Dear KMAG: 20240205 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:

Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:

“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Week Year:

espace réservé


  1. French for placeholder
  2. French for reserved area
  3. French for restricted area
  4. Wolf’s preparation for a year of taking care of things

As I will explain below, I’m going to need placeholders for many weeks this year. The first placeholder post (February 5, 2024) will be copied to the other weeks, and modified whenever time allows.

The whole “placeholder” endeavor just sounds so much less offensive in French!


One of my favorite hymns! A new version…..


The low-down…..

I already had a long list of things I absolutely must do this year – which include some significant trips, and big medical projects which I put off from last year.

Yes, THE WOOF needs some upkeep to his fine if somewhat ancient mechanism!

And then the medical stuff got compounded by some bad, stupid, Biden-era corruption, which I would love to elaborate upon, but can’t.

The bottom line is that I’m now spending all my time trying to correct the cascading problems of a system error that should have never happened.

And all this takes TIME.

To make sure I have a post up every Monday, it’s going to have to be placeholders.

Or, as I was saying, espaces réservés. Which sounds so much more dignified.

So what can you all do?

If somebody wants to take over the Monday daily, that’s great. Let me know. It’s not absolutely necessary, because the espaces réservés work quite nicely.

But that’s not the most important thing. If I can ask, the occasional prayer for my health would be wonderful. Nothing big – there are many people on this site who need your prayers far more than me. Pray for THEM regularly. But still, prayer is good – prayer is strong – and prayer is effective. An occasional prayer for me to “fix up solid” would be greatly appreciated.

Best and fastest way to get me back online for the election.

Just sayin’!

So thank you for your assistance in this matter. And remember…….

Until victory, have faith!

And trust the big plan, too!

And as always….



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No power.


Sounds like a typical Republican lament.


Yeah, but when the Repukes says that, they’re lying. They have lots of power. They just use their power in collusion with the Dims to destroy America.


We have to do a better job to sort out the wolf in sheep clothing from the good guys.

Gail Combs

A lot of the military that ‘retired’ or quit because they refused to take the clot shot are now running for office.

We need Ivan to give us a list!
at 5:30 he introduces one running in Michigan.

At 10:30 he introduces another running in Florida.

at 24:45 He talks to Michael Yon, another Green Beret, who was down at the Darian Gap.


Well, … our wolfm00n doesn’t dress in drag.

So no sheep clothing for him.


You are funny 🙂


It hasnt hit us yet. It looked like its been heading for bay area and santa barbara, settling big in l.a.
We are supposed to get 1-2 inches tomorrow though. Thats a lot. Rain for 5 days, nothing for 6 more, then another 4 days straight.

I hate these all at once big gushers. Just some daily winter rain would be nice. It was warm all afternoon til 415. Wind picked up and its clouded over.

Hope your power comes back soon.




Optimize three tigers.

Or is that over the top?


Only Trump Tuesday
(Nov. 5th)




Ty. 1st one was this past week. Beaches hit hard. This second one seems to be shifting every couple hrs for my area, but consistently hitting the bay area and l.a. el nino year. Wet but not cold enough to give us a bunch of snow.


I hope you don’t have flooding.


Suggest, never watch local weather. Pure Pravda News. (Seriously.)

My go to weather monitoring.

  • When things look serious, I click on a Live Weather Radar site.
  • Accurate. No hyperventilating yammering idjits.

>>> Keep things in perspective. <<<

Reduces hysteria AND faux skeery shit.
No different that NOT watching Lester, Nora, or ANY local news talking fool, paid to read whatever mesmerizes folks. Turn. It. Off.

pat frederick

not saying the situation isn’t dire per se…but it’s certainly convenient that there’s this weather situation to focus on and NOT the immigration bill disaster they wanna ram thru


Theyll take any distraction. Grammys, super bowl….anything. oscars..

pat frederick

did you hear that taylor swift broke a nail and has to have an emergency salon appointment or she won’t make it to the super bowl???????


Lol. I cant avoid that garbage its everywhere!

Cuppa Covfefe

Got it stuck in her nose, no doubt…


Not watching. Keep looking at my weather on my phone, 2 sites. Plus radar. Supposed to be .1 inch every hour for 5 hrs starting at 10 am. I am just concerned about saturated ground abd run off. If it doesnt tain too hard i think we will be fine. People with pools though should pay attn to how full they get.


An IBM business.

Cuppa Covfefe

As the old saying goes,

I ‘ve
B een

(had a former colleague who experienced that…. he’d just gotten married, got the call to move… said he’d have to ask… next day he was told to pack his desk… he was gone… no more IBM for him… 🙁 😡 (this was in the 1960s…))…

Cuppa Covfefe

Joe Bastardi is really good.

Looks at parallels from the past.

History (and weather) echoes…

Gail Combs

“…but consistently hitting the bay area and l.a….”


God giving the streets a good cleaning! (Which they desperately need) And just maybe some of the loser Illegals will decide to LEAVE.

pat frederick

or washing them out the same way some of them came in?

Gail Combs

One can only hope!

Last edited 1 year ago by Gail Combs
Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe Schiffhead will get washed out, too….. along with mad Maxine…


Row vs Wade?

pat frederick

good one!


HA! Finally, something reasonable!


AOC reportedly said:
“That’s the only way “THEY” can get here!”

Cuppa Covfefe

Wade and found wanting… 🙂

Gail Combs

First Global Boiling HikeLuna was born on day 58 of the United Nations Global Boiling crisis. He braved the heat to take his first hike today.

Climate Math : 22 > 200

Posted on February 5, 2024 by Tony Heller

The Mercury News says California is flooded and having the worst drought in 1,200 years. They also say California has had 200 year long droughts during the past 1,200 years.

“Current drought is worst in 1,200 years in California and the American West, new study shows

Tree rings indicate 2001-2022 is driest 22-year-period since at least 800 A.D., when Vikings sailed and Mayans built temples”

Cuppa Covfefe

What was that song on WUWT to the tune of “Oh, Susannah” about “it got so hot, ’bout froze to death”…


Headlines like that are reserved for Komiefornia.

OK. It’s gonna rain. SMH.


“No power.”


That’s the same thing Managerie said.

Then SD went out of town… 😁

Valerie Curren



I suggest that each of us should provide wolfm00n with our personal contact info. We should not have to go through the bakocarl episode where we were helpless to even know if he was still alive.

Remember how difficult it was to find out that wheatie had passed. We can avoid that frustration, or minimize it, if we just doxx ourselves to our beloved admin.


I wasn’t talking about you; I was talking about us – the ones who toil in obscurity to produce quality snark and info-packed commentary.

  :wpds_grin:   :wpds_mrgreen:   :wpds_twisted:   :wpds_shock: 

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2

I certainly hope not…


That would be creepy…

Maybe creepy cool… but still creepy… 😲😂


egads what are you talking about ?!

are you ok ?

take care of yrself kiddo. 💞

Cuppa Covfefe

Calling collect, no doubt 😀

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Barb Meier and are available. hehe


Lol. Try at all the sister sites too. WOLF’S saved us all since the purge ot, but never fear, theres back up!


Facecrook would still be up, it’s an enemy website.

Daughn was still on FB last time I checked, which was quite a while ago, since I rarely log in.

Cuppa Covfefe

Tan me hide when I’m dead, Fred
Tan me hide when I’m dead
So we tanned his hide when he died, Clyde
And that’s it hangin’ on the shed!!
Altogether now!



Getting old blows. Covid stuff….i know. I think now i did have some other long term damage. I hope you can get it squared to the best you are able. Healed would be 👍.
Take care.


Yep. Got to do the maintenance and repairs on yourself firstly sir!


Getting old does, indeed, blow…..but it’s almost always better than the alternative.


It is currently much better atm. 😌

Gail Combs

Wolfie, in case you are looking for a decent doctor. These are NON AMA doctors.

….The real question is what to do to improve medical practice. “There is a danger that this crisis will be the pretext for still more bureaucracy, regulations, checklists, and reporting.”

It is likely that badly designed electronic medical records and bureaucratic demands cause a lot of errors by distracting the staff’s attention and forcing them to check boxes instead of answering call buttons or observing the patient, AAPS suggests. “What patients need is doctors and nurses who care about them and are free to exercise their best judgment. They need less interference from remote administrative and government offices, not more. They need people who help them get out of bed, not more people with clipboards or electronic devices.”

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is a national organization representing physicians in all specialties, founded in 1943 to preserve private medicine and the patient-physician relationship.


Makes for a nice Note.

Gail Combs

I really wish I could type… 🙄 AND spelll 😋

pat frederick

i blame democrats and Mondays and stiff fingers…in that order….

Gail Combs

Arthur – T – Write – US.

Some of my knuckles no longer bend.

pat frederick

i am constantly sewing, quilting or ranting on blogs to keep my fingers nimble. they’re just not as accurate as they once were…following my mind i guess…

Gail Combs

My hands still work (I sew) I just have some knuckles that don’t bend they way they used to. No pain since I have been taking Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM, Collagen, Boron & Hyaluronic Acid for decades and more recently added CBD oil.
NC is a boron poor state and was KNOWN for arthritis.

 Given how active I have been, I am lucky I am in such good shape… Or maybe because I have always been active.

pat frederick

i think being and staying active is key!

Gail Combs


Hubby’s Granddad complained his friends retired put their feet up watched the boob tube and were dead in 6 months.

These guys were stone masons and he had wanted to go fishing with them…

Valerie Curren

My grandpa got up to a week’s worth of relief of arthritic joints in the fingers & hands w/ just one sauna at my other grandpa’s house…

pat frederick

hey i wash a lot of dishes–that’s the same, right?

Gail Combs

If my hands start hurting I put them under running hot water,

Valerie Curren

If the water’s pretty hot I’d guess so 🙂

Barb Meier

Prayers for you and your wife, Wolf. 🙏


What he doesn’t have, he can’t be forced to yield under subpoena.


Feds already know who AND where we are.

Live our lives.


I never wouldve done this and now lookie… someone will buy it and use the data.

“Several years ago, DNA-testing company 23andMe began publicly trading on Nasdaq following a deal to merge with VG Acquisition Corp., a special-purpose acquisition company founded by billionaire Richard Branson. The company was pimped by Hollywood elites, such as Oprah and Lizzo, as market capitalization topped $6 billion in late 2021. 
Fast forward this past week, 23andMe has lost 94% of its market cap following the November 2021 peak, and Nasdaq threatened to delist the penny stock as it closed around 69 cents per share on Friday. ”


I remember in 1990 Hillhaven stock dropped to 25 cents a share. It was in bankruptcy court. I still greatly regret not buying as many shares as I could since it later went to $60 a share. It’s currently at 60 cents a share.

If I only could have a do over.  😂 


And facebook earned cuckberg what 700 million in a day?


An occasional prayer for me to “fix up solid” would be greatly appreciated.

You’ve got it! Praying that all will go well with no hitches and with successful outcomes. Bring on the espace réservé! I hope you will give updates to whatever degree you feel appropriate when you can, but taking care of yourself is top priority.🙏


“But still, prayer is good – prayer is strong – and prayer is effective. An occasional prayer for me to “fix up solid” would be greatly appreciated.”


Occasional is tough, hard to remember.

Fortunately, you’ve been on my daily prayer list for several years now, along with around a dozen others from here and the associated blogs, who are mostly dealing with various health or injury issues. Looks like you’re back on the ‘health issues’ part of the list for a while 👍

It might be good to have a Qtree prayer list, maybe with a link somewhere in the column of links on the right side of the webpage near the top. Just a suggestion.

Get well soon!




GOD Bless You!


Wolf, if you have to have a surgery or something, and you let us know, we can pray you through it. That is powerful stuff.

I just had this experience with a group of people. A young boy (11) got very sick last week. He had sepsis from strep, and was in terrible shape, writhing in pain, in the ICU. I was contacted as part of a group to pray for him in shifts through the night on Friday.

By Saturday morning, he was out of pain. By 10am his labs were improving. By 2pm he sat up in bed, declared himself to be recovering, and hugged his Dad!

He’s now out of bed and walking some. He has recovering to do, but I think he will live. Friday night I wasn’t sure.

We are your friends and would pray for you in shifts through a surgery or procedure, so you just let us know when, if you can.


Another part of this story is, I have been praying the Jabez prayer for a few weeks now. I found a little book about it, and started. Here’s the verse with the prayer:

I Chronicles 4:9-10 NKJV
Now Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, “Because I bore him in pain.” And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested.

The book I found explained “territory” (the part I put in bold) for us today as our outreach for God. Our community, our friends, our family.

Sometimes people are reluctant to ask for prayers. But if you ask us to pray for you, what you are doing is giving us the gift of “enlarging our territory,” giving us an opportunity to serve God. A prayer request is a gift to the receiver.

I love you, Wolf!


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I’m not sure. Maybe the pooch is a Frenchie. 😀

Valerie Curren

Vichy w/ a German accent 😉


Couldn’t tell … dog was laying where the white flag attachment normally goes….



Cuppa Covfefe

Yep…. but it wasn’t a retweet…


Not sure it’s French … it looks “Used”

Gail Combs



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President Bukele tore up a monument made by communists, melted it, & turned it into a manhole cover

Monuments made by communists are unfailingly ugly.


memes on that are great.

Shares one. Gail will get a kick out of it.

comment image

Gail Combs

  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 


Streets of El Salvador erupting in fireworks as Bukele re-elected in HISTORIC landslide


Not a landslide; it’s a f’ing AVALANCHE!!!!!

 😯   😍 

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2
Gail Combs

Now if we can just repeat that here in the USA FOR TRUMP!


It was close😂

President Bukele is a big Bitcoin proponent.

People who buy Bitcoin and hold (“hodl” in Internet slang) onto to it with no intention of selling are called hodlers. For example, Michael Saylor, the founder of MicroStrategy, whose company has around 190,000 Bitcoin at last count, is a mega-hodler.

I saw a Bitcoin meme video today, using film footage from from the Johnny Depp Pirates of the Caribbean movies. One of the hotties was El Hodlador, a word-play on El Salvador.

I haven’t caught all of the references in the video, but for example, Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett are represented (as characters from the film). Munger and Buffett claim to hate Bitcoin and never said a kind word about it (though they’re both known to talk something down publicly while buying it as fast as they can privately, like any good Jamie Dimon-type snake).

I think ‘Sea of Liquidity’ is mentioned. There are lots of inside joke references, to both supporters and detractors of Bitcoin:



Most of the time if it’s singular, I hear it pronounced hoe-dle, but plural seems to be pronounced both ways, ha-dlers or hoe-dlers, who are hoe-dling or ha-dling 😁

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

“This is what happens when politicians deliver on their promises…”

That may have been so some decades ago.
These days you also have to watch out for rigged electronic voting machines.

Afterall Trump and Bolsonaro also delivered on their promises.

Last edited 1 year ago by eilert

Storm has started here. Hoping no flooding rain.


Stay safe, Gil!

Valerie Curren

Hope you’re doing OK…& Cthulhu too!


Ty. Very very wet. Consistent, not hard, but so much water.

Valerie Curren

Yikes. Hope things are drier now 🙂


NET ZERO – French electric police vans are powered by diesel generators.

Doing their bit to ‘save the planet’

Stop laughing at the back


EVs are one of the dumbest ideas pushed by lying governments, around the globe.


I heard that 90% of all EV’s are still on the road.
The other 10% actually made it home.

Gail Combs

I wonder if they ever rescued all the ones that crapped out when the cold wave hit.

pat frederick

they’re now mini homes for illegals

Cuppa Covfefe

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Good news…

Earlier this week, Shane Murnan resigned from his position as the principal of John Glenn Elementary School to the Western Heights School district in Oklahoma after it was revealed he performs as a drag queen and had been charged with possessing child pornography in the past.

In a post on X, Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters announced Murnan’s resignation. He said, “It’s a great day for Oklahoma. It’s a great day for Oklahoma Schools. Big win today, the Drag queen is out at Western Heights.”

He was exposed by Libs of TikTok. This is a win for her.


Now get rid of the drag queen running United Airlines.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

That one is scary. Holy smokes…deranged dude.

Cuppa Covfefe



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Gail Combs

WHY do we need another law? We already HAVE laws on immigration.



B I N G O. Same as the bastards don’t need more money.

Enforce existing laws, within the already bloated budget.


Great news. I should have scrolled a bit, before my last post.

Gail Combs

He is NOT the speaker who is the one who controls what bills come to the floor.


Do better, Okies. Escort Lankford out of his office today


Re elected in 2022. Isn’t that always the case with the ones stabbing you in the back? They count on memories to be fickle. Dirty deeds go to the ones least likely to reap the wrath of the voter.


Senate Border Bill is Worse Than Existing Immigration Law – The Last Refuge (

Senate Border Bill is Worse Than Existing Immigration Law

February 5, 2024 | Sundance | 356 Comments

The Senate immigration bill, aka border security bill, is only designed as the cover for the Senate to send $60 billion more to Ukraine. The Ukraine money is the priority (corps/lobbyists) the border “security” bill is the technique to create and spend it.

That said, they certainly would not want to let a created and purposeful border crisis go to waste, and they didn’t. The latest version of the Senate Immigration Reform Bill is now public [SEE HERE]. The proposed Senate border security bill provisions are actually worse than existing non-secure border provisions.

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America First Legal did a great job hitting on the top-line issues created by this new bill. In many ways, multiple ways, this supplemental “border security” bill makes things worse. The bill codifies into law the loopholes currently being used to increase the number of illegal aliens. By this design the bill makes things worse.

America First Legal is pulling this monstrosity apart:
Thread by @America1stLegal on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App


r_Cons Will vote for this. Turtle leading the way.

Hopefully, Mikee will hold the House back. Never hold a vote would be ideal.

Gail Combs

 👉Never hold a vote would be ideal.”

That is why having an America First speaker is so important.


Well, 1.8 Million illegals entering the United States PER YEAR “before it could be declared an emergency” would be a fine “response” to the upcoming PLANNED POPULATION REDUCTION OF AMERICANS BY THE COVID-19 “VACCINES”, wouldn’t it?
Perhaps Lankford, et al, have been briefed on the the contents of the DEAGEL REPORT?
If they haven’t, perhaps they need to see THIS? —-


Well, this is interesting. Looks as if people were trying to find compromising material from Sen. Lankford’s past in response to his working with Dems on a border deal. Turns out he said in a deposition in 2010 that 13-year-olds can consent to sex. I wonder what else they have on him.

comment image


And nobody asked “Mr. Lankford, how many 13 year old boys (or girls?) have you had sex with?”

How could someone NOT ask that question, while Lankford was testilying under oath?


Are these 13 year olds married to pervs in the Baptist Church, or does Baptist Church Camp teach fornication?

How in the world does Colonel Clink Lankford, the Camp Commandant at Baptist Church Camp, advocate for fornication between adults and children?

Or fornication for anyone?


Just another shitbag politician.

Gail Combs

Just another shitbag PEDO politician.

There fixed it for yeah.

I wonder if he was good friends with Epstein?


I knew he looked like a damned pervert!

Gail Combs

He certainly does… BOY LOVER?

Baptist Church Camp??

 Before he became a leading voice for conservative causes on Capitol Hill, U.S. Senator James Lankford spent more than a decade as the director of youth programming at the Falls Creek Baptist Conference Center, a sprawling campground about 80 miles south of Oklahoma City that attracts more than 50,000 campers in grades six through 12 each year.

The Republican lawmaker’s tenure at the camp is a prominent feature of his political profile, noted in the first paragraph of his official Senate biography. That experience is also coming under renewed scrutiny as the Southern Baptist Convention, which is affiliated with the group that owns the camp, faces a reckoning over its handling of sexual abuse cases.

In 2009, while Lankford worked at the camp, the family of a 13-year-old girl sued a 15-year-old boy who was alleged to have had sex with her at the camp…

January 2016: Senator Defies Obama’s Education Department On Sexual Assault

Senator James Lankford is challenging the Department of Education over its handling of sexual assault on campus, arguing the department has grossly overstepped its authority to pursue a political objective.

In a letter sent to acting Secretary of Education John King Thursday, Lankford, who chairs the Senate’s regulatory affairs subcommittee, challenged the department to provide legal justification for a bevy of mandates and requirements it has placed on schools in the past few years. The rules in question mostly relate to the topics of sexual assault, harassment, and bullying.

It’s an unusual fight to pick. Several Republicans, including Marco Rubio, have collaborated with Democrats in trying to create legislation to increase the federal government’s ability to fight campus sexual assault. Lankford’s fight is also surprising because his target isn’t a new policy, but one that has been in place for years….

Cuppa Covfefe

Guess he’d never heard of “Fifteen will get you twenty….”…..


Abbott, 13 governors declare states can secure border, have right to self-defense

Thirteen Republican governors joined Texas Gov. Greg Abbott in Eagle Pass, Texas, Sunday to pledge their commitment to border security and states’ constitutional rights to self-defense.

“Half of the governors of the United States have joined with Texas in our cause to make sure states should do everything possible to secure our border,” Abbott said. “We are here to send a loud and clear message that we are banding together to fight to ensure that we will be able to maintain our constitutional guarantee that states will be able to defend against any type of imminent danger or an invasion that has been threatened by Joe Biden and his abject refusal to enforce the immigration laws of the United States of America.”

Abbott cited the self-defense clause of the U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3, which more than 50 Texas counties have cited in their invasion declarations, saying, “We’re all fighting for a safer, more secure border and country.”

Texas governor was joined by governors of Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Tennessee, and Utah.

They appeared in Shelby Park, where concertina wire barriers are the focus of one of three lawsuits filed over border barriers in the Eagle Pass area between Texas and the federal government.

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee said there are hundreds of Tennessee troops currently serving along the Texas-Mexico border.

“We are prepared even today to send additional troops working with the Texas Department of Military to do just that,” Lee, said, adding that states were doing the job the federal government failed to do, “to protect this country.”

“Each one of us understands the devastating effects that the border policy has had on every one of our states individually. We’re here together to collaboratively work to support Texas and to provide for the safety and security of people all across the country,” Lee said.

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp said they were standing with Abbott “because every state in our country now is a border state [and] if our border is not secure, our country is not secure and Joe Biden’s policies are making our country less safe.”

He cited the record number of people being apprehended on the terrorist watch list, asking how many of them “are in our country that we didn’t apprehend?” He cited the record 458 million lethal doses of illicit fentanyl and 56,000 pounds of methamphetamine that OLS officers have seized, adding, “think about the doses that were not.”

…Abbott said the states’ efforts were working. There used to be 3,000 to 4,000 foreign nationals illegally entering through the park a day. Today, the average is three a day.

“If we put up resistance, we show we can secure the border,” Abbott said, adding that states can secure the border. “Joe Biden should not be stopping that.”


“Abbott cited the self-defense clause of the U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3, which more than 50 Texas counties have cited in their invasion declarations, saying, “We’re all fighting for a safer, more secure border and country.””


He should also be citing every relevant section on TREASON in the Constitution.

Article III, Section 3.
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.


Article II, Section 4.The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.


Article IV, Section 2.
The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or other Crime, who shall flee from Justice, and be found in another State, shall on Demand of the executive Authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having Jurisdiction of the Crime.


“He cited the record number of people being apprehended on the terrorist watch list, asking how many of them “are in our country that we didn’t apprehend?” He cited the record 458 million lethal doses of illicit fentanyl and 56,000 pounds of methamphetamine that OLS officers have seized, adding, “think about the doses that were not.””


Seems very simple.

Every time these drugs are discovered, the United States suspends trade with the country of origin for 30 days. Suspensions for multiple infractions are served consecutively.

So for example, if Chyna fentanyl is intercepted just 12 times, trade with Chyna is suspended for a full year (360 days).

That will make Chyna stop the fentanyl trade before it ever leaves their own country.

Same deal with Mexico.

You want all trade with the United States suspended indefinitely?

Keep allowing invading armies and drugs and human trafficking through your country into ours.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

Well – Texas isn’t our only border. We have a longer northern border and many thousand miles of coastline to protect.

The best defense is to ENFORCE all our CURRENT laws against illegal invasion and to detain and deport all invaders!


while all eyes are fixed on Texas and Mexico, the situation up north at our Canadian border is also a mess..

New Jersey Based Gang of Migrants Charging $6K A Head To Smuggle Illegals Into US From Canada




Nevada absent. SMH.


That’s it. We’re toast! 🙄


Eight yo Granddaughter, in Texas knows that one.

Gail Combs

Home Schooled kids will help safe this country!

Homeschooling StatisticsHighlights of statistics on homeschooling:

  1. There are 3.7 million homeschool students in the U.S.
  2. States with the most homeschoolers are North Carolina, Florida, and Georgia.
  3. The top reason for homeschooling is a concern about school environment.
  4. Homeschool students outperform institutional school students academically.
  5. The highest homeschooling rate is among students with a grade equivalent of 6 to 8.
  6. 48% of homeschooling households have three or more children.
  7. The average cost of homeschooling is $700-$1,800 per student annually.
  8. 1 in 3 homeschooling households has an annual income of over $100,000.
  9. Homeschooling saves about $56 billion of taxpayer money annually.

What’s really frightening is that this is one that happens frequently in real life. As in, “what’s a quarter hour after 2:20?”

It’d be different if it were 17*5.

That would only come in handy if you were making change for Harry Potter.

Gail Combs


That is simple to do in your head too.

round down to nearest even number = 16. Divide in 1/2 = 8 so 16 * 5 = 80 then add 5 = 85


Easier for me to round to 15.
15*5=75 then add leftover 2*5=10.


or just 7*5=35 plus 10*5=50, 85!

Gail Combs

Lots of easy ways to do it in your head. esp when it is times 5.

Cuppa Covfefe

comment image


Idiots and followers.

One idiot takes a blind guess at a number, and the other three idiots follow the first idiot.

They should all four be kicked out of college, and sent to grade school.

They should have to sit at those tiny desks, in the front, so all the age appropriate kids behind them can make fun of them for being in grade school in their 20s.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Gail Combs

Good grief, they CAN NOT EVEN ADD! For something that easy you do not even need to multiply. The fact they have such a LACK OF UNDERSTAND of simple Arithmetic shows how broken our educational system is.

15+15 = 30
30+30 = 60


They’re not even embarrassed!

I’d run away in shame! 😂

Gail Combs

We get a lot of kids coming up and saying they want to be a Vet. Hubby uses a simple single digit multiplication test to sort out who we will continue to talk to and give info to.

Sometimes we get, I’ll just use a calculator. And we reply, NOT ON MY HORSE YOU WON’T!

You have to be able to do at least a rough estimate in your head to determine if the number ‘looks right’ or if you screwed up a decimal place or something.

Dr Robinson, tells the tale of an engineer completely blowing the math when determining the design of a bridge over his creek. In Oregon you could not just build a foot bridge, you had to have it ‘designed’ by an engineer.🙄


My 9 year old nephew could do basic multiplication like that (4 x 15) since he was around 6 years old.

Which seemed late to me.

Break it down if necessary. 4 x 10 plus 4 x 5.

We had to memorize multiplication tables, at least up to 12 x 12, maybe up to 15 x 15. I remember sitting at the desk in the play room at my Grandma’s house, practicing my multiplication tables.

And no, it wasn’t last week, it was in the early 1970s 😂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Perhaps part of their problem was that 15 is bigger than 12.

Even assuming they had to go to 12×12 tables (doubtful), 4×15 is outside that square and requires them to compute it somehow. Yes there are shortcuts but they don’t teach the shortcuts (or didn’t when I was in elementary school). You’d be expected to do that one longhand, and then it becomes “hard to do in your head.”

Without knowing the tricks, 4×15 is no easier than 7×17. I don’t have to think about 4×15 because I know some tricks, but 7×17 I’d have to think about for a moment or two to get 119.

I recall Robert A. Heinlein stating that he had to memorize the 20×20 table when he went to school. He was born in 1907.

Last edited 1 year ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Common Core anybody?

That is how they have been “taught” to think. I am not kidding. Just one more reason our grandson #1 is being homeschooled. He could not think as they taught and was failing in their method. He aces his math tests now that he is taught to process the information normally again. Can process it all in his head instantly although his mom is teaching him standard calculation methods with pencil and paper.

Gail Combs

Straight from the WEATHER UNDERGROUND!

The Gory Details About Terrorist Teacher Kathy Boudin

…Radical Math was created by educator Jonathan Osler several years ago while teaching at El Puenta Academy in New Jersey. Osler taught Radical Math along-side Cathy Wilkerson, a former member of the Weather Underground Organization (with Bill Ayers) who once participated in a plot to detonate a nail bomb at a dance for military personnel at Fort Dix.

Radical Math provides hundreds of social justice math lessons obviously meant to indoctrinate. For example, lesson titles include “Sweatshop Accounting,” “Racism and Stop and Frisk,” “When Equal Isn’t Fair,” “The Square Root of a Fair Share” and “Home Buying While Brown or Black.”…

Brave has scrubbed the pointers to this. [NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID] I had to use Yandex to find the site. Then Utube had scrubbed toe videos…

I finally found them on Rumble. (Bitchute did not have them that I could find)

The Weathermen I – IPOT Presents – 6.21.19

The Weathermen II – Of Media, Money & Men – IPOT Presents – 11.11.19
@ 47 minutes it goes over some of the history of the Weather Underground

@ 1 hour 12 minutes it starts in on the connection of Bill Ayers and Linda Darling-Hammond to Common Core. Linda was the education advisor to Obama’s presidential campaign and was among candidates for US Secretary of Education under Obama.

@ 1 hour 16 minutes it leads into ANTIFA and the violence on campus to prevent Conservative speakers.

If nothing else listen to that section

The Weathermen III – ALL4FLOYD – IPOT Present


July 7, 2015 at 12:34 am ·

Robin has done an incredible amount of digging but I no longer have a link to the site. DARN IT!

Cuppa Covfefe

I think the cert date invalid is a trick by TPTB to cut off access to various websites…

The Garble “Chrome-don’t-get-ya-home” codebase (for most browsers) has been getting dinked around quite a lot in the last year or so… and it’s a VERY effective way of keeping various sites offline….. whether their dates are correct or not…

Sad part is, this will only get worse as we reach November…

DAMN the LEFT to HELL!!!

(gmx is f-ing me over right now and I’m furious ** N+1 !!!!! )…..


Thank God that your children approve.

Too many grands have rebellious offspring.

Gail Combs

Thanks to the Progressive bull schiff they were fed in school. The higher the degree the more they probably lean left.


Most of the CPA firms I worked for billed in quarter hours. The others billed in tenths — which complicates bathroom breaks because they’re harder to round into something.

Gail Combs

Pee faster! 🙃


Or do like an Amazon employee and keep beverage containers around for re-use.

Or pick your favorite client and just bill that one.

Gail Combs

Stolen from Truck Drivers…



Barb Meier

Harris billed in tenths… shift it to minutes and it is easier: 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, then add the previous to 30 to reach 60 minutes… 36, 42, 48, 54, 60. I know, my math thinking is strange. 😂

Gail Combs

Actually similar to mine.

Great minds (or is it lazy?) think alike.

Cuppa Covfefe

Flush twice: It’s a long way to the cafeteria…


Are we SURE this isn’t staged?

OMG if it’s real.  😯 


Logically look at them. No way they could stage being that stupid. It’s natural. The DUH is real!


People like that would not be capable of making change at a cash register. I imagine that current cash registers reveal how much change is due, but still…this is a basic life skill.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Of course there’s a basic procedure for those who can’t do math in their head and that’s to count the money back. It has the bonus of putting the coins under the bills instead of on top sliding around and onto the ground which is what happens when someone reads left to right on the cash register.

Gail Combs

“…on top sliding around and onto the ground …”

Oh boy do I hate that! I will often snatch my hand away, put the bills in my purse and then accept the coins.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This is particularly obnoxious at a drive through when the coins end up on the ground and you have to get out of your car…if you have space enough to open the door.


I have tried “toss the change into the bag” (when all food was wrapped) and “give me the bills, and toss the coins through the window into my car.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You would think ONE manager SOMEWHERE would train their employees to hand the coins over first.


If it’s anywhere, it’ll either be a Chik-fil-A or In-and-Out.

Gail Combs

I will tell them to give me the coins first if I think of it.

Cuppa Covfefe

One in the middle looks like 80×40 (at least)…

Crikey. Back in the dark ages, times of slide rules and punch cards, when I went to school, there were some of us who learned our times tables to 15 x 15 or even 20 x 20
(OK, showoffs we were, and then we memorized pi out to a couple of hundred places, as that’s as far as the computers back then could go…almost (700+ places, according to “Curiosities of Mathematics”)…


Coffee break. 🙂


I was praying for some specific friends last night before falling asleep…

and I asked GOD if there is anyone else I should be praying for..

and then I come here a few minutes ago and see Wolf’s post.

I don’t know what the issues are, Wolf, health and otherwise but…

I will pray for your successful outcomes, safe wise guidance, strength endurance and comfort, and wise counsel, along the way.

don’t want anything to happen to you !

Hedge of Protection !



you sound upbeat but I’m worried about you.


just about every aspect of life on this planet right now is toxic.

Valerie Curren



In case anyone is wondering, I’m in the orange blob at the bottom of the map.

I’m shuckin’ and jivin’ while I watch the fixed areas get closer.

Once the power comes back on, I have to run around and rig the house for bed. This includes the heat, because the hvac is currently offline.


Darn. The fixed area just north of us just reverted.


The battery on this tablet is fading. I’m going to have to shut it down.



Found a full power brick.

Even more tricky, found the right cable!

Gail Combs

Glad to hear that but do save some power so you can check on your situation.


The power brick has gone from four lights to three, while the tablet has gone from 21% to 31%.

I will have trouble if my cpap doesn’t work, so I am trying to keep going until power returns. Mind you, this is not life threatening, it just means I’ll be cross, tired, headachy, and useless.tomorrow.

Gail Combs



I have a power inverter to run A/C from the cigarette lighter in my car. When the power goes out, I sleep in the car. No different than sleeping in a recliner.

If I wasn’t so busy/lazy I’d locate a direct 12 volt power cord for my machine.

Gail Combs

Good idea. Also the power inverter can be used for other things. (Just make sure you keep your tank topped off.)

Valerie Curren

AND a window cracked!


OK, so…..the power brick took the tablet up to 60%, but I had to shut everything down around 5:00 am (all times local) because I was no longer very functional. I laid down and tried to warm up and drowse. Main house had gotten down to 63 degrees — my knees, next to the window, were probably about 59.

Fiancee then got up and went to work at 6:00, noticed some houses in our area had power (not ours).

Power was on at 6:30. I rigged the house for sleeping and turned on the heat. Then I put on my CPAP and went to sleep. Woke first at 10, said, “no way, no how”, and went back to sleep.

14 hour power outages are very unusual for us. We have city-owned electricity, and they are very good.

Gail Combs

59 is the WARM part of our house….


And, of course, there are many who might ask, “how could anyone tell?”

Valerie Curren




looks bad out there.


We’re done — worry about gil00.

Gail Combs

👃 for gil00.


Double-drat. The green fixed area to our west just reverted.

The good news is that the tablet is showing 42% charged.


The green area is back to fixed, and I just saw a ping from a local Wi-Fi beacon DizzyPuppy.

Gail Combs

Sounding good!

Gail Combs

pgroup2  February 4, 2024 23:46

I got it and agree with you.

I am suspicious that attacks on Alex [justified or not] might be a back door way to go after Bannon. Steve is close to DJT so he needs to be protected which protects Trump. If that means I let Alex’ misfires go unaddressed, that’s the price to pay to support Trump.

I truly do not see that happening. Alex goes full Tin Foil Hat, where as Steve is just slightly outside of the main stream and his guests are PURE GOLD WITH EVIDENCE.

Also Tucker, with his huge following, is shifting the  Overton Window to pretty much overlap Steve Bannon’s War Room.

You also have Elon Musk shifting the  Overton Window away from the Fake News.


Alex has been on Warroom several times. Steve has nothing but supportive statements to say about him. [just in case you didn’t know]

Gail Combs

So it looks like he has had his strings cut. At least I hope so.

pat frederick

you’ll be in my prayers Wolf!!


radar loop…

comment image

Cat 5 conditions ?

Gail Combs

Hubby just checked for southern CA it is mainly green (normal rain) with a bit of yellow and orange.

Even the upper part is mainly green with a bit of yellow and orange.

We get that sort of rain frequently, esp in summer when the thunder storms roll thru.

I am surprised the electric grid can not handle it.


California is fragile. /s

Gail Combs

California is so full of GRAFT, I am surprised they still have any electric at all… OR roads… OR…


Fill those reservoirs!!!!!

Gail Combs

No can do, they destroyed the dams.

The largest dam removal project in United States history is underway along the California-Oregon border. The project will remove four dams on the Klamath River… According to the non-profit advocacy organization American Rivers, 1,951 dams were removed in the United States between 1912 and 2021…. Most of these (1,199) have occurred since the removal of Edwards Dam in 1999. LINK


Over the past 30 years, more than 100 small dams have been removed in California. The 2015 breaching of San Clemente Dam on the Carmel River was the largest dam removal in state history. LINK


Fum Duckers!

pat frederick

we DO know

pat frederick

Gail Combs

Trump fought tooth and nail to get ILLEGALS included in the last census but lost that fight.

pat frederick



Counted as a separate number.

pat frederick

OH!, thanks!

Gail Combs

Sorry I was not clear. So thanks to Coothie!

Gail Combs

My road now has more donkeys than ponies… Here is why. (9 minutes)

This is Why Farmers Sell Their Weapons and Buy Donkeys

Except they do not sell their weapons.

pat frederick

a woman that works with my hubby bought donkeys to protect her goats and cows. best thing she could’ve done she says

Gail Combs

YUP! Our donkey that we just lost would literally stand over a newborn to protect it from preditors.

I was looking into a new donkey when our neighbor got a FREE guard dog as a pet.🙄Since we have sheep and goats she spends most of her time with us. 😄 I also think she likes the attention since we are home and outside a lot.


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Gail Combs

Nicely done. Note the Gang Tats on his forearm.

pat frederick

America First details new immigration bill

America First Legal
9h • 11 tweets • 5 min read •
Read on X
🚨The new Senate border bill is out () and we are evaluating it, but here are TEN things you should know to start with (there are more).

In sum, it appears to be WORSE THAN the current law.

Read this 🧵and decide for…
1. It does not end catch and release. Instead, it facilitates catch and release for certain populations. This should be a MAJOR red flag for all.
2. It exempts UAC from the new “break glass” removal authority. Which means it is worthless, as UAC remain a gaping loophole, and we have seen the largest child smuggling operation in history during the Biden Administration. For context, more than 476,000 UAC have come during the Biden Admin. None of them ever go home.Image

3. It does nothing to end perpetual settlement agreements like Flores, which have undermined border security for decades.
4. The bill effectively codifies the Administration’s absurd “asylum officer rule” that dozens of state Attorneys General are currently challenging in court. They might as well call this the “Asylum Officer Empowerment Act,” meaning more and more aliens will get asylum based on lax adjudications. And asylum = path to a green card and citizenship.
5. The new “break glass” emergency authority is a disaster. The Secretary “may” use it if there are 4,000 or more aliens encountered each day (28k per week, 121k a month, 1.46 mil a year). But he “must” use it when there are more than 5,000 a day over a week or 8,500 in a single day. Those are insane numbers and totally unacceptable to the American people.
6. And Non-Mexican UAC are NOT counted in the total that triggers the emergency authority.
7. But if that wasn’t bad enough, there is a provision that allows the Biden team to essentially opt anyone out from the new supposedly expedited proceedings.
8. And if that weren’t bad enough, it allows Biden to SUSPEND the new authority if he wants to, rendering it meaningless:
9. Oh, and the authority is limited in time duration, going down each subsequent year, making it even more worthless:
10. The bill wastes a ton of taxpayer money.

Billions here and billions there for more “processing.” Including $1.4 BILLION for more FEMA grants that provide shelter and other services to illegal aliens.

There are even nuggets like $36 million to provide attorneys for “incompetent” adult aliens.


Will the House stand firm?

comment image

pat frederick

we’ll see
Wall Street Apes
It’s Official, Black Voters Know They’re Being Replaced With Illegal Immigrants
“Why do think they’re doing this? Why would they be bringing in these tens of thousands of people? Twenty buses a day, a thousand more per day. Why would they be doing this, and what’s your message?”
“The only reason that I could see that they’d be, uh, would be doing this is to replace us. And we say Trump 2024 because Trump is the only one who’s gonna do something about this and partner With all of America this is this is where all of America has gotta come together and put a stop to this. We have to send these people back where they come from. Oh, this is going to explode violently. It’s gonna explode on multiple fronts, and and the the mayor and This governor doesn’t care.
And since they don’t care, then we must go red. We must link up with all of America, And and we care, and we have to do something about it. We’re coming for every electoral official that did step up and all those that that supported, uh, this mass. I mean, wipe out of our our our communities, we’re coming for you. By the time Trump gets ready to to, To run-in November, Chicago is gonna look like a sea of red.
When that democratic national convention get here, you’re gonna see so many red t Research that you’re gonna think you’re in Texas. Enough is enough. We just can’t give it away to foreign nationals. No no other country’s gonna allow us to cut in And do the same thing that’s happening here.
You have American citizens of African American descent, that have built this country and built the great city of Chicago. They are the back and shoulders that built this city”
Democrats Have Lost The Black Vote



this is what America Last looks like.

money laundering



criminals running rampant

criminals smuggled in

cartels , opioids, drugs, trafficking, murder, rape

hordes of homeless diseased sociopath illegals living on sidewalks, in airports, hotels, stadiums, bus depots, train stations, parking lots, your neighbor’s lawn..

a helluva lot more gaping mouths to feed..

we are being ripped to shreds..

to build back better for the WEF.

Gail Combs

That is Ben Bergquam who is in contact with Doc Chambers.

This is an Oldie but goodie. (And down the rabbit warren I go!)

What Randa Jarrar Thinks of Ben Bergquam Arrest
 February 1, 2019
By David Taub, Senior Reporter

Ben Bergquam, a Fresno based right-wing activist known for heckling at political events, was arrested earlier this week for trespassing at Gov. Gavin Newsom’s mansion. He calls it his latest political stunt.

“The whole idea is to expose the hypocrite Democrats. We went to test to see if everyone is welcome,” Bergquam told Politics 101.

The answer was apparently no.

The California Highway Patrol, in charge of protecting the governor, arrested Bergquam, along with fellow activist Laura Loomer on Wednesday (Jan. 30), the Sacramento Bee reported. Per Bergquam’s custom, everything was streamed on his Facebook page, with more than 90,000 followers.

The pair hopped the fence onto Newsom’s lawn. Bergquam said they were portraying immigrants who “hop the wall” at the California-Mexico border.

Bergquam and Loomer were booked into Sacramento County jail and later released. Pictures posted on his Facebook page show them wearing sombreros and serapes. Bergquam also wore a fake mustache. He called this character “Pancho Benny.”

Social media commenters called Bergquam’s outfit racist. 


More on Randa Jarrar — Related Story: No Discipline For Fresno State Prof After Bush Bashing Twitter Storm

…“Professor Jarrar’s conduct was insensitive, inappropriate and an embarrassment to the university. I know her comments have angered many in our community and impacted our students,” Castro wrote. “Her comments, although disgraceful, are protected free speech under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.”

Jarrar wrote in her first tweet inside of an hour of Bush’s death last week: “Barbara Bush was a generous and smart and amazing racist who along with her husband, raised a war criminal.”

She continued the Twitter barrage for five hours, at times taunting those responding to her.

She also said she was “happy the witch is dead” and couldn’t wait for the rest of the Bush family to meet their demise. In addition, she represented the student crisis hotline at Arizona State as being her personal phone numberUSA Today reported that the hotline received “a massive number of calls” for two days as a result….

And yet a Trump supporter who posted a joke on Twatter is now in prison.

Satirist sentenced to 7 months in prison for 2016 meme aimed at Hillary voters

The DOJ announced in a press release that Douglass Mackey, a conservative who creates satire memes, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Ann M. Donnelly to 7 months in prison for “his role in a conspiracy to interfere with potential voters’ right to vote” in the 2016 presidential election.

A meme Mackey posted on Twitter in 2016, that struck most as satire, urged supporters of Hillary Clinton to vote by text.

The DOJ charged that Mackey’s meme constituted election interference but no evidence was presented at trial showing any voters were deceived by the meme….

So if THAT is ‘Election Interference’, what about those ‘Intelligence Assets’ that said the e-mails from Hunters laptop ==> THAT WAS IN FBI CUSTODY <== was a Russian Psy Op and had Twatter (Via ‘retired’ & active FBI agents) delete all reference to the NY Post story?

The Hunter Biden laptop and claims of ‘Russian disinfo’washingtonpost – 2023/02/13

The article said that more than 50 former senior intelligence officials, including five CIA chiefs, had signed a letter saying the release of the emails “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

Here Are the Deep State Officials Who Told Us Hunter Biden’s Laptop Was ‘Russian Disinformation’

…Jim Clapper is the first name on the list. He is a former Director of National Intelligence.

Then there’s Mike Hayden, former Director of the National Security Agency and the CIA.

Leon Panetta and John Brennan were also on the list, also former directors of the CIA.

Besides the dozens of other names on the list, these four were in the most prominent positions in their careers.

They also all have a history of lying to Congress….

So What happened to these HABITUAL LIARS??? Did the get indicted sentenced and sent to jail like the satirist?

DHS rewards ex-intel officials who dismissed Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell as “Russian disinfo”

Former intelligence officials who dismissed an expose of Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell as “Russian disinformation” have been given plum positions in the federal government.In a Sept. 19 press release, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced the creation of the Homeland Intelligence Experts Group (IEG). The 17-member IEG will “provide advice and perspectives on intelligence and national security efforts” to the Department of Homeland Security‘s (DHS) Office of Intelligence and Analysis and Office of Counterterrorism Coordinator.

Mayorkas thanked the “distinguished individuals” on the IEG, adding: “The security of the American people depends on our capacity to collect, generate, and disseminate actionable intelligence to our federal, state, local, territorial, tribal, campus, and private sector partners.”

But the New York Post was once again quick to notice the “hidden agenda” in the IEG’s creation, zooming in on the inclusion of three former intel officials. “It just made wise picks in three expert ex-intel gaslighters: John Brennan, James Clapper and Paul Kolbe,” the outlet said….

pat frederick

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Gail Combs

Both RINO NC senators.


^^^ This.


pat frederick

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pat frederick

very long, i apologize, but i think it’s worth a read…

You now see these derelict fleabag motels in working- and middle-class communities all across Massachusetts.

Your local Days Inn or Motel 6 or Comfort Inn — not so long ago they were moderately priced places for the grandparents to stay in when they returned for Junior’s high-school graduation, or maybe even for an ill-advised, late-night, low-rent romance…

All in the past now. The businessmen’s and no-tell motels have been commandeered in the greater cause of Obama’s fondest dream — the “fundamental transformation” of America into a Third World hellhole.

Everywhere the motels are being turned over to the state and its “NGO” proxies. They are rebranded, if you will, into flophouses for the “migrants” who are now enjoying permanent all-expenses-paid vacations at the taxpayers’ expense.

The other day, a former radio coworker of mine sent me this photo from the Holiday Inn in Marlboro with its vaguely ominous sign:

“Hotel Closed to Public.”

I tweeted out the photo with a brief explanation of what had happened. I was surprised when the photo got far more clicks than anything I’ve ever posted.

The next day, the “hotel” removed the sign and replaced it with something smaller and slightly less obvious.

“Hotel Is Currently Closed.”

After posting the initial photo, I also got a torrent of responses from people who are witnessing this ongoing disaster first hand.

What follows is an account from someone who works in a different one of these “converted” hotels which are decimating the entire communities around them.

This report has been lightly edited to protect the source from retribution by the woke comrades:

There are 200-plus families, he begins, and more than 500 people currently living at the (facility).

It’s not only a roof over their heads and three squares a day, but “free” diapers, wipes, toiletries, free tablets and phones, free English lessons, state case workers making sure all entitlements are taken, free Uber and Lyft rides, free bus passes from (redacted).

All with no end in sight.

All are going to the (redacted) immigration office in Ubers… round trip is more than $130 per trip.

All get DTA (Department of Transitional Assistance, i.e., welfare) benefits, EBT cards. They have more expendable cash than I do.

If DCF (Department of Children & Families) says they need a crib, stroller, toys, etc., management is required order them. Everything is new and arrives the next day from Amazon.

They all have MassHealth, free legal services, free tax-filing services.

Most now have Social Security cards and many are getting work permits, as many have been in the “shelter” for months.

They are learning they can make more on DTA than from working.

The biggest cost that you can’t put a price tag on is the burden on the schools and public-safety budgets.

We daily have local police or fire at the hotel. Police have had to help with fights, guns, drugs, overdoses….

They call 911 for a headache. I even heard someone called 911 for a paper cut. Nuisance calls, because they don’t have to pay for them, or anything else.

I know people in public safety, including some on command staffs. They are fed up with this and concerned about keeping staff.

The brass put on a good face, but are beyond overwhelmed and have no staff or plan. They flat out admit the educations of “regular kids” are being impacted.

The task is to get housing for the immigrants. Not very realistic around here.

Few are working, most who do work for FedEx or Amazon. They have no concept of saving $$ or the cost of housing. The Walmart in (redacted) loves the first and 15th of the month, as that’s when they get their direct (welfare) deposits.

The amount of Amazon and Temu packages delivered every day is crazy. DoorDash is also loving them in (redacted).

The post office just drops off piles of mail for them in the lobby every day, a lot from the state agencies. Many either misspell their names or write them backwards so they can double dip. I assume that the welfare agencies are so overwhelmed, most of it isn’t caught.

Many now have cars. Somebody here’s always chasing them for insurance and registration info. Most try to avoid anybody making inquiries. They buy the vehicles here, pay here. Dealers must be making a fortune. Most still do not have drivers’ licenses.

Most are nice people, but they are now conditioned to think everything is free and that we work for them. Many are rude and have zero respect for rules, police, hotel cleanliness, etc.

DCF has removed quite a few children for abuse.

Local churches have been great with donations of clothes, but the hoarding by and the entitlement of the residents is startling.

The hotel provides breakfast and lunch. There is also a catering contract just for dinner. I’ve heard that one alone is for more than $2 million a year, as it feeds more than 500 people a day, 7 days a week.

The hotel is getting $130 a night for the rooms, charges for other rooms where the food is served, and for the rooms used for computer labs and ESL (English as a Second Language) classrooms.

Plus $12 per each breakfast and $15 per lunch times 500 people.

Hotel is making a killing with cash flow, but the property is being destroyed. Will need an entire remodel.

I keep my mouth shut while at work, as I don’t blame the residents. I blame the president and even more so Gov. Healey.

This whole situation is mind-boggling to me. What about all the little old ladies, low-income seniors and homeless veterans down on their luck? They’re taxpayers, they’re American citizens.

They’re desperate to get into the public housing controlled by these towns, but they’re required to go onto a waiting list for years.

The towns tell them, sorry, we can’t accommodate your needs. We have no available units.

Yet now the state is bending over backwards with no concern about expenses for Right to Shelter individuals, who are here illegally.

Also don’t understand why more local officials aren’t speaking up. The burdens placed on these communities are huge. Certainly can understand why legislators are silent, but if I were still a town official, I would be demanding a meeting with the governor, he concluded.

Maybe I’ll do a follow-up next week. Readers, please send me photos of your local foreign-freeloader flophouses, as well as the motels’ old signs now covered up by tarps.

Tweet them to @howiecarrshow or email them (and your personal stories) to

Two final thoughts:

Import the Third World, become the Third World.

Elections have consequences. Catastrophic elections have catastrophic consequences.

Gail Combs

This is something we have to watch for in our local communities.


Horrendous. The only silver lining that I can see is that people are experiencing it firsthand and are outraged and fed up. But yes, we are becoming a thrid world country by design. Something will have to give at some point.

pat frederick
Gail Combs

We had a trainer of one of those dogs show up at a flea market pony ride we were doing. He would allow no one to pet the dog. We got to talk to him while the dog sat calmly and observed the kids and ponies.

As he said THEY ARE NOT PETS! And they must be professionally trained.

pat frederick

he was amazing!
and i agree that they shouldn’t be approached and they are trained to be what they are…but dang…that walking walking against the wall with his butt in the air????
that floored me!

Gail Combs

He was telling us the breed is NOT ‘Pet quality’

Hopefully the breeders DO NOT SELL to anyone but professionals.

pat frederick

yup, you have to respect the dog’s training and “duty” like guide dogs and such. gotta resist petting and distracting them. they have a purpose and you shouldn’t interfere.

Gail Combs

We always ask. We also provide water for the dogs walking by in the summer when it is hot.

pat frederick

that’s a very thoughtful thing to do.

when we first moved out here, we were coming to the work site (where our home was being built) and we saw a large black dog sitting by the side of the road….there are no houses out here and we saw no vehicles. There is a farm at the very end of the road and so we drove there to ask if their dog was loose.
farmer said no–what’s it look like? we described the dog and he said the dog lived IN TOWN–about 5 miles away and occasionally he liked to come out this way.
we saw that dog many times over the years. he would always be sitting in that spot like he was waiting for a bus. in reality he was waiting for the owner to come get him…

Brave and Free

Don’t know if I would totally agree with that. My daughter has three of them ( among other dogs) she has trained. They’re like any other dog when you socialize them. Definitely NOT for everyone, they need constant work because of their energy and desire to please their owners. Her’s are great with her kids, but I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end if she gave them the commands to attack. Also trainers will put that DO NOT PET collar on them to keep people away from them not because they may be aggressive but to keep them from becoming to social with people.

Last edited 1 year ago by Brave and Free
Gail Combs

The problem is a breed become popular and then people who don’t have a clue about how to train a dog buy them ==> disaster waiting to happen (Think Pit bulls)

In the horse world here in the USA Shetland ponies have a very bad reputation. Why? Because they are small and cute, therefore a parent buys a colt for their kid. (Never an older trained animal.🙄) The kid ‘trains’ it and you end up with a kicking biting bucking monster. The English on the other hand say the age of the pony + the age of the child should equal 25. I AGREE!

Shetlands, like the Belgian Malinois are VERY SMART so it really does take someone who knows what they are doing to train them.

I have 5 registered Shetlands and they are absolutely my favorite pony because they are CALM, VERY SMART and very easy for ME to train. However they can learn the wrong thing very very fast too.



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these, especially for the verses from Psalm 103. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.


January 30, 2024

Psalm 91.The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing

 #psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Valerie Curren

Amen–TY  😍 

pat frederick

well that explains it…in 2010 lankford gave a deposition that he thought 13 yr olds can consent to sex. what skeletons in his closet does the deep state have control over?

pat frederick

sorry for the repost!

Gail Combs

No biggie we all do it.

pat frederick

it’s Monday…that’s my excuse and i’m sticking to it…LOL

Gail Combs

O2 levels 91% to 94% so I have brain fog… That is my excuse!

I hate this winter bronchitis and I am afraid to go to a doc for prednisone and an antibiotic to clear it up. I am sure they would want to treat me for ‘Covid’ 🙄

pat frederick

whether you have it or not

Gail Combs

EXACTLY! I am old so a prime target for being offed by the hospitals in order to make $$$


Will Never let them treat me for Covid.

>>> I already know what to do with the flu.

IVM, HCQ… stash is at the ready.


There is goodness in dupe posts.

Helps ensure folks see it.


🙏🙏🙏 – always for you, Wolf.

Gail Combs

From Yesterday, Scuzbag DemonRats want him bared from re-entering the USA or tried for treason.

BOY they must be REALLY SCARED of what Putin may reveal to Tucker!


Wait until they find out the interview can be posted online and cross borders.

They’re gonna be so mad

Gail Combs

CALLING ELON!   :wpds_lol: 


Just thought I’d change out the picture to the left of the fireplace –

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Gail Combs

What the heck is that on the coffee table to the left of the flowers. It looks like some of Klaus Schwabs ‘Eat Ze Bugs’


The thing with “ribs” on it looks like some kind of a horn. Water buffalo?

Gail Combs

Thanks. It has been puzzling me.


Matches the decour! Great Taste, Good Job! Bound to raise questions for which I’m sure you’ll have abundant answers for.

Valerie Curren



Wolf Moon
Thank you so much for the heads-up!
You do what you need to do for you.
Sending much Good Energy and Deep Healing to you; much Deep Wisdom to your medical team(s); and much Good Energy to your spouse.

Last edited 1 year ago by PAVACA

I will be praying for you, Wolf!

God speed, and whatever you need to do to “fix it,” please do that. We will carry on here until you are back on track!


Top of the stack on Citizen Free Press (CFP).

Then there is this darling over on GateWay Pundit.

Nikki Haley Goes on CNN – Bashes Trump, Announces Her Support for “Border Bill” That Gives 60 Billion to Ukraine and $20 Billion to Border (Video)

Jim Hoft Feb. 5, 2024 8:45 am 


pat frederick

i like the one liner

pat frederick

h/t Filly
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pat frederick

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Considering the media likes to say any rain in CA is a catastrophic event, here is a REAL one that happened in 1861. I didnt know about it but….context!

A massive 19th century storm in the pacific United States opened up a 300-mile-long (480-km-long) sea that stretched through much of the central part of California. And it looks like the state is due for another megaflood.
For 43 days, from late 1861 to early 1862, it rained almost nonstop in central California. Rivers running down the Sierra Nevada mountains turned into torrents that swept entire towns away. The storm was caused by an atmospheric river, a large concentration of water vapour that can cause devastating storms.
“[These storms] have the potential of hurricanes – or even more so because they go on for weeks,” Lucy Jones of the US Geological Survey told NPR.
Atmospheric rivers carry concentrated channels of water vapour out of the tropics. A famous example is the Pineapple Express, which, propelled by the jet stream, carries vapour from the waters near Hawaii all the way to the American Pacific coast, where it causes heavy storms.
A strong atmospheric river is capable of carrying more than 10 times the average amount of water that passes through the mouth of Mississippi River.
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That translates to a crazy amount of rain. And, at least one year, it was enough to flood large swathes of the state.
On 10 January 1862, the day California’s new governor elect, Leland Stanford, was to be inaugurated, a massive flood broke through the levees surrounding Sacramento, covering the city in 10 feet (3 metres) of brown, debris-filled water.
As Scientific American reported, the government rushed through the inauguration, even though Stanford had to travel by rowboat from the governor’s mansion to the statehouse. When he returned to his home, he had to row to a second-storey window to enter. On January 22, the California legislature had to be moved to San Francisco, where it stayed for six months as Sacramento dried out.
The flooding was so intense that California’s 300-mile-long (480-km-long) and 20-mile-wide (32-km-wide) Central Valley turned into a massive inland sea.


This article has much more detail for our weather buffs. Very interesting. Talks about its effect into other states as well.

pat frederick


All of these hotel/motel illegal places getting hundreds of ballots as bulk mail only need 1 person to claim them. Multiply this by xxxx across the country.
These illegals aren’t expecting mail so they’ll not even know or care.
It’s straight up treason.


Wolf my prayers are with you. May Christ the healer be with you with whatever is needed for a good outcome. Prayers for your wife also I know she will take good care of you 🙂
I do want to thank you for your generosity you have shown over the years keeping this site open creating a wholesome community.
God be with you always 💗


Wolfmoon..I’m attaching myself to every other heartfelt comment to you. Please take care of yourself. For however long you will be missed and worried about.. This is the one big downside of an anonymous friendship, not being able to be a part of another’s journey be it bad, hard, good.
Godspeed friend.


Juicy update: we now know exactly why Haley is bombing so badly in her home state…


A new way to tax – from democrats of course!


Colorado Democrat Lawmaker Introduces Bill To Establish Tax On All ‘Pet Animals

Gail Combs

Time to get a chicken or a goat….


Watch when they come after chicken and goats is just a matter of time. These people need money to support illegals.

Gail Combs

Oh, I know it. That is why I wrote the Farm War series.



pat frederick

can you imagine someone with an aquarium??


😂 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Fishy

pat frederick



We already have one called dog tag renewed every year. Of course most people do not buy one we do.

pat frederick

February 5, 2024 11:04 am

CCP Has 270 pot farms in the state of Maine alone.
Plenty more across the country. Isn’t that special?


Shut the farms down. This explains much we have potheads and Chinese are feeding the addiction. I had a neighbor his whole family was addicted to pot. The daughter go divorced after two years and a kid. The oldest kid shot at a dealer then engaged in thievery. The youngest saw the light changed his ways went to college. Parents moved to Florida mom began hallucinating. I saw her many times under a bush talking to leaves.
Sad thing is people who smoke the stuff have no clue what it does to them and think they function normal. They do not.

Gail Combs

A commenter on a Raiklin Report I found interesting since I had not seen this info before.


…(see Millennial Millie Twitter – she gained access to a SKYPE meeting of lower level Government employees, who spoke openly about entering the Capital; they distributed MAPS of the inside and grounds, and were given assignments such as TRUMP supporters, etc, and what to wear – she also has details if the Sunshine group).

There also exists an audio file of GENERALS, BOTH ACTIVE & RETIRED discussing the coup – and: “IF AMERICANS BLOOD MUST FLOW, SO BE IT”!


Don’t forget the TIMES article and, the website DEFENSE ONE! There’s a letter to the editor calling for a coup, and, theres articles about “Not doing what Trump ordered”!!!


Military engaging in a coup is treason punishable by death.

pat frederick

send the illegals…they want a different life after all

Citizen Free Press
Chuck Schumer, blackmail right on cue.

If you don’t pass the Immigration bill, Americans will be sent to Ukraine.

Gail Combs

I really,really, really want that SOB tried for TREASON!… AND CONVICTED.


I want the whole bunch tried for treason. Americans are the kindest and giving people I know and these evil minions who rule our government are ruining all that is good and wholesome.


I think it’s time to build a 50 feet wall 12 feet high about 25 yards in front of the Capitol. Its purpose? Use your imagination.

Gail Combs

A circular wall and without a door or window. Surface to air missiles pointed inward nicely spaced as a finishing touch.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Gotta block the tunnels for that to work.

Of course, one could surround the office buildings and thereby capture both ends of the tunnels…at least, the ones I know about.

I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a way to get to the nearest metro station underground from the Capitol.

Gail Combs

Just fill the tunnels with Cyanogen chloride.


That is the plan take those who came here and send them to Ukraine? Why are we sending anyone to Ukraine? Get the hell out of Ukraine! Those people suffered enough at the hands of Nazis and Russians and now USA. We successfully joined the Satan who bring suffering and evil destruction, hate and death.   :wpds_mad: 


That is the plan take those who came here and send them to Ukraine?

Schumer is saying that American citizens will be sent to Ukraine, not the illegals who come here. It is unbelievable, and evil.

Gail Combs

REPLACEMENT with the docile & ignorant… or so they hope.


The Faux Perma War with Russia is such a joke.


Yes Schumer is evil sold himself


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Thank you 🙂


GFL Chuckie. What an asshole.


From the first news

CO2 in our lungs reaches 40,000-50,000 ppm, which induces us to take our next breath. Each human exhales about 2.3 pounds of CO2 per day, which means Earth’s 8 billion people produce daily 18.4 billion pounds CO2. But humans represent only 1/40th of all CO2-excreting life on Earth. Multiplying 18.4 billion pounds by 40 equals 736 billion pounds of CO2 per day. This approximates the overall CO2 excreted by the total animal and fungal biomass on the planet.
Worldwide industrial CO2 emissions in 2022 were estimated to be 38.5 billion metric tons per year. If one metric ton is 2,200 pounds, then ‘total industrial emissions’ amount to 84.7 trillion pounds per year, or 232 billion pounds of CO2 per day. This means that the entire animal and fungal biomass (736 billion pounds) puts out more than three times as much CO2 as all industrial emissions (232 billion pounds)!
Can any clear-thinking person comprehend the facts above and still create a company with idiotic plans to ‘sequester CO2’ or ‘sequester carbon’Scientifically, ‘net-zero’ and ‘carbon footprint’ are meaningless terms. There is no ‘climate crisis.’

Last edited 1 year ago by barkerjim
Gail Combs

Solar update and it does not look very good..


Now multiply the total amount of CO2 by 10.

Who cares?

It makes no difference.

The world will keep turning, the sun will keep rising in the east, and setting in the west.

Gail Combs

“…It makes no difference….”

Yes it does, The 🌱plants🌵 esp 🌾C3 🌿will be very very very HAPPY🌲🌴

pat frederick

pat frederick

pat frederick

h/t Marica

pat frederick

Gail Combs

District of Criminals….


Good message. My only quibble is that she says “the 435 members of the United States Congress,” when it should be “the 435 members of the House of Representatives.”

Congress is comprised of the House and the Senate, so there are 535 members of Congress.

Gail Combs

AND 545 who are solely responsible for the present mess.

Potatus, Congress & the Unsupreme court.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Unfortunately people use “Congressman” to refer to their representative.

It would have been more justified to do that before the 17th amendment, when a senator didn’t represent YOU but rather your state government.


Technically, senators still do represent the states’ interests. Nothing in the 17th states otherwise.

I agree that they act like super-representatives.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, they certainly COULD behave as though they are responsible to their state governments, but their state governments can’t fire them at the next election. So they won’t behave that way.

I have mixed feelings about the 17th, TBH. I understand on the one hand the arguments that it deprived the states of the only non-nuclear check they have on the Federal government.

On the other hand, I can readily imagine how much bribery and corruption there was surrounding the state legislature twice every six years–that was one of the arguments FOR the 17th amendment.

I still side with repealing it because the states badly need that check, while understanding that doing so will bring other problems.


Yes, many people think of “Congress” as the House. For me, it’s a point that needs to be made, akin to republic vs. democracy. We have three branches of government, and the legislative branch contains Congress, which is not just the House.


That quibble is so small …


Only off by a count of 100. 😂

Gail Combs

The WORST 100…

pat frederick


Why do we need a new border and immigration bill? Wouldn’t the current ones be adequate, if only they were enforced?

Gail Combs

Actually we need to REPEAL the present one and revert to the law BEFORE Ted Kennedy peed all over it. (His law gives 3rd worlders priority over Europeans)


You are a good example of why they want to get rid of old people.

Old people remember the pesky details.  😍 

Gail Combs

I certainly try.

Actually I am surprised at the amount of info I have managed to stuff in my head and retain.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Chappaquiddick Ted, LBJ, and Hart left us in the Celler…

(Hart-Celler Act)…


somehow I don’t think “we” need a new bill…”they” need mo laundering money AND to hasten the destruction of the USA.

They should name all bills Pandoras Box. No matter what it’s supposed to be’s not and it’s ALWAYS bad for the citizens

pat frederick

THEY NEED UKRAINE FUNDING (aka money laundering) so they’re tying that to a “new” immigration bill hoping to dupe the population.


We do NOT need a new border / immigration law.

We do NOT need additional funding.

Have posted as much several times.

Up until January 19, 2021, we were doing just fine, sending back illegals.

>>> Briben, Hoe, Blinken, Mayorkas Must Be Impeached.

  • ^^^ Also posted numerous times.
Gail Combs


Barb Meier

ALERT: Dan Bongino said that President Trump will be on his show at 2:30 today to discuss the Ukraine bill disguised as a border bill. He is going to read and talk about the bill now so we have the facts.

Gail Combs


pat frederick

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Where’s Uma Thurman when we need her?

Barb Meier

I just checked. She is still alive.

Last edited 1 year ago by Barb Meier
pat frederick

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It never stops. For decades these bills like this with hidden insertions is how we’ve gotten to this point.
Only a few elected reps actually represent us…and that us includes the average democrat.

pat frederick

think this is probably correct…it’s all about stopping President Trump

February 5, 2024 11:22 am

All this is about is stopping President Donald J Trump from deporting these invaders, when he is re elected.
They are scared of him, and they know he will do what he promised.
Langford is a traitor to Oklahoma and the Citizens of this country.
Mitch the snake has been trying for years to get all these invaders here for cheap labor. If they can get work permits for all these invaders, kiss every blue collar job goodbye.
This is about screwing every hard working American, for these multi national companies so they can make more money. Every republican that votes to pass this in the senate is bought and paid for traitor to the United States of America.


Mitch has been Chinalized by his wife. He is destroying the country. Letting illegals in they can slip Chinese military and abattoirs into the country with normal illegals from Latin America..

Last edited 1 year ago by singingsoul1

That’s an explanation for him but almost all of them are irreparably corrupt. Years in the making I suppose.
Anymore I don’t care how they came to be the traitors that they are. They need to be gone along with their masters.

pat frederick

when the cream turns sour, you toss it first…then worry about how it got that way. otherwise it stinks up the whole fridge!


Mitch doesn’t want the Harry Reed Treatment.
Rubber bands and all.


Harry got a real workout that day.  😂 


I remember that when Reed looked all bead up and well deserved 🙂

pat frederick

Roll Tide in NC
February 5, 2024 11:15 am

Summary of the Lankford/Schumer/McConnell/Biden border scam:

1) It will not end catch-and-release. Instead, it expands the use of Alternatives to Detention for aliens wanting a protection determination, allowing illegal aliens to disappear and never to be seen or heard from…

— Immigration Accountability Project (@I_A_Project) February 5, 2024

From the Immigration Accountability Project:
Summary of the Lankford/Schumer/McConnell/Biden border scam:
1) It will not end catch-and-release. Instead, it expands the use of Alternatives to Detention for aliens wanting a protection determination, allowing illegal aliens to disappear and never to be seen or heard from again.
2) It will not restrict Biden’s unprecedented abuse of parole. It allows Biden to continue to grant parole for “humanitarian” reasons as defined by the administration.
3) It will not end the exploitation of children by the cartels. It leaves in place the Flores Settlement Agreement and exempts UACs from the “Emergency Authority.”
3) Codifies the Biden/Mayorkas proposal that allows asylum officers — hired by Mayorkas — to adjudicate asylum claims rather than an immigration judge. If an alien doesn’t like the decision made by the asylum officer, the decision can be appealed to a three-person appellate board also established by Mayorkas.
3) The much-touted “Emergency Authority” automatically kicks in after the 7-day average of daily encounters along the Southern border exceed 5k/day. But the Secretary (Mayorkas) has “sole and unreviewable discretion” over the authority. The President (Biden) can suspend the authority for up to 45 days if there’s a “national interest.” The “authority” automatically ends when encounters drop by at least 25% from level that caused it to kick in in the first place.
4) The “Emergency Authority” sunsets after 3 years.
5) The “Emergency Authority” only applies between ports of entry. Illegal aliens can still show up at ports of entry.
6) $1.4 billion for grants to open-border NGO’s who will help feed, shelter, and transport illegal aliens across the country.
7) No new wall funding. It rescinds funding that’s already been appropriated and reinstates it with a deadline of 2028, so Biden/Mayorkas never have to spend a penny on new wall.
The following provisions have nothing to do with the border crisis and are nothing more than efforts to buy off Members who are on the fence:
1) Increases family and employment green cards by 50k/year for 5 years for no apparent reason. One can only assume that its purpose is to lock in additional green cards should Trump become President.
2) Allows approximately 250,000 adult children of H-1B visa holders to stay and work in the U.S.
3) Gives green cards to approximately 70k Afghan nationals who were able to escape the country during the U.S. evacuation and don’t qualify for one of the special immigrant visa programs created by Congress. None of these Afghan nationals served as “interpreters” of U.S. troops, as those individuals would have been eligible for the special immigrant visas. The DHS Inspector General wrote a scathing report highlighting the deficiencies in the vetting of these individuals.

Gail Combs

Phone and ask if he is a pedo are just a run of the mill traitor.

316 Hart Senate
Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5754

401 South Boston Avenue
Suite 2150
Tulsa, OK 74103
Phone: (918) 581-7651

1015 N. Broadway Ave.
Suite 310
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
Phone: (405) 231-4941

Last edited 1 year ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs

Well Well Well, Seems Langford’s phones are not working..
  :wpds_shock:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 

pat frederick



Just been on the 6pm news K,’Turd has got cancer.


ha! you beat me to it!


Must have took a while for them radio waves to get across the pond


was thinking about the gazillions spent on his swanky coronation, now if William takes over he’ll have to have the discount coronation


PS~ wasn’t it you that mentioned TAILS ? Do you use/recommend?


Yes it’s quite good, gets updates and is purportedly quite safe. Only draw back with it is every time one shuts down it scraps off all your browser settings, it does have an encrypted memory for stuff one wants to save though.
I have it on a memory stick permanently plugged into the computer, then when I wish to use it, just start up and go into the bios and tell it to boot from the stick.
I’ve had it since Vista came to an end, whenever that was. Vista got that bad it was unusable and it was about that time I found out about tails, stated using it then just because it was a fallback operating system that worked, only later did I find Ubuntu.


Great, thanks much for the reply.


There’s rum choices, the woke ginger nut & princess markle, or epsteins best mate who’se name escapes me momentarily.


Andrew. He’s not in the line of his best life as a fat has been.
As for looks like that one got some hereditary mental illness. All the inbreeding..he’s nutz!

Cuppa Covfefe

Word is that the ginger whinger’s real father isn’t Chuckles…

Cuppa Covfefe

Coronation Street…

(famous soap opera in Old Blighty… when I was over there in 1964, there was an episode where they found an unexploded [WWII] bomb in their back yard… oddly enough, a couple of houses across the street from my grandparents were empty, and upon asking my Pop why, he said that there were dud bombs in the backyards that hadn’t been taken care of yet… 😮 )….


Could be organic or could be given a turbo boost from the Jab but King Charles diagnosed with cancer. He recently had some prostate issue but the notice doesn’t actually say prostate cancer. Maybe there was spread that they caught when doing the prostate surgery?


Said to be noticed during the prostate procedure but is not prostate cancer. So they are releasing what it’s not, but not what it is. Why not just say.

Gail Combs

Sounds like the cancer moved into the prostate from else where. They would have done a cancer check on the prostate tissue. Possibly checked lymph for cancer also if cancer was found in the prostate tissue.


Reports say that the cancer was seen on the scan they were doing for the enlarged prostate procedure. I’m thinking bladder cancer because of the proximity in location and the symptoms are similar to those an enlarged prostate causes. But who even knows what’s going on. They will just tell the peasants whatever they feel like.

Last edited 1 year ago by holly
Gail Combs

Very true. However a biopsy would have to be done to determine if it was cancer or not.


I read he’s receiving outpatient treatment. I think the type of cancer should be released.

Gail Combs

Outpatient treatment?



Nothing specific that I’ve read on the type of treatment.
I follow a reddit about the Harkle saga and if there’s any news it’s posted there quickly. Will post here if they post there. 😃

Last edited 1 year ago by holly

From reddit…

“Watch Piers Morgan’s interview with an American doctor. The doctor suspects bladder cancer which he says is very treatable and often is found with prostate issues. Another reason he suspects bladder cancer is that he is not staying in the hospital for treatment.”

pat frederick

the tweet contains the text f their statement

Gail Combs

Good to know.

Johnson came thru when it really counted.

pat frederick

the Senate never even considered the House Bill. the house is pissed

Gail Combs

GOOD, I hope they spend the rest of the year doing NOTHING but impeachments. No other business can be conducted while there is an impeachment on going.

And they can do SOOOooo many. 🤓



Valerie Curren

 🙏  God be with you, Wolf, in all these endeavors, in healing, guidance, protection, wisdom, grace, & strength!

pat frederick

what the heck is going on in South Dakota?
With the help of Republican lawmakers, South Dakota Secretary of State Monae Johnson has brought a handful of election-related bills to the 2024 legislative session, all to the ire of her campaign supporters. At her request, lawmakers have presented bills to share the statewide voter registration file, establish the crime of threatening a poll worker, and recently SB 17, which modifies the state’s recently-enacted law requiring new South Dakota voters to have resided in the state for at least 30 days. As currently amended, this bill would essentially open the door to anyone living anywhere to vote in South Dakota elections.

As originally introduced, Senate Bill 17 sought to add language to the state’s 30-day residency requirement specifically demanding individuals live in South Dakota “for at least thirty days in the three hundred and sixty-five days immediately prior” to registering to vote. Now the bill, in its current form as amended by the Republican-controlled Senate, would abandon the 30-day residency protections entirely and do away with current residency law that defines a residence as “an actual fixed permanent dwelling.” Such a change would allow practically anyone to buy a South Dakota mailing address and use it to vote.

Senate Bill 17 was introduced with an emergency clause, meaning it goes into effect immediately. It has passed in the Senate committee and on the Senate floor, recently passed the House committee, and is set to be heard on the House floor soon. It has been scheduled and deferred twice this week. As of Friday, three amendments have dropped that would strike any verification of residency, with one proposing the creation of a “virtual resident” option.


The backstabbing continues


Ask Kristi. It’s rumored that she’s the governor.

Cuppa Covfefe

You’ll Noem when you see’em 😀

Gail Combs

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And so early in the day!

pat frederick

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As far as I’m concerned, each one of those eggs are overcooked. But I could be spoiled rotten by my over-easy fetish.  😆 

pat frederick

i like them over easy as well

Gail Combs

I like the over-easy too but you need lots of bacon grease to cook them in and a side of bacon to eat them with.

So now I settle for omelets with peppers, onions, mushrooms, sausage, hamburger and 3 types of cheese. We had that for supper last night. 😉

Cuppa Covfefe

If a high wind comes up, they’ll really have to scramble…. omelette someone else clean up that mess 🙂


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Fire away!

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A massive crowd is marching in Dublin, Ireland against mass immigration:


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That’s what we’ll do!

We’ll question them to death!

Why didn’t we think of that sooner?!? 👍😂

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Cuppa Covfefe

Same thing could be said of the Palis and their repeated land grabs from Israel…. postage stamp indeed…..


Because marching equals… wait, because marching will cause… hang on a second… there must be some purpose to the marching, some expected cause and effect.

But I don’t see it.

How is it that some people, marching around, will make other people go away?

I don’t think it actually does.

But people can test it by trying it themselves.

The next time you go to the grocery, do a little marching down the aisle. See if anybody actually runs away, or if they just look at you like you’re strange.

It could be the same group of people who can’t figure out what 4 x 15 is.

That would explain it.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

The next time you go to the grocery, do a little marching down the aisle.

It’s not about one single person marching 😅; it’s about the people making their collective voices heard.

Maybe no one is listening? Maybe not now, not yet. But the people participating know that they have millions more like them. It encourages them to keep the flames going and to be ready when and if the time comes when more risky action is necessary. And that could be soon.

The French government gave in to the demands of protesters there, so it does sometimes have an effect. That was about immigration, not farming. Farmers were blocking roads, etc. and immigration protesters could do the same. They could also go on strike. I think a general strike could be very effective.

France’s 2 key farmers unions suspend protests after the government offers new measures


“Maybe no one is listening? Maybe not now, not yet. But the people participating know that they have millions more like them. It encourages them to keep the flames going and to be ready when and if the time comes when more risky action is necessary.”


I dunno

I don’t think anybody would actually show up to march, if they thought it was just to keep the flames going (unless is was in San Francisco) or to be ready when and if the time comes… 😁


“The French government gave in to the demands of protesters there, so it does sometimes have an effect.”


If they gave in to the demands, then they already have another way to accomplish their objectives. It’s not like they suddenly reformed themselves, saw the light, and turned blackmail, bribery, wealth, luxury, power and human trafficking into plowshares.

Just wait and see.

It’s the same old con, there is nothing new under the sun.

A tyrannical gov’t never stops being tyrannical, until or unless it is stopped.

Cuppa Covfefe

Keep those black pills coming…

Haven’t been to a store over here during a general strike, eh?

Gail Combs

I did not see this before. Ivan Raiklin has this up on his rumble channel. It is a presentation by 1LT Mark Bashaw. He was the Army officer convicted at the first known COVID court martial.

US Army First Lieutenant Mark Bashar, a former Air Force NCO, has been convicted by a judge at a special court martial for failing to follow lawful orders. His crimes? Not wearing a mask indoors and, now this is the big one, showing up to work! The monster. All hail Pfauci, for he is The Science™…

Col. Yevgeny Vindman, the top lawyer for Army Communications-Electronics Command, which oversees Aberdeen Proving Ground, tweeted that he was “proud” of the “first in the nation conviction.”

Col. Yevgeny Vindman is twin brother of the scuz err whistleblower who started the Ukraine iimpeacment of POTUS Trump. Small world, huh.

Gail Combs

If this guy and the rest of the group ever get this before a CLEAN court, there are going to be a LOT of military officers headed towards prison… AT BEST. This is the MILITARY DATA behind the Declaration of Military Accountability AND they have the SIGNED orders et al. to back everything up.

First Lieutenant Mark Bashar said his commanding officer (Medically trained I think) actually put his fingers in his ears when Bashar was explaining the Vaers and other data!

Gail Combs

This is First Lieutenant Mark Bashar’s website:
This has an incredible amount of info on the Clot Shot and the fight by former members of the military.

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Defending the Constitution Behind Enemy Lines is an explosive, tell-all book, detailing the military COVID-19 vaccine mandate, and the resistance to that mandate by service members who could not, in good conscience, go along. As an actively serving Navy Commander, Robert A. Green Jr. removes the veil of military secrecy and complexity to shed light on the related unlawfulness and the official cover-up being committed by certain DoD leaders. His deep dive into the current crisis details the harms perpetrated against service members and their families as well as the destruction of military readiness that resulted.


Managerie haz madz… she’s threatening to trash the recipe post… it’s all spinning out of control…

The Bitch and Gripe Post
February 5, 2024 | Menagerie

“I thought seriously about just trashing the recipe post when the first comment, and three of the first eight, were gripes and snark. Especially after I made a point of letting people know our party is about family, not football.

But, I would really enjoy some fun and food recipes, and there are a few people left here who can enjoy these posts, and others who have the class not to ruin things if they aren’t in the mood.

This isn’t sarcasm here. Yes, I am mad. But apparently there is a need for a place to just blow off steam. I may actually do this second post every time I do any other post at all.”


There is unrest in the forest
There is trouble with the trees
For the maples want more sunlight
And the oaks ignore their pleas

The trouble with the maples
And they’re quite convinced they’re right
They say the oaks are just too lofty
And they grab up all the light

But the oaks can’t help their feelings
If they like the way they’re made
And they wonder why the maples
Can’t be happy in their shade

There is trouble in the forest
And the creatures all have fled
As the maples scream “Oppression”
And the oaks just shake their heads

So the maples formed a union
And demanded equal rights
“The oaks are just too greedy
We will make them give us light”

Now there’s no more oak oppression
For they passed a noble law
And the trees are all kept equal
By hatchet, axe, and saw…

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

  :wpds_cry: …’s rough when everyone gets on board with the ‘Stop Pretending’ mode. Real non pretend opinions can be so gripey!.

Gail Combs

Managerie always blocked me from commenting on her posts when I still commented at the other Tree House.



I made the mistake of commenting on one of her posts; as I recall it was snarky and somewhat unrelated to her subject.

She wrote a tirade about how much of a [fill in the blank] I was and said she wasn’t taking my comment down so everybody could know what not to do.

She pinned it to the top so no one would miss it. I decided at that point that she must be some guy’s ex-wife.

Gail Combs

AHHHhh you hurt her widdle feelz…😋


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Last edited 1 year ago by mollypitcher5

Managerie….. The BITCH that banned me from CTH over the word “pussy”
(And not in the biological sense) just an action.

Last edited 1 year ago by rayzorback

Managerie, Needs to call, 1 800 Fucking Wawawa.

SD leaves town and Managerie throws a hissy.


When SD leaves town, Managerie puts on the Boss-B hat, cranks up the Helen Reddy to ’11’, and goes full Hitler 👍😂


Managerie: You will respect my Authoritah!


“Get yer ass to jail!” 😂🤣😂

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

Let’s get with this guy!!

Gail Combs


VIA BRAVE and Yandex:

This site can’t provide a secure connection sent an invalid response.ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR

Fighting For America’s Future with Derrick Evans on Sat Night Livestream — Red pill News


The power of BS 🙂


Britain is now a fascist totalitarian state.

I would be arrested every day in Britain. Not for this specific ‘offense’, but if I wanted to say it, I certainly ought to be able to.

But if you can be arrested this, then there must be lots of things I say all the time that would get me arrested.

So I could never live there, or probably even visit.


Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

First Amendment. This is the greatest nation on earth, and we have to keep her.

Gail Combs

Just remember the Brits want to drag us back under THEIR CONTROL FULLY…. Think of Canada and Australia and New Zealand and how much liberty they have lost recently.


MONUMENTAL RULING FOR ELECTION INTEGRITY: First Circuit Court of Appeals Rules Voter Rolls are Public Records and Election Officials Cannot Hide Them from the Public

The Public Interest Legal Foundation secured a landmark case on Monday in the First Circuit Court of Appeals.

The Court ruled that under the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) Maine’s voter roll is a public record and election officials cannot hide the information from the public…

This case marks the third state that PILF has won access to the voter file under the NVRA. Previous victories were in Illinois and Maryland. Additionally, PILF has an ongoing lawsuit in Hawaii to obtain access to the voter file.

Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) is the nation’s only public interest law firm dedicated wholly to election integrity. The Foundation exists to assist states and others to aid the cause of election integrity and fight against lawlessness in American elections. Drawing on numerous experts in the field, PILF seeks to protect the right to vote and preserve the Constitutional framework of American elections. PILF has brought lawsuits and won victories in Texas, Mississippi, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and across the United States.


We should be able to hide election officials.

In a deep, dark dungeon, where they never come out.

Gail Combs

Pit caves or mines. Most states have caves.


After dragging the border bill out into the street and shooting it in the head, (h/t our pat frederick) Trump turned his attention to China. 😮😉

Zerohedge story on Info Wars and Liberty Daily. GWP did their own story covering the Maria B interview that made it all happen.
China Markets Slump to 5-Year Lows the Day After Trump Suggests 60% Tariffs on Chinese Imports
Jim Hoft Feb. 5, 2024 9:15 am 171 Comments

Liberty Daily added this in on their center peice.

. . . Xi Cannot Permit a Trump Victory: Expect CCP Election Interference on a Massive Scale


So Trump is running for office, a position he can’t hold until January of 2025, and his mere mention NOW of potential tariffs cratered the Chinese market? He is indeed Batman and other super heroes rolled into one. 😁🇺🇸

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

This is a nasty bit of information. I wonder if authors can sue Amazon and maybe the Bidenese Administration… something should be done.

Amazon Bowed to White House Pressure to Suppress Books Skeptical of Covid “Vaccines” By Tyler O’Neil, Daily Signal • Feb. 5, 2024

Gail Combs

If we ever get this country clean again there are going to be a LOT of lawsuits and a HUGE transfer of wealth back down to the little guy.


Little guy will never see a nickel.

Lawyers will take it all.

Gail Combs

Only 1/2…


What the hell???!!!

McConnell and Border Patrol union back embattled Senate border dealSenate Republican no votes are trickling into public view as party leaders gauge support for the agreement.

The second endorsement of the border deal came from the union that represents workers at the Border Patrol – the rare labor group that’s known for its ties to former President Donald Trump, who has urged Republicans to reject the Senate agreement.
Despite its Trump ties, the National Border Patrol Council endorsed the Senate deal in a Monday statement, saying that the bill would “codify into law authorities that U.S. Border Patrol agents never had in the past.”

Gail Combs

Someone got blackmailed or paid off or both.


Paid off i guess!


Unions are about one thing; MONEY.

Union members are pawns in service to that goal.

Katherine McCoun

This may have already been mentioned …

They are doing such important work!

Gail Combs

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Katherine McCoun

interesting tidbit … attended a political fundraiser in Columbia TN this weekend …

Steve Deace attended and was the featured speaker. He specifically mentioned The Gateway New and The Conservative Treehouse as conservative news sources who can’t always be trusted because they get their facts wrong. Now, as my disagreements with so and so and they have with any that continue to read/comment here … but I KNOW the important work Sundance has done for nearly 15 yrs at current location and going back farther than that before the Original split drove him to start his treehouse site … so my hackles were up.

Agree with much of what he said but not with all and certainly not that! Again, I do not agree with everything there and obviously not all policies (esp. that of removal, etc,)

So interesting that those were the Only 2 sites he specifically mentioned as not to trust

the corporate media … which he did encourage to watch so that one didn’t create a self created bubble and to see what the political competition is up to … I agree with that and do scan some TN “news”/leftist sites + occasionally fox and even less occasionally CNN.

But an interesting combo to be told not to trust those two sites while being encouraged to occasionally watch mainstream media

Was it professional jealously on Deace’s part? Idk but it was interesting


Boeing Discovers “Mis-drilled” Holes On 50 Undelivered 737 Max Jets

Is this really a problem?

Don’t we have bigger things to worry about, than whether bolt holes line up?

It’s just aluminum. Ram the bolt through the skin. If you absolutely must, just drill a new hole that gets a little closer to the mark.

Call the old holes emergency cabin pressure release valves.

Problem solved 👍😂

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

Glad you’re not in charge of Quality Control. 😂


Harsh toke, dudette!

All the planes that come off the assembly line on my shift fly…

Like lawn darts 👍😂

Robert Baker

Baker’s Law #74: If duct tape is not part of your solution you have not solved the problem.




Powell Tells 60 Minutes Fed “Not Likely” To Cut In March, Calls Americans Lazy

It’s gonna be so fun, watching Jerry and the Powellettes run power-walk for their lives 😂

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

Looks like I picked the wrong day to go all-in on chineez stocks with 500% leverage…

Beijing Powerless As Chinese Stocks Crater After Trump Confirms He Will Impose 60% Tariffs

Brave and Free

I’m, uh…


Just shocked, I tells ya!


Beautiful. Refreshing.


Coincidence, I am sure.

This week, Chuckles has cancer.

Last week, Kate, abdominal something.


What do you think is really going on?

Charles was said to have a benign prostate issue, but then they found an “unrelated cancer.” I think anything could be going on. It could have been prostate cancer to begin with that they have now discovered has metastasized. Or they initially didn’t realize he had prostate cancer but now have diagnosed it. (They HAVEN’T really done so; this is all pure speculation.) Or in the course of his testing for the benign prostate issues, they discovered cancer elsewhere that is treatable, and he will be fine. Of course, his condition could be more serous than they are letting on.

I haven’t seen a word about what is wrong with Kate. I hope she will be okay because she seems like a sane anchor for the royal family. I don’t know her political views, but she represents them well. William has a lot of concerns right now.


I don’t have an affinity for the royal family; it’s just nice to see someone on the world stage carrying out their duties correctly, with poise, and without scandal. I contrast Kate with Kamala. 🤢 Melania is a perfect example of how to do things right, as well.


Charles is a leftard. William seems more well rounded but who knows


I’ve had that same impression. But right, who knows? At least that seems to indicate that William is a little more circumspect with his views.

Cuppa Covfefe

Chuckles is the batty of the Mountbattens (Prince Philip)… William is a lot more normal, as is Kate. And their children seem to be OK too (delightfully saucy at times 🙂 )….


“What do you think is really going on?”


Did they check his inbreeding coefficient?

It could be WAY off.

We could be talking Deliverance levels… 😂


Kate had abdominal surgery. Out of the hospital and recuperating now.
My interest in them is hoping Harry and his succubus wife implode so I do frequent a reddit sub on them!




Not to get too out in space but it was my working theory that Markle was a honeypot. She had oprah’s endorsement and began the racist bomb on the Royals but she flamed out. She’s a liar and pushy and wholly unlikeable. The brits loved QE!! and weren’t having any of it. I think she was a bad choice to try and damage the monarchy.


Fani’s ample ass, showing some more…

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

Hopefully it’s that fantastic A.I. Lawyer, the one that cites imaginary cases 👍😂🤣😂




Nevada has a primary and a caucus. The caucus is the only one that matters as far as delegates goes, and Nikki Haley didn’t sign up for it for some reason (looks like another birdbrain move). She is in the primary tomorrow (the 6th), and she will win because Trump is not on that ballot. He is on the caucus ballot on the 8th.

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Well past time for this asshole to meet the business end of the 25th Amendment.


What if he’s telling the truth?

The mind boggles… 😂


Cue “Twilight Zone” music.


CNN, MSNBC, Faux News will NEVER air this video…


That puts the “man on the street” interviews here to shame. I don’t know how many interviews didn’t make the cut, but those were well-informed, intelligent people.


Breath of fresh air, in Moscow.

Compare to US college students. Embarrassing. 15 X 4…? 😚 😏 😣 🙃


Mikki also showing her ample ass..

Haley: ‘Irresponsible’ Republicans Killing Border Bill to Help Trump — ‘You Don’t Sacrifice National Security’
Republican presidential candidate former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) said Monday on FNC’s “Your World” that Republicans are being “irresponsible” with national security” by killing the bipartisan border deal because of former President Donald Trump’s criticisms.


Mitch McConnell Turns Against Border Bill
Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the shocking decision to recommend Republicans block the advancement of the Senate pro-migration border bill.


Liars like Nikki seem to think they’re smooth and we’re stupid. Now, suddenly, it’s all about national security. It has to be THIS bill to “protect” national security. It’s hogwash. This bill is horrendous.

I had been thinking Nikki was just a not-very-bright neocon who did what she was told, but now I think she is thoroughly anti-American and that she should never have another position within our government, including state governments. Her brazenness in the face of ridicule and defeat is a bad sign, IMO. It makes me think she knows there are powerful entities supporting her, no matter what. Daily, she reveals herself to be more of a 🐍 in the grass.


It’s the new mockingbird term. Expect all of them to use it.


FWIW in blabby conversations I’ve talked to a couple who said they’re going to make it their business to vote in the primary just because she’s gone full RINO and she’s annoying


Positive news…

Netanyahu: Half of Hamas Killed or Wounded; 18 of 24 Battalions Destroyed


  :wpds_lol:    :wpds_lol:    :wpds_lol:    :wpds_lol:    :wpds_lol:    :wpds_lol:    :wpds_lol:    :wpds_lol: