Dear MAGA: 20240324 Open Topic

This Rejoice & Praise God Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.

It’s also a place to read, post, and discuss news that is worth knowing and sharing. Please post links to any news stories that you use as sources or quote from.

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On this day and every day –

God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.

“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Green Pastures & Still Waters

Psalm 23 offers comfort with its soothing words and assurance in the Shepherd. Its poetic allure attracts even unbelievers, while its pastoral imagery draws from David’s own shepherding background, aiming to evoke a sense of tranquility. Throughout Psalm 23, the timeless truth about God and His relationship with His people unfolds. An example is the second verse, “He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters.”

To delve into David’s imagery in Psalm 23:2, consider how shepherds took care of their sheep in biblical times. Rather than “drive” them with a stick from behind as is commonly imagined, shepherds guided the sheep, going before them to suitable pasture. Without a shepherd, sheep would either starve or become prey. Similarly, the shepherd directed the sheep to water sources. By invoking this analogy, David expresses his complete reliance on God to fulfill all his needs, conveying deep adoration for God as the Ultimate Provider.

It’s interesting that Jesus refers to Himself as the Good Shepherd multiple times in the Gospels, paralleling the Psalms (John 10:11, 14–15; Matthew 18:12–14; Luke 15:3–7). No doubt, His listeners were familiar enough with the Old Testament to pick up on the reference. That might explain why some thought of Him as insane (John 10:19–20). Nevertheless, the resonant truth remains that Jesus is God—the Good Shepherd whom we faithfully follow.

As the Good Shepherd, Christ initially tended to our spiritual needs by “sacrificing his life for the sheep” (John 10:14). Isaiah employs similar imagery, proclaiming, “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one, to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all” (Isaiah 53:6). Christians lie in the green pasture of God’s grace and beside the still water of salvation, recognizing that these blessings stem from a Good Shepherd’s guidance.

Beyond spiritual needs, the Good Shepherd also attends to our other requirements. This raises an obvious objection: why do certain Christians still lack? David’s confidence in God’s provision doesn’t negate other passages highlighting the persistence of poverty in this fallen world until God renews His creation (Matthew 26:11; Mark 14:7; John 12:8). Various factors can lead to poverty, and God’s commitment to meet our needs does not necessarily entail a life of constant abundance or freedom from challenges, at least not in this world. Numerous psalms mirror the angst of the psalmist, who felt that God had abandoned him in critical moments, and it is human that we react likewise. However, God’s power shines through both in times of plenty and scarcity.

As the psalmist did, we can confidently declare that God makes us lie down in green pastures, secure, satisfied, and unafraid. Christ, our Good Shepherd, provides for our needs in profound ways.

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Valerie Curren

Amen Carl…Thank you for continuing to point us to the Good Shepherd & His abundant care for us all! God Bless You  ❤ 


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I love the Gila Monster shaking his fist at the AZ swamp.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I don’t think that’s a Gila monster, because of the ears/horns on the head.

By the way the recent fatality was the first one since the 1930s. Their bite isn’t generally fatal; generally people who die from them are either drunk or mismanage the injury.


Knowing our resident lizard guy would weigh in, I debated whether to name it or just go with generic lizard.

I decided that the focus was Arizona so Gila Monster was it.

Take that, mister technically precise.  😂  😆  😍 


Good catch on the lizard! I hadn’t noticed it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WHAAAY, it do look lahk a HORNY TOAD! 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In many ways like bearded dragons (but much smaller), down to being adapted for dry conditions and eating bugs. Though beardies do eat vegetables too.


Apparently JB is trying to “brand” people with names like Trump does. I guess his handlers came up with “Broke Don.” 🥱

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The Left is so terrible at memes and branding people that they’d be better off if they didn’t even try 😂


Fascinating. None of those chains appear to be restraining DJT.

So their purpose is …?


To show how powerful he is, that not even their silly little Leftist girlie chains can hold him 😂

Last edited 11 months ago by scott467

Girlie chains had me LoL.


I think he will either win in the courts or post the bond. He has the money, I’m sure of it.

Trump is luring them into a trap. Think how hilarious it would be if he “played broke” and then just put up the money.


Not a good idea. False statements to the court are destroying Big Fani and there’s no reason to believe they aren’t trying to bait DJT into a similar tarpit here in NYC.


I don’t think he’s said anything false. I think he has quietly raised the money from private sources.

In the beginning, I don’t think he had the cash on hand.

Last edited 11 months ago by Aubergine

But his attorneys are telling the court that it’s impossible to get a bond. If he has the cash, there’s no need for a bond.



They didn’t say he didn’t have the cash, they said they couldn’t get a bond, which is true.


It’s called misleading the court. Making it look like he’s stuck so they can get extraordinary relief from the court. It violates the attorney’s ethical obligations.

Trust me on this one.


I don’t distrust you. I just think that he has raised the money.

The court can’t expect him not to try to get the money. If he tried and succeeded, how can they be mad about that? He couldn’t possibly know whether he could raise the full amount until he did.


Nobody gets a bond which costs a premium if they have the cash. Why would you pay $110 for a $100 bond if you have the $100? It makes no sense.

So by seeking a bond, he is stating that he doesn’t have the money – otherwise he would post it to the court registry (court trust account).

If he has the money but tries to get a bond, that creates a misleading situation which is unethical.

In Trump’s case, it’s also very dangerous.

p.s. trust me means that I know the facts, not that we have a moral problem in our relationship  🙂 


Lol, I get what you are saying. But what I am saying is, he DID NOT have the money when he sought the bond. But he made phone calls, and RAISED the money when he couldn’t get a bond.

Maybe he didn’t really do that, but he could have.

Barb Meier

The Obiden admin just admitted to us all that they are controlling the persecutions by touting “broke Don”.


Just because in any other election year this would be news:

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Biden deserves JAIL.

But NOOOOOOOOOO! The Department of JUST US says it’s all OK!!!

Barb Meier

Has Joe Biden given Barack Obama power of attorney over his decisions? Just curious.

Valerie Curren

did aka BHO or ValJar tell him to (how high to jump & all)?  🙄 


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MAGA 2024 can’t happen soon enough.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Actually the Western Roman empire was worse.

And everyone knows where that led.


Bill Maher & panel were left baffled last night after Truth social went public

“This guy is the luckiest guy in the world”

“He always lucks out on everything… now we’re probably not going to see any of the trials”

Teflon Don stays winning

Valerie Curren

Yeah, Don is just lucky, not smart or anything  🙃 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



If every Trump supporter, 75 to 100 million people in America alone, plus tens of millions around the world, buys shares… the stock price will go to the MOON, baby! 🤣🚀🚀🚀🤣

pat frederick

I am all for that idea…but I am admittedly clueless on how to do that…
I saw an episode of Friends once where Monica called “the stock trading store”…I am as clueless as that.
hints on reputable brokers???


You can apparently open a brokerage account with a brokerage firm, and buy stocks yourself:

pat frederick

okay…is THAT a good trusted firm?


Experian is the credit reporting agency. So, they don’t do stocks. I don’t know who to use.

pat frederick

ok thanks…see i really AM clueless about this LOL


I’m as clueless as you are, pat! I’ve never bought a stock in my life!

pat frederick

me neither!


It’s fun! 👍😁

pat frederick

i’m a gambler at heart.

hell i play the lottery at least once a year…LOL


“i’m a gambler at heart.”


Then please be careful! 😲😂

Investing and gambling are two different things 🙂

pat frederick

which is why i haven’t waded into it…
and a $3 lottery ticket is my yearly gambling allowance

Valerie Curren

Hubby would on a rare occasion contribute to the office lottery pool whenever the payout was some exorbitant amount. Of course the group never won 😉

Valerie Curren

If you’re like me it’s hard to buy stock (or anything) w/out excess funds available. I have Very Small Amounts because my dad gifted my sibs & I a couple shares many years ago & occasionally it splits & a couple times it also generated stock in some connected company (in my case a Very Small fraction of a share on the books LOL). When they declare a dividend mine is often less than $2 in a quarter  🙃 


Yeah, I have no money, so I get it.

Valerie Curren

I thought so from other comments you’ve made. Well “they” can’t take from us what we don’t have 😉


Nope! Which is why it’s never bothered me.

Valerie Curren

We know how to abound (in theory LOL) & how to be abased…just like Paul 🙂


Well, I don’t know how much I’m like Paul, but I do try.

Valerie Curren

Well his example is to point us to Jesus after all 😉




You can look at these.

Generally it requires you to open an account by sending them money. You would want to make sure there is no opening or closing fee. There may also be sliding fees (in the mutual fund world those are called 12-1b fees and many funds do not have them. )that are determined by how long you keep your money with them. After a period those fees should disappear so that you never pay them.

Once the money is sent and is in your account you can then use their online tools (compare these too. Some are better than others) to research a stock, research the market, etc and when ready execute a trade by moving money in or out of a stock at a time of your choosing for which there are wise times and not so wise times. That is somewhat what timing the market means. Some online tools will let you execute the trade more efficiently than others.

Watch to determine what fees are involved for making a trade. The sites in the link say they do not charge for trades. Read the fine print. They may have a minimum amount that can be traded or a max amount. If your outside that window it may involve a fee.

Example make a trade, in or out of the stock. Is it free or is there a fee? If so how much? Most of those called the best in free online trading are not charging a fee. They may however charge a maintenance fee which is considered tiny amount of your account. Which is fine if it is indeed a small fraction of the account. But some companies will have a higher maintenance fee than others.

If your borrowing money from them to make a trade you will pay extra and be responsible for the amount borrowed so costs will be higher. You would likely not be doing that.

Determine what is happening to the money they are holding that you haven’t yet used to buy a stock. Example you send them 1000 dollars. Now it sits in your account until you choose something. What is happening to it while it sits? This is how it is similar to a bank account. Does it earn interest or not. If so, how much.

You might have sold a stock and now it goes back to your account and sits. You might let it sit a very long time before you buys something else or take your money back, so you want it to be earning something.

The closer it is to the seven day yield on treasuries the better. The cumulative accounting of the seven day yield will determine the rate they claim your earning for the year. If your money is in an account earning more than the 7 day yield, then they are trying to attract investors in which case I’d be weary.

Best option is that it is earning a competitive interest rate close to what a good mutual market money market fund would pay. Example a bank money market fund might be paying .5 to a full 3% but a mutual fund money market will be paying closer to the 7 day yield on US treasuries so it is paying closer to 5% (now)

Their are tax consequences also. Anything held less than year is charged by the IRS at a higher rate. Lower rate is over a year.

IRS wants to tax your profits. So when you move money in that money is not taxed. What is taxed is the money being moved out if it is more than was moved in, the profit.

So if you open an account with a trading firm no tax till you take it out and you are being taxed for profits as you move money from one stock to another or back into your account.

Also the stock you buy through your account may pay a dividend or a capital gain. Both would be profits and subject to tax and the tax would be determined on how long you held them, over or under a year. Dividends and Capitol gains are paid quarterly, or annually at the discretion of the company you buy stock in. They may not be paid at all and when you take your money out, the stock price you put it in verse the stock price you took it out will determine if you had a profit or not. Over all those are the three ways you earn money, Dividend, Capital Gain, and Price of the Stock when you take it out.

You also want to keep track of losses as you can use those to offset the gains at tax time.

The below links have some primers and you should likely look over whichever trading company you decide to use as far as their particular rules. They should have primers also.

Next comes researching the company you want to invest in.
Buying a stock is putting all your money in one basket. Example what happens to the Trump thing once he walks away from it or if Deep State attacks it with their regulators. Will it even survive and profit. Usually the early bird catches the worm. Come late and you will barely get by and be subject more to the winds of the market.

You could go with a broker and pay his brokerage fee, but this stuff is not hard to understand if you buckle down and do your own research. Also brokerage fees can be cheap or expensive. Normally cheap means they are pushing you to make more trades so they make more money.

By the way I don’t do this. I have a mutual fund with moderate tools that allow me to trade for free if I desire to trade at all. Essentially sending your money to a good money market fund with in one of these mutual funds will give you all the tools you need. Mom and Pops overwhelmingly have been enjoying Vanguard for this and this recent Vanguard kerfuffle is upsetting the Mom and Pops.

I don’t know anything about these trading companies listed but my guess is E trade will be bare bones and easiest to understand, but that might be all of them.

yahoo money or yahoo finance has a lot of good information on this stuff

pat frederick

whoa…thanks for all the info!
amazing that anyone has the time to do all the reading and research required!


In the Wall Street crowd, that time is called a job.

 😂  😂  It’s what millions of people do every day.


WOW. Thanks for all that information! What a great response.

I love Q-Treepers.

Valerie Curren

fascinating take–TY

Robert Baker

If you want to open a brokerage account here is a list of reliable low cost firms from cheapest up but all are inexpensive.

Interactive Brokers (for the more experienced investors)

All can be found on the internet.


Awesome. Thanks!


Hi Pat,

The big online brokers are reputable, there used to be AmeriTrade but they have recently merged with Charles Schwab, and there is Fidelity, and Interactive Brokers. If you do a search for “the best online brokers” there should be plenty of lists with descriptions, pros and cons, etc., but I don’t think you can go wrong with Schwab or Fidelity.

Once you create an account, you can attach a checking account to your broker account, and then fund the broker account either by ACH transfer, or wire transfer, etc.

It’s pretty easy, at least they are certainly motivated to make it easy. If you have any difficulty, just call the 1-800 number. Unlike most businesses these days, it won’t be too hard to get through to a helpful human.

Once you are set up, just go to their stock trading page (should be easy to find, from a drop-down box at the top of the screen or along the side of the screen).

Then type in the ticker symbol for the stock you are interested in. I’m not sure what the ticker symbol for Truth Social is going to be. As far as I know, the stock has not been officially listed yet, so it may not have a ticker symbol quite yet.

There are short youtube videos showing how to place a stock purchase order for most of the big online brokers.

There will be a bid and ask price shown, and it will be constantly changing, up a few cents or down a few cents. Suppose the shares were going for around $10 each, and you wanted to buy 10 shares for $100.

You would select “Limit Order”, enter ’10’ for the number of shares to buy, and enter $10.00 for purchase price, which tells the broker to only place the purchase order at a price of $10.00 or lower. When everything looks right, hit the ‘review’ button, which takes you to a summary page of the order you are about to place.

If everything looks right, click ‘enter’ or ‘purchase’ or whatever term they use, and your order becomes ‘active’ or ‘live’. If the website does not automatically take you to a ‘Status’ page, it should be a link either at the top or along the side of the page.

Go to the ‘Status’ page, and you will see your purchase order, the current price, how close the current price is to your ‘Limit Order’, etc. The ‘Status’ will say ‘Open’ until or unless the order is filled, at which point the ‘Status’ changes to ‘Filled’, and you are the proud new owner of 10 shares of Truth Social 😁

I would expect there to be lots of news when the stock is ready to go public. In most cases, it’s better to wait a week or a few weeks after an initial public offering, because they usually pump up in price on the day of issue, but then slowly drop to below the original issue price in the following week or two, and you can buy at a better price, before the price begins to trend upward again.

But as with all things Trump, it could just go straight to the Moon, if Trump supporters use this as an opportunity to show their support 😁

pat frederick

thanks Scot!
i’m grateful for all the info!


You’re welcome!

Trump Social to the Moon! 🚀🚀🚀😂


You don’t have to use a “Limit Order”, that’s just my habit and what I think most people use.

You can also use a “Market Order”, which tells the broker to buy the stock “at the market price”, meaning whatever the price is when you hit the ‘buy’ button.

If a stock is particularly volatile, or if you are buying (or selling) a large number of shares, you can protect yourself from paying too much (or selling too low) by using a “Limit Order”, which basically tells the broker not to buy or sell over your specified amount.

If you are just buying 10 shares of something at around $10 each, it’s not really going to matter one way or the other whether you end up getting the shares for $10.15 each, or $9.90 each, since the overall difference is very small ($101.50 vs $99.00).

Stocks with higher values, like Agnico Eagle (ticker symbol AEM, a top tier gold mining company stock) currently trade around $56 per share. Instead of just going up or down ten or fifteen cents every couple seconds, it may go up or down by a dollar or two every few minutes.

So if you are buying or selling three thousand shares (for example), a one or two dollar change in price per share x 3,000 shares could end up costing you an extra $3,000 to $6,000 dollars.

So if the market is just fluctuating (not going on a tear upwards or downwards), if it’s just going up a dollar or two every few minutes and then back down a dollar or two every few minutes, then a “Limit Order” will make sure you get the price you want.

A ‘Market Order’ is buying at whatever the current market price happens to be.

If you use a “Limit Order” (e.g., suppose you placed a Limit Order for 10 shares at $10 each), and the order doesn’t fill because the price is trending upward, and an hour or so later the price is $10.25, you can leave the order open (GTC = Good Till Canceled) and the order may be filled in the next day or two, or the next week, etc., whenever it hits your Limit Order price.

Or you can change your Limit Order price, increasing your offer up to $10.25 (for example), and resubmit the offer, or just cancel it and start over with a new one.

Again, it’s not a big deal when talking about a small number of shares, if I wanted ten shares of Truth Social, using a ‘Market Order’ to buy at the current market price would be fine.

I’m just in the habit of using Limit Orders since I first started, as a protective measure, so that’s what I normally do.

Last edited 11 months ago by scott467

She never believed him, not one single time 😂


👉 Hedge of Protection



This is a way to check on old voter registrations and clean up the voter rolls. For example, if someone was registered but moved to another state, and they are still on the rolls in the previous state as well as the new one.

Until now there has never been a way to check for old registrations easily and quickly. True the Vote has the answer: the “Scan Check Protect” website allows voters to check and find out if there are any fraudulent voter registrations in their names anywhere in the United States.

Valerie Curren

Thanks, I did a quick check of former addresses & names & am thankfully only registered in one place, my current residence 🙂


That’s good!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

EXCELLENT. Will do this today!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ugh, shitty website design. Once you pick a state you CANNOT go back (back arrow on the toolbar is grayed out too), and the reload button . So if you want to check on prior states you have to close the tab and start over.

Anyhow CA won’t check without a driver’s license number. So I can’t see if there’s a bogus registration of mine from 35 years ago.


They probably need this feedback.




As the video began, I immediately envisioned someone’s hand holding the back of Hussein’s head, interrogating him just like that.

Last edited 11 months ago by scott467

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1990’s Contemporary Christian music.

(last song of the series)


Chuck Callesto:

JUST IN: Court deals crushing blow to Letitia James — Orders NY Attorney General to Withdraw Letter of “IMPOSSIBLE” $464 MILLION Trump Bond..


Court Orders NY Attorney General to Withdraw Letter Saying $464 Million Trump Bond Not ‘Impossible’

Shortly after New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a letter asking the New York Supreme Court to “not consider“ that the $464 million bond former President Donald Trump needs to post to keep his assets from being seized is a ”practical impossibility,” the court ordered her to remove it.

The letter was attached to a request to file a surreply—a reply to a reply—which generally isn’t done unless the court grants express permission.

In a March 21 letter, the defense argued that, predictably, the letter received widespread media coverage even though it was “improperly filed” and taken down the same day, refiled with only the request and no letter.

“The Court may draw its own conclusions about the propriety of this maneuver. In doing so, the Court is ‘not required to exhibit a naiveté from which ordinary citizens are free,’” the defense wrote, urging the court to deny the attorney general’s request.

In the original letter, Ms. James had asked the court not to accept the testimonies of a Trump attorney and broker who detailed the efforts they’d gone through in trying to obtain a $464 million bond, claiming they were unreliable sources. The defense faulted the state for not providing any “reason to doubt any of their assertions,” however, and only making a blanket statement.

“While attempting to cynically and wrongfully tar the Defendants’ witnesses as ‘unreliable,’ the Attorney General does not actually dispute the truth of a single one of their specific claims,” the defense’s letter reads.

The sworn affidavits submitted revealed that the defense had sought out the large bond since before final judgment was entered—raising the fine from $250 million to more than $350 million during the last days of trial—and that negotiations by four brokers with 30-plus surety companies still resulted in no deal. One of the brokers provided additional context, saying a $100 million bond was considered large and a $464 million bond (which includes the ordered interest) is something few sureties have the ability to issue and would issue only for large publicly traded companies.

The attorney general had argued that these affidavits still didn’t provide enough information on why the defendants had been turned down, suggesting that Trump Organization assets aren’t as valuable as the defense claims.

The defense sought to rebut several such details in the March 21 letter to the court, arguing that the state was wrong in its assertion that the defendants didn’t spend enough time trying to obtain a bond, arguing they had undergone critical negotiations just this past week and that efforts were ongoing even while the defense tried to obtain a stay.

“The Attorney General is inartfully attempting a losing argument of ‘heads I win, tails you lose,’” the letter reads.

How Much Cash?

After these negotiations, the defense found that a $464 million bond would require about $557 million in cash, on top of any operating expenses to continue The Trump Organization, because sureties require about 120 percent as collateral, plus additional premiums.This is at least $200 million more than the original judgment figure, which the defense could have put in an escrow account if the cash were available.

The attorney general had suggested that the defense be required to put up a total of $464 million through several “smaller” bonds of $100 million or $200 million apiece, and the defense argued that this doesn’t resolve the cash issue.

The judgment total is $363 million, with about $355 million of that specifically applying to President Trump, $4 million to be recovered from Eric Trump, $4 million to be recovered from Donald Trump Jr., and $1 million to be recovered from Allen Weisselberg.

With the applied 9 percent interest, court filings say the bond comes out to more than $464 million, with a little more than $10 million of that attributed to judgment on Eric Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Allen Weisselberg.

Fire Sale?

President Trump had posted on social media that to divest of his buildings in a “fire sale” would create irreparable damage—he would lose the buildings he was appealing to keep.“Perhaps worst of all, the Attorney General argues that Defendants should be forced to dispose of iconic, multi-billion-dollar real-estate holdings in a ‘fire sale,’” the defense’s letter reads. They called it ”textbook irreparable injury” to require the defendants to appeal without penalty only after taking such losses.

“It would be completely illogical—and the definition of an unconstitutional Excessive Fine and a Taking—to require Defendants to sell properties at all, and especially in a ‘fire sale,’ in order to be able to appeal the lawless Supreme Court judgment, as that would cause harm that cannot be repaired once the Defendants do win, as is overwhelmingly likely, on appeal,” the defense argued.

They additionally cited several media articles and editorials about the shocking figure the state is demanding from President Trump and Ms. James’s possible political motives.

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The state had also argued that if the defense knew they couldn’t get a $464 million bond, they should have “at a minimum consented to have their real estate interests held by Supreme Court to satisfy the judgment.”

“The suggestion is both impractical and unjust,” the defense argued. “The Attorney General cites no New York case law to support this contention.”

The case indeed puts The Trump Organization in uncharted territory; the appeals court has put a temporary stay on the judgment orders that would prohibit Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. from continuing to run the company, but it may lift the administrative stay after ruling on present motions. The trial court had also ordered monitorship of The Trump Organization to continue and the appointment of an additional risk officer.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Valerie Curren

demons  😡 


Criminals too

Valerie Curren

Yep  😡 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Barb Meier

Ground report: we had high winds on Wednesday, then fires on Thursday and Friday. Friday was exciting with much going on. Friday night, we got rain into Saturday morning that seems to have put out all the fires.

Here is a photo of where our fires came over the mountain from Page County into Shenandoah County.

I live in the dip near the middle where it is dark. There was a ridge of fire to the north and south.

The smoke was quite thick at times, even indoors. A neighborhood just south of me was evacuated Friday evening. Our electric company turned off power for the evacuated area and I was on the same line so lost my power until Saturday sometime between 7am and 11:30am. The rain was such a blessing. God is good.

My home and all my neighbors’ homes are okay. I stayed in my car with both kitties in crates from 10:30 pm till 2:30 am on Friday night. With no power, I was concerned about getting kitties in their crates if we too were evacuated. Then the rains started and continued until 10am Saturday morning.

Add to this I had a home showing Friday around lunchtime. The client came from the city and did not want to reschedule. I imagine it was quite a surprise since the media did not cover this much. There were also fires in West Virginia. Perhaps seven fires or more.

Barb Meier

I screen captured photos by Peter Forister taken on the other side of the mountain.

Screenshot-2024-03-22-at-4.36.29 PM
Barb Meier

Also available on X. Our fire was called the Waterfall fire, but more commonly just the Hwy 211 fire.

Screenshot-2024-03-22-at-4.35.52 PM


Barb Meier

Thank you, Smiley.


There are considerable major forest fires around the country right now. I wonder if there are more than usual and if any are arson/intentionally started.



When I backed up to encompass whole USA – it says there are 583 active wildfires currently in USA.


For wildfires to get really bad, they have to involve large amounts of government-controlled land. Note that this is not necessarily government-owned land — the EPA can force private land owners to engage in, or desist from, various behaviors on their land.

Barb Meier

In our area, the National Forestry Service does controlled burns in the National Forest areas. They do know about minimizing the risks by managing the forests.

A controlled burn may have been done before the high winds were forecast. Not sure on the timing or exact location. Our fire started by Dan’s Steakhouse over the mountain and near the highway. I have not read about the cause of our fire yet.

Barb Meier

In the info I had on our fires, they were 1,000 to 2,000 acres but that’s not complete data.

Barb Meier

I wished I had this link earlier and hope it can be found later too…

Barb Meier

We always have no-burn warnings this time of year. I only heard that one fire was caused by a vehicle accident and that one was south of here.


Wow that was stressful and you’re right it wasn’t widely talked about , for sure I hadn’t heard about it.

Barb Meier

Best of all, my realtor just emailed saying someone has requested a showing of my house this afternoon. Hwy 211 to my house is still closed except to residents in both directions.

I also had a showing Friday while the fires were still burning and smoke from them was visible all along the Massanutten Mountain ridge from miles north of here to south on Hwy 81. The city client was making a long drive, so persisted to come see it on Friday. They probably were going to see other homes too. I don’t know if they got through the police road blockade or not.

I’ve just about got everything put away from the pre-evacuation readiness but need to clean up from fixing something to eat this morning. Got to get the new microwave out of its box and up into the microwave shelf. It’s only 37 lbs, so I can lift it into place after snugging the power plug through a very small opening in the back of the shelf. I can set the microwave on the counter below the shelf while I route the power cord in place.

There are three BIG staples on the top of the new microwave’s box. At first, I thought to use a regular knife to pry those out. After some slow thinking, I realized a flathead screwdriver or needle nose pliers would be a better tool. Got those. I put it off since cleaning the shelf on Friday.

I asked to reschedule the showing and the client has agreed. Yay! Thank goodness! Instead, I had a catch-up nap with the kitties. LOL

Barb Meier

Got the box opened. The best tool was using the claws on my hammer. Worked perfectly!


I have never met a cardboard box that could defeat a Stanley utility knife. For the next time you fight with a box.  😆 


Amazing photos – I hope these fires are not threatening homes and communities! Prayers and blessings for protection of people in the area and the fire fighters.

Barb Meier

One firefighter at the Bergton fire had a tree limb fall on him. Last I heard, he was in critical condition. I also heard 10 homes were lost and I think that was over the mountain in Page County or north of here in a Strasburg fire. Prayers are so welcome.

The communities in this area stepped right up to help each other and Facebook pages were insrumental in spreading the information we needed more quickly.

State Hwy Patrol and National Forestry were deeply involved but VA did not declare a state of emergency. The MSM silence was unhelpful as usual.

WVA did get help from higher up and did declare a SOE. I heard that VA state does have the air support to drop water over the fires, but not the funding to buy fuel. After the rains, THEN we got word we would get fuel replaced for VA air tankers.

One lady had 26 horses, and locals with trailers were volunteerig to help her evacuate them. People use their real names, not nicknames, when interacting on these pages. We do have some traditional media, but not too much anymore.

Pages like this were crucial to our info sharing:

I live very close to both Page and Rockingham Counties. Page County starts at the top of our mountain and Rockingham starts just south of New Market city limits. I was checking info in all three places as well as Shenandoah.

They had us sign up for CodeRED Mobile Alert. I think the accounts are separate for mobile and for desktop/laptop though it is a little strange about signups. I was getting minimal info that way. CodeRED would tell us a short message about evacuations but our local LEOs were here and would tell us in person if we needed to evacuate.

They also had a checkpoint at the bottom of the mountain (and still do) so only residents can go up the mountain. There’s a lot of debris on the Page side of the mountain.

The only TV resource I used was WHSV but I did not spend too much time on their stories. They are located in Harrisonburg south of here, and are the JMU college town.

I also used to check on the road closure notices.

I am sure I could have used the Internet better to gather info for my neighbor and myself and will look into writing some kind of Lessons Learned. X was not a logical go-to place but perhaps I did not know how to use it to best effect (using Trending, and so on).

Barb Meier

Oh yes… when counties put out request for donations, they were overflowing the same day with everything they needed: (water/gatorade, food, $ for fuel, and so on). After that, they pointed us to Red Cross, which I don’t trust so much anymore.

Barb Meier

USAToday had some good info, but I never think to check them. I could have done much better at data gathering but was so focused on the local level.

If you scroll down and wait a bit, you can see all the fires nationwide or zoom in as I did on Virginia and West Virginia. If you click a Fire instance icon, it expands to give more info about each fire.

I wish I had known about this site so I could more precisely talk about the various fires and their locations. Waterfall was closer to Luray and our fire was listed as 211 West.

Last edited 11 months ago by Barb Meier

We live 30 minutes drive away from the worst of the above. The smoke made it hard to breathe even where we are. It was an inferno in many places in the immediate area of the fires. They do controlled burns in the national park regularly, but the dry conditions and high winds just made it a horrible tragedy. Over the years that followed people rebuilt and the county installed better monitoring and warning systems. The NPS was skewered for how they handled things and have changed as a result.

Hope things are improving there. Be safe.

Barb Meier

Thank you, TradeBait! It is much better today but LEO still has the hwy closed and a roadblock. I see all sorts of emergency vehicles going by 24/7. LEOs are highly involved and so kind to stop and make sure we’re okay. I felt much safer Friday night being in the Rogue with kitties with me in crates so we could move out if needed. Not having lights on made it more spooky. Dominon Power is my electric and they sent notices to my phone before doing things like turning off the power. I didn’t know it was them checcking their lines near my house in the forest. Thinking it might be fire crews was what spooked me. The fires were at about 2200 ft and I live at about 1400 ft. I know embers can float miles and drop to start new fires. It was quite the adventure.


What a blessing that you, your kitties, and your home escaped unscathed! I pray for you and those harder hit in the area. Your report makes is all so real.

Barb Meier

Thank you for the prayers, TheseTruths!

Barb Meier

Thank you for the prayers, GA/FL!


Wow, Barb. So sorry you had to go through that. Please stay safe. This reminds me of what we went through a few years ago with fires all around us and heavy smoke in the area for days. You’re in my prayers.

Barb Meier

Thanks Linda! I’m so glad you got through your fires.


That sounds like not a very fun way to spend the evening, but glad you were prepared in case you had to get outta there!

Barb Meier

Thank you, Scott! I live in a big house with four different levels and it was dark. It sure could have been a challenge to find the kitties if I waited too long. hehehe

Valerie Curren

Wow. Glad you & kitties are OK but that sounds like a pretty rough time for a while!


Sebastian Gorka


President @realDonaldTrump appointed me to a Pentagon board for 4 years before he left office.

Yesterday Beijing Biden tried to fire.

He can’t. 

Not before my term ends.

I will, however, be framing this letter from his goons. 

And remain proud that I do not align with Biden’s “values and agenda.”


comment image


Thet left it a while didn’t they why now, looks like they’re searching for things just to be annoying little brats.


No. They timed it so their guy can be in place for most of DJT’s administration.


Trump can just fire him on day one.

If there is some carve-out protection clause for these appointees, then shut down funding for the whole board, and create a new one, with your appointees.

If that’s not feasible, then give the current board make-work, and use them for nothing, and block everything they do.

POTUS is the boss, POTUS is in charge, and to the extent that the criminals have created protections for themselves, DJT can certainly find ways around those protections 👍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We have to get the traitors out. GONE.


I sort of knew that … but it is nice to see it in black and white.

Valerie Curren

Let’s hope so!


One has to wonder if this board is actually one of the very limited number of things that the Federal government should be doing in the first place.

Keeping an eye on Milei in Argentina…..


Well now, there’s a very American sounding name : “Gautam Raghavan” – from where??


From the Director, White House Office of Presidential Personnel.

It’s similar to “second star to the right and straight on ’til morning”, but you start hip-deep in DEI sludge.


from Rag Heaven

Cuppa Covfefe

Sikh and ye shall find? 🙂

(Next up, Sikh-heating missiles in the Middle East)…


Okay, that’s enough out of you.  😮 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

Great Minds… I just posted the same thing… sorry…


He’s a gay Obama-commie appointee from India:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Intimidation, hoping Gorka would quit.

Aiming to install hussein acolyte.

As pointed out, disband the entire Board, AND all of similar concept.

Last edited 11 months ago by kalbokalbs
pat frederick

i think you’re right…if the appointment is for 4 years–this would hamstring President Trump. their appointee would be undermining everything he could

Cuppa Covfefe

Gautam Raghavan

Sounds like a good ol’ American name…
Wonder if he’s a citizen???


This is the kind of thing that would also hamstring a president like Trump. Since rules are rules, then Gorka should prevail, but I don’t know that anyone should be immune from being replaced by a new administration.


Everybody should be vulnerable BUT until the admin state is put back in its proper place, we’ll have such situations.

Barb Meier

Leftists, RINOs, and the media will wail. Ignore them like they ignore voters.


Asking for urgent prayers for our former pastor that I posted about previously. He went back into the hospital two days ago as he felt another heart attack coming on after his triple bypass earlier in the month. They did emergency surgery yesterday afternoon. One of the bypass grafts failed, so they need to go to the blocked vessel, clean it out and add two stents. They then found another blood vessel they missed the first time that needed bypassed, so he should have been operated for a quadruple bypass in the first operation. While doing that one they punctured an artery. He is in CCU and will be for awhile if he survives. Obviously, the cardiac surgery team blew it.

We never know when and where it will be our turn. Please be prepared and make peace with the Lord if you have not yet done so.

This pastor is one of the finest human beings on the planet. Selfless, loving and devoted to the Lord. However, he allowed his attention to proper nutrition and exercise to lapse over the years. Then he had a lapse in judgment with the jabs, trusting the “medical professionals” that are participants in a system of worldwide genocide. He ignored my and probably, other warnings from people he should have trusted in his own congregation over accepting the recommendations of those who did not have the necessary wisdom and discernment. Who you listen to and trust is often times much more important than what you pay attention to and believe. We all make mistakes. His life has been forever changed for his. My hope is that somebody who reads this may learn from it and make better choices.

pat frederick

I will keep the pastor in my prayers!
my father had quadruple bypasses in his life–twice! he outlived the first set–they lasted 16 years. after his second set was nearing the “replacement” date (another 16 years), the doctors told him he could definitely survive another operation if he wanted…but he declined, deciding he had had enough surgeries and hospitals.
and my father has been gone for 10 years now.
I wonder about the quality of medical personnel these days.


“I wonder about the quality of medical personnel these days.”

I don’t wonder any more. They are mostly vaxxed, and are much the worse for it.

pat frederick

there seems to be an over abundance of incompetence these days…


But, BUT, BUT they ARE experts!


Expert screw-ups, they are.  😥 


Thank you – and I share your concerns about the medical industry.


That is an amazing choice. Your father was quite a man.

pat frederick

HE WAS, thank you.


I will pray for your pastor. Poor man. I hope, like you, that his suffering will lead others to make better choices for themselves.

With that, I will also say that it has long been my belief that one of the most important things we can do for our loved ones is take good care of ourselves. We can only be there for them if we are as healthy as possible. Sometimes it may feel selfish to take that time, but we really should. It is honoring the temple God gave us.

Last edited 11 months ago by Aubergine

Completely agreed that taking care of oneself is very important. IMO, that includes body, mind, and spirit.


I agree 100%!


Thank you. The very thing you said “take good care of ourselves” was my response to this same pastor the day I told him we were leaving the church to be members of another local church. He told me I looked to be in good health. I told him I was trying to maintain good health so I could take care of my family and friends so as not to create a strain on others. I actually said to him we all need to take good care of ourselves, that it was important.

FWIW, he was appreciative I told him in person and did not ghost him or the church. He was also pleased we would be joining the church of a senior pastor he mentored as a young man. A good man who took bad counsel and it cost him.


This is as far as I’m going to go with this: your pastor/friend lost track of the First Commandment, and all its applications/nuances.

My our Father bless him in his time of testing in troubled waters.


I hope he will recover.


Will keep folks informed. If he does he will be restricted the rest of his life. They simply could not get enough done and there is a family history of cardiac issues. His father died of a heart attack when he was 9. His paternal grandfather died of a heart attack. His sister just died of congestive heart failure in her early 60’s. Knowing that history he still did not keep his weight down reasonably as well as do moderate exercise. Add in jabs and away we go…

Last edited 11 months ago by TradeBait2

Thank you bringing this. Sending prayers, Good Energy, and Deep Healing to your former pastor.


Thank you for your prayers!


It is sad that our adversary waits until the weakest instance to pounce. He always has identified each person’s weak point so he knows where and how to strike.

This is why it is best for each of us to identify that one area where we are weakest in our walk with Yeshua.

The enemy is not going to come at us in an area where we are strong. The stronger we are, the more likely it is that we will minimize the weakness of that weak spot.

We must each look out for the others, if we can.  😍 


Outstanding observations and post, friend. Completely agree. 👍


Sometimes our Father just tells me what to say and out it comes.

You’re a blessing to all of us, friend.



Thank you for the prayers, folks. The pastor will be in CCU for a couple of days and may get to return home. A friend of his is a retired RN and will be taking care of him in the parsonage. I take it from the news I received this morning that he will not be “good as new” even when he fully recovers. The graft that failed was on one of the primary vessels and could not be repaired. The stents actually went into the newly discovered blocked artery. There was blood loss in the chest cavity when they unintentionally cut the unrelated artery, so that will need drained and healing. This is going to be a long, painful journey.

Prayers for healing and peace are appreciated greatly.


I pray that he will have as positive an outcome as possible. 🙏

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen! 🙏

Valerie Curren


Barb Meier

🙏Prayers for your former Pastor.

pat frederick

Vince Li
March 24, 2024 12:27 am

We often wonder who are the people in the background that are running this sh*tshow that we call a country and I believe I’ve identified one of them.
Jay Sures (born 1966) is an American entertainment industry executive and talent agent currently serving as vice chairman of United Talent Agency.
Sures’ career with United Talent Agency (UTA) began with the establishment of the agency in 1991, where he worked in the mailroom and assisted co-founder Peter Benedek. He became a talent agent when UTA first formed.
Beginning in 2016, Sures has hosted an annual party in Washington, D.C., the night before the White House Correspondents Dinner that blends the worlds of politics, entertainment and media.
Sures is a political activist and a longtime supporter of the Democratic Party. In 2016, he hosted a fundraiser for Senator Tim Kaine, then Hillary Clintons’ selection for vice president in the U.S. presidential election. Earlier in the race, he had supported Joe Biden. He pledged his support for Democratic candidate Gavin Newsome in California’s 2018 gubernatorial race.

Sures joined the Entertainment Industry Foundations board of directors in 2008. Sures was appointed to the Regents of the University of California in January 2019 by former Governor Jerry Brown. He was reappointed for a 12-year term by Governor Gavin Newsom in 2020.
In September 2023, Sures was named chairman of the board of Triad National Security, which manages the Los Alamos National Laboratory. He also serves as Chairman of the board of governors that oversees the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
How in hell do we end up with a Hollywood talent agent overseeing the facilities that develop and test our nuclear weapons inventory?

March 24, 2024 4:36 am

Reply to  Vince Li
Thanks for posting but I admit I did not believe you. I thought it must be some kind of confusion; two persons with the same name. So I did my own research, and yes, you were right. Celebrity agent Jay Sures (married to wellness expert Linda Nyvltova) is the Chairman of the board of governors overseeing the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Sorry, for doubting you, but I still live in the hope that somewhere the world is run with some modicum of intelligence. Guess I will have to look elsewhere.


Seems to be a trend. The press agent elevated to United Airline’s safety director is another one.

Cuppa Covfefe

Triad…. Isn’t that a RED Chinese Gang?????

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah. I think we have found the problem.

pat frederick


Feisty Hayseed
March 24, 2024 12:32 am

America’s Two-Tiered Justice System on Full Display.
Nancy Pelosi’s Son Dodges Charges In Money Laundering, Mail Fraud Scheme Linked To San Francisco Flop House
Nancy Pelosi’s son has dodged the hammer of justice for a seventh time, after being excluded from a case in which two fraudsters linked to Paul Jr. are set to be sentenced in a money laundering and mail fraud scheme involving “shady dealings over a San Francisco flop house that Pelosi Jr. claimed to own,” the Daily Mail reports.
Bill Garlock and Gina Rodriguez scammed investors into fronting over $1 million for supposed real estate ventures, and instead used the cash to pay for their lifestyle – including rent, loan repayments, credit card bills, and ‘horse-related expenses,’ according to San Francisco federal prosecutors.


He has the golden commie protection policy

pat frederick

MOMFIA ( mom’s mafia’s connections)

Cuppa Covfefe

d’Alessandro Gambino…

Valerie Curren

bada bing  😂 

pat frederick

March 24, 2024 1:50 am

Collusion coverup: Department of Justice intervenes in Pfizer fraud case, in a corrupt attempt to shut the case down
03/22/2024 // Lance D Johnson
– The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) is attempting to shut down the Pfizer fraud case scheduled for April 17.
– The lawsuit alleges that Pfizer-BioNTech violated the False Claims Act during their clinical trials and knowingly delivered a defective product to the world.
– Former employee Brook Jackson, who worked at Ventavia Research Group (a company that conducted some of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials), is suing Pfizer, her former employer Ventavia, and another Pfizer contractor, ICON plc.
– The DOJ asked the court to dismiss the lawsuit, claiming it would be inconsistent with their public health policy.
– The DOJ’s motion to dismiss cites a flimsy hypothesis authored by the FDA, which supports the faulty vaccines and contradicts Jackson’s claims of fraud and negligence.

March 24, 2024 1:53 am

Reply to  Jello
Brook Jackson’s case v Pfizer under False Claims Act – DOJ plans to intervene to dismiss.
After oral arguments were scheduled for April 17, the DOJ confirms they cannot afford discovery in a court of law.
MAR 11, 2024
I was speaking at the VSRF Litigation Conference in Las Vegas on March 8th. I caught up with Brook Jackson at the conference, and she has informed me that she and her attorneys have received email communication from the Department of Justice stating that they are planning to intervene in her case (again) and move to dismiss it. 
This comes after, finally, the oral arguments were scheduled for April 17th, meaning the US Government is desperate to squash the case before discovery can be made possible! They cannot afford the discovery, and thus will try to get rid of the case. The DOJ has to provide the rationale for the dismissal, and it remains to be seen what that will be.
At the conference, Brook’s attorney Robert Barnes gave a short talk about this situation.


Pfizer has the commie platinum protection policy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

More communist evil.

pat frederick

$2 BILLION to PROCESS illegals more quickly–isn’t that nice–they’re adding an express lane to the border instead of simply closing it!


r-Con enabled.

pat frederick

i doubt they process them at all…we prolly got 16 million Juan Valdez’s in the country at this point
and none are bringing in coffee




Follow the money is getting easy now. No need for them to confuse the search with shadowy orgs anymore.


(Last nights strikes where in the far west of ukraito)

“According to the data, the arrivals were:
1. On fuel and lubricants warehouses and hangars.
2. At the airfield and air defense, which is located a little outside the city, guarding an important transshipment base or some “workshops” for the production of “something”.
3. On energy/gas infrastructure
4. There was a certain training center near the airfield. Over the past month, a lot of people have been brought in and taken away (perhaps there is a training center/training ground there).

Locals report that there are a lot of ambulances around the city.”

“One of the targets of the Russian “Daggers” tonight was a military airfield in the Lviv region , where preparations for receiving F-16 fighters were completed.

According to preliminary information, the object is now unsuitable for use by Western aviation.”


Who could have guessed this would happen…

“One of the targets of the Russian “Daggers” tonight was a military airfield in the Lviv region , where preparations for receiving F-16 fighters were completed.

According to preliminary information, the object is now unsuitable for use by Western aviation.”

Stunning incompetence of USG, including DoD, IC and Traitorous Uniparty funding this debacle.

pat frederick

i think the word you wanted was PLANNED incompetence


Yup, that one is more better.

pat frederick

i think of Independence Day–“plausible deniability”…

pat frederick

nobody likes ronna…LOL


Webster’s has Ronna’s picture alongside, Butt Ugly.   :wpds_twisted: 

pat frederick

see also: fani willis; letitia james


Y U P !

Fani and Leticia show under, synonyms.

(Slow Guy’s big word for the day.) 🙂

pat frederick

did you know synonym comes from the Latin?
syn means evil (as in sin)
nyms is short for nincompoop…
ergo: evil asshole

(just made that up…maybe i should apply for the Press Sect job!)


Thanks. Needed a laugh!

  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 

pat frederick

happy to oblige

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Sort of like politics.

Poly means many, and ticks are blood sucking arthropods.

(No, that’s not mine. Not sure who gets the credit though.)

Last edited 11 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You be nice now, boy. God made her so that she’d fit in.


Barb Meier

She will always be Hotdog Lips.


So the Left complained about their hiring Ronna? Nobody wants her.


She’s going to end up doing the Charlie Crist Stroll – flipping and flopping right out of media attention and political relevance.


“One of the terrorists who carried out the massacre at Crocus City Hall visited the shopping center on March 7. This was reported by a photographer working part-time at Crocus.

That is, it is very likely that the attack was originally planned precisely on those days about which the Americans warned their fellow citizens. But something didn’t work out then.”
(with pic)

“The recruitment of killers for the terrorist attack in the Crocus City Hall concert hall near Moscow took place through the Ukrainian Embassy in Tajikistan, says military expert, ex-special service officer, retired Colonel Bakhtier Rakhmonov.

A few weeks before the terrorist attack, information appeared on the website of the Ukrainian diplomatic mission about inviting foreigners to join the so-called “International Legion,” he noted and provided RIA Novosti with a corresponding screenshot.”


Ukraine is about to be annihilated.

I am almost certain there was a plot to tie this act to Ukraine. So little of what happens in the world is what we are led to believe.


ALL good by me.


Do you mean “to ISIS”?


No, I mean to Ukraine.

The claim is these people were fleeing toward the Ukraine border. Then, the above states:

The recruitment of killers for the terrorist attack in the Crocus City Hall concert hall near Moscow took place through the Ukrainian Embassy in Tajikistan, says military expert, ex-special service officer, retired Colonel Bakhtier Rakhmonov.
A few weeks before the terrorist attack, information appeared on the website of the Ukrainian diplomatic mission about inviting foreigners to join the so-called “International Legion,” he noted and provided RIA Novosti with a corresponding screenshot.”

They want to make sure it looks like the Ukrainians planned the attack.


Sorry you got me a little confused. My take on it is that ukraine had employed terrorists from Tajikistan so that ukraine could blame it on ISIS.

Last edited 11 months ago by RAC

We don’t know that your version isn’t the correct one. Frankly, Nuland’s resignation affects this and strongly indicates to me that she planted this “bomb” in Ukraine and then left Dodge.


Possibly. Or someone else made it look that way.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Things are usually planned with two levels of fall-back – like the COVID release being backstopped by (first) bat soup and then (second) accidental lab leak.

I’m thinking the two levels here are ISIS (1) and Ukraine (2). Part of the thinking is that Russia will choose to stop at Ukraine, rather than implicating “whoever”. Conspiracies can control pawns on both sides by getting them to pick a damning falsehood for their own benefit.


Ultimately the plot gets tied all the way back to Congress and the American Tax payer. Congress needs to be held accountable. Those million rubies half now half later came us.

Last edited 11 months ago by RAC



If it had been here there would’ve been several hundred bullet holes in the car and the terrorists. It had to take some restraint to capture them alive ensuring getting the step by step of their recruitment.

pat frederick

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I love this article!

“Sinning — everyone does it. That is why God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to atone for our sins and provide a way that we can repent and become free of our sins. So why do some people find it so hard to accept their choices are sins? There are lies now accepted as truth, all designed to prevent people from repenting. While I knew this was the case, I didn’t realize how much it permeated the culture until I read an advice column about dealing with people who sin in a specific way. The first paragraph is as follows, (I’ve edited it, because when you fill in the type of sin, people suddenly lose all objectivity and treat the sins differently… as if one sin was preferable or better than another.)

“A person’s ___ isn’t a “lifestyle choice.” ____ people don’t choose to be ___; they are born that way. They can’t change being ____ any more than you can change being ____.”
You could fill in the blanks with all types of sins (gambling, alcoholism, drug addiction, theft, sexual deviancy, violence, etc…) and the basic premise remains the same. There is a lot to unpack, so I’m going to dissect this.”

pat frederick

March 24, 2024 8:52 am

Apparently , per UK Daily Mail ,our favorite Fani was at a “community event” yesterday and came out all fired up and saying she is now ready to really go after and get that arch criminal ,PDJT .. the money quote “ I have done nothing wrong” …. Wow Nellie rewind the tape on that – Little perjury , filing false documents etc …TBD perhaps ?
Anyway, best comment from a reader ( all credit.given ) ~ “ Wade got paid , Fani got laid and Georgia taxpayers got played” pretty good synopsis …


She stole that denial line from DJT.

I’ve lost count of how many times he’s said it or put it in a truth post.

pat frederick

pat frederick

H/T Filly

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pat frederick

comment image



Young Deaf Google Employee Sues for Discrimination After Being Tokenized for Her Race and Disability

Jalon Hall made history when she became the first deaf and black employee to work for Google. 

Google shared Hall’s story in several social media posts, which aimed to demonstrate how inclusive the tech giant is.

No less than two months into her position at Google, Hall already felt she was being used as a way to promote the company’s diversity.   

Now, the employee has filed a lawsuit against her employer for discrimination, according to Wired.


Ungrateful little thing, isn’t she?


Wolf Moon and All —
Yours Truly’s post on “The Elephant in the Room” is, to borrow a phrase from our esteemed SteveInCO, “in the can” for publication early tomorrow morning.
Thank you!

pat frederick


David M Kitting
March 24, 2024 9:47 am

About that ATF hit…
They did not execute a warrant for a search, they got a warrant for an execution.
Trust God. Fear not.

pat frederick

Cuppa Covfefe

HSR… right… going from the middle of nowhere to the middle of nowhere-somewhere-else… a rail line that avoids all major population centers (which it supposedly connects) because of the protests of the tree-huggers.

That project will be a black hole of incompetent thuggery and robbery that will swallow Kalifornistan…


You got the tenses wrong — “That project has been a black hole of incompetent thuggery and robbery that is swallowing Kalifornistan….”


Verse of the Day for Sunday, March 24, 2024

“Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.” 

Psalms 119:2 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these, especially for the Proverbs 8:35. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.


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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

DON’T give them more ideas.

Immigrant cells are bad enough.


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pat frederick

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pat frederick

Murkowski might be getting in line to dump republican party.

Asked if she would become an independent, Murkowski said:
“Oh, I think I’m very independent minded.” And she added: “I just regret
that our party is seemingly becoming a party of Donald Trump.”
Pressed on if that meant she might become an
independent, Murkowski said: “I am navigating my way through some very
interesting political times. Let’s just leave it at that.”


That ugly minded amoral witch-bitch needs to go away.

pat frederick

wow that sounds just like her dating profile…you nailed it!


I do not know who she is therefore I do not care what she does. Is she a Senator?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Great. Bitch-Ski can officially join her D-Rat partners.


pat frederick

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pat frederick

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Barb Meier

Or like calling a cannibal a dinner guest.


h/t Marica’s blog —
Another viewpoint regarding the video of Princess Kate on her cancer diagnosis and starting chemotherapy that was all over the place a couple of days ago:


She’s undergoing chemo. What could she look like after a month?

Well, I’m over six feet tall.

I went from 260 pounds to 130 pounds and could barely sit up in bed.

If I had to guess, I’d speculate that she’s down to 75-85 pounds.

Not a pretty picture.


You’re correct, not a pretty picture. No matter what’s really going on, one hopes her children are doing all right


Same shirt, same hair as the newest ‘proof of life’ video.

It looks like the same shirt or sweater, but it is quite obviously not the same hair. When I first saw her video, I wondered if she was wearing a wig. It also is not the same setting.

I wonder what people think is to be gained by making these kinds of allegations.


Her statement of healing in body, mind and spirit is so true. I don’t think she’s wearing a wig.

Last edited 11 months ago by PAVACA
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO this conspiracy theory inadvertently proved that the new video is real. The shirt/sweater is appropriately aged due to bleaching of both the white and black stripes, and it is clearly the same size, with her being thinned by chemo. It’s too good for a deep fake, IMO. It’s probably her “comfort shirt”.

I think it was very smart to use the same shirt/sweater.


I also thought it might be a “comfort” garment, or that it might be to send a message to her children: “I’ll wear this sweater to show that I’m okay.” Maybe not, but there are a lot of possibilities.

Robert Baker

Republicans win another culture wars victory.


Schitty Schumer missed one.  😆 


In the wee hours of tomorrow morning:

March’s full moon will bring a subtle eclipse with it early Monday morning

With just over two weeks to go until the national spectacle of the total solar eclipse, keen skywatchers will have a small treat early Monday as March’s full “worm” moon will undergo what’s known as a penumbral lunar eclipse.

Not as spectacular – or noticeable – as a total lunar eclipse, this rather subtle phenomenon occurs when the moon moves through the outer part of Earth’s shadow, known as the penumbra, according to EarthSky.

Weather permitting, the eclipse will be visible throughout most of North and South America, NASA said. 

When is the penumbral lunar eclipse?

  :wpds_arrow: The eclipse will begin at 12:53 a.m. EDT Monday March 25, and last until 5:32 a.m. EDT, according to The best time to look will be about 3:12 a.m. EDT during the middle of the event.

Look at the full moon during that time, and if skies are clear, you may notice it’s slightly darker than usual. Observant people will recognize the shadow, while others won’t spot anything at all, EarthSky said. At best, at mid-eclipse, very observant people will notice a dark shading on the moon’s face.

About 35% of all eclipses are of the penumbral type, which can be difficult to detect even with a telescope, according to eclipse expert Fred Espenak.

Why is it called the worm moon?

The moon, which will be full on Monday at 3:00 a.m. EDT, is known as the worm moon. Why is it called that?

“At this time of the year, the ground begins to soften enough for earthworms to reappear, inviting robins and other birds to feed – a true sign of spring,” according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac. “Roots start to push their way up through the soil, and the Earth experiences a re-birth as it awakens from its winter slumber.”

The Almanac also said that another explanation for the worm moon name refers to a different sort of “worm” – beetle larvae – which begin to emerge from the thawing bark of trees and other winter hideouts at this time of the year.

The March full moon is also known as the sap moon, because this is the time of year when the sap of sugar maples starts to flow.

I’ve also read that it will be a blood moon, somewhat red in appearance.


I hope the National Guard is called in, and everybody madly races to the grocery to stock up.

It won’t be nearly as scary and exciting without those things 👍😁


Gas up, too.


Pass the beans, please.  😂 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I did both today, and didn’t even realize why I was doing it! 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – the red / blood moon is the penumbral eclipse, I believe.

I knew this full moon would be very full, being just before the eclipse, but I didn’t realize that it would be an eclipse, too!

Thanks for this post!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This one is supposed to be barely noticeable.

A full eclipse will tend to look red because the Moon will get the red light refracted by Earth’s atmosphere.

If you remember this picture of Pluto taken from within its shadow:

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that band of light does illuminate things within the shadow somewhat. Multiply by the much thicker atmosphere of the Earth and you get the cause of the Moon turning red during an eclipse. A truly dark eclipse of the Moon is unusual.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think I’ve seen some of these penumbral eclipses before – which basically involved the moon becoming “off-white” to varying degrees, up to a bit orangeish, IIRC. Not expecting anything spectacular, but I love all full moons!



pat frederick

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Unlikely I’ll be doing that.


It is NOT rocket science.

America First / MAGA or the goof ball does not get my vote.

Barb Meier
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

LOL the homeowner MISSED and they want to teach him/her better marksmanship!

Barb Meier

I know, training classes by the LEOs every other Saturday. 😎


This is a cop you just have to love.


Great attitude in FL.

Valerie Curren


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In a bit under two weeks the Colorado nominating process resumes.

Saturday is the state convention. And because my state house district encompasses all or part of about half a dozen counties, it could not be done at the county convention yesterday.

(I basically had nothing to do yesterday other than my county commissioner district. Because they couldn’t do those until everyone (who had one) was freed up from state senate meetings, and those couldn’t start until everyone who had one was freed up from their state house meetings, it only took one fubared state house meeting to gum up the works for everyone, and we had one. Worse for most, was that most of my county constitutes US House District 5 (Lamborn), they couldn’t start until everything else finished and sure enough one of the other commissioner districts had some stupid long argument over rule nine. (Whatever that is.) Fortunately I could skip that part, and did. The convention picked a MAGA candidate but there are two others who have petitioned onto the primary ballot.)

So my state house district is being done either before or after the State convention (same place, same day). Apparently it’s uncontested. The incumbent seems solid (he was one of two votes on a bill to eliminate mail in balloting)…but does have cancer. On the other hand, he petitioned onto the primary ballot, and that’s a bad sign.

The day before the state convention is the US House District 4 meeting, and we have a slew of candidates there to replace Ken Schmuck who has already quit. One of those is Lauren Boebert who moved into the district. Some people likely perceive her as a carpetbagger, and certainly the others will try to hype that up, but she’s pretty popular amongst the grass roots.

pat frederick

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pat frederick

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The old eye-for-an-eye doctrine.


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That’s what you get for voting 100% Dem, you dummy!

How can one of the smartest people in the world vote ANY percent d-rat, much less 100% d-rat?

It’s not like Elon is a follower in any other area of his life, why would he be a mindless ‘follower’ drone when it comes to politics?

Robert Baker

I have never been able to grasp why anyone with an IQ over 120, who had the slightest compassion for the human race would vote for a Progressive candidate. It has become my view that there is no longer a Democrat politician who is not a Progressive. I suppose that one day Elon will have to explain that one to me.


Christ had a parable about those who came late to the work crew. He said they were equal in value to those who were there from the beginning.

Let’s just be glad that Elon has crossed over to the light side.


Barb Meier

This is so good!! I repeated it and should have checked first. 🤓


Well … those fires must have distracted you just a little. Seriously.

Hope that your homestead continues to survive.  😍 

Barb Meier

Thank you, Pgroup! Yes, it’s been busy and a little strange. My next-door neighbor, Brenda, and I stay in touch and share news. I adore Brenda whose hubby worked for the Forestry Service. Tonight, she told me about her across-the-hwy neighbor Ellen freaking out:

Bless her heart- her dog dug up a mole and brought it to her and she was out there fighting with “that big mole”. lol

I don’t know. She said he kept trying to dig a whole to disappear and she finally got him to the driveway. Lol lol

She got him turned over so he couldn’t get away and she called the lady behind her to bring her car to run him over and she did. I laughed and laughed

Poor Mr. Mole. She could have just let him go home and teach her dog not to dig up moles. We live surrounded by forest, for pete’s sake. Should I give Ellen a Mr. Mole storybook or would that be wrong??


I’m guessing she’s not familiar with the expression “whack-a-mole”. The only way she could have made it more complicated was to put the mole in a plastic bag and run the car’s exhaust into it with a hose.


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His art could be worth that much.

Some fool who cut his own ear off made paintings that are priceless.



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The fiancee is warming up for her trip to Rome by watching “I, Claudius”.

Barb Meier



Perfect Ides of March meme!

Cuppa Covfefe

When in Rome, do as the Romaines do?

Romaine poisoning?

Lettuce spray?

Caesar and desist?


This is a video of people who work in Hollywood talking about how they need work and are having a hard time making ends meet. This is not the big names, but those who work behind the scenes.

I hope they will realize why this is happening.


Tuff shit. They need to get a real job. OR, dumbasses need to Code.


I’m a little puzzled about why it’s so tough for them because I thought TV shows were still being produced. Maybe it’s just fewer now. I don’t keep up with prime time TV, so I don’t know.

Last edited 11 months ago by TheseTruths

Same here, I do not watch TV, Pravda News. No idea what happens in freak central hollyweird. Truly do not care. Perfectly happy if hollyweird went away.


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It’s sad that the Framers didn’t see fit to put a summary execution clause in the constitution somewhere.  😂 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, why limit it to summers? Any season of the year should be allowed.


Napalm piss on Ronna.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

SAFE AND EFFECTIVE LIES: 17,000 Scientists and Physicians confirm that Governments around the world along with Corporations willfully and deliberately lied to humanity about the Covid vaccines. They must be charged with fraud, wrongful advertising and mass negligent homicide.

The data now shows that the Covid vaccinated are more likely to become infected or have disease or even death if they have been Vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated people. The Covid Vaccines damage your heart, brain, reproductive tissue, lungs, increase cancer and permanently damage your immune system.

The European Parliament asked Pfizer this direct question. “Was the Pfizer Covid Vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market?” Janine Small, a Pfizer President replied “NO” we had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market. At that point of view we had to do everything at risk.” They risked your lives deliberately for nothing and lied to you.

The United States Government is captured by Corporations. U.S. Doctors warn the world to stop taking the Covid Vaccines and Boosters, they are toxic, lethal, ineffective and must be stopped. They damage the brain, heart, liver, bone marrow and fetus causing all sorts of harm in the human body. The CDC and the FDA misinformation is causing death and injury in pregnant women and newborn babies around the world.

17,000 Physicians and Scientists demand that Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech, Janssen, AstraZeneca and their enablers be immediately indicted for fraud for willfully withholding and omitting Covid Vaccine safety information from patients and physicians which led to toxic death and injury to thousands of innocent people around the world.

There is excess mortality and death all over the world and populations are suddenly collapsing. A top U.S. Cardiologist says I’m going to be very clear about this. The Vaccine is Killing people and it’s Killing large numbers of people. The CDC has over 16,000 Americans that have died within a few days of taking the vaccine and that’s probably a gross underreporting.

The public must demand criminal charges for illegal advertising by the Media, the CDC, NIH, FDA all which advertised the Covid Vaccines as safe and effective with no side effects. They deliberately broke the law and committed federal crimes of fraud, wrongful advertising and mass negligent homicide. All government officials and all corporate executives must be indicted and brought to justice.

Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates were two of the main criminals in this global fraud of wrongful advertising and mass negligent homicide perpetrated upon billions of innocent people around the world. Everyone involved must be punished for their deliberate crimes against humanity. We must get justice in order for this to never happen again. They must be made an example of what happens to you when you deliberately break the law.

This was not a mistake, this was a deliberate orchestrated plan to deceive you and manipulate you into taking a toxic experimental injection that was never given to humans before. Millions are injured and millions are dead. This is a global crime that must not go unpunished. Justice must be met, no matter what.


Wolf Moon
Thank you so much for bringing this.


Devastating, and very effective.

Dr. McCullough makes a great point about advertising. With every advertised drug there is a list of side-effects, often so many and so damaging that I wonder why anyone would take it, or I feel sorry for those whose conditions mandate they take it. But with the COVID vax, nothing. That is definitely false advertising.


Crimes against humanity and genocide.

Language is one of the better communication tools when it is used properly.

Crimes against humanity and genocide are clear and unmistakable links to the crimes of Hitler and the Nazis.

They should start using the right words.

Last edited 11 months ago by scott467

The hubris of Malone trying to play both sides. There was a point when both he and his wife were bent out of shape that he wasn’t getting sufficient credit for creating this poison. Such darkness.


Clearing tabs… Reported on multiple sites last week.

Russia set to create two new Armies by the end of this year.

Russia, which has recruited hundreds of thousands of contract soldiers, will create two new armies and 30 formations including 14 divisions and 16 brigades, Shoigu said.


Lil Marco auditioning for VP….



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