Cover image: Christmas Eve along the Hudson with the Palisades across the River by Samuel S. Carr

A Seismic Shift
Late Night Thoughts on Babylon
This Is How the Powers-That-Be Achieve Their Evil Goals: By Compromising Useful Idiots in Power
Twilight of the Democrats
Speaker Mike Johnson Shoots Down Lankford’s Senate Immigration Deal
Maybe he’s not a complete dud after all.
Tweets…X-Files, uh, posts, whatever
Disease X is so mysterious, Congress didn’t know what to call it when they started drafting legislation to terrorize us when it materialized.
Afraid of pulled necks and heads on pikes?
Usually, you don’t see it.
Meme Zone

Totally the wrong day for it, but since the links were light due to a holiday….
Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
9For I think that God has exhibited us apostles as last of all, like men sentenced to death; because we have become a spectacle to the world, to angels and to men. 10We are fools for Christ’s sake, but you are wise in Christ. We are weak, but you are strong. You are held in honor, but we in disrepute. 11To the present hour we hunger and thirst, we are ill-clad and buffeted and homeless, 12and we labor, working with our own hands. When reviled, we bless; when persecuted, we endure; 13when slandered, we try to conciliate; we have become, and are now, as the refuse of the world, the offscouring of all things.
PSALMS 126:1-6
1When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dream. 2Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, “The LORD has done great things for them.” 3The LORD has done great things for us; we are glad. 4Restore our fortunes, O LORD, like the watercourses in the Negeb! 5May those who sow in tears reap with shouts of joy! 6He that goes forth weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him.
MATTHEW 10:16-22
16“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. 17Beware of men; for they will deliver you up to councils, and flog you in their synagogues, 18and you will be dragged before governors and kings for my sake, to bear testimony before them and the Gentiles. 19When they deliver you up, do not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say; for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour; 20for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. 21Brother will deliver up brother to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death; 22and you will be hated by all for my name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.
Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)
Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Amen brother.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

DJT barely won Iowa, right?
Yeah, I was laughing while I typed that.
Correct he only got 51% (1/2 the delegates)
Wolf, you and Steve asked me yesterday what I thought caused the volcano – solar correlation.
My Silly Wild ass guess, would be changes in the distribution of solar wavelengths, Although total solar insolation remains relatively stable high energy EUV fluctuates wildly, and Cosmic rays. cosmic rays,are ‘modulated’ by the solar wind.
Total Solar Insolation varies ~0.1% or less UV and EUV vary ~7%
EUV and Cosmic rays are both very energetic. CO2 active IR wavelengths penetrate the ocean a few molecules deep while UV and EUV penetrate to 300 meters. How far UV and EUV actually penetrate the earth, I have no clue.
Long-term indirect indices of solar variability
Ilya Usoskin uses cosmic rays to estimate solar activity since records back thousands of years are not available.
History of Solar Activity over Millennia. by Ilya G. Usoskin
For fun here is Usoskin lambasting Leif Svalgaard @ WUWT. LINK
Now that I have put down my SWAG, I am going to go look and see if there is anything in the literature.
2022 Komitov and Kaftan, Danjon Effect”, Solar-Triggered Volcanic Activity,
and Relation to Climate Change — Russian Journal of Earth Sciences.
Not exactly in the same domain, but wouldn’t increased volcanic activity, especially w/ spewing ash into the upper atmosphere, have a potentially cooling effect on climate/weather by limiting the sun’s ray’s penetration down to the earth’s level?
Mount Tambora and the Year Without a Summer
TY Gail
You are welcome. I sometimes forget people do not make the connections I do.
Generally to look for neutrinos they like to find a mine that’s a mile deep. They don’t want false hits from cosmic rays.
That puts a maximum on how much they can penetrate rock. Now a mile sounds like a lot, but for volcanism it barely scratches the surface.
OK, I am just going to plug my toaster oven in. Drives Taller Half crazy, because all HE wants is a toaster.
What about some “AND” logic?
I tend to use them for very different things.
I have to give Taller Hand some credit. Because a Toaster is very different from a Toaster Oven.
Some and Logic.
Taller Half, that is…some and…
The Commie NY Slimes strikes again! (You can see the trail of slime.)
DeSantis is a sleazy slimy scummy rat.
In heels!
Time wounds all heels…
Oh my!
Someone made a comment today that he might fall off his boots. Spit up Scotch.
Gorebull warming is real.
Yup, a bull will deposit a steaming warm pile of Schiff.
The Newspaper of Record has post-caucus analysis…..
Love it!!!
That is Great.
I need another Trump rally.
What a fun day.
I took a Cucking Fold day (the wind was blowing at least 40MPH here, and the temps were below zero–wind chill was probably in double digits K) and it was a good thing; I lost power before I would have got home.
This is a very bad thing when it’s -13F (-25C) outside!
It was a two hour outage, in two parts because the first return of power lasted for about 30 minutes.
Luckily there are deplorables willing to do the work in absolutely crappy conditions. Linemen…far more useful than the kneeler linemen in the Notionally Fuckedup League.
At least Darwin is safe and comfortable.
When the Fiancee did her huge annual candy-making fiasco, she took a box of the results by the local fire station. It’s good to let people know they are appreciated. I’m glad your power people didn’t all take MLK Day off.
I suppose you could say that about Darwin.
It’s a certainty that he no longer cares about the weather!
The linked site is very annoying, but the information is important!
That was also linked yesterday by pat frederick and played well.
This essay linked by DePat is really wonderful for KEEPING FAITH in what lies ahead this year.
NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, we will move forward, and we will WIN.
Late Night Thoughts on Babylon
Excellent read.
Great starter, on a Monday morning.
It is.
Jack Poso
If your favorite pundit told you that DeSantis was going to win Iowa, or even be competitive in 2024, consider the following: You may have been listening to an idiot who has no idea about politics in America and no business discussing it
These are the same people who believe PDJT lost the last election. You can’t fix stupid sometimes.
After Lackluster Showing, Nikki Haley Orders The Bombing of Iowa
linky !
Forgotten History…
Most Corrupt lll : Franklin D. Roosevelt FDR- Part 1
video link…
helluva guy
Part 2 of the same series…
some disturbing history in both vids.
In My Top Five most hated Presidents.
Can’t disagree.
The one thing he did right was he understood that Nazism had to be extirpated. (Even there he got the details wrong.) Of course, he had no notion of the evil of the USSR and helped, thereby, to set up the Cold War.
I never really thought of him as “corrupt” in the usual sense (taking bribes, etc.) [of course I could well end up standing corrected on this.] but I would rather have had that than what we did get from him: Wreckage of what America used to be, a ballooning federal government…
This is a Silly Wild Ass Guess not even a theory but worth think about.
However I want to string together some Articles and events.
Start first with this: Saudi Arabia, Trump, The Vegas shooting, and the Fall of the Old Guard
PEPE LIVES MATTER did this article in April 2023.
He goes over Trump visiting Saudi Arabia FIRST before visiting any other country,
The Sword Dance and what it means.
The Cabal’s PANIC & the possibility Trump and the Saudi King & Prince were in Vegas at the time of the shooting. (Cabal’s attempt to eliminate both threats)
Al Waleed’s owning the top floors, paying for Obama’s Harvard education and the Saudi retaliation (Hung by his heels) and removal from the board.
The FBI cover up and the deaths of witnesses.
Pepe includes the Q drops during that time.
Now read Joe Lange’s Jan 12th article: A Seismic Shift: Transferring Power From the Banks … To the People
D-Pat has featured it twice. Joe outlines the POSSIBLE DEATH OF THE FED.
A CLOSER LOOK — Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years
The “King of Debt” promised to reduce the national debt — then his tax cuts made it surge. Add in the pandemic, and he oversaw the third-biggest deficit increase of any president. “…The national debt has risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump’s time in office….”
Reuters: Saudi Arabia officially joins BRICS bloc – state TV
Now add in Congressman Johnson’s ‘caving’ on the continuing resolution.
Do you really care what the terms and interest rate is for the loan you get from your neighbor when you now he is about to be convicted and put to dead for murder? A loan you know you will never have to paid back.
And just for YUCKS…
Who owns the No.1 source of mainstream news Reuters?
In other words for the last three decades, Blackstone was actively destroying US owned businesses via ‘Leveraged Buyouts’
If Saudi Arabia really goes BRICS, the dollar is dead.
Saudi Arabia along with the UAE, Egypt, Iran and Ethiopia joined Brics on January 1, doubling its membership to 10, with Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa the original members. The addition of the two major Gulf economies to the bloc will “increase the level of linkages between the region and the rest of the world and they will improve capacity to attract investment, ” Jihad Azour, the International Monetary Fund’s director for the Mena region, told The National.
Saudi Arabia and UAE officially join Brics: What will it mean for the bloc
Saudi/UAE can coexist in both worlds until PDT takes control again. If it goes the way PDT wants it to go the entire world will use similar methods of exchange and central banks as we know it will be dead.
Jul 09, 2019 3:18:01 PM EDT
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 2613d4 No. 6969889
4y, 6m, 1w, 3h, 15m ago
8chan qresearch
Dollar is on life support. Swirling the drain.
What happens if no one in the US buys anything?
“Vacinopolis”, “Poliopolis” containment/quarantine facilities brought to the world by the Gates Foundation, and the Vaccine Confidence Project of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine:
….”Recently his team has conducted a unique project for the Gates Foundation; a novel vaccine trial in quarantine conditions (“Poliopolis”). In 2022 a new facility was launched, Vaccinopolis, for the conduct of phase 1-3 vaccine trials, with a permanent contained facility for human challenge trials.”….
This interview is with the director of the London School of Public Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. His wife, Heidi Larson, runs the Vaccine Confidence Project.
The interviewer is Jay Walker, curator of TED MED, founder of Walker Digital, and the Library of the History of Human Imagination:
Vaccine Confidence Project?
What am I scared about?
permanent containment facility for humans…we have those already–they’re called PRISONS
This is built.
CHIMs: Controlled Human Infection Models
…” The participating volunteers in such trials come in for regular check-ups. But what makes Vaccinopolis truly unique is its ability to conduct CHIM studies.
Van Damme: ‘CHIM stands for Controlled Human Infection Model and means that test subjects are first given a vaccine or a placebo and then deliberately given a diluted dose of a pathogen.”…
…”Vaccinopolis has thirty beds. In some clinical trials, test subjects will spend several weeks in complete quarantine. On the one hand, this is done for safety reasons: the pathogens must not be allowed to run wild in society. On the other hand, it allows for an optimal follow-up of the volunteers.
‘That way, you can also take daily samples from the subjects’, says Dr Ilse De Coster, head of the clinical trial team. ‘Based on those characteristics, we can eventually try to predict how specific groups of people will react to a certain vaccine. Each clinical trial is approved in advance by an independent ethics committee and by the regulatory authorities (FAGG). Trials are only conducted with pathogens for which a treatment already exists.’ “…
…”The building was constructed in record time: the entire project was completed in just fourteen months. ‘Usually, the realisation of such a project takes four to five years’, says chief architect Roy Pype (Proof of the sum). ‘But the circumstances were exceptional: COVID-19 proves that viruses can strike quickly and unexpectedly.’
Proof of the sum, Exilab, Abstract Architecten, burO Groen and Establis were responsible for the integral design. The realisation was in the hands of Jansen Building Group, Jansen Cleanrooms and Cordeel. Together with Jansen Cleanrooms, Imtech Belgium will be taking care of the maintenance for fifteen years. The work was done quickly, but nothing was left to chance when it came to biosafety”…
…”The federal government invested 20 million euros in Vaccinopolis and in the ULB’s Institute for Medical Immunology. Vaccinopolis closely collaborates with the University of Brussels: a leader in human vaccine immunology. Henceforth they will be able to operate from a state-of-the-art immunology laboratory.
Private partners also invested in the realisation of Vaccinopolis. From the Flemish government’s recovery plan, €5.3 million was also made available for the development of an innovation ecosystem for pandemic management, as indicated in the 2030 roadmap of Voka – Chamber of Commerce Antwerp-Waasland.”…
Well, isn’t that nice—treating human beings like lab chimpanzees. Even down to the name—CHIMS. They’re not making any further attempts to disguise their utter contempt of people, nor how they want to deal with them.
They never stopped doing it.
Tuskegee Experiment: The Infamous Syphilis Study | HISTORY
What (or who) killed all of these children? The WORLD deserves to KNOW — Aubergine
Brussels, yet again.
They are an unspeakable pit of evil, from the EU to other things. And Belgium is a cobbled-up country with three distinct populations that are just this side of warring with each other (cf the many problems with language and territories since WWII)…
And, IIRC, von der Leyen’s family is from there… and her hubby stands to make enormous profits from various “vaccines”…
Jay Walker, the interviewer, holds hundreds of patents, one,iir, is for an innovative syringe.
COVID-19 has caused an unprecedented crisis. The Government of Flanders is responding to this with its
ambitious Flemish Resilience recovery plan. An investment worth 4.3 billion euros and intended to turn the
corona crisis into an opportunity. An opportunity bringing societal and economic gains and making Flanders
one of Europe’s frontrunners. The European Union has also set up a recovery fund to emerge from this crisis,
from which it is allocating 2.25 billion euros to Flander
Covid was the greatest $$$$ scam ever invented.
The projects in this article are a template for the globo plans
Well, that’s a relief. /sarc
CDC, NIC and FDA oversight…
15 minute cities.
Pierre Van Damme on Vaccinopolis:
…”In the brand new Vaccinopolis complex, the outpatient clinical trials of the Centre for the Evaluation of Vaccinations will be carried out and followed up. The participating volunteers in such trials come in for regular check-ups. But what makes Vaccinopolis truly unique is its ability to conduct CHIM studies.
Van Damme: ‘CHIM stands for Controlled Human Infection Model and means that test subjects are first given a vaccine or a placebo and then deliberately given a diluted dose of a pathogen. This allows researchers to test more quickly whether and how a certain candidate vaccine works.”…
Now we know what this is about…
GEE, Josef Mengele would be PROUD!
IG Farben has risen.
Go back to the beginning, the TedMed interview of the Director of the London School of Hygiene &Tropical Medicine. The interviewer, Jay Walker. Look into his library and short TED MED videos, if you dare.
Guy is an expert at winning at Monopoly. No joke. Check out his college roommate and co-author of the monopoly book. Can you say 1000 Talent?
Long ago, I posted about “where all roads lead”….
CBD/CoPs/One Health 12 Manhattan Principles founder
Health SMART ID, vaccine passport inventor, fake Brian Wansink research
Jay Walker &1000 Talent roommate, coauthor, university pres.
2009 furin cleavage site research
2007 spike protein research , U. Iowa.
DEI trainers building training center additions on their personal properties w/University resources. (Otherwise known as a Tavistock headf*ck.)
All roads lead to Ithaca.
These people are like Bond villains meet Harry Potter….
This cartoonish.
“Jay Walker”, suggests he just small time, despite being everything Epstein wanted to be.
He partnered with a guy named Michael Loeb. If Mike was the china deal maker, clients might pronounce his name “Mike Roeb”. ( Microbe?)
Need to try to find some so humor in this truth, stranger and more interesting than fiction.
So has Albert Speer:
Shipping container villages with connecting electrified transportation systems:
Likely produced with Green Energy AND No Evil Oil.
Pure evil in plain sight.
Public Service Announcement
Fun thought.
A pack of feral hogs,
Take up residence in the District of criminals.
Don’t forget the grizzlies and Poley bears too.
Nicely done.
(Took me a few moments.)
can only take credit for posting…lol
4Q King George [think one finger salute]
ultra maggot now wants to march in and seize patents that were developed with help from government funding if they don’t believe the rollouts are quick enough or the costs aren’t low enough. in reality it means, the gov’t can seize the patents and award them to their crony friends instead.
Such Big Government caprice would karate chop private investment. Why would venture capitalists license new patents if federal busybodies could march in, expropriate, and award them to politically connected competitors?
Even worse, anti-capitalist bureaucrats could snatch licenses and sit on them while chanting, “Equity!” “Social justice!” or “Climate!”
Biden & Co. argue that when the state goes marching in, cheaper medicines will flow like the mighty Mississippi. This will prove to be yet another Marxist mirage, as drug companies avoid licensing patents for fear of being fleeced by the Everything for All crowd.
Taxpayers also will suffer if these patents cannot be harnessed. They never will taste the fruits of scientific developments that stay theoretical. They also will not collect the corporate taxes that commercialization now yields.
Trump lowered the cost of drugs without going to those lengths, so of course there is a sinister motive behind it.
oh yeah…i can see ultra maggot steering those patents to the highest bidder–I mean the most competent producer
read: RED China…
Sounds like the RED Chinese want to steal some more intellectual property…
Reminds me of this classic movie scene —
Tanner Boyle: All we got on this team are a buncha Jews, spics, niggers, pansies, and a booger-eatin’ moron!
(They wanted me to prove my age to see it in video)
Prove your age? That movie was ahead of its time.
man, these people think the can regulate what you do with your own money!!!!!!!!!
withdraw your money and tell this credit union to f off!!!!!
DeSantis is a sore loser and is claiming he lost because of Caucus interference.
History repeats itself….
Rob was wondering in the snow, with a bottle of wine.
Only a politician could claim this a victory…
After Visiting All 99 Iowa Counties and Failing to Win a Single One, Ron DeSantis Declares Victory “We Got Our Ticket Punched”
After visiting all 99 counties in Iowa and failing to win a single one, specifically because he visited all 99 counties in Iowa, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis declared the dark, unknown and mysterious forces of universe tried to stop him, “threw everything at him,” yet he alone stands victorious.
And a bottle of whine
I still remember when I saw the original Hitlary Klinton video I thought it was an impersonator in a satire. It just didn’t quite look like her to me for some reason.
Remember her ‘deplorable’ ‘unredeemable’ speech was also way over the top – a self-satire, self-sabotage episode – one of many she’s committed.
The last line should be
I said the same yesterday.
…They are creating the next pandemic.
It’s only been a few years… Learn from history, before it repeats..
importing not replacements who want to work and achieve the American dream, but rampant crime–a new population of gimme gimme gimme
The kind of migrant crime coming in is pretty spectacular, of the kind that you see in the hillside shantytowns of Caracas or Medellin. The Post reported prostitution among migrants selling flowers, scams to extort money from New Yorkers by having one migrant run into traffic to get lightly hit by a passing car with his buddies in the back filming the incident on their cell phone cameras after which the migrant demands a $500 payout in order to avoid being taken to court. Other migrants, the supposedly pitiful single moms on the go operate like gypsy families, filing into malls and having children distract staff while mom steals goods, or the kids do, stuffing their stolen goods on the kids to avoid any serious charges as if that were still being done these days. They also like to go begging, at all hours, banging on doors for free stuff from the public, despite the support the city is giving them. One day of begging will bring an illegal migrant about $160 a day which is even higher than New York’s inflated minimum wage, and why migrants shun offers of work because begging in the underground economy pays more. City officials have instituted migrant curfew to fight it but don’t hold your breath. Car stealing is big. Communicable diseases are rampant. Among themselves, the migrants live the wife-beater lifestyle, with reports of migrants assaulting one another over food and petty matters, bringing more crime, yelling, loud music, and plagues to the otherwise placid parts of outer Brooklyn.
The antibiotic resistant type. As well as a lot of other diseases.
Gail Combs
As well as:
Dengue Fever
Among others.
I thought the migrants were all military aged men?
What they describe is a lot of what you see in the bigger cities in Europe, especially from the Gypsies.
gotta have some women in the mix–token families to get photos ops with…
Memphis has a big community of gypsies. They’re very devout Catholics and very good thieves!
The breakdown of civil society one borough at a time. It’s nice that it’s NYC and we can watch it from afar but all the metropolitan areas should be preparing.
I mentioned a few days ago when the Climate Nazis pointed towards Texas, they the solar panels and wind turbines were vulnerable. Of course THEY said they fixed the problem — NOPE!
WIND TURBINE FAIL: Texas Power Grid Operator Issues Warning Amid Extreme Cold Snap
DEPAT’s from above!!!
Green Energy for Dummies.
Seems, God is giving the Woke Crowd a major slap up side the head.
Nothing like freezing your rear off to make you want reliable energy.
can’t even stay warm in your ev either.
They’ll find a way to justify it.
Marxist philosophy is based on refuting reality.
The Philosophy Of Karl Marx
The Hegelian Basis
Marxist philosophy is based on refuting reality.
^^^ Briben Administration AND every Fed department, refutes reality, daily.
Pravda News reinforces the smear.
graft, grift and gross negligence
January 16, 2024 9:13 am
Nobody in D.C. actually even cares….
How many kickbacks are in this accounting mess?
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) failed to suitably report billions of dollars in fiscal 2022 spending, the agency’s inspector general determined, prompting condemnation from GOP lawmakers.
The inspector general’s team found EPA award-level obligations — or spending commitments — were underreported by $1.2 billion and award-level outlays — or money actually paid — were underreported by $5.8 billion, meaning that 12.9% of the EPA’s total award-level obligations and 99.9% of the EPA’s total award-level outlays were not reported in fiscal 2022.
Also noted by the watchdog was that the EPA also did not report “any” of its Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act outlays and underreported its COVID pandemic-related outlays.
IF r-Cons were conservative, they’d defund EPA. Reduce EPA “leadership” to $1.
Why should they when the grift is how they grow rich?
BIG INTEL : How The CIA and FBI Went From Cold War Heroes To Deep State Villains
EXCERPT : How The Great Cultural Revolution Transformed The Cia and FBI
article link…
EXCERPT: How the Great Cultural Revolution Transformed the CIA and FBI › American Greatness (
by J. Michael Waller
marxism + transformed = The Obama Fundamental Transformation
read more, at the link.
good piece.
Spies, Spooks, Snakes and The Sea Eye Aye
To me the article and book look like ‘limited Hangout’ When it becomes OBVIOUS the Cabal will allow out a small measure of truth in order to hide a larger truth.
MORE: Henry Kissinger: British Cabal Puppet A War Criminal & Military Industrial Complex Asset
Follow The Money The CIA is the World’s Filthiest Laundromat
yeah yeah…
CIA has always been a little squishy & deep statish…
but the FBI hasn’t.
Actually the FIB was started in response to Prohibition. When it was repealed, the ‘Solution’ went looking for a ‘New Problem’ Can’t just cut the bureaucrats.
did you even bother to read the xcerpt I posted ?
“….The cultural revolution in the intelligence community, as with much of the rest of the government bureaucracy, 𝗯𝗲𝗴𝗮𝗻 𝗼𝗻 𝗔𝘂𝗴𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝟭𝟴, 𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟭. On that day Obama issued Executive Order 13583. The title said it all: “Establishing a Coordinated Government-Wide Initiative to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce.” The shepherdess of the executive order was presidential confidant Valerie Jarrett….”
It did not BEGIN in 2011 it began after the Civil War. It began with the Psychological attack by John Dewey’s & John D Rockefeller on our education system over 100 years ago.
Heck you even have this:
well hey then…
We are good!
A great night AND she is beautiful. Betting, she is also America First.
Don’t count on it. She didn’t get into pilot training because she’s a deplorable.
If in the military you learn to keep your mouth shut.
In the military, you’re SUPPOSED to keep your mouth shut about politics. Or at least you were when I was in.
Even wives.
VIVEK RAMASWAMY is a Constitutionally ineligible grown-up anchor baby who INVESTED $116 million in 2017 into ARBUTUS BIOPHARMA, the company that developed the original formula for the DANGEROUS, ONLY FOR RESEARCH USE, lipid nanoparticle SM-102 that IS in ALL of the MODERNA COVID-19 “VACCINES”; and is, IMO, being trained and used as “Mike Pence Version 2” against Donald Trump.
NIKKI HALEY is a Constitutionally ineligible grown-up anchor baby who is a graduate of the 2011 WEF Young Global Leaders class, and is, IMO, being trained and used by the WEF, Deep State, and the RNC to wrest the 2024 Presidential nomination from Donald Trump; OR, to be “brokered” onto him as the VP pick.
In simple terms they’re creating uniparty candidates. They attach a Republican banner and pay for the ruse/candidates in hope of one day installing figureheads of either party that will do their bidding. imo
exactly what they’re doing.
You got it. The code word used to be moderate. In TN it was the Senators Howard Baker and Lamar Alexander model. Put on a show for conservatives and vote uniparty establishment. They have career paths to get them ready.
Wall Street’s reaction to the victory by POTUS45 at the Iowa Caucuses yesterday—the Dow Jones is down 253 points as of 9:50AM today.
Posted late yesterday.
This ~6 minute video splains the problem with mRNA Jabs containing DNA…
Quack speaks at Readers Digest Level. Even Slow Guy got it.
Thank you. Yes. And there’s this:
More sauce: the “De Marinis” paper from 2022:
“Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line”
Yang De Marinis, et al.
Published 25 February 2022
Here is the graphic of the changes in the LINE1 human liver cell line that are caused by the modRNA + the spike protein of BNT162b2:
Note that this SAME modRNA + spike protein are present (although in a smaller amount) in the “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine” by Pfizer-BioNTech. It can be fairly argued that this “vaccine” can ALSO change the DNA of the LINE1 human liver cell line.
Boy,. I am now getting Image missing.
Gail Combs
Thank you.
I’ve been having trouble with Post Image. Who knows, perhaps their site is being “monitored.”
I saw it early this morning, but when I scrolled past a 1/2 hr ago it was already gone.
Quack??? Isn’t that an insult, or did I spend my life believing it was when it wasn’t?
I think at this point it is the new name for doctor. Sort of like negro was replaced by the word Black that was then replaced by the words African American.
Makes sense. ThanQ.
As usual, you are correct.
Generic, to me. If I wish to insult, I usually use, asshole, shithead, fuck stick…
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, January 16, 2024
“But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.”
Romans 7:6 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
With no rhyme nor reason.
Good Grief I learned to do that when I was nine years old!
The + and the – is STAMPED in the copper clamp.
And these are the kind of people they are sending up to the Senate for confirmation, not to mention giving power to all around the country from boardrooms to govt.
So, this cardiologist stopped “vaccinating” young people and instead focused on “vaccinating” THE ELDERLY AND OTHER VULNERABLE GROUPS.
“Cardiologist Regrets Vaccinating Young, Healthy People At His Clinic: “That Was A Mistake On My Part””
by Rav Arora
from 22 August 2023
Dr. Anish Koka finally admits that he was wrong in “vaccinating” young, healthy people at his clinic. He made sure that he himself, and his family, were “vaccinated” also. [Yours Truly — This means that he himself, and his family, have the poisons of the COVID-19 “vaccines” in their bodies working to damage them,]
Dr, Koka admits that he was parroting the “safe and effective” lies from the CDC / FDA and then realized his “mistake” when the data on “vaccine”-induced myocarditis began to leak out.
BUT, BUT — Dr. Koka changed his “vaccination” focus to THE ELDERLY AND OTHER VULNERABLE GROUPS and injected THEM.
Wonder what Dr. Koka would think about the REAL “vaccine”-induced deaths data from Medicare ‘ CMS?, 14 January 2024.
IMO, Dr. Koka STILL “followed the party line” by “vaccinating” the elderly and other vulnerable groups.
He is just getting rid of the Useless eaters.
Gail Combs,
Harsh but, IMO, true.
just got done shoveling 5 more inches of global warming off my deck and ramp
It’s also called Glo-Bull Warming. Emphasis on Bull.
AlGoreTheClimateWhore “father” of Gore-Bull warming…
Yup. Even here in east TN we received 3-10″ of snow with intermittent rain and sleet that froze and will refreeze tonight at 0 degrees and again at 8 degrees tomorrow night.
Yeah, it has gotten colder through out the day here in NC. It was supposed to be sunny but instead rained.
Had to dig around for this information. Figured some might want to know.
The biggest loser: Turnout
Jonathan Allenis reporting from Iowa
So Iowa’s Primary in 2016 was Feb 1.
Weather in Des Monies, IA was Low of 28 degrees and High of 43 degrees.
Des Monies temps for yesterday saw a high of -2 degrees and a low of – 13 degrees. It was much colder in other parts of the state.
And for the weather conspirators, can’t help but notice this cold snap is four days long, starting 2 days before the Iowa Caucus and then snaps back to normal after today as shown in the above link.
Don’t feed the weather conspirators, LOL!
Talk about a Darwin Award waiting to happen!
Oh goody. Now they can kill birds year round…
And a lot of other life. Of course considering the weird fires in CA and Hawaii recently, I think they have already been practicing.
That’s a scary thought.
another bites the dust
January 16, 2024 11:29 am
‘Asa Hutchinson dropped his bid for the Republican presidential nomination on Tuesday, ending a candidacy that served as a throwback to an earlier era of the GOP’
A feather falls and strikes the ground with a resounding silence.
Beautifully poetic!
Now Citizen Free Press appears to be spying on us.
They just put this on the top of their stack…
Raise your hand if you thought Asa Hutchinson already quit.
Well the FIB certainly does!
And the NSA never quit.
Poor Asa… I don’t think anyone knew he was even still in the running.
Who is Asa?
Only one I know is Asa Sheldon. (We have the book)
Asa Hutchinson. I guess he was still in the race according to the story. Personally did not know.
ASSa Has always been a RINO Idiot. From Bushes drug czar to Arkansas Governor….
Hope he finally goes away and disappears into history never to return.
Oh this is nice…
At heart they’re sadists and proud about it. The easy A from their university professors helps too.
I doubt most of those in that animalistic crowd could spell university, let alone attend one… even with today’s lowered standards…
Times were, hospitals were enforced quiet zones. It was a crime to disturb the peace there, around them.
Those Military-aged Malthusian misanthropic Moslem miscreants should be returned whence they came. Say, dropped from 30,000 feet…
Without a parachute..
Saves on paperwork requirements.
Gravity > passports.
Yes. Apparently they still are as one of the tweets below demonstrate.
I hope and pray that Israel scrapes Hamas, Hezbollah, and the “Palestinians” off into the sea.
They are animals.
Cultural enrichment? Yeah, the culture of 5000 B.C. …..
CNBC World’s five richest men have DOUBLED their wealth since 2020 Report Finds
There was a day not too long ago, and still maybe today that one would welcome such news or at worst ignore it, thinking meritocracy at work, maybe me someday.
But when they start pulling up the ladders, or denying certain groups who are more than able to scale those ladders or worse, putting their thumb on them with conficatory policies, or laws that send them back down the ladder, or even worse of all targeting them for elimination from the human race, then it’s high time they get put on notice that colluding with each other to gather all the wealth to themselves rubs the masses the wrong way.
We’re not facing an Atlas Shrugged situation where the world conspired against the movers and shakers so they left, were facing instead the mover and shakers making the first move and conspiring against the system that gave them their wealth.
We really don’t want to think that way, but unless they change their ways, stop colluding and demonstrate something different like Musk seems to do, it’s inevitable.
Now someone tell Abbott to start using trains and send them to the Hamptons!
Sniffy gets tuff…
BidenAmin Warns It Will Take Action If Texas Does Not Stop Blocking Fed Agents From US Border Area
Dept of Just-Us to step in…up…in it.
This could get very interesting considering the Federal Gov’t has a DUTY to protect the states.
“….The text and original meaning of Article IV, Section 4 of the United States Constitution clearly support the conclusion that all branches of the federal government, including the judiciary, are obligated to perform their respective constitutional functions so as to protect each of the states from any kind of lawless invasion that may occur.
Article IV, Section 4 states:
The Guarantee Against Invasion Is Unconditional
The three guarantees to the states set forth in Section 4 — to preserve for them a republican form of government, protect against invasion, and protect against domestic violence — are linked by the word “and” that is placed between each of them. Together, the guarantees form what is known in the canons of interpretation and construction as a conjunctive list structured as a polysyndeton….”
They will argue that this isn’t an invasion as would occur in a hot war; this is “refugees” pouring in. But they can’t be allowed to change the definition of words to suit their goals. It absolutely is an invasion, and by people whose first action is to break our laws.
AND they’re using our resources…what about all their bullsh^t claims of lowering the footprint, the energy use, food consumption, etc
Their very bodies being here are creating massive usage..planes, buses, subways, cars. Somehow they have money for do you show up and within a short time have a vehicle?
All the free meals, all of the hotels and motels filled with them warm and toasty while the rest of us hoping to use less utilities because of raised rates
Airports and barracks filled up with them.
Ugh..I could go on but we all know the rant. Just once I wish some talking head would start raging the truth and stomp off the set
I think his name was Tucker Carlson.
there was a tweet this morning about the cars. the illegals get $2000 when they cross. they wait a few days…cross back into mexico and then cross into the US again…getting another $2000. one illegal claimed he made $8000 in a month this way. they are not keeping track of anything at the border.
OMG…it’s maddening
Especially when you realize, that after all the taxes and fees (and hidden taxes) you are paying between 70 % and 80% of what you earn. And that does not include the ‘loans’
i wanna implant a chip in them…track them till their court date
And tattoo ILLEGAL on their forehead!
How about a lead chip?
What a nice pic of the biggest shithead in Hollywood.
Makes Alec Baldwin look reasonably normal.
At around 15:30 minutes CannCon explains the newest DemonRat trick. NOTE THAT IOWA IS A PROPORTIONAL DELEGATE STATE as are most. The name of the game is to get Trump supporters to stay home and to get NeverTrumpers and DemonRat crossover voters to STEAL Delegates from trump so the RNC can pick a different candidate.
There are only SEVEN winner take all states (see map 1/2 way doen),_2024
Yep, apparently accepting demonrat crossover voters who aren’t getting a choice will be Nikki’s strategy for New Hampshire.
What happened to JFK? Did they find a way to shake him completely or does he still have some cards to play?
Uh, JFK is on the other side of the lawn.
Okay… the other one..
RFK Jr.?
I think he is running third party.
Good still in play then. Btw, listening to the Bad Land’s short clip of Vivek’s concession speech. Said he is suspending his race. Not the same as dropping out. So I guess he’s left a card on the table for the break glass situation. Which would be fine unless he tries to play that card early. 100% Trump out, okay play it. But if Trump regardless of status, be it conviction or in jail but can still be on the ballot he best not play it.
RK Jr running third party is going to pull a LOT of votes from the DemonRats. After the Immigration fiasco and Granny Killing Clot Shot, people are NOT going to want to vote DemonRat even if they hate Trump.
I know I voted third party as a protest vote on occasion.
I’ve noticed that that all seem to “suspend” when they quit the race.
Perhaps to both use funds collected AND hope an opportunity arises to reactivate their campaign.
My guess.
Good luck with that…
Well —
via The Post Millenial
According to his bio at United Airlines, Kirby is married and has seven children.
I’m always struck by the glee on those people’s faces when talking about their sick proclivities and pushing them on others. It is not normal and seems juvenile to me, I guess because it’s all a fantasy.
Because despite the glitter and big hair they’re off their rockers ? Only a few degrees of separation from this….
“REVEALED: United CEO Scott Kirby is drag queen, pushes drag and DEI on staff”

Just… just unbelievable…

May he be mocked relentlessly, driven out of United Airlines, and catapulted into irrelevancy.
WAYNE ROOT: Trump is Secretariat. DeSantis and Nikki are Headed for the Glue Factory
That’s quite a headline.
They are hanging out like vultures in case Trump gets taken out for any reason.
Those are the darn birds hanging out looking for a new lamb or goat kid to rip to shreds alive.
Thank goodness for the neighbor’s Dog. She has decided to hang out here. She now walks with us when we go feed the animals.
What did one vulture say to the other vulture?
“To hell with patience; I’m gonna go kill something.”
Or … Buzzard Luck: Can’t kill nothin’ … and can’t find nothiin’ dead…
First numbers posted in the new year:
1/16/24 – 2080 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, 1457 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection
That’s a business man for you. You don’t say in business by wasting $$$.
Something the other two can’t understand.
They depend on ‘Advisors’ who are often in it to make as much $$$ as they can.
Yup, that was a WARNING from the Cabal.
The way to handle that is to go public, immediately.
Get 24/7 security protection and then make it your life mission to expose cabal everywhere, and hunt down any and all cabal in Georgia, like President Nayib Bukele did in El Salvador.
Someone here called it shortly after both deaths occurred.
Kemp is Bought, Blackmailed and/or Threatened.
Yes, likely all three. The last a reminder to the first two.
All the above and more I am sure.
A high concentration of sleaze in his DNA?
All My Children star and fitness model Alex Musser died by suicide from a self-inflicted gunshot
Before his cause of death was released, Press told Fox News Digital Musser was suffering from ‘a severe case of Covid’ at the time of his death – he was vaccinated and boosted.
that’s strange. Here’s another strange one. Wonder if he was jabbed
A healthy, 27-year-old father of 3 died of the flu.
Quenten Thomas, 27, a father of three young kids in Marysville, Tennessee, died last week due to complications of the flu.
He was coughing and having trouble breathing, his father, Robert Thomas, told NBC News.At first, the hospital sent Quenten Thomas, who had not received a flu shot this season, home to recover with water, food and sleep, his father said. But his oxygen levels remained low and he was still in pain, so he went back.
“They put them on a ventilator and eventually in a coma,” Robert Thomas said. He died on Jan. 6, 2024, leaving behind an 8-year-old daughter, as well as an 11-month-old boy and a 1-month-old girl.
“It’s unbelievable,” Robert Thomas said, adding that his son was a “healthy, hard-working young man,” and “there was no quit in him.
“…“They put them on a ventilator”…” Death rate of ~80%
Right. I’d like to know if there is an alternative to a ventilator when someone is having trouble breathing. In other words, are people being placed on ventilators unnecessarily.
The found the ventilator causes damage.
He should have had the treatment I had BEFORE covid. Antibiotic for pneumonia prevention and Prednisone for the ‘Asthma’ symptoms. O2 as need.
My O2 was down around 85%
My CPAP machine [with an oxy feed line into the airstream] is what they should have been using. 90 seconds after I put on the mask is all it takes for my oxy level to start rising.
Good to know.
“Right. I’d like to know if there is an alternative to a ventilator when someone is having trouble breathing.”
That’ll do the trick
“We’re from the CDC, and we’re here to help.”
With a Paxlovid chaser. Jus to be sure!
This poor man. IMO, his “severe case of COVID” was CAUSED by the damage to his immune system that was induced by the COVID-19 “vaccines” and “boosters” that he took.
In addition, the modRNA + spike protein in the COVID-19 “vaccines” and “boosters” — ANY OF THEM — are quickly spread throughout the entire body of the recipient due to the mechanism of the DANGEROUS lipid nanopariicles in said “vaccines” and “boosters” (ALC-0159 and ALC-0315 in the Pfizer-BioNTech injections; and SM-102 in the Moderna injections.) This would include spreading into the brain of the “vaccinated” and “boosted” person. There are now studies and papers published proving that these injections can, and do, cause changes within the brain of the “vaccinated” and “boosted” recipient.
May the deceased rest in eternal Peace, and may his family and friends find comfort.
May his family find a good tort lawyer.
looking for more sauce
so what exactly will this do to his cases?
he already has the fruit of the poisoned tree
I do not think he will be allowed to use ANY of that evidence. Maybe it will cause the case to be tossed.
I worry about the other messages being used to go after Trump supporters individually.
he’s a rat bastard
hmmmmm….now that i think about it didn’t someone in the biden administration revoke President Trump’s executive privilege in regards to NARA and the document stuff???
That is an action of questionable authority.
Meaning, does the authority exist for a current POTUS to do that to a former POTUS?
If it’s inadmissible on constitutional grounds, then all of those messages are also inadmissible in any other case. They cannot even be used as a predicate to surveil someone.
“…They cannot even be used as a predicate to surveil someone….”
That is good to know. Thanks
Won’t stop them from surveilling anyone they want to.
Unless I missed something, DOJ, FIB and all them assholes do anything they want.
For now he can proceed as usual, as far as I can tell, because the court found in his favor. Four judges dissented, but that didn’t stop him from moving forward.
More from GWP
Oh no…
You know what this means, right?
Jack Smith KNOWS that Linda Yaccarino-Hitler banned me!!!
You’re on his radar…
And he’s on my gaydar…
Four judges “smacked Jack Smith down,” but they were in the minority on that court, which decided in Smith’s favor. The case will head to SCOTUS.
I think it’s a problem if Smith already has the information on people who communicated on Trump’s social media. I have no doubt they will use it somehow, even if it’s illegal to do so.
“Pathologist Arne Burkhardt Final Interview – Revealing the Grave Dangers of mRNA Vaccines”
Claims autopsies may not be being done with a sufficient level of investigation, that’s the bit that I’ve watched so far.
2 1/2 hours long, skip the first 5 minutes.
He should have been around 60%-70%. Now 1/2 the delegates go to someone else.
Should have been at least 90%.
Iowa embarrassed itself.
I don’t know if this is real or manipulated, but “Anal Meeting 2024
It’s definitely real.
Just ask the CEO of United Airlines.
EXC: RNC Chairs, Treasurers Held Meetings With Chinese Communist Party Officials To Discuss ‘Campaign Strategy’ & China Policy.
Also known as:
Traitor #1
Traitor #2
Traitor #3
Traitor #4
Traitor #5
Traitor #6
RNC and chyna
Sittin’ in a tree
First comes bribery
Then comes blackmail
Then comes chyna-friendly policy
In a baby carriage
Fairytale version:
RNC and chyna
Sittin’ in a tree
First comes bribery
Then comes blackmail
Then patriot judges
Jail them without bail.
People in hell want ice water. They don’t get it so why should you?
“Illegal immigrants in Italy are angry:”
Then leave.
Don’t let the porta hit you in the asino
Personal responsibility, personal choice. Apparently those are foreign concepts to the foreigners.
President Trump Campaign Rally – Atkinson, New Hampshire – LIVE!!!
Attorney Aaron Siri wins another one, this time forcing the CDC to release ALL of the reports sent into the “V-Safe” program regarding COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced harms:
“V-Safe Part 10: Federal Judge Orders CDC to Make Public 7.8 Million V-safe Free Text Entries Within 12 Months”
11 January 2024
Yours Truly: The CDC closed down the V-Safe reporting app for COVID-19 “vaccination” reports in May 2023, with final “check-ins” for COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons who had already reported via the app set for the end of June 2023. The V-Safe app has since been “re-designed” to only accept reports for persons who took the RSV “vaccines” AREXVY and ABRYSVO.
It appears that the CDC wanted to keep the public in the dark about the millions of reports sent to the V-Safe app regarding harms induced by persons who took COVID-19 “vaccines.” The court’s ruling on 11 January of this year forces the CDC to release all 7.8 million of these reports, in several tranches, by 15 January 2025.
Dr. Rochelle Walensky was the Director of the CDC from 20 January 2021 until 30 June 2023.
Electric vehicles, even Teslas, SUCK in the cold! And the charging stations apparently don’t blow hard enough to make up for the suck. Because they, too, don’t function in the cold:
“If you watched any NFL football action over the weekend, you know that much of the country is in a cold spell. A Bills game in Buffalo, NY, had to be postponed because of a huge storm, while in Kansas City, the Chiefs took on the Dolphins in the coldest game in Arrowhead Stadium history.
But if you live in the Chicago area and drive an electric vehicle, you might have had a tough go of it because Tesla battery chargers reportedly froze and left motorists unable to power up. The deep freeze turned public charging stations into “car graveyards,” according to a Chi-town Fox affiliate.”
Electric cars are for rich people who live in warm climes. And nowhere very far to go by car.
Below a certain temperature, Tesla (and other EV) chargers first work to warm the battery(ies) up to a usable temperature, as below the critical point, the batteries simply will not charge. That’s also the case with lead/acid batteries, where below freezing it’s EXTREMELY difficult to get the battery to take and keep a charge.
Ye cannae break the laws of physics (and chemistry)…
But since “Fridays For The Failure” kids don’t take science classes (or don’t listen, in any case), they don’t know all of this… yet they’re dictating public policy…..
Here are a couple of links about it
brrrrrr…. (these are LiIon, but similar info applies to most Li derivatives)…
Pass the bong …i need help processing this
You’re (and we’re) in good company.
After the knife in the back from Pence I can think of a couple of totally disastrous ways Swamy could be the last Trump betrayer. This is it, 2024 Trump or the end.
I pray that DJT isn’t considering him for VP
Trump or nothing, in my world. <<< That simple!!!
I heard it might be Dr Carson
IF folks are fretting over Trump choosing Vivek for VP, Ain’t Gonna Happen. Never.
Vivek can be useful, going forward IF Trump wishes it so.
~17 minutes
THIS IS my #1 concern going forward…Freedom of Speech. <<< It is Our Weak link.
T-Mobile TOS from a few weeks ago. I guess it is real. Customers can be fiend for misinformation…
There it is – EU President Says Number One Challenge for Global Control Systems in Next Two Years is to Control Information and Speech
In her keynote address at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen reaffirmed Europe’s unwavering support for Ukraine in the face of Russia’s invasion. However, in the open admission of priority, President Von der Leyen declares the #1 priority of the corporations who run the WEF and world of politics, must be control of speech and information against their interests.
She goes on to note that political dissent, what she calls “polarization within our societies” must be controlled, as the ability of individuals and groups to assemble against the WEF plan remains a constant threat to the fulfillment of the agenda. [Insert a picture of dissident enemy #1, Donald Trump, here] Yes, you do not need to interpret their intent, you only need to listen to their words and accept them.
drones, bombs and missiles flying every which way across the globe and yet the worst of the worst mofos are safe in Switzerland planning the end of freedom for the world.. gobsmacking
I would love to understand how a phone company can take a single penny from anyone, over and above the monthly service payment, without committing bank robbery, assuming the funds are taken from the customer’s bank account.
What I have not read, an article debunking the reports of T-Mobile TOS…. I assume they are accurate, until debunked. Dunno ground truth.
That side. Feds have an eye on managing speech. We’ve seen the HLS efforts started. Maybe stopped. A couple days ago, another report from another angle. I should have kept the link.
We know Feds paid FB, X, I guess YT…to censor speech.
Why would we believe the Feds are not pursuing additional avenues to censor folks?
standardsapproved narrative.“Other cell providers going down the same path. If the T-Mobile TOS is real, it’ll happen.”
I can hardly imagine a better way to get people to switch service providers than to steal money even one time from customers.
It will force everyone to switch to service providers who don’t steal money from customers.
Someone will want that business.
Assuming a provider exists, if the likes of T-Mobile TOS is true.
100%, I believe the Feds, Deep State want to stop Free Speech.
Supposedly the T-Mobil terms of service apply to their commercial customers…i.e., businesses that blast out a lot of texts.
Happy 101st Birthday, Harry!
My kinda guy.
Jab gets another…
RIP really young guy.
I was listening to this, and thought maybe someone else might like to…..
I love this image. I live nearby and have been to Kykuit. Is on the Pallisades.
This image looks lovely. Not certain it is real…but LOVELY!!!