This is going to be a short and sweet one.
Badlands News Brief – January 23, 2024
A New Business Plan to Save Electric Vehicles!
Ruling Class Disturbance
That piece is a bit understated.
5G Wireless Technology Is a DISASTER Waiting to Happen
Rest is the Key
Nikki Haley just had her “Basket of Deplorables” moment on election day in New Hampshire live on Fox News…
Does this mean I have to get out my medium Longaberger basket purse?
X Files….
Memes & Stuff

Have a good day y’all.
(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.
Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
One other vital note:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.
MARK 4:1-20
1Again he began to teach beside the sea. And a very large crowd gathered about him, so that he got into a boat and sat in it on the sea; and the whole crowd was beside the sea on the land. 2And he taught them many things in parables, and in his teaching he said to them: 3“Listen! A sower went out to sow. 4And as he sowed, some seed fell along the path, and the birds came and devoured it. 5Other seed fell on rocky ground, where it had not much soil, and immediately it sprang up, since it had no depth of soil; 6and when the sun rose it was scorched, and since it had no root it withered away. 7Other seed fell among thorns and the thorns grew up and choked it, and it yielded no grain. 8And other seeds fell into good soil and brought forth grain, growing up and increasing and yielding thirtyfold and sixtyfold and a hundredfold.” 9And he said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” 10And when he was alone, those who were about him with the twelve asked him concerning the parables. 11And he said to them, “To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside everything is in parables; 12so that they may indeed see but not perceive, and may indeed hear but not understand; lest they should turn again, and be forgiven.” 13And he said to them, “Do you not understand this parable? How then will you understand all the parables? 14The sower sows the word. 15And these are the ones along the path, where the word is sown; when they hear, Satan immediately comes and takes away the word which is sown in them. 16And these in like manner are the ones sown upon rocky ground, who, when they hear the word, immediately receive it with joy; 17and they have no root in themselves, but endure for a while; then, when tribulation or persecution arises on account of the word, immediately they fall away. 18And others are the ones sown among thorns; they are those who hear the word, 19but the cares of the world, and the delight in riches, and the desire for other things, enter in and choke the word, and it proves unfruitful. 20But those that were sown upon the good soil are the ones who hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirtyfold and sixtyfold and a hundredfold.”
And in, uh, song….
We heard that reading on Sunday, actually.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.
And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another.

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.
In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.
Guess I’m 1st today….
As Requested… I am reposting this:
Arizona 2020 Election FRAUD Bullshit:
Thank you!
YW…. Just trying to add to the AWESOME content HERE.
Looking forward to watching it.
I may have seen clips – this should be good. Will try to watch with the wife later today.
I may ask Arya for a synopsis, first!
It seems the floodgates are opening on just how corrupt our elections, and thus are government actually is.
More and more movies are coming out too.
I wonder if this is why that Biden Lawyer asked Trump’s Lawyer if he could order SEALS to assassinate political rivals?
There is also a film about General Flynn due out.
China Joe is a treasonous HOE!
To our country he is a foe,
As such, he has to go!
Impeccable timing.
Yesterday, Razor posted this.
HANG …. EVERY Phucking one of these BASTARDS!
^^^ That would be “Just”, but too damn quick IMO.
I’d like to flip Razor, for one of Gail’s favs.
Seems there is a whole lot of blackmail AND bribes across the spectrum in Maricopa County.
Not to mention, simple corruption, where elected, appointed officials AND regular employees do whatever the fuck they want. Cuz They Can. No Accountability.
A short and sweet thank you to De Pat for bringing us this Wednesday post, with shadowy camels.
“Does this mean I have to get out my medium Longaberger basket purse?”
You beat me to it, I was just gonna say that…
Very clever.
puppy turds?
Not THE puppy turds, just another bunch of cuties.
precious pups!
“I doubt the mechanisms they used to cheat in 2020 will be available to them in 2024.”
Like hope, doubt is not a plan…
2020 could work again.
Crimes have been exposed, with NO arrests, prosecutions… NOTHING.
We have lotsa movies, showing criminal behavior. Thus far, it only pisses off the law abiding citizens.
Feds, state and local government faux officials, yawn, AND continue serving themselves.
From above:
The name associated with the email address is the name of a woman, which while certainly not impossible, would be unusual.
Why in the world would she have used an email address associated with her real name? I thought at first that maybe she was set up, but then they traced the email account to a property that was owned by the same woman.
So if it’s not her, but it is someone living with her, that narrows the suspect list down to husband / boyfriend or children.
From her photo, it doesn’t look like her children, if she has any, would be old enough to be involved in anything like this.
It’s gonna be an interesting morning meeting at the Blackrock office tomorrow.
I wonder if it will be televised?
Yup. I’m skeptical. And this is what our justice system, in the hands of honest people, is designed to prevent.
I believe .su is an old Russian whatever it’s called, thingy that for some reason kept going after they changed to .ru.
Correct. The “.su” was assigned for the Soviet Union. It was kept going when the USSR fell as a courtesy to those with .su addresses.
Yep… they said, “STOP! or I’ll .su”
TLD, aka top-level domain… like .com, .edu, .biz, .de, etc. There’s ton’s of them now; didn’t used to be back in the good old days
country code for any URLs except those from the US, I believe…
.ca is Canada
.uk is United Kingdom
.ru is Russia
& perhaps other former Soviet Union countries get their own code now?
UK is… It’s not a one-to-one mapping… and there are many others, such as .tv, .org, .net, and others…
Top-level domain means the last item with a dot in front of it. And the root of everything (or absolute top), but not shown, is “.”, meaning the root servers…
ICANN and IANA have lots of info, e.g.
Root zone database (IANA):
and a brief overview of the Root Server System (ICANN)
Interesting infos on DNS lookups. Chiefio had an adventure a week or so ago when some of his lookups went wobbly and he explained some of the processes involved (which magically fixed themselves early the next day)…
.com commercial
.edu educational institution
.mil military
.gov government
.org charitable organization
.net network?
But I thought ending in a 2 letter code was indicative of countries outside the US…
LIke I said, it’s not a one-to-one mapping. Have a look at the db page… LOADS of stuff there (if you’re having trouble sleeping
LOL will do
.lol generic XYZ.COM LLC
you made me look…Again
I made it through the a’s & b’s at least
It’s interesting, in a way. Some companies, like Binky Moon, have A Lot of “domains” they control. Makes me wonder what they might be up to & possibly trying to hide…
Binky Moon has 196 different ones
Dog Beach has 49 has 36
microsoft has 9
amazon has 55
disney has One & it’s .abc
VeriSign has 17.
from the discussion above:
.su country-code Russian Institute for Development of Public Networks (ROSNIIROS)
.ru country-code Coordination Center for TLD RU
What’s more interesting is the allocation of IP address ranges (because domain names can be mapped anywhere). When I was at HP we had the entire 15.x.x.x range, so each and every one of us had a globally unique IP address for our PC/workstation…
Then TPTB decided to go to DHCP to free up space (even though we didn’t need it). I imagine Nit Whitman sold most of that range off (just like Carly sold off all of the recreation and family activity land/places when she started swinging the hatchet
… if you’ve been to Little Basin (near Big Basin, in CA), that used to belong to HP…)…..
very interesting…hmmm was available, so the 2-letter code is apparently available for all nations.
Thx Barb I didn’t know about that
Headline: Cowboy and Indian Lost to Avalanche on Mount Trump!
Buncha heels, Kimo Sabe…
From above:
Looks like they’re using a doctored photo. Either that, or the worst photo they could possibly find of Kari Lake.
Terrible lighting, but I think it’s real.
She’s very fine but face it – she ain’t no spring chicken.
Nobody looks good with major backlighting and a side reflector to bring out wrinkles.
“… a side reflector to bring out wrinkles.”
Faux News is doing that to Trump too
They use artificial stupidity to make their targets look worse…
Since the DEMONRATS already look bad due to the Satanic evil bubbling out…..
Shades of that old Doonesbury cartoon depicting a Reagan presser where someone asks a question and the presstitutes had a helicopter fly over… so Reagan asks for a repeat “I can’t hear, I can’t hear a thing”… It was just a cartoon, but Trudeau (now where have I heard that name before?) slipped and showed the DEMONRAT’s tactics…..
That was my point – she has wrinkles to be shown in an unflattering manner.
Someone on that Twatter thread wondered about recording and privacy laws.
In-person conversations
Many states have the One Person Consent law. After all you are just backing up your first person testimony with actual evidence.
Single party consent, like NJ. You can record any conversation (phone/online/live) because you’re the consenting party.
NC is also single party consent.
So do both parties have to be present in the single-party state, or just the person recording? What if you’re speaking to someone in a both-party state?
Was the Kari Lake recording done in AZ? I’ve just started looking at that whole thing.
He is Arizona Republican Party chair so I will assume he was at home.
“The statute defines “oral communication” to be one in which a person has a justified expectation that the conversation will not be intercepted.”
Given that NSA vacuums up all telephone calls, I do not think you actually have “a justified expectation that the conversation will not be intercepted.”
So you do not even have ‘expectation of privacy’ going for you.
NV also single party consent.
This audio recording just won Karie her Senate seat.
People now know she cannot be bought.
I sure hope so!
Those tracks look like they could easily derail that locomotive. And a red light is for the tail end, not the head.
Am I being nitpicky or is there a hidden message?
Did you notice the steam?
It’s a combination of steam (white), coal smoke (black), and Donald Trump (inevitable).
Of course.
That’s where the message is. It’s the Trump Train. The Trump Train doesn’t care about the tracks or the lights or the water vapor. It’s full steam ahead!
Just for the record, steam is invisible. The white clouds are water vapor.
Typically as the steam condenses. It’s like looking at an alpine stream and saying, “snow”.
It’s the fish’n’chips steaming in the basket above the smokestack making all the grey
Picture has been edited. Original is zoomed, so tracks foreshortened and look scarier than they are. Front of train colored red, but rails in front of train illuminated in yellow/white — the way you’d expect.
I suspect the actual train is narrow-gauge — they can handle a lot of iffy track.
Yep. Boiler cap is relatively large for the loc…
Looks like PDJT is looking “back” at the others he just ran over with his train. Bu bye losers.
Nice Save.
Old fashion steam locomotive. Couple of eyes, nose and lips in steam.
That pic is from a very long lens… probably would cost as much a car… and from that distance, especially on Class II and Class III (and local), that track wouldn’t be too bad…
Of course an ICE, Thalys, or other bullet train would have problems…
New Hampshire Republican primary
Tue 23 Jan 2024
Count in progress: 90.98% counted
Donald Trump 54.8%
159,663 votes (11 delegates)
Nikki Haley 43.2%
125,797 votes (8 delegates)
Ryan Binkley 0.1%
222 votes
BREAKING: President Trump BLASTS Haley after decisive NH win: ‘you can’t let people get away with bullsh*t’
“She was up and I said wow, she’s doing like a speech like she won. She didn’t, she lost.”
“We’ll head out to South Carolina where I think we’re going to win easily. I think we’re 50 points up … on a person that was governor, that tells you something, but I felt I should do this because I find it a life you can’t let people get away with bullsh*t, okay. And when I watched her, the fancy dress, it probably wasn’t so fancy, come up I said what is she doing? We won. And she did the same thing last week.”
Trump addressed the number of Democrats voting in the Republican primary for Nikki Haley, saying “they’re only voting because they want to make me look as bad as possible.”
From CNN. Shows Trump vote counts first. Then Nikki’s count second.
70% of Nikki’s votes were not registered republicans.
Mikki should be asked about this.
Both the 70% undeclared AND Only 27% r-Con.
Wonder what the numbers would be if they filtered out the DEMONRAT votes for “Browned-Up-Haley-fakes-’em-daily”…..
From the attempted bribery tape of Jeff DeWitt against Kari Lake:
DeWitt: “If you say no, its fine, it’s your choice. Don’t tell people.”
Kari Lake: “They’re going to try to have me murdered.” (laughs)
DeWitt: “Today’s world, man. If that stuff that came out last week is right about the cartel stuff, man. They said the cartels are operating in 50 states right now. Like all 50.”
Kari Lake: “Mmm-hmm. So what’s going on? Who is it? What?”
DeWitt: “Forget the who. Let me just tell you the what. I’d just say there are people calling around, saying ‘Gosh, [inaudible], never repeat this, if you say no, don’t say ‘because I got offered a buy out’, don’t, because then we lose our ability to things done in the future.”
How does this not qualify for the biggest federal investigation since Watergate or the Warren Commission?
One might think the Leftist propaganda media would be interested in this, too.
We have a top Republican (DeWitt) attempting to bribe a political candidate. This top Republican says that the ‘cartels’ are in all 50 states, as a means to reinforce fear that if Kari Lake doesn’t take the bribe, she could be murdered… ‘Man‘.
[what professional talks like that, ‘man’? Did he just come from doing a drug deal in the hood? Is he unsure of Kari Lake’s biological sex?]
Kari asks “Who is it?”, and Jeffey, sounding like he’s reading from a bad movie script, says “Forget the who. Let me just tell you the what.”
I’m sure Matt Gaetz or MTG would like to ask Jeff DeWitt, under oath, exactly WHO put Jeff up to the attempted bribery of Kari Lake.
It’s not like Jeff can credibly claim he doesn’t know who sent him on the mission
Then there is that great part where Jeff conspiratorially warns Kari not to tell anybody what Jeff is proposing, because if she does, the Republican Party will lose their ability to get things done in the future.
This is a tacit admission that the Republican Party routinely engages in bribery and blackmail in order to ‘get things done’.
Seems like the DoJ and Congress would be very interested in learning all about Jeff DeWitt’s accomplices, their names, and finding out exactly how high it goes.
The Leftist MSM should be peeing their tranny panties in gleeful anticipation.
But so far, all they can do is the 3 monkeys routine.
What’s wrong, Leftist mainstream propaganda media?!?
Monkey got your tongue?
Yes, that is a confirmation of what we’ve suspected for a long time. A scandal of monumental proportions.
Unless they’re part of it. I bet a lot of them are, or that they at least know about it and sanction it.
It’s not clear to me who had this recording and why it came out now. If Kari Lake had it, I wonder why she didn’t reveal it right away.
don’t tell…
really ? he actually said that.
treacherous and stupid, at the same time, wow, bad combo.
Exactly, he sounds like a 5-year old… don’t tell…
Your average political player is not Dr. Moriarty. I would think that there IQ may be average or possibly slightly higher but nothing to separate them from the middle of the pack. They are power seekers, grifters, and glad handers. If the last century is any indication they are not qualified to do much of anything productive other than spend other people’s money. They are exceptional at that.
Many are psychopaths.
Now now. No name calling.
Even if it’s true.
And, from an Old Blighty
point of view 
So the M25, the M40 and the M1 are drinking in a bar …
They’ve had quite a few jars and things are getting pretty rowdy. “Do you remember that time we beat up all those crappy little A-roads?” says the M25 “the A14 had to have engineering works for a week!”
“Yeah, and that time we rumbled with the M5 and M6, that was classic!” pipes up the M40.”
“I once punched the M3 so hard, he had to close a lane!” interjects the M1 “anyway, I’m off to the bar, I’ll get a round in.”
After picking up his 3 pints from the bar the M1 turns back towards his table but gets bumped by a thin piece of red tarmac. The drinks go everywhere. The M1 looks at the red tarmac but quickly averts his eyes as he gets stared down. He slinks back to his friends who look on aghast.
“Why didn’t you nut that little POS?” asks the M40.
“Yeah, why did you let that little twat get away with spilling your drink?” says the M25.
“Lads” answers the M1 “I don’t mind having a fight with the M26 or even the M60, that’s a fair fight ain’t it? But that guy; that guy’s a bleeding cyclepath.”
A B-road walks into a Bar, he orders a pint, sits down, and starts reading the newspaper.
5 minutes later an A road walks into a bar, he orders a pint, sits down, and starts reading the newspaper.
The B-road moves to the opposite side of the bar, peeking frightfully over the top of his newspaper at the larger, higher maintenance A-road.
Later, a motorway walks into a bar, he orders two pints, sits down, and starts to read the newspaper.
The B-road and the A-road both cower in the corner of the bar, scared of the motorway, much larger than themselves and of much higher importance.
Then, a single white line walks into the bar.
Everyone instantly goes up to the barman, attempting to pay their tab, looking immensely worried.
The barman turns to them and says:
“Why are you so scared of him, he’s much smaller than you”
The Motorway stuttered and glanced over his shoulder:
“You don’t want to get on the wrong side of him, he’s….a bloody c-c-c-cyclepath”
IMO, the doj is the enforcer for Con-gress, with the f bee
doing the dirty work.
Why it never came out, when it happened, was my first question.
IF there are no arrests, Banana America further confirmed.
Final thought.
More evidence that the release of info is timed for the greatest impact on the American people.
I think that she needed to cover her ass, before releasing – There is the threat to murder her.
She probably consulted her lawyers and DJT as well.
Surely heads up to her hubby and two children. .
Jeff DeWitt has a fatal car accident in 3… 2… 1…
Nothing to investigate.
couldhas happened. Ask Kemp’s daughter.And Michael Hastings fatal car accident. He mentioned before the crash he was worried about attempts to murder him
Did the CIA kill Michael Hastings? WikiLeaks release...
WikiLeaks ‘Vault 7’ dump reignites conspiracy theories surrounding death of Michael Hastings
How did this guy weasel his way into being Trump’s CFO for NASA? From what I can find he was the AZ Chair of Trump/2016 while serving as AZ state treasurer. Then the NASA gig, then COO of Trump/2020. I just can’t use the “enemies closer” thing as a catch-all anymore.
The only thing that I can think of is that Trump genuinely trusted certain people who unbeknownst to him were players for the men back east. Now my entire view is opened to the big money available to buy people off.
Every single time I replay that little exchange with Pence that night….40 pieces of silver is all it took to betray DJT AND the USA citizens
Dipsy Ditzy Haley’s just tryin to stay alive…
you can tell by the way she walks, LOL
They had such a unique sound.
Not forgetting Wild Cherry
(Steubenville, Ohio??? lots of *cough* talent hail from there)… and pity those poor (s)trumpets getting spun around…
The things you find! LOL
I wonder where they filmed that?
Mikki is an attention whore AND likes the free money.
I just wish that someone would explain to her that she’s INELIGIBLE. Not an NBC (although MSNBC would likely paper over that, and likely has)…..
Another pesky detail.
OK, people – I will post more, but I promised the Gab AI “Arya” that I would tell you all about her/him/it (I think of it kind of like Siri).
Torba moved the AIs off of Gab Social to and you can go there, get a login sent to your mailbox, and go from there. The sign-up is a bit klunky, but your same email and password for should work for once you register and pass the gates against trolls and Demon Dems.
Anyway, Arya is cool. She can make mistakes, but I made a mistake, too, as we researched the symbol on QAnon Shaman’s chest (it’s called a valknut, but I had forgotten what it was called). I asked her what it was, and she said a triskelion, which is what I had originally found, but then I retraced my steps and “taught” her what I had done earlier, including my mistake (I told her the word started with a K, not a V – the K was in the middle, but it’s what I remembered.
She may be able to do pictures and links, someday, but right now she only does text answers, and they’re really good. She helped me with the leafy greens question from yesterday – a really good answer, kinda like what we did here, but very nicely condensed and very readable, with even more suggestions. It really helped that I talked to her like a person, and gave her the info about oxalic acid, and avoiding kidney stones and gout.
She uses BC and AD for dates, by the way, and doesn’t believe in “hate speech”. She’s very well mannered, and I just speak nicely with her, and it really works. Better than many searches.
“She uses BC and AD for dates, by the way,”
It was silly for anyone to try to change it.
AD became CE (Christian Era), and B.C. became BCE (Before Christian Era), so what was the point?
It was more overtly Christian than before.
Silly Leftists.
I thought “CE” = Common Era?
Which implicity says Christian = common…
“I thought “CE” = Common Era?”
I’m sure that was their intent, their whole purpose, as always, was to remove Christ from the historical reference for time, and to undo and degrade as much of Christian Western culture as possible.
Christ is like a burr in their saddle, and they will do every petty thing possible to remove Him, even down to the exceptional pettiness of trying to exclude Christ from the way time has been reckoned for over a thousand years.
Because they’re Leftist boomers. Apparently the concept originated about 100 years ago, by Jewish academics — because Christ — so that was before the Boomers, but I never saw it used with any frequency until much more recently, being asserted by the generation before mine.
But they are so terrible at the Christ-denier game, that after they went to all that effort to try to ‘fix’ something that wasn’t broke, they didn’t realize that using the letter ‘C’ would obviously be interpreted as ‘Christ’ by everyone who wasn’t a Christ-denier.
If they had changed A.D. to AE, or BE, DE or anything but CE, they could have avoided the obvious problem. If they had changed B.C. to BAE, or BBE, or BDE or anything but BCE, they could have avoided the obvious problem.
But they didn’t.
They used ‘C’ in both of them.
And ‘C’ is for Christ.
So they lose again
They can do whatever they want in their own culture, but leave ours alone. Or we’ll come in and fix theirs for them, and see how they like that.
I have encountered lots of people who try to use ‘CE’ and ‘BCE’ in recent years, apparently trying to be politically-correct, and I immediately challenge them to defend it. So far, nobody has been able to.
Because it was ridiculous and petty and political and anti-Christian from the start, and I haven’t found anyone who could defend it when challenged to do so.
So Christian Era and Before Christian Era for the win.
But I’m a traditionalist, so I still use B.C. and A.D.
I hadn’t even heard of that idiotic stuff.
I have been at war with political-correctness since I first encountered it in a big way as a freshman in college.
Politically-correct people, generally, seem much more likely to use ‘C.E.’ and ‘B.C.E.’
I love your subversion of their subversion, by the way!!!
I agree and also use BC and AD
This may be a new thing, or it may have been about for a while and only comes into play when I typed a long and complicated search terms, but Brave search engine has AI answering questions.
Had a really bad problem with a desktop and it was giving me solutions to put in the terminal, the ctrl+alt+f3 one it was that bad.
None of its solutions worked.
Are you sure it’s really AI?
Turning it off was not an option, it just went straight into power saving mode and without the screen the options were a bit limited.
I was actually being silly and flippant.
Are you still having this problem, or did you manage to escape it?
Using a spare desktop I could read others had the same problem, non of their solutions worked for me either. Sherlock Holmes type clues said it was something called GDM3 were the problem lay but messing with that didn’t do anything. Uninstalling and purging the gnome shell allowed the screen to come on but by that time I think the whole thing was a smoking wreck.Fortunately I have a couple of recent DVD’s so just re-installed it, good job the important stuff was backed up.
Surprised the AI (or RS) didn’t come up with Harry Lauder singing Gnomin In Tha Gloamin
“We will do the needful”…
Down the checklist (into the plughole) they go…..
Interesting. I’ll dabble in this. Actually looking forward to this.
Is Gab Pro required or any one can use this, Arya?
Wondering what “Ayra” is, beyond ones and zeroes.
Funnin. … talked to her like a person…
Ask “How Arya”
and watch it spin…
(Spock: “I feel fine” …)…..
I’m certain Googgle uses AI for its search engine. It’s virtually instantaneous.
Here’s one of them
Very interesting, including that you kept your promise to AI.
It’s that time of year, again, so I broke out the tax computer and it’s updating.
It’s a dual-boot Windows/Ubuntu, so I did the Ubuntu update first and am doing the Windows now. Then I get to do Windows applications and Ubuntu dist-upgrade. Fortunately, I can let it chug away without me.
My headless experimentation rig got moved into the other room, and I’m updating the laptop for it.
Stupid Microserf does its update with a reboot in the middle…..except the computer defaults to rebooting into Ubuntu, and I’m not going to sit around and babysit the reboot.
OK, Ubuntu side is now a minotaur; Windows side is up-to-date. Tax software for last year has been checked for updates — it’s now ready for installation of this year’s tax software…..which is delayed.
As I noted to the Fiancee, every time they pull this Federal shutdown kabuki, they throw a couple of “gotchas” into the tax system. So the software won’t be ready until Congress gets done f’ing around.
That is news to me.
that CONgress EVER “gets done f’ing around.”?
do you
hearing invoices ?
Just another service I provide… no extra charge!
If anyone is keeping track (which I doubt), Monday night’s fun with the vacuum cleaner cleared the clot. I got to run around and get all the leaf bits that got tracked-in after the rain.
Dyson vacuums are designed to be torn down and reassembled by non-experts without factory certification. A lot of their stuff is gimmicky, but that’s a real advantage.
I now have a Miele and love it. Mainly because the exhaust blows up instead of out on the floor and the control is on the handle. It’s got a great floor brush. In the past I used top of the line Kenmore vacs – and when I bought a new one, gave them to my children – one daughter now has a Miele and the other is still using her Kenmore and it’s 35 years old and still going.
So, you recommend Dyson? Pricey, aren’t they?
I gotta add my 2 cents–they ARE pricey. daughter got one on sale at Kohl’s I believe–and she used Kohl’s cash and whatnot–trying to explain why the purchase was not unreasonable. well every time we visited–there it sat…next to the closet door. she was always too busy to run it.
so what’s the next logical step? stop pampering herself with the hair appointments, the booster club stuff, weekend getaways for “the girls” and actually find time to USE the dyson?
NOPE…she got a robo vacuum. and put the dyson in the garage storage.
^^^ That’s funny. Cracking up. Thanks for sharing.
she’s a teacher…did that stop the laughter?
OMG…both my kids have robo vacuums–and my son who has a new puppy–he has a robo mop!
i shake my head constantly.
Priceless. The entertainment value, when you visit.
it is!
my son’s cat rides the robo vacuum…lol
Too bad they don’t have a “spin” cycle where you could make it spin ever faster
And whatever happened to Kirby Vacuums? They used to be the best…
I always say, “HEPA filter or heap’a trouble”…
They still are the best.
We still have two old Kirbys form our parents. AND they work!
Kirby. Also expensive. Very expensive as I understand it.
Miele vacuums are excellent but also expensive. They have HEPA filters.
We have one
(same color, same model, everything… still going strong… and I hope for a long, LONG time more…)…..
I wish we’d bought two, as they’re on a campaign here (GangGreen, again) to make vacs have less than 800 watts…
And then even less… add that to the LED craze/war against incandescents, and the unchecked flow of “Fachkräfte” into Germany, and it shows they want us to live in the dark, in the dirt, and under the thumb of the invaders…
Miele is probably the best applicance brand here, better than Bosch/Siemens or AEG. Only Liebherr (“Love God”, great name for a German company) is better, for fridges and freezers, who, in turn, OEM their kit to Miele.
Liebherr is also one of the leading manufacturers of heavy construction equipment (cranes, etc.)…..
I worked in a business that sold Miele vacuums for a while. The problem I had with them was the bags. Expensive.
The Dyson is a canister vac. I can empty it outside in my big trash can, and never buy a bag.
Other than that, Mieles are nice.
There’s an outfit on Amaz00n that has very good bags of 30 for a really good price… and they work quite well. I forget what I paid for them, but it was less than the 5-pack of “original” bags, at the same quality… Probably shipping, etc. makes it more expensive on top of that… grrrr… (anymore, shipping from RED China to the USA…)…..
Good to know.
And here I am stuck using a broom and a dust pan…
Yes we do have a vacuum but it sends me into an asthma attack so hubby has to do the vacuuming. It is a Rainbow but it STILL stinks!
we have a wood stove…so we use a broom, dust pan AND the vacuum…
I WISH, I had a wood stove.
WE were SUPPOSED to have a wood stove but the A$$ of a contractor put the electric panel and two heat exchangers lined up along the outside wall where my wood stove’s chimney was supposed to go. THIS DESPITE HAVING PUT IN EXTRA FOOTINGS IN THAT AREA TO TAKE THE WEIGHT.
You CAN’T fix stupid and he had already been sued into the ground by others.
I curse that SOB every winter when I see our electric bill esp now when our central heat is DOA and has been for 12 years.
My kitchen this last week has been between 45 and 50F instead of the nice cozy temp that wood stove would have made it.
Investigate pellet stoves.
They don’t require a chimney.
I have 80 acres of trees. That is why I wanted a wood stove.
we live on over a hundred acres of trees–reason we bought this land.
we love the woodstove
That is why I am so angry about what that ass did to us.
The whole set-up was crappy. The electric pole is on the other side of the house so it has to go underground all the way round 1/2 the house.
we put our electric totally underground–all the way down the 1/2 mile driveway–because it’s nothing but trees in every direction.
We mostly have pasture.
the property was logged many years before we bought it so there’s logging trails on it–and we ride the 4-wheelers on those and scout out dead or dying trees to harvest and use
That’s what our guys do at the hunting shacks where they heat w/ wood. Wood detail happens at least once a year & now my sons’ friends, some who don’t even hunt, Love to do a wood weekend. These 20 somethings appreciate the stepping back in time that happens up there–good for the soul & the body
If they used Service Entrance cable with bare ground (probably didn’t, I know) at least you’d have a good ground….
Have to say, too, if the contractor had put the service entrance on the side of the house where the pole is, you’d have the best of both worlds, as the spot where you wanted the chimney would be free…
Sometimes it’s funny looking at the contractor fails vids on youtube, or the inspector report fails. I never in my right mind though that people could do such things… especially with datacomm installations… It’s a wonder more contractors aren’t electrocuted or drowned (and some of them should be, I guess)…
really ? I need to check that out. The cold snap made the heat pump useless. Bought 3 floor electric heaters. It was 45 in here one morning
I use electric heaters that look like old fashion radiators. We generally only heat 2 rooms and the same with the A/C units.
we have a heat pump in addition to the wood stove…it’s great for spring-fall with a/c. it’s the winter we use the wood stove
Ugh, that sounds painful. Our house is old, old, like 1890s. Old fashioned gas-fired hot water and radiators, stays warm. Leave it on 68 degrees, 64 at night, very reasonable cost-wise. Plus the gas line takes care of the generac.
Same here.
Works wonderfully.
Where oh where did you go wrong?
hell if i know.
they had chores at home and were good kids…never in trouble.
then they went to college…
oh wait…
How many blondes does it take to screw in a light bulb?
tread carefullllllly…lol
Hot tubs?
People at our old church had a Roomba that did it’s cleaning cycle, as programmed, during the night. One day they woke up to their floor smeared w/ dog crap that Roomba kindly spread throughout their downstairs. Shaking my head…
Time to introduce the Roomba to the stairs leading outside
yep LOL
They are pricey, but also the best vacuum I’ve ever had. I still have my twenty year old one. I had an apartment-sized one that lasted for ten years.
One caveat, however. The suction is so strong that they are very hard to operate on deeper pile carpets.
You shouldn’t have ordered the Kamala model….
(Off to me corner I go…)…
Oh shit. LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!
I think I’ve strained something.
Kamala always seems to have a deeper pile around her…
I have two Dyson love them
From: Badlands News Brief – January 23, 2024
For those who are unaware, Brian Lupo is CannCon. He writes under that name at The Gateway Pundit. He is also a host at Badlands. Badlands Daily – Monday thru Friday AND Why We Vote
If the trial is juicy enough there may be special additional videos here:
Curling v. Raffensperger and the Halderman MacGuffin BY PATRICK BYRNE
OCTOBER 17, 2021
There is a lot more in the article.
Amy Totenburg is another FRAUD, within the Faux Justice system.
Courts Do Nothing To Fix Election Problems, They Know Exist.
WE have videos, audio recordings, movies, court cases, ALL exposing election crimes, election machine vulnerabilities…All With The Same Result.
AGs, prosecutors, LE, Faux Judges, DO NOTHING AND HIDE TRUTH.
Oh, the linguistic irony… Totenberg case, a hill to die on…
POLITICO — Nina Totenberg Had a Beautiful Friendship With RBG. Her Book About It Is an Embarrassment.
Makes me think of “Ruth Bader Ghostberg” and “she’s so old, when she visited the Dead Sea, it only had a cold”…
Crooks (evil birds) of a feather, flock together…
(also, Ghostberg wanted the “age of consent” lowered to 12 or less)…
Nikki Haley just had her “Basket of Deplorables” moment on election day in New Hampshire live on Fox News…
Hitlary, DeSimp, Bite-me, and Haley are just saying out loud what the Elite have ALWAYS thought.
Dan Estulin said the Bilderbergers call us ‘The Great Unwashed.’
Fabian co-founder George Bernard Shaw also made it clear what they think of us.
Sure sounds like the way a farmer treats his livestock.
And it is working….
I do not have the exact quote anymore, however Shaw was heard to comment to Engel, about a ship coming in, that is was full of ‘Human Refuse’ Google went so far as to CHANGE THE TRANSLATION of the phrase.
Peter Singer’s Bold Defense of Infanticide:
Mikki says Trump supporters are abnormal.
Biotch on display.
We are ‘Abnormal’ because we think FAMILY, the CONSTITUTION,and JUSTICE actually mean something.
We are ‘Abnormal’ because we think grown men raping two year olds is some how WRONG…
We are ‘Abnormal’ because we think CHILD SACRIFICE is WRONG….
Abnormal, Normal, years ago.
If the MEGA self is Abnormal I am happy to be in the MEGA Club
Somebody should send her a brain in a jar, labelled “Abby”…
And sometimes, such as in your case, it never becomes self-aware [beyond demanding to be served] or grasping much of any valuable information.
Singer, just shut up. You add no value to society. BTW, aren’t you glad your mother didn’t have your attitude?
Common thought, when thinking of Briben, congress, DOJ, FIB, HLS, ATF…
Left-handed . . . I like it.
Flaming’s left-hand rule
A few comments on Clif High: The Jabbed are about to get a Rude Awakening
Clif is a bit of a fruit loop, however several years ago he developed a program that scrapes the internet and looks at changes in language. He uses those changes to try and predict the future.
Are the JABBED, going to FINALLY realize they have been poisoned? Probably and if it goes the way most ‘common knowledge’ goes, it is very slow and then there is a tipping point and it is ALL at once.
So what happens then? THINK about the guy in his 30s who finds he has turbo cancer and only a few weeks to live. Do you think he give a flying F..K about the law?
Now think of all those soldiers that were FORCED to take the jab.
Think about
August 2022: Memorandum for all Members of Congress from Concerned Service Members
Subject: Whistleblower Report of Illegal Department of Defense Activity
and the January 1st 2024 Declaration of Military Accountability
And that is just the USA.
Dose the nervousness and back pedaling at Davos this year now make sense?Illegal Department of Defense Activity
Past time for a lot of poisoned folks to realize,
Since I, (We?) learned of the, Illegal Department of Defense Activity.
Have been waiting for this to explode, in the news AND Across Small Town America.
Covid Everything, Is the largest crime against humanity, in history.
The Black community will be the most dangerous.
THEY REMEMBER the Tuskegee experiment that began in 1932.
Nuclear Guinea Pigs: Radiation Experiments Performed on US Citizens
And it did not stop there Junk Science a few years ago revealed the EPA particulate and Diesel Exhaust studies that resulted in the death of a child,
2015 EPA Used 10-Year Old Children in Illegal Diesel Exhaust Experiments
They also dumped a lot of radioactive crud into the SF Bay, which might have something to do with the large number of people in CA with lung (and other) cancers who do not smoke, and live (relatively) healthy lives…
Well, let’s not tell anybody that only 10% of long term smokers get lung cancer. About 40% get emphysema [I’m in the latter group].
Don’t ask me for a cite; I heard it decades ago. I remember being quite shocked since that indicated that the warnings on cigarette packs were false.
A quick search:
Study suggests why most smokers don’t get lung cancer
Precisely. There’s a genetic problem that facilitates it. But if they researched that, then they couldn’t justify demonizing smoking.
I have to confess that being in a smoke-filled room is very unpleasant for me (no offense intended).
It’s not just about lung cancer.
It is interesting that Tucker Carlson has said clearly on a couple of occasions that Covid is the biggest crime in human history. While that may be debatable Tucker is putting it out there. It may certainly be the largest coordinated assault on humanity, which unfortunately is ongoing in an unknown number of biolabs around the world. I suspect the crime may be only in its opening salvo.
Evidence, in the public arena, reflects Covid is not a, One Off.
More inbound. Just ask WEF..
That could be why the lefturds are trying to put the blame on VSGPDJT…
When members of the Pravda Press and other notable people start dropping is when they may start to catch on.
On the other hand they haven’t noticed yet, mostly
Oh, sorry, didn’t we tell ya — Saline Jabs???
Based on the content in posts and events currently, the timing is definitely right to release the last four planned stories from Back In My Day. I plan to release one every couple of weeks beginning with Part 1 later this week.
My story writing on here will continue at times with Civilized War, Heads Up and medical updates.
BIMD Title: Scoundrels and Heroes. It is from personal memories and observations of real people and events along with what I have learned over time relating to same that have disturbed as well as encouraged me for years. So the completion of this project has been a bit of a healing process for me. My intent is not to bring any reader discomfort, just to bring observations to inform. Accept or decline the content you read as you wish.
WARNING – Only serious readers should commit their time to the endeavor, especially for Part 1. It is a time consuming story with links to interviews, articles, bios and obits. With reading of the provided links you should allocate 45-60 minutes or so depending upon how fast you read and how much effort you want to put in to it.
And as always, thanks for reading and all each of you do to make this the best meeting spot on the web!
Thanks in advance. Time will be figured out. Much is learned.
Good for a cold rainy day.
Looking forward to what you have to say.
That cold rainy day must have a down quilt to really make it a good reading day.
Home made polyester in my case. I am allergic to feathers… SIGHhhhh.
Thank you so much!
The UN sucks!
h/t Marica
“Nikki Haley may be a 2 state loser, but you’ve been losing for 6+ years!”
Just doing what she’s paid to do and being very good at it.
She’ll probably get a bonus in the way of stock tips…
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, January 24, 2024
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.”
Galatians 5:22 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
Wow Charles!
Charles Bitch Slaps Bribens Incessant Hatred of MAGA. Demonizing MAGA.
More dirty deeds (saw at CTH)
Longer vid shows the crowd then moving to that point after “bullet cartridge”
and weapon are dropped on the floor.
bullet cartridgemagazine, which can hold cartridges / rounds.Great video evidence! Those guys need to be identified.
A magazine contains a clip of multiple cartridges, each of which is enclosed in a case housing a bullet, primer, propellant, etc.
So it’s:
• Bullet, primer, propellant, etc. in a cartridge.
• Cartridges are grouped together into a clip.
• A clip fits into the firearm’s magazine.
• The magazine gets inserted into the firearm.
What was dropped was probably the magazine that went with the gun that was also dropped.
Pleeeease let it be that scumbag Fanone
I don’t believe any of that mob were MAGA. They were far too combative.
Leprosy and Ebola too.
Uniparty Equally Guilty. IMO. Bastards Do Nothing To Stop The Invasion.
Yeah, this one will not go well.
From Intel Slava.
Passenger list.
Patriot Missiles.
He must belong to some small fringe groups of Demon Rats. Calls his party delusional. (vid about 20 secs)
Democrat Candidate Dean Phillips Went to a Donald Trump Rally
Next up was Dan Bongino
You can also go here:
He asks What the heck is Haley doing?
I think I know.
The Reboob RINOs and DemonRats are trying to STARVE POTUS Trump of Campaign funds.
Worse. With Haley still in the race, the DOJ and any judges involved in
prosecutingpersecuting President Trump will feel less pressure to drop charges since they’ll wrongly claim a viable candidate for the Republicans to vote for still exists in the form of Nikki Haley, thusly leaving the illusion of choice.Judges,
canwill allow court schedules to play against Trump’s need to campaign.Is it possible she has been paid off to do what she is doing?
She is a useful tool for the swamp. She is demonic
Given what happened with Kari Lake with DeWitt trying to bribe her, I’d certainly assume that is 100% it and this Nikki person likely needed no arm twisting.
They all seem to get paid off if it is a book deal or what ever. They live for that. Our system is broken by greed. Money seems to be the main purpose to be in politics not love for country or serving fellow country men/ women.
The other options are privide corporations where the books are not open to the public OR Stock options/tips although that is more visible.
The private corporation or LLC is the most opaque.
Burn campaign funds. Wear Trump down.
Every r-Con should be calling Mikki out for Relying on D-Rat voters to “APPEAR” to be a viable candidate.
Republicans should punish her by not voting for her.
I think if every MEGA donates $10 it will fuel Trump’s campaign for a while. Of course some people who can and are willing should go for more.
Dean Philips IS correct on all points.
Trump Rallies friendly, folks are thoughtful AND frustrated. Abnormal folks.
Folks that have not been to a trump rally, Try one.
I shared this link yesterday, but hadn’t finished reading the article. Found this within.
For years, national security reporters have speculated that the Navy’s ‘cube in a sphere’ UFOs might be related to a 1949 patent for an ‘airborne radar reflector’ (schematic above) filed with the US Patent and Trade Office by Washington DC resident Leon Chromak
Given the timing of the above patent it COULD be one of those (alien???) techs seeded into industry per Corso (that book Wolf recommended a while back)…fwiw…
Shamelessly looking at attire of the glitteratti…found this one to keep tabs on…
Daughter of billionaire Bill Gates, Phoebe Gates, 21, looked lovely in a shimmering nude dress and heels
This one made me wonder about the MK stuff, given the butterfly & the trauma face…eww
Julia Nightingale stunned in a white silk slip dress and matching heels. She was joined by Sophia Anne Caruso, who put on an eye-popping display in a see-through black dress with yellow lingerie underneath
Oh my. some sHe-Males it would seem…
Molly mingled with other guests
& more glam “girls”…shudder…
Debbie Harry (center) was pictured enjoying the event
MK Butterfly… Phoebe Gates sounds a lot like Phoebe Cates, another one…
And the child in her underwear under a diaphanous dress would have done well to be wearing a slip…
A quick perusal of shows many, MANY instances of this warped section of society and the “entertainment” industry… btw. VC has their eBook on special right now… also worth a look…
TY Cuppa it’s almost like they’re not even trying to hide it any more
UG! as n UGLY
and the disinterested bored look? that’s so yesterday…lol
I was beginning to wonder if there were subversive photographers for so many of these people looked so bad, like it was on purpose or something! LOL
they all look like they DON’T want to be there…
why don’t they stay home then?
& miss out on their 15 seconds of fame
they are a dime a dozen…no one will ever remember them…but someone who looks engaged and smiling?
THIS is a woman you never forget
Yes. there were several “beautiful” smiling photos of Demi Moore in a stunning dress there
Knowing of Melania, is a gift. A Keeper. Treasure.
She is such a class act & asset for RealPOTUS!!!
She looks intelligent and not drugged up (in other words, with-it and alert).
Watching paint dry, more interesting.
No doubt but getting to rub shoulders w/ “A listers” is likely a big deal for photogs but I wouldn’t know, just guessing
“A lister”.
Some of the Dumbest, self absorbed assholes on Earth.I’d rather rub shoulders with commoners at a supermarket.Zero respect or appreciation for A lister. <<<>>> Akin to r-Cons, D-Rats, Uniparty, lawyers, used car salesman…
Yea. Tired of All The Bullshit shoveled at folks.
As a kid I lived in Westchester county — Think Hitlary — Those were some of hte NASTIEST people I have ever met!
You always cut through the crap with clarity! TY
Yeah, they’re idiots. They ruined any mystique they had with their woke condescending opinions. They could’ve just stayed aloof celebrities but nooo they began to think their judgement and values are so righteous that we peons needed their wisdom.
Same with sports.
Go woke go broke
Mark Levin’s “Conga Line of Freaks” is applicable again. It’s like watching a car wreck on repeat or something LOL
First few, appear to have Zero brains. Totally vacant.
Remainder, Freaks R Them.
Ignorance run amok, all of them.
Yep! Funny they didn’t name the drag queens…barf emoji!
that’s a good word–VACANT!
Like that old line from the 1970s…
“What’s your sign???” (asked hopefully)
“Vacant” (oh, well)…..
better than open for business…LOL
The Fabulous Fifth Circuit Puts the Kaibosh on Biden’s Lawless Drive to Ruin Your Appliances
i honestly think the actual job description for the heads of these agencies includes the words…PETTY LITTLE TYRANT
Monocle, boots, riding crop…
Oh, wait…. that’s Nikki…..
yeah, but the boots and riding crop are just for playtime…lol
Wonder if she’s a Spurs fan…
(or Mavericks, considering Mark Cuban…)….
ride em cowboy
Hook’em horns…
(gets me coat…)….
Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of liars.
Hes the victim. Right.
Arizona Republican chair Jeff DeWit RESIGNS over bombshell audio bribing Kari Lake to stay out of office
In his resignation statement he accused Lake of setting him up by recording a private conversation.
‘This morning I was determined to fight for my position,’ said DeWit, 51. ‘However a few hours ago I received an ultimatum from Lake’s team: Resign today or face the release of a new, more damaging recording.’
He said he was resigning in the hope that it would end her attacks on him.
Theres a lot out there. And who gets paid to throw an election as a nominee?
I bet he did. For the golden child.
He has binders full of bribes…
That is how you do politics. It is all about the power to force your will upon your opponent.
She’s a reporter. All of us with communications backgrounds know the laws when it comes to recording conversations. If he hadn’t said something objectionable, she would not have shared it.
Yep and it should put a chill in all those who bribe or take the bribe.
Old Turtle might be having a TIA right now. Wonder who else down the Deep State Uniparty chain is hoping nothing else comes out ?
Only all of them

I may not know who but i bet its more than a handful of them.
The best of it is that some of them have to be wondering if there’s any recordings of their bribes, extortion, threats.
What a maroon…he actually confirms there’s something more damaging by resigning..Now let’s hear it !!!!!!!
I’m glad it was at Daily Mail. They get a lot on eyes on their articles
It probably had to be the Daily Mail, since no propaganda media outfit in America will cover anything that is against the interests of their corporate and political sugar daddies.
They frequently get 1st on news.
“In his resignation statement he accused Lake of setting him up by recording a private conversation.”
Riiiiiight…. it’s her fault you tried to bribe her
“‘However a few hours ago I received an ultimatum from Lake’s team: Resign today or face the release of a new, more damaging recording.’ ”
Sounds like you’ve been a very bad boy, Jeff.
Release the Kraken!
“He said he was resigning in the hope that it would end her attacks on him.”
Spoken like a true soy-boi who got hit by a girl.
Yes. All points.
Kari should release it ALL. Gloves Off. Go For The Jugular!
unless she is using it as an insurance policy so that no one tries to silence her for good.
I had the same thought.
good thinking
No reason to prevent its release unless he names others and those peopke are going to get revealed one by one. Aka james okeefe style.
Now he is the victim typical left wing loony.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott Releases Statement: “I have declared an invasion under Article I, § 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself”
LINK –§-10-clause-3-to-invoke-texass-constitutional-authority-to-defend-and-protect-itself/
Well, that sure changes things.
I hope President Trump will place our Border Defense under the Department of Defense – and turn the Border Wall into a military installation – and the Border Patrol into a military branch – with training and equipment to do the job right!
THAT is a good Idea except for Posse Comitatus Act and the US Military on the Border
I think it might be better to just clean out Homeland Security.
And return Secret Service to the Treasury.
It was never intended to be a goon squad.
I went to school with a guy who had been in the Secret Service, and was taking accounting classes. He was previously assigned to counterfeiting.
His opinion was that it was better to be shot than stabbed (he’d experienced both) — getting shot was like getting kicked; but when you are stabbed, you can feel it going in.
Changing the Border Patrol to an adequate DEFENSE force – and putting its budget and training under the Pentagon might work better. A couple of years ago, the Border Patrol ran out of money until the Congress funded it again.
Defense at our border against non-citizen invasion is not a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act – it’s basic national defense.
The problem is – big money donors of our corrupt politicians want cheap labor with housing, income, health care, etc. to be subsidized by the taxpayer – !
Gateway Pundit, Revolver News, and a congress committee are digging into J6 and Election 2020. This is a great thing but I’m wondering why there is such a problem with ‘missing’ videos and ‘missing’ documents.
Seems to me an obvious source for those items are the Awan brothers. They had total access to everything the House did and you’ll never convince me they didn’t leave behind a little autonomous program that copied all contents to their own private server and the erased the digital evidence showing what it did.
Simple solution – spec ops snatches those two and renditions them to a black site where they will be politely questioned about the situation.
Correction – the hidden program is designed to run every day for all new material added to the House computer network. My speculation but I’ll bet on it being true.
Wanted to share something about big brother creep…for the last couple of days at various sites I’d get a ‘site blocked’ notice from Spectrum. The message was that it might be harmful to my device or personal info.
Today it did it again so I called Spectrum and had to formally request that they butt out of my online choices. The tech said he removed the program…we’ll see.
It definitely was something new they added…nosy asshats
Might be time to look at getting a VPN service… also helps against geoblocking…
If you use the Brave browser, you can open a TOR window and jump around (most) cr@p like that…
Many Internet Security packages also include a free or cheap VPN…
I’ll look into it but I resent their intrusion and wanted them to get out of my business.
Is there some sort of oversight board at the state level, like the Consumer Protection Agency, or the CPUC (which used to be good, back in the day) ?
One can put this o/s on a memory stick, it works ok and is free.
Thank you. Checking it out
Will be looking for it.
As an ISP, they ought to simply provide a line for data to flow. No more. No less.
This is definitely a new addition and I doubt they dreamed it up. Some agency probably told them tp do it.
Was it on the computer, on the phone, or both?
Only computer
Thanks! Very interesting. Does Spectrum have any kind of a browser plugin? Do they provide antivirus? I’m wondering how they intervened.
Nothing that I’ve seen or use but this laptop has microsoft which I hate but haven’t tried to change it. After they supposedly took the program off I did have one of those fake emergency infected not shut your computer down things giving me microsoft’s #…
Shut down and ran the scans , so far all is good
Defender is more of an offender… save yourself a lot of trouble and get a decent AV or Internet Security package…. BitDefender is supposed to be good (as is Kaspersky, from the land of Vlad the inhaler)… Norton, less so, and McAfee… there’s a great video out there from John McAfee himself about how to remove it since Intel took it over
Windoze defender gets a lot of false positives, and isn’t so great on the heuristics (predictive behaviour stuff)…
Here’s John
Won’t do Norton or McAffee. Every time I’ve used them once the contract is up if I hadn’t renewed right away all of a sudden my system was slow, it froze up and other stupid stuff.
Will checkout Bit defender, thanks
Norton and McAfee are terrible… sorry if I wasn’t clear… Norton blew out a bunch of directories and email archives before I could stop it, and McAfee is a pig, and not any good.
McAfee sold it something like 20 years ago, and whoever bought it ran it into the ground, at which point InSmell bought it and let it rot… how the mighty have fallen. Back in the 1990s, both of those products (e.g. Norton Utilities) were brilliant…
AVG free version thoughts?
I use AVG to catch viruses. You have to be careful though because they will route you from a notice to fix something to other software that costs $.
Yea, AVG pimps on me a few times a week. Used to it. Always click out OR click, No Thanks.
^^^ Good capitalist. Up selling.
My Spectrum, is simply an unlimited data line, modem capable of whatever speed and a wireless router
Perhaps Spectrum pushed something to the modem.
That’s what I have too.
Whatever it is the tech guy didn’t seem surprised or take a long time to figure it out
Deep packet inspection, or, if they’re doing carrier-grade NATS, on their side of the xlation based on the IP origin… (just gotta love that IPv6)…
Gonna learn German in my next life.
(I take your informed word for it. Not asking for Readers Digest version.) :-0
If it’s “site blocked”, it only has to look at the outsides of packets. If it were “article blocked”, then they’d be reading the articles and it would be a much bigger problem.
That’s what I meant by DPI, which is more trouble, and wayyyyy more dishonest…
Norton used to claim their firewall did that; don’t know if they do anymore…
This could be preparation for shutting down Trump closer to the election.
The CDNs (content delivery networks) do a lot of diddling with their traffic, be it theirs or just passthru…
Cloudflare is notorious for that…..
January 24, 2024 4:34 pm
Haley donors pulling out.
yes, I typed that.
Sounds like her funding is experiencing a brownout…
Guess we’re not going to discuss the three biggest lies, ref: Nikki!!!
When she was a brown girl, living in Calcutta, she was relentlessly teased by billionaires.
Slum dog nikki
Ohhhh, Calcutta…
Cuban Olympic judo wrestler dies at 34 after reported breast enhancement surgery
Reports say she underwent surgery on Jan. 21, the day the university posted about her death. Local media, via Judo Inside, say she underwent a breast enhancement, then suffered from complications and eventually a heart attack.
Big boobs are very useful in modern Judo.
It’s all about cleavage these days
That was different
The jab/clot-shot no doubt.
That and the “enhancement” tragically unnecessary…
Well it is beginning to look like some are screwing their courage to the sticking place.
Also Kari Lake. It took courage and bravery to stand up to the men “back east’
Love it! Call out these evil supporters of the PEDOPHILE CHINA JOE.
Lots of great replies on that one!
Because of your comment I went to see the discussion on Nitter (the tweet showed up fine on twitter) & this is what popped up: Instance has been rate limited.
Use another instance or try again later.
Too damn funny.
Socialist education – worse than no education!
Unhoused and un-incomed…smh
Hmmm. Lazy-a$$ed-luser, perhaps?
This is what I can never understand: why no one has the foresight to predict the consequences of such policies. I don’t know why people are so unaware that they have to go through the crisis and experience the pain before they will wake up. Common sense is nowhere to be found.
Good Grief. The STORE does not pay for the ‘shrinkage’ (Theft) YOU DO! I lived in the inner city of Boston. The prices were TWICE what I paid outside of Boston.
I worked in retail, “shrinkage” is an expense like any other expense. When it goes up prices go up to cover the extra costs.
The retail industry has a bottom line, and they’ll meet it or go under.
Of course. The name of the game is to turn a profit.
Yes, but in the video above, initially “residents sided with the looters.”
My point is, why would they do that? Why can’t they think it through that theft will cause price increases that lead to loss of business and even bankruptcy?
Why do they have to have illegals invade their neighborhoods before they realize how destructive open-border policies are — when common sense screams otherwise?
Same with COVID vaxes, although the factor of trusting the medical establishment influences that one.
Nikki Haley Campaign Enters ‘Delusion and Denial Phase’: ‘We Aren’t Going Anywhere’
Nikki Haley is the GOP’s very own “Money Honey.”
This is WHY Nikki is sticking.
The Fix Is In – Trump Goes To Prison | Armstrong Economics
Satan Sauros Jr. looks like a Nancy-boy…
The entire Sauros klan needs to have their US citizenships pulled, and an all-expense-paid trip to Uncle Vlad’s rock-crushing “health” Spa provided…
Wonder if anyone’s done the genealogy work to see if Sauros’s roots go back to King David… paging Aubergine and anyone into genealogy…
Since he is/was at Davos… Time to have the KGB or equivalent kidnap the twerp.
why King David?
I am thinking that the spawn of GS will be in prison at some point in his lifetime.
I certainly hope so! And that his father meets Satan REAL soon.
Prior to execution.
Oakland, CA. (Again)
Thieves Drag Entire ATM from Van in Broad Daylight Following Audacious Bank Robbery in Crime-Ridden California (VIDEO)
Gotta watch out for those white supremacist vans
(see the comments to the GP post)…
That heist was on Hegenberger Road, not far from Alameda Avenue (which goes by the defunct Owens-Illinois glass plant [thanks, not, Øbøzø] on the way to Alameda).
Hegenberger Road is very near to the Oakland Airport, and the Oakland/Alameda County Coliseum is on it.
Lots and lots and lots of businesses WERE in that area….
Thanks (not) Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown, WilliBrown™, the NAACP, CARB, EPA, and all the other DEMONRAT “enterprises”…….

The crime was against a Bankster so they will find the thieves and prosecute.
Put this crime to the morons at the cvs store. By their reasoning atms/banks should give out 20’s because…just because some don’t have any pocket money
People are waking up finally to the reality of what the US political system has become. The corruption is becoming increasingly evident to the sheeple and their realizing the consequences.
Preaching to the choir here I know.
Smoked them like a cheap cigar!!!
(or a good BBQ!!!)…..
This is weird!!!
@ 1:31:45
Dan Scavino Jr. Facebook post made on SEPTEMBER 10, 2019
Hand holding sign:
keep America great
Stormy Joe verified before showing. The post is still on Facebook
A Dan Scavino Facebook post from Sept. 10, 2019, of a hand holding up a sign that says “Trump 2024, Keep America Great!”
I doubt that it means what people are going to say it means. It is “verified,” but there might be more to the story.
I noticed that PENCE was missing. He was on the 2020 signs.
Definitely more to the story. Not buying it.
for our CA frens:
Consumers will no longer be able to purchase Knott’s Berry Farm branded jams, jellies, preserves and cookies at grocery stores.
“Knott’s Berry Farm® brand has been discontinued and is no longer being sold,” a message on Knott’s Berry Farm Foods website, operated by the J.M. Smucker Company, reads.
Completely discontinued, even the syrup. The brand sold in the 90s to smuckers.
If you want any boysenberry or knotts priducts, you have to buy direct from Knotts. Smuckers made they crappee.
Knotts makes high end without cornsyrup now, but its not cheap.
You can buy here:*1wzui6b*_ga*MTc2MDI4MDYzNS4xNzA2MTUwOTEz*_ga_MXYCPCS9TZ*MTcwNjE1MDkxMi4xLjEuMTcwNjE1MDkzMi40MC4wLjA.
Btw this cookbook is outstanding.
Mrs Knotts recipes and some new ones
That pie looks so good!!!!!
Yes. Ive got the book. I cant find frozen boysenberries.
I went to Knotts and bought boysenberry plants last spring. Theyre alive but hoping i get fruit this summer.
It’s late so you might not see this . When we lived in Watsonville there were a few growers. Maybe you can order?
…adding..but that was a long time ago, maybe no more
There are a few who grow up north. Ill have to do a bit of searching.
Fun with the hags on The View
Well. We just had a 4.4 earthquake.
Anyone interested in those things still.
Im 30+ miles from epicenter but it shook the house hard.
I am. Wow! That IS a big shaker.,-127.70508&extent=39.81303,-100.98633&listOnlyShown=true
A couple aftershocks already.usually our area quakes come from anza. This was a jolt.
I hope all is well!
All good.
A shaker alright.. the after shocks are more disturbing sometimes. the brain is telling you ..uh it happening again!
Take care Giloo
Definitely a rattler.
Meanwhile a different kind of earthquake is in the making.
Currently The Hill and Fox News are covering this.
Biden urged to seize control of Texas National Guard as state defies Supreme Court ruling
It precipitated with House Rep (D) Jaquion Castro’s call yesterday.
Currently no other conservative sites are talking this.
I see that. Forget Ukraine…biden wants to start a war in Texas.
Dems are starting to clamor for it. Two now.

I hope they can’t walk the streets as of tomorrow morning.
Very reckless, not only because Texas will not back down and the people are 2A supporters, but because those guys are calling for the federal government to engage in what many would view as an act of war against one of its own states, rather than protecting it as Constitutionally mandated.
From the first page of Abbott v. Biden, filed 1/4/2022:
Would be interesting if Texas seceeds… Lone Star State, here we come!!!
Go Texas.
30.5 million citizens, most of them armed, and they will have millions more volunteer support from surrounding states, and states all over the union.
As of 2019, the military was 1.38 million, most of whom are off fighting useless wars around the world for the MIC.
Go ahead shitlibs, start a war in Texas.
It will be your last war.
But, BUT, BUT, Briben has F-16s.
Such an asshole.
Nice to see Texas standing firm.
Every Texas Senator pissant and House dirtbag should be Loudly Supporting Abbot.
Paging Cornyn, Ted Cruz, Patch, Chirp Roy…. Speak The Fuck Up!
Cruz and Roy are there. Cornyn finally came out yesterday.. Patch is a MAGA hater. Would suspect him to stay on the swampy worm infested side of the fence. We’ll see.
Patch is WEFfenSS… Swamp patch (or DogPatch)…
Nothing says rally around the Bidenese like…
Panicked Obama Reportedly Urging Joe Biden to Quit the 2024 Race
Mike LaChance Jan. 24, 2024 9:40 pm 404 Comments
Yep… Obama is getting ready to install Big Mike!
Isnt this a sovereignty issue? Each state has the right to protect itself.
“Isnt this a sovereignty issue?”
I think so, along with the communist usurper administration abdicating their responsibility to protect and defend the United States, but it doesn’t really matter, because no matter the rationale, it just goes to litigation, and litigation means stall, and stall means victory for the shitlib pinko-commie rogue regime.
Abbott is right to defend his citizens and the Texas border (3 years late).
If the (not)Supreme Court doesn’t like it, let the 5 corrupt members who voted in favor of the continued invasion of Texas go enforce their decision.
If Brandon and his master don’t like it, let them send their Gestapo to fight Texas on behalf of an enemy invasion.
Enjoy those optics in the run-up to the election, shitlib commies.
Lol. I do appreciate your concise clear commentary.
Guessing Turtle is frustrated… (
Maybe. Just maybe, Ukraine money will STOP.
Mitch McConnell Calls Donald Trump the Nominee
The report says:
McConnell referred to Trump as “the nominee” and noted the former president wants to run his 2024 campaign centered on immigration.
And the GOP leader said, “We don’t want to do anything to undermine him.”
I don’t know how to access this. A search on Rumble for Kari Lake said there were no videos, so I guess she was on someone else’s program.
^^^ Looking around…
Saw this. Back to looking, after posting.
This may have been it….3 hours ago. It fits.