Badlands News Brief – February 7, 2024
Right-wingers are scaring away the government’s “disinformation hacker army”…
2024 Is the New 1984: Big Brother and the Rise of the Security Industrial Complex
Gender Ideology Has Become Law
The internet is ROFLMAO over Nikki Haley’s “none of the above” loss in Nevada…
Tucker Carlson’s Claims About Western Journalists Are Wrong Says…Putin’s Spokesman
The Deep State are in real trouble.
Tucker’s reach is the biggest on Earth. His interview with Trump did 267M views on X alone.
Whatever Tucker is doing in Russia, the Deep State are terrified of it. They know one of their darkest secrets is about to get massive exposure.
They did the same exact thing when Trump and Flynn got close to Putin. They threw an absolute fit and cried “treason”. Why? Because they are afraid of what Putin would share with Trump.
Putin is anti-Globalist. Putin knows about their criminality in Ukraine. Putin knows where the bodies are buried. Putin has repeatedly called out the West’s perversion and widespread pedophilia. He calls out the Western oligarchs’ plot to create biological weapons and manufacture biological crises to enrich themselves and steal elections via mail-in voting.
Putin is as red-pilled as they come. They can’t have any of these truths on the airwaves, let alone on the biggest platform on the planet. If the public learn Putin is not the bad guy, the Deep State’s entire narrative crumbles.
Tune in tomorrow.
– First is they wanna establish an authority to develop plans to redevelop areas affected by disaster. The people of Lahaina are adamantly opposed to this because it brings people that are not from Lahaina into Lahaina, in positions to make decisions for how they move forward.– Second is the bill establishes an income tax credit to incentivize the voluntary relinquishment of property located in areas affected by disaster. That one speaks for itself.
– Third and most alarming is this bill directs the attorney general to commence imminent domain proceedings.

And now for the business portion.
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
MARK 7:24-30
24And from there he arose and went away to the region of Tyre and Sidon. And he entered a house, and would not have any one know it; yet he could not be hid. 25But immediately a woman, whose little daughter was possessed by an unclean spirit, heard of him, and came and fell down at his feet. 26Now the woman was a Greek, a Syrophoeni’cian by birth. And she begged him to cast the demon out of her daughter. 27And he said to her, “Let the children first be fed, for it is not right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.” 28But she answered him, “Yes, Lord; yet even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.” 29And he said to her, “For this saying you may go your way; the demon has left your daughter.” 30And she went home, and found the child lying in bed, and the demon gone.

WTH happened in Chile ? A wildfire flips cars upside down? No way.
Same thing that happened in Lahaina and that town in California.
Here’s a quick good recap video of the Evil Lahaina Landgrab. Booomark:
Maybe the cars got flipped upside down by whatever cleared the road afterwards.
That’s likely. Anyone care to take a stab at this one? Not even seeing much in the way of wind here either.
Those tall palm trees are simply penthouses for rats. Who can know what those vermin carried up there that could combust.
A tesla???
Another thing is that wildfires effectively create their own weather, including twisters and lightning storms… lots of energy being bandied around, and no need for the HAARPIEs to find something else to explain it away…
The day of the Maui fires, they were having strong winds before the fires started.
Imagine how easy it would be to start a major fire, undetected, under favorable weather/environment conditions, with a drone carrying something flammable.
Fires can create tornado-like winds.
Nothing to see in Chile. Move Along.
Pretty much nothing. But do give this a good listen too.
Meanwhile every other story about Chile is claiming Climate Change.
Whoa…it’s accelerating. Murdering people to achieve their reset goals.
Just like the Klint00ns, who have been connected to the WEFfenSS from the start…
Why would they have any qualms about murdering people when they will MURDER INFANTS AT TIME OF BIRTH?
Fires started Friday, Feb 2 in four separate locations simultaneously.
There is severe drought in the area. High temps, but no weather event (lightning). Winds in the area pick up mid day and shifted north at 12mph. (sparked power lines?)
Better weather data from Santiago area appox 70-75 miles due South East East. Weather Fair all day. Winds at 12-15mph One wind gust at 5pm to 29mph. Lower portion of page.
Same wind gust at 5pm Vina Del Mar. Anyone have a time when fire started? As to sparking electric lines by wind, notices the ridge lines are rather sparse of vegetation. All the fires seem to be along the ridge lines.
No coincidences.
They found the Canadian fires that covered the NE USA in smoke were started by activists.
Activists with drones could start dozens of fires, simultaneously, anyplace where conditions (wind, lack of rain, plenty of underbrush) are favorable.
“Meanwhile every other story about Chile is claiming Climate Change.”
Which is amazing, considering ‘Climate Change’ (Globull Warming renamed) is a total globalist / WEF / Cabal scam.
Appreciation and Thursday thanks to De Pat, for bringing it.
From the “right-wingers scare disinformation hacker army” story:
“What’s interesting is that stepping back from the disinformation hunt shouldn’t affect the other stuff these agencies are up to. If anything, it ought to free up more bandwidth for them to concentrate on the real threat: safeguarding us from foreign
Nowadays they’d just mug the band in the parking lot.
A sad but true comment on race relations. Thanks, Obama et al.
Yep. It’s gone from Steubenville to Stupidville (Ohio) in just a few decades…
For those who were concerned about the missing fly yesterday, it had just gotten cropped off.
So the teleprompter is still lonely.
Hunter sold it. Who knows where it is…
Wonder how many ounces he got for it?
Yep. Flies like to hang around crop…
I love that we pay attention to details here. To me, all flies matter.
Barack flies matter….
Lately, he keeps his zipped.
That is PRICELESS!!!!
There’s she goes, none-upping the people again
Sort of like Clint Eastwood’s empty chair
(H/T Kea, over at Marica’s):
And he has not been invited back since.
Interesting… the vid isn’t available over here… nothing like NAZI censorship… Göbbels must be proud… and jealous…
It’s obvious that Germany is honoring the Göbbels tradition.
One for the ages… never to be bettered…
Hilarious AND true to this day.
But this article has a different take:
“EU drops controversial CO2 law to appease farmers, then replaces it with something even worse.”
Whoa… never saw that coming…
Totally blindsided…
The Cabal/Oligarchy ALWAYS does this. THEY NEVER EVER GIVE UP PERIOD!
The Patriot Act and the Food Safety Modernization Act took YEARS to get thru congress. When they could not get them thru using the DemonRats they just switched to the ReBoobs. With the 1913 Federal Reserve Act the switched was from the ReBoobs to the DenonRats. Also for both the Food Safety Act and the Patriot act they orchestrated disasters to force citizen acceptance. Both the Food Safety Act and the 1913 Federal Reserve Act were passed during the winter holidays.
They have LOTS of tricks. Another one is thousand page bills voted on at the last minute like OH!Bummercare bill and what they are trying with that immigration Ukraine funding bill.
One good thing about having geriatric leaders is that all their ruses become painfully obvious to even the low-info people as leaders develop dementia. Soon, Biden will out Obama’s involvement in all the corruption. Since Biden does not often form complete sentences, we may need to piece it together.
They will return again and again and again, but so will the farmers, truckers, tradesmen, and other people affected by this.
The Idiot “Agriculture and Sustainability” minister of Germany, Cem Özdemir, has proposed a tax on meat as a partial “payback” to the farmers… but, in point of fact, it does less than nothing for them, as it forces them to build new stalls and holding pens, etc., for animals, and sets (expensive) quality standards for feed (read: bio organic) that will cost far, FAR more than the tax supposedly provides.
Typical of the Demonic, Satanic left. They pretend to give with one hand, but take with both hands and then some…
What really makes my blood boil is that everyone is arguing about CO² levels, where it’s produced, consumed, etc. And it’s all based on bad science and a Satanic lie known as “the greenhouse effect”.
Get rid of that lie and the WEFfenSS’s glass house of lies collapses…..
I am afraid it will take a glacier covering their house to wake up some, and even then they will STILL blame
GoreBullSchiff Warming=> Climate Change.The Cabal KNOWS the climate is going to cool off and that is why
GoreBullSchiff Warmingmorphed to Climate Change a few years back.Now they can blame ANYTHING on CO2/humans
As much as I hate listening to Hillary, this was kind of interesting to me. She calls Tucker a liar and tries to discredit him. She still promotes Russia, Russia, Russia. I hope she is running scared, but that might be too much to wish for.
Is Bill still giving overpriced speeches in Russia?
Asking for millions of deplorables in the basket.
Not to mention selling to the Russians more American strategic minerals like uranium.
I’m not sure what people are expecting from the Tucker-Putin interview. If Putin said JB is a weak leader or the U.S. has gone off the rails or things like that, I wouldn’t be surprised. He might say things that support some of Trump’s policies. But I don’t think he is going to make direct statements that would indict anyone. And anything he says that hints of agreement with Trump will be pounced upon.
People must be terrified that the public will hear Putin’s side of the Ukraine argument. The tide is already turning about popular support for aid to Ukraine, which I suppose also lines the pockets of multiple politicians through money laundering. It would be nice if this interview pulls the thread that will start to unravel everything, but I don’t expect that to happen. I hope I’m wrong.
Putin is not doing this interview so he can get attaboyz. My money’s on him dropping at least 1-3 hot potatoes.
Will the FBI hold Tucker when he comes back and interrogate him ?
Would not surprise me or they show up at his home to take him in 6 am with a swat team ? Tucker is a brave man we need more of this .
That is what I am afraid of.
The Deep State has a history of taking out ‘inconvenient’ Journalists.
Here are just a few examples:
Government assassination of Andrew Breitbart
Journalist Michael Hastings, who had made enemies in the CIA was assassinated by the CIA in a “hacked car” crash
Journalist Gareth Jones’ 1935 murder He showed that New York Times urinalist Walter Duranty WAS A BOLD FACED LIAR aiding FDR in convincing the US people that it was OK to acknowledge Stalin’s government as legit.
Walter Duranty (1884-1957) was a correspondent for the New York Times who violated the public trust by sending pro-Soviet stories home, pretending that all was well even as Russia starved 6 million Ukrainians to death. Bewilderingly, he was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for telling these lies. In the 1990s, The New York Times admitted that Duranty‘s work amounted to “some of the worst reporting to appear in this newspaper.”.
I bet they haven’t returned the Pulizer.
Well last I heard the New York Slimes was fighting to keep it.
FBI needs to be careful because Tucker is to famous. Lets see what they pull ?
Just remember Papadopoulos getting grabbed when they were certain he had $10,000 on him. Same is planned for Tucker so they can grab his phone and laptop.
Except he’s made arrangements for those items to come home via a different route. To put a cherry on top, he should fly with a burner phone and a new laptop with Russian language programing.
Sounds good.
Maybe the Russians can load it with data on Joe Biden’s crimes and FauXi’s crimes.
Maybe that is why he is streaming his interview and reflections from Russia? They cannot take it it is already out.
TT, what if Putin has direct evidence of bioweapons development by America in Ukraine, with receipts to prove it? Would he share that with the world as his reason for finally going in to Ukraine to protect his people from that?
I hope he does.
Our Intel will never let Tucker back into US with papers on bio weapons. Tucker has to be smart get prove and his tapes from interview back here as people smuggled into during communism back into the western world. Now it is the western world who are the criminals we used to fight against. Reality is we have become them.
he should hand them to an illegal alien crossing the border–they don’t get searched–they get escorted in
Very good thinking

Abbot will provide free, direct transportation, to District of Criminals.
I know you are right. It is so scary.
My hope is that anything Putin has on paper is shown on video, and that the video is already on a server somewhere that the IC can’t interfere with.
Having the show on a video and someplace secure . Times have changed technology is a blessing for free access and speech. No wonder the powers try to take over the Internet.
That would be excellent! My caution stems from experience where foreign leaders don’t usually throw other nations under the bus in public. Diplomatic relations of multiple countries could be affected, and wars could result. But I’d love to see Putin provide evidence of things we all suspect.
I’m pretty sure we’ve forfeited any diplomacy protocols to which we might normally be afforded, with respect to Russia.
Yeah. It would be a lot to ask for.
The western media got their talking points about Tucker interviewing Putin. Who coordinates these talking points that are the villains who try control us. Tucker is now in the way.
Why would he refrain from blaming Nuland for the 2014 coup? And will he assert that Ukraine has been shelling Donbass and Luhansk ever since?
If he does those two things, I will be ecstatic. We the ungovernables will be able to make Nuland into donkey party kryptonite almost instantly and taint everyone she’s worked with for the last 20 years.
So long as Putin speaks truth, I am good with whatever Putin says.
Tucker, I’d bet sticks with good questions, allowing Putin to speak.
And that is why Putin chose Tucker instead of the propagandists from the Fake News.
“And that is why Putin chose Tucker instead of the propagandists from the Fake News.”
Because Tucker is not a propagandist.
Remember the last time anyone thought Hitlary was relevant?
Yeah… me neither
Right. I don’t think she’s relevant. She’s an artifact, interesting (to me) like an exhibit in a museum, for her obvious tactics as well as her willingness to make untrue accusations in her efforts to convince people to accept her narrative. In the process, she reveals her complete lack of character. She either lacks self-awareness or has decided the agenda is more important than efforts to refrain from making an azz of herself.
I think she’s a pure psychopath… like Hannibal Lecter.
Hillary, it is true that Tucker has been fired more than once. He has (at least as far as I can tell) not been rejected by the American public. I guess he has a ways to go to catch up with you.
Being fired by cabalists for doing a good job is a badge of honor, anyway.
I’m not sure it’s possible to catch Hillary in the rejection department! Ugh. She is the worst.
Yes Tucker could spill the beans about Hillary and bill selling uranium out to Russia. How much did they benefit? We are run by gangster.
Too many Dems might be turning away from the party.
When your neighborhood is full of illegal aliens, and your local Demon government is trying to move them into your HOUSE, it’s hard not to vote Republican!
Hope so.
I’ll believe it when I see it.
And as we all know, actually getting a r-Con is no guarantee that they won’t vote just like the d-Rat.
LOL! That video is hilarious.
That is the face of a guilty man.
Why not? He killed Gonzalo Lira.
If someone has declared their intent to murder you, and has demonstrated the means or capacity to do it, you don’t have to wait until they succeed before you defend yourself.
So in lawful defense of Tucker, why don’t the People of the whole world establish a Go Fund Me (a legitimate service, one that won’t be shut down), call it something like Democracy in Action or In Defense of Tucker Carlson, and make it payable to whichever Ukrainian rids the world of the little Nazi?
The whole world can watch as the bounty just goes up, and up, and up, and the little Nazi gets more and more nervous, as all the Ukrainians around him start thinking what they could do with what would quickly become tens of millions of dollars.
If Hitler was alive today, people would absolutely start a Go Fund Me equivalent targeting Hitler.
Go Fund Me (a legitimate service, one that won’t be shut down)Go Fund me has refused to give the money donated to people who they consider ‘Far right’ Even worse they actually gave a list of the people who donated to the Canadian Trucker Covid Protest to Trudeau. If I recall correctly a woman who had donated $20 had her bank acct frozen as a result. On the other hand the donations to ANTIFA and BLM THUGS who were caught burning and destroying property were allowed to go thru.
Daily Mail: Outrage as Canadian single mom on minimum wage has bank account frozen for donating $50 to Freedom Convoy: Trudeau is blasted for draconian law that ‘would never have been imposed on BLM’
If you want to set-up a donation use GIVE SEND GO
GiveSendGo Charities – Global Transformation Starts at Your…
Christian alternatives… GiveSendGo, Fundly, and more…
I would not be surprised to find Give Send Go collects data on ALL the people who fund thru them to be used at a later date.
I would not be surprised to find
Give Send GoGo Fund Me collects data on ALL the people.Given the present state of the world you may have been right the first time. Just give it some time to simmer.
Yeah, I am afraid you are correct. The Deep State is doing it’s best to collect data and sort the Sheeple from the Goats (us) so they know who to send to ‘re-education camps’/ovens
Yes, I new Go Fund Me was corrupt, I just didn’t know the name of any particular service that wasn’t
And you knew someone here would slap you up side the head and correct you.
I was counting down… in 3… 2… 1…

Sorry I took 6 hours… I actually slept in this morning care of Benadryl
The elixir of the god of zzzzzzzzzz.
I give that pose 1 penny that is how much he is worth.
That is REALLY STUPID on Zelensky’s part given he just killed American Journalist Gonzalo Lira.
Makes Biden AND the Demonrats and RINOs look like they support a tyrant.
Not to mention that he killed Lira for telling the truth about the war in Ukraine…..
Vince Everett Ellison:
The moment the MSM heard TK died they knew not to mention he was vaccinated. You won’t hear a word about TK and the possibility he was vaccinated from anyone in the MSM.
Confirming Slow Guy, is, Slow. TK?
toby keith
Laughing at myself. D O H !
my pleasure
Great, Wake The Fuck Up, message.
^^^ This. Powerful, Truth.
Been going there with personal experiences in BIMD. Going there again soon.
The narrative must be protected at all costs.
Thanks for bringing this.
SMH. His foundation, or his Farcebook handler, Denying Truth.
President of what?
another delusional whacko.
when they are clearly losing, they insist they are actually winning but on some sort of “deeper” level ?
Oh yeah that guy…….
How much $$$ did he and his friends make from his campaign?
I really think that “TAKE THE HO” is an intentional message.
All it needs is “PLEASE”.
Of course it is. And it is glorious.
SCOTUS will hear arguments today (Thursday) about Trump’s eligibility. If they do this
, they are lily-livered, spineless cowards who chickened out when they could have resolved a key issue.
Supreme Court could toss Trump eligibility dispute to Congress
Signaling right out in the open. But no, they won’t do that. What they should do is rule that the question has already been answered by Congress in 1898.
I encountered this a couple of days ago. It’s a roller coaster in an obscure Belgian theme park. The coaster is called “The Ride to Happiness” and is about two minutes long. It’s very nicely decorated and has an on-ride soundtrack, and is designed to mess with you — starting with a 5 mph 360-degree barrel-roll right out of the starting gate, followed by a 108-foot vertical climb.
Don’t worry, Boeing workers checked all the bolts… she’s solid, ready to rip

good one.
it’s a phobic world.
It’s got a “cousin” in Missouri, called “Time Traveler”. It starts with a 90-foot drop instead of an insanely slow barrel-roll.
Maybe De Pat can give us a review.
Probably get a high f above high c in the bargain, too
Not this early in the morning.
Yeah, no, I’m cured of coasters.
Looks like a ride to a lost lunch…. and probably breakfast, too….
I prefer to keep my stomach contents in my abdominal cavity…
Actually, the designer says that it is so smooth that not as many people got motion sickness as were expected (4:45)…..
watch this, read it and share it…
Jeff Rainforth, investigative journalist, spent 7 weeks at the border in Arizona, documenting the absolutely mind-boggling situation there…
several videos + on location photos + narrative…
what is particularly awful, imo, are the Syrians and ME illegals being transported (and allowed in) by the Mexican cartels.
you will see them up close and personal here…most of these hordes are not hispanic..
best documentation I’ve seen, so far, on this massive clusterF mess.
article link…
watch this.
seeing is believing.
show it to other people.
blow your mind.
Needs to be jabbed down some politicians throats.
Need to ship those terrorist DIRECTLY to THEIR HOMES!
DIRECTLY to their ETERNAL homes!
YES! That’s where they need to be sent
New Schlichter —
Serves as an interesting contrast to his whole POTUS thing.
Lemme guess.
Money. Spineless cowards. Liberals at heart.
Was I close?
striking fear & loathing in the radical Left..
Project 2025
ending the power of the Deep State
the “permanent bureaucracy”
the “permanent state”
the Left is not wrong to fret over it.
Angry Leftists Threaten To Go After Conservatives In Their Homes, Churches If GOP Wins In 2024
article link…
radical ballistic Leftists protest outside the Heritage Foundation in D.C.
“Stop The Coup 2025!”
Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts at the WEF panel discussion, stunning the globalists !
striking fear in their innermost parts.
read more, at the link.
“Angry Leftists Threaten To Go After Conservatives In Their Homes, Churches If GOP Wins In 2024”
Okay, whatever.
See ya when you get here.
Try not to be late
I LOVE the Project 2025 goals of cleaning out the permanent bureaucracy.
February 8, 2024 12:45 am
Seth Keshel
Word is in from Alaska – referendum to repeal Ranked Choice Voting will be in the ballot in November.
3:24 PM · Jan 12, 2024
Ranked choice voting opponents file petition in quest to overturn Alaska’s voting system
Prosecutor should appeal.
Wait a few years and then HERE PIGGY, PIGGY, PIGGY…
so the dc court ruled that PRESIDENT TRUMP does not have immunity…but that OTHER PRESIDENTS may retain immunity in other cases…
I KNEW it! People are saying, “Now they can go after every former president,” but I knew that somehow they would try to make it apply only to Trump.
Which is STUPID since it SHOW CASES the corruption in the DC courts.
Feb 11th is Superbowl? They’ll need an earlier event before the Tucker show.
I wonder what Ken Buck is talking about, or what he thinks he knows.
Maybe she’ll go postal with an AssaultRifle during the halftime show, and blame it on MAGA.
PRAYER REQUEST and update on daughter Sally Q posted at Marica’s:
of course, i’ll pray for Sally!!!
she has the most capable, creative mama working on this problem–I know you’ll figure out the best and safest apparatus for your daughter!!!
you’re both in my prayers!
You are a doll! Love you!
love you too!!
Prayers AND best wishes, for both of you!
Prayers up, GA, for Sally Q and you too…
Oh my.
Just don’t forget to take care of you during this, GA/FL.
So sorry to hear this, GA/FL. Prayers up for Sally Q and for you as well.
I’m praying for her healing and for you to know how to make the lift safer.
I know it’s hard when you have to continually evaluate how to help and to modify the things you’ve been using. I wonder if a therapist could help suggest or design something.
You and Sally are both in my prayers, GA/FL!
Ignore WH LIES. Tell WH to enforce the laws on the books, within current budget.
They are blackmailing their opposition and American people.
I call it treason. We have laws which they aren’t following on purpose, and then they try to use that as leverage. This is OUR country. It’s not theirs to manipulate, alter, and ruin as they see fit.
The Guardian Angels are moving to take back our country from illegals
Link found in the comments in that video:
New York Governor Kathy Hochul Fast-Tracking Proposal That Would Allow Illegal Immigrants to Take American Jobs
POTUS Trump does not mention the other problem.
If you are getting FREE housing and food you can work for a lot less. Also many illegals work under the table anyway and pay no state or federal taxes. Therefore $10 = $15 or more in buying power.
The DemonRats KNOW this and they want the illegals to be ‘allowed’ to take American jobs for 2 reasons.
#1 The Gov’t can TAX the wages.
#2 As POTUS Trump says they will compete for Union jobs and by FLOODING the market with MUCH CHEAPER labor, will drastically depress the wages US based companies have to pay. (A win-Win for the Totalitarian Oligarchs)
Remember what the The Rockefeller File said:
Excerpted from The Rockefeller File (1976), Chapter 10
Flooding the USA with CHEAP UNSKILLED LABOR is a great method “ reduce our productive might, and therefore our standard of living, to the meager subsistence level of the socialized nations of the world…”
i posted an article this past week, Hochel intends to open up “temporary” GOVERNMENT JOBS to illegals…how’s THAT for a kick in the teeth?
pat frederick
“temporary” — as in, “Actually, it’s permanent, but I’m going to call it temporary, just deal with it.”?
that’s my take…they don’t need to meet the usual requirements of speaking English or having a high school diploma. imagine there’s some real NYers that might like those jobs…
The Civil Service Commission voted to approve the measure on Jan. 18 and is working with agencies to implement the changes, which include dropping typical application requirements like proof of a high school diploma or proficiency in English.
“I have 10,000 openings in the New York State workforce. From our operations to SUNY, I have 10,000 openings. So this is to give options to people but to say we are working intensely to get work authorization — these are all legal people,” said Hochul.–hochul-approves-temporary-government-jobs-for-migrants
Gail Combs
Perhaps Gov. Hochul has been briefed on THIS:
And, perhaps, there is already measurable “population reduction” in New York State from the negative effects of the COVID-19 “vaccines” that the citizens there were “mandated” to get.
I hope she insists the illegals get the Covid DEATH SHOT TOO.
I have not seen anything giving illegals that they have to get their jab.
The dems have their new slaves. Disgusting.
They’re the new actors in the stage play from DemComs. We’re supposed to feelz much better because these new invaders are earning their keep. They’re valuable assets. They’re stable.
I know I feels so much safer and secure that a handful of them are ‘working”.
If we do not know who they are it is unsafe.
The 1% needs their gardeners , baby sitter maids all for pennies on the $
Tucker Carlson’s Claims About Western Journalists Are Wrong Says…Putin’s Spokesman
First, Tucker would have no way of knowing about the requests by Western media since they would be private. Second Tucker WOULD KNOW his try while at FOX was squashed and not by Putin. Given his knowledge of those 2 facts he made a faulty assumption. BFD we do it all the time and it is at the CORE of the FAKE NEWS PSY-OP.
Second this is a bit of Face Saving for the Russians. THEY ARE BEING COURTED by Western media and the Russians gave them the cold shoulder.
If you buy into the sovereign alliance theory, this is a classic example of a coordinated set-up
It is not enough for Trump and his team to know who the traitors to America First are, The US public has to also know. AND HE AND TUCKER ARE SHOW THEM TO US!
IIRC, hotair is a very very left-leaning outlet of, erm, hot air…
Hot swamp gas, ever since Michelle sold it.
Okay, was about to ask when Hot Air became leftist. You answered it then.
Five Marines aboard Navy helicopter that crashed in San Diego mountains are confirmed dead
what was so important about that particular “training mission” that they just had to fly into what was a Cat 5 hurricane there, at that time ?
it’s not like the massive bad weather there just suddenly popped up.
this tragedy could have been avoided had they waited a bit.
The decision to “go” with that mission was probably made by a diversity hire…

That sucks.
I am suspicious that they crashed.
Looking forward to reading this…
Have wondered what happened with Schellenberger since he was tossed from the Corps, for speaking truth.Edit. Mixed up the guy I was thinking of. Heading for more coffee.
That about sums it up, the do nothing R’s in a useless committee again covering for the government. Leading the sheeple along another yellow brick road to nowhere. As soon as I saw Darrel Issa and Jim Jordan’s name that’s a definite sign that it’s all for show. Seems to me I remember Issa was on one of these committees before that was going to expose everything and didn’t. Oh yeah then he quits politics so we all forget and returns later to start up his gig again.
As they say fool me once…….
Darrel Issa…. Jim Jordan…. Trey Gowdy…. Jason Chaffetz ->
ALL blowhard nuthingburgers
Verse of the Day for Thursday, February 8, 2024
“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”
Joshua 1:9 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these, especially for the verses from the Psalms. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
look at the lies !
came across this bullshit, decided to post it just as a glaring example of the level of distortion, propaganda and outright misinformation (LIES) the Left is burping up…
Trump & the Cartels…
here’s the link to it (The Lincoln Project, barf alert !)…
You can write these bastards @
The Lincoln Project
600 Pennsylvania Ave SE #15180
Washington, DC 20003
Watching the mock Carlson-Putin interview in the tweet up above, I am struck again by something I have noticed before; there is some impish about Vladimir Putin.
He has that look of a nine-year-old boy about to do something naughty just for the fun of it, all the time.
It just cracks me up.
Nine year old boys have admirable traits. WE, never out grow those traits.
Agree with your thoughts. Putin always seems to be internally gaming how he wants to play with or taunt, adversaries. Prolly, many times without them, initially realizing they are being played.
Yep. And boys are hilarious and awesome.
Kinda like PDJT does.
I really loved how he outsmarted the Green Peace terrorists. Arrested for destruction on Arctic Oil Drilling Rigs. Tossed into a SIBERIAN gulag… IN WINTER. And then when the Leftist screams rose to a shattering scream…. RELEASED THEM ON CHRISTMAS!!!
They haven’t touched those oil rigs since.
No Putin is very measured. I have watched him for years. Remember he was president when the Russians told the world the Climastrologists had ELIMINATED the northern most stations in Russia in order to ‘show’ the world was warming.
Russian IEA claims CRU tampered with climate data – cherrypicked warmest stations
NOAA/NCDC: GHCN – The Global Analysis
The Day The Thermometer Music Died. Thermometers by Year Crashes.
From E.M in the comments:
Here is the report on those green peace idiots
DECEMBER 19, 2012: Down to -50C: Russians freeze to death as strongest-in-decades winter hits
Russia is enduring its harshest winter in over 70 years, with temperatures plunging as low as -50 degrees Celsius. Dozens of people have already died, and almost 150 have been hospitalized.
The country has not witnessed such a long cold spell since 1938, meteorologists said, with temperatures 10 to 15 degrees lower than the seasonal norm all over Russia.
I don’t think so.
Russians have good sense of humor despite their melancholy music

I like both
Bush Judge also
And he sang that sitting down… I was waiting for a full-blown flashmob… took a lot of nerve to do that (even for a tenor
I really was great, wasn’t it? And I don’t even like opera!
At one of the factories I worked at, we had an operatic trained tenor. That guy reminds me of him.
He used to sing all the time. It was great.
Good grief! What won’t they steal?
Alabama radio station is left baffled after thieves steal 200-FOOT radio tower – and leave no trace
It is METAL so can be sold for $$$ at a salvage yard.
ALSO if you are using some sort of radio to be in contact with those outside the USA it might be useful. REMEMBER the Russia Hoax Ham radio of Nellie Ohr?
How tall can a HAM radio tower be?
Organized Venezuelan communists. Protected by Cuban commie spawn Mayorkas.
The height limit sounds like the same cr@p the gubmint did by killing off AM radio… it effectively cuts off (relatively) free access to broadcast independently.
In the case of FM broadcasting, a “small” station is around ten times as expensive as the equivalent AM one, shutting out a large number of users. DAB, digital audio broadcasting, which the WEFfenSS are trying to force on everyone here [all new radio receivers MUST be capable of receiving DAB, making them far more expensive and twice as useless]… and the cost of entry into that broadcasting band/method is prohibitive, in the many hundreds of millions of dollars, etc.
All of that being yet another throttling of free speech…..
With AM radio, the signal just got weaker and weaker until it finally petered out. With FM, the reception slope was steeper (OK, implemented in the tuner, but still) so that reception didn’t really peter out, it just suddenly cut out. Finally, with DAB, you can lose reception from one side of a room to another…
And they call that progress????!!!!!!!

This is unbelievable. The picture of it shows how massive it is. It seems very hard to visualize usual broke down meth heads managing to dismantle it for scrap. They’d need tools, big tools. They’d need trucks, big trucks. they’d need time, lots of time away from their meth pipes. The scene described as not a trace left. Metal thieves that organized ?
Something isn’t right with this.
“Red Dawn” cannot happen without help from DHS. But WITH the assistance of a criminal communist party in the White House, owning DHS, the intelligence agencies, and the border, it’s perfectly possible.
I suspect it’s Venezuelan or Chinese military.
Me too but I won’t be surprised when some BS story emerges of parts of it bein found at salvage yards.
Even if it was unbolted into sections..that’s skilled labor, a crane, multiple trucks, a crew of workers..etc etc
That’s why I’m thinking military. TRAINED.
Preparing their infrastructure
while destroying ours.
yep definitely pros.
it’s not “theft”, it’s sabotage.
Yes my thought also “sabotage”.
Watch if this happens in other places also. Sabotage who would be good add it? Chines military age illegals?
Alien abduction. They are on the dark side of the moon but when they come out on patrol, they hear nothing but NPR.
They got sick of leftist bullshit so they took the tower away.
Is the radio MEGA or left wing that will tell you everything. If one cannot compete them take their stuff.
Country and Western I think (aka MEGA)
Maybe they were broadcasting too much Taylor not-so-Swift
Tower offed itself
in the comments to that story–it says an oklahoma couple stole a 500ft tower…WTH???
someone else mentioned that an “air tag” would have prevented this.
what’s an air tag?
2 in Oklahoma accused of toppling country radio station tower to steal $100 in copper
A man and a woman have been arrested for allegedly taking down part of an Oklahoma radio station’s nearly 500-foot tower to steal some copper, Choctaw County Sheriff Terry Park says.
“What they do, these copper thieves, is they cut it up in these 10-foot sections,” Payne says. “So right now we know that there’s probably eight to 10 of these sections in the back of a truck or a van, maybe. This is what we need to be looking out for, and if you can help me out as we try to figure out our next step, what we’re gonna do to rebuild this place.”~~~~~~~~~~~~
The picture with this article shows a lot of debris left around. Wondering if the latest one is similar ?If it’s clean gone it still seems strange to me
An air tag is a homing device that can be tracked by various apps, most popularly by Apple (who own the name, IIRC). Many people put them in their suitcases to track them in case they go “somewhere else”, others have them for their valuables…
In this case, the perps would have seen the air tag and taken that, too, but dumped it off along the way…
AirTags can occasionally be more harm than good…..
thanks for the explanation!
Next step is for Kennedy to speak, the quiet part.
Briben Is Owned AND Manipulated, by hussein and his disciples, Planted within the Briben WH.
HOT TAKES: Schiff Blows a Fuse at Tucker Explaining His Putin Interview, He Gets Schooled With Huge Ratio
Scott’s full post:
Such an optimist.
“The West is increasing pressure on Russia through controlled NGOs on the eve of the elections, including imposing ideas of ethnic disunity – Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation”
In regard to this link…..
Right-wingers are scaring away the government’s “disinformation hacker army”…
I suspect that part of the fear of these people is that they were activists against “COVID disinformation” that turned out to be true, and are subject to both civil and criminal liability down the line. They understand that there are RISKS for opposing truth, beyond just “First Amendment” issues. I suspect that at a personal level, many of these people are either no longer jabbing, or never were jabbed.
NOW they understand the risks of censorship to the censors, when “the truth” turns out not to be the truth.
I wonder if it is FINALLY dawning on them that that Military Vet that just found out he has Turbo Cancer from the Covid shot he was FORCED to take, and a month or two to live, has not only the KNOWLEDGE and the SKILL but NOTHING TO LOSE if he decides to get JUSTICE in the old fashion way.
they think they entered LEGALLY
when I was exiting swfl, they were swarming the high end town I was in..
and I do mean swarming.
angry desperate racist antiAmerican and extremely arrogant…nasty, mean, furtive..
everywhere, on the streets, in the stores, renting houses…always in little grimy groups, never alone.
somewhere along the way, they were instructed to say the word “appointment” and point to their free smart phones, and thus expected to gain entry into whatever they were trying to do…get a free po box, look at a rental property, show up to get something at a yard sale, whatever…
they had no idea what the word appointment actually means or how to even say it properly.
poinmen ! poinmen ! , the grimy hombre kept saying at my front door with a little herd of spanee women & babies on hips, all looking quite bewildered, up in my face, literally, at the door.
I was selling off some items before I moved.
I stood there, like Clint Eastwood or Barbara Stanwyck, arms folded, a mean glint in my gringa eyes…
with whom do you have the appointment ? , I asked.
poinmen ! poinmen!, he kept spitting, holding up the greasy phone like it was some kinda badge.
the greasy grimy sweaty women looked totally perplexed, exhausted & confused but one of them kinda could tell they were out of their element and missing something important in the translation…
so she tugged on hombre’s shirtail and muttered something in spanee, all I understood was gringa and poonta.
heh heh
so I said you’ve got exactly 3 seconds to get off my property before I call the police.
and I leaned in, up close to hombre’s pockmarked face, when I said police.
boy ! they understood that word !
screw the poinmen, they scattered.
pissed me off, too.
because they had parked a vehicle further down the road, out of sight, so I was unable to get the license number.
they’re freaking criminals.
appointment, my ass.
good for you!
You’re my new role model ! Glad you left that behind.
gringa be like…
They are spiritual vampires
LOL! No trigger discipline. She’s ready to pull the trigger, now!
I don’t know what the technicalities are, but what happens when half the world (at least) tries to access Tuckers website. Is it not going to slow things down a bit ?
not watching or seeing any of comments on this yet…
The Boss
February 8, 2024 11:54 am
SCOTUS is scorching Colorado’s CREW attorney. Can’t wait for the bimbo secretary of state to have her 10 minutes of fame. She’ll wish she never asked for the time.
February 8, 2024 12:11 pm
Supreme court arguments just gave up the democrat plan. The plaintiffs lawyer said if the supreme court rules that states cannot bar Trump from ballot then congress would initiate a process where they remove Trump after he is elected.
So, if democrats take the house you can expect them to tie up Trump with non stop efforts to remove him.
February 8, 2024 12:13 pm
Reply to minnesotamike55
Isn;t that like threatening the Supreme Court..
Maybe that is why they are pushing for
someone like Nikki to be his VP Pick
PTrump get elected..they kick him out
and his VP becomes the President..
That is the plan I am sure. Last choice is going JFK route on POTUS Trump.
You should see the headlines at CFP. The AG from CO got SPANKED across the board. Both sides.
thanks…going to go look!
thanks to DePat!!
and NOT even attractive
And a slimy crook even back then.
He makes Joe Isuzu look like a saint…
Warning shot over Deep State / D-Rat bow.
What about OH!Bummer literally shipping CASH???
December 30, 2019
Some of the $1.5 billion cash that Obama gave to Iran traced to Iran-backed terror groups
By Thomas Lifson
Jeff Gottfredson
February 8, 2024 2:02 pm
Peter Navarro lost his ruling with District Judge Amit P. Mehta and has to report to prison. Biden is the worst president ever!
I hope he manages to stay healthy and alive.
Cop beaters get turned loose but an upstanding guy like Dr Navarro goes to prison!
Expect Steve Bannon to be next.
Playing catch up. had not read this terrible news. ^^^
When I posted…
Peter Navarro GiveSendGo.
Goal: USD $1,250,000
Raised: USD $ 1,028,730
Donations. 17,479
I am hoping there is still the possibility of an appeal.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, America First Legal (AFL) announced that the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas denied the Biden Administration’s attempt to stop a critical lawsuit filed against a key open-borders regulation, one that served as a model for portions of the recent legislation introduced in the Senate. With this hurdle being cleared, the lawsuit filed by the State of Texas and AFL can now move forward toward achieving justice for Texas and the American people.
The Biden Administration’s “Asylum Officer Rule” transfers authority given by Congress away from immigration judges to asylum officers. This rule violates both the statutory system Congress established as well as the Appointments Clause of the Constitution. The federal government moved to dismiss the suit by claiming that Texas did not have standing to sue. The court rejected the Administration’s claims and allowed Texas’s lawsuit to continue, a significant development that provides a precedent for other courts to find that Texas has standing to challenge the Biden Administration’s unlawful immigration policies.
This case also offers a rare opportunity to litigate the application of the Appointments Clause of the Constitution, which states that Congress may only vest the power to appoint “inferior Officers . . . in the President alone, the Courts of Law, or the Heads of Departments.” By attempting to use asylum officers to do the job Congress delegated to immigration judges, the Biden Administration is once again attempting to exceed the boundaries placed by the Constitution to advance its open borders policy.
Statement from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton:
“It is tremendously important for Texas and for our Constitutional order that this case is allowed to move forward. The Biden Administration must not be permitted to ignore Congress and violate the Constitution. We take every opportunity to hold Biden accountable for his unlawful overreach.”
Statement from America First Legal President Stephen Miller:
“This is an important victory in our fight to end Joe Biden’s radical plan to convert the border into a citizenship manufacturing facility. We will not relent in this fight. It is our honor to work with Attorney General Paxton and to represent the great State of Texas in the legal battle against Joe Biden’s invasion,”said Stephen Miller.
That’s great news!
so biden “willfully retained” and “disclosed classified materials” but because he describes himself as an ELDERLY MAN WITH A BAD MEMORY he walks free? and this ELDERLY MAN WITH A BAD MEMORY IS OUR PRESIDENT?
President Joe Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency,” according to a final report released Thursday by a special counsel who investigated the case.
But special counsel Robert Hur said he was declining to prosecute Biden over his handling of classified documents about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan, and notebooks containing Biden’s entries about national security.
The FBI found that material in the garage, offices and basement den in Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware, home.
“Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen,” Hur wrote.
But that evidence “does not establish Mr. Biden’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt,” the special counsel wrote.
Hur in his nearly 400-page report wrote that Biden had portrayed himself as “an elderly man with a poor memory” who a criminal jury would find sympathetic.
“We conclude that no criminal charges are warranted in this matter,” the report said. “We reach the same conclusion even if Department of Justice policy did not foreclose criminal charges against a sitting president.”
“….President Joe Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency,” according to a final report released Thursday by a special counsel who investigated the case….”
AHHHHhhhhh but that says NOTHING about the papers from the time he was a Senator….
true, but he disclosed classified materials…that doesn’t warrant SOME kind of charge????
I do not know if he can be charged for stuff he did BEFORE he was president. Given Trump’s conviction on the E Jean Carroll crap I would think so.
I think this is what they are trying to use against Trump:
18 U.S. Code § 2383 – Rebellion or insurrection
But they keep citing the 14th Amendment which does not apply, probably because it sounds better to Conservatives.
This maybe what Biden did esp if it was before 2000 “…The U.S.–China Relations Act of 2000 is an Act of the United States Congress that granted China permanent normal trade relations …” –WIKI
Biden was first elected to the Senate in 1972 so he certainly could have been selling secrets for
yearsdecades.18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason
being President is not a get-out-of-jail free card. they may have to delay arresting or charging him till he leaves office, but he disclosed classified documents and willfully retained what he was not legally allowed to…
I do not know if they can go after him about the time he was VP because of the EO Obama wrote. However if he was KNOWINGLY giving access to the documents to the Chinese, then you probably can nail his rotting ass to the wall.
I’m willing to bet my next SS check that the documents he illegally retained are directly connected to deals that Hunter made. IOW Hunter needed to validate things he said to various foreigners so SlowJoe got the appropriate documents for him.
wondering if this is the introduction of the 25th amendment phase of his presidency?
Good call, there’s really only a couple of scenarios for him to leave the WH. so they can insert their chosen one.
I figured they would wait until the primaries are over and the DNC convention was being conducted. At that point Biden would announce he was withdrawing because of ill health. OR they could just have him drop dead.
The DNC wants to be able to actually PICK who the Demonrats vote for.
While this is outrageous, keep your eyes on the prize. The Tucker interview with Putin drops this evening. Yes, this is news, but Catturd and I agree it was dropped this afternoon to distract from the interview.
BTW, several conspiracy sites claim Biden has been dead since January 2021. None agree on the details, but they all claim the guy we see is an actor. I’ll get reamed by the usual suspects for that data point. At this point, that’s all it is: a data point.
They seem to think we can not keep two ideas in out head at the same time.
Biden is 1/2 dead (or all dead) I do not care which as long as POTUS Trump gets into the White House for 4 more years and we get
someA LOT of MAGA Senators and Reps.I find it highly suspect that POTATUS made 2 glaring memory gaffs this week. Yes he’s an idiot and has often fucked up words and phrases but..these last 2 are clearly in the everyone can see he’s senile category.
Why don’t I believe that these gaffs were real ? Because presto magic today he’s being defended against improprieties due to..failing memory …awfully convenient
Nothing would surprise me at this point.
I have not seen you being personally criticized. I have seen opinions disagreed with and at times criticized. There is a difference. This is a discussion site where we are allowed to express our thoughts. People disagreeing with you does not make you the victim of reaming or of anything else.
From the open, on the rules for this site (emphasis mine):
IMO, calling fellow QTreepers “usual suspects” and accusing them of reaming you is not civil, it is name-calling, it is not recognizing their right to their own opinions, and it does not promote the group thinking well of one another.
As for the theory in question:
I disagree with these theories, and I have never seen an ounce of real evidence to support them.
While I agree with your views, I think you may have flattened a few cow flops in stating them.
If so, that is because they have needed to be said for quite some time. People miss so much of what goes on.
dissolution of relationships is hard…who gets to keep the testicles?
So you want to be a lawyer. Go for it!
Seems to me that King Solomon might have something to say here…..
I hate to but, Bwahahaha.
Everyone of these people are NUTS
pun intended
First world problems: From the Asylum Edition.
“Colonel General Syrsky was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine instead of Zaluzhny – Zelensky in a video message.
The President of Ukraine also thanked Valery Zaluzhny for his two years of “protection” and invited him to “stay on the team.”
In addition, Zelensky listed several generals and colonels who would be appointed to leadership positions in the army, apparently after the Armed Forces of Ukraine were quickly cleared of commanders loyal to Zaluzhny.”
“Colonel General Syrsky was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine instead of Zaluzhny – Zelensky in a video message. The President of Ukraine also thanked Valery Zaluzhny for his two years of “protection” and invited him to “stay…
He commanded first the defense of Artemovsk, and then the counter-offensive near Artemovsk, as a result of which he successfully lost both battles, losing several tens of thousands of people killed.”
“He commanded first the defense of Artemovsk, and then the counter-offensive near Artemovsk, as a result of which he successfully lost both battles, losing several tens of thousands of people killed.”
He successfully lost both battles?
So the intention was to lose?
Or are we in opposite-land again?
I took that as being /s
(Intel slava is a Russian News aggregator who covers Conflicts/Geopolitics and urgent news from around the world.
Funded by Putin, Russian ministry of defence, FSB, GRU and SVR)
Clearly an unbiased source.
People here have been lapping it up.
Eli Crane on POTUS Trump & Insurrection.
Exactly!! Where have they been for four years?
2 years. Remember the DemonRats ran the House under the Nasty Pig for the 1st 2 years. And then we had RINO McCarthy who this guy never voted for as speaker.
Yes, what about the rest of the R’s?
I think it is pretty clear most are OWNED by the transnational corporations, Banksters and the Camber of Commerce. They are NOT America First Conservatives.
We need more like him
Rats in the media suck.
He is newly elected. This is his first term.
Yes! I know he’s new to the House, but I hadn’t heard of him before.
Peter Navarro GiveSendGo.
Goal: USD $1,250,000
Raised: USD $ 1,028,730
Donations. 17,479
I am posting that on a badlands.
Please up vote the comment so it stays at the top of the page.

This should be called the “no shit” standard for holding office!
Mike Johnson should be ashamed of himself. His statement is spot on. Yet Briben impeachment is on the back burner.
WTF is the matter with r-Cons. (Rhetorical.)
Mike Johnson, STOP talking.
r-Cons have No courage, No leadership, No initiative, Fucking Cowards
Amen. This whole thing is a disgrace.
Okay, I have Tucker’s feed open on Rumble, X, and I wonder if they will all be in sync and say exactly the same thing…
The Raiklin Report
Did 2 Gunshots Kickoff the Fedsurrection?!
From 5:00 to 25 min it shows film footage of a Hispanic climbing up the scaffold and shooting 2 shots in the air, and then climbing down. Also an interview with the two people who received this footage.
J6: A True Timeline (1 hr)
Derrick Evans Jan 6th prisoner is running for congress (It was taken off line when I first tried to get it)
That seems very significant. This is Derrick Evans’s X/Twitter comment…
…that has the link to which has a 5:20-minute video. (This footage is contained in the Rumble link you posted.) The firing of the shots can be seen right after the 2:00 mark. This video has clear views of the crowd and of the guy who fired the shots.
I’m sure others know more about this, but firearms are prohibited on the grounds of the Capitol. It is also dangerous and illegal to fire into the air. The guy seemed to have a definite purpose. No MAGA patriot would have done what he did.
Remember the long haired hippy type guy who fired into the air and started the chain of events that led to Kyle Rittenhouse shooting Rosenbaum.
Hey ! I have 2 things that are really encouraging. We’re going to a Trump event at Coastal Carolina University Saturday ! So excited so we all went to get some Trump gear .
The encouraging things was that although the store had other things the only part full of people was the Trump stuff and the majority of people buying were young.
At first I thought they would be Libtards making fun but no..they were all gearing up for Trump.
Second thing was..watched a vid of a guy in Memphis being interviewed about a recent crime wave in one of the worst ghetto’s in the city. It was a black youngish man…in a red MAGA or Trump (can’t recall which). That’s pretty telling especially in Memphis.
Good news, and exciting for you! I hope you can give us a report afterward.’s probably so silly but we’re all so pumped about seeing Trump live!
Not silly at all! I have attended one rally. I wasn’t very close to him, but it was very exciting.
It is SO much fun! I was really lucky at the rally I went to in Montana. I was about fifty feet from Trump on stage. The crowd was awesome, very polite and friendly, and the Secret Service guys were super professional.
That ‘s great ! Did you get to choose a seat or do they direct you ?
From what I’ve seen, seats fill quickly.
Last few rallies, I’ve come to prefer standing more to the rear.
We were all standing, pretty much. There was some VIP-type seating in one area, but we were at an airport hanger, so it was just a crowd of people. Which ordinarily would have totally freaked me out, but everyone was so nice, it was fine.
At Mount Rushmore, we weren’t directed to seats, either, but we were early enough that I was pretty close to the stage.
You will have a great time!
Trump rallies are always great fun AND exciting.
I just finished listening to Tucker’s interview with Putin. It was fascinating. I will probably listen to it again. Off hand, I cannot imagine other US “journalists” giving Putin such a forum.
Did you notice how often Putin mentioned the CIA? Also he seemed to indicate the president more or less did as he was told.
I still have another 1/2 to listen to.
Yes, the bureacrats run the asylum.
I just finished listening a second time. Whew… there’s so much to unpack in that two hours. I think what Putin and Tucker would not say is that democrats made Russia their scapegoat to hide democrat crimes by villifying Russia. Twice in the interview, Putin said “pressure, pressure, pressure” and he was referring to what the US was doing. It almost sounded like “Russia, Russia, Russia” and I wonder if others also might make the connection.
Putin sounds quite reasonable throughout, making our own officials seem foolish, which they are.
One quibble.
Democrats? Nah. Have no love for D-Rats. r-Cons LIE all the time.
PURE Uniparty, Deep State, including US IC.
Agree. Putin came across as reasonable AND Totally Informed. <<< Impressive.
Off hand, I cannot imagine other US “journalists” giving Putin such a forum.
^^^ Pravda News ONLY delivers the Deep State approved narrative. <<< LIES.
Also listened to the entire interview.
Americans should have been allowed to listen to Putin
yearsDecades ago.Donald Trump Jr.
Not surprising when you read about that special prosecutor.
Typical for the leftards, he’s a Hur
Trump Ballot Case: Clarence Thomas Leaves Colorado Lawyer Grasping at Straws with Perfect Question
(emphasis mine)
The Left is used to making stuff up and getting away with it. Not this time…
“The Left is used to making stuff up and getting away with it. Not this time…”
Not with Thomas.
But Coneybarret and the three witches will fall for it every time, which leaves compromised Roberts as the deciding vote.
Can anyone tell me what I just saw tonight? I am shocked by the Biden presser.
We are so screwed!!!
Weirdly to me it seemed like one of his more lucid pressers. When he screwed up Sisi for Mx president at least he knew the context of what he was talking about.
Deep state is prepping to take him out I guess
My jaw is still dropped.
Oh my word
The next days should be interesting. The report’s language is deliberately painting him senile so there’s been a shift in what ‘they’ want the public to percieve.. He’s not playing along, at least tonight he isn’t.
Anyway that’s how it sees to me
Oh. The Faux Special Prosecutor report in play, question.
My guess is Briben’s memory is vacating.
What little Briben understands, he IS in denial AND Rebelling.
Briben will get his ice cream, be shuffled off to a basement for nappy time.
Resign soon.
Then I’ll restart my, Impeach Hoe rants.
Your closing thought has got to be in play.
I can’t stand to watch or listen to him. He is degrading America in a most humiliating way.
I would love to know what staffers say behind closed doors. I would also like to know what Jill Biden is thinking. Is she hanging on to political power for dear life? Has she been threatened that she must keep JB in office? Isn’t she embarrassed and on pins and needles every time he appears in public, not knowing what he will say and do? Our country is in a terrible situation.
What was said, or mumbled?
I’ve been watching Tucker / Putin.
One thing I’ve read is that JB mixed up the president of Mexico with the president of Egypt. (I think that is from today.)
There’s already a meme about it:
Thanks. Saw those headlines.
I expect Briben will be resigning for health reasons.
Briben will get his arm twisted mightily, as he is tossed under the bus.
Wow… here it is…
Another thing was the big fat lie.
He said he cooperated with Hur’s investigation whereas Trump did not cooperate with attempts to claw back Presidential Records.
Key being they were Presidential Records. Trump was entitled to such like any other past President. Changes in rules were dubious at best and Trump simply used his rights to resist.
Biden on the other hand was a) caught with records b) that he had no right to have. So of course he’s not going to fight to retain them and his only recourse was ‘I’ve been short of mental faculties for a very very long time’.
35M watched on X so far. I watched first at Tucker’s site and am listening again. It’s a very good interview of Putin’s perspective on history and international relations.
Best part.
I haven’t been able to watch it yet. I’m wondering if there was anything earth-shattering that would alarm the Deep State.
Pretty much the big takeaway is that Russia is and has been ready to talk.
Oh yes, I think it does though Putin and Tucker are mostly understated. Putin compares some US actions like kindergarten. LOL There’s much more.
I almost wonder if maybe there’s more than one interview… boy howdy, would that wrinkle some depends…. and burn some brooms…
Just finished watching. Little over two hours.
Much of what Putin said, described, has been posted here, at one time or another.
Putin gave a great history lesson, going back eleven or twelve hundred years. Russia, Ukraine, Soviet Union… Quite interesting for me.
Putin came across as sane, informed, reasonable. I am not surprised.
Alarming for Deep State? Truth, perhaps.
Thank you for that info. Trump has remarked that world leaders he has dealt with are at the top of their game. Putin has always appeared very intelligent to me.