Dear MAGA: 20240407 Open Topic

This Rejoice & Praise God Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.

It’s also a place to read, post, and discuss news that is worth knowing and sharing. Please post links to any news stories that you use as sources or quote from.

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On this day and every day –

God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.

“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

My Soul Restored

The only biblical passage that contains this phrase is Psalm 23:3: “He restores my soul.” This is in the context of the Shepherd who leads His sheep to “green pastures,” “quiet waters” and “paths of righteousness.” As Christians, we are the sheep of God’s pasture (Psalm 100:3), and only He can restore our souls. To restore means “to repair, renovate, or return to a former condition.” The soul is the deepest part of us, our spirit and innermost being. Since God is the one who made us, only He can restore us, because only He knows what we truly need to restore our souls.

God has given us the answers about restoring our souls in the Bible—the Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17), and it has the answers and wisdom to deal with everything we will ever face. It can make us wise unto salvation (2 Timothy 3:15), serve to encourage us when we are faint-hearted (2 Corinthians 1:3), and be our guidebook to a life of peace and satisfaction (Psalm 119:97-105). While there are all kinds of books written by men offering worldly wisdom, only God’s Word is truly capable of restoring the soul and offering hope in times of distress.

Of course, restoring the soul is only possible for those whose souls have been redeemed through faith in Christ. Jesus promised rest to all those that would come to Him (Matthew 11:28-30), so it is important that we are sure of our salvation and our relationship with God. Only those who are truly born again in Christ can experience the peace and joy that God has promised in His Word.

Thankfully, God has provided for us when we face discouragement, trials and temptations. He has provided three primary sources of encouragement and strength. First, He has given us His Word to guide us, encourage us and nourish us spiritually. We need to spend time reading it, hearing it preached (Romans 10:17) and most of all obeying it (Psalm 119:2; Proverbs 3:1-2; James 1:25). Second, God has also given us the privilege and power of prayer (Matthew 7:7-11; Mark 11:24-25; John 15:7; Hebrews 4:16; 1 John 5:14). We need to take our problems, our discouragement and our tiredness to God in prayer, knowing that He loves us and cares for us (1 Peter 5:6-7). Third, He has given us other Christians to encourage us and support us (Ecclesiastes 4:9-19; Ephesians 4:29; Hebrews 3:13). It is important to be a part of a healthy, well-balanced church and to regularly worship and fellowship with other believers (Hebrews 10:23-25). Christians who have gone through similar struggles can be a great source of encouragement and help as we go through dark times (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).

Discouragement in times of trouble and tribulation is not unusual. Throughout the Bible we see examples of godly men and women who have faced similar situations. These examples can serve as encouragement to us today, because the same God who was faithful to them then will be faithful to us today. It’s helpful to begin by reading the Psalms because King David wrote many of these during the dark times in his life, and they can serve to encourage us when we are depressed, tired and discouraged. Because David had experienced the joy of a soul restored by God, he could pen the beautiful words of the 23rd Psalm: “He restores my soul.”

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Valerie Curren



I’m bringing this over from yesterday because I think Trump’s action is very significant. It’s about time someone called the bluff of the persecutors. I don’t know what he’ll do if he gets fined, but at least he is still speaking up about the injustices.


Trump just violated the gag order and dares the corrupt activist hack judge to put him in jail.

This is 🔥🔥🔥. 

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He’s daring them to put him in jail. If they do, we’re in uncharted waters.


Dems would be very foolish to make him a martyr like that. He could still run for president, but “righteous” Dems would no doubt try to remove his name from ballots again. More people who feel persecuted by law enforcement would identify with Trump, and he would become their hero.


Would the communists dare the free nation ?


The stupid ones would 😂

But they may be rapidly approaching a point where they have nothing to lose by doing it.

He must be stopped, or they all go to prison forever, so there is nothing they won’t do.

Last edited 8 months ago by scott467



Trump has the courage so many in our society have lost. To much personally to loose so one becomes a spectator.
Trump as more to loose than many but he is putting himself on line to save the country. I admirer him more than ever may God be with him and protect him.

Valerie Curren


Gail Combs

Trump and Dr Peter Navarro. May God protect him and make his time in prison go fast.


Yes Dr Nevarro he is a strong man. Where are the younger generation that have courage?
Prayers for Nevarro

Gail Combs

Contrast him to Barr and Pence. 🤮




My guess.

Merchan has wildly over stepped whatever MAY be legal in gag orders. Which I believe are illegal AND BS to start with.

Trump gets fined.

Trump doubles down calling out the blatant BS of the gag order.

  • Can’t speak of Merchan’s Dumrat loving, Trump hating daughter, who has NOTHING to do with the case.
  • Merchan’s family, who have nothing to do with the case.
  • Merchan himself. Asshole ought to rule on the merits of the BS case. NOTHING else.
  • The entire BS case.

Trump gets fined again and again.

  • Rinse. Repeat.
  • Trump can afford it.
  • Trump won’t get jail time. IF he does, Trump IS ready.
  • Merchan AND the entire legal system exposed for the lunacy they are levying on Trump.

MeThinks. Trump is delivering a brilliant strategy.

  • Reign in illegal AND absurd gag orders.
  • Highlight the lunacy of the case against Trump.

IMO, an interesting move for President Trump to mention Nelson Mandela.


Trump never ceases to amaze me. All incredibly positive. Inspirational man he is.


And ol’ Nelson was no right-winger.  😂 

Valerie Curren

Weren’t he & his wife known for the African version of Columbian neckties?


Necklacing. A gasoline soaked tire around the neck and then lit.

So creative.

Valerie Curren


I’m Always suspect of Anyone who gets fawning praise, like NM…


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I just read one of TradeBait’s posts from yesterday and replied, but it probably won’t get seen, so I wanted to bring it to today’s daily:

TradeBait2: “This is why taking one or more in rotation of Nattokinase, Serrapeptase, Bromelain and other supplements can help clean the pipes from exposure from shedding or past jabs.

I take at least one and most days two of them every day. My blood work is normal in every category now.”


Are these three essentially the same?

I tried Nattokinase for a few days, with food, and it felt like I was getting a stomach ulcer. Stopped taking it after 3 days, and a day or two later, the stomach pain stopped.

Wondering if there is reason to think the other two (Serrapeptase or Bromelain) might not have the same negative effect on my stomach.


FWIW, my experience from a number of years ago was that taking digestive enzymes gave me stomach pains. There are different kinds of enzymes, though, and I haven’t researched them. Others here can probably provide information.


My stomach is usually like cast iron, I eat lots of hot foods, I love fresh Serrano peppers.

I used to get fresh Jalapenos when I was younger, but it seems like when they became popular, they did something to take all the heat out of them, maybe so restaurant customers wouldn’t complain that the peppers were too hot.

So Jalapenos from the grocery are usually too mild, they just taste like bell peppers, anymore.

Almost nothing bothers my stomach. But the Natto felt like it was burning a hole in my stomach.

Last edited 8 months ago by scott467

Have you read anything about how to take it – such as with milk or food?


“Have you read anything about how to take it – such as with milk or food?”


Yes, I took it according to the instructions. I thought I took it with food, but I was mistaken, I was thinking of the Ivermectin.

I just read the instructions (again) on the Nattokinase bottle, and it says:

“As a dietary supplement, take one (1) vicap one to two times daily on an empty stomach.

Consider taking this product in combination with Best Naturals CoQ10, Vitamin E and Fish or Flax Seed Oil.”

So I’m sure I took it on an empty stomach now that I think about it. The first time I try anything new like that, I always check to see whether it should be taken with food or not.


My son-in-law had the same issue with natto and he likes peppers like you do. Adds hot sauce to many foods. He also has a mild case of IBS. Which is weird that he eat the peppers like he does, but HE IS a son-in-law. 😂

I am working on him trying the Quercetin plus Bromelain I use instead. They seem to work well in unison. I focused on Bromelain because of my macular degeneration problem in one eye. There was research that indicated it helped the condition. Since taking the MD has stabilized per a recent exam.

The overall health benefits of Bromelain are in the link below.

This is the actual product I use from NOW. It is widely distributed.

Good luck in finding the one that works for you. 👍

Last edited 8 months ago by TradeBait2

Sally’s Dad can’t take aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen – and can’t tolerate Quercetin. I dare not mention Nattokinase unless there is some kind of buffer or trick to taking it.

Gail Combs

I also take the Now
Quercetin with Bromelain

I more or less rotate thru them. I have a ‘delicate’ stomach. I found crystallized ginger works pretty well when my stomach decides to act up.

Also rice and yogurt


Thank you TB 👍


You might try the actual natto, instead of the nattokinase.


No, nattokinase, serrapeptase, and bromelain are not the same.
Nattokinase can help thin the blood and break up blood clots.
Serrapeptase can help break down protein and can help decrease inflammation.
Bromelain can help decrease pain and swelling, and can help slow down blood clotting.

Nattokinase can interact with medications that slow down blood clotting (Warfarin or aspirin, Advil, Plavix, for examples.) Nattokinase should not be taken by a person already taking a blood thinner.
Serrapeptase can also interact with medications that slow down blood clotting and should be avoided by persons already taking blood thinners or medications that slow down blood clotting.
Bromelain also interacts with medications that slow down blood clotting. It also interacts with tetracycline antibiotics. Bromelain should be avoided by persons already taking these medications.

Bromelain can also cause issues with person who are allergic to pineapple, wheat, grass pollen, latex, or certain other items.

The above information can be found at and searching under Nattokinase, Serrapeptase, or Bromelain


WebMD is my “Go To” when looking at taking most anything.

  • Interaction between drugs (prescribed or OTC) as well as, supplements.
  • Interactions, warnings, side effects, over dosgae…
  • Has stopped my from making big mistakes.
  • IF quacks change my meds or recommend supplements, at home, I verify it likely makes sense.
Valerie Curren

Good to know as I work on putting together a vitamin & supplement regimen 🙂


Yours Truly will add that her reply comment above is not to disparage anything from our good friends Aubergine, Gail Combs, and others about herbal and other alternative supplements. In the best-case scenario, prescription drugs wouldn’t be needed by anyone. However, some people do need to take Rx drugs, and these can interact with alternative / herbal supplements. Gathering information and/or discussing with a healthcare professional is always a good idea.

Last edited 8 months ago by PAVACA

Thank you RDS.

No interactions to worry about, and no allergies that I know of. I take a multi-vitamin and Vitamin D and Vitamin C every day.

The Natto I tried is from a company called ‘Best Naturals’, 100mg, 3rd party lab tested:

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Last edited 8 months ago by scott467

He is in intensive care but stable. I wish him the best but can’t help but be curious. Other health problems:

Ford has previously opened up about his battle with cancer. The singer noticed a spot on his eye back in 2021, which prompted a hospital visit that resulted in an eye cancer diagnosis…

Ford went on to get surgery and continued to use chemotherapy eye drops to treat the cancer.

Ford has also been diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis. Myasthenia Gravis is an autoimmune disease that causes antibodies to break down the nerves’ ability to communicate with muscles. This results in moderate to severe weakness of muscles in the body.

In May of 2023, Ford told Taste Of Country that the disease has further aggravated his issues with his eyes, and he has no control over the muscle movements of his right eye.

This is all I have found regarding the vax:
Cascade Theatre: Patrons must be fully vaccinated or show proof of a negative COVID test

The Cascade Theatre will require patrons to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or show evidence of a recent negative test.

The policy was announced Wednesday as the performing arts venue in downtown Redding gets set to kick off its 2021-22 season with the Colt Ford concert on Sept. 9.

The policy also covers artists, staff, contractors, vendors, ushers and volunteers, said Paul Christy, interim executive director of Jefferson Live! LLC, the theater’s parent company and a wholly-owned subsidiary of the nonprofit JPR Foundation, Inc. 

“We are dedicated to the safety and protection of all who enjoy our historic theater,” Christy said in a news release. “We join with artists, patrons and employees to ensure that each performance at our theater ensures the comfort and enjoyment of all.”

People attending shows will have to show a government-issued photo ID and proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or proof of a negative test within 72 hours of each performance. The proof of vaccine can be displayed on a smart phone or via an official vaccination card.

Reading rules like this makes me sick. It was all so unnecessary, and people have become ill and many have died because of this kind of pressure.


“Reading rules like this makes me sick.”


Makes me angry to the point of rage.

If some clown artist, who should just shut up and sing, said I had to join his vaxx cult to attend one of his virtue-signalling blither-fests, I wouldn’t think twice about skipping it.

And then I’d probably have to find some way to heckle him on social media for being such a gov’t-loving pansy 😂

Last edited 8 months ago by scott467

I skipped a number of things because of these kinds of rules. There was no way I would get vaxed, and the “negative COVID test within the past however many hours” was also an imposition and made no sense. I was not going to jump through that hoop, either.

Valerie Curren



So many sheeple everywhere. The entertainment industry is eaten up with them.


“he Cascade Theatre will require patrons to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or show evidence of a recent negative test.”

This now means at least SIX shots, I think.

It is utterly INFURIATING to me that people are this stupid, gullible, and blind.


On the positive side.

Liberals AND Idjits stepping off the cliff.

Voluntarily joining, the 14, of 15.

Sorry. NOT sorry.


Yeah, I get it. It’s just sad for humanity generally to me.

The people who want to kill 14 of 15 don’t realize that it really means extinction, if they were right. They’re not, of course; God will intervene. But they’re still evil idiots.


100% agree.

Valerie Curren

In the article that tyranny was for the 2021-22 season. Hopefully they’ve calmed down now (psychopathic sheeple)  🙄 


I hope so.


IMO, Mr. Ford had to be “fully vaccinated and boosted” in order for him to perform at the Cascade Theater. That would mean he started taking COVID-19 “vaccines” back in 2021.
2021 is when Mr. Ford first noticed something wrong with his eye. Yours Truly will “bet dollars to doughnuts” that this occurred after he starting taking COVID-19 “vaccines.”
Then, Mr. Ford is diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis. This disease is on the list of the Appendix 1. List of Adverse Events of Special Interest in the BNT162b2 Postmarketing Experience report that Pfizer-BioNTech gave to the FDA on 30 April 2021.
Now, Mr. Ford has an MI after a performance.

Looking at these, Yours Truly posits the following, assuming that Mr. Ford had no prior family or personal history of Myasthenia Gravis or serious heart issues:

One: Mr. Ford starts taking the COVID-19 “vaccines” in 2021 in order to perform in places like Cascade Theater.
Two: After taking the first of his COVID-19 “vaccines” injections, Mr. Ford notices something wrong with his eye. The diagnosis is eye cancer. He undergoes surgery and takes chemotherapy eye drops. Yours Truly will posit that his eye cancer occurred after he starting taking the COVID-19 “vaccines” and is directly related to this. The COVID-19 “vaccines” induce lymphoma, which can appear anywhere in the body, including in the eyes. The COVID-19 “vaccines” can also induce ocular sarcoidosis, a type of eye inflammation that can lead to other issues, including eye cancer.
Two: Mr. Ford is diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis. This is a neurological autoimmune disease in which the muscles are destroyed from within by antibodies. The COVID-19 “vaccines” can induce MULTIPLE types of autoimmune disorders, again as per the Appendix 1. List of Adverse Events of Special Interest section of the Pfizer-BioNTech BNT Postmarketing Experience report given to the FDA..
Three: Mr. Ford has heart issues that resulted in an MI. Yours Truly will posit that these issues and what they led to were induced by the actions of the COVID-19 “vaccines” in his body (in other words, accumulated / incremental inflammation and lymphocyte aggregation in the heart tissue that, at some point, his body couldn’t deal with anymore.)

*** The first point that Yours Truly is making here is that the damage from the ingredients and mechanisms of the COVID-19 “vaccines” is spread throughout the “vaccinated” person’s body; that the damage can be either immediate or accumulated/incremental over time; that the damage can present as obvious symptoms, or no symptoms at all.

*** The second point that Yours Truly is making here is that the damage from the ingredients and mechanisms of the COVID-19 “vaccines”, unless such damage is immediately and demonstrably obvious, will not be linked back to the “vaccines” unless there are tests performed to create a “trail” back to the “vaccines.” Currently, there are few “in vivo” tests that can create this “trail” — for example, the CD4 – CD8 blood immune system test; the D-dimer test; a some other tests. Even with these tests, they would be completely useful only IF the person had had them performed both before AND after “vaccination”, in order to have comparisons made. Otherwise, any potential “trail” back to the “vaccines”, if such a “trail” can be demonstrated, could only occur as part of an autopsy — and even then, certain tests must be requested and performed.

*** The third point that Yours Truly is making here is that the lab-created bioweapon of the COVID-19 virus itself, and the lab-created-and-enhanced bioweapons of the COVID-19 “vaccines”, are sickening and killing, and will sicken and kill, millions of “vaccinated” persons, leaving little or no ability to actually trace the damages and deaths back to the virus itself or to the “vaccines.” This was, IMO, deliberately planned.

Meanwhile, “the doctors are baffled.”

Heart / lung damage caused by the COVID-19 “vaccines” —
by Michael Palmer, MD, and Sucharit Bhakdi, MD
Please refer to Slide 9, Slide 10, and Slide 11.
Please see the Appendix 1. List of Adverse Events of Special Interest section at the end of this report.


Meanwhile, “the doctors are baffled.”


Any doctor who claims to be ‘baffled’ regarding the link between clot shots and many of the sudden onset medical problems after taking vaxx or boosters may as well get a megaphone and start shouting “I’m not really a doctor, I just play one on TV!” 😂


They should have a carnival barker out front, like a snake oil salesman in old Western movies, with lots of snake oil bottles labeled “XXX”, saying “Step right up, get your Depop Clot Shot before you go in!” 😂


BREAKING: U.S. intelligence officials are warning of violence targeting mass gatherings days before millions gather to watch the eclipse.

The FBI and Homeland Security are increasingly worried about threats from ISIS and “lone wolves” in the U.S.

The intel bulletin specifically warns people to be cautious at “mass gatherings such as sports stadiums, concert venues, or houses of worship in the United States.”

The warning is similar to the one U.S. officials gave in Russia on March 7, warning U.S. citizens to stay away from large gatherings for 48 hours due to “imminent plans” from extremists.

Surprise, surprise…/sarc
There was a time when I trusted these kinds of warnings. Now I think the ones warning us are using the threats, whether real or manufactured, for their own purposes.


“The FBI and Homeland Security are increasingly worried about stoking threats from ISIS and “lone wolves” in the U.S.”


Fixed it 👍


EGG-zakly – egging it on!!!


Couple things on this. All repeats but Valerie’s request for the map got to me rather late so I’ll add that and repeats…

First the new zoomable map of the eclipse corridor that lets you go down to street level.

Gateway pundit did the same story that MSN used when it copied the New York Post story about the narrowing of the eclipse corridor by 600 yds or 1/3rd plus of a mile,(not sure if that’s on both sides or not.. would have reread the story…((relooked the story…at GWP, not specific but reading that to be narrowing 600yds applies to the whole corridor).

Scientists Warn Eclipse Totality Path Has Shifted from What Was Previously Projected George C. Upper III, The Western Journal Apr. 6, 2024 8:20 pm 333 Comments

Just the zoomable map without the new map without the story.

Repeat part with additions. Assuming the terror thing is real and pops off during the eclipse what is the effect of narrowing the corridor? Answer is of course obvious. More people or potential targets in a tighter kill zone.

Which means if everyone carries who is able and of sound mind and such we should be able to get a great head start with ridding ourselves of invaders.

I think it was Chesty Puller who said when the Chinese joined the fight in Korea that, “the enemy is on our left, the enemy is on our right, the enemy is in front of us and the enemy is behind us. No way they can escape this time.” 😁

Valerie Curren

TY (again) Para 🙂


it also means ppl will be moving around more, from place to place, trying to get into the path of totality….plus cloudy conditions (always changing), particularly in northern Ohio areas, might also prompt ppl to shift further south for better viewing, changing their initial destination spots.

with all eyes and attention fixed on the sky…and trying to find a parking spot…situational awareness might be compromised….and then those 3-4 minutes of darkness.

I’m planning to head about 6 miles west of where I live…at a pastoral bucolic fork in the road next to an abandoned old Swiss barn basically in a corn field via country roads.

with a faraday cage. 😁👍

it’s the EMP shit from the CERN experiments + NASA that kinda have me a tad on edge….

the bad actors infiltrating all over the place are another concern.

hopefully, all I’ll have to contend with will be cows & Amish buggies.

but I have a feeling lots and lots of others will also be taking the country roads to avoid mayhem.

oh…and…lots of train tracks & trains around here.

what a world.

everything’s tainted with high drama & tension.

Last edited 8 months ago by smiley2

also….FYI…rather than an EMP disturbance (hopefully), it’s the CME effect that might be playing out with CERN and this solar eclipse, if I understand it correctly….??

Coronal Mass Ejections

and how that’s impacting the atmosphere.

apparently, that might also impact the power grid but not necessarily zap out everything (computers etc)…more like appliances, cel phone signals, GPS etc..

here’s a prepper link about that and how to protect…albeit a bit drastic…and extreme…

The First Steps You Should Take Immediately After a CME – Ask a Prepper

we just never know.

Last edited 8 months ago by smiley2

As IF ISIS attacked the concert hall in Moscow.

Feds think we’re stoopid.


100% yes!


Is this the Act 1 Kabuki ? Previously trusted FIB gives warning of possible violence that they or in conjunction with Cee I A have created in furtherance of the destruction of the USA.
OR.. They’re warning us about credible threats that are prevalent because Obiden has set the globe afire with war and simultaneously allowed people who hate the US now and any who have detested the US all their lives to walk directly in.


Until FIB, DOJ, HLS cite very specific, credible threats, It Is All Noise.

  • Keep the folks skeered.
  • Manipulate the folks.
  • Will Not Listen to Fed threat generalities. <<< Feds Have NO Credibility.

Smacks of CDC, FDA, NIH, Feds In General. Manipulate the plebes. O B E Y.

  • Pravda News signs the Fed lies incessantly. No Investigation.

Yes that is the ticket first they invite all the criminals into the country and then they warn us that the same they invited are trying to kill us?
Now they are daring us to assemble? First the thread was covid do not assemble now it is ISIS? They want to keep us in constant fear so we depend on the government for our security?


President Donald J. Trump [and Melania] at his record-shattering $50.5 million fundraiser: “People wanted to contribute to a cause of MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”


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Melania’s a gorgeous trouper.

she’s no wuss.

his #1 asset.


Her floral Valentino jumpsuit looks like a MAGA crowd waving flags waiting for President Trump at twilight to me.


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That’s how the FIB signals to the whole world that they’re totally corrupt.

People have to try in order to miss it.

Anyone who works at the FIB who isn’t corrupt ought to be ashamed.


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As far as I can tell they’re not pressuring specific people but they are still telling the public that the vax is needed.


Ever present push…get JABBED.

Recorded messages play frequently at supermarkets with pharmacies.

Signage at quack offices, supermarkets and pharmacies.

Push on young and old is there, just not at the obnoxious levels of 21, 22, and 23.


Well, the drug pushers with a monetary interest in the clot-shot are pushing it. I think Emerald is talking about the “influencers,” Karens, and neighborhood busybodies who just couldn’t let us live and let live.


IMO, at least some of those “screaming people” (all with at least 4 – 6 COVID-19 “vaccine” injections in their bodies by now) are coming down with COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced illnesses / injuries / disabilities — and are scared practically witless about what’s going on with their bodies.

Barb Meier

Some others who fussed so loudly are dead. Such a sad way to learn how wrong you were.

Gail Combs

“…Why are they so quiet now?”

The’re dead or dying.


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Whitehouse Station epicenter
40.689°N 74.754°W
4.7 km depth

Large Iron Mine
Lebanon, New Jersey
40.6133°N 74.8496°W
(??? depth)



Leftists have no sense of humor!

Valerie Curren

TY Carl for another faithful, scriptural teaching & encouragement!

“Christians who have gone through similar struggles can be a great source of encouragement and help as we go through dark times”

This stood out for me as I recently interfaced w/ a friend I’ve known since 5th grade on the occasions of our 60th birthdays, at celebrations about a month apart. We are both the parents of 4 adult children. She has 3 girls & then a boy & I had 3 boys & then a girl. Her son is just a few months younger than my oldest son.

At my birthday event we were talking about PTSD issues from various things that happened in our lives, especially related to trauma from complex special needs children. We Both resonated w/ Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings portrayal of Frodo & Sam. We felt the burden of special needs was like being the ringbearer (“to bear a ring of power is to be alone” as Galadriel said). Also we both resonated with perceiving Samwise as the True Hero of the Ring as he faithfully serves & cares for Frodo, even carrying him at one point (“I may not be able to carry the ring, but I can carry you!”).

We both perceived our husbands as being in that Samwise roll, they couldn’t necessarily bear the weight of the special needs of the child(ren) directly but they bore the burden by carrying their wives in so very many ways…AND they still do!

Another way my husband & I portray that aspect of our relationship was in that old astronaut movie w/ Ed Harris & his stay-at-home-wife who is complex & retiring. At one point someone, perhaps a reporter, calls out in frustration “Does Anyone know how to deal with a housewife?”. Harris’ character is very loving & protective of his wife & does his best, even from afar, to ensure that she is nurtured & insulated from uncomfortable forces.

Some of the pathways we walk as Christians can be incredibly painful & lonely. Going through experiences for which few have a frame of reference can be quite isolating. When the burden is large sometimes many in the Body shy away from helping to bear another’s burden with love, or perhaps that’s just how it seems or feels.

I’m thankful that along the treacherous journey to Mount Doom, on a handful of occasions, God has seen fit to bless me w/ an encounter with someone who at least partially “gets it”. I encountered one such woman online a number of months ago, another mom of 4, all of whom have complex special needs including autism spectrum. We’ve had a number of detailed conversations on her blog or mine or even by email. At one point she told me that she felt I’d saved her “hundreds of dollars of therapy”…and really it was just by listening & sharing & just kind of really getting where someone is/was coming from in the trenches of family & faith.

There are many times where I am like Ed Harris’ character’s wife who doesn’t want to interface with others or even leave her home. It is a blessing to find that even in a socially hobbled situation God has found ways for me, one of the “least of these”, to encounter another lost, limping sheep & for us to build each other up in the faith PTL!

Last edited 8 months ago by Valerie Curren

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Sounds just like the media. AI appears to be an extension of whoever designs it.


Of course it is. The developers are all interconnected leftists.



AI is NOT my friend.

I want nothing to do with AI.

Last edited 8 months ago by kalbokalbs

There are different AIs. IIRC I heard on Warroom that marcopolo was making an AI.


Saw this in another place and passed this story by yesterday. Didn’t look interesting. I was wrong, Bill Barr is a traitor. Okay we knew that, but this proves it.

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Good post – I was about to bring it over.

More confirmation of the pit of vipers PDT had around him.


Judas Brutus Pence was the worst of all!!!!

Gail Combs

That is why I decided to challenge the group over at Badlands Media who INSIST pence is a White Hat.


Pence has denounced Trump and refused to endorse him – that’s enough proof of his perfidy – along with his betrayal of the American Voter and Election System on Jan 6!!!! Affirming that obviously fraudulent election showed us Pence was part of the cabal.

Pence was in charge of Election Integrity and Pandemic Response – he played along with the left in both cases.

Unless Trump is part of the cabal as well and just pretending to be America First/MAGA – an actor playing a part – Pence is a traitor.

If so – we have been ‘tacking toward tyranny’ all along with Trump merely posing as opposition to the globalists – distracting the people while the globalists achieve their goals.

Only One I truly trust is Jesus. His Plan/Will/Word cannot be ignored or thwarted without consequence and justice.

Western nations have created laws that enable us to break all of GOD’s Commandments and some that would force us to do so. We can’t break GOD’s Commandments, we only break ourselves and others when we attempt to do so.


Assuming we can get Trump back in the WH.

Trump will be busy getting the economy back on track, securing the border…

I do hope Trump goes after All of the Coup plotters, supporting the stolen election.

Along with the CDC, FDA, NIH, Big Pharma mafia that pushed Covid, Covid policies AND Jabs.


He has to, otherwise it will all be reversed when his four years are up.


Not if we elect Kari Lake in 2028.


Prolly hear Ben Carson more frequently for VP. Superb choice.

Kari Lake is also a superb selection.

  • Tacks another eight years following Trump’s second four years.
Valerie Curren

If he “does it” just by executive orders that too will be quickly undone just like FJB/LGB’s handlers did as soon as this latest Usurpation commenced  😡 


Thank you, Carl! 

The restoration of my soul and the circumcision of my heart*, are, as I am finding, a lifelong, sometimes painful process. 

The Lord sometimes uses the scalpel of His Word without anesthesia,

allowing me pain until I surrender my sin, bad attitudes, pretenses and wrong motives.

Our job is to be perpetually penitent and teachable, to go to our Judge, confess our sin and to turn from sin in true repentance.

“Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling…” Philippians 2:12

“By your steadfastness and patient endurance you shall win the true life of your souls.” Luke 21:19 – Amplified Bible, Classic Edition

A restored soul and His very near Presence and His Peace and Joy are our reward!

*31 verses about circumcision –,-Spiritual)


“The Lord sometimes uses the scalpel of His Word without anesthesia,
allowing me pain until I surrender my sin, bad attitudes, pretenses and wrong motives.”

Better than the meat cleaver he had to use on me. 😀

You are a blessing, friend.



Valerie Curren

Better to fall on The Rock & be broken than to have The Rock fall on you & be pulverized…



Valerie Curren



Thank you, Carl, for another good lesson!

Speaking of lessons, I have got to do a better job for myself vetting Bible studies before I join!

Women are emotional creatures generally, as I think most of us would admit. So, I think the “self-help” model appeals to many of them. But it DOES NOT appeal to me! I just want to learn about what the Bible says and teaches, not about how I can be “better” according to some motivational speaker, but how I can better understand what God wants from me.

I just attended the first week of a new study called “Elijah,” with a workbook and videos by the woman named Priscilla Shirer. I had just completed a study of another Biblical figure, which I really enjoyed, so I was excited to learn all about Elijah.

All we really did was watch the first video. I found it somewhat repellent, and have spent the week figuring out why. First I thought it was her speaking style, which was sort of Southern Baptist tent revival preacher. I kept expecting people in the group to shout “hallelujah,” or “preach!” But then, I started working through the first week in the workbook, and I figured it out. This is just more “self-help” in the guise of Bible study, or at least it seems so to me.

How to “improve” oneself as a Christian. Because, of course, we all suck if we aren’t Priscilla, and doing it her way. I found it so off-putting. Also, the phrase “sister, let me tell you” makes me want to hurl.

I also realized, after doing some research about her, that Shirer is one of what I call the “ambitious professional Christian” class. Like Jerry Falwell, Jimmy Swaggart, Jim and Tammy Faye, etc. Her Dad is Tony Evans, so she grew up in that kind of environment. I’m sure they are not all bad. But the mega-churches, merchandise, and accouterments bother me.

The pastor at my current church could easily build it to mega-church status. I was very reassured to hear that he doesn’t want to; there will be new churches planted if necessary, because he isn’t interested in getting bigger. Ambition is not in his DNA, it appears, which is great by me. He wants a personal connection with a smaller number of people, not “influence” over a multitude.

Anyway, I tell all of this to see if any of you have an opinion. Am I wrong to not want to participate in this study? Is it ok for me to just hate it? Is “style” enough of a reason not to like it? What do you all think?


Trust your gut.


Thanks, molly.

Gail Combs

Agreed, Trust your gut.

I would be turned off too.


Thanks, Gail.

We strong women are often turned off by being told we are not “adequate” or “good enough” I think.


Absent being able to find the right teacher/preacher… (teacher types sound better) pour salt on them. Everyone has something to offer and you can discount the stuff that doesn’t belong by keeping a proper distance, (don’t let’em in too close, if they can reach your wallet that’s too close 😉). 😁

Valerie Curren

Reminds me of a “spoil the Egyptians” view, glean the good & dump the bad 🙂


Thanks, Carl. I appreciate you. And I like your teaching style!

Barb Meier

Style reveals motive. I agree with Molly and think my gut likely agrees with your gut on this study.


Thank you, Barb.

Robert Baker

 Is “style” enough of a reason not to like it? What do you all think?

I will say this about that. Unless you believe God has you there not to learn from someone but to help someone in the group then you may be wasting your time. If your first thought is that this is hypocrisy it is unlikely that you will have a teachable attitude; therefore you will learn nothing or next to it. Time is short, don’t waste it.


^^^ This.

Some people need more motivation than others. Obviously that is not the case for you, so jump into a serious Bible study somewhere that also stresses application. Avoid the fluff stuff since you do not need milk, you want meat. Then make sure what you learn gets applied so you can reach out and help others as Jesus instructed.

Think about the type church you want to be involved in. Pastor led or congregation led is an important consideration. It is not about the number of people in the church in my opinion. I have been in small and mega. It is about the spirit of the congregation and their desire to serve or be served.

Congregation led worked best for me. I want my fellow members leading the ministry and mission efforts of the church. I want my senior pastor bringing the message God places on his heart, assisting the ministries of the church as requested, and seeing to the personal needs of members and the community.

Will be praying for your clarity on what to do.


Thanks, Robert.

I hear you about the teachable attitude; I keep putting the workbook down and trying to come back to it with a better attitude about it. But I keep failing. So I may just give up on this one if I don’t feel better about it after the next meeting.

Valerie Curren

I personally struggle with the hyper-emotionality of some women & the lack of logic. My mother, myself, & my daughter, & some friends w/ whom we’ve discussed this topic are all “sisterless sisters” as in we all had brothers but not sisters. As women we appear to be a different breed of female than those who grew up in households/families w/ sisters. We tend to think more like guys & are often more comfortable w/ males than females.

I once attended a co-ed Bible Study at a sister church while my kids were all involved in various Church kids’ programs. This was a fairly small church within the city of Detroit & the Bible Study was lead by the pastor, a congenial & approachable man. We had some lively discussions & that experience was quite enjoyable.

For quite a few years I attended a women’s Bible Study at the church where my kids’ Christian School was housed. I believe these Bible Studies were affiliated with that denomination, Christian Reformed, but they mostly delved into digging into factual aspects of what was written in given Bible passages & then discussions of God’s work in our lives. About half the women were from that church, & likely all the leadership, but the other half from a broad range of Christian backgrounds & ages. I found this approach to be quite beneficial & enriching. There was food, fellowship, worship, & prayer as a collective group before breaking out in the smaller Bible Study groups of probably no more than 15 women in a classroom.

None of these Bible Studies were the creation of nor focus on a Mega-Church style mega personality & were more directly about the various books of the Bible under examination than self-help. The co-ed Bible Study was something I participated in after it had already begun. Part of what we examined & discussed was a documentary video called “Fabric of Time”, iirc, & this was a scientifically based examination of the Shroud of Turin, an interesting choice of topic for a Protestant denomination 🙂


Thanks, Valerie.

I have attended a few Bible studies now, and I have concluded that I prefer the type where the text of books of the Bible, what they mean, and how they apply to our daily life. I don’t enjoy the “self-improvement” style which seems to assume that we all need a life coach, or a motivational speaker, to make anything of ourselves, or to even pray properly.

Valerie Curren

I’ve never experienced the kind of Bible study you describe & likely wouldn’t enjoy it either. My decade in the Bible Belt came w/ a healthy dose of guilt inducing descriptions of how Christianity “ought to be” & there were times I questioned whether I even had Any faith based on how they defined it. I think a lot of those views were not scripturally based but some type of Bible Belt culture that just didn’t resonate with me. When we moved to MI as newlyweds it took my husband nearly a decade to shake off the faith distortions that he’d been steeped in having spent about 2 decades in OK.

It’s not exactly what you were asking but it is a cousin to the topic & I give it some treatment in these two blog posts I wrote quite a while back…

& this by one of my sisters-in-law (who still lives in the Bible Belt):

I think there is a certain sector of Christian community that is very comfortable in chasing after the teachings & fashions of wo/men, kind of like a Christianese sub-culture of sorts. It’s a sub-culture that never really resonated with me but it could be because I’m just not regenerated enough, don’t easily “follow” anything or anyone, & don’t prefer crowds…


What a weird song, but thought-provoking!

Valerie Curren

I loved Steve Taylor back in my college days. He wasn’t afraid to apply wit & sarcasm to society & Christian hypocrisy 🙂 He still gets some play regularly on


Thanks Valerie! I have a lot to absorb.

Valerie Curren

Please don’t feel like you Have to read any of the links I’ve ever shared, they are just FYI from stuff I’m a bit familiar with. I Always have Way more to read than I ever get to. Blessings!



Valerie Curren

Best laid plans & all. I “planned” to do some genealogy stuff yesterday…but didn’t get to it. I just hope to get taxes done before the weekend so I can breathe again a bit 😉


Am I wrong to not want to participate in this study?

Not at all.

Is it ok for me to just hate it?


Is “style” enough of a reason not to like it?


It’s a study or program put together by a random person, even if she is well known or has a following. She is just a human being who has no authority over you, and you are under no obligation to her whatsoever. Nor are you under obligation to anyone else in the group. You don’t know her spiritual condition or her motivations. And even if she has good motives, she might be inadequate at what she does, or she might provide false teachings, or she might turn it into a motivational session rather than the Bible study you were looking for (as you said).

My advice is to just be yourself. You are strong, you don’t need coddling or motivation, and you want to learn. It can be uncomfortable to feel you don’t fit in, but look at the group here and all the ways we don’t fit in! It can be hard to see things that others can’t at the moment: the lack of logic in the world, the lack of ability to think, the reliance on emotions, people’s need for coddling and someone to motivate them, etc.

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There’s only one you, so don’t compromise on who you are. 😊


Thank you, TT! You really get me, I think. It IS really hard feeling like I don’t fit in. But I rarely do; I am the literal square peg, and the hole is almost always round!


Just remember, mint plants have square stems. So you being a square peg has Godly approval, in the overall scheme of things.  🙂 

Valerie Curren



Lol! I love it. I hereby declare myself a chocolate mint!

Mints are such cool plants, and the mint family is huge. Did you know that coleus plants are mints, too?

Valerie Curren

It IS really hard feeling like I don’t fit in. But I rarely do; I am the literal square peg, and the hole is almost always round!”

100% resonated w/ this! I’m so used to that condition myself that I Almost don’t care any more. Every now & then it gets under my skin. My family gladly claims the “Island of the Misfit Toys” status our idiosyncrasies have earned us.

My husband was mentioning just the other day about how my brother was consternated by the Currens in that we “even have y/our own language”…that would be movie quoting. Being cut from a different cloth can be refreshing!  😍 




Thank you, TT! You really get me, I think. It IS really hard feeling like I don’t fit in. But I rarely do; I am the literal square peg, and the hole is almost always round!

I understand that feeling. When it seems hard, I remind myself that by not fitting in, I have not taken a deadly vaccine. Seeing things that others aren’t seeing at the moment can be a lonely place, and that is what’s happening with you and the Bible study materials. You have the discernment to go beyond the surface and see the bigger picture. Her manner is off-putting to you and she seems like a “prosperity” type. I would be heading in the other direction. 😊



What’s funny is, our pastor jokes about the people who try to “get under the spout where the blessings pour out” all the time!

It’s strange to me that people who are devoted to our church, with its super low-key and humble pastor would enjoy this kind of teaching.


Received an answer back on Dutchisine’s status. He’s at telegram with multiple channels. All are active, first two I’ve looked at. Most interesting. (this is his update page, multiple videos and other topics of interest here. Also leads into his other channels. The rest of links I’ve not looked at but they are listed at his telegram site.) Last 6 Apr Update is two vid, one of them he tells his life history.


Good news column…

Mike Rowe details ‘shift’ in the path to prosperity: ‘Entering a whole new time’ of smart money


Yep… middle to upper middle class shift has been underway for a short while now. Last 5yrs or more. “F* your universities. I’ll make my own way! I’ll avoid the stupidities, absurdities and the cost of Big Ed and come out on top.!”

Barb Meier

The price of university propaganda in dumbing down their students is that nobody wants to turn out like the wokies. The universities may destroy the lives of their students, but over the long term, the universities destroy themselves.


Another win for my state of TN. We called this a half dozen years ago. All community colleges and tech schools are tuition and fees free for state residents.

Not all universities are woke. Find those. Look at the leadership, Board of Trustees, foundations, etc. Young people can test their academics through the community college experience and always shift to tech school if more inclined. If they stay in community college they can transfer into the larger colleges and universities with academic programs that match their desire field(s) of studies.

The two most prominent universities in east TN are led by two highly accomplished, wealthy businessmen I discussed in BIMD – the flagship University of Tennessee and Lincoln Memorial U. Successful business men and women who appreciate higher education can and do turn around schools that have lost their way. Woke/DEI dies in the process of getting focused on what matters and treating everybody equally.

We have a large segment of students in tech schools. That gets them ready for roles with our expanding business, industry, construction, tourism, etc. base.


Verse of the Day for Sunday, April 7, 2024

“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” 

John 15:13 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!


As I Have Loved

“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” (John 13:34)

No Christian could ever question the preeminent importance of love. “God is love” (1 John 4:8, 16), and the greatest of the Christian virtues is love (1 Corinthians 13:13). The first and second commandments of the law are love for God and love for one’s neighbor (Matthew 22:37-40). Christ’s new commandment, however, gives us a definition of love! To love as He loved, we must observe how Christ loved.

In the first place, His love was not ephemeral. “When Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end” (John 13:1).

The Lord Jesus Himself defined love this way: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). However, Christ died not only for His friends but for all sinners, including His bitter enemies. “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

“In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him….Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another” (1 John 4:9-11).

The measure of love is the undeserved, yet gladly offered, substitutionary death of Christ for our sins. Whenever we think the love commandment is demanding too much of us, we should compare our love to His. “For the love of Christ constraineth us [not our love for Him, but His love for us]…that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again” (2 Corinthians 5:14-15). “We love him, because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19), and we must live for Him. HMM


Thank you for providing these every day, Duchess.

I wonder why that one is worded like that. This is what the King James version says:
“The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD: but the prayer of the upright is his delight.”



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Lovely – Spring is here!


Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.


January 30, 2024

Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


More trouble for Joe. First the Rock and now this. Wonders how much they’ll have to pay him to keep him on the plantation? or is this part of the plan to get someone besides Pedo Slow Joe?
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TYT’s Cenk Uygur Admits Democrats Rig Elections For ‘Corrupt’ Joe Biden, Now ‘Considering’ Voting For RFK Jr. (VIDEO) Ben Kew Apr. 7, 2024 9:00 am 165 Comments

comment imageThis guy might have his own tyrant ambitions after staring in “Doom”, which mysteriously does not show up on his Wikipedia page.
Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Withdraws Political Support for Joe Biden in 2024, Says He Regrets Endorsing Biden in 2020 (VIDEO)
Jim Hᴏft Apr. 5, 2024 9:00 am 1569 Comments

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Nasty guy! Doubtful if he has much of a following except among other sick folk, like Antifa types.

Wow! Actor Michael Rappaport Does Complete 180 – Now Says He WILL NOT Vote for Biden and Voting For Trump Is NOT Off the Table – MUST SEE VIDEO
Jim Hoft Apr. 5, 2024 8:45 am 377 Comments

Last edited 8 months ago by para59r

This is one way to get attention – go on camera and say outrageous things.


I am always confused by the name Cenk. How do you say it? Is it “Sink?” “Kink?” “Kek?”



Valerie Curren

That’s what I would guess but I’ve never heard it spoken 🙂


Thanks, p.


Wow, wonder what the tipping point was for these three geniuses?

Which daily dementia incident for the last 1,190+ days straight was the clincher?


Looks like Kissinger will be proven right. He said that due to its leftist-leaning govts, Israel will cease to exist by a certain date [that I don’t remember].

Our Savior is coming and He won’t like what we’ve done with the place.

Robert Baker

Your comment sent my mind to regard a question I had not previously considered. With respect to End Times, wouldn’t it be likely that governments would be more and more inclined to totalitarian models? Such a prediction seems reasonable.


I’m not sure where you’re coming from. Are you describing govts from a believer’s point of view OR are you describing govts from an objective reality [that is, that govts will naturally flow in that direction]?

I think all govts, being composed of people, tend toward totalitarianism as a matter of course. Our republic was created primarily to act as a block toward those impulses and tendencies.

Its current path of failure shows that no matter how splendid the idea, it is still in man’s hands and that guarantees eventual failure. However, our current state does not mean the form of govt should be jettisoned.

IMO it proves that we need to restore the population [as much as possible] to the status that CAN function with this govt. That status is a moral and religious people, just as we were warned in the beginning, as being the only people that the constitution can serve.

Robert Baker

I am coming from a political philosophy point of view. For the greater portion of recorded history governmental styles have been mostly kings or strongman governments. In the 11th century with the Magna Carta parliamentarian monarchies were established and finally democratic styles with elected representatives. While there are still many electoral forms of government, the trend in my lifetime has been for power to concentrate in the hands of executive or elite bureaucratic forms. Thus your comment about Israel degrading led to my question.


“IMO it proves that we need to restore the population [as much as possible] to the status that CAN function with this govt. That status is a moral and religious people, just as we were warned in the beginning, as being the only people that the constitution can serve.”
I agree.
Christianity is the key. We need to be an awaken people to realize that Christ is walking this earth to bring peace and healing and the devil walks this earth to devour all that is good,It is up to each person what we choose. God and Christ are nearer than people think. They are always ready but people are asleep or busy.
When one is awake one hear the footsteps of Christ walking with us one sees every tree and shrub bow before him because Christ is King.
When one feels loss the Heart of Christ weeps with us. The breath of God holds us in His Hands.
I pray that God not only holds each of us but hold this nation. The Heart of Christ is weeping what is happening. This all can be changed if one gives once life to Christ and live out the Ten Commandments God gave for us to Moses. We are sliding into a dessert where people have build the Golden Calf people are worshiping idles.
Humanity needs to learn over and over the Bible warns us and tells the stories.
I am sharing and you all know this sadly half the country is ensnared by devil and they do not realize this. Keeping the truth holding on to it be steadfast surround yourself with the Armor of God the Holy Spirit and fight. We are in the middle of Spiritual warfare . Pray for Israel.
God’s Blessings on everyone .



Valerie Curren

Israel will cease to exist by a certain date” I don’t believe that Scripture supports this view…


I stand corrected – he said the state of Israel.

IOW the political entity called Israel.

Valerie Curren

TY PGroup 🙂

Gail Combs

That was from me quoting one of the badland vids. (Breaking History)

1:27:00 Henry Kissenger in 2012 said to Jewish reporter for Jeruslem post 
“What do you see as the future of Israel?” 
Kissenger replied: In 10 years (2022) Israel will no longer exist.”


That’s it! ThanQ.

Deplorable Patriot

Hmm…. Interesting.


That is not a smart move to pull back Hamas will never give up. Biden’s regime is not only failing us he is also failing Israel. Hamas will run over Israel when that happens will Biden’s regime turn its back as it does on Americans or are they going to help?
American Jews better support Trump if they want Israel to survive.
Biden is making a mess the way he does in America and his own family all over the world.


October 7.

Cancer remains.

Rinse. Repeat.


The history of Israel not completing the job continues. Thousands and thousands of years…



They disobeyed God when He told them to clean out the Promised Land, and they’ve repeated the mistake ever since.

It makes me nuts.


Wonder if this is an Israeli feint of sorts.

Lull Hamas AND deliver The Mother Of All Bitch Slaps.




Elon truly is a free speech absolutist.
He is going to let the Brazilian market (potential market of 150 million), because that Stalinist supreme court judge, who put Lula in power through election machine fraud, is insisting that certain very influential accounts in Brazil to be taken down.
Elon refuses to do that. Unfortunately, this also means some of his employees there are out of a job.

Michael Shellenberger




I’m reporting to you from Brazil, where a dramatic series of events are underway.

At 5:52 pm Eastern Time, today, April 6, 2024, X corporation, formerly known as Twitter, announced that a Brazilian court had forced it to “block certain popular accounts in Brazil.”

Then, less than one hour later, the owner of X, @ElonMusk

announced that X would defy the court’s order, and lift all restrictions.

“As a result,” said Musk, “we will probably lose all revenue in Brazil and have to shut down our office there. But principles matter more than profit.”

At any moment, Brazil’s Supreme Court could shut off all access to X/Twitter for the people of Brazil.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Brazil is on the brink of dictatorship at the hands of a totalitarian Supreme Court Justice named Alexandre de Moraes.

President Lula da Silva is participating in the push toward totalitarianism. Since taking office, Lula has massively increased government funding of the mainstream news media, most of which are encouraging increased censorship.

What Lula and de Moraes are doing is an outrageous violation of Brazil’s constitution and the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.

At this moment, Brazil is not yet a dictatorship. It still has elections and the Brazilian people have other means at their disposal to confront authoritarianism.

But the Federal Supreme Court and the Superior Electoral Court are directly interfere in those elections through censorship.

Three days ago I published the Twitter Files for Brazil. They show that Moraes has violated the Brazilian Constitution. Moraes illegally demanded that Twitter reveal private information about Twitter users who used hashtags he considered inappropriate. He demanded access to Twitter’s internal data, violating the platform’s policy. He censored, on his own initiative and without any respect for due process, posts on Twitter by parliamentarians from the Brazilian Congress. And Moraes tried to turn Twitter’s content moderation policies into a weapon against supporters of then-president Jair Bolsonaro.

I say this as an independent and non-partisan journalist. I’m not a fan of either Bolsonaro or Trump. My political views are very moderate. But I know censorship when I see it.

The Twitter Files also revealed that Google, Facebook, Uber, WhatsApp and Instagram betrayed the people of Brazil. If such evidence is proven, the executives of these companies behaved like cowards: they provided the Brazilian government with personal registration data and telephone numbers without a court order and, therefore, violating the law.

When Twitter refused to provide Brazilian authorities with private user information, including direct messages, the government attempted to sue Twitter’s top Brazilian lawyer.

When I lived in Brazil in 1992, I was very left-wing. At the time, Lula and the PT’s slogans were “Without fear of being happy”.

In recent days, I have spoken to dozens of Brazilians, including professors, journalists and respected lawyers. Everyone tells me they are shocked by what is happening. They told me that they are afraid to speak their mind and that the Lula government is complicit in creating this climate of fear.

Brazil belongs to the Brazilians. It is not my country. As such, there are limits to what I am capable of doing.

But I can say things that many Brazilians do not feel safe saying: Alexandre de Moraes is a tyrant. And the only way to deal with tyrants is to confront them. It is up to Brazil’s senators to confront the tyrant. And it is up to the people of Brazil to demand that their senators do so.

Last edited 8 months ago by eilert

The first vid is in spanish. Here’s the one in english which is below in case you miss it. Good talk.

Oh.. didn’t see the vids in your first post when I looked… 🙃

Last edited 8 months ago by para59r

Spanish? Not in Brazil.

Deplorable Patriot

Psst: Portuguese

Gail Combs

I hope Sean Morgan is OK. He is an American living in Brazil.

He used to do Breaking History with Matt but abruptly stopped about 5 months ago.


“At any moment, Brazil’s Supreme Court could shut off all access to X/Twitter for the people of Brazil.”



Is that because Hussein the Maggot Usurper gave away control of the Internet?

Do the people of Brazil not have access to VPNs?

If any gov’t can block access, that’s a problem for ALL people everywhere to to overcome immediately.


“It is not an exaggeration to say that Brazil is on the brink of dictatorship at the hands of a totalitarian Supreme Court Justice named Alexandre de Moraes.”


Well that’s what happens when you have MILLIONS of people in the streets, protesting the stolen election, and then do NOTHING, expecting your protest, in and of itself, to accomplish anything.

It accomplished something all right.

It showed the criminals who stole your country that you wouldn’t do anything about it besides march around in the street and shout for a few days.

That was the green light for the criminals who stole the government.


bakocarl thank you for your weekly uplifting messages.



They can spend all that, but what was it, something like $814 for the people they burned out of Hawaii?

It’s ORGANIZED CRIME, they are the biggest criminal organization on the planet, and We the People are the perpetual target of their shake-down racket.

Valerie Curren

30,000,000,000,000%  😡 


It’s gotta be sabotage.


AI visits The Twilight Zone; gets ideas for re-make episodes.


Looks like a self-fixing problem… nothing to worry about… the loose metal just tears away in the wind 👍😂

Last edited 8 months ago by scott467

A M A Z I N G !

(Good he didn’t drop the ball.)


I love baseball. It makes me smile.


Yea, Big grin on my face as I watched many, many time.

Team names. Bananas and Party Animals.

^^^ Bringing F U N back to baseball.

Last edited 8 months ago by kalbokalbs

Deplorable Patriot

Mine does. They take it right off a drivers’ license.


Same here in TN. Six forms allowed, all government issued ID’s with photo.

Valerie Curren

Ours does too. But I don’t know if it’s “required”, like I’m guessing you can use like a “provisional” ballot if no ID. Clearly MI is Big Time into Electoral Fraud  😡 


Then 42 out of 50 states falsely certify the results of their elections.


Democrat Senator Chris Coons: “There is a likelihood of an Iranian strike. I can’t get into classified material.”

^^^ EVERYTIME these assholes invoke, it’s classified, so I can’t talk about it, I DISMISS IT.

Another video I won’t listen to. Coons quote likely within video. So I posted it.


It’s so funny…when we gave the heads up warning to Russia it was specific about that concert venue area ..why is the intel for the USA so vague? Crappy intel ? Crappy sources? If they know something why the cloak and dagger? Expose Iran..or is it all another facet of those bad guys..wink wink


“..why is the intel for the USA so vague?”

All the better to scare us with, my dear.

FEAR PORN. It pisses me off.


“why is the intel for the USA so vague? Crappy intel ? Crappy sources?”


Crappy people.


I can’t help it. I just can’t take a guy named Coons seriously. All I can think of is:

pat frederick

Friday at lunchtime, we drove down to see my mom for the weekend. on our way down, we were cruising on the highway (going South) and we passed a semi hauling a flat bed trailer. whatever was on the flatbed was covered by white sheeting but you could see the wheels of whatever it was–looked like a tank! Then a little ways down the highway, we passed the PA Welcome center. Guess what was parked in the parked lot there? 2 more flatbeds with the same equipment covered with white sheeting. ODD

so mom was close to the epicenter. we were hearing and SEEING helicopters overhead steadily every day since–sun up to close to sun down. two flying together both going South–all the time. never any returning.


Wonder what is being planned ?

pat frederick

i dunno…
it was all pretty coincidental or something’s up


We will see what they have cooked up 🙁


MUST SEE: Chanel Rion on Ashley Biden Diary Investigation: The SDNY Is Biden’s Personal Gestapo – They’re Not Even Hiding It… And Joe Biden Is a Ped*phile (VIDEO)


If you kept a diary wouldn’t you miss it and eventually remember where you put it? Wouldn’t you go back there and say I need to find it? If you went back there and your father was POTUS wouldn’t you have them get asking if the room cleaners took it, threw it away?
He broke his kids and Jill enabled it.


Losing a diary. Not going back for the laptop.

  • Screams for H E L P.

“Screams for H E L P.”


Or retribution with plausible deniability 😁

pat frederick

sorry if this was brought before–been gone all weekend


Biden lost his mind just as many dictators in history have. The man is crazy half the people do not see it. Just as so many in Germany did not see how crazy Hitler was or Stalin neither do so many Americans not see the evil. Biden needs to go to a madhouse and his collaborators with him.


hussein and his criminal friends are directing the Briben WH.


The ultimate top of the food chain blackmail op. They own FJB. Ashley’s diary is a little game they’re playing. He has to have some amount of cognitive awareness or else they’d have let sleeping dogs lie. imo

Maybe he’s talking back to the cabal knowing that the border issue is making him lose massive support but………out comes the diary


Maybe put Hilary into the mix ? They all need to go into the funny farm.


Hitlery supposedly hates Hussein (she hates everybody) and vice-versa.

They’re both raging racists who hate the other’s race, and Hitlery is extremely bitter about being denied her chance to be the smelly dicktater of the United States (SDOTUS), while Odumbo the POS (prince of smug) swooped in and stole her Precious 😂

Last edited 8 months ago by scott467
Deplorable Patriot

This is one of those times I’m glad to be behind enemy lines. The Dems DO NOT want to piss off the libs in gated communities no matter how common they are in this metro region.

pat frederick

was this brought before? how bizarre is this? (from tcth)

April 7, 2024 7:51 am

Reply to  R Iacoveo
Well, there is THIS rumor. A friend’s daughter sent her this:
“WARNING- April 8th Solar Eclipse Biological 
Attack. Uncle Intel. Do Not Go Outside That Day! 
Uncle Intel: They are planning a biological 
attack on April 8th, just before the totality of 
the eclipse. 
This is how it’s going to go down. 
Planes will be delivering their payload at three 
First will be 2 hours before totality, 
1 hour before totality and final one 30 mins 
before totality. 
The planes will be deploying a dry powder (bacterial bioweapon). It will not be visible. You won’t see it from the planes or the sky. It’s meant to infect through aerosol 
The first two planes will be at standard altitude, the final plane will be at approximately 10,000 – 15,000 feet. 
The path of flight will begin from the northeast, and 
they will travel down the central path of totality heading west-south-west, keeping in pace with the totality of the eclipse. 
They are doing this to take advantage of the 
event because they know there will be 
guaranteed targets that will be infected, and 
thus be the vectors to spread the contagion. 
Symptoms will begin appearing 7 – 10 days after infection. 
30 days after infection the media will notice. 60 days after infection the panic will at all-time highs. 90 days after infection the newly agreed upon UN/WHO pandemic powers will be enacted. And you know what will happen next. 
People in the path of totality should not go outside. Bacterial payload will lose effectiveness within 6 hours __ post deployment. Half-life of powder with vary on 
humidity and temperature. 
The staring point is in Canada, the end point is in Mexico. 
Winds are the unpredictable factor, as is rain. 
Both of which will negatively impact the operation. 


Smacks of nonsense.


They want to frighten us. If they truly do what is said being in the home is not going to save us. Bacteria will find its way into the home regardless.

pat frederick



They want to frighten us.

True, but I wonder, in this instance, who are “they”? I don’t think it’s the government. I think it’s someone on the internet getting a kick out of seeing how many people he/she can get to believe it. And the sad thing is that there might be someone who will not go outside because of it.

I’ve seen too many made-up stories, blatant inaccuracies, and outright lies by anonymous people to place any credence on something like this.


You are most likely correct. There a many bloggers having their fun.



Feds also engage in blatant lies, fear mongering…

Unless there is evidence, or at least a truly reliable source, I dismiss it all.

Who or what is a reliable source? Gotta think about that one.

  • Not the Feds, not Uniparty, medical anybody…
pat frederick

I agree. but i hadn’t heard anything like this before.


Two of us, and counting.


We could have a contest here to see who could write the most effective internet BS scare story.

pat frederick

biden wins again with hitlery as his vp.
i win!



pat frederick



Murder hornets are always good.


“Murder hornets are always good.”


With hot sauce 👍 😁

Valerie Curren



Don’t get me started. I grew up reading Stephen King novels, and I have a VERY good imagination.


Well I am going out tomorrow with my special glasses and am not going to be frightened and held hostage in my home. What ever happens God is in control may evil fail drop to the earth and parish.


Good on ya.

No one should cower to these freaks skeer tactics.


My guess is you’ll be treated to the Total Eclipse.

An experience to behold.Middle of the day, daylights fades to total nighttime, back to daylight.Incredible. Breathtaking. Endless descriptors of the grandeur of it all.Mond boggling for me, anyone would alter their lives for nonsense fear mongering.

Last edited 8 months ago by kalbokalbs

So true 🙂
The eclipse has moved a little but does not matter. Middletown OH is getting the full eclipse. 🙂

pat frederick

comment image


Thank you




AMEN. Good for you!




I hope it is a beautiful, spiritual experience for you, as it was for me.


Yes it was 🙂




30 days after infection the media will notice~~~

That line negates the whole thing.
Wouldn’t people notice the cluster of cases and deduce that they were deliberately poisoned by their own government?


Media, Pravda News ONLY reports what they are told.

  • Dope who wrote the faux skeery stuff, also without a clue.

Pravda News never figured out Covid was easily treated.

Pravda News has never figured out Jabs do NOT work, are NOT effective, harm, injure and kills folks.


No, they’ll deduce that they were poisoned by the doodoo of the dragon that’s eating the sun.



hhhhaaa  😂 


A dry powder will just float straight down from 10-15 thousand feet and land on a narrow band of eclipse watchers below hmmmm.

pat frederick

if you’re going to go crazy with a theory–its important to include scary details…LOL


Be interesting to throw a cement block out from that height and see how far it deviated off from what was directly underneath the aircraft, we need a proper scientist to join the discussion.

Gail Combs

Interesting. Bookmarked.

Deplorable Patriot

I have Eucharistic Adoration when it gets started. I don’t have time for this.


What time does this shindig start? The eclipse


I looked it up and i guess we won’t get much of anything here on the coast but we’ll go out to beach and pretend


There is one problem—it says “The path of flight will begin from the northeast, and 
they will travel down the central path of totality heading west-south-west, keeping in pace with the totality of the eclipse.” The totality will be going in the opposite direction from Texas northeast to the New England states then Canada!

Last edited 8 months ago by BB

LOL..I love QTree…we have people that know stuff!! bbinindy  🍻  cheers

pat frederick

…”one problem…”
probably more than one…
but thanks!!


And there’s the Easter Egg.  😎 

pat frederick

speaking of bizzarre…

Scott Adams


Everyone is asking who is “really in charge” of the country, since President Biden obviously ain’t it. I don’t know, but if we judge by outcomes, it looks like Hunter has been running things. Hookers and drugs streaming over the border. China-controlledTikTok operating freely. Ukraine funded at any cost. Budget poorly managed. Cocaine in the White House. Intel people pull a laptop hoax. Who is the “smartest person” Joe knows? Jill is the diversion. It’s been Hunter all along.


Scott Adams could be on to something?


Dopey at best. (Not referring to crackhead Hunter’s dope.)


The Bidens are enjoying the gravy train but the question might ought to be which of Joey’s circle are the ones that hate the US the most. That’s the answer. Maybe that guy that outright said he’d love to have another term with a puppet in the WH


“The Bidens are enjoying the gravy train but the question might ought to be which of Joey’s circle are the ones that hate the US the most.”


That would be Barack Hussein Obama, the islamic Kenyan homosexual Usurper.

Last edited 8 months ago by scott467

“It’s been Hunter all along.”


It’s Hussein, and whoever runs Hussein.

pat frederick


Coincidence level


One of two things…

Someone tried again. Or Someone wants you to think these big ships losing power is normal when it most certainly is not. The extra bad thing is they know now and for some time have known, that they only have to convince a certain percentage to ignore it all which will be cause enough for everyone to chunk it down the memory hole.

pat frederick

comment image


It’s a lot worse than that.

Gail Combs

I just added my comment (plus reply) to ‘Defected”

It is my rebuttal about Pence being a ‘white hat’
Please up vote so it gets seen.


Done. Both posts.



Gail Combs

Thank You!

Gail Combs



Team effort to be seen.



Gail Combs


Barb Meier

Me too and your post(s) are at the top!!


Are the people at Badlands responsive to the mountains of evidence you provide?

If not, if they are just a one-way narrative machine, then at what point are you forced to conclude that they are propaganda / disinformation?


When someone goes, “oh, Lord, give me a sign…..”, what sort of things should they expect?


