My Grandpa would have been 111 today.
Badlands News Brief – March 6, 2024
‘Blood Money’: Meet the Secretive China-Linked U.S. Left-Wing Groups Driving Chaos in Our Streets
Drain the Reservoirs, Return California’s Stolen Land
The nihilistic solutions these extreme green and extreme equity policies embrace are driven by special interests whose actual goal is to centralize power, wealth, and land ownership, putting it under the control of billionaires, mega corporations, managed wealth funds, NGOs, and compliant puppet governments, which would include these tribal nations but would also include America’s federal and state governments and all of the surrounding institutions. The tribes participating in these policies should take note: you are being played, and whatever sovereignty you still have is going to slip away before this is over.
Death of an Insurrection
MSNBC’s Joy Reid: Republicans Are Solely Voting on ‘Racial Animus’ and ‘Invasion of Brown People Across the Border’
Jake Tapper, stunned by Super Tuesday results, makes one very keen observation about Trump’s new GOP…
If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves
Liberals maybe. I LOVE Italy, but if Trump is reelected, I’m not moving there.
Just wait. The best is yet to come.
The federal income tax was actually never ratified. Ed Meese actually admitted that in the 1980s. I’d say the fed owes Americans lots and lots of money.

Oh, please, God in Heaven, no. My high school classmates….

My parents actually taught us to read maps.

And now for the business portion.
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
JEREMIAH 7:23-28
23But this command I gave them, `Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be my people; and walk in all the way that I command you, that it may be well with you.’ 24But they did not obey or incline their ear, but walked in their own counsels and the stubbornness of their evil hearts, and went backward and not forward. 25From the day that your fathers came out of the land of Egypt to this day, I have persistently sent all my servants the prophets to them, day after day; 26yet they did not listen to me, or incline their ear, but stiffened their neck. They did worse than their fathers. 27“So you shall speak all these words to them, but they will not listen to you. You shall call to them, but they will not answer you. 28And you shall say to them, `This is the nation that did not obey the voice of the LORD their God, and did not accept discipline; truth has perished; it is cut off from their lips.

Thank you, De Pat, for thoroughly thrilling Thursday theatrics, cunningly disguised as a blog post.
From the breathless “Santa Surfing” tweet in the open:
Trump is not the person who is acting as president. He was cheated out of his office. He is working to restore the country, but he does not have the power of the office of the presidency, and he is not running the country behind the scenes. Therefore, he is not in charge of the National Guard.
This kind of stuff is starting to look more like enemy action than delusion, quite frankly.
I agree. The rest of the tweet also makes it seem that Q followers, “anons,” all believe this stuff. It is discrediting to Q and makes us look silly (to use one of the milder terms). But there are people who will hang on to this, “knowing” that one day they will prove the rest of us wrong, and reveling in that thought. It’s kind of sad, but it’s also maddening because I believe it’s destructive. For one thing, it is not truthful on a number of different levels.
The khaki pants fed bois are probably waiting on their Q anon tee shirts to be printed
Just wait. I have a tip that it’s not. Am waiting for the receipts now.
That clears things up nicely.
What is, not?
What is, not?
Read Wolfies comment first:
So Dpat is saying she does not think it is enemy action.
Devolved, means critical functions are now handled by others. They think this explains why the CIA can not get any advanced technology into Ukraine, so the Nazis there can attack Moscow.
They think people in the armed forces are thwarting the CIA/Deep State.
OK. Thanks. Looking forward to the “receipts” with links.
Don’t know who the morons are, that think Trump is in charge.
Don’t care.
The concept, Trump is in charge, is too stoopid to dwell on.
Modern warfare is a system of systems, All Integrated.
Nothing US, EU, NATO provided Ukraine is integrated.
“Support” the US, EU, NATO has provided Ukraine, guarantees Ukraine failure.
Exactly. Lost cause. Waste.
Somebody wanted America and Russia involved in another Vietnam (which was costly to BOTH sides). Were it not for MAGA, we would likely have gone through another round of that disaster, with the end result of MORE leftism in America.
MORE waste of money, MORE enrichment of the Banksters & the MIC & MOST IMPORTANT — MORE DEAD ALPHA MALES.
The receipts have to do with devolution. I should get the info tomorrow.
Looking forward to the read. Thank you.
The devolution crowd is split. Also Jon Harold wrote the series and then said a Grifter stole the info. without attribution.
I think we all know there are imbeds within the MAGA movement whose real purpose is to dirty us up. It is why I give Patrick Gunnels the side-eye.
He could not do more favors for the Cabal, if he tried.
These are all very MAO stances to take. ALL older knowledge is ‘false’ and the attack on boomers is significant because WE HAVE OLD KNOWLEDGE.
Exactly. Infiltration goes both ways, though.
Unfortunately, our side doesn’t always get that hint.
wondering if maybe there’s a (shhhh!) terrorist threat involved with this…
oh look….Ramadan starts this Sunday !
That makes sense. DHS helps OBAMA (whoops – I mean Biden) invite in all these terrorists, then DHS says they’re hearing chatter, and then the Bidenistas, Bidenazis, DHS, woke mil, and all the usual suspects concoct a “low-key” response in the state where the blowback is centered (NY, specifically NYC).
End result? LESS FREEDOM – just like they wanted, and planned.
never let a crisis you create go to waste, Alinsky.
nothing says third world hellhole like tanks & armed military positioned on the streets.
up next : martial law !
Perhaps after America’s October 7th.
Won’t be in NYC or any where NG may be.
Demonstrate need for more NG.
Perhaps limited in scale at first. Then…
Democratic National Convention should be a real blast.
so weirdly uncanny how it sounds just like D&C
What I want is Marshall Dillon 🙂

Treadmill time is Gunsmoke time here. 🙂
Speaking of treadmills 🙂
(Watch out for those cats…)….
Same crew, Hanna Barbera… “Meet George Jetson”…
NVIDIA uses the name Jetson, as does a “personal aerial vehicle”… but that googie architecture seems to have disappeared with the 70s and restaurants like Ship’s, on La Cienaga in L.A. … was a great place…
Federal policing is ALWAYS a goal of the communists. AND the nazis/Bidenazis.
Already have the NG in the subways!
“….Ramadan starts this Sunday !”
Make sure all your fuel tanks are topped off, your generators are ready to go. Your food supply is topped of.
I’m sure it will just be a coincidence, should anything happen.
We used to call that the Ramadan Bomb-a-thon.
islamics used to blow themselves up (and everyone else they could) hundreds of times a year, all over the world (there is a website that tracks the bombings and other murders), but during the annual Ramadan Bomb-a-thon, the bombings were turned up to ’11’.
Up to 11…. 🙂
Spreading the good cheer of islam, one blood spattered act of murdering innocent people at a time.
It really is incredible how muzzies thought that a worldwide mass-murder spree would cause any other reaction besides making rational people hate islam with a red hot passion.
No public-relations campaign that can ever undo that damage.
It would take 100 years of islamic peace (never happen), long enough for the atrocities of islam to pass from living memory.
I’ve thought that for a looonnngggg time.
Tell ’em. I’m so sick of that stupid narrative I could scream.
That makes two of us.
Wholly ignorant, is an understatement.
It’s a typical DemCom ploy. They’re using the TSA method of checking random rider’s bags. The vids out show generally well dressed people having their personal things rifled through…as if one of them is going to pull out some num-chuks to hurt someone.
This whole NG deployment thing is loaded.
On the one hand a sitting Governor and Dem leader has green lighted the use of military force against civilians in a preemptive manner and I should add as a test bed for other deployments through out the country.
This means it can be used against anyone for any situation. Be it potentially Patriots who are discovering their vote is being stolen again, Anifa jerks that will go ballistic once Trump takes back office, or as smiley points out against festive ramadan freaks or other invaders wanting to be lawless. I must say Trump will not mind having this kind of power, nor Joe who can use it to just not have an election. It’s also demonstrative of the jeopardy the Bidense and Dems have put the country in by allowing us to be invaded by untold millions especially when the unspoken message is “we can’t control them”.
Well said!!!
Haven’t enjoyed this one in a while! 💖
He should listen to more Pink Floyd. He could be comfortably numb instead of his current state – being Thunderstruck.
I think that that “he” is actually a “she”, fwiw…
For the longest time, I figured that was a he. Limp in the wrist, but a he. Someone here informed me, it is a she. Prolly so. Butt Ugly for sure. 😂
Women of the Left win no beauty contests! 😉 😉
GEE, POTUS Trump TRASHES the WOKISM in the armed forces WHILE Bia Dung LITERALLY POISONS THEM via the Clot Shot!
Joe earning his DS paycheck bigtime today
From NF @ Marica’s
black chicago democrats not taking it anymore
On the contrary.
The fact that they are still Black Chicago Democrats means they’re willing to continue to take it up the exhaust chute some more.
for some reason this comes to mind 😉
Giggling like crazy over exhaust chute. Thank God I wasn’t sipping my coffee.
“And black people speak for black people. Black Americans. We’re not African American. We’re not people of color.”
Paging Jack Tapper…
Minor observation.
Not a new video, unless building management is like some in local hood.
Red and green lights. Christmas tree behind the yammering guy.
Viva Frei:
Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus…..
Not only that, but if she testified falsely in one matter, then she is not credible to testify in any other matter 😁
That’s why a cop who lies under oath is fired. Not punishment but his usefulness to the department is over.
Now if they would just fire the FB-Lie agents and Capital Police that LIED under oath in the J-6 trials…
Talk about being tired of a narrative. This one needs to be put to bed so to speak.
How do you mean? By citing the Latin, I meant to escape the literal “one lie renders everything false” in favor of a “one lie begets many” truism. Fani is spinning falsehood upon falsehood, deceit upon deceit, and can’t seem to stop herself from flailing.
DP, may have been saying something like, McAfee needs to rule sooner, rather than later.
The way I remember it being explained by a judge to a jury (I don’t remember which trial, it was probably one of the big ones like O.J., or I wouldn’t remember it) was that if you find that a witness has lied under oath, you are free to disregard (or should disregard?) any other testimony given by the witness.
Which only makes sense.
If the witness will lie under oath about one thing, how can anyone know if the witness is lying about anything (or everything) else?
I’m sick of the effing soap opera. It’s not even interesting. The two fornicators are crooked. Rule already.
However the more coverage ‘Fat Fanny’s Falsehoods‘ get the less chance McAfee rules in her favor WITHOUT a MAJOR political backlash.
Elections are won and lost depending on the beliefs of the Independents and those Independents are REPEATEDLY getting slapped upside the head with example after example of a 2 tiered Just-Us System.
For MAGA, it is actually a Win-Win no matter what happens.
Yes, I thinik the more exposure these people get over time, the better.
This is going to be an interesting point – because I believe that such lies are LEGITIMIZED by the “shadow government” and the intelligence branch.
I believe that the federal government has legitimized ANY lie or deception in order to stop Trump. I think they literally TELL people like Fani that all the cheats, lies, election-rigging, false charges, doctoring of evidence, etc., are LEGAL.
Same story they gave to Katie Hobbs. Do whatever is necessary to stop Trump – we’re going to call it “legal” when we have complete control.
This is purely NAZI. This is what the Nazis did, taking over everything, then using every branch and aspect of government to declare that what they were doing was legal.
They may also tell their dupes that they’ll be protected. The paper trail will be invisible, the antagonists will be stopped before any damage can be done…IOW they got their backs. Never trust them. They lie.
And they have ZERO problem throwing some one under the bus or even eliminating them if needed.
Fani, Nate, Bradley, Brag, Leticia are All Expendable, gullible fools.
It’s just like in the movies. When the gang of bad guys gets pressured, they turn on each other. Same if it’s a boyfriend/girlfriend. They betray their confederates to try to save their own hides. There is no honor among thieves.
OR Psychopaths.
Fed version of, Nanzi’s Smear.
Nice Thursday goodies, DePat. I learned how scallops swim by watching SpongeBob 😂
This is why grandma told me never to pull a string on my sweaters.
It has never been about proving they were liars, murderers, thieves and all around criminals. It has always been about them being charged, arrested, convicted and executed for participating in a treasonous coup and false imprisonment of innocent citizens.
Lilly CFO Warns Obesity Drug Demand Might Outstrip Supply
What is Zepbound? Does this new weight loss drug work better than Wegovy and Ozempic? Will it cut costs?
Regarding Ozempic:
Popular weight loss drugs linked to rare but severe stomach problems, study finds
Stomach paralysis and more…yikes…
They create the obesity problem with the Standard American Diet and bogus recommendations, then come up with drug “solutions.”
I have been on Trulicity for years to control blood sugar. last week I needed to refill my script and was told by the pharmacist that it was out of stock and he didn’t know when or IF they would be getting any more. (he explained the weight loss aspect of similar drugs and since those are not available–they are trying to use this)
he had the med in higher doses than i use and i said i would talk to my doc.
within the hour doc called me back and said get whatever they have available and we will discuss dosage. I called the pharmacist back and he said, sorry…everything higher is now gone!
he said he had a lower dosage available and if i wanted it have the doc sent a new script NOW.
I was able to get the lower dose stuff for a month, but i expect changes in my a1c.
a similar thing happened years ago with my mom’s glaucoma med. (drops for her eyes) someone discovered a desirable side effect–it caused long, luscious eye lashes (so much so that mom had to have hers trimmed by the opthamologist on a routine basis. She couldn’t get her script filled at one time–all because some women wanted thicker eyelashes.
The Fiancee is on Mounjaro, and is having to research availability to have her script filled.
we live in a rural area. we have a walmart pharmacy, a cvs and one pharmacy a few towns over–all are about a 45 minute drive. there is just nothing available–those were my first calls
I find cinnamon helps control insulin/blood sugar. I am VERY sensitive to sugar and will do a crash and burn about an hour after I eat sugar because I produce too much insulin.
Lots of info from YANDEX:
i tried cinnamon early on…and it didn’t do much.
There are two main types of cinnamon: cassia and Ceylon. The two have different nutritional profiles.
I have read that real Ceylon cinnamon is the best for many reasons, but there are a lot of counterfeit versions.
Yes, Daughn wrote about that.
How Cinnamon Lowers Blood Sugar and Fights Diabetes
Cinnamon and Chronic Diseases
Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Ceylon cinnamon) as a potential pharmaceutical agent for type-2 diabetes mellitus: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Lots of them being put out by the vit peoples. This one has high ratings on Amazon.
26 bucks but that would be a 60 day supply.
I did try the ceylon.
Sorry to hear it did not work well for you.
Unfortunately medicine is still part Art & part Science.
perhaps i was on the medical merry go round too long before i discovered alternatives. i do my part tho–for the most part I eat well and i do walk 25-30 miles a week, but if i want to eat something i do so without guilt.
Reposted on
Thank you!
How can a side effect of a weight loss drug be depressed appetite?
Isn’t that the point of taking the drug? IOW, it’s a feature not a bug.
Good Lord, my head hurts.
It is the “Stomach paralysis “ that is the concern.
How Scary is Stomach Paralysis with Ozempic and Wegovy?
You’re being too logical, again. 😅
When the lawyers want to go “opioids” on this, to get their cut, they will show juries ads like this.
You want to increase your energy expenditure, make sure your iodine intake is adequate AND QUIT EATING SUGARS!
I just about barfed when I saw a clip somewhere for brown sugar coated bacon.
My kids used to work for Bob Evans restaurant & they had “candied” bacon back then that was bacon cooked in a slow oven & coated with brown sugar. That stuff was AWESOME!!! They even had some type of bacon topped Sundae w/ that candied bacon on it. Yum!
Whenever any of the kids got to bring home the extra candied bacon That was a Really good day!
“If Trump is reelected, Americans are planning to flee in droves”
Oh what a blessing that would be.
Make it so.
plse start here 👇
r-a-g-g m-o-p-p
From Beany and Cecil… 🙂 (a blast from the past, with Stan Freberg)
^^^ Face of Stoopid. ^^^
Here come da Judge… 🙂
But however will we mop the floors if she leaves?
I was going to say she needs to leave the mop so we can clean up after she goes. Heavens knows she’ll leave in spastic spit when she goes.
Yeah she will!
If a Whoopie leaves in a spastic spit and there’s no one there to hear it (or even care), does it make a sound?
Who is ‘Whoopie’ ???
Whoopie Goldberg.
I do not watch TV and have not since 1976 so she is mainly a name and one I do not WANT to know anything more about!
She is one of the shrews on ‘The View’, a TV show about horrible Leftist harpies and the things they say 😂
Did you have to?
It’s sh*t like this that makes me mad. Yeah it’s sort of funny but it’s in-your-face daring anyone to comment or gawk.. it’s that black privilege. Don’t dare criticize or ask. Same with inappropriate twerking or thug pants down to their thighs or things like the Six Flags riot.
Sure is. But I am always inclined to accept a dare 🙂
Great ! Win/Win
Utopia guide for liberals…
Pot of Gold, at the end on the Interstate.
Don’t neglect I-90 and I-20 heading west. 20 will join with 10…eventually, at the corner of No and Where in Texas.
And for that matter, the pukes infesting Denver need to head west on I-70 or south on I-25 until they find roads you have listed.
It occurs to me that some may want to skip if Trump wins because they are worried about RETRIBUTION….
Think Child Sex Traffickers and a LOT worse.
A simple prayer is best.
Those fleeing must take two illegal aliens with them.
Make it 200!
Jake Tapper, stunned by Super Tuesday results, makes one very keen observation about Trump’s new GOP…
TAPPER: “You‘re talking about how he is reforming the Republican Party more working class people, including voters of color, African American, men primarily, but also latinos.”
It’s as if he’s linguistically incapable of simply saying black people.
He can’t do it.
Maybe somehow he has gotten it in his mind that it’s a derogatory expression, but it’s not. Being afraid to use the word ‘black’ is just a symptom of the pathology of Leftism and identity politics.
“And also the Democrats picking up more educated voters.”
Not ‘more educated’, Jack. Try talking to one of them, and you’ll see.
What they have more of is definitely not ‘education’.
They’re more indoctrinated.
That is what causes the ‘divide’.
What they have more of is definitely not ‘education’.
Reading this juicy expression was a perfect start to my day. 😂
When you want to impress a gal with how romantick you are….
you never know where they can hide
THIS WILL BLOW YOU AWAY! Batya Ungar-Sargon a Liberal from New York Explains the MAGA Philosophy Like No One Else Ever! – BRILLIANT! (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
From the transcript:
That interview was a joyful earful.
good site for border news…
that’s for “hot topics” category.
navigate the site for other related topics.
State of Emergency in Haiti…total collapse…violent gangs taking over..
👉 while prisoners escape in major jailbreak…Port au Prince..
oh swell.
can escapees swim ??
838 miles to the shores of SFlorida
maybe the UN will do an airlift.
Like the other 300,000 illegals, Briben will provide airlift.
Freetaxpayer funded.hope they’re all BOEING planes
Built with Chinese bolts by DIE hires.
and tranny stewardess
with vaxxed pilots?
all the airports are shut down, no flights in or out.
it’s always been bad in Haiti, and this has been escalating for several yrs now…
but it’s all going to hell now, total collapse.
Test run for collapsing the US?
To collapse the USA you go after the electrical grid!
Either Terrorists go after individual transformers OR an EMP nuclear attack.
The other, easier option is to attack the INTERNET. That is what Klaus Schwab has PROMISED TO DO.
What if The Evils just turned off the power and said,”It goes back on when you get digital ID, get the Chinese Tracking Social Credit Score Phone, use USDC and give up your guns”?
Half the nation would submit within a month.
Shouldn’t be hard to do given this (we’ve seen this before but this is a moar detailed look at our surging electricity needs).
America is running out of electrical power. ‘We greatly underestimated demand.’
2022 – Who shot the North Carolina power grid?
They got the people, IIRC. Seemed like “randos” – could not discern any real conspiracy, unless it was REALLY well covered (e.g., by MK).
Sheesh…can’t yall see that these folks are true asylum seekers? Truly persecuted by govt? Economically deprived? If anyone deserves a flight to the’s these guys looking for a handout…oops, meant hand up
Apparently there is a Kenyan force being sent in 1000 strong, they’ve been on tap for a while, but talk is it’s a drop in the bucket and no matter how well trained or how well armed they won’t be able to make a dent of difference. Besides the so called rebels already control much of the street and they just broke out 4,000 from the prisons the other day.
This below was from yesterday. Gives an idea of the players. Says Haitian President has been out of the country of late and is currently hanging out in PR. Sounds like some hopped up episode of Peyton Place. Describes the Ex Cop as being super villain involved in some sort of relationship with President’s wife whom she tried to have killed? Too many worms in this bucket! Just keep them from our shores!!! (but they’ve already been coming in by the tens of thousands…!!!)

HAITI HELL: Rebel Leader Jimmy ‘Barbecue’ Chérizier Demands PM Henry Resignation, Threatens Genocide on the Violence-Plagued Nation – Henry Finally Shows up… in Puerto Rico!
Paul Serran Mar. 6, 2024 11:30 am 231 Comments
HMMMMmmmm Wasn’t the Clinton Foundation Child Sex Trafficking out of Haiti? Is this a way to DESTROY EVIDENCE???
this gang warfare and that corrupt PM have been at it for several yrs now…it just keeps getting worse & worse for the ppl of Haiti, entire infrastructure, hospitals etc are collapsing, kidnappings for $$, murders, violence, terror…poor ppl have no help and no place to go.
can’t get out of there, families in USA can’t get back there to help.
and now all the convicted criminals are on the loose.
is the SeeEyeAy involved ?
The ones busting our border are not coming from Haiti. They’re coming from various South American countries, where they have been for functioning for years and where they are NOT illegals.
A lot are from Africa and the middle east as well as China.
Coming from everywhere. Haiti is no exception. Small sampling.
Tracing the path to Massachusetts for thousands of new Haitian immigrants
Feb 9, 2024Since 2022, thousands of Haitian immigrants have arrived in the state seeking work and a place to settle with their families. The Immigrant Family Services Institute, a nonprofit in Boston …
Haitian immigration to America as of 2023, by the numbersDec 19, 2023731,000 – Number of Haitian immigrants residing in the U.S., making Haitians the 15th largest foreign-born population. 1.2 million – Number of people in the U.S. of Haitian ancestry or race. About 42% were born in the U.S., according to the 2020 U.S. Census and MPI tabulation data. 1.5
More migrants are showing up nightly at a Boston hospital. Dozens … – CNNApr 29, 2023Amid humanitarian and security crises in their home country, Haitian migrants arriving in Boston have been sleeping overnight at one of the city’s major hospitals. The dramatic increase of …
Haitian migrants brought over from Del Rio, Texas being released to El …
ERRRRRrrrrr That was what the Food Safety Modernization Act and the Farm Wars was all about.
It all goes back to the World Trade Organization.
NoNAIS = No National Animal Identification System!
NOTE DATE! ==> January 25, 2006 from archived
We did try to warn you!
How did it happen?
R-CALF United Stockgrowers of America
“Fighting for the U.S. Cattle Producer”
For Immediate Release Contact: R-CALF USA CEO Bill Bullard
August 9, 2011 Phone: 406-252-2516;
USDA Spurns U.S. Cattle Industry: Issues Overreaching, Intrusive Mandatory Animal Identification Rule
From my decades old notes:
“Food is a weapon,” — Maxim Litvinov, Soviet Commissar of Foreign Affairs
2000 (Note the World Trade Organization was ratified in 1995, China became a member on 11 December 2001.)
Corporations are attacking our legal rights to grow our own food, here in the US and around the world, in a decades long plan to monopolize the corporate production of food and thus reap maximum profits… and worse, to develop control over populations and their ability to resist corporate and government takeover of other rights.
Treaties Do Not Supersede the Constitution
We better remember that case citation for defensive purposes
ifwhen the globalists come calling.On the way to my local supermarket, the road winds through some small farms one of which holds about a couple dozen cows. They each have that yellow ear tag. On the fence facing the road is a handpainted sign that says
These cows belong to Farmer George any questions call xxx-xxxx
Farmer George is a butcher shop nearby. I’ve always been puzzled by the sign since they all have been ear tagged.
The place where I have my male goats and sheep readied for the freezer also has a pasture. Up until they changed the NC laws and declared ALL sheep and goats had to have ‘shelter,’ you could go out and CHOOSE an animal and then have it slaughtered.
I would not be surprised to find ‘Farmer George’ buys calves to raise for his butcher shop. If you call the number you might find you are able to pick the cow you want to put into your freezer if you have room for a whole cow.
Wicked shadow government!!!
I think I see the Democrat strategy.
Run Bidden UNOPPOSED. Have Bidden bow out due to health at DNC convention allowing the CABAL to pick the Democrat President & VP candidates. This has a couple of advantages.
#1. You do not have to buy off Bernie yet again.
#2. You do not have to scramble in the media to convince voters THEY picked the dog barf you want.
#3. CONSERVE $$$ (Remember in 2016, Hillary had to bailout the DNC)
#4. AND THIS IS A BIGGY. Convince Democrats to crossover and VOTE IN RNC PRIMARIES and thus DEPRIVE TRUMP OF GETTING OVER 50% of the DELEGATES.
3/6/2024 – AXIOS — “…80% of Haley voters wouldn’t necessarily vote for the GOP nominee in November, according to CNN exit polling. Two-thirds said they didn’t believe Trump was physically or mentally fit to be president….”
Well it looks like that scam didn’t work too well.. 😋
Yes – I believe that’s what’s coming! Obama has a plan. I think it’s THE HOE. They’re gonna run THE HOE and use THE STEAL again.
Meantime, Houchal might be seeing a chink in their armor and is setting herself up to run on a law and order ticket.
IMO she’s not that smart, just another puppet in the Dem communist party taking orders.
D-Rats are stuck with the Hoe.
Just like OSATAN wanted it.
I think he will die, they can turn it into a memorial for the great senator, take peoples minds off the disaster that he is, that way is more motivational to get out the vote. Bread and circus.
That Wellstone memorial backfired when they tried it back in the day, iirc…(senator, I think, who died in a plane crash & the dem(on)s co-opted his funeral for a campaign rally tastelessly)
Nassau County Exec Blakeman filed a federal lawsuit against Lettia James–fighting back!
James slammed the lawsuit in statements to the NY Post, reiterating the rhetoric in her cease-and-desist letter.
“County Executive Blakeman’s executive order is transphobic and discriminatory,” she claimed. “Our laws protect New Yorkers from discrimination, and the Office of the Attorney General is committed to upholding those laws and protecting our communities.”
The Republican County official suggest that women’s rights precede those alluded by James’s interpretation of the New York Human Rights Law.
As reported by the Post, Blakeman’s attorneys wrote, “The defendants’ reliance upon and application of the New York Human Rights Law violates the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution … the Human Rights Law is unconstitutional because it elevates transgender women to a level not recognized by Federal law in the athletics context all to the detriment of biological girls and women, which are federally recognized.”
he’s not intimidated!
and she’s getting cocky
some interesting new tidbits about the fanny
March 7, 2024 8:00 am
One of the most interesting things to come out in trial yesterday was how totally brazen Nathan Wade was in leaving his wife. They literally dropped their kids off at college, and this stay at home mom was served with divorce papers the minute she got back, to the never ending divorce. STILL NOT DIVORCED.
But in his brain he was single and ready to mingle, said Wade. In his brain the divorce was done, long ago.
That’s also where he keeps the work product the taxpayers of Fulton county paid for. Where’s that report we paid for about all the prison deaths? In my brain, says the smiling Wade as he counts his Ca$h.
He left her high and dry, and went off to continue his surreptitious affair with Fani, where they lied to everyone including her father and raked in the cold ca$h seized from other people and granted to her as D.A. for the purpose of hiring 55 new attorneys for her office. Which she DID NOT HIRE. Instead she paid Wade, more than the real RICO expert, and his law partners, for which he made a % off too.
BTW, he pretended in court, did this a lot, that he couldn’t find her to serve her the papers any earlier than the day after he got his “$pecial Pro$ecutor arrangement”. You know, like before all of his adultery began years before the kids went to college.
And it was his former partner Bradley that exposed him, anonymously, or so he thought. Wade and Fani would never have known this had they not taken Ashleigh Merchant to court to pry it out of her. That is how devious they are. These are two top rated crooks slithering around, yet operating in plain view for years, but all it took was Ashleigh Merchant to pin them to the wall.
Georgia needs her as D.A., STAT!
Yes – very interesting!!!
The saddest part about this is its lack of rarity.
Come to WA state and there’s a slew of it. After all, where would the election theft industry be without the lawfare progenitor? Home base right here in the Evergreen state:
This video that DP posted is exactly that moment I was talking about on January 7 – when the crowd sang the SSB. What was amazing was how the whole place SHOOK and VIBRATED with the sound. It was incredible.
Verse of the Day for Thursday, March 7, 2024
“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”
Isaiah 41:10 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Breastplate of righteousness FTW!!!
Thank you for these, especially for Mark 11:24. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
She’s right. Actually, the situation is even worse than she knows.
More black pills from Emerald… 😡
We have to be READY for them.
maybe Elon will provide some help ?
She’s gonna break (shatter) the Overton window if she’s not careful…
I am confident Trump will get a record number of legal votes.
I am NOT confident the actual vote count, will be accurate AND only legal votes.
Little to nothing has been fixed since 3 November, 2020.
Hopefully the overwhelming Trump vote will overwhelm planned cheating.
Black, green or whatever color. Reality as I see it.
Mike Lindell says his orgs are doing a lot to fix the election.
Stuff is happening on the state and local level but the fake news is NOT going to tell you.
h/t Marica’s blog —
My response…..
Wolf Moon
Shamefully, I am saddened to hear this news.
I was hopeful that every single soon-to-be mindfkd hardleft useful idiot that goes to that sham of a school is fully vaxxxed with all 9 boosters to ensure a long life of contributions to society from their knowledge gained at that fine indoctrination center.
No worries, they got the shots on their own anyway
I hate to say it, but the Clot Shot seems to be a good method for removing IDIOTS & MARXISTS… but I repeat myself.
I’m good with it. No apologies.
Not all Marxists are idiots. I wish they were.
And not all idiots are marxists…fortunately, because there are SO many idiots.
Actually what I have seen is idiots who believe the tripe that is spewed by Marx and totalitarian wannabes who see ‘Marxism’ as the road to absolute control.
I have very very rarely seen ‘marxists’ who actually believe that crap AND are ALSO actually intelligent.
Living in Boston We saw an awful lot of ‘intelligent’ college educated FOOLS who were taken in by the rainbows and unicorn farts AND also the blood thirsty totalitarian wannabes.
Suslov was the last Soviet bigwig to actually believe it.
The others pushed it, sure, because that was the system they were in, that they benefitted from, and that therefore they had to perpetuate.
From the Brian Cates Tweet up above:
“They can’t stop what is happening. If they could stop it? They would have stopped it by now. Isn’t it obvious? They would have NEVER let it reach this day.”
This feels like it has to be true, doesn’t it?
With control of the entire federal govt, having the media in their corner, the backing of the WEF/UN/ the Cabal, & all the lunatic fringe it’s an easy guess that they will try everything at least once.
E V E R Y T H I N G !
Bastards are not done trying. We ARE the expendables. Also the goal.
They don’t even hide their lawlessness and contempt for the Constitution. I mean, what’s one more charge of Treason on top of the mountainous pile of treasonous actions perpetrated daily?
Sheriff Grady Judd Reveals How US Federal Government Provides UNLIMITED Plane Tickets to ILLEGALS FOR FREE to Any Destination in the US – And Traffics Women in Sex Trade This Way (VIDEO) 55minute (actually starts at 13:44) Press Briefing! What does he have??? 🙄😮 🤔 🤓 😎
Jim Hoft Mar. 7, 2024 8:00 am 325 Comments
Not surprised by whut the?????
Good thing the illegals have cash cards
10% to the big guy?
He has to make sure they’re, erm, up to snuff…
They’re using taxpayer money to commit the crime of aiding and abetting illegals. There has to be some way to stop this and to prosecute the offenders, which includes many in the FrOTUS administration.
I disagree with Clandestine. What Trump needs to do is promise to make Robert the Vaccine CZAR, if he can not get him in as the secretary of health and human services so he can Clean out the FDA. THAT is what Robert really wants. To take down the FDA and CDC.
Gail Combs
While Yours Truly understands what your sentiments, IMO, what RFK, Jr., has his eyes on is the “big prize” — the power and influence that the occupant of the Oval Office will have. That’s why he’s “flexing his muscles” regarding political issues.
Can RFK, Jr., actually clinch the DNC 2024 Presidential nomination? Perhaps. He has other “obstacles” to overcome before he can hope to do this — HRC; the “Obama Machine”; at least two entire generations of DemCommunist voters who don’t know anything about President John F. Kennedy except what they read on Wikipedia; millions of illegal aliens who will be registered to vote DemCommunist for 2024 and who will vote the “party line” in order to get more “freebies.”
I could see a deal cut and a swap-in made for Potatus at the last minute.
I think Robert’s unrelenting attack on vaccines for YEARS has made him persona non grata to the Globalists.
WIKI: “….Founded under the name World Mercury Project in 2007, it is chaired by Robert F. Kennedy Jr...”
“….RFK, Jr., has his eyes on is the “big prize”…..”
RFK is NOT stupid. The only thing he can do is draw SOME votes from both candidates, unless the DNC offers him the nomination.
As a third party candidate he has ZERO chance of winning.
My ‘feel’ is there is some behind the scenes negotiations going on. REMEMBER members of Children’s Health Defense have routinely been showing up on Bannon’s WarRoom for the last couple years.
I will not vote for RFK he has to many negatives for me.
Agreed. But I think he is too much of a renegade for the DNC. Remember he thinks the CIA killed his uncle and his father.
He has a lot of baggage. Yes seems true that CIA killed his uncle and his father.
RFK JR would work to kill 2A.
^^^ 100% Unacceptable. NOT negotiable. <<<
I really do not care about that if he sticks to taking out the FDA & CDC.
Remember POTUS Trump is very very good at placing people where their strength help the USA and their weaknesses are minimized.
My 2A RFK Jr comment went to any thought of RFK Jr as POTUS.
RFK Jr in key administrative role, HUGE PLUS.
ThankQ for clarification. Those are my feelings too.
Like Tricky Nikki at the UN.
Got her out of SC so a decent person could take over.
RFK Jr has a couple bones to pick with CIA.
That too.
Sort of makes me wonder just how ‘anti-gun’ he actually is.
Something unexpected is happening with Barns. He has begun to slam Trump and praise RFK junior.
My husband likes to listen to Barns and I leave when he begins to know all better than Trump. This was a surprise about him. RFK cannot do wrong. I wonder if others are turned off by that.
RFK is left leaning in many things except covid and children vaccination. Maybe he could find a spot there ?
I’ve noticed Col Macgregor, although he says he likes PDJT and RFK equally, has made, in my mind, uncalled for digs at PDJT.
Stopped linking his videos because of that, although his knowledge of geopolitical history and present military information is worth watching.
Yup. Macgregor has been dogging out Trump for a few months now.
We’ll see where Macgregor goes.
These guys are disappointed that their ‘savior’ isn’t perfect, saying the things they want to hear. Annoying little truths notwithstanding, DJT never claimed to be a savior; at best he claimed to be a political road block that will transform into a bulldozer of admin.
Yes something is going on. Someone in the back is pushing RFK. I have nothing in common with him except his interest in covid shots and that is not enough.
I’ll go along with that. RFK Jr. is too valuable on a couple specific topics to completely ignore him.
Also he and Trump had a conference after Trump was elected.
Glad Erik is waking up and all. But geez, what took him so long?
Little moar on Haiti. Guys reminding the world about the Clintons… wild stuff you haven’t heard all in one place… 10 mins of fact, fact, fact, fact, fact, fact, fact, fact, fact, fact, fact, fact, and then he adds in a few more facts!
BASED Haitian-American Joseph Mathieu: Clintons Are Our “Worst Enemies” [VIDEO]
From Q. (Badlands)
If you go here and click on the image you can read it.
“The making of Refugees…”
Rapid Action Force in Haiti
October 15, 2022 – The United States has drafted a UN Security Council resolution that will encourage the “immediate deployment of a multinational rapid action force” to Haiti
US-led intervention in Haiti would be the first US military intervention with troops on the ground since the Iraq war.
Major pro-Russia riots in Haiti (knowing Clinton is behind the Russia, Russia, Russia mantra…it’s not surprising that the riots in Haiti are being blamed on Russia)
August 8, 2023
US Embassy in Haiti says it is closed today due to gunfire in the vicinity of the embassy; all personnel are restricted to embassy compounds
September 9, 2023 – The Department of Homeland Security is extending the re-registration period from 60 days to 18 months under the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designations of El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nepal, Nicaragua and Sudan.
Off the Newsweek wire.
Liz Cheney, the former Republican Wyoming congresswoman and vocal critic of Donald Trump, has launched a new political action committee (PAC) which aims to stop the former president re-entering the White House.
I guess we better start looking for our surrender flag.
Snort .. 💦💦 .. 😂😶🌫️

I wonder if she sorted her donations by Chinese province or just lumped it altogether as Not Wyoming.
Do not forget the donations from the Drug cartels care of Daddy… OH and from Iran.
From ot …
Such a nice lady …. 🥰 … cough
i wouldn’t mess with her .. 😑🤚
GO TEXAS‼️‼️‼️
Sorta like Granny in Every Which Way But Loose.
Yessssss‼️ This granny is more my neighborhood … 😬🤫😎
hope it shows here this way…
Gold at 2157.50 right now, a bit up from yesterday.
Palladium jumped up almost a hundred bucks yesterday, too, but is down a bit today.
The group that did it is an ultra-ultra-ULTRA left group that wants to destroy infrastructure, not just factories… the gubmint is actually going to do something… they’re busy drafting emergency legislation… pork barrels and more problems for conservatives included, no doubt…
Dump them in the Rockys with a packet of seeds. Parachute optional.
That is NOT the Resolute Desk.
Virginia authorities have apprehended an illegal immigrant from Mexico in connection with the Feb. 29 abduction of a 15-year-old Ohio girl.
The Butler County Sheriff’s Office in Ohio on Tuesday reported the arrest of Isauro Garcia Cruz, 43, on warrants for first-degree felony kidnapping, third-degree felony unlawful sexual conduct with a minor, fourth-degree felony gross sexual imposition and first-degree misdemeanor interference with custody.
“The victim in this case is a 15-year-old unaccompanied female from Honduras. She was placed in a sponsor’s home in the City of Middletown [Ohio] by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS],” the Butler County Sheriff’s Office said in a Facebook post. “Her sponsor is also an illegal immigrant and was the girlfriend of the suspect Garcia Cruz.”
“It’s so tough when these kids come across the border by themselves, no parents, no guardians, boys, girls,” Sheriff Richard Jones told Fox News Digital, adding that the victim may have been 14 years old when she crossed the border alone.
The victim was initially placed with her sponsor in Middletown but was then placed in her own apartment by herself. After she moved into the apartment, Garcia Cruz “still hangs with her, stays with her, has sex with her,” Jones said. His office received a tip about the suspect, which prompted an investigation.
15 yr old OHIO girl ? No she’s not … she’s a Honduran illegal alien
How can an illegal be a SPONSOR?
They give a 15 yr old her own apartment?
It doesn’t sound like this kid knew any of these people before being turned over to the “sponsor”
A Friend’s daughter at 12 years old was taken by Child Protective Services and placed in an apartment with a prostitute. Her 21 year old ‘boy friend’ was then given free access.
WHY? Because the parents had tried to press charges of statutory rape against the BLACK 21 year old having SEX with their blond blue eyed beautiful daughter.
They then found out their 10 year old was ALSO having sex with the dude’s brother.
Last I checked, they had cut off all communication with the 12 year old to protect the two younger daughters. This all happened in 1990.
The judge ruled THEY WERE IN ‘LOVE’ never mind the guy’s REAL GIRL FRIEND posed as a case worker to get the girl out of school!
Things have been so messed up for so long.
This is the agency calling the shots for illegals. They are NOT Americans. This is most likely a teeny tiny fraction of what’s going on
About HHS
The mission of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is to enhance the health and well-being of all Americans, by providing for effective health and human services and by fostering sound, sustained advances in the sciences underlying medicine, public health, and social services.
Key word there is “all”… their definition of all Americans includes illegals, indeed favors them…..
No, actually it doesn’t include aliens. That’s to provide a crack to slide through in case of criminal prosecution.
Laws? We don’t need no steenk-in laws.
Listen how the DEMON DEMS are now using illegals to bring in more illegals!!!
Rolling Stoned again…
Or, a Thwaites is a terrible thing to mind…. or, Thwaites not, want not…
(ducks and runs from flying ice blocks, penguins, and Spirit of Mawson programs/menus 🙂 )….
Hubby mentioned this this morning.
It will be in tomorrow’s Badlands brief.
Figures. Fairfax County, Albemarle County, and the city of Richmond are the three places she “won”
If you have a few minutes this article tells about the vise grip that Mexican cartels/gangs have. The OBiden admin is willfully importing this to the US. Right now it’s in it’s infancy but if it’s not lethally stamped out many places in the country will be under this kind of violence and extortion.
Just because it’s the US won’t mean that these cartels and gangs will somehow not be as brutal.
I am getting DOES NOT EXIST and there is no archived version.
Got this after poking around for a while.
Sorry about that. i leave for a few hours and wow..lots of news on the thread too.
Thanks Barkerjim.
ethics board decides at last minute they don’t have jurisdiction over fani…did she intimidate them too?
Sitting on their Fanis yet again….. 😡 😡 😡 😡
“Ethics” is an arbitrary judgement.
Crimes however, that’s a different story…
An activist District Attorney used her position to threaten her lover’s wife with legal charges if the wife provided information to her attorney. A crime.
An activist District Attorney perjured herself before the courts. A crime.
I don’t think “ethics” matters anymore. Ethics violations no long carry a stigma nor do they offer any enforceable punishment. Crime on the other hand…..
Pat – I am CERTAIN that this is the work of the EVIL Mary McCord Feds. They swoop in with their bitter anti-Constitutional lies and tell people that they are justified to do ANYTHING to stop Trump. And people just fold like cheap seats.
They hit people with bullshit “legalized” garbage, and people go along with it.
This is absolutely hilarious! Please don’t skip this!
From OT:
Poland Farm Protests Encounter Prepared Government Response, Confrontation Turned Violent
March 7, 2024
SD: “I visited Warsaw twice last month and can provide some ‘boots on the ground’ background context for what is taking place as the Polish farmers begin protesting against the regime of Prime Minister Donald Tusk.
The first thing to understand is that Warsaw is to Poland almost exactly as Washington DC is to the United States – which is to say, a capitol subculture of leftists and WEF minded globalists totally disconnected from the social mindset of the rest of the country. The Warsaw of the 80’s and 90’s Solidarity Movement no longer exists, which explains the installation of Tusk in opposition to the generally lulled to complacency Polish people. Sound familiar?
“European agriculture policies and Ukrainian cheap grain, burning tires outside of Prime Minister Tusk’s office, as up to 100 THOUSAND more protestors expected to flood streets of Warsaw.”
The protests are not about Ukraine farm products (Western narrative); they are protesting the Build Back Better (Green New Deal) climate change nonsense regulations that will put them out of business and hurt the Polish people.
The German farmers and middle class workers organized their logistics brilliantly. The farmers approached Berlin from every angle, using all the arterial roads as points of entrance to surround the city. The German farmers came into each artery in two columns: column A at the front and column B in the back.
Column A drove into the city; column B remained outside the city blocking the streets. It was a smart way logistically to protest, and German officials could not respond because they were blocked. German truckers and transportation workers assisted the protest with non-compliance highlighting their support. The German government acquiesced to the farmers.
The French farmer protests learned from the Germans, and they too were successful in their logistical protest against the French government. The French government acquiesced to the French farmer’s demands.
Sure, they ‘acquiesced’ with their lips, and if it was in writing, what does the criminal gov’t care?
Does anyone believe the gov’t will actually do an about face, and live up to their promises? Are they reformed globalists who learned their lesson and now see the light?
It’s too stupid to even contemplate.
If you don’t rip the infestation out and cauterize the wound when you have the opportunity, you’re just making it harder on yourself.
The NEXT time, the gov’t will be prepared for the ‘brilliant logistics’, and it won’t work.
Like Poland:
SD continues: “However, the Polish government saw the effective strategy as it began spreading around the EU. Tusk brought into Warsaw an advanced police group. As the Polish farmers moved into the center of Warsaw, they encountered a heavily fortified Polish security force. Tempers flared and physical confrontation was the outcome.
WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Poland saw its most violent protest by farmers and supporters yet Wednesday as some participants threw stones at police and tried to push through barriers around parliament, injuring several officers, police said.
Police used tear gas and said they detained over a dozen people and prevented the protesters from getting through to the Sejm, the Polish parliament.
Farmers are angry over European Union climate policies and food imports from Ukraine that they say threaten their livelihoods. Such protests have occurred across the 27-member EU in recent weeks, but this one was decidedly angrier than earlier demonstrations in the central European nation.
Police noted on the social media platform X that its officers “are not a party to the ongoing dispute” and warned that behavior threatening their safety “cannot be taken lightly and requires a firm and decisive response.”
The deputy agriculture minister, Michał Kołodziejczak, said he didn’t believe that “real, normal farmers caused a riot in front of the Sejm today,” and that it was necessary to isolate “provocateurs and troublemakers.”
He did not say who he thought was behind the violence.
Farmers on tractors blocked highways leading into Warsaw while thousands of their supporters gathered in front of the prime minister’s office before marching to the parliament. Some trampled a European Union flag and burned a mock coffin bearing the word “farmer.”
Farmers were joined by miners, foresters, hunters and other supporters. They blew horns and set off firecrackers and smoke bombs, despite police warnings that the use of pyrotechnics was banned. Some protesters burned tires.
The protesters are demanding a withdrawal from the EU’s Green Deal, a plan meant to fight climate change and protect biodiversity, including with plans requiring farmers to reduce the excessive use of polluting chemicals to boost their crops. The protests have led politicians to water down some provisions. (read more)
SD: “The area around the U.S Embassy in Warsaw is no longer a place of well-kept landscape honoring Ronald Reagan and the Polish Solidarity Movement. All of those pesky vestiges of freedom are in disrepair or being removed.
That said, let us hope (😉) the American resistance movement is watching the logistical success of the truckers and farmers in Germany and France.
Let the people enter the capitol for protest marches, while the support system infrastructure disrupts the arteries that encircle the core.”
Yeah, I’m sure all of the many totalitarian agencies in the U.S. missed what the People of Germany and France did, and missed what the Polish gov’t did, and will be caught totally unawares…
You might want to look at Spain… the protests are crippling them, but the YSM/MCM doesn’t want anyone to know.
Gotta love all those black pills flying thick and fast…
Cripple is nice, but the moment the protests end, everything goes right back the way it was, unless the criminals in gov’t are actually removed.
There is no way to have detente with one’s own gov’t. Either the gov’t represents the people (which none of them do anymore, and haven’t in decades, if they ever did, which I strongly doubt), or they are a tyranny to the people.
A tyranny which never EVER ends, until or unless the tyrants are removed.
It’s not like the tyrants go away because of a protest.
And it’s not like tyrants keep their word in response to a protest.
The tyrants will say whatever they need to say in order to regain control, and then they will make sure to beef up security and remove whatever vulnerability allowed the protestors to get the upper hand.
It’s like Kindergarten playground level logic.
It’s no more complicated than playing ‘Capture the Flag’ when we were kids in day camp.
It can’t be hard to understand.
Well then, gather up your weapons of math instruction and get to it.
Broken record. And you don’t even have to live with it. We ARE doing something, not just looking at it from an armchair 10,000 miles away.
I have no idea what that means, but I do wish you luck.
We don’t want to know what he means.
As I constantly remind people, none of us here are doing anything locally, regionally, statewide, or nationally (or internationally) to fight communism. Nothing. And if somebody comes on here saying that they ARE doing something ACTUAL to fight the communists, then I remind them – PLEASE DON’T TELL US.
You are correct. This crap will not end until people rise up and deal with it. But nobody on this site is doing anything.
I have a significantly “reformed” perspective after January Sixth. The enemy is evil, and uses every means to come after us. Thus, give them nothing. No help. No assistance. No information.
But make sure that they, and anybody who carries even an ATOM of water for them, STINK in the nostrils of all Americans. Make those who collaborate LOATHE what they have become. Make the evil ones (who are incapable of anything but their evil) live in fear, uncertainty, and doubt.
But give them nothing.
That is not fighting communism?
It is, but as Scott rightly states, it is not going to be enough.
Ultimately, there must be real-world resistance in so many *correct* ways that the communists become ineffective, and then irrelevant. The wrong resistance actually helps them, so I emphasize, *correct* ways.
Part of my resistance is and will be to not criticize patriots who choose paths different from mine, even if I disagree. For example, I did not enter the Capitol, and I didn’t carry Pelosi’s lectern around, nor would I choose to do those things. But I will not criticize “Lectern Guy” – and I will defend him against unjust prosecution.
AND – if the Demmunists steal this next election, I will rarely if ever criticize how people react to that, provided that innocent people are not harmed. I will likely even CHEER the natural consequences of their crimes.
Election theft should be punishable by the most severe penalties.
If, at the end of the day, the JACOBINS of the January Sixth plot against us, are carted off to prison in black SUVs, “Team Hugs Over Paris” will be there to throw tomatoes at Mary Robespierre’s wagon.
Yes, spreading truths and revealing treachery, while useful and necessary, are not enough to stop communism. I believe those efforts help to awaken people to the evil, the history, and the current situation, preparing them for whatever IS necessary. And as you say, that has to be a real-world effort, in whatever form that takes, but must be “correct” to be effective.
Six short videos of it here…
Listening to Eye of the Storm.
I thought this was great:
Comment: “Went to vote today. Hubby was told by precinct to remove his Trump 2020 hat. He replied I am a US Marine Corp Vet, you just went against the Constitution of the US that I signed an Oath to uphold, OOHRAH” 😍
Thomas Kingston died at 45 just recently. He is son-in-law of Prince Michael of Kent one of the highest ranking free Masons in world
Guy with beard is Prince of Kent and the other is the Duke of Kent
I’m sure it’s all nothing… merely coincidences… 😂
A friend who collects antiques bought a genuine old huge photograph (guessing about 3 foot X 2 foot) of king Edward the 7th all dressed up in his freemasons costume.
Only saw it once from memory it was this one…
And yet just try to get one to do some brickwork for you.
You know what I think about that cult. Servants of Satan.
It was interesting to find out the Brits were so high up and involved. Those two articles go back in time on the Royal Family’s involvement.
Makes sense.
BIG PHARMA IS TRYING EVERYTHING TO GET THEIR D@MNABLE COVID-19 AND OTHER “VACCINES” INTO OUR BODIES — and, of course, it helps that PFIZER-BIONTECH, for one, lobbied Congress to the tune of $14,360,000 in 2023, according to
As I said Yesterday I like Massie!
A form of Abomination of Desolation?
How much longer
The first 20 minutes are about the P-diddy pedophile and blackmail ring, how P-diddy and his son murdered someone in a bathroom at P-diddy’s recording studio (IIRC), but told police it happened outside (despite blood all over the bathroom and multiple witnesses).
It was covered up by the police, who took orders from P-diddy’s security guard, who was the same person in charge of security for Michael Jackson when he died.
Candace explains that MJ was apparently not a pedo, despite the media smear campaign against him, and that MJ was targeted by Jews in the music industry, who also targeted MJ as an ‘anti-semite’ because MJ was trying to keep them from stealing his wealth.
But days before his death, MJ signed a new will, which turned over his estate to the two Jews that MJ was being threatened by. Despite video evidence proving that MJ was in New York on the day the new will was signed in California (IIRC).
And now two prominent Jews in Hollyweird, a father and daughter team, are coming after Candace, playing the Jew card so hard it would make Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson proud.
Oh, and P-diddy apparently has an island near Epstein’s island, again if I remember correctly, where stars and politicians go for fun with children and blackmail tapes.
There’s a lot packed into the first 20 minutes!
Wow! This is amazingly good – if only because Candace Owens shows the BEST of her attackers going after her.
Eye of The Storm from over a week ago.
A bit of comic relief.
1:26:45 – 1:36:00 Mimi’s Pope Memes, they are hilarious!
Not possible, but oh, so desirable.
We have an education system?
The system does not educate, and education is being done by people not part of the system.
LOL! Perhaps a “reeducation system” is closer to the truth!
Good online friends—
Thank you for your prayers and kind thoughts for my sister’s best friend, “June.”
Yours Truly asks now for prayers that “June” is at eternal Peace under the Wings of the Almighty God. She died today.
My sister was able to visit her last week, thankfully.
Sorry to hear this – may she rest in peace. 🙏
May the Lord provide His comfort to all her loved ones. So very thankful she’s now safe in the arms of Jesus!
🙏 for your sister.
RSBN is carrying President Trump’s response to SOTU. Truth Social is having network problems for me. 20 minutes into it and Joe is finally in the building but hanging around with the crowd. LOL
22 minutes in and Joe is taking selfies in the crowd with other people’s cameras. At this rate, he won’t have to say anything.
Hmmm usually I only have to unblock two things to make twitter work, and it’s been working fine all day. Now it wants me to unblock a third thing, fat chance don’t need to see it that bad.
That’s okay. I couldn’t watch even with Trump responding, which he didn’t do much at the very start. He did not get to the podium until 25 minutes late and started talking about FDR in 1941. Always a plagarist.
Trump delivers ~3:38 of pure truths ripping Briben and his goon squad.
Sabotage of Boeing AC rolls on… 777 this time.
DEVELOPING: United Airlines Plane Makes Emergency Landing After Tire Falls Off During Takeoff, Damages Parked Cars (VIDEO)
At this point it’s sabotage. Please, pray for senior pilots and crew who are just trying to do their jobs.
Y U P !
The number of SKETCHY SLIMS who work in secure airport jobs is appalling.
Need more ruckus like this.
If real, that’s MOST EXCELLENT.
“It Was Crazy Talk!” – Tucker Carlson Breaks Down Joe Biden’s SOTU Address – LIVE RESPONSE ON NOW – 10:40 PM ET
Tucker Carlson: There was no upside for you in anything he said for you… Biden and his party is encouraging people to have more children… He’s offering abortion, war, castration of children. Who wants all that? …Joe Biden can’t win. In a fair election Joe Biden cannot win… Chris Hayes the most famous lesbian on television…
…We know they’re going to steal the election because they are saying it out loud.
Tucker then brought on Victor Davis Hanson for analysis.
VDH: I’ve never seen an angrier speech… It was like a mean old man saying get off of my grass.
VDH says Democrats will toss him at their August convention. “What they saw tonight was an old man raging, ranting and barking at the moon.”
I wonder if this is one of O’Keefe’s undercover reporters?
[video src="" /]
Video is worth it & can be seen at the Gab link.
Feb 26th 2024
Conservative News
EXPOSED! Last night I found & walked into a #CasaAlitas secret hotel housing illegal immigrants in Tucson, AZ. Instant panic ensued. Here’s what happened:
nice, I got it from Gab above/below too…great minds 🙂
Sad comeuppance
SPONGE posts: “Another one memes themselves out of existence.”
another Q-Treeper found the sauce for this below…
MTG wearing MAGA stuff made my day.
Neither was I.
Ah hah! So that is why politicians talk forever.
worthless windbags!
— Sir Walter Scott, “Marmion” Canto VI:XVII
1 minute video can be seen at Gab
[video src="" /]
Edited BREAKING: AFA and our allies in Wyoming have just passed the nation’s first BAN on “Red Flag Gun Confiscation” in the entire country.
The other 49 states ought to do the same thing – BAN on “Red Flag Gun Confiscation”
1,000,000% Their fight isn’t over yet for it goes to the governor to sign, or veto…
They ought to, but many of them are passing laws REQUIRING it.
I’m not going to hold my breath waiting for them to follow Wyoming’s example.
Kenji, Soto and the other dope, Kagen, I guess must be so proud of Briben.
EVIL mob rule, led by the MOBSTER China Joe.
IF these were MAGA folks, they’d be arrested for insurrection, slammed into the DC Gulag, in solitary confinement.
OSATAN showing his power.
seen on Gab 😉
No it doesn’t.
He may be thinking of the Declaration of Independence. And even there it’s debatable as to whether it’s “legal” as opposed to “right” and “duty”
Constitution is the law of the land & the Declaration is the/a foundation for the Constitution, but not technically “the law”…nor “the science” 😉
Good catch! TY for the clarification!
In any case I bet that most lawyers would claim that everything but the actual resolution at the end (which is simply a repeat of the one the Continental Congress passed on the 2nd of July 1776) is anything but “dicta” having no force of law.
Most likely 🙄
Gab has Scott’s “cousin”, images at site…
We Love Trump!
• Some Think We‘re “Playing POLITICS”
• We’re AT WAR
• With FOREIGN Enemies Who Wish to DESTROY Us
• Call Them ”Globalists”, “Communists”, ”Fascists” – (Actually SATANISTS)
• OVERTHREW Our Elections & Installed TRAITORS to America
• Just Like Germans Ruled Occupied France
• Nazis Ruled Occupied France Using Corrupt FRENCH Politicians
• After the War — ”Vichy” Officials HANGED as TRAITORS
• AT WAR — FOREIGN Invaders — Our MILITARY Must Act!
slab jab
Above aside, four years into the Covid cluster fuck. Dumbasses willingly get Jabbed again and again and again.
Yes, genocide is unabated by Big Pharma, gov’t, & the unaware who “volunteered” to be in a Russian Roulette experiment tragically 🙁
TY for the sauce
Seen on Gab, fyi, just passing along the info for I haven’t used this store (yet)…
Made quick pass at,
Not much information at the web site.
From web site. “MY GENERIC STORE” is a well-established pharmacy service that deals primarily with generic medicines produced by quality-assured manufacturers from developing countries. This helps to minimize the self-cost without any impact on the efficiency or quality of the medicines.
^^^ OK. No biggee. Many meds come from overseas, so called developing countries.
No idea if these guys are a good, reliable source or not.
Not medically wise or endorsing. Reynolds was posted by someone QTree. I have used Reynolds. Pricing, packaging, response shipping good… Quite pleased Will use them again, if needed.
Some Qtree folks have used with great success. Posted as much.
TY, KBK. I also used IVM dot com w/out issue, though wished the cost was lower…
Sorry, but that’s not a real Jefferson quotation. It’s a paraphrase of part of an essay by Ayn Rand, “Man’s Rights,” published in 1964.
TY, TT. Attributing it directly to Rand doesn’t diminish the impact, imo, so why don’t the memers just stick with the truth & facts…sigh…
Great question!
On the contrary, many people respect the Founders far more than they do Ayn Rand.
Yes that’s true but that statement is solid, imo, regardless of who said it. I try not to be a “respecter of persons” as scripture admonishes, though clearly imperfectly 🙂
In any case, that’s why some shithead paraphrased and attributed to Jefferson.
OR…it’s actual enemy action.
“OR…it’s actual enemy action”
It’s exhausting, soul-crushing, & imperative that we maintain suspicious cat eternal vigilance…sigh…
Some of the people on “our” side I’d love to just bitch slap to death for misinformation.
frequent, fartastic, fact checkers 🙃
It is sickening how they go after Trump
True. r-Cons ARE cowards.
r-Cons have NOT impeached Briben, Hoe, Garland, Wray, Idi Amin…
r-Cons fund Briben’s terror on America.
r-Cons confirm Briben’s nominations.
r-Cons complicit.
R CONS …worthless, impotent and an embarrassment to thinking people
Absolutely, infuriatingly, unconscionably!
“Coward” implies they want to do the right thing, but are afraid to.
Wonder where Johnson’s promised videos, we read about late last week.
The truth slid out of his putrid mouth..the threat to democracy must be defended and his administration does it every single day within all the corrupt departments and agencies
100% 😡
Seen on Gab, but no sauce given…
1/2 minute of wit…
[video src="" /]
Here it is.
All in one little BRILLIANT Trump take on #SOTU2024
captured military 🙁
Navy demoted Rep. Ronny Jackson over conduct as Trump’s physicianThe Navy retroactively demoted Rep. Ronny Jackson to the rank of captain in 2022 over his conduct in the White House as former President Trump’s physician.
great 3/4 minute clip
[video src="" /]
Red Wave Riders
Nuclear Truth Bomb from Aaron:
ICYMI — Aaron Rodgers said, “If you’re talking about waking up, I think the one mistake of whoever is pulling the strings made—is you showed more people who the enemy was. I think people now [don’t] trust Pharma, government, you know what? The WEF is full of sh**.”
The Real state of the union!
I never saw THAT January 6 photo.
It’s a keeper!
adding insult to injury 😡
Charles Barkley: ‘If I See a Black Person Walking Around with Trump Mug Shot(Shirt), I’m Gonna Punch Him in the Face’ – Zeek Arkham: ‘I heard he was looking for me.’
Truth! 😍