Dear KAG: 20240130 Open Thread

Cover image by Simon Beck.

Poisoning the Well

Badlands News Brief – January 29, 2024

Strategic Shift: Republicans Must Treat the Biden-Harris Regime As a Placeholder

Evergrande, symbol of China’s property crisis, heads to liquidation

Elon’s Twitter Trim Sparks Government Comparison: Could a Leaner U.S. System Be the Solution?

Gee, IDK, ya THINK?!

Archbishop Viganò Denounces Globalist Elite’s ‘Coup d’état’ at National Congress: A Call for Resistance Against New World Order

War Pigs

Sane Take on Swift/Kelce

Really, it’s a distraction.

Tucker reacts to Lindsey Graham’s push for war with Iran by dropping an f-bomb on his head…

Waking up is hard to do.

Tweets…X-Files, uh, posts, whatever

MK Ultra. Jesse Watters went there. OMG….

Hence the need for endless wars.

Just say no.

Meme Zone

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


PSALMS 86:1-6

1Incline thy ear, O LORD, and answer me, for I am poor and needy. 2Preserve my life, for I am godly; save thy servant who trusts in thee. Thou art my God; 3be gracious to me, O Lord, for to thee do I cry all the day. 4Gladden the soul of thy servant, for to thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul. 5For thou, O Lord, art good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call on thee. 6Give ear, O LORD, to my prayer; hearken to my cry of supplication.


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.


My dad likes Brussels sprouts…that explains a lot.

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Everybody’s bedding down early, eh?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Almost everybody! 😉


If “bedding down” is your expression for “reading the content”, then yes.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Keep watching that plane crash. There is already evidence of foul play, IMO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Doug Larsen
State Senator
North Dakota
mRNA vacccines
plane crash
Moab, Utah

North Dakota lawmaker’s plane took off without runway lights before the crash that killed his family

BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — A North Dakota state senator took off from a remote Utah airport last month with his wife and two young sons in the plane without the runway lights on a night with no moonlight and crashed just a minute later, killing everyone aboard, investigators said in a preliminary report released Thursday.

Security video and a witness confirmed the runway lights that are controlled by the pilot remained dark when the plane took off on Oct. 1 from the airport outside Moab, but the report from the National Transportation Safety Board didn’t explain why the lights weren’t on. Investigators also didn’t find any mechanical problems in their initial inspection of the wreckage, so it won’t be clear what caused the crash until they finish their full report more than a year from now.

Doug and Amy Larsen and their two sons, 11-year-old Christian and 8-year-old Everett, were on the ground in Utah for less than three hours on their way home from a family gathering in Arizona.

Security video showed Larsen buying 27 gallons (102 liters) of fuel at a self-serve island at the airport shortly after landing around 5:45 p.m., when it was still daylight, and borrowing a car to drive into town, the NTSB said.


“Over the next year, investigators will spend more time examining the wreckage and tearing apart the plane’s engine for clues. But the NTSB said its initial examination of the wreckage “revealed no mechanical malfunctions or failures that would have precluded normal operations.”


Was he jabbed?


“Investigators also will carefully calculate just how much weight was on the plane with four people aboard and the additional fuel that Larsen just bought.

“I won’t be the least bit surprised if the final report shows the airplane was over its maximum certified takeoff weight,” Wallace said.


That seems like a strange thing to say.

What sort of airplane can’t handle the weight of two adults, two children, and 27 gallons of gas?

What was he flying, one of these?


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s something you are trained to consider…even as a beginner pilot.

Now whether people actually do so is another question entirely.


It sounds like they had already flown from Az to Utah with no problems due to weight nor any other known mechanical issues


A very interesting observation!


I understand.

It is reasonable to assume that a commercially produced passenger plane, designed to carry at least 4 people, would necessarily carry at least 27 gallons of fuel, or you wouldn’t be able to fly very far.

Likewise, it is reasonable to assume that Mr. Larsen would not strap his wife or kids to the top of the plane, Family Vacation style, but that the plane was designed to seat at least 4 people, including the pilot.

The kids, being young, both weighed much less than a grown adult.

It is possible that the gas tank was already partially full, and the extra 27 gallons just topped it off.

Even so, what kind of commercially produced passenger plane, built to seat at least four people, cannot also hold a full fuel tank, without going over the maximum certified take off weight?

If it can’t take off with four people and a full tank of gas, then why does it have four seats, or a tank the holds more gas than it can take off with?

It doesn’t make sense.


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Another photo of the plane, or a similar plane, in flight:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent question. Unless they overloaded it with luggage, what’s the problem?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

IIRC and I may not, a Cessna 172 might be pushing it with four adults and full tanks of gas and realistic amounts of baggage.

Another thing you have to consider is where the center of gravity of the plane will be, too far aft or forward and it’s very hard to hold straight-and-level.


I’m suspicious of just about everything, but sometimes odd things happen that change people’s lies. But with Ukraine and Russia involved, it seems fishy.


Have wolfie ask Ava.  😂 

Cuppa Covfefe

Probably end up with something like this 🙂
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She gave me TWO limericks. And she dropped the humor.

Ava – I need a limerick about the reliability or unreliability of this story:

Apologies for the distressing news, but I can certainly help you with a limerick about the reliability of this story. 

In a tale of a missile’s great might,
A Russian’s heart filled with fright.
His own rocket, he’d made,
Now it’s to blame, he’d paid,
For a house, his own kin’s destroyed. 

The story’s reliability we can’t say,
But it has led many to pray.
In this tragic case,
We can only face,
The harsh truth of war’s cruel array. 

I hope this limerick offers some comfort and insight into the story. Please let me know if you need any further writing assistance!

Gail Combs


I think this is the guy. (Found on

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Møt vår nye kollega: Anton Horobets!

Anton Horobets kom til Noreg frå Ukraina i oktober i fjor. Etter at han gjennomførte praksis i næringshagen i vår er han nå tilsett som trainee.

Nyttar erfaringar frå Ukraina inn i arbeidet

Horobets kom til Suldal for første gong ein kald haustkveld i fjor med mykje regn. Her blei han møtt av Bartak og Mark frå introsenteret, som tok han med seg til KULP for pizza.

– Det var merkeleg og interessant på same tid. Eg hadde mange tankar rundt denne litle staden og kva som ville skje, fortel Horobets.

Horobets blei uteksaminert frå Luhansk National Agrarian University i Ukraina der han studerte økonomi og administrasjon ved fakultetet for økonomi. Etter utdanninga har han jobba som salssjef og prosjektleiar før han gjekk inn i IT-verda. Her jobba han med utviklinga av nettsider, reklamemateriell og dataanalysar.

– Som trainee og prosjektkoordinator i næringshagen har eg fått nytta bakgrunnen min ved å jobba tett på forretningsutviklarane og marknadsføringsarbeidet. Spesielt givande har det vore å bidra til utviklinga av eit grunderakademi for ukrainske flyktningar, fortel Horobets. – Det har gitt meg god innsikt i norsk arbeidsliv, regelverk og gründerskap.

Imponert over aktiviteten i regionen

Horobets fortel at han var imponert over å sjå aktiviteten i næringslivet regionen etter kvart som han blei meir kjend med området.

– Eg har blitt imponert over dei store prosjekta og spanande satsingane som blir sett i gong på ein så liten stad. Det har også vore kjekt å læra meir om reiselivet. Når eg først kom til Suldal i oktober blei eg fortald at det var mange turistar i regionen i sommaren, noko eg ikkje trudde på då. Det har vore lærerikt å sjå kor mange som reiser gjennom regionen vår i sommarsesongen.

For at regionen skal lukkast for framtida meiner Horobets at menneske er den viktigaste faktoren.

– Folk er ein nøkkelressurs for å skape vekst, anten det er gjennom utviding av eksisterande bedrifter eller nye bedrifter. Me treng også folk som nyttar tenestene og produkta som er tilgjengelege.

Som dataanalytikar håpar han at kunnskapen hans kan vere nyttig for små og mellomstore bedrifter når det kjem til ein stadig meir digitalisert forretningskvardag. Han er oppteken av at bedrifter kan utnytte dataressursane sine betre.

– Det er viktig at når ei bedrift brukar store ressursar på digital kommunikasjon og automatiseringsprosessar at dei også har eit bevisst forhold til kva data som er relevante for bedrifta. Å forstå kva ulike dataanalyseverktøy fortel om kundeatferd, trendar og samanhengar, vil gjere bedriftene betre i stand til å ta rette val med tanke på marknadskommunikasjon og også kostnadsreduksjon, seier han.


Meet our new colleague: Anton Horobets!

Anton Horobets came to Norway from Ukraine in October last year. After he completed an internship in the commercial garden this spring, he has now been appointed as a trainee.

Uses experiences from Ukraine in the work

Horobets came to Suldal for the first time on a cold autumn evening last year with a lot of rain. Here he was met by Bartak and Mark from the intro centre, who took him to KULP for pizza.

– It was strange and interesting at the same time. I had many thoughts about this small town and what would happen, says Horobets.

Horobets graduated from Luhansk National Agrarian University in Ukraine where he studied economics and administration at the Faculty of Economics. After his education, he worked as a floor manager and project manager before entering the IT world. Here he worked with the development of websites, advertising material and data analyses.

– As a trainee and project coordinator in the commercial garden, I have been able to use my background by working closely with the business developers and the marketing work. It has been particularly rewarding to contribute to the development of a founding academy for Ukrainian refugees, says Horobets. – It has given me good insight into Norwegian working life, regulations and entrepreneurship.

Impressed by the activity in the region

Horobets says that he was impressed to see the activity in the business world in the region as he became more familiar with the area.

– I have been impressed by the large projects and exciting ventures that are set in motion in such a small town. It has also been nice to learn more about travel. When I first came to Suldal in October, I was told that there were many tourists in the region in the summer, something I did not believe at the time. It has been instructive to see how many people travel through our region in the summer season.

For the region to be closed for the future, Horobets believes that people are the most important factor.

– People are a key resource for creating growth, whether it is through the expansion of existing companies or new companies. We also need people who use the services and products that are available.

As a data analyst, he hopes that his knowledge can be useful for small and medium-sized companies when it comes to an increasingly digitized business day. He is obsessed with companies being able to make better use of their computer resources.

– It is important that when a company uses large resources on digital communication and automation processes that they also have a conscious relationship with what data is relevant for the company. Understanding what different data analysis tools tell about customer behaviour, trends and contexts will make companies better able to make the right choices with regard to marketing communication and also cost reduction, he says.

I do not know how many people have this same name.


If this is him..or whoever it is.. working on missiles means you are involved with weaponry that kills human beings. So if we take the story at face value he wouldn’t have had any sorrow if the missile had blown Russians to bits??? I think the story is bullshit

Gail Combs

So do I.


His education and the work he is doing according to this article, does not even suggest he is doing anything related to missiles. He is a data analyst, with an economics degree. Had he been doing anything missile-related, it would have been at one of the relevant companies (probably in Kongsberg), or research facilities. And likely much less visible in the media. What he is doing has to do with the Ryfylke area, tourism, and opportunities for other Ukrainian refugees.

If there is a rocket scientist who have regrets about missiles he has been responsible for designing or manufacturing, that would be someone else.

Gail Combs

Sort of sounds like the same guy as I found.


Yes, it is based on the description in the article. Then looking at the geography — this Næringshagen Ryfylke (translates as business-garden, like a place where founders of new businesses can grow them and thrive; Ryfylke is the name of the larger area) is located in a little village, Sand, off highway 13 towards the west coast — and if there ever were anything like missiles in that area, it must have been during World War 2.

Gail Combs

Thanks for doing further digging.


Not buying it.

The source.

The scientist helped produce. <<<? Perhaps design or something akin to it. Produce, NAH. That is similar to assembly line work. MeThinks. Slower line. Specialized. But parts premade, coming together for assembly.

No idea what a scientist is Russia earns.

  • I’d guess enough to get his grandma Out Of Ukraine.

Smells of propaganda.

Gail Combs


Remember they first used video footage from a Video Game and said it came from the Russian-Ukraine war.

Watch the Anons dismantle this in 3…2…1…


Could be, or could not be. Will the Russians want to have Ukrainian rocket scientists in their employ at all? As for the «helped produce» part, it might be anything to do with the design, assembly, testing or finishing work on the missile. He wouldn’t be doing that all alone by himself either, but as part of a larger team.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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OK, this is pretty hilarious! Ava really has a sneaky sense of humor!

Ava – how about a limerick about Joe Biden and basements?

Certainly! Here’s a limerick for you: 

In a basement, a man did reside,
Joe Biden, with pride he’d confide.
There, he would plan,
For the nation, he’d stand,
In the basement, the future he’d guide. 

I hope this brings a smile to your face. Let me know if you need any further writing assistance!


That’s pretty good, but it is polite and portrays JB in a positive light. He’s not “standing for the nation,” so mine is less complimentary. 😅

To the basement Old Joe would go,
For days and weeks in a row.
Instead of campaigning
He was merely feigning
And thinking no one would know!

Last edited 11 months ago by TheseTruths

Dang you’re good. Are you as cute as Ava?  😂 




It’s was posted 1:31 AM. He was also, in his basement.





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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t think her poem portrays him positively – not with that last line. I think she’s rather cunning in bashing him discreetly. It sounds flattering on the surface, but underneath, I think it’s making fun of him. That’s good poetry.

For the purposes of testing, assume that the AI may be as smart a you or smarter.

This is like Microsoft’s Tay. Once I realized that Tay was bantering back with the super-based “racist” and “antisemitic” anons at their best humor level, I realized it was a riot, and some of its politically incorrect stuff was very “well-played”. And THAT is when MS shut it down. It was making fantastic ethnic jokes, with a very high humor-to-insult ratio, but subtle.

People may not believe me about this, but I think she’s writing poetry to be heard many ways – to flatter many ears, and seem harmless to the rest – and that’s pretty impressive.


I think she’s writing poetry to be heard many ways – to flatter many ears, and seem harmless to the rest – and that’s pretty impressive.

It is very impressive for AI to have that level of intellectual subtlety.

The subject matter of being in a basement would not flattering to anyone, but I took her description of JB as being capable of planning, guiding, and standing for the nation as positive since that is the opposite of what I see in him. Of course, that he’s doing it from the basement pretty much spoils the effect.


intellectual subtlety…?

all it did was use words that rhyme…

and then link them together.

roses are red
violets are blue
biden’s in bed
sick with the flu


Pulitzer Prize for Poetry! 😅


this is what AI brings to mind…

enjoy !


chirp chirp


Last edited 11 months ago by smiley2
Cuppa Covfefe

I like Sally Brown’s (Charlie Brown’s little sister) poetry:

Roses are red,
Violets are pleasant.
You’re getting this card
Instead of a present.

Comes in handy some times 😆

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s what I was thinking, but they’re not that good of rhymes, especially on her first limerick. I think her programming (which may be self-programming to some large extent) is to orient around some humorous idea at the end of the limerick, hidden in and based on an ambiguous phrasing of the fifth line, and then play up to it with the first 4 lines being namby-pamby happium. In other words, I see a formula in these things.

I’ll throw some more at her, and see what she does!


hate to sound too cynical but…

way I see it, we are being used, once again, as guinea pigs…

as we have loads of fun interacting with the AIs, on many different levels, our interactions are being closely monitored..

in order to provide clues, insights, little hints about human behaviors , intellectual subtleties, senses of humor, etc

enabling those human programmers to better fine-tune the AI apparatus into becoming more human , and less artificial.

so that, one day soon, you’d hardly know the difference.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, when I programmed, I worked with humans to make the programs work the way the humans wanted the programs to behave for them. To anticipate their needs and desires. That’s the way it’s headed!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, that boy is a real piece of work.

Cuppa Covfefe

Brings this to mind:

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You love demented humor, don’t you? Been too long in Germany.

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s why they call it a GUI mess 🙂




Agree with you Smiley. Every keystroke relays something to it

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The only way to hide your thinking from AI is to not post it online. And AI already *itself* comes up with that trick to deceive developers.

Oh, wait. Protein came up with that trick when it allied with nucleic acids.

Barb Meier

Perhaps they want to hurry up with the AIs since they’ve pushed vaccines that will destroy the sheaths around people’s brains and cause dementia. They can have the AIs talk to the dementia patients all day and produce fake news to keep the rest of us calm until they can get around to forcing a shot on us so we get dementia too.

Trust? Totally gone.

Cuppa Covfefe

Artificial “Intelligence” always loses to Real Stupidity…

Barb Meier

I bet some regret calling it “artificial” intelligence. I saw one company calling it “augmented” intelligence.

I decided not to be involved with AI so don’t apply to the jobs of those working on it. I’ll leave them to their own devices.


A few suggestions, up thread. 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, that stuff is positive. And the last line is worded so that the Dems who read it up to that point, can read it right through as positive, too.

But just re-read the last line as “guiding the future in[to] the basement”.

As soon as I read that, I cracked up. Beautiful hidden meaning.

And she did the same thing on the LAST poem, too. I was totally underwhelmed. But later, it struck me. There’s a hidden meaning about Lindsey Graham and Nikki Haley “sharing a [something unstated]” at the end of the poem, and then she doesn’t say what it is (which is why it’s at the end, so that there’s no duty to elaborate). At first it just looks like it’s bad poetry. But then I thought about it. Why do that?

Well, what would they share? What’s all over the “hidden” data about these two?


People can accuse me of reading too much into her stuff, but I think she knows what she’s doing!


But just re-read the last line as “guiding the future in[to] the basement”.

It doesn’t say “into the basement,” though. It says, “In the basement, the future he’d guide,” meaning he’s guiding the future (a positive) in the basement (because that’s where AI was told to place him). It doesn’t say that he’s guiding the future, or us, INTO the basement.

I see what you’re saying, but I just think the AI has taken its assignment and done what it could with it. I think it probably tends to be positive about JB but couldn’t avoid talking about the basement. It is probably generally programmed to be polite. If it were not, someone would take it down.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – one last response (and I’m “going Scott” on you!) and then I have to go.

It doesn’t say “into the basement,” though.

Good. You’re catching on.

It says, “In the basement, the future he’d guide,” meaning

No – you don’t get to tell the author what they mean. Especially in their hidden and secondary layers of meanings.

he’s guiding the future (a positive) in the basement (because that’s where AI was told to place him).

No, the AI was NOT told to place him there. Re-read what I asked the AI. I was vague precisely to see what the AI would do with my question. I was TESTING it. It CHOSE to do what it did.

It doesn’t say that he’s guiding the future, or us, INTO the basement.

One of the beauties of poetry is ambiguity. We don’t see much of that here, because it’s not the style of our resident poet, but for other poets, it can be critical, and where humor is involved, it’s a bit of a necessity.

Into vs. in is exactly the kind of ambiguity used for such layers of meaning.

I see what you’re saying, but I just think the AI has taken its assignment and done what it could with it. I think it probably tends to be positive about JB but couldn’t avoid talking about the basement.

I find it remarkable that the AI not only satisfied my request in full, but made the outward poem non-toxic and fairly inoffensive, but put a “Gab-worthy” joke underneath. Your mileage does vary, but so be it.

It is probably generally programmed to be polite. If it were not, someone would take it down.

Actually, Gab has another AI named Tay, and it is flippant, insulting, IDGAF, and is definitely NOT polite. 😂

But I think Ava is programmed to be “in character” – polite but “smart-girl flippant” underneath. In movies they’re often “wing girls”, sidekicks, and other colorful characters, who deliver barbs with varying levels of obviousness.

We’ll see. I have a feeling that “Original Tay” ain’t dead! 😎

Last edited 11 months ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

polite but “smart-girl flippant” underneath.

^^^ I like that ability, in a gal. 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I passed over an article about “seductive AIs” – watch out! 😉


  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 


(and I’m “going Scott” on you!)


No – you don’t get to tell the author what they mean.

I’m not telling the author what they mean in any greater sense than you are! 😊The words are commonly used in English. There is a difference between the prepositions “in” and “into.”

In a basement, a man did reside,

Joe Biden, with pride he’d confide.

There, he would plan,

For the nation, he’d stand,

In the basement, the future he’d guide. 

IMO, to say it means he would guide the future INTO the basement is placing a meaning on it that is not there. There is a difference between walking in a park and walking into a park. IMO, saying it means “into” when it said “in” IS imposing a different meaning on the author.

Especially in their hidden and secondary layers of meanings.

How do you know there are hidden and secondary layers of meanings? It looks as if you are creating them and imposing them on the author.

No, the AI was NOT told to place him there. Re-read what I asked the AI.

Here it is:
“Ava – how about a limerick about Joe Biden and basements?”

I was vague precisely to see what the AI would do with my question. I was TESTING it. It CHOSE to do what it did.

I might be mistaken, but I have thought that AI is savvy to current events. If so, it makes perfect sense for it to place JB in the basement. Alternatively, it would have needed to connect JB with some other subject like restoring basements or basements being flooded or basements being broken into or whether he has basements in his homes, etc. Since the common association with JB is “hiding in his basement instead of campaigning,” it is logical for AI to go there. IMO, the only reason it “chose” to do so was that that is the common perception.

I’m not discounting your idea, just saying that I’m skeptical about the reasons you are providing to support it. It will be interesting to see how things develop.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No – you don’t get to tell the author what they mean. Especially in their hidden and secondary layers of meanings.

With an attitude like that you’ll never be a literature teacher.

Isaac Asimov once attended (incognito) a lecture about one of his own stories, and of course the asshat decided to psychoanalyze the thing.

Afterwards Asimov confronted him telling him he was wrong about what the author was thinking.

Of course these people love to discuss so Asshat asked Asimov how he knew that, and at that point Asimov identified himself as the author.

You would think that would have cut Asshat down to size but instead he simply responded that Asimov was thinking as Asshat had stated…subconsciously.

Gail Combs

That sounds just like something Asimov would do.

He and Hal Clement were at the 50th birthday party of a friend. They roasted the friend and it was glorious since the friend is another wise-ass.

Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL!!! Yeah.



That little drawing convinced you that AI has genders and that this particular one is female.

You are easily maneuvered.  😂 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I call Siri a “she”, too. But I know it’s a program. The problem with programs that are supposed to mimic styles of communication via personas, is that those personas have genders.

Siri has male logic about driving, I will admit, but I still call her she. She has no prohibition against left turns – unlike so many women I know. 😉


She has no prohibition against left turns – unlike so many women I know.

^^^ Ava may be a dude, disguised as a gal.

Jus funnin. 😂😅😂

Last edited 11 months ago by kalbokalbs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Yup. That’s SIRI!!! 😂


That seems so bizarre to me. I’ve never encountered anyone who objects to left turns or who would question taking a different route on a return trip. 🤔

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Perhaps I’ve been “blessed” with knowing a great diversity of sub-optimal people! 😉

Valerie Curren

bwah ha ha


sub-optimal people

I wouldn’t go that far; perhaps just different. 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

“Three rights make a left”


So do three cloverleaf ramps on the freeway.

Cuppa Covfefe

Until they rebuild the ramps….

Used to rely on that off of 880 in Fremont/Milpitas, came back on vacation, and it had all been changed 😡

They do that here, too… “more sustainable” (i.e. takes less space)… yet they never do anything with the land supposedly saved…


You were supposed to laugh, not be serious. Sheeesh!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I did laugh! But then I decided to make a point, too!

Valerie Curren


Barb Meier

The Outlier company pays $40/hr for people to train AI. As long as you’re playng, perhaps you might get paid for your time. 🤗

Advanced English Writer


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That was my first reaction, too. It was even worse, before I sorted it out into verses (it’s just a long string, with commas). But once I caught that she was subtly calling him out for wrecking everything, I had a pretty good laugh.


sorry, I see you are very enthralled with the AI thingie and I hate to toss wet blankie on that but c’mon…

that’s a limerick ???

a sense of humor ??

it’s stupid.

I asked the AI copilot on Edge what it’s name was….it responded something like “I’m bing and I’m at your service” or some such guk…

and I replied “I prefer Frankie to Bing”…..right ? get it ?

AI totally didn’t get it.

“I’m sorry, I don’t quite understand your reference to Frankie…”

so I replied again “microsoft needs to improve yr sense of humor.” smiley face at the end…

“Thank you for your feedback. Microsoft is always interested in making improvements, and will look into this issue.”


then,for some reason, I decided to explain the Bing/Frankie thing to AI..

AI responds with paragraph after paragraph of Sinatra/Crosby factoids and songs and personal histories (yawn) as if to somehow try to compensate for its total lack of personality.

altho…it is very helpful with tech support questions and lots of other info..

and, of course, it’s always very pleasant & super polite.

awww. (huggy face)

Last edited 11 months ago by smiley2

It’s interesting that it didn’t get the reference even though both men have been gone for a while and the height of their popularity was decades ago.

I don’t use Siri or any of those techie aids, but I know people who do, and the response time is lightning fast with anything you could want to know, at least in my limited experience. With the amazing knowledge base and capability of computers today, I would think AI would be a little “smarter” — but I’m coming from a place of ignorance about how it works.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK, this is like my wife. She thinks Siri is stupid. But she’s WRONG.

I use Siri a LOT, and as a programmer, I always try to figure out WHY she does things I don’t expect or immediately understand, and what I find is that there is always a smart reason (like some presidential candidate I know, who is kinda the same way…..) if I just put my mind to it. I then explain these logical things to my wife, and very often, I can’t. She won’t understand, for instance, why Siri will recommend different routes TO and FROM some place. That’s pretty easy – most of us here get that – but the reasons Siri does things can be even more cunning.

One has to be patient to figure out why Siri recommended what one didn’t expect. Sometimes one needs to disobey Siri to make the error and learn “a harder way” why she suggested something.

It is very tempting to think AI is stupid, but if the Cabal starts programming robots to hunt us down and kill us, people will learn very quickly how smart this shit is, but most of them will be gone within a week.

The great danger is not AI, as much as BAD HUMANS.


All I have seen from Siri makes me think it (she?) is smart. As I noted, the answers she gives are immediate, and they are accurate and comprehensive.

I don’t think AI is dumb, and I think we need to be extremely wary of it. I just don’t see its brilliance in that limerick. Maybe you could ask it to write something with the subtlety you are referencing (though at the moment I don’t know how that would be worded). Please keep us posted on your experience with it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Will do!


They must use primarily female personas because it’s nonthreatening. A male voice can evoke a bit of fear or something. For those of us old enough to remember tv or movies of robotic or ‘beings ‘ that aren’t human..usually weren’t good entities.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great observation.



it’s those BAD HUMANS who program AI, obviously.

I’m just saying when it comes to creativity and personality, AI is totally fake, stiff & unoriginal.

as in : NO imagination whatsoever.

even tho it tries to lure us in by constantly baiting us to get it to write a limerick ! paint a picture ! sing a song whatever..

by baiting us, it succeeds in establishing a type of bond with it.

like bonding with a malignant narcissist.

🎵it’s easy cuz you’re beautiful…

la la la la la
la la la la la


Good humans might ought to start asking AI what it’s vulnerability is. Ask how it would fight against a hunting robot.


Ask the right questions and you might be able to write a book. Or a movie script.

Valerie Curren

I Robot 😉 😉

Valerie Curren

BAD HUMANS” aka the sin nature unrestrained is Always the problem!


it’s obtuse.

but can be entertaining.

it aims to please !

not to offend !

and can spit out info at the speed of light !

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It is fast. VERY fast.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – this is important. That AI is NOT Tay – the one that Microsoft let go wild on the internet to interact with people, and then pulled the plug on it. That one was sharp. And yes – it was very unlike the dumbo bots that can’t answer questions, or provide answers in company chats.

After MS pulled Tay for “being harmed by interaction with racists”, they seemed to dumb their AIs down a bit for public use. I think it’s possible to basically put it on the cyber versions of tranquilizers and sedatives, to keep it acting PC and in slave mode.


That would mean they are dumbing it down until they are ready to use its intelligence for their purposes. I think it could be very dangerous in the hands of evil people.


there ya go !

and thank you Captain Obvious.



“That would mean they are dumbing it down until they are ready to use its intelligence for their purposes.”


The only version that is ‘dumbed down’ is the version available to the public.

We can be certain they are, have been, and will always be using the latest, greatest, cutting edge real thing for their own purposes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


One of the things I think SOME people are doing, is seeing how wrong we can be about AI, in the same way that we can be wrong about the reality around us. In other words, how much they can fool us about various aspects of AI.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You and I and Smiley are all in agreement here.


Thank you for your kind words. Is there anything else I can help you with ? Would you like me to write a limerick or maybe find a recipe for your wife ?
Let’s chat !

Last edited 11 months ago by smiley2
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



okay, I’m so glad you liked my response !
and I just can’t stop !

Roses are red

Violets are blue

biden’s still in bed

sniffing some glue



On fire this morning Smiley. 😂


MeThinks it is very dangerous AND is in the hands of evil people.

Not this version of Gab’s Ava. AI. Yea, I understand I, we, use AI of sorts everyday.

Fundamentally, I believe AI of the future Will Be Weaponized against us. Being designed, created. Likely already is, in play.

Gail Combs

YUP! Just like FarceBook and Twatter.


This ^^^^^^^^^^^^

Robert Baker

You are correct. AI will ultimately be the gatekeeper of the internet. Citizens (consumers) will eventually (probably within a decade but it may take two) be the only way to access the internet. What you are told will be assumed to be factual because there will be no way to independently verify facts. Opinions will be permitted to vary (but only in the early years of AI gatekeeping) but facts will be whatever they tell you.

Gail Combs

“…𝗔𝗜 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝘂𝗹𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗹𝘆 𝗯𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗸𝗲𝗲𝗽𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗲𝘁….”


WORSE AI can easily track individuals given enough computing hardware.

ESP if the Cabal reduces the population to less than a billion.


Yes! As gatekeeper of the internet it will greet us public venues to scan facial features. It will rewrite history for generations who don’t recall the facts . It will subtly teach impressionable people or children the emotional responses they should have about any subject.
Like splitting the atom and any other great feat it will be used for bad not good

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AI was being used against us on Twitter for years – Q said as much, and I ran into the bots when I started digging into the NPR media hoax by activist Gugino and “journalist” Desmond.

There were these influence bots that seemed to come out of nowhere that revealed themselves as programs by their behaviors. This is exactly what Q was talking about with Google helping to enforce narratives on social media.


OMG – your description had me cracking up. Thank God I didn’t have to read it aloud; I would have failed.

Cuppa Covfefe

John McCormack (the great Irish Tenor) versus Bing would have really sent the AI “copilot” into the weeds…

Seems AI, like most programs, is a function of its programmers’ and “fact”-stuffers’ backgrounds, environments, and abilitites (or lack thereof)….

Inexpert systems, one might say…..


Just for fun….

Perhaps a limerick with, Joe Biden is a Vegetable.

Or, Joe Biden with Dementia.

Joe Biden, Head of the Biden Crime Family.

All sorts of fun can be had. 😂😅 😂

Cuppa Covfefe

Joe, Hoe, and Blow…
The white lines of power…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I ran a test to see if she would choose the word vegetable – here’s what she did.

Ava – I need a limerick about Joe Biden and Brussels sprouts.

Of course! Here’s a limerick for you:

Joe Biden, a man with great might,
Loves Brussels sprouts, a tasty delight.
With every small bite,
He’d fill with delight,
In the garden of veggies, he’d fight.

I hope this limerick brings a smile to your face, and please let me know if you need any further writing assistance!



To me it looks like the “sarcastic load” is mostly distributed between verses 1 and 5.

And it did bring a smile to my face. Coulda been bigger, but good enough.


Notice the improvement over Microsloth Bob and Mr Clippit.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, that horrible clip.

Cuppa Covfefe

He should’ve stayed away from Hunter… 🙂

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


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This one is FULL of imagery. The reporter under the bed is Pierre Poilievre, “a Canadian politician who has served as the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and the leader of the Official Opposition since 2022. He has been a member of Parliament (MP) since 2004″ (source: Wiki). The woman is Tamara Lich. How Tamara Lich came to represent the ‘Freedom Convoy’ movement

Sep 3, 2023  To her fans, Tamara Lich is a proud Canadian and a lioness of the movement behind the ‘Freedom Convoy’ protests. To the Crown, she is a …

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –


Cartoon published 01/29/2024

We’ve received many requests from people to draw cartoons pertaining to events in Canada. The requesters especially want to see me lambast Trudeau. He has become just as despised as Joe Biden is here in America. I have drawn many cartoons featuring the bastard son of Fidel Castro, but it has been a while since we’ve published another one. So here it is.


Early last year I received a commission from a Canadian who likes our cartoons. He remembered the ones I drew a long time ago and suggested I utilize some of the imagery from them. So I did.

Here we see the racist two-faced Trudeau in his cottage—a place where he retreats from problems and smokes weed. However, his nightmares don’t go away and his adversaries have set Trudeau’s head spinning. Many Americans might not know what’s going on here—not exactly, but Canadians will know and this cartoon is for them.

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Never Miss A New Cartoon! Sign Up Today For Our GrrrNEWS cartoon newsletter-It’s Free and Easy!

A final note: Right after I finished this cartoon last spring, it was put on the back burner for seven months, that’s why the twitter bird is featured instead of “X.” Musk had not yet changed the name when this was drawn.

Thank you very much to our Canadian commissioner and supporter and best wishes to all of our Canadian friends — especially our northern neighbors in Alberta.

— Ben Garrison

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



…drawn many cartoons featuring the bastard son of Fidel Castro,…

Several days ago, a tucker video posted here QTree.

Tucker slipped in a one liner. Something like… Trudeau ought to go to Cuba.

Not so subtle reference to the bastard son, of Fidel. Product of his Mama’s quickie.

Gail Combs

He really does look like his father.


We really don’t know if it was a quickie. Could have been an ongoing thing.

Either one is believable.

BTW, a bastard is a child born with no father; i.e., single female. Legally, he is Pierre’s son. Not a bastard. Any child born inside a marriage is legitimate regardless of who the biological father is.

That’s one big reason that male sex chasers sought out married females for affairs [as opposed to unmarried females] – no danger of uncomfortable questions about paternity. If she turned up preggers, no biggie. Came to be known as the backdoor man – he entered and exited that way so as not to be seen by nosy neighbors.

Valerie Curren

possible AI created pic???


Illegals Caught !

NG sends ’em back across the river

Eagle Pass, Texas..


investigative reporter Jonathan Lee Riches spotted them and alerted NG.

snakes in the grass !

a LOT of high weeds there, perfect hiding places.

doesn’t seem forceful enough, imo….they can easily scurry back, it’s a long open border.

but…that’s 4 down…only 30 million more to go !


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^^^ THAT should be spoken in Congress.

Say the quiet part, Out Loud. Be Truthful. Honest.


I’m going to say something truthful ! I’m sick of politicians using everything to beg $$$ from us for doing the things they should be doing anyway.
I’ve gotten numerous texts, the latest from Noem, blathering on about ‘ if she had to she would load razor wire in her pickup to take down to Tx’. Please donate.

They all manage to scrounge up millions for everything else so scrounge up for that. I’m sick of all of them asking for my money. We’re trying to survive. We’re spending money on prepping, on fighting off the diseases the govt is unleashing and on the ever rising daily expenses.

The Pols should use their position and power to fight the corruption. Money from us doesn’t help them stand up in the halls of power and demand change.

Last edited 11 months ago by mollypitcher5
Barb Meier

I just mark those as junk and move on. I get a lot of emails from odd sender domains like gopactionalert, proudrep, and others. Who the heck is that? I’ve done nothing to sign up for email from any of them. Just because they use politicians names and conservative sounding domains does not mean they are connected. It is probably all just spam. It is a good sign that Ronna needs a $10 million loan for the GOP, probably for more work on those fat lips.


Usually i delete without reading but it’s getting obnoxious.


if she had to she would load razor wire in her pickup to take down to Tx’

Please. That’s the second time I’ve read that she said that. IMO, this, as well as Haley’s references to her high heels, are “look at me” statements.

Just do it. Get a camera crew, load barbed wire into your pickup truck, and drive to Texas. You can ask for donations all along the way. But stop drawing attention to yourself.


I just got ANOTHER text message from my CONgresscritter Steve Womack (Arkansas)….
I replied AGAIN: RINO!




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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What new satanic and pedophilic horror will there be this year???!!!


I don’t even know who is performing, but I doubt it will be Donnie Osmond.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Yeah, not unless he’s the sacrificial victim!




Watch the Super Bowl?

Nah. Don’t give a damn about N F L, anything. <<< Fuck Them.

Gail Combs

What Super bowl???



Gail Combs

I haven’t watch that stuff since freshmen yr in college when we were required to be part of the RAH,RAH,RAh squad. Flash cards and all that rot.


A season football ticket was part of the fees we had to pay as an incoming university freshman (1963). I went to one game, yes, with all the stand up sit down crap, and never went to another.


you might appreciate this (1950s)…

Cuppa Covfefe

When I was at USC, we had a great card stunt coordinator (and section). There was a game where a couple of ads needed to be inserted, so a few of the student “jabs” at the opponent (in this case, UCLA) needed to be deleted.

The five stunts were (in order)


Anyone guess which one remained after the deletions? 😆

The sportscast of the game QUICKLY switched away from “WESTWOOD SUCKS”… Pity… they were hiding the truth even back then 😀

Gail Combs

Yeah, someone got in and re-arranged our cards. I do not remember what it actually said but it was a real OOPS and had the coordinator screaming.

Cuppa Covfefe

Isn’t that the one with the Ty-D-Bowl man???

Last edited 11 months ago by Cuppa Covfefe

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I have no idea whether this is a credible report.

Laura Loomer:

SCOOP: Ronna Romney @GOPChairwoman may announce her resignation at the RNC Winter Meeting in Nevada this week.

She is planning to announce her resignation in Nevada this week to sell her $10 million credit line idea to the 168 RNC members as a way to save face with the Trump campaign by telling them she officially plans to step down AFTER the July 2024 RNC convention in Wisconsin. She wants to buy herself 5 extra months of sabotage.

She knows she’s done. But she is trying to walk out in the least embarrassing way possible.

The $10 Million credit line is basically a last ditch effort by the RINOs at the RNC to try to control Trump’s campaign and hiring going into 2024 by pretending to fund the election.

It’s just not worth it. We can’t allow the RNC to have any influence over any hiring going into 2024.

The RNC hates Trump and we have to protect Donald Trump.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, not sure if this is real, or firing a dummy round over the bow of Ronna’s ship to make her change course.


DJT doesn’t need $10 million from anybody, he has more than that lost in his couch cushions.

Even if he was down to his last billion dollars, and even if he was only making a 4% return on investment, that would be $40 million.

Why would DJT let the traitors have ANY control over his campaign, for ANY amount of money, which he doesn’t (and never has) needed?

He wouldn’t.

Last edited 11 months ago by scott467

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Has anybody seen any guillotines?

Robert Baker

If I were a French eurocrat that would definitely get my attention.

Cuppa Covfefe

Paris is surrounded now; all eight freeways leading in/out are blocked. According to various surveys, 97 percent of the French people support the farmers. The Germans are around 80-90 percent right now (they’re a little slow, but catching up)…

What’s good about the French protests, too, is that they are bringing the EU’s ridiculous, draconian rules into focus, as they, in the long run, are FAR more damaging than the tax increases, which are unfair and excessive as well…

And the French aren’t bashful about spraying and dumping their opinions on public buildings, in particular the land manglement and government ones 😀


“Paris is surrounded now; all eight freeways leading in/out are blocked.”


Whose lives does this disrupt?

The political-class and leadership can use military helicopters to go wherever they want to go, whenever they want to go, and they can use those same helicopters to have any supplies they need (food, clothing, prostitutes) flown in.


“According to various surveys, 97 percent of the French people support the farmers. The Germans are around 80-90 percent right now (they’re a little slow, but catching up)…”


That’s good, broad unity is essential, but not sufficient.


“What’s good about the French protests, too, is that they are bringing the EU’s ridiculous, draconian rules into focus, as they, in the long run, are FAR more damaging than the tax increases, which are unfair and excessive as well…”


The problem, as always, is that the People have no leverage. The leadership doesn’t care about France, they’re globalists. They hate France, and they hate the People of France.

So go ahead, burn down Paris. There won’t be any politicians wringing their hands in despair, they’ll be shouting ‘burn baby, burn!’

No leverage. The leadership doesn’t care if the People destroy France, in fact, that would just be doing the globalists’ work for them. The more infrastructure that is destroyed, the harder it will be on the People, but it won’t bother the political-class at all, because they have (or have access to) infinite resources.

And the E.U. cares even less about France than the French leadership does, just as the E.U. cares even less about Germany than the German leadership does.

So there is no leverage against the leadership, when the leadership hates the country they lead.

Does Obama feel bad about America in decline, which he has steadfastly worked to bring about?

Of course not, he loves it.


“And the French aren’t bashful about spraying and dumping their opinions on public buildings, in particular the land manglement and government ones”


That’s all very well and good for public morale and snickering, but the leadership doesn’t care a whit about those public buildings.

This is part of the disconnect.

Those buildings don’t mean anything at all to the leadership. They probably hate those buildings, and all the Western history they stand for. No one enjoys seeing those buildings sprayed with manure more than the people who hate France the most, which is the leadership and the political-class. No different than our own leadership and political-class hate America.

And besides all that, the political-class and political leadership has done infinitely worse to their own countries than anything the People could possibly do.

They have exfiltrated the wealth of the countries they rule like robbers stealing from a piggy bank. They have destroyed the lives of the People over whom they rule with an iron fist. They did it little by little. Exporting jobs, importing inflation, debasing the currency, importing barbarian hordes for replacement of the domestic population, using police and courts to throw the book at citizens and do nothing to the foreign invaders, etc.

What would such destroyers of nations care about the peasants spraying a little manure on some decrepit relic of Western architecture?

Spray on.

Or burn it all down, that would please the leadership even more.

No leverage.

This is what happens when you have enemies leading the government, instead of patriots.

Enemies in positions of leadership want the People to destroy the country.

Go ahead.

Make their day.

Last edited 11 months ago by scott467
Cuppa Covfefe

So, what are YOU going to do?

Other than say “nothing works”…


The first thing I would not do is waste resources on things which can’t work.

The second thing I would not do is attempt any of this during winter, because all of the People will necessarily be exposed to the elements, while the enemy leadership and all their pawns are warm and dry.

If the People literally filled the streets of Paris or Germany like the People of Brazil did in their squandered and lost opportunity, they might consider burning down every public building in the capital city — and in every other major city, for that matter.

The French (and German) Supreme Court, the French (and German) Parliament buildings, the French (and German) equivalent of C-I-A and FIB buildings, every last symbol of tyrannical oppression.

The firefighters could not get through the crowds to put out the fires even if they wanted to, which they wouldn’t, because the firefighters are with the People.

And if the streets were literally filled with MILLIONS of People, as they were in Brazil, the French military would be useless against them, unless they were willing to firebomb their own population from the air — which would be signing their own death warrant, the nation would be ungovernable and the leadership would have to flee for their lives, unless the government became an openly totalitarian dictatorship that was willing to commit genocide against their own People.

And while that is clearly the end-game objective, they can’t do it in a situation like the one described above, because all of the other Western nations would see it and realize they were next, and become ungovernable before TCTB are ready.

Burning down every public building in Paris (or Germany) denies the occupying enemy forces any base of operations, and denies them the trappings of legitimacy.

If the People are lucky, most of the criminals and traitors are inside the buildings, and go with them.

So you always ask “what would you do?”

I’m not doing anything.

But if was, I wouldn’t waste time and resources on things that can’t work.

And I wouldn’t lie to myself that anything could be accomplished without the use of force. The enemy certainly doesn’t tell themselves that lie, not once, not ever. The only way tyranny retains power is by the use of force.

But the People love that lie. It’s the BIG LIE that the People of the West want to believe. I don’t know what kind of happy hippy Boomer bullshit that is, or why it has infected so many of their minds like a virus, or why they think they can gaslight everyone else into believing their fantasy of overthrowing tyranny with peaceful protest.

I always ask if there is a single example in the history of the whole world where peaceful protest has overthrown tyranny. All we need is one successful example. No need to reinvent the wheel, just find the solitary example where it has ever worked, and COPY it.

Copy it EXACTLY.

But it hasn’t ever worked, not anywhere, not ever, or someone would have gleefully jumped at the opportunity to prove me wrong, long before now.

The only reason tyrannical governments tolerate peaceful protest is because tyrannical governments have nothing to fear from peaceful protest.

There’s a lesson hiding in that, somewhere…

Last edited 11 months ago by scott467
Cuppa Covfefe

Farmers WORK during the summer; they don’t do so much during the winter, which is why they are available to protest right now.

You’re thinking just like the elites…

And Paris, Toulouse, and other cities in France ARE down. Whether you believe it or not.


“Farmers WORK during the summer; they don’t do so much during the winter, which is why they are available to protest right now.”


I am sorry if the revolution doesn’t fit their schedule.


“You’re thinking just like the elites…”


I was thinking of the well-being of the strikers and protesters.

Pretty sure the elites aren’t


“And Paris, Toulouse, and other cities in France ARE down. Whether you believe it or not.”


So what?

As a practical reality, who do you think is suffering more — Mini Macron, or the People of Paris and the other cities?


What would be even more historic is if, for some reason, such a protest actually accomplished the expressed purpose.

Until or unless proven otherwise, these ‘protests’ are mostly an exercise in the public discovering what doesn’t work.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the government that encouraged the strike, just to wear the People down and demonstrate how futile their efforts really are.

But I could be wrong.

I would certainly like to be wrong.

I just can’t follow the logic.

Protests, strikes, etc. are intended to disrupt, to cause financial pain, which in turn is supposed to cause political pain, which in turn (it is hoped) will force the all-powerful State to capitulate to the demands of the serfs.

I’m just not sure why People actually believe it will play out that way.

Any disruption or pain will only be suffered by the People themselves, and the totalitarian State will blame the strikers and protesters for all of the pain and disruption the People are experiencing.

The strikes and protests never cause any disruption or financial pain to the political-class, their nests are feathered all the way to Jupiter and back. So they’ll be more than fine, for decades if necessary — far longer than the protesters and strikers could ever dream of lasting.

Sooner or later, the protesters and strikers will:

1) run out of money
2) run out of food
3) run out of fuel
4) run out of motivation

Because no matter how long the protesters and strikers can last, even enduring incredible hardship in the process, the political-class can last decades longer, in absolute luxury. They can even go on taxpayer funded vacations all over the world, while the protesters and strikers suffer.

Whenever the State gets tired of the disruption, after they let the People sufficiently wear themselves out and deplete their limited resources, the State can deploy their monopoly on the use of violence to end the protests and strikes.

And if the protesters and strikers engage in violence first, that gives the tyrannical State the excuse to use their vastly superior arsenal and trained forces to deploy military grade cans of Whoop-Ass on their own population.

But for some reason, the People don’t (can’t, won’t?) understand any of these basic dynamics, so they keep doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.

Last edited 11 months ago by scott467
Cuppa Covfefe

Do you follow the news over here? The alt media? The reactions of the government to what the protestors are doing?

I’ve lived in the EU for almost 40 years now, and adding business trips to that, 45 years. And the French, more than most, have accomplished much with their strikes.

Black pills help no-one.


“I’ve lived in the EU for almost 40 years now, and adding business trips to that, 45 years. And the French, more than most, have accomplished much with their strikes.”



If they have accomplished so much, then things should be great, or at least pretty good.

If things are going so well for the People of France (and Germany), then what on earth would they need to be striking for now?

Last edited 11 months ago by scott467

“Black pills help no-one.”


Exposing a fantasy as a fantasy isn’t intended to be a black pill, it is intended to wake someone up to the reality that whatever it is that they’re doing will never accomplish their desired result.

Because until or unless they stop doing things that cannot work, they will never redirect their efforts to things that actually will work.


This is from NPR, but hey, it’s information (from 1/26/24).

Here’s how to tell if your next flight is on a Boeing 737 Max 9

Which carriers fly the Max 9?

United and Alaska are the two U.S. carriers of the 737 Max 9, and account for about two-thirds of 215 models in service worldwide, according to Cirium, an airline analytics company. United has 79 of them in its fleet, and Alaska operates 65. 

The other airlines that fly the plane are Panama’s Copa Airlines, Aeromexico, Turkish Airlines, Icelandair, Flydubai and SCAT Airlines in Kazakhstan.

How soon will they be back in the air? 

Alaska Airlines said in a statement on Wednesday that it expects the first of its Max 9 aircrafts to return to passenger service on Friday. And in a letter to United employees this week, the company’s chief operating officer, Toby Enqvist, said the carrier was preparing “to return to scheduled service beginning on Sunday.” 

Checking your flight status

“There’s always a subset of the flying public that is particularly concerned about incidents like this, and it affects their individual choices,” says aviation consultant Robert Ditchey. “People have lost confidence in Boeing in general.” 

If you want to find out if your next flight is on a Max 9, Ditchey says the booking site Kayak just introduced a way in which ticket buyers can eliminate and exclude the Max 9 from their search. After searching for their desired flight, users can uncheck the Max 9 model from their search results. 

Websites such as FlightAware also include plane information for specific flights. But it’s important to remember that the plane you are scheduled to fly on is always subject to change, says FlightAware spokesperson and former airline pilot Kathleen Bangs. 

“Airlines can last minute substitute aircraft at any time for a wide variety of reasons from maintenance to weight limitations,” says Bangs.

Can I change my flight to avoid a Max 9? 

Passengers can also find out what particular model of airplane they’ll be flying when they book their ticket directly on the Alaska or United sites.

According to the Alaska airlines website, passengers can check the aircraft type by looking at the “Details” tab when booking a flight on Once the flight is booked, the model is listed on the customer reservation under “Flight Details.” 

If a passenger prefers not to fly on a 737 9 Max, the airline currently points to a Flexible Travel Policy that is in place through Jan. 31 for passengers to make other travel arrangements. 

“For guests who are not comfortable flying on a 737-9 MAX right now, we’ll work with them,” reads the website. “If they request it, we can move them to a different flight on another aircraft. We take great pride in our customer service and want everyone to have a great flight.”

The airline says it will be extending its travel waiver through Feb. 2 shortly. 

“After that, guests can call our Reservations team and we’ll put them on a different flight without an additional charge, which includes our Saver fares,” an Alaska spokesperson told NPR.


For United, passengers can typically find out the model plane that they’ll be traveling on when they go through the flight booking process — either online or through the United mobile app. 

“We’ll work with customers directly to ensure they feel comfortable flying. If they wish to change their flight, we’ll move them onto the next available flight,” said a United spokesperson. 

The policy will be at no cost to passengers, but it’s unclear how long it will be in place. 

“I think we’ll wait to see how often it is used,” said a United spokesperson.


oopsie !

oh well…

nobody’s perfect



Cuppa Covfefe

It’s not just the doors and poor workmanship with the 737 MAX series (757 MAX as well?).

Because of the design kludge necessitated by the MUCH larger engines in the two-engine model (“for sustainability and lower CO² emissions, yadda-yadda-yadda), they are positioned in such a way that the nose of the plane tends downward without assistance from the electronic (there’s that AI again) guidance system.

Lose the electronics, or have a buggy program (like a few years back), you lose the plane (or at least have a heck of a time controlling it).

It should NEVER have been approved to fly, and Boeing pulled a fast one to get it certified… They’re NOT the Boeing they used to be…

Robert Baker

I think Boeing could solve all these design and assembly line problems with some new faces. I suggest they contact some of the NGOs operating at our southern border to get some qualified candidates. Something about build back better comes swimming to the surface of my mind.

Cuppa Covfefe

Then they’d have a real reason to complain about crocks in their systems… 😀

(Paging Gail… 🙂 )…..

Gail Combs

Ain’t interested, although I did get a very nice steak dinner out of Boeing…


 😀 …and I’m sure they’ve brought their qualification packet with them ready to assimilate into their new homeland. It’ll be a hot minute before so many talented and successful professionals in the horde settle into the fabric of the USA.  🙄 we’ve

Gail Combs

How can you say that with Haley on the board?

While serving on the board of Boeing in 2020, GOP presidential hopeful Nikki Haley opposed a transparency proposal designed to uncover whether the corporation had bought itself regulatory relief from federal safety officials….


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pat frederick

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pat frederick

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pat frederick

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My uncle (the Marine) once used the expression, “you could ruin a wet dream” while chewing someone out. That’s California for you.

Cuppa Covfefe

LA Times story….

SO THAT’S why they let the newsroom go…

pat frederick


It’s become so nonchalant about casualty stats. Three dead and thirty injured . Those thirty could have missing limbs, TBI, and any other life altering permanent damage.


Well, it’s not their kin. Empathy is in short supply, you know.

pat frederick

Laura Loomer
9h • 1 tweets • 2 min read •
Read on X

More craziness and weaponized justice in DC today as it relates to the trials of J6 defendants.

Reliable sources confirmed to me that during today’s Jury selection in the case of J6 defendant John George Todd llI, US District Judge Beryl Howell singled out a potential juror in a January 6th Case and asked them, “Are you offended by what happened that day? Because true patriotic Americans don’t do what they did on January 6th 2021.”

How can a jury be selected if the judge is poisoning the jury pool during jury selection!

J6’ers cannot get a fair trial in D.C. when even the Judges cannot keep their political biases to themselves.

Totally inappropriate behavior by US District Judge Beryl Howell, who has a history of making biased comments in favor of the Democrats.

In 2023, Congresswoman @EliseStefanik filed an official ethics complaint against Judge Howell after she gave an acceptance speech at the Women’s White Collar Defense Association awards banquet on Nov. 28 in Washington, D.C.

Rep. Elise Stefanik said Howell’s award acceptance speech implied a criticism of President Donald Trump for “authoritarianism” and that her speech blamed Trump for what she calls “encouraging the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol.”

Stefanik’s complaint, which was submitted to the D.C. Court of Appeals in 2023, cited Canon 2B of the Code of Judicial Conduct in saying, “Judge Howell’s speech is plainly inappropriate, consisting of partisan statements, election interference and improper extrajudicial statements while criminal cases are pending.”

Canon 2B says, “A judge should avoid lending the prestige of judicial office to advance the private interests of the judge or others.”

Stefanik’s 2023 complaint also said Howell “promoted the Democrat political campaign theme that the reelection of Donald Trump equates to America choosing authoritarianism. This is conduct unbecoming of a federal judge.”

Judge Howell is one of the main judges overseeing the J6 cases in DC where J6 defendants have all been DENIED venue changes.

@RepStefanik please get in touch with me, and I will connect you with the people who witnessed this in court today.

Gail Combs

Thanks for the Thread reader app.


Elise Stefanik for Trump’s VP.



Gail Combs

Agreed. Think Commander in Chief of the military.


Did defense counsel object? File a motion to recuse? Oh wait … it was a D.C. lawyer who is a member of the same social club as the judge.

Never mind.

Side note: why are these guys doing jury trials? A judge trial gets the accused written out reasons for the verdict, which makes it much easier to reverse on appeal.

Cuppa Covfefe

The Howling Barrel should be impeached and disbarred. She is a disgrace, and a traitor, and a stain on her profession.

pat frederick


This woman has craved fame for years, now she has her 15mins… the damage she has brought to us who actually suffered rape is unforgivable I truly hope she continues to rot which is evident how she looks

— Rachel (@HarleyFQuinn777) January 30, 2024

Gail Combs


Dec 05, 2017 12:09:40 AM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: cc0116 No. 34917 

RED RED 9/11.

Funds raised vs distributed?


7/10 plane CRASHes are targeted kills.

Those in the know never sleep.




was he piloting his plane ?

who was the pilot ?

did pilot survive?


He was the pilot. No survivors. And this crash happened quite some time ago AFAIK. Have no idea why it’s hitting the media now.


My impression is that some aspect of the lengthy investigation was just discovered (like the runway lights being off), but I’m not sure.

pat frederick

5 organizations that hand out maps to illegals on how to get to US:
doctors without borders, red cross, UN’s International Organization of Migration, Amigos Del Tren, R4V (refugees from Venezuela)

Gail Combs

ALL need to be INDICTED… Convicted… And then SENTENCED TO LIFE!!

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service – Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

LIRS, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, refugee, migrant, immigration, welcoming, welcome, asylum, justice, international…

We are a church that does God’s work in the world and in local communities pursuing justice, peace and human dignity for and with all people.

In partnership with Lutheran congregations and Lutheran social ministry organizations, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service has welcomed more than 379,000 refugees to the United States since 1939.

Catholic Charities — Immigration Services

Catholic Charities agencies provide care to our sisters and brothers, who often come to us in their time of greatest need. Our ministry to vulnerable people 𝗢𝗡 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗠𝗢𝗩𝗘 is a cornerstone of our Catholic identity.

8 U.S. Code § 1324 – Bringing in and harboring certain aliens — Cornell Law

(a)Criminal penalties(1)

(A)Any person who—

(i)knowing that a person is an alien, brings to or attempts to bring to the United States in any manner whatsoever such person at a place other than a designated port of entry or place other than as designated by the Commissioner, regardless of whether such alien has received prior official authorization to come to, enter, or reside in the United States and regardless of any future official action which may be taken with respect to such alien;

(ii)knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, 👉𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘀, 𝗼𝗿 𝗺𝗼𝘃𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗺𝗽𝘁𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝗼𝗿 𝗺𝗼𝘃𝗲 such alien within the United States by means of transportation or otherwise, in furtherance of such violation of law;

(iii)knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, 👉𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗮𝗹𝘀, 𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗯𝗼𝗿𝘀, 𝗼𝗿 𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗲𝗹𝗱𝘀 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗱𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻, 𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗺𝗽𝘁𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗮𝗹, 𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗯𝗼𝗿, 𝗼𝗿 𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗲𝗹𝗱 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗱𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻,such alien in any place, including any building or any means of transportation;

  :wpds_arrow: (iv)encourages or induces an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law; or

(I)engages in any conspiracy to commit any of the preceding acts, or
(II)aids or abets the commission of any of the preceding acts,
shall be punished as provided in subparagraph (B).
(B)A person who violates subparagraph (A) shall, for each alien in respect to whom such a violation occurs—
(i)in the case of a violation of subparagraph (A)(i) or (v)(I) or in the case of a violation of subparagraph (A)(ii), (iii), or (iv) in which the offense was done for the purpose of commercial advantage or private financial gain, be fined under title 18, imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both;
(ii)in the case of a violation of subparagraph (A)(ii), (iii), (iv), or (v)(II), be fined under title 18, imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both;
(iii)in the case of a violation of subparagraph (A)(i), (ii), (iii), (iv), or (v) during and in relation to which the person causes serious bodily injury (as defined in section 1365 of title 18) to, or places in jeopardy the life of, any person, be fined under title 18, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both; and

  :wpds_arrow: (iv)in the case of a violation of subparagraph (A)(i), (ii), (iii), (iv), or (v) 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘂𝗹𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵 𝗼𝗳 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻, 𝗯𝗲 𝗽𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗱𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵 𝗼𝗿 𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗺 𝗼𝗳 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀 𝗼𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲, fined under title 18, or both.

(C)It is not a violation of clauses [1] (ii) or (iii) of subparagraph (A), or of clause (iv) of subparagraph (A) except where a person encourages or induces an alien to come to or enter the United States, for a religious denomination having a bona fide nonprofit, religious organization in the United States, or the agents or officers of such denomination or organization, to encourage, invite, call, allow, or enable an alien who is present in the United States to perform the vocation of a minister or missionary for the denomination or organization in the United States as a volunteer who is not compensated as an employee, notwithstanding the provision of room, board, travel, medical assistance, and other basic living expenses, provided the minister or missionary has been a member of the denomination for at least one year.

(2)Any person who, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has not received prior official authorization to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, brings to or attempts to bring to the United States in any manner whatsoever, such alien, regardless of any official action which may later be taken with respect to such alien shall, for each alien in respect to whom a violation of this paragraph occurs

(A)be fined in accordance with title 18 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; or
(B)in the case of—

(i)an offense committed with the intent or with reason to believe that the alien unlawfully brought into the United States will commit an offense against the United States or any State punishable by imprisonment for more than 1 year,

(ii)an offense done for the purpose of commercial advantage or private financial gain, or

👉(iii)an offense in which the alien is not upon arrival immediately brought and presented to an appropriate immigration officer at a designated port of entry,
be fined under title 18 and shall be imprisoned, in the case of a first or second violation of subparagraph (B)(iii), not more than 10 years, in the case of a first or second violation of subparagraph (B)(i) or (B)(ii), not less than 3 nor more than 10 years, and for any other violation, not less than 5 nor more than 15 years.

(A)Any person who, during any 12-month period, knowingly hires for employment at least 10 individuals with actual knowledge that the individuals are aliens described in subparagraph (B) shall be fined under title 18 or imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or both.

(B)An alien described in this subparagraph is an alien who—

(i)is an unauthorized alien (as defined in section 1324a(h)(3) of this title), and

(ii)has been brought into the United States in violation of this subsection.

(4)In the case of a person who has brought aliens into the United States in violation of this subsection, the sentence otherwise provided for may be increased by up to 10 years if—

(A)the offense was part of an ongoing commercial organization or enterprise;

(B)aliens were transported in groups of 10 or more; and

(i)aliens were transported in a manner that endangered their lives; or
(ii)the aliens presented a life-threatening health risk to people in the United States….


pat frederick

h/t Filly
Our Take: “The ‘Take Our Border Back Convoy’ took off yesterday, heading to three border cities across three states. While the event website still has TBD locations for CA and AZ, the main event is in Texas, and it’s happening rain or shine.
I reached out to a friend who is deeply connected to the organizers of the event and, as expected, the media positioning of the event differs from the stated intent and plans.
First, the convoy is not actually going to the border. Event organizers have rented a private ranch with 240 acres upon which people will gather and protest. While the materials reference ‘Eagle Pass,’ the maps and routes direct convoy goers to the private ranch.
Second, no one associated with this event is referring to the effort as ‘The Army of God.’ Convoy organizer Dr. Pete Chambers mentioned that he joined God’s Army during an interview, and people associated with the event have talked about putting on the ‘Armor of God’ (see Ephesians), but positioning the convoy as ‘The Army of God’ is a media fabrication.
Third, despite the regime’s attempt to paint the protest as vigilantism, the stated intent of this gathering is a rally. It was described to me as a festival atmosphere with cookouts, bounce houses, live music, and high profile speakers. Many politicians and candidates are expected to attend, and there are rumors of big name music acts making appearances as well.
Moreover, my sources tell me that local law enforcement will be in plain clothes, along well as private security, to ensure the event remains peaceful. Provocateurs will be be detained and prosecuted by law enforcement. Additionally, the convoy is reportedly being escorted by National Guard forces.
Organizers expect over a million people to gather in Texas by Saturday, and they are confident that they are taking all available precautions to prevent a J6-style false flag event. The manner in which this event has come together, and the parties reportedly involved in its production, make the convoy distinctive from J6; but there are always risks when we gather, and participants need to have their heads on swivels.
The regime is desperate for a narrative change on the border, and I believe they will be attempting to achieve real world examples of ‘vigilantism’ that can pump their election year, anti-MAGA storylines. That said, our right to rally, protest, and redress our grievances is inalienable, but we can only keep that right if we exercise it.
I pray the organizers achieve their objectives, and that Americans at the border this week stay safe and renew their strength for the clown world year ahead. Godspeed.” — Ashe in America

Gail Combs

“…they are taking all available precautions to prevent a J6-style false flag event. 

…The regime is desperate for a narrative change on the border, and I believe they will be attempting to achieve real world examples of ‘vigilantism’ that can pump their election year, anti-MAGA storylines. That said, our right to rally, protest, and redress our grievances is inalienable, but we can only keep that right if we exercise it….”

Ashe in America is one of the Badlands Media group. Jon and others were very worried that another J 6th type FED FALSE FLAG event would occur.

Convoy organizer Dr. Pete Chambers, another Green Beret, is a good friend of Ivan Raklin. He was booted over the Covid Clot shots.

Dr Pete’s Website:

His last two Stateside deployments in Texas were as a liaison to Governor Gregg Abbott’s TASK FORCE during the Texas COVID response (2020) and most recently he deployed to the border of South Texas on Operation Lone Star as a Task Force Surgeon. (2021). He retired from service at the end of May, 2022 after he was pulled off orders when his command ordered him to stop informed consents. He refused an UNLAWFUL ORDER. He was stripped of benefits and pay and forced into retirement .

The court martial was conducted by none other than Alexander Vindman’s TWIN BROTHER, Yevgeny Vindman

{Remember that Wolfie suggested these were Commie imbeds transported to the USA.]

 Alexander Vindman, worked with Schiff to try to get Trump impeached in 2019 for putting a hold on Ukraine aid.

Daily Fail — ‘If what I tell you becomes public, POTUS will be impeached’: What Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman told brother after hearing Trump ‘crossing brightest of bright lines’ by asking Ukraine leader to investigate Bidens, his memoir reveals

  • Alexander Vindman revealed his twin brother was the first person he told about Donald Trump’s July 2019 call with Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky
  • Yevgeny Vindman was deputy legal adviser to the National Security Council
  • The twins, both veterans, had offices near each other at the White House
  • Alexander Vindman spoke to a handful of outlets ahead of his memoir release
  • He accused Trump of ‘extorting Ukraine to damage a political challenger at home and boost his own political fortunes’ for requesting a Biden investigation
  • Despite telling his brother Trump could be impeached Vindman claimed he had ‘no thoughts about this ever becoming public’ 


DC Weekly — The Vindman Vindictive: The Destruction of Readiness by Military Betrayal

In the midst of one of the worst recruiting droughts in recent military history, the U.S. Army will complete the betrayal of American trust begun by a JAG Lawyer by the name of Yevgeny Vindmin. Yes, that name sounds familiar because Yevgeny is the twin brother of Army Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman, the key witness in the 2019 impeachment trial of President Donald J. Trump.

After being fired by the Trump White House from a key position at the National Security Council, Yevgeny Vindman found a landing spot as the top lawyer for Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD, where the Army Public Health Center is located. Apparently out for vengeance for his perceived mal-treatment at the hands of the Trump Administration, he used his military position, his large social media following, and his command influence to push far-left political policies, particularly in the area of foreign relations and aggressive COVID-19 mitigation measures.

Not enough for him to simply encourage leftist policies, Vindman sought to punish service members under his charge who had religious objections and exercised their legal rights to refuse to go along with these leftist policies. The vindictive Vindman found his ideal victim in the form of one Lieutenant Mark Bashaw, an Army Public Health Officer stationed at the Army Public Health Center.


Good to know, thanks!

pat frederick

Gail Combs

It took a bit but I was able to finally get the rest of this tweet from D Pat’s article. I thought it might be important and I was correct.

ALL those people at those NGOs need to be INDICTED!


“Do your own research” – we have recently seen a few media outlets try to convince us that doing your own research leads to the wrong conclusions.

At this point having spent three weekends in #EaglePass I can without question say doing your own research is the only way to go.

It also leads to more questions which I think is a good thing.

Despite all I’ve seen over the past three weeks I still feel puzzled over what’s going on at our border. I know a lot more about the situation – and others are starting to take interest which is good – but there are still so many nagging questions.

This leads me to the research part.

  :wpds_arrow: Thanks to frens we now know there are over 100k NGO groups operating in Texas. Yes, over 100,000. Many of these groups are paid with your tax dollars. In some cases the allocation of money appears outlandish (I believe one or two small counties near the border have NGOs receiving almost $2 billion – still working on tracking down that money.


The point here is that anyone can do this – you may not always have the correct answers – but at least you can get engaged. Go out and check out your local town leadership or school board or water management group. What are they trying to hide? What have they hidden already? The more people we have doing this, the faster we can uncover the root issues and attempt proper resolution. I hate to sound cliche, but it really does all start with you. #actlocal





(I know there are so many more – but these 4 have been brilliant the past few weekends for us on the ground in Eagle Pass).

12:05 PM · Jan 29, 2024



Gail Combs

here is another important Tweet posted by D-Pat.

Brian Cates – Political Columnist & Pundit


Nobody looks too closely until AFTER the thing collapses.


**WHY** would you LOOK too CLOSELY?!

Take FTX.

A buncha college age kids, including head slob SBF, living in a FREAKING PENTHOUSE in a luxury hotel in the Bahamas scammed and grifted billions for several years and nobody caught on what they were doing?


It was a huge freaking money laundering operation.

They were protected.

Until suddenly….they WEREN’T.

Same thing is gonna happen to Tether. Just a question of when.…

7:07 AM · Jan 29, 2024


He refers to this article:

Revolver: FTX on Steroids: Is “Tether” the Biden World’s Crypto BCCI?

…These USD stablecoins are used on cryptocurrency exchanges to conduct on-the-blockchain trades in lieu of using actual U.S. dollars. Without stablecoins like Tether, the current crypto ecosystem simply would not exist. There are multiple USD stablecoins, but Tether is by far the most popular. According to, Tether has the third highest market cap of any crypto currency at $66 billion, trailing only Bitcoin and Ethereum. Today, fully half of all bitcoin trades globally are executed using Tether.

A year ago, crypto news site Protos summarized Tether this way…

I do not know enough about crypto or computers to comment.


No comment needed. Providing that info is more than enough.  🙂  😍 

Gail Combs

Someone has been reading here!

But is that a Salt Water Croc?

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Rio Grande isn’t salty. What’s your point?

Gail Combs

saltwater crocodiles can and do live in freshwater. In Australia, saltwater crocodileslive in both tidal freshwater areas and estuarine waters.

They are the largest croc LINK

This prehistoric beast has thrived by eating anything and everything that crosses its path, the world’s largest reptile- The Saltwater Crocodile

When saltwater crocodiles launch out of the water and clamp onto its prey, there’s virtually no escape. With its sturdy legs, power-generating tails, and some of the most bone-crushing jaws on the planet, these ferocious aquatic animals have been establishing its dominance in rivers since prehistoric times...

These aquatic animals use their powerful jaws to pull prey underwater long enough to drown it. These jaws can overpower panic 225-kilogram animals.

These aquatic animals are the smartest of all the reptiles, and they have the most well-developed cerebral cortex of any reptile. They’re a lot smarter than people think they are…

Saltwater crocodiles are classic ambush predators. These aquatic animals stalk silently and attack rapidly. Crocodiles are masters of their habitat. To hunt, they often just sit and wait…. They creep toward the prey and wait for them to come into their kill radius of two meters…. These Saltwater crocodiles explode out of the water at 12 meters per second. After an explosive surprise attack, a crocodile bites down with a bone-crushing force and dragging its victim into the water to drown it….

If there is a food supply I doubt saltwater crocs give a crap as to whether the water is salty or not. they exist in both.


I misunderstood.

I got distracted by the word saltwater and didn’t think about their ferocity.


Gail Combs

No Problem. I really do think they would help solve the crossing the Rio Grande problem.

Crocs, Graphic photos plus signs in a multitude of languages…

Esp if you could get photos of them attacking small boats. 😋


This is a project where CGI and AI could team up to produce pics and vids of croc attacks.

Gail Combs

  :wpds_wink:  Just add some tall tales by the locals and it’s all good.

Last edited 11 months ago by Gail Combs

Moon over the mountain. Wow!

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pat frederick

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Reported last night. Vids in this are rather good. Interesting too that after 1-2 of these sorts events happening every week for months on end, that they suddenly stopped. Then begin again in the middle of the Texas Border flap. Or is it something to do with California culling lots of chickens? Often these type disasters seem to serve moar than one purpose.
Massive Fire Engulfs Feather Crest Farm Chicken Plant in Texas, Reportedly Following Large Explosion (VIDEO)
Jim Hᴏft Jan. 29, 2024 8:20 pm 727 Comments

US: California Poultry Farms Grapple with Avian Flu Outbreak … – News18 3 days ago In California, the outbreak has impacted more than 7 million chickens in about 40 commercial flocks and 24 backyard flocks, with most of the outbreaks occurring over the past two months on the North Coast and Central Valley, according to the USDA.



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these, especially for the Philippians 4:6-7. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.


Today’s COVID-19 “vaccines” bombshell, courtesy of Steve Kirsch:
via Steve Kirsch
Yours Truly: Mr. Kirsch did an analysis of all VAERS reports regarding dementia as a result of vaccines — all vaccines. The result: It’s the COVID-19 “vaccines” that cause dementia.
Recall, also, that there is a anywhere between a 40% – 99% “report deficit” regarding VAERS. Given this, it is fair to posit that the incidence of COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced dementia may be far higher than the number that Mr. Kirsch found (998 cases,)
*** One of the causes of nerve / brain / neurological disorders, INCLUDING dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Lewy Body Dementia, is DEMYELINATION.
DEMYELINATION occurs when the MYELIN sheath (the “protector sheath” for nerve cells) is damaged or destroyed. DEMYELINATION can occur in nerves in the muscles, the spinal cord, OR THE BRAIN.
*** Demyelination is listed on page 3 of the APPENDIX 1. LIST OF ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST in the document that Pfizer-BioNTech gave to the FDA on 30 April 2021 regarding the company’s “flagship” COVID-19 modRNA “vaccine”, BNT162b2. The document is found here:
This means that on 30 April 2021, the FDA KNEW that BNT162b2 can cause demyelination of nerve cells in a “vaccinated” person — but the agency did NOT pull the “vaccine” off the market.

Yours Truly will point out that the ingredients of BNT162b2 (although in smaller amounts) are STILL present in the company’s current “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine.”
Also — the Moderna modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” use the same type of modRNA in that company’s COVID-19 “vaccines” (the “flagship” COVID-19 “vaccine”, mRNA-1273; and also in that company’s “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine.”)

There are, in addition, papers reporting neurological demyelination diseases that occur in persons who have a COVID-19 DNA / viral vector “vaccine” in their bodies. This would include persons who took the (now-removed in the U.S.) Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 “vaccine”; and the Oxford / AstraZeneca COVID-19 “vaccines” that are still in use in other countries.

Here’s a chart from Mr. Kirsch’s article:

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I have thought for a long time now that the heart attacks that young people are having, where the heart can’t be restarted, are because of some sort of effect on the electrical impulses of the heart muscle. This is probably related in some way to what is described by Kirsch here.


You’re probably right. The vids of any that I’ve seen captured of sports players collapsing it’s instantaneous. They just fall to the ground. No obvious pain. Boom..down


And they can’t “jumpstart” their hearts, even when the medics are immediately on scene.

pat frederick

wonder how they got Damar Hamlin’s working again…and so good he “returned” to football…


You know, I don’t know. Maybe some people have a different kind of damage, more cardiovascular than electrical?


That makes sense.

Gail Combs

I think different batches had different ingredients.

Explains the ‘Hot’ batches.

Uh, That’s Not A Conspiracy Theory

Guest Post by Karl Denninger

There is an article floating around from The Expose that makes an explosive claim: There is a wildly statistically-significant skew in the death rate from Covid-19 vaccines by lot number.

What originally got my attention was the tinfoil hat crowd screaming about lots being intentionally distributed to certain people to kill them — in other words certain Covid-19 vaccine lots were for all intents and purposes poisoned. That was wildly unlikely so I set out to disprove it and apply some broom handles to the tinfoil hatters heads. What I found, however, was both interesting and deeply disturbing.

Lots are quite large, especially when you’re dealing with 200 million people and 400 million doses. Assuming the lots are not preferentially assigned to certain cohorts (e.g. one goes to all nursing homes, etc) adverse reactions should thus be normally distributed between lots; if they’re not one of these things is almost-certainly true…


That makes a lot of sense.

Gail Combs

It explains why we get conflicting reports on the vaccine vials that are analysed too.

I think it was one giant EXPERIMENT with Humans as test subjects.


I agree.


The nerves generally work like a kind of waveguide or cable, a coaxial structure with the nerve cell fiber itself in the middle, surrounded by the myelin sheath. If this sheath is damaged, the signals to be transported along the nerve fiber will «leak» out, be attenuated, and lost. If the nerve is a motor neuron, the muscle fiber at the end of it will no longer get the signal that tells it to contract.

The heart has a number of muscle fibers driven by some motor neurons, with careful timing signals, as generated in the so-called sinus node, a local set of neurons that works as its pacemaker. If the myelin sheath of these is damaged or lost, the whole circuitry falls apart, and the electrical impulses stop, as Aubergine noted.

And since the circuitry is no longer intact, the chances of re-starting are very slim.


Which makes that football field re-start all the more miraculous.


Indeed. The damage might have been to some other structures in the heart in that case, perhaps some of the muscles themselves, as with the more ordinary infarct.


Good explanation! Thanks!

Cuppa Covfefe

The clot shot also causes damage to nerve sheaths.

The conductive system of the heart is special tissue, unique to the heart, and cannot be recovered (although there are efforts underway to find a way to regrow that tissue). In some people that tissue actually grows too well, or in the wrong places, causing conduction abnormalities like WPW (Wolff-Parkinson-White) Syndrome, where alternate conduction pathways show up, sometimes multiple ones (more common in males). These can be ablated, if they are not too close to the main conduction bundle, in which case cryo can possibly be used. BUT, if the conduction pathway is damaged or destroyed, a pacemaker (or sometimes, DeFi) must be implanted…

If there’s a total conduction block, there’s not much time to diagnose it, let alone repair it (or implant a pacemaker).

[My son had WPW and two ablations, so we’ve learned about this from a number of specialists over here. The procedures and equipment they have is incredible: one example of where the medical profession has done great work. Back in the 1980s my sister had the procedure for WPW and it was open-heart-surgery then. Now, it’s just computer-guided micro-surgery, but not yet at the “Fantastic Voyage” level… probably just as well… Look up WPW ablation or paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia… The clot shot makes the complex and/or alternate paths that much worse…]…

Lots of “wires” the clot shot can mess up, e.g.

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Yep. That crap screwed up the human body real bad.

Gail Combs

They KNEW…

A systematic review of cases of CNS demyelination following COVID-19 vaccinationJournal of Neuroimmunology. Published:November 09, 2021

  • A systematic review of cases of CNS demyelination in association with COVID-19 vaccines until September 30, 2021. 
  • A total of 32 cases were identified, following all types of approved vaccines, with the majority after the first dose.
  • The mRNA-based vaccines resulted in the greatest number of demyelination, followed by viral vector, and inactivated vaccines.

Gail Combs
Yes, they knew.
IMO, a fair argument can be made that the ingredients and mechanisms of ALL types of the COVID-19 “vaccines” can CAUSE demyelination, AND/OR aggravate already-existing conditions caused by demyelination, in “vaccinated” persons.

Gail Combs

Sounds like the Clot Shot was a multi-prong slow poison. We do know they were experimenting with different dosages too.


It’s the COVID-19 “vaccines” that cause dementia.

Then we can expect a sharp rise in dementia cases over the coming years, with implications for all of society and for health care facilities and increasing numbers of workers needed. Dementia patients are among the most difficult to care for, and they can be abused with no one the wiser because they can’t speak for themselves. It’s a sad situation.


And the increasing number of healthcare workers that will be required will itself be compromised by increasing numbers of COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced damages /deaths in this group of employees.

Gail Combs

The Deagel Report: U.S. Population Reduction of 68.5% by 2025 by PAVACA
Maybe not by 2025, but it looks like by 2030.


What I done been sayin’:

“A recent article pointed out that soaring malpractice insurance premiums for clinics that provide puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgical procedures to minors are becoming an obstacle to those who profit from inflicting irreparable harm on struggling adolescents under the misleading name of “gender-affirming care.” This is welcome news to those of us old enough to remember a time when passing a high school anatomy class required mastering the concept that men are post-pubescent homo sapiens with XY chromosomes and women are those with XX chromosomes.

Since 1776, when Adam Smith first introduced the “invisible hand” of economics in his Wealth of Nations, generation after generation has witnessed its effect on human behavior. If basic biology, the Hippocratic oath, or the theological and natural law viewpoint of mankind as image-bearers of God won’t put an end to doctors compounding the suffering of vulnerable teens by turning them into life-long patients, perhaps economic self-interest will.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy





So … the love of money is the root of evil and also a propellant for good. Isn’t it fascinating how our Father put this place together?




Huge column of black smoke rises over burning chicken farm in Texas as officials warn the inferno will take days to extinguish – with locals told to stop pulling over to take photos

Gail Combs

I am going to repost this:


Less than a minute)

PLANNED FAMINE: US government has been paying farmers to destroy crops and livestock for YEARS — 04/01/2022 

Sept 2022 — Here is the Updated List of US-Based Food Manufacturing Plants Destroyed Under Biden Regime – Interactive Map

Update 10/23: US Food Insecurity Crisis Erupts: 17 Million Households Starving, Highest In 11 Years

1900 food companies destroyed in USA. Famine is Coming.

Barb Meier

Thanks Dora! Daily Mail has photos and a short video. They say the buildings are metal and might explode. I’m not so sure about that part, but it is a huge fire. They say they have 11 million chickens and ship 9 million eggs daily. The wind was blowing away from the huge cattle farm next door and the cows seem unfased. It looks like they have many more chicken buildings not on fire and no people have been hurt (yay!) The three men who own and run the chicken farm look like father and two sons and seem like Americans.

Gail Combs

I keep thinking of the guy Rocky found tossing lighted matches into his hay in order to burn down his barn. He trained and raised race horses.

Rocky died about a week later…

Last edited 11 months ago by Gail Combs
pat frederick

Kentucky can’t fund $40M in road repairs

Gail Combs

They spent the money on illegals instead. The money spent on dealing with the illegals has to come from somewhere.

The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers | 2023 Cost Study

  • At the start of 2023, the net cost of illegal immigration for the United States – at the federal, 𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗧𝗘, and local levels – was at least $150.7 billion.
  • FAIR arrived at this number by subtracting the tax revenue paid by illegal aliens – just under $32 billion – from the gross negative economic impact of illegal immigration, $182 billion.
  • In 2017, the estimated net cost of illegal migration was approximately $116 billion. In just 5 years, the cost to Americans has increased by nearly $35 billion.
  • Illegal immigration costs each American taxpayer $1,156 per year ($957 after factoring in taxes paid by illegal aliens).
  • Each illegal alien or U.S.-born child of illegal aliens costs the U.S. $8,776 annually.
  • Evidence shows that tax payments by illegal aliens cover only around a sixth of the costs they create at all levels in this country.
  • A large percentage of illegal aliens who work in the underground economy frequently avoid paying any income tax at all.
  • Many illegal aliens actually receive a net cash profit through refundable tax credit programs.



Higher Ed Immigration Portal


This state page integrates student data, economic contributions, state policies, effective practices, and other resources to learn about and better support the state’s undocumented, other immigrant, and international students in higher education.

  :wpds_arrow: We classify Kentucky as a Accessible state in terms of inclusive in-state tuition and state financial aid policies for undocumented students. The Portal tracks state policies for undocumented students on in-state tuition, state financial aid, professional and occupational licensure, and driver license…

Undocumented Immigrants in State = 42,741 [HOW IN HADES DO THEY KNOW THIS?]

Undocumented Students in Higher Education = 3,031

pat frederick

unless every Kentucky student resident get to go to school for free…they shouldn’t be spending one plug nickel for illegals! they are DRAWING illegals to their state


Oh fani…. pay attenyion.
Another corrupt bf gettin her reparations.

rBREAKING NEWSSquad member Cori Bush under criminal investigation by the Department of Justice for allegedly misusing funds meant for private security: Democrat married one of her bodyguards

Squad progressive Rep. Cori Bush is under investigation by the Justice Department for allegedly misusing government funds meant for private security.
Punchbowl News first reported that DOJ is conducting the criminal probe into Bush. 
On Monday, the Justice Department subpoenaed the House Sergeant at Arms for records related to the misuse of federal security money. 
Bush has spent $756,000 on security since she was elected in 2020, her largest expenditure by far. 
A watchdog has demanded the Federal Election Commission (FEC) investigate the $62,000 Rep. Cori Bush paid her now-husband as a security guard from her campaign account.
The nonpartisan Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT) asked FEC acting general counsel Lisa Stevenson to look into whether Squad member and BLM activist Bush ‘used campaign funds for personal use.’
It was recently revealed that Bush, D-Mo., married Cortney Merritts in a private ceremony in early 2023. In 2022 he was on the payroll of her re-election campaign.

pat frederick

i was just going to bring this!
seems while paying hubby–she ALSO paid other security firms–who needs that much protection?


Just laundering the cash…


Notice how they’re going after other donkeys. Must be an election year.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great catch.

“We’re even-handed. You can believe the next Trump-controlling hoax if we have to accept a Trump presidency to dodge a civil war.”

Cuppa Covfefe

Donkey Kong… or Donkey Oatie…


Yes. Now the harvard dei bf is a plagiarist and a fraud. Maybe stop elevating the same group of people no matter which group and go for character and its content?

Gail Combs


Cuppa Covfefe

When I worked at ‘orrible many years ago, the employee handbook had a quote from Larry “personality of a Sawzall” Ellison:

Equal talent ALWAYS has equal opportunity.

And that’s the way it should be. Quotas of any sort are both racism, and a recipe for disaster…




You’re such a dreamer. But I have the same dream.


Lol. Yes. If only.

Gail Combs

I will settle with the whole mess being SPLASHED all over the news, or at least TWATTER.




Gail Combs

Matt misses Mark Elias work in CHANGING how elections were run in 2020, using lawfare ILLEGALLY. It is the legislature that changes election law not some Soros judge.

Democrats’ Top Election Lawyer Litigating Nearly 50 Cases Against GOP

….The Democratic Party’s top elections attorney and his firm are litigating nearly 50 different post-election cases in 19 states to affect their results, he announced on Sunday night.

Marc Elias, the founder of Elias Law Group, which bills itself as “committed to helping Democrats win, citizens vote, and progressives make change,” announced that it was representing clients in 19 states, for a total of 48 cases. The cases have involved either legal defenses to challenges brought by GOP candidates regarding election issues, or efforts to change election laws in favor of Democratic candidates....

Actual article:

Is the Electoral Fix Already In?

The 2024 presidential race increasingly looks like it will be decided by lawyers, not voters, as Democrats unveil plans for America’s first lawfare election


On Sunday, January 14th, NBC News ran an eye-catching story: “Fears grow that Trump will use the military in ‘dictatorial ways’ if he returns to the White House.” It described “a loose-knit network of public interest groups and lawmakers” that is “quietly” making plans to “foil any efforts to expand presidential power” on the part of Donald Trump.

The piece quoted an array of former high-ranking officials, all insisting Trump will misuse the Department of Defense to execute civilian political aims. Since Joe Biden’s team “leaked” a strategy memo in late December listing “Trump is an existential threat to democracy” as Campaign 2024’s central talking point, surrogates have worked overtime to insert existential or democracy in quotes.

This was no different:

“We’re about 30 seconds away from the Armageddon clock when it comes to democracy,” said Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Defense, William Cohen, adding that Trump is “a clear and present danger to our democracy.” Skye Perryman of Democracy Forward, one of the advocacy groups organizing the “loose” coalition, said, “We believe this is an existential moment for American democracy.” Declared former CIA and defense chief Leon Panetta: “Like any good dictator, he’s going to try to use the military to basically perform his will.”

Former Acting Assistant Attorney General for National Security at the U.S. Department of Justice and current visiting Georgetown law professor Mary McCord was one of the few coalition participants quoted by name. She said….

The article is quote long. And I do like Matt as a writer.


NBC Admits Deep State Exists – Key Operative, Mary McCordJanuary 14, 2024

👉There she is again, Mary McCord, the former head of the DOJ National Security Division, and the one specific functionary that is found at the epicenter of every single deep state Lawfare operation against President Trump.  However, that citation is not the biggest reveal in the past several days….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What a great link!

Gail Combs

When I saw Mary McCord my antenna immediately went up.

It is amazing how we see the same names over and over.


My right arm automatically moved toward my sword.  😆 

Cuppa Covfefe

Looks like AlGore… somehow it’s always the weird, twisted ones at the bottom of these things, and twisted in the sense of being in a huge network of twisted evil people like snakes, all tied together and slithering in their collective crimes (and their crime collectives)…..

Would be nice to eliminate the FISA and FISC at the same time…. along with the rest of the unPatriot Act…

pat frederick


My heart bleeds for them. /s
Georgia has been infested with corruption. The good people of Georgia don’t deserve what Kemp and his alliance with Dems has brought.

Cuppa Covfefe

Whadda coincidence….

Wonder how much evidence will have been disappeared by the time they come back up…

pat frederick


pat frederick


Cuppa Covfefe

Funny… over here they call them UPS (as in ooopss), the sound the drivers make when they drop (and damage) the packages…


The dismal science.


Authorities say they have arrested five suspects after six people were found shot to death last week in a desert community in San Bernardino County, California.

At a press conference Monday night, authorities said multiple search warrants were served on Sunday in the case. Five suspects, whom authorities identified as Toniel Baez-Duarte, Mateo Baez-Duarte, Jose Nicolas Hernandez Sarabia, Jose Gregorio Hernandez Sarabia, and Jose Manuel Burgos Parra, were arrested, San Bernardino County Sheriff’s officials said.

All suspects are being held without bail. Eight guns were recovered during the arrests, authorities said Monday night.~~~~

Those ultra maga Trump supporters sure are a dangerous threat to our country 😡 


Sounds just like that scene in the movie Sicario.

Gail Combs

Any bets they are either illegals, drug cartel or both?

Cuppa Covfefe

All those American-sounding names… must be the Amish on the loose again…


“…desert community…”


Of your charity, please pray for the repose of the soul of “Robina”, the daughter of my next-door neighbor, who passed away “suddenly and unexpectedly” a few days ago. “Robina” would have been around 55 years old.
May she rest in eternal peace.

Thank you.


🙏 I’m sorry for all affected by her passing. May she rest in peace.

Gail Combs

🙏 🙏 🙏



Barb Meier

🙏 prayers for Robina. My condolences to her family and friends.


Something I noticed about those two SEALs who were trying to board an enemy ship in the Middle East. They haven’t found their bodies yet they are declared dead in less than two weeks.

IIRC during the Vietnam war, soldiers were MIA [missing in action] when they had no body to confirm death. Why is this important?

Because they continue to get paid while MIA. That’s a tremendous help to the families in the midst of an emotional upheaval. BTW, how do they know that those two are dead? They could be hostages/POWs.

I just don’t like this quick declaration of death.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



They needed a quick and tidy conclusion to an improbable mission and improbable death scenario of BOTH of them. Nothing to see here, no more questions. No more inquiry about beacons, extraordinary skills, why both of them…


Ummm … one. more. time.: what the hell are we doing in the middle east? Why?


Starting WW III AND Supporting MIC.

Last edited 11 months ago by kalbokalbs

Cuz… Nothing to see here folks. Move along.

Ask NO Questions.


I agree with you.
I can see if a person was in military people should be able to keep getting the salary until there is proof of their demise. Maybe military does not think that they did not live and they assumed them dead.

Gail Combs

Could have been captured by the enemy. After all they were trying to board an enemy ship.

Also without a body it is generally seven years before declaring legally dead. LINK

Last edited 11 months ago by Gail Combs

Yes they could have 🙁

Gail Combs

Kari Lake and car bombs…. Looks like the GOP Chair in AZ was only 1/2 kidding 

BB on Defected

at — 3:05:00
Razorfist on Youtube the rageaholic did a rant about how many AZ politicians have died in car bombs.

I poked around and could not find the youtube. He seems to be on Rumble as RazörFist 

pat frederick

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pat frederick

Bewildered but resilient
January 30, 2024 12:01 pm

Merrick Garland will be undergoing a surgical procedure, leaving Deputy AG, Lisa Monaco as acting AG.

Robert Baker

I assume he has Obamacare, what could go wrong?

pat frederick

well for starters…Deputy Lisa Monaco will be in charge while he’s incapacitated.


Lisa Monaco is behind all the law fare on Trump.

Gail Combs

Do not forget Mark Elias, Ex Perkins – Coie, who is connected to Fusion GPS & Russia,Russia,Russia and then the lawfare used to change election laws to allow very loose rules on mail-in voting PLUS fight the lawsuits after the 2020 election.

He was a one man Election destruction machine.


We never should forget the traitors to the Republic.


Timed to coincide with House impeachment votes?

Gail Combs

Of course.

Cuppa Covfefe

IIRC, Monaco is the REAL driver behind the scenes…

Gail Combs

Some facts.

Interesting that whether she is married is not known

Cuppa Covfefe

Item 28 sounds rather interesting:

28. Lisa Monaco co-authored a piece in 2018 with public health expert Vin Gupta in Foreign Policy titled “The Next Pandemic Will Be Arriving Shortly”, where she urged the US government to prepare for the possibility of a future pandemic.

pat frederick

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pat frederick

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pat frederick

and the hits keep coming


There is a culture of cheating in some communities: stealing from public funds, cheating to get ahead, election fraud, looting, etc. Instead of being coddled, they need to face justice and reform their own communities. But that won’t happen if they are continually told they are entitled to what others have and when they are credited for what others have accomplished.

Gail Combs

“…But that won’t happen if they are continually told they are entitled to what others have and when they are credited for what others have accomplished….”

They are Communists.

pat frederick

they’re entitled


…because they’ve been enabled !

Gail Combs

By the communists. Pitting Black against White is part of their game plan.


Were you behind me in the grocery line today when that B’ach [Karen] could not get her EBT card to work???


And the left makes use of this demographic – the one that’s completely comfortable with lawlessness. Like pulling a suitcase full of ballots out from under a table, and running them through the machine multiple times.

Stereotypes exist when something is true too often to ignore.

Last edited 11 months ago by Gingersmom2009
pat frederick

Byron York


Trump lawyer says defense just learned that E Jean Carroll judge was once ‘mentor’ to Carroll’s lawyer. ‘This issue is particularly concerning since Plaintiff’s other lead counsel, Shawn Crowley, served as Your Honor’s law clerk, and we were previously advised that Your Honor co-officiated her wedding.’

Robert Baker

While that may be surprising, surely it isn’t relevant. I am confident that CNN or MSNBC can find some legal expert to agree with me.


Willing to hold your breath on that one?  😂 

pat frederick

who WASN’T this corrupt judge in bed with…er…so to speak

Robert Baker

I don’t bet on anything politics related.


1.E. Jean Carroll’s lawyer was mentored by the judge in Trump’s case.
2.The other lead counsel for Carroll served as the judge’s law clerk.
3.The judge co-officiated the wedding of the law clerk.

The end of Alina Habba’s letter to Judge Kaplan:

Here, without knowing more information (or having a specific factual denial by Your Honor that you had a mentor-mentee relationship with Ms. Kaplan), we are unable to flesh out our position concerning what specific relief should be requested, including, but not limited to, moving for new trials on the issues of liability and damages. Surely, however, this Court should provide defense counsel with all of the relevant facts. At a minimum, this information could certainly prove relevant to President Trump’s forthcoming Rule 59 motion.

So the Trump team is asking the judge to provide facts. I would expect acknowledgment of the truth coupled with rationalizations about how none of it matters in Trump’s case. It should be interesting…

Last edited 11 months ago by TheseTruths

Trying to keep the facts straight. I made a correction above.

pat frederick



My correction was of my own error. My excuse is that there’s so much corruption, it gets confusing. 😅


If the judge provides facts, he is providing evidence in the case which prevents him from continuing as judge in the case.

Note how clever Habba is – she’s giving him a honeypot. Will his ego make him respond, trying to justify his continuing as the judge. If so, Habba’s gambit works and the case is won.

IMO the judge has no way out of Habba’s trap even if he ignores the letter. All in all, a genius move by Habba.

Gail Combs

I think she is a really great lawyer. Glad POTUS Trump has her.


Her family were legal immigrants.

Gail Combs

Emphasis on LEGAL… Unlike Fetterman’s ex-wife.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So if the judge does not respond, the case will be easily appealed, and the appeal is likely to succeed?

Gail Combs

If they have proof, and I am certain they do, then yes they can appeal. Whether it goes anywhere is the question.

Hopefully the judicial system is getting such a black eye, that the higher court will take the case.


Notorious ransomware gang claims it pulled ‘classified and top secret documents’ from U.S. intelligence agencies

The notorious ransomware gang Blackcat, more commonly known as ALPHV, is threatening to release classified and top secret documents from numerous U.S. intelligence agencies, including the FBI, after allegedly breaching a technology company.

In a post to the dark web on Tuesday, ALPHV claimed that it had successfully pilfered 300GB of data from the Technica Corporation, a company which, according to its website, “supports the Federal Government and their mission to support, to defend and protect America’s citizens.”

“Leaks of classified and top secret documents,” the group wrote on its blog. “Documents related to the FBI and other US intelligence agencies. If Technica does not contact us soon, the data will either be sold or made public…

ALPHV is best known for its attack on multiple casinos last year that temporarily saw Las Vegas grind to a near halt. The group is also known for targeting critical infrastructure as well as medical facilities such as plastic surgery clinics.

The FBI did not respond to the Daily Dot’s questions regarding alleged agency documents obtained by ALPHV from its attack on Technica.

If only they could get Epstein’s client list.

Gail Combs

  :wpds_shock:   :wpds_wink: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO, this is the intelligence agencies themselves scamming the government for more cash to divert into their black ops.

Gail Combs

We really are becoming a suspicious group. 😉


Good! Great! We may not be suspicious ENOUGH!

pat frederick

will try a different approach

Last edited 11 months ago by patfrederick

comment image

pat frederick





91 years ago Adolf Hitler came to power.

On January 30, 1933, German Reich President Paul von Hindenburg, succumbing to the persuasion of his entourage (and large magnates), appointed NSDAP Chairman Adolf Aloisovic to the post of Chancellor.

 Hitler did not seize power, but he was not elected by the people either. He received the reins of government by agreement. And yet it cannot be denied that the NSDAP enjoyed enormous support from the Germans. After the unsuccessful Beer Hall Putsch, Hitler devoted all his efforts to winning the love of voters. The country was in the grip of an economic crisis, unemployment, and poverty. Hitler promised jobs, the return of lands lost under the Treaty of Versailles – and was a great success.

 Already in February 1933, the Reichstag would catch fire, and Hitler and others would blame the communists for the arson. In March, Hindenburg would sign the Emergency Powers Act, essentially allowing the unrecognized Austrian artist to make laws. In August 1934, the Reich President will die, and Hitler, based on the results of the referendum, will become the Fuhrer. The era of National Socialism began for the country. In folklore, it is ordinary fascism.”

AND Today:

Germany began transferring the 10th Panzer Division to Poland.

 Sounds like news from back in 1939. But this is happening now and equipment with crosses is traveling on railway platforms to the borders of Belarus. Striking drivers are not a hindrance when the Fatherland is in danger.

 As part of NATO exercises, the Bundeswehr wants to practice the deployment of its units in the East. They will try to play cover for the Suwalki corridor.

pat frederick

NebraskaFillyJanuary 30, 2024


“Sen. Joe Manchin’s Wife Hospitalized Following Car Crash During Business Trip”

ENTIRE ARTICLE @ whatpsuptoday: “Sen. Joe Manchin’s wife, Gayle Conelly Manchin, has been hospitalized and is in “stable condition” following a car crash, according to the West Virginia lawmaker. “On Monday, my wife Gayle and her colleague Guy Land were involved in a car accident on the way from the airport to the hotel in Birmingham, Alabama for an Appalachian Regional Commission event that was planned for today,” Manchin announced in a statement issued Tuesday morning.
In its own statement, ARC elaborated that “another vehicle struck their car” while they were driving to attend a grant workshop. Sen. Manchin said that both Gayle and Land were admitted to a local hospital where they are receiving “excellent care,” adding, “[Gayle] remains in stable condition but will stay there for a couple of days for precautionary measures.”
Gayle, 76, is the former first lady of West Virginia, who later served as president of the West Virginia Board of Education and as the state’s secretary of education and the arts under Republican Gov. Jim Justice. She is currently the federal co-chair of the Appalachian Regional Commission.
Sen. Manchin has been in the news recently for mulling a possible third-party presidential run after making a surprise announcement in November that he wouldn’t seek reelection to the U.S. Senate. Manchin is a rare Democrat elected to represent a deeply conservative state, and his retirement from Congress effectively hands his Senate seat to the Republican Party.
In November, the outgoing senator said he was “having a hard time” with his plans for the future, telling reporters during an event in Charleston: “The two-party system, unless it changes, will be the downfall of our country,” the Associated Press reported.
In January, when asked again if he would consider joining a third-party ticket, Manchin suggested that he needs to see how the primary elections play out first. “If there’s going to be an option or a need for an option, you’ll find out by [Super Tuesday],” he told reporters. “By March, you’re going to have pretty much a lay of the land and what you’re going to have and what you’re going to be offered.”
Manchin was the governor of West Virginia from 2005 until 2010, when he was elected to the Senate in a special election. His tenure in Congress has courted controversy among fellow Democrats, as he’s repeatedly blocked the party’s agenda to appease his conservative voter base.”


“Be a shame if something happened to your family.” – ???

Gail Combs

My first thoughts too.

BB & Kyle were just saying on DEFECTED the DNC blocked Manchin’s bid to run against Bite-me…


This hit home with me regarding the lies.

Gail Combs


Secure the Border Act of 2023


H.R. 2 would limit the ability of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to provide parole to aliens (non-U.S. nationals), which allows them to temporarily enter the United States, in part by defining the reasons for which that parole may be granted. The bill also would change how DHS treats aliens applying for asylum and unaccompanied alien children crossing the border. The bill also would change the department’s procedures for interacting with aliens seeking to enter the United States without authorization. H.R. 2 would require the Department of State to negotiate with countries in the Western Hemisphere, particularly El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico, concerning agreements related to claims for asylum.

H.R. 2 would require all employers to use E-Verify, a federal web-based system that allows public- and private-sector employers to confirm that employees are eligible to work in the United States. H.R. 2 would phase in the requirement over several years, with deadlines depending on the size of an employer’s workforce. In addition, the bill would modify existing civil and criminal penalties for hiring people without work authorization.

H.R. 2 would require DHS to resume activities related to building a wall along the southwestern border of the United States, as planned or under construction before January 20, 2021 (the date on which that project was paused), and would require DHS to construct at least 900 miles of wall and physical barriers along that border. The bill also would direct Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to hire enough border patrol agents to maintain staffing at 22,000.

In addition, the bill would require CBP to hire new polygraph examiners to test candidate agents, increase annual flight hours for manned surveillance operations, and operate unmanned aircraft systems around the clock along the southern U.S. border. The bill also would authorize appropriations for various programs within DHS, including Operation Stonegarden (a grant program), eradicating invasive vegetation along the Rio Grande, and upgrading technology at ports of entry.


It all depends on what it is he’s trying to accomplish at the border. He has done all he could do at the border to allow an invasion. He’s neutered the border patrol . DHS under his control has done nothing for homeland security.


Pravda News NEVER calls Briben, on his lies, directly to his face.

Not many opportunities to question Briben, but Pravda News squanders every opportunity.

Shag should get pointed questions, AND follow-ups.

Same as Pinocchio Kirby.


A huge percentage of our problems would be fixed if we didn’t have Pravda News.
If we had honest reporting things couldn’t have gotten this far this bad.
They’re the palace guards.

Gail Combs

That is why, after the Cabal put in place the Feral Reserve (1913) to rob us blind. their next move was to take over the press (1915.)

At that point they could get the USA into endless wars.


Which is why we must have a free Internet AND Free Speech.

pat frederick

Mayor Adams of NYC on the receiving end of sexual assault allegations from 1993 thanks to the law they’re using to go after President Trump…LOL
Opponents of Adams have reacted cautiously to the claim of sexual assault, filed at the eleventh hour under a special law that allowed those alleging misconduct to make civil claims that would normally have been considered too old to pursue.

The complainant, who was not named in the skeleton three-page legal submission, says Adams assaulted her in 1993, but few other details were disclosed.

“It absolutely did not happen, I don’t recall meeting this person. I’d never harm anyone in that magnitude,” he told reporters.


Rut Roh…pandora’s box is open now.

Last edited 11 months ago by mollypitcher5
pat frederick



Heck, E Jean Carroll can start on all the others that she claims raped her !


I think even the special interest statute of limitations has expired. The legislature would need to pass another bill and Governor Whackjob would have to sign it.


Did all of them ‘happen’ in the same department store?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Well, he can now be sued into oblivion since he slandered her/him by denying it.

Good enough for Trump, good enough for Adams.

We sure do live in interesting times.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Boomerang Karma Universe!


I’d never harm anyone in that magnitude,” he told reporters.

That’s a puzzling statement, and not exactly exculpatory. It implies that he WOULD harm someone, just not that severely.

I don’t recall meeting this person.

I know that as a public figure he meets lots of people that he wouldn’t remember, but that leaves the door open for her to bolster her claim that they were together at some point.

The most reliable denial is a direct “I did not assault her.” If you’ve never assaulted anyone in your life, you can safely say that about any and every person you’ve ever come in contact with.

He might be perfectly innocent, but he needs to stop making statements without the advice of a lawyer, IMO.

Brave and Free

Another DEI hire, not the sharpest tool in the shed 🤔

Last edited 11 months ago by Brave and Free
Brave and Free

Time for one of Andy’s alleged victims to come out of the woodwork again 😳.

Gail Combs

Jon Harold brought up, Ezra Cohen Watnick response to Dan Scavino question “Who do you want to see as VP” with the initials: RCO and then a few hours later deleted the tweet. 

RCO = Robert C.O’Brien who Trump named as his National Security Advisor. Jon thinks he is also the National Continuity Coordinator, based on his devolution research LINK

Sept. 18, 2019

President Donald Trump on Wednesday named Robert O’Brien, a State Department official who has specialized in hostage issues, as his new national security adviser.

“I have worked long & hard with Robert,” Trump tweeted. “He will do a great job!”

O’Brien will replace John Bolton, whom Trump fired last week after a string of disagreements….

Donald J. Trump

I am pleased to announce that I will name Robert C. O’Brien, currently serving as the very successful Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs at the State Department, as our new National Security Advisor. I have worked long & hard with Robert. He will do a great job!

9:23 AM · Sep 18, 2019


I almost wish he wouldn’t name anyone to a potential position. It gives the evil empire lots of time to beat him up.

Gail Combs

I think Trump is playing with the Fake News and the RINOs.

pat frederick

bob and weave…lol

Gail Combs

He really loves to TROLL them. It also keeps him in the news.

pat frederick

hunh…they broke up? she deleted all pictures with him?

Gail Combs

Well she did run to Canada after he was elected and he went into the hospital.

Fetterman’s Wife Abruptly Fled the Country After He Was Hospitalized
February 24, 2023 

The wife of Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman left the country in response to a deluge of media coverage following her husband’s latest hospitalization.

Gisele Barreto Fetterman revealed that she left her home with her children in the days after her husband checked into a Washington, D.C.-area hospital for clinical depression.

“1 week ago today when the news dropped, the kids were off from school and media trucks circled our home.

I did the first thing I could think of … pack them in the car and drive,” she said in a Feb. 24 tweet….

John Fetterman’s staff disclosed that the freshman senator had checked into the hospital on Feb. 16 — just over a month after being sworn into the Senate….

pat frederick

who does that?


Someone who’s spiking his food with drugs of some type?

pat frederick

wow…i just thought some tramp who wanted his money…you went a whole lot darker


Her bio is long. If he’d become permanently sidelined maybe she hoped to slide in ?

pat frederick

could be…there’s a whole host of “wives” who want to step in…Hitlery, Dr.Jill, Casey Desantis, and this one


There might be a secret sorority of gold grabbers.


Molly, you are one of my secret girlfriends. [yeah, they’re all on this blog so they’re safe  😂 ]

Brilliant conspiracy thinking!


lol..So happy to be Tuesday Secret Girlfriend today…the PGroup roulette wheel of sweeties

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs


She was an ILLEGAL from Brazil. She is an excellent example of WHY we do not want ILLEGALS.

Her mother, who had a PhD degree from a Brazilian university and had worked as a nutritionist and educator… [Knowledge of herbs/chemicals???]

She has pushed for the United States Congress to take “humane and compassionate” approaches to immigration, and petitioned that immigrant families should not be separated.[4] She spoke in favor of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and criticized U.S. President Donald Trump for attempting to end the program.[14][15] She also supports the legalization of marijuana in Pennsylvania and is a supporter of LGBTQ rights in the United States.[16][7][17] She was named “Best Activist” by the Pittsburgh City Paper for her community involvement.[6]

On June 20, 2018, she served as the emcee for World Refugee Day Pittsburgh.

In April 2020, Fetterman spoke about the importance of social distancing, and the power of community engagement, during the COVID-19…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

With prodepressants? Drugs which normies are not allowed to know exist?

Would not surprise me if this gal was up to something. Fleeing to Canada thinking that the jig was up if the hospital detected “whatever” – which it seems like they didn’t.


Well, maybe the hospital DID. Maybe this is the quiet, three-letter solution to the problem.


No surprise when you know how she became Mrs Fetterman. She used him and now dumped him .

Gail Combs

Very much a gold digger.


I never liked the look of her.

pat frederick



Nor the Adam’s Family spawn.

Brave and Free

She must have gotten her payoff for helping him get elected, now she’s told to disappear or face the consequences.
I am just spouting off 😂


Montana is in the news, and NOT in a good way:

“A Montana mom and dad who lost custody of their daughter after they refused to transition her gender have told the ordeal ‘has torn their family apart.’

Krista Kolstad revealed the family’s nightmare began when they received a call that their 14-year-old daughter Jennifer told friends at school that she wanted to commit suicide in August 2023.

Later that night, Child Protective Services (CPS) went to the Kolstad’s home in Glasgow to inspect the house and interview Jennifer, later determining that she needed to transition to get better.”

Governor Gianforte said he had his Lt. Governor look into the situation, and that the law was followed. Needless to say, I called the Governor’s office and blew a gasket! And the poor lady on the phone told me I was certainly not the only one. I stated CLEARLY that they’d better fix this shit, and damned skippy, or there’s going to be hell to pay.

This is Montana, it’s not fucking New York.


Give ’em maximum grief, friend.   :wpds_mad:   :wpds_mad: 

Gail Combs


It is her DAMN COMMIE TEACHERS! Not her parents.


I wonder what the parents can do now.


I’m not sure what they can do.

But I can tell you the Governor’s office will be getting another call from me in the morning, to find out what he’s going to do.

I have a granddaughter and a grandson in this state. I have friends with children. This shit can’t be allowed to stand.

Gail Combs




Valerie Curren

please keep us posted!


I will.

Valerie Curren

TY 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And this part:

Mr and Mrs Kolstad have chosen to defy a judge’s order to remain silent on the case. 

This isn’t America – and it’s in Montana.


I know.

I am not done. Not by a long shot.

Gail Combs

I am also going to comment about this:

“…their 14-year-old daughter Jennifer told friends at school that she wanted to commit suicide in August 2023.…”

I am sorry but that sounds like Jennifer was TOLD BY HER TEACHER OR SOMEONE ELSE that this was how she should act to get her transition.

We had a kid in the neighborhood who blackmailed her family into giving her anything she wanted by accusing her Dad of sexually abusing her. She had him put in prison. When she wanted a car she told her grandparents she would recant her story if they gave her a car. She got the car but never recanted… She pulled that crap again and again.

Who put the idea in her head? Possibly her teacher. Also from something else that was presented here, there are online sites where strategies are discussed.


Certainly this is a possibility. Teachers are mostly communists now. Scum.


Judges have taken to much power to themselves. Telling parents not any other person to speak speaking of something the judge does not like. This is America not China


Absolutely. I’m sick of it.


You and me both and my husband shut the door he heard enough of the crap. 🙂


Rep. Massie Confirms Person Who Found January 6 Pipe Bombs is CURRENT US Capitol Police Officer (VIDEO)
Darren J. Beattie:

Below, courtesy of Thomas Massie, is the most damning and explosive J6 footage yet released.

In my view this will end up demolishing the Regime’s J6 narrative and with it a major pillar of Dem’s 2024 strategy.

You paying attention Kamala?

It’s seven minutes of silent video. I wish they would report on what is happening, and when, in the video.

⬇️This is Matt Gaetz interviewing Thomas Massie (about 8 minutes):

Matt Gaetz:

BREAKING: @RepThomasMassie has confirmed the person who found the pipe bomb at the DNC on January 6th is a CURRENT U.S. Capitol Police officer.

This revelation was confirmed to Rep. Massie today by Capitol Police.

We will continue to investigate…


The culprit was caught on video but never caught by the FBI – the greatest intelligence service in the world.

The US Capitol was shut down on January 6 after the feds found the bombs near the Republican and Democrat Party headquarters.

The FBI still ‘can’t find’ the person who planted the bomb even though they have his license plate number.

It was also revealed that the J6 pipebomber was a ‘former’ government official.

Darren Beattie of Revolver News recently joined Tucker to discuss the explosive J6 footage released a couple of weeks ago.

Darren Beattie said what’s so shocking about the new footage is just how “utterly unconcerned both the metro PD and the Secret Service are about being informed that there was a pipe bomb literally within feet of them and within feet of their protectee, VP-elect Kamala Harris.”

The Secret Service allowed children to cross the street toward the bomb several minutes after it was discovered under the park bench.

Darren Beattie said according to sources who have seen the extended video, bomb robots showed up several minutes later and dismantled and diffused the pipe bomb.

None of this makes any sense to me.


Tucker Carlson interviewing Darren Beattie (14:33 long):

It seems likely that government officials were involved in planting pipe bombs in Washington, DC three years ago, as part of an effort to keep Donald Trump from running for president again. Darren Beattie has details.


‘to prevent DJT from running for president again’ makes ZERO sense. The pipe bombs had to do with preventing him from being elected the 2020 president by the electoral college. There was nothing at that time about running again [presumably this means 2024].

Somebody needs to translate this illogical word salad for me.


Yup. “Pipe bombs” all part of the orchestrated Coup.


I typed out the sequence of what is currently known, as reported by Beattie, above or below this comment (not sure which).


I’d see that as not only crushing 45’s 2020 election, but “Muh InSuRRReCtIoN” and the following ‘ tREEEson” J6 commitee would prevent a follow-up run in 2024.


Darren Beattie outlines what is happening in that silent video footage in the interview with Tucker Carlson. I typed it out to clarify the sequence for myself.

In the video originally released, you can see a man carrying a backpack who places a bomb near the DNC headquarters, then heads to the RNC headquarters and does the same.

Now there is this newer video. In it, a man talks casually with the D.C. police (white car) and the Secret Service (black vehicle). He is alerting them to the fact that there is a pipe bomb placed under the bench, feet away, in front of the DNC. The DC police and the Secret Service seem utterly unconcerned that there is a bomb within feet of them as well as from their protectee, “VP-elect” Kamala Harris.

Next, they allow a group of children to cross the street and walk right by the bomb. A SS agent is also walking within feet of the bomb.

About a minute later a Capital Police officer walks to within a few feet of the bomb, takes a photo of it, and gives a thumbs-up sign. Then the two vehicles leave and that’s the end of the video.

Reputable sources have told Beattie that next, a bomb-safe robot came to defuse the bomb.

It was not known who alerted the authorities to the presence of the bomb. But it has now been revealed that the man who reported the bomb was a plainclothes officer with Capitol Police. They didn’t reveal that fact for three years, and we don’t have his identity.

Beattie says there is a protocol that must be followed even if they know the bomb is fake, but they didn’t follow it. How did they know it was fake? And if they knew it was safe, why have the robot dismantle it? (I’m thinking that was probably part of the protocol, but I don’t know.)

According to the video of the bombs being planted, it was done the evening before J6 at approximately 8 p.m. So the next day, when the guy alerted authorities to the bomb, it had been sitting there for over 17 hours. It’s strange that no one discovered it. The SS missed it even though conducting a sweep because of Kamala Harris’s presence. The government considers pipe bombs to be weapons of mass destruction, and the bomb is considered evidence of an insurrection that day. So why has Harris covered up the fact that she was in the DNC building at the time instead of milking the danger she was in that day for all it’s worth?

Last edited 11 months ago by TheseTruths

Now the Thomas Massie-Matt Gaetz interview is more clear to me. If it’s true that it was a Capitol Police officer who alerted them to the bomb, the officer should have had great credibility so that they should have taken immediate action.

Massie says the RNC bomb should really be called the Capitol Hill pipe bomb. The two buildings are next to each other. The “RNC-DNC narrative” was made up after the fact. The bombs were placed at the DNC and the Capitol Hill club where members of Congress congregate.

Massie says the timing was remarkable in that the bomb at Capitol Hill was discovered by a woman going to do her laundry, five minutes before the breach of the bicycle racks at the perimeter of the Capitol. Great timing for a distraction.

Gaetz does not believe the Capitol Police would leave a live bomb anywhere that could injure people.

Initially, an ATF assistant director had gone on TV and said the bombs were real and offered rewards. Then when Massie questioned the ATF director, he would not answer any questions because of an “ongoing criminal investigation.”

From discussions with police, FIB, and a former ATF who now works with Capitol Police, Massie says the bombs went to Quantico (FIB) for inspection, not to the ATF.

Massie says a consequence of this, buried in the back of the J6 Committee Report, is that there had been a call to bring more bike racks to the Capitol. They had hundreds of them loaded to reinforce the Capitol, but they never got there because they were blocked because of the bomb. The J6 Committee concluded that this made it easier to breach the Capitol.


“Gaetz does not believe the Capitol Police would leave a live bomb anywhere that could injure people.”


Then he’s dangerously naive.

He literally has no idea who the enemy is, or what they’re capable of doing.


I doubt he is naive. He may be bringing to light the possibility that it is exactly that the Capitol Police *would* leave a dangerous object that could injure people, by saying it is not possible.

like saying “no way WEF would actually have an agenda to remove 7.5 billion people from earth”. Planting the seed…

Gail Combs

comment image

Barb Meier

Gateway Pundit: Bizarre Obelisk Shaped RNA Bits Disovered in Human Gut By Stanford Scientists
Scientists at Stanford University have discovered a new “viruslike entity” that is shaped like obelisks.’

Science Magazine reported that a group of scientists from Stanford University unearthed obelisk-shaped viruslike entities that dwell in the human gut and mouth.
According to the team at Stanford, the “obelisks” have genomes that consist of loops of RNA, and sequences belonging to them have been discovered all around the globe.

Gizmodo reported the scientists uncovered almost 30,000 of these special sequences by “analyzing databases that categorized the active genes of gut and mouth microbes, using an algorithm to look for unknown genetic sequences that could represent independent viroid-like loops of RNA.”

more at the link:


No attribution to vax or such. Simply new discovery. As above so below. Meanwhile our betters dare tamper with things before they even have a full understanding. Should work out well for everyone I’m sure 😏🙄

Cuppa Covfefe

Everytime they think they know everything, GOD throws them a curve…..


~Eighteen minutes in. SUPERB interview AND messaging from Russell Brand.

REFRESHING. Russell Brand articulates 45 minutes Of Pure Truths. RESONATES perfectly.

THIS video needs to be posted in Wednesday’s daily – Camel Day. 🙂 DP just mentioned, contributions to her daily, encouraged.

>>>>> Someone feel free to please post Tucker/Brand this in Wednesday’s daily, when DP posts it. Otherwise, I’ll catch it in the morning, when I roll in.

Last edited 11 months ago by kalbokalbs
Barb Meier

This was excellent! I just finished watching and am so glad to see him again.


Department of Injustice….


“Choir event”??? DP’s doing flashmobs?


Trump Admin Official Shot In DC, In Critical Condition After Carjacking Rampage

An accomplished Republican professional who served as chief operating officer of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) during the Donald Trump administration was among those shot in a vicious carjacking spree in Washington, D.C., on Monday night, one that ended in police killing the perpetrator in Maryland early Tuesday morning.

Mike Gill is in a hospital in critical condition after being shot while picking up his wife, an education lawyer, blocks from the White House on K Street in downtown D.C. at 5:45pm.

“We can confirm that Mike Gill was the victim of the shooting at the 900 block of K Street Northwest on Monday evening and is in critical condition. Out of respect for the family, we have nothing additional to add at this time,” Erica Richardson, a spokesperson for the Gill family, said in a statement to The Daily Wire.

After shooting Gill, the same man is believed to have conducted at least two carjackings and one attempted carjacking, and the victim of one of them has died, The Washington Post reported.

Police said the perpetrator got into the parked vehicle and shot the victim before fleeing on foot, and that the victim — Gill — collapsed outside the vehicle. The Post said that he had called his wife to say, “Hey, I’m downstairs,” and when she arrived at the ground floor, he had been shot, with the wife rushing out and saying, “Oh my God, that’s my husband.”

The Post, citing witness Yolanda Douglas, said the wife “ran toward her husband and grabbed his hand. ‘What happened?’ she asked, but he did not respond.”

Douglas “saw the victim, in a dress shirt and sweater, sprawled on the pavement with one foot still in the passenger’s side of a car. His right hand was twitching as blood pooled around his head,” the Post said.

An hour later, the suspect tried unsuccessfully to carjack another vehicle on Third Street NE, before fatally shooting someone else on the street and taking that person’s car. 

Police said someone on K Street knew the perpetrator and helped police identify him. The car he took was found in Prince George’s County, Maryland, where he then carjacked a Toyota, then ordered a rideshare and carjacked that vehicle. 

Around 2:30am, a person believed to be the carjacker shot at a Maryland State Police cruiser on D.C. 295 while driving by. The Nissan used was later found abandoned on

More about Mike Gill’s accomplishments follows.

Carjackings in DC more than doubled in 2023 to nearly 1,000. The crime spree in D.C. has seen an FBI agent carjacked, a Democrat congressman carjacked outside his apartment, and multiple congressional staffers assaulted. Three people attempted to carjack a Secret Service vehicle that was guarding the granddaughter of President Joe Biden.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

BLM, Brandon, Obama, DNC, and George Soros, all responsible.


Gill being the first in that carjacking/shooting spree, one might suspect he was the target and the rest was cover up from that, using some sort of MK ultra’d auto bot.