Dear KMAG: 20240325 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:

Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:

“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Week:



  1. Of or like twilight; dim.
  2. Active primarily at dawn or dusk or both. Used of animals.
  3. Occurring at dawn or dusk or both: “crepuscular foraging; a crepuscular stroll through the park.”

Used in a sentence

Deer and skunks are both crepuscular forms of wildlife that one is likely to encounter during an evening walk.


Some epic vocal from back when we were on CTH (2017)…..


This is fun – and Steve’s posts have prepared you for it!

Yeah, this may be a bit of “wowee” science, but it’s still good.

Even if you don’t remember every detail and every equation that Steve discussed, you will find that he prepared you in a most excellent manner to understand every aspect of this! I think that’s very cool. Enjoy!

See? That wasn’t so bad!

Just sayin’!

And remember…….

Until victory, have faith!

And trust the big plan, too!

And as always….



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Here we go! One more day.

One more day means what?

It means one more day until my birthday!

Happy birthday to me.  😂  😆 


Happy birthday (tomorrow) pgroup! 👍

Last edited 11 months ago by scott467

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So, is your birthday the 25th or 26th?




That’s what I thought, but there seems to be a lot of whoopin’ and hollerin’ in this thread, when I would have thought it would be in tomorrow’s.


Tomorrow is when things really go nutz 😂

pat frederick

are we bringing cakes tomorrow to throw or eat? or should i bring one large enough for fani to jump out of ?


Bring the cake, but no Fani. 😂

Valerie Curren

I thought cake brings Mo Fanny  😂 


All that sugar and carbs…

Valerie Curren

Yep 😉


You would ruin my birthday with that witch???

I’m shocked.  😮 

pat frederick

no you misunderstand…it would only be large enough for someone of her size to jump out of…
i was trying to present a visual of how big the cake would be.
i would NEVER have her there–none of us would get any cake…LOL




bad luck to wish HB before the actual day, according to some superstitions.

so just say happy birthday when it comes.

Last edited 11 months ago by smiley2

There you go, thinking of others again.  😂 

Valerie Curren

Hearty Amen. Why put off the good you can do now for some theoretical future that might never happen? I need to learn how to do this Way Moar!

Valerie Curren

My memory is So Crappy now that there is plenty of out of sight is out of mind stuff, sigh. It’s getting embarrassing but since pretty much everyone else in the family has “ADHD” it’s almost like I succumbed to a “if you can’t beat it join it” club  😜 

Valerie Curren

Many happy returns!


Happy Birthday pgroup! 🎂🎈🎉 And many more 🎶😍


Happy birthday PG!


Tomorrow. Happy birthday PG!

Last edited 11 months ago by kalbokalbs

At my age, nobody quibbles over a day.  😆 


Happy birthday, p! Have some cake:

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pat frederick

German Chocolate!
looks yummy aubergine!


A good German Chocolate cake is hard to find, but oh man, is it good when you do!

Most of them are far too sweet. My mother made the best one I’ve ever had.

pat frederick

i confess…I like the box mix and canned frosting for this…
it takes a lot of the time consuming steps out and produces a sweet, but passable offering.
i do have a wonderful 3 layer homemade recipe for the cake (and frosting) but i’ve gotten lazy over the years.


I haven’t made a homemade cake in a loonnnngg time!

pat frederick

i do when i want regular chocolate…my recipe uses coffee–soooo good




One of my favorites. ThanQ.

Gail Combs


Hope you are sharing!


I’ll think about it.  🙃 

Gail Combs



Cool! Mine, too.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hippo Birdie Two Ewes  🎉  🙂


ThanQ, I think.   :wpds_silly:   :wpds_razz: 

Gail Combs

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🎂 !!!!!!


Anyone who needs blood these days is in a world of hurt. I would bet they don’t even segregate vaxxed blood from non-vaxxed blood, so you’re stuck with whatever you get. But realistically, since 70% of the country got jabbed, we 30% are looking at some pretty bleak years ahead of us in a lot of different ways.

Last edited 11 months ago by Linda

If anyone does, that may be a good time to ask any unvaxxed friends or family members with same or compatible blood type if they’d like to make a donation.


Sadly, with one exception, DW, everyone I know is Jabbed. It sucks.


It might be time to cultivate some new friends! Is there an “unvaccinated club” we can join or something?


Yu are right, again.

Although, I do cringe at the thought of joining FB, X and all them others. Have reconciled, FB is a go, if cancer arrives.


Just use the ‘paddles’ on your local tea party.




Churches are getting on board w this approach. Just makes sense.


Makes sense to me!


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It’s definitely a symptom of B12 deficiency.


Too many big words.

Grateful vitamin D is part of my daily vitamins and supplement.


No words.


I can’t help but notice that her neck looks as if someone tried to strangle her. (I’m not advocating for that; just making an observation about the painting.)


Garrotes leave a mark, lol!

Cuppa Covfefe

She’s had to stretch it a lot over the years…




Yes, it’s really odd. If she has a prominent crease/wrinkle on her neck, why would an artist accentuate it? Strange.


why is her mouth shut ?

is it glued shut ?

let’s be real..

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Last edited 11 months ago by smiley2

She’s swallowing.

Sorry, couldn’t help it.

Valerie Curren




Valerie Curren

no prob, Kamel-hoe’s history is revolting & deserving of scorn AND sunlight!


I agree.

Valerie Curren



eww gross


I know. Juvenile of me 🙂


Still funny.

Valerie Curren

yep, in a puke humor kind of way  🙃 


Gag reflex.   :wpds_shock: 

pat frederick

i don’t think she has one…hence her success in politics


Sorry, I was a teenager for a minute there.


if the shoe fits….






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pat frederick





I have literally never seen someone open their mouth that wide to laugh, certainly not coupled teeth-baring. And she does this repeatedly, incessantly, in front of people, as part of her shtick. There’s really something un-human about it. The possession spectrum.


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“Why is there a lock on the outside?”


I am amused by the intentional naivete of the question 😂

When I was little, our house had the smaller old fashioned door knobs, with a metal plate below the knob, and a keyhole for a skeleton key. And the locks worked.

So you could stand on something to look through the keyhole, to check every once in a while, to see if your jailor was coming to let you out.

Similar to this:

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Porcupines are crepusculalr and also nocturnal.

Interesting video about muons. Don’t ask me to explain it, though. 😅


REPORT: Desperate Biden Considering ‘Nuclear Option’ on Border Invasion, Fears Upsetting Democrats
Election year dilemma. If he does anything, it will still be too little, too late.


I can’t imagine what democrats would be ‘upset’ if he sealed the border.

Going by town council meeting videos in Chicago and other big blue shatholes, the dims are ready to start killing illegal aliens themselves.


WATCH: Former RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel Admits She Was FORCED OUT by Trump
She thinks Trump lost to Biden in 2020, she thinks the J6 prisoners should rot in prison, and she has presided over way too many Repub losses. Something would be amiss if she hadn’t been forced out.


“She thinks Trump lost to Biden in 2020,”


She knows he won, everyone in professional politics knows Trump won in a landslide.

She is an enemy agent, plain and simple, saying what enemy agents say.


She is a ROMNEY!
‘Nuff said.


Why the Republicans lost elections for multiple cycles, in a nutshell. Or in a scumbag, if you prefer.


Chanel Rion of OAN:

No one in Big Media has any real contacts inside the Trump Machine.

And so Big Media play their egotistical selves by labeling “chaotic” anything they don’t understand.

Listen for it. You’ll hear it everywhere after this…

I’ve noticed that we’ve heard nothing about Trump’s strategy regarding the enormous fine. The media is expecting Letitia James to take over one of his properties tomorrow, and I think he has let them believe they’re winning, on purpose.


He is.

Truth Social goes public tonight or tomorrow morning. At that point, DJT has a minimum of $2 billion CASH in hand.

Checkmate. Trump is not tired of winning.


Ticker symbol DJT (seriously!) 👍😂

NBC (3-22-24):
“Shares in the newly combined company, Trump Media, could begin to be publicly traded next week under the stock symbol DJT, Trump’s initials.

Trump’s long-gone casino and hotel company also traded under that ticker symbol.”

Last edited 11 months ago by scott467

Sorry I got the timing wrong.  😥 


Great news.


Baltimore is now facing apocalyptic levels of policing shortages.

Last week, THREE police officers patrolled a whole district of 61,000 residents.

Police are now UNABLE to respond to calls, including for child assault.

The department is now postponing police training in an attempt to solve shortages.

What did people expect to happen with the Left hating on police, coupled with rising crime rates?


As Mencken said, they should get what they want … good and hard.

Who voted for these cretins? That’s your answer, City of Baltimore.


If every single voter in Baltimore voted Republican, the d-rat candidates would still win.


Yeah, but that’s only because it is 😂

Valerie Curren



They voted for it. Zero ****s to give.


Who even knows how people vote?

D-rats in big blue cities have been cheating for decades.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Who even knows how people vote?”

Heisenberg’s Ballot

Last edited 11 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Or Schrodinger’s Ballot.

Just depends on who looks in the ballot box first 😁

Last edited 11 months ago by scott467
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I had originally written Schrodinger, actually, but quickly edited it.

Schrodinger is associated with the cat that is alive and dead until the box is opened.

Heisenberg is straight up “uncertainty” in a more general sense.


“I had originally written Schrodinger, actually, but quickly edited it.”


Good thing you left it for me, ‘cuz I’d probably never have come up with Heisenberg, if you had gone with Schrodinger 😂

Valerie Curren

Why do you & Steve suddenly appear as Far Side characters to the mind’s eye??? LOL

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Valerie Curren

See my reply to Scott below for some visuals  😎 

Valerie Curren

I “feel” smarter just reading your comment AND Scott’s reply  🤓 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As I just told Scott, I had originally written “Schroedinger’s Ballot” but decided Heisenberg was a better choice because he’s known for uncertainty while Schroedinger is known for uncertainty about whether a cat is alive or not.

Heisenberg may make more sense in this context, but more people have heard of Schroedinger.

Valerie Curren

I actually associated H w/ H’s Uncertainty Principle, not that I could articulate exactly what that was. I’ve got a better grasp of the Schroedinger’s Cat concept, though I believe that the cat is Either alive Or dead in that box, but the knowledge of which state it possesses is unknown to us until we look in the box, so the probability would (theoretically) be 50/50 before looking.

Unfortunately w/ “ballots” (which clearly have very little, if anything, to do with actual, legit voters) we can be nearly certain that the cat is a dead Demoncrat, whether it wants to be one or not…just like how you & I probably keep voting D in spite of our best efforts to the contrary!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“we can be nearly certain that the cat is a dead Demoncrat”

In which case it’d be a good cat.

Valerie Curren



Happy for the blue shit holes to wallow in their ignorance.


This will probably open the door for hiring illegals, which will begin a whole new level of problems


Perhaps this is the pathway to what they often spout about, community policing. In the same vein as having social workers respond to domestic violence calls. Is it just woke gobbledygook or a version of sharia law enforcement or the chinese police groups?
Would it be like prison where an inmate trustee is used? They’ll choose some tatted up gang bangers to intimidate and keep order among the illegals awaiting their promised utopia?


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The Western governments and political-classes deserve to be next. More awful human beings have never lived.

Apparently when Hussein named them, he was unaware that Isis was a mid 1970s TV show about a hot chick 😂

Americans have over half a billion firearms, enough to arm nearly every man, woman and child over age 10, and still keep your backup gun.

And that doesn’t even include the military… because who can count on the military?

If the girls of Isis come to America, they won’t last long.


Last edited 11 months ago by scott467

That “ISIS” medallion looks a lot like the images that I have seen lately of the “Devil Comet”?



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and in France….about 123 days until…

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Last edited 11 months ago by smiley2
Cuppa Covfefe

The poor people of Paris…


Okay, great, how shall we stand up?

What does he mean?

No one ever says.


LOADED questions. I think that anything I might say would be refuted, but I can think of ways that people and even politicians are standing up. Is it enough? No. But if some people were not standing, the entire country would look like San Francisco. There are many other examples. But of course more needs to be done, in more effective ways, to drain the sewer.


They’re real questions that deserve real answers.

I don’t understand this psychosis of cranking people up, constantly agitating to DO something, and then never actually directing that energy at anything that even hints at a resolution. It’s just anxiety p0rn.

Women especially can’t seem to fathom why this is bad. I don’t know if it’s because many women thrive on drama for the sake of drama, or something else.

If the threat is not real, then they should STFU and stop gaslighting people.

If the threat is real, then those questions deserve real answers.

People have been playing this *&$#ing game for four damn years now. If you want to cause people to explode, that’s a great way to do it.

You can’t imply a threat, motivate and encourage people to do SOMETHING (take action), and not explain what the SOMETHING is that they’re supposed to do.

It’s pointless, and worse, it’s demoralizing — which is exactly why I usually think it’s controlled opposition.

Apparently a lot of women truly don’t understand this.

Men are problem solvers and (at least once upon a time) protectors. We are also held accountable for every thing we do. And we’re accountable if we don’t do something that we should do.

So there is no getting out of accountability.

If someone tells a man there is a genuine threat, they better *&^#ing explain what that threat is if it isn’t self-evident, and how to deal with it (if that isn’t self evident).

If Joshua pulled that sh!t repeatedly in person, he’d be lucky not to get into a physical confrontation over it.

It’s like a modern social media variation of ‘crying wolf’.

He’d sure as *&^# get into a verbal confrontation over it, that I can tell you.

Last edited 11 months ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

TY I think this actually helps me better understand my husband’s periodic frustration at this whole $41+ show! He is still a protector! PTL


It’s a five minute read, but Peachy Keenan has really nailed the Kate/cancer/death of the UK thing.


yes, good read indeed.

albeit morbidly depressing…

but then…what isn’t, nowadays.

Valerie Curren

Hey Wolf, my husband Michael wanted me to ask you if you’d heard of this book? He heard about it from Pastor Jack Hibbs & is getting ready to listen to it while trucking…

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Here is how it’s described in our library system:

Left of bang : how the Marine Corps’ combat hunter program can save your lifeby Van Horne, Patrick
Summary“Like Sun Tzu’s THE ART OF WAR, LEFT OF BANG isn’t just for the military. It’s a must read for anyone who has ever had a gut feeling that something’s not quite right…be it walking down the street, sitting in a corporate boardroom, or even entering an empty home.” — Steven Pressfield, bestselling author of THE WARRIOR ETHOS, GATES OF FIRE, and THE WAR OF ART. — You walk into a restaurant and get an immediate sense that you should leave. — You are about to step onto an elevator with a stranger and something stops you. — You interview a potential new employee who has the resume to do the job, but something tells you not to offer a position. These scenarios all represent LEFT OF BANG, the moments before something bad happens. But how many times have you talked yourself out of leaving the restaurant, getting off the elevator, or getting over your silly “gut” feeling about someone? Is there a way to not just listen to your inner protector more, but to actually increase your sensitivity to threats before they happen? Legendary Marine General James Mattis asked the same question and issued a directive to operationalize the Marine Corps’ Combat Hunter program. A comprehensive and no-nonsense approach to heightening each and every one of our gifts of fear, LEFT OF BANG is the result.

From Michael’s recall there is also something like Right of Bang which goes into great detail about the cleanup after a massive attack of some sort. Left of Bang is addressing how to prevent the catastrophe in part so the cleanup won’t be necessary, iirc…


Interesting! It sounds similar in concept to The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker.

I looked it up on Amazon, and de Becker left a review:

Left of Bang offers a crisp lesson in survival in which Van Horne and Riley affirm a compelling truth: It’s better to detect sinister intentions early than respond to violent actions late. Left of Bang helps readers avoid the bang.” 

—Gavin de Becker, bestselling author of The Gift of Fear

Last edited 11 months ago by TheseTruths
Valerie Curren

Great minds…Yours AND his 😉

Valerie Curren

Being protective & proactive & not tamping down that (presumed Holy Spirit driven) discernment sounds like a very positive development for many of us…especially if it helps us Prevent disaster rather than just attempt to pick up the pieces afterward…


He’s right about being prepared. He thinks attacks are most likely to occur in blue states, and I understand why, but I’m not so sure.

He says:

And we know what they will do. It’s just hard to accept. Some of us see Muslim terrorists as insane because our minds don’t work like theirs. We don’t want our minds to work like theirs. How they think and how they act is completely alien to us. That’s because, as a culture, we’re narcissists, self-absorbed and utterly unable to imagine that other people not only are not like us but that they have no desire to be like us.

I don’t think narcissism is the issue. It’s just that those who are good find it hard to believe anyone could be so barbaric and evil. But many people are awake to the level of depravity and are preparing accordingly.


And Kort Schelacter is an enemy agent.

There’s always that.


“I don’t think narcissism is the issue.”

I don’t think so either, depending on what he’s talking about. If he is talking about the tendency for any culture to be self-absorbed in their own culture, that’s what culture is, and it’s as true of the murdering douche-bag islamists as it is of Americans, but as always, people like Kart reserve all their judgment for Americans and give a pass to the people who slaughter us.

This is one of the signs that Cirt is an enemy agent.

Enemy agents always make Americans out to be the bad guy, and make excuses for the bloodthirsty barbarians.


Kart: “Some of us see Muslim terrorists as insane because our minds don’t work like theirs. We don’t want our minds to work like theirs.”


That’s right Kort, I don’t want my mind to work like a mass-murdering barbarian. So good of you to notice.


Cort: “How they think and how they act is completely alien to us. That’s because, as a culture, we’re narcissists,”


No douche-bag, it’s because we’re not mass-murderers, and we’re not so disconnected from reality as to try to intellectualize or relate to their mass-murdering ways.

Because there is no good excuse for mass-murder, Kirt. I don’t need to understand their inner-child, I just need to know that if their spinal cord is severed, they cease to be a threat, like every other mammal.


Kirt: “That’s because, as a culture, we’re narcissists,”


If we’re narcissists, what are they?

And which is worse?

And which one are you attacking, Kort?

Not the barbarian who would hack your head off, huh?

That figures.


Cart: “self-absorbed and utterly unable to imagine that other people not only are not like us but that they have no desire to be like us.”


I don’t need to imagine, Cirt. I know muzzies are not like us, and they have no desire to be like us. And since they are murderous rapists and slavers who follow a pagan moon god, I have no desire to ever be like them.

Their population and ours cannot coexist. Multiculturalism is just a word for a type of war where the Left surrenders unconditionally to the alien invader, while subverting anyone who would resist the alien invader.

I would prefer to leave muzzies alone if they would leave us alone, but they won’t, so we can’t. And besides, our culture believes in human rights, for good reasons, so we can’t just ignore the lawless brutality toward humanity that barbaric islam revels in.

There is such a thing as ‘good’, and there is such a thing as ‘evil’.

There are few things in this world more objectively ‘evil’ than islam. Which the adherents of islam show the whole world, every single day.

And since islam doesn’t offer the option to live and let live, since the only offer islam makes is “you will be assimilated”, then the only choice available to anyone who is not part of their murder-cult is to oppose islam in every way possible.

So put that in your traitor’s pipe and smoke it, Kort.

Last edited 11 months ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

Excellent analysis–TY!


I was cranky earlier today 😂

Valerie Curren

LOL whatever motivates you 😉 😉


Simple solution; stay the hell out of Ubers!

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s Alice, It’s Alice, It’s Alice über Deutschland 😀

(from “Hansel and Gretel and Ted and Alice” by PDQ Bach [aka Peter Schickele])

Last edited 11 months ago by Cuppa Covfefe

😂 Uber? 😂


If you are a white woman, pay attention to the race of your uber driver.

Rule #1, if the driver is a man, and his race is different than yours, don’t get in the car.

Or do, and know how to mitigate the risk you’re taking.

Always sit in the back seat, directly behind the driver.

Be prepared to pull your gun, and practice saying the words “STOP the *&^#ing car NOW“. Say it like you really mean it.

Make sure your seat belt is on, because if you have to shoot, the car is going to crash.

If you don’t want to go through all that, just observe Rule #1 instead.

Our whole lives, since at least the 1970s, we were warned of the dangers of hitchhiking. And that was long before the joys of multiculturalism graced our fair land.

Now we’ve turned hitchhiking into a service, and everybody gets in cars with random strangers.

What could possibly go wrong?

Last edited 11 months ago by scott467

April 8….path of the 2024 Great American Solar Eclipse…


Last edited 11 months ago by smiley2

This might be a good place to comment on Wolf’s science vid about Muonium: The Atom That Breaks All The Rules. Very strange to say the least. Not knowing what to do with this bite of information I poured it down the hatch where it came in contact with the worm moon, which was the last thing I poured down the hatch. Ackkk! Fizzle and Dribble, Trouble and Quibble!

Worm moon?

Okay, let me save you the trouble and give you the full comment from These Truth as I found it rather interesting…


In the wee hours of tomorrow morning:
March’s full moon will bring a subtle eclipse with it early Monday morning

With just over two weeks to go until the national spectacle of the total solar eclipse, keen skywatchers will have a small treat early Monday as March’s full “worm” moon will undergo what’s known as a penumbral lunar eclipse.

Not as spectacular – or noticeable – as a total lunar eclipse, this rather subtle phenomenon occurs when the moon moves through the outer part of Earth’s shadow, known as the penumbra, according to EarthSky.

Weather permitting, the eclipse will be visible throughout most of North and South America, NASA said. 

When is the penumbral lunar eclipse?

 :wpds_arrow: The eclipse will begin at 12:53 a.m. EDT Monday March 25, and last until 5:32 a.m. EDT, according to The best time to look will be about 3:12 a.m. EDT during the middle of the event.

Look at the full moon during that time, and if skies are clear, you may notice it’s slightly darker than usual. Observant people will recognize the shadow, while others won’t spot anything at all, EarthSky said. At best, at mid-eclipse, very observant people will notice a dark shading on the moon’s face.

About 35% of all eclipses are of the penumbral type, which can be difficult to detect even with a telescope, according to eclipse expert Fred Espenak.

Why is it called the worm moon?

The moon, which will be full on Monday at 3:00 a.m. EDT, is known as the worm moon. Why is it called that?

“At this time of the year, the ground begins to soften enough for earthworms to reappear, inviting robins and other birds to feed – a true sign of spring,” according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac. “Roots start to push their way up through the soil, and the Earth experiences a re-birth as it awakens from its winter slumber.”

The Almanac also said that another explanation for the worm moon name refers to a different sort of “worm” – beetle larvae – which begin to emerge from the thawing bark of trees and other winter hideouts at this time of the year.

The March full moon is also known as the sap moon, because this is the time of year when the sap of sugar maples starts to flow.

I’ve also read that it will be a blood moon, somewhat red in appearance.

Okay that’s a remarkable amount of attention to detail by those involved in the Farmers Almanac… How they know what they know and how long they’ve known that stuff could be another interesting question, but we’ll leave that off for now. Back to Moninium.

Lighter than hydrogen and it leaves behind anti matter particles charged with a positive ion? Also enough of the munion can be captured by gold and such to make these determinations… The ancients were always attracted to gold. Some say it and other rare metals have a Hypoallergenic effect and was recommended by court perfumers (the ones that made sure the king always lived in an environment of rarified air whenever possible. Actually an important position rarely discussed).

Then there is the matter of copper laced socks and gloves and such. 🤔

And being lighter than hydrogen? What to make of that when discussing the effects of gravity? This might heighten discussions on the effects of the full moon when a distant object can pass it by and leave a but film darkness on it’s surface and it’s enough to get the sap flowing in trees and little beetle creatures stirring…. 😮

Okay… best to shove this stuff back in the box and close the lid. Clearly above my pay grade. Next I’d be telling you how gobsmacked the ancients were with tracking the moon for millenniums past to use in making finite predictions about the seasons. For now we’ll just let the chemists study this stuff and leave off invitations to astro guys to circle back to this kind of subatomic stuff. 🤓


Last edited 11 months ago by para59r

We need to know what brand of coffee you’re drinking.

It’s obvious it has extra caffeine in it.  😂 


And two cups! 😁

Cuppa Covfefe

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Okay… best to shove this stuff back in the box and close the lid.

That’s what I did, too! 😂


I’m nailing mine down, you should too. A quick search for the Mu brought up numerous roll playing sites suggesting that to spruce up the power of the pentagram Mu is required. That and my yard has quite a few fat thumb nail sized beetles belly up, waving their little legs good-bye to sun this very minute, which might mean that while worm moon might signify the start of maple sap season, it may well signify the terminus of beetle gathering season. This may be the kind of stuff God fearing hunter gathers would need to know to stay one step ahead of the godless Dayus writ about in the Rig Veda my guess, which seems totally useless to anyone in the industrial age and barely available to know now in the information age. It may well be yet another reason for killing off farms in order to drive a final nail into to the Farmers Almanac now that the Cabal and satanists have stolen all the secrets worth having and would grudge us any chance of making a comeback no matter how narrow after Devolution is complete.

Seems they want to send what’s left of us all the way back to the stone age to start counting moons again.

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The Venus of Laussel is a limestone bas-relief of a nude female figure, 46 cm high, painted with red ochre. It was carved into a large block of fallen limestone in a rock shelter (Abri de Laussel) in the commune of Marquay, in the Dordogne department of southwestern France. The carving is associated with the Gravettian Upper Paleolithic culture (approximately 25 000 years old). It is currently displayed in the Musée d’Aquitaine in Bordeaux, France.

The figure holds a bison horn, or possibly a cornucopia, in one hand, which has 13 notches. According to some researchers, this may symbolise the number of moons or the number of menstrual cycles in one year. Alexander Marshack said about the Venus of Laussel that ‘One cannot conjecture on the basis of one engraved sequence any meaning to the marks, but that the unusually clean horn was notated with storied marks is clear.’

She has her hand on her abdomen (or womb), with large breasts and vulva. There is a “Y” on her thigh and her faceless head is turned toward the horn. The figure was discovered in 1911 by Jean-Gaston Lalanne, a physician.


Pin-up girls sure did look different back then.


IIRC, at one point, 60% of the world annual production of VHS video tape was being used for pr0n.

Valerie Curren


I really wanted to find a clip of Iman as the shapeshifter in Star Trek The Undiscovered Country where she says “give a girl a break, it takes a lot of effort”…but no luck 🙂

Valerie Curren

her faceless head is turned toward the horn”

It looks like it Could be facing away or even tilted up & away from the “horn” like Perhaps looking toward the moon, associated w/ menstrual cycles. The “horn” could perhaps be some type of ceremonial cup where she is about to drink if her face is toward it too. I mean interpretation is clearly in the eye of the beholder & heavily influenced by our own cultural backgrounds surely…the way the belly appears somewhat distended she could also be portrayed as pregnant, fwiw…but I have babies on the brain at this moment as my DIL is in labor w/ grand child #3  😊 


My house is in the path.

Valerie Curren

Hope your band’s concert goes well & your community isn’t so overrun as to run out of essentials in the lead-up & aftermath of this event…


Thanks. My community is enough out of the way so as to not expect problems.

Valerie Curren

That sounds Wonderful to this Metro Detroit chic who Loves to get away from 1/2 the state population that lives within an hour of us in most directions…


To get to where I live… you must be either LOST or know where I live 🙂

Valerie Curren

THAT is how I would Love to live!!! You are Blessed!!!

Valerie Curren

I read your remark to Hubby & he’s with me, though he thinks the hunting shacks in our family are similarly located…but I’m like Outhouses, ewww 😉 😉


Good place to be… close to a small city (but not TOO close). Local necessities available (Groceries, Gas, Diners, etc). Off the beaten path(s).

Valerie Curren

Nice. Our shacks are near a Very Small town, like a 4 corners stoplight. However there is a good restaurant/bar & a gas station w/ food (Great pizza & wings!) & showers so they cater well to the outdoor enthusiasts from out of town there! I think there is even a small laundry facility at that enhanced gas station 🙂


National Guard is on the scene. They’re shooting at the Moon now.

Last edited 11 months ago by scott467

New PAVACA post up.

pat frederick



Glad I don’t live in a Blue Shithole.

pat frederick

for now…they’re like roaches…they’ll consume the resources there and then spread



Freebies end or they get bored with blue shitholes, spread they will.



Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

100%  😡 


They must have put Clouseau on the case.

pat frederick

Valerie Curren

Hey all, my amazing hubby spearheaded a gathering chez nous yesterday of our family in celebration of our son Brandon’s completion of his trial fire fighting period. So he has “gotten his badge” officially though has yet to receive the actual badge in his hand. At some point a chief will drop by the firehouse to hand it to him personally.

Last week he was also honored by a local hospital, Detroit’s Henry Ford Hospital, for saving the life of a 30-something man who had had his leg amputated in some type of accident in his front yard. B said the ER doctor was telling the other hospital staff when they brought the patient in that the tourniquet that Brandon had a applied was “textbook” & was the reason the man was still alive. B didn’t know if they were able to reattach the leg or not since the man was in the hospital in the window where it was possible but once they pass a patient to hospital staff they don’t usually find out about outcomes unless it comes up conversationally later.

So he has a nice Commendation Certificate for saving a life to start out his official Detroit Fire-Fighting career!

Michael cooked up a Mexican themed feast w/ beef, chicken, shrimp, refried beans, grilled onions & peppers, homemade guacamole, fresh squeezed lemonade, & moar. Our daughter Clarissa made a special “cake” of gingerbread assembled like a fire engine that she put 5-10 hours into between research & execution. She’s becoming our go-to specialty cake maker to add a unique touch to family events! Michael got a couple pics of it 🙂 Hopefully there will still be some of that “fire truck” to share with his station on Brandon’s next regular shift later this week!

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Brandon had finished his 24 hour shift at 8 am yesterday & ended up sleeping through church & arriving later than everyone else as he was so whipped & didn’t get good sleep since he was “on the box” I believe, assigned to answer the phone, that rang numerous times (atypically for that station) during the night. He was wearing a “rack hat” that he got from doing a half marathon a while back that ran between Detroit & Windsor, Ontario so it is also a nice, apropos acquisition given his Canadian girlfriend (likely to soon be his fiancée, having obtained the Blessing on a recent trip to Toronto).

Oh & yesterday was the due date for grandbaby #3 who didn’t make “her” grand entrance just yet so old oldest son, DIL, & oldest granddaughter were thankfully able to attend our celebration. We are thankful with hearts overflowing & anticipating that new arrival sometime this week. God is good!  ❤ 

pat frederick

Congratulations Brandon!

Valerie Curren

Thx Pat!


Very cool!

Thanks for sharing.

Valerie Curren

YW Gotta share some good news occasionally to counteract all the crapola swirling the proverbial bowl on this Third Rock from the Sun 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Let’s go, Brandon!!



Valerie Curren

Yes!  👲   😎   👲 


What proud accomplishment! Great job on the cake, too!

Valerie Curren


pat frederick

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W T F ?

How the fuck does that happen?

Hotel was sold years ago, IIRC. Just close the deal?

First I’ve read this information.

pat frederick

i believe that’s why the state supreme court (or appellate court???) ruled this was beyond the statue of limitations. the judge ignored that ruling.


Daily, I am grateful for Trump not taking any shit and standing tall.


Correct. The extra $126 million was included in the TOTAL judgement of $557.5 million, per the article in the New York Post.


Verse of the Day for Monday, March 25, 2024

“For we walk by faith, not by sight” 

2 Corinthians 5:7 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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thank you, duchess 💞


Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.

Valerie Curren

Saw this at Marica’s

Valerie Curren

OK. Not watching the video. AI? <<< Serious eye roll here. Bored with AI BS.

What is the bottom line?

Or is this just more click bait stuff?

Valerie Curren

The top video is very quick & when it is significantly slowed down at the end you can clearly see the big ring she wears is not there briefly & then reappears making the video appear more questionable as to its veracity.

Last edited 11 months ago by Valerie Curren

It IS All clickbait.

I’d rather watch the blossoms starting to show. Beautiful.   :wpds_smile: 

Valerie Curren

Those are the best!


Can’t do a CT scan while wearing jewelry.

Plus chemo causes weight loss so it wouldn’t fit right.

And everybody has a favorite shirt.

All y’all are soundin’ like tin foil hat peepull.

Valerie Curren

I don’t care either way if it’s a real video or a deep fake or AI, but the little glitch with the ring there & not there is some type of anomaly, fwiw…

Cuppa Covfefe

People keep posting this stuff, and then say they don’t care.

If they don’t care, WHY POST IT? It’s noise.


It’s not just for Bible Studies…

Valerie Curren

This situation was being discussed the other day & this video Appeared to show some type of unexplained “glitch” (w/ the ring in the Midst of the clip) that could be considered a “fact”, something you can see with your own eyes, which is the Only reason why I brought it over…


I hear you, and I don’t want you to feel ganged up on.

Speaking for myself, I’m at the point where I don’t trust any of these kinds of claims. It’s far too easy these days to fake a video. For all I know, the person who put that one out has manipulated it. Or someone else could have. Or it could have been inadvertently manipulated during the production process. Or it hasn’t been manipulated at all and it’s too grainy for us to see what is actually happening.

I ask myself what the consequences of a claim that Kate’s ring appears and disappears would be. What is MJTruthUltra trying to get us to believe? Is it that the video is fake, and therefore that wasn’t Kate at all? Was it supposed to have been done entirely with AI?

What are the implications of that? That she might be too ill to appear, or even be dead? Then we get into the same issues that have existed with other people who are supposedly already dead: the entire family and a host of peripheral people would have to know and be covering it up. What would be the purpose of that?

If she’s too ill to make an appearance, why cover that up? There could have been a short announcement by Prince William that Kate has undergone chemo and is recovering, and that she would appear when she feels better. That would be realistic and reasonable, which all the “mysterious” theories are not.

Valerie Curren

all good points–TY TT 🙂


The background doesn’t move in any wind or breeze.


I noticed that too. She is in front of some kind of screen. Nothing is amiss with that.

Valerie Curren

Very Nice Catch! Suspicious cat still warranted it would seem 😉


I’ve watched it here several times.

The ring is slipping on her finger, she repeatedly adjusts it. It never disappears, it may slide far enough over for a nano second to look as if there’s no ring.
That said, the latest blurb about the family has them all going to spend Easter together at a country home so next up for the conspiracy buffs is they’re drawing the kids into the nefarious scam on the public. Will they take the body double on the trip?


Yes. Her words are, “As I’ve said to them, I am well.” In the slowed-down video, the ring is very visible just as she says “well,” but right before that, between the word “am” and the word “well,” you can see the side of the ring. It doesn’t just appear on the word “well.”

Will they take the body double on the trip?


They probably have body doubles for the kids and Prince William too, so the whole group can be fake. /sarc

Valerie Curren

I watched it w/ pause & sliding the toggle around & when it appears that the ring “disappears” there is a glint of light, like from the edge of the ring where the flesh of the forefinger (not sure if that’s the right term) Might be obscuring the view of the ring on that finger. If the video weren’t so grainy there wouldn’t likely be This Specific controversy about the ring, fwiw

Cuppa Covfefe


Cuppa Covfefe

More and more and more and more BS about the Royal Family.

The YELLOW STREAM(ING) MEDIA want to see death and pain, i.e. “if it bleeds, it leads” or “good news is no news”…

Princess Kate has Cancer and is being treated with Chemotherapy, she looks pale and gaunt, and has lost weight. With losing weight, her fingers will be smaller, and the odds of her losing a ring increase precipitously. So she won’t wear a ring if she doesn’t want to lose it. Could also be uncomfortable, if she has any other issues (treatment-aggravated allergies, etc.).

Boulevard urinalism at its worst…

Valerie Curren

All good points but the ring is intermittent w/in the short 15 sec video at the top, which is hard to explain (of course it could be manipulated by others creating a “controversy” where none Actually exists)…


Just an FYI that is my opinion. The commenter “MJTruthUltra” is on my list of people to never be trusted. I think he never met a conspiracy theory that he didn’t like, no matter how outlandish, improbable, or impossible. I imagine he makes up his fair share of them. Just my opinion: avoid him like the plague.


It’s getting so distracting. There’s a multitude of real issues facing the Republic. Most, if not all, we can do very little about but the truth is even if Biden or any of them use body doubles and deep fakes and it could be proven 100%…they don’t care. At this time there’s not an Federal entity that would bring action to rectify or punish.

For whatever reason it seems like the same forces that want distraction and division are hard at it in the UK too.


I will add that a “tell” that they’re trying to convince, rather than just reporting, is when they add information to make themselves seem more credible. It’s “I know because I’ve had the same thing/experience/etc.” Or claiming some sort of expertise. In this case, he says even his wife “says it’s weird,” an unnecessary corroborating statement.

Last edited 11 months ago by TheseTruths
Valerie Curren

Great point. I will remain a cheap seats inhabitant for the foreseeable future 😉

Valerie Curren

TY for that insight TT. It came to mind when I read another sister blog quoting that specific tweeter in the open. I am very tired of the controlled opposition types constantly muddying the water  😠 

Valerie Curren

Very nice catch LOL The middle video w/ the “same shirt” at different times there is a point where Kate w/ the Princes lifts her one arm & you can see that the sleeve ends in the mid fore-arm, like a 3/4 sleeve w/ maybe a 1″ band of white at the end. Her cancer announcement video has a full sleeve with wrist to mid forearm w/ the white portion. If it is the “same” shirt/sweater, as you speculated elsewhere based on fading & color changes that made sense, then it was modified in the sleeve area, imo.

Valerie Curren


That guy knows how to ask the right questions. 👍
“Did the hotel coordinate this?” (free travel to Phoenix Az from NYC.

“Si, Si… ” 😮

Last edited 11 months ago by para59r
Valerie Curren

Yes   :wpds_twisted: 


Is this why DOMINION is untouchable?
I cannot vouch for the accuracy of this.

David Rubenstein owns Dominion Voting Co. – and it is even worse. Follow me here…he is the largest shareholder of The Carlyle Group. Rubenstein is the co-founder and co-chair of the Board of Carlyle. He is also the Chair of the infamous Council of Foreign Relations. Other current members of that notorious Council: Jenna Easterly (and of CISA of the DHS), Matthew Prince, Penny and Tom Pritzker, Michael Crow (President of AZ State and Chair of the CIA’s investment fund In-q-tel), Lester Crown (chairman of Hilton Hotels, major owner of Chicago Bulls, New York Yankees, tied in with WEIZMANN which is a bio-weapon lab in Israel), Annie Maxwell runs Pierre Omidyar Network (ebay’s founder) – funds Democracy Fund and also she is the older sister of Ghislaine Maxwell of Jeffery Epstein fame, Alejandro Markos (Secretary of Dept. Homeland Security and on Board of Directors of Hias – the group along Biden sponsoring our boarder invasion), Mr. Schlein tied to CISA/NSA is a member also. Oh what a web we weave. The infamous Council of Foreign Relations is operating on behalf of the CCP and Israel to dictate foreign policy around the world, i.e. again board invasion being just one example. The Council people have a huge overlap with the Davos people. Back to David Rubenstein, The Carlyle Group is the largest shareholder of Staple Street Capital… which owns Dominion Voting Systems. 76% of it. Hootan Yaghoobzadeh runs Staple Street Capital. He came from, you guessed it, The Carlyle Group. Hootan went to Harvard. Dominion uses lobbyists Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck. Brownstein lobbyist Brian McKean previously worked for the Obama campaign and as an aide to Sens. Jeanne Shaheen and Barbara Boxer. Brownstein lobbyist Nadaem Elshami is a former Chief of Staff to Nancy Pelosi. Staple Street Capital board member William E. Kennard was the Obama Administration’s Ambassador to the EU. The government of the Philippines kicked out Dominion Voting because they caught Dominion machines cheating in elections. President of Dominion John Poulos is extremely corrupt and is a liar – there are Dominion voting machines/systems in the USA which have two sets of source code in them, one of them is used to cheat in elections. Unauthorized third parties can access Dominion voting machines. We have selections not elections as Chris Gleason profoundly says. Thanks to @krishunter and Jonathan for input for this post. Rubenstein on left, Hootan on right. Fun fact: Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin used to work for David Rubenstein.


ah ha…


that big black spider lurking deep inside its global web….spinning spinning ever-spinning.

Valerie Curren

Seen at Pat’s place

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#3 Get rich. Very, very rich.
#4: Personal gratification . . . in all its various forms.

Valerie Curren

Yep  😡 


Nails it again.


The Regime v. America – The American Mind

Lawfare threatens to destroy our constitutional republic.

The American legal system was a thing of beauty. Refined across centuries and emerging from the precedence of millions of common law cases, by the end of the last millennium it had become the envy of the world. Serving both a dispute resolution and truth-seeking function, it channeled the violent passions of human nature into a controlled medium. It then subjected those passions to standardized procedures (the rules of evidence and civil or criminal procedure) to yield judgments that commanded the respect of the parties and the public. 

The American rule of law sustained our capacity for self-governance. The legal system midwifed the most sophisticated property rights regime in the world, improved our collective reasoning faculties, balanced the imperative of change with the demands of tradition, and settled disputes of trivial insignificance as well as controversies of monumental importance. The system functioned so well that most Americans never even thought about it. And it commanded such astonishing respect that virtually everyone obeyed its commands in even the most partisan contests. 

But today, sophisticated regime mandarins in Big Law, government, and non-profit activist organizations seek to pervert our legal system by hacking it. They warp its dispute resolution and truth-seeking function to one that advances and sustains their grip on power, delegitimizing that grip in the process. This is known as lawfare. Its variants include access denial, weaponized defamation law, weaponized criminal law, misuse of federal and state agencies, subversive professional licensing requirements, and “adversarial inversion.” 



Corrupt, spineless courts allow this.


Corrupt spineless judges. Not courts.

A court is an institution; it cannot be corrupt, in and of itself. It can, and quite often is, inhabited by corrupt judges.


Yes, of Course, It’s The Fucking Judges. <<< Implied in my post, IMO.

Thank you for the word smithing clarification.

Slow Guy may catch up next week, month, year, or, never.


He’s jacked up on pre birthday pep. Can’t help hissselff !

Last edited 11 months ago by mollypitcher5

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Last edited 11 months ago by mollypitcher5
Valerie Curren

Slow Guy may catch up next week, month, year, or, never.”

My new theme song 🙂


Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

Valerie Curren

I was just saying that to my son Brandon at our Sunday gathering…but I forgot which Founding Father said it.

pat frederick

H/T Marica

pat frederick

March 25, 2024 9:10 am
Illegal Alien Invaders being registered to vote in swing states using predetermined addresses for mail-in ballot collecting to occur later at those addresses. Investigators in WI have discovered. Story on GP.


If people look for this, they will find it all over the place.

What other explanation could there be for the southern border invasion?

I hope nobody here buys the stupid reason put forth by the Chamber of Commerce [controls wages].


Sweet. Just helping mom.


Little guy, and his Mom made my day.


That is quite possibly the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

Valerie Curren

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When Calvin Graham was 11 years old, he began shaving, convinced it would make him look older than he was. He also practiced speaking in a deep voice, pretending to talk like a man.

Two years later, he forged his mom’s signature to enlist in the U.S. Navy and ended up being awarded both the Bronze Star and Purple Heart before he turned 14

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Valerie Curren



sick twisted demon-possessed freak.

makes my skin crawl.


Valerie Curren




Society is faced with questions over who can be trusted in today’s world: government, scientists, prestigious advisory groups, like the United States National Academy of Sciences (US NAS), and major journals like Science, Nature, The Lancet, and others. These have historically all been the entities that society has trusted for decades. The historical record presented here, therefore, involves powerful and high-profile individuals and groups that manipulated the public for personal gain and is presented in the following eight-part expose.


Slow Guys world these days, Experts.


Richard Feynman:

“We’ve learned from experience that the truth will [come] out.  Other experimenters will repeat your experiment and find out whether you were wrong or right. Nature’s phenomena will agree, or they’ll disagree with your theory. And, although you may gain some temporary fame and excitement, you will not gain a good reputation as a scientist if you haven’t tried to be very careful in this kind of work. And it’s this type of integrity, this kind of care not to fool yourself, that is missing to a large extent in much of the research in Cargo Cult Science.”




Looking forward to Trump suing the State of NY and all them assholes into oblivion. Legal expenses, defamation….



pat frederick


pat frederick


pat frederick

i can only read so far on that site without subscribing…
but i found this at zero hedge…
he also gets another 10 days to secure the new bond amount

pat frederick

i’ve seen this link too but it doesn’t open on my browser…


Yes. I would pay it on the last day. There’s a lot of interest coming in on 175 million in ten days.

pat frederick

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pat frederick

disclaimer: I have not read the article and i do not condone torture.
the treatment is soooo different in Russia. they do not coddle their criminals..

Freedom ring
March 25, 2024 11:06 am

Russia tortures terror suspects. Photos. Not for the faint of heart
One image shows a suspect named as Shamsuddin Fariddun foaming at the mouth as he lies on a gym floor with his trousers pulled down and wires attached to his groin area. At the other end they are attached to a military radio powered by an 80-volt battery.
Separate video sees another man, Saidakrami Murodali Rachabalizoda, having his ear severed and then spitting it out as he is forced to eat it.


If you kill 140 of my people for no reason and I catch you, I will happily put the clamps on your nuts. Unless I’ve already cut them off.

Valerie Curren

I love this…is that wrong?


Well…probably! But I’d still do it.

Valerie Curren

I read your comment to my hubby & wish I was as much of a butt kicker as you (both)!




If they had been true isis extremists they would’ve avoided the torture by suicide…they forgot to read the mooselime rule book


I do NOT care what the Russians do with these assholes.

These assholes rate no courtesy, comforts or any other such thing.

Heads On Pikes is also OK by me.

Last edited 11 months ago by kalbokalbs
pat frederick

i was thinking the same about the Oct 7th terrorists



pat frederick

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pat frederick

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^^^ Sadly Reality. ^^^

Valerie Curren

Truth…we are clearly under enemy occupation, & probably have been for much longer than any of us would care to admit  😡 

pat frederick

h/t Filly

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This is also good:

In the Monday decision, the appeals court also stayed Engoron’s ruling barring Trump from serving as an officer or director of a NY company for three years, and which had barred Trump and his corporate defendants from applying for loans from New York lenders over the same period.

The new order also stayed Engoron’s order barring Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump from serving as officers and directors of New York companies for two years.

pat frederick

AMLO’s conditions for helping with the border crisis.
I say we stop ALL remittances out of the country, close the border, remove your favored nation trade status and you can mind your own business.


It doesn’t sound like Mx will do anything to help at all. He’s saying those conditions will surely stem the flow . It’s all theater. We’re providing the transportation and soon there may not be any reason for illegals to travel through Mx now that our “leaders” have sanctioned the flights. The caravans and hordes walking hundreds and hundreds of miles was for media optics after the buses let them out within some miles from the border.
They think we’re dumb. The pool of honest world leaders is tiny. The pool of honest media is empty.

Last edited 11 months ago by mollypitcher5
pat frederick

sounds to me like extortion


Could be ! Maybe it was the script the State Dept gave him to read ( all the actions they plan on doing anyway)



pat frederick

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Last edited 11 months ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Barb Meier


pat frederick

interesting theories
March 25, 2024 1:14 pm

Reply to  Troublemaker10
I think there were several reasons why the Court of Appeals did this.
Although the Court may be Dem-heavy, it does care about the overall credibility of the NY court system. It does not want to be known as a kangaroo court.
The Court of Appeals may have some genuine concern for the way Letitia twisted a consumer fraud statute to use in a case in which there was no fraud. They may see a need to clarify how this law should be used or even to strike it down as unconstitutionally vague.
The third reason is that the Court saw the possible devastating effects this case could have on real estate investment in NY, and on the NY economy in general, despite Gov. Hochul’s assurance to potential investors that Trump was a unique case and they needn’t be worried. There may have been some discreet calls from business leaders to acquaintances on the Court of Appeals that they didn’t want NYC to go into a real estate doom loop like San Francisco.


It’s a little hard for me to believe they care about being seen as a kangaroo court. That horse left the barn already……the only things that matters to NYC (Hochul, James, Engorge-aron, Adams ) is $$$ and getting Trump. Probably the 3rd reason


It was easiest method of gutting Trump’s Eighth Amendment argument about excessive fines. He still has a claim under the 8th but it is quite a bit harder to show it.


” Gov. Hochul’s assurance to potential investors that Trump was a unique case and they needn’t be worried.”

Every one knows it’s unique. Perhaps she should explain why such a thing has never happened in the past and why she’s reassuring people that they need not worry about it happening again in the future.


Yes! How’s about explaining why this hasn’t happened before. No crooks worthy of the harsh punishment? Judges used to be ethical? NYAG’s didn’t publicize their intention to ‘get’ ex Presidents? That political prosecution wasn’t allowed?


Take it easy, molly, before you blow a gasket.  😍 


Serenity now, serenity now.  😎 

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^^^ This.

It is an illegal attempt at seizure of private assets using phony charges and they know it. They know they will not be punished for it once it craters during the appeals process. It is all about politics and criminals doing what criminals do.


If it ‘never’ happened before, … then how could it happen ‘again’ in the future?

My head hurts over the illogic.

pat frederick

wolf? here’s a cool one!

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Looks like Endor to me!!  😎 

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. It has an Indoor, an Outdoor, and an Endor 😀

Last edited 11 months ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Lotta work went into that one.  😮 

pat frederick

there’s a tree house you can actually rent in Cedar Peak, Washington
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Does the rental include that cute honey?

Cuppa Covfefe

Paging Scott and Kalbo 😀

(Miss Rover, Miss Rover, Scott wants to come over) 🙂


Honey had so much fun posing for the photo shoot.

But after everyone packed up and left, Honey realized there was absolutely nothing to do, out in the woods, all by herself.

That’s when Honey learned that living in a tree, alone, in the middle of nowhere, ain’t all it’s cracked up to be… 😂

Last edited 11 months ago by scott467
Cuppa Covfefe

Testing, Teaching And The Destruction of Society

Gail Combs


It is nice to see someone SPELL IT OUT!

I wonder where the CABAL thinks it is going to get those 115+ IQ people with the TIME and the TRAINING needed to advance our civilization if they kill off 13 out of 14 people.

AI ain’t gonna do it!

Also that crap that EXTREMELY STUPID supreme court justice was spouting about the ‘government having to PROTECT people from WRONG THING’ makes things even worse.


United Airlines and Boeing prove this ^^^^. All it took was a couple of years…a couple of years and the accumulated ignorance bringing havoc

Cuppa Covfefe

Just read on c’t (German computer geek mag) that the CEO and Chairman of Boeing are going (by the end of the year), along with a division manager who’s leaving immediately (ordered to fall on his sword, no doubt)…


( This is more than I was aware of and may explain some of the ersatz napoleon’s hissy fit about sending troops to ukraito.
If that’s what it was one could argue that it freed up some of his troops to send to ukraine. On the other hand no matter who wins in ukraito he’s unlikely to get back to looting the Sahel region again. I think the only way he would go into ukraine is if he could get at least one eu country to do the same.)

“Russia is destroying French neocolonialism

Historical events are brewing in another West African country, Senegal. Getting rid of the country’s neocolonial dependence on its former official metropolis – France.

Over the weekend, presidential elections took place here, in which the opposition candidate Bashiru Jumaye Faye is confidently leading (and may even win them in the first round, which will become known tomorrow), who, as part of his election promises, promised to review oil and gas deals with Western campaigns, including agreements with British Petroleum, Endeavor Mining and Kosmos Energy.

He also advocates a radical revision of relations between Senegal and France. And as part of this, Faye is going to follow neighboring Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso to leave the French currency system (by abandoning the CFA franc). And the French military will have to leave the country. By the way, sensing something was wrong, Paris had already announced a little earlier that it was sharply reducing the military contingent in the country (probably so that it would not be so shameful later). In return, he promises to take a course towards rapprochement with Russia.

Thus, France’s next major foreign policy defeat on the African continent looms on the horizon. Moreover, Senegal was a key player in the issue of the blockade of Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali, which had previously freed themselves from the influence of Paris. And the departure of Senegal from the CFA franc zone puts a final and fat cross on this system (which brought huge profits to France) and on which the entire system of French neocolonialism was essentially built.

And hence all of Macron’s current anti-Russian hysteria. He, like a plucked rooster, understands that he is losing to Russia and therefore becomes hysterical. And Ukraine for him is the last chance to spoil Moscow. But I think he will be disappointed here too.”


Macaroon should be more concerned with making certain his head remains attached to his body than any embarrassment over Senegal and/or Ukraine.

Cuppa Covfefe

A cuck plucked duck whose goose is cooked…

Gail Combs

I was listen to this over the weekend.

Land of the Free with Doc Chambers, Ivan, Gen Flynn (1hr 20)

One of the guys mentioned an undercover vid documenting Charities giving illegals citizenship papers and telling them they can now vote in US elections.

I think he was talking about this:

‘Charity’ Caught Distributing Fraudulent Papers For Illegal Aliens To Obtain Gov’t ID’s

Undercover video by citizen journalists caught a charity that caters to illegal aliens illegally filling out residency documents for a man with no form of identification. journalists teamed up with The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project to reveal the illegal alien fraud pipeline taking place in New York City….

The undercover video also shows the organization distributing paperwork to get a government-issued New York City identification card through the city’s IDNYC program.

“Illegal aliens can pay to receive fake residency paperwork, allowing them to obtain a government issued ID using whatever information they provided,” founder Anthony Rubin narrated in the video.

In the video, Rubin asked a La Jornada employee if he could buy residency papers, to which the woman replied, “that’s illegal.”

“Buy papers here? No, we cannot do that…We could help you do your documentation if you need to get a Social Security or work permit,” she said.

Later, the woman told Rubin: “You cannot go asking how much is the residency we sell, because that’s illegal…that’s something that you could do that you could get in trouble. That’s not what we could do…They will think we are doing something illegal.”

But the next day, a Mexican associate of Muckraker’s returned to La Jornada, where an employee provided him with residency and IDNYC paperwork despite him not providing any form of identification.

Instead, the man only gave a first and last name.

“Do you have a first and last name? Nothing else? Only have Jose Rubiano?” the employee asked, which the Muckraker associate affirmed.

“I’m going to get this signed and then I’ll be right back,” the employee said before returning shortly after with documents bearing the name “Jose Rubiano” for both residency and the IDNYC card.

Rubin highlighted the national security and election integrity risks posed by the illegal residency and official identification card scheme….

Additionally, Rubin warned that likely thousands of illegal aliens have already used this scheme to integrate into NYC’s population undetected.

And only a 30-day residency is required to participate in New York elections.

As we reported, illegal aliens have openly expressed their intent to vote for Joe Biden in the 2024 election.

Government hides money for illegal immigration in charities

Catholic Charities in US accused of abetting illegal immigrationCritics want a funding cutoff to religious charities and to stop funding the UN for the purposes of global migration

The Republican Party in the House of Representatives is taking aim at Catholic Charities in the Rio-Grande Valley along the Texas-Mexico border for its shelter services to migrants who cross the border.

Last December, when it was apparent Republicans would win a House majority, three Republicans wrote to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas complaining that the Biden administration was “allowing non-governmental organizations … the freedom to aid and abet illegal aliens.”

In a separate letter, they wrote to Catholic Charities USA, demanding that it preserve documents “related to any expenditures submitted for reimbursement from the federal government related to migrants encountered at the southern border” in case the new House Republican leadership came calling.

The Catholic Charities letter was sent to two other faith-based social service organizations: Jewish Family Service and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service.

In May, Mayorkas got another letter from three Republicans, including Rep Jim Jordan of Ohio, the Judiciary Committee chairman, accusing the charitable groups that use federal funds to aid immigrants of creating an “incentive” for illegal immigration and demanded access to a broad swath of records about Homeland Security funding practices.

Also in May, the House passed, along party lines, the Secure the Border Act. It included a provision that would cut all funding to the Shelter Services Program administered by Homeland Security.

The Democratic-led Senate has not acted on the bill — and probably won’t.

Religious NGOs Use Faith to Justify Lucrative Illegal ImmigrationRadical activists were behind it all, and Alejandro Mayorkas was one of them.

“[A] United Nations-led ‘Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan’ calls for more than 200 nonprofit groups to dole out $1.6 billion in cash debit cards, food, clothing, medical treatment, shelter, and even ‘humanitarian transportation’ during 2024 to millions of US-bound immigrants in 17 Latin American nations and Mexico,” Todd Bensman of the Center for Immigration Studies reported January 24.

“HIAS [‘Jewish American’ nonprofit] congratulates Board Member Alejandro Mayorkas on being named by President-Elect Joe Biden to be the new secretary of the Department of Homeland Security,” the group crowed on November 23, 2020, a mere three weeks after the November 3 election.

“A Cuban-born immigrant who arrived in the United States with his parents as a refugee, Mayorkas served as deputy secretary of Homeland Security from 2013 to 2016 and was director of the US Citizenship and Immigration Services during President Obama’s first term. Mayorkas was also a primary architect of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program,” HIAS extolled.

HIAS knew exactly what it was getting at Homeland Security. So how did congressional Republicans miss it?


We really should thank all these schemes for their help in creating databases with all the people that will be part of DJT’s ‘mass deportation’ program, starting 1/20/25.


It’ll be really interesting when the debit cards and free housing disappears.


Promise them that the cards won’t work in two weeks.

And free housing, too.

Don’t stand between the illegals and the border.


They might have to change it back now that people are aware American tax dollars are being spent on Blood Baths at concert centers in Russia.


That sounds like I’m gonna need my tin foil hat.

pat frederick

LOL…true or not–i identify with these guys…

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pat frederick


Hey Leo,

Love ya brother but NY state cannot be sued.

Eleventh Amendment.

If you want to civilly sue any of its officials, first you would have to prove that those officials were acting ultra vires. I’m not sure if that’s possible.

Also, for that idiot judge see
Stump v Sparkman
Sparks v Dennis

You’re welcome.


Interesting factoid: Justice White authored both opinions.

Cuppa Covfefe

No wonder they called him Whizzer…

pat frederick

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Not enough white folks to blame shit on.

pat frederick


Gail Combs

Actually Not enough WHITE FOLKS PERIOD.

Testing, Teaching And The Destruction of Society

…Next, there are two forms of reasoning: The factual use and capacity to master the first two universal languages which requires you to have about a 115IQ or thereabouts, which is the threshold requirement for modern society. 

𝗧𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗶𝘀, 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘀𝘂𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗯𝗮𝘀𝗸𝗲𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗱𝗼𝗻’𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗻 𝘀𝗼𝗰𝗶𝗲𝘁𝘆.

If you think that is wrong I direct you to Rwanda and dozens of other examples (including Haiti) and you can look to South Africa which had it, drove out most of their higher-IQ population and now is losing it because they cannot maintain what those people built — there simply aren’t enough 115IQ people remaining to maintain and expand what they require for modern life.

But there is a second element which is where the further-to-the-right area of human mental capacity arrives, and that is abstract and spatial reasoning.  These are relatives but not the same, and some people are very good at one and not so good at the other — but to be good at either you have to be in that rarified atmosphere up above the 115+ IQ realm.  It is simply not possible to be good at either if you don’t have that much mental firepower.

It is that second realm where all great discoveries relating to our physical world derive….

What is the IQ of the average African?

…Ghana has a measured IQ of 71, and South Africa of 72.

Nigeria 69

Zimbabwe 66

Botswana (70)

African average 68.3

Who has the highest IQ in Africa?

These numbers came from a work carried out from 2002 to 2006 by Richard Lynn, a British Professor of Psychology, and Tatu Vanhanen, a Finnish Professor of Political Science, who conducted IQ studies in more than 80 countries. … Salone Tops ‘African Countries with Highest IQ’

Sierra Leone 91

Mauritius 89

Seychelles 86

Eritrea 85

These are a lot of the people they are shipping into the USA. I have seen similar articles.

Here is another LINK


The link between average I.Q. and civilization is pretty dramatic, isn’t it? And there’s no explanation other than race and ethnicity for the differences, no matter how hard they try to find one.

IF this fact were actually accepted, it could be dealt with. As is, we are here.

pat frederick


Oh bullshit.

Ronna was IS a Uniparty coward. NEVER defended Trump. Refused RNC funds to cover Trump legal fees, to uncover, prove 2020 election was stolen.

No better than Lizard Cheney.


I knew Liz was short for some name but I didn’t know what.

Now I do.  😂 


Always trying to help.😅😂😅


Hey now! Some of us around here like lizards!

Darwin was our mascot, remember. I miss his occasional appearances.

pat frederick


Perfectly delivered.


That was so great!


Shades of Calvin Coolidge.


A man of few words.


And many brains.


Georgia judge sets hearing to consider dismissing Trump case on free speech grounds

A Georgia judge has set a Thursday hearing to consider dismissing a conspiracy case against Donald Trump on First Amendment grounds. 

On Monday, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee ordered the hearing for March 28. McAfee is expected to consider motions from Donald Trump and other defendants in an election interference case.

Trump’s motion asked the court to dismiss the case based on his First Amendment right to free speech.

I can’t imagine Judge McAfee dismissing this case. (I hope I’m wrong.) I think riots and looting would ensue.

McAfee has dismissed two similar motions by co-defendants Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell. Both co-defendants later pleaded guilty.

  :wpds_arrow: According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Trump would have to admit that his claims about the 2020 election being rigged were false to pursue a First Amendment defense.

I don’t understand why that would be the case.


It isn’t the case. Fake news.


Thank you.

pat frederick

mass psychosis
March 25, 2024 3:45 pm

Ballot harvesting banned in Alabama.
In other news, Republican state takes legal action to keep itself Republican.
Secretary of State Wes Allen says Alabama’s new absentee voting law in effect for November election,third%20parties%20to%20influence%20elections.

pat frederick


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Why is that egg being punished?


Cuppa Covfefe

Worse, it ended up on a flaming liberal eggstremist…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You mean a flaming liberal pile of eggscrement.

pat frederick

March 25, 2024 4:22 pm

Amish Farmer Has Court Victory After Government Raid of Farm
“An Amish farmer in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, embroiled in a lawsuit by the state’s Department of Agriculture over the sale of his raw dairy products, will once again be permitted to sell his goods across state lines, according to a statement released on social media by his attorney.”
““The goal of this case was to make a precedent out of Amos Miller and to discourage small farmers from being in existence,” Mr. Barnes said.”
-“If they control our food, they can control the people.”


Awesome ! Thank you Pat for letting us know (and all the other great info you bring too)

Last edited 11 months ago by mollypitcher5
pat frederick



Excellent news!

Gail Combs



This is very good news! Thanks!

pat frederick

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Last edited 11 months ago by para59r

Mr. Wonderful Kevin O’Leary in the last hour.

Foreign investors are asking difficult questions about New York.

O’Leary had assured them “the adults will step in,” regarding Trump’s exorbitant fine.


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What a shame. I can’t help but think the emphasis on race plays a role.


Nope. It’s a sick ghetto game called Single Mother Household.


The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

” As reported by CBS News, Erica McMillian, Longstreet’s mother, was also arrested on Tuesday in Golden Valley, a city in the Minneapolis-St Paul metro area. The mom is suspected of quickly driving Longstreet from Minnesota to Georgia after the shooting. Police Chief Hodges stated that she is being jailed on allegations of aiding and abetting.”

I think they cut her loose without charges.


Trump is going to keep all of his properties because of this ruling. MSNBC is asking for privacy during this difficult time.



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pat frederick

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The look on her face tells me that he won’t be able to hold a job. He’ll be too busy ‘walking’ with his little girl, listening to her squeals of delight.


Feds raid Sean Combs properties in LA, Miami on search warrants out of New York: NBC
Story by Dan Mangan • 51m • 3 min read

Federal agents raided properties owned by hip hop music mogul Sean Combs in Los Angeles and Miami, NBC News reported, citing sources.
The agents were authorized to search the properties by warrants issued in Manhattan federal court, law enforcement sources said.
A source familiar with the situation told NBC that three women and one man have been interviewed in New York by federal authorities in connection to a probe involving possible sex trafficking, sexual assault, the solicitation and distribution of illegal narcotics and firearms related to Combs, who is also known as “Diddy.”

The Department of Homeland Security agents were authorized to search the properties by warrants issued in Manhattan federal court, law enforcement sources said.

 source familiar with the situation told NBC that three women and one man have been interviewed in New York by federal authorities in connection to a probe involving possible sex trafficking, sexual assault, the solicitation and distribution of illegal narcotics and firearms related to 54-year-old Combs, who is also known as “Diddy,” “Puff Daddy,” and “P. Diddy.”

Interviews with three more women, identified as “Jane Does,” are scheduled.

“Earlier today, Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) New York executed law enforcement actions as part of an ongoing investigation, with assistance from HSI Los Angeles, HSI Miami, and our local law enforcement partners,” Homeland Security said in a statement to NBC 4 Los Angeles.

I can honestly admit I’m jaded. We’ve got young girls being raped and trafficked across the border by the thousands. We’ve got guns in the hands of illegals. All of that and they hit this guy. You have to believe that while the party was blowin up I bet everybody was okay with the arrangements but somebody gets busted..starts telling about a bigger fish or somebody didn’t get the $$$ they wanted from Combs..blammo assault charges. He might be bad to the bone for all I know but I see everything with a cynic’s eye now.
Nobody is safe these days from NYC courts.


Diddy… or Didnty



Cuppa Covfefe

Diddydiddendonuffin’ ….


Candace Owens had a half hour youtube episode about some of this a couple weeks ago.

Some whistle-blower type was credibly alleging that Pdidio (and I think his son) murdered someone in the bathroom of his recording studio in California. One or more gunshots. There were multiple people present.

The body was taken outside.

There was blood in the bathroom, photos were taken, Candace showed them.

Pdidy called his fixer at LAPD. Police show up, Pdidy tells some story that it happened outside, and the whole thing is covered up.

Found it. This is the video, from 3 weeks ago. Cued up to the bathroom photo:


Last edited 11 months ago by scott467

Buh Bye PDiddy


From the article barkerjim posted above:

“Part of the alleged cover-up of Epstein’s operations was that he paid up front to rush a cement truck to his pedophile island, where it is believed he filled in underground tunnels before the exposé on him broke.

Sean ‘P Diddy’ Combs is now facing accusations on an extremely similar scale

Not only has the case so far revealed that Diddy had hundreds of hidden cameras throughout his mansion (exactly like Epstein), where he would record sex crimes of music and Hollywood elites, but Diddy also has an underground tunnel on his property, which just so happens to be next door to the Playboy mansion (yet another operation linked to elite child abuse).”


Whoa..guess I should’ve read more about him before opening my yacker.


It’s all news to me too, the Candace Owens video was the first time any specific details came to my attention, and not much since then, until today.


What I’m seeing around about this is, it is HUGE. Diddy was running a honey-pot/blackmail operation along the lines of the Epstein thing, only with celebrities.

They say he groomed Justin Bieber. A few weeks back, Bieber’s FIL, none other than Stephen Baldwin (yes, that one) was asking for prayer for Bieber and his daughter. I think they may be caught up in the investigation.

This is a big deal if the allegations are true. Diddy has been running a trafficking and pedophile ring involving MANY famous people.

Just a bit ago, I read that his private plane was tracked to Antigua today. He may have fled the country as his houses were being raided.


get this…

Diddy was spotted for the first time since his homes were raided by federal officials. The rapper was seen attempting to board a private jet and was questioned by DHS

Following a raid at both his Los Angeles and Miami homes, Diddy was seen in the Miami-Opa Locka Executive Airport airport, pacing.

The rapper walked around freely without handcuffs around 6 p.m. PST, just hours after the Department of Homeland Security visited his homes. He was reportedly seen around the Customs area of the airport alone, according to TMZ. An insider said that others went to join him, but were stopped by law enforcement and questioned.

He reportedly tried to board a private jet at Opa Locka, FL. However, Homeland Security did show up, but eyewitnesses confirmed to TMZ that the rapper was not arrested.

In early 2024, Diddy was slammed with yet another lawsuit, this time from Lil Rod, who accused the rapper of groping him without his consent. Diddy’s attorney told TMZ: “Lil Rod is nothing more than a liar who filed a $30million lawsuit shamelessly looking for an undeserved payday. His reckless name-dropping about events that are pure fiction and simply did not happen is nothing more than a transparent attempt to garner headlines.”

The Mirror contacted Diddy for comment.

The E Jean Carroll of rap ?

So they have this huge spectacle raid and don’t detain him?

Last edited 11 months ago by mollypitcher5

it sure is.
Even some of the accusations of blackmail and “owning” these freaky sex players seem strange because on the whole this crowd doesn’t seem like they’d take that for very long. Diddy be gettin shot if you ask me.

lol, it’s a good thing Kanye went wacko or they might have had a Calabasas hostage situation if they decided he’d be the target




Modern Elite Child Sacrifice Being Exposed
From the article: “Today, as one of the most censored issues on planet Earth, the problem of elite pedophilia in the form of massive, organized operations is being disclosed on a massive scale. 

The latest breakthrough starts with a bill signed into law by Ron Desantis, which promises to disclose more of Jeffrey Epstein’s client list. It has been years of public outcry with no names, which leaves many to assume there is an effort by very powerful people to cover this up.”


So this itself must be part of the psyop / coverup / normalization, because Rhonda is a wholly owned puppet of the Deep State.

He hasn’t gone rogue against his handlers, or anything remotely like that.

So if there was a bill signed into law about Epstein’s client list, it was done at the direction of the people who control Desantis, which ultimately are the same people the whole article is about.


a bill signed into law by Ron Desantis, which promises to disclose more of Jeffrey Epstein’s client list. 

Just publish the whole list. Be prepared for whatever public fallout there might be. Be prepared for the reactions of the names on the list and whatever possible actions they could take. Show us the names.


Will listen to this one soon.


The bottom vid. Tried to put this where libs might be simping but it had the attachment on top… so I guess here’s good.


Not a Tulsi fan. Absolutely, enjoyed listening in on this interview.

Tucker allowed Tulsi to talk freely.


Hope Assange gets good news.

He ought to be set free. Pardoned. (Or whatever the exact legal word is.)

Last edited 11 months ago by kalbokalbs

This may have been posted above…

Valerie Curren

Sad that that video cuts off just before the “Cash!” claim that someone shared above w/ the “thug life”, iirc, music, shades, & cigar…


Pravda News is blind toi their hypocrisy.


Leftists are so dumb they just can’t deal with people on the opposite side. They can’t argue their side because they really are too stupid to do it against anyone with half a brain. Which Ronna has. Half a brain.


Giving Ronna too much credit. But I get the point.


Well, she’s a dumbass, but she’s not as dumb as the smartest leftist!


I don’t consider Ronna to be that opposed to what the Left represents, so I don’t know what all the fuss is about.


Free hotel rooms at $150+ a day.

Three meals a day at $64 per person per diem.

Free on-site medical & dental services (including condoms).

Special diet for Ramadan.

Free same-day dry cleaning w/free pick up & delivery.

Free housekeeping twice a week.

Free cell phones, chargers/charging ports.

Free tablets, IPads.

Free clothing, new & used.

Everyone got new free winter coat, gloves and shoes.

Free toiletries (tooth paste, deodorant, special “ethnic” shampoos, skin cream, aspirin, tooth brushes, feminine products).

Free diapers, wipes, diaper pails, cribs, bassinets, playpens, baby bottles, baby formulas, free car seats, free new mother bags, playrooms for young illegals w/free toys & books which must be replaced often because of destruction.

Free tax preparation at $350 per family. Even though next to none work, all will get big returns via “child tax credit.”

Free work-permit attorney.

Free asylum attorney.

Free MassHealth (Medicaid) coverage.

Free vaccination clinics.

Free WIC (Women, infants, children) cards, $400-800 a month on top of 3 free meals a day.

Free DTA (Dept. of Transitional Assistance) welfare checks… “family” of 4 pockets $2880 a month.

Free Uber/Lyft to schools, grocery stores, doctors’ appts., hospital, job interviews, entertainment.

Free public transportation, but nobody takes a bus when they can get a free Uber.

Free transportation to church, via either Uber or church provided.

Holiday parties.

Free postage stamps, envelopes.

Free Notary service.

Free English as a Second Language (ESL) classes.

24/7 security.

School choice transportation via Uber or buses, big $$$, plus overwhelmed local school systems.

Flood of 911 calls, first responders overwhelmed answering domestic disturbances, drugs, alcohol and general entitled Third World nonsense calls.

Cuppa Covfefe

Same as the “Fluchtis” get over here…

Meanwhile “Langhierbleibende” (REAL Germans and legal immigrants) suffer to pay for all this crap, and the unemployed among them end up at the back of the line, if not refused any benefits WHICH THEY PAID FOR WITH YEARS OF HARD WORK AND HIGH TAXES!!! 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡


Feds keep a faux economy humming, supporting tens of millions illegals.


I’m betting on the _IA.

Deplorable Patriot

What’s the difference?


Pee-diddy skedaddles, makes run for the border!

Private Jet Owned by Sean “P. Diddy” Combs Has Left the US After DHS Raids
Kyle Becker
March 25, 2024

Sean “Diddy” Combs has appeared to have left the country amid multiple federal raids on properties connected to the famed rapper and media mogul.

The Department of Homeland Security led a raid on a California home in Holmby Hills linked to Combs, as reported earlier, as well as a home in Miami, on Monday as part of a federal operation to investigate a sexual trafficking ring.

According to flight tracking information of Combs’ $30 million Gulfstream G550 business jet, the rapper is on a flight over the Caribbean near the islands Saint James and Little Saint John, coincidentally the former home of infamous sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.

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The Gulfstream jet registered as N1969C, owned by Combs Enterprises, was last seen circling around the Caribbean islands. The flight history traces to Van Nuys, California.

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There is speculation that Combs may be on his way to Cabo Verde, where there is no extradition treaty with the United States, although this has not been confirmed.

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The billionaire rapper is “in a world of hurt right now,” according to US Attorney’s Office prosecutor Neama Rahmani.

“The Southern District of New York is one of the most prestigious in the country. If they’re bringing a case against him, Diddy has a lot to worry about,” Rahmani told Rolling Stone.

Combs is now facing four lawsuits relating to claims of sexual abuse, which he has all denied.

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As reported by Page Six in December, the fourth lawsuit against Combs involved a minor.

Sean “Diddy” Combs has been accused of gang-raping and sex-trafficking a 17-year-old schoolgirl when she was in the 11th grade, according to a new court filing seen by Page Six.

It’s the fourth allegation of sexual assault made against the billionaire music mogul in three weeks — and comes after he settled the first suit, with his ex, singer Cassie, for an undisclosed sum after she accused him of years of rape and abuse.

The rapper issued a furious denial after the allegation: “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. For the last couple of weeks, I have sat silently and watched people try to assassinate my character, destroy my reputation and my legacy.”

“Sickening allegations have been made against me by individuals looking for a quick payday,” he argued. “Let me be absolutely clear: I did not do any of the awful things being alleged. I will fight for my name, my family and for the truth.”

The Homeland Security Investigations Human Trafficking Task Force conducted both the California and Florida raids on Combs-linked properties, which were based on a search warrant granted by the Southern District of New York.

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According to Rolling Stone, New York prosecutors have examined at least four Jane Does and one John Doe in connection with sex trafficking charges and a RICO prosecution, with more interviews planned.

The New York Post reported that several people appeared to be in handcuffs outside the Los Angeles home:

At least three other people — a woman and two men — appeared to be apprehended by agents, according to TMZ’s footage.

Diddy’s sons, 30-year-old Justin and 25-year-old King, were both seen cuffed by officers.
The home is owned by a division of 54-year-old Diddy’s record company, Bad Boy Entertainment, and one of his daughters, Fox reported.

In footage captured by Fox 11 (KTTV), highly armed officers were seen entering the premises via a side gate and doing a thorough search of the property, including the garage area. At least three persons who were present at the residence during the raid were detained, however it is unclear if they are being arrested or questioned.

“Earlier today, Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) New York executed law enforcement actions as part of an ongoing investigation, with assistance from HSI Los Angeles, HSI Miami, and our local law enforcement partners. We will provide further information as it becomes available,” the Department of Homeland Security announced in a press statement.

On Monday, Cassie Ventura’s attorney, Douglas Wigdor, issued a statement stating, “We will always support law enforcement when it seeks to prosecute those that have violated the law. Hopefully, this is the beginning of a process that will hold Mr. Combs responsible for his depraved conduct.”

Last edited 11 months ago by scott467

Puff D-diddy-dunuffin: “I will fight for my name, my family and for the truth.”


The highly anticipated fight to rescue Diddy-dunuffin’s good name is apparently scheduled to take place on an island called ‘Cabo Verde, where there is no extradition treaty with the United States‘. 😂


Yeah, Molly is right. They are tossing Combs off the bus like a hunk of fresh red meat to lose the tail the public has attached to this sort of behaviour. Now they’ve added the White Bronco Getaway scene in the form of a private jet making an exotic escape as part of the spectacle knowing how well that worked in the past. The public will eat this kind of stuff up for a long time to come. For the low information crowd this is binge worthy, for others it’s noteworthy but it will remain to be seen how well it distracts or adds the informed viewer.


They certainly are fanning out quickly..already hyping it to Rolling Stone. This is going to be a spectacular news cycle.
Getaway islands didn’t keep McAfee from ‘suicide”. Stay tuned because now they care about underage girls, guns and drugs


Well, everyone knows supporting Trump is a Federal Offense!

Cuppa Covfefe

The Southern District of New York is one of the most prestigious in the country”…

“Prestigious” isn’t quite the word I’d use for SDNY…


This might backfire on them.
Guilty of all of it or part of it, it won’t take much to highlight the heavy hand approach that we’ve been watching with Trump.


Based on new data I just got from a FOIA request, it appears that the public health epidemiologists in Santa Clara County knew in January 2022 that the vaccines made people more likely to get COVID, but they remained silent.

I predict that there will be further silence on this matter: no accountability and no opportunity for public challenges. They will continue to push the shots as if nothing had happened and the mainstream media will ignore this important data.

Lock them up!


Santa Clara county, hometown goofballs for Cooth’s Action.   :wpds_wink: 


Well, the FEDS have obviously escalated their case against Combs… and know just what buttons to push. Both the perps and the publics. So what is it they don’t want us to see?

Is it this?

Doubtful… Dems aren’t even ashamed of this kind of stuff.

Must be this one… the Real “BLOOD BATH” and it’s obvious connections back to Deep State.


Hell yeah..this needs some diversion


Surprise. Pravda news got it wrong. Or did they. We’ll see.

Have yet to click on this stuff.


I’m gonna guess black man, in the subway, with a lead pipe, and a white victim.

The perp’s name is Carlton McPherson, so he’s not Hispanic.

Looks like the entire internet has conveniently been scrubbed of his photo.

If the perp was white, we would have 27 eight-by-ten color glossy photographs with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one, explaining what each one was, to be used as evidence against him.

And if the victim was black, the whole city would be on fire.

Last edited 11 months ago by scott467

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They can add in J6ers suffering in the DC Gulag.

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Those are great, but I have to be honest that I’m having trouble upvoting them because someone removed Branco’s signature. I don’t know why they’re doing that.

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Understand your point. You’ve made it before, which I ignored.

Upvote or not, who cares. Perhaps there is value in an, upvote. (LOLF)

Branco’s signature was there when I copied it from Liberty whatever. Used Imgur. Somewhere, sometimes, the signature gets lost. Perhaps its drag and drop. Copy / paste. Shit happens, IMO. O F W. I got over it.


Good grief. 😂 I’m not saying an upvote has any meaning; just that I think it’s appropriate to give proper credit, especially when Branco puts his name right on the cartoon.

which I ignored.

Which would explain why I’m mentioning it again. I’ve never known a signature to get cut off during the copy and paste process, so I learned something. (And no doubt you don’t care about that either! 😂)


All good to know. Including learning. A beautiful day it is.

Valerie Curren

on the dot!

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Valerie Curren

Had to beat Cthulhu 😉 😉


I left Steve’s for you for ages, but finally had to do it myself…..

Valerie Curren

Bwah ha ha 🙂

Valerie Curren

Found yourself trapped under a fridge, or has the fiancée not left the country yet???