Dear KMAG: 20240115 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:

Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:

“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Week:



  1. In the state of mind where one voluntarily accepts a specific risk.
  2. Willing.
  3. In Latin: wishing, willing, welcome.
  4. Primarily a legal term.
  5. Part of another term, nolens volens (willing or unwilling; willy-nilly).

In law, volens is a state of mind, referring to voluntary acceptance of a specific risk. It is usually pleaded by way of defense, and often employs the legal Latin volenti non fit injuria. The term volens itself is often used in contradistinction to the terms sciens (meaning mere knowledge of the risk, without any voluntary assumption of it).

History of the term

The earliest known use of the adjective volens is in the 1870s. OED’s earliest evidence for volens is from 1872, in Law Journal . volens is a borrowing from Latin.

Exemplary legal usage

Sanjeet Singh Kaila vs Union Of India And Another [2nd May 2017]

In this case it was said that the risk may arise from a defect in a machine which the servant has engaged to work of such a nature that his personal danger and consequent injury must be produced by his own act, If he clearly foresaw the likelihood of such a result, and, not withstanding, continued to work, I think that, according to the authorities, he ought to be regarded as volens. The case may be very different when there is no inherent peril in the work performed by the servant, and the risk to which he is exposed arises from a defect in the machine used in another department over which he has no control.(emphasis supplied)


Start off with some super-classic country re-done by the next generation – twenty years ago.

I always liked Lee Ann, as part of “90’s country” which is currently held in some kind of classic esteem, but which seemed edgy and modern to us back then!

Let’s jump forward ten years to 2014, looking back again.

OK – we’re back to the present, with a recent recording of current country music. It’s poppy, but still very listenable.

Any classic rock fans out there? If so, check out this gigantic medley of Rush tropes to create one massive intro.

I was led to this song from last week’s bagpipe video. Weirdest fusion of genres (Punjabi and Scot) in forever. Then add rap music and stunning visuals. Enjoy!


Yup. The left takes over everything, including Community Notes. “Note” how Milloy has to preemptively defend against abuse.

Some ‘hottest year in 125,000 years’. Just in from

@NOAA: Despite 550 billion tons of global emissions, the US was cooler in 2023 than 2012. So every emission warms the planet except for the US?


Note for

@CommunityNotes censors: My red line is not a trend line. It’s just a line to show that 2023 was cooler than 2012.

Let’s just save that image.

Milloy is using a very effective tactic to make people understand the most basic science – cause and effect. He’s showing that people are right to suspect there is no correlation between what the Climate Commies say affects climate, and reality.

We would expect to see direct connections, but we don’t. Why not? They will have answers, but the answers will ultimately fail to convince, as Occam’s Razor is repeatedly violated by hand-waving excuses and Rube Goldberg alibis, rather than pleasingly straightforward and multi-explanatory science.

Now let’s look at the COVID lies.

Note that Avril Haines is an Obama Girl – one of the Furies – or Harpies as I like to call them. The other two are Susan Rice and Lisa Monaco, also running the country. They’re part of the plot that runs Dementia Hitler as an avatar for Obola, who’s really behind what’s happening to America.

How about something angelic, instead of demonic?


Let’s just save that image, shall we…..

Speaking of SMOKING CRACK…..

Thank God this is America. And keep thanking God if you want to keep it that way.

Meanwhile, the old false gods are crawling out of the grave….

Just sayin’!

Until victory, have faith!

And trust the big plan, too!

And as always….



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Word of the week: volens.

You knew the job was dangerous when you took it, Fred…..


That’s cute.


New Schlichter —

Still a would-be anti-Trumper, but he’s coming around as the election gets nearer.

Gail Combs

I am sure Trump already has picks for all the offices plus alternates.


Schlichter makes no sense to me. He likes bomb-thrower Kari Lake, but not Trump?

Nikki Haley for VP is just stupid.

FBI Director should NOT be Pompeo.

Personally, I think that most of the bureaucrats in DC need to be shit-canned and not replaced, so whomever is in charge of all departments needs to be fantastic at saying two words:

“You’re fired.”

Gail Combs

I think POTUS Trump has a long list of possible bureaucrat replacements from the military personnel who took one look at the Clot Shot and said a very loud HELL NO! and quit.

Most encouraging is Ivan Raiklin even talks about these people having the goal of going after local, federal, state elected seats from dog catcher and sheriff on up.




That header pic shows the results of serious carpentry skills.

Wow is just about all I can say.

Gail Combs

Note the guys who tossed that lib soy boy were middle age or older.


Somehow? Hell, that’s the best thing I’ve seen today!

Gail Combs

I wanted to make sure people had this info.

Durvet Apple Flavor Ivermectin 1.87% Horse Wormer Paste, Very Important unique identifier 👉 SKU: 514463999
Here is the dosage chart. I replicated it so you can keep a copy without having to depend on the internet.

weight mg Ivermectin (# of 3mg tablet)
75 ———— 6.8 ——— 2
90 —-——— 8.2 —-—– 3
100 ———— 9.1 —-—– 3
110 ———–10.0 ——— 3
125.0 –——–11.1 —–—- 4
132 ———— 12.0 —–—- 4
150 –——— 13.7 —–—- 5
165 ———— 15.0 —–—- 5
175 ———— 15.9 ——— 5
185 ———- 16.8 ———– 6
200 ———- 18.2 ———– 6
210 ———- 19.1 ———– 7
225 ———- 20.5 ———– 7
235 ———- 21.4 ———– 7
250 ———- 22.8 ———– 8

IVERVID tablet: 3 MG

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Oh, the SKU is handy!

Gail Combs

Happy to help. When you call/go to a feed store they use the SKU to ID the product you want.

pat frederick

thank you for this!!!



Gail Combs

You are very welcome.




I think people were yelling, “Get him out!” 😂

Gail Combs

They were from what I could hear.


…we don’t need a Faux Barry.

Which is how Vivek strikes me. He shouldn’t have been running for POTUS anyway. He is not qualified, and he should have been supporting Trump for president while fighting the 2020 steal.

But that aside, he weaseled his way into MAGA by saying the right things, then, instead of gracefully bowing out and throwing his support behind Trump, he reveals that his strategy was to ingratiate himself with Trump supporters so he could convince them that Trump has too much baggage while Vivek is the new shiny thing in the model of the founding fathers. In other words, wait long enough and see how the lawsuits against Trump play out, then pounce and present himself as a substitute for Trump. Since it’s time for the caucuses and primaries to begin, Vivek has to go ahead and play his hand, which denigrates Trump in a humiliating way by basically saying he’s washed up.

He arrogantly says he can “save Trump.” I wouldn’t vote for him for county commissioner, let alone POTUS. Tim Pool needs to wake up.

I can’t think of one time when I’ve seen comments about something Vivek said that was spot on, that the commenter didn’t qualify their admiration by saying, “I don’t trust the guy, but…” There’s a reason for that. People can sense that something is off, in addition to knowing about his background.


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But I don’t trust Shiva either…


It’s funny, people think of Hindus as gentle pacifist ascetics like Gandhi held himself out to be.

Roll back a couple of centuries, and fighting Hindus was no fun — these guys thought they would be reincarnated, maybe next week, based on how well they killed their foes today.

In a bad neighborhood, Hindus were hardcore. If the Brits weren’t as talented as they were in diplomatic backstabbing, they might never have conquered the subcontinent.


Good ol’ Perfidious Albion —

Cuppa Covfefe

“He’s back; and he’s mad”….
“Gimme a steak, medium rare”… “Hey, Baldy”…

“Gandhi II” 😀

Gail Combs

Neither do I. If I recall Shiva was from the ‘Untouchable’ lowest Caste.

He is not going to have warm fuzzies about a Brahmin, Vivek Swampy, or a Sikh, Nikki Haley. 

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This hierarchal inheritance-based class (Caste) system you describe above, comes from the disgusting British racist divide and conquer strategy. (They classified some people into different castes, based on the length of their nose and other race-based features)

They took what was called the Vedic Varna system, which was not an inheritance system **, but a merit-based one. and twisted it together with the Jati system (a Guilde-based one) into the Caste system. Many Indians did not even know which Jati or Varna they belonged to at the time.
Caste comes from Spanish and means Class. British society with their Monarchy can even today be described as a Caste/Class system. The name Caste was introduced by the Portuguese, who misunderstood this Varna system for their inheritance class-based system, which was very common in European societies.

Unfortunately, the post-independence British educated (indoctrinated – who William Jones called ‘Brown in complexion but British in taste’) leaders, like Nehru and Gandhi, in their ‘wisdom’ perpetuated this system by enshrining the ‘Scheduled Classes and Tribes’ in the constitution to supposedly help the ‘lower caste’ and ‘neglected tribes’.
What it however really meant is that it allowed institutions and politicians to actually discriminate against the other castes, in perpetuity, under the disguise of helping the former discriminated, instead of getting rid of the system in its entirety and return back to a merit-based system.

**Shudras and other Varnas could become Brahmins if they had an aptitude of transmitting/retaining and teaching knowledge eg. Veda Vyasa who composed the Mahabharat and categorized the Vedic knowledge system into the 4 Vedas we know today, came from a Shudra family.
A Brahmin who couldn’t do this was demoted to a different Varna.

Brahmins generally were also not priests, as is implied these days by calling Brahmins the Priesthood.
The Brahmins were in fact often the poorest and needed to beg for their food (The idea behind this, during the Vedic times, was to prevent them to take advantage of their knowledge and sell it to the highest bidder)
The richest people in India were not even the Kshatriyas (essentially the people who were in control of the government like the kings and queens), but the Vaishyas, who got their wealth by trading.

Last edited 9 months ago by eilert
Gail Combs

Thanks for the added info.

“…British society with their Monarchy can even today be described as a Caste/Class system…”

I found that to be very very true when I visited England. While in Germany I caved with a couple of groups of English cavers. Later when I took a vacation in England I found that two of the groups I knew, were in the same village but would not talk to each other because they were not of the same ‘class’ One was working class and the other management/technical college educated.

They also refer to us as colonials… HMMmm

Gail Combs

Shiva echoed what I said yseterday about Vivek.


Vivek behaves as if he is above everyone. He thinks we are stupid.
I agree with others he is a plant to fool us to derail Trump and pull us away from him. Younger people are impressed with Vivek maybe it is the age they relate too maybe his sharp tongue and the wit he displays.
He speaks what we all know about the swamp and just spills it out but it is as if this is the last ditch of the deep state to disconnect Trump’s voters from him. I am glad Trump sees through him.

pat frederick

he has the obama disdain for the “little people”


Yes he does and an Napoleon complex 🙂


‘Zionist hoodlum’ puts this commenter in my No Intrinsic Value folder.



Brave and Free

I agree with you about Vivek.

You could substitute Rob into this statement too, IMO he’s playing the same game.

he reveals that his strategy was to ingratiate himself with Trump supporters so he could convince them that Trump has too much baggage while Vivek is the new shiny thing in the model of the founding fathers. In other words, wait long enough and see how the lawsuits against Trump play out, then pounce and present himself as a substitute for Trump

Rob tried to be PDJT 2.0 in Florida and it worked until he got on the campaign trail and he fell off his boots.


fell off his boots” 😂


“Rob tried to be PDJT 2.0 in Florida and it worked until he got on the campaign trail and he fell off his boots.”



Vivek is a parrot. He is able to repeat what we all know and make it seem it is his idea.


Spelling B 2.0


I am happy you are a good speller 🙂


Vivek is not even pan B.

Trump may decide to use Vivek, which is fine.


If Trump has control over him, maybe.


It’s going to warm up to -5 by 1pm tomorrow in Iowa.   :wpds_razz: 



NF was snowed-in today. Her Governor called an emergency, even for the plows.

Last edited 9 months ago by cthulhu

John Benison, the Assistant Administrator, Office of Civil Rights will be in charge of implementing the FAA’s DEI plan.

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Benison, whose official title is as Assistant Administrator, Office of Civil Rights, ‘is responsible for assuring equal opportunity, and diversity precepts within the FAA’ with his officer overseeing all ‘civil rights, equal opportunity, and diversity matters.’


It appears at first glance Mr Benison has a very narrow view of the world. When it gets that narrow I think we call it myopic.



Cuppa Covfefe

He looks like a bug.

Just like Klaus Satan Stavros Schwab…

Whose WEFfenSS start their meeting in Davos today…. and it’s snowing like mad, fancy that. Hope it RAINS there. Fire and brimstone… or meteors… or both…..  🔥 

Gail Combs

Eyes too close together.


They’re not even looking the same direction.

Gail Combs

Well that is one way to make sure the people Great Unwashed quit flying unless their corporation forces them too.

All part of the Green New Deal which is even worse that TRAITOR FDR’s New Deal.

Brave and Free

I think they already accomplished that with their diversity hiring. Men who think they’re women, men who steal luggage…..

Gail Combs

Pilots forced to have the clot shot who now can not pass the ORIGINAL heart health screening. THEREFORE the STANDARDS HAD TO BE LOWERED. Not enough pilots so you get rid of the Co-pilot who might be able to fly the plane when the Clot Shot makes the pilot drop dead….

DIE hires that DO NOT DO Aircraft maintenance correctly, or at all….


Oh pshaw that covers the mental illness slots but they’re so many other areas that can use……….fta….”Targeted disabilities are those disabilities that the Federal government, as a matter of policy, has identified for special emphasis in recruitment and hiring,” the FAA’s website states. “They include hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability and dwarfism.”~~~


I’m feeling prophetic.

Dateline; Sometime in the Future News:

A tragedy occurred earlier today, when a 747 Jumbo Jet, manufactured by Blind, Deaf, and Dumb Industries, Inc., and specially modified for its epileptic, retarded, dwarf pilot, crashed in a cornfield in Iowa.

Passengers were able to get a few messages out as the plane went down. Many stated that just as the plane began to fall out of the sky, the sociopathic and psychopathic flight attendants started to slash the throats of passengers, screaming “I want to kill just one more before I die!”

In other news, the cross-eyed guy in charge of the FAA’s Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity program was quoted as saying “today was a stellar day in the improvement of America’s commitment to the inclusion of any and every handicapped individual, regardless of the outcomes and loss of innocent life.”

Gail Combs

You forgot to mention that the people on board were part of the Present Admin going to a Pedo Retreat.



Cuppa Covfefe

Putting the Pedo to the Meadow…



Hollywood would never allow it. They might burn me at the stake, though!

Gail Combs



It would be fun, wouldn’t it?

Gail Combs

Crowd source the script.

Barb Meier

Does each person in the crowd get one word, or one phrase, or one part of speech in the script? I’ll take nouns for 50 Alex.

Last edited 9 months ago by Barb Meier

Another reason to NOT enter a US airport.

Done with all of it.

pat frederick

that’s the point, isn’t it?
they don’t WANT you to WANT to fly but if they said that, Americans with their screw you attitudes, would fly anyway or even more. this way it seems like YOUR choice.


Absolutely. Their plan, which is nothing short of evil.

Additionally. My perspective goes further back…

I swore off flying within the US, when I retired in 2015. Would NOT fly in US for personal travel. International, last year.

  • When I was working, if our destination was 800 miles or less, we drove.. More reliable than airlines. Travel time commonly similar.

All the diversity bullshit aside. Long list of reasons to NOT fly.

  • TSA – grope and feel. Long lines. Intrusion on privacy. Disrespecting elderly and handicap.
  • Airlines. Rude employees at check-in, gate… Waiting areas akin to corralling animals. Seating, if available sucks. Small seats. Additional fees to check luggage. Don’t care about Southwest free luggage, with their asinine seating policy. Flights late. Airlines not giving accurate flight delay information. Freebee app FlightAware is commonly more accurate than airlines. Airline food, on a good day sucks. Airline food cost extra?
  • Flying public. Incredibly rude, inconsiderate and self-centered. I don’t care about informal dress. Clean is all that really matters.
Gail Combs

Grope – N – Fly was the last straw for me.

When you are retired (And do not have lots of livestock) you can take your time and ENJOY this wonderful country we have.

My parents and I drove from NY to CA and back in 3 weeks. We stopped every few hundred miles and went sight seeing. That was almost 50 years ago and it is still one of the highlights of my life.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. We drove from CA to WV every year but one in the 1960s and early 1970s, around four days each way, stopping at all sorts of interesting places. The last time, in 1972, we took five weeks and went to (it seemed) every national park on the way.

Gas was still relatively cheap, as was food and lodging (though nowhere near as cheap as in the early 1960s), and the education those trips provided was beyond compare, especially when one considers the perverted pablum foisted on today’s students…

TONS of pictures, souvenirs, guide books (AAA and NAC and others)… And, of course Stuckey’s Pecan Log Rolls 🙂 … sigh…

Gail Combs

We hauled a tent trailer and stayed in State and National parks.

The only time I have stayed in a hotel it was with a group and we generally convinced the hotel owner to cut us a deal since we showed up late in the evening in off season.

Having tents is a really great bargaining tool when the lady in the group pipes up. “TOO EXPENSIVE, LET’S CAMP OUT.

Cuppa Covfefe

Probably won’t be any room anyway, they’ll be stuffed to the ceiling with illegals…
😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡


About that missing Malaysia airliner …

Gail Combs



G R E A T video! FANTASTIC messaging!!!! Please listen in and share.


I’m sure the ‘good’ muslims would never do that…


Wonder how the percentage of those Jab Booster, RNA and flu shot in US compares to FL.

Ought to be hugely different. (Hope so.)

Gail Combs

That meme is Just too good not to have everyone see it:

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Gail Combs

Following up on that thread. We have this Commie-bot saying:

Nine Foot Couch @9FootCouch

Replying to @TheChiefNerd

Oh Chief, nobody really required a vaccine passport, that’s misinformation.

And an answer:

MommaBear96 @Bear96Momma

Replying to @9FootCouch @TheChiefNerd

I wish your statement was true. I was fired for refusing the 2x vax requirement by my employer. I submitted religious exemptions 3x. My co-worker and myself were the last not vax’d. He got a shot, died w/in 24 hours. After that I could find no reason to commit suicide 4 a job

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This is why we all have to be on board with doing whatever we have to to support a Trump presidency.

If he needs new bureaucrats, we need to step up and be them.


It would be my pleasure to work for Trump.


Mine, too.


He can name me the Administrator of the US Small Business Administration the day he takes office.

Gail Combs

That would be GREAT!



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

SteveInCO for head of BATF.

I won’t have that job for long…because there won’t be a job for long.


Don’t be so hard on yourself — you might be a genius at retail. I can imagine little BATF mini-marts on streetcorners across the country. They could become as popular as 7-11’s.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You miss my point.

I would enjoy dismantling that department.


You miss mine.

Wouldn’t it be great to have Federal stores selling firearms that don’t pass the famous California drop-test in California? Selling “high-capacity” magazines in places trying to restrict lawful citizens to 10? Selling alcohol in dry counties, or tobacco in nanny states?

And, BTW, isn’t the full name “BATFE”?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, Explosives, Counterfeiting, Espionage, and Stuff (BATFECES).

BATFELGBTQQI+ doesn’t have nearly enough of its own guns to run more than one store, probably…and they should leave gun owners and merchants alone not try to compete with them.

Valerie Curren



Hey, I’m very volens to meet those dudes standing around, up in the treehouse in the photo there at the top of this thread.

who are those guys ?




I believe that is the staff of the treehouse company with an HGTV series —

Gail Combs

The guy on the right has tree climbing gear. The guy in the middle has a coil of static climbing rope (I was given some by lumberjacks I know. They replace it regularly but the used rope makes fine lead ropes for ponies.)

If you look at the far left, there is a pulley with a rope and bucket.

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Gail Combs

From yesterday:


On Amazon Flex drivers replacing full time employees. 

“…One pair though I’m a bit concerned with. Normally flex drivers work alone, but I have these two middle age guys of fighting age that are not American that drive together in a beat up old car...f I was going to lead an op into such an environment as mine I’d like to get to know the lay of the land. This is what I suspect…”

They are also collecting all the CODES to enter gated properties!

Pgroup2 Replies:

“Only in Ukraine are military aged guys the same as middle aged guys.”

However commanders are usually middle age. Also those over 25 are going to have a fully developed brain and more restraint. They are much less likely to call attention to themselves.

Now add in this:

van on Bards of War (Scott) podcast 1/6/2023

Scott drops a really nasty 😡BOMB😡 at 1:16:00

Unfortunately it confirms something that I have had in the back of my mind.
Scott (Bards of War):

“…Why I think this letter is so dangerous. Flynn himself has stated every single one of these congressman is blackmailed because they do these codels. => Sex with children.

But I am going to read this to you because it is another level of darkness that they are afraid of being exposed.

“This coming for a better life, is our new ‘Safe and Effective; Mega-Lie. IT IS A COORDINATED MILITARY OPERATION. It is not the first time in history a government has hired an army when they knew the citizens would unite against the their own government.”

Here is the deal. These flow of fighting age males and the replacement strategy 

of trying to sterilize and kill off a nation and bring in people who would birth their way in that know nothing of our Constitution. Providing them fast track to citizenship. THESE MILITARY DEFENCE CONTRACTORS ARE CURRENTLY SIGNING IN INK, AFTER CONTRACTS FOR MOVING THESE PEOPLE INTO THE COUNTRY, aND ARE NOW SIGNING THE INK CONTRACTS — AND IT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW — TO FLY THEM OUT WHEN THERE IS A CHANGE IN LEADERSHIP.

These people are the scum of the earth. There is no possible way this organization, with the ability to move people using private ports of entry, using at night cover. Getting big bus companies to silence their people from speaking. There is no way that did not happen without MASSIVE coordination and massive compliance. That includes unions… We are talking about a level of corruption in this that will blow most peoples minds.

And so what I think, when we start talking about a letter that says accountability with 231 signatures [now 18,463] A letter that should not rock the world….


I stand by my comment – fighting age males [17-25] does not equal middle age [37-54] males. Except in today’s Ukraine.

Gail Combs

Pew Research says. The average age of U.S. military members is slightly over 27 for enlistees, 👉while officers average 34.5 years of age. This is partly because the military has raised the age limits for joining over the years to 👉attract more experienced, mature individuals…

We are dealing with a sample size of ONE here and someone’s estimate of age.

People think I am 10 – 20 years younger than I am.

People who have spend a lot of time in the sun without proper skin care and nutrition are going to look a lot older than they actually are.

I have seen sun worshiping women in their late 20s who look 40. A friend who is decades younger than I is often thought to be my sister.


Why are we arguing this? Lots of people have [and will continue to] described the flood across the border as ‘military aged males’. As you have stated, even the US average is 27yo. In Ukraine, it is a unique 47yo.

Which group is middle aged? I say the latter is middle aged. If the former group is middle aged, is the latter group elderly?

I don’t get it. Maybe I’m just a hopeless geezer [over 70yo].


It also appears to me that the Jab accelerates aging. I noticed on my Ca trip and celebrity types lately.

pat frederick

pat frederick


Vivek knows he can NOT win.

Gail Combs

Of course he does. What he is doing is STEALING DELEGATES FROM TRUMP SO HE DOES NOT REACH 50%!!!!


At this point Vivek has no delegates. My bet is Vivek bales soon after Rob and Mickey bale. We’ll see. (Good for me, I never bet money.)

Gail Combs

I sure hope they bale!


Bale? Hay?

I’m confused.

Gail Combs

I can’t spell😪

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50-Year-Old Wash. Man Rescued After Getting Trapped Underneath 1,500-Pound Bale of Hay

A Washington man has miraculously survived after authorities said he became trapped underneath a 1,500-pound bale of hayAuthorities said the man did not have permission to be on the hay owner’s property and had not purchased the hay…

Well it IS Iowa…



Today’s hay bales do not resemble the ones I tossed onto the flatbed when I was 14-15yo. 75 pounds if they were dried; 90+ if they were wet.

Those were the days – I was young and strong.

Gail Combs

Actually the story was about square bales that tumbled off a trailer and buried the guy.

Gail Combs

Remember this?

August 22, 2015 “Tripwire Alert”Evidence Now Exists To Show Benefit Of GOPe Road-mapped “Splitter Strategy”….
I just brought the idea forward a decade.

Gail Combs

Some think this term describes what RamaSWAMPY is doing.

Ratfucking — political dictionary com

“Ratfucking” is the art of carrying out dirty tricks and crafty maneuvers, usually in the name of winning an election.

Originating from slang used in political circles, the term captures a wide range of activities that could include disseminating false information or even legal but ethically questionable maneuvers like voter suppression.

Origin of “Ratfucking”

The term dates back to the 1960s, when a young man named Donald Segretti was a student at the University of Southern California. Segretti described himself as a “fraternity rat” and got heavily involved in frathouse politics.

He called his brand of take-no-prisoners politicking, which involved ballot stuffing, rumoro-mongering, and other pranks, was termed “ratfucking.”..

Cuppa Covfefe

Funny, I went to ‘SC and sometimes folks would speak of “RF-ing” someone… never knew that the term originated there. Although, looking back at the HUGE school of International Relations, it was probably a hotbed of RINOs even then…


It was and still is a hotbed of drooling wannabe authoritarians.


Diamond & Silk – still going strong.

I miss Diamond.

pat frederick

me too

pat frederick


What??? Deny Lisa her entitled seat???

Oh, the humanity.

Cuppa Covfefe

Have to say, she’s pretty rank…. and certainly not pretty… Merde-cow-ski…
(visions of old Bessie skiing down the hill emitting cowpies all the way… :mrgreen: )


ROTFLMAO.   :wpds_chuckle:   :wpds_grin:   :wpds_twisted:   :wpds_lol: 

Gail Combs

Milloy’s Twatter on nitter had this Commie’s graph.
Jeppe Have Rasmussen


Jan 10

Replying to @JunkScience @NOAA @CommunityNotes

Foolish plot.

Way too little data points to make any sense

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The question to ask this idiot is WHEN WAS THE LITTLE ICE AGE?

The Little Ice Age lasted for over 500 years between approximately 1300 and 👉1850 AD.👈

And what ELSE do we know?

Ice cores from the Freemont Glacier show it went from Little Ice Age cold to Modern Warming warm in the ten years between 1845 and 1855. Naturally. German inventor Karl Benz is credited with inventing the first true automobile in 1885 so it wasn’t cars that caused the warming.🤔


An ice core removed from the Upper Fremont Glacier in Wyoming provides evidence for abrupt climate change during the mid-1800s….

At a depth of 152 m the refined age-depth profile shows good agreement (1736±10 A.D.) with the 14C age date (1729±95 A.D.). The δ18O profile of the Upper Fremont Glacier (UFG) ice core indicates a change in climate known as the Little Ice Age (LIA)….

<b>At this depth, the age-depth profile predicts an age of 1845 A.D. Results indicate the termination of the LIA was abrupt with a major climatic shift to warmer temperatures around 1845 A.D. and continuing to present day.</b> Prediction limits (error bars) calculated for the profile ages are ±10 years (90% confidence level). <b>Thus a conservative estimate for the time taken to complete the LIA climatic shift to present-day climate is about 10 years, suggesting the LIA termination in alpine regions of central North America may have occurred on a relatively short (decadal) timescale.</b>

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change gives 1.5 W/m 2 for the forcing of anthropogenic CO2 [cf., Reid, 1997].

During the Holocene solar energy reached a summer maximum (9% higher than at present) ~11 ka ago. 9% higher is ~ 122 W/m 2 or 100 times the forcing of anthropogenic CO2.

The sealevel Highstand was 1.5 to 2.0 meters higher than present between 3.5 and 6.0 ka ago.

Over the long term glaciers are growing.

Why ever do you want to DECREASE CO2, the only possible blanket the earth has away at the tail end of the Holocene especially when research shows Carbon starvation in glacial trees recovered from the La Brea tar pits, southern California


I do not have Twatter so someone might want to lay a few ACTUAL FACTS as an answer to that guys gaslighting.

Cuppa Covfefe

Not forgetting that “John-Cooked-the-books” climastrologists are cooling the past and warming the present… And we’re at the second-lowest level of CO² “ever” (ice cores, etc., hopefully not Briffa’s trees)…

Somehow the faulty, evil “science” behind Gore-Bull warming has to be demonstrably, convincingly, clearly, and understandably refuted. Permanently.

As that is the Satan-spawn basis upon which all the other pseudo-scientific lies are based, COVIDIOCY being just one of them. The gangGreen grab…

Gail Combs

It is my theory that the Cabal wants to depopulate humanity back to 0.5 to 2 million.

They want to SAVE coal and oil to provide CO2 for green houses as the oceans cool and suck all the CO2 back out of the air.

WHY? Because they know darn well we are going into either the very bumpy climatic ride between two interglacial peaks (slim chance) OR taking a nose dive into glaciation.

The onset of the Little Ice Age, just after the Medieval Warm Period, was right when the Holocene reached the half precession point, the correct timing for glacial inception. The Modern Warm Period caused by the Grand Solar Maximum has now ended.

The onset of the LEAP occurred within less than two decades, demonstrating the existence of a sharp threshold, which must be near 416 Wm2, …Insolation will remain at this level slightly above the glacial inception for the next 4,000 years before it then increases again.”


That is a heck of a long time to be sitting on the edge of a cliff waiting for other factors to push the earth into glaciation.

Yesterday I posted papers indicating volcanoes are correlated to solar minimums.

And then there is this from the paper Can we predict the duration of an interglacial?

I extracted the 21 June solar insolation @ 65◦ N for several glacial inceptions:

NOW (Modern Warm Period) 479 W m−2

MIS 7e – insolation = 463 W m−2,
MIS 11c – insolation = 466 W m−2,
MIS 13a – insolation = 500 W m−2,
MIS 15a – insolation = 480 W m−2,
MIS 17 – insolation = 477 W m−2,

Last edited 9 months ago by Gail Combs
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A very good question.

pat frederick

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Gail Combs

Of COURSE, that is how it works because people HATE finding out they are gullible FOOLs. They lash out at the person who rips the blinder off in hopes that they can go back to sleep.

pat frederick

Mike Lee
14h • 7 tweets • 1 min read •
Read on X
🧵 1. Those who enter the U.S. without papers and apply for asylum are supposed to be detained until their claims can be adjudicated. That doesn’t happen under Biden.
2. Biden gives them a plane ticket, a work permit, and a mild suggestion that they show up for their immigration hearing, which might take place sometime in the mid-2030s.
3. This works out nicely for the drug cartels, who make billions of dollars smuggling millions humans into the United States, turning them into indentured servants and in some cases subjecting them to sex slavery. It’s really bad for everyone outside the drug-cartel world.
4. Biden speaks as though he’s the victim of our asylum laws—suggesting that he has no choice but to handle asylum applications this way, and that he has no power to restrict the flow of illegal immigrants without a change in law. That’s simply not true.
5. The president and DHS secretary have full discretion to stop processing asylum applications whenever they choose, as the asylum laws say they “may” grant asylum applications when the conditions are met. There is no “shall” language.
6. They should certainly stop processing those applications whenever they run out of bed space or timely processing capacity.
7. Asylum laws are not a border-specific suicide pact. We should stop thinking of them as if they were.


Great. So what are you doing about it, Mike Lee?

pat frederick

fair question…you’re not waiting for an answer are you?


Nothing. Mike Lee, just another Talking Politician. No Action.. But you knew that.

pat frederick

pat frederick

January 15, 2024 3:59 am
Worth the six minutes folks, this guy is such bad news.

Oh, and the Nano-Particles he sold? That was the component in the Vaxx that created those long white fibrous clots within arteries and vessels that coroner’s were freaking out about, not to mention people were dying over.

He’s also a Tech-Inside-You kind of guy, CBDC under your skin. WTH?

Oh, and the bit about supposedly being involuntarily drafted by the WEF and having to fight to get his name out of their website? Yeah, he was using that relationship as a selling point during his highly improbable wheeling and dealing in windfall riches, he was in their club, conducted panels there, profited of of it, and was promptly and politely removed with an apology from them when it was time to play spoiler I mean American I mean MAGA.

Flood gates are open folks, “influencers”, hope you’re getting paid well while the pain endures!

Gail Combs

A superb trashing of Vivek RamaSWAMPY.

You really, really do not want to have your spoiler with a name like that.


I, for one, appreciate his wheeling and dealing in interactions with big Wall Street firms using his WEF cred to deceive them. Whatever else he might be wrong about, this portion isn’t it. IMO.


Swarmy is a clown creation. We all know it, hope the rest of the country figures it out.

Gail Combs

From comment seen elsewhere people sense something is not right.


Via that link I came across this, no idea how old it is. Interesting but complicated.


SM-102 is in the Moderna “flagship” COVID-19 “vaccine”, mRNA-1273, AND IS ALSO IN THAT COMPANY’S “2023-2024 FORMULA COVID-19 VACCINE.”


Here’s the tie-in between VIVEK RAMASWAMY investing into ARBUTUS BIOPHARMA in 2017, and the subsequent patent battle between that company and MODERNA:
by Zachary Silbersher

Here are the US Patent numbers for the original LNP formulas developed by ARBUTUS BIOPHARMA for use in delivering mRNA:
One: US Patent Number 9,404,127, (‘127), “Non-liposomal systems for nucleic acid delivery”
Two: US Patent Number 9,364,435, (‘435), “Lipid formulations for nucleic acid delivery” (this is the one for the original SM-102)

Here is the MSDS (OSHA) Safety Sheet for SM-102:

Here is the product composition sheet for SM-102:

The Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers for the “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine” by MODERNA:
Yours Truly: Please refer to page 34 of this document under section 11 DESCRIPTION. SM-102 is listed as one of the lipid nanoparticles in this “vaccine.”

Gail Combs

Wolfie has a video clip of Congresswoman Victoria Spartz going off on ‘Where’s Hunter’

Here is the clip of Ivan confronting ‘Where’s Hunter’ on the same day.

4 minutes. It starts with ‘Where’s Hunter’ running away from MTG


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pat frederick

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  • Mike Johnson.

Not only are taxes waaay too high, that isn’t enough money for The Evils. They go and spend money we don’t have and yet to earn, then tell us we owe that money.

A $2T deficit means they spent $2T we don’t have. They put it on our ‘charge card’, They billed us for it. With a population of 350M, that is $3000 for every man, woman and child in the USA, spent and billed to us IN THIS YEAR ALONE! When you break it down to actual tax payers and wage earners, the $3000 basically doubles! That money is above and beyond the taxes you paid!

I’d love to see REALPOTUS add a balanced budget requirement to his policy list.

Last edited 9 months ago by Please
Gail Combs

I rather see him CLOSE THE FED and the Bankster Banks, declare the ‘loans’ null and void. BECAUSE THERE IS NO CONSIDERATION. AND claw back all the REAL WEALTH from these SOBs.



No consideration no Contract : A legally binding contract needs consideration as it is a vital element. So, a valid contract does not exist without consideration. We know that by promise one party give or sacrifice something and other party take something. This type of give and take or sacrifice is called consideration by law. If someone promises without any consideration that is called gift. On the other hand give premise exchange of any consideration that is called contract. So it is clearly seen that to become a valid agreement we need to consider its materiality and the level of voidable.

An agreement made without consideration is void unless it is expressed in writing and registered under the law for the time being in force for the registration of documents and is made on account if natural love and affection between the parties standing in near relation to each other. Agreement must be in writing and registered. If you have an oral arrangement or unregistered agreement although it is in writing, it will not be valid even though it proceeds from natural love and affection and even if the parties to it are near relations to each other. It must be both in writing and registered….

Well we certainly have NO LOVE for the Fed or the banksters. 😋


Those lawyers are in Bangladesh.

Click on the about tab and enjoy their attitude.


The Fed Banks that make up the system are all privately owned. Bankrupt them at the appropriate time. The holders of the debt (bonds) claw back on the assets. Banksters that are apart of the national system go down. Run on the banks occurs if alternative are not already in place. Crypto, gold and silver goes crazy.

Credit unions win. Joe Lange’s state public banks win. The Postal Service banking wins. The Swamp loses. Congress loses. Globalists lose. Lobbyists lose. Clowns lose. Average Americans eventually win big.

No personal incomes taxes is the end result with no market bubbles manipulated by scum balls. War pigs die out.


For every 1% Federal spending is in deficit, 1% of the legislators who vote for it should be burned at the stake. Would fix the problem right up.

Robert Baker

Keep making these kinds of suggestions you are going to be labeled a moderate. Mark my word.


Were this ever put in place, we might cheer a one-year 30% deficit….


Might?   :wpds_twisted: 

pat frederick


  :wpds_mad:  Mike Johnson has achieved, Asshole status.   :wpds_evil: 


And he didn’t even break a sweat.


US fighter jet shoots down an anti-ship cruise missile targeting a destroyer in the Red Sea – as Houthi rebels pose with ROCKET LAUNCHERS and machine guns as they hit back at America for bombing Yemen targets


Only a matter of time until a US Navy ship is hit by Houthi, Iran…

Then, BiteMe will have his opportunity for another full fledge fight in ME.

Uniparty won’t stop it. Uniparty will align with Briben, as they did with Ukraine.

pat frederick

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Verse of the Day for Monday, January 15, 2024

“O LORD, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches.” 

Psalms 104:24 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.

Gail Combs

Old 2016 comment.

…Lawyer-Client privilege means law firms are a great way to launder/hide where funds are actually coming from? That it maybe Soros or someone else who is actually footing the bills and not this law firm?

That this Lawyer-Client privilege also allows the rich to get around campaign finance laws limiting donations to $2,700?

Several eons ago in 2008 I looked at the contributions to several politicians and was struck by just how many lawyers and law firms donated. I swear it looked like 50% or more. In many cases the law firm and then each individual lawyer would donate. It was not possible to check how many wives, kids, cats and dogs did too. (Remember many law firms now are dual function law and lobbyists.)

In a quicky look I couldn’t find an example however the BBC did it for me.

…There have been few candidates more criticised for where their campaign contributions come from than former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. With Bernie Sanders continually questioning the influence of Wall Street on politics, her ties to big banks have been a liability.

Though she has received a significant amount from bankers, she has raised even more from lawyers.

The Clinton campaign has taken in $11m from lawyers and law firms, including $1.33m from individuals who work at seven of the top US law firms. By contrast she has received just over $4m from the commercial banking and investment industries. ….

Seems Hitlery found other ways to cheat on the individual cap on campaign funds.

There is more at ChiefIO’s

pat frederick


KlauSS not happy that the rubes are revolting against “Ze Ssysstem”

Gail Combs

Interesting that he goes with Libertarianism. Any Rand viewed them with contempt because they are not realistic. They completely ignore the Thugs on horseback, or in this case boats.

The Brief Life and Watery Death of a 1970s Libertarian Utopia

Once upon a time, a wealthy man set out to establish his own country. He found a shallow reef over which the waters of a vast ocean had lapped since time immemorial. He hired a company to dredge the ocean floor and deposit the sand on the reef. An island would be born, upon which the man had a concrete platform built, a flag planted, and the birth of the Republic of Minerva declared. The monarch of a nearby island kingdom was not impressed. He opened the doors of his kingdom’s one jail and assembled a small army of prisoners. The monarch, his convicts, and a four-piece brass band boarded the royal yacht and descended upon the reef, where they promptly removed the flag, destroyed the platform, and deposed, in absentia, the man who would be king. And Minerva returned to the ocean….

Experiments in libertarian exit—abandoning one’s country of residence for a private territory where social relationships are structured largely through contract and exchange—like the one Michael Oliver undertook were not unusual in the America of the 1960s and 1970s. They proved common enough that writers for the Los Angeles–based libertarian Innovator Magazine priced out the costs of various forms of exit, from “clandestine urban” and “underground shelter” to “sea-mobile nomad.”…


Schwab talks about “the system” as if it were a well-established, respected organism. But it’s just something his ilk created to alter the REAL system of how human beings have lived and operated for centuries, in order to benefit the “elites” who have placed themselves above everyone else and who think they know better than God how the universe should operate. “The system” is his dream which of course needs to be resisted and destroyed.


Hear hear !


That awesome active-duty Air Force pilot woman I posted about yesterday actually WON the Miss America title!

Gail Combs


Gail Combs

I just heard on Badlands the RePukes have another trick up their sleeve to cancel Trump. RANK CHOICE VOTING. This bytw is why they are floating so many candidates and encouraging DemonRats to cross over. We saw this in 2016. Sundance detailed it.

So I went to take a look.

In 2024, there are an estimated 2,429 delegates2,325 pledged delegates and 104 unpledged delegates.

To win the Republican nomination, a presidential candidate must receive support from a majority of delegates—an estimated 1,215 delegates.,_2024

Following the pointer:

Delegate selection and allocation
“Delegates are individuals chosen to represent their state at their party’s national nominating convention. Republican delegates may be selected in a variety of ways, including through elections, by the Republican state committee, by state or congressional district conventions, or by virtue of a leadership position within the state’s Republican Party.

There are three primary methods used to allocate Republican delegates (which means to bind them to vote for a certain candidate on at least the first ballot at the national convention):[2]

  • Proportional: States using this method either allocate all their delegates proportionally to the candidates based on the statewide vote or they allocate at-large delegates proportionally based on the statewide vote and congressional district delegates proportionally based on the vote at the district level.
  • Winner-take-all: States using this method allocate all their delegates to the candidate who receives a plurality of votes in the primary election or caucus.
  • Hybrid: The Republican National Committee describes hybrid allocation methods as those that combine other methods. Some states award at-large delegates on a winner-take-all basis according to the statewide vote and congressional district delegates on a winner-take-all basis according to the vote within the districts. Some states directly elect delegates, who are usually bound to a particular candidate on the ballot.

Most Republican delegate allocation rules are set by state parties and state laws, though the Republican National Committee sets some rules that states must comply with. Delegates bound by primaries or caucuses held before March 15 must be allocated proportionally to candidates, either based on the statewide vote or the vote at the congressional district level. States using proportional allocation are, however, allowed to establish a minimum threshold, up to 20 percent, below which a candidate does not qualify for any proportionally allocated delegates. States may also set a threshold of at least 50 percent above which a candidate receives all delegates.[3]
The map below shows a summary of Republican delegate allocation methods by state in the 2020 presidential election.[1]…”

There is an interactive map so go to the page to see it.

There are ONLY 8 states with winner take all delegates.



pat frederick

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If FJB had decent campaign advisors, he’d pardon all the J6ers around Labor Day.

Gail Combs

I doubt his handlers will let him. Those sadistic SOBs hate us too much. They are also too arrogant to think they need to.


J6 is the 2024 equivalent to the Russia Russia Russia campaign pillar

pat frederick

how texans handle would be disrupters

Collin Rugg
JUST IN: Pro-Palestine protester gets pummeled by Texans after disrupting Texas governor Greg Abbott’s speech.

Gotta love Texas.

The incident happened at a campaign event in Collin County.

The incident happened on the same day as pro-Palestine protesters tried breaching the fence outside of the White House.



pat frederick

don’t mess with texas


Was anybody there under 55 years old? Looked like the lunch cafeteria crowd at the local assisted living facility.

Younger peeps better get involved. It’s their future for which us old farts are fighting. Most of us won’t live long enough to see the fruits of our efforts today.

The beneficiaries should show a little gratitude by GETTING UP OFF THEIR ASSES.

Gail Combs

I have no children or close kin. Most of my relatives were dead by my age. I sometimes wonder why I am fighting for these ingrates. Perhaps a 1,000 years of slavery MIGHT wake them UP!


It worked on the Israelites.  😆 

Valerie Curren

This comes to mind, for you are Blessed!

Isaiah 54
New International Version
The Future Glory of Zion
“Sing, barren woman,
    you who never bore a child;
burst into song, shout for joy,
    you who were never in labor;
because more are the children of the desolate woman
    than of her who has a husband,”
says the Lord.

“Enlarge the place of your tent,
    stretch your tent curtains wide,
    do not hold back;
lengthen your cords,
    strengthen your stakes.

For you will spread out to the right and to the left;
    your descendants will dispossess nations
    and settle in their desolate cities.

“Do not be afraid; you will not be put to shame.
    Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated.
You will forget the shame of your youth
    and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood.

For your Maker is your husband—
    the Lord Almighty is his name—
the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer;
    he is called the God of all the earth.

The Lord will call you back
    as if you were a wife deserted and distressed in spirit—
a wife who married young,
    only to be rejected,” says your God.

“For a brief moment I abandoned you,
    but with deep compassion I will bring you back.

In a surge of anger
    I hid my face from you for a moment,
but with everlasting kindness
    I will have compassion on you,”
    says the Lord your Redeemer.

“To me this is like the days of Noah,
    when I swore that the waters of Noah would never again cover the earth.
So now I have sworn not to be angry with you,
    never to rebuke you again.
Though the mountains be shaken
    and the hills be removed,
yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken
    nor my covenant of peace be removed,”
    says the Lord, who has compassion on you.
“Afflicted city, lashed by storms and not comforted,
    I will rebuild you with stones of turquoise,[a]
    your foundations with lapis lazuli.
I will make your battlements of rubies,
    your gates of sparkling jewels,
    and all your walls of precious stones.
All your children will be taught by the Lord,
    and great will be their peace.
In righteousness you will be established:
Tyranny will be far from you;
    you will have nothing to fear.
Terror will be far removed;
    it will not come near you.
If anyone does attack you, it will not be my doing;
    whoever attacks you will surrender to you.
“See, it is I who created the blacksmith
    who fans the coals into flame
    and forges a weapon fit for its work.
And it is I who have created the destroyer to wreak havoc;
    no weapon forged against you will prevail,
    and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
    and this is their vindication from me,”
declares the Lord.

Footnotesa. Isaiah 54:11 The meaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain.

New International Version (NIV)
Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.


I hear you, but many of the responsible young people are attending school or are working or raising their kids. It’s the older folks who have more time on their hands.

Gail Combs

You are correct, I just get so frustrated by the willful blindness at times.


Who you calling willful blindness?

Where’s the exit?


pat frederick

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Let’s see – slogging through -20 degree weather with 30mph winds, only to vote for somebody 40 points behind Orange Man Bad?

Pull my other finger.

Gail Combs

That storm is throwing a major kink in any plans the Cabal had. Trump voters WILL do the slog, the Soros paid operatives HELL NO!

The Calm before the Storm. Seems the Storm has arrived literally. 😋 THANK YOU GOD! 👃

Gail Combs

Kash – Multiple US Special Forces operators are dead because Austin/Biden think defending this nation by sucking up intel through the same bed side straws they ingest their breakfast shake, is a consitutional national command authority; one still in the hospital the other still on vacation.

CENTCOMM Commander Gen. Kurilla must resign before congress. Under his command and authorization, this reckless vessel interdiction was green lit, and could only have been approved by Austin/Biden. They sought an international headline to combat their epic failure taking on Iran. They have given the worlds largest terror org a pathway to a nuke, and $6 Billion to fund terrorists acts against America- over 100 in last 90 days.

When the DoD selects military leaders in the mold of Milley, this the result. Stop glorifying these swamp monster heathens who have weaponized our defense for political gain n report truthfully for the American people… yes, that’s directed at their conspirators in the fake news





Jan 14 at 16:34

pat frederick

Did he go into hospice care? Asking for thousands of friends.


It seems strange to me how they keep reiterating that he kept it secret. I don’t believe that’s possible. A very high profile patient checks in Walter Reed Military Hospital and not one person tips the press, not one person or doctor has contact with anyone who might inquire about it with anybody in the Joebama admin. I’m not buying it


I hear you, but I do believe that they can, and do, keep these kinds of secrets all the time. Their medical licenses, their jobs, their future employment possibilities, and their reputations are on the line. In addition, I don’t know if there are any civil or criminal penalties for revealing private medical information under HIPAA or other laws and regulations.

A relatively small group of people would have knowledge about the patient, and it would probably be easy to determine who the leaker was.

I think of Hollywood and all lthe celebrities who go to their plastic surgeons and have other medical procedures done with no one the wiser unless a tabloid journalist spots them entering the back door of an office or hospital.


Yeah but i really do think there would be some protocol regarding high admin people, like a chain of command of who to call in case of emergency. The whole episode according to them was an emergency situation . It seems like it would be riskier for doctors professionally not to check in with the admin if something dire happened but I don’t know what the rules are about it.

Gail Combs

ESP since Walter Reed is not a run of the mill hospital. They treat high ranking types all the time.

Heck, after being to the hospital so often I KNOW one of the questions is ‘Who should we notify/contact info.” That question should have sparked the correct response.


In my mind the entire story is a head fake OR everybody knew except Joe Mush Brain Biden ..on purpose.. and then the lies started stacking up and he wasn’t improving like was expected and wasn’t able to be released so blame him ( Austin)

Last edited 9 months ago by mollypitcher5
Gail Combs

Certainly STINKS to high heaven.

I think they opened him up and found TURBO CANCER. He probably has a short time to live or is already dead.

Now they are scrambling.


This is probably TMI but my brother ( shot & boosted ) just diagnosed with prostate cancer, it needs to be removed entirely.
Okay, so he says..yeah 4 out of 5 is a statistic and the other day at men’s club at church 4 admitted they have it and then his BIL is on chemo for it………so including him that’s 6 in his circle…jab jab jab

Last edited 9 months ago by mollypitcher5

Right?!?! All of them are late 50’s early 60’s.


I posted about the next door neighbor with prostrate issues awhile back. About to have his second biopsy. Jabbed and boosted. Has caught COVID 3 times.


Between covid several times and the various shots my bro, who is the epitome of a fit middle aged man,smacked him hard and now this..

Valerie Curren

so sad 🙁 & unnecessary destruction…


Sounds like it would . I’ve always heard that many older men have prostate cancer but it’s very slow growth. These younger-ish men appear to have it already in the later phase


A lot of the stage 4 cancers coming into my cancer group are prostate cancer.


I am certain you are correct.

Barb Meier

Does this mean there is a chance that Milley’s voice is now an octave higher than last month?


AND, couple weeks ago, I learned a good friend has prostate cancer.

  • Double Jabbed and every Booster, as I understand it.

Pure coincidence, all these guys with prostate cancer.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

So sorry Molly  😪 


I think this is exactly correct. They have to have ducks in a row for a replacement before they let him go.


B I N G O.


A whole lotta people would know Austin is in the hospital or not.

Quacks, nurses, technicians, janitorial, cooks, supply techs, maintenance…

  • All talk to each other.

You’re one of those finicky shoppers.


Austin released from hospital to….mortuary…? Jus wondering.   :wpds_evil: 

Gail Combs

This is GOLD… We have seen the video that went viral (11 million views) were Ivan Raiklin asked Hunter what type of Crack he smokes. That was just a clip of a longer video.
Ivan says that the hearing was actually about the reasons to hold Hunter in contempt so the Biden’s game plan was to have Hunter show, storm out and then hold a press conference about how the Republicans are mistreating him.

Ivan scuttled that press conference with the series of questions he asked.

Explanation start @ 3 minutes:
Clip starts @ 6:55


Dirty deeds done dirt cheap. I love it.

Gail Combs

I was rolling on the floor laughing. Ivan is, as he says, The Deep State Marauder

marauder is a person who engages in raiding or pillaging, often in a band or group. The term is often associated with military or paramilitary groups who engage in guerrilla warfare or other forms of unconventional warfare


Department of Retribution!   :wpds_razz:  Ivan is wild.   :wpds_smile: 

Gail Combs

Yeah and did you hear who he wants as employees?

Jan 6th Political Prisoners & the military personnel tossed out for not taking the Clot shot (or who were injured.)


We have Haley “inspired” by Killary and now this?! ( saw it at CTH)


For a smart guy this is sloppy. Surely .he knows the internet is forever.


Is forever the place where the unreleased J6 videos are located?


Apparently so in the vault guarded by the one armed blind deaf intellectually deficient diversity hire.

Gail Combs

Her name is Capitol Police Chief Yogananda DPittman and she has been well rewarded.

comment image?quality=75&amp;strip=all&amp;w=1024


I was off a tad, she doesn’t look blind but maybe the rest!!  😎 

And thank you for showing us who is the gatekeeper.

Gail Combs

Actually, after executing the Planned FedSurrection, she was hustled away to CALIFORNIA!

Not only is she now the University of California, Berkeley chief of police. They made sure she didn’t lose her pension when she ‘retired’ early.

Ian goes into how the coverup works.

this is the work Ivan Raiklin has been doing mapping out the architects of the Fedsurrection and how they keep it underwraps and what can be done to unearth it.

This is Ivan’s an absolute MUST WATCH video.

Ivan explains who is responsible and how the Jan 6th Fedsurrection was done.
Paul Harrell interviews Ivan 1/9/24 (1 hour)

Ivan discusses the role the Capitol Police Board plays in the J6 prosecutions, identifies those responsible and all revenant relationships with illustrative slides

Ivan’s Substack (One week free trial)
January 6: Fastest Path To Truth & Justice


Capitol Police security information

2 US Code 1979 Release of security information


In this section, the term “security information” means information that—

(1)is sensitive with respect to the policing, protection, physical security, intelligence, counterterrorism actions, or emergency preparedness and response relating to Congress, any statutory protectee of the Capitol Police, and the Capitol buildings and grounds; and

(2)is obtained by, on behalf of, or concerning the Capitol Police Board, the Capitol Police, or any incident command relating to emergency response.

(b)Authority of Board to determine conditions of release

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 👉any security information in the possession of the Capitol Police may be released by the Capitol Police to another entity, including an individual, only if the Capitol Police Board determines in consultation with other appropriate law enforcement officials, experts in security preparedness, and appropriate committees of Congress, that the release of the security information will not compromise the security and safety of the Capitol buildings and grounds or any individual whose protection and safety is under the jurisdiction of the Capitol Police.👈

(c)Rule of construction

Nothing in this section may be construed to affect the ability of the Senate and the House of Representatives (including any Member, officer, or committee of either House of Congress) to obtain information from the Capitol Police regarding the operations and activities of the Capitol Police that affect the Senate and House of Representatives.


The Capitol Police Board may promulgate regulations to carry out this section, with the approval of the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate and the Committee on House Administration of the House of Representatives.

(e)Effective date

This section shall take effect on December 8, 2004…


This Ivan info is a goldmine

Gail Combs

Yes he is. He TAUGHT Special Ops.

Deep State Marauder

Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Ivan E. Raiklin, former Green Beret and Constitutional Attorney Served 25 years in the DOD, Intel and Special Operations Communities and DTRA as an enlisted, officer, civilian, contractor on active duty, reserves and national guard across 5 states: IA, NY, MA, MS, TX and 5 continents in five languages (Russian, Spanish, Arabic, French, English-naturally). Ivan served as a Green Beret Commander countering ISIS in the Middle East, Taliban in Afghanistin, MS-13 in Central America, countering Russian aggression as a military diplomat in the Republic of Georgia. 

Most recently he was an instructor at the Joint Military Intelligence Training Center teaching junior thru senior level professionals of the US Intelligence community and international partners about intelligence analysis, national security and multinational operations.

Gail Combs

I was just listening again.

Ivan said he had a small part in the Biden laptop analysis. He also said he taught Intelligence Analysis for 3.5 years at the US Intel community’s premier/ leading training center. So the guy is no slouch. (20 min)

The 302 refers to the missing Flynn/FBI 302.


Does she have a boyfriend/girlfriend like Fani does? If not, then she’s an amateur.

Robert Baker

If I may be so bold as to ask a personal professional question. What area of law is your primary focus?

Last edited 9 months ago by Robert Baker

Being retired.  😆 

Seriously, I am now assisting an attorney in WA state FOIA-type cases trying to get 2020 election records. For some unfathomable reason, the election departments refuse because they say we are contesting the elections. The statute of limitations for election contests is ten days and only a candidate has standing.

They act like they have something to hide.

Last edited 9 months ago by pgroup2

They do. Have something to hide.

We know it. They know it. WE know they know it….

Gail Combs

No, they are located with the Capitol Police, Nasty the PigLouse’s co-conspirators. THEY get to decide what gets released.

Nothing like having CRIMINAL COPS in full charge.

Remember all the cops that [were] suicided?

Last edited 9 months ago by Gail Combs

Sarcasm is me.


As my husband always tells me “to smart is dumb.”
Vivek smarmy is to smart for his own good. Snake oil sales man.


Wow this is bad. I am glad my gut is still working. The guy is a pant a Obama Two.


Yep, I wasn’t sure at first because I liked his sharp cut-to-the-chase manner but you’re right..a plant to siphon Trump voters


Yes he can be entertaining when he pretense to go after the establishment.


Gold mine from Steve Kirsch:
via Steve Kirsch
Yours Truly: Mr. Kirsch presents and discusses mortality charts that the CDC and CMS (Center for Medicare Services) never wanted released to the public regarding the deaths caused by the COVID-19 “vaccines” since they were rolled out at in January 2021.
Please notice the following take away from the Kirsch article:
“A 10% increase in all-cause mortality into around 350,000 excess deaths a year caused by the vaccines [hyperlink in the article]…But after a novel, “rushed to market at warp speed” vaccine kills over 750,000 Americans, our government ignores all the adverse safety data in their possession and urges people to inject it on a regular basis.” (bolding mine)
Yours Truly: There are two things regarding the take away above:
One: Notice the reference to “warp speed.” This, IMO, is where POTUS45 must immediately get out in front of any DeepState / DNC attempt to tie him to these deaths.
Two: The allegation that the United States federal government “ignored” safety data signals that were crossed regarding the negative effects and deaths caused by the COVID-19 “vaccines.” IMO, the government knew D@MN WELL that over 100 safety signals were crossed — and DELIBERATELY COVERED UP THE DATA TO KEEP PUSHING THE “VACCINES.” That’s not “ignoring” — that’s at the least, IMO, violation of medical and moral ethics; at worst, IMO, it’s criminal activity.


The fed govt’s actions during the covid bullshit were money laundering actions.


The medical explanations were pretext. IMO

Gail Combs

AND Logic

Money laundering AND Depopulation.

They were very well aware the mRNA technology was deadly.


If it was money laundering, that’s also criminal activity.


Ha! Just try and get the evidence.

I’ll wait.

Gail Combs

My Take:
First, the Clot Shot was rolled out AFTER he lost the election. Also Trump pushed HCQ, Dr Zelanko and everything else he could, all the while getting smashed by the Fake News.

As long as most people believed in and WANTED the clot shot, his hands were tied. Also he HAD to get the economy opened up before they could put their Great Reset in place.

He literally had to choose between two very very bad choices.

Why Trump Pushed the Vax DEC 29, 2022 • KITTY GILLESPIE

A quick reminder: President Donald J. Trump is a WARTIME President.

We are in the midst of the most complex, deadly war our world has ever seen. The stakes couldn’t be higher. This is literally a fight for our civilization.

President Trump has to make unimaginably hard decisions in order to foil the enemy’s plans and eventually win the war.

If there is ONE question that our community wants answered, it’s WHY OH WHY has President Trump endorsed—and seems to CONTINUE to endorse—the deadly jab?…

Let’s review the kind of messaging that POTUS has communicated publicly about the vax from early on:

  • Get the vax, don’t get the vax—it’s your choice.
  • You have your freedoms.
  • Therapeutics are better. I like therapeutics. (HCQ, Ivermectin, Regeneron)
  • Keep the schools open.
  • I’m not a fan of mandates.

Steady, consistent communication subtly encouraged the public to do their research and make an informed decision….

My take:

WE ARE GROWN UPS, it is time we took responsibility for OUR DECISIONS even when they are hard decisions. Look at all those military people who WALKED AWAY from a career they loved. Employed people who walked away.

We need to QUIT using POTUS Trump as a crutch and blaming him for OUR DECISIONS.

Do you really think if he came out against the Clot Shot, that much would have changed. Isn’t it better to have actual medical professionals like Dr. McCullough do the talking?


Gail Combs
Of course, POTUS45 was in a terrible position—IMO, a position made even more difficult by the actions of Fauci, Collins, Birx, and others in deliberately withholding information that the President needed to know.
The Deep State knows this also. The Deep State is terrified that Donald Trump can win in 2024. Therefore, the Deep State will do anything it can to keep that from happening—which, IMO, includes Gaslighting the voters into thinking that said President is somehow responsible for the injuries, illnesses, and deaths wrought by the COVID-19 “vaccines.” I put nothing past the Deep State / DNC.

Last edited 9 months ago by PAVACA
Gail Combs

Of, course I have had a folder open called “trump hang clot shot on for a few years”

I just want to make sure we have information ready to hand to counter the gaslighting.

I am absolutely HORRIBLE at thinking on my feet. However I am OK if I have done the research ahead of time.


Now we know how to BS you.  😂 

Gail Combs


comment image


I thank ALL here for bringing sauce and encouragement to make the decision not to get the shot. The fear porn was fairly persuasive for many who don’t have a QTree to hangout in AND many who had to make the awful choice of job or jab.

Gail Combs

What was very frustrating was having the ACTUAL DATA and having people instead TRUST the medical profession… And then watch them fall ill or worse die.


Yup, I’m still sickened by it.

But I have zero regrets for my part in it. I did and said all I could.

Last edited 9 months ago by TradeBait2
Gail Combs

And we KNOW it is only going to get worse.


I’m with you.

I know only a handful of people who ignored my pleas, and took it anyway. But I know I did all I could.


Other than DW, nearly everyone I know is Jabbed. Most double. Some Boosted.

  • Provided endless information, until either they cut communication line(s). One told me (essentially, quite indirectly, but effectively, STFU. Several simply say they opted for Jabs…

Frustrating is an understatement. Tried my best. No regrets. Nor do I try any more. Can’t fix willful reckless behavior.


Completely understood. My entire family is “vaccinated” except for Yours Truly. Lost my cousin Bill to heart issues induced by the injections he took. My sister has had COVID four times now. Step-grandchildren have each had COVID twice.
Tried to warn MD son several times about the injections. What I got in return was to be told that “I would have to accept responsibility if I got COVID.”
I did my best.
Here’s the next, and to me, the most difficult part on the horizon, since I’ve done the due diligence — starting to come to terms with the fact that ALL of my “vaccinated” family members are “vaccine”-damaged in some way; and this will begin to present in various ways over the next 1 to 2 years.

Gail Combs

That is the worse part. They have a ticking time bomb in their bodies if they do not make any effort to rectify the matter.


The ticking time bomb. I try not to think about the ticking time bomb.

If they ever ask, I’ll, again, send them information so they may be able to mitigate, effects of the Jabs.

Not looking forward to this aspect, of the next several years.


AMEN Molley! ^^^^THIS^^^^


I am a great example. I absolutely LOVE President Trump, and I absolutely WOULD NOT get the clot shot.

He was my President, not my physician. He’s NOT A DOCTOR!

If you got shot up without doing your due diligence because you loved your President, who is, again, NOT a doctor, you are a moron.

Apologies to any morons who did that. But I am not exactly a tender-hearted, PC person.


Small addition to Gail’s list above.

Trump constantly pushed States Rights. NOT a Federal decision to mandate…


Notice the reference to “warp speed.” This, IMO, is where POTUS45 must immediately get out in front of any DeepState / DNC attempt to tie him to these deaths.

I understand. I don’t see the general public focusing on this issue right now, so I don’t think it would help Trump to bring it up, especially just as we’re entering the primary season.

The Trump team probably has a strategy in place to combat any efforts to falsely link him to vax deaths.

But the most glaring issue for me is that the excellent info you present is not being disseminated to the general public in any effective way. The people who are looking at the evidence are like us, and I suspect many are Trump supporters who know that he is not to be blamed. If, at some point, the general public suddenly becomes aware and really looks at the issue, then Trump will need to counter any blame that might be (mis)placed on him. But IMO, to bring it up now would only hurt his election chances.


Agreed. One hopes that POTUS45 has a plan in place.


comment image




We have at least one restaurant here in town doing this.

pat frederick

Gail Combs

How do you know they are not there just to eat?

pat frederick

well they ain’t serving humble pie on the menu..maybe crow?

Gail Combs

Notice the time on the Fox News channel is 12:05. So people are grabbing lunch, and not many people at that.

To say they are there to listen to Nikki is typical Faux News lying.

Gail Combs

Wolfie, if you have the time Ian is dropping more truth bombs.

302 –> Flynn, Joe Pianka –> California OVER Chan who was in charge of Twitter censorship….

I have not finished listening but it is getting good! Oh and Miss Lindsey & Richard Burr were in on it.

start at maybe 20 mins

Gail Combs

Ivan is really dropping BOMBS….


Remember CIA Director Brennan? (and Clapper)
Know where he is NOW?

Sep 2023 John Brennan Returns to Serve

Former CIA director John Brennan is being called to serve in the Department of Homeland Security’s new “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group” that will offer their advice and counsel to Undersecretary for Intelligence and Analysis Ken Wainstein and Counterterrorism Coordinator Nicholas Rasmussen….


Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday announced the creation of the Homeland Intelligence Experts Group and named a litany of ex-Obama intelligence officials, some of whom have been linked to the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.


IVAN: This is an undercover way to make the Disinformation board. Do you remember we shut that down via public outcry?

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Wonder if that means he gets all his clearances back? (In case they were ever pulled)…..

Gail Combs

Ivan is someone to keep an eye on. He worked in intel when General Flynn took over. He said he was a joy to work under because he started cleaning out deadwood and kicking butts (my words)




I’m not sure what we’re supposed to take from that. That Ivan Raiklin is not what he represents himself to be?

Who is Ariel? Is he trustworthy, or is he doing what he accuses others of doing?

There are a number of references to Project Veritas and James O’Keefe, but O’Keefe is not with PV anymore. Someone brought that up in the comments, and Ariel said it doesn’t matter because that is where his legacy is. I’m not sure about that.

Of Ivan Raiklan, Arel says:

He the one that sends the talking points the to the “Plastic Pay-triots”. This is why most of them are so smug.

I wonder how many theories of the plastic patriots are fed to them by someone. It could explain why so much BS is out there where many of the untenable theories come from.

Last edited 9 months ago by TheseTruths

Ariel says this:

You all do not know what you are dealing with. These psyops are designed to go after low hanging fruit to give the conservative an illusion that Project Veritas is getting the scoop and getting to the bottom of things.

Well if that is true why are you finding out about Kathy Barnett & Ivan Raiklin role in all of this from me?

O’Keefe is not with Project Veritas anymore. Is Ariel not using the name O’Keefe Media Group because he doesn’t want to be sued by them?

O’Keefe is revealing valuable information, so I find someone who fails to recognize that to be suspect.

As for O’Keefe not reporting on Kathy Barnett and Ivan Raiklin, so what? He’s going after the stories that he can get undercover reporters on.

I don’t know if Ariel is someone we should be paying attention to, or if he is part of a psyop to divide the movement. I have had doubts about Flynn and some of the others mentioned, before.

Gail Combs

There was a bit more on James O’Keefe.

Someone on In the Matrixx Shady Grooove show said O’keefe caved to the Cabal in NH.

The guy was one of the top Race Horse owners in the country, making top $$$ in that industry. Suposedly he got crosswise of the cabal and lost everything via Lawfare.

I happen to know a bit about the race horse industry in NH because the guy I was boarding my filly with was murdered by the criminals running Rockingham Park.

He had race horses and he caught them trying to burn him out. He ran them off and in a week he was dead of a’heart attack’

There were other racing associated fires at the time in the area.


Someone on In the Matrixx Shady Grooove show said O’keefe caved to the Cabal in NH.

I have no idea where the truth lies. I’m just thinking that there might be times that someone might refrain from following a story because they or their family have been threatened. I don’t know what I would do in such a situation. If it happened with O’Keefe, and his “caving” was not because he was paid off or something, I could give him the benefit of the doubt.

The idea that someone who takes the kinds of risks he takes is doing it because they are working for the other side seems farfetched to me. He is uncovering valuable information. If the theory is that he could be doing more but is controlled, I would have to know more in order to make a judgment call. I haven’t seen him present questionable material that would make me wonder what he was really up to. If there are things he makes decisions not to pursue, it’s not for me to make those calls. He doesn’t have to be the only game in town. Anyone can report on things he chooses not to pursue. And that includes Ariel.



This is Ivan Raiklin coming up with a grand scheme for Donald Trump who he never consulted with. The nerve. The Audacity.

Ivan Raiklin- The Scheme

The following is a theory from Ivan Raiklin on How Trump Could Become Speaker of the House and Impeach Biden…

I’m thinking, so what? I’ve seen several theories about Trump becoming Speaker. They’re merely theories and wishful thinking. Of course Trump wasn’t consulted because the people who came up with them probably don’t have access to him.

Gail Combs

Who is Ariel?

He attacks Doug Mastriano:

2021 Politco: How a Trump ally rode Trump’s election fraud lie to political prominence

Doug Mastriano’s determined efforts to discredit the 2020 election results have made him a contender for Pennsylvania governor.

…Mastriano’s sudden ascent from failed congressional candidate to state senator to leading voice in the national movement to discredit the 2020 election results is a familiar portrait of political ambition. But it’s also a revealing snapshot of Trump-era GOP politics, and how the baseless claims of 2020 election fraud are shaping next year’s election landscape….

I do not remember if Doug kept fighting or not.


Now this is interesting:




Replying to @Prolotario1

Jan 15, 2024 · 6:06 PM UTC




And that goes back to AMAZING POLLY

New Establishment Media Will Pretend to be Anti-Establishment 40 minutes.

The Amazing Polly has done an excellent job of pulling together all the names and financial connections of the movers-and-shakers behind the movement to create a new establishment media supposedly based on freedodom of speech to replace the old establishment media that has fallen out of favor with most people regardless of political affiliation. The shocker is that, when Polly is through showing how, behind the scenes, the new media superstars will still be beholden to the same corporate and political entities who pay for media advertising. In the long run, nothing will change. You will be shocked to find names like Musk, Peterson, Rogan, and Carlson on the list of those who will be forced by their contracts to be controlled opposition. A lot of tedious details here, but they are essential to understand the reality behind the headlines. This video is archived at

Peterson is In the Matrixxx Shady Groove’s partner.



However the stuff Ivan has spoken of I can verify by looking up the laws and such.


Previously, I’ve seen the idea that some conservative influencers are bound by contracts that keep them from saying certain things. It wouldn’t surprise me, and I don’t take what they say as gospel anyway. I have no doubt that there are certain subjects that various individuals won’t cover for whatever reason. That doesn’t necessarily mean they are working for the other side, but in some cases it could mean they are controlled.

And yes:


Gail Combs

Did you know Kathy Barnett worked with Michael Flynn?”

Kathy Barnett is actually Kathy Barnette who ran against Dr Oz.

POLITICO: Kathy Barnette is an Army veteran who jumped to the top of the GOP field for Senate last year before finishing third between celebrity doctor Mehmet Oz.

Former senate candidate Kathy Barnette denounces FBI weaponization as witnessed during Houck arrest

Former senatorial candidate Kathy Barnette denounced the weaponization of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as seen during the arrest of Catholic pro-life activist Mark Houck.The political commentator sat down with Jim Hale of LifeSiteNews to discuss the circumstances behind Houck’s arrest. FBI agents raided the house of Houck, a father of seven, and took him into custody. He was subsequently charged with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, which prohibits “violent, threatening, damaging and obstructive conduct intended to injure, intimidate or interfere with the right to seek, obtain or provide reproductive health services.”


This is picky, but the names Barnett and Barnette look different enough that if Ariel is referring to Barnette, I’m not impressed that he didn’t spell her name correctly. That’s important for people who want to do research.

Gail Combs


Did you all know I. Raiklin was working directly with Maxine Waters? I have those messages.

So HOW did this Ariel GET those messages?

Would Ivan work for Maxine Waters as a spy? YOU BETCHA!

Gail Combs

One more:

October 5, 2023
IVAN RAIKLIN: The GOP’s Quest for the Speaker of the House: Unprecedented Proposals Emerge

…A growing chorus of Congress members, pundits, and influencers suggests that the only viable solution to address the lingering constitutional crisis stemming from the 2020 election and its aftermath is to nominate and elect former President Donald Trump as the Speaker of the House.

This audacious idea was first voiced by Congressman Troy Nehls from Texas following the ouster of Kevin McCarthy from the leadership position. Subsequently, Greg Steube and Marjorie Taylor Greene publicly rallied behind this novel concept. Anna Paulina Luna even polled her followers to gauge support for a Trump Speakership.

However, critics argue that the GOP conference has its fair share of members who would vehemently oppose Trump’s candidacy for Speaker, including Newhouse, Valadao, Bacon, and others


So why didn’t Ariel mention Troy Nehls? Or Wayne Allyn Root, who has written several columns for Gateway Pundit supporting the idea of Trump as speaker? Root did not include all the details outlined by Raiklin in his proposals, so it doesn’t appear that he was following Raiklin on the issue. Ariel appears to be placing a lot of responsibility or blame solely on Raiklin, and I’m wondering why.


Five reporters.

Gail Combs



Trump delivers 8 pizzas to fire crew.



RIP Gonzalo Lira

Here, @GonzaloLira1968 discusses my article exposing how Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky owned Hunter Biden’s Burisma, financed the political rise of Volodymyr Zelensky, and funded the Azov Battalion.

@TuckerCarlson: “Gonzalo Lira was an American citizen, but the Biden administration clearly supported his imprisonment and torture.”


Richard Baris to @JackPosobiec: “We spoke over the weekend with a lot of people who told us that 6 months ago, 5 months ago, 3 months ago, they had signs, commitment to caucus cards for Ron DeSantis, and now plan on voting or caucusing for Trump…”


Cheerleaders for the #ClimateScam, Al Gore and John Kerry, predicting that the polar ice caps would be gone by 2014.

How many times in succession do the climate apocalypse-mongers have to be wrong before people finally realise that “human-induced climate change” is a monumental scam, fabricated as a pretext for unelected globalist bodies (including the United Nations and World Economic Forum) to wield absolute control over every aspect of our lives, under the guise of “saving the planet”?

There is no “climate emergency”, and never has been.

They look so foolish, and yet they persist.

Cuppa Covfefe
Last edited 9 months ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Gail Combs

I like them. I haven’t kept up with the Climate Hoax since Trump came down the escalator.


This tells us everything what is going on.


Right. Trump started the movement, but Vivek is “worried” because the other side is trying to make it a two-person race between Trump and Nikki. Therefore, “vote for Vivek” because he “has fresh legs,” or something.

These Repub candidates have ignored the fact that our election system was infiltrated in November of 2020 and the elections were removed from the control of the people. What could be a more fundamental threat to our republic than that?

These candidates make me sick.


Team Trump Offers Podcaster Kicked Out of DeSantis Event Full Access to Travel With His Press Corps

The Gateway Pundit reported that a disabled man in a wheelchair and [who is a] conservative podcaster, Matt Kim, were removed from a Ron DeSantis campaign event on the eve of the Iowa caucuses.

Now, Team Trump is stepping up and offering Kim full access to the campaign and an opportunity to travel with the press corps.

Kim, who had no prior history of disruptive behavior or negative commentary about DeSantis, shared his baffling ejection from the event on social media.

“Just got kicked out of the DeSantis event. I’ve never made a video about him. Ever. I’ve never caused a problem. Ever. I’ve never trolled IRL. Ever. He wants to be President? What a joke,” he wrote.

He added, “I had a ticket to the DeSantis campaign and they even called me to confirm my attendance. Kicked me out as soon as I got to the door.”

…Monday morning, Kim announced that Team Trump reached out and offered him full access to their campaign and an opportunity to ride with their press corps to President Trump’s afternoon events.

Kim wrote on X:

Monday is going to be WILD!!! 

Showed up to Iowa on a whim. Blind faith. No plan. Just to experience the political process for the first time in my life. See the truth. 

Team Trump heard about what happened at the DeSantis event to me and offered me full access to their campaign and an opportunity to ride with their press corp to the afternoon President Trump’s events. 

They’re going to let me stream, record and get the real behind the scenes footage. 

You never know what can happen if you don’t take that chance. 

Truly humbled by the experience. 

Thank you all who have supported me, encouraged me, shared my content, ideas and views. Without you, this is not possible. Without you, I would not have the opportunity of a lifetime. To meet President Trump face to face. 

Thank you! Seriously. Love y’all!


In the video announcing the opportunity, Matt shared, “The Trump Team heard about what happened to me with the DeSantis event, and they invited me to ride with the press team. So I am going to be going, probably tomorrow afternoon, I’m going to be going with, like, where the reporters are to follow him around and go to the caucuses…I am going to be able to get to see behind the scenes and then show it all. They said I can record whatever I want; I can go live.”

“They’re like you can do literally whatever you want…ride in the bus, so that’s what’s happening tomorrow.”

“It’s so different, right?! One side, they’re like ‘you can’t do anything’ and they just literally kicked me out.”

“And then the other side is like, ‘yeah, we love what you do…so full access…you’re amazing.’”


Monday is going to be WILD!!!

Showed up to Iowa on a whim. Blind faith. No plan. Just to experience the political process for the first time in my life. See the truth.

Team Trump heard about what happened at the DeSantis event to me and offered me full access to their…

— Matt Kim (@MattAttack009_) January 15, 2024


And Matt was not the only one getting kicked out of a Desantis event. Matt posts about wheel chair guy.

Dilly who’s hat he was wearing posted about this too.


A Dilly meme.

had more but for some reason the same post keeps showing up in the browser address.

Last edited 9 months ago by para59r

Meme them til they cry, and then make memes about them crying.


Gail Combs

Meatball Ron is DEAD DEAD DEAD in the water. He might as well slink back home.


From the caucus results starting to come, the only live one is Trump. The rest are, as you say, dead meat.


Chip Roy should have been featured with the other heads in the sand.

Gail Combs

Beard Vet


I heard about the treatment this disabled guy received at a @GovRonDeSantis

gathering who got kicked out, so I bought him dinner and drinks

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Nikki Haley Donor Reveals Where Her Money is Coming From During Interview with Never-Trump Fox News Host Neil Cavuto (VIDEO)

The individuals donating to Haley are a bunch of coastal elitists, many of whom happen to be Democrats.

They find Haley particularly attractive because she shares much in common with them, particularly on foreign policy. During their debate last week, DeSantis remarked that Haley may be more liberal than California Governor Gavin Newsom.

This appears to be a desperate strategy shift considering Biden has completely cratered in the polls versus Trump and speculation grows whether he will even make it to November. The “president” seems to decline mentally daily.

Haley is unlikely to steal the nomination from Trump, but a New Hampshire victory would prolong the race and drain precious financial resources from the 45th President. This would weaken his standing in a general election against the eventual Democrat opponent.

I don’t understand how draining “precious financial resources” works. Does that mean the RNC would allot money to Haley if she won NH?

Gail Combs

It would drain Trump’s campaign chest that he needs to win the election.

Robert Baker

This would weaken his standing in a general election against the eventual Democrat opponent.

Whoever wrote this article does not expect Biden to make it since he is running unopposed in the Dem primaries. Who might the ‘eventual’ Dem opponent be? A somewhat revealing tell I would think.


Yes. “…speculation grows whether he will even make it to November. The “president” seems to decline mentally daily.”


Richard Grenell

I’ve spent the last few days in Guatemala listening to some horrific stories of State Department officials trying to intimidate Guatemalans from criticizing Left wing policies.

The Embassy has summoned business and political leaders to their offices to ask them to stop supporting the Attorney General, her work and conservative policies. They even demanded that people not support her re-election a few years ago.

They are demanding people support Left wing policies or else.

This is an outrageous weaponization of visas, investigations and financial sanctions.

Embassy officials have even threatened Magnitsky sanctions on some who continue to support the Attorney General of Guatemala.

What the Biden team is doing to conservatives in America is exactly what they are doing overseas – thru the State Department’s INL and WHA leadership.

It’s unAmerican and just may be illegal.

I’ve called for the State Department IG to launch an investigation as quickly as possible. I know several U.S. Senators agree.


Muh obummer.


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The caption someone put up for this meme:
Ben Franklin, “Meme them till they cry and then make memes of them crying”


Last edited 9 months ago by TheseTruths

⬆️ Edited with the correct graphic.


LOL, I should have read ahead! I just posted the caption as a comment up above.


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Its a useful distraction.

pat frederick


R Green
January 15, 2024 3:57 pm

Dead Voters’ Names Discovered on Vivek Ramaswamy’s Nomination Papers
… “In response to the scandal, a spokesperson for Ramaswamy’s campaign blamed Ground Game LLC, a vendor used to collect signatures, for the dead voter’s names appearing on Vivek’s nomination papers.”


Tesla’s Optimus robot, folding a shirt.

Just quietly making progress, slowly (quickly, actually) getting better, while nobody is paying any attention 😉


Last edited 9 months ago by scott467

Optimus is a little slow, but I’m sure that will change over time.


I want the Rosie model

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Maybe Elon re-purposed vote counting software.  😂 

pat frederick

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Gail Combs

That is where old coffee cans come in handy.

Remove the top.

Use a bottle opener to put three holes around the bottom of the can.

You can now put charcoal or wood in the can to make a small stove.

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We don’t use as many holes.

pat frederick

hmmmmm…no old metal coffee cans anymore…any other suggestions?

Gail Combs

Large veggie cans. The big tomato cans could do in a pinch.

A local restaurant may have the industrial size cans. I have gotten large glass jars and plastic jars from them.

pat frederick


Deplorable Patriot

We did that in Girl Scouts.


Won’t work with Starbucks coffee.  😂 

Gail Combs

A very good reason to drink tea!

My coffee cans are my Dad’s.

Deplorable Patriot

Hey, there’s an idea. Beats Sterno.



Gail Combs

Ivan has put up the full Biden Crack pipe video. Watch Hunters eyes…😋

Ivan asks Hunter Biden some hard hitting questions – with subtitles 2:45 minutes:


This is painful. You’d think with all the stimulus money spent in this country some would of gone to getting Kamala speech writer. 4 mins of it… Creepy.


Literally, 4 minutes of “what can be, unburdened by what has been.” 🙉 We didn’t vote for her, we don’t want her, and she is usurping the office of VP.


We want to be unburdened by what she has been !


We want to be unburdened by what she has been is!

pat frederick

Gail Combs
Gail Combs




Jan 5

This guy just announced that he is running for Congress.

This performance earned him a Presidential Citizens Medal from Joe Biden.

I’m sure he’s not bought off or compromised in any way.

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Harry Dunn


Jan 5

On January 6th, I defended our democracy from insurrectionists as a Capitol Police Officer. After, President Biden honored me with the Presidential Citizens Medal.

Today, I’m running for Congress to stop Trump’s MAGA extremists & ensure it never happens again.

Join me:…


This should dog him during his entire campaign and force him to drop out.


Excellent reporting that irrefutably proves that the narrative is false.

Journalist Steve Baker, at 7:52: “We’ve received messages from our sources at the DOJ in Washington that they were, quote, unquote, terrified of this story.” 😈

At the end, he says they will continue to peel back the layers and find evidence of who set this up and put those two officers on the stand. He says there’s no way the two men hatched this story. Bring it on! 🍿


I don’t want to think so, but I fear all out war in the Middle East is coming:

“In what is a massive escalation of hostilities in the Middle East, Iran reportedly bombed a U.S. consulate in Northern Iraq on Monday. Several videos have gone viral claiming to show the moment of impact, though confirmation of their authenticity is still being gathered. The consulate was just one of eight different locations targeted, according to sources inside Iraq.”

Gail Combs



COVID mRNA Vaccine Injury Hearing: “We Played God” and It Isn’t Going Well

…In Friday’s hearing on COVID-19 vaccine injury, renowned internist and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough stated this “was the most dangerous proposition our government agencies could have ever put forward to our country.” McCullough, Dr. Ryan Cole, and pediatric cardiologist Dr. Kirk Mihoan were present to testify. It was the first time in four years that U.S. House of Representatives members heard from practicing physicians. “Four years too late,” according to Dr. McCullough.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene led the Jan. 12 discussion alongside Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) and U.S. Representatives Warren Davidson (R-OH) and Andy Biggs (R-AZ). Johnson has led several informative roundtables featuring these doctors and other medical professionals on topics related to the pandemic. Johnson’s focus has primarily centered on early treatment, alleged government malfeasance, and misinformation. These doctors and many others who have spoken against the establishment have paid dearly, professionally and personally.

Senator Ron Johnson shared a clear-cut example of “ignored signal” during the hearing when he spoke about flu vaccines. Comparing flu vaccine outcomes with COVID-19 vaccine outcomes, Johnson shared that with 70 percent of the U.S. population inoculated, “the deaths per million doses for the COVID vaccine is 25.1.” In contrast, he added, “The deaths per million doses for the flu vaccine, assuming 70 percent are injected, is 0.46. 0.46 versus 25.1. That is a 55-fold higher death per million rate for the COVID vaccine.” 

Senator Johnson also read off an alarmingly extensive list of known severe side effects from the COVID-19 vaccines, severe side effects our government wanted to hide from the public for 75 years. What drove it?” Johnson lamented. “What drove this establishment to basically say we don’t care? Was it a drive for money? We didn’t care as long as we got this vaccine.” McCullough offered it stretches credulity to believe the shots are not causative because, in many, many cases, injury or death occurs within three days of injection. He says the shots “may cause harm five years after infection.”

All three doctors maintain that mRNA shots should be “banned for use in humans and animals.” Cole declared the mRNA platform should be removed entirely from the market and “used only for research.” Poor legislation, healthcare consolidation under Obamacare, fear, and “intertwining corrupted interests” resulting in financial gain were discussed as primary motivations for the campaign to innoculate as many individuals as possible worldwide. Regarding treatments for COVID, it seems that wellbeing and safety were the least of their concerns

It’s a good article that summarizes, through the testimony of the doctors, all that we’ve been documenting about the vax. I’m glad it is going before Congress.


ALL good news except…

Rat bastards in Congress ONLY Talk.

Rat bastards ought to cut funding…HHS, CDC, FDA, NIH… Cut salaries to $1….

  • Yea, I know lotsa private funding going to CDC and others. Zero Fed dollars appropriate.
Gail Combs

First you have to get rid of all the Pedos and Grifters and Blackmailees

pat frederick

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Gail Combs


pat frederick

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Whoa, Rhonda… I suspected you might be light in the lifts when Special Agent Casey used her body to shield you from a harmless prankster, but I didn’t expect you to go full transvestite.

Last edited 9 months ago by scott467

It was pretty funny, watching Casey shield Rob from the award.

Gail Combs

FBI Goes ‘Rogue’ and Defies Court Order to Turn Over Seth Rich Documents

The FBI countered by demanding an additional 66 years before disclosing the material. But in late November, a federal judge ordered the FBI to turn over material related to the death of the former DNC staffer to Clevenger.

Judge Amos L. Mazzant decided that the FBI had 14 days to turn over Rich’s home laptop, business laptop, DVD, and thumb drive.

The FBI has responded to the court order by stating that it does not intend to comply with it.

In an interesting development, left-wing reporters finally admitted that none of this is adding up. Attorney Ty Clevenger remarked on the FBI’s response on Thursday.

“Just when I think the FBI can’t get any more arrogant or lawless, there’s this from the Seth Rich case. Can MSM reporters like @oliverdarcy, @AndyKroll, & @Isikoff finally admit that none of this passes the smell test? That maybe they got duped?” Clevenger said.


The House could impeach Garland AND Wray.

The House could cut Garland, Wray and others pay to $1.

The House could defund aspects OR, preferred All of DOJ AND FIB.

The House will do None of the above. Why, one may ask.

  • House, DOJ AND FIB are On The Same Team.

The FIB has no authority to defy a court order, so it should be an interesting demonstration of power.

Either the court finds a way to enforce the order and severely punish those who defied a lawful court order, or the court concedes that the court is a toothless paper tiger and can be ignored at will.

What’s it gonna be, judge?

Barb Meier

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To take this domination into perspective, CNN’s Jake Tapper noted this was the earliest he could remember projecting a winner in all his years of covering the Iowa Caucuses…

The GOP presidential contest now moves on to New Hampshire, where Trump leads Haley by low double digits, according to the latest polls. Haley is hoping to spring a surprise with the help of Independents and Democrats to prolong the competition…

Another key question coming into Monday night was whether Trump could top 50% of the vote despite a fractured field of candidates. While Team Trump has downplayed the necessity of this achievement, his political opponents have desperately tried to spin such a result as a failure.


Hahahaha. He flippin smoked them all. No recovery. Eat crap detractors.


I want it to be such a margin that all the others slink off into the night, never to be heard from again.

Like Trump 65-70%.


Results at 8:13, from Barb Meier’s link:

Donald J. Trump 57.6% 
Ron DeSantis 17.3% 
Nikki Haley 17.1% 
Vivek Ramaswamy 7.0% 
Ryan Binkley 0.5% 

IMO, they should start slinking now. Vivek is not going to “save Trump” with 7% of the vote. 😅

I’m glad Haley is not dominating DeSantis. She’s not the rising star they are trying to make her out to be.


How embarrassing for Iowa.

On a ballot with “Trump” and “other”, 41.9% of them chose ‘other’.

edit: Trump is now down to 52.7%

Hopefully they will show the breakdown between male and female voters, and who voted for whom.

If we ever get the data, I’ll guess 90% of Nasty Nikki’s voters were women, voting purely on gender, the same way blacks voted 98% for Hussein purely on race.

Last edited 9 months ago by scott467

Likely so, on the gender thing. SMH.

Huge PR push for Mickey, as Rob faltered, likely helped her also.

I am taken back a bit by the numbers for Rob, Mickey and Vivek. Would have guessed much lower numbers for them.


Personally hoping minimum 85%.

Them others need to see reality and bail. (As opposed to bale of hay.) 🙂


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Slow Guy learns re-learns sumthin everyday.

Robert Baker

Definitely a young man’s sport.


And a little crazy as well.


The correct move, is to jump to the left, or to the right.

Any direction really, except up… 😂


Whatever my better days were, jumping up, would never have entered my mind.


Yes. That would be awesome!


Yes. And they can all never ever be given any position in his admin.


Oh, hell no!

Done with them all.


Based on map at link Barb provided above, Trump won every county, less one undecided.

Wish delegates went with majority.


Video at the link, ~seven minutes.

Easy listen. Very informative. Useful.

FL Surgeon General, Dr. Lapdapo, speaks clearly, on Slow Guy’s level. Problem of mRNA Jabs containing DNA, some of the DNA contaminated.


Tucker Carlson Asks if the COVID-19 Genetic Modification Vaccine Changes Your DNA
As soon as many of us heard the basic outline of how the mRNA vaccine science works, we were hesitant to participate in the global experiment. After all, this is the government creating the product. Four years later questions are being raised about what that mRNA process might actually have done to the human genome. DNA codes genetic information for the transmission of inherited traits. Each DNA sequence contains instructions to make a protein that is known as a gene.

Tucker Carlson: “Could foreign DNA enter your cells through the mRNA COVID vax and change your DNA — and humanity itself — forever? Sounds nutty. It’s not. “Absolutely that could happen,” says Dr. Joseph Ladapo, the surgeon general of Florida. A shocking conversation.”


Likely most already know that this is the girl that was forced to make the announcement about the death of two hostages, she being another. comment image
Sick: Hamas Terrorists Force Hostage Noa Argamani to Break the News that Two of Her Fellow Hostages are Dead – Yossi Sharabi and Itai Sversky

Margaret Flavin Jan. 15, 2024 3:40 pm 164 Comments



Israel – Hamas fight has dropped from news.

Hope Israel is beating the hell out of Hamas AND anyone in their way.

Thanks for posting. Had no idea.


Latest reports were that the US was pressuring Israel to tone down the war. Take it from a mid intensity conflict to a low intensity conflict. Apparently Bibi is pissed with Biden and the two have not spoken for the last 20 days. A column of Israeli armor was photographed leaving Gaza.

Meanwhile a US consulate gets bombed in Iraq, by Iran as a US freighter gets bombed in the Gulf and the Commander in Thief Joe put a lid on things and went to bed a couple of hours ago. I guess Dark Vader is handling things at home now that he’s out of the hospital, though no one has seen proof of such to my knowledge. Maybe our hospitals have secret military underground installations too and he’s really there.   :wpds_wink: 


“Commander in Thief” is perfect. He stole the election and a lot besides.


“Commander in Thief”

That one IS a keeper. Sticks like Briben, sticks.


I guess Gov Kim Reynolds says she’ll endorse Trump if he wins.   :wpds_lol: 

This might be her here, not sure.   :wpds_shock: 


Rob Bros on suicide watch. 😂😅😂


Please find Tucker’s interview with FL’s SG, Dr. Ladapo. It is worth it.


Team DeSantis Outraged: Campaign Accuses Media of Election Interference
I understand their point. If voters hear that a candidate has already won, they could decide that voting is not worth the effort. It’s not going to make a difference, but DeSantis wants every percentage point he can get. That said, if the situation were reverse, I believe Trump supporters would stand in line in a blizzard to vote for him, no matter what the media reports said.


Given the opportunity to vote for Trump, I WILL BE THERE.

  • It’s a MAGA, America First thing.

“Team Desantis Outraged”


Special Agent Casey can use her body to shield Rhonda from the outrage 👍


I suspect the DeSantis vs. Haley issue is in play as well. DeSantis wants every vote he can get so she can’t claim a second-place victory. I imagine they’re all still hanging on in case Trump gets removed for some reason, and that second-place spot is important to them. Whatever…

I just checked, and it’s Trump 50.9%, DeSantis 21.3%, Haley 19.1%, and Ramaswamy 7.7%. (It’s a good thing we’re not counting on him to save Trump. 🙄)


It is. 🙂


CNN again.
Ramaswamy spokesperson dismayed at Iowa result: “Our data said something very different”
A spokesperson for Vivek Ramaswamy’s presidential campaign expressed dismay at tonight’s result and said the campaign is “digesting and determining” as it looks ahead to the next stage.

Tricia McLaughlin, Ramaswamy campaign senior adviser and communications director, said the campaign is disappointed in returns from the Iowa caucuses on Monday, in which former President Donald Trump is projected to win, despite Ramaswamy predicting he would bring a “shock to the system” with a strong performance. 

“We left it all on the field,” McLaughlin said. “We’re obviously disappointed in the result, but Vivek, he’s tough.” 

“Our data said something very different,” McLaughlin said of the campaign’s expectations in Iowa. 

When asked if Ramaswamy would continue to stay in the race through the New Hampshire primary, McLaughlin said the campaign is still processing tonight’s results. 

 “We’ll see what comes after,” McLaughlin said.


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CNN making excuses for Mickey… Emphasis mine.

NOW: Trump speaks from Des Moines campaign headquarters after projected win in Iowa caucuses
From CNN staff

Former President Donald Trump is speaking from his campaign headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa, following his projected win in the state’s caucuses.

Earlier this evening, CNN projected Trump winning the caucuses, solidifying his place as the front-runner for the 2024 Republican nomination as he attempts a historic political comeback nearly three years after leaving the White House in disgrace.

Trump’s victory in this, his first election since losing to Joe Biden in 2020, put to bed any lingering questions about his hold over the GOP, the potency of his right-wing message and whether his legal troubles would hobble him with primary voters.

Monday’s result also puts new pressure on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former South Carolina GovNikki Haley ahead of next week’s contest in New Hampshire, where Haley is hoping to impress among a more ideologically diverse electorate.


Who writes shit like this? I’d be ashamed to sign my name to it.




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Rama A Swampy Is OUT 🙂


But he DID endorse Trump.



Ramaswamy announces he’s suspending his campaign and endorses Trump




Meant to include this with above post…

“Earlier tonight I called Donald Trump to tell him that I congratulate him on his victory. And now going forward, he will have my full endorsement for the presidency,” he said.


De Sanctus is claiming victory and media interference with 20%?


The man sold his soul early and often. I dont think he controls his campaign.


Yep… The Dip Shit got into a rush (Should have waited until 2028).
Got Bought out by the Bushies, Shot himself in the foot, Shit his pants and now has RUINED any chance(s) for his future.


Absolutely. Greed, ego, etc doesnt matter now. He has a lot of work to do in Florida to get his reputation improved so he can at least be seen in public!


Well, he’s still in the race for POTUS, right?


Yes. Not allowed to quit unless the cash spigot is cut off.


Rob’s campaign bought him a new pair of boots, WITH lifts.   :wpds_shock: 

Have heard of lifts. Just not a guy wearing lifts.

Casey should have known, better than to dress Rob with lifts.


So he’s not just a Mental Midget? 🙂


  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 


Nikki (Ineligible) is STUPID!


She claimed there are only 2 left now…. And she came in 3rd?


Dingbat Mickey duking it out with Rob for second place.

Faux News had a red check mark next to Rob, with Second Place.

  • Participation Award.

I think she prefers Mikki.


Dang. Slow Guy commonly playing catch up.   :wpds_unamused: 



Deplorable Patriot

I switched to Hunt’s.


I prefer Nimrod


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I’d like to help the FBI out.

Which way did they come in?