Badlands News Brief – February 27, 2024
Trump’s Conundrum
The amount of campaign spending that will take place over the next eight months will be staggering, and thanks to the duplicitous machinations and malevolent lawfare directed at Donald Trump by the Democrat establishment, the Republican Party and the Trump campaign are looking at a potentially overwhelming financial disadvantage.
What this author fails to realize is that anything President Trump tweets, says, or does gets automatic national coverage. There is no need for ads. It’s called free publicity. The man is living rent free in the heads of journalists.
The attack on so-called ‘Christian nationalists’ is more nefarious than you realize
The Lasting Damage of Bidenomics
Biden’s Half-Hearted Border Control Pitch
After 15 terms in the House, Sheila Jackson Lee is barely hanging on in her primary
Will wonders never cease. There is a God.
Biden: Senate Bill Will ‘Allow’ Me ‘Control the Border,’ if I’m Re-Elected, I’ll Pass Bill I Didn’t with 2 Years of Dem Congress
The Left’s War on Taboos
Worthy vs Unworthy Victims: Study Reveals the Media’s Selective Coverage of Lira and Navalny
Natural Gas Has Been Driving America’s Declining Emissions, Not Moronic “Green” Policies
Things Used to Work in This Country
Dam removal project in the PNW to ‘save the salmon’ ends up pushing the population towards extinction
Majority of Americans WANT a border wall for the first time in history: More than 6 in 10 demand a barrier with Mexico and 80% say the migrant crisis is a ‘serious problem’
X Files….
This isn’t recent, but good questions.
Catherine Herridge. When the ax comes down on the “news” industry, she should be spared along with other reporters who were stymied by editors and other executives.
I used to buy tuna in pouches for the food pantries. Packed with nutrients and easy to open.
Memes & Stuff

Trust me, this is a real thing.

Okay, I thought it was funny.
Have a good day y’all.
(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.
Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
One other vital note:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.
MATTHEW 20:17-28
17And as Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, he took the twelve disciples aside, and on the way he said to them, 18“Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem; and the Son of man will be delivered to the chief priests and scribes, and they will condemn him to death, 19and deliver him to the Gentiles to be mocked and scourged and crucified, and he will be raised on the third day.” 20Then the mother of the sons of Zeb’edee came up to him, with her sons, and kneeling before him she asked him for something. 21And he said to her, “What do you want?” She said to him, “Command that these two sons of mine may sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your kingdom.” 22But Jesus answered, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am to drink?” They said to him, “We are able.” 23He said to them, “You will drink my cup, but to sit at my right hand and at my left is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father.” 24And when the ten heard it, they were indignant at the two brothers. 25But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. 26It shall not be so among you; but whoever would be great among you must be your servant, 27and whoever would be first among you must be your slave; 28even as the Son of man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.
And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another.

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.
In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.
It’s a deal. I may walk, though.
A few good ones today…
Perfect. ^^^ ~One minute.
Some kind of gas lighting op designed to confuse. Donald Tusk is the new prime minister after having stolen the election from the guy speaking. Poland under Tusk is gearing up to do NATO’s bidding. Recent calls have gone out from NATO defense minister to allow Ukraine to join NATO. Tusk would in all likelihood support this with first troops to enter Ukraine under a NATO umbrella.
What’s really amazing is that out of 14,643 commenters there are like 50 that understand that that guy is not the current PM.
YUP. Exactly. Old news.
“What’s really amazing is that out of 14,643 commenters there are like 50 that understand that that guy is not the current PM.”
Thank you for the correction!
Well that’s not good…
Happy endings…
I like that commercial where Ben Davidson (of the Oakland Raiders) was arm-wresting someone in a fierce battle, when someone walked up and asked Ben “what time is it?”…
Ben instantly throws his opponent’s arm down to read his watch
(note that it’s MILLER, not Dud!
This is a guy you want on your team!
(not sure why this one isn’t showing up the same as the others)
EDIT: I removed the “?feature=share” at the end. Not sure if this will work.
Very cool.
Found this while looking through similar videos.
Yep, I saw that one a week or so ago

It’s the Irish in him.
We get the likes of Idi Amin, Milley…
Thank you, De Pat, for another Wonderful Wednesday post…..
….with awesome ‘dorbs mini-camels.
This one has the song playing longer than most. I can’t believe how much I like this music
Teleprompter lives!!!
Well … sort of …
New Study Bucks Previous Research, Says Red Meat Not Linked to Heart Disease
OK – even though I “like” this result, this is another case of very SIDE EYE science.
They’re looking for cardiovascular disease, but they eliminate anybody who STARTS with any kind of cardiovascular disease. Well, what if THAT subset of humanity (which is actually very large) either are HARMED BY or BENEFIT FROM eating red meat? They’re not going to find that. So what their results say is that red meat is fine for the cardiovascularly healthy. That’s great news! But that about everybody else?
Furthermore, why did the other studies find the opposite? This study would benefit by explaining why others got the opposite results.
I suspect that BIAS may be why the other studies found problems.
A lay person’s nonscientific view: It’s probably like most things, where moderation and attention to underlying health conditions is key.
I would say this:
If you eat red meat all your life, you probably won’t develop cardiovascular disease.
My point is, people should take care to be healthy all along. Once you are sick with something, everything gets trickier.
The food pyramid is bullshit. It’s upside down, because the Big Grain lobby wanted it that way.
Does this apply to …
More good news for Tesla.
Imagine if all of their competitors drop out.
What will they ever do?
Make cars that depend on gas.
I should have clarified, “What will Tesla ever do?”, if all of their competitors drop out of the EV business.
In that case, Telsa will have a monopoly.
And since a market for EVs clearly exists, Tesla would own essentially all of that market. Even if that only amounts to 5% or 10% of all cars sold in America, Tesla will make huge profits.
Those profits will continue to be used to finance the growth of all of Tesla’s other businesses, at least several of which (robots, power storage, Full Self Driving for commercial applications) will dwarf profits from EV passenger car sales in an estimated 3 years or less.
Tesla does EVs right (or at least as right as they can be done – QUALITY more than anything else). Cheap Chinese EVs will do the world wrong.
It is great news.
WEF losing another aspect, of their war on global population.
Abandon EVs all together. EVs, global solution, without a problem. NOT Green.
The climate lie has been very expensive for all concerned.
Regarding this post…
…why is this person assuming so many things?
Where is the documentation of who that is, when that happened, where it happened, and what the occasion was?
Why do people like to post vague things like this that raise questions aimed at making people believe a specific thing that there is no proof of? It looks like a post with the intention to deceive, and some fall for it.
Why do people take someone’s word when there is little to no supporting evidence?
Always the cutesy emoji, like a wink-wink, “Look people, see what I found!” This is a major tell that what the person is alleging is not serious or real.
Is this supposed to show “the real JB” and that he is not acting as POTUS now?
Or is it supposed to show a double for JB? We’re to believe that a nobody caught him and now has *proof* for all the theories?
Not one well-known conservative buys into these things. If it were real, they could increase their following exponentially. They could have the biggest scoop of the modern age and topple the Deep State regime, and yet they ignore it.
Yup. These people don’t do science, where one has to enthusiastically attack one’s own theory (and also attack those attacks!)
A key trait of these theories is that they don’t provide important context which would help the viewer have sound faith in them. Dates, times, places, names – intentionally missing. And which would discredit the promoters if shown to be LIES or ERRORS.
The only people who buy it are those with a religious conviction that this is all a movie and Donald Trump is secretly in charge.
Have a couple of friends who believe that shit. It’s all I can do to refrain from telling them that they’re BAT GUANO CRAZY.
I know someone who has won steak dinners betting with those people. They were confident this misery known as the Biden Administration would be over within a year…or two…
Nowadays they’re too smart to put a date on it so they can’t lose.
I am reminded of the thousands if not millions of people who believed Camping knew when the rapture and end times would be…on his THIRD try.
If they believed in the Bible, they should have known better.
Matthew 24:
36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Great stuff!
Yes I find it ironic, since these people presumably *do* believe it.
Nonetheless, EVERY generation of Christians has had huge numbers of people in it convinced it would be Soon. It’s not something new to the present day. (Of course that’s not “knowing” down to the day and hour, which is what your quote warns against.)
It must be tempting for someone who thinks it’s coming up in the next 20 years or so to want to narrow it down.
This one from the open:
I don’t know what he meant by “not a real person,” but he didn’t say he thought a double has taken JB’s place. News of that magnitude would not be casually stated like that, especially by a journalist who prides himself on being factual. Someone impersonating the POTUS would be world-shaking news.
I haven’t seen Trump allude to it once. This person is reading into what is said.
Right. Trump talks about JB’s plastic surgery.
Again talking about JB’s plastic surgery, which is obvious.
“Trump has eluded to it over and over..”
Also, ‘eluded’ is the wrong word. Given the context, the word should be ‘alluded’, as you used it in your next comment.Never mind, it wasn’t Tucker that used the word ‘eluded’, it was the Tweeter poster.
Yes, I used the correct word partly to highlight that fact.
Here’s one example of something Trump has said:
“Now, I have to tell you, he’s a different guy,” Trump said. “He looks different than he used to, he acts different than he used to, he’s even slower than he used to be. So, I don’t know, but when he mentions my name that many times, I guess I should be complimented.”
A couple of scenarios:
1.Trump is telling us that someone has taken JB’s place, so he’s a “different guy.” Trump is casually announcing to the world that, besides JB having stolen the election from him, we now have someone pretending to be JB in the White House. We have an imposter presiding over the United States, which would be a Constitutional crisis and a world crisis never seen since America’s founding. And Trump is mentioning it in an offhand way.
2.Trump is highlighting how JB has declined and how unfit he is to act as POTUS. That is exactly what a person running for office does: point out their opponent’s weaknesses.
Which of the two scenarios is more likely?
Excellent points.
Another one – cui bono?
Who benefits when we say “It’s OK – just be patient – Biden has been neutralized by our side.”???
When we think that Joe Biden might be an actor, or is actually helping Trump in some way, we are DEACTIVATED from supporting any action to change the situation. Thus, I am fairly certain that these theories are being promoted and inflated by deep state supporters of Obama and Biden. They want us to not act against the status quo. And these same people will be telling us to not act if they can somehow manage to fake another “defeat” of Trump this year.
This is what I have been worried about.
ANY theory that powerfull forces we don’t know about are going to step in and magically fix all of this just deactivate us.
Also stories/’interpretations that there’s a grand PLAN that predicted all of this down to the final detail years ago…deactivate us.
(I’m not saying there isn’t a strategic plan at all. I’m arguing against the apparent belief that it’s down to ‘no sparrow shall fall’ levels of detail. And in fact I am sure it’s continually being adjusted based on enemy action.)
Let’s see how Mika and the Goofs at Morning Joe spin that
Morning Hoe.
Much more news like that and she’ll be the Mourning Hoe…
Hope goes in for the semi annual Covidiot Jab.
Empty chair for the win…
Clint Eastwood, call your agent.
I’ll bet that a LOT of those “uncommitted” are TRUMP voters.
Well well..Peek a Boo Ms James..somebody saw something and now we see it
Will Letitia get the Fanie Boomerang?
I hope so!
BTW… why did Trump call her “Peekaboo”?
Did he see (know) something to be used later?
Seems to me like he knew something all along about her.
We will see.
Let’s see if we can figure this out.
She’s a long time NYC resident.
He’s a long time NYC resident.
She was a city council critter for 8 years.
He dealt with city govt for projects for 3 decades.
Could it be that his network of acquaintances in NYC gave him dirty little tidbits about lots of NYC govt officials?
Could some of those tidbits be about her?
Nah, that’s too easy.
That tells you how he knows.
Not WHAT he knows.
one thought on the electric fence instead of a wall…wouldn’t the cartels just destroy a power grid? then everyone around is seriously screwed.
Or worse, tap into it and steal the electricity
Yup. It is only the willingness to shoot and kill scumbags – and then LAUGH at the media which defends them – that keeps the peace.
Wolf Moon for the win!

With a cherry on top!
Did Zachary get charged by the DOJ persecution squad?
OMG! I’m going to hurt myself laughing.
Imagine if every white person decided to identify as black, and started speaking in 1970s jive, like the lady from Airplane!
And we forced society to accept us as jive-talkin’ black people…
if there’s reparations $$ coming…you betcha!
Since every one of us has 100 percent African ancestry (you just have to go back far enough, roughly 70,000 years), you can legit claim status as African American.
“Since every one of us has ancestors in Africa (you just have to go back far enough, roughly 70,000 years), you can legit claim status as African American.”
If you believe the ‘experts’
Lots of genetic analysis behind that. Pretty solid.
Or as in Blazing Saddles…. Camptown Races, etc.
Got my primary ballot.
And he’s on it…dead last out of 10 or 12 people.
So I will have to work a little harder to emphatically fill that oval in.
I missed this news so perhaps others have too. Gary and Moira Sinise lost their son Mac to cancer. Prayers
what a nice tribute to his beloved son. RIP Mac
Sorry to hear this. Yes, prayers for them all.
Gary Sinise is one of the most exemplary human beings, period!
Also a great actor. I loved his performance in “Impostor”, but his performance in “Of Mice and Men” was extraordinary. That is when I first noticed him, IIRC. I had forgotten but he actually directed it.
Leticia jam es appears to be on the take and corrupt. Whoda thunk??
When I got asked to look into Letitia James’ financials last week, I really wasn’t expecting to find much. As you probably know, James is the Attorney General of New York who just secured a $454 million judgement against Donald Trump.
James was elected as the NY AG in 2018 and re-elected in 2022. Prior to that James was the NYC “public advocate” for 4 years and a NYC city council member for 8 years prior to that. Prior to elected office she was a public defender for Legal Aid.
IOW Letitia James is a lifelong public servant and other than a mishap in the 2010s where she neglected to list the Brooklyn brownstone she owns & rents out on her financial disclosure forms, she hasn’t had any public scandals.
With that being said, I’m not quite sure what I was expecting to find but I do know I wasn’t expecting what I found.
Impeachment. Mayorkas.
The Senate is either on an unearned vacation OR ignoring Mayorkas was impeached.
Perhaps, Slow Guy missed something, again.
some repubs were making some noise about it. saying never in the history of the senate have they not taken an impeachment up. but schmucky intends to ignore it as long as he can before they do a cursory trial and declare him innocent.
IMO — a member of the “Inner Circle” of the British Royal Family has died — h/t Marica’s blog:
And this:
And the fact that Prince William suddenly pulled out of going to the memorial service this week for his godfather, the late King Constantine of Greece (member of the extended Royal Family) “due to a personal matter.”
Jab injury? Maybe the drooping one-eye?
Wolf Moon
Unknown at this time. However, the black horses, the furled and black-covered Union Jack, AND the black-covered flagpole would appear to indicate that the Royal Family has lost a close family member.
Would it be that 45 yo husband or closer?
I don’t think so. Thomas Kingston, the 45-year-old husband (deceased) of Lady Gabriella Windsor, was a commoner. Lady Windsor is 56th in line in the Line of Royal Succession.
The presence of the WHITE horse (which represents the Monarch) in the videos above is significant — especially since Charles III himself is not at Buckingham Palace at the moment.
Hmmm. So much symbolism without clarity.
Jab, as usual, my first thought. Well earned, Jab in play.
Thought we saw a pic of Kate a week or so after her, “abdominal” surgery. Perhaps a file picture.
Chuckles cancer announced just prior to Kate’s, “surgery.”
No coincidences here. <<< >>> Push back when I first posted these thought. I realize, shit happens, but sticking with Jab in play.
Sinise, son, likely Jab exacerbated his rare cancer, discovered well before Covidiot.
Jabs seem to find a way to raise havoc within folks with weakened immune systems.
Yet they keep pushing it on people with compromised immune systems.
I am convinced that if I had accepted their roulette shot, I would have died of cancer years ago.
No way Keytruda and health supplements could have offset it.
Keytruda failed on a jabbed relative here. Just sayin’.
Yours Truly found this:
by David James
28 February 2024
Yours Truly: There is speculation, gossip, and “what-if” in this article. However, it remains that Catherine, Princess of Wales (aka Kate Middleton) apparently has not been seen in public for over 60 days now. There is no official or even paparazzi photo of her arriving at the Sandringham estate “for recovery” post-discharge from the hospital after her “scheduled abdominal surgery” in December of last year.
We shouldn’t be concerned. UK has the best medical system in the world.
Other tweets following “nocontext humans”
YUP. And Jews have been very effectively used to generate a false paradigm that “Nazism = Antisemitism”, so that the NEW Nazism will get Jewish buy-in. Smart but evil. Ukraine is the proof. The Antislavic side of residual Euro-Nazism, repackaged as Euro-globalism, is absolutely invisible to left-wing American Jews.
And one at the wrong time in the wrong place can cause/get you into an awful lot of trouble….
This news is all over the internet this morning:
Praying that God’s will be done! Whatever that is.
Frances joining…? Not wishing him ill. But hope he is double jabbed AND boosted.
Yours Truly doesn’t think the Guardsmen on horses with a furled, black-covered Union Jack would be doing this for the death of the head of state of another country, unless they were ordered to by Charles III himself.
Did not intend to imply, another head of state. My poor communication
skillson display.Highlighting the gaggle of folks passing, may have passed, may pass soon…
Maybe, they have something in common.
Not heard anything on the news.
Dress rehearsal for someone ?
Why doesn’t somebody ask them, “Hey guards, what are you doing?”
Symbolism seems pretty pointless, if nobody knows what it means…
Brit press forbidden to inquire? It’s beneath the “Royals” to speak with commoners?
Who knows. I for one do not hold the Royals in high regard. I will say, Kate is easy on the eyes and may, be a decent type.
So-called royalty are just people whose murderous ancestors won the Game of Thrones by murdering all of their competition.
That should make them the most detestable people, not the most admired.
if you believe in holding people accountable for their ancestors’ actions, yes.
You’re likely going to respond citing Elizabeth’s misdeeds, but the topic is largely Kate.
Very easy on the eyes.
Sort of amusing the people getting credit for breaking the bioweapons stuff in Ukraine when we knew all of it years ago. Still, glad it is going mainstream.
Our former pastor at the previous church is in ICU today. Probably clot shot related as he is overweight and had some health issues previously. Told him not to do it, he did it anyway.
ing he gets through it and wakes up to the real world.
I’m sorry to hear the news about your former pastor. It may well be JAB-related. Hoping he gets better.
It’s been really eye-opening to me to see how many pastors don’t seem to get what is going on and how deeply Satan is entrenching himself in our country. Sometimes I just feel like shaking them. Where have they been?
That ^^ I genuinely believe that Satan and his minions have entrenched themselves in the country and globally. A few years ago I probably would’ve rolled my eyes, not now. Evil is running throughout living breathing flesh and blood humans too. Demonism is like a pathogen
So true, Linda.
So instead of being a whistleblower he kills himself. Okay….
US airman Aaron Bushnell claimed to have classified knowledge of US forces fighting in Gaza tunnels on night before setting himself on fire: pal
Aaron Bushnell claimed he had secret knowledge of US troops fighting in Hamas tunnels under Gaza — just hours before setting himself on fire in an “extreme act of protest” against Israel, a close pal told The Post on Tuesday.
The 25-year-old airman — who served in the Air Force’s 70th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing, but also interacted with radical anarchist groups online — ranted that he had “top-secret clearance’’ for military intelligence data in the call to his friend Saturday night, he said.
“He told me on Saturday that we have troops in those tunnels, that it’s US soldiers participating in the killings,’’ claimed the pal, whose ties to Bushnell have been verified by The Post.
We ran a similar story the week of the Hamas attack saying US forces would be used in that roll (tunnel ops) . Does nothing either way as you rightly point out with your opening line. Not A Hero is still not a Hero. He’s just foolishly dead.
Cynical political hack Biden (covering for Obama) has to make a show to the Jewish donors, and the Pentagram wants to keep an eye on the conflict. This is a cheap and easy way to fake “helping Israel” without actually helping Israel, which Obama absolutely doesn’t want to do.
IMO this suicide was CIA MK to help the Pal-pals prevent escalation of American involvement on the side of Israel. The military will secretly be quite happy that a security risk was removed.
Another “Reality Winner” / “Bradley-Chelsea Manning” IMO. Acting above pay grade. In this case, the poor young East Coast fool believing all the “genocide” propaganda by the media, Pal-pals, and rad-left. Made him feel guilty. Likely doesn’t understand that dual citizens are over there, and that upper commands have blessed it to keep an eye on the conflict. FOOL. Not reading his Bible on duty, keeping his word, and acting uprightly.
POTUS (the office) and the Pentagon have to right to come up with policy that he didn’t agree with. DEAL.
Yes. I understand everything you stated. He made determined choices as an adult and i dont see his ability to be such a dupe as victimhood.
They gave fair warning for anyone to get out of the tunnels so…
So this guy has info indicating US fighting in Gaza Tunnels.
Decides to torch himself in protest.
Dumbass knowing he’ll likely die, should have published the information. Dumbass.
Tres stupido!
STHU Chucky. The trope of being shaken emotionally is old and tired. He’s using an old Dem playbook
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, February 28, 2024
“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latterday upon the earth:”
Job 19:25 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Thank you. I was missing your posts.
Morning “staples” they are.
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
Attorney General Ken Paxton Wins Case Challenging $1.7 Trillion Federal Funding Bill Passed Unconstitutionally With Less Than Half of U.S. Congress Physically Present
This is the Omnibus bill signed by Crooked Joe on 29 December 2022
So, the illegal Biden Administration was illegally funded for most of last year?
This law was passed with conspiring Turtle.
How many laws, snuck into this bill, are now illegal as well?
It now only effects the ‘Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA)’, which Texas sued for, but this opens the door for other entities to remove parts of the law, which is still in effect.
Right. I hope some others take similar action.
I wonder how many other bills were passed illegally. I’m remembering that a lot of the House were voting by proxy all during the supposed pandemic.
Liar, liar…
The silver lining is that if they are lying now, then public outrage caused them to change course.
gosh, I haven’t been in a McDonalds in a long time, but the last time i was…they had a digital menu board. never considered that the prices changed when the screen changed…
those digital menus are not a new thing. why announce it unless they are trying to cover for a mistake (public outcry)
Democrats rubbing their LIDDLE hands at the thought of making their corporate slaves charge more from white people.
I still remember the Carson monologue, where he said he called room service to order a Big Mac…
He wasn’t in when they arrived, so they slid it under the door
Liar, liar,
Food on fire…..
Frame broired…
One of my many complaints about the new and not improved fast food menu boards is the changing pictures/words/description and price of the choices. it’s confusing to try and see what they offer and then next thing you know it’s a different picture. My brain doesn’t work that fast!
It’s the reason I detest electronic slot machines. It’s a constant visual assault of images and blinking spinning junk. Old slots were fun. I don’t see how people sit there for literally hours playing the machines these days.
Turtle says he’s retiring from leadership in november–but not from the senate
Not good enough. Get out.
There’s a strange thing about the Pols. Almost every person who’s worked all of their lives at any job looks forward to retiring especially if they’re wealthy. Plenty of time and money to do things that you put off.
Why is it that the rapidly aging members in American politics refuse to step away ?
Gotta be somewhere on the spectrum.
Their owners won’t let them?
Nails it.
Turtle already bought and paid for. Four plus years on his term, IIRC.
Too time consuming to train a new puppet ?
Guess it takes decades of pay for play to ensure cooperation
As shown by Poligrip Pavement Princess Mafiosi Piglosi d’Alessandro Gambino, power is a drug, and those in power need deeper, longer, and more frequent “hits” to remain sated (or Sataned…)…..
I refuse to believe that this doesn’t have anything to do with a certain “accident”…….
suspiciously close time wise
Seems likely. Punishment for not getting taming the House.
or the ukraine funding pause
Timing makes sense by this theory.
Why won’t McConnell resign his leadership position now?
Because he wants to use his power to sabotage Trump, keep the border open, and funnel money to Ukraine for the next 8 months.
Why is McConnell planning to resign in November and not when the new Congress is sworn in?
He doesn’t want newly elected senators having any say in who his replacement is.
McConnell is corrupt to his core. He needs to resign now.
Daniel Westin
February 28, 2024 1:10 pm
President Joe Biden just meet with reporters and told them he was sorry Robert Byrd was going to be stepping down from Senate leadership.
President Joe Biden was then lead off the stage while reporters yelled that Robert Byrd had died decades ago.
That is so precious. Fuck stick Briben goes to Walter Reed, for a physical.
Wonder if Briben could answer the first question ,medical goofs ask.
Wonder if Shag will come out today and say Briben is in perfect health.
Or D-Rats will toss Briben under the bus, after Super Tuesday <<< Whenever Briben secures enough delegates for the nomination.
Bye,Done would probably reply that he wasn’t dating anyone at that time…
Searching for confirmation on this…..
Thinking it may be a joke…..
Something Babylon Bee could report, only to come true. Off to looking also.
i suspect you’re right.
someone asked on tcth for alink and so far none has been posted by Westin.
must be satire
Byrd died in 2010. I’m not sure if that qualifies as “decades ago,” but I get the point.
1.4 of something generally takes the plural, e.g., 1.4 gallons, 1.4 acres, etc.
But your point is well taken. When someone says “decades” it generally implies “at least 2”.
Are we sure this is accurate? Seems too good to be true.
Likely not. Have seen nothing supporting it.
In a sense, so did Bye,Done…..
interesting perspective…
Eric L
February 28, 2024 1:26 pm
This is going to turn out like the Sopranos when Jackie died, there was a power struggle over who would be the new boss of the family. Tony Soprano backed his uncle Junior as the figurehead, but continued to run things behind the scenes.
That’s why Thune went ahead and endorsed President Trump. Thune will be the next Republican leader, and continue to do McConnell/Uniparty’s bidding
Logan | Lara Logan On NGOs Role In America’s Downfall: “They Operate As A Shadow Government”
I’m willing to bet that if they were shoved and confronted long enough that a dedicated ‘police’ force magically appears, not just local PD. I’d love to know what uniform ID they’d use.
UN Blue Helmets…
This is just evil.
Right?! Something is wrong in the information processing in the brain. It’s illogical. If he and other truly believe this..something is terribly off with society.
The knows that he “must accept” the invasion – so he then justifies it. The thinking of a COWARD.
…and a LIAR. I don’t wish that kind of tragedy on anyone but could he stand there and say this if it was his own child? SMH
Yup. None of this has to happen.
Moar from interview…
Brian Cates tweet.
I generally have to click on them and open in another tab anyway, but absolutely NOTHING other than this sentence showed up when I did so.
Sunken Spanish galleon from 1708 could be ‘holy grail of shipwrecks’ with $20bn of treasure
“Eleven million gold coins are thought to have been on board (EPA)”
Colombia deserves a break!
LOL!!! Those were the days!
A relative actually worked on that movie. Still, it’s one of those 80s flicks that was totally missed by the critics.
That is a great film!
There have been so many books and studies following this stuff in the last twenty or so years that have captured the interests of treasure divers and enthusiasts the world over I’d be surprised if they come up with any thing.
“Do you know the way to San Jose….”…..
Excellent read on the status of Ukraine
Final paragraph is important!
Hey, no pressure there.
Excellent. Let’s hope some BRAINS prevail over MUH FEELZ.
don’t count on it.
they are hearing arguments/testimony today on bump stocks and Brown (the rhodes scholar…lol) said that…
What a Dumb Mass! Can’t define a woman because she is not a doctor? She is evidently NOT a Ballistics expert either. 800 rounds a second? Not even an A-10 Warthog can do that.
From Google:
The cannon takes about a half second to spin up to its maximum rate of fire, firing 50 rounds during the first second, and 65 or 70 rounds per second thereafter. It is accurate enough to place 80 percent of its shots within a 40-foot (12.4 m) diameter circle from 4,000 feet (1,220 m) while in flight.
Probably read 800 rpm somewhere and misremembered it.
Still a dumbass.
I think that roughly 800 rounds were fired from Mandalay Bay 32nd floor. That’s the only number like 800 that I can recall related to bump stocks.
I wasn’t claiming she read it somewhere that was relevant!
Nothing implied by me! Just trying to explain how the minds of our Idiocratic leaders may work!
well you aren’t privy to the vast wealth of knowledge that Justice Brown has…LOL
can’t define woman, but she’s a weapons expert.
The Obama Girls were bad, but this Biden Girl takes the cake!
This was my #100,000 comment on the site. There is some looseness, because we’re missing a couple posts from the old site that I still need to import sometime.
I thought you had to get to 100,000 to be a “wolf”
It probably helps if you “know somebody”….
Well that tears it.
I don’t know somebody,
I’m some nobody.
I believe that those numbers are the number of LIKES using the NEW COMMENTING SYSTEM. It ends up being roughly proportional to number of comments [at least, those made using the new commenting system], but it rises faster.
Where am I now on that scale? How many likes?
As near as I can tell easily, you’re somewhere between 10K (Coyote) and 100K (Wolf).
Well THAT narrows it down!
OK, I guess I become lupine when I become lupine.
That would require a barrel change about every one and half second. Who carries so many spare barrels!
This baby gets a 100 rnds a second, but notice how many barrels on this sucker. Tad bit heavy too.

I think Justice Brown is way ahead of her time and is trying to reign in Arnold the Terminator Guy.
If there is anything remotely close to firing 800rds a second we’d call it a laser and last check I’ve seen no bump stocks associated with lasers, but could be wrong. Will check again!
Oh, you reminded me of a link I put on my Clipboard to share. There’s a gun auction that sounds interesting with two different collections including lots of different guns.
Trust the Experts. Trust the Professionals.
Trusted Authorities? Any left?
Just a minor note…
I was watching a video about a kind of conflict (which kind does not matter) and it put in a Pro Forma Disclaimer that it was not to be used if you were in a crisis situation, and that in that case one ought to “seek help from Trusted Authorities such as Medical Professionals or Law Enforcement”… at which moment I realized just how God Awful the Cultural Destruction had become; as I asked myself “Are they still trusted? And the answer was “not so much”.
Well, for Medical Staff (can’t call them “professionals” anymore) the answer was that “First Do No Harm” was chucked out the window in a New York Minute when covid hit, followed close behind by the Nuremberg standards on medical experimentation and the sucking sound of Informed Consent being suctioned into a canister for disposal…
For Law Enforcement, it is a bit more nuanced, but only a bit. It became blatantly clear that “The Retirement Check” was far far far more important than any moral compass or rule of law or even minor inconvenience of asking your “superior” officer “Isn’t that illegal? or at least immoral?…” No, y’all outed yourselves as first and foremost “suck ups to political asses”. Everything else was secondary. “Just Following Orders!!!” was your jackboot mantra. Let the Federal Buildings Burn but arrest folks for walking around where YOU led them. Got it.
From The Political Class (that was always a bit tarnished, like the lawyers that make up most of it), the “brown stuff coating” has drizzled down to cover Doctors, Judges, District Attorneys (and by force of reality, Bar Associations too for not removing the trash of their “profession”) and on to Doctors, Nurses and even Dentists.
Get a load of the back story of the Laken Riley murderer & brother..both of them should’ve been deported and she’d still be alive.
FIRST ON FOX: Georgia nursing student Laken Riley tried calling 911 last week when a Venezuelan national allegedly attacked her on the University of Georgia campus, according to Athens-Clarke County police, who declined to release the call in response to public records requests.
The revelation explains one of the charges against murder suspect Jose Antonio Ibarra filed Friday related to violently interfering with a 911 call. Police had previously said they received a non-emergency call from a friend of Riley’s reporting her missing when she failed to return from her morning run Thursday.( wonder why they at first didn’t mention it )
Authorities did release other documents in the case, however, revealing the suspected killer’s brother Diego Ibarra, another illegal immigrant from Venezuela, showed he had little regard for the law between his arrival in the U.S. and when he allegedly handed police a fraudulent green card that had two mismatched birth dates printed on it, according to police documents obtained by Fox News Digital.
In his first encounter with Athens-Clarke County police, he allegedly sped past an officer on Atlanta Highway near Epps Bridge Road going 80 mph in a 40 mph zone, with no license or insurance, and sipping from an ice-cold can of Bud Light.”The driver struggled and was brought to the ground, where there was a short struggle to handcuff him.”
In Spanish, he allegedly admitted to drinking seven beers before the stop, and he did not have a driver’s license.Federal prosecutors announced charges against Diego last week after he allegedly handed over a fake green card to police officers who were on the hunt for his brother in connection with Riley’s brutal murder. ( why wasn’t he arrested at the time of the DUI incident? )
Two Athens-Clarke police officers stopped Diego because he matched his brother’s physical description and appeared to be wearing the same hat they saw on their suspect in surveillance video, the documents reveal.
Diego entered the country illegally in April 2023. Days after the DUI charges, police responded to his apartment for a domestic disturbance, but did not arrest him, the documents reveal.
Both brothers were cited on Oct. 27, 2023, for allegedly stealing more than $200 from an Athens Walmart.
But the records show Diego returned on Dec. 8 and allegedly stole more items, this time getting banned from Walmart stores for a two-year period and booked into county jail.
It’s time to start taking out the trash.
In the meantime much of this has been happening but it’s about to explode on us in a huge way.
Wonders if anyone site is cataloguing all of these crimes. Hard to keep track of it all. Thinking Crime/Victim/Perp/Gang/Case Status followed to resolution. Most of these perps are going to get either the in country or out of country revolving door treatment.
IDK if there’s anyone keeping track of this. With the number of would be a gargantuan task.
One thing that came to mind is that because City policy dictates what/how the illegals are NOT charged with and sounds like they’re all being set loose as soon as possible..couple of days, hours ?
It creates the illusion that the illegals are nice fellas. Maybe a mistake here and there but it’s not true. Their crimes are real. So….when these guys are catching odd jobs, day work for construction or landscaping or whatever…they’re right in the homeowner zone. A seasoned criminal notices things, what kind of cars, are there kids or teens at home, pets?, is the garage left open, etc etc
Burn it, then take it out…
I can’t say for sure, but…
I don’t think this is the first time they’ve tried this.
Interesting way to build a house!
Very cool – or warm – as the case may be!
That’s an amazing video of a build on that site
A real spiritual campaign.
BREAKING: O’Keefe Media Group Confronts Total Creep New York Judge Arthur Engoron After Sources Tell Him Engoron Frequently Goes to Gym and is “Creeping Girls Out” – Engoron Wears Revealing Sweatpants and No Underwear? (VIDEO)
On X:
This is insanity and blatant persecution.
New York AG Letitia James Files Lawsuit Against Worlds Largest Beef Producer for ‘Misleading Public’ About its Impact on Climate
What proof does she have that beef producers impact the climate?
I suppose this is proof that New York is a hostile environment for business. Trump was only the beginning.
Yes! Bad timing on Letitia’s part if they want us to think NY is good for business.
How could she not know that this move is terrible optics? Are we so far into communism govt that they truly don’t care that people are noticing?
I think so. They are doing things that are risky, that make no sense, and that are unconstitutional and unlawful, and they don’t seem to care or to be concerned about possible consequences to themselves. It’s probably because so few get prosecuted, and even then they don’t get the justice they deserve.
We are in extremely interesting times.
Q. What proof does she have that beef producers impact the climate?
A. The experts. USG. Bill Gates. Pravda News reinforces the smear.
She doesn’t need proof. She needs a crooked judge. A judge who “isn’t there to listen to (Trump)”. A judge that shuts the defense atty down..
Which is to say, no proof at all. They have nothing that would stand up in a real courtroom.
Certainly not an honest court. I left out the /s, above. I’m sure you took it that way.
We have seen what they’ve done to J6ers, Navarro, Bannon, Trump at least twice (E Jean and Eng-Moron).
Well what do you know.
I’m beginning to think we’re at the final confrontation with communism.
“We don’t need no steenkin eveedence.”
New Tucker interview, 5:37 long. It’s about the letter people recently signed about the military’s unlawful actions during COVID.
Looks as if you have to have an account to view the rest of it.
US military will never admit they screwed up with mandating Jabs AND all of their ignorance that followed.
I started a list, but it is endless. EVERYTHING the military did since mandating Jabs was AND IS Wrong.
USG, US military leadership Betrayed servicemen AND their families.
New Tucker with Brad Miller on the Declaration of Military Accountability letter:
At X (First 5:36 minutes):
At TuckerCarlson site (full 14:20 miinutes):
Things are getting spicy. Commies are goin’ for it!
At this rate, the Democrat party will be outlawed because they are behaving like outlaws.
But as long as THEY control the law, and its enforcement and interpretation, tat won’t happen.
Hence their refusal to give up power peacefully.
I’m good with prying it from their cold dead hands.
Oh the unbearable sweetness of the thought.
Be still my heart.
Ben Carson knows the score. He SPEAKS the truth at CPAC!!!