Cover image: Mount Rainier (the current batch of camel pictures suck)
Badlands News Brief – April 9, 2024
The Ministry of BS Will See You Now
High Gold Price Points to Sustained Inflation
No kidding.
The Habits of Liberty
Russia Accuses Hunter Biden’s Burisma of “Financing Terrorism”
So the CDC knew all along about those 780,000 side effects to its COVID vaccine as it was assuring us it was ‘safe’
Yes, and a lot of people out here on the fruited plain knew and could have told you three years ago. The question is would we have been believed?
Patriots Do Not Flinch
X Files….
The moon is made of cheese. Everyone knows this.
If you think that was bad….
LOOK! FOX caught on!
Memes & Stuff

I hit mine at 3, 5 and 7.

Have a good day y’all.
(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

First time watching reactions for this classic have been coming up in my feed. Yes, it’s shocking to the politically correct generation.
And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.
Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
One other vital note:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.
PSALMS 34:2-9
1I will bless the LORD at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth. 2My soul makes its boast in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and be glad. 3O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together! 4I sought the LORD, and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears. 5Look to him, and be radiant; so your faces shall never be ashamed. 6This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. 7The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them. 8O taste and see that the LORD is good! Happy is the man who takes refuge in him!
One of the best things the St. Louis Jesuits ever produced;
JOHN 3:16-21
16For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. 17For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him. 18He who believes in him is not condemned; he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God. 19And this is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20For every one who does evil hates the light, and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. 21But he who does what is true comes to the light, that it may be clearly seen that his deeds have been wrought in God.
This one never gets old:

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.
And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another.

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.
In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.
Thank you, De Pat, for a wild and wooly wolcanic extravaganza of a Wednesday post.
Reminds me of how Walter Koenig used to say, “vodka” back in the day…..
The last time my friend ‘Arbalest’ went to a Star Trek convention in Las Vegas, he bumped into Walter Koenig at the airport flying back. Normally, he wouldn’t say, “boo”, but Koenig asked him to watch his bag for a bit while he visited the airport concessions.
As a side note, Koenig probably gets better residuals from his Star Trek work….but his role as “Bester” in Babylon 5 was superb, with more depth and breadth.
“Walter Koenig accepted the role of Bester because he wanted to play a character who was the polar opposite of the Pavel Chekov character, and to reduce the typecasting playing Chekov had caused him. Koenig has gone on to say that Bester was one of his favorite roles.”
In other news, I did enough on my 2023 taxes to be able to extend it tomorrow.
Good for you! I got stymied when 3 different “credit limit worksheets” for 3 different forms required info from the other forms. One form even had the result of itself as part of the credit limit worksheet for itself…sigh. Gotta get some sleep so I can make “sense” of it
Extended, extended, extended!
You’ve got your filthy lucre, you bastards, now just leave me alone for awhile so I can accomplish something!
I’ve never done the extension thing, & don’t plan to this time. I’ve finished the Feds & am about half way through my double check, then gotta do the clean copy & on to Michigan, which is easier but doesn’t have extra copies except for the main 1040 so I have to Really Pay attention & avoid those errors than crop up when really tired. Hopefully mine will be in the mail no later than Saturday
I’m a CPA. I’ve always done extensions. How could I ever justify doing my own return for free in front of anyone who is paying me to do their return? So my return was always last on the list.
That’s understandable though that would have been a tortuous career choice for me LOL
Sheila Jackson Lee “Just act like you can see.”

can’t stop laughing 
It really is unbelievable.
It reminds me of when King Nebuchadnezzar went insane for 7 years and ate grass in the field like a barnyard animal.
Wut??? Anybody got a reason why this is happening?
I can tell you one thing — judges who collaborate on different cases are violating the judicial ethics rules as well as throwing ALL their cases into the ‘denial of due process’ meatgrinder. Every defendant who had any one of those judges should be filing a motion to arrest judgment, vacate convictions, and dismissal of all charges.
Because it is impossible to prove that the conspiracy to deny due process was not in play from the beginning.
Recovering from a belly laugh, of belly laughs.
Great way to start the morning.
…judges who collaborate on different cases are violating the judicial ethics rules...
Yea, I get that on paper, there is ethics rules. In practice judges and lawyers make a constant mockery of those ethics rules.
Heading to my second cup of coffee.
You didn’t read the rest of my comment?
I laid out the basis for at least a civil suit, and depending on the US atty, multiple criminal charges.
Actually I did read the entire post. Prolly twice.
Still got a good laugh out of the ethics thing.
I do hope, but won’t hold my breath, for one or more civil suits and US attorney enjoying multiple charges. But we can hope. Ready to choke down a double helping of crow, if I am justice prevails.
Okay, I get it.
The D-rat party, by its actions, has defined itself in opposition to God, in opposition to ‘normal’, in opposition to traditional culture and values, in opposition to America, in opposition to what has always been thought of as ‘good’, in every conceivable way.
It’s not as if there are some things I agree with D-rats on, and some things I don’t.
I am not aware of a SINGLE ISSUE or position the D-rats hold that I support or agree with. A person can’t be any more in opposition to something than that.
They have sided against every single thing that is good, normal, decent, moral, you name it.
They have literally defined themselves as the party of evil. It’s as if they wake up every day thinking of new ways to embrace evil and hurt or destroy everything that is not evil. That’s all they do. They don’t do anything else.
I’ve never even heard of anything so radically and comprehensively evil. Not even in the Bible, though that may be because the Scriptures are so understated. I have never heard of anything in history as relentlessly evil as the D-rat party.
Not even the Nazis were trying to destroy their own country. Neither was Stalin or Mao. But the D-rats are very definitely and actively trying, with every ounce of energy they have, to destroy America.
Some might say they have become the party of insanity, but insanity would be at least somewhat random. What the D-rat party pushes for, constantly, with their foot mashing the gas pedal to the floor, is relentlessly wicked and evil.
Well said.
Fully agree. Blatant and in your face. I have a difficult time enough voting for the GOP, then I remember the Dems are pure evil.
But they have been for a very long time. They just hid their evil more in the past. Which they no longer do as you rightly point out.
“Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee (D):
The moon is “made up mostly of gases” so we can soon live inside it, unlike the sun which is “almost” too hot to go near.”
She’s gone.
I don’t know if she had a stroke and no one noticed, or what the problem is, but that video is of a person who is cognitively gone, checked out, there’s nobody home.
The Left has attempted to normalize this. Pelosi has slurred her way through some really strange stuff, Hillary would zone out on the campaign trail, Adam Schiff makes things up and gets away with it, Kamala speaks word salad, and of course there’s JB himself. The standards couldn’t sink any lower.
Sheila Jackson-Lee: “Hold my beer….”
More likely: “Bold my heer …”
“Gold mine gear”
“Fold by fear”
“Holmor fie skeersh”
After I thought about it, that can’t be real…
Somebody used AI to read a script using her voice… has to be
I had wondered that too. The issue is that it’s believable at all.
Might be real. Isn’t she the one that lit up two of her own staffers and they in turn lit her up on social media. The episode resulted in some firings if memory servers. Might be more of that. Poor despicable lady may well be caught up in a web of deserving betrayal. Someone may well desire for the public to be aware that Ms Jackson – Lee ain’t near what she proport’s herself to be but is instead the incompetent baboon most suspect she is.
She’s the one.
I’m going to assume that one of her aides provided some outline of her comments and I’d love to think it was a mishmash of bull on purpose but it was more likely the dumb leading the dumber.
The ridiculous stuff Kamala says on a world stage insane . She has staff but yet the word salad continues and the audience’s always enthusiastically clap so they’re also stupid or we’ve arrived in time where DemComs shall not be mocked to their face.
“…or we’ve arrived in time where DemComs shall not be mocked to their face.”
We’re definitely not at that time yet, at least not as long as I’m still around
Internal sabotage…
EXCLUSIVE: Former AG John Ashcroft and Constitutional Coalition File Brief with US Supreme Court on Presidential Immunity

Part of it:
I hope he didn’t forget to argue that House impeachment / Senate conviction is the necessary predicate to be able to charge the president for acts done while POTUS.
What in the WORLD is she doing?
Even TWO year olds have more control over their own hands and fingers than this.
And it’s not old age, I have never seen someone struggle like that merely due to being elderly. There is something wrong with her.
I wondered if there was an issue with whatever she has on her head (wig, hairpiece, etc.). Maybe the glasses wouldn’t stay behind her ears because something was in the way.
But I think she has a low IQ and a low emotional IQ, and you’re probably correct that there is something wrong with her.
After the moon is mostly gases speech, I thought it must be an AI prank, but after seeing the next video with the eclipse glasses, I’m leaning toward the ‘moon is gas, sun is hot’ clip being real.
But if it was real, how could this not be bigger news?
It should be going viral everywhere, to the point where some credible response is needed, either that she has been committed for 48 hour observation, or some credible reason for acting like she is STONED to the BONE.
Being drunk could explain the manual dexterity problem, but I can’t think of anything besides psychedelic drugs that would explain ‘the moon is mostly gases‘ talk.
I hate to be the one but I will. The word ebonics has been the word used to describe blackspeak. It often can imply being dumber than dirt, passed along in any school attended.
Being an ignorant POC is now protected. The new math where no answer is wrong is side by side with science is too hard, biology is what we feel. Those places are where ebonics was birthed.
she’s apparently getting her own version of scrabble now too. meant for generation z people but it’s available for everyone who needs a dumbed down version.
True story:
When I was in third grade, we had a black lady teacher. She marked a kid’s spelling test with the spelling of “flow” as incorrect.
The parent came into the school to complain, as flow was spelled correctly. The teacher explained that no, she had called out the words, and flow was not correct. The parent said flow is spelled f-l-o-w, so it was right!
The teacher stomped her feet and said NO! The word is spelled F-L-O-O-R!
I wish I was joking.
My SIL retired from Memphis City school system. Between the stories of teaching staff, parents and students you would think they cannot possibly be true ..but they are.
Read your little gem to my daughter who was here working on her taxes. We are Dying! TY for that one
I think the restraint being shown by white people and Asians is remarkable.
To some extent, it should be considered a legitimate dialect (and is, by professional linguists).
Nevertheless, it should not be taught in schools.
Schools shouldn’t teach in Redneck either, and they don’t.
Her problem appears to be well past ebonics, it’s some kind of mind virus
A couple of things occurred to me. One, what the hell was with the whistle? And two, nobody tried to help her. She’s always that way, or they would have.
Or they’re too scared to try to help her.
The whistle was probably in case the hot hot sun came crashing to earth…run get under the bleachers !
I have an image of the Sun crashing into the Earth…it would be about like you crashing into a ladybug.
“The whistle was probably in case the hot hot sun came crashing to earth…run get under the bleachers !”
Just act like you can see it…

This might have been covered here. It’s a guest article on Fox by Rand Paul. This could wake up some of the Fox watchers.
The Great COVID Cover-up: Shocking truth about Wuhan and 15 federal agencies
ShamePRISON on all those who covered up the DEFUSE project!”_____________
There, fixed it.
After the first week, pikes are substantially cheaper than prison.
( You know more about this stuff, good, bad,
whatever ?)
“The US administration intends to ban citizens and businesses from using any Kaspersky Lab software for reasons of national security; the ban will most likely come into force in May, CNN reports.
I hope ours really are spies!”
Kaspersky has been under fire from the Intelligence Community for quite some time. Then, again, so has Snowden…..and, maybe, for the same reason.
If the US administration had any regard for the safety and security of its citizens, it would ban the use of Microsoft products.
“it would ban the use of Microsoft products.”
Strangely enough it was from when I used Vista that I vaguely associate that name, for what reason has long gone.
Banning MicroSloth – ROTFLMAO.
You jest, surely.
I cannot avoid using Micro$haft products at work, and it’s a government contractor.
This was more than likely why there was no mandate on certain government workers to take the Vax. TPTB knew what was going on, how many government officials really took the Vax? How many had access to ivermectin?
I agree and wish we had a full list of pharmaceuticals used in the Capitol
IMO, this is correct — TPTB knew what was going on regarding the COVID-19 “vaccines.” The question is, Which entities and/or persons gave them the information that THEY ALSO DELIBERATELY WITHHELD FROM POTUS45 AND FROM THE AMERICAN PUBLIC?
100% AND expanding a bit.
THEN recon with Covid was a Globally Scam.
Rand Paul could have saved three plus years of research by reading Qtree. Gail and other QTreepers frequently posted this sort of information. <<< With greater detail.
On the other hand, it’s good he did his own research…
So, here’s the “response” to the above truth about the COVID-19 “vaccines” — especially in the “died suddenly” department — IT’S “PERSONAL BEHAVIOR AND “LIFESTYLE CHOICES” that are “culling the herd” — NOT the effects of the COVID-19 “vaccines”:
“Sunbathing for ONE DAY increases risk of fatal heart attack. Drinking just ONE Diet Coke per day now linked to deadly heart disease. Nigerians now dying of heart attacks from watching too much soccer.”
10 April 2024
Poor Nigerians… it’s always something.
Am I supposed to accept that ‘fact’ about Diet Coke? Somebody better tell DJT.
And sunbathing causing heart attacks? Somebody better tell George Hamilton.
Yeah? And maybe if PDJT hadn’t been drinking that sludge, he’d have won over the deep state in his first week.
They even published a paper and this was BEFORE the Defuse project.
A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence.
It was Electronically Published on November 8, 2015
And LOOK who funded it! The National Institutes of Health under Fauci AND the State Key Program for Basic Research Grants from the Chinese Ministry of Science. Fauci not only funded the initial research but indicated interest in funding further research.
Key word ‘generated’
key word is ‘chimeric’
The UNC level THREE Lab did produce a gain of function SARS like virus.
The entire place and all of its staff should be cauterized.
Jackie Chan turned 70 on April 7. He’s currently “aged up” for a specific film role, and has a bunch of people asking about his health. He insists that it’s all cosmetic.
Which is a great excuse to roll a scene…..
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, April 10, 2024
“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”
Genesis 1:26 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
January 30, 2024
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
hope you are well…we all miss you!
Thankfully the vast majority of consumers realize EVs are stoopid on steroids.
I wonder what the next plan will be to stop people from using gasoline-powered vehicles. Part of the reason EVs are failing is because people want to be free to travel without time delays for charging and without being stranded because charging stations are crowded, inoperable, or scarce. It’s not about the environment; it’s about gaining control over us and curbing our freedom. I think this is a major fail in their timeline, so I imagine the next thing will be something bad, like another disease scare that locks people up. *They* might be getting desperate and could overreact with something drastic because, on the positive side, many people are more awake now.
Translation: Ford backs away from EVs because they can’t make EVs that anybody wants, and that’s why Americans don’t want Ford EVs.
It really is amazing.
Imagine if Ford made slingshots with only one side of the ‘Y’, so only one side of the rubber band was attached, and the other end just hung down past the handle part. So you couldn’t possibly shoot anything with it.
And that’s how Ford made them.
And nobody bought them. Not because nobody wanted a slingshot, but because Ford’s slingshots don’t work.
Then Ford comes out with a press release, saying “We’re backing away from making slingshots because Americans just don’t want slingshots.”
Lots of Americans want slingshots. They just don’t want a piece of trash slingshot like Ford was making
David Hogg is not a social new generation warrior–he’s just another grifter. “his” PAC generated $3Million in donations to elect candidates under 35 yrs of age. They spent almost HALF ($1.4 MILLION) on salaries, a travel itinerary, meals, legal fees–which means Mark Elias (the dem fixer). they spent just $263,000 trying to help candidates.
so congress will vote for the fisa reauthorization, they gave themselves a carve out—
The stickiest amendment would mandate a warrant requirement for the FBI to search for information on U.S. persons gathered in the NSA’s 702 database — something the Biden administration has strenuously pushed back against — and the end of certain loopholes that allow data brokers to sell consumer information to law enforcement and federal agencies.
The deadline for renewing the legislation is April 19. The entire House is likely to vote on the bill on Thursday.
Congressman Thomas Massie, a Republican from Kentucky, revealed a carveout for Congress in the legislation.
“Congress gives itself a carve out in the reauthorization of FISA 702 warrantless spying on Americans,” Massie said. “The bill requires the FBI to notify and seek consent from Congress before violating the privacy of Congressmen.”
“This will persuade many members of Congress to vote yes,” he added.
CongressCriminals taking care of themselves.they booked him in juvenile court because they said he was 17 years old when he committed the crime. (he’s 18 now) I honestly do NOT believe a word an illegal tells me. he lied and broke the law to get here. think he’s gonna tell you his real age when he can be tried as a juvenile instead as an adult? this guy knows the system and how to avoid more heinous consequences. he does not look 18 to me.
His identity has not yet been released because he was entered into the
juvenile court system. Sheriff’s officials said he was an illegal
immigrant who had been 17 years old at the time of the murder but has
since turned 18 years old.
The suspect was on probation for assaulting his mother, and police believe that he was an acquaintance of the victim.
On Tuesday, KSEE-TV reported that the Fresno district attorney requested that the suspect be tried as an adult.
see a lot of different methods of homicide in our line of work. To
shoot somebody is bad enough, but there’s some sort of separation
there,” said Tony Botti, the public information officer for the Fresno
County Sheriff’s Office. “When you’re that intimate with somebody that
you would mutilate them, that’s a whole different level.”
PFFFT..he doesn’t look 17 years old. IF we begin trying all of the crimes the invaders commit the prisons will be overflowing. All because of the open border of the Obiden administration. The cost will be astronomical
not if we start executing illegals who commit crimes. just a thought.
either their country of origin takes them back (with the proviso if they are caught here illegally again they WILL be executed upon being caught) or they face the death penalty here. and we WILL expedite the proceedings–no drawn out appeal process. Americans should not be on the hook fro providing care and housing to criminal illegals.
sorry…mama’s in a mood this morning…LOL
Perfect mood for the circumstances.
I like the mood !
If we think the prison gang culture is bad now wait until it’s 3rd world bad. Execution is something they can understand.
Seems as though that prison gang culture IS being unleashed on the general population.
You definitely are right..
Saw another story over at The Blaze..mother/son trafficking troubled teens. To your point, the son was arrested in 2022 ( age 19) maybe for similar crime…buuut here he is again. That was quick
i would love to ask these prosecutors a for instance. let’s say the criminal sexually assaults dozens of kids in his neighborhood while said criminal claims to be only 16. he gets away with this crime for years until a victim finally steps forward and the perp is arrested at 21 yrs of age.
do they still try him as a juvenile?????
because all these illegals are claiming to be juveniles to escape harsh prison sentences and get access to high schools and whatever. there is no way to prove them wrong without documents which they conveniently leave at the border.
i don’t believe in giving leniency to murderers because of their age
Additional problem is the new wrinkle of their nationality. All we have to do is look at Europe. Back a few years when they had the initial explosion of “migrants” committing heinous crimes. Rape is rape, murder is murder right?..Well the way to deal with this was to create the social/moral escape clause…they can’t be punished harshly or appropriately because their “culture” didn’t recognize the crimes as bad as white Europeans do.
Waiting for that bullshit to happen here.
then we scream racism at the top of OUR lungs. crime doesn’t recognize race and neither should prosecutors.
Amen on that
Can we keep you in the mood? What is the price? We could all chip in.
the more i read about illegals and their crimes, the quicker the mood comes…lol
You’re beautiful when you’re in this mood.
you sweet talker…lol
You can ‘age’ a person using bone ‘closure’ up to the age of 25. Forensic anthropologists can estimate the age, gender, race and height of a dead person by analyzing the bones. X-ray can be used for living people.
Teeth can tell us how old certain individuals were….
Baby teeth
Permanent ‘adult’ teeth
Use by ICE, now illegal without aditional back up:
Bless you.
get a load of THIS bullshit!
April 9, 2024 6:22 pm
High-Paid Government Official Had Second Job While ‘Remote Working’
The head of human resources for the District of Columbia’s library system, whose six-figure job entails ensuring that fellow government employees followed employment rules, was herself in massive violation of those rules — holding a second full-time job with a private company, which she did while supposedly working for taxpayers.
Lauren Graves lied to government investigators to cover up the fact that she had one full-time job and one part-time job, both of which she focused on while neglecting her government duties, according to the D.C. Board of Ethics and Government Accountability (BEGA). She was forced to pay a fine of $17,500, a small fraction of the money she earned while neglecting her taxpayer-funded job, and has resigned from her government post…
Graves told investigators she worked the other jobs outside of her work hours, but this was false, they said. Their evidence included emails, contracts, and presentation schedules…
The case raises questions about how many other government employees are simply AWOL while “working remotely,” and how any of them could reasonably face consequences given the fact that the HR director who was supposed to be enforcing such rules was doing the same thing.
Her govt job as a rule enforcer…hmmm that’s a conundrum considering that rules and law have been obliterated in every govt sector.
… a small fraction of the money she
earnedstole while neglecting her taxpayer-funded job … FIFY.agreed. and while she WASN’T doing her job, how many OTHER gov’t employees were doing the same thing? stealing from taxpayers
Arguably, we may be better off with her NOT doing her job, even for pay.
That’s why I’m in favor of a new cabinet agency — Department of Clawback.
Its mission would be to retrieve/recover all improperly paid salaries to those slimeballs who got paid while they did other things [such as campaigning for a candidate while using a govt cell phone, etc.].
“David Cameron seemingly fails in bid to persuade Trump on Ukraine aid”
“David Cameron’s attempt to persuade Donald Trump to permit the US Congress to push through $60bn in military aid for Ukraine appears to have failed, after the British foreign secretary was not even granted a meeting with congressional speaker Mike Johnson, who could in theory put the package to a vote.
Johnson instead found himself assailed by the hard-right Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, who renewed her threats of a snap vote to remove him from office for even countenancing a vote.”
News to The Guardian: Trump has infliuence, but he has no authority at this point to “permit” Congress to do anything.
If David Cameron thought, he would get the backing of DJT, then he truly is living in an alternate reality.
Would a prior escapade involving a swine have anything to do with the failure?
‘Moscow Marjorie’: Republican accuses Greene of irresponsible Ukraine rhetoric
Former congressman Ken Buck says Marjorie Taylor Greene gets ‘her talking points from the Kremlin’ when opposing Ukraine aid
My former congressman, making me glad he’s “former” and unglad he hasn’t choked on a syphillitic dick.
You seem surprised.
I guess I haven’t explained enough in the past exactly how I feel about RINOs.
I need to quit holding back.
What can be found on this message is a bit disturbing and reminiscent of certain scenes from the monster book
“Mother of Storms”
Recent intelslava message.
Contains one Vid and one Pic.
Your going to have to open the vid and pause and expand your viewer where the information booklet is shown and then slowly step through the readable parts. (or just accept what I’m explaining )
The booklet was found on a dead merc in Ukraine. The phone had CP on it along with this professional instructional document (2022) on how to produce quality CP, get paid for it, and keep from the clutches of LE, for what appears to be an elite audience willing to make donations for the productions.
The connection to the monster book written in 1994 “Mother of Storms” were certain scenes in the book where people were paid to film sex crimes for an elite audience while the world was being ripped apart by several massive hurricanes resulting from an underwater nuclear explosion commissioned by a UN shadow group, that released a large amount of methane from the ocean floor. (reminiscent of what happened with Nord Stream).
2 quick synopsis of the book. Reads good, but also like a how to book. Like someone was floating another idea on how to rid the world of our population.
Sick shit. Easily bypassed.
Skimmed the post. But yea, good to know the depravity out there.
“Easily bypassed”. That was what I was thinking. Blink and you miss it. Hopefully there is some follow up on this. Minor in the bigger scheme, but adds dastardly color to explaining the Cabal and their minions.
That’s true.
It also gives some depth to the abuse. In this situation, troops housed closely together, it would be odd for one pervert to sneak away to the abuse ‘safe’ house. Others participated or knew. Falls right in line with nazi behavior. They were also notorious child abusers.
It’s staggering that child porn has become such a big thing. Adult porn is one thing but child porn…the very nature of it violent and cruel.
This is vile.. The motto of the American Rangers “Rangers lead the way” was written on the back of a child in one of the photos found on the phone of the dead militant.
Modern man have become monkeys
Not insulting guys here not speaking about you. Speaking about the pervs.
Pity the RF would probably get no co-operation from western authorities.
It would be worth getting a DNA sample from the corpse and having it checked against police records in all the possible western countries.
Same with the phone I thought every communication was saved somewhere by the IC.
Some ID could lead to an investigation.
So many sticky areas…first off a pedophile, from a country (US) that pretends no troops in action. If the guy had been a Ranger but wasn’t at time of death then he was likely a black op or paid mercenary. IC will avoid this like the plague imo
Or the CP could have been planted. Let’s not be too hasty.
Why ? He’s dead. The group digging up the graves sounds neutral or would be more sympathetic to Ukraine so what benefit to cast a bad light on Ukr fighters?
Oh I guess you mean the Russians did it before mass burial. Seems kind of involved during that time and do the Russians bother burying enemy dead?
Because if it was planted in order to cast Ukraine fighters in a bad light, then its exposure as a fake tends to tarnish those who cheered it on. I’d prefer to have no feces get on me.
Smart spooks don’t talk much. Assume that all those things you stated are underway and you’ll likely be right on the money.
Sherriefs if you can get them to do it. Citizen Grand Juries, as proposed here long ago, if you can not, or best they can work together.
An empanelled Citizen Grand Jury (CGJ) exposed “Birther Gate”.
Empower CGJ’s to look into wide crimes and let them narrow them down with their subpoena powers after which they can hand off the results to prosecutors or sheriffs for more follow up work.
Start if off with Blue Ribbon Committees, narrow findings to CGJ’s then narrow that to sheriffs and prosecutors for prosecution. It should be happening everywhere and it would rock back the tide of public corruption we are getting swamped with. Time to swamp, the swamp and put them on the defensive.
T. Turtle
April 10, 2024 9:46 am
“Aileen Cannon Grants Jack Smith’s Request To Conceal Witnesses Against Trump”
The Court is satisfied that the Special Counsel has made an adequate showing on this issue under Rule 16, at least at this juncture pending final trial preparations,” according to the court document. “The Court directs the Special Counsel … to file under seal an index containing the name of each potential government witness and a corresponding pseudonym/anonymization for use in the redactions of Defendants’ MTC.”
This decision allows for the release of more case documents to the public, using pseudonyms to protect witness identities. Cannon stated that witness statements could be public, but any identifying information would be left out.
That is unfair in my opinion not what I assumed the American judicial system was. The need to stop preaching to the wold and accept they are now in the spear of Russia, Brazil and all the other little dictators that rule their banana republics.
So Trump and his lawyers can NOT know who is bearing witness against Trump.
Utter BS.
This is reversible error. My guess is it’s deliberate by the judge. Jack dared her to play a game of T-ball [using his unnecessary motion].
Somebody might want to check the judge’s chambers for a plaque that says,
“Watch what you ask for; you might just get it.”
Me??? I’m laughing my ass off.
I’m pretty sure the right to face one’s accusers is the law.
I heard recently that a lot of people that end up in the J6 gulag did so because the FIB (or whoever) talked to them and they admitted to something. Why did the FIB talk to them in the first place? An anonymous tip. Which by itself would be useless.
Don’t hand them ammo they can use against you.
Hell, my plan, as I have said before, if the feebles show up is to sing at the top of my lungs all the songs I can think of.
I wouldn’t tell them water was wet.
What of, the right to face one’s accuser? If I cannot see who the accuser is, then how does a judge or jury know it is not just more made-up stuff? Democrats excel at false premises. Should pushing a false premise be a hanging offense?
We know! But in case you need more details like who’s been uncovered thus far in ratting you out to the insurance companies. Hello “On Star” “Hyundai” and “Lexus Nexus”
Yeah, SURE Chevy is going to stop… FOR NOW.
I never did trust on board computers and specifically found a vehicle (my diesel) without one in 1992.
Continuing this conversation with Robert Bakercomment
Reply to Gail Combs
April 9, 2024 21:22
but his SURROGATE Steve Bannon has been doing yeoman’s work on Trump’s behalf since the plandemic started.
Trump HAS said, he would NEVER MANDATE the shot.
And then the light bulb went off, and I realized what POTUS Trump was actually doing.
Remember what POTUS Trump said on his inauguration day?
“We are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people.”
Remember having ‘FREE WILL???’
POTUS Trump is NOT going to TELL YOU, he is going to let you make YOUR OWN DECISIONS. And via Steve Bannon’s War Room, he saw to it that we had the information needed to make INFORMED decisions.
This is ALSO what Trump is saying about abortion. In general NO!!!
But in special cases — Incest, rape — REMEMBER this is often LITTLE GIRLS, some aged 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 who CAN get pregnant but shouldn’t carry to term (the youngest live birth was from a 5 year old girl.) Young girls ” …can start ovulating before you start having your first period,” according to Dr. Melissa Simon.
I want to insert here the 1973 tale from a caving buddy’s wife. She had a little 6 year old in her class who was very listless. She took her to the school nurse. The CHILD HAD GONORRHEA! Yeah, INCEST.
Pregnancy and childbirth are leading causes of death in teenage girls in developing countries
Getting rid of the ROOT CAUSE — Sex Traffickers, is of course the OPTIMUM SOLUTION. (As well as dealing with the incest problem.) And that is what POTUS Trump has been promoting for over a decade.
And women who have problems where carrying to term = DEATH. I know of 2 such women. They have congenital defects of their ligaments.
I had a pony with the problem. ALL her ligaments let go along her back and only her skin was holding the foal. Both the mare and the colt died.
So AGAIN it is up to the person, in these special cases to make the decision.
It is up to the states to decide ALL pregnancies MUST go to term even if it might mean the death of the mother (and/or babe.)
AGAIN the decision is handed over to We The People and NOT the DC Criminals.
POTUS Trump is NOT going to TELL YOU, he is going to let you make YOUR OWN DECISIONS. And via Steve Bannon’s War Room, he saw to it that we had the information needed to make INFORMED decisions.
Gail, I will say three things about what you said above.
And just as an aside, my assessment has nothing to do with the abortion debate. That is a conversation for a different discussion.
I am trying to make the case that either you are FREE and therefore are responsible for YOUR decisions or you are NOT FREE.
Both the Covid Shot (and to some extent abortion) are decisions about a person’s own body.
Note that from the point of view of the Left. YOU ARE FREE to kill your baby (They want up to the age of 4) BUT YOUR ARE NOT FREE to refuse a clot shot or CHOOSE to eat raw milk or meat or a lot of other things.
I am pointing out that POTUS Trump is being consistent. He promised to GIVE POWER back to WE the People and that means the power to make decisions as adults.
Here is another take: (Bolding mine as usual)
Why Trump Pushed the Vax The One Question We All Want Answered
DEC 29, 2022
I certainly would not want to be in POTUS Trump’s place. The balancing act he is dealing with is incredible.
But were people really free to make a decision when they didn’t have the information required to do so? Just remember how bad the censorship was back when this all started. And remember all the lies told by Fauci, Birx, the CDC, FDA, etc. The average person did NOT get enough information to make an informed choice.
I think Obama gave the responsibility concerning epidemics to CDC and FDA and health professionals in the government. I remember something like that when Obama was in power. The reason was the President is not a medical professional. Looking back knowing about covid I say it was on purpose. Trump was bound he did what he could. I remember him just mentioning Ivermectin Schumer went off the rails.
Thank god Trump fallowed the rule and they could not impeach him for that. The media went nuts also concerning Ivermectin and still remember horse meds.
They all were in on this Pence , Fauci scarf lady and who ever was the head doctor.Trump let us know and then there was the coup . Biden was the one forcing people he is the true criminal with all those on his team and those who went behind Trump’s back. I remember that scarf lady said Pence supported her not telling Trump the truth.
I have it all in memory but do not remember where it was.
I remember it like you do, Singing. I would add:
Scarf lady = Deborah Birx
I dug around to find Birx saying Pence supported her not telling Trump the truth. Perhaps this covers it:
They are the purest evil filth.
Yeshua is going to deal with them.
They will be very repentant, after it is too late for them.
DELIBERATELY planning and executing MASS MURDER with a little help from Ralph Baric and Zhengli Shi.
Remdesivir, developed through a UNC-Chapel Hill partnership,
IMO, Dr. Deborah Birx was one of the persons who knew all about the dangers of the COVID-19 “vaccines” and was one of the persons (along with Dr. Anthony Fauci) who told TPTB what was really going on — while, at the same time, IMO, both were working with Pence to deliberately withhold / minimize, information on the situation that POTUS45 HAD A RIGHT TO KNOW ABOUT.
Thank you
You have a better memory than I have. You also have better computer skills 
YW, Singing… I had to dig around and get past all the wokies. I sometimes go to Legal Insurrection’s website and consider them far more trustworthy than the legacy media.
Persistence paid off
But Linda, that’s Gail’s point – they needed to listen closely AND go rummage around the internet for more info.
We shouldn’t be surprised that the people who don’t have time/energy for daily prayers also don’t have time/energy to find out what’s going to go into their bodies. Or the reasons that it’s not necessary.
“They wouldn’t lie to me.”
Wanna bet your life on that?
If someone wanted the information, it was there to be had. It had to be looked for.
I am not Wonder Woman or Albert Einstein. I am just little old contrary me. If I could find it, if others I know could find it, it was available. People are just very, very lazy about their health. They want to rely on a doctor, and they want a pill or a shot for whatever ails them.
That is why I mentioned Steve Bannon and his War Room. He originally set it up as a PLANDEMIC war room.
We will wait a long time for a better piece of writing art to land on these pages.
Kudos, and much love to you.
Concerning clumsy comment yesterday construed as mocking… nice description of what could of been an aurora borealis effect, but always thinks that’s much farther north. Was leaning toward this… (does the picture above… should be watched, for whatever reason it’s not expanding here, so will need an extra click.)
Now imagine that flattened out across the horizon with the right light conditions… you might just get smiley’s description..
Yes, that is one of the tests 1st year college chem students are taught. (You have to first burn off the sodium from your hands to get a good test.)
The ordering of the colors in that cloud matches rainbows. (red orange yellow green cyan and fading…)
So I think it might be some sort of refractive effect.
oh that’s nice…giving fani a chance to fix the inconsistencies…
April 10, 2024 12:25 pm
Justice Department Uncovers ‘Inconsistencies’ in Fani Willis’s Use of Federal Grant Funds
“During our review of the award to respond to this inquiry, we have noticed some inconsistencies in what Fulton County has reported to [the Federal Subaward Reporting System] and we are working with them to update their reporting accordingly,” a Justice Department spokeswoman told the Free Beacon on Friday.
The Justice Department did not provide any further details on the nature of Willis’s reporting “inconsistencies” on the $488,000 federal grant, which was earmarked for the creation of a Center for Youth Empowerment and Gang Prevention in Atlanta. The grant ended in September 2023, but the center never opened.
The Justice Department is coordinating with Willis’s office to fix the grant reporting “inconsistencies” amid an ongoing House Judiciary Committee investigation into Willis’s use of federal grant funds. Committee chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R., Ohio) subpoenaed Willis in early February for records related to the $488,000 federal grant and the whistleblower allegations made by former Willis staffer Amanda Timpson, who was listed as the grant director until the district attorney abruptly fired her in January 2022.
The Justice Department refused to provide the Free Beacon with copies of the “subsequent documents” showing Willis’s office made subgrant payments to the Offender Alumni Association, or the date that Willis’s office reported the payments to federal authorities.
Yeah, BUT the Dept of INJUSTICE will go after POTUS Trump for a loan THAT WAS PAID BACK AND that had a ‘do your own due diligence’ clause. SNARL…
disparate treatment
Wrong. Wrong. She should be held to a higher standard not helped by justice dept. Next we’ll hear about some attack on the whistleblower, irs, swat…something.
Biggest “inconsistency” is that the place never even materialized. Some more Fani cash stash? The 2 tired justice system at work again in Ga.
agreed. you do not allow inconsistencies to be corrected until AFTER the wrong doer has been dealt with.
i would start looking into EVERY grant her office was awarded to make sure there are no other inconsistencies. I would also SUSPEND HER until that investigation is completed.
that’s how you clean house and clean up corruption.
i do.
Yes. But we’ll never know. Cover up in progress.
Fani has the trifecta working in her favor. Black, female and a lawyer.
If she was a lesbian it would be a quadfecta…unstoppable..a demi goddess
Who is this Amanda Timpson person?
Oh, hell, you forgot the last one: INCOMPETENT!
She’s incompetent, but the point is they are ignoring that fact, or actually don’t care one way or the other, as long as the relevant (to them, not to anyone else) boxes are checked.
They literally don’t care if she’s incompetent. So it’s not part of the trifecta or quadrifecta of crap they do care about.
“that’s how you clean house and clean up corruption.”
Is THAT EVER the goal when Dem(on)s are involved?
Surely you jest.
Just cuz lawyers have a “code of ethics”, there is no reason to believe they follow the code or will be held accountable.
Lawyer code of ethics is only good for hanging on a wall, in a nice frame.
Well … at least we now know where her ‘stashes of cash’ came from.
Little bit here, little bit there, …
anywhere she “lays” her head
… or plops her moneymaker.
Threat to stealing an election.
People have learned their tactics
I seem to remember that being revealed before.
Trump is accused of falsifying business records and election law violations. I can see Bragg acknowledging that letter and saying it makes no difference in the case; that if a payment was made, it still falsified business records and violated election laws. But I don’t know…
The whole thing is ridiculous.
he keeps calling it “hush money” which clearly it isn’t. certainly wasn’t hush money
IIRC, payment(s) coordinated by Cohen, to bilk money from Trump. Also, Stormy involved with the, “shake down.”
This will be challenged on the grounds that Stormy Daniels is a stage name; therefore this is not a declaration of a true person. IOW, it is part of an artistic performance, not a statement intended to be actual truth.
No. Hulk Hogan won a privacy suit against Gawker based on this very same argument.
Mark my words, friends. You heard it here first.
sigh…thanks for bursting my bubble…lol
I don’t even try.
My disillusion with all things legal, rolls on unimpeded.
Johnson will get an earful from Trump. Kill FISA!
Ha. Good luck with that. 9/11 Trojan Horse was the Patriot Act.
Agree. Trump will still push Johnson.
All depends on what blackmail is being held over Johnson by Deep State/Uniparty.
Laura Loomer:
They’re probably STILL spying on his campaign. Why would they stop?
When some big shots go to prison over it, things might change.
Rand Paul:
I see only 12 names, but it’s a good list.
Woo hoo! Boebert!!!
I’m glad she could cast her vote.
The trick is to make sure she can still do so…as MY representative…next January 3.
And that she has good company she doesn’t have today.
Gotta keep my promise to her supporters in CD3 that we in CD4 will take good care of her.
Keep up the good fight!
Burchett accounted for in TN. Not listed was TN rep Andy Ogles who also voted agains it
NV Amodei turncoat.
New James O’Keefe:
I don’t know how credible this principal economist at the FED is, but he says:
• Jerome Powell hates Trump.
• Trump wanted to fire Powell but couldn’t.
• When Trump wanted Powell to lower interest rates to stimulate the economy, Powell raised them instead.
• Powell gets along with Biden. Biden doesn’t want lower interest rates, but at the same time he doesn’t want inflation.
• Powell wants to be remembered as someone who “held the line” against Trump, as a “savior” for America who kept the country out of a recession after COVID.
• People there think conservatives are dumb and that they vote for Trump for illogical reasons.
• Trump stripped a lot of regulations, and they have to get around that.
• Under Powell, the FED is concerned about racial and equality issues.
• Powell creates an environment for research and discussion regarding climate change.
O’Keefe: “The Federal Reserve is not just determining interest rates, but making policies for desired policy outcomes.”
Me: We have people in positions of great power sabotaging the country.
Sort of destroys the counter narrative of Powell working together with PDT. Of course everybody knows you have to destroy the economy before you can build it back again, right? sarc/
Some people seem to have a hard time accepting that there really are/were people sabotaging Trump, so they create narratives. Pence is not working in Trump’s favor. Neither is Powell and a host of others.
When people tell you who and what they are – believe them unless you can prove differently.
Charlie Kirk:
This one may be a repeat.
17 seconds
Great soundbite here…
Great back and forth, Trump and citizen.
(Imgur screwed it up.)
Too Damn funny… Prolly applied to all EVs. Tesla called out.
Plug-In Nightmare: Tesla Owners Wait Hours to Charge Electric Vehicles After Eclipse
Well sure, if it’s a rural area (it was) and there was only one charging station (with multiple chargers), and hundreds of people drove far enough that they would need to recharge in order to get home, that’s going to be a problem
It would be a similar problem if there was only one gas station in that rural area. The gas tanks would fill faster, so the line would move quicker, but it would still take hours to fill all the gas tanks, especially if there were only 3 or 4 pumps, like many rural gas stations.
Fortunately, and what wasn’t mentioned, the Tesla charging station, out in the middle of nowhere, was working great, you just had to wait your turn.
Unlike other manufacturer’s charging stations, which, if you can even find one, are frequently out of order.
Doesn’t change the fact that EVs, including Tesla, suck for a multitude of reasons.
Gas stations are plentiful.
ICE is not a problem.
EVs a solution where No Problem exists. Reality.
“Doesn’t change the fact that EVs, including Tesla, suck for a multitude of reasons.”
Agreed, to the extent that any such product is either poorly made, low quality, etc. But not all of them are.
“Gas stations are plentiful. ICE is not a problem. EVs a solution where No Problem exists. Reality.”
Agreed again.
I never looked at EVs as a solution, because I never accepted that Globull Warming is a problem, and even if it was, it’s not one people can solve.
I look at EVs as an addition.
Sort of like the world already had vanilla ice cream, and chocolate ice cream. Then along came mint chocolate chip. Mint chocolate chip was a solution where no problem existed too.
But it was a good invention just the same, a lot of people like mint chocolate chip. A little mint chocolate chip never hurt nobody
The latter with some hot fudge and whipped cream.
It IS a problem when tax dollars are used to subsidize an industry that cannot stand on its own economically. They (governmental tyrants & sycophantic mouthpieces) also manipulate the gullible to “buy in” to an agenda driven scam that is not sustainable any way you measure it.
If it’s a free market solution that free people can choose Or Not that’s fine but that’s Not what’s happening w/ the EV push, imo…
“It IS a problem when tax dollars are used to subsidize an industry that cannot stand on its own economically.”
It’s also a problem when Big Oil has a monopoly on energy and crushes anyone who threatens their monopoly.
Tax dollars are wasted on everything at this point, I’m not aware of a single good thing tax dollars are used for, or a single way they’re spent that isn’t obscenely wasteful.
If they were pinching pennies, then the tax dollars argument would be a lot stronger, but when it’s just a fire hydrant of waste to oblivion, then it’s just a matter of who is going to benefit.
At the moment, Elon Musk appears to be the enemy of the Deep State control matrix, so to the extent that Elon succeeds, it is detrimental to the objectives of the illegitimate, rogue, renegade gov’t.
And the enemy of my enemy is my friend
“If it’s a free market solution that free people can choose Or Not that’s fine but that’s Not what’s happening w/ the EV push, imo…”
Unfortunately there is no such thing as a free market, it’s just a myth.
There are only varying degrees of control and influence and regulation, all of which are created and perpetuated to benefit the most wealthy and powerful, at the expense of any innovation which threatens to take even a little, teeny, tiny piece of their Monopoly Hog Pie.
I would disagree. I think we see free markets developing all the time, and even flourishing for a while, before TPTB notice them and try to quash them and/or take them over.
Very often, free markets develop among the scrap or wreckage of non-free programs. One classic example is the “cube farms” of Silicon Valley. Few people realize that the cube components could be found for pennies-on-the-dollar after big defense contractors ditched them.
What you are describing sounds like renegades who pop up on the outskirts of the established (not)free market, before being co-opted by the totally-controlled / not-free market.
That may work for things the controlled / not-free market players don’t understand (e.g. Bitcoin, until recently), but how does it work in areas where big players are already established, like Big Oil and Big Auto?
They have an overwhelming advantage, a near total monopoly (or duopoloy, or triopoly) in their field.
They use their advantage to exploit every opportunity, and also to crush any perceived threat to their dominance.
So that even if you came up with some sort of Nikola Tesla inspired ‘free power’, practically everyone in positions of power and wealth would try to murder you and bury your innovation forever.
Because their wealth and power derives from the status quo, and innovation disrupts that status quo.
Free energy wouldn’t just disrupt the status quo, it would overturn it completely.
So it must be stopped, at any and all cost.
Like DJT, for another example.
Eclipse post is up!
And to punish the people (Ortagnon) who push the people (RINO McDaniel) who push the people (never-to-be-sufficiently-damned RINOs) who pushed it.
scott467) Online Coyote
Reply to TheseTruths
April 10, 2024 01:11
“The D-rat party, by its actions, has defined itself in opposition to God, in opposition to ‘normal’, in opposition to traditional culture and values, in opposition to America, in opposition to what has always been thought of as ‘good’, in every conceivable way.”
. . . and though it’s been said, many times, many ways . . .
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight.
Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine and champions at mixing drinks, who acquit the guilty for a bribe, but deny justice to the innocent.
Therefore, as tongues of fire lick up straw and as dry grass sinks down in the flames, so their roots will decay and their flowers blow away like dust; for they have rejected the law of the Lord Almighty and spurned the word of the Holy One of Israel.
Wow! Wondering if Chicago will be burning tonight.
WILD VIDEO: Chicago Police Fire Nearly 100 Bullets at Suspect During Traffic Stop, Killing Him – Corporate Media Rushes to Smear Cops, but Evidence Reveals a Different Story
We. Don’t. Want. Trump. To. Be. In. Government.
Speak those words out loud sheeple and patriots alike. What do those words tell you?
You work for them. You exist at their pleasure. Do as you are told. Do not think or act for for yourself – ever. What they think and say goes. Their way or the highway.
Does that about sum it up?
I cannot imagine going along with or doing one thing these a-holes say.
What goes around comes around.
ERRRRrrrrr The Feral Reserve has ALWAYS been far-left!
Trump would disrupt WAAAAYYYYYY too much of the status quo. AVIOD HIM LIKE THE PLAGUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Which is precisely why we all need to vote for him.
Peter Higgs, responsible for governments worldwide spending billions of dollars chasing the Higgs boson, passed away on April 8.
Are we pleased or grieved?
One for De Pat —
My comments nothing to do with St Louis itself.
Color me NOT surprised AND NOT happy about this reality.
Quite sad. So many once great cities beyond the precipice.
I’m not sure I buy into the premise. The fate of two antique buildings downtown is hardly the end of an entire city — and, considering when they were built, it may very well be that the costs to bring them up to modern building codes are prohibitive… which case, where does the fault lie? Modern building codes on a structure that has stood for 150 years, or urban blight from Soros prosecutors?
How about grandfathering in certain things so that “up to code” is modified for historic structures?
People do try, but there are things like incandescent light bulbs where you just have to start a do-over.
And I have to say, as a scion of a high-level Civil Engineer in LA and nephew of a Code Inspector in Knoxville, as well as someone who has done significant work on my own home with permits and inspections from the City of Santa Clara…..I am a big believer in building codes. I have some quibbles (e.g. lighting efficiency standards), but I BELIEVE!
In 1989, a 6.9 earthquake hit the SF Bay Area and killed 63 people [ ]. In 2003, a 6.6 earthquake hit Bam, Iran and killed roughly 34,000 people [ ], despite having far fewer in the immediate vicinity (Bam, itself, had only 97,000 people, making it smaller in population than Sunnyvale). What was the most important difference? Building codes!
And the uses of buildings change over time. Let’s just take an office building — when build in 1860, the standard may have been metal desks….which were comparatively light and flameproof. By 1980, the style might be wooden desks, which are heavier and flammable.
Further, the old air ducts may have asbestos insulation, which was freely used at the time. Today, certified professionals have to remove it wearing space suits.
Ultimately, the process of “bringing a building up to code” can be a nightmare clusterfark.