What is it that feeds our battle, yet starves our victory?
Speaker Johnson: A Reminder.
January 6 tapes. A good start…but then nothing.
Were you just hoping we’d be distracted by the first set and not notice?
Are you THAT kind of “Republican”?
Are you Kevin McCarthy lite?
What are you waiting for?
I have a personal interest in this issue.
This Man is Pissed!

And if you aren’t…what the hell is wrong with you?
Is This Our Anthem?
Or at least our song to march to?
I’m sure most of you know I don’t believe in “devolution” or any variant of “we’re really still in charge” and certainly not the ones that come with “They’re waiting for everyone to wake up.”
No, I don’t think the good guys are in charge. But that makes it even more necessary that people wake up.
This might be the Uncle Tom’s Cabin of our age. (Or perhaps the recent trafficking movie was it. Or maybe both.)
Certainly there seem to be a huge number of people who are finally having the light bulb turning on when they hear this song.
Joining The Herd Of Lemmings
I’ve had cause to consider a few things. Maybe we’re going about it the wrong way, and we need to ditch Trump
Yeah, NO
Trump all the way! Why? Because being hated by the people who hate him is a sign of impeccable character, that’s why.
The haters can go fuck themselves with rusty twelve gauge bore brushes. I’d prefer ten gauge but that’s kind of scarce, so…I’m willing to compromise.
The RINO’s Dilemma
The RINOs who who have burrowed in and taken over most GOP organizations, from the state down to local organizations, have quite a dilemma on their hands, and most of them have their heads too far up their asses to realize it.
OK, I’m not talking about the liberal in a Republican area, who knows they’re in the wrong party, but is there because it’s the only game in their town; they hope to capture a nomination someday, at which point they’re guaranteed to be elected…otherwise, they never will be. These people are a hazard in any heavily conservative area.
No, I’m talking about the guys who are a little bit conservative and want to do some good by going into politics, and they’re in a closely matched area, closely enough that they can join the party they are most aligned with and still have a chance. They think the Democrats…particularly the ones who end up running for office…are nuts.
They don’t think much better of the Deplorable types, either. A bunch of bumpkins whose hearts are in the right place, mostly…OK a bit extreme. But they think Deplorables can’t understand that first you have to get elected, then work within the system to change things…a slow process. They genuinely want many of the things Deplorables want…just not as much. The government is spending too much. Or they need to spend money on highways instead of welfare for illegal immigrants. But they want to work within the system to get these things done.
Or maybe they think things are pretty close to ideal right now, and they want to nail it in place.
The problem is, that means they don’t stand for anything in particular. And it shows. They’re about as unappetizing to the electorate as a puddle of dog vomit. The folks in the middle, who they think they are appealing to because they themselves are not extreme, would honestly prefer a clear-spoken radical to someone who qualifies everything they say to the point where they sound like they don’t believe anything at all.
The problem these “Mild RINOs” have, is they just can’t see that. And the reason they just can’t see that, is their entire sense of self-worth is tied up in not seeing that. In their minds, they’ve worked tirelessly for their party, to keep those crazy Democrats out…only to have to constantly fight with a small number of crazy Republicans–who are only liabilities if they end up as candidates. They’ve fought the good fight, and if they can just find the right candidate, someone with some charisma, they might stop the crazies…without being too beholden to the OTHER crazies. In the meantime it’s not working. What’s a responsible guy in politics to do?
They simply cannot understand that the Republicans can’t succeed as the party of nothing in particular. Not really in the past, and certainly not today when people are starting to realize that no matter what they do in the voting booth, the country is still about to fly off a precipice. If they did see it, they’d suddenly have two choices: Go away and let the GOP succeed, or stay and fight. But “go away” isn’t really an option, because what’s the point of having a party now owned by the crazies, win?
Well, they have a dilemma…and WE, therefore have a problem. And we would have that problem even IF they realized that they had a problem…that they were the problem.
No one ever thinks they are the bad guy. Even Epstein probably thought he was the good guy. Right up to the moment where he didn’t kill himself.
So if you ever wonder why these unappetizing dufuses cling on even when their fingernails are being left behind…that’s why. They don’t understand no one wants them, and can’t imagine that no one should want them. And oftentimes their greatest pride is in all the hard work they’ve done for the party. They’re not going to give that up; it’d be psychological suicide.
If you’ve worked with these people, there’s a good chance you like them and consider some of them your friends. But even if so…we’re going to have to give them a good, hard shove. Because America is more important than those milquetoasts’ egos.
Justice Must Be Done
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Spot (i.e., paper) Prices
Last week:
Gold $2,046.30
Silver $23.26
Platinum $971.00
Palladium $1,050.00
Rhodium $5,050.00
This week, 3PM Mountain Time, markets have closed for the weekend.
Gold $2,046.90
Silver $23.29
Platinum $917.00
Palladium $998.00
Rhodium $5,050.00
Gold went nowhere awfully fast. It declined over the week, then suddenly jumped back up Friday on account of whatever it is that’s happening in the Middle East today (apparently something to do with Yemen). Silver, very similarly. Net move almost zero. But platinum went way down this last week and palladium isn’t doing so well either.
Fuck Joe B*d*n
Due to complaints about foul language, I’ve censored the most objectionable word in the title of this section.
B*d*n, you don’t even get ONE scoop of ice cream today.
(Please post this somewhere permanent, as it will continue to be true; the SOB will never deserve a scoop.)
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
China is Lower than Whale Shit
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
China is in the White House
Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.
Joe Biden is Asshoe
China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.
But of course the much more important thing to realize:
Joe Biden Didn’t Win
乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!
WOW. They are CRAVEN – and they must expect PA to be vulnerable.
we are. fetterman pandered to steel workers…championed labor unions. but he was a leech his whole life. lived off dad’s $$, sister bought a condo and sold it to him for a buck, got a job as mayor in a small town and never showed up to meetings. married an “immigrant” (aka illegal?) and had 3 kids. she wanted to stay here so she bit the bullet. he has a stroke, the campaign buffers the public and press away and plays the are-you-really-gonna-kick-a-man-while-he’s-down card. the minute he got his gig as a Senator and the $$ to go with it, the wife and kids retreated away from him. ( he ends up in the hospital, she and kids flee to canada for a vacay–real loving family.)
john emerges from the hospital “changed”…the farce begins…
Fester, a mooch off the system and family
Similar to hussein and Briben. Many others I am sure.
i am always wary of someone with a changing attitude AFTER an event that takes that person out of the public eye for even a little bit.
I want to say “yeah, that’s where the ‘doubles’ stuff comes from.
But what if it’s true? And what if it’s worse than “good guys are doing it”?
Seriously though, there is some shady crap going on with a mental slash neuro case being fronted into the Senate to begin with. Having him vanish and return is even shadier.
At this point, with the way the country is failing, and the condition Biden is clearly in (did you see that video in the restaurant; holy crap!), I think every state is “vulnerable.”
The Demoncrats aren’t stupid, they are evil, wily, and can see the handwriting on the wall as well as anyone.
It’s interesting that the phrase “the handwriting on the wall” is Biblical. It comes from Daniel chapter 5:
25 “This is the inscription that was written:
mene, mene, tekel, parsin
26 “Here is what these words mean:
Mene[e]: God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end.
27 Tekel[f]: You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting.
28 Peres[g]: Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.”
Read all of Daniel 5 for the story. Most here probably know it. It seems appropriate here in the last year of Biden’s sham presidency.
In music:
Remember this from Trump’s State of the Union?
Rosen, immigrant from CA, became Nevada’s contribution to the swamp. POS.
That is no dimocrat.
I don’t know what she is, but professional dim women go out of their way to look as unattractive and unfeminine as possible.
Sinema is a chameleon.
Dimocrat women don’t do chameleon.
They never do attractive or feminine.
It’s like sunlight to a vampire
Reminds me of one of my anti-flinching exercises. Put five in, close my eyes, spin it, wait for it to come to rest (very important for the gun!), close it. I now have no idea which of the six will be a “dud”.
*tap* *tap* *tap*
Is this thing on?
Who wants to know?
Not very many people, evidently….
Late to the party – sorry!
Night crew went to bed early?
Hiding under the covers from the howling wind?
There’s a bit of that around here.
Excellent Tweet-linked article!!!
How fortunate for everyone that the people of Wyoming were not as slow to recognize this as Newt….
Newt is just going where the wind blows. He knows that most Americans KNOW Jan 6th stinks to high heaven. He is aware of the fact Clay Higgins has found over 200 Feds at Jan 6th.
He is probably aware of the work Ivan Raiklin has been doing mapping out the architects of the Fedsurrection.
Burning Bright talks of the “War of Stories’ and the moving of Overton’s Goal Posts. I think that Newt is signaling a major shift in that war.
It is an election year and the RINOS (Mitch McConnell, McCarthy I am talking about YOU) want to dodge the bullets Ivan has aimed at them. At this point the RINOS want all the dirt to splatter on the DemonRats and not on BOTH parties as it should.
Newt knew then AND now, J6 committee was a fraud on America.
Newt is Uniparty, trying to remain relevant.
That too, but he is signaling the uniparty’s newest take on the Jan 6th mess.
Remember the Cabal has ZERO problem sacrificing pawns.
Some from Ivan’s list of Jan 6th culprits:
Paul Ryan had already moved to Fox where he can do MAX DAMAGE.
The Turtle has already signaled he is quitting and so has McCarthy.
Yogananda D. Pittman who was a critical part of the Fedsurrection is now the University of California, Berkeley chief of police.
The Cabal has ZERO problems assassinating some of those people and laying the blame on MAGA.
Almost two years after J6 Committee disbanded.
Newt just now, f
igured this outadmits this out loud. Newt, pure Uniparty.Sad, considering he has the smarts to do better.
Good thought!
Take notice, folks. This ^^^ is true for everybody.
The real election is held in the primary. Been saying this for like 40 years. I wish more people would figure it out because the Uniparty did well before that and they have been screwing all of us MAGA and patriots over for the entire time.
Libs of TikTok
Melrose, Massachusetts is holding an event called “Exploring the Host Home Experience” to encourage residents to house illegals in their homes.
A few months ago, the Governor asked citizens to take illegals into their homes.
MA is the only state in the nation with a “right-to-shelter” law which means the state must provide shelter for anyone who needs it.
are they pay these people to shelter illegals?
I very much doubt it.
i doubt they will get takers…make it a money making opportunity and then you might get some.
but then the gov’t will step in and say first you have to apply for a hotel or bed and breakfast permit, then we have to have inspections-cleanliness and food prep and then we’ll need to charge you fees for those services–so the gov’t can get you to house their problem and you pay for it twice.
Musk weighs in.
“This is what happens when you run out of hotel rooms. Soon, cities will run out of schools to vacate. Then they will come for your homes.”
Kids lose their educations, for illegal ingrates? 100% criminal.
we’re turning into Calcutta.
It’s so nutz that people discuss the fact that there aren’t enough hotel rooms…really? When did “immigration” become not only entering another country but immediately (if not before) become wards of the State. Food and lodging is expected, all personal needs provided and spending money..
The media and politicians yack about it so much that it’s becoming an accepted thing…well of course those poor people need hotel rooms…omg make it stop!!!
I have friends who are South African. it is a 1/4 million UP FRONT to be ALLOWED into the USA! And then you have to become employed ASAP.
Of course that is WHITE farmers targeted for genocide so they do not count.
The whole thing has become beyond a nightmare. Kick them out , never let them in to begin with. Now they’re like cockroaches infiltrating all over the country…just the way it was planned. Fundamental change.
No. Nope. Never gonna happen. Ship the bastard illegals out of the country.
Alternative housing.
So, here’s the still-in-construction website for Immigrant Support Alliance, based in Melrose, MA:
This new group “partners with resettlement agencies”, according to the only page on their website. That could mean anything from the Red Cross to religious organizations to groups funded via George Soros’ Open Society.
And money laundering…Fed tax dollars squandered to this nonsense.
Fed gravy train. Get some now.
Here’s the litmus test that we’ve been talking about for years. A country’s border is analogous to a person’s property boundaries and the doors on their home. Leftists who want the borders open should also be willing to let people into their homes.
OK, this was totally off my THE PLAN bingo card.
Congress is zeroing in on EVENT 201. Holy Moly.
Yeah, this isn’t a hearing – it’s more of a team huddle – but WOW – they know how it was done. Totally.
For those who can not get Twatter to work. (The last two days it will not load on my computer.)
My browser is up-armored against datamining. Twatter has never worked for me.
I have been on their radar for over a decade. I even had my own personal troll.
Can you see https://nitter.net/
I try to put that up as an alternative for those who can not see Twatter.
I am allowing to show nitter — cannot see videos, just text and still images.
One thing to realize — I could make my computer show me everything and take all risks…..but I choose to see less than everything and blow-off those websites that behave badly.
I realize that Coothie. I just wondered if you could see the information via nitter. I am glad you can and will continue to provide it.
Admit it – you’re just a coward.
Your ISP is probably throttling you.
Given the rain, it probably drown.
Or Big Brother, throttling Gail’s connection.
Actually it just killed my computer. I had to bring it back up. Now it is doing a bit better.
And anyone who financially or militarily supports that regime is an accessory after the fact to murder.
Somebody needs to explain to leftists and these fucking authoritarians that, if your ideas and policies can’t withstand scrutiny from a free press, they are evil, and will be eliminated.
Explained at the point of the sword, if necessary. That’s what Trump is, the point. Which is why this shit didn’t happen on his watch.
^^^ This is good news.
Now they just need to revamp the regulations and boot the PAID ACTIVISTS into jail.
Give them a dunk into the swimming pools that seem to be near every reactor.
And tell them they are highly radioactive. The rest will run screaming.
Weird terrorist incident in Rochester. Guy filled his car with gas containers and rammed into other vehicles at a concert.
More NY insanity.
Good job by the passer-by — too bad his vehicle wasn’t heavier.
I’ll add this too, more NY insanity. Portable polling places. What could possibly go wrong with this? I can see the ballot harvesting from here.
Search warrants executed include: storage unit near Syracuse, Avery’s vehicle, “electronic related information,” and Avery’s hotel.
So he was from Syracuse.
Christine Marie: How did a journal and a replica handgun survive that fire?
Good question.
Yes and carried out the attack on his deceased father’s bday.
His dad had been a music critic?
Was the father a victim of NY Gov Cuomo the Nursing Home killer?
Oooh, possible — his father was born at the end of 1956 and died in 2020. I wouldn’t think he’d be in a nursing home at 63, but it’s possible.
Covid ==> Ventilator?
I think the son was mentally unstable.
Was doing drugs in 2019 (before his father’s death) in Arizona.
April 18, 2020 death, so could be a victim of covid. He was not that old. (63)
“Glock style replica handgun”
FF in 3…2…1…
IIRC, Glock is circling the drain, as well…
Wonder if the perp was Tranny/MK/all-of-the-above…
Glock is circling the drain?
Ivan and Brad Miller on Grant Stinchfield Jan 2, 2024 (10 min)
Lt Colonel Brad Miller represents those who were fired for refusing the JabIvan represents those forced to retire early in order to avoid taking the Jab
They drop another tidbit. Among the original signatories are JAG Officers and they want to recall out of retirement any who were part of this so they can be court martialed.
Ivan earlier mentioned a military doctor who early on brought up concerns about the Clot Shot was court martialed (I think by Vindman, the other brother) and then he BRAGGED ABOUT IT ON SOCIAL MEDIA.
The Total Signatures: 18245
Ivan mentioned on another Podcast that he had Nasty the PigLouse actually run from him.
I would pay good money to see a video of that.
You and uncountable millions of congressional abuse victims.
I am watching various interviews with Ivan because he keeps dropping various tidbits of info.
Ivan and Carolyn Rocco on Conservative Daily with Joe Oltman (hour & 1/2)
@ 50:20 is the letter Lt Colonel Brad Miller sent to senior military. Miller walked away at 19 yrs + and did not even try for early retirement because he was so outrage. therefore he gets ZERO retirement bennies.
@ 55:30 Carolyn Rocco explains how the Biden Admin and senior Military BROKE THE LAW BY FORCING THE CLOT SHOT ON THE ENTIRE MILITARY. ‘
@ 56:50 shows law and you can actually read it. Presidential wavier must be in writing. Also the waiver is not about FORCING VACCINATION but about what the medical personnel must tell you so you can make an informed decision. It waives that requirement at the time of administration if the emergency such that time constraints are a consideration BUT only for a thirty day window at which time the soldier or his family, if he is dead must be given the information.
@ 57:00 shows USC 1107a Emergency Use Products
Of interest to all of us, Rocco mentions Insurance companies, because clot shot dangers are now known and it was NOT an approved vaccine may rule death by clot shot is SUICIDE!
@ 59:50 A DOJ attorney argues YOU ONLY HAVE RIGHTS IF YOU SUE TO GET THOSE RIGHTS. Doster v. Kendall, No. 22-3702 (6th Cir. 2022) :: Justia
@ 1:00:30 to 1:00:49 is the clip of the DOJ lawyer saying exactly that. HOW MANY grunts know this and have the money to SUE the government? (RFRA is the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993.)
They go on to discuss the fact the gov’t views us as slaves and the courts are so corrupt they side with the government by declining to hear cases (Voter Fraud) or in the case of the military & the Clot shot, rescind the order so the courts see the law suits as mute.
Back to watching…
All great finds. Hope law suits work.
Now. Imagine military overseas with family. T
Class action. The legal community need to be preparing their TV ads.
The Cabal really F-ed Up. The rank & file military now HATES THEIR GUTS and the guts of the senior officers.
^^^ THIS!
Add on.
Hell, I retired in 97, AND ALL of this shit has me royally pissed.
Sign the petition. Ivan said we all can and the more the merrier. AGAIN the Cabal needs the public mandate and that is why they use PsyOps on us.
Ivan’s lists is maybe 200 names with a lot of duplicates. If things really go ‘south’ I would not want to be anyone on those lists.
@ 1:08:00 Carolyn & Ivan say anyone can sign, it s not just for the military!
What does accession mean in the military?
I don’t blame the insurance companies, but the people are caught in the middle. They did what their government and their employer told them to do without the intent of killing themselves. And the media made sure no one knew the dangers of the clot shots.
I don’t know how this works and am wondering if there is a master database containing the names of everyone who has been vaxed. In other words, if a person goes to a local pharmacy to get vaxed, without a doctor’s prescription, is there a record of that? If not, I don’t know how insurance companies would know whether someone was vaxed or not.
I am pretty sure there would be records. The insurance companies can do as they wish and then you are left having to sue them.
Betcha Feds know 99% of the Jabbed.
Obamacare data base in the sky. Folks fill out paperwork before getting Jabbed. Insurance pays or Feds pay (taxpayer dollars). ALL Jabs are reported.
Here’s another good Trump MAGA Anthem!
I Won’t Back Down – Johnny Cash
I Won’t Back Down
Tom Petty
Well, I won’t back down
No I won’t back down
You could stand me up at the gates of Hell
But I won’t back down
No I’ll stand my ground
Won’t be turned around
And I’ll keep this world from draggin’ me down
Gonna stand my ground
And I won’t back down
(I won’t back down) Hey baby
There ain’t no easy way out (I won’t back down)
Hey I will stand my ground
And I won’t back down
Well, I know what’s right
I got just one life
In a world that keeps on pushin’ me around
But I’ll stand my ground
And I won’t back down
(I won’t back down) Hey baby
There ain’t no easy way out (I won’t back down)
Hey I will stand my ground (I won’t back down)
And I won’t back down
(I won’t back down) Hey baby
There ain’t no easy way out (I won’t back down)
Hey I won’t back down
(I won’t back down) Hey baby
There ain’t no easy way out (I won’t back down)
Hey I will stand my ground (I won’t back down)
And I won’t back down (I won’t back down)
No I won’t back down
Written by: Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne
Album: Full Moon Fever
Released: 1989
F Tom Petty.
I don’t know what he did, but I grew up hearing his music on the radio. He had some great songs.
Leftist. After capitalism made him a multi-millionaire, then he decides socialism is superior.
Petty Tom…..
This guy is a J6er and served 3 years.
He is out now and talks.
Apparently, some of the Antify thugs at J6 are also in the DC Gulag.
They still are pretending to be patriots and entrapping the other J6ers in jail. This is then used by the prosecutors far enhancement of jail time sentencing.
I do not believe anybody voluntarily goes to jail or agrees to stay there to be an informant. Especially in gulag conditions. No matter how much they are paid.
Respectfully, each patriot held without trial has PTSD. Their brain powers must be accepted cautiously as they may have false [or partially false] memories.
The antifa types are dedicated. Also, the gulag conditions for them could be mitigated. When they are pulled from their cells for “questioning,” or a meeting with “an attorney,” who’s to say they aren’t being fed steak dinners and given cocktails? Who would know?
We are dealing with people whom I believe to be literally demon-inhabited. Having a demon in control would make people far less susceptible to the “human” condition.
All good points and on Andy Ngo’s site most of them seem to have charges on them at present and in the past so…if they were facing jail time anyway and got an offer of payment of some kind it seems like some would do it.
Also the BAMN belief is strong in the orangeman bad camp.
Sure is.
It is interesting that Scott (Bards of War) is hesitant to support the Jan 6th prisoners because he smells something a bit fishy. The ability to use a cell phone from jail is one data point.
He say he has reason to believe some of the prisoners are not who they say they are and he has good reason for saying that.
@ 1:39:10
Every year, I hope that some undeclared nuclear power nukes Davos in the middle of some speech, leaving all the known nuclear powers going, “not me!”
It couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of globalist assholes.
And I say that, even though I appreciate the Swiss and their country. If they’re going to host a carbuncle of concentrated evil, they can expect some collateral damage when it is lanced.
Switzerland is the center of the evil. Why do you think it is always by passed during wars and why they have secret bank accts.
Of course it is nice, the CABAL live or play there!
Just look at the “Dedication” of the third (new) bore of the Gotthard tunnel, which had an openly Satanic ceremony. Or the rededication of the LHR, also a Satanic ceremony. Add to that the UN headquarters in Geneva, with an altar to Satan in its basement (like all other UN buildings… no crosses allowed)…
Nuke it from space: it’s the only way to be sure… maybe fire and brimstone, a meteor, or, better yet, a disintegrating out-of-orbit asteroid (half-asteroid?) so that pieces take out Davos, Geneva, Vaud (a lot of shady tax dodges there), Strasbourg, Brussels, Berlin, and other havens of Hell-bound Satanic WEFfenSS’ers…
Somebody is eventually going to deal with this clown. And I shall shed zero tears.
Sarah Hoyt cited a story (without a link that I saw) —
Another example of inclusivity and equity, from the closet people.
no likey.
Ps 91 (again)
Even the SF Bay Area forecast shows stuff coming down from Canada (partially because of football games).
I imagine NF is experiencing some, and it might even reach down to De Pat’s locale.
Hold on and hunker down! Be safe!
We a lot of rain over night and now the wind is howling.
We had crazy heavy wet snow, several inches yesterday, minimal rain at night, & now light blowing snow. Driving in the stuff last evening I saw, & experienced, some fishtailing–yikes!
Same here..SC. Next week downright cold is the forecast
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.
He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
it’s a tear-stained page in my Bible.
I don’t handle high winds very well.
The Polar Vortex (loopy jets) strikes again!.
2014 Tony Heller: Shocking Polar Vortex From 20,000 Years Ago

Joe Bastardi has been talking about this since last March, admittedly less than 20,000 years ago… one of his reference years was 1966, which was very cold even in Kalifornistan….. (Saturday summary/ies)…..
Sort of an eggplant color there up in Montana
Inside with a nice fire going means nothing to worry about.
NOW – Imagine the hidden kickbacks (like that infamous 10% for the big guy) that come back to the politicians from Ukraine and elsewhere around the world!
The amount of graft that travels back and forth from foreign governments and politicians’ big money donors is staggering – enough to make billionaires of every elected official and multi-millionaires of many unelected high level government officials.
For example – Fauci’s take is huge.
As luck would have it Will Zoll wrote a three part series that at least starts with NEW ZEALAND. It is about the EuroDollar,= US Dollars that are NOT in the USA. He starts with a section about New Zealand and the fact it is a MAJOR TAX HAVEN…
He also mentions several billionaires headed there when Covid started.
Havens, Horse Heads and Hermann – Part I
In 2005, at 25 years of age, she worked for 2 ½ years for British Prime Minister, Tony Blair.In 2007, she was elected president of the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY).She is a member of the ReichsWEF and one of Klaus Schwab’s favorite Young Global Leaders.In 2017, she formed a minority government and became Prime Minister of New Zealand; a position she recently resigned from.Jacinda and Hillary Clinton have a very close relationship.
The rest of the series:
Havens, Horse Heads and Hermann – Part II
Havens, Horse Heads and Hermann – Part III
As usual the entire series is well worth the read.
It is excellent. NZ is the escape hatch for the globalist scum. It started decades ago. Know the local son of one of the globalists lackeys. He is married to a favorite niece of wifey’s. His father abandoned he and his mother without notice to go there and work (clown) 25 years ago. However, that it is exposed may be because patriots have long planned to rip the rug out from under them.
Most on here “get” what has been happening for decades for the most part. I know you have for quite some time and will always appreciate the depth of your understanding and research. However, many outside of the realm of this site in particular could use major wake-up calls in connecting the dots from time.
I posted this last night – it is huge. i believe it to true.
I awoke this morning to read this as linked on the CFP.
There is evidence beyond evidence that continues to pile up and confirm what Joe Lange wrote. The Fed is bankrupt. Remove the money printing ability, return the functions to the Treasury and it is over.
The scum will continue their psyops like Swifty mania, which entered our public school reading curriculum this past year, which hastened our Grandson #1’s exit from same. But over time the rugs will be pulled out from under them by the ascending MAGA and patriots of the world.
Many of the “flaws” of our Constitution and laws are/were actually treacherous exploitations that were unanticipated by our founders and early lawmakers. Many weaknesses have been exposed. As a result it comes down to acting on the legal methods to repair and modify.
All we have is glimpses. Burning Bright likens it to a shark fin that surfaces for a moment and then disappears. We have to see that shark fin and connected it to others to get any idea of what is really going on.
I am getting the feeling that Ivan Raiklin and Brad Miller are key players in the information war so I am doing a bit of research into what they are saying. Ivan keeps dropping bombs. I just hope the Deep State doesn’t take him out.
Interesting that Ivan revealed Ray Epps was Chris Christy’s LAWYER for Bridgegate and worked in the same law firm in Georgia as SALLY YATES.
So yeah FED!
Absolutely – it is WAR. Loved the Epps exposure. POS. Some real patriots doing incredible work currently.
YES! Ivan is just the face. There is a group behind him.
We need to be real careful here. I’m not sure the Ray Epps who is an attorney is the same Ray Epps from Jan 6.
There is an attorney named Ray Epps in Cypress, Texas:
It looks like he died in 2017:
He had a son Ray, too.
There’s another Ray Epps who’s an attorney in Connecticut:
I’m not saying for sure it’s not our Ray who was an attorney, but I can’t say it is, either. I can find nowhere that the Ray Epps who incited people on January 6 was an attorney, though.
I am taking it that Ivan Raiklin did his due diligence. He calls him CHRISTOPHER Ray Epps BTW. (Using a middle name sure make chasing data harder.)
Given Ivan’s high profile I would expect Epps to sue if he had the data wrong.
Fox News Sued By Ray Epps Over Claim He Was At Center Of January 6th Conspiracy; Ex-Execs Blast Network For “Negative Impacts On Our Society”
So he will sue.
I’m not sure about unanticipated, as implying overlooked or naively unseen.
There was almost universal practice of highly respectful social standards, which IMO was the foundation upon which the constitution was created. Forgot who said it [Madison?] but he said that the constitution was only suitable for governing moral and religious people. This indicates that unanticipated was not present in the Framers’ minds.
We have spent at least 100 years running this country as a secular socialist republic. I am shocked it is still able to put up a pretense of its former self.
We better get it back soon or else figure out how to live a tribal existence.
This ^^^
Bastard should have been impeached years ago.
it’s weird, I know, but whenever I see that word Houthi or Houthis, and then (worse) when I try to pronounce it (Hoothies), this always comes to mind…
little munchkin ppl with high-pitched munchkin voices.
from tcth
January 13, 2024 9:06 am
In case people have not heard:
Seems like there will be some sort of virtual on line event….
My own backyard temp has dropped ten degrees in the last half hour and I am well east of Iowa…
It was -24 at my house this morning.
holy cow!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, it is cold!
Only one of our three vehicles would deign to start, and only at 9 am.
A balmy -1 here.
A nice sunny 52F right now.
I’m so envious!
Seriously, though, it is getting hard for me to accept that our weather isn’t being manipulated in some way, after the record low last winter, and now this.
I’ve lived in Montana for thirty years. I’ve seen -20 exactly ONE time before last year and now.
I remember -40 in New Hampshire. My diesel was the only vehicle that would start because I had an engine block heater. (And 5 gals of wam diesel in my apt.)
It’s just 18 degrees here, and we’re having an ice storm. I hope it’s not a repeat of the last one when I lost power for a week.
stay safe! ice storms are wicked
Yeah, I’m not leaving the house today. I think all of Salem is shut down. I don’t hear any cars or other noise at all.
Ice storms are bad news. I much prefer straight snow.
Verse of the Day for Saturday, January 13, 2024
“But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:”
Matthew 6:20 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…is this true????
Black Knight
January 13, 2024 9:44 am
Something to consider:
Dual citizens at the highest echelons of the US government:
Yellen – Treasury
Garland – AG
Mayorkas – DHS
Harriman – DNI
Klein – WH Chief of Staff
Blinken – State
Sherman – State (Deputy)
Nuland – State (Political Affairs)
Lander – Office of Science and Technology
Cohen – CIA
& previously outside – Epstein
One cannot serve two masters:
Matthew 6:24
Luke 16:13
Why are folks who are not 100% American and American only citizens allowed in these positions? And who do they really serve?
No same country would ever allow this.
Should be NBC’s (natural-born citizens) for the entire executive branch, if not all three branches…
The rot goes wide, deep, and broad. Times were that it was a PRIVILEGE and a great goal to be an American Citizen. Now, it’s more of a noose around one’s neck.
“The Ugly American” has returned… in spades…
Plenty of legal immigrants are loyal.
Plenty of NBCs are traitorous turds.
NBC isn’t a magic loyalty badge and I don’t think more offices should require it.
The reason for “natural born” citizens in office, the child of parents born in the U.S. is not just loyalty, but to prevent foreign governments from implanting “Manchurian Candidates” into the Presidency.
I guess they figured within two generations, loyalty to America would kick in.
The Manchurian candidate argument is a good one.
However, plenty of NBCs get suborned by foreign governments, too. *cough* biden *cough*.
In fact that’s how the original Manchurian candidate (from the book) got that way.
The question is, which one is the more difficult for the foreign government to accomplish? If it’s the non NBC route (immigrant mole, basically), then yes maybe we should extend the requirement.
Elon Musk Delivers Inspiring Speech: Mars Colonization Date, Space X & Future Plans
Elon Musk presentation of successes (and some failures) of SpaceX Falcon 9 and Starship and future action to go to Mars.
Said first humans could go to Mars in 8 years (this maybe a bit optimistic)
“Dr. McCullough Reveals Disturbing Details About Post-Vaccine Blood Clots and Myocarditis”
January 12, 2024
Yours Truly: This article is about the testimony that Dr. McCullough gave to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Congressional panel.
The hearing was held on 12 January 2024. This is almost a full year after the FDA quietly stopped the use in the United States of the original COVID-19 “vaccines” from Pfizer-BioNTech and by Moderna (BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273, respectively) — and instead, substituted the use of the “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccines” made by each of these companies.
These “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccines” STILL CONTAIN the modRNA + the spike protein of the respective companies’ original COVID-19 “vaccines”, but in smaller amounts, mixed in with elements from the XBB.1.5 “variant” virus.
If Dr. McCullough is seeing cases of myocarditis and of long blood clots after COVID-19 “vaccination” NOW, Yours Truly believes it can be argued that these NEW cases are EITHER the result of the actions these “2023-2024 COVID-19 Vaccines” — or, the combined and accumulated results of previous COVID-19 “vaccinations” that the patients took, WHETHER OR NOT these patients ALSO took an injection of the “2023-2024 COVID-19 Vaccines.” EITHER WAY, it’s the actions of the modRNA + the spike protein in ANY COVID-19 “vaccine” that put the person who has ANY of them in their body at risk for the formation of blood clots and/or heart damage that results in myocarditis.
ALSO — IMO, if a person who took ONLY the “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine” injection and subsequently presents with blood clots and/or myocarditis, this would appear to indicate HOW DANGEROUS the modRNA + the spike protein are, since this “vaccine” contains these elements IN SMALLER AMOUNTS than in BNT162b2 and in mRNA-1273.
THE FDA KNEW, BACK IN APRIL 2021, THAT BNT162b2 CAUSES BLOOD CLOTS AND ALSO MYOCARDITIS. Pfizer-BioNTech gave the FDA the following report on 30 April 2021:
Please refer to:
Scroll down to the Appendix 1. LIST OF ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST at the end of the report.
ARTERIAL THROMBOSIS (blood clot in an artery) is on Page 1 of the Appendix 1.
EMBOLISM VENOUS (blood clot in a vein, such as a leg vein) is on Page 3 of Appendix 1.
MYOCARDITIS is on Page 6 of Appendix 1.
Janet Woodcock, MD, was the Acting Commissioner of the FDA from 20 January 2021 through 17 February 2022.
And yet there are millions of idgits taking these and giving them to their children with government recommendation and approval.
Some people are just doomed.
^^^ Good problems. Good with all of it.
Guessing it is all irony, IF those are “problems.”
We’re kind of enjoying a blast from the past chez moi. My husband & all the original bandmates, except one, are gearing up for their first practice (finally) today as they reconstitute his original Christian Rock Band, Binding Faith. It’s sure nice to hear these old familiar tunes getting played again.
Whenever they get enough music prepped again, it’s been almost 20 years I think, they are slated to play at Celebrate Recovery at the local church where they used to play–the same church where I’ve been partaking of their food ministry periodically since hubby left his long time job to go to trucking school & Eventually land a solid job in the industry.
This is their CD that they are using to practice against. Fun!
Based on a comment on that site it looks like it’s about 15 years ago that they broke up, but I think it’s a bit longer because our daughter was younger than 10 then…I wish the mind wasn’t such a dang sieve nowadays LOL
This means the Capitol police can sit on an exculpatory evidence as they wish. They get to pick and choose WHO is indicted. And the BOARD was appointed by Chuck the Smuck and Nasty the PigLouse
More info that I have gleaned from Ivan. He pointed out that it is the Capitol Police who are actually in charge of the J 6th footage. The speaker has to get THEIR permission.
Capitol Police security information
2 US Code 1979 Release of security information
From around 30 minutes of Ivan on the Pete Santilli Show 12/27/23
We are not going to get the J6 videos, digital data.
Johnson can blame Capitol police if he wishes.
IF so, lay out ALL of the facts.
Otherwise, Johnson IS another roadblock. <<<>>> Uniparty Asshole.
Yes this is very enlightened information from these videos.
Hopefully they can get the ball rolling with some serious investigation. Not going to hold my breath though.
FED-Up Texas, the courts and the border…
by what “authority” is Texas taking back control of it’s border ?
The U.S. Constitution
The Bill of Rights
The 10th Amendment
Texas does not have to wait for judicial approval.
if a fed judge orders Texas to desist, Texas may ignore the judge.
read more, at the link…
Texas can ignore a Fed judge orders.
Same as Briben Administration, including FIB, Ignore Fed judges.
Yup, it is way past time for people to peacefully resist. Just say no and do what is right and legal.
This has always been a republic. The Constitution gives what the feds have in their charge. No court ruling, including the SC, that steps into an area not covered is null and void. Does not matter if authority is claimed or enforced – not legal. The more people get this, the less power they have.
Which is why Roe v. Wade went down. The communists took the courts going back to FDR and it has been one big parade of lies, corruption and manipulation ever since.
hell…he’s ignoring SCOTUS on the student loan forgiveness crap
Yup. So, Texas can ignore Courts.
The US govt lacks standing to challenge Texas’ actions. Mark my words.
Texas AG Paxton is well aware of this IMO.
I really hope so. Part of why the totalitarians were so desperate to remove him
And with little doubt this is happening because Paxton is back in action. Abbot’s a puss.
Yours Truly is not “putting on a tin foil hat” here. The following is based on several things:
One: the documented “Medical Tsunami” of COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced injuries, illnesses, and deaths, that is starting to appear in the United States;
Two: the federal government-orchestrated invasion of millions of illegal aliens into the United States that began in early 2021, just after “Joe Biden” became the “President of the United States”;
Three: the dire prediction of a huge population reduction in the United States by 2025 as presented in the Deagel Report. Since this report was written in 2020 (with research starting, IIRC, in 2017), IMO, it could not have discussed the invasion of illegal aliens into the country that began a year later. (UNLESS the Deagel Corporation “knew something”, perhaps as far back as 2017 – early 2020, about the secret research and development of SARS-CoV-2 and/or the “vaccines” that may have also been in development in that timeframe.)
The majority of the illegals invading the United States are uneducated, unskilled — and un-“vaccinated.” There would need to be an enormous and well-detailed program by the federal and state governments to get all these illegal aliens “vaccinated.” Yours Truly, as of yet, cannot find information on such a program. Meanwhile, the illegals are being moved as quickly as possible around the country, given free cell phones, housing, funds — and are ripe for being “registered to vote” as part of a “fast-track” program to grant them either Green Cards or outright American citizenship as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, vast numbers of “vaccinated” American citizens are starting to present with COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced injuries, illnesses, disabilities — and are dying from the negative effects of these injections. All of these things can potentially impact voting ability.
I don’t think they plan to vaccinate those illegals, Pavaca. They’re our replacement.
Methinks you’re on to something.
I thought that had been obvious for quite a while.
Three plus years. Illegals do not require Jabs OR Covidiot tests.
Yours Truly attempted to Edit the reply to the esteemed Linda earlier this afternoon, but was denied by WP. Here’s what the extra comment was:
“More sauce:
‘Heavily censored Pfizer documents show that COVID began a five-year MASS DEPOPULATION AGENDA that will reach completion by 2025’
January 13, 2024″
“Which led back to The Expose article cited by Yours Truly in the Deagel Report post:
“IMO, there is now at least the possibility that the Deagel Corporation DID INDEED “know something” when the company wrote their 2025 population reduction report.
This opens up numerous questions, such as:
One: What communications took place, in any form, between the DNC and the Deagel Corporation between 2017 – 2020?
Two: Was the any involvement of the Deagel Corporation in designing / implementing, the country-wide Democrat voter fraud that happened in the election of November 2020?
Three: What communications took place, in any form, between the Deagel Corporation and Pfizer-BioNTech between 2017 – 2020?”
important safety tip…LOL
Depressing, too…
The master of trolling strikes!
so since they got away with instituting term limits on the executive–they want to institute them on judicial—3 co-equal branches no more??? legislative is supreme? how about term limits for CONGRESS????
California Senate candidate and Congressmember Adam Schiff is calling for a major overhaul of American institutions, including getting rid of the Electoral College, expanding the Supreme Court and eliminating the filibuster.
“I think our democracy is at more grave risk now than ever,” Schiff said in an interview. “And it’s clear that that issue is going to be front and center — and needs to be front and center — on the national stage.”
— Eliminating gerrymandered congressional districts
— Making voting easier by designating Election Day a federal holiday, expanding automatic voter registration through government agencies like the Department of Motor Vehicles and universal vote-by-mail access
— Restoring voting rights to felons who have served their time
— Reforming the judiciary by instituting term limits for Supreme Court justices, creating an enforceable ethics code and banning stock trading for judges
It’s be simpler just to get rid of Adam Schiffwreck… bobblehead pencilneck ba$tard…
Time that the nonStandard Hotel and KiddieMassage comes back to bite him…
He has violated his oath of office by not supporting the Constitution. He should be gone immediately, but we don’t seem to have a mechanism to enforce the oaths.
To be clear, it’s OK to suggest changes to the constitution (lest anyone misunderstand why you’re making this claim).
His violations of his oath are due to other actions he took.

she’s just as delusional as joe. she thinks SHE did so much to right the country during the plandemic
“But then the pandemic was happening. And so I had to get to work and travel around the country, get shots in people’s arms, get schools open, give people confidence that the vaccines were going to work. Um, we had to get people back to work. So, it was a ho– I had to put everything aside that I had planned to do. And think of, if you can think back to three years ago, I mean, think what we were dealing with, think of the mental health issues, that still continue.”
Maybe she thinks she is in charge, since she always has to lead Joe around. It’s funny that she wants to make everything about herself. But is she kidding? SHE was getting shots in people’s arms? She, “Dr. Jill,” was doing it? Is she kidding with that? Then “get schools open,” that’s another piece of nonsense. The Democrats were aligned with the the teachers’ unions in delaying as long as possible getting schools reopened. It’s on their heads that kids were hurt, lost learning time, and maybe suffered a lot of mental health effects.
Yes, let’s recall how her husband threw people out of their jobs with his mandates, including members of the military who had served for years, and encouraged masks on little children that hurt their development. Does she want to take credit for that as well? Does she know how much that hurt people?
We are so privileged we had Jill here to guide us to tell us what to do. That’s the imaginary reality they want to try to sell us, a perverse revision of history in which they are our saviors. But it has no relation to the truth. But the Bidens seem to not care about that, as long as they can hold onto power.
What is “Dr. Jill” auditioning for, the VP slot on the DNC 2024 ticket?
headliner–she’s THAT important…LOL
Keeper of the curtains…
Actually they can be from the same state, but it comes at a price.
No elector can vote for both a POTUS and VP who are from their own state.
So if the two candidates were from the SAME state, the electors from that state couldn’t vote for both of them.
This could work if the election is lopsided and/or the state small; imagine if the two candidates were from Wyoming, then the VP would end up losing those three votes to some randomly-chosen guy (not the major party opponent!) where the POTUS would get them.
Rather than risking the POTUS candidate winning and the VPOTUS candidate losing in a close election, they just avoid all of this by finding someone from a different state to be the veep pick.
Seems to be a PR blitz for Jill going on. Without her trademark tablecloth dress but a normal looking suit the other day she was on with Mika talking about the extremists being mean to Hunter and how vigorous PedoJoe is
Is Hunter dating Jill yet, or is he waiting for Pops to kick off?
anything for a pardon
It’s all in the family with the Brandons
Preferable at ole’ Nasty the Fedsurrection instigator. (Note to the FIB, I have poor eye sight and no guns.)
And the EpiPen….

Ran across this in the WP reader…Enjoy!
Boston, Massachusetts
photographed 8.28.2022
End of August and
apartment dwellers busy
moving out. And in.
Looks like the brownstones where I lived for a short while.
Nice. Were those older “homes”/apartments, like with radiant heat & cool wood architectural enhancements inside?
A healthy glass of liberal tears. Drink up!
They must be
schiffing their pants!
Kevin will console Frankie.
More from Ivan. Dr Peter Chambers was on the southern border. He was giving the troops he cared for ivermectin until DOD removed it from his inventory. He was doing INFORMED CONSENT and thus not getting the 5 vaccinated the DOD wanted. So THEY FIRED HIM! (Vindman) He still works on the border looking at diseases.
Ivan, Doc Chambers and Brianna Cease talk about the Declaration of Military Accountability with Owen on Infowars.
18:30 it gets very interesting.
~21 min
Dr Peter Chambers : “…2018 Memorandum of cooperation – Defense health agency says HHS is a Customer. so who is monitoring the data now for the damaged military. that is a company called Unasant in Austin TX and Virginia That is a third party payer who was supposed to maintain the data of the Defense epidemiology data base. That is the facts of the number of damaged people or people who died from the shots. So we can follow the money. So why did Unasant give information directly to Pfizer & Moderna, That is them giving information on how effective or ineffective the shots were.
Owen Shroyer: So you are saying this was a witting conscous experiment on the military…..
Yes – it was.
This is the problem I have with Berenson in his interview with Tucker. He claims he used the military’s data for his belief that all was not as some were saying, that the jabs were OK early in the process. That is some of the biggest bunch of bullshiz ever. Kept saying it did not affect younger people. First, the same people requiring the jabs were the same people recording the data. Second, there was insufficient time to determine the effects of the jabs to declare them OK or safe. We now know for sure they are causing all kinds of residual health issues.
Total dumbazz playing both sides of the debate so he keeps his sources.
As someone noted, the trains have other reasons to strike (noted in the comments on the alt-media blogs here), but they ARE in sympathy to the farmers…
And farmers and truckers from neighboring lands are joining in the protests, as they are, or will be, affected as well. For what the EU wants is to take over ALL farming, with a Marxist COMMAND economy, diktated by bureaucrats with NO CLUE about farming, etc.
What we saw in Holland six months to a year ago is about to be attempted against the farmers in Germany. “Enteignung” (taking away one’s property). And the farmers here won’t stand for it. The truckers, the tradesmen (plumbers, electricians, carpenters, etc., etc.) and others are also behind it, and supporting the farmers. For, as the farmers go, so goes Germany.
The Ampel (traffic light, red (SPD), Yellow (FDP), and gangGreen) coalition is under fire, and, with any luck, will be facing MASSIVE opposition this fall, and later.
And they’re DEADLY scared of the AfD (Alternativ für Deutschland, alternative for Germany) who are growing by leaps and bounds as they represent THE PEOPLE and want the best for Germany… sort of a MGGA movement…
And the WEFfenSS puppet ba$tiges want none of that, of course…………
No accident that Klaus Satan Stavros Schwab looks like a bug……. that needs to be squashed… stink bug…
He’s fortunate to be alive and able to be treated.
Time for invisible fence
Three weeks ago…
“Intelligencer” ?????
More like “Stupidzer”…….
This is a DeSantis ad highlighting Nikki Haley’s waffling on issues and lying about it.
Trump can send her back to the UN. THAT actually worked.
Send her to do guided tours of Civil War memorials.
In Ukraine…….
Send her to an airport so she could do something useful:
Erm, that would be Kamala
wind sock, kissing cousin of the sock puppet
So last week Biden weighed in on the election in Taiwan.
Let’s see how that worked out…
Taiwan Chooses Self-Governance, Elects Anti-CCP President in Historic Election
Ackk! the link… https://gellerreport.com/2024/01/taiwan-defies-china-elects-pro-self-governing-president-william-lai-in-historic-election.html/
Bye, Dung, as usual, has no clue…….
Caught by the tight and curlies…
An interesting illustration on how the brain can trick you (see second video):
THAT is very cool!
I remember this from my childhood. I was fascinated by optical illusions.
Nowadays I’m just disgusted with political illusions.
According to Joni Mitchell (yeah, I know, flaming libtard, but she was hot way back when…
Lurch is leaving climate post so he can
babysitcampaign for Grandpa Joe.https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-01-13/john-kerry-biden-s-climate-envoy-is-leaving-post
All we need to do is dress someone up like Lurch and have him follow Mr. Ketchup around to all the campaign stops. He doesn’t have to say anything; just sit in the audience. I guarantee it will drive the YSM nuts.
I gave up Ketchup a long time age not giving the Heinz my money. Do not miss the stuff never knew there was Ketchup until I came here.
Are they serious? Are these Republicans? Are they living under a rock?
Proposed GOP Immigration Deal Will Have Your Blood Boiling
Time to call your Reps and scream bloody murder!
Read the comments. NOBODY is falling for these Dem-Com LIES and diversions.
Lurch bidding adieu to his most recent traitorous role.
Election? Climate communism is a losing issue? Time for us to double down on tying it to His Illegitimacy.
Val will know this one —
I can’t see it…
Error 1018 Ray ID: 84524840cd956348 • 2024-01-14 01:59:56 UTC
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But I am curious what made you think of me!
Works for me just now. It’s somewhat visual….
I saw it! See my “edit” reply
missed the edit…
OK clicking on it directly got me to see it
I believe Cthulhu is referencing my first ever Q-Tree post here! There was a pretty big STTNG discussion in the comments
Personal sidebar, before my husband & I married we already used movie quotes as a bit of a short-hand communication style. Years later, when our special needs son, Josiah, who is on the autism spectrum (in addition to having many other medical challenges) was in early childhood he often communicated verbally & the majority of the time he was using some type of movie quoting…We used to just ignore what appeared to be rather meaningless babbling that he kept putting out–we just didn’t understand.
One doctor’s visit, years later, I believe the Lord gave me insight into my son. Usually he would verbally & physically disrupt any appointment we were having. He would become especially agitated when we discussed whatever his “problems” were, as they needed to be addressed in those visits. Anyway that AhHa moment hit & I wondered aloud if his movie-quoting was actually purposeful. What if he was expressing what he was thinking or feeling but just couldn’t do it directly as Josiah. Instead he would quote, for instance, Buzz Lightyear, & you had to be up on just what was happening to Buzz when he delivered the quoted line, because what Buzz said or felt was where Josiah was, but couldn’t just say on his own for himself.
When I threw that concept out in that medical conversation Josiah stopped squirming & stared me dead in the eyes (he had Major eye contact issues by that point) & his countenance said “Finally you get me!” I still get chills thinking about that time, for it was pretty revolutionary in how we as a family came to view & better understand Josiah. He wasn’t just babbling randomly at all, he was trying to reach out to us using character voices & situations. We spent years basically ignoring & marginalizing this special kid because we thought all that verbiage was just random autistic vocalizing but not purposeful. We have to still be very up on the context of the quoting to “understand” what he is/was trying to convey, but now he is much more able to speak in his own voice as himself. It’s still a trip to observe people who don’t know him well, nor have our specific entertainment repertoire for context, trying to make sense of the randomness swirling about
He’s actually become quite legendary for some of his siblings’ social groups in all that glorious quirkiness!!! 
Few are aware of Casey Desantis’ background in providing physical security to VIPs.
Her training includes the ancient martial art of Shiatsu, and moves learned as a child from watching Hong Kong Phooey.
LOL – Ron DeSantis Presented a Participation Trophy in Iowa
January 13, 2024
SD: This is more than a little funny. The stuff people do can just make you laugh out loud sometimes.
Some guy interrupts Ron DeSantis as he begins to start his remarks at a campaign event to present the Florida governor with an actual participation trophy. It took a few seconds for people to realize DeSantis was being trolled. Making matters all that much funnier, Casey DeSantis eventually plays the role of security and stands between Ron and the guy with the trophy. WATCH:
DeSantis flue to Tallahassee last week declared state of emergency because of heavy floods. Then he get back on the plane to go to Iowa instead doing what Governors do when there is an emergency in their state. The man is useless.
Useless, but very well bought (and paid for)!
I am listening to Ivan on Bards of War (scott) podcast 1/6/2023
I am listening to these two soldiers talk about a range of topics and then Scott drops a really nasty
at 1:16:00
Unfortunately it confirms something that I have had in the back of my mind.
Scott (Bards of War):
There is more but you can listen for yourself
I wonder if they’re already trained, ready to be called. It always seemed a little hard to see a gradual enlistment. They feasibly would be battle hardened or at least prepared in regiments of the same ethnicity.
I am sure they are already trained.
Like the weird automaton zombies who did the covid beatdowns in other countries..
Fully trained are the Chinese coming in. These people fight different then we do . Unfortunately those who we will have to fight have no rules and are barbaric. The Biden team or whoever is pulling his strings have no humanity left. Our ex military who fought are the only one prepared what is coming.
It’s hard to come to terms with it but God help us all.
Is that related to this?
Your report talks about a replacement strategy, and this meme says the border influx is intentional, and I’m wondering if they’re exposing the same thing.
Little Fani Annie……
Have we not expected for a while now?
Letting fighting age men into the country makes no sense except to have an army if the natives raise up.
Does not UN have the blue helmets or what ever they are called who can come and put an upraising of our population down?
I guess we have prove now on our suspicion? Why have they been buying rifles for years now? Not for fun.
Never made sense getting rid of our police force who could be an impediment to these planes.
Honestly I think some of the replacement Capitol police during J6 were some . They were brutal and seemed to enjoy it.
Hasn’t gotten to that point yet and will have to stop soon for the evening walk and read, but notices that they are talking our local grand jury idea minus the grand jury going straight to elected local sheriffs taking action based on crimes committed against citizens in their jurisdictions. Good on them. Make it so where ever possible.
This is interesting.
People over on this side of the pond do that too… and Apple pie and cakes, too…
Get real: get RoundTable…
The last real pizza.
Yep. The Last Honest Pizza…
They got bought a couple of years ago, but they seem to still be good, according to my family over there… I don’t like what they did to the logo, though… the one below is the old logo…
Wish they had one here… sniff…
(and a Taco Bell, and IN-N-OUT Burger, and a revived Doggie Diner [there was nothing finer]…
The Last Honest Pizza (hope it comes out OK)

This one looks like one I used to go to back in the 1980s

And, the best pepperoni pizza out there (with “‘Guinevere’s Garden Delight” for veggie fans.. try ordering it with extra pepperoni
Speaker Mike Johnson Shoots Down Lankford’s Senate Immigration Deal
Lankford’s proposed deal with Schumer is so atrocious I wonder if it was intended for this to happen this way as a razzle dazzle thing to get us to like Johnson again.
I’m hoping this isn’t the precursor to a “better” bill that is also terrible in an effort to seek compromise.
Everything moves so slowly. Just drop the case, and problem solved. Then prosecute Fani, her lover, and anyone else involved.
There is a lot for Judge McAfee to consider first.
There are bribes to consider, for starters. Then there are political opportunities available to Judge McAfee, depending on who offers him what to rule which way, which is really just a form of bribe-in-kind.
Then there is Judge McAfee’s personal political bias which he needs to very carefully consider.
The only thing that Judge McAfee clearly is not considering is the gross misconduct of Ms. Fani.
If he was, there would be nothing else to consider, at all.
Judge Cannon Smacks Down Jack Smith Again – Rejects His Request to Force Trump to Reveal Defense Strategy
Here’s the story behind Trump’s attack on Vivek.
Check out this photo:
Yup Vivek is a
I thought he was smart, but this has to be one of the dumbest campaign moves ever. No candidate wants their name invoked by an opponent, and on top of that, implying that Trump needs Vivek to “save” him is outrageous. I guess Vivek means that if he were elected president, he would pardon Trump…maybe? The arrogance is off the charts.
I guess Vivek can kiss good-bye to a position in Trump’s next administration.
Vivek also said” that he is staying in the raise because the swamp will not allow Trump in the WH”.
He wants to hijack MEGA voters to himself. That is the dark site of Vivek.
Dark indeed. It’s like saying he’ll walk half the path because he lacks the faith to walk it all. Some will say that is playing it safe. Others will see that he’s blind to the way, for there is but one way. He can look at his poll numbers if he’s having trouble figuring that out. They provide an important clue his hubris is blinding him too.
Trump is right. He’s not MAGA. He’s just another dead end that will occur abruptly when he looks behind and see not near enough follow him. Same with the others. All spoilers.
Good observation.
How that works in the real world when we draw our own lines. Happening today at least in this one small part of border.
Wow they sure act like they have Every Right to
be hereinvade us That’s funny.
Some dude hands Rob a “Participation” trophy.
Tucker Carlson Episode 64 with Actor Dennis Quaid: What Happens if America’s Power Grid Fails? (Video)