Modernism Revisited
In Order to Curtail the Tyranny of Central Banks and Espionage Agencies, Americans Must Starve the State
Badlands News Brief – March 18, 2024
Obviously, this sort of Narrative coordination by the Media Industrial Complex shocks precisely nobody who considers themselves an Anon, a citizen journalist or a direct-path reasoner, but there are a couple of white pills spinning out of the whole cascade:
The time between the deployment of a media op against Trump, the MAGA base or the truth community and its complete exposure by that very same decentralized collective has exponentially shrunk from a few years, to a few months, to a few minutes.
The enemy aren’t the only ones coordinating their messaging … but if you still don’t think Trump and Elon Musk are in cahoots … I just don’t know which movie you’re watching.
Perceived Losses can be Blessings in Disguise
The Bloodbath Hoax
The Left need Trump and his supporters to appear violent, so they can justify their blind hatred for us.
DP – it’s been that way since the TEA Party appeared. I actually sat next to an MSNBC groupie for years in a chorus, and she was constantly telling me how violent the TEA Party people are.
Trump documents case: a judge wonders
‘Woke’ people more likely to be unhappy, anxious and depressed, new study suggests
Right-Wing Thought and the Reemergence of Philosophy
Cereal for the Peasants? How the Elites Use “Skimpflation” to Control Our Eating Habits
Hertz CEO Resigns After Blowing Big Gamble on EVs
President Trump Warns of a Looming Bloodbath in the Auto Industry Related to Chinese EV Plants in Mexico – Media Go Bananas
Are the EV people not paying attention? The American public is not buying them. They’re going to be wasting their money.
The Reckoning Real
The Werewolf Game
Top Five Trump Media Hoaxes
Tweets…X-Files, uh, posts, whatever
Probably just tourism related.
Meme Zone

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.
Waiting for new marches. In the meantime, love is just a bird. (Yes, I’ve sung this.)

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
MATTHEW 1:16, 18-21, 24
16and Jacob the father of Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom Jesus was born, who is called Christ. 18Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child of the Holy Spirit; 19and her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly. 20But as he considered this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit; 21she will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” 24When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took his wife,
Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)
Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Amen brother.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

Thank you, De Pat, for a totally tubular Tuesday post…’s rad!
Plenty of good stuff!
Sundance has definitely figured out why Obama is making his little trip to England – and SUSPICIOUS CAT makes an appearance……
The Day I spend in emergency my husband had heavy nosebleed
Came home 4 pm after they stopped the bleeding. We are back in emergency room bleeding started 2 hours ago. I guess be spending the night unless they get to stop it. Could be worse miner convinced .
So, currently you are fine and your husband has a nosebleed, is that right?
Yes he does. His meds thin blood and when he bleeds does not stop easily
OMG – so sorry. Praying now!
His nose has been catheterized and finally is now getting some sleep. I feel so sorry for him he went through hell the past two days. No exercise for a couple of day and Thursday they take the plug out of his nose. The doc is good the worse is over I think. This forum is a God send and everyone was great during the night
I guess some people do not sleep 
Since my hubby’s “new” work schedule for nearly a year & a half now, there is literally Any time in the 24 hour cycle where I could be awake or asleep. He gets up around 3 am & leaves at 3:30 & gets home around 2pm if no OT, traffic or car issues, or no errands. He usually gets at least one nap in before heading to bed around 8pm. It’s pretty crazy around here
Last time I was in the hospital w/ my son the Q-Tree was a Yuuuuge moral & prayer support!!!
So sorry to hear that.
It sounds like they need to adjust his meds.
My Hubby is on Rat Poison (Warfarin) They do frequent blot clotting tests on him to make sure his blood WILL CLOT within the normal parameters.
Mine has the same and they check except when he had the stent put in they added some meds for two more weeks.
He had his nose categorized today. No exercise for a couple of days. The doc will see him Thursday and take the plug out. I feel so sorry for him he is so tired and looks it also.
Thank you we appreciate it
Prayers up for you and your husband, singing. Hopefully, they’ll be able to get it to stop and find the reason for it.
If we sit long enough it will stop
he has not seen anyone . They said if it starts gushing we should let them know.
He had this couple years ago and in emergence thy cauterized
“He had this couple years ago and in emergence thy cauterized”
I used to get nosebleeds often enough when I was little that they cauterized the inside of my nose.
‘See this giant q-tip? We’re gonna dip it in this freezing liquid, and then jam it up your nose. But it won’t feel cold, it’ll feel like a blow torch in your nose, it’s gonna hurt like hell. You ready?‘
Another thrilling childhood experience, frequently exceeded by my dentist, who was a big fan of the movie Marathon Man. Didn’t believe in anesthetic for drilling out cavities.
He would put his forearm across your forehead and pin you to the chair, to hold you still while you screamed.
You could hear other kids screaming while you were in waiting room, so you knew exactly what was coming, with lots of time to think about it.
Precious memories!

Wow what an experience
There were no safe spaces when I was a kid, and the most dangerous place of all was home
I hope your husband is feeling better soon, it’s no fun having a bloody nose that won’t stop.
for scott only (singingsoul do not watch)…
Hey, there’s my dentist!
My childhood dentist didn’t use anesthetic for cavities, either — which got me in the habit of not using any.
The more memorable bit about his rig was that it wasn’t one of those ultrasonic drills that spun with air pressure — his had actual belts that ran along each arm from the central station and ended up turning the bit in your mouth.
I own tools that are more sophisticated.
OTOH, I never had to deal with cauterization.
Well it wasn’t a needle, so there is that
Very true, actually.
Mine used the same belt-sander & pulleys conversion kit on his drill!
Looked like something right out of the Spanish Inquisition
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Our chief weapon is surprise! Surprise and fear!
Our TWO weapons are Surprise and fear, and a dental drill made out of belts and pulleys!
AMONGST our weaponry are……we’ll come in again.
for scott only…
see my youtube post above.
right ?
That’s the one!
I remember that little chair side porcelain bowl with the continuously swirling water but no band “saws”–yikes!
My dad never takes anesthetic & I sometimes skip it if things aren’t too deep. I really Hate all those shots in the mouth…shudder!
The dentist I have now is much better. He numbs the gum line with a topical of some kind, and then has a technique to get the needle in and inject the anesthetic very slowly, so that you barely even feel it.
A few minutes later, my teeth are transported to a Pink Floyd concert where everybody’s singing Comfortably Numb
“The dentist I have now is much better. He numbs the gum line with a topical of some kind, and then has a technique to get the needle in and inject the anesthetic very slowly, so that you barely even feel it.” Yes that’s how it is for me, but I Usually Feel it for a bit there, discomfort but not exactly pain, but regardless I do Not like it at all!
Heck I faint at the sight of blood…. especially my own.
(I almost bled to death as a kid. so I have a deep trauma reaction to the sight.)
w/ all the vax assaults & medicine in lockstep w/ depop I’m even less likely to accept Any kind of injection!
I endured sadistic kiddy torture as well, no pain control other than his forearm and body weight
That’s truly terrifying
“That’s truly terrifying”
‘Tis nothing but a flesh wound
I ran into someone in college who had the same childhood dentist I did. When he realized it, he said, “That guy’s a Nazi!!!”
I guess I wasn’t the only guy he couldn’t figure out novocaine with.
Yep, there it is, and that’s how they did it.
Doc used his body weight to hold us down, leaning over us, forearm across the forehead, in the small indentation between the forehead and where the top of the nose begins, so his arm wouldn’t slide off so easily while the child squirmed.
Good times!
That looks awfully familiar….
Or familiarly awful
That sounds like literal torture to me.
It was!
That’s one of the ways they made us tough when we were kids.
If you can survive Marathon Man, you can survive anything
It was.
Five siblings and I hated the dentist, who always had a huge smile, throughout every visit. Six of us, one after the other. Sick bastard.
The things I missed having a perfect dental record.
When I was a kid, the secret was genetics. Now, it’s sticking to meat, cheese, fish and other keto friendly food over refined grains.
Meat Milk and Potatoes. Peanut butter and jelly.
Uncles friend was a dentist. Went twice, first was curious, every one else had been and it was along time till I was taken.
Second time was forced. That guy was sadistic.
After that only about eight times more. Half of those the Army marched us there or threatened punishment if we did not keep our dental appointments. Happened after that that plane coming back from the the sinai peacekeeping mission blew up over the skies of Newfoundland, everyone had to keep their dental records straight. Before that dependants had free dental care, but that stopped to make room for the forced dental care all across the military. Had to keep those panarax’s up to date.
Other than a wisdom tooth, I’ve never needed to go and send my wife to the dentist often in my place. Expensive but it works.
Yeah, I did have three oral surgeries to remove teeth just so the rest would fit. Wisdom teeth (third molars) was NOT fun. Still not fun almost 30 years later as my jaw spread on paleo, and my teeth have been spreading out ever since.
Oh my! I used to have to take the twins to a pediatric dentist. He had a full body velcro-wrap contraption to contain flailing arms & secure legs. Then he had this metal device that cranked the mouth open. I held Brandon in my lap a few times for such ministrations w/ him screaming loudly & a wide-eyed look of panic in his eyes…sigh…
Josiah used to have to see the ENT regularly for ear-tubes & hearing checks & also to clean out copious ear wax. I could usually wrestle him in my lap w/ my arms & legs wrapped around him & my one hand on his forehead to present one ear after the other for investigation. fun times
Poor kids
I liked going to the dentist went all by myself. My brother 4 years older took me along when he went to the dentist or doctor. He was wimp. I was his support. As kids our parents never took us we had to do it on our own. Made us grow up fast.
You’re from that much tougher & more self-sufficient generation to be sure! If my husband would have had to take himself to the dentist it would have Never Happened. He Still Hates going to the dentist all these years later
Maybe I was just dumb
I was fascinated with all the gagged dentists and doctors had.
YOU have Never been dumb, whatever age, though likely uninformed when very young. Increased curiosity is Always a sign of intelligence, imo
My curiosity and questioning everything drove parents and teacher crazy. I encouraged that with my kids
I drive hubby crazy that way too LOL
when i was about 20, i needed a filling in a bottom molar. the dentist was drilling and he struck an infected nerve. i had tears streaming from my eyes and he finally stops and does an xray and says…it’s infected. can you take more pain, cause i might be ALMOST done?
i shook my head violently NO. he gave me antibiotics and made an appt for the following week.
dentists are sadists.
for me, it’s the dentist’s chair that always gives me the heebie jeebies.
((((( dentophobia !))))
Trance and dental medication…
Looks like an old school X ray machine hovering over the chair. Time to light up the inside of your skull!!
That’s looks like my dentist’s Current X-Ray machine that lives in a cabinet in the wall so accessible by 2 adjacent exam rooms
That’s a newer model… looks like late 70s or early 80s
Reminiscent of those old electric post-hole diggers from way back when… looks like they were testing it on the wall behind the chair
Wow, that’s rough
Just be thankful it wasn’t this dentist
That’ll be $20.00… no $40.00…
Beginning of a great comedy team within a great comedy show. Harvey Korman all but lost it
(n.b Kiefer means “Jaw” in German
Conway could always get Korman to crack up, like it was a contest or something!
Prayers for you both to get through this and be safe and well. Today is spring!
Thank you sweet lady.
Prayer up, singing! With blood thinners it’s always a delicate balance (and that includes Aspirin and IBU). Gute Besserung!
All worked out thanks be to God
His nose was catheterize and now he is sleeping getting well deserved rest.
Thanks be to God
God be with you Both
Thank you. Still in emergency room. Have not seen the doctor. Will be a long night.
I’m sorry Singing. I have spent many hours in the ER, mostly with my special needs son but always with one of my guys–my daughter & I didn’t need such services, thankfully. Most of our ER adventures were 5 hours minimum so I now usually choose Urgent Care or a Walk-In Clinic, whose service is often sub-par but at least completed w/in 2 hours in my experience.
I hope you brought books, snacks, & even cards to keep yourselves occupied
Urgent care had a long waiting list. They are going to send us home soon.
Praying that things go well and you get some sleep…..
That is good news. Hope you both get great rest & No More nosebleeds ASAP!
Cauterization is simple and over in a second, I wonder why they wait so long? Perhaps you can follow up with an ear, nose, throat doctor to rule out any other reasons for bleeding, and then cauterization can be performed in their office.
My sons doctor recommended Ponaris nasal emollient, it’s behind the pharmacist counter at Wally World, because allergy and dry weather will make nosebleeds more likely. It is not organic, but I’m sure you could make an organic version yourself. In the end, cauterization was the only thing that helped my son.
“cauterization was the only thing that helped my son.” ditto, though he needed it a couple different times, usually when he was already under for myringotomy tube surgeries. He had a severely deviated septum, that they sort of addressed when removing the brain tumor through his nostril (they went in through the more “blocked” side per my request, which opened it up more). He used to pick his nose A Lot & induce minor nosebleeds quite regularly & gushing ones occasionally…sigh…
Thank you. Later today he will see nose,throat doc. The bleeding stopped but they have not released him. Hopefully soon so we can get a nap.
Hope things are well now with your husband, singingsoul1.
Yes now he is and finally got to sleep. He looked so tired.
Peter’s Last Missive Before Prison
The Substack Will Amaze and Astound in My Absence
PETER NAVARRO: Tomorrow, I report to a Federal prison in Miami and will lose my freedom for four months.
In the meantime, I’m pleased to inform you that the substack will continue with a series of amazing guest columns as well as the continued serialization of my White House memoir In Trump Time.
Your active participation with comments will be most welcome during my absence. While I will have no role in its administration of the substack or editing of content, the lineup of guests is so impressive — many are former (and perhaps future) Trump officials.
On a good news note, while I’m in prison, my new book “The New MAGA Deal” will head off to the printer and be ready for release at the start of the Republican National Convention.
If you’d like to buy an advance copy, just visit and Don Jr. and Sergio will take very good care of you.
More at the link…
Thank you for sharing
The unjust persecution of this patriot is infuriating AND evil! God be with him!
I hope the other inmates (and prison guards) see him as the hero he truly is.
That would be awesome but then he’d need to be locked up away from DC (where J 6ers are savagely AND unconstitutionally mistreated)…
He is going to prison in Miami
From CNN:
TY Gail. Hopefully he’ll fare better there than in the District of Criminals. If he’s being jailed for contempt of Congress I wonder why that would lock him up in FL?
Political prisoners not exactly a very American thing
or at least it didn’t used to be!
Regarding this Zach Voorhies X post from the open:
I don’t know anything about “the Wellness Company drama.” That appears to be the company founded by Dr. Peter McCullough and others. Can anyone shed light on this? Is he referring to Amazing Polly?
I wondered about that too. The video is no longer showing on X, for someone who can’t sign in at least…
See link I posted under TT’s post if you want to watch it.
If you want to watch it, here is the Amazing Polly video about The Wellness Company:
It’s almost an hour so I will probably never really get to it, I much prefer to read than watch videos…kind of like how Rush claimed to be
Hopefully someone will post a summary
I don’t watch long vids, either.
If I watch longer than maybe 3 minutes I try to speed it up to 2X speed, which is also annoying LOL
I will watch longer videos only if I find them very informative.
If I really like them I will do a rough transcript for the folks here.
I so appreciate it when you do those! I just don’t have what it takes to sit through them.
Glad to help if I have the time.
Thank you.
I am not a fan of what’s going on with The Wellness Company, and all the “news” stating that you can “stock up” on medicines that you MUST have to survive! I hear and read it in various places, and I just ignore it. It seems like fear porn to me.
I will also note that I am not an Amazing Polly fan, either. I don’t have a dog in this hunt.
Not having watched anything, I’m kinda with you right there. Suspicious Cat has me throwing side eye at them both already.
Here is Polly trashing the other independent media:
New Establishment Media Will Pretend to be Anti-Establishment
I’ve never liked Amazing Polly. Frankly, everything she put together was repackaged stuff the conspiracy world has known for years. She just monetized it, which isn’t done in that sphere.
I’m gonna guess he actually paid $299 million in taxes, which will provoke enemy media to think “We got you again!”, call him a liar, and make sure the whole world knows that he ‘only’ paid $299 million in taxes.
Thereby helping Trump establish, even by admission of his enemies, that he has paid a ridiculous amount of taxes… which even his enemies can’t deny
Excellent prediction!
They seem to fall for it every time!
AND You call them out on it every time
I just explained to Hubby how most businesses will flee NY as fast as they can sell out .
Yup. I’m with you on this.
This X post from the open reveals what life is like for the vaxxed who have awakened to the dangers. It’s awful.
“We trusted our drs – (l had mine for over 25yrs)”
My doctor still lies, right to my face, on the rare occasion that I see him. He was wearing an N95 mask the first time I saw him after Covidiocy began.
I said “You know those masks don’t do anything, right?” He just froze and looked at me, like a deer in the headlights
He claimed they did, and I just looked at him, incredulously. I said “You know the filtering capacity of even your N95 mask isn’t good enough to stop anything as small as airborne virus particles, right?”
Again, he froze, like he had never heard this information before. I could practically hear the gears spinning in his head, as he fished around in there for something to say.
After a few seconds, he said “Well the virus particles… uh, they can attach themselves to a dust particle, and, uh… well the dust particle is probably big enough to get stopped by the mask.”
I said “If the virus is present in this room, right now, there must be billions of virus particles floating around, right? Are all of the virus particles attaching themselves to dust and getting blocked by the mask?”
He just gave up and changed the subject
Last time I was there, his assistant, the one who takes you to the exam room, takes your BP, asks you the basic questions to update your patient info, etc., asked me at least 3 times if I wanted to get the vaxx.
How many times do I have to say no?
Then she turned around, and smiled, and said “Well, you can’t say I didn’t push it!”, like she was covering her ass in case my doctor accused her of not pushing the vaxx quite hard enough.
Which I’m sure she was told to do.
It was unbelievable.
It’s bizarre when that happens, like am I the one hallucinating here?!
Yeah, sure, run the young, cute, female assistant out to nag you about vaxxing, because you won’t be too mean to her…..
My doctor still lies, right to my face, on the rare occasion that I see him.
Question: Why do you still call him “my doctor”?
“Keep your enemies closer”?
“Question: Why do you still call him “my doctor”?”
If or when I need a doctor for diagnosing or prescribing anything more serious than occasional antibiotics, I’ll have to make time and engage in the painful process of trying to find someone else.
I can tell you what’s worse. It was taking it and knowing it was a sin, doing it to keep your job that you hate, because you had “of little faith”, and you couldn’t stand up to your spouse (who now regrets it by the way), and your heart and brain capillaries are a ticking time bomb. That’s worse. That’s knowing you turned and looked back at sodom and gomorrah (your job aka $$).
The Lord has long since forgiven. He can also keep you and your loved ones safe from harm. Follow the protocols posted on here and trust God to have His will for your life. That will can overcome any challenge we face. I am praying for you.
Huge Amen
But I never once saw you be unkind to anyone here because we weren’t taking it.
People who behaved that way are the ones I can’t forget. People like you, who made a painful personal choice for various reasons, I feel very bad for.
Please do the detox protocols, take special care of yourself, and ask God to heal you, because He can, of any damage done to you. Every day is a new day, and God forgives us even when we mess up over and over.
Amen! So well said–TY!
I’m sorry about your experience, and I echo what others have said. God forgives, and you can forgive yourself. I hope you are taking measures to mitigate the effects. You can be a beacon for others by sharing your experiences and being there for them. May God bless you.
that tattoo makes me think of Nazi death camp internees tattoos, only this one was self-inflicted…so sad…
“Please, do NOT send this video to anyone who has been vaxxed or given a nasal sab PCR test because……”
18 March 2024
Yours Truly: This article was written by a person who is a “Long COVID” coach and “vaccine” consultant.
FTA: “The vast majority of vaccinated folks got the jabs and boosters out of extreme fear. Hence, the last thing they want to hear about are the many exceedingly harmful effects of those extremely dangerous and often deadly injections.”
“To become prematurely aware of the various and serious Covid vaccine-induced injuries would push many individuals in suicidal ideation. Others would go into deep depression they might never recover from. Still others would literally go insane.”
Yours Truly again: There is a decidedly Christian religious angle to the above article. No problem.
ON THE OTHER HAND, on the purely “secular” side, there is mounting evidence that the COVID-19 “vaccines” DO cross into the brain of the “vaccinated” person (along with entering every other organ of the body), causing PSYCHOSIS (either first-onset, or aggravation of existing mental-health issues); DAMAGE AND DISRUPTION to the “electrical components” of the human brain (neurons, synapses, etc.); DAMAGE AND/OR DESTRUCTION of Central Nervous System components and mechanisms (resulting in things like “sudden” onset of Guillain-Barre syndrome, for example); and much more.
These serious adverse effects of the COVID-19 “vaccines” ARE ASIDE FROM the HUNDREDS of other damages and injuries that these “vaccines” do to the body of the “vaccinated” person. THE FDA KNEW ABOUT ALL OF THIS BACK IN APRIL 2021 AND DID NOT DO ITS DUTY, WHICH WAS TO STOP ALL FURTHER COVID-19 “VACCINATION” UNTIL THE ISSUES WERE INVESTIGATED AND RECTIFIED.
The one thing that IS helpful is when the jabbed, in no wishy washy terms, blame their ailments on it. My mother told anyone who would listen that all of her troubles in the last 18-19 months of her life started with the third shot. And she didn’t care who it was. And it was true. Even the retina issue hadn’t changed in at least a decade and it suddenly became a big problem.
Eventually, the truth will come out, but the emotional competence of most Americans won’t be able to absorb it well.
Hopefully your mom’s belated awakening has actually helped to save some of her associates from further damage. I’m still so sorry for your loss
My deep condolences again on the loss of your mother.
I agree, when the “vaccine”-induced or “vaccine”-aggravated effects start to show up, the time to speak up about it is right then — and to keep on speaking up about it.
I think that, once the truth comes out about these COVID-19 “MAIM AND/OR KILL” injections, not only in the United States, but all over the rest of the world, the emotional hurt, rage, and so on, may well be unbearable.
“There is a level of toxic hatred and gloating online that condemns the vxd to silence in regards to seeking help….l see it in the forums….. how they are abused by total strangers……so we stay silent and die alone and unforgiven for our naivety and fear.”
That’s horrible.
It makes me wonder how many of the toxic haters are actual Americans, and how many are bots or chinnee / north korean psy-op, thousands of people paid or forced to demoralize people in the West, all day, every day, with hate.
If you spend enough time online, you almost have to learn to just ignore the haters, or fight with them and humiliate them to the point that the others in the comments section (e.g., youtoob) are laughing at them.
Nobody should stay silent or die alone, especially not because of haters “who have either ceased to be human, or have not virtue enough to feel their own wretchedness.” (Samuel Adams)
“IT IS HELL… with the knowledge that l took 3 of them, that my wonderful, kind hardworking husband took 4, that our children and grandchildren had them… haunts me, it breaks my soul, it has destroyed me……simply because we were naive.”
At some point, the 18 to 30 year old males will realize they’re screwed — which means it’s important that they know exactly who is responsible.
I was in that age range when Clinton was destroying our country. People were going ‘postal’ like clockwork, Janet Reno was burning down compounds and murdering dozens of Americans (including lots of children), then Ruby Ridge, then 9/11, it was insane.
The government was insane, and insanely corrupt, even then.
There is a time, during those years from around 17 to maybe 30, when you know or feel like things could go either way. Most people who go ‘postal’ are in that age group (or even younger, these days), probably because they’re not old enough yet to be established, don’t see any path to a better future, and feel like they have nothing to lose.
What I never understood is why anyone would target innocent people, instead of the people actually responsible for so much misery in this world. It’s not like there aren’t plenty of well known targets, but I suppose one has to be reasonably well informed about politics to understand who the monsters are, and apparently most young people don’t pay attention to politics.
I didn’t really start paying attention until Clinton. There was nothing subtle about Slick Willie — or anything slick, for that matter — it was all in your face, and many of his age group loved it. Like the class douche bag was finally in charge, and they could wreck it all, revenge of the turds, and nobody could stop them.
The kids growing up now have an even more insanely corrupt gov’t, an exponentially more toxic culture to marinate in, and an even bleaker future. When they realize the gov’t murdered them with a slow-acting poison, they really won’t have any future to look forward to — or anything to lose.
When that starts to happen, a strong public narrative will be needed. Their anger and hostility needs to be directed at the perpetrators, not at innocent people.
If they go after the monsters, they will be heroes, and that will inspire more of them to do likewise.
If there is jury nullification in play, the heroes can surrender and have their day in court. If the public finds them not guilty, the floodgates will swing wide open.
“It’s knowing that any second…….any second…..could be IT…..the last one l breathe before l die.”
I think that’s where just about everyone is now. Most who avoided the vaxx have had covid several times by now, and who knows how much damage that has done to hearts and lungs and other organs?
And who knows what else they’re doing, right now, in parallel with the attempted vaxx genocide?
And we just do nothing about it.
“It’s grief… deep empty gut wrenching grief for all my family and friends, all those l love and care for.”
Yep. We all live with that. Most of us, anyway. Most of the congregation, and my family and friends took the vaxx.
“it’s the pain felt by the name calling and ongoing online abuse.”
I haven’t seen much of this, but I haven’t been looking for it, either. I have seen plenty of hostile comments directed at those who refuse to acknowledge the truth, which is understandable, because as long as that continues, more innocent people are going to die.
But the people who wake up should be helped.
“l may be a sheeple to some…..and cop endless abuse online for speaking up with my truth…..but that will not stop me.”
That ‘my truth’ nonsense is a red flag. Truth doesn’t belong to anyone. A thing is either true, or it isn’t. It’s not different from person to person.
“Not every vxd person acted like an Ahole when approached by someone who cared enough to take that risk.”
“Yet we have ALL been tarred with that one brush……and it’s there that humanity devolved even further……”
If you recall, it was the people who objected who took all the abuse, for several years — not the Karens and other Nazi enforcers.
Now that you’re awake, join us. Nobody gets to occupy the wishy-washy middle, everybody has to pick a side. There is strength in numbers.
“…and they did not have to do a thing except sit back and watch us fall apart”
We’re all falling apart.
Ignore the haters, join the good guys, and help us eradicate the monsters who did this thing to all of us.
The “It’s the endless medical tests that come back “normal”…” —
Except that there’s a good chance that at least some of the tests are NOT coming back “normal” — like the heart troponin test that’s suddenly “off” for no apparent reason; like the white and/or red blood cell counts that are suddenly “off” for no apparent reason; and so on.
Regarding the “We’re all falling apart” — I agree, it’s difficult to “come to terms” with the fact that “vaccinated” loved ones may start to present with “vaccine”-induced negative effects at any time.
Yours Truly agrees with the fact that “vaccinated” males aged 18 to 30 are already compromised regarding the health of their testes due to the negative effects of the “vaccines.” However, ANY female who has EVER been “vaccinated” with a COVID-19 injection is ALSO at risk — the amount of accumulated modRNA + spike protein that appears in the female ovaries is much higher than the amount that accumulates in the male testes. And that includes female unborn fetuses whose pregnant mother were “vaccinated” while pregnant.
Very much agreed.
I didn’t mean to suggest less harm was done to females compared to males, I just singled out the males because, at least in every era up until now, males have a much higher propensity for violence — genetically, hormonally, and every other way.
For example, no one is overly concerned for their own physical safety by all the young illegal females coming across the border.
It is the young males who are going to have to be dealt with.
Thank you.
There is also the potential for “unbecoming behavior”, up to level of violence, that can be induced or aggravated via the negative effects of the “vaccines” on the synapses of the brain, and/or on the emotional/psychological centers of the brain (amygdala and hippocampus areas.)
Biden DOJ arrests conservative influencer Isabella DeLuca on J6 charges
Some comments I’ve seen:
• She helped move a table from one location to another in a public building?
• They say “stealing” as if she still has the table. If she left the table on the premises, it isn’t stealing.
Felony relocating? Lmao
• FBI pigs still hunting down Patriots while terrorist swarm over the border.
• Breaking and redecorating
• Man they are still nabbing folks four years later.
“Man they are still nabbing folks four years later.”
They will never stop until they are stopped.
We will need THOUSANDS of Simon Wiesenthals to go after these Fascist Leftists and hunt them from the face of the earth, for the next six decades if necessary.
Crowd-funded by the People of the world, with a headquarters in nearly every country in the world, tracking down and exposing and bringing these monsters to justice for their crimes against humanity.
In the words of the vicious little rat, Davey La Plouffe (I think he pronounces it “Ploo-fay”), their kind must never be allowed to rise again.
Talk about a bloodbath…
Just imagine how much fun DJT is going to have, chasing and challenging Broken Joe to a debate that Brandon’s handlers will never let him do
prepare yourselves..bloodbath false flag coming up.
An entertaining “bloodbath” ad for Trump:
“Are the EV people not paying attention? The American public is not buying them. They’re going to be wasting their money.”
DP, you’ve probably never seen my posts about EVs before, but have you ever heard of a company called Tesla?
They have multiple product lines, but the general public is most familiar with their EVs.
The American public is definitely buying EVs from Tesla. It’s a big company, very profitable. I just checked, it has a $520 billion market cap. As of this evening, that makes it the 15th largest company by market cap in the world, just after JPMorgan Chase ($555B) and ahead of Walmart ($490B).
The next largest car maker on the list of companies ranked by market cap is Toyota, at number 29 ($323B). I didn’t see any other car companies that made the top 100, but General Electric ranks 66th ($186B), Shell Oil ranks 52nd ($213B), Coca-Cola ranks 41st ($259B), Chevron is 35th ($288B), and Exxon Mobil is 20th ($445B).
With Tesla currently in the 15th spot, it’s over twice the size of Coca-Cola, at $259 billion market cap.
So it’s not a small company. While they are diversifying their product line to robots, an AI supercomputer, power storage, etc., and at least two of their products lines should surpass cars in sales and profits in the next two years, from the beginning of the company in 2003 up to now, their primary source of income has been EVs.
The company is run by Elon Musk. He also owns Twitter/X and Space-X.
While no one appreciates your jihad against EVs more than I do, it is a bit unhinged to just keep denying the reality that is Tesla.
You appear to be gaslighting yourself at this point
I’m thinking Tesla could own the EV market, with other automakers dropping out. Many people don’t want them, but those who do would buy Teslas.
^^^ Best case scenario for Tesla fans.
Government is not the solution. Government is the problem.
EVs niche, including Tesla, created by the government(s).
EVs, including Tesla, a solution where there is no problem.
Nothing Green about EVs.
When tax breaks and the EV fad fade, Tesla will also.
^^^ This. Good analysis. This is due to the life cycle of all products and even life itself. Elon was created by cabal. He also has a limited shelf life. They always have planned obsolesce and contingencies built into their business models.
It is always about them gaining power and wealth. Once they rake in all of both that they can from the EV craze, climate change craze, green energy production craze, plastic straw removal from oceans craze, save the whales/trees/polar bears craze, etc. they will unplug and move on to implementing the next planned product, event, etc. and make it into an extravaganza for the unwitting to spend money and brain cells devouring.
However, they underestimate the intelligence and savvy of the average working American patriot. Very few of which follow the hot news and stock picks of the day on Wall Street. Even the wealthier of those folks spend their cash for food, shelter, utilities, gasoline fueled pickup trucks and SUVs, guns/ammo/fishing equipment, Johnny’s braces, sports and music items/entertainment, medical bills and so on.
Brilliant Bottom-line Breaks through All the BS!!!
“Government is not the solution. Government is the problem.”
“EVs niche, including Tesla, created by the government(s).”
I don’t see gov’t create much of anything besides misery. Gov’t has become a blunt weapon to impose financial and ideological interests of the few on the lives of the many.
Elon seems smart enough to understand the arguments against EVs, and still have a vision to do it in a way that works.
He’s not an insane ideologue enviro-wacko Leftist, and he’s not stupid, so there’s something else motivating him.
“EVs, including Tesla, a solution where there is no problem.”
We’ve all been hostage to OPEC since the 1970s, and hostage to the pagan enviro-nuts on the other side.
Energy companies are as motivated to prevent any new technology from displacing them as Big Pharma is motivated to prevent any cures from being discovered.
So energy is a problem, and it’s one that will never be ‘solved’ by anyone inside the financial & political system, because the status quo showers them all with an endless stream of money.
The marxist green ‘true believer’ climate Nazis are one insane group. The opportunistic hypocrite$ like Algore and Davos and WEF are psychopaths. The green academics are the insane ideologues. The gov’t is a weapon owned and used by all of them, to serve their own selfish interests, against We the People.
What Elon is working on and towards is far bigger than EVs. The EVs are just a means to make enough money (and develop technology relevant to other objectives along the way) to finance and realize his larger objectives.
The money had to come from somewhere. EVs are something he believed he could do, at a time and in a political environment that was favorable to his chances of success.
The cars are not the point or the objective. The profit from the cars is what makes it possible to pursue the bigger picture.
“Nothing Green about EVs.”
True, but there’s nothing green about oil or natural gas or nuclear or wind or hydro either. They all have trade-offs, pros and cons. There’s no free lunch.
There are things that are coming in the near future that can’t be stopped, because progress can’t be stopped. Some continually opine that A.I. should be stopped, but it won’t be. At best (which would actually be worse), we could convince ourselves to stop A.I., which means our adversaries abroad could (and certainly would) continue to develop it without competition.
And then we’re dead, like people who ignored the utility of airplanes in war. Whoever isn’t using the latest technology loses.
So A.I. is coming, and is already here, and it will disrupt everything. Robots are also coming, and are almost ready for large scale production. Elon (and Tesla) are at the forefront of both technologies, and their only true competitor is communist chyna.
It’s a technological arms race. If either side quits the race, they lose automatically.
Without Tesla developing economically viable EVs to finance all of the other things he’s doing, communist chyna’s A.I. and robotics programs would be unopposed, there would be no counterbalance to what would be an overwhelming CCP technological advantage.
“When tax breaks and the EV fad fade, Tesla will also.”
Elon has already reached escape velocity. By the time tax breaks fade, his economy class EVs will be cheaper than gas-powered competitors, and better quality than the gas-powered competitors in the same price bracket.
At that point, he won’t need tax breaks to be competitive, and if Tesla owns the majority of the EV market, then even only a 5% or 10% share of the overall auto market will be extremely profitable.
But Tesla is not a car company, and this is what so many people miss. It’s what 99% of Wall Street analysts miss.
Tesla is an A.I. company, a robot company, a self-driving vehicle company, a power storage company and I think 5 other companies all wrapped into one — but most of the public (and Wall Street) only ever focus on the cars.
Within the next two years, at least two other Tesla products (robots and power storage) should both bring in more profit than EVs.
Before covid, I would have said it was incredible how few people can see it. Since covid, I realize this is normal, across all subjects and areas of interest. We can’t see what we are opposed to (politically, religiously, ideologically, financially, etc.) or because of some other incentive or motivation.
Carriage makers opposed Henry Ford.
Candle makers opposed Thomas Edison.
And on and on.
I appreciate your sharing of these insights
It’s just a fascinating phenomenon.
Bitcoin is similar, in the way so many people are unable to ‘see’ it. But with that one, everyone will see it, eventually, because the value of fiat currency is going down, and as it goes down, the value of Bitcoin goes up, and there will come a time when nobody can argue with the value proposition of Bitcoin.
With Tesla, I think people get hung up on the EV aspect and conflate all of the ridiculously dishonest ‘green’ arguments with Tesla itself, which is a company making real products for real profit, but in some ways is like Amazon before Amazon took over online shopping, or like Apple before the iPhone.
There are people who study this stuff seriously, I think Cathie Wood is one of them (Ark Invest), who predict a share price for Tesla of $8,000 per share by 2030 or 2032.
It’s at $173 today. $8,000 would be 46x.
The robots alone will add so much value (labor savings) to businesses (not to mention as personal servants) that any company that can use a robot will have to have one, or he will be at a competitive disadvantage with his peers.
The concept has been around for a long time, and companies like Boston Dynamics have been involved with robots since the early 1990s, but they’re more of a research company.
Tesla is a manufacturing company, with economies of scale, and they’re preparing to produce working robots by the millions.
If the robot can work 11 hours and charge one hour, then it can work a 22 hour shift, 7 days a week, or a 154 hour work week, compared to a human 40 hour work week. So you could get practically the same amount of labor out of one robot as you do four people.
If the robot only costs $25,000 then it’s game over. Nobody can compete with that, not even sweatshops in chinee.
Imagine trying to compete with someone who pays the equivalent of 4 people at $6,250 annual salary ($25,000 total), with no sick days, works essentially around the clock, no health insurance, no employee lawsuits to worry about, no job injury issues to worry about, no pension or IRA contributions to worry about.
They won’t be able to build the robots fast enough. They would still make sense at $100k each, so long as they can do the job as required.
The profit margin on each robot is so huge that sales will easily support the building of new Gigafactories to build more robots, which create more profit to build more factories, like a perpetual loop.
The robots are much easier and much faster to make than cars, and I think Tesla’s assembly lines crank out more than one car per minute.
They should be able to crank out at least 10 robots per minute, on an automated assembly line, working 24/7/365.
That’s 14,400 robots per day, at one factory.
That’s 5,256,000 robots a year, from one factory, times $25k each = $131,400,000,000.
Two factories doubles output and sales.
Four factories = $525.6 billion, or the entire current market cap of Tesla.
And that’s if they only make 10 robots per minute.
Tesla already has the ability to scale to enormous quantities. They’re already doing it with cars.
Companies like Boston Dynamics have done amazing things with robotics, but they can’t produce anything at scale. That’s not even in their wheelhouse. That’s an entirely different skill set, than research and development.
Tesla does both.
The world is not prepared for this.
Even professional Wall Street analysts can’t grasp this, at least not to the extent necessary to officially recognize it. They may understand it personally, but like so many other things in this insane world, they can’t acknowledge it publicly, for fear of ridicule, or who knows why.
It’s like there’s a rip in the space/time continuum, and there are all kinds of things that are real, but which society simply can’t (or won’t) acknowledge, until after it becomes obvious to everyone.
I hope someone is researching this phenomenon, because it’s huge, and the implications are huge.
Having watched “I Robot” & plenty of Black Mirror a lot of this conjecture is quite disturbing….
I haven’t seen either one yet, but I just searched both of them, and they look interesting
Just don’t forget they are entertainment
No doubt. predictive programming & all

I read all of Asimov’s books.
Never saw the movies.
EVs are a niche market that has been saturated by the virtue signaling crowd. Tesla is a status symbol.
Car dealers of all other brands nation wide – and Hertz, which is in the opener – are demanding more gas based vehicles because they are saddled with EVs that their customer base does not want.
It’s more than just Tesla’s market cap.
“EVs are a niche market that has been saturated by the virtue signaling crowd. Tesla is a status symbol.”
Corvettes are a niche market. So are Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Porsches, Maseratis, etc.
Niche products can be very profitable.
There are lots of people, car guys, people who are conservatives, who love Teslas because of the technology.
“Car dealers of all other brands nation wide – and Hertz, which is in the opener – are demanding more gas based vehicles because they are saddled with EVs that their customer base does not want.”
Their customer base doesn’t want crappy cars (who does?), and Legacy Auto makes crappy EV cars, because there is a lot more to making an EV than just swapping out an engine for an electric motor.
Unless Hertz was running Teslas, an obvious problem is the lack of charging stations (and functioning charging stations, where charging stations even exist).
Think about it.
Most people who rent a car are traveling, so they are not at home to charge it overnight. They HAVE to find a charging station to recharge it.
If it’s an EV made by anyone besides Tesla, good luck finding a commercial charging station — and if you do find one, good luck finding it in functional condition.
If the CEO of Hertz had put even that much thought into it, he wouldn’t have committed tens of millions of dollars to a fleet of EVs made by companies with no history of making successful EVs, and with no charging station infrastructure to fuel them.
“If you are renting a car, you’re not at home to charge it overnight. You HAVE to find a charging station to recharge it.” The charging issues Alone, not to mention the distance issues & weather-dependent unreliability issues & fire danger issues, make EVs impractical to all but serious virtue signaling leftists!
” The charging issues Alone, not to mention the distance issues & weather-dependent unreliability issues & fire danger issues, make EVs impractical to all but serious virtue signaling leftists!”
I don’t know if it does or not, I’ve never had one. My Mom’s neighbor has one, and they seem to love it.
The guy whose crypto videos I watch everyday has had a Tesla for 5 years now, in California.
He’s not a Leftist, in fact, out of frustration with the Left, he’s getting so political during his daily videos, I’m concerned that they’re going to kick him off youtube. He says he’s prepared for that, so he may have a Rumble setup ready to go.
In 5 years he’s had zero maintenance issues, and hasn’t even had to change the tires yet. And he drives it every day, in California, using the self-driving feature most of the time now.
So unless he’s just straight up lying, it surpasses his greatest expectations since he bought it. He has toured the CyberTruck facility, and has been on the waiting list for over a year. He might get his truck by the end of 2024, if I remember correctly.
And he’s certainly not the only one. People like Sandy Munro, an older guy who apparently is an expert in manufacturing processes, and who takes Tesla’s apart to do videos on every aspect of the car, down to the frame, loves them. His videos get from 150,000 to 280,000+ views every day.
He worked for Legacy Auto for decades, so he knows how Legacy Auto works, how their supply lines work, how their research and development works, how much time it takes to get things done, how much things cost, and there is no comparison to the way Tesla is doing things.
Maybe he’s a shill, but I don’t think so. He’s a technical guy.
There are lots of Tesla owners who produce 30+ minute youtube content every day, and it’s not teenage girls gushing about Shaun Cassidy (sorry, only teen heart-throb I could come up with!), they’re serious people.
So I get the basic news about Tesla from my regular crypto youtube guy, and there are at least 4 or 5 other guys who specialize in Tesla who I can check any day of the week. There are LOTS more of course, but there are 4 or 5 that I have found, over time, whose content or presentations I like.
Then I see the MSM headlines (or read them here
) and I already know they’re BS. I’m getting more information about Tesla, every day without even really trying, than the authors of these bogus articles do all year long.
I can tell by the way they’re written, in the exact same way as I can tell when I’m reading some biased Left-wing political article. Because I already have enough background information to see what they’re clearly lying about, or just unaware of.
It’s probably a safe bet that 99% of Tesla critics are not putting in the time or effort to do practically any independent research, even as little as the videos I watch each day.
So nearly all of their information is coming from the MSM. The exact same MSM that we don’t trust for anything — unless it’s about Tesla (or EVs in general), in which case the MSM is apparently like the gospel.
It’s an amazing thing to see!
People are very interesting creatures
“it’s an interesting psychological phenomenon” to quote The Gods Must Be Crazy
Anaerobic combustion.
well…don’t get too excited…we still got fetterman
Yes, Jack, we’re all paying attention. Have been for years. No need to ask, ever again.
He’s not asking US; he’s asking the fence-sitters and the un-/ill-informed…
Of course, he’s only loading 9mm because he can’t afford to run .45 ACP.
And he only wants to run .45 because he’s too much of a pussy to shoot 10mm.
10mm is respectable ammo…..but it limits your available pistols quite a bit.
My other heartburn with it is that OTC ammo is either loaded so light it might as well be .40 in a longer case, or it’s super hot loaded to the point of nearly breaking the gun.
Apparently .40 was created by shortening the 10mm case and lightening the load. Which makes it 10mm Special. Or 40 Short and Weak.
“Short and Weak.”
What respectable man, or woman, would want That?
Exactly. So they had to call it 40 Smith and Wesson.
Not sure why they didn’t go with 10mm Special.
Would love 12 mm.
Heck, go whole hog.
I advocate using the most powerful hand gun you can handle.
If you can handle what is basically a five inch diameter artillery shell, in your two hands…go for it.
And you’re probably a character in a DC or Marvel graphic novel.
Alaska Airlines Boeing 737’s inner windshield CRACKS while landing at Portland International Airport – following a litany of abysmal issues with the planes
“Alaska say the aircraft will be inspected and repaired by engineers on the ground.”
Which, as it turns out, is much easier than having the engineers repair it in the air
….or having the pilots gloop it with RTV silicone during the flight…..
This many incidents with the same manufacturer this close together…industrial sabotage. It may have started 2-3 years ago, and is just now showing its ugly face, but that’s no coincidence.
Plenty of time to load up the workforce with CCP assets.
I’m beginning to wonder if they are setting the narrative for a FF event . Possibly with a vip
Maybe. That’s possible. But, I think it’s more like they are trying to scare the peasants into not traveling.
You can ALWAYS take a road trip.
That won’t occur to a lot of people though; and even if it does, in many cases either they hate driving long distances or they don’t have time.
But, see, that’s just it. They want us to stop taking road trips. Since the Mother Road came into existence, Americans just went.
And I’m not a fan of long distances since I discovered airplanes, but would drive if I had to.
Somewhat related. The next two AF1, arrive in 2027 and 2028.
okay…this made me spit out some coffee laughing Scott…how about a little warning next time!
Warnings take all the fun out of it
Heyyy, Steve Robinson did it on/for the Shuttle…
Alaska seems to have had maintenance problems since (or before) they had that crash where the “one-in-a-billion-chance” jackscrew failure occurred. Something about cheap RED Chinese knockoff parts and shoddy maintenance in (IIRC) Oakland CA…
They used to be a stellar company, but they’ve had problems for some time now…
I did read that a lot of the incidents had a common denominator other than Boeing: San Francisco.
So, that might very well be in play.
Snark that doesn’t deserve to be called journalism, from the first link above:
Mar-a-Lago Judge’s Stark Ruling: Jury Sees Secret Files or Trump Wins
Judge Cannon’s order for the jury instructions:
Remember the story about the Serbians interfering in the 2020 election.
There is actual e-mail evidence leak by a whistleblower from Dominium Voting machine and Sheriff Dar Leaf has them. He also wrote a letter to Rep. Jim Jordan
Sherrif Leaf’s letter:
And want is the answer of the Blob/Deep State:
Arrest the lawyer who tried to get this Information out.
Amazing confirmation of what so many have thought about foreign influence on our elections.
Links to the E-Mails can be accessed through Sheriff Leaf’s X-account:
I do plan to return to more extensive discussions of Linux in the future here. Besides the normal desktop experience of the casual user, Linux runs most of the world behind the scenes — your router is probably running Linux, your printers are probably running Linux, the great majority of internet plumbing runs Linux. Amazon is running Linux — even Microsoft is running Linux where it counts.
This commonality of approach allows people to do quite sophisticated things on systems like the ones they have at home. Here’s an example of someone automating the creation of security certificates on his personal LAN — . This can run comfortably on a Raspberry Pi. [Note that there is a vim command on page 3 that is NOT FAIR, in that a reader who understands all of the rest of the article will not necessarily understand it…..and vim errors bite HARD.]
It’s like a science-fiction movie where you look closely at a desk, and it starts to look like columns of numbers. With Linux, you can have your nice system with the desktop background picture you took and spreadsheet programs that will read and write every version of Excel, as well as Lotus 1-2-3, MultiMate, Numbers, and VisiCalc…..and you can reach into the detailed bits and access bank-level encryption and sophisticated firewalls.
With Linux you can view things from 40,000 feet, or 50 feet underground — and the tools are consistent across all scales, so you only have to learn them once.
I was trying to pump gas one time and the pump rebooted before starting to dispense gas.
And it was recognizably Linux.
I drove to another pump just to save time.
It’s better than the supermarket self-check stations that reboot Windows XP and are down half a day.
XP, huh?
That should tell anyone all they want to know about the history of Windows.
What’s really funny is that Microsmurf was doing it in plain sight — every other release of Windows sucked donkey dicks. They had two entirely different development teams — one was supposed to add cool features and the other was supposed to make the system usable and reliable. One was responsible for Windows Me, Vista, and 8….and the other produced Win 98, XP, and 7.
Mind you, there is a similar thing going even with Ubuntu with the LTS versions and the ‘tweeners…..but nobody in their right mind would sell you a new computer with Ubuntu 18.10 on it.
That Microsmurf would load an entire generation of hardware with a defective version of Windows is just amazing levels of chutzpah.
I do not like 22.04 and neither do I like when they introduced the apts or whatever they’re called with some updates coming every day nearly, without one even knowing what they are. I preferred the earlier versions of 20 before they started messing that one around. Another thing previously you could take the machine off line and after a shutdown and restart it would still be off line. Now one can’t do that, unless one pulls the router cable out, it automatically connects when the machine starts.Another thing I don’t like is the way they change everything around, just it seems, for the sake of change. OK if they need to make something work better under the hood, but there is no good reason I can see for putting things in different places on the screen, using different icons, making things so as one cannot find them or have to access them in a different way. Why should one have to re train what is similar to muscle memory just for the sake, it seems, of trendiness.
I don’t like change unless I can see a good reason for it.
The problem is, there’s some faggot…or team of faggots…out there that has become the people who decide what’s fashionable in a user interface. Just like the people who decide clothing styles.
And everyone feels compelled to follow along.
“Gee, window borders are ugly. Let’s make them dithappear even though you won’t be able to tell where one terminal window endth, and the other thtartth” the faggots say, and before you know it, it takes an act of congress to get a window to have a visible border on it. Everywhere, every distro, every OS, no choice, and if you complain to the people in charge of the distro, they tell you to write the code yourself to change it and go away.
And then you’ll see some twit online who complains that an interface “feels dated” (in other words, he’s acting as enforcer for the design/fashion faggots).
But absent actual engineering/research that shows a new interface is more effective, most of it is purposeless. (There is a branch of engineering devoted to this, and given the opportunity the real engineers will complain about some of the choices made, like setup screens that force you to go back and forth through a third screen, etc.)
Don’t even get me started on the “let’s hide the controls” fetish that Gnome has. It makes me want to put my fist through the screen. That wouldn’t be so bad except more and more distros are switching to it by default.
Completely agree and as if to prove a point another FF update just came, I’m sure it’s only around a fortnight since the previous one.
Never having had or used a smart phone, I don’t know but I wondered if they were trying to make it look like one of them.
Ah, so I’m not the only one who noticed the “every other release sucks donkey balls” pattern! Apparently 95 was decent or Windows would never have taken off like it did, but I didn’t go for it. I finally gave in for 98 and was doing the every-other-release thing (waiting for the early adopters to either f*ck themselves or report something good). I never got past 7 in my personal system, and now it lives in an offline qube on this system, and in a dedicated windows 7 box I haven’t turned on in over a year. I only use Win7 if I cannot do what needs to be done in Linux. (Tethered photography being the major item, though I have some other software that has no Linux version, as well. I just haven’t used that software lately.)
7 was, IMHO, almost as good as XP as far as usability/reliability.
The guy has a previous article at the same level of detail —
42-year-old former hockey player dies from “detached blood clot”
This nation will begin to heal when Fauci dances on air.
this line comes to mind here along with Tiny Hobbits Overeat Pizza

wow here’s an “interesting” mangling of a classic Stooges scene that popped up
sounds elegant…do we need to dress up?
Rather see FauXi meet feral hogs.
Along with scarf bitch, Walensky…
Or on a pitchfork in hell.
While on fire…
We are home with a good cup of coffee. Thank you to all of you being here therefore it was not so lonely at the hospital.
I was just about to ask that you let us know when you were home. Rest well, be safe.
Thank you. I might crash later but now I am to awake to sleep
Get some good rest (after Coffee??? LOL) & let us know how you are both doing. So glad you’re home safely!!!
Will do
have something comforting for breakfast.
like chocolate chip cookies !
for Ramadan a ding dong
good news!
So glad you made it through! I hope your husband gets some healing today.
His nose was catheterize this afternoon. He is resting poor guy.
I hope today is better for him. He’s lucky he has you to love on him.
Yes thank you he is better today
He is just very tired. I am cleaning all the blood and was able to get it out of his clothe. All is well .
Yikes! Blood in clothes is the worst! Good for you getting it out.
I used cat – dog deodorizer to get blood out. I figure if it is good for urine or cat-dog barf it is good for that . Just wash the wash cold so it does not set.
Good tip! That’s very useful.
SO GOOD to hear that you and your husband are back at home from the hospital!
Please get some rest!
I did hubby just now is getting his.
here are all the TYSON food brands…to boycott..
replacing American employees with illegals
secretly including insects into their food products
globalist enablers

Globalists Slaughterhouse Economic Policies…
opinion link…
I read an article (that I can’t put my hands on) that shared the name of an ingredient that was made from bugs, but didn’t have a ‘bug’ name to it. So it is happening!
I’m up for a Tyson Group boycott!
Goodbye Sara Lee, Jimmy Dean, Hillshire Farms and Ball Park Hot Dogs!
Micro ground report:
I told you guys about my hubby having an “idiot weiner” guy who kept parking in a way to impede access to the loading dock so Hubby maneuvered his 40′ truck w/in 6″ of the guy’s pickup. Well, the next time Hubby delivered there the guy had managed to park out of the way…Finally! LOL. We’ll see if it still holds up this week.
My son Brandon completed his Fire Fighting trial period with the City of Detroit yesterday & is slated to get his badge finally. He was initiated w/ a dual assault by the guys at the recent fire-station placement, first cream in the face (usually it’s a pie), & then later being doused w/ water while he was washing dishes. He’d put his cellphone in a plastic bag in his pocket in advance having heard such shenanigans were typical.
He said when they erased the “T” (for trial-man) in front of the FF on the duty board he got tears in his eyes. The hazing during training included whenever any superior officer asked for his first name his reply was always “Trial Man, Sir”. He apparently is now a full-fledged dual-role Fire Fighter & EMT for Detroit at this point even though he has never yet entered a burning building in the course of his training. He did help put out a garage fire at least…so I guess Detroit isn’t so arsonistic any more, since they’ve demolished so many vacant homes since Mike Duggan became the mayor, which is a relief for all.
Our special needs son Josiah is trying out more of a schedule for when he’s with us in our home & when he’s with his wife in her parents’ home. This time he has been able to come home without major upheaval on their side as they finally are beginning to grasp that his type of autism means he needs to come home to re-group periodically & he is not “violating the covenant” nor trying to destroy their marriage. This is a Huge PTL, for the last time he came home he was crying for hours over the early days as the other side just couldn’t/wouldn’t understand his needs. The pastor has been helpful in calming these troubled waters in recent weeks & we are so thankful for this much less distressing transition than what has been happening for the past 16 months or so…
Finally, our third grandchild is due later this week, so I’d really appreciate prayers for my DIL Tara, son Nathaniel, & their D Lilah as this family goes through another transition into a place my husband & I never visited, as in being parents of just 2 kids–we had twins in the second pregnancy. Please pray for a safe delivery for mom & baby, good health for both, comfort & peace for Lilah as she adjusts to a baby (presumed) sister, & for God’s Will & timing in all of these things.
Thanks to so many of you for loving prayer support over the years–You ALL Rock!!!
TY TT. I was bummed to learn that the fire poles have all been removed so there is no sliding down that metal post in urgency any more, at least not in Detroit…
Probably all the diverse pole dancers and pole vaulters
bwah ha ha I had visions of the 3 Stooges making good on their fire suppression duties
looking UP…watching the stars, moon & sun…
lots going on, too..
The ‘Blood Moon Purim Eclipse’ of March 25th Will Happen At About The Same Time As The ‘Devil’s Comet’ Becomes Visible To The Naked Eye
article link…
penumbral lunar eclipse Monday March 25, 2024 (Blood Moon)
solar (Great American) eclipse April 8, 2024
Purim.. from sundown March 23 to sundown March 25, 2024
Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks (the Devil’s Comet) will be visible while it completes its 71 year orbit around the sun…aka the Ice Volcano Comet (NASA), it will be visible to most of the Northern Hemisphere either in late March 2024 or into April…will not be visible by May.
more, at the link.
Saw this at Sylvia’s & thought of you, Cthulhu
I thought of The Flood before he got there but then I veer toward Young Earth Creationism
blinded with science
“In Poland yesterday, an American MQ-9 Reaper reconnaissance and attack UAV crashed, which suddenly lost contact with the control station. The reasons for the incident are being clarified.
Of course, the Russian Federation’s ability to influence American equipment using electronic warfare systems deployed in Kaliningrad is also being discussed. However, there is no evidence of Russia’s involvement in this incident.”
(well they would say that wouldn’t they)
i wonder if there is something in Trump Towers that barry left there undiscovered thus far and wants to recover before President Trump is President again…
Letitia James can start seizing Trump buildings in 6 days, if President Trump can’t secure a loan
She’s a vindictive bitch in the employ of the globo cabal…. It will be orgasmic for them if they seize
~~~With 1.3 million square feet of class-a offices space, this 72-story landmark address features floorplans ranging from 6,000 square feet to 38,000 square feet with the incredible views and world-class management team.~~~~~
Saying that she was “very confident” with the strength of her case on appeal, James reiterated that her office would not hesitate to seize Trump’s assets — mentioning Trump’s 40 Wall Street skyscraper by name — if the former president is unable to find the cash to cover the court-ordered disgorgement.
“We are prepared to make sure that the judgment is paid to New Yorkers, and yes, I look at 40 Wall Street each and every day,” James said of the standard court process for collecting judgments in civil cases.
Pride goeth before a fall…just ask fanni
This dovetails with what Yours Truly commented yesterday about this situation.
Apparently, Letitia James will be free do so just that — seize Donald Trump’s real estate properties if he doesn’t come up with the bond by the deadline.
And, according to the New York Post article, he has come up with 120% of the total judgement against him as bond — a grand total of $557.5 million.
this is toooooo convenient for my taste. (as in we didn’t enact the special law to only go after one man–see? we’re doing good BS)
did NYC Mayor cross the wrong path? a woman files a sexual assault case against the mayor she claims occurred in 1993–under the same act that allowed crazy carroll to sue President Trump. she is only asking for $5 MILLION in, you know, personal trauma injuries..
Filed in Manhattan under the Adult Survivors Act, which provided New Yorkers a one-year window to bring lawsuits over sexual assaults that may have occurred decades ago, the woman said the incident allegedly happened when she and Adams worked together at New York City’s transit police bureau. At the time, she had asked him for career help after having been passed up for a promotion. In the 26-page complaint, the woman claimed that Adams drove her to “a vacant lot and requested oral sex.” When she declined, Adams then allegedly “forced her to touch his penis and ejaculated on her leg.”
“The effects of that sexual assault, betrayal and astonishing abuse of power, continue to haunt the plaintiff to this day,” the lawsuit said.
The woman claimed that she feared for her life at the time due to Adams’ then-status as a police officer with a loaded gun.
Mayor Eric Adams has denied the sexual assault allegation since the lawsuit was filed in November 2023.
“That is not who I am,” he said at a community meeting in December. “I want to be very clear: Never happened. I don’t even know who the person is. I don’t even remember if I ever met them before.”
“ “I want to be very clear: Never happened. I don’t even know who the person is. I don’t even remember if I ever met them before.””
Wasn’t that roughly Trump’s claim around the crazy store stalker “lady”???
absolutely…so his denial should be just as demoralizing for this woman as carroll claimed it was for her…up the reward to BILLIONS
that’ll be the day! Would be awesome to see though!
The Adams accuser at least has some type of possible contact but Trump and the psycho…pure fantasy promoted and validated by a politically biased court.
She’s probably an opportunist hoping for a payday. Why not? The witch hunt on DJT showed that no evidence is required.
yeah the law is civil not criminal so apparently no real evidence is required…just her feelings
Pandora’s Box’d In!
Peter Navarro
Here is the statement I issued after Justice John Roberts decided to reject my release pending appeal. STATEMENT OF PETER NAVARRO RE: SCOTUS DECISION Justice Roberts took care to note that his reason for denial was “distinct from [my] pending appeal on the merits.” That appeal on the merits will continue and if I fail in that appeal – after nonetheless serving my full prison term — the constitutional separation of powers will be irreparably damaged and the doctrine of executive privilege dating back to George Washington will cease to function as an important safeguard for effective presidential decision-making. There is much at stake here and it is worth the fight. The partisan nature of the imprisoning of a top senior White House aide should chill the bones of every American. In Joe Biden’s weaponized justice system, a Democrat controlled Congress and Justice Department together with an Obama-appointed District Judge and three Obama-appointed Appeals Court judges drove the Navarro railroad right into prison. If anybody thinks these partisans and politicians in robes aren’t coming for Donald Trump, they must think twice now.
for those that follow this type of thing–Kate has been spotted but followers don’t believe it’s really her…(???) i don’t claim to know if that’s true…I’m not a fan, so i can’t tell
My standard for things is look to msm for clues. If they’re reporting and perpetuating rumors whether it’s about the royals or Trump or j6’ers….it’s clickbait at best or out and out fake news.
Like that assho Colbert regurgitating the William affair accusation. The person that originally started the lie has admitted it was a joke but once social media gets their hooks in it never goes away. The woman now has brought lawyers in. I hope she sues Colbert.
This body double business is ridiculous. They’re in public near their home. She’s had some sort of surgery and long recuperation so naturally she’d be a bit thinner but she’s always been slender. Even this “sighting” is probably to appease the believers of the previous rumor…Kate is dead
This is a claimed AI image per the DM
some sceptical social media users have accused the image of being doctored or generated using AI. Pictured: An image of Kate created by AI
also from the same DM piece, link at bottom
Her Mother’s Day portrait was edited by the Princess of Wales to make the perfect family shot. But conspiracy theorists have used it to question everything about Kate’s health
The above pic looks AI problematic to me more on the boys “6” fingers on our left (we chewed over this image at the Q-Tree recently, iirc)
I don’t see 6 fingers, only four. However the hand is strangely contorted and I did wonder if that could have been something caused by the jab, and the hullabaloo about other things in the picture was to draw attention away from that. At the time I searched to see if the jab could cause something like that but could not find anything.
I was counting the thumb as one of the fingers & then between the one touching the “table” & the pinky the folds of the skin make it appear that there are 2 fingers between them, plus the one folded back weirdly which adds up to 6 in my way of speculating
back in January or whenever it was when she went into the hospital, she made an announcement that she wouldn’t be making any public appearances until Easter.
so….it’s not Easter yet.
Seems the WEFfenSS have joined hands with the Yellow British Press yet again. One has to wonder what they are hiding… Daily Fail has REAL pics of William and Kate taken recently. Why is the press so anxious for a disaster?
Especially when Ginger-snapped and Me-Again Marxist are being pimped by the Presstitutes???
Here’s an article from someone who’s been covering the royal family for over 20 years… seems Fleet Street and the Yellow Stream Media don’t care…
But it’s no laughing matter. People are so irresponsible. I doubt it’s possible, but IMO that person should be sued.
The UK have (or are instituting) some of the most draconian speech-restriction/dis-/mis-/mal-information laws on the planet. Ironically, this is one case where they might be of use.
I rather expect that someone will get whacked, perhaps not publicly, though…
that’s pretty dark, but then so are these times we live in
This was shared on a sister blog
aside from Ben & JLo…
that “other woman” walking with William….is that the other woman who he was supposedly having an affair with ?
it’s definitely not Kate.
no clue, but I thought it was Claimed to be Kate. If you have access to Twit World you could scroll through the conversations to get a sense of it all perhaps.
uh…no thanks.
LOL I’d look for you if I could
Are we still waiting for the Royal Announcement coming soon?
I haven’t seen anything. What have I missed?
Is it this?
does that signal some type of marital separation?
It’s just another steaming load of YSM/MCM bullshit.
PLEASE don’t get taken in by it. It makes people look like fools, so easily led.
And to think we call the COVIDIOTS sheeple…..
yet another internet soap opera parlor game.
for old ladies with too many cats.
I’m not following it at all & don’t really care honestly, just thought it sounded strange for a senior royal to step back from duties to work in a business, that’s all.
Are you saying that letter is fake too?
And it’s ridiculous for a Royal to do that.
Someone’s trying desperately to throw shade on Kate and William. And it reeks of Ginger and Snap…
yes, yes it does. A weird personal vendetta with plenty of help from their likeminded race baiting activists, bots and anti monarchy crowd and of course the very thirsty news as fake and distorted as any here in the US.
“Ginger and Snap…” the UK’s Big Mike & aka BHO…puke emoji
Harry and Me-Again Marxist, if that’s what you mean…
yes useless, over-rated parasites
At this point, I consider almost everything to be fake until proved otherwise.
How likely do you think it would be for Kate to leave her royal duties, with the impact that would have not only on her country but also her husband and children, and go to work at a steelwork firm?
How likely is it that, even if she made such a ridiculous decision, she would publish it in a letter like that, full of ampersands instead of the word “and” (for starters) as well as a gratuitous “of” in the last sentence and overuse of commas? The wording of “let the British public know what has been going on” is also suspect, as a dip into informal language so commonly used here. And more…
Sharpen up those spidey antennae!
The internet is full of pranksters and liars.
Funny (not) how the “fact checkers” are mostly, if not completely, silent on this flood of sensationalist swill…..
all good insights–TY
Where did that fakery come from?
It was the only thing that looked remotely legit.
Went back and looked. It’s a tweet from the place she’s going to work at. MJ Robinson Structures Ltd.
Ahhhh… another one of their tweets from within.
Everything is cool. Looks legit
I guess we are still here?
If you look reeaaalllly close, Elvis, James Dean, Marilyn Monroe, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Jimmy Hoffa, and Harvey the Rabbit are there, too…
Well, IMO, if the statement from Kensington Palace is truly legitimate, that statement of “I will be moving on from my duties…” is **quite interesting**, to say the least.
On the other hand, here’s an image of the official statement by Kensington Palace regarding Kate Middleton in January 2024:
There is no imminent Royal announcement. It’s a case of another person “hoaxing” (i.e., lying) on the internet. I posted something about it yesterday or the day before, I think.
The only real thing that actually happened is that Harry and Meghan’s bio was downgraded to reflect their non working royal status on the Royal Family site.
Someone may have had foreknowledge of it and put out a tweet but it wasn’t an official notice.
That company has a wonderful sense of humor!
calendar says today is the vernal equinox…but we got snow here overnight…

mentioning melons tends to bring out Steve, Scott, Kalbo & crazy plane lady (among others) LOL
Yeah but this is dogs, not foxes, so no hazard.
Nice catch in the Wolf Pack
Just for fun…
TY…I LOVE that one!
Erin go braless
good one!
how did he pass the registration test to lawfully buy a gun???
March 19, 2024 9:07 am
How could he be legally carrying the weapon in CHICAGO and where did he get it?
Illegal Immigrant Can Carry Guns: Federal Judge
MAR 18, 2024
Prosecutors charged Heriberto Carbajal-Flores, the illegal alien, in 2020 after he was found in Chicago carrying a semi-automatic pistol despite “knowing he was an alien illegally and unlawfully in the United States.”
“The court finds that Carbajal-Flores’ criminal record, containing no improper use of a weapon, as well as the non-violent circumstances of his arrest do not support a finding that he poses a risk to public safety such that he cannot be trusted to use a weapon responsibly and should be deprived of his Second Amendment right to bear arms in self-defense.”
Funny that it’s only the commercial division.
Still thinks it’s payback for moving one of their plants out of Seattle.
While Trump was in office they had some protection.
Now that’s it’s gone…it just took time.
That and DEI I’d assume is playing large part.
Boeing likely kowtowed to the Bidenese in a big way to avoid their wrath and are now reaping the benefits of being loved by people who hate them.
Now Boeing runs a very large facility out of San Antonio. But that is for servicing military refuelers and I’ve heard of no problems coming out of there with those aircraft. Either DoD is protecting them or DEI was not a consideration for that facility because the military would not allow it, or required additional safeguards to counter the effects DEI. Many of mechanics working there are private contractors who bring in their own tools. The rest are GS employees who work directly for the govt so it would take a long while to attrit them and bring in people less qualified to do the job (DEI).
Industrial sabotage by another name.
I have an idea that there’s more to it than that, though. At a 40,000 foot level, the powers that wannabe don’t want the peasants moving around the country. The EV push is part of that, IMO. Wrote out some some notes on the topic.
Yes! Societal sabotage of transportation in America.
The fighter assembly line is in the old McDonnell-Douglas ramp here. No problems coming out of there, either.
Interesting article over at ZeroHedge about Boeing’s decline and problems (H/T another ian at Chiefio’s):
An excerpt:
A Homegrown CollapseOur friend Fischer King elaborated a bit in another X post:
[end excerpt]
Oh, I’ve seen it called both “Boing” and “Boring”. The beauty of the latter one is it could be a fat finger since E and R are right next to each other on the keyboard. Plausible deniability for the employee who oopsies on a powerpoint slide.
That’s a ducking good excuse
Excellent. The little RAT deserves worse, but his is good for now.
Abject, Unconscionable, Incomprehensible Evil
I think exceptions to “cruel and unusual punishment” could be argued as punishment for Engermoron’s cruel and unusual (and intentional) misinterpretation of the law.
Yea, butt: who will listen to them????????????
I am not surprised because I know who they are. They could have proven me wrong but they did not. Communists all the way full of hate and envy. Envy I believe fuels communism. They do not want to work to get what others have. Coveting their neighbors goods. Envy remember that.
You’ve nailed it, brilliantly!
Guys, I actually really hate peeing on people’s parades. But when presented with yet another breathless “oh, my, the sky is going to fall” proposition, I have to do actual research.
The coming eclipse causing warnings to stock up on supplies, National Guard to be called up, etc., is another one. From 2017:
“State and local officials whose areas will get the best views of the rare coast-to-coast solar eclipse later this month are issuing emergency advisories and taking crisis precautions as they brace for a massive influx of tourists.
The eclipse’s “zone of totality” — where the moon will almost fully block the sun — is a 70-mile-wide strip that will fall across towns and cities in 12 states from Oregon to South Carolina. It’s the first coast-to-coast total solar eclipse in 99 years.
An estimated 12 million people will be plunged into darkness for nearly three minutes on Aug. 21 — and as many as 7.4 million more people are expected to travel to areas along the eclipse band. Local officials — some of whom could see the populations of their towns double in just a few days — are now faced with undertaking massive precautionary measures.
In South Carolina, officials have advised residents to stock up on groceries and fill their cars with gas prior to the eclipse. In Nebraska — where it is believed that the eclipse could bring in more people than any other event in the state’s history — officials will activate the emergency operations center, using the same protocol they would use in the event of a large-scale disaster. And commissioners in Washington County, Idaho, passed an emergency declaration so that the county can recoup expenses in the event of unforeseen circumstances.
More links:
I made the point a bit ago that I literally drove 3 miles to the last total eclipse, and there were no warnings of this sort.
My question is: why are there this time? The main suspicion is tourism in places that aren’t used to it. The other is far more sinister.
Just pointing out that this is going on.
A seventy mile swath as large as it is, is huge. Hard to think they’d have congestion problems of the type they are preparing for. If it was just a quarter mile wide you could likely fit all of NYC in one of those 1/4 mile slivers. Also the majority of people would be in and out with in a few hours even with traffic jams, yet preparations they are asking for go on for days.
First suspects are the news just trying to hype the event and keep people on edge. After that it gets nefarious in directions I don’t think we can see yet. Should be able to explain it better once its all over and done.
Yup. Such a scam.
I happen to live within this “70 mile” swath.
My band is playing the Saturday before the eclipse at a watch party festival that will also be within the 70 mile swath. Expecting 150k people over the weekend in a small town. We’ll see what happens.
Hope you have battery-powered stand lights
Here… we all have generators and fuel.
But….but….but…. No solar?????
Ya… Got that too
What kind of band? Hope you all have a blast!!!
My husband got his original Christian Rock Band back together after 15 years, less the rhythm guitarist, for a special birthday bash he threw in my honor last month. It was a Huge Treat, especially for our immediate family, for our kids grew up w/ their dad being a literal “rock star” (label applied by some envious teens at his first ever gig at a Christian biker coffee house where Hubby’s group became the unofficial house band).
This site has their much loved album
Thanks for the link.
We play mostly original music with some covers… I would classify the Genre as mostly new country. We often discuss Biblical topics in between sets at out “Rehearsal” time at least once a week.
That sounds Awesome. All of my hubby’s Christian bands have had a significant element of fellowship & prayer support amongst the guys, & most were bands that did mostly original works. Binding Faith covered Third Day’s “The Thief” & “Grace Like Rain” in rock worship styles that were very uplifting & also relatable for audiences who didn’t know their original material.
Michael played in a Bluesy Country Rock style Christian band for a while that kept transmogrifying according to the whims of the the lead guitarist, who wrote most of the music that his wife then sang. They had a great song, “Dusty Town”, that I thought could have done well in radio play for it was that catchy. The former singer’s raspy vocals really made it pop!
Hubby is second from the right in the header for his old band, at least as it shows at reverb nation:
I wish him (and You) the very best.
TY RB Blessings!
It depends. Many people will want to stay in a hotel in the eclipse zone or camp out, and they will therefore congregate in places big enough to have a hotel.
In 2017 I parked by the side of a road once I made sure I wasn’t under a cloud (I saw other idiots park and set up under the cloud, when they could have driven a mile south on a county road to get out from under it.)
Always running ahead of the pack!
Departing Idaho through Oregon, lotsa traffic in the last one.
Not a big deal though.
Just let the morons in their Audi’s, BMW’s drive as unsafe as they wish.
My point is, look at the dates on these articles. There WERE warnings last time. Exactly the same.
Well, it wasn’t widely publicized around here.
Good research. It looks like common-sense admonitions to be prepared for an influx of people over a number of days, and all that that can entail. The more people who are self-sufficient in case of shortages, the better.
Exactly. Convenience stores, grocery stores and gas stations will all be under pressure.
Waffle House to the rescue… they usually manage to stay open under the most extreme conditions…
(Wish they were over here… along with RoundTable and IN-N-OUT Burger…)….
Ummm .. W : Riddle me this: massive info on the eclipse; massive invasion of who knows who … directions to the red flag site[s]??
If the mozzies don’t return us to the sixth- (or earlier) century, the presstitutes will…..
Interesting. Was returning from Wisconsin Dells, when we diverted up into Idaho. Never saw the, “Warning Will Robinson” nonsense. But then, I never read or watch Pravda.
I went to the 2017 eclipse in Idaho, too. I never paid attention to any news or anything much about it. I think we are all so primed to look for conspiracies now, we sometimes are looking for zebras instead of horses when we hear hoof beats.
And then we see Fani and Stacy Abrams, erm, hoofing it up the road…
quite the detour
The article she posted is from 2017, so one of your premises is false. There were warnings back then.
However, they were “cry wolfs” just as today’s are.
No, my premise is actually good when you consider that in 2017 we didn’t hear about it here in a fairly large MSA…okay, one of the bigger ones…because we have plenty of essential resources. I have no idea what the more rural areas were hearing, and at the time, I was off Twitter and some other social media for various reasons.
In other words, you were the exception that proved the rule.
Pravda News has nothing better to lie about at the moment.
They have to exploit the stories that they’re allowed to report on since illegals pouring in is a no. Illegals raping and murdering..a no. POTATUS being Trump’s Vax Rogue
at least you aren’t calling it rain
Lol! No prevarication here!
Purple Princess Packs a Punch!
AND Pees Precisely on Parades
Lol. Sad, but true.
Well you never did say it was raining so it’s all good
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, March 19, 2024
“But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”
Isaiah 53:5 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
That should be a ten ton boulder and the plane heading straight down tail first.
Too bad. They were getting some great publicity from a number of Twitter accounts. There are men out there documenting their weight loss journeys, and one of them is a Planet Fitness devotee. He’s got one heck of a following.
Go woke, go broke. It can undo the greatest advantages.
They know what to do: admit their error, reinstate the lady, refuse to allow men in women’s areas. But I guess they are owned by woke corporations that have a hold over them, so they panic and do nothing while watching it all play out.
It requires firing internal wokies. Not enough testosterone to do it.
My prayers are with Nevarro. He needs it 4 months in solitude . How his faith carries him it should.
I think the Apostle Paul wrote most/all of his epistles in prison…AND The Enemy probably thought he was winning
Never let a child go alone into a public bathroom.
linked there
whoops just saw that you already shared the link
Executive Summary This report reviews the major policy errors and lessons learned during the COVID pandemic from a balanced perspective that includes health, economic, educational, and civil liberty considerations. We outline ten key lessons that must be learned to avoid mistaken policy responses to future pandemics and other crises.
That’s a good list and report. I hope it will be heeded.
Communism. OBAMA needs to pay for this. OBAMA. He’s behind this.
there’s that whole selective prosecution thing again.
maybe it was a timing thing–but why didn’t the repubs get rid of the subpoena from the j6 committee when they regained the house majority?
Lot of this happening now.
Full Story but the vid above captures it all.
Woman Arrested Following a Squatter Standoff in Her Million-Dollar Family Residence in Queens, New York (VIDEO) Jim Hᴏft Mar. 19, 2024 9:15 am 888 Comments
Communists using criminals to advance their agenda.
Extortion is legal these days. The guy said he put money in the house and if the owner would pay him he’d leave. Lawfare for scofflaws is booming.
right?!?! and so freakin bold. Not a lick of shame.
I’ve seen so much news about squatters lately. Florida just passed a law. It might be a good idea for people to check the laws in their states.
NY perpetually cutting their own throats–demonic madness!
Mark Levin:
wondering that myself
They are not helping because the outfall to their own business is to high. The left has taken over and the millionaires see what could happen to them. That is what happens under communism. Everyone out to safe themselves but it does not. Sooner or later they will come after them. Funny how so many people do not understand that. Stay strong do what is right.
they are next regardless…pay for play in NY…
they think they will be spared? HARDLY
once you let the beast out of the cage–no one is safe.
uniting they stand…divided we all fall
I think you are 100% correct.
It is a great question, where are the conservative billionaires.
What if, Trump has received discrete offers. Turned them down.
FORCING the lunacy in NYC to play out.
That was fast! Just yesterday they had stayed the order. Great news!
OK – that is what happened.
Great ! I hope other States get a spine and protect their citizens too
Unfortunately, all the other border states have dem governors.
With that ruling i’d wonder if citizens in those border states might not turn around and sue their states for not standing up and defending them. At the minimum they can and will be anyways using that as a talking point in the elections but now it will have a certain bit of sting to it. “You could of done something. You did nothing!”
Charlie Kirk Tweeted the above postmillennial notice at 12:27 stating a 6-3 Vote
Greg Price edited his tweet at 12:35 and he rstates that it was a 7-2 Vote
I haven’t verified at this point which vote tally is correct, but there is definitely a discrepancy in the number of dissenting judges.
Greg Price @greg_price11 at 12:35
The Supreme Court just did a 180 and ruled that Texas is allowed to enforce SB 4, allowing state police to arrest and deport illegal aliens.
7 of the 9 Justices sided with Texas over the Biden admin
Sotomayor and Jackson dissented and said it will “sow chaos.”
No, chaos is what we have now in this country. It will restore law and order.
For me, chaos is the 180. WTF is going on???!!!
Their argument is probably that there would be two entities dealing with illegals: the federal government and the state. I say no problem.
The Left wants power concentrated in the federal government.
Yeah, and she still was burned at the stake. Great example for us all, though.
Finally – some TRANSANITY instead of TRANSMANIA.
Bill Gates’ latest plot against us – a small group of medical elites deciding everything.
Michele Bachmann explains.
good stuff w/ 2 sort videos by MB & RFK jr. at the link
“It is a complete dictatorial power grab.”
Former U.S. congresswoman, Michele Bachmann: Bill Gates—through the WHO Pandemic Agreement—is attempting “the greatest grab of power in 5000 years of recorded human history”.
“Once the deed is done next May, if in fact it does get done, it will change our lives completely going forward.”
RFK Jr. explains how Bill Gates uses “philanthropy” as a smokescreen for reaping personal profits:
“He gets tax deductions for giving money to the WHO, he gains control of the WHO. The WHO finances the health ministries in virtually every country in Africa, so he can say, as a condition of getting that money—this is what the WHO does—you have to show that you vaccinated a certain percentage of your population. And the vaccines that they’re buying are owned by companies that Gates owns. At the end, the punchline on almost all of his philanthropic projects is that he ends up making money.”
For more content like this, subscribe to undefinedundefined
Sometimes I take him for granted. It’s humbling and amazing that despite huge legal problems, negative mainstream press and dangerous globalists plotting against him 24/7 he always keeps his eyes on the prize and us.
Yes! He is a patriot through and through.
Earlier, I asked about the Zach Voorhies X post from the open, and Aubergine provided a link to the related Amazing Polly video. I’m about halfway through, and it’s such a maze of connections that my mind is flipping from “so what?” to “it’s interesting that they are in relationships with those people” — all as intended.
Polly shows a graphic of basically Conservative Inc., all of whom have relationships with The Wellness Company. It includes the two older Trump sons, Dan Bongino, Steve Bannon, and many others. Then she proceeds to outline how the founders of the company have ties to Haiti, own many companies, and of course are making tons of money.
When I stopped watching, she had just played a clip of James O’Keefe stating that his work requires a lot of capital and he is grateful to The Wellness Company for their sponsorship.
Polly says she is not accusing anyone, but her way of speaking belies that. She asks all kinds of damning questions that of course we don’t have answers to. They are designed to cast doubt on any- and everyone associated with the company.
She questions whether it is really an intelligence operation with a “wellness” front. She wonders if all the conservative influencers are being used. And since I imagine there is no answer to that, anyone who watches the video could be left with questions and doubts.
While I think it’s good to put all the cards on the table, I’m left with a bad taste in my mouth from the way she presents it, painting everyone with a broad brush of negativity while saying the opposite.
Forgot to mention that she cast doubt on O’Keefe’s Pfizer sting, wondering whether that guy really worked for Pfizer. The implication is that anyone associated with The Wellness Company is bought and paid for and probably being influenced to do their bidding. I got some anti-Trump vibes too, though if she said anything blatant, I didn’t catch it.
IF, O’Keefe Pfizer sting guy didn’t work for Pfizer.
THEN, Pfizer would have sued O’Keefe into oblivion.
NOT so Amazing Polly smells like part of the problem.
Glad I don’t watch her.
Thanks for the synopsis of what you’ve watched so far.
Something about Polly has always been off-putting to me. Maybe she seems smug or condescending? That’s sort of how it feels to me when I’ve listened before, however briefly. Her manner feels superior.
YW. I hadn’t seen her in several years, and she seems almost bitter to me. She’s not old, but like a little old lady who sits at her desk trying to find dirt on people.
Not every corporation is corrupt, and not everyone who was ever connected with a huge, wealthy corporation is either. That said, she has probably uncovered some significant things. I think she needs a way to accurately filter the information. As it is, she presents every iota of it with suspicion.
Good discussion. I’ve come to similar conclusions.
People spotted the supplements market in the wake of COVID and Jabs. They grabbed affiliations with big names, many of whom lost jobs.
I’m OK with the whole thing. I don’t buy the stuff, but many do. It’s OK.
If Polly wants to dig on Con, Inc., sure, OK, but they’re not demons like the Demmunists, that much is clear.
Citizen Free Press:
Hubby just showed me this…it’s so good…
Faux News sucks.
^^^ Edited in the correct X. ^^^
He’s great!
Speaking of sucks, Kenji does also…
Here’s the rest of the tweet
James Woods
Many of you have asked my opinion about so many political issues lately. Quite frankly the paucity of authentic, unbiased news coverage is so exhausting, I’ve honestly lost interest.
More importantly, I don’t believe there will be a fair presidential election this year. What with the Democrats exploiting mail-in ballots, no voter ID, unsupervised midnight ballot counting, ballot harvesting, unattended ballot drop boxes, all of their usual high jinks, I anticipate a corrupt election at minimum, or an outright stolen election more likely.
The 2024 presidential election will be a soft coup, not unexpected in most third world banana republics, which sadly is what America has become.
11:01 AM · Mar 19, 2024
Trump-endorsed Bernie Moreno wins Ohio Republican Senate primary
I voted for Frank LaRose.
I don’t know if this has been posted yet….
But….. Joe Dan is at it again!
Naomi Wolf has a BILL ready to down load and attach to emails to our CONgress critters:
It is a doozy
Love it!
Please, be patient for tomorrow’s opener. I was out for a few hours, and the internet at my dogsitting gig is less than ideal. On top of it, one of the dogs is throwing a tantrum and I don’t know why.
What kind of a dog is it?
Poodle mix. I suspect the rest is otterhound or something like that.
Hmmm….that leaves causes for tantrums wide open, as well as expected duration. Good luck with the pooch, and we’ll see your wanton, wicked Wednesday post whenever…..
He wants me to go to bed in large part because he gets a “cookie” when he goes upstairs. The Sheltie, OTOH, is being a decent gentleman…for the most part.
how is This, Any of it, legal???
Let’s just get this in here and hope that De Pat isn’t delayed until 500….
Done. It’s serviceable, at least. I admit, not my best.
One of today’s adventures was exploring the eject command.
I can use it right here on my daily driver, and it seems trivially easy. I can say “eject” and have the DVD/CD drive open, or “eject -t” and have the drive close, or type “eject -T” to have it open if closed or close if opened.
From there, it gets complicated. Certain drives (particularly on laptops) don’t have the guts to close themselves, so can’t execute that — they will pop open, however. Then, if you’re working on a remote machine, the drive may be owned by root or AA123, and an ssh’d AA456 may have to “sudo eject” to have permission to eject the drive.
It’s something that has real rules that could be learned, but it’s fun to just twiddle with it until you have a feel for how you need to approach it.
Makes a great cupholder if it doesn’t work
Unless it has an eject defect…