been asking them if they took their covid vaccine. It seems these vaccines are the common theme.”

PA- “yea, something is way way wrong, it’s frightening.”

Paramedic- “I’ve done CPR in a Pfizer line, so I know they’re dangerous.”

PA- “Harry, to be honest, I’m going to just put my head in the sand here. This is just too big.”

Paramedic- Clocked out, went home. Couldn’t sleep. Bad dreams.

Gail Combs


 Reply to  Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
 June 17, 2024 10:19

Thank you for this. IMO, that PA said it all — “I’m just going to put my head in the sand here This is just too big.” — regarding the MEDICAL TSUNAMI that’s starting to roll due to the DANGEROUS, DEADLY effects of the COVID-19 “vaccines.”

What will it take for medical healthcare providers (except for the few courageous ones so far, like Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Ryan Cole, and others) to finally find the COJONES to speak the truth THEY ALL ARE AWARE OF NOW regarding the dangerous and deadly COVID-19 “vaccines”? To speak the truth without being afraid of losing a well-paid job, an academic position, without being afraid of “targeting” by their state Medical Licensing Boards or the AMA? Without being afraid of losing grant funding?

Case in point: Dr. Ryan Cole was FOUND “GUILTY” by the Washington State Medical Licensing Board early this year for “spreading misinformation” about the COVID-19 “vaccines” and about alternative treatments for COVID-19. His License to Practice Medicine in the state of Washington HAS BEEN RESTRICTED FOR 5 YEARS. He can’t practice Primary Care in Washington State during this time period. He can only practice Pathology. IN ADDITION, Dr. Ryan MUST take courses in “medical ethics” and write a long paper on “medical misinformation and how bad it is” in order for him TO EVEN KEEP HIS RESTRICTED MEDICAL LICENSE. Plus, this “paper’ MUST BE REVIEWED AND “APPROVED.”



 Reply to  PAVACA
 June 17, 2024 13:10

“What will it take for medical healthcare providers to …”

They cannot/dare not speak the truth unless they are independent of the multi-tier insurance/medical/pharma benefit corporations that now own EVERY practitioner clinic. They were TRAINED as corporate grunts, not as critical thinking skill sets. Most doctors are EMPLOYEES; they answer to corporate policies and boards.
They comply with the computer-driven screen in front of them and dare not deviate. They do NOT do their own research nor have any reason to if compliance to policy-from-on-high is what they have been spoon-fed.
These are NOT your docs of yesteryear…… this is NOT the medical field we grew up with…



 Reply to  Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
 June 17, 2024 12:09

Some may recall my son-in-law is a sergeant in law enforcement in this tourism related area. In one shift he and his guys handled three cases with three bodies. One was a suicide of a young man who left a heart wrenching note to his wife on the dash of his car. Just out of the blue shot himself under a bridge, no known drug use, wife is devastated. Will know for sure when the toxicology report comes back. The other two died suddenly, 60’s aged. Med exam reports pending. Last week news stories were done on two formerly healthy, sitting, local county sheriffs who are going through chemo at the same time for pancreatic cancer.

Not one will have the jab associated with it in the exams/certificates.
Never heard of stuff like this prior to the jabs. On occasion – yes. Weekly and sometimes daily – never.



 Reply to  TradeBait2
 June 17, 2024 13:08

Here is Page 8 of the Pharmacokinetics Tabulated Summary document that Pfizer-BioNTech gave to the FDA on 21 January 2021. Yours Truly has highlighted “Pancreas” on the page. IMO, unfortunately, there may be a lot more pancreatic cancer found in COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons — including persons who were healthy and active before “vaccination.” And, since cancer usually takes time to develop, nobody will associate it with the person having been COVID-19 “vaccinated.” The perfect coverup for the situation — the “fingerprints” of BNT162b2 (or of mRNA-1273, the Moderna COVID-19 “vaccine”, since that product uses the same lab-enhanced ingredient formula as does BNT162b2) will never be traced back.

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Here is where the entire document can be found:

Gail Combs

Valerie Curren

 June 18, 2024 01:42

I actually read one of the FLCCC emails received lately…
COVID (Shots) and Cancer

Continuing a troublesome trend, recently released studies reinforce a causal connection between COVID mRNA shots and cancer development/reactivation.

Oncologists around the world are continuing the raise the alarm as a growing number of new studies confirm that Covid mRNA shots cause cancer.

Two more new studies have just added to the swelling body of evidence showing that the injections trigger the rapid development and spread of cancer.

N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ): Friend or foe of cancer?
SARS-CoV-2 spike S2 subunit inhibits p53 activation of p21(WAF1), TRAIL Death Receptor DR5 and MDM2 proteins in cancer cells

In February 2024 at the FLCCCC educational conference, Healthcare Revolution: Restoring the Doctor-Patient Relationship Dr. Kathleen Ruddy, Dr. Paul Marik, and Dr. Nathan Goodyear discussed Emergence and Treatment of Turbo Cancers

Scientist Blows Whistle on Cover-Up of Study Showing Covid Shots Cause CancerSlay News reports on Dr. Hui Jiang of Stockholm University “blowing the whistle to reveal bombshell findings were shut down by officials at the universities” where she and co-author, Dr. Ya-Fang Mei of Umeå University, worked.

“SARS-CoV-2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro,” was published in the peer-reviewed journal MDPI Viruses in October 2021 and retracted in May 2022.

“Newly unsealed emails have also backed up the allegations, revealing the peer-reviewed study was shut down and hidden from the public.”

Slay News also notes, “Independent journalist Rebekah Barnett has pointed out that three days before an investigation into Jiang and Mei’s paper began on November 5, 2021, medical educator ‎Dr. Mobeen Syed, known as Dr. Been,’ posted to YouTube a video about the implications of Jiang and Mei’s paper for cancer development.”

Hope all the links work, if not I’ll edit & add them in…


Gail Combs


 June 18, 2024 09:40
18 June 2024
by Jordan Schachtel

Yours Truly: Dr. Anthony Fauci’s autobiography comes out tomorrow. The title:
On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service.

And for which he received a $5 million advance from the publisher.

IMO, it is fair to posit that Dr. Fauci will paint himself as the “modern medical savior of humanity” in this book.

(IMO, the last time that Anthony Fauci was truly On Call was when he was in Residency. He has been a government employee in medical research [NIH / NIAID] since then.)

Meanwhile, millions of people who were injected with the COVID-19 “vaccines” developed and pushed under his watch (actually, unproven gene therapy shots) are coming down with the MEDICAL TSUNAMI of injuries, illnesses, and disabilities, that are induced by the ingredients and mechanisms of these “vaccines” at work in their bodies.

Meanwhile, untold numbers of “vaccinated” persons have died from the effects of these dangerous, deadly “vaccines.”

Meanwhile, untold numbers of “vaccinated” males and females have had their reproductive abilities damaged due to the SPIKE PROTEIN of said “vaccines” migrating to their ovaries and testes.

Meanwhile, the DNA of persons who took ANY dose of a COVID-19 “vaccine” has been changed. ( Please see Slide 14.)

Meanwhile, Anthony Fauci (along with Deborah Birx, Mike Pence, and others) DELIBERATELY WITHHELD vital information about the COVID-19 virus itself, and of the COVID-19 “vaccines”, from then-President Donald Trump.

Meanwhile, Anthony Fauci signed off on funding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology; signed off on decades of funding into coronaviruses by Ralph Baric; and more.

Meanwhile, medical doctors who spread the truth regarding the dangerous and deadly COVID-19 “vaccines” are being targeted and punished:

Dr. Peter A. McCullough — fired from Baylor University

Dr. Ryan Cole — License to Practice Medicine in Washington State restricted for 5 years; must complete courses in “medical ethics and misinformation” and write a paper on it

Dr. Carrie Madej — survived a near-fatal “sudden plane crash”; was targeted by her state Medical Licensing Board; she gave up and surrendered her License to Practice Medicine

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi — was literally on trial for “spreading medical misinformation” about COVID-19 and the “vaccines”; he fought back and won that case

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny — her License to Practice Medicine was suspended for “spreading medical misinformation”: she fought back and got her license re-instated
— and much more


DO not forget:
What (or who) killed all of these children? The WORLD deserves to KNOW

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(I think this is the same as in this site below.)
@ 8:00 (2018) Ebola trial of four drugs tested Remdesivir safety board found it had THE HIGHEST DEATH RATE and PULLED it before the end of the one year study. Fauci’s SECOND DRUG was the SECOND MOST DEADLY…. Goes into second test.
Listen from 8:20 onwards on how Remdesivir was effectively chosen by Fauci himself for it’s sheer lethality to be given to COVID patients. Fauci stated that all hospitals in America were only to give Remdesivir to COVID patients and nothing else, and also criminally ordered that Hydroxychloroquine was not to be used to treat COVID as Fauci dishonestly stated it is very dangerous for COVID patients.
  :wpds_arrow: Fauci knew 2 years before he mandated Remdesivir as the only drug to be used how deadly it’s effects would certainly be, this being clear evidence that he deliberately mass-murdered all those American people who died allegedly from COVID whose symptoms were actually those of fatal Remdesivir poisoning.

….For the first 10 months in 2020, America was the only country using Remdesivir as the drug to treat COVID and bought up all the stocks it could from all over the world to be able to do that, and as a direct result, America had the most deaths, allegedly from COVID, in reality from Remdesivir poisoning (and having their lungs popped on ventilators).

Remdesivir is very expensive indeed in comparison with Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine.

Remdesivir was found in one study of 4 drugs looking for a potential treatment for Ebola to have the most lethal side-effects.

In a second study by the Israeli company Gilead, 22% out of 53 COVID patients in 23 countries who were given Remdesivir were found after just 28 days to have suffered 4 major effects, multiple organ failure, acute kidney failure, septic shock and hypotension. 8% of these patients had to be taken off Remdesivir by day 5 or 10 because they were dying. 30% experienced 4 life-threatening effects.

Doctors in American hospitals who had been ordered to use Remdesivir on COVID patients were mistaking effects of Remdesivir for those of COVID, thinking COVID was causing the kidney failure now being seen in their patients. These patients were not dying from any COVID, they were dying very clearly from Remdesivir poisoning….



Since Fauci and Pfizer Must Have Known the Jab Reduces Immunity, Was This Also Fauci’s Goal With an AIDS Vaccine?

Anthony Fauci: 40 Years of Lies From AZT to Remdesivir

Fauci was up to something VERY similar with AIDS. He wanted a vaccine desperately. He didn’t want to treat AIDS, but eventually he HAD TO – and when he finally did, it was remdesivir all over again.

And what I’ve come to realize, is that IF there had been a “working” vaccine for HIV / AIDS that worked anything like these terrible coronavirus vaccines, that vaccine would have LOWERED HUMAN IMMUNITY in the same dubious strategy – as the “prevention” for a disease that lowers immunity.

Do you see how WRONG and WEIRD that is?

You know – something is just “not right” with all this.

I’m not taking this vaccine. And I sure as hell hope YOU aren’t taking it either.


Last edited 6 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


 June 19, 2024 14:08

Blood products (plasma; whole blood; and other products used in transfusions and other procedures) that are derived from persons who have COVID-19 “vaccines” in their bodies ARE CONTAMINATED — THEIR BLOOD HAS THE SPIKE PROTEIN IN IT; AND ALSO CONTAINS AMYLOID AGGREGATES.

The source, a blog post from the redoubtable Walter M Chesnut:
“Spike Protein and Amyloid Aggregates Found in Recipients of mRNA Transfusions”
19 June 2024

Yours Truly: One takes no pleasure in confirming that the blood of COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons is not only contaminated with the spike protein; but also contains amyloid aggregates.

“Amyloid aggregates” may be defined as a collection or mass of amyloid (misfolded or misshapen) fibrils; in other words, a kind of “prion presence” in the blood, or “prionification” of the blood. Amyloid fibrils are resistant to degradation.

The paper referenced in the Chesnut post:

“Transfusions of Blood Products Derived from Genetic Vaccine Recipients: Safety Concerns and Proposals for Specific Measures”
Jun Ueda, et al.
29 May 2024

Note: One must download the PDF of the entire paper from the DOI site in order to read it — only the Abstract and some publisher details are presented on the linked page itself. (Scroll down to “Download PDF”)

Yours Truly urges interested persons to download the save this preprint paper. IMO, it is a prime target for “sudden” retraction, withdrawal, or re-issue with “new conclusions” to reflect the pressure put on the authors and/or the publisher.

Yours Truly again: The COVID-19 “vaccines” are called “genetic vaccines” in this paper. It’s a 25-page read, but IMO is “accessible” in its presentation to interested readers. There are graphs that help also.

The bottom line is that persons who have mRNA (modRNA) COVID-19 “vaccines” in their bodies have blood that is compromised and damaged. And the “fingerprints” of that damned N1-methylpseudouridine, along with the spike protein itself, are all over the place.

The authors of the paper send an urgent message that blood-derived products from COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons must be made safer. They present various ways this can be accomplished.

Here, again, is Page 8 of the Pharmacokinetics Tabulated Summary of the Pfizer-BioNTech “flagship” COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT162b2, that was given to the FDA on 21 January 2021.
Note the accumulations listed for Whole Blood, for Plasma, and for Blood:Plasma ratio. The FDA THEREFORE KNEW THAT THE LIPID NANOPARTICLES (ALC-0159 and ALC-0315), PLUS THE SPIKE PROTEIN, ACCUMULATES IN THE BLOOD OF THE “VACCINATED.”

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Special Note for our good Aubergine, our good Gail Combs, and others:
The Ueda paper discusses the role of NATTOKINASE in helping to degrade the spike protein. *** Yours Truly will add that persons who have been diagnosed with blood pressure issues, or are already taking a prescription blood thinner, and/or a prescription high blood pressure medicine; and/or are taking aspirin for cardiovascular reasons, need to speak with a doctor about taking Nattokinase.

Gail Combs


 Reply to  Valerie Curren
 June 24, 2024 10:32

Valerie Curren
Thank you. It is more spreading the truth about the COVID-19 “vaccines” that was originally presented by Yours Truly from A Midwestern Doctor on the board here a couple of days ago.

Here’s the Substack blog of A Midwestern Doctor, referenced above:
“We Now Have Proof The COVID Vaccines Damage Cognition”
by A Midwestern Doctor
20 June 2024

Yours Truly: Please refer to the section in this blog post, “Why Are The Vaccines Causing Cognitive Impairment?

The issue is AMYLOID AGGREGATES (masses or clumps of misfolded proteins), in other words, PRION or PRION-:LIKE actions, which can cause many types of neurological conditions:
Alzheimer’s Disease
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
Central Nervous System issues
and so on

The entire situation with this in terms of the COVID-19 “vaccines” is threefold:

One: the LAB ENHANCEMENTS to the mRNA of the original Wuhan Hu1 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus (which created the modRNA used in these “vaccines”);

Two: the damned LIPID NANOPARTICLES in the COVID-19 “vaccines” (in particular, ALC-0159 and ALC-0315 in the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”, INCLUDING in the “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine” by this company);

Three: the fact the the COVID-19 “vaccines” CROSS THE BRAIN-BLOOD BARRIER, via the lipid nanoparticles and the PRRARSV “backdoor key” in these “vaccines” (which ALSO help these “vaccines” to gain entry into every cell of the “vaccinated” person’s body.)

Please refer to Yours Truly’s presentation on this board of 22 June 2024 of the above article by A Midwestern Doctor:



Thank you. This good video is a summary of what Dr. McCullough has in his Substack article of 10 April 2024. Yours Truly presented the following on the board here a few weeks ago:
“Could Avian H5N1 Influenza be Disease X for the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex?”

30 May 2024

Also, something that goes back to August 2023:
Yours Truly: This concerns the use of saRNA (self-amplifying RNA) in “vaccines” against “Disease X.” The Gates Foundation is one of the funders for CEPI.

Yours Truly mentioned the potential dangers of a self-amplifying RNA “vaccine” in persons — especially in COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons.

The more the truth gets out, the better.

The more information about the dangers of these untested / unsafe / un-effective “vaccines” are, the better.


Yours Truly: at 9:26 in the video clip:
Dr. Anthony Fauci says:
“If you’re vaccinated, you don’t have a risk [of COVID-19.] It’s as simple as black and white.”

Last edited 6 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs

Valerie Curren

 June 19, 2024 08:54

16 1/2 minute video
Alex Jones
Spike Protein Can Be Eradicated From The Body, According To New Major Study— Dr. Peter McCullough Reports
Spike Protein Can Be Eradicated From The Body, According To New Major Study— Dr. Peter McCullough ReportsDr. Peter McCullough joins Alex Jones to detail a new protocol which can potentially detoxify the body from mRNA created spike proteins.

Gail Combs

Valerie Curren


 June 19, 2024 10:12

My botanist aunt has cured a chronic lung ailment w/ consistent use of this plant 🙂

Mullein: respiratory Herb

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Mullein: 5 Key Benefits, Dosage… | The Botanical Institute

The scientific name for this herb is Verbascum thapsus, but it’s commonly called mullein or great mullein.

Mullein leaf and flowers have expectorant and soothing properties. This herb is commonly used by herbalists to treat respiratory problems such as bronchitis, dry coughs, asthma, and hoarseness.

Mullein leaf is said to work as a diuretic, help to reduce inflammation in the urinary system and prevent UTIs.

Common mullein’s soothing properties come from its polysaccharide mucilage and gum content which work to soothe irritated tissue. Its expectorant property is the result of saponins that are said to stimulate fluid production in the lungs.

The anti-inflammatory property of this herb is due to iridoid glycoside and flavonoid content that work to decrease inflammation.

Mullein has a long history of traditional uses as a medicinal plant, but recent advances in herbal research are just now establishing its health benefits….

A health advisory board in Germany approved mullein herb for helping to clear the respiratory tract.
Research shows that this herb contains a variety of anti-inflammatory compounds, including:

  • Luteolin
  • Kaempferol
  • Verbascoside
  • Apigenin
  • Quercetin

It’s thought that these anti-inflammatory compounds can work to reduce inflammation in the lungs. Human clinical trials are needed to determine these claims.


….Mullein contains numerous active ingredients, including flavonoids and saponins with proven anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antihypertensive properties, among others. But, there is very little evidence in support of using mullein to treat any medical condition.1

This article explains the traditional uses of mullein in herbal medicine, how it is commonly administered, and what you need to know about side effects, precautions, and interactions when taking it.


Gail Combs


 June 19, 2024 20:55

We do not need to forget the medical industry being complicit to genocide.

The COVID “vaccine” had no benefit. Zero. Zip. Nada.Here’s official US government data, all in plain sight, so you can decide for yourself. If the vaccine reduced the risk of death, this data is simply impossible to explain.

Gail Combs

Valerie Curren [Harry Fisher collection of tweets -GC]

 June 19, 2024 00:15

clot shot induced turbo cancer?

Harry Fisher


Jun 16

Paramedic call-

I was called to a near syncopal episode. Meaning someone almost passed out. Arrived on scene to find a fit and otherwise healthy man diaphoretic (sweating) saying “I don’t know what happened.” He went on to say “I was about to stand up to get something and my stomach started hurting, felt dizzy and almost fell down.”

I placed my monitor, checked vitals, acquired an EKG. He was still complaining of slight abdominal pain. After some conversation he finally agreed to transport with me to the hospital.

During my medical history assessment he denied taking any medications, has no pertinent past medical history. Has received three COVID vaccinations, “Pfizer.” We had good conversation about his family, and his little kids that “are his world.”

The next time I saw this man was Months later. 911 call for weakness and nausea.

He was a fraction of the man I initially met. Could barely speak.

The first call that I ran with him proved to be an aortic dissection. He survived the surgery, though it took a major toll on his body.

Now, with his children around him, they watched as my partner and I transferred their frail Father onto my cot. That was the last time they saw their dad alive.

I want to say happy Father’s Day today. I want to be happy, and I am grateful for the good left in the world, but I know so many have been robbed of their loved ones.

Prior to the vaccines aortic dissection and aneurysms were very very rare. After the experimental shots, they weren’t rare anymore.

Hold your loved ones close. Show love often. Stand firm in the face of evil. Shout righteousness from the roof tops. Be a voice for the voiceless.

God bless

James Thorp MD


Jun 16

People. Connect the dots. I recognize that the COVID-19 vaccines cause cognitive & intellectual impairment and many psychiatric illnesses including suicide and suicidal ideation. This in part is why people can’t process the avalanche of proof that the COVID-19 have killed and injured at least 585 million global citizens.


I remember seeing this aortic horror mentioned multiple times on that Steve Kirsch survey from a while back…

James Thorp MD


22 Aug 2023

SSM Is this the result of the $306 MILLION you received from HHS CDC? Apparently you sold your souls for money. @SSMHealth @SSMHealthSTL #LauraKaiser #KevinElledge 

You owe your employees and patients AND the American Public clarity on the contract you signed w HHS CDC. It was our tax money. Appears as though you entered into a quid pro quo agreement with the HHS CDC signing the “Covenant With Death” exactly like The American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists (ACOG) did.

You appear to be threatening physicians & employers with termination for not following the lethal narratives of HHS CDC. Horrifying.

Anyone else in your system as extensively published on COVID-19 as I am? Why was this not addressed in an academic manner? This appears more consistent with fascism power and money – certainly NOT science.

SSM HEALTH Employees. Be Bold & Courageous. Stand up for truth.

Silence is complicit. SSM patients- ask your doc, nurse, tech’s & administrators if they are willing lose their job to save your life or your babies life. Unfortunately it appears the vast majority will not.




Gail Combs

Valerie Curren

 June 18, 2024 22:26

Harry Fisher


Jun 17

For those that have been with me a while you know I’ve been writing a book. My goal is to get all that I’ve experienced out to the general public. In order to combat medical tyranny.

I’ve been banned and censored from almost every major platform for just trying to warn the people about what I’ve seen.

This has been mass genocide with the world in the crosshairs.

After much thought, I realized it is very difficult for the powers that be to delete a book, and I can also help others in need with funds raised from book sales. Especially the vaccine injured.

If you’d like to help me accomplish these goals I would truly appreciate it.

The powers that be have assisted in killing our family members, our friends. They’ve taken our jobs, our livelihoods. They’ve mounted immense campaigns to destroy our way of life and our liberty.

I currently have many “people” aiming at me, trying to take my job and my paramedic license. I will not go down without a fight. This book, speaking truth. Is how I choose to fight back. Your help is greatly appreciated.

A link for pre orders is in the comments, and in my bio.

Thank you, all of you. Warriors for truth.

God bless

Gail Combs

Valerie Curren

 June 18, 2024 21:54

My son who is an EMT, a bit lower than a paramedic, has similar thoughts about the job, including scathing self-analysis always trying to do better for the patients. The system in which he functions, in Detroit, is incredibly broken, but he & many of his work associates are more about the needs of the people they serve than butt coverage nor political butt kissing to attempt to get a system that is better for them vs legacy fire for example.
I’m hoping that by sharing some of this particular man’s insights on his job that Brandon, & perhaps his co-workers, might be challenged to start documenting shot status…we’ll see…


Harry Fisher



For those of us that are awake to what’s occurring it is truly hellish. I don’t use the word hell lightly.

Imagine waking up, getting ready for work knowing you’re going to see people in their worst moments. You’re going to be relied upon to help them, even save them. You have to be clear of mind, relaxed, but act with a sense of urgency. Everyday, every night. No matter how tired.

We constantly think of calls that we ran and what could’ve been done different. Even when we know there’s nothing else we could’ve possibly done, we still critique ourselves. Almost as if we’re trying to find blame in ourselves for not being good enough.

Now throw on top of it the knowledge of government bodies intentionally harming people. A lot of our patients don’t just have a bad run of luck anymore. It wasn’t just simple fate. But rather intentional harm. Harm that we truly want to stop. That said, most of us know that we can’t save many of them. You can’t even speak to some of them. They are already gone, physically, or mentally. Adding more trauma to an already abused patient doesn’t help.

I do ask my patients if they’ve had the covid shots. Some patients immediately start questioning if it could be the cause. Some just say yes or no. But pushing to speak about it, especially when people are hurting. It doesn’t seem right. However I have and will continue to discuss further with those that want to talk about what I’ve witnessed.

I guess, to put it simply, It’s like playing a football game and knowing you’re going to lose. You’re just down to many points, and not enough time. You might make some good plays. You might save someone for the moment, but the other team is bigger and more ruthless. So you know you’re just postponing the inevitable.

For me, I keep putting on my jersey. I keep taking the field. Yet with every death, especially the young ones, my shoulder pads get heavier and heavier.

I hope that helps you understand. If not, I’m sorry. It’s been a long day.

God bless

Gail Combs

Valerie Curren

 June 18, 2024 22:30

The video/audio/podcast? is an hour…I didn’t watch so am just sharing this fyi

Gail Combs

Valerie Curren

 June 18, 2024 22:20

Gail Combs

Valerie Curren

 June 18, 2024 22:16

James Thorp MD


Jun 17


This is more to add to the avalanche of data on COVID-19 vaccines killing and injuring pregnant women and all others! As it turns out YOU were pushing lethal misinformation. You need to repent and come clean to the American people including your constituents.

Kansas Attorney General SUING Pfizer for misleading citizens and on COVID-19 vaccines and their horrible outcomes in pregnancy! Not good for YOU SSM Health, CEO Laura Kaiser and Kevin Elledge. You fired me for being truthful on the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy and testifying to such in the US Senate and on Tucker Carlson- you should have read all my publications that I sent you through my chain of command at SSM Health. Instead you fired me. You will reap what you’ve sown – God will not be mocked. 

@SSMHealth @acog @ACOGPregnancy @MySMFM @boardobgyn

Harry Fisher


Jun 17

I can’t stress enough how difficult it was seeing women sitting in a full ER waiting room. In their own blood. Waiting for their turn to get into the ER. The number of spontaneous abortions/miscarriages post MRNA gene therapy is staggering.


Steve Kirsh

If it was so safe, they wouldn’t have had to have withheld the excess death cases from the original clinical trial they gave to the FDA.

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Gail Combs

From D-Pat’s Friday open Thread

Gail Combs

Valerie Curren

 June 18, 2024 22:03

Gail Combs

Valerie Curren

 June 18, 2024 21:48

Gail Combs


THEY KNEW back in 1971 that vaccines were dangerous and that a combo of the polio vaccine + the Flue vaccine = higher risk of cancer. BUT it was covered up.


Last edited 6 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


 June 21, 2024 11:20

Steve Kirsch crunches the numbers again. These stats are derived from the New Zealand data leak by Barry Young:
“New Zealand data leaked by Barry Young has a smoking gun: a 27% increase in all-cause mortality over 12 months if you got the jab”
20 June 2024

Yours Truly: The 27% increase applies to persons in New Zealand between the ages of 65 – 69 who got COVID-19 “vaccinated”, according to the 2021 – 2022 figures. HOWEVER, FTA: “Every single 5 year age range from 45 to 84 was elevated over baseline.

Mr. Kirsch is correct in stating that GASLIGHTING attempts will be made to “prove” that the COVID-19 injections are “safe and effective.”

HOWEVER, Mr. Kirsch cites THIS paper, showing that COVID-19 “vaccinated” patients hospitalized for a COVID-19 infection were TWICE as likely to die, as compared to UN-“vaccinated” patients infected with COVID-19:

“Brief research report: impact of vaccination on antibody responses and mortality from severe COVID-19”
Bindhu Adhikari, et al. (United States)
6 February 2024

Yours Truly: This paper has a “Updated” with a “Correction” to the original, which appears to completely minimize the TWICE as likely to die down to practically nothing. One suspects that “influence” was exerted on the authors and on to secure this “correction.”

ALSO, that damned “the COVID-19 vaccines are effective” narrative LIE is intoned in this paper. BUT, here’s the takeaway screenshot from the paper:

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Yours Truly again: IMO, there is an attempt to blame the increased mortality in COVID-19 “vaccinated” patients hospitalized with a COVID-19 infection on “comorbidities” that these patients may have. In my view, any comorbidity in a hospitalized patient can increase the risk of death.

HOWEVER, since the COViD-19 ‘vaccines” INDUCE DAMAGE / DESTRUCTION of the natural immune system of “vaccinated” persons, this may well AGGRAVATE any EXISTING comorbidity in these persons, IN ADDITION to inducing NEW comorbidities.

Gail Combs

Barb Meier

 June 21, 2024 19:56

I have no idea if this would work. If it could, that would be a miracle for so many.

Groundbreaking Study Discovers ‘Off-Switch’ for mRNA COVID-19 Injections

There was never thought to be a way to “undo” the shots—until now.

Contrary to initial claims that the “vaccine” stays in the arm, it spreads throughout the body, prompting serious safety concerns. Now, there is hope for approximately 5.5 billion people to “inactivate” what they put into their bodies.

In a recent preprint study, Dr. McCullough and his team presented a novel approach using small interfering messenger RNA (siRNA) and ribonuclease targeting chimeras (RIBOTACs) to bind and deactivate the mRNA from these vaccines, allowing the body to clear it out.

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Gail Combs

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy( Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy)Offline


 June 24, 2024 11:08

Can you believe this is TEXAS we’re talking about in this tweet?

Gail Combs

Valerie Curren

 Reply to  Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
 June 24, 2024 11:17

…here’s the rest of the verbiage from the tweet
Mary Talley Bowden MD

The largest medical association in the country, TMA, believes the government should have the authority to force Texans to undergo a medical intervention.

At their annual meeting, 500 delegates struck down resolutions supporting free speech, bodily autonomy and informed consent and voted against a resolution that would add the term “evidenced-based care” to their gender policy. They have hidden the language of these resolutions on their website (I will be reporting soon.) #txlege
& hopefully the image will show fully here too

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Gail Combs


 Reply to  holly
 June 24, 2024 14:17

This is an excellent interview with Dr Atlas. Little long but well worth listening too while doing other things? 🙂

Gail Combs

[Twitter will not show for me today.]

 June 25, 2024 10:43

Guess what? 
Deaths from neurological issues have increased SUBSTANTIALLY among people ages 15 – 44 in the United States SINCE 2021. The paper below points a finger to the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” BNT162b2. It also points a finger to the AstraZeneca adenoviral-vector COVID-19 “vaccine.”

NOTE: the linked paper below is a PREPRINT. And, IMO, it’s explosive. Therefore, this paper may be a prime target for Retraction, Removal, Withdrawal, or Reissue with “new conclusions” that would reflect the pressure put on ResearchGate from “outside entities.”

NOTE 2: The AstraZeneca COVID-19 “vaccine” uses the same technology as that of the (now-removed) Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 “vaccine.” The AstraZeneca COVID-19 “vaccine” is still used in numerous non-Unted States countries.

NOTE 3: The preprint paper finds that there is a larger potential for neurological damage to occur in persons who take the AstraZeneca COVID-19 “vaccine” as compared to those who took the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine.” This is NOT to imply that the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” is somehow “safer” — IT IS NOT.

The summary from the article at The Burning Platform:

via Zero Hedge

The preprint paper is here:

“Trends in death rates from Neurological diseases in the US for all ages and detailed analysis for 15 – 44”

Carlos Alegria and Yuri Nunes
June 2024
It is also found here:
And, from the redoubtable Ed Dowd:

And, a screenshot image from The Burning Platform’s article, referring to the paper:

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A screenshot from the AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria) COVID-19 “vaccine” Fact Sheet (NOTE: Yours Truly cannot find a detailed fact sheet for healthcare professionals for Vaxzevria. This information is apparently disallowed to be published, per WHO / EMA rules.) The Fact Sheet is found here:

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy( Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy)Offline


 Reply to  PAVACA
 June 25, 2024 16:17

Excellent stuff. This is very much like what The Ethical Skeptic was finding. I like that it was done by Portuguese researchers on American data that is being ignored here! Excellent external science repair mechanisms!
I remember when Iberian science was way behind America. Now, thanks to Stalinism….




 Reply to  Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
 June 25, 2024 19:54

Wolf Moon
Good Lord, take a look at the “What Vaxzevria contains” section — it appears that this COVID-19 “vaccine” is a REAL “witches’ brew” of the SARS-CoV-2 genome (mixed in with GMO-produced elements from the HEK293 aborted human embryo kidney cells line) AND recombinant DNA elements from other sources. (That’s the “recombinant DNA” part of the description.)

Gail Combs


 June 25, 2024 11:39

Catherine Herridge on vax injuries and the military’s culpability


Army and National Guard accused of abandoning 24-year-old soldier with “debilitating heart condition” that internal memo “linked” to COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

New military records confirm the soldier’s heart injury was “In Line of Duty,” and details her account of “complications since receiving the second dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.” Moderna did not respond to our questions.

Army Specialist Karoline Stancik now faces over $70,000 in medical debt.

EPISODE ONE: “The Cost of Following Orders”

Subscribe on X @C__Herridge:


Gail Combs

I am adding this here although it does not belong because I do not want the information lost:


Released by Tucker Carlson so NOT BEHIND A PAY-WALL!

Steve Sailer: BLM, Karens, Donald Trump, and What Democrats Don’t Want You to Know about DEI

Barb Meier

 Reply to  Deplorable Patriot
 June 25, 2024 21:12

I’ve started listening to Tucker-Sailer now on X. Here’s the topics discussed. The spike in black deaths was huge immediately after Geo Floyd and the associated reduction in police presence. Evil in action. If you can’t wait to listen, click one of the timestamps to go to the X post where you should be able to start the 1:56:48 video.

Steve Sailer has spent a lifetime observing human behavior and coming to obvious, sensible conclusions. For the crime of noticing reality, he’s been ostracized, although secretly everyone still reads him.

(3:53) What Was the Impact of Black Lives Matter on Black Lives?
(20:26) The Mexican Cartels Targeting the Appalachian Whites
(31:06) Why Democrats Hide Crime Statistics
(35:17) The Increase in Anti-White Racism
(43:05) Emmitt Till
(49:11) Are Race Relations Getting Better?
(1:01:20) Demographic Change
(1:11:05) Will Donald Trump Win the Election?
(1:39:58) Schools Getting Rid of the SAT Requirement
(1:38:33) Is the Country Becoming More Open and Receptive?


TradeBait2( TradeBait2)Offline


 June 25, 2024 15:34

With the Maui fire part of DePat’s opener and Tucker’s interview of Steve Sailer behind the paywall that includes discussion on the false writing of history; I will release my second American Story tonight a few hours after DePat’s Wednesday opener. Will give you some extra summer doldrums reading material.

Gail Combs


 June 26, 2024 13:50

The paper that the Lancet removed last summer (since the paper told the TRUTH about the fact that the COVID-19 “vaccines” cause DEATH) has just been peer-reviewed and published!

However, Yours Truly will caution that even PEER-REVIEWED papers, if they tell the truth about these “vaccines”, STILL can be Removed, Retracted, Withdrawn, or Reissued with “new conclusions” that would reflect pressure put on the authors and/or publisher. Therefore, one will urge interested persons to download and save this paper.

It’s also found here:

“A Systematic REVIEW of Autopsy findings in deaths after covid-19 vaccination”
Nicholas Hulscher, William Makis, Peter A. McCullough, et al.

Yours Truly: The authors compiled a final “fact-checker-proof” list of 325 autopsy reports of deceased persons who were COVID-19 “vaccinated.” The bottom line here is that COVID-19 “vaccination” either directly caused, or “significantly contributed to”, the deaths of the 325 persons.

The COVID-19 “vaccines” that the deceased took were from “across the board” — Pfizer-BioNTech (modRNA); Moderna (modRNA); Johnson & Johnson (adenovirus DNA); AstraZeneca (basically the Johnson & Johnson formula); Sinovac (whole inactivated virus — CCP); and Sinopharm (inactivated virtus —CCP).

This indicates that ANY of the COVID-19 “vaccine” formulations can cause death.
The 325 deceased were from all over the world — the United States; the UK; Japan; Thailand, Italy, New Zealand, and more.

Following are two JPGs: First, of the Highlights from the paper; and, second, of a breakdown chart of the organ systems involved in the 325 deaths.

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Yours Truly again Think of this paper in light of today’s release of the Supreme Court ruling that it’s OK for the “Biden White House” to pressure social media to censor “misinformation” regarding COVID-19 policies. From “social media” it can be an easy “conflation” to things like, say, blogs — Substack websites — even to text or to email messages. Because “certain entities” don’t want the truth coming to light, let alone being spread, about the dangerous and deadly COVID-19 “vaccines.” Especially since BARDA is now up to its ears in funding “new types” of COVID-19 “vaccines” — intranasal and oral.



 June 26, 2024 15:42

Plaintiffs lacked standing.

  • I call bullshit.
  • Somehow this case made it through whatever courts WITH standing.
  • Appeals court(s) WITH standing.
  • Then the NOT Fucking SC took the case.
  • NOT SC Fiddle Fucks with the case for months.
  • Then the NOT SC declares no standing. IF that is true, why would they take the case. Fiddle fuck with the case for months. Then declare no standing.

I Call Horseshit.
Somehow Thomas, Gorsuch, Alito figure there is standing.

Gail Combs


 June 26, 2024 07:20

Recall the DAILY LIES from Medical World…Ivermectin B A D. <<< Damned Liars.
Below Xs are part of why Ivermectin is a weekly for me.
IF I feel a bug of sorts, another day or two of Ivermectin.
Always bounce back quickly.
Always, always, always…Stock IvermectinA L W A Y S.

From the opener…
Ivermectin is often recognized–2nd to penicillin–for having the greatest impact on human health.

Its discovery even won the Nobel Prize.

But the propagandists told you it was a “dangerous horse dewormer.”
Well, it now turns out that ivermectin is “very effective against certain cancers.”

Dr. Paul Marik attests to this:
“We know of cases of patients who had solid tumors who were given the horse dewormer (ivermectin), and together with some other drugs … the cancer disappeared.”
Also from the opener…

ht QTree posters done educated Slow Guy…Ivermectin Is Effective.
>>> Forever grateful for QTree, Wolf, Everyone QTree. <<<

Gail Combs


 June 26, 2024 01:34

Celine Dion is suffering from “stiff person syndrome” and is releasing a raw video about how she is affected. It is horrific to see a human being in that condition: bedridden, unable to move (I think that is an intermittent symptom), crying out in pain, requiring multiple caretakers.
She has been vaxed. I came across this article “fact-checking” whether the vax could have caused her condition.

Of course they say it had no bearing and that a supposed Pfizer document listing stiff person syndrome is not a list of side effects — which might be true. It might be a list of things they were watching out for initially.

Neurologists say there is no connection between the vax and this syndrome, that Celine had been having health problems for several years prior, and that they are not seeing an uptick in numbers of people with the syndrome since the vax has been given.

Fair enough. I still think that Celine’s early symptoms might have been exacerbated by the vax. Also, we don’t know that her early symptoms were part of stiff person syndrome. Maybe the vax sent her immune system over the edge and her condition is worse because of the vax. We know the jab doesn’t help the immune system.

…Experts told AFP there is no proven link between Covid-19 vaccines and Stiff-Person Syndrome, nor has there been an uptick in diagnoses for the rare condition…

“Experts” have lost all credibility….




 Reply to  TheseTruths
 June 26, 2024 11:17

Thank you. Yours Truly will weigh in with the following “Glass of Truth”:

One: While Ms. Dion ** may ** have had an underlying condition or predisposition for condition that ** may have ** led to her now having Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS) — since she was COVID-19 “vaccinated”, the negative effects of said “vaccine” CANNOT be ruled out.

**** Two: A “side effect” (which is from drug therapy) and an Adverse Event —especially an Adverse Event of Special Interest (which is from a correctly-administered medication but has an “unintended” effect on the patient) are two very different things. Please refer to the screenshot and citation below:
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Shelby Leheny, BS, (now PharmD)

Three: IMO, neurologists (or, IMO, any other medical doctor, or the CDC / FDA / AMA, etc.) who say that SPS is “not connected” with the COVID-19 “vaccines” are lying, either by commission or by omission.

Four: Please refer to Page 37 of this document (and the JPG of this page, below):

This is the document that Pfizer-BioNTech gave to the FDA on 30 April 2021 about the company’s “flagship” COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT162b2.
“Stiff Person Syndrome” is underlined on the list on this page as an Adverse Event of Special Interest.

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Five: Please refer to Page 30 of the same document (JPG, below):

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Six: Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS) is caused, in the vast majority of cases, by anti-GAD antibodies (testing either positive or negative.) Please refer, again, to the JPG of Page 30 of the above document — “Anti-GAD antibody positive” AND “Anti-GAD antibody negative” are listed on Page 30 as Adverse Events of Special Interest.

ALSO: Please refer to the screenshot JPG, below (followed by Citation):
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Muranova A, Shanina E. Stiff Person Syndrome. [Updated 2023 July 10}. In: StatPearls [Internet].

Seven: And, to top it off, the FDA decided to CHANGE its recommendations for AESI reporting guidelines in December 2022, to “conform” to “international guidance” to use “selective data” collection:

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NOTE: The Moderna “flagship” COVID-19 “vaccine”, mRNA-1273, ALSO uses a lab-created and lab-enhanced modRNA fof the original Wuhan Hu1 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus.

NOTE 2: The elements of the modRNA in BOTH the Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2 AND the Moderna mRNA-1273 are present in ALL of the subsequent “booster shots” of these “vaccines”, AND ALSO in their “2023-2024 Formula Vaccines.”

These elements will ALSO be present in the “2024-2025 Formula Vaccines” forthcoming by these companies.

Not only are the reports found in the 5.3.6 document actual reports sent to Pfizer-BioNTech that enumerate actual adverse events that were DIAGNOSED in persons who took BNT162b2; but

the EIGHT pages of these Adverse Events of Special Interest for BNT162b2 are adverse events that were found between 11 December 2020 (the first EUA granted by the FDA); and 28 February 2021. (The first EUA for BNT162b2 was granted by the EMA [European Medicines Agency] on 14 December 2020):

in other words, hundreds of Adverse Events of Special Interest were found in FEWER THAN THREE MONTHS IN PEOPLE WHO WERE “VACCINATED” WITH BNT162b2; and —
the List of Adverse Events of Special Interest for BNT162b2 is an international listing of DIAGNOSES REPORTS sent to Pfizer-BioNTech.


Robert Baker

 Reply to  TheseTruths
 June 26, 2024 09:33

Neurologists [who were asked for comments] say [that in their professional opinion] there is no connection between the vax and this syndrome, that Celine had been having health problems for several years prior, and that they are not seeing an uptick in numbers of people with the syndrome since the vax has been given.

I have edited the sentence to clarify its meaning. The edit is in brackets.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

 Reply to  TheseTruths
 June 26, 2024 01:41

Vaccines are literally a “perfect fit” for almost all neurological disorders, because they can generate specific immunological attacks against ANY specific type of nerve cell, protein, receptor, etc.

People need to wake up. I’m off the vaccine train, except under the most dangerous circumstances, until we understand vaccines better.



 Reply to  Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
 June 26, 2024 09:52

I’m just a simple country girl but I can read and think for myself. Here’s my layman’s reasoning:
The last ‘vax’ shot I took was 10 years ago for shingles.

I will NEVER again take a ‘preventive’ injection they call a vaccine since they altered the definition of a vaccine, and the type of vax from dead/live virus shot to an MRNA-shot.

Flu shots were never called vaccines;they were called flu shots and it was widely understood they did not prevent the virus; they ‘might’ lessen the symptoms. Thus there was a distinct difference between a virus vax (like MMR) and a virus shot (like flu). In the future, every virus injection will be MRNA or worse.

In the 4 years since this covid hoax/scare began, not once have I seen any of our so-called health bureaucracies or corporate medical conglomerates which employ 99% of primary care physicians publish anything or recommend anything related to strengthening our immune systems. Neither do they show any interest in exploring how those of us who are unvaxxed and never contracted covid keep our immune systems healthy. This alone tells me they do not have our best interests at heart.
Watch the pattern … pushing flu shots, shingles shots, pneumonia shots, and more recently RSV and covid shots, and now bird flu shots … it’s just another form of drug pushing. Seriously, if they can’t hook us on opioids & fentanyl, they’ll destroy us via never-ending shots!



 Reply to  Alison
 June 26, 2024 14:39

Just an observation about shingles vaccine – those of us old geezers who caught chicken pox and recovered RARELY get shingles. Most of those who get shingles are those who got chicken pox vaccine.

IOW they never had chicken pox so they never got that superior immunity that comes from catching-and-recovering.

Last edited 6 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


 Reply to  Alison
 June 26, 2024 10:06

Excellent comment Alison.

I’ve noticed also the insurance companies doing their part. Calls, emails, letters and texts pushing home visits and pushing shots. They’re wanting interaction however they can get it. I know someone who mistakenly thinks these things are directly from the doctor like the doc is requesting/ordering through the insurance for him to take part in the free screening ( snooping) and other suggestions.

Then of course I get direct texts from CVS pushing each of the shots. It’s a racket



 Reply to  mollypitcher5
 June 26, 2024 10:14
Exactly!!! Those repeated calls to push ‘helpful’ home visits to review if your home is ‘safe’ from falls etc. they don’t even disclose they are 3rd party contractors and not your insurance company!! As if I’d EVER let them in the door!!

I just found out (must have missed the press release) that CVS owns Aetna!!!! One of the largest insurance companies owned by one of the largest retail drug sellers!!! Next step will be Aetna requiring me to buy my meds from CVS!!

Gail Combs


Russian MIL Declares Ukraine Origin of C19! DNC Globalists Created Covid!


New briefing from Chief of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defence Forces, General Igor Kirillov, on military biological activities of the United States in the territory of Ukraine.

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The Russian MIL have been studying biological samples from surrendered Ukrainian soldiers, and what they have been finding is beyond disturbing. Approximately 20% of them carrying West Nile pathogens, which were being studied “by the Pentagon as part of the Ukrainian UP-4 and UP-8 projects”. Suggesting that Ukrainian soldiers are being subject to involuntary biological experimentation and exposure to biological weapons (think Nuremberg).

In addition to carrying pathogens, nearly all of the surrendered Ukrainian soldiers carried traces of a wide variety of narcotics and opioids, including Meth and Codeine.

Russia were sure to remind us of the Nazi’s usage of methamphetamines in WW2. I covered this 2 weeks ago, when the left-wing media tried to spin this reality as some sort of X-men mutant conspiracy theory. No, they are just Nazis, and historically, Nazis use drugs. Particularly as an advantage in war….

Gail Combs

Gail Combs



 June 27, 2024 10:34
“Over 100M Americans think the COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Is Killing Large Numbers of People’”
26 June 2024
by Steve Kirsch

Yours Truly: Brace yourselves. Mr. Kirsch has written an outstanding article. There is new, conclusive, proof that the COVID-19 “vaccines” — BOTH the modRNA AND the viral vector DNA types — will increase the risk of the “vaccinated” person to contract dementia / Alzheimer’s Disease — by a factor of 140%.

ALSO — more conclusive proof that the COVID-19 “vaccines” CAUSE PSYCHOSIS in “vaccinated” persons.

ALSO — Mr. Kirsch cites the Hulscher, Makis, McCullough, et al., paper on the 325 autopsies that prove the COVID-19 “vaccines” taken by the deceased were involved in 74% of the deaths.

One of the papers regarding the increased risk for developing dementia / Alzheimer’s Disease, from South Korea:

“A potential association between COVID-19 vaccination and development of alzheimer’s disease”
Jee Hoon Roh, M.D., Ph.D., et al.
published 28 May 2024.

Yours Truly: The risk incidence is HIGHER in people who took the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines.”

Following are: two JPGs from this paper — the Abstract; and a graphic of the increased risk for Alzheimer’s Disease in the “vaccinated”; and, the Dr. William Makis X post related to the COVID-19 “vaccines” inducing psychosis in “vaccinated” persons.

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Note: the complete Dr. William Makis blog post and his analyses of the papers mentioned in Mr. Kirsch’s Substack article are behind a “subscriber paywall” at

*** Yours Truly is again going to “go out on a limb” here. If it is true (and is being proved every day) that IVM / Fenben can treat, and even cure, cancers (which may include cancers induced in persons who took COVID-19 “vaccines”) — isn’t it possible that IVM /

Fenben can treat, or even cure, neurological damage induced in persons who took the COVID-19 “vaccines” — like dementia / Alzheimer’s Disease / psychosis? If it’s true that IVM / Fenben (which treat and cure parasitic issues in humans [River Blindness, for example] and in animals) can be used to treat or even cure cancers — and that the COVID-19 “vaccines” can induce cancers in “vaccinated” persons — isn’t it possible that there are ** parasitic elements ** in the COVID-19 “vaccines”?

Last edited 6 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


 July 1, 2024 04:23

Potential Bankruptcy Earthquake

Karl hit it out of the park with this one!



Harrington .v. Purdue.

Recall that Purdue was the maker of Oxycontin which affiliates marketed as less addictive and less-abusable than other pain drugs. Said affiliate ultimately pled guilty to misbranding. That in turn led to thousands of lawsuits aimed at the parent company. The controlling company, the Sacklers, implemented what amounted to an asset-stripping scheme to try to get something out of the company, fearing it (and all their income stream) might be destroyed in bankruptcy.

The company ultimately did file and, recently, there was a proposed settlement that, among other things, forbid anyone from suing the Sacklers, effectively granting them a release as part of the bankruptcy.

This was just blown up by the Supremes and correctly so.


Held: The bankruptcy code does not authorize a release and injunction that, as part of a plan of reorganization under Chapter 11, effectively seek to discharge claims against a nondebtor without the consent of affected claimants. Pp. 7–19.

(a) When a debtor files for bankruptcy, it “creates an estate” that includes virtually all the debtor’s assets. 11 U. S. C. §541(a). Under Chapter 11, the debtor must develop a reorganization plan governing the distribution of the estate’s assets and present it to the bankruptcy court for approval. §§1121, 1123, 1129, 1141. A bankruptcy court’s order confirming a reorganization plan “discharges the debtor” of certain pre-petition debts. §1141(d)(1)(A). In this case, the Sacklers have not filed for bankruptcy or placed all their assets on the table for distribution to creditors, yet they seek what essentially amounts to a discharge. No provision of the code authorizes that kind of relief. Pp. 7–17


Without placing all of your assets under the effective control of the Bankruptcy Court as part of a bankrupt estate you cannot obtain relief from same. This is both logical and has great implication on a forward basis for certain other firms that have sought to “hive off” potential risk to their balance sheets through the same sort of arrangements the Sacklers used.

Indeed this sort of structure has been used repeatedly in recent years. What the Supremes found, correctly so in my opinion, is that structuring a business arrangement is fine but if you, as one of the parties to that arrangement, in some way acted in a form or fashion (whether explicitly or complicitly) and that results in harm, and the other entity gets sued you can’t be released without the consent of the people harmed.
This may become rather, uh……. important in the next few years.


This is so important going forward I am saving it here.


Gail Combs


 July 1, 2024 11:12

More confirmation that the Pfizer-BioNTech “flagship” COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT162b2, DOES integrate into the DNA of the of the “vaccinated” person; AND that the SV40 Green Monkey cancer promoter genome piece in that “vaccine” is in play:

25 February 2024

Yours Truly: Dr. David Speicher’s blog posts a cross-post from the ANANDAMIDE Substack: “Vaccine targeted qPCR of cancer cell Lines treated with BNT162b2.” This post describes in detail the work by Kevin McKernan in analyzing what the SV40 Green Monkey cancer promoter gene sequence piece in BNT162b2 does to the “vaccinated” human’s body.

Summary: MCF7 and OvCar3 cancer cell lines were treated with various vaccines, including BNT162b2. The results: the SV40 cancer promoter genome piece in BNt162b2 increased the cancer cells in at least two case sequences. The SV40 promoter genome piece in these cases appears to have affected Chr12 (Chromosome 12.)

Please refer to the screenshot image from the Anandamide article, below:

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Note: the experiments performed above relate to already-present cancer cells that were treated with the various vaccines, including BNT12b2.

Here’s the deal: Chromosome 12 is a VERY important chromosome sequence in humans. Please see the screenshot image below of the Abstract from this paper:  “The finished DNA sequence of human chromosome 12”, Steven E. Scherer, et al., 16 March 2006.

For BNt162b2 to contain an element that SPECIFICALLY targets Chromosome 12 of the human chromosome line is, IMO, NOT accidental.

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But wait, there’s more!

The Dr. Speicher cross-post also includes the Kevin McKernan proof that BNT162b2 ALSO integrates into the Chromosome 9 of the “vaccinated” person. Chromosome 9 contains at least two important CANCER SUPPRESSOR GENES. Please refer to the screenshot image below from a book chapter that describes these cancer suppressor genes:

The chapter and book: :”Meningioma”, in Neurobiology of Disease, Katrin Lamszus MD, and Manfred Westphal MD, published 2007 by Elsevier Inc.

Again — the inclusion of an element in BNT162b2 that damages the human Chromosome 9 is, IMO, NOT accidental.

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Note: No SV40 cancer promoter gene piece was found in the Moderna COVID-19 “vaccine” mRNA-1273.

This DOES NOT mean that mRNA-1273 (and its subsequent “descendant clone COVID-19 “vaccines””) is somehow “safer” than BNT162b2 (and its subsequent “descendant clone COVID-19 “vaccines””) — NONE of these “vaccines” are safe.

Gail Combs


 July 2, 2024 08:02

This. THISTHIS is H U G E AND someone QTree recently posted a friend or neighbor came down with cancer.
Many suggestions to share FenBen, Ivermectin…successes in folks ridding cancer from their bodies.
Whoever that was here QTree, this is a superb testament to FenBen, Ivermection, Green Tea, other vitamins and supplements.
Notably for me. This person did NOT share with her oncologist FenBen, Ivermectin… Much like our Linda held this information.

“My Cancer Story!

I was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in August 2023, and without treatment, I had 3-6 months to sort out my affairs. I began my fenbendazole Protocol immediately. I nearly quit up since my quality of life had deteriorated dramatically. But I started to feel better. Less nausea. I had gained some weight back! Increased energy. My scan in November 2023 indicated that this severe cancer had neither grown or spread. My cancer marker dropped from over 100,000 to 35,000. As of January 2024, my new marker number was 18k!!! My oncologist was just scratching his head, and a family member said he seemed bewildered! And no, I did not inform him about the fenben.

I was terrified he’d drop me as a patient. I was quite appreciative for fenben and how it has helped me. I was feeling better and stronger. I had scans and bloodwork done in March, and my markers are now down to 6000. And the tumors were shrinking!!! Two weeks after my previous scan. I scanned again, and it returned NED.



◦ Curcumin (600mg daily)

◦ Zinc (50mg)

◦ Milk thistle, As a food supplement, take 15 – 30 drops, 2-3 times daily in a little fruit juice or water. 7 days a week

◦ Serrapeptase (120,00Iu)

◦ Fenbendazole (1000mg of Panacur C is advised to be taken seven days a week. It is recommended that it should be taken with a meal).


◦ Curcumin (600mg tablet per day are recommended

◦ Berberine (600mg 2-3 times a day )

◦ Quercetin (500mg 1/day)

◦ Turkey Tail

◦ Vitamin E (800mg for 7 days a week)

◦ Fenbendazole (1000mg at night)

◦ Ivermectin 12mg daily 5/7days a week

•Limit sugar and processed food intake

•Drank green tea often”

Gail Combs


 July 2, 2024 01:27

Already covered here, I believe, but a meme distills it down.

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 Reply to  TheseTruths

 July 2, 2024 10:01


Thank you for bringing this.

The Steve Kirsch Substack article, a cross-post of the summary and commentary of the
paper by Dr. Peter McCullough, is here:

The paper referenced is here:
“A Critical Analysis of All-Cause Deaths during COVID-19 Vaccination in an Italian Province”

Marco Alessandria, et al.
published 30 June 2024

Yours Truly: This is a PEER-REVIEWED paper.

The bottom lines are:

*** The COVID-19 “vaccine” injections do cause reduced life expectancy in the “vaccinated”;

*** The reduction of life expectancy in COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons increases with each shot taken;

*** The COVID-19 “vaccines” increase the possibility of death from “all-causes” (in other words, “co-morbidities”) in “vaccinated” persons;

*** The COVID-19 “vaccines” do not “save lives” — in fact, these “vaccines” kill people;

And, in Yours Truly’s opinion:

*** Any healthcare professional (or government agency or healthcare facility or educational facility) that is still pushing, let alone “mandating” these dangerous and deadly “vaccines” — are, IMO, complicit in inducing loss of life expectancy and/or increase in “all-cause” mortality, among “vaccinated” persons.

Following are two screenshot images: one, the Conclusions from the Alessandria, et al. paper; and, two, from the summary and commentary of the paper by Dr. Peter McCullough, linked to the Steve Kirsch Substack blog article:

First, the Conclusions from the paper:

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Second, from the post by Dr. McCullough:

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Gail Combs

𝗥𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿𝘁 𝗠𝗮𝘅𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗹, [𝗚𝗵𝗶𝘀𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝘅𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗹’𝘀 𝗗𝗮𝗱] 𝘁𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗹 𝗼𝗳 𝗽𝗲𝗲𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗲𝘄𝗲𝗱 𝘀𝗰𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗶𝘇𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝘁 AND DESTROYED IT.

Eye of the Storm Ep. 138

1:04:40 They show a clip from The Joe Rogan Experience @ 3:34 mark (3 min clip)

The guy talking is Eric Weinstein: The Mathematician turned Physicist & Economist (It is an interesting article about Dr Weinstein.)

ERIC: ” … Maxwell figured out how to DESTROY SCIENCE and MAKE A FORTUNE. So he diluted the quality of the editorship of the leading journals. This was a high quality informal enterprise. Now most of the destruction of science in terms of how high quality it used to be, has taken place relatively recently. POST ROBERT MAXWELL. Because we now have an enormous number of journals staffed by people who can’t spot publication cartels, where we agree to cite each others work and we agree to publish stuff, you know Pay for Play. ALL the nonsense you see with irreproducible research…

The peer review thing got woven in so that people think that the scientific method and peer review ARE THE SAME THING. Hwere ONE IS THE UNWANTED INFECTION FROM THE BIOLOGICAL BIOMEDICAL UNIVERSE, which had peer review much longer than anything else…”

From the article:

…Eric Weinstein’s ideas have awakened me and showed a world unknown to most people, such as the real world of academia and science.

One of these ideas is what he calls 👉the DISC (Distributed Idea Suppression Complex) which explains how disruptive and innovative ideas that challenge the status quo are suppressed.👈 Keeping institutions safe from individuals who create change….

Pergamon Press.


Oxford-based publishing house, founded by Paul Rosbaud and Robert Maxwell, [Ghislaine Maxwell’s Dad] that published scientific and medical books and journals. Originally called Butterworth-Springer, it is now an imprint of Elsevier. 👉Maxwell acquired the company in 1951, Rosbaud held a one-quarter share.

Gail Combs


 July 5, 2024 10:31

Again, Steve Kirsch brings the truth:

(Just an aside: take a look at Mr. Kirsch’s face in this video clip. He himself got “fully vaccinated”, then after that he started searching for the truth about the COVID-19 “vaccines.” Based on one’s reading his blog for some time now, IMO, it appears that he may be “looking older than his years”?)

Last edited 5 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


 July 6, 2024 12:13

ANOTHER pre-print paper that proves the COVID-19 “vaccines” have no benefit but increase mortality. Yours Truly urges interested readers to download and save this paper — IMO it’s a prime “target” for being Retracted, Removed, Withdrawn, or Re-issued with “new conclusions” that reflect the pressure on ResearchGate and/or the paper’s authors, from “outside entities.”

The story:
guest post by Martin Armstrong

The paper:
Christof Kuhbandner and Matthias Reitzner

Also found here:

(Click on “download PDF” for the entire paper.)

Yours Truly: This paper is by a PhD and a professor of mathematics regarding excess mortality after COVID-19 “vaccination” in Germany.

The bottom lines:
The COVID-19 “vaccines” had no real benefit, and instead increased mortality.
The more “vaccinated” a German state was, the greater the increase in mortality.

Following are two items from the paper.

First: a graph of the mortality increase after COVID-19 “vaccination”, overall:

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Second: from the Conclusions of the paper:

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Gail Combs

Amplification and Correction related to yesterday’s presentation by Yours Truly:
The correct URL for The Burning Platform article —
“Study: Vaccines Had NO ‘Beneficial Effects’”
guest post by Martin Armstrong

Amplification one, the blog post by Martin Armstrong on this subject:
5 July 2024

Amplification two, the blog post by Steve Kirsch, additional sauce for the above:

“German CDC documents show politics drove COVID response, not science”
25 June 2024

Yours Truly: A group of journalists in Germany sued the German government under their FOIA laws to have internal documents released regarding the German CDC’s response to COVID-19 in Germany and the government’s push for COVID-19 “vaccination.” (the German CDC is called the Robert Koch-Institut [RKI].)

The initial documents “release” was heavily redacted (sound familiar?).

After more pressure, the documents were “un-redacted.”

The Kirsch article has an embedded video by Prof. Dr. Stefan Homburg regarding these documents. The video is in English, with references to the RKI documents in German (with English translation.)

The bottom line: the German government knew the truth about the COVID-19 virus (elderly and already-sick people were the most at risk), and the truth about the COVID-19 “vaccines” — and consistently lied to the German people about both.

The un-redacted report (in German) is linked at the Kirsch blog post. However, Frank Ploegman created a summary list of the key points. A screenshot image of this list is below:

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Yours Truly again: IMO, substitute “DoD”, “Big Pharma”, and “Deep State” for the words “experts” and “government” in the Ploegman list above, and a clearer picture of what occurred in the United States is a result.

Gail Combs

Truth Justice ™


Jul 3


Estimated 17 Million Deaths from the Covid Vaccines. President Trump acknowledges excess deaths. “Remember more people died under his administration than our administration and we were right in the middle of it. He did the mandate which is a disaster.”

The European Parliament asked Pfizer this direct question. “Was the Pfizer Covid Vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market?” Janine Small, a Pfizer President replied “NO” we had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market. At that point of view we had to do everything at risk.”

They forced you and manipulated you through illegal coercion in order for you to take a dangerous technology never given to humans before. They said you would not get Covid if you took the injection. They said you would not transmit Covid to anyone else if you took the injection. It was all a deliberate criminal lie to deceive you and coerce you into taking a toxin and poison that has now killed an estimated 17 million innocent people worldwide.

Over 17,000 physicians and scientists globally confirm that the Covid vaccinated are more likely to become infected or have disease or even death if they have been Vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated people. The Covid Vaccines damage your heart, brain, reproductive tissue, lungs, increase cancer and permanently damage your immune system.

The Biden Administration is captured by Corporations and NGOs. U.S. Doctors warn the world to stop taking the Covid Vaccines and Boosters, they are toxic, lethal, ineffective and must be stopped. They damage the brain, heart, liver, bone marrow and fetus causing all sorts of harm in the human body. The CDC and the FDA’s misinformation is causing death and injury in pregnant women and newborn babies around the world.

PFIZER IS BEING SUED IN 5 U.S. STATES: Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach is suing Pfizer for misleading claims it made related to the COVID vaccine.

According to the complaint filed on June 17, 2024 in Thomas County District Court, Pfizer misled Americans about the vaccine risks, including for pregnant women and for myocarditis. Additionally, Pfizer claimed its vaccine protected against COVID variants, despite data showing otherwise. The pharmaceutical giant also suggested its vaccine prevented COVID transmission, but later admitted it had never studied whether its vaccine had stopped transmission.

The complaint also alleges that Pfizer coordinated with social media officials to censor speech critical of COVID-19 vaccines and declined to participate in the federal government’s vaccine development program, Operation Warp Speed, to avoid government oversight.

Dr. David Martin says President Trump was misled and conned by Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, the CDC, FDA and Alex Azar, the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services who was under criminal investigation at the time Operation Warp Speed was signed.

Worldwide over 17,000 Physicians and Scientists demand that Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech, Janssen, AstraZeneca and their enablers be immediately indicted for fraud for willfully withholding and omitting Covid Vaccine safety information from patients and physicians which led to toxic death and injury to millions of innocent people worldwide.

There is excess mortality and death all over the world and populations are suddenly collapsing. A Top U.S. Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough says I’m going to be very clear about this. “The Vaccine is Killing people and it’s Killing large numbers of people.”

Every person around the world must demand criminal charges for illegal advertising by the Media, the CDC, NIH, the FDA and the Biden Administration which all advertised the Covid Vaccines as safe and effective with no side effects. This was a criminal lie that led to the death of millions of innocent people.

They deliberately broke the law and committed federal crimes of fraud, wrongful advertising and mass negligent homicide. All government officials, health officials and all pharmaceutical corporate executives must be indicted and brought to justice.

Dr. Peter McCullough also states Albert Bourla and other Pfizer Executives are committing Domestic Terrorism. They are criminally lying that there are no safety warning signals from the Covid Vaccines. Pfizer’s own data showed 1223 deaths within 90 days of the vaccine trials.

U.S. Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. states the death rates from the Covid Vaccines exceed billions of combined vaccines from the last 30 years. Studies from 2023 show 680,000 deaths in the U.S. from the Covid Vaccines. The Pfizer trial showed a 500% increase in heart attack deaths. He goes on to say that Pfizer is guilty of criminal deception.

U.S. Harvard Law Professor Dr. Francis Boyle confirms through an Official Court Affidavit that the Covid Vaccines are “Bioweapons of Mass Destruction.” He says all the people who pushed these “Frankenshots” such as the Media, FDA, CDC, WHO, DOD Officials, the Biden Administration and Covid Vaccine Executives should be charged with premeditated mass murder.

Professor Boyle goes on to say that the FDA was involved in the development of Covid-19 as an offensive biological warfare weapon at UNCBSL3. The Pentagon bought and paid for the toxic mRNA shots and helped create Covid-19. All are guilty of Nuremberg crimes, murder and conspiracy to commit murder.

Dr. Francis Boyle believes the end goal of the criminal perpetrators is population control and population reduction while making billions of dollars. He says new reports show worldwide excess deaths of 12 million innocent people. Now, it is estimated to be over 17 million innocent people worldwide.

He encourages all citizens around the world to go to their local Sheriff’s Office, Police Office and District or State Attorney General’s Office and file criminal charges of murder and conspiracy to commit murder, demanding that the people responsible be arrested and prosecuted. This must be done, be brave, share this truth and act now.

IN THE U.S. ON JUNE 17, 2024: The Vires Law Group, in conjunction with the Edward L. Tarpley Jr., Officially Sent Criminal Referrals of Murder, Terrorism, Human Trafficking, Kidnapping, Manslaughter, Racketeering, Acts of Cruelty, False Imprisonment, Battery and Kidnapping for Anthony Fauci, Rochelle Walensky, Francis Collins, Deborah Birx, Peter Daszak, Rick Bright, Robert Redfield, Stephen Hahn and Cliff Lane.

Many more people are involved in these atrocious crimes of mass murder and deliberate deception, such as Alex Azar, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Mike Pence, Ralph Baric and many more. There are over 350 U.S. names involved in various crimes against America and against all of humanity. They must be stopped and they must brought to justice, no matter how long it takes.


Gail Combs


 July 5, 2024 20:28

Linda, Wolf Moon, and all —
In response to our good Linda’s question regarding whether the COVID-19 virus itself (via the spike protein) can cause cancer: IMO, the answer is, Yes, it can.

The difference, again IMO, between the actions of the COVID-19 virus itself, and those of the COVID-19 “vaccines”, involves the additions of lipid nanoparticles to the COVID-19 “vaccines (which lipid nanoparticles evade the “vaccinated” person’s natural immune system “are you a friend or a foe” mechanisms); and the addition of the SV40 Green Monkey cancer promoter gene piece to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine.”

Following are several sources of information on this subject:
“Deep immune profiling of COVID-19 patients reveal distinct immunotypes with therapeutic implications”
15 July 2020 (well before any COVID-19 “vaccine” was given an EUA for use)
Divij Matthew, et al.
“SARS-CoV-2, the Spike Protein and Oncogenesis”
2 November 2023
Walter M Chesnut
“The Observed Aggressive Cancers are a SYMPTOM of a DNA Disease Induced by the Spike Protein”
26 October 2023
Walter M Chesnut
“Cell fusion as a link between the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, COVID-19 complications, and vaccine side effects”
7 December 2021
Yuri Lazebnik

Yours Truly again: It appears that the spike protein of the SARs-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus itself (therefore, the COVID-19 virus itself) contains multiple elements that attack and degrade the CD4 immune system cells of the body; that increase B-cell activity in the body; attack the body’s natural DNA repair system; and accelerate natural cell death (apoptosis) in the body.

This all points, again, to the absolute necessity for all people to attain, and maintain, the best possible level of health of the natural immune system already in their bodies. It also can mean that people who have a “family history of cancer” should get the blood tests needed to find out what, if any, genetic markers are present in their body.

Gail Combs


 July 8, 2024 10:13

Dr. Charles Hoffe has won an important decision in his fight to keep his License to Practice Medicine in British Columbia.

Dr. Hoffe is the physician who first showed, via the D-dimer test that he performed on COVID-19 “vaccinated” patients, that the levels of microclots in their blood after “vaccination” was higher. He also used IVM to treat COVID-19 patients. For these, and other activities related to speaking the truth about the COVID-19 virus and the COVID-19 “vaccines”, he was censured by the College of Physicians and Surgeons in British Columbia; a “mysterious” wildfire destroyed his home / clinic / patient records; and he was brought up on “charges” by the College of Physicians and Surgeons to have his License to Practice Medicine revoked.

The story about his win is here:
“We won the Judicial Notice decision for Dr. Charles Hoffe”
6 July 2024


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

 Reply to  PAVACA
 July 8, 2024 10:24

GOOD! This guy is one of my heroes. He knew there was something up with the vaccines. A REAL scientist!

For those who have not seen it, Charles Hoffe’s 2023 speech, about what happened to him, is one of the truly great moments in science. It is a brilliant summary of TRUE science vs. authoritarian “Fake Science”. The quest of a family doctor to find the truth and defend his patients – this should be a movie. A man who knew, like Gail, that vaccines for corona viruses were difficult if not impossible, and that we cannot blindly accept that such vaccines are automatically going to be safe or effective.

Gail Combs

NOT a real surprise although I have seen animals die of tetanus.

Gail Combs


 July 10, 2024 14:16

Wolf Moon, Gail Combs, and all —
Yours Truly will remove the facade off the FDA’s authorization of the “2024-2025 Formula Influenza Vaccines” that occurred on 5 March 2024. One takes no pleasure in presenting the following:

One: The VRBPAC committee of the FDA met on 5 March 2024 via virtual conference and “recommended” the “2024-2025 Formula Influenza Vaccines.”

But — the FDA apparently announced the meeting ON THE DAY IT TOOK PLACE, not before.

And — the VRBPAC members voted unanimously for the use of the “TRIVALENT VACCINE” for the “2024-2025 Formula Influenza Vaccine”.
5 March 2024
5 March 2024
27 June 2024
Two: HOWEVER, here’s the “back story” —

First: The FDA “recommendation” for these “vaccines” composition contains the following strains:
H1N1 (Influenza A, the “Spanish Flu”); plus,
H3N2 (Influenza A, except that this strain can infect BIRDS, PIGS, and humans); and,
B/Victoria (Influenza B, infects humans).

Second: the VRBPAC committee followed the WHO’s “recommendation” to nix the Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine and to substitute the “TRIVALENT VACCINE” for 2024-2025.
“Global Influenza Programme”

Yours Truly scroll down to the three types of strains listed above, dated February 2024 and May 2024, and click the details regarding the strains for the Northern Hemisphere.
In summary, the FDA in the United States has authorized a trivalent “2024-2025 Formula Influenza Vaccine” that has been “recommended” by the WHO; that has NOT been, as far as Yours Truly can find, been tested on humans; and that contains, IMO, a “backdoor Avian Influenza-type vaccine” in the inclusion of the H3N2 strain in the 2024-2025 Influenza Vaccine formula composition.


Yours Truly will amplify on the above:

From the WHO Global Influenza Programme website, clicking on the May 2024 H3N2 cell-derived vaccine Northern Hemisphere, details on the page, an screenshot of the Overview section.

First, the website page from which the screenshot was taken:—cell-culture-derived—northern-hemisphere-2024-2025

Second, the screenshot. “CC” = WHO Collaborating Centres (testing labs) of the WHO Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System.

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Yours Truly again: Note what it says in the screenshot image about what appears to be “lab-testing only” of the CELL-DERIVED H3N2 culture that will be used in the “2024-2025 TRIVALENT INFLUENZA Vaccine” that the FDA authorized on 5 March 2024.
The same “lab-testing only” language is found in the other CELL-DERIVED ingredients of this “vaccine” (H1N1 and B/Victoria strains.)

AND, BY THE WAY — the WHO states on the CELL-DERIVED “vaccine” ingredients details pages that “CELL-DERIVED” can mean EITHER “CELL-DERIVED”, OR “RECOMBINANT VACCINE ANTIGEN(S)” — in other words, a protein subunit antigen “vaccine”, most likely using DNA fragments.

However, the most important detail here, IMO, is that the FDA in the United States is apparently completely in the WHO “follow my lead” scenario. THIS is the “2024-2025 TRIVALENT INFLUENZA VACCINE” that will be used in THIS country. With, apparently, NO testing on lab animals OR on human subjects — instead, “tested” in WHO lab “petri dishes” and manufactured by companies THAT WERE CHOSEN BY THE WHO.

Gail Combs

barkerjim( barkerjim)Offline

 July 10, 2024 10:49

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 July 10, 2024 11:19

Thank you for this.

Yours Truly will add to it and blow the lid off what the CDC is doing regarding the “2024-2025 Formula COVID-19 Vaccines” —

ONE: More coverage of the Frank Bergman story:
via Infowars
8 July 2024

TWO: The report from ONS (Office of National Statistics) in England, covering the period from 1 January 2021 to 31 May 2022:

Yours Truly: Scroll down the page and click on “Deaths occurring between 1 January 2021 and 31 May 2022 edition of this dataset” for the spreadsheet.
Now, the CDC in the United States:


27 June 2024

Yours Truly: These CDC COVID-19 “vaccine” recommendations have to be seen to be believed. Persons age 6 months to 4 years of age, for example, “may need multiple doses” of a COVID-19 “vaccine” to be considered “up to date.”

Gail Combs


 July 13, 2024 09:55


Yours Truly: Dr. Robert Redfield, who was head of the CDC in 2020, testified before a Senate committee on Thursday, two days ago. Dr. Redfield stated that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are “toxic” and “should not have been mandated.” He said a lot of other things, too, like: pausing Gain-of-Function research; that the FDA should release all the safety data about these “vaccines”; and more.

Yours Truly’s “BS Meter” was on 12 on a scale of 1 – 10 regarding Dr. Redfield’s testimony. IMO, his testimony smelled a lot like “CYA TIME.”

Dr. Redfield, as head of the CDC in 2020, signed off on the CDC’s ACIP committee recommendation for the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech “flagship” modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT162b2, to be used in the United States, on 13 December 2020. This was 2 days after the FDA granted this EUA (11 December 2020.)

Here’s his 13 December 2020 statement:

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Note he makes it clear that he’s “proud” to have signed off on the EUA.

Question for Dr. Redfield: With all due respect, Dr. Redfield, are you also “proud” of the COVID-19 modRNA “vaccine”-induced damages, illnesses, disabilities, and deaths, that BNT162b2 caused since December 2020?

Oh, yes, and who was Commissioner of the FDA in December 2020? — Dr. Stephen Hahn. Did Dr. Hahn do HIS due diligence and ALSO demand more data, detailed data analysis, and further testing of BNt162b2? NOPE. Instead, Dr. Hahn went with the FDA’s VRBPAC committee’s 11 December 2020 recommendation for granting an EUA for BNT162b2 to be used in the United States.

Were Dr. Redfield and Dr. Hahn also, along with then-President Trump, the victims of the intentional withholding of important information about BNT162b2 that was done by Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, and others, prior to December 2020? And now Dr. Redfield knows the truth and is “coming clean”? What about Dr. Hahn?


Janet Woodcock, MD, was Acting Commissioner of the FDA in August 2021. IMO, ** someone ** told her to get Section 13 removed from the August 2021 Sheet for BNT162B2 linked above.


One would not be surprised to see that the above archived CDC link to Dr. Redfield’s December 2020 statement is somehow “disappeared” off the CDC archived documents listings.

It is already very difficult to find Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers documents related to EARLIER versions of BNt162b2. It appears that many of these have been quietly “disappeared” off the internet.

AND — here’s perhaps one reason why this “disappearing act” is being done:

is the Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers for COMIRNATY, the “FDA-approved” earlier version of BNT162b2 as of August 2021. (This entire situation was a real “hat trick” by the FDA — COMIRNATY, while the agency “approved” it for use in the United States, WAS NOT USED IN THE UNITED STATES. The UNITED STATES version, called “Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine”, WAS USED.

However — this product AND BNT162b2 WERE THE EXACT SAME THING. The difference was that the “Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine”, since the FDA KEPT IT UNDER EUA, could NOT be held liable for any “vaccine”-induced injury, illness, disability, or death; whereas COMIRNATY, since it was “FDA-approved”, could be held liable.)

Here is a screenshot from the link above.

Notice the Section 13 Nonclinical Toxicology statement.

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Now, look at the following Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers for the Pfizer-BioNTech “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine”, page 39:


Gail Combs


 July 15, 2024 14:00

There is SO much news going on right now — however, Yours Truly believes this news is important. Steve Kirsch brings it again.

Recall that Yours Truly has been posting and commenting for months regarding how much MORE modRNA and lipid nanoparticles are in EACH DOSE of the MODERNA modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”? EVERY MODERNA DOSE has more “mcg load” than the COVID-19 “vaccines” by Pfizer-BioNTech (which does NOT mean that these products are somehow “safer” than those by Moderna. They are NOT “safer.”)

Mr. Kirsch is now proving that the MODERNA modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” are, in raw terms, DEADLIER than the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccines.” In fact, the MODERNA COVID-19 “vaccines” are 30% MORE DEADLY than those of Pfizer-BioNTech.
“VAERS data shows Moderna causes 30% more deaths per dose than Pfizer”
15 July 2024

Yours Truly: Mr. Kirsch has boiled down VAERS data from 2021. He will be amplifying his findings in an upcoming blog post. In addition, Mr. Kirsch will be writing for a peer-review journal his calculations and findings of COVID-19 “vaccination” in the Czech Republic. According to Mr. Kirsch: “The results are devastating.”

Below is the VAERS graphic from the Kirsch blog post.

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Yours Truly will not get into politics here — one will only say that, IMO, President Trump needs to make it crystal clear that important information that he needed to have about the COVID-19 “vaccines” in terms of the dangers of these “vaccines”, was deliberately withheld from him during Operation Warp Speed. He needs to name those involved in the withholding.

Gail Combs


 July 17, 2024 07:25

Time for bull in the ring with Moderna’s jab results.

Gail Combs


 July 17, 2024 11:27


Thanks to our esteemed TradeBait2 for the link:
“BREAKING: Record-level data from Czech Republic proves that the Moderna vaccines increased all-cause mortality by over 50% (and the Pfizer vaccines weren’t safe either)”
17 July 2024

Yours Truly: Mr. Kirsch’s post is the followup to the one he published yesterday regarding the Czech Republic FOIA data release regarding deaths caused by the MODERNA modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine”, SPIKEVAX.

There are multiple “threads” in this weave:

ONE: The Moderna modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine”, SPIKEVAX carried a much higher “payload” of mcg PER DOSE for all age groups.

TWO: This, however, does NOT mean that the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” (including its non-US version, COMIRNATY) is somehow “safer.” IT IS NOT.

THREE: Look at the title of Mr. Kirsch’s post today again: the MODERNA modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine”, SPIKEVAX, caused an increase of over 50% for all-cause mortality. This means that SPIKEVAX increased the death rates NOT ONLY in healthy persons with NO comorbidities who took this “vaccine”, but ALSO in persons who ALREADY HAD comorbidities who took this “vaccine.”

FOUR: The “Rancourt study” cited by Mr. Kirsch today is here:
“COVID-19 vaccine-associated mortality in the Southern Hemisphere”
Denis G Rancourt, et al.
17 September 2023

This paper proves that the majority of countries in the Southern Hemisphere had significant increases in population mortality AFTER the rollout of the COVID-19 “vaccines” in these countries

This paper is a preprint. Yours Truly urges interested readers to download the PDF and save it. IMO, this paper is a prime target for Removal, Redaction, or Reissue with “New Conclusions” (that would reflect the pressure on the authors and/or ReserachGate.)

FIVE: The Daily Clout website (Dr. Naomi Wolf) is doing a great job with publishing information obtained via FOIA:

SIX: One of the links at The Daily Clout related to the Moderna data releases:
29 February 2024

via Defending the Republic
The Defending the Republic link:

In this article, there is the following, from the Dr. Maryna Eichelberger, Director of the Division of Biological Standards and Quality Control, regarding Moderna’s refusal to give the FDA the necessary data needed for the FDA to grant APPROVAL for SPIKEVAX in the United States. This FDA meeting was held on 24 JANUARY 2022, ABOUT ONE WEEK BEFORE THE FDA “APPROVED” SPIKEVAX ANYWAY, WITHOUT HAVING THE REQUESTED BLA DATA FROM MODERNA.

The Acting Director the FDA in January 2022 was Dr. Janet Woodcock. IIRC, she is infamous for pushing for approval of breast cancer drugs that weren’t fully tested.

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SEVEN: Recall the MODERNA and the NIH / NIAID (United States government agencies) CO-OWN the patents and SHARE the “royalty payments” for MODERNA modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines.” Moderna’s “flagship” modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine’, mRNA-1273 (SPIKEVAX) was CO-DEVELOPED by Moderna and NIH / NIAID.

The following are screenshots from Mr. Kirsch’s post of today:

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EIGHT: BOTH the Pfizer-BioNTech AND the MODERNA modRNA “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccines” contain elements of the “flagship” modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” by these companies (BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273.) And so will, IMO, the upcoming “2024-2025 Formula COVID-19 Vaccines” by these companies.

Further thoughts:
The modRNA for the Moderna COVID-19 “vaccines” is manufactured under a multi-year agreement between Moderna and a CIA-linked company, National Resilience (aka Resilience) in a facility in Mississaugua, Ontario, Canada.
IIRC, the modRNA for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccines” in manufactured in various places, includes Puurs, Belgium, and Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Gail Combs

pat frederick

Gail Combs


 Reply to  pat frederick
 July 19, 2024 11:59

pat frederick
Thank you for this.

The Yamamoto, et al., investigation is about VAM (Vaccine-Associated Myocarditis.)
VAM can often be SUB-CLINICAL (no symptoms or very mild symptoms that are either dismissed or mimic other conditions.)

A summary of what the COVID-19 “vaccines” do to the heart (and lungs) is here:
Michael Palmer, MD, and Sucharit Bhakdi, MD

Here is Slide 10 from the paper:
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Yours Truly will emphasize that damage to the aortic wall from COVID-19 “vaccination” can either be rapid: or, it can be incremental over time.

Gail Combs

Brave and Free

 July 22, 2024 17:34

More on excessive deaths. Slowly the truth comes out, to bad the focus is on the election now. Hopefully PDJT has someone cataloging this info for future use.

Gail Combs


 Reply to  TheseTruths
 July 23, 2024 20:14

Thank you.
Yours Truly presented the situation on the board here on 6 July, including a JPG of the list by Frank Ploegman (translated from the German) from the report on the RKI (Robert Koch-Institut, German version of the CDC) issue.
The German government (via the RKI) knowingly and intentionally lied to the German people throughout the COVID-19 disaster.
Here are the links from the presentation of 6 July:
Three: The paper that blew the lid off the German government’s lies:
“”Differential Increases in Excess Mortality in the German Federal States During the COVID-19 Pandemic”
Christof Kuhbander and Matthias Reitzner
February 2024
Four: The Steve Kirsch Substack article on this:
25 June 2024
Five: The Frank Ploegman list (in English) from the paper cited above:
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Yours Truly again:
The Steve Kirsch blog post cited above has a great, short video by Prof. Dr. Stefan Homburg (in English) that summarizes the RKI (German government) activities to keep the German people in the dark regarding the truth about the COVID-19 virus and the dangers of the COVID-19 “vaccines.”
Also, the Kirsch blog post has a link to the entire RKI report. The report is over 2,000 pages long and is in German.

Gail Combs

Gail Combs


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Gail Combs


 July 24, 2024 08:43

Pray for Steve Kirsch and his vision. He is over target, Satan is fighting back.

I provided the link below as it gives a bit of history of how it all started with Steve. It shows how academia and the industry went after him soon after the scamdemic began. The article is from 2021.



 Reply to  TradeBait2
 July 24, 2024 11:02


Thank you.

Yours Truly replied to the post by TheseTruths above in the thread.

Here’s the proof, IMO, that what happened to Mr. Kirsch was due to the COVID-19 “vaccines” that he took. Even if Mr. Kirsch had retina issues in his right eye (issues that may or may not have been diagnosed earlier, or may have just surfaced), THE ACTIONS OF THE COVID-19 “VACCINES” HE TOOK CAN ACCELERATE / AGGRAVATE RETINA ISSUES. AND THE FDA KNEW ABOUT THIS BACK IN APRIL 2021.

The image of his right eye on his Substack blog post that you linked, looks pretty bad.

God help him.

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Gail Combs


 July 28, 2024 13:31


“I have a lot of blood under my RPE—that is the problem”
28 July 2024

Yours Truly: Mr. Kirsch has one week to somehow get a quantity of blood removed / drained from under his right eye. This is the eye that has the retina problem that sent him to the ER last week.

It gives one no pleasure to say that one was correct when it appeared, from his earlier blog post on this situation, that something in his retina looked like it “exploded.”

The eye doctors are blaming the situation on huge amounts of stress that Mr. Kirsch has been under, and/or “dry” Macular Degeneration progressed to “wet” Macular Degeneration.

*** If the blood isn’t cleared in one week, the eye will “die”, and Mr. Kirsch will be permanently blind in his right eye.

If anyone has a suggestion about clearing the blood, they can respond in the comments to his blog post above.

Yours Truly will say this again: IMO, the damned COVID-19 “vaccines” that Mr. Kirsch took are ALSO in play here.

These “vaccines” accumulate in the EYES and in the ADRENAL GLANDS of the “vaccinated” person.

The ADRENAL GLANDS help to regulate things like blood pressure, the immune system, AND RESPONSE TO STRESS.

Look at PAGE 7 of this document, that Pfizer-BioNTech gave to the FDA on 21 January 2021, about the company’s modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” BNT162b2. Notice the accumulation amounts for the ADRENAL GLANDS and for the EYES. The accumulation in the ADRENAL GLANDS IS HUGE.

Yours Truly fervently hopes that Mr. Kirsch can somehow get the blood removed / drained.

Please spare a prayer for him. Thank you.


Reese Reports: Rockefeller CIA Connections to Deagel Depopulation Forecast [VIDEO] Ties drastic population decline to economic collapse.

Gail Combs

Looks like someone else FINALLY got to the same point as our PAVACA.

Valerie Curren
 July 28, 2024 03:24

The Reese Report, there is a video at the below link too…


Rockefeller CIA Connections to Deagel Depopulation ForecastWorld elites predict 67% decline in US population by 2025 by GREG REESE

JUL 26 was officially operated by Dr. Edwin A. Deagle Junior. In 2014, published predictions of massive population declines happening abruptly before the year 2025, mostly in Western countries.

For over five years the mysterious depopulation predictions on were regularly updated. But after the 2020 lockdowns, this page was removed from the website, but can still be found archived on the Wayback Machine. has always been a very stark website. With all the appearances of being an intelligence agency website. It claimed to be the personal website of Dr. Edwin A. Deagle Jr., who recently passed away in February of 2021.

In their recent article, “Uncovering the CIA & Rockefeller Foundation’s Role in the Depopulation Forecast released by Deagel,” the Exposé connects the dots that many of us have assumed existed.

Declassified FOIA documents from the nineteen-seventies reveal Deagle’s direct communication with Stansfield Turner, the director of the CIA at the time.

In 1976, Dr. Edwin Deagle moved to New York to become deputy director of the international relations program at the Rockefeller Foundation.

The Rockefeller Foundation was created on May 14th 1913, just a few months after the Rockefeller family helped setup the Federal Reserve Banking system, which gave them unlimited funds while enslaving future generations with debt.

The Rockefeller Foundation funded eugenics programs that decided who should live and who should die. They outlawed natural medicine and fuel, including one of America’s number one cash crops, Hemp, and replaced it all with chemical compounds derived from their oil company’s toxic waste. The Rockefeller Foundation created the United Nations and have their tentacles in NGOs throughout the Western world. In 2019, they funded ‘Event 201,’ the blueprint for the COVID lock-downs that were executed weeks later.

Officially we are told that Dr. Edwin A. Deagle Jr., a deputy director of the Rockefeller Foundation and an associate of the CIA, retired in 2005. The depopulation forecast was published in 2014.

The forecast predicted that by the year 2025, the UK would see its population decline by 77%, Ireland would see its decline by 72%, the United States by 68%, and Germany by 65%, while other countries like Russia are predicted to experience practically zero decline. And official data is now showing that the extreme predictions may be accurate.

Official figures, which we can assume are rather conservative, are showing that government shutdowns and mandated deadly shots have caused staggering levels of excess death. According to official UK Government data, the Covid-19 vaccines were the main cause of excess death. And the more shots you got, the more likely you were to die. Many are saying that over twenty million have died as a result of the Covid lockdowns and experimental shots. And while that number is historically epic in size, it still does not amount to what Deagel predicted by 2025. But we still have time.

A 2014 letter that was published along with the depopulation forecast stated that they predict this decline because “the collapse of the Western financial system will wipe out the standard of living of its population.” And that “the population will be hit so badly… that the migration engine will start to work in reverse… leading to the demise of the (United) States.”

They wrote that “historically a change in the economic paradigm has resulted in a death toll that is rarely highlighted by mainstream historians.”

With the end of the Petro-Dollar, and with the rise of resource backed BRICS, the Federal Reserve’s USD Ponzi scheme is likely at its end. And without factoring in a smart recovery plan, this would make Deagel’s predictions a reality.

Gail Combs

Brave and Free

More info for those who want to dig around.

Gail Combs

Valerie Curren

I’m reading an old article of Naomi’s…
“Pfizer knew that “exposure” to the vaccine was defined — in their own words – as sexual contact (especially at time of conception), skin contact, inhalation or lactation. []. ‘Fact-checkers’ can deny this all they want. The documents speak for themselves.”

“It seems that there can indeed be a happenstance genocide. Reproduction itself is targeted, intentionally or not, by the mRNA vaccines. And if you know that reproduction is harmed, and babies and fetuses are harmed, and you know that this is at scale, which everyone at Pfizer and at the FDA who read these documents, knew —and if you do not stop — then does that not ultimately become a genocide?
The WarRoom/DailyClout volunteers have confirmed that lipid nanoparticles, the tiny hard fatty casings that contain the MRNA, traverse the amniotic membrane. That means that they enter the fetal environment, of course. (They also traverse the blood-brain barrier, which may help explain the post-MRNA vaccination strokes and cognitive issues we are seeing). The Volunteers have drilled deep into the Pfizer documents’ reports about pregnancy and found that the assurance that the vaccine is “safe and effective” for pregnant women, was based on a study of 44 French rats, followed for 42 days (the scientists who ran the study are shareholders or employees of BioNTech). []
The Volunteers found that while pregnant women were excluded from the internal studies, and thus from the EUA on which basis all pregnant women were assured the vaccine was “safe and effective”, nonetheless about 270 women got pregnant during the study. More than 230 of them were lost somehow to history. But of the 36 pregnant women whose outcomes were followed – 28 lost their babies.
The Volunteers found that a baby died after nursing from a vaccinated lactating mother, and was found to have had an inflamed liver. Many babies nursing from vaccinated mothers showed agitation, gastrointestinal distress, and failure to thrive (to grow), and were inconsolable.
I am hearing anecdotal reports of these symptoms in babies nursing from vaccinated mothers, now, from across the country.”

Gail Combs

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

 Reply to  Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hopefully this lets the full image show, exposing the genocide 😡

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Last edited 5 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


Steve’s diligence in spite of his eye issues has been inspiring. The data research and conclusions in the linked report below are credible in my opinion. He blew up Pfizer long ago, he obliterated Moderna with this one. He is using government reported Czech data. Calling in our experts of PAVACA, Wolf, and others for review when you get time.
For the rest who want to cut to the chase, head to the end where the Summary is.

Gail Combs

Caution — graphic images and video of long blood clots removed from COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons. THESE CLOTS ARE FROM “VACCINATED” PERSONS WHO HAVE DIED, AND ALSO FROM “VACCINATED” PERSONS WHO ARE ALIVE:

via State of the Nation

Yours Truly: It’s called “CLOTASTROPHE.”

Gail Combs

from D-Pat

Gail Combs

 August 5, 2024 10:47

MORE proof of what Yours Truly has been writing about for months now on this board — not only do the MODERNA modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” carry a HIGHER “PAYLOAD” of mcg PER DOSE, but these “vaccines” ALSO HAVE A HIGHER MORTALITY RATE; AND, that ALL the COVID-19 “vaccines” used in the United States (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson [the J&J “vaccine” was removed from use in the U.S. in the spring of 2023 due to mounting reports of deaths from thrombosis]) ARE UNSAFE AND DEADLY. —

“Why Was Moderna Allowed to Use A Toxic mRNA Dose?”
4 August 2024
Yours Truly: This is a cross-post from the blog by A Midwestern Doctor.

Two: THIS post, by A Midwestern Doctor, tells how Anthony Fauci did this:
9 June 2024

Yours Truly: This post describes how Anthony Fauci, as Director of the NIAID, gave $8 BILLION to Moderna, along with a “NIH/NIAID – Moderna co-ownership agreement” for the development of the Moderna modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine”, mRNA-1273.

Three: An NCBI paper on how the above played out:
“The NIH – Moderna Vaccine: Public Science, Private Profit, and Lessons for the Future”
Winter 2023
Christopher J. Morten

Yours Truly: This paper fails to mention that key persons in Operation Warp Speed — namely, Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, and then-Vice President Mike Pence — deliberately misled, and/or withheld important information from, then-President Donald Trump regarding the dangers of the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” in development. Instead, the paper blames both President Trump and “President” Biden for failures regarding the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” and “public-private pharmaceutical partnerships.”

Four: Yours Truly again. More information regarding the dangerous and very deadly MODERNA modRNA COVId-19 “vaccines” is found here, at Dr. Naomi Wolf’s Daily Clout website:


There’s so much bad stuff going on in the world right now, but Yours Truly feels deeply that THIS situation cannot be ignored:
“Shedding of Covid mRNA Vaccine Products — A Review Of The Scientific, Regulatory, and Clinical Evidence”
29 July 2024
Dr. Pierre Kory

Yours Truly: Dr. Pierre Kory and A Midwestern Doctor have complied the available evidence to prove that there IS COVID-19 “vaccine” shedding from “vaccinated” persons onto other persons (onto other “vaccinated” persons; onto UN-“vaccinated” persons, including onto UN-“vaccinated” children; via the placenta [from “vaccinated” pregnant mothers to their unborn children]; and from “vaccinated” new mothers to their newborn children through breast feeding them[.)

It appears that the LIPID NANOPARTICLES in the COVID-19 “vaccines” is the main culprit in the COVID-19 “vaccine” shedding situation.

It appears that COVID-19 “vaccine” shedding can induce everything from COVID-19 infection symptoms to “Long COVID” symptoms to menstrual / female reproductive disorders to rashes to neuropathy to even stroke or death.

It also appears that COVID-19 “vaccine” shedding is a situation with ALL “versions” of the COVID-19 “vaccines”, including the “booster” injections of said “vaccines.”
Dr. Kory’s article is long and detailed. There are multiple links embedded. There is a section on Clinical Guidance, including Protection Strategies. Some of the Protection Strategies (which, in Yours Truly’s opinion, can ALSO be considered as “Prophylactic Strategies”) are things like taking Nattokinase, IVM, and Quercetin.

Yours Truly here: The point is that all persons, “vaccinated” or not, are susceptible to COVID-19 “vaccine” shedding. And, since NOBODY knows exactly how long the COVID-19 “vaccines” work in the “vaccinated” person’s body, NOBODY knows when, or if, COVID-19 “vaccine” shedding can or will stop.

Or course, it’s not possible for UN-“vaccinated” persons to simply stay away from all “vaccinated” persons. HOWEVER, IMO, it IS of imperative importance that UN-“vaccinated” persons (and “vaccinated” persons who refuse to take any more COVID-19 “vaccines”) to MAKE SURE that they are following some type of protection / prophylactic program to help avoid / mitigate the effects of COVID-19 “vaccine” shedding; and to ALSO MAKE SURE that their general health AND natural immune system are in the BEST SHAPE POSSIBLE.

Yours Truly published a blog post on the board here back in MARCH of this year regarding COVID-19 virus AND COVID-19 “vaccine” shedding:

Gail Combs

 August 6, 2024 10:36



“Breaking our largest study of its kind “Spatiotemporal variation of excess all-cause mortality in the world during the Covid period regarding socio economic factors and medical interventions”

Denis Rancourt
20 July 2024

Two: The report:
Denis Rancourt, et al.
19 July 2024

Three: The Children’s Health Defense article on the report:
23 July 2024

Four: The PDF of the report:

Five: A screenshot from the report’s Summary, per the article today at (scroll down to the BOOM Finance article link):
comment image

Yours Truly again:
Note the three biggest reasons behind the 30 million excess “all-cause” deaths between March 2020 and May 2023. It appears that the COVID-19 virus itself (although millions of persons infected with the COVID-19 itself did die) is not as much to blame as compared to lockdowns, stress and economic disaster factors, and the use of ventilators in hospitalized COVID-19 patients / denial of antibiotics for COVID-19 infected persons), IN ADDITION TO THE 17 MILLION WHO DIED FROM THE EFFECTS OF THE COVID-19 “VACCINES” THEY TOOK.

Note also that the report goes up ONLY to May 2023.
This means 30 million excess deaths from COVID-19 and the COVID-19 “vaccines” between March 2020 and May 2023 SO FAR. AND, that the 17 million deaths from the COVID-19 “vaccines” INCLUDE THE “BOOSTER” SHOTS.

Yours Truly predicts that the MEDICAL TSUNAMI of COVID-19 “vaccine” deaths will continue to rise. AND, that as the INCREMENTAL and/or ACCUMULATED negative effects of these “vaccines” continue to take their toll among the “vaccinated”, the “fingerprints” of these “vaccines” WILL MOST LIKELY NOT BE LOOKED FOR, LET ALONE CONFIRMED, IN THE “VACCINATED” WHO SUCCUMB TO SAID INCREMENTAL / ACCUMULATED NEGATIVE EFFECTS DOWN THE LINE.



 Reply to  PAVACA
 August 6, 2024 16:10

It appears that the COVID-19 virus itself (although millions of persons infected with the COVID-19 itself did die) is not as much to blame as compared to lockdowns, stress and economic disaster factors, and the use of ventilators in hospitalized COVID-19 patients / denial of antibiotics for COVID-19 infected persons), IN ADDITION TO THE 17 MILLION WHO DIED FROM THE EFFECTS OF THE COVID-19 “VACCINES” THEY TOOK.

This is very significant.



 August 6, 2024 18:04

Steve is getting some positive attention.


Gail Combs



 August 6, 2024 10:36

“Breaking our largest study of its kind “Spatiotemporal variation of excess all-cause mortality in the world during the Covid period regarding socio economic factors and medical interventions”
Denis Rancourt
20 July 2024

Two: The report:
Denis Rancourt, et al.
19 July 2024

Three: The Children’s Health Defense article on the report:
23 July 2024

Four: The PDF of the report:

Five: A screenshot from the report’s Summary, per the article today at (scroll down to the BOOM Finance article link):
comment image

Yours Truly again:
Note the three biggest reasons behind the 30 million excess “all-cause” deaths between March 2020 and May 2023. It appears that the COVID-19 virus itself (although millions of persons infected with the COVID-19 itself did die) is not as much to blame as compared to lockdowns, stress and economic disaster factors, and the use of ventilators in hospitalized COVID-19 patients / denial of antibiotics for COVID-19 infected persons), IN ADDITION TO THE 17 MILLION WHO DIED FROM THE EFFECTS OF THE COVID-19 “VACCINES” THEY TOOK.

Note also that the report goes up ONLY to May 2023.

This means 30 million excess deaths from COVID-19 and the COVID-19 “vaccines” between March 2020 and May 2023 SO FAR. AND, that the 17 million deaths from the COVID-19 “vaccines” INCLUDE THE “BOOSTER” SHOTS.

Yours Truly predicts that the MEDICAL TSUNAMI of COVID-19 “vaccine” deaths will continue to rise. AND, that as the INCREMENTAL and/or ACCUMULATED negative effects of these “vaccines” continue to take their toll among the “vaccinated”, the “fingerprints” of these “vaccines” WILL MOST LIKELY NOT BE LOOKED FOR, LET ALONE CONFIRMED, IN THE “VACCINATED” WHO SUCCUMB TO SAID INCREMENTAL / ACCUMULATED NEGATIVE EFFECTS DOWN THE LINE.


Gail Combs


One of Australia’s Loudest Pro-Vaccine Voices and Host of ‘Anti-Vaxxers Exposed’ Documentary, Dies After Battle with Cancer




 Reply to  kalbokalbs
 August 8, 2024 23:27
Thank you. The Gateway Pundit article talks about how the use of that damned N1-methylpseudouridine in the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” may “inadvertently” foster cancers in “vaccinated” persons.
“Inadvertently”, my foot, TGP.

Try “intentionally” instead.

And there’s that other cancer-causer in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccines”, the piece of the SV40 Green Monkey cancer promoter code. Also “intentionally” left in these “vaccines” instead of being completely cleared out in the manufacturing process (which, by the way, is the infamous “Process 2” method.)

Gail Combs


 August 12, 2024 11:14

The 2024 Olympic Games of COVID-19 “vaccine” injuries and even deaths:
by Mark Crispin Miller

Yours Truly: The list on Mr. Miller’s article is terrifying, IMO. One particular case, that of swimmer Katie Ledecky, is especially so — she got COVID-19 “vaccinated” either in late December 2020 (just after Pfizer-BioNTech’s BNT162b2 and Moderna’s mRNA-1273 were granted their initial EUAs in the United States), or before July 2021 (when the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo were held, and in which she participated) — Ms. Ledecky stated that she would get jabbed “as soon as it [the “vaccine”] became available.” In fact, she was “fully vaccinated” before going to Tokyo to compete, along with Lilly King and others in the US swim team.

Except that Ms. Ledecky has POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), which began after she got “vaccinated.”

Guess what? “Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome” is listed on Page 36 of the Appendix 1. List of Adverse Events of Special Interest section of the report below that Pfizer-BioNTech gave to the FDA on 30 April 2021.

Guess what? Here’s a paper on that very subject, from the Smidt Heart Institute of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles:

“Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome after COVID-19 vaccination”
Peng-Sheng Chen, MD, FHRS, et al.
published 2 January 2024

Yours Truly: The patients in the study were examined between July 2021 and June 2022.
And, guess what? It appears that an infection by the COVID-19 virus itself may induce POTS:
3 January 2024

Yours Truly: The mention of a COVID-19 virus infection inducing POTS is near the end of the above article. HOWEVER, the article does NOT mention whether or not the COVID-19 infections occurred in UN-“vaccinated” persons, or if the infection was the result of immune system damage from the COVID-19 “vaccines” in “vaccinated” patients.
It does bear stating that POTS ** can ** occur in any person who has the following types of co-morbidities:

  • palpitations;
  • orthostatic intolerance;
  • chronic abdominal pain;
  • among other issues.

BUT — the ingredients and mechanisms of the COVID-19 “vaccines” can, and do, aggravate existing health issues of almost every type, in “vaccinated” persons.

Gail Combs

Barb Meier

 August 9, 2024 11:17

By Tracy Beanz and Michelle Edwards.



 Reply to  Barb Meier
 August 9, 2024 12:23

Barb Meier
Thank you for this. The study referred to in the article linked above is here:

“Long-term risk of autoimmune diseases after mRNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in a Korean, nationwide, population-based cohort study”
Solam Lee, et al.

Yours Truly: The study investigated the incidence of increased risk of COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced certain autoimmune diseases, as well as the risk of COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced myocarditis / pericarditis. It appears that the study authors found increased risk for only certain autoimmune diseases (such as Guillian-Barre’ syndrome). However, the study also found that there is a large increased risk for COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced myocarditis / pericarditis.

The COVID-19 “vaccinated” Korean persons took either the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVId-19 “vaccine” BNT162b2, or the Moderna modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” mRNA-1273.

Bear in mind that BOTH of the these “vaccines” contain that damned N1-methylpseudouridine. BNT162b2 contains, in addition, the dangerous lipid nanoparticles ALC-1059 and ALC-0315. mRNA-1273 contains the dangerous lipid nanoparticle SM-102. N1-methylpseudouridine is a carcinogen:

The paper cited by Dr. Cartland is here:
“Review: N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ): Friend or foe of cancer?”

Alberto Rubio-Casillas, et al.
Here is the MSDS Safety Sheet for N1-methylpseudouridine:

Yours Truly: Page 1 of the MSDS specifically states that this chemical is for research only, NOT for human or veterinarian diagnostic or therapeutic use



 August 10, 2024 09:34

Peer-reviewed study of 9 million downplayed 620% increased risk of myocarditis after Covid shots

A peer-reviewed study of 9.2 million South Koreans found that the risk of suffering myocarditis and pericarditis increased massively in individuals after they received the mRNA Covid injections. However, neither the headline nor the abstract cited that finding.

The study, published in Nature Communications, reveals a 620 percent increased risk of myocarditis and a 175 percent higher risk of pericarditis after the shots, Tracy Beanz and Michelle Edwards reported for The Highwire on Aug. 8.

ALC-0159, ALC-0315, and SM-102, all have mechanisms that evade the natural immune system’s “are you a friend or a foe recognition system”, in addition to having mechanisms that quickly spread the ingredients of the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” to every cell in the “vaccinated” person’s body.

To conduct the study, researchers analyzed data from 9,258,803 random individuals (approximately 20 percent of South Korea’s total population) who had been given at least one dose of a mRNA Covid shot. Researchers called the group the primary cohort. Then, they randomly split this number into two subgroups — a vaccination cohort of 4,445,000 participants and a historical control cohort of 4,444,932 participants.

The study notes that because Covid injections were conducted nationwide in South Korea, as of October 2022, the overall vaccination coverage rate among adults meeting the requirements for the primary series of each Covid vaccine introduced in South Korea was 96.6 percent…

Driving that study home we find elsewhere this…
Olympic shooter collapses after winning medal. (Korean)



 August 10, 2024 10:38


Thank you. Confirmation of what Yours Truly presented on this board in the past couple of days regarding the Korean study.

Here’s the paper:
“Long-term risk of autoimmune diseases after mRNA-based SARS-C0V-2 vaccination in a Korean, nationwide, population-based cohort study”
Solam Lee, et al.
published 23 July 2024

Yours Truly: Not only did the authors fail to point out the huge increase of risk for myocarditis / pericarditis from COVID-19 “vaccination” — it appears they downplayed the risk for COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced autoimmune diseases, highlighting only a few.
Yours Truly points out that it’s the damned N1-methylpseudouridine AND the dangerous lipid nanoparticles adjuvants in the modRNA COVId-19 “vaccines” that are involved. N1-methylpseudouridine + dangerous lipid nanparticles ALC-0159 and ALC-0315 are present in the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” — ALL of them. N1-methylpseudouridine + dangerous lipid nanoparticle SM-102 are present in the Moderna modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” — ALL of them.

N1-methylpseudouridine was specifically used because its mechanism evades the “vaccinated” person’s natural immune system “are you a friend or a foe recognition system” — thus preventing the “vaccinated” person’s natural immune system from “recognizing” that the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” are an “enemy” and going to work to break down and eliminate this “enemy.”

The dangerous lipid nanoparticles help to quickly spread the ingredients of the modRNA COVID-19 ‘vaccines” throughout the entirety of the “vaccinated” person’s body.
There is at least one other dangerous lipid nanoaparticle in the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”, DMG-PEG2000.

N1-methylpseudouridine, ALC-0159, ALC-0315, SM-102, and DMC-PEG2000 are classified as “This product is for research use — Not for human or veterinary diagnostic or therapeutic use.” by Cayman Chemical:






These chemicals, PLUS the SV-40 Green Monkey cancer promoter gene code piece (in the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”), PLUS the fact that N1-methylpseudouridine caused cancer in experiments with lab rats, PLUS the fact that the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” change the DNA of the “vaccinated” person, PLUS the as-yet-unknown and/or now-being-discovered OTHER ingredients in the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” — are what “vaccinated” persons have in their bodies.



 August 10, 2024 10:59

Guess who’s bankrolling the COVID-19 “fact checkers” — the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, begun by a member of the Johnson & Johnson family (remember the failed Johnson & Johnson DNA viral vector COVID-19 “vaccine”?):
by Brenda Baletti, PhD

Yours Truly: the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation was started with a gift of shares from the Johnson & Johnson company by Robert Wood Johnson.
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation focuses on things like “health equity”, “health leadership”, etc.




 August 10, 2024 13:45

More reports of the MEDICAL TSUNAMI of deaths caused by the COVID-19 “vaccines.”
May those who are or were hospitalized due to effects from the COVID-19 “vaccines” they took, recover completely and quickly.

May those who died from the COVID-19 “vaccines” they took rest in eternal Peace.
Mark Bishofsky
9 August 2024

Yours Truly: PostImage won’t let me upload JPGs of the screenshots that one took from the report of a COVID-19 “vaccinated” man who “died suddenly” of cardiac arrest. It’s dreadful to see that the woman who tweeted about his death has no understanding whatever that it was the effects of the COVID-19 “vaccines” the man took that induced the cardiac arrest. The man himself considered getting “vaccinated” just something to take care of on his “check list.”

This type of “guess this just happens” complete acceptance of what these deadly “vaccines” do to the persons who took / take them, is awful. God help them. God help us all.

Gail Combs

 August 11, 2024 11:04

From one of the highest COVID-19 “vaccinated” places on Earth — Singapore:
“Singapore Officially Releases Annual Birth and Death Report 2023: Post Vax Deaths Continues to Erupt and Stunning Declining Births”
8 August 2024

Yours Truly: Here’s all one needs to know regarding the increase of deaths in Singapore after the COVID-19 “vaccines” rollout:

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In 2023, Singapore REMOVED a section of their Coroner’s Act that REQUIRED an inquiry if “any death in Singapore occurred directly or indirectly as the result of any medical treatment or care.”

Gail Combs


 August 11, 2024 20:22

Yours Truly found a treasure trove of scientific articles and papers about COVID-19 “vaccine” injuries today (h/t
by KC

22 July 2024
Yours Truly: This is a truly amazing compendium. One is working through a few on the list at the moment.

HOWEVER, in that list, Yours Truly thinks she has found the REAL reason why Steve Kirsch suffered the subretinal bleed in his eye —
“Risk assessment of retinal vascular occlusion after COVID-19 vaccination”
published 2 May 2023
Li, JX, Wang, YH, Bair, H. et al.
peer-reviewed (Taiwan)

Yours Truly: This paper is found also in Nature, the NPJ Vaccines Journal.
It appears that the risk for retinal vascular occlusion (in other words, a hemorrhage involving the retina vein) can linger FOR AS LONG AS 2 YEARS AFTER TAKING A COVID-19 “VACCINE.”

Mr. Kirsch is “fully vaccinated.” One’s theory is that he suffered his retinal injury about 2 years after he finished the “primary series” of modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” that he took.
BUT, the doctors are blaming “stress” and/or pre-existing eye conditions for what happened to Mr. Kirsch.

BUT, even if there WAS stress going on for Mr. Kirsch, AND if there WERE pre-existing eye conditions with Mr. Kirsch, the ingredients and mechanisms of the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” in his body WOULD AGGRAVATE STRESS AND PRE-EXISTING EYE CONDITIONS.

On top of that, the FDA KNEW, back on 30 April 2021, that the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” BNT162b2 CAUSES AT LEAST SEVEN TYPES OF RETINAL OCCLUSIONS, THROMBOSES, AND EMBOLISMS.

Please see Page 37 (Appendix 1. List of Adverse Events of Special Interest.)
Here is a screenshot of part of the Abstract of the paper cited above:
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Gail Combs

This explains Steve Kirsch’s eye problem.


 August 15, 2024 16:38

Conclusive – explosion of cataracts shows up UK data over the past two years.


Deplorable Patriot(

 Reply to  TradeBait2
 August 15, 2024 18:45

After my mom’s third shot, one of the issues that magnified, if you will, was a wrinkle on a retina that hadn’t moved in 15 years. All of a sudden it was an issue. She had it taken off a few months before she died. That was when we found out about the heart condition.



 Reply to  Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
 August 15, 2024 20:44

Wolf Moon
It’s those damned modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines.”

Yours Truly counted AT LEAST 28 different eye / ocular conditions that can be induced or aggravated by these “vaccines” in this document:

Which Pfizer-BioNTech gave to the FDA on 30 April 2021 regarding serious adverse events effects that BNT162b2 did to persons who took it. The Appendix 1. List of Adverse Events of Special Interest list begins on Page 30 of the report.

Then, there is Page 7 of this report, also from Pfizer-BioNTech about BNT162b2 and which was also given to the FDA, this one on 21 January 2021:

Page 7 and Page 8 of this report detail the accumulations of BNT162b2 in various areas / organs of the bodies of the Wistar lab rats in the Pfizer-BioNTech experiments with this “vaccine.” And, yes, it does accumulate in the eyes.

How many million of COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons are now presenting with new or aggravated eye conditions? Everything from retina issues to ocular paralysis to ocular cancer, and many more types of eye issues?

What happened to Mr. Kirsch himself, with his retina issues? Yours Truly discussed a couple of days ago on the board here. One believes strongly that the COVID-19 “vaccines” that Mr. Kirsch took are, at minimum, involved in his situation, if not outright engendering it.

Yes, cataracts can form for many reasons. However, the ingredients and mechanisms of the COVID-19 “vaccines” can, and do, either induce cataracts sui generis; or aggravate existing cataracts.

Gail Combs


 August 15, 2024 09:51

Addendum to yesterday’s presentation by Yours Truly regarding the ABIM revoking the Internal Medicine certifications of Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Marik:
Dr. Pierre Kory is a CO-FOUNDER of FLCCC.

Let that sink in.

This means, IMO, that the ABIM, the AMA, and other entities of “Establishment Medicine” and the DeepState are going to attempt to shut FLCCC down by revoking the certifications of their affiliate physicians.

This ALSO means, IMO, that the ABIM, the AMA, and other entities of “Establishment Medicine” are going to attempt to revoke Dr. Kory’s and Dr. Marik’s licenses to practice medicine.

In my understanding, there’s a difference between revoking a medical certification and revoking a license to practice medicine.

Medical certifications are usually awarded to a physician after the physician has taken courses and passed several types of tests, perhaps does an extra year of Residency, and so on. For example, a physician who has completed Residency can then take a year or more of Residency Fellowship in a particular specialty (say, Neurology); then, after passing the exams from an organization like the AAN (American Academy of Neurology) or some other medical entity, the physician can not only obtain their License to Practice Medicine, but also the Certification as a Neurologist from the AAN.

The License to Practice Medicine is a different case. This is issued by the state Medical Licensing Board (or its equivalent) in every state of the United States. It must be renewed after a set period of time. There are Continuing Education credits that must be taken, the associated tests taken and passed, and evidence of both taken place, submitted to the state Medical Licensing Board. The board will examine and confirm the evidence; and, given no other issues with the physician, will renew the License to Practice Medicine.
It is illegal to practice medicine without a current license in the United States.

By revoking a medical certification, severe damage can be done to the physician’s career and/or ability to earn a living, but doesn’t usually destroy the ability to practice medicine privately (say, in a “stand-alone” clinic.)

It is also possible for a state Medical Licensing Board to “suspend” a physician’s License to Practice Medicine for a period time (say, to retake certain Continuing Education courses and pass them); or, to “restrict” the license to practicing medicine only in certain locations (say, only in a private clinic setting.)

However, to completely revoke a physician’s License to Practice Medicine removes that physician from the ability to treat any patient. Depending on the state Medical Licensing Board, the physician may have the option to “petition” to have their License to Practice Medicine reinstated at some point.

Gail Combs


 August 16, 2024 11:23

by John Klar
14 August 2024
Yours Truly: The Vermont Supreme Court ruled that young children can be COVID-19 “vaccinated” without their parents’ knowledge or consent when the children are in school.
The young child in question was COVID-19 “vaccinated” while attending public school, in spite of the child’s parents’ prior communication with the school to NOT “vaccinated” their child.
The Vermont Supreme Court held that the PREP Act removes liability from the school (and other entities) for this type of action.
Worse, the Vermont Supreme Court interpreted the NON-consensual administration of EXPERIMENTAL “vaccines”, like the COVID-19 “vaccines.”
Yours Truly believes that this ruling by the Vermont Supreme Court is the start of the attempt to use the PREP Act to force COVID-19 “vaccination” and/or Avian Flu “vaccination” and/or Monkeypox “vaccination” on the American people.
Below are three screenshots from the Brownstone Institute’s article above:
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And, Vermont Supreme Court, guess what? The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 AND the Moderna COVID-19 “vaccine” ARE CALLED “EXPERIMENTAL” in a Clinical Trials listing for these products:
Please click on “Researcher View” and scroll down that page to “Study Arms.”

Gail Combs


 August 16, 2024 19:20

Well worth the time invested in this one. A Midwestern Doctor appears to be a good person as well as a very intelligent truth teller. I have been informed in all of the posted articles i have read.

I can already see PAVACA’s eyes light up. 😀

Gail Combs

by Suzanne Burdick, PhD
Yours Truly: The Japanese study referred to in the article ACTUALLY STATED THAT “OVERALL OUTCOMES WERE GOOD” for people who took the COVID-19 “vaccines.”
In addition, the researchers did NOT take into consideration ANY case of myocarditis / pericarditis diagnosed in COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons BEYOND 64 days after “vaccination.”
The paper:
“SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine-related myocarditis and pericarditis: An analysis of the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report database”
Kazuaki Taguchi, et al.
3 August 2024
Yours Truly: This entire article is available to download only by purchase or by access through an institution. The version available online is a summary only (Abstract, Introduction, Results, Conclusion, some references, etc.)