Dear KAG: 20240123 Open Thread

Cover image: Mortimer Smith: Winter Landscape (1878)

The Supreme Court ruling on the Texas border will be sprinkled through the links and tweets. As infuriating as it is, there is a lot to unpack.

Badlands News Brief – January 22, 2024

Algorithmic Amplification

An Olive Branch to DeSantis Supporters


White Americans are Quiet Quitting our Leading Institutions

Definitions of War

AI Can Help Us Expose the NWO

It’s Not Over, Says Texas Governor Following SCOTUS Border Razor-Wire Order

Supreme Court Rules 5-4 That State Authorities Cannot Protect American Citizens from Illegal Border Entry

Tweets…X-Files, uh, posts, whatever

Interesting take:

Meme Zone


We started thawing out here in STL on Monday.

This was about an hour south of me on Monday morning.

needless to say, the city was closed across the board.

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


PSALMS 24:7-10

7Lift up your heads, O gates! and be lifted up, O ancient doors! that the King of glory may come in. 8Who is the King of glory? The LORD, strong and mighty, the LORD, mighty in battle! 9Lift up your heads, O gates! and be lifted up, O ancient doors! that the King of glory may come in. 10Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory! [Selah]


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.


I admit it. I suck at parallel parking unless the curb is on the drivers side.

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34 minutes in.

Anybody home?


Minutes don’t count until the post shows up.


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Thank you, De Pat, for a post to thaw out with.


Is that not the truth? I have never looked so forward to 50 degrees and rain in my entire life.

Gail Combs

You and me BOTH.

I went out this morning and took the ice out of my goats water tank. I did not realize I had sliced my thumb until I got inside and saw the blood dripping. The water was so cold I never felt the slice. WORSE the slice on the other hand had just finished healing…😫

(I hit it with 7% Iodine + triple antibiotic with a pain killer so no worries. It is just annoying.)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Old skin don’t heal fast enough. Any advice on speeding it up?

Gail Combs

Vitamin E and Aloe.

Given I just had my hand in a not very clean water trough I was more worried about infection.

When my pony sliced himself to the bone from hock to the ankle, We used the vet’s medicine until the proud flesh started to form. Then instead of using the VERY EXPENSIVE salve she prescribed My Blackfoot-Sioux friend who was helping with the bandaging, recommended using slices of fresh aloe. It worked a treat. He does not even have a scar!

I was adding the vitamin E to his feed.

Gail Combs

I will add, that a caving buddy who was a Type I childhood diabetic was in the hospital for sores that would not heal on his legs. The doctors were thinking of amputating. Friends smuggled in aloe. It healed the sores.

And I will agree with Aubergine, make sure your diet is up to snuff.


Take a look at your diet. Are you eating enough fruit and veggies? Dark berries and dark leafy greens are even more necessary as we age.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Berries, OK, but which dark leafy greens are low in oxalic acid (which contribute to kidney stones and gout)? Have to watch out for that.

Gail Combs

Leafy greens that are low in oxalic acid include lettuce greens, bok choy, celery, and all fresh herbs except parsley…
Do Green Smoothies have too much Oxalic Acid? – Risk of Kidney Stones

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

I love Bok Choy in a stir fry. The white stems go in fairly early and the chopped up leaves at the very end. Cook until the leaves wilt about 2 minute covered.

Bok Choy is a cabbage but with a delicate flavor.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gail Combs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

If you have never had Bok Choy, I think you will like it. I also put it into home made soup but again, I add it at the last minute so I do not over cook it.

You may recognise it as the white veggie in Chinese food.


Lower in oxalic acid greens:

Bok choi
Mustard greens

The others listed on this site have a bit more, and a couple aren’t really “dark” greens to me. Iceberg, seriously?

But the others are good.

I only like kale ground into a smoothie. Also, steaming greens reduces the oxylates.


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She got the money and she’s done. Back to with the HHI and the RINO/Dem elites she goes.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Mayorkas deserves prison in an honest world.

Valerie Curren

parallel universe exists, at least in fiction…

Gail Combs



Indict. Jail. Trial. Guilty. Head on pike. (Strictly within the law.) 🙂

Gail Combs

Well OF COURSE! MAGA is the party of Justice and LAW.

The DemonRats are the party of Just-Us and LAWFARE.


A Just world would handle Mayorkas differently.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Soros or WEF will fund them. May even change their name.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



In the Nikki, Nikki, Nikki, Nikki, Nikki room,
In the Nikki, Nikki, Nikki, Nikki, Nikki room,
All the birds say words and the RINOs croon,
In the Nikki, Nikki, Nikki, Nikki, Nikki room.

Welcome to our swamp-water hideaway, you lucky people you —
If we weren’t here in DC meant to stay, we’d be deplorable too!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Nookie, Nookie….


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Might Texas be our next Fort Sumpter?


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“The men of Texas” might not want to end up rotting in prison for trumped-up crimes. Until the federal government is cleaned out, it seems unfair to ask people to take stands on their own. They would be risking their lives during encounters, and they would also risk their livelihoods and their freedom. It is the government’s job to defend our borders and stop invasions.

I’m not saying that people shouldn’t take a stand; I’m saying that we can’t blame the people of one state for not protecting the borders for the entire U.S.


Not sure I can agree with this.




The Sheriffs could deputize them!

I would LOVE it if the millions of gun-carrying citizens in TX – were duly deputized – and came down to the border to defend their state against both the illegal invasion and the federal incursion!!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just a quick note – you had an extra letter in your email address, and you had three posts in the bin because of it!


Thanks for digging me out. I was typing recklessly in more ways than one

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL!!! No problem!


I thought you were starting to moderate comments like CTH – or that I had crossed the line suggesting the armed citizen defense of TX.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nope. No content moderation here.

We have almost no moderation. Only one thing gets automatically moderated – the “private message to wolf” (underscores) line. No other words, phrases, or meanings are looked for. NO AI whatsoever. No algorithms.

Most important, I got rid of Akismet, so there is no sneaky moderation as “spam” by the Cabal. THAT is how they were taking down people like Duchess, you, Holly, and several others. They were hiding political moderation in spam filtering.

But if people make a mistake in their email, user name, or password, from what was approved, then they go into the bin automatically. THAT is 99.99999% of what gets binned. The rest is people who know they are in moderation (rare, see below), or PMTW messages.

There are a few people who can’t get in at all (andycoregon and some sneaky intelligence agencies), and a few people whose posts I check first (FG&C, MM & friends, Filly) but who are welcome to post.


Well – this morning – my comment went into moderation. And yesterday – I got email notices that my comments were approved. Somehow, I’ve gotten on the persona non grata list.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And I keep telling you, you are misspelling your own email address. This site does NOT approve bad email addresses, because that leads to impersonation attacks, social hacks, and all sorts of trouble.

If you misspell your email address, or your name, you look like a new poster, and the misspelled post will go into moderation.

If your device is storing your misspelled email address, you need to correct the stored data.


Hmmm – the notifications come to my correct email. I’m not sure what’s the trouble. The moderations just started a day or so ago.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am not talking about your email address that is on file here. I am talking about the email address that is supplied when you make EACH comment. Each comment in WordPress has an email address and a name and a password. You either type them in every time, or you are logged in and don’t need to, or your browser is remembering the data, or something – but the email address you are giving with some comments has an extra letter. I then find the comment in the bin, and (once I’m sure it’s actually you) fix the email, and then approve the comment.

This comment had no problem. But EVERY comment of yours that hangs up, has the same bad email address, and it’s the exact same mistake every time. It’s up to you to figure out why it is, but one possibility is that you are striking two keys next to each other very consistently.


Hi Wolf Moon – Thanks, I’ll do my best to figure it out and fix it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just know that if something goes into the bin, I will fix it and kick it out as soon as I become aware of it!


You such a gracious, generous, truth-encouraging host – and have saved lives with this blog. We all appreciate you!


Better question; where are the SHERIFFS?

The sheriffs could deputize the men of Texas, and then they would at least be somewhat shielded.

Gail Combs





I don’t know what the situation was that this man was describing, but Trump is a man of the people.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump is a mensch!!!


I’m glad JP Sears is highlighting issues with paying with your palm (video in the open).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. I don’t like having the means of the root of evil embedded in me.

Gail Combs

The Amish \thought the RFID chips, first rolled out for livestock was the Mark of the Beast. It was the main reason for the Farm Wars. The WTO was DICTATING to American Farmers that WE had to chip our animals in order to buy and sell. They called it the NATIONAL HERD too and farmers STAKEHOLDERS.

Notice how they have changed the meaning of the word ‘Stakeholder’.

 Stakeholder Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster

The meaning of STAKEHOLDER is a person entrusted with the stakes of bettors.

In other words you have custody of SOMEONE ELSE’S PROPERTY

When Farmers pointed out that definition it was changed to:

What Are Stakeholders: Definition,

A stakeholder is a party with an interest in an enterprise; stakeholders in a corporation include investors, employees, customers, and suppliers.

However a STAKEHOLDER even under this definition is NOT THE PROPERTY OWNER. By chipping the animal and registering a Premise ID you have given the GOVERNMENT rights over what was once your LAND and your ANIMALS — YOUR property.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

God Bless and Protect President Trump!!!

Valerie Curren


Gail Combs


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


“It was reported that Nikki Haley’s State Director in New Hampshire — this is a very bad one, listen carefully — Tyler Clark, did anyone ever hear of him? He was a lobbyist for the Sixteen Thirty Fund which is managed by Arabella Advisors, which is the largest Democrat dark money network in the country and considered Public Enemy Number One!” Trump told the crowd. “That’s who’s managing her campaign.”

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Trump makes ‘ABSOLUTELY EXPLOSIVE REVELATION’ about Nikki Haley at New Hampshire rally · American Wire News

Trump slams Nikki Haley for her campaign ties to Democratic ‘dark-money network,’ Arabella Advisors, and the Sixteen Thirty Fund

American Wire News
Link Feed

Gail Combs

In the Matrixxx and Shady Grooove did a very deep dive into foreign INTERFERENCE in US Elections.

Here are a few tidbits. Notice that Arabella is funded by Hansjörg Wyss.

According to Influence Watch.

As the Times put it: 3

He is not as well known as wealthy liberal patrons like George Soros or Tom Steyer. His political activism is channeled through a daisy chain of opaque organizations that mask the ultimate recipients of his money. But the Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss has quietly become one of the most important donors to left-leaning advocacy groups and an increasingly influential force among Democrats.

Arabella Advisors: The Third Pillar of Election Integrity Multi-Part Series


👉[Part 2]

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…What is needed to launch the perfect foreign dark money network? Bring in a foreign billionaire mega-donor with a seedy past. Hansjörg Wyss. He comes with his own Wyss Foundation and Wyss Action Fund. It would help if you had a way to move the money around. This is accomplished with the 501(c)(3) & 501(c)(4). Now you have the beginnings of a dark foreign network with the for-profit consulting firm Arabella Advisors managing it all.

For context, let’s take a closer look at foreign billionaire Hansjörg Wyss and his past dealings. He was the CEO and Chairman of a billion-dollar medical company called Synthes. It was alleged that the company was accused of ignoring FDA regulations. This caused at least three patients to lose their lives. Public records showed that in 2009, four Synthes execs were indicted and went to prison. Hansjörg Wyss, however, remained untouchable. Hansjörg Wyss resigned as CEO but stayed on as Chairman of Synthes. In 2012 Synthes was acquired by Johnson & Johnson for just under $20 Billion. Hansjorg Wyss was also a mega-donor for the Clinton Foundation. He injected millions into the Clinton machine. Since then, Hansjörg Wyss has quietly become an important foreign asset to the left’s “foreign dark money network.” Perhaps more significant than George Soros.

👉On March 22, 1983, The Supreme Court ruled a 501(c)(3) organization may establish a separate 501(c)(4) to expand its capacity to lobby beyond the limited expenditures allowed for a 501(c)(3)….

  :wpds_arrow: Next, we examine how dark money is moved around. We will start with the four sister funds, now five funds Arabella Advisors manages.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund 501(c)(4) is a left-of-center lobbying and advocacy organization founded in 2008. Sixteen Thirty Fund often operates alongside its charitable “sister” nonprofit New Venture Fund, which provides similar funding and fiscal sponsorship services to left-of-center organizations. Both groups, along with the Hopewell Fund and Windward Fund.

The New Venture Fund 501(c)(3) is a “dark money” organization, serving as a way for left-leaning groups to anonymously funnel money toward various political advocacy issues, such as attacking vulnerable Republicans or pushing environmental restrictions. New Venture Fund was previously called The Arabella Legacy Fund from (2006-2009)….

The North Fund 501(c)(4) was created in February 2019 as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit with startup funding of $9.3 million provided by the 1630 Fund. The Fund is a lawfare fund set up with Perkins Coie and Marc Elias Law Group for statewide ballot and Gerrymandering initiatives. The 51 for 51 campaign to make DC a state and operates Marc Elias’ Democracy Docket Action Fund is part of the lawfare initiative. Mark Elias. Perkins Coie [shell2], the Democratic National Committee’s private law firm, formed Elias Law Group 8/22/21.

The purpose of Marc Elias Law Group is lawfare. Marc Elias’ North Fund is Arabella Advisors’ in-house counsel, redistricting maps and fighting against election integrity to give Democrats an edge in upcoming elections. All funded by [F]oreign and [D]omestic Billionaires….

[Part 5]

Americans For Public Trust has filed a lawsuit demanding that the Federal Election Commission take action on their complaint against Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss for funneling money into the liberal dark money network led by Eric Kessler’s Arabella Advisors.

“The lawsuit alleges that Wyss used two nonprofit organizations, the Wyss Foundation and the Berger Action Fund, to contribute millions of dollars to the Sixteen Thirty Fund and the New Venture Fund, two so-called dark money groups that fund liberal causes through operations like The Hub Project and Demand Justice.” Reports The Hill…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Steve Kirsch now getting traction with the UK’s vaccine data people, thanks to a friendly MP. Things may get interesting if he can force them to release data!

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There’s a story told about a grandfather who carried his grandson on his shoulders to protect him during the Holocaust.

Everyone said it would weigh him down.

The grandfather was one of the few who survived.

They asked how he did it with a child on his shoulders.

“My future was carrying me.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

tRuST tHe ScIEnCe!!!


It’s the scientISTS that we can’t trust.


Never get tired of these —


Extended, with other doggos —

Barb Meier

Love these, thank you Cthulhu! Joyful doggies

Gail Combs

Aussies are one of the smartest breeds around. Unfortunately they have become popular and that is often the ruination of a breed. They are now breeding Miniature Australian Shepherds and Toys.

Valerie Curren

Shamelessly sharing this before reading the main post…sorry if it’s a duplication of anything…

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How many States will actually have Biden on the ballot? Was NH a one off to have the Democrats mess with the GOP primary? NH is an open primary where anyone can vote in the GOP side.

Since Trump is really assured to be to GOP candidates in the closed primaries, what fun it would be for GOPers vote in the Democrat side in NH and SC and give it to Williamson!
While we are at it, how about the GOP ballot in New Hampshire. Looks like Trump got star billing.

I hereby declare my preference for candidate for the office of PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES to be as follows:

  • Ron DeSantis Tallahassee, Florida
  • Nikki Haley Kiawah Island, South Carolina
  • Asa Hutchinson Rogers, Arkansas
  • Peter Jedick Rocky River, Ohio
  • Perry Johnson Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
  • Donald Kjornes Watertown, South Dakota
  • Mary Maxwell Concord, New Hampshire
  • Glenn J. McPeters Essex Junction, Vermont
  • Scott Peterson Merrell Norwalk, Connecticut
  • Darius L. Mitchell Lowell, Massachusetts
  • Mike Pence Zionsville, Indiana
  • Vivek Ramaswamy Columbus, Ohio
  • Tim Scott Hanahan, South Carolina
  • Hirsh V. Singh Linwood, New Jersey
  • Samuel Howard Sloan Oakland, California
  • David Stuckenberg Tampa, Florida
  • Rachel Swift Hagerstown, Maryland
  • Donald J. Trump Palm Beach, Florida
  • Scott Alan Ayers Carpentersville, Illinois
  • Ryan L. Binkley Dallas, Texas
  • Doug Burgum Bismarck, North Dakota
  • Robert S. Carney, Jr. Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • John Anthony Castro Mansfield, Texas
  • Chris Christie Mendham, New Jersey

So that’s it folks. The best of the swamp.

This came up in WP Reader, which I rarely check…pretty bizarre…


How about Vermin Supreme on the donkey party ballot?

That’s a keeper.

[“Ladies and Gentlemen, the next President of the United States, Vermin Supreme!”]

Valerie Curren

100% fitting on the jackass side  😆 


White Americans are Quiet Quitting our Leading Institutions
“There is debate among scholars as to the extent of the quiet quitting phenomenon, but there is increasing evidence that white Americans are increasingly quiet quitting America’s leading institutions.

And the possible implications of that for American society are profound.

This phenomenon is a consequence of the trends I write about in my forthcoming book, The Unprotected Class, about the rise of anti-white racism in American culture and how both formal and informal anti-white discrimination have become a factor in almost every area of American public life.”


The Unprotected Class?

Sounds interesting, I’ll have to find out what that’s all about.


(deleted image link)

Last edited 1 year ago by smiley2
pat frederick

Bill Melugin
15h • 3 tweets • 1 min read •
Read on X

BREAKING: The Supreme Court has ruled that the Biden administration can resume removal of the razor wire installed by the state of Texas along the border near Eagle Pass, at least while litigation is ongoing. Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, & Kavanaugh all dissented. Roberts & Barrett sided w/ left leaning justices to rule in Biden admin’s favor & allow Border Patrol to remove the razor wire.
The majority of the razor wire is deployed in the Shelby Park area of Eagle Pass – city owned property that the state of TX recently seized control of with armed soldiers – and kicked the federal government out.

In order to remove the wire, TX has to allow Border Patrol back in. If they refuse – what happens? This is potentially setting up a significant state vs federal showdown if push comes to shove.
NEW: Statement from the Border Patrol union @BPUnion to @FoxNews:

“The Supreme Court’s decision today is going to undoubtedly encourage more illegal immigration. Unfortunately, this means Border Patrol agents are going to be tied up dealing with give ups rather than going after the criminal elements that constantly cross our borders illegally. The administration no doubt will say this is a win for border security, but if they sought rank and file input, they would be told this will do the exact opposite. Agents support what Texas was trying to accomplish in the absence of true border security policies from this administration.”


  :wpds_arrow:  Border Patrol refuse to cut the wire.

E A S Y.

pat frederick

what wire?
we don’t see any wire….


Just need a few more diversity hires like Coney Barrett and Katoji Blackwoman and Sodamotor the wise Latina.

Then the criminal Johnny Roberts will really be able to deliver for his owners.

pat frederick


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Quick look.

Briben voted for taxing SS. 88% of Uniparty Senators voted for it. Reagan signed it.

pat frederick

Gail Combs

Notice Garvey is wearing a PURPLE SHIRT AND TIE!


No way would I be within ten yards of that pile of schiff. Garvey is a hero.


Laura Loomer Loomered Alex Soros with his Contract on 45/47.
Connects to President s J.F Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln and even to Alexander Hamilton’s pistol duel with Aaron Burr

ANALYSIS: Alex Soros Threatens Cryptic Trump Assassination Threat and Bounty Offer by Sharing Atlantic Article Featuring a Twisted, Subliminal Cover Image – Loomered

Laura Loomer has conducted a deep dive analysis on an X post that Alex Soros, the son of Democrat Party Mega Donor George Soros, shared on Sunday that featured an image of a cryptic threat and bounty for the assassination of President Donald J. Trump. The image in question was a cover image in an article featured in the Atlantic Magazine. Interestingly, David Bradley, who is the Chairman and Owner of the Atlantic, served on the Council on Foreign Relations Board with George Soros. Loomer has reported extensively on Soros’s money being used in election interference cases to remove Trump from the ballot. Soros seems committed to using whatever means necessary to keep President Trump out of the White House.

The image Alex Soros shared features a bullet hole in the glass followed by a picture of money. The cash adds up to the number 47. Also, the number 4 on the 10 dollar bill is aligned perfectly with the number 5 on the 20 dollar bill, making the number 45 quite visible. The numbers 45 and 47 are a reference to President Trump.

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It gets even more eerie as one of the 10 dollar bills used was from 1963. This is known because the phrase “WILL PAY TO THE BEARER ON DEMAND” is written on the bill.

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Her Twitter Thread:


They make a big fuss that the image of the dollar bills are from the 1950’s (Even the Community Notes were ready for this), but this is not the point.
She is not claiming that the image was created just for SoreAsses son.
It was specifically chosen by him, next to the bullet hole image, for the reason she is outlining in her analysis.

Gail Combs

I also noted yesterday that Silver Certificate ==> JFK

Executive Order 11110 – End Of Silver Coinage | Armstrong Economics

President John F. Kennedy on June 4, 1963.

This executive order delegated to the Secretary of the Treasury the President’s authority to issue silver certificates under the Thomas Amendment of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended by the Gold Reserve Act. The order allowed the Secretary to issue silver certificates, if any were needed, during the transition period under President Kennedy’s plan to eliminate silver certificates.


Might be because we started covering it the night before.. who the heck is reading here? 😆

Gail Combs



Anybody who cares to know the important things.

Like coothie’s foray into home locksmithing.  😂 

[just kidding around]


It bothers me because unless Satan Soros Jr is a clever genius..he didn’t put this grand cypher together. The psych pros in the Fed did. Now if any dark mercenary or budding tranny lunatic decide to try and kill DJT..they should know it’s all game to find a patsy


IMO it’s a huge stretch to think Soros was considering a random 4 and 5 on the bills in a stock photo to represent Trump. The fact that the amount of $47 is shown is enough.

The 1963 reference is something that 99.999% of the population would not realize unless it was pointed out to them. Soros himself might not have realized it. The bullet hole in the glass gets the point across very effectively.

IMO when we go beyond the very strong, obvious meaning and look for things that we can make fit, it lessens the impact instead of strengthening it. Soros could very well be laughing at the stir he has caused and at the lengths people will go to in order to “prove” his intent.

Valerie Curren

Though likely not a popular view around here but that kind of stretch reminds me of some Q “decodes” from my Q Agnostic perch in the cheap seats  😜 


I agree. If you have to stretch that hard, you could be wavering off track.

Valerie Curren

Yep 😉


Both the bullet hole and cash were an image in an Atlantic magazine article:

The Great Normalization by Rogé Karma

Gail Combs

White Americans are Quiet Quitting our Leading Institutions
During the 1970s up to the mid 1980s, I ran into this type of discrimination repeatedly. Reports I wrote had my name taken off and a man’s name put on, someone who had nothing to do with the work. That stolen work was then used as a reason to promote the person. In one case my female co-worker and I got a 0.5% raise while the white guy who came in late, left early and did nothing got a 7% raise. This was not a one off but at all five companies I worked for.😡

This type of discrimination is very bad because not only does the person targeted do the minimal amount of work needed to keep the job, but unqualified people are promoted to positions they can not do or will not do.

HOWEVER there is a silver lining. The time and effort those abused workers would have given to the corporation that hired them, is diverted into starting a small business. Once it is up and running they may quit. The White males who can not get into a decent university will go into the trades instead. Something this country desperately needs if we are going to rebuild the country.

The energy and ambition maybe stifled to some extent but it IS going to get expressed.

Table B-4. Indexes of aggregate weekly hours and payrolls for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally adjusted
NOTE: Indexes of aggregate weekly hours and payrolls for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally adjusted 👉[2007=100]

2007 is the year before ‘Forclosuregate.’

These are the top two industries that saw increases.

 ….INDUSTRY ……………… 12/22 … 10/23 … 11/23 …12/2023
Prof & Business services … 129.9 … 130.7 … 131.0 … 130.7
Private Ed & Health services 135.0 … 139.7 … 139.9 … 140.7

So private Education and Private Healthcare Services are exploding. 😋

It is worth looking at this chart.

pat frederick

just when i think this administration can’t be any more out of control—they are helping ILLEGALS get car loans and build their credit scores???????????? WTF????????????????
   It’s not just more people. The Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Health and Human Services Department, is expanding the type of assistance it offers to include helping migrants access loans, build credit or collect direct cash payments.

We have veterans committing suicide, an unprecedented homeless crisis, formerly middle class Americans working three jobs to put food on the table, and the Biden-Harris regime is focused on helping Chinese “asylum seekers” to build their credit scores.

“Regular Americans are underwriting the generosity. And it’s the hardworking taxpayer who is feeling the strain as migrants are resettled in their neighborhoods across the country,” said Adam Andrzejewski, CEO and founder of OpenTheBooks. “Exploding expenditures on everything from resettlement to auto loans are further incentivizing a vicious cycle at our borders.”

pat frederick

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pat frederick

Faithful Patriot
January 22, 2024 10:54 pm
***Heads up, Sundance & everyone!***
This is a really long, but WEIRD story. If it is accurate, it’s a long-term plan to destroy the GOP in Michigan & effect the 2024 election & beyond. This may also be being done in other states, per the article. Anyone who has time to read, analyze, & comment on this, please do so. The article states: “Further upcoming installments will explore whether similar plans have been executed in other states where state Republican parties are also bankrupt and similarly divided heading into the 2024 election.”
Also from the article: “In just 7 years, Mike Labadie has risen from a registered California democrat to become the shadow director of MIGOP and thus most powerful person in Michigan politics. He has done more damage to the GOP and the state than any democrat ever could, wielding his power with the apparent intention of destroying MIGOP. He is ultimately responsible for the party being completely unprepared for the 2024 election. Unless something changes very quickly, he will also have tremendous influence over the outcome of the upcoming March 2 convention of delegates, which will select 70% of the state’s presidential primary delegates.”
GOP Color Revolution: Five whistleblowers expose covert operation to brainwash Christian grassroots in effort to destroy Michigan GOP. Mike Labadie is the shadow figure who is 7 years into his plot to destroy the Michigan Republican Party. Labadie apparently has self-professed ties to the intelligence community & is a registered Democrat in California.


GOP at ALL levels does NOT represent conservatives.

GOP IS all about special interests AND M O N E Y.

Fix GOP at the precinct level? Uh huh. Anyone have decades and a true national movement to do so.

GOP IS Dead to me. Lower than whale shit, along with D-rats.

  :wpds_arrow:  Voters that can fix anything, assuming we have an honest election.

Robert Baker

It is time for the American Party. Also time to allow the GOP to be laid to rest along side the Whigs.

Gail Combs

…AND the DemonRats.

pat frederick

only 2-3 cups PER YEAR

Gail Combs

THINK of the reaction in 1776 to the Brits messing with people’s tea. 😋

pat frederick

yup–a bridge too far

and it WILL affect the liberals too–no more venti crapachinos or whatever the hell they drink. no more starbucks to work at or frequent to virtue signal…


No worries. They’re making powdered crap that’s going to get them over the no coffee hump and since Doprah loves it everyone should love it..right?!

Clevr Blends | Superfood Lattes and Teas
Creamy coffee-shop texture. Adaptogens, mushrooms, & probiotics. As seen on Oprah’s Favorite Things! Oprah describes Clevr as “My new drink of choice for the morning and night”. “Consider the market disrupted”. “A mind-clearing, mood-lifting latte that you’ll actually want to get out of bed for.”

pat frederick

why would i want them in my coffee?
harpo can sit on it and twirl

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. There’s not mush room for that kinda cr@p 😀

pat frederick

you never disappoint!


Yes x 1000000. Me too…hate mushrooms
Wonder what adaptogens are?

Last edited 1 year ago by mollypitcher5
Valerie Curren


Cuppa Covfefe


Gentechnik (Gene technology)…

Probably with some magic mushrooms (Peyote) thrown in…

Valerie Curren

insane 🙁


Yeah, this one crosses ALL lines.


On December 16, 1773, a group of Colonists destroyed a large British tea shipment in Boston harbor.

Robert Baker

Every time you breathe you are putting CO2 into the air. That must be why you want to reduce the human population. Cattle, people, what’s the difference? Bugs for breakfast without coffee- what a future.

Last edited 1 year ago by Robert Baker
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Carbon dioxide is a MacGuffin for the Climate Change Theater that is masking the Depopulation agenda within the terraforming process.

Cuppa Covfefe

He can pour that coffee where the sun don’t shine. And then sit on a pinecone and twist.
😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡

The ROOT LIE that has to be conclusively and widely disproven is the failed work of Arrhenius, the John-Cooked-the-books lie of 97%, and CO² leading rather than lagging temperatures; i.e. that CO² has ANYTHING at all to do with the Earth’s temperature.

Take away that lie, and all of the excuses, false bases, etc. for the “end greenhouse gasses”, etc. go away, as should all of the idiotic “measures” in place to reduce them.

The bad science out there, and the fact that so many people can’t see through it (indeed they don’t even know basic science or logic) is maddening, appalling, but, sadly, not surprising, considering the decrepit and politicized state of our schools and Universities…

I’m drinking my coffee covfefe as much and as often as I want, and he can sod off… tosser…

Gail Combs

Even worse NO ONE will say the REAL FACTS OUT LOUD.

We are at the tail end of the Holocene and THAT is the reason the Cabal wants to get rid of 6 billion people AND wants to CONSERVE Coal and other hydro-carbons. They KNOW that when (NOT IF) the earth cools down, CO2 producing hydrocarbons will be WORTH THEIR WEIGHT IN GOLD for use in green houses.

Weed Science – North Carolina State University

…Most of the world’s flora (> 99%) are C3 plants. However, the C4 pathway is well represented in agricultural weeds; many of the world’s worse weeds are C4 plants

C3 plants:

…About 85% of plant species are C3 plants. They include the cereal grains: wheat, rice, barley, oats. Peanuts, cotton, sugar beets, tobacco, spinach, soybeans, and most trees are C3 plants. Most lawn grasses such as rye and fescue are C3 plants…

Moore, et al. say that only about 0.4% of the 260,000 known species of plants are C4 plants…

Moore, et al. point to Flaveria (Asteraceae), Panicum (Poaceae) and Alternanthera (Amarantheceae) as genera that contain species that are intermediates between C3 and C4 photosynthesis. These plants have intermediate leaf anatomies that contain bundle sheath cells that are less distinct and developed than the C4 plants….

The drawback to C4 photosynthesis is the extra energy in the form of ATP that is used to pump the 4-carbon acids to the bundle sheath cell and the pumping of the 3-carbon compound back to the mesophyll cell for conversion to PEP. This loss to the system is why C3 plants will outperform C4 plants if there is a lot of water and sun…..


…. Elevated CO2 mitigated the degree of change in all physiological factors under drought or heat stress and resulted in increases in A (162%) and RWC (19%) and a reduction in EL (21%) under the combined stress. These results suggest that elevated CO2 could improve tall fescue tolerance to drought and elevated temperature by enhancing plant water status, cellular membrane stability, and photosynthesis capacity and by suppressing gs for water loss and C consumption through lowering respiration rate.….

So it looks like An evolutionary transition from C3 to C4 was taking place because of carbon dioxide starvation.

… these wide grasslands are an extremely recent feature in the region’s history. There isn’t solid evidence of animals consuming C4 plants until a scanty 10 million years ago (mya), and grasslands did not become widespread until the late Pliocene and Pleistocene. This recent birth of what is now a dominant feature of the landscape brings to mind many important questions. Specifically, after C4 plants started to become a food source in the Oligocene, how long did it take different herbivore species to adapt to eating this new type of greenery? Which species were early adopters, and which made the most complete shift from C3 to C4 plants? The process of adapting to a new resource—the relatively young C4 plants—had profound effects on community ecology of eastern Africa, as it provided new ways for large herd animals to both exploit new food sources and partition resources in order to facilitate coexistence and/or higher densities….

So C4 plants have an advantage when CO2 levels are low and C3 plants are not as drought resistant.

That brings up the question of what happened in the Pliocene that forced the evolution of C4 plants.

The Pliocene Epoch

The epoch was marked by a number of significant tectonic events that created the landscape we know today. One such event was the joining of the tectonic plates of North and South America…. the tectonic plates of India and Asia also collided, which formed the Himalayas. In North America, the Cascades, Rockies, Appalachians, and the Colorado plateaus were uplifted, and there was activity in the mountains of Alaska and in the Great Basin ranges of Nevada and Utah. The end of the Pliocene was marked in North America by the Cascadian revolution, during which the Sierra Nevada was elevated and tilted to the west. In Europe, many mountain ranges built up, including the Alps, which were folded and thrusted.

Over the course of the Pliocene, the global climate became cooler and more arid. The beginning of the epoch saw numerous fluctuations in temperature, which gave way to the general cooling trend towards the end of the Pliocene.

Why the heck everyone ignores geology when talking of the climate I do not know.

Cooling of the oceans means a vast uptake of CO2 and less rain fall thus favoring C4 over C3 photosynthesis. The Milancovitch Cycle coupled with the uplifting of mountains as well as the change in the location of the continents had a heck of a lot more effect on the climate than a trace amount of gas in the atmosphere. (I wonder what the volcanic activity and atmospheric dust load was like back then?)

Here is a Paper that should scare the day lights out of anyone with any sense. Forget the interpretation and just look at the evidence.

Atmospheric CO2 decline during the Pliocene intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciations

Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain the onset of intensive glaciations on Greenland, Scandinavia, and North America during the Pliocene epoch between 3.6 and 2.7 million years ago (Ma). A decrease in atmospheric CO2 may have played a role during the onset of glaciations, but other tectonic and oceanic events occurring at the same time may have played a part as well.

Here we present detailed atmospheric CO2 estimates from boron isotopes in planktic foraminifer shells spanning 4.6–2.0 Ma. Maximal Pliocene atmospheric CO2 estimates gradually declined from values around 410 μatm to early Pleistocene values of 300 μatm at 2.0 Ma. After the onset of large-scale ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere, maximal pCO2 estimates were still at 2.5 Ma +90 μatm higher than values characteristic of the early Pleistocene interglacials. By contrast, Pliocene minimal atmospheric CO2 gradually decreased from 310 to 245 μatm at 3.2 Ma, coinciding with the start of transient glaciations on Greenland. Values characteristic of early Pleistocene glacial atmospheric CO2 of 200 μatm were abruptly reached after 2.7 Ma during the late Pliocene transition. This trend is consistent with the suggestion that ocean stratification and iron fertilization increased after 2.7 Ma in the North Pacific and Southern Ocean and may have led to increased glacial CO2 storage in the oceanic abyss after 2.7 Ma onward.

In other words as we go back into glacial conditions the CO2 gets sucked out of the air via ‘increased glacial CO2 storage and in the oceanic abyss’ dropping the CO2 levels back to plant CO2 starvation levels. Also not mentioned is CO2 is MORE soluble in COLD water then in warm. Think opening a warm can of soda.


Notice, scientists are willing to say a little ice age is coming BUT they do not address the elephant in the room, possible return to glaciation.

Dr. Abdussamatov said:

“The most reasonable way to fight against the coming Little Ice Age is a complex of special steps aimed at support of economic growth and energy-saving production in order to adapt mankind to forthcoming period of deep cooling which will last approximately until the beginning of the 22nd century. Early understanding of reality of the forthcoming global cooling and physical mechanisms responsible for it directly determines a choice of adequate and reliable measures which will allow the mankind, in particular, population of countries situated far from the equator, to adapt to the future global cooling.”


The arrival of intense cold similar to the one that raged during the “Little Ice Age”, which froze the world during the 17th century and in the beginning of the 18th century, is expected in the years 2030—2040. These conclusions were presented by Professor V. Zharkova (Northumbria University) during the National Astronomy Meeting in Llandudno in Wales by the international group of scientists, which also includes Dr Helen Popova of the Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics and of the Faculty of Physics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Professor Simon Shepherd of Bradford University and Dr Sergei Zharkov of Hull University.

Best comment I have seen on the mess:

pouncer says at WUWT:
December 7, 2012 at 3:44 pm

Ecologist Paul Colinvaux in his 1978 book _Why Large Fierce Animals are Rare_ explains, among other things, that our current biosphere is limited by a scarcity of atmospheric carbon dioxide. The role of humanity in de-fossilizing sequestered carbon and returning it from geological graveyards into living breathing growing and evolving ecosystems seems under-reported. Nor is carbon the only such resource so redistributed. Thousand year deposits of guano — bats and seagulls removing phosphorous from the ecology and excreting it into useless piles — have been extracted and restored by humans. Vital “trace” minerals are mined, purified, and added to human foodstuff and are then distributed, via our sewers, to the rivers and oceans.

Without humanity, an ever depleting biosphere would gradually but inevitably grind to a halt as unintelligent life converts “resources” into “waste products” at the billion-year-old traditional rate….

You could say, Humans are God’s way of re-balancing the environment.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gail Combs

We might be huddling around the local nuclear power plant …

Gail Combs

Nuclear plant provides not only electricity but WARM WATER. 😍

Great for those green houses.


Another attempt to stop farming and food production. Coffee bean farmers would be affected, as would many countries that export coffee. These people are evil beyond words, trying to control the world.


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Cuppa Covfefe

Juan Valdez…

Why stop at Juan?

We need two, or three, or twenty, or 1000000….



Throw a spanner in the Davos works.
Ban Cacao growing cos global warming…

“>>>Swiss<<<-based Barry Callebaut processed just over 20% of the global cacao crop in 2021.(Barry Callebaut)
In 2021, Swiss-based chocolate manufacturer Barry Callebaut processed just over 20% of the global cacao crop, equating to around 1,000,000 tons of cacao per year.”

Gail Combs


I can grow my own tea but NOT cacao.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not sure whether it’s the Swiss or the GloboNazis who are “keeping their enemy closer”.

Robert Baker

Sounds like someone has a large short position in coffee futures.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Look at the biggest picture.

SOMEBODY is trying to kill off the current carbon-based life on this planet. And it’s very ingenious – they’re getting US to do it for them.

Gail Combs



That and using their tried and true fear messaging.
I’ve run across seemingly educated smart peeps that will parrot statistics like this as if it’s truth and by the planet. Do yer part


Bastards best leave My Coffee AND Bacon alone!!!

Gail Combs

AND my T-bone steaks!

pat frederick


^^^ This.

There is much more to be written on this saga that is to come. Patience.

pat frederick

oh my tradebait–you brought back a memory…

Patience is a virtue
Catch it if you can
Often found in women
Seldom found in man.

mom told me that often–because despite what the rhyme says I was always impatient…lol

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s a musical that has the cynical phrase “Patience is its own reward” in it 😀

pat frederick

I don’t have the patience to sit thru one of those…lol

Cuppa Covfefe

These are beacons (bacons of hope) impatiens 🙂

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😀 👍

Gail Combs

Interesting point of view. Has the lefts myopia cause them to trade a short term gain for a long term loss? It all depends on whether Trump can get to the White House and destroy the Swamp, he has uncovered.

pat frederick

like the Presidential Immunity question…double edged sword

Gail Combs

I can see Immunity WHILE in Office, because you do not want Lawfare to interfere with the Running of the country — THINK Sarah Palin WHILE governor of Alaska. I can no longer find sources, however the left used Lawfare to hound her out of office using several lawsuits. She finally had to quit as governor before her term was up.

However the President SHOULD be libel for deeds done before and after he was in office.

pat frederick

definitely agree.
however, if the left gets SCOTUS to upend that with President Trump…then every former President…every one of them…should be sued for their decisions

Last edited 1 year ago by patfrederick
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Osatan has a long list of crimes. This could work.

Valerie Curren

as does Clintoon

pat frederick

how about this bullshit?
January 23, 2024 8:44 am

Obama, Bush and Clinton have started an NGO to fly migrants into the US

The new NGO is reportedly teaming up with Welcome.US to raise money for migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Ukraine and Nicaragua to be flown into communities across the country. 
American Express Global Business Travel and Welcome.US have reportedly teamed up with former Presidents Obama, Clinton and George W. Bush’s nongovernmental organization (NGO) called Miles4Migrants to fly migrants to communities across the U.S. 
Welcome.US is an NGO that was initially launched to work with President Joe Biden’s administration to facilitate some of the 85,000 Afghans who came into the U.S. in 2021 and 2022 after the debacle created when the U.S. evacuated from Afghanistan, according to Breitbart
Welcome.US is also linked to billionaire George Soros’s Open Society Foundation through some of his board members sitting on their “National Welcome Council.”
Now Miles4Migrants and American Express Global Business Travel are reportedly teaming up with Welcome.US to raise money for migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Ukraine and Nicaragua to be flown into communities across the country.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think at this point it’s just treason.


Good to know. Have read that a few times.



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.


h/t Marica’s blog—
Meanwhile, all 6 of the Republican primary votes at Dixon’s Notch, New Hampshire, went to Nikki Haley today.


Early money bought the votes.

pat frederick

how expensive can 6 votes be???


Well, Nookie should get a t-shirt; “I won Dixon’s Notch.” Cause that’s all she’s gonna get.


Escalade was busy.   :wpds_neutral:    :wpds_smile:    :wpds_grin:    :wpds_lol:    :wpds_razz: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

That sentence could be rearranged to be a bit more, erm, fitting to Haley, and that’s all I’m gonna say…

pat frederick

. @NikkiHaley
 is lying about Otto Warmbier and it’s truly sad.

She’s doing it for personal gain – which I find to be pathetic.

I spoke to Cindy and Fred today, too, Nikki.

You were told they wouldn’t make a commercial for you – but that you could simply use their previous recorded comments.

You only added to the existing North Korea UN sanctions that started in 2005 (when I was working at the UN), you didn’t shut down a single North Korea property (I did one in Berlin) and you did what Trump asked you to do.

And why are you only re-writing your UN tenure history now?!



Reality – what a concept! [h/t Robin Williams]


Good news. I hope there will a trend of increasing foresight into what such disastrous policies will bring without having to try them out first. Maybe the people have endured enough that they can look ahead now.


Of course. Willing to bet most of the proponents always knew that it would not last. Just another money making scam that gives them more power over people. The get what they want and exit to another scam.


Infants. Well baby checks, With Jabs.

Skip the Well Baby check. SKIP THE JABS.

Yea, superficial connecting the dots.

The Elephant in the room is More Than Covidiot Jabs. ALL Jabs are suspect.

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs
Gail Combs

This was my first thought. NO SHOTS…

I saw a video of Japan, saying since they weren’t giving kids under 2,specific shots,sids completely disappeared.. I can’t find it anywhere now.

SIDS Largely Eradicated In Sweden & Japan by Doing This 1 Thing

….The CDC published, “About 3,500 babies in the United States die suddenly and unexpectedly each year. Sudden unexpected infant deaths include sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), accidental suffocation in a sleeping environment, and other deaths from unknown causes. (emphasis added)

So what are the unknown causes? I would like to investigate it here.

Investigating SIDS & the (DPT) Pertussis Vaccine influence

A well-known scholarly study was done (1982). It shows the relationship between the pertussis vaccine and SIDS was already known by many in the scientific community.

The pertussis vaccine/crib death correlation was quite clear!


…yet in the conclusion they said there was no causal relationship!…


Daughter is due to deliver in a month. She has already made that determination. No shots.

Gail Combs




Valerie Curren

PTL!!! Congrats on another grandchild!




Nails it. Mannerisms. Message. Truth.


Interesting comments about Nikki.



Gail Combs

Does she have a feed bucket?

Someone has those sheep well trained.

I should add that when I was in France, in the 1970s there were loose herds of livestock controlled by a youngster. We had a herd of cows invade our campsite. My Siamese cat chased them off.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gail Combs

My new adopted cat has been minding some visiting turkeys for the last few days. At first he approached them all tough-guy. They ignored him and by today…he acts like he’s part of the flock, sunning himself while they peck and hunt!

Gail Combs

My Siamese kitten jumped on the nose of one of the cows and clawed and bit her. 😆 The whole herd left.


Siamese cats are a force to reckoned with if they so choose.

Gail Combs

Boy, was he ever! Talk about a GUARD CAT. I found out that I could not bring a stranger into the house the hard way. Luckily he was a young kitten at the time, so his jump hit the guy’s chest and not his face.

After that, If I brought someone new into the house, I had to lock him in the bathroom. Then I would sit the guest down in a chair and carry the cat out in my arms and introduce him to the stranger. After that he was fine…

Well mostly, one friend, he would hide under the furniture and jump him, then run away. He only did it to that caving buddy who had cats as pets.


They’re usually so loud and yowly that I never had one . Wish I could find a manx. I like them. This tabby that showed up, probably dumped, is nice enough. Hoping he’ll intimidate the voles or gophers when they start tearing up the yard again.

Gail Combs

My Siamese was never loud and yowly, more like silent and deadly. He even attacked a German Shepard. I think he was a re-incarnated lion.

He was a long hair blue point.

Looks real innocent. (Snicker)

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Cuppa Covfefe

Interesting that the song started out as an instrumental hit of a Frenchman, Franck Pourcel, back in 1961, and was recorded 61 years ago yesterday by Peggy March as a huge hit (also the youngest [15] female artist to have a US top-of-the-charts hit)…

Wonder if that’s Rochelle Walensky out there running 🙂 or 😡

Here’s a blast from the past (Peggy)March-ing rather than running…


She’s 75 years old now.

On April 24, 1963,[5] her single “I Will Follow Him” soared to number one on the United States charts.[1]She recorded the song in early January 1963 and it was released on January 22, when she was only 14.[1]March became the youngest female artist with a number-one hit, at 15, in late April 1963, a record that still stands for the Billboard Hot 100. The recording also reached number one in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Japan, and Scandinavia.

pat frederick

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Gail Combs

“…Could Haley, who did, after all, grow up there, conceivably think that tarring South Carolinians as racists at this late date will do anything but lose her votes in a state where she might have made a decent showing, if not won an outright victory?….”

Never forget that it was Haley that kicked off the Statue SMASHING seen around the country the last few years.

“…The Confederate flag’s placement at the South Carolina Capitol was confirmed by the state legislature in 1962…” LINK

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley Signs Bill Removing Confederate FlagSouth Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley signed into law a bill that removes the Confederate battle flag from the capitol.

They’re taking it down.

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley on Thursday signed into law a measure to remove the contentious Confederate battle flag from the state Capitol, the culmination of a years-long movement that was reignited by the murders of nine members of a historically black church in Charleston.

Before adding her signature to the legislation, Haley spoke of the black victims…

Haley noted that when the confessed killer, 21-year-old Dylann Roof, was caught, relatives of the victims said in court that they forgave him. That act of forgiveness, Haley said, sparked a wave of compassion around the country that motivated people to change things.

In the days after the shootings, photos emerged of Roof posing with the Confederate flag, a Civil War relic that is also seen as an emblem of racism. That sparked a nationwide debate about the flag’s place in American culture. Many businesses stopped making and selling the flag and its images, and public officials discussed removing the flag from public grounds….

Was this another False Flag orchestrated mass murder by an MK-Ultra victim?


I think Nicki is an MK- Ultra victim. No one turns the way she has. After she quit UN I saw her in a picture with CIA Brennan. My flag went up and knew she was in the pockets of the CIA.

Robert Baker

I take the other side of the argument. She is no victim at all. She has been philandering for more than a decade so her moral compass was broken quite a while ago. She exhibits the behavior characteristics of an ambitious power-seeking personality. The sun is shining on the real Haley.


Never thought of that. You make sense yes she sold herself out.


To me it’s fascinating that during her years in politics that she’s never made this part of her resume’. It’s also a little schizophrenic to use this pseudo race card while campaigning as a RINO since the logical culprits of the abuse are the designated bad people are conservatives.

Last edited 1 year ago by mollypitcher5

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Cuppa Covfefe

Apologies to Almond Roca…

Browned-up Hailey fakes ’em daily…


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Gail Combs

Good grief, she is the ‘Whitest’ one there!


Why are people who are given everything some people dream off like Obama President Michel Nicki Governor. These people were voted into their elite positions by white people and they still moan . I can almost wager that every person experienced in live discrimination if one was black brown or white. There are many forms of discrimination where people bully others. One is to dark, to light, wrong religion, short to tall, fat or to thin, spelling genius math genius or not, handy capped or rich and poor. Anyone can find a reason to hold them back sometimes it is sheer ego.

pat frederick

and then some people just hate me because I’m beautiful…
we all have our own crosses to bear


hahah..well she may feel that a bit of cosmetic surgery might be in her future OR lotta booze and beer goggles is expensive these days..kidding.she’s definitely got a heathy self esteem


So true . Some people think ” the grass is greener on the other site” until they get to the other site 🙂


These people were voted into their elite positions by white people and they still moan. 



“Voted” in? I want PROOF.


Mikki worked hard for what she has.

So much time on her back AND working out of her Escalade.


“Selected” is what I was getting at.


Prolly so. Didn’t weigh in, either way. 🤔

Seems, my post remains accurate. IMO. 😂


It pays to be the victim but it has one draw back one is stuck and cannot live fully today. Living in the past is detrimental to the joy of life.


She’s a race-hustler, after the mold of Al Sharpton.


It’s her first time trying out race hustling. She needs to polish her grievances…spice them up a little…like when she was dating Corn Pop all the racists at prom jeered


per Trump…they’re emptying their prisons and mental institutions and sending them here..

An example~~~~

A 27-year-old man who was staying at an Airbnb in Texas has been arrested for allegedly killing a 51-year-old delivery driver, attacking the man while fully naked and beating him to death with a piece of firewood the victim was delivering.


Happened 6 Days ago. That story is from yesterday. The story below is from today. Somehow neither story can manage to say that the naked black guy living across the street in an Airbnb, named Chrisantus Omondi is from Kenya. 🤔

Surprisingly the most inclusive story as to the facts is a story from…..ready?

Witness Recounts Last Moments of Delivery Driver Killed by Kenyan Man in Us  by Cynthia Maende  January 20, 2024

Six days and still no information on his immigration status. 🙄


Meanwhile we are greeted by stories like this.

Mainstream Media Elite Laments Rise of Alternative News Sources: “We Owned the News . . . We Were the Gatekeepers . . . We Very Much Owned the Facts”

All while this is happening…. has been happening… for years we’ve read stories like this one below and it’s just getting worse…

Media Companies Have Slashed Over 20,000 Jobs In 2023 – Forbes

Media Companies Have Slashed Over 20,000 Jobs In 2023Brad Adgate
Brad Adgate is an Independent Media Consultant

Dec 19, 2023,10:48am EST

I guess they’ll continue to do whatever it takes to keep the normies from waking up.

The Wa Post motto. “Democracy Dies in Darkness” is not a warning. It’s a freaking order!

Too late though, as Cat Trud pointed out, Rush Limbaugh spawned a nation of critical thinking Rush Babies! 😆

Gail Combs

That is amusing since many Badland Hosts say they were raised on a steady diet of Rush. One guy said his whole construction crew listened to Rush.

God Bless you Rush.


Trump predicted the demise of the mainstream media.

Gail Combs

True, and they are circling the toilet.


Also notice a witness was another room renter at the Airbb. Isn’t that nice, they’re being housed all over the place. I guess it’s not surprising. Millions of them aren’t all in urban areas.

pat frederick

IT’S OKAY EVERYBODY–taylor swift will address her ENORMOUS CARBON FOOTPRINT!!! YAY!!!
how? you ask? she’s BUYING carbon credits!

Gail Combs



So relieved. The climate cure is awfully confusing though. Someone will plant some trees to offset but Gates will be cutting and burying trees..

Gail Combs

Gates needs to be put in the NUT house after he has had his Demon(s) Exorcised.


Hopefully, a tree will fall on him in the process. There are plenty of vids on line to show how it’s done.

Gail Combs

Poor tree..


Buying carbon credits = Dumb as a box of rocks.

Bitch needs another Booster.


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THE DAILY CHART: AGE GAPSWith the New Hampshire primary nigh upon us tomorrow, worth noting how the Iowa caucus Republican vote fell out. Trump is most popular with older Republican voters, while a majority of younger voters went for DeSantis or Ramaswamy. Haley—not so much. The younger vote going for more hard core conservatives looks promising for the future.

Last edited 1 year ago by barkerjim
Valerie Curren

so it might show here (I can’t see it above)

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Gail Combs

However, I understand that the demographics out of Iowa showed Trump won ALL categories (Over 50%)

Valerie Curren

The chart needs more labeling for sure 🙂

Gail Combs

Looks like typical propaganda. Trump is a lot more popular with the younger people than polls show because they all have cell phones, not landlines AND they will not admit they support him

Valerie Curren

Are polls still Only on landlines? Then they definitely oversample older people, who tend to be more consistent voters too…

Gail Combs

That is what I had heard. Landlines are more stable, I think. You have an address and you can then link that to a voter registration. People often change their cell phones frequently.

 What is a burner phone?

A burner phone, or burner, is an inexpensive mobile phone designed for temporary, sometimes anonymous, use, after which it may be discarded. Burners are purchased with prepaid minutes and without a formal contract with a communications provider. While some users may buy burner phones for cash to avoid the financial commitment of a contract…

You can also use a friend’s address or PO box. With a landline you KNOW the address.


We have a landline.


We have a landline, which we give out when necessary — and two cellphones, which we don’t give out to the public.

Gail Combs

We have a landline but no phone attached. It is part of the computer connection.


Do the same here. I seldom answer the landline normally is spam.


Then by definition, you’re a geezer.  😂  😍 

Gail Combs

Well yeah, of course.


What ever geezer is not the worse people tried to hand on me 🙂 🙂 🙂

Valerie Curren

ditto & I have no cell 🙂


If my husband did not insist that I have one I would not have one either. He just bought me one. I do not use it much at all and it’s a waist.

Valerie Curren

Yes. Whenever I drive alone between home & Northern Michigan various family members are so concerned. I’m like if something bad happens everybody & their dog has a cell so I’ll ask a friendly stranger to make a quick call if necessary. In roughly 2 decades it has not been an issue thankfully 🙂

Valerie Curren



You got it “Propaganda”


We cannot make it look to good 🙄

Gail Combs

I am listening to this right now and it is hilarious so far. (1st 15 minutes are technical difficulties)

Ivan on Red Pill 78 on 1/16/24

 TheseTruths minutes — The Declaration of Military Accountability was delivered January 1st to the military, and a couple hours later Sec of Defence Austin was admitted into the hospital WITHOUT warning. The original Medical procedure was Dec 22nd. And it gets errrrr interesting from there (Colon Obstruction?)

Back to watching and laughing.


Wow. Dept of Retribution. Nice

Gail Combs

I hope he is actually able to make his pipe dream come true!


Can’t help myself, but keeps thinking the people who take them in…
will never be able to toss them out.
that If they don’t kill them in there sleep, they all know forty or fifty military age guys who will or worse.
That the invaders are the ones that will own everything, but doubts they’ll ever be happy.

Robert Baker

That is one of the reasons invading armies are called occupiers. They take your residence usually after you have fled to some safer locale but not necessarily.


Yep… it starts out like this…

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Then just gets worse.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r
Gail Combs

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This is a diabolical way to transfer people’s wealth to illegals. I bet most people aren’t aware of those laws, and yet they are being encouraged to open their homes to strangers who could claime them as their own.


I am all for and support everyone who voted for Biden to take in illegals.

Gail Combs

Anyone registered as a DemonRat gets AT LEAST one family.

Cuppa Covfefe

No matter how many hundred people are in it 😀
(read: clans)…

Cuppa Covfefe

Define the invaders as soldiers (which, in a sense, they are, as an occupying army), then invoke the Third Amendment…….


Especially now that free legal reps are in the settlement package

Gail Combs

@ $400/hr avg cost of a lawyer in the USA.


Yes do not go on long vacations or live part time in Florida. One might come back home and two or three families live in your home. If one is lucky gets it back .


I have seen that before in East Germany they came for the home. My grandmother had a large Victorian home they the government relegated her to two rooms kitchen and bathroom. The rest was parceled up and rented not by her free will. The staff quarters were made into apartments and part of her first floor. She got a couple of DM every month but had no choice to give up her space.
I have seen other stories like that. She was lucky she could keep her property.

Valerie Curren

horrifying  😡 


That was very much reality and one cannot fight the evil machine.

Valerie Curren

Being thankful to have even some access to one’s own property is evidence of being beaten down into some type of fearful slavery. I cannot even imagine it, but the psychopathic illegitimate powers that be would love to inflict this on all of us it seems 🙁

pat frederick

mass psychosis
January 23, 2024 1:15 pm

Democrat Arizona Secretary of State Says Voter Registration Glitch is Switching Republican Registrations to Independent in Closed Primary Election
Guess who handles voter registration in Arizona? BPro/KnowInk.
The same BPro/KnowInk who were recently fired by PA, and likely soon to be fired by OR. The same BPro/KnowInk who are processing YOUR ELECTIONS on an uncertified, internet-connected nightmare of a piece of software called TotalVote.
All with the full blessing of the DHS, CISA, and corrupt SOSs everywhere.


There is report after report about problems in AZ, but nothing is being done to fix them, as far as I know.

Gail Combs

Actually there have been law suits. However the courts are CORRUPT TOO. Gateway Pundit, Kari Lake and WHY WE VOTE covers a lot of it.


I always thought Illinois (Chicago) or Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) or New York (NYC) or California (all) or maybe Louisiana was the most corrupt state in the union.

But Arizona is making a strong bid.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Robert Baker

That may because snow birds from PA, IL, and NY have relocated there.

Last edited 1 year ago by Robert Baker
pat frederick

mass psychosis
January 23, 2024 1:43 pm

Reply to  R Green
Attorney Jack Baughman, attorney for blackrock managing director Abigail Geller is saying allegations are false and threatening media not to publish.
Last edited 7 minutes ago by mass psychosis

R Green
January 23, 2024 1:48 pm

Reply to  mass psychosis
Thanks MP. Just found this after asking…
[DALLAS – January 23, 2024] Louder with Crowder has released a new investigative report into an email address allegedly associated with BlackRock Managing Director Abigail Gold Geller. The email address in question was found on a leaked database of registered users of ‘dark web’ site known to the Department of Justice to engage in child exploitation. The website was shut down in 2020.

pat frederick

January 23, 2024 1:35 pm

About time.
JUST IN – Justin Trudeau’s use of the Emergencies Act to quell protests has been ruled unreasonable and unconstitutional by the federal court in Canada.




What happens to Trudope? Nothing. Trudope laughs it off.

What happens to the entire Canuk government that went along with Trudope? Nothing.

Do truckers and their families get money back that was lost? Jobs? Savings, Trucks and homes if they were lost?

  • The ruling is meaningless, unless government assholes at All levels are punished for what they did.
  • AND, truckers and their families made whole.
  • Were folks that helped or donated to the truckers punished? They need to be made whole also.

For those that are on TS you will be able to see this from PDT if you have not already. For those who are not on TS:

“Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is VERY STRONG ON THE BORDER. He will not let our Country be destroyed by Joe Biden Open Border Lunatics!!!”

Now whether that is a set up and marching order to Mikey, we will have to wait and see.

Last edited 1 year ago by TradeBait2

I’ll believ it when I see it.

Whatever Mikee does for the border, that asshole best not send another penny to Ukraine.

Mikee has power of the purse. Use it. Or he WILL lose it.

Valerie Curren

very weird…

“Willis is an accomplished scientist, whose research into COVID and HIV has been praised in the medical world. In interviews, he described his two pit-bull mixes – Sadie and Daisy, as the ‘light of his life’. 

According to an interview that Willis gave to the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative’s website in 2022, he is the senior principal scientist at the IAVI Neutralizing Antibody Center in Kansas City. 

Willis said in the interview that he conducts data analysis and interpretation for the IAVI’s HIV vaccine trials. He also compared the search for an effective HIV vaccine to Covid-19 vaccine research.”

PICTURED: Kansas City Chiefs fan and HIV scientist Jordan Willis whose three friends were found dead in his backyard after he ‘went to bed’

Gail Combs

….On January 9, the bodies of his three friends –  David Harrington, Ricky Johnson and Clayton McGeeney – were found in his backyard. They had been there since January 7, when the three men visited Willis to watch the Chiefs play the Los Angeles Chargers….


Valerie Curren

I wonder if this is getting heavy coverage in DP’s area?


Yeah, my ass. This is some messed up shit. I don’t believe it.


Doubt anyone does. Cars were left there. He’s getting calls from family members. Windows are all over the house. Easy to view back yard. Guys were not trapped there. Drugs or poison and the homeowner knew/knows. Very strange.

Gail Combs

He also had DOGS… BIG DOGS, those dogs had to go potty out side and dogs are going to investigate and possibly bark.


One of them was on the porch. The dogs would practically needed to step over the corpse

Valerie Curren

The article claims the dogs were at a relative’s house…conveniently


“On January 9, the bodies of his three friends –  David Harrington, Ricky Johnson and Clayton McGeeney – were found in his backyard. They had been there since January 7, when the three men visited Willis to watch the Chiefs play the Los Angeles Chargers…”


Is that really so unusual, to find the dead bodies of three friends in one’s back yard?

Who among us can say that hasn’t happened to us, at least once in our lives?

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

Thank you, voice of reason..It’s happened several times to me  🙃 




Hillary and Bill.


Before anyone starts casting stones, I hope they will look out the window on their own back yard, to make sure the corpses of a handful of their own friends aren’t tanning away in the cold winter sun.

Gail Combs

Look out the window? How about lugging feed and hot water all over the place!

The colder it gets the more work we have to do.


“…look out the window on their own back yard”, that they won’t is a perfect metaphor for the normies in America.



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Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

People in the comments are saying FENTANYL and I’m sayin’ LIKELY.

Valerie Curren

could be…we’re definitely Not getting the rest of the story, yet  🙃 


Not sure if this has been posted already. But it is important to know.

Gail Combs

Just for fun

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He never looked so good until today.

Valerie Curren
Gail Combs

It is all that GORE Bull Schiff warming…

Valerie Curren

no doubt!

Robert Baker

I was listening to Tucker Carlson interview Rand Paul and was particularly taken by this section. Rand Paul says the RINOs are dreadfully afraid of their voters. That sounds like there may be an opportunity there if a national unifying force were to arise.

Tucker [00:12:36] Well, I don’t I honestly don’t think most Americans have any idea what Russian society is like because we’re not allowed to know. There’s no coverage of it whatsoever. So at some point it would be nice to know what the actual truth is there. But I want to ask you about COVID because you’ve just written a book on it. But before we do one last question about Nikki Haley. You made reference to the fact that her views seem very close to the views of some of the Republicans you work with. Um, and to the leader, Mitch McConnell. If there was a secret ballot vote among Republicans in the Senate for president, how many votes do you think Nikki Haley would get?
Rand Paul [00:13:11] Maybe about what happens on almost any piece of legislation up here. About half the Republicans will side with McConnell and with the Democrats. So almost every bad thing that’s happened in the last two years, legislatively, that’s been passed by a vote in the Senate. You get all the Democrats and about half the Republicans. It’ll be McConnell. He can bring along half, sometimes less. Sometimes it’s only 15. And there is a nucleus of us who are resisting and vote against these things. But there’s a significant big government Republican wing up there who’s either secretly or overtly for Nikki. But here’s the interesting thing about it. Most of them are not vocal. One, they may fear Donald Trump’s wrath to a certain extent, but they also know that their popularity is such and their popularity is so low that the public endorsement by one of these candidates that are all in that establishment big government wing is actually detrimental. The best way to thank Nikki Haley’s candidacy is to let people know that she is endorsed by Mitch McConnell and big government Republicans, you know, the Dick Cheney world, the John McCain world. And because they’re not popular, they somehow can hang on because there’s the ability of incumbents sometimes to hang on despite their differences with the Republican base. But they fear the Republican base. And that’s the one thing up there. They’re really cocky and and private. They’re all powerful, and they have the ability to slyly and craftily control the country. But they’re dead. Are they live in dread, fear of their voters, and they dread fear of their primary voters in particular. So we have more power if we chose to engage with it. We have more power to determine who represents us. But, uh, we don’t adequately use it. And the power of incumbency is such that it blocks a lot of challenges as well.

Gail Combs

This is what Ivan Raiklin and his military buddies are exploiting. They are going to challenge the RINOs.

After all if we had something GOOD to vote fore instead of Mitch the Bitch or Barr the TRAITOR we would.

pat frederick

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The damage is done, repeatedly, and wheres the justice????

Canada’s Federal Court ruled on Tuesday that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s use of the Emergencies Act in 2022 to punish protesting truckers was both unreasonable and unconstitutional.


Benny Johnson:

Vivek leads New Hampshire crowd in thunderous “VOTE FOR TRUMP” chant:

– If you want to seal the border

– If you want to restore law and order in this country

– If you want to defeat the deep state

– If you want to fight inflation

– If you want to revive national pride in this country

– If you want to revive our national identity in this country

– If you want to Make America Great Again


Sununu 1 month ago: “It’s an absolute win. Nikki is going to win in a landslide.”

Sununu today: “Nobody expects Nikki to win.”

FLIP FLOP! What happened, Governor?

Example #4,679,861 of why not to listen to self-proclaimed “experts.”


Citizen Free Press:

Nikki Haley gets testy with Fox and Friends.

‘No, I won’t quit if I lose today.’

Gail Combs

She is HOPING that Trump gets taken out in some way.

I either vote TRUMP even if I have to do write in or if God forbid. 👃 the Cabal ‘cancels’ him like they did JFK, I will vote Robert Kennedy Jr.

Haley will NEVER get my vote.


Nicky is a very unlikable person. She creeps me up something about her is not truthful.

Brave and Free

Reminds me of Big Mike, all smug thinking there’re the smartest ones. In reality they’re both just cogs in the wheel of the DS.

Gail Combs



She got it up in her head since all the big wigs are throwing their money at her. She is typical of a person who wants power at any cost.


Regardless of what happens between now and 5 November, I’ll vote Trump.


I’m with you.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! THIS is fighting back against WOKE SCHOOL BOARDS.


BREAKING: Trump Loses Gag Order Fight in Jack Smith DC Case

A federal appeals court on Tuesday denied Trump’s request to reconsider its decision to uphold Judge Tanya Chutkan’s order enforcing Jack Smith’s gag order against the former president…

President Trump will likely seek a review by the US Supreme Court.


Of course.  😡 


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Gail Combs

I had to show that to Hubby. 😍


Here’s what a NH primary ballot looks like (for the most part):

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[Nick] Nolte: Despair Settles into the Never Trump World

I’m all for raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, but my favorite thing in the world is watching the smug fascists in the Never Trump movement deal with failure and despair.

Oh, Jonah “Fauntleroy” Goldberg’s having a bad day? In the Nolte household, that piece of news ranks right up there with cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels.

“‘Never Trumpers’ are close to giving up hope,” reads the Hill headline. Knowing Never Trumpers are giving up hope means you can keep your bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens.

It gets better, so much better…

“Former President Trump is on the cusp of becoming the GOP’s presumptive nominee for the third time,” reports the Hill. “It’s a scenario that leaves the band of conservatives opposed to him appalled — and deeply pessimistic about the future of the party.”

“It’s his party, plain and simple. I’m not a fan of his, but it’s a MAGA party now, and he’s the leader of that,” said former Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.), who mounted a long-shot primary challenge to Trump in 2020 and left the GOP soon afterward.

“This party cannot be reformed, cannot be fixed. It’s on the track it’s on,” Walsh acknowledged. “I don’t see, in my lifetime, it getting off this track.”

Loser says what?

“The party needs to burn to the ground and rebuild itself,” Never Trumper Susan Del Percio told the Hill. “It’s not going to happen in two years.”

To be fair, there is one thing I do love about Never Trumpers, and that is their total lack of dignity. Imagine all the entertainment we would lose if these entitled crybullies, warmongers, and (let’s be honest) Democrats had even a shred of self-respect. No more Twitter Tantrums. No more meltdowns on cable news. No more harrumph-harrumph-harrumph editorials full of man-baby rage, impotency, pouting, and Well-I-Never door-slamming.

Do you think things don’t get to me? Do you think I don’t get angry and frustrated? Of course I do. I’m human. But you’d never know that because I try not to bare my ass in public. The Never Trump movement is all about ass-baring, and it is GLORIOUS.

Best of all, the Never Trump movement is a big nothing now. These cultural supremacists, with their unearned arrogance and self-importance, are nothing more than a cheap, greedy grift living in a velvet-lined ghetto with no impact whatsoever on the national conversation.

These guys are so craven and desperate that they do business with and shield pigs like this guy [John Weaver of the Lincoln Project, accused of sending provocative messages to young men].

When these liars and leftist appeasers aren’t trying to impress one another (because no one else is paying attention), they’re debasing themselves, pimping themselves out for three life-justifying minutes on CNNLOL or MSNBC.

Oh, we don’t disagree with Trump’s policies. It’s his character we find intolerable. And that’s why they side with Establishment Nikki over MAGA DeSantis.

Watching Trump drive these sulking, neurotic bigots and backstabbers into depression, despair, and the Democrat party is my JusticePorn.

By this time on Wednesday, according to the polls, Trump will have handily wrapped up the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, and knowing that Never Trumpers will be left feeling rejected and wretched should put joy in the hearts of all decent people.

Valerie Curren

MAGA DeSantis”  😂 


A glorious, very well written, funny article!!


“Justice Porn”.
I like that,


I like “man-baby rage,” too, or just “man-baby.” 😅

Valerie Curren

I spy another CCP eye in the sky?  😡 

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Is this another Chinese spy balloon moment? Famous ‘cube in a sphere’ UFO spotted at military bases along the East Coast may have been a high-tech ENEMY drone, says ex-Pentagon UFO investigator dubbed ‘Dr. Evil’

  • The Pentagon’s first ever UFO boss pointed to a Chinese-made ‘spherical’ drone in an uncut version of his new interview, made available to 
pat frederick

h/t Marica

Gail Combs

I think Abbot wants to be relected…


Abbot starts stemming the flood of illegals, he deserves to get reelected.

Gail Combs

He should have done it THREE YEARS AGO!

It is a wee bit late now. Escaped horses — Barn door.


However, there are many more horses headed for the open barn door. Stopping them is a good thing.

Gail Combs



Absolutely should have taken action years ago. However…

I’ll take:

  1. Stemming the flood of illegals
  2. Very, Vey Public Bitch Slapping AND Humiliation of Briben.

^^^ Embolden Governors to stand up for States Rights. ^^^

Gail Combs

Also the shipping of illegals to Sanctuary Cities until the Mayors had nervous breakdowns was a very nice touch.


Go in at 53.25 and listen to this soros spawn who can’t put together a lucid sentence, he makes FJB sound almost normal.
Count how many “you know”s there are, I lost count.

Gail Combs

Shirt sleeve to Shirt sleeve in 3 generations…

Thanks for the pointer.


He’s got the same gutteral way of his father and speaks in garbled word salad. He uses all the activist lingo..”plurality”, “multiple truths” . His ego has been fed a steady diet of virtue signalers bowing at his billionaire feet.


An audio recording obtained by reveals the extraordinary moment when what appears to be Arizona‘s top Republican official tried to bribe populist firebrand Kari Lake not to run in the state’s Senate race.
Jeff DeWit, 51, chair of the Arizona Republican Party, can be heard asking Lake, a close ally of Donald Trump, to name her price to stay out of politics for two years.
‘There are very powerful people who want to keep you out,’ he tells her in a conversation recorded at the start of March last year. 
DeWit tells Lake, 54, one of the most public faces of the former president’s MAGA movement and a woman frequently spoken of as a 2024 vice-presidential pick, that he thinks Trump will lose and it is time to make way for someone else. 
After asking her not to mention the conversation to anyone, he makes his first offer.


chair of the Arizona Republican Party

This is a major problem, all across the country.


From OT on the same subject:

Audio Recording of Arizona Republican Chair Jeff DeWit Making Bribe Offer to Kari Lake to Stay Out of Senate Race
January 23, 2024

SD: “The Daily Mail is reporting on a story where Arizona Republican Chairman Jeff DeWit is caught on tape offering a bribe to Kari Lake on behalf of “people back east.” {Direct Rumble Link}

The voices “back east” surrounding republican Senate races are not exactly a surprise. Yeah, it’s obviously Mitch McConnell and the multinational corporate benefactors from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce who fund the UniParty construct.

Apparently, the conversation was Jeff DeWit, 51, chair of the Arizona Republican Party, asking Kari Lake, a close ally of Donald Trump, to name her price to stay out of politics for two years. LISTEN:

RINO Jeff DeWit Tries to BRIBE Kari Lake

(Via Daily Mail) – […] ‘So the ask I got today from back east was: “Is there any companies out there or something that could just put her on the payroll to keep her out?’

Lake reacts with indignation.

‘This is about defeating Trump and I think that’s a bad, bad thing for our country,’ she said.

Later, DeWit, who was chief operating officer on the Trump’s 2020 campaign frames it differently.

‘Just say, is there a number at which….’ he begins.

Lake cut in: ‘I can be bought? That’s what it’s about.’

‘You can take a pause for a couple of years. You can go right back to what you’re doing.’

Lake repeatedly rebuffs him and says she wouldn’t do it for a billion dollars.

‘This is not about money, it’s about our country,’ she says. (MORE)”


It’s obviously a false choice.

If she accepts the offer, at any price, then they can blackmail her forever.

And this DeWit snake-weasel was the pusher, the equivalent of Cocaine Mitch’s street dealer, trying to get Kari Lake hooked on blackmail money.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Gail Combs

“…DeWit, who was chief operating officer on the Trump’s 2020 campaign…”



That would have not only achieved the stated goal of getting her out of politics for a couple of years, but they would have owned her forever, as you say. That must be what has happened with so many in Washington.


Id think they would use the bribe against her after it was accepted.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Thx. Natl news not picking up on this…


It’s Uniparty biz. They get the same protection as dems


Yes. If he thinks his car is going to go boom then he best start talking.


Sickening. We know its out there and no one gets caught.


Unreal isnt it?


1 million percent a false choice. They wouldve taken it back and then some. Happily too.


Appropriate comment:

January 23, 2024 6:54 pm
And just like that Mr. DeWit became strangely unable to buy life insurance.


Just listening to the audio where DeWit tries to bribe Kari. It’s amazing to actually hear it, as opposed to just reading it.

It’s like a movie.

DeWit refers to the gang “back East”, like he’s in some old-timey Western. Kari says they may try to murder her.

Clearly Kari was briefed, probably by DJT, to expect such an offer to be made at some point.

And just as clearly, DeWit must have been promised something big if he could get Kari to say “yes”, because he’s pushing HARD.

They both understand exactly what’s going on, and yet DeWit keeps pushing, eventually saying ‘just pause, for 2 years’, i.e., long enough for Trump to be defeated, then she could do whatever pro-America stuff she wanted.

Which of course would be meaningless at that point.

DeWit pretends like he doesn’t understand, but he’s not stupid, he’s just a crook.

And now everybody knows he’s a crook.

Just like the boys ‘back East’.


The “back east” people have millions to bribe and millions to fight Trump every step of the way. How much did DeWitt get for asking her? This is sickening and when can we dump this albatross around our necks? The GOP is not real.

Gail Combs

The GOP represents the Chamber of Commerce and the Transnational corporations. NOT US.


Back east. Club for growth and all of nikki’s donors?

Gail Combs

Wall Street…


YES and this is why the endless pundits yacking about campaigning, getting donors ………………………………the GOP Swamp is the pool that most of the money is coming from.


All of Nikki’s donors! Dilly does it again! 😮



Valerie Curren

Big Mike as one of the boyz is a nice touch 😉


This is a good example that back stabbers don’t necessarily have to be MK’d or blackmailed over some indiscretion( until they take that first payment). Money. That’s all it takes to answer the question of why someone starts out America First or solid MAGA and then betrays us all.

Last edited 1 year ago by mollypitcher5
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. A lot of people will take the cash.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is horrible!

Are they saying that if you close a car door on your finger, you could lose your finger?

Hang on a second… hasn’t that always been true?

My Mom almost lost her finger when she closed a Corvette door in her finger in the 1950s. Corvette doors are so light (fiberglass) they’re like screen doors. Imagine what a Cadillac door would have done. Or what a Cadillac door would do to someone’s finger today.

From the video at the article:


Testing a carrot in the Rivian tail gate (9:08): “And then here (closes tail gate on carrot, cutting carrot in half), also, obviously (laughs) your finger’s coming off. I wanted to make it clear that we’re not just trying to make it a ‘Cybertruck is dangerous video’, all door closures are quite dangerous.”



I knew it!!! 😂

Watching anti-Telsa propaganda is like a Rorschach test in confirmation bias… everybody sees what they want to see… 😁

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Cuppa Covfefe

Same thing for pro-Tesla propaganda…


Lucky we don’t have to worry about seeing any of that around here 😂


Jab deaths probably~

Celebrity photographer Joseph Sinclair – who captured the likes of Dua Lipa, Nicole Scherzinger and Paul Mescal – has died suddenly. He was 49.
“Joseph sadly passed away last Friday.
“I spoke to him around 4pm on the phone, then later found out that he had died that evening. 


Dexter Scott King, son of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., dies of prostate cancer at age 62
“The sudden shock is devastating. It is hard to have the right words at a moment like this,” Martin Luther King III said in a statement about his brother’s death. 

Warriors coach Steve Kerr has called the death of his Golden State colleague Dejan Milojevic ‘the saddest thing I’ve ever been a part of in the NBA ‘ less than a week after the assistant died of a heart attack. Milojevic, 46, died on Wednesday after suffering a heart attack at Valter’s Osteria, an Italian restaurant in Salt Lake City.

Last edited 1 year ago by mollypitcher5

Another prostate cancer…it’s got to be the jab

an. 22 (UPI) — Ryne Sandberg, a Hall of Famer widely considered one of the greatest players in the history of the Chicago Cubs, revealed Monday he has received a diagnosis of metastatic prostate cancer.

Sandberg, 64, said in an Instagram post shared by the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum that he has begun treatment for the condition, which is defined as a cancer that has spread from the prostate to other parts of the body such as lymph nodes or to the bones.


Probably stage 4. Prostate cancer is one of the cancers that has increased greatly since the jabs.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AND – it used to be mostly slow and treatable. Now, thanks to the jabs, it’s fast and has already metastasized by the time they find it.



People under 50 in the US are dying from colorectal cancer at an increasing rate. 
More people under the age of 50 are dying of colorectal cancer than ever before, according to the American Cancer Association. 

Experts don’t know what’s causing the uptick in cases of colorectal cancer among younger adults, but it likely reflects changes in lifestyle exposures that began with generations born around 1950, the authors of the report said.


“Experts don’t know what’s causing the uptick in cases of colorectal cancer among younger adults,”


That’s why they’re called ‘experts’.

They don’t know anything 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Experts don’t know what’s causing the uptick in cases of colorectal cancer among younger adults, but it likely reflects changes in lifestyle exposures that began with generations born around 1950, the authors of the report said.

Bullshit. These people are monsters for ignoring the mass killer elephant named “Jabby” in the room.


Donors want their moneysvworth for spite at this point.


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Okay..the guy from the threatening remark the other day identified. Great. FJB


Yes. I just posted the nitter w more info. No wonder he was so arrogant.
PDJT must use the military to forcefully removevevery illegal, even those w kids(who can prove citizenship and come back at 18)..


Do you know, was he in prison in the US or other country?


I dont see that yet but im sure it was elsewhere.

Barb Meier

Trump wins, AP reports at 5 pm with only 18% of the vote counted. Does this mean they think Trump’s % will only get higher if they wait?



AP has 40% vote counted. Trump 53% with 69K vote. Mikki, 46% with 60K votes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good grief – they must have gotten a LOT of Dems voting there to stop Trump.


Quite possibly, majority of Mikki’s votes were D-Rats. voting against Trump. Spit!


I’ve watched part of the Charlie Kirk live primary coverage. The media narrative now is “Nikki Haley is the key to getting Dem and Independent voters.” They are pushing her as someone Trump needs as VP in order to win. They don’t acknowledge that the only reason Dems voted for her in the NH primary was to spite Trump.

The media’s support of Haley is very revealing about who she really is.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It is absolutely sickening to watch these evil maggots push that woman on us.

Cuppa Covfefe

Especially because she’s NOT a natural-born citizen…

Neither is Ramaswampy…

Didn’t she once remark that no-one is above the law? No-one except her, I s’pose…


I don’t know what this is about, from Trump’s speech tonight, unless he just means that the Left attacks the Republican at the top. Maybe he’s referring to the affairs she is said to have had.

Trump: “Just a little note to Nikki. You’re not gonna win, but if she did, she would be under investigation by those people in 15 minutes…a little stuff she doesn’t want to talk about…”


Likely goes beyond affairs. Miki likely has several ghosts in her past. Some may get trotted out in coming weeks.

Cuppa Covfefe

The ghosts and Ms. Impure…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Arizona 2020 Bullshit:


HANG …. EVERY Phucking one of these BASTARDS!


PAPER “Ballots”
“One day voting”… Make it a NATIONAL HOLIDAY!

“WE” have… and ARE” BEING PHUCKED!!!


Would you mind to post that again on tomorrow’s daily? Some people might miss it this late in the evening. Thanks.


Ok… I’ll try to




I will do my best.


I did as you requested…. 🙂


CRITICAL video of FRAUD!!!!!
Must Watch!!!!


Thank you for the “Likes”….
Why No “Replies” ?


It’s too long for me to watch right now, but I am saving it and will watch it. Arizona is frustrating because there is tons of evidence of fraud but nothing seems to get done to correct it or stop it in the future.


I understand the time thing…. But it is well worth the time to watch….
I know you understand the FRAUD that occurred… but this is a worthwhile video to further reinforce “our” knowledge of the FRAUD.


Only so many hours in the day AND I am S L O W.

Just put it in the queue for tomorrow. . I keep several windows open, until I get the time.

Perhaps, a few hints in the original post, may help garner video views, replies… Just a thought.


I will do my best…… Just ran across this and wanted to add to the discussion where I can,

This site is SO VALUABLE to me (and those here)

Valerie Curren

Amen TY 🙂

Valerie Curren

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren
