This Rejoice & Praise God Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.
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On this day and every day –
God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.
“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Evil is Good . . . Good is Evil
In Isaiah 5:8–30, the prophet pronounces “woes” or judgments on Judah for their wicked behavior. Judah had produced the “bad fruit” of unrighteousness, as illustrated in the song of the vineyard (verses 4–7). Their wickedness even led them to proclaim sinful things as good, which is why Isaiah exclaims, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter” (verse 20). Light and darkness are opposites, which adds to the gravity of the men of Judah calling evil “good.”
A major problem in Judah during Isaiah’s time was widespread drunkenness. People would wake up early in the morning to drink alcohol and continue long into the night (Isaiah 5:11). Instead of respecting “the deeds of the Lord,” they reveled in their sin and drunkenness (verses 11–12). They did not see their sin as wickedness; rather, they called their evil “good.”
A world in rebellion against God will have a skewed perspective and embrace a topsy-turvy morality. There are many people today who still call evil “good” and good “evil,” as they promote behaviors that the Bible specifically calls sinful. The celebration of homosexuality and the defense of abortion on demand are usually accompanied by a mockery of those who value life and promote traditional marriage. Evil is being called “good,” and good is slandered as “evil.”
Apart from God, our value system will always become jumbled. We will begin to confuse sweetness and bitterness, light and darkness, and good and evil. We will label biblical morality as “intolerant” and “oppressive.” We will take offense at the truth that Jesus is the only way to salvation (John 14:6). “Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil” (John 3:20).
Calling good “evil” and evil “good” is a sure sign of spiritual wickedness at work: “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God” (2 Corinthians 4:4). Paul warns that the intensity of the spiritual battle will increase: “There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people” (2 Timothy 3:1–5).
Cutting through the confusion over right and wrong and enlightening spiritually darkened minds is the Bible: “I gain understanding from your precepts. . . . Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path” (Psalm 119:104–105). In their fallen condition, humans cannot accurately determine what is right and wrong. Only God can give definitive answers on good and evil. The Bible is “God-breathed,” the only certain source in providing guidance to mankind (2 Timothy 3:16).
And here we are . . . right in the middle of those paragraphs above . . . and it will get worse. A world in rebellion against God . . . skewed perspective . . . topsy-turvy morality . . . all of that!
So . . . just what are the odds that a secret alliance exists between PTrump, Putin and Xi, or whoever, that will massively rout out and bring to justice the powerful and ultra rich horde of evildoers that are driving this country and the world rapidly into perdition?
Well, it really doesn’t matter if such a secret alliance exists or not. What matters is if in God’s plan we are locked into an ever downward road to the Tribulation. Or maybe, just maybe, there will be a point of inflection in our near future when some righteousness returns and God gives mankind yet another undeserved chance to see the Light and seek His Face.
Remember. Always remember – In their hearts human beings plan their lives, but the Lord decides where their steps will take them. The wicked will be served with justice and the faithful will see their reward.
You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.
At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold.
Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door. But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.

Calling evil good and good evil…does that ever describe the state of things today!
The World Turned Upside Down.
We are HERE.
Make no mistake.
Wow! They had CULTURAL MARXISTS in 1646!
They may have been called ‘The British’.
that’s how they justify it.
blame shifting + gaslighting
aka lying.
it’s a toxic abusive Cluster B world.
Calling evil good and good evil. <<< Life In America, 2024 style.
Who OR What Promotes This Garbage?
They brainwash young people that the customs and ethical values of their parents grandparents are outdated and harmful to them. These ethics and custom their parents held, in their mind, are hindering their free will to do what feels good and hinder their modern way of realizations imaginations.
Their rejection of the past norms began in 1960 to today. This is an ideology-that became the new religion fostered though schools and society. This is what we wound up with today a culture that rejected generations ethics and even family values and cohesiveness that we our generation knew.
Maybe all generations go through transition as we have but I believe it was never this drastic. I might be wrong being among all you very intelligent people can be intimidating. As I say where ever I go “what do I know”.
God Bless you all
Well, we like involving you ‘know less’ people to our hoity-toity blogs. Gives us virtue signal points to brag about.
I am a realist know my limits that are enforced in real life

Love the brain power on this forum
Who’s got the bigger pair – TC or DJT?
Not sure, but they are both made of brass.
TC is trying to save the country and have better understanding what is going on. Blinken is a failure to foster peace so TC is on a mission ?
Fortune Cookie says stay away from high windows.
You might want to be really careful about what tea you drink.
If it makes a Geiger counter click, move to another room.
or choose other options…
If you hear anything ticking or clicking, probably a good idea to move to another room… maybe another building…
I like the tea cups
So who gets the gold cup?
The winner
Excellent, can’t wait to see that and hear the left implode.
I hope VP brings the receipts for the bio-labs and $$ laundering.
Could very well be. This is an election year and we are starting to see THE BIG REVEAL…
Bill Red Diaper Kristol wants to stop Tucker from re-entering the USA after interviewing Putin.
As, “IF” our representatives do NOT know what is going on.
Our representatives KNOW what is going on.
Corruption IS the root cause.
Uniparty IS Bought AND Paid For.
Let us never forget the representative represent their own interests. They can travel where ever they want do what ever they want say whatever they want except the people who make up the bulk of this country and build it and fought for it.
What the hell is he talking about?
ACLU — Know Your Rights: U.S. Airports and Ports of Entry
ThanQ for that but I misled you. I meant his phrase ‘until … can figure out what is going on’ – to what is he referring?
Extremely useful! And can be downloaded here as the “Traveler’s Bill of Rights” in a PDF format:
Suppressing the truth, but you know that

They are scared that Tucker is going to leap over their barrier in a single bound and awaken the sleepers.
Great pic.
Pure speculation: Kristol is saying that, by interviewing Putin, Carlson could somehow be compromised or might even have motives that are against the U.S. Therefore, according to Kristol, it would be a good idea to treat him as an enemy instead of an American citizen and have an “investigation” by our exalted government officials who would like nothing better than to incarcerate and silence Carlson. In other words, according to this theory, Kristol is a Communist and doesn’t mind showing it.
Carlson is a journalist therefore he is able to interview anyone he wants in a free society. Could be that Kristol is telling us that we are no longer a free society ?
Do we really need someone to tell us that? (Rhetorical)
No we do not
I sort of figured that but I didn’t want to give KristolMeth credit.
“Billy” wants a Kristolnacht…
Kristol is part of the mantra, Everything Russia, Putin IS Evil On Steroids.
All of it, withOUT foundation.
Tucker should come back trough Mexico get a free phone and a $2000 credit card
He will be welcome back .
^^^ Great idea.
IF not Tucker. OMG, send in a string of “illegals”, cashing in on freebies. NGOs making huge bucks off of illegals.
Bret Einstein has a good podcast on young Chinese men entering the country with illegals. They are not our friends.
“…until our country’s Representatives can figure out what is going on.”
So until eternity, then?
If you want any of our ‘representatives’ to do anything, you have to drag a $100 bill through the Congress.
It’s the new trailer park.
Don’t give ’em any ideas about jury duty.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Rat bastard demon-crats are just itching to do it.
Does it really matter at this point?
There’s already been selective prosecution going on.
thinking they will make it a “jury of their peers” and none of them will ever get punished for any crimes they commit
and be released without bail for lack of evidence.
Laura Loomer:
May God help us!
I think he is, in the form of God fearing people Like Doc Peter Chambers. (Part of the Convoy to Texas was a REVIVAL.)
Pete Chambers on Infowars discussing the Texas Border Convoy 1/26/24
38 min to 43;30
Doc: “… the boots on the ground Border Patrol (BP) told the Doc, thank God for the Texas Guard (TG.) BP has REFUSED the ORDER to PHYSICALLY go after TG ($5000 Fine + 3 yrs in jail for ever TG standing in Shelby Park)…
40 min Doc says Abbott is doing what we would call part of an INFORMATION WAR… the gov agencies are MORALLY broken. this trickles down to those in the ranks… So the people who are still there? My brothers and sisters who are still within the DOD who signed that Declaration of Military Accountability on January 1, 2024
A thousand cuts, they know that, it is what we have to do.
That group [within the DOD] is sitting on GO right now. That group is completely in tune with what they need to do.
Alex: In the Game of Chicken, the Feds just lost this one.
Doc: That does not mean there won’t be others. There will be counter offences.
Alex: What are they going to do, FF shoot some illegals?
DOC: No, they will do what they always do. Put up a new bright shiny object… to keep us focused on DC which doesn’t even belong to the United States.
Alex: the border is the main Globalist Assault.
Doc: The distractions are the Flash Bangs in the room. All you have to do is close your eyes, open your mouth and you will be fine….And then you get back to fighting. But you have to KNOW that is going to come — Disease X … Doc gets into WHO take over via pandemic declaration that many countries have not even signed…
Doc: I am meeting the most amazing people. Former Tier one people who are helping us out. YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THEM, I AM THE FACE OF THIS OPERATION… They are doing things for this country on this border that you will never hear. It will just be us, with cigars and scotch one evening talking about it and saying Good Job!
2 Chronicles 7:14
That’s KEY. We have to have those prayer Warriors out there. The other thing we can do is, you have to be prepared. Because there will be a period of time, in my estimate, that they are going to try and squash us. And I don’t know what that looks like. Is it going to be a cyber attack, a power outage, the grid is [Alex Interruptsis] … They have been priming that Predictive programming with these movies and all that stuff. DO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO THAT STUFF DO NOT GET IN THEIR GAME!... They want you to be scared. FEAR is their tactic. Once again, Philippians 1:4, 6 & 7
Philippians 1:4 (NIV)
In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy
Philippians 1:6 (NIV)
being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Philippians 1:7 (NIV)
It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart and, whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share in God’s grace with me.
So we have to remember that to keep them on their heels right now, all these little lines of effort have to continue. Those little victories. And there are so many… Each industry… Let me tell you about East Palestine…
MORE starting from:
Let me tell you about East Palestine
43 min
Doc: I went up there and researched that thing and I was there for four days. That was NOT a derailment THAT WAS INTENDED.
Alex interruptis: That was ANTIFA they are setting fires everywhere, attacking food plants, PETA is behind it
Doc I believe it They are trying to create fear. We need to expose them and as they are exposed, they get more on their heels and they make mistakes. When THEY’RE FEARFUL they will make mistakes.
Alex interruptis: … Our enemies are definitely scared, Why do you think that is.
Doc: because they are evil. Evil hides from the light and they know there will be some sort of accountability which will result in… well for treasonous people in war time it is the death penalty.
Alex interruptis: I think 90% we win… but out of the French Revolution get Napoleon , out of Treaty of Versailles get Hitler. How do we prevent that?
Doc: That happens thru the parallel economy and parallel systems that are already starting to happen in Texas. I deal with 5 different communities…. But we have to have that next generation of legislators stand up. Because if we don’t, well we get EXACTLY what you talked about, Bastiat ‘The Law’ he wrote this after the French Revolution, talked about this. He says the whole purpose of the legislator is to conduct LEGAL PLUNDER. He uses that phrase over and over and over. Read it some time it is how I understood what is going on at that level. So we do not want to bring in another legislature that is focused on that. We need to have term limits we need to not have people making a career out of being a politician. We need to get rid of the senior executive staff in the DOD that are the continuity.. Alex interruptis:
Alex interruptis: What do you make of Austin not being there for a month and it is a rotting system.
Doc Yeah it is a rotting system. They are the perpetrators of this brokenness that the military is dealing with. 1975..1973 is where we are at on recruiting now. Retention is in the gutter, Wokeness is breaking us. We need to focus on — Alex interruptis
Alex interruptis: but they wanted to purge the military but it was too good, now they are saying come back.
Doc, they are saying come back but hardly anyone is doing it because they do not trust that system right now. My son went in God bless him we need that so we HAVE those in the ranks to fill high positions later on… The ones they got rid of are the critical thinkers but there are some still there…..
If you LOOK at WHEN Alex interrupts a pattern emerges. It is when Dr Chambers is about to impart critical info. He does it repeatedly during this interview.
He comes across as a hyper active idiot but I think the act is CALCULATED to hide critical info. Info wars is really a Limited Hangout.
Wikipedia defines these as:
Compare Alex style of interview to that of Tucker Carlson and you can see what I mean.
If you LOOK at WHEN Alex interrupts a pattern emerges. It is when Dr Chambers is about to impart critical info. He does it repeatedly during this interview.
Bannon does this, too. I get so pissed I yell at my phone. Plus, Bannon just cannot seem to talk in complete sentences.
He comes across as a hyper active idiot but I think the act is CALCULATED to hide critical info. Info wars is really a Limited Hangout.
I don’t know about this one. FTR, I listen to Infowars and Warroom every day. The ‘pattern’ [if that’s what it is] is not consistent.
“…The ‘pattern’ [if that’s what it is] is not consistent.”
I would not expect it to be consistent. If it was it would be too obvious. I only noticed it because I was trying to transcribe the exchange and I had a devil of a time trying to hear critical parts because Alex talked over Dr Chambers time and time again. AND Alex manged to change the conversation to a new path each time.
If what I think I am seeing is an actual ‘Limited Hangout’ method, Alex is doing a very very good job.
If you’re right, I will be immensely disappointed and severely troubled. I could even suffer what’s-the-use syndrome.
uh oh that’s Stage 1 doomfaggery
That would be eternal shame. If it happens I’ll be sure to hide it so I can maintain pretenses.
I’m already there with AJ, and have been for years. There is life and hope on the other side.
AJ does present some good info that is useful.
“AJ does present some good info that is useful.”
I agree, But I think he is only ALLOWED to go so far.
Hannity does the same. These are ego centered people who want to show how smart they are therefore interrupt. True every time the person wants to give info they interrupt. These ego centered guys cannot stand a person who knows more than they do. I have seen people like that in real life.
You are correct – it is excessive ego leaking out.
Ten pounds of ego in a five pound bag.
Yes and irritating.
That describes it exactly. I stopped listening to AJ because it is so frustrating. I would be listening intently, wanting to hear more, and AJ would cut the person off. After a while, it does seem intentional.
This must be a strategy for winning the election, to somehow allow illegals to vote. Invite them in, coddle them, treat them better than our own citizens, and use them to overtake our government.
sound cuts out for about 5 secs around 1:33…what is being hidden here & why?
I don’t know.
It is definitely dereliction of duty to protect and defend the U.S. and her citizens.
The Deagel Report:
U.S. Population Reduction of 68.5% by 2025
From that Report:
US Population 2017: 316,440,000 .. GDP: $16,720,000 .. GDP/per person: $0.053
US Population 2025: 99,553,100 …. GDP: $2,445,124 …. GDP/person: $0.025
I think that more than halves our standard of living, if I am interpreting that correctly.
I can not find the actual quote. But a ‘Great Merger’ was planned by the Rockefellers.
Dig,Dig, Dig….
AHHHhhh Found it!
I had this as a URL reference BUT CHAPTER TEN HAS BEEN REMOVED!!
Luckily Yandex did not hide it and I found a copy.
Excerpted from The Rockefeller File (1976), Chapter 10
“North American Union” on the horizon?
(Merger of USA – Canada – Mexico)
The Sovereignty-Busting Trans-Pacific Partnership – What’s so bad about it? By Fred Elbel
The Trans-Pacific Partnership would allow an international Tribunal to TRUMP THE US SUPREME COURT. The Trans-Pacific Partnership says ANY treaty signed by the USA is covered and gives enforcement to treaties that up until now had no teeth to force compliance. The Trans-Pacific Partnership would provide the teeth. Remember international law sees no difference between an executive agreement, a congressional agreement or an actual Constitutional treaty. This means all those treaties that Obummer had signed, like the UN small arms treaty, all of a sudden could be enforced by an international tribunal with no regard to the US Constitution, Supreme Court or international sovereignty.
We need to eliminate DC go back to state control and then start new. Clean out DC from all the demonic that is entrenched in the power centers.
House passes $78 billion tax bill in bipartisan vote
Well we now know which 70 in the house to support.
I think it is now time to flood the phones with questions about how we can become illegals so we can spend the rest of our lives living on other people’s money.
Might of already been posted.
It transitioned.
Did not read the article.
Yesterday, read somewhere, AZ illegals may be able to vote in the General election.
Thought it was far fetched, but, it is AZ. I’ll look for it after coffee.
We have to get out and vote because we are more people then they are. Vote , vote , vote. Encourage friends family to vote positive only be positive.
Thank you for the inspiration, Carl.
So my lesson learned is to stay straight and steady, to keep looking up to God, and not to be demoralized as the CCP and leftists want me to be. We need not stay on a path to hell. Do not obey demons.
My experience is that demons whisper encouragement to go down the wrong path, rather than issue orders.
But it’s a minor point of grammar; I just wanted to add a little color.
The only one whispering lately is OBiden. Hmmm… point taken.
He’s the one demon that should just shut up and go watch Maude reruns.
temptation !
that’s the trap.
just say NO.
If this is real, it looks as if someone isn’t getting enough attention, again, so she says something outrageous. But IMO this warrants a visit from the Secret Service.
She’s a pain in conservatism’s behind, that’s for sure.
Just another damned malignant narcissist. We need to stop rewarding them with attention when they flare up.
Agreed. Her hormones must be way out of balance.
A moaning presstitute…
Ann the Bitch, prolly has another book coming out soon.
Coulter is a turn coat. Never trust her she is a windbag.
Our backup site is still up, and WordPress congratulated us for the site FINALLY getting 5000 views!
Sounds like a participation trophy.
Congrats ( i feel like I’ve given at least 4K of those)
Choose wisely! AMEN!!!
Tucker being funny!
Made by DuPont just cracked my ribs.
This is a bit of a WTF. Please explain, if you understand this!
I don’t get it. She appears to be making an attempt at self-deprecating humor. That part is clear, but the SNL part makes no sense and is just cringe.
Why the CNN logo?
I never know whether things are real anymore. Could they make her appear to be doing that via AI?
Your last point was perfectly timed, after I just saw this:
Great stuff!
This is an easy one.
SNL is trying to rehabilitate Nikki with humor. They want her to be the Republican nominee, because they believe whoever is will win the Presidency. They hate and fear Donald Trump as an existential threat. Which he is, for them.
Nikki made a terrible error when she didn’t repeat the lie that the Civil War was about slavery when asked at her town hall a few weeks ago. She tried to give an actual nuanced response, which she flubbed, but it really is inaccurate to say the Civil War was only about slavery, so I give her points for trying.
It is almost time for Schifty Schiff’s Epstein taps to come out.
Not to mention the non-“Standard” Hotel and KiddieMassage… gives a whole new meaning to “a little on the side”…..
Interesting problem – the replies in the thread are worth a look.
Sure hope it’s not East Palestine.
Quick note to PAVACA. We can’t add that plugin you mentioned for security reasons which I won’t get into. However, I don’t think it’s a problem for Gail or anybody else to simply copy comments and put the copies where they want them, provided that correct attribution is made. In doing so, the system provides the level of authentication which I need, but also handles almost perfect copying of formatting.
I have been doing a copy & paste and tried to have correct attribution by starting with name and date.
The easiest method is to keep The Deagel Report: U.S. Population Reduction of 68.5% by 2025 open in a separate tab.
BEFORE you press [Post Comment] in the daily do:
[ctrl] a …. press both keys at the same time.
[ctrl] c …. press both keys at the same time.
The bring up a comment box in The Deagel Report
Add a short note such as “Also posted in daily” so it is NOT AN EXACT COPY.
then do
[ctrl] v …. press both keys at the same time.
to paste into the comment box
Post in one article wait a bit and then post in the other.
Wolf Moon and Gail Combs
Thank you all so much!
I wasn’t sure if you knew the easy way to post in two articles.
The key is to make sure they are not exactly the same. If they are, one will get booted.
DAYUM!!! Shut this crap DOWN!!!
May Jimmy Rest in HELL for the rest of eternity for all the DEATH and TERROR and sexual abuse of little children he is responsible for. He KNOWS IT and that is probably why, at 99 he is still clinging to life.
If you’re looking for a detailed, knowledgeable report on the “Hockey Stick Trial” of Climate Fraudster Mann vs. Mark Steyn, here you go.
I had not been following this till I saw the above post. Whilst reading up I came across this, there’s a funny bit starting about half way through.
Amen Carl. The Book of Jonah gives a good example of God delaying judgement on a people who chose to repent & call on the Lord when Jonah preached that His judgement was imminent. May the Lord continue to pour out His mercy & draw sinners to Himself in these dark days. His Kingdom come & His Will be done!
THANK YOU, BAKOCARL – for always bringing The WORD we need. Today’s lesson is just right for our time. Our courts and government agencies are a disgrace.
Our laws are a contradiction of GOD’s laws and principles. We have laws that would enable or force us to break all of GOD’s laws.
We have open borders and selective law enforcement. This is allowing evildoers to run rampant over our land.
We have predators targeting infants and children in our schools and churches. Even children’s books and Disney Land and World are involved in the indoctrination and predation upon children.
Yet, GOD is sovereign and will redeem and sustain His people, church and creation even amidst this evil.
We will still give Him thanks and praise for giving us strength to stand firm against evil and sustain and comfort us if we suffer as martyrs.
GOD is good, His WORD is the law of LIFE and the WAY of RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE AND JOY – and rules all the universe.
Jesus Christ is LORD.
Forever and ever and throughout all eternity.
1990’s Contemporary Christian / Gospel music.
We’ve got that CD but haven’t played it in an age…TY
Thank you Carl for this reminder. Everyday could be our last. I try to live my live accordingly knowing that.
The world will drag us down quickly if we’re not careful, so easy to be drawn into the decay for some.
Stand on solid ground everyone for you never know when you’re going to be shaken.
Please pray – CTH commenter Citizen 817 has cancer:
“My stage 4 stomach cancer is beyond what Ivermectin can do for me, unfortunately. Currently on home Hospice Care, morphine for the pain.”
Does he know of the Fenbendazole protocol?
I like the open mouth as a target.
More Tucker with Calley Means.
“In a burst of energy before she died, my mom urged us to take her to where she’d be buried.
Cupping my dad’s face, she talked about how magical their life was together.
It was the most profound moment of my life, and it wouldn’t have happened if we listened to her doctors.
Just 13 days before, in January 2021, my mom was apparently healthy.
She felt a pain in her stomach during her morning hike and got a scan. Stage 4 pancreatic cancer.
She called me and said she wouldn’t meet her future grandchildren. The family rushed to her side. My sister @DrCaseysKitchen
and I learned three things over those next 13 days… Lessons that we think provide an explanation – and solutions – for the largest issue our country faces: the fact that we are getting sicker, fatter, more depressed, and more infertile at an increasing rate while bankrupting our country with healthcare costs.
The first was that the predominant incentive in medicine is to intervene after you get sick.
Right after my mom’s unexpected cancer diagnosis, a medical team out of Stanford and Palo Alto Medical Foundation jumped to action, recommending a laundry list of surgeries and procedures—biopsies, blood transfusions, and a liver stent. In most cases, the patient would have agreed to these procedures, and the meeting would wrap up quickly.
These recommendations were coming from some of the most prestigious institutions in the world, after all.
But based on my sister’s experience in medicine (Stanford MD and surgical residency), she started asking questions. We learned that these procedures had about a 33 percent chance of extending her life a few more months at most, a 33 percent chance of shortening her life span, and a 33 percent chance of not impacting her life span (yet keeping her away from the family). In all cases, the invasive route would mean that my mom would need to sit in a hospital room alone, because of Covid-19 protocols, and potentially longer if the surgery had complications, as they often do with immunocompromised cancer patients.
My mom made it clear to the oncologist that she was not afraid of her rapidly impending death, but she wanted to minimize unnecessary pain or nausea in her final days. Despite being clear, the system pushed the exact procedures that would yield pain and nausea and aggressively shamed our family for questioning the full-court press approach.
Thank God we had my sister – who had routinely seen doctors push unnecessary surgeries to terminally ill patients during her training – who had the wherewithal to push back.
In 99.9% of cases, my mom would have died alone in a hospital room and we would have missed the life-changing final days with her.
The second lesson was that my mom’s cancer was not “random.” Her oncologists said it was “bad luck.” It wasn’t.
In the decades leading up to my mom’s cancer diagnosis, she was informed her rising cholesterol, waistline, fasting glucose, and blood pressure levels were conditions that she could “manage” for life with a pill. But instead of isolated conditions, all of the symptoms my mom experienced leading to her death were warning signs of the same thing: dysregulation in how her cells were producing and using energy.
But through decades of symptoms, my mom—and most other adults in the modern world—are simply prescribed pills and not set on a path of curiosity about how these conditions are connected and how the root cause can be reversed.
The third lesson was that there is a better way than our current system, and it starts with understanding that the biggest lie in health care is that the root cause of why we’re getting sicker, heavier, more depressed, and more infertile is complicated.
Depression, anxiety, acne, infertility, insomnia, heart disease, erectile dysfunction, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s dementia, cancer, and most other conditions that torture and shorten our lives are actually rooted in the same thing.
And the ability to prevent and reverse these conditions—and feel incredible today—is under your control and simpler than you think.
After leaving traditional medicine and working with patients to understand their biomarkers and take simple root causes actions – my sister routinely saw quick reversals of formerly intractable conditions.
The siloing and medicalization of chronic disease in the past fifty years has been an abject failure. Today, we’ve siloed diseases and have a treatment for everything: cholesterol? See a cardiologist for a statin. fasting glucose? See an endocrinologist for metformin. See a psychiatrist for a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI).’t sleep? See a sleep specialist for Ambien. See an ob-gyn for clomiphene. dysfunction? See a urologist for Viagra. infections? See an ENT for an antibiotic or surgery.
But what nobody talks about—what I think many doctors don’t even realize—is that the rates of most of these conditions are going up at the exact time we are spending trillions of dollars to “treat them.”
In the face of these unprecedented trends happening to our brains and bodies across our life span—which all have metabolic dysfunction as a root—we are told to “trust the science.” This obviously doesn’t make sense. We have been gaslighted to not ask questions over the past fifty years at the exact time chronic disease rates have exploded.
The truth: we should consider listening to the medical system if we have an acute issue like a life-threatening infection or broken bone. But when it comes to the chronic conditions that plague our lives, we should distrust almost every institution giving the advice. The answers are much more simple and under our control.
In the days following my mom’s death, my sister and I affirmed to devote our lives to changing these broken health incentives. And Casey expressed a passion to write a book with lessons she’s learned working inside and outside the medical system. I have helped her write this book over the past several years and it will be coming out in May.
A lot of issues will be discussed as we enter 2024, but the most important is that our human capital in America (particularly kids) is being decimated by preventable and reversible metabolic conditions. Thank you @bariweiss
@TheFP for publishing an excerpt.”
^^^ G R E A T post. ^^^
Conundrum of sorts. (Intuitively, I, (We?) knew the answer.
Easily reconciled.
From Barb’s post above. (Emphasis mine, as is formatting.)
Thank you, Kalbo!
Barb Meier
Thank you so much for this. Yours Truly agrees that in certain situations, there must be medical intervention — as in my own case, with an acute hernia that had to be operated on as soon as possible.
I think there’s something else that is involved in the metabolic dysfunction issue — the number of vaccines that are “mandated” in the CDC immunization schedules. And not just the COVID-19 “vaccines.” By the time a newborn has reached 2 years of age, that child is “recommended” to have had almost 30 doses of various vaccines, including the COVID-19 “vaccine.” How can the immature immune system of a person so young handle all of these injections — even allowing for the “lower dosages” given due to age? And why are newborns being “mandated” to be vaccinated?
As I have said before, my vets told me NOT to vaccinate before weaning because the immune system is too immature for the vaccine to provide protection. Yet we vaccinate NEWBORNS when the typical weaning age for humans is 2 years old.
You want to protect your kids? BREAST FEED esp during the firat 48 hours and STAY HOME and care for them! That way they are not exposed to new diseases that the first milk (Colostrum) does not protect against.
Breast is Best!
Reminds me of the school assignment to list 3 advantages of natural breast milk.
Despite all instruction, one young lad froze after two….until….”packaged in attractive, easy-to-use containers.”
!!! LOL
You’re welcome, PAVACA. My mom had chemo after a stage 4 lung cancer diagnosis. After a treatment or two, they had to stop and mom told me: “if I had it to do over, I would not take chemo.” Her white blood cell count was down to zero. I am so glad to see the efforts of Calley and Casey to explain to us all what has happened to our healthcare system and why it is so broken.
I have a cousin who called yesterday. She is a Christian. She worked for decades as a hospital receptionist and to this day has total trust in the doctors. Yesterday was the first time I explained that I have taken none of the shots and have not had covid or been sick. I forgot to mention that I worked through the lockdowns. Both she and her husband have had covid repeatedly and other health issues. My cousin is several years younger than me. Her hubby is older than her but I don’t know his age. I wonder if she will ask herself why I am okay but they are both having so many medical problems.
While I feel very sad that she said they get all the shots and boosters, I respect each person’s right to make their own medical decisions, even when they insist on trusting without researching themselves. At least she is getting antibiotics for her latest case of breathing difficulties, that her doc says is long covid even though all her tests come back negative. I told her I had read the CDC paper instructing docs that the first Covid tests could not distinguish between flu and Covid. I am thiankful that nugget was ready to share quickly.
Early on, doctors in Florida sent my cousin’s nephew home without any theraputics at all and told him to come back to the ER once it got worse. He died after coming back to the hospital worse and being put on a ventilator. So sad.
Last night after we talked, I realized that many of the doctors and nurses who my cousin came to trust and respect, ignoring doing her own analsys have probably retired or died. Those in charge now are a mixed group of trustworthy and not.
So many things shout FRAUD to me, but it is not my decision.
The book by Casey Means MD and her brother Calley Means, titled Good Energy comes out in May and is available for preorder.
Prayers for us all to stay healthy, PAVACA. I agree, I would seek medical help if I broke a bone or something of that nature. Otherwise, I leave it in God’s hands.
You are welcome, PAVACA. The CDC should not mandate anything to anyone, IMHO.
geoengineering operations…
Our Weather in 2025 : A Forecast Study Published in 1996 By The US Airforce
article link…with other related links + 3 important videos/footage..
evidence proving large-scale geoengineering ops.
military report from 1996 : Weather As A Force Mulitiplier : Owning The Weather in 2025 ~ Is Spraying Poison In The Air For Military Advantage A Good idea ?
detailed excerpts from the above report + 3 videos + graphics
carbon black dust.
Interesting interview in that article!
They advocate for transparency about this issue, which I would also like to see but doubt will happen. What I dread is every weather event potentially being blamed on manipulation…tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis. If there is an unusual snowfall on primary day in a northern state, that will have been “caused” by someone to discourage turnout for Repubs. I wonder why they didn’t use weather to help them cheat in 2020. Severe weather conditions would have been a perfect excuse to stop counting ballots.
The same people who say that “it’s not climate change; it’s called weather” will swear that man is manipulating the weather when it seems convenient.
I kept waiting for them to talk about major weather events like hurricanes, but all I heard addressed were drought and chemtrails — not insignificant, but not hurricane-force winds and rain.
Why would they be causing drought in California, a blue state? Maybe conditions there are affecting the food supply or prices? It just seems that there is a lot more they could be doing.
One theory I have is that WEF seeds this garbage to make people believe that we can change the weather, thus “climate change” and its mitigation by Bill Gates geoengineering become realities for those people.
Verse of the Day for Sunday, February 4, 2024
“Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,”
1 Corinthians 13:4 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
It’s okay, according to Bill they are just messing around (using the whole population of the earth to do it.)
A South Dakota tribe has banned Republican Gov. Kristi Noem from the Pine Ridge Reservation after she spoke this week about wanting to send razor wire and security personnel to Texas to help deter immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border and also said cartels are infiltrating the state’s reservations.
“Due to the safety of the Oyate, effective immediately, you are hereby Banished from the homelands of the Oglala Sioux Tribe!” Tribe President Frank Star Comes Out said in a Friday statement addressed to Noem. “Oyate” is a word for people or nation.
Star Comes Out accused Noem of trying to use the border issue to help get former U.S. President Donald Trump re-elected and boost her chances of becoming his running mate.
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Many of those arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border are Indigenous people from places like El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico who come “in search of jobs and a better life,” the tribal leader added.
“They don’t need to be put in cages, separated from their children like during the Trump Administration, or be cut up by razor wire furnished by, of all places, South Dakota,” he said.
The fact that a chief would ban a woman governor for “safety” of the tribe (OH, NO – THE HORROR! SO SCARY!) shows how deeply taken-over that tribe is, by the radical leftocracy.
Heap big welcome to our new friends who bring economy ( drug production & distribution)… much better than liquor that white man brought
I will NEVER understand minority groups (Jews, Blacks, or Native Americans) who embrace the SUCK that is so destructive their respective peoples. Never.
I think it’s also decades of tribal alcoholism. Also, Star Comes Out is president, not chief. The chiefs of yesteryear would never have such bizarre political views.
BTW, does the Oglala Sioux tribe have casinos? White people might be insulted by his opinion and edict and elect not to poison their treasury with ‘dirty’ money.
Just saying.
Obama put people into cages not Trump. The cages were there. Trump used DNA to separate pedos from kids that were not theirs. The Indian needs to find the truth and not be a parrot for democrats.
good one
There’s a Wendy’s on Castro Valley Blvd. in Castro Valley, where MadCow is from…
Land of artichokes IIRC.
Nope, that’s Castroville, south of Santa Cruz, on the way to Monterey on Highway 1…
Castro Valley is just north of Hayward, off of I-580, near Dublin… used to be a nice sleepy town, despite the liberals here and there… Until the late 1960s… we had a farm at the end of our block, and a friend of mine and I almost got shot because the farmer thought we were stealing his apples…
That farm is all houses and condos now…
Thanks for this informative article, BarkerJim!
Elvis/President Trump comparison photo…LOL
Elvis 2028!
according to citizens free press…President Trump posted the picture hi,self…it doesn’t say where tho
Trump posts photo comparison with Elvis.
Update on Mr Gill appeared in the news yesterday. RIP
How sad but his healing has completed. Prayers for his family.
Certainly a tragedy for Mr. Gil’s family.
Following NOT PC. Thinking, organ harvesting off the tragedy.
Trump mulling a Bronx Rally. Madison Square Garden Rally.
To be fair, he could be trying to describe the Burton Union system….
….but I doubt it.
Is that a laugh track ? How could anyone think he’s funny ?
Laughing at him; not with him.
Maria Bartiromo After Speaking with President Trump: “I Think There Will Be Major Changes Made in the Republican National Committee Very Soon” (Video)
There better be or Trump will just buy it.
Adam, you are a sniveling little twat.
And that’s when he’s trying to be good.
Have to keep up the Russia, Russia, Russia narrative. Also, Russia bad, Ukraine good. Don’t look at the fact that Carlson is a journalist, and journalists have interviewed many world leaders over the years.
Makes me wonder if Kinzinger and Zelenskyy went to Epstein’s island….together?
Remember when Kinzinger accompanied McCain to meet with evil ISIS terrorist leaders including Al Baghdadi?
And they called McSlime a patriot just because he got shot down in Vietnam.
I thought they called him No-Name.
To-mah-toe —- to-may-toe
There’s a reason why he doesn’t have any mirrors in his house.
He can’t stand the sight of traitors.
I wonder what the monologue in Kinzinger’s mind is when the lights go out and he is alone with his thoughts. At some point reality must be engaged. Of course I do have a persistent flaw of overestimating the strength of these peoples’ consciences.
WHAT consciences? Seriously, they have zero empathy for other people and thus no real conscience. As a psychologist said of my brother, He is COLD Centered.
Like I said, a persistent flaw. Sometimes I lie to myself and call it optimism.
It is very hard for people who are basically GOOD to even SEE EVIL. I do not think my Mom ever saw evil even when it slapped her in the face. I certainly have to work very hard at it.
Oh, I’ve known people like that. Cold as ice to others. The only reason they live is for themselves.
Let me find my glasses….
Currently without power since about 4:30.
WUWT was accessible earlier on today but now I get this…
Is that happening to anyone else?
Twatter is still up
WUWT appears to be back up (at least over here)… maybe, for once, I’m not the one getting bounced
Hubby said it was up for him.
It’s back in the UK now, I think TPTB are having a dummy run against what they see as problematical to their version of reality.
Nitter is down and Rumble was having a lot of problems. Given Klaus Schwab predicting cyber attacks I think we can expect a ramp up.
Another Crisis “Much Worse than Covid”, Paralysis of Power Supply, Communications, Transportation. The WEF “Cyber Attack” Scenario.
The Expose website is saying:
CRITICAL ALERT: THE EXPOSE IS NOW PENNILESS – It’s the Final Weekend to Save The Expose & make sure we can expand!- The Establishment has FROZEN Our Funds but is Demanding We Pay Tax On Them! Please Support Us TODAY to Save Independent Journalism. Don’t let the truth be taxed into silence. Please Donate/Subscribe!…
I suspect they’re going to use things like the Garbled codebase “Chrome” (don*t getcha home) to attack things like certificates, etc. to keep those they don’t like off the air…
Chiefio had a series a while back about ideas for an alternate web… might be worth getting something like that up and running. And maybe Musk has something with his satellite network as well… the more alternatives, the better…
Can I get your help up voting this comment at Badlands?
Defected Ep. 57 – 9:00 PM ET –
Squashing all the info in 2000 words was a major effort for me.
I was NOT happy when Jon and crew want off the deep end over comments MADE by Alex that they attributed to Ivan Raiklin.
You can see how Alex set Ivan up.
2/2/24 Ivan on Infowars with Alex Jones
at 28 min -Discussion — Fedsurrection & indictments back firing, if can’t keep off ballot…
30:30 ALEX: It is almost worse for them if they kill him or steal it again. Ivan what happens if they steal or kill Trump?
Ivan: They may foist Nikki on him as VP, but still too dangerous. May go to 1960s model kill JFK, RFK, MLK. So this is a message DIRECTLY TO THE DEEP STATE TARGET LIST: MY ASSESSMENT...America will come for you and they know who you are. AND Option 2, behind Trump is going to be so much better for us & So much worse for them…
Alex: If they kill him that is best case scenario. From a sick level, from a sick level ‘oh please kill him…
Discussion of Kerry & Iranians Could use an Iranian cell here in the USA. BUT we already KNOW that is what they are setting up.
Ivan and his buddies are Green Beret.
In an earlier Alex interview with Doc Chambers:
Doc says Abbott is doing what we would call part of an INFORMATION WAR… the gov agencies are MORALLY broken. this trickles down to those in the ranks… So the people who are still there? My brothers and sisters who are still within the DOD who signed that Declaration of Military Accountability on January 1, 2024
That group [within the DOD] is sitting on GO right now. That group is completely in tune with what they need to do.
You have to listen to BOTH interviews to see there is a group ‘Ghosts in the Machine?’ Working together but on separate projects.
Ivan has the FedSurrection & Congress
Another guy has the Covid Clot shot and the Declaration of Military Accountability
Doc Chambers and a group has the border situation.
And if Q is to be believed, ANTIFA was tracked mapped and infiltrated…
Open in a new tab to be able to read.
If somebody wanted to discredit Alex, this is how they’d do it.
Alex makes mistakes but he’s been right far more than he’s been wrong.
I gave the time stamp so you can go listen to what is actually said.
It is at 30 minutes 30 secs.
The problem is the clip ALEX JONES POSTED WITHOUT the info before and after on Twatter and THAT is what got Jon Harold hot under the collar.
CannCon had just interviewed Ivan Raiklin on Sitrep and he also goes ballistic — go to 40 minutes. a little bit latter you see the Tweet. CannCon does say what I said. It was Alex, however they still jump all over Ivan for not ‘stopping’ Jones.
All I am doing is putting out CONTEXT!
I did not put those words in Alex Jones’ mouth. He did it all by himself and then you get the expected reactions at Badlands who also smear Ivan with the same brush.
I imagine the result will be that Ivan will never show-up on Badlands again — Mission accomplished.
I will add that Alex Jones did the same to the Q Team via Jerome Corsi. I have zero Idea if there are ‘strings’ attached to Jones and whether they have been cut and that is why he is now back on Twatter. As one person said of Jones a couple years ago, he is 95% truth and 5% poison.
Neon Revolt does a dig on Corsi here:
Alex stating that he has spoken with “QAnon” was the last straw for me. All the Corsi nonsense led up to it. There is not one real anon who would say they have spoken with Q.
I’m not saying people should disregard Alex, just to listen warily. He is smart, cunning, self-promoting, and persuasive.
I got it and agree with you.
I am suspicious that attacks on Alex [justified or not] might be a back door way to go after Bannon. Steve is close to DJT so he needs to be protected which protects Trump. If that means I let Alex’ misfires go unaddressed, that’s the price to pay to support Trump.
At 22:08
Ivan: “I become the Secretary of Retribution.”
Beck. Thirteen minutes.
Great video!
Pretty much in agreement with everything we say here.
Remembers skimming through Das Capital, by Marxx in high school. I wanted to see how the commies thought they were going to seize the world. About two thirds through the book you can see how it all shapes up with government picking the winning corporations and winnowing all the others away until just the essential corporations all have just one to rule their industry and the govt by that point ruled by the elite. It’s at that time Marx says everything is then squeezed and all the bad capitalist stuff gets purged as the proletariat makes its way through this funnel of power and dictates to eventually emerge to the other side to shangri la and the workers paradise.
Pretty much didn’t need to read anymore after that. Once they have you in the funnel there is no getting out. They control it all at that point and will never have a need to let the worker proceed the promised land. Unless your part of that machine, your finished as far as freedoms are concerned and those freedoms are the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of justice. All gone for good. As to the those in the machine. You have one job, with minimal latitude and are easily replaceable as well as expendable. Once done with you, your dropped into the funnel with the rest of humanity.
Morale of the story. Don’t go into the funnel.