Badlands News Brief – February 21, 2024
MAGA’s Punching Bag
Swiss Billionaire’s Nonprofit Sent $35 Million To Dark Money Group Propping Up Dems
Donating Blood and the COVID Vaccine [Corrected]
Irreconcilable Differences: California’s GOP Falters From Within
The State of California is a textbook example of what happens when leftist oligarchs, environmentalist extremists, academic socialists, corporatists and crony capitalists, labor unions (mostly in the public sector), ambulance-chasing trial lawyers, and a media best described collectively as negligent, lazy cowards all join hands and decide to loot the middle class. The people being driven out of California are variously described by Democrats as too privileged, too independent, too unsustainable, recalcitrant, troglodytic, superseded, irrelevant, unwanted, and guilty by reason of whiteness. The attitude of California’s upper class towards the people whose hard work built the state is either hurry up and die or get lost and good riddance.
Same thing that happens when any group assuming the mantle of “elite” has reason to keep the non-elite suppressed for fear of overthrow.
Biden Co-Chair: It’s ‘Unreasonable’ ‘to Expect Everybody to Be Happy and Excited’ Since Country’s in ‘Very Difficult Time’
Do they bother to listen to themselves?
Democratic Senator Says Lindsey Graham ‘Would Literally Push His Mother in Front of a Train’ to Get Reelected
Environmentalism Needs a New Playbook
Our Young People Are the Product of the Western World’s Dying Culture
A Swan Song for the MSM
Trump’s VP Choice
WATCH: O’Keefe Strikes Again – IRS Official Tells O’Keefe Media Group Reporter That the IRS uses AI to Spy on Americans’ Bank Accounts: Is It Constitutional? “I doubt it,” says IRS Official Alex Mena
In my temp travels a couple decades ago, I worked at the Red Cross. Aside from first aid certification and lifeguard training, the organization is a pseudo-government entity that exists for profit.
That’s my take. PDJT’s time in office was an evidence gathering endeavor.
Truckers not going to New York is having an impact.

And now for the business portion.
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
MATTHEW 16:13-19
13Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesare’a Philip’pi, he asked his disciples, “Who do men say that the Son of man is?” 14And they said, “Some say John the Baptist, others say Eli’jah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” 15He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” 16Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” 17And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jona! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. 18And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. 19I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

Really, nobody cares.
Thank you, De Pat, for a great and thorough post.
How did your show go today?
Show is Friday and Sunday. Today we were off. Dress rehearsal tomorrow, and hopefully, the tech people will have the microphone situation straightened out.
In bocca al lupo!
Dude, you’re white. If you ever supported DEI or affirmative action, you sealed your fate. I don’t think even learning to code will save you now. #HoistedOnOwnPetard
State appeals court rejects NYC non-citizen voting law
They just wanted to avoid any more bad publicity.
Whatever it takes to get them to do the right thing…
Well, all those 800000 are now registered and their names will be used in the next elections ballot stuffing exercise.
^^^ This
Who needs “legal” when the system is fully corrupted anyway? All they wanted was to legitimize their crimes. They will keep on keeping on as they have for decades.
Registered? Good.
Housed at the airport for quick and easy rounding up.
People have been strongly suggesting that be done. Meanwhile has multiple advantages. Discouragement/Detriment to air travel (they don’t want us flying). Easy to house them. Easy to control, indoctrinate and possibly train. Cabal can shift clandestine invader operatives or masses of invaders about the country without anyone the wiser. When everything starts to go south and the
publicblue bloods demand something be done, the Bidense will be seen as taking swift action.This has been puzzling me. Set aside the ridiculous declarations of sanctuary cities several years ago when they had everything to gain – federal/taxpayer dollars – and little to lose. Now that they are being inundated with illegals, and adequate federal/taxpayer slush funds aren’t flowing, wHY can’t they just rescind their status as a sanctuary city? Surely it was a proclamation, ordinance or regulation (law.) passed. WHY can it not be rescinded????
i’m not asking rhetorically. I ‘get’ the political agenda, but why can’t the citizens demand it be rescinded?
I haven’t read anything about people using that strategy, and I don’t know why.
Citizens don’t mean squat to our “elites”.
because there are too many of them here now.
too many are inside the gate.
Maybe it’s the part of history that shows that communism ( or whichever -ism) eventually puts the boot on everyone’s neck. “Regular” Dems who loved the sanctuary city idea and now see the folly get to find out that their views don’t matter to pols…the same as ours don’t.
An article about one of the X posts from the open:
WATCH: Mike Benz Explains the Dirty Tricks the Deep State is Using by Framing Trump as a ‘Threat to Democracy’ (VIDEO)
This interview was sobering in its succinct, accurate history of how social media censorship came about. Every citizen should listen to this one!
Oh! I don’t think we got to the wing thing yesterday…
Boston-Bound Flight Makes Emergency Landing After Wing Falls Apart Mid-Air (VIDEO)
Cristina Laila Feb. 21, 2024 1:00 pm 593 Comments
Honestly, with all the issues being on Boeing jets all of a sudden, I’m thinking industrial level sabotage.
Incompetent mechanics with DEI promoted superiors is basically a slow-creep sabotage. At some point the mistakes happen, then go unnoticed or ignored by quality control ..then it’s critical.
YUP! DIE. I saw it when I was in industry and it has just gotten worse. You now have entire departments of DIE hires . A friend was working at a manufacturing company. she was the only non-black in the department and their best worker but she (a native American) was fired because she used the ‘wrong word’ Something that was perfectly acceptable and considered ‘polite’ when she and I were growing up.
No discussion, no determination if it was really meant as a ‘racist’ comment, no request to not use the word, just go straight to YOUR FIRED!
I am sure the BLACK supervisor was just itching to fire her too, given the guy she addressed was high on drugs at the time and a horrible worker. Pics and vid at link
PITTSBURGH — The city of Pittsburgh did not adequately maintain or repair a bridge and failed to act on inspection reports, leading to the corrosion of the structure’s steel legs and its collapse into a ravine, federal investigators said Wednesday.
The city-owned Forbes Avenue bridge fell down on Jan. 28, 2022, plunging a bus and four cars about 100 feet (30 meters) into the Fern Hollow Creek. Another vehicle drove off the east bridge abutment and landed on its roof. There were injuries but no one died.
It’s nuts Gail.
A problem is that if inferior parts like the steel , nuts and bolts, etc coupled with possibly an inferior DEI hire that has no concept of WHY that’s necessary…it’s a failure destined to happen sooner or later.
ALL part of the plan to completely DESTROY the USA.
Lack of quality assurance . Some companies do not think they need it. Quality assurance used to be in Airplane companies until some bean counter felt they could save money. In this case Boeing did it by them selves.
I am not flying any longer. If I cannot drive where I want to go I am not going. This is privilege of old age
ISO 9000
Quality Types WARNED it would be bad news.
To understand the problem it is necessary to look at the “Quality Revolution.” In the 1970s when I first started working in the quality field, Military. Standard 105D (it became 105E later) was often used to determine incoming inspection levels. Mil Spec 105Dwas a common-sense, statistics-based standard, appropriate to the military sense of getting things done correctly, and it saw wide use in industry. It provided methods to categorize vendors as good, average or below average. The customer could adjust the level of incoming inspection accordingly.
Dr. W. Edwards Deming, a mathematician doing research into quality, had been ignored by US business. He took his expertise to postwar Japan where his methods revolutionized quality. After superior Japanese quality flattened American business in the market place, Americans started searching for the “Magic Wand” that would allow them to compete, Several experts cashed in on this mad search. Joseph Juran, Armand Feigenbaum and Philip Crosby emerged as the leaders of the pack.
In 1987 the methods used by Deming and the other leaders were quantified as a set of quality manufacturing standards called ISO 9000. I was one of the first to get training in ISO 9000 here in the USA. I was impressed by the first half of the presentation and during break started discussing what I had learned with my seat-mate. He was not at all impressed. He was originally from Russia, and he told me that the Soviet Union had used the same kind of system for years, and that and it generated paperwork, not quality. Twenty years later I, along with other quality professionals, agree with him.
Bean counters, looking only for immediate additional profit, found some of the concepts of ISO 9000 very attractive:
The third item is particularly interesting. If the method fails, that is, if the supposedly pre-qualified material is no good, there might be no choice but to use it anyway! The result can be anywhere from a minor inconvenience to a total disaster.
FOOD: A version of ISO was developed for the food industry. It was called HACCP and was published as an international standard in 1993 by Codex Alimentarius. In 1995 Mil Std 105E was declared obsolete and in 1996 HACCP was adopted by the USDA.
Notice how this ruling has shifted the focus of audits, both government and private, from testing for contamination to the paperwork documenting the “Quality Management System”. Secondly, rigorous incoming inspection has been drastically cut‒if not eliminated‒by the companies that receive raw materials. In buying raw materials from the vendor today corporations relied only on a third-party auditor who reported on the integrity of the suppler. Twenty or thirty years earlier the corporation would have sent their own quality professional to work at the vendor’s facility.
If the “Quality Revolution” worked so well for the Japanese, why isn’t it working in the USA? There are several reasons. First is the Japanese sense of honor, ethics and integrity. Deceitfulness is frowned upon and results in a loss of face and disgrace to the family.. Secondly, Japan is a small country so word of deceitfulness spreads easily.. In the USA a slick salesmen who lies to get sales is likely to be praised and held up as an example to new salesmen. The US has a very mobile population, there are always new suckers moving into the community . A scoundrel can relocate to any of forty nine other states.
Another problem, according to quality expert Kaoru Ishikawa, is America’s regulations of business that give tremendous importance to each company’s quarterly results. He claims that the result is short-sightedness….
From an Article I wrote long ago.
Good article thank you for sharing

My husband worked in quality assurance department in a company . Deming he had his encounter with him several times
I got to take a course live long distance. I had the honor of getting Dr Deming to read my comment and say he had never thought about the situation from that angle.
It was about honoring an individual vs a group. If you honor the group and do not mention the individual who did all or most of the work, then you are going to build resentment in that individual who will eventually not bother doing their best.
That makes sense good for you smart lady
Me, too! No more planes.
That makes two of us.
i think it’s a scare tactic. if they can’t get you to, in good conscience because of climate change, reduce you carbon footprint by not flying in planes, they will try to scare you into grounding yourself.
You may be on to something. They don’t want us traveling for any reason. I get the gut feeling it’s not all DEI, and with the number of these incidents at United, specifically, there’s something in the background.
All the more reason for senior pilots to be vigilant in the walk through and around inspection before flight. I have it on good authority they can refuse to fly the plane if they see something amiss.
They can refuse but the pilot inspection is mainly exterior visual. They can’t really make any determination of the components holding the thing together.
However there are mechanics who service the planes who should have caught this.
(I used to cave with one.)
As we’re hearing…exceptional service is racist, it’s a show of white privilege, it’s discriminating to demand competence and attention to detail
All the more reason for
seniorAll pilots to be vigilant in the walk through and around inspection before flight.controlled demolition of the USA
The problem for them is it will likely BACKFIRE because it squarely impacts those ‘Suburban Women’ who like to fly to …. for vacation or even long weekends.
Remember most of them are oblivious and just give lip service to the radical left ‘Politically Correct’ ideas. NOW those ideas are slapping them up side the head.
No more trips into NYC to go to the museums, or Broadway shows or for a nice night out. It is WAY TOO DANGEROUS, not just in the ‘bad neighborhoods’ but all over thanks to the flood of illegals.
Now your daughter who worked her butt off to be a top ranked athlete is being replaced by a loony male who could easily hurt her.
I’m not sure when the AWFULs will flip, but hopefully soon.
I’m positive drugs play a huge part in rapid onset of issues in many industries. So many employees are now either highly medicated or on illegal drugs. Everywhere.
I hate to say it but phones are a problem. People spend an enormous amount of time on them and it appears to be somewhat addictive. Paying attention to a small task or a very complicated one can impact the quality if the person is constantly distracted
This is ultimately Pete Buutplug’s Dept, right ?
We’re watching a mighty country implode
There’s so many bridges in the northeast like that it’s not funny. Remember the one that collapsed on the NY thruway years back. States are putting all the road funds into different projects. Then one happens to fail and, then they need to do a bond act or raise your taxes. All by design, don’t fix anything till it’s absolutely necessary.
The only things this admin from top to bottom concerns itself with is Ukraine money and illegal’s money.
Taco stands coming soon?
LMAO!!! Is this the work of Gab AI? It’s brilliant!
when does it end ?
dude…it’s just starting.
they’re warming up…
As Barry Hussein would say…the JV team is playing right now
^^^ Nails It !
Be Ready.
New Trump Ad!
I think this ‘ad’ was made by an Anon in his ‘basement’ The reason I think this is because:
Think about it. Nasty Nikki is paying a TON of money for COMMERCIALS on TV. And as we know alternate media gets more eyeballs than the Fake News.
Trump is getting FREE ads made by Anons that he does not have to pay for. He also gets a LOT of FREE volunteers instead of paid volunteers.
I agree… there is something over-the-top and cultic about the video; reminds me of some of the “homages” they’d show at “the creek” in San Jose of L.RonFlubbard…
Deep Fakes, especially with the “AI” craze will be flying thick and fast, I fear…
Wouldn’t be surprised if a TLA were behind the ad, to lay groundwork for discrediting/malign purposes….
I must be prone to cults
Was the right Ad for me this morning with my cup of coffee
Cuppa I did notice it only addressed men. Still a decent ad.
The Ad was very moving. I got goose bums.
An article came out recently about people making ads for Trump for free.
Do you have a link?
That is fantastic!
Speaking of ANONS in their basement. Eye of the Storm had their 100th show and asked for memes.
This one is WAY COOL. (Three gifs, do not miss the last one.)
Start at 3:12:42
for all you Vivek fans….
packaging the kenyan…
Trump KNOWS.
let’s hope so.
hey so Meet The Artist !
this time it’s Malaria …oops…Malia
Obama!yep, daughter of that one…
her movie debut, screened at the Sundance Film Festival..
The Heart …she wrote & directed it…18 min film…
eat your heart out, Hunter.
BTW, it bombed .
….Trashed By Reviewers…
A great article, he left out ms James from ny though.
Love how Fani casually says that she ” kept back” some of her campaign money. A great example of how many Pols increased their wealth
Hmmm, goats and sheep.
some background music…
Col. Douglas Macgregor on the State of the Empire
Myth of Invincibility….spot on
Verse of the Day for Thursday, February 22, 2024
“For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.”
Psalms 84:11 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
Deep State ?
No One’s Got To Me …I Ain’t Scared of Sh!t ~ NYC Trucker Boycott Leader ‘Chicago Ray’ Steps Down
article link…
From the article:
We now know thanks to OMG that the IRS tracks your bank accounts.
Wait until DOJ, FIB AND HLS weigh in, in the background. Prolly already are.
Weaponized Patriot Act.
(Sadly, predictable.)
Glanced at the article Smiley linked to.
Ray says it all, quite clearly. Below from the article. Formatting mine.
Newsweek also reported Chicago Ray said,
“I’m not leading, nor have I encouraged, or am I encouraging anyone to do anything other than what they were doing prior to the ruling on Friday in New York City.”
Does that sound like the way trucker Chicago Ray talks, or does it sound like someone dictating a statement to him?
Chicago Ray also posted,
“No one’s got to me … I heard what drivers were saying and I’m hearing some of that today, I ain’t scared of s–t.
As posted one up.
Weaponized Patriot Act.
Feds Boot Is On Rays neck, With The THREAT of Choking Pressure.
>>> All Truckers, Are On Notice. <<<
sounds like lawyer-speak..
big tell : “…prior to…”
maybe he’s hoping we catch on to it…
kinda like blinking in Morse Code..
You are not talking about a group gathered in one area.
May 1st, 2023: The Truck Driver Shortage – The Dirty Truth No One Talks About (I am just picking and choosing among a lot of facts.)
I mentioned that Obama screwed over the Truckers by allowing Mexicans to drive loads from Mexico directly to the destination. That cause a glut of drivers and the lowering of pay and the fees paid to transport companies. That move is now coming around to BITE THEM ON THE ASS!
Start threatening drivers and the word will get out and they will WALK! They will have ZERO reason to stay in a low paying shitty job AND there is very little replacements coming down the pike.
ALSO THERE IS INSURANCE! You can not drive long haul for TWO YEARS. You are stuck driving within your state. At least that is what I found when I got my CDL in 2005.
I suspect the use of FB, TW, etc. could be used against the truckers “organizing” refusing loads to NY.
Lawful? Nope. But, DOJ, FIB and HLS are NOT constrained by lawful actions. <<<>>> Ask J6ers.
Of course IRS may simply initiate a random audit…
State and local LE could could have a random safety inspection at truck scales…
All that said, I do hope truckers “ignore” loads to NY for safety AND security reasons.
They really do not have to organize. Ray just did it.
Also You can only drive for MAX of 11 hours. That means you sleep for 8 and twiddle thumbs for five or more. This give drivers time to eat, chat and NOT over the CB. I have had some interesting conversations at truck stops.
Absolutely. Truckers can, Just Do it. Does not require organization.
I imagine truckers are well aware the FEDS leaned on Ray so that will just energize them to ‘get covid’ for a week.
Yeah sounds like someone gave him a cease and desist letter from the dark side.
The problem is, they ALL have to do it at the same time.
One guy is outside the wire. Ten guys, same. Ten thousand guys? That’s a movement.
I keep saying there is only ONE guy who can call for this kind of thing and have it work. And now he’s in the middle of a Presidential race and can’t.
When it is one city, albeit a large city, NYC, it can start slow and build. Trucker chatter could make it work.
Large scale, yea, one VSG.
With this latest move, I think you are going to see it. Muzzling Trucker Ray comes WAY TOO LATE.
It has already made international news. Also all those truckers are well aware of the farmer/trucker boycotts in the EU and the fact they got the Cabal to back down, at least temporarily.
Feb 19th NY POST — Trump-supporting truckers vow their boycott could ‘shut New York City down’ after $355M fraud ruling
NYC faces complete shutdown as truckers threaten to paralyse state, ‘New Yorkers must stock up’ – Hindustan Times
20 February
Trump-supporting truckers claim their boycott will ‘shut NYC —
AT&T Customers Report Massive Outage, Disrupting Phone Service Across America
read more details, here…
9:43 am
why does she remind me of Toni Collette in Knives Out ..
long blonde hair, at the :41 mark…
Thank you for this:
The preprint paper referred to is here:
“Delayed Fatal Pulmonary Hemorrhage Following COVID-19 Vaccination: Case REPORT, Batch Analysis, and Proposed Autopsy Checklist”
Nicolas Hulscher and Peter A. McCullough
published 20 February 2024
Yours Truly: The unfortunate patient died 555 days AFTER he took the SECOND dose of the original “two-dose series” of the “flagship” Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT162b2. The coroner listed the cause of death as HYPERTENSIVE CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE and to what used to be called “hardening of the arteries” (ATHEROSCLEROTIC CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE) — EVEN THOUGH THE DECEASED HAD NO PRIOR HISTORY OF HEART ISSUES AND THAT HIS LUNGS WERE FOUND TO BE HEMORRHAGED OUT PER THE AUTOPSY. HE ALSO TESTED NEGATIVE FOR COVID-19 INFECTION AFTER HOSPITAL ADMISSION.
It was only AFTER Mr. Hulscher and Dr. McCullough traced the BATCH of BNT162b2 that the deceased took that they discovered the batch to be one of the “hot” or “bad” batches. (
Please also refer to this:
“Vascular and organ damage induced by mRNA vaccines: irrefutable proof of causality”
Michael Palmer, MD, and Sucharit Bhakdi, MD
Yours Truly: Please see Slide 12 and Slide 13 of this paper for images of the damage that the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” do to lung tissue.
Interesting; never thought of that.
Recently some big names have had hernias.
Being Slow Guy, I can’t recall their names. Maybe they’ll pop into my head later…
The head of Transnistria, Vadim Krasnoselsky, is convening a congress of deputies at all levels, and it is being alleged that officials in Transnistria will meet on February 28th to officially ask to be annexed by Russia.
Out of “Cheeks” to turn….
Shits to give
February 22, 2024 12:52 pm
@TonySeruga Greenlawn Capital Management
They still have no idea what they’ve done. What is that sucking sound? I do not want to cause any additional anxiety for my partners but our family office is working on pulling $2B out of NYC as cleanly as possible. A number of pension funds that have already abandoned ESG are now divesting from NY real estate.
I know many reading this think they are experts in everything. You’re not. Those of us who actually attended law school and have been doing commercial real estate for over 40 years, you’ve been lied to. You do not have the facts. You do not know what you are talking about. We employ two of the largest law firms in the country and they’ve been in meetings 16 hours a day in order to determine just how bad this all really is.
Every one of these companies, representing trillions of dollars in real estate, is carefully evaluating whether to stay or exit.
Chetrit Group
Vorea Group
Turnbridge Equities
Extell Development
Bldg Management Company
Vornado Realty Trust
L+m Development Partners
United Construction And Development Group
Beb Capital, Totem
Howard Hughes Corporation
Starrett Corporation
Rfr Realty
Jay Group
Property Markets Group
Rabsky Group
Two Trees Management
Heartfelt Townhouse Builders
Lonicera Partners
Taconic Partners
Beitel Group
Whether Trump wins on appeal or at SCOTUS, the precedent has been set. A wall has been broken and there are no take backs. Any company can now be targeted and have their assets seized at the whim of an over zealous AG or politicians. I don’t expect you to know or understand standard CRE practices, but every company below could be found guilty of the exact same actions the Trump Organization was accused of and found guilty, because it is NOT a crime.
They didn’t just shoot themselves in the foot to get Donald Trump, they fatally shot themselves in the head. Before long, they’ll be begging the feds for a bailout. And they better not get one.
Sadly, they would definitely get one from the kleptocracy (or is it a kelptocracy?) of the BRIBEN government.
Kelptocracy would be “rule by seaweed”.
LOL! Kinda like POTATUS but with more iodine!
As long as it’s not a Kelcetocrazy
(he’s gotta be MAD)….
“… don’t expect you to know or understand standard CRE practices, but every company below could be found guilty of the exact same actions the Trump Organization was accused of and found guilty, because it is NOT a crime.”
Actually I think a LOT of people, esp those on the right who have purchase a home have at least an inkling of what is going on.
The sale price =/= the mortgage evaluation price =/= the insurance price =/= property tax price.
In a nutshell it is that simple.
Normally PRICE is what someone will pay for it.
MY “price” is what I WANT to get for it.
My house is paid for…. I DON’T have to sell it.
YUP. This whole thing is a new leftist government shakedown.
Wow that link you posted gave this…
“My partners and I have been lifetime data scientists. We own the digital ID of every mobile device/computer in the U.S. and have indexed and archived every IP address in the world. Our extensive experience in big and deep data, including geotracking and geolocation makes our dozens of data companies the top authority for providing data to corporations, law enforcement and U.S. government agencies like the CIA, NSA, DoD, DIA, NGA, NRO, FBI, as well as Interpol and foreign intelligence organizations. There are a number of videos documenting these ghost buses as well as a number of mostly nondescript DOJ vans that dropped off ninja wearing individuals that appear in other videos to have breached the Capitol cutting fencing, removing barricades, opening doors, and other nefarious behaviors. We also tracked the infamous J6 ‘pipe bomber’ from one of these vans. Later, we eventually tracked them to a Virginia Metro station where a perfect capture of their vehicle license plate was made. The FBI has ALL of this information. Shortly after they were alerted, however, AT&T mysteriously ‘accidentally’ corrupted that and only that particular cell phone user’s data. Additionally, their mobile device was used hundreds of times before and after J6 accessing keycard required DOJ/FBI parking garages and buildings.”
I think Gateway Pundit or Ivan Raiklin had that info too. I can not remember which — getting to info over load!
They cannot “OWN” the digital ID of anyone except themselves…
That unwarranted hubris tempers whatever else they have to say… also, IP addresses and ownerships change over time, so they would have to constantly revise their databases; which in this age of IoT and the IPv6 address space would take resources that only a government agency or a company the likes of Google could marshal…
That obscene judgement Eng-Moron imposed, IS intentional?
Destroy NY real estate values….Crashing Down.
NY economy. NY jobs. Trickle effect within NY. Other states…
Then “They” will swoop in and buy it all for pennies on the dollar?
think that’s the plan
Typical Cabal trick. I have thought the ANTIFA riots and now this is to allow foreign investors to scoop up US real estate at LESS than a penny on the dollar.
Maybe not even foreign investors. The Govt can take the real estate and use it for more illegal housing with luxury penthouses for the worthy …but it’s not going to take too many years for NYC to deteriorate into a broken wasteland.
How would foreign investors make money. Tourism will fail. Business will flee.
They installed a DemonRat to RUN the Trump business (read properties) for the three years.
I have no doubt they will install illegals who will completely trash the properties.
They have no incentive to preserve any Trump holding they get their hands on. This is symbolic whipping post f*ckery.
“It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again,” — David Plouffe

They hope to beat him financially into humiliating submission but I don’t think they’ll succeed. Even if he lost every cent he won’t cower for them.
He also has us to back him up.
Trump received about 74 million votes in the 2020 presidential election and we know that is a LOW number.
If we all tossed $25 bucks into the pot we could pay the ‘fine’
That is why I was asking PGroup about the legality of raising the money to pay the fine.
However the big problem is having a DemonRat run the business for three years.
Agree. ^^^ Quite intentional, at least their hope.
However, bigger problem for NYC, than simple real estate being purchased, pennies on the dollar. Which was my focus.
Unintended consequences.
Actually unless you buy out right and plan to never use the property for collateral for a loan then you have to worry about the same thing happening.
Not if the state and counties accelerate tax increases. It will be leftist against leftist. Where’s the popcorn?
They really are in a terrible position esp when Trump gets into office.
This very STUPID move accelerates the ‘Escape from NY’ and there goes the tax base just as the state ‘dependents’ aka Illegals increase.
I think even the lower class will think strongly about leaving.
Ron DeSantis is not very smart, I don’t think. From this article today, two quotes. First:
“In a press conference in Orlando, DeSantis shared that his office reached out to AT&T and asked the company what caused the outages.
In response, a spokesperson for AT&T said they “don’t necessarily know what caused the outage.”
Governor DeSantis then speculated, “Imagine if we had an EMP attack. What would end up happening to this country?””
““Imagine if we had an EMP attack what would end up happening in this country. So it’s not necessarily a good thought because you think you’re just so naturally reliant on having cell service,” DeSantis said.
“If you’re in the car, you need to figure out where you’re going to go. All this other stuff. So it’s a little bit jarring to think about the implications of something like that (if it) happened on a much grander scale.””
Um, Rob, I hate to break it to you, but if we get hit with an EMP, there ain’t gonna be no cars.
Well, maybe a few 57 Chevys or 65 Ford trucks. But generally, no cars. No electricity, either.
Can’t fix stupid.
Or is he still doing what he’s told to say? Gaslighting and all.
Well, just a couple of minutes more and I schlep off for some lab work. Once I get closer to the lab, I’ll be pumping up my blood volume by drinking water and take my Xanax so I don’t freak out the phlebotomist too much…..
Successful journey…
Well, my trip home was a bit more exciting than planned.
I walked there fine, got there an hour early, took my Xanax, got over-hydrated. Did the blood draw, thought I’d stop off at the mall on the way home and get some lunch. Got inside the mall, and started feeling like maybe I should visit a restroom.
Then, this started being more than a feeling, and a bit like an imperative. I checked the mall map, and many of the convenient ones were closed — so I made a beeline to an available one. At this point, I was having cramps.
Shortly thereafter, someone transcribing a telephone call made a small error writing down a vowel, which lead to me being confronted at gunpoint and handcuffed. What they wrote was, “there is a guy who is about to shoot himself in the bathroom.”
The more accurate version would have been, “there is a guy who is about to shit himself in the bathroom.”
By the time the San Jose Police Department arrived, the immediate crisis was passed….but I had some cleaning-up to do. I had some relevant supplies at hand, and was cleaning, when a muffled voice from around the corner said something about, “person in men’s room, we have guns.”
It took enough time to sort things out that I had the Fiancee come and get me, and I am only now getting the laundry all done.
That said, it was the second worst thing to happen to me today — with the blood draw as #1.
Damn Coothie…your day was wild. I’m glad FOR you that you made it home!
I’m actually thankful about some of the details. For example, when they went to cuff me, they moved my right shoulder and I said, “ow!!! that shoulder’s hosed — rotator cuff” and they were actually careful not to reinjure it. I think they did a cuff to a cuff to give it enough slack.
This is a very strange part of her story.
There is trouble brewing at Black Rock, the headquarters of CBS, after the firing of Catherine Herridge, an acclaimed investigative reporter. Many of us were shocked after Herridge was included in layoffs this month, but those concerns have increased after CBS officials took the unusual step of seizing her files, computers and records, including information on privileged sources.
The position of CBS has alarmed many, including the union, as an attack on free press principles by one of the nation’s most esteemed press organizations.
I have spoken confidentially with current and former CBS employees who have stated that they could not recall the company ever taking such a step before. One former CBS journalist said that many employees “are confused why [Herridge] was laid off, as one of the correspondents who broke news regularly and did a lot of original reporting.”
That has led to concerns about the source of the pressure. He added that he had never seen a seizure of records from a departing journalist, and that the move had sent a “chilling signal” in the ranks of CBS.
A former CBS manager, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, said that he had “never heard of anything like this.”
Lol, I posted at the same moment!
Lol, cause we both know its super duper side eye worthy.
Remember that thread that got posted yesterday, about how in Sep 2019, some anon on 4-chan outed the Covid pandemic?
Remember Catherine Herridge saying this about a “black swan” event in 2024:
Now today:
“There is trouble brewing at Black Rock, the headquarters of CBS, after the firing of Catherine Herridge, an acclaimed investigative reporter. Many of us were shocked after Herridge was included in layoffs this month, but those concerns have increased after CBS officials took the unusual step of seizing her files, computers and records, including information on privileged sources.
The position of CBS has alarmed many, including the union, as an attack on free press principles by one of the nation’s most esteemed press organizations.”
You wanna know what I think?
One of Herridge’s sources warned her, she warned us, and the Biden admin’s goon-squad wants to know WHO it was.
They knew in advance that they were going to pull Covid on us. They know now what they are planning to do. But they sure as hell don’t want US to be prepared to face it.
That seems very plausible.
In the Herridge video she gives a very obvious wink at the 10-second mark as she is saying, “There are a number of concerns I have that factor into that” (high-impact national security event).
Maybe she wasn’t intentionally winking and something was in her eye…
A speck of truth in her eye?
Very poetic!
Image downloaded, here is their copy up close.
I would hope, Herridge kept her files backed up AND in her possession. Likely at home.
bad move … secondary locals needed…
People NOT connected to her.
A photographic memory would help too.
“Possession.” Her home, something, place, she controls and has access to.
After the raid on James O’Keefe and his reporters, I would think Journalists, esp ‘right wing’ are a LOT more careful.
Exclusive: One-on-One with Kash Patel on the Missing Trump Binder – Where Did it Go? Who Has It? – Plus the Latest on the Russiagate Investigation, Gina Haspel, Biden’s Classified Documents, and More with TGP’s Jim Hoft
This is the part about the binder, emphasis mine:
Some possible scenarios:
• As some people believe, Trump has the binder, the DOJ knows he has it, and they were looking for it at Mar-a-Lago but of course wouldn’t admit it.
• As Kash says, Trump does not have the binder. If the DOJ has it, then it couldn’t have been the reason for the raid on Mar-a-Lago.
• Trump has the binder and Kash doesn’t know it. If Trump has it, I imagine very few people would know that.
• Trump has the binder, Kash knows it or strongly suspects it, and he is being “coy” to set the enemy on the wrong path.
• Trump really does not have the binder and believes the DOJ has it. If Trump doesn’t have it, how can he use it or get it strategically released?
• The DOJ has the binder and Trump also has a copy, and it’s a cat-and-mouse game. The legal prosecutions are about keeping Trump out of office and also to keep him from releasing the information in the binder. But couldn’t he release it anyway, even from jail?
Hope it’s the last scenario, #6.
I certainly hope Trump has the binder!
I think you can bet on it!
My bet. Trump has a copy of whatever was / is the binder. Prolly multiple copies. Hard copy and soft. At most, only one other person knows, where the copies are.
(Stuff in the binder IS unclassified. So making a copy is, NBFD.
Could he have as they say a dead man’s switch on it ?
Other’s have supposedly had them, would they doubt PDJT? He plays for keeps and they know it.
My bet: PDJT has the original and a “copy” was provided to DOJ and/or NAR. Frankly, for me, this is what they fear the most.
Oh, and … “We have it all.”
I think you are spot on.
Yes. Its California.
An Orange County federal judge has dismissed criminal charges for the second time in five years against accused members of a Southern California white supremacist group suspected of inciting brawls at political rallies throughout the state.
U.S. District Judge Cormac J. Carney on Wednesday dismissed charges against Robert Rundo — who was extradited from Romania last year — and Robert Boman of Torrance. The two were charged with conspiracy to violate the Anti-Riot Act and rioting.
Rundo is alleged to be a founding member of Rise Above Movement, or RAM, a white supremacist group that, according to a federal indictment, touted itself as a “combat-ready, militant group of a new nationalist white supremacy and identity movement.” Boman was also an alleged member of the group.
In his decision, Carney granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss, agreeing that Rundo and Boman were being selectively prosecuted, while “far-left extremist groups, such as Antifa” were not.
“Prosecuting only members of the far right and ignoring members of the far left leads to the troubling conclusion that the government believes it is permissible to physically assault and injure Trump supporters to silence speech,” Carney wrote in his order.
Have to have the grunts to do the dirty work.

Journalist is charged with HACKING Fox News to obtain the unflattering leaked videos of Tucker Carlson where he mocked gender pronouns and made off-hand remarks about a make up artist
Who cares.
Mocking “pronoun fools” needs to happen.
Offhand remarks over a makeup artist. ONLY goofballs in hollyweird and Pravda News could fret over such ignorance.
“BREAKING: Iran is providing Russia with hundreds of short to medium range ballistic missiles – Reuters
Iran’s provision of around 400 missiles includes many from the Fateh-110 family of medium-range ballistic missiles with pinpoint accuracy, such as the Zolfaghar.
According to Reuters, Iranian shipments to Russia began in early January, and will continue and intensify in the coming weeks.
The Fateh-110 road-mobile missile family features ranges from 300km to 700km, an ideal range for operational use in Ukraine.”
“The White House also threatened with a “swift” and “severe” response if Tehran moves forward with selling ballistic missiles to Moscow. – The Washington Post”
The smell of hypocrisy is strong
lol…that smell of hypocrisy…yep
One sovereign country can’t sell to another sovereign country without getting permission from the “king of the world”, what sort of cheap gangster does he think he is.
He’s the toughest kid on the school yard. He says it all the time. Doddering old fool .
You answered your own question.
The irony of giving them billions and then having it come back to bite them. Will be interesting to how they spin this one. Can’t wait to hear raggedy ann, oh wait, no I don’t.
The toothless paper tiger
roarsmeows.The toothless paper tiger
roars meows.drools.Not a very appealing mind pic.
Given the thing haunting the White House, I thought it an accurate description.
Jonathan Turley (emphasis mine):
“Nothing Succeeds Like Excess”: New York’s Perverse Incentive in Pricing Trump Out of an Appeal
When I finally left that state I felt like a weight was taken off my chest.
I said it then and I’ll say it again, NY is like a third world country if you’re not part of the machine who runs it. Taxation upon taxation, rules and regulations that only benefit the state. MOVE OUT AS SOON AS YOU CAN!
I DID!!! I was born in NYC & grew up in upstate NY. Left in 1980 and have only visited upstate since.
It is CRIMINAL what these Communists TRAITORS have done to that state.
Seems to me that SCOTUS could (should) take this up using the 8th ammendment.
In part: The Eighth Amendment prohibits certain types of punishment: excessive bail, excessive fines, and cruel and unusual punishments.
Yes, and take the case before Trump is required to pay that excessive fine. I don’t know the legal ins and outs of how that would work, but Trump’s lawyer Alina Habba said we would learn all when they release the appeal they’re working on.
She is a rare bird — beauty and brains together. Her spouse [or significant other] is one lucky person.
Seems to me that Arthur and his nasty court assistant ought to be tarred and feathered together, and run out of town.
In a Tesla… in reverse…


Near a lake …
How about an Ocean? There is one handy. But you may want to wait til summer. You do not even need the tesla, a pair of cement overshoes would do the job.
August 2023 Multiple possible shark sightings at New York beaches Tuesday, a day following apparent shark attack
hahahahah..that brings to mind what the beaches will be like up that way come summer. Thousands of leering, thieving “newcomers” enjoying their leisure time at the beach. Good times are comin
Carbeques and “antanzen” (gang rapes) just like over here where we’re getting “cultural enrichment” from the refauxgees…
Niagara Falls…
Shake, bake, and lake…
Apparently there will be an attempted Moon landing in about ONE hour from now:
The first U.S. moon landing in decades could happen today. What to know and how to watch
“Intuitive Machines’ Odysseus spacecraft was launched on Feb. 15 aboard a SpaceX rocket.
More than 50 years after NASA closed out the Apollo program, a Texas company could land the first commercial U.S. spacecraft on the moon on Thursday, assuming everything goes as planned.
Intuitive Machines launched its Odysseus lunar lander last week aboard SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket, beginning an eight-day voyage to the moon. The lander is part of a NASA program dedicated to jumpstarting the so-called lunar economy. This endeavor led the agency to pay Intuitive $118 million to put its experiments on the moon.
Controllers will lower the Odysseus’s orbit from just under 60 miles to six miles, before aiming to land about 190 miles from the moon’s south pole at roughly 6:24 p.m. ET. Notably, the spacecraft is aiming for a region home to craters trapped in perpetual shadows, which are believed to house water ice.
The complicated task will be livestreamed by both NASA on YouTube and Intuitive on its website.
Flight controllers raised Odysseus’s orbit through a “correction maneuver” on Wednesday night, pushing the spacecraft’s expected landing attempt an hour ahead of previous estimates. The simultaneous livestreams will begin at 5:00 p.m. ET, according to Intuitive.”
[more at the title link above]
Wonder if it will more believable than the last one(s)?
Hope springs eternal

NASA’s yootoob channel is too afraid to allow people to post in the comments section.
They take BILLIONS of dollars from We the People, but We the People can’t post comment.
Not seeing a lot of D.E.I. there in the NASA control room.
Looks like all white men.
Very curious…
Probably just a precaution, so if anything goes wrong, white men take the blame
Not if they’re coughed up by Google’s Gemini AI
NASA: Please stand by…
If they played this music, really loud, during work hours — and better yet, if the men sang along while they worked — I think a lot more men would apply for these jobs
Top Fuel drag racing looks like it would be amazing fun
Video made my day.
Early 70s. Fremont, CA drag strip. GREAT TIMES!
About that time, I also saw demolition derby and a figure eight race.
Way too much fun!
Baylands, off of Durham Road…
There was a drive-in adjacent to it, and everytime the cars “lit up” it got brighter, and much MUCH louder…
Sad to say, it’s gone now… like a lot of old Fremont and old Newark…
That bad huh?
Violence at High School in Massachusetts is so Bad That School Committee Members Are Calling for National Guard Intervention Mike LaChance Feb. 21, 2024 9:00 pm 590 Comments
para59r hits the bullseye.
Seriously what’s wrong with Democrats that they are actually defending this stuff.
Colorado Representative Scott Bottoms Confirms That People Are Buying 1-5 Year Old Children For Sex [VIDEO]
This gives teeth to that Cannibal story that just came out.
Pure Depravity Exposed Following Arrests of 45 Child Predators, Including a Cannibal [VIDEO]
No mercy. No questions. Dirt nap.
I posted this under the top two comments:
“The youngest child we’ve rescued…was 2 years old. 34 men raped that 2-year-old over a 36-day period….” — Jaco Booyen
THESE are the people the DemonRats are protecting.
Jaco Booyen is from S.Africa. His sister was trafficked.
Breaking Down the Alarming Realities of Child Sex Trafficking in America—Jaco Booyens
Not to be missed. Too much here even when you think ya know it all.
It was brought here a while back and I added it to my ‘notes’
I hope others at that new Rumble video take a look.
They’re evil. I can’t think of any other explanation. Being that callous and willfully abandoning an endless supply of toddlers, babies and children to be raped,scarred physically and mentally for life is the definition of demonic .
For those looking for some more reading material for the weekend. BIMD Scoundrels, Part 2 will be out a few hours after DePat’s opener tonight.
Thank you!
It is going to rain tomorrow so perfect timing!
Looking forward to the read.
JUST in the can, and very short and sweet. 45 minutes both ways out to the venue for tomorrow’s show and back. Two and a half hours rehearsing. And I didn’t realize the kids who live behind us were in the show. Literally, we share a back fence.
Hello ..
Hi Gail

Time for Calvinball
and (watch out)
and be sure you’re on the right team
Hello… hello… hello…
Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me…
Is there anyone at home?
knock knock …
I nodded …


we don’t need … no thought control
Thank you everyone, I appreciate all you do.
Are you going away or do you just feel magnanimous?
What you said, magnanimous … I like the syllables

Add one more, it gets even better
BREAKING: Radical Anti-Trump Judge Engoron Denies Trump’s Request to Delay Enforcement of Penalties in NYC Fraud Case as Letitia James Threatens to Seize Trump’s Properties
Of course he did.
This was an excellent comment and list some of the other reasons to escape from NY.
2 hours ago
We could always turn it into a maximum security prison:
Somebody call Snake Plisskin.
Assuming DJT’s attorneys argued Eighth Amendment violations, this denial provides a direct path to SCOTUS even though it is a state law.
Sotomayor handles emergency stays for the Second Circuit. Not sure if that applies to a state court case, which might go to the chief justice.
“Direct path to SCOTUS” is good. Sotomayor, not so much, but she would certainly be in the hot seat.
This doesn’t answer the quesiton about state court cases, but I learned from it:
There is no question, IMO, that “the lower court’s ruling will cause permanent harm if it is allowed to remain in effect while the case proceeds through the normal appeals process.” Trump is required to pay huge sums before he can even appeal. That’s harm enough, besides the harm to the state of New York (which I’m not concerned about).
““Direct path to SCOTUS” is good. Sotomayor, not so much, but she would certainly be in the hot seat.”
And with Sodamotor, there’s a lot of seat to heat.
Tik Tok…
Friday is nearly here.
Guessing, Friday near COB EST, Fulton County will announce, zero accountability, for Fani Ample Ass Willis corrupt behavior.
Fulton County case, persecuting Trump will bumble along.
Would like to be wrong.