What is it that feeds our battle, yet starves our victory?
Speaker Johnson
Pinging you on January 6 Tapes
Just a friendly reminder Speaker Johnson. You’re doing some good things–or at least trying in the case of the budget–but this is the most important thing out there still hanging. One initial block released with the promise of more…and?
We have American patriots being held without bail and without trial, and the tapes almost certainly contain exculpatory evidence. (And if they don’t, and we’re all just yelling in an echo chamber over here, we need to know that too. And there’s only one way to know.)
Either we have a weaponized, corrupt government or we have a lot of internet charlatans. Let’s expose whatever it is. (I’m betting it’s the corrupt weaponized government, but if I am wrong, I’d like to see proof.)
A Political Statement
One of my stock jokes is to say, as I head off to the bathroom or washroom or restroom, “I’m going to go make a political statement.”
It certainly seems like urinating is a good way to make a statement about the YSM, and defecating works for politicians. Or the other way around is good too, though “#1” just never seems emphatic enough.
Maybe “#1” is just being polite, and “#2” is telling the fixtures what you really think.
Anyhow, I pretty much do plan to be polite to RINOs that electioneer or fundraise. I’ll tell them, Sorry, but I need to GO Pee…
Language Warning
In the next piece I had to discuss a particular topic. Unfortunately, I couldn’t discuss it without naming it. Therefore I apologize in advance for having to do so, and apologize to anyone offended by the sight of the name.
RINO McDaniel
RINO McDaniel continues to infest the GOP. But RINO McDaniel isn’t the problem.
Let me be crystal clear on this, RINO McDaniel is a lower-than-whale-shit, piss guzzling ratfucking shit eating traitorous rancid syphillitic cunt. Her worth as a human being is substantially less than zero, any oxygen sucked into her lungs is wasted, and it would be, no matter what job she had.
I fear I haven’t been clear enough, but that will have to suffice.
But she is not the problem…or rather, she would not be a problem were it not for others. She’d still be as I have described, but we wouldn’t know who she is and would not care, because she could do no damage. She’d just be anonymous human refuse.
No, the real problem is the fact that a majority of the 168 top GOP people voted for her. And now that has happened five times so they cannot claim they didn’t know what she was.
In spite of the fact that under her “leadership” the party has deliberately sabotaged the will of its base, has deliberately refused to challenge blatant election fraud, had gone out of its way to ensure certain candidates do not get nominated, has diverted donor money to namby-pamby candidates who have all the electoral appeal of a puddle of dog vomit…and in general has done nothing whatsoever to help fix the problems that plague America.
However that last is to be expected; I cannot expect anyone who IS the problem to help FIX the problem.
RINO McDaniel would be powerless without an entire party leadership of the same mind as her. They want this dismal performance; they want to ignore the party base.
If she were to drop dead this instant, it would solve nothing as someone just like her would be elected by those same pustulous people.
According to Charlie Kirk, about 55 people voted against her, 10-12 wanted something different but were too chickenshit to do the right thing, and roughly 100 people voted for her enthusiastically, and even had the unmitigated gall to complain to Kirk about US. Fuck ’em. Rusty 12 gauge bore brushes would be too good for these arrogant pricks and cunts.
Every single one of those hundred is just as bad as she is. In other words, they are all worse than I described at the beginning of this piece. And no doubt those people in turn have people who supported them to be state party chairs and whateveritis they call the other two people from each state and territory who were voting.
It’s time to face up to the fact that the Republican party is effectively owned by the shit-eating RINOs. We’ve got more work to do, a lot more work, to make the GOP an instrument for the restoration of the United States of America. And that’s in addition to cleaning up our elections.
There’s no point in cleaning up elections just to elect ratfucking RINOs.
OK, hopefully now you will have some inkling of my true attitude towards RINOs. Sorry that words were inadequate to give you the full picture.
The Real Fascist is His Fraudulency Joe Biden*
*Or whoever has his hand rammed up that meat puppet’s ass.
Brandon (which I will use as a term for whoever is the power behind the Porcelain Throne) has thrown down the gauntlet…but in a way where most of America will never see it. The networks didn’t carry his tirade. CNN air brushed it (or whatever you call editing the red background) for its five viewers (who aren’t trapped in airports).
Luckily for me I live in Colorado, and therefore, despite my best efforts, I probably didn’t vote for Donald Trump.
Of course, for this purpose who I actually did try to vote for will be essential, and they undoubtedly know.
Come and get us, asswipes!
Justice Must Be Done.
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.
Small Government?
Many times conservatives (real and fake) speak of “small government” being the goal.
This sounds good, and mostly is good, but it misses the essential point. The important thing here isn’t the size, but rather the purpose, of government. We could have a cheap, small tyranny. After all our government spends most of its revenue on payments to individuals and foreign aid, neither of which is part of the tyrannical apparatus trying to keep us locked down and censored. What parts of the government would be necessary for a tyranny? It’d be a lot smaller than what we have now. We could shrink the government and nevertheless find it more tyrannical than it is today.
No, what we want is a limited government, limited not in size, but rather in scope. Limited, that is, in what it’s allowed to do. Under current circumstances, such a government would also be much smaller, but that’s a side effect. If we were in a World War II sort of war, an existential fight against nasty dictatorships on the brink of world conquest, that would be very expensive and would require a gargantuan government, but that would be what the government should be doing. That would be a large, but still limited government, since it’d be working to protect our rights.
World War II would have been the wrong time to squawk about “small government,” but it wasn’t (and never is) a bad time to demand limited government. Today would be a better time to ask for a small government–at least the job it should be doing is small today–but it misses the essential point; we want government to not do certain things. Many of those things we don’t want it doing are expensive but many of them are quite eminently doable by a smaller government than the one we have today. Small, but still exceeding proper limits.
So be careful what you ask for. You might get it and find you asked for the wrong thing.
Political Science In Summation
It’s really just a matter of people who can’t be happy unless they control others…versus those who want to be left alone. The oldest conflict within mankind. Government is necessary, but government attracts the assholes (a highly technical term for the control freaks).
A Few Things We Cannot Blame on His Fraudulency
I am pretty sure Joe Biden had nothing whatsoever to do with the 30 Years War that ran from 1618-1648 and probably killed about a third of the people then living in what is now Germany.
Nor did he cause the collapse of either Roman empire (Western, 476 CE, Eastern 1453 CE). Nor the ignominious failure of most of the Crusades. Nor the collapse of Bronze Age civilization around 1200 BCE (including the collapse of the Minoans and the blowup of Santorini).
However, my utter lack of ability to imagine how he could possibly be responsible for these things is not a valid argument against them, so I await correction if appropriate.
His Truth?
Again we saw an instance of “It might be true for Billy, but it’s not true for Bob” logic this week.
I hear this often, and it’s usually harmless. As when it’s describing differing circumstances, not different facts. “Housing is unaffordable” can be true for one person, but not for another who makes ten times as much.
But sometimes the speaker means it literally. Something like 2+2=4 is asserted to be true for Billy but not for Bob. (And when it’s literal, it’s usually Bob saying it.) And in that sense, it’s nonsense, dangerous nonsense. There is ONE reality, and it exists independent of our desires and our perceptions. It would go on existing if we weren’t here. We exist in it. It does not exist in our heads. It’s not a personal construct, and it isn’t a social construct. If there were no society, reality would continue to be what it is, it wouldn’t vanish…which it would have to do, if it were a social construct.
Now what can change from person to person is the perception of reality. We see that all the time. And people will, of course, act on those perceptions. They will vote for Trump (or try to) if their perception is close to mine, and vote against Trump (and certainly succeed at doing so) if their perception is distant from mine (and therefore, if I do say so, wrong). I have heard people say “perception is reality” and usually, that’s what they’re trying to say–your perception of reality is, as far as you know, an accurate representation of reality, or you’d change it.
But I really wish they’d say it differently. And sometimes, to get back to Billy and Bob, the person who says they have different truths is really saying they have different perceptions of reality–different worldviews. I can’t argue with the latter. But I sure wish they’d say it better. That way I’d know that someone who blabbers about two different truths is delusional and not worth my time, at least not until he passes kindergarten-level metaphysics on his umpteenth attempt.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
(Paper) Spot Prices
Kitco “Ask” prices. Last week:
Gold $2,014.20
Silver $23.49
Platinum $915.00
Palladium $972.00
Rhodium $4,850.00
This week, 3PM Mountain Time, markets have closed for the weekend.
Gold $2,036.30
Silver $23.01
Platinum $909.00
Palladium $956.00
Rhodium $5,000.00
Gold continues to recover from the big dip it took a week and a half ago. Everything else seems to be struggling. Friday was an up day for everything, but silver, platinum and palladium are all down since last week.

Uh, no. I meant:

That looks an awful lot like the Moon, doesn’t it?
Well, it’s not. This is a photograph of Mercury, taken by the MESSENGER probe in 2008. (Apparently the message to be delivered had to be shouted; the probe’s name is spelled in ALL CAPS.)
Mercury is covered in craters, indicating it’s had a long, violent past with lots of meteor impacts. So has every other body in the solar system, but in the case of larger planets, various things erase the old craters (in our case, erosion and plate tectonics–none of our ocean floors, for instance, are more than 300 million years old). We see signs here of the “late heavy bombardment” four billion years ago. So it’s going to be pretty desolate looking up close.
To us here on Earth Mercury appears as a white point of light low in the sky at sunset or sunrise, close to the Sun. This diagram comparing the geometry of Venus and Mercury’s orbits (as seen from here on Earth) shows many of the reasons why:

Not only is Mercury constrained to be close to the Sun because of its orbit, but if the plane of its orbit is tilted at an oblique angle to the horizon, it’s going to set that much sooner, so that even when Mercury is at “maximum elongation” (farthest from the sun as seen from Earth), you don’t have much time to look at it. Add to this the fact that you’re looking sideways through Earth’s atmosphere, which is going to be very turbulent right after sunset…and it’s hard to see anything worthwhile from Earth based observatories. Those “maximum elongations” occur on average every 115.8 days. Mercury orbits the Sun in 88 days, but Earth is moving too and so it takes another 28 days or so for Mercury to “lap” the Earth. That same interval must elapse between elongations (where Mercury is about a quarter lap behind Earth), too.
Also, in a telescope, Mercury will exhibit phases like the Moon does, being a “half moon” at elongations, a crescent just before (or after) it laps us, and full (but small because of the greater distance) when it’s near the opposite side of the sun. (The diagram shows this too.) It was Galileo’s telescopic observations of Mercury and Venus’s phases that proved that Venus and Mercury orbit the Sun and not the Earth.
Because Mercury sometimes appeared in the morning sky, just before sunrise, and sometimes in the evening sky, just after sunset, it took a while for us to twig that both occurrences were the same object. The Greeks had figured it out by about 350 BCE. (I can almost imagine the old jokes about how these two things were never seen in the same place at the same time…)
Putting an orbiter around Mercury was quite an achievement. In terms of “delta V”, the change in velocity we need to impart to a spacecraft to get it where we want to go, a flyby of Mercury is more difficult than a flyby of Neptune. Delta V directly affects the size and power of the rocket needed. For instance, imagine two spacecraft, one double the mass of the other, going on the same mission. They both have to have the same delta v, but (as one likely intuits) the heavier one will require twice as much rocket fuel. This is in part why NASA and other space agencies shave milligrams off of spacecraft any way they can. The bigger reason, though, comes in when you imagine two identical-mass spacecraft going on two different missions, one with twice the delta-v of the other. Let’s say one of them has a delta v of 30 km/sec and the other has a delta v of 15 km/sec. In this case your intuition fails you. The higher delta-v mission doesn’t require twice the fuel, it requires much more than that. Why? Because for that 30 km/sec mission, the first 15 km/sec of delta v doesn’t just occur to the probe, but to all the fuel it needs to take with it to do the last 15 km/sec of delta v. And we already know what the last 15 km/second takes–the bigass rocket it took to send the other mission on its way! As you can imagine, taking another kilogram off the weight of that payload reduces the fuel required by a lot.
So–excuse that digression, but it’s the fundamental bugbear of space travel–getting to Mercury is hard. Why?
Let’s compare it to going to Jupiter. Jupiter is much further away than Mercury. At closest approach Jupiter is 4.2 AUs away. Mercury is 0.6 AUs away, seven times closer. [And if you don’t recall, an AU–astronomical unit–is our solar system “yardstick” and is the average distance between the Earth and the Sun, roughly 150 million kilometers/93 million miles.]
To make the trip to either planet, you must first break free of Earth’s gravity. That’s the same in both cases, 12.6 km/sec. At that point your spacecraft is in orbit about the Sun, but it’s likely to be an orbit rather similar to Earth’s orbit. From this point, things diverge. To go to Jupiter, and just fly by, you need 3.36 km/sec more. To fly by Neptune, you need 5.39 km/sec instead.
To go inwards, to Venus and Mercury, you have to slow the spacecraft down relative to the Sun, so that the other side of its orbit gets closer to the Sun than we are. Which means we must work against Earth’s orbital motion. In the most extreme case, if we want to drop something into the Sun, we must cancel the entire orbital motion of the Earth, (and that’s after breaking free of Earth’s gravity to begin with). Mercury is not that bad, but merely to intercept it takes an additional 8.65 km/sec, compared to the 5.39 km/second to go to Neptune.
Add to this the fact that we don’t just want to fly by Mercury, but go into orbit around it. Add 1.22 km/second for that.
Our total is 12.6 + 8.65 + 1.22 = 22.47 km/sec (check me I did that in my head). New Horizons only needed 16 km/sec to go to Pluto.
We couldn’t do that without cheating, or rather by getting clever. We made no less than six gravity assists, which cost no fuel but require precise timing, to put MESSENGER into orbit around Mercury. The total mileage of the trip was 7.9 billion kilometers–further than a straight line to Pluto, about 53 AUs.

In the comments here https://space.stackexchange.com/questions/45617/why-is-it-easier-to-escape-the-solar-system-than-get-to-mercury-or-the-sun is a “subway map.”

Start at the bottom and add up numbers to see how hard it is to get to various bodies of the solar system, on intercept (flyby), or into orbit, or to actually land. (And the same applies in the reverse direction, if you want a round trip from landing, back to Earth.) Look at how much it takes to “land” on Jupiter (not that there’s anything to land on)! 45 km/sec just for the last step, to drop out of Jovian orbit! That alone blows everything we’ve ever done in the past out of the water.
But enough talk of going there, how about we look at the planet itself?
Well, sure but let’s sneak up on it.
That diagram I just pasted in shows a key attribute of Mercury, but it’s a bit obscured. The planets’ orbits are shown at a bit of an oblique angle, making them look elliptical, but notice that in the case of Earth (blue) and Venus (cyan) the Sun is at the center of the drawn ellipses. Since the Sun must be at one of the two foci of a planet’s orbit, that tells you those orbits are actually pretty close to circular and they only look like ellipses because of perspective. But the Sun is visibly off center in the Mercury ellipse…which means it’s still an obvious ellipse even when not seen at an oblique angle.
Here’s a face-on diagram, which also includes Mars:

Mercury’s orbit still looks pretty circular, but you can see it’s just a tiny bit flattened along a line running from 1 to 7 o’clock. But the big tell is that the Sun is off center by an obvious amount, indicating the two foci of that ellipse are actually pretty far apart. Venus, on the other hand is almost perfectly centered on the Sun (it has the most circular orbit of any planet). Earth is a bit off center, Mars is more so. But Mercury is in the most eccentric orbit of any planet, and that has consequences.
Mercury zips around the Sun in 88 Earth days, and its closest/furthest approaches to the Sun are 0.3075 AU and 0.4667 AU, in other words at its farthest it’s over 50 percent further away from the Sun. Its average orbital speed is 47.36 km/sec (compare to Earth’s 29.7 km/sec or so). But it’s going to move considerably more slowly at aphelion (farthest distance from the sun) and considerably faster at perihelion (closest distance to the sun), 39.1 km/sec and 58.65 km/sec respectively. This might seem kind of boring, but it is going to matter.
Mercury itself is the smallest of the 8 currently-recognized planets in our solar system, its mass is 0.055 that of Earth (barely more than 1/20th) and its diameter is 4,480 km (compare to Earth at 12,700 km). In fact there are moons in our solar system that are bigger than Mercury.
We could not measure the mass of Mercury very accurately at all until we could send a spacecraft (Mariner 10, in the mid 1970s) on a flyby and measure how much the spacecraft’s trajectory bent as it flew by. That’s because Mercury doesn’t have any natural satellites (at least none big enough that we’ve been able to detect them). A natural satellite would give us the mass of the planet instantly and accurately based on its distance from the planet and its orbital period. Before spacecraft, we knew Neptune’s mass far better than we knew Mercury’s mass.
But once we knew Mercury’s mass, we could compute its average density (mass divided by volume), and that’s 5.427 grams per cubic centimeter. (Water is 1.0, generic rocks are about 3, iron is close to 8.) Earth’s is slightly higher at 5.513. These numbers tell us right off the bat that both planets contain a lot of metal in them, and both have cores of iron. But actually, Mercury is more impressive than Earth despite the numbers. Because in both cases, the planet’s innards are compressed under the weight of the outer layers (is “outtards” a word?). Earth, being almost 20 times more massive, is going to be a lot more compressed deep inside than is Mercury. So if, in spite of much more compression Earth is just barely more dense on average than Mercury, that tells you that Mercury’s iron core is much bigger, in comparison to the planet, than is Earth’s.
And we know some of that iron is molten, because Mercury has a magnetic field.

If you look at this diagram, the molten outer core of Mercury is much thicker, comparatively speaking, than our is, and the rocky mantle is thinner.
And also just like with diagram’s of Earth’s magnetic field, you’ll see that the solar wind gets deflected by the magnetic field. So people on the surface of Mercury wouldn’t be getting pelted by that kind of radiation.
But that’s poor consolation. It’s a shitty place to be for other reasons.
Mercury has very little atmosphere. And that’s largely because it’s hot. No surprise given how much closer to the Sun it is. But them, because it doesn’t have an atmosphere, there’s nothing to insulate the dark or nighttime side, so the nighttime side of Mercury can get quite cool. At the equator, Mercury can reach 427 °C in the daytime, but it cools to -173 °C at nighttime. At 85 °N latitude, it’s a still-intolerable 107°C in daytime and -193 °C at night. The average temperatures at these two places, 67 and -73 °C, almost seem tolerable by comparison. I don’t have info for any other latitudes, but there must be one in the middle somewhere with an average of 20 °C or so, room temperature to us Earthlings.
And that could be useful. Imagine being in a place on Mercury just a bit after sunset, before it has cooled off too much. If you could just move around enough to always be “just after sunset” or “just before sunrise” you might be able to build a base without busting the national budget just running the climate control.
That sounds a lot harder than it is, because Mercury rotates very slowly.
[OK…”tidal effects” time! Don’t say I didn’t warn you!]
Astronomers who managed to see something on Mercury were pretty confident it was tidally locked to the Sun…i.e., it always kept the same side facing the Sun, just like the Moon keeps the same side facing Earth. It turns out that that wasn’t true, but looked that way, because by coincidence every time they could observe Mercury well enough to get some hint of surface markings, it sure enough did have the same orientation to us and the Sun.
How does this happen? How do tidal effects cause this sort of thing?
Imagine the Sun off the bottom of that diagram, and some planet being pulled out of shape by the Sun’s tidal effects on the planet. The planet gets ever so slightly ellipsoidal (rugby ball shaped), but it’s cocked. The Sun will actually tug on the bulge closest to it, trying to force it to “line up.” The effect is to slow the planet’s rotation down, so that the bulge has time to settle directly in line with the Sun. And indeed if you look at our Moon (for comparison) it tends to be bulged on a line towards/away from Earth. Tidal effects pin that in place.
The problem was when they did the calculations, the Sun’s effect on Mercury shouldn’t be as strong as the Earth’s effect on the moon. So the real answer is that Mercury ends up being partially locked to the Sun.
With the Earth and the Moon, someone looking at the system from a “God’s Eye View” would see that the Moon rotates, relative to the stars, exactly as fast as it orbits the Earth. The net effect is the Moon rotates just fast enough that it always presents the same side to Earth.
Looking at Mercury, it actually rotates 1 1/2 times every time it goes around the Sun. So, at perihelion (closest approach to the Sun), Mercury will present one side to the Sun. The next time it’s at perihelion, it presents the opposite side to the Sun. Then the next time, it’s presenting the original side once again.
Here’s a diagram, showing two orbits of Mercury around the Sun, starting at 6 o’clock (position 1, arrow pointing to the Sun, it’s “noon”) and moving counter-clockwise (always counterclockwise!). At position 4 (half an orbit later), the arrow has gone through 3/4 of a turn compared to you, but compared to the Sun, it’s only now gone throug 1/4 of a turn and now it’s sunset there. Another half orbit, position 7, and the arrow has gone 1 1/2 times around (to you) but the arrow is now at midnight, pointing away from the Sun, for the first time since we started this. Another orbit, and the arrow spins 1 1/2 times (to you) or 1/2 of a time (as seen from the Sun, and we’re back at position 1.

This is a very stark example of the difference between a sidereal day (a rotation relative to the stars; 360 degrees in absolute terms), versus a synodic day (a rotation as seen from the Sun). The sidereal day is 56.6 earth days, the synodic day is 176 days, three times as long.
So Mercury is rotating a little too fast, still, to be tidally locked, or is it? By most scientists’ reckoning, this is actually a form of tidal lock–otherwise it’d be one heck of a coincidence!
Remember when I said that Mercury’s much higher than average speed near perihelion would matter? It matters here. It so happens that at that part of its orbit–and this is the part with the strongest tidal effect because it’s closest to the Sun–Mercury is moving at about the right speed to keep the same face towards the sun…for a while. What you’d see if you were standing at that red arrow is the Sun slowly climbing into the sky…but as it got near the meridian it would seem to slow down, stop, and hang there for much longer than you’d expect, and then it would speed up again and eventually set. The tidal effect is strongest when Mercury is closest to the Sun, and at that time it fakes a full-on tidal lock!
More info on tidal locking here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tidal_locking (I barely scratched the surface).
56.6 days (relative to the stars) is a pretty slow rotation period, and Mercury is tiny. It turns out that its rotation speed at the equator is 10.892 kph or 6.8 mph. A long distance runner could conceivably run fast enough for quite some time, to get the stars to stand still from his point of view. But it’s far more interesting to try to keep up with the Sun (or keep ahead of it). But that’s easier; the sun on average seems to move 1/3 has fast as the stars.
So you can imagine a base, mounted on some sort of motorized platform doing less than 2 1/2 miles an hour on average, staying just ahead of the rising sun or just behind the setting sun. As long as it doesn’t break down, you’re in good shape.
But it’d be expensive to try. And who’s going to trust a motor under such harsh conditions, tens of millions of miles away from the repair shop?
That highly elliptical orbit of Mercury has one other consequence, one that affected us. If you draw a line through that ellipse the long way, that’s the “line of apsides” (the line from aphelion to perihelion). If there were only the Sun and Mercury in the solar system, that line should never move, according to Newton’s theory of Gravitation. However, there are other planets, and they do tug, slightly, on Mercury. That’s enough to shift the line of apsides slowly.
And this is indeed what we see. Measuring carefully, every century the line of apsides turns 574.1 arc-seconds in a century. (An arc-second is 1/3600th of a degree of arc.) That’s very slow, but it’s not zero.
In 1859, French astronomer and mathematician Urbain Le Verrier did the math. Exactly how much should the planets be mucking with Mercury’s line of apsides? He included the effects of all of the other planets, and the Sun’s equatorial bulge, and got an answer of 531.63 arc-seconds per century.
There was a 43.5 arc-second discrepancy.
Le Verrier had successfully predicted the existence of Neptune thirteen years earlier, by noting that Uranus’ orbital motion was being perturbed, first speeding up as it catches up to Neptune and is pulled on by it, then slowing down after it laps Neptune and is tugged back by it. This was a major triumph for the theory of gravitation; an effect that seemed “off” which should have made the theory doubtful, had actually been used to make a good prediction, making the theory stronger.
But what this means is that Le Verrier had a hammer, a very good one, and this problem with Mercury looked like another nail.
Le Verrier predicted that there was a planet closer to the Sun than Mercury, that would cause the line of apsides to move another 43.5 arc-seconds per century. This planet would be very close to the Sun, obviously, and very hot. The natural name for this given the Graeco-Roman mythological theme for planet names, was Vulcan after the god of the forge (Hephaestus to the Greeks). No, nothing to do with the Star Trek Vulcans. (In fact, this confusion got highlighted in one of the original Star Trek series’ episodes, where Spock has to explain to a 20th century Air Force officer that he’s not from that Vulcan.)
Astronomers looked in vain for Vulcan. It has never been seen, and almost certainly does not exist.
Fast forward to 1915 and a certain obscure scientist by the name of Albert Einstein is trying to work out an improved theory of gravitation. For it to make sense it had to resemble Newtonian gravitation under all normal circumstances, and only be different with extremely strong gravitational fields, stronger than anything we’d yet encountered.
But it turns out there’s a border case: close to the Sun, gravity is strong, just strong enough that the difference between Newton’s theory and Einstein’s idea might have a slight effect.
Einstein decided to see what the motion of Mercury would be like under his theory, as compared to Newton.
And he got a 43 1/2 arcsecond per century difference. When he got that answer, he later said, it was the happiest moment of his life. He had a possible explanation for that nagging problem of Mercury’s line of apsides! This was a very strong tell that he was on the right track. It would take more work to prove it, but that didn’t take long…four years in fact. (I tell that story elsewhere.)
So there you have it: Mercury in ancient lore, Mercury as a charred, bombarded cinder of a world, the solar system’s most extreme and slowest rotisserie, and Mercury as an object that helped open the door to our modern understanding of physics.
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
China is Lower than Whale Shit
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
China is in the White House
Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.
Joe Biden is Asshoe
China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.
But of course the much more important thing to realize:
Joe Biden Didn’t Win
乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!
How does this relate to the observatory at the north pole of Mercury, the Sirian threat, and Paul French?
To Wolf — did you really remember that obscure tome, or were you just randomly handing out likes?
I like anything that appears to involve “conspiracy theories” (COUGH) or canids!
And then there’s this, from Wikipedia…..
In fact, I was not aware that “Paul French” had laid some of the seeds of modern ET psychobabble lore RE the Sirians, but it appears that he did.
I am glad he answered. I could see this question dogging you for quite some time otherwise.
The tome in question is “Lucky Starr and the Big Sun of Mercury”, written in 1956 by “Paul French”. [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucky_Starr_and_the_Big_Sun_of_Mercury ].
I figured that I was one of about a thousand people on the planet that owned a copy.
You may have missed the pun.
OK I guess you didn’t.
Doggone it, we really need to start a conspiracy theory about Freddie Mercury, Brian May, and the rolling observatory.
Fat-bottomed girls, you make the rolling sun go down…..
Now get on your observatory and ride!
Good question, but they’ve been looking into things like that for a very long time.
Ackkk! Twitter doesn’t want you to see Orion’s Belt. Click for full view.
Actual drawing and not the Artist’s sketch
Moar here. Note the instance that the sketch by Henri Breuil is claimed to be discredited, but offer no substantive counter. Same kind of discrediting that has been happening with any North Pole or Rig Veda theories that extend man’s connection to the ancient ancient past. Done by a queen and her ministers merchantilizing ministers who lost their colony? The Church? or Academics who wish to protect their own pet theories of a shorter period as a basis for antiquities foundings.
Henri Breuil sketch is a hundred years old. As a caver I have seen drastic changes caused by the destructiveness of men in a much shorter period of time. That can not be ruled out.
Well I know who “Paul French” was though I don’t believe I’ve every read the stories published under that name.
But I’m going to take a moment to point out that putting an observatory at a north or south pole is (all else being the same) a dumb idea.
It will only ever be able to see half of the sky.
Of course any observatory (i.e., one on the ground, with a dome and an optical telescope) can only ever see half the sky at any one time, but the sky changes over the course of the night and you can see quite a lot more than half of the sky over the course of an evening.
But in the case of a north pole observatory, none of the night sky south of the celestial equator will ever come up above the horizon. That means losing half of Orion, all of Canis Major, all of Centaurus, and most painfully, all of Sagittarius which contains a huge number of deep sky objects.
On the plus side whatever it is such an observatory can see will never set–very much like the constellations near the north star never set–in fact the same phenomenon just extended out as far as it can go, so multi-day exposures for photography could be done easily, and in fact provided the sun stays below a crater wall, you can just run continuously for as long as you like. Of course modern instruments can return, with precision, to the same spot every night so that’s less of an issue.
On Mercury, of course for other reasons (it being a rotisserie) you really can’t put an observatory anywhere except at the poles, not unless you want to move it around (and that would make it a sucky observatory for other reasons; you want the sucker anchored to the ground for stability).
I hope De Pat’s Friday show went well.
Reasonably well, thank you. The one disappointment was the number of members of the children’s choir who didn’t show up. Their parents aren’t really impressing the importance of keeping their word when it comes to commitments, that’s for sure. They had a choice: show or the fish fry last night. Most of them chose the fish fry.
I would have rather been there, too, but I made a commitment.
Yes, that is a very bad example to give children.
Down the road it can translate into not show up to work on time, returning late from breaks and lunch and a whole host of irritating problems that leads to lack of advancement at minimum or even being fired.
To bad parents do not see that connection.
For me with my small business it can be a major headache when someone I counted on does not show and gives me no notice.
To be fair, the parents were working the fish fry, and there wasn’t great coordination between the planners of both events, but two of the kids who didn’t show live behind us, as in we share a fence, and I offered to take them last night. Did not get a yes.
Guessing ya didn’t get a, thanks but going to fish fry.
Couple days ago when ya mention couple kids were across the back fence, I nearly suggested, carpool.
A very interesting and readable account of Mercury!
LOL!!! I like this theory!!!
a lot of joking about it.
easy to do, it’s so absurd…
but it’s not all that funny, really.
(click on the image below for the quote)…
More Orwell..
the past was erased,
the erasure was forgotten,
the lie became the truth.
I agree. This reflects the twisted ideology of the person or people beyind the AI. Truth matters, but not to them.
the truth does matter to them …in a deranged way…
the truth is a threat.
Indeed!!! They HATE the truth!
The TRUTH REVEALS their EVIL PLOTS against the rest of humanity.
“If we could safely transform hydrogen to electricity at all scales, it would solve a lot of problems — but hydrogen is very dangerous at any scale. We use it in specific applications for fuel cells, such as the space program, where other power sources are impractical. But the danger of hydrogen makes it impractical and costly for widespread use.”
I understand that there is a radical technology available to attach hydrogen atoms onto molecular trees of carbon in order to make them more stable and easy to transport….
Very cerebral.
In a lab setting hydrogen is a royal BITCH!
Because it is so tiny it escapes easily making containment a real problem. esp since it can be explosive — as in a hydrogen tank going thru a brick wall at one lab where I worked. Luckily it was in an outside shed.
The other problem is hydrogen makes metal BRITTLE.
And the above two problems make the third VERY VERY DANGEROUS.
Lessons Learned from a Hydrogen Explosion
These anti-hydrocarbon types are fairly honest but note how they sneak in a slam about gasoline.
What is the explosive range for hydrogen? — terasolartisans.com
Your nose can detect down to 0.001 ppm depending on the molecule involved.
Transportable hydrocarbons in an oxygen-containing atmosphere is one heck of a great giant battery. If it wasn’t there already, we would do well to invent it.
Indeed. Not only that but when you are done with the hydrogen you can burn the molecular trees of carbon. And in fact you probably will.
And the carbon trees get recycled via the atmosphere! What a great invention!
Ivan Raiklin…
This is Aussie and hysterical…. Bankers and sub prime mortgages…
There are better and worse lists. This one includes climate change critics, so…..
Well it IS Aussie and they do have censorship. At least he hit some good ones.
The Fiancee and I are going to see a Dia-de-los-Muertos-flavored Ruddygore on March 2nd. It’s my favorite G&S, so we’ll see what gets done with it.
You lucky dog!
One of the really great things about my college was they brought a lot of musicals to the campus. I got to see Richard Burton in My Fair Lady for example at a small fee.
Now it costs an arm and a leg.
Pretty much every college town will have at least one G&S group. This one is the Lamplighters [ https://lamplighters.org/ ] while we normally attend the Stanford Savoyards [ https://gsopera.com/company/stanford-savoyards ]. There’s also the Lyric Theatre [ https://www.lyrictheatre.org/ ].
We don’t get to see performers of the level of Richard Burton, but at the Savoyards we sometimes have Nobel Laureates in the chorus.
I don’t care how much you pay, you ain’t seeing Richard Burton in My Fair Lady ever again.
A song from Ruddygore —
FINALLY Scott seems to have reached Red Pill City. A long time coming and more to discover. He’d be a good ally.
True, but I’m not giving up on it yet!
Here’s the difference between us and China or Iran (so far):
In either, after the above statement, Scott Adams would be disappeared.
This is the part Scott is missing.
Americans are so freedom-accustomed that we don’t even know how free we are. Which will be the reason for the explosion when they push one inch too far.
We are very close. The extreme red-pilling of voices like Scott Adams are a sign.
I think we all have to wake up and realize that it wasn’t “free speech” that got people into trouble on January 6. It was the actions of a few that gave the bad guys the excuse they needed to go full-frontal-assault on everyone. There were some very stupid actions that day by a handful. The guy with his feet on Pelosi’s desk, the lectern-guy, the guys climbing the walls and balconies, all looked like idiots at best, and law-breakers at worst. Those images were used to create the narrative that it was all bad.
Was BLM worse? Of course. Were there more bad actors in their groups? Certainly. But remember, Trump was in office then. He chose not to confront that. He could have called in the National Guard like they did in the 1960’s, with water cannons and whatever, but he didn’t. He was worried about reelection, I suppose.
In my opinion, it’s time to start playing the game the way the Demoncrats do. They use their power. For the most part, we don’t. So here we are.
We have power. We can shut the country right down without a single moron putting their feet up on a desk, or grinning carrying a podium around. Will we ever do it? Who knows?
“…here were some very stupid actions that day by a handful. The guy with his feet on Pelosi’s desk, the lectern-guy, the guys climbing the walls and balconies, all looked like idiots at best, and law-breakers at worst. Those images were used to create the narrative that it was all bad….”
We do not know how many of them were either government assets or government dupes.
The guy with his feet on Pelosi’s desk and the lectern-guy, definitely need the side eye because WITHOUT A GUIDE you have zero chance of finding your way around.
Ivan Raiklin and one of the Congressman [can not remember his name] stated as much a short time ago.
Clay Higgins from Louisiana
Here is Clay in action. This is well worth the read. It has videos too which I linked.
May 20, 2023: When a leftist activist gets violent, Rep. Clay Higgins knows what to do
I believe that is entirely possible. I also believe that regular people make asses of themselves sometimes, too.
As for “finding their way around,” I don’t know if those people just found the office by accident, or got there on purpose.
That is certainly the case.
Exactly. Even in the midst of all the encroachments on our freedoms, we still have a measure of it that people in other countries have never experienced. But we want it all back!

Yes, we sure do!
So that’s how they do it…
A bit different than pillow talk but the outcome is identical.
Wonder who’s talking to Piglousi…
He got greedy… So they caught him.
But when Congress does it, it’s fine.
They exempted themselves!
Precisely the proper distance from the microphone to get the ‘whoosh’.
Talk about skill – that’s real skill right there.
Here is Fani’s rebuttal:
But what about this:
2,000 phone calls in 11 months is about 6 calls per day. And 10,000 text messages over that period of time comes out to about 30 per day. I wonder what they were talking about…
We’ll see if the judge rules on actual evidence and common sense, or on political expedience. I know which one I am expecting.
“…“The records do nothing more than demonstrate that Special Prosecutor Wade’s telephone was located somewhere within a densely populated
multiple-mile radius…””
GEE, did she just exonerate all those J-6ers where the FIB used Geo fencing to PROVE they were near or in the building?
Dinesh talks about the FIB and cell phone tracking at 2:40 minutes
‘2000 Mules’ And The Reliability Of Cellphone Geotracking (5 minute clip)
True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips claim US intelligence began tracking Americans after 2020 election… Geo tracking fence was set up around Capitol before Jan 6 to catch people likely to attend Trump rally [VIDEO]
I had a LEO friend once tell me they were looking for a perpetrator once at a residence. The people answering the door, said nope not here. Well then he tells me they get in touch with the feds to pull up his cell phone pings. There answer, yeah he’s there right behind the door in the bedroom.
People do love their personal gov’t tracking devices.
They won’t even commit crimes without it
Both of these articles are behind pay walls:
They keep using the OBSOLETE 14th Amendment.
Thank you! How could I have found the articles? Go to the archive site and search for them? Or did you do something magical?
From the second article, emphasis mine:
They want to do what they accused Trump of doing They are communists through and through
Exactly. They’re communists. And that’s why they cannot stand Putin or Russia – because “Mother Russia” abandoned their beloved communism, and left them as washed up traitors here.
it’s called…
I keep saying – they are communists, and they will not give up power peacefully. Their great invention was accusing Trump of their own crime, which is terribly evil.
General MacGregor and General Flynn keep saying there may not be an election. I wonder if this is part of what they are talking about.
I believe they will not willingly give up power.
Assuming we have an election AND we win the WH.
The House may try to not certify Trump winning.
Absolute fallback for, Deep State, US IC,
D-RatUniparty, the unspoken possibility. SS has their work cut out for.
Might not be an election….. IF….
The Bastards are jailed (or worse) and the rightful winners are given their place.
That is my hope!!!
Could be. I would assume that they have a plan to stay in power, and it won’t be the same as last time.
Is the commies threat of potential chaos after the election a threat also to the SC, to get them prior to the election, to define insurrection with the meaning that the commies want.
I’m wondering how much cellphone location data the good guys got for Fani’s gigolo. If they got multi-tower signal strength, that’s actually much more precise than commercial GPS.
GPS is accurate to something like five meters. Cellphone towers decide to hand-off a phone to an adjacent tower within a couple of feet.
If they got the full records of that phone’s location, they’d not only be able to tell that it went to Fani’s place and stayed there…..they’d be able to tell that it didn’t move around the place like he did, but stayed right where he dropped his pants.
Steve bring up a very important point:
This a matter of philosophy. Here is a quicky intro into two competing philosophies we are seeing today.
Introduction to Objectivism
In other words as Steve has stated REALITY IS. It is completely independent of the observer.
Unfortunately the following philosophy is the one now being taught in our schools. I ran into it during a week long seminar for first time managers at LSU (and ran the idiot prof out of the room amid howling laughter.)
The following philosophy is the one that PREVENTS LIBERALS from taking facts seriously even when those facts slap them upside their head.
The Philosophy Of Karl Marx
You can not argue using facts against someone who has been taught THEIR FEELINGS and THEIR IDEAS are the only things that are REAL.
It’s about 11:30 pm here, and I’m remembering that I saw a dandelion in my yard and didn’t zap it. Stupid thing will probably be all seeds tomorrow by the time I attack it. Grrrr.
I had a dandelion I got the other day where I saw two yellow blossoms. When I went after it, it had five heads — one green, three yellow, and one white. I use a specific tool to go after them and their roots, let’s see if I can get a pic…..
(That’s from https://www.leevalley.com/en-us/shop/garden/garden-care/weeders/54671-grampas-weeder?item=PT705 )
I am on my second one of these (don’t leave them upright where they get rain on them — it runs down into the join with the handle and rots the wood), but it’s a favorite because it pulls a core out of the middle of the weed. This sends a great signal to the weed that it is not wanted.
Dandelions, btw, are such pains because they are parthenogenic — all the seeds on a dandelion head are fertile, even if the flower is never fertilized. Between that and the aggressive air campaign of distributing seeds, they can be a serious problem. You really have to stomp each and every one that shows up on a regular basis to just stay in the same place.
After you dig them out do you eat them???
Dandelion extract inhibits SARS-CoV-2 in vitro
Dandelion leaf extract prevents spike protein damage from Covid and DeathJabs (Univ. of Freiburg, Germany)
Asian Inspired Dandelion Salad with Poached Eggs
Dandelions are not native to North America, and were intentionally introduced as a food plant. That said, I wouldn’t eat any part of a plant from my front yard — it’s routinely used as a waste dump by passers-by.
That is the nice thing about the house being ~ 1000 ft off the road.
Correction — that is one nice thing…..
Growing them in your salat bed among onions and arugula. Buying dandelions as vegetable is expensive
Mom told me that during WWII, you did not have to weed the lawn. The Italian women would come thru and pick all the dandelions growing in your yard on a routine basis.
I like dandelion. My husband’s mother made wine from them. I steam them like spinach.
I’ve eaten dandelion greens on my tuna sandwiches when I was out of lettuce.
Hope you and your daughter are doing well.
Oh, I’m buying that tool! Thanks!
I really hope you like it — I really like ours.
One thing special to our area is that it can get clogged with mud [ *cough* *adobe* *cough* ]. That makes this widget a nice companion — https://diggitgardentools.com/products/duck — especially because it can weed into places the grampa’s weeder can’t reach. It quickly cleans out any mud that sticks in the “kill box” of the grampa’s weeder.
Of course, you can always just use a stick.
Awesome! Thanks for the recommendation. My soil is pretty nice, but early spring it is sometimes muddy.
Please, if you are in an area with honey bees, just get the seedhead before it opens. They pollenate really well. Also, my farming family swears by the leaves in tea. If you must use some sort of killer, vodka will do the trick, but my cousin the veterinarian told me just to harvest the plants and not waste the vodka.
I would have to beat the livestock to the dandelions. They LOVE wild lettuce too.
Dandelions are fantastically useful plants, but a pest in lawns.
They remind me of a radio program I heard one time on NPR (before they totally lost their minds). The setup was that all cultivated apple and pear trees came from just a couple of ancestors…..whereas the native range of apple and pear plants had gazillions of others that would serve just as well — many of which might have desirable flavors or growing characteristics.
So this intrepid band of biologists (and a couple of reporters) were out schlepping around the back-country of the Caucasus between the Black and Caspian Sea, looking for wild apples and pears. They see a likely tree nearby and start hiking toward it, and one of the reporters comments that the stuff they’re hiking through looks familiar. One of biologists replies, “it’s wild arugula.”
So many of the things we eat are just things that grow somewhere.
Got it. It was up to two yellow heads — and, amazingly, the one from yesterday had not yet gone to seed.
Great article, as always. Thanks.
Yes, this was one of the best!
Verse of the Day for Saturday, February 24, 2024
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.”
Isaiah 55:8 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and. prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
Yesterday, there was a thread here discussing the Choa-in-Tesla termination and I said EM could be controlled op. Scott had some great points to where I have altered my thinking to some degree.
I might wonder if Chao’s unfortunate Tesla Pond experience might also have been a message to EM to be less free with his expression. Chao wasn’t the only corpse that day. The car also took the plunge …
Maybe EM will come out with a new watertight vehicle and call it the ‘Pond’ …
As Wolfie has said AND LOGIC. The Cabal LOVES to go after multiple targets with a FF if they can.
Or a sunroof with explosive bolts.
These are the important points that Joanne makes.
…Notice here, in his list of the great fears of the intelligence agencies — the point of NATO is to be the army, essentially, of the global bankers.
They have redefined democracyInstead of the “will of the voters” — they are trying to define democracy as the infrastructure and the institutions of democracy. So anything that threatens “trust” in the institutions is a threat to democracy. See how this works? If you criticize mail-in-voting you are undermining elections. If you criticize your rulers you are a cybercriminal, a terrorist….
Remember NATO was first run by Hitler’s Chief of staff.
Now NATO and the EU/ UK/ USA SUPPORT the Neo-Nazis in Ukraine. The CIA (also linked to Hitler’s Nazis) trained the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion.
What a great explanation…………
They have redefined democracy Instead of the “will of the voters” — they are trying to define democracy as the infrastructure and the institutions of democracy. So anything that threatens “trust” in the institutions is a threat to democracy.
New definition of democracy…
That is a great meme!
Some of the rodeo guys did that to an Animal Rights Activist…. Funny after that they left the Rodeos alone.
“(is “outtards” a word?)”
imo, yes, with a hyphen
out-tards applies to all the “out” rainbow alphabeticals
Yeah but that’s totally different from what I had in mind.
Not that you aren’t right, mind you.
Mercury fascinating. Learned a lot. As usual, no tests please. Good bit, I gotta go back for another pass. Thanks!
I agree that this was a pretty fascinating post. Steve is an intriguing instructor!
There is some informative analysis of several AI chatbots here, fyi.
The internet!
Should be a local network…
Creating a Mind Control Culture Weapon
Tucker saying what we’ve all known for along time about obama
Clicked and get page doesn’t exist.
I’m sorry, but this is too cutesy for my taste. JB and Kamela don’t just “suck”; they are communist infiltrators who stole the last election and overtook the reins of our government in a treasonous coup. To say they “suck” is to use an applause line. IMO this Noem speech is on the level of politics as usual that might have worked 10-12 years ago. Maybe that’s what is expected at CPAC: rah-rah for our team and boo-hiss for the other. But it’s juvenile and doesn’t address the gravity of the situation. I hope Noem is not in the running for VP.
Noem auditioning.
Ben Carson will be Trump’s VP choice.
My dream team.
Write Trump an email, and tell him so. I did.
Your lips to God’s ears, please!
I encountered someone who had all kinds of anti-Biden stickers all over his truck and me being the smartass that I am, asked him, “So I don’t suppose I can persuade you to vote to re-elect Biden?”
Fortunately he knew I was kidding. But the worst thing he could say about Biden was that he was as “useless as tits on a boar.”
If ONLY Biden were actually of zero “use” rather than distinctly negative value…
Biden would make Haemonchus contrortus look good.
(Haemonchus contrortus is an Ivermecting resistant blood sucking worm that kills sheep and goats.)
I don’t like her, and I never have.
She reeks of raw ambition to me. Not my taste.
Harris sucks.
Biden, well, I don’t want to know what he does to his “partners” (many of whom cannot legally consent).
Ack! Gag a maggot on a gut truck!
I need a drink.
BREAKING: South Carolina election officials say some voting machines aren’t connecting to the internet so they can’t use them until they do “They aren’t supposed to be connected to the internet!!” –
Well said These people gaslighted us for years saying the machines CANNOT be connected to the internet, and now they’re admitting they can’t use them unless they are connected BAN THE MACHINES
Just wait until November. So much of this has not been addressed or fixed.
If I had all the money in the world, and could organize it, I would send thousands of these to people to use at their local polling places:
DANG! too bad they are so expensive.
Some are cheaper, but that one goes up to 25 miles!
AND they are likely to get of with little or no prison time… IF they are ever caught.
“Make Argentina Great Again!”
We’re so starved for anything positive that folks are falling all over themselves to praise Tulsi Gabbard auditioning. Talking about how tough Trump is, yada yada. Just 4 years ago she endorsed Biden with this video. So Trump wasn’t tough back then?
He absolutely CANNOT fall for this kind of nonsense, ever again. Flattery is not loyalty, and this woman is a snake.
Several interesting ones today:
Another spy camera bites the dust:
I can do the voice just fine… but I need to get a really big kettle drum for the house
I thought this meeting was soooo moving that I had to share it here.
Milei looked so happy to see Trump.
He reminds me a bit of Modi.
Yes he does and it will be good when Trump is back in the office. We and the world needs President Trump.
Yes I know he hugged Trump as if he was a lost friend he fond again.
Make Argentina Great Again, indeed.
About a century ago Argentina was another popular place for people in Europe to move to. It was wealthy and relatively free, but then they elected socialists who proceeded to wreck the place.
Argentina seems to go back and fourth. Have known people who left Argentina then moved back and had to flee again.
I just love this guy! His attitude towards everything makes me smile.
I loved the video where he had a white board with all the various departments and yanked them off one by one except for a few.
I understand he has cut the government bureaucracy in 1/2 and balanced the budget.
Yep! He is awesome.
Thank you for a tremendous lesson about Mercury. I had no idea that its orbit wasn’t perfectly round.
No orbit is going to be absolutely, perfectly circular. Though some get close.
“Eccentricity” can be thought of as the measure of not being round. Perfectly circular is 0.000000… and anything higher than that, but less than 1.00000… is elliptical without being circular. (Technically, a circle is a special case of an ellipse.)
You can calculate eccentricity for an ellipse (or circle) by subtracting periapsis from apoapsis (i.e., subtract the closest distance from the farthest distance) then dividing by the sum of the two (which will be twice the average distance or semi-major axis). If periapsis and apoapsis are the same the planet is always the same distance from the Sun and it’s a circular orbit.
Here are the eccentricities of the planets’ orbits:
Mercury 0.20563069
Venus 0.00677323
Earth 0.01671022
Mars 0.09341233
Jupiter 0.04839266
Saturn 0.05415060
Hugh Janus 0.04716771
Neptune 0.00858587
Note most are between 0.01 and 0.06, but two are much less (Venus and Neptune) and two are more; Mercury is WAY more.
Pluto’s eccentricity is 0.249. It’s extreme enough that it is sometimes closer to the Sun than is Neptune (and this is in part why it’s no longer considered a full-fledged planet).
Thank you so much!
Pardon my ignorance, but what is “Hugh Janus?”
In joke–when I wrote about Uranus a few weeks ago I called it the Hugh Janus of the solar system. And then went on to reference just about every “your anus” Uranus joke.
Hugh Janus = Huge Anus
(same pronunciation for each, in the finest sense of juvenile humor!)
They asked him who he was, but ellipse…
Wasn’t he an Oompa-Loompa in the latest Wonka movie?
Is there any chance that Pluto could crash into Neptune? Or at least get seriously orbit-shifted by it?
The orbits don’t actually cross each other. Pluto’s orbit is in a totally different plane from Neptune’s. Of course those two planes do intersect (they have to since the Sun is in both planes) in a line that goes through the sun. That line is where a collision would have to happen if it were going to happen at all. That line, in turn, is going to intersect the orbit of Pluto at two places…and it will intersect the orbit of Neptune at two places as well. Those places aren’t even remotely close to each other.
Furthermore…there is an orbital resonance between the two (it looks like a 5:3 resonance) so they simply repeat the same pattern every 5 orbits of Neptune. Thus if they don’t get close now, they won’t get close ever.
That resonance is probably why Pluto hasn’t got flung out of its orbit by Neptune at sometime in the past.
BUT…this is a “short term” answer (short term being a relative thing). Some other body could perturb one or the other of the two at some point and bollix all that up. However I wouldn’t expect anything like that to for thousands if not millions of years, and any perturbation will essentially be random from our point of view–we couldn’t predict it right now–not likely to just happen to be one that will cause a collision.
Excellent! Thank you! That all makes sense!
Nimrod losing by ~20 points. 59% – 39% with 39% of vote counted.
Go South Carolina ! Go Trump !!!
( but she’s staying in the race )
Nimrod is likely making millions, as a turncoat. Uniparty is like that.
You know it. Never Trumpers and Demoncrats are going to pay her well.
Total traitor. She’s now the official spoiler and will attempt to hand the Democrats the election as she has zero chance of winning. Anything coming out of her mouth can now be called 100% lies when it has anything to do with what this nation was founded upon, values, liberty, prosperity, all of it.
I really didn’t realize how bad things have become until seeing these kinds of videos over the past few weeks.
It’s Leftism, like always, but apparently it is affecting young women to a far greater degree than young men.
And that’s how they drop the birth rate to zero…..

FLCCC: Ivermectin used to successfully treat advanced stage 4 prostate cancer:
Wonderful news!
Great story.
Late in the evening. Perhaps re-run Sunday morning. Many would like to see this good news story.
The guy driving the truck… I have a feeling this isn’t his first time running from Johnny Law…
And the cop, by trying a PIT maneuver to spin out the truck, almost sent the truck straight into oncoming traffic.
The truck driver was definitely taking a wild ride

Missed this one, when it came out several months ago.
Nearly ALL news to me. Excellent listen.
This meme needs a 3rd panel at the bottom, with Fani Willis saying, “WHAT did you just call me????”
Did we discuss neuralink yet? If a chip implant in someone’s brain can let them move a mouse by thinking, how long before a chip could let someone cause harm just by thinking? After all, we have smart toothbrushes…
If the mouse can click on “Fire The Gun”, then we can do it now.
So what your saying is the interface that allows hacking will eventually be like a 2.0 update in some new system built into a human. Very likely.
Meanwhile Musk’s approach to this updating human things is sort of tending toward the technical as opposed to the Sorass’s weasel guy, Harri something, forget his name, which would tend toward the biological. Sort of Iron Man or 6 Million Dollar Man vs the Genetic Mutant Guy…is there one of those by name… not familiar with which comic book guy would fit best for Genetic Mutant Guy.
Stumbled on this.
Tucker, Kirsch and more. Dated 2-24-2024.
Appears to be the ~40 minute Tucker Kirsch interview, that was behind a paywall yesterday. THEN more Tucker stuff….
YT today. Hmmm.~18 minutes in…
Thank you!