The meltdowns at MSNBC are intensifying everyday. Today on Morning Joe, they spent 20 minutes comparing Trump to Hitler, Mussolini, Saddam Hussein and they even projected exactly what the authoritarian Joe Biden regime is doing on to Trump:
“People truly don’t understand what absolute power for Donald Trump will mean… You could end up in jail. That’s what dictators do. They take their political opponents and they put them in jail.”
Oh, the irony…
The large majority of the American people are not buying this anymore. Expect them to ramp up the rhetoric as they enter the acceptance stage of their grief.
120.4KviewsTheStormHasArrived17, Jan 17 at 07:50
That’s what we are looking forward to.
The President That Never Was
Badlands News Brief – January 17, 2024
‘This Country Needs A Dictator!’ Trump Fans At Iowa Rally Say ‘Absolutely’ They Want Dictator Trump Over Biden
Can we talk about this?
Comment from Anonymous Conservative: If you view all of this as a big WWE, Vince McMahon production, it makes a lot more sense.
NeoCon Nikki Haley Gushed Over Depopulationist Bill Gates and His Massive “Vaccine” Investments
The Left and Tribalism
Why Trump bewilders psychiatrists
The Intellectual Foundations of MAGA
America Works. DEI Doesn’t.
Never mind people in command rejecting DEI hires….

Palate cleanse….
Does anyone remember this? Before my time.
And now for the business portion.
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
MARK 3:7-12
7Jesus withdrew with his disciples to the sea, and a great multitude from Galilee followed; also from Judea 8and Jerusalem and Idume’a and from beyond the Jordan and from about Tyre and Sidon a great multitude, hearing all that he did, came to him. 9And he told his disciples to have a boat ready for him because of the crowd, lest they should crush him; 10for he had healed many, so that all who had diseases pressed upon him to touch him. 11And whenever the unclean spirits beheld him, they fell down before him and cried out, “You are the Son of God.” 12And he strictly ordered them not to make him known.

Thank you, De Pat, for this thrilling Theater Thursday post!
Love Cackles riding in back!!!
Ivan talks to @Matthewlohmeier [Fired Space Force Commander] after his testimony (3 minutes)
The double “one-eye” is a nice touch (the right (from driver’s pov) headlight and Bye,Done’s right eye), as are the blood on the hood, and the arrow pointing at Bye,Done…
The bent radio antenna is a nice touch. 😆
how’s that No Malarkey thing workin out, Sniffy ?
Mr. Malarkey himself!
If I was his mom, I’d have named him Sniffy Malarkey. That, or I would have jumped off a tall building without a parachute but with Sniffy in my arms.
Why not just accidentally drop him off the building?
Shame at birthing him?
Can you imagine the shame of having a son who grifts off the fed gov his entire career, steals other people’s writing and uses it as his own, showers with his daughter when she’s 12 or older, pathologically lies and makes up stupid stories, and is wrong about every policy decision for the last 40+ years?
My imagination, while robust and rowdy, has limits.
My guess is that the car is modeled after the Edsel….
Look my aunt’s old 1950s car. Fins and all
Here is the 1957 ford fairlane convertable
That looks much closer. Edsels typically had two pairs of headlights, for instance — and the bumper matches. I just was fixated on the infamous “toilet seat”.
I really liked my aunt’s car so I remember it vividly even though I was barely in grade school.
Our family had the station wagon version of that. I used to joke that it had bug eyes, like a dragonfly.
At least the Edsel had useful features… Bye,Done and the DEMONRATS don’t…
This was news to me.
E. Jean Carroll Admits to Deleting Evidence Under Subpoena – Clinton Judge Kaplan Rushes to Her Defense!
I believe Trump will be found guilty in at least a couple of cases. I don’t know what the implications of that will be. Hard-core MAGA supporters will just be more determined than ever, but I don’t know what the Left and the RINOs will try to make of it. A conviction can’t preclude him from running, but I wonder if Ronna RNC would try to remove Trump as the nominee. Maybe that’s what DeSantis and Haley are waiting for.
I’m just so sick of these evil Donkey Coms.
…and the Rhino Repugnant-Cons are just as repulsive and despicable.
November 30, 2023, emphasis mine:
I won’t rely on Ronna’s word, so I suppose we’ll have to wait and see.
Depends on whether Ronna wants to be responsible for single handily destroying the Republican party.
We already have: EXC: RNC Chairs, Treasurers Held Meetings With Chinese Communist Party Officials To Discuss ‘Campaign Strategy’ & China Policy.
Not to mention:
In December 2009:
Tea Party Tops GOP on Three-Way Generic Ballot – Rasmussen Reports
And that is BEFORE Trump and MAGA so the party had already lost 1/2 the voters over a decade ago and that is BEFORE they woke up to the fact the Republicans are the Controlled Opposition,
She will do what Uncle Mitty tells her to do.
Is that a reference to Thurber’s “The Secret Life of Rom Mittney”?
Or is it more a call-back to Mittens Berle?
I’m not that well read or clever Coothie!
Pierre Delecto?
She will do what the Cabal tells her.
Likely filling her head with more of his Uncle Mitty nonsense…
This was him just the other day… he must suck at puzzles.
Yep… sure seems that way.
Mitt Romney:
“You had a jury…”
#1. It was a corrupt Judge not a jury.
“had raped a woman…”
#2. The trial was a COMPLETE JOKE wit vague assertions from a batschiff crazy bitch who says she would LOVE to be raped.
“There are a lot of things about today’s electorate I don’t understand.”
#3. Here, I will make it easy, We are A LOT SMARTER THAN YOU and can smell BULLSCHIFF a mile away.
he is absolutely wrong. the jury caved to sexual abuse but NOT rape.
for the judge to say that’s tantamount to rape is wrong and he does not get to change the jury’s finding.
RNC is no different than DNC.
They do anything they want. Change rules when it fits their mood.
Voters are not part of RNC decision matrix.
Bank on RNC trying to derail Trump. It IS what RNC does.
“but I wonder if Ronna RNC would try to remove Trump as the nominee.”
Well of course she would remove him as the nominee.
That’s the whole point of all this 😂
and they will not relent…their strategy, moving forward, is to bombard PDJT relentlessly with frivolous lawfare.
She has said the Repub Party would support the person chosen by the voters.
Psssst…. [looks left]… [looks right]… Rona can’t be trusted.
Not even a little 😁
Who TF believes Ronna ?
Not6 me. But she can be hounded if she reneges on her promise.
That blouse is a trap. Just saying. 😂
Putting up a false front…
Definitely a distraction…
Now, what did you say?
OK. I admit scrolling up a bit..
The caption says “this feels like a trap”. In order to verify this, are we required to feel for ourselves?
The whole thing is a MAJOR FARCE!
They had to pass an EX PO FACTO LAW which is UNCONSTITUTIONAL under clause 3 of Article I, Section 9 of the United States Constitution.
She can not give the DATE or TIME making it imposible to mount a defense and now had DELETED EVIDENCE.
On top of that she fantasies about being raped and has made that public. ANY unbiased judge would have tossed case out and sent her for psychaitrlc evaluation.
The Black Communist cabal, the Chinese, the Muslim Radicals, the Elite human-child-trafficking rings and their sicko users, the LBGTXYZ and the abortion-euthanasia-eugenic-transhumanism agenda elites also do not want Trump to be president again.
I’m in the mood for DONKEY JERKY.
Too chewy for humans.
Perhaps! 🐺 😅
“…Too chewy for humans….”
Nah, just use my recipe for Old Billy Goat Stew!
Place the meat in a bowl. Cover with spices, meat tenderizer, ground papaya enzyme, add wine (or beer) so the meat is completely covered. Place top on bowl and place in refrigerator (32F) for up to a week. The wine acts as a preservative as well as a tenderizer. Slow cook in the wine with veggies of your choice. The meat will be so tender it falls of the bone.
Now I just have to find a goat nobody wants any more …
I have six extra and no more room in my three freezers.
Will you deliver to Tacoma WA?
“I don’t think they’ll ever find a cure for cancer. I don’t think they want to find a cure”: Roger Daltrey questions Big Pharma as he nears the end of his time at the Teenage Cancer Trust
I think COVID really demonstrated this. American government agencies and their science bureaucracies are in the research business, not the saving lives business.
Act accordingly.
Yes, and I have thought this about cancer for years. They come up with treatments and drugs, but I don’t think they want a cure.
After what they did to HCQ, there is no way that any simple 100% chemotherapeutic would be allowed to become established as a treatment for cancer.
Cancer doctors make WAY too much money on chemo drugs. They get paid by the drug companies for using them. They have their Standard of Care which is cut, poison, or burn, and are completely myopic to anything else. I think researchers are paid to come up with chemo drugs and immunotherapy drugs, which make Big Pharma tons of money, rather than an actual cure for cancer. I don’t think they really understand cancer and what it is, even though they’ve supposedly been studying it for many decades.
As we saw with COVID and HCQ, it is incredibly easy to divert ALMOST ALL OF SCIENCE away from damn near anything they want. Which is scary!
BTW, how are you doing? We’re still praying!!! 🙏
I’m doing fine, Wolf. Thank you for the prayers, they are so much appreciated. I’ve pretty much recovered from the surgery. Even the surgical scars are starting to fade.
Right now I’m dealing with whether to let them do more. They want me to do radiation, even though everything I’ve read tells me not to. And they want me to take hormone blockers, which have some nasty side effects – osteoporosis, heart disease, and more. I’ve told the oncologist that I’m doing several supplements that do the same thing without the side effects. But to her, there haven’t been large double blind studies of herbal supplements, so she’s against them. And of course there never will be those kinds of studies because Big Pharma can’t profit from them.
I’m probably going to say no to both, but I need to figure out a way to do it without alienating them. I still want to get regular scans to make sure the cancer doesn’t come back.
Such a hard position to be in Linda, sorry. I can’t offer any advice but send all positive thoughts and support to you for whatever you decide will be best for you. ☀
Try telling her you want to go the less radical route for now, while monitoring it to see if a more vigorous route is called for.
Good luck!
Thanks, Gail. That sounds like a good approach.
Glad I could help.
Gail, Thanks to you and PAVACA and Wolf and others here:
You have saved many lives with your early and accurate COVID Info (Ivermectin, Zinc, vitamins, etc.).
Thanks to all that contributed to this life and death situation.
I am very happy to hear that.
With luck the information we gathered here at the Qtree very early on saved many many lives.
I am positive that it has. Not one person in my family (wife and kids/grandkids) has taken the clot shot(s). My Mom and brothers have despite my passing along the great info seen here.
Thanks again. YOU have saved at least 6 lives that I know of.
That is very nice to know and makes the effort worth it!
I’ll keep you in prayers Linda.
remember it’s YOUR health and you have a right to make your own decisions
Thank you, Pat. How is your husband doing? I’ve been keeping him in my prayers.
thank you!
he seems to be improving. he still uses the oxygen, but not constantly. he is walking and doing things outside without it at times and his breathing is very much improved. i keep praying that poison didn’t do him any damage.
thank you for asking. please take good care of yourself!
Glad to hear he is doing OK and improving.
thanks. i am cautiously optimistic!
Thanks, Linda!
What you say is very interesting. I know of a recovery case similar to yours that used radiation and a hormone blocker. Sure enough, the cancer was licked for good – BUT the hormone treatment was followed by osteoporosis, which required another drug (one of those phosphonate drugs) for several years to stop the progression of the osteoporosis. Which it did, but after THAT there was joint damage – which was finally stopped by (you guessed it) joint supplements!
The radiation worked, too, but left some tenderness.
It’s a tough call either way, but in the case I’m referring to, it was a “cancer family” where about half the people die early of cancer, so reacting strongly to any cancer was warranted, IMO. I agree you have to keep up the monitoring, no matter what! And we will keep up the prayer!
Well, it looks like Keytruda worked for my cancer. I was diagnosed in March 2021 and got treated for a year. They can see no evidence of cancer today. I was told that Keytruda works by ‘tagging’ cancer cells so that my immune system can recognize them as invaders and kill them.
It occurs to me that I would have already died if I took one of those covid injections. My immune system would have been too weak to kill the cancer cells.
I was blessed with a good wife, a good doctor, and a good naturopath [brother in law].
A sturdy 3 legged stool, so to speak.
I am glad you decided to ignore the celebrity endorsements for Pfizer, et al, although it does bring into question your solidarity with our cultural influencers.
PTL!!! ❤ 😍 ❤
Great news on Twofer level. !
Exactly what happened to my father.
He was scheduled for Keytruda, but he was required to have the shot and booster to be admitted into the hospital system.
The effects of the shot and booster got to him first. The seizures and fainting caused the falls and neck fractures.
Nothing could be done to get nutrition in him. Let alone his immune system would never allow for the neck recovery.
So glad to know that your episode turned out as it did.
I KNOW they do not want a cure. After Dr Daly fought like crazy to get a CURE for Rheumatoid arthritis even LOOKED at by the FDA, and the FDA REFUSED to allow trials, I KNEW they were crooked as hell. I was only 15 at the time.
She had gone to another country, taken the cure with no ill effect and had ZERO pain. It could not correct the deformities but it stopped the disease and got rid of the pain.
Former President Donald Trump’s mysterious red hands spark hilarious online conspiracy theories – from ketchup to curling iron burns. So what do YOU think caused them?
Blisters from draining the swamp?
He loves Sharpies, and those are dangerous beasts. The mark across his thumb is a definite ink mark, IMO. My vote is a red sharpie used for autographs.
golf blisters.
He’s pretty good about wearing gloves. I’m still placing my money on ink! He may address it. We’ll see!
hand shaking blisters?
That seems plausible.
The spots look correct for where a pen is held. So my guess is a leaky pen/sharpie.
And those marks do not come out easily! BTDT and had the black marks for a week.
You got it!!!
Hard to believe his team doesn’t have a bottle of peroxide handy.
Strategically placed? One can always out a ferret with the proper bait.
Trump lays out his case(s) in his Truth Social posts. I find it sad that he is in this position. Of course it’s maddening, too. He doesn’t deserve to have to defend himself against false charges. It’s all so obviously unjust.
The corporate media is evil excrement. They could stop this, but they won’t.
POTUS Trump is SHOW CASING the CORRUPTION of the judiciary to the public. So if/When these corrupt judges get indicted and convicted, the public sentiment will be AGAINST them.
He called Hoffman a piglet. A super wealthy donor who isn’t even entitled to be called a pig. Just a not full grown swine. Bwahahaha.
Makes me think of the movie “Metropolis” (prescient indeed), and “In The Year 2525″… seems that’s the vision Klaus Satan Schwab and his WEFfenSS has for us all…
Here’s a riveting montage of those two…
Benny Johnson:
We need to be mentally prepared. I would expect there to be appeals if/when he is convicted, so I wouldn’t expect him to be incarcerated any time soon, but I don’t know.
Escape from Alcatraz (1979) was (another) great Clint Eastwood movie 👍😁
Saw it in a theater with two of my cousins when I was a kid. Directed by Don Siegel, who also directed the first Dirty Harry film (1971).
… who also directed the first and best Dirty Harry film (1971)
We have to be prepared for anything. And I am prepared.
“We need to be mentally prepared.”
Slow Guy, is slow. But my guess is this crowd, QTree is mentally prepared.
Trump has my vote. Period.
I Will Vote. Trump and only Trump.
“…I have NEVER accepted Briben won, 3 November….”
According to Ivan Raiklin he did not. THIRTY NINE STATES TRANSMITTED ILLEGAL ELECTORS… THEREFORE There is NO DULY ELECTED PRESIDENT OF OUR COUNTRY. go to 8:50 for a listing (second video)
On top of that Nasty the Pig, Chuck the Schmuck and Mitch the Turtle DID NOT CALL IN A Quorum on Jan 6th, at least the first time.
Ivan speaks at the Freedom Fest event alongside Brad Parscale and Seth Keshel 59 minutes
the audio is terrible, it stalls at 35 min and I have not finished listening.
I will see if there is a better reference.
The 39 states are where lawfare and the courts were used to change how elections were run and other such ILLEGAL moves. Nothing to do with voter fraud just NOT FOLLOWING THE LAW.
THIS IS A BETTER VIDEO of the same presentation: (start at 4 minutes) slides start at 8 minutes.
Using the better video,
This is what I found.
8:50 is the timeline of the Insurrection starting in Nov.
@19 minutes sent info to Mike Pence. Dec 23, (Trump retweeted) if states do not transmit CONSTITUTIONALLY viable electors it is upon MIKE PENCE to send them back to the states.
The options for the states:
1. You run another election 👉according to state laws,
2. You abstain from sending illegal electors.
3. You have a joint session and have a vote to elect electors
Those are the three options you [the states] have….
36:30 👉𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗘 𝗪𝗔𝗦 𝗡𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥 𝗔 𝗤𝗨𝗢𝗥𝗨𝗠 𝗼𝗻 𝗝𝗔𝗡 𝟲𝘁𝗵!!!👈 (Covid used as excuse) “…At the advice of the Sargent of Arms, and the attending Physician, only 11 members of the Democrat party and 11 members of the Republican party on the House side and similarly on the Senate side, DUE TO THE AGREEMENT OF LEADERSHIP, meaning…” McCarthy, Mitch the Turtle, Nasty the Pig and Chuck the Schmuck WERE ALL IN ON IT. Mike Pence agrees with Nast the Pig and does not allow objections. Congressman Morgan Griffith (R-VA) says “how do I do a point of inquiry?” Mikey Pence shoots him down. Saying that is considered an objection and I will not allow it.
It was a well thought out and executed scheme to get a president installed even though his electors did not get enough votes.
Once the various states certified the electors, there was not much Pence could do UNLESS there were objections from the floor.
But that was prevented by the sham emergency of the pipe bombs. Then the emergency rules engineered by Pelosi [long before they were needed] kicked in and no motions could be made.
From that point forward, it’s a rubber stamp. Biden is elected by the electors of the Electoral College. All constitutionally proper.
Folks, we have some loopholes to close.
What about no Quorum?
Yep. Where did the objections go? No quorum no objections.
The Fedsurrection was conducted to give Nasty the Piglouse and Mike the Traitor an excuse to vacate the chamber. Once they came back the normal proceedings were not followed so there objections were not allowed.
I have my doubts whether or not it could be called ‘legal’ at all. Seems more like a sneaky Coup.
Controlled by the text of the constitution. It is a sneaky coup and it’s within the constitution.
Like I said, we have some loopholes to fill.
If as Ivan said, only 44 members out of the the combined Senate and House, 535 then there was no Quorum.
Article I, Section 5, Clause 1:
The quorum principle—that a certain number of members of a governing body be present at a given meeting for the body to exercise its powers—was well established in parliamentary practice by the time of the Constitutional Convention….
Since Ivan is a Constitutional Lawyer and I am not a lawyer at all, I will have to take it he knows what he is talking about.
Also he has been talking to various members of Congress and therefore, again I will assume he is aware of what happened Jan 6th.
Save for the conspiracy to fake an insurrection…
Do you happen to recall when Trump started asking for us all to come to DC? Was it before he celebrate the win ?
It seemed like I was considering going and trying to figure out logistics well before the election but my memory is faulty!
In hindsight I wonder if it was his idea and it does sound like him wanting a big patriotic rally..yuge and all BUT the Fedsurrection was pretty well planned so I question if someone suggested it to him and he took it from there
Many here were pondering going to DC for the inauguration.
Again, IIRC.
It was after the election, that Trump called for a DC rally. It was bantered around here QTree.
I have posted this still for years.
This is the balcony of the chamber at about 2:50 PM.
This is Jacob Chansley being photographed by top Gettys photographer, Win McNamee.
Here is that actual shot.
Firstly, how did Chansley find that balcony. With the Capitol Police?
Secondly, if McNamee is calmly photographing Chansley at 2:50 PM in the balcony…where is the emergency?
Who’s to say? Each branch controls its proceedings. Separation of powers and all that.
Actually it is in the Constitution.
ArtI.S5.C1.2 Quorums — Cornell Law.
For many years the view prevailed in the House of Representatives that it was necessary for a majority of the members to vote on any proposition submitted to the House in order to satisfy the constitutional requirement for a quorum. It was a common practice for the opposition to break a quorum by refusing to vote. This was changed in 1890, by a ruling made by Speaker Reed and later embodied in Rule XV of the House, that members present in the chamber but not voting would be counted in determining the presence of a quorum.1 The Supreme Court upheld this rule in United States v. Ballin,2 saying that the capacity of the House to transact business is “created by the mere presence of a majority,” and that since the Constitution does not prescribe any method for determining the presence of such majority “it is therefore within the competency of the House to prescribe any method which shall be reasonably certain to ascertain the fact.” 3 The rules of the Senate provide for the ascertainment of a quorum only by a roll call,4 but in a few cases it has held that if a quorum is present, a proposition can be determined by the vote of a lesser number of members.5
Yes. Specifically, speaking for myself, I haven’t been thinking about what happens when he is convicted. In the everyday discussions of events, I don’t see this coming up. We could have a leading Repub candidate who has been convicted of a crime, and the Left is going to go crazy.
All we need to do is convince a huge majority of young, urban, thug-culture people of how COOL it would be to have a “Felon Prez.”
Somebody needs to do a rap song and video.
They are certainly headed that way.
The fact we WILL vote for him even if he is convicted and they now know it, helps protect him.
best news yet !
PDJT is very cognizant of all the global deep dark state’s plans and schemes.
That is why they want to be rid of him.
NO Central Bank Digital Currency – CBDC, needs to go Viral.
Repeated AND repeated until 5 November.
Making it a campaign issue will wake up some people who don’t know anything about it.
From what I saw, most people are aware of the evil of the FED. Therefore they will be receptive to this new info.
^^^ Good news.
2nd Amendment news (good news!)
This is BIG. No – this is HUGE. YUGE. And AMAZING.
Gorsuch is saying that the government always wins because THEY say that THEY know what Congress was thinking – and that this idea is fundamentally flawed. And he’s right. The point in question could always be a “thorny issue” that Congress AVOIDED because they KNEW that it would kill the bill. He’s getting to the point. American bureaucrats need to be fundamentally different, and IMO questions should go back to Congress rather than being decided by bureaucrats.
Bureaucrats have ZERO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO MAKE LAWS! (regulations) Give bills are now thousands of pages, they should be the ONLY law.
Very good news. The Chevron decision needs to be knocked down.
Reasonable?! What were they thinking? Of course, things weren’t as bad 40 years ago as they are now, but government bureaucracies will always take power and corrupt things.
We have a Constitution that outlines who can make laws, as well as a judicial branch to interpret them.
‘This Country Needs A Dictator!’ Trump Fans At Iowa Rally Say ‘Absolutely’ They Want Dictator Trump Over Biden
“Can we talk about this?”
We are a Constitutional Republic and should REMAIN ONE. That said the Bureaucrats Via Congress have accumulated more and more power at the expense of the president.
Title VII of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 [Passed under Carter]
5 U.S. Code § 3131 – The Senior Executive Service [ALSO UNDER CARTER]
On 16 June 2015 Donald Trump kicked off his 2016 presidential campaign
Strengthening the Senior Executive Service · Ex. Ord. No. 13714, Dec. 15, 2015, 80 F.R. 79225
One article I read said these Senior execs were completely unvetted. aka NO BACKGROUND CHECK!
I did find these:
Why Do So Many Feds Shun the Senior Executive Service?
The Ultimate Guide to the Senior Executive Service
SES Application Development Process
Thank you, Gail!!!!
You are very welcome. The article I saw a couple years ago indicated NO vetting so we could end up with a non-American terrorist in the Senior Exec Service.
SES has to be eliminated entirely.
Unelected, answerable to no-one, unfireable…
Sounds just like the European Commission, who run Europe (into the ground)…
The dream of Marxists/Socialists/Communists/Fascists/NAZIs/DEMONS everywhere…
“Eliminated entirely” sounds like a job for Marines.
All the military personnel who were forced out because they would not take the Clot Shot and those who had Clot Shot injured friends and family.
That Babylon Bee tweet with Nancy Pelosi “Democrats Warn That Republicans Plan To Steal Election By Blocking Democrat Efforts To Steal Election” – !
That ain’t satire – it’s the actual truth!
The degenerate depraved left have become their own built in satire.
Just like Islam is its own built-in blasphemy.
The CEO of Babylon Bee was saying on Tucker that they are having a tough time coming up with satire that does not come true.
That rifle looks more like an AR-15 than an AK-47. That’s a consistency failure.
Left behind with everything else, when Briben and Lloyd Vader evacuated Stanstanistan.
President Trump Pledges to Never Allow a USA Central Bank Digital Currency
NO CBDC – Central Bank Digital Currency.
Absolute Winning position.
EVERY American, legal AND illegal immigrant Would Agree, IF they knew the implications, of CBDC
America Works. DEI Doesn’t.
What a beautiful story.
January 18, 2024 8:32 am
Argentina’s Javier Milei at WEF 2024:
“Another conflict presented by socialists is that of humans against nature claiming that we, human beings, damage the planet which should be protected at all costs, even going as far as advocating for population control mechanisms or that bloody abortion agenda…Do not be intimidated either by the political class or by parasites who live off the state. Do not surrender to political class that only wants to stay in power and retain its privileges.”
That one made all of the World’s Deep State and their Cabalist Benefactors squirm. Powerful message resonating like rolling thunder, given by a very innocent, humble and nervous man as he stood on the world stage surrounded by vipers.
I’m actually with Sundance on this one. Some parts of the speech were disturbing.
Argentina’s President Javier Milei Praises Capitalism and Condemns Socialism During WEF Speech
Is this a case of looking for something to whine about, within a feel-good situation? Sundance is pretty good at that.
Either that or he didn’t bother to listen to the guy or check him out.
Javier Milei, a radical libertarian populist, elected president of Argentina —
Argentina elects outsider Javier Milei on platform of radical reform | Politics News | Al Jazeera
December 3, 2023 – Argentina has elected libertarian outsider Javier Milei as its next president,
He listened to it twice.
Sundance is looking at it from his point of view. Milei, an economist, with a set time period at the WEF, is addressing the issues HE considers most important. BANKING and ECONOMICS.
As President of Argentina, NOT the USA, this👇 is NOT his problem/focus right now.
“…at the core of modern, Western, economic corruption – the merge of the corporation and the state….”
Milei Sets Up Argentina Privatizations for Airline, YPFNew president vows to sell off tens of state companies
Javier Milei is a self-described anarcho-capitalist.
His wiki is not bad.
“…the merge of the corporation and the state….”
The guy is a libertarian for goodness sake! THEY WANT MINIMAL GOVERNMENT!
“he never really addressed the issue that is at the core of modern, Western, economic corruption – the merge of the corporation and the state.”
That’s what Georgie boy Bush told us was gonna be so great.
Public-private fascistships.
I commented yesterday saying’why did they invite him if they knew what he was?”
Contemplating that line of thinking, The Evils are either giving him a chance to bend the knee and kiss the ring, and he didn’t, and/or they used this time with him as an opportunity to set up some blackmail. Maybe they got him and he just pretended to be Mr Anti-WEF.
The whole thing is curious …
Reminds me of when VSTPDJT went there…
What really bothers me over here is that Tusk was “installed” the same as Bye,Done was… by cheating, fraud, machines, and all manner of crimes…
Somehow all the electronic fraud needs to be stopped…
Where are all the white-hat hackers…
Wolf, when you get a chance, can you take a 1 out of the date in the headline?
EU President Laments – If President Trump Wins USA Election, Europe Will Have to Be Self-Sufficient
No more sucking the USA dry!
The Federal Reserve’s Covert Bailout of Europe
Remember thru all of this mess Ron Paul was trying to get an audit of the Fed? Didn’t matter WE, the tax payer got to bailout the FED and the EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK. Such A Deal!
As you so rightly note with receipts and I continue to post with my own take – the Fed is the linchpin.
Pull the pin. The wheel will come off.
It has been one big huge scam that has enslaved much of the world in all areas of life since 1913.
What happens afterward? What do we use for money?
Serious questions. I really want answers that don’t depend on having most of society agree on something.
That is what we have a treasury for.
Who Prints Money in the U.S.? —
Jul 09, 2019 3:18:01 PM EDT
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 2613d4 No. 6969889
I strongly suspect that 2018-19 there was a lot of gold repossession going on via our special forces.
Gadaffi ==> Clinton/Obama ==> Special forces?
No. There were reports on the chat boards of subs and other ships sailing into Bremerton flying the Jolly Roger. That’s tradition for a successful mission. No one knows what the missions were, but SEVERAL sources claimed that US gold which was in the 39 banks world wide that carry bullion was repatriotated. My guess is it came back via the subs.
In conspiracy lore, there’s quite a bit about gold, actually, and that we have plenty of it, but the government did not have possession of it. We’ll see if any of that surfaces.
One does wonder what happened to Gadaffi’s gold.
Who Stole 143 Tons of Gold From the Libyan People?
The rumors (and facts) are that the ECB (and pretty much every country) has been buying extra gold for several years now, slowly as to not alarm anyone or make the price rise too much.
“They” also have been tamping down the price (silver too) until they can buy enough to ‘be happy’. Then, they will let it rise to its true market value. That might point towards a gold backed currency in our future.
Whether that is a good thing or not depends on who controls what…
So you’re saying that dumping the Fed means we go back on the gold standard? I like that but how does the Treasury deal with the price of gold? It changes constantly so would we have to denominate legal tender in grams of gold?
We couldn’t even get the country to switch to the metric system back in the 70s. I can’t imagine the fighting if we were to denominate in gold weight.
A GOLD standard means governments can not STEAL wealth by printing more fiat currency.
What Is the Gold Standard? Advantages, Alternatives, and History —
Also Mises on Money by Gary North
[This is a critical point and the reason Bankers can steal our wealth]
The short answer is, the gold price would be fixed in place and would not fluctuate.
The long answer:
The way gold standards typically work is that the money unit is defined as being a certain weight of gold. Or vice versa. Before FDR, a dollar was defined such that $20.67 was one troy ounce of gold. A round slug of gold of a certain weight (a but under a quarter of an ounce wasn’t just worth five dollars, it was five dollars…even before the mint stamped it as a five dollar gold piece. The mint took great pains to ensure every planchet weighed the proper amount, employing rooms full of people whose job it was to individually weigh each piece and file some excess off. (The carpet in that room was rolled up and burned to collect any stray filings, on a regular basis.)
The goverment also issued paper money starting in the 1860s (civil war) and they did so in such a way that you could at will exchange it for actual gold. That tied the value of the paper to gold as well.
Starting sometime around the mid to late 1800s silver began to drop in value relative to gold, so it was necessary to restrict the amount of silver coinage being made…because a half dollar contained less than half a (gold) dollar’s worth of silver.
It all worked, so long as the government didn’t issue too much silver or paper, because they were kept honest by the ability of people to go to them and say, “here’s this $5 bill. I want the gold coin.” If too many people did that (because the $5 bill was too common) the government could find itself having no gold.
it’s tough being an adult!
oops forgot
Verse of the Day for Thursday, January 18, 2024
“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:”
1 Peter 3:15 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these, and especially for the verse Psalm 34:4. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
Repackaged like this it’s hard to come to any other conclusion.
REVEALED: Person Who Discovered J6 Pipe Bomb in Washington DC Was an Undercover Capitol Police Officer
Jim Hoft Jan. 18, 2024 8:45 am 23 Comments
What’s a scripted fake insurrection without a scary fake bomb threat?
I’m a bit confused. The camera changed its viewpoint several times, indicating remote monitoring such as one might see in a high-end office building.
Who was doing the monitoring? Is that a regular thing? If not, what made it happen that day and time? Also, the camera seemed to be roughly synchronized with the officers’ movements – what’s up with that?
FYI – I certainly didn’t see a bomb. Must need special glasses.
have you sent him a sternly worded letter? that always helps
Update on Arrogant Clowns Status…
WATCH LIVE: House Homeland Security Committee Holds Second Impeachment Hearing Against Alejandro Mayorkas at 9:30 AM ET Jordan Conradson Jan. 18, 2024 8:15 am 80 Comments
Unfortunately it doesn’t seem Arrogant Clown is required to be present.
Of course not. Suspects don’t attend detectives’ briefings.
Send the Sargent of Arms to drag him into Congress and HOLD HIM THERE UNTIL HIS DEPT FILLS THE REQUESTS.
Just deputize Former Green Beret Lt Colonel (ret) Ivan Raiklin. He has already said he will be happy to help. 😆
“have you sent him a sternly worded letter? that always helps”
First, a sub-committee needs to be chosen to write the sternly worded letter… lol
otherwise they’d get flagged on the play
25 yards (years?) for illegal use of words 🙂
Collin Rugg
NEW: Senator Chuck Schumer says Democrats will only fund border security if it is tied to sending more money to fund the war in Ukraine. Borderline treason. “We said we have to do both. There were a couple of people in the room who said, let’s do border first. We said: ‘We have to do both together.'” Since Biden took office, illegal border crossings are up 277%. (U.S. Customs and Border Patrol) Your government thinks Ukraine is more important.
I fail to understand “funding border security”. Are they talking about additional money or the regular border budget ?
oh they will secure the border so tight a fly won’t get through!
i honestly think they’re just talking more $$ to process the hordes faster.
but i can’t really say
Hmm seems like the real issue isn’t money. The personnel is in place, there’s already a budget I presume…so why not enforce the law. Maybe that’s the problem.
These people have spent so long pulling the scams and games and people didn’t pay attention. They’re still doing it but we see it now (not that it makes any difference!)
They need to pay MOAR Babysitters and diaper changers
Doncha know?
and more buses and planes–those poor people walked across continents to get here…their dogs are tired
maybe Killary and Biden could duet the I ain’t no ways tired tune for them, give them some encouragement
Must be additional monies, but since it’s Chucky and the Dems we are talking about it 1) Whatever is proposed will be toothless. 2) It will go to pad Dems wallet. 3. Feckless Republican’s will call it a win. 4. America will continue to suffer until Trump gets back in the WH.
BTW… seems like Miss Lindsey has been out of the news for some time now. 😀
Miss Lindsey flitting around town so happy that the war drums are beating everywhere?
Seriously..where is he? Hiding under Nikki’s dress?
Unlikely. He wouldn’t be interested in anything there.
haha..true that
Tell Chuck the Schmuck we will happy to send him HOME — TO ISRAEL, the Gaza strip to be specific.
on one of the new flights…with the diversity pilots
Too quick and easy. 😜
How about just enforcing the current laws with the current ample budget instead of pretending it is something you have to enact when it is something you had to make a direct decision to NOT uphold?
Withholding enforcement of current laws as a bargaining chip is typical DS BS. It’s illegal, unconstitution and downright fkin’ anti American, so business as usual for Chuck Schmucker
Then fund nothing.
Until cry’n Check caves.
Never, ever, another fucking penny to Ukraine. N E V E R.
The damn border can’t get more open.
Even IF border is funded, Briben will NOT secure the border. <<<>>> D U H !
The makings of a new conspiracy theory was tucked under the first tweet we saw posted earlier. Short on facts it’s still rather tempting to bite on even if just a red herring. If nothing else it’s good for staining the reputation of a progressive power center except it doesn’t seem to have much in the way of a following.
Filing this one under noted and moving on, please get back to us with any new updates. 🙄
One mile deep? In an earthquake zone on the bluff above the Pacific Ocean?
Who takes talk like that seriously?
$cienos did it over in Hemet… to protect LRH (Flubbard’s) “sacred texts”…
Who takes it seriously?
The same people who took talk of thousands of miles of tunnels criss-crossing the US, 40,000 feet down, seriously.
the man whose privilege allowed him to intentionally disrupt official proceedings and not face any repercussions, is DEMANDING $14 TRILLION in reparations because we spent $7 trillion on cv and the country is still here.
Someone please give him 14 acers, a mule complete with harness, 14 dollars, a water bucket, plus a wheel barrel full of S&!T and tell him he can grow the 14 Trillion since it’s obvious to him that money grows on trees.
[snort] 😆
In the Rockies.
Hows about reparations to white folk whose racist ancestors inflicted resulting shame and guilt to their descendants for supporting slavery? All countries of origin for the ship transport of slaves also need to chip in. as well as all countries of where the slaves were captured.
A million or so per each white person should finally “heal” us all, make us whole ya know.
I don’t know what they’ll do with me; I have slave (not just African, actual slave), Native American, and European blood.
Most people, unless royalty have SLAVES (serfs) in their background. Why do people think slavery was limited to ONLY Blacks?
Well, yes, I agree. But I have black African slave ancestry. So the American idea of reparations applies to me. And I’m pale, blond, and not at all black.
Wait, what? I thought you were purple.
Aubergine is the blackest purple 😉
Even that royalty probably had some slave ancestry. How many royal families began as low-class rampaging thugs?
And for that matter, if you go back far enough, every single one of your ancestors is a black, Trans-Saharan African, since that’s where humanity originated.
You get the ultra reparation package. Bags and bags of cash!
Freshly printed and almost worthless…
All yer kissin cuzins (us) will come callin’ for the big celebration party! Yeeha
here’s a thought: GO BACK HOME
Well, since many of them seem to be staying at airports…
easy peasy, right?
ask them if they wanna go to a warmer destination and then board them and fly them home.
Preferably with a severely disabled and mental pilot
diversity is OUR strength after all /sarc
Don’t forget dwarf.
h/t Filly
Viva Frei
The sad and scary thing about E. Jean Carroll and the unbelievably corrupt anti-Trump judicial system is that it confirms that it’s not even enough to not know a batshit crazy lunatic. A batshit crazy lunatic can literally fabricate a story out of whole cloth, and if the judicial system is corrupt enough, they will punish an innocent man. History doesn’t repeat. But it tends to rhyme.
I watched this vid with no sound.
I am shocked that she paints trees and rocks. If that doesn’t tell you she’s nuts, then her allowing it to be video recorded should do the trick.
Unbelievable that anybody gives her the time of day, let alone a paycheck.
She’s the Jussey Smolett of Christine Blasey Fords!
E 2 door ford?
by Tyler Durden
17 January 2024
Yours Truly: The CDC, on 21 May 2021, via Demetre Daskalakis, MD, drafted an alert to be sent out to the CDC Health Alert Network (HAN) regarding the incidences of myocarditis appearing in persons taking the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”, reports of which they were aware SHORTLY AFTER THE “VACCINES” BECAME AVAILABLE FOR USE IN THE UNITED STATES VIA THE EUA GRANTED BY THE FDA IN DECEMBER 2020. The Zero Hedge article has a copy of the beginning of this draft alert memo (an email.) The Epoch Times is working on getting the entire draft alert.
The initial EUA granted by the FDA in December 2020 for the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” BNT162b2, and for the Moderna modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” mRNA-1273, covered ONLY persons in the United States for persons AGE 16 AND OLDER for BNT162b2; and for persons AGE 18 AND OLDER for mRNA-1273.
Therefore, cases of MYOCARDITIS induced by these “vaccines” were ALREADY BEING REPORTED IN THESE AGE GROUPS well before May 2021.
Here is a report, dated 17 May 2021, from a CDC “work group” that was investigating the reports of “vaccine”-induced MYOCARDITIS:
Here the report from the same CDC “work group”, dated 24 May 2021. Notice the changes in the language of this report:
Please refer to the Appendix 1: Adverse Events of Special Interest at the end of this report from Pfizer-BioNTech.
MYOCARDITIS is listed on page 35.
PERICARDITIS is listed on page 36.
Bear in mind that this report reflects ONLY reports that were submitted to Pfizer-BioNTech BETWEEN 11 DECEMBER 2021 (the date of the initial EUA granted by the FDA for this “vaccine” to be used in the United States) AND 28 FEBRUARY 2021.
“Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) Amendment for an Unapproved Product Review Memorandum”
From the document: “COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for everyone ages 6 months and older in the United States for the prevention of COVID-19.” (bolding mine)
Yours Truly: The CDC d@mnwell KNOWS that the COVID-19 “vaccines” DO NOT PREVENT an infection of COVID-19 — in fact, due to the damage to / destruction of, the “vaccine” recipient’s natural immune system caused by the actions of these “vaccines”, PLUS the CONTINUOUS “FAKE COVID-19 INFECTION” that these “vaccines” induce in the recipient’s body — “vaccinated” people CAN — AND DO — COME DOWN WITH COVID-19, WHETHER OR NOT THEY ARE EXPOSED TO A PERSON WHO IS INFECTED.
Recall, also, that the “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccines” by BOTH Pfizer-BioNTech AND by Moderna STILL CONTAIN THE modRNA + SPIKE PROTEIN (ALTHOUGH IN SMALLER AMOUNTS) FROM BNT162b2 AND FROM mRNA-1273. IMO, this means that the potential for “vaccine”-induced Myocarditis and/or Pericarditis IS STILL THERE FOR PEOPLE WHO TAKE THESE “VACCINES.”.
Jan 07, 2018 3:10:11 AM EST
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 05b846 No. 13359
US taxpayers are paying for it all.
Paris accord = scam (trillions)
RED CROSS = scam (billions)
Foreign Aid = scam (trillions)
WAR = scam (trillions)
Who audits where the money actually goes?
Who actually receives the money?
The US taxpayer is funding the very people we are engaged in taking down.
Slush funds everywhere.
Think GS pays for Antifa out of his own pocket?
The hole is deep.
Feel sick yet?
Apr 23, 2018 4:12:36 PM EDT
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5b3c72 No. 1159482
RED CROSS Pakistan.
Define smuggle.
What is smuggled?
What funds are used to pay for the goods?
These people are sick.
Relevant to events about to unfold.
Follow the EOs.
When was UBL killed in Pakistan?
May 2 2011
Where was UBL located?
Close proximity to?
Think logically.
When did AWANs mission op go green?
Follow the timeline.
What happened during this time w/ Huma / VJ / AWAN / +3?
Follow the timeline.
Who is protected?
Aid cut off in 2010?
What happened in 2011?
Define ‘Exchange’.
Sick yet?
Apr 23, 2018 4:12:36 PM EDT
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5b3c72 No. 1159482
RED CROSS Pakistan.
Define smuggle.
What is smuggled?
What funds are used to pay for the goods?
These people are sick.
Relevant to events about to unfold.
Follow the EOs.
Pay-per-view stock value should soar.
h/t Filly
RU not impressed with the breast beating. Reality Check delivered. 😯

Russian Missile Strike in Kharkov Kills as Much as 60 French Mercenaries Fighting for Ukraine
Paul Serran Jan. 18, 2024 7:45 am 391 Comments
Hard to complain when they weren’t supposed to be there at all.
From within that link, more details on #’s
FTA (link above)
They’ve forced us to translate what their headlines mean to glean the truth:
“Died suddenly” = killed by the vaccine
“Sudden heart attack” = killed by the vaccine
“After a brief illness” = killed by the vaccine
“Died unexpectedly” = killed by the vaccine
“No cause of death was listed” = killed by the vaccine
Just an observation: That could be an enhanced snowman.
To quote Mae West, “I used to be pure as snow… but I drifted”… 🙂
She’s probably frigid… a green activist… (oh, wait, Gore-Bull warming would be bad for her…)….
She would probably give you the cold shoulder…
She can’t be that cold, the headlights aren’t on.
She’s a Tesla…. no energy left 🙂
S U P E R B !
This guy does a superb job of bitch slapping WEF assholes to their faces.
Bad news…
WEF and Deep State will double down on trying to prevent Trump’s return to the WH.
Interesting… the AI part Musk mentions.
Judge orders hearing in fanni case on February 15th. gives her till February 2 to respond.
You will probably want to read this. Erik Carlson. “The US Military Coup Against Trump in 2020”
Well we already knew that OH!Bummer had fired a lot of good high ranking military people.
There is this. Pay attention to the WA Post tweet in the story
Then there is this. Only tweet I can find now.
Spot the difference?
Whoops… they are playing loose and fast. When posted it comes out the right way. When viewed anywhere on twitter, you don’t see the “televised portion” 🤔 moar tricky then I figured… Ackkk only way you can see that is if you click on the tweet in the story.
When I went to twitter that tweet that shows more fully here at the Q-Tree is very truncated. At nitter here is an interesting reply…
edit, it’s pretty strange that this D’Souza tweet won’t embed here, but you can watch the video at nitter or twitter, fwiw…
Also in nitter replies…
Politically Homeless Cat
Replying to @washingtonpost
Jan 11 Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis exposed for secretly collaborating with the January 6th committee before indicting Donald Trump.
Nathan Wade, Willis’s chief prosecutor and alleged romantic partner, documented four covert meetings held between the January 6th committee and the prosecution team:
• April 18-21, 2022
• May 31, 2022
• Sept. 7-9, 2022
• Nov. 16, 2022
In addition, court documents reveal that Willis’s team conducted two secretive meetings with the Biden White House on May 23 and Nov. 18, 2022, totaling 16 hours of discussions before levying charges against Trump.
White House visitor logs further reveal that Willis spent five hours at the Biden White House on Feb. 28, 2023, merely a week after recommending charges against Biden’s leading presidential opponent.
Willis faces additional scrutiny after being subpoenaed to testify in the divorce proceeds of lead prosecutor Nathan Wade.
A motion filed this week by Trump co-defendant Mike Roman alleges an inappropriate romantic relationship between Willis and Wade, from which both have financially benefited.
This is novel. New school bill in Kentucky.
New Bill Would Require Students Dressed as Furries to Be Removed by Animal Control
The Animal Control part of the bill is actually a second step if parents don’t come and pick up their kids. Not sure how this will work out, but the kids likely won’t mind, right?
Barron is trending on X today.
One moar cause we can.
One in a tweet so you can see what they are talking about.
He already looks like a leader. Like father like son.
What an extraordinary chiseled face that man has. Barron is one for the ages.
I see his mother and a younger Donald in that face. Just incredible.
Tomorrow my husband has stends put in his heart . He took a calcium test and showed some blockage. Please keep him in prayer 💗
Has anyone ever had that procedure ?
His kidneys showed improvement from 4 months ago and almost normal. Thanks be to God.
I have known several people who had stents put in. It seems to be mainly routine, because they could all talk about it. They normally report immediate relief (although you don’t say what your husband may need relief from).
He has some blockage and seems to function well. He walks and gardens and is always busy one way or another.
The bad eating habits he only gave up reluctantly but is all in now since having diabetic II and that is under control. He had an irregular heart bead that was fixed on that. and does well .
I have never had the procedure but I have watched it done many times. It is a procedure that has been perfected to a very high level. Your husband is very likely to do well and if stents are placed he will feel much better.
Thank you. They ask “if he feels bad and said no.”
He might not know he feels bad and maybe look back how bad he felt ?
He is a “A” personality and likes to be busy and on the go . Does not get enough sleep never has. I need my 8-9 hour sleep to function always have been like that.
Coronary artery disease can have a number of symptoms. The most well known are chest pain and shortness of breath but some just have a feeling of nausea or a kind of “windedness” that makes them feel slightly off kilter.
He is driving his doctor nuts he has non of that. He has good weight of 150-155 LB maybe that is why he does not have any symptoms ?
He is going to be 82 and looks in his sixties and walks like that also.
I think men who are in the workforce regardless what is is have stress . If they are like my husband who worked long hours traveled on spur moment do not always rest and eat right. Later in life it shows up. He never smoked drinks little maybe 2 glasses of wine a week with a meal. His father had a heart failure at 82 also did his father grandfather).
Come to think of it my Father-in-law had a stint put in when he was about 81. He was much better after that. He also worked up until a few years before he died.
That is good to know. My husband’s father did also and my husband does not show he will slow down it is in his genes .
It sounds like your husband has taken good care of himself. Almost anyone in their 80s would have some level of coronary disease but it sounds like his genetic profile has served him well. They may take a look and decide a stent is not necessary but they will be able to tell confidently the state of his coronary health. Either way it should give him confidence for the future.
I appreciate the info thank you 🙂
I am motherly type and have to watch myself not to smother him 🙂 Have the whole process take his course and put it in God’s hands 🙂
i have to tell you about my Dad. He had quadruple bypass surgery TWICE. he outlived the first set and was well on his way to outliving the second, but he decided he didn’t want to undergo the surgery a third time. his doctors were amazed. but he had this unsinkable spirit and a genuine love for life.
Put it in God’s hands!
What a lovely story 🙂 Thank you for sharing .
Most men I know don’t have very good body awareness. They are used to ignoring symptoms and discomfort. If you ask them how they feel, they say “fine.”
After he has the procedure, he may surprise you by saying how much better he feels.
Uh, yup. That’s the way it works here.
I’ll be praying for him and for you singingsoul1!
Thank you pat 🙂
How is your husband doing ? Has his condition improved?
i think so. the real hero to him was the respiratory therapist in the hospital. he taught my husband how to recover breathe with his asthma. this young man has asthma himself and hasn’t used a rescue inhaler in years! but he taught my hubby not to panic and how to regain control. amazing stuff and he’s using that to recuperate.
fingers crossed
thanks for asking!
That is good to know that your husband had someone who understands what he is dealing with. To many rely on theory but practice and deeper knowledge can be better. God is good 🙂
He is!
Amen! GOD Bless and all the best to you and your husband and gute Besserung!
Great news.
One of my co-workers in 1978 and another in 1984. Both did fine.
👃Good luck and quick healing.👃
Thank you Gail.
They were going to do that to me but when they did the angiogram I didn’t need stents so they didn’t do them.
Hopefully he is scheduled for an angiogram with stents if needed. The current philosophy is to delay putting in stents as long as possible since they have a limited lifespan and some possible side effects [like scarring inside the artery].
He had an stress test and angiogram. Maybe at his age they might not worry about if he outlives the stents ?
We need to tweak his eating pattern 🙂 We are so different if i know a food group is healthy for me I eat it if I like it or not. My husband an only child had plenty of food and even if I tell him something is good for him its like pulling teeth. 🙂
He gravitates back to baker kid habits. In a free world one cannot force a person to eat what is good. I point something out one time and let it go if the other resists. One needs to be purposeful eat for health.
wow i admire someone like you!
I was a picky eater as a child and now that I’m an adult I don’t even pretend to hide the broccoli as I give it to the dog…
I do make plenty of healthy choices, but not all of my choices are…lol
When I grew up we had little food and one ate what one could find so not to starve. I almost did. Now I feel blessed by so many choices sometimes to many. Broccoli I did not know as a child but one can make it very tasty.
The things I did not know growing up is broccoli, spaghetti, Pizza waffles, roast beef, pot roast, Soda , watermelon, melons and many other things.
I do not really like broccoli, but if it is not over cooked and smothered in cheese, I will eat it.
I never really cook most vegetables. Roasting with garlic and other vegetables. Broccoli I stir fry not to get soggy.
Mom’s, mother was English so we got veggies boiled an extra day in honor of the Queen. 😣 So I ate them raw!
I like to stir fry when I can.
That sounds ghastly having over boiled veggies.
I like raw vegetables also. Fennel and apple salad is great.
It was ghastly. I did not know asparagus wasn’t gray slime until I got into college!
I am sneaking Lion’s Mane mushroom powder in to Hubby’s food. so he does not know he is eating eat. 🤓
Love mushrooms. Your husband is lucky that you the extra step 🙂
I love mushrooms too. He picks them out. 🙄 Any way I am sneaking Lions Mane and coconut oil into his diet along with increasing his beef. His balance has gotten a lot better and he hardly every uses a cane now. He will be turning 81 soon.
That is great maybe he was missing some nutrients ?
That is what we were thinking. Also it was lack of exercise during Covid.
I don’t understand why they didn’t put the stents in during the angiogram.
I hope it wasn’t so they could bill for two surgeries. [I’m not a cardiac doctor so what do I know]
The doc told him if they do not see blockage when they get in they will not put the stent in . He has to be 8:30 am at the Hospital. I bring my iPad and check in here.
^^^ Sounds like what I experienced.
I umpteen tests, before I went in for, “likely” stents.
Docs thought I needed them, but also cautioned, when they get in, I may NOT need them. As posted, latter was my reality.
Singing, my dad had stents put in and immediately felt a lot better.
Thank you hen has something to look forward too 🙂 He does not know he feels bad maybe he got used to the new -old him 😅
How are you doing ?
I’m doing well, Singing. My father was also the type that never complained about how he was feeling. But I could tell just by how he breathed and that he was a lot less active than I’d ever seen him. I really don’t think he realized how bad he felt until suddenly he felt so much better. He was probably so used to it that he didn’t even think about it.
I knew someone who had this done a number of years ago, and did well.
Thank God your husband’s kidneys are doing better. This, IMO, is a big plus.
Sending Good Energy and Deep Healing to him, and prayers and meditations for both of you.
Thank you PAVACA 🙂
How are you coming along? Hope you feel better?
You are very kind. My recovery is going somewhat slowly but is apparently on track. It appears that I should be out of the woods by the end of February.
Several years ago, quacks thought I needed stent(s).
I was awake the whole time. Even watched the monitor, during the procedure. They went in through the carotid artery. Sent the dye in. Looked around and said, no stent(s). that day.
Discharged a few hours later. Couple stiches, where they went in. Stiches out following week.
>>> Had they put stent(s) in, I’d have been kept overnight.
My take is no big deal for hubby. Prayers. Best wishes.
Interesting and lucky you 🙂
. They told my husband that it is an outpatient procedure. Not keeping him overnight. We live about 7 minutes from the Hospital. I put my dog into the kennel just in case there are problems. Pick him up Saturday see how hubby feels.
Thanks for the prayer 🙂
Prayers up.
I’ve had 4 stents put in my aorta due to 3 aneurysms, 2 penetrating aortic ulcers and an aortic dissection with an intramural hematoma. The procedure is not difficult. The recovery isn’t bad either, but it is highly dependent on the health and physical condition of the patient.
Mental well being too I’d imagine. That’s a bit much. Likes that you can hang in there bakocarl, your needed here.
Not to mention cantankerousness…..
Prayers for you both. I know others who have been through triple bypass and stents and all are still here!!!
Thank you 🙂
All went well and his blockage was not as bad as doc thought. 80% in one artery. I am grateful it was not worse.
January 18, 2024 4:30 pm
I was just wondering about this. I could not recall how it came about that he chose her, but I thought I remembered his explaining it at one time.
Trump Explains the Only Reason He Chose Haley to Be UN Ambassador
Former President Trump said the only reason he chose Nikki Haley to be the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations was so Henry McMaster, her lieutenant governor at the time, could become governor of South Carolina.
“Nikki Haley is a disaster,” he told supporters at a campaign rally in Atkinson, New Hampshire. “She worked for me for a long time. I know her very well. I actually put her there for a different reason.
“I shouldn’t say this, but she had a lieutenant governor named Henry McMaster, who is fantastic,” the 45th president continued. “I figured if I took her out of the South Carolina governorship, put her someplace, any place, I put her someplace, then Henry McMaster, who is my friend and has turned out to be a great governor in South Carolina, Henry McMaster will become the governor. So, I moved her to the United Nations. And, honestly, she was not a good negotiator. She was not a good negotiator.”
I think Dictator Trump is doing a psyop on Ms. Haley.
he plays the game well
Actually I thought that was the reason he moved Haley. She was a disaster as gov.
She’s good on Civil War history though 👍🙄😂
Bite thy tongue.
At least when it comes to REMOVING General Lee’s Battle Flag.
The instant I heard of her appt, I thought – dang he’s putting her on ice.
Donald J. Trump
Get Hussein, get Brandon, get Bush Jr., get Clinton, get the criminals.
These aren’t people who made honest mistakes, they are traitors who have done everything in their power to destroy our country.
The Republic cannot take another one.
Peter Schickele, of P.D.Q. Bach fame, has passed at 88.
I actually saw him in concert about 40 years ago.
RIP Peter Schickele.
He was a genius and he brought many hours of joy to many people including me.
From “Hansel and Gretel and Ted and Alice”:
“It’s Alice, it’s Alice, it’s Alice Über Deutschland” 😀
He was truly brilliant, and his comedy pieces brought a lot of people into appreciating classical music…
snicker, snicker
Finally got the last locks reinstalled. Had two that were giving me problems — one internal deadbolt, and one external lever. The internal one was different from any other deadbolt in the house, so I just took the cylinder to our local locksmith and had him do it. There was this C clip that I had no tool for because it was too thin and sandwiched in….
I had a bit of a problem reassembling the lever — I had gotten it open (fun — it was inhabited!) and re-keyed it successfully. Turns out, where you normally assemble the cylinder into the lock and clip on the handle, you had to assemble the cylinder into the handle and clip into the lock.
I hope this stays done for a while.
29-year-old pole vaulter dead. Story says he had been experiencing health issues and died from medical complications.
I can’t say I trust him, but I do enjoy someone who can laugh at themselves:
Oh thank Heaven for Seven-Eleven 😀
Oh this will be fun! I really like listening to Angie Aparo!!
Don’t threaten me with a good time or an excuse to buy another cowboy hat.
I’ll be there. LET’S GO !!!
Good news out of the EU. Hope they all take note. Also interesting comment.
Peter Sweden: HUGE – Sweden SCRAPPING Agenda 2030 goals
Guest Contributor Jan. 18, 2024 8:00 pm 81 Comments
I do not know where that nose came from.
Prepare For Grid Down / Disruption Events
Make sure you have standby power, even if it is “minimal”. It looks like those in the know are predicting more power outages / grid down events. Cause? Decreasing nuclear, coal and gas generation intersecting higher demand spikes.
Regulars here have known this for a long time: Nuclear, Gas, and Coal generation are reliable and can be made available any time. Solar & Wind are not. They come and go on a semi-random basis. At anything over about 20% solar and wind, you have random spikes of unreliable power, and random dropouts. As the percentage of nuclear, gas, and coal power drops; it becomes impossible to stabilize the power grid against those spikes and dropouts. The EU, UK, & USA have been busy destroying their Nuclear, Coal, and Gas generation capabilities.
Well, looks like it is now being recognized that during cold excursions, we can no longer avoid blackouts (and during hot excursions in California…)
At the same time, the foolish push to “electrification” of just about everything is adding more demand spikes. We now have a lot of people who get home from work and plug in their electric car to charge it, just as demand for home heat, cooking, A/C, laundry, lighting, etc. etc. is peaking. So while the ability to meet “peak demand” is dropping, the height of that peak is rising.
Has the obligatory genuflect to muh-“Climate Change”… and in some places disses “gas” when the real issue is pushing coal and nuclear out of the picture and shoving that demand onto rapid growth of gas generation in excess of natural gas supply; but it still makes some good points (bolding by me):
I would like to coin a phrase tonight. For better, hopefully…The Pied President.
“The legend dates back to the Middle Ages. The earliest references describe a piper, dressed in multicolored (“pied“) clothing, who was a rat catcher hired by the town to lure rats away[1] with his magic pipe.
When the citizens refuse to pay for this service as promised, he retaliates by using his instrument’s magical power on their children, leading them away as he had the rats.
This version of the story spread as folklore and has appeared in the writings of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the Brothers Grimm, and Robert Browning, among others. The phrase “pied piper” has become a metaphor for a person who attracts a following through charisma or false promises.[2]
There are many contradictory theories about the Pied Piper. Some suggest he was a symbol of hope to the people of Hamelin, which had been attacked by plague; he drove the rats from Hamelin, saving the people from the epidemic.[3]“