Badlands News Brief – January 9, 2024
Apparently, houseplants now contribute to climate change
Oops. I guess climate change is alive and well in my house. Four peace lilies, an African violet and assorted other houseplants in the family room. It makes breathing easier, though.
U.S. Rep. Greg Pence announces he will not run for reelection in 2024
More housecleaning?
America’s Biggest Problem
When Do We Admit “Q Followers” Were Right?
The Stars are Aligning
X Files….
So I’ve been thinking about what
@AwakenedOutlaw has been discussing the past few days – how to wake people up as it were. Several thoughts came to me this morning on my way back from yoga. First – it’s ok to have a singular issue – for me it’s trafficking. Is this where I’d go with someone just entering their own awakening? No – it’s too gruesome and would chase them away. So this brings me to my second point – if you can’t get off your singular issue – as in “every person needing red pilling must know X Y Z” – where XYZ is something like Hitler might be a good guy, or flat earth/round earth or even Epstein – know that you are likely doing more harm than good. If the goal is to wake people up, you need to give the newly arrived time to wake up at their own speed. The mind can be a very fragile thing – and especially during the great awakening process. If you swing one of the more “out there” theories at them it will hit them like a club and they won’t want to come to reality. It will shut their mind down to all the other things that so many of us have come to know are true. If you can’t get off your single issue – don’t try to take them down that path. It will only work against us and cause more harm in the long run. So I will simply ask anyone helping others on the red pill path – tread lightly – be sensitive to whom you’re speaking. We want them to be awakened, not too scared to engage.
Memes & Stuff

Don’t forget the eggs. It’s French toast time out here in the plains/Midwest.

That is honestly titled “Snow Predicted, Oil on Canvas.”

Unless I miss my guess, that’s St. Patrick Cathedral in NYC, and Jennifer Pasquale is directing.
Have a good day y’all.
(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.
Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
One other vital note:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.
MARK 1:29-39
29And immediately he left the synagogue, and entered the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John. 30Now Simon’s mother-in-law lay sick with a fever, and immediately they told him of her. 31And he came and took her by the hand and lifted her up, and the fever left her; and she served them. 32That evening, at sundown, they brought to him all who were sick or possessed with demons. 33And the whole city was gathered together about the door. 34And he healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons; and he would not permit the demons to speak, because they knew him. 35And in the morning, a great while before day, he rose and went out to a lonely place, and there he prayed. 36And Simon and those who were with him pursued him, 37and they found him and said to him, “Every one is searching for you.” 38And he said to them, “Let us go on to the next towns, that I may preach there also; for that is why I came out.” 39And he went throughout all Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and casting out demons.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.
And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another.

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.
In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.
[FACEPALM] If men had to go through it, there would be a cure.
Thank you, De Pat, for a wonderfully camel-y Wednesday!
“Why does Oprah need help walking?”
We should appreciate that she can walk at all, with an ego so large and heavy.
And lopsided.
I am old enough to remember how surprised Oprah was when the Maui residents did not seem pleased to see her.
ONLY hollyweird folks could have Oprah’s “surprise”.
Normies, have no interest in their hoods ruined by the likes of Oprah, hussien, Zuckerburg… No different than Maui.
Would have been helpful to know: even though it says to remove the key back in step 14, reinserting the key and moving to the unlock position can free up the tab and allow it to click.
These guys ain’t great on troubleshooting or fixing missteps.
I just realized that I forgot to mention when I got it all back together and it worked.
The reason I did this handset first is that it is between the house and garage, and the garage has two more outward facing doors that lock. This was more of a a “proof-of-concept” than needed security — if I didn’t get it working tonight, no biggie. I have another potential “practice” lock to do, but it was late and it’s cold outside and I didn’t feel like starting on it.
Subsequent locks should be much faster.
Fani Willis, Prosecutor in Trump Georgia Case, Subpoenaed to Testify in Colleague’s Divorce
I haven’t seen any statements from Fani, who has been so smug.
“In a court filing reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, a process server said he showed up at Willis’s office in Atlanta on Monday morning with a subpoena seeking her testimony in the Cobb County divorce case of Nathan Wade, a lawyer she hired as a special prosecutor in the Trump case, and his wife, Joycelyn Wade. The process server said he left the subpoena, filed by Joycelyn Wade’s lawyer, with Willis’s executive assistant.”
Well that’s gonna be awkward testimony…
DJT should show up and sit in the front row during the hearing.
“DJT should show up and sit in the front row…”
with this relentless expression on his face..
I think this works even better.
Former US President Donald Trump posing for his booking photo at the Fulton County Jail on August 24, 2023 in Atlanta, Georgia, United States.
Yo, Big Fanny…
no one is above the law !
who paid for all those Caribbean cruises !
what did you do and when did you do it !
Wife of the future widower needs protection now!
The one time that sex is actually important in a scandal, and I just can’t muster up any righteous indignation. Too much familiarity, I guess.
The sad truth of our times is, most people immorally screw like rabbits, so I’m as jaded as you are.
That said, I can sure get a good laugh out of it.
Is it wrong for me to be enjoying this debacle so much?
I’m currently dieting, so this is replacing dessert.
When they’re getting a little of their just desserts, it’s satisfying.
She’s prettier than Melania.
i don’t think so, but to each his own
But I can see Melania in her. A great role model AND Mom.
I’ll go with petiter!
Classy lady
“So I’ve been thinking about what @AwakenedOutlaw has been discussing the past few days – how to wake people up as it were.”
Cattle prod?
‘Subtle’ is the approach that has been deployed so far.
Subtle works great with people who are already wide awake.
I haven’t actually seen it work on anyone else.
Actually working on my diehard Boston Liberal S-i-L.
Even she has notices the country has gone to schiff under Bite-me.
Well, if she is anything at all like the vast majority of human beings, she will keep voting for the same people, doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.
Because people.
But no one does insanity like the Left does insanity.
It’s insanity. People are breaking the law to enter our country. They are causing lots of problems, costing money, and committing crimes. And yet the people are expected to invite them into their homes.
It’s like asking women to welcome men to compete against them. It’s like expecting people to accept that a man can become a woman and even become pregnant. It’s like getting COVID multiple times after multiple vaxes, yet saying it’s a good thing you had all those jabs.
it’s not a “shelter” crisis…
Security crisis is to be expected when the military allows enemies foreign and domestic to steal the government, and the nation spends 3 years (and counting) under the tyranny of people whose entire purpose is to destroy America from within, and the entire Western world with it.
The ‘security crisis’ at the border is just a light frosting of snow on the tip of the iceberg.
other reports are using the phrase out of an abundance of caution…
always a dead giveaway
relocation = an abundance of caution
says this…
Huge Uproar Over Illegal Aliens Moved to NYC High School, Kids Forced to ‘Remote Learn’ – RedState
“An abundance of caution” is a cousin to “in the interest of national security.”
^^^ Both, LIES.
Feds have dozens of standard LIES, to hide truth. Hide illegal Federal activity….
Because there is not a single man of honor among them.
They take their paychecks and go along with the lies, each and every one.
That’s how it is.
The School’s address is 3787 Bedford Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11229.
It looks like a decent area. This is NOT going to go over well.
Do a copy and paste of this URL to see a ground view of the area
Valerie Curren.6092284,-73.9495082,3a,75y,270h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sFhJWuCWjnZNy33rkC-_pAg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
This is the satellite view and shows it is a residential area.,+Brooklyn,+NY+11229/
Valerie Curren.6099526,-73.9496337,76m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x89c244978a405989:0x9a3eec3dacebb382!8m2!3d40.6101298!4d-73.947968!16s%2Fg%2F11b8vclt9v?entry=ttu
I got something weird but copy and past still seems to work.
strange, but I see my name & a link to my “profile”? after the google maps links–weird
Very weird. I tried to get rid of it but had ZERO luck. It did not show in the comment box until I hit post comment.
I wonder why it did that? I’m not the author of this post today & I don’t think I’d even made Any comment here “today” yet…very strange.
I hope Wolf sees this just so he can be aware of any gremlins…
If ever there was a time for the liberal and minority rioters to hit the streets, this is it. Where are they?
It looks like a middle class neighborhood so probably at work trying to make ends meet.
Most likely.
It should work that way, that the rules are applied equally, but I’m not sure they would be. It might depend on who the judges and prosecutors are.
If only there was some way to cut off the head of the soros dragon, thereby cutting off the source of funding that has been overthrowing America (and who knows how many other nations) for decades.
It really is stupid.
He’s one sick old bag ‘o &^%#.
That he is protected and allowed to disturb anyone, much less overthrow entire nations, exposes the corruption of every Western government on earth.
He’s 93.
Just needs fitted with his millstone….
His friends are very young, comparatively.
Surprised he didn’t spontaneously combust in the sun, like a vampire.
I hope you also meant “disappointed.”
I did
“He’s 93.”
He could take a fashion cue from the kind of swimming trunks the other guys are wearing, that’s for sure.
Bias much, you old coot?
Boasberg is as crooked as Harry Lauder’s walking stick….
It’s worse than that. OBAMA is coordinating it, through his three HENCHWOMEN in the Biden faux administration.
They would just LIE!
General Mike Flynn
For all, this is a must read article by Kash Patel on the seriousness of SECDEF Austin’s period of AWOL. Quote: “The national command authority is the constitutionally mandated, congressionally required, DoD directed unbroken chain of command from the president of the United States as our commander in chief to the secretary of defense. Our entire department of defense- the brave men and women in uniform, rely on this chain of command every single day to execute the no fail mission of protecting this great nation. There is no greater national security priority than maintaining its authority, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.”
Always with the pretending.
Pretending that the criminal regime is legitimate, or that the criminal regime cares at all about defending the country, as opposed to destroying it, and then pretending at outrage that the criminal in charge of the DoD was incapacitated, and the implications thereof.
I hate the pretending, Mr. Flynn.
From you and Kash.
Gotta go with you on this one.
Yup. Overton Window management.
“Oh, if we could only stop them! If they would only stop being so wrong!”
It’s called creating demand to fix the problem among those who don’t know there is one.
The Overton Window management is taking the normies to the redpills.
ARMED SIEGE IN ECUADOR: Gunmen Hijack TV Station Broadcast, Take Hostages, and Open Fire — Attempt to Kidnap University Students and Professors Reported (VIDEO)
Various criminal groups took to the streets to protest a curfew?
Criminals are suddenly concerned with laws?
Why am I confused? [don’t answer that]
I’m just picturing something similar happening in a newsroom here. That would be must-see TV
as long as no one got hurt.At this point I do not care if the enablers of the communist takeover of our country get a little of their own back.
You only want to give ‘a little of their own back’.
I want them destroyed completely for what they have done, otherwise similar types will come back in a few generations again.
This Marxo-Fascism needs to be cleansed the way they did it after WWII.
I want the SOBs indicted, Tried, Convicted and then hung!!!
The ones who KNOWINGLY enabled them get the same except instead of Hung, they get years of HARD LABOR!!! You do not like ‘Carbon Pollution? Fine you get to hard rock mine by HAND, you get to plow fields BY HAND…
Eilert…agree 100%.
maybe it’s time to buy an island or a billion dollar bunker ?
oh wait…
Or just get out to the countryside…..
I had never seen that!
Guessing back when Trump was acceptable, to the, faux elite, in hollyweird.
He went to Hollywierd for a reason and I doubt it was just to do a TV show.
“This is to certify that the bearer by the name of James has done essential services to me while I had the honour to command in this state. His intelligences from the enemy’s camp were industriously collected and faithfully delivered. He perfectly acquitted himself with some important commissions I gave him and appears to me entitled to every reward his situation can admit of. Done under my hand, Richmond, November 21st, 1784.
Very cool!
What many don’t realize is, working as an “intelligencer” in those times was considered “ungentlemanly” and was looked down on. Many refused to do it.
Armistead had cojones bigger than British cannon balls. And good on Lafayette for commending him.
Pat, spectacular.
The men’s chorus was not in St. Pat’s. That cathedral is YUGE. This one was not, yet what a WONDERFUL choir!!!!!!!
I used to be a part of choirs who would try to find the best places to sing.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art Lobby and Grand Central were wonderful!
I once heard a Russian men’s choir in the Met Lobby. Bought a tape of them and now cannot find it.
Breaks my heart! Perfection.
If it was a commercially produced tape, then it should be fairly easy to locate a copy for sale on the interwebs.
If you can find it on then the UPC code should be listed, and once you have that, you can search the world wide web for that specific UPC code.
If it’s not available on eBay, someone should have a copy available somewhere

if it’s cold and WINDY where you are, raise your hand…
sounds like a freight train out there, ugh.
Very windy, I hope my shed roof held up. We will have to check it when it is light out.
We needed to add some nails but neither of us wants to try holding a hammer in one hand and a nail in the other while standing on an extension ladder.
Get a nailgun.
It won’t work on that roof. We actually need to use screws.
I just suggested it and it was HELL NO! (A good friend of his nailed his hand to the roof using one of those.)
If it needs screws, you’re in good shape. You need one of the magnetic bit holder widgets on a battery-powered drill/driver.
Example —
The screw will get magnetically held against the driver bit, just as the driver bit is magnetically held. You’ll lose the first half dozen screws, then you’ll start getting ’em where you want, then you just speed up.
That was what I was thinking. I already bought self-tapping screws. I just wish I was NOT scared of heights or it would have been done moths ago.
Oh well, I just bought a new bow, so a rope over the entire roof and a repealing harness look like they are in my near future. If I am belayed I do not have problems with heights.
I hate those things, nail guns ! nope nope nope
I am left handed. Using a chainsaw is bad enough! I try NOT to use power tools because most are setup for righties.
All power tools are dangerous. Some are more dangerous than others, and some have peculiar danger modes.
Take, for instance, a table saw. Those fuckers might as well be chanting “blood, blood, blood” whenever you use them. I knew a guy that had used one all his life and had one take two fingers when he was 72 (and theoretically knew better). Our Steve had one of his friends do some impromptu amputation while he was nearby.
By contrast, it is very difficult to be injured by a panel saw (those are the ones for free plywood cuts at lumber stores). Bandsaws are typically very safe to use. Then, again, if the blade breaks during use, all bets are off.
Large lathes — whether wood or metal — are generally pretty safe…..but if you get seriously crossways with one, they often result in closed-casket funerals.
Nailguns are not super-dangerous in-and-of-themselves, but they tempt people to do weird stretches to get one more nail or get casual with using one…..both of which can lead to nailing workpieces and body parts together.
Table saws are so well-known for being bloodthirsty that there is a whole company designed to pull their teeth —
I found that video a couple of decades ago. To say I was impressed was an understatement.
Good stuff!
A good reason to never use certain power tools alone.
Actually, it’s a good idea to never use ladders alone….
We ALWAYS have a second person.
I do not blame you
Here were I live was the same. This was an unsettling night.
Coupe in Poland:
Donald Tusk the WEF stooge who supposedly was ‘elected’ three weeks as president of Poland goes after two conservative Mp’s, who were investigating him in the early 2000’s for corruption, like corrupt ‘elected’ Biden went after Trump:
“…correctional facility…”
the heart sinks.
Communism is back. It just morphed to a more dangerous form.
it never went away.
it’s allowed to really flourish now.
Communism is just feudalism/slavery with new lipstick. Feudalism was just repackaged to get the slaves/serfs to accept it WHILE it was being implemented.
How quickly it happen. Wonder if the war in Ukraine had something to do with it?
Lots of Nazis moved from Ukraine into Poland. The Poles were NOT happy.
Yes that is not good.
So quickly Poland turned back to the dark site politically.
Their “election” was rigged, no doubt.
The spectre of Satan Sauros looms large there…
Yes has to be rigged. This seems a universal happening rigging election.
It is the Communist way.
So sad
U.S. Rep. Greg Pence announces he will not run for reelection in 2024
I just checked. This the big brother of Mike Pence the treasonous VP
I was wondering if they might be related. TY for bringing the sauce.
When I did a dig on Pence a year or more ago, there was mention of his big brother already being in politics. So I had to check if it was the same guy.
An older bioclandestine article from a year & 1/2 ago. We need to keep this in mind.
Russian MIL Declares Ukraine Origin of C19! DNC Globalists Created Covid!
It seems like “they” are experimenting on ALL of us.
Yes. I know that is old, but I wanted to make sure everyone saw it.
I wonder what a survey of regular Americans would reveal.
That a majority of us are infected with Patriot fever.
Here is the DeSantos connection:
April 18th, 2023: Stermon, a prominent DeSantis close friend & alleged PEDO SUICIDED. According to Daily Beast, Daily Mail, Politico, TID.
SummaryThis is a mix of breaking news from April 18th, 2023. And context older news from December 2022.
fat slob Stermon looks insane.
has a narcissist look to the eyes and a predatory sneer for a “smile”.
what a creep.
I think it is possible to interact with someone and not know what they’re up to, at least at first. It happened with Trump and Epstein. But this seems very strange, if true:
I haven’t gone to the links to try to find it.
Is that how the deep state is controlling DeSantis? True or not DeSantis looks very uncomfortable.
If Kyle (Just Human) is correct Trump was a TRAP for Epstein. Remember he made a tweet about Pedos — fast trial death penalty.
He was certainly an asset for the FBI from 1977 or so up until 2014. His Atlantic casino was a TRAP from the time they laid the foundation. It is quite possible Mar-a-Logo was also a wired trap.
Make this go VIRAL!
A guy on the WarClandestine thread is trying to use this photo to spin Trump is a Pedo.
It actually reminds me of Jeff Sessions hauling his granddaughter away from Biden.
check out the dude on the far right edge of that photo…the creepy way he’s leering at the 2 little kids there.
that’s a predator’s stare if I ever saw one !
who is that creep ? is it Gates ?
Also are those Trump.s children or grandchildren? We do not know, but the kids seem to be feeling protected by Trump. Note the one in front is leaning towards Trump and not away.
I think that’s Ivanka and Eric. That pic is a few decades old.
Certainly could be. ThankQ!
Looks like it.
Biden Ambassador Co-Founded Epstein-Led, CCP-Tied Humpty Dumpty Institute
I think what they all should get is a CONSTANT MILLSTONE, to accompany them to the bottom of the Marianas Trench…
Sounds good.
Worth reading the comments.
This is the video. People who have watched say they have had nightmares for weeks!
Jan 9
The use of children for sex, violence, sacrifice, body parts, whatever has been going on since mankind’s appearance on earth. We are now seeing a brief modern day glimpse and are shocked to our cores. It is a wake up call for all of us.
Are Child Sacrifices to Molech and Baal Happening in America?by Kevin McGary February 8, 2023
Kevin has a frank discussion on child sacrifice happening today 8 minutes
How people can do such things is beyond me.
Also they already have so much power and money they are looking for more and better THRILLS.
Those people are lacking empathy. They gave up a long time their soul in order to accumulate wealth . They are detached gave their soul over to evil . The appreciation for beauty of nature, life and humanity has been distorted. Very sad it is a empty existence and the depravity gets worse and worse in order to reach the high they seek and need. Some of us get it surrounding our self with nature animals friends and family or reaching out to those who are in need. Gratefulness for God’s creation is so important for a balanced life.
You have been touched by God. They have been touched by Lucifer.
Yes we all have free will and make choices. What makes some people chose evil I do not know. All I know is I seem to have a compass withing me that keeps me from going the wrong direction. I had that all my life I can feel it and it stops me from embracing that what is not of God.
I am positive most people have that. When I was small I called it my Guardian Angel.
Maybe some people override that what keeps one on an ethical compass. I guess if one overrides it often enough one opens to evil.
I always say the gray area is a slippery slope to the dark site.
Sylvia’s blog has a link to
Butcher’s broom [ ] (sometimes sold as “bug plant”) is an interesting specimen plant. We have a pot of it next to our front door that we started from a little purchase and have divided many times (and given away most).
It has a very strange peculiarity. The “leaves” on each “stem” are not actually leaves. They are actually leaf-shaped branches — the actual leaves are actually microscopic flat and diamond-shaped and cover these specialized branches (“cladodes”) completely.
These are nice potted plants in USDA zones 7-9, and you can hack them into quarters and give three-quarters away every couple of years.
Under Obama, US became World’s Number 1 for Sex Trafficking and Pedophilia by
Jay Greenberg
Obama 2.0 is Obama 1.0 on steroids.
Human trafficking and pedophilia are crimes that people can’t come back from. It’s not as if they committed robbery while under the influence of drugs and have turned their life around. Once you hurt children, no one will trust you ever again, and rightfully so. So these people are desperate to not go through the exposure, humiliation, and ruin of being caught.
It is not just hurting, it is KILLING children.
Once people realize that the Calbal kills children, even those who just have sex with 12 yrs old and up will be painted with the same brush.
Not forgetting Ghostburg’s interest in dropping the age of consent…..
One wonders, perhaps, from where Dinglebarry’s children came, and Roberts’s as well…
Could also be why the Gene Technic folks are so hot-to-trot about “artificial wombs” and the like… takes the worry out of being close, as the old ad said (decades ago)…..
here’s more on that Humpty Dumpty Institute (Epstein)…
A Great Fall: Humpty Dumpty Institute Buddies Up to Beijing, House Reps Linked. (
Why aren’t you obsessed about harming children, Ms. Catherine Kim?
And in other news…
(Interesting that Miles Guo is in jail now too.)
China Sanctions 5 US Defense Firms In Strong ‘Message’ Ahead Of Taiwan Election
Who’s the U-Boat Commander?Ghislaine Maxwell, of Course
In the comments, the author Erik Carlson, adds:
Kind of strange that two songs by the Beatles involve underwater themes, and may have become symbolic for the pedophiles.
“Yellow Submarine” and “Octopus’s Garden”
And the James Bond movie…what was the title about? (I’ve become jaded by the evil)
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds…
Baby You Can Drive My Car
Norwegian Wood…
“If you control the scientists, you control science.”
All sorts of LIES (Not just the Climate Hoax) are sold to “us” this way.
Boy, ain’t that the truth!
Patrick Webb @RealPatrickWebb
These are stills from that Trump video (3:40)
House Speaker Johnson and the funding bill…
Chris Paul has something interesting to say about that.
More goodies from Chris Paul.
Dr. Willie Soon: “I rather have questions that cannot be answered, then answers that cannot be questioned.”
Did you catch Dr Soon’s website?
GREAT!!! Dr Soon has be a hero of the ‘Deniers’ for years.
“Scientific” Deceptions (LIES by “Scientists”)
Progressive Education and the Destruction of America: PART 2

Thanks for that link
John Cook(the book)’s 97 percent…
CAGW was the pilot plant of the COVID madness and totalitarian Kontrol by the “elites”…
Actually the Ozone Layer was the trial balloon I think
Yep…. I want my Freon back… used to recharge my air-conditioners myself way back then… R-12…
And even back then, in the times of the first Earth Day, Lenin’s 100th birthday, high-school kids and their “science fair projects” were determining US policy…
E rror
P rone
A ..holes
So now we have highly-explosive but barely effective refrigerants everywhere, and the gangGreens want to ban them because of their supposed effect on the ozone layer… so all of these hyper-expensive heat pumps Halfbrain Habeck is forcing people to install will have to be replaced, because the newest refrigerant(s) are totally incompatible with R600a and the rest… new tubing, new compressors, new receiver/driers, the works… basically a whole new €10K-20K unit…

And don’t forget “Silent Spring” (Rachel Carson) and “The Quiet Crisis” (Stuart Udall)…
Propane can be substituted for freon. Works just about as well.
Although used in commercial refrigeration units, propane is highly flammable, freon is not… and the the unit has to be effectively replaced, anyway… The ozone hole is a lie with regard to freon…
^^^^^^ This ^^^^^^^^
OPEC, was all about DOUBLING the cost of oil and I am sure the Rockefellers were behind it
I agree
I am going to add this guy. I also added him to my global cooling and included copies of his info.
This is his nitter:
It is worth reading ALL of what he has to say.
Tweet below. Very interesting and others have been talking like this,(like Gail to some extent). Hard to hunt up though with vids but there are a few.
Subject title is “The Mystery of the Great Flood. Full Interview With Randall Carlson on Creative Society.” but it is mostly a historic climate talk and blows apart the government data and Greta Thronbag.
I have known for over a decade the oil and gas were in fact “Abiotic” (Made by a natural recurring earth process). Thomas Gold wrote about it years ago and there are many others that concur.
“Peak Oil” is a myth sold to us to control oil and gas prices.
Many other “Conspiracy Theories” will soon come to light as TRUTH.
(No matter what “Scientists” tell us)
“Science” has been used as a cover in many cases to “Baffle us with BULLSHIT”.
8 minutes explaining the looming Financial collapse.
Great listen. Clearly splains the
incomingplanned cluster F…Timed around the elction?
Timed In Concert With, a US version of October 7, on steroids?
If I was the Cabal I would try to hold it off until AFTER Trump is back in office. It maybe why the Fake News is showing Trump leading by substantial margins.
Martial law also declared, for two weeks to stabilize the situation.
Followed by another two weeks. A month…to be set in stone.
it won’t hold in Conservative areas and Red states.
from tcth
j x
January 10, 2024 9:34 am
Fani Willis’ Spokeswoman Is a DNC Member and Wife of 2022 Dem Lt. Gov Nominee – But That’s Not All
There’s an overwhelming amount of evidence at this point that Willis’ office is being operated in an entirely unethical and partisan manner, including multiple avenues for coordination with the White House and the Democratic National Committee, and every indictment coming out of the tainted process should be dismissed.
This is related to Yours Truly’s loss of her cousin Bill, who undoubtedly was “vaccinated and boosted”, and who passed away “suddenly and unexpectedly” in September 2023 after developing “heart issues” —
Here is the chart:
Ssshhhhhh. do NOT mention…
The Elephant In The Room.
J A B S done it. <<<>>> Suddenly AND Unexpectedly. SADS.
(It all pisses me off greatly.)
Didn’t open so had to hunt for it.
This one works.
Seems the second and was taken out of the url by burningplatform or maybe added by who knows who, but either way it won’t open unless the second and is removed.
and-heres-what-he-found/HMMMmm it opened for me early this morning. That is where I got the chart.
Yes, but in the meantime someone changed the url. Could of been a housekeeping thing or someone being devious which would imply some sort of hack.
Still so sorry for your loss. I have a tale to tell about an in-law’s death but will put on another daily earlier in the day so more might see it, in case it generates thoughts…
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, January 10, 2024
“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
Romans 5:8 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
A fellow-denizen of this board wondered, a few days ago, about what Ed Dowd was doing. Yours Truly went to his website,, searched to here:; from there, clicking on the “USA – Weekly Analysis” icon, then searching from there.
Here’s one of the graphs:

If one is looking at this graph correctly, it appears that the negative effects of the “vaccines” are doing their work among the 25 – 44 year old age group in particular.
The top line (orange) is the deaths in the 25 years to 44 years
The red is birth to 25 years.
These two categories are where insurance companies make their money because they figure the chances of you dying are not very great. The Clot Shot is screwing up their actuarial tables big time and WE GET TO PAY FOR IT!
Thanks for brining this forward. Grateful Ed Dowd steadily tracks and reports.
Graph above, largely reflects what we read a few days back, regarding excess deaths in England.
Hmmm. 25-44… prime CHILD-BEARING YEARS….
Almost as if it were planned…
AlmostDo not miss the o to 25 curve almost matches… LOWER THAN WHALE SCHIFF BASTARDS!
Prime working years also.
“Experienced” military age.
From SD
Post in the comments:
MAGA Minuteman
January 10, 2024 3:05 am
All communication is a controlled and rigged game.
Prior to the internet, it was TV, newspapers, magazines and Hollywood that were controlled. See Operation Mockingbird. While, we may have had some inclinations at the time, it is only in hindsight that we realize the full scope of how controlled it was.
Everything we consume is controlled.
With the introduction of the internet and social media, do we really think the “controllers” were going to simply let go of that control? No. Did we think they were going to release control and give that control away to a bunch of freaks and geeks like Zuckerberg, Gates, Dorsey, etc? No. They are simply the new front faces of the same team.
We know the govt developed the internet, ARPANET.
We know the govt developed Life Log for military families. The same month that program was shutdown, Facebook was started. Apparently, the same program, but for the entire public (not just military families) to use to share their “info”.
We know a company like Twitter (Jack’s Magic Coffee Shop) can’t handle the bandwidth required to support its users without backroom support. The guess is the backroom support comes from govt servers. Who knows but that’s a good guess knowing all we know now. If you are not charged for their product, then you are the product.
Here’s more…Companies like 23 and me “offer” to give you information about your family and medical background. Here’s a crazy thought. What if 23 and me is similar to those social media companies? They offer you something you think you want, but the actual purpose of the front company is giving them something they want (all your family/medical info). It is something they can’t steal from you, but they will gladly take it and use it if you “choose” to voluntarily give it to them. Are companies like 23 and me just fronts for the Human Genome Project?
Now let’s think about the crazy PCR Tests for COVID. The actual test can’t distinguish between a cold, a flu or a Corona virus. It can’t distinguish between a live virus from current infection or a dead virus from prior infection. What can it do? It can collect a sample of your DNA from your nose swipe along with your personal info attached to it and become part of their “database”. You were not forced to take the test. You volunteered. See how that works? Guessing it’s all used as part of the human genome project as well.
It’s all rigged and controlled. The only difference is now we know. Choose wisely and live your best life along the way.
For those who do not have a full understanding – please read ^^^
Just say no. Don’t participate. Develop and utilize alternative ways of living. For Christians – you already know what this leads to down the road. Head for the hills as the Word states.
Just my opinion – If you are still alive when the Temple is rebuilt across from the gate and not on the Temple Mount rock, which both the Muslims and many Jews proclaim as their holy site, you will know it is time. The private Jewish foundation that plans its construction has the money it needs to complete the construction and has long been making all of the items the temple will use in its operation as described in the Word and Jewish tradition. To date the Israeli government has prevented its construction. The destruction of the Islamic terror networks and close association with Israel by those aligned with the Saudis and the Gulf Cooperation Council military (Abraham Accords followed) MAY provide conditions that enable the major event to begin.
It is a reasonable assumption to make that the negotiation that promotes both to peacefully co-exist with the mosque and temple within close proximity to each other will be negotiated by the Son of Perdition (Anti-Christ).
Which is an explanation of why Pope Frank has been very chummy with Muslims and communists along with most world leaders. He is not the Son of Perdition. That is to come. However, he may be a facilitator for future events.
As a Christian, I plan to be long gone via natural death or rapture. Keep your eyes open with a wise, discerning spirit.
To be specific, the internet was developed by the Department of Defense. I believe, and this is being reinforced for me on a daily basis, that this was a deliberate work around of Project Mockingbird. Prior to this invention, finding other people who knew or had an inkling of what was really happening was next to impossible. Now, it’s pretty easy.
That doesn’t mean that the other side isn’t doing its job trying to keep us all apart. Oh, they are. Infiltration happens all the time. “The Great Awakening” on Reddit getting zapped is a prime example. So is deplatforming 8chan at the cloud server level.
If it’s all untrue, kooky “conspiracy theories” why not leave it up so the normies can laugh?
No one ever wants to answer that question.
When I first saw this quote and photo photo of George Orwell holding a gun, I was a little surprised. It seemed out of character. On reflection, not anymore.
Sadly, the people of England where Orwell lived were not able to protect their right to bear arms for much of anything except hunting, and even then not without severe restrictions on use, transportation and storage. Today, if a working gun was found on the wall of a home, that person would be subject to arrest and lengthy imprisionment.
The gun Orwell is holding is a double barrel, most likely a shotgun, but they are/were also made as a rifle.
Insurance companies who write policies for people who own residential property in North Carolina filed a request with the state Insurance Commissioner for them to raise residential property insurance rates by an average of 42%, with rates increasing up to 99% for people who own residential property on the North Carolina coast. The increases would go into effect on 1 August 2024.
Thanks for the warning. Just what we need.
A riminder. When 9/11 happened and the insurance companies had to pay out ALL out insurance rates just about doubled. Our business insurance was canceled and we had to go to FL to find a company who would insure us.
Gail Combs
I expect this type of thing will start to happen in every state.
All insurance premiums will go through the roof — including for Medicare A/B (that comes right out of the Social Security monthly payment); Long Term Care insurance; Disability Insurance; private health insurance of any type, including “medi gap” Part C and Prescription Drugs Part D; and so on.
Time to form co-ops.
Cash doctors, health care. IIRC, Gail has posted links in the past.
Not to mention auto insurance, due to e-vehicle fires…
I read this tweet up above in DP’s post:
I went and looked at the comments under it and found something interesting:
A reference in the Wiki page for the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children led me here, to a book by Eve Branson:
On page 207, Eve met with Ernie Allen and Charlie Morrison, the founders of the ICMEC. She had accepted their invitation to be on the board. She notes that her son, Richard, “stepped up and provided support” for their cause.
And of course, we all know that Branson was named in the Epstein docs released these past few days. And he owns an island just 34 miles from Little Saint James, aka Epstein’s Pedo Island.
The excrement is hitting the rapidly spinning device, and spraying all over the place right now.
Dem dots be connecting…
Yes – we watched it that way and have encouraged others.
I saw it in the theater. Not artistically appealing, but important anyway.
I cried through most of it. When that little boy told his rescuer his name was “Teddy Bear,” I just lost it altogether.
I cried when he was reunited with his dad.
Several moments, onions were being cut in my home.
Yeah, then, too. That movie was very emotional.
This article is very interesting, and likely true. Is anybody really in charge in our federal government?
“The news is abuzz about Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, landing in intensive care for 5 days and not telling anyone— including his boss. The news got even more alarming when we learned that the Deputy Secretary of Defense, Kathleen Hicks, was on vacation in Puerto Rico while Austin was incapacitated. That is a chain of leadership breach which is unacceptable for a nuclear superpower.
Of course, this lapse of leadership happened to an administration in which the Secretary of Transportation took two months off for “his” maternity leave, and the president has spent almost 40% of his time napping on the beach while a myriad of global crises failed to rise to the “cancel vacation” level. Clearly, any expectation of competence from a Biden administration will be met with disappointment. But is there a more ominous lesson to be learned from the Austin debacle than the surface level reminder that our current administration is composed of posers rather than leaders? Why didn’t it matter that Austin wasn’t on duty?
What does it mean when an essential employee (like a president or a cabinet secretary) stops doing his essential work for days on end, and nobody notices? Does it mean that those elected to govern us, aren’t really governing anything? Has our federal bureaucracy become a hive of worker bees, with no central leadership but with individuals instinctively working for the health of the bureaucracy?”
Worker bees, forsooth.
Worker bees => Satanic Globalist Pedophiles intent on destroying the USA and most of humanity.
I think the top level is. I think the “worker bees” are useful idiots.
Actually they do not even make it to useful idiot status. I had a retired gov’t employee as a boss. His ONLY interest was in game playing. I got him fired.
Game playing as in office politics games? Or was he playing games on the computer?
Office politics. DIRTY office politics. However I kept copies of my records sending them on a timely basis to the VP of Marketing. When that SOB tried to make me the scapegoat, saying I had never done any of the analysis, the VP HAD ALL THE INFO.
He had INSISTED I had to give him the data so he could check it BEFORE it was sent out however I sent the data to the VP too.
They found a thick file of data he had been siting on.
The VP of manufacturing was trying to convince the board that the VP of marketing should be his subordinate. He got fired too.
That tale is like a double serving of cheesecake.
Yes. Even the three “leaders” of the current Biden regime don’t exactly inspire me as overflowing with the kind of leadership Xi or Putin respect.
“Is anybody really in charge of our federal government?”
The answer, IMO — ValJar and Obama?
Just questions and in consideration of “game theory” enthusiasm. Run on sentences/questions time. Just for fun.
What if there was a European nation that I will call Darthworld, that is aligned with and controlled by nazis and banksters who use it to conduct international money laundering, human trafficking, bioweapon research and so on; that is located at the border of a global superpower aligned with another global superpower as well as an economic coalition of nations scattered around the world? What would be the odds that the enemies of the nazis and banksters within the nazis/banksters own nations might encourage a situation where said Darthworld takes up arms against the rival superpower at its borders; knowing full well that said Darthworld and its nazis, banksters and thugs would be totally conquered by the superpower such that it would never pose a problem to the superpower and its “friends” ever again? Would Darthworld be in receipt of large sums of assets and money from both friends and enemies of all warring parties to encourage its participation in its own demise?
What if those non-Darthworld sympathizing parties within the nations of nazis and banksters stood down and did not act in opposition to prevent the flow of assets and money, assuring Darthworld’s ultimate destruction, as part of a plan to restore order and regional polarity instead of the globalist version of the NWO? What if a certain POTUS removed himself from scene as all of it was occurring, only to return at the appropriate time to handle his nations entry into a more peaceful world?
Would that not be a strange take on what we have seen?
If the Pedo Cabal was in full control, would the information about Pedo Island, NXIM and human trafficking across the border see the light of day?
I think what we are witnessing is clandestine war. We can’t see it, but the factions are battling for the future of American, and by extension, the world.
I also think a “contract” of some kind was made with forces we do not see, or fully understand. And I think Tucker Carlson found out about it.
I believe the same thing as well. The truth telling is increasing and very high profile.
“…And I think Tucker Carlson found out about it.”
Or was recruited.
I think Elon was also recruited.
I absolutely believe they were recruited.
So do I along with a few other strategic people.
Probably so. I know I want to believe so.
Tucker is on a mission.
Gotta be getting inside information AND access to many of the folks he is interviewing. Non-stop home runs.
IIRC Tucker was photographed laughing with POTUS Trump after he was fired from Fox.
Yup. At Trump’s NJ Bedminster golf club.
This is all over Twitter:
Crack head.
Great question. No need to use, Mr Biden with Hunter.
Hunter is more than enough. Followed by Crack head, Dead Beat baby maker…
Dead beat baby maker… there’s a song and/or a poem (rap, whatever) in there… as well as a huge tragedy…
Needs his head cracked.
Coward, Hunter.
Girls just wanna have fun…
And they have to bring Trump into it of course.
Controlled opposition…. New York comPost???
Wondering if a lot of the reason for the “release” is to innoculate the DEMONRATS…
Who owns the Post?
Same peeps that own FoxNews.
FAUX conservative…
The picture of Epstein grinning and leering at Beck while she’s looking at the camera says it all!
There are no WGTTs in that pic.
To be fair, Epstein was used to them being seriously underage….so these probably seemed WG to him.
Both MIL and LE are moving to smaller calibers, mostly because women can carry a sufficient number of rounds much deeper into enemy territory!
The hidden messages here are intriguing & blush inducing

H/T Marica
so sweeeeeet
And I thought my goats were bad.
my granddaughter raises goats. she adores them
They are real characters.
Absolutely correct. SEL is the opposite. It’s literally teaching in “groupthink” and “groupthink motivation by social guilt”.
Clandestine goes into how he was targeted by the Deepstate.
He was a DC wine bar manager… Think of the information he over heard.
He brings receipts. Love it.
He is one of my favorites.
So fucking evil. SO FUCKING EVIL.
Evil beyond words, these people have no regards for anything. Just self satisfying hypocrites.
He will be declared guilty. That decision was made before the trial started. I suppose the next step would be an appeal. But the media will try to persuade people not to vote for a “convicted criminal” or felon or whatever.
The people” can see through the BS.
I thought this was the penalty phase.
No matter. The trial IS all BS.
Appeals Court will have to unfuck this travesty.
All DJT has to do is fire his attorneys in open court.
Anybody in any legal case has a right to represent himself/herself.
Then he can go out in the hallway and re-hire them in front of the presstitutes.
NOTHING the judge can do about it.
God damn that judge…
I am sure he pulls wings off flies and torures kittens too.
Pure fucking eveil…that judge.
Guess the judge is, En-Moron. Horrible person.
The left is so compassionate
Somebody do it.
Hell – every state can start suing him!!!
All right then, get ‘r done
Notice the IF...
I know, I just wanted to say “get ‘r done”
Scott the Cable Guy
Clandestine has another interesting observation.
he Left/MSM’s response to the Epstein docs has been telling.
They are not outraged that high-profile politicians raped child sex slaves…They are only outraged that people are pointing it out…
We knew it was coming, yet their shamelessness still boggles my mind.
“Why do Trump supporters care so much about the ruling class raping child sex slaves?!”
Can these people not hear themselves?
I’m not the only one saying pedophilia is a left-wing characteristic. The media are admitting it themselves.
This world must be cleansed.
Remember when the media threw an absolute fit about the movie “Sound of Freedom”?
Why is it that they were so upset about the exposure of widespread human-trafficking and pedophilia?
There was 1000x more outrage about this movie coming out, than about Epstein’s crimes…
What a compilation of “soft on everything” leftism!
It is no wonder the Deep State targeted this man. He really does good work and I am glad he is making a decent living via his substack.
That Times of Israel Article and the Fact the ADL was the first to go after Clandestine… is interesting. Especially when you add in Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Congressman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), both of which have dual citizenship with Israel.
The limp left…..
The Advocate is a publication for queers about queer issues.
Best-selling rag in SF…. on just about every street corner…
More from Clandestine.
If Trump is a pedophile, how come NONE of his enemies have EVER accused him of being a pedophile?
Clinton? Obama? Biden? Pelosi? McCain? Bush? You name them. NOBODY has ever called Trump a pedo.
But Trump and his allies have called Bill and his allies pedos, publicly.
If Trump was a pedo, how come the Deep State or the MSM have never even tried this smear angle? They’ve called him a racist, sexist, rapist, xenophobe, tax-evader, insurrectionist, treasonous, threat to democracy, agent of Russia. They’ve called him every name in the book EXCEPT pedophile. Seems like it would be a good thing to do from their perspective. But they didn’t. They STILL haven’t, even with the Epstein docs coming out.
If Trump was a pedo, why isn’t every Democrat politician firing off tweets right now about Trump being a pedo? Shouldn’t they be jumping all over this if he was?
All of Trump’s enemies, and their lapdog media, have been telling the world that pedophilia is a kooky Right-wing conspiracy theory this entire time. Why would they do that if they knew Trump was a pedo? And are we going to trust the people who were completely wrong about this topic AND were caught burying the story under threat from Bill Clinton himself?
All the moves and countermoves paint a very clear picture. The Deep State have been covering up this story for decades, they got caught, and now they are clinging to whatever straw they can grasp onto, no matter how flimsy.
These are acts of desperation.
We know it. They know it. They know that we know it. It’s only a matter of time now.
created a visual story of the ongoing Shadow War between Trump and the Deep State.
From Epstein and his blackmail operation, to Marina Abramović, the Podestas, Covid, Ukraine, and everything in between.
You WILL be riveted!
Please enjoy and share!
8 minutes
Playing leftist advocate here:
Because calling Trump a pedophile would be tantamount to admitting there is a problem with elites being pedophiles and Epstein has a list of them.
Some on the fringe are trying it out for size.
I think that is the ‘evidence’ that was recanted but I am not sure. Also it is HEARSAY.
It is indeed hearsay.
I knew I saw it somewhere!
Epstein victim recants denial of alleged sex tapes involving prominent figures — Express UK
Note it is NOT about Trump.
So she recanted everything, then recanted the recant…except for Trump.
Double negatives make heads spin sometimes.
Lotsa money AND threats in the background.
Not to mention Intel Agencies…
^^^ Driving the Pedo blackmail scheme.
It was bad enough when we found out the CIA was trafficking Drugs into the USA and elsewhere to fun themselves. BUT THIS?
They need to be DESTROYED and the ground salted.
MORE… Liz Crokin
The new Jeffrey Epstein documents expose Sarah Ransome sent e-mails to a reporter claiming her friend, Jen, had sex with Donald Trump at Epstein’s New York home. She has retracted this and other statements.
“She confided in me about her casual ‘friendship’ with Donald. Mr. Trump definitely seemed to have a thing for her and she told me how he kept going on about how he liked her ‘pert nipples,’” Ransome wrote in a 2016 e-mail.
“I also know she had sexual relations with Trump at Jeffery’s NY mansion on regular occasions,” she added.
Ransome walked back the allegations against Trump in an Oct. 23, 2016 e-mail with New York Post columnist Maureen Callahan writing, “I would like to retract everything I have said to you and walk away from this,” according to the filing.
In the fall of 2016, Ransome also suggested to the New York Post that she had sex tapes of half a dozen prominent people including Bill Clinton and Trump—but couldn’t provide the tapes when asked. Ransome told reporter Connie Bruck of The New Yorker she had invented the tapes to draw attention to Epstein’s behavior, and to make him believe that she had evidence that would come out if he harmed her.
It should be noted that Ransome’s attorney was David Boies. Bradley Edwards wrote in his book Relentless Pursuit he noticed red flags with Boies that gave him pause including that Boies had a relationship with Epstein.
In October of 2017, The New Yorker and the New York Times were investigating accusations of sexual abuse against Harvey Weinstein who was Boies’s client at that time.
Boies’s firm hired Black Cube, a private intelligence company run by former Israeli military operatives, to disrupt the reporting. In the process, Black Cube operatives impersonated a source and assumed other false identities to gather information on the reporters. Boies said that he regretted not supervising Black Cube more closely.
The New York Times severed its ties with Boies after he was linked to the clandestine effort to spy on their reporters and prevent the publication of a damaging story about Weinstein.
“We never contemplated that the law firm would contract with an intelligence firm to conduct a secret spying operation aimed at our reporting and our reporters,” the newspaper said in a statement.
It’s also interesting that Ransome’s claims about Trump were at the time Wikileaks was releasing the Podesta E-mails exposing Pizzagate in 2016 and before that year’s presidential Election Day.
It also should be emphasized that Edwards — who represented dozens of victims — said none of the witnesses he interviewed claimed there was inappropriate sexual behavior by Trump nor was he ever around when minors were present.
The more you know!
Weren’t black cubes some kind of Saturnalia symbol or something? Cuppa or Sadie might know…Symbolism being their downfall & all, allegedly…
I always guessed that was a biological female, based on the histrionics and the most common photo (photo #1).
But with the additional angles, now I’m not so sure.
Especially with the “Hear” and “Not” photos, that could easily be a dude in transition.
I do not see an Adams apple but that could be hidden in blubber.
There may or may not be a functioning brain stem in the blubber too. Won’t even go that far if discussing a cortex.
…dude in transition.
Still A Dude. Once A Dude. Always A Dude.
Hold the line.
…dude in transition. = EUNUCH
We already have a perfectly good word for what they are.
You’re being mean again.
And as I mentioned elsewhere Trump was a ‘TRAP’
From DawsonSField
More from DawsonSField
Confirmation that Rudy was working as a CHS for FBI & DOJ when approaching Ukrainians & Russian spies behind them.
Johnny Doc, convicted on 60+ charges in racketeering trial!
Union leader whose brother helped steal 9 seats in Congress from the GOP. Let’s see if they can get his brother (who received $ from these crimes) off the PA Supreme Court.
The owner of the piece of property was my late father who owned it along with three of his buddies. He was playing hard to get in negotiating the price with DJT.
DJT finally tired of the game and redesigned the casino/hotel so that the property was not needed to build upon.
Dad got beat by the master of the deal. The partners ended up selling the property to a parking consortium for quite a lot less than DJT was willing to pay but Dad was greedy and lost. The property sold for a little bit more than what the partners paid for it.
As far as being a source, my father [I was adopted] had a lot of connections to various mob members. It could have been him being a source or it could have been DJT. No way to know now – Dad passed in 1988.
Very interesting. If there was a source, your father was probably it since the documents in no way “prove” that Trump was one.
There is too much to cover in that Thread Reader. I find a LOT of conclusions drawn from scant or no evidence. They are assumptions.
I have no doubt that Trump has been on the side of law enforcement. It wouldn’t surprise me if he had been a party to some operations by playing a role, mostly by just being himself. But to assume from those documents that he has been an FIB asset conducting sting operations for decades is a YUGE leap.
Where is the proof? Where is the evidence? There is none. The document provided says no such thing. Also, Dawson needs to name the criminals that Trump has caught.
What swamp creatures have been caught? Which ones have been indicted, convicted, and imprisoned? 2018 was six years ago.
We just went through years of the FIB going after Trump. Is he saying that was all a ruse? The entire Mueller investigation and all the rest? It’s preposterous.
First, show us how you know Trump and Meadows were recording people. Then tell us who has the recordings and why no one has been charged as a result. Then let’s hear those recordings.
“We have it all” is not the answer. If someone is going to make a statement like this, they need to back it up.
This is pure fantasy.
DEVELOPING: Drafting of Impeachment Article Against Joe Biden Underway, House Staffers Reveal
They’re going to impeach JB “only” on coordinating with Hunter to defy a House subpoena? That’s it? When there are so other things to impeach him on?
They want it to fail, methinks…

Just like CLINTON. He SOLD out to the CCP in return for Campaign $$$. Clinton GAVE the CCP our top nuclear weapon tech and a delivery system in return BUT Congress went ONLY after him on sex/rape —
Well DUH.
They can’t impeach Briben for Opening the border to illegals, nearly Three years ago. AND leaving the border wide open.
If it is needed. /s
Briben impeachment should have started the day r-Cons took the House. January 2022?
r-Cons are worthless.
It’s not going to make any difference, whether there are ten charges or one.
The Senate will not convict. It’s a sham.
Airing the facts, hopefully broadcast live across the nation, may wake some folks up.
That is true, and the only possible benefit.
Because it’s spying on you?
Talk about a spin cycle
See, this is why we have Whirlpools.
That is why mine is 25+ years old and Hubby repairs it himself.
Yep. He could block it at the router, or reconfigure it… even if it was using DHCP and had the configuration “locked” so he couldn’t change it (BOYYYY, would that be stupid), he could block it….
WTH does ANYONE need an appliance hooked to the net?
I can see it now; bulletins from the LG appliance app:
“Mr. Johnie, we have some good news and some bad news from your laundry room.
The bad news is, your dryer caught on fire.
The good news is, your washer sprang a leak, flooding the laundry room, but putting the fire out.”
“That’s what you get for leaving your appliances on with no-one home…..”…..
There’s a study from the UK that claims to show that not only can the UKtilities tell which appliances you have on, but which channel you’re watching on the telly, “thanks” to their wonderful smart meters…
Pity that they’re sometimes not that accurate…
The only way that makes sense is if the dang thing has a microphone or a camera inside it.
Read this and let your imagination fly as it’s 2024 today and this was happening in 2010.
Smart Meters and the Internet of Things…
Internet of Thugs…
It could be that someone is using it to hide traffic. Sort of like a VPN.
I also saw a suggestion the washing machine was mining bitcoins, and not for the benefit of the (nominal) owner.
Now that SETI@home has been wound down, the poor thing was probably bored
Samsung “smart” TVs are notorious for that… they even put ads in their channel selection code… (or so I’ve read… we just have a dumb TV and use it to watch DVDs… not State-run indoctrination media for us)…
From General Flynn
“But we do know that the U.S. Attorney for South Florida at the time, who arranged Epstein’s lenient sentence, said, “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone.”
Told by WHOM?
Either give us the name, or it didn’t happen.
Who told Alexander Acosta that Epstein “belonged to intelligence?”
“The reason any of this matters is because it’s wrong for the people who are supposed to be protecting us to be involved in sex trafficking.”
For anyone who actually needs to be informed that “it’s wrong” for gov’t to be involved in sex trafficking, it’s too late for them.
Those people are lost, and they’re not coming back.
Mike is a leftest so that is a decent admission for him.
Deleted, without posting…
“The reason any of this matters is because it’s wrong for the people who are supposed to be protecting us to be involved in sex trafficking.”
It’s wrong for ANYONE to be involved in sex trafficking. Or drug-, or arms-, or product-trafficking. Or money laundering, which generally accompanies and/or funds the other activities…
“It sounds like a Hollywood movie. Government intelligence agencies, perhaps CIA and Mossad, use sex with dozens of teenage girls to blackmail some of the world’s most powerful people, including Bill Gates, Prince Andrew, and Bill Clinton.”
So what is the average IQ between Billy, Andy and Bubba?
Is it single digits?
If you are invited to a Caribbean island, and given the opportunity to rape children in bedroom suites of the island owner’s mansion, what IQ level is required to figure out that the room is obviously wired for sound and video?
Suppose it would take a double-digit IQ.
We’re still talking low double-digits, right?
Like maybe 15 or 20?
I’d guess the perpetrators ‘know’ they are being taped. They know there is a blackmail file on them to keep them in line. That is part of the initiation into the Big Club. I might guess the higher you climb, the more tapes are made of even more evil stuff.
Your thinking they are dumb. They are not. Raping the girl is their ticket to power. Do that and they are in the big club and no one can touch them.
I know they’re not dumb, because if they were, they would not have become some of the richest or most powerful men in the world.
Except for Andy.
He just won the incestuous royal family lotto. The Fredo Corleone of the Roy-ales (as John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson would pronounce it).
But the article wants the reader to think they’re dumb, because they’d have to be, absent the context you pointed out.
Nobody talks about that part, because it’s more of the Great Pretending.
How did they even get to the point where they would rape a child in the first place, if the opportunity was given to them?
That’s not something they just decided one day, like choosing which shirt to wear.
That’s not the first stop on the elevator.
There has to have been a process of progressive degeneracy, before the elevator doors opened up to that particular flaming hellscape.
Maybe watching porn the move to younger and younger porn and eventually to child porn ?
Our culture is addicted to super skinny women. Mature women are roundet out.
Remember Twiggy in the sixties only 12-14 year old had a shape like she did.
This is conditioning. Today most men like flat chested teenage shape women a new beauty standard. I had a friend she was 5/8 and wight 110-15. She wore size 2. I have not worn size 2 since I was 14. This culture conditioned men most mature European men like a women not a teenager. I am not talking about obese that is the extreme the other way.
I am only wondering.
I saw the same thing.
This was not organic the obsession with diet and super thin is not healthy . My neighbor was a stick had a stroke at 64. I like my Rubinesque figure so does my husband
I used to be 5-6 + 36-25-36 then I hit menopause…
I don’t think that’s actually true. Hourglass figure. Flat chested is certainly not a plus. But as far as weight goes I think men will lose interest sometime before the waist exceeds the bust size (in other words the center of the hourglass has to be narrower than the top and bottom).
I agree to fat is when a person cannot see their shoes both men and women.
Seriously people need to keep their shape even if they are shapely whatever that mean
Greta the gangGreenhearted, a fashion icon???
At the other extreme is Ricarda Lang, co-leader of the Green party here, who probably weighs at least ten times what Greta does…
All is just to much
That’s what no Ausbildung, no degree, no qualifications, but a €20,000 per month salary and benefits gets her…
That poor chair!!!
I have THREE broken chairs from blubber butts who went for my daintiest chairs.
“Government agencies asking their employees or contractors to be prostitutes is coercive, exploitative, and wrong.”
Again, if you need to explain that to anyone, it’s too late.
Ohio House overrides DeWine veto of transgender health care, athlete bill
Great news.
Who writes this *&^%?
So there was a healthcare bill for trannies, DeWine tried to veto it, but the House overrode DeWine’s veto and passed the bill for tranny healthcare.
I kid you not, that’s exactly how it reads to me.
Break it down.
“Ohio House overrides”
Overrides what?
“DeWine’s veto”
DeWine’s veto of what?
“transgender health care, athlete bill”
So there was a tranny health care bill, DeWine vetoed it, and the House overrode his veto to pass the tranny healthcare bill.
That’s how I was taught reading comprehension.
I don’t know WTF that nonsense is.
They’re saying the exact opposite of what is apparently true.
You have it backwards.
I know!
I know I have it backwards, because they expressed it backwards!
If one is writing with the intention of actually communicating a coherent thought, one cannot write as though the reader already knows what one is talking about.
If the reader already knew, there’d be no point in reporting it!
Two less cups of coffee would help you stay calm.
Nah. Moar coffee for Scott.
More coffee and he’ll fly even without wings.
(ducks and runs from empty CoffeeMate jars, sugar packets, and Johnny Walker minis
But that’s not really what they did. By using “veto” as the direct object, they make it clear that a veto has already occurred. If the reader was not aware of that, they now know it because it was communicated right there in the headline.
The alternative would be, in the headline, something cumbersome like this:
“House passed transgender bill and DeWine vetoed it, but House overrides it today”
I never see headlines like that. I would get tossed out of a newsroom for writing that.
I’m not comprehending what the issue is. I didn’t include the entire article, but I thought the parts I pasted here were clear.
The opposite would be that the House didn’t override the bill, but that is not the case. Are you saying they gave the facts in reverse order? If so, that’s because the veto is “old” news that they have already reported on. The current news is the House overriding the veto, so it is stated first. I often see veto overrides reported on in this way.
The headline tells the story:
Ohio House overrides DeWine veto of transgender health care, athlete bill
The subject (the “who“) = Ohio House
The verb = did something = overrode
The direct object = what did they override = veto
The rest describes the veto.
It’s grammatically sound.
Kirsch talking data/survey on the big white clots found by embalmers
“The Swiss Guards have sworn to defend…”
The idea that swearing an oath means anything is a bad joke today.
Viganò is the true spiritual leader of the Catholic church.
Bergoglio is just a leftist plant.
…as much a fraud and as scurrilously installed as Biden.
Satan Sauros even bragged about it…
More Trump photos. I think this may be his daughter. They all look like the same girl. I remember seeing somewhere he allowed his kids around when he was doing business.
After Ruffalo used an AI generated photo of Trump with young girls. I highly doubt he’s on it. They wouldn’t need fake photos
I believe those are all photos of Ivanka Trump.
That’s what I thought too.
Have seen some of these photos
Looks like Ivanka.
if there would have been anything going on her mother would have slapped him silly. Looks like adoring dad to me. Ivanka started modeling early. Mom had the kids full time. They are not showing the pictures where he is doting over his other kids.
Mace should NOT have invoked White priviledge. A false concept.
Invoke something about above the law, being Briben’ crack son. Perhaps Rich priveledge. NOT ever, White priviledge.
All of that aside, Mace skewers crack head, dead beat baby maker, Hunter.
Mace’s rant starts ~40 seconds.
If Steve Bannon had done that to the J 6th clownshow they would have hauled him of in chains
Trump Sounds Off After Chris Christie Caught on Hot Mic Trashing DeSantis and Nikki Haley
I hear Chris Christie is dropping out of the race today — I might even get to like him again! Anyway, he was just caught on a hot mic making a very truthful statement: “She’s gonna get smoked…You and I both know it, she’s not up to this.”
In a time when RAYCISS is the currency of the realm, that dipshit couldn’t come up with a single reason why the Civil War was fought.
If the only thought she could come up with was to sputter out the word “slavery” and not say a single other word, the media would have given her a total pass.
But she couldn’t do it.
It was incredible!
It was literally like watching those “man on the street” interviews where a comedian goes to a college campus and asks basic questions of passers by, and nobody has a clue!
And that anchor baby wants to be president…
When Christie said “She’s not up to this”, it was the understatement of the millennium.
What a complete and total diversity-hire fraud.
Boat-anchor baby…
(to the tune of “Charlie Brown” by the Coasters)
She’s gonna get smoked,
Just you wait and see,
“Why’s everybody always
picking on me?”….
JPMorgan alleges former executive ‘thwarted’ efforts to cut ties with Epstein NBC News
The bank claimed Jes Staley knew of Epstein’s sex trafficking and engaged in “sexual activity with young women procured by Epstein.” Staley has said he is being used as a PR shield.
May 10, 2023, 10:25 PM EDT
By Chloe Atkins
JPMorgan processed more than $1 billion for Epstein, — reuters
Good online friends —
Yours Truly had the post-op followup appointment today (virtual) with a PA from the surgical team office. Basically, I’m “on track” for recovery although the beginning was, shall it be said, “bumpy.” Full recovery is expected in 6 – 8 weeks. Now it’s a process of allowing my body to heal, and to be patient while it’s healing.
Yours Truly found out that there was 10cm by 15cm of mesh applied during the surgery. 10cm x 15cm = 150cm. That’s a lot of mesh (the PA was impressed by the amount.) It appears that after the original hernia area was “patched”, a further amount of mesh was applied in the abdomen to help prevent any more hernias. No wonder the operation took almost 3 hours. No wonder I’m still sore. No wonder why I’m still under restrictions for lifting things, pushing / rolling things, exercise other than walking, etc., etc. That’s OK by me. I’m grateful to the Almighty God that the situation was caught in time.
My little friend is stuck to me like glue. He won’t let me out of his sight. I’m so glad that I didn’t put him into boarding.
If it rips again there is nothing left to patch to. — Advice from Hubby’s doctor.
Gail Combs
Thank you. I’m sticking with the “do not lift anything heavier than a gallon of water” that the surgical team told me at discharge. And I’m keeping numerous things within reach that normally would be tidily put away.
Slightly over eight pounds. Guessing ya already know that.
I wouldn’t even do that.
Have everybody show their love by doing it for you.
Great update. Relax and enjoy several more weeks. You’ve earned it.
So good, everything has come out, OK.
That sounds like good news!
8 weeks from now is almost halfway through March, with Spring just around the corner
“My little friend is stuck to me like glue. He won’t let me out of his sight. I’m so glad that I didn’t put him into boarding.”
So is he, no doubt!

Glad you are healing, and have a “little buddy.”
Company from a friend is good medicine.
Don’t pick anything up! See Gail’s post.
That’s good news! Glad you are on the mend in a reasonable timeline & that your friend is helping to take such good care of you. God Bless!!!
Nevada judge rejects 14th Amendment challenge to remove Trump from ballot
SD has an article on this one.
Yep. They’re protesting all week, all over Germany, and it will probably go into next week. Pierre Gosselin, over at NoTricksZone (a GREAT weather site) has an article about it… it’s not just about the diesel/taxes; they’re trying to kill off the farmers:
The trains have been going on and off strike for a while, and again the YSM/MCM are lying about what’s really going on-in comments on some of the alt media here, REAL railroaders are explaining what’s going on…
Add the truckers, who are also supporting the farmers (and are stuck in traffic anyway), as well as supporting farmers and truckers from other countries nearby, and it’s getting to be a freezing mess (really cold here), and now snow is headed our way…
Could be “fun” shopping.
Habeck (GangGreens) is driving Germany into a wall. And he’s only Vice-Kanzler. The Kanzler, “I know nothink” Scholz, is a useless, smirking, twit. Our answer to Bye,Done, no doubt….
The (slight) tax cuts on diesel have been there since before 2000, and exist for just about ALL countries in the EU, not just Germany. The vehicle registration fees, same thing. Add to that draconian regulations on land and what can be planted where, along with what fertilizers can or can’t be used, etc. and the MOUNTAIN of paperwork that the farmers must fill out (e.g. a 250-page form for land use requirements!), it’s a wonder the farmers can do anything at all…
Pierre’s article is well worth a read, it’s a good summary..
Great news. Folks in America could learn a few things, on pushing back.
Yep. The Germans are starting to learn that old, time-honored French national sport: the General Strike…
Around 70 percent of the people here are fully behind the farmers, 15-20 percent are waffling, and the rest are diehard gangGreens, who live and die on their dumb ideology… unicorn farts and pixie dust…
Just read another article on NIUS, the tax and registration reductions for the farmers has been in place for OVER SEVENTY YEARS!!! Since the 1950s (Wirtsschaftswunder … business recovery miracle, as it were).
The fuels tax was intended for road construction and maintenance, etc., but tractors and farm vehicles rarely use normal roads. Same thing with vehicle registration…
Of note is that just about all the other countries in the EU (if not the world) have the lower fees, etc., as well for farmers…
And the gangGreens are just covering up their 60 BILLION Euro cheat at the cost of the farmers… yet their gangGreen dream continues to get its illicit funding…

O’Keefe looks like he’s having fun.
Lara Loomer:
[Mike Pence’s chief of staff’ is the guy who had DrPeter Navarro tossed out of the Covid meetings per his book In Trump Time.]
Laura Loomer is one hella investigative journalist and the absolutely the most brave. It’s a shame there aren’t more like her.
Nikki Haley tossed her out and also toss out in the cold an 18 year old who had no car. There was a snow storm at the time.
Lara also dug up the fact that Nikki Haley’s parents WERE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS at the time of her birth. SHE IS NOT ELIGIBLE!
I bet that there are others that do dig some of it up but don’t have the guts to publish
Tim Pool is in Iowa and has Vivic R. On his show . I noticed this last week that even Viva wants Vivek on his show. Mind you Tim and Viva had moved strong for Trump . Vivek is very bold that people like it. I take nothing for granted. I am seeing a shifting in non traditional republican.
Tim and Viva seem to waffle from Trump to Vivec.
So, three successful re-keys and one situation where the old key is different from what I thought it was.
I feel like running around, saying things like, “Gozer the Traveler. He will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. During the rectification of the Vuldrini, the traveler came as a large and moving Torg! Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slor! Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you!”
Tomorrow I start on deadbolts.
Good luck!
Does that quote go along with the Gatekeeper & Key-master of Ghost Busters?
To the tune of “Detour”…
Re— key,
There’s a lotta doors ahead,
Re— key,
Pins and cylinders well fed…
Key Club of Rome guy telling us “That’s what lies ahead!” Yeah! 7 out of every 8 must go!
Key Club Member Wants 87.5% Population Reduction Done “Peacefully”By M Dowling –
January 10, 2024
Oh, yeah? Prove it.
(The UN says there are 8.1 billion people on the planet now.)
OK, YOU drink the hemlock first.
Damned math-challenged Malthusian misanthope can go off himself first…
These are all awesome DP.